Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Post No. 149: I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was

(Image from Pinterest)


I Am No Longer Being An Activist
In The Same Way That I Was

Due to being stressed out—and until further notice—I am no longer being an 'Online Activist' in the same way that I was before, which includes no longer signing petitions from political, social, environmental and charitable organizations, as well as no longer making donations to political, social, environmental and charitable causes the same way that I was in the past. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS.) And so, I am consciously choosing to not engage in any 'activism,' however, I am still planning to exercise my 'civic duty' by voting in upcoming elections.

Below, please find relevant quotes from a series of 'updates' that highlight the most important changes to my current activism, which are titled as follows:

▪ [A Quote From My] March 7th, 2017 Update

▪ [A Quote From My] November 5th, 2018 Update

▪ [A Quote From My] September 16th, 2021 Update

▪ [A Quote From My] November 10th, 2021 Update, Written On November 11th, 2021

▪ [A Quote From My] March 13th, 2022 Update

▪ [A Quote From My] March 16th, 2022 Update

▪ [A Quote From My] March 17th, 2022 Update, Which Also Discusses March 16th, 2022

▪ [A Quote From My] April 3rd, 2022 Update

▪ [A Quote From My] April 12th, 2022 Update

▪ [A Quote From My] April 17th, 2022 Update

▪ [A Quote From My] April 17th, 2022 Update—Continued

▪ [A Quote From My] April 17th, 2022 Update—Continued Further, Written On June 17th, 2022

▪ [A Quote From My] June 17th, 2022 Update

▪ [A Quote From My] July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022

▪ [A Quote From My] July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022)

▪ [A Quote From My] April 17th, 2023 Update

▪ [A Quote From My] April 17th, 2023 Update—Continued


[A Quote From My] March 7th, 2017 Update: "I wanted to clarify the fact that I do still donate to homeless folks where I live, as a way of giving 'alms to the poor.' And I also donate to charitable organizations that are fundraising through local stores at which I shop, as well as to charities that may be fundraising on the street. Besides that, I also sometimes donate to charities that send me 'free gifts enclosed' (such as calendars, greeting cards, key chains, etc.) when they are asking for a donation. Thus, I occasionally utilize one of those 'free gifts enclosed,' and so I send them a donation if I do!"


[A Quote From My] November 5th, 2018 Update: "I wanted to explain to you the way that I have changed how I vote! And, in order to explain how I changed, please let me quote myself—specifically from my July 1st, 2012 post titled, 'For the Year 2012 — My Posting Sabbatical, Part 2,' which is published on my 'Small All White in the Forest' and 'Poet, Artist and Philosopher' blogs:

My Writing About How I Vote: When I vote, I typically consider the recommendations of various organizations, news publications, as well as election 'political mailers' and, then, I decide whose recommendations for, or against, each candidate or ballot measure make the most sense. Plus, I usually always vote for Democrats. And that's how democracy rolls in this house! –Paul Whiting (written October 28th, 2012 and revised November 8th, 2022)

Now, that quote still applies to how I vote; however, in 2018, I decided to not just read voter recommendations of 'various organizations, news publications, as well as election 'political mailers.'' Instead, I read news publications during the entire year. And, in that way, I can be a more informed voter, as well as a more informed citizen, throughout the year! And, thusly, when it comes to voting on Election Day, I have spent the entire year preparing to vote and have not been preparing only when it's time to vote. And, just to clarify, for some publications, I still only read their voter recommendation editions when I am preparing to vote."


[A Quote From My] September 16th, 2021 Update: "I wanted to let you know that I have started subscribing to news organizations, which I can afford given my monthly spending budget (the reader should know that I am HIV-positive and that I have full-blown AIDS; plus, I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited), since I have a smart phone again, after years of only having a feature phone.

So, I subscribe to the news organizations whose news articles I read the most, based upon Google news searches that I do in order to keep up with the news! Thus, I scan the titles of the most popular articles and then I read the articles that I feel are the most relevant.

And I am reading news organizations' articles during the entire year, so that I can be a more informed voter, as well as a more informed citizen, which is how I am being an activist these days along with how I spend my money.

You see, I figured out that 'putting my money where my mouth is'—in terms of being a 'Conscious Consumer,' who is aware of how my spending habits affect the entire planet and all of its inhabitants—is the best way for me to be an activist, in addition to keeping up with the news and making sure that I vote!"


[A Quote From My] November 10th, 2021 Update, Written On November 11th, 2021: "I signed up on Charity Navigator to make donations for holidays, special occasions, or current issues, to highly-rated charities..."


[A Quote From My] March 13th, 2022 Update: "I have started donating to Democrats on a regular basis again, because I recently signed a petition regarding saving the United States Postal Service and then I made a political donation! And that's basically the first political petition that I have signed and/or political donation that I have made since around November of 2016.

You see, I am a 'Democratic Activist!' And I think that the Republicans know who I am—and they DO NOT like me—which is basically why I stopped signing political petitions and/or making political donations right before the November 2016 Election, when I created this 'I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was' post on my 'Poet, Artist and Philosopher' blog.

Thus, I was afraid that the Republicans might retaliate against me in some way, depending upon what type of activism I was engaged in, if they were in control of both Congress and the White House. And I also feared that once the Republicans won Congress and the White House that they would try to turn America into an oligarchy!

And, after the January 6th, 2021 Capitol Attack, my fears were confirmed. [Or, it was the January 6th, *1776* 'normal tourist group'; or, the insurrectionists that attacked the Capitol Complex—in order to stop the certification of Joe Biden's win—were really 'Antifa' protestors; or, they were Black Lives Matter protestors; or, they were paid actors and actresses; or, in all actuality, they were incited by ('Gasp!') the FBI. Regardless, however, it was clearly 'a false flag operation' designed to make President Donald J. Trump 'look bad'—like he needs any assistance doing that!]

Therefore, I am trying to stay informed about what is happening in politics again, especially due to the upcoming 2022 Midterm Elections. So, I am trying to help Democrats win, because I am greatly concerned about the Republicans retaking both the House and Senate of Congress, and eventually retaking the White House, since Republicans are acting like Radical Christian Terrorists!"


[A Quote From My] March 16th, 2022 Update: "I made charitable donations today, March 16th, 2022, to multiple charitable organizations via Charity Navigator for the 'Crisis in Ukraine' after I watched three videos on YouTube titled, 'Zelenskyy: Peace Talks Between Ukraine And Russia 'Sound More Realistic'' and 'Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy delivers virtual address to the U.S. Congress — 3/16/22,' in addition to 'Ukrainian President Zelenskyy Calls For Assistance In Virtual Address to Congress.' For, I am greatly concerned about this act of war against Ukraine!"


[A Quote From My] March 17th, 2022 Update, Which Also Discusses March 16th, 2022: "I made a donation today, March 17th, 2022, as well as yesterday, March 16th, 2022, to the USO (United Service Organizations). You see, I received a text message yesterday, March 16th, 2022, from the USO, which stated the following:

USO: Sorry to interrupt, but as war unfolds in Ukraine, thousands of U.S. troops are deployed in Eastern Europe to support NATO allies.

We still need 76?2+ more Americans to sign our card by midnight to thank them for their sacrifices -- and your name is missing. Will you sign now?***

And so, I filled out that survey yesterday, March 16th, 2022, and then I made a one-time donation to the USO via Charity Navigator as part of the charitable donations that I made yesterday for the 'Crisis in Ukraine,' which I explained in my 'March 16th, 2022 Update.'

And then today, March 17th, 2022, I received an email from the USO with the subject line, 'TAKE THE QUIZ: How many military terms do you know?', which stated the following:


Paul: From the National Guard to the Marines, each branch of our military uses different phrases to quickly pass important information to their fellow service members.

We know you're a dedicated patriot, so this quiz is perfect for you. Have some fun testing yourself on how well you understand the jargon our troops are using every day!

Take our 60-second quiz to test your knowledge of all kinds of military words and phrases.


Good luck!


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, after I took the quiz, I made a one-time donation on the website. Plus, I also included a monthly donation in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel..."


[A Quote From My] April 3rd, 2022 Update: "I keep changing the way that I donate to Democratic political organizations based upon three basic factors: Factor Number One, I am trying to stay within some kind of 'monthly donating budget' of how much I can give within each month (the reader should know that I am HIV-positive and that I have full-blown AIDS; plus, I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited); Factor Number Two, I am trying to donate as often as I can manage for each Democratic organization from which I am receiving emails and/or text messages (since I decided to start getting emails and/or text messages from the Democrats in order to keep up with all of the updates for the 2022 Midterm Elections); and Factor Number Three, I am donating on a monthly basis to the USO (United Service Organizations), which starts this month, April 2022, and so I am also including those donations in my 'monthly donating budget.' Therefore, I am hopefully helping the Democrats to win this November in order to prevent Republicans from controlling both Congress and the White House, because I fear that the Republicans will try to turn America into an oligarchy!"


[A Quote From My] April 12th, 2022 Update: "I am donating to Democratic political organizations—while still trying to stay within a 'monthly donating budget'—so I am basically making one donation per organization per day from which I am receiving emails and/or text messages each day..."


[A Quote From My] April 17th, 2022 Update: "...This update is a follow-up to my 'March 17th, 2022 Update, Which Also Discusses March 16th, 2022,' where I explained, in part, that I made a donation on March 17th, 2022, to the USO (United Service Organizations) on the website. And with that one-time donation, I included a recurring monthly donation in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel. Thus, that recurring monthly donation started today, April 17th, 2022..."


[A Quote From My] April 17th, 2022 Update—Continued: "I have started making recurring monthly donations today, April 17th, 2022, to Democratic political organizations. And my plan is to let these recurring donations on the 17th of each month be the donations that I make for that day of each month, since I am making one donation per Democratic political organization per day from which I am receiving emails and/or text messages each day—while I am still trying to stay within a 'monthly donating budget'—which is all that I can afford given my monthly spending budget..."


[A Quote From My] April 17th, 2022 Update—Continued Further, Written On June 17th, 2022: "I explained on my 'April 17th, 2022 Update—Continued' that I started making recurring monthly donations on April 17th, 2022, to Democratic political organizations via**; however, I deleted my ActBlue account on June 11th, 2022.

You see, I think that my ActBlue account was compromised because, on June 8th, 2022, I attempted to make a $1.15 donation to the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC), plus I included an $0.11 tip for ActBlue, but when the payment processed, it was for $1,000.11! And that is why I deleted my ActBlue account on June 11th, 2022. Please see my 'June 11th, 2022 Update,' which can be found below for a detailed explanation.

**[I deleted my ActBlue account! Although, I am still processing payments through the ActBlue website (they seem to be the main donation processing website for most Democratic political organizations and many progressive organizations); however, since I deleted my ActBlue account I have noticed that there are more options for making contributions via ActBlue, but by utilizing different payment processors, such as Google Pay, PayPal and Venmo. Please see my 'June 11th, 2022 Update' for a detailed explanation.]..."


[A Quote From My] June 17th, 2022 Update: "This update is a follow-up to my 'April 17th, 2022 Update—Continued Further, Written On June 17th, 2022,' where I explained that I deleted my ActBlue account on June 11th, 2022. ... So, I have restarted making recurring monthly donations today, June 17th, 2022, to Democratic political organizations. Therefore, my plan is to make regular donations to the various Democratic political organizations from which I am receiving emails and/or text messages each day—while I am still trying to stay within a 'monthly donating budget'—which is all that I can afford given my monthly spending budget..."


[A Quote From My] July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022: "I have made approximately $[redacted] in total donations to Democratic political organizations and to various Democratic political campaigns from about March 2nd, 2022 through about July 5th, 2022.

And, as of July 7th, 2022, the total amount that I owe on my credit card is $[redacted], which is going to take me at least one year and eight months to pay off!

Plus, I am also making recurring donations to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations of $3.00 on the 17th of each month: and my plan is to continue donating those recurring donations indefinitely, since that is all that I can really afford to donate given my monthly spending budget...

...In addition to that, I already make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel...

...Thus, the total for the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations recurring donations, and for the USO recurring donation, is $46.00 per month (which used to be $41.00 per month, but I increased my monthly USO donation from $5.00 to $10.00 per month, so starting on August 17th, 2022 the total monthly donations are now $46.00 per month).

Therefore, I am continuing to make recurring monthly donations to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations...and to the USO; however, that is all I can afford to donate for the foreseeable future (with the exception of occasional one-time donations to the USO, plus various progressive organizations), given how much I went over my spending budget on political donations...

...And, as I mentioned above, the total amount that I owe on my credit card, as of July 7th, 2022, is $[redacted], which is going to take me at least one year and eight months to pay off as I have calculated, which I have estimated without any interest being calculated, and without any additional future charges, besides the above-mentioned monthly recurring donations.

So, this political donation information is why I wanted to update you with regard to my most recent donations to Democratic political organizations—as well as to Democratic political campaigns—and my planned recurring monthly donations to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations recurring donations, as well as to the USO.

And I am still making one-time donations to the USO—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation. Plus, I am also still making one-time donations to various progressive organizations."


[A Quote From My] July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022): "This update is a follow-up to my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022' and it is kind of complicated!

You see, my monthly donations of $3.00 each to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations processed on July 17th, 2022...

...And then, today July 27th, 2022, I also made one-time donations to Democratic political campaigns of $3.00 each for the most competitive races (of which I am aware) regarding Democratic House of Representatives and Senate seats. In addition to that, I made one-time donations of $3.00 each to the most competitive races (of which I am aware) regarding Democratic gubernatorial—or governor's—seats. Plus, I made an additional one-time donation to my local Democratic Party of Oregon.

Now, here is where my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022)' gets complicated: Earlier, I said that I was going to only 'make recurring monthly donations to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations...and to the USO...with the exception of occasional one-time donations to the USO, plus various progressive organizations,' which is what I have done, so far!

However, I decided that I needed to 'up my game' and to continue making donations to individual Democratic political campaigns, but I am planning to only donate to them once per month, on the 27th of each month, until election day. Thus, I am donating each month—and I am donating $3.00 per campaign, just like I am donating to each of the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations—and that way I am donating to help Democrats win in November, in a way that is affordable to me, for the 2022 Midterm Elections."


[A Quote From My] April 17th, 2023 Update: "This update is a follow-up to my 'April 17th, 2022 Update,' where I explained, in part, the following:

'...This update is a follow-up to my 'March 17th, 2022 Update, Which Also Discusses March 16th, 2022,' where I explained, in part, that I made a donation on March 17th, 2022, to the USO (United Service Organizations) on the website. And with that one-time donation, I included a recurring monthly donation in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel. Thus, that recurring monthly donation started today, April 17th, 2022...'

Plus, this update is a follow-up to my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022,' where I explained, in part, the following:

'...In addition to that, I already make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel:

01. USO: United Service Organizations recurring donation of $10.00 (which used to be $5.00 per month, but I increased it by an additional $5.00 per month; so starting on August 17th, 2022, the USO recurring donation is now $10.00 per month)...'

Therefore, today, April 17th, 2023, is the first full year that I have made a recurring monthly donation to the USO!

In addition to that, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message—in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation.

By the way, did you know that the USO is a not-for-profit organization and not part of the Department of Defense (DoD)? The following description of the USO is from their 'About Us' webpage:

"The USO is not part of the federal government. A congressionally chartered, private organization, the USO relies on the generosity of individuals, organizations and corporations to support its activities, and is powered by a family of volunteers to accomplish our mission of connection."

So, that is why I 'volunteer financially' as a member of the "USO Home Team" through a recurring monthly donation, as well as through one-time donations to the USO each month!


[A Quote From My] April 17th, 2023 Update—Continued: "This update is a follow-up to my 'April 17th, 2022 Update—Continued,' where I explained, in part, the following:

'I have started making recurring monthly donations today, April 17th, 2022, to Democratic political organizations...

...And so, here are the Democratic political organizations to which I am making these recurring monthly donations via** (although, I did not include a tip for ActBlue on these donations, which I usually do, due to the fact that the 'tip box' did not appear, because I made these donations through ActBlue Express):

01. DCCC: Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

02. DGA: Democratic Governors Association

03. DNC: Democratic National Committee

04. DSCC: Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

05. NCDM: National Conference of Democratic Mayors

06. DLCC: Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee

07. DAGA: Democratic Attorneys General Association

08. DASS: Democratic Association of Secretaries of State

09. NDCO: National Democratic County Officials

10. DMO: Democratic Municipal Officials

11. NDRC: National Democratic Redistricting Committee

12. DPO: Democratic Party of Oregon...'

Plus, this update is a follow-up to my 'April 17th, 2022 Update—Continued Further, Written On June 17th, 2022,' where I explained, in part, the following:

'I explained on my 'April 17th, 2022 Update—Continued' that I started making recurring monthly donations on April 17th, 2022, to Democratic political organizations via**; however, I deleted my ActBlue account on June 11th, 2022.

You see, I think that my ActBlue account was compromised because, on June 8th, 2022, I attempted to make a $1.15 donation to the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC), plus I included an $0.11 tip for ActBlue, but when the payment processed, it was for $1,000.11! And that is why I deleted my ActBlue account on June 11th, 2022. Please see my 'June 11th, 2022 Update' for a detailed explanation...'

Besides that, this update is a follow-up to my 'June 17th, 2022 Update,' where I explained, in part, the following:

'This update is a follow-up to my 'April 17th, 2022 Update—Continued Further, Written On June 17th, 2022,' where I explained that I deleted my ActBlue account on June 11th, 2022...

...So, I have restarted making recurring monthly donations today, June 17th, 2022, to Democratic political organizations...

...And so, here are the Democratic political organizations to which I am making recurring monthly donations via** [although, because I no longer have an ActBlue account—since I deleted it, due to the fact that I think the account was compromised—I am still donating through the ActBlue website (they seem to be the main donation processing website for most Democratic political organizations and many progressive organizations), but I am donating for some of these recurring donations through other payment processors, such as Google Pay]:

01. DCCC: Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
02. DGA: Democratic Governors Association
03. DNC: Democratic National Committee
04. DSCC: Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
05. NCDM: National Conference of Democratic Mayors
06. DLCC: Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee
07. DAGA: Democratic Attorneys General Association
08. DASS: Democratic Association of Secretaries of State
09. NDCO: National Democratic County Officials
10. DMO: Democratic Municipal Officials
11. NDRC: National Democratic Redistricting Committee
12. DPO: Democratic Party of Oregon...'

In addition to that, this update is a follow-up to my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022,' where I explained, in part, the following:

'...I am also making recurring donations to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations of $3.00 on the 17th of each month: and my plan is to continue donating those recurring donations indefinitely, since that is all that I can really afford to donate given my monthly spending budget. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)

And so, here are the Democratic political organizations to which I am making recurring monthly donations via**...:

01. DCCC: Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee recurring donation of $3.00
02. DGA: Democratic Governors Association recurring donation of $3.00
03. DNC: Democratic National Committee recurring donation of $3.00
04. DSCC: Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee recurring donation of $3.00
05. NCDM: National Conference of Democratic Mayors recurring donation of $3.00
06. DLCC: Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee recurring donation of $3.00
07. DAGA: Democratic Attorneys General Association recurring donation of $3.00
08. DASS: Democratic Association of Secretaries of State recurring donation of $3.00
09. NDCO: National Democratic County Officials recurring donation of $3.00
10. DMO: Democratic Municipal Officials recurring donation of $3.00
11. NDRC: National Democratic Redistricting Committee recurring donation of $3.00
12. DPO: Democratic Party of Oregon recurring donation of $3.00

Total Democratic Organizations Monthly Recurring Donations: $36.00...'

**[I deleted my ActBlue account! Although, I am still processing payments through the ActBlue website, since they seem to be the main donation processing website for most Democratic political organizations and many progressive organizations. Please see my 'June 11th, 2022 Update' on my blog post "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was," which can be found on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog, for a detailed explanation.]

Thus, April 17th, 2023 is the anniversary of the first year that I have made recurring monthly donations to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations! Plus, this past year is the first time that I have donated to Democratic political organizations when it isn't an election year; however, I decided to change the way that I am donating to Democrats, so that I am helping their fundraising and coordinating operations throughout the year and not just during election years.

And I have just gotta say how incredibly nice it is to be able to make recurring monthly donations to Democratic political organizations—because the payments process automatically each month—and I don't have to do one extra thing in order to help fund the operations of the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations throughout the year!"


Above, please find relevant quotes from a series of 'updates' that highlight the most important changes to my current activism, which are titled as follows:

▪ [A Quote From My] March 7th, 2017 Update

▪ [A Quote From My] November 5th, 2018 Update

▪ [A Quote From My] September 16th, 2021 Update

▪ [A Quote From My] November 10th, 2021 Update, Written On November 11th, 2021

▪ [A Quote From My] March 13th, 2022 Update

▪ [A Quote From My] March 16th, 2022 Update

▪ [A Quote From My] March 17th, 2022 Update, Which Also Discusses March 16th, 2022

▪ [A Quote From My] April 3rd, 2022 Update

▪ [A Quote From My] April 12th, 2022 Update

▪ [A Quote From My] April 17th, 2022 Update

▪ [A Quote From My] April 17th, 2022 Update—Continued

▪ [A Quote From My] April 17th, 2022 Update—Continued Further, Written On June 17th, 2022

▪ [A Quote From My] June 17th, 2022 Update

▪ [A Quote From My] July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022

▪ [A Quote From My] July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022)

▪ [A Quote From My] April 17th, 2023 Update

▪ [A Quote From My] April 17th, 2023 Update—Continued

This prose (with some poetry) was only published on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog.

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"


My Writing About No Longer Being An 'Online Activist' In The Same Way That I Was Before: Due to being stressed out—and until further notice—I am no longer being an 'Online Activist' in the same way that I was before, which includes no longer signing petitions from political, social, environmental and charitable organizations, as well as no longer making donations to political, social, environmental and charitable causes the same way that I was in the past. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS.) And so, I am consciously choosing to not engage in any 'activism,' however, I am still planning to exercise my 'civic duty' by voting in upcoming elections. –Paul Whiting (written November 2nd, 2016, revised March 7th, 2017, revised September 28th, 2021, revised January 11th, 2022, revised January 17th, 2022, revised June 16th, 2022, revised November 15th, 2022 and revised April 17th, 2023)


My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this prose can be summed up with the following statement: "Due to being stressed out—and until further notice—I am no longer being an 'Online Activist' in the same way that I was before, which includes no longer signing petitions from political, social, environmental and charitable organizations, as well as no longer making donations to political, social, environmental and charitable causes the same way that I was in the past. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS.) And so, I am consciously choosing to not engage in any 'activism,' however, I am still planning to exercise my 'civic duty' by voting in upcoming elections."

This prose was written in Portland, Oregon.





May 11th, 2015 Update (Written Approximately On May 11th, 2015, Then Turned Into 'My Writing' From My Notes On July 20th, 2022, And Then Turned Into An Update From The Aforementioned Writing On July 25th, 2022): I spend what I can afford to spend on charitable donations while still being able to afford to take care of my day-to-day needs. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Thus, I would not make charitable donations if I was not able to take care of my day-to-day needs, since I believe in taking care of your own needs first and helping others second—that is, if it is possible and desirable for you to help others. Plus, I personally believe in wisely accepting charity, or assistance, if it is really needed; but, I also personally believe in not accepting charity, or assistance, if it is not really needed. For example, I qualify for assistance to help pay my monthly electric bills, but I don't apply for that assistance, since I don't feel like I really need it. However, if I felt like I really needed that assistance in order to help pay my electric bills, I would definitely apply for it! Therefore, I feel that you should give charity if possible, and accept charity if needed, if that feels right to you. –Paul Whiting (written approximately on May 11th, 2015, then turned into 'my writing' from my notes on July 20th, 2022, then turned into an update from the aforementioned writing on July 25th, 2022 and revised April 17th, 2023)


October 10th, 2015 Update [My Writing About Getting Ready To Die]: I am only planning on doing a limited amount of new writing, since I think that I am getting ready to die, because I am tired most of the time! Thus, I think that after being HIV-positive for so long that I am not going to be here much longer... (I was diagnosed in November of 2000.) So, I am planning to only work on my personal care (that is, my day-to-day living) and my civic duty (that is, participating in upcoming elections by voting, including 'special elections'). Plus, I am taking the time to reread, edit and revise my blogs ('writing is revising'), so that I can correct all the mistakes that I have made in my existing writing!

–Paul Whiting (written October 10th, 2015, revised November 3rd, 2015, revised November 5th, 2015, revised November 10th, 2015, revised November 21st, 2015, revised November 24th, 2015, revised December 10th, 2015, revised December 29th, 2015, revised August 3rd, 2021, revised August 27th, 2022, revised February 15th, 2023 and revised April 1st, 2024)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]




November 2nd, 2016 Update: Due to being stressed out—and until further notice—I am no longer being an 'Online Activist' in the same way that I was before, which includes no longer signing petitions from political, social, environmental and charitable organizations, as well as no longer making donations to political, social, environmental and charitable causes the same way that I was in the past. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS.) And so, I am consciously choosing to not engage in any 'activism,' however, I am still planning to exercise my 'civic duty' by voting in upcoming elections. –Paul Whiting (written November 2nd, 2016, revised March 7th, 2017, revised September 28th, 2021, revised January 11th, 2022, revised January 17th, 2022, revised June 16th, 2022, revised November 15th, 2022 and revised April 17th, 2023)


November 4th, 2016 Update: I wanted to update you on the fact that I did sign one petition on November 4th, 2016, and I made a corresponding donation, because I came across a canvasser for Greenpeace—named Dave—when I was doing some shopping on November 3rd, 2016, and he had a really good presentation for supporting Greenpeace with regard to ethical tuna fishing! Now, although I was not able to sign up to receive emails, and to make a monthly donation, as he requested, I did make a one-time donation of $15.00 to cover the cost of Dave's salary because Greenpeace was paying him a living wage of $15.00 per hour—and we spoke for about twenty minutes—so I wanted to show my support for Greenpeace's campaign and to support their efforts to provide their employees with a living wage. –Paul Whiting (written November 4th, 2016, revised June 15th, 2022, revised June 26th, 2022 and revised April 28th, 2023)


November 7th, 2016 Update: Due to being stressed out—and until further notice—I am no longer posting on my blogs. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS.) Therefore, my blog post titled, "I Am No Longer Posting On My Blogs," which can be found on my "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher," "Three Dark Horses" and "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" blogs, may be the last post for an indefinite period of time. (By the way, I may no longer be posting on my blogs, but I am still editing my blog posts.) And although I may no longer be posting on my blogs, I am writing 'updates' about my current "Online Activism" on my blog post titled, "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was," which can be found on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog. Plus, my above-mentioned blog post titled, "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" is where I do most of my 'new' writing, because this blog post is where I document all of my current "Online Activism" in the 'updates' that I write, which are listed in date (chronological) order by year, month and day. –Paul Whiting (written November 7th, 2016, revised August 27th, 2022, revised February 15th, 2023, revised March 17th, 2023, revised March 18th, 2023, revised March 26th, 2023, revised April 17th, 2023, revised June 11th, 2023 and revised June 12th, 2023)

P.S.: As I mentioned above, my blog post titled, "I Am No Longer Posting On My Blogs" can be found on my "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher," "Three Dark Horses" and "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" blogs (please see the hyperlinks below for the post):




March 7th, 2017 Update: I wanted to clarify the fact that I do still donate to homeless folks where I live, as a way of giving "alms to the poor." And I also donate to charitable organizations that are fundraising through local stores at which I shop, as well as to charities that may be fundraising on the street. Besides that, I also sometimes donate to charities that send me "free gifts enclosed" (such as calendars, greeting cards, key chains, etc.) when they are asking for a donation. Thus, I occasionally utilize one of those "free gifts enclosed," and so I send them a donation if I do! –Paul Whiting (written March 7th, 2017, revised September 29th, 2018, revised January 11th, 2022, revised June 15th, 2022 and revised July 20th, 2022)




November 5th, 2018 Update: I wanted to explain to you the way that I have changed how I vote! And, in order to explain how I changed, please let me quote myself—specifically from my July 1st, 2012 post titled, "For the Year 2012 — My Posting Sabbatical, Part 2," which is published on my "Small All White in the Forest" and "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blogs:

My Writing About How I Vote: When I vote, I typically consider the recommendations of various organizations, news publications, as well as election 'political mailers' and, then, I decide whose recommendations for, or against, each candidate or ballot measure make the most sense. Plus, I usually always vote for Democrats. And that's how democracy rolls in this house! –Paul Whiting (written October 28th, 2012 and revised November 8th, 2022)

Now, that quote still applies to how I vote; however, in 2018, I decided to not just read voter recommendations of "various organizations, news publications, as well as election 'political mailers.'" Instead, I read news publications during the entire year. And, in that way, I can be a more informed voter, as well as a more informed citizen, throughout the year! And, thusly, when it comes to voting on Election Day, I have spent the entire year preparing to vote and have not been preparing only when it's time to vote. And, just to clarify, for some publications, I still only read their voter recommendation editions when I am preparing to vote. –Paul Whiting (written November 5th, 2018, revised June 15th, 2022, revised November 8th, 2022, revised April 19th, 2023 and revised June 12th, 2023)




August 3rd, 2021 Update [My Writing About Still Being Alive]: I am still alive! And I am feeling a lot better than I was feeling—a couple of months short of exactly six years ago—when I wrote my 'October 10th, 2015 Update' (that also appears as 'My Writing About Getting Ready To Die' on some of my blogs), which can be found above. Plus, I have a smartphone again, after years of only having a basic phone. So, I am editing all of my blogs, but I am still preparing for death—especially now with the COVID-19 pandemic. However, I received my very first COVID-19 vaccine on June 25th, 2021, and I am now fully vaccinated for COVID-19, so there is still hope.

–Paul Whiting (written August 3rd, 2021, revised September 28th, 2021, revised June 15th, 2022, revised August 27th, 2022, revised August 28th, 2022, revised February 15th, 2023, revised June 8th, 2023 and revised April 1st, 2024)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]




September 16th, 2021 Update: I wanted to let you know that I have started subscribing to news organizations, which I can afford given my monthly spending budget (the reader should know that I am HIV-positive and that I have full-blown AIDS; plus, I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited), since I have a smart phone again, after years of only having a feature phone.

So, I subscribe to the news organizations whose news articles I read the most, based upon Google news searches that I do in order to keep up with the news! Thus, I scan the titles of the most popular articles and then I read the articles that I feel are the most relevant.

And I am reading news organizations' articles during the entire year, so that I can be a more informed voter, as well as a more informed citizen, which is how I am being an activist these days along with how I spend my money.

You see, I figured out that 'putting my money where my mouth is'—in terms of being a "Conscious Consumer," who is aware of how my spending habits affect the entire planet and all of its inhabitants—is the best way for me to be an activist, in addition to keeping up with the news and making sure that I vote! –Paul Whiting (written September 16th, 2021, revised September 28th 2021 revised June 15th, 2022, revised June 17th, 2022, revised December 30th, 2022, revised April 19th, 2023 and revised June 12th, 2023)




November 10th, 2021 Update, Written On November 11th, 2021: I signed up on Charity Navigator to make donations for holidays, special occasions, or current issues, to highly-rated charities! Plus, I plan to include a donation to Charity Navigator, whenever I donate, because they are a charity too. And I really appreciate being able to utilize Charity Navigator's charity rating system in order to assess which charities receive their 'give with confidence' rating. I also appreciate being able to donate to multiple charities at the same time—all in one convenient transaction, rather than having to process individual donations on each charity's website—which makes supporting charitable organizations via Charity Navigator that much more worthwhile! –Paul Whiting (written November 11th, 2021, revised June 16th, 2022, revised June 18th, 2022, revised March 21st, 2023 and revised January 9th, 2024)


November 11th, 2021 Update, Written Sometime After Midnight: I signed up on Charity Navigator yesterday, November 10th, 2021, to make donations for holidays, special occasions, or current issues, to highly-rated charities—including with the intention of making donations for Veterans Day to several highly-rated veterans' charities. However, I started having problems with being able to process the donations! Although, I used a smartphone, so that could be the issue. Anyway, I did attempt to donate to veterans' organizations for Veterans Day, but it's not going to work right now. So, I am going to hold off on donating until I can donate through a personal computer, since I may be having issues donating through my smartphone, if that is what was causing me to not be able to donate... –Paul Whiting (written November 11th, 2021, revised June 15th, 2022, revised November 11th, 2022, revised March 21st, 2023 and revised January 9th, 2024)
November 11th, 2021 Update, Written Just After 9:00 AM: Success! I tried again later on in the day to donate to veterans' charities for Veterans Day on Charity Navigator and it worked! Plus, I also included a donation to Charity Navigator, because they are a charity too. And I really appreciate being able to utilize Charity Navigator's charity rating system in order to assess which charities receive their 'give with confidence' rating. I also appreciate being able to donate to multiple charities at the same time—all in one convenient transaction, rather than having to process individual donations on each charity's website—which makes supporting veterans' organizations via Charity Navigator that much more worthwhile! –Paul Whiting (written November 11th, 2021, revised June 15th, 2022, revised June 18th, 2022, revised November 11th, 2022, revised March 21st, 2023 and revised January 9th, 2024)
November 11th, 2021 Update—Summary: I signed up on Charity Navigator yesterday, November 10th, 2021, to make donations for holidays, special occasions, or current issues, to highly-rated charities—including with the intention of making donations for Veterans Day to several highly-rated veterans' charities. However, I started having problems with being able to process the donations! ... But, I tried again later on in the day to donate to veterans' charities for Veterans Day on Charity Navigator and it worked! Plus, I also included a donation to Charity Navigator, because they are a charity too. –Paul Whiting (written November 11th, 2021, revised June 15th, 2022, revised June 18th, 2022, revised November 11th, 2022 and revised March 21st, 2023)




January 11th, 2022 Update: For National Human Trafficking Awareness Day, which is yearly (annually) on January 11th, I made donations via Charity Navigator today, January 11th, 2022, to organizations that are working toward ending modern slavery, or human trafficking as it is formally called. Plus, I also included a donation to Charity Navigator, because they are a charity too. And I really appreciate being able to utilize Charity Navigator's charity rating system in order to assess which charities receive their 'give with confidence' rating. I also appreciate being able to donate to multiple charities at the same time—all in one convenient transaction, rather than having to process individual donations on each charity's website—which makes supporting anti-human trafficking organizations via Charity Navigator that much more worthwhile. –Paul Whiting (written January 11th, 2022, revised January 17th, 2022, revised July 18th, 2022, revised January 11th, 2023, revised January 16th, 2023, revised March 7th, 2023 and revised March 21st, 2023)


January 17th, 2022 Update: I decided right before midnight on January 17th, 2022 to donate via Charity Navigator for the Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service to organizations that "defend civil rights, protect legal rights, and promote tolerance and understanding." You see, I was on Charity Navigator's website deleting the charities that I had previously selected for the Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service—as a way to 'volunteer financially' in order honor Dr. King's legacy of civic engagement—but I decided to not donate to those charities out of fear that my blogs would somehow be sabotaged! And the reason that I decided to not donate is due to that fact that I think that my blogs are being sabotaged by someone who is very 'tech savvy,' and they may be someone that I know, because I have noticed strange things happening while I have been editing my writing, including yesterday, January 16th, 2022, when I was planning to edit a blog post and the images on the Blogger Dashboard were loading in an odd kind of way, like I couldn't see the images at first. And so, I was extremely afraid that I was not going to be able to "see" my blogs anymore—if I donated to these charities that I had already selected for the Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service—because I was being "warned" to not donate! Therefore, out of a sense of fearful caution, I decided yesterday that I was not going to donate just in case I was being threatened in some way... Then, after I deleted the charities that I had previously selected, I noticed that the main webpage of Charity Navigator highlighted HOT TOPICS that "support nonprofits responding to current events and crises," including "Racial Justice & Civil Rights," so I decided to donate for the Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service from that list! Plus, I also included a donation to Charity Navigator, because they are a charity too. And I really appreciate being able to utilize Charity Navigator's charity rating system in order to assess which charities receive their 'give with confidence' rating. I also appreciate being able to donate to multiple charities at the same time—all in one convenient transaction, rather than having to process individual donations on each charity's website—which makes supporting civil rights organizations via Charity Navigator that much more worthwhile! –Paul Whiting (written January 17th, 2022 revised January 18th, 2022, revised March 25th, 2022, revised June 18th, 2022, revised July 18th, 2022, revised January 16th, 2023, revised March 21st, 2023 and revised January 15th, 2024)




February 7th, 2022 Update: In order to show my support for "National Gun Violence Survivors Week," which is yearly (annually) from February 1st through 7th, I made donations today, February 7th, 2022, to organizations that are working to end gun violence in America, including Ban Assault Weapons NOW (which is also known as 'BAWN'), Everytown for Gun Safety (which was formerly known as 'Mayors Against Illegal Guns') and Giffords PAC (which was formerly known as 'Americans for Responsible Solutions'). –Paul Whiting (written February 7th, 2022, revised June 12th, 2022, revised June 15th, 2022, revised July 18th, 2022, revised August 17th, 2022, revised December 30th, 2022, revised February 7th, 2023, revised March 7th, 2023 and revised March 21st, 2023)




March 3rd, 2022 Update: I signed a petition from Senator Chuck Schumer about saving the United States Postal Service, which I received via text message yesterday, March 2nd, 2022:

Paul, it's Chuck Schumer. After years of attacks from Postmaster General DeJoy, the Senate is close to passing a $50 BILLION package to save the USPS. Republicans are trying to block our progress. Add your name here if you agree we need to SAVE the USPS:***

SAVE the U.S. Postal Service NOW

Senate Democrats are ready to deliver $50 billion for the USPS, but Republicans just obstructed this urgent bill. With your support, we’re still going to get it done.

Grassroots support for the USPS got us this far – now, sign on to demand the Senate finally SAVE the USPS!***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

Plus, after I signed the petition, I made a donation to "Chuck Schumer for U.S. Senate," because I felt like this was an important enough of an issue that it warranted signing a political petition (which I basically have not done since November of 2016) and it also warranted making a political donation (which, again, I basically have not done since November of 2016). –Paul Whiting (written March 3rd, 2022, revised March 25th, 2022, revised March 30th, 2022, revised June 11th, 2022, revised June 12th, 2022, revised June 15th, 2022, revised June 22nd, revised June 25th, 2022, revised June 26th, 2022, revised September 4th, 2022, revised November 18th, 2022 and revised December 30th, 2022)
March 3rd, 2022 Update, Clarification: I also wanted to clarify that I unsubscribed from receiving emails, after I signed a petition from Senator Chuck Schumer about saving the United States Postal Service and then I made a small political donation, because I have not signed political petitions and/or made political donations since November of 2016 and this is the reason why:

Please let us know why you are unsubscribing (optional):

To Whom It May Concern,

I donated to "Schumer for U.S. Senate" recently because I signed a petition regarding saving the United States Postal Service! And that's basically the only political petition [that I have signed] and/or political donation that I have made since around November of 2016.

You see, I am a "Democratic Activist!"

And I think that the Republicans know who I am -- and they DO NOT like me -- which is basically why I stopped signing political petitions and/or making political donations right before the November 2016 Election! By the way, here is a hyperlink to a blog post where I have explained this issue in vivid detail from my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog:

Therefore, I am still trying to stay informed about what is happening in politics, I am just not necessarily doing anything in response to what is happening in politics, because I am afraid that the Republicans might retaliate against me depending upon what I do!

Yours very truly,

-Paul Whiting
Poet, Artist and Philosopher
Portland, Oregon

And, therefore, that is the reason why I stopped being an activist before the November 2016 Election, which I have not actually written about until now! And that issue—of me no longer being an activist—is what this blog post titled, 'I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was' is all about. –Paul Whiting (written March 3rd, 2022, revised March 13th, 2022, revised March 28th, 2022, revised June 16th, 2022, revised June 21st, 2022 and revised December 30th, 2022)


March 9th, 2022 Update: A funny thing happened on the way to the 2022 Midterm Elections! I was thinking about donating monthly to the Democratic Governors Association (DGA), the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State (DASS), the Democratic National Committee (DNC), the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) in order to support Democrats in the 2022 Midterm Elections.

And I was checking to see what the minimum amount is that I could donate via** for each organization, which is all that I can afford given my monthly spending budget. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)

**[I deleted my ActBlue account! Although, I am still processing payments through the ActBlue website, since they seem to be the main donation processing website for most Democratic political organizations and many progressive organizations. Please see my 'June 11th, 2022 Update' on my blog post "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was," which can be found on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog, for a detailed explanation.]

Thus, I started out by checking with the DGA in order to see what the minimum amount is that I could donate. And, when I checked on ActBlue, I unintentionally made a one-time donation to the DGA! So, I decided to run with it and I donated that same one-time amount to the DASS, the DNC, the DCCC and the DSCC, since I was thinking about donating anyway.

However, I am still thinking about donating to all of the above Democratic political organizations on a monthly basis for the 2022 Midterm Elections, but I am not going to look into that until after this month, due to constraints in my monthly spending budget.

And I will provide an update when I start donating on a monthly basis, because I am greatly concerned about the Republicans retaking both the House and Senate of Congress, since Republicans are acting like they are Radical Christian Terrorists!

–Paul Whiting (written March 9th, 2022, revised March 10th, 2022, revised March 31st, 2022, revised June 12th, 2022, revised June 15th, 2022, revised June 17th, 2022, revised June 20th, 2022, revised June 26th, 2022, revised July 11th, 2022, revised December 28th, 2022, revised December 30th, 2022, revised April 16th, 2023, revised April 17th, 2023, revised April 22nd, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023 and revised June 8th, 2024)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]

March 9th, 2022 Update, Clarification: I wanted to clarify to that I may, or may not, be able to afford to donate to Democratic political organizations on a monthly basis, given my monthly spending budget!

You see, I was thinking about how much I can spend on donations per month—both charitable and political—and I am realizing that donating monthly to political organizations may not be feasible for me, since there are months where I also donate to charitable organizations. And for some of those charitable organizations, their minimum donation amount is $10.00, which can add up fast, especially if I am donating to more than one organization per cause, or per issue, or per event, which I often do.

Therefore, I am going to donate to Democratic organizations as often as I can afford to donate to them, depending upon what other donations that I may be making and/or what other additional expenses that I may have to pay for during any particular month. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)

Thus, I was able to donate today, March 9th, 2022, to five Democratic organizations (the Democratic Governors Association, the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State, the Democratic National Committee, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee), but I have not donated to any charitable organizations this month, nor have I had any other additional expenses this month. And so, that is why I could afford to make those donations! –Paul Whiting (written March 9th, 2022, revised March 10th, 2022, revised March 31st, 2022, revised June 17th, 2022, revised December 30th, 2022 and revised April 17th, 2023)


March 10th, 2022 Update: Yesterday, March 9th, 2022, after I made a donation—unintentionally—to the Democratic Governors Association (DGA) via** while I was checking to see what the minimum donation is I could make on a monthly basis to various Democratic political organizations, I decided to do some research to see what organizations Democrats have for "fundraising and coordination." (Although, I eventually concluded that I may, or may not, be able to afford to donate to Democratic organizations on a monthly basis, given my monthly spending budget!) And, via a Google search, I found on Wikipedia a list of Democratic organizations that I have supported in the past, plus some Democratic organizations I have heard of only for the first time:

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ("the Democratic Hill committee for the United States House of Representatives");

Democratic Governors Association ("a Washington, D.C.-based 527 organization founded in 1983, consisting of U.S. state and territorial governors affiliated with the Democratic Party");

Democratic National Committee ("the governing body of the United States Democratic Party");

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee ("the Democratic Hill committee for the United States Senate");

Democrats Abroad ("the official organization of the Democratic Party for United States citizens living temporarily or permanently abroad");

National Conference of Democratic Mayors ("is the representative body of city mayors in the United States affiliated to the Democratic Party");

Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee ("the U.S. Democratic Party organization that works to elect Democrats to state legislatures");

Democratic Attorneys General Association ("the Democratic Attorneys General Association provides political and policy support to Democratic State Attorneys General in their mission to protect citizens, promote progress and support civil rights");

Democratic Association of Secretaries of State ("the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State is a 527 political action committee and the only organization dedicated to electing and protecting Democratic Secretaries of States");

National Democratic County Officials ("the National Democratic County Officials ... is the official campaign arm of the Democratic Party dedicated to electing Democrats at the county level");

Democratic Municipal Officials ("the largest network of elected officials within the Democratic Party. We represent America’s 40,000 Mayors, city council members, and other elected leaders serving our cities, and we are driven to ensure that city leaders, who are familiar and trusted by voters, are at the core of the restructuring of our Party").

**[I deleted my ActBlue account! Although, I am still processing payments through the ActBlue website, since they seem to be the main donation processing website for most Democratic political organizations and many progressive organizations. Please see my 'June 11th, 2022 Update' on my blog post "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was," which can be found on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog, for a detailed explanation.]

And I made a donation to each one of the above-mentioned Democratic organizations on either March 9th, 2022, or March 10th, 2022, along with making a donation to my local Democratic Party of Oregon. And I did all of this in preparation for the 2022 Midterm Elections, since I fear that the Republican Party of the United States of America has radicalized itself and become the political party of Radical Christian Terrorists!

–Paul Whiting (written March 10th, 2022, revised March 11th, 2022 revised March 25th, 2022, revised April 3rd, 2022, revised April 17th, 2022, revised June 12th, 2022, revised June 15th, 2022, revised June 17th, 2022, revised June 20th, 2022, revised July 11th, 2022, revised December 28th, 2022, revised December 30th, 2022, revised April 16th, 2023, revised April 22nd, 2023 and revised June 8th, 2024)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]


March 13th, 2022 Update: I have started donating to Democrats on a regular basis again, because I recently signed a petition regarding saving the United States Postal Service and then I made a political donation! And that's basically the first political petition that I have signed and/or political donation that I have made since around November of 2016.

You see, I am a "Democratic Activist!" And I think that the Republicans know who I am—and they DO NOT like me—which is basically why I stopped signing political petitions and/or making political donations right before the November 2016 Election, when I created this "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" post on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog.

Thus, I was afraid that the Republicans might retaliate against me in some way, depending upon what type of activism I was engaged in, if they were in control of both Congress and the White House. And I also feared that once the Republicans won Congress and the White House that they would try to turn America into an oligarchy!

And, after the January 6th, 2021 Capitol Attack, my fears were confirmed. [Or, it was the January 6th, *1776* "normal tourist group"; or, the insurrectionists that attacked the Capitol Complex—in order to stop the certification of Joe Biden's win—were really 'Antifa' protestors; or, they were Black Lives Matter protestors; or, they were paid actors and actresses; or, in all actuality, they were incited by ("Gasp!") the FBI. Regardless, however, it was clearly 'a false flag operation' designed to make President Donald J. Trump "look bad"—like he needs any assistance doing that!]

Therefore, I am trying to stay informed about what is happening in politics again, especially due to the upcoming 2022 Midterm Elections. So, I am trying to help Democrats win, because I am greatly concerned about the Republicans retaking both the House and Senate of Congress, and eventually retaking the White House, since Republicans are acting like Radical Christian Terrorists! –Paul Whiting (written March 13th, 2022, revised June 12th, 2022, revised June 16th, 2022, revised June 17th, 2022, revised June 21st, 2022 and revised June 12th, 2023)


March 16th, 2022 Update: I made charitable donations today, March 16th, 2022, to multiple charitable organizations via Charity Navigator for the "Crisis in Ukraine" after I watched three videos on YouTube titled, "Zelenskyy: Peace Talks Between Ukraine And Russia 'Sound More Realistic'" and "Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy delivers virtual address to the U.S. Congress — 3/16/22," in addition to "Ukrainian President Zelenskyy Calls For Assistance In Virtual Address to Congress." For, I am greatly concerned about this act of war against Ukraine! –Paul Whiting (written March 16th, 2022, revised March 25th, 2022, revised October 23rd, 2022, revised December 29th, 2022 and revised May 31st, 2023)


March 17th, 2022 Update, Which Also Discusses March 16th, 2022: I made a donation today, March 17th, 2022, as well as yesterday, March 16th, 2022, to the USO (United Service Organizations). You see, I received a text message yesterday, March 16th, 2022, from the USO, which stated the following:

USO: Sorry to interrupt, but as war unfolds in Ukraine, thousands of U.S. troops are deployed in Eastern Europe to support NATO allies.

We still need 76?2+ more Americans to sign our card by midnight to thank them for their sacrifices -- and your name is missing. Will you sign now?***

And so, I filled out that survey yesterday, March 16th, 2022, and then I made a one-time donation to the USO via Charity Navigator as part of the charitable donations that I made yesterday for the "Crisis in Ukraine," which I explained in my 'March 16th, 2022 Update.'

And then today, March 17th, 2022, I received an email from the USO with the subject line, "TAKE THE QUIZ: How many military terms do you know?", which stated the following:


Paul: From the National Guard to the Marines, each branch of our military uses different phrases to quickly pass important information to their fellow service members.

We know you're a dedicated patriot, so this quiz is perfect for you. Have some fun testing yourself on how well you understand the jargon our troops are using every day!

Take our 60-second quiz to test your knowledge of all kinds of military words and phrases.


Good luck!


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, after I took the quiz, I made a one-time donation on the website. Plus, I also included a monthly donation in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel!

–Paul Whiting (written March 17th, 2022, revised March 25th, 2022, revised May 21st, 2022, revised June 22nd, 2022, revised June 25th, 2022, revised June 26th, 2022, revised September 4th, 2022, revised November 18th, 2022, revised December 29th, 2022, revised December 30th, 2022, revised January 1st, 2023, revised April 11th, 2023, revised April 27th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised June 2nd, 2023 and revised June 14th, 2023)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]


March 23rd, 2022 Update: The fourth Wednesday in March every year is American Red Cross Giving Day, which is today March 23rd, 2022:

"The 8th annual American Red Cross Giving Day is on March 23, 2022. It takes place during Red Cross Month, a time to recognize heroes who help those in need..."

And so, I donated to the American Red Cross on their website and I selected that the donation go to "Disaster Relief" and then I dedicated the donation to the "People of Ukraine."

Also, I donated to the International Committee of the Red Cross on their website for the "Humanitarian Crisis in Ukraine."

Plus, I donated to the Ukrainian Red Cross Society on their website for the "Ukraine Emergency Appeal."

Thus, these donations are how I supported the American Red Cross Giving Day—which I observed in a decisively international way—and also how I helped the People of Ukraine! –Paul Whiting (written March 23rd, 2022, revised June 22nd, 2022, revised June 25th, 2022, revised June 26th, 2022, revised November 18th, 2022, revised December 29th, 2022, revised December 30th, 2022 and revised March 22nd, 2023)


March 31st, 2022 Update: Beginning in March of 2022, I started donating on a regular basis to Democratic political organizations. However, I am not (necessarily) going document every time that I make donations to the Democrats because it would create way too many 'updates' such as this one.

So, suffice it to say that I am donating to the Democratic Party in order to help them win in future elections!

Thus, I am donating to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations, so that I am helping to elect Democrats through their national organizations—as well as through a local Democratic organization here in Oregon—which includes the following:

The National Democratic Organizations:

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC)

Democratic Governors Association (DGA)

Democratic National Committee (DNC)

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC)

National Conference of Democratic Mayors (NCDM)

Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC)

Democratic Attorneys General Association (DAGA)

Democratic Association of Secretaries of State (DASS)

National Democratic County Officials (NDCO)

Democratic Municipal Officials (DMO)

National Democratic Redistricting Committee (NDRC)

My Local Democratic Organization:

Democratic Party of Oregon (DPO)

And so, that is how I make political donations to the Democratic Party of the United States of America, because I am grateful to be a part of the Democratic Party in a country that is democratic!

–Paul Whiting (written March 31st, 2022, revised April 17th, 2022, revised May 13th, 2022, revised June 12th, 2022, revised June 15th, 2022, revised July 11th, 2022, revised July 27th, 2022, revised December 30th, 2022 and revised April 30th, 2024)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]
March 31st, 2022 Update—Continued: I started donating in March of 2022 to Democratic political organizations on a regular basis. And I am donating to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations, so that I am helping to elect Democrats through their national organizations—as well as through a local Democratic organization here in Oregon.

And I try to donate to similar Democratic political organizations, when I donate to one, or more, of them. So for example, I consider the following Democratic political organizations to be similar: the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), which works to elect members of the U.S. House of Representatives; the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC), which works to elect members of the U.S. Senate; and the Democratic National Committee (DNC), which works to elect the U.S. President. Thus, when I donate to one of the above-mentioned organizations, I typically donate to all of them!

In addition to that, I consider the following Democratic political organizations to be similar: the Democratic Governors Association (DGA), which works to elect governors; the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State (DASS), which works to elect secretaries of state; the Democratic Attorneys General Association (DAGA), which works to elect attorneys general; the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC), which works to elect members of state legislatures; and the National Democratic Redistricting Committee (NDRC), which works to create fair voting districts. Thus, when I donate to one of the above-mentioned organizations, I typically donate to all of them!

However, when it comes to the Democrats' End of the Quarter Fundraising Goals, I donate to any of the Democratic political organizations that are asking for donations in order to meet their quarterly fundraising goals!

You see, political organizations report how much they raise and spend to the Federal Election Commission (FEC). The FEC website states: "All registered candidate committees must disclose the money they raise and spend. These 'receipts' and 'disbursements' are reported quarterly."

Thus, every three months of any year, beginning in January of that year, is a quarter of the year, since it is twenty five percent of the year (just like twenty five cents is one quarter of a dollar). Thus, the end of March is the first quarter; the end of June is the second quarter; the end of September is the third quarter; and the end of December is the fourth quarter.

And so, donating to Democratic political organizations during the End of a Quarter Fundraising Goal, whenever they are asking for donations, is how I make sure that these Democratic organizations that I am donating to are meeting their quarterly fundraising goals! –Paul Whiting (written March 31st, 2022, revised April 15th, 2022, revised June 12th, 2022, revised June 15th, 2022, revised July 11th, 2022, revised July 27th, 2022, revised December 30th, 2022 and revised April 30th, 2024)




April 3rd, 2022 Update: I keep changing the way that I donate to Democratic political organizations based upon three basic factors: Factor Number One, I am trying to stay within some kind of 'monthly donating budget' of how much I can give within each month (the reader should know that I am HIV-positive and that I have full-blown AIDS; plus, I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited); Factor Number Two, I am trying to donate as often as I can manage for each Democratic organization from which I am receiving emails and/or text messages (since I decided to start getting emails and/or text messages from the Democrats in order to keep up with all of the updates for the 2022 Midterm Elections); and Factor Number Three, I am donating on a monthly basis to the USO (United Service Organizations), which starts this month, April 2022, and so I am also including those donations in my 'monthly donating budget.' Therefore, I am hopefully helping the Democrats to win this November in order to prevent Republicans from controlling both Congress and the White House, because I fear that the Republicans will try to turn America into an oligarchy! –Paul Whiting (written April 3rd, 2022, revised May 21st, 2022, revised June 17th, 2022 and revised November 5th, 2022)


April 4th, 2022 Update, Written On April 5th, 2022 [My Writing About Receiving My First COVID-19 Booster Shot]: This update is a follow-up to my 'August 3rd, 2021 Update,' where I explained, in part, that I was fully vaccinated for COVID-19 on June 25th, 2021. You see, on April 4th, 2022, I received my first booster shot of the COVID-19 vaccine! –Paul Whiting (written April 5th, 2022, revised August 27th, 2022, revised August 28th, 2022 and revised February 18th, 2023)


April 8th, 2022 Update: I donated today, April 8th, 2022, to "Stand Up for Ukraine" on YouTube. Here is the description from that video (with a hyperlink to the video below):

Social Media Rally to Raise Funds for Refugee Relief

Join artists, activists, and global citizens as we come together on April 8 to rally around world leaders making funding commitments for world leaders. Learn more at

Global Citizen is a social action platform for a global generation that aims to solve the world’s biggest challenges. On our platform, you can learn about issues, take action on what matters most, and join a community committed to social change. We believe we can end extreme poverty because of the collective actions of Global Citizens across the world.

About this fundraiser: Global Citizen, organizer

At least 10 million people have been pushed into poverty since Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24. Four million people have fled Ukraine. A Ukrainian child has become a refugee nearly every second since the war began. Your donation will provide shelter, food, clean water, healthcare, education, and more to people displaced by the crisis in Ukraine. Together, we can Stand Up for Ukraine.

Thus, this donation is a way for me to I show my support for the people of Ukraine. –Paul Whiting (written April 8th, 2022, revised May 13th, 2022, revised October 23rd, 2022, revised December 28th, 2022, revised April 19th, 2023, revised July 16th, 2023 and revised October 21st, 2023)



In honor of April 11th, 2022, here is the '411,' or 'the information,' or my philosophy about the upcoming 2022 Midterm Elections in America, which I think relates to the way that politics, elections and laws are occurring with regard to Christian governments—not only here in America, but also in the rest of the Christian world:

As a 'Poet, Artist and Philosopher,' I truly believe that all of the things that are occurring in America as far as Christian politics, elections and laws go—and in the rest of the Christian world, as well—are based upon our collective beliefs in the Old Testament and the New Testament from the Holy Bible: therefore, our politics, elections and laws are direct reflections of our Christian religious beliefs, such as with regard to 'The War In Heaven!'

Please let me explain this concept further by taking you on a journey back in time to the days before I started walking wherever I go—here in Portland, Oregon—in order to transport myself, and to exercise at the same time, now that I am getting older. You see, when I was still taking public transportation in order to get around, I would often look at the various types of architecture and landscaping, including business properties and buildings, as well as single family homes, as I was riding on public transportation. And I did this because I am fascinated by the artistry and aesthetics of architecture and landscaping, since I studied architecture in college (at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City) through the various art history classes that I attended.

Thus, as I was riding past various properties with buildings and landscaping, I would often notice how many areas often look trashy, or dishevelled, as if they were some kind of conflict zone! (I mean no disrespect to what is happening with regard to war in certain parts of the world.) And I thought how odd it was that there would be so many places in America that looked to be in such bad condition! (I also mean no disrespect to what is happening with regard to homelessness in certain parts of America.) And I remembered wondering why there were so many areas that looked like some kind of trash heap, or some kind of war zone—as mentioned above—in the richest country in the world! (And, again, I mean no disrespect to those in the world who are being subjugated to the beliefs of 'war mongers,' or those who are being subjugated to the beliefs of 'poor mongers,' or those who are being subjugated to the beliefs of 'homelessness mongers,' or those who are being subjugated to the beliefs of 'unaffordable housing mongers,' or those who are being subjugated to the beliefs of 'displacement mongers' wherever they live—or, at least, wherever they used to live...)

In addition to that, as I was taking public transportation and riding past single family homes in the suburbs, I noticed that all of these individual houses had their own front and backyard, as well as side yards. And each home was a kind of 'castle' situated right next to another home—all with their respective front, back and side yards looking just like a moat around a castle. It's as if the suburbs are all made of castles with yards as moats. (As the saying goes, 'A man's home is his castle!')

Thus, as a philosopher, I contemplated the meaning of the dishevelled look of some properties, and the castle-like look of the suburbs, and I came to the conclusion that all of the architectural and landscaping design in the United States of America, and all of these areas of 'dysfunctionality,' so to speak, in America are direct manifestations of our religious beliefs about 'The War In Heaven' from the New Testament of the Holy Bible!

Now, at this point in the discussion, let me also explain that I was born and raised in Salt Lake City, Utah in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ('The Mormon Church'). And so, my upbringing in The Mormon Church is what I know about Jesus The Christ, and Christianity, as well as the Old Testament and the New Testament. And let me also explain that I am gay (although, I am technically bisexual, because I almost married my high school sweetheart), so that basically means that I am officially 'A Recovering Mormon.' That being said, my basic understanding of 'The War In Heaven' from New Testament is as follows (and I am paraphrasing a lot):

There was a 'War In Heaven' because Satan, as The Devil, was going to force all of the souls to return to The Presence Of God, after God had cast out Adam and Eve—as the first humans—from the Garden Of Eden! For, Eve had fallen for the temptations of The Devil and she ate The Fruit Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil from The Tree Of Knowledge. And God had forbade Adam and Eve from eating 'The Fruit Of Knowledge,' but Satan appeared as a Snake, or a Serpent, in The Tree Of Knowledge in order to tempt Eve into eating 'The Fruit Of Knowledge,' which God had forbade. Then, Eve coyly invited Adam to also eat the fruit after she did—which Adam did—thereby making Adam subjugated to being cast out too, which is what lead to 'The Fall Of Man!' And, therefore, Adam and Eve realized that they were naked and they were ashamed.

You see, Eve couldn't resist the temptations of The Devil, so she lured Adam into joining her by coyly inviting Adam to eat The Fruit Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil! And Eve deceived Adam in the same way that Satan deceived her. Thus, Eve tricked Adam into being cast out from Paradise just like she was! Therefore, Eve's Egregious Deception adversely affected all of Eve's direct descendants—who are literally all of the human females—and also adversely affected all of Adam's direct descendants—who are literally all of the human males—since Eve could not resist the temptations of The Devil and she dragged poor Adam down with her!

[By the way, on my 'Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer' blog in a blog post titled, 'For Mother's Day, Part 4 — A Day Of Reflection,' which is also titled, 'My Commentary On The Right To Choose,' I explain more about this situation regarding Adam and Eve and 'The Fall Of Man,' as it relates to females not being considered to be trustworthy of being allowed to decide if they wish to become a mother—as if females cannot be trusted to make that decision with their doctor—and, most disturbingly, sometimes females are not even allowed to decide to have a safe and legal abortion even in cases of rape, incest or human trafficking! (Please see the hyperlink below for the post.)]

After that, there was some kind of argument in Heaven about how to return to The Presence Of God now that Adam and Eve had been cast out, since Eve had fallen for the temptations of The Devil. And Satan said, 'I will make them obey You, Oh Lord! And they will be forced to return to Your Presence, because I will require it of them.' However, Jesus said, 'I will give them free will to obey You, Oh Lord! And they will choose to return to Your Presence, because I will allow them to decide to return.' And God preferred Jesus's Free-Will Plan Of Salvation, rather than Satan's Forced Plan Of Salvation, for all of the souls who were going to be born on Earth.

Then, The Devil kept arguing with God to attempt to convince Him to choose Satan's Forced Plan Of Salvation, rather than Jesus's Free-Will Plan Of Salvation, because Satan couldn't take 'No' for an answer! For, God would not accept souls returning to The Presence Of God without having the choice of free will. And Satan along with all of the 'Fallen Angels Of Heaven'—who agreed with The Devil and who became Satan's Legions Of Doom—were cast out from The Presence Of God and they were sent to Hell forever.

So, if you wish to return to The Presence Of God, you need to accept Jesus The Christ and His Free-Will Plan Of Salvation, and you need to reject Satan The Devil and His Forced Plan Of Salvation. Not only that, you need to prove your loyalty to God and you need to kill Satan, and/or His Legions Of Doom, whenever—and wherever—they appear, if Satan, and/or His Legions, have appeared in order to tempt you into not accepting Jesus's Free-Will Plan Of Salvation—just like The Devil appeared in order to tempt Eve into disobeying God. Thus, you need to kill Satan, and/or His Legions, and send them back to Hell, because they are tempting you into disobeying God!

However, here is where it gets really quite complicated: even though you are told by God to kill Satan, and/or His Legions, as often as is necessary—whenever, and wherever, The Devil and/or His Legions may appear—in order to prove your loyalty to God, you are also told by God 'Thou Shalt Not Kill' in the Ten Commandments of the Old Testament! Therefore, even though you are not supposed to be killing—or you will be disobeying one of God's Ten Holy Commandments—you are supposed to kill Satan and/or The Devil's Legions if you are being tempted away from Christ's Free-Will Plan Of Salvation by Satan and/or His Legions Of Doom, who are like An Evil Military Leader and His Evil Soldiers.

Finally, here comes Your Eternal Reward for having obeyed God correctly, of your own free will, and you have returned to The Presence Of God: but, instead of returning to the Paradise from whence Adam and Eve were cast out, when you return to The Presence of God, The Lord provides you with 'A Mansion In The Sky,' or 'A Palace In Heaven,' or 'A Castle In The Air'—that is complete with servants to do everything for you—since God loves you for having obeyed Him the right way!

Thus, if you are a 'True Believer' in the New Testament, and you have correctly accepted Christ's Free-Will Plan Of Salvation, and you have rejected Satan's Forced Plan Of Salvation, that means you are owed the finest housing in the afterlife, due to Your True Faith. And because you are owed the finest housing in the afterlife, that also means that you are owed the finest housing in this life. Therefore, you are owed the nicest house, with the most expensive, and exclusive, worldly possessions that are available to you—because of Your True Faith—including servants to do everything for you!

Plus, anyone whom you see as being Satan and/or His Legions Of Doom (all of whom are constantly tempting you away from Jesus The Christ) totally deserve to be killed and sent back to Hell! Therefore, assuming that you deserve to have the finest housing in all of the land (which includes the ability for you to be able to vote in America, since you have a residential address) that housing is providing you with 'a license to kill' in order make sure that everyone else only deserves to be made homeless, so that they can't vote, but also so that they can die from lack of housing. Therefore, they can go back to Hell where they belong—since they must be The Devil and/or His Legions—because you don't like them! And you can also make sure that they can't vote through suppressing their vote by utilizing any number of available techniques.

The other option is that you can simply kill outright any of those who are unworthy—because they are obviously Satan, and/or His Legions, since you don't like them—by utilizing any number of available weapons. And all of this outright killing, and/or this passive-aggressive displacing, and/or this intentional creation of homelessness in order to produce passive-aggressive displacing and/or killing, is not only totally 'okay' with God, He wants you to kill every instance of The Devil and/or His Legions whenever, and wherever, they may appear, since you are proving your loyalty to God, so that you may return to The Presence Of God!

Therefore, I think the reason that politics, elections and laws are occurring the way that they are with regard to Christian governments—not only here in America, but also worldwide—are based upon our collective beliefs in the Old Testament and the New Testament from the Holy Bible and, specifically, our beliefs about 'The War In Heaven.' Thus we, as Christians, are supposed to be fighting against—and killing—Satan and/or His Legions whenever, and wherever, they may appear, and in whatever form they may appear.

And so, based upon Our True Faith, we are also supposed to determine who The Devil and/or His Legions Of Doom are by assuming that anyone we don't like—which reads like a list of our worst enemies—must be The Devil and/or His Legions. Thus, we should make sure Satan and/or His Legions cannot vote, and we should make sure that they cannot live, so that we can return to The Presence Of God, because 'We Have Won The War In Heaven!'

–Paul Whiting (written April 11th, 2022, revised April 12th, 2022, revised April 13th, 2022, revised May 7th, 2022, revised May 8th, 2022, revised May 9th, 2022, revised May 10th, 2022, revised May 11th, 2022, revised May 12th, 2022, revised May 13th, 2022, revised May 14th, 2022, revised May 21st, 2022, revised August 28th, 2022, revised October 7th, 2022, revised March 18th, 2023, revised March 22nd, 2023, revised September 19th, 2023, revised September 21st, 2023 and revised October 13th, 2023)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]


April 12th, 2022 Update: I am donating to Democratic political organizations—while still trying to stay within a 'monthly donating budget'—so I am basically making one donation per organization per day from which I am receiving emails and/or text messages each day. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)

However, I originally wrote this update to say the following: "I am now donating to the Democrats every time that they ask for a donation via email/text message, because I am doing everything in my power to help Democrats win in the 2022 Midterm Elections!"

And I actually attempted to do that very thing today, April 12th, 2022, by donating every time I received an email, or a text message! But, I ran the calculations and if I donated that much each day, I would end up donating more than my entire food budget for the month. And so, I am reverting to my donation budget of one donation per Democratic political organization per day from which I am receiving emails and/or text massages. –Paul Whiting (written April 12th, 2022, revised June 15th, 2022, revised June 17th, 2022, revised November 26th, 2022 and revised April 17th, 2023)


April 13th, 2022 Update: I made a donation today, April 13th, 2022, to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) via after I received the email below:

Subject: If you’re feeling helpless, watch how you have helped in Ukraine

Dear Paul,

Many find it hard to see the shocking images of suffering from Ukraine. But you took action and we wanted to say thank you. Your donation has already helped. In the last month the generosity of our donors like you has allowed us to scale up our ongoing operations and deliver 700 tons of emergency aid to those who have needed it the most. Watch your donation in action here:

We have also sent some 140 additional staff to the region - surgeons, psychologist, weapon contamination specialists, engineers, logisticians, and others who can make an immediate difference to people in need.

But the humanitarian situation and needs are vast and complex. We must continue our work with neutrality and impartiality. These are two of our Fundamental Principles. Remaining neutral can enable us to deliver relief across frontlines, visit detainees and be a trusted intermediary – essentially, it’s our key to reaching the people who need our help.

Our sole objective is to alleviate the suffering of the people affected by the armed conflict.

Thank you for making this possible.

Lauren Ellis
Head of Private Sector Engagement
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

P.S. Words don’t fully capture our gratitude for your help to people whose lives are threatened by conflict. Thank you!


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

Thus, this donation is a way for me to I show my support for the people of Ukraine. –Paul Whiting (written April 13th, 2022, revised May 13th, 2022, revised June 22nd, 2022, revised June 25th, 2022, revised June 26th, 2022, revised September 4th, 2022, revised November 18th, 2022, revised December 28th, 2022 and revised December 30th, 2022)


April 17th, 2022 Update: Happy Easter, everyone! This update is a follow-up to my 'March 17th, 2022 Update, Which Also Discusses March 16th, 2022,' where I explained, in part, that I made a donation on March 17th, 2022, to the USO (United Service Organizations) on the website. And with that one-time donation, I included a recurring monthly donation in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel. Thus, that recurring monthly donation started today, April 17th, 2022! Plus, I have also made several more one-time donations to the USO, whenever they have requested a donation during the month. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation. –Paul Whiting (written April 17th, 2022, revised May 21st, 2022, revised June 16th, 2022, revised June 26th, 2022, revised August 16th, 2022, revised November 24th, 2022, revised April 9th, 2023, revised April 16th, 2023, revised April 21st, 2023 and revised April 27th, 2023)


April 17th, 2022 Update—Continued: I have started making recurring monthly donations today, April 17th, 2022, to Democratic political organizations. And my plan is to let these recurring donations on the 17th of each month be the donations that I make for that day of each month, since I am making one donation per Democratic political organization per day from which I am receiving emails and/or text messages each day—while I am still trying to stay within a 'monthly donating budget'—which is all that I can afford given my monthly spending budget. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)

And so, here are the Democratic political organizations to which I am making these recurring monthly donations via** (although, I did not include a tip for ActBlue on these donations, which I usually do, due to the fact that the 'tip box' did not appear, because I made these donations through ActBlue Express):

01. DCCC: Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

02. DGA: Democratic Governors Association

03. DNC: Democratic National Committee

04. DSCC: Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

05. NCDM: National Conference of Democratic Mayors

06. DLCC: Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee

07. DAGA: Democratic Attorneys General Association

08. DASS: Democratic Association of Secretaries of State

09. NDCO: National Democratic County Officials

10. DMO: Democratic Municipal Officials

11. NDRC: National Democratic Redistricting Committee

12. DPO: Democratic Party of Oregon

**[I deleted my ActBlue account! Although, I am still processing payments through the ActBlue website, since they seem to be the main donation processing website for most Democratic political organizations and many progressive organizations. Please see my 'June 11th, 2022 Update' on my blog post "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was," which can be found on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog, for a detailed explanation.]

Plus, I feel like I need to clarify that the only exceptions to my 'monthly donating budget' happen during the Democrats' End of the Month Fundraising Goals, and End of the Quarter Fundraising Goals, in which case I donate to each Democratic political organization virtually every time that they are asking for a donation, via emails and/or text messages, in order to help make sure that the Democratic organizations to which I am donating to are meeting their fundraising goals!

–Paul Whiting (written April 17th, 2022, revised May 14th, 2022, revised May 21st, 2022, revised June 12th, 2022, revised June 15th, 2022, revised June 17th, 2022, revised June 20th, 2022, revised July 11, 2022, revised December 28th, 2022, revised December 30th, 2022, revised April 16th, 2023, revised April 17th, 2023, revised April 22nd, 2023, revised May 30th, 2023, revised May 31st, 2023 and revised April 30th, 2024)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]
April 17th, 2022 Update—Continued Further, Written On June 17th, 2022: I explained on my 'April 17th, 2022 Update—Continued' that I started making recurring monthly donations on April 17th, 2022, to Democratic political organizations via**; however, I deleted my ActBlue account on June 11th, 2022.

You see, I think that my ActBlue account was compromised because, on June 8th, 2022, I attempted to make a $1.15 donation to the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC), plus I included an $0.11 tip for ActBlue, but when the payment processed, it was for $1,000.11! And that is why I deleted my ActBlue account on June 11th, 2022. Please see my 'June 11th, 2022 Update,' which can be found below for a detailed explanation.

**[I deleted my ActBlue account! Although, I am still processing payments through the ActBlue website, since they seem to be the main donation processing website for most Democratic political organizations and many progressive organizations. Please see my 'June 11th, 2022 Update' on my blog post "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was," which can be found on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog, for a detailed explanation.]

In the meantime, here are some selected excerpts from my 'June 11th, 2022 Update,' which explains basically what happened, as outlined below:

I received an email from the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC) on June 10th, 2022, with regard to a donation that I made to the DLCC on June 8th, 2022 (but not for the amount that I intended), which stated the following [with redactions for certain information utilized throughout this update]:


I’m [redacted], here at the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC). I wanted to reach out and introduce myself and thank you for your generous contribution to the DLCC.

As you know, the DLCC is the official Democratic Party committee for state legislative work. The DLCC is dedicated to electing Democratic state legislators, winning the Democratic majorities needed to champion progressive values in states, and building a Democratic bench of future leaders. The work at the state legislative level is incredibly important, and we are so grateful for your support.

I've attached a document with a bit of additional information about the DLCC and our plans for the election cycle. Please feel free to reach out if you ever have any questions. You can reach me on my cell – [redacted], or via email at [redacted].

Thank you again for your support, I look forward to working with you!

All my best,


And I responded to this email on June 11th, 2022, as follows:

Dear [redacted],

Thank you for your 'Thank you,' but my "generous contribution to the DLCC" wasn't intentional...

...You see, I was making a donation to the DLCC based on a June 8th, 2022, email that I received from the DLCC, at 6:30 PM, which was titled, "Can you pledge to vote on November 8th, 2022?"

So, I completed the pledge on June 8th, 2022, and made a donation. And I entered the amount $1.15 for the donation (which is the same amount that I currently donate to the various Democratic organizations that I support) and I added an $0.11 tip for ActBlue. Then, I pressed the donate button and—when I received a text message from my bank indicating that a transaction had been processed where my card wasn't present—the total donation was $1,000.11!

Now, I DID NOT type in $1,000.00 as a donation amount—nor did I press one of those 'preselected amount' buttons for $1,000.00—I think that my donation amount was altered!

Thus, I wrote to ActBlue requesting a refund...

And, I did request a refund from ActBlue on June 8th, 2022, and they processed that refund immediately; however, I also explained the other issues that I was having with my ActBlue account, which is why I think that it was compromised, as follows:

...As of today, June 11th, 2022, the total donation is refunded to my card. (Thank God!) However, I am still greatly concerned about how my $1.15 donation (with an $0.11 tip) miraculously became a $1,000.11 donation.

And this is not the first time I have had issues with donation amounts being altered (from what I entered) when I donated on ActBlue: On some occasions I have donated to Democratic organizations on the ActBlue website—and the amount of the donation was less than what I entered by one penny!

So, for example, on more than one occasion, I donated $1.14 to a Democratic organization but, when the payment processed, the donation was actually $1.13. Then, another time, I donated $1.15 and the donation payment processed as $1.14.

And when I got to thinking about this 'donation alteration,' so to speak, I realized that this may have been some kind of put down (because these donations weren't very much, but they were all that I could afford given how much money I have, because I am disabled due to HIV and I am receiving SSDI), since they were always a penny less than the amount I entered: as if I was being told that I am "penny less!"

Besides that, I also noticed that in "My Recent Activity" on ActBlue, which includes the locations where I have logged in, I was shown having been logged into various cities where I don't live...

And, after I received a refund from ActBlue on June 11th, 2022, which they did process immediately after I requested it, I also discussed how I was planning to continue donating to Democrats, now that I had deleted my ActBlue account, due to it being compromised, as follows:

...I received another reply from the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC) on June 14th, 2022, which stated the following [with redactions for certain information utilized throughout this update]:

I completely understand your concerns with ActBlue! We do have a direct donation link if that is easier for you to use. You can access that at this link - [redacted].

I appreciate all that you do.

All the best,


And I responded to this email on June 15th, 2022, as follows:

Dear [redacted],

Thank you so very much for that link to the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee FastAction contribution page, because I have an account with them!

So, I am now in the process of figuring out how to donate to Democrats on a regular basis without having to use ActBlue—necessarily—and, thus, FastAction is definitely an option.

Although, I may still have to process payments through ActBlue (they seem to be the main donation processing website for most Democratic political organizations and many progressive organizations); however, since I deleted my ActBlue account I have noticed that there are more options for making contributions via ActBlue, but through utilizing different payment processors, such as Google Pay, PayPal and Venmo.

Thus, that may solve the problem of my contributions being tampered with, because I think that my ActBlue account was compromised, since my "Recent activity" showed that I had logged into my ActBlue account from many different cities—besides the city of Portland, Oregon where I actually live—such as: Klamath Falls, Oregon; Richland, Washington; Gaston, Oregon; Vancouver, Washington; Newberg, Oregon; Springfield, Oregon; and Lake Oswego, Oregon, just to name a few!

Anyway, that is why I contacted ActBlue to see if I needed to delete my account, "as I [was] worried about who is 'watching' my account, since it could be the Republicans, because I think they know who I am due to the fact that I am a blogger and an activist." And that is why I was concerned that "although [the] representative's explanation that 'IP addresses are assigned to your device by the network that you are connecting to' [made] sense, it [did] not account for the different cities that I was supposedly located within when I logged in."

Anyway, I am going to explore more options for donating to Democrats, including through FastAction, and/or still donating via ActBlue (but through a different payment processor), and/or calling the various Democratic political organizations that I support, such as the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee, and contributing to them through phone donations.

Thank you again for your help with my DLCC donations...

Thus, I am now working on still being able to donate to Democrats by using more options, including still donating via ActBlue, but through a different payment processor, and/or calling the various Democratic political organizations that I support and contributing to them through phone donations.

–Paul Whiting (written June 17th, 2022, revised June 20th, 2022, revised June 21st, 2022, revised July 11th, 2022, revised August 18th, 2022, revised November 5th, 2022, revised November 15th, 2022, revised December 28th, 2022, revised December 30th, 2022, revised April 16th, 2023, revised April 22nd, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised May 30th, 2023, revised May 31st, 2023 and revised April 30th, 2024)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]


April 18th, 2022 Update: I donated to Ban Assault Weapons NOW (also known as 'BAWN'), because I received a text message today, April 18th, 2022, from BAWN, which stated the following:

News just broke that Republicans are now pushing for PERMITLESS Open Carry gun laws.

It has NEVER been more critical to close our budget gap and replace every -- and we mean EVERY -- single NRA-funded politician with a Democrat DEDICATED to ending gun violence once and for all.

We need 700 gifts in the next 10 hours to OUTRAISE the NRA, DEFEAT their life-threatening permitless carry bills, and hand them a HUMILIATING defeat.

Will you chip in $15? >>***

Ohio passed a permitless open carry bill.

Georgia introduced a permitless open carry bill.

Alabama introduced a permitless open carry bill.

Now, Florida Governor Desantis vowed to sign a permitless open carry bill.

Let us be clear:

These bills would allow anyone to OPENLY carry LOADED guns in public.

With NO safety training.

NO background checks.

And NO permit.

We KNOW these schemes will cause more bloodshed and heartache in our communities. Not under our watch.

We REFUSE to stand by while the NRA sends fat campaign checks to reward Republican politicians who do their bidding and put innocent lives in danger from gun violence.

Will you chip in $15 to OUTRAISE Republicans and show the NRA that their days in power are NUMBERED?

We need 700 gifts before our critical Midnight Deadline in 10 hours.

Nothing helps more than a small contribution on your part. >>***

Thank you,

Team Ban Assault Weapons NOW!

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

Thus, this donation is how I showed my support for Ban Assault Weapons Now (BAWN), which is working to end gun violence in America by electing Democrats.

–Paul Whiting (written April 18th, 2022, revised June 12th, 2022, revised June 15th, 2022, revised June 22nd, 2022, revised June 25th, 2022, revised June 26th, 2022, revised September 4th, 2022, revised November 18th, 2022, revised December 27th, 2022, revised December 30th, 2022, revised May 12th, 2023, revised June 2nd, 2023 and revised June 14th, 2023)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]


April 22nd, 2022 Update: Happy Earth Day, everyone! I donated to multiple charitable organizations "that are actively seeking to solve some of the world’s most pressing environmental problems" in honor of Earth Day today, April 22nd, 2022. And I donated to some of these organizations through their websites (Sierra Club and Climate Reality Project). Plus, I also donated to some of these organizations from their website via (Greenpeace, Union of Concerned Scientists, The Alliance for Climate Protection and Earthjustice). Besides that, I donated to one of them from their website via (Friends of the Earth). And, finally, I donated to one of them via Charity Navigator ( and I included a donation to Charity Navigator like I usually do, because they are a charity too.

In addition to that, many of these organizations offered 'matched' donations today for Earth Day, and so I donated through those 'matched' donation offers on those particular websites. And I also paid for the donation processing fee—whenever the processing fee was offered to be added to the donation—in order for 100% of my donation to go to that organization!

–Paul Whiting (written April 22nd, 2022, revised June 12th, 2022, revised June 15th, 2022, revised June 17th, 2022, revised June 20th, 2022, revised July 11th, 2022, revised December 28th, 2022, revised December 30th, 2022, revised April 16th, 2023, revised April 22nd, 2023 and revised April 23rd, 2024 and revised April 24th, 2024)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]


April 28th, 2022 Update: For Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom HaShoah) 2022 in Israel, I donated to organizations "doing important work to support Holocaust survivors and preserve their stories" after I watched a video on YouTube titled, "'The View' Spotlights Organizations for Holocaust Remembrance Day." Here is the description from that video (with a hyperlink to the video below):

"The View" Spotlights Organizations for Holocaust Remembrance Day | The View

On YomHaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, we're spotlighting organizations doing important work to support Holocaust survivors and preserve their stories, so they will never be forgotten.

Therefore, I made these donations to the organizations mentioned in the video, including 'Survivor Mitzvah Project,' 'The Blue Card' and 'USC Shoah Foundation,' in order to show my support for Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom HaShoah) 2022 in Israel, which began in the evening of Wednesday, April 27th, 2022 and ended in the evening of Thursday, April 28th, 2022.

"Remembrance Day Calendar" from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum:

"The internationally recognized date for Holocaust Remembrance Day corresponds to the 27th day of Nisan on the Hebrew calendar. It marks the anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.

In Hebrew, Holocaust Remembrance Day is called Yom Hashoah. When the actual date of Yom Hashoah falls on a Friday, the state of Israel observes Yom Hashoah on the preceding Thursday. When it falls on a Sunday, Yom Hashoah is observed on the following Monday. In the United States, Days of Remembrance runs from the Sunday before Yom Hashoah through the following Sunday."

By the way, the "Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom HaShoah)" is not to be confused with "International Holocaust Remembrance Day," which is observed yearly (annually) on January 27th.

"International Holocaust Remembrance Day" from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia—which is funded primarily through donations from millions of individuals around the world, including this blogger (I make a totally affordable monthly donation):

"International Holocaust Remembrance Day, or the International Day in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust, is an international memorial day on 27 January that commemorates the victims of the Holocaust, which resulted in the murder of one third of the Jewish people, along with countless members of other minorities between 1933 and 1945 by Nazi Germany, an attempt to implement their 'final solution' to the Jewish question."

"Yom HaShoah" from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia—which is funded primarily through donations from millions of individuals around the world, including this blogger (I make a totally affordable monthly donation):

"Yom HaZikaron laShoah ve-laG'vurah (Hebrew: יום הזיכרון לשואה ולגבורה, lit. 'Holocaust and Heroism Remembrance Day'), known colloquially in Israel and abroad as Yom HaShoah (יום השואה) and in English as Holocaust Remembrance Day, or Holocaust Day, is observed as Israel's day of commemoration for the approximately six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust by Nazi Germany and its collaborators, and for the Jewish resistance in that period. In Israel, it is a national memorial day. The first official commemorations took place in 1951, and the observance of the day was anchored in a law passed by the Knesset in 1959. It is held on the 27th of Nisan (which falls in April or May), unless the 27th would be adjacent to the Jewish Sabbath, in which case the date is shifted by a day."

Thus, these donations are a way for me to show my support for the survivors of the Holocaust, including through humanitarian aid, as well as through preserving their stories.

–Paul Whiting (written April 28th, 2022, revised May 13th, 2022, revised October 23rd, 2022, revised December 27th, 2022, revised January 27th, 2023, revised January 28th, 2023, revised April 2nd, 2023, revised April 18th, 2023, revised April 19th, 2023, revised April 20th, 2023, revised July 16th, 2023, revised October 21st, 2023 and revised December 6th, 2023)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]




For my "May 4th, 2022 Update"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

May 4th, 2022 Update: May is Military Appreciation Month! So, I signed a Military Appreciation Month card "thanking our service members for everything they do to protect our country" from the USO (United Service Organizations) today, May 4th, 2022, that I received today via an email with the subject line, "[SIGN THE CARD] Military Appreciation Month", which stated the following:

Happy Military Appreciation Month, Paul!

At moments like this, it’s more important than ever to take that extra step to make sure members of our Armed Forces know how grateful we are for their incredible courage and sacrifice — especially as thousands remain in Eastern Europe, ready to do whatever it takes to support our NATO allies.

That’s why we need at least 50,000 proud military supporters — including you, Paul — to sign the card thanking our heroes by midnight tonight: Will you add your name now to make sure our service members know you appreciate their service and sacrifice?***

America’s service members make immense sacrifices every day, from the safety and security of home to special moments with their loved ones, like birthdays, first steps and holidays. It’s challenging, but they do it because they believe freedom and democracy are worth defending.

I was honored to serve our country as a member of the Air Force, and now I’m honored to work with the USO to support today’s service members and their families. You are a crucial part of this mission too, Paul.

It means so much to a service member far from home to know that patriotic Americans like you understand the sacrifices they make. So please, take a moment and sign the Military Appreciation Month card for our service members before midnight tonight.***

Thank you so much for standing with our heroes in uniform!

[Name redacted], USO

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

Plus, after I signed the card, I made a one-time donation on the website to say to America's service members, "Thank you for fighting to keep us safe and free. We are so grateful for your service, and we’ll always have your back." ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "May 4th, 2022 Update":


For my "May 8th, 2022 Update, Written On May 7th, 2022"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

May 8th, 2022 Update, Written On May 7th, 2022: Happy Mother's Day, everyone! I signed a Mother’s Day card to military moms around the world from the USO (United Service Organizations) today, May 7th, 2022, that I received today via an email with the subject line "Quick favor before Mother's Day", which stated the following:

Tomorrow is Mother’s Day, Paul, and I need your help to make it special for military moms around the world.

When I say “military mom,” I’m talking about mothers serving in our Armed Forces right now, many of whom will spend the day far away from their kids as they work to defend our freedom. But I am also talking about all the moms back home whose kids are service members. Holidays like tomorrow are tough on every member of a military family.

That’s why it is so important to show our support for troops and their families when we can. As an officer in the U.S. Army who has spent countless holidays overseas, I will tell you that it really does make a difference to know that folks back home are thinking of us as we risk our lives to keep them safe.

So please, before midnight tonight, will you be one of the 50,000 signatures we need to meet our goal to honor military moms?***

Thank you for helping make sure military moms know how much they are appreciated on their special day — and for everything you do to support service members around the world as they defend our country.

Col. Kelly Steele, U.S. Army

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

Plus, after I signed the card, I made a one-time donation on the website to say to military moms, "We so appreciate the sacrifices you and your family make every day in service of our country and the freedoms we all cherish." ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "May 8th, 2022 Update, Written On May 7th, 2022":


May 11th, 2022 Update: I sent letters to my Senators in Congress and I signed several petitions—plus, I made several donations—in support of the Women's Health Protection Act (WHPA), which is designed to codify 'Roe vs. Wade' into law.

And I received emails and text messages yesterday, May 10th, 2022, and today May 11th, 2022, from several different organizations with regard to this incredibly important issue, including from the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, from CREDO Mobile (which is my cell phone company), from Chuck Schumer for Senate and from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DSCC). Plus, I originally copied and pasted all of the emails and text messages from the aforementioned communications in the chronological order in which I received them, however, I decided to condense this 'update'—when I edited my "YEAR 2022 UPDATES MAY"—and to simply mention the names of the organizations...

...And, after I sent letters to my Senators, or signed petitions, I also made donations to the sponsoring organizations—where it was applicable to make donations—in order to show my support for the Women's Health Protection Act (WHPA) and in order to show my support for a woman's right to choose to control her own body, her own health care and her own reproductive decisions! –Paul Whiting (written May 11th, 2022, revised June 17th, 2022, revised June 22nd, 2022, revised June 25th, 2022, revised June 26th, 2022, revised July 19th, 2022, revised September 4th, 2022, revised September 13th, 2022, revised November 18th, 2022, revised November 22nd, 2022, revised December 27th, 2022 and revised January 1st, 2023)



Out of respect for May 11th, 2022, which is the day that no Republicans in the United States Senate voted, on May 11th, 2022, to pass the Women's Health Protection Act (WHPA), here is the '511' (so to speak), or 'the explanation' (so to speak), or my philosophy about why the Republicans all voted against the WHPA here in America, which I think relates to the way that politics, elections and laws specifically relating to the control of women are occurring with regard to Christian governments—not only here in America, but also in the rest of the Christian world.

And this update is a continuation of my 'April 11th, 2022 Update' that I wrote on my blog post titled, "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was," which is on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog. And that update stated, in part, the following:

"In honor of April 11th, 2022, here is the '411,' or 'the information,' or my philosophy about the upcoming 2022 Midterm Elections in America, which I think relates to the way that politics, elections and laws are occurring with regard to Christian governments—not only here in America, but also in the rest of the Christian world."

Here, then, is a brief summarization of the basic premises from the aforementioned 'April 11th, 2022 Update' in the most succinct summarization possible, as told through various quotes from that previous update, in the order in which I wrote the quotes:


"As a 'Poet, Artist and Philosopher,' I truly believe that all of the things that are occurring in America as far as Christian politics, elections and laws go—and in the rest of the Christian world, as well—are based upon our collective beliefs in the Old Testament and the New Testament from the Holy Bible: therefore, our politics, elections and laws are direct reflections of our Christian religious beliefs, such as with regard to 'The War In Heaven!'" ...

... "That being said, my basic understanding of 'The War In Heaven' from New Testament is as follows (and I am paraphrasing a lot): There was a 'War In Heaven' because Satan, as The Devil, was going to force all of the souls to return to The Presence Of God, after God had cast out Adam and Eve—as the first humans—from the Garden Of Eden! For, Eve had fallen for the temptations of The Devil and she ate The Fruit Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil from The Tree Of Knowledge. And God had forbade Adam and Eve from eating 'The Fruit Of Knowledge,' but Satan appeared as a Snake, or a Serpent, in The Tree Of Knowledge in order to tempt Eve into eating 'The Fruit Of Knowledge,' which God had forbade. Then, Eve coyly invited Adam to also eat the fruit after she did—which Adam did—thereby making Adam subjugated to being cast out too, which is what lead to 'The Fall Of Man!'" ...

... "After that, there was some kind of argument in Heaven about how to return to The Presence Of God now that Adam and Eve had been cast out, since Eve had fallen for the temptations of The Devil. And Satan said, 'I will make them obey You, Oh Lord! And they will be forced to return to Your Presence, because I will require it of them.' However, Jesus said, 'I will give them free will to obey You, Oh Lord! And they will choose to return to Your Presence, because I will allow them to decide to return.' And God preferred Jesus's Free-Will Plan Of Salvation, rather than Satan's Forced Plan Of Salvation, for all of the souls who were going to be born on Earth." ...

... "So, if you wish to return to The Presence Of God, you need to accept Jesus The Christ and His Free-Will Plan Of Salvation, and you need to reject Satan The Devil and His Forced Plan Of Salvation. Not only that, you need to prove your loyalty to God and you need to kill Satan, and/or His Legions Of Doom, whenever—and wherever—they appear, if Satan, and/or His Legions, have appeared in order to tempt you into not accepting Jesus's Free-Will Plan Of Salvation—just like The Devil appeared in order to tempt Eve into disobeying God. Thus, you need to kill Satan, and/or His Legions, and send them back to Hell, because they are tempting you into disobeying God!" ...

... "However, here is where it gets really quite complicated: even though you are told by God to kill Satan, and/or His Legions, as often as is necessary—whenever, and wherever, The Devil and/or His Legions may appear—in order to prove your loyalty to God, you are also told by God 'Thou Shalt Not Kill' in the Ten Commandments of the Old Testament! Therefore, even though you are not supposed to be killing—or you will be disobeying one of God's Ten Holy Commandments—you are supposed to kill Satan and/or The Devil's Legions if you are being tempted away from Christ's Free-Will Plan Of Salvation by Satan and/or His Legions Of Doom, who are like An Evil Military Leader and His Evil Soldiers." ...

... "Therefore, I think the reason that politics, elections and laws are occurring the way that they are with regard to Christian governments—not only here in America, but also worldwide—are based upon our collective beliefs in the Old Testament and the New Testament from the Holy Bible and, specifically, our beliefs about 'The War In Heaven.' Thus we, as Christians, are supposed to be fighting against—and killing—Satan and/or His Legions whenever, and wherever, they may appear, and in whatever form they may appear." ...

... "And so, based upon Our True Faith, we are also supposed to determine who The Devil and/or His Legions Of Doom are by assuming that anyone we don't like—which reads like a list of our worst enemies—must be The Devil and/or His Legions. Thus, we should make sure Satan and/or His Legions cannot vote, and we should make sure that they cannot live, so that we can return to The Presence Of God, because 'We Have Won The War In Heaven!'"


And now that I have briefly summarized the basic premises from that previous 'April 11th, 2022 Update,' as I mentioned at the beginning of this update—which I have summarized through various quotes from that previous update—I can explain more about this situation regarding Adam and Eve and 'The Fall Of Man,' as it relates to females not being considered to be trustworthy of being allowed to decide if they wish to become a mother—as if females cannot be trusted to make that decision with their doctor—and, most disturbingly, sometimes females are not even allowed to decide to have a safe and legal abortion even in cases of rape, incest or human trafficking.

You see, as a 'Poet, Artist and Philosopher,' I truly believe that all of the things that are occurring in America as far as Christian politics, elections and laws specifically relating to the control of women—and in the rest of the Christian world, as well—are based upon our collective beliefs in the Old Testament and the New Testament from the Holy Bible: therefore, our politics, elections and laws specifically relating to the control of women are direct reflections of our Christian religious beliefs with regard to 'The Fall Of Man!'

Therefore, because Eve fell for the temptations of Satan, The Devil, and she ate The Fruit Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil from The Tree Of Knowledge, Eve is the one who is totally at fault for us humans having been cast out from God's Presence in Paradise—which was the Garden Of Eden! And, now, because of that totally preventable, really evil act on the part of Eve, all of us have to fight in an Eternal War against The Devil in order to prove our loyalty to God by killing Satan, and/or His Legions Of Doom, whenever—and wherever—they appear, if Satan, and/or His Legions, have appeared in order to tempt us—just like The Devil appeared in order to tempt Eve into disobeying God.

And so, since Eve was not trustworthy of obeying as simple of a Holy Commandment from God as 'Do Not Eat The Fruit Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil,' that means that all of Eve's direct descendants—who are literally all of the human females—need to be controlled in the most micromanaging way possible, personally by Adam's direct descendants—who are literally all of the human males—so that women never, ever do anything that evil again! And that is why women cannot be trusted to do something so simple as to make decisions about their own bodies, or their own health care, or their own reproductive choices. And, thus, all women need to be totally controlled by the direct descendants of Adam forevermore!

And that is why our Christian religious beliefs with regard to 'The Fall Of Man' are leading to the extremely divisive issue for The American People as to exactly who gets to determine whether, or not, women who are pregnant are allowed to decide if they wish to become a mother—as if, somehow, women cannot be trusted to make that decision with their doctor. And I believe that is why no Republicans in the United States Senate voted, on May 11th, 2022, to pass the Women's Health Protection Act (WHPA), since women, or even girls, should not be allowed to decide whether, or not, they can have a safe and legal abortion—which is life-affirming for the pregnant female—even in cases of rape, incest or human trafficking...

–Paul Whiting (written May 11th, 2022, revised May 12th, 2022, revised May 13th, 2022, revised May 14th, 2022, revised May 21st, 2022, revised June 21st, 2022, revised August 28th, 2022, revised March 18th, 2023, revised March 28th, 2023 and revised October 13th, 2023)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]


May 12th, 2022 Update: I made several donations today, May 12th, 2022, to charitable organizations that are supporting women's right to control their own reproductive choices, including the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) and my local chapter of Planned Parenthood (which is Planned Parenthood Columbia Willamette), since I already donated to the Planned Parenthood Action Fund yesterday, May 11th, 2022; I also made the usual donations that I make every day to various Democratic political organizations (virtually every time that they ask via email or text message) for the upcoming 2022 Midterm Elections; besides that, I made a donation to the USO (United Service Organizations) because they sent me a quiz titled, "Can you score 100% on our military history quiz?" as a part of Military Appreciation Month! Plus, I already make a recurring donation each month in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! You see, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation.

–Paul Whiting (written May 12th, 2022, revised May 13th, 2022, revised May 14th, 2022, revised May 21st, 2022, revised May 26th, 2022, revised June 18th, 2022, revised June 26th, 2022, revised August 16th, 2022, revised November 24th, 2022, revised April 11th, 2023, revised April 21st, 2023, revised April 27th, 2023 and revised July 29th, 2023)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]



Today is Friday, May 13th, 2022! And I have a fear of "Friday the 13th," but mostly due to with my fear of everyone else's superstitious beliefs about "Friday the 13th." You see, I think that our superstitious secular beliefs, such as "Friday the 13th," are being created by our Christian religious beliefs, which are producing a society in which all of the males (and the females too) are Religious True Believing, conspiracy theory promoting, Superstitious Conservative Micromanagers!

And this update is a continuation of my 'May 11th, 2022 Update—Continued' that I wrote on my blog post titled, "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was," which is on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog. And that update stated, in part, the following:

"Out of respect for May 11th, 2022, which is the day that no Republicans in the United States Senate voted, on May 11th, 2022, to pass the Women's Health Protection Act (WHPA), here is the '511' (so to speak), or 'the explanation' (so to speak), or my philosophy about why the Republicans all voted against the WHPA here in America, which I think relates to the way that politics, elections and laws specifically relating to the control of women are occurring with regard to Christian governments—not only here in America, but also in the rest of the Christian world."

Plus, the above-mentioned 'May 11th, 2022 Update—Continued' is also a continuation of my 'April 11th, 2022 Update' that I also wrote previously on my blog post titled, "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was," which is on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog. And that update stated, in part, the following:

"In honor of April 11th, 2022, here is the '411,' or 'the information,' or my philosophy about the upcoming 2022 Midterm Elections in America, which I think relates to the way that politics, elections and laws are occurring with regard to Christian governments—not only here in America, but also in the rest of the Christian world."

Here, then, is a brief summarization of the basic premises from the aforementioned 'April 11th, 2022 Update' and 'May 11th, 2022 Update—Continued' in the most succinct summarization possible, as told through various quotes from those previous updates, in the order in which I wrote the quotes:


"'As a 'Poet, Artist and Philosopher,' I truly believe that all of the things that are occurring in America as far as Christian politics, elections and laws go—and in the rest of the Christian world, as well—are based upon our collective beliefs in the Old Testament and the New Testament from the Holy Bible: therefore, our politics, elections and laws are direct reflections of our Christian religious beliefs, such as with regard to 'The War In Heaven!'" ...

... "That being said, my basic understanding of 'The War In Heaven' from New Testament is as follows (and I am paraphrasing a lot): There was a 'War In Heaven' because Satan, as The Devil, was going to force all of the souls to return to The Presence Of God, after God had cast out Adam and Eve—as the first humans—from the Garden Of Eden! For, Eve had fallen for the temptations of The Devil and she ate The Fruit Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil from The Tree Of Knowledge. And God had forbade Adam and Eve from eating 'The Fruit Of Knowledge,' but Satan appeared as a Snake, or a Serpent, in The Tree Of Knowledge in order to tempt Eve into eating 'The Fruit Of Knowledge,' which God had forbade. Then, Eve coyly invited Adam to also eat the fruit after she did—which Adam did—thereby making Adam subjugated to being cast out too, which is what lead to 'The Fall Of Man!'" ...

... "After that, there was some kind of argument in Heaven about how to return to The Presence Of God now that Adam and Eve had been cast out, since Eve had fallen for the temptations of The Devil. And Satan said, 'I will make them obey You, Oh Lord! And they will be forced to return to Your Presence, because I will require it of them.' However, Jesus said, 'I will give them free will to obey You, Oh Lord! And they will choose to return to Your Presence, because I will allow them to decide to return.' And God preferred Jesus's Free-Will Plan Of Salvation, rather than Satan's Forced Plan Of Salvation, for all of the souls who were going to be born on Earth." ...

... "So, if you wish to return to The Presence Of God, you need to accept Jesus The Christ and His Free-Will Plan Of Salvation, and you need to reject Satan The Devil and His Forced Plan Of Salvation. Not only that, you need to prove your loyalty to God and you need to kill Satan, and/or His Legions Of Doom, whenever—and wherever—they appear, if Satan, and/or His Legions, have appeared in order to tempt you into not accepting Jesus's Free-Will Plan Of Salvation—just like The Devil appeared in order to tempt Eve into disobeying God. Thus, you need to kill Satan, and/or His Legions, and send them back to Hell, because they are tempting you into disobeying God!" ...

... "However, here is where it gets really quite complicated: even though you are told by God to kill Satan, and/or His Legions, as often as is necessary—whenever, and wherever, The Devil and/or His Legions may appear—in order to prove your loyalty to God, you are also told by God 'Thou Shalt Not Kill' in the Ten Commandments of the Old Testament! Therefore, even though you are not supposed to be killing—or you will be disobeying one of God's Ten Holy Commandments—you are supposed to kill Satan and/or The Devil's Legions if you are being tempted away from Christ's Free-Will Plan Of Salvation by Satan and/or His Legions Of Doom, who are like An Evil Military Leader and His Evil Soldiers." ...

... "Therefore, I think the reason that politics, elections and laws are occurring the way that they are with regard to Christian governments—not only here in America, but also worldwide—are based upon our collective beliefs in the Old Testament and the New Testament from the Holy Bible and, specifically, our beliefs about 'The War In Heaven.' Thus we, as Christians, are supposed to be fighting against—and killing—Satan and/or His Legions whenever, and wherever, they may appear, and in whatever form they may appear." ...

... "And so, based upon Our True Faith, we are also supposed to determine who The Devil and/or His Legions Of Doom are by assuming that anyone we don't like—which reads like a list of our worst enemies—must be The Devil and/or His Legions. Thus, we should make sure Satan and/or His Legions cannot vote, and we should make sure that they cannot live, so that we can return to The Presence Of God, because 'We Have Won The War In Heaven!'" ...

... "And now that I have briefly summarized the basic premises from that previous 'April 11th, 2022 Update,' as I mentioned at the beginning of this update (which I have summarized through various quotes from that previous update), I can explain more about this situation regarding Adam and Eve and 'The Fall Of Man,' as it relates to females not being considered to be trustworthy of being allowed to decide if they wish to become a mother—as if females cannot be trusted to make that decision with their doctor—and, most disturbingly, sometimes females are not even allowed to decide to have a safe and legal abortion even in cases of rape, incest or human trafficking!" ...

... "You see, as a 'Poet, Artist and Philosopher,' I truly believe that all of the things that are occurring in America as far as Christian politics, elections and laws specifically relating to the control of women—and in the rest of the Christian world, as well—are based upon our collective beliefs in the Old Testament and the New Testament from the Holy Bible: therefore, our politics, elections and laws specifically relating to the control of women are direct reflections of our Christian religious beliefs with regard to 'The Fall Of Man!'" ...

... "Therefore, because Eve fell for the temptations of Satan, The Devil, and she ate The Fruit Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil from The Tree Of Knowledge, Eve is the one who is totally at fault for us humans having been cast out from God's Presence in Paradise—which was the Garden Of Eden! And, now, because of that totally preventable, really evil act on the part of Eve, all of us have to fight in an Eternal War against The Devil in order to prove our loyalty to God by killing Satan, and/or His Legions Of Doom, whenever—and wherever—they appear, if Satan, and/or His Legions, have appeared in order to tempt us—just like The Devil appeared in order to tempt Eve into disobeying God." ...

... "And so, since Eve was not trustworthy of obeying as simple of a Holy Commandment from God as 'Do Not Eat The Fruit Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil,' that means that all of Eve's direct descendants—who are literally all of the human females—need to be controlled in the most micromanaging way possible, personally by Adam's direct descendants—who are literally all of the human males—so that women never, ever do anything that evil again! And that is why women cannot be trusted to do something so simple as to make decisions about their own bodies, or their own health care, or their own reproductive choices. And, thus, all women need to be totally controlled by the direct descendants of Adam forevermore!" ...

... "And that is why our Christian religious beliefs with regard to 'The Fall Of Man' are leading to the extremely divisive issue for The American People as to exactly who gets to determine whether, or not, women who are pregnant are allowed to decide if they wish to become a mother—as if, somehow, women cannot be trusted to make that decision with their doctor. And I believe that is why no Republicans in the United States Senate voted, on May 11th, 2022, to pass the Women's Health Protection Act (WHPA), since women, or even girls, should not be allowed to decide whether, or not, they can have a safe and legal abortion—which is life-affirming for the pregnant female—even in cases of rape, incest or human trafficking."


And now that I have briefly summarized the basic premises from that previous 'May 11th, 2022 Update—Continued,' as I mentioned at the beginning of this update (which I have summarized through various quotes from that previous update), I can explain more about how I think that our Christian religious beliefs are creating superstitious secular beliefs, which are producing a society in which all of the males (and the females too) are Religious True Believing, conspiracy theory promoting, Superstitious Conservative Micromanagers!

You see, I think that our Christian religious beliefs are creating superstitious secular beliefs, because The Holy Bible is a collection of 'superstitions beliefs,' so to speak, regarding the way that Christian True Believers are constantly being wronged by various 'Evil-Doers!' And the most important 'Doing Of Evil' was by Satan—and His Legions Of Doom—disobeying God by demanding that they be able to force us to obey God in order for us to return to Paradise. And they were condemned to Hell forever because of that, which is why the rest of us have to pay for their 'Evil-Doing.'

Plus, Eve fell for the temptations of The Devil and—against the express directive of God—she ate The Fruit Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil! Then, Eve coyly invited Adam to join her, thereby making Adam subjugated to being cast out from The Presence Of God, as well. And that is why Adam had to be born on Earth—just like Eve did—and that is also why he is required to problem solve his way back to Paradise from whence Adam and Eve were both cast!

And all of this 'Start Of Creation Evil-Doing' is never Adam's fault: it is God who is at fault for having created Satan who, along with His Legions Of Doom, made it possible to go to Hell forever for having disobeyed God; then, it is also God who is at fault for having created Eve—albeit from Adam's rib—who, after having disobeyed God, coyly invited Adam to join her; plus, it is Eve who is at fault for having been evil enough to disobey God when she was tempted by The Devil. In conclusion then, it is Eve who is at fault for having fallen for the temptations of The Devil at the outset, and it is Satan who is at fault for having disobeyed God in the first place, and it is God who is at fault for having created The Devil to begin with!

Thus, all of this 'Evil-Doing' to which Adam has been begrudgingly subjugated is the fault of everyone else except for Adam. And all of this means that Adam is the biggest victim who has ever existed, along with all of Adam's direct descendants—who are literally all of the human males—and who, subsequently, have been forced to micromanage everyone else in order to prevent everyone else from victimizing Adam and his direct descendants some more. Thus, based upon our Christian religious beliefs, all of the males are the direct descendants of Adam who are Religious True Believing, conspiracy theory promoting, Superstitious Conservative Micromanagers!

–Paul Whiting (written May 13th, 2022, revised May 14th, 2022, revised May 21st, 2022, revised June 21st, 2022, revised August 28th, 2022, revised March 18th, 2023 and revised October 13th, 2023)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]


May 14th, 2022 Update: In support of the "Bans Off Our Bodies Day of Action," I signed a petition from Planned Parenthood Federation of America!

And I also made a one-time donation to Planned Parenthood Federation of America, since I already donated to the Planned Parenthood Action Fund on May 11th, 2022, and to my local chapter of Planned Parenthood (which is Planned Parenthood Columbia Willamette) on May 12th, 2022.

Please see the text below from the Planned Parenthood "Bans Off Our Bodies" webpage:

Supreme Court Leak:

Our Worst Fears Confirmed

Abortion is still legal. It's still your right. But the Supreme Court is prepared to end your constitutional right to abortion. Our country is facing an abortion access crisis.

By this summer, 26 states could move to ban abortion — affecting 36 million women, plus more people who can become pregnant. This is personal.

Knowledge Is Power

Right now, as the U.S. Supreme Court considers a case that could end federal protections for abortion, state politicians are seizing this moment to advance a decades-long, coordinated strategy to ban abortion across the country.

No abortion bans, PERIOD.

Our bodies are our own — if they are not, we cannot be truly free or equal. Across the country, some politicians are trying to make decisions about our bodies for us. We won't let the abortion bans sweeping the country put our lives and futures at risk, and we won't be silenced while our fundamental right to control our bodies is taken away.

Everyone deserves health care that's free of shame, stigma, or judgment. Together, we say: Get your bans off our bodies!

And, after I signed the petition above, I received a confirmation email from Planned Parenthood Federation of America with the subject line, "Thanks for saying 'Bans Off Our Bodies!' A few more ways you can help", which stated the following:


Thank you for speaking out and joining our movement. Everyone deserves health care that's free of shame, stigma, or judgment.

Get all the information you need about what this nationwide attack on our abortion rights means for you by visiting to learn more.

You can help make an even bigger difference by showing your support for Planned Parenthood and asking your friends and family to join you.

You can also help out by making a tax-deductible gift to Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Your support will help us stand strong in the face of continued attacks on reproductive health and rights, and support Planned Parenthood health centers in providing vital care like birth control, cancer screenings, abortion services and more.

Together we can make a difference in protecting reproductive health and rights — thanks for taking action and pitching in when it counts.


[Name redacted], [Title redacted]
Planned Parenthood Federation of America

Thus, signing this petition and making a donation is how I showed my support for the "Bans Off Our Bodies Day of Action!" –Paul Whiting (written May 14th, 2022, revised June 26th, 2022, revised October 23rd, 2022, revised December 27th, 2022, revised January 1st, 2023, revised April 11th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised May 9th, 2023 and revised May 18th, 2023)


May 17th, 2022 Update: I voted today, May 17th, 2022, in Oregon's Primary Election! –Paul Whiting (written May 17th, 2022, revised May 18th, 2022 and revised November 8th, 2022)


For my "May 21st, 2022 Update"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

May 21st, 2022 Update: [My Writing About Armed Forces Day (for 2022)]: Armed Forces Day is today, May 21st, 2022—since Armed Forces Day is the third Saturday in May each year—and I made a one-time donation to the USO (United Service Organizations) on the website in order to "salute" the service and sacrifices made by our Armed Forces!

In addition to that, I already make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! You see, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation. ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "May 21st, 2022 Update":


May 27th, 2022 Update: The following is an essay that I wrote today, May 27th, 2022, which I submitted for publication to CNBC (please see below, after the essay, about an additional submission that I made):

To "My Fellow Americans": Let Us Stop The "Just-Blame-The-Biden-Administration" Games (with regard to inflation and supply chain issues as they both relate to the COVID-19 pandemic and Vladimir Putin's war on Ukraine)

To My Fellow Americans:

Please find below my answer to one of many survey questions from a "Priorities Survey" by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), which I received via email on May 27th, 2022:

"What else would you like to see from the Biden-Harris administration in 2022?":

When I answered this same question prior to this (because I had already filled out this particular "May Priority Survey" from the DCCC before), I said something to the effect of the following:

"Please pass common sense gun laws that DON'T take guns away from law-abiding citizens (because Second Amendment rights truly are important for a large majority of America's population), but DO take guns away from law-breaking citizens, or prevent them from obtaining guns in the first place, in order to prevent future mass shootings."

However, later on, I realized that the Biden-Harris Administration cannot control what happens in Congress: only Congress can control what happens in Congress. And only Congress can pass gun control laws, that President Biden can then sign into law, in order to prevent future mass shootings—which America experiences all too frequently.

That being said, I think the Biden Administration needs to counter all of the prolific misinformation spreading around the country regarding the causes of supply chain issues (that are due to the COVID-19 pandemic and are exacerbated by Russia's war on Ukraine) which are directly leading to empty store shelves, according to my understanding of these supply chain issues (including the baby formula shortages, which were exacerbated by the temporary closure of an Abbott Nutrition plant in Michigan), as well as directly leading to the cause of record inflation—including record high gas prices.

By the way, here is an article from CNBC titled, "From soaring food prices to social unrest, the fallout from the Russia-Ukraine war could be immense," that was published April 21st, 2022, from which I have selected an excerpt that describes exactly what I am talking about:

"When Russia invaded Ukraine no one knew how long the ensuing conflict would last, or how deep the shockwaves sent through Europe or the rest of the world would be.

As the war approaches its third month, however, the economic fallout from the conflict is becoming clearer and the outlook does not look good.

Against an already turbulent backdrop of global inflationary pressures amid rising food and energy prices and disrupted supply chains following the coronavirus pandemic, the war between Russia and Ukraine is exacerbating supply and demand tensions, damaging consumer sentiment and is threatening global economic growth."

It is like President Joe Biden's policies are not just being blamed for things like the current global supply chain issues—which I understand are both directly related to COVID-19 and Vladimir Putin's war on Ukraine—but President Biden's policies are also being blamed for the following: planet Earth being tilted on its axis and spinning really fast; Earth orbiting the sun during the year; the sun shining; the phases of the moon occurring; the rise and fall of the ocean tides; global warming; rainy days and Mondays getting us down; the flowers blooming in springtime; the hot days in the middle of summer; the leaves dropping off the trees in autumn; and the snowfall in winter!

But I think that the reason for all of these issues with the 'Let's-Just-Blame-The-Biden-Administration' games occurring right now in America is the propensity that Americans have for blaming *whomever* resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington D.C. (i.e., the White House) for all of the problems that are currently happening, within the United States, regardless of what the actual causes may be...

...Because I seriously doubt that President Biden's policies were the direct cause of the COVID-19 pandemic—or were the direct cause of Russia declaring war on Ukraine—any more so than President Biden's policies were the direct cause of the most recent total eclipse of the sun! Besides that, Russia's war on Ukraine clearly worsened the global supply chain issues that were already badly strained because of the COVID-19 pandemic...

...Although, you could consider that the reason Vladimir Putin decided to invade Ukraine on February 24th, 2022 was to *punish* President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. (and the Americans who voted for him) for President Donald J. Trump no longer being President of the United States of America. Thus, Russia's war on Ukraine has clearly caused major additional disruptions with the already strained global supply chain, which I understand also increased this year's record inflation—as well as this year's astronomical gas prices—so that Americans would *think* that President Biden's policies were to blame!

And, speaking of the 2020 United States election, I would like to point out to all of those who continue to believe, and to promote, that the presidency was somehow stolen from Donald J. Trump that we voted for the President of the United States on the same ballot that we voted for down-ballot races! And the Republicans (other than Donald Trump) did really well in comparison to Democrats in 2020. And the Republicans won a lot of races on the same ballot where, Joseph R. Biden, Jr. managed, somehow, to steal the presidential election from Donald Trump. Thus, one can only assume that those down-ballot Republicans surely must have figured out how to 'Stop the Steal' during the election and that is why they won in 2020—on the same ballot—that Donald J. Trump had his second term stolen from him!

And, besides all of the issues mentioned above, due to the skyrocketing inflation, there is now talk of an upcoming recession due to a reduction in consumer confidence. Thus, all of these supply chain issues, and subsequent financial crises, are not being blamed on the COVID-19 pandemic from which we have just emerged, or Russia's war on Ukraine, but on President Biden's policies!

Therefore, I am going to do my part in order to counteract this game of 'Who's-To-Blame?' for the supply chain issues, for the record inflation, for the empty stores shelves, and for the high gas prices, by submitting this essay as an opinion piece to CNBC—since I referenced their article in this essay and I watch their videos on YouTube sometimes—in the hopes that I can inspire 'My Fellow Americans,' so to speak, to stop blaming President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. for events that are beyond his control.

And, that way, we can stop blaming President Joe Biden's policies for events that are not directly being caused by the Biden-Harris Administration, including the COVID-19 global pandemic, the subsequent global supply chain issues, and the unprovoked invasion of a sovereign nation by Russia, along with the empty store shelves and record inflation, as well as the high gas prices, which are all being directly caused by recovering from the aforementioned global pandemic and worsened by Vladimir Putin's war on our fellow democracy of Ukraine!

-Paul Whiting
Poet, Artist and Philosopher
Portland, Oregon

I also submitted this essay to The New York Times (NYT) today, in addition to submitting it to CNBC. (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)

In fact, I submitted it to NYT first (in a slightly different format), but then I realized that I had quoted CNBC in the essay, so I figured that NYT probably won't publish it; although, I also doubt that CNBC will publish it either, since I am "just some blogger," but it could happen! –Paul Whiting (written May 27th, 2022, revised May 29th, 2022, revised June 15th, 2022, revised July 17th, 2022, revised December 27th, 2022 and revised April 19th, 2023)
May 27th, 2022 Update (Follow-Up, Written On June 1st, 2022): I received a reply from The New York Times (NYT) via email today, June 1st, 2022, regarding my essay, which stated the following:

Thank you again for contacting the Opinion section at The New York Times. An editor has reviewed your submission and unfortunately we’ve determined that we will not be able to use your piece. Because of the large volume of submissions, we have to reject many excellent essays every day.

Please feel free to offer it to other publications. And please consider submitting again in the future.

And, as I mentioned above, the version of my essay that I submitted to NYT was in a slightly different format than the one above. (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)

And I also submitted this essay to CNBC (whose article I quoted in the essay, which is why I assume NYT rejected it, but I don't actually know that), so I am waiting to hear back from CNBC! I did receive an automated reply on May 28th, 2022, after my submission, which was on May 27th, 2022. So, if I hear back from CNBC, I will provide another 'Update (Follow-Up)' like this one! –Paul Whiting (written June 1st, 2022, revised June 15th, 2022, revised July 17th, 2022, revised August 28th, 2022, revised November 26th, 2022, revised December 27th, 2022, revised April 19th, 2023 and revised June 5th, 2023)


For my "May 30th, 2022 Update, Written On May 26th, 2022"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

May 30th, 2022 Update, Written On May 26th, 2022: Have a Memorable Memorial Day, everyone. I signed a Memorial Day card "for all the brave service members who put their lives on the line to defend our country" from the USO (United Service Organizations) today, May 26th, 2022, that I received today via an email with the subject line, "Sign the card to honor our heroes this Memorial Day", which stated the following: ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "May 30th, 2022 Update, Written On May 26th, 2022":


May 30th, 2022 Update—Continued [My Writing About IAVA's National Moment Of Silence, A.K.A. "The #GoSilent Campaign" (for 2022)]:

For Memorial Day 2022, I participated in the IAVA (Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America) national moment of silence for those "who made the ultimate sacrifice, including those we have lost due to their exposures to toxic chemicals while serving our great country" in order to remember and honor their lives, their legacies and their last full measure of devotion for our country.

And I also showed my support for the "Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act," or the PACT Act (H.R. 3967), which is "a culmination of years of work by national veterans groups, to finally establish that if a veteran has suffered an injury from toxic exposures like from burn pits during their deployments, they will be granted disability and healthcare benefits by the VA [Veterans Administration]."

And so, I sent letters to my Senators, via the IAVA website, urging them to support passing this critical legislation ASAP. And, after I sent those letters to my Senators, I also made a donation to Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) in order to show my support for IAVA's #GoSilent Campaign and for our U.S. Veterans!

–Paul Whiting (written May 30th, 2022, revised May 31st, 2022, revised July 19th, 2022, revised December 27th, 2022, revised January 31st, 2023, revised March 10th, 2023, revised May 26th, 2023, revised May 29th, 2023, revised September 10th, 2023 and revised May 27th, 2024)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]




For my "June 1st, 2022 Update, Written On June 29th, 2022"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

June 1st, 2022 Update, Written On June 29th, 2022: I received an email from the USO (United Service Organizations) today, June 29th, 2022, with the subject line, "Military Supporter Update: June 2022" with regard to the USO's newsletter "YOUR USO AT WORK," Issue 103 / June 2022, which stated, in part, the following:

Issue 103 / June 2022


June has been a busy month here at the USO — from assembling thousands of USO Care Packages for troops deployed to places like Eastern Europe, to running our 11th annual USO T-shirt campaign. (There are still a few days left to get your T-shirt!). We are more grateful than ever for military supporters like you who make everything we do possible.

We hope you enjoy reading these June highlights...

And the following highlights from the USO's newsletter, which I selected to post, are regarding PTSD Awareness Month, which is the month of June, and PTSD Awareness Day, which is yearly (annually) on June 27th:

USO recognizes PTSD Awareness Month

June is PTSD Awareness Month, but supporting our troops’ mental health is always a major USO priority. That’s why we focus so heavily on building connections between service members, helping them stay in touch with loved ones and creating spaces where they can feel safe.

Learn more about how the USO is helping troops impacted by PTSD and other mental health challenges. »




June 27 is #PTSDAwarenessDay, an opportunity to remind everyone that there are effective treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder (“PTSD”), although many with PTSD do not get the help they need.

Help spread the word. »


...From all of us at the USO, thank you for being a dedicated and proud military supporter!

And the following is the information from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs website highlighting that "JUNE IS PTSD AWARENESS MONTH":


Help Raise PTSD Awareness

There are currently about 8 million people in the United States with PTSD.

Even though PTSD treatments work, most people who have PTSD don't get the help they need. June is PTSD Awareness Month. Help us spread the word that effective PTSD treatments are available. Everyone with PTSD—whether they are Veterans or civilian survivors of sexual assault, serious accidents, natural disasters, or other traumatic events—needs to know that treatments really do work and can lead to a better quality of life...

Make the Pledge

Start by making the pledge to Raise PTSD Awareness:

And so, I decided to "Make the Pledge" in order to help "Raise PTSD Awareness," which is why I wrote this blog post update! Plus, after I took the pledge, I made a one-time donation on the website in order to show my support for the USO's newsletter, as well as to show my support for the USO in supporting our men and women in uniform, as described in the highlight "VOICE OF THE USO," from the aforementioned newsletter:


“I never wore the uniform myself. Working at DOD has made me feel that I have contributed to my country’s defense but contributing to the USO has multiplied that feeling. Our men and women in uniform deserve everything we can do for them.

“We choose to support the USO because of something I learned. When I worked at the Pentagon, I was asked to contribute to the Combined Federal Campaign, as is every other federal employee. I asked many of my colleagues in uniform where I should direct my donation. Absolutely everyone gave me the same answer: ‘USO!’”

– [Name redacted] and [Name redacted], USO supporters since 1995 (27 consecutive years)

In addition to that, I already make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! You see, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation. ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "June 1st, 2022 Update, Written On June 29th, 2022":


June 3rd, 2022 Update: I received two communications today, June 3rd, 2022, regarding National Gun Violence Awareness Day—which is yearly (annually) on the first Friday in June—from organizations that are working to end gun violence, including a text message from Giffords PAC and an email from Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund.

And so, I sent a letter to my Senators, via the Everytown for Gun Safety website, asking them "to vote yes on strong gun safety legislation and to confirm Steve Dettelbach as Director of ATF."

I also sent letters to my Senators asking them for "a vote on background checks," as requested by Giffords PAC. And I wrote to my Senators on their websites (rather than calling them), since I usually communicate in writing to my Senators—that way, I have a written record of what I communicated. Plus, I also included a copy of my poem titled, "We Are The Hands Of Christ," as a way to emphasize my request for 'a vote on background checks.'

And, after I sent the above-mentioned letters to my Senators, I also made donations to both Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund and Giffords PAC, respectively. –Paul Whiting (written June 3rd, 2022, revised June 12th, 2022, revised June 15th, 2022, revised August 17th, 2022, revised December 26th, 2022, revised February 7th, 2023 and revised April 28th, 2023)


June 10th, 2022 Update: I received an email from Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) today, June 10th, 2022, with the subject line, "The Pact Act is Close to the Finish Line", which stated, in part, the following:


We had a huge success with an 86-12 cloture vote in the Senate on The Honoring Our PACT Act on Tuesday, which allows the bill to move forward towards a final vote (likely next week). I had the honor of watching the vote from the Senate Gallery with surviving family members, including SFC Heath Robinson’s 9-year-old daughter, Jon Stewart, and other incredible supporters and veterans advocates. This vote was a significant step forward, but there is still work to do! We need your help to continue to tell Senators to pass this vital piece of legislation to ensure those suffering from military toxic exposures receive the VA healthcare and disability benefits they deserve.

We also want to share some good news regarding two bills President Biden signed into law this week. The MAMMO for Veterans Act to expand veterans' access to high-quality breast cancer screenings and lifesaving cancer care, and The Dr. Kate Hendricks Thomas SERVICE Act, which would require the VA to conduct mammograms for all women who served in areas associated with burn pits and other toxic exposures regardless of age, symptoms or family history...

...As we celebrate these steps forward, we still need your help. Let’s keep up the fight and continue to take action!


[Name redacted], IAVA [Title redacted], Navy Veteran

Here is a link to the IAVA website, which explains, "The PACT Act is comprehensive legislation that not only provides for healthcare and benefits, but also creates a framework for how presumptive illnesses are handled" and includes a section titled, "Let them know you care! Contact your representatives in Washington to voice your support for the PACT Act."


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, I sent letters to my Senators, via the IAVA website, urging them to support passing this critical legislation, which can be found below:

Message Subject: Please support the PACT Act

Dear Senator [Name],

The Honoring Our PACT Act received a 86-12 cloture vote in the Senate on Tuesday, June 7th, 2022, which allows the bill to move forward towards a final vote. This vote was a huge success and a significant step forward!

Please vote to pass this vital piece of legislation, when it comes to the floor, to ensure those suffering from military toxic exposures receive the VA healthcare and disability benefits they deserve.

Also, please see the original message below that I sent to you—asking for your support in passing this critical legislation—which stated the following:

"Open-air burn pits were a common way to get rid of waste at military sites in Iraq and Afghanistan. Waste burned included human and medical waste, chemicals, fuel, paint, unexploded ordnance, petroleum and lubricants, plastics, etc.

Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) is the largest post-9/11 veterans organization and a huge 82% of their members report they were exposed during deployments and 9 in 10 report they may have associated health symptoms.

The House-passed Honoring Our PACT Act (H.R. 3967) is comprehensive legislation, a culmination of years of work by national veterans groups, to finally establish that if a veteran has suffered an injury from toxic exposures like from burn pits during their deployments, they will be granted disability and healthcare benefits by the VA.

The Senate Majority Leader has promised a floor vote on the House-passed PACT Act this year. I ask that you stand with IAVA and 60+ veterans organizations nationwide who have made this our #1 priority, to vote in support of the Honoring our PACT Act when it comes to the floor!"

Thank you for your consideration in this matter.

And, after I sent those letters to my Senators, I made a one-time donation to Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) in order to show my support for our U.S. Veterans!

–Paul Whiting (written June 10th, 2022, revised June 22nd, 2022, revised June 25th, 2022, revised June 26th, 2022, revised July 19th, 2022, revised September 4th, 2022, revised November 18th, 2022, revised December 26th, 2022, revised December 30th, 2022, revised January 1st, 2023, revised March 10th, 2023, revised October 23rd, 2023 and revised November 30th, 2023)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]


June 11th, 2022 Update: I received an email from the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC) on June 10th, 2022, with regard to a donation that I made to the DLCC on June 8th, 2022 (but not for the amount that I intended), which stated the following [with redactions for certain information utilized throughout this update]:


I’m [redacted], here at the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC). I wanted to reach out and introduce myself and thank you for your generous contribution to the DLCC.

As you know, the DLCC is the official Democratic Party committee for state legislative work. The DLCC is dedicated to electing Democratic state legislators, winning the Democratic majorities needed to champion progressive values in states, and building a Democratic bench of future leaders. The work at the state legislative level is incredibly important, and we are so grateful for your support.

I've attached a document with a bit of additional information about the DLCC and our plans for the election cycle. Please feel free to reach out if you ever have any questions. You can reach me on my cell – [redacted], or via email at [redacted].

Thank you again for your support, I look forward to working with you!

All my best,


And I responded to this email today June 11th, 2022, as follows:

Dear [redacted],

Thank you for your 'Thank you,' but my "generous contribution to the DLCC" wasn't intentional...

...You see, I was making a donation to the DLCC based on a June 8th, 2022, email that I received from the DLCC, at 6:30 PM, which was titled, "Can you pledge to vote on November 8th, 2022?"

So, I completed the pledge on June 8th, 2022, and made a donation. And I entered the amount $1.15 for the donation (which is the same amount that I currently donate to the various Democratic organizations that I support) and I added an $0.11 tip for ActBlue. Then, I pressed the donate button and—when I received a text message from my bank indicating that a transaction had been processed where my card wasn't present—the total donation was $1,000.11!

Now, I DID NOT type in $1,000.00 as a donation amount—nor did I press one of those 'preselected amount' buttons for $1,000.00—I think that my donation amount was altered!

Thus, I wrote to ActBlue requesting a refund, as follows:
From: Paul Whiting • [redacted]
To: [redacted]
Date: Jun 8, 2022, 7:29 PM

To Whom It May Concern,

I just accidentally made a $1,000.00 donation to the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee! (Please see the receipt below.)

I was trying to make a $1.15 donation with a $.011 tip to ActBlue [the actual tip amount was $0.11, but I mistyped it when I wrote this email], which is the amount that I usually donate to Democratic political organizations.

So, can I get a refund for this? That is WAY MORE than I can afford to donate—although I am donating to Democrats as much as I can afford in this 2022 Election.

Thank you so much for your consideration in this matter.

Yours very truly,

Paul Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
Portland, Oregon
[ZIP Code redacted]
And ActBlue replied back to me, as follows:
[redacted] (ActBlue)
Jun 10, 2022, 10:07 AM EDT

Hi Paul,

Thanks for reaching out and I'm sorry to hear about the unintended donation!

I can confirm that the $1000.11 has been refunded and should post back to your account automatically within about 1-2 business days.

If there is anything else I can help you with, please let me know!

As of today, June 11th, 2022, the total donation is refunded to my card. (Thank God!) However, I am still greatly concerned about how my $1.15 donation (with an $0.11 tip) miraculously became a $1,000.11 donation.

And this is not the first time I have had issues with donation amounts being altered (from what I entered) when I donated on ActBlue: On some occasions I have donated to Democratic organizations on the ActBlue website—and the amount of the donation was less than what I entered by one penny!

So, for example, on more than one occasion, I donated $1.14 to a Democratic organization but, when the payment processed, the donation was actually $1.13. Then, another time, I donated $1.15 and the donation payment processed as $1.14.

And when I got to thinking about this 'donation alteration,' so to speak, I realized that this may have been some kind of put down (because these donations weren't very much, but they were all that I could afford given how much money I have, because I am disabled due to HIV and I am receiving SSDI), since they were always a penny less than the amount I entered: as if I was being told that I am "penny less!"

Besides that, I also noticed that in "My Recent Activity" on ActBlue, which includes the locations where I have logged in, I was shown having been logged into various cities where I don't live!

Therefore, I wrote to ActBlue about this issue, as follows:
Paul Whiting
Apr 15, 2022, 12:50 PM EDT

To Whom It May Concern,

My name is Paul Whiting and I am seeing a lot of actions on my ActBlue account that I do not recognize! So, I changed my password and I also removed my stored credit card/debit card information.

By the way, here is my IP address from my smartphone, which is basically the only device that I use for ActBlue: [redacted]

Also, I took screenshots of all the activity in question and have attached them to this message as added files. Plus, after I took the screenshots, when I went to look at my recent activity, there was no longer any history it had been removed!

Therefore, I don't know if I need to delete my account, as I am worried about who is "watching" my account, since it could be the Republicans, because I think they know who I am due to the fact that I am a blogger and an activist...

Thank you for your time and for your response.

Yours very truly,

-Paul Whiting
Portland, Oregon
And ActBlue replied back to me, as follows:
[redacted] (ActBlue)
Apr 17, 2022, 10:43 AM EDT

Hi Paula,

Thanks for reaching out!

ActBlue Express Profile login records are based on the IP address being used at the time of log in. IP addresses are assigned to your device by the network that you are connecting to. So, for example, if access your account on your laptop at home your home's network will assign an IP address to you. If you sign in to your account at a cafe using their wifi network on the same laptop, your device will be given a different IP address from the cafe's network.

So you can see how this might work on your mobile device. Your device will connect to the nearest network and will vary based on your location.

I suspect that there is some glitch that caused your contribution history to disappear after you took those screenshots. Could you please sign in to your account and confirm?

As long as everything in your account looks as expected, there isn’t anything you need to worry about. However, resetting your password as a precautionary measure is the best you can do to ensure the security of your account.

I’m sorry for any confusion or concern caused by this, and please let me know if I can assist you with anything else!

First of all, my first name isn't "Paula," it's Paul!

And second, although this representative's explanation that "IP addresses are assigned to your device by the network that you are connecting to" makes sense, it does not account for the different cities that I was supposedly located within when I logged in.

Plus, as I mentioned in the aforementioned communication with regard to this 'log in location' issue, I was "worried about who is 'watching' my account, since it could be the Republicans, because I think they know who I am due to the fact that I am a blogger and an activist..."

You see, I am a "Democratic Activist," as well as a blogger! Plus, I always vote in every election (even 'special elections') and I always vote Democrat. And I have been an "Online Activist" with regard to progressive issues, for a number of years now, by signing petitions, making donations, and voting in every election.

And I think that the Republicans know who I am—and they DO NOT like me—and that is why I decided to stop signing political petitions and/or making political donations right before the November 2016 Election, because I was afraid that the Republicans might retaliate against me in some way, depending upon what type of activism I was engaged in, if they were in control of both Congress and the White House.

Then, on March 3rd, 2022, I signed a petition from Senator Chuck Schumer about saving the United States Postal Service, which I received via text message on, March 2nd, 2022. Plus, after I signed the petition, I made a donation via ActBlue to 'Chuck Schumer for U.S. Senate,' because I felt like this was an important enough of an issue that it warranted signing a political petition (which I basically have not done since November of 2016) and it also warranted making a political donation (which, again, I basically have not done since November of 2016).

Therefore, these issues that I have experienced with 'altered donation amounts,' and 'log in locations' where I am not located, could be the Republicans terrorizing me! And I have, in fact, written some snarky comments on my blogs about how the Republicans are at war against America—and they seem to have also declared 'War on Women'—along with the way that they seem to support both rape and incest!

For example:

"My main point on the Republican 'War on Women' is that if what the Republicans want all of these women to be required to go through was, instead, happening to their own penises, you can bet that God, Jesus The Christ—and even The Devil himself—would all be vehemently against it!" –Paul Whiting (written March 22nd, 2012 and revised September 7th, 2022)

"I seriously think that Republican Conservative Thinkers are all trying to—literally—pull us back in time to the Dark Ages where they seem to exist, so that they can finally get rid of all the Liberal Thinkers! It is almost like they are trying to 'marginalize everyone to death,' who isn't one of their own kind, in the hopes that Jesus The Christ will finally show up for 'The Rapture' and save all of them from all of the terrible people who are NOT Conservative Thinkers!" –Paul Whiting (written May 2nd, 2012, revised November 24th, 2015 and revised September 7th, 2022)

"Sometimes I truly think that the Republican Party is literally conducting a 'War On America!' All they seem to want to do is disenfranchise, marginalize, get rid of—and even kill outright—anyone who is NOT one of them!" –Paul Whiting (written July 23rd, 2012, revised November 21st, 2015 and revised September 7th, 2022)

"I truly think that it is blatantly clear that Republicans support both incest and rape by making abortions in those cases illegal." –Paul Whiting (written August 21st, 2012 and revised September 7th, 2022)

"I honestly believe that way too many Republicans are latent incestuous rapists due to the really obvious indicator that they wish to make abortions illegal in cases of both rape and incest." –Paul Whiting (written August 22nd, 2012 and revised September 7th, 2022)

"Way too often it seems like there are way too many Republicans who seem like they have never met a lie that they didn't like!" –Paul Whiting (written September 12th, 2012 and September 7th, 2022)

"It seems like the only criminals that we need to be concerned about committing voter fraud are the Republicans through their attempts in multiple states to enact voter suppression laws." –Paul Whiting (written September 14th, 2012 and revised September 7th, 2022)

"SARCASM WARNING: I am voting Republican because I am not going to let my life be dictated by fact checking, or arithmetic, or honesty, or common sense." –Paul Whiting (written September 30th, 2012, revised June 11th, 2022 and revised September 7th, 2022)

And, now, Republicans seem to be acting exactly like they are "Radical Christian Terrorists"...

...Hence, the January 6th, 2021 Capitol Attack.

(Or, it was the January 6th, *1776* "normal tourist group"; or, the insurrectionists that attacked the Capitol Complex—in order to stop the certification of Joe Biden's win—were really 'Antifa' protestors; or, they were Black Lives Matter protestors; or, they were paid actors and actresses; or, in all actuality, they were incited by "Gasp!" the FBI. Regardless, however, it was clearly 'a false flag operation' designed to make President Donald J. Trump "look bad"—like he needs any assistance doing that!)

And, speaking of the January 6th, 2021 Capitol Attack, here are some poems that I wrote regarding the 'True Patriot' event of 'legitimate political discourse,' as well as regarding the 'lack of integrity' in the 2020 Presidential Election:

"January 6th, 2021"
(A 'Not-So-Infamous' Poem)

January 6th, 2021:
A date which will
*never live in infamy.*

–Paul Whiting (written May 28th, 2021, revised June 11th, 2022 and revised June 12th, 2022)


Republicans and 'Election Integrity'
(A Haiku Poem)

The Republican
Election Integrity:
"Them 'darkies' can't vote!"

–Paul Whiting (written June 2nd, 2021 and revised September 7th, 2022)


January 6, 1776?
(A Questioning Poem)

Why, on January 6th, 2021,
were rioters, who attacked
the Capitol Complex, and who
threatened members of Congress
and Vice President Pence, told that...

..."Today is 1776"?

–Paul Whiting (written June 4th, 2021, revised June 11th, 2022, revised September 7th, 2022 and revised November 27th, 2022)

But I digress...

So, out of a sense of caution, I deleted my ActBlue account and I also stopped making donations to Democratic political organizations, just in case the Republicans are behind this greatly altered donation amount from my June 8th, 2022 donation to the DLCC.

Thus, that is why I have taken the time to explain all of this to you: so that you would know that my "generous contribution to the DLCC" wasn't intentional...even though I have supported the DLCC (up until the point of this 'altered donation amount') with donations as large as I can afford!

By the way, I am so sorry for the length of this email; however, I felt that it was important to clarify the reason that you received such a substantial donation from me.

Thank you for your time.

Yours very truly,

Paul Whiting
Portland, Oregon

P.S.: I am also planning to send a copy of this email to all of the Democratic organizations that I have donated to, prior to this, as a way to explain why I have stopped donating to them for the foreseeable future. In addition to that, I am planning to post this email on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog as an update to my activist post titled, "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was," with redactions for certain information.

Please see the hyperlink below for the post:

And, therefore, the tirade above was brought to you by "The Unintentional $1,000.00 Donation of 2022 via ActBlue!"

And that is why I deleted my ActBlue account on June 11th, 2022.

Thus, I am exploring more options for donating to Democrats, including through FastAction, and/or still donating via ActBlue (but through a different payment processor), and/or calling the various Democratic political organizations that I support and contributing to them through phone donations.

–Paul Whiting (written June 11th, 2022, revised June 12th, 2022, revised June 13th, 2022, revised June 15th, 2022, revised June 17th, 2022, revised June 20th, 2022, revised June 21st, 2022, revised September 7th, 2022, revised November 27th, 2022, revised December 27th, 2022, revised April 16th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised September 19th, 2023 and revised October 23rd, 2023)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]
June 11th, 2022 Update—Follow Up No. 1, Written On June 13th, 2022, Regarding A Reply That I Received From The DLCC On June 13th, 2022: I received a reply from the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC) today, June 13th, 2022, which stated the following [with redactions for certain information utilized throughout this update]:

Hello, Paul!

I hope you had a nice weekend. Thank you again for your support - I am so sorry to hear that you were charged the incorrect amount. It looks like ActBlue was able to issue a refund. Please know that we are greatly appreciative of your support at any level. I have shared this information with our team, and hope that it doesn't happen again. Please do feel free to reach out if you ever have any issues or questions.

Thanks again,


And I responded to this email today June 13th, 2022, as follows:

Dear [redacted],

Thank you for your reply!

I am changing how I donate so that this type of error does not happen again; so, I deleted my ActBlue account and I will be donating to the DLCC (and other Democratic political organizations) via another method in future.

Thank you for you time!

Yours very truly

Paul Whiting
Portland, Oregon

And, therefore, this "June 11th, 2022 Update—Follow Up No. 1, Written On June 13th, 2022, Regarding A Reply That I Received From The DLCC On June 13th, 2022" was brought to you by "The Unintentional $1,000.00 Donation of 2022 via ActBlue!"

And that is why I deleted my ActBlue account on June 11th, 2022.

Thus, I am exploring more options for donating to Democrats, including through FastAction, and/or still donating via ActBlue (but through a different payment processor), and/or calling the various Democratic political organizations that I support and contributing to them through phone donations.

–Paul Whiting (written June 13th, 2022, revised June 15th, 2022, revised June 20th, 2022, revised June 21st, 2022 and revised December 27th, 2022)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]
June 11th, 2022 Update—Follow Up No. 2, Written on June 15th, 2022, Regarding A Reply That I Received From The DLCC On June 14th, 2022: I received another reply from the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC) on June 14th, 2022, which stated the following [with redactions for certain information utilized throughout this update]:

I completely understand your concerns with ActBlue! We do have a direct donation link if that is easier for you to use. You can access that at this link - [redacted].

I appreciate all that you do.

All the best,


And I responded to this email today June 15th, 2022, as follows:

Dear [redacted],

Thank you so very much for that link to the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee FastAction contribution page, because I have an account with them!

So, I am now in the process of figuring out how to donate to Democrats on a regular basis without having to use ActBlue—necessarily—and, thus, FastAction is definitely an option.

Although, I may still have to process payments through ActBlue (they seem to be the main donation processing website for most Democratic political organizations and many progressive organizations); however, since I deleted my ActBlue account I have noticed that there are more options for making contributions via ActBlue, but through utilizing different payment processors, such as Google Pay, PayPal and Venmo.

Thus, that may solve the problem of my contributions being tampered with, because I think that my ActBlue account was compromised, since my "Recent activity" showed that I had logged into my ActBlue account from many different cities—besides the city of Portland, Oregon where I actually live—such as: Klamath Falls, Oregon; Richland, Washington; Gaston, Oregon; Vancouver, Washington; Newberg, Oregon; Springfield, Oregon; and Lake Oswego, Oregon, just to name a few!

Anyway, that is why I contacted ActBlue to see if I needed to delete my account, "as I [was] worried about who is 'watching' my account, since it could be the Republicans, because I think they know who I am due to the fact that I am a blogger and an activist." And that is why I was concerned that "although [the] representative's explanation that 'IP addresses are assigned to your device by the network that you are connecting to' [made] sense, it [did] not account for the different cities that I was supposedly located within when I logged in."

Anyway, I am going to explore more options for donating to Democrats, including through FastAction, and/or still donating via ActBlue (but through a different payment processor), and/or calling the various Democratic political organizations that I support, such as the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee, and contributing to them through phone donations.

Thank you again for your help with my DLCC donations!

Yours very truly,

Paul Whiting
Portland, Oregon

And, therefore, this "June 11th, 2022 Update—Follow Up No. 2, Written on June 15th, 2022, Regarding A Reply That I Received From The DLCC On June 14th, 2022" was brought to you by "The Unintentional $1,000.00 Donation of 2022 via ActBlue!"

And that is why I deleted my ActBlue account on June 11th, 2022.

Thus, I am exploring more options for donating to Democrats, including through FastAction, and/or still donating via ActBlue (but through a different payment processor), and/or calling the various Democratic political organizations that I support and contributing to them through phone donations.

–Paul Whiting (written June 15th, 2022, revised June 17th, 2022, revised June 20th, 2022, revised June 21st, 2022, revised July 11th, 2022, revised December 27th, 2022 and revised April 22nd, 2023)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]
June 11th, 2022 Update—Follow Up No. 3, Written on June 20th, 2022, Regarding A Letter I Sent To Democrats About Why I Suddenly Stopped Donating: I sent the following letter to the Democratic political organizations, to which I am donating for the upcoming 2022 Midterm Elections, explaining to them why I suddenly stopped donating to them after June 8th, 2022!

Message Subject: My letter to the various Democratic political organizations, to which I have been donating for the 2022 Midterm Elections, explaining why I suddenly stopped donating after June 8th, 2022

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to you today in order to explain the reason that I suddenly stopped donating to your organization after June 8th, 2022. And I feel like I need to apologize to you—in advance—for the length of this communication, since the reason that I suddenly stopped donating to your organization is really quite complex.

You see, I am a "Democratic Activist," as well as a blogger! Plus, I always vote in every election (even 'special elections') and I always vote Democrat. And I have been an "Online Activist" with regard to progressive issues, for a number of years now, by signing petitions, making donations, and voting in every election.

Thus, because I am a "Democratic Activist," I think that the Republicans know who I am—and they DO NOT like me—which is basically why I stopped signing political petitions and/or making political donations right before the November 2016 Election. And I did this since I was afraid that the Republicans might retaliate against me in some way, depending upon what type of activism I was engaged in, if they were in control of both Congress and the White House. And I also feared that once the Republicans won Congress and the White House that they would try to turn America into an oligarchy!

And that is why I created a blog post on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog that is titled, "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was," in order to explain all of this, which can be found here:

Then, on March 3rd, 2022, I signed a petition from Senator Chuck Schumer about saving the United States Postal Service, which I received via text message on, March 2nd, 2022. Plus, after I signed the petition, I made a donation via ActBlue to 'Chuck Schumer for U.S. Senate,' because I felt like this was an important enough of an issue that it warranted signing a political petition (which I basically have not done since November of 2016) and it also warranted making a political donation (which, again, I basically have not done since November of 2016).

And that is why I tried to start staying informed, again, about what is happening in politics, especially due to the upcoming 2022 Midterm Elections. So, that is also why I have been trying to help Democrats win—by donating to them on a regular basis—because I am greatly concerned about the Republicans retaking both the House and Senate of Congress, and eventually retaking the White House, since Republicans are acting like Radical Christian Terrorists!

And, after the January 6th, 2021 Capitol Attack, my fears were confirmed. [Or, it was the January 6th, *1776* "normal tourist group"; or, the insurrectionists that attacked the Capitol Complex—in order to stop the certification of Joe Biden's win—were really 'Antifa' protestors; or, they were Black Lives Matter protestors; or, they were paid actors and actresses; or, in all actuality, they were incited by ("Gasp!") the FBI. Regardless, however, it was clearly 'a false flag operation' designed to make President Donald J. Trump "look bad"—like he needs any assistance doing that!]

And, speaking of the January 6th, 2021 Capitol Attack, here are some poems that I wrote regarding the 'True Patriot' event of 'legitimate political discourse,' as well as regarding the 'lack of integrity' in the 2020 Presidential Election:

"January 6th, 2021"
(A 'Not-So-Infamous' Poem)

January 6th, 2021:
A date which will
*never live in infamy.*

–Paul Whiting (written May 28th, 2021, revised June 11th, 2022 and revised June 12th, 2022)


Republicans and 'Election Integrity'
(A Haiku Poem)

The Republican
Election Integrity:
"Them 'darkies' can't vote!"

–Paul Whiting (written June 2nd, 2021 and revised September 7th, 2022)


January 6, 1776?
(A Questioning Poem)

Why, on January 6th, 2021,
were rioters, who attacked
the Capitol Complex, and who
threatened members of Congress
and Vice President Pence, told that...

..."Today is 1776"?

–Paul Whiting (written June 4th, 2021, revised June 11th, 2022, revised September 7th, 2022 and revised November 27th, 2022)

But I digress...

Anyway, I have been donating to various Democratic political organizations, including to your organization, on a regular basis, since March 3rd, 2022. Then, I was making a donation to the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC) based on a June 8th, 2022, email that I received from the DLCC, at 6:30 PM, which was titled, "Can you pledge to vote on November 8th, 2022?"

So, I completed the pledge on June 8th, 2022, and made a donation. And I entered the amount $1.15 for the donation (which is the same amount that I was donating, at that time, to the various Democratic organizations that I support) and I added an $0.11 tip for ActBlue. Then, I pressed the donate button and—when I received a text message from my bank indicating that a transaction had been processed where my card wasn't present—the total donation was $1,000.11!

Now, I DID NOT type in $1,000.00 as a donation amount—nor did I press one of those 'preselected amount' buttons for $1,000.00—I think that my donation amount was altered!

So, I requested a refund from ActBlue on June 8th, 2022, and they processed that refund immediately! Therefore, as of June 11th, 2022, that total donation is refunded to my card. (Thank God!) Although, I was still greatly concerned about how my $1.15 donation (with an $0.11 tip) miraculously became a $1,000.11 donation.

In addition to that, there were also other issues that I was having with my ActBlue account, which is why I think that my account was compromised. Thus, this $1,000.00 donation is not the first time that I have had issues with donation amounts being altered (from what I entered) when I donated on ActBlue: On some occasions I have donated to Democratic organizations on the ActBlue website—and the amount of the donation was less than what I entered by one penny!

So, for example, on more than one occasion, I donated $1.14 to a Democratic organization but, when the payment processed, the donation was actually $1.13. Then, another time, I donated $1.15 and the donation payment processed as $1.14...

...And when I got to thinking about this 'donation alteration,' so to speak, I realized that this may have been some kind of put down (because these donations weren't very much, but they were all that I could afford given how much money I have, because I am disabled due to HIV and I am receiving SSDI), since they were always a penny less than the amount I entered: as if I was being told that I am "penny less!"

Besides that, I also noticed that in 'My Recent Activity' on ActBlue, which includes the locations where I have logged in, I was shown having been logged into various cities where I don't live... Thus, I think the reason that my contributions were being tampered with is because my ActBlue account was compromised, since my 'Recent activity' showed that I had logged into my ActBlue account from many different cities—besides the city of Portland, Oregon where I actually live—such as: Klamath Falls, Oregon; Richland, Washington; Gaston, Oregon; Vancouver, Washington; Newberg, Oregon; Springfield, Oregon; and Lake Oswego, Oregon, just to name a few!

Anyway, I was concerned that needed to delete my ActBlue account, because I was worried about who was 'watching' my account, since it could be the Republicans, because I think they know who I am due to the fact that I am a blogger and an activist. So, out of a sense of caution, I deleted my ActBlue account on June 11th, 2022. And I also stopped making donations to Democratic political organizations, just in case the Republicans were behind this greatly altered donation amount from my June 8th, 2022 donation to the DLCC.

Since then, I have decided to explore more options for donating to Democrats, including through FastAction, and/or still donating via ActBlue (but through a different payment processor), and/or calling the various Democratic political organizations that I support, including your organization, and contributing through phone donations.

And that is why I have taken the time to explain all of this to you: so that you would know why I just suddenly stopped making donations after June 8th, 2022, because of that $1,000.00 contribution to the DLCC, which wasn't intentional!

Also, to let you know, I have restarted making recurring monthly donations (as of June 17th, 2022) to the various Democratic political organizations, including to your organization, to which I have been donating for the upcoming 2022 Midterm Elections.

And thus, I am making these recurring monthly donations through although, because I no longer have an ActBlue account—since I deleted it, due to the fact that I think the account was compromised—I am still donating through the ActBlue website (they seem to be the main donation processing website for most Democratic political organizations and many progressive organizations), but I am using a different payment processor.

Therefore, my plan is to make regular donations to the various Democratic political organizations from which I am receiving emails and/or text messages each day—while I am still trying to stay within a 'monthly donating budget'—which is all that I can afford given my monthly spending budget. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)

Thus, I am planning to also make one-time donations in future to the aforementioned Democratic political organizations, including to your organization; although, I am still trying to figure out how to do so, while I am still trying to stay within a 'monthly donating budget.'

Plus, I feel like I need to clarify that the only exceptions to my 'monthly donating budget' (which is to make regular donations to the various Democratic political organizations to which I am donating, while I am still trying to stay within a 'monthly donating budget') happen during the End of the Month Fundraising Goals, and End of the Quarter Fundraising Goals, in which case I donate to each Democratic political organization virtually every time that they are asking for a donation, via emails and/or text messages, in order to help make sure that the Democratic organizations to which I am donating to are meeting their fundraising goals!

I hope that this (rather lengthy) explanation helps you to understand why I suddenly stopped donating to your organization after June 8th, 2022.

Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter.

Yours very truly,

Paul Whiting
Portland, Oregon

P.S.: Please see my 'June 11th, 2022 Update' with regard to 'The Unintentional $1,000.00 Donation of 2022 via ActBlue!' on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog post titled, "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" (please see the hyperlink below for the post):

And, therefore, this "June 11th, 2022 Update—Follow Up No. 3, Written on June 20th, 2022, Regarding A Letter I Sent To Democrats DLCC About Why I Suddenly Stopped Donating" was brought to you by "The Unintentional $1,000.00 Donation of 2022 via ActBlue!"

And that is why I deleted my ActBlue account on June 11th, 2022.

Thus, I am exploring more options for donating to Democrats, including through FastAction, and/or still donating via ActBlue (but through a different payment processor), and/or calling the various Democratic political organizations that I support and contributing to them through phone donations.

–Paul Whiting (written June 20th, 2022, revised June 21st, 2022, revised June 26th, 2022, revised July 11th, 2022, revised July 20th, 2022, revised September 7th, 2022 revised November 27th, 2022, revised December 27th, 2022, revised April 16th, 2023, revised April 17th, 2023, revised April 22nd, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised June 12th, 2023 and revised September 19th, 2023)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]


For my "June 14th, 2022 Update, Written On June 13th, 2022"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

June 14th, 2022 Update, Written On June 13th, 2022: I received two emails from the USO (United Service Organizations) with regard to the patriotic observances celebrated on June 14th, including both Flag Day and the U.S. Army's birthday!

And the first email I received from the USO was on June 10th, 2022, with the subject line, "How much do you know about the stars and stripes, Paul?" regarding the celebration of Flag Day, which stated the following:

Paul, Flag Day is right around the corner! We hope you'll celebrate with all of us here at the USO by learning more about the history of this holiday celebrating the American flag we all know and love.

In honor of Old Glory herself, check out the special Flag Day Timeline we put together for this incredible community of military supporters.


Whether you're planning to attend a parade, wear red, white & blue or enjoy a special Flag Day treat, we hope you enjoy this opportunity to celebrate this important symbol of our country.


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

Plus, after I viewed the timeline, I made a one-time donation on the website in order to respond to the request, "This Flag Day, will you make a donation to send a little bit of home to our service members and show them how much you appreciate their incredible service and sacrifice?"
And speaking of the U.S. Army's birthday, as I mentioned above, the second email that I received from the USO, regarding June 14th, was on June 12th, 2022, with the subject line, "Help us celebrate the Army's 247th birthday!", which stated the following:

We've got an important occasion to celebrate on Tuesday, Paul: It's the U.S. Army's 247th birthday!

From the Revolutionary War until today, America's bravest have answered the call to protect our freedoms and keep us safe whenever they've been asked. Now it's time for us to show them how grateful we are for their service and sacrifice.

That's why we set a goal to get 24,700 signatures on our Army Birthday Card before midnight on Tuesday. Show how much you appreciate everything Army heroes do for us by signing our Army Birthday Card now!


Those serving in the Army risk their lives every day to defend our nation. They carry on a proud tradition that began in the 1700s and continues through this day. The U.S. Army is one of the world's foremost guardians of peace and liberty — we are so lucky they've got our backs.

And it may not seem like much, but we often hear from active-duty service members that getting messages of support from military supporters like you makes such a big difference when they're serving in challenging, dangerous conditions.

We're counting on at least 24,700 military supporters like you to sign our Army Birthday Card by midnight Tuesday — so add your name now and show the Army's heroes how grateful you are for their service!


— The USO

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

So, I signed the card, since "the Army turns 247 on June 14, and our troops need to hear how grateful we are that they’re here for us!" Plus, after I signed the card, I made a one-time donation on the website to say to our Army heroes, "We are beyond grateful for the sacrifices you make to protect our freedoms and keep us safe. In honor of the Army’s 247th birthday, thank you for your service!" ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "June 14th, 2022 Update, Written On June 13th, 2022":


June 14th, 2022 Update—Continued: I think that my blogs are being sabotaged by someone who is very 'tech savvy,' and they may be someone that I know, because I have noticed strange things happening while I have been editing my writing, which includes the font size being way smaller on the blog post 'header' titled, "Post No. 254: For Flag Day — 'The Old Red, White and Blue!'" on my "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blog.

Thus, the font size on this blog post header is smaller than the font sizes on the other blog posts' headers on the aforementioned blog. (Although, I have noticed that the header font size keeps changing back and forth, between the small size and the normal size, as I am editing the post.)

And I cannot figure out what is causing this 'smaller-blog-post-header-font' anomaly on this particular blog post, but it may be whomever is sabotaging my blogs—as I mentioned above—because they are 'bothered' by this "The Old Red, White and Blue!" poem that I wrote... (Please see the hyperlink below for the post.)

The aforementioned poem can be seen below:

"The Old Red, White and Blue!"

Look so high above us,
She waves to us so true!
There she flies to love us,
"The Old Red, White and Blue!"

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., A Creative Writer)
"I maybe say too much about how life really is!"

Therefore, that is why I decided to provide you with this 'June 14th, 2022 Update—Continued' for the "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" post on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog, with regard to the post titled, "For Flag Day — 'The Old Red, White and Blue!'" on my "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blog, because my poetry is an integral part of my "Online Activism!"

–Paul Whiting (written June 14th, 2022, revised June 15th, 2022, revised June 21st, 2022, revised June 22nd, 2022, revised June 25th, 2022, revised June 29th, 2022, revised July 29th, 2022, revised August 28th, 2022, revised May 30th, 2023, revised September 19th, 2023 and revised May 4th, 2024)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]


June 17th, 2022 Update: This update is a follow-up to my 'April 17th, 2022 Update—Continued Further, Written On June 17th, 2022,' where I explained that I deleted my ActBlue account on June 11th, 2022. You see, I think that my ActBlue account was compromised because, on June 8th, 2022, I attempted to make a $1.15 donation to the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC), plus I included an $0.11 tip for ActBlue, but when the payment processed, it was for $1,000.11! And that is why I deleted my ActBlue account on June 11th, 2022.

So, I have restarted making recurring monthly donations today, June 17th, 2022, to Democratic political organizations. Therefore, my plan is to make regular donations to the various Democratic political organizations from which I am receiving emails and/or text messages each day—while I am still trying to stay within a 'monthly donating budget'—which is all that I can afford given my monthly spending budget. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)

And so, here are the Democratic political organizations to which I am making recurring monthly donations via** [although, because I no longer have an ActBlue account—since I deleted it, due to the fact that I think the account was compromised—I am still donating through the ActBlue website (they seem to be the main donation processing website for most Democratic political organizations and many progressive organizations), but I am donating for some of these recurring donations through other payment processors, such as Google Pay]:

01. DCCC: Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
02. DGA: Democratic Governors Association
03. DNC: Democratic National Committee
04. DSCC: Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
05. NCDM: National Conference of Democratic Mayors
06. DLCC: Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee
07. DAGA: Democratic Attorneys General Association
08. DASS: Democratic Association of Secretaries of State
09. NDCO: National Democratic County Officials
10. DMO: Democratic Municipal Officials
11. NDRC: National Democratic Redistricting Committee
12. DPO: Democratic Party of Oregon

**[I deleted my ActBlue account! Although, I am still processing payments through the ActBlue website, since they seem to be the main donation processing website for most Democratic political organizations and many progressive organizations. Please see my 'June 11th, 2022 Update' on my blog post "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was," which can be found on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog, for a detailed explanation.]

Plus, I feel like I need to clarify that the only exceptions to my 'monthly donating budget' (which is to make regular donations to the various Democratic political organizations to which I am donating, while I am still trying to stay within a 'monthly donating budget') happen during the Democrats' End of the Month Fundraising Goals, and End of the Quarter Fundraising Goals, in which case I donate to each Democratic political organization virtually every time that they are asking for a donation, via emails and/or text messages, in order to help make sure that the Democratic organizations to which I am donating to are meeting their fundraising goals!

–Paul Whiting (written June 17th, 2022, revised June 18th, 2022, revised June 20th, 2022, revised July 11th, 2022, revised July 20th, 2022, revised December 28th, 2022, revised December 30th, 2022, revised April 16th, 2023, revised April 17th, 2023, revised April 22nd, 2023, revised May 30th, 2023, revised May 31st, 2023 and revised April 30th, 2024)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]


For my "June 19th, 2022 Update, Written On June 18th, 2022"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

June 19th, 2022 Update, Written On June 18th, 2022: Happy Father's Day, everyone! I signed a Father’s Day card to military dads around the world from the USO (United Service Organizations) today, June 18th, 2022, that I received via an email yesterday, June 17th, 2022, which stated the following:


As a veteran and a father, I know how challenging Father's Day can be for military dads. Many of them are stationed far away from their families, sometimes missing their kids' first words and steps. They can't be at precious events like summer baseball games, graduations and dance recitals. It's not easy.

Military dads sacrifice so much to serve their country and keep us safe at home. We need to make sure they feel appreciated on Father's Day, so we set a goal to get 25,000 signatures on our card honoring military dads. We can't fill up this card without your help, so please sign our Father's Day card honoring military dads now.

[Please see the hyperlink below for the card.]***

During my time in the U.S. Air Force, I spent many holidays away from home. Signing a card may not seem like a lot, but trust me, any time I got a reminder that folks back home were thinking about us, it meant so much. That's why I'm asking for your help today in giving our service members that same support and encouragement.

Please, we need to get 25,000 signatures before Father's Day — and it's only two days away. Will you add your name now to help fill up the card?

Thank you for helping make Father's Day special for American heroes!

[Name redacted], USO

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

Plus, after I signed the card, I made a one-time donation on the website to say to military dads, "Happy Father’s Day. We so appreciate all the sacrifices you and your family make every day in service of our country and the freedoms we all enjoy. Thank you." ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "June 19th, 2022 Update, Written On June 18th, 2022":


June 19th, 2022 Update—Continued: In observance of Juneteenth, I sent letters to my U.S. House Representative and Senators in Congress urging them to pass the Abolition Amendment (S.J.Res.21/H.J.Res.53), after I received an email from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) on June 17th, 2022, with the subject line, "Forced labor persists. Here's what to know – and action to take.", which stated the following:

Paul –

Ahead of this Juneteenth weekend, there's a glaring reality that our country needs to face: Despite many of us being taught that the 13th Amendment abolished slavery and involuntary servitude more than 150 years ago – forced labor still persists in our country.

What I'm talking about is the exploitative practice of forced prison labor – and it is largely a result of something called "the exception clause" in the 13th Amendment itself.

The ACLU released a shocking new report this week that shows exactly how this "exception" continues to fuel human rights abuses against incarcerated workers across the country. I'll break that down for you in one second, but first I want you to know that there's something you can do to help end the injustice:

A critical piece of legislation is in Congress right now – called the Abolition Amendment – which seeks to nullify this egregious loophole once and for all. We just need to push our lawmakers to take action.

So please, send a message with us to your members of Congress today and tell them to pass the Abolition Amendment immediately.


To be clear: The "exception clause" states that slavery is barred except for people who have been convicted of crimes. And our latest findings show that it has allowed for millions of workers in prisons over the years to be exploited, underpaid, and excluded from workplace safety protection laws.

In fact, more than 76% of incarcerated workers reported facing punishment – such as solitary confinement, denial of sentence reductions, or loss of family visitation – if they decline or were unable to work. And that doesn't begin to cover the inhumane conditions they're also made to work within.

It's no coincidence either that this loophole disproportionately encouraged the criminalization and re-enslavement of Black people during the Jim Crow era – and that we still feel the impacts of this systemic racism today in the disproportionate incarceration of Black and Brown people in our country's prisons.

Paul, for a nation that claims to be the "land of the free," forced labor of any kind is unacceptable, and it is unconscionable that we've kept this exception within the United States Constitution.

Let's bring it to an end: Send a message to Congress today and tell them to pass the Abolition Amendment immediately.

Thanks for taking action,

[Name redacted]
Pronouns: She, her, hers
[Title redacted], ACLU Human Rights Program

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I sent letters to my U.S. House Representative and Senators in Congress, as mentioned above, I also made a donation to the ACLU in order to show my support for passing the Abolition Amendment in celebration of "The Land of the Free," because slavery is just plain wrong.

–Paul Whiting (written June 19th, 2022, revised June 22nd, 2022, revised June 25th, 2022, revised June 26th, 2022, revised September 4th, 2022, revised September 13th, 2022, revised November 18th, 2022, revised December 26th, 2022, revised December 30th, 202, revised January 1st, 2023, revised May 30th, 2023, revised June 5th, 2023, revised June 20th, 2023 and revised May 4th, 2024)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]


June 21st, 2022 Update, Written On June 22nd, 2022: I responded today, June 22nd, 2022, to requests from the Democratic Governors Association, Giffords PAC and Everytown for Gun Safety, which I received via email, or text message, today, as well as yesterday June 21st, 2022, regarding 'a bipartisan gun safety bill' introduced in the Senate on June 21st, 2022, which is called the "Bipartisan Safer Communities Act!"

And after I sent the message from Everytown for Gun Safety telling my "U.S. senators to vote yes on the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act," plus, after I signed the petition from Giffords PAC "urging Congress to pass the compromise gun safety legislation," as well as after I added my name to the petition from the Democratic Governors Association to "DEMAND Congress pass this bill," I made donations to each of the above-mentioned organizations in order to show my support for this compromise, "bipartisan gun safety, mental health, and school safety bill!" –Paul Whiting (written June 22nd, 2022, revised June 24th, 2022, revised June 25th, 2022 and revised December 26th, 2022)
June 21st, 2022 Update—Continued, Written On June 23rd, 2022: I responded today, June 23rd, 2022 to requests from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC), "Chuck Schumer for U.S. Senate" and Everytown for Gun Safety, which I received via email, or text message, today regarding 'a bipartisan gun safety bill' introduced in the Senate on June 21st, 2022, which is called the "Bipartisan Safer Communities Act!"

I also responded to a text message from Giffords PAC, regarding that same bill, which I received this month, sometime around June 21st, 2022. In addition to that, I also responded to an email message from Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America (and that is a grassroots volunteer network of Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund), which I received on June 15th, 2022, with the subject line, "Facebook's rule on gun sales isn't just shocking—it's dangerous."

Then, after I signed their respective petitions, I made donations to each of the above-mentioned organizations in order to show my support for this compromise, "bipartisan gun safety, mental health, and school safety bill," in addition to signing a petition to add my name in order to "agree that Facebook needs to take gun sales more seriously" and "Facebook needs to do more to prevent gun violence." –Paul Whiting (written June 23rd, 2022, revised June 24th, 2022, revised June 25th, 2022, revised December 26th, 2022 and revised January 1st, 2023)


June 24th, 2022 Update: I woke up this morning, on June 24th, 2022, to abortion being illegal at the federal level in the United States of America—sometimes, even in cases of rape, incest, human trafficking, or when the health, safety and even the very life of the person who is pregnant is in danger—depending upon the state in which they live! And, in response to the ruling by the Supreme Court of the United States to overturn Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973), I responded to dozens of emails, and/or text messages, from various Democratic organizations, or progressive organizations.

Then, after I signed the petitions, or I sent messages to my representatives in Congress, I also made donations to these Democratic organizations, or progressive organizations (and, at times, I only made donations if that is what these Democratic, or progressive, organizations were asking for), in order to represent the way that I feel about those whose health, safety and well being are now at risk if they become pregnant, because they may not be able to get a safe and legal abortion—sometimes, even in the cases of rape, incest, human trafficking, or when their very life is in danger—depending upon the state in which they live! –Paul Whiting (written June 24th, 2022, revised June 25th, 2022 and revised December 26th, 2022)


June 29th, 2022 Update: I think that my blogs are being sabotaged by someone who is very 'tech savvy,' and they may be someone that I know, because I have noticed strange things happening while I have been editing my writing, which includes the font size being way smaller on the blog post 'header' titled, "Post No. 274: I Am Trying To Save The World" on my "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blog.

Thus, the font size on this blog post header is smaller than the font sizes on the other blog posts' headers on the aforementioned blog. (Although, I have noticed that the header font size keeps changing back and forth, between the small size and the normal size, as I am editing the post.)

And I cannot figure out what is causing this "smaller-blog-post-header-font anomaly" on this particular blog post, but it may be whomever is sabotaging my blogs—as I mentioned above—because they are 'bothered' by this "I Am Trying To Save The World" poem that I wrote... (Please see the hyperlink below for the post.)

The aforementioned poem can be seen below:

"I Am Trying To Save The World"

I am trying to save the world
but the world needs to save itself;

For, I cannot save the world,
since the world needs to save itself.

I am trying to save my world—and
my world needs to be saved by myself;

For, I can save my world, because
my world can only be saved by myself.

I am still trying to save the world—but,
my world needs to be saved by myself first;

For, I can save the world—but, the world can
only be saved by my world being saved by myself.

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., A Creative Writer)
"I maybe say too much about how life really is!"

Therefore, that is why I decided to provide you with this 'June 29th, 2022 Update' for the "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" post on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog, with regard to the post titled, "I Am Trying To Save The World" on my "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blog, because my poetry is an integral part of my "Online Activism!" –Paul Whiting (written June 29th, 2022, revised July 29th, 2022, revised August 28th, 2022, revised May 30th, 2023 and revised September 19th, 2023)




For my "July 4th, 2022 Update, Written On July 1st, 2022"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

July 4th, 2022 Update, Written On July 1st, 2022: Happy Independence Day, everyone!

In celebration of Independence Day (which is usually more informally referred to as the 'Fourth of July'—or sometimes the '4th of July'—in the United States of America), I signed a 'Fourth of July' card today, July 1st, 2022, from the USO (United Service Organizations) in order to include our brave men and women in uniform in my '4th of July' celebrations.

You see, while we are celebrating 246 years of the United States of America, "we cannot forget the service members who continue to sacrifice so much to defend the freedoms our forefathers fought for."

And I was notified about this Independence Day card yesterday, June 30th, 2022, via an email from the USO with the subject line, "Before July 4, will you join me in thanking our troops?" that was written by [name redacted], "who is the highest-grossing box office star of all time," which stated the following:


I've had the honor of visiting with over 5,500 of our brave service members in Kuwait, Turkey, Qatar and Afghanistan alongside the USO, and this much is certain: No superhero on the big screen can stack up against these real-life heroes in uniform.

While it's not always possible for us to thank our troops in person, I know how much it means to this community of military supporters to send them love and gratitude from home — especially ahead of important moments like July 4. That's why I hope you'll join me in thanking our service members today:

I'm helping the USO collect at least 100,000 signatures in support of our military heroes before July 4, so please, will you add your name now to thank our service members who sacrifice so much for our freedom all year long?


Many of us are looking forward to a weekend filled with fireworks and barbeques with our family and friends, but we can't forget about the service members who will be thousands of miles away from their loved ones — deployed in dangerous conditions to make sure we can celebrate holidays like July 4 back home.

I've seen firsthand how much messages of support and appreciation mean to our troops, and it only takes a moment to say thank you. Please, can I count on you to sign the thank-you card now for our service members in honor of their sacrifice? It's the least we can do for the heroes who selflessly do so much for us.

Thank you for all you do to support our service members — today and every day.

—[Name redacted]

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

Plus, after I signed the card, I made a one-time donation on the website to say to our service members, "Happy Fourth of July to all the brave troops serving at home and abroad! Today and every day, we truly appreciate everything you do to protect our country."

In addition to that, I already make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! You see, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation. ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "July 4th, 2022 Update, Written On July 1st, 2022":


July 4th, 2022 Update—Continued: Happy Independence Day, everyone! In celebration of Independence Day (which is usually referred to—more informally—as the 'Fourth of July' in the United States of America), I sent a poem that I published on my "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blog to Democratic political organizations that I support, as contained within an email message, which stated the following:

Message Subject: My Fourth Of July Message In Celebration Of Independence Day

To Whom It May Concern,

As we celebrate the birthday of our great nation, let us reflect upon all that we share as a people of different beliefs, different opinions, different perspectives and different political leanings.

And, at the same time, we still find common ground to achieve our shared goals of peace and prosperity, equal opportunity, and mutual respect.

And so, on this birthday of our wonderful nation, let us take the time to celebrate all of the qualities about America that we have in common, all of the symbols that we share, and all of the things that we love about the United States of America that exist between all of us:

Between All Of Us

All of God's creation is joyfully,
gloriously, and so abundantly,
standing Between All Of Us.

The love of God for this great
country of ours is proudly
blooming Between All Of Us.

America's amber waves of grain,
and her fruited plains, are forever
unfolding Between All Of Us.

The Constitution is a binding
testament to the liberty that
lives Between All Of Us.

Our Founding Fathers' balanced,
hard, and proud, accomplishments
breath freely Between All Of Us.

The Liberty Bell silently peels
truly, faithfully, and so very
deeply, Between All Of Us.

The Statue of Liberty keeps
her flame of freedom burning
brightly Between All Of Us.

The Washington Monument
rises above the fear of change for
some of those Between All Of Us.

The Lincoln Memorial speaks
quietly of the peaceful patriotism
that exists Between All Of Us.

Old Glory herself is waving loud
and proud for the love of America
that thrives Between All Of Us.

And only our great love for
this wonderful country could
ever come Between All Of Us.

So, let us all pledge our allegiance
to the one nation under God
that stands Between All Of Us.

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., A Creative Writer)
"I maybe say too much about how life really is!"

And, after I sent the above-mentioned message, I made donations to Democratic political organizations, as well as to Democratic political campaigns, in celebration of the Fourth of July, which truly is our Independence Day! –Paul Whiting (written July 4th, 2022, revised July 6th, 2022, revised December 19th, 2022, revised April 16th, 2023, revised May 30th, 2023 and revised May 4th, 2024)


July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022: I have made approximately $[redacted] in total donations to Democratic political organizations and to various Democratic political campaigns from about March 2nd, 2022 through about July 5th, 2022.

And, as of July 7th, 2022, the total amount that I owe on my credit card is $[redacted], which is going to take me at least one year and eight months to pay off!

Plus, I am also making recurring donations to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations of $3.00 on the 17th of each month: and my plan is to continue donating those recurring donations indefinitely, since that is all that I can really afford to donate given my monthly spending budget. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)

And so, here are the Democratic political organizations to which I am making recurring monthly donations via** [although, because I no longer have an ActBlue account—since I deleted it, due to the fact that I think the account was compromised—I am still donating through the ActBlue website (they seem to be the main donation processing website for most Democratic political organizations and many progressive organizations), but I am donating for some of these recurring donations through other payment processors, such as Google Pay]:

01. DCCC: Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee recurring donation of $3.00
02. DGA: Democratic Governors Association recurring donation of $3.00
03. DNC: Democratic National Committee recurring donation of $3.00
04. DSCC: Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee recurring donation of $3.00
05. NCDM: National Conference of Democratic Mayors recurring donation of $3.00
06. DLCC: Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee recurring donation of $3.00
07. DAGA: Democratic Attorneys General Association recurring donation of $3.00
08. DASS: Democratic Association of Secretaries of State recurring donation of $3.00
09. NDCO: National Democratic County Officials recurring donation of $3.00
10. DMO: Democratic Municipal Officials recurring donation of $3.00
11. NDRC: National Democratic Redistricting Committee recurring donation of $3.00
12. DPO: Democratic Party of Oregon recurring donation of $3.00

Total Democratic Organizations Monthly Recurring Donations: $36.00

**[I deleted my ActBlue account! Although, I am still processing payments through the ActBlue website, since they seem to be the main donation processing website for most Democratic political organizations and many progressive organizations. Please see my 'June 11th, 2022 Update' on my blog post "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was," which can be found on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog, for a detailed explanation.]

In addition to that, I already make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel:

01. USO: United Service Organizations recurring donation of $10.00 (which used to be $5.00 per month, but I increased it by an additional $5.00 per month; so starting on August 17th, 2022, the USO recurring donation is now $10.00 per month)

Thus, the total for the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations recurring donations, and for the USO recurring donation, is $46.00 per month (which used to be $41.00 per month, but I increased my monthly USO donation from $5.00 to $10.00 per month, so starting on August 17th, 2022 the total monthly donations are now $46.00 per month).

Therefore, I am continuing to make recurring monthly donations to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations, as listed above, and to the USO; however, that is all I can afford to donate for the foreseeable future (with the exception of occasional one-time donations to the USO, plus various progressive organizations), given how much I went over my spending budget on political donations!

The following is the way that I calculated how much I donated to Democratic political organizations, and to Democratic political campaigns, as well as how much that I donated to organizations other than political organizations, from approximately March 2nd, 2022 through July 5th, 2022: And I did this by taking the total amount that I owe as of July 7th, 2022 ($[redacted]) and I subtracted the regular purchases that I made during that same approximate time period (-$[redacted]); then, I subtracted the donations to organizations other than political organizations during that same approximate time period (-$[redacted]); and then I added the total payments that I have made through July 7th, 2022 (+$[redacted]); finally, I added the political donations that I made on my debit card during that same approximate time period (+$[redacted]); and that comes to the total political donations that I have made through July 7th, 2022 (=$[redacted]), as outlined below:

$[redacted] (total credit card balance thru 07/07/2022)

-$[redacted] (I subtracted the regular purchases)

$[redacted] (balance remaining)

-$[redacted] (I subtracted the donations to organizations other than political organizations)

$[redacted] (balance remaining)

+$[redacted] (I added the total payments made thru 07/07/2022)

$[redacted] (balance of total political donations on my credit card)

+$[redacted] (I added the balance of total political donations on my debit card)

=$[redacted] (balance of total political donations thru 07/07/2022)

And, as I mentioned above, the total amount that I owe on my credit card, as of July 7th, 2022, is $[redacted], which is going to take me at least one year and eight months to pay off as I have calculated, which I have estimated without any interest being calculated, and without any additional future charges, besides the above-mentioned monthly recurring donations.

So, this political donation information is why I wanted to update you with regard to my most recent donations to Democratic political organizations—as well as to Democratic political campaigns—and my planned recurring monthly donations to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations recurring donations, as well as to the USO.

And I am still making one-time donations to the USO—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation. Plus, I am also still making one-time donations to various progressive organizations.

–Paul Whiting (written July 11th, 2022, revised July 12th, 2022, revised July 20th, 2022, revised July 27th, 2022, revised July 27th, 2022, revised August 16th, 2022, revised November 24th, 2022, revised November 28th, 2022, revised December 19th, 2022, revised December 28th, 2022, revised December 30th, 2022, revised April 16th, 2023, revised April 17th, 2023, revised April 21st, 2023, revised April 22nd, 2023, revised April 27th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised July 29th, 2023, revised August 16th, 2023 and revised April 30th, 2024)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]
July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022): This update is a follow-up to my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022' and it is kind of complicated!

You see, my monthly donations of $3.00 each to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations processed on July 17th, 2022. (The only exception to that was my donation to the Democratic Party of Oregon which, for some reason, processed on July 15th, 2022—rather than July 17th, 2022. So, I contacted them on July 15th, 2022, and requested that they change my future recurring monthly donations of $3.00 to the 17th of each month and they replied to me that same day with the following statement: "There shouldn't be an issue with having the payment on the 17th, I will get that switched over for you right now!")

And then, today July 27th, 2022, I also made one-time donations to Democratic political campaigns of $3.00 each for the most competitive races (of which I am aware) regarding Democratic House of Representatives and Senate seats. In addition to that, I made one-time donations of $3.00 each to the most competitive races (of which I am aware) regarding Democratic gubernatorial—or governor's—seats. Plus, I made an additional one-time donation to my local Democratic Party of Oregon.

Now, here is where my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022)' gets complicated: Earlier, I said that I was going to only "make recurring monthly donations to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations...and to the USO...with the exception of occasional one-time donations to the USO, plus various progressive organizations," which is what I have done, so far!

However, I decided that I needed to "up my game" and to continue making donations to individual Democratic political campaigns, but I am planning to only donate to them once per month, on the 27th of each month, until election day. Thus, I am donating each month—and I am donating $3.00 per campaign, just like I am donating to each of the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations—and that way I am donating to help Democrats win in November, in a way that is affordable to me, for the 2022 Midterm Elections.

–Paul Whiting (written July 27th, 2022, revised August 27th, 2022, revised August 28th, 2022, revised August 30th, 2022, revised September 27th, 2022, revised September 28th, 2022, revised September 30th, 2022, revised November 28th, 2022, revised April 11th, 2023, revised April 16th, 2023, revised April 27th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised July 29th, 2023 and revised May 2nd, 2024)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]
July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 2, Written On August 30th, 2022): This update is a follow-up to the following:

▪ July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022
▪ July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022)

Although, this update is similar to that 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022),' with some exceptions.

You see, my monthly donations of $3.00 each to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations processed on August 17th, 2022, including my donation to the Democratic Party of Oregon, which processed the previous month on July 15th, 2022, rather than on July 17th, 2022; however, I contacted them last month, on July 15th, 2022, and requested that their monthly recurring donation of $3.00 be processed on the 17th of each month, going forward, which started this month, on August 17th, 2022.

And then, on August 27th, 2022, I also made one-time donations to Democratic political campaigns of $3.00 each for the most competitive races (of which I am aware) regarding Democratic House of Representatives and Senate seats. In addition to that, I made one-time donations of $3.00 each to the most competitive races (of which I am aware) regarding Democratic gubernatorial—or governor's—seats.

Now, here is where I explained that my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022)' gets complicated:

Earlier, I said that I was going to only "make recurring monthly donations to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations...and to the USO...with the exception of occasional one-time donations to the USO, plus various progressive organizations," which is what I have done, so far!

And here is where I said in my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022)' that I also needed to "up my game":

However, I decided that I needed to "up my game" and to continue making donations to individual Democratic political campaigns, but I am planning to only donate to them once per month, on the 27th of each month, until election day. Thus, I am donating each month—and I am donating $3.00 per campaign, just like I am donating to each of the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations—and that way I am donating to help Democrats win in November, in a way that is affordable to me, for the 2022 Midterm Elections.

So, what differentiates this update from my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022),' is the fact that I am providing you with the total amount that donated for August 2022:

I donated a total of $[redacted] on August 27th, 2022 to Democratic political campaigns, as described above, within which I also included additional one-time donations to the DLCC (Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee) and to the DCCC (Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee), as well as one-time donations to EMILYs List PAC "to put women into office who can make significant contributions to education, health care, voting rights, and economic equality," and to Planned Parenthood Federal PAC "to support candidates who will advocate for our reproductive health and rights."

In addition to that, I also made a donation of $[redacted] to Wikipedia, since I went onto their website on August 17th, 2022, and they were requesting donations. You see, as a blogger and frequent reader of Wikipedia, I try donate to them whenever they request a donation!

Besides the donations mentioned above, I also made $[redacted] in donations during the month of August 2022, which included several donations to the USO (United Service Organizations), several donations to the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union), plus, an individual one-time donation to a local news publication the Willamette Week, as well as an individual one-time donation to the news publication The Guardian, in addition to an individual one-time donation to Liz Cheney's leadership PAC "The Great Task." (By the way, I explained my donation to "The Great Task" in my 'August 17th, 2022 Update.')

Plus, I figured out how to track the amounts that I am donating during the month in order to help me budget how much I am spending each month, so that—eventually—I will be paying more each month than I am charging each month on my credit card (hopefully, at least!); but, that is probably not going to happen until after the 2022 Midterm Elections.

Thus, my total donations for the month of August 2022 are $[redacted], which brings my credit card to a grand total of $[redacted]! However, I am donating as much as I can afford to donate in order to help progressive causes that I care about, in addition to supporting the USO as often as I manage, as well as to help Democrats win in the 2022 Midterm Elections!

–Paul Whiting (written August 30th, 2022, revised September 27th, 2022, revised September 28th, 2022, revised September 30th, 2022, revised November 1st, 2022, revised November 28th, 2022, revised December 7th, 2022, revised April 11th, 2023, revised April 16th, 2023, revised April 27th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised June 24th, 2023, revised July 29th, 2023, revised August 19th, 2023 and revised May 2nd, 2024)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]
July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 3, Written On September 30th, 2022): This update is a follow-up to the following:

▪ July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022
▪ July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022)
▪ July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 2, Written On August 30th, 2022)

Although, this update is similar to my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022),' as well as similar to my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 2, Written On August 30th, 2022),' with some exceptions.

You see, my monthly donations of $3.00 each to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations processed on September 17th, 2022.

And then, on September 27th, 2022 as well as on September 28th, 2022, I also made one-time donations to Democratic political campaigns of $3.00 each for the most competitive races (of which I am aware) regarding Democratic House of Representatives and Senate seats. In addition to that, I made one-time donations of $3.00 each to the most competitive races (of which I am aware) regarding Democratic gubernatorial—or governor's—seats.

Now, here is where I explained that my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022)' gets complicated:

Earlier, I said that I was going to only "make recurring monthly donations to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations...and to the USO...with the exception of occasional one-time donations to the USO, plus various progressive organizations," which is what I have done, so far!

And here is where I said in my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022)' that I also needed to "up my game":

However, I decided that I needed to "up my game" and to continue making donations to individual Democratic political campaigns, but I am planning to only donate to them once per month, on the 27th of each month, until election day. Thus, I am donating each month—and I am donating $3.00 per campaign, just like I am donating to each of the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations—and that way I am donating to help Democrats win in November, in a way that is affordable to me, for the 2022 Midterm Elections.

So, what differentiates this update from my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022),' as well as being the same thing that differentiates my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 2, Written On August 30th, 2022)' from the aforementioned 'Follow-Up No. 1,' is the fact that I am providing you with the total amount that donated for September 2022:

I donated $[redacted] on September 27th, 2022, as well as $[redacted] on September 28th, 2022, for a total of $[redacted], to Democratic political campaigns, as described above, within which I also included additional one-time donations to the DLCC (Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee), to the DCCC (Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee), and to the Democratic Party of Oregon Victory Fund.

Also, in the above-mentioned total of $[redacted], I included one-time donations to EMILYs List PAC "to put women into office who can make significant contributions to education, health care, voting rights, and economic equality," and to Planned Parenthood Federal PAC "to support candidates who will advocate for our reproductive health and rights," plus to VoteVets which "elevates the voices of Veterans and military families through progressive legislative policies and electoral endorsements that impact the lives of active service members, Veterans, and the country."

In addition to that, in the above-mentioned total of $[redacted], I included one-time donations to elect Oregon Senator Ron Wyden, to elect Tina Kotek as Oregon's next Governor, to elect Oregon's great Democratic Congressional team of Earl Blumenauer, Suzanne Bonamici, Jamie McLeod-Skinner, Val Hoyle, Andrea Salinas and Joe Yetter, to elect Christina Stephenson as Oregon's next Labor Commissioner, as well as to elect Portland City Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty.

Besides the donations mentioned above, I also made $[redacted] in donations during the month of September 2022, which included several donations to the USO (United Service Organizations), several donations to the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union), plus, an individual one-time donation to the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), as well as an individual one-time donation to Planned Parenthood Votes.

Plus, I continued to track the amounts that I am donating during the month in order to help me budget how much I am spending each month, so that—eventually—I will be paying more each month than I am charging each month on my credit card (hopefully, at least!); but, that is probably not going to happen until after the 2022 Midterm Elections.

Thus, my total donations for the month of September 2022 are $[redacted], which brings my credit card to a grand total of $[redacted]! However, I am donating as much as I can afford to donate in order to help progressive causes that I care about, in addition to supporting the USO as often as I manage, as well as to help Democrats win in the 2022 Midterm Elections!

–Paul Whiting (written September 30th, 2022, revised November 1st, 2022, revised November 28th, 2022, revised December 7th, 2022, revised April 11th, 2023, revised April 16th, 2023, revised April 27th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised June 24th, 2023, revised July 29th, 2023, revised August 19th, 2023 and revised May 2nd, 2024)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]
July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 4, Written On November 1st, 2022): This update is a follow-up to the following:

▪ July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022
▪ July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022)
▪ July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 2, Written On August 30th, 2022)
▪ July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 3, Written On September 30th, 2022)

Although, this update is similar to my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022),' as well as similar to my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 2, Written On August 30th, 2022),' in addition to being similar to my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 3, Written On September 30th, 2022),' with some exceptions.

You see, my monthly donations of $3.00 each to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations processed on October 17th, 2022.

And then, on October 27th, I also made one-time donations to Democratic political campaigns of $3.00 each for the most competitive races (of which I am aware) regarding Democratic House of Representatives and Senate seats. In addition to that, I made one-time donations of $3.00 each to the most competitive races (of which I am aware) regarding Democratic gubernatorial—or governor's—seats. Plus, I also made one-time donations of $3.00 each to the most competitive races (of which I am aware) regarding Secretary of State and Attorney General seats. (Whew!)

Now, here is where I explained that my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022)' gets complicated:

Earlier, I said that I was going to only "make recurring monthly donations to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations...and to the USO...with the exception of occasional one-time donations to the USO, plus various progressive organizations," which is what I have done, so far!

And here is where I said in my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022)' that I also needed to "up my game":

However, I decided that I needed to "up my game" and to continue making donations to individual Democratic political campaigns, but I am planning to only donate to them once per month, on the 27th of each month, until election day. Thus, I am donating each month—and I am donating $3.00 per campaign, just like I am donating to each of the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations—and that way I am donating to help Democrats win in November, in a way that is affordable to me, for the 2022 Midterm Elections.

So, what differentiates this update from my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022),' as well as being the same thing that differentiates both my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 2, Written On August 30th, 2022)' and my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 3, Written On September 30th, 2022)' from the aforementioned 'Follow-Up No. 1,' is the fact that I am providing you with the total amount that donated for October 2022:

I donated $[redacted] on October 27th, 2022, to Democratic political campaigns, as described above, within which I also included additional one-time donations to the DNC (Democratic National Committee), to the DCCC (Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee), and to the DSCC (Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee).

Also, in the above-mentioned total of $[redacted], I included one-time donations to EMILYs List PAC "to put women into office who can make significant contributions to education, health care, voting rights, and economic equality," and to Planned Parenthood Federal PAC "to support candidates who will advocate for our reproductive health and rights," plus to VoteVets which "elevates the voices of Veterans and military families through progressive legislative policies and electoral endorsements that impact the lives of active service members, Veterans, and the country" in addition to MeidasTouch that has been "producing the most hard-hitting, impactful and most watched political videos."

In addition to that, in the above-mentioned total of $[redacted], I included one-time donations to elect Oregon Senator Ron Wyden, to elect Tina Kotek as Oregon's next Governor, to elect Oregon's great Democratic Congressional team of Earl Blumenauer, Suzanne Bonamici, Jamie McLeod-Skinner, Val Hoyle, Andrea Salinas and Joe Yetter, to elect Christina Stephenson as Oregon's next Labor Commissioner, as well as to elect Portland City Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty.

Besides the donations mentioned above, I also made $[redacted] in donations during the month of October 2022, which included several donations to the USO (United Service Organizations), one-time donations to the American Red Cross and The Salvation Army, plus, an individual one-time donation to TruthOut, two one-time donations to The Guardian News, an individual one-time donation to Friends of Willamette Week, an individual one-time donation to UNFPA (formerly known as the 'United Nations Fund for Population Activities' that is now called the 'United Nations Population Fund'), an individual one-time donation to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, and an individual one-time donation to Bolts Magazine. (Whew!)

Plus, I continued to track the amounts that I am donating during the month in order to help me budget how much I am spending each month, so that—eventually—I will be paying more each month than I am charging each month on my credit card (hopefully, at least!); but, that is probably not going to happen until after the 2022 Midterm Elections.

Thus, my total donations for the month of October 2022 are $[redacted], which brings my credit card to a grand total of $[redacted]! (Although, for the sake of clarity, out of that grand total, $[redacted] was for store purchases that I decided to charge to my credit card and pay off later on; thus, my adjusted grand total for political and charitable donations only is "[redacted].") However, I am donating as much as I can afford to donate in order to help progressive causes that I care about, in addition to supporting the USO as often as I manage, as well as to help Democrats win in the 2022 Midterm Elections!

–Paul Whiting (written November 1st, 2022, revised November 28th, 2022, revised December 7th, 2022, revised April 11th, 2023, revised April 16th, 2023, revised April 27th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised June 24th, 2023, revised July 29th, 2023, revised August 12th, 2023, revised August 19th, 2023 and revised May 2nd, 2024)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]
July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 5, Written On December 7th, 2022): This update is a follow-up to the following:

▪ July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022
▪ July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022)
▪ July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 2, Written On August 30th, 2022)
▪ July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 3, Written On September 30th, 2022)
▪ July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 4, Written On November 1st, 2022)

Although, this update is similar to my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022),' as well as similar to my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 2, Written On August 30th, 2022),' in addition to being similar to my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 3, Written On September 30th, 2022),' besides also being similar to my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 4,' Written On November 1st, 2022), Written On November 1st, 2022, with some exceptions. Also, this is the last update that I am providing for this 2022 Midterm Election cycle, since the final race for this midterm election year was held yesterday, December 6th, 2022.

You see, my monthly donations of $3.00 each to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations processed on November 17th, 2022.

And also, on November 10th, November 12th, November 13th, November 29th, November 30th, December 1st, December 3rd and December 5th, 2022, I made additional one-time donations to the DSCC (Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee) and to Democratic political campaigns for particularly close Senate races.

Now, here is where I explained that my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022)' gets complicated:

Earlier, I said that I was going to only "make recurring monthly donations to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations...and to the USO...with the exception of occasional one-time donations to the USO, plus various progressive organizations," which is what I have done, so far!

And here is where I said in my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022)' that I also needed to "up my game":

However, I decided that I needed to "up my game" and to continue making donations to individual Democratic political campaigns, but I am planning to only donate to them once per month, on the 27th of each month, until election day. Thus, I am donating each month—and I am donating $3.00 per campaign, just like I am donating to each of the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations—and that way I am donating to help Democrats win in November, in a way that is affordable to me, for the 2022 Midterm Elections.

So, what differentiates this update from my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022),' as well as being the same thing that differentiates my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 2, Written On August 30th, 2022),' and my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 3, Written On September 30th, 2022),' in addition to my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 4, Written On November 1st, 2022),' from the aforementioned 'Follow-Up No. 1,' is the fact that I am providing you with the total amount that donated for November 2022 and December 2022:

I donated a total of $[redacted] on the days of November 10th, November 12th, November 13th, November 17th (which is the monthly donation date, as I mentioned above), November 29th and November 30th, 2022, as well as a total of $[redacted] on the days of December 1st, December 3rd and December 5th, 2022, which includes the above-mentioned additional one-time donations to the DSCC (Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee) and to the above-mentioned Democratic political campaigns for particularly close Senate races.

By the way, as of the date of this particular update, my usual monthly donations of $3.00 each to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations are scheduled to be processed on December 17th, 2022, but this is the last update that I am providing for this 2022 Midterm Election cycle.

Besides the donations mentioned above, I also made $[redacted] in donations during the month of November 2022, which included several donations to the USO (United Service Organizations); one-time donations to the Willamette Week and the Portland Mercury (both of which are local news publications in Portland, Oregon, whose election endorsements I read); one-time donations for Veterans Day to Veterans of Foreign Wars, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA), Disabled American Veterans (DAV) and Wounded Warrior Project (WWP); one-time donations for Thanksgiving Day to Portland Rescue Mission, Union Gospel Mission, Oregon Food Bank and Feeding America; a one-time donation to The Real News Network, which is a "non-profit, viewer supported news" organization (and I consider this donation to be similar to the cost of an annual news subscription); and, finally, multiple individual one-time donations for "Giving Tuesday" to the following organizations: Doctors Without Borders, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (USA for UNHCR), United Nations World Food Program USA (WFPUSA), Ronald McDonald House Charities, The Salvation Army, American Red Cross, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Charity Navigator, the Willamette Week's "Give!Guide" (I donated to 15 separate local charities as well as to Friends of Willamette Week), additional donations to both Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) and Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA), the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union), Planned Parenthood Federation of America, and No Kid Hungry.

Plus, I continued to track the amounts that I am donating during the month in order to help me budget how much I am spending each month, so that—eventually—I will be paying more each month than I am charging each month on my credit card (hopefully, at least!); but, that is probably only going to happen now that it's after the 2022 Midterm Elections.

Thus, my total donations for the month of November 2022 are $[redacted], which brings my credit card to a grand total of $[redacted]! However, I donated as much as I could afford to donate in order to help progressive causes that I care about, in addition to supporting the USO as often as I manage, as well as to help Democrats win in the 2022 Midterm Elections!

–Paul Whiting (December 7th, 2022, revised December 8th, 2022, revised December 10th, 2022, revised April 11th, 2023, revised April 16th, 2023, revised April 27th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised July 29th, 2023, revised November 11th, 2023, revised November 25th, 2023, revised December 18th, 2023 and revised May 2nd, 2024)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]


July 16th, 2022 Update, Written On July 17, 2022: I watched a YouTube video titled, "Access to mental health help now just three digits away" today, July 17th, 2022, which explained the rollout—yesterday, July 16th, 2022—of "the new 988 simplified national health crisis and suicide prevention lifeline."

Therefore, here is a summary for the new "988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline" from their website (please see the hyperlink below for the website):

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is now: 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

988 has been designated as the new three-digit dialing code that will route callers to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. While some areas may be currently able to connect to the Lifeline by dialing 988, this dialing code will be available to everyone across the United States starting on July 16, 2022.

Talk To Someone Now

If you’re thinking about suicide, are worried about a friend or loved one, or would like emotional support, the Lifeline network is available 24/7 across the United States.

What Happens When I Call The Lifeline?

First, you’ll hear a message telling you that you’ve reached the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.

We’ll play you a little hold music while we connect you.

A skilled, trained crisis worker who works at the Lifeline network crisis center closest to you will answer the phone.

This person will listen to you, understand how your problem is affecting you, provide support, and share any resources that may be helpful.

Remember, your call is confidential and free.

Should I Call The Lifeline?

No matter what problems you’re dealing with, whether or not you’re thinking about suicide, if you need someone to lean on for emotional support, call the Lifeline.

People call to talk about lots of things: substance abuse, economic worries, relationships, sexual identity, getting over abuse, depression, mental and physical illness, and loneliness, to name a few.

And below, also please find the prose that I wrote from a blog post that I originally published on my "Small All White in the Forest" blog, and which I am planning to republish for a blog post on my "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blog, with regard to World Suicide Prevention Day, which is September 10th each year:

...In the past, I struggled with suicidal thoughts. So, you are not alone.

Therefore, if you feel like you are suicidal, please get help. So that—someday—you, too, can tell someone who might be suicidal,

"In the past, I struggled with suicidal thoughts..."

Thus, I decided to write this update about the new "988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline" name and phone number. So, if you feel like you are in crisis—or if you feel like you are suicidal—please dial "988" to get help!

–Paul Whiting (written July 17th, 2022, revised July 21st, 2022, revised December 19th, 2022, revised March 27th, 2023, revised April 11th, 2023 and revised June 17th, 2023)

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is now: 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: "If you’re thinking about suicide, are worried about a friend or loved one, or would like emotional support, the Lifeline network is available 24/7 across the United States." Dial 988


July 19th, 2022 Update: I received an email from Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) today, July 19th, 2022, with the subject line, "We Need Your Help to Pass the Pact Act", which stated, in part, the following:


Last week the Honoring Our PACT Act passed the House with a strong bipartisan vote of 342-88. Now the PACT Act will be voted on by the Senate soon! We need your help more now than ever in getting this vital legislation passed so those suffering from military toxic exposures receive the VA healthcare and disability benefits they deserve.

You can help by asking your US Senators to pass the Honoring Our PACT Act. Use this link to call your US Senator today.

Call Your US Senator:


[Name redacted], [Title redacted], Government Affairs for IAVA

However, rather than calling my Senators, I wrote to them instead, since I usually communicate in writing to my Senators—that way, I have a written record of what I communicated. So, I sent email letters to my Senators, on their websites, urging them to support passing this critical legislation, which can be found below:

Message Subject: Please vote to pass the Honoring Our PACT Act

Dear Senator [Name],

Last week the Honoring Our PACT Act passed the House with a strong bipartisan vote of 342-88. Now the PACT Act will be voted on by the Senate soon!

Veterans need your help more now than ever in getting this vital legislation passed so that those suffering from military toxic exposures receive the VA healthcare and disability benefits they deserve.

So, I am writing to you today to ask that you please vote to pass the Honoring Our PACT Act!

Thank you for your time and for your consideration in this matter.

Yours very truly,

-Paul Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
Portland, Oregon
[ZIP Code redacted]

And, after I sent those letters to my Senators, I made a one-time donation to Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) in order to show my support for our U.S. Veterans!

–Paul Whiting (written July 19th, 2022, revised December 19th, 2022, revised January 1st, 2023, revised March 10th, 2023, revised October 23rd, 2023 and revised November 30th, 2023)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]


"July 27th, 2022 Update" [Written Originally As A 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022)']: This update is a follow-up to my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022' and it is kind of complicated!

You see, my monthly donations of $3.00 each to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations processed on July 17th, 2022. (The only exception to that was my donation to the Democratic Party of Oregon which, for some reason, processed on July 15th, 2022—rather than July 17th, 2022. So, I contacted them on July 15th, 2022, and requested that they change my future recurring monthly donations of $3.00 to the 17th of each month and they replied to me that same day with the following statement: "There shouldn't be an issue with having the payment on the 17th, I will get that switched over for you right now!")

And then, today July 27th, 2022, I also made one-time donations to Democratic political campaigns of $3.00 each for the most competitive races (of which I am aware) regarding Democratic House of Representatives and Senate seats. In addition to that, I made one-time donations of $3.00 each to the most competitive races (of which I am aware) regarding Democratic gubernatorial—or governor's—seats. Plus, I made an additional one-time donation to my local Democratic Party of Oregon.

Now, here is where my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022)' gets complicated: Earlier, I said that I was going to only "make recurring monthly donations to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations...and to the USO...with the exception of occasional one-time donations to the USO, plus various progressive organizations," which is what I have done, so far!

However, I decided that I needed to "up my game" and to continue making donations to individual Democratic political campaigns, but I am planning to only donate to them once per month, on the 27th of each month, until election day. Thus, I am donating each month—and I am donating $3.00 per campaign, just like I am donating to each of the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations—and that way I am donating to help Democrats win in November, in a way that is affordable to me, for the 2022 Midterm Elections.

–Paul Whiting (written July 27th, 2022, revised August 27th, 2022, revised August 28th, 2022, revised August 30th, 2022, revised September 27th, 2022, revised September 28th, 2022, revised September 30th, 2022, revised November 28th, 2022, revised April 11th, 2023, revised April 16th, 2023, revised April 27th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised July 29th, 2023 and revised May 2nd, 2024)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]




August 5th, 2022 Update: I received an email from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) today, August 5th, 2022, with the subject line, "Kansas showed the power of our vote. We're here to protect it.", which stated the following:

Paul –

In a monumental election this Tuesday, voters in Kansas defeated a ballot measure that would've given politicians unlimited authority to restrict access to abortion care in the state.

People came to the polls and made it clear that abortion is a right we will fight for – a right that now continues to be protected by the Kansas Constitution. That is decidedly the power of voters.

Coincidentally, tomorrow also happens to mark the 57th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act (VRA) – a landmark legislation that was signed into law at the height of the civil rights movement, which you can and should dig deeper on by reading our latest piece posted up about it today.

But why bring these two matters up together today? Let us explain.

The VRA was designed to protect voting rights for all Americans – especially Black voters, who have continuously been disenfranchised throughout our history. For decades since its signing, the VRA stood as a bulwark against racially discriminatory voting practices. But in recent years, Supreme Court decisions – including 2013's Shelby County v. Holder and 2021's Brnovich v. Democratic National Committee – have gutted the heart of the VRA.

This opened the floodgates to wave after wave of anti-voting legislation and, in no small way, helped establish state legislatures across the country that do not accurately represent the will of the people.

Many of those legislatures in turn have passed increasingly unpopular and hostile restrictions against people's rights throughout the years – including a surge of abortion bans that have been unfolding long before the recent fall of Roe.

So especially as elections like Kansas' continue to take place across the states from now until November, the ACLU knows more than ever that attacks on our civil liberties are not isolated – and the fight to defend them cannot be won that way either. We must be present and relentless on every level and at every front. At the ACLU, that's exactly what we're doing.

That's also why we're writing to you about this today – to remind you that while so much is at stake, we're not giving up. On the ballot, in the courts, and in state legislatures, we won't stop fighting for your safe and equal right to vote, nor will we stop defending every other right currently under threat.

And victories like in Kansas – hard-won by the collective efforts of dedicated organizers, volunteers, and activists like you – show us that together we can and will win.

So please stay tuned for more on how you can take part in our work for the midterms and beyond – and in the meantime, take a second to reflect on the VRA and the crucial fight that's before us.

Thank you for being with us,

The ACLU Team

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced article, which can be found below (although, I did not include any of the hyperlinks contained in the article):

"Fifty-Seven Years After its Enactment, the Voting Rights Act is in Peril" from the ACLU:

This week marks 57 years since the signing of the Voting Rights Act (VRA), landmark legislation that ensured the right to vote was protected for all Americans.

In the decades following the Civil War, states in the South enacted discriminatory measures, such as poll taxes and literary tests, in order to stop Black Americans from voting. Not to be deterred, voting rights activists protested and mobilized, but were met with brutal violence and intimidation. These efforts culminated in 1965, as voting rights activists seeking to march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama were severely beaten and bloodied. The nation watched, shocked and outraged, which pushed President Lyndon B. Johnson to call on Congress to pass comprehensive legislation to protect the right to vote. The result was the crown jewel of the civil rights movement: the VRA.

The VRA was designed to enforce voting rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution, and to secure the right to vote for racial minorities throughout the country, especially for Black voters in the South. For decades since its signing, the VRA has stood as a bulwark against racially discriminatory voting practices and paved the way for 45 years of progress on voting rights. But over the last decade, instead of protecting the VRA and expanding access to the ballot box, the Supreme Court and courts across the country have dismantled and gutted crucial parts of the VRA.

For decades, the VRA stood against racially discriminatory voting. Still, the Supreme Court and courts across the U.S. have crippled crucial parts of the VRA.

First, in the 2013 Shelby County v. Holder case, the Supreme Court eviscerated Section 5, one of the VRA’s most effective guardrails. Prior to this decision, states and counties with the worst histories and recent records of racial discrimination in voting had to obtain federal “preclearance” — that is, approval from the Department of Justice or a federal court — before implementing any changes to voting laws and practices, to ensure they did not curtail the right to vote for minority voters. Shelby County struck down the formula used to identify which states and localities were required to do so, gutting the heart of the VRA and opening the floodgates to wave after wave of anti-voting legislation.

Then last year, the Supreme Court dealt another blow to the critical protections provided in the VRA. In Brnovich v. Democratic National Committee, the court erected significant new barriers to lawsuits brought under Section 2 of the act, the nationwide prohibition on racially discriminatory voting laws. The new standard is completely at odds with the VRA’s purpose — to eradicate racial discrimination in voting, no matter how blunt or subtle.

In 2021 alone, more than 400 anti-voter measures were introduced by states across the country, many of which will disproportionately burden voters of color.

The attacks on the VRA have not abated. Just last month, the Supreme Court reinstated Louisiana’s congressional map, despite a federal court ruling that the map was racially discriminatory and likely violated the VRA. This is a repeat of what occurred earlier this year in Alabama. There, the Supreme Court allowed yet another...racially discriminatory congressional map to stand in the face of a federal court ruling that it likely violated the VRA. It’s clear the robust federal safeguards instated by the VRA to protect the right to vote are quickly being rolled back.

At the same time, politicians across the country continue to push the big lie that the 2020 election was stolen. This lie not only led to the attack we saw on the Capitol on January 6, but is fueling even more voter suppression legislation across the country.

In 2021 alone, more than 400 anti-voter measures were introduced by states across the country, many of which will disproportionately burden voters of color. This relentless assault on voting rights shows no signs of receding. These measures run the gamut from restricting access to vote by mail, eliminating Election Day registration, and making it more difficult to vote early in person to criminalizing efforts by local election administrators to assist voters. Additionally, like in Louisiana, several states have enacted new electoral maps that systemically minimize the voting strength of Black voters.

As we reflect on the 57th anniversary of VRA, there should be no question that the right to vote is under siege and that these efforts to interfere with and minimize our right to vote fall heaviest on already marginalized people, especially Black communities. We still have so much work ahead of us to ensure every eligible American has the right to vote. Here at the ACLU we’ve redoubled our efforts to fight for voting rights in courts, in state legislatures, and on the streets. For over 100 years we’ve protected the civil liberties of all Americans, and we’ll continue to be on the frontlines of this fight to protect our rights.


And, after I read the email's referenced article above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:


Voters of color continue to be impacted by discriminatory election practices intended to diminish their voting power. In 2021 alone, in the wake of record levels of turnout for the presidential election, a wave of anti-voter measures were introduced across the states – many of which will disproportionately disenfranchise Black and Brown voters. These measures include making it a crime to provide food or water to voters waiting in line, strict limits on drop boxes for absentee ballots, racially gerrymandered district maps, and more. As midterm elections approach this year, we expect these blatant suppression tactics to continue.

The Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act includes crucial provisions to restore the protections of the Voting Rights Act that will begin to root out voting barriers that discriminate against voters of color. There's no time to wait: We must urge the Senate to pass this crucial law now.

So, I sent letters to my U.S. House Representative and Senators in Congress, which can be seen below:



Pass the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act

As your constituent, I urge you to pass the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act. Passing this bill will protect our fundamental right to vote and defend us against discrimination.

The removal of critical protections from the Voting Rights Act of 1965 catalyzed a race to stop people of color from voting. Since then, states have been able to engage in voter suppression with impunity. In 2021 alone, 34 anti-voter laws passed in 19 states, often purposefully targeting people of color through tactics including restraints on voter registration and absentee voting, racially gerrymandered district maps, and more. And given the Supreme Court’s 2021 decision in Brnovich v. Democratic National Committee, which unduly narrows the Voting Rights Act – it is clearly up to Congress to do what is necessary to protect the rights of all voters in this country.

The price of inaction is high, and history shows it. With midterm elections fast approaching, I’m asking you to act now to cement the legacy of the Voting Rights Act and guard the rights of all Americans.

It's long past due for Congress to renew vital voting protections. Pass the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act now.


[First Name] [Last Name]

Thus, I sent letters to my U.S. House Representative and Senators in Congress urging them to pass the "Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act." And after I sent letters to my U.S. House Representative and Senators in Congress, I also made a donation to the ACLU in order to show my support for passing the "Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act" in celebration of the "Voting Rights Act," because the right to vote is fundamental to our Democracy. –Paul Whiting (written August 5th, 2022, revised December 19th, 2022, revised January 1st, 2023, revised March 3rd, 2023, revised April 11th, 2023 and revised June 5th, 2023)


August 16th, 2022 Update: The following is a comment that I wrote upon making a one-time donation to a local news publication, the Willamette Week (WW) [Willamette Week is a local news publication here in Portland, Oregon—and I am a monthly contributor to the Willamette Week], regarding an article that I read on their website titled, "This Is the Story of the Rise and Fall of the Ferrymen of the Willamette." And this article is about the local history here in Portland, Oregon of the attempt by Willamette River ferrymen in August of 1887 to pull down the newly-constructed Morrison Bridge:

I donated today, August 16th, 2022, to Willamette Week for the really excellent article titled, "This Is the Story of the Rise and Fall of the Ferrymen of the Willamette" by Dr. Mitchell Millar, which was published on August 29, 2016.

Thus, I was truly moved by the poignancy of Dr. Millar's article, which regaled the reader with tales of his "great-great-grandfather Rudyard Millar, who worked for many years as a ferryman of the Willamette River."

You see, I had heard tell of the attempt by the ferrymen in 1887 to pull down the newly-constructed Morrison Bridge—so I decided to search online to find more information about this history-making event—and to hear of it directly through the perception of an actual ferryman, during that time period, made understanding the intensity of the situation that much more meaningful.

Thank you again for this wonderful article!

Yours very truly,

Paul Whiting
Poet, Artist and Philosopher
Portland, Oregon

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And the reason that I wrote this update—regarding making a donation to a local news publication for enjoying the above-mentioned article—is because I consider supporting independent journalism as an integral part of my "Online Activism!" –Paul Whiting (written August 16th, 2022, revised December 19th, 2022, revised April 27th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023 and revised June 3rd, 2023)
August 16th, 2022 Update (Follow-Up, Written On September 30th, 2022): I received and email today, September 30th, 2022, from Friends of Willamette Week (FOWW) [Willamette Week is a local news publication here in Portland, Oregon—and I am a monthly contributor to the Willamette Week] with the subject line, "👀 Paul, who are you?", which stated the following:


Now that you know more about us, we’d like to know more about you. We feel like we barely know you and we’d like to change that! We are curious about who you are and why you decided to become a Friend of Willamette Week. Would you mind telling us a bit about yourself by answering a few questions?

Thanks for sharing with us and have a wonderful weekend!

With gratitude,

[Names redacted]
Your Friends at Willamette Week

So, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage and responded to the following questions:

We want to get to know you!

First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Email: [redacted]

What's your history with WW?

I am originally from Utah (pronounced "you-taw") in the Salt Lake City area, but specifically I "hell" from Cottonwood Heights, which is located on the eastern benches of the Salt Lake Valley at the end of the majestic Wasatch Mountains. And I moved from (read: fled) Utah in 1999 and I came to Portland, Oregon, because I "herd" from a friend, who was also from Salt Lake City, that Portland felt a lot like the good parts of Salt Lake. And she was right! Thus, Portland is where I first read Willamette Week after probably seeing it used as a rain-soaked bench drying pad!

What is your favorite part of the paper?

My favorite part of the paper is the part where I can write haiku poems on it...

...But seriously, folks, I used to read Willamette Week (WW) on public transportation (before I started walking everywhere I go), or I would occasionally snag a copy and share it with roommates, or even hoard it all to myself, in whatever place I happened to park my butt at the time. Nowadays, I mostly read WW—and I also try to make a donation to support WW—when it comes time to read WW voter endorsements and vote!

Why did you become a supporting reader through Friends of Willamette Week?

I read a Willamette Week article titled, "This Is the Story of the Rise and Fall of the Ferrymen of the Willamette" by Dr. Mitchell Millar, which was published on August 29, 2016. And, to clarify, I usually only read Willamette Week these days (since I stopped taking public transportation) when it comes time to vote! However, on August 16th, 2022, I was thinking about the history of the ferryman here in Portland, when the Morrison Bridge was first built, and how the ferrymen tried to pull the bridge down, so I searched online for some telling history of those incredible events and I found the aforementioned article.

Do you have a favorite WW story or moment?

Please see my answer to the question above.

What's your favorite thing about living here?

Well, I really don't have only one favorite thing about Portland, Oregon. You see, I like raindrops on International Rose Test Garden roses, and whiskers on kittens, bright IKEA® kettles, and cruelty-free mittens, brown papered Higher Taste® Burritos with vegan cheese that strings...these are just a few of my favorite things!

Why does local independent journalism matter to you?

Independent journalism matters to me because, without independent journalism, I fear that we are all going to be annexed by Russia!

Anything else you want to share with us?

Yes! Here is a link to my blog post update titled, 'August 16th, 2022 Update' from my blog post titled, "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was," which is on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog with regard to that 'Ferrymen of the Willamette' article that I read on Willamette Week, which is why I recently donated to Friends of Willamette Week:

Thus, I decided to post what I wrote to Willamette Week in their questionnaire on this 'update,' since I felt that these answers were relevant to my 'August 16th, 2022 Update.' –Paul Whiting (written September 30th, 2022, revised December 19th, 2022, revised March 3rd, 2023, revised April 11th, 2023, revised April 27th, 2023, revised May 18th, 2023, revised June 3rd, 2023 and revised June 5th, 2023)


August 17th, 2022 Update: I donated to a Republican today, August 17th, 2022, for the very first time in my life! And that Republican is Liz Cheney.

You see, after I read about Liz Cheney's defeat of her seat in the House of Representatives for Wyoming, I decided to show my support for Ms. Cheney by making a donation to her campaign, even though I knew that I would be donating to her campaign after the fact. And when I went to her website, I found that her campaign committee had been transformed into a new leadership political action committee (PAC) called "The Great Task," which is named after her final ad of the campaign. (Please see the hyperlink below for the video.)

Watch "The Great Task" on YouTube:

Thus, I decided to say "Thank you" to Liz Cheney for standing up to the "Big Lie" that the 2020 election was stolen by making as generous of a one-time donation for me as possible—which was the minimum amount in 'three figures' that I could afford donate—to her leadership PAC "The Great Task."

Therefore, I wanted to let you know of my decision to support Liz Cheney's leadership PAC "The Great Task" as a way to honor the work that Ms. Cheney as done in doing what was "right" by holding those accountable who would try to subvert free and fair elections in the United States of America in the name of one personality.

So, I am also writing this update to ask you, the reader, to please consider joining me in supporting "The Great Task" in standing up to the "Big Lie," since voting should be freely exercised by the "Red" (Republicans), "White" (Independents) and "Blue" (Democrats), because it is a fundamental right. –Paul Whiting (written August 17th, 2022, revised August 18th, 2022, revised November 11th, 2022, revised December 19th, 2022 and revised April 28th, 2023)
August 17th, 2022 Update—Clarification, Written On August 18th, 2022: This is a clarification to my 'August 17th, 2022 Update,' which was—apparently—read by at least one Opinion Columnist at The New York Times, as evidenced by a quote from an August 17th, 2022 article titled, "Republicans Are America’s Problem." The relevant quote from the article can be found below:

"First, let me say, I have no intention of contributing to the hagiography of Liz Cheney. She is a rock-ribbed Republican who supported Trump’s legislative positions 93 percent of the time. It is on the insurrection and election lies where she diverged."

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I totally see the point by this Times Opinion Columnist, but the reason that I was advocating for supporting Liz Cheney's new leadership PAC "The Great Task" is for the very reason that she diverged from the "Big Lie" of the "Big Liar."

Although, I may be naive! Because I could be an unwitting pawn in a larger, diabolically evil plot by Republicans to get me, "A Dark Blue Democrat," to donate to a Republican!

And Democrats in Montana who switched their party to Republican—as requested by Liz Cheney, so that they could vote for Ms. Cheney in the Montana 2022 Primary Election—could also have been unwitting pawns in a larger, diabolically evil plot by Republicans to get them, as Democrats, to switch their party to Republican!

However, we need way more Liz Cheneys in the Republican Party—not way less. Because it's the 'Liz Cheney Republicans' who are standing up to the "Big Lie" of the "Big Liar."

And the 'Cheneyian Republicans' are the only ones really in a position to stop the "Big Liar," since they are, in fact, Republican. Thus, the 'Cheneyions' (read: Liz Cheney-Like Champions) are the only ones capable of influencing other Republicans, as evidenced by another quote from the above-mentioned Times opinion article:

"In a way, she is the Elvis of politics: She took something — in this case a position — that others had held all along and made it cross over. She mainstreamed a political principle that many liberals had held all along."

And that is what's important about the heroic work of 'The Cheneyion' (read: Liz Cheney, The Champion): "She mainstreamed a political principle that many liberals had held all along."

But that's just my opinion.

–Paul Whiting (written August 18th, 2022, revised August 19th, 2022, revised November 11th, 2022, revised December 19th, 2022 and revised April 21st, 2023)


"August 30th, 2022 Update" [Written Originally As A 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 2, Written On August 30th, 2022)'] This update is a follow-up to the following:

▪ July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022
▪ July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022)

Although, this update is similar to that 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022),' with some exceptions.

You see, my monthly donations of $3.00 each to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations processed on August 17th, 2022, including my donation to the Democratic Party of Oregon, which processed the previous month on July 15th, 2022, rather than on July 17th, 2022; however, I contacted them last month, on July 15th, 2022, and requested that their monthly recurring donation of $3.00 be processed on the 17th of each month, going forward, which started this month, on August 17th, 2022.

And then, on August 27th, 2022, I also made one-time donations to Democratic political campaigns of $3.00 each for the most competitive races (of which I am aware) regarding Democratic House of Representatives and Senate seats. In addition to that, I made one-time donations of $3.00 each to the most competitive races (of which I am aware) regarding Democratic gubernatorial—or governor's—seats.

Now, here is where I explained that my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022)' gets complicated:

Earlier, I said that I was going to only "make recurring monthly donations to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations...and to the USO...with the exception of occasional one-time donations to the USO, plus various progressive organizations," which is what I have done, so far!

And here is where I said in my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022)' that I also needed to "up my game":

However, I decided that I needed to "up my game" and to continue making donations to individual Democratic political campaigns, but I am planning to only donate to them once per month, on the 27th of each month, until election day. Thus, I am donating each month—and I am donating $3.00 per campaign, just like I am donating to each of the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations—and that way I am donating to help Democrats win in November, in a way that is affordable to me, for the 2022 Midterm Elections.

So, what differentiates this update from my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022),' is the fact that I am providing you with the total amount that donated for August 2022:

I donated a total of $[redacted] on August 27th, 2022 to Democratic political campaigns, as described above, within which I also included additional one-time donations to the DLCC (Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee) and to the DCCC (Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee), as well as one-time donations to EMILYs List PAC "to put women into office who can make significant contributions to education, health care, voting rights, and economic equality," and to Planned Parenthood Federal PAC "to support candidates who will advocate for our reproductive health and rights."

In addition to that, I also made a donation of $[redacted] to Wikipedia, since I went onto their website on August 17th, 2022, and they were requesting donations. You see, as a blogger and frequent reader of Wikipedia, I try donate to them whenever they request a donation!

Besides the donations mentioned above, I also made $[redacted] in donations during the month of August 2022, which included several donations to the USO (United Service Organizations), several donations to the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union), plus, an individual one-time donation to a local news publication the Willamette Week, as well as an individual one-time donation to the news publication The Guardian, in addition to an individual one-time donation to Liz Cheney's leadership PAC "The Great Task." (By the way, I explained my donation to "The Great Task" in my 'August 17th, 2022 Update.')

Plus, I figured out how to track the amounts that I am donating during the month in order to help me budget how much I am spending each month, so that—eventually—I will be paying more each month than I am charging each month on my credit card (hopefully, at least!); but, that is probably not going to happen until after the 2022 Midterm Elections.

Thus, my total donations for the month of August 2022 are $[redacted], which brings my credit card to a grand total of $[redacted]! However, I am donating as much as I can afford to donate in order to help progressive causes that I care about, in addition to supporting the USO as often as I manage, as well as to help Democrats win in the 2022 Midterm Elections!

–Paul Whiting (written August 30th, 2022, revised September 27th, 2022, revised September 28th, 2022, revised September 30th, 2022, revised November 1st, 2022, revised November 28th, 2022, revised December 7th, 2022, revised April 11th, 2023, revised April 16th, 2023, revised April 27th, 2023, revised June 24th, 2023, revised July 29th, 2023, revised August 19th, 2023 and revised May 2nd, 2024)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]




For my "September 5th, 2022 Update, Written On September 4th, 2022"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

September 5th, 2022 Update, Written On September 4th, 2022: Happy Labor Day, everyone!

In celebration of Labor Day, and out of respect for the work that is done each and every day by our U.S. Military Personnel, I made a one-time donation to the USO (United Service Organizations), because "the USO works to keep America’s military heroes connected to family, home and country as they make immense sacrifices to protect our nation."

And I made this donation for Labor Day in response to an email that I received from the USO today, September 4th, 2022, with the subject line, "If it wasn’t for the USO, I wouldn’t be here," which stated the following:

Paul, according to USO volunteer Gene Maynard, he might not be here if it weren’t for the USO. "My parents never would've met," he said. "That's really the full circle."

It was at a USO dance in Chicago nearly 80 years ago that Maxine, a shy girl visiting from Iowa, met Norm, a dashing combat engineer who had just enlisted in the U.S. Army. What followed was a whirlwind romance cut short by the difficult reality of World War II.

Two months after that dance, Norm arrived on Omaha Beach just six days after D-Day. Over the next year, Norm and his unit made their way through the country, attacking German-occupied strongholds and coming under frequent fire themselves. They faced several close calls, including one where Norm was shot in the head — but miraculously, he survived.

When the war in Europe ended in May 1945, Norm continued to serve in Paris. Then, his unit was notified that they were about to be deployed to Japan, where the war in the Pacific theater raged on. Norm worried that he'd never see Maxine again, but just before his unit was set to depart, Japan surrendered, and the war was over. The moment he arrived back home, Norm asked Maxine to marry him.

Today, their son Gene chooses to volunteer with the USO because he knows firsthand how much our support means to service members like his father and to loved ones back home like his mother.

Norm and Maxine wrote to each other almost every day during his deployment, leaving behind hundreds of love letters and several photos from their time apart. Gene knows how meaningful those moments of connection were for his parents, and he's proud to be a part of the USO's mission to keep today's service members connected to family, home and country through every step of their military journey.

You are an important part of this mission too, Paul. We'll be sharing inspiring stories like this one all month long to give military supporters a chance to deepen their connection with service members and military families — so stay tuned!

Thank you for being a part of this patriotic community,


The USO works to keep America’s military heroes connected to family, home and country as they make immense sacrifices to protect our nation. But our work is only possible because of the generous support of patriotic Americans like you. Will you make a gift today so the USO can continue supporting troops around the world as they risk their lives to keep us safe?


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And I made this one-time donation on the website in order to support the USO's following statement: "Our service members keep our nation safe. And we work hard to keep them connected to home — but we can’t do that without support from military supporters like you. Our troops are counting on you to be a part of this important work for our country." ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "September 5th, 2022 Update, Written On September 4th, 2022":


September 6th, 2022 Update, Written On September 7th, 2022: I usually check on what is happening in the news via various Google searches that I do on a fairly frequent basis under the following topics:

▪ American News
▪ United States News
▪ USA News
▪ President Biden News
▪ Joe Biden News
▪ Democrats News
▪ Republicans News
▪ Political News
▪ World News
▪ Global Warming News
▪ Workers On Strike News
▪ Portland Oregon News

Then, from those searches, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read!

And today, September 7th, 2022, under the Google search "Political News," I noticed a September 6th, 2022 article on The New York Times with the headline, "Former Pentagon Leaders Warn of a Dangerous Era," which also has a subheading that states, "The challenge to the 2020 election result has helped create 'an extremely adverse environment,' former defense secretaries and generals said in an open letter."

And this Times article references an article published on the website "War on the Rocks," which contains the aforementioned open letter.

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight this article from The New York Times for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written September 7th, 2022, revised April 28th, 2023, revised May 5th, 2023, revised May 31st, 2023, revised June 2nd, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


The Passing Of Queen Elizabeth II


September 8th, 2022 Update, The Passing Of Queen Elizabeth II (Elizabeth Alexandra Mary; born April 21st, 1926; died September 8th, 2022): In order to honor the past reign of Queen Elizabeth II, who passed away today, September 8th, 2022, at the age of 96, after reigning for over 70 years in the United Kingdom (UK) and fourteen other Commonwealth realms, I listened to "Mozart's Requiem Mass in D minor" in order to express my utmost respect for Great Britain's longest reigning monarch. –Paul Whiting (written September 8th, 2022 and revised September 9th, 2022)


The Ascension Of King Charles III


September 8th, 2022 Update—Continued, The Ascension Of King Charles III (Charles Philip Arthur George; born 14 November 1948): In order to honor the future reign of King Charles III, who ascended to the throne of the United Kingdom (UK) and fourteen other Commonwealth realms today, September 8th, 2022, I listened to "British Classical Music Masterpieces" in order to express my utmost respect for Great Britain's future reigning monarch. –Paul Whiting (written September 8th, 2022 and revised September 9th, 2022)


For my "September 11th, 2022 Update, Written On September 9th, 2022"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

September 11th, 2022 Update, Written On September 9th, 2022: In remembrance of September 11th, 2001, I signed a card from the USO (United Service Organizations) in order to "make sure our troops know how much we appreciate them," because "the USO set a goal to fill this thank-you card with 181,510 signatures -- one for each service member who enlisted in the year following the September 1‌1 attacks." ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "September 11th, 2022 Update, Written On September 9th, 2022":


September 12th, 2022 Update: I received an email from ACLU People Power today, September 12th, 2022, with the subject line, "Action Alert: Pass the Respect for Marriage Act!", which stated the following:


Any day now, the Senate could vote on the Respect for Marriage Act, a bill that would safeguard protections that marriage equality has brought to hundreds of thousands of same-sex couples and their families across the country from an increasingly radical Supreme Court.

In the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, it is more important than ever that we enshrine our court-protected civil liberties into law.

The Respect for Marriage Act passed the House in July with a large, bipartisan vote of 267-157, making it the most pro-LGBTQ vote in Congressional history. Now, the Respect for Marriage Act is in the hands of our senators — and they need to hear from us, Paul.

It’s time for the Senate to get the job done and pass this bill to safeguard the protections of marriage equality, ensuring that all Americans are treated fairly and equally under federal law. Will you send a message to your senators now and urge them to vote YES on the Respect for Marriage Act?

Send a message »***

The Respect for Marriage Act would safeguard some of the protections of marriage equality even if the Supreme Court overturns crucial cases like Obergefell v. Hodges. Specifically, this critical bill would:

[✓] Guarantee federal recognition of the lawful marriages of same-sex couples
[✓] Completely repeal the discriminatory “Defense of Marriage Act,” which banned federal recognition of same-sex marriage
[✓] Ensure that lawful out-of-state marriages are respected even as couples cross state lines

This bill has strong bipartisan support and undeniable momentum — but we need your help to get it across the finish line.

Send a message to your senators today urging them to pass the Respect for Marriage Act to safeguard the protections of marriage equality.

Thanks for using your voice!

— ACLU People Power

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:

Any day now, the Senate could vote on the Respect for Marriage Act, a bill that would safeguard protections that marriage equality has brought to hundreds of thousands of same-sex couples and their families across the country from an increasingly radical Supreme Court.

It’s time for the Senate to get the job done and pass this bill to safeguard the protections of marriage equality, ensuring that all Americans are treated fairly and equally under federal law.

Send a message to your senators now and urge them to vote YES on the Respect for Marriage Act.

The Respect for Marriage Act would safeguard some of the protections of marriage equality even if the Supreme Court overturns crucial cases like Obergefell v. Hodges. Specifically, the Respect for Marriage Act would:

[✓] Guarantee federal recognition of the lawful marriages of same-sex couples
[✓] Completely repeal the discriminatory “Defense of Marriage Act,” which banned federal recognition of same-sex marriage
[✓] Ensure that lawful out-of-state marriages are respected even as couples cross state lines

This bill passed the House in July with a large, bipartisan vote of 267-157, making it the most pro-LGBTQ vote in Congressional history. Now, the Respect for Marriage Act is in the hands of our senators — and they need to hear from us.

Send a message to your senators today urging them to pass the Respect for Marriage Act to safeguard the protections of marriage equality.

So, I sent letters to my Senators, which can be seen below:

Dear Senator [Name],

As your constituent, I’m urging you to vote YES on the Respect for Marriage Act to safeguard the protections that marriage has brought to hundreds of thousands of same-sex couples and their families across the country.

When the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, I became alarmed by the likelihood that other rights could soon come under attack— like marriage equality.

In July, your colleagues in the House of Representatives passed this crucial bill with a bipartisan vote of 267-157, making it the most pro-LGBTQ vote in Congressional history. Now, the Senate must do the same.

The Respect for Marriage Act would guarantee federal recognition of the lawful marriages of same-sex couples, fully repeal the Defense of Marriage Act, and protect a couple’s lawful marriage regardless of state lines. This bill is critical to ensuring that all Americans are treated fairly and equally under the law.

I urge you to vote YES on the Respect for Marriage Act without delay.

Thank you.


Paul Whiting

And, after I sent letters to my Senators in Congress, as mentioned above, I also made a donation to the ACLU in order to show my support for passing the Respect for Marriage Act and to do my part to help "protect and respect" same-sex marriages in the United States of America.

–Paul Whiting (written September 12th, 2022, revised September 13th, 2022, revised November 18th, 2022, revised December 18th, 2022, revised December 30th, 2022, revised January 1st, 2023, revised March 3rd, 2023, revised April 11th, 2023, revised June 3rd, 2023 and revised June 5th, 2023)


September 14th, 2022 Update: I received an email from ACLU People Power today, September 14th, 2022, with the subject line, "Paul, will you ask your senator to protect pregnant workers?", which stated the following:

Hi Paul,

Vania here, following up on an email I sent you last week about the urgent and overdue Pregnant Workers Fairness Act.

I wanted to make sure you had a chance to check out this article in The Nation about our fight to pass PWFA. Long story short, we need senators to fight harder to pass crucial protections for pregnant workers.

I have to be honest with you — I’m disappointed and I’m frustrated. You’ve been fighting with us to advance reproductive justice at every level, and senators on both sides of the aisle haven’t even done this basic thing – protecting pregnant workers.

Email your Senator today to ask them to make sure PWFA passes now.

Send your message »***

Now, I’m frustrated, but I’m hopeful too. Because of conversations with staffers working on Capitol Hill, I know that PWFA is a priority for many senators and they’re fighting with us to make sure it passes. I’m also hopeful because in the last few weeks we’ve seen an outpouring of support from advocates like you. And that's what we need in order to get across the finish line.

Here’s the scoop: the Senate needs to pass PWFA before senators head out the door later this month or early October. We know we have the votes to pass PWFA now. If the Senate delays a vote on PWFA until November or December, we’re still going to keep fighting for passage but it definitely gets riskier. Nobody knows what could happen at the end of the year. So now is the time!

It’s been a tough year for families and workers. And now, more than ever, pregnant workers need protection and shouldn’t be so easily dismissed by our senators.

Email your Senator today to ask them to pass PWFA now.

Thank you for standing with us and with pregnant workers and their families!

Vania Leveille

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:

Tell Your Senators: It’s Time to Vote on PWFA Now

For years, ACLU activists have been advocating for lawmakers to pass the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA), an overdue bill that would combat pregnancy discrimination and protect the health and safety of pregnant workers. Thanks to the hard work of activists like you, PWFA has made great progress, and finally has the bipartisan votes to pass in the Senate!

Yet, the Senate has continually delayed a vote on PWFA. This isn’t right! Time is running out and we need a vote on PWFA in September.

Send an email to your senators and tell them they must push for a vote on the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act now.

So, I sent letters to my Senators, which can be seen below:

Dear Senator [Name],

I’m writing today because it is disappointing and unacceptable that Senate leaders have not scheduled a vote for the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (S. 1486). This critical bill would safeguard the health and economic security of pregnant workers and it has the 60 votes needed to pass the Senate. There is no good reason for this delay.

As your constituent, I’m asking that you speak up about the urgent need to pass the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act and that you speak to Senate leadership about scheduling a vote right away.

Thank you.


Paul Whiting

And, after I sent letters to my Senators in Congress, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU in order to show my support for passing the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act and to do my part to help protect pregnant workers in the United States of America. –Paul Whiting (written September 14th, 2022, revised September 15th, 2022, revised November 18th, 2022, revised December 18th, 2022, revised December 30th, 2022, revised January 1st, 2023, revised March 3rd, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised June 3rd, 2023 and revised June 5th, 2023)


September 14th, 2022 Update—Continued: I received an email from Planned Parenthood Votes today, September 14th, 2022, today, September 14th, 2022,

Paul —

Yesterday, Sen. Lindsey Graham and Rep. Chris Smith got in front of news cameras to confirm their ultimate goal: Put them in the Senate majority, and they will immediately move to ban abortion nationwide.

We can't let that happen. Make your emergency donation to Planned Parenthood Votes now to help elect leaders who will restore and protect the right to abortion.

In case you had any doubt, it's crystal clear now. There is a legion of lawmakers hellbent on banning abortion nationwide. They don't care that the majority of Americans reject attacks on abortion. They don't care how many states try to protect abortion rights within their borders. They don't care how much suffering and injustice abortion bans have caused, are causing, or will cause.

Every election they win brings them one step closer to banning abortion in every single state. And without the protections of Roe v. Wade to stop them, there is only one thing standing in the way: Us.

You and me and millions of people who believe that people have the right to control their own bodies — we are the last line of defense. It's time to take control of this election — make your gift now to help educate, organize, and mobilize voters.

We already know how dangerous abortion bans are. Right now, 16 states have abortion bans in effect, and every single day brings more stories of patients denied care and people forced to flee their home states. One in three American women now lives in a state where they no longer have control over their bodies.

If Republicans win the majority in Congress this November, their first order of business will be to try to enact a nationwide abortion ban. Senate candidates like Blake Masters in Arizona and Herschel Walker in Georgia are eager to help make that nightmare a reality.

Between now and November 8, our focus needs to be razor sharp: Make sure they never get that chance. Planned Parenthood Votes is putting every resource we have into registering voters and raising awareness about what's at stake. Will you help by making an emergency gift right now?

We've got a lot of work ahead of us, Paul, but we know what we are fighting for, and we know how much it matters. It's good to have you with us.

In solidarity,
Jenny Lawson, Executive Director
Planned Parenthood Votes


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

Thus, I made a donation to show my support for Planned Parenthood Votes in "putting every resource...into registering voters and raising awareness about what's at stake...if Republicans win the majority in Congress this November." –Paul Whiting (written September 14th, 2022, revised September 15th, 2022, revised November 18th, 2022, revised December 18th, 2022, revised December 30th, 2022, revised February 7th, 2023, revised February 25th, 2023, revised April 16th, 2023 and revised June 3rd, 2023)


September 24th, 2022 Update: I was on YouTube watching a video titled, "Elvis parents Singing | Vernon and Gladys Presley recorded singing," when I saw an advertisement from Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) in the form of a YouTube video titled, "Why Climate Resilience Is Like a Tiger Chase." Here is the description from that video (with a hyperlink to the video below):

Why Climate Resilience Is Like a Tiger Chase

Imagine the climate crisis is a tiger. And this tiger… it’s chasing us. We need to slow it down, but we HAVE to move faster too. By doing both, and centering justice, we create climate resilience. That’s a world worth building—and you can help:

By the way, when I was editing this 'update' on April 27th, 2023, I noticed that the original hyperlink above does not work anymore, so I did a search on YouTube for the video and found it had been reuploaded, as can be seen below:*

*This video is a reupload.

And, after I watched the video above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced website, which can be found below:

Tell Congress: We Need to Invest in a Climate Resilient Future

It is clear that climate change is happening now, and even if we reduce emissions today, communities will still be feeling the impacts for some time to come. That's why it's crucial for Congress to pass the National Climate Adaptation and Resilience Strategy Act to establish and invest in a national strategy to better prepare and safeguard frontline communities and infrastructure now and into the future.

Urge your members of Congress to cosponsor and continue to this crritical climate resilience legislation today.

So, I sent letters to my Members of Congress, which can be seen below:

Subject: Support the NCARS Act for a more resilient future

To: Members of Congress

With increasingly frequent extreme weather and climate change-related impacts such as rapidly intensifying hurricanes, worsening drought and wildfires, and deadly heatwaves, I am concerned for the safety of my community and country.

In 2021 alone, there were 20 separate extreme weather disasters exceeding one-billion dollars each costing the nation $148 billion, and hundreds of lives. That’s why I am asking you to support bipartisan climate resilience legislation by cosponsoring the National Climate Adaptation and Resilience Strategy (NCARS) Act, which will invest in adapting our communities to ongoing and future climate impacts and streamline the federal response to climate hazards to better protect our communities and economy from climate threats.

Please cosponsor and continue to support NCARS to invest in making our communities and nation more prepared and resilient to existing and future climate impacts—our safety is at stake.


Paul Whiting

And, after I sent letters to my Members of Congress, as mentioned above, I also made a donation to the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) in order to show my support for passing the National Climate Adaptation and Resilience Strategy (NCARS) Act, because climate resilience is up to us! –Paul Whiting (written September 24th, 2022, revised December 18th, 2022, revised March 3rd, 2023, revised April 27th, 2023, revised July 16th, 2023 and revised October 21st, 2023)


"September 30th, 2022 Update" [Written Originally As A 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 3, Written On September 30th, 2022)']: This update is a follow-up to the following:

▪ July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022
▪ July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022)
▪ July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 2, Written On August 30th, 2022)

Although, this update is similar to my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022),' as well as similar to my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 2, Written On August 30th, 2022),' with some exceptions.

You see, my monthly donations of $3.00 each to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations processed on September 17th, 2022.

And then, on September 27th, 2022 as well as on September 28th, 2022, I also made one-time donations to Democratic political campaigns of $3.00 each for the most competitive races (of which I am aware) regarding Democratic House of Representatives and Senate seats. In addition to that, I made one-time donations of $3.00 each to the most competitive races (of which I am aware) regarding Democratic gubernatorial—or governor's—seats.

Now, here is where I explained that my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022)' gets complicated:

Earlier, I said that I was going to only "make recurring monthly donations to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations...and to the USO...with the exception of occasional one-time donations to the USO, plus various progressive organizations," which is what I have done, so far!

And here is where I said in my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022)' that I also needed to "up my game":

However, I decided that I needed to "up my game" and to continue making donations to individual Democratic political campaigns, but I am planning to only donate to them once per month, on the 27th of each month, until election day. Thus, I am donating each month—and I am donating $3.00 per campaign, just like I am donating to each of the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations—and that way I am donating to help Democrats win in November, in a way that is affordable to me, for the 2022 Midterm Elections.

So, what differentiates this update from my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022),' as well as being the same thing that differentiates my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 2, Written On August 30th, 2022)' from the aforementioned 'Follow-Up No. 1,' is the fact that I am providing you with the total amount that donated for September 2022:

I donated $[redacted] on September 27th, 2022, as well as $[redacted] on September 28th, 2022, for a total of $[redacted], to Democratic political campaigns, as described above, within which I also included additional one-time donations to the DLCC (Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee), to the DCCC (Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee), and to the Democratic Party of Oregon Victory Fund.

Also, in the above-mentioned total of $[redacted], I included one-time donations to EMILYs List PAC "to put women into office who can make significant contributions to education, health care, voting rights, and economic equality," and to Planned Parenthood Federal PAC "to support candidates who will advocate for our reproductive health and rights," plus to VoteVets which "elevates the voices of Veterans and military families through progressive legislative policies and electoral endorsements that impact the lives of active service members, Veterans, and the country."

In addition to that, in the above-mentioned total of $[redacted], I included one-time donations to elect Oregon Senator Ron Wyden, to elect Tina Kotek as Oregon's next Governor, to elect Oregon's great Democratic Congressional team of Earl Blumenauer, Suzanne Bonamici, Jamie McLeod-Skinner, Val Hoyle, Andrea Salinas and Joe Yetter, to elect Christina Stephenson as Oregon's next Labor Commissioner, as well as to elect Portland City Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty.

Besides the donations mentioned above, I also made $[redacted] in donations during the month of September 2022, which included several donations to the USO (United Service Organizations), several donations to the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union), plus, an individual one-time donation to the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), as well as an individual one-time donation to Planned Parenthood Votes.

Plus, I continued to track the amounts that I am donating during the month in order to help me budget how much I am spending each month, so that—eventually—I will be paying more each month than I am charging each month on my credit card (hopefully, at least!); but, that is probably not going to happen until after the 2022 Midterm Elections.

Thus, my total donations for the month of September 2022 are $[redacted], which brings my credit card to a grand total of $[redacted]! However, I am donating as much as I can afford to donate in order to help progressive causes that I care about, in addition to supporting the USO as often as I manage, as well as to help Democrats win in the 2022 Midterm Elections!

–Paul Whiting (written September 30th, 2022, revised November 1st, 2022, revised November 28th, 2022, revised December 7th, 2022, revised April 11th, 2023, revised April 16th, 2023, revised April 27th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised June 24th, 2023, revised July 29th, 2023, revised August 19th, 2023 and revised May 2nd, 2024)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]




October 1st, 2022 Update: I made donations today, October 1st, 2022, in order to help the victims of Hurricane Ian!

And I made one donation based upon a text message that I received on September 29th, 2022, from the USO (United Service Organizations), which stated the following:

USO: National Guard is aiding civilians affected by Hurricane Ian. Support our troops in Florida and around the world***

Then, I made two more donations based upon a Time Magazine article that I read titled, "How to Help Victims of Hurricane Ian," which I heard about today, October 1st, 2022, from one of the daily emails that I receive from Time since I am a subscriber:

And, out of the many organizations mentioned in the Time article, one of the organizations to which I chose to donate was the American Red Cross.

Plus, another one of the organizations mentioned in the Time article to which I chose to donate was The Salvation Army:

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

Thus, I made these one-time donations in order to help those affected by Hurricane Ian which, when it first made landfall, was a Category 4 hurricane!

–Paul Whiting (written October 1st, 2022, revised December 18th, 2022, revised December 30th, 2022, revised February 7th, 2023, revised February 8th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised August 14th, 2023 and revised June 5th, 2024)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]
October 1st, 2022 Update (Follow-Up, Written On October 3rd, 2022): I made an additional donation today, October 3rd, 2022, in order to help the victims of Hurricane Ian!

And I made this donation based upon a text message that I received today from the USO (United Service Organizations), which stated the following:

USO: 6k troops helping after Hurricane Ian. Give now to support search and rescue teams & troops around the world***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

Thus, this is an additional one-time donation, to my previous donations on October 1st, 2022, that I made in order to help those affected by Hurricane Ian, which started out as a Category 4 hurricane!

By the way, did you know that the USO is a not-for-profit organization and not part of the Department of Defense (DoD)? The following description of the USO is from their 'About Us' webpage:

"The USO is not part of the federal government. A congressionally chartered, private organization, the USO relies on the generosity of individuals, organizations and corporations to support its activities, and is powered by a family of volunteers to accomplish our mission of connection."

So, that is why I 'volunteer financially' as a member of the "USO Home Team" through a recurring monthly donation, as well as through one-time donations to the USO each month!

–Paul Whiting (written October 3rd, 2022, revised November 26th, 2022, revised December 18th, 2022, revised December 30th, 2022, revised February 7th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised May 30th, 2023, revised June 5th, 2023 and revised June 5th, 2024)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]

P.S.: For my complete charitable donation updates—that include some of my current "Online Activism," as well as most all of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs.

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post:


October 12th, 2022 Update: Did you know that "Farmers Day" is on October 12th each year? Well, I didn't know that either until this year!

So, I decided to write this 'update' in order to tell everyone in the United States of America that Farmers Day is yearly (annually) on October 12th.

Thus, in celebration of all that farmers do for us, I created two playlists on YouTube Music in order to say "THANK YOU" to all of the farmers!

"Farmers Day Celebration Music" by Various Artists (on YouTube):

"Farmers Day Healing Music" by Farmers Music (on YouTube Music):

Here is the description from both playlists:

Did you know that "Farmers Day" is on October 12th each year? Well, I didn't know that either until this year [2022]! So, I decided to tell everyone in the United States of America that Farmers Day is yearly (annually) on October 12th. Thus, in celebration of all that farmers do for us, I created this playlist in order to say "THANK YOU" to all of the farmers!

–Paul Whiting (October 12th, 2022, revised December 18th, 2022 and revised October 12th, 2023)


October 15th, 2022 Update: I read an excellent Time Magazine article dated October 12th, 2022, that is titled, "Lincoln Saved American Democracy. We Can Too."

And I heard about this article from one of the daily emails that I received today, October 15th, 2022, from Time since I am a subscriber (please see the hyperlink below for the article):

In the article is a quote by President Abraham Lincoln—who is known as a great thinker of his time—which I think sums up the obvious reason that slavery is just plain wrong:

"As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master."

So, I decided to look up the full quote and found the following quote on the National Park Service website (please see the hyperlink below for the website):

Lincoln Quote on Slavery

August 1, 1858: On Slavery

As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master. This expresses my idea of democracy. Whatever differs from this, to the extent of the difference, is not democracy.

Then, I continued to search for that quote in order to find the context in which it was written. And on the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum website I found an article titled, "LINCOLN DRAWS THE LINE ON SLAVERY," which explains that the quote was from Lincoln's notes that he wrote to himself (please see the hyperlink below for the website):

"Among the most fascinating of Abraham Lincoln's writings are the notes he wrote to himself. Mostly discovered after his death, they offer few clues as to their origin and intent, but they give us glimpses into his thought process."

The article explains a lot more about the quote; however, this article does not credit the quote with any kind of date for when it was written:

"Among the items in the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum’s collection is another note that will be on display in our Treasures Gallery for the upcoming year. Commonly referred to as the 'Definition of Democracy,' it is much shorter ... and a bit more of a mystery. None of Lincoln’s contemporaries tell us anything about this note or when he wrote it. However, its text is bold and intriguing:

'As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master. This expresses my idea of democracy. Whatever differs from this, to the extent of the difference, is no democracy.'"

By the way, in Lincoln's quote from the Presidential Library website, they depict his "bolding" of the words 'slave' and 'master' as italicized, however I underscored those words, because Lincoln himself underscored those words in order to emphasize them, which you can see from an image of his quote from the above-mentioned article.

Anyway, I was really impressed by Lincoln's words because I think that they are a true representation of a quote by Jesus The Christ—who is known as the greatest thinker of all time—with the words of His quote also being known as the Golden Rule, which are as follows:

"Do unto others as you would have done unto you."

–Paul Whiting (written October 15th, 2022, revised December 18th, 2022, revised February 7th, 2023 and revised April 11th, 2023)


October 16th, 2022 Update: I read a wonderful article today, October 16th, 2022, on The Guardian that is titled, "Republicans are trying to win by spreading three false talking points. Here’s the truth," written by Robert Reich and published today, which I found on one of my usual Google searches for current news:

In fact, it was so informative that I made a one-time donation to The Guardian in order to show my appreciation for this truly outstanding article!

Thus, I would strongly encourage my readers to read Mr. Reich's compelling arguments against the Republican Party's attempt to 'wokewash' the 2022 Midterm Elections with their cries of Democrats being "soft-on-crime," Democrats being enthusiastic champions of inflation and, of course, Democrats being directly responsible for the 87,000 reasons that you should fear the IRS harassing middle-class taxpayers!

–Paul Whiting (written October 16th, 2022 and revised April 28th, 2023)


October 19th, 2022 Update: I watched a YouTube video today, October 19th, 2022, titled, "Katie Porter delivers MASTERCLASS on Inflation and utterly DEBUNKS Republican lies" by MeidasTouch, which explains how "Democratic Representative Katie Porter broke out her charts to explain how bigger corporate profits account for over half of the higher prices people are paying," which can be seen below:

And after I watched that video, I did additional searches for the original video by Congresswoman Katie Porter on YouTube and watched another video titled, "Rep Katie Porter destroys inflation myth. Watch her prove that corporate greed's driving inflation" by Egberto Willies, which explains how the "Congresswoman does not mess around. She gets to the point quickly and effectively. She came with her charts pointing out that corporate profits/greed is responsible for more than half our inflation rate," which can be seen below:

Then I did a Google search and found an article titled, "Katie Porter pulls out chart at hearing to show corporate greed is the 'biggest driver of inflation'" on, which explains that "During a House of Representatives hearing on Wednesday, United States Congresswoman Katie Porter (D-California) grilled Mike Konczal, the director of Macroeconomic Analysis at the Roosevelt Institute, over the primary cause of inflation in the post-COVID-19 economy," which can be seen below:

Finally, I found Congresswoman Porter's original post on Twitter, where she states "Bigger corporate profits account for *over half* of the higher prices people are paying," which can be seen below:

Anyway, I wanted to share this truly informative video by Congressional Representative Katie Porter (whose campaign for reelection I have donated to multiple times to during the 2022 Midterm Election cycle, along with many other trustworthy Democrats) so that you, my readers, could see the poignant simplicity with which Representative Porter outlines how much the year 2022's alleged "Bidenflation"—as it is often times derogatorily, and very inaccurately, called—in all actuality is "Record Corporate Profits Inflation."

Thus, I would strongly encourage my readers to watch Ms. Porter's compelling video arguing against the Republican Party's attempt to 'wokewash' the 2022 Midterm Elections with their cries of Democrats being enthusiastic champions of inflation!

–Paul Whiting (October 19th, 2022 and revised December 18th, 2022)


October 20th, 2022 Update, Written On October 22nd, 2022: I received an email two days ago on October 20th, 2022, with the subject line, "DOUBLE your impact for women and girls" from USA for UNFPA (formerly known as the 'United Nations Fund for Population Activities' that is now called the 'United Nations Population Fund'), which stated the following:


Friend, access to reproductive health services and education saves lives.

For the past five decades, we have been the lead United Nations agency for sexual and reproductive health and rights. We work around the world to end the unmet need for family planning, end preventable maternal death, and end violence against women and girls, including harmful practices like child marriage and female genital mutilation.

But we can only continue our work to promote the health, dignity, and rights of women and girls with the help of supporters like you.

Right now, we’re MATCHING every donation we receive from new supporters up to $10,000 – we hope you’ll take advantage of this opportunity to double your impact.

Will you take the crucial next step in the fight to protect every woman and girl and make a donation before our match expires?

Double my impact!***

Over the last few years, UNFPA has made significant improvements for women’s health in the 155 countries we operate in. We’ve protected 1,840,000 girls from child marriage, prevented 30 million unintended pregnancies, distributed 1.1 billion condoms – and yet our work is nowhere near complete.

The stakes couldn’t be higher for our work. In a single day, nearly 800 women will die from preventable pregnancy and childbirth complications, 20,000 adolescent girls will give birth, another 20,000 will become child brides, and 137 women will die at the hands of family members or intimate partners.

Right now, we’re MATCHING every donation from new supporters up to $10,000. Friend, will you make a donation now to take advantage of this opportunity before the match expires.

$15 → $30
$30 → $60
$50 → $100

Thank you for your help, and welcome to this team. Together, we can reach our goal to protect the health and dignity of every woman and girl everywhere.

- The Team at USA for UNFPA

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, I made a one-time donation to USA for UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) in order to show my support "FOR EVERY WOMAN AND GIRL!"

–Paul Whiting (written October 22nd, 2022, revised November 18th, 2022, revised December 18th, 2022, revised December 29th, 2022, revised January 1st, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023 and revised August 12th, 2023)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]


October 22nd, 2022 Update: I received a "Safe Havens 2023 Calendar" on October 22nd, 2022, from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, which stated the following (by the way, I hand-typed the text below on my smartphone from the letter that accompanied the calendar):

Dear Mr. Whiting

Jews trying to escape Nazi persecution during the Holocaust had very few options. If they could find a country willing to accept them, this refuge often came at great personal cost.

Within the pages of the enclosed 2023 Calendar, Safe Havens, you'll find photographs that illustrate diverse stories of individuals and families who found safety by leaving their native country during the Holocaust. You'll learn how desperate families sometimes went from country to country finally being accepted in a new land.

Their stories of resilience feel especially relevant now that war in Europe has spurred a new wave of people seeking safety in places where the Holocaust occurred. The legacy of the Holocaust survivors in our calendar can serve as inspiration for those rebuilding their lives today, and for those in a position to help them.

Mr. Whiting, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum is committed to recording, safeguarding, and sharing stories of the Holocaust and teaching their timeless lessons. As you view the pages of your 2023 calendar, I'll know you'll be moved by the unbreakable spirit of these individuals, and I hope you will help people continue to learn from this history.

By joining the Museum with a gift of $25, $36, $50, or more today, you'll help the Museum honor the memory of survivors and victims and educate to inspire action against hatred and antisemitism.

In your 2023 calendar, you'll go to places across the globe that became safe havens for Jews during the Holocaust. One refuge was outside Tehran, Iran. You'll learn how hundreds of Polish Jewish children found safety there in former military barracks set up as an emergency camp. Many of the children were ill and had lost their parents, but they received kindness and care from Zionist youth leaders from Palestine.

In February of your calendar, you'll learn how Jews fleeing Nazi persecution and murder has a difficult time coming to the United States because of strict quotas. You'll learn about the emergency shelter at Fort Ontario in New York that President Franklin D. Roosevelt set up to skirt these rules for a tiny fraction of those who sought refuge in America. You'll also gain a better understanding of the challenges that Jews faced after arriving there.

July features the story of a group of Jewish refugees who became shipwrecked while crossing the Black Sea. They survived by making their way to a deserted island, where they were eventually rescued and transferred to safety in southern Italy.

The very next month, you'll meet the Muller family. Nandor Muller was a successful businessman. Desperate to protect his family, he didn't hesitate to seize an opportunity to leave their life behind and go to rural Canada to work as a farmer.

Your gift to the Museum will help tell the world the personal stories about families like the Muller's as well as other families and individuals pictured in your calendar.

These people were living their everyday lives when they were forced to make decisions that no one should have to make. Sadly, they were the "lucky" ones. Many, many other victims of the Holocaust tried and failed to leave, or lacked the resources, or didn't fully comprehend that their lives depended upon leaving their home country behind. For them, there would be no safe haven.

These stories must be told, particularly now. Please help the Museum share Holocaust history and the essential lessons it teaches, so that we may shape a better future.

I'll hope you'll support the Museum in this vital mission by making a generous contribution today.

With thanks,

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]

P.S. As you explore the personal stories of those featured in the enclosed calendar, I hope you'll consider the power you have to keep Holocaust memory alive and take action against antisemitism and hatred. Thank you in advance for your gift to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

And so, because I am planning to utilize this calendar for the year 2023, I made a one-time donation to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum as a way to help "keep Holocaust memory alive and take action against antisemitism and hatred." –Paul Whiting (written October 22nd, 2022, revised October 23rd, 2022, revised December 10th, 2022, revised December 18th, 2022, revised April 28th, 2023 and revised May 17th, 2023)


October 29th, 2022 Update: I saved a video titled, "NEW MAGA Republican Law DEVASTATING CONSEQUENCES Revealed in POWERFUL Stories" on my YouTube 'Watch Later' Playlist that I watched today, October 29th, 2022, which is a testament to the perils that America faces from extremist MAGA (or, "Make America Great Again") Republicans! Here is the description from that video (with a hyperlink to the video below):


"These are the true stories of the devastating consequences of MAGA abortion bans from women and doctors across the country. Made in partnership with the Center for American Progress."

Donate to MeidasTouch PAC:

[By the way, there were a lot more hyperlinks in the description to various MeidasTouch websites, but I only included the first one to ActBlue.]

Plus, I donated to MeidasTouch—which is a political action committee (PAC)—on October 27th, 2022, when I made my usual one-time monthly donations to political organizations and political campaigns, since I am doing everything in my power to help Democrats win in the 2022 Midterm Elections, because I truly feel that Republicans have turned themselves into Radical Christian Terrorists! –Paul Whiting (October 29th, 2022, revised December 18th, 2022, revised April 22nd, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised July 16th, 2023 and revised October 21st, 2023)




"November 1st, 2022 Update" [Written Originally As A 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 4, Written On November 1st, 2022)']: This update is a follow-up to the following:

▪ July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022
▪ July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022)
▪ July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 2, Written On August 30th, 2022)
▪ July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 3, Written On September 30th, 2022)

Although, this update is similar to my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022),' as well as similar to my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 2, Written On August 30th, 2022),' in addition to being similar to my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 3, Written On September 30th, 2022),' with some exceptions.

You see, my monthly donations of $3.00 each to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations processed on October 17th, 2022.

And then, on October 27th, I also made one-time donations to Democratic political campaigns of $3.00 each for the most competitive races (of which I am aware) regarding Democratic House of Representatives and Senate seats. In addition to that, I made one-time donations of $3.00 each to the most competitive races (of which I am aware) regarding Democratic gubernatorial—or governor's—seats. Plus, I also made one-time donations of $3.00 each to the most competitive races (of which I am aware) regarding Secretary of State and Attorney General seats. (Whew!)

Now, here is where I explained that my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022)' gets complicated:

Earlier, I said that I was going to only "make recurring monthly donations to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations...and to the USO...with the exception of occasional one-time donations to the USO, plus various progressive organizations," which is what I have done, so far!

And here is where I said in my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022)' that I also needed to "up my game":

However, I decided that I needed to "up my game" and to continue making donations to individual Democratic political campaigns, but I am planning to only donate to them once per month, on the 27th of each month, until election day. Thus, I am donating each month—and I am donating $3.00 per campaign, just like I am donating to each of the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations—and that way I am donating to help Democrats win in November, in a way that is affordable to me, for the 2022 Midterm Elections.

So, what differentiates this update from my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022),' as well as being the same thing that differentiates both my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 2, Written On August 30th, 2022)' and my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 3, Written On September 30th, 2022)' from the aforementioned 'Follow-Up No. 1,' is the fact that I am providing you with the total amount that donated for October 2022:

I donated $[redacted] on October 27th, 2022, to Democratic political campaigns, as described above, within which I also included additional one-time donations to the DNC (Democratic National Committee), to the DCCC (Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee), and to the DSCC (Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee).

Also, in the above-mentioned total of $[redacted], I included one-time donations to EMILYs List PAC "to put women into office who can make significant contributions to education, health care, voting rights, and economic equality," and to Planned Parenthood Federal PAC "to support candidates who will advocate for our reproductive health and rights," plus to VoteVets which "elevates the voices of Veterans and military families through progressive legislative policies and electoral endorsements that impact the lives of active service members, Veterans, and the country" in addition to MeidasTouch that has been "producing the most hard-hitting, impactful and most watched political videos."

In addition to that, in the above-mentioned total of $[redacted], I included one-time donations to elect Oregon Senator Ron Wyden, to elect Tina Kotek as Oregon's next Governor, to elect Oregon's great Democratic Congressional team of Earl Blumenauer, Suzanne Bonamici, Jamie McLeod-Skinner, Val Hoyle, Andrea Salinas and Joe Yetter, to elect Christina Stephenson as Oregon's next Labor Commissioner, as well as to elect Portland City Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty.

Besides the donations mentioned above, I also made $[redacted] in donations during the month of October 2022, which included several donations to the USO (United Service Organizations), one-time donations to the American Red Cross and The Salvation Army, plus, an individual one-time donation to TruthOut, two one-time donations to The Guardian News, an individual one-time donation to Friends of Willamette Week, an individual one-time donation to UNFPA (formerly known as the 'United Nations Fund for Population Activities' that is now called the 'United Nations Population Fund'), an individual one-time donation to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, and an individual one-time donation to Bolts Magazine. (Whew!)

Plus, I continued to track the amounts that I am donating during the month in order to help me budget how much I am spending each month, so that—eventually—I will be paying more each month than I am charging each month on my credit card (hopefully, at least!); but, that is probably not going to happen until after the 2022 Midterm Elections.

Thus, my total donations for the month of October 2022 are $[redacted], which brings my credit card to a grand total of $[redacted]! (Although, for the sake of clarity, out of that grand total, $[redacted] was for store purchases that I decided to charge to my credit card and pay off later on; thus, my adjusted grand total for political and charitable donations only is "[redacted].") However, I am donating as much as I can afford to donate in order to help progressive causes that I care about, in addition to supporting the USO as often as I manage, as well as to help Democrats win in the 2022 Midterm Elections!

–Paul Whiting (written November 1st, 2022, revised November 28th, 2022, revised December 7th, 2022, revised April 11th, 2023, revised April 16th, 2023, revised April 27th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised June 24th, 2023, revised July 29th, 2023, revised August 12th, 2023, revised August 19th, 2023 and revised May 2nd, 2024)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]


November 8th, 2022 Update: I voted today, November 8th, 2022, in Oregon's General Election! –Paul Whiting (November 8th, 2022)


November 11th, 2022 Update, Written On November 11th, 2023: I made one-time donations for Veterans Day to Veterans of Foreign Wars, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA), Disabled American Veterans (DAV) and Wounded Warrior Project (WWP). –Paul Whiting [written December 7th, 2022 and turned into an 'update' based upon my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 5, Written On December 7th, 2022)' from my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog on November 11th, 2023]

P.S.: I feel like I need to clarify why I didn't write an 'update' for Veterans Day 2022! You see, creative writing takes a lot of time and energy—and I was really busy with blogging toward the end of 2022, because of the Midterm Elections. Now, I did manage to create a "My Writing About Donating To Veterans' Charities On Veterans Day (for 2022)" for my "Thank You For Your Service!" post on both of my "Small All White in the Forest" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. However, I didn't manage to write an 'update' about my Veterans Day donations for 2022! And I did not notice this error until I was searching for a "November 11th, 2022 Update," which I assumed would be available for me to utilize as a basis for my "November 11th, 2023 Update." Thus, I did find a reference to the donations that I made for Veterans Day 2022 on my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 5, Written On December 7th, 2022)' from my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog, so that is why I turned that reference into my 'update' for Veterans Day 2022. (I hope that makes sense!)


November 14th, 2022 Update: Thanksgiving Day is ten days away from today, November 14th, 2022! And so, I decided to make one-time donations to charities who are helping those in need during the Thanksgiving holiday, which includes local nonprofits who are helping homeless folks (Portland Rescue Mission and Union Gospel Mission), as well as nonprofits who are helping hungry folks, including a local food bank (Oregon Food Bank) and a national hunger-relief organization (Feeding America).

And I was inspired to make these donations by "Thanksgiving Donation" mailers that I recently received, including one from a local nonprofit helping homeless folks and one from the largest hunger-relief organization in the United States helping hungry folks, as I mentioned above.

In addition to that, I was also reminded to donate to these types of nonprofit organizations by the name of a video I saw on YouTube recently, which mentioned the decline in donations to a West Coast food bank due to inflation that is titled, "Demand for Those in Need and Inflation: Bay Area Food Bank Struggling to Keep Up With Demand as Donations Decline."

–Paul Whiting (written November 14th, 2022, revised November 17th, 2022, revised November 18th, 2022, revised December 10th, 2022, revised December 11th, 2022, revised December 18th, 2022, revised April 9th, 2023, revised April 12th, 2023, revised April 27th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised May 17th, 2023 and revised November 13th, 2023)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]


For my "November 17th, 2022 Update"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

November 17th, 2022 Update: Thanksgiving Day is seven days away from today, November 17th, 2022, and I made a one-time donation to the USO (United Service Organizations) on the website, because I received a text message today from the USO, which stated the following:

USO: Help us send Thanksgiving meals to troops deployed far from home. Rush a MATCHED donation before tomorrow's deadline:***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

In addition to that, I already make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! You see, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation. ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "November 17th, 2022 Update":


November 18th, 2022 Update: I received a mailer from the United Nations World Food Program USA (WFPUSA) on November 18th, 2022, which stated the following (by the way, I hand-typed the text below on my smartphone from the mailer's main letter):

Dear Friend,

This year we have already witnessed a dramatic rise in hunger and hardships on families around the world. As conflicts increase and intensify, we stand today on the precipice of a historic decision on how we choose to address these global challenges.

Far too many people around the world don't have enough food for their next meal. Many families will be forced to go to sleep tonight on an empty stomach. Today, you have the chance to change that. A chance to fight the global hunger crisis and ensure that one less family has to worry about how to feed their hungry children.

Today, up to 828 million people don't have enough to eat, including 345 million people living in hunger crisis — the equivalent of the entire U.S. population. For millions of these people, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) is their only source of food. Without our food deliveries, they will starve.

As in any emergency, children are in the most danger. In fact, 57% of all the people the U.N. World Food Programme serves are children.

If we don't act soon, an unprecedented number of lives will be lost.

Your emergency contribution of $15, $25, $35 or more at this critical time will make a lifesaving difference on the front lines of this hunger crisis. There has never been a time when we have needed you more.

That's because we are undertaking our largest scale-up ever to provide lifesaving meals to 152 million of the world's hungriest people. We are supplying emergency food assistance and essential nutrition support to people in more than 120 countries and territories around the world.

Join us today and help feed millions of hungry people throughout Africa, Asia, Latin American, the Middle East and wherever children and families go hungry. I assure you, any amount you give at this critical time will make a positive impact.

Ending hunger is the greatest challenge of our time, but together it is possible.

We have been on the front lines of the world's worst humanitarian crises, fighting hunger and famine since 1961. Every year, we serve 15 billion meals to more than 100 million people.

From emergency relief and immediate food assistance to long-term agriculture training and school meals programs, we help people build resilience to and overcome the ravages of hunger.

The U.N. World Food Programme has the knowledge, experience and supply network to deliver lifesaving food and support when and where the need is greatest. With you at our side, we can fight hunger. Your partnership will enable us to make a difference. However, we can only reach the world's most vulnerable people if everyone who is able does their part.

Join us today and help fight global hunger by taking the following steps:

1. Sign and return the enclosed Zero Hunger Pledge. Your pledge is a symbol of hope to those who need it most, who fight every day for a better life;

2. Include your generous gift of $15, $25, $35 or more with your signed pledge;

3. Spread the word about our lifesaving work.

Every year, 45 million children suffer from severe malnutrition. As a result, the lives of 3 million children are tragically lost.

That means, a child dies approximately every 10 seconds from hunger-related causes. So, in the time it took you to read this letter, 24 children died because they didn't have enough to eat.

Your actions today will help provide healthy meals and lifesaving nutrition treatments to children and families who may not survive without them.

The food you help provide today will determine whether it takes months, years or decades to overcome this hunger crisis. Please join today in the fight against global hunger.


[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]

P.S. Please join us today in the fight to end hunger by returning your signed Zero Hunger Pledge and your most generous gift in the envelope provided. You can donate online at Lives hang in the balance. Now is the time to give.

And so, I made a one-time donation to the United Nations World Food Program USA online and I also signed their "Zero Hunger Pledge" to return in the mail, which I did today, November 18th, 2022.

You see, I recently donated to two local charitable organizations who are helping homeless folks, as well as to one local and one national charitable organization who are both helping hungry folks here in the United States of America, which I explained in my 'November 14th, 2022 Update,' which can be found above.

Therefore, I decided to include the world community in my donations this month for helping folks who are facing food insecurities—since I believe that the whole wide world deserves healthy and nutritious food—and I am so very thankful to be able to help those in need, because I'm an American!

–Paul Whiting (written November 18th, 2022, revised November 25th, 2022, revised December 10th, 2022, revised December 18th, 2022, revised April 28th, 2023, revised May 17th, 2023, revised November 13th, 2023 and revised December 18th, 2023)


For my "November 24th, 2022 Update"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

November 24th, 2022 Update: Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I signed a Thanksgiving card "to let our troops know how much [I] appreciate their service and sacrifice this Thanksgiving," from the USO (United Service Organizations) today, November 24th, 2022, that I received via an email with the subject line, "We’re immensely grateful for you, Paul", which stated the following:

This Thanksgiving comes at the end of a particularly challenging year for our service members. They’ve deployed around the world, often at a moment's notice, to protect and serve our country — from supporting NATO allies in Eastern Europe to conducting civilian rescue operations in the wake of Hurricane Ian.

But through it all, you’ve been there for our heroes and their families at every turn. And on behalf of everyone here at the USO, I want to say thank you. We are so grateful for the support of this community.

Today is Thanksgiving, but around the world, thousands of service members are spending the holiday far away from their homes and loved ones in the face of the ongoing war in Ukraine. They are facing isolation, uncertainty and harsh weather conditions — all while leaning on the USO for support in the absence of their loved ones.

That’s why your dedicated support is especially meaningful right now. It’s what helps ensure that we can keep service members equipped with the essential resources and connections to home that they deserve, especially on days like today...

...Supporters like you are truly the force behind our Armed Forces, and we could never thank you enough. From me and our entire USO family, we send the warmest wishes to you and your loved ones this Thanksgiving.

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted], USO

P.S. If you haven’t had the chance yet to let our troops know how much you appreciate their service and sacrifice this Thanksgiving, I hope you’ll take a moment now to sign the USO’s card. It is a small act that means so much.***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

Plus, after I signed the card, I made a one-time donation on the website to say to our troops, "We are so grateful for you — especially today! Thank you for everything you do to defend our country. We hope you have a very happy Thanksgiving." ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "November 24th, 2022 Update":


November 25th, 2022 Update: Native American Heritage Day is today, November 25th, 2022, because it is observed yearly (annually) on the day after Thanksgiving! And I recently received a mailer from American Indian College Fund, which stated the following (by the way, I hand-typed the text below on my smartphone from the mailer's letter):

Dear Mr. Whiting,

For many of us a college education is something we pursue so we can be more successful, make more money, or even just learn about something that's interesting to us.

For Native scholars, education means so much more. It means solving difficult challenges affecting their communities such as food shortages, insufficient healthcare, housing insecurity, and unemployment – all exacerbated by the COVID pandemic.

American Indian College Fund scholars understand the responsibility and power that comes with an education, but they are embracing it gratefully and enthusiastically so they can build stronger, healthier communities. There is just one thing standing in their way—financial need.

This year more than 3,200 students received scholarship support from the American Indian College Fund, but 6,135 did not.

That means fewer Native American graduates working to solve the persistent challenges Native communities face. But you can help change that, Mr. Whiting, with a generous gift of $50, $75, $100, or more today.

With your help, every new degree obtained means one more Native college graduate who is prepared and motivated to use their knowledge, power, and confidence to not only change, but save, lives.

Please make a difference for a student who is committed to addressing urgent needs, solving community-wide problems, and preserving the languages, traditions, and lands that will ensure a safe and healthy future for all Native people.

I hope to hear from you soon!

Wounspe gluha blihihunkic'iyapi [We strengthen ourselves with knowledge.]

Best regards,

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]

P.S. Since 1989, we have supported the educational needs of American Indian scholars, providing nearly 147,000 scholarships and $259.7 million to support American Indian communities. But the need is still great. Please make a generous gift today and provide the hope that only education can bring. Thank you!

And so, I made a one-time donation to the American Indian College Fund in order to show my support for Native American graduates who are striving to educate themselves so that they can contribute to their entire community—and so that they can contribute the entire country. –Paul Whiting (written November 25th, 2022, revised December 18th, 2022, revised December 30th, 2022, revised April 28th, 2023, revised May 17th, 2023 and revised November 24th, 2023)


November 29th, 2022 Update: Please join me in celebrating Giving Tuesday today, November 29th, 2022—which is the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving Day—by donating to the charities of your choice in order to help those wonderful charities out there that are helping others out during this Holiday Season and throughout the year. –Paul Whiting (November 29th, 2022)




"December 7th, 2022 Update" [Written Originally As A 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 5, Written On December 7th, 2022)']: This update is a follow-up to the following:

▪ July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022
▪ July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022)
▪ July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 2, Written On August 30th, 2022)
▪ July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 3, Written On September 30th, 2022)
▪ July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 4, Written On November 1st, 2022)

Although, this update is similar to my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022),' as well as similar to my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 2, Written On August 30th, 2022),' in addition to being similar to my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 3, Written On September 30th, 2022),' besides also being similar to my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 4, Written On November 1st, 2022),' with some exceptions. Also, this is the last update that I am providing for this 2022 Midterm Election cycle, since the final race for this midterm election year was held yesterday, December 6th, 2022.

You see, my monthly donations of $3.00 each to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations processed on November 17th, 2022.

And also, on November 10th, November 12th, November 13th, November 29th, November 30th, December 1st, December 3rd and December 5th, 2022, I made additional one-time donations to the DSCC (Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee) and to Democratic political campaigns for particularly close Senate races.

Now, here is where I explained that my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022)' gets complicated:

Earlier, I said that I was going to only "make recurring monthly donations to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations...and to the USO...with the exception of occasional one-time donations to the USO, plus various progressive organizations," which is what I have done, so far!

And here is where I said in my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022)' that I also needed to "up my game":

However, I decided that I needed to "up my game" and to continue making donations to individual Democratic political campaigns, but I am planning to only donate to them once per month, on the 27th of each month, until election day. Thus, I am donating each month—and I am donating $3.00 per campaign, just like I am donating to each of the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations—and that way I am donating to help Democrats win in November, in a way that is affordable to me, for the 2022 Midterm Elections.

So, what differentiates this update from my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On July 27th, 2022),' as well as being the same thing that differentiates my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 2, Written On August 30th, 2022),' and my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 3, Written On September 30th, 2022),' in addition to my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022 (Follow-Up No. 4, Written On November 1st, 2022),' from the aforementioned 'Follow-Up No. 1,' is the fact that I am providing you with the total amount that donated for November 2022 and December 2022:

I donated a total of $[redacted] on the days of November 10th, November 12th, November 13th, November 17th (which is the monthly donation date, as I mentioned above), November 29th and November 30th, 2022, as well as a total of $[redacted] on the days of December 1st, December 3rd and December 5th, 2022, which includes the above-mentioned additional one-time donations to the DSCC (Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee) and to the above-mentioned Democratic political campaigns for particularly close Senate races.

By the way, as of the date of this particular update, my usual monthly donations of $3.00 each to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations are scheduled to be processed on December 17th, 2022, but this is the last update that I am providing for this 2022 Midterm Election cycle.

Besides the donations mentioned above, I also made $[redacted] in donations during the month of November 2022, which included several donations to the USO (United Service Organizations); one-time donations to the Willamette Week and the Portland Mercury (both of which are local news publications in Portland, Oregon, whose election endorsements I read); one-time donations for Veterans Day to Veterans of Foreign Wars, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA), Disabled American Veterans (DAV) and Wounded Warrior Project (WWP); one-time donations for Thanksgiving Day to Portland Rescue Mission, Union Gospel Mission, Oregon Food Bank and Feeding America; a one-time donation to The Real News Network, which is a "non-profit, viewer supported news" organization (and I consider this donation to be similar to the cost of an annual news subscription); and, finally, multiple individual one-time donations for "Giving Tuesday" to the following organizations: Doctors Without Borders, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (USA for UNHCR), United Nations World Food Program USA (WFPUSA), Ronald McDonald House Charities, The Salvation Army, American Red Cross, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Charity Navigator, the Willamette Week's "Give!Guide" (I donated to 15 separate local charities as well as to Friends of Willamette Week), additional donations to both Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) and Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA), the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union), Planned Parenthood Federation of America, and No Kid Hungry.

Plus, I continued to track the amounts that I am donating during the month in order to help me budget how much I am spending each month, so that—eventually—I will be paying more each month than I am charging each month on my credit card (hopefully, at least!); but, that is probably only going to happen now that it's after the 2022 Midterm Elections.

Thus, my total donations for the month of November 2022 are $[redacted], which brings my credit card to a grand total of $[redacted]! However, I donated as much as I could afford to donate in order to help progressive causes that I care about, in addition to supporting the USO as often as I manage, as well as to help Democrats win in the 2022 Midterm Elections!

–Paul Whiting (December 7th, 2022, revised December 8th, 2022, revised December 10th, 2022, revised April 11th, 2023, revised April 16th, 2023, revised April 27th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised July 29th, 2023, revised November 11th, 2023, revised November 25th, 2023, revised December 18th, 2023 and revised May 2nd, 2024)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]


December 11th, 2022 Update: Christmas Day is fourteen days away from today, December 11th, 2022! And so, I decided to make one-time donations to charities who are helping the less fortunate, including a local nonprofit helping homeless folks [1] and a national hunger-relief organization helping hungry folks [2], as well as charities who are helping children in need [3][4][5][6] and—of course—that charity with the "bell ringers," who are well-known for collecting donations during the holiday season [7].

And I was inspired to make these donations by the following sources:

1. A "Christmas Donation" mailer that I recently received from Portland Rescue Mission, which is a local nonprofit here in Portland, Oregon that cares for "the people in greatest need in our community, providing nourishing food, shelter and warm clothing";

2. A "Christmas Donation" mailer that I recently received from Feeding America, which is the largest hunger-relief organization in the United States who partners "with food banks, food pantries, and local food programs to bring food to people facing hunger";

3. A "Christmas Donation" mailer that I recently received from St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, which is a charitable hospital that treats children with life-threatening diseases—and the families of the children "never receive a bill...for treatment, travel, housing or food";

4. An advertisement that I saw on YouTube recently for Operation Smile, which is a charity that provides surgery for children with cleft conditions and also provides the children with "cleft care needs throughout their childhood and adolescence so that they can realize happier and healthier futures";

5. An email that I received yesterday, December 10th, 2022, from Ronald McDonald House Charities of Oregon & SW Washington, which is "a nonprofit family & children's charity dedicated to supporting families with sick children in their time of need" that is holding its annual holiday toy drive;

6. A well-known holiday toy drive organization, Marine Toys for Tots, which I was reminded of by the above-mentioned holiday toy drive email! And this particular charity began "as the brain child of Marine Corps Reserve Major Bill Hendricks [and] his wife, Diane, who was the real inspiration. She had a few handcrafted dolls and asked Bill to deliver them to an agency that supports children in need. When Bill reported back to his wife that he could not find such an organization, she instructed him to 'start one!'" And the rest, as they say, is (holiday toy drive) history;

7. And, finally, a charity that I have known about since my childhood in Salt Lake City, Utah, The Salvation Army, which is well-known for their annual holiday "bell ringing" (or, red kettle) campaign that truly symbolizes this charitable organization's mission of True Christian Salvation during the holiday season—and all year long!

–Paul Whiting (written December 11th, 2022, revised December 21st, 2022, revised April 12th, 2023, revised April 27th, 2023, revised August 14th, 2023 and revised December 10th, 2023)


For my "December 12th, 2022 Update"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

December 12th, 2022 Update: I received an email from the USO (United Service Organizations) today, December 12th, 2022, with the subject line, "Support our troops this holiday season", which stated the following:

Throughout the year, our troops sacrifice so much for us, Paul. And when the holiday season comes around, it's so important that they can experience the simple joys — like a phone call with a loved one — that many of us at home take for granted.

It's our duty to make sure brave service members know how much their service and sacrifices are appreciated — especially during the holiday season. But the USO relies on your support to provide essential care like comfort packages and phone calls home.

So as you're making your way down your family's own holiday wish list, Paul, will you also take a minute to send a gift to the USO to support our military heroes?

Our Troops'
Holiday Wish List:

$119 to help fund
a holiday
care package*

$225 to help fund
holiday meals
for 3 troops*

$450 to help fund video
and phone calls
home for 6 troops*


Thank you so much for supporting our troops!

Team USO

*Your contribution will be joined with the contributions of others and used where it is needed most to strengthen America’s military service members by keeping them connected to family, home and country.

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, I made a one-time donation on the website in order to support the USO's following statement: "The USO provides kits filled with critical supplies and connections to home for our service members as they spend the holiday season far from loved ones. And right now, supply-chain issues are impacting shipping and deliveries all over the world, which is why we need your support today. Donate before midnight to help the USO reach our $100,000 Holiday Giving Season Goal to make sure our troops get the support they need and deserve all year long."

In addition to that, I already make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! You see, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation. ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "December 12th, 2022 Update":


For my "December 14th, 2022 Update"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

December 14th, 2022 Update: I received an email from the USO (United Service Organizations) today, December 14th, 2022, with the subject line, "Happy Holidays! We’re so excited to share our latest newsletter with you", with regard to the USO's newsletter "YOUR USO AT WORK," Issue 109 for December 2022, which stated, in part, the following:

With the holiday season upon us, it's more important than ever to remember and honor our troops who may not be able to spend the holidays with their families.

If you're able, please consider sending support for our service members deployed far from home this holiday season. Your donation will help us deliver care packages, fund phone calls home, serve holiday meals and so much more.

We can't thank you enough for helping our service members stay comfortable and connected to home during this time. Check out the updates below to learn a little more about the work you've helped make possible in recent weeks...

And the following highlight from the USO's newsletter, which I selected to post, is regarding "5 Ways Americans Can Deliver a Piece of Home to Troops During the Holidays":



This holiday season, check out 5 ways you can deliver a piece of home to troops. »

...From all of us at the USO, thank you for being a dedicated and proud military supporter!

And so, I made a one-time donation on the website in order to show my support "for our service members deployed far from home this holiday season" and to show my support for the USO's newsletter, as well as to show my support for the USO in supporting our men and women in uniform, as described in the highlight "VOICE OF THE USO," from the aforementioned newsletter:


“The staff at USO Powidz was amazing. During an uncomfortable situation, they tried to make it as comfortable as possible. They supported us to no end.”

—A U.S. Air Force Master Sgt. after sudden deployment to Poland amidst the war in Ukraine.

In addition to that, I already make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! You see, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation. ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "December 14th, 2022 Update":


December 15th, 2022 Update, Written On December 16th, 2022: I made donations yesterday, December 15th, 2022, to three organizations, as I have explained below:

First, I watched a video on YouTube titled, "Tech industry hit with massive layoffs as other employers add jobs," on December 15th, 2022, which included a fundraiser for PBS NewsHour. So, I made a one-time donation to PBS NewsHour, which was collected by WETA, TV 26 & Classical 90.9 FM via YouTube.

Second, I made a one-time donation to Wikipedia, since I went onto their website on December 15th, 2022, and they were requesting donations. You see, as a blogger and frequent reader of Wikipedia, I try donate to them whenever they request a donation!

Third, I received an email from the USO (United Service Organizations) on December 15th, 2022, with the subject line, "🐾 🇺🇲 thank military dogs and their handlers", which stated the following:

Paul, from using their incredible noses to sniff out explosives to conducting search and rescue, 1,600 military dogs serve alongside troops in dangerous conditions every day — all to keep us and our service members safe.

These trained canines are courageous and loyal, just like their handlers, and we must show our appreciation for K-9 teams this holiday season. That’s why we need to fill this K-9 thank-you card with at least 150,000 signatures to show support for our military working dog teams — and we’re counting on dedicated military supporters like you to help us reach this goal by midnight Saturday.

Please, will you sign the card now to thank our courageous K-9 teams this holiday season?***

Since World War II, military dogs have been serving on land, sea and air alongside our brave troops. These military working dog teams deserve all the support and appreciation we can give them as they risk their lives to keep us safe and free, every day of every year.

So please, before the deadline, add your name right now to thank our brave military dog teams — and all our heroic troops — for everything they do to protect our country.***

Thank you so much for being a dedicated military supporter our K-9 teams can always count on.

[Name redacted]

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

So, I signed the card for "heroic military working dogs and their handlers [who] are putting their lives on the line alongside our troops in some of the world's harshest and most dangerous places." Plus, after I signed the card, I made a one-time donation on the website to say to our K-9 teams and all service members, "As you make unimaginable sacrifices for our country, we will always have your backs. Thank you for all you do to keep us safe."

In addition to that, I already make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! You see, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation.

By the way, did you know that the USO is a not-for-profit organization and not part of the Department of Defense (DoD)? The following description of the USO is from their 'About Us' webpage:

"The USO is not part of the federal government. A congressionally chartered, private organization, the USO relies on the generosity of individuals, organizations and corporations to support its activities, and is powered by a family of volunteers to accomplish our mission of connection."

So, that is why I 'volunteer financially' as a member of the "USO Home Team" through a recurring monthly donation, as well as through one-time donations to the USO each month!

–Paul Whiting (written December 16th, 2022, revised December 17th, 2022, revised December 26th, 2022, revised December 29th, 2022, revised January 1st, 2023, revised April 11th, 2023, revised April 21st, 2023, revised April 27th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised May 17th, 2023, revised June 12th, 2023, revised July 28th, 2023, revised July 29th, 2023, revised July 31st, 2023, revised August 1st, 2023, revised September 27th, 2023, revised October 22nd, 2023 and revised November 18th, 2023)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]

P.S.: For my complete charitable donation updates—that include some of my current "Online Activism," as well as most all of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs.

Please see the hyperlinks below for the posts:


December 20th, 2022 Update: Christmas Day is five days away from today, December 20th, 2022! So, I decided to make one-time donations to various organizations for their holiday, or year-end, or annual, or matching-funds, or other types of fundraising campaigns.

And those various organizations included the following:

▪ A Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organization [1];
▪ A nonpartisan law and policy institute [2];
▪ A Holocaust memorial museum [3];
▪ Some nonprofit organizations addressing issues with regard to the environment, including global warming, issues with regard to society, as well as issues with regard to wildlife [4][5][6];
▪ An organization combating the abuses of factory farming and encouraging a new awareness and understanding of farm animals and the benefits of cruelty-free, plant-based living [7];
▪ A U.S. Veterans support and advocacy organization dedicated to connecting, uniting, and empowering post-9/11 veterans [8];
▪ A United Nations (UN) organization that helps to save, protect and rebuild the lives of millions of refugees [9];
▪ A United Nations (UN) organization that has been on the frontlines of the world's worst hunger crises [10];
▪ A nonprofit organization that provides sexual health care in the United States and globally [11];
▪ A leading advocate in the movement for sexual and reproductive freedom for all Oregonians [12];
▪ Some nonprofits who are helping hungry folks, including a national hunger-relief organization and a local food bank [13][14]; and
▪ A nonprofit organization dedicated to defending and preserving the individual rights and liberties of every person in the United States of America [15].

And I was inspired to make these donations by the following sources:

1. A "Happy Holiday Season" mailer that I recently received from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) that is advocating for "the ongoing support from [my] monthly gift in 2023 to continue to organize, strengthen our Party, recruit and train the strongest candidates to run for office, and maintain our data and technology structure for 2023 and 2024."

2. A "Fight To Protect Our Democracy" mailer that I recently received from the Brennan Center for Justice, which is a nonpartisan law and policy institute, that is asking for my support because: "The values we hold dear as Americans are under escalating assault. Our democracy is under siege. We must make sure it lives up to it's promise for every American."

3. A "2023 Annual Fund" mailer that I recently received from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, which is asking for my support so that they "can expand [their] work to remember Holocaust victims and survivors, rescue the evidence, and share the stories that inspire people to confront hatred and promote human dignity."

4. A "2022 Year-End Giving Campaign" mailer that I recently received from the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), which is a nonprofit organization addressing issues with regard to the environment and society, that is asking for my support so that "as [they] look to [their] work in 2023, [my] support will continue to be vital for driving science-based solutions to some of our planets most pressing problems."

5. A "Membership Renewal Reminder with a Free Calendar Enclosed" mailer that I recently received from Sierra Club, which is a nonprofit organization addressing issues with regard to the environment and wildlife, that is asking for my renewed support as my "commitment to the environment [that] helps protect our public land, our water our air — and our health — from threats to our planet." Plus, they also enclosed their Wildlife & Wildlands Calendar as a free gift with its beautiful photographs to "serve as a daily reminder of the critical importance of [my] continued membership." And thus, I am planning to utilize this calendar for the year 2023.

6. A "Time-Sensitive Matching Gift" mailer that I recently received from Greenpeace, which is a nonprofit organization addressing issues with regard to the environment and wildlife, that is asking for my support for a special Matching Gift offer that will "help fund all of [their] actions and advocacy in [their] campaigns for Earth's climate, oceans, forests, and all of nature."

7. A "Sign Our Petition" mailer that I recently received from Farmsanctuary, which is an organization combating the abuses of factory farming and encouraging a new awareness and understanding of farm animals and the benefits of cruelty-free, plant-based living. And they requested that I sign a "petition to [the] U.S. Secretary of Agriculture...demanding that the agency use it's authority to stop the hideous abuses in poultry slaughterhouses—starting by extending critical protections to chickens, turkeys, and other birds under the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act and Poultry Productions Act." And they also asked for my support for "all of [their] lifesaving rescue, shelter, education, and advocacy work on behalf of farm animals." And so, I made an online donation yesterday (December 20th) and then I signed the aforementioned petition, which I mailed today (December 21st).

8. An email that I received from Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) on December 15th, 2022, with the subject line, "Help Save Our Afghan Allies," which stated, in part, the following: "With your support, we can continue advocating for the Afghan Adjustment Act, a vital piece of legislation that will provide a pathway to secure residency for those Afghans needing protection. By helping us reach our end-of-year goal of $200,000, you will help us to continue advocating for reasonable solutions that will help keep our promise to our Afghan allies."

9. An email that I received from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (USA for UNHCR) on December 15th, 2022, with the subject line, "Do you want to build a snowman?", which stated, in part, the following: "Children are the same everywhere, no matter what they've been through. They want to build a snowman when it snows and will find any reason to laugh. ... Paul, you can do something amazing — something real and concrete — to protect refugee and displaced families and give children a safe, warm place to rest with a full belly. Your generous gift will be matched when you give today. Your gift will provide DOUBLE the lifesaving aid, including warm shelter, cash assistance, blankets and clothing."

10. An email that I received from the United Nations World Food Program USA (WFPUSA) on December 20th, 2022, with the subject line, "MATCH ALERT: Provide 2x the food to families," which stated, in part, the following: "When conflict erupts or extreme weather events strike, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) is there to provide food for people in emergencies. Until December 31, a group of generous donors will MATCH donations dollar-for-dollar, up to $582,500."

11. An email that I received from Planned Parenthood Federation of America on December 18th, 2022, with the subject line, "The most meaningful gift for your loved ones," which stated, in part, the following: "With the holidays just around the corner, there's no better time to make a gift to Planned Parenthood on behalf of someone you love. And when you do, you have the option of letting them know you're thinking of them by sending an e‑card acknowledgment!"

12. An email that I received from Planned Parenthood PAC of Oregon on December 19th, 2022, with the subject line, "It’s no coincidence that Oregon is the most protective state for abortion access," which stated, in part, the following: "It’s no coincidence that Oregon is the most protective state for abortion access in the country; it’s because we fight to keep it that way. ... Our strong but mighty team can’t be everywhere at once, but when you put your money where their values are and support us by donating to our PAC, we can achieve basically the impossible."

13. An email that I received from Feeding America on December 19th, 2022, with the subject line, "We have the power [MATCH]," which stated, in part, the following: "Your $10.00 donation to the Feeding America Holiday Drive today can help food banks across the country serve families during the holiday season and beyond—and right now you can make double the impact, up to $334,000 thanks to a challenge match from Marson Foods."

14. And because I donated to Feeding America, which is the largest hunger-relief organization in the United States, I also donated locally to the Oregon Food Bank, whose mission includes the following statement: "...We distribute food equitably across the region and work on policies and programs to address the root causes of hunger."

15. An email that I received from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) on December 20th, 2022, with the subject line, "We have a plan for 2023, Paul," which stated, in part, the following: "...2022 saw our civil rights challenged in unprecedented ways – from the overturn of Roe to mounting efforts to suppress the vote to scores of hateful attacks on trans youth, and more. But ACLU is no stranger to the fight for our rights. With your support this year, we showed up to protect civil liberties at every level. We have the receipts to prove it. But with the New Year fast approaching, we know this collective power is going to be even more critical in the fight ahead. And make no mistake, we have long game plans to ensure that meaningful change is made – we'll just need you with us."

–Paul Whiting (written from December 20th, 2022 to December 21st, 2022, revised December 22nd, 2022, revised December 26th, 2022, revised January 1st, 2023, revised January 2nd, 2023, revised April 11th, 2023, revised April 27th, 2023, revised May 9th, 2023, revised July 29th, 2023, revised November 30th, 2023, revised December 13th, 2023 and revised December 18th, 2023)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]


For my "December 22nd, 2022 Update"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

December 22nd, 2022 Update: I received an email from the USO (United Service Organizations) today, December 22nd, 2022, with the subject line, "Sign the card for troops like my dad."

And this USO email is from "Kate + Vincent," who are a military mom and son. And it includes an image of a handwritten letter by Vincent to his dad, who is a Captain in the Army, which states the following:

Merry Christmas, Daddy!

i hope you come home soon.


Me + Mommy

And the rest of this USO email continues as follows:

As troops spend the holiday season stationed far away from their loved ones, we are asking patriotic Americans like you to let them know their sacrifices haven’t been forgotten.



Our family is just one of hundreds of thousands who have spent holidays apart. My husband (Vincent’s father) is a Captain in the Army, and unfortunately, this is the reality for military families like ours.

We’re incredibly proud of our solider, but we still miss him so much when he leaves. And we can tell you from our family’s experience — this is the toughest time of year for service members around the world.***

That’s why we are asking you to help fill the USO’s holiday card for our troops with at least 100,000 signatures to make sure our heroes don’t feel forgotten: Please, will you take just a few seconds out of your day to make sure our troops feel appreciated this holiday season?


Trimming the tree, baking cookies, opening presents on Christmas morning … all these moments won’t feel the same this year for many military families. That’s why it is so important to make sure service members have access to calls home, holiday meals and care packages that makes them feel special. We would really appreciate it if you could also send your best holiday wishes to service members like Vincent’s dad who are spending the holidays deployed far from home.

Signing a card may not seem like much but knowing Americans across the country are thinking of him during this special time of year means the world. With just a moment of your time, you have a chance to deliver holiday joy to so many heroes — but we don’t have much time left before Christmas:

So please, it only takes a moment and will be so meaningful to our heroes in uniform: Add your name now to spread holiday warmth and cheer to troops around the world!***

Thank you for standing with military families like ours — and happy holidays!

Kate and Vincent

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

So, I signed the card, because "during the holiday season, it's more important than ever to show our troops how much their service means to us." Plus, after I signed the card, I made a one-time donation on the website to say to our troops, "Happy holidays to all our heroic troops! We are so grateful for everything you do to protect our country. We know it's not easy, and we truly appreciate the sacrifices you make each and every day to keep us safe and free." ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "December 22nd, 2022 Update":


For my "December 25th, 2022 Update"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

December 25th, 2022 Update: Merry Christmas, everyone! I signed a Christmas Day card "for our brave service members" from the USO (United Service Organizations) today, December 25th, 2022, that I received via email today with the subject line, "Warmest wishes this holiday season", which stated the following:


On behalf of our entire team here at the USO, I wanted to share our warmest holiday wishes to you and your loved ones.

This holiday season comes on the heels of another incredibly challenging year for our brave service members. They’ve courageously and selflessly faced no-notice deployments to defend our allies after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. They’ve responded to countless natural disasters — risking their own safety to protect others. Now many of them are spending the holidays away from their families, sacrificing precious time with loved ones so that we can spend time with ours.

But no matter what they’re facing, they can always count on the USO to support them through it all — and that’s because of this dedicated community, made up of military supporters like you.

The USO is working around the clock to deliver essential supplies, care packages filled with comforting reminders of home and phone calls to loved ones. And Paul, none of that would be possible without you.

It’s hard to find the proper words to express the extent of my gratitude for all you do. Thank you for your generosity during the holidays and all year long. I know it means the world to our troops and their families.

Merry Christmas and happy holidays,

[Name redacted] [Title redacted], USO

If you haven’t had the chance to sign our holiday card for our troops yet, I hope you’ll take a moment now to add your name and thank our heroes:


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

Just to let you know, this is actually the second time I have signed this card, with the first time being on December 22nd, 2022; however, I decided to sign it twice, because it's Christmas! Plus, after I signed the card, I made a one-time donation on the website to say to our troops, "Happy holidays to all our heroic troops! We are so grateful for everything you do to protect our country. We know it's not easy, and we truly appreciate the sacrifices you make each and every day to keep us safe and free."


Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "December 25th, 2022 Update":


For my "December 30th, 2022 Update, Written On January 10th, 2023"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

December 30th, 2022 Update, Written On January 10th, 2023: Happy New Year, everyone! I made a donation to the USO (United Service Organizations) for New Year's Eve, on December 30th, 2022. And I made this donation to the USO for their 2022 end-of-year deadline based upon a text message that I received on December 30th, 2022, which stated the following:

MATCH ALERT: Today only, DOUBLE your gift for troops up to our $35k goal. Rush a tax-deductible gift:***


Thus, this donation is to help Our U.S. Troops celebrate the new year 2023! And I made this one-time donation on the website in order to support the USO's following statement: "As our service members put their lives on the line in some of the world’s most dangerous places this holiday season, it could not be more important to show our gratitude. Rush a gift now to have it MATCHED by a member of the USO’s Board of Governors and provide critical support to the brave troops sacrificing so much for our country."

In addition to that, I already make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! You see, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation. ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "December 30th, 2022 Update, Written On January 10th, 2023":




January 1st, 2023 Update: Happy New Year, everyone!

I made my first donation of 2023 today, January 1st, 2023, to the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union). And this donation was inspired by an email that I received today from the ACLU with the subject line, "Thank you, Paul", which stated the following:

Paul –

I wanted to take a moment to personally thank you for your generous support to the ACLU during our Year-End Match Challenge to start us off as strong as possible in 2023.

Thanks to you, we're ready to act quickly, and decisively all throughout the year ahead to protect people's fundamental freedoms and defend our democracy – no matter what.

Our teams are hard at work already in the fight to defend access to abortion, challenge racially motivated voter suppression, demand action on trans rights, and answer every attack on our fundamental freedoms with the principled determination and relentlessness that is the hallmark of the ACLU.

Thanks to generous supporters like you, Paul, I feel hopeful about the impact we can make in the year ahead. We will be keeping you updated on our progress and how you can take action in the weeks and months to come.

Happy New Year,

[Name redacted]
Pronouns: He, him, his
[Title redacted]

P.S. If you didn't have the chance to make your year-end gift and have it matched dollar-for-dollar, it isn't too late. Donate by the end of the day today and your gift can still be be matched for twice the impact.


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

Thus, I made this one-time donation to show my support for the ACLU to help them "to protect people's fundamental freedoms and defend our democracy – no matter what." –Paul Whiting (written January 1st, 2023, revised January 2nd, 2023, revised January 10th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023 and revised May 17th, 2023)


January 2nd, 2023 Update: I made my second donation of 2023 today, January 2nd, 2023, to Planned Parenthood Federation of America. And this donation was inspired by an email that I received today from Planned Parenthood with the subject line, "We couldn’t do this without you", which stated the following:

Happy New Year, Paul!

As we start another year, I want to begin by saying thank you.

We set an ambitious December fundraising goal to meet the need for sexual and reproductive health care during this abortion access crisis, and you and other Planned Parenthood supporters stepped up with truly inspiring generosity.

That extraordinary response is a powerful statement of support for sexual and reproductive health care and rights and will fuel our critical work into 2023 and beyond. I am so grateful that we can count on you during this especially challenging time, Paul — thank you so much for making your year-end gift...

...While attacks on abortion access continue, patients still need care. People of all ages need honest, trustworthy sex education. People need birth control, cancer screenings, STI testing, and treatment. They need a community they can count on to work with them to protect their fundamental rights.

We are proud to be a part of this movement, and so grateful to have you with us. I know we can count on you to get involved and stay involved in the months ahead. Thank you again so much for making your year-end gift — not a moment goes by that I'm not appreciative of your generosity.

The Planned Parenthood community has shown up, time and again, with deep compassion and extraordinary conviction.

We have what we have always had: a movement. Thank you, again, for being a part of it.


[Name redacted], [Title redacted]
Planned Parenthood Federation of America


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

Thus, I made this one-time donation to show my support for Planned Parenthood Federation of America, because "while attacks on abortion access continue, patients still need care...they need a community they can count on to work with them to protect their fundamental rights." –Paul Whiting (written January 2nd, 2023, revised January 10th, 2023, revised March 10th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised May 9th, 2023 and revised May 17th, 2023)


For my "January 9th, 2023 Update, Written On January 10th, 2023"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

January 9th, 2023 Update, Written On January 10th, 2023: I made my third donation of 2023 yesterday, January 9th, 2023, to the USO (United Service Organizations). And this donation was inspired by an email that I received yesterday from the USO with the subject line, "Thank you, Paul", which stated, in part, the following:

Paul, from the very bottom of my heart, thank you.

Everyone at the USO is incredibly grateful for all the patriotic military supporters who donated to help us provide critical support for our troops during a particularly challenging year.

Thanks to your generosity, we’re able to continue providing essential resources to our military heroes as they serve our country and protect our allies around the world. Your support provides vital assistance like care packages, meals and calls home for service members serving in dangerous and isolated conditions. Because of the support of this community, our heroes will have comfort and connection no matter where they are in the world. ...

... After a year with several crises, from the ongoing war in Ukraine to natural disasters here at home, there are so many unknowns for our heroes in uniform and their families in 2023. But thanks to your support, they can always count on the USO to have their backs, no matter what.

Thank you,

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted], USO

P.S. If you didn’t get a chance to donate before the 2022 end-of-year deadline, it’s not too late to show your support for our troops. Make a donation now to help provide resources and connections to home for our troops as they make unimaginable sacrifices for our freedoms.***

Just to let you know, I already did make a donation to the USO for their 2022 end-of-year deadline on December 30th, 2022, based upon a text message that I received on that day from the USO, which stated the following:

MATCH ALERT: Today only, DOUBLE your gift for troops up to our $35k goal. Rush a tax-deductible gift:***


However, I decided to donate again because it's a new year! And I made this one-time donation on the website in order to support the USO's following statement: "Our service members keep our nation safe. And we work hard to keep them connected to home — but we can’t do that without support from military supporters like you. Our troops are counting on you to be a part of this important work for our country." ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "January 9th, 2023 Update, Written On January 10th, 2023":


January 11th, 2023 Update: National Human Trafficking Awareness Day is yearly (annually) on January 11th in America. So, I donated today, January 11th, 2023, to organizations that are working toward ending modern slavery, or human trafficking as it is formally called. And I donated to both national and international anti-human trafficking organizations to symbolically recognize modern slavery, or human trafficking, as being an extremely serious issue in America, as well as worldwide. –Paul Whiting (written January 11th, 2023, revised March 7th, 2023 and revised July 30th, 2023)


January 16th, 2023 Update: For the Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service, which is yearly (annually) on the third Monday in January, I donated to organizations that "defend civil rights, protect legal rights, and promote tolerance and understanding" today, January 16th, 2023, via Charity Navigator. You see, I prefer to 'volunteer financially' for the Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service in order honor Dr. King's legacy of civic engagement. Plus, I also included a donation to Charity Navigator, because they are a charity too. And I really appreciate being able to utilize Charity Navigator's charity rating system in order to assess which charities receive their 'give with confidence' rating. I also appreciate being able to donate to multiple charities at the same time—all in one convenient transaction, rather than having to process individual donations on each charity's website—which makes supporting civil rights organizations via Charity Navigator that much more worthwhile! –Paul Whiting (written January 16th, 2023, revised March 21st, 2023 and revised January 15th, 2024)


January 26th, 2023 Update: In order to make the end of sentences much more clear (and much more obvious) I think that the end of every sentence in all writing should really be two colons right next to each other, as illustrated at the end of this sentence::

Thus, the end of any writing sentence would actually be two colons, in sequence, one right after the other:: And, therefore, abbreviations within any sentence, utilizing periods to denote said abbreviations, would never be confused with the end of a sentence!

However, this change in the rules of punctuation within English grammar is simply my own idea as a "Poet, Artist and Philosopher," so to speak:: You see, I do a lot of reading about current events in order to stay a more informed voter, as well as a more informed citizen, while reading news articles where a particular sentence ends, and another sentence begins, if there are any periods within a sentence — or even at the end of a sentence — which are being utilized for abbreviations::

Now, I realize that I am probably not going to change the rules of English grammar with this idea of mine, but it could happen:: And this change in punctuation, at the end of all written sentences, would be the only change necessary to the punctuation of all sentences; because, as far as I can tell, there would be no other adjustments needed in the writing of any sentences, since all of the other punctuation would stay exactly the same!

Hence, if a sentence had any kind of abbreviation, such as a city and state — like Portland, Oregon — it would simply be written within a sentence as Port., Or. in this example; and that also means the abbreviation for Portland, Oregon would be written at the end of a sentence as Port., Or.::

So, as illustrated in the sentence above, an abbreviation within a sentence could never be mistaken for the end of a sentence, since the end of every sentence would always be two colons side-by-side, instead of one period:: Also, as illustrated above, an abbreviation at the end of a sentence would be really quite clear, because there are two colons at the end of each sentence, which really stands out visually as the obvious end of a sentence:: (At least, I think that it really stands out visually::)

And that is why I thought to write this idea down and publish it on my blogs in order to start a new writing trend, which could possibly make reading English a lot less strenuous under certain situations where there are abbreviations within sentences, or at the end of sentences, as I have described above::

Anyway, that's all I have to say about this new punctuation idea that I had:: Period!

–Paul Whiting (written January 26th, 2023, revised February 17th, 2023 and revised April 19th, 2023)


January 27th, 2023 Update: International Holocaust Remembrance Day is yearly (annually) on January 27th. Therefore, I donated today, January 27th, 2023, to organizations that are remembering the victims and survivors of the Holocaust, helping Holocaust descendents piece together their family history, and teaching future generations about the Holocaust.

And I was inspired to make these donations by the following sources:

Source No. 1: I received an email from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum today, January 27th, 2023, with the subject line, "Today is International Holocaust Remembrance Day", which stated the following:


Today is International Holocaust Remembrance Day. It is especially important to observe as Holocaust history is being increasingly distorted, misused, as well as even denied—and antisemitic conspiracy theories are spreading quickly. We need the power of firsthand testimony such as [name redacted]’s. Nothing can compare to learning the truth of this history directly from those who experienced it.

Will you help us continue to amplify survivors’ voices and honor the victims of the Holocaust by making a donation on International Holocaust Remembrance Day?***

We can’t let this history—and the individuals it impacted—ever be forgotten.

Thank you for your support,

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]

---------- Original message ----------
From: [Name redacted], Holocaust survivor and Museum volunteer
Date: Fri, Jan 20th, 2023
Subject: Together, we remember


Many people took great personal risks to help my family, and I would not be alive if it weren’t for their sacrifices. Today, when people misuse or distort the facts of the Holocaust, I want to speak out. Everyone must know the truth of what survivors like me endured and also recognize the innocent lives that were lost and those who risked their lives to save others.

This International Holocaust Remembrance Day, I will honor my family, my neighbors, my rescuers, and the community I lost. Please join me in remembering the victims and survivors of the Holocaust by making a donation to the Museum today.***

When I was a young boy, German forces occupied my hometown of Drohobycz, Poland, now part of Ukraine. My parents, sister, and I had to be continually on the move to avoid being discovered by the Nazis. We hid in many places, including a field, an attic, and a hole in the ground. But by the war’s end, most of my family had been deported and killed.

I am grateful to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum for helping me honor their legacy. The Museum helps preserve our experiences to ensure they will be told of for all time.

Paul, will you make a gift today in honor of Holocaust victims and survivors like me? Showing your support on International Holocaust Remembrance Day is a simple action with a resounding impact. Your gift will play a role in helping people learn the consequences of antisemitism and hate, amplifying survivors’ voices, and preserving the artifacts that are evidence of the innocent lives lost.

Thank you for remembering with me.


[Name redacted]
Holocaust survivor and Museum volunteer

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, I donated to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in honor of, and remembrance for, the victims and survivors of the Holocaust like [name redacted].

Source No. 2: I watched a video on YouTube titled, "Holocaust Descendants Piece Together Their Family History Through AI Technology | The View." Here is the description from that video (with a hyperlink to the video below):

Holocaust Descendants Piece Together Their Family History Through AI Technology | The View

Software engineer and From Numbers to Names founder Daniel Patt makes an incredible discovery for a family on a decades-long search for information on their grandparents who survived the Holocaust.

Then, after I watched "Holocaust Descendants Piece Together Their Family History Through AI Technology," I tried to donate to 'From Numbers to Names,' as it was mentioned in the video; however, they did not have a way to donate to them, as far as I could tell.

So, I decided to do a search on Google and found 'Names, Not Numbers' that is an "oral history film project and curriculum that was created by award-winning educator Tova Fish-Rosenberg."

Here is the YouTube video titled, "Names, Not Numbers Trailer":

And that is why I decided to make a one-time donation to 'Names, Not Numbers' because they are teaching about Holocaust history, which is what I am trying to do with these blog post 'updates' that I am writing regarding Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Source No. 3: I watched another video on YouTube titled, "Why so many Americans know little about the history of the Holocaust." Here is the description from that video (with a hyperlink to the video below):

Why so many Americans know little about the history of the Holocaust

International Holocaust Remembrance Day comes at a moment when there is growing worry about antisemitism in the U.S. and around the world. There's also been concern that too many people don't know enough about what happened during the Holocaust. John Yang reports.

Then, after I watched "Why so many Americans know little about the history of the Holocaust," I made a one-time donation to the 'American Jewish Committee,' as it was mentioned in the video.

Therefore, I made these donations to the 'United States Holocaust Memorial Museum,' 'Names, Not Numbers' and 'American Jewish Committee' in order to show my support for International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2023.

By the way, the "International Holocaust Remembrance Day" is not to be confused with "Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom HaShoah)," which corresponds to the 27th day of Nisan on the Hebrew calendar.

"Yom HaShoah" from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia—which is funded primarily through donations from millions of individuals around the world, including this blogger (I make a totally affordable monthly donation):

"Yom HaZikaron laShoah ve-laG'vurah (Hebrew: יום הזיכרון לשואה ולגבורה, lit. 'Holocaust and Heroism Remembrance Day'), known colloquially in Israel and abroad as Yom HaShoah (יום השואה) and in English as Holocaust Remembrance Day, or Holocaust Day, is observed as Israel's day of commemoration for the approximately six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust by Nazi Germany and its collaborators, and for the Jewish resistance in that period. In Israel, it is a national memorial day. The first official commemorations took place in 1951, and the observance of the day was anchored in a law passed by the Knesset in 1959. It is held on the 27th of Nisan (which falls in April or May), unless the 27th would be adjacent to the Jewish Sabbath, in which case the date is shifted by a day."

"International Holocaust Remembrance Day" from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia—which is funded primarily through donations from millions of individuals around the world, including this blogger (I make a totally affordable monthly donation):

"International Holocaust Remembrance Day, or the International Day in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust, is an international memorial day on 27 January that commemorates the victims of the Holocaust, which resulted in the murder of one third of the Jewish people, along with countless members of other minorities between 1933 and 1945 by Nazi Germany, an attempt to implement their 'final solution' to the Jewish question."

Thus, these donations are how I show my support for honoring the victims and survivors of the Holocaust, for helping Holocaust descendents piece together their family history, and for educating future generations about Holocaust history.

–Paul Whiting (written January 27th, 2023, revised January 28th, 2023, revised April 2nd, 2023, revised April 11th, 2023, revised April 18th, 2023, revised April 19th, 2023, revised April 20th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised May 17th, 2023, revised May 19th, 2023, revised June 3rd, 2023, revised July 16th, 2023, revised October 21st, 2023, revised December 6th, 2023 and revised January 27th, 2024)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]


For my "January 30th, 2023 Update"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

January 30th, 2023 Update: I received an email from the USO (United Service Organizations) today, January 30th, 2023, with the subject line, "Paul’s January updates from the USO" with regard to the USO's newsletter "YOUR USO AT WORK," Issue 110 / January 2023, which stated, in part, the following:

Happy New Year, Paul! We hope your 2023 is off to a great start. After closing out 2022 by bringing care packages, holiday celebrations and entertainment to troops around the world, we’re busy preparing for 2023 and making plans to reach more service members than ever this year. Keep reading to see what we’ve been up to in the last month — and as always, thank you for making all our troop support efforts possible...

And the following highlight from the USO's newsletter, which I selected to post, is regarding "5 New Year’s Resolutions for Military Supporters in 2023":



In honor of the New Year and the season of resolutions, here are 5 New Year’s resolutions for military supporters in 2023 »

...From all of us at the USO, thank you for being a dedicated and proud military supporter!

And so, I made a one-time donation on the website in order to support the USO's following statement: "For more than 80 years, the USO has stood by America's military service members by keeping them connected to family, home and country. But we're not a government agency, and rely on individual supporters like you to fund the programs that make the biggest difference for our service members." And I also donated to show my support for the USO's newsletter, as well as to show my support for the USO in supporting our men and women in uniform, as described in the highlight "VOICE OF THE USO," from the aforementioned newsletter:


“Being able to call home, being able to sit and have fun with your friends and your teammates and an opportunity to just relax in an environment where you just don’t know what tomorrow will look like … [the USO] was just a remarkable thing to have on the ground.”

—U.S. Army lieutenant colonel deployed in Eastern Europe over the holidays

In addition to that, I already make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! You see, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation. ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "January 30th, 2023 Update":




February 7th, 2023 Update: In order to show my support for "National Gun Violence Survivors Week," which is yearly (annually) from February 1st through 7th, I made donations today, February 7th, 2023, to organizations that are working to end gun violence in America, including Ban Assault Weapons NOW (which is also known as 'BAWN'), Everytown for Gun Safety (which was formerly known as 'Mayors Against Illegal Guns'), Giffords PAC (which was formerly known as 'Americans for Responsible Solutions') and Brady Campaign (which is also known as 'Brady: United Against Gun Violence' and which was formerly known as the 'National Council to Control Handguns,' 'Handgun Control, Inc.' and the 'Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence,' respectively). –Paul Whiting (written February 7th, 2023, revised March 7th, 2023, revised March 21st, 2023 and revised February 7th, 2024)


February 7th, 2023 Update—Continued: I made donations today, February 7th, 2023, in order to help the victims of earthquakes in Turkey and Syria!

And I made these one-time donations based upon a Time Magazine article that I read titled, "Earthquakes Struck the Heart of the World’s Largest Refugee Population. Here’s How to Help," which I heard about today, February 7th, 2023, from one of the daily emails that I receive from Time since I am a subscriber:

Plus, I also did a "donate for earthquakes in Turkey and Syria" Google search for additional news articles, like the one mentioned above, that recommend charities which are providing assistance in the aftermath of these devastating earthquakes, and I chose most of the organizations to whom I donated from said articles.

Thus, I made these donations in order to help those affected by the earthquakes in Syria and Turkey, which were 7.5 (or greater) magnitude earthquakes! –Paul Whiting (written February 7th, 2023, revised February 8th, 2023 and revised April 28th, 2023)
February 7th, 2023 Update—Continued Further, Written On February 8th, 2022: I made more donations today, February 8th, 2023, in order to help the victims of earthquakes in Turkey and Syria!

And I made these additional one-time donations based upon a text message that I received from three out of the three United Nations organizations that I normally support.

Plus, this particular United Nations (UN) organization reminded me to also donate to two out of the three UN organizations that I normally support, which I was thinking about donating to yesterday, February 7th, 2023.

However, I decided yesterday to donate to one out of the three UN organizations that I normally support, which is an organization that was also mentioned in the Time Magazine article titled, "Earthquakes Struck the Heart of the World’s Largest Refugee Population. Here’s How to Help," that I referenced in my 'February 7th, 2023 Update—Continued,' which can be seen above.

Thus, I made these additional donations to the second and third of the three UN organizations that I normally support (since I had already donated yesterday to the first of the three UN organizations that I normally support) in order to help those affected by the earthquakes in Syria and Turkey! –Paul Whiting (written February 8th, 2023, revised March 22nd, 2023 and revised April 28th, 2023)


February 14th, 2023 Update: Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! And Happy Galentine's Day, which is celebrated on February 13th! Plus, Happy Singles Awareness Day, which is celebrated on February 15th!

Today, February 14th, 2022, I received emails from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) and from Planned Parenthood Federation of America, as I have outlined below.

First, the email that I received today from the ACLU had the subject line, "✖️ No to book bans and censorship. ✔️ Yes to librarians fighting for our rights", which stated the following:

Paul, what are a few things you'd expect a librarian to do in a workday?

✓ Help patrons find a good book to read?
✓ Maintain a strong relationship with the Dewy Decimal system?
✓ Fight for everyone's First Amendment rights against a surge of book bans and censorship efforts being led by misguided public officials and politicians?

If that last one doesn't add up to you – or if you were wondering exactly why the ACLU would be in your inbox today asking you to show your librarians and library workers some support – let's recap:

Since 2021, accounts of book bans – largely content by and about people of color, the LGBTQ community, and other marginalized groups – and threats against librarians have soared. As dozens of states advance classroom censorship bills nationwide, libraries and library workers have increasingly become targets of harassment and have even been fired for refusing to take books off of their shelves.

But if you believe in an educated citizenry – and a society where ideas are openly disseminated, discussed, and debated without fear of government reprisal – then there's a simple thing you can do today to show library workers you're with them, Paul:

Support a librarian in the fight against book bans and censorship by sending a message to them for Valentine's Day.***

It's a small, but powerful act for librarians who are on the frontlines of this fight right now. Thanks for your time today – and we'll be back with more updates on our ongoing work for civil liberties soon.

Read up and read freely,

The ACLU Team

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:


Librarians and local libraries are hard at work safeguarding access to diverse stories and protecting our right to read free from censorship.

Share a message of gratitude for librarians to support their fight against book bans and censorship.

Since 2021, accounts of book bannings and threats against librarians have soared. As dozens of states advance classroom censorship bills, libraries and library workers have increasingly become targets of harassment. In the last year, threats directed to libraries and library workers have escalated, including the forced temporary closure of five public library systems due to bomb and shooting threats. Some librarians have been fired for refusing to remove books from circulation.

Library workers are on the frontlines of this fight – and they need to hear from us! Here are a few prompts to help you share a note of appreciation for their work:

In honor of Black History Month, share a note of gratitude for how librarians are defending the voices and stories of Black authors. What authors or books about the Black experience have influenced you most?

Tell the impact of your public or school librarian/library on your own education – what books might you never have read? How has access to diverse authors and narratives affected you?

Reflect on what you appreciate most about your local librarian/library, either now or as a young reader! Why do you stand up for librarians fighting against book bans and censorship?

First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Email Address: [redacted]
Zip Code: [redacted]
Phone Number: [redacted]

Write Your Message Here:

Dearest Librarians,

My name is Paul Whiting and I am a self-designated 'Poet, Artist and Philosopher.'

And I believe that the censorship of published reading materials — including the banning of books — is based upon the following concepts:

1. The banning of books is really the banning of contradiction; it is the banning of contrast; and it is the banning of opposing points of view.

2. Thus, those who ban books are actually trying to ban all contradiction, all contrast, and all opposition to their own points of view.

3. That is why book banners insist upon the removal from libraries of any published reading materials which tells them that they could be wrong.

4. Therefore, book banning — and the censorship of other published reading materials — is really a form a fascism, pure and simple.

So, THANK YOU, to all librarians for all that you are doing to stand up for the right to read, free from book banning, in order to uphold the democratic principles of freedom to learn without fear of fascist censorship.

Yours very truly,

Paul Whiting
Poet, Artist and Philosopher
Portland, Oregon

Then, after I sent my Valentine's Day message to all librarians via ACLU People Power, I also made a one-time donation to the ACLU in order to show librarians and library workers support, because the banning of books and other forms of censorship — including states advancing classroom censorship bills nationwide — as well as the harassment of librarians, threats against librarians, and the firing of librarians for refusing to take books off of library shelves, are just plain wrong.
Second, the email that I received today from Planned Parenthood Federation of America had the subject line, "💖 share the love 💖", which stated the following:

Happy Valentine's Day, Paul!

This Valentine's Day — and throughout Black History Month — we want to share the love with Black-led organizations who are doing the work to build a more just and equitable world.

Donate now and your gift will be split between these necessary and transformational organizations:

[✓] New Voices for Reproductive Justice
[✓] Black Feminist Future
[✓] SisterReach
[✓] Women with a Vision
[✓] Black Women for Wellness
[✓] SPARK Reproductive Justice Now!
[✓] Access Reproductive Care-Southeast

Working in partnership with community-based social justice organizations is part of how Planned Parenthood serves patients. Help support the work and advance justice by making a gift to support these Black-led organizations today.***

Thank you for your ongoing support for Planned Parenthood and our partners in this movement.

—Planned Parenthood

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

Thus, I made one-time donations to New Voices for Reproductive Justice, Black Feminist Future, SisterReach, Women with a Vision, Black Women for Wellness, SPARK Reproductive Justice Now, and Access Reproductive Care-Southeast, on Plan Parenthood's donation portal via, because on Valentine's Day sharing "the love with Black-led organizations who are doing the work to build a more just and equitable world" is just plain right.

–Paul Whiting (written February 14th, 2023, revised February 15th, 2023, revised March 3rd, 2023, revised April 2nd, 2023, revised April 11th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023 and revised May 9th, 2023)


For my "February 23rd, 2023 Update"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

February 23rd, 2023 Update: I received an email from the USO (United Service Organizations) today, February 23rd, 2023, with the subject line, "The USO’s birthday, the Super Bowl, visits from WWE superstars and more!", with regard to the USO's newsletter "YOUR USO AT WORK," Issue 111 / February 2023, which stated, in part, the following:

Issue 111 / February 2023


The year is now in full swing, Paul, and so is our work to support our service members and their families in the months ahead.

We have lots of news, stories and events to share with you, so we hope you'll keep reading for the latest updates. As always, thank you for all you do to be a force behind our forces....

And the following highlights from the USO's newsletter, which I selected to post, are regarding "The USO celebrates its 82nd birthday" in addition to "In honor of Black History Month, here are seven moments of bravery in African American military history":

The USO celebrates its 82nd birthday

Since February 4, 1941, the USO has proudly been our country's leading nonprofit in supporting active-duty, Reserve and National Guard members and their families. As we celebrate our 82nd birthday, we're honoring our military heroes and their families — and extending our deepest gratitude to all of our volunteers and supporters who make our mission possible.

Learn more about how we provide connections to family, home and country to our troops wherever their service to our country takes them. »




In honor of Black History Month, here are seven moments of bravery in African American military history. »


...From all of us at the USO, thank you for being a dedicated and proud military supporter!

And so, I made a one-time donation on the website in order to support the USO's following statement: "For more than 80 years, the USO has stood by America's military service members by keeping them connected to family, home and country. But we're not a government agency, and rely on individual supporters like you to fund the programs that make the biggest difference for our service members." And I also donated to show my support for the USO's newsletter, as well as to show my support for the USO in supporting our men and women in uniform, as described in the highlight "VOICE OF THE USO," from the aforementioned newsletter:


"Of course, I elected to give to the USO. Military service has a special place in my heart, and the USO provides so much support and resources to service members. Whether they are providing an area they can visit while on orders to relax, providing entertainment, or providing resources to reach loved ones while deployed, the USO is an amazing organization that truly makes a difference in the lives of service members."

— An Army veteran on why she chooses USO for her employer's nonprofit support paycheck deduction program.

In addition to that, I already make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! You see, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation.

By the way, did you know that the USO is a not-for-profit organization and not part of the Department of Defense (DoD)? The following description of the USO is from their 'About Us' webpage:

"The USO is not part of the federal government. A congressionally chartered, private organization, the USO relies on the generosity of individuals, organizations and corporations to support its activities, and is powered by a family of volunteers to accomplish our mission of connection."

So, that is why I 'volunteer financially' as a member of the "USO Home Team" through a recurring monthly donation, as well as through one-time donations to the USO each month!

And speaking of my recurring monthly donation to the USO — as well as the USO's 82nd birthday — I received two emails from the USO with regard to the "Home Team" that is comprised of the USO supporters who are the "most dedicated military supporters made up of monthly donors..."

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "February 23rd, 2023 Update":


February 24th, 2023 Update: I received an email from CREDO Mobile (which is my cell phone company) today, February 24th, 2023, with the subject line, "Sign the petition: Pass the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act", which stated the following:

Dear Fellow Progressive,

Voting rights are a cornerstone of CREDO's mission. Since 1985, members like you have helped us donate over $10 million to groups working to protect and expand our fundamental right to vote.

After the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act — and states across the country passed more restrictive and discriminatory voter suppression laws — it's more important now than ever to defend our rights from these attacks.

That's why Congress must pass the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act to restore VRA protections, making it easier for all Americans to vote and reversing efforts by states to limit ballot access.

We cannot let Congress forget about this crucial legislation and sweep voting rights under the rug.

Tell Congress: Pass the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act now. Click here to sign the petition.

Sign the Petition:

Last Senate, Republicans abused the filibuster to block sweeping voting rights legislation that was aimed at fighting back against state laws that limited access to the ballot box. Many states have enacted strict voting laws since the 2020 election attempting to strip away access to the ballot box and make it more difficult for voters to cast a ballot in a way that works for them.

Now, with Republicans in control of the House and Democrats in control of the Senate, we need to make sure they feel the pressure to pass pro-voting legislation.

John Lewis called the right to vote “the most powerful non-violent tool we have in our democratic society.” It's time to honor his legacy and pass this namesake legislation to ensure all people — especially voters of color — are afforded the same rights to have their voices heard at the ballot box.

We hope you’ll join us in fighting back and urging Congress to pass this critical legislation.

Tell Congress: Pass the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act now. Click here to sign the petition.

Thank you for speaking out.

-The team at CREDO Mobile

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:

Tell Congress: Pass the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act

[Addressed To]: Congress

Last Senate[,] Republicans abused the filibuster to block sweeping voting rights legislation that was aimed at fighting back against state laws that limited access to the ballot box.

We cannot let Congress forget about this crucial legislation and sweep voting rights under the rug. The John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act would make it easier for all Americans to vote and reverse efforts by states to limit ballot access.

Many states have enacted strict voting laws since the 2020 election attempting to strip away access to the ballot box and make it more difficult for voters to cast a ballot in a way that works for them.

Now with Republicans in control of the House and Democrats in control of the Senate, we need to make sure they feel the pressure to pass pro-voting legislation.

Sign the petition to tell Congress to pass the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.


✓ Civic Shout


✓ 198 methods
✓ Voters First Victory Fund
✓ Free Speech For People
✓ Blue Amp Action
✓ Endangered Species Coalition
✓ Daily Kos Liberation League
✓ Coalition On Human Needs (Washington, DC)
✓ Patriotic Millionaires
✓ Climate Hawks Vote
✓ Common Cause (Washington, DC)
✓ UltraViolet
✓ Native Organizers Alliance Action Fund
✓ VoteAmerica
✓ Every. Single. Vote.
✓ The Juggernaut Project
✓ CREDO Mobile
✓ DemCastUSA


To: Congress
From: [Your Name]

We cannot continue to sweep voting rights under the rug. I urge you to pass the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.

Additional Comments:

I am hoping that by signing this petition that Congress really will consider passing the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.

However, with MAGA Republicans in control of the House of Representatives, I seriously doubt that Kevin McCarthy would let it be voted on. In fact, it probably wouldn't even crawl it's way out of the Committee on House Administration.

But — maybe — Speaker of the House McCarthy would consider sending the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act to Tucker Carlson on Fox News the same way that Speaker McCarthy sent all of the January 6th, 2021 security video to Tucker!

That way, Mr. Carlson can explain to his Fox News audience why voting rights are really necessary in a "democracy." (At least, a Democrat can dream, can't he?)

Anyway, scathing sarcasm aside, I hope that Congress will seriously consider passing the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, so that our country won't eventually be run by Tucker Carlson, as directed by Kevin McCarthy.

By the way, I am posting this petition on my blog post titled, "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" that is on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog — which I am sure that everyone in Congress reads as often as they can — in order to encourage my readers to consider signing this petition also!

Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter.

First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Email: [redacted]
Zip/Postal Code: [redacted]

Then, after I signed the petition, an Action Network "Thanks for your support" page appeared, which stated the following:

Thanks for your support.

Help us meet our goal by spreading the word about this action using the tools on this page.

Share This Petition

Direct Link:

Email A Friend:

Subject: Sign the petition! Congress: Tell Congress: Pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act


Last year Senate Republicans abused the filibuster to block sweeping voting rights legislation that was aimed at fighting back against state laws that limited access to the ballot box.

The John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act would make it easier for all Americans to vote and reverse efforts by states to limit ballot access.

Many states have enacted strict voting laws since the 2020 election attempting to strip away access to the ballot box and make it more difficult for voters to cast a ballot in a way that works for them.

Now with Republicans in control of the House and Democrats in control of the Senate, we need to make sure they feel the pressure to pass pro-voting legislation.

I just signed a petition urging Congress to pass this crucial piece of legislation.

Can you join me and take action? Click here:


Anyway, as I stated in the "Additional Comments," to my Members of Congress, I seriously doubt that MAGA (Make America Gentrified Again) Republicans in the House of Representatives would even consider looking at the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, let alone passing it, because that would just be way too "Woke, Socialist" for that crowd.

(But a Democrat can dream, can't he?)

And speaking of how wrong it is to be a "Woke Socialist," what are we all supposed be according to the Make America Gentrified Again (MAGA) Republicans, anyway? Are we all supposed to be "Asleep Fascists"?

(But I digress.)

Thank you for taking the time to read this 'update' and thank you for considering signing the above-mentioned petition regarding the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.

–Paul Whiting (written February 24th, 2023, revised March 3rd, 2023, revised March 4th, 2023 and revised April 11th, 2023)


February 24th, 2023 Update—Continued: [My Commentary About Vladimir Putin's "Special Military Operation" In Ukraine, Version No. 1:]

It has been one year since February 24th, 2022—the first day of Vladimir Putin's war on Ukraine—and that day is yet another "date which will live in infamy." –Paul Whiting (written February 24th, 2023 and revised February 24th, 2024)

[My Commentary About Vladimir Putin's "Special Military Operation" In Ukraine, Version No. 2:]

It has been one year since the start of Russia's war on Ukraine and like December 7th, 1941—the day Pearl Harbor was attacked—that first day of Vladimir Putin's war on Ukraine, February 24th, 2022, is "a date which will live in infamy." –Paul Whiting (written February 24th, 2023 and revised February 24th, 2024)


For my "February 24th, 2023 Update—Continued Further"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

February 24th, 2023 Update—Continued Further: I received an email from the USO (United Service Organizations) today, February 24th, 2023, with the subject line, "One year since the war in Ukraine began …", which stated the following:


It has been one year since the conflict in Ukraine escalated with Russia’s invasion. Many have lost their lives and been displaced from their homes as the war continues with no end in sight.

This past year has been extraordinarily difficult for our service members, too — from immediate deployments to Eastern Europe to aid NATO allies to facing freezing temperatures and missing holidays with loved ones while deployed. Our troops have shown nothing but selflessness and courage in the face of this uncertainty and isolation. In the midst of this crisis, American troops continue to support our allies and answer the call to serve.

And the USO is proud to support American service members in Eastern Europe every step of the way. There has been an extraordinary effort from this community — and it’s all meant that we’ve been able to deliver:

[✓] 366 books read between service members and their families via the USO Reading Program
[✓] 800 Programs In A Box
[✓] 33,000 Care Packages
[✓] 962 Field Programs
[✓] Support to over 240,000 service members

As the future of our troops stationed in the region remains unpredictable, we’re committed to supporting them as long as they need.

And our commitment is only possible because of support from patriots like you. That’s why I want to thank you for being there for our service members through this past year, before that, and beyond. In addition to providing resources they urgently need, your support helps show them that the American people value and appreciate their immense sacrifices.

Thanks for being there for our troops — especially during times of crisis.

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted], USO

Due to the nature of the war, many of our troops have had to leave their phones — their only connection to loved ones — at home. The USO is one of the only ways they can remain in touch with those that they love the most, and that’s why it’s critical we continue our support. Please, consider making a donation today so that we can continue to provide our military members and their families around the world with critical support.***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, I made a one-time donation on the website in order to support the USO's following statement: "Our service members keep our nation safe. And we work hard to keep them connected to home — but we can’t do that without support from military supporters like you. Our troops are counting on you to be a part of this important work for our country." ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "February 24th, 2023 Update—Continued Further":


February 25th, 2023 Update: I received an email from Planned Parenthood Action Fund today, February 25th, 2023, with the subject line, "INSIDE: The attack on the 'abortion pill'", which stated the following:

Planned Parenthood Action Fund Update

Action Fund Update is the monthly newsletter for members of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund. As an associate member of the Action Fund, you'll receive timely, insider information on our legislative, advocacy, and electoral work.

Member News

Hey Paul – You might be wondering why you’ve seen “mifepristone” mentioned in the news lately.

That’s because anti-abortion organizations are suing the FDA to take mifepristone — one of the two medicines commonly used to end an early pregnancy — off the market.

Here’s what you need to know:

This is not about safety. Mifepristone was approved by the FDA more than 20 years ago. It’s used in more than half of all abortions in the U.S. It also has a safety record of more than 99% — making it safer than commonplace procedures like removing a person’s tonsils or wisdom teeth, and safer than common medications like Viagra.

There are potentially far-reaching consequences. This suit shows how anti-abortion activists will use the federal courts — which politicians have reshaped by appointing judges with records hostile to reproductive rights — to restrict abortion access nationwide.

Everyone should be able to make decisions about their own bodies, lives, and futures. That includes the decision to have an abortion – using the method that best suits them.

No matter the outcome of this case, we’ll be here fighting for your right to control your body, every step of the way.

Let’s get to work,

[Name redacted], [Title redacted]
Planned Parenthood Action Fund

Take Action

The global gag rule is devastating for people around the world who already face barriers to care. When in effect, the global gag rule prevents foreign organizations that receive U.S. global health assistance from providing information, referrals, or services for legal abortion or advocating for access to abortion in their country — even with their own money. It cuts off access to many of the best health care providers, and denies women and girls lifesaving health care services.

The global gag rule is a vile attack on access to health care internationally, and while it’s not in place right now, it could be reinstated by a new presidential administration.

Tell Congress: Cosponsor the Global HER Act to permanently end the global gag rule.***

Around the Web

Bloomberg Law: Abortion Bans Spur Biden Push to Bolster Patient Privacy Rights

[New York Magazine's] The Cut: The Future of Abortion Pills Is on the Line

Teen Vogue: Over 300 Anti-LGBTQ+ Bills Have Already Been Filed in 2023


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I signed the petition above, I received a confirmation email today, February 25th, 2023, from Planned Parenthood Action Fund with the subject line, "Thank you for taking action!", which stated the following:

Dear Paul,

Thanks for speaking out to support permanent repeal of the global gag rule and advancing the health and rights of communities across the world.

You can help make an even bigger difference by showing your support for Planned Parenthood Action Fund and asking your friends and family to join you.

Share on Facebook

Share on Twitter

You can also help defend access to health care and protect our reproductive rights by making a gift to Planned Parenthood Action Fund. We'll put your gift to work immediately mobilizing grassroots activists in key states, pressuring lawmakers, magnifying the voices of those most affected by attacks on our health and rights, and more.

I'm so glad to know that we can count on you to raise your voice when it counts — thanks again for speaking out.

Planned Parenthood Action Fund

So, I selected the "Share on Twitter" option (by the way, I only have a Twitter account so I can read tweets which are included in some online articles that I read) in order for me to provide you, my readers, with the text and hyperlink below:

Tell your member of Congress to cosponsor the Global HER Act and end this harmful policy [that is, "the global gag rule"] once and for all!

Plus, I made a one-time donation to show my support for Planned Parenthood Action Fund in "mobilizing grassroots activists in key states, pressuring lawmakers, magnifying the voices of those most affected by attacks on our health and rights," because the attacks on reproductive health care, including abortion care, by extremist conservatives shallowly professing to extol "family values" are just plain wrong.

And, speaking of "family values," is the denial of abortion care for those who are force impregnated through rape, or incest, considered "family values" by these extremist conservatives?

It makes you wonder if the real reason that extremist conservatives are beating the proverbial "abortion is murder" drum so loudly is because they support forced impregnation as the only way that is feasible for them to procreate, since they are too dysfunctional to have consensual adult relationships—and that is why they are enthusiastic proponents of forced impregnation through rape and/or incest!

It's no wonder these extremist conservatives are in the Republican Party of "legitimate rape."

–Paul Whiting (written February 25th, 2023, revised February 26th, 2023, revised March 3rd, 2023, revised March 10th, 2023, revised April 11th, 2023, revised April 13th, 2023, revised April 14th, 2023, revised April 21st, 2023, revised April 25th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised May 18th, 2023, revised May 23rd, 2023, revised June 3rd, 2023, revised June 28th, 2023, revised September 15th, 2023 and revised September 30th, 2023)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]




March 3rd, 2023 Update: I received a text message today, March 3rd, 2023, from Everytown for Gun Safety, which stated the following:

Oregon lawmakers are about to vote to stop ghost guns and raise the age to purchase guns! Tell them to vote YES***


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:

Tell Oregon Lawmakers: Stop Ghost Guns And Raise The Age To Purchase Guns!

Oregon lawmakers vote soon on a bill that would stop ghost guns—untraceable, do-it-yourself firearms made from easy-to-get building blocks that can be purchased with no background check and no questions asked.

They're also voting on whether to raise the age for purchase and possession of semiautomatic assault rifles, from 18 to 21. It's critical that we prevent teenagers from buying and owning exceptionally dangerous guns.

Send a message telling the Oregon House Judiciary Committee to vote YES on these and other key gun safety bills >>

Complete the form to send your message now:

First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
Email address: [redacted]
Street address: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
ZIP Code: [redacted]
Mobile phone: [redacted]

Dear Lawmaker,

I'm urging you to support critical gun safety bills coming through your committee.

HB 2006 would raise the age for purchase and possession of semiautomatic assault rifles, from 18 to 21. Research shows that individuals 18 to 20 years old commit homicides at a rate nearly three times greater than adults 21 and over. Raising the age will help prevent firearm deaths.

HB 2005 would prohibit ghost guns and other untraceable firearms. These guns are increasingly a weapon of choice for gun traffickers and people prohibited from possessing firearms.

Additionally, I urge you to support HB 2007 to allow local governments to regulate firearms on their property, and HB 3060 to reduce the purchase cost of safe storage devices with tax credits.

Please vote YES for these four gun safety bills. Thank you.

And after I sent the letter above to my representatives in the Oregon State Legislature, via the Everytown for Gun Safety website, I made a one-time donation to Everytown to say "Thank you!" for letting me know about these critical gun safety bills being voted on in the State of Oregon, because it's a really good idea to do each of the following:

✓ Raise "the age ... for purchase and possession of semiautomatic assault rifles, from 18 to 21," which "will help prevent firearm deaths," since "research shows that individuals 18 to 20 years old commit homicides at a rate nearly three times greater than adults 21 and over"; and

✓ "Prohibit ghost guns and other untraceable firearms," because "these guns are increasingly a weapon of choice for gun traffickers and people prohibited from possessing firearms"; and

✓ "Allow local [Oregon] governments to regulate firearms on their property"; plus

✓ "Reduce the purchase cost of safe storage devices with tax credits."

–Paul Whiting (written March 3rd, 2023, revised March 4th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised May 12th, 2023 and revised June 2nd, 2023)


For my "March 3rd, 2023 Update—Continued"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

March 3rd, 2023 Update—Continued: I received an email from the USO (United Service Organizations) today, March 3rd, 2023, with the subject line, "Learn more about how your support is helping service members in Eastern Europe", which stated the following:


Just over a year ago, the violent conflict in Ukraine escalated with Russia's full-scale invasion. In the days that followed, thousands of American troops deployed to Eastern Europe to support our NATO allies and the people of Ukraine. With little notice, time to pack or say goodbye, service members courageously left when duty called.

Today, thousands remain in Eastern Europe as this war continues — with no end in sight.

And thanks to military supporters like you, Paul, the USO has stood alongside our service members every step of the way. Together, we delivered over 33,000 care packages to troops in Eastern Europe last year. We opened a brand-new USO Center in 48 hours. We provided cell phones and other ways for troops to connect with their loved ones.

Today, we wanted to give you the opportunity to learn more about what our service members have experienced in Eastern Europe over the last year and how we've worked around the clock to support them.


Thank you for supporting the brave heroes who selflessly serve our country.

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted], USO

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, I made a one-time donation on the website in order to support the USO's following statement which is titled, "An uncertain future":

"The generosity of military supporters like you has allowed the USO to provide this critical support to over 200,000 service members in Eastern Europe over the last year. Unfortunately, this war is still raging with no end in sight. More than 100,000 U.S. troops are now deployed or permanently stationed in Europe, and the number of military families in need of support has increased dramatically. We are determined to go wherever our military goes and do everything we can to keep troops connected to family, home and country throughout their service. But as a nonprofit organization, the USO relies on the generosity of patriotic Americans like you to keep this important work going. Please, as we mark the first anniversary of this devastating conflict, will you rush a gift to support our troops around the world?" ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "March 3rd, 2023 Update—Continued":


March 10th, 2023 Update: I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, March 10th, 2023, when I noticed an article on titled, "Opinion: #StopWillow has become too big to ignore – are you listening, President Biden?"

This CNN opinion article is by Quannah Chasinghorse, who "is a Han Gwich’in and Sicangu/Oglala Lakota land protector, climate justice activist, and fashion model from Eagle Village, Alaska and the tribes of South Dakota. She’s on Teen Vogue’s magazine Top 21 models under 21 list and the 2022 Forbes 30 under 30 list."

And the subject of the article is the following:

"The proposed Willow Project is the largest oil project proposed on public lands in the country. Located in a remote region of the Western Arctic that has been experiencing dramatic climate change impacts, this project would pave the way for ConocoPhillips to develop a drilling operation aiming to get the around 600 million barrels of oil in the area for decades into the future." (Please see the hyperlink to the article below.)

So, after I read the CNN article, I did a search on YouTube for 'Stop the Willow Project.' And out of the many available videos to watch, I selected a video by Earthjustice Action titled, "The Willow Project Must Be Stopped."

By the way, the reason that I chose to watch this video is because, as an 'Online Activist,' I am familiar with Earthjustice, since they are similar to the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) in that they are lawyers, who go to court in order to get laws changed!

So, here is a hyperlink to the video:

Then, after I watched the Earthjustice video, I did a search for 'Stop the Willow Project by Earthjustice,' where I found an Earthjustice article titled, "Arctic Oil Project Advances as Biden Administration Says Yes to Carbon Bomb." (Please see the hyperlink to the article below, which includes a petition letter to President Biden.)

Here is the text of the above-mentioned article, that also includes a petition letter to President Biden, which states the following:

Arctic Oil Project Advances as Biden Administration Says Yes to Carbon Bomb

February 1, 2023

The Biden administration is one step closer to approving a gargantuan Alaskan oil project that would unleash a global carbon bomb.

The administration has released a final supplemental environmental impact statement (SEIS) for the Willow Project, a proposal by ConocoPhillips to drill for oil and gas across a vast expanse of Arctic tundra. Now, the administration could approve the project as soon as 30 days.

Just two years ago, a federal court rejected the project’s permits on the grounds that the government had not considered Willow’s threats to the climate and polar bears. Earthjustice urges the Biden administration to fully consider these grave threats and to deny this unacceptable project.

The Willow Project poses threats to the Western Arctic — and far beyond.

▪ This is the largest proposed oil and gas undertaking on U.S. public lands. Over its lifetime, Willow will accelerate the climate crisis by emitting more than 280 million metric tons of greenhouse gases over the next 30 years.

▪ ConocoPhillips would build 267 miles of pipelines, 30 miles of roads, an airstrip, and a gravel mine on public lands.

▪ If approved, the project’s construction and daily operation would devastate local, imperiled wildlife like polar bears, migratory birds, and caribou. It also would jeopardize the health and traditional practices of nearby Alaska Native communities.

The Biden administration has full legal authority to reject it.

▪ In 2021, we represented environmental groups who sued the Biden administration to halt the project, which originated during the Trump administration.

▪ A federal court sided with us, finding that the permits glossed over Willow’s global climate impact and threatened imperiled polar bears. The court kicked the project back to Biden to review.

▪ The Biden administration has the authority to deny or substantially reduce the footprint of the project.

▪ The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has so far refused to consider any alternatives that would meaningfully reduce downstream emissions or eliminate infrastructure in the most sensitive areas.

We’re watching the administration closely. Here’s what happens next.

▪ We’re calling on the administration to follow the science and reject the Willow Project.

▪ By continuing to advance the Willow Project, the administration would severely undercut its own stated climate goals.

▪ Now that the SEIS has been released, the Biden administration will have to wait at least 30 days before issuing a final decision.

▪ Earthjustice is dedicated to using the power of the law to stop the extraction and burning of harmful fossil fuels. We must keep all Arctic oil and gas in the ground if we want to avert a climate catastrophe.

Tell the Biden administration to put the project on ice!

Contact Information:

Prefix (Optional): Mr.
First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Postal Code: [redacted]
Email: [redacted]
Phone (Optional): [redacted]

Subject: The Western Arctic deserves better than the Willow Project

Dear President Biden and Secretary Haaland,

I urge you to deny the permits for the Willow Project.

Willow would generate an estimated 280 million metric tons of climate pollution, jeopardize the health of people living in nearby communities, and devastate local wildlife like polar bears, migratory birds, and caribou. This project is massive on its own, but ConocoPhillips admitted to investors that Willow is just the first step in its master plan to turn the pristine Western Arctic into an industrial oil production zone.

It’s unconscionable to add fuel to the fire as the planet burns, and yet that’s exactly what this administration would be doing if it allows Willow to proceed. Please listen to the 200,000 people who spoke out against the project during the recent comment period and do right by all who wish to maintain a livable climate.

The climate crisis is here, and we cannot afford to pull any more fossil fuels out of the ground. Please use your authority as Secretary of the Interior to reject the Willow Project.

[Your information here]

Thus, after I read the article, I sent the petition letter and I also made a one-time donation to Earthjustice in order to show my support for the #StopWillow campaign! –Paul Whiting (written March 10th, 2023, revised March 11th, 2023, revised April 25th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023 and revised May 7th, 2023)


March 10th, 2023 Update—Continued: I received an email from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) today, March 10th, 2023, with the subject line, "If Biden moves forward with this, he'll be putting children at risk", which stated the following:

Paul –

Reports this week revealed that the White House is considering re-opening family immigration detention sites – putting kids and their parents behind barbed wire simply for seeking protection here. It's unacceptable.

How we choose to respond to the children and families fleeing violence and persecution who come to the United States says a lot about who we are as a nation. That's why the Biden administration abandoned family detention early on – a vital step towards shutting down the immigration detention machine – which is fundamentally cruel, unnecessary, and abusive.

So make no mistake: If President Biden moves forward with these plans, we at the ACLU will fight him at every turn. Most immediately, we need our entire ACLU community speaking out loud and resolutely with us: Please send a message to the Biden administration and tell them to shut down the ICE detention machine now.


President Biden knew just how harmful family detention was when he condemned it on the campaign trail and when he ended the practice upon taking office. To reinstate the policy would contradict his promises and alienate the millions of Americans who trusted him with their votes.

These policies aren't just wrong, they don't help manage the border. People will continue making the journey to the U.S. – because, for people facing death threats and violence at home, nothing is scarier than staying put.

ACLU attorneys, researchers, and medical professionals, including subject matter experts for the DHS civil rights office, have documented the harm family detention causes to children and their parents. We've successfully fought previous administrations' detention of families – and we will continue fighting back no matter who is in the White House.

But, Paul, we need your voice now. Rather than locking up and re-traumatizing families fleeing violence, Biden should focus on community-based alternatives that have been shown to be effective, safe, and humane.

So please, send your message with us today and urge the Biden administration to shut down ICE detention now.

For the rights and humanity of us all,

[Name redacted]
Pronouns: She, her, hers
[Title redacted], ACLU

P.S. It is unacceptable, and a moral failure, for our government to put children behind barbed wire to send a message to people in need of safety. Let's instead send a message to President Biden and his administration – and let them know that we, the people, say no to the ICE detention machine.

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:


Message Recipients: The Biden Administration

Subject: Stop New ICE Detention Contracts. Close Existing Facilities.

As your constituent, I'm calling on you to stop all new contracts for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention facilities, including those with for-profit prison companies – and close existing detention facilities, especially those with documented patterns of inhumane treatment, in remote locations with compromised access to counsel and medical care, and opened by the prior administration without adequate justification.

ICE detention has long been known for its abuse. In the pandemic, increased use of force, solitary confinement, patterns of sexual abuse, nonconsensual gynecological procedures, and a failure to protect people from COVID-19 have all been reported from inside its facilities.

On top of this, reports that your administration is considering bringing back family detention are extremely alarming. ACLU attorneys, researchers, and medical professionals, including subject matter experts for the DHS civil rights office, have documented the harm family detention causes to children and their parents. Numerous medical associations have warned these conditions may even cause lifelong neurological damage to children.

Please, I’m asking you to end this pursuit of new detention contracts and shut down inhumane ICE facilities. Your action will help shrink an abusive system and end our nation's newest system of mass incarceration of Black and Brown people.


[First Name] [Last Name]

Your Information

Salutation (required by some officials): Mr.
First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
E-mail address: [redacted]
Address: [redacted]
Address Line 2: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Zip Code: [redacted]
Phone: [redacted]

And, after I sent the letter above, I received a confirmation email today, March 10th, 2023, from the ACLU with the subject line, "One more thing - can you spread the word?", which stated the following:

Hi Paul,

Thank you for taking action for immigrants' rights as we push to shut down the ICE detention machine.

Help us build our power: Share the action by forwarding the email below to your friends, or by sharing this link:

Thank you,

The ACLU Team


Hi friend,

ICE detention has long been known for its abuse and inefficiency. The atrocities exposed during Trump's administration were only the most recent manifestations of a fundamentally cruel, inhumane, and clearly unnecessary system.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) under the Biden administration has not put an end to this harm – but instead has started awarding new contracts to private prison companies who are turning for-profit prisons into immigrant detention facilities.

I just joined the ACLU in sending a message to the Biden administration, urging them to end the misguided pursuit of new detention contracts and shut down ICE’s system of mass detention now.

Will you join me?


Plus, after I sent the letter above to the Biden Administration, via the ACLU website, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU to show my support for stopping new ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) detention contracts and closing existing facilities.

–Paul Whiting (written March 10th, 2023, revised March 11th, 2023, revised April 11th, 2023, revised April 19th, 2023, revised April 21st, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised May 18th, 2023, revised June 3rd, 2023 and revised September 15th, 2023)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]


March 11th, 2023 Update: I received an email from Earthjustice Alerts today, March 11th, 2023, with the subject line, "TAKE ACTION: We haven't stopped Willow yet", which stated the following:

Dear Paul,

The Biden administration was expected to release its decision the Willow Project this past week — that is, until the movement to stop Willow gained traction. In the span of a couple weeks, over 85,000 letters from Earthjustice supporters and a growing six million others were sent to the administration to stop the Willow Project.

Amidst the delay, sources inside the administration told the press that it intends to permit the project next week.

The news story is not a final decision — we still have a chance to organize a strong enough response and stop Willow. Send a letter to President Biden and Secretary Haaland to urge them to stop the Willow Project.

We are out of time for massive fossil development. Now is the moment to harness unprecedented federal funding to transition the Alaska economy rather than doubling down on oil. If the Biden administration makes the wrong call on Willow, it will matter globally both for emissions and leadership credibility.

This fight is not over, not by a long shot. Momentum is on our side, the fossil fuel industry is playing defense, and the administration’s confidence is wavering. Now is our time to make one last push, even if you’ve already sent a letter, to stop the Willow Project. We know they are listening.

Tell President Biden and Secretary Haaland to stop the Willow Project.



[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
Alaska Office

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below, as an Action Alert with a petition letter to President Biden:

Stop the Willow Project


The Biden administration was expected to release its decision the Willow Project this past week — that is, until the movement to stop Willow gained traction. In the span of a couple weeks, over 85,000 letters from Earthjustice supporters and a growing six million others were sent to the administration to stop the Willow Project.

Amidst the delay, sources inside the administration told the press that it intends to permit the project next week.

The news story is not a final decision — we still have a chance to organize a strong enough response and stop Willow. Send a letter to President Biden and Secretary Haaland to urge them to stop the Willow Project.

Willow would lock us into decades of oil and gas production and long-term destruction to the Western Arctic. This fragile area of Alaska is already warming three times faster than the rest of the world. To add insult to injury, ConocoPhillips plans to install artificial “chillers” to refreeze the Arctic’s melting permafrost in order to build the industrial oil extraction infrastructure necessary for Willow. This melting permafrost played a role in a recent gas leak at a nearby oil field, which ConocoPhillips kept the public in the dark about for more than a month.

The stakes are too high to let our guard down. ConocoPhillips admitted to investors that Willow is just the first step in its master plan to turn the pristine Western Arctic into an industrial oil production zone. That means that if President Biden allows the project to move forward, he will actually be laying the groundwork for something much larger than even President Trump allowed.

This might be the public’s last shot to influence the Biden administration before the BLM grants final approval for this project, with its potential to cause untold damage to the Western Arctic. The Biden administration gets to choose: preserve oil industry profits or preserve communities, ecosystems, and the climate. The answer is clear to us, but we need make it clear to the Biden administration. Join us in urging President Biden and the BLM to deny the permits for the Willow Project.


Tell the Biden administration to put the project on ice!

Contact Information

Prefix (Optional): Mr.
First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Postal Code: [redacted]
Email: [redacted]
Phone (Optional): [redacted]

Subject: [Follow-Up Letter] The Western Arctic deserves better than the Willow Project

Dear President Biden and Secretary Haaland,

I hope the story published on Friday [March 10th, 2023] is wrong and that you will still deny the permits for the Willow Project.

As a follow-up to my letter sent Friday, March 10th, 2023, I urge you to deny the permits for the Willow Project.

Willow would generate an estimated 280 million metric tons of climate pollution, jeopardize the health of people living in nearby communities, and devastate local wildlife like polar bears, migratory birds, and caribou. This project is massive on its own, but ConocoPhillips admitted to investors that Willow is just the first step in its master plan to turn the pristine Western Arctic into an industrial oil production zone.

It’s unconscionable to add fuel to the fire as the planet burns, and yet that’s exactly what this administration would be doing if it allows Willow to proceed. Please listen to the 200,000 people who spoke out against the project during the recent comment period and do right by all who wish to maintain a livable climate.

The climate crisis is here, and we cannot afford to pull any more fossil fuels out of the ground. Please use your authority as Secretary of the Interior to reject the Willow Project.

[Your information here]

Thus, after I sent the petition letter and I also made another one-time donation to Earthjustice (with the previous donation being made yesterday, March 10th, 2023) in order to show my additional support for the #StopWillow campaign!

Then, after I sent the Earthjustice petition letter, I did a Google search for 'Conocophillips Willow Project News,' where I found a USA Today article titled, "Alaska oil drilling: Willow project critics go viral with petition pressuring Biden," which stated, in part, the following:

The Biden administration is preparing to decide whether to allow the Willow oil drilling project in Alaska to begin, and a social media fueled opposition campaign has gathered widespread attention in recent days.

Environmental groups are urging Biden to stick to his campaign promise to ban new drilling on federal lands, and promising to sue if he doesn't. They say the project will contribute to climate change and alter wildlife migration and habitat for polar bears, caribou and other species.

In February, federal officials gave near-final approval to the project, which Biden could still halt.

Meanwhile, opposition has been growing. A petition on has millions of signatures, becoming one of the most popular in the company's history. ...

... In a statement, Earthjustice attorney Jeremy Lieb said approving Willow would be "out of step" for Biden's efforts to fight climate change. Earthjustice has previously sued to block the project, and plans to continue opposing it if Biden goes ahead. ...

(Please see the hyperlink to the article below.)

And after I read the USA Today article, I was trying to find that really popular petition which was mentioned in the USA Today article, so I went onto the website to see if I could see that particular petition trending on their main page.

By the way, I also did a Google search for 'Willow Project Petition on,' however there were about 25 separate petitions regarding the Willow Project which came up in that search!

Thus, out of the many Willow Project petitions available on, I selected the one that appeared on their main page, which is titled, "Biden Administration and ConocoPhillips: SAY NO TO THE WILLOW PROJECT!" (Please see the hyperlink to the petition below.)

And so, after I signed the petition, I also made a one-time donation to in order to help promote the "Biden Administration and ConocoPhillips: SAY NO TO THE WILLOW PROJECT!" petition, in addition to showing my continued support for the #StopWillow campaign! –Paul Whiting (written March 11th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised May 18th, 2023 and revised June 3rd, 2023)


For my "March 13th, 2023 Update"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

March 13th, 2023 Update: Did you know that "K-9 Veterans Day" is yearly (annually) on March 13th?

Neither did I! That is, until I received an email from the USO (United Service Organizations) today, March 13th, 2023, with the subject line, "Journey of a K-9 dog (photos inside!)", which stated the following:

Paul, our military dogs are courageous and loyal, serving alongside their handlers and other service members in some of the most dangerous places in the world. Our troops consider their K-9 counterparts to be fellow service members, who go through rigorous training in order to be ready to serve and protect — just like our brave heroes.

Military working dogs perform rescue missions, sniff out explosives and risk their lives to keep us safe. And if you’ve ever wondered just how a young puppy grows into a strong K-9 service member, we invite you to join us on a journey through their life and service.


Thanks for standing with America’s military heroes, even our four-legged ones!


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, I made a one-time donation on the website to respectfully honor "K-9 Veterans Day" and in order to support the USO's following statement: "Day in and day out, military working dogs brave tough terrains and deadly dangers to defend our freedoms alongside our troops. Now that you know just how much goes into training and caring for these four-legged fighters, you know it’s no easy task. These heroic K-9 teams deserve our support as they make immense sacrifices for our country — especially this month, as we celebrate K-9 Veterans Day! Please, rush a donation right now to support the courageous military working dog teams and our troops around the world who put their lives on the line for our country."

In addition to that, I already make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! You see, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation. ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "March 13th, 2023 Update":


March 16th, 2023 Update: I received an email from the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today, March 16th, 2023, with the subject line, "Speak out for justice. Join ADL today.", which stated the following:

Dear Paul,

The support from the ADL community drives our efforts to fight antisemitism, extremism and hate. And with incidents soaring in our communities nationwide, your first gift is more important than ever.

Through your first gift today, you’ll help to identify and eradicate the terrible antisemitism and hate we see throughout the year. Your gift will help expose extremism, champion critical legislation and provide anti-bias education to schools and communities across the country.

Activate your 2023 supporter status by giving now. Your support will provide invaluable resources for ADL’s efforts to:

[✓] Continue monitoring, exposing and disrupting extremist activity that promotes antisemitism, racism, bias or any form of hate.

[✓] Break the cycle of online hate and harassment by fiercely advocating to make digital spaces safe and equitable for everyone.

[✓] Call on elected officials to help combat the growing threats to our democracy and these acts of domestic terrorism, stopping the spread of hate online and in our communities.

Together, we can strive to create a world in which no group or person suffers from bias or discrimination. None of us are safe until all of us are safe.

Join ADL Today***


[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

So, I made a one-time donation to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in order to help "Fight Antisemitism and Hate" by supporting the ADL in the following: "stopping an extremist planning to commit a violent act… helping a school and community to overcome a culture of hate… disrupting the spread of antisemitic conspiracy theories on the internet… or any of the other ways we Fight Hate for Good together." –Paul Whiting (written March 16th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised May 18th, 2023 and revised June 3rd, 2023)


March 16th, 2023 Update—Continued: I received an email from the American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon (ACLU of Oregon) today, March 16th, 2023, with the subject line, "Let's rally for reproductive health and access to care!", which stated the following:

Paul –

We are reaching out to you to activate you to support reproductive access to health care.

Reproductive health care is under attack. As states across the nation ramp up assaults on our lives and our freedoms, we know that Oregon is not immune to these attacks either. We have to keep showing up and organizing to ensure we protect our rights. Right now, Oregon has the opportunity to protect and expand access to reproductive and transgender health care by passing HB 2002: Reproductive Health & Access to Care.

Join us and partners including Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon, Basic Rights Oregon, and the Fair Shot for All coalition in Salem on Monday for a rally and bill hearing. This is the first opportunity that our communities have to give lawmakers our input on HB 2002. Together, we must send a strong message: Oregon must continue to protect reproductive rights and must lead in trans rights and access to care. ...

... Can't make it to Salem? Help us flood lawmakers' inboxes to double down on our message: we need equitable access to reproductive and gender-affirming health care. Take one minute to contact your lawmaker today.***

More about Reproductive Health & Access to Care (HB 2002): This bill would remove barriers that keep people from getting the essential health care they need. And with the Dobbs decision in effect and states criminalizing care across the country, HB 2002 protects providers and people seeking gender-affirming care and reproductive health care in Oregon.

[✓] Protecting providers and health centers' ability to deliver care to all patients who seek gender-affirming and reproductive health care in Oregon.

[✓] Expanding access to gender-affirming, reproductive, and sexual health care for rural Oregonians, low-income folks, students, and all those in our community who experience barriers to care.

[✓] Ensuring fundamental rights to the full spectrum of reproductive healthcare, so that no one can ever be criminalized for their reproductive health decisions or pregnancy outcomes.

Together, we can make sure that Oregon leads the way for reproductive and gender justice, dismantles barriers to care, and enshrines our rights to body autonomy into law.

We hope to see you at the capitol on Monday for any and all parts of the day that you can participate in!

In solidarity,

ACLU of Oregon Team

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below (by the way, I only included portions of this webpage that were relevant to "HB 2002 — Reproductive Health and Access to Care"):

"2023 LEGISLATIVE SESSION HUB" from the ACLU of Oregon:

Our state's path towards racial justice, civil rights and civil liberties will be shaped in Oregon's 2023 legislative session — from January 17 to June 25, 2023. ...

... HB 2002 — Reproductive Health and Access to Care

No one should be forced to carry a pregnancy against their will and face the life-altering consequences of being denied essential health care.

While Oregon has broad legal protections of abortion and gender-affirming care, we have more work to do to ensure safe, equitable, and continuing protections and access across our state. Our rights are under attack and we must fight back — together. ...


Then, after I read the ACLU of Oregon webpage above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:

"REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH & ACCESS TO CARE (HB 2002)" from Fair Shot for All:

In Oregon, we believe that everyone should have the freedom to make their own health care decisions and access the care they need to survive and thrive. For years, our state has led the nation in protecting and expanding access to the full spectrum of sexual, reproductive, and gender affirming care. Despite our progress, significant barriers to the full spectrum of care still exist in our state for many communities including: low-income Oregonians, those living outside of the I-5 corridor, women, LGBTQ2SIA+ individuals, Black, Indigenous, People of Color, immigrants, and people with disabilities.

With the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade, we lost legal protections for abortion. Since then, states are moving aggressively to ban abortion and criminalize providers. And the same extremists who want to ban abortion and criminalize care are also waging attacks on LGBTQ2SIA+ people. More than 300 bills attacking trans and queer rights have been introduced, and already several bills banning and restricting transgender health care have passed this year alone.

As states across the nation ramp up assaults on our lives and freedom, we know we must keep showing up and organizing to protect our rights.

With HB 2002, Oregon can be a leader — by protecting and expanding access to reproductive and transgender health care we can…

[✓] Protect providers and health centers' ability to deliver care to all patients who seek gender-affirming and reproductive health care in Oregon.

[✓] Expand access to gender-affirming, reproductive, and sexual health care for rural Oregonians, low-income folks, students, and all those in our community who experience barriers to care.

[✓] Ensure fundamental rights to the full spectrum of reproductive healthcare, so that no one can ever be criminalized for their reproductive health decisions or pregnancy outcomes.

Together, we’re creating a future where every person belongs, has the power to determine their own future, and has access to the care they need.

HB 2002, the Reproductive Health & Access to Care Bill, will move Oregon forward by working to protect, strengthen, and expand equitable access to reproductive and gender-affirming health care. Send a letter to your lawmakers and urge them to support HB 2002!

First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Preferred Language (Optional): English
Street Address: [redacted]
Postal Code: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Email: [redacted]
Mobile Phone (Optional): [redacted]

Send the following message:

Please support HB 2002: The Reproductive Health & Access to Care Bill

Dear [elected official],

I’m writing as your constituent to urge your support for HB 2002, the Reproductive Health & Access to Care Bill.

In Oregon, we believe that everyone should have the freedom to make their own health care decisions and access the care they need with dignity and respect.

As states across the nation continue to place bans on abortion and gender-affirming care and criminalize providers, the Reproductive Health & Access to Care Bill will move Oregon forward in creating a future where every person belongs, has the power to determine their own future, and has access to the care they need by:

1) Protecting providers and health centers' ability to deliver care to all patients who seek gender-affirming and reproductive health care in Oregon.
2) Expanding access to gender-affirming, reproductive, and sexual health care for rural Oregonians, low-income folks, students, and all those in our community who experience barriers to care.
3) Ensuring fundamental rights to the full spectrum of reproductive healthcare, so that no one can ever be criminalized for their reproductive health decisions or pregnancy outcomes.

I hope you join community and advocacy organizations, providers, clinic administrators, and issue experts in supporting HB 2002: the Reproductive Health & Access to Care Bill.

I would appreciate your reply and assurance of your commitment. Thank you for serving our community!

Paul Whiting
Portland, OR [redacted]

Then, after I sent the letter above to my State Senator and State Representative, via the Fair Shot for All website, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU Foundation of Oregon in order to show my support for HB 2002: the Reproductive Health & Access to Care Bill, because "together, we’re creating a future where every person belongs, has the power to determine their own future, and has access to the care they need." –Paul Whiting (written March 16th, 2023 revised March 20th, 2023, revised April 10th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023 and revised June 3rd, 2023)


March 20th, 2023 Update: I received an email from Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon today, March 20th, 2023, with the subject line, "See you in Salem!", which stated the following:

Hi Paul --

Today’s the day! Join us in Salem for our Reproductive Health & Access to Care hearing & rally.

To address growing disparities and increased threats to our health care, rights and dignity, more than 80 local community organizations, providers, national legal experts, patients, clinics, and advocates came together with lawmakers in 2022.

Through extensive research and discussion over 6 weeks, this group identified barriers for patients seeking care, the challenges health care providers and facilities face in delivering care, and the potential legal issues patients and providers may face.

HB 2002, the Reproductive Health & Access to Care Bill directly responds to what we learned and it shows Oregon: we’re listening.

This critical legislation moves Oregon forward by working to protect, strengthen, and expand equitable access to reproductive and gender-affirming health care. Here are some ways you can support the bill:

[✓] Come to our hearing and rally today!
[✓] Tune in to the hearing at 3 pm and submit testimony in support of HB 2002*
[✓] Contact your lawmakers in support of HB 2002

Paul, advocates like you drive this movement. No matter how long you've been in this fight, we need your courage, commitment, strength, and voice. Thanks for being with us.

See you soon,

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon

*And so, I chose to participate in the rally and hearing by submitting "testimony in support of HB 2002" through a submission form on the Oregon State Legislature's Oregon Legislative Information website, which can be found below:

Oregon Legislative Information

Testimony Submitted Successfully!

Name: Paul Whiting

Email: [redacted]
Organization or City or Residence: Portland

Testimony is on behalf of: [N/A]

Measure: HB 2002

Committee: House Committee On Behavioral Health and Health Care

Position on this Bill: support


In Support of Reproductive Health & Access to Care (HB 2002)

In Oregon, we believe that everyone should have the freedom to make their own health care decisions and access the care they need to survive and thrive. For years, our state has led the nation in protecting and expanding access to the full spectrum of sexual, reproductive, and gender affirming care. Despite our progress, significant barriers to the full spectrum of care still exist in our state for many communities including: low-income Oregonians, those living outside of the I-5 corridor, women, LGBTQ2SIA+ individuals, Black, Indigenous, People of Color, immigrants, and people with disabilities.

With the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade, we lost legal protections for abortion. Since then, states are moving aggressively to ban abortion and criminalize providers. And the same extremists who want to ban abortion and criminalize care are also waging attacks on LGBTQ2SIA+ people. More than 300 bills attacking trans and queer rights have been introduced, and already several bills banning and restricting transgender health care have passed this year alone.

As states across the nation ramp up assaults on our lives and freedom, we know we must keep showing up and organizing to protect our rights.

With HB 2002, Oregon can be a leader — by protecting and expanding access to reproductive and transgender health care we can…

1. Protect providers and health centers' ability to deliver care to all patients who seek gender-affirming and reproductive health care in Oregon.

2. Expand access to gender-affirming, reproductive, and sexual health care for rural Oregonians, low-income folks, students, and all those in our community who experience barriers to care.

3. Ensure fundamental rights to the full spectrum of reproductive healthcare, so that no one can ever be criminalized for their reproductive health decisions or pregnancy outcomes.

Together, we’re creating a future where every person belongs, has the power to determine their own future, and has access to the care they need.

Then, after I submitted the testimony above to the House Committee On Behavioral Health and Health Care, via the Oregon State Legislature website, I made a one-time donation to Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon in order to show my support for the Reproductive Health & Access to Care Bill (HB 2002), because "together, we’re creating a future where every person belongs, has the power to determine their own future, and has access to the care they need." –Paul Whiting (written March 20th, 2023, revised March 23rd, 2023, revised April 24th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised May 18th, 2023 and revised June 3rd, 2023)


March 20th, 2023 Update—Continued: I received an email from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) today, March 20th, 2023, with the subject line, "The first bill attacking trans kids is in Congress.", which stated the following:

Paul –

A bill that would ban trans girls from school sports nationwide could get a vote in the House very soon. It is the very first bill out of Congress attacking transgender youth at the federal level, and we must take action.

To be clear, this bill would make it illegal for any school that receives federal funding to allow trans girls to play on girls' teams. It's discriminatory, it's unconstitutional, and it does nothing to address actual barriers in women's sports, like lack of funding, unequal pay, or harassment and abuse.

And while some representatives are trying to push this harmful bill through – there are many other Members of Congress who are fighting back. They need to hear from you in this crucial window of time: Tell your Representative to vote "NO" on all bills that attack transgender people.


Paul, when kids have the freedom to play, they build stronger bonds with their friends, schools, and communities. And we also know too well this attack is not just about sports – this is one of many attacks on the freedom of transgender people right now.

Some in Congress also want to take away the right of young people and their families to get the healthcare they need and to force schools to out LGBTQ students. Meanwhile, in the state legislatures across the country, public officials are targeting our trans communities through a sweeping number of harmful and unconstitutional bills.

The civil liberties these politicians are coming after are in no small way lifesaving for so many trans young people. And we at the ACLU will not allow peoples' rights and safety to be put at risk for anyone's political agenda like this – especially when it comes to the rights and safety of kids.

That's why every action in this fight – every moment we speak out and let our leaders know we, the people, will not accept attempts to erase trans people from public life – makes a difference. So please, contact your member of Congress now, Paul – and know the ACLU will continue to fight back at every level.

Thank you for being with us at this critical moment.

For the freedom to be ourselves,

[Name redacted]
Pronouns: He, him, his
[Title redacted], ACLU

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:

Tell Congress: Protect Our Kids’ Freedom

The fight for trans rights is now federal. Congress has introduced the very first bill attacking transgender youth. Some Representatives are trying to ban trans kids from sports – and more bills pushing trans people out of public life are on the way.

Members of Congress are fighting back – and they need to hear from you. Tell your Representative to vote “NO” on all bills that attack transgender Americans.

Some members of Congress are trying to ban youth from school sports just because they’re transgender. But it’s not just about sports - this is the first of many attacks on the freedom of transgender people to be who they are. Politicians are pushing another bill taking away the right of young people and their families to get the healthcare they need. We must tell Congress that our government should not interfere with the care we receive, the curriculum our schools teach, or the freedom to be ourselves.

When kids have the freedom to play, they build stronger bonds with their friends, their schools, and their communities. Title IX requires schools to adopt inclusive policies to provide these opportunities for all students regardless of gender – including transgender students.

Send a message to your member of Congress now and call on them to protect trans rights by opposing H.R. 734.


Dear Representative,

I’m writing today to strongly urge you to protect our children’s freedom to play by voting against H.R. 734, the so-called “Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act.”

This legislation would make it illegal for schools receiving federal funding to allow transgender girls and women to play on sports teams for girls and women. This is both discriminatory and unconstitutional, and I urge you to oppose it and all bills that attack transgender people.

Transgender girls and women participate in sports for the same reasons as their peers who are not transgender: to be part of a team, learn sportsmanship, and challenge themselves. It is because of this that leading advocates for women’s sports, including Megan Rapinoe, Billie Jean King, and the Women’s Sports Foundation strongly support including transgender girls and women in women’s sports.

If Congress was serious about addressing actual barriers facing female student athletes, it would be working to eliminate continued funding inequities, address pay disparities among coaches and staff, and ending harassment and abuse.

H.R. 734 does nothing to address these barriers. Instead, it targets a small, already vulnerable group of people for further discrimination. This legislation is both mean-spirited and cruel. I urge you to protect our childrens’ freedom to play by voting against H.R. 734 and all bills that target and discriminate against transgender people.

Thank you.


Prefix: Mr.
First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
Email address: [redacted]
Street address: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
ZIP Code: [redacted]
Mobile phone: [redacted]

Then, after I sent the letter above to my U.S. House Representative in Congress, via the ACLU People Power website, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU in order to do my part to say 'NO' "on all bills that attack transgender Americans," to say 'NO' on the "many attacks on the freedom of transgender people to be who they are," and to say 'NO' to "H.R. 734 and all bills that target and discriminate against transgender people." –Paul Whiting (written March 20th, 2023, revised April 11th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised May 18th, 2023 and revised June 3rd, 2023)


March 20th, 2023 Update—Continued Further: I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles from one of their daily emails that I received today, March 20th, 2023, when I noticed an accompanying video from a article titled, "The New U.N. Climate Report Has Arrived. Resist the Urge to Despair." (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

So, I watched said video which is a speech by Secretary-General of the United Nations António Guterres discussing the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report.

Then, I searched on and found the above-mentioned article, which was written by Bronson Griscom, PhD, who "is the vice president of Natural Climate Solutions at Conservation International." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"The New U.N. Climate Report Has Arrived. Resist the Urge to Despair" from Time Magazine

By Bronson Griscom | March 20, 2023

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released a behemoth report on our warming world—something it has done routinely for three decades. Though the findings have evolved considerably over the years, the news cycle is always strikingly similar: World leaders offer bombastic soundbites, and headlines warn of impending doom. In turn, many people will interpret this report as a stark warning that humans are joy-riding down the highway to hell.

As a climate scientist of two decades, I do not share this view. Certainly, there is cause for deep concern. Today’s report confirms that humanity is on track to blow past 1.5°C (2.7°F) of planetary warming by the early 2030s. With each additional half-degree, the risk of deadly heat waves and flooding will increase substantially—and the effects are already manifesting on every continent. This is an existential crisis, and our actions today will dictate what happens tomorrow.

Even so, the latest assessment—as well as those released last year—did not fill me with dread. Like many scientists, I was disheartened for decades, but today’s report makes me feel more inspired than ever. Here are three reasons why: ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

By the way, I am thinking about mentioning this article in an 'update' that I have planned for Earth Day, on April 22nd, 2023, in which I will be describing the donations that I make for Earth Day 2023, but I decided to also say something about the article today, March 20th, 2023, since this is the day that it was published.

You see, I usually make donations to various environmental organizations on April 22nd of each year—as a way to celebrate Earth Day—and as a way to support the environmental organizations to which I choose to donate on Earth Day, which is the day that I feel thematically corresponds directly to the causes that those particular organizations represent.

And it's not just on Earth Day that I do this!

Thus, I donate to various charitable organizations during the year on a particular 'theme day,' so to speak, which I feel corresponds directly to those particular charitable causes, because it helps me to remember to donate to those particular charitable causes during the year that I feel have a corresponding 'theme day.'

Plus, I am spreading the charitable love throughout the entire year—and not simply having a year's worth of charitable giving 'bunch up,' so to speak, on Giving Tuesday. So then, whichever charitable organizations don't have an obvious corresponding 'theme day,' I can donate to those charitable organizations during Giving Tuesday, since I haven't already given to those particular organizations sometime during the year!

That is why I coordinate some of my charitable giving during the year with a particular 'theme day' that some charitable causes correspond to—such as the above-mentioned environmental organizations whose causes I feel directly correspond to the 'theme day' of Earth Day!

–Paul Whiting (written March 20th, 2023, revised March 21st, 2023, revised March 22nd, 2023, revised March 29th, 2023, revised April 21st, 2023, revised April 22nd, 2023, revised April 23rd, 2023, revised April 25th, 2023, revised May 27th, 2023, revised June 3rd, 2023, revised August 12th, 2023 and revised November 21st, 2023)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]
March 20th, 2023 Update—Continued Further (Follow-Up, Written On March 22nd, 2023): I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles from one of their daily emails that I received today, March 22nd, 2023, when I noticed a article titled, "Lessons From the New U.N. Climate Report on How to Course Correct." (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The above-mentioned article was written by Simon Stiell, who "is the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). He previously served as Minister for Climate Resilience and the Environment in the Government of Grenada." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Lessons From the New U.N. Climate Report on How to Course Correct" from Time Magazine

By Simon Stiell | March 20, 2023

Seven months ago, when I took up my role at the helm of United Nations Climate Change, I said that we would need to do things differently if we are to meet the challenge of the climate emergency.

The report published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) today underscores that need in dramatic terms. This synthesis of the most up-to-date science we have from a global community of experts adds yet more certainty, more data, and more detail to a simple truth: Unless we reduce greenhouse-gas emissions by at least 43% this decade, we are locking ourselves into a future of escalating climate extremes, food crises, and nature loss.

While there has been significant progress on the climate agenda over the past years, today’s IPCC report is clear: It’s the pace at which we decarbonize our societies that will determine our success. Unless we supercharge climate action this decade, the Paris Agreement goals will be lost.

As the head of the U.N. organization tasked with addressing the climate emergency, I see three priorities for this year to get us on course: ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

By the way, I am thinking about mentioning this article in an 'update' that I have planned for Earth Day, on April 22nd, 2023, in which I will be describing the donations that I make for Earth Day 2023, but I decided to also say something about it today, March 22nd, 2023, because this article was originally published on March 20th, 2023.

And I decided to highlight this article from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written March 22nd, 2023, revised March 29th, 2023, revised April 21st, 2023, revised April 25th, 2023, revised May 5th, 2023, revised May 27th, 2023, revised June 3rd, 2023, revised June 5th, 2023 revised August 12th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]


March 22nd, 2023 Update: The fourth Wednesday in March every year is American Red Cross Giving Day, which is today March 22nd, 2023:

"The 9th annual American Red Cross Giving Day is on March 22, 2023. It takes place during Red Cross Month, a time to recognize heroes who help those in need..."

And so, I donated to the American Red Cross on their website and I selected the "Double Your Impact Today" match offer where "Merck is matching all gifts, dollar for dollar, up to $150,000!"

Also, I donated to the International Committee of the Red Cross on their website via PayPal:

"The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC): ensuring humanitarian protection and assistance for victims of war and other situations of violence."

Plus, I donated to the Ukrainian Red Cross Society on their website via Google Pay:

"Your donation helps to sustain life in the affected Ukrainian cities. Today, your donation is very important..."

Thus, these donations are how I supported the American Red Cross Giving Day—which I observed in a decisively international way—and also how I helped the People of Ukraine! –Paul Whiting (March 22nd, 2023)


March 23rd, 2023 Update, Written On March 24th, 2023: It is with a somber tone and utmost humility that I wish to commemorate the passing of Darcelle XV (a.k.a. Walter W. Cole, Sr.) of Portland, Oregon, who was named the "World's Oldest Drag Queen" on August 15th, 2016, by the Guinness Book of World Records.

Darcelle was so well known, in fact, that her passing commanded an article in the Associated Press (AP) News. An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Darcelle, world’s oldest working drag queen, dies at 92" from the AP News

By CLAIRE RUSH | March 24, 2023

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — Walter Cole, better known as the iconic drag queen who performed for decades as Darcelle XV and a fearless advocate for Portland’s LGBTQ+ community, has died of natural causes in Portland, Oregon. He was 92.

Darcelle, who died Thursday, was crowned the world’s oldest working drag performer in 2016 by the Guinness Book of World Records and was regaling audiences until the very end. As a performer, Darcelle was known for hosting the longest-running drag show on the U.S. West Coast. Off stage, Cole, an Army veteran, championed LGBTQ+ rights and charitable work in Portland. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

Quite a few years ago (which was in the early 2000s, to the best of my recollection), I went with friends to see the drag show at "Darcelle XV Showplace" in the Old Town Chinatown neighborhood of Portland, Oregon. And it was a delightful performance! In fact, later on we went to enjoy Darcelle's extravagant, funny and entertaining drag show—yet again!

Now, although I haven't been back to see the drag show at Darcelle XV Showplace since that time, just this month I walked close to Darcelle's (I am pretty sure that it was on March 12th, 2023, but it was definitely sometime during the month of March 2023), because I was traveling through the Old Town neighborhood.

Then, I happened to notice three homeless folks sitting right out in front of Darcelle's, so I made sure to walk past them in order to give them "help out money," which is a one dollar bill that I usually offer to homeless folks, if I go by them, as I am traveling around by walking to various destinations...

...And the poignant thing is that one of the homeless folks was wearing a Carnival of Venice-style mask—which was a simple design in a dark color with rhinestones accentuating the perimeter—so I wondered to myself (at that time) if that was, in fact, Darcelle helping out homeless folks, who are asking for "spare change" (or 'spanging,' as it is informally called) in front of her nightclub!

Anyway, I thought that I should say a little something about Darcelle (a.k.a. Walter Cole), who left this earth on Thursday, March 23rd, 2023, and undoubtedly went to that great big wonderful drag show in the sky:

"Oh man, what a woman!"

By the way, while I was doing some online searches regarding writing this 'update,' I noticed that the above-mentioned AP News article was even carried by Time Magazine: what a legendary drag queen. We are all going to miss you, Darcelle! –Paul Whiting (written March 24th, 2023, revised March 25th, 2023, revised March 29th, 2023, revised April 2nd, 2023, revised April 21st, 2023, revised April 24th, 2023 and revised April 25th, 2023)


March 24th, 2023 Update: I received an email from CREDO Mobile (which is my cell phone company) today, March 24th, 2023, with the subject line, "Sign the petition: Demand corporations stop donating to pro-insurrectionist members of Congress", which stated the following:

Dear Fellow Progressive,

More than two years ago, a violent mob descended on the U.S. Capitol to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. Hundreds were injured. At least seven died. Democracy was shaken to its core.

On the heels of the Jan. 6 insurrection, corporations like AT&T, Home Depot, and Walgreens pledged to suspend donations to the Sedition Caucus – the 147 GOP members of Congress who objected to the certification of the election and supported Trump’s Big Lie.

However, many of those same corporations have now abandoned those pledges and resumed their financial support to these members of Congress. We need your help today to hold these corporations accountable and demand they end these donations immediately.

Sign and send the petition to corporations: Keep your pledge. Stop donations to pro-insurrectionist members of Congress.

Sign the Petition***

Over the last two years, this group of politicians received over $40 million from corporate donors, some of whom previously pledged to suspend donations.

And it's not surprising at all that AT&T wasted no time in abandoning its pledge. According to Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, "AT&T donated to election objector Jim Banks’ leadership PAC just a month after pledging to cut off donations to seditionists." CREW reports that AT&T has donated at least $338,000 to 70 members of the Sedition Caucus since January 2022.[1]

It's unacceptable that corporations who claim to support democracy are privately supporting pro-insurrectionists who want it destroyed. They continue to pander to consumers while donating to anti-democracy campaigns in the shadows. We see them, and we demand these corporations stop funding insurrectionists immediately.

Click here to sign and send the petition to corporations: Keep your pledge. Stop donations to pro-insurrectionist members of Congress.

Thank you for speaking out. Please share with like-minded friends.

-The team at CREDO Mobile


1. Rebecca Jacobs and Angela Li, "Corporations have given $40 million to the Sedition Caucus," Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, September 29, 2022.

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:

TAKE ACTION: Sign and send the petition: Demand corporations stop donating to pro-insurrectionist members of Congress!

On the heels of the January 6 insurrection, corporations like AT&T, Home Depot, Valero Energy Corp, and Walgreens pledged to suspend donations to the Sedition Caucus – the 147 GOP members of Congress who objected to the certification of the 2020 presidential election and supported Trump’s Big Lie.

However, many of those same corporations have now abandoned those pledges and resumed their financial support of the Sedition Caucus.

Over the last two years, the Sedition Caucus received over $40 million from corporate donors, some of whom previously pledged to suspend donations.

Corporations are claiming to support democracy while privately supporting pro-insurrectionists who want it destroyed. They continue to pander to consumers while donating to anti-democracy campaigns in the shadows. We see them, and we demand these corporations stop funding insurrectionists immediately.

Participating Organizations:

✓ Crazy Eight PAC
✓ CREDO Mobile
✓ Daily Kos
✓ Democracy for America Advocacy Fund
✓ Democratic Values
✓ Forward Blue
✓ Future Coalition
✓ Inequality Media Civic Action
✓ Greenpeace
✓ March On
✓ OD Action
✓ Patriotic Millionaires
✓ People Power United
✓ Progressive Reform Network
✓ Real Populists
✓ TakeItBack.Org
✓ Voters First Victory Fund







Subject: Corporate America must stand against Republican right-wing extremism

It's disgraceful that your company has reneged on your pledge to stop donations to the insurrectionist members of Congress who peddled the Big Lie. Insurrectionist members of Congress continue to push right-wing extremist policies against voting rights, abortion, LGBTQ+ rights, and more, leading to more bigotry and political turbulence. Donating to these members contributes to their extremist positions. Corporate America must stand against antidemocratic policies and support our civil rights. Support democracy and stop your donations to insurrectionist members of Congress.

First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Email: [redacted]
Zip/Postal Code: [redacted]

Then, after I signed the petition letter, an webpage appeared titled, "Help us meet our goal by spreading the word about this action using the tools on this page.", which stated the following:

Help us meet our goal by spreading the word about this action using the tools on this page.

Share This Letter

Subject: Send a letter: Sign the petition: Demand corporations stop donating to pro-insurrectionist members of Congress!


I wrote a letter for the Action Network letter campaign: Sign the petition: Demand corporations stop donating to pro-insurrectionist members of Congress!

On the heels of the January 6 insurrection, corporations like AT&T, Home Depot, and Walgreens pledged to suspend donations to the Sedition Caucus – the 147 GOP members of Congress who objected to the certification of the 2020 presidential election and supported Trump’s Big Lie.

However, many of those same corporations have now abandoned those pledges and resumed their financial support of the Sedition Caucus.

Over the last two years, the Sedition Caucus received over $40 million from corporate donors, some of whom previously pledged to suspend donations.

Corporations are lying to us – claiming to support democracy while privately supporting pro-insurrectionists who want it destroyed. They continue to pander to consumers while donating to anti-democracy campaigns in the shadows. We see them, and we demand these corporations stop funding insurrectionists immediately.

Sign the petition to corporations: Keep your pledge. Stop donations to pro-insurrectionist members of Congress.

Participating Organizations
Daily Kos

Can you join me and write a letter? Click here:


Thus, I sent the letter above to the President and Chief Customer Officer of WALGREENS, to the President and Chief Executive Officer of HOME DEPOT, as well as to the Chief Executive Officers of both VALERO ENERGY CORP and AT&T in order to show my support to "demand corporations stop donating to pro-insurrectionist members of Congress," because "it's unacceptable that corporations who claim to support democracy are privately supporting pro-insurrectionists who want it destroyed," since "Corporate America must stand against antidemocratic policies and support our civil rights." –Paul Whiting (written March 24th, 2023, revised April 12th, 2023, revised April 21st, 2023, revised May 12th, 2023, revised May 18th, 2023 and revised June 3rd, 2023)


March 24th, 2023 Update—Continued, Written On April 21st, 2023 [April 21st, 2023 Update, Written About March 24th, 2023]: I am writing this update later than I originally found out about the news that it is regarding—which is specifically Jimmy Carter's presidency and the Iran hostage crisis—since I heard this news approximately one month ago, on March 24th, 2023, via a video on YouTube titled, "New claim about Iran hostage crisis sabotage may change narrative of Carter presidency." Here is the description from that video (with a hyperlink to the video below):

New claim about Iran hostage crisis sabotage may change narrative of Carter presidency

In 1980, a prominent Republican sought to sabotage then-President Jimmy Carter's re-election by asking Middle Eastern leaders to get a message to the Iranians; keep the American hostages until after the election and Reagan will give you a better deal. That's according to a New York Times report. Jonathan Alter, author of "His Very Best: Jimmy Carter, A Life," joined Geoff Bennett to discuss.

Thus, I watched the video above about one month ago...and I was just recently thinking about that particular news regarding the Carter presidency, and the Iran hostage crisis, as it relates to the unscrupulous techniques that the Republicans seem to be entirely willing to utilize in order to win political office! And, apparently, that style of "the October surprise" election manipulation started way back during the election between Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan.

And so, I was thinking about that news recently, when I decided to do a Google search for "Carter vs Reagan Election" and I found an article on The New York Times titled, "A Four-Decade Secret: One Man’s Story of Sabotaging Carter’s Re-election." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"A Four-Decade Secret: One Man’s Story of Sabotaging Carter’s Re-election" from The New York Times

A prominent Texas politician said he unwittingly took part in a 1980 tour of the Middle East with a clandestine agenda.

By Peter Baker | March 18, 2023

WASHINGTON — It has been more than four decades, but Ben Barnes said he remembers it vividly. His longtime political mentor invited him on a mission to the Middle East. What Mr. Barnes said he did not realize until later was the real purpose of the mission: to sabotage the re-election campaign of the president of the United States.

It was 1980 and Jimmy Carter was in the White House, bedeviled by a hostage crisis in Iran that had paralyzed his presidency and hampered his effort to win a second term. Mr. Carter’s best chance for victory was to free the 52 Americans held captive before Election Day. That was something that Mr. Barnes said his mentor was determined to prevent.

His mentor was John B. Connally Jr., a titan of American politics and former Texas governor who had served three presidents and just lost his own bid for the White House. A former Democrat, Mr. Connally had sought the Republican nomination in 1980 only to be swamped by former Gov. Ronald Reagan of California. Now Mr. Connally resolved to help Mr. Reagan beat Mr. Carter and in the process, Mr. Barnes said, make his own case for becoming secretary of state or defense in a new administration.

What happened next Mr. Barnes has largely kept secret for nearly 43 years. Mr. Connally, he said, took him to one Middle Eastern capital after another that summer, meeting with a host of regional leaders to deliver a blunt message to be passed to Iran: Don’t release the hostages before the election. Mr. Reagan will win and give you a better deal. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

Then, I recently noticed a YouTube video titled, "Expert analyzes new account of GOP deal that used Iran hostage crisis for gain." And this video, which is from a month ago, references The New York Times article above. Here is the description from that video (with a hyperlink to the video below):

Expert analyzes new account of GOP deal that used Iran hostage crisis for gain

The Iran hostage crisis consumed the last year of the Carter presidency, contributing to a perception of weakness. Saturday, a new allegation has surfaced that Ronald Reagan's campaign worked to prevent the U.S. hostages from being freed before Election Day. Gary Sick, who was the Iran expert on President Carter’s National Security Council, joins John Yang to discuss.

Anyway, I usually try to write these kind of 'updates' in a much more timely manner; but, at the time that I originally heard this news, I kind of thought that writing about it would be sort of pointless, since it ain't gonna make Jimmy Carter retroactively win his 1980 presidential election!

Then, I got to thinking a couple of days ago that this alleged manipulation of the 1980 presidential election by the Ronald Reagan campaign is just the kind of thing that Republicans seem to do all of the frickin' time with regard to elections. So, that is why I decided it was, in fact, relevant to write about this recent news with regard to the 1980 presidential campaign between Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan, because history seems to keep repeating itself... –Paul Whiting (written April 21st, 2023, revised July 16th, 2023 and revised October 21st, 2023)


For my "March 27th, 2023 Update"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

March 27th, 2023 Update: I received an email from the USO (United Service Organizations) today, March 27th, 2023, with the subject line, "Check out our March USO Newsletter: All the most important USO news for dedicated supporters like you", with regard to the USO's newsletter "YOUR USO AT WORK," Issue 112 / March 2023, which stated, in part, the following:

Paul, day in and day out, we're working to support our service members and their families all around the world. That means we have no shortage of news, inspiring stories and ways to step up for our troops to share with you this month. Thank you for all you do to make this crucial work for our heroes possible. ...

And the following highlights from the USO's newsletter, which I selected to post, are regarding "U.S. Service Members Assisting in Turkey Earthquake Relief Efforts Receive Support from the USO," and "Meet the 2022 USO Service Members of the Year," plus "Over 200 Years of Service: The History of Women in the U.S. Military," in addition to "Take a look at 12 moments you supported U.S. troops deployed to Eastern Europe in the year since Russia invaded Ukraine":

U.S. Service Members Assisting in Turkey Earthquake Relief Efforts Receive Support from the USO

Last month, a 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck Turkey and Syria — becoming the deadliest earthquake on the entire globe since the 2010 earthquakes in Haiti. As our nation's service members support those impacted by this disaster, the USO is right there beside them — ensuring that American troops know we have their backs, no matter the mission or crisis.


Meet the 2022 USO Service Members of the Year

Each year, honorees from different military branches are nominated by their command leadership for performing extraordinary acts of bravery that exemplify the values of the Armed Forces and the USO.


Over 200 Years of Service: The History of Women in the U.S. Military

From the battlefields of the American Revolution to the deserts of Kuwait, women have been serving in the military in one form or another for more than 200 years. They have had to overcome decades of obstacles to get to where they are today: serving in greater numbers, in combat roles and in leadership positions all around the world.




Take a look at 12 moments you supported U.S. troops deployed to Eastern Europe in the year since Russia invaded Ukraine. »


...From all of us at the USO, thank you for being a dedicated and proud military supporter!

And so, I made four one-time donations on the website (one for each of the above-mentioned highlights, because I felt that each of one of these highlights deserved its own donation) in order to support the USO's following statement: "For more than 80 years, the USO has stood by America's military service members by keeping them connected to family, home and country. But we're not a government agency, and rely on individual supporters like you to fund the programs that make the biggest difference for our service members." And I also donated to show my support for the USO's newsletter, as well as to show my support for the USO in supporting our men and women in uniform, as described in the highlight "VOICE OF THE USO," from the aforementioned newsletter:


"Thank you so much for having this event today. I look forward to it every week. I really enjoy the activities, but most importantly, I am grateful for the opportunity to get out of the house, meet others, and build a community here."

— A military spouse describes her experience at a USO Coffee Connections event at USO Naples

In addition to that, I already make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! You see, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation. ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "March 27th, 2023 Update":


March 27th, 2023 Update—Continued: I received an email from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) today, March 27th, 2023, with the subject line, "Working around the clock to protect abortion", which stated the following:

Paul, as you read this, our reproductive freedom is under attack.

From Texas to Ohio, extremists are pushing forward their plans to strip us of our fundamental right to bodily autonomy. And, as is usually the case with the criminal legal system, when abortion is criminalized, the people who are most likely to be investigated and prosecuted are Black, Latinx, and those with less financial means.

We deserve a world where health care providers can put a patient's health first by providing abortion care.

We deserve a world where a pregnant person has the power to control their future and their body by making their own deeply personal medical decisions.

No one should face criminal charges for reproductive health care. That's why I joined the ACLU to launch the Abortion Criminal Defense Initiative (ACDI) – which is mobilizing a network of criminal defense attorneys to defend providers, supporters, and those who access abortion care, should they face criminal investigation or prosecution.

But I'll be honest with you, Paul: Running vital programs like this takes a lot of resources – and as a nonprofit organization, the ACLU relies on supporters like you to give what they can to fund our work.

That's why we set a goal to raise $100,000 before our fiscal year ends on March 31, and I'm counting on your support to help us reach it. So please, Paul, I'm personally asking: Will you give $35 or more right now before our fiscal year deadline – to help us reach our goal and power the fight for our civil liberties in the months ahead?


We deserve a world where our right to abortion is not criminalized. Thank you for believing in reproductive freedom. Together, I know we can win this fight.

[Name redacted]
Pronouns: She, her, hers
[Title redacted], ACLU

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

So, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU in order to support the Abortion Criminal Defense Initiative (ACDI), because "we deserve a world where health care providers can put a patient's health first by providing abortion care," and "we deserve a world where a pregnant person has the power to control their future and their body by making their own deeply personal medical decisions," plus "we deserve a world where our right to abortion is not criminalized." –Paul Whiting (written March 27th, 2023, revised April 11th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised May 18th, 2023, revised May 30th, 2023, revised June 3rd, 2023 and revised August 28th, 2023)


March 27th, 2023 Update—Continued Further [My Writing About 'The Seven Steps To Happiness,' So To Speak, As They Relate To Fear, Understanding And Love]:

This 'March 27th, 2023 Update—Continued Further' is originally from my blog post titled, "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" that is on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog, which also appears on some of my blogs as the following: "My Writing About 'The Seven Steps To Happiness,' So To Speak, As They Relate To Fear, Understanding And Love." And what inspired this writing is an idea that—as a philosopher—I have been thinking about for quite some time regarding the steps that one has to take in order to be hard working and honest.

And the idea I had been thinking about—which I was planning to eventually put into writing as grouped into seven subcategories within a larger category, or seven individual steps on a lifelong journey—went something like the following statement:

1) You have to assume risk 2) in order to solve problems 3) through the utilization of trial and error effort 4) since you have to make mistakes 5) and you have to learn from your mistakes 6) so that you can face your fears 7) which is why you can be hard working and honest!

Then, on March 27th, 2023, the day that I wrote this 'update,' I was contemplating the connection between fear (which is negative energy), understanding (which is neutral energy) and love (which is positive energy). And I had also been thinking over some period of time about the direct connection between the facing of fear, which leads to an understanding of that fear by facing it, which then leads to an inversion of that fear into its exact opposite state of love.

Thus, these two different types of thinking about how to be hard working and honest, as well as how to invert your fear into love through understanding of a particular fear by facing that fear, came together in my mind, which is why I created "My Writing About 'The Seven Steps To Happiness,' So To Speak, As They Relate To Fear, Understanding And Love."

Here are "The Seven Steps To Happiness":

Step To Happiness No. 1: You need to assume calculated risk in order to face your fears so that you are able to invert (or, "convert to the opposite state of energy") your fear—which is negative energy—so that you can solve the many problems in life that are "down-to-earth," so to speak, because they are gravity-based problems (such as access to healthy food, clean water, fresh air, sufficient clothing, adequate personal care products, quality health care, affordable housing, efficient transportation, etc.) and also psychologically-based problems (such as having plenty of satisfying friendships, romance, quality time with family, relaxation, sleep, etc.).

Step To Happiness No. 2: And you sometimes need to create solutions "out of thin air," so to speak, when you are facing your fears, by assuming risk and solving problems through trial and error effort. Thus, solving "down-to-earth" problems is no small task because sometimes the "out-of-thin-air" solutions may be the only thing that you have available in your proverbial took box. And you have test (or, try out) those "out-of-thin-air" solutions to see if they frickin' work in order to solve those "down-to-earth" problems!

Step To Happiness No. 3: Then, while you are testing (or, trying out) the "out-of-thin-air" solutions to your "down-to-earth" problems, through trial and error effort, you have to make mistakes (sometimes, really big mistakes!), so that you can learn from your "trial-and-error" mistakes (even the really big mistakes!) and that way you are able to do better in future after having learned from your (sometimes, really big!) mistakes.

Step To Happiness No. 4: Now, because you can do better in future, since you are able to learn from your "trial-and-error" mistakes, that is what makes it possible for you to be hard working and honest, which is why you can be happy!

Step To Happiness No. 5: Thus, you can face your fear (which is negative energy) and invert—or, "convert to the opposite state of energy"—your fear into understanding (which is neutral energy), since you can finally understand exactly why you were fearful! And that is what makes it possible to convert your fear into the opposite state of love (which is positive energy) through your understanding of that particular fear by having faced the fear.

Step To Happiness No. 6: To clarify though, facing your fear is no small task, since fear can be abjectly terrifying! So, when I talk about facing fears, I mean the really big fears, like having everything go horribly wrong and having to pick up the pieces of your world that may very well have completely shattered. However, that doesn't mean that all fear facing is nearly that intense, but it sure can be, depending upon the circumstances in which you are facing your fears and the types of fears that you are facing.

Step To Happiness No. 7: Therefore, you need to have a healthy respect for assuming calculated risk in order to face your fears by creating solutions to problems through trial and error effort, because you sometimes have to make really big mistakes, and learn from those mistakes, so that you can do better in future, which is what makes it possible for you to be hard working and honest, and that is why you can be happy! So, facing fears is inverting the negative energy of fear into the neutral energy of understanding, which is what makes the positive energy of love possible, since you understand why you were fearful. That is why facing your fears is no small task, because fear can be abjectly terrifying, hence the need to have a healthy respect for assuming calculated risk.

So, in summary "The Seven Steps To Happiness" are accomplished by doing the following:

1) You need to assume calculated risk in order to face your fears by
2) creating solutions to problems through trial and error effort, and by
3) making mistakes, then learning from those mistakes, so that you can do better in future, since
4) learning from your "trial-and-error" mistakes is what makes it possible for you to be hard working and honest, thereby making it possible for you to
5) invert your fear into understanding first and then into love second; however,
6) facing your fears is no small task because fear can be abjectly terrifying, therefore,
7) you need to have a healthy respect for assuming calculated risk, in order to face your fears by creating solutions to problems through trial and error effort, because you sometimes have to make really big mistakes, and learn from those mistakes, so that you can do better in future, which is what makes it possible for you to be hard working and honest, and that is why you can be happy!

–Paul Whiting (written March 27th, 2023, revised March 28th, 2023, revised March 29th, 2023, revised May 24th, 2023, revised May 30th, 2023, revised June 8th, 2023, revised August 28th, 2023 and revised October 13th, 2023)


March 29th, 2023 Update: I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, March 29th, 2023, when I noticed an article on titled, "The House GOP’s investigations are flopping." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"The House GOP’s investigations are flopping" from Vox Media:

House Republicans are still looking for their next Benghazi. But their investigations are unpopular.

By Christian Paz on March 28, 2023 6:00 am

Even before they had taken control of the House, House Republicans were promising payback.

Using the powers of the various congressional committees that they would soon take over, ultraconservative House Freedom Caucus members, led by Reps. James Comer of Kentucky and Jim Jordan of Ohio, were pledging investigations of everything: the Biden family’s business practices, Hunter Biden’s laptop, the origins of the coronavirus pandemic, alleged government bias against conservatives, and the Biden administration’s border policies.

But so far, these investigations seem to be flopping. They don’t seem to be sticking in the public consciousness. They haven’t uncovered page one news about Hunter Biden’s laptop, or about the origins of Covid-19, or about a supposed government conspiracy to silence conservatives on Twitter. A bit more than two months into Republican control of the House, plenty of these investigations are well underway. Hearings have been held, letters sent, witnesses summoned, and hours spent appearing on Fox News.

The House GOP investigations also aren’t making the president’s reelection campaign untenable — many Democratic operatives suspected that was their goal — and they don’t seem to be damaging the president as many Republicans had hoped. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And after I read the article, I made a one-time donation to Vox Media in order to show my support for Vox's Journalism, as described in the following statement, which appeared at the end of the above-mentioned article:

Vox's journalism is free because we believe that everyone deserves to understand the world that they live in. That kind of knowledge helps create better citizens, neighbors, friends, parents, consumers and stewards of this planet. In short, understanding benefits everyone. You can join in on this mission by making a financial gift to Vox today. Reader support helps keep our work free, for everyone. Will you join us?!

So, I joined them! And I decided to highlight this article from Vox for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written March 29th, 2023, revised April 2nd, 2023, revised April 3rd, 2023, revised April 21st, 2023, revised April 25th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised May 7th, 2023, revised May 31st, 2023 revised June 15th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


March 30th, 2023 Update: I received an email from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum today, March 30th, 2023, with the subject line, "Program Starting Soon | When Extremist Ideas Are No Longer Considered 'Extreme'", which stated the following:

Dear Paul,

Join us on March 30 for When Extremist Ideas Are No Longer Considered “Extreme.” Here are the event details:

Thursday, March 30, 2023

7 p.m. MST (Arizona time)

Event will be streamed at:
4 p.m. in Hawaii
6 p.m. in Alaska
7 p.m. in Arizona, California, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington
8 p.m. in Montana, New Mexico, and Utah

Virtual Location: Watch the virtual event here.

Join the conversation during the virtual program. After the speakers finish their discussion, you will have an opportunity to ask questions.

Please submit your question(s) in the YouTube comments section. If you are not able to do that because you do not have a Google email account, please submit your questions to [redacted].

After the live broadcast, the program will be available to watch on demand on the Museum's YouTube page.


For more information, please contact the Western Regional Office at [redacted]. You may cancel your registration here or modify your registration here.

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

You see, I originally received an email on March 2nd, 2023, from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum with the subject line, "Register Today I Upcoming Program on Extremism", which stated the following:

Public Program: When Extremist Ideas Are No Longer Considered “Extreme”

Extremist beliefs and violence are on the rise. White supremacists and other hate groups exploit antisemitic myths, racism, and conspiracy theories often directly inspired by Nazi ideology. Holocaust history warns us of the violence that can follow when such threats go unchecked.

Join us in-person or virtually as we discuss the dangers posed when extremist ideas are normalized and what is being done to challenge them.

This program, which is free and open to the public, is part of our award-winning Stay Connected Live series.

[Center redacted] | [Campus Redacted]
[City redacted], AZ [ZIP Code redacted]



[✓] [Name redacted], [Title redacted], United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

[✓] [Name redacted], Holocaust survivor and distinguished [Title redacted]

[✓] [Name redacted], [Title redacted], Moonshot

For more information, please contact the Museum’s Western Regional Office at [redacted] or [redacted].

Event Livestream

If you cannot attend in person, join the live discussion virtually.

4 p.m. in Hawaii
6 p.m. in Alaska
7 p.m. in Arizona, California, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington
8 p.m. in Montana, New Mexico, and Utah

Register to watch >>

Thus, I registered to watch the livestream that same day, which is why I received a confirmation email on March 2nd, 2023, from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum with the subject line, "Registration Confirmation | When Extremist Ideas Are No Longer Considered 'Extreme'", which stated the following:

Dear Paul,

You are registered for When Extremist Ideas Are No Longer Considered “Extreme.” Here are the event details:

Thursday, March 30, 2023

7 p.m. MST

Event will be streamed at:
4 p.m. in Hawaii
6 p.m. in Alaska
7 p.m. in Arizona, California, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington
8 p.m. in Montana, New Mexico, and Utah

Virtual Location:
Watch the virtual event here.

Join the conversation during the virtual program. After the speakers finish their discussion, you will have an opportunity to ask questions.

Please submit your question(s) in the YouTube comments section. If you are not able to do that because you do not have a Google email account, please submit your questions to [redacted].

After the live broadcast, it will be available to watch on demand on the Museum's YouTube page.

Please review your registration details below:

Are you planning to attend in person or virtually? Virtually

How did you hear about this event? Museum e-mail

How old are you? 46-60 years old

I'd like to receive news and updates from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum: Yes


For more information, please contact the Western Regional Office at [redacted]. You may cancel your registration here or modify your registration here.

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Now, to clarify, I started to watch the event livestream, however, I decided to wait until after the event had livestreamed to watch it, since I only have a cellular data plan through my cell phone company (so, I don't have access to Wi-Fi on my smartphone), because I was concerned that the livestream would take up too much cellular data. (Although, I am just assuming that!)

In addition to that, once I had decided to wait until after the livestream concluded in order to watch the video, I also decided to make a one-time donation to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, shortly after the livestream had started, in order to show my support for the program "When Extremist Ideas Are No Longer Considered 'Extreme.'" –Paul Whiting (written March 30th, 2023, revised April 20th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised May 11th, 2023, revised May 18th, 2023, revised June 1st, 2023 and revised June 3rd, 2023)


P.S.: I just finished watching the video of the program "When Extremist Ideas Are No Longer Considered 'Extreme.'" And so, my take on the presentation was that I found it to be a very informative and thought-provoking discussion, because of how it presented the way that "extremist ideas" are often times accepted by those who are feeling lonely and disconnected from personal relationships and society in general. Thus, those who join extremist movements are simply looking for a way to feel connected and included. Therefore, if they are recruited by extremist groups, they can receive the connection which they feel they may be lacking. And that need for feeling a personal connection is also how they can be brought out of extremist thinking as well—or even prevented from joining extremist groups in the first place—by receiving that same kind of personal connection through intervention techniques, such as crisis counseling, in order to help them with their feelings of loneliness with regard to personal relationships and disconnection from society at large.


March 31st, 2023 Update: I received a mailer from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), just a few days ago, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "Majority Makers Membership Card Enclosed", which stated the following (by the way, I hand-typed the text below on my smartphone from the mailer's letter):

Dear Paul,

Thank you for your generous recurring monthly contribution to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) of $3.

It is my pleasure to welcome you today as a Majority Maker member and enclose your official Majority Makers Membership Card. I hope you will carry it with pride as a symbol of your monthly support and your commitment to the progressive causes for which we all fight.

House Democrats are facing an uphill battle in retaking the majority — the twice-impeached former president and his extreme MAGA Republicans are raising millions to cement their hold on the House and retake the Senate.

As a Majority Maker, your monthly contribution allows us to meet this challenge. We're backing our Frontline incumbent Democrats, holding key Republicans accountable, building unprecedented field operations across the country and so much more.

As a thank you, Majority Makers will receive exclusive updates about the state of our races, opportunities to hear from our team and our Democratic leaders directly and more.

Together, we're fighting back against Trump and extreme MAGA Republicans who continue to stand in the way of progress.

Again, I can't thank you enough for joining our Majority Makers — you are a pivotal part of this team as we work to take back the House For The People.


[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]

So, I made a one-time donation to the DCCC in order to show my support for the Democrats in the House of Representatives who are "backing our Frontline incumbent Democrats, holding key Republicans accountable, building unprecedented field operations across the country and so much more," since "together, we're fighting back against Trump and extreme MAGA Republicans who continue to stand in the way of progress ... as we work to take back the House For The People." –Paul Whiting (written March 31st, 2023, revised April 11th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023 and revised May 18th, 2023)




April 1st, 2023 Update: (This is not an April Fools' joke.)

I received an email from the American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon (ACLU of Oregon) today, April 1st, 2023, with the subject line, "Urgent call to action – we need your voice to protect the right to protest!", which stated the following:

Paul –

On Monday, legislators in Oregon are considering a "Domestic Terrorism" law of the kind used to jail and harass social, racial, environmental, and climate justice activists in states across the country.

The offenses covered in House Bill 2772 are already prohibited under currently existing state and federal law; law enforcement agencies possess the tools and legal capacity to investigate and prosecute crimes against critical infrastructure and mass harm.

We don't need new laws that can be used to chill speech and intimidate activists.

We need to flood legislators' inboxes to urge them to vote NO on HB 2772. Please take a few minutes to fill out our action alert.


Simply handing law enforcement a new law will not solve Oregon's growing issue of violent extremism. It certainly will not address the worrying levels of law enforcement sympathy towards, and membership in, right-wing violent extremist groups.

Instead of rushing to pass a new terrorism law, let's urge lawmakers to listen to Oregonians who have suffered at the hands of biased policing and police misconduct, and work to address the problem of white supremacist sympathies in law enforcement.

Don't let Oregon follow Georgia in passing an over-broad terrorism law that allows law enforcement to label non-violent protesters as domestic terrorists. Send your message today!

In solidarity,

ACLU of Oregon

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:


Tell the House Judiciary Committee to say NO to HB 2772. Oregon does not need a "domestic terrorism" offense of the kind abused against environmental and racial justice protestors across the US!

Oregon, your voice will protect the right to protest!

Legislators in Oregon are considering a "Domestic Terrorism" law of the kind used to jail and harass social, racial, environmental, and climate justice activists in states across the country.

The offenses covered in House Bill 2772 are already prohibited under currently existing state and federal law; law enforcement agencies possess the tools and legal capacity to investigate and prosecute crimes against critical infrastructure and mass harm.

We don’t need new laws that can be used to chill speech and intimidate activists.

Message Recipients:

Chief Sponsor, Representative [redacted]
Sponsor, Representative [redacted]
Sponsor, Representative [redacted]
Sponsor, Representative [redacted]

Members of the House Judiciary Committee —

[No. 1] Representative [redacted]
[No. 2] Representative [redacted]
[No. 3] Representative [redacted]
[No. 4] Representative [redacted]
[No. 5] Representative [redacted]
[No. 6] Representative [redacted]
[No. 7] Representative [redacted]
[No. 8] Representative [redacted]
[No. 9] Representative [redacted]

House Leadership —

[No. 1] Representative [redacted]
[No. 2] Representative [redacted]
[No. 3] Representative [redacted]
[No. 4] Representative [redacted]
[No. 5] Representative [redacted]
[No. 6] Representative [redacted]
[No. 7] Representative [redacted]
[No. 8] Representative [redacted]
[No. 9] Representative [redacted]
[No. 10] Representative [redacted]
[No. 11] Representative [redacted]
[No. 12] Representative [redacted]
[No. 13] Representative [redacted]



I oppose unnecessary and dangerous domestic terrorism laws for Oregon!

Dear House Judiciary Committee,

I am a community member in Oregon who believes a new terrorism law is not the answer to violent extremism in our state.

While I recognize the impulse to “just do something” in the face of growing white supremacist violence, creating a domestic terrorism criminal offense would simply double down on the systems and practices that have been used to harm historically marginalized communities and activists.

The offenses covered in House Bill 2772 are already illegal under state and federal laws. Law enforcement agencies already possess the legal tools they need to investigate and prosecute crimes against critical infrastructure or which cause widespread harm. House Bill 2772, on the other hand, risks categorizing a wide array of property damage as “domestic terrorism.” Similar laws outside Oregon have been used against social, racial, environmental and climate justice activists[.]

Simply handing law enforcement a new law will not solve Oregon’s growing issue with violent extremism. It certainly will not address the worrying levels of law enforcement sympathy towards and membership in right-wing violent extremist groups.

Instead of rushing to pass a new terrorism law, lawmakers should listen to Oregonians who have suffered at the hands of biased policing and police misconduct and work to address the problem of white supremacist sympathies in law enforcement.

Don’t let Oregon follow Georgia in passing an over-broad terrorism law that allows law enforcement to label non-violent protesters as domestic terrorists.

Vote NO on House Bill 2772 and protect Oregonians from politicized terrorism prosecutions!


[First Name] [Last Name]


Salutation (required by some officials): Mr.
First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
E-mail address: [redacted]
Address: [redacted]
Address Line 2: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Zip Code: [redacted]
Phone: [redacted]

Then, after I sent the letter above to the State of House Judiciary Committee (including the Chief Sponsor [of HB 2772], the Sponsors [of HB 2772], the Members of the House Judiciary Committee, and the Oregon House Leadership) via the ACLU of Oregon website, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU of Oregon in order to show my support for voting 'NO' on HB 2772, because "creating a domestic terrorism criminal offense would simply double down on the systems and practices that have been used to harm historically marginalized communities and activists," since "the offenses covered in House Bill 2772 are already illegal under state and federal laws." –Paul Whiting (written April 1st, 2023, revised April 10th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised May 19th, 2023, revised June 3rd, 2023 and revised February 21st, 2024)


April 2nd, 2023 Update: I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, April 2nd, 2023, when I noticed several articles whose topics all had something to do with the Republicans being at war with various issues.

And this most assuredly isn't the first time that I have noticed this "Republican War on Everything That Republicans Don't Like" trending in the news, but I realized as I was reading the first one of the three articles mentioned below about Republicans—the topic of which is the phasing out of incandescent lightbulbs—is that they all seem to touch on similar overall themes. (The articles are listed in the order that I read them.)

Therefore, as a self-designated 'Poet, Artist and Philosopher,' I have concluded that the "Republican War on Everything That Republicans Don't Like" is actually the following:

1. The Republican War on What's Changing for Them (such as incandescent vs. LED lightbulbs).

"Biden admin moving forward with light bulb bans in coming weeks" from Fox News:

2. The Republican War on What's Different from Them (such as non-conforming gender identity individuals and LGBTQ+ communities).

"Uptick in legislation suggests transgender issues are the GOP’s new cultural frontier" from NBC News:

3. The Republican War on What's Challenging for Them (such as addressing climate change).

"House GOP approves broad bill to ‘unleash’ American energy" from AP News:

And all of this "Republican War on Everything That Republicans Don't Like" sure is good news for the Democrats because, as the NBC News article about how "...transgender issues are the GOP’s new cultural frontier" points out:

"In a sense, these legislative approaches and targets feel very familiar in 2023. They look like a base-driven approach to governing — laws and bills from Republican officials and lawmakers aimed at resonating with Republican voters.

That’s become a popular template for American politics these days, of course. But come election time you usually need more than just your base to win, especially nationally. And, beyond the base, it’s not at all clear the GOP’s current focus on gender and sexuality will be a plus for the party in 2024."

–Paul Whiting (written April 2nd, 2023, revised April 19th, 2023, revised April 25th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023 and revised May 7th, 2023)


April 2nd, 2023 Update—Continued: I was scrolling through YouTube Recommendations, when I noticed a video titled, "MO Republicans ELIMINATE Public Library Funding."

Now, I didn't watch the video at first, because I sometimes do a "copy link text" command from a video that I might be interested in watching like this: "MO Republicans ELIMINATE Public Library Funding Rebel HQ • 26K views • 8 hours ago".

And then, I do a Google search for more information about that video's topic before I decide whether to watch that particular video based upon any additional information that I am able to find online, thereby potentially saving cellular data on my cell phone's monthly data plan. And if it turns out that the video's topic is one that I am interested in viewing, then I watch the video.

You see, I discover a lot of news through YouTube Recommendations that I don't normally learn about when I am doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google—in order to stay a more informed voter, as well as a more informed citizen.

Thus, I searched for "Missouri Republicans ELIMINATE Public Library Funding" on Google and I found several articles. So, I selected an article by Truthout titled, "Missouri GOP Seeks to Eliminate All Funding for Public Libraries in State Budget." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Missouri GOP Seeks to Eliminate All Funding for Public Libraries in State Budget" from Truthout:

By Chris Walker, TRUTHOUT | Published March 30, 2023

Missouri’s Republican-led House of Representatives has given initial approval to a state budget that would strip libraries of state funding in what appears to be retaliation for a lawsuit filed by librarians seeking to overturn a law expanding book bans in schools.

Rep. Cody Smith (R-Carthage), chair of the House Budget Committee, proposed eliminating all funding for public libraries in the state last week, after a lawsuit was filed by the Missouri Libraries Association (MLA) in conjunction with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) against a state law that bans certain materials from schools and libraries.

Smith’s proposal was passed by the committee and forwarded to the full House, where it was approved as part of the full budget on Tuesday. The full budget must be approved once more before it is sent to the Senate for consideration.

The Missouri law that librarians are currently challenging in court bans materials that the state has deemed sexually explicit from schools, including school libraries. The law has been used to purge hundreds of titles from the shelves, particularly books that include LGBTQ characters or racial justice themes. Holocaust history and human anatomy books are also among the materials that have been banned. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And after I read the article, I made a one-time donation to Truthout [which is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization] in order to show my support for Truthout's Journalism, as described in the following statement, which appeared at the end of the above-mentioned article:


Truthout is widely read among people with lower incomes and among young people who are mired in debt. Our site is read at public libraries, among people without internet access of their own. People print out our articles and send them to family members in prison — we receive letters from behind bars regularly thanking us for our coverage. Our stories are emailed and shared around communities, sparking grassroots mobilization.

We’re committed to keeping all Truthout articles free and available to the public. But in order to do that, we need those who can afford to contribute to our work to do so — especially now, because we only have hours left to raise over $9,000 in critical funds.

We’ll never require you to give, but we can ask you from the bottom of our hearts: Will you donate what you can, so we can continue providing journalism in the service of justice and truth?

And so, I donated what I could!

Then, I finally watched the above-mentioned video, which originally prompted me to do the search for this issue regarding "Missouri Republicans ELIMINATING Public Library Funding," as I mentioned above. Here is the description from that video (with a hyperlink to the video below):

Missouri Republicans ELIMINATING Public Library Funding

Missouri Republicans voted to completely strip funding for public libraries. The GOP controls the State's House Of Representatives, as well as the Senate. Mike Parson, Missouri's Governor, is also a Republican. David Shuster breaks it down on Rebel HQ.

–Paul Whiting (written April 2nd, 2023, revised April 3rd, 2023, revised April 19th, 2023, revised April 20th, 2023, revised April 21st, 2023, revised April 25th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised July 16th, 2023 and revised October 21st, 2023)


April 3rd, 2023 Update [My Writing About Receiving My Second COVID-19 Booster Shot]: This update is a follow-up to my 'August 3rd, 2021 Update,' where I explained, in part, that I was fully vaccinated for COVID-19 on June 25th, 2021. It is also a follow-up to my 'April 4th, 2022 Update, Written On April 5th, 2022' where I explained that I received my first booster shot of the COVID-19 vaccine on April 4th, 2022. You see, on April 3rd, 2023, I received my second booster shot of the COVID-19 vaccine! –Paul Whiting (April 3rd, 2023)


April 3rd, 2023 Update—Continued: I received an email from Planned Parenthood Federation of America today, April 3rd, 2023, with the subject line, "SURVEY FOR Paul", which stated the following:


...When it comes to our issues, what we don't know can hurt us.

We've seen state legislatures nationwide pass bans on some or all abortions, and courts restricting access to care after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, ending the federal right to abortion.

The more we know about what is really happening — not just where we live, but nationwide — the better we can protect our health and our rights.

So, we need supporters like you to share what inspired you to join us in our mission — and we built a survey to make it easy for you to tell us.

I'M IN***

If you've been feeling unsure about how recent court cases affect abortion access, or how we can use our power to protect patients, we completely understand. It's confusing and widely varies based on where you live.

The question isn't if that defining Supreme Court ruling most harms Black, Latino, Indigenous, rural, and low-income communities due to systemic racism and discrimination in health care; the question is how much it will harm them.

Take our survey to share what you know about abortion access across the country.

Over 20 million women, trans and nonbinary people already lost their right to an abortion — with additional bans working their way through the court system and state legislatures. We really need to make sure Planned Parenthood supporters like you, Paul, understand exactly what's happening in this defining moment.


Help us understand what motivates you to take action and get involved. Take the survey now to help out.

Thank you for doing your part to stay informed and for helping power the movement to defend our health, our futures, and our freedom.

— Planned Parenthood

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And after I took the survey, I made a one-time donation to Planned Parenthood Federation of America in order show my support for the survey as a way for me "to share what inspired [me] to join [Planned Parenthood] in [their] mission" and to "help [Planned Parenthood] understand what motivates [me] to take action and get involved." –Paul Whiting (written April 3rd, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised May 9th, 2023 and revised June 3rd, 2023)


April 6th, 2023 Update: "Happy (Almost) Easter," everyone! I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles from one of their daily emails that I received today, April 6th, 2023, when I noticed a article titled, "Good Eggs and Bad Bunnies: Your Chocolate Choices, Ranked by Sustainability." (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.) An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Good Eggs and Bad Bunnies: Your Chocolate Choices, Ranked by Sustainability" from Time Magazine

By Aryn Baker | April 5, 2023

When it comes to health, chocolate is something of a mixed bag—a little bit of dark chocolate every day is good for the heart, but too much of the creamy, sugary kind is bad for both arteries and waistline. Chocolate’s impact on the planet is equally tangled. The $128 billion-a year chocolate industry has long been synonymous with unfair labor practices, deforestation, and biodiversity loss, but is also a major source of income for the West African nations of Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire, which, combined, produce three quarters of the world’s cocoa. Both countries have lost most of their forest cover over the past 60 years, and cocoa plantations are responsible for approximately a third of those losses.

Boycotting chocolate is not the answer, says Amourlaye Touré, the Ivorian human rights and climate advocate for West Africa at Mighty Earth, an environmental NGO based in Washington, D.C. A chocolate ban would “result in a crisis in the cocoa sector, throwing millions of impoverished farmers into greater despair.” Instead, he says, consumers should seek out sustainably produced chocolate. But when 40% of the world’s chocolate is completely untraceable, it’s hard to make the right choice.

Enter the Chocolate Scorecard, an annual assessment of the world’s major chocolatiers conducted by a consortium of international academics and 37 civil society groups including those from cocoa growing nations. The consortium ranks the 56 producers responsible for 95% of the world’s chocolate on the basis of deforestation and climate, traceability, labor rights, and sustainable farming practices. Released every spring just before chocolate bunny season, a.k.a. Easter, the scorecard is denominated by color-coded eggs—green for good, yellow for improving, orange for trying, and red for “needs to catch up to the rest of the industry.” Total scores are aggregated into similarly color-coded bunnies. The scorecard’s ranking system, says Touré, who worked on the rankings, addresses the most pernicious aspects of the cocoa industry. “Governments, traders, producers, chocolate companies, and civil society must all work together to improve traceability and transparency in the industry. Only then will we be able to end deforestation in cocoa supply chains and improve livelihoods for farmers.” ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

By the way, here is the introduction to the Chocolate Scorecard website that is mentioned in the Time article above (please see the hyperlink below for the website):


We eat chocolate for comfort, celebration, and indulgence. Cocoa is the key ingredient in chocolate. What is really going on with the sourcing of cocoa? We surveyed the world’s biggest chocolate companies to find out!

And I decided to highlight this article from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written April 6th, 2023, revised April 8th, 2023, revised April 21st, 2023, revised April 25th, 2023, revised May 5th, 2023, revised May 27th, 2023, revised June 3rd, 2023, revised August 12th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]


April 8th, 2023 Update: I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles from one of their daily emails that I received today, April 8th, 2023, when I noticed a article titled, "How Food Companies' Massive Profits Are Making Your Groceries More Expensive." (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

A brief summarization of the article can be found below, which includes an illustration showing the "notable food companies with massive net income is increases over the past year" (by the way, I hand-typed the text of the illustration below on my smartphone):

"How Food Companies' Massive Profits Are Making Your Groceries More Expensive" from Time Magazine

By Nik Popli | April 6, 2023

It’s been more than a year since the U.S. launched its battle against high inflation. Yet, nearly every grocery item still costs more than it did in the past.

A bag of potato chips that could have been purchased for $5.36 last year will cost you $6.17 today. A dozen eggs that used to cost $2.01 now sets you back $4.21. A pound of butter went from $3.77 to $4.87.

Across the country, the high grocery prices have crunched budgets for essential food items. But at the same time, some of the largest food corporations are raking in profits. Experts say those profits are helping to make your groceries even more expensive.

“Follow the money, and the story is clear,” Robert Reich, the former US. Labor Secretary, tweeted last week. “Food corporations are using inflation as cover to jack up prices.” ...


Makin' bacon
Notable food companies with massive net income is increases over the past year

Cal-Maine Foods
↑ 718%
$40 million to 323 million
Includes Egg-Land's, Land O' Lakes, Farmhouse and 4-Grain

↑ 448%
$255 million to 887 million
Includes Kraft, Heinz, Oscar Mayer, Jell-O, Ore-Ida, Lunchables, Smart Ones, Weight Watchers, Kool Aid, Caprisun and Philadelphia

Conagra Brands
↑ 56%
$219 million to $342 million
Includes Marie Calender's, Reddi-Wip, Slim Jim, Duncan Hines, Orville Redenbacher and Hunts

Cal-Maine Foods: Feb. 26, 2002 to Feb. 25, 2023
Kraft-Heinz: Dec. 25, 2021 to Dec. 31, 2022
Conagra Brands: Feb. 27, 2022 to Feb. 26, 2023

Conagra Brands, which makes Slim Jim, Reddi-Wip and Marie Calender's frozen meals, is only the latest food company to post big profits[.]
Lon Tweeten-Time


... Over the last year, the price of food eaten at home has soared more than 10%, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, with some items spiking even higher. Cereals and bakery goods are up 14.6% from a year ago, closely followed by dairy and nonalcoholic beverages, which have both risen 12.3%. The other major grocery store food groups—meats and fresh produce—are up 6.8% and 5.4%, respectively. Prices increases have slowed in recent months, but show no signs of going back to pre-pandemic levels.

The trend shows that the packaged food industry is benefitting from passing the price increases along to American consumers. And as more food companies are reaping the rewards of higher profit, it could result in your grocery prices staying at these inflation-driven levels for longer, says Chris Becker, a senior economist at Groundwork Collaborative, which promotes left-leaning economic policies.

“When shareholders see that other corporations are getting away with high pricing, they start wanting to get in on it,” he says. “So other corporations then raise prices to deliver profit margins.”

In other industries, like electronics and home furnishing, consumers are likely to cut back on spending if prices are too high. But that hasn’t been as big a concern among food industry executives, Becker says, since people will always need to spend on groceries in order to live.

“Food companies are taking advantage of this very precarious moment,” says Irit Tamir, Director of Oxfam America’s private sector department, which seeks to fight inequality to end poverty and injustice. “They are hiding behind a very good story of the pandemic, inflation, and the Ukraine war to say that they need to raise prices, but they are actually just creating a smash and grab for profit, exploiting and exacerbating inflation.” ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight this article from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written April 8th, 2023, revised April 21st, 2023, revised April 25th, 2023, revised May 5th, 2023, revised May 27th, 2023, revised June 3rd, 2023, revised August 12th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


April 9th, 2023 Update: Happy Easter, everyone! I decided to make one-time donations today, April 9th, 2023, to charities who are helping those in need during Easter, which includes local nonprofits who are helping homeless folks (Union Gospel Mission, Portland Rescue Mission and Blanchet House of Hospitality), as well as nonprofits who are helping hungry folks, including a local food bank (Oregon Food Bank) and a national hunger-relief organization (Feeding America). And I was inspired to make these donations by an advertisement video that I saw on a news website recently, which was for one of the local nonprofits, here in Portland, Oregon, that I donated to today who are helping homeless folks! –Paul Whiting (written April 9th, 2023, revised April 13th, 2023, revised April 27th, 2023 and revised March 24th, 2024)
April 9th, 2023 Update—Continued, Written On April 11th, 2023: Happy Easter, everyone! I received a mailer from The Salvation Army Portland Metro today, April 11th, 2023, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "Our pantry is almost empty!", which stated the following (by the way, I hand-typed the text below on my smartphone from the mailer's letter):

The Salvation Army

Dear Mr. Whiting,

We have an urgent request — and we need your help.

Here in the Portland Metro area, requests for food assistance continue to come in. Surging inflation is causing more neighbors to turn to us in need. Their pantries are empty. They tell us: "Our family is hungry. Please help!"

It's heartbreaking.

Let me tell you about the kinds of people who come through our doors, desperate for help:

A single mom, working a job that pays minimum wage. She struggles to afford the rising cost of food and other essentials. Her paycheck just don't stretch that far. Her kids are hungry.

A widow learning to live on reduced Social Security benefits after the death of her husband. Taxes, insurance, and other necessary expenses leave her with nothing to spend at the grocery store.

A young family man, back at work after being laid off for several months. He continues to catch up with bills and other expenses, and worries about how he will feed his family.

(( Everyone who comes to our doors has a story ... some of them more tragic than others. But all of them have one thing in common: the basic need for food. ))

We try to keep a variety of food and food vouchers on hand, so people in need can feed their families. But with so many people coming to us for help, we are challenged to meet everyone's needs.

Please give now, and help us serve our neighbors who need help right here in the Portland Metro area. Your generosity will offer a love beyond crisis for families who are running out of food.

For people in need,

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]

Thank you and God bless you!

And so, I made a one-time donation to The Salvation Army Portland Metro, in addition to The Salvation Army USA, in order to show my support for helping The Salvation Army "serve our neighbors who need help."

Plus, here is the message that I wrote to The Salvation Army Portland Metro in the "Leave a comment" section on their donation page:

Dearest Salvation Army Portland Metro,

Happy Easter! This donation is for your "Our pantry is almost empty!" mailer, which I just received today, April 11th, 2023.

By the way, I am sorry that I didn't donate to you on Easter Sunday, but I am out of my apartment for a while, since it is being repaired for water damage due to a flood (which ironically happened on Christmas Eve at about 5:30 AM, and that is why I watched "It's A Wonderful Life" that night!) and I am only checking my mail about every seven days.

Yours very truly,

-Paul Whiting
Poet, Artist and Philosopher
Portland, Oregon

P.S.: I was so inspired by the letter that accompanied your above-mentioned "Our pantry is almost empty!" mailer that I also decided to donate to The Salvation Army USA, as well!

Thus, these donations are a part of my recent contributions "to charities who are helping those in need during Easter," as described above in my 'April 9th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above and that also appears as 'My Writing About Donating To Help Homeless Folks And Hungry Folks During Easter (for 2023)' on some of my blogs.

–Paul Whiting (written April 11th, 2023, revised April 27th, 2023, revised May 18th, 2023, revised July 22nd, 2023, revised August 14th, 2023, revised November 12th, 2023 and revised March 24th, 2024)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]


April 10th, 2023 Update: I received an email from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) today, April 10th, 2023, with the subject line, "[Action Alert] Protect medication abortion access now", which stated the following:

A judge hand-selected by anti-abortion activists came after medication abortion. Take action now.


Last Friday, a federal district court in Texas issued a ruling blocking the approval of mifepristone – one of two drugs used in more than half of the abortions in this country today.

This unprecedented ruling comes 23 years after the FDA approved mifepristone. During that time, it has been used by millions of people in the United States alone for safe and effective early abortion and miscarriage care.

We must speak out loud and resolutely against this harmful decision now: Urge the courts to reverse this decision and dismiss this case immediately.


Paul, let's be clear about who was involved in Friday's decision: The case was brought by extreme anti-abortion groups to a hand-selected judge, [name redacted]. It is part of a larger campaign to ban abortion entirely nationwide, even in states that have legal protections for abortion access.

And let's also be clear about who this decision hurts most: Removing approval of mifepristone will severely compromise abortion access for patients by straining clinics and providers across the nation who are already grappling with the effects of Roe v. Wade being overturned and abortion banned in more than a dozen states.

The impact will be felt disproportionately by people who already face severe health disparities and barriers to accessing health care – that includes people of color, people struggling to make ends meet, young people, and people living in rural areas.

If our opponents think they can just steamroll medical ethics and jeopardize patients' health and safety with ideological extremism – they should think again. We at the ACLU are using every tool at our disposal right now to fight back, and we will not stop until everyone can access the essential reproductive health care they need.

That's why we're immediately calling on the courts to reverse this ruling and uphold the law. Please join us in this fight by adding your name to our urgent petition today.

Remember, Paul: Together, we show up. Together, we win.

In solidarity,

[Name redacted]
Pronouns: She, her, hers
[Title redacted], ACLU

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:


In the case Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. FDA, an extremist judge blocked FDA approval of mifepristone – which is used in more than half of abortions nationwide.

For 23 years, mifepristone has offered an exceedingly safe and effective, FDA-approved means of ending a pregnancy – with study after study confirming its critical role in abortion and miscarriage care.

The unprecedented ruling has the potential to strain clinics and providers across the nation who are already grappling with the effects of Roe v. Wade being overturned and abortion banned in more than a dozen states. The impact will be felt disproportionately by people who already face severe health disparities and barriers to accessing health care – including people of color, people struggling to make ends meet, young people, and people living in rural areas.

If anti-abortion extremists think they can steamroll medical ethics and jeopardize patients' health and safety with ideological extremism like this – they should think again. We at the ACLU are using every tool at our disposal right now to ensure everyone can access the safe and essential reproductive health care they need. That includes our immediate calls to appeals courts to reverse this ruling and uphold the law: Please join us in this fight by adding your name to our petition now.


The ruling in Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. FDA blocking FDA approval of mifepristone is unconscionable. Mifepristone – approved 23 years ago and used effectively by millions of people for medication abortion – is perfectly safe. Anti-abortion extremists are attempting to use the courts to ban abortion nationwide, even in states that have legal protections for abortion access. This is why I'm joining the ACLU and people across the country in urging the courts to reverse this harmful decision and uphold the law.

First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
E-mail address: [redacted]
Zip: [redacted]
Phone: [redacted]

And, after I signed the petition above, I received a confirmation email today, April 10th, 2023, from the ACLU with the subject line, "One more thing - can you spread the word?", which stated the following:

Hi Paul,

Thank you for taking action to protect medication abortion access for all.

Help us build our power: Share the action by forwarding the email below to your friends, or by sharing this link:

Thank you,

The ACLU Team


Hi friend,

In the case Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. FDA, an extremist judge blocked FDA approval of mifepristone – which is used in more than half of abortions nationwide. This is part of a larger campaign to ban abortion entirely nationwide.

But we will not allow anti-abortion activists to threaten our ability to control our own bodies, lives, and futures.

That's why I just signed the ACLU's petition, calling on the appeals courts to immediately reverse this ruling and uphold the law: Please join my by adding your name to our petition now:


Then, after I signed the petition above to the courts, via the ACLU website, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU in order to show my support for "immediately calling on the courts to reverse this ruling [in the case Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. FDA] and uphold the law." –Paul Whiting (written April 10th, 2023, revised April 11th, 2023, revised April 15th, 2023, revised April 21st, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised May 19th, 2023, revised June 3rd, 2023 and revised March 13th, 2024)


April 11th, 2023 Update: I received an email from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) today, April 11th, 2023, with the subject line, "First Roe, now this", which stated the following:

Paul –

Last year, we saw the conservative Supreme Court turn back the clock on our right to abortion by overturning Roe v. Wade – abandoning 50 years of precedent that had ensured that millions of people had the right to decide if and when they wanted to be pregnant.

Last week, the fallout from that decision continued as a Trump-appointed Texas judge issued a ruling attempting to block the FDA's decades-old approval of mifepristone – one of two drugs used in medication abortion care. If the decision is allowed to take effect, access to abortion care will be severely compromised in every state across the country – a move that could have devastating consequences on millions of people's lives.

The ACLU is taking swift and immediate action – and I'm reaching out to ask for your urgent support in this work. We're working with partners to respond to this ruling with every tool at our disposal and to mobilize people across the country to send the clear message that we won't let this attack go by without fierce backlash.


If we're going to bring the full resources of the ACLU to this challenge – and there is no question that we must – we need your urgent support.

Paul, confronting this kind of all-out assault on reproductive rights and people's civil liberties requires us to fight back every time and everywhere. With your gift today, we'll be there across the nation – responding on all fronts:

[✓] In the courts to block state abortion bans
[✓] In state legislatures to defeat state abortion bans and to pass protective state legislation to expand access to care
[✓] In the streets as we mobilize people around the country to demonstrate their support for our abortion rights

At this critical time for the future of reproductive freedom and all of our civil liberties, the ACLU has a unique and irreplaceable role to play. And so do you.

Please, make your immediate and generous gift today.

The ACLU has been showing up for abortion rights for decades. And our fight for reproductive freedom will continue until every person can access the essential care they need.

Thanks for everything you do,

[Name redacted]
Pronouns: She, her, hers
[Title redacted], ACLU

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

So, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU in order to show my support for the ACLU "confronting this kind of all-out assault on reproductive rights and people's civil liberties" by responding "in the courts to block state abortion bans," and "in state legislatures to defeat state abortion bans and to pass protective state legislation to expand access to care," as well as "in the streets as we mobilize people around the country to demonstrate their support for our abortion rights." –Paul Whiting (written April 11th, 2023, revised April 21st, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised May 19th, 2023 and revised June 3rd, 2023)


April 11th, 2023 Update—Continued, Written On May 6th, 2023: I received an email from Planned Parenthood Federation of America today, May 6th, 2023, with the subject line, "Make a difference in Black maternal health care", which stated the following:

Dear Paul,

Last month marked Black Maternal Health Week.** This annual observance is a time to deepen the national conversation about the health and well-being of Black people and amplify community-driven and culturally relevant policy and care solutions. Planned Parenthood is proud to elevate the voices and experiences of Black women, pregnant people, families, and communities.

Evidence-based solutions and culturally relevant care are essential to respond to the rising rates of pregnancy-related deaths in the U.S. As we celebrate the critical roles of Black mothers, we must also recognize that historic and present-day systemic racism puts their health at risk. Pregnancy-related mortality rates are three times higher for Black women than for white women in this country, and this gap widened during the COVID-19 pandemic. Black people also have higher rates of preterm births and low-birth weight births. Research shows that racism significantly harms the mental and physical health of Black people.

Planned Parenthood lifts the work of Black-led birth justice and maternal health organizations because their invaluable work serves Black mothers and the support systems in their families and communities every day. Their missions merit your support all year round.

Donate now to four incredible organizations committed to advancing Black maternal health every day.

[✓] Black Mamas Matter Alliance: a Black women-led alliance that centers Black people, advocates, drives research, builds power, and shifts culture for Black maternal health, rights, and justice.

[✓] Mothering Justice: a grassroots policy and advocacy organization that provides mothers of color with the resources and tools to use their power to make equitable changes in policy.

[✓] SisterSong Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective: an organization that builds a network to improve institutional policies and systems that affect the reproductive lives of communities marginalized by systemic racism.

[✓] National Birth Equity Collaborative: an organizational expert on the sexual and reproductive health and well-being of Black people, advocating to end the Black maternal health and infant mortality crises.

Black women, trans, and nonbinary people need, want, and deserve to go through pregnancy freely, safely, and joyfully.

Make a donation to advance Black maternal health care. Your gift will be equally distributed among these four organizations.

Thanks to the dedication of incredible partners focused on Black maternal health — and the support of people like you — we can help make sure every patient gets the care they deserve.

Planned Parenthood


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

Thus, I made one-time donations to Black Mamas Matter Alliance, Mothering Justice, SisterSong Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective, and National Birth Equity Collaborative, on Plan Parenthood's donation portal via, because honoring "Black Maternal Health Week," which "is recognized each year from April 11-17," is just plain right. –Paul Whiting (written May 6th, 2023, revised May 9th, 2023, revised May 19th, 2023 and revised June 3rd, 2023)


**"Celebrating Black Maternal Health Week" from HRSA (Health Resources and Services Administration):

Black Maternal Health Week is recognized each year from April 11-17. This year, President Biden issued his third White House Proclamation on Black Maternal Health Week. He declared this week as an urgent call for action.

Due to the alarming state of Black maternal health, he wants all Americans to know:

[✓] That prejudices within our systems cause the problem

[✓] How big the problem is

[✓] Why we need to solve it quickly

He asks that everyone raise the voices and experiences of Black women, families, and communities. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:,an%20urgent%20call%20for%20action.


April 12th, 2023 Update: I received an email from CREDO Mobile (which is my cell phone company) today, April 12th, 2023, with the subject line, "Sign the petition: "Thoughts and prayers" are not enough. Ban assault weapons now.", which stated the following:

Dear Fellow Progressive,

Seventy four.

That's how many people have been killed or injured by guns at American schools this year, including the three children and three teachers who were murdered by a shooter carrying an assault-style weapon in Nashville last month.

Time and again, politicians call for "Thoughts and prayers" in the wake of these senseless acts, but we're calling on politicians to take action on what actually could have prevented it: an assault weapons ban.

Tell Congress: Pass an assault weapons ban now. Click here to sign the petition.

Sign the Petition***

Banning assault weapons saves lives. The 1994 federal assault weapons ban, which lasted until 2004, reduced the risk of a person in the U.S. dying from a mass shooting by 70%. Both the number of deaths and the number of annual incidents decreased significantly.

Today, without an assault weapons ban, not only does the U.S. top the world for mass shootings, but we have about four times more mass shootings than the number two nation on that list, Russia.

Congress must act responsibly and enact a federal assault weapons ban immediately. If they fail to act, state legislatures must step in with a ban in their states. Washington and Illinois have already initiated such measures. Other states must follow suit.

Please join us and demand Congress pass an assault weapons ban now to protect our children, our communities and to help save lives. Click here to sign the petition.

Thank you for speaking out.

-The team at CREDO Mobile

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:

SIGN THIS: "Thoughts and prayers" are not enough. Ban assault weapons!

[Petition Text:]

With the March 27 school shooting at The Covenant School in Nashville, TN, America suffered its 129th mass shooting of 2023. A shooter carrying assault-style rifles fatally shot three students and three teachers.

This senseless act could have been prevented with an assault weapon ban.

Banning assault weapons saves lives. The 1994 federal assault weapons ban, which lasted until 2004, reduced the risk of a person in the U.S. dying from a mass shooting by 70%. Both the number of deaths and the number of annual incidents decreased significantly.

The positive effect of banning assault weapons is especially evident when you compare the number of mass shootings in the U.S. to our peer nations. Not only is the U.S. at the top of the list, but we have about 4 times more mass shootings than the number two nation on that list, Russia.

Time and time again, assault weapons are used in the deadliest mass shootings in America. Between 2009 and 2018, assault weapons accounted for 25% of death and 76% of nonfatal injuries in mass shootings. They are uniquely lethal, allowing the most murders in the shortest amount of time. They are weapons of war and have no place in our homes.

Congress must act responsibly and enact a federal assault weapons ban. If they fail to act, state legislatures must step in with a ban in their states. Washington and Illinois have already initiated such measures. Other states must follow suit.

Sign the petition to Congress: Pass an assault weapons ban NOW!

Participating Organizations:

✓ Alliance for Gun Responsibility
✓ Blue Future
✓ The Campaign to Keep Guns Off Campus
✓ Cedar Key Progress
✓ CREDO Mobile
✓ Daily Kos
✓ Demand Progress
✓ Democratic Values
✓ Every Single Vote
✓ Other98
✓ People Power United
✓ Progress America
✓ Progressive Reform Network

First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Email: [redacted]
Zip/Postal Code: [redacted]

Thus, I signed the petition to Congress in order to show my support to "tell Congress: pass an assault weapons ban now," because "banning assault weapons saves lives," since "the 1994 federal assault weapons ban, which lasted until 2004, reduced the risk of a person in the U.S. dying from a mass shooting by 70%." Therefore, "Congress must act responsibly and enact a federal assault weapons ban immediately." –Paul Whiting (written April 12th, 2023, revised April 15th, 2023, revised June 3rd, 2023 and revised July 24th, 2023)


April 12th, 2023 Update—Continued, Written On April 13th, 2023: I received an email from Planned Parenthood Action Fund yesterday, April 12th, 2023, with the subject line, "Speak out to protect abortion access", which stated the following:

Paul —

A federal judge in Texas issued a ruling late last week declaring the FDA's decades-old approval of a safe abortion medicine, mifepristone, unlawful. Mifepristone is the first of two pills used in most medication abortions in the U.S. (sometimes also known as "the abortion pill").

The U.S. Department of Justice has already appealed the Texas ruling and asked the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals to block it from taking effect. Right now, the Texas judge's ruling hasn't taken effect yet and mifepristone is still available.

But what we need right now is to hear from you — and the millions of other people who want to protect abortion access.

Speak out now — add your name to the People's Brief. (If your contact information is saved, your signature will be added automatically with just one click.)


The ruling in Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. FDA, which blocks the FDA's approval of mifepristone, is unconscionable and inconsistent with the law.

Mifepristone — approved more than 20 years ago and used effectively by millions of people for medication abortion — is perfectly safe.

Anti-abortion extremists are attempting to weaponize the courts to ban abortion nationwide, even in states that have legal protections for abortion access.

This is why I'm joining Planned Parenthood Action Fund and people across the country in urging the courts to reverse this harmful decision and uphold the law.



Like so many other attacks on abortion rights and access, the effort to ban mifepristone isn't about the law. And it certainly isn't about health — mifepristone was first approved by the FDA more than 20 years ago, has been used by more than 5 million people in the United States, and has a safety record of more than 99%.

The Texas case is part of a coordinated, nationwide assault on abortion. It's about denying us the right to make decisions about our own bodies and futures. It's about taking effective tools away from providers and patients.

Don't let this abuse of our court system stand unchallenged. Sign on to the People's Brief to demand an immediate reversal of this dangerous ruling.

This isn't the first time that groups working to ban abortion have tried to weaponize our courts to block access to care. They don't care about legal precedent, fundamental rights, or the health of pregnant people.

Planned Parenthood Action Fund will continue to do everything we can to protect access to care. We will fight in Congress, in statehouses across the country, and in every place where our health and rights are under attack. Help strengthen and grow this movement and make your voice heard. Sign the People's Brief now. (If your contact information is saved, your name will be added automatically with just one click.)

With an appeal of this ruling already underway, this situation could change quickly. We'll be in touch soon with more information and ways you can help protect reproductive freedom.

Thank you for sticking with us.


[Name redacted], [Title redacted]
Planned Parenthood Action Fund

P.S. Plans this weekend? Join a Bans Off Our Bodies event near you (or virtually!) to get loud and show decision makers at every level that we're still here and fighting for our reproductive health and rights. RSVP now »

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to add my name to the People's Brief, which automatically added my signature with just one click, since my contact information is saved!

And, after I signed the petition above, I received a confirmation email today, April 13th, 2023, from Planned Parenthood Action Fund with the subject line, "Spread the word about the People's Brief", which stated the following:

Thank you for adding your name to the People's Brief, Paul.

We need the media, our leaders, and our judges to know that we can't stand by while our health and rights are trampled. That starts by banding together in solidarity against the attack on medication abortion, and it means recruiting our friends to do the same.

(Just so you know, the text that was originally located here in this part of the email was relocated by me below under [P.S.] after the signature line for the sake of clarity.)

You can help make an even bigger difference by showing your support for Planned Parenthood Action Fund and asking your friends and family to join you.

Share on Facebook

Share on Twitter

You can also help defend access to health care and protect our reproductive rights by making a gift to Planned Parenthood Action Fund. We'll put your gift to work immediately mobilizing grassroots activists in key states, pressuring lawmakers, magnifying the voices of those most affected by attacks on our health and rights, and more.

I'm so glad to know that we can count on you to raise your voice when it counts — thanks again for speaking out.

— Planned Parenthood Action Fund

[P.S.] Got plans this weekend? Join a Bans Off Our Bodies event near you (or virtually!) to get loud and show decision makers at every level that we're still here and fighting for our reproductive health and rights. RSVP now >>

So, I selected the "Share on Twitter" option (by the way, I only have a Twitter account so I can read tweets which are included in some online articles that I read) in order for me to provide you, my readers, with the text and hyperlink below:

A Texas court just overlooked science and 20 years of patient experience to block the FDA's approval of mifepristone, a safe and effective drug used in medication abortion. We need judges to reverse the decision now!

Plus, I made a one-time donation to Planned Parenthood Action Fund in order show my support in "joining Planned Parenthood Action Fund and people across the country in urging the courts to reverse this harmful decision and uphold the law," due to the fact that "a federal judge in Texas issued a ruling late last week declaring the FDA's decades-old approval of a safe abortion medicine, mifepristone, unlawful" because, in all actually, "the effort to ban mifepristone isn't about the law ... the Texas case is part of a coordinated, nationwide assault on abortion."

And, speaking of what is considered "unlawful," is the denial of abortion care for those who are force impregnated through rape, or incest, considered "unlawful" by these extremist conservatives?

It makes you wonder if the real reason that extremist conservatives are beating the proverbial "abortion is murder" drum so loudly is because they support forced impregnation as the only way that is feasible for them to procreate, since they are too dysfunctional to have consensual adult relationships—and that is why they are enthusiastic proponents of forced impregnation through rape and/or incest!

It's no wonder these extremist conservatives are in the Republican Party of "abortion is murder"; but, making guns laws as lax as possible—for the life, health and safety of law-abiding gun owners—is simply protecting the Second Amendment right of crazed and murderous individuals to be able to perform "retroactive abortions" on other people's children, as deemed morally necessary by these crazed individuals. And these murderous individuals are also somehow always operating independently as "lone wolves" and never with the implied permission of the politicians who cannot manage to pass common sense gun safety laws—including banning assault weapons—and who can, apparently, only protect other people's children from being murdered before they are born, but not after.

–Paul Whiting written (written April 13th, 2023, revised April 14th, 202, revised April 21st, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised May 17th, 2023, revised May 23rd, 2023, revised June 2nd, 2023 and revised June 28th, 2023)


April 14th, 2023 Update, Written On April 15th, 2023: I received an email from Planned Parenthood Action Fund yesterday, April 14th, 2023, with the subject line, "UPDATE: SCOTUS delays court orders decimating access to the abortion pill", which stated the following:

BREAKING: Supreme Court issues a stay in the medication abortion case. Access to mifepristone remains until at least Wednesday.

Paul, the Supreme Court just stepped in to temporarily block the disastrous lower court rulings that threaten access to mifepristone, a safe pill commonly used in medication abortion. But the Supreme Court's stay of the lower courts' ruling is only in place through Wednesday, April 19 [2023].

This means that for now, mifepristone remains on the market with FDA approval. And it can continue to be used safely and effectively for medication abortion — as it has been for decades by more than 5 million people in the United States.

But the future of medication abortion is still under threat, which means access to abortion is still under threat. More than half of abortions in the United States are now medication abortions.

Paul, thank you for signing the People's Brief to demand that mifepristone remain as a safe, accessible option for medication abortion. Will you forward this email to three friends and ask them to sign their names too? They can sign their names here:


Planned Parenthood

P.S. Plans this weekend? Join a Bans Off Our Bodies event near you (or virtually!) to get loud and show people across the country that we'll continue to support access to abortion and fight for our reproductive health and rights. RSVP now »

And so, I am posting the email above on this blog post 'update' in order to share it with my readers "and ask them to sign their names too!" –Paul Whiting (written April 15th, 2023, revised June 2nd, 2023 and revised November 17th, 2023)
April 14th, 2023 Update—Continued, Written On April 15th, 2023: I received an email from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) yesterday, April 14th, 2023, with the subject line, "Paul: Supreme Court grants stay in mifepristone case", which stated the following:

Paul, the Supreme Court granted a request to temporarily block a decision that severely restricted the use of mifepristone for abortion, allowing the medication to remain available at least until end of day Wednesday, April 19th.

Today's ruling is not the end of the line in the case: Now the courts must put an end to this baseless case – which is part of anti-abortion extremists' plan to ban abortion nationwide.

It threatens access not only to abortion and miscarriage care, but also to a wide swath of critical and life-saving medications. No matter what happens next, we know this fight is far from over.

Before next Wednesday, please take the time to join us and people across the country in urging the courts to reverse the harmful lower court decisions and uphold the law.


Thank you,

The ACLU Team

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:


In the case Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. FDA, an extremist judge blocked FDA approval of mifepristone – which is used in more than half of abortions nationwide.

For 23 years, mifepristone has offered an exceedingly safe and effective, FDA-approved means of ending a pregnancy – with study after study confirming its critical role in abortion and miscarriage care.

The unprecedented ruling has the potential to strain clinics and providers across the nation who are already grappling with the effects of Roe v. Wade being overturned and abortion banned in more than a dozen states. The impact will be felt disproportionately by people who already face severe health disparities and barriers to accessing health care – including people of color, people struggling to make ends meet, young people, and people living in rural areas.

If anti-abortion extremists think they can steamroll medical ethics and jeopardize patients' health and safety with ideological extremism like this – they should think again. We at the ACLU are using every tool at our disposal right now to ensure everyone can access the safe and essential reproductive health care they need. That includes our immediate calls to appeals courts to reverse this ruling and uphold the law: Please join us in this fight by adding your name to our petition now.


The ruling in Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. FDA blocking FDA approval of mifepristone is unconscionable. Mifepristone – approved 23 years ago and used effectively by millions of people for medication abortion – is perfectly safe. Anti-abortion extremists are attempting to use the courts to ban abortion nationwide, even in states that have legal protections for abortion access. This is why I'm joining the ACLU and people across the country in urging the courts to reverse this harmful decision and uphold the law.

First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
E-mail address: [redacted]
Zip: [redacted]
Phone: [redacted]

And, after I signed the petition above, I received a confirmation email today, April 15th, 2023, from the ACLU with the subject line, "One more thing - can you spread the word?", which stated the following:

Hi Paul,

Thank you for taking action to protect medication abortion access for all.

Help us build our power: Share the action by forwarding the email below to your friends, or by sharing this link:

Thank you,

The ACLU Team


Hi friend,

In the case Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. FDA, an extremist judge blocked FDA approval of mifepristone – which is used in more than half of abortions nationwide. This is part of a larger campaign to ban abortion entirely nationwide.

But we will not allow anti-abortion activists to threaten our ability to control our own bodies, lives, and futures.

That's why I just signed the ACLU's petition, calling on the appeals courts to immediately reverse this ruling and uphold the law: Please join my by adding your name to our petition now:


Then, after I signed the petition above to the courts, via the ACLU website, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU in order to show my support for "immediately calling on the courts to reverse this ruling [in the case Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. FDA] and uphold the law." –Paul Whiting (written April 15th, 2023, revised April 20th, 2023, revised April 21st, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023 and revised June 2nd, 2023)


April 15th, 2023 Update: I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles from one of their daily emails that I received today, April 15th, 2023, when I noticed a article titled, "Abortion Rights Benefit People Who Want Kids, Too." (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.) An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Abortion Rights Benefit People Who Want Kids, Too" from Time Magazine

By Peggy O’Donnell Heffington | April 14, 2023

On April 7, 2023, Texas Judge Matthew J. Kacsmaryk ordered the Food and Drug Administration to invalidate its 23-year-old approval of mifepristone, one of the components of a medication abortion, a ruling that would effectively remove the drug from the market. Hours later, a Federal Judge in Washington state ordered the FDA to not make any changes to mifepristone’s current availability. Since then, a Federal Appeals Court has ruled that it can stay on the market, but imposed sharp restrictions for accessing it.

The legal wrangling over mifepristone has produced an outpouring of outrage among Democrats, as well as a sharply worded letter of rebuke from the pharmaceutical industry, which now bears the signatures of hundreds of executives. Meanwhile, Republicans have been uncharacteristically muted—Florida Gov. Ron de Santis tweeted about Good Friday in the hours after Kacsmaryk’s ruling—with the exception of Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith, a Republican from Mississippi. Judge Kacsmaryk’s decision, she wrote on Twitter, was “a victory for pregnant mothers & their unborn children.”

Since the Supreme Court released its decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health this past June, overturning Roe v. Wade, those of us who value reproductive rights have worried about people having to travel across state lines to access abortions they need or want; about the risks of self-managed abortions by those who can’t or would prefer not to travel; about doctors and patients facing criminal charges. We have spent less time worrying about the implications of limiting abortion access for people who were pregnant with (or already parenting) children they very much wanted. It’s obvious how restricting access to reproductive options affects people who don’t want to have a child, or who don’t want to be parents. It’s less obvious how it affects people who do, or who already are. But if we truly value mothers, children, and the work and responsibilities of parenting, that is exactly what we should be worried about.

In the wake of the Dobbs decision, a number of women I know who don’t want children, or don’t want them soon, expressed anger and fear about having lost the right to make decisions about their lives and their futures. But it wasn’t just people without kids who were angry. Friends who were pregnant or who already had children also told me they felt like something had been taken from them. One woman I know put it starkly: She realized that her ability to joyfully, fully consent to parenting had been contingent on her ability to also not consent. You can’t say yes if you don’t also have the option of saying no. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight this article from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written April 15th, 2023, revised April 21st, 2023, revised April 25th, 2023, revised May 5th, 2023, revised May 27th, 2023, revised June 3rd, 2023, revised August 12th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


April 17th, 2023 Update: This update is a follow-up to my 'April 17th, 2022 Update,' where I explained, in part, the following:

"...This update is a follow-up to my 'March 17th, 2022 Update, Which Also Discusses March 16th, 2022,' where I explained, in part, that I made a donation on March 17th, 2022, to the USO (United Service Organizations) on the website. And with that one-time donation, I included a recurring monthly donation in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel. Thus, that recurring monthly donation started today, April 17th, 2022..."

Plus, this update is a follow-up to my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022,' where I explained, in part, the following:

"...In addition to that, I already make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel:

01. USO: United Service Organizations recurring donation of $10.00 (which used to be $5.00 per month, but I increased it by an additional $5.00 per month; so starting on August 17th, 2022, the USO recurring donation is now $10.00 per month)..."

Therefore, today, April 17th, 2023, is the first full year that I have made a recurring monthly donation to the USO!

In addition to that, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message—in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation.

By the way, did you know that the USO is a not-for-profit organization and not part of the Department of Defense (DoD)? The following description of the USO is from their 'About Us' webpage:

"The USO is not part of the federal government. A congressionally chartered, private organization, the USO relies on the generosity of individuals, organizations and corporations to support its activities, and is powered by a family of volunteers to accomplish our mission of connection."

So, that is why I 'volunteer financially' as a member of the "USO Home Team" through a recurring monthly donation, as well as through one-time donations to the USO each month!

–Paul Whiting (written April 17th, 2023, revised April 21st, 2023, revised April 27th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised July 30th, 2023, revised September 27th, 2023, revised October 22nd, 2023, revised November 18th, 2023 and revised April 30th, 2024)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]

P.S.: For my complete charitable donation updates—that include some of my current "Online Activism," as well as most all of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs.

Please see the hyperlinks below for the posts:


April 17th, 2023 Update—Continued: This update is a follow-up to my 'April 17th, 2022 Update—Continued,' where I explained, in part, the following:

"I have started making recurring monthly donations today, April 17th, 2022, to Democratic political organizations...

...And so, here are the Democratic political organizations to which I am making these recurring monthly donations via** (although, I did not include a tip for ActBlue on these donations, which I usually do, due to the fact that the 'tip box' did not appear, because I made these donations through ActBlue Express):

01. DCCC: Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

02. DGA: Democratic Governors Association

03. DNC: Democratic National Committee

04. DSCC: Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

05. NCDM: National Conference of Democratic Mayors

06. DLCC: Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee

07. DAGA: Democratic Attorneys General Association

08. DASS: Democratic Association of Secretaries of State

09. NDCO: National Democratic County Officials

10. DMO: Democratic Municipal Officials

11. NDRC: National Democratic Redistricting Committee

12. DPO: Democratic Party of Oregon..."

Plus, this update is a follow-up to my 'April 17th, 2022 Update—Continued Further, Written On June 17th, 2022,' where I explained, in part, the following:

"I explained on my 'April 17th, 2022 Update—Continued' that I started making recurring monthly donations on April 17th, 2022, to Democratic political organizations via**; however, I deleted my ActBlue account on June 11th, 2022.

You see, I think that my ActBlue account was compromised because, on June 8th, 2022, I attempted to make a $1.15 donation to the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC), plus I included an $0.11 tip for ActBlue, but when the payment processed, it was for $1,000.11! And that is why I deleted my ActBlue account on June 11th, 2022. Please see my 'June 11th, 2022 Update' for a detailed explanation..."

Besides that, this update is a follow-up to my 'June 17th, 2022 Update,' where I explained, in part, the following:

"This update is a follow-up to my 'April 17th, 2022 Update—Continued Further, Written On June 17th, 2022,' where I explained that I deleted my ActBlue account on June 11th, 2022...

...So, I have restarted making recurring monthly donations today, June 17th, 2022, to Democratic political organizations...

...And so, here are the Democratic political organizations to which I am making recurring monthly donations via** [although, because I no longer have an ActBlue account—since I deleted it, due to the fact that I think the account was compromised—I am still donating through the ActBlue website (they seem to be the main donation processing website for most Democratic political organizations and many progressive organizations), but I am donating for some of these recurring donations through other payment processors, such as Google Pay]:

01. DCCC: Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
02. DGA: Democratic Governors Association
03. DNC: Democratic National Committee
04. DSCC: Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
05. NCDM: National Conference of Democratic Mayors
06. DLCC: Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee
07. DAGA: Democratic Attorneys General Association
08. DASS: Democratic Association of Secretaries of State
09. NDCO: National Democratic County Officials
10. DMO: Democratic Municipal Officials
11. NDRC: National Democratic Redistricting Committee
12. DPO: Democratic Party of Oregon..."

In addition to that, this update is a follow-up to my 'July 7th, 2022 Update, Written On July 11th, 2022,' where I explained, in part, the following:

"...I am also making recurring donations to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations of $3.00 on the 17th of each month: and my plan is to continue donating those recurring donations indefinitely, since that is all that I can really afford to donate given my monthly spending budget. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)

And so, here are the Democratic political organizations to which I am making recurring monthly donations via**...:

01. DCCC: Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee recurring donation of $3.00
02. DGA: Democratic Governors Association recurring donation of $3.00
03. DNC: Democratic National Committee recurring donation of $3.00
04. DSCC: Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee recurring donation of $3.00
05. NCDM: National Conference of Democratic Mayors recurring donation of $3.00
06. DLCC: Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee recurring donation of $3.00
07. DAGA: Democratic Attorneys General Association recurring donation of $3.00
08. DASS: Democratic Association of Secretaries of State recurring donation of $3.00
09. NDCO: National Democratic County Officials recurring donation of $3.00
10. DMO: Democratic Municipal Officials recurring donation of $3.00
11. NDRC: National Democratic Redistricting Committee recurring donation of $3.00
12. DPO: Democratic Party of Oregon recurring donation of $3.00

Total Democratic Organizations Monthly Recurring Donations: $36.00..."

**[I deleted my ActBlue account! Although, I am still processing payments through the ActBlue website, since they seem to be the main donation processing website for most Democratic political organizations and many progressive organizations. Please see my 'June 11th, 2022 Update' on my blog post "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was," which can be found on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog, for a detailed explanation.]

Thus, today, April 17th, 2023, is the first full year that I have made recurring monthly donations to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations! Plus, this past year is the first time that I have donated to Democratic political organizations when it isn't an election year; however, I decided to change the way that I am donating to Democrats, so that I am helping their fundraising and coordinating operations throughout the year and not just during election years.

And I have just gotta say how incredibly nice it is to be able to make recurring monthly donations to Democratic political organizations—because the payments process automatically each month—and I don't have to do one extra thing in order to help fund the operations of the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations throughout the year!

–Paul Whiting (written April 17th, 2023, revised April 22nd, 2023, revised May 30th, 2023, revised May 31st, 2023, revised June 11th, 2023, revised June 28th, 2023, revised August 16th, 2023 and revised April 30th, 2024)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]


April 18th, 2023 Update: For Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom HaShoah) 2023 in Israel, I donated to organizations that honor the time "when we come together as a nation to memorialize those who were murdered during the Holocaust."

And I was inspired to make these donations by the following sources:

Source No. 1: I received an email from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum today, April 18th, 2023, with the subject line, "As we remember the Holocaust", which stated the following:


My name is [name redacted], and I am a Holocaust survivor and a volunteer at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. This week marks the Days of Remembrance, when we come together as a nation to memorialize those who were murdered during the Holocaust.

As I watch the final preparations for the commemoration come together, I am remembering those whom I lost: my mother, [name redacted], who was only 31 when she was arrested in France and killed at Auschwitz; my beloved uncle, [name redacted]; and most members of my family and our community.

Paul, I volunteer at the Museum in their memory. Will you join me in honoring them, along with the other victims of the Holocaust, by making a gift during the Days of Remembrance?

After liberation, my grandmother and I returned home to find that everything was gone. Our family photos, prayer books, even the gilded book I won in school, had been looted. I have been able to recover a few photos of my family from before the Holocaust, but they are all I have. And I’m fortunate. Many survivors only have memories of their loved ones.

But those memories will endure. I have shared my experience of living through the Holocaust, as have many others, to help the Museum safeguard the truth of history and to inspire people young and old to confront hatred and promote human dignity.

I hope you will give today, during the Days of Remembrance. Your gift is a powerful act to show solidarity with survivors.

Thank you for your support of the Museum. It brings me great comfort to know that future generations will learn what happened to me and my loved ones when hate was left unchecked.

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]

And so, I donated to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum to honor those loved ones whom [name redacted] lost, "along with the other victims of the Holocaust" and in order "to show solidarity with survivors."

Source No. 2: Then, I did a search on Google for "Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom HaShoah) 2023" in order to find more organizations to which I could donate for Yom HaShoah and I found an article on the 'My Jewish Learning' website titled, "Yom Hashoah: Holocaust Memorial Day." Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And so, I donated to 'My Jewish Learning,' which "was launched in 2003 and is now a part of 70 Faces Media, the largest nonprofit, nondenominational Jewish media organization in North America."

Source No. 3: As I mentioned above, I did a search on Google for "Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom HaShoah) 2023" in order to find more organizations to which I could donate for Yom HaShoah and I also found an article on the 'Yad Vashem — The World Holocaust Remembrance Center' website titled, "Overview: Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Day 2023." Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And so, I donated to 'Yad Vashem — The World Holocaust Remembrance Center,' which "is the ultimate source for Holocaust education, documentation and research."

Therefore, I made these donations to the organizations mentioned above, including the 'United States Holocaust Memorial Museum,' 'My Jewish Learning' and 'Yad Vashem — The World Holocaust Remembrance Center,' in order to show my support for Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom HaShoah) 2023 in Israel, which began in the evening of Wednesday, April 17th, 2023 and ended in the evening of Thursday, April 18th, 2023.

"Remembrance Day Calendar" from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum:

"The internationally recognized date for Holocaust Remembrance Day corresponds to the 27th day of Nisan on the Hebrew calendar. It marks the anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.

In Hebrew, Holocaust Remembrance Day is called Yom Hashoah. When the actual date of Yom Hashoah falls on a Friday, the state of Israel observes Yom Hashoah on the preceding Thursday. When it falls on a Sunday, Yom Hashoah is observed on the following Monday. In the United States, Days of Remembrance runs from the Sunday before Yom Hashoah through the following Sunday."

By the way, the "Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom HaShoah)" is not to be confused with "International Holocaust Remembrance Day," which is observed yearly (annually) on January 27th.

"International Holocaust Remembrance Day" from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia—which is funded primarily through donations from millions of individuals around the world, including this blogger (I make a totally affordable monthly donation):

"International Holocaust Remembrance Day, or the International Day in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust, is an international memorial day on 27 January that commemorates the victims of the Holocaust, which resulted in the murder of one third of the Jewish people, along with countless members of other minorities between 1933 and 1945 by Nazi Germany, an attempt to implement their 'final solution' to the Jewish question."

"Yom HaShoah" from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia—which is funded primarily through donations from millions of individuals around the world, including this blogger (I make a totally affordable monthly donation):

"Yom HaZikaron laShoah ve-laG'vurah (Hebrew: יום הזיכרון לשואה ולגבורה, lit. 'Holocaust and Heroism Remembrance Day'), known colloquially in Israel and abroad as Yom HaShoah (יום השואה) and in English as Holocaust Remembrance Day, or Holocaust Day, is observed as Israel's day of commemoration for the approximately six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust by Nazi Germany and its collaborators, and for the Jewish resistance in that period. In Israel, it is a national memorial day. The first official commemorations took place in 1951, and the observance of the day was anchored in a law passed by the Knesset in 1959. It is held on the 27th of Nisan (which falls in April or May), unless the 27th would be adjacent to the Jewish Sabbath, in which case the date is shifted by a day."

Thus, these donations are a way for me to show solidarity with survivors through this annual day of remembrance, which is held in reverence to the victims of the Holocaust. –Paul Whiting (written April 18th, 2023, revised April 19th, 2023, revised May 18th, 2023, revised June 3rd, 2023 and revised December 6th, 2023)
April 18th, 2023 Update—Continued, Written on April 20th, 2023: [April 20th, 2023 Update]: I received an email from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum three days ago, April 17th, 2023, with the subject line, "Join us as our nation commemorates Days of Remembrance", which stated the following:

2023 National Commemoration of the Days of Remembrance

Join with people across the country to remember the victims of the Holocaust, honor the survivors, and pay tribute to the rescuers and the liberators. The power of their history inspires us to confront antisemitism, all forms of group-targeted hate, and genocide. Watch a livestream of the ceremony at the US Capitol on Thursday, April 20, at 10:30 a.m. ET, as the Museum leads the nation in commemorating the Days of Remembrance.


Ambassador [Name redacted], [Title redacted]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:

Days of Remembrance
2023 Commemoration

Thank you for your interest.

You will receive an email reminder approximately ten minutes before the live broadcast, scheduled to begin at 10:30 a.m. ET on Thursday, April 20. Until then, explore below if you would like to know more about the groups we honor and remember during Days of Remembrance.

Then I received an email from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum today, April 20th, 2023, with the subject line, "Watch commemoration now: Days of Remembrance ceremony", which stated the following:

Livestream Starts Soon

2023 National Commemoration of the Days of Remembrance

Join with people across the country to remember the victims of the Holocaust, honor the survivors, and pay tribute to the rescuers and the liberators. Ambassador [name redacted], [title redacted], will speak at the US Capitol ceremony.


On Thursday, April 20, at 10:30 a.m. ET, watch a livestream of the Days of Remembrance ceremony, established by the US Congress as the nation’s annual commemoration of the Holocaust, during which we remember the six million Jews who were murdered. The power of their history inspires us to confront antisemitism, all forms of group-targeted hate, and genocide. Since 1982, the Museum has organized and led the national Days of Remembrance ceremony with Holocaust survivors, Members of Congress, White House officials, the diplomatic corps, and community leaders.

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:

Watch Museum Programs

2023 Days of Remembrance Commemoration

The US Congress established the Days of Remembrance as the nation’s annual commemoration of the Holocaust, during which we remember the six million Jews who were murdered. Since 1982, the Museum has organized and led the national Days of Remembrance ceremony with Holocaust survivors, Members of Congress, White House officials, the diplomatic corps, and community leaders. As we lead the nation in honoring the survivors, paying tribute to the rescuers, and celebrating the liberators, we are reminded of the power of their history to inspire all of us to confront antisemitism, all forms of group-targeted hate, and genocide. Watch here live on April 20 at 10:30 a.m. ET.


Thursday, April 20, 2023, 10:30 a.m. ET

Now, to clarify, I did not wake up today, April 20th, 2023, until around 8:00 AM. So, by the time I got to checking my email, the live broadcast of the "National Commemoration of the Days of Remembrance" had already concluded.

Thus, I watched the video after the event had livestreamed, and that is also how I watched another the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum program titled, "When Extremist Ideas Are No Longer Considered 'Extreme,'" which is explained in my 'March 30th, 2023 Update.'

Besides that, I also decided to watch the video on the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Channel on YouTube. Here is the description from that video (with a hyperlink to the video below):

National Commemoration of the Days of Remembrance

The US Congress established the Days of Remembrance as the nation’s annual commemoration of the Holocaust, during which we remember the six million Jews who were murdered. Since 1982, the Museum has organized and led the national Days of Remembrance ceremony with Holocaust survivors, Members of Congress, White House officials, the diplomatic corps, and community leaders. As we lead the nation in honoring the survivors, paying tribute to the rescuers, and celebrating the liberators, we are reminded of the power of their history to inspire all of us to confront antisemitism, all forms of group-targeted hate, and genocide.

In addition to that, I decided to make a one-time donation to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, shortly before I started to watch the video, in order to show my support for the program "National Commemoration of the Days of Remembrance." –Paul Whiting (written April 20th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised May 11th, 2023, revised May 18th, 2023, revised May 19th, 2023, revised June 3rd, 2023, revised July 16th, 2023 and revised October 21st, 2023)


P.S.: I started watching the video of the program "National Commemoration of the Days of Remembrance" at 10:30 AM PDT. And I finished watching the video approximately one hour and fourteen minutes later; however, I did rewatch certain segments of the video, as I was watching the commemoration ceremony.

And so, my take on the ceremony was that I found it to be a poignant and moving commemoration, because of how it presented the history of the Holocaust, as it relates to current world events regarding Holocaust denial and the rise in antisemitism. The first speaker described this modern dilemma, as follows:

"...Welcome to our Nation's commemoration of the victims of the Holocaust. As everyone knows World War II involved two wars: a military one and a Nazi Germany genocidal war against the Jews, as well as other racial and political so-called enemies, such as Roma and Sinti, Slavs, people with disabilities, and gay men. These wars claimed an average of 27,600 lives every day, or one death every three seconds. In addition to this extraordinary loss of life, the future of freedom was at stake, something worth remembering in the hallowed halls of this temple of democracy. That is why every year, we begin this ceremony with a tribute to the American soldiers who fought to defeat Nazism and liberated the concentration camps seventy eight years ago this month. Those soldiers had become hardened by battle, yet nothing prepared them for what they would witness. Humans had engaged in war since the beginning of time, but continent-wide genocide from a modern state: this was new. A threshold had been crossed. Those young soldiers knew it. And their leader, General Dwight Eisenhower, whose statue so appropriately stands in the rotunda of this sacred building, most certainly knew it. He took time from the war effort to visit a camp to see if the reports he had read could possibly be true. When he entered Ohrdruf, a subcamp of Buchenwald, he realized that they did not even begin to describe what human beings had done to other human beings. Eisenhower immediately ordered other allied soldiers to witness the camps; but he did much more. Worried that people would not believe the truth, he urged journalists and members of Congress to visit the camps and to be witnesses. He hoped that an abundance of firsthand accounts of the atrocities would prevent anyone from ever disbelieving them, or attributing them to propaganda. Sadly, he was wrong—very wrong. Today we witness that very charge of propaganda from those who would deny, or minimize, the Holocaust. This amidst rising antisemitism and racism. Those soldiers who fought for our freedom would be shocked to see our world..."

There are more great speeches in this video—along with beautiful music and singing—so I hope that you, my readers, will consider taking the time to watch "National Commemoration of the Days of Remembrance."


April 19th, 2023 Update—Continued: I received an email from Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon today, April 19th, 2023, with the subject line, "Tell Oregon lawmakers to support Equal Rights for All!", which stated the following:

Hi Paul,

For decades, we’ve fought hard with supporters like you to make sure that deeply personal decisions about our lives and our futures are ours to make.

But the reality is the fight is far from over. Every single day, extremists are waging relentless attacks on our fundamental freedoms, including our hard-fought wins to protect the full spectrum of reproductive healthcare.

We refuse to stand by while Planned Parenthood patients and communities throughout Oregon have our right to access to care threatened. It’s time to push back.

Today, Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon, in partnership with Basic Rights Oregon and ACLU Oregon announced a historic Equal Rights for All ballot campaign — a bold next step to protect fundamental freedoms for every Oregonian.

Tell Oregon lawmakers to support Equal Rights for All today!

We want voters to have our voices heard in November 2024. Here’s our plan.

WHAT: Senate Joint Resolution 33 was introduced in the Oregon House this morning by chief sponsors Senator Lieber, Senator Wagner, and Senator Frederick. If passed, Oregonians will be given the opportunity to vote on the Equal Rights for All measure in November 2024.

HOW: The Equal Rights for All measure will protect our fundamental rights and freedoms to control our bodies, lives, and futures – regardless of our sex, gender, gender identity, and sexual orientation – and make it clear in the Oregon Constitution that:

Every Oregonian has the freedom to make personal healthcare decisions and the right to access essential healthcare including contraceptives and abortion.

Every Oregonian has the right to marry who they love, removing Oregon’s ban on same-gender marriage that was inserted into our constitution nearly two decades ago.

We need constitutional safeguards that will protect us and the people we love from further attacks. This is the most powerful line of defense against politicians who want to undermine our fundamental rights and freedoms.

And we need your help.

There’s so much work to be done, and many ways you can join the fight!

Click here to send an email to your lawmaker urging them to support SJR 33***

Click here to donate to PPAO so we can keep this work going***

[Title redacted], [Title redacted]
Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:

Contact your legislator today for an Equal Rights for All Measure!

For decades, we've fought hard to make sure that deeply personal decisions about our lives and our futures are ours to make. The fight is far from over. Every single day, anti-abortion extremists wage relentless attacks on our fundamental freedoms, including our hard-fought wins to protect the full spectrum of reproductive healthcare, including abortion.

We refuse to stand by while Planned Parenthood patients and communities throughout Oregon have our right to access health care threatened. It's time to push back.

We want voters to have our voices heard in November 2024. Here's our plan.

Senate Joint Resolution 33 was introduced in the Oregon House, and if passed, Oregonians will be given the opportunity to vote on the Equal Rights for All measure in November 2024. The Equal Rights for All measure will protect our fundamental rights and freedoms to control our bodies, lives, and futures – regardless of our sex, gender, gender identity, and sexual orientation – and make it clear in the Oregon Constitution that:

Every Oregonian has the freedom to make personal healthcare decisions and the right to access essential healthcare including contraceptives and abortion.

Every Oregonian has the right to marry who they love, removing Oregon's ban on same-gender marriage that was inserted into our constitution nearly two decades ago.

We need your help. Contact your lawmakers now to tell them to pass SJR 33 and protect our fundamental rights to reproductive freedom, gender-affirming care and marriage equality!

Prefix (Optional): Mr.
First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Preferred Language (Optional): English
Pronouns (Optional): He/Him/His
Gender (Optional): Man
Sexual Orientation (Optional): Gay
Race (Optional): Caucasian or White
Ethnicity (Optional): Danish, English (British)
Street Address: [redacted]
Postal Code: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Email: [redacted]
Mobile Phone (Optional): [redacted]

Message Recipients:

[My Oregon] State Senator

[My Oregon] State Representative

Subject: Please Pass SJR33

Dear [elected official],

I am writing in as your constituent. Across the country, and at the federal level, we have experienced relentless attacks on our personal freedoms. These attacks chip away at our fundamental rights, threatening our access to a full range of reproductive and health care including contraception, abortion, and gender-affirming health care.

For these reasons, the Oregon Legislature must pass SJR 33 to affirm and protect personal freedom and equal rights for all in Oregon by updating Oregon’s constitution to ensure that everyone has equal rights to make private decisions and access healthcare regardless of our sex, sexual orientation or gender identity. We must protect our ability to make our own health care decisions, marry the person we love, and stop politicians who want to turn back the clock on our fundamental rights and freedoms.

Oregonians overwhelmingly believe in expanding these protections. 7 in 10 Oregonians believe abortion should be legal in all or most cases, and 4 in 5 Oregonians want no government interference in the decision. 65% of Oregonians believe all people should have access to the health care they need, regardless of gender. I strongly urge your support of this measure.

When the time comes, will you vote in support of SJR 33, to give all Oregonians equal rights under our constitution?

Mr. Paul Whiting
[Address redacted]
[Email redacted]

Then, after I submitted the email above to my Oregon State Senator and State Representative, via Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon website, I made a one-time donation to Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon in order to show my support for the Senate Joint Resolution 33 (SJR 33), so that "Oregonians will be given the opportunity to vote on the Equal Rights for All measure in November 2024" in order to "protect our fundamental rights to reproductive freedom, gender-affirming care and marriage equality!" –Paul Whiting (written April 19th, 2023, revised April 24th, 2023, revised April 25th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised May 18th, 2023 and revised June 3rd, 2023)


April 20th, 2023 Update [April 18th, 2023 Update—Continued, Written on April 20th, 2023]: I received an email from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum three days ago, April 17th, 2023, with the subject line, "Join us as our nation commemorates Days of Remembrance", which stated the following:

2023 National Commemoration of the Days of Remembrance

Join with people across the country to remember the victims of the Holocaust, honor the survivors, and pay tribute to the rescuers and the liberators. The power of their history inspires us to confront antisemitism, all forms of group-targeted hate, and genocide. Watch a livestream of the ceremony at the US Capitol on Thursday, April 20, at 10:30 a.m. ET, as the Museum leads the nation in commemorating the Days of Remembrance.


Ambassador [Name redacted], [Title redacted]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:

Days of Remembrance
2023 Commemoration

Thank you for your interest.

You will receive an email reminder approximately ten minutes before the live broadcast, scheduled to begin at 10:30 a.m. ET on Thursday, April 20. Until then, explore below if you would like to know more about the groups we honor and remember during Days of Remembrance.

Then I received an email from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum today, April 20th, 2023, with the subject line, "Watch commemoration now: Days of Remembrance ceremony", which stated the following:

Livestream Starts Soon

2023 National Commemoration of the Days of Remembrance

Join with people across the country to remember the victims of the Holocaust, honor the survivors, and pay tribute to the rescuers and the liberators. Ambassador [name redacted], [title redacted], will speak at the US Capitol ceremony.


On Thursday, April 20, at 10:30 a.m. ET, watch a livestream of the Days of Remembrance ceremony, established by the US Congress as the nation’s annual commemoration of the Holocaust, during which we remember the six million Jews who were murdered. The power of their history inspires us to confront antisemitism, all forms of group-targeted hate, and genocide. Since 1982, the Museum has organized and led the national Days of Remembrance ceremony with Holocaust survivors, Members of Congress, White House officials, the diplomatic corps, and community leaders.

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:

Watch Museum Programs

2023 Days of Remembrance Commemoration

The US Congress established the Days of Remembrance as the nation’s annual commemoration of the Holocaust, during which we remember the six million Jews who were murdered. Since 1982, the Museum has organized and led the national Days of Remembrance ceremony with Holocaust survivors, Members of Congress, White House officials, the diplomatic corps, and community leaders. As we lead the nation in honoring the survivors, paying tribute to the rescuers, and celebrating the liberators, we are reminded of the power of their history to inspire all of us to confront antisemitism, all forms of group-targeted hate, and genocide. Watch here live on April 20 at 10:30 a.m. ET.


Thursday, April 20, 2023, 10:30 a.m. ET

Now, to clarify, I did not wake up today, April 20th, 2023, until around 8:00 AM. So, by the time I got to checking my email, the live broadcast of the "National Commemoration of the Days of Remembrance" had already concluded.

Thus, I watched the video after the event had livestreamed, and that is also how I watched another the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum program titled, "When Extremist Ideas Are No Longer Considered 'Extreme,'" which is explained in my 'March 30th, 2023 Update.'

Besides that, I also decided to watch the video on the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Channel on YouTube. Here is the description from that video (with a hyperlink to the video below):

National Commemoration of the Days of Remembrance

The US Congress established the Days of Remembrance as the nation’s annual commemoration of the Holocaust, during which we remember the six million Jews who were murdered. Since 1982, the Museum has organized and led the national Days of Remembrance ceremony with Holocaust survivors, Members of Congress, White House officials, the diplomatic corps, and community leaders. As we lead the nation in honoring the survivors, paying tribute to the rescuers, and celebrating the liberators, we are reminded of the power of their history to inspire all of us to confront antisemitism, all forms of group-targeted hate, and genocide.

In addition to that, I decided to make a one-time donation to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, shortly before I started to watch the video, in order to show my support for the program "National Commemoration of the Days of Remembrance." –Paul Whiting (written April 20th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised May 11th, 2023, revised May 18th, 2023, revised May 19th, 2023, revised June 3rd, 2023, revised July 16th, 2023 and revised October 21st, 2023)


P.S.: I started watching the video of the program "National Commemoration of the Days of Remembrance" at 10:30 AM PDT. And I finished watching the video approximately one hour and fourteen minutes later; however, I did rewatch certain segments of the video, as I was watching the commemoration ceremony.

And so, my take on the ceremony was that I found it to be a poignant and moving commemoration, because of how it presented the history of the Holocaust, as it relates to current world events regarding Holocaust denial and the rise in antisemitism. The first speaker described this modern dilemma, as follows:

"...Welcome to our Nation's commemoration of the victims of the Holocaust. As everyone knows World War II involved two wars: a military one and a Nazi Germany genocidal war against the Jews, as well as other racial and political so-called enemies, such as Roma and Sinti, Slavs, people with disabilities, and gay men. These wars claimed an average of 27,600 lives every day, or one death every three seconds. In addition to this extraordinary loss of life, the future of freedom was at stake, something worth remembering in the hallowed halls of this temple of democracy. That is why every year, we begin this ceremony with a tribute to the American soldiers who fought to defeat Nazism and liberated the concentration camps seventy eight years ago this month. Those soldiers had become hardened by battle, yet nothing prepared them for what they would witness. Humans had engaged in war since the beginning of time, but continent-wide genocide from a modern state: this was new. A threshold had been crossed. Those young soldiers knew it. And their leader, General Dwight Eisenhower, whose statue so appropriately stands in the rotunda of this sacred building, most certainly knew it. He took time from the war effort to visit a camp to see if the reports he had read could possibly be true. When he entered Ohrdruf, a subcamp of Buchenwald, he realized that they did not even begin to describe what human beings had done to other human beings. Eisenhower immediately ordered other allied soldiers to witness the camps; but he did much more. Worried that people would not believe the truth, he urged journalists and members of Congress to visit the camps and to be witnesses. He hoped that an abundance of firsthand accounts of the atrocities would prevent anyone from ever disbelieving them, or attributing them to propaganda. Sadly, he was wrong—very wrong. Today we witness that very charge of propaganda from those who would deny, or minimize, the Holocaust. This amidst rising antisemitism and racism. Those soldiers who fought for our freedom would be shocked to see our world..."

There are more great speeches in this video—along with beautiful music and singing—so I hope that you, my readers, will consider taking the time to watch "National Commemoration of the Days of Remembrance."


April 21st, 2023 Update, Written About March 24th, 2023 [March 24th, 2023 Update—Continued, Written On April 21st, 2023]: I am writing this update later than I originally found out about the news that it is regarding—which is specifically Jimmy Carter's presidency and the Iran hostage crisis—since I heard this news approximately one month ago, on March 24th, 2023, via a video on YouTube titled, "New claim about Iran hostage crisis sabotage may change narrative of Carter presidency." Here is the description from that video (with a hyperlink to the video below):

New claim about Iran hostage crisis sabotage may change narrative of Carter presidency

In 1980, a prominent Republican sought to sabotage then-President Jimmy Carter's re-election by asking Middle Eastern leaders to get a message to the Iranians; keep the American hostages until after the election and Reagan will give you a better deal. That's according to a New York Times report. Jonathan Alter, author of "His Very Best: Jimmy Carter, A Life," joined Geoff Bennett to discuss.

Thus, I watched the video above about one month ago...and I was just recently thinking about that particular news regarding the Carter presidency, and the Iran hostage crisis, as it relates to the unscrupulous techniques that the Republicans seem to be entirely willing to utilize in order to win political office! And, apparently, that style of "the October surprise" election manipulation started way back during the election between Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan.

And so, I was thinking about that news recently, when I decided to do a Google search for "Carter vs Reagan Election" and I found an article on The New York Times titled, "A Four-Decade Secret: One Man’s Story of Sabotaging Carter’s Re-election." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"A Four-Decade Secret: One Man’s Story of Sabotaging Carter’s Re-election" from The New York Times

A prominent Texas politician said he unwittingly took part in a 1980 tour of the Middle East with a clandestine agenda.

By Peter Baker | March 18, 2023

WASHINGTON — It has been more than four decades, but Ben Barnes said he remembers it vividly. His longtime political mentor invited him on a mission to the Middle East. What Mr. Barnes said he did not realize until later was the real purpose of the mission: to sabotage the re-election campaign of the president of the United States.

It was 1980 and Jimmy Carter was in the White House, bedeviled by a hostage crisis in Iran that had paralyzed his presidency and hampered his effort to win a second term. Mr. Carter’s best chance for victory was to free the 52 Americans held captive before Election Day. That was something that Mr. Barnes said his mentor was determined to prevent.

His mentor was John B. Connally Jr., a titan of American politics and former Texas governor who had served three presidents and just lost his own bid for the White House. A former Democrat, Mr. Connally had sought the Republican nomination in 1980 only to be swamped by former Gov. Ronald Reagan of California. Now Mr. Connally resolved to help Mr. Reagan beat Mr. Carter and in the process, Mr. Barnes said, make his own case for becoming secretary of state or defense in a new administration.

What happened next Mr. Barnes has largely kept secret for nearly 43 years. Mr. Connally, he said, took him to one Middle Eastern capital after another that summer, meeting with a host of regional leaders to deliver a blunt message to be passed to Iran: Don’t release the hostages before the election. Mr. Reagan will win and give you a better deal. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

Then, I recently noticed a YouTube video titled, "Expert analyzes new account of GOP deal that used Iran hostage crisis for gain." And this video, which is from a month ago, references The New York Times article above. Here is the description from that video (with a hyperlink to the video below):

Expert analyzes new account of GOP deal that used Iran hostage crisis for gain

The Iran hostage crisis consumed the last year of the Carter presidency, contributing to a perception of weakness. Saturday, a new allegation has surfaced that Ronald Reagan's campaign worked to prevent the U.S. hostages from being freed before Election Day. Gary Sick, who was the Iran expert on President Carter’s National Security Council, joins John Yang to discuss.

Anyway, I usually try to write these kind of 'updates' in a much more timely manner; but, at the time that I originally heard this news, I kind of thought that writing about it would be sort of pointless, since it ain't gonna make Jimmy Carter retroactively win his 1980 presidential election!

Then, I got to thinking a couple of days ago that this alleged manipulation of the 1980 presidential election by the Ronald Reagan campaign is just the kind of thing that Republicans seem to do all of the frickin' time with regard to elections. So, that is why I decided it was, in fact, relevant to write about this recent news with regard to the 1980 presidential campaign between Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan, because history seems to keep repeating itself... –Paul Whiting (written April 21st, 2023, revised July 16th, 2023)


April 21st, 2023 Update—Continued: I received an email from the American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon (ACLU of Oregon) today, April 21st, 2023, with the subject line, "ANNOUNCEMENT: Historic ballot measure campaign", which stated the following:

Paul –

You're invited!

Earlier this week, alongside our partners Basic Rights Oregon and Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon, we announced the Equal Rights for All campaign. The goal of this campaign is for Oregon voters to pass a ballot measure in November 2024, which would amend our state constitution to make it clear that:

[✓] Oregonians have the freedom to make our own healthcare decisions and the right to access the essential care we need, including contraceptives and abortion care.

[✓] Oregonians can marry who we love, removing Oregon's ban on same-gender marriage, which was inserted into our constitution nearly two decades ago.

[✓] Every Oregonian is afforded the same protections to live a life free of government actions that discriminate – from housing and employment to public accommodations to state services – regardless of our sex, gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation.

This ballot measure is an opportunity for Oregonians to speak our values of equality and freedom into action through our state constitution. Oregonians deserve to be heard.

On Wednesday, we took a big first step. The proposed constitutional amendment, Senate Joint Resolution (SJR) 33, was introduced in the Oregon Senate and sponsored by all of our Democratic senators. Oregon lawmakers will decide before the end of the 2023 legislative session whether to refer the amendment to Oregon voters. If passed, Oregonians will be given the opportunity to vote on the measure in the November 2024 general election.

Please fill out our action alert to urge your legislators to support SJR 33!


Oregon has led the country with laws that promote democracy and protect our rights and freedoms. We can continue to lead – and be a beacon of hope across our country – by enshrining abortion and reproductive healthcare rights, transgender rights, and marriage equality in the Oregon Constitution via the Equal Rights for All ballot measure.

Read more about the campaign and our vision for an Oregon in which everyone has the freedom to be who we are, marry who we love, and pursue our dreams in our full press release.

We look forward to sharing more about this work and how you can get involved soon. We cannot take our fundamental rights for granted, and it's time to fight for ourselves, our loved ones, and our communities, together.

ACLU of Oregon Team

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:


Act Now

In Oregon, we believe that everyone should have the freedom to be who we are, marry who we love, and pursue our dreams. As a state, we've worked for decades to protect our rights and freedoms so that each of us can make deeply personal decisions about our bodies, lives, and futures.

But the reality is that we're facing a moment when extremists across the country are moving aggressively to insert themselves into the most personal decisions we can make. At a time when we can no longer count on the U.S. Supreme Court to uphold our long-held federal constitutional protections, we are seeing relentless attacks on our fundamental rights and freedoms – including our ability to choose and access essential healthcare and marry who we love. These coordinated attacks are happening in Oregon and nationwide.

With this constitutional amendment, Oregonians have the opportunity to vote our values into our state constitution and protect decades of hard-won rights and freedoms. Simply put, this amendment will make it clear in the Oregon constitution that each of us has the rights and freedoms to make deeply personal decisions about abortion and reproductive health care, gender identity and related health care, and marriage, free from undue political interference and discriminatory actions by the government.

Message Recipients:

Your [Oregon] Governor
Your [Oregon] State Senator
Your [Oregon] State Representatives


Message Subject:

Vote Yes on SJR 33 for Equal Rights for All

I am an ACLU of Oregon supporter writing to urge you to support the Equal Rights for All ballot measure referral.

Oregon has led the country with laws that promote democracy and protect our rights and freedoms. We can be a beacon of hope across our country. We can continue to lead by enshrining our rights and freedoms to abortion and reproductive health care, gender identity and related health care, and marriage equality into the Oregon Constitution via the Equal Rights for All ballot measure.

This is also an opportunity for Oregon to update our constitution to reflect our values - that we have the right and freedom to marry who we love by - removing Oregon's ban on same-gender marriage that was inserted into our constitution nearly two decades ago.

This ballot measure also provides Oregon the opportunity to double down on our core value of equality in our constitution. There is no place in our state for government actions that discriminate due to our sex, gender, gender identity, and sexual orientation - whether in employment, housing, state services, or health care.

With this constitutional amendment, Oregonians have the opportunity to vote our values into our state constitution and protect decades of hard-won rights and freedoms. Simply put, this amendment will make it clear in the Oregon constitution that each of us has the rights and freedoms to make our own deeply personal decisions about abortion and reproductive health care, gender identity and related health care, and marriage, free from undue political interference and discriminatory actions by the government.

Oregonians overwhelmingly support our fundamental rights and freedoms to control our own bodies, lives, and futures without undue political interference and discriminatory government actions. And the polling is clear: Oregon voters understand that our rights are under relentless assault and support these constitutional safeguards that will protect us and the people we love from further attacks. Please vote Yes on SJR 33 for Equal Rights for All. Oregon voters deserve to have our voices heard.


[First Name] [Last Name]


Salutation (required by some officials): Mr.
First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
E-mail address: [redacted]
Address: [redacted]
Address Line 2: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Zip Code: [redacted]
Phone: [redacted]

And, after I sent the letter above, I received a confirmation email today, April 21st, 2023, from the ACLU of Oregon with the subject line, "Thank you for your support!", which stated the following:

Dear Paul,

Thank you for taking action to protect civil liberties in ACLU of Oregon. This is an important issue and your lawmakers need to hear from you.

Take the next step and share this action with your friends on Facebook and Twitter.

And keep an eye on our social media accounts and emails for more information on how to support and get involved in the Equal Rights for All Campaign!

Thank you for your support!

ACLU of Oregon

So, I selected the "Twitter" option (by the way, I only have a Twitter account so I can read tweets which are included in some online articles that I read) in order for me to provide you, my readers, with the text and hyperlink below:

Let's enshrine our core values in the Oregon Constitution to ensure that each of us has the rights and freedoms to make our own decisions in deeply personal areas such as abortion, contraception, gender identity and related health care, and same-gender marriage - free from political interference and discriminatory government actions.

Then, after I sent the letter above to the Oregon State Governor, as well as my State Senator and my State Representatives, via the ACLU of Oregon website, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU of Oregon in order to show my support for the "Equal Rights for All ballot measure" (SJR 33), because "this amendment will make it clear in the Oregon constitution that each of us has the rights and freedoms to make our own deeply personal decisions about abortion and reproductive health care, gender identity and related health care, and marriage, free from undue political interference and discriminatory actions by the government." –Paul Whiting (written April 21st, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised May 23rd, 2023, revised June 3rd, 2023 and revised February 21st, 2024)


April 22nd, 2023 Update: Happy Earth Day, everyone! I donated today, April 22nd, 2023, to environmental organizations in honor of Earth Day, each of which is an organization "coming out of the conservation or environmental movements that seeks to protect, analyse or monitor the environment against misuse or degradation from human forces." And I donated to virtually all of these organizations through their websites (Environmental Action, World Wildlife Fund, Greenpeace, Union of Concerned Scientists, EARTHDAY.ORG and Sierra Club). Besides that, I donated to one of them from their website via (Endangered Species Coalition).

By the way, as you can see from the accumulated partial list below of environmental "organizations from sources across the web," which I found today on a Google search for "Environmental Organizations," there truly are an incredible number of organizations that are dedicated to the environment and wildlife:

From sources across the web:

Sierra Club

The Nature Conservancy

World Wide Fund for Nature


Environmental Defense Fund

Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc.

Rainforest Alliance

Conservation International

Global Footprint Network

Earth Island Institute

Surfrider Foundation

Rainforest Action Network


Friends of the Earth International

The Climate Reality Project

Wildlife Conservation Society

Friends of Nature

Fauna and Flora International

Wetlands International

International Union for Conservation of Nature


Citizens' Climate Lobby


Rainforest Trust

Forest Stewardship Council

International Rivers

Climate Action Network

Earthwatch Institute

Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative


American Forests

Indigenous Environmental Network

Green Cross International

Xerces Society

Greenpeace USA

Defenders of Wildlife


Worldwatch Institute

Rainforest Foundation US

Society for the Environment

Rainforest Foundation UK

This Is My Earth

Center for Development and Strategy

Green Africa Youth Organization

Fondation Pacifique

World Resources Institute

Arab Forum for Environment and Development

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society

[Blogger's Note: By the way, the environmental organizations above are just the list that appeared based upon the specific time that I did the above-mentioned Google search, because when I went back a little bit later on in order to verify some of the names, the list had changed!]

Therefore, when I donate to environmental organizations each year for Earth Day, I choose to select some of the same organizations and I also select some different organizations. So, I make many of those selections due to them being organizations that I usually donate to, or maybe due to emails that I receive from some organizations (please see my 'April 22nd, 2023 Update—Continued,' which can be found below as an example of this), or perhaps due to donation videos for some organizations that I see on YouTube, all of which can inspire me throughout the year to donate all the way up until Earth Day each year.

You see, I usually make donations to various environmental organizations on April 22nd of each year—as a way to celebrate Earth Day—and as a way to support the environmental organizations to which I choose to donate on Earth Day, which is the day that I feel thematically corresponds directly to the causes that those particular organizations represent.

And it's not just on Earth Day that I do this!

Thus, I donate to various charitable organizations during the year on a particular 'theme day,' so to speak, which I feel corresponds directly to those particular charitable causes, because it helps me to remember to donate to those particular charitable causes during the year that I feel have a corresponding 'theme day.'

Plus, I am spreading the charitable love throughout the entire year—and not simply having a year's worth of charitable giving 'bunch up,' so to speak, on Giving Tuesday. So then, whichever charitable organizations don't have an obvious corresponding 'theme day,' I can donate to those charitable organizations during Giving Tuesday, since I haven't already given to those particular organizations sometime during the year!

That is why I coordinate some of my charitable giving during the year with a particular 'theme day' that some charitable causes correspond to—such as the above-mentioned environmental organizations whose causes I feel directly correspond to the 'theme day' of Earth Day!

In addition to that, many of these organizations that I donated to today offered 'matched' donations today for Earth Day, and so I donated through those 'matched' donation offers on those particular websites. And I also paid for the donation processing fee—almost every time the processing fee was offered to be added to the donation—in order for 100% of my donation to go to that organization! –Paul Whiting (written April 22nd, 2023, revised April 23rd, 2023, revised May 19th, 2023, revised November 21st, 2023, revised April 22nd, 2024 and revised April 24th, 2024)


April 22nd, 2023 Update—Continued: Happy Earth Day, everyone! I received an email way back on March 6th, 2023, from the Endangered Species Coalition with the subject line, "Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Endangered Species Act in 2023", which stated the following:


In 2023, we are celebrating 50 years since the Endangered Species Act became law—half a century of protecting, conserving and recovering wildlife from the brink of extinction. The Act remains a long-lasting example of commitment, cooperation, and the conservation triumphs that we can make when working together.

Make a gift today to make sure all endangered species remain protected by the Endangered Species Act.

The Endangered Species Act of 1973 has become a landmark piece of legislation that is modeled all over the world. It turns our shared value to protect our wildlife into a national commitment to conservation. It is the strongest policy we have to save species and serves as a safety net for plants, birds, fish, and wildlife.

By instituting protections for these species and the critical habitats in which they live, the Endangered Species Act has allowed for the recovery of such iconic species as the bald eagle, American alligator, whooping crane, and the humpback whale. The immensely popular and bipartisan bill passed in December, 1973 by a vote of 92-0 in the Senate and 355-4 in the House.

In 2023 and for the next fifty years and beyond, we must continue to defend, fund, and strengthen the Endangered Species Act, so that future generations of Americans can experience the world's diverse plants and animals, and the habitats upon which they depend. The Endangered Species Coalition will continue to use grassroots mobilization, allied membership voices, artwork, and educational outreach programs to make sure the importance of the ESA is understood and is not weakened by representatives and legislation that serves special interests and ignores imperiled species.

Your donation will support ESC’s efforts to uphold and defend the Endangered Species Act.

In 2023, the 50th anniversary provides a unique, year-long opportunity to build support for the Endangered Species Act and imperiled species by celebrating conservation achievements, highlighting conservation needs, and reminding the public and decisionmakers why plants, fish and wildlife are beloved and vital to the heritage we share as Americans. And just as in 1973, an unprecedented coalition of agencies, organizations, individuals and nonprofits are coming together to celebrate this conservation legacy.

Make a gift to ESC in honor of the Endangered Species Act’s 50th anniversary.

Donate to the Endangered Species Act at 50***

Thank you for your commitment to wildlife and wild places.


[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
Endangered Species Coalition

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

By the way, I included this March 6th, 2023 email from the Endangered Species Coalition as part of my 'updates' for Earth Day 2023, because I feel that many of the species which are endangered are due to human activity and its impact on the environment, including global warming. Thus, that is why I decided to write this 'update' on Earth Day, April 22nd, 2023, since this year is the 50th anniversary of the Endangered Species Act, which became effective on December 27th, 1973.

"Endangered Species Act of 1973" from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia—which is funded primarily through donations from millions of individuals around the world, including this blogger (I make a totally affordable monthly donation):

So, I made a one-time donation to the Endangered Species Coalition (that I also mention in my 'April 22nd, 2023 Update,' which can be found above) in order to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Endangered Species Act, which "has allowed for the recovery of such iconic species as the bald eagle, American alligator, whooping crane, and the humpback whale." And this "immensely popular and bipartisan bill passed in December, 1973 by a vote of 92-0 in the Senate and 355-4 in the House," which demonstrates "our shared value to protect our wildlife into a national commitment to conservation," while it also serves to remind "the public and decisionmakers why plants, fish and wildlife are beloved and vital to the heritage we share as Americans." –Paul Whiting (written April 22nd, 2023, revised April 23rd, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised May 18th, 2023, revised December 6th, 2023, revised April 22nd, 2024 and revised April 24th, 2024)


April 22nd, 2023 Update—Continued Further: Happy Earth Day, everyone! I saved a video titled, "The Plastic Problem - A PBS NewsHour Documentary" on my YouTube 'Watch Later' Playlist that I watched today, April 22nd, 2023, which is a testament to the perils that the world faces from plastics! Here is the description from that video (with a hyperlink to the video below):

The Plastic Problem - A PBS NewsHour Documentary

By 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the oceans. It’s an environmental crisis that’s been in the making for nearly 70 years. Plastic pollution is now considered one of the largest environmental threats facing humans and animals globally.

In “The Plastic Problem: PBS NewsHour Presents”, Amna Nawaz and her PBS NewsHour colleagues look at this now ubiquitous material and how it’s impacting the world, why it’s become so prevalent, what’s being done to mitigate its use, and what potential alternatives or solutions are out there. This hour-long program travels from Boston to Seattle, Costa Rica to Easter Island to bring the global scale of the problem to light.

And after I watched the video—which I had specifically saved on my YouTube 'Watch Later' Playlist to watch on Earth Day—I decided to write this 'update' as part of my Earth Day 'updates,' so that I could encourage you, my readers, to consider watching the video too! –Paul Whiting (written April 22nd, 2023, revised May 19th, 2023, revised July 16th, 2023, revised October 21st, 2023, revised April 22nd, 2024 and revised April 24th, 2024)


April 22nd, 2023 Update—Continued Further Some More, Written On April 24th, 2023 [My Writing About The Passing Away Of An Internationally Renowned Star, Dame Edna Everage (a.k.a. Barry Humphries)]:

It is with gracious decorum and pageantry that I wish to commemorate the passing of Dame Edna Everage (a.k.a. Barry Humphries), who was the "Housewife Gigastar."

Years ago, I watched The Dame Edna Experience television show (I think that it was in syndication), but I don't recall precisely where I watched it (I think it was in Salt Lake City, Utah), or precisely when I watched it (I think that it was in the 1990s after the show had originally aired, from September, 12th, 1987 to December 22nd, 1989) which, as Dame Edna would say is, "Spooky!"

By the way, I read the entire Wikipedia webpage about Barry Humphries, which can be found below, while I was searching for the name of the Dame Edna television show that I watched back in the 1990s. So, for all you Dame Edna fans out there, it's a very interesting read regarding Mr. Humphries long, and often times sordid, career...

...That is, at least according to the critics!

"Barry Humphries" from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia—which is funded primarily through donations from millions of individuals around the world, including this blogger (I make a totally affordable monthly donation):

Plus, I did a search on YouTube for "Dame Edna," because I was planning to select a video that summed her up, but there were so many videos from which to choose that it was overwhelming...

...The same way Dame Edna was overwhelming!

And that's why I decided to simply provide the hyperlink below to the above-mentioned YouTube search, so that you can see for yourself the spectacular spectacle of the sparkling, shining, shimmering, satiny and sequined star:

–Paul Whiting (written April 24th, 2023, revised April 25th, 2023 and revised December 6th, 2023)


April 23rd, 2023 Update: I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, April 23rd, 2023, when I noticed three articles on!

The first Politico article that I read today is titled, "The Surprising Geography of Gun Violence." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"The Surprising Geography of Gun Violence" from Politico

America’s regions are poles apart when it comes to gun deaths and the cultural and ideological forces that drive them.

By Colin Woodard | 04/23/2023 | 07:00 AM EDT

Listen to the southern right talk about violence in America and you’d think New York City was as dangerous as Bakhmut on Ukraine’s eastern front.

In October, Florida’s Republican governor Ron DeSantis proclaimed crime in New York City was “out of control” and blamed it on George Soros. Another Sunshine State politico, former president Donald Trump, offered his native city up as a Democrat-run dystopia, one of those places “where the middle class used to flock to live the American dream are now war zones, literal war zones.” In May 2022, hours after 19 children were murdered at Robb Elementary in Uvalde, Texas, Republican Gov. Greg Abbott swatted back suggestions that the state could save lives by implementing tougher gun laws by proclaiming “Chicago and L.A. and New York disprove that thesis.”

In reality, the region the Big Apple comprises most of is far and away the safest part of the U.S. mainland when it comes to gun violence, while the regions Florida and Texas belong to have per capita firearm death rates (homicides and suicides) three to four times higher than New York’s. On a regional basis it’s the southern swath of the country — in cities and rural areas alike — where the rate of deadly gun violence is most acute, regions where Republicans have dominated state governments for decades. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

The second Politico article that I read today is titled, "How the White House sees its debt ceiling standoff with McCarthy." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"How the White House sees its debt ceiling standoff with McCarthy" from Politico

As angst around the standoff grows, Biden is confident and not budging.

By Eli Stokols | 04/22/2023 | 07:00 AM EDT

There is currently no backchannel between the White House and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

Amid the simmering standoff over spending with the ticking time bomb of the debt ceiling in the background, the Republican leader and President Joe Biden are negotiating — if you want to call it that — in public.

And even though the prospect of default would inflict intense pain on the country, the White House is quite confident at the moment that such a doomsday scenario is avoidable and that, politically, it holds the upper hand. But as the danger of default nears, the politics may shift and force the president to adjust course.

The endgame is still hard to see, weeks or even months away depending on how quickly the nation approaches default. But the political battle entered a new phase this week when McCarthy finally put forth a legislative proposal in his speech Monday, laying out the spending cuts Republicans wanted in exchange for a one-year debt ceiling increase — and giving the White House officials something specific to attack.

And attack they have. Biden’s speech Wednesday at a Maryland union hall served as a summation of his team’s theory of the case. And White House aides have made it clear they’re eager to continue talking about this, whether through emails from the press shop, Cabinet officials describing the specific impacts of proposed cuts or at the briefing room podium.

On Friday, press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre called McCarthy’s proposal a “ransom note” and emphasized a new VA analysis on the impact of proposed GOP cuts on veterans healthcare. The president’s economic agenda, the White House believes, is popular. Repealing laws that have helped the middle class and created jobs, cutting taxes for corporations and the rich, and risking default are not. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

The third Politico article that I read today is titled, "One reason the debt fight is getting awkward for Republicans." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"One reason the debt fight is getting awkward for Republicans" from Politico

GOP lawmakers want to repeal clean-energy programs as part of a deal to avert a default. But those programs are creating jobs in Republican-held districts.

By Emma Dumain and Timothy Cama | 04/22/2023 | 07:00 AM EDT

Earlier this year, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene heralded the expansion of a South Korean solar panel production company in her district — a $2.5 billion cash infusion.

“QCells, the solar company ... I think they’re fantastic,” she said. “I support all kinds of energy.”

It was made possible by the tax incentives included in President Joe Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, which the Georgia Republican, along with all of her GOP colleagues, opposed.

Greene is far from alone among Republicans cheering clean energy investments created by Democratic policies they all snubbed. And that’s creating some awkward dynamics for GOP lawmakers who are seeking to wipe out Biden’s clean-energy spending plans as part of any deal to avert a U.S. debt default.

The White House, and supporters of Biden’s clean energy programs, are eagerly seizing on the contradiction.

“The Biden Clean Energy Plan has helped create more than 140,000 clean energy jobs across the U.S. — the majority of which are in Republican-held districts,” said Lori Lodes, executive director of the group Climate Power, citing its own estimates of the law’s economic impact.

“Now MAGA extremists are threatening to implode our country’s economy — and the clean energy manufacturing boom that’s happening in their communities — to protect their own corporate, anti-climate interests,” she said.

According to data provided by Climate Power, which was then reviewed, vetted and confirmed by POLITICO’s E&E News, at least 37 congressional districts now represented by Republicans have welcomed expansions of new clean energy operations fostered by three major Biden-era laws — last year’s Inflation Reduction Act, the 2021 bipartisan infrastructure law or the CHIPS and Science Act. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And so, the reason that I wrote this 'update' about these three articles from Politico is because I thought that each article discussed issues (out of the many issues that there are to discuss) that relate to three core problems which are affecting the United States of America today, all three of which seem to be enthusiastically supported by Republicans, specifically:

1. rampant gun violence being blamed on Democratic led states; and

2. the debt ceiling hike being used as a hostage in order to demand draconian cuts to the federal budget, including

3. "GOP lawmakers want[ing] to repeal clean-energy programs as part of a deal to avert a default."

And so, that is why I decided to highlight these  articles from Politico for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written April 23rd, 2023, revised April 24th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised September 3rd, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


April 24th, 2023 Update: I received an email from Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon today, April 24th, 2023, with the subject line, "[take action] Help us keep the pressure up", which stated the following:

Hi Paul,

The coordinated attacks on our reproductive rights and access to care keep coming. But advocates like you refuse to stop fighting back. Far from it. In the last month, we’ve flooded the State Capitol, sent hundreds of emails, and packed hearing rooms in Salem to give lawmakers our input. But our work is not over.

Tell your lawmaker today —support Reproductive Health & Access to Care (HB 2002).

There are less than two months left in the Oregon Legislative session, and we need to keep the pressure up. Tell your lawmaker: we need equitable access to reproductive and gender-affirming health care.


As extremists across the nation ramp up assaults on our lives and freedom, Oregon lawmakers have the opportunity to show our nation what it means to protect providers and patients seeking gender-affirming and reproductive health care in Oregon.

Together, we can ensure every Oregonian has the freedom to make our own health care decisions and access the care we need with dignity and respect.

Thanks for being with us,

[Name redacted], [Title redacted]

Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]
And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:

Tell Oregon lawmakers: Our bodies are our own. Vote YES on House Bill 2002!

Everyone deserves access to high quality health care--no matter who you are, where you live, or how much money you make. That includes the full spectrum of sexual, reproductive and gender affirming care. With the overturn of Roe v. Wade, we've seen states across the nation take steps to ban and restrict access to gender affirming care, denying transgender and gender-expansive people life-saving medical care. People in Oregon have already felt the impacts of the rapidly changing healthcare landscape.

House Bill 2002, Reproductive Health & Access to Care, will create a more equitable heath care system by: protecting providers and health care centers; expanding access to care; and ensuring fundamental rights.

Now, we need your help. Our lawmakers need to hear from you to firm up their yes votes for HB 2002. Email the Oregon House & Senate to demonstrate the groundswell of community support for reproductive and gender justice!

Prefix (Optional): Mr.
First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Date of Birth (Optional): N/A
Preferred Language (Optional): English
Sexual Orientation (Optional): Gay
Race (Optional): Caucasian or White
Ethnicity (Optional): Danish, English (British)
Street Address: [redacted]
Postal Code: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Email: [redacted]
Mobile Phone (Optional): [redacted]

Message Recipients:

[My Oregon] State Senator

[My Oregon] State Representative

Subject: Please vote YES on HB 2002

Dear [elected official],

I am writing as your constituent in support of HB 2002.

I strongly believe that access to the full range of sexual and reproductive health care is a basic human right. For too many Oregonians, reproductive and gender affirming care are still out of reach because of geography, income, or insurance coverage. Eighteen states currently have abortion bans or restrictions in effect, including Idaho. This decreased access exacerbates reproductive health care deserts, especially in Eastern Oregon.

Access to abortion and gender-affirming care are two sides of the same coin. Both are deeply personal medical decisions that should be made in consultation with one’s doctor and chosen support systems. Trans rights are under attack nationwide, with over 300 anti-LGBTQIA+ bills introduced into state legislatures in 2023 alone. We should not be making policy decisions based on fear and misinformation. Instead, Oregon should stand strong as a leader for LGBTQIA+ rights and health care access.

House Bill 2002 will help pave the way towards a future in which every Oregonian has the ability to make decisions about their own bodies and access the full range of reproductive, sexual, and gender affirming health care. I urge you to vote yes.

Paul Whiting
[Address redacted]
[Email redacted]

Then, after I submitted the email above to my Oregon State Senator and State Representative, via Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon website, I made a one-time donation to Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon in order to show my support for the Reproductive Health & Access to Care Bill (HB 2002), which will "will create a more equitable heath care system by: protecting providers and health care centers; expanding access to care; and ensuring fundamental rights." –Paul Whiting (written April 24th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised May 18th, 2023 and revised June 3rd, 2023)


April 24th, 2023 Update—Continued: I received an email from Friends of Willamette Week (FOWW) [Willamette Week is a local news publication here in Portland, Oregon—and I am a monthly contributor to the Willamette Week] today, April 24th, 2023, with the subject line, "Today is the day! 🗞️", which stated the following:

Hi Paul,

Today marks the beginning of our first Spring Drive. Over the next week, we hope to raise $25,000 to support Willamette Week’s journalism. Along the way we will showcase: the impact of our investigative and watchdog reporting, how our newsroom works, and most importantly, how your support plays a critical role in our ability to provide Portland free and independent journalism.

Willamette Week’s mission is to provide: “Portlanders with an independent and irreverent understanding of how their worlds work so they can make a difference.” For nearly half a century, Willamette Week has been holding the powerful accountable and helping Portlanders make informed decisions on a range of issues—from local news to arts and culture to, of course, which candidates and initiatives to support. Today, WW distributes 23,000 copies weekly inside the city limits of Portland and has more than 800,000 regular online readers in Oregon and around the world.

When it comes to breaking news like a fentanyl market operating in the heart of downtown or a police officer moonlighting in another state, we want Portlanders to know about it. That’s why our stories don’t hide behind paywalls or require paid subscriptions. At the same time, being Portland’s watchdog and tirelessly reporting on important local issues has real costs. We can no longer rely solely on advertising or event revenue. The future of local news depends on new revenue models, as Publisher Anna Zusman explains:

"Historically, our business was largely funded by advertising and event revenue. Looking at a comparison of 2019 and 2022, we see very different stories. Overall, our revenue and expenses have been reduced by roughly 30%, and our funding model looks very different."

Your support is a key ingredient in Willamette Week’s ability to perform our role as Portland’s most consequential news source. Currently, you cover slightly more than 10% of our operating expenses. We think we do our job well, but we can do even better with added support: more in-depth reporting. Expanded free distribution. Continuing to hold the powerful to account.

Thank you,

[Name redacted]

FOWW [Title redacted]

And so, I made a one-time donation to Friends of Willamette Week in order to help support 'WW' that "for nearly half a century...has been holding the powerful accountable and helping Portlanders make informed decisions on a range of issues—from local news to arts and culture to, of course, which candidates and initiatives to support." And that's why I support Willamette Week! –Paul Whiting (April 24th, 2023) –Paul Whiting (written April 24th, 2023, revised April 26th, 2023, revised April 27th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised May 18th, 2023 and revised June 3rd, 2023)
April 24th, 2023 Update—Continued (Follow-Up, Written On April 25th, 2023): I received an email from Friends of Willamette Week (FOWW) [Willamette Week is a local news publication here in Portland, Oregon—and I am a monthly contributor to the Willamette Week] today, April 25th, 2023, with the subject line, "Behind the scenes", which stated the following—and which also included an illustration titled, "Timeline: Creating A Story" (by the way, I hand-typed the text of the illustration below on my smartphone):

Hi Paul,

You know in-depth, investigative reporting requires substantial time, effort and resources. That’s likely one of the reasons you’re a Friend of Willamette Week.

But, you may not know what goes on behind the scenes in our newsroom. Today’s newsletter offers a case study in how one of our recent stories developed. We begin with a timeline of reporter Sophie Peel’s recent cover story on La Mota.*

*[Please see the hyperlink below for the article:]


Timeline: Creating A Story

1. Research

2. Interviews

3. Gathering Records

4. Write Draft

5. Editing

6. Creative Consultation

7. Legal Review

8. Layout & Photos

9. Proofread

10. Final Approval

11. Delivery


Peel spent months reporting on this story. She conducted hundreds of interviews and pored over tax liens, court records, and property tax records in two states. After composing a draft, the story underwent six rounds of editing, scrutinized by two editors and a copy editor who reviewed it for grammar and style. The creative director was brought in to consult on the story’s presentation in print and online. The story underwent pre-publication legal review while the page layout, photography, and cover package were being developed. New proofs were reviewed and finally approved. All this, before the paper was delivered to hundreds of Willamette Week’s blue boxes and indoor racks around Portland and the story appeared online. In the following weeks, we’ve seen the immense impact of Sophie’s reporting—including a state agency revoking a half-million-dollar grant—and have published several follow-ups.**

**[Please see the hyperlinks below for the articles:]

This kind of reporting is an example of WW’s commitment to journalistic excellence. Rigorous work like this is expensive, and we operate with the understanding that quality journalism is worth the investment. It’s the reason why, to this day, Willamette Week is the only weekly in America to ever be awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Investigative Reporting.

Our point? Willamette Week aims to inform, inspire and engage readers, and we cannot do it alone. If you value in-depth reporting, please continue to support us.

Thank you,

[Name redacted], FOWW [Title redacted]

Contribute today.***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

Then, after I read the email above, I also read all of the articles that were referred to in the email, which is why I provided hyperlinks to each article for you, my readers, to consider reading too! (That is, if you are interested in the topics of these article that are concerning Portland, Oregon.)

And so, I made a recurring monthly donation to Friends of Willamette Week in order to help support 'WW' that "to this the only weekly in America to ever be awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Investigative Reporting." And that's why I support Willamette Week! –Paul Whiting (written April 25th, 2023, revised April 26th, 2023, revised April 27th, 2023, revised May 18th, 2023, revised May 25th, 2023 and revised June 3rd, 2023)


April 24th, 2023 Update—Continued Further: I received a text message today, April 24th, 2023, from Seattle Student Union, which stated, in part, the following:

...We are a group of students in Seattle Public Schools fighting to improve conditions for students and community members from the north end to the south end and everywhere in between.

We are tired of witnessing our friends and peers become the victims of gun violence. Since adults won't protect us, we're protecting ourselves through advocacy.

They told us to grow up, so we did and lobbied for a bill to ban ALL assault weapons in the entire state of Washington. We fought hard for this measure-thousands walked out in November after a student was shot and killed at Ingraham High School, and last month, we led a caravan down to the Washington state capitol to pressure lawmakers. Student organizing made the difference we need to see in this state.

While this was a big win for us and students all over the state, we still have a lot of work ahead of us in the gun violence prevention movement - and beyond. Our next initiative is advocating for more comprehensive mental health care for Seattle Public School students, while continuing to push for Seattle Public Schools to train security staff on anti-racism and de-escalation. But we don't yet have the funds to do this important work.

We NEED to raise $200,000 in order to stay in operation and expand into a statewide organization. Our work has already made critical progress in Washington, and we're just getting started. So Paul, will you consider chipping in $25, $50, or whatever you can spare to Seattle Student Union right now so we can keep advocating for students and youth across our state? It means the world to us. ...

And so, I made a one-time donation to Seattle Student Union in order to show my support for this "group of students in Seattle Public Schools fighting to improve conditions for students and community members," who successfully "lobbied for a bill to ban ALL assault weapons in the entire state of Washington," which "was a big win for [them] and students all over the state." However, "[they] still have a lot of work ahead of [them] in the gun violence prevention movement - and beyond," which means that "[they're] just getting started." So, that's why "I chipp[ed] in whatever [I could] spare to Seattle Student Union." –Paul Whiting (written April 24th, 2023, revised April 26th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised May 12th, 2023 and revised June 2nd, 2023)


April 24th, 2023 Update—Continued Further Some More: I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles from one of their daily emails that I received today, April 24th, 2023, when I noticed three articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The first Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Congress Re-Introduces Bill to Protect Kids From Online Sexual Abuse. Here’s What to Know." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Congress Re-Introduces Bill to Protect Kids From Online Sexual Abuse. Here’s What to Know" from Time Magazine

By Solcyre Burga | April 23, 2023

As legislators hound down on social media apps like TikTok out of concern for data privacy, a bipartisan group of lawmakers introduced new legislation that would make big tech accountable for having child sex abuse material—content that depicts sexual activity with a minor—on their platforms.

The Eliminating Abusive and Rampant Neglect of Interactive Technologies, or EARN IT Act, introduced on Thursday would remove existing legal immunity from corporations that “knowingly facilitate or profit” from sexually explicit images of children.

“Tech companies have the technology to detect, remove, and stop the distribution of child sexual abuse material. However, there is no incentive to do so because they are subject to no consequences for their inaction,” Erin Earp, RAINN’s interim vice president for public policy, said in a press release.

The bill would also facilitate investigations into the origins of the explicit content and update federal statutes to use the term child sexual abuse material instead of child pornography.

This marks the third time this bill has been introduced in the last three years, as prior efforts failed amid concerns that it would reel back freedom of expression online because the proposed legislation targets Section 230, a law which says online sites are not responsible for third-party content posted on their site. (The Supreme Court heard oral arguments related to Section 230 in February, which seemed to sway towards upholding the legal shield.)

“Unfortunately, the role of the internet/social media in the increased number of [child sexual abuse material] online is based on profit,” says John-Michael Lander, founder of Voice for the Voiceless, which teaches ways to help survivors and identify groomers. “Many sites initially set stipulations and guidelines to protect children, but these guidelines are easily bypassed, making managing the total daily number of uploads challenging.” ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

The second Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Why ESG Is So Confusing." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Why ESG Is So Confusing" from Time Magazine

By Justin Worland | April 20, 2023

A few weeks ago, I wrote a story about the anti-ESG movement in Texas’s foray into insurance. Soon after, I received a very thoughtful response from a declared ESG opponent taking issue with the idea that ESG metrics are relevant for insurers. The one issue: he had used the term ESG in a completely different way from how I had intended.

The experience was a reminder of something I’ve grown increasingly aware of in recent months while looking into the ESG backlash: the acronym means different things to different people. This matters for a wide range of reasons. Most obviously, it has at times led supporters and skeptics of ESG investing to talk past each other. But, perhaps more importantly, it has contributed to confusion among neutral observers, including many investors and business leaders.

I’m not going to solve this huge messaging challenge with this one column, but my hope is that talking about this confusion can help you sift through the noise.

As most readers of this column will likely know, ESG stands for environmental, social, and governance. But that’s where the agreement seems to end.

Talk to many proponents of ESG at big companies or financial services firms and you’re likely to hear the metrics described as a way to measure material business concerns. Hurricanes and droughts, to name two obvious examples, affect the bottom line, so considering those risks are not only an imperative for the planet, but make smart business sense.

Opponents of ESG, on the other hand, tend to describe it as some form of “woke capitalism.” These opponents argue that the investors and businesses that employ ESG are concerned with social outcomes untethered from financial returns and are willing to sacrifice profit to get those social outcomes.

So who’s right? ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

The third Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "How America Lost the COVID-19 War." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"How America Lost the COVID-19 War" from Time Magazine


Zelikow is the White Burkett Miller Professor of History at the University of Virginia and the former Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission. Lessons From the Covid War by the Covid Crisis Group publishes this week.

The United States government has decided it is time to declare a formal end to the COVID-19 public health emergency. The end of the emergency is a time to reflect on what we have experienced and where we go from here.

For over two years, I have led the Covid Crisis Group, a group of 34 experts originally formed with the goal of helping to lay the groundwork for an inevitable (we thought) National Covid Commission. We interviewed nearly 300 people. We organized task forces. We mapped out agendas. We shared insights across our different backgrounds and did a substantial amount of research.

With an official inquiry nowhere in sight, our group felt we had to share what we have learned, in our just-published report, “Lessons from the Covid War.”

The members of our group are angry. They are angry because they feel that good Americans, all over the country, were let down by ineffective institutions, a slow and uneven initial response, shoddy defenses, and inadequate leadership. We came away from many of our discussions consistently impressed with the ingenuity and dedication of people all over the country. That is why so many of us are so frustrated. Americans improvised to fight this war, usually doing the best they could. They had to struggle with systems that made success hard and failure easy.

It is best to think of COVID as a war, the most expansive global struggle since the Second World War. The U.S. fought the COVID war without an army or a battle plan. We met a 21st century global emergency with structures fundamentally designed for 19th century problems, and it showed. Our scientific knowledge was unsurpassed. Thousands of people and organizations made heartrending, life-saving efforts. Americans spent more public money on the crisis than anyone. Yet the U.S. suffered many more casualties than any other affluent country, despite having the best access to remarkable vaccines.

The COVID war shows how our wondrous scientific knowledge has run far, far ahead of the organized human ability to apply that knowledge in practice. If we want to avoid a repetition of the catastrophe of 2020-22, we cannot ignore that the COVID war revealed a collective national incompetence in governance. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And the reason that I wrote this 'update' about these three articles from Time Magazine is because I thought that each article discussed important issues, including "legislation that would make big tech accountable for having child sex abuse material—content that depicts sexual activity with a minor—on their platforms," and "the ESG backlash [and how] the acronym means different things to different people," as well as "lessons from the Covid War."

And so, that is why I decided to highlight these articles from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written April 24th, 2023, revised April 25th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised May 7th, 2023, revised May 27th, 2023, revised June 3rd, 2023, revised August 12th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


April 25th, 2023 Update: I received an email from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) today, April 25th, 2023, with the subject line, "Tell Border Patrol to release pregnant migrants", which stated the following:

Paul –

Today, the ACLU, alongside over 175 other organizations and medical professionals sent a letter to Troy Miller, Acting Commissioner of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) – parent agency of the Border Patrol. In it, we demanded the agency uphold the reproductive rights and health of migrants in the wake of new evidence of harm.

The fact is, border detention centers are notoriously unsafe for anyone, let alone people who are pregnant.

Still, border agents routinely put pregnant migrants in cells, denying people adequate and necessary medical care. These conditions are life-threatening.

That's why we're demanding change, and we need you to speak out today with us: Tell CBP to uphold the reproductive rights and health of migrants who are pregnant, nursing, or postpartum.


Paul, today's letter follows multiple unaddressed letters from the ACLU, alongside fellow advocacy groups as well as medical professionals, including an October 2022 letter signed by 130 signatories.

Since that October letter, we have learned of multiple new instances of harm. That includes an incident this January, in which Border Patrol agents apprehended and transported a pregnant woman who was having contractions to a San Diego hospital, and then attempted to separate her from her school-aged daughter – a wholly unnecessary action that caused extreme stress and harm to both pregnant mother and her young child.

We will not allow this injustice to continue. Send a message to CBP today demanding that pregnant, postpartum, and nursing persons and infants be released as soon as possible – so they can access the safe reproductive health care they need.

Thank you in advance for speaking out. Together, we can make a change.


[Name redacted]
Pronouns: She, her, hers
[Title redacted], ACLU

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:


Customs and Border Protection (CBP) detention facilities – notorious for medical neglect and degrading conditions – aren't safe for anyone, let alone pregnant, nursing, and postpartum people or infants. Yet families in CBP custody are put in life-threatening situations every day. In one case, a mother was forced to give birth holding on to a garbage can, and later she and her newborn spent the night in a freezing cold cell.

This egregious treatment must end and you can take action to make sure that happens: Send a message to CBP today demanding that pregnant, postpartum, and nursing persons and infants must be released as soon as possible – so they can access the safe reproductive health care they need.


Subject: Uphold the reproductive rights and health of migrants

With limited access to medical care and inadequate conditions, CBP facilities are a life-threatening risk to pregnant, nursing, and postpartum people and their infants. I’m calling on you to immediately issue new guidance that ensures this population can be released as soon as possible to their networks of care in the United States. Each day that passes without such a policy places more families at risk.

Specifically, I am asking that you promptly expand your November 2021 policy to include directives to:

Expedite processing to minimize the time that people who are pregnant, postpartum, and/or nursing, and their families, are in CBP custody to only the time period necessary to process them for release from CBP custody. In no case should custody exceed 12 hours from the time of initial apprehension.

Ensure that, together with their families, people who are pregnant, postpartum, and/or nursing are released from CBP custody as soon as possible after any discharge from an offsite hospital, and not transferred back to CBP detention for any purposes, including processing.

The only way to ensure migrants receive the reproductive care they need is for CBP to release them to their networks of care while they pursue their immigration cases. Please do so for the safety and dignity of this vulnerable population now.


[First Name] [Last Name]


Salutation (required by some officials): Mr.
First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
E-mail address: [redacted]
Address: [redacted]
Address Line 2: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Zip Code: [redacted]
Phone: [redacted]

And, after I sent the letter above, I received a confirmation email today, April 25th, 2023, from the ACLU with the subject line, "One more thing - can you spread the word?", which stated the following:

Hi Paul,

Thank you for taking action to defend the reproductive rights and health of migrant families in CBP detention.

Help us build our power: Share the action by forwarding the email below to your friends, or by sharing this link:

Thank you,

The ACLU Team


Hi friend,

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) detention facilities -- notorious for medical neglect and degrading conditions -- aren't safe for anyone. Yet families in CBP custody are put in life-threatening situations every day.

I just joined the ACLU in action by sending a message to the CBP today urging for the release of pregnant, postpartum, nursing persons and infants as soon as possible. Will you join me?


Then, after I sent the letter above to the Customs and Border Protection (CBP), via the ACLU website, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU in order to do my part in "calling on [the CBP] to immediately issue new guidance that ensures this population [of migrants who are pregnant, postpartum, and/or nursing] can be released as soon as possible to their networks of care in the United States" to ensure that "they can access the safe reproductive health care they need." –Paul Whiting (written April 25th, 2023, revised April 26th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised May 18th, 2023 and revised June 3rd, 2023)


April 25th, 2023 Update—Continued: I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles from one of their daily emails that I received today, April 25th, 2023, when I noticed a article titled, "Tucker Carlson and Don Lemon: A Tale of Two Sudden Cable News Exits." (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.) An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Tucker Carlson and Don Lemon: A Tale of Two Sudden Cable News Exits" from Time Magazine

By Judy Berman | April 24, 2023

In a matter of minutes on Monday, the face of cable news changed dramatically. First, Fox News reported that it had “parted ways” with Tucker Carlson, the host of the conservative cable news network’s hit 8 p.m. show Tucker Carlson Tonight. Then, just as the Succession memes started flowing, longtime CNN host Don Lemon posted a note on Twitter informing followers that he’d just heard, via his agent, that the network was firing him. (CNN has since disputed that characterization, tweeting that Lemon “was offered an opportunity to meet with management but instead released a statement on Twitter.”)

It’s tempting to lump together these two departures, considering that they were announced almost simultaneously. (Lemon was open about his termination, whereas Carlson’s exit was publicly framed as a mutual decision. A source at Fox confirmed to TIME that the decision was not a financial one and suggested that Carlson was likely surprised by the decision, given his signoff on Friday’s show, but would not provide further comment.) Carlson and Lemon have something else in common, too: both men are controversial, and have faced backlash from the media and the public as well as their co-workers. The Fox News star leans into his role as a provocateur, promoting a right-wing agenda that barely bothers to conceal its grounding in racism, sexism, xenophobia, conspiracy thinking, religious intolerance, and hatred of the LGBTQ community. His less inflammatory CNN counterpart, meanwhile, has been mired in accusations of misogyny and bad behavior on set. But it would be a mistake to read their tandem dismissals as some righteous act on the part of cable news media writ large to purge itself of toxic men. The cases have important differences, though both will surely impact how TV covers the 2024 presidential election. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight this article from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written April 25th, 2023, revised May 5th, 2023, revised May 27th, 2023, revised June 3rd, 2023, revised August 12th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


April 27th, 2023 Update: I was on YouTube watching a video titled, "Companies and employees at odds over return-to-office policies," when I saw an advertisement from in the form of a YouTube video titled, "73 Orca Remain." Here is the description from that video (with a hyperlink to the video below):

73 Orca Remain

Orca habitat destruction leaves 73 southern resident killer whales in existence. Meanwhile, Canada continues to allow ocean dumping.

By the way the hyperlink above was not actually in the video description, so I provided it from the original advertisement that I saw, as I mentioned at the beginning of this 'update.'

And, after I watched the video above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced website, which can be found below:

Canada's Dangerous Waters

[Tell Canada to end aquatic clearcutting now]

Canada’s shipping laws are promoting aquatic clearcutting. By incentivizing ocean dumping, these laws are helping to destroy the kelp forests and accelerate the decline of critically endangered species.

Deadly consequences for the ocean and global biodiversity are happening in Canada. Right now, Canada’s famously lax ocean dumping laws encourage ships to save and dump their waste once the ships cross the Canadian maritime border.

How are ships getting away with this? Canada has no laws in place to stop them. Any ship can dump sewage directly into the ocean, contributing to the destruction of kilometers of critical habitat and food sources for endangered and threatened species.

The global population of critically endangered southern resident killer whales is down to 74. Endangered sea otters are struggling to survive. At one time kelp forests stretched for kilometers, now habitat is fractured and subject to deadly heat waves and red tides. Were this destruction to be visible above the surface, global citizens could see the results: Canada’s shipping laws are promoting aquatic clear-cutting.

From critically endangered orcas to kilometers of kelp forests, nothing can escape the destruction from ship pollution–unless Canada acts now.

Tell the Minister of Transport to stop ocean dumping and get serious about protecting our oceans. Add your name.

To: Canada's Minister of Transport

Dear Minister [Name redacted],

There are no acceptable levels of ocean dumping and pollution, especially when it's hastening the destruction of critically endangered species and an entire underwater kelp forest ecosystem. Canada must pass legal protections for the kelp forest ecosystem and endangered species by ending the dumping of untreated and undertreated wastes from ships in our waters now.

People across Canada and around the world understand that Canada’s ocean dumping laws are promoting what is essentially aquatic clear-cutting. This tarnishes Canada’s global reputation as an environmental leader. We, the undersigned, urge Canada to immediately and completely eliminate the open practice of ocean dumping from vessels in the Salish and Great Bear Sea.

For the oceans,

First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Email Address: [redacted]
Country: [redacted]
Zip or Postal Code: [redacted]
Phone Number: [redacted]

Then, after I sent the letter above to Canada's Minister of Transport, via the website, I made a one-time donation to in order to do my part in asking "Canada [to] pass legal protections for the kelp forest ecosystem and endangered species [in the Salish and Great Bear Sea] by ending the dumping of untreated and undertreated wastes from ships in our waters now." –Paul Whiting (written April 27th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised May 18th, 2023, revised July 16th, 2023 and revised October 21st, 2023)


April 28th, 2023 Update: I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, April 28th, 2023, when I noticed an article on titled, "Tucker who? GOP establishment says meh to TV gadfly’s demise." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Tucker who? GOP establishment says meh to TV gadfly’s demise" from Politico

Carlson exerted pull over Donald Trump’s foreign policy and routinely harangued hawks from his former Fox News perch. Now that he’s gone, Republicans won’t even celebrate.

By Anthony Adragna | 04/27/2023 | 02:50 PM EDT

Tucker Carlson grabbed ratings, and Donald Trump’s ear, by savaging the GOP foreign policy establishment on Capitol Hill. But those Republicans aren’t exactly celebrating Carlson’s eviction from the airwaves.

In fact, the party’s hawkish lawmakers are largely shrugging at the former Fox News host’s departure from cable news. Those Republicans contend that Carlson’s influence — though significant, on both their base voters and a handful of Trumpian members — never truly resonated in national security and military matters.

And as much as they know Carlson’s fans will follow him wherever he lands next, they don’t see his loss of a public platform as likely to affect the GOP’s evolution on national security.

“You have got to think about the scale — I know he had an audience of three million people. There are 330 million people in the country,” Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) said, adding that Carlson and other cable anchors have bigger sway over what lawmakers “think is wrong, versus how they can make things better.”
That response stems in part from Republican lawmakers’ disinterest in giving Carlson too much credit for the occasionally polarizing messages he broadcast on foreign policy. He waged a relentless campaign against further U.S. support for Ukraine in its war against Russia. He filmed his show in Hungary, the scene of significant democratic backsliding, and praised its far-right Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.

Carlson also exerted serious pull on Donald Trump’s views on foreign policy and military issues while blocking and tackling for the former president. He defended Trump’s meeting with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, saying that leading a country “means killing people.” And he called the outrage over Saudi Arabia’s government-sanctioned killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi “false.”

Steve Bannon claimed in 2019 that Carlson “has more influence on national security policy than many of the guys on [Trump’s] National Security Council.” Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), a Trump ally, said this week on Newsmax that he and Carlson were “directly involved in persuading President Trump to ignore some of the bad advice he was getting.”

But for members of Congress, Carlson’s noisiest jeremiads against them amounted to little more than static. As South Dakota Sen. John Thune, the chamber’s No. 2 Republican, put it: “National security issues, those are for most members a responsibility they take very seriously. And, yes, there are influencers out there. But I don’t think, one way or the other, that swings votes.” ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight this article from Politico for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written April 28th, 2023, revised May 5th, 2023, revised May 7th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


April 28th, 2023 Update—Continued: I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, April 28th, 2023, when I noticed an article on titled, "DAVID BROOKS OPINION: Joe Biden and the Struggle for America’s Soul." (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.) An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Joe Biden and the Struggle for America’s Soul" from The New York Times

By David Brooks | April 27, 2023

Joe Biden built his 2020 presidential campaign around the idea that “we’re in a battle for the soul of America.” I thought it was a marvelous slogan because it captured the idea that we’re in the middle of a moral struggle over who we are as a nation. In the video he released this week launching his re-election bid, he doubled down on that idea: We’re still, he said, “in a battle for the soul of America.”

I want to dwell on the little word “soul” in that sentence because I think it illuminates what the 2024 presidential election is all about.

What is a soul? Well, religious people have one answer to that question. But Biden is not using the word in a religious sense, but in a secular one. He is saying that people and nations have a moral essence, a soul.

Whether you believe in God or don’t believe in God is not my department. But I do ask you to believe that every person you meet has this moral essence, this quality of soul.

Because humans have souls, each one is of infinite value and dignity. Because humans have souls, each one is equal to all the others. We are not equal in physical strength or I.Q. or net worth, but we are radically equal at the level of who we essentially are.

The soul is the name we can give to that part of our consciousness where moral life takes place. The soul is the place our moral sentiments flow from, the emotions that make us feel admiration at the sight of generosity and disgust at the sight of cruelty.

It is the place where our moral yearnings come from, too. Most people yearn to lead good lives. When they act with a spirit of cooperation, their souls sing and they are happy. On the other hand, when they feel their lives have no moral purpose, they experience a sickness of the soul — a sense of lostness, pain and self-contempt.

Because we have souls, we are morally responsible for what we do. Hawks and cobras are not morally responsible for their actions; but humans, possessors of souls, are caught in a moral drama, either doing good or doing ill.

Political campaigns are not usually contests over the status of the soul. But Donald Trump, and Trumpism generally, is the embodiment of an ethos that covers up the soul. Or to be more precise, each is an ethos that deadens the soul under the reign of the ego.

Trump, and Trumpism generally, represents a kind of nihilism that you might call amoral realism. This ethos is built around the idea that we live in a dog-eat-dog world. The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must. Might makes right. I’m justified in grabbing all that I can because if I don’t, the other guy will. People are selfish; deal with it. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight this article from The New York Times for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written April 28th, 2023, revised April 29th, 2023, revised May 5th, 2023, revised May 7th, 2023, revised June 2nd, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


April 28th, 2023 Update—Continued Further: I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, April 28th, 2023, when I noticed an article on titled, "PAUL KRUGMAN OPINION: Joe Biden and the Not-So-Bad Economy." (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.) An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Joe Biden and the Not-So-Bad Economy" from The New York Times

By Paul Krugman | April 27, 2023

Joe Biden has, to nobody’s surprise, formally announced that he is seeking re-election. And I, for one, am dreading the year and a half of political crystal ball gazing that lies ahead of us — a discussion to which I will have little if anything to add.

One thing I may be able to contribute to, however, is the way we talk about the Biden economy. Much political discussion, it seems to me, is informed by a sense that the economy will be a major liability for Democrats — a sense that is strongly affected by out-of-date or questionable data.

Of course, a lot can change between now and November 2024. We could have a recession, maybe as the delayed effect of monetary tightening by the Federal Reserve. We might all too easily face a financial crisis this summer when, as seems likely, Republicans refuse to raise the debt ceiling — and nobody knows how that will play out politically.

Right now, however, the economy is in better shape than I suspect most pundits or even generally well-informed readers may realize.

The basic story of the Biden economy is that America has experienced a remarkably fast and essentially complete job market recovery. This recovery was initially accompanied by distressingly high inflation; but inflation, while still high by the standards of the past few decades, has subsided substantially. The overall situation is, well, not so bad.

About jobs: Unless you’ve been getting your news from Tucker Carlson or Truth Social, you’re probably aware that the unemployment rate is hovering near historic lows. However, I keep hearing assertions that this number is misleading, because millions of Americans have dropped out of the labor force — which was true a year ago.

But it’s not true anymore. There are multiple ways to make this point, but one way is to compare where we are now with projections made just before Covid struck. In January 2020 the Congressional Budget Office projected that by the first quarter of 2023 nonfarm employment would be 154.8 million; the actual number for March was 155.6 million. As a recent report from the Council of Economic Advisers points out, labor force participation — the percentage of adults either working or actively looking for work — is also right back in line with pre-Covid projections.

In short, we really are back at full employment.

Inflation isn’t as happy a picture. If we measure inflation by the annual rate of change in consumer prices over the past six months — my current preference for trying to extract the signal from the noise — inflation was almost 10 percent in June 2022. But it’s now down to just 3.5 percent.

That’s still above the Fed’s target of 2 percent, and there’s intense debate among economists about how hard it will be to get inflation all the way down (intense because nobody really knows the answer). But maybe some perspective is in order. The current inflation rate is lower than it was at the end of Ronald Reagan’s second term. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight this article from The New York Times for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written April 28th, 2023, revised April 29th, 2023, revised May 5th, 2023, revised May 7th, 2023, revised June 2nd, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


April 30th, 2023 Update: I received a text message today, April 30th, 2023, from USA for UNFPA (formerly known as the 'United Nations Fund for Population Activities' that is now called the 'United Nations Population Fund'), which stated the following:

Hi - I wanted to share this picture of UNFPA medical staff in Sudan working to safely deliver babies even amidst the outbreak of armed conflict in the country.

Pregnant women have been shot by waring military forces on the way to deliver their babies and others have been forced to give birth in their homes or cars.

It is estimated that in the capital of Khartoum alone, there are 219,000 pregnant women, 24,000 of whom are expected to give birth in the coming weeks.

Will you please be there for Sudanese women and ensure that UNFPA staff have the resources they need to continue providing lifesaving care during this escalating crisis? You can donate securely to support women and girls in this disaster and worldwide at the link below:***

TY for your generous support.

- [Name redacted], [Title redacted] at USA for UNFPA

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, I made a one-time donation to USA for UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) in order to "be there for Sudanese women and ensure that UNFPA staff have the resources they need to continue providing lifesaving care during this escalating crisis."

–Paul Whiting (written April 30th, 2023, revised May 4th, 2023, revised May 18th, 2023, revised May 30th, 2023 and revised August 12th, 2023)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]


For my "April 30th, 2023 Update—Continued"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

April 30th, 2023 Update—Continued: I received several emails from the USO (United Service Organizations) from April 16th, 2023 through April 25th, 2023, regarding "The Official 2023 USO T-shirt." And each email was essentially asking me to "Please, upgrade your monthly gift to receive your limited edition 2023 USO T-shirt today!"

Now, the reason that I mention these emails is because I usually donate a few times per month to the USO! However, this month, April 2023, I realized that it is not really in my monthly budget to upgrade my recurring donation to the USO. So, that is why I haven't written any 'updates,' so far this month, regarding USO donations.

Therefore, I decided to go onto the website today, April 30th, 2023, in order to make a one-time donation to the USO for the month of April 2023. And on the USO's website, a donation prompt appeared, which stated the following:

"While Russia's invasion of Ukraine continues to escalate, thousands of U.S. troops have been deployed throughout Eastern Europe in support of our NATO allies and Ukraine. We rely on the generosity of supporters like you to provide service members around the world with critical support now and into the future."

And so, I made a one-time donation on the website in order to support the USO's following statement: "For more than 80 years, the USO has stood by America's military service members by keeping them connected to family, home and country. But we're not a government agency, and rely on individual supporters like you to fund the programs that make the biggest difference for our service members."

In addition to that, I already make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! You see, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation. ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "April 30th, 2023 Update—Continued":




For my "May 1st, 2023 Update"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

May 1st, 2023 Update: May is Military Appreciation Month! And I received an email from the USO (United Service Organizations) today, May 1st, 2023, with the subject line, "A Military Appreciation Month gift for you!", which stated the following:

Happy Military Appreciation Month, Paul!

We’ll be celebrating this special month with all sorts of ways to honor and support our heroes in uniform, but first, we’re kicking it off with a special digital giveaway for our most dedicated military supporters — including you!

We designed these exclusive phone backgrounds with patriotic Americans like you in mind, and we hope you love them as much as we do. Click here to choose and download one now and show your military pride this Military Appreciation Month!


We’re so grateful for supporters like you who help keep our brave troops connected to family, home and country through every step of their military journey. Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for everything you do to stand with our troops.

[Name redacted], USO

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, I selected my "favorite patriotic phone background to download it and show [my] military pride during this special month." Plus, I made a one-time donation on the website in order to support the USO's following statement: "Our service members keep our nation safe. And we work hard to keep them connected to home — but we can’t do that without support from military supporters like you. Our troops are counting on you to be a part of this important work for our country." ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "May 1st, 2023 Update":


May 1st, 2023 Update—Continued: I received a text message today, May 1st, 2023, from Everytown for Gun Safety, which stated the following:

Your Oregon rep is about to vote on a bill to stop ghost guns & raise the age to buy guns! Tap the link to tell them to vote yes***


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:

Tell Oregon Lawmakers: Stop Ghost Guns And Raise The Age To Buy Guns!

Your representative in the state house votes soon on a gun safety bill that would:

[✓] Stop ghost guns—untraceable, do-it-yourself firearms made from easy-to-get building blocks that can be purchased with no background check and no questions asked.

[✓] Let local governments regulate firearms in city-owned spaces, like parks and hospitals.

[✓] Raise the age for purchase and possession of semi-automatic assault rifles, from 18 to 21. It's critical that we prevent teenagers from buying and owning exceptionally dangerous guns.

Send a message telling your lawmaker to vote YES on this gun safety bill >>

Dear Lawmaker,

I'm urging you to vote yes on a critical gun safety bill on the House floor.

Omnibus bill HB 2005 would raise the age for purchase and possession of semiautomatic assault rifles, from 18 to 21. Research shows that individuals 18 to 20 years old commit homicides at a rate nearly three times greater than adults 21 and over. Raising the age will help prevent firearm deaths.

HB 2005 would also prohibit ghost guns and other untraceable firearms. These guns are increasingly a weapon of choice for gun traffickers and people prohibited from possessing firearms.

Additionally, HB 2005 would allow local governments to regulate firearms on their property. Please vote YES on this critical gun safety bill. Thank you.

Complete the form to send your message now:

First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
Email address: [redacted]
Street address: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
ZIP Code: [redacted]
Mobile phone: [redacted]

And after I sent the letter above to my representative in the Oregon State Legislature, via the Everytown for Gun Safety website, I made a one-time donation to Everytown to say "Thank you!" for letting me know about this critical gun safety bill being voted on in the State of Oregon, because it's a really good idea to do each of the following:

✓ Stop ghost guns—untraceable, do-it-yourself firearms made from easy-to-get building blocks that can be purchased with no background check and no questions asked.

✓ Let local governments regulate firearms in city-owned spaces, like parks and hospitals.

✓ Raise the age for purchase and possession of semi-automatic assault rifles, from 18 to 21. It's critical that we prevent teenagers from buying and owning exceptionally dangerous guns.

–Paul Whiting (written May 1st, 2023, revised May 4th, 2023, revised May 12th, 2023, revised May 30th, 2023, revised June 2nd, 2023 and revised May 1st, 2024)


May 2nd, 2023 Update, Written From May 3rd, 2023 To May 4th, 2023: I received an email from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) on May 2nd, 2023, with the subject line, "The Supreme Court is failing to protect rights. We have a strategy.", which stated the following:
Paul –

Last year's Supreme Court term was the most conservative in a century, as President Trump's three nominees exercised their newfound power to rule against liberty and shrink our constitutional rights.

We're not letting that stop our work.

Since SCOTUS isn't protecting people's rights – let alone expanding them – we at the ACLU know more than ever that turning to state courts is now urgent and necessary when it comes to showing up for our freedoms across the country.

That's why today, the ACLU is launching our new State Supreme Court Initiative to fight for the expansion of civil liberties and civil rights through state constitutions.


With lawyers in every state in the country, the ACLU is uniquely situated to do this important work and to develop cross-state expertise on state constitutional litigation. As the two attorneys leading this initiative's work, we know too well that state constitutions often protect more rights than the U.S. Constitution – and that makes them a powerful backstop against the attacks of those looking to curtail rights.

That's where this new initiative will be crucial – and the ACLU knows how to win. This litigation strategy will build on the progress that we have already made in state courts on a range of issues, including:

→ Gerrymandering in Ohio

→ Abortion Access in Montana

→ LGBTQ Rights in North Carolina

→ Criminal Legal Reform in Massachusetts

Make no mistake: These issues are only some of the many we can and will continue pursuing to protect people's rights as we add new cases through this initiative.

Paul, having you with us in this work is going to be essential to the progress we know we can and will achieve. So please be sure to read up on our plans ahead for the State Supreme Court Initiative here – and thank you so much for being a part of this critical fight for civil liberties.

For the people,

[Name redacted] (she, her) and [Name redacted] (he, him)
Senior Staff Attorneys
ACLU State Supreme Court Initiative

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, an overview of which can be found below (which also includes any corresponding referenced webpages):

State Supreme Court Initiative

Last updated on May 2, 2023

The U.S. Supreme Court is increasingly not an option to protect, let alone expand, civil liberties and civil rights. Last year’s Supreme Court term was the most conservative in a century, as President Trump’s three nominees exercised their newfound power to rule against liberty and shrink our constitutional rights.

But state supreme courts offer promise in the face of a hostile federal judiciary. That’s why we’re taking the fight to the states – we want to show up with as many resources and tools as we have available. The ACLU is launching a dedicated effort, called the State Supreme Court Initiative, to fight for the expansion of rights through state supreme courts, both through litigation and advocacy work.

The State Supreme Court Initiative will build on the organization’s existing work in state supreme courts and will expand the organization’s litigating capacity. With lawyers in every state in the country, the ACLU is uniquely situated to do this important work and to develop cross-state expertise on state constitutional litigation. ...

... Where We've Made Progress

The ACLU and our affiliates have long been litigating for civil liberties and civil rights in state courts and we’ve seen a wide range of state constitutional victories over the past several years, a testament to our commitment to using state courts to protect and expand these rights. Below is a sample.

[Blogger's Note: By the way, I listed each one of the "Where We've Made Progress" titles below in the order that they appear (and I also provided a hyperlink for each one), which includes the ACLU's subcategories of "WHAT WE'RE FOCUSED ON" that are contained within the "FEATURED" categories. And I assigned each one of these categories, and subcategories, with a corresponding number to help you, my readers, to be able to view each one of the "FEATURED" categories, as well as each one of the "WHAT WE'RE FOCUSED ON" subcategories, where they are applicable, because there really are a lot of these categories and subcategories... Therefore, I did all of this so you can clearly see, via the hyperlinks that you have clicked, whether—or not—you have read each one of the relevant articles, because there really is a pertinent summary in each one of these individual articles from the "State Supreme Court Initiative" website! Besides that, here is another clarification that I need to make: on each one of the ACLU webpages below, you have to scroll down past an offer to "Stay informed about our latest work in [that webpage's topic]" via an email sign-up, past an offer of "THE LATEST" ACLU articles, past an offer to "EXPLORE MORE" ACLU website topics and, finally, past the offer for the above-referenced "WHAT WE'RE FOCUSED ON" subcategories in order to actually see the pertinent summary of each article, which is always titled, "WHAT'S AT STAKE."]


[1.0] Gerrymandering:


[2.0] Abortion:


[2.1-A] End Forced Pregnancy:


[2.2-A] Abortion and Insurance:

[2.2-B] Abortion Clinic Regulations:

[2.2-C] Federal Abortion Legislation:

[2.2-D] State Abortion Legislation:


[3.0] LGBTQ Rights:


[3.1-A] Mapping Attacks on LGBTQ Rights in U.S. State Legislatures:


[3.2-A] Criminal Justice Reform for LGBTQ People:

[3.2-B] LGBTQ Nondiscrimination Protections:

[There are two more "WHAT WE'RE FOCUSED ON" extra subcategories under this "LGBTQ Nondiscrimination Protections" subcategory, which are titled as follows:]

(3.2-B-One) "On the Job":

(3.2-B-Two) "Public Places":

[3.2-C] LGBTQ Parenting:

[There are three more "WHAT WE'RE FOCUSED ON" extra subcategories under this "LGBTQ Parenting" subcategory, which are titled as follows:]

(3.2-C-One) "Discriminatory Treatment in Foster Parenting and Adoptions":

(3.2-C-Two) "Discriminatory Treatment of Transgender Parents":

(3.2-C Three) "Establishing Legal Parent-Child Relationships":

[3.2-D] LGBTQ Relationships:

[There are two more "WHAT WE'RE FOCUSED ON" extra subcategories under this "LGBTQ Relationships" subcategory, which are titled as follows:]

(3.2-D-One) "Domestic Partnerships":

(3.2-D-Two) "The Freedom to Marry":

[3.2-E] LGBTQ Youth:

[There are seven more "WHAT WE'RE FOCUSED ON" extra subcategories under this "LGBTQ Youth" subcategory, which are titled as follows:]

(3.2-E-One) "Anti-LGBTQ Web Filtering":

(3.2-E-Two) "Free Expression and Censorship":

(3.2-E-Three) "Gay-Straight Alliances":

(3.2-E-Four) "Harassment and Bullying":

(3.2-E-Five) "Outing":

(3.2-E-Six) "Prom and Other School Dances":

(3.2-E-Seven) "Trans and Gender-Nonconforming Youth":

[3.2-F] Transgender Rights:

[There are four more "WHAT WE'RE FOCUSED ON" extra subcategories under this "Transgender Rights" subcategory, which are titled as follows:]

(3.2-F-One) "Transgender People and Discrimination":

(3.2-F-Two) "Transgender People and Health Care":

(3.2-F-Three) "Transgender People and ID":

(3.2-F-Four) "Transgender People and the Military":


[4.0] Criminal Law Reform:




[4.2-A] Drug Law Reform:

[There is one more "WHAT WE'RE FOCUSED ON" extra subcategory under this "Drug Law Reform" subcategory, which is titled as follows:]

(4.2-A-One) "Marijuana Law Reform":

[4.2-B] Public Defense Reform:

[There are two more "WHAT WE'RE FOCUSED ON" extra subcategories under this "Public Defense Reform" subcategory, which are titled as follows:]

(4.2-B-One) "Indigent Defense":

(4.2-B-Two) "Right to Counsel":

[4.2-C] Reforming Police:

[There are five more "WHAT WE'RE FOCUSED ON" extra subcategories under this "Reforming Police" subcategory, which are titled as follows:]

(4.2-C-One) "Asset Forfeiture Abuse":

(4.2-C-Two) "Police Corruption":

(4.2-C-Three) "Police Excessive Force":

(4.2-C-Four) "Police Militarization":

(4.2-C-Five) "Search and Seizure":



The ACLU has been at the center of nearly every major civil liberties battle in the U.S. for more than 100 years. This vital work depends on the support of ACLU members in all 50 states and beyond.

We need you with us to keep fighting — donate today.



Please see the hyperlink below for the webpage:

So, I read the articles listed above on the ACLU website (that is why I also included all of the corresponding website hyperlinks). And I made a one-time donation to the ACLU (that is why I also included a hyperlink to their donation webpage) in order to show my support for the ACLU's State Supreme Court Initiative, besides showing my support for the ACLU's LGBTQ Project, since the aforementioned LGBTQ Project is referenced in the above-mentioned "LGBTQ Rights" articles, in addition to showing my support for the ACLU's Criminal Law Reform Project, since the aforementioned CLRP is referenced in the above-mentioned "Criminal Law Reform" articles! –Paul Whiting (written May 3rd, 2023 to May 4th, 2023, revised May 5th, 2023, revised May 19th, 2023 and revised June 27th, 2023)


May 3rd, 2023 Update, Written On May 4th, 2023: I received a mailer from Feeding America yesterday, May 3rd, 2023, with a 'QR code message' on the back of the envelope that read, in part, "Your gift can provide TWICE as many meals," which stated the following (by the way, I hand-typed the text below on my smartphone from the mailer's letter):

Dear Paul Whiting,

With food prices still high and summer break just around the corner, it's vital we help children who rely on school-provided meals—like Elijah. Because everyone deserves access to the food they need to thrive.

Elijah is an 11-year-old boy who wants to be a robotic engineer. "I want to build robots that help around the house," he says. "Helping people makes me feel proud of myself."

As the oldest of five children, Elijah knows a lot about helping. He pitches in by watching his siblings or helping his grandpa with chores. When he's not helping out, he stays busy doing schoolwork and pursuing his passion—robotics. The free breakfast and lunch Elijah gets at school helps him stay focused. "When I'm hungry, I get tired or I'll get distracted," Elijah says. "But when I'm not, I'm on-task and I can focus."

However, when school is out, Elijah loses access to the school meals that he relies on. With summer vacation lasting up to 90 days, that could mean nearly three months without reliable meals.

Together, we can bridge that gap. Feeding America is working to end summer hunger through programs that provide meals to children when they are most at risk of hunger—and you can be a part of these efforts.

Paul Whiting, that's why I'm hoping you'll contribute to the $500,000 challenge match from pop culture retailer BoxLunch. Right now, your gift plus their contribution can help provide TWICE as many meals.

If you could return all three of your Summer Challenge Match vouchers—one for June, one for July and one for August—you can help summer programs get the estimated 32 million meals needed to help children have enough to eat over the summer and year-round.

Elijah's grandfather was able to provide the meals his family needed with help from their local meal program, which is served by the Feeding America network.

Normally when you give, every $1 helps provide at least 10 meals. Today, with the help of BoxLunch's generous challenge match—and the Feeding America network—every $1 you give can help provide at least 20 meals and have DOUBLE the impact!

To take advantage of this opportunity for your dollar's impact to go TWICE as far, simply return one, two or three of the enclosed Summer Challenge Match vouchers with your donation in the envelopes provided.

With your $15 gifts for June, July and August, you'll help us provide food to children and families who might not know where their next meal will come from.

Children can face hunger during the summer, after school, over the weekend and on school vacations. In fact, more than 22 million children in America count on school meals programs—and fewer than 1 in 6 have access to summer meals.

Paul Whiting, you can help change that. Right now, during our Summer Challenge Match, your support can help provide TWICE as many meals for children like Elijah.

Parents and caregivers across the country want to know their children will always have the food they need to grow up healthy and strong. Together, we're doing everything we can to support them.

Thank you for helping make this important work possible.


[Name redacted]
[Title redacted], Feeding America

P.S. Summer is just around the corner, so please give as soon as you can. Remember, right now, your donation can have DOUBLE the impact for children facing hunger this summer. Kids like Elijah are counting on us! Thank you so much for your help.

"QR code message": Your gift can provide TWICE as many meals. Scan here or visit

And so, I made a one-time donation to Feeding America in order to support the "Summer Challenge Match!" –Paul Whiting (written May 4th, 2023 and revised May 18th, 2023)


May 3rd, 2023 Update—Continued, Written On May 4th, 2023: I received a postcard from Greenpeace yesterday, May 3rd, 2023, with a image on the front of the card of an ocean snorkeler, swimming in front of a Greenpeace ship, who is holding a sign that reads, "THANK YOU!" And the postcard stated the following (by the way, I hand-typed the text below on my smartphone from the mailer's letter):


The world has agreed on a Global Oceans Treaty—a monumental win for ocean protection!

It's the biggest conservation agreement in history, and huge victory you helped win with your generous support for Greenpeace. Thank you!

The marine sanctuaries this treaty makes possible will give whales, turtles, and other severely stressed marine animals the chance they desperately need to recover and rebuild their numbers. And they will provide a pathway for our oceans to survive climate change and plastic pollution.

We've still got a lot of work ahead of us—we always do, don't we?—but for right now, for just a moment anyway, let's take heart in being reminded once again that when we stand together in shared vision and unwavering conviction, there's nothing we can't accomplish.

Thank you so much for being a part of that!

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]

By the way, here is a press release from the Greenpeace website titled, "Nations Agree on Historic Global Oceans Treaty" that provides statements by representatives of Greenpeace "in response to nations finalizing text for a Global Oceans Treaty," which was published on the day that the treaty was signed, March 4th, 2023. An introduction to the press release can be found below:

"Nations Agree on Historic Global Oceans Treaty" from

March 4, 2023

© Stephanie Keith / Greenpeace

The Global Oceans Treaty agreed on today is the biggest conservation agreement in the history of the world. It provides a pathway to establish marine sanctuaries so that countries can turn their commitment to protect 30 percent of the ocean by 2030 into a reality...This is a huge victory for the billions of people who depend on healthy oceans and for the animals that call the oceans home. It is a win against climate change and biodiversity loss. Everyone on Earth should breathe a collective sigh of relief. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the press release:

And that's why I decided to write this 'update,' so that I could share the great news about the Global Oceans Treaty via the above-mentioned Greenpeace postcard! –Paul Whiting (written May 4th, 2023 and revised May 18th, 2023)


May 4th, 2023 Update—Continued: I received an email from Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon today, May 4th, 2023, with the subject line, "URGENT ACTION: Republican Senators have walked out on Oregonians.", which stated the following:

Hi Paul,

Yesterday [May 3rd, 2023], twelve Oregon senators chose not to come to work, blocking our legislative priorities, Oregon House Bill 2002 and Senate Joint Resolution 33, from moving forward.

Take action now.*** Extremist politicians need to feel the pressure and get back to work — and our champion senators need to feel supported for their commitment to show up for our communities.

Make no mistake. This walkout is a move designed by Republicans to deny Oregonians our fundamental freedoms and the essential health care we need to survive and thrive.

We need your help. Contact your senator and make your voice heard.***

We refuse to let extremist politicians hold our fundamental rights hostage and block policies that are broadly supported by Oregonians.

Urge our lawmakers to support the right to reproductive freedom, LGBTQ+ rights, and fundamental freedoms for ALL Oregonians!


[Name redacted], [Title redacted]

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:

Contact your State Senators today to pass SJR 33 and HB 2002 and end the walkouts!

Right now, our fundamental rights are being held hostage by a minority of extremist politicians who will stop at nothing to criminalize health care and control the lives and futures of Oregonians. These politicians are bailing on their jobs and constituents to advance their extremist beliefs.

We need you to send a message of support to our legislators who are championing HB 2002 and SJR 33—and demand lawmakers who fled their jobs come back to work and do what they were elected to do.

Send a message to your lawmakers now to support the right to reproductive freedom, LGBTQ+ rights, and fundamental freedoms for ALL Oregonians!

Prefix (Optional): Mr.
First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Preferred Language (Optional): English
Pronouns (Optional): He/Him/His
Gender (Optional): Man
Sexual Orientation (Optional): Gay
Race (Optional): Caucasian or White
Ethnicity (Optional): Danish, English (British)
Street Address: [redacted]
Postal Code: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Email: [redacted]
Mobile Phone (Optional): [redacted]

Message Recipients:

[My Oregon] State Senator

Subject: Showing up for our rights

Dear [elected official],

I am writing in as your constituent. Thank you for your leadership and unwavering commitment to fight for Oregonians’ rights and access to the full spectrum of reproductive and gender-affirming care, without discrimination or political interference.

I want to express my appreciation for [you] sponsoring both Senate Joint Resolution 33 and HB 2002, and let you know that I stand with you in advance of the upcoming Senate votes. In a moment in which some of your colleagues are playing games with our lives and futures, I appreciate your bold leadership and steadfast representation of your constituents. [Emphasis added.]

Oregon voters overwhelmingly support our ability to make personal decisions about our bodies, our lives, and our futures — without government interference. Thank you for continuing to do what’s right.

Thanks again for your hard work and for voting in alignment with Oregon values! We are counting on you to protect and expand our access to essential and lifesaving healthcare, and to defend our rights from politicians who want to turn back the clock on our freedoms.

Mr. Paul Whiting
[Address redacted]
[Email redacted]

Then, after I submitted the email above to my Oregon State Senator, via Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon website, I made a one-time donation to Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon in order to show my support for "our legislators who are championing HB 2002 and SJR 33—and demand lawmakers who fled their jobs come back to work and do what they were elected to do" in order "to pass SJR 33 and HB 2002 and end the walkouts!" –Paul Whiting (written April 24th, 2023, revised May 18th, 2023 and revised June 3rd, 2023)


May 5th, 2023 Update: I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles from one of their daily emails that I received today, May 5th, 2023, when I noticed a article titled, "Proud Boys Verdict Is a Rebuttal to Those Claiming Jan. 6 Wasn't an Insurrection." (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.) An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Proud Boys Verdict Is a Rebuttal to Those Claiming Jan. 6 Wasn't an Insurrection" from Time Magazine

By Philip Elliott | May 4, 2023

In an all-too-common alternative reality, the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol was merely a sightseeing group that got a little over its skis. Or it was a Democratic “false flag” operation meant to make Republicans look bad. Or Antifa infiltrated the good-natured, good-government groups and lit the kindling that left the Capitol shattered. No one—let alone democracy itself—was ever at risk, the death and injury tolls are totally bogus, and anyone suggesting it was an insurrection is just fake news.

Well, that fanciful hogwash once again fell apart. A federal jury here in Washington on Thursday convicted four more far-right Proud Boys—the so-called Donald Trump’s Army—on charges of seditious conspiracy, a crime dating back to the Civil War era when secessionist Southerners tried to break the Union government. (A fifth Proud Boy was found guilty on lesser charges but was found not guilty on seditious conspiracy charges.) Those convictions follow two other trials of members of a separate but equally noxious group, the Oath Keepers.

Put simply, the Department of Justice is now 3-and-0 in its most serious cases against the leaders who orchestrated and carried out a plan meant to overturn the results of the 2020 elections and to install its loser, then-President Donald Trump, in the White House for another four years despite a deafening loss. It is entirely fair to call the planning and execution of Jan. 6 what it was: an insurrection. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight this article from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written May 5th, 2023, revised May 27th, 2023, revised June 3rd, 2023, revised August 12th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


May 6th, 2023 Update: I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles from one of their daily emails that I received today, May 6th, 2023, when I noticed three articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The first Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "These Photos Show the Most Defining Moments of King Charles III’s Coronation." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"These Photos Show the Most Defining Moments of King Charles III’s Coronation" from Time Magazine

By Armani Syed | May 6, 2023

After months of meticulous planning, and what many have dubbed a lifetime spent in wait, King Charles III has been crowned as Britain’s monarch.

World leaders and royals hailing from other nations gathered at Westminster Abbey, London’s iconic monument, on Saturday to witness an intricate ceremony in which Charles and Queen Camilla were anointed by the Archbishop of Canterbury.

The coronation event was a show of pageantry that has long been synonymous with the British royal family; it saw the nearly 5 lbs. solid gold St. Edward’s Crown placed on Charles’ head to mark the role he took on when he ascended the throne last September, following the death of his mother and predecessor Queen Elizabeth II.

Charles was the embodiment of luxury as he sat on the coronation throne surrounded by vestments that were used in the coronations of his ancestors. During the ceremony, he changed into a white linen tunic with a plain collar known as the Colobium Sindonis, which he wore beneath the Supertunica—a full-length gold coat. Camilla was crowned in a modified version of Queen Mary’s crown. Many British citizens have questioned how appropriate the lavish display—funded by the U.K. government—is at a time when the effects of the cost of living crisis are felt at large across the nation.

The ceremony aimed to capture the essence of multicultural Britain by incorporating many communities and faiths into its historically Christian traditions; in his capacity as U.K. Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, who observes Hinduism, read aloud from the bible during the ceremony. Other faith leaders from Jewish, Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, and Buddhist groups entered Westminster Abbey together to greet the King. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

The second Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Charles Was Crowned King. Here Are the Highlights From His Coronation." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Charles Was Crowned King. Here Are the Highlights From His Coronation" from Time Magazine

By Armani Syed And Yasmeen Serhan | (Originally Published) May 6, 2023

King Charles III was crowned during his coronation in London today, as millions tuned in to watch the ceremony in the U.K. and around the world.

Crowds of thousands have gathered in central London to greet the King and Queen Consort Camilla on their journey from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Abbey.

Camilla, Charles’ wife of eighteen years, was also crowned Queen after the King.

Just after 10:20 a.m. Charles and Camilla left Buckingham Palace to travel to Westminster Abbey in an elaborate black and gold carriage known as the Diamond Jubilee State Coach. They moved along the 1.3 mile “Kings Procession” route through central London. Crowds lined the route, braving a light drizzle. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

The third Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "'A Human-Rights Nightmare.' Anti-Monarchy Protesters Have Already Been Arrested at King Charles III's Coronation." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"'A Human-Rights Nightmare.' Anti-Monarchy Protesters Have Already Been Arrested at King Charles III's Coronation" from Time Magazine

By Yasmeen Serhan / London | (Originally Published) May 6, 2023

Graham Smith, the head of the U.K.’s leading anti-monarchy movement, was planning to lead thousands of fellow republicans in protest of King Charles III’s coronation. In the end, he didn’t get the chance. Smith and five others were arrested on Saturday morning in Central London, according to the group.

The reason for the arrest remains unclear. At approximately 7:30 a.m. local time, Smith and his fellow protesters were collecting drinks and placards for attendees when, according to The Guardian, they were stopped by the police. A spokesperson for Republic told the newspaper that the police would not provide a reason for the arrest. In photos of the arrest posted to Twitter by the campaign group, Smith can be seen sitting on the ground surrounded by police officers. In a video, one officer can be heard saying: “They’re under arrest—end of.”

The Metropolitan Police, which has deployed 11,500 officers for the coronation, subsequently tweeted that they had made “a number of arrests” in the area, adding that “the individuals have been held on suspicion of breaching the peace.” ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And the reason that I wrote this 'update' about these three articles from Time Magazine is because I thought that each article discussed important moments regarding King Charles III's coronation including "the most defining images of the historic event," and "the highlights from his coronation," as well as "anti-monarchy protesters [having] already been arrested at King Charles III's coronation."

And so, that is why I decided to highlight these articles from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written May 6th, 2023, revised May 7th, 2023, revised May 27th, 2023, revised June 3rd, 2023, revised August 12th, 2023, revised September 23rd, 2023 and revised March 26th, 2024)


May 7th, 2023 Update: I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles from one of their daily emails that I received today, May 7th, 2023, when I noticed three articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The first Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "How Conservatives Are Changing Their Mind on Legalizing Fentanyl Test Strips." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"How Conservatives Are Changing Their Mind on Legalizing Fentanyl Test Strips" from Time Magazine

By Anisha Kohli | May 5, 2023

In a rapid shift since last year, over a dozen states have moved to legalize fentanyl test strips. The change is one that harm reduction proponents argue is necessary during an era where fentanyl overdose is a leading cause of death in American adults under 45.

After years of advocacy from medical professionals and Democratic politicians, including the Biden Administration, fentanyl test strips are finally becoming less polarizing—but only to an extent. Staunch conservatives were deeply opposed to the strips—which allow people to test drugs for traces of fentanyl—for years, arguing that they enabled drug abuse. A mass of Republican-controlled legislatures, including Utah, Kentucky and Mississippi, have backtracked in recent months and welcomed policy to decriminalize the strips.

“If political leaders are serious when they say that this [the opioid epidemic] disturbs them, then an easy first step—it’s just one step, there are many other things that can and should be done—but an easy first step is to make fentanyl test strips legally available,” Dr. Jeffrey Singer, a surgeon and senior fellow in the Cato Institute’s health policy department, tells TIME.

Test strips are available in more than 30 other states and Washington D.C., according to recent counts. In states where they’re legal for distribution, the strips are up for sale in pharmacies and frequently handed out for free at public health department centers, harm reduction clinics, and even college campuses.

Support for the strips has become fairly bipartisan, but small clusters of conservative lawmakers have consistently opposed legislation to increase access to the strips, such as in Texas where bills have been stalled for weeks.

“I think it’s an absolute no-brainer that they [test strips] are essential tools for public health and reducing overdoses,” says Jennifer Carroll, a medical anthropologist of substance abuse impact and policy at North Carolina State University. “Anyone who questions that utility hasn’t left the house very much because this is not a controversial topic.” ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

The second Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "The Writers Strike Is Taking a Stand on AI." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"The Writers Strike Is Taking a Stand on AI" from Time Magazine

By Simmone Shah | (Originally Published) May 4, 2023

The last time the Writers Guild of America went on strike, in 2007, workers pushed back against the nascent streaming industry, advocating for higher residual payments for content released over streaming. Now a new technology, artificial intelligence, stands to drastically change Hollywood again as Guild strikers return to the picket line.

Streaming giants like Hulu, Netflix, and Disney+ have come to dominate the industry, changing the models by which content is produced and distributed and making it increasingly difficult for writers to earn a sustainable income. And as artificial intelligence technology rapidly improves, the WGA aims to place limits on the use of AI in movies and TV scripts.

The Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) —which is negotiating the contract on behalf of Hollywood studios, streamers, and production companies—say their priority is “the long-term health and stability of the industry” and they are dedicated to reaching “a fair and reasonable agreement” according to the Associated Press.

“AI raises hard, important creative and legal questions for everyone…” the AMPTP said in an emailed statement to TIME. “It’s something that requires a lot more discussion, which we’ve committed to doing.”

The WGA proposed regulations around the use of AI to create source material and write, or rewrite, literary material. A negotiations proposal chart released by WGA on Monday shows that AMPTP rejected their proposal, instead countering with “annual meetings to discuss advancements in technology.” (The WGA did not respond to requests for comment as of publication.) ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

The third Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Too Many High School Seniors Are Turning Away from College Altogether." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Too Many High School Seniors Are Turning Away from College Altogether" from Time Magazine

By Melissa S. Kearney And Luke Pardue | May 4, 2023

Kearney is Director of the Aspen Economic Strategy Group and the Neil Moskowitz Professor of Economics at the University of Maryland; Luke Pardue is a Fellow at the Aspen Economic Strategy Group and an Economist at Gusto.

For many high school seniors and their families, May 1st is “National College Decision Day,” when millions of students make a personal decision about their academic future. It is also a decision with financial implications that will shape much of their lives. While headlines often cite the ultra-competitive landscape for highly selective schools, recent years have brought about a drop in overall college enrollment. Some of this reflects pandemic-related disruptions to college plans. But recent survey data suggests that we might be seeing a more persistent turn away from college: more than half of Americans don’t even think college is worth the investment. This is very worrisome, as completing college is as important as ever to bolstering both individual economic security and America’s economic competitiveness.

In April, a Wall Street Journal-NORC poll found that 56% of Americans think that a college degree is not worth the cost, the highest rate in the survey’s ten-year history. These attitudes are also reflected in the actions of our youngest generation, as fewer students opt to pursue a college degree. In February, the National College Clearinghouse reported the sixth straight year of declining enrollment in 2- or 4-year colleges. In 2021, there were 1.8 million fewer undergraduates enrolled in college than there were in 2017.

But the fact remains that overwhelmingly economic data show that a college degree confers meaningful economic advantages. Even in today’s tight labor market, college graduates find work much easier and tend to command significantly higher incomes. Today, the unemployment rate for those with a bachelor’s degree or greater is currently half that of those with a High School degree or GED. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And the reason that I wrote this 'update' about these three articles from Time Magazine is because I thought that each article discussed important issues, including "fentanyl test strips...finally becoming less polarizing...which allow people to test drugs for traces of fentanyl," and "streaming giants like Hulu, Netflix, and Disney+ [having] come to dominate the industry, changing the models by which content is produced and distributed and making it increasingly difficult for writers to earn a sustainable income," as well as "too many high school seniors...turning away from college altogether," because "many students fear being burdened with loans after graduation."

And so, that is why I decided to highlight these articles from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written May 7th, 2023, revised May 27th, 2023, revised June 3rd, 2023, revised August 12th, 2023, revised September 23rd, 2023 and revised March 26th, 2024)


May 7th, 2023 Update—Continued, Written From May 7th, 2023 To May 8th, 2023: I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, May 7th, 2023, when I noticed eleven different articles on various news websites, including,,,,, and, in addition to a twelfth article that I noticed a few days ago from!

Now, I usually provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication.

However, due to the number of articles for which I had an introduction to write, I have decided to forego my usual writing format for this particular current news 'update' and simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name—along with a simplified introduction from each article—in addition to a hyperlink for each article.

Plus, I am grouping these articles generally in the order in which I read them, but also by news organization, as well as by category for articles that may be related by topic.

And, speaking of articles that are related by topic, one of these articles that I am highlighting today, which is from, was actually read by me a few days ago; however, this particular article's topic relates directly to one of the articles that I read today!

So, without further ado, here are the articles:

No. 1: One of the Politico articles that I read today is titled, "Is the United States Creating a ‘Legion of Doom’?" A simplified introduction to the article can be found below:

"Is the United States Creating a ‘Legion of Doom’?" from Politico

The emerging China-Russia-Iran axis may force the United States to choose between some unappealing options.

Moscow has directed a lot of vitriol toward the West over the past year. The volume of that rhetoric sometimes drowns out an awkward fact about Moscow’s foreign policy reorientation away from the West and toward allies like China and Iran: Russian elites are not exactly thrilled with their new partners. In my conversations with Russian academics, there has been plenty of grumbling about the meager quality of Chinese support, for example. This reflects a longstanding Russian hubris toward its eastern neighbor dating back to the days of Stalin and Mao. The Russian disdain directed toward Iran is even greater. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

No. 2: Another one of the Politico articles that I read today is titled, "How DeSantis gave Democrats the ‘session from hell’." A simplified introduction to the article can be found below:

"How DeSantis gave Democrats the ‘session from hell’" from Politico

Florida Republicans fuel DeSantis’ likely 2024 bid.

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Florida’s Republican-controlled Legislature ended its session calmly on Friday, wrapping up a monumental stretch of lawmaking that will serve as the springboard for Gov. Ron DeSantis when he begins his expected run for president in the next few weeks.

The relatively lightweight final day was in contrast to the frantic and emotionally charged moments that had dominated the 59 days of the annual session — one of the most productive stretches of right-wing lawmaking any state’s seen in years. Week after week, legislators pushed through measures dealing with abortion, guns, the death penalty, immigration, schools and gender identity, sometimes amid protests inside the capital. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

No. 3: One of the USA Today articles that I read today is titled, "After taking NY for granted, Democrats have a new plan to win back the House in 2024." (By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.) A simplified introduction to the article can be found below:

"After taking NY for granted, Democrats have a new plan to win back the House in 2024" from USA Today

After surprising failures in 2022, Democrats have recognized the path to reclaiming House control runs through New York.

Democrats defied expectations in the 2022 midterm elections, beating back President Joe Biden’s low approval ratings and record inflation. By the end of the cycle, they expanded their majority in the Senate and narrowly lost control of the House.

They came close but ultimately couldn't hand Biden another two years of total Democratic control in Washington.

Unexpectedly, the state that helped Republicans to clinch the House with a five-seat majority was reliably blue New York. Republicans there flipped four Democratic seats and snagged several other competitive races.

Now, Democrats are looking to reclaim lost ground in 2024 and usher in a new era of leadership, elevating House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., to serve as the first Black Speaker of the House. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

No. 4: Another one of the USA Today articles that I read today is titled, "The Republican Party has become the very cancel culture it pretends to rail against." A simplified introduction to the article can be found below:

"The Republican Party has become the very cancel culture it pretends to rail against" from USA Today

PBS: Canceled. Transgender kids: Canceled. Books that contain a passing profanity or, heaven forbid, something suggesting that sexual attraction is a thing that exists: Canceled.

When Republican lawmakers and talking heads speak these days, this is what I hear:

“I HATE liberal cancel culture and believe in absolute free speech! I would also like to ban, do away with or silence Disney, NPR, Bud Light, the FBI and CIA, this big pile of books over here, M&Ms, Mr. Potatohead, college professors, any Democratic lawmaker I don’t want to hear speak, “wokeness,” any mention of diversity, drag shows, people who defend drag shows, people who defend people who defend drag shows, any mention whatsoever of the existence of LGBTQ people, this other big pile of books over here, the entire Department of Education, PBS and Oreos.”

It all makes perfect sense if you have too much time on your hands and too few functioning brain cells to process the meaning of the word “hypocrisy.” And it confirms that today’s mainstream Republican Party — the party of Donald Trump and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and former Fox News host Tucker Carlson — has become the party of cancel culture, a bubble-dwelling collection of right-wing caricatures who speak an intolerant and often conspiratorial language most regular Americans, and particularly most younger Americans, can’t understand. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

No. 5: One of the CNN articles that I read today is titled, "‘Nationalism’ redefines the American right." A simplified introduction to the article can be found below:

"‘Nationalism’ redefines the American right" from CNN

(CNN) — The American right wing, long identified with the conservative movement, is increasingly latching onto something very different – nationalism – which frightens some students of history but is inspiring to a new breed of Republicans.

Some recent examples:

• Laying out his platform in a series of videos, former President Donald Trump accuses a “globalist class” of not putting America first.

• Amid the wreckage of ousted Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s cable career lies a journey from garden-variety conservative to explicit White nationalist.

• An up-and-coming congressional backbencher calls for the GOP to be “the party of nationalism.”

These moments, which seem unremarkable to a regular consumer of news, remind us that the Republican Party has been struggling for decades to reconcile its internal partnership of nationalists and conservatives. If you just woke up to American politics in the past 30 years, the two terms seem synonymous, but they haven’t always been. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

No. 6: Another one of the CNN articles that I read today is titled, "House Republicans grapple with cutting DOJ and FBI funding amid growing internal divisions and outside pressure." A simplified introduction to the article can be found below:

"House Republicans grapple with cutting DOJ and FBI funding amid growing internal divisions and outside pressure" from CNN

(CNN) — House Republican leadership came into power on a pro-police, tough-on-crime message. Four months later, that position is in limbo.

The internal differences emerged soon after Republicans took control of the House. In January, an effort to pass a resolution expressing support for law enforcement agencies, which was meant to serve as a messaging tool, fell apart. The House GOP’s behind-the-scenes disagreements reflect growing divisions inside the conference over whether to defund or restrict the Department of Justice and FBI. The contentious political issue is returning to center stage as CNN has learned that some House Republicans are actively sketching out ways to limit certain federal law enforcement programs through the appropriations process. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

No. 7: The New York Times article that I read today is titled, "Migrant Child Labor Debate in Congress Becomes Mired in Immigration Fight." (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.) A simplified introduction to the article can be found below:

"Migrant Child Labor Debate in Congress Becomes Mired in Immigration Fight" from The New York Times

Revelations that migrant children have been exploited for cheap labor brought calls for action, but a partisan battle over immigration policy has complicated lawmakers’ efforts.

Weeks after revelations that migrant children are being regularly exploited for cheap labor in the United States prompted bipartisan outrage and calls to action on Capitol Hill, Congress has moved no closer to addressing the issue, which has become mired in a long-running partisan war over immigration policy. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

No. 8: One of the AP (Associated Press) News articles that I read today is titled, "Hard to read? Oregon GOP boycott comes down to reading level." A simplified introduction to the article can be found below:

"Hard to read? Oregon GOP boycott comes down to reading level" from AP News

SALEM, Ore. (AP) — Republicans blocking votes on bills about abortion, gun control and gender-affirming health care in Oregon this week have based their boycott on an obscure, 44-year-old state law that requires bill summaries to be written at the reading level of an eighth- or ninth-grader.

GOP leadership says their walkout — which marked its third day on Friday — is about “every bill” but that two bills that would expand protections for abortions and transgender health care and place more limitations on gun ownership “specifically don’t qualify” under the 1979 law.

Democrats say Republicans didn’t take issue with the writing style of bipartisan bills they backed earlier in the session until hot button issues were on the table. The fate of the contested bills is now unclear. Republicans have staged walkouts before, but this year legislators with 10 unexcused absences are disqualified for reelection, thanks to a new voter-approved constitutional amendment[.] ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

No. 9: Another one of the AP (Associated Press) News articles that I read today is titled, "Oregon Republicans stay home ahead of abortion, guns votes." A simplified introduction to the article can be found below:

"Oregon Republicans stay home ahead of abortion, guns votes" from AP News

SALEM, Ore. (AP) — Republican state senators in Oregon didn’t show up to work on Wednesday, denying the Democrats who control the chamber a quorum and casting doubt on planned votes later this week on legislation pertaining to gun safety, abortion rights and gender-affirming health care.

The boycott comes as several statehouses around the nation, including in Montana and Tennessee, have been battlegrounds between conservatives and liberals. Oregon has been increasingly divided between the liberal population centers like Portland and Eugene, and its mostly conservative rural areas.

The office of Oregon Senate President Rob Wagner said 10 Republican senators and the chamber’s lone independent were absent Wednesday, and that four of the Republicans and the independent were absent without an excuse. The so-called walkout prevented the Senate from holding its scheduled session.

Republicans said they were protesting over bill summaries not being written in plain language. They based their boycott on a 1979 state law that requires summaries of bills to be readable by those with an eighth or ninth-grade education — measured by a score of at least 60 on the Flesch readability test, said GOP Senate Minority Leader Tim Knopp. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

No. 10: The KGW-TV ("a television station in Portland, Oregon, United States, affiliated with NBC") article that I read today is titled, "Oregon Senate President Rob Wagner calls on Senate Republicans to return to work amid walkout." A simplified introduction to the article can be found below:

"Oregon Senate President Rob Wagner calls on Senate Republicans to return to work amid walkout" from KGW-TV

For a third day in a row, the Oregon state Senate could not move forward with its job as most Republicans once again didn't show up to work in the Senate chamber.

SALEM, Oregon — Friday, for a third day in a row this week, the Oregon state Senate could not move forward with its job at the state capitol in Salem. Most Senate Republicans didn't show up to work in the Senate chamber.

Senate President Rob Wagner spoke out about it in Friday's session and delivered some demands. He said that they will work weekends to try and get their work done. But what that may do is just speed up the absentee tally.

“This is the third straight day that we have failed to achieve a quorum on the floor of the Oregon State Senate,” said Wagner as he gaveled the attempt at a quorum to an end.

Many seats on the floor of the Senate chamber were empty. Five Republicans lit up in white on the attendance board as unexcused absence, while an exasperated Senate President reminded those before him that there is a June 25th deadline to end the session.

“In order to ensure that we complete our work by that deadline, we will be holding sessions every single day if we have to — including weekends,” said Wagner.

The Republican caucus continues to claim the way that bills are being presented in the Senate is unconstitutional because of a readability rule that has been that hasn't been enforced for years. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

No. 11: The Axios article that I read today is titled, "'Good riddance': GOP lawmakers' private glee at Tucker Carlson firing." A simplified introduction to the article can be found below:

"'Good riddance': GOP lawmakers' private glee at Tucker Carlson firing" from Axios

A sizable number of GOP lawmakers are quietly cheering Fox News’ decision to remove Tucker Carlson from its airwaves as making it easier to provide aid to Ukraine, Axios has learned.

Why it matters: Carlson was one of the most vocal critics of continued support to Ukraine, often going after lawmakers by name on his program. His commentary was a source of regular heartburn for defense hawks.

• One House Republican pointed to Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s rhetoric this week as a sign of the tides potentially changing.

• McCarthy, who'd earlier opposed giving a “blank check” to Ukraine, gave his full-throated support while speaking to reporters in Israel on Monday. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

No. 12: And, finally, the Time Magazine article that I read a few days ago is titled, "Tucker Carlson Is Only One Part of Putin's Disinformation War in the Western Media." A simplified introduction to the article can be found below:

"Tucker Carlson Is Only One Part of Putin's Disinformation War in the Western Media" from Time Magazine

The western media has shown strange mixes of courage and cowardice, as well as naivety and cynicism, in their parroting of Putin disinformation. On the one hand, the Murdoch-controlled Wall Street Journal has pursued the truth on Russia’s economic implosion to the peril of its kidnapped Moscow based reporter Evan Gershkovich. Paradoxically, in the aftermath of Tucker Carlson’s firing from the Murdoch-controlled Fox News last week, perhaps the loudest laments came from, of all places, the Kremlin, with Kremlin commentators mourning the loss of an anchor who consistently echoed Putin’s talking points to the point where Russian state media often used re-runs of Tucker’s show.

In fact, CNN’s Erin Burnett just showed how false declarations from Carlson that “if there is any single American who deserves scorn and indeed blame for the invasion of Ukraine, it is Joe Biden” and “Ideologues within the Biden Administration did not want a negotiated peace in Ukraine, they wanted a regime change war against Russia” literally echoed, word-for-word, prior commentary from Kremlin spokespeople and Russian state media. Even worse, Carlson repeated, verbatim, doctored and false “intelligence” that there were seven Ukrainian casualties for every Russian casualty when in reality these numbers were invented, the product of a pro-Putin former Navy technician named Sarah Bils digitally altering leaked documents from the Discord trove and posting them online.

But Tucker Carlson is not the only western journalist to repeat Russian propaganda. Steven Brill and Gordon Crovitz’s Newsguard has found more than 350 news sites promoting 100 false narratives about Russia’s war in Ukraine. One pervasive but false propaganda myth hits particularly close to home. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight these articles from Politico, USA Today, CNN, The New York Times, AP News, KGW-TV, Axios and Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written from May 7th, 2023 to May 8th, 2023, revised May 9th, 2023, revised August 24th, 2023, revised September 23rd, 2023, revised September 28th, 2023, revised October 17th, 2023 and revised October 19th, 2023)


May 8th, 2023 Update: I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, May 8th, 2023, when I noticed an article on titled, "As jobs market remains hot, Republicans pretend not to notice." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"As jobs market remains hot, Republicans pretend not to notice" from MSNBC

How good has job growth been under President Joe Biden? Republican leaders continue to find themselves literally at a loss for words.

By Steve Benen | May 8, 2023

It was on Friday morning when the latest job numbers were released, and it was a few hours later when President Joe Biden celebrated the good news during remarks at the White House.

“We added 250,000 jobs last month, that’s on top of the 12 million jobs we’ve already added just since we came in office a little over two years ago,” the Democrat boasted. Biden went on to note that the overall unemployment rate is at a half-century low, the unemployment rate among Black workers has reached an all-time low, and working-age women are participating in the labor force at the highest rate in 75 years.

One day after the president took an understandable victory lap, the latest Washington Post/ABC News poll pointed to data that no doubt disappointed the incumbent.

"Biden inherited from Trump an economy badly damaged by the coronavirus pandemic, but the public sees the former president as a better economic steward than the incumbent. In the poll, by 54 percent to 36 percent, Americans say Trump did a better job handling the economy when he was president than Biden has done during his presidency so far."

There are, to be sure, a variety of reasons that contribute to results like these — most notably Americans’ frustration with high inflation — which help obscure the fact that Trump’s economic record just wasn’t that impressive.

But it’s also notable that Republican leaders have helped downplay the significance of good economic news by completely ignoring it, making it more likely that much of the public simply hasn’t heard about the developments. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight this article from MSNBC for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written May 8th, 2023, revised July 14th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


May 9th, 2023 Update, Which Also Discusses May 7th, 2023: National Teachers’ Day is today, May 9th, 2023, since National Teachers’ Day is yearly (annually) on the first Tuesday of the first full week of May!

Plus, National Teachers' Day is observed within National Teacher Appreciation Week, which this year is May 8th, 2023 through May 12th, 2023 due to the fact that National Teacher Appreciation Week is yearly (annually) during the first full school week of May.

And I received an email from National Today on May 7th, 2023, with the subject line, "Teacher Appreciation, Eating What You Want, Apple Pie. The Week Ahead", which stated, in part, the following:


We’re showing our appreciation for educators, indulging our food cravings, and chewing on delicious apple pie facts this week. Created by Eleanor Roosevelt, National Teachers’ Day honors teachers and the important role they play in educating young minds. We invite you to carbo-load, satisfy your sweet tooth, and eat breakfast for dinner if you like on Eat What You Want Day, and sink your teeth into all there is to know about one of America’s most popular desserts on National Apple Pie Day. ...

... Tuesday 9 May

National Teachers’ Day

Everyone has had that favorite teacher that has helped inspire them.

Read more:

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, an introduction to which can be found below:


[Observed in the] U.S.

National Teachers’ Day is observed on the first Tuesday of the first full week of May (May 9) and we’re more than ready to show our appreciation to those who have taught us. Everyone has had that favorite teacher that has helped inspire them. This day meant to honor them was actually made by a teacher. None other than First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt herself. Eleanor Roosevelt was more than Franklin D. Roosevelt’s wife, she has a history of civic duty and was an advocate for fellow teachers. Her love for education began at a young age when she was privately tutored and encouraged by her aunt Anna “Barnie” Roosevelt. No matter how high she rose on the social ladder, she never forgot where she came from. There are plenty of education scholarships available if your favorite teacher has inspired you to become an educator.


Teachers, coaches, senseis, and mentors are celebrated on National Teachers Day on May 9.


In 1953, Eleanor Roosevelt stood up to Congress in hopes of convincing them that teachers needed a day to be recognized for all that they do. Until that point, the celebration of the day wasn’t clear. It’s believed that some schools in certain states were already observing the day, but there wasn’t a clear consensus and she wanted to make it official.

The National Education Association (NEA) in partnership with the Kansas State and Indiana State Boards of Education, lobbied Congress in order for the day to be recognized. Despite her best efforts, the first National Teachers’ Day didn’t become an official national day until 1980.

At its inception, National Teachers’ Day was celebrated on March 7 until 1984 when it was moved to May. Thanks to the assistance of the National PTA, it evolved into Teacher Appreciation Week, giving teachers more time to bask in appreciation. A year later, the NEA established that the first Tuesday of the week would be National Teacher Appreciation Day.

Today, the official national day celebrates teachers by gift-giving and the showering of accolades from students and parents alike. The hashtags #TeacherAppreciationDay and #NationalTeachersDay are used on social media to show teachers making a difference to the world at large. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the webpage:

–Paul Whiting (written May 9th, 2023, revised June 27th, 2023, revised August 7th, 2023, revised August 9th, 2023 and revised May 12th, 2024)


May 9th, 2023 Update—Continued: I received an email from Planned Parenthood Federation of America today, May 9th, 2023, with the subject line, "Send a thank you note to nurses", which stated the following:

Dear Paul,

It's National Nurses week!** Nurses care for patients like no one else — and not just when it comes to treatment. When we need a reassuring smile, a hand to hold, or just to know that someone is there with us, nurses are there. This week, we're saying “thank you” to all of the nurses who work so hard every day to care for their patients.

Nurses are the heart and soul of health care in this country — so let's show them the appreciation they deserve. Will you show your thanks by signing a card today? We'll deliver your note to Planned Parenthood health center staff in your area.***

Illustrations of stethoscopes, thermometers, pills, and band-aids are scattered on a bright yellow background. In the center it says 'Celebrating Nurses Today and Every Day' in navy blue letters.

Planned Parenthood health center nurses work so hard to ensure that people have access to the full range of reproductive health care — including cancer screenings, birth control, testing and treatment for STDs, and accurate sexual and reproductive health information.

Nurses protect the lives and health of millions of people, families, and communities daily by providing quality health care with skill, dedication, and with compassion.

Nurses are always there for their patients. The least we can do is show how much we appreciate them this week. Show your appreciation with a thank you today!

And thank YOU for staying with us,

[Name redacted], [Title redacted]
Planned Parenthood Federation of America

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:

Thank a Nurse

Show your appreciation for nurses. Send a thank you note to Planned Parenthood health center nurses today.

Nurses care for patients like no one else — not just when it comes to treatment, but when we need a reassuring smile, a hand to hold, or just to know that someone is there with us. To all of the nurses who dedicate their lives to caring for others, thank you.


THANK YOU for providing quality, supportive care to your community every single day.

THANK YOU for welcoming patients no matter who they are, who they love, what they need, or how much they can afford.

THANK YOU for putting the health and rights of patients ahead of politics.

Your compassion and commitment are needed now more than ever, and I am proud to stand with you. Thanks for always being there for the patients who rely on Planned Parenthood every day, no matter what.

Your Information:

First Name (Optional): Paul
Last Name (Optional): Whiting
Postal Code: [redacted]
Email: [redacted]
Mobile Phone (Optional): [redacted]

And, after I sent the thank you card above, I received a confirmation email today, May 9th, 2023, from Planned Parenthood Federation of America with the subject line, "Thank you! One more thing?", which stated the following:


Thank you for signing our card to thank nurses at Planned Parenthood health centers. Nurses are the heart and soul of health care in this country and deserve our endless gratitude and appreciation.

You can help make an even bigger difference by showing your support for Planned Parenthood and asking your friends and family to join you.

Share on Facebook

Share on Twitter

You can also help out by making a tax-deductible gift to Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Your support will help us stand strong in the face of continued attacks on reproductive health and rights, and support Planned Parenthood health centers in providing vital care like birth control, cancer screenings, abortion services and more.

Together we can make a difference in protecting reproductive health and rights — thanks for taking action and pitching in when it counts.

— Planned Parenthood

So, I selected the "Share on Twitter" option (by the way, I only have a Twitter account so I can read tweets which are included in some online articles that I read) in order for me to provide you, my readers, with the text and hyperlink below:

Show your appreciation for nurses by sending a thank you card today.

Plus, after I sent the thank you card above to the Planned Parenthood health center staff, I made a one-time donation to Planned Parenthood Federation of America to show my support for National Nurses Week, which "begins each year on May 6th and ends on May 12th." –Paul Whiting (written May 9th, 2023, revised May 17th, 2023, revised May 19th, 2023, revised May 23rd, 2023 and revised June 3rd, 2023)


**"National Nurses Week History" from ANA Enterprise (American Nurses Association, American Nurses Credentialing Center, American Nurses Foundation):

National Nurses Week begins each year on May 6th and ends on May 12th, Florence Nightingale's birthday. These permanent dates enhance planning and position National Nurses Week as an established recognition event. As of 1998, May 8 was designated as National Student Nurses Day, to be celebrated annually. And as of 2003, National School Nurse Day is celebrated on the Wednesday within National Nurses Week (May 6-12) each year.

The nursing profession has been supported and promoted by the American Nurses Association (ANA) since 1896. Each of ANA's state and territorial nurses associations promotes the nursing profession at the state and regional levels. Each conducts celebrations on these dates to recognize the contributions that nurses and nursing make to the community.

The ANA supports and encourages National Nurses Week recognition programs through the state and district nurses associations, other specialty nursing organizations, educational facilities, and independent health care companies and institutions.

A Brief History of National Nurses Week...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


May 9th, 2023 Update—Continued Further: I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles from one of their daily emails that I received today, May 9th, 2023, when I noticed a article titled, "The Extreme New Tactic in the Crusade to Ban Books." (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.) An introduction to the article can be found below:

"The Extreme New Tactic in the Crusade to Ban Books" from Time Magazine

By Summer Lopez | May 8, 2023

Not content to demand books be removed from classroom shelves, or to pass laws that restrict topics students can read about in school libraries or even discuss in classrooms, now the book banning movement is going after publishers, with legislation that would censor what books they can publish or distribute to public schools, with imprisonment and fines as possible punishment upon conviction in some cases. Today’s efforts to ban books in schools are already unparalleled in recent history, and over the past year, new laws have supercharged the movement; but legislation that directly targets publishers represents a novel attack on books in schools.

In Tennessee, a new law, just signed by Governor Bill Lee, makes it a felony for a book publisher, distributor, or seller to provide “obscene matter” to a public school serving any K-12 students. Those found to have violated the prohibition would face between one and six years in prison and a fine of at least $10,000.

In Texas, HB 900, which just passed the state’s House of Representatives, would require book vendors to give books with any reference to sex a rating of either “sexually explicit” or “sexually relevant.” Books rated “sexually explicit” could not be sold to schools, and those deemed “sexually relevant” would require parental approval for students to access.

And at the federal level, Rep. Cory Mills (R-FL) introduced H.R. 863 in February, which would “prohibit a publishing house from knowingly furnishing sexually explicit material to a school or an educational agency,” and ban the provision of federal funds to any school that obtains sexually explicit material or to any educational agency that distributes it.

Of course, book publishers and distributors aren’t putting pornography in schools. And it is already a federal crime to distribute obscene materials to minors, rendering these new bills unnecessary, if that were their goal. But these bills aren’t actually about obscene materials. They’re about giving book ban activists another way to advance their broad censorship crusade. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight this article from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written May 9th, 2023, revised May 27th, 2023, revised June 3rd, 2023, revised August 12th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


May 9th, 2023 Update—Continued Further Some More, Written On May 13th, 2023: Did you know that the second annual National Fentanyl Awareness Day is on May 9th, 2023?

Neither did I! That is, until I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles from one of their daily emails that I received today, May 13th, 2023, when I noticed a article titled, "What 3 Grieving Dads Want You to Know About America's Fentanyl Crisis." (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.) An overview of the article can be found below:

"What 3 Grieving Dads Want You to Know About America's Fentanyl Crisis" from Time Magazine

By Ed Ternan , Dean Jeske And George Gerchow | May 9, 2023

We’ve all seen and heard the headlines on this full-blown epidemic in our country, and we’ve heard cries from all sides of the political spectrum about who is to blame. But, as three grieving dads who lost their children from fentanyl poisoning, we know the truth about illicit fentanyl: it can affect each and every one of us when we least expect it. There is a massive education gap around this issue, and it is important to not only share our stories, but also to share the facts about fentanyl that can better inform all of us, especially the precious young people in all our lives.

In April 2021, Dean and his wife Indre lost their son Peter to this deadly epidemic. Peter was 22 years old, just five weeks from his college graduation, and had recently accepted a job offer in Denver. On a Monday evening, Peter stayed home to study rather than joining his friends to watch the NCAA basketball championship game. Late that evening, Peter took a single pill he believed was a “safe” prescription medication. In reality, Peter was poisoned by a fake pill made with fentanyl. With Peter as their inspiration, Dean and Indre have been speaking to young people to give them accurate information about this crisis and, hopefully, save lives.

On March 12, 2021, George lost his 17-year-old son, Xavier (X) to fentanyl poisoning. After a day of lifting weights and playing basketball, X was given half a pill that looked like Percocet but turned out to be 99% fentanyl and 1% cocaine. Fake street pills look exactly like legitimate prescription drugs, making it nearly impossible to tell what is actually poison. Since X’s passing, his family has made it their life’s mission to try to prevent anyone else from feeling this kind of pain, starting with their own community in Colorado.

Ed and his wife Mary lost their son Charlie to this crisis when he was poisoned by a fake pill made with fentanyl on May 14, 2020. A college senior like Peter, Charlie was waiting for a telephone job interview on that Thursday afternoon when he took the pill he was told was a Percocet. Charlie died quietly in his bed in a house full of roommates who assumed he was napping. He was 22. Ed and Mary formed the nonprofit Song for Charlie in his honor, and now devote their time to creating and distributing educational resources for families about the risks associated with drug use and self-medication in the age of fentanyl and other synthetics.

Often consumed unknowingly, illicit fentanyl is driving the recent increase in U.S. overdose deaths. It is being used to make fake prescription pills, “fentapills,” and is also found in common street drugs like cocaine, MDMA, and heroin. Fake pills have been found in all 50 states and are the main reason fentanyl-involved deaths are growing fastest with young people. We should all assume that any prescription pill we see online is fake, including Oxy, Percocet, Adderall, and Xanax, and we should install updated drug-education programs in our schools as part of a multipronged effort to reduce drug harms. ...

... On this National Fentanyl Awareness Day,* we tell our stories to raise awareness about this urgent national problem that isn’t a left, right, or center issue; it is a human issue. As regular citizens, we can’t stop these pills from being created, but we can do something absolutely critical to start to regain some control: we can commit to education and demand reduction, working together to ensure that young people have the knowledge and tools they need to keep themselves safe from drugs that could contain fentanyl.

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight this article from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

*National Fentanyl Awareness Day website:

Raising awareness about an urgent national problem: people are dying at alarming rates due to illicit fentanyl, a dangerous synthetic opioid. Get the facts and share them widely. Spread the word with us for our second annual activation on May 9, 2023. ...


We have a growing coalition of nonprofits, influencers, politicians, parents, educators, students, and others to share information on social media about this critical problem.


Please see the hyperlink below for the website:

**I became a National Fentanyl Awareness Day partner! And so, I received an email from National Fentanyl Awareness Day today, May 13th, 2023, with the subject line, "We have received your response for National Fentanyl Awareness Day: Become a Partner", which stated the following:

Thank you for your partnership!

Here is the link to utilize our partner toolkit, which includes sample graphics, caption copy, messaging guidelines and sample emails to spread the word!


What is your organization's name? Poet, Artist and Philosopher

Organization Type: Other

Organization Website:

Organization’s Point of Contact Name: Paul Whiting

Organization’s Point of Contact Email: [redacted]

As National Fentanyl Awareness Day partner, your organization agrees to:

[✓] Share information about the issue on social media

[✓] Inform staff, members and stakeholders about the Day

[✓] Be listed publicly (name, website URL) on the National Fentanyl Awareness Day website

Therefore, as a National Fentanyl Awareness Day partner, my goal is to "share information about the issue" with you, my readers, on my blogs! –Paul Whiting (written May 13th, 2023, revised May 15th, 2023, revised May 27th, 2023, revised May 31st, 2023, revised June 3rd, 2023, revised June 3rd, 2023, revised August 12th, 2023, revised September 23rd, 2023 and revised May 7th, 2024)


May 10th, 2023 Update: I think that Republicans are reading these 'updates' that I am writing on my blog post titled, "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was," which is on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog!

I am like the Tucker Carlson of Woke Socialist Blogging!

(Wait, maybe that's a bad comparison, because Tucker Carlson is bad: in fact, Tucker is now—apparently—even bad for Fox News!)

But I digress...

You see, I wrote an 'update' yesterday, May 9th, 2023, about "three different articles on various news websites, including, and" that I noticed when "I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google" yesterday.

And I almost didn't include the article from because I was concerned about it appearing to be a little too "Woke Socialist" and also because, according to Wikipedia, Al Jazeera English is:

" international 24-hour English-language news channel owned by the Al Jazeera Media Network, which is owned by the monarchy government of Qatar. It is the first English-language news channel to be headquartered in Western Asia."

Please see the hyperlink below for the webpage:

Also, from Al Jazeera's website, they state:

"News, analysis from the Middle East & worldwide, multimedia & interactives, opinions, documentaries, podcasts, long reads and broadcast schedule."

Please see the hyperlink below for the website:

(By the way, I subscribe to the Al Jazeera English channel on YouTube—along with FRANCE 24, PBS NewsHour, The Real News Network, Rebel HQ, WatchlistTYT and TYT Investigates—since Al Jazeera posts a lot of international news videos that I don't usually get from my news searches on Google under the topic of "World News.")

Anyway, the article in question is titled "Opinion: Republicans are pushing American democracy to its breaking point," as I described in my "May 9th, 2023 Update—Continued Further Some More, Written From May 9th, 2023 To May 10th, 2023," which can be seen above.

So, after I posted said 'update,' all of a sudden today, May 10th, 2023, I start getting all of these emails and text messages from different organizations that are regarding topics such as "Stop Republicans from gaining the Senate majority," and "LIFE-CHANGING SOCIAL SECURITY NEWS" (the reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS and I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI), as well as "The New York Times just revealed that 119 members of the 'chaotic' Republican House Majority voted to OVERTURN the 2020 election."

Coincidence? I don't think so!

It's as if I am being inundated with scare tactic messages from alleged anti-Republican organizations who—to me—look like they are actually "DINO" (Democrat in Name Only) organizations.

At least, that's my theory!

So, now that I have the Republicans' attention, I would humbly like to request the following from Kevin McCarthy, Speaker of the House of Representatives:

Dearest Speaker McCarthy,

Will you please vote for a clean, no-strings-attached debt ceiling raise in order to pay for the funding of the United States federal government that as already been authorized by Congress in the previous budget(s)?

And would you please take the threat of default off the table, just like your colleagues House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, did in the meeting at the White House on May 9th, 2023?

And would you then negotiate the budget, in good faith, during the upcoming budget negotiations, which is the appropriate time to demand budget cuts that can be agreed upon by both the House and Senate, as well as signed by the President of the United States into law?

And, finally, would you please also consider no longer taking hostage the full faith and credit of the United States government, so that you can demand the debt ceiling raise be the ransom to be paid for said hostage?

Thank you, Mr. Speaker, for considering these humble requests!

As a "Woke Socialist Blogger" of the United States of America, I truly look forward to you, House Minority Leader Jeffries, Senate Majority Leader Schumer, Senate Minority Leader McConnell, and President Biden, all reaching an agreement to raise the debt ceiling in order to fund the spending that was already approved by Congress.

Thank you for your valuable time and thoughful consideration in this matter.

–Paul Whiting (written May 10th, 2023, revised May 25th, 2023 and revised October 13th, 2023)


May 10th, 2023 Update—Continued: I received an email from the American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon (ACLU of Oregon) today, May 10th, 2023, with the subject line, "Join us for a rally in Salem tomorrow at 5 p.m.", which stated the following:

Paul –

We urgently need your support and advocacy.

Multiple senators have failed to show up to do their jobs as legislators – for over a week now – and the Oregon Senate has been brought to a halt.

These legislators are absent because they do not have the votes to stop HB 2002, a bill that protects and expands abortion and transgender healthcare access across our state and SJR 33, a bill that would make clear that the Oregon Constitution prohibits government discrimination on the basis of sex, gender, gender identity, and sexual orientation, which include rights and freedoms to abortion, gender-affirming care, and marriage equality.

With partner organizations, The ACLU of Oregon is planning a rally at the Salem Capitol tomorrow, Thursday, May 11, 5 p.m. ...

... When lawmakers refuse to do their job, they are failing constituents, families, patients, workers, and all Oregonians. They're holding captive not only the right to access abortion care, transgender healthcare, and to marry who we love, but many other bills that Oregonians also strongly favor, which supports stable housing, accessible healthcare, our rural economies, protection from drought and wildfires exacerbated by the climate crisis, behavioral health support, and more.

Tell legislators to stop playing games with our rights and get back to work.

In partnership,

ACLU of Oregon Team

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below (by the way, I only included portions of this webpage that were relevant to "HB 2002 — Reproductive Health and Access to Care"):


Our state's path towards racial justice, civil rights and civil liberties will be shaped in Oregon's 2023 legislative session — from January 17 to June 25, 2023. ...

... HB 2002 — Reproductive Health and Access to Care

No one should be forced to carry a pregnancy against their will and face the life-altering consequences of being denied essential health care.

While Oregon has broad legal protections of abortion and gender-affirming care, we have more work to do to ensure safe, equitable, and continuing protections and access across our state. Our rights are under attack and we must fight back — together. ...


Then, after I read the ACLU of Oregon webpage above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:

The time to fight for our rights is right now.

Together, the Reproductive Health & Access to Care Bill (HB 2002) and the Equal Rights for All Constitutional Ballot Referral (SJR 33) will move Oregon forward by working to protect, strengthen, and expand equitable access to reproductive and gender-affirming health care and enshrining our rights and freedoms in Oregon’s constitution.

Support HB 2002 & SJR 33: Reproductive & Gender Justice

First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Preferred Language (Optional): English
Street Address: [redacted]
Postal Code: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Email: [redacted]
Mobile Phone (Optional): [redacted]

Learn More: Reproductive Health & Access to Care (HB 2002)

In Oregon, we believe that everyone should have the freedom to make their own health care decisions and access the care they need to survive and thrive. For years, our state has led the nation in protecting and expanding access to the full spectrum of sexual, reproductive, and gender affirming care. Despite our progress, significant barriers to the full spectrum of care still exist in our state for many communities including: low-income Oregonians, those living outside of the I-5 corridor, women, LGBTQ2SIA+ individuals, Black, Indigenous, People of Color, immigrants, and people with disabilities.

With the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade, we lost legal protections for abortion. Since then, states are moving aggressively to ban abortion and criminalize providers. And the same extremists who want to ban abortion and criminalize care are also waging attacks on LGBTQ2SIA+ people. More than 300 bills attacking trans and queer rights have been introduced, and already several bills banning and restricting transgender health care have passed this year alone.

As states across the nation ramp up assaults on our lives and freedom, we know we must keep showing up and organizing to protect our rights.

With HB 2002, Oregon can be a leader — by protecting and expanding access to reproductive and transgender health care we can…

[✓] Protect providers and health centers' ability to deliver care to all patients who seek gender-affirming and reproductive health care in Oregon.

[✓] Expand access to gender-affirming, reproductive, and sexual health care for rural Oregonians, low-income folks, students, and all those in our community who experience barriers to care.

[✓] Ensure fundamental rights to the full spectrum of reproductive healthcare, so that no one can ever be criminalized for their reproductive health decisions or pregnancy outcomes.

Together, we’re creating a future where every person belongs, has the power to determine their own future, and has access to the care they need.

Tell lawmakers to support these bills ⬇️

Support HB 2002 & SJR 33: Reproductive & Gender Justice

Message Recipients

1. [Name redacted] Representative
2. [Name redacted] Rep.
3. [Name redacted] Representative
4. [Name redacted] (Title Unknown)
5. [Name redacted] Rep.
6. [Name redacted] Senator
7. [Name redacted] State Representative
8. [Name redacted] Representative
9. [Name redacted] Senator
10. [Name redacted] Representative
11. [Name redacted] Senator
12. [Name redacted] Senator
13. [Name redacted] Representative
14. [Name redacted] Senator
15. [Name redacted] (Title Unknown)
16. [Name redacted] Representative
17. [Name redacted] Representative
18. [Name redacted] Representative
19. [Name redacted] Rep.
20. [Name redacted] Senator
21. [Name redacted] State Representative
22. [Name redacted] Representative
23. [Name redacted] Representative
24. [Name redacted] Senator
25. [Name redacted] Representative
26. [Name redacted] Representative
27. [Name redacted] Representative
28. [Name redacted] Representative
29. [Name redacted] Rep.
30. [Name redacted] Representative
31. [Name redacted] Rep.
32. [Name redacted] (Title Unknown)
33. [Name redacted] Representative
34. [Name redacted] Senator
35. [Name redacted] Rep.
36. [Name redacted] Rep.
37. [Name redacted] Senator
38. [Name redacted] Representative
39. [Name redacted] State Representative
40. [Name redacted] Rep.
41. [Name redacted] Representative
42. [Name redacted] Senator
43. [Name redacted] Rep.
44. [Name redacted] Senator
45. [Name redacted] Senator
46. [Name redacted] Rep.
47. [Name redacted] Rep.
48. [Name redacted] Senator
49. [Name redacted] Representative
50. [Name redacted] Senator

Send the following message:

Subject: Please support HB 2002 & SJR 33

Dear [elected official],

As a supporter of the Fair Shot for All agenda, I am writing to urge you to strongly support the Equal Rights for All ballot measure referral SJR 33 and Reproductive Health Access to Care HB 2002, which would affirm Oregon’s value of ensuring fundamental rights and freedoms to access healthcare and control our own bodies, lives, and futures without undue political interference.

Since the overturning of Roe v. Wade, we have seen states move aggressively to ban abortion, interfere in personal decisions, put in place discriminatory policies, and wage attacks on our LGBTQ2SIA+ people. In Oregon, we believe everyone should have access to the care they need and deserve to live in a world free from discrimination.

The Equal Rights for All ballot constitutional amendment referral will give Oregonians the opportunity to protect our rights and decades of hard-won freedoms. The amendment will enshrine our core values in the Oregon constitution and ensure that we can make deeply personal decisions free from government interference, including the right to abortion, contraception, and same-gender marriage.

As Oregonians, we can all agree that every person deserves to make their own decisions about our bodies and our medical care. HB 2002 will help us achieve this by protecting the right to abortion and gender-affirming care in statute, and making care accessible to all Oregonians.

The Equal Rights for All ballot measure referral and HB 2002 will continue strengthening our protection as a state and continue Oregon’s leadership in protecting our fundamental rights. Please vote YES on SJR 33 and HB 2002.

Paul Whiting
[Address redacted]
[Email redacted]

Then, after I submitted the email above to the State of Oregon Reps., Representatives, and State Representatives [which I assume are the same], as well as the State of Oregon Senators, via the Fair Shot for All website, I made a one-time donation to Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon in order to show my support for "the Equal Rights for All ballot measure referral SJR 33 and Reproductive Health Access to Care HB 2002, which would affirm Oregon’s value of ensuring fundamental rights and freedoms to access healthcare and control our own bodies, lives, and futures without undue political interference." –Paul Whiting (written May 10th, 2023 and revised June 3rd, 2023)


May 11th, 2023 Update, Which Also Discusses May 10th, 2023: I received a mailer from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) later in the evening yesterday, May 10th, 2023, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "Kevin McCarthy and Republicans are a Threat to Your Social Security and Medicare," which stated the following (by the way, I hand-typed the text below on my smartphone from the mailer's letter):

Dear Paul/Dear Fellow Democrat,*

They're at it again. Speaker McCarthy and extreme MAGA Republicans are taking direct aim at Social Security and Medicare. Just like former Speaker Paul Ryan and President Donald Trump before them.

House Republicans have said they would gut Social Security and Medicare for years, and they are now rallying to make their dreams a reality. Their eagerness to strip Americans of their hard-earned benefits is not just unpopular, but it sends a clear message to voters that Republicans will not stand up for everyday families.

Speaker McCarthy and the MAGA crowd are plotting to leverage must-pass bills to gut Social Security and Medicare. While plans range from raising the Social Security eligibility age, privatizing Social Security, flat cuts to Medicare, and gutting Social Security programs altogether, one thing is certain: Republicans are coming for seniors earned benefits.

They'll lie and dissemble because their agenda is enormously unpopular — even among Republican voters.

They're trying to destroy Social Security and Medicare by holding America hostage. They're threatening to make the U.S. government default on its debt — blowing up the economy and obliterating Americans' retirement accounts — unless they get their ransom on Social Security and Medicare.

House Democrats are the firewall against this insanity. They will stand up and fight back against extremist schemes. Just as they did in decades past, House Democrats are demanding that America uphold the sacred obligation of Social Security and Medicare for all seniors and people with disabilities.

But to do that and so much more for our families, we need you to help as we retake the House Majority. You can help us do that by taking two actions today:

1) Rush a generous contribution to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) today. Your early support will help fund the early organizing work critical to taking back the House.

2) Please complete your enclosed DCCC Ballot to Save Social Security and Medicare and return it today. Let Democratic leaders know protecting Social Security and Medicare is your priority in 2024.

Your support will help us hold MAGA Republicans accountable for the harm their extremist policies and reckless tactics would inflict on everyday Americans — not just seniors, but all of us who are counting on receiving our full Social Security and Medicare benefits in the future. And we'll hold them accountable by taking back the House Majority.

Your contribution to the DCCC will help ensure that we can protect and elect House Democrats in 2024.

Republicans only hold a five seat majority. And there are 18 Republicans in districts President Biden won in 2020. We must defeat everyone of them.

So please fill out your DCCC Ballot to Save Social Security and Medicare today and rush a generous contribution to the DCCC. The work to hold extreme MAGA Republicans accountable and take back a House Democratic Majority begins today.


[Name redacted]
DCCC [Title redacted]

P.S. Please be sure to complete your ballot and return it by the tabulation deadline, so your opinion can be considered by Democratic Party leaders. And please continue your support of the DCCC today. Thank you.

*By the way, I actually received 2 of these mailers, since the DCCC has me in their system twice! And I called them about this at the end of March 2023 in order to let them know about a duplicate listing in their system of my name with two middle initials; however it will probably take some time for them to correct that duplicate, since I called them a couple of months ago. That is why I wrote the salutation as "Dear Paul/Dear Fellow Democrat," because the duplicate mailer, with double middle initials for my name, addresses the letter's recipient as "Dear Paul" and the regular mailer, with one middle initial for my name, addresses the letter's recipient as "Dear Fellow Democrat."

Plus, I decided to include my responses for the DCCC Ballot to Save Social Security and Medicare, which can be seen below:

DCCC Ballot to Save Social Security and Medicare

Complete, Sign and Return your Ballot by June 7, 2023

Paul [Middle Initial] Whiting
[Apt. No. redacted]
[Street Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

INSTRUCTIONS: Please cast your vote by answering the questions on your personal DCCC Ballot to Save Social Security and Medicare below. Please validate your ballot by signing and dating it where indicated. Thank you.


YES, you can count on me to stand with the DCCC against Kevin McCarthy and the MAGA Republicans' plans to slash Social Security and Medicare by taking the following steps:

[✓] Completing my personal DCCC Ballot to Save Social Security and Medicare to help shape Democratic campaign priorities. Please share my answers with Democratic Party Leaders.

[✓] Rushing my contribution to the DCCC today to help Democrats take back the House and hold Republicans accountable at the ballot box. My contribution to the DCCC is enclosed for:

[  ] $55   [  ] $85   [  ] $110   [✓] Other $10.00

"I made a $10 contribution online today, May 11th, 2023 via ActBlue."


Ballot Question #1: Speaker Kevin McCarthy and extreme MAGA Republicans want to cut funding for Social Security and Medicare. Do you support this?

[  ] Yes   [✓] No   [  ] Unsure

Ballot Question #2: Speaker McCarthy and MAGA Republicans are trying to hold the debt ceiling hostage to force their Social Security and Medicare cuts through. This would make the U.S. default on its debt for the first time in history, sending the economy into a deep recession and decimating Americans' retirement accounts. How should Democrats respond to these tactics?

[✓] Refuse to negotiate with hostage takers and fiercely defend Social Security and Medicare.

[  ] Negotiate and compromise.

[  ] Unsure.

Ballot Question #3: How do you feel about these MAGA Republican proposals:

A) Raise Social Security and Medicare retirement ages?
[  ] Support   [✓] Oppose   [  ] Unsure

B) Privatize Social Security and Medicare?
[  ] Support   [✓] Oppose   [  ] Unsure

C) Reduce Social Security payments?
[  ] Support   [✓] Oppose   [  ] Unsure

D) Sunset Social Security and Medicare by putting them on a clock for elimination unless reauthorized every five years?
[  ] Support   [✓] Oppose   [  ] Unsure

Survey Validation: Please sign and date below to verify your willingness to participate in the Official Democratic Survey.

Signature Paul Whiting Date 05/11/23

So, I completed the DCCC Ballot to Save Social Security and Medicare survey, which I am planning to mail early next week. And I also made a one-time donation to the DCCC in order to show my support for "House Democrats [who] are the firewall against this insanity [of] "Speaker McCarthy and the MAGA crowd ... plotting to leverage must-pass bills to gut Social Security and Medicare," because "they're threatening to make the U.S. government default on its debt ... unless they get their ransom on Social Security and Medicare." However, "[House Democrats] will stand up and fight back against extremist schemes. Just as they did in decades past, House Democrats are demanding that America uphold the sacred obligation of Social Security and Medicare for all seniors and people with disabilities." –Paul Whiting (written May 11th, 2023, revised May 12th, 2023, revised May 13th, 2023 and revised May 18th, 2023)


P.S.: The following is my email letter to the DCCC regarding having "received a second, duplicate mailer for the 'DCCC Ballot to Save Social Security and Medicare' with my name listed as having TWO middle initials, instead of ONE middle initial":

To Whom It May Concern,

My name is Paul Whiting and I am a monthly donor to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) and I also donate one-time contrubutions on occasion.

And I am writing to you today, May 11th, 2023, to let you know that you have me in your system TWICE under two different editions of my name.

So, I called the contribution hotline at 1-877-433-6388 on March 31st, 2023 in order to report this issue, for the first time, which was in response to your "Majority Makers Membership Card" campaign mailer.

[Please see my 'March 31st, 2023 Update.']

Now, I am writing to you in response to your "Kevin McCarthy and Republicans are a Threat to Your Social Security and Medicare" campaign mailer, which I donated to today, May 11th, 2023, via ActBlue in the amount of $10.00 (Order Number: [redacted]).

(By the way, I did fill out the "DCCC Ballot to Save Social Security and Medicare" today on the edition of the ballot where my name was listed correctly, which I am planning to mail early next week.)

Thus, I received a second, duplicate mailer for the "DCCC Ballot to Save Social Security and Medicare" with my name listed as having TWO middle initials, instead of ONE middle initial, as follows:

Paul [Two Middle Initials] Whiting
[Apt. No. redacted]
[Street address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

Therefore, to clarify, I DO NOT have two middle initials: I only have one middle initial. And that is why I am writing to you today as a follow-up to my phone call on March 31st to the DCCC on the contribution hotline.

By the way, the representative to whom I spoke said that she would request to have the duplicate listing with the "[Two Middle Initials]" as the middle initial removed. And I realize that organizations such as the DCCC will often times preprint your mailers in advance...

...However, I am just making sure that I am following up on this issue for as long as it takes to get it resolved, since I am concerned about the duplicate mailers that I am receiving, which have a negative impact on the environment.

Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter.

Yours very truly,

Paul [Middle Initial] Whiting
[Apt. No. redacted]
[Street Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

Plus, after I sent the email letter regarding the duplicate mailer, I made a one-time donation to the DCCC, in addition to the donation above!


May 11th, 2023 Update—Continued: I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles from one of their daily emails that I received today, May 11th, 2023, when I noticed a article titled, "How the Biden Administration Plans to Deal With the Looming Border Crisis." (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.) An introduction to the article can be found below:

"How the Biden Administration Plans to Deal With the Looming Border Crisis" from Time Magazine

By W.J. Hennigan | May 10, 2023

Anticipating a border surge when Title 42 lifts on Thursday, the Biden Administration announced several enforcement and diplomatic measures aimed at stemming the flow of migrants unlawfully crossing the U.S.-Mexico border.

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said Wednesday that the Administration is bracing for increases in unauthorized border crossings, which are already at record levels, once the pandemic restrictions end on May 11 at 11:59 p.m. ET. The Trump-era authorities prevented migrants from requesting asylum and allowed U.S. border agents to quickly expel migrants for public-health reasons.

With the end of Title 42 looming, Mayorkas described the vexing and potentially destabilizing challenges the nation faces in the mounting crisis. Crowds of migrants have gathered in Mexico in recent days as border cities—and places as far afield as Chicago and New York—have declared states of emergency in response to the thousands of migrants arriving without food and shelter. “This places an incredible strain on our personnel, our facilities and our communities with whom we partner closely,” Mayorkas told reporters at DHS headquarters. “Our plan will deliver results, but it will take time for those results to be fully realized.”

The Administration’s plan hinges on boosting the federal law-enforcement presence along the border, reinforcing penalties for those who cross illegally, and enhancing collaboration with international partners. Mayorkas acknowledged these are short-term fixes that will not deliver lasting results and called upon Congress to deliver new legislation. “Our immigration laws today are outdated,” he said. “The solutions we are implementing are the best available within our current legal authority. But they are short-term solutions to a decades-old problem.”

DHS is adding more than 24,000 law-enforcement personnel and 1,100 new Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) processing coordinators, which is double the number from last year. About 1,500 active-duty troops have been called to the border to assist CBP in an administrative capacity. The first 550 service members arrived Tuesday near El Paso, Texas, to perform support duties like data entry and warehouse work that’s intended to free up CBP agents to detain and process migrants. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight this article from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written May 9th, 2023, revised May 27th, 2023, revised June 3rd, 2023, revised August 12th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


For my "May 11th, 2023 Update—Continued Further"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

May 11th, 2023 Update—Continued Further: I received a text message today, May 11th, 2023, from the USO (United Service Organizations), which stated the following:

What're you waiting for?! Our troops are counting on your support, so please, take advantage of this exclusive match opportunity before it's too late! Rush $29 now (or $52 for two!) - while all gifts are doubled - to get your exclusive 2023 USO T-shirt! >>***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, I made a one-time donation on the website in order to support the USO's statement regarding the exclusive match opportunity:

"By donating $29 for one limited edition USO T-shirt or $52 for two, you can show your proud military support and stand united in service with our brave troops. Every donation toward a T-shirt will be doubled by Wonder® and Tastykake® and helps support critical programs for our service members — including care packages, calls home and bedtime stories with their kids. This is a limited time offer, so please donate now to have your gift doubled and get your USO T-shirts before they’re gone." ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "May 11th, 2023 Update—Continued Further":


May 12th, 2023 Update: I received an email from CREDO Mobile (which is my cell phone company) today, May 12th, 2023, with the subject line, "Take the Survey: Are you a socially responsible consumer?", which stated, in part, the following:

Dear Paul,

When we were founded nearly 40 years ago, not too many companies were in business to make the world a better place.

[Illustration graphic for the survey below of a scale with money on one side and the love of planet Earth on the other side:]

Along with a few other forward-thinking companies, CREDO helped pioneer the idea of social responsibility by donating a portion of our revenue to organizations making positive change.

Today, countless consumers purchase from "socially responsible" companies — but what does that really mean and do you consider yourself socially responsible?

Will you take a couple minutes to fill out our quick survey about what it means to be a socially responsible company and consumer? Your answers will help us understand your needs and how we can continue to do better for our customers and the planet.

Take Survey:

Empower climate justice, economic justice, and women's rights just by paying your phone bill. ...

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:

When we were founded nearly 40 years ago, not too many companies were in business to make the world a better place — so CREDO helped pioneer the idea of "social responsibility" by donating a portion of our revenue to organizations making positive change.

Today, countless consumers purchase from "socially responsible" companies — but what does that really mean and do you consider yourself socially responsible?

Will you take a couple minutes to fill out our quick survey about what it means to be a socially responsible company and consumer?


Question 1 → Do you consider yourself a socially responsible consumer?

A) Yes

B) No

Question 2 → How likely are you to purchase goods and services from a socially responsible company?

A) Highly likely

B) Somewhat likely

C) Neither likely nor unlikely

D) Somewhat unlikely

E) Not at all likely

Question 3 → Which of the following do you consider actions of a socially responsible consumer?

Choose as many as you like:

A) Try to purchase from B-corporations

B) Reduce the number of things you purchase

C) Research company political donations on Open Secrets or similar sites

D) Reduce use of plastics or non-recyclable/non-reusable items

E) Shop local

F) Buy organic or fair trade

G) Buy union made

H) Socially responsible investing

I) Use Hybrid or electric car or no car at all [I walk everywhere I go!]

J) Eat vegetarian or vegan [I am vegan!]

K) Other: I am signed up for 100% renewable electricity with my power company Portland General Electric!

Question 4 → Please rank the most important aspects of a socially responsible company?

Drag and drop to rank options:

[My Choice No.] 1: Protects the environment

[My Choice No.] 2: Treats employees and suppliers well

[My Choice No.] 3: Has a diverse staff and management team

[My Choice No.] 4: Provides a high quality product or service

[My Choice No.] 5: Provides an inexpensive product or service

[My Choice No.] 6: Donates to progressive politicians

[My Choice No.] 7: Donates to progressive organizations working to make a better world

[My Choice No.] 8: Donates to charities that relieve suffering

Question 5 → Is it important for a company to take a stand on political issues?

A) Yes - it is very important

B) Yes - it is somewhat important

C) No - it is not very important

D) No - I do not consider political issues when I make purchases

Question 6 → Have you ever stopped using a product because of a political stance a company took?

A) Yes

B) No

Question 7 → You said that you stopped using a product because of a political stance taken by a company. Can you explain what happened?

Answer: I stopped utilizing AT&T as my cell phone company and I switched to CREDO Mobile!

Question 8 → Are you more or less likely to purchase a product or service from a company if that company helps employees obtain out-of-state abortions BUT the company also donated to anti-abortion causes, politicians and judges?

A) I would be more likely to purchase from this company

B) I would be less likely to purchase from this company

C) It would not matter to me

D) Other

Question 9 → How much more would you pay for a product or service from a socially responsible company - assuming all other things were the same?

A) I would not pay more for a product or service from a socially responsible company

B) I would pay 5-10% more for a product from a socially responsible company

C) I would pay 10-15% more for a product from a socially responsible company

D) I would pay more than 15% more for a product from a socially responsible company

E) If I had the option, I would always purchase from a socially responsible company, no matter how much more it cost

Question 10 → How likely are you to purchase from a smaller, socially responsible company – that you may not have as much experience with vs. a larger, national brand that is not socially responsible.

A) Much more likely

B) Somewhat more likely

C) About the same / it depends

D) Somewhat less likely

E) Much less likely

Question 11 → Do you ever research whether or not a company is socially responsible?

Y) Yes

N) No

Question 12 → How frequently do you purchase from Amazon?

A) All the time

B) Sometimes

C) Sometimes and I feel bad about it

D) Rarely

E) Never [I used to have an account, which I would use occasionally, but I recently deleted it, because of the way Jeff Bezos treats the workers at Amazon warehouses, amongst other issues.]

Question 13 → What types of products/services do you try to purchase from socially responsible companies?

Choose as many as you like:

A) Food

B) Clothing

C) Personal care items

D) Books

E) Cleaning products

F) Cars

G) Media

H) Utilities

I) Electronics/Tech

J) Other

Question 14 → What are some socially responsible companies you purchase products and services from?

Answer: I purchased from natural food cooperatives (Food Front Co-op, Alberta Co-op, and occasionally People's Food Co-op, which are all here in Portland, Oregon), Good Will (in Portland, Oregon), Portland General Electric (in Portland, Oregon), YouTube and CREDO Mobile!

Question 15 → Consider the following statement:

CREDO Mobile donates a portion of its revenue to progressive non-profits that empower climate justice, economic justice, and civil rights. CREDO has donated more than $94 million since 1985 to make the world a better place."

Does this make you more or less likely to switch your mobile service to CREDO Mobile?

A) More likely

B) Less likely

C) No change

D) I am already a CREDO customer [I stopped utilizing AT&T as my cell phone company and I switched to CREDO Mobile!]

Question 16 → What is your age?

A) Under 35

B) 35 - 44

C) 45 - 54

D) 55 - 64 [I am 56 years old!]

E) 65 - 74

F) 75+

G) Prefer not to state

Question 17 → Is there anything else you'd like to add? In particular, what does socially responsible mean to you?

Answer: The following is "How I Use 'Conscious Consumerism' To Live With Respect To The Planet Upon Which I Live," which is from my blog post "My Point Of View On...Global Warming" that is located on my "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blog (please see the hyperlink below for the blog):

"How I Use 'Conscious Consumerism' To Live With Respect To The Planet Upon Which I Live"

My Point Of View No. 1: I only eat plant-based foods, which means that I'm vegan. I also try to buy minimally processed natural foods, as well as organically grown, fair trade, rain-forest safe, and non-GMO products. Also, I try to buy local products as much as possible.

My Point Of View No. 2: I try to buy 100% recycled paper products, including toilet paper, facial tissues and paper towels.

My Point Of View No. 3: I try to buy natural personal care products, such a oral hygiene products, as well as organic shampoo and conditioner, organic soaps and natural cleaning products, wherever possible.

My Point Of View No. 4: I buy 100% clean electricity for my apartment and rechargeable batteries for my devices that can use rechargeable batteries.

My Point Of View No. 5: I travel by walking — which is exercise for me — although, that limits to how far I can travel by walking.

My Point Of View No. 6: I keep up with politics in order to stay more informed as a voter. And I make sure that I vote in every election, including "special elections."

My Point Of View No. 7: I also keep up with the news in order to stay more informed as a citizen. And I subscribe to news organizations that I can afford given my budget.

My Point Of View No. 8: I budget very carefully, so that I know where every penny is going. And I track what I save when I spend money, such as store discounts and coupons, as well as other discounts, so that I can spend that money on other things.

(I explain more about my budget in the YouTube video:

My Point Of View No. 9: And the mobile phone company that I'm with, CREDO Mobile, is also very environmentally conscientious and socially conscientious. Plus, they make regular donations to different organizations that are trying to do good in the world.

My Point Of View No. 10: And, so, this is how I am doing my part to try and reduce the affects of global warming!

-Paul Whiting (a.k.a., A Creative Writer) "I maybe say too much about how life really is!"

Question 18 → Please provide your email address and we will share the results of the survey with you.

You will receive periodic newsletters and special offers.

Email address: [redacted]


Thus, I decided to write this 'update' in order to share my survey answers with you, my readers, and to also invite you to take this survey too! By the way, I have been with CREDO Mobile since 2013, so it will be my tenth anniversary this September. –Paul Whiting (written May 14th, 2023, revised May 26th, 2023 and revised June 3rd, 2023)
May 12th, 2023 Update (Follow-Up, Written On May 26th, 2023): I received an email from CREDO Mobile (which is my cell phone company) today, May 26th, 2023, with the subject line, "The results are in: Are you a socially responsible consumer?", which stated, in part, the following—and which also included an untitled infographic (by the way, I hand-typed the text of the infographic below on my smartphone):

The results are in: Are you a socially responsible consumer?

A few weeks ago, we polled CREDO members on their consumer habits, particularly regarding what it means to be a socially responsible consumer and how a company's political stances influence purchasing decisions.

The results were eye-opening and incredibly interesting — especially in light of recent news that companies like Target have unfortunately capitulated to right-wing threats against the LGBTQ community leading up to Pride celebrations. (Quick reminder: Support for the LGBTQ+ community is a core value of CREDO and we will never waiver in our support for equal rights.)

Have a look at the results in this infographic below — then, please feel free to help expand on the 96% of our socially-responsible members and consider adding a line to your CREDO service!


96% of CREDO members consider themselves socially responsible consumers.

97% of CREDO members were at least somewhat likely to purchase from a socially responsible company.

What do CREDO members feel are the most important aspects of being a socially responsible company?

77%: Care for the environment;
68%: Treating employees well;
44%: Diverse management team;
10%: Providing an inexpensive product or service;
47% of CREDO members had 'Protecting the environment' as the most important aspect of a socially responsible company.

CREDO members care about a company's political stances:

91% of CREDO members say that it's important for a company to take a stand on political issues.

71% of CREDO members would be less likely to purchase from a company that donated anti-choice politicians, even if the company helped its employees travel to get an abortion.

92% of CREDO members would pay more to purchase from a socially responsible company.

What are CREDO members doing to try to be socially responsible consumers?

Reduce the use of plastics or non-recyclable materials: 91%
Shop local: 85%
Buy organic or fair trade: 79%
Reduce the number of things you buy: 75%
Buy Union made items: 61%
Eat vegetarian or vegan: 42%
Try to purchase from B-corporations: 27%


Thus, I decided to write this 'update' in order to share the answers of other CREDO members from the survey that I took on May 12th, 2023, with you, my readers! (Please see my 'May 12th, 2023 Update' above for the survey.) By the way, I have been with CREDO Mobile since 2013, so it will be my tenth anniversary this September. –Paul Whiting (written May 26th, 2023, revised May 27th, 2023 and revised June 3rd, 2023)


May 12th, 2023 Update—Continued: I received a text message today, May 12th, 2023, from the National Democratic Training Committee (NDTC), which stated the following:

The GOP just passed a bill that would cut Social Security funding by 23%.

Do you approve of the GOP's Social Security Cuts?


We need your response by 11:59, click your answer above!

National Democratic Training Committee

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:


Do you approve of GOP cuts to Social Security?


Email Address: [redacted]



Do you or someone you know benefit from Social Security? [The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS and I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI.]


Would you or someone you know be disadvantaged by massive cuts to Social Security?


Do you think it’s WRONG that Republicans want to cut Social Security benefits that seniors have paid into their entire lives?


Do you APPROVE of the Biden Administration’s HISTORIC increase in Social Security payments?


Do you support Democrats' plan to ELIMINATE taxes on Social Security benefits? [Although, I answered "YES" on this question, I don't necessarily disagree with the benefits being taxed because—from what I understand—the amount deducted from employees' checks to pay Social Security deductions are pretax and, thus, that is probably why Social Security benefits are taxed once they are paid, since they are considered taxable income!]


Experts estimate that without Social Security payments, 37.8% recipients could fall below the poverty line and into financial ruin.

Do you believe Democrats should PROTECT this vital program from Republican attacks at all costs?


Republicans are currently threatening to defund Social Security through the debt ceiling process.

How important is it to you personally that Social Security benefits be protected?

(5) Extremely important
(4) Very important
(3) Somewhat important
(2) Not very important
(1) Not important at all

Millions of Americans depend on Social Security to get by. Would you make a small sacrifice today if you knew it would help protect the future of Social Security?


[YOU’RE ALMOST DONE] We’re asking for a small contribution today to elect more Democrats and END Kevin McCarthy’s Majority. Here’s why:

[1] Republicans want to raise the retirement age and defund Social Security -- threatening millions of vulnerable seniors.

[2] The National Democratic Training Committee spent and won BIG in 2022 -- which means we can WIN in 2024, but that work starts NOW.

[3] We need [12] more donations in the next hour to stay on track and hit our strict midnight goal. This work is expensive, and every dollar counts!!

With 2024 looming, we’re leaving NOTHING to chance. So we’re pleading: Will you dig deep and chip in to SAVE Social Security and END McCarthy’s Majority?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:


And, after I took the poll, I made a one-time donation to the National Democratic Training Committee (NDTC) in order show my support for the "Democrats ... PROTECT[ING] this vital program from Republican attacks at all costs," because "Republicans are currently threatening to defund Social Security through the debt ceiling process." –Paul Whiting (written May 12th, 2023, revised May 13th, 2023, revised June 2nd, 2023 and revised January 7th, 2024)


May 13th, 2023 Update: Today, May 13th, 2023, is the "Mother's Day of Action" by Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America! And I received several emails from Moms Demand Action over the last few days, outlining this "Mother's Day of Action as we call on Congress to reinstate the bipartisan assault weapons ban NOW."

So, I have listed the emails in chronological order by the date in which they were received.

The first email that I received from Moms Demand Action was on May 6th, 2023, with the subject line, "We're demanding an assault weapons ban NOW. Join us for a Mother's Day of Action: On Saturday May 13, we're rallying to demand Congress reinstate the bipartisan assault weapons ban.", which stated the following:


This Mother's Day Weekend, we're asking for what we all want: For our kids to come home safe and for our families not to be ripped apart by gun violence.

Join us Saturday, May 13 for a Mother's Day of Action as we call on Congress to reinstate the bipartisan assault weapons ban NOW. Find an event near you.


As a mother of four, inaction on this crisis leaves me terrified for my children. Gun violence continues to kill 120 people every day, and there have already been more than 180 mass shootings this year. In several of them, an assault weapon was used to kill children while at school, to attack people in acts fueled by hate and bigotry, and to retaliate at former workplaces.

The good news is that we already know that banning assault weapons works. In 1994, after Congress banned assault weapons with bipartisan support, rates of gun violence and mass shootings began to go down. But in 2004, the gun lobby prevented Congress from renewing the ban. That inaction has helped make this crisis as utterly devastating as it has become. We're not going to let the gun lobby win. Banning assault weapons worked before. It can work again now.

And as Moms Demand Action's first ever Executive Director, I know from experience that we can get the job done.

Last summer, we got Congress to pass a major gun safety law for the first time in a generation, the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. That victory followed a decade of progress in statehouses across the country where Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action volunteers not only helped pass hundreds of good gun safety laws, but also blocked 90 percent of bills backed by the gun lobby.

This Mother's Day Weekend, we're asking our lawmakers to save lives—and we're going to make our voices heard in every single congressional district across the country.

Join us on Saturday, May 13 for a Mother's Day of Action, as we call on Congress to reinstate the bipartisan assault weapons ban NOW: Find an event near you.

Banning assault weapons will not end this crisis altogether, but with your support, we can make sure our country takes this huge step toward a future free from gun violence.

Thank you for being a part of this movement. I can't wait to see you on Mother's Day Weekend.

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
Moms Demand Action

The second email that I received from Moms Demand Action was on May 7th, 2023, with the subject line, "Allen, Texas", which stated the following:


Yesterday, we emailed you about our upcoming Day of Action to demand a reinstatement of the bipartisan assault weapons ban.

Later yesterday, in Allen, Texas, a man walked into an outlet mall and used an assault weapon to shoot and kill at least eight people, leaving at least another seven people wounded.

We should be able to send our kids shopping, or to school, or to the movies, or a friend's house, without fear that they might not return home. Instead, we're stuck in an endless cycle of gun violence devastating our communities and families, all while our lawmakers do little to prevent it.

Mass shootings are not acts of nature—they are preventable tragedies caused by lawmakers' inaction and the gun industry's greed. We shouldn't have to live like this.

Join us at a rally near you on Saturday, May 13 to demand our lawmakers do something about this crisis by reinstating the bipartisan assault weapons ban.

Thank you for being in this fight,

Moms Demand Action

The third email that I received from Moms Demand Action—and from Everytown for Gun Safety—was on May 10th, 2023, with the subject line, "We are fed up.", which stated the following:


Every day more people are killed or wounded by guns. Our kids are being traumatized. Yet gun lobby-backed lawmakers are turning their backs on us. We've had it.

We are fed up and we will not accept the status quo. That's why, we are launching a Mother's Day of Action this weekend with events across the country calling on Congress to reinstate the assault weapons ban.

Everytown and Moms Demand Action are organizing our communities and showing up in statehouses across the country to demand life-saving action—and we rely on your grassroots support to keep going. Donate today to help us fight for a future free from gun violence >>***

Thank you for being with us,

Everytown and Moms Demand Action

P.S. We just added more events across the country for our Mother's Day of Action this Saturday! Sign up to attend an event near you >>***

The fourth email that I received from Moms Demand Action was on May 12th, 2023, with the subject line, "We're rallying TOMORROW. Find an event near you: We're rallying to demand Congress reinstate the bipartisan assault weapons ban.", which stated the following:


We've had enough. We're not going to let the gun lobby win. Banning assault weapons worked before. It can work again now.

We're rallying in communities across the country TOMORROW, Saturday, May 13 to demand Congress reinstate the bipartisan assault weapons ban immediately—and our volunteers have been adding new events every single day.

Will you join us? Find an event near you and help demand an assault weapons ban NOW.


We've needed Congress to reinstate an assault weapons ban for years. Our country had one for nearly a decade—and it worked. But in 2004, the gun lobby prevented Congress from renewing the ban, even though it had bipartisan support.

In the years since, we've become all too familiar with the consequences. Inaction has helped make this crisis as utterly devastating as it has become. Gun violence continues to kill 120 people every day, and there have already been more than 180 mass shootings this year. In several of them, an assault weapon was used to kill children while at school, to attack people in acts fueled by hate and bigotry, and to retaliate at former workplaces.

Assault weapons have no place in our communities, and we refuse to let our lawmakers continue to do nothing. Lives are at stake. Inaction is not an option.

Thank you for being in this fight,

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
Moms Demand Action

The fifth email that I received from Moms Demand Action was today May 13th, 2023, with the subject line, "Join us in demanding action: Send [your representative in Congress] a message demanding an assault weapons ban NOW", which stated the following:


We're rallying in communities across the country today to demand action. Will you join us by sending a message?

Tell [Your Representative in Congress]: Reinstate the bipartisan assault weapons ban NOW!


We've needed Congress to reinstate the assault weapons ban for years. Our country had one for nearly a decade—and it worked. But in 2004, the gun lobby prevented Congress from renewing the ban, even though it had bipartisan support.

In the years since, we've become all too familiar with the consequences. Gun violence continues to kill 120 people every day, and there have already been more than 210 mass shootings this year. In several of them, an assault weapon was used to kill children while at school, to attack people in acts fueled by hate and bigotry, and to retaliate at former workplaces.

Today, thousands of volunteers are showing up in their communities to make loud and clear that inaction is not an option. Assault weapons have no place in our communities, and we refuse to let our lawmakers continue to do nothing.

Be a part of this Mother's Day of Action: Send a message telling [your representative in Congress] to reinstate the bipartisan assault weapons ban.

Thank you for being a part of this movement. Together, we'll build a future free from gun violence.

Moms Demand Action

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:

Tell Your U.S. Representative: Oppose Gutting Our Gun Laws And Support Gun Safety Legislation

Gun lobby allies in Congress continue to attack the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF)—the federal agency tasked with enforcing our gun laws, solving gun crimes, and keeping our communities safe from gun violence.

Just weeks after a school shooting in Nashville where the shooter used an assault weapon equipped with an arm brace, Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee advanced legislation that would make it easier for dangerous individuals to get their hands on these modified guns.

Enough is enough. Common-sense gun policies on background checks, Extreme Risk Protection Orders, and assault weapons can help prevent shootings and keep our families safe. Inaction is not an option, and these extreme attempts to gut our gun laws are shameful.

Demand the U.S. House prioritize gun safety. Our U.S. representatives must reject this extreme attempt at undermining the ATF, and take action on common-sense gun legislation like expanding background checks to all gun sales, passing a federal Extreme Risk Protection Order law, and reinstating the Assault Weapons Ban.

Dear Representative,

I am writing to you as a constituent filled with grief, fear, and anger. I am fed up. As countless acts of preventable gun violence continue to threaten the safety of communities across the country day after day, I am urging you to oppose the extreme attempts to attack the ATF, including efforts to repeal the ATF's arm brace rule, and, instead, support action on gun safety. I ask you to support common-sense legislation that would expand background checks to all gun sales, create a federal Extreme Risk Protection Order law, and reinstate the Assault Weapons Ban. This common-sense legislation can help prevent tragic mass shootings, as well as the 120 gun deaths that happen every day.

Please, I'm urging you to prioritize public safety. Take action and save lives.

Complete the form to send your message now:

First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
Prefix: Mr.
Email address: [redacted]
Street address: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
ZIP Code: [redacted]
Mobile phone: [redacted]

And, after I sent the letter above to my representative in Congress, via the Everytown for Gun Safety website, I made a one-time donation to Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America (via the Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund) in order to do my part to "be a part of this Mother's Day of Action [by] send[ing] a message telling [my representative in Congress] to reinstate the bipartisan assault weapons ban." –Paul Whiting (written May 13th, 2023, revised May 18th, 2023, revised June 12th, 2023 and revised September 7th, 2023)


For my "May 14th, 2023 Update"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

May 14th, 2023 Update: Happy Mother's Day, everyone! I signed a Mother’s Day card to military moms around the world from the USO (United Service Organizations) today, May 14th, 2023, that I received today via an email with the subject line, "Missing your name on our Mother’s Day card", which stated the following:

Paul: Happy Mother's Day! We hope you and yours are celebrating all the caring moms in your life. But for many military moms around the world, this day can be particularly difficult.

So what is a "military mom"? Military moms are mothers who are currently serving in our nation's military, sacrificing time with their own children to protect our freedoms. Military moms are also the mothers of service members — thousands of miles away from their kids on a holiday like today.

That's why it is so important to show our support for troops and their families when we can, but especially on days like today.

So please, before our midnight goal deadline, will yours be one of the 10,000 email signatures we need to meet our goal to honor and thank our military moms?

Sign the Mother's Day card to honor military moms around the world.


Thank you for helping make sure military moms know just how much they are appreciated on their special day — and for everything you do to support the brave troops around the world as they defend our country.


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

Plus, after I signed the card, I made a one-time donation on the website to say to military moms, "Happy Mother’s Day! We are incredibly appreciative of the sacrifices you and your family make every day in service of our country and the freedoms we all cherish." ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "May 14th, 2023 Update":


May 14th, 2023 Update—Continued: I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles from one of their daily emails that I received today, May 14th, 2023, when I noticed a article titled, "How to Be There When Mother’s Day Isn’t Easy." (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.) An introduction to the article can be found below:

"How to Be There When Mother’s Day Isn’t Easy" from Time Magazine

By Simmone Shah | May 12, 2023

In the early 1900’s, Anna Jarvis created Mother’s Day as a way to memorialize her mother who had passed away and acknowledge the sacrifices made by mothers who had worked to improve the lives of others.

Whether it is the supermarket displays of flowers and cards or the deluge of promotional sales for gifts, what the holiday has become often leaves little space for loss. “The holiday itself was established to honor someone who’s mother died,” says Meghan Riordan Jarvis, a clinical psychotherapist with experience in the fields of trauma, grief, and loss. “But we’ve morphed it into taking our mothers to brunch.”

Part of this shift is because some find it difficult to know how to support someone who is struggling on Mother’s Day. Experts tell TIME that supporting someone through the day can be as simple as acknowledging their feelings surrounding the holiday.

In recent years, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, our approach to the holiday has become a little more inclusive of the difficult emotions it might bring up. “There’s a broader awareness in society that the holiday might not be a happy situation for everyone,” says Natalia Skritskaya, co-founder of the Clinic for Prolonged Grief in New York.

Major companies, including Etsy and Doordash, have created options for individuals to “opt-out” of promotions around major holidays. As of April 26th, more than 80,000 consumers opted out of receiving Mother’s Day marketing from DoorDash this year, according to Axios.

For those who are struggling with loss of any kind, the holiday can feel particularly isolating. “With Mother’s Day and holidays in general, we have a fantasy notion of what the day is supposed to be like,” says Riordan Jarvis, who adds that our traditions around the holiday often surface feelings of loss amongst those whose relationship to motherhood might not be picture perfect. “The holiday invites that [yearning.] I want the days back when my child was alive. I want a different mother than I have. I want to be a mother and I’m not.” ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight this article from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written May 14th, 2023, revised May 18th, 2023, revised May 27th, 2023, revised June 3rd, 2023, revised June 17th, 2023, revised August 12th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


P.S.: On a personal note, my mother passed away in 2004. And so, I also have a complicated relationship with Mother's Day.

However, I do celebrate Mother's Day through my blogging as a way to honor all mothers, including my own mother, as well as the mother of us all, Mother Earth!

Thus, that is why I decided to share this Time Magazine article in order to acknowledge those who, like me, may have a different kind of experience on Mother's Day for many different reasons...


May 14th, 2023 Update—Continued Further: I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, May 14th, 2023, when I noticed an article on CBS titled, "A 'shocking' reality for U.S. moms: Half have no retirement savings." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"A 'shocking' reality for U.S. moms: Half have no retirement savings" from CBS News MoneyWatch

By Aimee Picchi | May 12, 2023 / 8:12 AM / MoneyWatch

On Mother's Day, the best gift for your mom might be a contribution to her 401(k) or IRA plan, with research revealing a significant gap between moms and dads in financial preparedness for retirement.

About half of mothers across the U.S. have zero dollars in retirement savings, compared with roughly one-third of fathers who are unable to put money away for their later years, according to a recent analysis from The Century Foundation, which examined data from the Financial Health Network.

The findings highlight a troubling and pervasive lack of retirement readiness for millions of mothers, who are much less likely to save because of factors including a persistent gender pay gap and because moms are more likely than fathers to take time off from work to care for children. Giving up a job also stunts their potential Social Security benefits given that the program is based on a person's highest earnings over 35 years.

"When you see half of moms don't have any retirement savings, that's a really shocking statistic," said Laura Valle Gutierrez, a fellow at the Century Foundation, a progressive think tank, and the author of the new report.

She added, "Moms are really the ones paying the cost for a system that doesn't properly value care work."

The gap between fathers' and mothers' retirement savings is also evident among workers with full-time jobs, who are more likely to have access to retirement benefits than people who work in part-time jobs or gig work. About 73% of dads in full-time jobs have a retirement account, compared with 66% of mothers, Gutierrez found.

"One of the things that surprised me is how persistent this gap is, no matter how we cut the data," Gutierrez noted.

The reason, she added, traces back to several issues that have had a compounding impact on mothers' financial health. They include the wage gap, where women earn less for doing the same job as men, and occupational segregation, which describes how women tend to be funneled into lower-paying careers like teaching while men are often encouraged to train for better-paying jobs like engineering.

Family care responsibilities also commonly inhibit mothers' ability to save for retirement, especially if they scale back work to look after children, parents or other relatives.

"Moms are doing this lifetime of caring and working for their families, and when it comes to retirement they are just unprepared and aren't able to go into retirement securely," she said. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight this article from CBS News for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written May 14th, 2023, revised May 18th, 2023, revised August 26th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


May 15th, 2023 Update: I received an email from Everytown for Gun Safety today, May 15th, 2023, with the subject line, "SURVEY: Do you think Congress should ban assault weapons?", which stated the following:

Paul, our movement to end gun violence is stronger than ever.

Thousands of people across the country joined more than 200 events organized by Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action this weekend to demand that Congress reinstate the bipartisan Assault Weapons Ban. We're making this an issue our politicians can't ignore.

We've banned assault weapons before, and it worked.

In 1994, Congress banned assault weapons with bipartisan support, which reduced the likelihood of mass shooting fatalities by 70 percent. But in 2004, the gun lobby intervened to stop Congress from renewing the ban.

Their inaction has helped make this crisis as utterly devastating as it has become. Banning assault weapons worked before. It can work again now.

Paul, we need to hear from you:

Take our short 4-question survey about banning assault weapons and what you think our elected leaders should do to prevent gun violence.***

Thank you for being with us,

Everytown for Gun Safety

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:

Take Everytown's Assault Weapons Ban Survey Will you take just 60 seconds to answer a few questions to inform our strategy to prevent gun violence in America?

AR-15s and other assault weapons are the firearm of choice of gunmen who commit mass shootings.

Do you agree that Congress should reinstate the bipartisan Assault Weapons Ban?

[A] ✓ Yes, Congress should stand up to the gun lobby and pass the Assault Weapons Ban

[B] No, weapons of war should be allowed in our communities

Were you aware that even as our gun violence crisis grows worse, the gun industry is raking in $9 billion every year?

[A] I had no idea!

[B] ✓ I knew they were profiting a lot, but I didn't realize it was THAT much.

[C] Yes, I'm all too aware.

What do you think should be the top priorities in Congress to curb gun violence? Select all that apply:

✓ Banning assault weapons

✓ Passing a strong federal Red Flag Law

✓ Requiring background checks on ALL gun sales

✓ Passing secure storage legislation to prevent unintentional child shootings

✓ Other: Passing legislation to raise the age to buy ALL guns to 21 years of age.

Everytown for Gun Safety is a movement of nearly 10 million mayors, teachers, survivors, gun owners, and supporters like you fighting to keep our families and communities safe. Our work is only possible due to the generous support of passionate people like you who want to live in a world without the fear of gun violence.

But we can’t do this important work without your help. Will you make a donation today to help us continue our work to prevent gun violence?

✓ Yes I'll donate...

[Everytown's ActBlue donation page:]

Give to Everytown and Help Defeat the Gun Lobby's Extremism

The gun lobby's influence over lawmakers has shaped our gun laws for far too long. Your generous donation helps us work to prevent gun violence and save lives by:

[✓] Defeating the gun lobby's guns everywhere agenda
[✓] Opposing armed extremism
[✓] Pressuring lawmakers to improve our gun laws
[✓] Educating the public about common-sense gun laws and responsible gun ownership
[✓] Mobilizing grassroots supporters
[✓] Amplifying the voices of survivors of gun violence

And, after I took the survey above, I made a one-time donation to Everytown in order to support events organized by Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action this weekend, during the Mother's Day of Action! –Paul Whiting (written May 15th, 2023, revised May 19th, 2023 and revised June 5th, 2023)


May 15th, 2023 Update—Continued: I was on YouTube watching a video titled, "Star Trek: Picard | Restoring A Classic | Paramount+," when I saw an advertisement from USA for UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) in the form of a YouTube video titled, "Sudan Emergency."

By the way, I tried to find the video on YouTube—as I have done with other 'updates' such as this one where I am highlighting a fundraising ad—but, I was unable to locate this video on the USA for UNHCR channel; however, the description from the donation page states, in part, the following:

Your Kindness Will Protect Families

Thousands of children, women and men have been forced to flee escalating violence in Sudan. Vulnerable families have lost access to vital lifesaving supplies and are in dire need of protection, shelter, food and water. These families are resilient, but they can't survive on strength alone — resources are stretched thin, and they need your generosity more than ever.

Your compassionate support can help keep UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, on the ground. You will help provide lifesaving aid including food, medicine and clean water. You can stand with these families from Sudan — and refugee families around the world — with a generous donation right now. You'll provide the relief that comes with knowing they are not alone.

Your tax-deductible gift to USA for UNHCR can change lives from Sudan to Afghanistan and from Syria to Ukraine — wherever refugees are in need of help. Please don't hesitate. Every second counts, any amount helps and your kindness truly makes a difference.

✓ USA for UNHCR is a non-profit 501(c)(3)

✓ Gifts are 100% tax-deductible

✓ All donations are processed securely

✓ As a donor, you’ll receive updates on how your gift helps families like these

Any amount you give can help ease the suffering of those in urgent need...

Then, right after I saw the advertisement from USA for UNHCR, I saw an advertisement from UNICEF USA (formerly known as the 'United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund' that is now called the 'United Nations Children's Fund') in the form of a YouTube video titled, "You Can Help." The description from the donation page states the following:

Help Grant a Mother's Greatest Wish

All children deserve to grow up safe and healthy.

Your 100% tax-deductible donation to UNICEF USA helps ensure the world’s most vulnerable children get the nutrition, water, protection, education and health care they need to survive and thrive. You can make a difference today.

And, after I watched both of the videos above, I made a one-time donation to USA for UNHCR in order to do my part to "stand with these families from Sudan — and refugee families around the world," as well as a one-time donation to UNICEF in order to do my part to "help grant a mother's greatest wish," because "all children deserve to grow up safe and healthy." –Paul Whiting (written May 15th, 2023, revised May 19th, 2023, revised June 20th, 2023 and revised October 12th, 2023)


May 15th, 2023 Update—Continued Further: I received an email from The National Fentanyl Awareness Day Team today, May 15th, 2023, with the subject line, "NFAD [National Fentanyl Awareness Day] 2023 Recap + Survey," which stated the following:

Our second-ever National Fentanyl Awareness Day was a success because of you! Thank you for partnering with us to learn about fentanyl and to spread the word to save lives. We couldn’t do this work without you. Below are a few brief updates (and a survey!) as we wrap up our 2023 effort:

May 9 Highlights – Together, our coalition garnered:

[✓] 866 partners signed on to spread the word
[✓] 106 mentions in the press about the Day
[✓] 58 community activations
[✓] 34,000 visits to our website
[✓] 2,110 speaker series attendees
[✓] Bipartisan US Senate and House Resolutions Introduced
[✓] Recognition on the Google homepage
[✓] Posts from Meta, Snap, The MLB, and Billie Eilish!

Please complete this brief partner survey*** to help us inform our 2024 plans and how we can better support partners in the future.

Speaker Series Recordings: You can now access recordings of all 5 of our speaker sessions on our website. Please feel free to pass along to your network and rewatch!

We are so grateful for your support this year. We’ll be in touch with further updates, but if you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [email redacted].

With so much gratitude,

The National Fentanyl Awareness Day Team

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:

National Fentanyl Awareness Day Partner Survey

How did you activate on May 9th?

[  ] Posted on social
[  ] Attended webinars(s)
[  ] Attended or hosted an in-person event
[  ] Sent an email to my network
[✓] Posted a 'May 9th, 2023 Update—Continued Further Some More, Written On May 13th, 2023' on my website blog post:

How did you originally hear about National Fentanyl Awareness Day?

[  ] Another partner organization
[✓] News [Please see my 'May 9th, 2023 Update—Continued Further Some More, Written On May 13th, 2023,' a copy of which can be found below]
[  ] Social media
[  ] Other (please specify)

What NFAD resources did you find most helpful?

[  ] Social media graphics / posters
[  ] Email drafts
[✓] Website facts
[  ] May 9 speaker series

How can NFAD better support your activation in the future? Any other feedback you’d like to share?

Here is the above-mentioned 'May 9th, 2023 Update' that I wrote on my blog for National Fentanyl Awareness Day:


May 9th, 2023 Update—Continued Further Some More, Written On May 13th, 2023: Did you know that the second annual National Fentanyl Awareness Day is on May 9th, 2023?

Neither did I! That is, until I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles from one of their daily emails that I received today, May 13th, 2023, when I noticed a article titled, "What 3 Grieving Dads Want You to Know About America's Fentanyl Crisis." (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.) An overview of the article can be found below:

"What 3 Grieving Dads Want You to Know About America's Fentanyl Crisis" from Time Magazine

By Ed Ternan , Dean Jeske And George Gerchow | May 9, 2023

We’ve all seen and heard the headlines on this full-blown epidemic in our country, and we’ve heard cries from all sides of the political spectrum about who is to blame. But, as three grieving dads who lost their children from fentanyl poisoning, we know the truth about illicit fentanyl: it can affect each and every one of us when we least expect it. There is a massive education gap around this issue, and it is important to not only share our stories, but also to share the facts about fentanyl that can better inform all of us, especially the precious young people in all our lives.

In April 2021, Dean and his wife Indre lost their son Peter to this deadly epidemic. Peter was 22 years old, just five weeks from his college graduation, and had recently accepted a job offer in Denver. On a Monday evening, Peter stayed home to study rather than joining his friends to watch the NCAA basketball championship game. Late that evening, Peter took a single pill he believed was a “safe” prescription medication. In reality, Peter was poisoned by a fake pill made with fentanyl. With Peter as their inspiration, Dean and Indre have been speaking to young people to give them accurate information about this crisis and, hopefully, save lives.

On March 12, 2021, George lost his 17-year-old son, Xavier (X) to fentanyl poisoning. After a day of lifting weights and playing basketball, X was given half a pill that looked like Percocet but turned out to be 99% fentanyl and 1% cocaine. Fake street pills look exactly like legitimate prescription drugs, making it nearly impossible to tell what is actually poison. Since X’s passing, his family has made it their life’s mission to try to prevent anyone else from feeling this kind of pain, starting with their own community in Colorado.

Ed and his wife Mary lost their son Charlie to this crisis when he was poisoned by a fake pill made with fentanyl on May 14, 2020. A college senior like Peter, Charlie was waiting for a telephone job interview on that Thursday afternoon when he took the pill he was told was a Percocet. Charlie died quietly in his bed in a house full of roommates who assumed he was napping. He was 22. Ed and Mary formed the nonprofit Song for Charlie in his honor, and now devote their time to creating and distributing educational resources for families about the risks associated with drug use and self-medication in the age of fentanyl and other synthetics.

Often consumed unknowingly, illicit fentanyl is driving the recent increase in U.S. overdose deaths. It is being used to make fake prescription pills, “fentapills,” and is also found in common street drugs like cocaine, MDMA, and heroin. Fake pills have been found in all 50 states and are the main reason fentanyl-involved deaths are growing fastest with young people. We should all assume that any prescription pill we see online is fake, including Oxy, Percocet, Adderall, and Xanax, and we should install updated drug-education programs in our schools as part of a multipronged effort to reduce drug harms. ...

... On this National Fentanyl Awareness Day,* we tell our stories to raise awareness about this urgent national problem that isn’t a left, right, or center issue; it is a human issue. As regular citizens, we can’t stop these pills from being created, but we can do something absolutely critical to start to regain some control: we can commit to education and demand reduction, working together to ensure that young people have the knowledge and tools they need to keep themselves safe from drugs that could contain fentanyl.

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight this article from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

*National Fentanyl Awareness Day website:

Raising awareness about an urgent national problem: people are dying at alarming rates due to illicit fentanyl, a dangerous synthetic opioid. Get the facts and share them widely. Spread the word with us for our second annual activation on May 9, 2023. ...


We have a growing coalition of nonprofits, influencers, politicians, parents, educators, students, and others to share information on social media about this critical problem.


Please see the hyperlink below for the website:

**I became a National Fentanyl Awareness Day partner! And so, I received an email from National Fentanyl Awareness Day today, May 13th, 2023, with the subject line, "We have received your response for National Fentanyl Awareness Day: Become a Partner", which stated the following:

Thank you for your partnership!

Here is the link to utilize our partner toolkit, which includes sample graphics, caption copy, messaging guidelines and sample emails to spread the word!


What is your organization's name? Poet, Artist and Philosopher

Organization Type: Other

Organization Website:

Organization’s Point of Contact Name: Paul Whiting

Organization’s Point of Contact Email: [redacted]

As National Fentanyl Awareness Day partner, your organization agrees to:

[✓] Share information about the issue on social media

[✓] Inform staff, members and stakeholders about the Day

[✓] Be listed publicly (name, website URL) on the National Fentanyl Awareness Day website

Therefore, as a National Fentanyl Awareness Day partner, my goal is to "share information about the issue" with you, my readers, on my blogs! –Paul Whiting


Thank You!

Your submission has been received.

–Paul Whiting (written May 15th, 2023, revised May 16th, 2023, revised May 27th, 2023, revised June 3rd, 2023, revised August 12th, 2023, revised September 23rd, 2023 and revised May 7th, 2024)


May 16th, 2023 Update: I voted today, May 16th, 2023, in Portland Oregon's Multnomah County Special District Election! –Paul Whiting (May 16th, 2023)


May 16th, 2023 Update—Continued, Written On May 17th, 2023: I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google yesterday, May 16th, 2023, when I noticed an article on titled, "Biden speaks out against ‘antisemitic bile’ during Jewish American Heritage Month celebration." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Biden speaks out against ‘antisemitic bile’ during Jewish American Heritage Month celebration" from AP (Associated Press) News

By Colleen Long and Aamer Madhani | May 16, 2023

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden marked Jewish American Heritage Month on Tuesday by highlighting his administration’s efforts to combat rising antisemitism, at a White House reception that featured performances from the stars of the Broadway revival of “Parade.”

Biden told the crowd it was important to him personally to guard against the rise of “antisemitic bile” in the world, and in particular the U.S.

“Jewish Americans are shattered by a long and painful history of the oldest, the most sinister forces hate and anti-semitism,” he said, talking about how he learned of the horrors of the Holocaust from his father and how it has motivated him to speak out against hate.

He also reiterated how his decision to run for the White House in 2020 was shaped by a 2017 neo-Nazi march in Charlottesville, Virginia.

The president, who just weeks ago announced he would run for reelection, spoke frequently during the 2020 campaign about the “Unite the Right” rally led by white nationalists bearing torches. Clashes between that group and a large gathering of counterprotesters led to the death of counterprotester Heather Heyer when a white nationalist drove his car into the crowd.

Then-President Donald Trump said of the incident that “you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides.”

“That’s when I knew we had to stay engaged in the work of our time,” Biden said. “Hate never goes away. It just hides under the rocks until someone breathes oxygen on the rocks and it comes roaring back out.”

Biden highlighted his appointment of America’s first ambassador-level special envoy to monitor and combat antisemitism, increased federal funding to help secure synagogues, Jewish community centers and Jewish day schools, and convening a White House summit on combating hate-fueled violence. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight this article from AP News for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written May 17th, 2023, revised May 30th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


May 19th, 2023 Update: I received an email from UNICEF USA (formerly known as the 'United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund' that is now called the 'United Nations Children's Fund') today, May 19th, 2023, with the subject line, "UNICEF’s mental health response in times of crisis", which stated the following:

Paul, children's mental health needs are an urgent priority for UNICEF — but global funding for mental health and psychosocial support services is severely limited, especially as mounting emergencies threaten the well-being of millions.

Call on your legislators to support the Mental Health in International Development and Humanitarian Settings (MINDS) Act, which would support the integration of mental health services in U.S. foreign assistance for children.

Within moments, a natural disaster or escalating conflict can disrupt a child’s life and severely impact their mental health. They could be in school one day and fleeing their homes and communities to seek safety the next. UNICEF knows how crises have long-term effects on the development and positive mental health of children and that’s reflected in emergency response.

Alongside the immediate delivery of essential supplies and services, UNICEF acts quickly to assess and respond to the mental health needs of children living through crises:

[✓] In the wake of violent conflict in Sudan, UNICEF and partners are establishing Child-Friendly Spaces to ensure that children's well-being and safety are prioritized, providing counseling and offering necessary interventions to children.

[✓] Following the earthquakes in Turkey, UNICEF and partners have reached more than 250,000 children and caregivers with psychosocial support, including over 51,000 through 47 support hubs.

[✓] As war continues in Ukraine, UNICEF’s Spilno Spots have brought psychosocial care, medical checks and referrals to services to nearly 750,000 children.

Urge Congress to pass the MINDS Act and ensure that more support is available to meet the mental health needs of children >>***

During times of crisis, an increasing number of children and parents are expected to be in need of mental health and psychosocial support to cope with what they’re experiencing. UNICEF is there to promote positive mental health for every child — whether it’s making space for them to express their emotions after a challenging event or training teachers and caregivers to recognize and respond to children’s mental health needs.

No matter the situation, UNICEF acts to invest in children’s mental health and well being to help them live their best lives — and you can too. Use your voice to call on your legislators to increase mental health support for children around the world >>***

Thank you for helping children thrive,

[Name redacted]

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:

Urge Congress to Support Mental Health Around the Globe

Good mental health and psychosocial well-being is essential for children, adolescents, caregivers and communities to thrive. Yet the impacts of COVID-19 are challenging mental health like never before. Even prior to the pandemic, 14 percent of the world’s children and adolescents experienced some form of mental health condition.

Mental health is a global issue, yet stigma and underfunding have limited investment in mental health services and support, particularly in low-income countries. UNICEF knows that anxiety, depression and other stress-related problems threaten children’s ability to grow up healthy and happy. Failure to address mental health and psychosocial issues can stall children’s development and bar them from opportunities to participate meaningfully in society.

The Mental Health in International Development and Humanitarian Settings (MINDS) Act (H.R.1570 / S.767), led by Rep. [Name redacted] [Affiliation redacted] and Rep. [Name redacted] [Affiliation redacted] in the House of Representatives and Sen. [Name redacted] [Affiliation redacted] in the Senate, would support the integration of mental health services in U.S. foreign assistance programming, with a particular focus on children, their families and other vulnerable populations.

Investments in the mental health, resilience and well-being of children and caregivers not only benefit individual families but can also help break cycles of poverty and violence and contribute to more prosperous societies.

Join us in calling on elected officials to prioritize mental health services for children and caregivers in U.S. foreign assistance. Ask your member of Congress to cosponsor and pass the MINDS Act today!


Title: Mr.
Full Name: Paul Whiting
Address: [redacted]
Zip: [redacted]
City and state not required.
Phone: [redacted]
Email: [redacted]


Sending to:

Rep. [Name redacted]
[Affiliation redacted]

Sen. [Name redacted]
[Affiliation redacted]

Sen. [Name redacted]
[Affiliation redacted]

Message your lawmakers:

As your constituent and a UNICEF supporter, I am deeply concerned about the mental health of children and their caregivers around the world. The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic — such as increased isolation — have strained mental health globally like never before. Prior to the pandemic, 14 percent of the world’s children and adolescents experienced some form of mental health condition. Additionally, an estimated 15-23 percent of children around the world live with a parent with a mental disorder.

UNICEF has found that mental health conditions threaten children’s ability to grow up healthy and happy. Conflict, trauma and economic insecurity compound the risk of mental health disorders and failure to address mental health and psychosocial issues can stall children’s development and bar them from opportunities to participate meaningfully in society.

Mental disorders represent a significant percentage of the global disease burden, and depression is among the primary causes of illness and disability in adolescents. Anxiety and depression alone cost the global economy $1 trillion each year. Yet, for every $1 spent to scale up treatment for depression and anxiety, there is a $4 return on investment in better health and productivity. Investments in the mental health, resilience and well-being of children and caregivers not only benefit individual families but can also help break cycles of poverty and violence.

As mental health emerges as an increasingly important aspect of overall health, U.S. foreign assistance should reflect mental health as a priority and coordinate investments in mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS), particularly for young people and their caregivers.

The Mental Health in International Development and Humanitarian Settings Act or the MINDS Act (H.R.1570 / S.767), led by Rep. [Name redacted] [Affiliation redacted] and Rep. [Name redacted] [Affiliation redacted] in the House of Representatives and Sen. [Name redacted] [Affiliation redacted] in the Senate, is a bipartisan bill that would support the integration of mental health services in U.S. foreign assistance by codifying the role of the USAID Coordinator for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support and creating an interagency MHPSS working group, led by the Coordinator, to ensure collaboration across USAID and the State Department. The legislation focuses on children, caregivers and vulnerable populations across both development and humanitarian settings.

This bill is necessary to enable young people to gain access to appropriate mental health services in communities and schools, and build on parenting programs to ensure vulnerable families get the support and protection they need at home. Supporting children and their families now could prevent a lifetime of mental health challenges. I strongly urge you to cosponsor and vote for the MINDS Act.

Thank you for considering my request and I look forward to hearing from you.

Paul Whiting
[Address redacted]

And, after I sent the letter above, I received a confirmation email today, May 19th, 2023, from UNICEF USA with the subject line, "Thank You! Now, learn how you can go further for children in the U.S.", which stated the following:

Hi Paul,

Thank you for taking action on this issue and urging Congress to address the need for greater access to mental health services and psychosocial support for children and youth around the globe. Please share this link with your friends and family so they can join you in this action:

Interested in advocating for mental health services for children in the U.S.?

Visit to learn more and take action.

In partnership,


Then, after I sent the letter above to my Oregon Representative and Senators in Congress, via the UNICEF USA website, I made a one-time donation to UNICEF USA in order to do my part to "urge Congress to pass the MINDS Act and ensure that more support is available to meet the mental health needs of children," in order to "prioritize the mental health of children [by doing the following]:

1. Establishing Child-Friendly Spaces in emergencies
2. Supporting community-based mental health programs
3. Providing mental health support for parents and caregivers
4. Training teachers to offer psychosocial support
5. Raising awareness to destigmatize mental health."

–Paul Whiting (written May 19th, 2023 and revised October 12th, 2023)


May 19th, 2023 Update—Continued: I received an email from the ACLU today, May 19th, 2023, with the subject line, "It was cruel and illegal then. It still is. That's why we're suing.", which stated the following:

Paul –

In case you missed it, we are suing to stop Biden's new asylum ban, which prevents most people seeking protection at the U.S. border from even being considered for asylum. The ban is a retreat from our nation's highest values and its historic promise as a beacon of hope for those in need of refuge. Here's what to know – and action you can take immediately:***

Our challenge was filed swiftly after the Biden administration unveiled this new policy last week: an asylum ban that largely mimics two Trump-era policies that were blocked by the courts.

This ban, which directly violates a promise President Biden made during his campaign, was introduced right as Title 42, another anti-asylum policy, ended. Biden's new ban prohibits asylum for nearly everyone seeking it at the border unless they are lucky enough to secure a scarce appointment through an inaccessible phone app. And it only allows narrow exceptions that are nearly impossible for most to meet.

Let's be clear: People fleeing persecution have a legal right to seek asylum, no matter how they reach the border. And forcing people who are running for their lives to try their luck in securing a limited appointment slot through a faulty app is inhumane and will only subject people to further danger.

We've been down this road before with Trump, Paul. The asylum bans were cruel and illegal then, and nothing has changed. That's why we're suing alongside our affiliate the ACLU of Northern California, Center for Gender & Refugee Studies, and National Immigrant Justice Center.

If you're hoping to take action in this fight, join our petition now telling President Biden to end this asylum ban.*** If you've already signed, then please share the link along as much as possible. Email it, tweet it, text it – whatever you prefer to help amplify the message.

For decades, the ACLU has worked to protect the fundamental right to seek asylum in the U.S. – and we promise you that we won't stop now.

Thank you for being with us in this critical work,

The ACLU Team

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:


The Biden administration has implemented a policy that will unlawfully deny asylum to people seeking protection at the southern border who don't first wait to apply for asylum in Mexico or other countries they passed through — despite the fact that many of these countries don't have working asylum systems. In doing so, President Biden broke a direct campaign promise.

This new asylum ban is, at its core, Trump’s asylum bans. It will leave the most vulnerable people in much the same position as Trump’s policy did — at risk and unfairly denied the protection of asylum for reasons that have nothing to do with their need for refuge. Adding a mobile app and tinkering with the details of the ban can’t fix its fundamental problems.

The ACLU is actively suing to stop this new new ban, because whether from President Trump or President Biden, these asylum bans are illegal and place people’s lives in grave jeopardy. But we need your voice in this fight: Please tell President Biden to end this asylum ban and uphold his campaign promise to restore the right to seek asylum.


To President Biden: I am deeply concerned about your new policy that will unlawfully deny asylum to people at the southern border. Your asylum ban will leave the most vulnerable people in much the same position as Trump’s policy did — at risk and unfairly denied the protection of asylum for reasons that have nothing to do with their need for refuge. That is why I’m reaching out to state clearly and resolutely that I oppose this asylum ban.

First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
E-mail address: [redacted]
Zip: [redacted]
Phone: [redacted]

And, after I sent the letter above, I received a confirmation email today, May 19th, 2023, from the ACLU with the subject line, "One more thing - can you spread the word?", which stated the following:

Hi Paul,

Thank you for taking action for the rights of asylum seekers.

Share the action by forwarding the email below to your friends, or by sharing this link:

Thank you,

The ACLU Team


Hi friend,

The Biden administration has implemented a new policy that will unlawfully deny asylum to people seeking protection at the southern border who don't first wait to apply for asylum in Mexico or other countries they passed through — even though many of these countries don't have working asylum systems.

This new asylum ban is, at its core, Trump’s asylum bans. We must all speak out and fight for the rights of asylum seekers now. That’s why I just added my name to ACLU’s petition urging President end this asylum ban.

Will you join me?


Then, after I sent the letter above to President Biden, via the ACLU website, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU in order to do my part in "telling President Biden to end this [new] asylum ban," which is "at its core, Trump’s asylum bans," because "it will leave the most vulnerable people in much the same position as Trump’s policy did — at risk and unfairly denied the protection of asylum for reasons that have nothing to do with their need for refuge." –Paul Whiting (May 19th, 2023)


For my "May 20th, 2023 Update"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

May 20th, 2023 Update [My Writing About Armed Forces Day (for 2023)]: Armed Forces Day is today, May 20th, 2023—since Armed Forces Day is the third Saturday in May each year—and I made a one-time donation to the USO (United Service Organizations) on the website in order to pay tribute to the service and sacrifices made by our Armed Forces!

In addition to that, I already make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! You see, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation. ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "May 20th, 2023 Update":


May 23rd, 2023 Update: I received an email from Planned Parenthood Action Fund today, May 23rd, 2023, with the subject line, "Take action to protect patient privacy", which stated the following:

The Biden administration needs to hear from you, Paul:

Sign your name to support patient privacy protections >>


Goal: 25,000 comments

A new rule would limit access to private data that can be used to investigate or prosecute abortion. Support patient privacy.

Paul, for the activists and politicians who want to eliminate access to abortion, intimidation has always been the name of the game. It's no surprise — their agenda is all about control and punishment.

We've seen anti-abortion activists harassing patients and staff outside of health centers. We've seen Texas empower private citizens to go after friends and caregivers who help people have abortions. And now we're seeing prosecutors investigate and intimidate patients and providers for seeking or providing basic health care.

Here's what we believe: Your personal health care data should not be used to punish you for seeking the health care you need. Providers should not be compelled to share their patients' personal information when doing so could harm the patient, provider, or a loved one.

In the midst of relentless attacks on our health and rights, we're grateful that the Biden-Harris administration is taking patient privacy seriously. The Department of Health and Human Services recently proposed a new rule that would strengthen the privacy protections under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act — more commonly known as HIPAA.

But these urgently-needed privacy protections haven't gone into effect yet. The Biden administration is first collecting public comments about this proposed rule, and the deadline is just a few weeks away.

Paul: We've set a goal of collecting 25,000 comments before next month's deadline. Show your support for protecting patient privacy by submitting a comment now.


The proposed rule would help keep people's reproductive health care data private. It would limit when a person's information could be disclosed by a health care provider to investigate or prosecute a patient, provider, or a loved one for seeking, having, or providing an abortion.

No one's privacy should be compromised based on the type of health care they seek. And providers should never be required to share private patient data as a part of hostile state abortion prosecutions.

Right now is our chance to speak out and support these necessary protections. We need to make sure the Biden-Harris administration hears from as many Planned Parenthood Action Fund supporters as possible.

With reproductive health and rights undergoing an onslaught of attacks — from abortion restrictions to the potential reversal of FDA approval for mifepristone and more — every victory we can secure for patients counts.

Add your voice and help reach our 25,000-comment goal before the deadline.


[Name redacted], [Title redacted]
Planned Parenthood Action Fund

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:

Take action to protect patients

No one's privacy should be compromised when they seek health care. Thank the Biden administration for taking an important step to protect patients seeking abortion and other sexual and reproductive health care, and urge them to finalize the rule as soon as possible.

Please note that when we forward your comments to, they become part of the public record and will be posted online by the federal agency once they have been reviewed. By submitting this form, you give Planned Parenthood organizations permission to share your note on social media or with media organizations, including your first name and state.

Help fight back.

First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Postal Code: [redacted]
Email: [redacted]
Mobile Phone (Optional): [redacted]

Do you want to be an associate member of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund? Yes

Protect patient privacy

Dear Biden administration,

Thank you for taking this important step to protect patients who seek abortion and other sexual and reproductive health care with the Proposed Modifications to the HIPAA Privacy Rule to Support Reproductive Health Care Privacy.

No health care provider should be forced to share their patients' private health information, especially when it could hurt the patient, the provider, or a patient's loved one.

This rule is needed now more than ever, and I strongly support it.

THANK YOU for standing up for the rights of patients to keep their personal health care data personal!

[Your information here]

And, after I sent the comment above, I received a confirmation email today, May 23rd, 2023, from Planned Parenthood Action Fund with the subject line, "Thank you for taking action!", which stated the following:


Thank you for submitting your public comment in support of protecting patients' privacy with the proposed changes to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule.

You can help make an even bigger difference by showing your support for Planned Parenthood Action Fund and asking your friends and family to join you.

Share on Facebook

Share on Twitter

You can also help defend access to health care and protect our reproductive rights by making a gift to Planned Parenthood Action Fund. We'll put your gift to work immediately mobilizing grassroots activists in key states, pressuring lawmakers, magnifying the voices of those most affected by attacks on our health and rights, and more.

I'm so glad to know that we can count on you to raise your voice when it counts — thanks again for speaking out.

[Name redacted], [Title redacted]
Planned Parenthood Action Fund

So, I selected the "Share on Twitter" option (by the way, I only have a Twitter account so I can read tweets which are included in some online articles that I read) in order for me to provide you, my readers, with the text and hyperlink below:

A new rule would limit access to private data that can be used to investigate or prosecute abortion. Support patient privacy.

Plus, after I submitted the comment above to the Biden Administration, via Planned Parenthood Action Fund website, I made a one-time donation to Planned Parenthood Action Fund to show that I am "grateful that the Biden-Harris administration is taking patient privacy seriously," through "the Proposed Modifications to the HIPAA Privacy Rule to Support Reproductive Health Care Privacy" and to say, "THANK YOU for standing up for the rights of patients to keep their personal health care data personal!" –Paul Whiting (written May 23rd, 2023 and revised June 3rd, 2023)


May 23rd, 2023 Update—Continued: I received an email from the ACLU today, May 23rd, 2023, with the subject line, "FILED: DeSantis has banned Chinese people from buying property. We're suing.", which stated the following:

Paul –

Over the past two weeks, our attorneys have been filing lawsuit after lawsuit to fight against the surge of attacks on people's most fundamental rights: From the rights and safety of trans people to voting rights to abortion access and beyond.

We will be back with further updates on these urgent fights in the courts soon, but we wanted to uplift one particular breaking lawsuit that our legal teams just filed this week in the state of Florida against yet another harmful ban from Governor DeSantis.

Here's your rundown, Paul – and we'll be back with more news tomorrow on the slew of lawsuits we've hustled to file once our attorneys have had a moment to breathe.

THE BAN: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis very recently signed into law SB 264. This racist law forbids many immigrants from China, Cuba, Venezuela, Syria, Iran, Russia, and North Korea from buying a home in the state – with very limited exceptions. The law singles out people from China for especially draconian restrictions and harsher criminal penalties. Gov. DeSantis has said that this bill is "necessary to combat the influence of the Chinese Communist Policy in Florida," but he is wrongly equating Chinese people with the Chinese government. This law will not keep Floridians safe. It will upend people's lives and make it far more challenging for immigrants to prosper economically in the state.

OUR FIGHT BACK IN COURT: The ACLU, ACLU of Florida, Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund, and DeHeng Law Offices PC are working together to challenge the Florida law before it goes into effect on Saturday, July 1. The plaintiffs in our case include Chinese citizens who live, work, study, and raise families in Florida, and who will soon be prohibited from purchasing real estate.

WHY THIS IS SO IMPORTANT NATIONALLY: Worryingly, Florida isn't alone. Lawmakers across the country are trying to pass laws to ban Chinese citizens and other immigrants from owning property. Just as states have continued to bring out anti-trans, anti-abortion, and anti-voter legislation in droves this year – despite citizens and public opinion clearly stating the opposite – so too are we seeing similar anti-immigrant and xenophobic bills like this one take shape.

The bottom line, Paul, is this: At a time when one in two Asian Americans report feeling unsafe in the U.S. due to their ethnicity – and nearly 80% don't feel they fully belong or are accepted – Florida's leaders have a responsibility to the people who live there to do better.

Until they do, we'll see them in court.

More from our attorneys soon,

The ACLU Team


And, after I read the email above, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU in order to help "the ACLU, ACLU of Florida, Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund, and DeHeng Law Offices challenge the Florida law" that "Governor Ron DeSantis very recently signed into law[,] SB 264," which "forbids many immigrants from China, Cuba, Venezuela, Syria, Iran, Russia, and North Korea from buying a home in the state," because "at a time when one in two Asian Americans report feeling unsafe in the U.S. due to their ethnicity – and nearly 80% don't feel they fully belong or are accepted – Florida's leaders have a responsibility to the people who live there to do better." –Paul Whiting (May 23rd, 2023)


May 23rd, 2023 Update—Continued Further: I received an email from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum today, May 23rd, 2023, with the subject line, "Book burning and censorship in Nazi Germany", which stated the following:

Ninety years ago this month, university students in Nazi clubs led an enthusiastic crowd in the burning of more than 25,000 “un-German” books in a Berlin public square. These planned, torchlit purges occurred in 34 university towns across Germany.

In the aftermath of the book burnings, the Nazi regime raided bookstores, libraries, and publishers’ warehouses to confiscate materials it deemed dangerous. The censorship was an early step toward transforming the country from a democracy to a dictatorship.

“Where They Burn Books, They Will Also Ultimately Burn People”

See how it all began >>

Helen Keller Penned a Powerful Response

“History has taught you nothing” >>

He Watched His Life’s Work Go Up in Flames

Who was Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld? >>

Book Burnings Did Not Begin or End with the Nazis

Watch Fires of Hate >>

Nazi Propaganda Minister Incites Berlin Crowd with Fiery Speech

What did Goebbels say? >>

As Censorship Widened, Hitler Ousted American Journalist from Germany

Learn her story >>


Pride Month: Defying the Nazi Campaign to Control Sexuality

Thursday, June 1, 9:30 a.m. ET

Remind me to watch >>

Donate to Keep Holocaust Memory Alive


Keep Holocaust memory alive to inspire citizens and leaders to confront hatred, prevent genocide, and promote human dignity in a constantly changing world. Visit to learn more.

And, after I read the email above, I read all of the articles mentioned above regarding the Nazi book burnings of 1933. I also signed up to be reminded to watch the livestream "Pride Month: Defying the Nazi Campaign to Control Sexuality." Plus, I made a one-time donation to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in order to help "keep Holocaust memory alive to inspire citizens and leaders to confront hatred, prevent genocide, and promote human dignity in a constantly changing world." –Paul Whiting (written May 23rd, 2023, revised June 3rd, 2023, revised August 16th, 2023 and revised October 7th, 2023)
May 23rd, 2023 Update—Continued Further (Follow-Up, Written On June 1st, 2023): This update is a follow-up to my 'May 23rd, 2023 Update—Continued Further,' where I explained, in part, that I signed up to be reminded to watch the livestream "Pride Month: Defying the Nazi Campaign to Control Sexuality."

Therefore, I received an email from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum today, June 1st, 2023, with the subject line, "Digital Program Now Available | Pride Month: Defying the Nazi Campaign to Control Sexuality", which stated the following:

Digital Program Now Available

Pride Month: Defying the Nazi Campaign to Control Sexuality

Thank you for your interest in today’s discussion. The recording is now available on demand, and we encourage you to share it with friends.


About This Program

Berlin was known as the gay capital of the world until Nazis began terrorizing LGBTQ+ people and shut down the Eldorado Club in 1933.

But love persisted in spite of Nazi persecution. Repeated arrests and beatings couldn’t crush the bond between Jewish dancer Margot Holzmann Liu and her partner, Marta Halusa. The inhumane conditions at the Ravensbrück concentration camp didn’t prevent prisoners Nelly Mousset-Vos and Nadine Hwang from beginning their lifelong romance.

Watch this special program and join Museum experts in commemorating Pride Month by recognizing these legacies of resilience and rebellion during Nazi rule.

This virtual program and previous episodes are available on demand on the Museum’s Facebook ( and YouTube ( pages.

Now, to clarify, I decided to wait until after the event had livestreamed to watch it, since I only have a cellular data plan through my cell phone company (so, I don't have access to Wi-Fi on my smartphone). Plus, this program started livestreaming at 6:30 AM PDT! Additionally, whenever I watch these livestreamed programs as a recording, I can go back to parts of the program that I wish to repeat in order to watch them over again.

Besides that, I also decided to watch the video on the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Channel on YouTube. Here is the description from that video (with a hyperlink to the video below):

Pride Month: Defying the Nazi Campaign to Control Sexuality

Berlin was known as the gay capital of the world until Nazis began terrorizing LGBTQ+ people and shut down the Eldorado Club in 1933.

But love persisted in spite of Nazi persecution. Repeated arrests and beatings couldn’t crush the bond between Jewish dancer Margot Holzmann Liu and her partner, Marta Halusa. The inhumane conditions at the Ravensbrück concentration camp didn’t prevent prisoners Nelly Mousset-Vos and Nadine Hwang from beginning their lifelong romance. Join us as we commemorate Pride Month with their legacies of resilience and rebellion during Nazi rule.

In addition to that, I decided to make a one-time donation to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, shortly before I started to watch the video, in order to show my support for the program "Pride Month: Defying the Nazi Campaign to Control Sexuality." –Paul Whiting (written June 1st, 2023, revised June 3rd, 2023, revised July 16th, 2023, revised August 22nd, 2023 and revised October 21st, 2023)

P.S.: I started watching the video of the program "Pride Month: Defying the Nazi Campaign to Control Sexuality" at 10:07 PM PDT. And I finished watching the video thirty one minutes later. So, my take on the program was that I found it to be a really powerful history of the persecution of LGBTQ+ individuals in Nazi Germany, which highlighted endearing stories of Margot Holzmann Liu and Marta Halusa, as well as Nelly Mousset-Vos and Nadine Hwang, who were two lesbian couples that found lifelong loves in unbearable conditions.


May 24th, 2023 Update: I received an email from the ACLU today, May 24th, 2023, with the subject line, "We just filed against a number of anti-trans laws. Here's your rundown.", which stated the following:

Paul –

It's no secret at this point that there is a coordinated attack to strip people away of fundamental freedoms right now. The ACLU's fight is at the crossroads of nearly every civil liberty on the line right now – and we want you to know our attorneys and advocates are moving fast to defend them all.

At this time especially, a growing roster of state politicians have become hellbent on jeopardizing the health and lives of trans youth. And our teams are hellbent on making sure they do not succeed.

It's been an incredibly busy past two weeks of filing lawsuits to protect trans rights and as you’re a community member who helps fuel this work, we want you to have a quick rundown of our latest:

Status of Our Legal Challenges for Trans Youth:

TEXAS: Will File Soon

Briefing: We have pledged to file suit in Texas swiftly against SB 14 – a sweeping new ban that prevents trans youth from accessing medically necessary health care. SB 14 passed in the Texas Legislature last week and Gov. Abbot has stated he will sign the bill when it reaches his desk. When he does, we will see him in court.


Briefing: A binding legal agreement will prevent Oklahoma from enforcing its ban on care for trans youth as the court decides on our case to block it. We and our partners just filed the agreement – and we're ready to hold Oklahoma's Attorney General to his word.

MISSISSIPPI: Filed and Went to Court

Briefing: We filed a lawsuit on behalf of a Mississippi high school senior who was banned from wearing a dress to graduation because she's transgender, and it quickly went to court. A judge shamefully ruled in the school's favor but we'll be clear: The government shouldn't get to decide what a teen girl can or can't wear to her graduation, and we will not ever stop fighting back.

Paul, trans youth deserve the support and care necessary to give them the same chance to thrive as their peers. Period. And make no mistake that today's updates are only the latest of our many challenges in the ongoing fight across the states.

Elected officials shouldn't be spending their time and resources making it harder for people to access the health care they need. And as long as they're coming after people's freedoms, our fight isn't over.

Thank you for being with us in this crucial work,

The ACLU Team


And, after I read the email above, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU in order to do my part to help the "ACLU's fight [which] is at the crossroads of nearly every civil liberty on the line right now," because "elected officials shouldn't be spending their time and resources making it harder for people to access the health care they need," since "trans youth deserve the support and care necessary to give them the same chance to thrive as their peers." –Paul Whiting (May 24th, 2023)


May 24th, 2023 Update—Continued: I received an email from Song for Charlie today, May 24th, 2023, with the subject line, "May 25 Learning Opportunity", which stated the following:

Hello NFAD [National Fentanyl Awareness Day] Supporters,

You are invited to attend the monthly SFC Youth Fentanyl Awareness Collaboration Forum a learning opportunity for anyone wanting to raise awareness about the dangers of fentanyl and fake pills. On Thursday, May 25 we are excited to have guest speaker [name redacted] talk to us about the dangers of using fear-based messaging, and how to create empowering messages for youth using evidence-based strategies.

Please forward to anyone who may be interested in joining.

Next Forum:
Thursday, May 25
9-10:30am PST/noon-1:30 EST
Guest Speaker: [Name redacted], [Title redacted] of Community – The Anti-Drug (CTAD) Coalition
“From Horror Film Victim to Action Hero: Transform Materials to Empower”
Click here to sign up & get a zoom link:

** Presentation will be recorded and sent to all on Collaboration Forum mailing list **

Session Description: It’s tempting to try to scare teens into not using alcohol, marijuana, vapes, or other drugs. The possible consequences are indeed really scary. Unfortunately, research shows that using fear appeals can inadvertently have the opposite effect on some teens – and some adults. This session will explore how screaming “don’t go into the basement!” at the movie screen is similar to repeating “don’t do drugs” to young people. How often do they heed that advice? On the other hand, providing guidance, resources and skills can help your audience be the hero in their story. This session offers specific guidelines and checklists to ensure prevention messages in your materials and media campaigns are effective. The presenter will share examples from several campaigns she helped develop including: “You Determine Your Future” video PSAs, “Two Truths” marijuana awareness posters, “You Got This!” and “You Matter” youth drug prevention campaigns, and “Talk, Monitor, Secure” parent/guardian campaign.

Learning Objectives:
At the end of this session, participants will be able to…
1. Identify ways fear appeals may have unintended consequences.
2. List components of effective drug prevention materials.
3. Revise drug prevention materials to be more empowering and effective.

About the speaker: [name redacted] has presented at statewide and national conferences on youth advocacy, the social norms approach and coalition development. In over 20 years of drug prevention experience, she served as [title redacted] at Truth Initiative in Washington D.C., [title redacted] at a local health department in Illinois, and currently as [title redacted] of Community – The Anti-Drug (CTAD) Coalition in the north suburbs of Chicago. She has worked with multiple coalitions at the local, county, and regional level. In addition to drug prevention experience, Ms. [name redacted] worked as a nonprofit consultant for Veterans Moving Forward, a D.C.-based nonprofit that provides service dogs and canine therapy to veterans, and spent three years in the Netherlands, where she served as a social cultural worker helping foreign women integrate into Dutch society and coordinating a community coalition to identify and serve at-risk youth.

About the Youth Fentanyl Awareness Collaboration Forum: The purpose of this forum is to gather organizations doing youth fentanyl awareness work via zoom on a regular basis so we can share what organizations are working on, learn from each other, learn from expert guests, and perhaps collaborate on campaigns/solutions. This forum is targeted at coalitions, non-profits, law enforcement, and other agencies who are trying to raise awareness about fentanyl/fake pills to youth in their communities, but is open to anyone interested in youth fentanyl/synthetic drug awareness.

For those of you who missed the April forum with [name redacted] of NIDA & NIH and [name redacted] of the CDC, you can find copies of the presentations and a link to a recording of the event here: SFC Collaboration Forum Webpage:

If you cannot attend the May 25 forum, but are interested in future forums, click here to sign up*** for future meeting notices.

Future Forums:
[✓] June 22- [Name redacted], [Title redacted], Best Practices for Teen Advisory Boards
[✓] July 27- Examples of good community fentanyl awareness programs

We hope to see you on May 25!


[Name redacted], [Title redacted]
[Email redacted]

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I made a one-time donation to Song for Charlie in order to support their "national family-run, nonprofit charity dedicated to raising awareness about 'fentapills' — fake pills made of fentanyl." Plus, I also registered for "the SFC Youth Fentanyl Awareness Collaboration Forum on Thurs., May 25 at 9-10:30am Pacific Time / noon-1:30pm Eastern Time." –Paul Whiting (written May 24th, 2023 and revised May 26th, 2023)
May 24th, 2023 Update—Continued (Follow-Up, Written On May 26th, 2023): I received an email from Song for Charlie today, May 26th, 2023, with the subject line, "May 25 Collaboration Forum Notes & Next Meeting", which stated the following:

Hello Fentanyl Awareness Community,

Thank you to everyone who attended the May 25 Collaboration Forum [“From Horror Film Victim to Action Hero: Transform Materials to Empower”] with guest speaker [name redacted]. It was an enlightening presentation that gave the audience some very helpful tools and strategies to move to more positive & empowering messaging for youth.

You can find copies of [name redacted]’s presentation and a link to a recording of the event here: SFC Collaboration Forum Webpage:

Next Forum:
Thursday, June 22
9-10:30am PST / noon-1:30 EST

9-10am Best Practices for Teen Advisory Boards, Guest Speaker: [Name redacted], [Title redacted],
10-10:30am- tbd

Click here to sign up & get a zoom link:

** Presentation will be recorded and sent to all on Collaboration Forum mailing list **

Please forward to anyone who may be interested in joining.

Future Forums:
July 27 - Examples of good community fentanyl awareness programs, multiple guests
August 24 - Topic TBD

We hope to see you there!


[Name redacted], [Title redacted]
[Email redacted]

About the Youth Fentanyl Awareness Collaboration Forum: The purpose of this forum is to gather organizations doing youth fentanyl awareness work via zoom on a regular basis so we can share what organizations are working on, learn from each other, learn from expert guests, and perhaps collaborate on campaigns/solutions. This forum is targeted at coalitions, non-profits, law enforcement, and other agencies who are trying to raise awareness about fentanyl/fake pills to youth in their communities, but is open to anyone interested in youth fentanyl/synthetic drug awareness.

For those of you who missed our previous forums, you can find copies of the presentations and a links to recordings here: SFC Collaboration Forum Webpage:

By the way, I actually started to attend the May 25th, 2023 Collaboration Forum “From Horror Film Victim to Action Hero: Transform Materials to Empower,” however, I decided to wait until after the event had broadcast on Zoom to watch it, since I only have a cellular data plan through my cell phone company (so, I don't have access to Wi-Fi on my smartphone), because I was concerned that the broadcast on Zoom would take up too much cellular data. –Paul Whiting (written May 26th, 2023 and revised June 1st, 2023)
May 24th, 2023 Update—Continued (Follow-Up, Written On May 27th, 2023): I finally got around to watching the May 25th, 2023 Collaboration Forum “From Horror Film Victim to Action Hero: Transform Materials to Empower” at my local library today, May 27th, 2023! And, at the end of the forum, they provided a link to an evaluation through Google that I submitted, as follows:

May 25 Collaboration Forum Evaluation

Evaluation of “From Horror Film Victim to Action Hero: Transform Materials to Empower” presentation by [name redacted]

[My email redacted]

* Indicates required question

Please use the following rating scale: *

I increased my knowledge on this topic.

[✓] Strongly Agree
[  ] Agree
[  ] Disagree
[  ] Strongly Disagree

I will use the information I learned.

[✓] Strongly Agree
[  ] Agree
[  ] Disagree
[  ] Strongly Disagree

The presentation met my expectations.

[✓] Strongly Agree
[  ] Agree
[  ] Disagree
[  ] Strongly Disagree

The presenter was knowledgeable and engaging.

[✓] Strongly Agree
[  ] Agree
[  ] Disagree
[  ] Strongly Disagree

The presentation was a good use of my time.

[✓] Strongly Agree
[  ] Agree
[  ] Disagree
[  ] Strongly Disagree

Comments or suggestions on any of the above:

I was really impressed by the presenter's knowledge of the difference between using negative scare tactics to frighten teens away from using "fentapills" (or fake prescription pills made with fentanyl) and using positive empowering messages about choosing healthier options in order to alleviate stress, such as listening to music, exercising, going for a walk, spending time with friends, etc.

What did you find most helpful/interesting?

What I found most helpful was the overall message about "Being Positive," "Being Inclusive," and "Being Empowering!" Because I think that just using negative scare tactics may work for some teens; however, other teens are possibly going to rebel away from that negative messaging and try the fake prescription pills ("fentapills"), because teens are naturally rebellious and negative scare tactics can have the opposite effect on them.

What topics would you like to hear about in future Collaboration Forums?

At this time, I cannot think of what other topics that I would like to hear about in future Collaboration Forums.

This form was created inside of Song for Charlie.

Thus, I wanted to share with you, my readers, the feedback that I provided!

And I also want to encourage you to consider watching the May 25th, 2023 Collaboration Forum “From Horror Film Victim to Action Hero: Transform Materials to Empower,” which is one hour and thirty four minutes, just to let you know; however, it's really informative!

You can find copies of the “From Horror Film Victim to Action Hero: Transform Materials to Empower” presentation and a link to a recording of the event here: SFC Collaboration Forum Webpage:

And you need to scroll down and look for the following:

5/25/23: From Horror Film Victim to Action Hero: Transform Materials to Empower with [name redacted]

Then, there is a dropdown menu with the "Recording of Meeting" at the bottom of the menu, with information for the Zoom recording.

So, I hope that you will consider taking the time to watch this really informative forum! –Paul Whiting (May 26th, 2023)


May 25th, 2023 Update: I received an email from The Real News Network today, May 25th, 2023, with the subject line, "You helped us break a record last year", which stated the following:

Hello Paul,

I’ll be honest with you: publishing news on the Internet can be really weird. One minute, a social media platform like Facebook is giving you a platform to reach hundreds of thousands of people with your team’s articles, and the next minute, Mark Zuckerberg decides to throttle the amount of news in everyone’s feed and the flood of traffic you were depending on turns into barely a trickle.

But sometimes, hard work actually pays off. That’s what happened last year, when our YouTube audience started growing by leaps and bounds. This was thanks to the incredible contributions of all the people on our team—Taya Graham and Stephen Janis’ brilliant work to shine a weekly spotlight on the violence of policing, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Chris Hedges’ fantastic weekly interviews, Marc Steiner’s deep dives into the rise of the right, Mansa Musa’s reporting on the prison industrial complex informed by his own 48 years of incarceration, and of course our Editor-in-Chief Maximillian Alvarez’s great conversations on labor organizing and left politics.

All of this essential reporting and critical analysis—powered by your generous support of our work—drove our YouTube channel to new heights last year, with our videos being viewed over 27 million times in 2022—our best year ever, by a margin of well over 5 million views.

We’re on track to do even better this year—with the year about 1/3 over, we’re already well over 20 million views. If we can keep it up, we might be looking at doing more than double last year’s record. That’s 60 million times we are going to break through the corporate media’s blockade to deliver ad-free, un-paywalled, relentlessly independent news directly to the people.

But to do this, we need your renewed support today.

Turning informed reporting on policing, prisons, imperialism, and capitalist exploitation into video that people are excited to watch and share takes resources—it’s not just the people you see on camera, it’s everyone beyond the camera and in the control booth, the editors and producers and technicians who turn good ideas into real video broadcasts.

Would you be able to make a contribution of $225 this year to help? It would be incredibly appreciated, by me, and by everyone here at The Real News.

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
The Real News Network

P.S. If you are anything like me, it’s way easier to just set up a recurring donation to support projects I love than to remember to make a contribution each year. If that sounds like your speed too, you can set up an automatic monthly or annual donation to support The Real News here.***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, I made a recurring monthly donation to The Real News Network, because "The Real News is an independent, viewer-supported, media-making network. Every article we write, every show we produce, every interview we air⁠—it’s only possible because of supporters like you." And that's why I support The Real News Network!

And after I made the donation a prompt appeared to share the contribution that I made via social media. So, I selected the "Share on Twitter" option (by the way, I only have a Twitter account so I can read tweets which are included in some online articles that I read) in order for me to provide you, my readers, with the text and hyperlink below:

Have you seen The Real News? They're an independent media network that's funded by the people who read and watch their coverage. I just made a tax-deductible gift to support their work. Join me and chip in!

By the way, this isn't the first time that I have contributed to The Real News, because I subscribe to The Real News Network channel on YouTube—along with, Al Jazeera English, FRANCE 24, PBS NewsHour, Rebel HQ, WatchlistTYT and TYT Investigates! You see, in both 2021 and 2022, I made an annual contribution to The Real News Network; however, I decided to contribute to them monthly starting today, since "the most impactful way to support The Real News is to join [their] growing community of sustaining members—supporters who give a little each month on their credit or debit card to make a big difference." –Paul Whiting (written May 25th, 2023 and revised June 3rd, 2023)


May 26th, 2023 Update: I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles from one of their daily emails that I received today, May 26th, 2023, when I noticed a article titled, "What Was Memorial Day Originally Called?" (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.) An introduction to the article can be found below:

"What Was Memorial Day Originally Called?" from Time Magazine

By Olivia B. Waxman | May 25, 2023

In some ways, there are two different Americas on Memorial Day. In one, Americans go on vacation, perhaps indulge in some barbecue, shopping, or relaxing at the beach.

But for those who have ties to the U.S. military, it’s a totally different, often somber occasion, usually marked by visiting the graves of friends and family members who died serving in various armed conflicts.

That’s more in line with how the holiday was first celebrated—before it was even called Memorial Day.

Originally called Decoration Day, the occasion was first marked three years after the end of the Civil War. On May 5, 1868, John Logan, head of the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR), the major Union Army veterans association, issued a proclamation from his Washington, D.C. office telling Americans to celebrate “Decoration Day” on May 30. He urged them to decorate Civil War graves with the “choicest flowers of springtime.” ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight this article from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written May 26th, 2023, revised May 27th, 2023, revised June 3rd, 2023, revised August 12th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


May 27th, 2023 Update: I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles from one of their daily emails that I received today, May 27th, 2023, when I noticed a article titled, "Why Gas Prices Are Cheaper Right Now." (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.) An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Why Gas Prices Are Cheaper Right Now" from Time Magazine

By Alana Semuels | May 26, 2023

A year ago, heading into Memorial Day weekend, people were freaking out about gas prices.

Prices at the pump hit $4.72 a gallon on May 30 and then soared past $5 a gallon in June. Diesel prices were as high as they’d been in the U.S. since the government started tracking them, which sent prices soaring for just about everything that moves by truck or boat or plane.

This year, though, travelers are getting a reprieve; gas prices are hovering around $3.57 a gallon, down from both a month ago and a year ago. These lower prices are tied to the price of crude oil, which is down about 35% from last year, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight this article from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written May 27th, 2023, revised June 3rd, 2023, revised August 12th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


For my "May 29th, 2023 Update, Written On May 26th, 2023"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

May 29th, 2023 Update, Written On May 26th, 2023: Have a Memorable Memorial Day, everyone. I signed a Memorial Day card "to honor the military heroes who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service of our country" from the USO (United Service Organizations) today, May 26th, 2023, that I received today via an email with the subject line, "Before you kick off the holiday weekend, please take a moment to thank our troops.", which stated the following:


With barbecues, parades and fireworks to look forward to, so many people tend to forget that Memorial Day is an occasion to honor the military heroes who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service of our country.

Before you celebrate this holiday weekend, we’re asking you to take a moment to remember our fallen heroes and show your support for the brave troops sacrificing so much today. Please, will you be one of the 100,000 patriotic Americans we need across emails, text messages, and advertisements to sign the card before Memorial Day ends, and let our heroes know how much folks back home value their service and sacrifice?


My husband has had to miss precious time with family while serving in the U.S. Air Force, and while nothing can make up for those moments missed, I can tell you that having the support and gratitude of folks back home truly meant the world — to both of us.

As they risk their lives to protect ours, your signature, combined with thousands from other patriotic Americans, will send a powerful message of solidarity, one that can uplift a service member during their darkest moments. So please, don’t miss this opportunity to thank our troops: Sign immediately to stand with our heroes in uniform ahead of Memorial Day.


Thank you for taking the time to be there for our military heroes before enjoying the holiday weekend with your loved ones. It truly means the world.

I hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.

—[Name redacted], USO

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

Plus, after I signed the card, I made a one-time donation on the website to say to our troops, "As we honor all of our military heroes this Memorial Day, we want you to know how grateful we are for your courageous service and immense sacrifices. Thank you for everything you do to keep us safe and free." ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "May 29th, 2023 Update, Written On May 26th, 2023":
For my "May 29th, 2023 Update—Continued, Written On May 27th, 2023"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

May 29th, 2023 Update—Continued, Written On May 27th, 2023: Have a Memorable Memorial Day, everyone. I received a text message today, May 27th, 2023, from the USO (United Service Organizations), which stated the following:

Hi, it's [name redacted] from the USO. I hope your long weekend is off to a great start - but I'm reaching out today to make sure we all take a few moments to remember what this day is truly about: honoring the military heroes who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service of our country.

We owe them, and those who continue to risk their lives to defend our country, so much. That's why the USO has set a goal of 100K signatures on this special Memorial Day thank-you card for troops deployed around the world to make sure they know we're thinking about them, today and every day.

As a military spouse, I can tell you that your words of support and gratitude really do make a difference, especially when a service member is missing their family or having a tough day. So, I'm personally asking, will you add your name?***

Thank you,
[Name redacted], USO

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

So, I signed the Memorial Day card "to honor the military heroes who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service of our country." Plus, after I signed the card, I made a one-time donation on the website. By the way, this is the second time that I have both signed the card and made a donation to the USO for Memorial Day 2023. (Please see my 'May 29th, 2023 Update, Written On May 26th, 2023,' which can be found above.)

However, I decided to sign the card again, and donate again, because it's for Memorial Day. And I made this one-time donation on the website to say to our troops, "As we honor all of our military heroes this Memorial Day, we want you to know how grateful we are for your courageous service and immense sacrifices. Thank you for everything you do to keep us safe and free." ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "May 29th, 2023 Update—Continued, Written On May 27th, 2023":
For my "May 29th, 2023 Update—Continued Further, Written On May 28th, 2023"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

May 29th, 2023 Update—Continued Further, Written On May 28th, 2023: Have a Memorable Memorial Day, everyone. I received a text message today, May 28th, 2023, from the USO (United Service Organizations), which stated the following:

Between beach days and barbecues, too many people forget that Memorial Day is about remembering all the courageous heroes who have lost their lives in service to our country.

𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐰𝐞 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧. 𝐈𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐝𝐚𝐲, 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐲 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐮𝐩 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐩𝐬. 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐣𝐨𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦?

Please, sign the thank-you card now to help reach our 100K signature goal and show our troops that you value and appreciate their immense sacrifices:***

-Team USO

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

So, I signed the Memorial Day card "to honor the military heroes who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service of our country." Plus, after I signed the card, I made a one-time donation on the website. By the way, this is the third time that I have both signed the card and made a donation to the USO for Memorial Day 2023. (Please see my 'May 29th, 2023 Update, Written On May 26th, 2023,' and my 'May 29th, 2023 Update—Continued, Written On May 27th, 2023,' which can be found above.)

However, I decided to sign the card once more, and donate once more, because it's for Memorial Day. And I made this one-time donation on the website to say to our troops, "As we honor all of our military heroes this Memorial Day, we want you to know how grateful we are for your courageous service and immense sacrifices. Thank you for everything you do to keep us safe and free." ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "May 29th, 2023 Update—Continued Further, Written On May 28th, 2023":
For my "May 29th, 2023 Update—Continued Further Some More"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

May 29th, 2023 Update—Continued Further Some More: Have a Memorable Memorial Day, everyone. I received a text message today, May 29th, 2023, from the USO (United Service Organizations), which stated the following:

This Memorial Day, help us reach 100k signatures on the card supporting our military heroes. They need to know we have their backs, so please, add your name now! >>***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

So, I signed the Memorial Day card "to honor the military heroes who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service of our country." Plus, after I signed the card, I made a one-time donation on the website. By the way, this is the fourth time that I have both signed the card and made a donation to the USO for Memorial Day 2023. (Please see my 'May 29th, 2023 Update, Written On May 26th, 2023,' and my 'May 29th, 2023 Update—Continued, Written On May 27th, 2023,' as well as my 'May 29th, 2023 Update—Continued Further, Written On May 28th, 2023,' which can be found above.)

However, I decided to sign the card one final time, and donate one final time, because it's for Memorial Day. And I made this one-time donation on the website to say to our troops, "As we honor all of our military heroes this Memorial Day, we want you to know how grateful we are for your courageous service and immense sacrifices. Thank you for everything you do to keep us safe and free." ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "May 29th, 2023 Update—Continued Further Some More":
For my "May 29th, 2023 Update—Continued Further Some More Than Before, Written On May 30th, 2023"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

May 29th, 2023 Update—Continued Further Some More Than Before, Written On May 30th, 2023: Have a Memorable Memorial Day, everyone. I received an email from the USO (United Service Organizations) today, May 30th, 2023, with the subject line, "Yesterday, today, and always.", which stated the following:

Dear Paul,

Memorial Day weekend signifies many things: the start of summer, outdoor festivities and time spent with loved ones. But most importantly, this day is about solemn remembrance, commemorating the brave service members who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation.

Yesterday, today and every day, we must reflect on the sacrifice and service of American troops throughout our great nation's history. I am eternally grateful to all the brave heroes in uniform who put their lives on the line to defend the freedoms of our country. We must remember and honor their bravery and commitment every single day of the year.

As you get back to your long weekend, I want to thank this community of dedicated military supporters for understanding what this day is truly all about. No matter what, the USO will continue to remain steadfast in our commitment to honor and support service members and their families — and you are critical to that mission.

Thank you for being a part of this patriotic community and for standing with our courageous heroes in uniform.


[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
United Service Organizations, Inc.

So, I wanted to share the email above with you, my readers, as my last 'update' with regard to me signing the USO's Memorial Day card for 2023. You see, I signed the USO's card four times to thank our troops, plus I made four donations to the USO, based upon one email and three text messages that I received from May 26th, 2023 to May 29th, 2023. ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "May 29th, 2023 Update—Continued Further Some More Than Before, Written On May 30th, 2023":


May 29th, 2023 Update—Continued Further Some More Than Before, Like Never Before [My Writing About IAVA's National Moment Of Silence, A.K.A. "The #GoSilent Campaign" (for 2023)]:

For Memorial Day 2023, I participated in the IAVA (Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America) national moment of silence "for our nation’s heroes who have made the ultimate sacrifice," including "those who lost their lives during the Global War on Terror (GWOT)," which is "a war that continues to be waged to this day," because the "GWOT has killed more than 7,000 U.S. troops across more than two decades – every one of them volunteers." And I also made a donation to the IAVA (Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America) in order to show my support for IAVA's #GoSilent Campaign and for our U.S. Veterans. –Paul Whiting (written May 29th, 2023 and revised May 27th, 2024)


May 30th, 2023 Update: I received a text message today, May 30th, 2023, from USA for UNFPA (formerly known as the 'United Nations Fund for Population Activities' that is now called the 'United Nations Population Fund'), which stated the following:

Hi Paul Whiting — We wanted to send you a quick text because our 2x match for women and girls expires in just 24 hours.

This month we’ve been observing Menstrual Health Day by raising money for our Dignity Kits, which ensure that, even in emergencies, women and girls can manage their periods. UNFPA Dignity Kits include menstrual pads, underwear, soap, laundry detergent, and other essential menstrual hygiene supplies.

But we just received word from our Sudan Office — with armed conflict continuing to escalate, we urgently need to reach an additional 260,692 women and girls with dignity kits.

The situation in Sudan has grown more heartbreaking. 28 hospitals have been attacked or destroyed and 61% of hospitals in the capital city have shut down. Just recently, a maternity hospital in Khartoum was attacked and crucial medical supplies are running dangerously low.

With medical infrastructure stretched to the limits, delivering essential care through our Dignity Kits is more important than ever. And if you donate before midnight tomorrow, your gift will be matched by generous donors — meaning your $90 gift can deliver 12 Dignity Kits instead of 6. Will you please rush a gift before our match runs out? A link to securely donate is below***

For every woman and girl. Always.


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, I made a one-time donation to USA for UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) in order to do my part "by raising money for [UNFPA] Dignity Kits, which ensure that, even in emergencies, women and girls can manage their periods." –Paul Whiting (written May 30th, 2023, revised August 12th, 2023 and revised August 13th, 2023)




June 1st, 2023 Update: Happy Pride Month, everyone! I received an email from the ACLU today, June 1st, 2023, with the subject line, "Take action on the first day of Pride Month", which stated the following:

Paul: It's the first day of Pride Month – and while this should be a month of celebration and being in community, LGBTQ people are under attack.

Across the states, politicians are going after the rights of transgender and gender-nonconforming people – including blocking access to potentially lifesaving health care, banning kids from school sports, and restricting the First Amendment rights of drag performers. And on Capitol Hill, extremist members of Congress are trying to criminalize and strip trans people of the care they need to live.

We will never let that happen, Paul. The ACLU is fighting back in every way we can, and we need you to join us today. To kick off Pride Month, please send a message to Congress, and tell them to reject any attacks on access to health care for trans people.


We all deserve the right to make decisions about our own bodies, our own futures, and our own lives – but that's not a reality for trans people across the country.

While the ACLU is fighting back at the state level – taking states to court over health care bans and sports bans – we also know this anti-trans movement is far from over.

A new bill was introduced by the most extreme anti-LGBTQ Members of Congress – led by Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene – that would criminalize the lifesaving health care trans people need. And another bill prohibiting trans girls from being able to play team sports has already passed in the House. This is not the end of these attacks at the federal level.

That's why it's so critical that people like you speak up for trans rights every chance they get – on the first day of Pride Month and every day that follows. Please, send a message to Congress today calling on your elected officials to protect trans people from discrimination.

Thank you in advance for speaking out,

[Name redacted]
Pronouns: He, him, his
[Title redacted], ACLU

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:


The attacks on the freedom and dignity of trans people and their families are just starting. One-third of the country has passed laws that criminalize and ban access to gender-affirming care. The next stage of the fight for basic LGBTQ freedoms is coming, and it affects everyone – even in states that haven't seen any anti-trans attacks.

A new bill has been introduced by the most extreme anti-LGBTQ Members of Congress, led by Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, that would criminalize the health care trans people need. While such a law is beyond the pale, it won't be the last. Any national ban on gender-affirming care would be devastating. You and your elected Members of Congress are our last line of defense against this national threat.

We must stop any effort to criminalize trans people and the families and communities who love us. Send your message loud and clear: Tell your Members of Congress to protect trans people from discrimination.


Subject: Protect Trans People from Discrimination

Recently we have seen wave after wave of extreme measures in the states and in Congress, to criminalize and strip transgender people of access to healthcare that keeps them alive and healthy. As we celebrate our LGBTQ family members, friends, and neighbors this Pride Month, I am writing – during a genuine moment of crisis – to urge you to publicly commit to doing everything within your power to protect the health and dignity of transgender people. Will you do so?

I want to be very clear: Gender-affirming care, including for transgender youth, is evidence-based, medically necessary, and life-saving. This is why every leading medical organization, including the American Medical Association, the American Psychiatric Association, and the American Academy of Pediatrics, strongly oppose efforts to criminalize and deny this care to transgender people.

Patients and their doctors should be the ones making individual healthcare decisions, not cynical politicians looking to score political points through fear-mongering and ignorance. As a Member of Congress, you must stand against this.

Transgender people deserve the same chance to thrive and live fulfilling lives as everyone else. Having the freedom to control our bodies and seek the healthcare we need, including gender-affirming care, is an essential right for all people.

I urge you to not remain silent in this moment. Use your voice. Publicly show up in support with the transgender community, not only during Pride Month but all year long. Most importantly, use your power to protect life-saving healthcare for transgender youth and adults alike.

Thank you. I look forward to your response.

[First Name] [Last Name]


Salutation (required by some officials): Mr.
First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
E-mail address: [redacted]
Address: [redacted]
Address Line 2: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Zip Code: [redacted]
Phone: [redacted]

And, after I sent the letter above, I received a confirmation email today, June 1st, 2023, from the ACLU with the subject line, "One more thing - can you spread the word?", which stated the following:

Hi Paul,

Thank you for taking action to protect trans people.

Help us build our power: Share the action by forwarding the email below to your friends, or by sharing this link:


Thank you,

The ACLU Team


Hi friend,

Recently, we have seen wave after wave of extreme measures in the states and in Congress to criminalize and strip transgender people of their right to safety, dignity, and autonomy.

In fact, a new bill was introduced by the most extreme anti-LGBTQ Members of Congress, led by Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, that would criminalize the health care trans people need. While such a law is beyond the pale, it won't be the last. And any national ban on gender-affirming care would be devastating.

We must stop any effort to criminalize trans people and the families and communities who love us. That's why I just joined the ACLU in sending a message to Congress urging them to protect trans people now.

Will you join me?


Then, after I sent the letter above to Congress, via the ACLU website, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU because "it's so critical that people like [me] speak up for trans rights every chance they get – on the first day of Pride Month and every day that follows," by sending "a message to Congress today calling on [my] elected officials to protect trans people from discrimination." –Paul Whiting (written June 1st, 2023, revised June 7th, 2023 and revised July 24th, 2023)


June 1st, 2023 Update—Continued [May 23rd, 2023 Update—Continued Further (Follow-Up, Written On June 1st, 2023)]:

This update is a follow-up to my 'May 23rd, 2023 Update—Continued Further,' where I explained, in part, that I signed up to be reminded to watch the livestream "Pride Month: Defying the Nazi Campaign to Control Sexuality."

Therefore, I received an email from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum today, June 1st, 2023, with the subject line, "Digital Program Now Available | Pride Month: Defying the Nazi Campaign to Control Sexuality", which stated the following:

Digital Program Now Available

Pride Month: Defying the Nazi Campaign to Control Sexuality

Thank you for your interest in today’s discussion. The recording is now available on demand, and we encourage you to share it with friends.


About This Program

Berlin was known as the gay capital of the world until Nazis began terrorizing LGBTQ+ people and shut down the Eldorado Club in 1933.

But love persisted in spite of Nazi persecution. Repeated arrests and beatings couldn’t crush the bond between Jewish dancer Margot Holzmann Liu and her partner, Marta Halusa. The inhumane conditions at the Ravensbrück concentration camp didn’t prevent prisoners Nelly Mousset-Vos and Nadine Hwang from beginning their lifelong romance.

Watch this special program and join Museum experts in commemorating Pride Month by recognizing these legacies of resilience and rebellion during Nazi rule.

This virtual program and previous episodes are available on demand on the Museum’s Facebook ( and YouTube ( pages.

Now, to clarify, I decided to wait until after the event had livestreamed to watch it, since I only have a cellular data plan through my cell phone company (so, I don't have access to Wi-Fi on my smartphone). Plus, this program started livestreaming at 6:30 AM PDT! Additionally, whenever I watch these livestreamed programs as a recording, I can go back to parts of the program that I wish to repeat in order to watch them over again.

Besides that, I also decided to watch the video on the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Channel on YouTube. Here is the description from that video (with a hyperlink to the video below):

Pride Month: Defying the Nazi Campaign to Control Sexuality

Berlin was known as the gay capital of the world until Nazis began terrorizing LGBTQ+ people and shut down the Eldorado Club in 1933.

But love persisted in spite of Nazi persecution. Repeated arrests and beatings couldn’t crush the bond between Jewish dancer Margot Holzmann Liu and her partner, Marta Halusa. The inhumane conditions at the Ravensbrück concentration camp didn’t prevent prisoners Nelly Mousset-Vos and Nadine Hwang from beginning their lifelong romance. Join us as we commemorate Pride Month with their legacies of resilience and rebellion during Nazi rule.

In addition to that, I decided to make a one-time donation to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, before I started to watch the video, in order to show my support for the program "Pride Month: Defying the Nazi Campaign to Control Sexuality." –Paul Whiting (written June 1st, 2023, revised June 3rd, 2023, revised July 16th, 2023, revised August 22nd, 2023 and revised October 21st, 2023)

P.S.: I started watching the video of the program "Pride Month: Defying the Nazi Campaign to Control Sexuality" at 10:07 PM PDT. And I finished watching the video thirty one minutes later. So, my take on the program was that I found it to be a really powerful history of the persecution of LGBTQ+ individuals in Nazi Germany, which highlighted endearing stories of Margot Holzmann Liu and Marta Halusa, as well as Nelly Mousset-Vos and Nadine Hwang, who were two lesbian couples that found lifelong loves in unbearable conditions.


June 1st, 2023 Update—Continued Further: Did you know that June is PTSD Awareness Month?

Neither did I! That is, until I received an email from the USO (United Service Organizations) last year on June 29th, 2022, with the subject line, "Military Supporter Update: June 2022."

And I wrote an 'update' labeled, 'June 1st, 2022 Update, Written On June 29th, 2022' regarding that email from the USO, a copy of which can be found below from my blog post titled, "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" that is on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog. Plus, this copy of the aforementioned 'update' is also from my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity" that is on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs (which is where most of my USO donations 'updates' are located):


June 1st, 2022 Update, Written On June 29th, 2022: I received an email from the USO (United Service Organizations) today, June 29th, 2022, with the subject line, "Military Supporter Update: June 2022" with regard to the USO's newsletter "YOUR USO AT WORK," Issue 103 / June 2022, which stated, in part, the following:

Issue 103 / June 2022


June has been a busy month here at the USO — from assembling thousands of USO Care Packages for troops deployed to places like Eastern Europe, to running our 11th annual USO T-shirt campaign. (There are still a few days left to get your T-shirt!). We are more grateful than ever for military supporters like you who make everything we do possible.

We hope you enjoy reading these June highlights...

And the following highlights from the USO's newsletter, which I selected to post, are regarding PTSD Awareness Month, which is the month of June, and regarding PTSD Awareness Day, which is yearly (annually) on June 27th:

USO recognizes PTSD Awareness Month

June is PTSD Awareness Month, but supporting our troops’ mental health is always a major USO priority. That’s why we focus so heavily on building connections between service members, helping them stay in touch with loved ones and creating spaces where they can feel safe.

Learn more about how the USO is helping troops impacted by PTSD and other mental health challenges. »




June 27 is #PTSDAwarenessDay, an opportunity to remind everyone that there are effective treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder (“PTSD”), although many with PTSD do not get the help they need.

Help spread the word. »


...From all of us at the USO, thank you for being a dedicated and proud military supporter!

And the following is the information from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs website highlighting that "JUNE IS PTSD AWARENESS MONTH":


Help Raise PTSD Awareness

There are currently about 8 million people in the United States with PTSD.

Even though PTSD treatments work, most people who have PTSD don't get the help they need. June is PTSD Awareness Month. Help us spread the word that effective PTSD treatments are available. Everyone with PTSD—whether they are Veterans or civilian survivors of sexual assault, serious accidents, natural disasters, or other traumatic events—needs to know that treatments really do work and can lead to a better quality of life...

Make the Pledge

Start by making the pledge to Raise PTSD Awareness:

And so, I decided to "Make the Pledge" in order to help "Raise PTSD Awareness," which is why I wrote this blog post update! Plus, after I took the pledge, I made a one-time donation on the website in order to show my support for the USO's newsletter, as well as to show my support for the USO in supporting our men and women in uniform, as described in the highlight "VOICE OF THE USO," from the aforementioned newsletter:


“I never wore the uniform myself. Working at DOD has made me feel that I have contributed to my country’s defense but contributing to the USO has multiplied that feeling. Our men and women in uniform deserve everything we can do for them.

“We choose to support the USO because of something I learned. When I worked at the Pentagon, I was asked to contribute to the Combined Federal Campaign, as is every other federal employee. I asked many of my colleagues in uniform where I should direct my donation. Absolutely everyone gave me the same answer: ‘USO!’”

– [Name redacted] and [Name redacted], USO supporters since 1995 (27 consecutive years)

In addition to that, I already make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! You see, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation.

By the way, did you know that the USO is a not-for-profit organization and not part of the Department of Defense (DoD)? The following description of the USO is from their 'About Us' webpage:

"The USO is not part of the federal government. A congressionally chartered, private organization, the USO relies on the generosity of individuals, organizations and corporations to support its activities, and is powered by a family of volunteers to accomplish our mission of connection."

So, that is why I 'volunteer financially' as a member of the "USO Home Team" through a recurring monthly donation, as well as through one-time donations to the USO each month!

–Paul Whiting (written June 29th, 2022, revised July 21st, 2022, revised August 16th, 2022, revised November 24th, 2022, revised December 14th, 2022, revised December 26th, 2022, revised January 1st, 2023, revised January 30th, 2023, revised March 27th, 2023, revised April 21st, 2023, revised April 27th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised May 17th, 2023, revised June 17th, 2023, revised June 27th, 2023, revised July 28th, 2023, revised September 27th, 2023, revised November 18th, 2023 and revised June 9th, 2024)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is now: 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: "If you’re thinking about suicide, are worried about a friend or loved one, or would like emotional support, the Lifeline network is available 24/7 across the United States." Dial 988


Please see the hyperlinks below for the "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity" blog post, which contains the above-mentioned 'June 1st, 2022 Update, Written On June 29th, 2022':


Thus, I decided to write this 'update' as a way to highlight that June is PTSD Awareness Month by providing information from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs website highlighting that "JUNE IS PTSD AWARENESS MONTH":


Help Raise PTSD Awareness

There are currently about 12 million people in the United States living with PTSD.

Even though PTSD treatments are effective and accessible, most people don't get the help they need. Help spread the word that PTSD treatments are available. Everyone with PTSD—whether they are a Veteran or civilian survivor of sexual assault, serious accident, natural disaster, or other traumatic event—needs to know that treatments really do work and can lead to a better quality of life...

Make the Pledge

Start by making the pledge to Raise PTSD Awareness:

And so, I decided to "Make the Pledge" in order to help "Raise PTSD Awareness," which can be found below:

Awareness Pledge Form

Tell us about your individual or organization's local, regional or national involvement by providing the following information.

Name: Paul Whiting

Email or phone: [redacted]

Choose the category that best describes you:

[✓] Individual
[  ] Organization, agency or business
[  ] VA employee
[  ] VA team, clinic or health care facility

Name of organization, agency or business (if applicable): Poet, Artist and Philosopher

Location of VA center, clinic or health care facility (if applicable): N/A

Do you or does your organization provide health care services to Veterans?

[  ] Yes
[✓] No

Website and/or social media sites (if applicable):

Thank you for filling out the Pledge form.

We really appreciate the effort you are making to spread the word about PTSD Awareness. Every person who shares the information makes a difference.
As part of the National Center for PTSD's Awareness Campaign to honor the individuals and organizations who are partnering with us, we are posting names and links on our page: Working Together to Raise PTSD Awareness.

Please continue to spread the word! PTSD Treatment Works.

Plus, as you can see above, I included my information from the Awareness Pledge Form, which is why I wrote this blog post update! –Paul Whiting (written June 1st, 2023, revised June 2nd, 2023, revised June 27th, 2023, revised July 28th, 2023, revised July 30th, 2023, revised August 4th, 2023, revised August 28th, 2023, revised September 27th, 2023 and revised June 9th, 2024)

P.S.: For my complete charitable donation updates—that include some of my current "Online Activism," as well as most all of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs.

Please see the hyperlinks below for the posts:
June 1st, 2023 Update—Continued Further (Follow-Up, Written On June 2nd, 2023): June is PTSD Awareness Month. And I received an email from the National Center for PTSD today, June 2nd, 2023, with the subject line, "Thank You for Pledging to Raise PTSD Awareness", which stated, in part, the following:

Thank You for Making the Pledge...

...We are dedicated to supporting Veterans and others who may be affected by trauma. This June, we are asking you to help us spread awareness that effective PTSD treatments are available. As an individual, you can help in the following ways:

Share and follow the PTSD Awareness Month Calendar [PDF]:

Sign up for the Virtual Walk:

Check out our outreach ideas [PDF]:

Learn how you can help spread the word:

A PTSD diagnosis can be difficult to navigate, however, by spreading awareness you can make a difference in someone’s life. Consider sharing these resources with your friends and family.

Spread the Word:

On behalf of the National Center for PTSD, we thank you for your continued support.

Stay Connected - Subscribe Here:

Be sure to forward this update to others so they can subscribe. We send one update per month to keep you informed of the latest PTSD developments.

Thank you,

The Staff of VA’s National Center for PTSD

You see, yesterday, June 1st, 2023, I decided to write an 'update' to highlight that June is PTSD Awareness Month by providing information from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs website highlighting that "JUNE IS PTSD AWARENESS MONTH." (Please see my 'June 1st, 2023 Update—Continued Further,' which can be found above.)

And so, I also decided to "Make the Pledge" in order to help "Raise PTSD Awareness," which can be found below (as I also mentioned in my 'June 1st, 2023 Update—Continued Further'):

And thus, I wanted to share with you, my readers, this email from the National Center for PTSD, with its accompanying resources, as a way for you to also consider utilizing said resources in order to help spread the word that "PTSD Treatment Works." –Paul Whiting (written June 2nd, 2023, revised June 14th, 2023 and revised June 28th, 2023)


June 2nd, 2023 Update: National Gun Violence Awareness Day is today, June 2nd, 2023, since National Gun Violence Awareness Day yearly (annually) on the first Friday in June. And I received a text message today, June 2nd, 2023, from Everytown for Gun Safety, which stated the following:

It's Wear Orange Weekend! Use #WearOrange to show how you're showing up for gun safety, and wear orange all weekend long:

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:

Create a Wear Orange Image

Create your own #WearOrange image! Share it on social media to show everyone why you’re committed to ending gun violence in America.

Now, to be perfectly honest, I am out of my apartment for a while, since it is being repaired for water damage due to a flood (which ironically happened on Christmas Eve 2022 at about 5:30 AM—and that is why I watched "It's A Wonderful Life" that night).

So, I do have an orange shirt for Wear Orange Weekend; however, I don't have access to it right now, because I am not in my apartment.

Besides that, I also received an email message from the 'Everytown and Moms Demand Action Store' exactly one month ago, on May 2nd, 2023, with the subject line, "Wear Orange is exactly a month away. Shop our new special edition Rolling Stone tee and more!", which stated the following:


We're gearing up for National Gun Violence Awareness Day this June 2, when we start Wear Orange Weekend to honor those killed and wounded by gun violence. Every year, we renew our commitment to ending gun violence in America by taking action and taking part in Wear Orange.

To get ready for this year's Wear Orange Weekend, we have added some brand new items to our collection—including a special edition t-shirt from Rolling Stone to honor survivors of gun violence.

We've got everything you'll need to #WearOrange with us: Get our new Rolling Stone collab t-shirt and shop our full Wear Orange collection to support National Gun Violence Awareness Day!

As communities across the country are grappling with gun violence, Wear Orange Weekend promises to be an inspiring moment for our movement as we all come together to honor victims and survivors and work together for a future without gun violence.

Thank you for being with us,

Everytown and Moms Demand Action Store

And I even went onto the 'Everytown and Moms Demand Action Store,' on May 2nd, 2023, and found a tee shirt that I liked, but I was concerned that I would not be able to have it delivered to where I am currently staying, while my apartment is being repaired.

Plus, I added the aforementioned tee shirt to my shopping cart at the 'Everytown Store.' (Please see the link below for the shirt.) However, I didn't complete the checkout, so I received an email from the 'Everytown Store' on May 2nd, 2023, with the subject line, "Complete your Purchase", which stated, in part, the following:

You left an item in your cart

Hey Paul, It looks like you left something in your shopping cart at the Everytown Store, but didn't continue to Checkout. And we want to make sure you get your Everytown and Moms Demand Action items so you're ready to show off your support for gun safety. ... Everytown Store

Complete your purchase:

Wear Orange End Gun Violence Stacked Tee × 1 XL:

Therefore, the reason I wrote this 'update' is to explain that I was seriously thinking about ordering the "Wear Orange End Gun Violence Stacked Tee" in plenty of time for Wear Orange Weekend, but I wasn't sure that I could receive the shirt where I am currently staying.

So, instead, I made a one-time donation to Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund, which is "the education, research, and litigation arm of Everytown for Gun Safety," in order to show my support for National Gun Violence Awareness Day and for Wear Orange Weekend 2023!

By the way, here is an explanation of Wear Orange Weekend from the Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund "Wear Orange" About webpage:

About Wear Orange

On January 21, 2013, Hadiya Pendleton marched in President Obama’s second inaugural parade. One week later, Hadiya was shot and killed on a playground in Chicago. Soon after this tragedy, Hadiya’s childhood friends decided to commemorate her life by wearing orange, the color hunters wear in the woods to protect themselves and others.

Whether it’s worn by students in Montana, activists in New York, or Hadiya’s loved ones in Chicago, the color orange honors the more than 120 lives cut short and the hundreds more wounded by gun violence every day.

Wear Orange began on June 2, 2015—what would have been Hadiya’s 18th birthday. Since then, Wear Orange has expanded to a period of three days each year: National Gun Violence Awareness Day (the first Friday in June) and Wear Orange Weekend (the accompanying weekend). This year, Wear Orange will take place from June 2-4, 2023.

Orange has become the defining color of the gun violence prevention movement. New York gun violence prevention advocate Erica Ford spearheaded orange as the color of peace through her work with her organization, Life Camp, Inc. Whether it’s worn by students in Montana, activists in New York, or Hadiya’s loved ones in Chicago, the color orange honors the 120 lives cut short and the hundreds more wounded by gun violence every day.

Our movement gains momentum when people come together to fight for a future free from gun violence. In 2022, more than 1,500 partner organizations, influencers, corporate brands, elected officials, and landmarks joined hundreds of thousands of Americans to unite around a call to end gun violence. As Wear Orange pushes on into its ninth year, we hope you will join us by attending Wear Orange events, posting on social media, and much more!

Please see the hyperlink below for the webpage:

–Paul Whiting (written June 2nd, 2023, revised June 3rd, 2023, revised June 5th, 2023 and revised July 22nd, 2023)
June 2nd, 2023 Update (Follow-Up, Written On June 3rd, 2023): National Gun Violence Awareness Day this year is on Friday, June 2nd, 2023, since National Gun Violence Awareness Day yearly (annually) on the first Friday in June.

And Wear Orange Weekend is the accompanying weekend to National Gun Violence Awareness Day, so this year's Wear Orange Weekend is June 2nd, 2023 through June 4th, 2023.

Plus, this update is also follow-up to my 'June 2nd, 2023 Update,' where I explained that I do have an orange shirt for Wear Orange Weekend; however, I don't have access to it right now, because I am not in my apartment, since it is being repaired for water damage due to a flood.

Besides that, I also received an email message from the 'Everytown and Moms Demand Action Store' almost exactly one month ago, on May 2nd, 2023, with the subject line, "Wear Orange is exactly a month away. Shop our new special edition Rolling Stone tee and more!"

Then, I even went onto the 'Everytown and Moms Demand Action Store,' on May 2nd, 2023, and found a tee shirt that I liked, but I was concerned that I would not be able to have it delivered to where I am currently staying, while my apartment is being repaired.

Thus, the reason I wrote the above-mentioned 'June 2nd, 2023 Update' is to explain that I was seriously thinking about ordering the "Wear Orange End Gun Violence Stacked Tee" in plenty of time for Wear Orange Weekend, but I wasn't sure that I could receive the shirt where I am currently staying.

So, instead, I made a one-time donation yesterday, June 2nd, 2023, to Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund, which is "the education, research, and litigation arm of Everytown for Gun Safety," in order to show my support for National Gun Violence Awareness Day and for Wear Orange Weekend 2023!

Then, I received an email from Everytown for Gun Safety today, June 3rd, 2023, with the subject line, "Wear Orange all weekend long!", which stated the following:


Wear Orange Weekend is already off to an amazing start—will you join us?

We're going to make ourselves seen and heard all weekend long. Whether you're at an event or wearing orange on your own, we want to see how you're joining the call to end gun violence: Take a picture and post your photo on social media with #WearOrange!

Yesterday, we kicked things off with National Gun Violence Awareness Day. Across the country, thousands of people wore orange to help spread the word—including elected officials, celebrities, and grassroots members of our movement like you. We also turned major landmarks orange to spread the message further, from the Empire State Building in New York to Aloha Tower in Hawaii.

And throughout the day, we honored the origins of Wear Orange by commemorating the birthday of Hadiya Pendleton, whose life served as the inspiration for the first Wear Orange Weekend. (When you're able, please read the impactful story from her parents included in this message.)

Together, we're showing not only our communities, but also the entire country that we can and will build a future free from gun violence.

Thank you for being a part of this movement, and we hope to see you wearing orange this weekend!

Wear Orange and Everytown Support Fund

---------- Forwarded Message ----------
From: [Name redacted] and [name redacted], Wear Orange
Date: Friday, June 2, 2023
Subject: #WearOrange for Hadiya today


Ten years ago—and less than a week after performing at President Obama's second inauguration—our 15-year-old daughter Hadiya was shot and killed. We were devastated by her death, and we've missed her every day for the last decade.

But we have also been filled with hope. Year after year, people across the country have come together to honor her and the hundreds of people killed or wounded by gun violence in the United States every single day.

Today would have been Hadiya's 26th birthday. Now, it's the 9th annual National Gun Violence Awareness Day and the beginning of Wear Orange Weekend.

To honor Hadiya and everyone affected by the gun violence crisis, join our family by wearing orange today and all weekend long. Then post your photo on social media with #WearOrange!


Wear Orange got its start thanks to Hadiya's friends. In the aftermath of her death, they launched Project Orange Tree to honor her life and raise awareness about gun violence in our community. They asked all of us to wear orange because hunters wear the color to warn other hunters not to shoot—it's the color of safety that signals the need to protect each other.

June 2, 2015—what would have been Hadiya's 18th birthday—became the very first National Gun Violence Awareness Day. We now commemorate it on the first Friday of every June as the start of Wear Orange Weekend.

We do this work every year because everyone in this country deserves a future free from gun violence. And we wear orange to call for an end to this crisis in all of its forms, including domestic violence, suicide, and city gun violence. Whether it's worn by students in Montana, activists in New York, or Hadiya's loved ones in Chicago, the color orange honors the more than 120 lives cut short and the hundreds more wounded by gun violence every day.

We have a lot of work left to do before our children are safe. But if the last ten years have shown us anything, it's that we can save lives. We'll honor our loved ones with action and cultivate hope for a better future.

Paul, join us by wearing orange today for National Gun Violence Awareness Day and all of Wear Orange Weekend. Use #WearOrange to show how you're showing up for gun safety and encourage your friends to do the same. Together, we can end this crisis.

Thank you for wearing orange and for being a part of this movement.

[Name redacted] and [name redacted]
[Association redacted]
[Title redacted] of Hadiya's Foundation, a 501c3 organization

P.S. If you are a survivor of gun violence or have a loved one who has been wounded or killed by gun violence, you can share your story on Moments That Survive ( with the stories of other survivors of gun violence. Please read our Moments That Survive story about Hadiya (

Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund (the "Everytown Support Fund") is the education, research, and litigation arm of Everytown for Gun Safety, the largest gun violence prevention organization in the country with over eight million supporters. The Everytown Support Fund seeks to improve our understanding of the causes of gun violence and help to reduce it by conducting groundbreaking original research, developing evidence-based policies, communicating this knowledge to the American public, and advancing gun safety and gun violence prevention in communities and the courts. Learn more at Contributions to Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.


So today, June 3rd, 2023, I made another one-time donation to Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund, which is "the education, research, and litigation arm of Everytown for Gun Safety," in order to show my continued support for National Gun Violence Awareness Day and for Wear Orange Weekend 2023! –Paul Whiting (written June 3rd, 2023, revised June 5th, 2023, revised July 22nd, 2023, revised August 22nd, 2023 and revised June 7th, 2024)
June 2nd, 2023 Update (Follow-Up, Written On June 5th, 2023): National Gun Violence Awareness Day this year is on Friday, June 5th, 2023, since National Gun Violence Awareness Day yearly (annually) on the first Friday in June.

And Wear Orange Weekend is the accompanying weekend to National Gun Violence Awareness Day, so this year's Wear Orange Weekend is June 2nd, 2023 through June 4th, 2023.

Plus, this update is also another follow-up to my 'June 2nd, 2023 Update.' You see, I received an email from Everytown for Gun Safety today, June 5th, 2023, with the subject line, "Thanks for being a part of Wear Orange 2023!", which stated the following:


This Wear Orange Weekend was one we won't be forgetting any time soon.

Members of our movement just like you showed up in all 50 states and Washington, D.C. to wear orange and spread hope for a future free from gun violence. Elected leaders took part too, including President Biden, Vice President Harris, members of Congress, governors, state lawmakers, and mayors.

But that's not all. Professional sports teams, faith partners, other non-profit organizations, corporate brands, cultural figures, and so many others each did their part to spread the message of Wear Orange. And with several landmarks lit up in orange lights—from the Empire State Building in New York, to the Nashville sign in Tennessee, to the Aloha Tower in Hawaii—we made sure that our movement was impossible to ignore.

This incredible weekend would not have been possible without our dedicated supporters like you. We cannot thank you enough.

We value your voice in this movement—will you help us continue to demand action? Stay involved by signing up for special updates on what's happening this June:

Thank you for being a part of this movement and for wearing orange this Wear Orange Weekend. You make this movement as strong as it has become.

Wear Orange and Everytown for Gun Safety

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:

Add Your Name: Be The First To Know What's Happening This June

We've got a lot ahead of us this June. We'll be celebrating Pride Month, demanding our lawmakers take action on assault weapons, and so much more.

Make sure you're ready to be a part of the action: Add your name to be among the first to know what's happening this June and receive special updates from our movement.

Complete the form to sign up now:

First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
Email address: [redacted]
ZIP Code: [redacted]
Mobile phone: [redacted]

So, I added my name in order to "stay involved by signing up for special updates on what's happening this June."

Then today, June 5th, 2023, I also made an additional one-time donation to Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund, which is "the education, research, and litigation arm of Everytown for Gun Safety," in order to show my concluding support for National Gun Violence Awareness Day and for Wear Orange Weekend 2023! –Paul Whiting (June 5th, 2023)
June 2nd, 2023 Update (Follow-Up, Written On June 6th, 2023): National Gun Violence Awareness Day this year is on Friday, June 5th, 2023, since National Gun Violence Awareness Day yearly (annually) on the first Friday in June.

And Wear Orange Weekend is the accompanying weekend to National Gun Violence Awareness Day, so this year's Wear Orange Weekend is June 2nd, 2023 through June 4th, 2023.

Plus, this update is also an additional follow-up to my 'June 2nd, 2023 Update.' You see, I received a text message today, June 6th, 2023, from Everytown for Gun Safety, which stated the following:

Thank you for being a part of Wear Orange 2023!

Together, we showed up in all 50 states and Washington, D.C. to wear orange and spread hope for a future free from gun violence.

With the help of elected leaders, celebrities, professional sports teams, faith leaders, and so many others, we made it impossible to ignore our movement.

This incredible weekend would not have been possible without our dedicated supporters like you.

Watch and share our new video to hear a special Wear Orange message from Vice President Harris:

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the text of which can be found below:


momsdemand: This weekend, thousands upon thousands of people from every part of the country came together to #WearOrange in honor of victims and survivors of gun violence and to spread awareness about this crisis, including @VP Kamala Harris.⁠

Now, we are joining Vice President Harris in calling on Congress to enact common-sense solutions that will save lives. Join us in your state by texting READY to 644-33.

So, I texted "READY" to 644-33. (By the way, I already receive text messages from Moms Demand Action & Everytown for Gun Safety, which is how I received the text message above in the first place.)

And, after I sent the text message above, I received a confirmation text today, June 6th, 2023, from Moms Demand Action & Everytown, which stated the following:

Thanks! I forgot to introduce myself -- I'm [name redacted] from Moms Demand Action & Everytown. Would you reply with your first name?

Then, I replied that my first name is Paul.

And, after I sent that text message above, I received a confirmation text from Moms Demand Action & Everytown, which stated the following:

Nice to meet you, Paul! One last thing: Since some messages are too long for a text, please reply with your email address so we can keep you fully updated. -Moms Demand Action

Then, I replied with my email address.

And, after I sent the text message above, I received a confirmation text from Moms Demand Action & Everytown, which stated the following:

Thanks, we'll be in touch! You can get more involved by downloading Everytown's Demand Action app and start taking action today:

And so, I wanted to share the text messages and video above from Moms Demand Action & Everytown for Gun Safety regarding National Gun Violence Awareness Day and Wear Orange Weekend 2023! –Paul Whiting (June 6th, 2023)


June 2nd, 2023 Update—Continued: I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, June 2nd, 2023, when I noticed an article on, as well as a video and a news briefing on!

No. 1: The New York Times article that I read today is titled, "The Calm Man in the Capital: Biden Lets Others Spike the Ball but Notches a Win." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"The Calm Man in the Capital: Biden Lets Others Spike the Ball but Notches a Win" from The New York Times

President Biden brokered a debt limit deal by following instincts developed through long, hard and sometimes painful experience in Washington.

By Peter Baker | Published June 1, 2023

In the days since he struck a deal to avoid a national default, President Biden has steadfastly refused to boast about what he got as part of the agreement.

“Why would Biden say what a good deal it is before the vote?” he asked reporters at one point, referring to himself in the third person. “You think that’s going to help me get it passed? No. That’s why you guys don’t bargain very well.”

The president calculated that the more he bragged that the deal was a good one for his side, the more he would inflame Republicans on the other side, jeopardizing the chances of pushing the agreement through the narrowly divided House. His reticence stood in striking contrast to his negotiating partner, Speaker Kevin McCarthy, who has been running all over the Capitol in recent days asserting that the deal was a “historic” victory for fiscal conservatives.

While Mr. Biden knew that would aggravate progressives in his own party, he gambled that he could keep enough of them in line without public chest-beating and figured that it was more important to let Mr. McCarthy claim the win to minimize a revolt on the hard right that could put his speakership in danger. Indeed, in private briefing calls following the agreement, White House officials told Democratic allies that they believed they got a good deal, but urged their surrogates not to say that publicly lest it upset the delicate balance.

The strategy paid off with a strong bipartisan vote by the House on Wednesday night passing the deal, which will suspend the debt ceiling while imposing spending restraints for the next two years. The Senate followed with passage of the bill late Thursday, with similarly bipartisan support.

The president’s approach to the negotiations — and especially their aftermath — reflects a half-century of bargaining in Washington. When someone has been around the track as long as Mr. Biden has, resisting the temptation to spike the ball and claim victory can be critical to actually securing the victory in the first place. From the start of the clash with Mr. McCarthy’s Republicans, Mr. Biden has followed the instincts he has developed through long, hard and sometimes painful experience. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

No. 2: The CNN video that I watched today is titled, "Biden addresses nation after Senate passes debt limit bill."

Please see the hyperlink below for the video (which is at the top of a CNN Live News webpage):

No. 3: The CNN news briefing that I read today is titled, "'Both sides operated in good faith.' Biden hails McCarthy's role in debt deal negotiations." An introduction to the news briefing can be found below:

"'Both sides operated in good faith.' Biden hails McCarthy's role in debt deal negotiations" from CNN

From CNN's Nikki Carvajal | Friday June 2, 2023

President Joe Biden stressed the bipartisan nature of an agreement to raise the debt ceiling in his first Oval Office address on Friday, commending leaders from both parties and warning in stark terms about what could have happened if a deal was not reached.

He also said that he would sign the debt ceiling bill on Saturday.
“I'm speaking to you to report on the crisis averted and what we're doing to protect America's future,” Biden said, speaking from behind the Resolute Desk.
The president went out of his way to mention House Speaker Kevin McCarthy by name, commending him for operating “in good faith.”
“He and I – and our teams – were able to get along, get things done, were straightforward with one another, completely honest with one another, respectful with one another,” Biden said. “Both sides operated in good faith. Both sides kept their word.”
He said the rest of congressional leadership – House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell – all “acted responsibly and put the good of the country ahead of politics.” ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the news briefing—and then scroll to see the article (which is a part of a CNN Live News webpage):

And I decided to highlight this New York Times article, as well as this video and news briefing on CNN, for you, my readers, to consider reading, and watching, too! –Paul Whiting (June 2nd, 2023)


June 3rd, 2023 Update: I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles from one of their daily emails that I received today, June 3rd, 2023, when I noticed a article titled, "The Heavy Cost of Banning Books About Black Children." (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.) An introduction to the article can be found below:

"The Heavy Cost of Banning Books About Black Children" from Time Magazine

By Anna Gifty Opoku-agyeman | June 2, 2023

On May 23, Amanda Gorman’s The Hill We Climb became part of the long list of books authored by Black people to be banned by counties in Florida. Such books include The Black Friend by Fred T. Joseph and All Boys Aren’t Blue by George Johnson. In Gorman’s case, a single parent filed a complaint for the book to be removed, erroneously citing Oprah as the author, and the inclusion of “critical race theory” as justification for removal.

Since Gorman performed her poem for President Biden’s Inauguration ceremony two years ago, millions have flocked to her platform, including children. For months on end, photo after photo appeared across social media of kids of all races, genders, and backgrounds sporting Gorman’s iconic yellow coat and bold red headband. Black children especially saw themselves in her braided updo, gleaming eyes, and infectious smile. She was their ordinary, and extraordinary. She was mine, too.

When I was five years old, I graduated from Head Start, a government program for children of low-income working families, and attended a newly-created, local private school on full scholarship. As one of the few Black children in the school, and the only Black girl in my grade, I became keenly aware that my classmates, who were white and wealthier, did not go home to an affordable housing neighborhood like me. They did not eat the same food as me. Their parents did not work the jobs my parents did. Rather, they lived in detached, single-family houses with green lawns and white picket fences. Their pantries were stocked with snacks I could only dream of.

Navigating these realities led me to books. At least there, I thought, I could begin to understand the two worlds I stood between. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight this article from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written June 3rd, 2023, revised August 12th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


June 4th, 2023 Update: I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, June 4th, 2023, when I noticed three different articles on various news websites, including, and!

No. 1: The Reuters article that I read today is titled, "McCarthy lauds U.S. debt ceiling deal, House conservatives divided." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"McCarthy lauds U.S. debt ceiling deal, House conservatives divided" from Reuters

By David Lawder | June 4, 2023

WASHINGTON, June 4 (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Sunday lauded the debt ceiling deal he negotiated with Democratic President Joe Biden, but a prominent House conservative warned that McCarthy has "credibility issues" that may prompt some Republicans to seek his ouster as the top Republican in Congress.

Representative Ken Buck, a member of the far-right House Freedom Caucus, said the deal had failed to deliver the deeper spending cuts that McCarthy had promised his party when he ran for speaker in January.

The debt ceiling deal keeps fiscal 2024 spending flat at this year's levels, allowing a 1% increase for fiscal 2025. The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office estimates that the deal will cut deficits by about $1.5 trillion over a decade from its current-law baseline forecast.

House Republicans in late April passed a bill demanding $4.8 trillion deficit reduction over 10 years in exchange for a debt ceiling hike, drawing Biden into negotiations that led to the deal's Senate approval on Thursday.

Asked whether the Freedom Caucus would seek a vote to oust McCarthy in response to the deal, Buck told CNN's State of the Union program: "I don't know if the motion to vacate is going to happen right away. I do know that Speaker McCarthy has credibility issues.

To win the speakership in a fractious election process in January, McCarthy agreed to rule changes that allow just one member to force a vote to oust him, making him unusually vulnerable to hardline Republican conservatives.

Other Republicans rushed to McCarthy's defense a day after Biden signed into law the legislation that suspends the debt ceiling until Jan. 1, 2025, averting what would have been a disastrous U.S. payments default that was expected on Monday.

"Speaker McCarthy's position is absolutely safe," U.S. Representative Garret Graves, a Louisiana Republican who helped negotiate the debt ceiling deal, told CBS' "Face the Nation". ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

No. 2: The Politico article that I read today is titled, "8 takeaways from the debt ceiling vote." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"8 takeaways from the debt ceiling vote" from Politico

The agreement secures some GOP priorities on spending, permits and the safety net, but left the heart of President Joe Biden’s agenda intact — at least until the next fight.

By Politico Staff | 06/01/2023

Congress enshrined a debt-limit deal late Thursday that makes modest progress toward Republicans’ goals of cutting spending, streamlining red tape and attaching more work requirements to federal safety-net programs.

Democrats had to console themselves with the thought that the bargain wasn’t even worse.

These are some of the biggest highlights in the compromise’s spending and policy provisions — a deal that leaves major White House priorities intact but lays out a road map for what conservatives may demand in future fiscal showdowns: ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

No. 3: The CNBC network article that I read today is titled, "Biden signs debt ceiling bill, avoiding a catastrophic economic default." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Biden signs debt ceiling bill, avoiding a catastrophic economic default" from CNBC

Key Points

President Joe Biden on Friday discussed a bipartisan agreement to lift the debt ceiling, just days before the Treasury estimated the government would run out of money.

He signed the compromise debt ceiling bill into law on Saturday, averting a catastrophic default.

By Emma Kinery | Published Friday, June 2 2023

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden on Friday evening gave his first address from the Oval Office to discuss a bill to lift the debt ceiling while capping federal spending, calling it a "critical" agreement. He signed the bill into law on Saturday.

"No one got everything they wanted but the American people got what they needed. We averted an economic crisis and an economic collapse," Biden said.

The compromise debt ceiling bill passed the Senate by a 63-36 margin Thursday evening, winning enough support from both parties to overcome the chamber's 60-vote threshold to avoid a filibuster. On Wednesday, it moved through the House after about 72 hours, passing 314-117.

The agreement comes with little time to spare: The Treasury Department estimated the federal government would run out of money on June 5 had the debt ceiling not been lifted.

"This is vital," Biden said. "Essential to all the progress we've made in the last few years is keeping the full faith and credit of the United States and passing a budget that continues to grow our economy and reflects our values as a nation."

Without the agreement, federal obligations such as Social Security, Medicare and military paychecks would have gone unsent. And failure to lift the debt ceiling would have roiled global financial markets and sparked job losses in the U.S.

The bill comes after weeks of intense negotiations between Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and the White House. The final deal handed conservatives several ideological policy victories in exchange for their votes to raise the debt ceiling beyond next year's presidential election and into 2025. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight these articles from Reuters, Politico and CNBC for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written June 4th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


June 6th, 2023 Update: I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles from one of their daily emails that I received today, June 6th, 2023, when I noticed three articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The first Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Hollywood Actors Guild Votes to Authorize Strike, as Writers Strike Continues." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Hollywood Actors Guild Votes to Authorize Strike, as Writers Strike Continues" from Time Magazine

By Lindsey Bahr / AP | June 5, 2023

Actors represented by the Hollywood union SAG-AFTRA voted Monday evening to authorize a strike if they don’t agree on a new contract with major studios, streamers and production companies by June 30.

The guild, which represents over 160,000 screen actors, broadcast journalists, announcers, hosts and stunt performers, begins its negotiations with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers on Wednesday, over a month after the Writers Guild of America began striking over its own dispute with AMPTP. If the actors union ultimately moves forward with the strike, it would be limited to television and film productions; news and broadcast work would not be directly affected.

At stake is increased base compensation, which actors say has been undercut by inflation and the streaming ecosystem, the threat of unregulated use of artificial intelligence, benefit plans and the burden of “self-taped auditions” — the cost of which used to be the responsibility of casting and production.

The strike authorization vote, a tool at the bargaining table, comes at a pivotal moment for the industry as 11,500 writers enter their sixth week of striking and the directors guild reviews a recently reached tentative agreement with studios on issues like wages, streaming residuals, and artificial intelligence. Should the actors strike, the industry already hobbled by the writers strike would come to a near-standstill, from production to promoting completed projects.

The WGA, DGA and SAG-AFTRA have shown solidarity with one another since the writers began walking the picket lines on May 2. Many in Hollywood worried about the very real possibility that all three guilds would strike at the same time, as both the directors and the actors contracts were soon due to expire as well.

That scenario changed Sunday night when the directors guild, which represents 19,000 film, television and commercial directors, announced that they had reached a “truly historic” tentative agreement with studios. The terms, which have not been disclosed in detail to the press or the other guilds, will be presented to the DGA board on Tuesday for approval and then to the membership for ratification.

Representatives for both the writers guild and the actors guild congratulated the directors group for reaching a tentative deal, though neither commented on specific points of the DGA terms. The WGA also said that its bargaining positions remain the same. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

The second Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "I Spent My Life Saving the Whales. Now They Might Save Us." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"I Spent My Life Saving the Whales. Now They Might Save Us" from Time Magazine

By Roger Payne | June 5, 2023

More than fifty years ago, my team and I first discovered that whales sing to each other. Recordings we captured of the beautiful, evocative songs of the humpback whale captivated people all over the world. Whale song became the soundtrack for the “Save the Whales” movement, one of the most successful conservation initiatives in history. It led to the 1972 Marine Mammal Protection Act, which marked the end of large-scale whaling in the United States and saved several whale populations from extinction.

In the decades since, I’ve often pondered what it would take to spark a new conservation movement uniquely suited to the opportunities and challenges we face in this age of dire warnings and unassailable evidence of a rapidly changing planet. A movement that inspires a new generation, gives voice to the marginalized, and uses science to inspire awe instead of fear.

The question has recently led me to an initiative I’m involved with called Project CETI (the Cetacean Translation Initiative). In a quest to better understand our world and its inhabitants, CETI scientists are using advanced machine learning and state-of-the-art robotics to listen to and translate the communication of sperm whales. CETI’s work in Dominica is in its early stages, and though much has already been done to lay the groundwork for this massive effort at interspecies communication, including a scientific roadmap published last year.

I find myself at 88 years of age, very close to the end of a long life, coming to terms with the fact that I will not be around to find out what we learn. But what I can tell you is why this monumental journey of discovery matters.

The way I see it, the most consequential scientific discovery of the past 100 years isn’t E = mc2 or plate tectonics or translating the human genome. These are all quite monumental, to be sure, but there’s one discovery so consequential that unless we respond to it, it may kill us all, graveyard dead. It is this: every species, including humans, depends on a suite of other species to keep the world habitable for it, and each of those species depends in turn on an overlapping but somewhat different suite of species to keep their niche livable for them.

But there’s a problem here. No one can even name all the essential supporting species, let alone describe their full roles. We do know that some of the most essential species are microscopic plants and animals that we kill, unintentionally, by the trillions. But we know so little about them, they don’t even have common names, just Latin names. And many are unknown, unnamed, and undescribed species.

Faced with such capacious ignorance, our only rational course of action is to use every means possible, regardless of cost, to try to save all species of life, knowing that if we fail to save enough of the essential ones, we will have no future. The things we consider to be life’s worst disasters—wars, plagues, and pandemics that have killed off tens of millions of people but left a global population of survivors greater than the number of the dead—will seem like minor nuisances compared to what we will experience if we kill off essential species that keep this planet livable for you and me. The consequences of failure are so astronomical, that it is clear that there is nothing else nearly as important and urgent as preserving the rest of life. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

The third Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "To Solve the U.S. Nursing Shortage Crisis, the Country Must Change Its Immigration Policies." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"To Solve the U.S. Nursing Shortage Crisis, the Country Must Change Its Immigration Policies" from Time Magazine

By Alex M. Azar And Kathleen Sebelius | June 5, 2023

Alex M. Azar II, a Republican, served as the 24th United States Secretary of Health and Human Services from 2018 until 2021.

Kathleen Sebelius, a Democrat, served as the 21st United States Secretary of Health and Human Services from 2009 until 2014.

The United States is about to learn the hard way what happens when an entire generation of nurses retires without enough new clinicians to fill their shoes at the bedside.

As a result, hospitals in the same country that performed the first successful kidney transplant and pioneered anesthesia and heart rhythm restoration will have no choice but to ration care.

That’s the only way to describe what happened to an Alabama man who was turned away from 43 different hospitals across three different states before ultimately dying of a cardiac emergency 200 miles from home because no nearby system had an available intensive care bed it could staff. A spokesman for one hospital said the man “needed medical services that were not available.”

And it’s what happened to expecting mothers in Idaho earlier this year when the only hospital in the 8,000-person city of Emmett said it had become “unsustainably expensive to recruit and retain a full team of high-quality, broad-spectrum nurses to work.” That followed an earlier decision by an upstate New York facility to pause its maternity services after struggling to recruit enough replacements to offset staff resignations and retirements. The terrifying reality is that providers in every corner of the country have closed beds, units, and even entire facilities over an inability to adequately staff bedsides.

A nurse old enough to retire today has only known the U.S. health care system in a nursing shortage, but they’ll tell you it’s never been more challenging. It’s a crisis in five parts, including increased demand for care by an aging population and workforce, restraints that hinder nurses from practicing at the top of their licenses, lingering burnout from the pandemic, an inability to educate enough new nurses, and a recently throttled pipeline of qualified international talent.

To fill the gap in care left by retirements and burnout, federal economists calculate that the U.S. health care system will need to add at least 200,000 new nurses every year through 2026. We’ll be lucky to get half that. One workforce study predicted a shortage of more than 450,000 bedside nurses within the next two years. And as providers grapple with this desperate reality, a zero-sum race to the bottom will emerge in which suburban and urban hospitals raid already overburdened rural systems and long-term care facilities for talent.

Nursing schools reject tens of thousands of applicants every school year. It’s not because these would-be nurses failed to meet admission criteria—it’s largely because the schools don’t have enough nurse educators to train them. As limited instruction capacity squeezes the number of new matriculating nurses, hospitals have increasingly relied on foreign-educated nurses, who’ve grown to represent roughly 15% of the U.S. nursing workforce.

Employment-based health care immigration is a complex labyrinth of rules and regulations that doesn’t make it easy or fast for an international nurse to emigrate and begin treating American patients. Under current law, international nurses compete for the same limited number of employment-based green cards within an enormous pool of applicants that include IT workers, lawyers, engineers, and architects. Unlike those other workers, nurses do not qualify for temporary visas. So, while many computer engineers from other countries apply for green cards after moving to the U.S. and working under an H1-B visa, nurses must complete the immigration process entirely overseas. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight these articles from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written June 6th, 2023, revised August 12th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


June 6th, 2023 Update—Continued: I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, June 6th, 2023, when I noticed an article on titled, "LGBTQ+ Americans are under attack, Human Rights Campaign declares in state of emergency warning." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"LGBTQ+ Americans are under attack, Human Rights Campaign declares in state of emergency warning" from AP (Associated Press) News

By Hannah Schoenbaum | June 6, 2023

The Human Rights Campaign declared a state of emergency for LGBTQ+ people in the U.S. on Tuesday and released a guidebook pointing to laws it deems discriminatory in each state, along with “know your rights” information and resources to help people relocate to states with stronger LGBTQ+ protections.*

Sounding the alarm about the current political climate, the nation’s largest organization devoted to the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer Americans said travel advisories aren’t enough to help people already living in states where lawmakers have targeted LGBTQ+ people.

“We need champions right now,” HRC President Kelley Robinson said in an interview with The Associated Press. President Joe Biden and other LGBTQ+ rights supporters with decision-making authorities, she said, need to be more than just allies.

The declaration is a call to action for “people in power at every level” of government and the business community, she said, urging them to fight for LGBTQ+ rights with the same fervor as they’ve fought for abortion rights since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade last summer.

“When Dobbs fell, you saw a federal response to deal with the abortion crisis that we’re in,” Robinson said. “We are in a crisis of even greater scale to the health and well-being of the LGBTQ+ community, and we need that same sort of response.”

Just a few days into Pride Month, the campaign said it’s taking action in response to an “unprecedented and dangerous” spike in discriminatory legislation sweeping state houses this year, with more than 525 anti-LGBTQ+ bills introduced and more than 70 signed into law so far in 2023 — more than double last year’s number.

A recent Associated Press analysis found that many bills seeking to ban or restrict gender-affirming health care for transgender youth, who have been the primary targets of state legislation this year, sprang not from grassroots or constituent demand, but from the pens of a few powerful conservative interest groups.

The HRC guidebook, meanwhile, provides information about filing complaints for civil rights violations and points to resources for financing moves and finding employment, particularly in the 17 states with a trifecta of Democratic leadership in both legislative chambers and the governor’s office.

“The amount of calls I get every day from parents asking how they can move to another state because they’d rather mourn their home than their child is real,” Robinson said. “This is a different level of urgency and demanded a different level of response.”

The emergency declaration is the first in the 43-year history of the HRC, which encompasses a foundation focusing on research, advocacy and education, national and state lobbying campaigns and a political action committee that supports and opposes candidates for office. It comes as Republican-dominated legislatures around the country have restricted various aspects of transgender existence, from pronoun usage and bathroom access to medical care and more. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

*Plus, I also read that article on titled, "For the First Time Ever, Human Rights Campaign Officially Declares ‘State of Emergency’ for LGBTQ+ Americans; Issues National Warning and Guidebook to Ensure Safety for LGBTQ+ Residents and Travelers", which was referenced in the "LGBTQ+ Americans are under attack, Human Rights Campaign declares in state of emergency warning" article above. An introduction to the article can be found below:

"For the First Time Ever, Human Rights Campaign Officially Declares ‘State of Emergency’ for LGBTQ+ Americans; Issues National Warning and Guidebook to Ensure Safety for LGBTQ+ Residents and Travelers" from the Human Rights Campaign (HRC)

By HRC Staff | June 6, 2023

HRC’s First-Ever Emergency Declaration Comes After More Than 75 Anti-LGBTQ+ Bills Signed Into Law This Year (More Than Double The Number From Last Year), Creating an Imminent Threat to the Health and Safety of LGBTQ+ People and Families Nationwide

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) — the nation’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ+) civil rights organization — officially declared a state of emergency for LGBTQ+ people in the United States for the first time in its more than 40-year history, following an unprecedented and dangerous spike in anti-LGBTQ+ legislative assaults sweeping state houses this year. A new report released by HRC today — LGBTQ+ Americans Under Attack — details more than 75 anti-LGBTQ+ bills that have been signed into law this year alone, more than doubling last year’s number, which was previously the worst year on record.

The sharp rise in anti-LGBTQ+ measures has spawned a dizzying patchwork of discriminatory state laws that have created increasingly hostile and dangerous environments for LGBTQ+ people, prompting HRC today to also issue a national warning ( and downloadable guidebook ( for the LGBTQ+ community — including health and safety resources, a summary of state-by-state laws, “know your rights” information, and resources designed to support LGBTQ+ travelers as well as those already living in hostile states. This guidebook will arm LGBTQ+ people with resources and information to help ensure safety in all 50 states. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight this AP News article—as well as this Human Rights Campaign article—for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

Besides that, I made an yearly (annual) donation to show my support for the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), since the HRC "officially declared a state of emergency for LGBTQ+ people in the United States for the first time in its more than 40-year history, following an unprecedented and dangerous spike in anti-LGBTQ+ legislative assaults sweeping state houses this year [2023]," because "the sharp rise in anti-LGBTQ+ measures has spawned a dizzying patchwork of discriminatory state laws that have created increasingly hostile and dangerous environments for LGBTQ+ people, prompting HRC today [June 6th, 2023] to also issue a national warning and downloadable guidebook for the LGBTQ+ community." –Paul Whiting (written June 6th, 2023 and revised August 22nd, 2023)


June 7th, 2023 Update: I received an email from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) today, June 7th, 2023, with the subject line, "Pride is joy, resistance – and action. Let's go.", which stated the following:

Paul – Pride began as a protest, and we're channeling that same spirit of resistance this month as LGBTQ people face escalating attacks.

So far this year, state lawmakers have introduced more than 490 anti-LGBTQ bills, most of which target transgender and non-binary people. The ACLU has been fighting back by working in state legislatures, taking unconstitutional policies to court, and mobilizing supporters to protect trans rights. This Pride month, and every day, the ACLU is defending our right to be ourselves – fully, freely, and with joy.


Community Stories

In the midst of attacks on trans people's safety and dignity, we're celebrating stories of trans joy. Because when forces larger than us try to break our spirit, we can respond as forcefully and effectively with joy as we can with anger, defiance, and protest. One of our clients explained that after they started using new pronouns for their trans daughter, "It was as if a cloud lifted and Brooke's smile came back. We had a happy, bright-eyed child again." Another trans client explained that "having access to care means I'm able to be myself, and be healthier and more confident – physically and mentally." We're fighting for a society where every trans person has the opportunity to attain that joy, where everyone can live safely and freely as themselves.


Updates On Our Work

The ACLU has been fighting for LGBTQ freedom for decades. And as an organization at the intersection of every civil liberty issue in this country, we know full well that nothing exists in isolation: Our fight to stop attacks on LGBTQ people's First Amendment rights of self-expression, for instance, is a fight to stop attacks on all our First Amendment rights:

[✓] We just filed a lawsuit against a school district that barred a trans student from wearing a dress to her graduation.
[✓] And, we're working to defend Connecticut's trans-inclusive sports policies that support a student's right to be themselves and be part of a team.
[✓] Plus, we recently filed a lawsuit against a city that censored drag performers. Because an attack on one of our rights is an attack on all of our rights.


Take Action With Us

Pride began as a protest – a movement led by Black and brown trans women. And as we continue the fight for LGBTQ freedom today, we need you to take action. Not only are states passing anti-LGBTQ censorship laws, they are also passing bans on gender-affirming care for trans youth. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene even recently introduced a federal ban in the House. That's why we're asking during Pride Month: Please, send a message to your member of Congress urging them to protect trans care.*

Thank you for reading this Pride month's update. We'll be sharing rundowns of this work every week this month, so please stay tuned and thank you in advance for taking action to protect trans rights.

Happy Pride,

The ACLU Team

*By the way, I already sent the above-mentioned "message to [my] member of Congress urging them to protect trans care" on June 1st, 2023, a copy of which can be found below, as quoted from my 'June 1st, 2023 Update,' which can be found above:


The attacks on the freedom and dignity of trans people and their families are just starting. One-third of the country has passed laws that criminalize and ban access to gender-affirming care. The next stage of the fight for basic LGBTQ freedoms is coming, and it affects everyone – even in states that haven't seen any anti-trans attacks.

A new bill has been introduced by the most extreme anti-LGBTQ Members of Congress, led by Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, that would criminalize the health care trans people need. While such a law is beyond the pale, it won't be the last. Any national ban on gender-affirming care would be devastating. You and your elected Members of Congress are our last line of defense against this national threat.

We must stop any effort to criminalize trans people and the families and communities who love us. Send your message loud and clear: Tell your Members of Congress to protect trans people from discrimination.


Subject: Protect Trans People from Discrimination

Recently we have seen wave after wave of extreme measures in the states and in Congress, to criminalize and strip transgender people of access to healthcare that keeps them alive and healthy. As we celebrate our LGBTQ family members, friends, and neighbors this Pride Month, I am writing – during a genuine moment of crisis – to urge you to publicly commit to doing everything within your power to protect the health and dignity of transgender people. Will you do so?

I want to be very clear: Gender-affirming care, including for transgender youth, is evidence-based, medically necessary, and life-saving. This is why every leading medical organization, including the American Medical Association, the American Psychiatric Association, and the American Academy of Pediatrics, strongly oppose efforts to criminalize and deny this care to transgender people.

Patients and their doctors should be the ones making individual healthcare decisions, not cynical politicians looking to score political points through fear-mongering and ignorance. As a Member of Congress, you must stand against this.

Transgender people deserve the same chance to thrive and live fulfilling lives as everyone else. Having the freedom to control our bodies and seek the healthcare we need, including gender-affirming care, is an essential right for all people.

I urge you to not remain silent in this moment. Use your voice. Publicly show up in support with the transgender community, not only during Pride Month but all year long. Most importantly, use your power to protect life-saving healthcare for transgender youth and adults alike.

Thank you. I look forward to your response.

[First Name] [Last Name]


Salutation (required by some officials): Mr.
First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
E-mail address: [redacted]
Address: [redacted]
Address Line 2: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Zip Code: [redacted]
Phone: [redacted]..."

And so, for very much the same reason that I donated on June 1st, 2023, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU today, June 7th, 2023, since "it's so critical that people like [me] speak up for trans rights every chance they get," because "PRIDE IS JOY," "PRIDE IS RESISTANCE" and "PRIDE IS ACTION!" –Paul Whiting (written June 7th, 2023, revised June 21st, 2023 and revised June 28th, 2023)


June 8th, 2023 Update [My Writing About Creating A 'New Word,' So To Speak, By Combining Two Existing Words—Namely Disconcert And Consternation—Into The New Word 'Disconcertation,' As It Relates To Outlining A New Dynamic For The Presidency And Vice Presidency Of The United States Of America, In Addition To The First Lady, Or The First Gentleman, As Well As The Second Lady, Or The Second Gentleman]:

This 'June 8th, 2023 Update' is originally from my blog post titled, "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" that is on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog, which also appears on some of my blogs as the following: "My Writing About Creating A 'New Word,' So To Speak, By Combining Two Existing Words—Namely Disconcert And Consternation—Into The New Word 'Disconcertation,' As It Relates To Outlining A New Dynamic For The Presidency And Vice Presidency Of The United States Of America, In Addition To The First Lady, Or The First Gentleman, As Well As The Second Lady, Or The Second Gentleman."

You see, I was puzzling out an idea by discussing it out loud, which I often do as a self-designated 'Poet, Artist and Philosopher,' when I am figuring out new ideas that I have. And I had an idea that I was puzzling out—by talking about it out loud, as if I am discussing it in front of someone else—that had to do with the presidency, as well as the vice presidency, of the United States of America both being a married couple who represent the average American couple that are "married with children."

And so, there would be a "Mr. and Mrs. President of the United States," as well as a "Mr. and Mrs. Vice President of the United States," both of whom would symbolize a typical married couple in the United States of America as co-parents of their respective families.

And, therefore, "Mr. President," and "Mr. Vice President," as the symbolic husbands and fathers of 'The American Family,' would be in charge of the masculine aspects of the presidency, as well as the vice presidency, that have to do with manly/fatherly issues.

And, thusly, "Mrs. President," and "Mrs. Vice President," as the symbolic wives and mothers of 'The American Family,' would be in charge of the feminine aspects of the presidency, as well as the vice presidency, that have to do with womanly/motherly issues.

So, "Mr. and Mrs. President of the United States" and "Mr. and Mrs. Vice President of the United States," both of whom are a typical married couple that are co-parents of their own families, would work in conjunction with each other as the symbolic co-parents of 'The American Household.' And that would mean there are, in fact, two married couples who represent 'The American Family,' both of whom are "married with children."

Then, Mr. President and Mr. Vice President of the United States would be like the president and vice president of a corporation! And the First Lady and Second Lady of the United States would be like the wives, and mothers, of the American household! However, the First and Second Ladies would have much more say in how 'America's Household' is run, since they would both help make decisions about the country in conjunction with their husbands who are the President and Vice President, respectively.

Plus, it goes without saying that women could be both Mrs. President and Mrs. Vice President! And their husbands could be the First Gentleman and the Second Gentleman, respectively, who would be the stay-at-home fathers of an atypical American household, like in the motion picture "Mr. Mom."

And all of this leads to the following:

1. Two married couples working together as a team to fulfill their respective duties as the President and Vice President, in addition to the First Lady or First Gentleman, as well as the Second Lady or Second Gentleman.

2. The President and Vice President would share more responsibilities so that—for example—if the President is attending a world summit, then the Vice President is still attending to the duties as an 'Interim President,' so to speak, including signing bills into law, which have been passed by Congress, while the President is attending said summit.

3. So, there would always be a "President in Residency," so to speak, at the White House—even while the President is attending to duties which require their presence somewhere else, such as attending a summit or an important state function, or visiting a disaster site, or any situation that requires the President's physical presence away from the White House.

4. And the First Lady, or First Gentleman, as well as the Second Lady, or Second Gentleman, would be paid a salary to fulfill their respective duties as the Hostess, or Host, of the White House, as well as to be spousal advisors to the President and Vice President, respectively, as outlined above.

5. Then, the First Lady/First Gentleman, as well as the Second Lady/Second Gentleman, would co-share in the duties for the management of the White House, co-share in the championship of social causes, and co-share in the representation of the president, as well as the vice president, at official and ceremonial occasions.

6. Additionally, the President and First Lady/Gentleman, as well as the Vice President and Second Lady/Gentleman, would also share responsibilities with regard to decision-making about 'America's Household,' so to speak.

7. Therefore, just like husbands and wives, who are mothers and fathers, both couples would make decisions together while representing their respective roles as husband/father and wife/mother to 'The American Family.'

Finally, this all of this long-winded talk leads to to reason that I originally wrote this 'update' in the first place!

You see, I was talking about these ideas out loud (although, not to the level of detail that I have outlined above, but simply in a general way) when I said something aloud like, "...and all of this would be to the 'disconcertation' of those who don't believe that the President and First Lady/Gentlemen, as well as the Vice President and Second Lady/Gentleman should be equal in power to each other!" (Clearly, I am paraphrasing what I actually said...)

And that's when I realized that there was no such word as 'disconsternation,' which is like the combination of the words 'disconcert' and 'consternation.' So, that's why I decided to create this new word 'disconsternation,' which describes "feelings of being unsettled or dismayed, typically at something unexpected or disturbing."


By the way, here is the definition of the word disconcert, as well as the word consternation, from a Google search of these respective words:

Dictionary: Definitions from Oxford Languages

[1.] dis·con·cert

gerund or present participle: disconcerting

disturb the composure of; unsettle.
"the abrupt change of subject disconcerted her"

[2.] con·ster·na·tion

noun: consternation

feelings of anxiety or dismay, typically at something unexpected.
"I always welcomed clover, much to the consternation of the neighbors"


And here is the definition of this 'new word,' so to speak, "disconsternation," from this self-designated 'Poet, Artist and Philosopher':

Dictionary: Definition from "Paul Whiting: Poet, Artist and Philosopher"

[3.] dis·con·ster·na·tion

noun: disconsternation

feelings of being unsettled or dismayed, typically at something unexpected or disturbing.
"I outlined a new dynamic for President and Vice President of the United States of America, in addition to the First Lady, or the First Gentleman, as well as the Second Lady, or the Second Gentleman, much to the disconsternation of those who read my blogs"

–Paul Whiting (written June 8th, 2023, revised June 11th, 2023 and revised October 13th, 2023)


June 9th, 2023 Update: I received an email from Planned Parenthood Federation of America today, June 9th, 2023, with the subject line, "Our movements are inseparable", which stated the following:

Dear Paul,

It's Pride Month, and listen: We love a parade. We love to come together as a joyful, vibrant, diverse, proud community. We love to celebrate. We love love.

But that is only part of Pride.

Pride is also about solidarity, supporting one another, and building power within the LGBTQ+ community. It's about defiance — of laws and lawmakers who would dare to tell us how we can live, who we can love, and what we are worth. It's about building a future of liberation and equality.

It's in that spirit of showing up and speaking out, of solidarity and defiance — and, yes, of love — that Planned Parenthood is supporting partner organizations rooted in the LGBTQ+ community this Pride Month.

Click here to make a donation that will be shared among these partners:

[✓] Gender Justice

[✓] Marsha P. Johnson Institute

[✓] SPARK Reproductive Justice Now!


As a wave of abortion bans has swept through state after state, so have bans on gender-affirming care and other legislation targeting LGBTQ+ people. Each one of these is a direct attack on the right to control our own bodies and lives.

Our movements are deeply intertwined, and our causes are inseparable. When courageous lawmakers stood up to filibuster anti-trans legislation in Nebraska, bill sponsors added an abortion ban to the bill to help force it through.

They showed us who they are in that moment, and demonstrated once again that these bills — abortion bans, gender-affirming care bans, and so much more — are about power and control. The only way to stand against them is to stand together.

Make your special Pride Month gift right now and support grassroots organizations powering this movement.

Thank you for your commitment, your solidarity, and your defiance. And thank you also for the joy, celebration, love, and pride you bring. We need all of it, together, now and for the work ahead.

— Planned Parenthood

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

Thus, I made one-time donations to Gender Justice, Marsha P. Johnson Institute, and SPARK Reproductive Justice Now!, on Plan Parenthood's donation portal via, because Pride is about coming "together as a joyful, vibrant, diverse, proud community," however "Pride is also about solidarity, supporting one another, and building power within the LGBTQ+ community. It's about defiance — of laws and lawmakers who would dare to tell us how we can live, who we can love, and what we are worth. It's about building a future of liberation and equality." –Paul Whiting (written June 9th, 2023 and revised June 2nd, 2024)


June 11th, 2023 Update: I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, June 11th, 2023, when I noticed an article on titled, "The dull way Americans are being forced to care about climate change risk: Insurance." (By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.) An introduction to the article can be found below:

"The dull way Americans are being forced to care about climate change risk: Insurance" from USA Today

Trevor Hughes USA TODAY | Published June 11, 2023

DENVER ‒ Smoke descended on New York City, oceans are rising, arctic ice is melting. But one of the most significant and undeniable ways Americans will be impacted by climate change is far less dramatic: Insurance.

Insurance companies across the country are increasingly altering where and how people can live in flood, storm or wildfire-prone areas. State Farm and Allstate have made national headlines recently for their decisions to not offer new homeowner policies in disaster-prone California, and other companies have pulled out of or dramatically raised rates in Louisiana, Florida and Colorado.

In other words, whether or not you believe climate change is a problem, your data-driven insurance company already does — and it's responding, in most cases faster than government regulators. A 2022 report by USA TODAY explored a looming financial catastrophe caused in part by government assurances that people can rebuild where they previously lived, instead of being prompted to relocate somewhere safer.

A recent poll by Ipsos found that 90% of Democrats report being concerned about climate change, compared to 34% of Republicans, many of whom live in disaster-prone states like Florida and Texas.

"What you're really getting into is having to adjust how and where we build to make things [that] are insurable," said Craig Fugate, the head of FEMA during the Obama administration. "The argument has always been that building restrictions make homes unaffordable. But the new question has to be: Is it insurable?"

What does climate change have to do with insurance?

Virtually anyone buying a house with a mortgage must have homeowner's insurance, and insurance companies in disaster-prone areas have been significantly raising rates or withdrawing altogether from certain areas. If you don't have insurance, you can't get a mortgage. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And so, I decided to highlight this article from USA Today for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written June 11th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


June 12th, 2023 Update: I received an email from Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America today, June 12th, 2023, with the subject line, "Honor the victims and survivors of Pulse with action: Send your message," which stated the following:


The same week we're remembering the tragedy at Pulse nightclub—one of the deadliest mass shootings in U.S. history—extremist Republicans in the House are proposing to gut our gun laws.

They want to make it EASIER for potential mass shooters to get the kind of extremely dangerous assault weapons used in multiple shootings, including at Club Q in Colorado Springs and at The Covenant School in Nashville. President Biden took action to regulate this type of weapon under existing law, but extremists now want to roll it back.

Paul, you've already taken action on this important issue—but if we're going to stop extremist lawmakers from gutting our gun laws, we need to keep the pressure up.

The House is voting THIS WEEK to make it easier to get a type of extremely dangerous assault weapon that is highly regulated. Honor the victims and survivors of the shooting at Pulse with action: Send another message to [your representative in Congress] demanding they vote NO!


Seven years ago, Orlando, Florida and the LGBTQ+ community were changed forever. A gunman opened fire at the LGBTQ+ nightclub Pulse, killing 49 people and wounding more than 50 others, many of whom were Latinx or Black.

We've worked to honor their lives with action, but we cannot ignore how much work we have left to do.

Loss continues to echo throughout and beyond the Latinx, Black, and queer communities. Mass shootings and daily gun violence continue to happen. And to make matters worse, extremist lawmakers in Florida—as well as several other states—are working to make their communities less welcoming, particularly for trans and queer youth.

Being out and openly queer, as many of the victims of the shooting at Pulse were, requires not just an immense degree of courage to be oneself, but also profound belief that a world in which we are able to experience joy and thrive as ourselves is possible.

It is with that intense amount of joy and hope that we, as a movement, must approach ending this deadly crisis. Together, we can turn our dream of a country free from gun violence into a reality—but only if we make it so.

This Pride Month, and on the seven-year-mark of the Pulse tragedy, we are answering the challenges we face with hope and resolve. We will fight to make our country safe for all—regardless of who we are, and who we love.

Honor the victims and survivors of the shooting at Pulse with action: Send a message to [your representative in Congress] now.

Thank you for being a part of this movement.

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
Moms Demand Action

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:

Tell Your U.S. Representative: Oppose Gutting Our Gun Laws And Support Gun Safety Legislation

Gun lobby allies in Congress continue to attack the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF)—the federal agency tasked with enforcing our gun laws, solving gun crimes, and keeping our communities safe from gun violence.

Just weeks after a school shooting in Nashville where the shooter used an assault weapon equipped with an arm brace, Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee advanced legislation that would make it easier for dangerous individuals to get their hands on these modified guns.

Enough is enough. Common-sense gun policies on background checks, Extreme Risk Protection Orders, and assault weapons can help prevent shootings and keep our families safe. Inaction is not an option, and these extreme attempts to gut our gun laws are shameful.

Demand the U.S. House prioritize gun safety. Our U.S. representatives must reject this extreme attempt at undermining the ATF, and take action on common-sense gun legislation like expanding background checks to all gun sales, passing a federal Extreme Risk Protection Order law, and reinstating the Assault Weapons Ban.

Dear Representative,

I am writing to you as a constituent filled with grief, fear, and anger. I am fed up. As countless acts of preventable gun violence continue to threaten the safety of communities across the country day after day, I am urging you to oppose the extreme attempts to attack the ATF, including efforts to repeal the ATF's arm brace rule, and, instead, support action on gun safety. I ask you to support common-sense legislation that would expand background checks to all gun sales, create a federal Extreme Risk Protection Order law, and reinstate the Assault Weapons Ban. This common-sense legislation can help prevent tragic mass shootings, as well as the 120 gun deaths that happen every day.

Please, I'm urging you to prioritize public safety. Take action and save lives.

Complete the form to send your message now:

First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
Prefix: Mr.
Email address: [redacted]
Street address: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
ZIP Code: [redacted]
Mobile phone: [redacted]

And, after I sent the letter above to my representative in Congress, via the Everytown for Gun Safety website, I made a one-time donation to Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America (via the Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund) in order to do my part to "honor the victims and survivors of Pulse [nightclub] with action by send[ing]...another message to [my representative in Congress] demanding they vote stop extremist lawmakers from gutting our gun laws." –Paul Whiting (written June 12th, 2023, revised June 17th, 2023, revised July 5th, 2023 and revised September 7th, 2023)


For my "June 14th, 2023 Update"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. A brief overview of the 'update' can be found below:

June 14th, 2023 Update: Did you know that June 14th of each year is both Flag Day and the U.S. Army's birthday?

Neither did I! That is, until I received two emails from the USO (United Service Organizations) last year on June 10th, 2022 and June 12th, 2022, with the subject lines, "How much do you know about the stars and stripes, Paul?" and "Help us celebrate the Army's 247th birthday!", respectively.

And I wrote an 'update' regarding those emails from the USO, a copy of which can be found below: ...

... Thus, today is both Flag Day and the Army’s 248th birthday! And I received a text message today, June 14th, 2023, from the USO (United Service Organizations), which stated the following: ...

... So, I signed the card to "honor those who serve and sacrifice so much for us by wishing the Army a happy birthday!" Plus, after I signed the card, I made a one-time donation on the website to say to our Army heroes, "We are beyond grateful for the sacrifices you make to protect our freedoms and keep us safe. In honor of the Army’s 248th birthday, thank you for your service!"

And then, for Flag Day, I did a search on Google for "USO Flag Day 2023" and found an article on the website titled, "When is Flag Day and Five Must-Know American Flag Facts." A brief introduction to the article can be found below: ...

... Plus, after I read the article, I made another one-time donation on the website in order to support the USO's following statement: "For more than 80 years, the USO has stood by America's military service members by keeping them connected to family, home and country. But we're not a government agency, and rely on individual supporters like you to fund the programs that make the biggest difference for our service members."

In addition to that, I already make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! You see, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation. ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "June 14th, 2023 Update":


June 14th, 2023 Update—Continued: I received an email from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) today, June 14th, 2023, with the subject line, "New podcast: Trans kids speak out!", which stated the following:

New Podcast Episode

Let Trans Kids Speak for Themselves

"I really hope for those of you that are younger and you find yourself caught in the hurricane that is the 'trans debate,' that you can find the eye of that hurricane and just learn to be yourself … no matter how far you sink, there will always be someone willing to lift you back up."

– [Name redacted], 15 years old


Then, after I listened to the podcast, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU because, as the podcast host says in her opening statement:

"As legislatures across the country enact anti-LGBTQ bills, one group has taken center stage in our national conversation: trans youth. Of the 491 anti-LGBTQ bills that we are tracking in this legislative session, 118 are bills seeking to restrict or ban gender-affirming care for trans kids. In the midst of all of this we are losing sight of the big picture. Trans kids are simply kids. And they’d like everyone else to let them be that. They don’t want to have to grow up fast, or be thrust into the spotlight. They want to manage their cheer team, build robots in their bedrooms, and go to homecoming with their friends.

So today, we’re passing them the mic, because well, the adults are talking too much and need to sit down and listen."

–Paul Whiting (June 14th, 2023, revised June 17th, 2023 and revised April 28th, 2024)


June 16th, 2023 Update, Written On June 17th, 2023: I received an email from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) yesterday, June 16th, 2023, with the subject line, "The intersection of racism and queer hate.", which stated the following:

Paul – all Pride month long, we're uplifting the joy, resistance, and action of our communities, especially in the face of escalating attacks against LGBTQ people's rights and safety. Particularly for trans people.

While state lawmakers continue to introduce discriminatory laws (nearly 500 anti-LGBTQ bills so far this year), the ACLU is working to defend the right to live fully and authentically as ourselves. One crucial piece in all this is the intersection between racism and queer hate that so many Black and brown LGBTQ people are forced to navigate – especially trans people of color. That's why this week, for Pride and in the lead-up to Juneteenth, we want to uplift the stories and work within this fight as we all work towards a liberated future free of harm and full of life.


Community Stories

In the midst of attacks on trans people's safety and dignity, we're celebrating stories of trans joy ( In Alabama, for instance, as anti-trans state bills unfolded, the national press focused solely on the tragedy of being trans in the state, while interviews presented (mostly) white parents of trans youth in Alabama. This gap in storytelling brought about Black Trans Futures (, a storytelling project by the ACLU of Alabama and the Knights & Orchids Society. As one young Alabamian named Ro shared, "I love my journey. I'm not a man, I'm a trans man and that holds so much power ... There's only one Ro and that Ro is special."


Updates On Our Work

The ACLU has been fighting for LGBTQ freedom for decades. And as an organization at the intersection of every civil liberty issue in this country, we know full well that nothing exists in isolation: Our fight to stop attacks on LGBTQ people's right to exist in public life, includes defending access to protections like fair housing, healthcare, and beyond. Here's just a highlight of some of our work in these areas:

[✓] Systemic racism, widespread poverty, and the criminalization of sex work continues to fuel housing discrimination for marginalized groups within the queer community, especially for trans people. We at the ACLU are educating and fighting for equal access to housing rights: Get informed on the history behind this work and how housing segregation shaped America's 'Gayborhoods.' (

[✓] We also recently sued Idaho ( for their unconstitutional law that criminalizes gender-affirming care for trans youth – a challenge that represents our seventh lawsuit defending trans youth's right to health care this year alone.

[✓] Through advocacy, litigation, and lobbying, we're working alongside our partners to push back against ALL attacks on LGBTQ rights across the states, which you can track alongside our team right now (


Take Action With Us

Pride began as a protest – a movement led by Black and brown trans women. And as we continue the fight for LGBTQ freedom today, we need you to take action. While anti-trans politicians in state legislatures continue to attack young people by passing bans on gender-affirming care for trans youth, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene recently introduced a federal ban in the House. That's why, we're asking during Pride Month: Please, send a message to your member of Congress urging them to protect trans care.*

Paul, this month and every month – we won't stop fighting for our communities. Thank you for reading this Pride month's update, and remember to watch your inbox all June for more updates as we fight to protect LGBTQ rights and all people's civil liberties.

Happy Pride,

The ACLU Team

*By the way, I already sent the above-mentioned "message to [my] member of Congress urging them to protect trans care" on June 1st, 2023, a copy of which can be found below, as quoted from my 'June 1st, 2023 Update,' which can be found above:


The attacks on the freedom and dignity of trans people and their families are just starting. One-third of the country has passed laws that criminalize and ban access to gender-affirming care. The next stage of the fight for basic LGBTQ freedoms is coming, and it affects everyone – even in states that haven't seen any anti-trans attacks.

A new bill has been introduced by the most extreme anti-LGBTQ Members of Congress, led by Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, that would criminalize the health care trans people need. While such a law is beyond the pale, it won't be the last. Any national ban on gender-affirming care would be devastating. You and your elected Members of Congress are our last line of defense against this national threat.

We must stop any effort to criminalize trans people and the families and communities who love us. Send your message loud and clear: Tell your Members of Congress to protect trans people from discrimination.


Subject: Protect Trans People from Discrimination

Recently we have seen wave after wave of extreme measures in the states and in Congress, to criminalize and strip transgender people of access to healthcare that keeps them alive and healthy. As we celebrate our LGBTQ family members, friends, and neighbors this Pride Month, I am writing – during a genuine moment of crisis – to urge you to publicly commit to doing everything within your power to protect the health and dignity of transgender people. Will you do so?

I want to be very clear: Gender-affirming care, including for transgender youth, is evidence-based, medically necessary, and life-saving. This is why every leading medical organization, including the American Medical Association, the American Psychiatric Association, and the American Academy of Pediatrics, strongly oppose efforts to criminalize and deny this care to transgender people.

Patients and their doctors should be the ones making individual healthcare decisions, not cynical politicians looking to score political points through fear-mongering and ignorance. As a Member of Congress, you must stand against this.

Transgender people deserve the same chance to thrive and live fulfilling lives as everyone else. Having the freedom to control our bodies and seek the healthcare we need, including gender-affirming care, is an essential right for all people.

I urge you to not remain silent in this moment. Use your voice. Publicly show up in support with the transgender community, not only during Pride Month but all year long. Most importantly, use your power to protect life-saving healthcare for transgender youth and adults alike.

Thank you. I look forward to your response.

[First Name] [Last Name]


Salutation (required by some officials): Mr.
First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
E-mail address: [redacted]
Address: [redacted]
Address Line 2: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Zip Code: [redacted]
Phone: [redacted]..."

And so, for very much the same reason that I donated on June 1st, 2023, and on June 7th, 2023, as well as on June 14th, 2023, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU today, June 17th, 2023, since "it's so critical that people like [me] speak up for trans rights every chance they get," because "PRIDE IS JOY," "PRIDE IS RESISTANCE" and "PRIDE IS ACTION!" –Paul Whiting (written June 17th, 2023, revised June 21st, 2023, revised June 28th, 2023 and revised August 22nd, 2023)


For my "June 17th, 2023 Update"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

June 17th, 2023 Update: I received an email from the USO (United Service Organizations) today, June 17th, 2023, with the subject line, "USO Newsletter: Spring Highlights, with regard to the USO's newsletter "YOUR USO AT WORK," Issue 113 for June 2023, which stated, in part, the following:

As summer goes into full swing, it's more important than ever to remember and honor our troops who may not be able to spend this precious time with their families.

We can't thank you enough for helping our service members stay comfortable and connected to home during this time. Check out the updates below to learn a little more about the work you've helped make possible this past spring! ...

And the following highlights from the USO's newsletter, which I selected to post, are regarding "How a U.S. Soldier and USO Volunteer in Honduras Helped Lay the Foundation for a New USO Center" and the limited edition 2023 USO T-shirt:

How a U.S. Soldier and USO Volunteer in Honduras Helped Lay the Foundation for a New USO Center

USO centers typically have teams of volunteers working alongside USO employees to deliver crucial support to service members stationed far from home. But for locations that are too remote or dangerous for permanent USO staff to live and work there, we rely on the service members deployed to these particular locations to serve as USO volunteers and run their own centers. These heroes use their downtime during deployment to support their fellow troops, and we couldn't be more thankful for them.

Click here to meet the U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class and USO volunteer who helped establish the USO's first-ever center in Honduras. »




That's how many years we've had the official uniform of military supporters! Check out the limited edition 2023 USO T-shirt here. »

...From all of us at the USO, thank you for being a dedicated and proud military supporter!

And so, I made a one-time donation on the website in order to show my support "helping our service members stay comfortable and connected to home during this [past spring] time" and to show my support for the USO's newsletter, as well as to show my support for the USO in supporting our men and women in uniform, as described in the highlight "VOICE OF THE USO," from the aforementioned newsletter:


"I was finally able to talk to my children by using their free Wi-Fi, and I enjoyed my time checking [out] a variety of local cultural opportunities while having snacks in their lounge. It made me [feel] at home!"

— A U.S. Army Spc. and military mom deployed to South Korea

In addition to that, I already make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! You see, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation. ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "June 17th, 2023 Update":


June 17th, 2023 Update—Continued: I received an email from Everytown for Gun Safety and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense today, June 17th, 2023, with the subject line, "State victories for gun safety are adding up, even where you might not expect", which stated the following:

Paul, this is how we make progress toward a future free from gun violence:

It's only June, but 2023 is already one of our movement's most successful years in state legislatures ever. So far, state legislatures across the U.S. have passed more gun safety policies into law than in any other session in the last five years.

[✓] Even more states have passed critical gun safety laws like assault weapons bans, red flag laws, and laws requiring background checks on all gun sales. More than half of states now have a secure storage law.

[✓] And we're not just passing more good laws—we're stopping the gun lobby in their tracks. From New Hampshire to Missouri to Arizona, we've successfully blocked all of the gun lobby's priorities from advancing in over a dozen states so far this year.

These victories couldn't have happened without the tireless advocacy of our Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action volunteers or our millions of grassroots supporters—proof that we are a political powerhouse in the movement to end gun violence.

Fighting for gun safety in every single state would be impossible without our thousands of incredible volunteers. And when we're going toe-to-toe with the gun lobby, it requires a lot of financial resources, too. That's why we rely on grassroots donors to help us keep up this momentum: Donate today to support the work we're doing every day to pass stronger gun laws and work for a future free from gun violence.

Power our grassroots movement. Donate.***

Thank you for your support,

Everytown and Moms Demand Action

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, I made a one-time donation to Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund (which includes Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action) in order "to support the work [they're] doing every day to pass stronger gun laws and work for a future free from gun violence." –Paul Whiting (written June 17th, 2023 and revised August 28th, 2023)


June 17th, 2023 Update—Continued Further: I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, June 17th, 2023, when I noticed an article on titled, "Oregon GOP senators end 6-week walkout after new agreements on abortion, gun bills." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Oregon GOP senators end 6-week walkout after new agreements on abortion, gun bills" from AP (Associated Press) News

By Andrew Selsky | June 16, 2023

SALEM, Ore. (AP) — Ending a walkout that held up key bills for six weeks, Republicans showed up for work in the Oregon Senate on Thursday after wresting concessions from Democrats on measures covering abortion, transgender health care and gun rights.

The lawmakers’ walkout — the longest in state history and the second-longest in the United States — came as several statehouses around the nation have been ideological battlegrounds, including in Montana and Tennessee.

The Republican boycott, which prevented the state Senate from reaching a two-thirds quorum needed to pass bills, was prompted by a sweeping measure on abortion and gender-affirming care that Republicans called too extreme. The measure would allow doctors to provide abortions regardless of a patient’s age, with medical providers not required to notify the parents of a minor in certain cases.

As part of the deal to end the walkout, Democrats agreed to change language concerning parental notifications for abortion.

Under the compromise, if an abortion provider believes notifying the parents of a patient under 15 years old would not be in that patient’s best interest, the physician would not have to notify the parents — but would need another provider to concur. However, no second opinion would be needed if involving a parent or guardian would lead to the abuse or neglect of the patient.

Democrats said the measure will still ensure abortion access and protect caregivers from anti-abortion or gender-affirming care measures passed by other states. It will also require that health insurance covers medically necessary gender-affirming care.

Democrats also agreed to drop several amendments on a bill that would punish the manufacturing or transferring of undetectable firearms. The now-removed clauses would have increased the purchasing age from 18 to 21 for semiautomatic rifles and placed more limits on concealed carry.

Democrats immediately filed new versions of both measures reflecting the agreements, and the Senate then passed them. Although the bills were approved earlier by the House, they now will go back to that chamber for a concurrence vote before going to Democratic Gov. Tina Kotek for her signature. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight this article from AP News for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written June 17th, 2023, revised August 28th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)



I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles from one of their daily emails that I received today, June 17th, 2023, when I noticed a article titled, "Coping With Grief on Father's Day." (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.) An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Coping With Grief on Father's Day" from Time Magazine

By Leslie Lehr | JUNE 16, 2023

Lehr is the prize-winning author of the pop culture memoir, A Boob’s Life: How America’s Obsession Shaped Me — and You, exploring the challenge of women today in navigating a new path between sexy and sacred. She is the Novel Consultant for Truby's Writers Studio, a judge for the WFWA debut novel contest, and a member of PEN, the Authors Guild, WGA, Women In Film, the ACLU, and The Women’s Leadership Council of LA

I hate Father’s Day. Not because my father died this year, making it the first without him. It was sudden, but we’d exchanged loving New Year’s greetings 10 days earlier. Despite our political differences, we were on good terms. He had enjoyed every day of his 86 years so much that we teased he inspired the show, Ted Lasso. Of course, I’ll be missing him on Father’s Day, but that’s not what fills me with dread.

I hate Father’s Day because my children’s father died by suicide, and I don’t know how to console them. Or whether it’s my place. I’d been married to their father for 20 years, but we were long divorced and rarely speaking when he ended his pain. It happened several years ago on Christmas Eve, making it impossible to forget that his favorite film was It’s A Wonderful Life. Our oldest daughter suggested that maybe he chose that day to spite us. I wonder if I should disagree, or if it would hurt her more to consider that he may not have been thinking of us at all. That his pain was too overwhelming. That she is fatherless.

I got the phone call after Christmas Eve dinner, celebrating a new home with my new husband. I had decorated extra bedrooms hoping my daughters would both visit. But mourning their father was not what I had I [in] mind. When they arrived two days later, they didn’t need extra rooms. They shared one room, one bed, one parent.

The death certificate stated the cause of death, beyond the wound to the head, was veteran-related PTSD and depression. In addition to physical ailments, he had self-medicated for years. Since our divorce, he had leaned far too hard on one daughter and frightened the other away. His intermittent texts to me alternated between affection and fury. He was not a happy man. But he loved his children. I know he did. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight this article from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written June 17th, 2023, revised August 12th, 2023, revised August 28th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


P.S.: On a personal note, my father passed away in 2018. And so, I also have a complicated relationship with Father's Day.

However, I do celebrate Father's Day through my blogging as a way to honor all fathers, including my own father, as well as the father of us all, God The Father!

Thus, that is why I decided to share this Time Magazine article in order to acknowledge those who, like me, may have a different kind of experience on Father's Day for many different reasons...

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is now: 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: "If you’re thinking about suicide, are worried about a friend or loved one, or would like emotional support, the Lifeline network is available 24/7 across the United States." Dial 988


June 19th, 2023 Update: In observance of Juneteenth, I sent letters to my U.S. House Representative and Senators in Congress urging them to pass the Abolition Amendment (S.J.Res.21/H.J.Res.53), after I did a search on Google for "ACLU Close The Slavery Loophole" and I found a corresponding action on the ACLU website titled, "CONGRESS: END FORCED LABOR IN PRISONS," which can be found below:

Congress: End Forced Labor in Prisons

Despite the fact that many are taught that the 13th Amendment abolished slavery and involuntary servitude more than 150 years ago, forced, unpaid labor still persists to this day in our country – due in large part to the "exception clause" of the 13th Amendment. This egregious loophole barred slavery except for people who have been convicted of crimes – which has resulted in the forced labor of incarcerated workers across the country and encouraged the continued overcriminalization of Black and Brown people for centuries.

But there’s legislation that could end the "exception clause" once and for all – and we must demand our lawmakers take action on it. So please send a message to Congress and tell them to pass the Abolition Amendment immediately.

Message Recipients: Your U.S. House Representative and Senators


Subject: Pass the Abolition Amendment (S.J.Res.21/H.J.Res.53)

As your constituent, I urge you to support passage of the Abolition Amendment (S.J.Res.21/H.J.Res.53) – which would end slavery and involuntary servitude in all its forms — including forced labor in prisons.

The "exception clause" to the 13th Amendment barred slavery except for people who have been convicted of crimes. This loophole disproportionately encouraged the criminalization and re-enslavement of Black people during the Jim Crow era, gave rise to Black Codes, convict leasing, and chain gangs. Its harm persists today in the form of forced labor, poverty wages, and reliance on mass incarceration that disproportionately impacts people of color.

Put simply: The "exception clause" has allowed for millions of incarcerated workers over the years to be exploited, underpaid, and excluded from workplace safety protection laws – and it has enabled human rights abuses and systemic racism to go on for centuries.

In the land of the free, forced labor is never acceptable. So please, take action immediately to end the exception – and pass the Abolition Amendment.


[First Name] [Last Name]


Salutation (required by some officials): Mr.
First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
E-mail address: [redacted]
Address: [redacted]
Address Line 2: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Zip Code: [redacted]
Phone: [redacted]

And, after I sent letters to my U.S. House Representative and Senators in Congress, via the ACLU website, I also made a donation to the ACLU in order to show my support for passing the Abolition Amendment in celebration of "The Land of the Free," because slavery is just plain wrong.

Besides that, I also read an excellent article on the ACLU website—that is from June 17, 2022—which is titled, "The Liberating Truth About Juneteenth." A copy of the full article can be found below:

"The Liberating Truth About Juneteenth" from the ACLU

Yasmin Cader, Deputy Legal Director and Director of the Trone Center for Justice and Equality | June 17, 2022

As we celebrate Juneteenth, let’s remember exactly what we are celebrating, and why. ... We celebrate our ancestors who secured their own freedom, manifested their own destiny, and gave us a clear path to do the same for ourselves.

When my first born started kindergarten, I learned American enslavement was on the curriculum that year. Before he took that first step into the classroom, I made sure he knew the truth of his ancestors’ resistance to enslavement, including the specific ways we ultimately secured our own freedom. As we say in my house, “we freed ourselves.”

This week as we celebrate Juneteenth, recognized as a federal holiday just one year ago, we must reflect not only on when slavery ended, but how it ended. Juneteenth commemorates June 19, 1865 — two months after the end of the Civil War and more than two years after the Emancipation Proclamation was issued — when the Union army advanced in Texas and Oklahoma declaring the last enslaved people there free. But emancipation’s full history can scarcely be summed up by a single day or announcement.

The revolutionary role that the enslaved played in securing their own liberation is often overlooked. Yet as noted by W.E.B. Du Bois in “Black Reconstruction,” and subsequently by other historians including Steven Hahn and Thavolia Glymph before and during the Civil War, enslaved people engaged in a range of forms of resistance, both armed and subtle. As the Civil War progressed, this resistance catalyzed into what Du Bois famously termed “the general strike.” Enslaved people fled plantations, organized work stoppages and slow downs, nursed union soldiers, and directed them to provisions on plantations, engaged in violent resistance and joined the Union Army. This massive disruption of the wartime economy of the South represented what Du Bois calls a “withdrawal and bestowal of his labor [that] decided the war.” This strike changed the trajectory of the civil war from a war to save the union to a war to end slavery.

It wasn’t until I was a student of political history at Howard University that I learned these truths, and in this quest, became that much more liberated, that much more free. The story of slavery and emancipation I learned before college was more limited, and often obscured the power and agency of enslaved people. But in classrooms across our country today, the ability to teach and learn even the most basic truths about emancipation are vulnerable. Unprecedented attacks on our First Amendment rights to read, learn, and discuss race are widespread, and driven in part by an insistence that white children must not be made to feel the shame or discomfort that may naturally arise with learning our nation’s violent origin story.

Du Bois and his revelations, too, were dismissed by many leading historians precisely because of the discomfort that came with learning the more nuanced truth. His meticulous research challenged existing paradigms for understanding how history happened and who the actors were. Instead of the civil war being a battle between military commanders, he uncovered the central role enslaved people played in defeating the South and the fact that they possessed the knowledge of their actions, its purpose, and its effect. The many historians of the day who dismissed Du Bois were vested in portraying the enslaved as docile, inferior, and grateful to the great white emancipator. The erasure of the humanity, political genius, and fortitude of African Americans helped perpetuate the racial subjugation that we are fighting to this day.

Those historians have something in common with the legislators across the nation who are introducing and passing classroom censorship bills that restrict discussion about race in schools: fear. Fear not just of the exposure of the atrocities committed by white people during slavery, but fear of the ingenuity, strength and resilience of those who were enslaved and how they defeated an essential structure of oppression. Those who seek to silence the type of knowledge produced by Black people do so because they know knowledge is power. And power is dangerous.

Enslaved people’s knowledge of their own freedom, born of their own organized and multifaceted resistance, posed a particular threat to those who sought to silence and capture them. But on June 19, 1865, the rest of the country finally had to learn and acknowledge what many of our ancestors already knew: that they were free.

So as we celebrate Juneteenth, let’s remember exactly what we are celebrating, and why. Let’s reject attempts to thwart our right to discuss and learn about structural racism, let’s reject attempts to erase Black people from history and let’s reject censorship. Instead, let us follow the rigorous path led by Du Bois and Glymph. We celebrate our ancestors who secured their own freedom, who manifested their own destiny, and who gave us a clear path to do the same for ourselves. I teach this truth to my children so that they are not misled into thinking our freedom was secured by others and to quash the false impression that we were simply victims, rather than skillful political actors and survivors. Without knowing our true history, we cannot progress as a nation, and we cannot be truly free.

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

Then, after I read the article above, I made another one-time donation to the ACLU in order to show my support for the following statement:

"So as we celebrate Juneteenth, let’s remember exactly what we are celebrating, and why. Let’s reject attempts to thwart our right to discuss and learn about structural racism, let’s reject attempts to erase Black people from history and let’s reject censorship."

–Paul Whiting (written June 19th, 2023 and revised June 20th, 2023)


June 19th, 2023 Update—Continued, Written On June 20th, 2023: I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles from one of their daily emails that I received yesterday, June 19th, 2023, when I noticed two articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The first Time Magazine article that I read today, June 20th, 2023, is titled, "This Juneteenth, We Must Undo the Toxic Narratives Placed on Black People." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"This Juneteenth, We Must Undo the Toxic Narratives Placed on Black People" from Time Magazine

By Alicia M. Walters And Collette Watson | June 19, 2023

This Juneteenth, Black [folks] will gather as we have for decades to celebrate ourselves, our ancestors, all we are, and the joy that abounds. Others will have a day off work and maybe do something meaningful to honor Black people—but our breath is not bated.

More than a cause for celebration, Juneteenth is a reminder that repair is long overdue. We need a call to create a future where this society is free of anti-Blackness; a call to cultivate a world where Black people are thriving in every way.

It’s been three years since Juneteenth became widely known beyond Black America, and yet the discourse around slavery and its legacy has only devolved. The [state] of Florida has banned the teaching of African American history. Books and even poems by Black authors are being pulled from the classroom.

That’s why we cannot let Juneteenth become just another summer day off. Juneteenth must be a moment of deep reflection, truth-gathering, and actionable change, particularly for those in positions of media and cultural power.

On May 6, 2023, the California state reparations task force named media and culture as one of the sectors to be addressed in recommendations for state-level reparations. Narratives of Black inferiority were the pretext for slavery, and those same stories continue to keep us trapped in cycles of systemic discrimination. We believe that Juneteenth is a vital opportunity to understand the past while tenderly cultivating new narratives that center Black truths in three critical steps: ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

The second Time Magazine article that I read today, June 20th, 2023, is titled, "When Did Slavery Really End in the U.S.? The Complicated History of Juneteenth." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"When Did Slavery Really End in the U.S.? The Complicated History of Juneteenth" from Time Magazine

By Olivia B. Waxman | (Originally Published) June 15, 2023

The push to make Juneteenth a federal holiday, which successfully led to the first national Juneteenth observance last year, brought a new wave of attention to the history behind this celebration: That on June 19, 1865, enslaved men and women in Texas found out—weeks after the Civil War ended—that they were free, and the Union Army’s Major General Gordon Granger issued General Order No. 3: “The people of Texas are informed that, in accordance with a proclamation from the Executive of the United States, all slaves are free.”

But the full story was not that simple.

“There are some enslavers in Texas that didn’t tell their enslaved people that they were free, and they had them keep on working,” says Daina Ramey Berry, Professor of History and Dean of Humanities and Fine Arts at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

So then when did slavery actually end in the United States?

There are multiple dates that could be singled out, depending on the geographic location of the enslaved person. The Civil War, fought over slavery, ended in April 1865, but the end of slavery was more like a process, rather than an event that occurred on a particular day. There were some cases of people who escaped to freedom or won their freedom in court years earlier. And Berry argues that the most important date to highlight would be Dec. 6, 1865, when the 13th Amendment, abolishing slavery, was ratified by the States, just about a year after it was passed by Congress on Jan. 31, 1865.

Most people outside the scholarly community think slavery ended with the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, but that’s a common misconception. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight these articles from  Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written June 20th, 2023, revised August 12th, 2023, revised September 23rd, 2023 and revised March 26th, 2024)


June 19th, 2023 Update—Continued Further, Written On June 20th, 2023: I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google yesterday, June 19th, 2023, when I noticed an article on titled, "Americans mark Juneteenth with parties, events and quiet reflection on the end of slavery." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Americans mark Juneteenth with parties, events and quiet reflection on the end of slavery" from AP (Associated Press) News

By Bianca Vázquez Toness, Ed White and Adrian Sainz | June 19, 2023

Detroit (AP) — Americans across the country this weekend celebrated Juneteenth, marking the relatively new national holiday with cookouts, parades and other gatherings as they commemorated the end of slavery after the Civil War.

While many have treated the long holiday weekend as a reason for a party, others urged quiet reflection on America’s often violent and oppressive treatment of its Black citizens. And still others have remarked at the strangeness of celebrating a federal holiday marking the end of slavery in the nation while many Americans are trying to stop parts of that history from being taught in public schools.

“Is #Juneteenth the only federal holiday that some states have banned the teaching of its history and significance?” Author Michelle Duster asked on Twitter this weekend, referring to measures in Florida, Oklahoma and Alabama prohibiting an Advancement Placement African American studies course or the teaching of certain concepts of race and racism.

Monday’s federal holiday commemorates the day in 1865 when enslaved people in Galveston, Texas, learned they had been freed — two years after the Emancipation Proclamation was issued during the bloody Civil War.

On Juneteenth weekend, a Roman Catholic church in Detroit devoted its service to urging parishioners to take a deeper look at the lessons from the holiday.

“In order to have justice we must work for peace. And in order to have peace we must work for justice,” John Thorne, executive director of the Detroit Catholic Pastoral Alliance, said to the congregation at Gesu Catholic Church in Detroit.

Standing before paintings of a Black Jesus and Mary, Thorne said Juneteenth is a day of celebration, but it also “has to be much more.”

It was important to speak about Juneteenth during Sunday Mass, the Rev. Lorn Snow told a reporter as the service was ending.

“The struggle’s still not over with. There’s a lot of work to be done,” he said. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight this article from AP News for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written June 20th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


June 20th, 2023 Update: Did you know that World Refugee Day is yearly (annually) on June 20th?

Neither did I! That is, until I was on YouTube watching a video titled, "Disney's New Amsterdam Theatre: A Broadway Icon (Access Granted)," when I saw an advertisement from Doctors Without Borders USA in the form of a YouTube video.

By the way, I tried to find this video on YouTube—as I have done with other 'updates' such as this one where I am highlighting a fundraising ad—but, I was unable to locate this video on the Doctors Without Borders USA channel; however, the description from the donation page states the following:

MATCH: Make a lifesaving gift this World Refugee Day

100 million people have been forcibly displaced—many of them refugees. Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières is providing lifesaving care wherever it’s needed most in more than 70 countries around the world—and we rely on the support of individual donors like you to power our vital work.

Give now before midnight on World Refugee Day, June 20, and your generosity will be MATCHED, dollar for dollar.

All gifts given, up to $500,000, will be doubled through 11:59 p.m. EST on World Refugee Day (June 20). Every dollar you give will be matched with $1. Gifts received after the match has been met will not be matched but will be used where needed most.

Thus, after I watched the video above, I made a one-time donation to Doctors Without Borders USA in order to do my part to "make a lifesaving gift this World Refugee Day," because "Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières is providing lifesaving care wherever it’s needed most in more than 70 countries around the world", since "100 million people have been forcibly displaced—many of them refugees." That is why I gave "before midnight on World Refugee Day, June 20, [so that my] generosity [would] be MATCHED, dollar for dollar."

By the way, here is an article from the United Nations regarding World Refugee Day:

"World Refugee Day | 20 June" from the United Nations

Refugees represent the very best of the human spirit. They need and deserve support and solidarity — not closed borders and pushbacks.
— UN Secretary-General António Guterres

2023 Theme: Hope Away from Home

World Refugee Day is an international day designated by the United Nations to honour refugees around the globe. It falls each year on June 20 and celebrates the strength and courage of people who have been forced to flee their home country to escape conflict or persecution. World Refugee Day is an occasion to build empathy and understanding for their plight and to recognize their resilience in rebuilding their lives.


Every minute 20 people leave everything behind to escape war, persecution or terror. There are several types of forcibly displaced persons:


A refugee is someone who fled his or her home and country owing to “a well-founded fear of persecution because of his/her race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion”, according to the United Nations 1951 Refugee Convention. Many refugees are in exile to escape the effects of natural or human-made disasters.

Asylum Seekers

Asylum seekers say they are refugees and have fled their homes as refugees do, but their claim to refugee status is not yet definitively evaluated in the country to which they fled.

Internally Displaced Persons

Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) are people who have not crossed an international border but have moved to a different region than the one they call home within their own country.

Stateless Persons

Stateless persons do not have a recognized nationality and do not belong to any country.

Statelessness situations are usually caused by discrimination against certain groups. Their lack of identification — a citizenship certificate — can exclude them from access to important government services, including health care, education or employment.


Returnees are former refugees who return to their own countries or regions of origin after time in exile. Returnees need continuous support and reintegration assistance to ensure that they can rebuild their lives at home.

UN Action

1951 Refugee Convention and its 1967 Protocol

Refugees are among the most vulnerable people in the world. The 1951 Refugee Convention and its 1967 Protocol help protect them. They are the only global legal instruments explicitly covering the most important aspects of a refugee’s life. According to their provisions, refugees deserve, as a minimum, the same standards of treatment enjoyed by other foreign nationals in a given country and, in many cases, the same treatment as nationals.

The 1951 Convention contains a number of rights and also highlights the obligations of refugees towards their host country. The cornerstone of the 1951 Convention is the principle of non-refoulement. According to this principle, a refugee should not be returned to a country where he or she faces serious threats to his or her life or freedom. This protection may not be claimed by refugees who are reasonably regarded as a danger to the security of the country, or having been convicted of a particularly serious crime, are considered a danger to the community.

The rights contained in the 1951 Convention include:

[✓] The right not to be expelled, except under certain, strictly defined conditions;
[✓] The right not to be punished for illegal entry into the territory of a contracting State;
[✓] The right to work;
[✓] The right to housing;
[✓] The right to education;
[✓] The right to public relief and assistance;
[✓] The right to freedom of religion;
[✓] The right to access the courts;
[✓] The right to freedom of movement within the territory;
[✓] The right to be issued identity and travel documents.

Some basic rights, including the right to be protected from refoulement, apply to all refugees. A refugee becomes entitled to other rights the longer they remain in the host country, which is based on the recognition that the longer they remain as refugees, the more rights they need.

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

–Paul Whiting (June 20th, 2023)


June 21st, 2023 Update: I received an email from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) today, June 21st, 2023, with the subject line, "Abortion care, trans care, and bodily autonomy for ALL.", which stated the following:

Paul – all Pride month, we have been updating you in our fight for LGBTQ rights, particularly as trans people nationwide remain targeted. More than anything, we want to make clear that an attack on any community's rights and freedoms is an attack on all our rights and freedoms. That's why we at the ACLU are here.

Given this Pride week also marks the one-year anniversary of the Dobbs decision, that intersectional fight for civil liberties is more evident than ever. Because the very same lawmakers who are banning abortion are also banning lifesaving care for trans people. It's a coordinated attack on our bodily autonomy. But we won't let that happen without a fight. You are the rightful owner of your life story Paul, and together, we will make that clear through Pride and beyond.


Community Stories

In the midst of attacks on trans people's safety and dignity, we're celebrating stories from trans people's own experiences. Because when forces larger than us try to break our spirit, we can respond as forcefully and effectively with joy as we can with anger, defiance, and protest. And one area that we know uplifting the voices of trans people is so needed in the movement is in the fight for reproductive freedom. As Cazembe Jackson put it in an interview with ACLU and our partners at We Testify, "As a Black trans man, my abortion experience was not easy, but it saved my life... If I'd heard any other Black trans voices when I got an abortion, I believe it would have been a lot easier." Read his full story (


Updates On Our Work

The ACLU has been fighting for LGBTQ freedom for decades. And as an organization at the intersection of every civil liberty issue in this country, we know full well that nothing exists in isolation: That's why we defend trans people's right to access gender-affirming health care and all people's right to access abortion care. Full stop. Here are just a few of our most recent updates on this work:

[✓] Just yesterday a federal district court judge struck down an Arkansas law ( that aimed to ban gender-affirming care for transgender youth. The win by the ACLU of Arkansas and our partners makes it clear: science, medicine, and law are clear: gender-affirming care is necessary to ensure these young Arkansans can thrive and be healthy.

[✓] We recently filed a lawsuit in Nebraska ( over their law that bans abortion after 12 weeks and restricts access to gender-affirming care for young people.

[✓] Last Friday, a federal judge blocked a ban on gender-affirming care for trans youth in Indiana from going into effect. This win came out of the ACLU and ACLU of Indiana's challenge against the state ( and is a testament to the trans youth of Indiana, their families, and their allies, who never gave up the fight.


Take Action With Us

Pride began as a protest – a movement led by Black and brown trans women. And as we continue the fight for LGBTQ freedom today, we need you to take action. During Pride Month, as we fight to protect bodily autonomy and access to life-affirming care for all of us: Please, send a message to your member of Congress urging them to protect trans care.*

Paul, this month and every month – we won't stop fighting for our communities. Thank you for reading this Pride month's update, and remember to watch your inbox all June for more updates as we fight to protect LGBTQ rights and all people's civil liberties.

Happy Pride,

The ACLU Team

*By the way, I already sent the above-mentioned "message to [my] member of Congress urging them to protect trans care" on June 1st, 2023, a copy of which can be found below, as quoted from my 'June 1st, 2023 Update,' which can be found above:


The attacks on the freedom and dignity of trans people and their families are just starting. One-third of the country has passed laws that criminalize and ban access to gender-affirming care. The next stage of the fight for basic LGBTQ freedoms is coming, and it affects everyone – even in states that haven't seen any anti-trans attacks.

A new bill has been introduced by the most extreme anti-LGBTQ Members of Congress, led by Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, that would criminalize the health care trans people need. While such a law is beyond the pale, it won't be the last. Any national ban on gender-affirming care would be devastating. You and your elected Members of Congress are our last line of defense against this national threat.

We must stop any effort to criminalize trans people and the families and communities who love us. Send your message loud and clear: Tell your Members of Congress to protect trans people from discrimination.


Subject: Protect Trans People from Discrimination

Recently we have seen wave after wave of extreme measures in the states and in Congress, to criminalize and strip transgender people of access to healthcare that keeps them alive and healthy. As we celebrate our LGBTQ family members, friends, and neighbors this Pride Month, I am writing – during a genuine moment of crisis – to urge you to publicly commit to doing everything within your power to protect the health and dignity of transgender people. Will you do so?

I want to be very clear: Gender-affirming care, including for transgender youth, is evidence-based, medically necessary, and life-saving. This is why every leading medical organization, including the American Medical Association, the American Psychiatric Association, and the American Academy of Pediatrics, strongly oppose efforts to criminalize and deny this care to transgender people.

Patients and their doctors should be the ones making individual healthcare decisions, not cynical politicians looking to score political points through fear-mongering and ignorance. As a Member of Congress, you must stand against this.

Transgender people deserve the same chance to thrive and live fulfilling lives as everyone else. Having the freedom to control our bodies and seek the healthcare we need, including gender-affirming care, is an essential right for all people.

I urge you to not remain silent in this moment. Use your voice. Publicly show up in support with the transgender community, not only during Pride Month but all year long. Most importantly, use your power to protect life-saving healthcare for transgender youth and adults alike.

Thank you. I look forward to your response.

[First Name] [Last Name]


Salutation (required by some officials): Mr.
First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
E-mail address: [redacted]
Address: [redacted]
Address Line 2: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Zip Code: [redacted]
Phone: [redacted]..."

And so, for very much the same reason that I donated on June 1st, 2023, and on June 7th, 2023, and on June 14th, 2023, as well as on June 17th, 2023, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU today, June 21st, 2023, since "it's so critical that people like [me] speak up for trans rights every chance they get," because "PRIDE IS JOY," "PRIDE IS RESISTANCE" and "PRIDE IS ACTION!" –Paul Whiting (written June 21st, 2023, revised June 28th, 2023 and revised August 22nd, 2023)


June 21st, 2023 Update—Continued: I received an email from Everytown for Gun Safety today, June 21st, 2023, with the subject line, "We gathered with leaders to celebrate one year since we made history. See and share incredible moments from last weekend: We're proving we can do more than just thoughts and prayers.", which stated the following:


This month, we're marking one year since we got Congress to pass the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, the first major gun safety law in nearly 30 years.

We gathered with leaders on Friday to celebrate all of the progress we've made—and to make clear that we're ready for what's next.

Check out some of the incredible moments from the Safer Communities Summit on Friday and share them with your friends. From President Joe Biden to U.S. senators to Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action leaders, we all agreed: We are not finished.


Last June, our movement made history. The Bipartisan Safer Communities Act strengthened our gun laws and made critical funding available to implement proven solutions. Breaking the logjam in Congress over the opposition of the gun lobby opened the door to the further action we need to end this crisis.

And in the year since President Biden signed this life-saving legislation, we have not slowed down. We've been changing the culture and politics of gun safety in our country. We've shown we can do more than just thoughts and prayers when it comes to ending gun violence.

This fight is not over—and it is one that we are winning.

Check out and share these amazing moments from the Safer Communities Summit on Friday. Together, we'll continue to create change and save lives.

Thank you for being a part of this movement.

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
Everytown for Gun Safety

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the text of which can be found below:


everytown: It was an honor to join @POTUS, lawmakers, local officials, advocates and leaders in the gun violence prevention movement today at the #SaferCommunitiesSummit. We celebrated the immense progress we’ve made with the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act and where we go from here.

It’s going to take all of us to #EndGunViolence. Join us: Text READY to 644-33.

By the way, I already texted "READY to 644-33" on June 2nd, 2023 as a part of National Gun Violence Awareness Day and Wear Orange Weekend 2023. [Please see my 'June 2nd, 2023 Update (Follow-Up, Written On June 6th, 2023),' which can be found above.]

Plus, I also made a one-time donation to Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund, which is "the education, research, and litigation arm of Everytown for Gun Safety," in order to do my part to commemorate "one year since we got Congress to pass the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, the first major gun safety law in nearly 30 years." –Paul Whiting (written June 21st, 2023 and revised June 28th, 2023)


June 22nd, 2023 Update: I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles from one of their daily emails that I received today, June 22nd, 2023, when I noticed a article titled, "Pride, Against All Odds." (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.) An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Pride, Against All Odds" from Time Magazine

By Joey Lautrup and Solcyre Burga | June 22, 2023

In America, the month of June is Pride Month, a celebratory period for the queer community whose origins are tied to the 1969 Stonewall rebellion. It is normally commemorated with parades, drag shows, and rallies—all in an effort to uplift the LGBTQ+ community. But this year, pride has been clouded by legislative attacks against the queer community.

Violence against LGBTQ+ people has been at a high, prompting President Joe Biden to announce a new LGBTQI+ Community Safety Partnership that aims to better protect the queer community. Companies have been targeted—and in some cases experienced bomb threats—for their partnerships with transgender activists, causing some businesses to scale back their pride merchandise or messaging.

In the past six months alone, the ACLU’s legislative tracker found that more than 490 anti-LGBTQ+ bills have been introduced across state legislatures, targeting trans youth’s access to health care, the right to perform drag and banning discussions about gender identity or sexuality.

And while there has been some successful push back against such policies, causing federal courts to strike down Arkansas’ gender-affirming-care ban on Tuesday and block other healthcare bans in states like Indiana, LGBTQ+ residents still say they feel anxious by the ongoing attacks on the queer community.

“I’m not gonna lie [the Tennessee drag ban] kind of made me very, very nervous,” said Kirkland Pinkerton, a Tennessee drag queen. “The political climate and how fast it changed at the beginning of the year was a slap in the face and I was more nervous to go out in public.”

TIME spoke to Americans in four states—Florida, Missouri, Montana, and Tennessee—that are seeking to limit LGBTQ+ rights. Here’s what they told us: ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight this article from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written June 22nd, 2023, revised August 12th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


June 22nd, 2023 Update—Continued: I received an email from Planned Parenthood Federation of America today, June 22nd, 2023, with the subject line, "Updates on the fight for reproductive freedom", which stated the following:


Attacks on reproductive freedom continue to sweep across the country. The lawsuits and legislation all have one goal: to make getting an abortion as difficult as possible, for as many people as possible, in the cruelest way possible.

It's not about keeping people safe and healthy — it's about restricting abortion access. Here's what you need to know:

When Roe v. Wade was overturned, the Supreme Court gave states the green light to ban abortion. Bans have eliminated some or all abortions in 20 states, putting essential care out of reach for millions of people. We need your help to stop the spread of these bans and get patients the care they need, no matter what.

The legal fight over mifepristone — a medicine used in more than half of all abortions in the country — continues. A handful of anti-abortion groups are suing the FDA to try to deny patients access to this safe, effective medication that has been FDA-approved for decades. For now, mifepristone remains on the market — but the fight isn't over.

Another lawsuit in Texas alleges that Planned Parenthood health centers committed Medicaid fraud — a false and completely baseless claim. Planned Parenthood follows the law. Period. But that hasn't stopped Texas officials from joining this transparent effort to bankrupt Planned Parenthood health centers and take away care from even more people.

We're up against powerful forces, but Planned Parenthood will never stop fighting to ensure that everyone, everywhere can get the care they need. It's your firm commitment that gives us the strength to face these attacks — and together, we are building a powerful movement to defend abortion.

— Planned Parenthood


...And so, I made a one-time donation to Planned Parenthood Federation of America in order to show my support for Planned Parenthood, because they "will never stop fighting to ensure that everyone, everywhere can get the care they need." –Paul Whiting (June 22nd, 2023)


June 22nd, 2023 Update—Continued Further: I received an email from Everytown for Gun Safety today, June 22nd, 2023, with the subject line, "Your senators rejected an extreme attempt to gut our gun laws! Send a thank you note today!", which stated the following:

Paul, I have some important news: Legislation that would have made it easier for people to get their hands on the especially dangerous assault weapons that have been used in recent mass shootings was shut down today by the gun sense majority in the U.S Senate. Senators [name redacted] and [name redacted] opposed this attempt to gut our gun laws with a resounding no. Send your senators a thank you message for rejecting this extreme attempt to gut our gun laws!


This win comes just one year after the passage of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act that broke a nearly 30 year logjam in Congress. As a committed supporter of the movement, Paul, I hope this victory provides you with the hope and encouragement to keep at it! Together we can continue winning and turn our dream of a country free from gun violence into a reality.

Now, let's make sure our lawmakers know that supporting gun safety is always the right decision—send your thank you message today!

Thank you for your continued support and for making your voice heard.

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:

Send A Message: Thank Your U.S. Senator For Voting To Support Gun Safety

Your U.S. senator(s) voted for gun safety. Faced with extreme gun legislation that would make it easier for people to get their hands on the especially dangerous assault weapons that have been used in recent mass shootings, your lawmaker responded with a resounding no.

Help make sure your lawmaker knows that supporting gun safety is always the right decision. Send a thank you note to your U.S. senator(s) for rejecting this extreme attempt to gut our gun laws!


Dear Senator(s),

I am writing as your constituent to thank you for prioritizing the safety of our community by voting to oppose S.J.Res. 20. This legislation would have made it easier for mass shooters to get their hands on especially deadly assault weapons. I am grateful to you for voicing your opposition and standing up for gun safety!

Complete the form to send your message now:

Prefix: Mr.
First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
Email address: [redacted]
Street address: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
ZIP Code: [redacted]
Mobile phone: [redacted]

And, after I sent the letter above to my Senators, via the Everytown for Gun Safety website, I made a one-time donation to Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund in order to say to my Senators "thank you for prioritizing the safety of our community by voting to oppose S.J.Res. 20. This legislation would have made it easier for mass shooters to get their hands on especially deadly assault weapons. I am grateful to you for voicing your opposition and standing up for gun safety!" –Paul Whiting (written June 22nd, 2023 and revised September 7th, 2023)


June 23rd, 2023 Update: I received an email from Song for Charlie today, June 23rd, 2023, with the subject line, "June Newsletter", which stated the following:

Song for Charlie Monthly Newsletter
June 2023

Team Hope

We are amazed and inspired by our partners and their commitment to finding lasting solutions to the fentanyl crisis. We call our network Team Hope and we are energized by the progress we are making in communities across the country.

Fentanyl Education in Jails

SFC [Song for Charlie] is proud to partner with Edovo ( to provide fentanyl education materials to incarcerated people, a group that is vulnerable to overdose. Over 50k incarcerated learners have viewed our content since our launch in May, with a 94% completion rate!

National Impact

On May 31, the US DOE [United States Department of Education] held a Webinar ( for school administrators across the country. ONDCP [Office of National Drug Control Policy] Director Gupta and Secretary of Education Cardona highlighted the efforts of schools that have implemented life-saving measures for their students. Beaverton (Oregon) School District’s “Fake & Fatal” program, developed with Song for Charlie, was featured as a model for other districts to follow.

[By the way, I started to watch the video above referenced under 'National Impact,' which is titled, "Webinar: School Overdose Response Virtual Town Hall w/ Dr. Gupta and Secretary of Education Cardona," however, I only have a cellular data plan through my cell phone company (so, I don't have access to WiFi on my smartphone). Thus, I was concerned that the webinar on YouTube would take up too much cellular data, so I decided to wait until I had access to WiFi in order to watch it...

...It's June 28th, 2023 and I just finished watching the video "Webinar: School Overdose Response Virtual Town Hall w/ Dr. Gupta and Secretary of Education Cardona" on YouTube! I was going to wait until I had access to WiFi in order to watch it, as I mentioned above, but I had some extra time today, so I decided to watch the video on my smartphone using cellular data...

...Now, rather than trying to summarize the video, as I have done with other videos such as this, I am simply going to provide you with the YouTube description and encourage you to consider watching the video also, which is slightly over 55 minutes, just to let you know; however, it's really informative!

Here is the description from that video (with a hyperlink to the video below):

Webinar: School Overdose Response Virtual Town Hall w/ Dr. Gupta and Secretary of Education Cardona

This virtual town hall took place on May 31, 2023, and brought together educators, school nurses, and federal officials to discuss ways to prevent drug overdoses and drug poisonings in school settings. The discussion centered around the dangers of illicit fentanyl in the drug supply as well as promoting the stocking of Naloxone in schools to reverse overdoses and save lives.

Thus, I hope that you will consider watching this truly educational virtual town hall!]

In the States

[Names redacted] attended the Attorney Generals Association National Conference in Los Angeles where [name redacted] participated in a panel discussion about the fentanyl crisis. SFC is ready to support State Governments as they implement their fentanyl education programs for families.

In Schools

Oregon recently passed a law requiring fentanyl education in all middle and high schools. [Name redacted], moved by the death of her friend, Cal Epstein ( helped to write and drive the bill. SFC’s [names redacted], Cal’s parents, also testified in support of the bill. Mississippi, Oregon, Illinois and Texas have passed similar bills and other states are taking up the issue.

[I watched the video above referenced under 'In Schools,' which is titled, "Fentanyl Awareness: Cal's Story — Two Years Later."]

On the Road

In May, [name redacted] traveled to Boston at the request of Waltham Public School District for student assemblies and a parent information night, during which SFC reached nearly 2,000 high school students and their caregivers!

SFC Champion Corner

Our work depends on generous donors and champions like [names redacted], who recently held their second annual Brooke Hardy Charity Memorial Fundraiser to honor their daughter Brooke’s life. Brooke was taken too soon when she unexpectedly & tragically passed away from a fentanyl poisoning.

The Hardy’s and their children, Brooke’s best friend and neighbors in Denver Colorado came together on May 21st to raise awareness and critical funds to support Song for Charlie. We are beyond grateful for this family and so many of you who are helping us make a true impact!

If you are planning to host your own event, please let us know as we would love to feature you too: [email redacted]

Thank you for your continued support,

[Names redacted]

And, after I read the email above, I made a one-time donation to Song for Charlie in order to support their "national family-run, nonprofit charity dedicated to raising awareness about 'fentapills' — fake pills made of fentanyl." –Paul Whiting (written June 23rd, 2023, revised June 28th, 2023, revised July 16th, 2023, revised August 22nd, 2023, revised October 21st, 2023 and revised November 3rd, 2023)


June 23rd, 2023 Update—Continued: I received an email from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) today, June 23rd, 2023, with the subject line, "Update: Millions without abortion access one year later", which stated the following:

Tomorrow may be one year without Roe, but we are still fighting back. Support the ACLU's Abortion Criminal Defense Initiative and other critical work. Donate now >>***


Paul – tomorrow marks one year since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, and we're in the middle of a crisis.

States across the country have banned abortion, creating criminal penalties for those who provide and help others access abortion care. In some cases, prosecutors have even charged people who have had abortions. And, these laws are disproportionately harming Black, Brown, and low-income individuals who already face barriers to accessing reproductive health care and who are over-policed by the criminal justice system.

We're confronting this injustice head-on. As the director of the Abortion Criminal Defense Initiative, I'm working to connect those who may face criminal investigation or prosecution related to abortion with a network of experienced criminal defense attorneys who are ready to fight for them.

Our work to build this initiative is ongoing, Paul. But with so much work to be done, the ACLU needs your generous support to continue this vital work in the months and years ahead.



Abortion is essential health care – plain and simple. Everyone should be free to make that personal decision for themselves.

[Name redacted], We Testify storyteller, shared her experience, noting, "One misconception about people who get abortions is that we're not responsible, or we don't want the responsibility of having a child. They couldn't be more wrong. I was being responsible in getting my abortion because I knew I could not afford it and wanted to be a good parent for the child I already had."

Everyone should have the right to make their own decisions about their own body, their own family, and their own future.

We won't back down and I am betting, Paul, neither will you.

Your time-sensitive contribution will help us get charges dropped for patients and doctors alike – and support our mission to defend civil liberties for all.


[Name redacted] Pronouns: She, her, hers [Title redacted], ACLU

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU in order to do my part to help "support the ACLU's Abortion Criminal Defense Initiative," because "abortion is essential health care – plain and simple," since "everyone should have the right to make their own decisions about their own body, their own family, and their own future." –Paul Whiting (June 23rd, 2023)


June 24th, 2023 Update: I received an email from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) today, June 24th, 2023, with the subject line, "[Dobbs Anniversary] One small action with impact for abortion care", which stated the following:

Paul –

Everyone should have the right to decide when and whether to start a family, no matter where they live. But since the Supreme Court's shameful decision to overturn Roe v. Wade exactly one year ago today, 20 states have eliminated all or some access to abortion.

We at the ACLU have been working relentlessly alongside coalition partners, community members, and organizers from within the movement to fight back. Since that awful day a year ago, we have filed more than a dozen lawsuits across the country to defend and proactively protect access to abortion.

And we won't ever give up. Period. Because your personal health care decisions and future should not be up to politicians. You are the rightful owner of your life story, and we will not allow anti-abortion lawmakers to threaten our freedoms without a fight.

So, as we mark the anniversary of the Dobbs decision today, we are asking you to take one small action with us that could make a big impact nationwide: Urge Congress to take action and protect abortion access and reproductive freedom for every single one of us.


Anti-abortion extremists are banking on the fact that we might burn out. That after a year of this fight post-Roe, we will no longer have it within us to keep speaking out and saying that abortion is essential health care. So today, Paul, take action to ensure every lawmaker hears us loud and clear: Abortion is health care, and we will never stop fighting for this essential right.

Thank you for all you do, and know we will be back soon with more action you can take to defend our reproductive freedoms.

In solidarity,

The ACLU Team

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:


It's now been a year since the Supreme Court's shameful decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, and states across the country have moved to enforce abortion bans – stripping millions of people of their right to decide if, and when, to start a family. As politicians continue to attack our bodily autonomy nationwide, we need federal safeguards more than ever. We need Congress to act.

The House has already re-introduced a bill to affirm the right for health care workers to provide birth control and for people to use it. But more protections are needed to defend reproductive freedom across the board, especially abortion access. Please, send a message to Congress now and urge them to support legislation that safeguards the right to access abortion and all reproductive health care nationwide.

Message Recipients: Your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative


Subject: Defend Reproductive Freedom Now

As your constituent, I'm writing to ask you to support legislation that protects abortion access and reproductive freedom on the federal level. At a time when our right to bodily autonomy is under attack more than ever before, it is increasingly urgent that our country protect access to essential health care nationwide.

We are a year out from the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, and even though the vast majority of Americans support access to abortion, politicians around the country are passing laws that ban care, forcing people to travel thousands of miles to the closest provider, self-manage care, or suffer through the life-altering impacts of pregnancy and giving birth against their will. These same politicians have also taken aim at birth control. We cannot allow our reproductive freedom to be chipped away like this.

Our right to make decisions for our own health, futures, and lives are on the line: Please protect everyone's ability to access abortion care and birth control care now.


[First Name] [Last Name]


Salutation (required by some officials): Mr.
First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
E-mail address: [redacted]
Address: [redacted]
Address Line 2: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Zip Code: [redacted]
Phone: [redacted]

And, after I sent the letter above, I received a confirmation email today, June 24th, 2023, from the ACLU with the subject line, "One more thing - can you spread the word?", which stated the following:

Hi Paul,

Thank you for taking action to defend reproductive freedom.

Help us build our power: Share the action by forwarding the email below to your friends, or by sharing this link

Thank you,

The ACLU Team


Hi friend,

After the Supreme Court's shameful decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, states across the country have moved to enforce abortion bans – stripping millions of people of their right to decide if, and when, to start a family.

As politicians continue to attack our bodily autonomy nationwide, we need federal safeguards more than ever.

That's why I just joined the ACLU in sending a message to Congress urging them to support legislation that safeguards the right to access abortion and all reproductive health care nationwide.

Will you join me?


Then, after I sent the letter above to my U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative, via the ACLU website, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU, because "it's now been a year since the Supreme Court's shameful decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, and states across the country have moved to enforce abortion bans – stripping millions of people of their right to decide if, and when, to start a family." –Paul Whiting (June 24th, 2023)


June 24th, 2023 Update—Continued: I received an email from Planned Parenthood Federation of America today, June 24th, 2023, with the subject line, "This is how I feel about you, Paul: Why your support feels especially meaningful right now", which stated the following:

Dear Paul,

One of the most effective, insidious weapons used to oppress people is uncertainty. Efforts to undermine our rights and control our futures are fueled by fear and confusion.

Today marks one year since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and stripped our right to control our own bodies. It's not a coincidence that the ruling unleashed a wave of chaos and uncertainty across the country — that was always one of the goals.

Many pregnant people who don't want to be pregnant or can't stay pregnant are desperate and confused about their options, where or how to get the care they need. Doctors worry that providing care based on the best medical guidance for a patient may put them in legal jeopardy. LGBTQ+ communities, especially trans youth, face the threat that their rights will be denied from one day to the next.

In times like these, when so much is unsettled and unsettling, it means everything to have something solid to hold on to. I want to thank you, Paul, along with countless other Planned Parenthood supporters, for your unyielding support and steady commitment.

Time and again, you have been there for Planned Parenthood and the patients who count on us. You've helped confront legislative and legal attacks on abortion access. You've responded to every setback and injustice with a resilience that has shocked our opponents and grown our movement. I know that no matter what we face, we face it together.

That is strength. That is the certainty we need in this moment.

We're counting on you to continue the fight for abortion rights and access in the face of a hostile Supreme Court and state lawmakers hell-bent on banning reproductive care.

As anti-abortion activists use the courts to enforce an agenda that ranges from banning medication abortion to bankrupting health centers — your voice is essential to driving systemic court reform.

The road ahead is long, difficult, and unpredictable. But I know that you are with us, just as you always have been. That's something that has never been in doubt, not for a moment.

I hope you know how much your steadfast support matters. And more than that, I hope you are able to draw strength from the fact that you are part of a nationwide movement that is just as committed to this work as you are.

Together, we will keep fighting for sexual and reproductive health and rights. We will never back down. Freedom is our birthright, and we will build a just world that includes nationwide access to abortion for all. No matter what.

Thank you for sticking with us,

[Name redacted], [Title redacted]
Planned Parenthood Federation of America

And, after I read the email above, I made a one-time donation to Planned Parenthood Federation of America in order to show my support for Planned Parenthood, because "together, we will keep fighting for sexual and reproductive health and rights," since "the road ahead is long, difficult, and unpredictable," however "no matter what we face, we face it together." –Paul Whiting (June 24th, 2023)


June 24th, 2023 Update—Continued Further: I received a text message today, June 24th, 2023, from EMILYs List, which stated the following:

EMILYs List is on the frontlines recruiting and training pro-choice candidates to win.

Join & help fuel our fight! >>***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, a part of which can be found below:


One year ago, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and we launched an emergency fund to help elect Democratic pro-choice women who would fight back and defend our rights.

The fight is far from over. That's why we're re-launching our Fight Back Fund with an ambitious goal of raising $150,000 for pro-choice candidates who will continue the fight against anti-choice extremism. We'll be fighting back every day, every month, and every year until our rights are restored.

And so, I made a one-time donation to EMILYs List in order to show my support for their "second annual...emergency fund to help elect Democratic pro-choice women who [will] fight back and defend our [pro-choice] rights." –Paul Whiting (June 24th, 2023)


June 27th, 2023 Update: Did you know that June 27th is PTSD Awareness Day?

Neither did I! That is, until I received an email from the USO (United Service Organizations) last year on June 29th, 2022, with the subject line, "Military Supporter Update: June 2022."

And I wrote an 'update' labeled, 'June 1st, 2022 Update, Written On June 29th, 2022' regarding that email from the USO, a copy of which can be found below from my blog post titled, "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" that is on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog. Plus, this copy of the aforementioned 'update' is also from my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity" that is on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs (which is where most of my USO donations 'updates' are located):


June 1st, 2022 Update, Written On June 29th, 2022: I received an email from the USO (United Service Organizations) today, June 29th, 2022, with the subject line, "Military Supporter Update: June 2022" with regard to the USO's newsletter "YOUR USO AT WORK," Issue 103 / June 2022, which stated, in part, the following:

Issue 103 / June 2022


June has been a busy month here at the USO — from assembling thousands of USO Care Packages for troops deployed to places like Eastern Europe, to running our 11th annual USO T-shirt campaign. (There are still a few days left to get your T-shirt!). We are more grateful than ever for military supporters like you who make everything we do possible.

We hope you enjoy reading these June highlights...

And the following highlights from the USO's newsletter, which I selected to post, are regarding PTSD Awareness Month, which is the month of June, and regarding PTSD Awareness Day, which is yearly (annually) on June 27th:

USO recognizes PTSD Awareness Month

June is PTSD Awareness Month, but supporting our troops’ mental health is always a major USO priority. That’s why we focus so heavily on building connections between service members, helping them stay in touch with loved ones and creating spaces where they can feel safe.

Learn more about how the USO is helping troops impacted by PTSD and other mental health challenges. »




June 27 is #PTSDAwarenessDay, an opportunity to remind everyone that there are effective treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder (“PTSD”), although many with PTSD do not get the help they need.

Help spread the word. »


...From all of us at the USO, thank you for being a dedicated and proud military supporter!

And the following is the information from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs website highlighting that "JUNE IS PTSD AWARENESS MONTH":


Help Raise PTSD Awareness

There are currently about 8 million people in the United States with PTSD.

Even though PTSD treatments work, most people who have PTSD don't get the help they need. June is PTSD Awareness Month. Help us spread the word that effective PTSD treatments are available. Everyone with PTSD—whether they are Veterans or civilian survivors of sexual assault, serious accidents, natural disasters, or other traumatic events—needs to know that treatments really do work and can lead to a better quality of life...

Make the Pledge

Start by making the pledge to Raise PTSD Awareness:

And so, I decided to "Make the Pledge" in order to help "Raise PTSD Awareness," which is why I wrote this blog post update! Plus, after I took the pledge, I made a one-time donation on the website in order to show my support for the USO's newsletter, as well as to show my support for the USO in supporting our men and women in uniform, as described in the highlight "VOICE OF THE USO," from the aforementioned newsletter:


“I never wore the uniform myself. Working at DOD has made me feel that I have contributed to my country’s defense but contributing to the USO has multiplied that feeling. Our men and women in uniform deserve everything we can do for them.

“We choose to support the USO because of something I learned. When I worked at the Pentagon, I was asked to contribute to the Combined Federal Campaign, as is every other federal employee. I asked many of my colleagues in uniform where I should direct my donation. Absolutely everyone gave me the same answer: ‘USO!’”

– [Name redacted] and [Name redacted], USO supporters since 1995 (27 consecutive years)

In addition to that, I already make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! You see, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation.

By the way, did you know that the USO is a not-for-profit organization and not part of the Department of Defense (DoD)? The following description of the USO is from their 'About Us' webpage:

"The USO is not part of the federal government. A congressionally chartered, private organization, the USO relies on the generosity of individuals, organizations and corporations to support its activities, and is powered by a family of volunteers to accomplish our mission of connection."

So, that is why I 'volunteer financially' as a member of the "USO Home Team" through a recurring monthly donation, as well as through one-time donations to the USO each month!

–Paul Whiting (written June 29th, 2022, revised July 21st, 2022, revised August 16th, 2022, revised November 24th, 2022, revised December 14th, 2022, revised December 26th, 2022, revised January 1st, 2023, revised January 30th, 2023, revised March 27th, 2023, revised April 21st, 2023, revised April 27th, 2023, revised April 28th, 2023, revised May 17th, 2023, revised June 17th, 2023, revised June 27th, 2023, revised July 28th, 2023, revised September 27th, 2023, revised November 18th, 2023 and revised June 9th, 2024)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is now: 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: "If you’re thinking about suicide, are worried about a friend or loved one, or would like emotional support, the Lifeline network is available 24/7 across the United States." Dial 988


Please see the hyperlinks below for the "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity" blog post, which contains the above-mentioned 'June 1st, 2022 Update, Written On June 29th, 2022':


Thus, I decided to write this 'update' as a way to highlight that June 27th is PTSD Awareness Day! Plus, PTSD Awareness Day is observed within PTSD Awareness Month which is June. (Please see my 'June 1st, 2023 Update—Continued Further,' which can be found above, for more information on PTSD Awareness Month.)

And I received an email from National Today on June 25th, 2023, with the subject line, "PTSD Awareness, Working From Home, UFOs. The Week Ahead", which stated, in part, the following:


As June draws to a close, we’re raising awareness about PTSD, celebrating the joys of working from home, and learning the truth about UFOs. Post-traumatic stress disorder is a complex mental health condition that’s triggered by a traumatic experience and National PTSD Awareness Day will equip you with the knowledge to understand it and better support those experiencing it. We celebrate the evolution of technology and the relief of no longer having to make the daily commute to the office on National Work From Home Day, and on World UFO Day, people from around the globe gather together, watch the skies for flying saucers, and spread information about a mystery that has captivated our minds since the 1947 incident in Roswell, New Mexico. ...

... Tuesday 27 June

National PTSD Awareness Day

We talk about PTSD, a complex disorder caused by experiencing or witnessing trauma.

Read more:

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, an overview of which can be found below:


[Observed in the] U.S.

On June 27, we talk about PTSD, a complex disorder caused by experiencing or witnessing trauma. The trauma necessary to cause PTSD can originate from many events — potentially an accident, combat, a natural disaster, or an assault — but there are other ways PTSD symptoms can arise. A trained professional must diagnose PTSD, based on symptoms like hypervigilance, mood swings, recurring and involuntary flashbacks to the trauma, and avoidance. The National Center for PTSD ( declared all of June to be PTSD Awareness month — you can help their campaign by educating yourself and others about the illness, and sharing help with those who might need it.



PTSD in some form or another has long been documented in humans. The earliest known literature about the disorder is a poem from 50 BC. Hippocrates narrated a traumatic battle experience about a soldier who was haunted by PTSD-like combat flashbacks. PTSD has consistently been mentioned since then, notably during the Hundred Year’s War between England and France, and even in the literature of Shakespeare — including Romeo and Juliet.

A new understanding of PTSD came with the Civil War in the 1800s, as the disorder became widespread in the traumatized country. PTSD was known under a variety of names, including “railway spine.” It was in 1915 that some understanding of PTSD was formally introduced into medical literature, under the name “shell shock.”

World War 1 threw the disease into the spotlight, and rudimentary treatments, like electric shock therapy, were attempted. It wasn’t until the 1950s that more modern treatments, like group therapy, were introduced.

The Vietnam War issued in, yet again, a new understanding of the disorder. This coincided with research done by psychologists on both Holocaust victims and rape victims, which helped prove that many kinds of trauma can lead to PTSD.

Today, it’s considered largely treatable, so we’ve made a lot of progress. The Senate recognized June 27 as National PTSD Awareness Day at the urging of Senator Kent Conrad. Conrad wanted to honor a North Dakota National Guard member who had committed suicide after two tours of duty in Iraq. In 2014, the entire month of June was designated National PTSD Awareness Month by the Senate.



50 BC
PTSD First Mentioned:
Hippocrates first documented the trauma of battle and flashbacks of combat very reminiscent of modern PTSD.

“Shell Shock” is Coined:
Many soldiers in World War 1 were thought to be “shell-shocked,” a term introduced to medical literature in 1915 to describe symptoms of PTSD.

“Rape Trauma Disorder” Defined:
Psychologist Ann Wolbert Burgess and sociologist Lynda Lytle Holmstrom described “Rape Trauma Syndrome” as a variant of PTSD.

PTSD Appears in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM):
Although PTSD had been acknowledged medically for decades, it wasn’t until 1980 that it was included in the DSM.

June 27, 2010
National PTSD Awareness Day Designated:
After the Senate’s formal acknowledgement, June 27, 2010 became the first National PTSD Awareness Day.



Where is National PTSD Awareness Day [Observed]?

The United States.

What color is PTSD awareness?

PTSD Awareness is represented by the color teal.

Is PTSD preventable?

PTSD is an increasingly recognized and potentially preventable condition, although research is abstract.



1. Educate yourself on the symptoms of PTSD:

Learn what the symptoms and causes of PTSD can look like, and understand resources and treatments that can be offered to someone struggling. After you’re familiar with the illness, try going to the National Center for PTSD’s website and take the pledge to raise PTSD awareness.

2. Donate:

An overwhelming percentage of those with PTSD are affiliated with the military. Combat can be a traumatic experience and cause PTSD, so there are many organizations set up to provide aid to veterans with PTSD. Some include Military with PTSD, Wounded Warrior Project, and Military OneSource.

[Military with PTSD:]

[Wounded Warrior Project:]

[Military OneSource:]

3. Spread the word:

According to the National Center for PTSD, one of the main purposes of PTSD Awareness Month is to spread the word on the disease to others. They recommend a variety of outreach ideas, from providing a sample blog post to suggesting asking a governor or local official to declare June as PTSD Awareness Month.



1. PTSD is widespread

While 3.5% of adult Americans struggling with PTSD may seem like a small percentage, that’s actually 8 million people.

2. It affects women more than men

10% of women and only 4% of men are likely to develop PTSD, which makes it over twice as likely for women to develop the illness.

3. PTSD is widespread in veterans

Of those who served in the Vietnam War, an estimated 30% have had PTSD in their lifetimes. 12% of Gulf War Veterans have PTSD, and between 11-20% of veterans of the Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom have PTSD.

4. Children can get PTSD

It appears that children can develop PTSD symptoms, albeit differently to adults. Research is very new and there is much more to be known about the subject.

5. PTSD in literature

Some of our earliest PTSD knowledge comes from literature, including Shakespeare and Dickens. They wrote about traumatic experiences, and the symptoms they described aligned with what we now call PTSD.



A. It’s a widespread illness

8 million Americans is no small amount. Especially because military service in this country can often lead to development of PTSD symptoms, it’s important to understand what our fellow citizens go through. With knowledge of the disorder, we can make the lives of these individuals less stressful, and better support them in their recovery.

B. It helps those with PTSD find and receive treatment

Awareness not only helps raise funds for organizations that support those with PTSD, it also can share resources. A social media post acknowledging the disease and listing a few supporting organizations, paths for treatment, and ways to manage it daily may make all the difference to someone silently struggling with PTSD.

C. It helps people heal

Though sharing resources can be helpful, simply letting those with PTSD know you are there is impactful. A large part of the treatment of PTSD involves social support and opening up to others. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the webpage:

And so, I made one-time donations to Military with PTSD via Charity Navigator (and I included a donation to Charity Navigator like I usually do, because they are a charity too), as well as to Wounded Warrior Project, since it turned out that Military OneSource is actually "an official Defense Department website." Plus, I made a donation to the USO (United Service Organizations) due to the fact that they were the organization that first made me aware that June 27th is PTSD Awareness Day and that June is PTSD Awareness Month!

Please see a brief introduction to the article below, which is dated June 24th, 2013, from the USO website titled, "PTSD Resources: Where to Turn When You Need Help."

"PTSD Resources: Where to Turn When You Need Help" from the USO

Monday, Jun 24, 2013

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Month may be winding down, but that doesn’t mean troops and families trying to cope with the anguish of war memories or even mental and emotional trauma from traumatic brain injuries will be forgotten.

Here is a list of resources for both troops and families dealing with PTSD.

And as always, if you or someone you know needs to talk to someone immediately, call the Military Crisis Hotline at 1-800-273-8255 or contact them online at ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

–Paul Whiting (written June 27th, 2023, revised June 28th, 2023, revised July 28th, 2023, revised July 30th, 2023, revised August 7th, 2023, revised August 9th, 2023, revised August 28th, 2023, revised September 27th, 2023 and revised June 9th, 2024)

P.S.: For my complete charitable donation updates—that include some of my current "Online Activism," as well as most all of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs.

Please see the hyperlinks below for the posts:


June 27th, 2023 Update—Continued: I received an email from Students Demand Action for Gun Sense in America today, June 27th, 2023, with the subject line, "We are shaping the present and future we want and can live in. Will you join us?", which stated the following:

For Gun Sense In America


In my five years since joining Students Demand Action, I have found a community. A community of young people who are incredibly kind and passionate about gun violence prevention. We're on a mission to create the future we deserve—a future free from gun violence.

Gun violence is the number one killer of children, teens, and college-aged youth in America. This is not the present or future I or anyone I know sees for ourselves—and we are determined to change it. Forward this email to a student in your life and show them why they should join our movement.

Students Demand Action volunteers in Las Vegas wearing red SDA shirts in front of display that says "While the gun industry parties, kids die."


We are leading the fight to end gun violence, and there's room for everyone in this movement. Whether you're a student or not, add your name to become a volunteer with Students Demand Action, Moms Demand Action, and Everytown today.

This year, we've been busy.

We kicked things off on a high note in January when a group of my peers traveled to Las Vegas to call out the gun industry at their annual trade show. Collectively we made sure the industry couldn't hide from the truth: They created a killer business we're paying for with our lives. We're demanding they stop their marketing to kids, they stop making DIY kits that allow anyone to build untraceable weapons, and so much more—because these actions will save lives.

Our work continued when we launched #KillerBusiness, a campaign asking our colleges and universities to put our safety above their revenues. We've demanded they divest from any stocks, bonds, or investment funds that help fund the gun industry. To date, we have 44 active divestment campaigns in colleges and universities across the country with even more to come in the fall.

And just this past month, over 6,000 students helped us in calling out Ruger, a massive gun company, for failing to conduct a simple human rights impact assessment of their products.

We've grown up with lockdown drills and safety seminars. We have experienced the impact of gun violence, both as survivors and as young people afraid of experiencing an act of gun violence ourselves. And we have the power to exact the systemic change we need.

That's why this movement is so important to me, and why I am so proud of the work I've done with Students Demand Action. Will you join me? Share this email with any student in your life and let them know their voice is welcomed in our movement. Join us in creating a future free from gun violence.

Thank you for being in this movement,

[Name redacted]
[Chapter redacted]
Students Demand Action

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:

Join Us In Creating A Future Free From Gun Violence

Whether you are a student, an alumni, a mom, or community member, we need your voice in our movement. Join us in creating a future free from gun violence: Sign up to continue getting local and national updates from us and learn how you can help take action.

So far this year, Students Demand Action has:

[✓] Led divest campaigns at 44 colleges and universities.
[✓] Demanded action from the gun industry to hold it accountable for the harm it has caused in our communities.
[✓] Had nearly 200 students testified in state legislatures across the country.
[✓] And so much more!

Our achievements are impossible without your work and dedication. Whether you are a student or not, we would love for you to be a part of our movement.

Complete the form to sign up:

First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
Email address: [redacted]
ZIP Code: [redacted]
Mobile phone: [redacted]



And so, I joined them! Plus, I made a one-time donation to Students Demand Action for Gun Sense in America (via the Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund) in order to "join [Students Demand Action] in creating a future free from gun violence." –Paul Whiting (written June 27th, 2023, revised August 3rd, 2023 and revised October 26th, 2023)


June 28th, 2023 Update: I received a text message today, June 28th, 2023, from the DGA (Democratic Governors Association), which stated the following:

Alert for [phone number redacted]:
We've asked at least 4 times. Pls [Please] tell us: Are you still a Democrat?

[✓] Yes: [web address redacted]***
[  ] No: [web address redacted]


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:

Democratic Strategy Focus Group | Immediate Response Requested

Thank you for updating your record.

Will you please take a moment to complete this brief survey.

Deadline: 11:59 PM on June 28, 2023

Are you a Democrat?

[✓] Yes — I'm a Democrat!

[  ] I'm an independent, but I vote for Democrats!

[  ] No — I'm a Republican.

[  ] Other

GOP governors have pushed countless pieces of dangerous radical legislation. Of those listed below, which is the most concerning to you and your family?

[✓] Near-total abortion bans and restrictions on reproductive health care

[  ] Dangerous efforts to undermine the right to vote

[  ] Cruel legislation attacking and further marginalizing LGBTQ+ communities

[  ] Draconian laws that ban or severely limit discussion of important topics on our country's history in classrooms

[  ] More "criminal carry" laws, removing permit requirements for concealed carry weapons and making our communities less safe

(By the way, I could have easily selected "all of the above" for this question! However, since there was only one answer allowed for "the most concerning to you and your family," out of the available answers, I opted for "near-total abortion bans and restrictions on reproductive health care." You see, I think that Republicans are 100% in support of forced impregnation—including through rape and incest. And it makes you wonder if the real reason that extremist conservatives are beating the proverbial "abortion is murder" drum so loudly is because they support forced impregnation as the only way that is feasible for them to procreate, since they are too dysfunctional to have consensual adult relationships—and that is why they are enthusiastic proponents of forced impregnation through rape and/or incest! Thus, that is why I chose "near-total abortion bans and restrictions on reproductive health care" as "the most concerning to [me]" as a single gay male.)

Last year, the January 6 Committee issued their criminal referrals against Trump to the Department of Justice!

Now, Donald Trump has been indicted TWICE, making history as the first President to EVER be indicted at the federal level.

Knowing that, do you believe Donald Trump is fit to hold public office?

[  ] Yes

[✓] No

Donald Trump knows he needs allies in the states, so he continues to back MAGA candidates across the country. How concerned are you about the possibility of more Trump Republicans winning in 2023 and 2024?

[✓] Extremely concerned

[  ] Very concerned

[  ] Somewhat concerned

[  ] Not at all concerned

Democratic governors are our last line of defense in the fight to protect voting rights, safeguard abortion access, and protect our democracy.

Do you think it's important to get Democrats the resources they need to win in 2023?

[✓] Yes — we need to make sure Democrats have the resources they need to defeat Republicans.

[  ] No — we should let Republicans win.

We can’t let up our fight now. We must have strong Democratic support in the months ahead to weather GOP challenges to our election victories! Will you invest $100 to help us elect Democratic governors and defeat the GOP’s radical right-wing agenda once and for all?

[  ] Yes, I will give 100!

[✓] No, I can't give that much.

We understand that giving at that level might be tough right now. But the DGA is working tirelessly to elect Democrats across the country and defend our democracy. And during this critical turning point for our country, we can’t afford to miss any fundraising goals.

As far-right megadonors funnel millions into GOP campaigns and MAGA extremists spread election conspiracies, Democrats like Gretchen Whitmer and Gavin Newsom are counting on grassroots activists to have their backs. But we just pulled your supporter record, and here’s what we found:

Given to DGA today? Pending
Suggested donation: $30.17

Electing Democrats across the country is so critical that a group of generous donors is DOUBLING every gift up to $25,000 until 11:59 p.m. tonight. Will you give $30.17 – or whatever you can – so that we can elect Democrats and fight back against the GOP’s dangerous agenda?

[✓] Yes, I'll give $3. [I actually gave more than $3.00, but this was the option that was the closest match to my chosen response.]

[  ] Yes, I will give $30.17! (This is what most Democrats are giving)

[  ] Yes, and I'll give more!

And so, after I took the survey above, I made a one-time donation to the DGA in order show my support for the survey as a way for me to provide my opinions with regard to current issues and upcoming elections, as well as to say loud and proud that "Yes — I'm a Democrat!"

By the way, I already make monthly "recurring donations to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations of $3.00 on the 17th of each month," which includes the DGA!

And I extolled the virtues of these monthly recurring donations to Democratic political organizations in my 'April 17th, 2023 Update—Continued,' which can be found above, as follows:

"...April 17th, 2023 is the anniversary of the first year that I have made recurring monthly donations to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations! Plus, this past year is the first time that I have donated to Democratic political organizations when it isn't an election year; however, I decided to change the way that I am donating to Democrats, so that I am helping their fundraising and coordinating operations throughout the year and not just during election years.

And I have just gotta say how incredibly nice it is to be able to make recurring monthly donations to Democratic political organizations—because the payments process automatically each month—and I don't have to do one extra thing in order to help fund the operations of the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations throughout the year!"

–Paul Whiting (written June 28th, 2023 and revised July 6th, 2023)




July 2nd, 2023 Update: I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles from one of their daily emails that I received today, July 2nd, 2023, when I noticed two articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The first Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "The Supreme Court Just Made Same-Sex Marriage More Vulnerable to a Challenge." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"The Supreme Court Just Made Same-Sex Marriage More Vulnerable to a Challenge" from Time Magazine

By Philip Elliott | June 30, 2023

On the surface, the details of the case seemed plenty narrow: a Colorado web designer who is cool making wedding websites for “Mike and Mary” but not “Mike and Mark” thinks Colorado’s anti-discrimination law could force her to someday do coding that runs counter to her Evangelical Christian faith. She isn’t yet in the business of making such pages, no confirmed couples had approached her, and the plaintiff here was a civil rights panel. It was a sketchy case built on a dodgy—and maybe fabricated—premise, but it still wound up on the docket. Yet in the designer’s view, Colorado and the 29 other states with similar protections for LGBTQ individuals impede her First Amendment rights to preemptively advertise that she wants none of their nuptials’ joy.

But, look beyond the sepia-toned pages asking a distant cousin the age-old question of beef, fish, or vegetarian entree? Nothing less than the rights of every LGBTQ American to marry their same-sex partner hangs in the balance of a case nominally about hyperscript, links to registries, and social-media links. After all, these things often start narrow and then snowball.

The Supreme Court on Friday decided Lorie Smith’s fears were grounded in some version of a paranoid reality. In a 70-page ruling that is a blow for LGBTQ rights—and perhaps a harbinger of even more chipping away to come—the justices decided the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution had primacy over any state-level non-discrimination laws. The case, 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis, was named for Smith’s firm and the chair of the state civil rights panel, Aubrey Elenis.

“The First Amendment envisions the United States as a rich and complex place where all persons are free to think and speak as they wish, not as the government demands,” the 6-3 majority wrote in a ruling that was as expected as it was foreboding.

Put plainly: states can try to pass local anti-bigotry laws, but national religious liberties still supercede them. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

The second Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "The Intersex Community Is Fighting for Every Body." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"The Intersex Community Is Fighting for Every Body" from Time Magazine

By Alicia Roth Weigel | June 30, 2023

When I first moved to Texas in 2016, I never expected it’d be here that I’d come out as intersex. I certainly never thought that would’ve happened in a Senate hearing, divulging details about my body and medical history most of my family didn’t even know to a bunch of conservative legislators. I told them that I was born with physical traits—external sex anatomy, internal reproductive organs, hormones, and chromosomes—that didn’t fit neatly into the binary “male” or “female” options on a birth certificate. And I shared that very personal fact with a government chamber full of total strangers because the “bathroom bill” they were pushing not only discriminated against the trans community, but also completely ignored the existence of intersex folks like me.

The day that bill died in June 2017, something new was born within me: The confidence to share my truth with the world and the conviction that the whole world needed to hear my story—our story. Since then, I haven’t stopped showing up (at the State Capitol and on stages across the globe) to raise awareness of the inequity we face. Similarly to what the trans community has experienced, though, increased visibility can be a double-edged sword. At first, only the wrong people listened to me—or the right ones listened, those tasked with serving their constituents, but they intentionally received and parroted the wrong message.

As I shouted about the involuntary surgery that sterilized me, an operation to remove the internal testes that didn’t “match” my external “female” genitalia, Gov. Greg Abbott and the former Texas Attorney General heard me loud and clear. They then translated the alarm bell I was sounding for intersex kids into a battle cry against trans youth; they used arguments of forced sterilizations and the neglect of gender-nonconforming children not to help me and others like me, but rather to hurt people I also care about. Despite hearing my desperate calls for a life raft—one of affirmative consent, so that all human beings might decide for themselves the form their body might take—they instead unleashed a deluge of misinformation that has since swept the nation.

The same bills that seek to block gender affirming care for transgender Americans, cropping up in state legislatures across the country, contain loopholes that allow the same surgeries and hormones to be forced onto intersex children without our having any say in the matter. As journalist Carter Sherman wrote in their piece for VICE, “Republicans have compared gender-affirming health care to child abuse and Nazi war crimes. But they’re more than happy to let doctors perform surgeries on intersex children.”

This all proves that the authors of these bills seek not to shield children from harm but rather to eradicate those that don’t fit their cis-heteropatriarchal paradigm. Texas Republicans took my plea for protection and warped it into propaganda—and it’s time to set the record straight. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight these articles from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written July 2nd, 2023, revised August 12th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


July 4th, 2023 Update, Written On July 3rd, 2023: Happy Independence Day, everyone!

I revised my official Independence Day (or, "4th of July") poem, as I often do with my writing! And I changed how my "An Independence Day Poem" was written today, July 3rd, 2023, after I sent it to someone in an email who said to me, "Have a Happy 4th of July," and I said back to them, "Happy 4th of July to you too!" Thus, after my signature, I said, "P.S.: Here is an Independence Day poem that I wrote a few years ago!"

Then, after I sent the above-mentioned email, I actually reread how my "Between All Of Us" poem used to be written—that I originally wrote for the 234th Birthday of the United States of America, which was on July 4th, 2010—and decided to I revise it, as follows:

Between All Of Us
(Or, "An Independence Day Poem")

All of God's creation is joyfully,
gloriously, and so abundantly,
standing between all of us.

The love of God for this great
country of ours is proudly
blooming between all of us.

America's amber waves of grain,
and her fruited plains, are forever
unfolding between all of us.

The Constitution is a binding
testament to the liberty that
lives between all of us.

Our Founding Fathers' balanced,
hard, and proud, accomplishments
breath freely between all of us.

The Liberty Bell silently peels
truly, faithfully, and incredibly
deeply between all of us.

The Statue of Liberty keeps
her flame of freedom burning
brightly between all of us.

The Washington Monument
rises above the fear of change for
some of those between all of us.

The Lincoln Memorial speaks
quietly of the peaceful patriotism
that exists between all of us.

Old Glory herself is waving loud
and proud for the love of America
that thrives between all of us.

And only our great love for this
wonderful country of ours could
ever come between all of us.

So, let us all pledge our allegiance
to the one nation under God
that stands between all of us.

By the way, if you wish to know how this official Independence Day poem used to be written, you can see its original version in my 'July 4th, 2022 Update,' which can be found above. –Paul Whiting (written July 3rd, 2023 and revised July 5th, 2023)


July 5th, 2023 Update: I received an email from Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America today, July 5th, 2023, with the subject line, "READ: 'One Year After the Highland Park Massacre, Why Haven't More States Banned Assault Rifles?'," which stated the following:


This weekend should have been filled with block parties, barbeques, and joyful gatherings of all kinds. But once again, the Fourth of July was marked by devastation and heartbreak. Even as we honored the victims and survivors of one mass shooting, more deadly tragedies unfolded in communities across the country.

Until we take action, these killings will continue. For every family member who has had their life shattered by gun violence, we can and must do more.

Read my new op-ed with Illinois Governor JB Pritzker as we chart our movement's path forward. Our lawmakers must ban assault weapons immediately and do everything in their power to stop this crisis.

READ IT NOW [Please see an extended introduction to the article below.]

Yesterday, we honored the victims and survivors of the mass shooting at a Fourth of July parade in Highland Park, Illinois on the one-year mark of the tragedy. Seven people were shot and killed, and 48 others were shot and wounded.

And as we saw this weekend, tragic shootings continue to happen over and over again.

In Baltimore, at least two people were shot and killed and 28 others were shot and wounded at a block party.

In Wichita, Kansas, a shooting at a nightclub left nine people shot and wounded and two others injured from being trampled as people fled.

In Shreveport, Louisiana, at least three people were shot and killed and seven others wounded at a Fourth of July block party.

In Washington, D.C., at least nine people were shot and wounded, including a 9-year-old and a 17-year-old, as they were celebrating the Fourth of July.

In Philadelphia, five people were shot and killed and two children—ages two and 13—were shot and wounded in a mass shooting.

And in Chicago, at least three people were shot and killed and 27 others were shot and wounded in acts of gun violence throughout the weekend.

The communities and people impacted by this weekend's tragedies will never be the same.

But this reality is not inevitable—we are not helpless in the fight against gun violence. Our lawmakers can and must pass gun safety laws that are proven to save lives. After the deadly shooting in Highland Park, Governor Pritzker set an example of how to respond to these tragedies: He signed a law that banned the sale and distribution of assault weapons, high-capacity magazines, and machine gun conversion devices in Illinois. And we've seen similar life-saving action on gun safety in states across the country this year, from Minnesota to Maryland, among many others.

Our lawmakers on the local, state, and federal levels can and must continue to fight for common-sense gun safety policies that will save lives.

As we honor the victims and survivors of the shooting in Highland Park, and of every shooting that happened this Fourth of July weekend, join me in demanding action. Read my new op-ed with Illinois Governor JB Pritzker in Teen Vogue about what we must do to help end this crisis.

Thank you for being a part of this movement.

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
Moms Demand Action

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced article, an extended introduction to which can be found below:

"One Year After the Highland Park Massacre, Why Haven't More States Banned Assault Rifles?" from Teen Vogue

Illinois governor JB Pritzker and Moms Demand Action's executive director argue an assault weapons ban can "rid ourselves of this preventable plague once and for all."

By Governor JB Pritzker And Angela Ferrell-Zabala | July 3, 2023

Last year, on the Fourth of July, a gunman opened fire on a parade in Highland Park, Illinois, using a Smith & Wesson M&P15 semiautomatic rifle. The location of the massacre may seem shocking to some — parents, grandparents, and children were gathered to watch a parade in the same neighborhood where Molly Ringwald played Samantha Baker celebrating her birthday in Sixteen Candles and where Ferris Bueller took a day off. Easy access to a rapid-fire, military-caliber weapon allowed one hateful person to kill seven people and injure 48 more in less than one minute. What most surprises people about Highland Park is that it was just one of nearly 650 mass shootings last year alone — and those comprise only a small percent of the daily gun violence in this country.

Mass shootings are what we hear about most often in the news, but every day more than 120 Americans are shot and killed and hundreds more are shot and wounded. Guns surpassed cars to become the leading cause of death in the US for kids and teens. And yet, shootings like the one in Highland Park continue over and over in America’s smallest towns, biggest cities, and everywhere in between.

Created for lethal combat, assault weapons equipped with large-capacity magazines are responsible for some of the deadliest mass shootings in modern history. Victims at the Route 91 Harvest Festival in Las Vegas, at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut, at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, and at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, were all slaughtered by a shooter wielding these killing machines in a manner so violent that some of the school children in Uvalde could only be identified by their shoes.

Assault weapons and high-capacity magazines are often chosen by perpetrators of the violence that has gripped our nation. These exceptionally deadly firearms are weapons of war designed to deliver maximum destruction. Its bullets fly more than 3,000 feet per second and inflict much more serious wounds to their victims than a typical handgun. Law enforcement has decried their easy availability as police officers are rendered helpless against gunmen wielding high-powered, battle-grade weapons on the same streets where everyday citizens are going about their daily lives.

This way of life is uniquely American, where we attempt to coexist with weapons of war in our grocery stores, churches, theaters, and schools. It has led to countless premature burials and preventable instances of violence, more than in any other civilized nation.

Have we grown numb to the suffering behind these stories and these numbers? Has the constant barrage of breaking news about tragic shootings finally made us content to wave the white flag in our battle to save our children from an early grave?

We are not helpless in the fight against gun violence. States can take action to reduce fatalities and injuries by limiting access to assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. After the deadly shooting in Highland Park, the Illinois General Assembly banned the sale and distribution of assault weapons, high-capacity magazines, and machine gun conversion devices in Illinois.

These kinds of laws save lives. How do we know? Because Congress banned assault weapons for a decade beginning in 1994, and shootings and deaths from firearms decreased. Unfortunately, gun lobby-backed politicians have refused to reinstate the ban despite its proven effectiveness. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And, after I read the article above, I made a one-time donation to Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America (via the Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund) in order to do my part to "chart our movement's path forward," because "our lawmakers must ban assault weapons immediately and do everything in their power to stop this crisis," since, "once again, the Fourth of July was marked by devastation and heartbreak." –Paul Whiting (written July 5th, 2023 and revised September 7th, 2023)


July 6th, 2023 Update: I received an email from the American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon (ACLU of Oregon) today, July 6th, 2023, with the subject line, "Thank you & 2023 Legislative Report!", which stated the following:

Hi Paul,

Thank you for taking an active part in our democracy this legislative session through our calls to action and letting our legislators know what is important to you! Last week our 2023 Legislative report ( landed in your inbox- reflecting your hard work and the incredible work of our Policy team to move change forward this session.

To achieve a democracy of, by, and for all the people, we strive to center solutions that will create long-term, system wide change, but also recognize when there is significant or pervasive harm, we must engage in harm reduction too.

Republican senators held Oregonians and the legislative session hostage by refusing to show up to do their elected jobs. They obstructed the legislative process for seven weeks. Despite their interference, we are celebrating priority bill victories: check out SB 337 and HB 2467 In Defense of Humanity and HB 2002 Reproductive Health and Access to Care in our summary report!

Support this and all of our ongoing work with a donation today!***

We'd love to connect to hear what issue areas feel most relevant to you or if you have questions about this past session! Please reach out to [name redacted] to discuss further, [email redacted]!

The ACLU of Oregon Team

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below (by the way, I only included portions of this webpage that were relevant to the "2023 Legislative Session Report"):


Sine Die (or, "proceedings that have been adjourned") was announced on June 25, 2023. To learn more about how the session played out, please read our 2023 LEGISLATIVE SESSION REPORT [PDF]:

So, I downloaded, and read, the PDF file titled, "2023 Legislative Session Report." And on page 11 of said report, it stated the following:



The 2024 legislative session will be here before we know it. We will start setting priorities this fall.


Please complete this survey and let us know what Oregon issues are most important to you so that we can incorporate community input in our policy planning. Your voice matters!

And, after I read the "WHAT'S COMING UP NEXT?" section above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced survey under "YOU CAN HELP," which can be found below:


Please take a moment to share with us which issue areas are most important to you.


First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Pronouns: He, him, his
E-mail: [redacted]
Address Line: [redacted]
Address Line 2: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State/Province: [redacted]
Zip: [redacted]


What issue areas are most important to you? (Select your Top 3 issues.)

[  ] Criminal Justice
[  ] Free Speech
[  ] Immigrants' Rights
[  ] LGBTQ+ Rights
[  ] Police Practices
[  ] Prisoners' Rights
[  ] Privacy & Technology
[  ] Racial Justice
[  ] Religious Liberty
[✓] Reproductive Justice
[✓] Voting Rights
[✓] Women's Rights + Gender Equity
[  ] Youth & Student Rights
[  ] Qualified Immunity
[  ] Public Defense
[  ] Houselessness
[  ] Environmental Justice
[  ] Indigenous Justice
[  ] Mental Health Response

[✓] Sign up for ACLU emails to keep informed and know when to act.


By the way, I could have easily selected "all of the above" for this survey! However, since there was only three top answers allowed for "what issue areas are most important to you?", out of the available answers, I opted for "Reproductive Justice," "Voting Rights" as well as "Women's Rights + Gender Equity." You see, I think that today's most important issues—out of the many important issues of the day—include 'Reproductive Justice' and 'Women's Rights + Gender Equity!' Because, without a parent's right to choose if, and when, to have a family, all of the other rights pale in comparison, since ALL MOTHERS AND FATHERS SHOULD CONSENT TO BEING PARENTS! If couples are not choosing of their own free will to be parents—who can raise their loved children in a loving environment—then all of the other social issues will surely be made that much worse by all of the parents who had children against their will! And what kind of parents would they be anyway? Would they end up raising children who are going to be some kind of a threat to society—in a multitude of ways—because those children's parents were forced against their will to be parents? In addition to that, I think that today's most important issues—out of the many important issues of the day—include 'Voting Rights!' Because voting is how we select our leaders in a democracy. Period. And just like couples choosing to be parents of their own free will, VOTERS SHOULD CHOOSE THEIR ELECTED LEADERS OF THEIR OWN FREE WILL!

And, after I took the survey above, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU of Oregon in order to show my support for the "2023 Legislative Session Report!" –Paul Whiting (written July 6th, 2023, revised July 13th, 2023 and revised August 22nd, 2023)


July 8th, 2023 Update, Written On July 13th, 2023: I received an email from Planned Parenthood Action Fund a few days ago on July 8th, 2023, with the subject line, "INSIDE: Our endorsement for president", which stated the following:

Planned Parenthood Action Fund Update

Action Fund Update is the monthly newsletter for members of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund. As an associate member of the Action Fund, you'll receive timely, insider information on our legislative, advocacy, and electoral work.

Member News

Paul, there’s one word that comes to mind when I think about our country a year after the Dobbs decision took away our constitutional right to an abortion: Crisis.

A crisis of access to safe, legal health care. A crisis of freedom. A human rights crisis.

We cannot risk a national abortion ban — and we need leaders who won’t let that happen.

That’s why Planned Parenthood Action Fund is proud to endorse President Joe Biden for re-election.

The Biden-Harris administration has been committed to fighting back against the onslaught of attacks against our reproductive freedom. We are grateful for the steps the administration has taken to support patients and providers during this crisis, like:

[✓] Signing a Presidential Memorandum to ensure safe access to medication abortion and three executive orders to use a whole of government approach to protect and secure access to reproductive care
[✓] Announcing new actions to maintain patient privacy, including an HHS proposal of additional guardrails under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) to protect reproductive health data
[✓] Making some abortion care available through the Department of Veterans Affairs
[✓] Fighting back in our courts to protect access to medication abortion
[✓] Launching to make accurate health care information available.

We can’t reimagine a path forward for abortion access nationwide if we don’t have leaders willing to work with us on advancing sexual and reproductive health.

To continue that work, have a seat at the table to influence the policy priorities of the campaign, and to ensure the voices of Planned Parenthood Action Fund supporters are heard, we must re-elect Joe Biden as president of the United States.

Let’s get to work.

[Name redacted], [Title redacted]
Planned Parenthood Action Fund

P.S. Based on our records, it looks like your Associate Membership is going to expire soon. Don't miss out on timely, insider information on Planned Parenthood Action Fund's advocacy, legislative work, and electoral endorsements, as well as volunteer opportunities in your area. Click here to renew your membership.*

Take Action

Vote for Planned Parenthood Action Fund

Planned Parenthood Action Fund has been selected as one of CREDO Mobile's July grant recipients. The size of the grant we receive is based on how many votes Planned Parenthood Action Fund gets — so we’re hoping we can count on you.

Will you take two minutes to cast your vote in CREDO’s grant competition to support Planned Parenthood Action Fund? ( Every vote helps us secure additional funds.

Vote now >>

[By the way, CREDO Mobile is my cell phone company! And I usually vote for all three of the progressive organizations that are offered grant funds each month by CREDO. Therefore, on July 1st, 2023, I voted for Planned Parenthood Action Fund along with the two other progressive organizations that CREDO is supporting this July. However, anyone can vote for how CREDO's monthly grant funds are distributed, even if you are not a CREDO Mobile customer!]

State Spotlight: Maine

Just days after the one-year anniversary of the Dobbs decision, the Maine Senate passed a bill to expand access to abortion later in pregnancy.

Gov. Janet Mills is expected to sign it into law, ensuring that Mainers have the freedom to make pregnancy decisions without political interference.


Around the Web

The Atlantic: Abortion Could Matter Even More in 2024

Teen Vogue: VP Harris Says Young Voters Have the Power to Fight “Extremist” Abortion Bans

AP News: Newly all-male South Carolina Supreme Court scrutinizes abortion ban months after tossing one out

The Guardian: The fight over US abortion rights in the year without Roe – photo essay


*And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, regarding renewing my Associate Membership for the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, which can be found below:

Become a Planned Parenthood Action Fund Associate Member.

By submitting this form, I affirm that I want to become an associate member of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund.

First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Postal Code: [redacted]
Email: [redacted]
Mobile Phone (Optional): [redacted]


And, after submitting the form above, I received a confirmation email today, July 13th, 2023, from the Planned Parenthood Action Fund with the subject line, "Thank you for your Associate Membership!", which stated the following:

Dear Paul,

Thank you for standing with us as an Associate Member of Planned Parenthood Action Fund!

Membership is free and allows you full access to timely Action Fund updates, including information about our grassroots organizing, legislative and regulatory advocacy, electoral endorsements, and volunteer opportunities in your area — and gives you an opportunity to vote for a member of the Action Fund Board of Directors.

You can also follow Planned Parenthood Action Fund on Facebook and Twitter.

We are so glad to have you with us!

Planned Parenthood Action Fund

Plus, after I renewed my Associate Membership for the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, I made a one-time donation to Planned Parenthood Action Fund to show my support for the Action Fund Update monthly newsletter, as well as to express my gratitude that "Planned Parenthood Action Fund is proud to endorse President Joe Biden for re-election." –Paul Whiting (written July 13th, 2023, revised August 12th, 2023 and revised December 3rd, 2023)


July 11th, 2023 Update, Written On July 13th, 2023, Which Also Discusses July 13th, 2023: I received an email from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) a couple of days ago on July 11th, 2023, with the subject line, "What to know about the latest Supreme Court term.", which stated the following:

Paul –

In the wake of the latest Supreme Court term, we wanted to provide you with a quick rundown of what happened and bring into focus the fight ahead of us to protect ALL our rights now.

While we know there were several devastating losses for racial justice, LGBTQ rights, educational equity, and more – it's just as critical to note the substantial victories this term that will set us up to advance civil rights in our work ahead. So here are the key cases from SCOTUS this term and what you can do in the fight moving forward:

Affirmative and Educational Equity ➔

Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard and Students for Fair Admissions v. UNC: The Supreme Court struck down Harvard and UNC's affirmative action programs, restricting the schools' ability to fully address systemic racial inequalities that persist in higher education.

Biden v. Nebraska and Department of Education v. Brown: The Supreme Court also struck down the Biden administration's student debt relief plan, impacting an estimated 43 million eligible borrowers. This ruling, along with the decision to restrict affirmative action programs, represent a huge blow to educational opportunity for all.


Racial Justice and Indigenous Rights ➔

Brackeen v. Haaland: SCOTUS issued a landmark victory for tribal sovereignty this term by rejecting all the constitutional challenges to the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) – requiring state courts to make active efforts to protect Native children and keep Native families together.


Voting Rights ➔

Allen v. Milligan (formerly Merrill v. Milligan): SCOTUS upheld the power of the Voting Rights Act and protected the rights of Black voters in Alabama in a case won by the ACLU and our partners at the ACLU of Alabama and the Legal Defense Fund.

Moore v. Harper: The Court rejected a radical legal theory that threatened our democracy – upholding that state legislatures do not have the power to ignore their own state constitutions while making rules for federal elections.


LGBTQ+ Rights ➔

303 Creative v. Elenis: SCOTUS ruled in this case that certain businesses have a right to discriminate when selling customized, expressive services – opening the door to any business that claims to provide customized services to discriminate against historically-marginalized groups. The decision is fundamentally misguided.


Paul, the impact of these decisions will reverberate for generations. But the ACLU is here now and always to continue in the fight for all our rights.

Together, we can and will show up to not just restore and protect our civil liberties – but to cement and expand them in this country for good.

Thank you for being with us in this work and more soon,

– The ACLU Team

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpages, which can be found below, in the order that they are listed above:


In classrooms and educational spaces across our country, a coordinated attack on our students’ right to learn is underway. Join our pledge now and we'll send you our Right to Learn toolkit to take action and fight back against censorship in your schools and communities.

Since last year, 10 states have passed classroom censorship bills that restrict discussions about race, gender, and sexual orientation in schools. In 2022 so far, state legislatures have introduced 71 new bills across 22 states, many of which explicitly target K-12 schools.

If schools are found in violation of classroom censorship bills or restrictions, many may risk losing funding. In some cases, teachers could face formal admonishment or lose teaching licenses if they don’t comply with curriculum restrictions.

At the same time, politicians and school boards are making moves to ban books from public schools and libraries. As a result, schools can't make certain books – predominantly those by Black and LGBTQ authors discussing issues of race, gender, and sexual orientation – available to students to learn from and explore, even voluntarily and on their own time.

All of it leads to a chilling effect on academic freedom in our country.

We’ll be clear: Every young person has a First Amendment right to read and learn about the history and viewpoints of all communities – including their own identity – in and outside of the classroom. This wave of censorship legislation is attempting to erase the legacy of discrimination and lived experiences of Black and Brown people, women and girls, and LGBTQ+ individuals. And it’s refusing to let students think for themselves.

That’s why the ACLU is already hard at work to fight back against these damaging censorship bills and book bans through lawsuits and fierce advocacy. But while our teams push exhaustively in the courts and the statehouses – public support is also going to make a huge difference in the fight.

That’s why we’re asking you to join our pledge today. By adding your name, you are telling lawmakers nationwide that you oppose any efforts that would criminalize or censor books and education about race, gender, or sexual orientation – and that you support students, educators, and everyone's fundamental right to learn.

Join us in this critical fight for free speech and equitable education. Take our pledge today and when you do, we'll send you our Right to Learn toolkit directly to your inbox.


In the face of continued and coordinated attempts to ban books and censor education on race and gender in our public classrooms – I support our students, our educators, and everyone’s First Amendment right to learn.

First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
E-mail address: [redacted]
Zip: [redacted]
Phone: [redacted]



The Supreme Court today [June 15th, 2023] issued a landmark victory for tribal sovereignty by rejecting all the constitutional challenges to the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA). Throughout history, federal and state governments have sought to undermine and threaten the existence of tribes through the forced separation and assimilation of Native children. The Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA), passed by Congress in 1978, established basic requirements to protect Native American children from removal from their homes and communities by the government.

The Court’s decision recognizes the centuries-long history of Native child removal by the U.S. government and the overwhelming evidence that being removed from homes and disconnected from their culture, tradition, and identity is deeply harmful to Native children. But, the work is far from over. States still continue to remove Native children from their families and tribes at alarmingly high rates. Fourteen states already have ICWA laws on the books – but there are still many states to go. Please, join the ACLU in this fight to protect Native families: Send a message to your state legislature today and tell them to use their power to pass a state ICWA law.


Subject: Protect Native Families

The Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) was passed in 1978 to address the devastating and widespread practice of removing Native children from their homes, families, and tribes. I’m encouraged by the Supreme Court’s recent decision to uphold ICWA and am calling on you as your constituent to urge you to act swiftly to implement ICWA in our state. We have seen several other states enact ICWA laws with success in protecting Native families. Please take action today.

You have the power to ensure that our state will be one that recognizes tribal sovereignty and the importance of preserving a Native child’s access to their unique culture and community. And our state will not be alone.

In fact, 11 other states have had ICWA laws on the books for years, and three more states joined this group by passing ICWA laws this year. These state ICWA laws safeguard the spirit of ICWA, which has been affirmed at the federal level.

ICWA’s protections are essential given the centuries long attempts to destroy Native communities through genocide, forced assimilation, and legalized kidnapping through the boarding school era. Please, use your legislative power to ensure our state carries ICWA’s protections forward. If you have already taken this important action, you have my utmost thanks.


[First Name] [Last Name]


Salutation (required by some officials): Mr.
First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
E-mail address: [redacted]
Address: [redacted]
Address Line 2: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Zip Code: [redacted]
Phone: [redacted]



Voters of color continue to be impacted by discriminatory election practices intended to diminish their voting power. In 2021 alone, in the wake of record levels of turnout for the presidential election, a wave of anti-voter measures were introduced across the states – many of which will disproportionately disenfranchise Black and Brown voters. These measures include making it a crime to provide food or water to voters waiting in line, strict limits on drop boxes for absentee ballots, racially gerrymandered district maps, and more. As midterm elections approach this year [2022], we expect these blatant suppression tactics to continue.

The Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act includes crucial provisions to restore the protections of the Voting Rights Act that will begin to root out voting barriers that discriminate against voters of color. There's no time to wait: We must urge the Senate to pass this crucial law now.


Subject: Pass the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act

As your constituent, I urge you to pass the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act. Passing this bill will protect our fundamental right to vote and defend us against discrimination.

The removal of critical protections from the Voting Rights Act of 1965 catalyzed a race to stop people of color from voting. Since then, states have been able to engage in voter suppression with impunity. In 2021 alone, 34 anti-voter laws passed in 19 states, often purposefully targeting people of color through tactics including restraints on voter registration and absentee voting, racially gerrymandered district maps, and more. And given the Supreme Court’s 2021 decision in Brnovich v. Democratic National Committee, which unduly narrows the Voting Rights Act – it is clearly up to Congress to do what is necessary to protect the rights of all voters in this country.

The price of inaction is high, and history shows it. With midterm elections [behind us], I’m asking you to act now to cement the legacy of the Voting Rights Act and guard the rights of all Americans [for the upcoming presidential elections in 2024].

It's long past due for Congress to renew vital voting protections. Pass the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act now.


[First Name] [Last Name]


Salutation (required by some officials): Mr.
First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
E-mail address: [redacted]
Address: [redacted]
Address Line 2: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Zip Code: [redacted]
Phone: [redacted]

[By the way, I sent letters to my U.S. House Representative and Senators in Congress urging them to pass the "John R. Lewis Act" on August 5th, 2022. (Please see my 'August 5th, 2022 Update,' which can be found above.) However, because it has been about one year since I last sent the aforementioned letter, I decided to send it again this year, 2023, with modifications to the message text, in brackets, where appropriate!]



UPDATE 7/13/2023: Politicians in Congress are attempting to include anti-abortion, anti-trans, and other alarming provisions in the nation's annual defense bill. Take action today.

The attacks on the freedom and dignity of trans people and their families are continuing and gaining steam in Congress. One-third of the country has passed laws that criminalize and ban access to gender-affirming care and extreme members of Congress are jumping on the bandwagon to attack the basic rights and freedoms of LGBTQ people who serve in our military and their family members.

We just learned that leaders of the House have scheduled votes on amendments to the annual national defense policy bill that will block members of the military and their families from having access to life-saving gender-affirming care. This is in addition to amendments that will undermine service members' access to abortion and other civil rights in our military. Send your message today loud and clear: Tell your Members of Congress to protect trans care now – including voting against all amendments to the defense bill that deny access to life-saving care for trans people in the military.


Subject: Protect Trans People from Discrimination

It is unconscionable that certain members of Congress are attacking access to life-saving gender-affirming care for transgender people, including using the National Defense Authorization Act to block lifesaving access for people who serve in the military while also attempting to undermine access to abortion for service members.

I am writing – during a genuine moment of crisis – to urge you to publicly commit to doing everything within your power to protect the health and dignity of transgender people, including VOTING NO on all amendments to the defense policy bill that limit access to gender-affirming care and abortion.

Will you vote no?

I urge you to not remain silent in this moment. Use your voice. Publicly show up in support with the transgender community. Most importantly, use your power to protect life-saving healthcare for transgender youth and adults alike.

I want to be very clear: Gender-affirming care, including for transgender youth, is evidence-based, medically necessary, and life-saving. This is why every leading medical organization, including the American Medical Association, the American Psychiatric Association, and the American Academy of Pediatrics, strongly oppose efforts to ban this health care.

Patients and their doctors should be the ones making individual health care decisions, not politicians. As a Member of Congress, you must fight against this.

Transgender people deserve the same chance to thrive and live fulfilling lives as everyone else. Having the freedom to control our bodies and seek the health care we need, including gender-affirming care, is an essential right for all people.

Thank you. I look forward to your response.

[First Name] [Last Name]


Salutation (required by some officials): Mr.
First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
E-mail address: [redacted]
Address: [redacted]
Address Line 2: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Zip Code: [redacted]
Phone: [redacted]

[By the way, I already sent letters to "tell [my] Members of Congress to protect trans people from discrimination" on June 1st, 2023. (Please see my 'June 1st, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.) However, the letter above has been updated to reflect "that certain members of Congress are attacking access to life-saving gender-affirming care for transgender people, including using the National Defense Authorization Act to block lifesaving access for people who serve in the military while also attempting to undermine access to abortion for service members." Thus, I sent this letter again.]


And speaking of protecting trans people from discrimination, I received an email from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) today, July 13th, 2023, with the subject line, "The House votes TOMORROW. Please take action with us.", which stated the following:

The House will vote on anti-abortion, anti-trans, and anti-civil liberties provisions in the annual defense bill TOMORROW.

Take action now.***

Paul –

The ACLU is fighting back against the ongoing attacks on trans people's rights, abortion rights, and all our civil liberties – and right now, this fight is turning urgently toward Capitol Hill.

Here's the situation: Congress is back in session and working to pass the annual defense policy bill (the NDAA). But extremist politicians in the House are attempting to use this moment to slip in amendments that undermine critical civil rights and liberties, including for uniformed service members and families of service members.

In fact, two amendments would effectively block service members and their families from having access to life-saving, gender-affirming health care – as well as undermine service members' access to abortion and reproductive health care.

These anti-trans and anti-abortion amendments are two of the many discriminatory provisions that the House will vote on TOMORROW – and there is no time to lose on this. We at the ACLU are strongly against this and have already been urging all members of Congress to vote against these amendments.

But we need as many community members as possible reaching out to Congress alongside us. Paul, please, we need your activism in this moment:


Paul, we promise this will only take a few quick moments to complete and it will make a big difference in this fight. The more constituents Congress hears from right now, the more they will know we are paying attention to how they vote.

This is how we will show up for all of our rights now and always. Thank you for being with us in this urgent work.


The ACLU Team

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I sent the letters above, I received confirmation emails today, July 13th, 2023, from the ACLU with the subject lines, "Thanks for taking the pledge! Here's your Right to Learn toolkit.", as well as, "One more thing - can you spread the word?", which stated the following, in the order that they are listed above:

[1.] Hi Paul,

Thank you for taking action to defend students' right to learn.

Here is your Right to Learn toolkit to help you fight against censorship in your local schools and communities:

Whether you're a student or just someone who cares about the freedoms of our educational spaces, this toolkit has all you need to take action in your immediate region – from how school governance rules work to tactics for organizing in your community. Dive into this comprehensive resource today and be sure to share along to your friends and family to help build our power, too.

Thank you,

The ACLU Team


[2.] Hi Paul,

Thank you for taking action to protect Native families.

Help us build our power: Share the action by forwarding the email below to your friends, or by sharing this link:

Thank you,

The ACLU Team


Hi friend,

The Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA), passed by Congress in 1978, established basic requirements to protect Native American children from removal from their homes and communities by the government.

The Supreme Court recently issued a landmark decision that rejected all constitutional challenges to ICWA in a victory for tribal sovereignty. But the work is far from over as states still continue to remove Native children from their families and tribes at alarmingly high rates.

Please, join me and the ACLU in this fight to protect Native families: Send a message to your state legislature today and tell them to use their power to pass a state ICWA law.



[3.] Hi Paul,

Thanks for urging Congress to pass the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act.

It's up to all of us to defend our right to vote. Share this link or forward the email below to your friends:

Thank you,

The ACLU team


Hi friend,

Our right to vote is under attack.

In 2021, we witnessed even more attempts to disenfranchise Black and Brown voters through attacks on vote by mail, voter purges, racially gerrymandered district maps, and more.

But we can fight back by telling Congress to pass the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act.

Join me and send a message to Congress now:



[4.] Hi Paul,

Thank you for taking action to protect trans people.

Help us build our power: Share the action by forwarding the email below to your friends, or by sharing this link:

Thank you,

The ACLU Team


Hi friend,

Recently, we have seen wave after wave of extreme measures in the states and in Congress to criminalize and strip transgender people of their right to safety, dignity, and autonomy.

In fact, extreme members of Congress are trying to use the National Defense Authorization Act to block lifesaving access for people who serve in the military – in addition to attempting to undermine access to abortion and other civil liberties for service members, too.

We must fight back. Any national attack on gender-affirming care would be devastating.

We must stop any effort to criminalize trans people and the families and communities who love us. That's why I just joined the ACLU in sending a message to Congress urging them to protect trans people now, including by voting against all anti-civil liberties amendments in the defense bill.

Will you join me?


And so, after I took the right-to-learn pledge, and after I sent a message to my Oregon state legislature telling them to pass a state ICWA law, and after I urged the Senate to pass the crucial John R. Lewis Act law, and after I told my Members of Congress to protect trans care — including voting against all amendments to the defense bill that deny access to life-saving care for trans people in the military — I made a one-time donation to the ACLU in order to do my part to "take action to protect equitable education," to "take action to protect native families," to "take action for voting rights," and to "take action to fight for LGBTQ+ rights." –Paul Whiting (written July 13th, 2023, revised July 14th, 2023 and revised September 30th, 2023)


July 12th, 2023 Update, Written From July 14th, 2023 To July 15th, 2023: I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google a few days ago on July 12th, 2023, when I noticed two different articles on various news websites, including and!

Now, I usually try to publish these news-related 'updates' the day that I actually read the news articles referenced in the 'update'; however, my smartphone wasn't working at the time that I first read these two articles!

You see, I have had my current smartphone for almost exactly two years this July. And it suddenly stopped working on July 7th, 2023. (I couldn't even turn it on!) Then, late at night on July 12th, 2023—or early in the morning on July 13th, 2023—my smartphone started working again!

Therefore, I originally read these two articles on my second phone, which is a basic phone. (That is the phone with which I make all of my phone calls—and it's a flip phone, so it has limited internet access.) Thus, once my smartphone started working again, I decided to write this update regarding the above-mentioned articles, since I had them bookmarked on my basic phone!

So without further ado, the CNN article that I read on July 12th, 2023 is titled, "The US economy is defying expectations, says Biden’s top economic adviser." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"The US economy is defying expectations, says Biden’s top economic adviser" from CNN

By Nicole Goodkind, CNN | Published July 12, 2023

New York (CNN) — The resiliency of the US economy is defying expectations — and the odds of a “soft landing” are improving, said Lael Brainard, President Joe Biden’s top economic adviser, on Wednesday afternoon.

New data from the Labor Department released earlier in the day showed that inflation rose last month by 3%, its slowest pace since March 2021. The news pushed markets higher, and Biden touted it as “Bidenomics in action.”

“The US is defying expectations that inflation wouldn’t fall absent significant job destruction,” said Brainard, head of the National Economic Council, in a speech at the Economic Club of New York. “Just today, we saw new and encouraging evidence that the US economy is on the path to moderate inflation accompanied by a resilient job market.”

The strength of the US job market has been “a surprise to so many forecasters who really didn’t see that [there would be a] rebound in participation,” she said.

The latest jobs report showed that 209,000 jobs were added in June, and the unemployment rate ticked down to 3.6%, a historic low.

“We’ve seen these repeated predictions that recession is right around the corner — and the data have instead delivered continued resilience in the economy,” said Brainard, formerly No. 2 at the Federal Reserve. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And the USA Today article that I read on July 12th, 2023 is titled, "Inflation cools again in June as gains in grocery prices slow, CPI report shows." (By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.) An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Inflation cools again in June as gains in grocery prices slow, CPI report shows" from USA Today

Paul Davidson, Medora Lee and Charisse Jones USA TODAY | July 12, 2023

A year after U.S. inflation hit a 40-year high of 9.1%, it has fallen by about two-thirds. But bringing down annual consumer price increases the rest of the way -- to the more normal 2% level sought by federal policymakers -- is expected to be a tougher slog.

Inflation cooled for a 12th straight month in June as flat grocery prices partly offset a rebound in gasoline costs and still-hefty rent hikes. Core inflation, which the Federal Reserve watches more closely, eased more than expected.

Consumer prices overall increased 3% from a year earlier, down from 4% in May, according to the Labor Department’s consumer price index. That’s the smallest yearly increase since March 2021. On a monthly basis, prices rose 0.2% following a 0.1% increase in May. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight these articles from CNN and USA Today for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written July 15th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


July 13th, 2023 Update: I received an email from the Biden for President campaign today, July 13th, 2023, with the subject line, "I am proud to have you in my corner.", which stated the following:

Biden-Harris 2024

Paul -- I know this message is long, but I hope you’ll take a moment to read it and be reminded of all the things we have been able to accomplish because of our victory in 2020.

When Kamala and I were sworn in over two years ago, the economy was on its back. Schools and businesses were closed. People were hurting. And far too many were mourning the loss of a loved one to COVID.

Kamala and I agreed that we couldn’t just rebuild the economy as it was before: we needed to build an economy from the bottom up and the middle out, not the top down. So we got right to work and passed the American Rescue Plan.

Today, our economy has recovered faster and stronger than any other developed country in the world, we’ve created more jobs in two years than any president in a four-year term, and the unemployment rate is near record lows.

And we didn’t stop there: we kept working to make progress on the issues that matter.

We passed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, kicking off a decade of rebuilding our country’s roads, bridges, highways, ports, internet, and railroads.

We passed the most significant gun safety legislation in over three decades.

We took on Big Pharma and won, capping the cost of insulin at $35 a month for seniors -- now, the biggest insulin manufacturers are lowering the cost for everyone.

We passed the Inflation Reduction Act, which is bringing down costs for working people and is the largest investment to combat climate change in U.S. history -- because I believe building a clean energy future starts in America.

When I look back at all the things we’ve accomplished together, I feel proud -- and I’m reminded that there’s so much more work for us to get done.

I know I don’t need to remind you what’s at stake in this election: the MAGA Republicans in this race want to drag us backward.

When they look at America, all they can see is carnage, darkness, and despair. They spread fear and lies for profit and power. When Kamala and I look at America, we see possibility.

If you’re with Kamala and me in this fight, can you pitch in a donation of $25 right now? Grassroots contributions from supporters like you are laying the strong foundation we’ll need to win in 2024.

If the last two years show you anything, it’s that there’s not a single thing beyond our capacity if we do it together. I am proud to have you in my corner.

Thank you,


Joe Biden


"Every generation has a moment where they have had to stand up for democracy. To stand up for their fundamental freedoms. I believe this is ours." -- Joe Biden

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, I made a one-time donation to Biden for President (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to show my support for President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. in his 2024 re-election campaign, since I am all for Biden-Harris in 2024! –Paul Whiting (written July 13th, 2023 and revised July 14th, 2023)


July 14th, 2023 Update: I received a mailer from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) a while ago (although, I don't recall exactly when!), with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "Urgent: Final Notice: Portland Precinct Resident," which stated the following (by the way, I hand-typed the text below on my smartphone from the mailer's letter):

Dear Paul,

It is CRITICAL to our ability to take back the House from the Kevin McCarthy-led MAGA House Republicans that you quickly confirm you are a registered Democratic voter residing in Portland. Please mark and return the attached 2023 DEMOCRATIC CONGRESSIONAL CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE PRECINCT AND MEMBER CONFIRMATION CARD no later than July 15th.

Dedicated supporters like you helped us achieve the best midterm results by a president's party in two decades. Going into 2024, we're just five seats away from taking back the House. We have identified 33 Districts in Play — Republican-held or open seats that we're going on the offense on to flip from red to blue. 18 of those are districts that President Biden won in 2020, and others are represented by MAGA extremists like Lauren Boebert and George Santos.

Republicans' chaos agenda is clear: ban abortion nationwide, force a debt ceiling crisis to weaken the economy, make major cuts to Social Security and Medicare, spread conspiracy theories, launch bogus investigations of the Biden Administration, and do all they can to clear the way for twice-impeached — and now indicted — Donald Trump to return to power.

We must hold House Republicans accountable by voting them out of office. And for the sake of our democracy, we must flip the house from red to blue. That work is already underway.

So please, mark and return the attached 2023 DEMOCRATIC CONGRESSIONAL CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE PRECINCT AND MEMBER CONFIRMATION CARD no later than July 15th and renew your 2023 DCCC membership with a generous contribution of $80, $120, $160, or even more if you can today. Gifts will be matched 5:1, up to $250,000.

Help us hold House Republicans accountable and take back our Democratic House Majority so we can once again deliver for the American people. Thank you.



DCCC — 430 South Capitol Street SE — Washington, DC 20003 —






What do you believe should be House Democrats' top priority going into the 2024 election? (check all that apply)

[✓] Opposing a nationwide abortion ban and protecting abortion access

[✓] Stopping Republican schemes to slash spending on Social Security and Medicare

[✓] Fighting against Republican efforts to suppress votes and steal elections

[✓] Calling out Republicans' bogus witch hunts on the Biden Administration

Do you believe that United States is better off when there is a Democratic House Majority to work with a Democratic President and Senate or is it better when Republicans control the House?

[✓] Better with Democratic control
[  ] Better with Republican control
[  ] Unsure

I'm rushing a special contribution to the DCCC to help defend our House Majority:

[  ] $80 becomes $480
[  ] $120 becomes $720
[  ] $160 becomes $960
[✓] Other $10.00


To put your gift to work immediately, go to or call our contribution hotline at 1-877-4-DEM-FUTURE (1-877-433-6388).


And, after I read the letter above, I typed the web address to the referenced webpage in my browser, the relevant text of which can be found below:

       ↓       ↓       ↓       

Flip the House!

Chip in now to flip the House and defend President Biden’s legacy!

Republicans are blocking President Biden’s agenda at every turn — and he’s counting on this grassroots team to stop them.

So, quickly: Will you renew your DCCC membership to elect a wave of Democrats and flip the House?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit the DCCC.

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $75 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount: $10.00

[✓] [Leave a tip for ActBlue]: $1.00

So, I completed the 2023 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Precinct And Member Confirmation Card, which I am planning to mail tomorrow, July 15th, 2023. And I also made a one-time donation to the DCCC (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to do my part to "hold House Republicans accountable by voting them out of office," because "Republicans' chaos agenda is clear: ban abortion nationwide, force a debt ceiling crisis to weaken the economy, make major cuts to Social Security and Medicare, spread conspiracy theories, launch bogus investigations of the Biden Administration, and do all they can to clear the way for twice-impeached — and now indicted — Donald Trump to return to power." So, "for the sake of our democracy, we must flip the house from red to blue." –Paul Whiting (written July 14th, 2023 and revised July 15th, 2023)


July 14th, 2023 Update—Continued: I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, July 14th, 2023, when I noticed an article on titled, "Inflation is cooling. That’s bad news for the GOP." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Inflation is cooling. That’s bad news for the GOP." from MSNBC

A year straight of falling inflation has made Republican arguments against 'Bidenomics' way less convincing.

By Hayes Brown, MSNBC Opinion Writer/Editor | July 13, 2023

Twelve months ago, it seemed like the economy might wind up being President Joe Biden’s biggest weakness. While hiring was supercharged and unemployment was near an all-time low, inflation was busy making a major dent in Americans’ wallets. Gas prices in particular were causing pain at the pump, and Republicans expected to ride the discomfort to solid political gains.

What a difference a year makes. Not only did Republicans largely underperform in last fall’s midterms, but the latest inflation figures show that efforts to hit the brakes are also working. Consumer price growth — the change in how much Americans pay for things including food and energy from year to year — has fallen every month since June 2022. It’s now sitting at about 3%, just about a point higher than the Federal Reserve’s goal. A major factor in that drop has been collapsing gas prices, even as the summer vacation season continues.

It’s no surprise, then, that Biden has started touting the benefits of “Bidenomics” ahead of next year’s election. And dropping inflation has deprived Republicans of one of the most surefire ways to attack a Democratic president. Republicans who were once morbidly gleeful at the idea that the economy might take a nosedive are now silent, at least when they aren’t busy taking credit for investments that Democrats passed over their objections.

It’s kind of hard to blame them for their reticence, when neither Republicans in Congress nor those statehouses can take any real credit for inflation falling. The data shows that inflation began trending downward long before the GOP narrowly recaptured the House. And Republican policies at the state level haven’t exactly been outperforming the national average. In fact, the highest inflation in the country is in Florida, home to Gov. Ron DeSantis.

House Republicans also can’t link falling inflation to their promises to curb federal spending. For one, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell — a Donald Trump appointee, no less — has said repeatedly that, after an initial spending surge to combat the Covid-19 pandemic, government outlays are no longer a major driver of inflation. Powell instead “says rapid price growth is primarily being driven by factors like snarled supply chains, an oil shock following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and a shift among American consumers from spending money on services like travel and dining out to goods like furniture,” The New York Times reported in March.

Until last month, the Fed had been steadily raising interest rates to try to curb inflation, pausing in June after 10 straight hikes. Its efforts appear to have tamped down price rises without the expected surge in unemployment accompanying it. Even the modest hiring slowdown in June still saw solid growth in the labor market. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight this article from MSNBC for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written July 14th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


July 15th, 2023 Update: I received a mailer from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) today, July 15th, 2023, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "Membership Notice: Dated Materials Enclosed," which stated the following (by the way, I hand-typed the text below on my smartphone from the mailer's letter):

Dear Mr. Whiting,

I believe you're someone who cares deeply about the future of this nation, just like me.

By supporting the DNC, strong donors like you are investing in a vision of lasting progress for America. You helped to elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in 2020, giving Democratic leaders the power to pass historic legislation. It's clear you share our vision of building a thriving democracy for the next generation.

But our shared vision is in danger. That progress is under attack by an increasingly extremist Republican Party that seeks to undermine our rights and weaken our democracy. And because I believe you're someone who will always step up and fight to protect our future, I'm reaching out with one of the most important actions you can take right now:

Renew your annual membership to the Democratic National Committee with a generous contribution of $20, $30, or even $40 today. Your renewed support will help keep Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in the White House — and expand Democratic leadership up and down the ballot — so we can defend and grow our progress across the nation.

When you renew your support for the DNC, you invest in the only committee that works to elect Democrats at every level of government, from the school board to the White House.

To defend our future from the extreme MAGA Republican agenda, we need to organize and win elections in every ZIP code across the country. That's the only way to [stand up to] the attacks on our democratic institutions and the most vulnerable among us. Your renewed support can make a difference in every single one of those races.

We absolutely need Democratic leaders and voices in every room — because you know what happens when MAGA Republicans control the agenda.

It means putting Medicare and Social Security on the chopping block.

It means rigging the economy for the wealthy and big corporations at the expense of middle class families.

It means unconstitutional attacks on voting rights that silence voters of color.

It means that gun ownership is valued over our lives.

It means anti-abortion laws that deny lifesaving medical care, putting millions of people in harm's way.

And it means silencing our children's teachers and banning books.

I won't stand for that, and I know you won't either. By renewing you support for the DNC today, you can [stand up to] the GOP's ugly attacks on our future and keep progress at the top of the agenda.

The DNC is the beating heart of our Party's work to elect Democrats across the nation, and we've got the expertise, the reach, and the strategy to keep winning. Grassroots donors like you turn our campaigns into historic victories, bringing diverse new voices into Congress, advancing bold new legislation to set our nation on the right track, and guaranteeing equality for all. And you have such an important part to play in protecting our future.

By renewing your support for the DNC right now, you'll play a key roll in:

[✓] Building robust tech infrastructure and messaging plans so we can reach swing voters with our bold vision of the future.

[✓] Protecting voting rights from Republican attacks through voter education, registration, and more to ensure every eligible vote is counted.

[✓] Making critical investments to mobilize voters across the country so we can reelect President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris and elect Democrats to office up and down the ballot.

This is the urgent and necessary work to win our races, and those wins will translate to legislative progress and policy success from state Houses to the White House.

And you know when Democrats control the agenda, we do what it takes to create best possible America for everyone. We'll protect voting rights and abortion rights, take on the gun violence epidemic, bring bold and effective solutions to the climate crisis, and make our democracy stronger than ever.

That's what the future deserves. I proudly carry my DNC member card and I hope you'll renew your support for the DNC so we can keep up the fight side by side.

Thank you,

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]

P.S. Renewing your support for the DNC is one of the best ways to be a grassroots leader in the Democratic Party. Let's reelect Joe and Kamala and keep achieving historic victories for Democrats up and down the ticket. Renew your commitment to the fight for our future today!

Go to to put your gift to work immediately.

And, after I read the letter above, I typed the web address to the referenced webpage in my browser, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Support the Democratic National Committee

Donate to help elect Democrats up and down the ballot nationwide!

Renew your membership today to fight for the Biden-Harris agenda, hold the GOP accountable, and help elect more Democrats. Donate to the DNC now and invest in the resources our candidates are relying on to compete and win year after year.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Democratic National Committee (DNC) - Direct Marketing.

[  ] Donate $35 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $75 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $200 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[✓] Other amount: $10.00

[✓] [Leave a tip for ActBlue]: $1.00

So, I made a one-time donation to the DNC (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to "renew [my] annual membership to the Democratic National Committee," because "to defend our future from the extreme MAGA Republican agenda, we need to organize and win elections in every ZIP code across the country", since "that's the only way to [stand up to] the attacks on our democratic institutions and the most vulnerable among us." Not only that, "[I] know when Democrats control the agenda, we do what it takes to create best possible America for everyone, because "we'll protect voting rights and abortion rights, take on the gun violence epidemic, bring bold and effective solutions to the climate crisis, and make our democracy stronger than ever." –Paul Whiting (written July 15th, 2023 and revised July 31st, 2023)


July 16th, 2023 Update: I was scrolling through YouTube Recommendations, when I noticed a video titled, "Yuval Noah Harari on the threat to democracy in Israel."

You see, I discover a lot of news through YouTube Recommendations that I don't normally learn about when I am doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google—in order to stay a more informed voter, as well as a more informed citizen.

So, I watched the above-mentioned video about what's happening in Israel regarding the proposed judicial reforms, which is the basis of Israel's recent government protests. Here is the description from that video, which stated, in part, the following (with a hyperlink to the video below):

Yuval Noah Harari on the threat to democracy in Israel

The historian says that in Israel, which has no constitution, the only check on governmental abuses of power is the Supreme Court, which is now under attack by forces that want to impose a de facto dictatorship. If they succeed, says Yuval Noah Harari, there is no other mechanism in place that could limit the government's power.

Then, after I watched the CBS News video, I did a search for 'Israel News,' where I found a corresponding CBS News article titled, "Historian Yuval Noah Harari warns of dictatorship in Israel." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Historian Yuval Noah Harari warns of dictatorship in Israel" from CBS News

By Yuval Noah Harari | July 16, 2023

After another week of anti-government protests in Israel, our commentary comes from noted author and historian Yuval Noah Harari, who explains why he thinks Israel is at a tipping point – and why that's a concern for us all:

As a proud citizen of Israel, I am deeply concerned that my government is trying to establish a dictatorship.

Many dictatorships in history were established not by tanks firing in the streets, but by signing papers behind closed doors. By the time people understood what was happening, it was too late to resist.

To understand what is happening in Israel, you need to ask just one question: What limits the power of the government?

In the U.S.A., there is an entire system of checks and balances. In Israel, we have no constitution, no Senate, no federal structure, and no other check on the power of the central government, except one: the Supreme Court.

Now the government is trying to gain control of the Supreme Court. If it succeeds, there will be no mechanism that limits its power. Coalition members have already proposed numerous laws and regulations that discriminate against Muslims, Christians, women, LGBTQ people and secular people. They are only waiting to take control of the Supreme Court, and then they could unleash this dictatorial flood. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And, in addition to highlighting the above-mentioned YouTube video for you, my readers, to consider watching, I decided to highlight this article from CBS News for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written July 16th, 2023, revised July 17th, 2023, revised September 23rd, 2023 and revised October 21st, 2023)


July 17th, 2023 Update: [The following 'update' is spoken with my best Midwestern accent.]

Well, let me just begin this par-tic-ular 'update' by sayin' the following:


I STAND WITH THE STRIKING ACTORS OF THE SAG-AFTRA (Screen Actors Guild - American Federation of Television and Radio Artists)!

That bein' said, I hear tell them highfalutin studio types ain't considerin' that refusing to meet all of the contractual needs of those fine -n- dandy writers and actors of the WGA and SAG-AFTRA is affectin' the enthusiasm of audience members, like myself, to go see movies and watch television—or to watch that newfangled streamin' technology—like they do all the way up there in the big city!

Now, I don't mean to get up on this here soapbox in order to tell them studio executive types how to do their jobs ('cause truth be told, I'm afraid of heights!), but the problem is that the motion picture and movie industries have both drastically changed in the last few years, what with the revolutionary technology of computers and the internet, as well as them streamin' services, not to mention that highly intellectual AI!

Now, for all you folks at home, 'AI' means "Artificial Intelligence," such as those so-phis-ti-cated large language models (or, LLMs) that are pretty much goin' to be taking over all of the worker's jobs in a dystopian future that them highfalutin studio execs are tryin' as much as they can to sell to the rest of us like it's the Second Comin' Of Christ!

So, that's why those fine -n- dandy writers and actors of the WGA and SAG-AFTRA are striking way over there in places like Hollywood, Cal-i-forn-i-a, or as some folks around these here parts like to call it, "Movie City"...

...And that spells trouble, my friend!

Right there in Movie City!

And that's a capital 'M,' which rhymes with "them," and 'them actors' need more money!

That's right, ya got trouble!

Right there in Movie City!

'Cause them writers and actors cannot pay their bills, 'honey'...

...And that's a sure sign of trouble!

Right there in Movie City!

Those writers and actors aren't in it for the thrills...

...Well, that spells trouble!

Right there in Movie City!

And audience members, like me, are real "chilled!"

'Cause we know that there is trouble!

Right there in Movie City!

Ya see, we're "chilled" about seein' movies...

...And watchin' TV...

...Plus, watchin' shows on them streamin' services that have actors just a beggin'!

Since those actors are in trouble!

Right there in Movie City!

Because the industry has changed a lot from the days of Ronald Reagan and Charlton Heston!

And that's a sure sign of trouble!

Right there in Movie City!

Now, we all done heard that on June 23rd the Directors Guild of America (DGA) ratified their new contract with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP)!

So, the directors are now outta trouble!

Right there in Movie City!

And if the DGA can ratify their new contract with the studios, why can't the WGA and SAG-AFTRA ratify their contracts too?

That's why they shouldn't be in trouble!

Right there in Movie City!

Since it ain't just directors who deserve a contract that's renewed!

That's why we don't want more trouble!

Right there in Movie City!

You see, I just enjoyed watchin' one of the best productions of The Music Man in recent memory!

Now, I ain't talkin' about that classic The Music Man (1962) starring Robert Preston and Shirley Jones. No folks, this here production stars Matthew Broderick and Kristin Chenoweth, which "was originally broadcast on ABC on February 16, 2003, as the eleventh episode of the forty-seventh season of The Wonderful World of Disney," as explained on Wikipedia:

"The Music Man (2003 film)" from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia—which is funded primarily through donations from millions of individuals around the world, including this blogger (I make a totally affordable monthly donation):

The Music Man is a 2003 American made-for-television musical film directed by Jeff Bleckner with a teleplay by Sally Robinson. It is based on the 1957 musical of the same name by Meredith Willson, which in turn was based on a story by Willson and Franklin Lacey. The film stars Matthew Broderick and Kristin Chenoweth and features David Aaron Baker, Debra Monk, Victor Garber, and Molly Shannon. It was originally broadcast on ABC on February 16, 2003, as the eleventh episode of the forty-seventh season of The Wonderful World of Disney. ...

However—to back up a little bit—the reason that I found out about this 2003 made-for-television production of The Music Man in the first place is because of a fun video that I watched on YouTube titled, "The Music Man — Trouble with Matthew Broderick," which is by Musical Theatre Mash!

You see, quite a while ago (I don't recall when), I was doin' a search online for The Music Man, when I came across this comedic video—which is stunningly funny—providing a musical critique of The Music Man (2003)! Here is the description from that video, which stated, in part, the following (with a hyperlink to the video below):

The Music Man — Trouble with Matthew Broderick

Nothing says trouble like Matthew Broderick's made-for-tv version of the "The Music Man."

So, after I watched Musical Theatre Mash's highly-entertaining critique of Matthew Broderick's role as Professor Harold Hill, I did a YouTube search and found the 2003 full movie! And I had The Music Man (2003) saved to my YouTube 'Watch Later' Playlist for quite sometime; but, I eventually removed it from 'Watch Later' when I thought that I wasn't goin' to get around to watching it...

...However, I realized today, June 17th, 2023, that I had a bit of extra cellular data available on my cell phone's data plan, since my smartphone wasn't working for about seven days...

...You see, I have had my current smartphone for almost exactly two years this July! And it suddenly stopped working on July 7th, 2023. (I couldn't even turn it on...) Then, late at night on July 12th, 2023—or early in the morning on July 13th, 2023—my smartphone started working again!

Therefore, since I only used my second phone for that seven day period, which is a basic phone, I had quite a bit of extra cellular data. (By the way, that basic phone is the phone with which I make all of my phone calls—and it's a flip phone, so it has limited internet access.) Thus, I decided to watch The Music Man (2003) today!

And that's how I watched the way that the good townsfolk of River City, Iowa were (almost) taken by Professor Harold Hill with his scheme to sell them boy band uniforms—and how Professor Harold Hill was (almost) taken by the good townsfolk of River City! Here is the description from that video, which stated, in part, the following (with a hyperlink to the video below):

Meredith Willson The Music Man (FULL) 2003

The Music Man

-Confidence man Harold Hill arrives at staid River City intending to cheat the community with his standard scam of offering to equip and train a boy's marching band, then skip town with the money since he has no music skill anyway. Things go awry when he falls for a librarian he tries to divert from exposing him while he inadvertently enriches the town with a love of music.

And I decided to write this 'update' to promote this wonderful, quirky production of The Music Man (which only plays at 360 pixels, so it's a little fuzzy), because it was fun to see that classic musical reinvented with Matthew Broderick as Professor Harold Hill!

Also, I wanted to call attention to the 2023 workers strike by the writers of WGA and the actors of SAG-AFTRA, whose livelihoods depend on the labor contracts they sign with the AMPTP (Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers) for how much those writers and actors are compensated for the truly indispensable work they do in motion pictures, television and radio!

Finally, thank you for taking the time to read this here folksy 'update,' and for considering doing your part as audience members to support the creative work of directors, writers and actors, as well as other production workers, by enjoying motion pictures, television (TV), and radio productions on the silver screen, on your TV or through your streaming service, and over your radio, at the same time that you are standing in support of the striking SAG-AFTRA and WGA workers.

Solidarity forever!

–Paul Whiting (written July 17th, 2023, revised July 18th, 2023, revised September 14th, 2023, revised October 7th, 2023, revised October 21st, 2023 and revised December 6th, 2023)


July 20th, 2023 Update, Written On July 21st, 2023 [My Writing About Finally Being Back In My Studio Apartment After It Was Repaired For Flood Damage]: As of yesterday, July 20th, 2023, I am finally back in my studio apartment!

You see, I was out of my apartment for a while, since it was being repaired for water damage due to a flood, which ironically happened on Christmas Eve 2022 at about 5:30 AM—and that is why I watched "It's A Wonderful Life" that night! (I actually purchased "It's A Wonderful Life" on YouTube, quite a few years ago, so that I can watch it at Christmastime whenever I wish, which I do every few years.)

Therefore, it has been five months and seventeen days since I temporarily moved to another studio apartment—which is located fairly close to the low income apartment building that I live in—while the flood remediation was being completed. (I moved on February 3rd, 2023, so as of July 3rd, 2023, that's five months; then, if my calculations are correct, July 20th is 17 days in addition to that.) Thus, it's been quite a long time since I have been in my studio apartment.

And the really nice thing is that my apartment now has new floors throughout that look just like real wood, which are made of something called "luxury vinyl." In fact, the new floors look so much like genuine wood floors that if you didn't know they were made of vinyl, you seriously couldn't tell the difference, which is why I wrote the following two advertising slogans:

Slogan No. 1: "Luxury vinyl has the look and feel of genuine wood flooring without the expense and upkeep of real wood."

Slogan No. 2: "Luxury vinyl has the breathtaking beauty of real wood without the breathtaking price and maintenance."

Anyway, it's good to be back home again!

–Paul Whiting (written July 21st, 2023, revised July 22nd, 2023 and revised July 23rd, 2023)


For my "July 21st, 2023 Update"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

July 21st, 2023 Update: I received an email from the USO (United Service Organizations) today, July 21st, 2023, with the subject line, "Troops braving the summer heat to keep us safe need to hear from YOU, Paul", which stated the following:

Paul, at this very moment, service members are working in sweltering tanks on scorching sand dunes and in triple-digit temperatures in battleship boiler rooms. They're sleeping on the ground in tents with no fans or air conditioning. They don't know the next time they'll get to speak to their families, let alone take a relaxing beach vacation.

As they endure unimaginably harsh conditions to keep us safe and free, it is our patriotic duty to make sure our troops know how much folks back home appreciate everything they do for us. That's why we're asking 50,000 dedicated military supporters via email and text message to sign our card for troops by midnight tomorrow — including you, Paul: Please, will you sign now to show your gratitude?

★ ★ ★

To our brave heroes, thank you for everything you do for us — this summer and always!


The last thing in the world we want is for troops to feel forgotten by the very people they are sacrificing so much to protect, especially as they're facing extreme temperatures, dangerous storms and other challenges this summer. As one of our most committed military supporters, we know you don't want that either.

But 85% of military families surveyed feel the public doesn’t understand their sacrifices. It's our mission to change this sobering statistic, but we can't do it without your help. The best way to help is by signing the card to personally show our troops how much you care — and it only takes a second:

Add your name to our thank-you card now to thank our heroes for all the sacrifices they're making to keep us safe and free.


Thank you,


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

Plus, after I signed the card, I made a one-time donation on the website to say to our service members across the globe: "Thank you for everything you do to protect our country. We greatly appreciate your service and sacrifice and promise to stand with you no matter what."

In addition to that, I already make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! You see, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation. ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "July 21st, 2023 Update":


July 21st, 2023 Update—Continued: I received an email from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) today, July 21st, 2023, with the subject line, "What Texas is doing threatens peoples' lives, Paul", which stated the following:

Paul –

We wanted to make sure you had heard the latest horrific news out of Texas – because there is action you can take.

According to recent reports, Texas state troopers working under Gov. Greg Abbott's multi-billion-dollar anti-immigrant initiative – called Operation Lone Star – have been instructed to push young children and nursing mothers back into the Rio Grande. These tactics are designed to prevent people from reaching the U.S. and asking to be screened by federal officers for humanitarian protections.

Texas officials are also placing razor wire in and around the river, despite the injuries they know these traps have caused over the last several weeks. This includes a woman who miscarried while caught in the wire and a young child who was injured by the wire. The state's cruelty is unconscionable.

And while Operation Lone Star may be a Texas program, its execution has too often relied on collusion with federal immigration authorities under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Enough is enough. DHS must end ALL collusion with Texas immediately, do everything in its power to ensure removal of Gov. Abbott's deadly traps, and instead work to provide safe, humanitarian pathways for people seeking asylum.

Please join us in our demands right now by sending a message to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas urging action now.


Paul, these reports of Texas' brutality shock our conscience. Since Operation Lone Star started in 2021, it has been rife with abuse – from racial profiling of border residents to deadly vehicle chases to mass arrests that violate due process. Meanwhile, despite the DHS claiming it has nothing to do with this initiative, federal border patrol agents under its command have often helped to facilitate Texas' abusive actions.

Unfortunately, what is happening now is consistent with how Gov. Abbott has treated our border communities for a long time – sacrificing our homes and public spaces, while trading basic humanity for his own political aggrandizement. The harm caused and division sowed is on purpose.

We at the ACLU will never stop fighting back. Cruelty against people seeking safety and protection is not an acceptable policy solution.

Thank you for being with us in this critical fight for immigrant rights,

[Name redacted]
Pronouns: She, her, hers
[Title redacted], ACLU

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:


According to recent reports, Texas state troopers working under Gov. Greg Abbott's multi-billion-dollar anti-immigrant initiative – called Operation Lone Star – have been instructed to push young children and nursing mothers back into the Rio Grande. This river is also where Texas officials have been placing razor wire, despite the injuries they know these traps have already caused. These horrific actions are a shock to our conscience: Cruelty to people seeking asylum is not a policy solution.

Texas should immediately stop intentionally endangering the lives of people seeking protection at the border, and the Department of Homeland Security must act: Send a message to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas today and tell him to decisively end its collusion with Operation Lone Star and do everything in its powers to remove Gov. Abbott's dangerous barriers in the Rio Grande.


Subject: End Collusion with Operation Lone Star

I'm reaching out in response to the alarming reports that Texas state troopers working under Gov. Greg Abbott's multi-billion-dollar anti-immigrant initiative - Operation Lone Star - have been instructed to push young children and nursing mothers back into the Rio Grande. Please, I'm urging you to decisively end any collusion with Operation Lone Star, which has facilitated and encouraged Texas's expansion of a proven human and civil rights disaster, and to do everything in your power to remove Gov. Abbott's dangerous barriers in the Rio Grande River.

Gov. Abbott's approach doesn't just prevent people from seeking protection in the U.S. - it also places their lives in clear jeopardy by setting razor wire traps and other obstructions as dangerous traps in and around the river.

Texas officials are continuing to use these extremely harmful tactics despite the injuries they know these traps have caused over the last several weeks, including a woman who miscarried while caught in the wire and young children who were injured by the wire. The United States government cannot stand by idly as it witnesses to such inhumanity.

I urge you to end any collaboration your offices have with Operation Lone Star immediately and work to remove Gov. Abbott's dangerous barriers in the Rio Grande.


[First Name] [Last Name]


Salutation (required by some officials): Mr.
First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
E-mail address [redacted]
Address: [redacted]
Address Line 2: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Zip Code: [redacted]
Phone: [redacted]

And, after I sent the letter above, I received a confirmation email today, July 21st, 2023, from the ACLU with the subject line, "One more thing - can you spread the word?", which stated the following:

Hi Paul,

Thank you for taking action to protect people seeking asylum at the southern border.

Help us build our power: Share the action by forwarding the email below to your friends, or by sharing this link:

Thank you,

The ACLU Team


Hi friend,

According to recent reports, Texas state troopers working under Gov. Greg Abbott's multi-billion-dollar anti-immigrant initiative - called Operation Lone Star - have been instructed to push young children and nursing mothers back into the Rio Grande.

These horrific actions are a shock to our conscience: Cruelty to people seeking asylum is not a policy solution.

Our government can act in this moment. That's why I just sent a message to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to tell him to decisively end its collusion with this initiative.

Will you join me?


Then, after I sent the letter above to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), via the ACLU website, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU to do my part in order to help raise the alarm that "Texas state troopers working under Gov. Greg Abbott's multi-billion-dollar anti-immigrant initiative - Operation Lone Star - have been instructed to push young children and nursing mothers back into the Rio Grande." And that is why I urged DHS "to decisively end any collusion with Operation Lone Star, which has facilitated and encouraged Texas's expansion of a proven human and civil rights disaster, and to do everything in [their] power to remove Gov. Abbott's dangerous barriers in the Rio Grande River."–Paul Whiting (written July 21st, 2023, revised July 22nd, 2023 and revised June 15th, 2024)


July 22nd, 2023 Update: I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles from one of their daily emails that I received today, July 22nd, 2023, when I noticed two articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The first Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "'They Are Doing Bad Things to Good People': Fran Drescher on Why SAG-AFTRA Is Striking." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"'They Are Doing Bad Things to Good People': Fran Drescher on Why SAG-AFTRA Is Striking" from Time Magazine

By Judy Berman | July 20, 2023

SAG-AFTRA, the union that represents some 160,000 performers, went on strike on July 13, joining the WGA in the organizations’ first concurrent work stoppage since 1960 and effectively bringing Hollywood to a standstill. The most prominent—and also the most unmistakable—voice in this fight belongs to Fran Drescher. Elected SAG-AFTRA president in 2021, The Nanny’s flashy girl from Flushing proved her union-organizer chutzpah in a press conference announcing the strike. “We are being victimized by a very greedy entity,” Drescher said. “They plead poverty, that they’re losing money left and right when giving hundreds of millions of dollars to their CEOs. It is disgusting. Shame on them.” It was time, she proclaimed, to tell the studio bosses: “You people are crazy!” At one point, she even invoked the storming of the gates of Versailles.

Her performance lit up the internet, going viral in real time. Memes circulated. Fans swooned. And Drescher suddenly became the poster girl for a Hot Labor Summer already in progress. (Along with the writers, whose strike is now deep into its third month, California hotel workers picketed over the long Fourth of July weekend and 340,000 Teamsters employed by UPS could walk off the job as soon as Aug. 1.) It’s a role she’s happy to fill—not out of vanity, but because she knows workers across industries will benefit from the exposure. “We get the press,” Drescher tells TIME. “So, OK—let me be the face and the voice of this awakening.”

Not that Drescher’s professional responsibilities end when the cameras stop rolling. It’s all she can do to make sure someone walks her dog while she’s running around from the picket line to the bargaining table to events for her nonprofit, Cancer Schmancer. (She’s a survivor of uterine cancer.) “This is my life now—I’m pulled from every direction,” she says. “And it’s forcing me, as a Buddhist, to stay in the moment and be present now, not get ahead of myself.”

Union work takes precedence, of course, over everything besides Drescher’s elderly parents, who are proudly tuning in to watch her represent her fellow actors on shows like Morning Joe. In fact, it occurs to Drescher as we’re chatting that she should make sure her assistant sends them a pair of SAG-AFTRA T-shirts—size XXXL, “because then my mom will wear it like a little house dress and my dad, he’ll wear it like a little nightshirt.” (She promises to post photos.) It’s a fitting way to thank the systems-analyst father she credits for instilling in her the ability to see what’s broken about the Hollywood ecosystem. “I have his skill set, even though I don’t apply it to a career like he did,” Drescher says. But now she’s putting it to work in negotiations with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP). “They didn’t think that Morty Drescher’s daughter was gonna crack the code on what’s wrong with the old contract!”

Over the phone from Los Angeles, Drescher discussed the strike, how the entertainment industry’s embrace of streaming and A.I. have hurt actors, and why she’s thrilled to see vintage Nanny stills making the rounds on social media. Here are edited excerpts of that conversation. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

The second Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "UPS Is Failing Part-Time Workers Like Me." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"UPS Is Failing Part-Time Workers Like Me" from Time Magazine

By Cesar Castro | July 21, 2023

Castro is a Teamsters Local 396 shop steward and part-time UPS pre-loader

Like many working-class people of color living in Los Angeles County, I work to support myself and my family. This includes my four younger siblings and single mother.

I work hard at UPS part time and just completed my degree in labor studies at California State University, Dominguez Hills. I’m a proud member of Teamsters Local 396, which represents transportation and sanitation workers in Southern California. As a shop steward, I apply my knowledge to help my co-workers at UPS advocate for themselves.

Every worker should be able to sit directly across from their employer to negotiate the working conditions they deserve. I’m honored to do that, serving on the UPS Teamsters National Negotiating Committee as we bargain our new five-year union contract covering more than 340,000 workers at UPS. We have had enough and we are ready for the contract we deserve at UPS.

Unfortunately, when we got to the part of negotiations where we bargain over wages, we hit a big roadblock. UPS walked away from the table on July 5, refusing to give the Teamsters a last, best, and final offer. It was disheartening to hear that from the employer I work so hard for, an employer that made a record-setting $100 billion last year. Part-time employees work extremely hard to make this company its profits, and we deserve to share in that success.

As thousands of UPS Teamsters practice picketed, rallied, and mobilized across the country, UPS bowed to the pressure, and on July 19, reached out to the union to resume negotiations next week. UPS needs to deliver a fair contract with the wages we deserve. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight these articles from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written July 22nd, 2023, revised August 12th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


July 24th, 2023 Update: I received an email from CREDO Mobile (which is my cell phone company) today, July 24th, 2023, with the subject line, "Sign the petition: Stand against corporate donations to anti-LGBTQ+ politicians", which stated the following:

Dear Fellow Progressive,

The LGTBQ+ community is under attack. A recent Supreme Court decision allows businesses to refuse to serve LGTBQ+ customers. Don’t say “gay” laws. Attacks on gender affirming care. According to Human Rights Campaign, over 520 anti-LGTBQ+ bills have been introduced in state legislatures already in 2023.[1] And, every June, big corporations slap rainbows on their logos and talk about supporting the LGTBQ+ community. Then, many of these corporations turn around and donate to politicians who actively work against LGTBQ+ rights.

We need your help today.

Sign this petition to tell corporations to stop funding LGTBQ+ hate.

It is the height of cynical hypocrisy to make a few dollars off the LGTBQ+ community in June, and then donate to the very politicians working to oppress that community the rest of the year. AT&T, UPS, Comcast and Home Depot are just a few of the companies who donate to politicians hostile to the LGTBQ+ community. It's time for these corporations to put their money where their mouths are and truly support the LGBTQ+ community.

Click here to sign the petition to tell corporations to stop donating to anti-LGTBQ+ politicians.

Sign the Petition***

Thank you for speaking out. Please share with like-minded friends.

-The team at CREDO Mobile

P.S. CREDO Mobile supports the LGTBQ+ community all year round. Since 1985, CREDO has donated more than $15 million to progressive nonprofits fighting for equality and civil rights – groups like the Transgender Law Center, SAGE, Family Equality and the National LGTBQ Task Force. Learn more here.

1. Cullen Peele, "Roundup of Anti-LGBTQ+ Legislation Advancing In States Across the Country," Human Rights Campaign, May 23, 2023.

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:

Sign the petition: Stand against corporate donations to anti-LGBTQ+ politicians

[Petition Text:]

Everyone, irrespective of one's sexual orientation or gender identity, deserves an equal chance to thrive. This year, Republican extremist state legislatures have passed a record number of anti-LGBTQ+ legislations. These actions represent a direct attack on the LGBTQ+ community, and it's time we stood up. We cannot support elected officials who directly attack our right to exist.

AT&T, UPS, Comcast, Home Depot, and General Electric have now joined the ranks of the many corporations that donate millions to politicians who actively work against LGBTQ+ rights. Although we have made significant strides towards acceptance and equality, such progress is threatened when corporations fund politicians who seek to roll back these hard-won rights.

The LGBTQ+ community has a purchasing power of $3.7 trillion, and allies are 82% more likely to purchase goods and services from companies that openly support LGBTQ+ equality. These corporations need to understand that funding anti-LGBTQ+ politicians alienates a significant portion of their customer base.

We must hold these corporations accountable. They cannot wave the rainbow flag during Pride month and then fund politicians who actively work against the rights of the LGBTQ+ community. It's time for these corporations to put their money where their mouth is and truly support the LGBTQ+ community.

Sign the petition: Funding anti-LGBTQ+ politicians is unacceptable. We must demand that corporations stop funding hate and start investing in love and acceptance.

Participating Organizations:

✓ Blue Amp Action
✓ Daily Kos Liberation League
✓ Futures PAC
✓ OD Action
✓ Able Dems
✓ Cedar Key Progress
✓ CREDO Mobile
✓ Democracy for America Advocacy Fund
✓ Democratic Values
✓ Forward Blue
✓ National Campaign for Justice


First Name: Whiting
Last Name: Paul
Email: [redacted]
Zip/Postal Code: [redacted]

Thus, I signed the petition to corporations in order to ask that they "stop donating to anti-LGTBQ+ politicians." –Paul Whiting (July 24th, 2023)


July 24th, 2023 Update—Continued: I received an email from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) today, July 24th, 2023, with the subject line, "Urgent Action Alert: Tell Congress to protect trans care and all LGBTQ rights this week", which stated the following:

Paul –

Opponents of LGBTQ equality in Congress have been pushing extremely concerning provisions in critical government funding bills over the past few weeks against peoples' civil liberties – particularly when it comes to the safety and rights of trans people.

These attacks are only continuing and have now expanded to target everyone in our LGBTQ community.

Here's what to know and what action to take immediately:

What's going on?

[✓] Several government funding bills are moving in the House that come after federal funding for gender-affirming health care for trans people, Pride Flags, marriage equality, and more. BUT members of the House of Representatives are also expected to vote on amendments that would remove these damaging and discriminatory provisions from these bills.

What action can you take?

[✓] Paul, these anti-LGBTQ provisions are a dangerous assault. Defunding transgender people's health care especially will pose an immediate risk to their lives and well-being.

[✓] We can and must let our leaders in Congress know that we, the people, do NOT support these hateful efforts: Send a message to your representative today.


Paul, make no mistake: This is a dangerous effort to hijack the federal budget in order to deny health care that many trans people need to live, while stripping away several other protections for all our communities.

We at the ACLU will not allow this unconscionable attack against our LGBTQ community to go down without a fight.

Please join us in action at this urgent time. And know whatever attacks they may throw at us, we at the ACLU are here now and always to protect peoples' rights. Count on it.

Thank you for your activism,

The ACLU Team

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:


The attacks on the freedom and dignity of trans people and their families continue to escalate, with one-third of the country that has passed laws that criminalize and ban access to gender-affirming care. The next stage of the fight for basic LGBTQ freedoms is here, and it affects everyone — even in states that haven’t seen any anti-trans attacks.

Legislation has already been introduced by the most extreme anti-LGBTQ Members of Congress, led by Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, that would criminalize the health care trans people need. While such a law is beyond the pale, it won’t be the last. Any national ban on gender-affirming care would be devastating. You and your elected Members of Congress are our last line of defense against this national threat.

We must stop any effort to criminalize trans people and the families and communities who love us. Send your message loud and clear: Tell your Members of Congress to protect trans people from discrimination.


Subject: Protect Trans People from Discrimination

Recently we have seen wave after wave of extreme measures in the states and in Congress, to criminalize and strip transgender people of their right to safety, dignity, and autonomy. I am writing – during a genuine moment of crisis – to urge you to publicly commit to doing everything within your power to protect the health and dignity of transgender people. Will you do so?

I want to be very clear: Gender-affirming care, including for transgender youth, is evidence-based, medically necessary, and life-saving. This is why every leading medical organization, including the American Medical Association, the American Psychiatric Association, and the American Academy of Pediatrics, strongly oppose efforts to criminalize and deny this care to transgender people.

Patients and their doctors should be the ones making individual healthcare decisions, not cynical politicians looking to score political points through fear-mongering and ignorance. As a Member of Congress, you must fight against this.

Transgender people deserve the same chance to thrive and live fulfilling lives as everyone else. Having the freedom to control our bodies and seek the healthcare we need, including gender-affirming care, is an essential right for all people.

I urge you to not remain silent in this moment. Use your voice to publicly show support for the transgender community. Most importantly, use your power to protect life-saving healthcare for trans youth and adults alike.

Thank you. I look forward to your response.

[First Name] [Last Name]


Salutation (required by some officials): Mr.
First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
E-mail address: [redacted]
Address: [redacted]
Address Line 2: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Zip Code: [redacted]
Phone: [redacted]

[By the way, I already sent letters to "tell [my] Members of Congress to protect trans people from discrimination" on June 1st, 2023. (Please see my 'June 1st, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.) And I sent letters again on July 13th, 2023 to reflect "that certain members of Congress are attacking access to life-saving gender-affirming care for transgender people, including using the National Defense Authorization Act to block lifesaving access for people who serve in the military while also attempting to undermine access to abortion for service members." (Please see my 'July 11th, 2023 Update, Written On July 13th, 2023, Which Also Discusses July 13th, 2023,' which can be found above.) However, the letter above has been updated to reflect that "several government funding bills are moving in the House that come after federal funding for gender-affirming health care for trans people, Pride Flags, marriage equality, and more. BUT members of the House of Representatives are also expected to vote on amendments that would remove these damaging and discriminatory provisions from these bills." Thus, I sent this letter again.]

And, after I sent the letter above, I received a confirmation email today, July 24th, 2023, from the ACLU with the subject line, "One more thing - can you spread the word?", which stated the following:

Hi Paul,

Thank you for taking action to protect trans people.

Help us build our power: Share the action by forwarding the email below to your friends, or by sharing this link:

Thank you,

The ACLU Team


Hi friend,

Recently, we have seen wave after wave of extreme measures in the states and in Congress to criminalize and strip transgender people of their right to safety, dignity, and autonomy.

In fact, legislation has already been introduced by the most extreme anti-LGBTQ Members of Congress that would criminalize the health care trans people need.

We must fight back and stop any effort to criminalize trans people and their families and communities. That's why I just joined the ACLU in sending a message to Congress urging them to protect trans people now, including by voting against all anti-civil liberties amendments in the defense bill.

Will you join me?


Then, after I sent the letter above to Congress, via the ACLU website, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU due to the fact that "several government funding bills are moving in the House that come after federal funding for gender-affirming health care for trans people, Pride Flags, marriage equality, and more. BUT members of the House of Representatives are also expected to vote on amendments that would remove these damaging and discriminatory provisions from these bills." And that is why I wrote to "tell [my] Members of Congress to protect trans people from discrimination." –Paul Whiting (written July 24th, 2023 and revised March 4th, 2024)


July 25th, 2023 Update: I received an email from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum today, July 25th, 2023, with the subject line, "The Undeniable Truth", which stated the following:


From 1939 to 1945, I was nobody.

When the Nazis invaded my home in Warsaw, Poland, they targeted me and my Jewish community’s very existence. I had no rights, no home; I was stateless.

There are still people who say that the Holocaust never happened. As a survivor, I stand up to their hurtful efforts to erase history by sharing my experiences—and sharing what it feels like to be erased.

As antisemitism and misinformation continue to grow, we need to share the undeniable truth of the Holocaust today more than ever before. Will you speak up, Paul, by making a gift to the Museum to support this urgent work?

After I was liberated from the Majdanek concentration camp, I made my way to a displaced persons camp in Germany. There, authorities issued me an I.D. card that allowed me to reclaim my identity, and with it, a piece of my humanity.


After the Holocaust, I became a teacher and dedicated my life to enriching the lives of young people. This is why it is so rewarding for me to be a volunteer for the Museum, which works tirelessly to educate about the dangers of unchecked hatred. The Museum reaches youth not only in classrooms, but also online and on social media, where they are most likely to encounter antisemitism or Holocaust denial.

I shared my story as part of the Museum’s Undeniable Truth campaign, which gives survivors an online platform to counter Holocaust denial. To date, the Undeniable Truth videos featuring me and other survivors have been seen over 15 million times. This gives me hope that future generations will carry on my voice and memory—and those of my loved ones.

Please take action to help us ensure we are reaching the people most vulnerable to hate-fueled messages and teaching them the undeniable truth of Holocaust history. Please support the Museum’s work today.

[Name redacted]
Holocaust survivor and Museum volunteer

So, I made a one-time donation to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum to support "the Museum’s Undeniable Truth campaign, which gives survivors an online platform to counter Holocaust denial" in order to "help [USHMM] ensure we are reaching the people most vulnerable to hate-fueled messages and teaching them the undeniable truth of Holocaust history" due to the fact that "as antisemitism and misinformation continue to grow, we need to share the undeniable truth of the Holocaust today more than ever before." –Paul Whiting (written July 25th, 2023 and revised July 26th, 2023)


July 25th, 2023 Update—Continued: I received an email from Everytown for Gun Safety today, July 25th, 2023, with the subject line, "See where Oregon stacks up against the rest on gun violence and gun safety", which stated the following:


We've already won some huge victories in statehouses this year—but gun extremists want to undo our progress. We won't let that happen.

Make sure you know what's at stake, what we're demanding, and what we need to defend: See how Oregon stacks up against the rest on gun violence and gun safety.


From making it easier to carry guns in public spaces to gutting laws that disarm domestic abusers, industry actors and activist judges are making us less safe. They've made some dangerous and misguided decisions in the last year that threaten to put our lives at risk.

Yet despite these extreme court rulings, the door has not closed on gun safety. We've consistently proven that to be the case.

In statehouse sessions just this year, we've passed 75 new gun safety policies and defeated 182 of the gun lobby's bad bills. These victories include passing four new laws to hold the gun industry accountable for its role in this crisis, and securing $400 million in new funding for violence intervention programs and offices.

And our work in the courts is paying off. In several recent cases, the courts have sided with public safety and denied extreme attempts to gut our gun laws. We have not slowed down.

We're not just committed to defending our hard-won progress; we're here as long as it takes to end gun violence in every community.

We can create a future free from this crisis, but only if we know what's at stake: Check our Gun Law Rankings to see where Oregon stacks up on gun safety and gun violence.

Together, we can stop the "guns everywhere" agenda in its tracks.

Thank you for being a part of this movement.

Everytown for Gun Safety

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the text of which can be found below:

Gun Safety Policies Save Lives

Which states have the ideal laws to prevent gun violence?

We compared gun policy across the country, scoring every state on the strength of its gun laws and comparing it with its rate of gun violence. In states where elected officials have taken action to pass gun safety laws, fewer people die by gun violence. Choose a state to see how it stacks up on 50 key policies, or explore a policy to see how much of the country has adopted it.

State & Rank
(Sorting by gun law strength)

Gun Law Strength
(Composite score)

Gun Violence Rate
(Gun deaths per 100,000 residents)


#1 California
Gun Law Strength: 86.5
Gun Violence Rate: 9

#2 New York
Gun Law Strength: 81.5
Gun Violence Rate: 5.4

#3 Hawaii
Gun Law Strength: 79.5
Gun Violence Rate: 4.8

#4 New Jersey
Gun Law Strength: 79
Gun Violence Rate: 5.2

#5 Connecticut
Gun Law Strength: 78.5
Gun Violence Rate: 6.7

#6 Massachusetts
Gun Law Strength: 78
Gun Violence Rate: 3.4

#7 Illinois
Gun Law Strength: 77
Gun Violence Rate: 16.1

#8 Maryland
Gun Law Strength: 72.5
Gun Violence Rate: 15.2


#9 Oregon
Gun Law Strength: 66.5
Gun Violence Rate: 14.9

#10 Washington
Gun Law Strength: 62.5
Gun Violence Rate: 11.2

#11 Delaware
Gun Law Strength: 60
Gun Violence Rate: 16.6

#12 Colorado
Gun Law Strength: 58.5
Gun Violence Rate: 17.8

#13 Rhode Island
Gun Law Strength: 57.5
Gun Violence Rate: 5.6

#14 Virginia
Gun Law Strength: 49
Gun Violence Rate: 14.3

#15 Pennsylvania
Gun Law Strength: 40
Gun Violence Rate: 14.8

#16 New Mexico
Gun Law Strength: 39.5
Gun Violence Rate: 27.8

#17 Minnesota
Gun Law Strength: 38.5
Gun Violence Rate: 10

#18 Nevada
Gun Law Strength: 35
Gun Violence Rate: 19.8


#19 Florida
Gun Law Strength: 33.5
Gun Violence Rate: 14.1

#20 Vermont
Gun Law Strength: 32.5
Gun Violence Rate: 11.9

#21 North Carolina
Gun Law Strength: 31
Gun Violence Rate: 17.3

#22 Nebraska
Gun Law Strength: 31
Gun Violence Rate: 10.3

#23 Wisconsin
Gun Law Strength: 28
Gun Violence Rate: 13.5

#24 Michigan
Gun Law Strength: 25.5
Gun Violence Rate: 15.4

#25 Maine
Gun Law Strength: 20.5
Gun Violence Rate: 12.6

#26 Louisiana
Gun Law Strength: 20.5
Gun Violence Rate: 29.1

#27 West Virginia
Gun Law Strength: 20
Gun Violence Rate: 17.3


#28 South Carolina
Gun Law Strength: 18
Gun Violence Rate: 22.4

#29 Tennessee
Gun Law Strength: 16.5
Gun Violence Rate: 22.8

#30 Indiana
Gun Law Strength: 16.5
Gun Violence Rate: 18.4

#31 Iowa
Gun Law Strength: 15.5
Gun Violence Rate: 11.2

#32 Texas
Gun Law Strength: 13.5
Gun Violence Rate: 15.6

#33 Ohio
Gun Law Strength: 13
Gun Violence Rate: 16.5

#34 Alabama
Gun Law Strength: 12.5
Gun Violence Rate: 26.4

#35 North Dakota
Gun Law Strength: 11.5
Gun Violence Rate: 16.8

#36 Utah
Gun Law Strength: 11
Gun Violence Rate: 13.9


#37 Kansas
Gun Law Strength: 9.5
Gun Violence Rate: 17.3

#38 Missouri
Gun Law Strength: 9
Gun Violence Rate: 23.2

#39 New Hampshire
Gun Law Strength: 9
Gun Violence Rate: 8.3

#40 Kentucky
Gun Law Strength: 9
Gun Violence Rate: 21.1

#41 Alaska
Gun Law Strength: 9
Gun Violence Rate: 25.2

#42 Arizona
Gun Law Strength: 8.5
Gun Violence Rate: 18.3

#43 Oklahoma
Gun Law Strength: 7.5
Gun Violence Rate: 21.2

#44 Wyoming
Gun Law Strength: 6.5
Gun Violence Rate: 26.1

#45 South Dakota
Gun Law Strength: 5.5
Gun Violence Rate: 14.3

#46 Montana
Gun Law Strength: 5
Gun Violence Rate: 25.1

#47 Georgia
Gun Law Strength: 5
Gun Violence Rate: 20.3

#48 Idaho
Gun Law Strength: 5
Gun Violence Rate: 16.3

#49 Arkansas
Gun Law Strength: 4.5
Gun Violence Rate: 23.3

#50 Mississippi
Gun Law Strength: 3
Gun Violence Rate: 33.9

"Gun laws work"

When we compare the states head-to-head on the top 50 gun safety policies, a clear pattern emerges. States with strong laws see less gun violence. Indeed, the 14 states that have failed to put basic protections into place—”national failures” on our scale—have nearly triple the rate of gun deaths as the eight national gun safety leaders.

"Strong Gun Laws, Fewer Deaths"

The correlation is especially clear when looking at average data by tier. The tiers range from an average of 8.2 gun deaths per 100,000 residents for the National Leaders to 21.0 gun deaths per 100,000 residents for the National Failures.

"National Leaders"

Gun Law Strength: 79
Gun Violence Rate: 8.2

"Making Progress"

Gun Law Strength: 52.4
Gun Violence Rate: 14.7

"Missing Key Laws"

Gun Law Strength: 27.8
Gun Violence Rate: 15.5

"Weak Systems"

Gun Law Strength: 14.2
Gun Violence Rate: 18.2

"National Failures"

Gun Law Strength: 6.8
Gun Violence Rate: 20.9

The top 50 laws we focus on represent a wide range of interventions. Some block gun access by people who pose a threat with a firearm while others focus on limiting gun violence in public. Some seek to increase police accountability and protect civil rights, while another set targets bad actors in the gun industry.

All states should start with a core group of five foundational laws—passing background checks and/or purchase permitting, along with Extreme Risk laws and secure gun storage requirements; and rejecting Shoot First (also known as Stand Your Ground) and permitless carry laws. While each of the top 14 states in the gun law rankings has all five of these policies in place, only one of the bottom 14 states has even one of these critical protections.

The national gun safety landscape has seen states move in opposite directions in recent years. While all nine states in our “making progress” tier have made significant additions to their firearm laws in recent years—with each adding several points to its gun law score—a whopping 24 states at the other end of the scale have made the dangerous decision to repeal their concealed carry permit requirements.

Our gun law rankings are a roadmap for how to build the ideal state system. They will walk you through the most important policies and help you compare these protections across the country.

"Even the strongest system can’t protect a state from its neighbors’ weak laws"

The rankings clearly show that gun laws save lives. But no state is an island (except Hawaii), and any state may be vulnerable if its neighbors fail to protect public safety. That’s how northeastern states with strong laws ended up victims of the infamous “iron pipeline,” the route traffickers use to bring guns up from southeastern states with weak laws. The evidence tells a simple story about porous borders: Out of all guns showing up at crime scenes after crossing state lines, four out of five come from states that lack good background check laws.

Notable strong law states like Illinois and Maryland remain plagued with high gun violence in their biggest cities—in large part because they’re targeted by traffickers. Indeed an outsized share of likely trafficked crime guns recovered in Illinois begin their journey in states with weak laws. And Virginia, which had weak gun purchase laws until 2020, has long been the top supplier of crime guns into Maryland. At the other end of the scale, states like New Hampshire, Vermont, and Rhode Island have unusually low gun death rates compared with their somewhat weaker policies, in part because they are buffered by robust laws among other states in the region.

"High gun ownership rates also play a role in strong states where deaths are higher"

Access to a firearm drastically increases the likelihood of suicide and a gun in the home is associated with more gun homicide. Again, a state like Rhode Island has low gun violence relative to the strength of its laws—likely due in part to its very low gun ownership rate (it’s fourth-lowest in the nation). On the other hand, states like Nevada and New Mexico have higher rates of gun violence than their laws might suggest—perhaps in part as a result of above-average gun ownership.

"It takes time for new laws to have an impact"

Several states have had recent success passing strong policy—for example, Nevada added half of its gun law score and New Mexico added over 40% of its score in the past several years. Both states enacted Extreme Risk, background check, and domestic violence laws, with New Mexico also limiting qualified immunity and Nevada tackling secure storage and ghost guns. Those states can hope to see newfound protection in the coming years—and more lives saved.

At the other end of the scale, Iowa repealed both its background check and carry permit laws in 2021, losing over 40% of its gun law score in one year. This new, radical change in its score provides a partial and likely temporary explanation for its relatively low gun death rate. Iowans should be concerned about a future spike in violence.

"Federal laws help prevent gun violence nationwide"

All 50 states can rely on a backbone of federal laws to help keep guns out of the wrong hands. Yet the federal system is far too weak overall—for example, failing to require background checks on all gun sales and giving special legal immunity to the gun industry. State policymakers should protect their residents by filling the many gaps in federal law, and must also take action where state power is at its strongest, such as requiring a process for domestic abusers to turn in guns when they become prohibited from having them.

"There’s work to do beyond strong state laws"

By comparing state gun laws with gun violence outcomes, we see how critical it is to enact strong policy. But a caveat is required: There is necessary non-legislative gun safety work this site doesn’t show—including community-based violence intervention programs; regulatory efforts, funding campaigns, and on-the-ground implementation; local executive action and city and town ordinances; and responsible cultural norms around gun safety.

"Where do we go from here?"

A safer future is possible. Our gun law rankings show which states are ahead and which are behind, and provide a checklist for how to get there.

Plus, I made a one-time donation to Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund, which is "the education, research, and litigation arm of Everytown for Gun Safety," in order to show my support for this very informative "Gun Safety Policies Save Lives" article, as well as to do my part in order to help "stop the 'guns everywhere' agenda in its tracks." –Paul Whiting (July 25th, 2023 Update)


July 25th, 2023 Update—Continued Further: I received an email from Planned Parenthood Federation of America today, July 25th, 2023, with the subject line, "It’s time to talk about gender-affirming care", which stated the following:


Have you noticed a similarity in how anti-abortion and anti-trans politicians and activists justify their dangerous policies? They love to cite "health" and "safety" as the motivation behind their bans. But I promise you, health and safety have nothing to do with it.

It's hot health care summer, and we’re bringing you the facts about gender-affirming care and why it matters right now.

What is gender-affirming care?

The short answer is: It's different for everyone! Gender-affirming care can include anything from hormone treatment to voice therapy, surgery to social support. And not all transgender and nonbinary people need or want the same care.

Why is gender-affirming care essential health care?

Gender-affirming care literally saves lives. Studies have shown that transgender and nonbinary people who have access to gender-affirming care experience significantly lower rates of anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation.

What barriers to care are trans and nonbinary people facing?

Many states and organizations are actively working to prevent transgender and nonbinary people from getting the gender-affirming care they need. While some states are still working to increase access to gender-affirming care, it's not enough to meet the needs of transgender and nonbinary people right now.

In 2023 alone, politicians in 36 states have introduced anti-transgender health care legislation.

What is Planned Parenthood doing to support transgender and nonbinary people?

All Planned Parenthood health centers proudly serve people of all genders and gender expressions. They also provide STD testing and treatment, birth control, wellness exams, and other sexual and reproductive health services. Nearly 70% of health centers also offer gender-affirming hormone treatment. To learn more about the services available in your area, contact your nearest Planned Parenthood health center.

Paul, trans, nonbinary, and gender-nonconforming people deserve access to safe, inclusive health care always. Your support for Planned Parenthood helps make gender-affirming care happen. Thank you.


[Name redacted], [Title redacted]
Planned Parenthood Federation of America


And so, I made a one-time donation to Planned Parenthood Federation of America, because "Planned Parenthood health centers proudly serve people of all genders and gender expressions. They also provide STD testing and treatment, birth control, wellness exams, and other sexual and reproductive health services. Nearly 70% of health centers also offer gender-affirming hormone treatment." –Paul Whiting (written July 25th, 2023 and revised July 26th, 2023)


July 25th, 2023 Update—Continued Further Some More, Written On July 26th, 2023: I received a mailer from United Farm Workers yesterday, July 25th, 2023, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "H-2A...the Temporary Agriculture Slavery Program.", which stated the following:

[By the way, I usually hand-type the text of a letter from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, this particular letter was four pages total: so, instead, I decided to scan and copy the letter using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said letter to include all of the italicizing, bolding and underscoring where applicable.]

National Headquarters: La Paz ▪ [Address redacted] ▪ [City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

Summer 2023

Dear Friend of Farm Workers,

Don't let the cutesy name, Operation Blooming Onion, fool you.

A joint investigation by the Department of Labor, Homeland Security, the State Department, the FBI and other federal agencies has uncovered what they called "modern-day slavery" in several southern U.S. states.

I want you to know about this because I hope you will help us end this terrible abuse.

The federal investigation began looking into abuses in the H-2A Temporary Agricultural Visa Program, which should maybe be renamed the Temporary Agricultural Slavery Program.

The H-2A guest visa program is meant to help businesses hire foreign guest workers. When employers import workers, they must pay travel expenses in both directions, provide decent housing, have workers compensation coverage, and pay prevailing wages so that the guest workers don't depress the wages of U.S. workers.

But too often, the H1-2A program has been used to exploit workers. Sometimes horrendously.

The investigation's press release said:

"The conspirators required the workers to pay unlawful fees for transportation, food, and housing while illegally withholding their travel and identification documents, and subjected the workers to perform physically demanding work for little or no pay, housing them in crowded, unsanitary, and degrading living conditions, and by threatening them with deportation and violence.'

"Exploitation of the workers included being required to dig onions with their bare hands, paid 20 cents for each bucket harvested, and threatened with guns and violence to keep them in line. The workers were held in cramped, unsanitary quarters and fenced work camps with little or no food, limited plumbing and without safe water. The conspirators are accused of raping, kidnapping and threatening or attempting to kill some of the workers or their families, and in many cases sold or traded the workers to other conspirators. At least two of the workers died as a result of workplace conditions."

And what may be the craziest part of this whole story is that to farm workers and to those of us who help them, none of this sounds that unusual.

Since the United Farm Workers' founding in 1962 by the legendary Cesar Chavez, we've been fighting for the rights of people who harvest the foods that sustain us all. They're among America's most essential workers and deserve to be treated with fairness, respect, and dignity.

But for some sixty years the UFW has had to fight long and hard to win protections for farm workers against the kind of abuse the federal H-2A investigation uncovered.

Sadly, this kind of extreme exploitation is not a new thing. And it's not rare.

That's why we're so grateful to people who help workers organize to form unions and negotiate fair contracts with their employers. You can be sure that people working under a UFW union contract will never be subjected to modern day slavery.

Not long after Operation Blooming Onion handed down indictments, the federal Department of Labor (DOL) fined a potato farmer 2.000 miles away in Idaho for violating H-2A visa rules and even threatening to fire guest workers if they didn't accept wages below the legal limit.

Besides underpaying the farm workers brought to the US through the H-2A program, the company failed to pay required salary rates to the US workers hired to work alongside them. The company also violated the law by providing H-2A workers with substandard living conditions and not paying their transportation costs.

According to the DOL, "By threatening and shortchanging some of the lowest paid workers in our nation, Jorgensen Management showed a willful disregard for the law. They created a toxic workplace and victimized these vulnerable workers."

Just weeks after that, USA Today reported on an H-2A worker from Mexico who was essentially worked to death in Georgia when he collapsed from heat stroke and supervisors delayed calling for help because they thought he was faking.

According to USA Today, his employer was fined $10,348.

Too often, employers count on workers being too intimidated to protest. They hire lawyers to delay any penalties. Or they count fines as a cost of benefitting from "modern-day slavery."

This is why it means so much when people support the UFW and stand with workers when they go up against the big money and high-priced lawyers of their employers.

As in the case of the young man worked to death in Georgia, the penalties companies face are often miniscule compared to the profits of underpaying or not paying workers.

The Operation Blooming Onion press release says, "The conspirators are alleged to have reaped more than $200 million from the illegal scheme, laundering the funds through cash purchases of land, homes, vehicles, and businesses; through cash purchases of cashier's checks: and by funneling millions of dollars through a casino."

I don't think the enslavers were worried about a $10.000 fine.

And sadly, workers too often feel trapped. They feel trapped because they need whatever money they can get - even if it's unfairly low. They are often trapped because employers illegally hold their paperwork.

And in a cruel twist, the rules of the H-2A Temporary Agricultural Slavery Program say that if you don't work for the employer who originally sponsored you, you can't work for any employer and have to return to your home country.

Imagine the power this gives employers. Work for me, or work for no one!

[Name redacted] picks strawberries as an H-2A worker. He is one of the ones who feels trapped by the H-2A program.

"We got up at 5:00 am to get ready for work and get to the ranch assigned to work by 6:30am, about 200 H2A workers, my first break is at 9:30am and for breakfast I have a banana and a bag of chips with a soda. At 12:00 is lunch time, they give us a little burrito. I do not eat it because the burrito is cold the flour is disengaging. We work about 8 hours a day. Dinner is until 7:00pm we get a small bowl of beans with soup.

"My coworkers and I live in a hotel, we get assign one room for 3 workers and there are 2 showers for 30 people and 4 bathrooms for 30 people. When we arrive from work, we have to mix our dirty clothes with our clean clothes, because there is no room for the dirty clothes. The room where my coworkers and I were assigned to had many bed bugs. We don't have a fridge, we don't have a microwave, there is no AC, we do not have a fire extinguisher in case there is a fire. Sometimes I have felt dizzy, I have lost around 11 pounds.

"El mayordomo [name redacted] has approached me and harassed me, by telling me that he wants me to put more effort to pick more boxes, pressuring me saying that we are useless, me and the whole crew. The mayordomo has commented that he is going to report it to the boss to have me fired and send me back to Mexico. He threatens us saying that next year, he is going to report us to the contractor so that he does not bring us back next season. Many coworkers and I included don't say anything out of fear they won't hire us again."

My heart goes out to people like [name redacted], because the hurt is deeper than just the economic injustice. Juan is an H1-2A worker for an agricultural packing company that overworks him and forces him to live in a dump - bedbugs and all.

"I feel like zero, like a dog. like a working tool. I come to work because I'm in need but this is not life. It is the opposite. I feel that this work is taking away my life."

Of course, it doesn't have to be this way. We've shown time and time again that when workers organize and negotiate with employers as equals, everyone wins.

Employers get happy, healthy, motivated workers. And workers get decent wages, reasonable benefits, and treatment with dignity. And this works for H-2A guest workers as well.

For example, at [business redacted], where workers have a UFW contract, resident workers and H-2A workers are paid well, and treated like human beings and not slaves.

They get rest periods, and vacation pay, and paid holidays. They get health insurance.

And somehow, their employer still makes money, and everyone does well together.

This is why helping workers organize to demand a fair contract is so important. And it's why I hope you will support America's farm workers today.

I believe you're someone who cares deeply about justice in America. I'm sure you're for safe working conditions for farm workers... a decent wage ... health insurance and a pension... paid holidays and time off for illness and injury... and dignity and respect in the fields.

So I'm asking you to do two things today.

First, help us demand reform of the H-2A Temporary Agricultural Visa program so that it no longer functions as a Temporary Agricultural Slavery Program.

Please call the White House Comments Line at (202) 456-1111 and ask President Biden to instruct the Department of Labor to conduct a thorough audit and investigation of the H-2A program and immediately implement policies to stop these abuses. You could tell them:

H-2A violations are rampant. In Georgia, "Operation Blooming Onion" has resulted in charges of forced labor trafficking, which included allegations of death, kidnapping and rape. Investigators called the crimes "modern-day slavery." The H-2A program is a flawed, exploitative program that harms both farm workers in the US and those being brought to the US through the H-2A program. We appreciate the work of the Biden Administration to uncover these violations, but more needs to be done to prevent them from happening. The Biden administration must conduct a thorough review of the H-2A program and immediately implement policies to stop these abuses.

You could also call or write your Congresspeople to urge them to support reform of H-2A.

And second, please stand with workers by making a generous gift today of $25, $36, $50, $100, or even $500 or more today to help us fight for reform of H-2A and support workers who are trying to win their rights.

There is so much we can do to help workers organize and win contracts that guarantee rights for resident workers as well as H-2A workers. Your gift will make a difference.

By calling for H-2A reform and sending a gift, you can help end the terrible conditions that the Justice Department called "modern-day slavery."

Our trailblazing union that Cesar Chavez once led is as important now as ever before in the fight for social justice. Joe Biden even began his presidency by prominently placing a bronze bust of Cesar next to his desk to inspire everyone who entered the Oval Office.

Please join us, and be as generous as you can. Thank you so much.


[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]

P.S. We've been trying to raise the alarm about abuse of the H-2A Temporary Agricultural Slavery Program for decades. Now that this high-profile case has been highlighted by multiple federal agencies, it will be harder for the powers-that-be to ignore it. This is an excellent chance for us to make progress for all workers, including foreign guest workers.

If we let this chance pass, our leaders in Washington will forget about the modern-day slavery case and we'll lose an opportunity for progress. Please help by advocating for H-2A reform and sending a gift today to help us fight for workers. Thank you.

So yesterday, July 25th, 2023, I made a one-time donation to United Farm Workers in order to "stand with workers by making a generous gift today ... to help [United Farm Workers] fight for reform of H-2A and support workers who are trying to win their rights."

Then today, July 26th, 2023, I sent a letter to the White House (since I usually communicate in writing to my representatives in government, so that I have a written record of what I communicated), which can be found below:

WH.GOV Contact Us

MESSAGE TYPE: Contact the President

MIDDLE NAME: [redacted]
LAST NAME: Whiting
PRONOUNS: he/him
EMAIL: [redacted]
PHONE: [redacted]
STREET: [redacted]
CITY: [redacted]
STATE: [redacted]
ZIP/POSTAL CODE: [redacted]


Dear President Biden,

My name is Paul Whiting and I am writing to you today at the request of United Farm Workers who, since their "founding in 1962 by the legendary Cesar Chavez, [have] been fighting for the rights of people who harvest the foods that sustain us all."

As you well know, Mr. President, "[farm workers are] among America's most essential workers and deserve to be treated with fairness, respect, and dignity." And I know that you feel that way about farm workers because you "began [your] presidency by prominently placing a bronze bust of Cesar [Chavez] next to [your] desk to inspire everyone who entered the Oval Office."

Thus, I am writing to humbly ask that you instruct the Department of Labor to conduct a thorough audit and investigation of the H-2A Temporary Agricultural Visa program and immediately implement policies to stop H-2A violations that are rampant. A joint investigation by the Department of Labor, Homeland Security, the State Department, the FBI and other federal agencies has uncovered what they called "modern-day slavery" in several southern U.S. states.

In Georgia, for example, "Operation Blooming Onion" has resulted in charges of forced labor trafficking, which included allegations of death, kidnapping and rape. Investigators called the crimes "modern-day slavery." The H-2A program is a flawed, exploitative program that harms both farm workers in the US and those being brought to the US through the H-2A program.

I truly appreciate the work of the Biden Administration to uncover these violations, but more needs to be done to prevent them from happening. Therefore, I urge the Biden administration to please conduct a thorough review of the H-2A program and immediately implement policies to stop these abuses.

Thank you for taking the time from your undoubtedly busy schedule to consider this urgent request.

Yours very truly,

Paul Whiting

Therefore, I decided to send the letter above via the contact page—rather than calling the White House Comments Line, as was suggested in the mailer by the United Farm Workers—since I prefer to communicate in writing with my representatives in government. –Paul Whiting (written July 26th, 2023, revised July 27th, 2023, revised August 14th, 2023 and revised August 19th, 2023)


July 27th, 2023 Update: I received an email from United Farm Workers (UFW) today, July 27th, 2023, with the subject line, "Important updates on UFW heat regulation campaign", which stated the following:

United Farm Workers
Si, Se Puede!        UFW


Dear Paul,

Thank you for being there for farm workers. It’s July and heat waves have been occurring all over the US. We’ve been sharing stories with you how farm workers are affected. I want to update you on some positive developments and share some sad news.

Tragically in 2023, three farm workers have been killed by heat – two of them just this month. On July 5, 29-year-old [name redacted] was killed in the searing sun of Homestead, FL and on July 20th, 26-year-old [name redacted] near Yuma, AZ. Two more senseless deaths and heart-broken families suffering this tragedy. Basta! Enough!

We are fighting back both in the fields – with water caravans and investments in technology to educate workers – and in Washington DC fighting for permanent federal regulations. Through persistence and hard work we've fought for and won heat regulations in CA [California], WA [Washington], OR [Oregon] & CO [Colorado], but there are 46 other states where farm workers and other outdoor workers are left unprotected.

We’ve been joined in this lifesaving fight by powerful people and organizations. On Tuesday, Rep. [name redacted] of Texas called attention to this issue by holding a day-long thirst strike on the steps of the U.S. Capitol. He was joined by other Congressmembers, labor and organizational leaders, and outdoor workers who spoke out calling for these regulations to become a reality. Then, on Wednesday, the Asunción Valdivia Heat Stress Injury, Illness, and Fatality Prevention Act was reintroduced in both the Senate and the House. This bill is named after a farm worker killed by heat in 2004. It would also mandate federal heat regulations.

We are being heard. Just today, President Biden announced actions his administration will take to try to protect workers. Biden has directed the Department of Labor to increase the enforcement of heat-safety violations and inspections in high-risk workplaces, such as construction and agriculture sites. This is good, but these steps should have happened a long time ago and they are only good as long as President Biden remains in office. The real answer is the national heat standards for workplace heat safety, which OSHA has been in the process of developing for several years.

We can’t let up, even for a minute. We need to see permanent federal regulations that reflect the desperate urgency felt by every worker exposed to extreme heat, acting as human shields against the violence of climate change. We look forward to a day when rules like these are not written in blood. With you beside us we will surely win.

Si Se Puede!
[Name redacted]
UFW [Title redacted]

PS: If you’d like to make a donation to help with the expenses of our heat campaign click here.***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage in order "to make a donation to help with the expenses of [UFW's] heat campaign," the text of which can be found below:

Don’t let the heat turn deadly for farm workers

Weather conditions are getting more extreme all over the US -- which means farm worker heat risks are getting worse. The UFW has led the way in California, Oregon, and Washington to put in place policies that protect farm workers in extreme heat. But, we still have to be sure they're enforced. In addition there are 47 other states where no rules are in place. You can help.

In CA [California], where the UFW had fought for and won strong regulations, a recent study showed heat illness and injuries have gone down 30%.

We need to take this nationwide. The UFW is fighting to get the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to immediately issue emergency heat regulations to save farm worker lives this summer and then adopt permanent ones. Federal regulations are absolutely essential. Farm workers cross state lines regularly. These regs will give them consistent rules they can depend on to protect them in any place they are working.

In states where we've won heat protections, we are making farm workers aware of their rights we fought so hard to get. We reach farm workers through meetings, field visits, our texting program and through social media. As part of this fight we are doing heat caravans in various states to see that existing rules are enforced and to fight for future rules. UFW worker leaders and volunteers have been doing crisis outreach, distributing chilled drinks and information on the deadly risk of heat stroke. They make sure workers have vital protections and report any violations right away.

[Name redacted] is a worker who participated in WA heat caravans a couple weeks ago. She shares, "Climate change has been very drastic in recent years. What we did was very important because many times the workers in the fields don't know what the laws are. Workers need to know how to protect themselves, stay hydrated, and protect themselves from the sun."

Heat deaths are preventable tragedies. Stopping them isn't complicated. It just takes shade, cool water, paid rest breaks, education, and monitoring. You can help by making a donation today. Stand strong with the farm workers who toil day after exhausting day under a sizzling sun.

And so, I made a one-time donation to United Farm Workers in order to "help with the expenses of [UFW's] heat campaign," because "heat deaths are preventable tragedies," since "stopping them isn't complicated" due to the fact that "it just takes shade, cool water, paid rest breaks, education, and monitoring." Therefore, I made this donation in order to show that I "stand strong with the farm workers who toil day after exhausting day under a sizzling sun." –Paul Whiting (written July 27th, 2023 and revised November 17th, 2023)


July 29th, 2023 Update, Written During The Period Of July 29th, 2023, July 30th, 2023 And July 31st, 2023: I received a mailer from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) on July 29th, 2023, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "Enclosed: Personal Correspondence," which stated the following (by the way, I hand-typed the text below on my smartphone from the mailer's letter—over July 29th, 2023, July 30th, 2023 and July 31st, 2023, as noted above—since I was also editing all of my ⋆USO⋆ donation 'updates' during that same time period):

Dear Mr. Whiting

Every generation of Americans has faced a moment when they have to defend democracy.

Personal freedom is fundamental to who we are — there is nothing more important. The work of my first term has been to fight for our democracy and to make sure that everyone in this country is treated equally and given a fair shot. Around the country, MAGA extremists are lining up to take on those bedrock freedoms.

This is our moment. It's about you, your loved ones, your neighbors, and your community. This is about the country we pass to future generations.

Kamala and I are ready to win the White House once again and finish the job we set out to do: to build an economy that works for everyone, to protect Social Security and Medicare, to defend reproductive freedom, to tackle the climate crisis, to support our nation's teachers, and to ban deadly assault weapons once and for all.

MAGA Republicans have their own agenda and it's dangerous. They want to cut hard-earned Social Security benefits, control women's bodies, ban books from our schools, and more. These plans go against our values as Americans, and we can't let them succeed.

We're better than this. We have to keep fighting for our rights and freedoms. But it's up to us to stop the GOP and keep our progress going.

That's why we need a fully funded Democratic National Committee. And you can play a leading roll in our critical work to elect Democrats at every level across the country.

Paul, I am personally asking you to make a generous contribution to the Democratic National Committee of $20, $30, or $40 to support their efforts today. The DNC is doing the work right now to hold MAGA Republicans accountable for their dangerous agenda and ensure we have the ongoing resources needed to protect our democracy and maintain the Democratic Party's infrastructure.

When you contribute to the DNC, you support the only organization that works to elect Democrats at every level of government, from the school board to the White House.

And in a moment like this, we absolutely need Democratic leaders and voices in every room, because you know what happens when MAGA Republicans are in power.

It means unconstitutional attacks on voting rights that silence Black voters. It means anti-abortion laws that deny lifesaving medical care, putting millions of people in harm's way. It means that members of the LGBTQ+ community live in fear. It means our communities remain threatened by gun violence.

I won't stand for that, and I know you won't either. By supporting the DNC today, you can [stand up to] the GOP's attacks on our future and keep progress at the top of the agenda.

The truth is, we've already proved that when we all invest in America, we can make the vision of progress a reality.

In 2022, Democrats defied the odds. A dedicated base of millions of grassroots supporters just like you came together to donate, volunteer, and vote in record numbers, and together, we protected our Senate majority and lost fewer seats in the House than in any Democratic president's first midterm elections in over 40 years.

And in just two years, we've helped create over 12 million new jobs and brought back American manufacturing, made historic investments in our nation's infrastructure, confirmed Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson as the first Black woman to the Supreme Court, passed critical legislation to bring down costs like the price of prescription drugs for families, made the single biggest investment in climate in our nation's history, and so much more.

We've gotten more done than some presidential administrations accomplish in two terms — but we still have work to do.

I'm ready to finish the job, but I need you with me. Your support for the DNC will mark your place in history as someone who fought for America when the soul of our nation was on the line.

The DNC is the beating heart of our work to elect Democrats across the nation, with the expertise, the reach, and the proven strategy to keep winning. They're already hard at work organizing in every corner of our nation — but they need your help. That's why I'm asking for your support of our Party today.

It's time to stand up to the values that we share — honesty, respect, and dignity. We must show the world that America is a nation that embraces light over darkness, hope over fear, and unity over division.

We have a lot of work to do in the months and years ahead. But nothing's beyond our capacity if we work together.

Thank you so much for your support.

With gratitude,

Joe Biden
President of the United States

P.S. Democrats need to keep winning elections at every level so that we can [stand up to] Republicans' attacks on our future and keep making progress for every American. The DNC is leading the fight — and they're powered by support from committed Democrats like you. Please give today and let's finish the job together!

Go to to put your contribution to work today.

And, after I read the letter above, I typed the web address to the referenced webpage in my browser, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Support the Democratic National Committee

Restricting voting rights. Banning abortions. Cutting Social Security and Medicare. This is the extremist agenda MAGA Republicans are pushing across the country.

The Democratic National Committee is fighting back by investing in every race – from the White House to the state house – but we need your help to win. Will you please rush a donation to keep Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in the White House and elect Democrats nationwide?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Democratic National Committee (DNC) - Direct Marketing.

[  ] Donate $35 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $75 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $200 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[✓] Other amount: $10.00

[✓] [Leave a tip for ActBlue]: $1.00

So, I made a one-time donation to the DNC (with a tip to ActBlue) on July 31st, 2023 in order to "play a leading roll in [the DNC's] critical work to elect Democrats at every level across the country" by helping to achieve a "fully funded Democratic National Committee," since "the DNC is doing the work right now to hold MAGA Republicans accountable for their dangerous agenda and ensure [the DNC has] the ongoing resources needed to protect our democracy and maintain the Democratic Party's infrastructure," because "by supporting the DNC today, [I] can [stand up to] the GOP's attacks on our future and keep progress at the top of the agenda." –Paul Whiting (July 31st, 2023)


July 30th, 2023 Update: World Day Against Trafficking in Persons is yearly (annually) on July 30th worldwide. So, I donated today, July 30th, 2023, to organizations that are working toward ending modern slavery, or human trafficking as it is formally called. And I donated to both international and national anti-human trafficking organizations to symbolically recognize modern slavery, or human trafficking, as being an extremely serious issue worldwide, as well as in America. –Paul Whiting (July 30th, 2023)


For my "July 31st, 2023 Update"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

July 31st, 2023 Update: I received an email from the USO (United Service Organizations) today, July 31st, 2023, with the subject line, "Military Supporters Update: July 2023", with regard to the USO's newsletter "YOUR USO AT WORK," Issue 114 / July 2023, which stated, in part, the following:

With summer in full swing, it’s more important than ever to remember and honor our troops who are facing extreme temperatures, sacrificing this time with their families to protect us and our nation.

We thank you for helping our service members during times like these. Below, you’ll find updates on all the work your support helped make possible in the last few weeks. ...

And the following highlight from the USO's newsletter, which I selected to post, is regarding "150K...the number of patriotic military supporters who signed our troop thank-you card in honor of July Fourth":



That’s the number of patriotic military supporters who signed our troop thank-you card in honor of July Fourth. If you missed your chance (or just want to make sure the troops still know you have their backs), click here to say thank you for everything they do.

...From all of us at the USO, thank you for being a dedicated and proud military supporter!

And so, I made a one-time donation on the website in order to support the USO's following statement: "For more than 80 years, the USO has stood by America's military service members by keeping them connected to family, home and country. But we're not a government agency, and rely on individual supporters like you to fund the programs that make the biggest difference for our service members." And I also donated to show my support for the USO's newsletter, as well as to show my support for the USO in supporting our men and women in uniform, as described in the highlight "VOICE OF THE USO," from the aforementioned newsletter:


"When I was coming out of my National Training Center rotation in California, USO volunteers were there to give us goodie bags and coffee. It made us very happy because we hadn’t had real food in 30-plus days, so they were amazing."

— A 1st lieutenant in the Army and former USO employee on how she’s stayed connected to the USO while serving our country

In addition to that, I already make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! You see, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation. ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "July 31st, 2023 Update":


July 31st, 2023 Update—Continued, Written On August 1st, 2023: I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google yesterday, July 31st, 2023, when I noticed an article on titled, "What Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and Viktor Orbán Understand About Your Brain." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"What Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and Viktor Orbán Understand About Your Brain" from Politico

Why do some people who support Trump also wind up believing conspiracy theories? There’s a scientific explanation for that.

By Marcel Danesi | 07/30/2023

Marcel Danesi is a professor of semiotics and linguistic anthropology at the University of Toronto. He is the author of the recent book, Politics, Lies and Conspiracy Theories: A Cognitive Linguistic Perspective.

Why do people believe some politicians’ lies even when they have been proven false? And why do so many of the same people peddle conspiracy theories?

Lying and conspiratorial thinking might seem to be two different problems, but they turn out to be related. I study political rhetoric and have tried to understand how populist politicians use language to develop a cult-like following, divide nations, create culture wars and instill hatred. This pattern goes back to antiquity and is seen today in leaders including former President Donald Trump, Hungary’s Viktor Orbán and Russia’s Vladimir Putin. These leaders are capable of using words and speeches to whip people into such an emotional tempest that they will do things like march on the seat of Congress or invade a neighboring country.

What makes this kind of speech worrying is that it is not just emotions like aggression they can manipulate; politicians can also use rhetoric to influence the public’s thoughts and beliefs, and spread lies and conspiracy theories. Those lies and conspiracy theories are stubbornly resistant to countervailing facts and can sow divisions that destabilize their own societies.

My research analyzes real speeches made by politicians past and present, including those of Trump, Orbán and Putin, using cognitive linguistics — a branch of linguistics that examines the relationship between language and the mind. What I have found is that throughout history, speeches by dictators and autocrats have one thing in common: they use dehumanizing metaphors to instill and propagate hatred of others.

It is well-documented that for example words like “reptiles” and “parasites” were used by the Nazi regime to compare outsiders and minorities to animals. Strongmen throughout history have referred to targeted social groups as “rats” or “pests” or “a plague.” And it’s effective regardless of whether the people who hear this language are predisposed to jump to extreme conclusions. Once someone is tuned into these metaphors, their brain actually changes in ways that make them more likely to believe bigger lies, even conspiracy theories.

These metaphors are part of a cognitive process that entraps some people in this kind of thinking while others are unaffected. Here’s how it works. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And so, I decided to highlight this article from Politico for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written August 1st, 2023, revised August 28th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


July 31st, 2023 Update—Continued Further, Written On August 1st, 2023: I was reading an article yesterday, July 31st, 2023, on titled, "What Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and Viktor Orbán Understand About Your Brain," when I noticed a political advertisement for the Biden Victory Fund, which stated the following:




And so, I decided to make a one-time donation to the Biden Victory Fund!

Now, I also decided to make this donation with my debit card, rather than with my credit card, which is not what I typically do for charitable and progressive donations, as well as political contributions. You see, I have myself really well-trained to only make charitable and progressive donations and political contributions with my credit card, so that I can easily track how much I spend each month on those types of expenditures; however, being the Creature Of Habit that I am, I accidentally donated with my credit card at first!

So, after realizing my error, I donated with my debit card—as I had originally intended. Again, that's not what I typically do, but I was trying to reach a specific total of expenditures for July 2023, within the category of "Budgeted Expenses." Then, after running the calculations on my monthly budget, I decided to spend what little I had left in my "Budgeted Expenses" category for July 2023. (I maintain handwritten monthly budgets on 100% recycled note paper, so that I know where every penny that I spend is going.)

Thus, I actually made three one-time donations to the Biden Victory Fund (one accidentally for $5.46 and two on purpose for $5.46 and $3.08, respectively, which totals $14.00); however, I felt like it was a really important political advertisement to respond to considering the importance of the article I was reading (that I discussed in my 'July 31st, 2023 Update—Continued, Written On August 1st, 2023,' which can be found above) and considering the importance of President Joe Biden's re-election campaign! –Paul Whiting (written August 1st, 2023, revised August 28th, 2023 and revised October 30th, 2023)




August 1st, 2023 Update: I received an email from the Biden for President campaign today, August 1st, 2023, with the subject line, "Our records show you haven’t had a chance to join us as a Biden-Harris Founding Donor.", which stated the following:

Biden-Harris 2024

Our records show you haven’t had a chance to join us in this critical fight to deliver four more years for Democrats in the White House.

Your Biden-Harris Founding Donor Supporter Record

NAME: Paul
EMAIL: [redacted]
FOUNDING DONOR: No -- Not yet!

Can we count on you to make a $25 donation to the campaign to become a Biden-Harris Founding Donor today?

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

[✓] $25 >>***
[  ] $50 >>
[  ] $100 >>
[  ] $250 >>
[  ] $500 >>
[  ] Other >>

We had a strong showing when we launched this campaign, but we can’t afford to lose an ounce of momentum: We need to be able to power this campaign for the long haul.

All eyes are on our campaign right now. Together -- and only together -- can we build the grassroots campaign it will take to finish the job.

That’s why we're asking you to become a Founding Donor to our campaign today. It'd make a big difference in what this team will be able to accomplish in the weeks and months to come -- and to say thank you, we’ll send you a special Biden-Harris Founding Donor membership card.

Rush a $25 donation to become a Biden-Harris Founding Donor today.

-- Team Biden-Harris

Every generation has a moment where they have had to stand up for democracy. To stand up for their fundamental freedoms. I believe this is ours. -- Joe Biden

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Become a Biden-Harris Founding Donor and receive your own membership card:

It’s going to take this full team at Joe and Kamala’s backs to finish the job and deliver four more years for Democrats in the White House. Will you become a Founding Donor today? When you do, you'll receive your very own Biden-Harris Founding Donor membership card.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Joe Biden.

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[✓] Other amount: $25.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

Will you chip in with a $2 tip?

[✓] $2

[  ] $3

[  ] Custom

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to Biden For President (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to "become a Biden-Harris Founding Donor!" –Paul Whiting (written August 1st, 2023, revised August 18th, 2023 and revised January 7th, 2024)


August 1st, 2023 Update—Continued: I received an email from Planned Parenthood Action Fund today, August 1st, 2023, with the subject line, "Here they go again: Politicians are trying to shut down Planned Parenthood, block patient care, and steal your rights", which stated the following:

Paul, after Roe v. Wade was overturned, legislators across the country rushed to put abortion laws into place. Some states fought to permanently protect abortion access. Others stripped reproductive rights from millions of people.

But politicians who oppose reproductive freedom won't stop at state abortion bans and restrictions: They're also exploiting federal legislation to shut down Planned Parenthood and attack abortion access.

These politicians and their allies are trying everything to eliminate patients' access to care:

[✓] In Texas, a baseless lawsuit aims to shut down Planned Parenthood health centers, with meritless charges that seek damages of $1.8 billion — enough to force closure of health centers across Texas and end patient access to vital services, like birth control, cancer screenings, STI testing and treatment, and more.

[✓] The House of Representatives narrowly passed a national defense bill with extreme restrictions on access to abortion and gender-affirming care for service members and their families — undoing policies that help service members stationed in states hostile to reproductive health care.

[✓] The House majority is also sneaking their dangerous and unpopular agenda into annual funding bills, attempting to "defund" Planned Parenthood and end funding for Title X, the national program that helps millions of people afford basic reproductive health care every year.

It's going to take all of us to protect and expand access to abortion. Join the fight to stop the attacks on Planned Parenthood patients and sexual & reproductive health care!


Bans have eliminated all or some abortion in 21 states, denying patients the right to make decisions about their own bodies. Abortion bans introduced in state legislatures across the country threaten to cut access even further.

Control of our bodies, our lives, and our futures is a fundamental right. We must come together to hold politicians accountable, make our voices heard, and defend access to sexual and reproductive health care — including abortion — so that everyone, everywhere has the care they want and need.

Make your voice heard today. Hold lawmakers accountable and be part of the fight to stop the attacks on Planned Parenthood patients and sexual & reproductive health care.


— Planned Parenthood Action Fund

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:

Tell Congress: Stop the attacks on Planned Parenthood patients and sexual & reproductive health care

We need to hold anti-abortion rights lawmakers accountable. Fight to protect access to sexual & reproductive health care.

Politicians are now trying to shut down Planned Parenthood and attacking access to abortion and gender-affirming care. This is part of their agenda to ban abortion nationwide.

We need to hold these lawmakers accountable — they need to remember that the majority of Americans support legal abortion.

Tell Congress: Stop the attacks on Planned Parenthood patients and sexual & reproductive health care!

Help fight back.

Prefix: Mr.
First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Street Address: [redacted]
Postal Code: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Email: [redacted]
Mobile Phone: [redacted]

Do you want to be an associate member of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund? Yes

Subject: Stop the attacks on Planned Parenthood patients and sexual & reproductive health care

Dear Member of Congress,

I am counting on you to fight for patients’ access to care at Planned Parenthood health centers, and to oppose all attacks on access to sexual and reproductive health care — including abortion.

As your constituent, I urge you to oppose all attempts to sneak these unpopular and dangerous attacks into must-pass legislation. Over a year after the Supreme Court took away our right to abortion, we need our elected officials to protect everyone’s ability to control their own bodies, lives, and futures.

[Your information here]

And, after I sent the letter above, I received a confirmation email today, August 1st, 2023, from Planned Parenthood Action Fund with the subject line, "Thank you for adding your voice.", which stated the following:


Thank you for adding your voice and reminding lawmakers that the majority of Americans support abortion access — and that the attacks on Planned Parenthood patients and sexual & reproductive health care must stop. We're glad to have you in the fight.

Ready to do more? Volunteer with us.

You can choose how you want to help, whenever you have time and there's no experience necessary. Become a volunteer with Planned Parenthood Action Fund today.

You can help make an even bigger difference by showing your support for Planned Parenthood Action Fund and asking your friends and family to join you.

Share on Facebook

Share on Twitter

You can also help defend access to health care and protect our reproductive rights by making a gift to Planned Parenthood Action Fund. We'll put your gift to work immediately mobilizing grassroots activists in key states, pressuring lawmakers, magnifying the voices of those most affected by attacks on our health and rights, and more.

I'm so glad to know that we can count on you to raise your voice when it counts — thanks again for speaking out.

— Planned Parenthood Action Fund

So, I selected the "Share on Twitter" option (by the way, I only have a Twitter account so I can read tweets which are included in some online articles that I read) in order for me to provide you, my readers, with the text and hyperlink below:

We need to hold lawmakers attacking our rights accountable — they need to remember that the majority of Americans support legal abortion.

Plus, after I submitted the letter above to my Member of Congress, via Planned Parenthood Action Fund website, I made a one-time donation to Planned Parenthood Action Fund, because "it's going to take all of us to protect and expand access to abortion," so that is why I chose to "join the fight to stop the attacks on Planned Parenthood patients and sexual & reproductive health care!" –Paul Whiting (written August 1st, 2023 and revised September 30th, 2023)


August 1st, 2023 Update—Continued Further: I watched a video on YouTube titled, "Cindy McCain: End of Ukraine grain deal 'hurting the most needy people in the world'" from the PBS NewsHour. Here is the description from that video (with a hyperlink to the video below):

Cindy McCain: End of Ukraine grain deal ‘hurting the most needy people in the world’

South Sudan may look very lush right now, but flooding there has disrupted life and caused hunger on an “enormous” scale, says Cindy McCain, executive director of the World Food Programme. McCain, on the ground in Juba, South Sudan, talks with Amna Nawaz about the need for greater food aid around the world, and how the end of the Ukraine grain deal is hurting those most in need.

And, after I watched the video above, I searched on Google for the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) website—a hyperlink to their main donation page can be found below:

And, because I was so inspired by the presentation made by Cindy McCain (who, if you don't know, is former Arizona Senator John McCain's widow) with regard to the reduction in donations to the United Nation's World Food Programme (WFP), I decided to make a one-time donation to the World Food Programme!

Now, when I went to the World Food Programme's donation page, a website popup stated, "It looks like you're in United States: Continue to the WFP United States," which I then clicked. And I was redirected to the United Nations World Food Program USA website—a hyperlink to their donation page can be found below:

Therefore, I filled out the donation webpage for a "One-time" donation to the United Nations World Food Program USA...

...However, after I was getting ready to make that donation, I decided to go back onto the United Nations World Food Programme website—and I ignored the above-mentioned website popup—and I filled out the donation webpage for a "GIVE ONCE" donation to the World Food Programme, as well...

...Thus, due to the fact that I was truly inspired by Cindy McCain's interview on the PBS NewsHour, I made a one-time donation to both the United Nations World Food Programme and the United Nations World Food Program USA in order to assist the WFP with helping all of the people in the world who are facing food shortages! –Paul Whiting (written August 1st, 2023, revised August 2nd, 2023, revised September 18th, 2023 and revised October 21st, 2023)


August 3rd, 2023 Update: I received an email from Students Demand Action for Gun Sense in America today, August 3rd, 2023, with the subject line, "We are #ElPasoStrong", which stated the following:

For Gun Sense In America


August 3rd, 2019 without a doubt set a before and after for El Paso. A white supremacist armed with hate and a gun drove from Allen, TX to a Walmart in El Paso and shot and killed 23 people, all to target the Latinx community.

Four years later, we reflect on the strength of my community and its willingness to lift each other out of darkness. Read and share reflections from my community on how we've fought for change and continue to look out for each other in the wake of tragedy.


I remember that day so clearly, I was at a town-hall with an elected official when they asked us to go home because there was an active shooter nearby. It was surprising and alarming but I think none of us imagined the magnitude and effect that this senseless attack would have.

Afterwards, our community was broken, wounded and angry. And we still are. But we are determined to continue fighting for our 23 Sun City angels whom we will never forget.

I became involved with Students Demand Action shortly after the shooting and it opened my eyes to the gun violence crisis not just in Texas but across the country. It's been a tremendous honor to fight alongside relentless advocates, mothers and student volunteers. The courage and dedication I see daily serves as a tremendous inspiration. In these four years, one thing is clear: We have no choice but to continue to demand action.

We will not let gun-lobby backed Republicans in Texas continue to promote the NRA's “guns everywhere” agenda and block the gun safety bills that would save lives. Read stories from members of our community who have not given up the fight and continue to demand action in El Paso.

Together, we'll show everyone what it means to be #ElPasoStrong.

Thank you for joining me in marking this heavy day, and for helping us build a safer future for everyone. Todos somos familia.

[Name redacted]
Students Demand Action

P.S. Honor the victims and survivors of the mass shooting in El Paso with action: Send a message to your U.S. representative demanding they ban assault weapons and expand background checks now.***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, regarding sending "a message to your U.S. representative demanding they ban assault weapons and expand background checks now," which can be found below:

Tell Your U.S. Representative: Ban Assault Weapons And Expand Background Checks

Enough is enough. Our lawmakers must pass common-sense gun policies that close loopholes in our background check system, ban assault weapons, and expand background checks to all gun sales. We cannot let extremists continue to block laws that stop the flood of illegal guns into our communities and gut the laws that keep us safe.

Tell your U.S. representative to take life-saving action that can help prevent tragic mass shootings and the 120 gun deaths that happen every single day. Send your message now.

Dear Representative,

I am writing to you as a constituent filled with grief, fear, and anger. I am fed up. As countless acts of preventable gun violence continue to threaten the safety of communities across the country day after day, I am urging you to oppose the extreme attacks on ATF that seek to undo the progress we've made so far, and to instead support action on gun safety. I ask you to support common-sense legislation that would expand background checks to all gun sales, close the Charleston Loophole, and reinstate the bipartisan ban on assault weapons. This common-sense legislation can help prevent tragic mass shootings, as well as the 120 gun deaths that happen every day.

Please, I'm urging you to prioritize public safety. Take action and save lives.

Complete the form to send your message now:

Prefix: Mr.
First name: Whiting
Last name: Paul
Email address: [redacted]
Street address: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Mobile phone: [redacted]
ZIP Code: [redacted]

And, after I sent the letter above to my representative in Congress, via the Everytown for Gun Safety website, I made a one-time donation to Students Demand Action for Gun Sense in America (via the Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund) in order to do my part to "honor the victims and survivors of the mass shooting in El Paso with action" by "send[ing] a message to [my] U.S. representative demanding they ban assault weapons and expand background checks now." –Paul Whiting (written August 3rd, 2023, revised September 7th, 2023 and revised October 26th, 2023)


August 3rd, 2023 Update—Continued: I received an email from Time Magazine today, August 3rd, 2023, with the subject line, "Our report on extreme heat's toll on American workers", which stated the following:


Extreme Heat Is Endangering America's Workers—and Its Economy

By Aryn Baker
Senior International Climate and Environment Correspondent

One of the most inescapable signs of climate change is the spate of record-breaking heat waves that baked our planet this summer, drying out essential crops, contributing to forest fires, and overburdening emergency rooms with patient numbers not seen since the pandemic. Approximately 80% of humanity suffered through unusually hot temperatures this July, according to a draft report by climate advocacy group Climate Central.

Outdoor workers are bearing the brunt. On a planet 4.86°F warmer—our current end-of-century trajectory—33 times as many people in the world would be subjected to dangerous levels of extreme and humid heat, making the American South feel like the Persian Gulf countries of today. There, it’s already too hot to safely work outside during the day for much of the summer. But no matter how hot it gets, garbage still has to be collected, packages delivered, houses roofed, roads constructed, electricity grids expanded, and produce plucked for grocery store shelves.

For this story, which was supported by the Pulitzer Center, I—working in collaboration with local reporters from Georgia Public Radio—met with farmers, agricultural laborers, delivery drivers, construction workers, and garbage collectors over a few weeks of July (one of the hottest months in recorded history). We used sweat-sampling technology from Epicore Biosystems to monitor things like skin temperature and water loss, to understand how taxing physical labor in high-heat situations can be. We reported using text, data, video, photography, and audio on how they’re learning to beat the heat, and what kind of policies would help keep them safe and productive.

The solution is simple: easy access to water and enough breaks, taken in shady areas, to give workers an opportunity to cool down. Implementing a federal policy to guarantee those solutions is a lot more difficult. It shouldn’t be. If the moral argument for protecting workers isn’t enough, the economic one should suffice. Consumer rights advocacy group Public Citizen estimates that failing to protect workers from heat costs the American economy $100 billion a year in lost productivity, increased workers’ comp premiums, lawsuits and health care costs.


And I decided to highlight this article from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written August 3rd, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


For my "August 4th, 2023 Update"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

August 4th, 2023 Update: I received an email from the USO (United Service Organizations) today, August 4th, 2023, with the subject line, "[Say thank you] The U.S. Coast Guard rescues thousands of Americans each year … but they’ve long been underappreciated", which stated the following:

Paul, the U.S. Coast Guard’s motto, “Semper Paratus,” means “always ready,” and there’s no better way to describe our Coast Guard heroes, who conduct more than 22,000 search and rescue missions each year!

Our Coasties have already had a busy summer. Over the Fourth of July weekend alone, they rescued 21 people in 1 hour in Tampa Bay, Florida. During one stormy Sunday in Louisiana, they saved 11 boaters in Lake Pontchartrain. They even rescued an injured German Shepherd who had tumbled 300 feet down a cliff and landed on an inaccessible beach in Oregon’s Ecola State Park.

As our service members conduct dangerous rescue missions and make immense sacrifices day in and day out to keep us all safe, it’s our patriotic duty to make sure they — and all our heroes in uniform — know how much we appreciate their service.

So please, as we celebrate the Coast Guard’s 233rd birthday today, will you add your name to help us collect 23,300 signatures via email and SMS thanking our courageous troops?

★ ★ ★
Wishing the Coast Guard a happy 233rd birthday!
[add your name]


Our service members often feel forgotten and that their sacrifices aren’t understood. On this important day, we must show our deep gratitude and understanding of everything they do for us. Sign now to honor our Coast Guard troops and all the brave heroes who sacrifice so much to serve our great nation.

Thank you for honoring our heroes today and for all you do to support our military.


Plus, I received a text message today, August 4th, 2023, from the USO (United Service Organizations), which stated the following:

Did you know the U.S. Coast Guard conducts more than 22,000 search and rescue missions each year? That's 61 rescues a day, Paul!

They've already conducted thousands of heroic missions this summer, and as they risk their lives to protect Americans day in and day out, it's our patriotic duty to make sure they know we appreciate their sacrifices.

That's why today, on the Coast Guard's 233rd birthday, we've set an important goal to reach 23,300 signatures on our official card, and we're counting on YOU to help us get there.

𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐚𝐝𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐝𝐚𝐲?***

Thank you,

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

So, I signed the card because "our U.S. Coast Guard heroes bravely patrol our nation’s waterways, protecting our coast and conducting tens of thousands of rescue missions each year," so "we owe them all our gratitude, especially today as we honor the Coast Guard’s 233rd anniversary." Plus, after I signed the card, I made a one-time donation on the website to say to our Coast Guard heroes, "Happy birthday to the U.S. Coast Guard! We are so grateful for the service and sacrifice of our Coast Guard heroes — and all of America’s courageous troops."

In addition to that, I already make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! You see, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation. ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "August 4th, 2023 Update":


August 7th, 2023 Update, Which Also Discusses August 6th, 2023: Purple Heart Day is today, August 7th, 2023, since Purple Heart Day is yearly (annually) on August 7th.

And I received an email from National Today yesterday, August 6th, 2023, with the subject line, "Celebrating Cats, Spoiling Your Dogs, Left handers. The Week Ahead", which stated, in part, the following:


... Monday 7 August

Purple Heart Day

We remember and honor the men and women who bravely represented and sacrificed for their country.

Read more:

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:


[Observed in the] U.S.

Purple Heart Day on August 7 is the kind of day created to give back. It’s a day for Americans to remember and honor the men and women who bravely represented their country and were wounded or killed whilst serving. These people are decorated with a Purple Heart in the name of the President, and this day is for remembering them and their sacrifice. Some states, counties, and cities pause in recognition, as do some sports and entertainment entities. Military and veteran organizations also hold meetings for remembrance. Join us as we honor those that have been given a Purple Heart.



The original Purple Heart, designated as a Badge of Merit, was awarded by George Washington in 1782. There was a lack of funds in the Continental Army at the time so the award was a way to honor enlisted and deserving people. The honor is presented to soldiers for “any singularly meritorious action.” It was designed with a piece of silk bound through it with a thin edge of silver. Washington only gave out three of the badges himself, and instead authorized subordinates to issue the badges as they saw fit.

The Badge of Merit faded from use but was revived and relaunched in 1932, this time as the Purple Heart. As well as honoring those wounded in combat, this iteration of the Purple Heart recognized commendable action. It was in 1944 that the policy was tweaked slightly and the Purple Heart was given the purpose we know it for today, specifically to honor those who have been wounded or died.

The first service member to be given the modern Purple Heart was General Douglas MacArthur for his service in the Pacific theater during World War II. In total there have been 1.8 million Purple Hearts awarded over the years.

Purple Heart Day was first observed in 2014 and has been observed every year since. It’s a chance to reflect on the bravery of those who have fought for the U.S. and to ensure that their courage is never forgotten.



Gifts from George:
George Washington creates the Purple Heart award to commend soldiers.

February 1932
Birthday Wish:
The award was forgotten about until now on George Washington’s 200th birthday.

Military Merit:
This year, the Purple Heart Recipients are able to join the newly formed Military Order of the Purple Heart (MOPH).

Celebrating Service:
Purple Heart Day is first established.



Is there a list of Purple Heart recipients?

There is no known list of names of all recipients in existence.

Why is the Purple Heart purple?

The color is meant to represent bravery. The Purple Heart is in fact the oldest military decoration still presented to service members. The award was always meant to be ‘‘a figure of a heart in purple cloth or silk edged with narrow lace or binding.”

How much is a purple heart worth?

Purple Hearts sell for $30 at a military base. Really, they are meant for recipients simply looking for a replacement, but sellers do not often ask for proof of eligibility.

When was National Purple Heart Day first observed?

It was observed first in 2014.

What Purple Heart means?

A Purple Heart is a distinction and means a service member has greatly sacrificed themselves, or paid the ultimate price, while in the line of duty.



1. Donate to the MOPH

This is a great time to donate to the Military Order of the Purple Heart. You can pay your respects by aiding those who bore the burden of battle. You can also support wounded veterans by buying a purple heart.


2. Learn more about the military

Educate yourself on the military and what they do. Read the stories of people who have been in a battle to understand why the Purple Heart awards are so important.

3. Use #PurpleHeartDay online

If you have a family member or friend who served for the U.S. and has a Purple Heart share their story with #PurpleHeartDay on Twitter and Instagram.



1. Pawn-ple

An unknown soldier from Michigan who served in Afghanistan pawned his purple heart for cash.

[Blogger's Note: I feel like this fact seems disrespectful of those who received a Purple Heart: not because of the actions of the "unknown soldier from Michigan who served in Afghanistan," but because it was mentioned as an "fact" about Purple Heart Day, which is "a day for Americans to remember and honor the men and women who bravely represented their country and were wounded or killed whilst serving."]

2. A million hearts

1.8 Million Purple Hearts have been handed out [awarded] since 1932.

[Blogger's Note: I feel like this phraseology seems disrespectful of those who received a Purple Heart, since "the Purple Heart was given...specifically to honor those who have been wounded or died" and was not "handed out" like coupons at a grocery store sale.]

3. Join the club

In total there are 45,000 members of the MOPH today.

4. Whose in?

An accurate list of names who were awarded Purple Hearts no longer exists.

5. Ladies and Gentlemen…

A female lieutenant, Annie G.Fox received a Purple Heart during World War II for her work on Pearl Harbor.



A. It recognizes sacrifice

The Purple Heart recognizes the sacrifice made by soldiers who were willing to put their lives on the line for their country. These brave soldiers deserve to be remembered throughout history.

B. The history

It is important to remember our history and how we ended up where we are today. Purple Heart Day affords us the opportunity for reflection on everything that has gone before us.

C. Nobody is forgotten

This day is for remembering everyone who was ever wounded or killed representing the U.S. It means nobody is forgotten and the memory lives on. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the post:

Plus, I decided to do a search on Google for "Purple Heart Day USO" in order to find any articles that the USO (United Service Organizations) might have on their website.

Please see a brief introduction to the article below, which is dated August 4th, 2023, from the USO website titled, "9 Things You Need to Know About the Purple Heart Medal."

"9 Things You Need to Know About the Purple Heart Medal" from the USO

Friday, Aug 4, 2023

On August 7, Purple Heart Day, the nation pauses to acknowledge and remember the sacrifices made by the brave members of our military.

The Purple Heart medal is presented to service members who have been wounded or killed as a result of enemy action while serving in the U.S. military. A Purple Heart is a solemn distinction and means a service member has greatly sacrificed themselves, or paid the ultimate price, while in the line of duty.

According to the National Purple Heart Hall of Honor, more than 1.8 million Purple Heart medals have been presented to service members since the award was created in 1782.

In honor of Purple Heart Day, here are nine facts about the history of the Purple Heart Medal and its recipients: ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Military Order of the Purple Heart, as mentioned above in the National Today post under the subject of "HOW TO OBSERVE PURPLE HEART DAY." Plus, I made a one-time donation to the USO (United Service Organizations), because "for those Purple Heart Medal recipients who made the ultimate sacrifice, the USO is there for them and their families as well." –Paul Whiting (written August 7th, 2023, revised August 9th, 2023, revised August 21st, 2023 and revised June 13th, 2024)


August 8th, 2023 Update, Written On August 9th, 2023: I received an email from National Today yesterday, August 8th, 2023, with the subject line, "Stand up for one another on International Allyship Day", which stated the following:

Today we embrace the first official observation of International Allyship Day. This important addition to the calendar encourages us to stand up for one another, foster inclusivity, and build bridges of support and understanding to create positive social change.

Allyship is about advocating for the inclusion of those who are marginalized in all areas of society. This holiday offers an opportunity to challenge gender stereotypes, call out discrimination, draw attention to devaluing behaviors, and create inclusive environments.


We can all be allies to others. We all have privilege over others, and as such, all have an opportunity to practice allyship. Why not have an honest conversation with a member of an underrepresented community and discuss their experiences and what can improve them?

Alternatively, you can do some research and share some resources with those in your social circles. Reach out to like minded people and discuss applying allyship to your community.


If you’re looking to observe International Allyship Day in your workplace, consider workshops or networking events, or perhaps community gatherings with engagement and connection at their heart.

For more information on International Allyship Day, including thought-provoking facts and a timeline capturing the recent history of diversity in the workplace, check out the holiday on our website.

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:


[Observed all over the] World

International Allyship Day is celebrated annually on August 8. This holiday dedicates the day to celebrating and promoting the power of allyship across the globe. On this unique day, we come together to recognize the importance of standing up for one another, fostering inclusivity, and building bridges of support and understanding. defines allyship as the status or role of a person who advocates and actively works for the inclusion of a marginalized or politicized group in all areas of society, not as a member of that group but in solidarity with its struggle and point of view and under its leadership: Genuine allyship does not come with special recognition — we do not get awards for confronting issues people have to live with every day.



International Allyship Day is a holiday founded in 2023 to celebrate the incredible strength in unity. It is a day to embrace diversity, celebrate differences, and foster a sense of belonging for everyone!

This holiday encourages communities to show up authentically and work together to create positive social change. Networking, workshops, events, and community gatherings can achieve engagement, inspiration, and connection to advocate for others in the workplace and at home.

Multiple national studies indicate that four out of five US-based employees are familiar with or have participated in unconscious bias training. This training, while being extremely valuable, is only the beginning. International Allyship Day exists to enforce and encourage the practice of allyship. Awareness without action does not move the needle. Active and genuine allyship is about consistency and continuously taking action despite biases to treat all others equally and equitably.

This holiday highlights now as the time to tackle equity, as we can all challenge gender stereotypes, call out discrimination, draw attention to devaluing behaviors, and create inclusive environments.



Diversity in the workplace:
President Truman signs Executive Order 9981 into effect to desegregate the armed services.

The 1960s
Non-discriminatory inclusion for all:
DE&I [Diversity, equity, and inclusion] takes root in Corporate America through the Equal Pay Act of 1963, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967.

The 1970s
Set the stage…:
Frameworks for workplace diversity, along with anti-discriminatory practices, come into play.

The 1970s and 1980s
Gender is the gateway:
Gender diversity education begins to emerge.

The 1990s
Minority expansion:
Education within the US expands to assist and focus on the inclusion of other underrepresented groups like disabled persons, communities of different ethnic groups, and members of the LGBTQIA+ community.

The 2010s
Allyship in its infancy:
DE&I evolves into a new practice of allyship, turning unconscious bias and awareness into action.

Word of the year: names allyship its [2021] "word of the year," the first time a new word receives the title.



What is the significance of August 8?

This holiday was set for August 8 as the number eight has associations with unity, harmony, and a feeling of connectedness.

What is allyship?

An ally is one who actively works for or with a marginalized group within society, despite not being a member but standing in solidarity with the struggles faced. These acts apply without the desire or expectation for rewards or special recognition.

What can I do to be an ally?

Allies leverage their privilege to support underrepresented individuals and communities through both reactive actions, like calling out devaluing behaviors and microaggressions (e.g., individuals being interrupted or spoken over, being asked to do the office work in meetings, having their judgment questions in their area of expertise, etc.) when witnessed, and proactive actions include actions which create equitable opportunities, such as ensuring diverse slates of candidates for positions, advocating for the promotion of underrepresented individuals, etc.



1. Educate

On International Allyship Day, why not read up and share some resources with those in your social circles? You can plan an event to discuss allyship and how to apply it to your community. Or take an allyship assessment to see where you are on the allyship continuum and what you can do to be a better ally to others.

2. Activate

In celebration of this holiday, we recommend having an honest conversation with a member of an underrepresented community, discussing their experiences and what can improve them. You can even ask what you specifically can do to be a better ally for them.

3. Celebrate

Allyship is not a project with a start and finish. It’s a process, a journey. Consider the progress your organization has made and celebrate the practice of allyship and those individuals who “walk the talk” to make their work and home environments more equitable. Bring your teams together and commit to continuing the work.



1. Diversity drives performance

78% of organizations prioritize diversity to improve workplace culture, while 62% aim to boost financial performance. Research from TeamStage: Women in the Workforce 2022 shows that even a 10% increase in gender-focused diversity can positively impact and increase total profits.

2. Allyship practice in the workplace is in its infancy

Despite 84% of employees reporting being part of unconscious bias training, the Integrating Women Leaders Foundation 2022 State of Allyship-in-Action Study illustrates only 47% included allyship training while only 34% included participatory communities.

3. The gender gap is prevalent…

The McKinsey/Lean In 2022 Women in the Workplace Report highlights heartbreaking truths. For every 100 men getting their first promotion, only 87 women receive a promotion. Similarly, these numbers are notably lower for women of color or members of similarly underrepresented communities.

4. …and gets worse at the top

The Harvard Business Review brought to the public’s attention that the CEOs of large companies are significantly more likely to be a man by the name of John or David than a woman.

5. Is progress progressing?

The World Economic Forum’s 16th Global Gender Gap Report illustrates the gender wage gap expects to close, but not for another 132 years at the current speed and rate of change.



A. We can all be allies to others

We all have privilege over others, and as such, all have an opportunity to practice allyship. Now is the time to capitalize on the growing momentum around concepts of allyship. And now is the time to tackle equity as we can all challenge gender stereotypes, call out discrimination, draw attention to devaluing behaviors, and create inclusive environments.

B. Collective activism in the form of allyship will drive change

Research indicates that those who participate in ongoing allyship practices (communities, not one-and-done training) bridge the “allyship gap” in thought and action.

C. Allyship continues even when the holiday is over

Allyship is more than a day of conversations at work. Allyship is a journey. Gather your teams together and continue this work.

Please see the hyperlink below for the post:

–Paul Whiting (written August 9th, 2023 and revised October 11th, 2023)


August 8th, 2023 Update—Continued, Written On August 9th, 2023: I received an email from Students Demand Action for Gun Sense in America yesterday, August 8th, 2023, with the subject line, "How do you think young Americans feel about guns?", which stated the following:

For Gun Sense In America


We teamed up with Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), and American University's Polarization and Extremism Research and Innovation Lab (PERIL) to demystify youth attitudes on guns. This is a first-of-its-kind report, which provides an in-depth look at issues facing this generation and our country as a whole.


Gun violence continues to be a constant threat to young Americans.

More than 4,000 children and teens are shot and killed each year across the country, 15,000 are shot and wounded, and an estimated 3 million children are exposed to shootings every year. 2021 was the deadliest year of gun violence on record for young people in America, and there was a record amount of gunfire on school grounds across the country.

In our study, we heard from more than 4,000 young Americans between the ages of 14-30 and these were some of our findings:

[✓] The average young person in America knows at least one person who has been shot, wounded or killed.

[✓] 4 out of 5 young people believe gun violence is a problem in America.

[✓] 1 in 4 young Americans have experienced an active shooter drill with more than half fearing a shooting happening in their school.

[✓] About 40 percent of youth said they have at least "somewhat easy" access to a gun.

The reality is, younger generations are facing a more violent environment than previous ones. Read our report to better understand how this shift in young Americans could have lasting impacts if not addressed.

Thank you for being a part of this movement,

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
Everytown for Gun Safety

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:

Youth Attitudes on Guns



For years, Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund, Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), and American University’s Polarization and Extremism Research and Innovation Lab (PERIL) have worked in partnership with communities across the country to better understand issues of pressing importance to them — and to protect their rights and safety. Last year, we came together to study perhaps the greatest threat to this generation and our country as a whole — gun violence. Guns have been the leading cause of death for American children and teens since 2020, impacting the lives of young people at home, at school and in their communities. But to date, there has been very little research exploring how young people view guns and our country’s gun violence crisis. Given what we know about the nexus between gun violence and extremist ideologies — and the staggering increase in gun sales during the COVID-19 pandemic — we believe that understanding this generation’s attitudes about guns is vital to combating the rise of extremism, reducing gun violence, and protecting young people.

Executive Summary

Guns are the leading cause of death for children, teens and young adults in America, with more than 4,000 children and teens shot and killed each year, 15,000 shot and wounded and an estimated 3 million exposed to shootings. 2021 was the deadliest year of gun violence on record for young people in America, and there was a record amount of gunfire on school grounds. But while this urgent public health crisis is impacting American youth in so many ways, there has been a lack of research and insight into how young people think about guns and gun violence — and the roles they see firearms playing in their own lives as well as in our society.

To better understand youth attitudes about guns, Everytown for Gun Safety, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), and the Polarization & Extremism Research & Innovation Lab (PERIL) teamed up to study youth attitudes toward guns in an ambitious, innovative, and comprehensive program of research. Through surveys, focus groups, interviews, and data analysis methodologies, we learned from more than 4,100 young Americans between the ages of 14 and 30 about their access to guns, how safe they feel, their experiences with gun violence, their political views, the media they consume, and how they think about concepts like male supremacy, racial resentment and the Second Amendment, among others. The result is the following report, which provides a first-of-its-kind look at issues of pressing importance to this generation and our country as a whole.


— Four out of five young people believe that the level of gun violence our country is experiencing is a problem, and there is also broad agreement that stricter gun laws could help reduce gun violence. Forty-seven percent of young people surveyed believe restricting gun ownership will lead to fewer mass shootings, for example, and nearly 60 percent believe gun laws should be stricter than they are today.

— Young people have felt the impact of this crisis firsthand: the average young person in the United States knows at least one person who has been injured or killed by a gun. This has a direct effect on their mental health: the more people that youth know who were injured or killed by gun violence, the worse they reported their anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress symptoms to be.

— There has been an increasing amount of gunfire on school grounds, and gun violence and the threat of gun violence at school looms large in the minds of young people. One in four youth said they have experienced an active shooter lockdown somewhere, and youth who ruminate about school shootings tend to have more post-traumatic stress and report consuming greater average daily hours of gun-related media.

— Young people report having easy access to guns. About 40 percent of youth said they have at least “somewhat easy” access to a gun, with 21 percent reporting “very easy” access to a gun. In addition, nearly 17 percent of youth report that they plan to have access to a firearm in the future.

— The percentage of youth who agreed with the sentiment that guns protect minorities was highest among white respondents (35.8%), followed by Hispanic respondents (34.1%), and was lower for Black respondents (30.8% ) and Asian American and Pacific Islander respondents (19.4%).

While attitudes about guns, gun ownership and personal safety varied widely among respondents, we found that young people with easier access to guns tended to hold stronger beliefs that they are safer with guns than without guns and that gun culture is a part of their identity — who they are as a person. A young person’s access to guns, identification with gun culture, and exposure to media relating to guns also correlated with concerning beliefs like support for male supremacy, higher levels of racial resentment, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Furthermore, youth with easier access to guns also tended to hold stronger beliefs that the government is restricting our freedoms, and 22 percent of those surveyed said they believe the Second Amendment gives individuals the right to overthrow the government — a myth that has been at the forefront of extreme gun lobby rhetoric for years.

The findings of this report have important implications for young people and the individuals and institutions who work with and support them. Understanding how young people view, access and use guns can help educators, policymakers, public health officials, and young people better tailor interventions, messages and campaigns aimed at reducing gun deaths and injuries. And providing a clearer picture of how young people’s attitudes and ideas about guns form as they grow can also help identify opportunities to bust myths and fight back against harmful misinformation. While we have endeavored to explore this topic as fully as possible within the scope of this project, this report is just a first step — we need more research about youth attitudes toward guns to help us effectively provide young Americans with a path toward a future free of gun violence.


And so, after I read the overview above of the "Youth Attitudes on Guns" report, I made a one-time donation to Students Demand Action for Gun Sense in America (via the Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund), as well as a one-time donation to Southern Poverty Law Center, in order to show my support for the "Youth Attitudes on Guns" report. –Paul Whiting (written August 9th, 2023 and revised October 26th, 2023)


August 10th, 2023 Update: I made a donation today, August 10th, 2023, in order to help the victims of the Maui, Hawaii wildfires! And I made this donation to the American Red Cross.

You see, I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, August 10th, 2023, when I noticed an article on titled, "Maui wildfires leave wake of devastation in Hawaii. How you can donate or volunteer." (By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.) An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Maui wildfires leave wake of devastation in Hawaii. How you can donate or volunteer." from USA Today

Kayla Jimenez USA TODAY | Published August 9, 2023

Thousands of residents on Maui and the Big Island of Hawaii were forced to abandon their homes, pets and belongings Tuesday evening amid the blight of wildfires ravaging towns on the island, including the historic town of Lahaina.

The natural disaster has left at least 36 people dead, several others injured and hundreds of families displaced. Several roads on the islands are closed, communication pathways are affected and airports are packed.

Several shelters are open to assist those on the islands and several local organizations are collecting donations. USA TODAY compiled resources for Americans from near and afar to help the people and animals in Hawaii.

American Red Cross: "Providing shelter and comfort to those affected by the massive fires'

The American Red Cross is assisting residents and tourists in Hawaii with "shelter and comfort to those affected by the massive fires."

"Red Cross disaster workers responded immediately, opening shelters on both islands where several hundred people sought refuge from the fires Tuesday night," the organization's website said. "The Red Cross is working with local, state and federal officials and more help is on the way." ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight this article from USA Today for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

Then, after I read the article above, I decided to do a search on Google for "American Red Cross Maui Wildfires" and I found an American Red Cross article titled, "Hawaii Wildfires ─ Red Cross Helping as Fires Force Thousands to Evacuate." An introduction to the article can be found below—that includes information from the webpage regarding donations to "support all the urgent humanitarian needs of the American Red Cross":

"Hawaii Wildfires ─ Red Cross Helping as Fires Force Thousands to Evacuate" from The American National Red Cross

August 09, 2023

Dangerous wildfires are burning on the Big Island and Maui in Hawaii, forcing thousands of people to evacuate, some even jumping into the ocean to escape the smoke and flames. The American Red Cross of Hawaii is there, providing shelter and comfort to those affected by the massive fires.

The fires are being fueled by strong winds from Hurricane Dora which is still hundreds of miles away. Buildings have been damaged, roads closed, thousands are without power, and phone and cell service are down, making communications extremely difficult. Much of the historic town of Lahaina is destroyed. Conditions are hampering some evacuations and hospitals are treating burn and smoke inhalation patients.

Red Cross disaster workers responded immediately, opening shelters on both islands where several hundred people sought refuge from the fires Tuesday night. The Red Cross is working with local, state and federal officials and more help is on the way. ...

... Donate Now

Support all the urgent humanitarian needs of the American Red Cross.

[  ] $75
[  ] $125
[  ] $250
[  ] $500
[  ] $1000
[✓] $10.00

$10 is the minimum online donation.


Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

Therefore, after I read the article above, I made a one-time donation to the American Red Cross in order to help those affected by the Hawaiian wildfires. –Paul Whiting (written August 10th, 2023, revised August 12th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)
August 10th, 2023 Update (Follow-Up, Written On August 12th, 2023): I made an additional donation today, August 12th, 2023, in order to help the victims of the Maui, Hawaii wildfires! And I also made this donation to the American Red Cross.

You see, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles from one of their daily emails that I received today, August 12th, 2023, when I noticed a article titled, "How to Help Those Affected by the Maui Wildfires." (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.) An introduction to the article can be found below:

"How to Help Those Affected by the Maui Wildfires" from Time Magazine

By Olivia B. Waxman | August 11, 2023

At least 55 people have died as wildfires ravaged Maui over the last few days in one of the deadliest natural disasters in Hawaii's history. The state's Governor Josh Green said that more than a thousand buildings are believed to have been destroyed. About 15,000 tourists have evacuated. Hundreds of families have been displaced, and they face power outages and water shortages.

For people off-island looking to help, there are several ways to donate to local community organizations that are helping survivors cope. Below are some examples.

Red Cross

The organization has set up emergency shelters for Hawaiians who need a hot meal or a place to charge their phones. Red Cross workers will use financial donations to help people replace lost prescription medications or reading glasses, for example. Text the word REDCROSS to 90999 to make a $10 donation. More information here. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And, after I read the article above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, regarding the "Red Cross...more information here," which can be found below—that includes information from the webpage regarding donations to "support all the urgent humanitarian needs of the American Red Cross":

"Hawaii Wildfires ─ Red Cross Working 24/7 to Support Those Impacted by Deadly Fires" from The American National Red Cross

August 11, 2023

Our thoughts are with everyone in Hawaii affected by what are some of the deadliest U.S. wildfires in recent history.

Conditions on Maui are improving as firefighters gain control of the fires. However, there are still dangerous areas and it is critical that people avoid these hot spots and evacuate immediately if asked to do so. Don’t return home until it is safe. We encourage safety and being out of harm’s way above all.

Flames have destroyed the historic town of Lahaina. First responders are still conducting search and rescue efforts, and officials report communities will not reopen until these efforts are completed. Hundreds of homes and businesses are destroyed, thousands have no power, and all internet, phone and cell services are down, making communications extremely difficult.

RED CROSS RESPONSE The American Red Cross is on the ground in Hawaii, working around the clock to help those affected by this climate-driven disaster.

In partnership with county government, trained Red Cross disaster workers have shelters open on Maui and Oahu. Since the fires began, the Red Cross and partners have provided more than 2,100 overnight shelter stays. The shelter in Oahu was opened to assist displaced Maui residents and the thousands of tourists evacuated from Maui.

In addition to providing evacuees with a safe place to stay, the Red Cross and partners are providing food to eat and emotional support during this challenging time and preparing to expand relief efforts if needed. When it is safe to do so, Red Cross teams will help with damage assessment and begin distributing relief supplies.

More help is on the way as disaster teams deploy from the other Hawaiian Islands and across the country. ...

... Donate Now

Support all the urgent humanitarian needs of the American Red Cross.

[  ] $75
[  ] $125
[  ] $250
[  ] $500
[  ] $1000
[✓] $10.00

$10 is the minimum online donation.


Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

Therefore, after I read the article above, I made another one-time donation to the American Red Cross in order to help those affected by the Hawaiian wildfires. –Paul Whiting (August 12th, 2023)
August 10th, 2023 Update (Follow-Up, Written On August 16th, 2023): I made another donation today, August 16th, 2023, in order to help the victims of the Maui, Hawaii wildfires! And I made this donation to the USO.

You see, I received a text message today, August 16th, 2023, from the USO (United Service Organizations), which stated the following:

Hawaii Wildfire Alert: Troops responding to this emergency need YOUR support. Rush a gift to stand with them now:***


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

Thus, this is an additional one-time donation, to my previous donations on August 10th, 2022, and August 12th, 2023, that I made in order to help those affected by the Hawaiian wildfires.

In addition to that, I already make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! You see, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation.

By the way, did you know that the USO is a not-for-profit organization and not part of the Department of Defense (DoD)? The following description of the USO is from their 'About Us' webpage:

"The USO is not part of the federal government. A congressionally chartered, private organization, the USO relies on the generosity of individuals, organizations and corporations to support its activities, and is powered by a family of volunteers to accomplish our mission of connection."

So, that is why I 'volunteer financially' as a member of the "USO Home Team" through a recurring monthly donation, as well as through one-time donations to the USO each month!

–Paul Whiting (written August 16th, 2023, revised October 22nd, 2023 and revised June 9th, 2024)


August 12th, 2023 Update, Which Also Discusses August 11th, 2023: I received a text message yesterday, August 11th, 2023, from USA for UNFPA (formerly known as the 'United Nations Fund for Population Activities' that is now called the 'United Nations Population Fund'), which stated the following:

Hi Paul Whiting,

It’s [name redacted] from USA for UNFPA here. You may have heard that Rep. [name redacted] recently introduced the Support UNFPA Funding Act to Congress – and we’re hoping to get 5,000 total signatures in support of the bill. You can add your name here:***

The US president can roll back UNFPA funding for women and girls at any time. The Support UNFPA Funding Act protects funding for UNFPA's lifesaving work from being cancelled for five years.

There are real consequences when funding for essential care is cut:

🚨 Pregnant women and new moms are more likely to die from entirely pregnancy and childbirth complications
🚨 Girls are more vulnerable to becoming child brides, young mothers, and victims of abuse
🚨 Survivors of violence everywhere lose access to the care they need to rebuild their lives and leave their abusers

The US has historically been one of the largest funders of UNFPA’s lifesaving work, but this lifeline for women and girls has never been guaranteed – until maybe now.

We are so close to reaching 5000 signatures in support of Rep. Houlahan’s Support UNFPA Funding Act. Will you add your name and get us one step closer today?***

If you’ve already signed on – thank you. We are so appreciative of your support.

- [Name redacted]

[Title redacted] @ USA for UNFPA (the United Nations reproductive health agency)

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:



The US president can roll back UNFPA funding for women and girls at any time. Will you add your name in favor of the Support UNFPA Funding Act, which will protect lifesaving support for women and girls?

LAST NAME: Whiting
POSTAL CODE: [redacted]
EMAIL: [redacted]
MOBILE PHONE (Optional): [redacted]

And, after I signed the petition above, on August 11th, 2023, in favor of the Support UNFPA Funding Act, via the USA for UNFPA Every Action website, I made a one-time donation to USA for UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) in order to show that I am "in favor of the Support UNFPA Funding Act, which will protect lifesaving support for women and girls." –Paul Whiting (written August 12th, 2023, revised August 13th, 2023 and revised June 13th, 2024)


August 12th, 2023 Update—Continued: I received an email from Planned Parenthood Action Fund today, August 12th, 2023, with the subject line, "Victory in Ohio!", which stated the following:

Planned Parenthood Action Fund Update

Action Fund Update is the monthly newsletter for members of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund. As an associate member of the Action Fund, you'll receive timely, insider information on our legislative, advocacy, and electoral work.

Member News


On Tuesday night, Ohio voters sent a powerful message to politicians seeking to silence their voices.

With a staggering 3+ million votes cast, Ohioans turned out in droves to reject politicians’ attempt to undermine democracy and restrict reproductive freedom.

Tuesday’s special election was set by lawmakers who wanted to raise the ballot initiative threshold to 60% and create additional barriers to winning constitutional amendments. This was a blatant attempt to undermine efforts to win November’s vote on a reproductive freedom amendment.

We’re pausing to celebrate this victory for democracy in Ohio — and then tightening our laces for the work to come. Now, abortion rights advocates in Ohio are moving full steam ahead to pass the reproductive freedom amendment this November, which would permanently protect the fundamental right of reproductive health care for generations to come. It will be hard-fought — and reproductive freedom hangs in the balance.

In Ohio and across the country, Planned Parenthood Action Fund will fight in the months and years ahead to expand and safeguard abortion access and fight for our sexual and reproductive rights.

Thank you for joining us — we need you now more than ever.

Let’s get to work.

[Name redacted], [Title redacted]
Planned Parenthood Action Fund

P.S. Based on our records, it looks like your Associate Membership is going to expire soon. Don't miss out on timely, insider information on Planned Parenthood Action Fund's advocacy, legislative work, and electoral endorsements, as well as volunteer opportunities in your area. Click here to renew your membership.*

Take Action: Tell Congress to stop the attacks on patients and health care.

1 in 3. That’s how many women of reproductive age — plus more trans and nonbinary people — are now denied the freedom to make decisions about their own bodies.

More than 370 bills restricting abortion have been introduced across 47 states this year alone, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. The politicians behind these bills are doing everything they can to attack sexual and reproductive health care and rights — including trying to shut down Planned Parenthood health centers.

But we will not be ignored or silenced. We will not let these politicians and their allies take away our fundamental rights. They need to hear from you: It’s time for politicians to stop the attacks on sexual and reproductive health care.

Take action now >>

[By the way, I already took this action to "Tell Congress: Stop the attacks on Planned Parenthood patients and sexual & reproductive health care" on August 1st, 2023 (please see my 'August 1st, 2023 Update—Continued,' which can be found above).]

State Spotlight

In May, Idaho passed the first law in the U.S. making it illegal for an adult to help a minor get an abortion across state lines.

Now, abortion advocacy groups have filed a lawsuit in federal court suing the state of Idaho for this restrictive and dangerous law.


Around the Web

Teen Vogue: Miss Texas is Fighting for Abortion Rights and Inclusive Education

[New York Magazine's] The Cut: Nearly 10,000 Extra Births Followed Texas Abortion Ban

The New York Times: Wisconsin Judge Allows Challenge to Abortion Law to Proceed


*And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, regarding renewing my Associate Membership for the Planned Parenthood Action Fund...which I didn't realize that I had already done on July 13th, 2023 (please see my 'July 8th, 2023 Update, Written On July 13th, 2023,' which can be found above) until after I renewed my Associate Membership for the Planned Parenthood Action Fund again today, August 12th, 2023!

Plus, after I renewed my Associate Membership for the Planned Parenthood Action Fund again, I made a one-time donation to Planned Parenthood Action Fund to show my support for the Action Fund Update monthly newsletter. –Paul Whiting (written August 12th, 2023 and revised June 13th, 2024)


August 13th, 2023 Update: I pressed the "Excessive Heat Warning" on my smartphone today, August 13th, 2023, and I was directed to a Google search page that had an advertisement at the top of the page, which stated the following:

Ad ·

Excessive Heat Warning Petition - Please Sign Urgent Petition

Take action today to protect animals, people and the planet. Sign the Plant Based Treaty.*

So, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:

Plant Based Treaty

We invite you to sign the Plant Based Treaty*

And get a FREE Vegan Starter Kit

There is a climate emergency and you can help by signing the Plant Based Treaty*

The IPCC [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] issued a "final warning" in March 2022. We are heading towards 1.5C [1.5 degrees celsius, which is 34.7 degrees fahrenheit] warming by 2030 unless we change our reliance on fossil fuels and animal agriculture. You can help by signing the Plant Based Treaty* which has the goal of switching the planet to a plant-based food system and encouraging diet change, not climate change.

Join over 37,000 others and sign the Treaty today:

Name First: Paul
Name Last: Whiting
City: [redacted]
Country: [redacted]
Email: [redacted]

How would you describe your current diet?

[✓] Vegan / Plant-based
[  ] Vegetarian
[  ] Pescatarian
[  ] Reducing
[  ] Omnivore

Please tick if any of these categories apply to you (optional):

[  ] Elected Representative / Politician
[  ] Scientist
[  ] UN Ambassador
[  ] Doctor / Medical Ambassador
[  ] Athlete
[✓] Celebrity / Influencer
[  ] Other

[By the way, I would have chosen "Other" as a category, since I am a blogger, but I only got access to the option "If you would like to provide a quote in support of Plant Based Treaty..." when I selected "Celebrity / Influencer." So, that is why I selected that particular category, due to the fact that I am "Blogger / Influencer," so to speak.]

Additional information e.g. social media handle, website, credentials (optional):

If you would like to provide a quote in support of Plant Based Treaty, for use on social media and press releases, please write it below:

"The Perfect Reasons To Go Vegan" from my 'Paul Whiting: Poet, Artist and Philosopher' blog...

The Perfect Reason To Go Vegan No. 1:

Why give food that you can eat to animals and then eat animal meat, or other animal products?

In other words, "Cut out the middle man."

The Perfect Reason To Go Vegan No. 2:

Besides that, why contribute to the impact of eating animal meat, or other animal products, which accounts for a really large percentage of all worldwide greenhouse gas emissions?

In other words, "Cut out the global warming."

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"

Plant Based Treaty News
[✓] Subscribe me to your email list for all latest news, campaign updates and action alerts from across the globe

You may unsubscribe at any time.

Sign the Plant Based Treaty*

Sign the Treaty today and get your FREE Vegan Starter Kit – it’s a free, quick and easy way to take a stand against the climate crisis.

🌱 Download our free Vegan Starter Kit:



*Plant Based Treaty

Join over 110,000 others and SIGN THE PLANT BASED TREATY






What is the Plant Based Treaty?

The adoption of a Plant Based Treaty as a companion to the UNFCCC [United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change] / Paris Agreement will put food systems at the heart of combating the climate crisis. The Treaty aims to halt the widespread degradation of critical ecosystems caused by animal agriculture, to promote a shift to more healthy, sustainable plant-based diets and to actively reverse damage done to planetary functions, ecosystem services and biodiversity.

The Plant Based Treaty has three core principles:

[1.] Relinquish

No land use change, ecosystem degradation or deforestation for animal agriculture


[2.] Redirect

An active transition away from animal-based food systems to plant-based systems


[3.] Restore

Actively restoring key ecosystems, particularly restoring forests and rewilding landscapes








Why do we need a Plant Based Treaty?

Fossil fuels and animal agriculture are the driving force behind runaway global warming as well as extensive biodiversity loss, large-scale deforestation, species extinction, water depletion, soil degradation and ocean dead zones. Addressing fossil fuels alone isn’t enough – we need action on food systems too; that’s where the Plant Based Treaty comes in. The three main greenhouse gases – carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide are at devastatingly high levels and rapidly accelerating.

Animal agriculture is driving Indigenous land theft in the Amazon; subjecting racially and ethnically marginalized communities to disproportionate amounts of toxic waste from factory farms and slaughterhouses as well as exposing workers to toxic chemicals, hazardous working conditions and severe trauma.



Meet Our Endorsers:

[✓] Party for the Animals
[✓] Vegan Conservatives
[✓] Veganuary
[✓] UK Health Alliance on Climate Change
[✓] PCRM
[✓] Oceanic Preservation Society
[✓] REV Institute
[✓] Diet Change Not Climate Change
[✓] ProVeg International
[✓] Youth Climate Save
[✓] Ecotricity
[✓] Climate Save Movement
[✓] Million Dollar Vegan
[✓] DiEM25
[✓] Europa Verde
[✓] PETA
[✓] Jane Unchained News Network
[✓] IDA
[✓] Meat Free Mondays
[✓] Linda McCartney’s
See more:

We can create a better world. Let’s grow.


And, after I signed the Plant Based Treaty, I received a confirmation email today, August 13th, 2023, from with the subject line, "Plant Based Treaty Next Steps", which stated the following:

Thank you for endorsing the Plant Based Treaty

The Paris Agreement is silent on animal agriculture. Even if we ended the use of fossil fuels today, we wouldn’t be able to stop the climate catastrophe without shifting to a plant-based food system.

Can you help promote the Plant Based Treaty?

Here are your next steps:

1. Join our Slack channel to connect with other endorsers and build the movement calling for a Plant Based Treaty

2. Download your social media pack[1] and endorse badges which can be used on your website, printed materials and newsletters

3. Start a Plant Based Treaty Team by downloading our organizers guide, completing our registration form and joining one of our weekly Friday introductory calls on zoom. English-speaking calls are every 10am and 2pm EST and Spanish-speaking calls are at 3pm EST. You can join with this link.

4. Set your own treaty goals ( and help encourage others to endorse the Plant Based Treaty...

...Eat plants, plant trees



Dear endorser,

Thank you for supporting the Plant Based Treaty!

Within this folder you will find graphics you can use to spread the message about the Plant Based Treaty and announce your endorsement. We’d love it if you could tag us in your posts so we can connect with endorsers across the globe.

If you need help with suggested captions for your announcements, we’ve put together a few ideas that you can use for inspiration.

1. We are proud endorsers of the Plant Based Treaty. There is a code red climate emergency and we must take immediate action to avert catastrophe.

2. We have endorsed the Plant Based Treaty. Ending fossil fuels alone will not avoid climate breakdown, we must do both and we must do it now.

3. Please join us in endorsing the Plant Based Treaty. Animal agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation and biodiversity loss, and the expansion must be stopped. Eat plants, plant trees and endorse the Plant Based Treaty.

4. There is a climate, ocean, biodiversity and animal crisis, but the solutions are right before our eyes. We need to phase out fossil fuels and transition to a plant-based diet. Action is required at all levels, from individuals, to business to government.

Let’s do it together and make an impact.

Team Plant Based Treaty

**So, after I signed the treaty above, I made a one-time donation to in order to show my support for the Plant Based Treaty! –Paul Whiting (written August 13th, 2023, revised August 14th, 2023 and revised August 22nd, 2023)


August 13th, 2023 Update—Continued, Written On August 14th, 2023 [My Writing About Donating Monthly For My Use Of Wikipedia]: I made a monthly recurring donation to Wikipedia yesterday, August 13th, 2023, since I went onto their website and they were requesting donations. You see, as a blogger and frequent reader of Wikipedia, I try donate to them whenever they request a donation!

Now, I usually give a one-time donation whenever they request a donation on their website; however, after I entered the amount that I was planning to donate, there was a prompt for making a monthly recurring donation! So, I decided to donate monthly—rather than simply donating once—for the first time in all of the years that I have been donating to Wikipedia. You see, I read Wikipedia ALL THE TIME, so that is why I have always endeavored to donate to them whenever they have requested a donation.

And, after I made the recurring monthly donation, I received an email from Wikimedia Foundation* yesterday, August 13th, 2023, with the subject line, "Paul - Thank you for your gift", which stated, in part, the following:

Dear Paul,

Thank you for committing to give USD $[redacted] to support Wikipedia every month - that is real dedication and I am endlessly grateful. You make a world where knowledge is free for everyone possible. ...

... Recurring donors like you are the engine behind our people-powered movement. You help us plan ahead, set bigger goals and broaden our horizons, because we know we have a foundation of support to count on.

Every single donation helps us to improve people’s access to accurate and reliable information, especially in a rapidly changing world. We are determined to extend this access as far as possible to make sure that no matter where you are born or where you live, the ability to access free knowledge is always within your reach. I hope you will continue to support us in building a future where Wikipedia exists everywhere, with people across the world contributing to the sum of all knowledge.

Thank you again for supporting this remarkable mission; it is a privilege for me to be part of the largest collaborative project in human history. Wikipedia will always belong to you.

With gratitude,

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted], Wikimedia Foundation


Wikimedia is a global movement whose mission is to bring free educational content to the world.

Through various projects, chapters, and the support structure of the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation, Wikimedia strives to bring about a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge.

Welcome to Wikimedia.

Wikimedia Commons
Wikimedia Incubator
Wikimedia Cloud Services
Wikimedia Foundation

–Paul Whiting (August 14th, 2023)


For my "August 14th, 2023 Update"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

August 14th, 2023 Update: I received a text message today, August 14th, 2023, from the USO (United Service Organizations), which stated the following:

USO SUMMER ALERT: Will you please rush a $30 gift to help send essential kits to our troops as they brave the heat?***


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, I made a one-time donation on the website in order to support the USO's following statement: "This summer has seen record-breaking temperatures and extreme heat waves across the globe. For troops who wear up to 70 pounds of gear each day, these conditions aren’t just uncomfortable, they’re dangerous. As they endure so much to serve our country, we need your support to help provide resources, including 5,000 kits filled with essentials like water, sunscreen, snacks and sunglasses."

In addition to that, I already make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! You see, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation. ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "August 14th, 2023 Update":


August 14th, 2023 Update—Continued: I received a mailer from The Salvation Army Portland Metro today, August 14th, 2023, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "We've Hit A Dry Spell...", which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]


We need your help.

After Christmas, donations always take a nosedive. It's something we even plan for. And each year, we stretch our budget as far as we can. But we need your support.

You see, even though donations fall, people still need help. And The Salvation Army — trusted, experienced, and exceptionally good stewards of your gifts — is your most powerful way to deliver that help when needed most in the Portland Metro area.

Remember, The Salvation Army isn't just a Christmas charity. We offer vital year-round help in your community, to your neighbors who are struggling. That includes the many hardworking families who continue to suffer the impacts of these unusual times.

So please, send a generous gift to help end our donation drought, and assist your many neighbors in the Portland Metro area who need help now.

Thank you.

[Name redacted], [Title redacted]

↑ Need is rising... ...donations are falling. ↓

And so, I made a one-time donation to The Salvation Army Cascade Division in order to show my support for helping The Salvation Army end their donation drought, because "Need is rising...[and]...donations are falling."

Plus, here is the message that I wrote to The Salvation Army Cascade Division in the "Leave a comment" section on their donation page:

Dearest Salvation Army,

This donation is for the mailer "We've Hit A Dry Spell...Please Help End Our Donation Drought!

Very truly yours,

-Paul Whiting
Poet, Artist and Philosopher
Portland, Oregon

Thus, this donation is part of my effort to help The Salvation Army throughout the year, since "The Salvation Army isn't just a Christmas charity," because "[they] offer vital year-round help in your community, to your neighbors who are struggling." –Paul Whiting (written August 14th, 2023, revised August 19th, 2023, revised August 27th, 2023, revised September 21st, 2023 and revised November 12th, 2023)


August 14th, 2023 Update—Continued Further: I received a mailer from Native American Rights Fund (NARF) today, August 14th, 2023, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "IMPORTANT MAIL", which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]

[Address redacted] [City, State and ZIP Code redacted] [Phone number redacted]

Dear Paul,

Can you imagine what your life would be like without clean water? Or no water at all during times of the year?

You turn the faucet at the kitchen sink and nothing comes out. You cannot take a shower. You cannot even flush your toilet. Or if water comes out, it is not really recognizable as water.

This is life for suffering people in third-world countries like Haiti and the Sudan...

And it's what's faced by some Native Americans across this country.

Yes, the fight for water takes place right now and right here in the United States, where clean, abundant running water is available to virtually every single person.

How can this be? How can Tribes and Indian people be denied water? And how can you help right this awful wrong?

You can use the pen enclosed and sign the petitions I've sent that ask President Biden, your two Senators and Secretary of the Interior Debra Haaland to do what is legally required to preserve water rights for Native American tribes, and to fully fund Indian water settlements which are the moral and legal obligation of the United States.

From Oregon to California to Kansas and across the Midwestern United States, many of our native brothers and sisters have been fighting for more than 30 years to secure the water that belongs to them. The United States Supreme Court in 1908 said that Indian tribes are entitled to sufficient water to make their reservations livable homelands.

But in state after state, non-Indian groups developed along most (if not all) of the water and left the tribes literally high and dry. And for decades the federal government did nothing to protect the tribal interests. In fact, the government provided huge subsidies to develop along the water for use by others, to the exclusion of the tribes. That sadly continues to this day in too many places.

That's why NARF [Native American Rights Fund] must fight to protect the rights of tribes and their people! Every day our staff devotes all their efforts to defend and promote the legal rights of Native Americans on issues essential to their tribal sovereignty, their natural resources and their human rights. As the oldest and largest nonprofit National Indian Rights organization in the country, NARF stands firm to end the suffering for all those who are unable to fight alone.

And we rely on the financial support of compassionate and concerned people like you to help us win the battles for justice and equality.

I'm asking you to help us gain water access with a $15, $20, $25, $50, $75 or even $100 contribution.

Cases take years to resolve. Laws take decades to enact. And implementation and enforcement of court decrees and laws is a lifelong effort. It's an expensive proposition, as you can imagine.

But when something as basic to human life, something as sacred to our Tribes as water is under threat, then we are called to do all we can- no matter the cost.

Think about this:

Countless tribes face an array of health and developmental risks as a result of environmental problems including surface and groundwater contamination, illegal dumping, hazardous waste disposal, air pollution, mining wastes and habitat destruction.

Over the past quarter century, the United States government has spent billions of dollars on programs and institutions to protect human health and the natural environment.

Yet, tribes have been systematically denied the resources to develop even the most fundamental environmental policies and programs for the protection of their air, water, lands and their people.

Protecting and preserving the natural resources and lands, and the inherent rights of tribal peoples to access and use them, is one of the top priorities for NARF today.

Your support is absolutely essential to gain victory!

Native Americans have waited and waited for the government to act as it should. But that hasn't happened. And the people are suffering because of it.

With your generous help NARF can continue to fight for countless tribes across the country who rely on us to advocate for water rights on their behalf.

We will not stop until justice is done and the people of these reservations have the water that is rightfully, legally, and morally theirs.

With Sincere Gratitude,

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]

P.S. Please use the pen I've enclosed for you to sign your petitions today. Then return them to me so I can deliver them to President Biden, your two Senators and the Secretary of the Interior Debra Haaland with our plea that they do what is legally required to preserve water rights for Native American tribes.

P.P.S. The gifts enclosed are yours to keep. Your most generous donation of $15, $20, $25, $50, $75, $100 or more will be used to help end the suffering of Native Americans. Thank you so much for standing with us.

And so, I made a one-time donation to Native American Rights Fund in order to help them "to defend and promote the legal rights of Native Americans on issues essential to their tribal sovereignty, their natural resources and their human rights."

Plus, here is the message that I wrote to the Native American Rights Fund in the "tell us why you made your gift to Native American Rights Fund" webpage, which appeared after the donation "Thank you!" page:

Thanks again for your generous donation!

Please take a moment to tell us why you made your gift to Native American Rights Fund.

Email Address: [redacted]

Tell us why you donated:

Dear Native American Rights Fund,

This donation is for the mailer regarding petitions to President Joseph Biden, Senator [name redacted], Senator [name redacted] and Interior Secretary Debra Haaland to "ensure, protect, and preserve water rights for Native American Tribes."

Very truly yours,

Paul Whiting
Poet, Artist and Philosopher
Portland, Oregon

P.S., I didn't realize this extra page would come up after I donated! So, I actually dedicated this donation to "Water rights petitions" and then I instructed you to mail a notification to your address at:

Native American Rights Fund
[Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

Then, after I made the above-mentioned donation, I signed the petitions to President Joseph Biden, Senator [name redacted], Senator [name redacted] and Interior Secretary Debra Haaland, mentioned in the letter above, which stated the following:

Dear [Title and Name],

WHEREAS, in 1908 the United States Supreme Court declared that Indian tribes are entitled to sufficient water to make their reservations livable homelands; and, WHEREAS, for decades the federal government has denied Native Americans access to the water on their lands; I respectfully call upon you to ensure, protect, and preserve water rights for Native American Tribes, and to fully fund Indian water settlements which are the moral and legal obligation of the United States.

Respectfully yours,

Paul Whiting

Signed on 08/14/2023

[Address, City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

And now it's time for some legal clarification:

The letter requested that I "please use the pen [NARF] enclosed for [me] to sign [the above-mentioned] petitions today"; however, I always use uni-ball Vision Elite™ Rollerball pens whenever I do any important writing, because these uni-ball pens feature "uni Super Ink™ that helps prevent against check and document fraud." That is why I always use—and always trust—my important documents to uni-ball pens with uni Super Ink™!

Also, I am planning to mail these petitions in the next few days, as soon as I get a chance to drop off the return envelope to my local post office.

–Paul Whiting (written August 14th, 2023, revised August 15th, 2023, revised August 19th, 2023, revised August 27th, 2023, revised September 21st, 2023, revised October 21st, 2023, revised November 2nd, 2023 and revised November 12th, 2023)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]


August 15th, 2023 Update: I received an email from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) today, August 15th, 2023, with the subject line, "This ban goes after trans youth and physicians. We're in court fighting back.", which stated the following:

Paul –

This morning, we're in state court in Texas challenging an unconstitutional health care ban targeting transgender youth, called S.B. 14.

For the last 18 months, thousands of families across Texas have been threatened by Governor Greg Abbott with the removal of their transgender children from their custody. Under the threat of S.B. 14, these same families have been forced to move out of state – one of our clients even separated her family to move her trans teen out of state and retain access to their health care.

If the court doesn't intervene, the ban will take effect on September 1. That's why we'll be arguing in court for the next two days on behalf of hundreds of families and health professionals impacted by S.B. 14.

This challenge was filed by the ACLU, alongside the ACLU of Texas, Lambda Legal, Transgender Law Center, and the law firms [name redacted] and [name redacted].

We'll keep you as updated as possible on these critical hearings as they unfold – and know we are so grateful to have you with us in the fight for trans justice in Texas and across the country.

Thank you,

The ACLU Team

If you’d like to immediately support the essential work we are doing for trans people’s rights and all civil liberties, please know any donation amount you can give will go a long way.


So, after I read the email above, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU in order to "immediately support the essential work [that the ACLU is] doing for trans people’s rights and all civil liberties." –Paul Whiting (August 15th, 2023)


August 15th, 2023 Update—Continued: I pressed the "Excessive Heat Warning" on my smartphone today, August 15th, 2023, and I was directed to a Google search page that had an advertisement at the top of the page, which stated, in part, the following:

Ad ·***

Current heat wave in US...

...The Reality Of These Heat Waves: What We Are Seeing Right Now Is Climate Breakdown.

[✓] Tell Biden To Act Now

Ways to Give

Donate Now

So, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, regarding "Tell Biden To Act Now," which can be found below:

President Biden must declare a Climate Emergency!

The climate crisis is already changing life as we know it. Devastating climate impacts are displacing millions of people each year. Meanwhile, the fossil fuel industry continues to extract from public lands and exploit communities of color for profit.

Declaring a Climate Emergency would be the beginning of the end to the era of fossil fuels and climate destruction. By using his executive powers, President Biden can repair the harm caused by environmental racism and deliver good-paying union jobs, justice, and clean energy for all.

Families from Washington state to Florida are already starting to feel the severity of the climate crisis. In the United States and around the world, Black, Brown, Indigenous, and poor people are the first to feel the impacts of fossil fuel extraction and predatory exploitation. By declaring a Climate Emergency, President Biden can begin to utilize the “whole-of-government approach” to begin solving the biggest existential threat that we have ever faced.

Add your name to tell President Biden to declare a national Climate Emergency.

Contact Information

First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Street Address (Optional): [redacted]
Postal Code: [redacted]
City (Optional): [redacted]
State/Province (Optional): [redacted]
Email: [redacted]
Home Phone (Optional): [redacted]
Mobile Phone (Optional): [redacted]

Subject: President Biden, please declare a climate emergency.

President Biden,

The climate crisis is out of control and you can do more to address it. At risk are millions of lives and a stable society in which we can all thrive. If we continue down the fossil-fueled path we are currently on, it will spell disaster for both people and the planet.

I am imploring you to use your executive powers to declare a climate emergency. By declaring a national climate emergency, you can actualize the “whole-of-government approach” you promised on the campaign trail to address the biggest existential crisis we’ve ever faced. This administration must address the climate emergency and protect communities in the Gulf threatened by the buildout of new export terminals by using the authority granted by Congress to reinstate the ban on crude oil exports. Declaring a national climate emergency will allow you to kick start a managed phase-out of fossil fuels and a transition to renewable energy, and to launch a jobs stimulus package that secures good-paying union jobs for workers in these communities.

[Your information here]

***[I was going to include the address for this advertisement's Greenpeace donation page; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned address without also including my personal information. Thus, the hyperlink at the top of the ad is the original address, but it simply takes you to the main Greenpeace website, rather than the donation page for the above-mentioned ad.]

Then, after I sent the message above, I made a one-time donation to Greenpeace in order to show my support for President Biden declaring a Climate Emergency! –Paul Whiting (August 15th, 2023)


August 15th, 2023 Update—Continued Further, Written On August 16th, 2023: I received an email from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum yesterday, August 15th, 2023, with the subject line, "Witness the TRUTH.", which stated the following:

Holocaust denial and antisemitic conspiracy theories find fertile ground on social media. To counter this hatred, the Museum launched a new series called Undeniable Truth across multiple social media platforms. In it, Holocaust survivors showcase personal items that stand as evidence of the Nazi persecution they experienced. These short, meaningful videos have been viewed more than 15 million times.

Truth is a Doll
Watch video >>

Truth is a Letter
Watch video >>

‌Truth is a diary
Watch video >>

Truth is a child's boots
Watch video >>

Truth is a crayon case
Watch video >>

Truth is an ID card
Watch video >>

Watch full series

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Donate to Keep Holocaust Memory Alive


Keep Holocaust memory alive to inspire citizens and leaders to confront hatred, prevent genocide, and promote human dignity in a constantly changing world. Visit to learn more.

And, on August 16th, 2023, the day after I read the email above, I watched all of the Undeniable Truth videos in which "survivors showcase personal items that stand as evidence of the Nazi persecution they experienced." Plus, the day after I read the email above, I made a one-time donation to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in order to help "keep Holocaust memory alive to inspire citizens and leaders to confront hatred, prevent genocide, and promote human dignity in a constantly changing world." –Paul Whiting (written August 16th, 2023, revised August 30th, 2023 and revised October 7th, 2023)


August 15th, 2023 Update—Continued Further Some More, Written On August 16th, 2023: I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google yesterday, August 15th, 2023, when I noticed an article on titled, "The Limit Does Not Exist for Republicans." (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.) An introduction to the article can be found below:

"The Limit Does Not Exist for Republicans" from The New York Times

By Jamelle Bouie | Aug. 15, 2023

There is no way to regulate and control pregnancy without regulating and controlling people. States that have enacted abortion bans in the wake of the Supreme Court’s ruling last year in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization have also considered the establishment of regimes for the surveillance and criminalization of anyone who dares to circumvent the state’s dictates for the acceptable use of one’s body.

This is why the war on abortion rights is properly seen as a war on bodily autonomy and why the attacks on reproductive freedom have moved hand in hand with renewed attacks on the gay, queer and transgender community. It’s all part of the same tapestry of reaction. And this reactionary impulse extends to the means of the anti-abortion political project as well as its ends.

The same lawmakers who want to rob their constituents of the right to bodily autonomy have also begun to treat democracy as an obstacle to avoid, not a process to respect. If the people stand in the way of ending abortion, then it’s the people who have to go.

We just witnessed, in fact, an attempt by anti-abortion lawmakers to do exactly that — to try to remove the public from the equation. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight this article from The New York Times for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written August 16th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


August 16th, 2023 Update: I received a text message today, August 16th, 2023, from the Jane Fonda Climate PAC (Jane Fonda Climate Political Action Committee), which stated the following:

Hi, it’s Jane Fonda with an important message from the Jane Fonda Climate PAC team. I started the Jane Fonda Climate PAC to help elect climate champions who are committed to combating the climate crisis and taking on the fossil fuel industry.

And as we gear up to support more climate champions in 2023 and beyond, we need your support even if it's just $5.

$5 may not seem like a lot of money compared to the millions spent by the fossil fuel industry every year, but when we combine our grassroots strength to power the climate movement, your $5 investment makes a big difference.

Will you contribute $5 today to show your support for the Jane Fonda Climate PAC and join our movement as we fight for our planet? You can use this secure link:***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Jane Fonda Climate PAC in order to do my part to "help elect climate champions who are committed to combating the climate crisis and taking on the fossil fuel industry."

And, after I made the donation above, I received a follow-up text message today, August 16th, 2023, from the Jane Fonda Climate PAC, which stated the following:

Hey there! It's Jane Fonda.

Thank you for reaching out and welcome to the Jane Fonda Climate PAC team. We have less than 8 years to phase out fossil fuels before the worst effects of the climate crisis become irreversible - that's why I'm acting now.

My team and I support climate champions nationwide so we can elect candidates who will lead us toward a greener future free from deadly fossil fuel pollution.

And we need your support to continue our work. Will you make a $5 contribution today? You can use this secure link:

Therefore, I decided to share this follow-up text message with you, my readers, for you to consider donating too, if you are interested in contributing to the Jane Fonda Climate PAC like I did!

And if you are interested in learning more about the Jane Fonda Climate PAC, here is a description from their "About" webpage, along with a hyperlink:

Jane Fonda
Climate PAC


"I’ve spent my life fighting for what I believe in. When I was 32, President Nixon had me arrested. 50 years later I was arrested five times for protesting the government’s inaction on climate change. It’s no secret that I have a history of ruffling feathers in Washington.

Today, support for climate action is unprecedented. The public is voting with the climate in mind, but the people we elect are not. This has led me to reflect on what we need to do to secure meaningful action on climate. Our planet is on fire and our leaders are failing us, so if we can’t change the minds of the people in power, we need to change the people in power.

It is for that reason that I started Jane Fonda Climate PAC, which is laser-focused on one goal: Do what it takes to defeat fossil fuel supporters and elect climate champions at all levels of government.

I believe this is the most important thing I will do in my lifetime." —Jane Fonda

By the way, I added the quotation marks to Ms. Fonda's statement above, as well as her name at the end of the statement, because I thought it would make more sense, since this Jane Fonda Climate PAC "About Page" opening statement is clearly written from her perspective. –Paul Whiting (written August 16th, 2023, revised August 17th, 2023, revised October 27th, 2023 and revised October 29th, 2023)


August 18th, 2023 Update: I received an email from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) today, August 18th, 2023, with the subject line, "Breaking: Federal appeals court rules on medication abortion.", which stated the following:

Paul –

Yesterday, the Fifth Circuit issued a decision threatening medication abortion access that lacks any basis in law or science. The ruling would drastically impede access to mifepristone – a medication used in the majority of abortions in the US. And, while the court did not withdraw approval entirely, if allowed to take effect, this decision would wreak havoc on access to abortion and will undermine drug development and innovation processes for other essential medications.

At a time when access to abortion has already been devastated by the overturning of Roe, this decision has the full potential to further decimate people's ability to get an abortion in every state in the country.

To be clear: This outrageous decision does not change the availability of mifepristone right now – and the decision remains on hold while the case works its way to the Supreme Court. Unfortunately, however, this case will be before the same justices who overturned Roe v. Wade last year. This is just the next step in abortion opponents' plan to try to ban abortion nationwide.

That fact alone means we must be louder than ever about this, Paul. This case puts medication abortion – currently used in over half of U.S. abortions – at risk nationwide. We can and must continue to let all courts know that this is unacceptable: Add your name to our petition today.


Paul, we'll keep saying this as many times as it takes: Mifepristone is safe, effective, and has been used by more than five million people in the United States since its FDA approval more than two decades ago.

This case has been roundly criticized by legal and medical experts, because it utterly lacks merit. It is cruel, baseless, and will directly put people's lives at risk. If we allow judges to interfere with legitimate and well-supported FDA actions like this, it could have serious implications far beyond mifepristone – threatening to derail the development and approval of lifesaving medicines and beyond.

We at the ACLU have been fighting for abortion access since before Roe v. Wade was decided, and we've been fighting for all people's most fundamental freedoms for even longer. So, understand we are not allowing this decision to stop our fight for one second.

If you're with us, then add your name to our petition today and let the courts know we, the people, are watching.

Keep up the fight,

The ACLU Team

P.S. Our work to protect medication abortion access and all our civil liberties is dependent on the generous contributions of supporters like you. Make a gift today to make sure we have the necessary resources to keep our teams of lawyers, organizers, and volunteers on the ground nationwide.

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:


In the case Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. FDA, an extremist judge blocked FDA approval of mifepristone – which is used in more than half of abortions nationwide.

For 23 years, mifepristone has offered an exceedingly safe and effective, FDA-approved means of ending a pregnancy – with study after study confirming its critical role in abortion and miscarriage care.

The unprecedented ruling has the potential to strain clinics and providers across the nation who are already grappling with the effects of Roe v. Wade being overturned and abortion banned in more than a dozen states. The impact will be felt disproportionately by people who already face severe health disparities and barriers to accessing health care – including people of color, people struggling to make ends meet, young people, and people living in rural areas.

If anti-abortion extremists think they can steamroll medical ethics and jeopardize patients' health and safety with ideological extremism like this – they should think again. We at the ACLU are using every tool at our disposal right now to ensure everyone can access the safe and essential reproductive health care they need. That includes our immediate calls to appeals courts to reverse this ruling and uphold the law: Please join us in this fight by adding your name to our petition now.


101,013 Signed 125,000 Needed

The ruling in Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. FDA blocking FDA approval of mifepristone is unconscionable. Mifepristone – approved 23 years ago and used effectively by millions of people for medication abortion – is perfectly safe. Anti-abortion extremists are attempting to use the courts to ban abortion nationwide, even in states that have legal protections for abortion access. This is why I'm joining the ACLU and people across the country in urging the courts to reverse this harmful decision and uphold the law.

First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
E-mail address: [redacted]
Zip: [redacted]
Phone: [redacted]

And, after I signed the petition above, I received a confirmation email today, August 18th, 2023, from the ACLU with the subject line, "One more thing - can you spread the word?", which stated the following:

Hi Paul,

Thank you for taking action to protect medication abortion access for all.

Help us build our power: Share the action by forwarding the email below to your friends, or by sharing this link:

Thank you,

The ACLU Team


Hi friend,

In the case Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. FDA, an extremist judge blocked FDA approval of mifepristone – which is used in more than half of abortions nationwide. This is part of a larger campaign to ban abortion entirely nationwide.

But we will not allow anti-abortion activists to threaten our ability to control our own bodies, lives, and futures.

That's why I just signed the ACLU's petition, calling on the appeals courts to immediately reverse this ruling and uphold the law: Please join my by adding your name to our petition now.


Then, after I signed the petition above to the courts, via the ACLU website, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU, because "anti-abortion extremists are attempting to use the courts to ban abortion nationwide, even in states that have legal protections for abortion access," and so "this is why [I joined] the ACLU and people across the country in urging the courts to reverse this harmful decision [in Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. FDA] and uphold the law." –Paul Whiting (August 18th, 2023)


August 18th, 2023 Update—Continued: I received an email from the John Burrows for Congress campaign yesterday, August 17th, 2023, with the subject line, "I’m running to UNSEAT Kevin McCarthy", which stated the following:

John Burrows

I announced my race to defeat Kevin McCarthy and kick him out of office. I KNOW we can get this done, but I need a huge surge of support to show the world that Kevin McCarthy’s days in power are numbered. Will you chip in $15 to become one of my Founding Donors? >>

I’m a lifelong Californian, not a career politician.

I was born and raised in Fresno, and my family has been in the Central Valley for over four generations.

I was raised by a single mother who taught me to work hard, be true to my beliefs, and do right by others.

I’ve carried those lessons with me my entire life, as a community organizer, public servant, and an entrepreneur.

Now, I’m running for Congress to make a difference for the folks who need it most.

For far too long, I’ve watched Kevin McCarthy pander to far-right interests instead of working to fix the real issues facing Californians. We need a voice in Congress who will lower costs for families, build a thriving economy that works for everyone, and address our district’s highest-in-the-nation homicide rate. So I’m asking: Can I count on you to become a Founding Donor of my campaign and help me UNSEAT Kevin McCarthy? >>

Founding Donor

FOR: [Email redacted]
Suggested Support $15 >>

I firmly believe we are strongest when we work together to get things done.

But I became so frustrated watching Kevin McCarthy use his position to benefit himself, instead of families in our district, that I knew I had to step in.

– I watched vulnerable seniors forced to choose between paying for medications or keeping the lights on.

– I watched hardworking parents who struggled to put food on the table or send their kids to college.

– I watched caring families torn apart as their loved ones battled addiction.

So I decided to run for office to fight for the people who’ve been left behind.

I’ve spent my career advocating for the families who’ve been overlooked by Kevin McCarthy.

Now, I’m ready to replace him in Congress and show him how it’s done.

I know we can win this race, but I’m up against an unlimited amount of special-interest money, and I’m going to need a historic surge of grassroots support to compete. I’m humbly asking 315 supporters to become Founding Donors before midnight to prove we have what it takes to fully fund our campaign and give our vision for the Central Valley the chance it deserves to succeed. Can I count on your $15 before midnight to achieve this victory together? >>

[  ] DONATE NOW: $15

[  ] DONATE NOW: $25

[  ] DONATE NOW: $50

[  ] DONATE NOW: $100

[  ] DONATE NOW: $250


Let’s win this,

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


This is our once-in-a-lifetime chance to DEFEAT Kevin McCarthy – one of the most powerful and dangerous Republicans in the entire country – and kick him out of office. But ONLY if we can help Democrat John Burrows compete with radical Republicans’ massive piles of cash.

Will you rush in a gift before midnight to OUST Kevin McCarthy?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit John Burrows.

[  ] DONATE $6 →

[  ] DONATE $16 →

[  ] DONATE $27 →

[  ] DONATE $39 →

[  ] DONATE $50 →

[  ] DONATE $100 →

[  ] DONATE $250 →

[✓] OTHER AMOUNT $5.00

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And so, I made a one-time donation to the John Burrows for Congress campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to become a Founding Donor of John Burrows for Congress! –Paul Whiting (August 18th, 2023)


August 18th, 2023 Update—Continued Further: I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles from one of their daily emails that I received today, August 18th, 2023, when I noticed a article titled, "The U.S. Is Beefing Up Alliances Across Asia—But Don’t Expect an ‘Asian NATO’ Anytime Soon." (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.) An introduction to the article can be found below:

"The U.S. Is Beefing Up Alliances Across Asia—But Don’t Expect an ‘Asian NATO’ Anytime Soon" from Time Magazine

By Chad De Guzman | August 18, 2023

U.S. President Joe Biden will meet at Camp David in Maryland on Friday with his Japanese and South Korean counterparts for a first-of-its-kind trilateral summit aimed at bolstering security partnerships amid increasing tensions in the Asia-Pacific.

The White House said in July that, aside from addressing the “continued threat” of North Korea’s nuclearization, the leaders will use the meeting to focus on how they can fortify relationships with Southeast Asian and Pacific nations to counter China’s increasing exertion and expansion of its influence in the region. The summit is also expected to touch on maintaining peace in the Taiwan Strait. Two senior Biden officials told Reuters earlier this week that the trilateral alliance will launch “joint initiatives on technology and defense,” and a three-way crisis hotline during the meeting.

The summit is a monumental coming-together for two parties, Japan and South Korea, whose historically strained relationship has been on the mend only in recent months. Some observers have claimed the three-way partnership represents a sort of “mini-NATO,” while others have suggested it could pave the way for a “de facto Asian NATO”—referencing the mutual defense pact formed in 1949 between the U.S., Canada, the U.K., and several European states (since expanding to include almost all of Europe) in response to the security threat posed by the former Soviet Union.

Today, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization is most known for its Article 5, which defines an armed attack on any member state as an attack on the entire coalition—and requires a collective response. It’s an appealing concept for some worried about military aggression from Beijing and Pyongyang. But experts tell TIME that a multilateral, U.S.-led Asian defense alliance like NATO “is not feasible,” nor necessary.

The Asia-Pacific is “too diverse politically and economically” to host the formation of a NATO-like construct, Nicholas Szechenyi, deputy director for Asia at the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies, tells TIME. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight this article from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written August 18th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


August 18th, 2023 Update—Continued Further Some More: I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, August 18th, 2023, when I noticed three different articles on various news websites, including, and!

No. 1: The AP (Associated Press) News article that I read today is titled, "At Camp David, Biden aims to nudge Japan and South Korea toward greater unity in complicated Pacific." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"At Camp David, Biden aims to nudge Japan and South Korea toward greater unity in complicated Pacific" from AP News

By Aamer Madhani | August 17, 2023

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden aims to further tighten security and economic ties between Japan and South Korea, two nations that have struggled to stay on speaking terms, as he welcomes their leaders to the rustic Camp David presidential retreat Friday.

Historically frosty relations between South Korea and Japan have rapidly thawed over the last year as they share concerns about China’s assertiveness in the Pacific and North Korea’s persistent nuclear threats. Biden is now looking to use the summit in Maryland’s Catoctin Mountains to urge South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida to turn the page on their countries’ difficult shared history.

The Japan-South Korea relationship is a delicate one because of differing views of World War II history and Japan’s colonial rule over the Korean Peninsula. Past efforts to tighten security cooperation between Seoul and Tokyo have progressed with fits and starts.

But the White House hopes the current rapprochement offers an opportunity for a historic shift in the relationship.

“What we have seen over the course of last couple of months is a breathtaking kind of diplomacy that has been led by courageous leaders in both Japan and South Korea,” Kurt Campbell, Biden’s top Indo-Pacific adviser, said at an event at the Brookings Institution in Washington on Wednesday. “They have sometimes, against the advice of their own counselors and staff, taken steps that elevate the Japan- South Korean relationship into a new plane.”

Biden administration officials say the leaders will announce in their summit communique a series of joint efforts that aim to institutionalize cooperation among the three countries as they face an increasingly complicated Pacific.

The expected major announcements include plans to expand military cooperation on ballistic defenses and make the summit an annual event. The leaders are also expected to detail in the communique plans to invest in technology for a three-way crisis hotline and offer an update on the progress the countries have made in sharing early-warning data on missile launches.

In picking Camp David, where presidents over 80 years have hosted historic peace summits and intimate leader-to-leader talks, Biden is looking to demonstrate the importance of relations with South Korea and Japan. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

No. 2: The CNN article that I read today is titled, "Biden looks to ‘next era of cooperation’ following trilateral Camp David summit with Japan and South Korea." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Biden looks to ‘next era of cooperation’ following trilateral Camp David summit with Japan and South Korea" from CNN

By Arlette Saenz, Kayla Tausche and Donald Judd, CNN | Fri August 18, 2023

(CNN) — The leaders of the United States, South Korea and Japan on Friday announced new commitments that they believe herald a new era of cooperation, putting aside a fraught history as three of the most powerful democracies in the Pacific come closer together in the face of an ascendant China.

President Joe Biden’s summit with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol at Camp David was meant to serve as a show of force as the countries grapple with persistent provocative behavior from North Korea. It also comes as the president has sought to deepen ties with allies in the Indo-Pacific amid concerns about Beijing.

Biden thanked his counterparts for their participation, offering effusive praise for the “political courage” on display.

“Your leadership, with the full support of the United States, has brought us here, because each of you understands that our world stands at an inflection point – a point where we’re called to lead in new ways, to work together, to stand together – and today, I’m proud to say our nations are answering that call,” Biden said.

In a statement released after the summit’s conclusion, the three leaders announced a new “commitment to consult,” a three-way hotline, a commitment to conduct annual military exercises and share intelligence and a new annual trilateral summit.

The summit will fall short of a producing a three-way collective defense agreement but will underscore “that a challenge to any one of the countries is a challenge to all of them,” a senior administration official said. The new “commitment to consult” doesn’t supersede either of the mutual defense treaties the US has signed with both nations.

The gathering marks the first time Biden is hosting foreign leaders at the Camp David retreat, a site of historic diplomatic negotiations for past presidents.

The prospect of trilateral progress between the countries was not always a given. The relationship between Seoul and Tokyo is trailed by decades of tension and mistrust, including a dispute between the two countries over forced labor by Japan during its occupation of Korea.

But in the face of persistent missile threats from North Korea and China’s military maneuvering in the region, Kishida and Yoon have gone to great lengths to put aside those differences, including hosting a fence-mending summit in March, the first of its kind in 12 years. US officials have credited that work as a key step in cementing the trilateral partnership once thought unimaginable.

“China’s entire strategy is based on the premise that America’s number one and number two ally in the region can’t get together and get on the same page,” Rahm Emanuel, the US ambassador to Japan, said at the Brookings Institution on Wednesday. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

No. 3: The Reuters article that I read today is titled, "Biden, Kishida, Yoon at historic Camp David summit." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Biden, Kishida, Yoon at historic Camp David summit" from Reuters

By Reuters | August 18, 2023

Aug 18 (Reuters) - After meeting at Camp David on Friday, U.S. President Joe Biden, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol spoke to reporters from all three countries for about an hour, delivering prepared remarks and answering questions.

The following are some highlights: ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight these articles from AP News, CNN and Reuters for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written August 18th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


August 18th, 2023 Update—Continued Further Some More, Written On August 19th, 2023: I received a mailer from Planned Parenthood Federal PAC (Planned Parenthood Federal Political Action Committee) yesterday, August 18th, 2023, which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]

Planned Parenthood®
Act. No matter what.
Planned Parenthood Federal PAC

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
Planned Parenthood Action Fund

Dear Mr. Whiting.

When the Supreme Court took away our constitutional right to abortion last summer, their decision spurred a new wave of abortion bans and restrictions.

But what the politicians pushing those bans did not anticipate was that abortion and reproductive freedom would galvanize people to vote like never before in 2022.

In the six states that put abortion initiatives directly on the ballot just months after Roe v. Wade was overturned, voters overwhelmingly voted to protect access, even in conservative states such as Kentucky and Montana.

These results backed up what we've been saying all along — that anti-abortion groups and politicians are out of step with the American public, and that voters see these bans for what they are: an attempt to control our bodies and personal medical decisions.

Despite the resounding response from the public, anti-abortion lawmakers have not let up in their efforts. They're continuing to press for bans, many without exceptions. Just this year alone, they've introduced more than 360 bills across 47 states that seek to restrict abortion in some way.

They do not care that their actions have created a nationwide public health crisis harming millions of women, transgender, and nonbinary people. For many of these politicians, the cruelty is the point.

Often, the same politicians are pushing legislation promoting book bans, blocking gender-affirming care, and impeding people's right to vote.

None of this is an accident. It's all part of a decades-long concerted attack on our rights, particularly the right to make our own choices about our bodies.

The long-term solution to the abortion access crisis is a government that truly works for and by the people. We can only achieve that through political change.

That's why, with the 2024 election season ramping up, I'm urging dedicated supporters like you to make a contribution of $20, $35, or $50 to the Planned Parenthood Federal PAC today.

Giving to the Planned Parenthood Federal PAC, Planned Parenthood Action Fund's nonpartisan political action committee, is one of the most important steps you can take right now in the fight for reproductive freedom.

The PAC allows us to support candidates for federal office who will boldly defend abortion and reproductive rights without compromise, and build the political power needed to ensure that the anti-abortion vision does not become the next generation's reality.

With your support, the PAC will have the resources to:

[✓] fight aggressively to re-elect reproductive health and rights champions;

[✓] target key House races, strategically focusing on the 28 districts most ready to be flipped for reproductive freedom; and

[✓] protect the 29 House districts with vulnerable champions to ensure we keep our allies who are willing to stand up for reproductive health and rights.

The PAC team knows what and who it takes to win. In 2022, 82% of PAC-endorsed candidates won their races.

These victories made a difference.

Because of our efforts, 65 million people across the country now live in states that have governors who support reproductive freedom. In many state legislatures across the country, reproductive freedom champions are making progress to expand abortion rights. And millions of people live in states where abortion rights are protected, thanks to abortion-related ballot measures.

However, there is still so much work to do. Nineteen states have abortion bans on the books. As you read this, one in three women — plus more transgender and nonbinary people — have lost access to abortion in their home states.

The fight is not over, and we cannot rest until all people can get the care they need, when they need it, where they live.

The Planned Parenthood Federal PAC will be leading the charge to make that happen, investing in bold strategies that will not only help elect the right candidates in 2024 but also grow the movement that we'll need to protect abortion rights for years to come.

But our success depends on supporters like you having the PAC's back and ensuring that our teams have the resources to move critical strategies forward in the crucial election season ahead.

So please, make as generous a gift as you can to the Planned Parenthood Federal PAC today. Let reproductive health and rights champions know that you stand with them — and send the message to out-of-touch politicians that their days in power are numbered.


[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
Planned Parenthood Action Fund

P.S. The 2024 elections will be crucial for advancing abortion access and health equity, and the Planned Parenthood Federal PAC will play a unique role on the path to victory. Please support our work and be in the fight for 2024 with a gift today!

And so, I made a one-time donation to Planned Parenthood Federal PAC today, August 19th, 2023, in order to show my support for Planned Parenthood Federal PAC, because "we cannot rest until all people can get the care they need, when they need it, where they live," since "Planned Parenthood Federal PAC will be leading the charge to make that happen, investing in bold strategies that will not only help elect the right candidates in 2024 but also grow the movement that we'll need to protect abortion rights for years to come." –Paul Whiting (written August 19th, 2023, revised September 21st, 2023, revised October 29th, 2023 and revised November 12th, 2023)


August 19th, 2023 Update: This 'update' is special, since I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month!

You see, I spent A LOT last year because I was "doing everything in my power to help Democrats win in the 2022 Midterm Elections!" So, I ended up with a rather considerable credit card balance...

...Now, this is my only credit card—that I got through my regular bank—which is also a new card for me, so I was enjoying an interest-free period on my charges up until this month!

Thus, my carefree days of not paying for any interest on my credit card balance are now officially over: and my minimum payment has basically tripled, starting next month, which is now going to be about 42% of the amount that I have set aside in my monthly budget for my minimum payment and my extra payment each month on my credit card.

So, in response to this change in my minimum payments, I am no longer donating to political, progressive and charitable organizations in the same way that I was due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations—as outlined below—starting with January of 2023.

January 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 15%

February 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 19%

March 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 12%

April 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 17%

May 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 21%

June 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 20%

July 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 17%

August 2023:
Month-to-date percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 17% [through August 19th, 2023]

Then, if I average out the total percentage that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations from January 2023 through July 2023 (without including August, since this month is not over yet), it comes out to an average of 17% of my monthly income! (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)

Therefore, I am no longer donating for every one of the email or text messages that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action that also come from the same organization, with the exception of the USO (United Service Organizations), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action.

I will still be responding to some of the email or text messages that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, as well as to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am greatly reducing the number of times that I donate for the same organization per month down to once—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis—in addition to reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers.

So, I will only be donating once per month for each political, progressive or charitable organization, with the exception of the USO, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. (You see, I make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! Plus, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation.)

And to clarify: I may eventually find out that making these reduced numbers of donations, and/or these reduced amounts for donations, still isn't enough to compensate for this considerable increase in my monthly minimum payments for my credit card, at which time I will reevaluate my financial situation and make adjustments to my political, progressive and charitable donations as needed. –Paul Whiting (written August 19th, 2023, revised August 23rd, 2023, revised August 25th, 2023, revised August 27th, 2023 and revised November 1st, 2023)
August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 1, Written On August 31st, 2023: This update is a follow-up to the following:

▪ August 19th, 2023 Update

My 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above, is where I explain that I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month! And in that 'update,' I explained, in part, the following:

"...I am no longer donating to political, progressive and charitable organizations in the same way that I was due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations—as outlined below—starting with January of 2023.

January 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 15%

February 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 19%

March 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 12%

April 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 17%

May 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 21%

June 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 20%

July 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 17%

August 2023:
Month-to-date percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 17% [through August 19th, 2023]

Then, if I average out the total percentage that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations from January 2023 through July 2023 (without including August, since this month is not over yet), it comes out to an average of 17% of my monthly income..."

And now that today is the last day of August 2023, I wanted to provide you with this month's total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations:

August 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 23%

Then, if I average out the total percentage that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations from January 2023 through August 2023, it comes out to an average of 18% of my monthly income! (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)

And here are the percentages that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations by category, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[01] Joe Biden for President: 2%
[02] Planned Parenthood: 2%
[03] Non-Categorized Charity: 7%
[04] Everytown for Gun Safety: 1%
[05] USO (United Serv. Orgs.): 5%
[06] Red Cross (Maui Fires): 1%
[07] ACLU (Amer. Civ. Lib. Union): 1%
[08] Non-Categorized Political: 4%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Donations Spent for August 2023: 23%

Plus, here are the percentages that I have spent on interest and credit card purchases, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[09] Monthly Interest: 6%
[10] Credit Card Purchases: 23%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Interest and Purchases for August 2023: 29%

Grand Total Percentage of Monthly Income for August 2023: 52%

Obviously, I need to greatly reduce the percentage of my monthly income that I am spending on political, progressive and charitable organizations, so that is why I decided to reduce "the number of times that I donate for the same organization per month down to once—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis," as well as to reduce "the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers."

Besides that, as far as reducing the amount of my monthly income that I spend on interest for my credit card, I made my extra credit card payment today and I put as much money as I could—that I had available in savings—toward reducing my balance!

You see, I track how much I save from discounts on purchases in my monthly budget, then I set aside that 'discount savings' for later use. That is why I was able to make a really big extra credit card payment today—and I reduced my credit card balance by 53% this month!

Please see "My Writing About Tracking My 'Discount Savings' In My Monthly Budget" below, which explains how I set aside my 'discount savings' and why I started doing this in the first place:

My Writing About Tracking My "Discount Savings" In My Monthly Budget: I track how much I save from discounts on purchases in my monthly budget! You see, beginning in the year 2016, I started to set aside my 'discount savings' in my monthly budget from coupons, discounts from stores, and discounts from other businesses, etc. Then, I saved those 'discount savings' for later use. And the reason that I decided to start doing this is because I couldn't figure why I did not have any money left over at the end of each month, even though I was always really careful about purchasing whatever I needed to buy when it was on sale—as much as possible. Then, I realized that I wasn't keeping track of how much I was saving when I bought items on sale in order to save money! Therefore, that is why I decided to start setting aside what I saved from any discounts on purchases in my monthly budget. As an example, if I buy an item on sale for $20.00, that was regularly $25.00, I set aside the $5.00 that I saved, in my monthly budget, as if I spent that money because—if I hadn't received a discount—I would have spent that money anyway! Thus, I do this on purchases that are discounted, by setting aside the money that I would have spent, as if I had spent that money. And the first full year that I set aside my 'discount savings' in my monthly budget, which was 2017, I saved over $900.00! Also, to clarify, I only track what I have saved on discounted purchases that I made with my debit card, in order to set aside those funds in my monthly budget, and not with discounted purchases that I made with cash or credit. Otherwise, I feel that it would be too difficult to set aside funds on purchases that were discounted for which I paid in cash or credit. And, to clarify even further, I only track what I have saved at a store if that store lists the amount that I have saved on the receipt. Otherwise, I feel that it would be too difficult to track discounts on purchases where the store does not list discounts on the receipt. (I actually used to go back through a store and write down on my receipt how much I saved on each item if the store didn't list the savings on my receipt, but it was kind of a hassle to do so. That's why I only track what I save at a store if they list my savings on the receipt.) And, as I mentioned above, I also track other discounts from businesses that I set aside in my monthly budget, such as discounts on my subscriptions to news organizations, or discounts on my monthly cell phone service! –Paul Whiting (written originally sometime after 2017, then turned into a quote on July 11th, 2022, revised July 13th, 2022, revised August 31st, 2023 and revised June 26th, 2024)

Therefore, the reason that I am explaining all of this donating and budgeting is because I spent A LOT last year, since I was "doing everything in my power to help Democrats win in the 2022 Midterm Elections!" So, I ended up with a rather considerable credit card balance...

...And I am still paying off how much I spent in 2022 on the Midterm Elections while, at the same time, I am trying to be an "Online Activist" and to 'put my money where my mouth is' regarding my activism. That is why I blog about which political, progressive and charitable organizations I am supporting with regard to the causes that are the most important to me! –Paul Whiting (written August 31st, 2023, revised October 1st, 2023, revised November 1st, 2023, revised December 2nd, 2023 and revised June 26th, 2024)
August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 2, Written On October 1st, 2023 About September 2023: This update is a follow-up to the following:

▪ August 19th, 2023 Update
▪ August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 1, Written On August 31st, 2023

My 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above, is where I explain that I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month! And in that 'update,' I explained, in part, the following:

"...I am no longer donating to political, progressive and charitable organizations in the same way that I was due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations—as outlined below—starting with January of 2023.

January 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 15%

February 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 19%

March 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 12%

April 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 17%

May 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 21%

June 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 20%

July 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 17%

August 2023:
Month-to-date percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 17% [through August 19th, 2023]

Then, if I average out the total percentage that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations from January 2023 through July 2023 (without including August, since this month is not over yet), it comes out to an average of 17% of my monthly income..."

And my 'August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 1, Written On August 31st, 2023,' which can be found above, is where I continued to explain what the total percentage of my monthly income is that I spent for the month of August 2023 on donations, as well as monthly interest and credit card purchases! And in that 'update,' I explained, in part, the following:

"...Now that today is the last day of August 2023, I wanted to provide you with this month's total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations:

August 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 23%

Then, if I average out the total percentage that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations from January 2023 through August 2023, it comes out to an average of 18% of my monthly income! (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)

And here are the percentages that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations by category, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[01] Joe Biden for President: 2%
[02] Planned Parenthood: 2%
[03] Non-Categorized Charity: 7%
[04] Everytown for Gun Safety: 1%
[05] USO (United Serv. Orgs.): 5%
[06] Red Cross (Maui Fires): 1%
[07] ACLU (Amer. Civ. Lib. Union): 1%
[08] Non-Categorized Political: 4%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Donations Spent for August 2023: 23%

Plus, here are the percentages that I have spent on interest and credit card purchases, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[09] Monthly Interest: 6%
[10] Credit Card Purchases: 23%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Interest and Purchases for August 2023: 29%

Grand Total Percentage of Monthly Income for August 2023: 52%"

And now that yesterday, September 30th, 2023, was the last day of September 2023, I wanted to provide you with September's total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations:

September 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 20%

Then, if I average out the total percentage that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations from January 2023 through September 2023, it comes out to an average of 18% of my monthly income! (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)

And here are the percentages that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations by category, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[01] Everytown for Gun Safety: 1%
-------Please see [02] below-------
[03] Disaster Relief: 6%
[04] Non-Categorized Charity: 3%
[05] Non-Categorized Political: 5%
[06] USO (United Serv. Orgs.): 3%
[07] ACLU (Amer. Civ. Lib. Union): 1%
[08] Planned Parenthood: 1%
-------Please see [09] below-------
[10] News Organizations: 0.33311125916%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Donations Spent: 20%

Plus, here are the percentages that I have spent on interest and credit card purchases, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[02] Credit Card Purchases: 17%
[09] Monthly Interest: 5%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Interest and Purchases: 22%

Grand Total Percentage of Monthly Income for September 2023: 42%

Obviously, I need to greatly reduce the percentage of my monthly income that I am spending on political, progressive and charitable organizations, so that is why I decided to reduce "the number of times that I donate for the same organization per month down to once—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis," as well as to reduce "the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers."

Now, I am doing a little bit better than I did last month, where my total percentage from donations spent for August 2023 was 23%, and my total percentage from interest and purchases for August 2023 was 29%, for a grand total percentage of monthly income for August 2023 of 52%!

Thus, I spend 3% less on donations for September 2023—even though I spent more of a percentage on disaster relief this month. And I spent 1% less on monthly interest this month, because last month I did the following:

"Besides that, as far as reducing the amount of my monthly income that I spend on interest for my credit card, I made my extra credit card payment today and I put as much money as I could—that I had available in savings—toward reducing my balance!"

And that really large credit card payment took my monthly minimum credit card payment from "42% of the amount that I have set aside in my monthly budget for my minimum payment and my extra payment each month on my credit card," down to 33% of the amount that I have set aside in my monthly budget for my minimum payment and my extra payment each month!

Plus, I also spent 6% less on credit card purchases for September 2023 than I did last month, as well as 10% less compared to last month on the grand total percentage of my monthly income for September 2023 at 42%.

However, I still need to continue "tightening my belt," so to speak, with regard to all of the money that I am spending on my credit card each month, so that I can (eventually) get it paid off!

Therefore, the reason that I am explaining all of this donating and budgeting is because I spent A LOT last year, since I was "doing everything in my power to help Democrats win in the 2022 Midterm Elections!" So, I ended up with a rather considerable credit card balance...

...And I am still paying off how much I spent in 2022 on the Midterm Elections while, at the same time, I am trying to be an "Online Activist" and to 'put my money where my mouth is' regarding my activism. That is why I blog about which political, progressive and charitable organizations I am supporting with regard to the causes that are the most important to me! –Paul Whiting (written October 1st, 2023, revised November 1st, 2023 and revised December 2nd, 2023)
August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 3, Written On November 1st, 2023 About October 2023: This update is a follow-up to the following:

▪ August 19th, 2023 Update
▪ August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 1, Written On August 31st, 2023
▪ August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 2, Written On October 1st, 2023 About September 2023

My 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above, is where I explain that I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month! And in that 'update,' I explained, in part, the following:

"...I am no longer donating to political, progressive and charitable organizations in the same way that I was due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations—as outlined below—starting with January of 2023.

January 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 15%

February 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 19%

March 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 12%

April 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 17%

May 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 21%

June 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 20%

July 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 17%

August 2023:
Month-to-date percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 17% [through August 19th, 2023]

Then, if I average out the total percentage that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations from January 2023 through July 2023 (without including August, since this month is not over yet), it comes out to an average of 17% of my monthly income..."

And my 'August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 1, Written On August 31st, 2023,' which can be found above, is where I continued to explain what the total percentage of my monthly income is that I spent for the month of August 2023 on donations, as well as monthly interest and credit card purchases! And in that 'update,' I explained, in part, the following:

"...Now that today is the last day of August 2023, I wanted to provide you with this month's total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations:

August 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 23%

Then, if I average out the total percentage that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations from January 2023 through August 2023, it comes out to an average of 18% of my monthly income! (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)

And here are the percentages that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations by category, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[01] Joe Biden for President: 2%
[02] Planned Parenthood: 2%
[03] Non-Categorized Charity: 7%
[04] Everytown for Gun Safety: 1%
[05] USO (United Serv. Orgs.): 5%
[06] Red Cross (Maui Fires): 1%
[07] ACLU (Amer. Civ. Lib. Union): 1%
[08] Non-Categorized Political: 4%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Donations Spent for August 2023: 23%

Plus, here are the percentages that I have spent on interest and credit card purchases, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[09] Monthly Interest: 6%
[10] Credit Card Purchases: 23%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Interest and Purchases for August 2023: 29%

Grand Total Percentage of Monthly Income for August 2023: 52%"

And my 'August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 2, Written On October 1st, 2023 About September 2023,' which can be found above, is where I continued to explain what the total percentage of my monthly income is that I spent for the month of September 2023 on donations, as well as monthly interest and credit card purchases! And in that 'update,' I explained, in part, the following:

"...And now that yesterday, September 30th, 2023, was the last day of September 2023, I wanted to provide you with September's total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations:

September 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 20%

Then, if I average out the total percentage that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations from January 2023 through September 2023, it comes out to an average of 18% of my monthly income! (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)

And here are the percentages that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations by category, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[01] Everytown for Gun Safety: 1%
-------Please see [02] below-------
[03] Disaster Relief: 6%
[04] Non-Categorized Charity: 3%
[05] Non-Categorized Political: 5%
[06] USO (United Serv. Orgs.): 3%
[07] ACLU (Amer. Civ. Lib. Union): 1%
[08] Planned Parenthood: 1%
-------Please see [09] below-------
[10] News Organizations: 0.33311125916%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Donations Spent: 20%

Plus, here are the percentages that I have spent on interest and credit card purchases, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[02] Credit Card Purchases: 17%
[09] Monthly Interest: 5%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Interest and Purchases: 22%

Grand Total Percentage of Monthly Income for September 2023: 42%"

And now that yesterday, October 31st, 2023, was the last day of October 2023, I wanted to provide you with October's total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations:

October 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 31%

Then, if I average out the total percentage that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations from January 2023 through October 2023, it comes out to an average of 20% of my monthly income! (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)

And here are the percentages that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations by category, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[01] ACLU (Amer. Civ. Lib. Union): 2%
[02] Non-Categorized Political: 7%
[03] Planned Parenthood: 2%
[04] Everytown for Gun Safety: 1%
[05] Non-Categorized Charity: 4%
[06] World Jewish Congress: 1%
-------Please see [07] below-------
[08] Disaster Relief: 2%
[09] USO (United Serv. Orgs.): 10%
-------Please see [10] below-------
[11] Brady PAC: 2%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Donations Spent: 31%

Plus, here are the percentages that I have spent on interest and credit card purchases, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[07] Credit Card Purchases: 74%
[10] Monthly Interest: 3%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Interest and Purchases: 77%

Grand Total Percentage of Monthly Income for October 2023: 108%

Obviously, I continue needing to greatly reduce the percentage of my monthly income that I am spending on political, progressive and charitable organizations, so that is why I decided to reduce "the number of times that I donate for the same organization per month down to once—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis," as well as to reduce "the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers."

Now, I am doing way worse than I did last month, where my total percentage from donations spent for September 2023 was 20%, and my total percentage from interest and purchases for September 2023 was 22%, for a grand total percentage of monthly income for September 2023 of 42%!

Thus, I spend 11% more on donations for October 2023—even though I spent less of a percentage on disaster relief this month. And I spent 2% less on monthly interest this month, because the interest rate on my credit card went down, since it is a variable rate that adjusts with the prime rate.

And that reduction in interest rate took my monthly minimum credit card payment from "33% of the amount that I have set aside in my monthly budget for my minimum payment and my extra payment each month on my credit card," down to 28% of the amount that I have set aside in my monthly budget for my minimum payment and my extra payment each month!

Plus, I also spent 57% more on credit card purchases for October 2023 than I did last month, as well as 66% more compared to last month on the grand total percentage of my monthly income for September 2023 at 42%. (About 37% of that increase in credit card purchases had to do with me paying for my very first prescription eye glasses; but, the remaining 36% was due to the fact that I made regular purchases on my credit card over the allotted "Budgeted Expenses" amount in my monthly budget; although, I was buying some items that were on sale!)

However, I still really need to continue "tightening my belt," so to speak, with regard to all of the money that I am spending on my credit card each month, so that I can (eventually) get it paid off!

Therefore, the reason that I am explaining all of this donating and budgeting is because I spent A LOT last year, since I was "doing everything in my power to help Democrats win in the 2022 Midterm Elections!" So, I ended up with a rather considerable credit card balance...

...And I am still paying off how much I spent in 2022 on the Midterm Elections while, at the same time, I am trying to be an "Online Activist" and to 'put my money where my mouth is' regarding my activism. That is why I blog about which political, progressive and charitable organizations I am supporting with regard to the causes that are the most important to me! –Paul Whiting (written November 1st, 2023, revised December 1st, 2023, revised December 2nd, 2023 and revised January 9th, 2024)
August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 4, Written On December 1st, 2023 About November 2023: This update is a follow-up to the following:

▪ August 19th, 2023 Update
▪ August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 1, Written On August 31st, 2023
▪ August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 2, Written On October 1st, 2023 About September 2023
▪ August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 3, Written On November 1st, 2023 About October 2023

My 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above, is where I explain that I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month! And in that 'update,' I explained, in part, the following:

"...I am no longer donating to political, progressive and charitable organizations in the same way that I was due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations—as outlined below—starting with January of 2023.

January 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 15%

February 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 19%

March 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 12%

April 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 17%

May 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 21%

June 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 20%

July 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 17%

August 2023:
Month-to-date percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 17% [through August 19th, 2023]

Then, if I average out the total percentage that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations from January 2023 through July 2023 (without including August, since this month is not over yet), it comes out to an average of 17% of my monthly income..."

And my 'August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 1, Written On August 31st, 2023,' which can be found above, is where I continued to explain what the total percentage of my monthly income is that I spent for the month of August 2023 on donations, as well as monthly interest and credit card purchases! And in that 'update,' I explained, in part, the following:

"...Now that today is the last day of August 2023, I wanted to provide you with this month's total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations:

August 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 23%

Then, if I average out the total percentage that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations from January 2023 through August 2023, it comes out to an average of 18% of my monthly income! (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)

And here are the percentages that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations by category, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[01] Joe Biden for President: 2%
[02] Planned Parenthood: 2%
[03] Non-Categorized Charity: 7%
[04] Everytown for Gun Safety: 1%
[05] USO (United Serv. Orgs.): 5%
[06] Red Cross (Maui Fires): 1%
[07] ACLU (Amer. Civ. Lib. Union): 1%
[08] Non-Categorized Political: 4%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Donations Spent for August 2023: 23%

Plus, here are the percentages that I have spent on interest and credit card purchases, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[09] Monthly Interest: 6%
[10] Credit Card Purchases: 23%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Interest and Purchases for August 2023: 29%

Grand Total Percentage of Monthly Income for August 2023: 52%"

And my 'August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 2, Written On October 1st, 2023 About September 2023,' which can be found above, is where I continued to explain what the total percentage of my monthly income is that I spent for the month of September 2023 on donations, as well as monthly interest and credit card purchases! And in that 'update,' I explained, in part, the following:

"...And now that yesterday, September 30th, 2023, was the last day of September 2023, I wanted to provide you with September's total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations:

September 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 20%

Then, if I average out the total percentage that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations from January 2023 through September 2023, it comes out to an average of 18% of my monthly income! (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)

And here are the percentages that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations by category, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[01] Everytown for Gun Safety: 1%
-------Please see [02] below-------
[03] Disaster Relief: 6%
[04] Non-Categorized Charity: 3%
[05] Non-Categorized Political: 5%
[06] USO (United Serv. Orgs.): 3%
[07] ACLU (Amer. Civ. Lib. Union): 1%
[08] Planned Parenthood: 1%
-------Please see [09] below-------
[10] News Organizations: 0.33311125916%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Donations Spent: 20%

Plus, here are the percentages that I have spent on interest and credit card purchases, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[02] Credit Card Purchases: 17%
[09] Monthly Interest: 5%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Interest and Purchases: 22%

Grand Total Percentage of Monthly Income for September 2023: 42%"

And my 'August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 3, Written On November 1st, 2023 About October 2023,' which can be found above, is where I continued to explain what the total percentage of my monthly income is that I spent for the month of October 2023 on donations, as well as monthly interest and credit card purchases! And in that 'update,' I explained, in part, the following:

"...And now that yesterday, October 31st, 2023, was the last day of October 2023, I wanted to provide you with October's total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations:

October 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 31%

Then, if I average out the total percentage that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations from January 2023 through October 2023, it comes out to an average of 0.20% of my monthly income! (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)

And here are the percentages that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations by category, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[01] ACLU (Amer. Civ. Lib. Union): 2%
[02] Non-Categorized Political: 7%
[03] Planned Parenthood: 2%
[04] Everytown for Gun Safety: 1%
[05] Non-Categorized Charity: 4%
[06] World Jewish Congress: 1%
-------Please see [07] below-------
[08] Disaster Relief: 2%
[09] USO (United Serv. Orgs.): 10%
-------Please see [10] below-------
[11] Brady PAC: 2%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Donations Spent: 31%

Plus, here are the percentages that I have spent on interest and credit card purchases, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[07] Credit Card Purchases: 74%
[10] Monthly Interest: 3%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Interest and Purchases: 77%

Grand Total Percentage of Monthly Income for October 2023: 108%"

And now that yesterday, November 30th, 2023, was the last day of November 2023, I wanted to provide you with November's total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations:

November 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 71%

Then, if I average out the total percentage that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations from January 2023 through November 2023, it comes out to an average of 24% of my monthly income! (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)

And here are the percentages that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations by category, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[01] Non-Categorized Political: 16%
[02] ACLU (Amer. Civ. Lib. Union): 17%
[03] USHMM (U.S. Holocaust Memor. Mus.): 7%
[04] PPAF (Plan. Parent. Act. Fund): 2%
[05] PPFA (Plan. Parent. Feder. of Amer.): 2%
[06] News Organizations: 0.33311125916%
[07] Brady PAC: 0.46635576282%
[08] IAVA (Iraq & Afghan. Vet. of Amer.): 0.33311125916%
[09] Non-Categorized Charity: 0.33311125916%
[10] Everytown for Gun Safety: 0.33311125916%
[11] World Jewish Congress: 0.33311125916%
-------Please see [12] below-------
[13] USO (United Serv. Orgs.): 3%
[14] Veterans Day: 2%
[15] NARF (Nativ. Amer. Rights Fund): 0.46635576282%
[16] Thanksgiving: 3%
-------Purchase refund [17]-------
[18] UFW (Unite. Farm Work.): 2%
[19] Plant Based Treaty: 0.33977348434%
[20] Giving Tuesday: 39%
[21] Plan. Parent. PAC of Ore.: 0.33311125916%
-------Please see [22] below-------
[23] Native American Heritage Day: 2%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Donations Spent: 71%

Plus, here are the percentages that I have spent on interest and credit card purchases, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[12] Credit Card Purchases: 53%
[22] Monthly Interest: 5%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Interest and Purchases: 58%

Grand Total Percentage of Monthly Income for November 2023: 129%

Now, this is where I usually say something like the following on these donation 'updates' that I write each month:

Obviously, I continue needing to greatly reduce the percentage of my monthly income that I am spending on political, progressive and charitable organizations, so that is why I decided to reduce "the number of times that I donate for the same organization per month down to once—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis," as well as to reduce "the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers."

However, I am going to follow my own words of advice from my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' wherein I stated the following:

I may eventually find out that making these reduced numbers of donations, and/or these reduced amounts for donations, still isn't enough to compensate for this considerable increase in my monthly minimum payments for my credit card, at which time I will reevaluate my financial situation and make adjustments to my political, progressive and charitable donations as needed.

Because, as you can see, I am doing way, way worse than I did last month, where my total percentage from donations spent for October 2023 was 31%, and my total percentage from interest and purchases for October 2023 was 77%, for a grand total percentage of monthly income for October 2023 of 108%!

Thus, I spend 40% more on donations for November 2023, but most of that had to do with Giving Tuesday! And I spent about 5% on disaster relief this month, which you cannot see as its own category, because I included the "disaster relief" donations that I made with my series of Giving Tuesday donations. And I spent 2% more on monthly interest this month, because I increased my credit card balance by a considerable amount!

However, I did spend 21% less on credit card purchases for November 2023 than I did last month; but, at the same time, I spent 21% more compared to last month on the grand total percentage of my monthly income for October 2023 at 108%. (I made regular purchases on my credit card over the allotted "Budgeted Expenses" amount in my monthly budget; although, I was buying some items that were on sale!)

So, now, I am really "tightening my belt," so to speak, with regard to all of the donations that I am making on my credit card each month!

My plan is to only donate to political, progressive and charitable organizations if they specifically ask for donations—and not just for the sake of donating to them at least once per month, or even when I have been taking some sort of action, such as signing a petition, or sending a letter, etc. Thus, I am trying to greatly reduce the number of donations that I make to simply once in a while, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis!

You see, there are a lot of organizations that I literally donate to only once per year—such as for Giving Tuesday—which is all that I ever donate to them. And that is basically what I am striving for, so that I am still donating to political, progressive and charitable organizations, but the bare minimum that I can donate, since that's all I can really afford.

Therefore, the reason that I am explaining all of this donating and budgeting is because I spent A LOT last year, since I was "doing everything in my power to help Democrats win in the 2022 Midterm Elections!" So, I ended up with a rather considerable credit card balance...

...And I am still paying off how much I spent in 2022 on the Midterm Elections while, at the same time, I am trying to be an "Online Activist" and to 'put my money where my mouth is' regarding my activism. That is why I blog about which political, progressive and charitable organizations I am supporting with regard to the causes that are the most important to me! –Paul Whiting (written December 1st, 2023, revised December 2nd, 2023, revised December 4th, 2023, revised December 19th, 2023 and revised January 1st, 2024)
August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 5, Written On January 1st, 2024 About December 2023: This update is a follow-up to the following:

▪ August 19th, 2023 Update
▪ August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 1, Written On August 31st, 2023
▪ August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 2, Written On October 1st, 2023 About September 2023
▪ August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 3, Written On November 1st, 2023 About October 2023
▪ August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 4, Written On December 1st, 2023 About November 2023

My 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above, is where I explain that I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month! And in that 'update,' I explained, in part, the following:

"...I am no longer donating to political, progressive and charitable organizations in the same way that I was due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations—as outlined below—starting with January of 2023.

January 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 15%

February 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 19%

March 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 12%

April 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 17%

May 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 21%

June 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 20%

July 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 17%

August 2023:
Month-to-date percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 17% [through August 19th, 2023]

Then, if I average out the total percentage that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations from January 2023 through July 2023 (without including August, since this month is not over yet), it comes out to an average of 17% of my monthly income..."

And my 'August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 1, Written On August 31st, 2023,' which can be found above, is where I continued to explain what the total percentage of my monthly income is that I spent for the month of August 2023 on donations, as well as monthly interest and credit card purchases! And in that 'update,' I explained, in part, the following:

"...Now that today is the last day of August 2023, I wanted to provide you with this month's total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations:

August 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 23%

Then, if I average out the total percentage that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations from January 2023 through August 2023, it comes out to an average of 18% of my monthly income! (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)

And here are the percentages that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations by category, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[01] Joe Biden for President: 2%
[02] Planned Parenthood: 2%
[03] Non-Categorized Charity: 7%
[04] Everytown for Gun Safety: 1%
[05] USO (United Serv. Orgs.): 5%
[06] Red Cross (Maui Fires): 1%
[07] ACLU (Amer. Civ. Lib. Union): 1%
[08] Non-Categorized Political: 4%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Donations Spent for August 2023: 23%

Plus, here are the percentages that I have spent on interest and credit card purchases, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[09] Monthly Interest: 6%
[10] Credit Card Purchases: 23%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Interest and Purchases for August 2023: 29%

Grand Total Percentage of Monthly Income for August 2023: 52%"

And my 'August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 2, Written On October 1st, 2023 About September 2023,' which can be found above, is where I continued to explain what the total percentage of my monthly income is that I spent for the month of September 2023 on donations, as well as monthly interest and credit card purchases! And in that 'update,' I explained, in part, the following:

"...And now that yesterday, September 30th, 2023, was the last day of September 2023, I wanted to provide you with September's total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations:

September 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 20%

Then, if I average out the total percentage that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations from January 2023 through September 2023, it comes out to an average of 18% of my monthly income! (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)

And here are the percentages that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations by category, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[01] Everytown for Gun Safety: 1%
-------Please see [02] below-------
[03] Disaster Relief: 6%
[04] Non-Categorized Charity: 3%
[05] Non-Categorized Political: 5%
[06] USO (United Serv. Orgs.): 3%
[07] ACLU (Amer. Civ. Lib. Union): 1%
[08] Planned Parenthood: 1%
-------Please see [09] below-------
[10] News Organizations: 0.33311125916%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Donations Spent: 20%

Plus, here are the percentages that I have spent on interest and credit card purchases, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[02] Credit Card Purchases: 17%
[09] Monthly Interest: 5%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Interest and Purchases: 22%

Grand Total Percentage of Monthly Income for September 2023: 42%"

And my 'August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 3, Written On November 1st, 2023 About October 2023,' which can be found above, is where I continued to explain what the total percentage of my monthly income is that I spent for the month of October 2023 on donations, as well as monthly interest and credit card purchases! And in that 'update,' I explained, in part, the following:

"...And now that yesterday, October 31st, 2023, was the last day of October 2023, I wanted to provide you with October's total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations:

October 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 31%

Then, if I average out the total percentage that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations from January 2023 through October 2023, it comes out to an average of 0.20% of my monthly income! (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)

And here are the percentages that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations by category, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[01] ACLU (Amer. Civ. Lib. Union): 2%
[02] Non-Categorized Political: 7%
[03] Planned Parenthood: 2%
[04] Everytown for Gun Safety: 1%
[05] Non-Categorized Charity: 4%
[06] World Jewish Congress: 1%
-------Please see [07] below-------
[08] Disaster Relief: 2%
[09] USO (United Serv. Orgs.): 10%
-------Please see [10] below-------
[11] Brady PAC: 2%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Donations Spent: 31%

Plus, here are the percentages that I have spent on interest and credit card purchases, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[07] Credit Card Purchases: 74%
[10] Monthly Interest: 3%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Interest and Purchases: 77%

Grand Total Percentage of Monthly Income for October 2023: 108%"

And my 'August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 4, Written On December 1st, 2023 About November 2023,' which can be found above, is where I continued to explain what the total percentage of my monthly income is that I spent for the month of November 2023 on donations, as well as monthly interest and credit card purchases! And in that 'update,' I explained, in part, the following:

And now that yesterday, November 30th, 2023, was the last day of November 2023, I wanted to provide you with November's total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations:

November 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 71%

Then, if I average out the total percentage that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations from January 2023 through November 2023, it comes out to an average of 24% of my monthly income! (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)

And here are the percentages that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations by category, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[01] Non-Categorized Political: 16%
[02] ACLU (Amer. Civ. Lib. Union): 17%
[03] USHMM (U.S. Holocaust Memor. Mus.): 7%
[04] PPAF (Plan. Parent. Act. Fund): 2%
[05] PPFA (Plan. Parent. Feder. of Amer.): 2%
[06] News Organizations: 0.33311125916%
[07] Brady PAC: 0.46635576282%
[08] IAVA (Iraq & Afghan. Vet. of Amer.): 0.33311125916%
[09] Non-Categorized Charity: 0.33311125916%
[10] Everytown for Gun Safety: 0.33311125916%
[11] World Jewish Congress: 0.33311125916%
-------Please see [12] below-------
[13] USO (United Serv. Orgs.): 3%
[14] Veterans Day: 2%
[15] NARF (Nativ. Amer. Rights Fund): 0.46635576282%
[16] Thanksgiving: 3%
-------Purchase refund [17]-------
[18] UFW (Unite. Farm Work.): 2%
[19] Plant Based Treaty: 0.33977348434%
[20] Giving Tuesday: 39%
[21] Plan. Parent. PAC of Ore.: 0.33311125916%
-------Please see [22] below-------
[23] Native American Heritage Day: 2%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Donations Spent: 71%

Plus, here are the percentages that I have spent on interest and credit card purchases, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[12] Credit Card Purchases: 53%
[22] Monthly Interest: 5%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Interest and Purchases: 58%

Grand Total Percentage of Monthly Income for November 2023: 129%

And now that yesterday, December 31st, 2023, was the last day of December 2023, I wanted to provide you with December's total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations:

December 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 31%

Then, if I average out the total percentage that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations from January 2023 through December 2023, it comes out to an average of 25% of my monthly income! (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)

And here are the percentages that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations by category, as outlined within my monthly budget:

-------Please see [01] below-------
[02] USO (United Serv. Orgs.): 6%
[03] PPAF (Plan. Parent. Act. Fund): 1%
[04] DSCC (Dem. Senate. Cam. Comm.): 1%
[05] DCCC (Dem. Congress. Cam. Comm.): 1%
[06] DNC (Dem. Nation. Cam. Comm.): 1%
[07] USA for UNFPA: 0.33311125916%
[08] USA for UNHCR: 0.33311125916%
[09] Non-Categorized Political: 6%
[10] World Jewish Congress: 0.33311125916%
[11] UFW (Unite. Farm Work.): 1%
[12] Brady United: 0.33311125916%
[13] ACLU (Amer. Civ. Lib. Union): 1%
[14] Mother Jones: 1%
[15] DASS (Dem. Assoc. Secr. of State): 0.35642904730%
[16] Christmas Giving: 6%
[17] Joe Biden for President: 1%
[18] Plan. Parent. PAC of Ore.: 0.33311125916%
[19] Doctors w/o Borders: 0.33311125916%
[20] Everytown for Gun Safety: 0.33311125916%
[21] Reveal Podcast: 0.33311125916%
-------Please see [22] below-------
[23] DLCC (Dem. Legis. Cam. Comm.): 1%
[24] Friends of Willamette Week: 1%
[25] IAVA (Iraq & Afghan. Vet. of Amer.): 0.33311125916%
[26] WWP (Wounded Warrior Project): 1%

Plus, here are the percentages that I have spent on interest and credit card purchases, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[01] Credit Card Purchases: 19%
[22] Monthly Interest: 8%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Interest and Purchases: 27%

Grand Total Percentage of Monthly Income for December 2023: 58%

Now, this is where I usually say something like the following on these donation 'updates' that I write each month:

Obviously, I continue needing to greatly reduce the percentage of my monthly income that I am spending on political, progressive and charitable organizations, so that is why I decided to reduce "the number of times that I donate for the same organization per month down to once—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis," as well as to reduce "the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers."

However, I am going to follow my own words of advice from my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' wherein I stated the following:

I may eventually find out that making these reduced numbers of donations, and/or these reduced amounts for donations, still isn't enough to compensate for this considerable increase in my monthly minimum payments for my credit card, at which time I will reevaluate my financial situation and make adjustments to my political, progressive and charitable donations as needed.

Although, as you can see, I am doing way, way better than I did last month, where my total percentage from donations spent for November 2023 was 71%, and my total percentage from interest and purchases for November 2023 was 58%, for a grand total percentage of monthly income for November 2023 of 129%!

Thus, I spend 40% less on donations for December 2023, but most of that had to do with me making a limited number of contributions for my Christmas donations! Plus, I spent less than 1% (0.33311125916%) on disaster relief this month, since I only donated to Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières. And I spent 3% more on monthly interest this month, because I increased my credit card balance by a considerable amount!

However, I did spend 34% less on credit card purchases for December 2023 than I did last month; and, at the same time, I spent 71% less compared to last month on the grand total percentage of my monthly income for November 2023 at 129%. (I made regular purchases on my credit card over the allotted "Budgeted Expenses" amount in my monthly budget; although, I was buying some items that were on sale!)

So, now, I am continuing to really "tightening my belt," so to speak, with regard to all of the donations that I am making on my credit card each month!

My plan is to only donate to political, progressive and charitable organizations if they specifically ask for donations—and not just for the sake of donating to them at least once per month, or even when I have been taking some sort of action, such as signing a petition, or sending a letter, etc. Thus, I am trying to greatly reduce the number of donations that I make to simply once in a while, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis!

You see, there are a lot of organizations that I literally donate to only once per year—such as for Giving Tuesday—which is all that I ever donate to them. And that is basically what I am striving for, so that I am still donating to political, progressive and charitable organizations, but the bare minimum that I can donate, since that's all I can really afford.

Therefore, the reason that I am explaining all of this donating and budgeting is because I spent A LOT last year (in 2022), since I was "doing everything in my power to help Democrats win in the 2022 Midterm Elections!" So, I ended up with a rather considerable credit card balance...

...And I am still paying off how much I spent in 2022 on the Midterm Elections while, at the same time, I am trying to be an "Online Activist" and to 'put my money where my mouth is' regarding my activism. That is why I blog about which political, progressive and charitable organizations I am supporting with regard to the causes that are the most important to me!

By the way, this is the final follow-up that I am writing for my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' because it's a new year as of today, January 1st, 2024, which is when I wrote this 'update.' And I am still planning to provide a similar outline for my January 2024 'update'—which I will probably write on February 1st, 2024—wherein I hope to report how gosh darn frugal I was with regard to political, progressive and charitable organizations I am supporting while I am on a really tight budget... –Paul Whiting (written January 1st, 2024, revised January 2nd, 2024, revised January 9th, 2024 and revised February 1st, 2024)


August 21st, 2023 Update: National Senior Citizens Day is today, August 21st, 2023, since National Senior Citizens Day is yearly (annually) on August 21st.

And I received an email from National Today yesterday, August 20th, 2023, with the subject line, "Appreciating Senior Citizens, Cuban Sandwiches, Dogs. The Week Ahead", which stated, in part, the following:


We honor the senior citizens in our lives... Not only does National Senior Citizens Day invite us to say thank you to and appreciate the elderly folks we know and love, but it also raises awareness about the issues that affect senior citizens and their quality of life. ...

... Monday 21 August

National Senior Citizens Day

For all they have achieved for the good of their communities, senior citizens deserve our thanks!

Read more:

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:


[Observed in the] U.S.

Do you have an elderly person in your life that you love and appreciate? National Senior Citizens Day, August 21, is the day to let them know how much you care and it’s an opportunity to recognize their accomplishments. In 1988, President Ronald Reagan proclaimed this holiday to raise awareness about issues that affect senior citizens and their quality of life.

Today, seniors are still active in their communities as well as continuing to have a strong presence in the workforce. For all they do and have achieved for the good of their communities, senior citizens deserve our thanks!



Respect and cherish senior citizens on National Senior Citizens Day on August 21.



National Senior Citizens Day recognizes seniors who have spent their lives contributing to society and have impacted everyone’s lives for the better. Improved healthcare has changed demographics and increased productivity of older citizens, allowing them to be more active than ever before. With more opportunities available as well, many senior citizens now begin second careers and are an example for younger generations. The country’s foundation and stable sectors are the result of the hard work of our senior citizens and they deserve all our gratitude.

President Ronald Reagan took the initiative to honor seniors in 1988 when he signed Proclamation 5847 and marked August 21 as the day seniors will be celebrated. “Throughout our history, older people have achieved much for our families, our communities, and our country. That remains true today, and gives us ample reason this year to reserve a special day in honor of the senior citizens who mean so much to our land,” Reagan proclaimed. “For all they have achieved throughout life and for all they continue to accomplish, we owe older citizens our thanks and a heartfelt salute. We can best demonstrate our gratitude and esteem by making sure that our communities are good places in which to mature and grow older — places in which older people can participate to the fullest and can find the encouragement, acceptance, assistance, and services they need to continue to lead lives of independence and dignity.”

His words have withstood the test of time and are now, over 30 years later, more important than ever as older people are leading more productive lives. Reagan himself set an example for everyone — he was 69 years old when one of the world’s most powerful titles of president of the U.S. was given to him on January 20, 1981. Reagan lived till the ripe old age of 93, and not only was he the oldest person to be elected president, he was also the oldest when his term ended at 77 years and 349 days.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, approximately 78 million people aged 65 and older will reside in America by 2035. This figure will surpass the number of the population under the age of 18 for the first time in the nation’s history.



January 20, 1981
40th President:
Ronald Reagan is sworn in as the President of The United States of America at the age of 69.

Age is Just a Number:
“The Golden Girls” premieres on television, following the adventures of four senior ladies who live together.

August 21, 1988
Proclamation 5847:
National Senior Citizens Day is declared by President Ronald Reagan.

May 31, 2015
A Formidable Force:
92-year-old Harriette Thompson finishes the Suja Rock ’n’ Roll San Diego Marathon, and becomes the oldest woman ever to complete a 26-mile race.



There are many traditions when it comes to senior citizens, especially since many of our traditions growing up were set by them. Take the time to recreate your family’s traditions today, and be sure to include your grandparents and other elderly people in your family.



22% — the percentage increase in the population of 60+-year-olds by the year 2050.

2020 — the year when the number of people aged 60 and above outnumbered children younger than five years.

80% — the percentage of elderly people who will be from low and middle income countries by 2050.

60 — the age after which a person is considered to be a senior citizen. [I'm almost there, since I am 56!]

3.6% — the percentage of people over 65 years old who are in nursing homes.

4 in 5 — the number of older adults who will battle at least one chronic illness.

50% — the percentage of elderly people who battle at least two chronic diseases.

75 — the age at which one in three elderly people don’t get any physical activity.

99% — the percentage of people aged 65 and above who have health insurance.

⅓ — the portion of the total subsidized housing occupied by the elderly.

20 to 22 % — the percentage of the population over 65 years of age in the three oldest states in the United States.



What is National Senior Citizen Day?

The achievements and contributions of the mature people of our country are recognized on National Senior Citizens Day.

What is the age of senior citizens?

An individual resident is considered a senior citizen if he/she is between the ages of 60 to 80 years.

What are the advantages of turning 60?

There are perks to turning 60. Many benefits are applicable only to senior citizens. Extra coverage is granted to senior citizens for healthcare expenses.

When should I start saving for retirement?

Every individual's circumstances are different, but the general advice is that you should start saving early and to save as often as you can.



1. Donate to a nursing/retirement home

One of the kindest and most rewarding things one can do is to donate essential goods or gifts to a nursing/retirement home. Give your nearest facility a call and ask them whether they have a shortage of anything. Or simply drop off some chocolates, juice boxes, or any other treats. You can really make a difference in someone’s life.

[Blogger's Note: I tried to find a way to donate to local nursing/retirement homes in Portland, Oregon, but I was unable to do so.]

2. Reach out to a senior family member

Do you have a senior family member? Perhaps it’s a parent, grandparent, aunt, or uncle. Visit them and spend some time together. If you can’t see them in person, don't text — call! Let them hear the warmth in your voice when you tell them how much you appreciate them.

3. Have fun!

Are you a senior citizen yourself? Well, today is all about you! Live it up and treat yourself. Spend time with your favorite people, go shopping — do whatever you like. This could be the day you finally try that one thing you never have time for or perhaps it's a perfect day to chill at home. You’ve earned this time, so enjoy it!



1. Get with the times

Today, only 3.6% of people over the age of 65 live in nursing homes — older women are likely to live alone, while older men prefer living with a spouse.

2. Senior citizens battle serious illnesses

Four in five seniors will battle at least one medical condition or illness like arthritis or a heart disorder.

3. “Get off my property!”

Over ⅓ of federally subsidized housing is occupied by elderly people.

[Blogger's Note: I feel like this fact seems disrespectful of those elderly people who live in federally subsidized housing!

First of all, the quote “Get off my property!” seems to be saying that elderly people are obligatorily yelling at those on their property, as explained from a Wikipedia entry titled, "You kids get off my lawn!"

"You kids get off my lawn!" from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia—which is funded primarily through donations from millions of individuals around the world, including this blogger (I make a totally affordable monthly donation):

"You kids get off my lawn!" is an American expression of the late 20th century and early 21st century. ... This phrase presents the supposed reaction of a stereotypical elderly homeowner confronting boisterous children entering or crossing their property. Today, the phrase has been expanded to mock any sort of complaint, particularly those of older people regarding the young. ...!

Second of all, I feel like this fact also seems disrespectful of elderly people who live in federally subsidized housing, as if that subsidized housing was not, in fact, paid for by the middle class elderly citizens who are living in said housing—but was actually paid for by the wealthy, powerful and well-connected whose taxes are not actually paid at the same rate as the middle class! For, "We, The People" know that the middle class pays a higher tax rate than the billionaire class, which is explained from an Oxfam article titled, "Do the rich pay their fair share?":

"Do the rich pay their fair share?" from Oxfam America

By Oxfam | November 15, 2022

What billionaires and giant corporations pay in taxes—and what that means for the rest of us. ...

... Do billionaires pay their fair share?

Billionaires in the US pay a smaller tax rate than most teachers and retail workers. Thanks to a tax code that favors income from wealth over income from work—and a slew of tax-avoidance strategies—the richest among us end up paying a smaller percentage of their income to the federal government than most working families.

Here’s what we know:

Since 2020, the richest 1 percent have captured almost two-thirds of all new wealth.

According to a 2021 White House study, the wealthiest 400 billionaire families in the US paid an average federal individual tax rate of just 8.2 percent. For comparison, the average American taxpayer in the same year paid 13 percent.

According to leaked tax returns highlighted in a ProPublica investigation, the 25 richest Americans paid $13.6 billion in taxes from 2014-2018—a “true” tax rate of just 3.4 percent on $401 billion of income.

That’s not paying your fair share. Instead of our tax system rewarding wealth over work, it should ensure that billionaires play by the same set of rules as the rest of us. It’s good for the planet, and it’s essential to the preservation of our democracy. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

Thus, it's as if we are being told by the wealthy, powerful and well-connected that elderly folks—who live in federally subsidized housing—should just “Get off [their] property,” since it's the wealthy who have paid for that subsidized housing and not the middle class! And the middle class not only pay a higher percentage of their income on taxes, the middle class tax payers don't cheat on their taxes like the wealthy are known to cheat on their taxes!

And the proof that I offer for the statement above, regarding the wealthy cheating on their taxes, is the recent roll back of funding to the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) by the Republicans to the tune of $21 billion dollars as part of the debt ceiling bill in June 2023, which is explained in articles from Forbes Magazine and the Brookings Institution, respectively, both of which are from January 2023:

"Rolling Back IRS Funds Would Make It Harder To File Tax Returns And Easier To Cheat" from Forbes Media

By Howard Gleckman Senior Contributor | Jan 4, 2023

Once they finally pick a Speaker, the very first bill House Republicans will adopt likely would make it harder for the IRS to help taxpayers file their returns and easier for tax dodgers to cheat. It doesn’t seem like very smart branding, but what do I know?

Of course, that’s not how the House GOP is framing its coming vote to reverse nearly all of the 2021 Inflation Reduction Act’s (IRA) $80 billion increase in the IRS budget over the next decade. The House GOP says it is trying to prevent 87,000 armed IRS agents from harassing innocent taxpayers. While this oft-repeated claim resonates among some on the political right, it has little connection to reality. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

"Cutting IRS funding is a gift to America’s wealthiest tax evaders" from the Brookings Institution

By Vanessa Williamson | January 26, 2023

In their first act of legislative business, the new House Republican majority voted to cut funding for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The vote was a symbolic effort to repeal the $80 billion increase in funding the revenue agency received last year as part of the Inflation Reduction Act. Cutting IRS funding is a terrible idea. A well-funded IRS can distribute emergency aid quickly, serve taxpayers efficiently, and help ensure that millionaires have to follow the tax laws just like everyone else. It’s an essential investment in good government. ...

... The IRS has been persistently underfunded for decades, but the years since 2010 have been particularly tough. Tax law expert Chye-Ching Huang notes that the enforcement budget of the IRS dropped by nearly a quarter in less than ten years. ...

... But the budgetary toll of persistent underfunding is unmistakable. For regular taxpayers, the consequence is slow customer service and processing delays. Some politicians have irresponsibly suggested that every new IRS employee will be a gun-toting enforcement agent. Actually, the IRS desperately needs employees to process refunds and answer tax filers’ phone calls. Out of the 282 million phone calls the IRS received in 2021, only 11% or 32 million were actually answered. Nearly half the new IRS money is going to taxpayer services and modernization, which will make the agency more responsive and efficient for taxpayers.

About $45 billion of the $80 billion in new funding is going to enforcement, and that is great news. For the wealthiest and most sophisticated tax filers, a cash-strapped IRS has meant a tax evasion free-for-all. Currently, the tax gap, which is the amount in taxes that are owed but not paid, comes to nearly $7 trillion over a decade. Three fifths of the tax gap is due to underreporting of income by the top 10% of taxpayers, and more than a quarter comes from the top 1%. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

By the way, please accept my sincerest apology for this particularly long-winded 'Blogger's Note,' however—as a self-designated 'Poet, Artist and Philosopher'—I feel that it is my solemn duty to call out discrimination whenever I see it!]

4. They are technologically advancing

Senior citizens are the fastest-growing demographic on the social platform Facebook.

5. Young at heart

15 million senior citizens volunteer in some manner.



A. Seniors give wise and useful advice

Our elderly family and friends have a lifetime's worth of precious experiences (and stories) to share. For centuries, cultures across the world have looked to the seniors in their communities for wisdom and knowledge. In times of trouble or when we simply don't know what to do, seniors are often the first people we turn to for a different or even, unusual perspective. If we listen, we can learn so much from them.

B. Seniors give generously

It's widely known that seniors make more charitable donations than any other age group. They have more time to devote to others and volunteer. We appreciate how much they look out for their loved ones and it’s a quality we love in our seniors.

C. Seniors give us goodies!

Perhaps this stems from their generous and charitable nature, but seniors are very good at making us feel special. Grandparents dote on us when we need it, and sometimes when we don't. To every grandparent or elderly loved one that has given us a treat or made sure we ate well or spoiled us in some other way, we salute and appreciate you!

Please see the hyperlink below for the post:

–Paul Whiting (written August 21st, 2023, revised September 4th, 2023, revised November 26th, 2023, revised December 6th, 2023 and revised December 7th, 2023)


August 22nd, 2023 Update: I received a text message today, August 22nd, 2023, from the Debbie Mucarsel-Powell for Florida campaign, which stated the following:

Debbie Mucarsel-Powell here. I just launched my campaign to defeat Sen. Rick Scott and flip Florida blue – but I’m not here to ask for money!

Instead, I’m counting on 25,000 grassroots supporters like you to personally endorse my campaign before midnight tonight.

Having a strong showing of support on day one of this campaign is critical if we’re going to defeat Rick Scott, so I’m counting on you to add your name now:***

Thank you!

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Debbie Mucarsel-Powell
U.S. Senate

Personal Invitation: Add your name to endorse our campaign!

Contact Information

First Name (Optional): Paul
Email: [redacted]
Mobile Phone (Optional): [redacted]


Paid for by Debbie for Florida


Blue Florida 2024 Strategy Survey | Midnight Deadline

Thank you for adding your name to endorse Democrat Debbie Mucarsel-Powell for Senate! Will you answer a few questions about this must-win race to help shape Debbie’s grassroots strategy? Your responses are incredibly important to our campaign.

Which issues should Debbie focus on most in her messaging to voters? (Select up to three.)

[  ] Protecting access to affordable health care

[  ] Defending Social Security and Medicare

[✓] Stopping GOP attacks on reproductive rights

[✓] Strengthening our democracy

[✓] Fighting against Rick Scott’s dangerous agenda

[  ] Defending our democracy and voting rights

[  ] Ending gun violence

[  ] Other:

[Blogger's Note: I could have easily selected "all of the above," but, I chose the center three messages since I felt those were the "issues [that] Debbie [should] focus on most in her messaging to voters" when I filled out the survey! By the way, I feel "Strengthening our democracy" includes "Defending our democracy and voting rights," which is why I selected that particular message.]

What grade would you give Rick Scott’s leadership in the Senate?

[✓] F – Terrible

[  ] D – Bad

[  ] C – Poor

[  ] B – Good

[  ] A – Excellent

Rick Scott wrote the GOP’s plan to end Social Security and Medicare. He tried to raise taxes on working families, which would have pushed millions of Americans into poverty. And he’s even pushed for a nationwide abortion ban.

Now experts say he’s one of the most vulnerable senators up for reelection. How much should Democrats prioritize defeating him in 2024?

[  ] 1 - Lowest Priority
[  ] 2
[  ] 3
[  ] 4
[✓] 5 - Highest Priority

Rick Scott only won this seat by 0.12% – just 10,033 votes! Now, election analysts at CNN, RollCall, and FiveThirtyEight are all saying that Florida is one of our best chances to pick up a seat in 2024.

Are you personally committed to helping flip Florida blue, expanding our Senate majority, and electing Debbie to the Senate?

[✓] Yes, absolutely!

[  ] No, I don’t care if Republicans win.

Experts are clear: If Debbie wins in Florida, Democrats will be all but guaranteed to defend our Senate majority next year. And Rick Scott is ranked as one of the most vulnerable senators in the entire country.

Debbie is already polling one point ahead in the latest data. But this race is going to be one of the most expensive elections in the entire country. Last time around, Rick Scott spent a massive $64 MILLION of his own money to buy this seat.

We can’t let Debbie be outspent in such a critical election. That’s why she’s set a massive $500,000 campaign launch goal to hit the ground running. She’s counting on you to have her back. So please, will you make a donation before midnight tonight to flip Florida blue and defend our Senate majority?

[✓] Yes, I can give $5 to flip Florida blue.

[  ] Yes, I can give $25 to flip Florida blue.

[  ] Yes, I can give $50 to flip Florida blue.

[  ] Yes, and I can give more to flip Florida blue.



Rick Scott has spent his time in Washington trying to destroy Social Security and Medicare, ban abortions nationwide, and increase taxes on working families.

Now, Debbie Mucarsel-Powell is running to defeat him. Election analysts are saying this is one of Democrats’ TOP pickup opportunities in the Senate – and early polling has Debbie one point ahead.

But Scott is a multi-millionaire who can spend huge sums of his own money to defeat Debbie, so Debbie is counting on strong grassroots support from Democrats all across the country. Please, will you chip in now to flip Florida blue before our midnight deadline?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Debbie Mucarsel-Powell.

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $10 →

[✓] Donate $5 →

[  ] Other amount

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

Will you chip in with a tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[✓] Custom $0.21

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Debbie for Florida [Debbie Mucarsel-Powell for Florida] campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to "personally endorse [Debbie Mucarsel-Powell's] campaign!" –Paul Whiting (written August 22nd, 2023 and revised November 8th, 2023)


August 22nd, 2023 Update—Continued: I received an email from Song for Charlie today, August 22nd, 2023, with the subject line, "Song for Charlie: August Newsletter", which stated the following:

Song for Charlie Monthly Newsletter
August 2023

The New Drug Talk

Song for Charlie is pleased to announce the launch of our new resource portal, The New Drug Talk: Connect to Protect ( Developed in partnership with the California Department of Healthcare Services, the website is designed to equip parents and caregivers with the tools they need to talk to their kids about the new chemical drug landscape. We are grateful to DHCS and our corporate and nonprofit partners for funding and promoting this important project. We invite you to visit the site and share it with your friends and family.

Documentary Film

SFC has just released a 30-minute documentary-style film that anchors The New Drug Talk project. A cast of experts and impacted families provide background, context and actionable information families can use to keep their loved ones safe. Watch the 1-minute trailer ( and download the full video HERE (

Legislation for Education

Oregon recently passed a law requiring all middle- and high schools to implement fentanyl education in the classroom, citing the Fake & Fatal Campaign ( developed by the Beaverton School District (with an assist from SFC) as the model. We are encouraged to see other States following suit. Just this month, US Representative [name redacted] announced plans to introduce Federal legislation to facilitate school-based fentanyl education nationwide. In recognition of their advocacy on the issue, [names redacted] were invited to the announcement along with US HHS Secretary [name redacted], Senator [name redacted] and other dignitaries.

Seattle Golf Tourney [Tournament]

Our work continues thanks to inspiring champions like [name redacted] and [name redacted] who recently hosted the third annual “What a Day” memorial golf tournament in Seattle in memory of Riley Frazier and others lost to fentanyl poisonings. Friends, local businesses, and community members came out to play golf and raise awareness and funds to help Song for Charlie fulfill our mission. “We’re tired of our friends dying. It was a great opportunity to spread fentanyl awareness to a strong community of friends and family. We hope opportunities like this will help people find healthier alternatives than illegal drugs because unfortunately at the end of the day life is fragile” shared [name redacted]. “I’m happy to support our fellow bereaved families and charity recipient Song for Charlie in their critical efforts to inform our youth about this deadly fentanyl crisis,” said [name redacted]. The event raised nearly $10k and we couldn’t be more grateful.

Multiplier Effect

SFC [Song for Charlie] is 100% donor funded. That means our mission is only possible because of generous individuals, corporations and foundations fueling our work through their donations. Every dollar raised helps us empower families. Together we are multiplying our impact to save lives.

Join us by hosting your own fundraiser, sharing our information on social media and activating your workplace. Let us know about an event you are planning or reach out to learn more: [email redacted]


[Names redacted]

And, after I read the email above, I watched the 1-minute "The New Drug Talk Trailer - English," then I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, regarding downloading the full video, which can be found below:


Welcome to the official access page for the full version of The New Drug Talk film.

Gain access to the complete film by filling out the form. Upon submission, you will receive an email containing a secure link to download and watch the full version of The New Drug Talk: Connect to Protect.

First Name: Paul

Last Name: Whiting

Email Address: [redacted]

State: [redacted]

Postal: [redacted]

Which best describes you?
[  ] Parent
[  ] Grandparent
[  ] Caregiver
[  ] Educator
[  ] Counselor
[  ] Non Profit

[Blogger's Note: I didn't fit any of those descriptions, so I didn't select one.]

What is your age? 56



Plus, after I received "an email containing a secure link to download and watch the full version of The New Drug Talk: Connect to Protect," I made a one-time donation to Song for Charlie in order to support their "national family-run, nonprofit charity dedicated to raising awareness about 'fentapills' — fake pills made of fentanyl."

Then, later on, I watched the video "The New Drug Talk - FULL" on YouTube, which I found to be really informative and thought-provoking. And the video provided a lot of truly educational information about the lethal dangers of fentanyl in about thirty minutes.

By the way, I normally provide a hyperlink to videos like this one, so that you, my readers, can simply click on the link and watch; however, this video is "unlisted," so I am encouraging you, my readers, to fill out the form on "the official access page for the full version of The New Drug Talk film," just like I did:

–Paul Whiting (written August 22nd, 2023 and revised August 23rd, 2023)


August 22nd, 2023 Update—Continued Further: I received a text message today, August 22nd, 2023, from the Roland Gutierrez for Texas campaign, which stated the following:

Hi Paul, I'm Roland Gutierrez, the Democrat running against Ted Cruz in Texas.

I proudly represent Uvalde in the Texas State Senate and when horrifying violence struck my community, I worked with families to demand real action.

Ted Cruz just offered thoughts and prayers. Enough is enough.

That's why I'm running for Senate so we can have leadership that is willing to take on tough fights and stand up for what matters.

Texas is the best chance Democrats have to FLIP a Senate seat in 2024, but Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump will do everything to keep Texas RED. I know we can win this race, that will only happen if we get critical early investments now.

So I'm asking you today, can you chip in $25 and become a Founding Donor to our campaign to DEFEAT Ted Cruz?***

Thank you,
Roland Gutierrez

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Roland Gutierrez
For U.S. Senate

Donate to Roland For Texas!

Roland Gutierrez is running for the United States Senate, because Ted Cruz is all about taking care of rich people while working Texans get left behind.

After the Uvalde school shooting, Roland and the Uvalde families teamed up to demand change but saw firsthand that our system is entirely broken. What happened in Uvalde was about the neglect of the systems that are supposed to keep us all safe and help us get ahead.

Hardworking Texans are getting the short end of the stick, working full-time but still struggling to pay the rent. That isn’t right. Meanwhile, Republicans like Ted Cruz run away when things get tough. He’s just looking out for the rich and powerful, while the rest of us get scraps.

Roland is running to fix things and build a Texas where we all thrive. Texas is the best Senate flip opportunity for Democrats, but we are going to need you on our team to do it!

Make a contribution today to join #TeamGutierrez as a Founding Donor! →

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Roland Gutierrez.

[✓] Donate $5 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[  ] Other amount

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[✓] Custom $0.21

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Roland Gutierrez for Texas campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to become a Founding Donor of Roland Gutierrez for Texas! –Paul Whiting (August 22nd, 2023)


August 23rd, 2023 Update: I received an email from today, August 23rd, 2023, with the subject line, "Make climate conferences vegan", which stated the following:

Make climate conferences vegan!

Help our petition grow

Image: June 2023 - Plant Based Treaty gave Bonn Climate Conference delegates free vegan hotdogs to show that a transition to a plant-based food system is essential to addressing rising food-related greenhouse gas emissions.

Sign the petition:

We have asked the United Nations (UN) to show climate action leadership by encouraging climate conferences to provide 100% plant-based catering.

We’ve requested a meeting with COP28 [28th Conference of the Parties ("COP") to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change] (the upcoming climate talks in Dubai, this December) to discuss switching to 100% plant-based catering because we believe every climate conference should showcase the very best practices in climate-friendly diets.

We are appealing for help in signing and sharing our petition with your network. We’d really appreciate your help.

3 ways you can support


1. Share our petition across your social media accounts. Check out our social media kit for graphics and captions. Feel free to add your logo to the graphics if you are part of a community group or have your own business.

Social media kit:


2. If you or someone you know has a newsletter or blog, could it be used to promote our petition? We have made a simple template that you can use or adapt!

View template:

Newsletter Template (feel free to use, adapt or create your own)

Subject: Take Action: Ask climate conferences to go vegan!

Dearest Blog Readers,

Please join us in supporting the Plant Based Treaty campaign calling on UN climate conferences to shift to 100% plant-based catering.

[Sign the petition]

I’m sure you agree that climate conferences should be a platform to showcase the very best practices in climate-friendly diets, and it is hard to believe that conferences serve planet-harming foods that are escalating the climate emergency, deforestation, species extinction and many of Earth’s critical life support systems.

Help ensure climate conferences set a good example by introducing 100% plant-based menus.

[Sign the petition]

Thank you!

-Paul Whiting
Poet, Artist and Philosopher
Portland, Oregon


3. Please use our pre-prepared Tweets to promote our petition. Check out our document for automatic tweets and copy and paste tweets for Mastodon users.

Tweet petition:

Pre-prepared Tweets


📢 Please sign and RT this petition from @Plant_Treaty to demand climate conferences switch to 100% plant-based catering.
#vegan #ClimateCrisis #PlantBasedTreaty #COP28


Please sign ✍️ and RT this petition from @Plant_Treaty.

How can there be global talks to address climate change while putting meat and dairy on the plates of the delegates?
#vegan #ClimateCrisis #PlantBasedTreaty #COP28


Copyright © 2023 Plant Based Treaty, All rights reserved.

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:

"Take Climate Action: Make COP28 Vegan!" from YouTube:

Make COP28 Vegan

10,179 People signed
102% of 10,000 Goal

Sign Now:

We are asking the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to show climate action leadership by encouraging the hosts of COP28 to provide 100% plant-based catering and creating a policy for future climate conferences to offer 100% plant-based catering, ideally showcasing locally sourced vegan organic (veganic) and agroecological produce.

In addition, we ask the UN to ensure their own summits, along with their cafeteria in New York City provide 100% plant-based catering, following the example set under Mayor Eric Adam's initiatives to make New York City a plant-based city.

Between 30 November and 12 December 2023, the United Nations will hold its 28th annual climate change conference in Dubai. It marks a key milestone when the world will take stock of its progress on the Paris Agreement. Over 70,000 participants are expected to attend COP28, including heads of state, government officials, industry leaders, academics, and representatives from civil society organizations.

The current global food system with expanding meat, dairy, and egg consumption is alarmingly transgressing planetary boundaries, risking food security, and harming human health and animal wellbeing. Even if fossil fuel emissions were halted today, emissions from the food system alone could increase global temperatures by more than 1.5C. (Clark et al., 2020)

A plant-based diet is the most climate-friendly diet and has been repeatedly endorsed by the IPCC. During COP27, food systems were included for the first time in the UN climate conference program, yet delegates were struggling to access climate-friendly meals. YOUNGO, the official children and youth constituency of UNFCCC, has already sent a joint letter request for sustainable plant-rich catering at COP28 attracting signatures from over 150+ organizations.

Dr Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, President-Designate for COP28 UAE, has described this year’s conference as a “prime opportunity to rethink, reboot, and refocus the climate agenda,” and we, therefore, ask him to match those words with meaningful action, starting with a tangible commitment to providing 100% plant-based catering at COP28.


70,000 participants eating two vegan meals daily at COP28 would equate to 1.8 million climate-friendly plant-based meals. For example, if beef was swapped to plant-based protein and all dairy and cheese to plant-based alternatives, this would spare almost 40,000 metric tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions (CO2e), 64 square kilometres of land, and 728 million litres of water. That’s equivalent to sparing the emissions from driving over 154 million miles (taking 8,600 cars off the road for a year), more than the land area of Manhattan, and the water use of 291 Olympic-sized swimming pools.

We call for:

1. 100% plant-based catering during COP28 and all UN climate conferences and offices, showcasing locally sourced veganic produce where possible.

2. Use the Food and Water Systems Day at COP28 on December 5, 2023 to focus on plant-based solutions following calls from twenty-one cities, including the Scottish Capital Edinburgh and Los Angeles for world leaders to negotiate a Plant Based Treaty as a companion to the Paris Agreement. A focus on the multitude of benefits and opportunities of a transition towards a plant-based food system to address the triple threat of the climate crisis, food insecurity and the cost of living crisis.

3. COP28 to take a zero-tolerance approach to greenwashing by the animal agriculture lobby by ensuring industry representatives are not platformed for the purposes of promoting unproven measures that are at odds with the latest IPCC science.

It is imperative for climate conferences to provide climate-friendly catering. So please help nourish the planet and nourish ourselves by supporting plant-based catering at COP28!

Take Action

Help the petition reach its goal:

1. Share this petition with your friends, family and coworkers
2. Post about this petition on your social media accounts, online forums and groups
3. Ask your partners and community groups to sign and share the petition
4. Include a link to our petition on your website, blogs, newsletters and social media bios
5. Write to your elected officials and ask them to sign and share the petition
6. Tweet the UNFCC and COP28 and ask them to make climate conferences vegan. ...

... Background

What is the Plant Based Treaty?

A global Plant Based Treaty presents 3Rs [Relinquish, Redirect, Restore] and 39 detailed proposals to shift the world towards a plant-based food system in order to halt the widespread degradation of Earth's support systems caused by animal agriculture.


1. A global Plant Based Treaty as a companion to the Paris Agreement

2. Local implementation of best practices from around the world. New York City is exemplary in its schools, with two plant-powered days per week and plant-based meals by default in hospitals (60% take up); Edinburgh also is showing bold political leadership endorsing the treaty and taking positive steps to implement proposals that fall within its jurisdiction

To learn more and sign the Plant Based Treaty as an individual, group, business or city please visit

And so, signed the petition above (I was petition signer number 10181!) in order to do my part to ask "the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to show climate action leadership by encouraging the hosts of COP28 to provide 100% plant-based catering and creating a policy for future climate conferences to offer 100% plant-based catering." –Paul Whiting (written August 23rd, 2023, revised August 24th, 2023, revised August 25th, 2023 and revised January 1st, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, I used to make one-time donations to the organization that is the subject of these 'updates' each time that I took an action as requested by that organization; however, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am greatly reducing the number of times that I donate for the same organization per month down to once—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis." (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.) Thus, because I have already donated to on August 13th, 2023 (please see my 'August 13th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above) that is the one-time donation which I made to Plant Based Treaty for August 2023.


August 24th, 2023 Update: I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles from one of their daily emails that I received today, August 24th, 2023, when I noticed two articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The first Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "A Trump-Less Debate, and a Vision of a Trump-Free GOP." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"A Trump-Less Debate, and a Vision of a Trump-Free GOP" from Time Magazine

By Molly Ball | August 24, 2023

It’s difficult to dominate a man who isn’t there, and the eight Republican candidates onstage in Milwaukee on Wednesday night didn’t really try. Not until an hour into the first debate of the 2024 primary season did the moderators force the issue of “the elephant not in the room”—former President Trump, the absent frontrunner—to what seemed to be the candidates’ and audience’s collective chagrin.

They pleaded to change the subject: “I've answered this before," complained Florida Gov. Ron Desantis. They made nonsensical segues: “China loves it when we talk about the past,” argued North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum. They tried to pivot: “The first thing I’ll do as President is fire Merrick Garland,” vowed Sen. Tim Scott. Even former Vice President Mike Pence, who at one point stirringly defended his actions on Jan. 6, 2021, insisted the election was “not about looking back at January 2021.”

To their credit, when pressed, the candidates largely agreed that Pence had done the right thing on Jan. 6. But they, and much of the audience, seemed to want to talk about anything else. “Let’s just get through this section!” pleaded moderator Brett Baier. (For Trump's part, as the debate was beginning, the ousted former Fox host Tucker Carlson posted online an interview with the former President that he’d taken time out of his busy schedule meeting with autocrats to pretape last week.)

That’s not to say that they all agreed on the subject: Businessman Vivek Ramaswamy thrust his hand in the air like an eager student when the candidates were asked if they’d support another Trump nomination even if he's convicted of a crime, while former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, waggling a finger, argued the party needed to move on and “dispense with the person who said we have to suspend the Constitution.” But the segment, the liveliest of the night, was telling of how the other candidates viewed the frontrunner’s looming specter: as an unpleasant obligation to be reluctantly endured.

The debate marked the unofficial kickoff of a campaign season that has been defined by the other candidates’ collective inability to discredit Trump in the eyes of GOP voters, who largely view the quadruply indicted former President as an unjustly victimized quasi-incumbent. It featured plenty of discussion on topics from abortion to China, crime to Ukraine, and allowed the non-Trump candidates ample opportunity to introduce themselves to voters who may have been paying scant attention to this point. Without Trump there to suck the oxygen out of the room, the other candidates could present themselves as qualified, serious and credible, perhaps persuading voters there is life for the party after Trump. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

The second Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "The Biggest Moments From the First Republican Debate." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"The Biggest Moments From the First Republican Debate" from Time Magazine

By Mini Racker and Nik Popli | (Originally Published) August 23, 2023

Nine months after former President Donald Trump threw his hat in the ring for the 2024 presidential nomination, his rivals finally had the opportunity to appear together for the first Republican debate in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

With Trump shunning the debate stage, the candidates who did attend traded some of their strongest blows yet in the race and clarified their positions on abortion, Trump’s legal woes, Ukraine, and other key issues.

These were some of the highlights of the first Republican presidential debate in the 2024 campaign. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight these articles from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written August 24th, 2023, revised August 26th, 2023, revised September 23rd, 2023 and revised March 26th, 2024)


August 24th, 2023 Update—Continued: I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, August 24th, 2023, when I noticed eleven different articles on various news websites, including,,,,,,, and!

Now, I usually provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication.

However, due to the number of articles for which I had an introduction to write, I have decided to forego my usual writing format for this particular current news 'update' and simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name—along with a simplified introduction from each article—in addition to a hyperlink for each article.

Plus, I am placing these articles in the order in which I read them, but also grouped by news organization for articles that are from the same publication; however, with very few exceptions, virtually all of these articles had something to do with the first Republican presidential debate, which was held yesterday, August 23rd, 2023.

No. 1: The Reuters article that I read today is titled, "First Republican presidential debate highlights: Four takeaways." A simplified introduction to the article can be found below:

"First Republican presidential debate highlights: Four takeaways" from Reuters

WASHINGTON, Aug 23 (Reuters) - Eight contenders for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination jockeyed for voters’ attention on Wednesday at the party’s first debate, while the front-runner Donald Trump, the former president, bypassed the event.

Here are four takeaways from the debate in Milwaukee, Wisconsin: ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

No. 2: The NBC News article that I read today is titled, "Republicans jockey for second place in the first primary debate." A simplified introduction to the article can be found below:

"Republicans jockey for second place in the first primary debate" from NBC News

Trump skipped the debate, having instead recorded an interview with former Fox News host Tucker Carlson.

MILWAUKEE — The elephant wasn't in the room.

But former President Donald Trump was still top of mind as Republican hopefuls took the stage here Wednesday night for the first presidential primary debate of the 2024 election.

Seven of the eight candidates raised their hands when asked if they would support him should he be convicted of a crime and still win the GOP nomination.

While they all skirmished to be seen as the first challenger to the former president, Trump — who skipped the debate — tried to pivot to the general election by bashing President Joe Biden in an interview with former Fox News host Tucker Carlson on the platform formerly known as Twitter.

"I think he's worse mentally than he is physically," Trump said when asked whether Biden, who faces little primary challenge, would be on the ballot next November. "And physically, he's not a triathlete or any kind of athlete."

At the same time, the candidates in the debate hall alternated between ripping Biden — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis did that repeatedly — and savaging each other. They fought over personal traits and substance, from levels of experience, to abortion and American aid to Ukraine.

For them, the debate was a chance to bare their claws in the battle for second place in pre-primary polling. For Trump, it was yet another self-made opportunity to upend the Republican Party and the political world, this time on the eve of his surrender to Georgia authorities.

"We always knew Trump would be the focus of this debate, whether he showed up or not," said Elijah Haahr, a Republican former Missouri House speaker and the host of a Missouri radio program.

But that didn't mean the contestants wanted to talk about him early or often. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

No. 3: One of the USA Today articles that I read today is titled, "They're off! The GOP debate launched the campaign. What's next? An arrest, for starters." (By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.) A simplified introduction to the article can be found below:

"They're off! The GOP debate launched the campaign. What's next? An arrest, for starters" from USA Today

Now that the first GOP presidential debate is over, the five-month sprint to the Iowa caucuses and early primaries is just beginning.

So what's next?

For starters, there will be a big moment for a candidate who wasn't among the eight on stage in Milwaukee − Donald Trump − as he gets set for a command appearance at the Fulton County jail in Atlanta. The coming weeks will bring a winnowing of the large field and a guessing game about whether anyone new will enter the field.

The upcoming milestones will determine which contenders survive into next year; who (if anyone) gets traction to challenge Trump, the current frontrunner; whether the nomination will take months to sort out or will be effectively settled almost as soon as it begins; and where Republicans will stand on issues for the general election, such as abortion, Ukraine and the economy.

Here's what to watch for. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

No. 4: Another one of the USA Today articles that I read today is titled, "'Get real Jack': Biden ad appears on Fox News site during debate, seeks pro-choice support." (As I mentioned above, I am a subscriber to USA Today.) A simplified introduction to the article can be found below:

"'Get real Jack': Biden ad appears on Fox News site during debate, seeks pro-choice support" from USA Today

A Joe Biden re-election advertisement, which displayed on Fox News' website during the Republican presidential primary debate Wednesday night, is seeking donations to support pro-choice policy.

"Get real, Jack. I’m bringing Roe [v. Wade] back," the advertisement reads. "But only if you’re with us."

The website said all donations will go toward the president's campaign in an effort to restore Roe v. Wade., the U.S. Supreme Court landmark decision overturned in 2022 that once protected the right to have an abortion.

"You don’t have to agree with everything the President says to know that we need to restore the fundamental rights given to women by Roe v Wade, and to oppose the MAGA extremism of some of today’s Republicans," the donation page reads.

Biden has previously expressed disappointment and concern over the Supreme Court's decision last year, saying it endangered the health and life of American women. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

No. 5: The New Republic Magazine article that I read today is titled, "We Fact-Checked Republicans’ “Biden Corruption” Timeline. And It’s Bad." A simplified introduction to the article can be found below:

"We Fact-Checked Republicans’ “Biden Corruption” Timeline. And It’s Bad." from The New Republic

The timeline is the entire basis of Republicans’ claims against Joe Biden. But a closer look reveals it’s riddled with errors.

Republicans are moving to impeach Joe Biden, after months of accusing the president and his son Hunter Biden of corruption. But they have yet to produce any actual evidence of their claims, and the latest attempt to make their case is no better. Instead, it simply shows their desperation to discredit the president.

The House Oversight Committee has spearheaded the probe into the Bidens. Last month, the committee published a timeline going back as far as 2013 that supposedly shows the extent of the Bidens’ influence peddling overseas. But if you look closely, the timeline is riddled with errors. An analysis by The New Republic found at least 19 mistakes or misleading details—from mixed-up dates to messages and meetings that never happened. And nowhere does the timeline show actual wrongdoing by the president. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

No. 6: One of the CNN articles that I read today is titled, "Is America’s economy really as bad as Republican presidential candidates say it is?" Unlike the other articles in this 'update,' an extended simplified summary of the article can be found below:

"Is America’s economy really as bad as Republican presidential candidates say it is?" from CNN

New York (CNN) — To hear Republican presidential candidates describe the US economy, you’d think it was in a deep recession, with growth and productivity choked off by President Joe Biden’s policies.

The reality is decidedly less bleak — and far more nuanced.

In fact, the US economy is growing — fast.

For most workers, the past two years have been especially favorable, with roughly two positions available for every job seeker. Inflation, while still painfully high, is cooling. Real wages, adjusted for inflation, are finally on the rise.

As much as Biden can’t claim credit for all that good economic news, Republicans can’t, in good faith, blame Biden for all of the bad news, either.

GOP candidates who slammed Biden’s economic agenda in Wednesday’s primary debate are seizing on a real issue of voter frustration, but that reality is based more on vibes than facts.

The economy is strong, but most Americans say they don’t feel good about it, according to polls. A CNN poll published earlier this month showed a majority of Americans feel the economy is getting worse.

And a key gauge of consumer sentiment showed that optimism fell earlier this month after being on an upswing throughout the summer.

That disconnect is largely because of inflation and the Federal Reserve’s campaign to fight it — a one-two punch that has made everything from groceries to housing less affordable.

Here’s what’s really going on.


Fox News opened the GOP debate Wednesday night with a video of Wisconsin voters describing their frustrations over high prices — by far the biggest economic pain point for the Biden administration.

Even though inflation has come down significantly, from 9.1% last summer to 3.2% now, prices overall are about 18% higher today than they were in late 2019, just before the pandemic, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

There’s no denying those price increases have hurt real people. Gas prices, which are notoriously volatile and impossible for any president to control, have been climbing higher in recent weeks, adding to the financial sting for drivers.

But it’s important to note the complex global forces — it’s hardly just an American problem — that drove inflation higher in the first place.

In short:

• The pandemic scrambled global supply chains and drastically altered consumer behavior, leaving the world with too much demand and too little supply.

• The Federal Reserve, led by Trump appointee Jerome Powell, essentially turned on a money spigot to keep financial markets from collapsing in the early days of the pandemic, then kept the spigot on (arguably for too long, though that debate is one for economic historians).

• Stimulus payments passed by both the Trump and Biden administrations fed demand for goods, though they also kept millions of Americans from going hungry and fueled a powerful economic rebound.

• Corporations kept prices inflated even after supply chains began to unwind from the pandemic-induced kinks.

• Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in early 2022 created new shocks to global supply chains, driving prices for energy and food higher.

Bottom line: Neither Biden nor Trump had any control over the catastrophic impact of the pandemic. And the legislation behind “Bidenomics” didn’t pass the Senate until late 2021, long after inflationary forces had taken root, and well before any federal spending could have any real impact on the economy.

It’s also worth noting that as painful as inflation feels in America, other parts of the world have it worse. British inflation remains at 6.8%, Germany’s is 6.2% and Egypt’s is north of 36%. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

No. 7: Another one of the CNN articles that I read today is titled, "Takeaways from the first Republican presidential primary debate." A simplified introduction to the article can be found below:

"Takeaways from the first Republican presidential primary debate" from CNN

(CNN) — With Donald Trump skipping the first 2024 Republican presidential primary debate, eight of his primary rivals – most of them men wearing ties similar to the bright red one regularly worn by the former president – brawled for second-place status Wednesday night.

Vivek Ramaswamy, the 38-year-old entrepreneur and first-time candidate, was alongside Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in the center of the stage – and he was the central figure for much of the night. Ramaswamy clashed with former Vice President Mike Pence over his experience, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley over foreign policy, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie over Trump, and more.

And because he has positioned himself as a defender of Trump, Ramaswamy was, at times, a stand-in for the former president, who momentarily ceded the stage Wednesday night but will take it back Thursday when he turns himself in at the Fulton County jail in Georgia as he faces election subversion charges. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

No. 8: The Politico article that I read today is titled, "Who won, who lost and who fizzled in the first Republican debate." A simplified introduction to the article can be found below:

"Who won, who lost and who fizzled in the first Republican debate" from Politico

Ron DeSantis was a non-factor as Republicans piled on Vivek Ramaswamy, instead.

Ron DeSantis expected to take the brunt of his opponents’ fire.

Instead, he faded into the crowd.

Largely ignored for two hours by his lower-polling rivals on Wednesday, the Florida governor watched as the first debate of the GOP primary turned into a pile on Vivek Ramaswamy, the 38-year-old biotech entrepreneur rising in polls.

Mike Pence tangled with Ramaswamy. So did Nikki Haley and Chris Christie. DeSantis, still polling second to former President Donald Trump — but with his campaign floundering — was all but reduced to an afterthought, while Pence, Haley and Christie dominated the stage.

The debate may have reset the race a bit, but only for candidates not named Trump. Who came out the best? Who had a bad night? And did we even learn anything new?

We asked five POLITICO campaign reporters for their takeaways from the first Republican primary debate of 2024. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

No. 9: The Democracy Docket articles that I read today is titled, "A Stain Not Easily Removed." A simplified introduction to the article can be found below:

"A Stain Not Easily Removed" from Democracy Docket

Republican lawyers are back in the news and are bringing disgrace to the party and profession. Even before the indictments in Georgia, it had been widely reported that at least five, and perhaps all six, of former President Donald Trump’s co-conspirators were Republican lawyers. Now in Georgia, we add several lawyers, some familiar and some new, to the list of Trump’s co-defendants.

The one common theme in each of Trump’s indictments is the central role that lawyers play in facilitating, excusing or covering up his malfeasance. They are his enablers, co-conspirators and now co-defendants.

Something has gone tragically wrong in the GOP and in the legal profession. At this pace, CPAC will need to hold its next convention in a prison yard. The Federalist Society may soon have to create a category of membership for the disbarred and criminally convicted.

You might think that the Republican establishment would recoil from these disgraced lawyers, but you would be wrong. As the Washington Post recently reported, “After trying to use the Justice Department to delegitimize the 2020 vote,” one of the co-conspirators in the federal case and co-defendant in Georgia, Jeffrey Clark, “has become a rising legal star for Republicans.”

Worse still, the Colorado Republican Party recently hired another indicted co-conspirator, John Eastman — whose California State Bar profile has since been updated with a warning that he’s been charged with a felony — to represent them in a lawsuit aimed at allowing the party to conduct closed primary elections. In the past, the GOP had retained several national law firms to represent it in campaign finance and redistricting litigation. For this case, they decided on a disgraced lawyer who is not only indicted, but in the middle of being disbarred.

History is replete with examples of corrupt politicians and there have always been unscrupulous lawyers. However, until recently, it was unimaginable that a political party would not only defend multiple criminal conspiracies, but also embrace the lawyers at their center. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

No. 10: The ABC News article that I read today is titled, "Republican debate highlights and analysis: Fiery faceoff on Trump, Ukraine and more." A simplified introduction to the article can be found below:

"Republican debate highlights and analysis: Fiery faceoff on Trump, Ukraine and more" from ABC News

The 2024 hopefuls took the stage in Milwaukee on Wednesday night, without Trump.

The first Republican debate of the 2024 presidential primary was held in Milwaukee on Wednesday night.

Eight candidates qualified for a spot on the stage: North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, former Vice President Mike Pence, entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy and South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott.

Missing from the event was the primary's early front-runner: former President Donald Trump, who declined to participate and instead released a pre-recorded interview with Tucker Carlson.

ABC News and FiveThirtyEight live-blogged every major moment and highlight from the debate, aired on Fox News, with FiveThirtyEight providing analysis and a closer look at the polling and data behind the politicians. PolitiFact made real-time fact checks of key statements. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

No. 11: The New York Times article that I read today is titled, "Who Won the Debate? Political Observers Weigh In." (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.) A simplified introduction to the article can be found below:

"Who Won the Debate? Political Observers Weigh In." from The New York Times

Commentators largely agreed that little seemed to alter the state of a race in which Donald J. Trump appears the runaway favorite.

The first Republican debate on Wednesday night offered political pundits a bit of a thought experiment: If the clear front-runner doesn’t take part, can the debate have a clear winner?

Even as commentators spent the debate and its aftermath arguing over which of the eight underdogs on the debate stage performed best, they largely agreed that little seemed to alter the state of a race in which Donald J. Trump appears the runaway favorite.

Still, some pundits said that Mr. Trump’s absence did offer candidates the chance to differentiate themselves, an opportunity they may not have had if he had participated. And the battle to become Mr. Trump’s top challenger, some said, is more hazy. Here is a sampling of commentary on how the candidates fared. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight these articles from Reuters, NBC News, USA Today, The New Republic Magazine, CNN, Politico, Democracy Docket, ABC News and The New York Times for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written August 24th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


August 24th, 2023 Update—Continued Further: I received an email from United Farm Workers (UFW) today, August 24th, 2023, with the subject line, "With your help NY [New York] farm workers can win their UFW contracts", which stated the following:

United Farm Workers
Si, Se Puede!        UFW

With your help NY farm workers can win their UFW contracts

We recently won five union elections in New York state, representing 500 new workers on four apple orchards and a major vegetable producer in upstate NY. Now we're fighting back against grower intimidation to get the workers the union they voted for.

We are also organizing at many other locations as workers want contracts and the protections that come with them. The need is strong. Workers are tired of being abused and taken advantage of. Here are their stories:

[Name redacted] is a cabbage worker in Albion NY. He shares an illegal practice where he works: "I have to purchase my own equipment needed to work such as boots, coats, hats and gloves and spend approximately $200 for this equipment. This is money that my family needs and I know it's not right … I am hoping the union can change this practice. I know that if we're united we can win."

A 23-year resident of New York, [name redacted] also wants the protection of a union at her apple packing house. She shares her story about what sounds like regular exposure to carbon monoxide. "Sometimes, in the mornings when the machinery comes in to move the product, the gasses from this equipment make me dizzy, give me a headache, and once made me sleepy: it is a kind of gas that a truck emits. We have to go outside to refresh ourselves from the fumes."

[Name redacted] has been picking and thinning apples in Albion NY for 8 years under the H-2A program. He shares how the farm supervisor tells long standing workers that he wants to get rid of them and replace them with his family members. "When he checks the apples we pick, he deliberately bruises the ones that we pick; but with his family members, he gives their apples only one glance and doesn't even check the quality...I want the UFW to protect me so I can continue doing my job."

This new organizing drive was made possible by a recent New York law – the Farm Laborers Fair Labor Practices Act – which protects farm workers' rights to unionize and prohibits grower retaliation against those organizing. Workers want to take advantage of the new law that has opened doors for them to speak up and organize. A campaign of this sort is expensive and so are our legal fees. Please donate to help NY workers get the rights and union protections they deserve.


PS: After you take action you can also share this campaign on Facebook & Twitter.*

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

*I selected the "Share on Twitter" option (by the way, I only have a Twitter account so I can read tweets which are included in some online articles that I read) in order for me to provide you, my readers, with the text and hyperlink below:

NY farm workers seeking UFW contracts are fighting back against grower intimidation. A recent NY law protects their right to unionize and prohibits grower retaliation.

Campaigns like this are expensive. Your donation can help the workers win!

And so, I made a one-time donation to United Farm Workers in order to "help [New York] workers get the rights and union protections they deserve," because "workers want contracts and the protections that come with them," due to the fact that "this new organizing drive was made possible by a recent New York law – the Farm Laborers Fair Labor Practices Act – which protects farm workers' rights to unionize and prohibits grower retaliation against those organizing," since "the new law...has opened doors for them to speak up and organize." –Paul Whiting (written August 24th, 2023, revised October 27th, 2023 and revised November 17th, 2023)


August 25th, 2023 Update: I received an email from the American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon (ACLU of Oregon) today, August 25th, 2023, with the subject line, "An update about the ongoing public defense crisis in Oregon", which stated the following:

Rights Unrealized public defense in Oregon.


Paul –

I am writing to share an update on the ACLU of Oregon's advocacy and legal work to relieve and address the public defense crisis in Oregon.

During the state legislative session, my colleagues on the policy team advocated in support of public defense system reforms. Both SB 337 and HB 2467 were passed, which will infuse the system with significant funding to address some of the systemic public defense issues. As we celebrate these long-term reforms that are needed and welcomed, the people most impacted by this crisis need more immediate relief, which the recently-passed legislation does not provide.

Most recently, we filed an amicus brief in partnership with National ACLU, the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, and the Lewis & Clark Law School Criminal Justice Reform Clinic, urging the Oregon Supreme Court to direct lower level courts to dismiss criminal cases when public defense attorneys are not available, and to allow public defense attorneys to withdraw from cases if they are too overloaded to provide adequate representation for their client.

This amicus brief is in support of the Public Defenders of Marion County, who asked the Oregon Supreme Court to stop Marion County judges from forcing their attorneys to represent new clients because they were already over capacity with their existing caseload, and therefore, couldn't ethically take more cases without jeopardizing their existing clients' rights. The brief also highlights the disproportionate impacts that this crisis is having on Black, Indigenous, and Latino people. People with these identities are criminalized at higher rates than white people, and have fewer financial resources.

The case demonstrates the severity and human impacts of Oregon's ongoing public defense crisis, and presents an opportunity for the Court to provide immediate relief to defendants in limbo.

Every Oregonian accused of a crime has a constitutional right to be represented by an attorney who has the skills and capacity to zealously represent them in their case. This ensures the process is fair and the results of the process can be trusted. For those who can't afford one, the state is responsible for providing a public defense attorney. However, high caseloads combined with a shortage of public defense attorneys is creating a constitutional crisis. Thousands are caught in legal jeopardy – some stuck in jail – because they aren't able to afford an attorney and the state cannot provide one.

Thank you for your ongoing interest in our work. You can read more about the amicus brief and public defense system in Oregon on our website ( Please keep an eye on our website for the latest updates and opportunities to engage.

In partnership,

[Name redacted] [Title redacted], ACLU of Oregon


And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:


The ACLU of Oregon joined ACLU National, the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law and the Lewis & Clark Law School Criminal Justice Reform Clinic in filing an amicus brief urging the Oregon Supreme Court to direct lower level courts to dismiss criminal cases for which public defense attorneys are not available and to allow public defense attorneys to withdraw from cases if they are too overloaded to provide adequate representation for their client.

In May 2023, Public Defenders of Marion County (PDMC) Executive Director, Shannon Wilson, asked the Oregon Supreme Court to stop Marion County judges from forcing their attorneys to take on new cases over their objections. Attorneys for PDMC objected to taking new clients because they were already over capacity with their existing caseload and therefore couldn’t ethically take more cases without jeopardizing their existing clients’ rights. The case demonstrates the severity and the human impacts of Oregon’s ongoing public defense crisis, and presents an opportunity for the Oregon Supreme Court to offer more immediate relief to defendants in limbo.

Every Oregonian accused of a crime has a Constitutional right to be represented by an attorney who has the skills and capacity to zealously represent them in their case. For those who can’t afford one, the state is responsible for providing a public defense attorney. However, high caseloads combined with a shortage of public defense attorneys is creating a Constitutional crisis. Thousands are caught in legal jeopardy — some stuck in jail — because they aren’t able to afford an attorney and the state cannot provide one.

While the impact of the public defense crisis is wide reaching, it disproportionately impacts Black, Indigenous, and Latino Oregonians. Black, Indigenous, and Latino people are arrested and incarcerated at much higher rates than white people. Nationwide, Black people are 4.7 times more likely than white people to have a public defender and Latino people are 2.1 times more likely to have a public defender than white people. Because of the higher rates of engagement with both the criminal legal system as a whole and public defenders in particular, this crisis inevitably creates disparate impacts for Black, Indigenous and Latino people.

The 2023 Oregon Legislature passed reforms and infused the system with significant funding to address some of the systemic public defense issues. However, the people most impacted by this crisis need more immediate relief, which the recently-passed legislation does not provide.

Oral arguments, where the Oregon Supreme Court will hear from attorneys representing Wilson and the State, are scheduled for September 19, 2023.


And, after I read about the amicus brief above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, regarding the August 21 Press Release, which can be found below:


AUGUST 21, 2023

Case before Oregon Supreme Court is an opportunity to relieve collapsing public defense system

SALEM, Ore. — Last week the ACLU of Oregon (ACLU-OR) joined National ACLU, the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law and the Lewis & Clark Law School Criminal Justice Reform Clinic in filing an amicus brief urging the Oregon Supreme Court to direct lower level courts to dismiss criminal cases when public defense attorneys are not available and to allow public defense attorneys to withdraw from cases (or object to new ones) if they are too overloaded to provide adequate representation for their client.

“No Oregonian should have to face criminal charges without the help of a lawyer who can be fully attentive to their case,” said Kelly Simon, legal director at ACLU-OR. “The criminal legal system cannot produce just outcomes when public defense attorneys don’t have the time to communicate with their clients, independently investigate their cases or interview witnesses and experts. Judges must exercise their authority to avoid appointing overburdened attorneys, permit attorneys to withdraw when carrying excessive caseloads, and dismiss cases when an attorney with capacity and competency cannot be found in a reasonable time period."

This May, Public Defenders of Marion County asked the Oregon Supreme Court to stop Marion County judges from forcing their attorneys to represent new clients because they were already over capacity with their existing caseload and therefore couldn’t ethically take more cases without jeopardizing their existing clients’ rights. The case demonstrates the severity and human impacts of Oregon’s ongoing public defense crisis.

Every Oregonian accused of a crime has a constitutional right to be represented by an attorney. For those who can’t afford one, the state is responsible for providing a public defense attorney. However, high caseloads combined with a shortage of public defense attorneys is creating a constitutional crisis. Thousands are caught in legal jeopardy — some in custody — because they aren’t able to afford an attorney and the state cannot fulfill its duty to provide an effective one.

While the impact of the public defense crisis is wide reaching, it disproportionately impacts Black, Indigenous, and Latino Oregonians. Black, Indigenous, and Latino people are arrested and incarcerated at much higher rates than white people. Nationwide, Black people are 4.7 times more likely than white people to have a public defender and Latino people are 2.1 times more likely to have a public defender than white people. Because of the higher rates of engagement with both the criminal legal system as a whole and public defenders in particular, this crisis inevitably creates disparate impacts for Black, Indigenous and Latino people.

The crisis has only worsened over the last year. As of July 18, there are currently 2,358 pretrial unrepresented individuals in the state, 133 of whom are in custody, according to the State’s data. One year ago, there were 700 pretrial, unrepresented individuals in the state, of whom 56 were in custody.

“In order to help our clients navigate the system with dignity and humanity, our attorneys need to be able to spend a reasonable amount of time on each case,” PDMC Executive Director, Shannon Wilson, wrote in their declaration to the court.

“For meaningful legal representation they need to be able to develop relationships of trust with each client. They need to have time to fully address the legal issues while thinking of the human component that each client represents — the impact of events on themselves, their families, and their jobs. Unfortunately, none of this is possible under present workloads. Without the ability to humanely do this job, our attorneys are just part of the pipeline of sending people to prison,” said Wilson.

The 2023 Oregon Legislature passed reforms and infused the system with significant funding to address some of the systemic public defense issues. However, ACLU-OR’s Simon said that while these long-term reforms are needed and welcomed, the people most impacted by this crisis need more immediate relief, which the recently-passed legislation does not provide.

Kara Davis, Gilliam County’s prosecutor, and Matt Ellis, Wasco County’s prosecutor are the only two elected prosecutors in Oregon who were formerly public defense attorneys. Both expressed support for the Court ordering broad and immediate relief that would require all stakeholders, including prosecutors, to limit the demand being placed on the finite resources of the criminal legal system. “I personally believe that it is critical for district attorneys, defense attorneys and judges to work collaboratively to determine a process to manage the total caseload in the criminal legal system,” Davis stated. “Courts can serve as an important facilitator and arbiter of cases that should be prioritized and cases that can be moved through and/or out of the system so that it remains sustainable for everyone. Dismissal without prejudice when there is simply no attorney available who can ethically take on another case is one way the Court can balance the constitutional rights of defendants and public safety interests of communities.”

Oral arguments, where the Oregon Supreme Court will hear from attorneys representing Wilson and the State, are scheduled for September 19, 2023.

Then, after I read the email above, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU Foundation of Oregon, in order to show my support for the "update on the ACLU of Oregon's advocacy and legal work to relieve and address the public defense crisis in Oregon," because "in order to help [Public Defenders of Marion County] clients navigate the system with dignity and humanity, [PDMC] attorneys need to be able to spend a reasonable amount of time on each case," since "without the ability to humanely do this job, [PDMC] attorneys are just part of the pipeline of sending people to prison." –Paul Whiting (August 25th, 2023)


August 25th, 2023 Update—Continued: I received a text message today, August 25th, 2023, from USA for UNFPA (formerly known as the 'United Nations Fund for Population Activities' that is now called the 'United Nations Population Fund'), which stated the following:

Hi Paul Whiting — imagine everything Najwa has gone through:

⚠️ Her husband of 20 years abandons her and their family after years of abuse
⚠️ War breaks out in Syria, leading to destruction and scarcity
⚠️ Then, right as she starts to rebuild her life, the massive earthquakes hit Syria and Türkiye

With a destroyed home and shattered spirit, Najwa went from one crowded shelter to the next, unsure of how she would pick up the pieces of her life this time.

That’s when supporters like you came in. Your support gave Najwa access to shelter, mental health services, and economic training sessions. Today, she is rebuilding her life and plans to open her own business to finance repairs to her home.

But here’s the sad truth: It’s now been six months since the earthquakes devastated Syria and Türkiye. The media cameras have long since gone home and funds for our lifesaving work are running short. We only have 40% of what we need to provide lifesaving care through the end of the year.

That’s why, now that it has been six months since the devastating earthquakes, we are asking again...

Please don’t let our funding run dry for women and girls like Najwa. Will you rush a donation of $50, $75, or more to deliver lifesaving care in Türkiye, Syria, and wherever it is needed most?***

Thank you so much for being there, Paul Whiting.


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, I made a one-time donation to USA for UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) in order to do my part "to deliver lifesaving care in Türkiye, Syria," since "it’s now been six months since the earthquakes devastated Syria and Türkiye" and the "funds for [USA for UNFPA's] lifesaving work are running short." –Paul Whiting (August 25th, 2023)


August 25th, 2023 Update—Continued Further: I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, August 25th, 2023, when I noticed an article on titled, "Biden campaign targets answers at Republican abortion debate in new ad." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Biden campaign targets answers at Republican abortion debate in new ad" from NBC News

The video is part of a $25 million advertising push, this time targeting women in battleground states.

By Megan Lebowitz | Aug. 25, 2023

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden's re-election campaign is launching a new ad targeting Republicans on abortion after Wednesday night's debate — an issue Democrats think will work to their advantage in next year's election.

The new advertisement, shared first with NBC News and aired on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," features a series of Republicans discussing the end of Roe v. Wade and calling for national limits on abortion.

The advertisement is part of a $25 million push by Biden's campaign, this time targeting women in battleground states. It will run online and in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

"On Wednesday, MAGA Republicans came to the debate stage and boasted about their support to strip women of the right to make their own health care decisions,” campaign manager Julie Chávez Rodriguez said in a statement.

She said the advertisement is "the first of many" to highlight what the campaign calls Republicans' "extreme, losing positions."

"I'm the one that got rid of Roe v. Wade," former President Donald Trump says in the advertisement before it cuts to a headline reading, "DeSantis signs Florida GOP's 6-week abortion ban into law."

Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., says in the advertisement, "I would literally sign the most the most conservative pro-life legislation that they can get through Congress."

The reversal of Roe v. Wade remains deeply unpopular with voters, 61% of whom disapprove of the Supreme Court's overturning the landmark decision, according to a June NBC News poll. Voters also said abortion access was too difficult — by more than a 2-to-1 ratio compared to voters who said it was too easy. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

By the way, be sure to watch the video at the top of the article that is titled, "Biden campaign out with new ad on abortion rights," because it shows the ad! Please see the hyperlink below for the video, which includes a description of the video:

'These Guys': Biden campaign out with new ad on abortion rights

WATCH: In response to Wednesday's first Republican primary debate the Biden Harris 2024 reelection campaign is out this morning with a new ad titled "These Guys," highlighting the topic of abortion.

Aug. 25, 2023

And I decided to highlight this NBC News article (and video) for you, my readers, to consider reading (and watching) too! –Paul Whiting (August 25th, 2023)


August 26th, 2023 Update: I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles from one of their daily emails that I received today, August 26th, 2023, when I noticed two articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The first Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "60 Years After March on Washington, America’s Progress Hinges on Liberating Black Women." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"60 Years After March on Washington, America’s Progress Hinges on Liberating Black Women" from Time Magazine

By Arndrea Waters King and Jennifer Jones Austin | August 24, 2023

In her 1892 masterpiece, A Voice from the South: By a Black Woman of the South, scholar Anna Julia Cooper wrote, “Only the Black woman can say when and where I enter, in the quiet, undisputed dignity of my womanhood, without violence and without suing or special patronage, then and there the whole Negro race enters with me.”

Just a generation removed from slavery, Cooper—who is often called “the Mother of Black Feminism”—understood that the progress of African Americans, and of American civilization, is impossible without Black women. Only when Black women are no longer denigrated and diminished, but rather are truly elevated by all in society to their rightful status of equal dignity and divinity—and lives freely and fully as all men and women—can the Black race (and all human race) flourish to its fullest potential. For as long as Black women are devalued and delegitimized, so too will humanity.

Cooper’s words still ring true today. 131 years ago, President Abraham Lincoln promised all Black Americans the right to live peacefully and be justly paid for their labor. In 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and other civil rights leaders marched hundreds of thousands of Americans to the nation’s Capitol, demanding America make good on that promise. Yet 60 years later, Black women remain disproportionately undervalued and mistreated by persisting racism and sexism—their families bearing the heaviest burdens.

In the 1960s, the historic practice of discounting women’s contributions to the workplace was perpetuated by a predominantly male labor force that especially undercounted work performed by non-white women. Work opportunities for women of color were scarce. The only jobs available to them were domestic labor-related, the lowest paid occupation type in 1963.

Today, while no longer restricted solely to domestic labor, Black and Brown women remain significantly segregated in the labor force: severely underrepresented in professions that typically pay more and overly represented in occupations with lower average salaries. The latter of these jobs—roles such as childcare workers, social workers, and substance abuse counselors—are critical to a healthy and functioning society, yet their wages don’t even begin to cover basic living expenses. According to the July 2023 Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies (FPWA) report, Black women’s work garners an average wage of just $30,789; for Latinas, a measly $23,196. In New York City, one of the most expensive cities in the world, over 44,000 women of color are contracted full-time human services workers. Roughly two-thirds of these workers earned below the city’s near-poverty threshold in 2019 and made 20-35% less in median annual wages and benefits than workers in comparable positions in the public and private sector. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

The second Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "One Man's Quest to Heal the Oceans—And Maybe Save the World." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"One Man's Quest to Heal the Oceans—And Maybe Save the World" from Time Magazine

By Aryn Baker | August 24, 2023

Enric Sala—marine ecologist, conservationist, and ocean advocate—is standing under a life-size replica of a Northern Atlantic Right Whale at the natural history museum in Washington, D.C., and the air outside is smudged with wildfire smoke drifting down from Canada. It’s not surprising that Sala wants to talk about the smoke, or about whales. Their poop, however, is an unexpected twist. According to Sala, whale excrement, or, more precisely, the lack of it, has a role to play in the choking miasma that has forced my interview with one of the world’s foremost ocean explorers indoors instead of out on a boat.

It may seem like a stretch, the kind that relegates environmentalists deep into woo-woo territory, but as our conversation unfolds, it starts making sense. Whale poop fertilizes ocean plankton. The plankton reproduces rapidly, absorbing carbon dioxide as it photosynthesizes sunlight. Eventually it sinks to the seafloor, trapping the planet-warming gas in layers of sediment. Fewer whales means less plankton sequestering CO, leaving more in the atmosphere. That means more of the heat driving the wildfires that have smoked out much of North America.

“Suddenly, we’re seeing that the impacts of climate change are not something that is going to be suffered by somebody else,” says Sala. “It’s here.” And so it is, in the wildfires, heat waves, and floods that have made the weather of summer 2023 some of the most extreme on record. Greater bio diversity, whether it is found in the ocean’s whale populations or the old-growth forests that also store carbon, can help mitigate the effect of burning fossil fuels much more cheaply than any new technology, he says. “The more nature we have, the more nature will be able to absorb our impacts.”

Sala’s links between healthy ocean ecosystems and human benefits like carbon sequestration are backed up by science that he has either committed to memory or conducted himself. But it’s the ability to break scientific complexity into simple concepts that even landlubbers can comprehend that makes him so effective as an ocean advocate, helping rally global governments to commit to protecting 30% of their coastlines and ocean territories by 2030. His Pristine Seas project, sponsored by the National Geographic Society, has identified dozens of the ocean’s most biodiverse hot spots in an effort to call for their protection. Already he has managed to get 2.5 million sq. mi. (6.5 million sq km) of coastline and ocean set aside in 26 marine protected areas (MPAs)—an expanse twice the size of India—where fishing, dumping, mining, and other destructive industries are prohibited. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight these articles from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written August 26th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


August 26th, 2023 Update—Continued: I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, August 26th, 2023, when I noticed three different articles on various news websites, including, and!

No. 1: The CBS News article that I read today is titled, "On the March on Washington's 60th anniversary, watch how CBS News covered the Civil Rights protest in 1963." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"On the March on Washington's 60th anniversary, watch how CBS News covered the Civil Rights protest in 1963" from CBS News

By Kerry Breen | Updated On: August 26, 2023

To commemorate the 60th anniversary of the March on Washington, CBS News presents a special, season finale of BET's "America In Black" series with a look at the women behind the march in 1963, the volunteer worker who owns the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech, an interview with Tennessee state Rep. Justin Pearson and more. Stream it on the free CBS News app starting at 8 p.m. EDT on Tuesday, Aug. 29.

On Aug. 28, 1963, Walter Cronkite began his evening news broadcast with a vivid description of the March on Washington. The day would come to be a watershed moment in the equal rights movement for Black Americans.

"They called it the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom," said Cronkite. "They came from all over America. Negroes and Whites, housewives and Hollywood stars, senators and a few beatniks, clergymen and probably a few Communists. More than 200,000 of them came to Washington this morning in a kind of climax to a historic spring and summer in the struggle for equal rights."

One of those clergymen was the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., who made his famed "I Have A Dream" speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on the afternoon of Aug. 28. He spoke for 16 minutes in a rallying cry for all to have equal rights.

What was the March on Washington?

The March on Washington for Freedom and Jobs was meant to support the Civil Rights Act, which President John F. Kennedy was attempting to pass through Congress. The act called for an expanded Civil Rights Commission, the desegregation of public schools and other locations and voting rights protections for Black Americans.

On the day of the march, more than 250,000 people walked from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial. Cronkite remarked that the march sometimes looked "more like a parade of signs than of people," as marchers carried signs calling for equality and the end of police brutality.

Along the parade route was CBS News correspondent Dave Dugan. He called the enthusiasm of the march "contagious," with older attendees "taking it rather relaxed and calmly" and younger marchers singing freedom songs like "We Shall Overcome," bubbling with energy and "exuberance."

The Civil Rights Act was signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson on July 2, 1964, after Kennedy's assassination in Dallas in November of 1963. It outlawed discrimination based on race, sex and other protected classes, prohibited discrimination against voters of color and racial segregation in schools. It would be one of the most important legislative bills passed in American history. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

No. 2: The USA Today article that I read today is titled, "Black history is under attack across US from AP African American Studies to ‘Ruby Bridges’." (By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.) An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Black history is under attack across US from AP African American Studies to ‘Ruby Bridges’" from USA Today

By Alia Wong | Published August 23, 2023

It wasn’t until his senior year of high school that Dylan Holley began to learn about all the facets of Black history. Not just snippets focusing on pain and suffering and victimization but full stories also featuring the contributions, triumphs and joys of, as he put it, “people who look like me.”

“In U.S. history (class), we’re taught to view ourselves a certain way,” said Holley, 17, a recent graduate of Maynard Holbrook Jackson High School in Atlanta.

Last fall, then a rising senior, Holley signed up to take the Advanced Placement African American Studies course, which was being tested out at Maynard Jackson High as part of a national pilot.

“I learned a different narrative when it comes to the history of my people,” he said. This narrative highlighted the African kingdoms that thrived before slavery and colonization, for example, as well as the activists who’ve challenged systemic racism through the modern Black Lives Matter movement. It highlighted the nuances of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech – and the stubborn persistence of the racism that speech 60 years ago described.

Opportunities such as these to learn a more inclusive version of the country’s history are, after decades of advocacy and activism, becoming more common in the nation’s public schools. And already, they’re being stamped out.

Republican political leaders in all but a few states (44 total) have since 2021 proposed legislation or policies restricting lessons about race and racism in the United States – what many inaccurately decry as a graduate-level framework called “critical race theory.” As of June, 18 states had such laws on the books, according to an Education Week analysis.

The classroom effects have been immediate. Civil rights activists both dead and alive have had their stories erased from social studies classes in the name of protecting children’s innocence and comfort. Books by Black – and especially LGBTQ Black – authors have been pulled off classroom and library shelves on the grounds that their perspectives are, to borrow a word found in many of the laws, “divisive.”

Florida called for a ban on the Advanced Placement African American course Holley, a young Black man and soon-to-be freshman at Georgia Institute of Technology, said taught him what his “ancestors were capable of and convinced me that I am capable of great things as well.” The move was followed by resistance to the course in other Republican-led states.

Here are a few moments from the past year that show how education has changed in the anti-CRT era – whether by sanitizing the uncomfortable truths or by fighting for those truths to come out. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

No. 3: The OPB [Oregon Public Broadcasting] article that I read today is titled, "Republican senators sue Oregon secretary of state, saying walkout doesn’t block them from seeking reelection." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Republican senators sue Oregon secretary of state, saying walkout doesn’t block them from seeking reelection" from Oregon Public Broadcasting (OPB)

By Dirk VanderHart (OPB) | Aug. 25, 2023

The senators say Secretary of State LaVonne Griffin-Valade cannot bar them from seeking another term because of a constitutional loophole

Republican state senators who walked away from this year’s Oregon legislative session to block votes on abortion rights and gun safety say they should be allowed to run for reelection next year, regardless of a voter-approved law aimed at ending their legislative careers.

Now they’re suing for that right.

In a case with weighty implications for the legislative process in Salem, five Republican senators filed suit Friday against Oregon Secretary of State LaVonne Griffin-Valade. They are Sens. Tim Knopp, Daniel Bonham, Suzanne Weber, Lynn Findley and Dennis Linthicum.

The Republican lawmakers are hoping to convince the Oregon Court of Appeals that voters were misled last November when they passed Measure 113, a law designed to end walkouts that Republicans have used repeatedly in recent years to halt business at the Capitol.

Under Measure 113, any lawmaker who accrues 10 or more unexcused absences during a legislative session is blocked from seeking reelection. The question posed by the lawsuit is when.

In explanatory statements, news stories and other documents, the intent of Measure 113 was clear: Lawmakers would be barred immediately from running again.

But the five senators say the actual verbiage inserted into the state Constitution didn’t accomplish that aim. That language says a lawmaker who runs afoul of Measure 113 cannot hold office “for the term following the election after the member’s current term is completed.”

Since elections in Oregon are held before a lawmakers term is completed — elections occur in November, whereas legislative terms don’t end until the following January — Republicans say the constitution allows them to serve another term before penalties take effect.

“Petitioners believe that the plain text of the Constitutional Amendment, and only interpretation consistent therewith, is that any disqualification must apply to the ‘term following the election after the member’s current term is complete,’” the filing says. That would mean that Knopp, Findley and Linthicum, whose terms expire next year, would be able to file for reelection this year. Bonham and Weber’s terms don’t end until 2026.

Griffin-Valade feels differently. On advice from the Oregon Department of Justice, she issued an administrative rule earlier this month that blocks lawmakers who walked out from running again. In doing so, the secretary aligned with many Democrats’ view of the matter: that voters’ intention in passing Measure 113 takes precedence over the ambiguous wording. “My decision honors the voters’ intent by enforcing the measure the way it was commonly understood when Oregonians added it to our state constitution,” Griffin-Valade said when announcing the rule. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight these articles from CBS News, USA Today and Oregon Public Broadcasting (OPB) for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written August 26th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


August 27th, 2023 Update: I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, August 27th, 2023, when I noticed an article on titled, "Massive emergency alert test will sound alarms on US cellphones, TVs and radios in October." (By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.) An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Massive emergency alert test will sound alarms on US cellphones, TVs and radios in October" from USA Today

Elizabeth Weise USA TODAY | Published August 26, 2023

This is a test. This is only a test. But it's going to be one very big test.

On Wednesday, October 4 at 2:20 p.m. ET, every TV, radio and cellphone in the United States should blare out the distinctive, jarring electronic warning tone of an emergency alert, accompanied by a notice along these lines:

“This is a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System, issued by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, covering the United States from 14:20 to 14:50 hours ET. This is only a test. No action is required by the public."

Here's what to know:

What's going to happen?

On Wednesday, October 4, a test is planned of the entire nation’s Emergency Alert system, a tryout to ensure everything is working correctly in the event of a big, national disaster or attack.

In the wake of the horrific fires on the island of Maui on August 8, when warning sirens that might have alerted people to the danger weren’t deployed, it’s a reminder of what systems are in place should they be needed.

Why is a national test necessary?

Federal emergency management coordinators need to make sure the national alert system is still an effective way to warn Americans about emergencies, natural catastrophes, attacks and accidents at the national level. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And so, I decided to highlight this article from USA Today for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written August 27th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


August 27th, 2023 Update—Continued: I received a mailer from Shriners Hospitals for Children today, August 27th, 2023, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "The favor of a reply is requested.", which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]

Shriners Hospitals for Children
Love to the rescue®

Paul Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

Dear Paul,

They come to us from around the world.

And we accept them with open arms. Children with complex orthopedic conditions...serious burns, cleft lip and palate...and severe spinal cord injuries.

Healing takes a lot of work. But most of all, it takes a lot of love.

Thanks to the support of caring people like you, love comes to the rescue every day for children and families who turn to us as their last hope when other hospitals have said, "There's nothing we can do."

At Shriners Hospitals for Children®, we are honored to be able to help children heal and live fulfilling lives. With your much-needed support, we can continue this important mission. Please help us provide exceptional pediatric specialty care to children who need us.

Will you help us with your gift today, Paul?

A contribution of $15, $25 or even as much as $50 will help these incredible children overcome some pretty tough odds. They're ready to get back to doing all the things kids love to do. They can do it with your help!

We welcome every child who turns to us, regardless of the families' ability to pay. We are able to accomplish this goal because of the support we receive from individuals like you.

For more than 100 years, we have been caring for children and their families...helping them rebuild their lives. We not only treat their medical issues but also continue to provide care for many years to come because there are no "quick fixes" for the types of spinal cord injuries, cleft lip and palate, burns and orthopedic conditions the children who come to Shriners Hospitals for Children experience.

Your love has come to the rescue to help over 1.5 million children and their families cope with some of the worst problems imaginable.

You can help continue our life-changing work with your generous gift today.

Every child who is able to run with their friends again...every child who finishes school and enters college...every child who walks out our doors and goes on to begin careers and families of their own...

They all have one thing in common. You.

Because you care enough to send your Love to the rescues, they will receive a second chance when others thought all hope was lost.

Your contribution will help us serve the children and families who turn to us — well over 140,000 each year. With your support we are helping more kids in more places using telehealth technology. This gives kids around the world access to life-changing care right where they are.

Your gift also helps fund groundbreaking research focused on finding better treatments that Shriners Hospitals for Children shares with other hospitals and medical facilities so as many children as possible can benefit.

Now you are probably wondering how we manage to fund these life-changing programs, clinics and hospitals.

That is the wonderful part. We do it with the help of kindhearted people like you.

Just like the children who come to us, our friends come from every walk of life and every corner of the globe. They give a little of their hard-earned money to make life better for our kids.

Paul, I am hoping you will become one of our new friends by sending a gift a token of love that will come to the rescue for families and children with nowhere left to turn.

The enclosed holiday cards are yours to keep and enjoy. They are our gift to you.

Your support today will help us continue to provide The Most Amazing Care Anywhere [italization mine] for children in need.

They are relying on us — we are relying on you.

Any support you can give today will be greatly appreciated.


[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
Shriners Hospitals for Children

P.S. Please send your gift today. Love comes to the rescue every day at Shriners Hospitals for Children, thanks to people like you.

If you know a child Shriners Children's" may be able to help, have their parent or guardian: Call 800-237-5055 or visit

To make a donation online, visit
Thank you!

And so, I made a one-time donation to Shriners Hospitals for Children in order to show my support for Shriners Hospitals, because "love comes to the rescue every day for children and families who turn to [Shriners Hospitals for Children] as their last hope when other hospitals have said, 'There's nothing we can do.'" –Paul Whiting (written August 27th, 2023, revised September 21st, 2023 and revised November 12th, 2023)

P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.)


August 27th, 2023 Update—Continued Further: I received a mailer from the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today, August 27th, 2023, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "Take Action AGAINST VIOLENCE FUELED BY HATE in Our Communities", which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]

[Name redacted] [Title redacted]

Renew Your Annual Support Today

Dear Paul,

I hope you know how deeply your support is valued. Because you care, you're making the world a safer place for everyone — even during these difficult days.

Times of fear and tremendous anxiety have always opened the doors to antisemitism and hate. More and more white supremacist extremists and other bigots are acting out aggressively and violently. Your continued support is critical to stopping them.

This past year, antisemitic incidents reached an all-time high of 3,697 — a shocking average of 10 per day, including assaults, harassment and vandalism. That's a 36 percent increase from the previous year as found in our 2022 Audit of Antisemitic Incidents.

The ADL Center on Extremism works to ensure that an extremist's hate does not become actions against others. Our staff identifies extremist threats and works with law enforcement partners to thwart potential violence.

Unfortunately, antisemitism is not the only form of hate seen every day. There are also attacks against Black, Asian, Muslim, Latin American and LGBTQ+ communities. Lives are at risk. But you can help.

In today's increasingly dangerous world, having a formidable ally in your corner is your best defense- and no other organization has the power and impact of ADL. That's because of you.

There's still time to make your Annual Supporter contribution. Your gift is more important than ever as hate crimes climb to staggering levels. Please take action against hate by showing your commitment with a donation of $25, $50, $75, $100 or your best gift.

We're thankful we can depend on you as a source of strength. You are the force behind our work to fight hate for good.

Paul, all our efforts are for you and your loved ones. We are here for you.

Together, let's continue to make the world a better place for everyone-and work toward a future of lasting security for generations to come. Thank you for speaking out with us in the coming months.


[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]

P.S. Your generosity is critical to winning the fight against hate as we face escalating danger in our communities. Please renew your support by sending an Annual Supporter contribution today.

Make an immediate impact by giving online at

Antisemitic Incidents Rise to Highest Recorded Level

Since 1979, the ADL Center on Extremism has tracked incidents of antisemitic harassment, vandalism and assault in the United States annually. In 2022, ADL tabulated 3,697 antisemitic incidents throughout the United States. This is a 36% increase compared to 2021 and the highest number on record since ADL began tracking antisemitic incidents.

Of the antisemitic incidents recorded in all 50 states and the District of Columbia:

▪ 111 were antisemitic assaults, a 26% increase involving 139 victims and resulting in one death.

▪ 2,298 were cases of harassment, a 29% increase.

▪ 1,288 were antisemitic vandalism, a 51% increase.

▪ White supremacist groups were responsible for 852 antisemitic propaganda distributions, a 102% increase.


Antisemitic Incidents | U.S.
Ten-Year Review | 2013-2022

2013: 751

2014: 912

2015: 942

2016: 1,267

2017: 1,986

2018: 1,879

2019: 2,107

2020: 2,026

2021: 2,717

2022: 3,697


And so, I made a one-time donation to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in order to help make "the world a safer place for everyone," because "antisemitism is not the only form of hate seen every day," since "there are also attacks against Black, Asian, Muslim, Latin American and LGBTQ+ communities." –Paul Whiting (written August 27th, 2023, revised September 21st, 2023 and revised November 12th, 2023)

P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.)


August 28th, 2023 Update [My Writing About The 60th Anniversary Of The "March On Washington For Jobs And Freedom"]: On this 60th Anniversary of the "March on Washington," let us remember the words of the greatest civil rights leader of all time, Jesus The Christ, who said: "Do unto others as you would have done unto you."* –Paul Whiting (written August 28th, 2023, revised October 7th, 2023 and revised December 6th, 2023)

*"Matthew 7:12" from Wikipedia, from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia—which is funded primarily through donations from millions of individuals around the world, including this blogger (I make a totally affordable monthly donation):

Matthew 7:12 is the twelfth verse of the seventh chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament and is part of the Sermon on the Mount. This well known verse presents what has become known as the Golden Rule.

In the King James Version of the Bible the text reads:

Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you: do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets

The World English Bible translates the passage as:

Therefore whatever you desire for men to do to you, you shall also do to them; for this is the law and the prophets. ...,the%20law%20and%20the%20prophets


August 28th, 2023 Update—Continued (Revised On August 29th, 2023): I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, August 28th, 2023, when I noticed three different articles on various news websites, including, and!

No. 1: The Washington Post article that I read today is titled, "Opinion | Joe Biden: We must keep marching toward Dr. King’s dream." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Opinion | Joe Biden: We must keep marching toward Dr. King’s dream" from The Washington Post

By Joe Biden | August 27, 2023

Joe Biden is president of the United States.

Sixty years ago, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and hundreds of thousands of fellow Americans marched on Washington for jobs and freedom. In describing his dream for us all, Dr. King spoke of redeeming the “promissory note to which every American was to fall heir” derived from the very idea of America — we are all created equal and deserve to be treated equally throughout our lives. While we’ve never fully lived up to that promise as a nation, we have never fully walked away from it, either. Each day of the Biden-Harris administration, we continue the march forward.

That includes a fundamental break with trickle-down economics that promised prosperity but failed America, especially Black Americans, over the past several decades. Trickle-down economics holds that taxes should be cut for the wealthiest Americans and biggest corporations, that public investments in priorities such as education, infrastructure and health care should be shrunk, and good jobs shipped overseas. It has exacerbated inequality and systemic barriers that make it harder for Black Americans to start a business, own a home, send their children to school and retire with dignity.

Vice President Harris and I came into office determined to change the economic direction of the country and grow the economy from the middle out and bottom up, not the top down. Our plan — Bidenomics — is working. Because of the major laws and executive orders I’ve signed — from the American Rescue Plan, the bipartisan infrastructure law, the Chips and Science Act, the Inflation Reduction Act, my executive orders on racial equity and more — we’re advancing equity in everything we do making unprecedented investments in all of America, including for Black Americans. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

No. 2: The NBC News article that I read today is titled, "Democrats renew push for voter protections on the 60th anniversary of the March on Washington." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Democrats renew push for voter protections on the 60th anniversary of the March on Washington" from NBC News

A group of Democrats has announced a package of bills to "boost free and fair access to the ballot." But the partisan effort is unlikely to pass in the divided Congress.

By Julie Tsirkin | Aug. 28, 2023

WASHINGTON — Congressional Democrats hope to revive a legislative effort to pass voter protections into law Monday, the 60th anniversary of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.'s March on Washington.

After several failed attempts to bolster voting rights on the federal level in a divided Congress, Democratic Rep. Nikema Williams, who was elected to the late civil rights leader John Lewis’ congressional seat in Georgia, has touted the latest push as “one of the most comprehensive voting rights legislative packages in congressional history,” according to a statement first shared with NBC News.

Williams, who co-chairs the Congressional Voting Rights Caucus, has partnered with other Democrats in the House, as well as prominent Senate Democrats, including Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, to announce a package of eight bills — which includes new legislation to provide voter protections and accessibility for unhoused people, among other bills that have been previously introduced.

She said in the statement that the “legislative package takes a major step to ensuring everyone has free and fair access to the ballot,” adding that as “Jim Crow 2.0 continues to rise across the country, we urgently need comprehensive national standards to protect voting rights for everyone — no matter your ZIP Code, no matter your bank account.” ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

No. 3: The USA Today article that I read today is titled, "'The rule of law still matters': Republican group knocks Donald Trump after his Georgia indictment." (By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.) An introduction to the article can be found below:

"'The rule of law still matters': Republican group knocks Donald Trump after his Georgia indictment" from USA Today

Ken Tran USA TODAY | Published August 28, 2023

WASHINGTON – The Republican Accountability Project, an anti-Trump Republican group, is capitalizing on former President Donald Trump’s latest criminal indictment in Georgia over his attempts to overturn his 2020 loss in the Peach State.

The group announced Sunday it is launching a six-figure ad campaign, running 60-second ads on Fox News in three swing states that will be crucial in the 2024 presidential election: Phoenix, Arizona; Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Atlanta, Georgia.

The campaign, which the group calls the “Trump Rap Sheet,” also includes a billboard ad in Times Square, displaying Trump’s booking photo next to a scrolling list of Trump’s 91 felony charges across his four indictments.

The ad, titled “The rule of law matters,” plays footage of Trump’s time in office, his court appearances and the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

Now, just to clarify: I didn't originally include the USA Today article above in this 'update' that I wrote; however, after I read the article yesterday, I looked for the YouTube video titled, "The rule of law matters" by The Republican Accountability Project. And I kept the YouTube page open, but I didn't get a chance to watch the video yesterday, August 28th, 2023, when I first wrote this 'update'...

...Then, today, August 29th, 2023, I finally got a chance to watch it—and "WOW" what a video! Here is a hyperlink to the video:

"The rule of law matters"

The Republican Accountability Project

And I decided to highlight these articles from Washington Post, NBC News and USA Today for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written August 28th, 2023, revised August 29th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


For my "August 28th, 2023 Update—Continued Further"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

August 28th, 2023 Update—Continued Further (Numbering Sequence Originally From My Blog Post Titled, "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was," Which Is On My "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Blog): I received an email from the USO (United Service Organizations) today, August 28th, 2023, with the subject line, "Military Supporters Update: August 2023", with regard to the USO's newsletter "YOUR USO AT WORK," Issue 115 / August 2023, which stated, in part, the following:

With Labor Day weekend coming up and back-to-school season in full swing, it’s more important than ever to appreciate and remember our troops who are sacrificing these moments in the name of duty and the protection of our nation.

Thank you for always having their backs, especially during times like these. Keep reading to learn about all the work your support has helped make possible in the past few weeks. ...

And the following highlights from the USO's newsletter, which I selected to post, are regarding "Hawaii Updates From USO Responds," and "Air Force Veteran Hits the Road To Deliver USO Support," plus "August 7 was Purple Heart Day, a day to pause, acknowledge and remember the sacrifices made by the brave members of our military":

Hawaii Updates From USO Responds

The devastating wildfires in Hawaii earlier this month have caused immense distress and turmoil. The Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force and the Army were on-site in Maui, providing support for search and rescue and debris containment. USO Responds provided meals to the service members on 24-hour shifts who are working hard to support the community. USO Responds is a program that supports the National Guard and other military as they respond to national disasters.

Click here to help provide essential supplies needed for our troops in the wake of this disaster.*

*Your contribution will be joined with the contributions of others, and used where it is needed most to strengthen America’s military service members by keeping them connected to family, home and country.


Air Force Veteran Hits the Road To Deliver USO Support

For Air Force veteran and USO team member Rita Conley, serving warmth, joy and USO hospitality in the great yet isolating outdoors of Alaska is second nature. Read about her exceptional dedication to creating human connection and community support with and for our troops stationed in Alaska. »




August 7 was Purple Heart Day, a day to pause, acknowledge and remember the sacrifices made by the brave members of our military.

Here are nine things you need to know about the Purple Heart medal. »


...From all of us at the USO, thank you for being a dedicated and proud military supporter!

And so, I made a one-time donation on the website in order to support the USO's following statement: "Our service members keep our nation safe. And we work hard to keep them connected to home — but we can’t do that without support from military supporters like you. Our troops are counting on you to be a part of this important work for our country." And I also donated to show my support for the USO's newsletter, as well as to show my support for the USO in supporting our men and women in uniform, as described in the highlight "VOICE OF THE USO," from the aforementioned newsletter:


"Dogs bring happiness, they bring joy, and they connect you to things you love. People are going to have that connection when they come into the USO, being able to pet the dogs will provide that time away from the stressors. Allowing them to recharge, reconnect and regroup!"

— [Name redacted], USO [title redacted] of Italy and Spain, on the new USO Canine Program at USO Sigonella

In addition to that, I already make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! You see, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation. ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "August 28th, 2023 Update—Continued Further":


August 29th, 2023 Update, Which Also Discusses August 12th, 2023 Through August 20th, 2023, As Well As August 28th, 2023: I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles from several of their daily emails that I received for the time period of August 12th, 2023 through August 29th, 2023, when I noticed nine articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

Now, I usually read these articles—which I receive from Time Magazine via their daily emails—the day that I receive them, or the next day. However, I was trying to save usage on my cellular data plan, through my mobile phone company, for the time period of August 12th, 2023 through August 20th, 2023. You see, I was throttling my data usage for that period in order to save data until the billing cycle ended on August 21st, 2023, at which time the new billing cycle started the next day.

Thus, for the period of August 12th, 2023 through August 20th, 2023, when I noticed particular articles that I was interested in reading, but that I didn't read at that time, I simply opened the webpage on to each article that I was planning to read in the future. And I kept those articles, on my smartphone's Google Chrome browser, in the order in which I opened them.

Plus, I have also been keeping up with as many current Time articles as I could manage to read both before, and after, the new billing cycle began as seen in the following updates, which can be found above:

August 10th, 2023 Update (Follow-Up, Written On August 12th, 2023);
August 18th, 2023 Update—Continued Further;
August 24th, 2023 Update;
August 26th, 2023 Update

Therefore, the articles in this 'update' are the ones that I didn't get a chance to read—or that I didn't get a chance to write an update about, if I could read them at the time that I received them—for the above-mentioned time period of August 12th, 2023 through August 20th, 2023. And these articles also include one from yesterday, August 28th, 2023, as well as one from today, August 29th, 2023.

So without further ado, the first Time Magazine article that I received (and I also read) on August 12th, 2023—and that I read (again) today—is titled, "The Case Against AI Everything, Everywhere, All at Once." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"The Case Against AI Everything, Everywhere, All at Once" from Time Magazine

By Judy Estrin | August 11, 2023

I cringe at being called “Mother of the Cloud," but having been part of the development and implementation of the internet and networking industry—as an entrepreneur, CTO of Cisco, and on the boards of Disney and FedEx—I am fortunate to have had a 360-degree view of the technologies that are at the foundation of our modern world.

I have never had such mixed feelings about technological innovation. In stark contrast to the early days of internet development, when many stakeholders had a say, discussions about AI and our future are being shaped by leaders who seem to be striving for absolute ideological power. The result is “Authoritarian Intelligence.” The hubris and determination of tech leaders to control society is threatening our individual, societal, and business autonomy.

What is happening is not just a battle for market control. A small number of tech titans are busy designing our collective future, presenting their societal vision, and specific beliefs about our humanity, as theonly* possible path. Hiding behind an illusion of natural market forces, they are harnessing their wealth and influence to shape not just productization and implementation of AI technology, but also the research.

Artificial Intelligence is not just chat bots, but a broad field of study. One implementation capturing today’s attention, machine learning, has expanded beyond predicting our behavior to generating content—called Generative AI. The awe of machines wielding the power of language is seductive, but Performative AI might be a more appropriate name, as it leans toward production and mimicry—and sometimes fakery—over deep creativity, accuracy, or empathy.

The very fact that the evolution of technology feels so inevitable is evidence of an act of manipulation, an authoritarian use of narrative brilliantly described by historian Timothy Snyder. He calls out the politics of inevitability “...a sense that the future is just more of the present, ... that there are no alternatives, and therefore nothing really to be done.” There is no discussion of underlying values. Facts that don’t fit the narrative are disregarded.

Here in Silicon Valley, this top-down authoritarian technique is amplified by a bottom-up culture of inevitability. An orchestrated frenzy begins when the next big thing to fuel the Valley’s economic and innovation ecosystem is heralded by companies, investors, media, and influencers.

They surround us with language coopted from common values—democratization, creativity, open, safe. In behavioral psych classes, product designers are taught to eliminate friction—removing any resistance to us to acting on impulse.

The promise of short-term efficiency, convenience, and productivity lures us. Any semblance of pushback is decried as ignorance, or a threat to global competition. No one wants to be called a Luddite. Tech leaders, seeking to look concerned about the public interest, call for limited, friendly regulation, and the process moves forward until the tech is fully enmeshed in our society.

We bought into this narrative before, when social media, smartphones and cloud computing came on the scene. We didn’t question whether the only way to build community, find like-minded people, or be heard, was through one enormous “town square,” rife with behavioral manipulation, pernicious algorithmic feeds, amplification of pre-existing bias, and the pursuit of likes and follows.

It’s now obvious that it was a path towards polarization, toxicity of conversation, and societal disruption. Big Tech was the main beneficiary as industries and institutions jumped on board, accelerating their own disruption, and civic leaders were focused on how to use these new tools to grow their brands and not on helping us understand the risks.

We are at the same juncture now with AI. Once again, a handful of competitive but ideologically aligned leaders are telling us that large-scale, general-purpose AI implementations are the only way forward. In doing so, they disregard the dangerous level of complexity and the undue level of control and financial return to be granted to them. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

*[Blogger's Note: When I first read it, I thought that the word "theonly" was a typo (that is, a typographical error); however, I looked it up online and found out that it is actually a word:

“theonly” from Merriam-Webster

The following 4 entries include the term

one of the only (idiom)
: one of very few : one in a small class or category

the only game in town (noun phrase)
: the only available, desirable, or valuable thing

the only (person or thing) for (idiom)
—used to emphasize that a particular person or thing should be the one chosen

the only thing (noun) : the one problem]


The second Time Magazine article that I received (but did not read) on August 12th, 2023—and that I read (for the first time) today—is titled, "How Extreme Weather Is Affecting Small Farmers Across the U.S." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"How Extreme Weather Is Affecting Small Farmers Across the U.S." from Time Magazine


By Time Magazine | August 11, 2023

Every morning at 5 a.m., Jason Schmidt, owner of Grazing Plains Farm LLC., a small dairy farm based in Whitewater, Kans. [Kansas], starts his first milking of the day. The 42-year-old fifth generation farmer has been tending to his 70 cows on a daily basis for the past 12 years, but has become increasingly worried about the future of his farm.

His fears of financial stability related to his job are due to extreme weather conditions over the past year that affect his cows’ health and milk production. In the last two weeks alone, heat waves in Kansas brought temperatures in the high 90s and 100s, adding onto the difficulties many Kansas farmers have been facing due to a long lasting drought. The problem extends beyond the U.S., though; this July marked the earth’s hottest month on record.

Extreme weather patterns are posing difficulties across the agricultural community, but especially among small farmers, who have limited funds to deal with inconsistent weather that is affecting their cattle or crops.

Tom Giessel, a 70-year-old farmer who cropshares his land in Larned, Kans., notes that extreme heat and lack of precipitation poses a problem for dryland farmers that depend on rainfall instead of irrigation to tend their land. “When you're solely depending upon what comes from the sky and you get these streaks of five or six months with very little rain, it has a greater impact,” says Geissel.

Farmers, who need to be able to predict and have knowledge about the weather, are now being put in an especially precarious financial position.

“Unfortunately, a lot of people that are on the land and farming are doing their best to stay alive,” says Giessel. “A lot of them don't think too much further than how to get to the next day, and that's a very dangerous place to be in any aspect of our society, in any aspect of any business.” ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


The third Time Magazine article that I received (and I also read) on August 12th, 2023—and that I read (again) today—is titled, "The Pro-Choice Senate Candidate Whose Company Donates to Anti-Abortion Republicans." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"The Pro-Choice Senate Candidate Whose Company Donates to Anti-Abortion Republicans" from Time Magazine

By Eric Cortellessa | August 10, 2023

Five years ago, Democrat David Trone appeared to have put his days as a GOP donor behind him. The liquor store tycoon had just won a U.S. House seat representing Maryland’s 6th District, despite some critics questioning his progressive bona fides. Over the previous two decades, Trone had contributed more than $150,000 to Republicans nationwide. It was the cost of doing business, he said. Since then, his personal donations have been almost exclusively to Democrats and left-leaning advocacy groups.

Now, Trone is running for a rare open Senate seat in Maryland, one of America’s most liberal states. He’s campaigning as a progressive who will work to safeguard abortion access. “Abortion rights are under attack in many states across our nation,” he recently tweeted, referring to the more than 20 that have enacted bans or restrictions since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. “We need federal protections. As Senator, I'll fight to do just that.”

But in the years since Trone joined Congress, his company has sent tens of thousands of dollars to anti-abortion Republicans across the country.

In the last two election cycles, Trone’s firm, Retail Services and Systems, donated to GOP officeholders who moved to criminalize abortion in states where access to the procedure was at risk, according to a TIME review of campaign finance records. That includes at least $80,200 the corporation contributed to a dozen Republicans in Georgia who passed a 2019 trigger bill that banned abortions after six weeks, as well as Gov. Brian Kemp, who signed it into law. The measure went into effect shortly after the 2022 Dobbs ruling that ended a constitutional right to abortion.

Retail Services and Systems, the parent company that owns Total Wine & More, also donated a total of $12,000 in October and November 2022 to two groups working to elect Republicans to the Wisconsin state legislature, where GOP lawmakers were blocking efforts to repeal an 1849 law that barred virtually all abortions.

Those outlays are indicative of Trone’s and his company’s history of making campaign contributions to candidates throughout the nation, Republican and Democratic alike, to advance legislation or regulatory changes favorable to Total Wine, the nation’s largest privately owned retailer of beer, wine, and liquor, with 254 stores in 28 states.

The previously unreported donations stand to galvanize abortion rights champions in Maryland and beyond. “To me, the test of being a Democrat worthy of support is not what somebody says in a carefully-crafted statement, or how they vote, but it's what they do with their money and their time,” Stephanie Schmid, an abortion rights advocate, tells TIME. “I think that these donations clearly evidence a willingness to sacrifice women and families and parents in Maryland and across this country for his bottom line.”

Trone’s campaign says those contributions came from his business, not Trone himself.

“David Trone stepped down as CEO of Total Wine in 2015 and was not involved with these contributions,” Jared DeWese, a campaign spokesperson, tells TIME. Moreover, he adds, those expenditures pale in comparison to what Trone personally donated to Democrats during that same timeframe. “David’s record of supporting Democrats and the abortion rights movement is unimpeachable. David has donated $8.5 million to the Democratic Party and pro-choice Democratic candidates, and he has been a staunch advocate to protect the fundamental right to have an abortion.” Trone, for instance, has a 100% pro-choice voting record in Congress, according to both Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice America, and has bankrolled an abortion clinic in rural Maryland.

But the revelations could complicate Trone’s quest to win Maryland’s Democratic nominating contest, according to John Willis, a University of Baltimore politics professor and former Maryland Secretary of State. “Those kinds of things make you question whether you trust this guy,” he says. “Does he let his business interests outweigh his professed political values?” ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


The fourth Time Magazine article that I received (but did not read) on August 13th, 2023—and that I read (for the first time) today—is titled, "How the Inflation Reduction Act Has Reshaped the U.S.—and The World." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"How the Inflation Reduction Act Has Reshaped the U.S.—and The World" from Time Magazine

By Justin Worland | August 11, 2023

In late July, I visited a steel mill in Gallatin, Ky., operated by the company Nucor. During my visit, I watched as the facility churned out massive rolls of low-carbon steel destined for use in renewable infrastructure. Nucor’s stock price has increased nearly five-fold in the last three years, and the day before I visited the company had announced blockbuster profits citing, in large part, all the demand created by businesses racing to take advantage of money flowing from federal spending programs, including and especially the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).

Kentucky is far from alone. Across the country, the IRA has spurred hundreds of billions of dollars in investment in clean technology. Lithium-ion battery makers are opening factories near auto industry hubs to serve the growing electric vehicle market. Solar manufacturers are setting up shop in red states like Georgia. And old-school oil companies are investing in hydrogen. “It's a transformation of the economy,” says John Podesta, President Joe Biden’s senior advisor charged with implementing the IRA.

The IRA, which will mark one year since its signing on Aug. 16, is a classic piece of D.C. lawmaking. It came about in a windy legislative process that began with a big campaign promise from Biden and ended with backroom deal-making on Capitol Hill. And it has an odd, misleading name with a funny acronym, to boot.

But while the law was born in D.C., to understand its impact you need to look outside the capital as it reshapes industry across the country and the world. From Miami to Mumbai, Boise to Brussels, wherever I’ve traveled in the last year, the IRA has been top of mind for policymakers, business leaders, and civil society. It will not only determine whether the U.S. meets its emissions reduction goals, but also shape the global economy for decades to come.

“I want to make it clear: the Inflation Reduction Act is the single most important climate action since the Paris Agreement in 2015,” Fatih Birol, the executive director of the International Energy Agency, told me in May. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


The fifth Time Magazine article that I received (but did not read) on August 14th, 2023—and that I read (for the first time) today—is titled, "Israel's Existential Crisis." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Israel's Existential Crisis" from Time Magazine

By Etgar Keret | August 14, 2023

In June, Israel’s Minister of Public Diplomacy shared with her Twitter followers a moving encounter from her recent visit to New York: “I walked out of the hotel and stood there drinking coffee while I waited for my car. The hotel doorman stood next to me and we had a chat. He knew I was an Israeli minister. And he said something very nice to me. He said, ‘You know what? You guys don’t need us anymore—we need you.’ When a New York hotel doorman tells me, ‘We need Israel for so many things—technology, intelligence, cyber, innovation’—if we’ve reached the point where a hotel doorman sees things that way, well, that means Israel is positioned in the American mindset as a mini-superpower.”

Personally, I’m pretty suspicious of geopolitical analyses offered by tip-hungry hotel doormen. I’d rather hear the opinions of presidents and vice presidents, even if they’re not such a great boost for my country. But that’s just me. The current messianic Israeli government, led by settlers and the ultra-Orthodox, has a different view of reality. The way they see it, Israel is not just a tiny state enjoying its brilliant branding as “the only democracy in the Middle East,” but “a light unto the nations.” And the inhabitants of Israel are not merely another nation—they are the chosen people, whom God loves more than anyone. More than even America and Donald Trump. That’s why at pro-government rallies in Israel you’ll find signs proclaiming “Fuck America!’ and “Fuck Biden!” and hear the Israeli Foreign Minister condescending to Kamala Harris as he explains that the Vice President of the United States doesn’t really understand the Israeli government’s anti-democratic judicial reform. Generally speaking, Israel’s peculiar government, with its through-the-looking-glass view of the world, sees the Biden Administration as little more than a hotel doorman whose job is to serve the chosen people while they wait for their ride to the Third Temple. After all, when the Messiah eventually does arrive, it’ll be the Israeli salvation government sitting beside him.

Nine months ago, on election night, Israelis were granted yet another right-wing government headed by Benjamin Netanyahu. Most of them believed it would be much like his previous ones, but they woke up the next morning to a barely coherent reality.

As Minister of National Security, which includes oversight of the police, Netanyahu appointed Itamar Ben-Gvir, a man with eight criminal convictions, including inciting racism and supporting a terrorist organization, and on whose wall hung a picture of the mass-murderer Baruch Goldstein, who carried out one of the most horrific hate crime in Israeli history. Ben-Gvir is now calling for more violent means to quell the anti-government protests, and yet he seems happy to defend the Jewish settlers who carried out a pogrom in a Palestinian village, where they burned houses and cars, insisting that “most of them are sweet children.” When the government minister in charge of the police guarantees his support, it’s no wonder that illegal settlement outposts and hate crimes against Palestinians are spreading like wildfire.

Netanyahu chose a familiar face for the position of Minister of Interior: Aryeh Deri, a veteran ultra-Orthodox politician who was convicted of bribery, fraud and breach of trust and sentenced to a three-year prison term. Last year he was handed down another conviction, this time for tax crimes. His ministerial appointment was ultimately revoked by the Supreme Court.

As soon as it was formed, the belligerent government’s members each set about promoting their respective outrageous agendas, few of which would stand up to the Declaration of Independence (the closest thing Israel has to a constitution) or the Supreme Court rulings. But never worry: the government has a handy solution for that impediment, too.

The coup being advanced by the government as a “reform” would establish a castrated judiciary in which judges are appointed solely by the sitting government. Absent a constitution, which is unlikely to suddenly appear, this would not be a genuine democracy, and would be powerless to hold back the messianic rightwing parties’ attempt to legislate a series of racist, homophobic, corrupt laws and to dominate the majority. Here is a partial list of laws that have been proposed: business owners who do not wish to serve LGBTQI+ or Arab customers because it goes against their faith will be allowed to refuse service. A woman who walks near the Western Wall wearing short sleeves will be subject to six months in prison. A person who tries to persuade a Jew to convert to a different religion will similarly be subject to a prison sentence. Bottom line: The foundations of the Third Temple* and a Jewish theocracy are being laid by this government. The building of this temple will most likely be accompanied by a civil war and an exile of sorts. Judging by the first two temples, that's the default.

This government—Netanyahu’s sixth since he first took office in 1996—is a completely different creature than his previous ones. Currently standing trial for three separate cases of bribery and breach of trust, Netanyahu limped into this term in a vulnerable state, and no one is more shrewd than the settlers and the ultra-Orthodox when it comes to exploiting a weak spot. And so, instead of establishing policies and leading the way, Netanyahu is now more of a slippery salesman, struggling in vain to shed a sane light on the deranged decisions of his government. He gives interview after interview to media around the world, confidently proclaiming what the free world wants to hear—all of which is essentially the opposite of the current Israeli condition. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

*[Blogger's Note: "The 'Third Temple' refers to a hypothetical rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem. It would succeed Solomon's Temple and the Second Temple, the former having been destroyed during the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem in c. 587 BCE and the latter having been destroyed during the Roman siege of Jerusalem in 70 CE."

"Third Temple" from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia—which is funded primarily through donations from millions of individuals around the world, including this blogger (I make a totally affordable monthly donation):]


The sixth Time Magazine article that I received (but did not read) on August 14th, 2023—and that I read (for the first time) today—is titled, "She Wasn't Able to Get an Abortion. Now She's a Mom. Soon She'll Start 7th Grade." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"She Wasn't Able to Get an Abortion. Now She's a Mom. Soon She'll Start 7th Grade." from Time Magazine

By Charlotte Alter / Clarksdale, Miss. [Mississippi] | August 14, 2023

Ashley just had a baby. She’s sitting on the couch in a relative’s apartment in Clarksdale, Miss., wearing camo-print leggings and fiddling with the plastic hospital bracelets still on her wrists. It’s August and pushing 90 degrees, which means the brown patterned curtains are drawn, the air conditioner is on high, and the room feels like a hiding place. Peanut, the baby boy she delivered two days earlier, is asleep in a car seat at her feet, dressed in a little blue outfit. Ashley is surrounded by family, but nobody is smiling. One relative silently eats lunch in the kitchen, her two siblings stare glumly at their phones, and her mother, Regina, watches from across the room. Ashley was discharged from the hospital only hours ago, but there are no baby presents or toys in the room, no visible diapers or ointments or bottles. Almost nobody knows that Peanut exists, because almost nobody knew that Ashley was pregnant. She is 13 years old. Soon she’ll start seventh grade.

In the fall of 2022, Ashley was raped by a stranger in the yard outside her home, her mother says. For weeks, she didn’t tell anybody what happened, not even her mom. But Regina knew something was wrong. Ashley used to love going outside to make dances for her TikTok, but suddenly she refused to leave her bedroom. When she turned 13 that November, she wasn't in the mood to celebrate. “She just said, ‘It hurts,’” Regina remembers. “She was crying in her room. I asked her what was wrong, and she said she didn’t want to tell me.” (To protect the privacy of a juvenile rape survivor, TIME is using pseudonyms to refer to Ashley and Regina; Peanut is the baby’s nickname.)

The signs were obvious only in retrospect. Ashley started feeling sick to her stomach; Regina thought it was related to her diet. At one point, Regina even asked Ashley if she was pregnant, and Ashley said nothing. Regina hadn’t yet explained to her daughter how a baby is made, because she didn’t think Ashley was old enough to understand. “They need to be kids,” Regina says. She doesn’t think Ashley even realized that what happened to her could lead to a pregnancy.

On Jan. 11, Ashley began throwing up so much that Regina took her to the emergency room at Northwest Regional Medical Center in Clarksdale. When her bloodwork came back, the hospital called the police. One nurse came in and asked Ashley, “What have you been doing?” Regina recalls. That’s when they found out Ashley was pregnant. “I broke down,” Regina says.

Dr. Erica Balthrop was the ob-gyn on call that day. Balthrop is an assured, muscular woman with close-cropped cornrows and a tattoo of a feather running down her arm. She ordered an ultrasound, and determined Ashley was 10 or 11 weeks along. “It was surreal for her,” Balthrop recalls. "She just had no clue.” The doctor could not get Ashley to answer any questions, or to speak at all. “She would not open her mouth.” (Balthrop spoke about her patient's medical history with Regina's permission.)

At their second visit, about a week later, Regina tentatively asked Balthrop if there was any way to terminate Ashley’s pregnancy. Seven months earlier, Balthrop could have directed Ashley to abortion clinics in Memphis, 90 minutes north, or in Jackson, Miss., two and a half hours south. But today, Ashley lives in the heart of abortion-ban America. In 2018, Republican lawmakers in Mississippi enacted a ban on most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy. The law was blocked by a federal judge, who ruled that it violated the abortion protections guaranteed by Roe v. Wade. The Supreme Court felt differently. In their June 2022 decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, the Supreme Court overturned the constitutional right to abortion that had existed for nearly half a century. Within weeks, Mississippi and every state that borders it banned abortion in almost all circumstances. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

[Blogger's Note: I feel that the attacks on reproductive health care, including abortion care, by extremist conservatives shallowly professing to extol "family values" are just plain wrong.

And, speaking of "family values," is the denial of abortion care for those who are force impregnated through rape, or incest, considered "family values" by these extremist conservatives?

It makes you wonder if
the real reason that extremist conservatives are beating the proverbial "abortion is murder" drum so loudly is because they support forced impregnation as the only way that is feasible for them to procreate, since they are too dysfunctional to have consensual adult relationships—and that is why they are enthusiastic proponents of forced impregnation through rape and/or incest!]


The seventh Time Magazine article that I received (but did not read) on August 20th, 2023—and that I read (for the first time) today—is titled, "Fear of Land Speculation on Maui Evokes a Bitter History of Exploitation." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Fear of Land Speculation on Maui Evokes a Bitter History of Exploitation" from Time Magazine

By Susanna Moore | August 17, 2023

In the aftermath of the fires on Maui and the loss of the town of Lahaina, an intense fear and resentment on the part of the people of Lahaina has been directed at speculators who would buy the land left desolate in the conflagration to build homes and hotels and commercial buildings.

Josh Green, the governor of Hawai’i, is exploring “options to do a moratorium on sales of properties that have been damaged or destroyed.” This in answer to persistent, if not angry questioning, as to the possibility that the people of Lahaina might never be able to return to their town.

Anger and despair are emotions familiar to those residents with a sense of Hawaiian history. It explains the appearance of signs reading “No Tourists” and the admonition that people refuse to speak to developers or real estate agents. When Oprah Winfrey arrived at a refugee shelter near Lahaina with a camera crew, the people inside initially barred her and didn’t allow the crew to film.

The fear of exploitation is deeply held, and a result of more than 200 years of historical trauma.

The early history of the Islands may be seen as a story of arrivals—from the first hardy seeds and insects that found their way to the islands on the husks of coconuts, and the confused birds blown from their customary migratory routes, to the early Polynesian adventurers who sailed across the Pacific in double canoes, and the Spanish galleons en route to the Philippines, and the navigators in search of a Northwest Passage, soon followed by pious missionaries, whalers from Nantucket, shipwrecked sailors, and rowdy Irish poachers escaped from Botany Bay — all wanderers washed ashore, sometimes by chance. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


The eighth Time Magazine article that I received (but did not read) yesterday August 28th, 2023—and that I read (for the first time) today—is titled, "What to Know About Drug Price Negotiations That Could Save U.S. Taxpayers Billions." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"What to Know About Drug Price Negotiations That Could Save U.S. Taxpayers Billions" from Time Magazine

By John Tozzi And Nacha Cattan / Bloomberg | August 28, 2023

Some of the most widely used drugs in the U.S. may be heading for lower prices under Medicare, a move that could save taxpayers billions of dollars and squeeze profits for big pharmaceutical companies.

The U.S. government is preparing to release a list this week of 10 drugs that the health program for the elderly will be able to negotiate prices for — one of the key elements of President Joe Biden’s signature Inflation Reduction Act. Analysts expect Johnson & Johnson’s Xarelto blood thinner and Eli Lilly & Co.’s Jardiance for diabetes to be among the medications chosen.

The ability for the government to haggle over prices is a marked change for pharma companies that have long been able to charge whatever they think a medication is worth, even as most other industrialized companies bargain hard. With the IRA now enabling Medicare to come to the table over products that have long been on the market, drugmakers are girding for the prospect of lower revenue from some of their biggest sellers.

For taxpayers, the savings could be significant: Negotiations could save the U.S. $36.5 billion from 2026 to 2028, according to Wells Fargo Securities. Drugmakers are suing the government to stop the squeeze.

“They’re going to earn less money,” said Spencer Perlman, an analyst with policy research firm Veda Partners. “That’s just a fact.”

Medicare spends more than $200 billion on outpatient prescription drugs annually. Eliquis, the Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. blood thinner used to prevent heart attacks and strokes, cost the program more than $12 billion in 2021 alone.

Under the IRA, the price ceiling for a selected drug will be set somewhere between 75% and 40% of its average price, with steeper discounts for drugs that have been on the market longer. Medicare will halve its costs for the chosen drugs on average, according to Congressional Budget Office estimates. That will lower the health program’s spending total by almost $100 billion through 2031, when annual savings will approach $25 billion. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


Finally, the ninth Time Magazine article that I read today, August 29th, 2023 is titled, "There's More Than Meets the Eye to Ramaswamy's Climate Comment." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"There's More Than Meets the Eye to Ramaswamy's Climate Comment" from Time Magazine

By Justin Worland | August 28, 2023

Vivek Ramaswamy, the entrepreneur turned politician, constructed his climate comment at last week’s Republican debate very precisely. “The climate agenda is a hoax,” he said to the raucous audience. For years, many Republicans, most notably Donald Trump, have claimed that climate change is a hoax. Inserting the word “agenda” into the once-common GOP refrain, may seem minor, but it represents a significant evolution.

The signals of climate change have become increasingly present—think of the record-setting extreme heat and near-constant flooding—and leading Republicans can no longer feasibly deny that climate change is happening. Indeed, it’s happening in the backyards of Republican and Democratic voters alike.

Instead, the GOP has begun to accept that it is happening while rejecting solutions aimed at slowing it down. During the debate, Ramaswamy suggested that costs of addressing climate change were greater than the effects of climate change itself. In a CNN interview afterward, he said, we should just focus on technological fixes to acclimate instead of paying to address any root causes of climate change. “We should focus on adaptation,” he said. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight these articles from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written August 29th, 2023, revised August 30th, 2023, revised September 23rd, 2023, revised December 6th, 2023 and revised April 6th, 2024)


August 30th, 2023 Update: I received a text message today, August 30th, 2023, from the Tim Kaine for Virginia campaign, which stated the following:

Urgent Update 🚨

South Carolina’s Supreme Court just upheld a law banning abortion, cementing Virginia’s status as the only state in the South without an abortion ban.

There’s no other way to put this: We must codify the protections of Roe v. Wade into law at the federal level. And to do that, we need to retain and expand Democratic control of the Senate by re-electing Tim Kaine as Virginia’s U.S. Senator.

Will you support Tim’s re-election by pitching in $5, $10, or whatever you can afford before our end-of-month fundraising deadline? Every penny goes a long way toward reaching our goal and building a campaign with the strength to win in 2024.***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Tim Kaine

Donate to support Tim Kaine's campaign for re-election to the U.S. Senate

It's official: Tim Kaine is running for re-election to continue delivering for ALL Virginians.

Please become a Founding Donor to Tim's campaign and help us build on all we've accomplished. Thanks for your support.

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And so, I made a one-time donation to the Tim Kaine for Virginia campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to help "to retain and expand Democratic control of the Senate by re-electing Tim Kaine as Virginia’s U.S. Senator!" –Paul Whiting (August 30th, 2023)




September 1st, 2023 Update: September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. And I received an email from Students Demand Action for Gun Sense in America today, September 1st, 2023, with the subject line, "Remembering my brother this Suicide Prevention Awareness Month", which stated the following:

For Gun Sense In America

If you or someone you know is in crisis, please call or text 988, or visit to chat with a counselor from the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline, which provides 24/7, free, and confidential support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress anywhere in the U.S.


My sweet, sensitive, fun, beloved brother [name redacted] died by gun suicide in 1992. It's taken me a long time to be able to say that freely. But sharing [name redacted's] story has given me my voice back, knowing his death has meaning, a greater purpose.

[Name redacted] valued our family and brought us together. I was the youngest and he loved to smother me with torturous cheek-pinching and called me his Piscean twin. [Name redacted] was also a romantic. In college, he fell in love with a girl, but it ended in heartbreak. He fell into depression which ultimately provoked the onset of schizophrenia. [Name redacted] battled this misunderstood mental illness for five heartbreaking years. When he couldn't bear the pain anymore, he ended his life due to easy access to a gun.

Too many people are experiencing suicidal crisis or mental health-related distress without the support and care they need. The latest research shows that the U.S. has one death by suicide about every 11 minutes. It's why the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is a gamechanger.

You can call or text 988 or chat if you or someone you're worried about is having thoughts of suicide, a mental health or substance abuse crisis, or emotional distress. 988 offers free 24/7 access to trained crisis counselors who can help. And don't wait until you're on the brink of a struggle—you can call whenever you need support.

Talking openly about suicide and sharing resources is essential to ending the crisis. Share our social media posts about the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. You could help save someone's life (



For many communities, including many Catholic and Asian families like mine, there is a shame associated with suicide. We lived by the rule "What happens in the family, stays in the family." We told people [name redacted] "was shot," not that he shot and killed himself.

I literally and figuratively lost my voice after my brother died. For over 25 years, I lived with survivors' guilt, trying to bury my pain. It was only when I found my voice as a survivor that I started to truly heal. That's why I am so grateful to share [name redacted's] story. It's an honor for me to keep his memory going, knowing that his story may help save one life or inspire someone to take action.

Suicide is a preventable crisis. There is hope. In addition to mental health support, removing access to a gun in a moment of crisis may be the difference between life and death. There are laws we can pass to keep people in distress away from guns: secure gun storage laws, extreme risk laws, and waiting periods to purchase a gun.

Right now, we can help make sure everyone knows they have free access to a crisis counselor if they need support—whether it's yourself, a loved one, or someone who learns about 988 through you.

Thank you for reading my story and honoring [name redacted's] life by taking action,

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]

Students Demand Action is a grassroots volunteer network of Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund. As a movement of Americans fighting for common-sense gun policies, we depend on contributions from supporters like you to fund important work to reduce gun violence.

Contributions to Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund are not tax-deductible as a charitable contribution or as a business expense under IRC Section 162(e).


So, I selected the "Share on Twitter" option (by the way, I only have a Twitter account so I can read tweets which are included in some online articles that I read) in order for me to provide you, my readers, with the text below, including the text from two images, the first image in English and the second image in Spanish:

Our generation has the fastest-growing rate of gun suicide in the country. It’s heartbreaking to lose so many of our classmates and friends at such a young age because it doesn’t have to be this way.


If you or someone you know is in crisis, the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline provides 24/7 connection to free, confidential support anywhere in the US.

Call or text 988 or chat at



Si usted o alguien que conoce está en crisis, la línea de vida 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline brinda conexión las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana para obtener asistencia gratuita y confidencial en cualquier lugar de los EE. UU.

Llame o envíe un mensaje de texto al 988 o chatee en


Plus, I made a one-time donation to Students Demand Action for Gun Sense in America (via the Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund) in order to help [name redacted] honor the life of her "sweet, sensitive, fun, beloved brother," as well as by taking action to share Students Demand Action's "social media posts about the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline." –Paul Whiting (written September 1st, 2023, revised October 26th, 2023 and revised November 8th, 2023)


September 1st, 2023 Update—Continued: I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, September 1st, 2023, when I noticed five different articles on various news websites, including,,, and!

No. 1: The ABC News article that I read today is titled, "US employers added a solid 187,000 jobs in August in sign of a still-resilient labor market." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"US employers added a solid 187,000 jobs in August in sign of a still-resilient labor market" from ABC News

American employers added 187,000 jobs in August, evidence of a slowing but still-resilient labor market despite the high interest rates the Federal Reserve has imposed

By Paul Wiseman and Anne D'Innocenzio AP Business Writer | August 31, 2023

WASHINGTON -- America's employers added 187,000 jobs in August, evidence of a slowing but still-resilient labor market despite the high interest rates the Federal Reserve has imposed.

Last month's job growth marked an increase from July's revised gain of 157,000 but still pointed to a moderating pace of hiring compared with the sizzling gains of last year and earlier this year. From June through August, the economy added 449,000 jobs, the lowest three-month total in three years. In addition, the government revised down the gains for June and July by a combined 110,000.

Friday's report from the Labor Department also showed that the unemployment rate rose from 3.5% to 3.8%, the highest level since February 2022 though still low by historical standards. But the rate rose for an encouraging reason: A sizable number of people — 736,000 — began looking for work last month, the most since January, and not all of them found jobs right away. Only people who are actively looking for a job are counted as unemployed.

Indeed, the proportion of Americans who either have a job or are looking for one rose in August to 62.8%, the highest level since February 2020, before COVID-19 slammed into the U.S. economy.

The Fed’s streak of 11 interest rate hikes has helped slow inflation from a peak of 9.1% last year to 3.2% now. A decelerating job market could help shift the economy into a slower gear and reassure the Fed that inflation will continue to ease. For that reason, many economists think the central bank may decide that no further rate hikes are necessary.

Friday’s jobs report also showed that wage gains are easing, a trend that may help provide reassurance that inflation pressures are cooling: Average hourly pay rose 0.2% from July to August, the smallest such gain in a year and a half. Measured year over year, wages last month were up 4.3% from August 2022, slightly below the 4.4% increase in both July and June. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 2: The CNN Business article that I read today is titled, "The US economy continued to add jobs at a robust pace last month." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"The US economy continued to add jobs at a robust pace last month" from CNN Business

By Alicia Wallace, CNN | Updated Fri September 1, 2023

Minneapolis (CNN) — The US labor market continues to live its Goldilocks story with healthy job growth but at a far cooler pace than the blockbuster job gains of the past two and a half years.

On Friday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the US economy added 187,000 jobs in August, a total that’s roughly in line with the monthly average seen from 2010-2019 and a figure that’s considerably below the white-hot job gains that marked the pandemic recovery.

The monthly job total came in similar to last month’s job gains; however, the July total was revised down by 30,000 jobs to 157,000. June was revised down significantly as well, from 185,000 to 105,000. The downward revisions brought the three-month average to 150,000 jobs.

Economists were expecting total job gains of 170,000 for August, according to Refinitiv. The unemployment rate unexpectedly jumped to 3.8% from 3.5%. It’s calmly drifted between 3.4% and 3.7% since March 2022, and economists had projected it would hold steady at 3.5%. The labor force participation rate rose to 62.8%, the highest it’s been since the onset of the pandemic, and average hourly earnings grew at a slower monthly pace, ticking up 0.2%, showing annual growth of 4.3%. In July, wages grew 0.4% and 4.4%, respectively.

The Federal Reserve, which is in the throes of a historic inflation-busting campaign, has been wanting to see more slack in the labor market, believing the imbalance between worker supply and demand could cause wages to rise and push inflation higher.

“If you’re [Fed Chair] Jerome Powell or another member [of the Fed’s policy committee], this is music to your ears,” Jay Bryson, chief economist with Wells Fargo, told CNN in an interview. “It’s showing that labor demand and labor supply are coming more into balance.”

He added: “It’s a good report right before Labor Day.”

August’s total marks the 32nd consecutive month of job growth. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 3: The AP (Associated Press) News article that I read today is titled, "US applications for jobless claims inch back down as companies hold on to their employees." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"US applications for jobless claims inch back down as companies hold on to their employees" from AP News

By Matt Ott | Updated August 31, 2023

U.S. applications for unemployment benefits fell slightly last week as companies held on to employees in an economy that has largely withstood rapidly rising interest rates, intended to cool hiring and spending, for more than a year.

The number of Americans applying for jobless benefits last fell week by 4,000, to 228,000 the week ending August 26, the Labor Department reported Thursday.

The four-week moving average of claims, which evens out some of the weekly volatility, rose by 250 to 237,500.

Jobless claim applications are seen as representative of the number of layoffs in a given week.

The Federal Reserve, in its now year-and-a-half battle against inflation, has raised interest rates 11 times to 5.4%, the highest level in 22 years.

Part of the Fed’s intent was to cool the job market and bring down wages, which many economists believe suppresses price growth. Though some measures of inflation have come down significantly — from as much as 9% down closer to 3% — since the Fed starting raising interest rates, the job market has held up better than many anticipated. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 4: The USA Today article that I read today is titled, "Jobs report: 187,000 jobs added in August as unemployment rises to 3.8%." (By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.) An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Jobs report: 187,000 jobs added in August as unemployment rises to 3.8%" from USA Today

Paul Davidson USA TODAY | Sept. 1, 2023

Hiring unexpectedly picked up in August as employers added 187,000 jobs despite high interest rates and inflation but payroll gains over the summer were revised down sharply.

The unemployment rate, which is calculated from a separate survey of households, rose from 3.5% to 3.8%, highest since February 2022, the Labor Department said Friday. That's because of a surge of Americans into the labor force, which includes people working and looking for jobs.

Economists surveyed by Bloomberg had estimated that 168,000 jobs were added.

Yet payroll growth for June and July was revised down by a whopping 110,000, portraying a much weaker picture of employment growth over the summer than previously thought. And job gains in August were expected to be affected by several unusual crosscurrents, making it tough to discern if the latest numbers reflect overall hiring trends or one-offs.

"The U.S. labor market continues to come back to earth," says Nick Bunker, head of economic research for the Indeed Hiring Lab. The nation added an outsize 400,000 jobs a month last year as it recouped the 22 million jobs lost in the pandemic. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 5: The PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) NewsHour article that I read today is titled, "WATCH LIVE: Biden gives remarks after economy adds 187,000 jobs in slowing but steady growth." (By the way, this PBS NewsHour article features a YouTube video, that I watched first.) An introduction to the article can be found below:

"WATCH LIVE: Biden gives remarks after economy adds 187,000 jobs in slowing but steady growth" from PBS NewsHour

By — Associated Press | Sep 1, 2023

President Joe Biden will deliver remarks after the August jobs report shows economy added 187,000 positions, evidence of a slowing but still-resilient labor market despite the high interest rates the Federal Reserve has imposed.

The event is scheduled to begin at 12:15 p.m. ET. Watch in the player above. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight these articles from ABC News, CNN Business, AP News, USA Today and PBS NewsHour for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written September 1st, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


September 2nd, 2023 Update: I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles from one of their daily emails that I received today, September 2nd, 2023, when I noticed three articles! Plus, I noticed a fourth article that was recommended as an article to "Read Next" at the bottom of the third article that I read today. (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The first Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "The Roots of Christian Nationalism Go Back Further Than You Think." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"The Roots of Christian Nationalism Go Back Further Than You Think" from Time Magazine

By Robert P. Jones | August 31, 2023

Across the last few decades in the U.S., we have experienced widespread debates and even violent conflicts over American history. Battles like these typically erupt during times of social change, when cultural convulsions shake the foundations of old ways of knowing and living. Identity, rather than policy, drives divisions. History becomes the new front line in the culture wars, as claims about who we are as a nation inevitably turn on competing narratives about when and how we arrived at this place.

The term “white Christian nationalism” has recently emerged in the social sciences and the media as a way of describing the worldview that has burst onto the public stage with Trumpism and the “Make America Great Again” movement. The toxic blend of ethno-religious identity politics was reflected in the prayers and religious symbols participants carried at the U.S. Capitol insurrection on January 6, 2021, and it has become central to the trajectory of the contemporary Republican Party, two thirds of whom identify as white and Christian.

But if we see these recent trends against the long backdrop of western history, we can see that the phenomenon this term describes has far deeper roots than the post-Obama MAGA backlash. Our two political parties are increasingly animated by two starkly conflicting moral visions that have struggled for ascendancy since the first Europeans landed on these shores five centuries ago. Is America a divinely ordained promised land for European Christians, or is America a pluralistic democracy where all stand on equal footing as citizens? Most Americans embrace the latter vision. But a desperate, defensive, mostly white Christian minority continue to cling to the former.

To fully understand the deep roots of today’s white Christian nationalism, we need to go back at least to 1493—not the year Christopher Columbus “sailed the ocean blue,” but the year in which he returned to a hero’s welcome in Spain, bringing with him gold, brightly colored parrots, and nearly a dozen captive Indigenous people. It was also the year he was commissioned to return to the Americas with a much larger fleet of 17 ships, nearly 1,500 men, and more than a dozen priests to speed the conversion of Indigenous people who inhabited what he, along with King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, still believed were Asian shores.

The return of Columbus in 1493 also precipitated one of the most fateful but unacknowledged theological developments in the history of the western Christian Church: the creation of what has come to be known as the Doctrine of Discovery. Established in a series of 15th-century papal bulls (official edicts that carry the full weight of church and papal authority), the Doctrine claims that European civilization and western Christianity are superior to all other cultures, races, and religions. From this premise, it follows that domination and colonial conquest were merely the means of improving, if not the temporal, then the eternal lot of Indigenous peoples. So conceived, no earthly atrocities could possibly tilt the scales of justice against these immeasurable goods. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


The second Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "America Has Reached Peak Therapy. Why Is Our Mental Health Getting Worse?" An introduction to the article can be found below:

"America Has Reached Peak Therapy. Why Is Our Mental Health Getting Worse?" from Time Magazine

By Jamie Ducharme | August 28, 2023

The U.S. has reached peak therapy. Counseling has become fodder for hit books, podcasts, and movies. Professional athletes, celebrities, and politicians routinely go public with their mental health struggles. And everyone is talking—correctly or not—in the language of therapy, peppering conversations with references to gaslighting, toxic people, and boundaries.

All this mainstream awareness is reflected in the data too: by the latest federal estimates, about one in eight U.S. adults now takes an antidepressant and one in five has recently received some kind of mental-health care, an increase of almost 15 million people in treatment since 2002. Even in the recent past—from 2019 to 2022—use of mental-health services jumped by almost 40% among millions of U.S. adults with commercial insurance, according to a recent study in JAMA Health Forum.

But something isn’t adding up. Even as more people flock to therapy, U.S. mental health is getting worse by multiple metrics. Suicide rates have risen by about 30% since 2000. Almost a third of U.S. adults now report symptoms of either depression or anxiety, roughly three times as many as in 2019, and about one in 25 adults has a serious mental illness like bipolar disorder or schizophrenia. As of late 2022, just 31% of U.S. adults considered their mental health “excellent,” down from 43% two decades earlier.

Trends are going in the wrong direction, even as more people seek care. “That’s not true for cancer [survival], it’s not true for heart disease [survival], it’s not true for diabetes [diagnosis], or almost any other area of medicine,” says Dr. Thomas Insel, the psychiatrist who ran the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) from 2002 to 2015 and author of Healing: Our Path from Mental Illness to Mental Health. “How do you explain that disconnect?” ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


The third Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Hawaii Investigates Unsolicited Land Offers After Wildfires." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Hawaii Investigates Unsolicited Land Offers After Wildfires" from Time Magazine

By Audrey Mcavoy And Jennifer Sinco Kelleher / AP | SEPTEMBER 1, 2023

(HONOLULU) — Hawaii Gov. Josh Green said Thursday his administration has opened several investigations into people who have allegedly made unsolicited offers for property in the fire-stricken Maui town of Lahaina in violation of a new emergency order.

Green prohibited such offers by signing an emergency proclamation on Aug. 19 aimed at preventing land in the historic coastal community from flowing into the hands of outside buyers. The order aims to give residents some “breathing room” as they decide what to do next, Green said in an interview with The Associated Press.

Even before the Aug. 8 fire, Lahaina was a rapidly gentrifying town and there’s been widespread concern since that Native Hawaiians and local-born residents who have owned properties in their families for generations might feel pressured to sell.

The fear is they would leave Lahaina, or Maui or the state, take their culture and traditions with them and contribute to the ongoing exodus of Hawaii’s people to less expensive places to live.

“We’ve seen that in a lot of different places in our country and in our world where people have lost everything but their land and someone swoops in and buys properties for pennies on the dollar,” Green said. “We want to keep this land in the hands of local people, and we want to give them at least a chance to decide whether they’d like to build back.”

Authorities say 115 people died in the fire, which tore through Lahaina in a matter of hours. About 1,800 to 1,900 homes were destroyed. The town of 12,000 people was home to many who worked in hotels and restaurants in nearby Kaanapali and Lahaina itself.

About 6,000 people are staying in hotels and vacation rentals while waiting for the toxic waste left by the fire to be cleaned up and rebuilding to begin.

Earlier this month Green, a Democrat, said he wanted to impose a moratorium on land sales in Lahaina to prevent people from being displaced. But the governor said a blanket ban “may not be doable” and he didn’t want to prevent people who are considering property sales from initiating those conversations.

The prohibition on unsolicited offers for property was a “de facto” moratorium, he said.

Green said people have reported unwanted offers to his attorney general, although he did not reveal how many investigations have been opened. Those found guilty of a violation may be imprisoned for up to one year and fined up to $5,000.

Lahaina resident Melody Lukela-Singh said she was disappointed the governor didn't impose an outright ban as he initially said.

“Outsiders should not have the opportunity to grab land or properties. Because emotions are running high, so everyone is vulnerable,” Lukela-Singh said.

She spoke near her temporary lodgings a few miles from the site of her Front Street home, which burned in the fire. Lukela-Singh said she would not sell her land if any offers were made.

“You know, it’s the only thing that we have left,” said Lukela-Singh, who is Native Hawaiian. She knows of three families, all Filipino, who are selling their homes and want to move away because they can't handle the stress of seeing Lahaina burned to the ground.

State Rep. Troy Hashimoto, a Democrat who chairs the House housing committee and represents the central Maui community of Wailuku, said the prohibition on unsolicited offers was a “nuanced” approach.

“You don’t really want to be bothering a lot of landowners, especially when they’re not in that frame of mind or ready to discuss it,” Hashimoto said. “But I wouldn’t want to stop a landowner if they are proactively wanting to make a move, right?"

The situation presents two competing interests, said Robert Thomas, the director of property rights litigation at California-based Pacific Legal Foundation. One is the U.S. Supreme Court has found people have a right to decide what to do with their property. The other is the government has an interest in making sure people aren't preyed upon. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


The fourth Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Oprah Winfrey and Dwayne Johnson Launch Fund with $10 Million for Displaced Maui Residents," which was which was recommended as an article to "Read Next" at the bottom of the article "Hawaii Investigates Unsolicited Land Offers After Wildfires." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Oprah Winfrey and Dwayne Johnson Launch Fund with $10 Million for Displaced Maui Residents" from Time Magazine

By Thalia Beaty / AP | August 31, 2023

Oprah Winfrey and Dwayne Johnson have committed $10 million to make direct payments to people on Maui who are unable to return to their homes because of the wildfires, through a new fund they announced Thursday.

The People's Fund of Maui will give $1,200 a month to adults who are not able to return to their primary residences because of the recent wildfires, including people who owned and rented their homes, according to the fund's website. The fund will also seek donations to extend the length of time it can provide the support.

“How do we help?" the “Young Rock” star said he and Winfrey asked each other during the wildfires, saying in a video released along with the announcement that they grappled with how to best direct their efforts. “You want to take care of the greatest need of the people, and that's giving them money."*

They are looking forward to the help of “every person who called me and said, ‘What can I do?’” Winfrey said in the video. “This is what you can do.” ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight these articles from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

*Plus, I made a one-time donation to People's Fund of Maui, which is "providing direct financial assistance to Maui community members experiencing devastating losses from the fires in Lahaina and Kula," as explained from their donation page:

Directly support the Maui community.

People’s Fund of Maui is providing direct financial assistance to Maui community members experiencing devastating losses from the fires in Lahaina and Kula.

Join us in getting relief to survivors so they can determine what recovery looks like for themselves and their loved ones.

Please see the hyperlink below for the webpage:

–Paul Whiting (written September 2nd, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


September 2nd, 2023 Update—Continued Written On September 3rd, 2023: I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google yesterday, September 2nd, 2023, when I noticed three different articles (one of which is actually a video with a description) on various news websites, including,, and!

Now, I usually read these articles the day that I notice them—and that's also when I usually write the corresponding 'update.' However, I was trying to save usage on my cellular data plan by waiting to read these articles when I knew that I was going to have access to WiFi the following day, which is today, September 3rd, 2023. You see, I was planning to go shopping today, so I waited to have access to WiFi—at the natural foods store where I just shopped—at which I am also writing this 'update.'

No. 1: The Politico article that I read today is titled, "America’s Surprising Partisan Divide on Life Expectancy." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"America’s Surprising Partisan Divide on Life Expectancy" from Politico

Centuries-old settlement patterns — and the attitudes they spawned about government — are to blame for differences in longevity between red southern states and bluer parts of the country.

By Colin Woodard | 09/01/2023

Where you live in America can have a major effect on how young you die.

On paper, Lexington County, S.C., and Placer County, Calif., have a lot in common. They’re both big, wealthy, suburban counties with white supermajorities that border on their respective state’s capital cities. They both were at the vanguard of their states’ 20th century Republican advances — Lexington in the 1960s when it pivoted from the racist Dixiecrats; Placer with the Reagan Revolution in 1980 — and twice voted for Donald Trump by wide margins. But when it comes to how long their residents can count on living, the parallels fall apart. Placer has a Scandinavia-like life expectancy of 82.3 years. In Lexington, the figure is 77.7, a little worse than China’s.

Or take Maine’s far-flung Washington County, the poorest in New England where the per capita income is $27,437. The county is a hardscrabble swath of blueberry fields, forestland and fishing ports that was ravaged by the opioid epidemic and is almost completely white. It has one of the worst life expectancies in the entire Northeast: 75.5 years. But that’s more than six years better than the equally remote, forested, impoverished, white and drug-battered Perry County of eastern Kentucky.

The truth of life expectancy in America is that places with comparable profiles — similar advantages and similar problems — have widely different average life outcomes depending on what part of the country they belong to. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 2: The New York Times article that I read today is titled, "American Power Just Took a Big Hit." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"American Power Just Took a Big Hit" from The New York Times

By Sarang Shidore | Sept. 1, 2023

For more than a decade, the United States mostly ignored BRICS. The grouping, formed by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, rarely registered on Washington’s radar. When it did, the impulse — as shown by Jake Sullivan, the national security adviser, recently stressing that the coalition is not “some kind of geopolitical rival” — was to downplay the group’s significance. Western commentators, for their part, largely painted BRICS as either a sign of Chinese attempts to dominate the global south or little more than a talking shop. Some even called for its dissolution.

Such complacency looks less tenable now. At a summit in Johannesburg last week, the group invited six global south states — Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates — to join its ranks. In the aftermath of the announcement, indifference gave way to surprise, even anxiety. Yet there’s no need for alarm. BRICS will never run the world or replace the U.S.-led international system.

It would be a mistake, though, to dismiss its importance. After all, any club with such a long waiting list — in this case, nearly 20 nations — is probably doing something right. BRICS’s expansion is an unmistakable marker of many countries’ dissatisfaction with the global order and of their ambition to improve their place within it. For America, whose grip on global dominance is weakening, it amounts to a subtly significant challenge — and an opportunity.

The critics have a point: BRICS remains a work in progress. Its two major initiatives — the New Development Bank and the Contingent Reserve Arrangement — are quite small when compared with the scale of global development lending and finance. Other initiatives such as cooperation on health research and space exploration are in their embryonic stages. Expansion could make institution-building harder, with more players in the mix. There are, for example, some differences between the way China and Russia and the global south states view the grouping.

America’s global dominance, to be sure, is underwritten by vast military spending, a network of alliances and hundreds of far-flung military bases. But even if an expanded BRICS only muddles along in terms of material success — and there’s a good chance it will do better than that — it will challenge Washington in three key areas: global norms, geopolitical rivalries and cross-regional collaboration. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 3: The CNN video (with a description) that I watched today is titled, "Biden and Trump are virtually tied in polls. Political analyst has a theory why." A description of the video can be found below:

"Biden and Trump are virtually tied in polls. Political analyst has a theory why" from CNN

[By] Smerconish | [Not dated]

CNN senior political analyst Ronald Brownstein breaks down why recent polling has put Trump and Biden neck and neck ahead of the 2024 presidential election. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the video:

And I decided to highlight these articles from Politico and The New York Times for you, my readers, to consider reading too, as well as this CNN video for you, my readers, to consider watching also! –Paul Whiting (written September 3rd, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


September 3rd, 2023 Update: I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles from one of their daily emails that I received today, September 3rd, 2023, when I noticed a article titled, "All the Ways We Deny Antisemitism." (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.) An introduction to the article can be found below:

"All the Ways We Deny Antisemitism" from Time Magazine

By Diana Fersko | August 30, 2023

I’ve served as a congregational rabbi for a decade or so. My leadership has coincided with an ominous rise in antisemitic incidents from vile online threats to the killing of 11 Jews at a Pittsburgh synagogue in 2018. During that time, I've listened to hundreds of conversations detailing real life encounters of antisemitism. I’ve heard diverse opinions and a wide range of experiences about its nature in the present day—from a swastika drawn in the bathroom of a school to microaggressions in the workplace and everything in between. But nearly every conversation I hear about antisemitism has one, surprising thing in common: in every instance where an antisemitic act has been committed, our culture—and conversations surrounding these hateful acts—tend to diminish or even deny antisemitism.

Think about the national conversation around antisemitism. When Kanye West went on his repugnant rant against Jews in October 2022, one of the internet’s first reactions was that he was not antisemitic, he was mentally ill. But both can be true. Or think about social media where anti-Jewish rhetoric has spiked, particularly on X (formerly Twitter). Yet some continue to insist it's not antisemitism, it's free speech. Or when, during a concert in Berlin in May 2023, Roger Waters, the outspoken critic of Israel and former frontman of Pink Floyd, donned a full length black coat with a red arm band and invoked the name of the murdered Jewish teenager Anne Frank, he explained that his actions were not antisemitic, they were “a statement in opposition to injustice.” The Berlin police opened an investigation into Waters for suspicion of incitement.

This tendency to diminish or even deny antisemitism in public discourse has damaging implications for everyday life. It can make people—both Jewish and not—feel hesitant to call out antisemitism when we see it.

I’ve heard this tendency to diminish antisemitism in my own life many times. We tell ourselves that today’s antisemitism is nowhere near as bad as the violence our grandparents and great grandparents encountered. So is it really worth mentioning? Or we tell ourselves that other forms of repugnant hatred—racism, misogyny, homophobia—are exponentially worse problems than antisemitism, so maybe we shouldn’t even raise antisemitism as a concern at all. We tell ourselves that antisemitism is not so bad (or not as bad as), and so we say nothing, or we doubt ourselves. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight this article from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written September 3rd, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


For my "September 4th, 2023 Update, Written On August 30th, 2023"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

September 4th, 2023 Update, Written On August 30th, 2023: Happy Labor Day, everyone! In celebration of Labor Day, I made a one-time donation to the USO (United Service Organizations), because "America’s brave service members ... sacrifice so much for us, it’s our patriotic duty to do everything we can for them."

And I made this donation for Labor Day in response to text message that I received today, August 30th, 2023, from the USO (United Service Organizations), which stated the following:

𝐔𝐒𝐎 𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐑𝐓: Before you enjoy your long weekend, keep our troops in mind as they sacrifice so much for us.

Paul, thousands of service members are currently deployed around the world, missing celebrations, first days of school and so much more - all to keep us safe and free.

The USO is there to support them through thick and thin, but we can't do it without patriotic Americans like you. So we've set an end-of-month goal to deliver support to deployed troops, and a generous group of USO supporters is MATCHING all gifts up to $25,000 for a limited time only, so please: Rush a donation now before this opportunity expires to have it doubled to support our troops around the world >>***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And I made this one-time donation on the website in order to support the USO's statement regarding this limited match opportunity:

"Incredible news: Until midnight on Aug. 31, [2023] all gifts up to $25,000 will be MATCHED to reach our end-of-month goal for America’s brave service members. As they sacrifice so much for us, it’s our patriotic duty to do everything we can for them, so please don’t waste this rare opportunity. Give now to DOUBLE the value of your gift for our troops!" ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "September 4th, 2023 Update, Written On August 30th, 2023":


September 4th, 2023 Update—Continued: I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles from one of their daily emails that I received today, September 4th, 2023, when I noticed a article titled, "Want to Honor Labor Day? Check Your Paystub." (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.) An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Want to Honor Labor Day? Check Your Paystub" from Time Magazine

By Elizabeth Tandy Shermer | September 2, 2023

There’s a better way to honor Labor Day this year than shopping, hitting the beach, or BBQing. Take a few minutes to look at your paystub.

Most Americans don’t anymore. Paystubs or payslips used to come with the physical checks that Americans would get every two weeks or once a month. Now, a lot of Americans get their pay directly deposited into their bank accounts. They have to go looking for information on how much they earned and what was deducted for taxes, 401(k) contributions, and other employee benefits.

There are a lot of good reasons to check your paystub. First and foremost, there’s a problem with a wage theft in this country. Americans also need to make sure that they are getting the employee benefits (like health insurance) that they signed up for. Equally important, however, is that the many deductions on a paystub are a powerful reminder of how hard and long Americans have fought for shorter hours, livable wages, and better working conditions, all of which made life on and off the job a whole lot better.

The Federal Income Contributions Act (FICA) deduction, for instance, captures the meaning of Labor Day better than any picnic. When Americans get their first paychecks, many probably asked, like Rachel Green on Friends, “What’s FICA? Why’s he getting all my money?”

Congress passed FICA in 1935 so that employees and employers could pay for the much more well-known 1935 Social Security Act. This landmark legislation included a lot more than federal pensions, or what most Americans mean now when they say the words “Social Security.” Labor Secretary Frances Perkins addressed Americans on Feb. 25, 1935 over the radio to explain that the most important part of the bill before Congress was insurance against unemployment. She called it “the greatest of all hazards.” At the time, unemployment was 20%. More than 10 million Americans could “plunge into destitution and dependency” while they searched for a job.

There would also be money for “old-age security” in President Franklin Delano Roosevelt Administration’s broad plan for economic security (which also included support for the blind, child welfare, and public health). But Roosevelt did not take credit for that legislation. Three years after passage, when that law had already helped millions, Roosevelt attributed its success to the American labor movement. “The underlying desire for personal and family security was nothing new,” he insisted in a radio address on August 15, 1938. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight this article from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written September 4th, 2023, revised September 23rd, 2023 and revised May 29th, 2024)


September 4th, 2023 Update—Continued Further: Labor Day is today, September 4th, 2023, since Labor Day is yearly (annually) on the first Monday in September.

And I received an email from National Today yesterday, September 3rd, 2023, with the subject line, "Cheese Pizza, Beer, and Plenty of Books. This Week on National Today", which stated, in part, the following:


We honor American workers’ contributions to our country... While we enjoy picnics and parades, let’s remember to honor the unwavering commitment of the workforce that propels the economy forward on Labor Day. ...

... Monday 4 September

Labor Day

Summer's final fling has arrived in the form of Labor Day.

Read more:

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can, in part, be found below:


[Observed in the] U.S.

Summer’s final fling has arrived in the form of Labor Day. Yes, most of us get the day off, but this holiday triggers mixed emotions. While summer still has 21 calendar days left, it’s time to get serious. School’s starting and there’s a sense that summer vacation is over. So what’s behind Labor Day — and how did it earn a place as a federal holiday?

Let’s take a look.



Labor Day always falls on the first Monday in September, which means anywhere from September 1 through September 7. This year it's September 4 in the U.S. and Canada. However, this is not the case for most countries — the majority of which celebrate on May 1.



Do you get weekends off work? Lunch breaks? Paid vacation? An eight-hour workday? Social security? If you said “yes” to any of these questions, you can thank labor unions and the U.S. labor movement for it. Years of hard-fought battles (and the ensuing legislation they inspired) resulted in many of the most basic benefits we enjoy at our jobs today. On the first Monday in September, we take the day off to celebrate Labor Day and reflect on the American worker’s contributions to our country.



There’s disagreement over how the holiday began. One version is set in September 1882 with the Knights of Labor, the largest and one of the most important American labor organizations at the time. The Knights in New York City held a public parade featuring various labor organizations on September 5 — with the aid of the fledgling Central Labor Union (CLU) of New York. Subsequently, CLU Secretary Matthew Maguire proposed that a national Labor Day holiday be held on the first Monday of each September to mark this successful public demonstration.

In another version, Labor Day in September was proposed by Peter J. McGuire, a vice president of the American Federation of Labor. In spring 1882, McGuire reportedly proposed a “general holiday for the laboring classes” to the CLU, which would begin with a street parade of organized labor solidarity and end with a picnic fundraiser for local unions. McGuire suggested the first Monday in September as an ideal date for Labor Day because the weather is great at that time of year, and it falls between July 4th and Thanksgiving. Oregon became the first U.S. state to make it an official public holiday. 29 other states had joined by the time the federal government declared it a federal holiday in 1894.

Maguire or McGuire? Read more on this unusual coincidence in our FAQs below.

What is the Haymarket affair?

On May 4, 1886 — at a time when most American laborers worked 18 or even 20 hours a day — tens of thousands of workers protested in cities all across the U.S. to demand an eight-hour workday. Police in Chicago attacked both those peaceful protests and a workers planning meeting two days later, randomly beating and shooting at the planning group and killing six. When outraged Chicagoans attended an initially peaceful protest the next evening in Haymarket Square, police advanced on the crowd again. Someone who was never identified detonated a bomb that killed a police officer, leading cops to open fire on protesters and provoke violence that led to the deaths of about a dozen workers and police.

The Pullman strike

Ironically, Chicago was also the setting for the bloody Pullman strike of 1894, which catalyzed the establishment of an official Labor Day holiday in the U.S. on the first Monday of September.

The strike happened in May in the company town of Pullman, Chicago, a factory location established by luxury railroad car manufacturer the Pullman Company. The inequality of the town was more than apparent. Company owner George Pullman lived in a mansion while most laborers stayed in barracks-style dormitories. When a nationwide depression struck in 1893, Pullman decided to cut costs the way a lot of executives at the time did — by lowering wages by almost 30% while he kept the rent on the dormitories he leased to his workers at pre-depression levels.

Railroad boycott

These conditions ultimately led workers to strike on May 11, 1894. The walkout gained the support of the nationwide American Railroad Union (ARU), which declared that ARU members would no longer work on trains that included Pullman cars. That national boycott would end up bringing the railroads west of Chicago to a standstill and led to 125,000 workers across 29 railroad companies quitting their jobs rather than breaking the boycott.

When the Chicago railroad companies hired strikebreakers as replacements, strikers also took various actions to stop the trains. The General Managers Association, which represented local railroad companies, countered by inducing U.S. Attorney General Richard Olney, a former railroad attorney, to intervene. Indianapolis federal courts granted Olney an injunction against the strike, a move that allowed President Grover Cleveland to send in federal troops to break it up.

A few days later, Cleveland realized that he had to act quickly to appease the country’s increasingly agitated labor movement. But he didn’t want to commemorate the Haymarket incident with a May holiday that would invoke radical worker sentiment. So Cleveland harkened back to the first established September 1882 holiday and signed into law that Labor Day in the U.S. would be celebrated on the first Monday in September.



Communist and socialist factions worldwide eventually chose May 1 as the date to mark the Haymarket affair. A 1904 conference issued a plea that trade unions stage rallies on the first day of May — demanding to make the eight-hour workday standard. They organized the action in the name of “universal peace.” The 1st of May is a national, public holiday in many countries across the world, generally known as “Labour Day,” “International Workers’ Day,” or a similar name – although some countries celebrate a Labor Day on other dates significant to them, such as Canada, which celebrates Labor Day, like the U.S., on the first Monday of September.

Here’s the U.S. Department of Labor’s official tribute to U.S. workers on Labor Day:

“The vital force of labor added materially to the highest standard of living and the greatest production the world has ever known, and has brought us closer to the realization of our traditional ideals of economic and political democracy. It is appropriate, therefore, that the nation pays tribute on Labor Day to the creator of so much of the nation’s strength, freedom, and leadership — the American worker.” ...



It’s Unofficial:
10,000 labor workers march through Union Square in New York to protest poor working conditions and low wages.

A Date is Set:
The first Monday of September officially becomes Labor Day, with the Central Labor Union pushing other organizations to follow suit and celebrate.

Congress Approves:
Labor Day is approved as a national holiday by Congress, and President Grover Cleveland signs it into law.

Let’s Not Forget Women in Labor:
President Obama restores the rights of women to sue over pay discrimination with the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. ...



162 million – the number of Americans (over 16) in the labor force.

40% – the percentage of U.S. workers who belonged to labor unions in the 1950s (that dropped to 11% by 2018).

1894 – the year Congress officially made Labor Day a federal holiday.

86% – the percentage of Americans planning Labor Day weekend travel who will do so by car.

41% – the percentage of Americans who plan to barbecue over Labor Day Weekend.

818 – the number of U.S. hot dogs eaten every second from Memorial Day to Labor Day. [I'm vegan, so the hot dogs that I eat over the summer are Plant-Based!]

$685 – the average kid’s back-to-school expenses.

$55,000 – the median U.S. household income.

705 million – the total number of U.S. unused vacation days (2017).

80% – the percentage of Americans who would take time off if their boss were more supportive. ...



1. Read up on the history of Labor Day

Labor Day has a rich history that directly impacts the working conditions we experience today. So in between rounds of BBQ at your Labor Day celebration, take the time to discuss the U.S. labor movement and its contribution to our country's current work culture.

2. Buy an American-made product

When you're doing your Labor Day shopping, take the time to read the labels. Consider buying products that say "Made in the USA" to show your support for American workers.

3. Watch a movie about labor unions

Many of us get Labor Day off. What better way to relax than to stretch out on the couch and watch a movie about the American labor movement? There are tons of union-themed movies to choose from. "Norma Rae" ring a bell? Side note: Unions play a major role in the entertainment industry.



1. It’s on May 1 in other countries

Most countries around the world celebrate Labor Day on May 1, and it is called International Workers’ Day.

2. Stores remain open

While most schools and offices are closed on Labor Day, retail workers and shopkeepers don’t get the same break, as the holiday is huge for sales and shopping.

3. Third most popular holiday for outdoor cookouts

Labor Day is right behind the Fourth of July and Memorial Day in being the most popular holiday for barbecues and cookouts.

4. Labor Day marks the unofficial NFL kickoff

99.4% of the time, the NFL’s first official game of the season is on the Thursday following Labor Day.

5. Union members today

In 2017, there were 14.8 million union members, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, while in 1983, there were 17.7 million.



A. We're hard workers — we deserve the day off

Statistics show that Americans work longer hours than citizens of most other countries — 137 more hours per year than Japan, 260 more per year than the U.K., and 499 more than France. And our productivity is high — 400% higher than it was in 1950, to be exact. So we totally deserve that day off.

B. It's one last chance to grill

Labor Day is widely considered to be the unofficial last day of summer. Before the air turns cold and the leaves start to fall, it's our last chance to grill some steaks and wear shorts.

C. It's the reason we can say TGIF

Labor Day is a time to celebrate the benefits we enjoy at our jobs — including weekends off. The concept of American workers taking days off dates back to 1791, when a group of carpenters in Philadelphia went on strike to demand a shorter workweek (10-hour days, to be exact). It wasn't until 1836 that workers started demanding eight-hour workdays. So nine to five doesn't sound so bad after all.

Please see the hyperlink below for the post:

–Paul Whiting (written September 4th, 2023, revised September 11th, 2023 and revised May 29th, 2024)


September 4th, 2023 Update—Continued Further Some More: I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, September 4th, 2023, when I noticed three different articles on various news websites, including,, and!

No. 1: The U.S. News & World Report article that I read today is titled, "Have We Forgotten the True Meaning of Labor Day?" An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Have We Forgotten the True Meaning of Labor Day?" from U.S. News & World Report

The first Labor Day was hardly a national holiday. Workers had to strike to celebrate it.

By The Conversation | Sept. 1, 2023

The Conversation is a nonprofit news organization bringing knowledge from academia to the wider public. Articles are written by scholars who are experts on issues of public interest, assisted by editors who help unlock the knowledge. The Conversation was founded in 2011 and has newsrooms in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, South Africa, and France.

By Jay L. Zagorsky

Labor Day is a U.S. national holiday held the first Monday every September. Unlike most U.S. holidays, it is a strange celebration without rituals, except for shopping and barbecuing. For most people it simply marks the last weekend of summer and the start of the school year.

The holiday’s founders in the late 1800s envisioned something very different from what the day has become. The founders were looking for two things: a means of unifying union workers and a reduction in work time.

History of Labor Day

The first Labor Day occurred in 1882 in New York City under the direction of that city’s Central Labor Union.

In the 1800s, unions covered only a small fraction of workers and were balkanized and relatively weak. The goal of organizations like the Central Labor Union and more modern-day counterparts like the AFL-CIO was to bring many small unions together to achieve a critical mass and power. The organizers of the first Labor Day were interested in creating an event that brought different types of workers together to meet each other and recognize their common interests.

However, the organizers had a large problem: No government or company recognized the first Monday in September as a day off work. The issue was solved temporarily by declaring a one-day strike in the city. All striking workers were expected to march in a parade and then eat and drink at a giant picnic afterwards.

The New York Tribune’s reporter covering the event felt the entire day was like one long political barbecue, with “rather dull speeches.”

Why was Labor Day invented?

Labor Day came about because workers felt they were spending too many hours and days on the job.

In the 1830s, manufacturing workers were putting in 70-hour weeks on average. Sixty years later, in 1890, hours of work had dropped, although the average manufacturing worker still toiled in a factory 60 hours a week.

These long working hours caused many union organizers to focus on winning a shorter eight-hour work day. They also focused on getting workers more days off, such as the Labor Day holiday, and reducing the workweek to just six days.

These early organizers clearly won since the most recent data show that the average person working in manufacturing is employed for a bit over 40 hours a week and most people work only five days a week.

Surprisingly, many politicians and business owners were actually in favor of giving workers more time off. That’s because workers who had no free time were not able to spend their wages on traveling, entertainment or dining out.

As the U.S. economy expanded beyond farming and basic manufacturing in the late 1800s and early 1900s, it became important for businesses to find consumers interested in buying the products and services being produced in ever greater amounts. Shortening the work week was one way of turning the working class into the consuming class. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 2: The NPR (National Public Radio) article that I read today is titled, "Labor Day is now a key to Election Day for Democrats and Republicans alike." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Labor Day is now a key to Election Day for Democrats and Republicans alike" from NPR

Ron Elving | September 2, 2023

"Labor Day" is one of those holiday names we repeat so often we stop thinking about what the words originally meant. Some people set aside time to remember the human price of war on Memorial Day. Most of us give some kind of thanks on Thanksgiving. But the only ritual for Labor Day is taking the day off, and many see it only as the three-day weekend that marks the end of summer.

Yet Labor Day is as political in its history as the Fourth of July or the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. The first Labor Day celebration on the first Monday of September was in New York City in 1882, an era when labor activism was often illegal and always dangerous. Workers and police alike were killed when a labor protest near near Chicago's Haymarket Square turned violet in 1886, and federal troops fired on strikers in that city's Pullman Strike of 1894. Later that year, in a bid to calm a rising storm, Congress made Labor Day a legal holiday, and President Grover Cleveland signed it into law.

Over time, Labor Day became the American version of May Day or International Labor Day, an occasion to celebrate working people and their causes, often associated with the political left. For the major U.S. political parties, it also became the unofficial starting gate for fall election campaigns of the old-fashioned kind – largely done outdoors in person with no screens of any kind.

For generations, Labor Day activities organized by unions were seen primarily as Democratic affairs. Working-class voters were the heart of the coalition Franklin Roosevelt rode to four presidential victories (1932-1944). FDR rewarded them with the National Labor Relations Act of 1935, enshrining in law the right to collective bargaining and giving labor unions a new level of recognition and clout.

But many of FDR voters or their descendants began drifting away from the Democrats in the economic expansion and relative affluence of the postwar era. The trend strengthened in the late 1960s as many grew disillusioned with the promises of President Lyndon Johnson's Vietnam War and his "Great Society" programs.

Many working-class voters turned to Richard Nixon, who built his "Silent Majority" around them in 1968 and 1972. Even more joined the ranks of "Reagan Democrats" carrying Ronald Reagan to a pair of landslide wins in the 1980s. And the demographic category provided the surprising surge that elected Donald Trump in 2016 (and came close to doing it again in 2020).

Abandonment or "walking forthrightly"?

This is all part of the long postwar pattern by which the Democratic Party has departed from its traditional geographic and demographic bases. It is no longer surprising that elements of the Republican Party have eagerly embraced voters in those bases who felt the Democrats had simply abandoned them. Reagan was perhaps the most famous former Democrat who made a habit of saying: "I did not leave my party, my party left me."

The most obvious driver of this was the Democrats' move away from their historic roots as a Southern, rural party committed to states' rights. After a century of struggle among its factions, Democrats gradually followed the direction of a young speaker at the 1948 Democratic Convention. That was when Hubert Humphrey, later to be a senator and vice president and presidential nominee, called on the party to "get out of the shadow of states' and to walk forthrightly into the bright sunshine of human rights." ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 3: The AP (Associated Press) News article that I read today is titled, "From strikes to new union contracts, Labor Day’s organizing roots are especially strong this year." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"From strikes to new union contracts, Labor Day’s organizing roots are especially strong this year" from AP News

By Wyatte Grantham-Philips | Updated September 1, 2023

NEW YORK (AP) — Labor Day is right around the corner, along with the big sales and barbecues that come with it. But the activist roots of the holiday are especially visible this year as unions challenge how workers are treated — from Hollywood to the auto production lines of Detroit.

The early-September tribute to workers has been an official holiday for almost 130 years — but an emboldened labor movement has created an environment closer to the era from which Labor Day was born. Like the late 1800s, workers are facing rapid economic transformation — and a growing gap in pay between themselves and new billionaire leaders of industry, mirroring the stark inequalities seen more than a century ago.

“There’s a lot of historical rhyming between the period of the origins of Labor Day and today,” Todd Vachon, an assistant professor in the Rutgers School of Management and Labor Relations, told The Associated Press. “Then, they had the Carnegies and the Rockefellers. Today, we have the Musks and the Bezoses. ... It’s a similar period of transition and change and also of resistance — of working people wanting to have some kind of dignity.”

Between writers and actors on strike, contentious contract negotiations that led up to a new labor deal for 340,000 unionized UPS workers and active picket lines across multiple industries, the labor in Labor Day is again at the forefront of the holiday arguably more than it has been in recent memory.

Here are some things to know about Labor Day this year. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the video:

And I decided to highlight these articles from U.S. News & World Report, NPR and AP News for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written September 4th, 2023, revised September 23rd, 2023 and revised May 29th, 2024)


September 5th, 2023 Update: I received a text message today, September 5th, 2023, from the Gloria Johnson for U.S. Senate campaign, which stated the following:

Hey — this is Gloria Johnson.

I’m a teacher, a state legislator, and a proud member of the Tennessee Three. Today, I’m announcing my campaign for U.S. Senate against Marsha Blackburn, & I need you with me in the fight.

I have more to say, but if you’re already on board, you can go ahead & contribute any amount to become a Day One Donor!***

𝗜’𝗺 𝗿𝘂𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗦𝗲𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝗰𝗮𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝗧𝗲𝗻𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗲𝗮𝗻𝘀 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿. 𝙋𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙤𝙙.

That was very clear earlier this year, in the wake of the horrific Nashville school shooting.

Thousands of Tennesseans descended on the state Capitol to demand action on gun violence prevention, but the GOP majority refused to hear them.

So two of my colleagues and I stood up to join their historic protest. We couldn’t let the Covenant families, young people, & parents from across the state stand alone.

The GOP majority took quick action, but not to prevent gun violence. Both my colleagues, Justin J. Pearson & Justin Jones, were expelled. I was spared. Then the GOP majority passed a new law to increase access to guns.

MAGA Republicans in Nashville & DC don’t give a damn about everyday Tennesseans.

My opponent, Marsha Blackburn, would rather take a million bucks from the gun lobby than stand up to them when it matters most.

𝘉𝘶𝘵 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨.

Listen, there’s a movement afoot. And together, we’ll see it through.

Please, join me with a donation — big or small. I couldn’t do this without you.

Gloria Johnson

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Gloria Johnson

BECOME AN OFFICIAL FOUNDING DONOR TO GLORIA’S CAMPAIGN FOR THE U.S. SENATE! There’s a movement afoot in Tennessee — because our communities know it’s time for change.

We deserve leaders who’ll deliver for us and set aside politics to get the hard work done. We deserve leaders who give a damn.

That’s Gloria.

Donate now to send her to the U.S. Senate to deliver for Tennessee!

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Gloria Johnson.

[✓] DONATE $5 →

[  ] DONATE $10 →

[  ] DONATE $25 →

[  ] DONATE $50 →

[  ] DONATE $100 →

[  ] DONATE $500 →

[  ] DONATE $1,000 →


Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

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[✓] CUSTOM $0.21

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And so, I made a one-time donation to the Gloria Johnson for U.S. Senate campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to "become an official Founding Donor to Gloria’s campaign for the U.S. Senate!" –Paul Whiting (September 5th, 2023)


September 5th, 2023 Update—Continued: I received a text message today, September 5th, 2023, from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), which stated the following:

I can’t overstate the urgency of this situation.

Marjorie Taylor Greene launched attack ads against me as the Democratic Leader.

And now, a GOP dark money group spent $2 million on ads attacking 14 House Democrats[.]

I’m not easily provoked -- 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝘄𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗺𝗲 𝗠𝗔𝗚𝗔 𝗥𝗲𝗽𝘂𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗻𝘀 𝗳𝗮𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗳𝗹𝗮𝗺𝗲𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗵𝗼𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘆, 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗲𝘃𝗲 𝗜’𝗺 𝗴𝗼𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗼 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗽𝗼𝗻𝗱.

Paul, attack ads are only going to keep coming at us -- and Democrats must be prepared to respond quickly. So I’m asking for your help before midnight to take back the House and defeat Republicans. Can I count on you? >>***

I’ll never back down from extreme MAGA Republicans -- especially not one who has promoted violence and armed insurrection.

This is just one of many reasons why Democrats must take back the House. 𝙄𝙢𝙢𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙡𝙮.

But Paul, we can’t flip the House if dangerous ads like this one dominate the airwaves -- so I can’t overstate the urgency of the next 72 hours.

I’m personally asking 332 supporters to help me stand up to Republicans. Will you rush in $15 to the DCCC before midnight to help me defend House Democrats?

Keep the faith,

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Chip in now to FLIP the House and DEFEND President Biden’s legacy!

Republicans are blocking President Biden’s agenda at every turn -- and he’s counting on this grassroots team to STOP them.

SO QUICKLY: Will you rush in a donation to elect a WAVE of Democrats and FLIP the House?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit DCCC.

[✓] Donate $5 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $150 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[  ] Other amount

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[✓] Custom $0.21

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DCCC (with a tip to ActBlue), because "Marjorie Taylor Greene launched attack ads against [Hakeem Jeffries] as the Democratic Leader" and "a GOP dark money group spent $2 million on ads attacking 14 House Democrats," so that's why I "rush[ed] in [$5] to the DCCC before midnight to help [House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries] defend House Democrats! –Paul Whiting (September 5th, 2023)


September 6th, 2023 Update: I received a mailer from Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) today, September 6th, 2023, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "⋆ Connect ⋆ Serve ⋆ Empower ⋆", which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]

Dear Mr. Whiting,

When [name redacted] looks back on his service to our nation, he remembers the powerful bond that formed with his fellow U.S. Marines.

"The best part was the camaraderie and the love we had for each other."

I know how [name redacted] feels. I served this nation for three decades, and I felt a bond with the men and women I commanded — and served beside. We were connected by blood, sweat, and service.

In fact, one of my great honors was presenting medals and other commendations to them for service above and beyond the call of duty. It was always a moment of pride!

Today, I hope YOU will take great pride in receiving this exclusive 20 Year Supporter Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP) lapel pin. For two decades now, you have shared a bond with our nation's wounded warriors, and I want you to have this lapel pin in recognition of your exceptional commitment.

Please wear it on Veterans Day and other patriotic holidays. When people ask you about it, tell them you got it for helping severely injured veterans transform their lives over the last 20 years!

Paul, we had your 20 Year Supporter lapel pin minted for our most loyal, long-term donors like you. Naturally, I want to make sure your pin has reached you safely ...

That's why I'm asking you to return your Delivery Confirmation Form to me so I'll know your new pin has arrived at your Portland address.

When you reply, please also send your Veterans Day gift of $15, $18, $21, or more to help another warrior like [name redacted] heal and find hope again.

You see, while [name redacted] looks back on his service with pride, he also remembers the devastating pain and loss he experienced.

In 2006, he lost two of his fellow Marines and an interpreter to a roadside bomb. The loss weighed on him. As their platoon sergeant, he felt guilty, sad, and angry.

His survivor's guilt and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) led [name redacted] on a downward spiral. For more than a decade, he abused drugs and alcohol to try to case his pain. He even considered suicide.

Thank goodness you were there for [name redacted] when he needed help. By supporting WWP, you helped ensure that our crucial support was there for him when he needed it most.

You helped him find community. You helped him secure the benefits he'd earned. You supported him through his recovery, and helped him find a sense of purpose again — helping other wounded warriors get the help they need. "I know this is what I'm supposed to be doing." he says with certainty. He adds:

"I know without a doubt I would not be here today if it were not for WWP."

Those are powerful words. To me, they speak to Philip's strength — and also to your impact.

You see, you helped make his story possible. And I'm so very grateful for your continued commitment.

Veterans Day is almost here. I'm asking for your strongest possible financial support now so we can respond to the urgent needs so many heroes are facing — as they cope with traumatic brain injuries (TBI), PTSD, and other severe wounds of war.

Please send a Veterans Day gift today. But don't stop there! Please also show a veteran you care by signing the enclosed Veterans Day card.

Include it along with your Delivery Confirmation Form, and your donation, to let me know your lapel pin has reached you. Thank you for your generous support and enduring partnership. Don't forget to wear your WWP lapel pin proudly as a symbol of your commitment and impact!

With gratitude,

[Name redacted]
Lieutenant General, U.S. Army, Retired
[Title redacted], Wounded Warrior Project

P.S. Veterans Day is coming soon. The time is now to honor heroes like [name redacted] and support other wounded warriors who urgently need your help. Please send your most generous gift today!

P.P.S. I want you to note one detail about [name redacted's] story. Eleven years went by between the roadside bomb that killed his buddies and the day he got help from WWP. Veterans, even those whose service ended years ago, are still coming forward for help, and we must be there for them. That's why your enduring partnership means so much. Our critical mission began 20 years ago, and because we are still needed it continues today thanks to partners like you. Thank you!

And so, I made a one-time donation to Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) in order to "send [my] Veterans Day gift of [$7] ... to help another warrior like [name redacted] heal and find hope again." Plus, I also "show[ed] a veteran [I] care by signing the enclosed Veterans Day card," which I plan to mail back to WWP when I "return [my] Delivery Confirmation Form" within the next few days. –Paul Whiting (written September 6th, 2023, revised September 21st, 2023 and revised November 12th, 2023)

P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.)


September 7th, 2023 Update: I received an email from Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America today, September 7th, 2023, with the subject line, "Our lawmakers must disarm violent extremists. Add your name: This crisis is about so much more than the tragedy in Jacksonville", which stated the following:


Zora Neale Hurston, who was raised in Florida and set many of her greatest works there, once said that "If you are silent about your pain, they'll kill you and say you enjoyed it." So while I'm still struggling to process what happened in Jacksonville, I refuse to keep that struggle to myself.

Since I sent you my initial thoughts on the murder of three Black people in a racist shooting in Jacksonville on Saturday, August 26, my resolve has only increased. That tragedy was utterly devastating—but it was not surprising.

We live in a country where it's all too easy for a white supremacist to obtain an AR-style weapon and then use it to inflict carnage upon the people he hates. The firearms industry has created a dystopian, "guns everywhere" culture. It has been assisted by so-called leaders in elected office who love to speak in hushed tones about America's glorious history and values, but then do everything they can to restrict Black Americans' access to the ballot box and force schools to teach children that Black people BENEFITED from slavery.

These words and actions have consequences—and we must hold the politicians who traffic in them accountable for the death and destruction that gun violence is wreaking on the Black community, especially on Black kids.

We must disarm hate. Add your name to our petition: Our lawmakers must keep assault weapons out of the hands of violent extremists.


We're in this fight to honor every person impacted by this crisis. People like Angela. And AJ. And Jerrald.

Thank you for being in this fight with me.

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
Moms Demand Action

---------- Forwarded Message ----------
From: Angela Ferrell-Zabala, Moms Demand Action
Date: Monday, August 28, 2023
Subject: Add Your Name: We must keep guns out of the hands of violent extremists

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America

Paul, my heart is broken. This Saturday in Jacksonville, Florida, three Black people were shot and killed in a hate-fueled act of gun violence.

I grieve for everyone who was killed, for their families, for the Jacksonville community, and for all Black people across this country who are feeling this pain in their soul.

The details of the shooting paint a grim picture—and white supremacy is at the center of it. The shooter, clad in tactical gear, initially entered the nearby Edward Waters University (EWU), a historically Black university, but was turned away by campus security. Then, armed with a Glock handgun and a Palmetto State Armory AR-15 rifle with swastikas on it, he traveled a few blocks over to a nearby Dollar General store. He opened fire both outside and inside the store, fatally shooting the three victims before killing himself.

This crisis is not inevitable. We must disarm hate to prevent tragedies like the shooting in Jacksonville.

Add your name to our petition: Our lawmakers must keep assault weapons out of the hands of violent extremists.


To make matters worse, some lawmakers have exacerbated both anti-Black racism and gun violence. In their states and communities, they've restricted or outright banned the teaching of Black history in schools, sometimes replacing it with outright lies about the "benefits" of slavery. And at the same time, they've rejected gun safety legislation, instead choosing to pass laws that flood our communities with guns and make it easier for extremists to get their hands on a firearm. In this tragedy, like in many others, the shooter was able to quickly and legally purchase an assault weapon.

These policies only add fuel to the fire of white supremacy and hate-motivated gun violence. In an average year, over 25,000 hate crimes in the United States involve a firearm—more than 69 each day. And nearly half of race-based hate crimes target Black people.

We deserve better than to live in a country where hateful extremists are given easy access to deadly weapons and people are forced to live in fear of being shot and killed for who they are.

This tragedy is a stark reminder of the work that is needed to make America safer. Even though every western democracy has extremists, only in America do extremists have far too easy access to far too deadly weapons. Racism, white supremacy, and gun violence target Black people across this country in a deadly combination.

In honor of the victims, the survivors, and everyone impacted by this tragedy and tragedies like this one, we must take action. Add your name to demand our lawmakers disarm hate.

Thank you for being a part of this movement. Together, we'll make our communities safer for everyone.

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
Moms Demand Action

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America is a grassroots volunteer network of Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund. As a movement of Americans fighting for common-sense gun policies, we depend on contributions from supporters like you to fund important work to reduce gun violence.

Contributions to Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund are not tax-deductible as a charitable contribution or as a business expense under IRC Section 162(e).


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:

Everytown for Gun Safety

Add Your Name: Our Lawmakers Must Keep Assault Weapons Out Of The Hands Of Violent Extremists

Our country is facing a crisis of hate-fueled gun violence. In an average year, over 25,000 hate crimes in the United States involve a firearm—more than 69 each day.

And in many cases, guns are the weapon of choice for white supremacists and other violent extremists.

We shouldn't have to live in a country where we are forced to live in fear of being shot and killed for who we are.

We need our lawmakers to act.

Add your name to demand our lawmakers pass laws that disarm hate and keep assault weapons out of the hands of violent extremists.

Complete the form to sign the petition now:

First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
Email address: [redacted]
ZIP Code: [redacted]
Mobile phone: [redacted]

And, after I signed the petition above, via the Everytown for Gun Safety website, I made a one-time donation to Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America (via the Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund) in order to do my part to "add [my] name to demand our lawmakers pass laws that disarm hate and keep assault weapons out of the hands of violent extremists." –Paul Whiting (written September 7th, 2023 and revised November 8th, 2023)


September 7th, 2023 Update—Continued: I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles from one of their daily emails that I received today, September 7th, 2023, when I noticed three articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The first Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "What Does the ‘Global South’ Actually Mean?" An introduction to the article can be found below:

"What Does the ‘Global South’ Actually Mean?" from Time Magazine

By David Rising / AP | September 7, 2023

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi says his country is “becoming the voice of the Global South,” and that at the upcoming Group of 20 meetings being held in New Delhi, that voice will be heard.

At the August summit of the BRICS nations — Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa — current chair South Africa declared its goal was to "advance the agenda of the Global South.” And ahead of this May's summit of the Group of Seven wealthy democracies in Hiroshima, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida stressed that the guest nations he had invited reflected the importance of the Global South.

The United Nations, the World Bank, U.S. President Joe Biden — everyone seems to be talking about the Global South these days. But what, exactly, is it?

What constitutes the Global South?

Despite how it sounds, it's not really a geographical term. Many countries included in the Global South are in the northern hemisphere, such as India, China and all of those in the northern half of Africa. Australia and New Zealand, both in the southern hemisphere, are not in the Global South.

Most cite the so-called Brandt Line as the border; a squiggle across the globe running from the north of Mexico, across the top of Africa and the Middle East, looping around India and China before dropping down to encompass most of East Asia while avoiding Japan, Australia and New Zealand. The line was proposed by former German Chancellor Willy Brandt in the 1980s as a visual depiction of the north-south divide based upon per-capita GDP.

“The Global South is a geographical, geopolitical, historical and developmental concept, all at the same time — with exceptions,” says Happymon Jacob, founder of the New Delhi-based Council for Strategic and Defense Research. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


The second Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "America Should Harvest a Trillion Gallons of Rainwater." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"America Should Harvest a Trillion Gallons of Rainwater" from Time Magazine

By Justin Talbot Zorn and Israel Mirsky| September 6, 2023

Over the weekend, Burning Man attendees were forced to shelter in place when the usually-parched Black Rock Desert got roughly 3 months’ worth of rain in 24 hours. In August, Tropical Storm Hilary dropped as much rain on some inland areas of Southern California in a single day as they would typically receive in an entire year. In an age of Western megadroughts and dangerous decimation of groundwater throughout the country, recent storms underscore the importance of investing in the capacity to manage, collect, and store water.

Yet much of the national conversation about drought mitigation is going in a different direction. Arizona’s legislature recently called on Congress to explore pumping billions of gallons of water from the Mississippi River to the Colorado. Governments are contemplating major desalination plants. Both approaches are enormously expensive and involve massive logistical, political, and ecological pitfalls.

In the U.S., there’s strikingly little mainstream discussion of scaling what’s arguably the simplest, cheapest and most sustainable solution for harvesting water: catching it from the sky. The time is ripe for a national policy agenda to dramatically scale up rainwater harvesting.

Around the world, humans have been systematically gathering rainwater since ancient times. The technologies are simple: Collect rainwater from rooftops—on homes, warehouses, factories—and send it down gutters into tanks, where it can be filtered and used for domestic purposes, landscaping, or industrial processes. For farms, harvesting rainwater typically means configuring land with slopes and basins that maximize natural irrigation.

Recent studies demonstrate that harvesting even a small fraction of a percentage of rainwater that falls in a given area can eliminate water shortages for domestic uses while also recharging groundwater. Even when collected rainwater can’t be put to use for drinking or landscaping, it still helps mitigate flood risk from storms. And because there’s no utility needed to transport and sell water that’s collected from a roof, rainwater systems can be less costly than traditional utility equivalents—and avoid the carbon emission associated with pumping between locations.

For decades, many states and municipalities banned forms of rainwater harvesting for concerns about quality or worries about harvesters taking water from downstream users. But, in recent years, state after state has legalized the practice—owing to a growing recognition that collected water can be safely used with filtration and that it contributes substantially to conservation. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


The third Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Pence Challenges GOP to Ditch Trump's Populism for Reagan-Era Conservatism." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Pence Challenges GOP to Ditch Trump's Populism for Reagan-Era Conservatism" from Time Magazine

By Philip Elliott | September 6, 2023

There’s a dividing line in the Republican Party, and you can find it right around 1975. That’s the year when a former Governor of California decided to challenge a sitting President of his own party and remake the entire GOP.

Welcome to Ronald Reagan’s reboot. While most of the Republican field will be sure to invoke the Gipper in a few weeks when they travel to his resting place in Simi Valley, Calif., for their second debate, one of the contenders got something of a headstart on Wednesday, using a speech in New Hampshire to renew rivalries born out of Cold War necessity.

Speaking at Saint Anselm College on the outskirts of Manchester, former Vice President Mike Pence rang the gong of old-school conservatism like only a former radio host could, channeling Ol’ Ronnie just enough. And it signaled, in an ever-so-nuanced way, that the fight in 2024 had plenty of echoes to 1976’s race: a powerful de facto incumbent was not inevitable, the party favorite may still prevail but deserves a challenge, and a reboot of the party is at foot even if its footing is unsteady at the moment.

“Should the new populism of the right seize and guide our party, the Republican Party as we have long known it will cease to exist,” Pence said on campus, doing his best Thatcherite channeling. “And the fate of American freedom would be in doubt.”

As much as Democrats want 2024 to be a fight over the fate of a post-Roe world and a microchip economy and a skid into life-after-Putin or -Xi, it may well be the contest that is dictated by the confines of era when David Bowie topped the charts. The ghosts of the post-Watergate era haunt the current Republican Party, and there’s no reason to think anything loyalists can expunge those spirits. The fondue is hot, the leggings are tight, and the rhetoric is hotter—even if the colors from those original VHS cassettes were fading.

Everything old is new again, and everything new is too newfangled. Which is perfect proving ground for Pence, whose posture on Wednesday was one he had been inching toward for over a year.

With an ex-President trying to mount a comeback far more audacious than anything Dick Nixon imagined with his David Frost interviews, the Republican Party is being forced to face a gut check of its own making. Sure, Trump is a fundraising behemoth, but he’s also a pugilistic bully. For every comma he adds to the red-hatted ledger, he adds a scarlet demerit for decency. No one really knows what cardinal ordinance this march is heading toward.

And this is where Pence matters. For all of his self-righteous bluster and his indulgent image of himself as a guardian of the high ground, Pence remains an unimpeachable (and unimpeached) weathervane of the conservative movement. During his first tour of Washington as a member of Congress, Pence was the baseline for conservative orthodoxy. In Leadership, he was House Republicans’ gut check on whether a notion was sufficiently fair game. Never one to scream, his side eye could scuttle any idea well before it made its way to the clerks, the bean counters, or pollsters. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight these articles from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written September 7th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


September 8th, 2023 Update: I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles from one of their daily emails that I received today, September 8th, 2023, when I noticed a article titled, "A Year After Queen Elizabeth's Death, Britain Is a Different Place." (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.) An introduction to the article can be found below:

"A Year After Queen Elizabeth's Death, Britain Is a Different Place" from Time Magazine

By Armani Syed | September 7, 2023

Between the reshuffling of royal titles, two globally broadcast events, and a few public embarrassments, Britain’s monarchy has had an eventful year since the death of Queen Elizabeth II last Sept. 8.

When the head of state died at the age of 96, bringing her 70-year reign to close, it triggered a number of changes—both large and small—in the royal family and in the nation. Not least, King Charles automatically ascended the throne after more than seven decades of waiting.

In the weeks that followed, the British public paid their respects in masses, queuing for as long as 24 hours to attend the Queen’s lying-in-state in Westminster Hall. World leaders and global royals flew to London to stand alongside British politicians at the monarch’s funeral viewed by more than 29 million viewers in the U.K. and estimated billions more across the globe.

In May, Charles was crowned in a widely televised coronation ceremony branded as inclusive and pared back. But in the midst of a cost of living crisis in the U.K., Charles' big day came with a hefty price tag of between £50 million-£100 million ($63-$125 million), particularly compared to his mother’s coronation in 1953, which cost the present-day equivalent of £20.5 million. With the transfer of power, U.K. institutions underwent a rebrand, swapping in Charles’ face and title across its institutions, products, and currency (which will be in circulation next year). The Queen’s death also renewed discussions about the future of the monarchy at home and in the Commonwealth nations.

Ahead of Friday, Charles paid tribute to his late mother with a statement issued via Buckingham Palace. “In marking the first anniversary of Her late Majesty’s death and my Accession, we recall with great affection her long life, devoted service and all she meant to so many of us,” the statement read. “I am deeply grateful, too, for the love and support that has been shown to my wife and myself during this year as we do our utmost to be of service to you all.”

The 74-year-old King will spend the day reflecting in private at the Balmoral Estate in Scotland, where his mother died. The Prince and Princess of Wales, Kate and William, are set to lead their own tributes during a small service in Wales.

As the royal family observes the one-year anniversary of the Queen’s death, here’s everything that has changed for them since. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight this article from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written September 8th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


September 8th, 2023 Update—Continued: I received an email from Native American Rights Fund (NARF) today, September 8th, 2023, with the subject line, "Paul, right now you can double your impact", which stated the following:

Dear Paul,

The rights and sovereignty of America’s First Peoples are under constant threat. Thankfully, dedicated people like you are determined to fight back.

Right now, the [name redacted] will match every donation made to the Native American Rights Fund—up to $50,000—to double the impact of your contribution. Any donation you make before November 3rd will be doubled through the [name redacted's] match, allowing the fight for the rights of this country’s First Peoples to continue.


Working together, we can ensure that centuries-old promises guaranteeing sovereignty and justice for Native American people are upheld. Stand against injustices that threaten this country’s First Peoples; make a donation today.

With gratitude,

[Name redacted]
[Tribe redacted]
[Title redacted]
Native American Rights Fund

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, I made a one-time donation to Native American Rights Fund in order to "double the impact of [my] contribution," because by "working together, we can ensure that centuries-old promises guaranteeing sovereignty and justice for Native American people are upheld." –Paul Whiting (written September 8th, 2023 and revised November 2nd, 2023)


September 8th, 2023 Update—Continued Further: I received an email from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) today, September 8th, 2023, with the subject line, "It's not just about banned books, Paul", which stated the following:

Paul –

It is egregious that, in a democracy like the United States, books are still being banned. But efforts to rewrite history and censor the right to free speech in school goes far deeper than limiting what people are allowed to read.

Across the country, lawmakers are attempting to censor school lessons about race, racism, sexuality, and gender in schools. This is part of a blatant attempt to halt any progress toward racial justice and prevent students from learning about marginalized communities.

As a former high school history teacher, I can't imagine not adequately covering important aspects of American history, like the civil rights movement or slavery. Imagine being a student who can't even mention LGBTQ identities in class or talk about racial violence today.

During the several years that the legal team and I have been fighting against these ever-increasingly devious and dangerous classroom censorship laws, we have learned that demanding that all students receive a fair and inclusive education is the only way to ensure our history is not entirely erased and the next generation is not denied their right to learn.

So how do we accomplish this? How can we win this fight for everyone's right to learn freely, fairly, and without censorship? Please read my latest piece and get up-to-speed on exactly how we can show up together in this work.


[Name redacted]
Pronouns: She, her, hers
Attorney fighting for racial justice and free speech

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:

What the Fight Against Classroom Censorship is Really About

The ACLU is leading the fight to end classroom censorship and protect our right to learn. We filed the first case in the country to challenge a law that censored instruction about systemic sexism and racism in Oklahoma, survived a motion to dismiss in New Hampshire, and obtained an injunction to block the State of Florida from enforcing the higher education provisions of the Stop W.O.K.E. Act.

As a former high school history teacher and a lawyer on the ACLU team litigating these challenges, the threat these laws pose to society is truly terrifying. Conservative politicians pushing these bills are advocating for nothing less than a re-whitewashing of history. If these revisionist efforts are successful, the next generation will be compelled to believe a version of history manufactured to fit the so-called patriotic views of a vocal, discriminatory minority. Students will not be taught, and may never learn, to trace the deliberate impact of historic oppression on institutions today. This will reinforce the salience of racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia as unavoidable, and prevent the next generation from achieving justice.

Efforts to silence discussions about race also invalidate the lived experiences of BIPOC students. Instruction about racism and sexism belongs in schools because it equips students to process the world around them and to live in a multicultural society.

Two years into this fight, a few lessons stand out:

1. The Classroom Censorship Movement is Growing.

The push for classroom censorship ignited as backlash to progress towards racial justice following the unprecedented protests in 2020 sparked by the murder of George Floyd. To curtail efforts to expand instruction and materials about racial justice and our discriminatory history, 45 states introduced bills to limit instruction about racism and sexism. These bills, essentially education gag orders, passed in 17 states. By January 2022, 35 percent of all primary and secondary (K-12) students, or 17.7 million students, attended school in districts that experienced some form of a local campaign to end “critical race theory” in classrooms. To date, almost 700 efforts to exclude “critical race theory” have been identified at the local, state, and federal levels. Last year, nearly 40 percent of classroom censorship bills targeted higher education.

2. The Classroom Censorship Campaign is Driven by a Vocal Minority.

Parents overwhelmingly agree that “lessons about the history of racism prepare children to build a better future for everyone” and that students should “learn about the ongoing effects of slavery and racism as part of their education.” In a 2022 study, 87 percent of parents agreed that “lessons about the history of racism prepare children to build a better future for everyone as opposed to feeling that lessons about racism are harmful to children.” Another study from 2021 found that more than 70 percent of Americans agreed that high schools should teach the impacts of slavery (78 percent) and racism (73 percent).

3. Critical Race Theory is Not All That’s Under Attack.

Initially, conservatives called for the exclusion of “critical race theory,” but actually excluded so much more. All forms of race-conscious instruction have been erased from classrooms, despite their documented benefits for students. This includes instruction about racism and discrimination (distinct from critical race theory) and culturally-relevant teaching techniques designed to build upon students’ lived experiences. Additionally, conservatives banned books — like “All Boys Aren’t Blue” and “And Tango Makes Three” — and classroom instruction that highlight the experiences of LGBTQ+ people or the impact of sexism.

Educators report that they have restricted classroom discussions, curriculum, or content as a result of the laws, despite a desire from students to learn about censored topics. They described a culture of fear and intimidation in schools, marked by constant surveillance, scrutiny and second-guessing.

4. Unprecedented Efforts to Control and Ultimately Rewrite History are Underway.

In accordance with Florida’s Stop W.O.K.E. Act, which prohibits instruction on systemic racism and sexism, the Florida State Board of Education introduced outrageous African-American history standards that rewrite and whitewash history. These standards require teachers to instruct students that enslaved people developed skills that could be used for their personal benefit, blame enslaved people for violence during massacres, and misrepresent the role of the Founding Fathers in perpetuating slavery.

Judge Mark Walker, who heard the case in the Northern District of Florida, accurately described the Stop W.O.K.E. Act as “positively dystopian” because it limits instruction to the viewpoints approved by the State, regardless of truth.

5. We Must Continue to Fight.

The conservative activist Christopher Rufo manufactured the frenzy around critical race theory in the government and schools. He reportedly described the fight against critical theory as “the most successful counterattack against B[lack] L[ives] M[atter] as a political movement.’” It was never driven by concerns about the best interests of students.

The fight to regain or protect the status quo has obscured meaningful discussions about what was missing from education all along: the narratives and experiences of BIPOC and LGBTQ+ people and women.

Over the past two years, I’ve watched attacks on education morph from demands to exclude critical race theory from classrooms to even more dangerous demands to erase entire concepts from American history. Book bans, so-called transparency laws designed to intimidate educators into compliance and attacks on individual expression have left our education system at the mercy of a hostile and discriminatory minority. Students can’t learn in that type of environment.

Our future depends on educational institutions that value instruction about systemic racism and sexism. We need to expand culturally relevant instruction and increase funding for diversity, equity, and inclusion in schools, not attack it for its role in uplifting the systematically oppressed. We can’t afford to lose our education system as we know it. We must fight back.


Take the Pledge: Defend Every Student’s Right to Learn:


In classrooms and educational spaces across our country, a coordinated attack on our students’ right to learn is underway. Join our pledge now and we'll send you our Right to Learn toolkit to take action and fight back against censorship in your schools and communities.

Since last year, 10 states have passed classroom censorship bills that restrict discussions about race, gender, and sexual orientation in schools. In 2022 so far, state legislatures have introduced 71 new bills across 22 states, many of which explicitly target K-12 schools.

If schools are found in violation of classroom censorship bills or restrictions, many may risk losing funding. In some cases, teachers could face formal admonishment or lose teaching licenses if they don’t comply with curriculum restrictions.

At the same time, politicians and school boards are making moves to ban books from public schools and libraries. As a result, schools can't make certain books – predominantly those by Black and LGBTQ authors discussing issues of race, gender, and sexual orientation – available to students to learn from and explore, even voluntarily and on their own time.

All of it leads to a chilling effect on academic freedom in our country.

We’ll be clear: Every young person has a First Amendment right to read and learn about the history and viewpoints of all communities – including their own identity – in and outside of the classroom. This wave of censorship legislation is attempting to erase the legacy of discrimination and lived experiences of Black and Brown people, women and girls, and LGBTQ+ individuals. And it’s refusing to let students think for themselves.

That’s why the ACLU is already hard at work to fight back against these damaging censorship bills and book bans through lawsuits and fierce advocacy. But while our teams push exhaustively in the courts and the statehouses – public support is also going to make a huge difference in the fight.

That’s why we’re asking you to join our pledge today. By adding your name, you are telling lawmakers nationwide that you oppose any efforts that would criminalize or censor books and education about race, gender, or sexual orientation – and that you support students, educators, and everyone's fundamental right to learn.

Join us in this critical fight for free speech and equitable education. Take our pledge today and when you do, we'll send you our Right to Learn toolkit directly to your inbox.


In the face of continued and coordinated attempts to ban books and censor education on race and gender in our public classrooms – I support our students, our educators, and everyone’s First Amendment right to learn.

First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
E-mail address: [redacted]
Zip: [redacted]
Phone: [redacted]

And, after I took the pledge above, I received a confirmation email today, September 8th, 2023, from the ACLU with the subject line, "Thanks for taking the pledge! Here's your Right to Learn toolkit.", which stated the following:

Hi Paul,

Thank you for taking action to defend students' right to learn.

Here is your Right to Learn toolkit to help you fight against censorship in your local schools and communities:

Whether you're a student or just someone who cares about the freedoms of our educational spaces, this toolkit has all you need to take action in your immediate region – from how school governance rules work to tactics for organizing in your community. Dive into this comprehensive resource today and be sure to share along to your friends and family to help build our power, too.

Thank you,

The ACLU Team

Then, after I took the pledge above for everyone’s First Amendment right to learn, via the ACLU website, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU, because "in the face of continued and coordinated attempts to ban books and censor education on race and gender in our public classrooms – I support our students, our educators, and everyone’s First Amendment right to learn." –Paul Whiting (September 8th, 2023)


September 9th, 2023 Update: I received an email from USA for UNFPA (formerly known as the 'United Nations Fund for Population Activities' that is now called the 'United Nations Population Fund') today, September 9th, 2023, with the subject line, "URGENT: 6.8 magnitude earthquake rocks Morocco", which stated the following:

ALERT: 6.8 magnitude earthquake kills 1,000+ in Morocco

Make an emergency gift to deliver lifesaving care and humanitarian aid to women, girls, and newborns left especially at risk by unexpected disasters.


Dear Paul, the headlines are heartbreaking:

Last night, the massive earthquake that rocked Morocco killed more than 1,000 people — with the death toll rising as recovery efforts continue.

We know how paralyzing a tragedy of this size can feel. But today, we have the opportunity to turn that shock, fear, and despair into action. Please rush a humanitarian donation today.

As UNFPA assesses needs on the ground, we know two things already:

1. The needs of women and girls are too often overlooked in disasters like these;

2. Newborns and pregnant women will be especially vulnerable in the aftermath of the earthquake

We are so deeply appreciative of your past and ongoing support. But this is a critical emergency where there is no end to the need and every second counts. An emergency gift of $35 or more will ensure that pregnant women, newborns, and all other survivors are not forgotten in this crisis or others around the world.


We will share more information as we learn more, update you on our efforts, and let you know how you can help. Our deepest sympathies are with the people of Morocco, and with your generous support we stand ready to help.


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Last night's 6.8 magnitude earthquake has killed over 1,000 and it's officially a RED ALERT.


As the situation unfolds in Morocco after the 6.8-magnitude earthquake, our teams on the ground are assessing the needs. But we know this disaster will amplify the need for women and girls — with pregnant women and newborns the most at risk.

Help provide urgent basic help now.

[✓] Give once

[  ] Monthly

[  ] $40

[  ] $65

[  ] $120

[  ] $450

[  ] $500

[  ] $900

[✓] Donation amount USD [U.S. Dollars] $5.00


And so, I made a one-time donation to USA for UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) in order to help with recovery efforts in Morocco by providing an "emergency gift of [$5, which] will ensure that pregnant women, newborns, and all other survivors are not forgotten in this crisis or others around the world."

Plus, I searched on the websites of UN (United Nations) organizations that I usually donate to throughout the year—in response to donation requests via text messages and emails, or via YouTube video advertisements—and I looked to see if any of these UN websites were requesting donations for the Morocco earthquake. Thus, I found a donation request regarding the Morocco earthquake on the UNICEF USA (formerly known as the 'United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund' that is now called the 'United Nations Children's Fund') website, the relevant text of which can be found below:


UNICEF is on the ground in Morocco assessing needs while helping children around the world.

You Can Make a Difference Right Now

UNICEF responds to over 300 emergencies every year, many ongoing. Your gift enables UNICEF to stay ever-ready to help the most vulnerable children whenever and wherever they’re in crisis.

Please make your 100% tax-deductible donation to UNICEF USA now!

[✓] Give once

[  ] Monthly

[  ] $500

[  ] $350

[  ] $250

[  ] $170

[  ] $100

[  ] $75

The minimum donation amount is $6

[✓] Donation amount USD [U.S. Dollars] $6.00


And so, I also made a one-time donation to UNICEF USA in order to "help the most vulnerable children whenever and wherever they’re in crisis," because "UNICEF is on the ground in Morocco assessing needs while helping children around the world."

–Paul Whiting (written September 9th, 2023, revised September 11th, 2023 and revised October 12th, 2023)
September 9th, 2023 Update (Follow-Up, Written On September 11th, 2023): I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles from one of their daily emails that I received today, September 11th, 2023, when I noticed a article titled, "How to Help Earthquake Victims in Morocco." (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.) A summarization of the article—relevant to the donations that I made—can be found below:

"How to Help Earthquake Victims in Morocco" from Time Magazine

By Solcyre Burga | September 10, 2023

More than 2,000 people have died after a magnitude 6.8 earthquake shook Morocco on Friday night, making it the biggest quake to impact the country in 120 years.

Some 380,000 people live within 50 km (or about 31 miles) of the earthquake’s epicenter in the High Atlas mountains, which is less than 50 miles southwest of the highly-populated city of Marrakech. Search and rescue efforts are still ongoing throughout the country, and Interior Ministry officials said the death toll is expected to rise.

At least two aftershocks exacerbated the disaster, with the latest being a 3.9 aftershock on Sunday.

Some residents are still awaiting help, partly because roads have been blocked from reaching more remote areas of the country due to debris. Spain and Israel have sent forward international aid, but additional help from countries like France and Tunisia is stalled because the Moroccan government has not yet requested it, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said Sunday.

President Joe Biden said that the United States is ready to provide help to Morocco when necessary, and is working with officials to ensure American citizens in the country are safe. “I want to express my sadness by the loss of life and devastation caused by the earthquake in Morocco,” Biden said on Sunday during a news conference in Vietnam. “Our thoughts and prayers are with the people in Morocco.”

Here’s some organizations that are helping Morocco:

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

The IFRC sent staff on the ground shortly after the earthquake to help provide first aid, assist with search and rescue, and help local authorities assess the need for aid. They are supporting the Moroccan Red Crescent and are ready to deploy emergency response teams if necessary.

“We are mobilizing now to support the Moroccan Red Crescent,” said Dr. Hossam Elsharkawi, Regional Director of Middle East and North Africa for the IFRC. “This will not be a week or two of response as our region has seen with the big Türkiye and Syrian earthquake earlier this year. Again we are looking at many months if not years of response.” ...

... Doctors Without Borders

In collaboration with local authorities, Doctors Without Borders is planning on sending emergency medical and humanitarian teams to Morocco to provide support, despite not having “an established presence” in the country. The organization says its priority will be providing supplies and helping restore health services. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight this article from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

Plus, I made a one-time donation of $10.04 [which I actually donated as ₣8.93 (CHF) in Swiss Francs] to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), because "the Moroccan Red Crescent (MRCS) teams are on the ground, coordinating closely with the IFRC and local authorities to assess the situation and provide support."

Also, I made a one-time donation of $10.00 to Doctors Without Borders USA, because "Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is sending teams to assess needs in this region."

–Paul Whiting (written September 11th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


September 9th, 2023 Update—Continued: I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, September 9th, 2023, when I noticed seven different articles on various news websites, including,,, and!

No. 1: The CNN Business article that I read today is titled, "Why Biden’s strong economy feels so bad to most Americans." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Why Biden’s strong economy feels so bad to most Americans" from CNN Business

Analysis by Allison Morrow, CNN | Published September 7, 2023

New York (CNN) — What’s the biggest problem with the US economy right now? The vibes are off.

By almost any objective measure, Americans are doing much better economically than they were nearly three years ago, when President Joe Biden took office. Still, a majority — 58% — say Biden’s policies have made economic conditions worse, according to a new CNN Poll conducted by SSRS.

That’s up from 50% a year ago.

But the grim outlook is at odds with the hard data, which reveal an economy bursting with optimism.

“Has the economy improved under Joe Biden? There’s literally no question,” said Justin Wolfers, a professor of public policy and economics at the University of Michigan.

In January 2021, the start of Biden’s term, “everything sucked,” according to Wolfers. Unemployment was at 6.3% and the economy had yet to rebound from the shock of Covid-19. Wolfers described that time as “one of the worst economic moments of my life.”

Two and a half years later, the US economy is in a much healthier spot.

Unemployment has been hovering near its lowest level in a half-century — roughly 3.5% — for the past 18 months. August marked the 32nd consecutive month of job growth. Real wages (meaning adjusted for inflation) are rising. That’s helped everyone feel confident about continuing to spend money, which keeps the US economic engine humming.

Put another way: People are spending like they’re in a good mood, even if they say they’re not.

“There’s this disjunction between reality and perception that’s as large as I’ve ever seen in my career,” Wolfers told CNN. “If you’d fallen asleep in 2019 and woke up in 2023, you would discover pretty much the sort of economy you would have expected.”

So, why the sour mood?

In short: Inflation, housing and bitter national politics. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 2: The ABC News article that I read today is titled, "5 things to watch as Biden travels to India for G20, Vietnam to announce partnership." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"5 things to watch as Biden travels to India for G20, Vietnam to announce partnership" from ABC News

Biden is "disappointed" Chinese President Xi Jinping isn't coming to G20.

By Ben Gittleson | September 7, 2023

NEW DELHI -- President Joe Biden departed for India and Vietnam Thursday on a trip that includes the Group of 20 summit and is designed to further cement U.S. influence in Asia and counter China's rise around the world.

The trip comes as Biden's reelection campaign ramps up and seeks to portray him as a strong leader on the world stage -- in contrast with his predecessor Donald Trump, the front-runner for the GOP nomination for president. On Thursday, Biden's campaign released an advertisement that highlighted his trip to visit to war-torn Ukraine earlier this year and his resolve to not "back down to a dictator," Russian President Vladimir Putin.

His wife, first lady Jill Biden, tested positive for the coronavirus Monday, and the president continues to test negative. He last tested negative for COVID-19 Thursday afternoon, greenlighting his overseas trip, according to the White House.

Here are five things to watch as Biden jets off to New Delhi, India, and Hanoi, Vietnam: ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 3: One of The New York Times articles that I read today is titled, "Why Is Joe Biden So Unpopular?" An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Why Is Joe Biden So Unpopular?" from The New York Times

By Ross Douthat | Sept. 9, 2023

Joe Biden is an unpopular president, and without some recovery, he could easily lose to Donald Trump in 2024.

By itself, this is no great wonder: His two predecessors were also unpopular at this stage of their presidencies, also endangered in their re-election bids.

But with Trump and Barack Obama, there were reasonably simple explanations. For Obama, it was the unemployment rate, 9.1 percent in September 2011, and the bruising battles over Obamacare. For Trump, it was the fact that he had never been popular, making bad approval ratings his presidency’s natural default.

For Biden, though, there was a normal honeymoon, months of reasonably high approval ratings that ended only with the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan. And since then, it’s been hard to distill a singular explanation for what’s kept his numbers lousy.

The economy is better than in Obama’s first term, inflation is ebbing, and the feared recession hasn’t materialized. The woke wars and Covid battles that disadvantaged Democrats are no longer central, and the post-Roe culture wars seem like friendlier terrain. Biden’s foreign policy team has defended Ukraine without (so far) a dangerous escalation with the Russians, and Biden has even delivered legislative bipartisanship, co-opting Trumpian promises about industrial policy along the way.

This has created mystification among Democratic partisans as to why all this isn’t enough to give the president a decent polling lead. I don’t share that mystification. But I do think there’s real uncertainty about which of the forces dragging on Biden’s approval ratings matter most.

Start with the theory that Biden’s troubles are mostly still about inflation — that people just hate rising prices and he isn’t credited with avoiding a recession because wage increases have been eaten up by inflation until recently.

If this is the master issue, then the White House doesn’t have many options beyond patience. The administration’s original inflationary sin, the overspending in the American Rescue Plan Act, isn’t going to be repeated, and apart from the possibility of an armistice in Ukraine relieving some pressure on gas prices, there aren’t a lot of policy levers to pull. The hope has to be that inflation continues to drift down, real wages rise consistently and in November 2024, Biden gets the economic credit he isn’t getting now. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 4: Another one of The New York Times articles that I read today is titled, "G.O.P. Gets the Democratic Border Crisis It Wanted" An introduction to the article can be found below:

"G.O.P. Gets the Democratic Border Crisis It Wanted" from The New York Times

The strain of migrants in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and other cities has taxed resources, divided Democrats and put pressure on President Biden to act.

By Jonathan Weisman and Nicholas Fandos | Sept. 8, 2023

When Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas began sending migrants and asylum seekers from the southwestern frontier to New York, Washington and Chicago, he vowed to bring the border to the Democratic cities he said were naïvely dismissing its costs.

A year later, the migrant waves he helped set in motion have put northern “sanctuary” cities increasingly on edge, their budgets stretched, their communities strained. And a border crisis that has animated Republican politics for years is now dividing the Democratic Party. Humanitarian impulses are crashing into desperate resource constraints and once-loyal Democratic allies have reluctantly joined Republicans to train their fire on President Biden.

Eric Adams, the mayor of the nation’s largest city, declared this week that without a federal bailout and clampdown at the border, swelling migration “will destroy New York City.” The nation’s second-largest city, Los Angeles, has promised to sue Mr. Abbott. And the liberal mayor of the third-largest city, Chicago, began pleading last month for the White House to step in.

“Let me state this clearly: The city of Chicago cannot go on welcoming new arrivals safely and capably without significant support and immigration policy changes,” Mayor Brandon Johnson said.

Gov. Maura Healey of Massachusetts, a liberal Democrat, has declared a state of emergency, activated the National Guard and started petitioning the White House for help.

The migrants on state-funded buses from Texas are a fraction of the total number arriving in northern cities. Texas brags that its “Operation Lone Star” has sent more than 13,100 migrants to New York City since August 2022, but the overall strain there stems from the total, more than 110,000. Some of those migrants have family in New York, while others are attracted to the city’s history of welcoming immigrants.

Still, the rising clamor is creating a rare convergence between the two parties, which for years have fought in seemingly parallel political universes. Democrats focused on issues like abortion, the preservation of democracy and expansion of health care, while Republicans warned of a migrant “invasion” and railed against “woke” liberal ideology, socialism and expanding L.G.B.T.Q. rights. Endless Republican news conferences at the border and threats to impeach Alejandro Mayorkas, the homeland security secretary, were dismissed as political bluster.

Now, suddenly, some Democrats are sounding remarkably like Republicans. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 5: The Los Angeles Times article that I read today is titled, "Newsletter: This is what’s more important than Joe Biden’s age." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Newsletter: This is what’s more important than Joe Biden’s age" from the Los Angeles Times

By Paul Thornton Letters Editor | Sept. 9, 2023

Good morning. I’m Paul Thornton, and it is Saturday, Sept. 9, 2023. Let’s look back at the week in Opinion.

In The Times’ opinion pages, the discussion about President Biden’s age has been respectful and, well, interesting. Jonah Goldberg warned Democrats about the political risk of renominating someone seen by voters as too old for the job. LZ Granderson took the opposite view, and our letter writers (many of them self-identified senior citizens) landed somewhere in between.

But the discussion of age and the rigors of the presidency has, for the most part, ignored or minimized the urgency of defeating the anti-democratic movement led by former President Trump. Biden may be in his ninth decade, but the president won’t fire 50,000 federal workers and replace them with political stooges. He won’t give Ukraine to Russia. He won’t usher in an era of American fascism. He won’t pardon insurrectionists or even himself. And if (God forbid) the president dies and Vice President Kamala Harris takes over, she won’t do any of these things either. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 6: One of the NBC News articles that I read today is titled, "Democrats say Republican effort to rebrand 'pro-life' won't persuade voters." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Democrats say Republican effort to rebrand 'pro-life' won't persuade voters" from NBC News

A group affiliated with Senate Republicans said this week that the term "pro-life" is no longer resonating with voters.

By Julie Tsirkin, Liz Brown-Kaiser, Kate Santaliz and Brennan Leach | Sep. 8, 2023

WASHINGTON — Democrats and aligned groups on Friday criticized a new shift from Republicans to move away from "pro-life" messaging on abortion to boost their electoral prospects after a series of election losses when reproductive rights were on the ballot.

“It’s not really the phrase that’s the issue here,” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer posted on X in response to NBC News’ exclusive reporting detailing the GOP-led effort.

The head of a super PAC closely aligned with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell met with GOP senators behind closed doors this week and presented poll results from One Nation, a research group also aligned with the Kentucky Republican, that suggested voters are reacting differently to terms like “pro-life” and “pro-choice” in the wake of last year’s Supreme Court decision that overturned Roe v. Wade.

According to multiple senators who attended the meeting, the polling showed that “pro-life,” a term most commonly used by the anti-abortion movement over the last five decades, is no longer resonating with voters as dozens of GOP-led state legislatures enact restrictive bans on the procedure. Republicans briefed on the polling concluded they should be more specific when discussing abortion.

Democrats quickly piled onto the news, with members of Congress, pro-abortion organizations, and the Biden administration accusing GOP politicians of being hypocritical in their stance on abortion.

“If congressional Republicans are now interested in ‘pro baby policies,’ they should stop opposing @POTUS’s budget,” White House Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates posted to X, pointing to the president’s budget proposal to increase child care options.

“They are badly on the wrong side of the American public,” Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., said in an interview. “The only way for them to fix this political problem is for them to stop their efforts to ban abortion nationwide. … Their problem isn’t the terms or the words they use. The problem is that they are fundamentally trying to impact women’s rights and people are furious.”

Christina Reynolds, senior vice president of communications at Emily’s List, said voters know the track record of each party on abortion, no matter what terms are used.

“No matter how the Republicans try to say it, voters understand fundamentally who wants to take away their rights, who has worked for decades to do it, and who is continuing to try and take away their rights," she said. "And they understand who’s who’s trying to protect their rights, and they’re going to vote accordingly.”

Rep. Veronica Escobar, D-Texas, argued on social media that Republicans cannot identify as “‘pro baby’” while simultaneously opposing policies like the “expanded child tax credit, paid family leave, high quality childcare, and universal pre-K.” ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 7: Another one of the NBC News articles that I read today is titled, "Republicans are trying to find a new term for ‘pro-life’ to stave off more electoral losses." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Republicans are trying to find a new term for ‘pro-life’ to stave off more electoral losses" from NBC News

Sen. Todd Young, R-Ind., summarized the closed-door meeting on Capitol Hill as being focused on “pro-baby policies.”

By Julie Tsirkin, Kate Santaliz, Brennan Leach and Liz Brown-Kaiser | Sep. 7, 2023

WASHINGTON — Republican strategists are exploring a shift away from “pro-life” messaging on abortion after consistent Election Day losses for the GOP when reproductive rights were on the ballot.

At a closed-door meeting of Senate Republicans this week, the head of a super PAC closely aligned with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., presented poll results that suggested voters are reacting differently to commonly used terms like “pro-life” and “pro-choice” in the wake of last year’s Supreme Court decision that overturned Roe v. Wade, said several senators who were in the room.

The polling, which NBC News has not independently reviewed, was made available to senators Wednesday by former McConnell aide Steven Law and showed that “pro-life” no longer resonated with voters.

“What intrigued me the most about the results was that ‘pro-choice’ and ‘pro-life’ means something different now, that people see being pro-life as being against all abortions ... at all levels,” Sen. Kevin Cramer, R-N.D., said in an interview Thursday. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight these articles from CNN Business, ABC News, New York Times, Los Angeles Times and NBC News for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written September 9th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


September 10th, 2023 Update: I received an email from Yad Vashem — The World Holocaust Remembrance Center today, September 10th, 2023, with the subject line, "Yad Vashem and You: [name redacted] and [name redacted]", which stated the following:

Jerusalem, September 10, 2023

Elul 24, 5783 [Jewish Calendar Date]

Dear Friends of Yad Vashem,

As the Jewish year 5783 approached its conclusion, Yad Vashem found itself in a situation we did not seek nor do we welcome: in the headlines regarding matters other than Holocaust remembrance and combating antisemitism. It may be a sign of the times in which we live, when political and other irrelevant concerns seek to prevail over the most noble values.

We are writing to assure you that such external attempts have not and will not divert our attention from our sacred mission, whose importance grows steadily as the generation of survivors increasingly passes the torch of Shoah remembrance and education to us.

We declare without reservation, that Yad Vashem remains completely committed - not only to our mission, but also to you, our supporters and donors, our true partners in our activities. By strengthening the direct contact between Yad Vashem and its donors, our goal is to increase donor involvement and impact.

We are very moved by the ongoing global wave of support and confidence, expressed during the recent challenging period. We were touched by the unconditional support of other major Shoah institutions, among them US Holocaust Memorial Museum, Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum, USC Shoah Foundation, Fondation pour la Memoire de la Shoah and many others. Also, the Open Letter signed by more than 150 of the most prominent academic researchers of the Holocaust was reassuring and heartwarming. Of course, the forthright support we received from contemporary champions of the fight against antisemitism and for accurate Holocaust remembrance - such as [title and name redacted], [name redacted] and [name redacted] - has been a source of great encouragement.

As Yad Vashem faces distressing circumstances, we need your support more than ever. We call on you to join with the prestigious institutions, leaders, and researchers worldwide that stand unconditionally with Yad Vashem and our high moral mission, and to increase your support for our flagship center of Holocaust remembrance, documentation, research and education.

Please feel free to contact us for further clarification, emailing to [email redacted] or calling [phone number redacted].

Le’Shanah Tovah u’Metukah from Yerushalayim. [A Good and Sweet Year from Jerusalem.]

[Name redacted] [Title redacted]

[Name redacted] [Title redacted]

And so, I made a one-time donation to Yad Vashem — The World Holocaust Remembrance Center, which "is the ultimate source for Holocaust education, documentation and research," as described from their "About Yad Vashem" webpage:

About Yad Vashem

"Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Remembrance Center, is the ultimate source for Holocaust education, documentation and research. From the Mount of Remembrance in Jerusalem, Yad Vashem's integrated approach incorporates meaningful educational initiatives, groundbreaking research and inspirational exhibits."

–Paul Whiting (September 10th, 2023)


September 10th, 2023 Update—Continued: I received an email from Everytown for Gun Safety today, September 10th, 2023, with the subject line, "Send your message: Tell ATF to close these dangerous gun sale loopholes", which stated the following:

Paul, we have some urgent and exciting news: The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is following through on President Biden's commitment to move us closer to background checks on all gun sales.

In a newly proposed regulation, ATF is setting a clear and common-sense standard for when gun sellers must become licensed dealers and run background checks. It's the next step in building on the life-saving Bipartisan Safer Communities Act we passed last summer.

For decades, gun sellers have exploited loopholes in federal law that let them sell guns online and at gun shows without conducting background checks. It's a recipe for disaster that worsens our country's gun violence crisis.

This proposed regulation goes directly to these loopholes we have been trying to close for years. It expands background checks to guns offered for sale online or at gun shows, keeps weapons out of the hands of dangerous people, and ultimately saves lives.

But for ATF to finish the job on this life-saving action, it needs to know the public supports closing these dangerous loopholes. We need to make our voices heard—and make sure the gun industry doesn't drown us out.

Submit your comment today: Tell ATF to close these dangerous loopholes. Gun sales online and at gun shows must have background checks!

Tell the ATF: Close the Online and Gun Show Loopholes.


ATF's proposed regulation makes it clear: If you're offering guns for sale online or at a gun show, then you're presumed to be trying to make a profit. You need to get a license to do business and run background checks on your customers.

We need this kind of life-saving action to stop firearms from ending up in the hands of people who can't pass a background check.

And once again, we're seeing how the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act is having a lasting impact. Because we got Congress to pass that historic gun safety law last year, the Biden-Harris Administration and ATF now have the tools to help close these deadly loopholes. Thanks to supporters like you, our movement has helped make this regulation a possibility.

We fought hard to set the stage for this kind of action—now, let's make sure it happens. Submit your comment today telling ATF that you support closing these online and gun show loopholes.

Thank you for being a part of this movement.

Everytown for Gun Safety

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Tell ATF: Close the online and gun show loopholes!

For decades, people have exploited loopholes in federal law that let them sell guns online and at gun shows without conducting background checks. It's been a recipe for disaster that puts more guns in the hands of dangerous people and worsens our country's gun violence crisis.

Now, the Biden-Harris Administration is taking action: the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has proposed a regulation to help close these loopholes—building on the historic Bipartisan Safer Communities Act that Congress passed last summer.

The regulation goes directly to the loopholes we have been trying to close for years by expanding background checks to guns offered for sale online or at gun shows, keeping weapons out of the hands of dangerous people, and ultimately saving lives.

But for ATF to finish the job on this life-saving action, it needs to know that the public supports closing these dangerous loopholes. ATF needs to hear from us.

Submit your comment today: Tell ATF to close the online and gun show loopholes!

Contact Information

LAST NAME: Whiting
EMAIL: [redacted]
MOBILE PHONE: [redacted]

Join us!


[  ] Yes
[✓] No


[  ] Yes
[✓] No

By clicking the submit button, you are verifying that you are not making any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation regarding your identity, and you give to Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund the authority to submit this comment and your complete first and last name for docket number ATF 2022R-17 to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, on your behalf, including but not limited to through the website You agree to's terms of participation and privacy notice. You understand that your comment, including any personal information provided, will be publicly posted to the Federal eRulemaking portal,, and will be available for public viewing at ATF. It will also be subject to the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552).


In regards to Docket# ATF 2022R-17


Dear Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms,

I am writing in support of the ATF's proposed rule (Docket No ATF 2022R-17), which would dramatically reduce the number of guns sold without a background check.

I am writing in support of this proposed rule and urge ATF to finalize it as soon as possible. Guns sold without background checks—both online and at gun shows—are a huge source for gun traffickers and people looking to avoid a check. These guns often end up trafficked across state lines, recovered at crime scenes in major cities, and used against police officers. This contributes to the gun violence epidemic plaguing our country. The long-standing lack of clarity around which sellers must become licensed and run background checks has made this problem all the worse.

I support the clear common-sense standard laid out in this rule: Anyone offering guns for sale online or at a gun show is presumed to be trying to make a profit and should therefore be licensed and run a background check on their customers. This rule will save lives and should be urgently finalized.


[Your information here]

And, after I submitted the comment above to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), via the Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund website, I made a one-time donation to Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund in order to show my support for "submit[ting] [my] comment and [my] complete first and last name for docket number ATF 2022R-17 to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, on [my] behalf." –Paul Whiting (written September 10th, 2023, revised October 24th, 2023 and revised December 14th, 2023)


For my "September 11th, 2023 Update, Written On September 8th, 2023 and September 10th, 2023"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

September 11th, 2023 Update, Written On September 8th, 2023 and September 10th, 2023: In remembrance of September 11th, 2001, I signed a card three times from the USO (United Service Organizations) in order to "take a few moments to remember the countless lives lost 𝐨𝐧 𝟗/𝟏𝟏, from innocent civilians to first responders and all those who've stepped up to serve and protect since," because "we owe them and those who continue to risk their lives to defend our country so much." ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "September 11th, 2023 Update, Written On September 8th, 2023 and September 10th, 2023":


September 11th, 2023 Update—Continued: Patriot Day is today, September 11th, 2023, since Patriot Day is yearly (annually) on September 11th.

And I received an email from National Today yesterday, September 10th, 2023, with the subject line, "Video Games, Coloring, and Double Cheeseburgers. The Week Ahead", which stated, in part, the following:


Join us as we reflect on the devastating 9/11 terror attacks... While we enjoy picnics and parades, let’s remember We will never forget the tragic events that transpired on September 11, and Patriot Day stands as a solemn reminder while honoring the brave first responders and paying tribute to those who lost their lives. ...

... Monday 11 September

Patriot Day

A time to reflect on the devastating 9/11 terror attacks that took nearly 3,000 lives.

Read more:

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can, in part, be found below:


[Observed in the] U.S.

On September 11, Patriot Day gives all of us time to reflect on the devastating terror attacks that took nearly 3,000 lives. We commemorate those who we lost and give thanks to the brave first responders who put their lives on the line. Take a moment today to consider what we stand for as a nation and how we can work together to make the world a better place for all.



The bravery of American citizens and uniformed personnel in the face of one of the world’s most terrible terrorist attacks is remembered on Patriot Day on September 11.



It was a terrifying day when four planes were hijacked on September 11, 2001 (also known as nine-eleven). The hijackers flew three planes into iconic buildings: the Pentagon in Washington DC and the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York. The fourth plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania after the plane passengers fought the hijackers. Nobody is certain where it was supposed to crash, but some people believe it was headed for the White House, the U.S. Capitol, the Camp David presidential retreat in Maryland, or one of several nuclear power plants along the eastern seaboard.

The impact of this attack was devastating. Around 3,000 lives were lost between plane passengers, those in the buildings that were struck, and front-line workers trying to save people. It was the biggest act of terrorism ever in the United States. Since then, airplane security has become stricter in many countries as they attempt to avoid a future terrorist attack like nine-eleven.

The majority of lives that [were lost] were people that worked in the Twin Towers, especially the floors above the collision point as people were trapped and stranded at the top of the burning skyscraper. 411 men and women working in emergency services lost their lives trying to fight fires and rescue people from the buildings. It was a heartbreaking attack, which is why Patriot Day was proclaimed by President George W. Bush and is recognized every year on September 11.

On Patriot Day, U.S. flags are lowered halfway, and there is a country-wide moment of silence at 8:46 am (Eastern Daylight Time), which is when the first plane crashed into one of the Twin Towers. Although the attacks were in the U.S., Patriot Day is recognized worldwide as the news devastated and impacted people all over.



September 11, 2001
The Terrorists Attack:
The 9/11 terrorist attack sends shock waves through the world, with thousands dying, including many brave first responders who try to rescue people stranded in the Twin Towers.

December, 2001
Superhero Tribute to the Real Superheroes:
The now-iconic issue of Marvel’s “Amazing Spider-Man Vol.2 #36” pays tribute to the 9/11 attacks.


January 2002
President Bush Announces a New Doctrine:
The new doctrine basically says the U.S. will go to war to prevent any attack threatening the country.

[From the University of Virginia's Miller Center: "In his State of the Union speech in January 2002, President Bush called out an “Axis of Evil” consisting of North Korea, Iran, and Iraq, and he declared all a threat to American security."]

September 2002
A Day of Remembrance:
Exactly year after the attack, on September 11, President Bush announces the first Patriot Day.

10 Years Later:
The TV documentary “9/11: 10 Years Later” airs.

[9/11: 10 Years Later: "This unprecedented and exclusive insider's account by filmmaker James Hanlon and Gedeon and Jules Naudet of the World TradeCenter attack, which contains the only known footage of the first plane striking the World Trade Center and the only footage from inside Ground Zero during the attacks, will also include footage from events marking the 10th anniversary, as well as new interviews with many of the firefighters who were featured in the original program."]

September 2016
President Obama Declares a New Day:
With Patriot Day, President Obama also announces September 11 as National Day of Service and Remembrance.

Widening the Days of Observance:
President Donald Trump declares September 8–10 as National Days of Prayer and Remembrance and proclaims September 11 as Patriot Day.



Every year since the tragic day of September 11, 2001, all American citizens come together to remember and honor the fallen. Fighting valiantly till the end, their lives and stories are forever memorialized and illuminate this dark day in history.

Moments of silences are observed several times during the day. The timings correspond with the terrorist attacks, with the first one starting at 8:46 A.M. EDT and the last one at 10:28 A.M EDT. Patriot Day is a difficult day for many, with some solace found in the memorial tributes to those who lost their lives, and through support groups dedicated to spreading kindness and comfort to families today. Memorial events and prayer vigils are participated in across the country.

Today, reflecting and remembering the events that took place in 2001 reminds people of the sensitivity of time and the importance of standing united as a nation.



2977 – the number of innocent lives lost on 9/11.

343 – the number of lives lost on 9/11 who were New York City firefighters.

23 – the number of lives lost on 9/11 who were NYPD officers.

37 – the number of lives lost on 9/11 who were police officers from the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.

19 – the number of terrorists who hijacked the planes on 9/11.

60% – the percentage of victims of the 9/11 attacks whose remains have been identified.

3:1 – the ratio of men to women who died.

184 – the number of people killed when American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon.

36,000 – the units of blood donated to the New York Blood Center on 9/11.

300 – the number of firefighters on leave for respiratory problems from 9/11 by January 2002.



Is Patriot Day a national holiday?

Patriot Day is recognized worldwide, and many people participate in the moment of silence at 8:46 am Eastern Time, but it is not considered an official holiday in the U.S.

How many emergency workers were killed in nine-eleven?

There were 343 firefighters, 23 police officers, 37 Port Authority officers, 8 emergency medical techs and paramedics, and 1 patrolman that were killed during the attack.

How long did it take to clean up after 911?

There were 1.8 million tons of wreckage from the attack, which took a total of 9 months to clean up.



1. Attend a Patriot Day ceremony

If you live close enough to an area where you can attend a ceremony, it’s one of the best ways to honor those impacted. You’ll partake in a moment of silence with everyone else and hear stories about people who lost their lives, families, emergency workers, and more.

2. Visit a memorial

If a ceremony isn’t for you, there are also a ton of memorials where you can silently and independently walk through to honor in your own, private way. Many show the real stories and names of people who were killed in the incident.

3. Participate in a moment of silence

Although the most recognized moment of silence is when the first plane crashed into the first tower at 8:46 am Eastern Daylight Time, there are a few other times where people take a moment of silence, such as when the other planes crashed and when the first tower fell. These times are at 9:03 am, 9:37 am, 9:59 am, 10:03 am, and 10:28 am.

[Blogger's Note: I live in Portland, Oregon, so I don't know if there are any Patriot Day ceremonies near me. However, I do observe September 11th as a patriotic holiday by listening to albums on my streaming music service, which is YouTube Music.

For example: I listen to a 2001 album titled, "God Bless America," which is "For The Benefit Of The Twin Towers Fund."

Watch Album - God Bless America on YouTube Music:

Another example: I listen to a 2011 album titled, "God Bless America-Remembering 9/11," which is "A Patriotic Performance 'Recorded Live' At The Philadelphia Kimmel Center."

Watch Album - God Bless America-Remembering 9/11 on YouTube Music:

And the albums above are just some of the patriotic music that I listen to in order to commemorate September 11th, 2001.

Plus, I usually commemorate Patriot Day by donating to the USO (United Service Organizations), as explained below:

For my "September 11th, 2023 Update, Written On September 8th, 2023 and September 10th, 2023"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

September 11th, 2023 Update, Written On September 8th, 2023 and September 10th, 2023: In remembrance of September 11th, 2001, I signed a card three times from the USO (United Service Organizations) in order to "take a few moments to remember the countless lives lost 𝐨𝐧 𝟗/𝟏𝟏, from innocent civilians to first responders and all those who've stepped up to serve and protect since," because "we owe them and those who continue to risk their lives to defend our country so much." ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "September 11th, 2023 Update, Written On September 8th, 2023 and September 10th, 2023":

Obviously, I also blog about Patriot Day, which I am doing with this 'update,' as a way to commemorate September 11th, 2001.]



1. The attack was orchestrated by Osama bin Laden

There were a total of 19 men that hijacked the planes.

2. The majority of the victims were men

It was around 75%-85% of victims that were male.

3. The economy was severely impacted

There were about 123 billion dollars in economic loss during the first 2-4 weeks after the incident.

4. The clean up was costly

It cost about $750 million to clean up the debris.

5. Nine-eleven was the second attack on the World Trade Center

There was a bombing that killed 6 people in 1993.



A. To recognize the lives lost

With nearly 3,000 lives lost during the attack, it’s important to take a moment and recognize those whose lives were cut short. Workers of all kinds were impacted, and so were their families. Honoring those who gave up their lives to save others and others who were impacted is important for families and friends.

B. To remember future safety for everyone

With an attack as deadly as nine-eleven, it’s important to remember how much security has advanced throughout the years. Remembering this attack will ensure people take necessary measures to keep people safe when traveling, going to work, or attending public events.

C. To listen and hear the stories of those impacted

As gruesome and upsetting as many of the stories around this event are, it’s important to give people who were impacted the chance to share their stories. By talking about personal events to other people, we can honor those involved and remind ourselves about the importance of safety.

Please see the hyperlink below for the post:

–Paul Whiting (September 11th, 2023)


September 11th, 2023 Update—Continued Further: I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles from one of their daily emails that I received today, September 11th, 2023, when I noticed a article titled, "The Legacy of the Post-9/11 Veterans." (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.) An introduction to the article can be found below:

"The Legacy of the Post-9/11 Veterans" from Time Magazine

By Jacquelyn Schneider | September 11, 2023

On September 10th, 2001, I volunteered to serve in the Air Force. I was 18, a freshman college student in New York City. The next day the world changed.

I am a post 9/11 veteran, a member of a generation of veterans who joined or reenlisted in an all-volunteer military after America was attacked. We are a generation bookended by the fall of the towers on one hand and a retreat from Afghanistan on the other—a generation whose chapter in history came to a close with no closure; no homecoming parades, no celebrations, no protests—no grand reconciliation between a returning military and its civilian society. It was just over.

More than two decades after September 11th, the legacy of the post 9/11 veteran generation is unresolved. Unlike many other veterans generations, post 9/11 veterans do not share a single war, defined and united by a common experience. Instead, it is a generation in an identity crisis—an identity crisis which, if left unsettled, could threaten the professional all-volunteer military, lead to civil-military disorder, and even ignite domestic unrest. Already, dominant post 9/11 veteran archetypes—the vigilant hero, the violence-loving soldier, even the wounded warrior—create an image of the veteran as different, recognizably separate, uniformed even in their new civilian status—ultimately alienated from civilian society.

But the truth is that the post 9/11 veteran is not separate from society, nor are their differences so contradictory that their legacy is doomed. This is because at its core, the post 9/11 veteran shares something important. They are bound together by a willingness to serve and sacrifice, a calling that translates to a legacy of leadership in service in the civilian communities to which these veterans return.

This legacy comes from the decisions this generation made to willingly sacrifice as part of an all-volunteer force, knowing that their choice would likely send them to combat. We signed up to do this because we believed, as a part of an all-volunteer force in a nation whose homeland had been attacked, that our service mattered. It was something bigger than ourselves. It wasn’t just a calling to a profession of arms, it was a calling to a profession of arms to defend an ideal about democracy and America’s place as a champion of what could be good in the world.

Our generation’s “end” may have been an ignominious retreat from Afghanistan, but it doesn’t have to define the impact of the post 9/11 veteran generation’s service. And this is because our legacy is not solely what we did in the military, but instead how we let those experiences shape the society to which we return. We are drawn from our society and we return to it, believers in something bigger than ourselves, to make that society better because of—not despite of—our experience serving our country. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight this article from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written September 11th, 2023, revised September 23rd, 2023 and revised May 29th, 2024)


September 11th, 2023 Update—Continued Further Some More: I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, September 11th, 2023, when I noticed four different articles on various news websites, including, and!

No. 1: The AP (Associated Press) News article that I read today is titled, "Bells toll as the US marks 22 years since 9/11, from ground zero to Alaska." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Bells toll as the US marks 22 years since 9/11, from ground zero to Alaska" from AP News

By Jennifer Peltz And Karen Matthews | Updated September 11, 2023

NEW YORK (AP) — With tolling bells, personal tributes and tears, Americans looked back Monday on 9/11 at anniversary observances that stretched from ground zero to small towns.

People gathered at memorials, firehouses, city halls, campuses and elsewhere to observe the 22nd anniversary of the deadliest terror attack on U.S. soil.

“For those of us who lost people on that day, that day is still happening. Everybody else moves on. And you find a way to go forward, but that day is always happening for you,” Edward Edelman said as he arrived at ground zero to honor his slain brother-in-law, Daniel McGinley.

President Joe Biden was due at a ceremony on a military base in Anchorage, Alaska. His visit, en route to Washington from a trip to India and Vietnam, is a reminder that the impact of 9/11 was felt in every corner of the nation, however remote. Nearly 3,000 people were killed when hijacked planes crashed into New York’s World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a Pennsylvania field, in an attack that reshaped American foreign policy and domestic fears.

On that day, “we were one country, one nation, one people, just like it should be. That was the feeling — that everyone came together and did what we could, where we were at, to try to help,” said Eddie Ferguson, the fire-rescue chief in Virginia’s Goochland County. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 2: One of the CNN Politics articles that I read today is titled, "5 takeaways from Joe Biden’s trip to the G20 and Vietnam." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"5 takeaways from Joe Biden’s trip to the G20 and Vietnam" from CNN Politics

By Kevin Liptak, CNN | Updated Mon September 11, 2023

New Delhi (CNN) — President Joe Biden is nearing the end of a whirlwind trip to India and Vietnam for a series of high-profile meetings aimed at countering China’s influence in the developing world.

At the G20 in New Delhi and again in Hanoi, Biden used his swing through Asia to make the case that the US is a more reliable and trustworthy partner than Beijing, though he emphasized that he did not want a new Cold War with the Chinese.

“I don’t want to contain China, I just want to make sure we have a relationship with China that is on the up-and-up squared away, and everyone knows what it’s all about,” Biden said. “We have an opportunity to strengthen alliances around the world to maintain stability. That’s what this trip is all about, having India cooperate much more with United States, be closer to the United States, Vietnam being closer with the United States. It’s not about containing China. It’s about having a stable base – a stable base in Indo-Pacific.”

In speaking to General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng of the Communist Party of Vietnam on Sunday, Biden underscored this point.

“I think we have an enormous opportunity,” he said, adding: “Vietnam and the United States are critical partners at what I would argue is a very critical time. I’m not saying that to be polite. I’m saying it because I mean it from the bottom of my heart.”

He referenced supply chains and climate change and hailed “aspirations for a future of greater peace, greater security and greater prosperity.”

“I’m convinced we can achieve it,” he said, adding: “This can be the beginning of even a greater era of cooperation.”

But despite Biden’s hopes, there were still signs of the fractures that are coursing through current geopolitics, both at the G20 summit and in Hanoi. Here are five takeaways from the president’s trip to New Delhi and Hanoi. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 3: Another one of the CNN Politics articles that I read today is titled, "Trump is explaining exactly how wild and extreme his second term would be." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Trump is explaining exactly how wild and extreme his second term would be" from CNN Politics

Analysis by Stephen Collinson, CNN | Updated Mon September 11, 2023

(CNN) — Donald Trump is conjuring his most foreboding vision yet of a possible second term, telling supporters in language resonant of the run-up to the January 6 mob attack on the US Capitol that they need to “fight like hell” or they will lose their country.

The rhetorical escalation from the four-times-indicted ex-president came at a rally in South Dakota on Friday night where he accused his possible 2024 opponent, President Joe Biden, of ordering his indictment on 91 charges across four criminal cases as a form of election interference.

“I don’t think there’s ever been a darkness around our nation like there is now,” Trump said, in a dystopian speech in which he accused Democrats of allowing an “invasion” of migrants over the southern border and of trying to restart Covid “hysteria.”

The Republican front-runner’s stark speech raised the prospect of a second presidency that would be even more extreme and challenging to the rule of law than his first. His view that the Oval Office confers unfettered powers suggests Trump would indulge in similar conduct as that for which he is awaiting trial, including intimidating local officials in an alleged bid to overturn his 2020 defeat.

Characteristically, Trump also turned criticism of his behavior against his political foes, implicitly arguing that the true peril for America’s political freedoms did not spring from his attempt to invalidate a free and fair election, but from efforts to make him face legal accountability for doing so. “It’s really a threat to democracy while they trample our rights and liberties every single day of the year,” he said.

“This is a big moment in our country because we’re either going to go one way or the other, and if we go the other, we’re not going to have a country left,” he told supporters in South Dakota. “We will fight together, we will win together and then we will seek justice together,” he added. This followed a March rally in which he billed his 2024 campaign and potential second term as a vessel of “retribution” for supporters who believe they’ve been wronged.

Trump is a highly skilled demagogue whose facility for injecting falsehoods and conspiracies into the country’s political bloodstream creates a swirl of chaos and acrimony in which he alone seems to prosper. And his words shape public opinion. In a recent CNN poll, for example, only 28% of Republicans thought Biden legitimately won sufficient votes to win the 2020 election. This comes after years of Trump incessantly denying he lost, and despite courts throwing out his multiple challenges to the result. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 4: The U.S. News & World Report article that I read today is titled, "Trump’s High Court Hail Mary." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Trump’s High Court Hail Mary" from U.S. News & World Report

Could a conservative Supreme Court majority promote a strict constructionist reading of the Constitution that declares the judiciary, in fact, has no authority over Trump’s actions as president?

By Lauren Camera Senior Writer | Sept. 8, 2023

Half a century ago, the Supreme Court ruled in the United States v. Nixon that executive privilege is not absolute.

Former President Richard Nixon had argued that he had authority to withhold sensitive information, such as the Watergate tapes, from other government branches in order to maintain confidential communications within the executive branch and to secure the national interest – setting up a fundamental question of which branch of government has power over the other. It was part of a far grander view of presidential power Nixon held that would ultimately be summed up for the benefit of history in a 1977 interview, in which Nixon said of an illegal act by the commander in chief that “when the president does it, that means that it is not illegal."

In a unanimous decision, the Supreme Court in 1974 rejected Nixon’s argument – a ruling that marked the end of his presidency. Arguably even more important, it also dismissed Nixon’s expansive view of executive power, finding no grounds for an “absolute, unqualified Presidential privilege of immunity from judicial process under all circumstances.” The decision set a precedent that among the branches of government, the judiciary has authority over a president and his actions.

But would the Supreme Court half a century later say the same?

Fast forward 50 years and former President Donald Trump finds himself in not an entirely dissimilar situation. Historians have long drawn parallels between Nixon and Trump – mostly on the impeachment front but more recently for their attempts to invoke what they perceived as a practically boundless executive immunity.

Could six conservative justices, three of whom were hand-picked by Trump himself, set aside the precedent established during the Nixon years and promote a strict constructionist reading of the Constitution that declares the judiciary, in fact, has no authority over Trump’s actions as president? ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight these articles from AP News, CNN Politics and U.S. News & World Report for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written September 11th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


September 12th, 2023 Update: I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, September 12th, 2023, when I noticed twelve different articles on various news websites, including,,,,, and!

Now, I usually provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication.

However, due to the number of articles for which I had an introduction to write, I have decided to forego my usual writing format for this particular current news 'update' and simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name—along with a simplified introduction from each article—in addition to a hyperlink for each article.

Plus, I am grouping these articles generally in the order in which I read them, but also by news organization, as well as by category for articles that may be related by topic.

No. 1: One of the CNN articles that I read today is titled, "Americans have never been wealthier." A simplified introduction to the article can be found below:

"Americans have never been wealthier" from CNN Business

New York (CNN) — Fueled by a resurgent stock market and rising home values, US household wealth hit a record $154.3 trillion during the second quarter of this year, according to federal data. Consumer wealth has now completely recovered from the recent inflation-driven drop in stock prices and real estate holdings.

Household and nonprofit net wealth increased by $5.5 trillion, or 4%, between the end of March and the end of June, Federal Reserve data released on Friday showed. This follows an increase of $3 trillion during the first three months of the year. The data is not adjusted for inflation.

This bump in wealth was driven mostly by a surge in the value of Americans’ stock market investments, which grew by $2.6 trillion during the quarter. Real estate holdings, including the value of homes, increased by $2.5 trillion.

Household wealth now stands about $2 trillion above the prior record of $152 trillion set in early 2022 — which should give consumers a cushion to weather future economic storms and a potential uptick in unemployment. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 2: Another one of the CNN articles that I read today is titled, "Why ‘Middle-class Joe’ Biden may need upscale voters more than ever in 2024." A simplified introduction to the article can be found below:

"Why ‘Middle-class Joe’ Biden may need upscale voters more than ever in 2024" from CNN Politics

(CNN) — Throughout his political career, President Joe Biden has unfailingly presented himself as a product – and champion – of the middle class.

As president, he has relentlessly touted his economic plan as a “blue-collar blueprint” to rebuild America and highlighted the number of new jobs tied to his signature policy initiatives that do not require a four-year college degree.

“When the last guy was here, he looked at the world from Park Avenue,” Biden told a union audience on Labor Day earlier this month in reference to his predecessor, former President Donald Trump. “Well, I look at it from Scranton, Pennsylvania. I look at it from Claymont, Delaware.”

But even as Biden stresses such arguments, a combination of opportunity and vulnerability may be pushing him in 2024 toward less reliance on blue-collar voters and greater dependence on better-educated and more affluent voters, particularly in a possible rematch with Trump.

Biden’s opportunities with upscale voters are widening because polls show that, compared to working-class voters, they are more likely to view Trump as a threat to American democracy, as well as more likely to support abortion rights. Simultaneously, Biden’s position with working-class voters is eroding largely because they are expressing the most frustration and strain over the economy and inflation. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 3: The USA Today article that I read today is titled, "'Every American’s heart was wounded': How the scars of 9/11 are shaping Joe Biden's presidency." (By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.) A simplified introduction to the article can be found below:

"'Every American’s heart was wounded': How the scars of 9/11 are shaping Joe Biden's presidency" from USA Today

WASHINGTON – In September 2021, Joe Biden became the first president in two decades to mark the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks without U.S. troops fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, two wars started in the aftermath of that tragedy.

But in ways big and small, the scars from that day are shaping Biden’s presidency.

"On this day, every American’s heart was wounded,” Biden said at a ceremony in Alaska on Monday to commemorate the 22nd anniversary of the attacks and remember those whose lives were lost.

Speaking to military members, first responders and their families at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson in Anchorage, Biden pointed to the sense of national unity that sprung forth in the days immediately after the attacks and said it’s more important than ever that Americans come together around the principle of democracy.

“Those terrorists could not touch what no force, no enemy, no day ever could – and that is the soul of America,” he said.

But the post-9/11 unity faded amid questions about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, which dragged on for years. Today, Americans remain deeply distrustful of and dissatisfied with their government, a piece of the political landscape that gained traction in part because of the Iraq war and the false premises on which it was launched. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 4: The ABC News article that I read today is titled, "Biden criticized for marking 9/11 anniversary in Alaska." A simplified introduction to the article can be found below:

"Biden criticized for marking 9/11 anniversary in Alaska" from ABC News

Former VP Mike Pence said Biden should have been in New York or at the Pentagon.

President Joe Biden marked the 22nd anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in Alaska on Monday afternoon.

"I join you on this solemn day to renew our sacred vow: never forget," Biden said as he spoke to service members, first responders and their families at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson in Anchorage. "Each of those precious lives stolen too soon when evil attacked ground zero in New York."

Biden said the terrorist attacks, the deadliest ever carried out on U.S. soil, "tested our strength, our resolve and our courage."

"But we’ll never forget that when faced with evil and an enemy who sought to tear us apart, we endured," the president said. "We endured."

Biden had been overseas to attend the G20 summit in India and to visit Vietnam in an effort to further shore up U.S. relations with key partners in Asia amid China's rising influence.

He departed Vietnam early Monday morning for Anchorage. Vietnam's Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh expressed his condolences for the "tremendous losses incurred" during the Sept. 11 attacks, and Biden thanked him for expressing "sentiment and concern."

Biden has faced some criticism for not participating in traditional ceremonies at the White House, at the Pentagon or in New York, including former Vice President Mike Pence, speaking on the GOP candidate campaign trail in Iowa.

"I was very disappointed that President Joe Biden was not at ground zero or the Pentagon or in Shanksville. Look, I know it's been 22 years, but I think these are moments where the leader of this country has the ability to pay a debt of gratitude, to remember those that were lost the day, but also to remember the heroes that were forged that day, and everyday sense for the last 22 years," he said.

Biden addressed his visit abroad and stop in Alaska in his remarks, calling such trips "an essential part of how we’re going to ensure the United States is flanked by the broadest of allies and partners who will stand with us and assure our security, to build a world that is safer for all of our children."

"Today of all days, what I am reminded of is that it is not a given," he said.

Vice President Kamala Harris represented the administration at the commemoration ceremony at ground zero in lower Manhattan on Monday morning. She was surrounded by local leaders, including Democrats Gov. Kathy Hochul, Mayor Eric Adams, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and others. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 5: The New Republic Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Republicans Are Mad Biden Is Spending 9/11 in Alaska. Anyone Remember What Trump Did?" A simplified introduction to the article can be found below:

"Republicans Are Mad Biden Is Spending 9/11 in Alaska. Anyone Remember What Trump Did?" from The New Republic

Note to Republicans: Joe Biden is not the first president to commemorate the 9/11 attacks outside of New York City.

President Joe Biden is marking the 9/11 anniversary in Alaska—and Republicans are fomenting an entire news cycle over it.

Biden, who is en route to Washington from his trip to India and Vietnam, will attend a ceremony on a military base in Anchorage, Alaska, on Monday, where he is expected to deliver remarks to more than 1,000 service members. Vice President Kamala Harris attended the commemoration ceremony at the National September 11 Memorial Plaza in New York.

Right-wing media outlets have chosen to commemorate the worst terrorist attacks on American soil by inciting faux outrage over Biden’s absence from the ceremony in New York City. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 6: The Rolling Stone Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Marjorie Taylor Greene Says States Should ‘Consider Seceding From the Union’." A simplified introduction to the article can be found below:

"Marjorie Taylor Greene Says States Should ‘Consider Seceding From the Union’" from Rolling Stone

The Georgia congresswoman once again called for the dissolution of the Union if Republicans don't get their way

In February, Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene called for a “national divorce” between red and blue states. Now, she’s taking her call for a schism even further by encouraging states to outright “consider seceding from the union.”

On Monday, Greene (R-Ga.) wrote on X (formerly Twitter) that “if the Biden admin refuses to stop the invasion of cartel led human and drug trafficking into our country, states should consider seceding from the union.”

“From Texas to New York City to every town in America, we are drowning from Biden’s traitorous America last border policies,” Greene added.

Months ago, Greene suggested that a “national divorce,” rather than, say, a democratic form of governance, was needed to remedy the disputes between Republican and Democratic states. “From the sick and disgusting woke culture issues shoved down our throats to the Democrat’s traitorous America Last policies, we are done,” Greene said at the time.

The most notable attempt at secession in U.S. history is, of course, that of the 11 southern Confederate states who split from the union in an attempt to stave the abolition of slavery in their territories. The Confederacy was handily defeated in the Civil War. Yet, some modern-day Republicans have begun to view secession as a favorable alternative to actually doing the job of representative governance. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 7: One of the Politico articles that I read today is titled, "Dems inch toward House majority with recent court wins." A simplified introduction to the article can be found below:

"Dems inch toward House majority with recent court wins" from Politico

Court rulings on redistricting are raising Democratic hopes.

The fundamentals of the 2024 campaign are still taking shape, but one thing is already clear: A flurry of court actions might cost Republicans the House majority.

In the past nine days, state and federal judges threw out two congressional maps — and helped Democrats avoid a worst-case scenario in Ohio — kicking off an unusually busy redistricting calendar heading into the election year.

All told, a dozen or more seats across at least six states could be redrawn, increasing the likelihood Democrats could chip away the five-seat GOP House majority through redistricting alone.

Democrats could pick up an extra seat in each of a handful of states, including Florida, Alabama and Louisiana, and perhaps several more in New York. Republicans could still pick up as many as four seats in North Carolina, but the recent rulings put Democrats in a position to offset those losses — and then some.

Redistricting could not only give Democrats a slight edge in their bid to reclaim the majority they lost in 2022 but also increase the number of Black members in their conference. Prospective Democratic candidates in several key states are already eagerly eyeing a rare chance to run for a federal office, and the party is brimming with hope about growing its footprint in the South.

“It’s an incredible win,” Marina Jenkins, executive director of the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, said of Alabama. “It’s an incredibly important moment.” ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 8: Another one of the Politico articles that I read today is titled, "McCarthy pressure hits a boiling point." A simplified introduction to the article can be found below:

"McCarthy pressure hits a boiling point" from Politico

House Republicans are barreling toward an existential clash over this month’s government funding talks.

Kevin McCarthy is facing the greatest peril to his speakership since he clawed his way into the job eight months ago, with multiple factions of his party feuding and a looming revolt ahead during the battle to fund the government.

Ultra-conservative members of the House GOP are talking in unsubtle terms about turning on McCarthy if he does not take a hard line in negotiations with the Senate and the Biden administration.

More centrist Republicans, too, are increasingly fed up with McCarthy’s efforts to placate the far right. They want him to stop giving ground to lawmakers they see as holding the party hostage to unrealistic demands.

McCarthy is a political survivor — even his critics cannot deny that his skilled nature as an accommodator, his persistence in winning over even his most dogged critics and his deep bench of allies have kept him alive in this highly fractured Republican Party.

But interviews with more than two dozen GOP members and aides reveal that it would take only a few rogue lawmakers hell-bent on his downfall to risk McCarthy’s fate in an entirely new way, sending their party spiraling into a new period of chaos. And even if those defectors fail to actually eject McCarthy, some of the speaker’s confidantes privately concede there may be no way to recover.

Those volatile, competing forces of McCarthy’s conference will collide this month, and could drive the nation to a government shutdown, while reshaping the Republican agenda for the rest of the Congress. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 9: The first New York Times article that I read today is titled, "As Democratic Jitters Grow, Biden Campaign Tries to Showcase His Vigor." (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.) A simplified introduction to the article can be found below:

"As Democratic Jitters Grow, Biden Campaign Tries to Showcase His Vigor" from The New York Times

With low approval ratings and shaky public performances, the president and his team are planning an ad blitz and trying to reassure voters about his age.

With stubbornly subterranean approval numbers, President Biden is taking early steps to shore up his re-election candidacy with a multipronged strategy that includes a costly advertising campaign and leveraging the powers of the bully pulpit.

During his recent trip to India and Vietnam, Mr. Biden’s aides aggressively pushed back on suggestions that he has lost a step, highlighting his busy schedule as a sign of his vigor. Back home, his campaign broadcast a television ad depicting a previous overseas trip — a secret journey to Ukraine in February that the White House has trumpeted as a triumph of daring and a foreign policy tour de force.

That ad comes three weeks into a $25 million battleground state campaign to promote Mr. Biden’s economic record to a public that remains skeptical of the so-called Bidenomics pitch he began making this summer.

Such an ad blitz is notably early for an incumbent, in the face of concerns that Mr. Biden is struggling to maintain support among young, Black and Latino voters — key parts of the coalition that lifted him to office in 2020. While Mr. Biden’s TV ads do not frontally address a central concern raised by Democratic voters — his age — they showcase his vitality and stamina.

The Ukraine ad features footage of Mr. Biden striding confidently alongside President Volodymyr Zelensky during a surprise visit to Kyiv to support the war effort. “In the middle of a war zone, Joe Biden showed the world what America is made of,” a narrator says. It ends bluntly, “Biden. President.”

Kevin Munoz, a Biden campaign spokesman, said in a statement: “As Republicans fight each other in their divisive primary, we are building a campaign that is working to break through in a fragmented media environment, and speaking to the general-election audience in the battleground states that will decide next year’s election.” ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 10: The second New York Times article that I read today is titled, "Is the Electoral College Becoming Fairer?" (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.) A simplified introduction to the article can be found below:

"Is the Electoral College Becoming Fairer?" from The New York Times

The Republican Party’s advantage is shrinking in the Electoral College.

The Electoral College has been very kind to Republicans in the 21st century. George W. Bush won the presidency in 2000 despite losing the popular vote, and Donald Trump did the same in 2016.

But over the past few years the Republican advantage in the Electoral College seems to have shrunk, as Nate Cohn, The Times’s chief political analyst, points out in his newsletter. Republicans are no longer faring significantly better in the states likely to decide the presidential election — like Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — than they are nationwide. Instead, a 2024 race between Biden and Trump looks extremely close, with a tiny lead for Biden both nationally and in the swing states.

What’s going on here? Democrats have lost some ground in comfortably blue states like New York while gaining some in swing states like Pennsylvania. “At this point,” Nate writes, “another large Trump Electoral College advantage cannot be assumed.”

In today’s newsletter, we’ll examine the main reasons for the trends. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 11: The third New York Times article that I read today is titled, "The Authors of ‘How Democracies Die’ Overestimated the Republicans." (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.) A simplified introduction to the article can be found below:

"The Authors of ‘How Democracies Die’ Overestimated the Republicans" from The New York Times

One of the most influential books of the Trump years was “How Democracies Die” by the Harvard government professors Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt. Published in 2018, it served as a guide to our unfolding ordeal. “Over the past two years, we have watched politicians say and do things that are unprecedented in the United States — but that we recognize as having been the precursors of democratic crisis in other places,” they wrote.

Because that volume was prescient about how Donald Trump would try to rule, I was surprised to learn, in Levitsky and Ziblatt’s new book, “Tyranny of the Minority,” that they were shocked by Jan. 6. Though they’ve studied violent insurrections all over the world, they write in this new book, “we never imagined we’d see them here. Nor did we ever imagine that one of America’s two major parties would turn away from democracy in the 21st century.”

What astonished them the most, Levitsky told me in an interview last week, “was the speed and the degree to which the Republican Party Trumpized.” In “How Democracies Die,” he and Ziblatt had reproved Republicans for failing to stop Trump’s rise to power. But at the time, he said, “we didn’t consider or call the Republican Party an authoritarian party. We did not expect it to transform so quickly and so thoroughly.”

“Tyranny of the Minority” is their attempt to make sense of how American democracy eroded so fast. “Societal diversity, cultural backlash and extreme-right parties are ubiquitous across established Western democracies,” they write. But in recent years, only in America has a defeated leader attempted a coup. And only in America is the coup leader likely to once again be the nominee of a major party. “Why did America, alone among rich established democracies, come to the brink?” they ask.

A disturbing part of the answer, Levitsky and Ziblatt conclude, lies in our Constitution, the very document Americans rely on to defend us from autocracy. “Designed in a predemocratic era, the U.S. Constitution allows partisan minorities to routinely thwart majorities, and sometimes even govern them,” they write. The Constitution’s countermajoritarian provisions, combined with profound geographic polarization, have locked us into a crisis of minority rule. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 12: The fourth New York Times article that I read today is titled, "As Ukraine Aid Benefits Their Districts, Some House Republicans Oppose It." (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.) A simplified introduction to the article can be found below:

"As Ukraine Aid Benefits Their Districts, Some House Republicans Oppose It" from The New York Times

The American push to fund Kyiv’s war effort has created big economic opportunities for Mesquite, Texas, and other cities around the country. Some of their G.O.P. congressmen want to end it.

By early next year, this city best known for being the rodeo capital of Texas is on track to become a centerpiece of the American effort to increase artillery production vital to the war in Ukraine.

A hulking new plant going up next to a highway exchange not far from downtown Mesquite promises to nearly double current U.S. output, replenishing stockpiles and preparing more ammunition to beat back the Russian invasion.

For a city in the midst of engineering an economic renaissance, the General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems factory is a major boon. It is expected to employ a minimum of 125 people; bring business opportunities to local suppliers, retailers and restaurants; and, city officials hope, potentially help turn the area into an industrial hotbed of well-paying jobs.

None of that appears to have persuaded Representative Lance Gooden, the Republican whose district will house the new plant, to support continuing U.S. aid to Kyiv. Over the summer, he joined dozens of his G.O.P. House colleagues in calling for an end to American support for Ukraine’s fight, voting for measures to strip $300 million in security assistance for the war-torn country from next year’s defense budget and prohibit Congress from approving any more funds for the conflict.

His opposition and that of many others in his party has imperiled President Biden’s request for $24 billion in additional funding for the war, threatening to derail an emergency spending bill that lawmakers in both parties are working to push through Congress this month.

It reflects how the “America First” mentality popularized by former President Donald J. Trump has spread and intensified among Republicans, prompting increasing numbers of lawmakers — including some whose constituents benefit directly from continued American aid to Ukraine — to refuse to keep supporting it. And it is one major driver of the spending showdowns to come this fall as lawmakers toil to reach agreement on both the routine annual spending bills and an extra package of aid for crises at home and abroad.

Mr. Gooden’s office did not respond to repeated requests for comment. But opponents of the Ukrainian assistance programs have argued that the United States must disentangle itself from a faraway war and instead focus the government’s attention and money on problems closer to home.

Speaker Kevin McCarthy, who had said he backed continued funding for Ukraine, now appears to be bowing to the resistance on the right. He is considering dropping the aid for Kyiv and pushing through a $16 billion package of emergency disaster aid for states coupled with more money for border security.

The situation has dismayed some local business leaders in Mesquite, who — while taking pains not to criticize any politicians by name — say the opposition of some lawmakers to the funding measure is a slap in their constituents’ faces.

“I would love for them to talk about, ‘Hey, this will create manufacturing jobs in the U.S., this will create advanced manufacturing jobs in the U.S.,” Alexander Helgar, the president of the Mesquite Chamber of Commerce, said in an interview in his office. Lawmakers who oppose continued aid to Kyiv are effectively “voting against your constituents, at that point,” he said. “You’re literally saying no to the people you’re representing.”

The rush to arm Ukraine, combined with Kyiv’s seemingly insatiable need for weapons and ammunition, has prompted a defense production bonanza in the United States, as officials have scrambled to replenish inventories and build reserves better equipped to sustain Ukraine and respond to similar conflicts in the future.

Since Russia’s invasion, Congress has approved approximately $43 billion in security assistance for Ukraine, alongside other investments in the defense industrial base. The funds have injected new life, in the form of government contracts, into factories across the country, including Abrams tank production lines in Lima, Ohio; Javelin missile factories in Ocala, Fla., and Troy, Ala.; and a plant that makes the propulsion motors for guided multiple-launch rockets in Rocket Center, W.Va.

But while lawmakers representing those facilities have welcomed the windfall, they have voted to curtail the funding that made it possible. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight these articles from CNN, USA Today, ABC News, The New Republic Magazine, Rolling Stone Magazine, Politico, and The New York Times for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written September 12th, 2023, revised September 23rd, 2023 and revised September 28th, 2023)


September 13th, 2023 Update: I received a text message today, September 13th, 2023, from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), which stated the following:

We need you to understand what's happened, Paul:

-- 𝗞𝗲𝘃𝗶𝗻 𝗠𝗰𝗖𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗵𝘆 𝗿𝗮𝗶𝘀𝗲𝗱 $𝟲𝟮.𝟱 𝗠𝗜𝗟𝗟𝗜𝗢𝗡 after just six months to hold the House.

-- 𝗔𝗻𝗱 𝗧𝗿𝘂𝗺𝗽 𝗿𝗮𝗶𝘀𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿 $𝟰.𝟭𝟴 𝗠𝗜𝗟𝗟𝗜𝗢𝗡 in 24 HOURS.

We have no choice but to take 𝙙𝙧𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙘 𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 to address this to ensure we're prepared to reclaim the House Majority.

So we're desperately calling for 5600 Democrats to update their 2023 Membership in the next 12 hours to help us pull off an UNPRECEDENTED fundraising haul of our own. Can we count on you to update your Membership with $25 to the DCCC? >>***


We can either let Republicans use this new war chest to blanket the airwaves with their attacks...

...𝗢𝗥 𝘄𝗲 𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝗯𝘂𝗶𝗹𝗱 𝗮𝗻 𝗨𝗡𝗣𝗥𝗘𝗖𝗘𝗗𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗗 𝗯𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗗𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗰𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝗺𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗲 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝗥𝗲𝗽𝘂𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝘀𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗺𝗲𝘀 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗹𝘆 𝗕𝗔𝗖𝗞𝗙𝗜𝗥𝗘.

So we'll be blunt: Unless we outraise House Republicans and close our fundraising gap, Democrats could LOSE any chance of winning back the House. We're calling for an IMMEDIATE response -- 5600 updated Democratic Memberships -- to pull this off. Can we count on you?

Thank you,

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Chip in now to FLIP the House and DEFEND President Biden’s legacy!

Republicans are blocking President Biden’s agenda at every turn -- and he’s counting on this grassroots team to STOP them.

SO QUICKLY: Will you rush in a donation to elect a WAVE of Democrats and FLIP the House?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit DCCC.

[✓] Donate $5 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $150 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[  ] Other amount

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DCCC (with a tip to ActBlue), because "unless we outraise House Republicans and close our fundraising gap, Democrats could LOSE any chance of winning back the House." –Paul Whiting (written September 13th, 2023 and revised September 20th, 2023)


September 13th, 2023 Update—Continued, Written On September 14th, 2023: I received an email from USA for UNFPA (formerly known as the 'United Nations Fund for Population Activities' that is now called the 'United Nations Population Fund') yesterday, September 13th, 2023, with the subject line, "delivering a lifeline to survivors in Libya", which stated the following:

Dear Paul,

Only a few days ago, we emailed you with news about the tragic earthquake in Morocco. It is with a very heavy heart that we message you again with an urgent humanitarian appeal regarding the devastating floods in Libya.

On Monday, Storm Daniel struck the coast of Libya causing widespread damage — including flash flooding that collapsed two dams. More than 5,000 people are confirmed dead and another 30,000 people displaced due to flooding.

Obstructed, destroyed, and flooded roads are severely undermining the ability to deliver humanitarian aid. There are also widespread power outages and disruption to communications.

We are so appreciative of your past support, and we know we emailed just a few days for a different emergency appeal. But with lives on the line in another disaster, we’re launching a flash appeal to support our on-the-ground efforts in Libya and deliver critical aid to survivors. Will you consider making an emergency gift of $35 or more now to help in Libya and humanitarian crises around the world?


Thanks to the generosity of supporters like you, UNFPA has an ongoing presence on the ground in Libya — that means we’ve been able to mobilize rapidly. Prepositioned Dignity Kits and Mama Kits will be dispatched to survivors through local partners.

Mama Kits ensure that new mothers have everything they need for themselves and their newborns. They include: Clothing for the mother and her baby, diapers, baby blanket, baby soap, and more. Dignity Kits ensure that women and girls can maintain their personal healthcare needs after a crisis. They include: Menstrual pads, bath soap, multiple pairs of underwear, a flashlight, toothpaste, a toothbrush, and more.

These kits will be lifelines to 30,000+ displaced survivors of the devastating floods in Libya. We are already on the ground distributing the supplies we have, but the need is growing and every second counts in a crisis situation like this.

That is why we are urgently asking: Would you consider making an emergency gift today?

Our hearts are with those suffering in Libya, Morocco, and beyond. It is your past support that helps regularly deliver care to over 150 countries around the world and ensures that we are ready to move into action when disaster strikes.

We will keep you updated as this emergency develops. Thank you for being there for every woman and girl, always.


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


URGENT: 5,000+ dead after devastating flooding in Libya. Please help the survivors now.


On Monday, Storm Daniel struck the coast of Libya causing widespread damage — including flash flooding that collapsed two dams. 5,000+ people are confirmed dead and another 30,000 people displaced due to flooding. Whole neighborhoods have been swept away.

Will you donate to deliver Dignity and Mama Kits that will serve as lifelines to the survivors of the disaster in Libya and wherever help is needed?

[✓] Give once

[  ] Monthly

[  ] $40

[  ] $65

[  ] $120

[  ] $450

[  ] $500

[  ] $900

[✓] Donation amount USD [U.S. Dollars] $5.00


And so, I made a one-time donation to USA for UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) in order to help with recovery efforts in Libyaby providing an "emergency gift of [$5 in order to] help in Libya and humanitarian crises around the world."

Plus, I searched on the websites of UN (United Nations) organizations that I usually donate to throughout the year—in response to donation requests via text messages and emails, or via YouTube video advertisements—and I looked to see if any of these UN websites were requesting donations for the Libya flooding. Thus, I found a donation request regarding the Libya flooding on the UNICEF USA (formerly known as the 'United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund' that is now called the 'United Nations Children's Fund') website, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Devastating flooding in Libya

Massive storm brings destruction, leaves families reeling

You Can Make a Difference Right Now

Emergency — Children Need Help Now

UNICEF is on the ground providing emergency relief for thousands of families and children impacted by the devastating flooding in Libya while helping the children most in need around the world.

With your support, we can reach even more children whenever and wherever they need help. Please make your 100% tax-deductible donation to UNICEF USA now!

[✓] Give once

[  ] Monthly

[  ] $500

[  ] $350

[  ] $250

[  ] $170

[  ] $100

[  ] $75

The minimum donation amount is $6

[✓] Donation amount USD [U.S. Dollars] $6.00


And so, I also made a one-time donation to UNICEF USA in order to "reach even more children whenever and wherever they need help," because "UNICEF is on the ground providing emergency relief for thousands of families and children impacted by the devastating flooding in Libya while helping the children most in need around the world."

–Paul Whiting (written September 14th, 2023, revised September 18th, 2023 and revised October 12th, 2023)


September 13th, 2023 Update—Continued Further, Written On September 14th, 2023: I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles from one of their daily emails that I received yesterday, September 13th, 2023, when I noticed a article titled, "At Least 5,000 Dead in Libya Amid Flood Disaster. Here's How to Help." (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.) A summarization of the article—relevant to the donations that I made—can be found below:

"At Least 5,000 Dead in Libya Amid Flood Disaster. Here's How to Help" from Time Magazine

By Anna Gordon | (Originally Published) September 12, 2023

At least 5,300 people are thought dead and more than 10,000 believed missing after Tropical Storm Daniel broke through two dams that protected Libya’s eastern coastal city of Derna from flooding. Experts estimate that the floods unleashed approximately 30 million cubic meters of water onto the city—the hardest hit part of Libya—washing away entire neighborhoods. Other cities in the northeast of the country have also been affected.

“The death toll is huge,” Tamer Ramadan, head of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) delegation in Libya, said at a press conference in Geneva.

Derna is home to approximately 90,000 people and sits on the Mediterranean coast.

The natural disaster comes just days after a 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck Morocco, another country in North Africa, killing at least 3,000 people and destroying entire villages.

But aid workers and Libya observers fear that political fractures in the country will hamper relief efforts. The epicenter of the flood disaster in Libya falls in areas under the control of commander Khalifa Haftar and his Libyan National Army.

Libya was the site of protracted fighting and a six-year civil war from 2014 to 2020 and the country is split by rival administrations, with Haftar dominating the east, and the U.N.-backed Government of National Unity in Tripoli, led by Abdulhamid Dbeibeh, controlling the west.

Mary Fitzgerald, a Libya specialist at the Middle East Institute in Washington, D.C., tells TIME that a key factor in the disaster appears to be "poor maintenance of the dams on the outskirts of Derna" that caused them to collapse amid heavy rainfall. "Libya's rival political factions have paid little attention to the country's deteriorating infrastructure despite many Libyans raising the alarm in recent years," she adds.

Haftar laid siege to Derna in 2017, capturing the city in 2019. “Derna is still devastated by the war, which destroyed many areas of the city,” Abdulkader Assad, a political editor at the Libya Observer, told the Times of London. “I am really concerned about aid getting through since nothing like this has happened before and the eastern government does not have the necessary relief teams. It will all depend on the international response.”

Despite these difficulties, humanitarian workers have pointed to ways to help victims of the flooding in Libya. Below, some of the charities working in Libya right now. ...

... The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

The international Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent societies has been operating in Tripoli, Misrata, and Benghazi in the aftermath of the Libyan civil war, assisting with rehabilitation and economic support.

“#Libya is facing large-scale devastating disaster,efforts are huge but yet challenges and needs are way more beyond what current efforts can do. Support from all international actors to @LibyaRC and Libyan people is strongly needed now @ifrc stands ready to coordinate,” the IFRC’s Ramadan wrote in a post on X. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight this article from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

Plus, I made a one-time donation of $11.00 (which is their minimum donation) to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), because "support from all international actors to @LibyaRC and Libyan people is strongly needed now @ifrc stands ready to coordinate."

By the way, the website that the Time article donation hyperlink directed to was ICRC, rather than the International Federation of Red Cross (IFRC); however, according to Wikipedia, "The IFRC is part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement along with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and 191 National Societies."

–Paul Whiting (written September 14th, 2023, revised September 23rd, 2023 and revised March 26th, 2024)


September 13th, 2023 Update—Continued Further Some More, Written On September 14th, 2023: I received an email from yesterday, September 14th, 2023, with the subject line, "❌ End planet-killing subsidies", which stated the following:

We need to end planet-killing subsidies and we can do it with a Plant Based Treaty

Dear Paul,

A new report has revealed up to a staggering $23 million per minute is spent on subsidies in the fossil fuel and animal agriculture industry, two of the main drivers of the climate crisis.

The World Bank report, Detox Development, says trillions of dollars per year of subsidies for fossil fuels, farming and fishing are causing “environmental havoc”, severely harming the planet and “driving the degradation of the world’s foundational natural assets – clean air, land, and oceans.”

According to the report, fishing subsidies of $118bn a year are a key factor in the exploitation of marine life, which has sent the oceans into “a collective state of crisis”. Additionally, farm subsidies were directly responsible for the destruction of 2.2 million hectares (5.4m acres) of forest a year.

Take action

Do you want your taxes to fund a climate catastrophe? Through Plant Based Treaty’s second demand R2: Redirect, we are calling for urgent subsidy reforms to protect our planet, including redirecting subsidies to climate solutions, including sustainable plant-based agroecological practices, supporting and retraining farmers, voluntary retirement schemes, and training new entrants.

Email your government and demand the redirection of subsidies for climate solutions through a Plant Based Treaty.

1. Use our sample letter to write to your government and demand an end to planet-killing subsidies.

Write to your government

2. If you’re on Instagram, please repost or share our carousel in your story. You can also download the graphics here.

Download graphics

Support Plant Based Treaty

Please stand with us. Help us send Plant Based Treaty campaigners to important United Nations climate conferences where we can lobby world leaders and policymakers for a Plant Based Treaty and food system transformation to address the climate, ocean and biodiversity crisis. Your gift will allow us to intervene when we see false solutions and help us put plant-based food solutions front and centre [center].

Give now

Kind regards,
[Name redacted]
Plant Based Treaty USA campaigner

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink in order to open the referenced document, regarding "our sample letter to write to your government," the relevant text of which can be found below:

End planet-killing subsidies

Below is a sample letter you can send your elected officials, such as Members of Parliament, Senators and Lawmakers. You can usually find their contact information by doing a quick Google search such as “Write to my MP”. If you have difficulty finding the information, drop an email to [email redacted], and we will help you.

If your elected official replies, please forward the email to [email redacted], and one of our team can follow up with them



I am writing to you about a new report from The World Bank which has revealed a staggering $23 million per minute is spent on subsidies in the fossil fuel and animal agriculture industry, two of the main drivers of the climate crisis.

The report, Detox Development, says trillions of dollars per year of subsidies for fossil fuels, farming and fishing are causing “environmental havoc”, severely harming the planet and “driving the degradation of the world’s foundational natural assets – clean air, land, and oceans”.

According to the report, fishing subsidies of $118 billion a year are a key factor in the exploitation of marine life, which has sent the oceans into “a collective state of crisis”. Additionally, farm subsidies were directly responsible for the destruction of 2.2m hectares (5.4m acres) of forest a year.

UN secretary general, António Guterres says the era of global warming has ended and the era of global boiling has arrived. Bold action is required immediately and I urge you to do everything within your power to ensure that subsidies are redirected to climate solutions, in line with the Plant Based Treaty. They recommend measures such as the redirection of harmful subsidies to sustainable plant-based agroecological practices, supporting and retraining farmers, voluntary retirement schemes, and training new entrants.

According to the 2021 UN Global Methane Assessment, methane, of which a third comes from animal agriculture, must be cut by 45% by 2030. Doing so will prevent a 0.3C temperature rise by 2045, buying us time for carbon dioxide, a longer-lived gas, to reduce.

The call for a global Plant Based Treaty as a companion to the Paris Agreement has been endorsed by more than 100,000 individuals including more than 750 politicians, 3000 NGOs and businesses and 21 cities. Please visit to endorse this important initiative. If you are able to introduce a Bill, Resolution or Motion on subsidy reform, or help in any capacity, please email [redacted] to connect with the team.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards

Therefore, I took the sample letter above and customized it by adding the hyperlinks referenced in the letter in parentheses, as well as adding an introductory explanation for writing the letter, all of which can be seen below:

Dear [Senators/Representative]

My name is Paul Whiting and, as an individual citizen, I recently signed the Plant Based Treaty, which "as a companion to the UNFCCC Paris Agreement would put food systems at the forefront of combating the climate crisis."

You see, on August 13th, 2023, I pressed the "Excessive Heat Warning" on my smartphone and I was directed to a Google search page that had an advertisement at the top of the page, which stated the following:

"Ad ·

Excessive Heat Warning Petition - Please Sign Urgent Petition

Take action today to protect animals, people and the planet. Sign the Plant Based Treaty."

So, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage and I signed the Plant Based Treaty as an individual on August 13th, 2023.

Then, I received an email from Plant Based Treaty yesterday, September 13th, 2023, with the subject line, "End planet-killing subsidies." And that email stated, in part, the following:

"Do you want your taxes to fund a climate catastrophe? Through Plant Based Treaty’s second demand R2: Redirect, we are calling for urgent subsidy reforms to protect our planet, including redirecting subsidies to climate solutions, including sustainable plant-based agroecological practices, supporting and retraining farmers, voluntary retirement schemes, and training new entrants.

Email your government and demand the redirection of subsidies for climate solutions through a Plant Based Treaty."

Thus, I am writing to you today, September 14th, 2023, about a new report from The World Bank which has revealed a staggering $23 million per minute is spent on subsidies in the fossil fuel and animal agriculture industry, two of the main drivers of the climate crisis.

The report, Detox Development (, says trillions of dollars per year of subsidies for fossil fuels, farming and fishing are causing “environmental havoc”, severely harming the planet and “driving the degradation of the world’s foundational natural assets – clean air, land, and oceans”.

According to the report, fishing subsidies of $118 billion a year are a key factor in the exploitation of marine life, which has sent the oceans into “a collective state of crisis”. Additionally, farm subsidies were directly responsible for the destruction of 2.2m hectares (5.4m acres) of forest a year.

UN secretary general, António Guterres says the era of global warming has ended and the era of global boiling has arrived. Bold action is required immediately and I urge you to do everything within your power to ensure that subsidies are redirected to climate solutions, in line with the Plant Based Treaty. They recommend measures ( such as the redirection of harmful subsidies to sustainable plant-based agroecological practices, supporting and retraining farmers, voluntary retirement schemes, and training new entrants.

According to the 2021 UN Global Methane Assessment (, methane, of which a third comes from animal agriculture, must be cut by 45% by 2030. Doing so will prevent a 0.3C temperature rise by 2045, buying us time for carbon dioxide, a longer-lived gas, to reduce.

The call for a global Plant Based Treaty as a companion to the Paris Agreement has been endorsed by more than 100,000 individuals including more than 750 politicians, 3000 NGOs and businesses and 21 cities ( Please visit to endorse this important initiative. If you are able to introduce a Bill, Resolution or Motion on subsidy reform, or help in any capacity, please email [redacted] to connect with the team.

Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter.

Yours very truly,

Paul Whiting
Poet, Artist and Philosopher
Portland, Oregon

And, after I sent the letter above to my Senators and Representative in the United States government, I made a one-time donation to Plant Based Treaty in order to show my support for this campaign to "email [my] government and demand the redirection of subsidies for climate solutions through a Plant Based Treaty." –Paul Whiting (September 14th, 2023)


September 14th, 2023 Update: I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles from one of their daily emails that I received today, September 14th, 2023, when I noticed a article titled, "[Your Morning Podcast: Fran Drescher on Hollywood's Labor Moment] Fran Drescher on What the SAG-AFTRA and WGA Strikes Mean for the Future of Labor." (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.) An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Fran Drescher on What the SAG-AFTRA and WGA Strikes Mean for the Future of Labor" from Time Magazine

By Charlotte Alter | September 14, 2023

Fran Drescher—yes that Fran Drescher, the one from the ‘90s sitcom The Nanny—is now one of the most important labor leaders in America. After decades spent writing and starring in her own TV shows and advocating for healthcare reform through her organization Cancer Schmancer, Drescher is now putting her skills toward demanding a better contract for her fellow creators.

In July, the actors in SAG-AFTRA joined screenwriters in the Writers Guild in a strike against major Hollywood studios and streamers like Netflix and Amazon. And as President of SAG-AFTRA, she’s now at the helm of one of the most significant labor events in Hollywood history: a double-strike that has effectively shut down the entertainment industry as writers and actors demand a fair share of the enormous profits of their work. But the historic double-strike isn’t just about movies and television; it also has major implications beyond entertainment. SAG-AFTRA and WGA are also demanding stronger, industry-wide protections against studios using AI to replace writers and actors.

That means that SAG and the WGA are at the vanguard of a broader fight to protect human jobs from AI—not just for actors and writers, but for lawyers, doctors, journalists, and more. Which means that Drescher is leading a strike that may result in protections that could set a standard for all American workers.

Tune in every Thursday, and join us as we continue to explore the minds that shape our world. You can listen to the full episode in the player above...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight this article from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

By the way, thank you for taking the time to read this news 'update,' and for considering doing your part as audience members to support the creative work of directors, writers and actors, as well as other production workers, by enjoying motion pictures, television (TV), and radio productions on the silver screen, on your TV or through your streaming service, and over your radio, at the same time that you are standing in support of the striking SAG-AFTRA and WGA workers.

Finally, let me end this particular 'update' by saying the following:


I STAND WITH THE STRIKING ACTORS OF THE SAG-AFTRA (Screen Actors Guild - American Federation of Television and Radio Artists)!

Solidarity forever!

–Paul Whiting (written September 14th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


September 15th, 2023 Update: I received an email from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) today, September 15th, 2023, with the subject line, "We're fighting for the right to learn.", which stated the following:

We're Fighting for the Right To Learn!

"When you are surrounded by oppressive laws, that doesn't mean you just sit back and be oppressed. That means that you fight." – [Title and name redacted], speaking out against Florida's censorship law


Paul –

Class is back in full swing across the country – and so are the attacks on our right to learn. Teachers and students across the country continue to face efforts to censor discussions around race, gender, and history. But we're fighting back.

Over 158,400 supporters and counting, including you, signed a petition to stop censorship laws in schools – while our lawyers file lawsuit after lawsuit. And one major case where we're fighting – and winning – is against Florida's H.B. 7 law, also known as the "Stop W.O.K.E Act."

In fact, a judge already ruled in our favor this year to block the discriminatory law, which intentionally targets Black educators and students. Today, you can get a deeper, first-hand account of this ongoing fight in an interview with an educator and a student on the ground in Florida.


Thanks for helping us make this progress possible, Paul.

– The ACLU Team

P.S. If you would like to deepen your impact on the ACLU’s mission, please donate today to defend the right to learn and all of our rights.

*All links above will take you to a third-party website,


And, after I watched the video above on YouTube, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU, because "class is back in full swing across the country – and so are the attacks on our right to learn," since "teachers and students across the country continue to face efforts to censor discussions around race, gender, and history ... but we're fighting back." –Paul Whiting (September 15th, 2023)


September 15th, 2023 Update—Continued: I received an email from Planned Parenthood Federation of America today, September 15th, 2023, with the subject line, "A quick question for Paul", which stated the following:


Supporters like you have told us that one of the biggest barriers to taking action to support reproductive health and rights is simply trying to keep up with all the threats.

It's understandable. This year alone, lawmakers have introduced more than 370 bills restricting abortion — plus attacks on gender-affirming care, sex education, birth control, and more. Staying up to date can be hard, but it's the first step to protecting our health and rights.

So we want to know:

Have you heard that Texas and an anonymous plaintiff are trying to use the courts to shut down Planned Parenthood health centers?



Planned Parenthood health centers follow the law. This lawsuit is completely baseless and an attempt to shut down Planned Parenthood and take away access to affordable, high-quality health care — birth control, STI testing and treatment, cancer screenings, and check-ups — from people struggling to make ends meet. We're counting on you to stay informed and stay engaged.


And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


High-quality, affordable health care for all: That’s what we believe in and it's why we fight for patients every day.

But right now, instead of helping people, politicians in Texas are playing with people's lives by litigating a case that falsely accuses Planned Parenthood of Medicaid fraud.

The goal of the case is to shut down Planned Parenthood in Texas and nationwide — all in pursuit of a cruel political agenda. Planned Parenthood did not commit fraud. Period.

We’ll never back down — are you with us?


Tell Texas: Drop the lawsuit against Planned Parenthood

The state of Texas is suing the three Texas Planned Parenthood affiliates and Planned Parenthood Federation of America for nearly $1.8 billion.

Tell Texas Gov. Greg Abbott to drop this politically-motivated lawsuit and end these attacks on Planned Parenthood health centers and patients.

Send your message

First Name (Optional): Paul
Last Name (Optional): Whiting
Postal Code: [redacted]
Email: [redacted]
Mobile Phone (Optional): [redacted]

Subject: Stop targeting Planned Parenthood: Drop the lawsuit

To Gov. Abbott

Planned Parenthood health centers provide essential services to communities in Texas and across the country.

The meritless lawsuit accusing Texas Planned Parenthood affiliates of Medicaid fraud threatens the health of our communities. I urge you to drop this lawsuit and end the political attacks on Planned Parenthood.

This lawsuit is another transparent attempt on the part of Texas politicians to shut down health centers and block people from getting critical health care; it will not protect patient health or taxpayer dollars.

This politically-motivated lawsuit threatens access to care for patients nationwide. End the political attacks on health care providers. Stop harassing and targeting Planned Parenthood. Drop this dishonest and dangerous lawsuit.

[Your information here]

And, after I sent the letter above, I received a confirmation email today, September 15th, 2023, from Planned Parenthood Federation of America with the subject line, "Thank you for speaking out about Texas", which stated the following:


Once again, politicians hostile to reproductive health and rights are targeting Planned Parenthood health centers.

Once again, they are putting politics and ideology ahead of the health and needs of patients. Thank you for calling on Greg Abbott to drop this lawsuit and end these attacks on patients and providers.

You can help make an even bigger difference by showing your support for Planned Parenthood and asking your friends and family to join you.

Share on Facebook

Share on Twitter

You can also help out by making a tax-deductible gift to Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Your support will help us stand strong in the face of continued attacks on reproductive health and rights, and support Planned Parenthood health centers in providing vital care like birth control, cancer screenings, abortion services and more.

Together we can make a difference in protecting reproductive health and rights — thanks for taking action and pitching in when it counts.

— Planned Parenthood

So, I selected the "Share on Twitter" option (by the way, I only have a Twitter account so I can read tweets which are included in some online articles that I read) in order for me to provide you, my readers, with the text and hyperlink below:

First, it was abortion bans. Now Texas is trying to shut down Planned Parenthood health centers with a nearly $1.8 BILLION lawsuit — based on wildly false claims. Tell them to stop the attacks on patients and providers.

Plus, after I sent the letter above to Governor Abbott, via the Planned Parenthood Federation of America website, I made a one-time donation to Planned Parenthood Federation of America, because "the meritless lawsuit accusing Texas Planned Parenthood affiliates of Medicaid fraud threatens the health of our communities," so that is why "I urge[ed] [Governor Abbott] to drop this lawsuit and end the political attacks on Planned Parenthood." –Paul Whiting (September 15th, 2023)


September 17th, 2023 Update: I received an email from USA for UNFPA (formerly known as the 'United Nations Fund for Population Activities' that is now called the 'United Nations Population Fund') today, September 17th, 2023, with the subject line, "Paul, sharing my reflections on this past week", which stated the following:

Dear Paul,

This has been an incredibly heartbreaking week.

Last weekend we woke up to the news about a disastrous 6.8-magnitude earthquake in Morocco. Nearly 3,000 are now confirmed dead, with thousands more who are missing or injured.

Then on Monday we heard about the tragic flooding in Libya because of Storm Daniel. Flash flooding caused two dams to burst, and waves of water inundated populated areas. Whole neighborhoods have reportedly been just washed away.

Approximately 884,000 people have been directly affected by the storm and flash floods. This includes nearly 230,000 women of reproductive age and nearly 25,000 pregnant women.

Thanks to your past support, Paul, we’ve been in Morocco for decades and are prepared to help — and we are on the ground in Libya working with partners to deliver Dignity Kits and Mama Kits to survivors.

Mama Kits ensure that new mothers have everything they need for themselves and their newborns. These kits include clothing for the mother and her baby, diapers, baby blanket, baby soap, and much more.

Dignity Kits ensure that women and girls can maintain their personal healthcare needs after a crisis. These kits include menstrual pads, bath soap, multiple pairs of underwear, a flashlight, toothpaste, a toothbrush, and more.

We are determined to provide care for every woman and girl, and are bolstered by your partnership and unwavering support, which allows us to mobilize quickly and deploy critically needed supplies in the immediate aftermath of a disaster, like an earthquake or flooding.

That’s why I am personally reaching out to ask you to make an emergency humanitarian gift in response to these crises — and all the others around the world — where women and girls are at risk of being overlooked in the disaster response. You can use my custom donation link below to make a special gift of $50 or whatever you can.***

We are so thankful of your past support, but UNFPA has just announced they need to raise an additional $6.9 million to respond to the crisis in Libya alone, and a special humanitarian gift would be truly appreciated.

We know how paralyzing a tragedy of this size can feel. But today, we have the opportunity to turn that shock, fear, and despair into action. Thank you so much for your partnership in these difficult times.

With appreciation,

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted], USA for UNFPA

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, I made a one-time donation to USA for UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) in order to help with recovery efforts in Morocco and Libya by providing "a special gift of $5.00 ... which allows [USA for UNFPA] to mobilize quickly and deploy critically needed supplies in the immediate aftermath of a disaster, like an earthquake or flooding. –Paul Whiting (written September 17th, 2023 and revised September 18th, 2023)


For my "September 18th, 2023 Update, Written On September 17th, 2023"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

September 18th, 2023 Update, Written On September 17th, 2023: I received a text message today, September 17th, 2023, from the USO (United Service Organizations), which stated the following:

Paul, can you believe the U.S. Air Force turns 76 tomorrow? To honor our heroes on this important day, we're looking for 76K grateful Americans - including you - to join our celebration and make sure our service members know how much we appreciate their service and sacrifice.

𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐔𝐒𝐎'𝐬 𝐀𝐢𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐞 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐬?***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

So, I signed the card because "the U.S. Air Force turns 76 tomorrow!" Plus, after I signed the card, I made a one-time donation on the website to say to our Air Force heroes, "Happy 76th birthday to the U.S. Air Force! We are so grateful for all the service members who risk and sacrifice so much to keep us safe and free. Thank you for all that you do!"

And I made this one-time donation on the website in order to support the USO's following statement: "In honor of the 76th birthday of the U.S. Air Force, and of everything our brave heroes in uniform do to keep us safe and free, we need patriotic Americans to help us raise $76,000 toward vital resources and support. Every donation towards our goal will be doubled by the [name redacted] to help provide critical programs for service members and their families.

In addition to that, I already make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! You see, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation. ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "September 18th, 2023 Update, Written On September 17th, 2023":


September 18th, 2023 Update—Continued, Which Also Discusses September 14th, 2023: I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google a few days ago on September 14th, 2023, as well as today, September 18th, 2023, when I noticed two different articles on various news websites, including and!

Now, I usually try to publish these news-related 'updates' on the day that I actually read the news articles referenced in the 'update'; however, starting on approximately September 14th, 2023 there suddenly was an enormous amount of news!

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news each and every day. So, I usually check each day's news via a Google search under several news topics when I first get up in the morning, right after I check my email, as well as after I check my previous day's cellular data usage, which I track very carefully.

Thus, I usually check on what is happening in the news via various Google searches that I do on an oftentimes daily basis under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, from those searches, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read!

Now, I originally found the first article mentioned below when I did my oftentimes daily Google news searches on September 14th, 2023, which is the day that there was suddenly a plethora of news stories! And I was trying to throttle my cellular data usage in order to stay below the amount of data usage that my data plan offers each month, which I track very carefully, so that I don't over that amount each month.

Therefore, on that first day of this sudden inundation of news, I simply opened the various news articles that I was planning to read, based upon the title of each news article and/or based upon the topic of each news article, in preparation for reading each article later on.

However, one of the articles I did manage to actually read on September 14th, 2023, because the topic of this particular article.

So without further ado, the AP (Associated Press) News article that I actually managed to read on September 14th, 2023, is titled, "More than 700 million people don’t know when — or if — they will eat again, UN food chief says." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"More than 700 million people don’t know when — or if — they will eat again, UN food chief says" from AP News

By Edith M. Lederer | Updated September 14, 2023

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — A global hunger crisis has left more than 700 million people not knowing when or if they will eat again, and demand for food is rising relentlessly while humanitarian funding is drying up, the head of the United Nations food agency said Thursday.

World Food Program Executive Director Cindy McCain told the U.N. Security Council that because of the lack of funding, the agency has been forced to cut food rations for millions of people, and “more cuts are on the way.”

“We are now living with a series of concurrent and long-term crises that will continue to fuel global humanitarian needs,” she said. “This is the humanitarian community’s new reality — our new normal — and we will be dealing with the fallout for years to come.”

The WFP chief, the widow of the late U.S. senator John McCain, said the agency estimates that nearly 47 million people in over 50 countries are just one step from famine — and a staggering 45 million children under the age of five are now estimated to suffer from acute malnutrition.

According to WFP estimates from 79 countries where the Rome-based agency operates, up to 783 million people — one in 10 of the world’s population — still go to bed hungry every night. More than 345 million people are facing high levels of food insecurity this year, an increase of almost 200 million people from early 2021 before the COVID-19 pandemic, the agency said.

At the root of the soaring numbers, WFP said, is “a deadly combination of conflict, economic shocks, climate extremes and soaring fertilizer prices.”

The economic fallout from the pandemic and the war in Ukraine have pushed food prices out of the reach of millions of people across the world at the same time that high fertilizer prices have caused falling production of maize, rice, soybeans and wheat, the agency said.

“Our collective challenge is to ramp up the ambitious, multi-sectoral partnerships that will enable us to tackle hunger and poverty effectively, and reduce humanitarian needs over the long-term,” McCain urged business leaders at the council meeting focusing on humanitarian public-private partnerships. The aim is not just financing, but also finding innovative solutions to help the world’s neediest.

Michael Miebach, CEO of Mastercard, told the council that “humanitarian relief has long been the domain of government” and development institutions, and the private sector was seen as a source of financial donations for supplies.

“Money is still important, but companies can offer so much more,” he said. “The private sector stands ready to tackle the challenges at hand in partnership with the public sector.” ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And the ABC News article that I read today September 18th, 2023, is titled, "World's largest food program is in 'desperate situation' and running out of money as quickly as October." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"World's largest food program is in 'desperate situation' and running out of money as quickly as October" from ABC News

"There's a great malaise right now within countries about foreign aid."

By Ayesha Ali | September 17, 2023

The U.N. World Food Program (WFP), the largest anti-hunger initiative around the globe, is grappling with the worst funding shortage in its 60-year history and "we are in a desperate situation," Executive Director Cindy McCain said on Sunday.

"It's a combination of things -- it's COVID, it's climate change, it's conflict and also the cost of being able to do business," McCain told ABC "This Week" co-anchor Jonathan Karl about the reasons behind the lack of money. "Those things combined and, of course, a world that has kind of grown tired of all this. There's a great malaise right now within countries about foreign aid and giving."

"The bottom line is those that are going to suffer [are] those who can't afford to," McCain said.

In September, the WFP said it "has been struggling to meet the global need for food assistance .... And for the first time ever, WFP has seen contributions decreasing while needs steadily increase." The organization has already had to make "significant cuts in hot spots such as Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Democratic Republic of Congo, Haiti, Jordan, Palestine, South Sudan, Somalia, and Syria."

McCain warned on "This Week" that in Afghanistan, for example, the food program doesn't "have enough money to even get through October."

The WFP has been providing crucial services to the needy in the country, which was taken over in 2021 by the Taliban, who then imposed a wave of restrictions.

"Unless we can build up some funding for Afghanistan, we'll have to pull it completely out," McCain said.

Emphasizing the urgency, she said, "Right now, women can't work. They can't hold jobs of any kind. And in the case of WFP, we've been feeding women, feeding women and children. And if we have to pull out, starvation and famine is going to be the result of this."

Karl asked, "Who's not giving money that used to give money? What's happened?" ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight these articles from AP News and ABC News for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

Plus, I made one-time donations to both the United Nations (UN) World Food Program USA and the United Nations World Food Programme! Please see the hyperlinks below for their donation webpages, which includes a relevant description from each donation page:

UN WFP: World Food Program USA

Save lives by giving food today: Donate now

You can make a lifesaving difference today. Donate to WFP to deliver lifesaving food to children and families most in need around the world. Make your 100% tax-deductible contribution now.*nkybpi*_ga*NTU3NjE5MDkzLjE2OTA5NTI0NDg.*_ga_6WEE1DFW0V*MTY5NTA0MTc5Mi42LjEuMTY5NTA0MTc5Ni41Ni4wLjA.

UN WFP: World Food Programme



Every donation provides nutritious food for hungry children and families.

By the way, if you are located in the United States of America, when you go onto to the World Food Programme's donation page, a website popup will state, "It looks like you're in United States: Continue to the WFP United States," which you can then close by pressing the "x" at the top right-hand corner of this popup in order to continue with your donation to the United Nations World Food Programme.

–Paul Whiting (written September 18th, 2023, revised September 23rd, 2023 and revised September 27th, 2023)

P.S.: Alright! I successfully made a donation to the United Nations World Food Program USA; but, when I tried to also donate to the United Nations World Food Programme, their donation webpage was having issues, so I was unable to donate to them.

So, I decided to write to them in order to let them know that I was unable to complete a one-time donation on their website.

Please see my email message to them below:

Message subject: I am unable to donate to the United Nations World Food Programme via your website

From: Paul Whiting • [email redacted]
To: [email redacted]
Date: Sep 18, 2023 7:33 AM

Dear United Nations World Food Programme,

My name is Paul Whiting and I live in the United States of America. And I was attempting today, September 18th, 2023, to make a one-time donation to the United Nations World Food Programme on your website.

However, on the part of the webpage where it states, "Select your single payment method," there is no place to enter the payment method!

Now, I am on a smartphone, so I don't know if that has anything to do with the reason that the payment method area does not seem to work.

Thus, I am writing to you today to inform you of this issue!

Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter.

Yours very truly,

Paul Whiting
Poet, Artist and Philosopher
Portland, Oregon
United States of America

P.S.: Below, please find a pasted copy of your donation webpage, which shows what I am talking about:


World Food Programme



Every donation provides nutritious food for hungry children and families.


Your single donation
You are about to give once.

Country: United States

Currency: $ - USD

Make a single donation of




$ Other

Make a monthly donation instead ... Could provide vital emergency meals for 74 hungry people

Your contact details

Email address *

Yes, I am happy for WFP to use the personal information I share to send me communications about WFP programmes, services, and events by email

Phone number
+1▼ e.g. 5567788990

By providing your phone number you agree that WFP will use the personal information you share with us to send you information about our programmes, services and events by SMS, telephone (voice) and via messaging platforms i.e. WhatsApp.

Your single donation
Select your single payment method.


When you donate to the World Food Programme, your generosity is immediately put to work helping build a world with zero hunger.

You can help save lives during emergencies or give children nutritious meals in school. We can’t do any of this without your support.

Please donate now.

About Us

Did you know there’s enough food in our world to feed everyone? Yet 828 million people go to bed hungry every night.

We believe no mother or father should struggle to feed their child.

Established in 1961, we are the world’s largest humanitarian organization – and it's generous people like you that help us save and change lives in over 120 countries around the world.

Now let's end hunger for good.

Experiencing difficulties?
We’re here to help:

[Email redacted]

Security & Privacy is important to us

Your details will be kept securely and will not be shared with any third parties.
View our Privacy Notice.

The UN World Food Programme is a 100% voluntarily funded organization. For every $1 you give, 64 cents goes directly to programmes supporting hungry people.

Right now, 2 cents is used to process your donation and 6 cents helps run WFP and our programmes. 28 cents goes towards raising the next $1 (which under our ten-year plan will fall – averaging out at 22 cents between 2020-2030).

Privacy Notice | Terms and Conditions | FAQ

Via [Address redacted]
[Postal Code, City and Country redacted]
Powered by goDonate


By the way, I already donated to the United Nations World Food Program USA today, but I was still interested in donating to the United Nations World Food Programme, as well!

And I will provide you an update with their reply...

...I received a reply from the UN World Food Programme today, September 25th, 2023, which stated the following:

Hello Paul,

Thank you for reaching out to the UN World Food Programme.

I'm sorry to hear that you are having difficulty making a donation via our website. If you are based in the USA, there is a chance that your donation has routed to WFP USA which operates as a separate entity to focus on fundraising within North America only.

We kindly ask you to get in touch with the US branch of WFP directly, so that they can assist you with your request.

WFP USA: Email: [redacted] | General Inquiries: [phone number redacted] | Donor Inquiries: [phone number redacted]

Hope this information helps.

Kind regards,
Supporter Care Team

So, my interpretation of the reply above is that when I was on the United Nations World Food Programme's donation page and that website popup stated, "It looks like you're in United States: Continue to the WFP United States," I shouldn't have closed the popup by pressing the "x" at the top right-hand corner of the popup in order to continue with my donation to the United Nations World Food Programme!

Therefore, that is why the email above stated, "your donation has routed to WFP USA which operates as a separate entity to focus on fundraising within North America only." Thus, the WFP USA (United Nations World Food Program USA) website is where you are supposed to make donations from North America!


September 19th, 2023 Update, Written On September 20th, 2023: I received a text message yesterday, September 19th, 2023, from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), which stated the following:

I need you to know what's happening, Paul:

-- Extreme MAGA Republicans have raised nearly $52 MILLION to hold the House.

-- Republicans launched a blitz of misleading attack ads against 21 of our swing-seat Democrats.

I'm calling for 2500 Democrats to secure their 2023 Membership status in the next 12 hours to help us pull off an unprecedented fundraising haul of our own, OUTRAISE House Republicans and ruin their hopes of defending their House majority.

Can I count on you to secure your Membership status with $25 to the DCCC? >>***


We can either let extreme MAGA Republicans use their new war chest to continue blanketing the airwaves with attacks against Democrats and threaten all of our progress...

…𝗢𝗿 𝘄𝗲 𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝗯𝘂𝗶𝗹𝗱 𝗮𝗻 𝘂𝗻𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗲𝗱𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗗𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗰𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝗠𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿𝘀.

We can't afford for anyone to sit on the sidelines while Republicans threaten our mission to put People Over Politics.

I'm calling for a rapid response -- 2500 new Democratic Memberships -- to pull this off. Can I count on you to step up with $25 to the DCCC? >>***

Thank you,

[Name redacted]

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Chip in now to FLIP the House and DEFEND President Biden’s legacy!

Republicans are blocking President Biden’s agenda at every turn -- and he’s counting on this grassroots team to STOP them.

SO QUICKLY: Will you rush in a donation to elect a WAVE of Democrats and FLIP the House?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit DCCC.

[✓] Donate $5 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $150 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[  ] Other amount

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DCCC (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, because "we can either let extreme MAGA Republicans use their new war chest to continue blanketing the airwaves with attacks against Democrats and threaten all of our progress...𝗢𝗿 𝘄𝗲 𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝗯𝘂𝗶𝗹𝗱 𝗮𝗻 𝘂𝗻𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗲𝗱𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗗𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗰𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝗠𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿𝘀." –Paul Whiting (September 20th, 2023)


September 19th, 2023 Update—Continued, Written On September 20th, 2023: I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles from two separate emails that I received yesterday, September 19th, 2023, when I noticed two articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The first Time Magazine article that I read yesterday, September 19th, 2023, is titled, "GOP ‘Civil War’ Over Spending Bills Threatens to Shut Down the Government." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"GOP ‘Civil War’ Over Spending Bills Threatens to Shut Down the Government" from Time Magazine

By Nik Popli | September 18, 2023

Anew federal fiscal year is set to begin in less than two weeks—but Congress is yet to pass any of the dozen appropriations bills that need to be signed into law to keep the government running. Nor has Congress passed a stopgap spending law to buy lawmakers more time, raising the prospect of a politically treacherous government shutdown at the end of the month.

The stalemate has left leaders in Washington scrambling to come up with a plan to fund government programs and pay federal employees. Republican infighting over conservative culture war policies has left Congress embroiled in a bitter struggle over the annual spending bills, setting off alarms on Wall Street and putting House Speaker Kevin McCarthy in a precarious position as he tries to navigate his fractured conference.

Over the weekend, members from both sides of the House Republican Conference reached a tentative deal on a short-term spending plan that would pair a 31-day continuing resolution (CR) with a House GOP-passed border security package. But the agreement faced immediate backlash from GOP hardliners who said they wouldn’t vote for a CR unless it had more conservative policies attached, such as language to address "woke policies" and "weaponization of the DOJ." Other Republicans have said they won't support any continuing resolution.

By Monday afternoon, at least 10 Republican lawmakers had announced their opposition to the deal—spelling trouble for McCarthy, who can only afford to lose four Republican votes. “We’re going to bring new ideas up,” McCarthy told reporters, “and we’re going to work until we get this done.”

Congress has until September 30—the end of the fiscal year—to pass the 12 appropriations bills, or the government will shut down for the fourth time in the past decade.

There are several sticking points that are holding up negotiations. Members of the Freedom Caucus, a prominent rightwing faction, insisted on a tougher stance in spending negotiations with President Joe Biden and the Senate, rejecting the idea of a "clean" stopgap bill to keep the government open past September and calling for concessions on border security and reductions in social program funding.

Some House Republicans have also pushed to incorporate abortion policy into major government spending bills. This tactic, aimed at winning over conservative members, led to fierce opposition from moderate Republicans. The battle centered on a provision in the agriculture funding bill, which sought to ban mail delivery of abortion pills nationwide. As disagreements over spending levels and abortion provisions intensified, senior Republicans had to abandon their plans to pass the agriculture funding bill in August, leaving McCarthy with limited leverage as Congress approaches a potential shutdown—and with the issue still unresolved. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


The second Time Magazine article that I read today, September 20th, 2023, is titled, "How Russia Is Recruiting Cubans to Fight in Ukraine." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"How Russia Is Recruiting Cubans to Fight in Ukraine" from Time Magazine

By Vera Bergengruen | September 18, 2023

Alex Vegas Díaz was surprised to find himself sleeping next to Russian soldiers in a trench in Ukraine, more than 6,000 miles from home. In his telling, the skinny 19-year-old Cuban accepted an offer posted on WhatsApp to make good money doing “construction work” for the Russian military. Instead, he and a friend were taken to a base, outfitted with weapons, and sent against their will to the front lines of a war they never intended to join.

“What is happening in Ukraine is ugly—to see people with their heads open before you, to see how people are killed, feel the bombs falling next to you,” Vegas Díaz said in an Aug. 31 video, speaking from a Russian hospital, where he said he was recovering from an illness before being sent back to the front. “Please, please help get us out of here.”

The plea for help went viral. Similar stories began to surface, as Cubans posted online and called into talk shows to ask for information about family members who had also flown to Moscow to join the Russian military. The outcry eventually prompted the Cuban government to issue a striking allegation: a “human trafficking network” operating out of Russia was luring young Cubans to enlist to fight in Ukraine. On Sept. 8, Cuban officials said they had arrested 17 people in connection with the alleged trafficking scheme. They could face up to 30 years in prison for engaging in mercenary activity, which is against Cuban law.

But social-media posts, audio messages, and videos from recruits in Russia reviewed by TIME, along with interviews with family members and documents obtained by a Ukrainian hacker group that corroborate their identities, combine to tell a very different story. They indicate that Vegas Díaz became caught up in a large, organized operation that has openly recruited hundreds of Cuban volunteers to fight in Moscow’s increasingly depleted army since July. They also suggest that the trafficking allegations may be an attempt by the Cuban government, a longtime ally of Russia, to maintain its stated neutrality on the war in Ukraine, four Cuba experts and former U.S. officials tell TIME. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight these articles from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written September 20th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


September 20th, 2023 Update: I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles from one of their daily emails that I received today, September 20th, 2023, when I noticed two articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The first Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "These Are the Key GOP Players in the Government Shutdown Fight." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"These Are the Key GOP Players in the Government Shutdown Fight" from Time Magazine

By Nik Popli | September 19, 2023

As the government shutdown deadline approaches, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy finds himself once again navigating treacherous political waters within his own party.

Tensions within the House Republican conference have erupted into a public spectacle, as the party grapples with internal divisions over spending. McCarthy, a lead negotiator in the high-stakes drama, faces the daunting task of rallying his caucus while dealing with aggressive opposition from within.

Spending discussions continued on Tuesday after three members of the House Freedom Caucus and three members of the more moderate House Main Street Caucus brokered a GOP plan over the weekend to extend current funding through Oct. 31. In exchange for the 31-day extension, the deal would include border security measures sought by conservatives and 8.1% spending cuts from all nondefense accounts except for the Department of Veterans Affairs and disaster relief. Such a deal—known as a continuing resolution (CR)—would give lawmakers an extra month to try to complete fiscal 2024 appropriations, though the proposal faced immediate backlash from more than a dozen GOP hardliners who felt Republicans are still spending too much and wanted to see more conservative policies attached.

During a closed-door GOP conference on Tuesday morning, several conservative lawmakers expressed a desire to revise the CR spending levels to more closely mimic numbers outlined by House Republicans earlier this year during debt ceiling negotiations, a House GOP aide familiar with the discussions tells TIME. Facing pressure to revise the top-line spending levels, McCarthy on Tuesday afternoon pulled a procedural vote on the interim government funding bill as GOP lawmakers, including Oklahoma Republican Rep. Kevin Hern, huddled inside Majority Whip Tom Emmer’s office to discuss a plan to slash spending to $1.471 trillion.

Rep. Nancy Mace, a South Carolina Republican, told reporters that “at least a dozen” holdouts were inside the meeting in the whip’s office after the procedural rules vote was pulled from the schedule. Freedom Caucus chair Scott Perry, a Florida Republican who helped craft the CR proposal, said he’s open to making changes to it. “If you don’t do something, you aren’t going to get anything,” he told reporters.

Should House Republicans adopt the more fiscally conservative spending plan, it would likely be dead-on-arrival in the Democratic-controlled Senate, triggering a political clash with less than two weeks to go before the Sept. 30 deadline to avoid a shutdown.

House Republicans faced another setback Tuesday afternoon when five conservatives and all Democrats sank a procedural vote on a Pentagon funding bill. Those in opposition to the Pentagon appropriations bill—one of 12 that Congress has to pass—have demanded steeper spending cuts as part of the appropriations process.

Here is a look at the key negotiators in the spending fight that could lead to a government shutdown. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


The second Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Approval of Congress Hits Near-Record Low as Country Stumbles Toward Shutdown." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Approval of Congress Hits Near-Record Low as Country Stumbles Toward Shutdown" from Time Magazine

By Philip Elliott | September 19, 2023

Back in 2013, as congressional leaders and President Barack Obama searched for an end to a 16-day government shutdown, a survey by the Pew Research Center found 73% of Americans disapproved of Congress, a record high.

A decade later, Americans are no longer even bothering to wait for the shutdown most of Washington seems to assume is inevitable to register their disgust. Pew's latest polling, released on Tuesday, shows just 26% of Americans holding a favorable view of Congress and 72% with the inverse, within a rounding error of the record from 2013. To get to a similar number today, Congress didn’t have to let the lights go out; Americans sensed this set of lawmakers by and large seemed more interested in self-aggrandizement than governing.

And even as the public holds them in such little regard, it’s like lawmakers are collectively saying hold my beer to the country. Funding is about to dry up come Oct. 1, the 12 must-pass bills are nowhere near finished in a way that can pass both chambers, and a handful of unyielding ideologues stand in the way of anything even approaching civility. Even a stopgap is far from an easy lift, and the usual gimme’ on the defense package keeps getting tripped up.

For the folks who love this type of stunt, such dysfunctionality is evidence of the efficacy of disruption—and that translates to dollars for the next campaign and for allies who will owe them chits. For mainstream D.C. types, it’s a horrifying reminder of just how unprepared this GOP Leadership team in the House was when they came in, why it took 15 ballots to put them in place, and why they surrendered any sustainability just to get the job for a hot minute.

As Congress stumbles into the potential seventh government shutdown since 1990, it’s no wonder Americans have lost faith in the ability of the parties to self-correct, to self-regulate. And that’s as much of a problem for the party on deck as the one in the hot seat.

It’s not just a hunch, either. In new questions to the Pew battery, 97% of Americans say at least some politicians run for office to get famous and 99% say they do so to get rich. Meanwhile, a record share of Americans—22%!—now say they never trust the government to do what’s right. When Pew first asked that question back in October of 1997, only 2% agreed with that sentiment. The current numbers make clear that Americans view Washington as irresponsible, craven, and lacking almost any essence of credibility.

This isn’t an environment for success—for Freedom Caucus members, for Main Street Republicans, for New Deal Democrats, for progressives, or even the socialists. It sure as heck isn’t one for responsibility. No one wins when chaos is the order of the day. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight these articles from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written September 20th, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


September 20th, 2023 Update—Continued, Which Also Discusses September 14th, 2023 Through September 19th, 2023: I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google starting a few days ago on September 14th, 2023, all the way up through today, September 20th, 2023, when I noticed 34 different articles on various news websites, including,,,,,,,,,, and!

Now, I usually try to publish these current news 'updates' on the day that I actually read the news articles referenced in the 'update'; however, starting on approximately September 14th, 2023 there suddenly was an enormous amount of news!

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news each and every day. So, I usually check each day's news via a Google search under several news topics when I first get up in the morning, right after I check my email, as well as after I check my previous day's cellular data usage, which I track very carefully.

Thus, I usually check on what is happening in the news via various Google searches that I do on an oftentimes daily basis under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, from those searches, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read!

And I was trying to throttle my cellular data usage in order to stay below the amount of data usage that my data plan offers each month, which I track very carefully, so that I don't over that amount each month.

Therefore, on that first day of this sudden inundation of news, I simply opened a webpage for each of the various news articles that I was planning to read, based upon the title of each news article and/or based upon the topic of each news article, in preparation for reading each article later on.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, due to the number of articles for which I had an introduction to write, I have decided to forego my usual writing format for this particular current news 'update' and simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink for each article.

Plus, I am grouping these articles generally in the order in which I read them, but also by category for articles that may be related by topic. And I usually group by news organization for articles that are from the same publication in these types of current news 'updates,' however, I could only do that occasionally for this particular 'update' due to the number of articles.

No. 1: The first of many CNN articles that I read today is titled, "Trump shares post on Jewish New Year attacking American Jews who didn’t support him."

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 2: The Rolling Stone Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Donald Trump Wishes ‘Liberal Jews’ a Happy New Year by Accusing Them of Destroying America."

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 3: The first of many NBC News articles that I read today is titled, "Trump accuses 'liberal Jews' of voting to 'destroy America and Israel' in Rosh Hashanah message."

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 4: The second of many CNN articles that I read today is titled, "Strikes make a comeback in America."

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 5: The third of many CNN articles that I read today is titled, "September 15, 2023 United Auto Workers go on strike."

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 6: The second of many NBC News articles that I read today is titled, "Democrats head to the picket line as UAW strike gets underway."

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 7: The first of two New York Times articles that I read today is titled, "The Autoworkers Go on Strike." (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 8: The first of two NPR (National Public Radio) articles that I read today is titled, "Why the UAW is fighting so hard for these 4 key demands in the auto strike."

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 9: The first of two USA Today articles that I read today is titled, "If the economic statistics are good, why do Americans feel so bad?" (By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 10: The second of two USA Today articles that I read today is titled, "President Biden, trailing Trump on the economy, goes on offense. What he's saying." (By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 11: The first of many Reuters articles that I read today is titled, "Biden attacks Republicans for 'MAGAnomics' as government shutdown looms. What he's saying."

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 12: The second of many Reuters articles that I read today is titled, "House Republicans eye short-term spending deal as shutdown looms."

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 13: The third of many Reuters articles that I read today is titled, "Republican infighting stalls spending bills in US House as shutdown looms."

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 14: The first of two Axios articles that I read today is titled, "Dems urge McCarthy to face reality, work with them on spending bills."

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 15: The first of many Politico articles that I read today is titled, "Why the White House is letting McCarthy flail."

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 16: The second of many Politico articles that I read today is titled, "Inside Dems’ shutdown strategy."

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 17: The third of many Politico articles that I read today is titled, "McCarthy warns House Republicans against spending stonewall."

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 18: The fourth of many Politico articles that I read today is titled, "Congress is in crisis. There’s no clear escape."

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 19: The fifth of many Politico articles that I read today is titled, "Conservative mutiny forces delay in House Pentagon spending bill."

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 20: The third of many NBC News articles that I read today is titled, "House Republicans release short-term bill to avert government shutdown until Oct. 31."

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 21: The second of two NPR (National Public Radio) articles that I read today is titled, "As House Republicans bicker, the government shutdown threat grows."

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 22: The Roll Call article that I read today is titled, "Spending turmoil rocks House GOP with deadline weeks away."

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 23: The second of two Axios articles that I read today is titled, "House GOP discord kills key defense spending vote."

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 24: The fourth of many NBC News articles that I read today is titled, "Far-right Republicans drafted a short-term funding bill with GOP centrists. It’s now at risk of collapse."

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 25: The fifth of many NBC News articles that I read today is titled, "McConnell warns that shutdowns have 'always been a loser for Republicans'."

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 26: The sixth of many NBC News articles that I read today is titled, "Republican infighting paralyzes the House as some call a shutdown inevitable."

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 27: The AP (Associated Press) News article that I read today is titled, "Speaker McCarthy is running out of options to stop a shutdown as conservatives balk at a new plan."

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 28: The fourth of many CNN articles that I read today is titled, "The Republican Party infighting is driving America toward a government shutdown."

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 29: The fifth of many CNN articles that I read today is titled, "Tensions flare inside House GOP as moderates explore new plan to avoid shutdown."

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 30: The fourth of many Reuters articles that I read today is titled, "Angry McCarthy goads House Republicans in government shutdown fight."

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 31: The seventh of many NBC News articles that I read today is titled, "McCarthy dares GOP detractors to 'file the f---ing motion' if they want to remove him."

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 32: The first of two ABC News articles that I read today is titled, "Visibly irritated McCarthy dares Republican hard-liners to try to oust him in closed-door meeting."

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 33: The second of two ABC News articles that I read today is titled, "Democrats have been winning big in special elections."

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


No. 34: The second of two New York Times articles that I read today is titled, "The Republican Party Has Devolved Into a Racket." (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight these articles from CNN, Rolling Stone, NBC News, The New York Times, NPR, USA Today, Reuters, Axios, Politico, Roll Call, AP News and ABC News for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

By the way, this isn't all of the various news articles that I opened a webpage for—from the period of September 14th, 2023 through September 20th, 2023—which I was planning to read based upon the title of each news article and/or based upon the topic of each news article, in preparation for reading each article later on. However, this is as many of the articles that I was able to read while I was my local library where I have access to WiFi! And I have been at the library for about seven hours today, so I am calling it a "current news 'update' day." Plus, I may do this again later for the remaining articles from the above-mentioned period, but I am not sure yet...


...Okay, as of today, September 21st, 2023, I have decided to list those above-mentioned remaining 39 news articles (for a grand total of 73 articles!) that I was planning to read based upon the title of each news article and/or based upon the topic of each news article, in preparation for reading each article later on, that are all from the period of September 14th, 2023 through September 20th, 2023, as mentioned above.

However, to clarify: I still have to read these articles! So, I have each article opened as a webpage on my smartphone's Google browser until such a time as I can get around to actually reading them, due to the number of them.

Another clarification: you will notice that I continued the numbering system from above, but I greatly simplified how these remaining articles are listed—that I still have yet to read—in order to set them apart from the articles above that I have already read. Plus, I am grouping these articles generally in the order in which I read them, but also by category for articles that may be related by topic. And I usually group by news organization for articles that are from the same publication in these types of current news 'updates,' however, I could only do that occasionally for this particular 'update' due to the number of articles. Also, I will indicate whether, or not, I have read each article below its title and hyperlink.

For example, I already read the first one of these 'articles,' so to speak, which is titled, "The nation's cartoonists on the week in politics." Thus, you will note that I have indicated the date that I read the 'article' below the title and hyperlink to the article. Therefore, I plan to indicate when I complete reading each article, as can be seen below.


No. 35: "The nation's cartoonists on the week in politics" from Politico (and, specifically, I have selected the political cartoon "Unfit for office!" out of the cartoon carousel):

(By the way, I always try to take the time look at the advertisements in these "cartoon carousels" in order to appreciate the fact that I am able to read these political cartoons based upon their ads!)

[I read this 'article' on September 21st, 2023.]


No. 36: "With Nothing on Joe Biden, Republicans Move Toward Impeaching Him Anyway" from Mother Jones Magazine:

[I read this article on September 26th, 2023.]

By the way, when I started to read this article, I noticed a banner toward the top of Mother Jones Magazine's website, which stated the following:

Mother Jones Needs Your Help

Journalism is in trouble, and we need to be more upfront with you about how hard it is keeping Mother Jones afloat. We also need to raise $253,000 in online donations quickly, by October 7. This is a legitimately urgent moment, in a financially uncertain, high-stakes year. And we unpack it all as matter-of-factly as we can because readers told us to give it to you straight. We can't come up short again. Please help keep Mother Jones charging hard with a donation of any amount today.


And so, I made a one-time donation to Mother Jones Magazine in order to "help keep Mother Jones charging hard with a donation of any amount today." -Paulee


No. 37: "In the tale of 5 presidential impeachments, how will the latest one stack up?" from NPR (National Public Radio):

[I read this article on September 26th, 2023.]


No. 38: "Republicans run a big risk with impeachment" from NPR (National Public Radio):

[I read this article on September 26th, 2023.]


No. 39: "What to know about the House GOP's Biden impeachment inquiry" from ABC News:

[I read this article on September 26th, 2023.]


No. 40: "The Republicans most at risk in next year’s election are falling in line behind impeachment inquiry" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I read this article on September 26th, 2023.]


No. 41: "Biden has been preparing to fight an impeachment for almost a year. This is his strategy" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I read this article on September 26th, 2023.]


No. 42: "Biden advisers plotted impeachment response plan ahead of McCarthy’s impeachment inquiry announcement" from CNN:

[I read this article on September 26th, 2023.]


No. 43: "Biden impeachment saga creates a wild new political twist in an unprecedented election" from CNN:

[I read this article on September 26th, 2023.]


No. 44: "Fact-checking McCarthy’s claims while launching Biden impeachment inquiry" from CNN:

[I read this article on September 26th, 2023.]


No. 45: "Joe Biden Impeachment Claim Questioned" from Newsweek:

[I read this article on September 26th, 2023.]


No. 46: "Republican Admits GOP Doesn't Have Evidence Joe Biden Was Bribed" from Newsweek:

[I read this article on September 26th, 2023.]


No. 47: "Rep. Comer is the Biden impeachment inquiry's wild card" from Axios:

[I read this article on September 26th, 2023.]


No. 48: "Biden addresses impeachment for the first time after Kevin McCarthy announces inquiry" from NBC News:

[I read this article on September 26th, 2023.]


No. 49: "Three reasons Biden’s problems appear to be overblown" from CNN:

[I read this article on September 26th, 2023.]


No. 50: "Biden tells a Broadway theater packed for fundraiser that Trump is determined to destroy the nation" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I read this article on September 26th, 2023.]


No. 51: "In New York, Biden says he is running for re-election because democracy is at stake" from Reuters:

[I read this article on September 26th, 2023.]


No. 52: "Jan. 6 defendants bring cases to Supreme Court. Here's what it could mean for Donald Trump" from USA Today (by the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today):

[I read this article on September 26th, 2023.]


No. 53: "Trump refuses to say in a TV interview how he watched the Jan. 6 attack unfold at the US Capitol" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I read this article on September 26th, 2023.]


No. 54: "Biden and Trump are both old. So why are voters keying in on only one of them?" from NBC News:

[I read this article on September 26th, 2023.]


No. 55: "Cognitively impaired’? Trump’s confused attacks on Biden start to backfire" from The Guardian News:

[I read this article on September 26th, 2023.]


No. 56: "Biden tries to project his global leadership as challenges pile up at home" from CNN:

[I read this article on September 26th, 2023.]


No. 57: "Biden gives U.N. speech urging the 2023 General Assembly to 'preserve peace, prevent conflict'" from CBS News:

[I read this article on September 26th, 2023.]


No. 58: "U.N. General Assembly opens with world in crisis — but only 1 of the 5 key world powers attending" from CBS News:

[I read this article on September 26th, 2023.]


No. 59: "Everything you need to know about this year’s meeting of leaders at the UN General Assembly" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I read this article on September 26th, 2023.]


No. 60: "As the UN turns: Relationships to watch as world leaders gather" from Politico:

[I read this article on September 26th, 2023.]


No. 61: "Zelenskyy warns Putin could cause World War III" from 60 Minutes:

[I read this article on September 26th, 2023.]


No. 62: "Global South leaders demand end of ‘plundering international order’" from Al Jazeera News:

[I read this article on September 26th, 2023.]


No. 63: "California sues oil giants alleging ‘climate risks deception’: Report" from Al Jazeera News:

[I read this article on September 26th, 2023.]


No. 64: "California suit against Chevron, Exxon, Shell, others, alleges public deception on climate change" from CNBC:

[I read this article on September 26th, 2023.]


No. 65: "California's lawsuit says oil giants downplayed climate change. Here's what to know" from NPR (National Public Radio):

[I read this article on September 26th, 2023.]


No. 66: "'Big Oil has been lying to us': California sues oil giants over climate change damages" from France 24:

[I read this article on September 26th, 2023.]


No. 67: "Special UN summit, protests, week of talk turn up heat on fossil fuels and global warming" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I read this article on September 26th, 2023.]


No. 68: "For Some Journalists, Climate Change Coverage Brings Harassment, Threats" from VOA (Voice of America) News:

[I read this article on September 26th, 2023.]


No. 69: "Climate change: Thousands march in NYC ahead of UN summit" from DW (Deutsche Welle) News:

[I read this article on September 26th, 2023.]


No. 70: "Thousands march in New York to demand that Biden 'end fossil fuels'" from NPR (National Public Radio):

[I read this article on September 26th, 2023.]


No. 71: "White House launches American Climate Corps" from NBC News:

[I read this article on September 26th, 2023.]


No. 72: "Biden to launch 'American Climate Corps' following calls from activists, Democratic lawmakers" from ABC News:

[I read this article on September 26th, 2023.]


No. 73: "Biden uses executive power to create a New Deal-style American Climate Corps" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I read this article on September 26th, 2023.]

And I decided to highlight these articles from Politico, Mother Jones Magazine, NPR, ABC News, AP News, CNN, Newsweek, Axios, NBC News, Reuters, USA Today, The Guardian News, CBS News, 60 Minutes, Al Jazeera News, CNBC, France 24, VOA News and DW News for you, my readers, to consider reading too! (Whew!)

–Paul Whiting (written September 20th, 2023, revised September 21st, 2023, revised September 22nd, 2023, revised September 23rd, 2023, revised September 25th, 2023, revised September 26th, 2023, revised September 28th, 2023 and revised October 5th, 2023)

P.S.: By the way, today, September 26th, 2023, I read the remaining news articles from September 14th, 2023 Through September 20th, 2023, which I have listed as No. 36 through No. 73.


September 20th, 2023 Update—Continued Further: I received an email from United Farm Workers (UFW) today, September 20th, 2023, with the subject line, "The cruelest part of these farm worker injuries?", which stated the following:

United Farm Workers
Si, Se Puede!        UFW

The cruelest part of these farm worker injuries? Indifference.

Farm work is a dangerous job. In fact, agricultural work is among the most dangerous professions. But workers without a union contract are often afraid to speak up about safety issues and then, when they are injured, do not receive proper treatment. This is on top of the abuse and exploitation they are often subjected to. That's why the UFW is fighting for safer, just and respectful conditions for farm workers. Will you help us?

[Name redacted] was climbing down a ladder with a bag full of NY [New York] apples he'd just picked, when he fell off and landed on his hand. He tried to keep working, but the pain kept getting worse. After taking time off to rest, he had to return to his job because "they had told me they weren't going to pay me a single hour if I didn't show up to work." Since it was too painful to use his injured hand, [name redacted] worked one-handed until he finally saw a doctor two weeks later.

Like [name redacted], [name redacted] was picking fruit — in his case, oranges — in Tulare County, CA [California] when he too fell off a ladder. When he rubbed his hand, it crunched because of the broken bones. He had to wait three months for the farm labor contractor to take him to the doctor who accepted the contractor's insurance. By then, the bones had re-set improperly. Even now, 13 years later, "My fingers are numb, I can't completely close my hand."

There are so many other ways farm workers can get injured on the job. [Name redacted], a widow with four children, packs apples in upstate New York. According to [name redacted], the company does not properly control "the chemicals they use to wash the apples and disinfect them or the chemicals they use to fumigate. A few years ago, there was a chemical spill inside the packing house, and we had to leave in an emergency. It affected our throats, we felt dizzy, and had headaches."

Each of these farm workers urgently need the protections and critical benefits that come with a union contract. They also need the UFW to advocate for them so employers take responsibility if an accident occurs. That means we must step up our organizing campaigns so farm workers can rely on the union to help them when they get injured. Your donation can help create better workplaces and lives for farm workers who need the UFW.


PS: After you take action you can also share this campaign on Facebook & Twitter.*

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

*I selected the "Share on Twitter" option (by the way, I only have a Twitter account so I can read tweets which are included in some online articles that I read) in order for me to provide you, my readers, with the text and hyperlink below:

Farm work is among the most dangerous jobs. Without a union contract, workers can be afraid to speak up about safety and may not receive proper care if injured. Farm workers urgently need the protections of a union contract. Your gift can help.

And so, I made a one-time donation to United Farm Workers because "farm workers urgently need the protections and critical benefits that come with a union contract." Plus, "they also need the UFW to advocate for them so employers take responsibility if an accident occurs." So "that means we must step up our organizing campaigns so farm workers can rely on the union to help them when they get injured." –Paul Whiting (written September 20th, 2023, revised October 27th, 2023 and revised November 17th, 2023)


September 21st, 2023 Update, Which Also Discusses September 23rd, 2023: I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles from two separate emails that I received today, September 21st, 2023, when I noticed seven articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

Now, I usually read these articles the day that I notice them—and that's also when I usually write the corresponding 'update.' However, I received the first Time email at 5:43 AM and then I received the second Time email at 3:20 PM on September 21st, 2023. So, I had time to read the first four articles below on the day that I received them, but I didn't have time to read the last three articles until September 23rd, 2023!

The first Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "We Must Win the Race to Net Zero." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"We Must Win the Race to Net Zero" from Time Magazine

By Catherine Mckenna | September 20, 2023

Canada’s summer of 2023 was not just hot; it was ablaze. Fires decimated an area the size of New York state. Tens of thousands of Canadians were forced from their homes. A territorial capital was evacuated. Heavy, acrid smoke sent air quality plummeting in both the U.S. and Europe. Our national newspaper, The Globe and Mail, aptly dubbed it “Canada’s summer of fire and smoke.”

Despite the fact that 90% of global GDP is covered by net zero targets, and there is real progress in scaling clean energy globally, the U.N.'s most recent progress assessment is unequivocal: The world is not on track. We need to phase out fossil fuels now and rapidly decarbonize all sectors of the economy or face catastrophic warming exceeding 1.5 degrees Celsius. Make no mistake: in Canada and far too many other countries, this summer was only a taste of what will follow if we breach this limit.

This is why the can’t-do attitude of too many business leaders and politicians has to stop. In some circles, it’s become acceptable to give up on the 1.5°C target as too hard. This is pitiful—especially when we have the solutions. The world can’t afford more foot-dragging and excuses. Instead, we need to win the race to net zero and stop talking ourselves out of even stepping onto the track.

As a former competitive swimmer, I learned that the path to victory involves setting an ambitious goal, putting in the work every day, measuring progress, and always sprinting for the finish. Yes, we need a 2050 net zero goal. But like an athlete training for the Olympics a decade out, we also need the accountability that comes from near-term targets. For the world, this means peaking global emissions by 2025, and halving them by 2030.

Yet, just when we need them to be champions, too many business leaders and politicians sound like also-rans. Rather than act like winners, they act like losers in the most critical contest humanity has ever faced.

As the chair of the United Nations’ High-Level Expert Group on Net Zero, we have provided a clear path leaders need to follow.

Our report doesn’t mince words. Integrity matters. Companies, financial institutions, cities and regions must have ambitious, science-based transition plans that drive emissions down across their value chain. They must shift investments from fossil fuels to clean energy now. They can’t defer real emissions reductions by simply buying carbon credits. They must lobby for, not against, climate action. And they must report publicly and transparently on their progress.

As United Nations Secretary General António Guterres declared in advance of his Climate Ambition Summit on September 20th: “Surging temperatures demand a surge in action.” ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


The second Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "How Mormonism Went Mainstream." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"How Mormonism Went Mainstream" from Time Magazine

By Benjamin E. Park | September 21, 2023

September 21, 2023 marks the 200th anniversary of the date that Joseph Smith claimed to have been visited by the Angel Moroni in Palmyra, New York. According to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ canonical account, the 21-year-old Smith was in bed when the divine visitor appeared in his room. The prophet-to-be was then instructed to dig up a sacred record inscribed on ancient golden tablets that was located in a nearby hill.

The resulting text, the Book of Mormon, published in 1830, became a cornerstone for a new world religion. Today, the Latter-day Saint church claims over 17 million members across the globe. But while they have achieved a degree of cultural acceptance, especially among American Christians, there remains a suspicion—sometimes subtle, sometimes explicit—that Mormon beliefs are fundamentally irrational, if not heretical.

While there are plenty of doctrinal principles that have drawn scorn, like their since-rescinded belief in polygamy and an anti-Black racial restriction, the story of an ancient scripture record found on buried gold plates has long served as a lynchpin for external skepticism. How could otherwise rational people believe in what appears to be a fundamentally irrational myth? And does such a belief forfeit their place within mainstream culture?

Yet debates over the boundaries of religious respectability, and whether the Mormons could be accepted therein, reveal as much about America as it does about its most famous homegrown religion. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

[Blogger's Note: I was born and raised in Salt Lake City, Utah in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ("The Mormon Church"). And let me also explain that I am gay (although, I am technically bisexual, because I almost married my high school sweetheart), so that basically means that I am officially 'A Recovering Mormon.']


The third Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "With a Prisoner Swap and $6 Billion, Iran's President Has Changed the Subject." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"With a Prisoner Swap and $6 Billion, Iran's President Has Changed the Subject" from Time Magazine

By Karl Vick | September 20, 2023

Without the diplomatic immunity conferred on visiting heads of state, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi might be in a real pickle. His resume is littered with corpses—thousands of men and women whose summary executions in 1988 constitute “grave war crimes,” according to the Swedish court that last year sentenced a former guard to life in prison for assisting in the deaths Raisi had, along with two other Iranian officials, ordered.

Instead, Tuesday found Raisi at the plenum of the U.N. General Assembly, claiming the moral high ground during what he would likely count as a successful visit to the Great Satan. By the time he left New York City, the news was no longer the one-year anniversary of the death in police custody of Mahsa Amini, whose killing in September of 2022 ignited months of spontaneous protests across the Islamic Republic. The subject had changed to the release Monday of five U.S. citizens, in exchange for access to $6 billion, informal assurances on the status of Iran’s nuclear program, and the reciprocal release of five Iranians. The Council of Foreign Relations invited Raisi to a stop by, and he also passsed an hour with a group of U.S. journalists.

“There’s that theater. There was an opportunity to change the subject from talking about the anniversary of the protests," says Vali Nasr, a professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies who advised the Obama Administration on Iran. "The American media would be focusing on this instead.”

The regime’s security forces needed four months to reclaim the streets from protesters, killing more than 500 and arresting tens of thousands in the process. For several weeks, the uprising, led by young women, was so widespread and intense that a prominent dissident said it might actually topple the theocracy that has ruled the nation of 88 million since 1979.

“I think this particular year, for Raisi, it’s very important to show that Iran is still standing after the protests last year, and that it’s not isolated,” says Nasr. “That’s an important message that they want to send to constituents at home, to the protesters, to the reporters, to Iranians abroad, and to other governments." ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


The fourth Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "California Is the Latest State Where a School Board Is Requiring Staff to Potentially Out Trans Kids." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"California Is the Latest State Where a School Board Is Requiring Staff to Potentially Out Trans Kids" from Time Magazine

By Solcyre Burga | September 20, 2023

When Stephanie Camacho-Van Dyke, the Director of Advocacy and Education at the LGBTQ Center of Orange County in California, arrived at her local school board meeting on Sept. 7, she was number 79 on the list of attendees.

Guests had been rolling in for the 7 p.m. event since noon that day to comment on a rule that would require school staff to inform parents if their child asked to be identified by a different name or pronouns. School district board members listened to parents and teachers, among others, testify for seven hours before deciding to pass the resolution, making Orange Unified School Board the sixth school board in California to pass a rule of this sort.

Such policies are becoming increasingly common across the country. At least five states—including Alabama, North Carolina, and Indiana— have a state law that forces the outing of trangender youth, according to independent, nonprofit think tank Movement Advancement Project. Another six states have laws that better protect parent’s access to all records of their child, including sessions with their counselor or psychologist, but do not explicitly require parental notification of a child’s transgender status.

And just thirty minutes away from Orange County, the Chino Valley Unified School District Board of Education is currently facing a temporary restraining order to stop the enforcement of their own gender identity disclosure policy, which requires staff to notify parents if their child asks to be identified or treated as a gender different than the one listed on their official records.

Many in favor of the policy are part of the parental rights movement, who argue that they should have full knowledge of their children’s behaviors and practices at school. But as debates over kid’s privacy and school curriculum emerge, LGBTQ+ advocates warn that the measure could be detrimental to transgender students.

“Parents of course understandably want to know what's going on with their child,” says Cameron Van Fossen, executive director of Gender Spectrum, an organization dedicated to the well-being of gender-expansive children. “But the most important point here is that school districts should be looking to adopt policies that prioritize the safety and well being of all students, including transgender students, while respecting their rights and autonomy.” ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


The fifth Time Magazine article that I read on September 23rd, 2023 is titled, "What Happens When Tech Bros Run National Security." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"What Happens When Tech Bros Run National Security" from Time Magazine

By Henry Farrell And Abraham Newman | September 20, 2023

It's September 2023, and markets have become battlefields, as economics and geopolitics become ever more closely intertwined. Many think that we are returning to the Cold War, but we're not. Back then, the military had the materiel and commanded the view of war. Now, after thirty years of globalization, it's very often business that commands the resources, fundamentally changing the balance of power. Whether the U.S. fulfills its national security ambitions doesn’t just depend on its armed forces, but its relationship with firms. The recent revelation that Elon Musk used his control of the Starlink satellite system to unilaterally decide the limits on a Ukrainian offensive is just one example of how business can, quite literally, call the shots.

How did this happen? At the height of globalization, the U.S. government and its allies handed over control of key communications networks to business, never thinking that these networks would become crucial strategic assets in shooting wars. The Internet—which came into being as a side-product of Pentagon spending—was turned over to a non-profit corporation dominated by private interests. Allies’ national telecommunications champions were privatized and U.S. giants, like Lucent, sold to foreign firms for spare parts. The submarine fibre cables that tied the world together were mostly laid by consortiums of for-profit companies. As new communications technologies such as cloud computing emerged, they were dominated by a few firms like Amazon and Microsoft.

This all meant that innovation happened faster than would have been conceivable during the Cold War. Government fell far behind the leading edge of many key technologies, leaving critical communications infrastructures under the control of the private sector.

That didn’t present national security concerns so long as the world was at peace. But now that geopolitics is back, the U.S. government faces a basic dilemma. How does it ensure national security in a world where the private sector holds many of the levers of power? Of course, it can turn to business for support. And where it can demand that support, the U.S. can sometimes do far more than it ever could during the Cold War (using telecommunications companies’ international reach, for example, to help it surveil the world). But sometimes, business may prefer to stay politically neutral, prioritizing profits for its shareholders, or, even worse, cosy up to geopolitical adversaries such as China or Russia.

The U.S. government’s first instinct in recent decades has been to create public-private partnerships to expand its power—and some private sector actors have certainly been willing to cooperate. The Starlink story is not the only story about business in the Ukraine conflict. In our new book we explain how the U.S. and the Ukrainian government have benefited from Microsoft’s willingness to abdicate neutrality. After years of trying to build a "digital Switzerland," in which platform companies would be held inviolate from spying and conflict, Microsoft volunteered for the digital frontlines of the Ukraine war. From the beginning, it willingly surveilled the online battlefield, detecting and countering Russian cyber-weapons, and sharing key information with the U.S. and its European allies. It airlifted Ukrainian government ministries into the cloud, providing them with a degree of security that the government itself was incapable of doing.

It wasn’t only Microsoft that helped out. As a new report by Ulrike Franke and Jenny Söderström explains, Amazon has been ferrying Ukrainian data to safety using customized suitcase-sized “Snowball” systems, providing safe storage for critical state information. Google has proudly announced that it is fighting disinformation, and blocking Russian state-funded news channels.

But not all business gives this kind of unequivocal support. As we recently found out, while Microsoft was countering cyber-attacks, the Ukrainian army found itself increasingly dependent on the whims of Elon Musk. Ukrainian commanders rely on Musk’s Starlink satellites to communicate on the battlefield and to guide automated drones to their target. Musk partly owes his near monopoly of low orbit satellite communications to government inaction in the U.S. and elsewhere. The result is an unprecedented level of privatized geopolitical power, concentrated in the hands of a single, politically erratic tycoon with a reported penchant for ketamine. Ukrainian soldiers reportedly found themselves cut off and blind when they ventured into territory that Starlink had 'geofenced'. In another incident, Musk refused to provide access to Starlink when the Ukrainian military attempted a drone attack on Russia’s naval fleet, leaving the drones to wash up on shore, inoperable. The company had its own commercial worries. As Musk told his biographer, he did not build the system for war but so that “people can watch Netflix and chill.” Musk—who reportedly has had friendly conversations with Putin after the invasion—is at best a highly unreliable ally. But the U.S. has little option but to placate him and try to keep him onside, if Ukrainian commanders are to be able to talk to each other and their troops. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


The sixth Time Magazine article that I read on September 23rd, 2023 is titled, "Biden to Boost Green Jobs with New Deal-Style American Climate Corps." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Biden to Boost Green Jobs with New Deal-Style American Climate Corps" from Time Magazine

By Matthew Daly / AP | September 20, 2023

(WASHINGTON) — After being thwarted by Congress, President Joe Biden will use his executive authority to create a New Deal-style American Climate Corps that will serve as a major green jobs training program.

In an announcement Wednesday, the White House said the program will employ more than 20,000 young adults who will build trails, plant trees, help install solar panels and do other work to boost conservation and help prevent catastrophic wildfires.

The climate corps had been proposed in early versions of the sweeping climate law approved last year but was jettisoned amid strong opposition from Republicans and concerns about cost.

Democrats and environmental advocacy groups never gave up on the plan and pushed Biden in recent weeks to issue an executive order authorizing what the White House now calls the American Climate Corps.

“After years of demonstrating and fighting for a Climate Corps, we turned a generational rallying cry into a real jobs program that will put a new generation to work stopping the climate crisis,'' said Varshini Prakash, executive director of the Sunrise Movement, an environmental group that has led the push for a climate corps.

With the new corps “and the historic climate investments won by our broader movement, the path towards a Green New Deal is beginning to become visible," Prakash said, referring to a comprehensive jobs-and-climate plan supported by many activists and some Democrats but ridiculed by Republicans as a socialist nightmare that would raise taxes and hamper the economy.

Prakash, a frequent Biden critic, participated in a White House call on Tuesday promoting the new job corps, which comes as Biden tries to strengthen his appeal to young voters in the 2024 presidential campaign. The Sunrise Movement and other climate activists, including many young adults, were outraged this spring after Biden approved the huge Willow oil-drilling project in Alaska. Opponents say the project and others approved by Biden put his climate legacy at risk and are a breach of his 2020 campaign promise to stop new oil drilling on federal lands.

Those concerns were put aside Wednesday as environmental activists hailed the new jobs program, which is modeled after the Civilian Conservation Corps, created in the 1930s by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, a Democrat, as part of the New Deal.

“Young people nationwide are excited to see the launch of the American Climate Corps, a program which will put more than 20,000 young people on career pathways in the growing fields of clean energy, conservation and climate resilience,'' said Cristina Tzintzún Ramirez, president of NextGen America, an organization that promotes education, registration and mobilization for voters age 18 to 35.

"Young people are fighting for climate justice every day in their community, and now they have even more opportunity to continue this fight in their careers,'' Ramirez said. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


The seventh Time Magazine article that I read on September 23rd, 2023 is titled, "With Demand for Mental-Health Care Soaring on Campus, Faculty and Students Are Stepping Up to Help." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"With Demand for Mental-Health Care Soaring on Campus, Faculty and Students Are Stepping Up to Help" from Time Magazine

By Jamie Ducharme | September 21, 2023

After the pandemic shut down Duke University’s campus in 2020, public-policy professor Nick Carnes worried about how his students would fare both educationally and emotionally. Wanting to help in whatever way he could, he added a simple message to his email signature.

“A note to students,” he wrote. “Please let me or another Duke professor know if you're having any problems with your safety, well-being, or access to educational or other resources, or if you need to talk about anything right now, and/or if you know of another student who is having trouble. When in doubt, please reach out.”

Three years later, with campus back to pre-pandemic normal, Carnes hasn’t found a reason to delete the message. “A lot of students will probably roll their eyes,” he says. “But you want them to have so internalized your availability to help with a crisis that they find it sort of corny and laughable when you remind them of that.”

Not so long ago, it might not have been obvious that a public-policy professor would be willing to talk through his student’s stressors and struggles. But these days, with teenagers and young adults reporting mental-health issues in record numbers, Carnes is part of a growing trend.

Colleges have long offered on-campus health and counseling centers, but demand for mental-health support is surging such that many schools can’t meet it through traditional means. Rather than solely recruiting more therapists—a costly and difficult proposition, given that the U.S. behavioral-health field is short thousands of needed clinicians—colleges and universities across the U.S. are leaning on faculty, staff, and even students to help bridge the gap.

“The mental-health crisis is significantly increasing the demand for services and we have fewer people coming into the profession and a lot of people leaving the profession,” says Sarah Reives-Houston, who runs a behavioral-health program at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC). Expanding the availability of community support is a faster and more feasible—not to mention more affordable—approach than training up a new generation of therapists, and one that could ultimately be more effective, Reives-Houston says, because it "broadens the net." ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight these articles from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written September 21st, 2023 and revised September 23rd, 2023)


September 21st, 2023 Update—Continued, Written On September 23rd, 2023: I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google two days ago on September 21st, 2023, when I noticed 24 different articles on various news websites, including,,,,,,,,,, and!

Now, I usually try to publish these current news 'updates' on the day that I actually read the news articles referenced in the 'update'; however, lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news!

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news each and every day. So, I usually check each day's news via a Google search under several news topics when I first get up in the morning, right after I check my email, as well as after I check my previous day's cellular data usage, which I track very carefully.

Thus, I usually check on what is happening in the news via various Google searches that I do on an oftentimes daily basis under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, from those searches, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read!

Plus, I am trying to throttle my cellular data usage in order to stay below the amount of usage that my data plan offers each month, which I track very carefully, so that I don't go over that amount.

Therefore, due to this sudden inundation of news, I am simply opening a webpage for each of the various news articles that I am planning to read, based upon the title of each news article and/or based upon the topic of each news article, in preparation for reading each article later on.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, due to the number of articles for which I have an introduction to write, I have decided to forego my usual writing format for this current news 'update' and simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink for each article.

And to clarify: I still have to read these articles! So, I have each article opened as a webpage on my smartphone's Google browser until such a time as I can get around to actually reading them, due to the number of them.

Another clarification: I greatly simplified how these articles are listed—that I still have yet to read—in order to set them apart from the articles in previous 'updates' where I have already read the articles. Plus, I am grouping these articles generally in the order in which I am planning to read them, but also by category for articles that may be related by topic. And I usually group by news organization for articles that are from the same publication in these types of current news 'updates,' however, I could only do that occasionally for this 'update' due to the number of articles. Also, I will indicate whether, or not, I have read each article below its title and hyperlink.

Thus, I will indicate the date that I read each article below the title and hyperlink to the article, after I read the article. Therefore, I plan to indicate when I complete reading the articles below, whenever I can actually get around to reading them—when I have access to WiFi, such as at my local library, or at a place of business where I have been shopping, or at a coffee shop, etc., in order to save usage on my cellular data plan through my mobile phone company, as noted above.


No. 1: "White House to announce first-ever federal office of gun violence prevention, AP sources say" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I read this article on October 5th, 2023.]


No. 2: "Biden to announce White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention" from ABC News:

[I read this article on October 5th, 2023.]


No. 3: "Biden taps Harris to lead new federal office of gun violence prevention" from Politico:

[I read this article on October 5th, 2023.]


No. 4: "Joe Biden sets up White House office on US gun violence prevention" from South China Morning Post:

[I read this article on October 5th, 2023.]


No. 5: "White House to create first federal office dedicated to gun violence prevention" from NBC News:

[I read this article on October 5th, 2023.]


No. 6: "Biden warns Netanyahu about the health of Israel’s democracy and urges compromise on court overhaul" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I read this article on October 5th, 2023.]


No. 7: "Biden, Netanyahu pledge to work toward Israeli-Saudi normalization" from Reuters:

[I read this article on October 5th, 2023.]


No. 8: "Two House Republicans say they might work with Democrats to fund government" from NBC News:

[I read this article on October 5th, 2023.]


No. 9: "Deflated House Republicans leave town with no solution for government shutdown" from NBC News:

[I read this article on October 5th, 2023.]


No. 10: "House Democrats weigh risky strategy: Whether to save McCarthy" from CNN:

[I read this article on October 5th, 2023.]


No. 11: "Hard-right Republicans push closer to a disruptive federal shutdown" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I read this article on October 5th, 2023.]


No. 12: "Right-Wing Rebels Block Defense Bill Again, Rebuking McCarthy on Spending" from The New York Times (by the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times):

[I read this article on October 5th, 2023.]


No. 13: "Garland Rebuffs Republicans’ Efforts to Reveal Details on Hunter Biden Inquiry" from The New York Times (by the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times):

[I read this article on October 5th, 2023.]


No. 14: "Garland grilled by House Republicans on Hunter Biden, Trump investigations" from ABC News:

[I read this article on October 5th, 2023.]


No. 15: "House Republicans clash with Attorney General Garland, accusing him of favoring Hunter Biden" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I read this article on October 5th, 2023.]


No. 16: "Top IRS official latest witness to dispute allegations from whistleblower on Hunter Biden tax case" from CNN:

[I read this article on October 5th, 2023.]


No. 17: "How Lachlan Murdoch became the new head of Fox and News Corp" from The Guardian News:

[I read this article on October 5th, 2023.]


No. 18: "Rupert Murdoch: His Fox News legacy is one of lies, with little accountability, and political power that rose from the belief in his power − 3 essential reads" from The Conversation:

[I read this article on October 5th, 2023.]


No. 19: "Lachlan Murdoch's Political Views Could See Fox News Radically Change" from Newsweek:

[I read this article on October 5th, 2023.]


No. 20: "Biden administration to offer temporary protection to nearly half-million Venezuelans" from USA Today (by the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today):

[I read this article on October 5th, 2023.]


No. 21: "Taylor Swift told fans to register to vote -- then got 35K new voter registrations" from ABC News:

[I read this article on October 5th, 2023.]


No. 22: "White House Directs Agencies to Account for Climate Change in Budgets" from The New York Times (by the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times):

[I read this article on October 5th, 2023.]


No. 23: "Homeowners face rising insurance rates as climate change makes wildfires, storms more common" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I read this article on October 5th, 2023.]


No. 24: "Ravaged by floods and fires, Greece struggles on the front lines of our climate reality" from NBC News:

[I read this article on October 5th, 2023.]

And I decided to highlight these articles from AP News, ABC News, Politico, South China Morning Post, NBC News, Reuters, CNN, The New York Times, The Guardian News, The Conversation, Newsweek and USA Today for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written September 23rd, 2023, revised September 24th, 2023, revised September 26th, 2023, revised September 28th, 2023, revised October 5th, 2023 and revised October 16th, 2023)

P.S.: By the way, today, October 5th, 2023, I read the September 21st, 2023 news articles.


September 21st, 2023 Update—Continued Further, Written On September 30th, 2023, Which Also Discusses September 17th, 2023: The International Day of Peace is on September 21st, 2023, since the International Day of Peace is yearly (annually) on September 21st.

And I received an email from National Today thirteen days ago on September 17th, 2023, with the subject line, "Cheeseburgers, Queso, and Meowing Like a Pirate. The Week Ahead", which stated, in part, the following:


... On International Day of Peace, people from around the world come together in a noble attempt to reduce violence and strengthen the ideals of peace. ...

... Thursday 21 September

International Day of Peace

Let there be peace by making the world a better and more sustainable place for all.

Read more:

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can, in part, be found below:


[Observed around the] World

The International Day of Peace (or World Peace Day) celebrated annually on September 21 is devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples. At a time when war and violence often monopolize our news cycles, the International Day of Peace is an inspiring reminder of what we can create together. Peace. Let’s give it a chance!



In 1981, the United Nations General Assembly declared the third Tuesday of September as International Day of Peace. This day coincided with the opening day of the annual sessions of the General Assembly. The purpose of the day was and still remains, to strengthen the ideals of peace around the world.

Two decades after establishing this day of observance, in 2001, the assembly moved the date to be observed annually on September 21. So, beginning in 2002, September 21 marks not only a time to discuss how to promote and maintain peace among all peoples but also a 24-hour period of global ceasefire and non-violence for groups in active combat.

Peace is possible. Throughout history, most societies have lived in peace most of the time. Today, we are much less likely to die in war than our parents or grandparents. Since the establishment of the United Nations and the creation of the Charter of the United Nations, governments are obligated not to use force against others unless they are acting in self-defense or have been authorized by the UN Security Council to proceed.

Life is better in a world where peace exists and, today, we look to those who have been peacemakers and peacekeepers to learn what we can each do individually to make the world a more peaceful place.



989 & 1027 AD
First known Peace Movements:
President Wilson authorized mothers who had lost a child in the war to wear a traditional black mourning armband featuring a gold star.

Nobel Peace Prize awarded:
The first Nobel Peace Prize was awarded in 1901 “to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses".

A Bed-In for Peace:
John Lennon and Yoko Ono spent 8 days in bed to promote world peace; the song Give Peace a Chance was recorded during this eight-day period.

Peaceful Iceland:
Iceland was ranked the most peaceful country in the world in 2008, according to the Global Peace Index, and they hold that title still today.



The International Day of Peace was established by the United Nations General Assembly for strengthening the standards of peace. The day is devoted to observing 24 hours of cease-fire and non-violence.

It is more important than ever today to promote peace and open-mindedness for acceptance across gender, race, and territories. Individuals and organizations around the world participate in activities and host events centered on a set theme for the year. Activities vary from private events to public ceremonies, festivals, and concerts sending the message of peace to large audiences.

Educational institutes also take the lead, arranging art exhibitions and lessons for students to discuss how different cultures celebrate peace and to learn about conflict and wars in history so that mistakes are not repeated. On an individual level, people take part in activities like planting trees or setting caged animals free, as every little act helps in spreading the message of peace and love.



$13.6 trillion – the economic cost of violence in 2015.

9,800 – the number of terrorism websites containing violent material by September 2015.

13% – the percentage of women negotiators between 1992 and 2019.

6% – the percentage of women signatories in major peace processes worldwide between 1992 and 2019.

11% – the percentage of ceasefire agreements between 2015 and 2019, which included gender provisions.

15.9 million – the estimated number of people in Yemen’s population hit by the world’s worst food crisis.

135 million – the number of people in 2019 living with acute hunger.

60% – the percentage of people struck with acute hunger living in conflict countries.

88 – the number of countries that had national action plans on women, peace, and security by October 2020.

417 – the number of policy measures enacted by national governments in response to the COVID-19 crisis.

408 million – the estimated number of youth living in areas of armed conflict in 2016.



Why is International Day of Peace celebrated?

We celebrate to recognize the efforts of those who have and are continuing to work hard to end conflict and promote peace.

Who created the International Day of Peace?

The United Nations created the International Day of Peace to create awareness and promote the ideals of peace.

How do we celebrate Peace Day?

Celebrate however you see fit, so long as it is peaceful! There is a minute silence at midday which creates a “peace wave” across the planet, observing this is a good start.



1. Observe the global “Minute of Silence”

In 1984, the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Pathways to Peace inaugurated the Minute of Silence. At noon in each time zone, this observance of silence creates a “Peace Wave” around the world. Individuals, organizations, communities, and nations are invited to participate in this shared and practical act of peace-building.

2. Host a global peace feast

Bring people together with a 'global' potluck, encouraging your friends and neighbors to share a unique dish from various countries or cultures. Breaking bread together is one of the oldest yet most effective ways to bring peace into your life. Interfaith and intercultural discussions can make the evening even richer.

3. Foster peace through education

Let peace begin at home with you and your family. Teach your children key concepts that promote peace such as conflict-resolution, peaceful dialogue, consensus-building, and the choice of non-violence.



1. Seek to understand

Around the world, we are more alike than different; seek common ground, understand and value the differences you find in the people you meet and cultures you experience different from your own.

2. Promote economic and social stability

Eliminating poverty, food insecurity, and social injustice leads to a stronger culture of peace because it removes common causes of unrest and violence.

3. Respect all human rights

At the core of peaceful relations is the belief that all humans are valuable - no one group being better than another; see how you can contribute to this understanding in your sphere of influence.

4. Advocate for equality

Support the advancement of women in society through political and economic initiatives; actively oppose violence against women and girls in your community and promote the elimination of discrimination in the workplace.

5. Choose democratic principles

Encourage the democratic participation of all peoples in your community so that every voice is heard in civic decision-making and corruption in political leadership and operations is eliminated.



A. It connects us to each other

Nations and communities around the world struggle with poverty and disease, education, and healthcare. The International Day of Peace reminds us that regardless of where we come from or what languages we speak, we are more alike than we are different.

B. It reminds us to believe in something bigger than ourselves

We can get caught up in the day-to-day of work and family. But sometimes, it's healthy to reflect on how communities and nations need to get outside our comfort zones. We can have peace when we make an effort to see someone else's perspective or, put another way, to "walk a mile in their shoes."

C. It demonstrates that small actions can make big impacts

We can all contribute to the worldwide culture of peace be that through prayer, advocacy, education, and respecting others. If each of us did one small thing to bring about peace, even each week, think of the global impact this would have!

Please see the hyperlink below for the post:

Now, I feel like I need to explain why I am writing this 'update' nine days later than the International Day of Peace actually occurs!

You see, I have been really busy lately with writing 'updates' about current news, which has taken up most of my time for blogging since about the middle of September. And so, I was not able to schedule time to write this 'update' until today, September 30th, 2023, which is nine days after September 21st, 2023, when the International Day of Peace is observed worldwide.

And I even received a "heads-up" about International Day of Peace on September 17th, 2023, from National Today via their email above; however, for some reason I didn't notice that part of the email, even though that same email contained information about the Gold Star Mother’s and Family Day—which was held on September 24th, 2023—and I noticed that particular observance enough to write an 'update' for the corresponding day! (Please see my 'September 24th, 2023 Update—Continued,' which can be found above.)

Thus, continuing with this saga of the belated International Day of Peace 'update,' I was also reminded of the International Day of Peace from an article that I noticed on September 22nd, 2023, from the United Nations News titled, "World News in Brief: Peace day, high seas treaty, Palestinian displacement rises, polio in Ukraine." However, that was right around the time that I was really busy writing 'updates' about the enormous amount of current news that I noticed in my oftentimes daily news searches on Google, which started around the middle of September! (Please see my 'September 22nd, 2023 Update—Continued Further Some More Than Before, Written On September 23rd, 2023,' which can be found above.)

Therefore, today, September 30th, 2023, is the first day that I have had an opportunity to write an 'update' about the International Day of Peace on September 21st, 2023!

And, speaking of the above-mentioned United Nations News article, I did manage to find the official United Nations webpage regarding the International Day of Peace 2023, which is titled, "International Day of Peace: 21 September." An introduction to the webpage can be found below:

International Day of Peace
21 September

2023 Theme
Actions for peace: Our ambition for the #GlobalGoals

Each year the International Day of Peace (IDP) is observed around the world on 21 September. The UN General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, through observing 24 hours of non-violence and cease-fire. Never has our world needed peace more.

This year’s theme is Actions for Peace: Our Ambition for the #GlobalGoals. It is a call to action that recognizes our individual and collective responsibility to foster peace. Fostering peace contributes to the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals will create a culture of peace for all.

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said, "Peace is needed today more than ever. War and conflict are unleashing devastation, poverty, and hunger, and driving tens of millions of people from their homes. Climate chaos is all around. And even peaceful countries are gripped by gaping inequalities and political polarization." ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the webpage:

–Paul Whiting (written September 30th, 2023 and revised October 5th, 2023)


September 22nd, 2023 Update: I received an email from Everytown for Gun Safety today, September 22nd, 2023, with the subject line, "Add Your Name: Thank President Biden and VP Harris for launching the new White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention", which stated the following:

Paul, the White House is the People's House.

So it's only fitting that the Biden-Harris Administration is launching a new office focused on one of the American people's top concerns: Keeping their families safe from gun violence.

I'm thrilled to share that the Biden-Harris Administration has unveiled the brand new Office of Gun Violence Prevention—and that one of our own will help lead this critical work.

As the [title redacted], I could not be more proud of and excited for this news. Join me today in extending our thanks to President Biden and Vice President Harris for taking this huge step towards giving our gun violence crisis the attention it deserves. Add your name to our thank you card.


In just the last few years alone, we've seen a dramatic shift in the political calculus around gun safety. The Biden-Harris Administration's decision to create the Office of Gun Violence Prevention is further evidence that this issue will continue to drive our political discourse.

[Name redacted], Everytown’s [title redacted], will co-lead this brand new White House office dedicated to saving lives. As both an advocate and a survivor, he has led our federal work and played a key role in getting Congress to pass the first major gun safety bill in decades. And in his eight years with Everytown, he's become a nationally recognized expert on gun safety policy.

He will be joined by [name redacted], [title redacted] of the Community Justice Action Fund (CJAF), in co-leading the Office of Gun Violence Prevention. CJAF has been a strong partner in our work to end gun violence as a powerful voice for communities disproportionately impacted by this crisis, leading the charge on investments in community violence intervention strategies. We are thrilled to share in the excitement of this huge announcement with them.

Together, [name redacted] and [name redacted] are the perfect people to help lead this new office as deputy directors.

The Biden-Harris Administration continues to be the strongest gun safety administration in history. Will you join me in signing a thank you card to President Biden and Vice President Harris for taking this huge step towards ending gun violence in America? Add your name.

Thank you for being a part of this movement. Make no mistake: You helped make today possible.


[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
Everytown for Gun Safety

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Sign Our Thank You Card For President Biden And VP Harris!

The Biden-Harris Administration continues to be the strongest gun safety administration in history.

And now, President Biden and Vice President Harris have taken the next step by launching the brand new Office of Gun Violence Prevention.

This is huge for our movement and will help put our country closer than ever to ending this deadly crisis.

Sign our thank you card to President Biden and Vice President Harris for taking this huge step towards ending gun violence in America. Add your name >>

Complete the form to sign the card now:

First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
Email address: [redacted]
ZIP Code: [redacted]
Mobile phone: [redacted]

And, after I signed the 'Thank You' card to President Biden and Vice President Harris, via the Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund website, I made a one-time donation to Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund to show my appreciation for being able to "sign [Everytown for Gun Safety's] thank you card to President Biden and Vice President Harris for taking this huge step towards ending gun violence in America [by launching the new White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention]." –Paul Whiting (September 22nd, 2023)


September 22nd, 2023 Update—Continued: I received an email from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) today, September 22nd, 2023, with the subject line, "3 things about school censorship", which stated the following:

Paul, we've emailed you more than usual this week, but it's for three big reasons:

1. We know how much you care about protecting our civil liberties, and we're busy fighting the latest wave of school censorship sweeping the nation.

2. With time running out before our midnight deadline, we're still 239 donations away from our fundraising deadline.

3. Every dollar of this goal is critical to expanding our work to fight book bans and classroom censorship across the country this school year.

Right now, we're going to court to protect the right to learn in Oklahoma, Missouri, Virginia, Florida, and more.

The ACLU is uniquely prepared to protect the right to learn, but we need to reach our fundraising goal before midnight tonight to keep up our work, and we're falling short right now. Please, rush your gift now to protect the freedom to learn in the classroom and defend the rights of all people nationwide.

Thank you for your support,

The ACLU Team


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU, because "the ACLU is uniquely prepared to protect the right to learn" and that is why I rushed "[my] gift now to protect the freedom to learn in the classroom and defend the rights of all people nationwide." –Paul Whiting (September 22nd, 2023)


September 22nd, 2023 Update—Continued Further, Which Also Discusses September 20th, 2023: I received a mailer from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) two days ago on September 20th, 2023, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "DEMOCRATS," which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]


Dear Paul,

As MAGA Republicans are deliberately inciting fear and fanning the flames of culture wars, it can be harder than ever for voters to cut through the noise and see through GOP lies.

It's never been more critical for you, me, and the Democratic National Committee to reach voters with a clear message: Democrats are prioritizing unity and getting tangible things done for the American people, while MAGA Republicans would rather divide us.

We know that when we defeat Republicans, hold majorities, and set the agenda, we improve Americans' lives.

The Biden-Harris administration has passed more historic legislation in its first term than some administrations do in two: the American Rescue Plan; the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law; the Inflation Reduction Act — which is the most significant action on climate change in our nation's history — and the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, the most significant gun safety legislation in nearly 30 years. At the same time, more than 13 million jobs have been created since President Biden took office — including 800,000 manufacturing jobs — annual inflation is at its lowest level in over two years, and costs are being lowered for families.

I like to say, "The 'D' in Democrats stands for 'Deliver.'"

But to keep delivering on our agenda, Democrats need to win from the state House to the White House — this year, next year, and beyond. And that means the DNC must have the resources to implement the strategies we know will secure victories up and down the ballot.

With that in mind, I've asked [name redacted], our [title redacted], to outline the stakes in the 2023-2024 election cycle and what your contribution right now will do to help us win.

Paul, after you read this memo, I urge you to send a special one time contribution to the DNC. Everything is on the line. Your contribution of $20, $30, $40, or more will go to work immediately to beat back GOP attacks and help win critical races in just a few weeks, as well as those in 2024. Please stand with us again now as a leader in our movement.


[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]

P.S. While MAGA Republicans relentlessly try to take us backwards, divide us, and undermine our democracy, we must work every minute of every day to defeat them up and down the ballot. Hope is the superpower of the Democratic Party. And I have hope that you and your fellow Grassroots Partners will lead us to victory on Election Day with your action today. Please donate now using the envelope enclosed or visit Thank you for your partnership and support.

And, after I read the letter above, I read the referenced memo, which can be found below:


To: Paul L. Whiting, Grassroots Partners Member, Democratic National Committee

From: [Name redacted], DNC [Title redacted]

Date: September 1, 2023

RE [Regarding]: 2023-2024 Elections: What We're Working On

We are almost one year out from early voting in the 2024 elections. The urgency to organize and empower volunteers, educate and mobilize voters, and secure digital and TV ad space to get our message out is increasing by the minute. Dangerous MAGA Republicans continue to vie for their party's nomination in the race for the White House.

The winner of the presidency next year will shape our nation's future — without question. And as we put our unwavering support behind President Biden and Vice President Harris, we need to put just as much effort and resources into electing down-ballot Democrats to help continue to enact their agenda. Not just in key 2024 races, but in 2023 elections that are approaching fast and furious.

We must continue to build our efforts to grow our Senate majority, take back the House, and elect Democrats in state legislatures right now to ensure victory this year and next.

Building Democratic Power in the States:

One of the most outrageous developments in recent years is GOP-controlled state legislatures pushing laws that silence our voices and deny freedom to millions of Americans — which is why some of the highest-stake elections in this cycle are in the states.

MAGA Republican state legislators are pushing laws to ban abortion almost entirely, demonize our teachers and tell them what they can and cannot say about American history, ban books from school libraries, make it increasingly difficult for communities of color to vote, and deny health care to transgender people.

In the months since the Trump-appointed justices on the U.S. Supreme Court voted to overturn Roe v. Wade, at least 24 states have already severely restricted abortion rights. And a number of states are enforcing laws that ban abortion almost entirely.

We all should be alarmed at these attacks that strike at the heart of what it means to be an American. The best way to stop the assault on the freedoms we hold most dear is by building Democratic power at the state level, in all 50 states and the territories.

The truth is that voters at the state level don't support the policies being pushed by the GOP. Voters want to invest in our teachers instead of silencing them. They want to uphold reproductive choice, not ban it. And they think voter suppression laws are un-American.

With strong Democratic candidates running in races across the country, this is our moment to beat back the GOP's extremist agenda and protect our democracy by winning state-level elections nationwide.

(over, please)

Page Two

By winning governorships and state-level seats, we can stop MAGA Republicans and bring progress to every state. We have the opportunity to hold and flip governorships in traditionally red states like Kentucky, Louisiana, and Mississippi. It is critical that we allocate resources and provide support in states like these — because the outcome of these races will determine the course of millions of lives. And we must protect their future.

Historically, races in these states have seen an onslaught of well-funded Republican attacks on Democratic candidates — and the races nearly always go down to the wire, neck and neck to the finish. We'll need support to hold the line and secure Democratic gains.

All eyes are also on Virginia, where the future of reproductive rights is on the line. Currently, Democrats hold a slim majority in the state Senate. Republican victories here could spell the end of reproductive health care for millions of women. We can win, but we must pour everything we have into the race, just as we did when we helped secure a Democratic win for the Wisconsin Supreme Court seat earlier this year.

And when Democrats flip Republican-controlled legislatures in states across the nation, the American people are the true winners. In places like Michigan and Minnesota, where we won trifecta control of state government, Democrats are pushing progressive policies past the finish line, safeguarding the right to abortion, advancing gun safety laws, and protecting the LGBTQ+ community instead of endangering them. By winning governorships and state-level seats, we can stop Republicans from enacting dangerous new legislation, protect democracy and freedom, and bring progress to every state.

Defending and Growing Our Senate Majority:

In 2022, we held our Senate majority by a razor-thin margin, giving us power to keep the Biden-Harris agenda on track while serving as a defense against the GOP-controlled House.

It is absolutely essential that we hold — and grow — our majority in the Senate. But it's going to be a challenging state-by-state battle. We have to defend more seats than the GOP does in 2024, including in states Trump won in 2020 like Ohio, West Virginia, and Montana, and in razor-thin battleground states like Nevada, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan.

In a post-Roe landscape, with more Americans waking up to the increasing extremism of MAGA Republicans, the political headwinds are moving in our direction.

But we truly can't take anything for granted. That's why fundraising, technological infrastructure, and organizing power is so important for races across the country. Fighting for our shared democratic future means running to win in every state and every open seat.

Taking Back the House:

Republicans have a very narrow majority in the U.S. House of Representatives. But Democrats have identified 61 seats that are in play next year. There are at-risk blue seats we must defend, seats currently held by some of the most extreme Republicans that we must flip from red to blue, as well as open seats we will have to fight for. The good news is that we need to net just five seats to take back the House next year.

Our ability to enact meaningful change for the American people means we must flip the Republican-controlled House, packed with extremists who are more concerned with political posturing and touting their far-right extremism than actually developing and advancing policies that benefit the American people. Their agenda exists only to deny Americans' rights and destroy democracy, while contributing nothing to move the nation forward. The fight for the House will be an uphill battle, as we counter attacks on multiple fronts in multiple districts. But this fight is winnable if we have the resources to organize and mobilize.

(next page, please)

Page Three

The Fight for Voting Rights:

On the heels of Trump's false claims of voter fraud in the 2020 elections, 19 states — mostly red states — passed 34 laws in 2021 to restrict voting rights. In contrast, 25 states, mostly controlled by Democrats, passed 62 laws to expand voting access.

This shows that when Democrats win majorities, they enact legislation that benefits the American people and safeguards our fundamental rights. It also shows we have our work cut out for us to ensure every eligible voter can cast a ballot that counts this year and next.

Democrats can't win if voters are kept from registering to vote, kicked off the voter rolls, or face barriers when casting their ballots. That's why the DNC invested in a full-time, national English- and Spanish-language voter hotline to help Americans check their registration status and determine how, when, and where to vote. We know races up and down the ballot will be won or lost by razor-thin margins, so we have to be ready to defend every American's right to vote.

Our voter hotline is monitored by DNC employees who are ready to field questions pertaining to felon disenfranchisement, voter purging, poll worker misconduct, voter machines, accessibility, and more.

What's Next:

What Democrats do in Congress and beyond directly affects the American people, and it's the DNC's job to be a political megaphone and spread the message to every voter about how the Biden-Harris administration and Democrats in states are moving our nation forward.

There's a stark contrast between what the two parties want for our nation's future — it's up to us to make sure voters understand that. We need to be on the ground in communities across the country distilling policy success into accessible messaging that will show voters the very real choice between progress with Democrats or a Republican Party that's laser-focused on turning back the clock.

Your DNC support spreads the message to voters about what Democrats are doing to lift up Americans and communities nationwide. If we want to continue making historic progress while safeguarding our democracy, we need to reelect President Biden and Vice President Harris, grow our Senate majority, take back the House from MAGA Republicans, and strengthen our state parties to hold and flip state legislatures.

The election cycle is heating up for 2024, but we cannot forget the victories we must achieve in 2023 with high-stakes elections upon us in a matter of weeks. Your support now can pull our candidates over the finish line. With make-or-break races occurring across the country and at every level of government, the DNC must devote resources to candidates up and down the ballot and continue to invest in the state parties.

We are fiercely dedicated to protecting our democracy. We are working around the clock to educate voters and fight voter suppression. We are ensuring that all voters have equal access to the ballot box. We are exposing the Republicans' track record of deceit and their attacks on our rights and freedoms.

This work will be fundamental to the Democratic Party's success now, and in the weeks and months ahead. We hope you'll join us again in this fight for a better, fairer, and brighter future.

And, after I read the memo above, I competed the reply memorandum, the relevant text of which can be found below:



Paul [Middle Initial] Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

Democratic National Committee
[Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

Yes! I understand the stakes of this moment, and I am committed to holding and growing our Democratic majorities up and down the ballot, protecting voting rights, investing in state parties, and so much more. Enclosed is my special one-time contribution to defeat Republicans and defend our democracy. My gift to power this work is in the amount of:

[  ] $20

[  ] $30*

[  ] $40

[✓] Other $7.00

*A contribution of this amount would go even further to help elect Democrats!

Give your gift online at

And, after I read the reply memorandum above, I entered the web address to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Donate to help elect Democrats up and down the ticket nationwide!

Your gift today will help the DNC fight for the Biden-Harris agenda, hold the GOP accountable, and elect more Democrats nationwide.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Democratic National Committee (DNC) - Direct Marketing.

[  ] Donate $35 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $75 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $200 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[✓] Other amount $7.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.41

Leave no tip

So, I made a one-time donation to the DNC (with a tip to ActBlue) today September 22nd, 2023, in order to confirm the reply memorandum statement: "Yes! I understand the stakes of this moment, and I am committed to holding and growing our Democratic majorities up and down the ballot, protecting voting rights, investing in state parties, and so much more. Enclosed is my special one-time contribution to defeat Republicans and defend our democracy. My gift to power this work is in the amount of: [$7.00]." And I made this donation to the DNC because "hope is the superpower of the Democratic Party!" –Paul Whiting (written September 22nd, 2023 and revised November 12th, 2023)

P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.)


September 22nd, 2023 Update—Continued Further Some More: I received an email from United Farm Workers (UFW) today, September 22nd, 2023, with the subject line, "This has to end NOW. Tell NY DOL [New York State Department of Labor] to investigate Wafler Farms’ alleged wage theft and abuse.", which stated the following:

United Farm Workers
Si, Se Puede!        UFW

This has to end NOW. Tell NY DOL to investigate Wafler Farms’ alleged wage theft and abuse.

Wafler Farms’ apple workers need your help. This Wolcott, NY [New York] workforce of primarily H-2A temporary foreign workers voted to be represented by the UFW. But Wafler is refusing to recognize the workers’ choice. Some of the reasons the workers want a union include verbal abuse, respect on the job and most importantly, what workers say is wage theft. Tell the NY Department of Labor to immediately investigate the wage theft that workers are reporting.

Workers say they are tired of the many tasks they are forced to do every day without pay: travel between work locations, captive audience meetings, clean up. The list goes on.

One H-2A worker tells us "Every morning my co-workers and I are required to report to the office before 7 am. We are required to be there at least 7 minutes before 7 am. Once we arrive at the office, we are not allowed to clock in. In the office our boss, Paul Wafler, conducts a meeting. We can be waiting anytime between 15-30 minutes before we’re dismissed to go to our posts in the fields. Even once we’re dismissed from the office we are not able to clock in until we plug in the thumb drive on our individual machines."

Another H-2A worker adds, "The transport vans are often rushing to arrive to the fields. In 2021, there was an accident between one of the transport vans and a pickup truck transporting workers to the fields because the drivers were rushing to get in as quickly as possible. From the time we leave the office to reach the fields, depending on the fields it can take anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes to arrive. Then once the van drops us off it can take another 5 to 10 minutes to walk to our machines. Then at the end of the day, we’re given tasks to carry the gasoline jugs or igloo water containers and we’re not paid for that time either. So this is about another 15 minutes we are unpaid."

And then there is the abuse and intimidation. A worker sent us a video of a 4 minute rant by owner Paul Wafler, which workers were forced to listen to without pay. Here is a bit of the transcript: "When you go to work, that's what your time is. When you start crying, did you feel like you were shorted for 15 minutes? It's because you decided to take a tap out before the time interval is over. That's tough s***t. That's on you guys. You don't get organized in the morning to get in the van and go. That's tough s***t. The job starts when we leave. Not because you're just standing in here. Let's get that real g** d*** clear. And if you want to leave the lights on the van and then delay everything to get going because you still don't know how to drive a van again, that's tough s*** too. If you have a problem with your pay, you let somebody know. That f***ing morning, not a week later in the paycheck."

Tell the NY Department of Labor they should immediately investigate. According to workers, all this unpaid time adds up. The workers deserve an immediate end to these reported practices and what they say are unpaid wages.

PS: After you take action you can also share this campaign on Facebook & Twitter.*

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below—and that text is mostly the same information which is contained in the email above, with additional information:

Tell NY DOL to investigate Wafler Farms’ alleged wage theft and abuse.

Wafler Farms' apple workers need your help. This Wolcott, NY workforce of primarily H-2A temporary foreign workers voted to be represented by the UFW. But Wafler is refusing to recognize the workers' choice. Some of the reasons the workers want a union include verbal abuse, respect on the job and most importantly, what workers say is wage theft. Tell the NY Department of Labor to immediately investigate the wage theft that workers are reporting.

Workers say they are tired of the many tasks they are forced to do every day without pay: travel between work locations, captive audience meetings, clean up. The list goes on.

One H-2A worker tells us "Every morning my co-workers and I are required to report to the office before 7 am. We are required to be there at least 7 minutes before 7 am. Once we arrive at the office, we are not allowed to clock in. In the office our boss, Paul Wafler, conducts a meeting. We can be waiting anytime between 15-30 minutes before we're dismissed to go to our posts in the fields. Even once we're dismissed from the office we are not able to clock in until we plug in the thumb drive on our individual machines."

Another H-2A worker, who is afraid to have his name mentioned, adds, "The transport vans are often rushing to arrive to the fields. In 2021, there was an accident between one of the transport vans and a pickup truck transporting workers to the fields because the drivers were rushing to get in as quickly as possible. From the time we leave the office to reach the fields, depending on the fields it can take anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes to arrive. Then once the van drops us off it can take another 5 to 10 minutes to walk to our machines. Then at the end of the day, we're given tasks to carry the gasoline jugs or igloo water containers and we're not paid for that time either. So this is about another 15 minutes we are unpaid."

And then there is the abuse and intimidation. A worker sent us a video ( of a 4 minute rant by owner Paul Wafler, which workers were forced to listen to without pay. Here is a bit of the transcript: "When you go to work, that's what your time is. When you start crying, did you feel like you were shorted for 15 minutes? It's because you decided to take a tap out before the time interval is over. That's tough s***t. That's on you guys. You don't get organized in the morning to get in the van and go. That's tough s***t. The job starts when we leave. Not because you're just standing in here. Let's get that real g** d*** clear. And if you want to leave the lights on the van and then delay everything to get going because you still don't know how to drive a van again, that's tough s*** too. If you have a problem with your pay, you let somebody know. That f***ing morning, not a week later in the paycheck."

Tell the NY Department of Labor they should immediately investigate. According to workers, all this unpaid time adds up. The workers deserve an immediate end to these reported practices and what they say are unpaid wages.

Contact Information

First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Postal Code (Optional): [redacted]
State/Province (Optional): [redacted]
Email: [redacted]

Subject: This has to end NOW. PLEASE Investigate Wafler Farms’ alleged wage theft and abuse.

NYS [New York State] Department of Labor Enforcement Division,

Wafler Farms’ apple workers need you to do your job by helping them to get paid for all of the work that they do at their jobs. Please immediately investigate the reported wage theft going on at Wafler. The workers are tired of the many tasks they say they are forced to do every day without pay: travel, meetings, clean up, etc. The UFW (United Farm Workers), the union certified to represent the workers at Wafler, has filed charges with you on September 19. The workers deserve an immediate end to these practices and what they say are their unpaid wages.

Sincerely, [Your information here]

*I selected the "Share on Twitter" option (by the way, I only have a Twitter account so I can read tweets which are included in some online articles that I read) in order for me to provide you, my readers, with the text and hyperlink below:

Tell NY DOL to investigate Wafler Farms’ alleged wage theft & abuse. Workers say they are tired of the many tasks they are forced to do every day without pay: travel between work locations, captive audience meetings, clean up. The list goes on.!

And so, I sent the email above to the New York State Department of Labor Enforcement Division, via the (Service Employees International Union) website. Then, I watched the "video of a 4 minute rant by owner Paul Wafler," which was seriously disturbing! I almost stopped watching it since he was being so belligerent toward his workers. However, I watched it until the end just to hear everything that he said to them:

–Paul Whiting (written September 22nd, 2023, revised October 27th, 2023 and revised November 17th, 2023)


September 22nd, 2023 Update—Continued Further Some More Than Before, Written On September 23rd, 2023: I have decided to consolidate the two types of 'updates' that write regarding current news articles that I read on a regular basis—which is often daily, although not always—in order to save the number of individual 'updates' that I write about current news.

Please let me explain: I typically write one 'update' for the Time Magazine articles that I read from one of their daily emails that I receive (or, sometimes, I receive more than one daily email), if there are articles that I feel are important for me to read from those emails. Then, I also often write a separate 'update' from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google, if there are news articles that I feel are important for me to read from those news searches.

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news each and every day, which usually starts with me reading the above-mentioned Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails. Then, I usually check each day's news via a Google search under several news topics when I first get up in the morning, right after I check my email, as well as after I check my previous day's cellular data usage, which I track very carefully.

Thus, I usually check on what is happening in the news via various Google searches that I do on an oftentimes daily basis under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, from those searches, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read!

And the 'update' I am writing today, September 23rd, 2023, is actually about the news from yesterday, September 22nd, 2023, from both my usual reading of Time Magazine articles, as well as my oftentimes daily news searches on Google.

Now, I usually try to publish these current news 'updates' on the day that I actually read the news articles referenced in the 'update'; however, lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news!

Not only that, I have been busy, as well, with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that require their very own 'updates!'

Plus, I am trying to throttle my cellular data usage in order to stay below the amount of usage that my data plan offers each month, which I track very carefully, so that I don't go over that amount.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, I have decided to forego my usual writing format for this Time Magazine articles 'update'—plus, all the future 'updates,' as well—and simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received yesterday, September 22nd, 2023, when I noticed three articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The first Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Why India's Women's Reservation Bill Is a Major Step Forward":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Our Vocabulary Is Adapting to a Hotter Planet":


The third Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Why We Can't Get Over the Roman Empire":

And I decided to highlight these articles from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

Continuing on—as I mentioned above—lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news. And I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google yesterday, September 22nd, 2023, when I noticed 18 different articles from various news organizations!

Therefore, due to this sudden inundation of news, I am simply opening a webpage for each of the various news articles that I am planning to read, based upon the title of each news article and/or based upon the topic of each news article, in preparation for reading each article later on.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, due to the number of articles for which I have an introduction to write, I have decided to forego my usual writing format for this current news 'update'—plus, all the future 'updates,' as well—and simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

And to clarify: I still have to read these articles! So, I have each article opened as a webpage on my smartphone's Google browser until such a time as I can get around to actually reading them, due to the number of them.

Another clarification: I greatly simplified how these articles are listed—that I still have yet to read—in order to set them apart from the articles in previous 'updates' where I have already read the articles. Plus, I am grouping these articles generally in the order in which I am planning to read them, but also by category for articles that may be related by topic. And I usually group by news organization for articles that are from the same publication in these types of current news 'updates,' however, I could only do that occasionally for this 'update' due to the number of articles. Also, I will indicate whether, or not, I have read each article below its title and hyperlink.

Thus, I will indicate the date that I read each article below the title and hyperlink to the article, after I read the article. Therefore, I plan to indicate when I complete reading the articles below, whenever I can actually get around to reading them—when I have access to WiFi, such as at my local library, or at a place of business where I have been shopping, or at a coffee shop, etc., in order to save usage on my cellular data plan through my mobile phone company, as noted above.

No. 1: "Biden administration to ban medical debt from Americans' credit scores" from CBS News:

[I read this article on October 11th, 2023.]


No. 2: "Pentagon exempts Ukraine operations from potential government shutdown" from Politico:

[I read this article on October 11th, 2023.]


No. 3: "Austin Assures Zelenskyy of American Support for Ukraine" from the U.S. Department of Defense:

[I read this article on October 11th, 2023.]


No. 4: "Zelensky’s mixed reception in Washington may be a taste of political storm to come" from CNN:

[I watched this video on October 11th, 2023.]


No. 5: "Book challenges reach historic highs, American Library Association reports" from NBC News:

[I read this article on October 11th, 2023.]


No. 6: "Book bans continue to rise in US public schools, libraries: 'Attacks on our freedom'" from USA Today (by the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today):

[I read this article on October 11th, 2023.]


No. 7: "A flamethrower and comments about book burning ignite a political firestorm in Missouri" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I read this article on October 11th, 2023.]


No. 8: "VP Harris, a former prosecutor, will lead new White House office of gun violence prevention" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I read this article on October 11th, 2023.]


No. 9: "The Borking of Joe Biden" from The New York Times (by the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times):

[I read this article on October 11th, 2023.]


No. 10: "US government shutdown could slow House Republicans' Biden impeachment inquiry" from Reuters:

[I read this article on October 11th, 2023.]


No. 11: "Democrats want federal voting rights bill ahead of 2024 elections" from USA Today (by the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today):

[I read this article on October 11th, 2023.]


No. 12: "House heads home for the week as government shutdown deadline looms" from ABC News:

[I read this article on October 11th, 2023.]


No. 13: "The nation's cartoonists on the week in politics" from Politico (and, specifically, I have selected the political cartoon "DON'T WORRY—WE'LL JUST MAKE STUFF UP" out of the cartoon carousel):

(By the way, I always try to take the time look at the advertisements in these "cartoon carousels" in order to appreciate the fact that I am able to read these political cartoons based upon their ads!)

[I read this 'article' on September 23rd, 2023.]


No. 14: "A Murdoch Succession" from The New York Times (by the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times):

[I read this article on October 11th, 2023.]


No. 15: "Rupert Murdoch, a kingmaker in GOP politics, enriched himself as he poisoned America" from CNN:

[I read this article on October 11th, 2023.]


No. 16: "World News in Brief: Peace day, high seas treaty, Palestinian displacement rises, polio in Ukraine" from UN (United Nations) News:

[I read this article on October 11th, 2023.]


No. 17: "Saudi crown prince unbothered by 'sportswashing' label: 'Call it whatever you want'" from NBC News:

[I read this article on October 11th, 2023.]


No. 18: "How Climate Week in New York Turned Into ‘Burning Man for Climate Geeks’" from The New York Times (by the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times):

[I read this article on October 11th, 2023.]

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written September 23rd, 2023, revised September 24th, 2023, revised September 25th, 2023, revised September 26th, 2023, revised September 27th, 2023, revised September 28th, 2023, revised October 8th, 2023, revised October 9th, 2023, revised October 11th, 2023 and revised October 16th, 2023)

P.S.: By the way, today, October 11th, 2023, I read the September 22nd, 2023 news articles.


September 23rd, 2023 Update, Written On September 24th, 2023: I have consolidated the two types of 'updates' that write regarding current news articles that I read on a regular basis—which is often daily, although not always—in order to save the number of individual 'updates' that I write about current news.

Please let me explain: I typically write one 'update' for the Time Magazine articles that I read from one of their daily emails that I receive (or, sometimes, I receive more than one daily email), if there are articles that I feel are important for me to read from those emails. Then, I also often write a separate 'update' from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google, if there are news articles that I feel are important for me to read from those news searches.

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news each and every day, which usually starts with me reading the above-mentioned Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails. Then, I usually check each day's news via a Google search under several news topics when I first get up in the morning, right after I check my email, as well as after I check my previous day's cellular data usage, which I track very carefully.

Thus, I usually check on what is happening in the news via various Google searches that I do on an oftentimes daily basis under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, from those searches, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read!

And the 'update' I am writing today, September 24th, 2023, is actually about the news from yesterday, September 23rd, 2023, from both my usual reading of Time Magazine articles, as well as my oftentimes daily news searches on Google.

Now, I usually try to publish these current news 'updates' on the day that I actually read the news articles referenced in the 'update'; however, lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news!

Not only that, I have been busy, as well, with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that require their very own 'updates!'

Plus, I am trying to throttle my cellular data usage in order to stay below the amount of usage that my data plan offers each month, which I track very carefully, so that I don't go over that amount.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received yesterday, September 23rd, 2023, when I noticed two articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

One of the Time Magazine articles that I read today is titled, "Chef Daniel Humm Is Cooking for the 1% for a Reason: 'I Know That This Voice Does Affect Change:

By the way, I also watched the video accompanying the article above that is titled, "Chef Daniel Humm on Plant-Based Luxury."

The other one of the Time Magazine articles that I read today is titled, "How Wastewater Testing Can Help Tackle America's Opioid Crisis":

And I decided to highlight these articles from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

Continuing on—as I mentioned above—lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news. And I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google yesterday, September 23rd, 2023, when I noticed 16 different articles from various news organizations!

Therefore, due to this sudden inundation of news, I am simply opening a webpage for each of the various news articles that I am planning to read, based upon the title of each news article and/or based upon the topic of each news article, in preparation for reading each article later on.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, due to the number of articles for which I have an introduction to write lately, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

And to clarify: I still have to read these articles! So, I have each article opened as a webpage on my smartphone's Google browser until such a time as I can get around to actually reading them, due to the number of them.

Another clarification: I greatly simplified how these articles are listed—that I still have yet to read—in order to set them apart from the articles in previous 'updates' where I have already read the articles. Plus, I am grouping these articles generally in the order in which I am planning to read them, but also by category for articles that may be related by topic. And I usually group by news organization for articles that are from the same publication in these types of current news 'updates,' however, I could only do that occasionally for this 'update' due to the number of articles. Also, I will indicate whether, or not, I have read each article below its title and hyperlink.

Thus, I will indicate the date that I read each article below the title and hyperlink to the article, after I read the article. Therefore, I plan to indicate when I complete reading the articles below, whenever I can actually get around to reading them—when I have access to WiFi, such as at my local library, or at a place of business where I have been shopping, or at a coffee shop, etc., in order to save usage on my cellular data plan through my mobile phone company, as noted above.

No. 1: "‘We are deeply concerned.’ Corporate America is bracing for a lengthy government shutdown" from CNN:

[I read this article on October 16th, 2023.]


No. 2: "The chaos over an impending shutdown is so bad that some Republicans say they'll join forces with Democrats to keep the government open" from Insider (formerly 'Business Insider'):

[I read this article on October 16th, 2023.]


No. 3: "McCarthy stares into the shutdown abyss" from Politico:

[I read this article on October 16th, 2023.]


No. 4: "Speaker McCarthy is giving hard-right Republicans what they want. But it never seems to be enough." from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I read this article on October 16th, 2023.]


No. 5: "House Republicans as government shutdown nears: Nobody told us we'd have to govern" from USA Today (by the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today):

[[I read this article on October 16th, 2023.]


No. 6: "Biden says he will join picket line as UAW strike expands" from ABC News:

[I read this article on October 16th, 2023.]


No. 7: "Biden Will Join Autoworkers on Picket Line in Michigan, a Historic Move" from The New York Times (by the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times):

[I read this article on October 16th, 2023.]


No. 8: "Biden to join the picket line in UAW strike" from Politico:

[I read this article on October 16th, 2023.]


No. 9: "Joe Biden Is About to Go Where No President Has Gone Before" from Mother Jones Magazine:

[I read this article on October 16th, 2023.]


No. 10: "Joe Biden to join picket line with striking auto workers in Michigan" from USA Today (by the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today):

[I read this article on October 16th, 2023.]


No. 11: "Joe Biden's Michigan visit bolsters auto workers' strike, preceding Trump's arrival by one day" from Mint ePaper:

[I read this article on October 16th, 2023.]


No. 12: "UAW strike latest: Biden to visit picket lines, the union's new strategy" from NPR (National Public Radio):

[I listened to this podcast on October 16th, 2023.]


No. 13: "Auto workers in Detroit share why they’re striking" from PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) NewsHour:

[I read this article on October 16th, 2023.]


No. 14: "How the Supreme Court could alter the way Americans interact on the internet" from USA Today (by the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today):

[I read this article on October 16th, 2023.]


No. 15: "Biden to deliver democracy speech and pay tribute to John McCain in Arizona next week" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I read this article on October 16th, 2023.]


No. 16: "Special election results offer Democrats encouraging news" from NBC News:

[I read this article on October 16th, 2023.]

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written September 24th, 2023, revised September 25th, 2023, revised September 26th, 2023, revised September 27th, 2023, revised September 28th, 2023, revised October 9th, 2023, revised October 16th, 2023 and revised November 6th, 2023)

P.S.: By the way, today, October 16th, 2023, I read the September 23rd, 2023 news articles.


September 24th, 2023 Update: I have consolidated the two types of 'updates' that write regarding current news articles that I read on a regular basis—which is often daily, although not always—in order to save the number of individual 'updates' that I write about current news.

Please let me explain: I typically write one 'update' for the Time Magazine articles that I read from one of their daily emails that I receive (or, sometimes, I receive more than one daily email), if there are articles that I feel are important for me to read from those emails. Then, I also often write a separate 'update' from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google, if there are news articles that I feel are important for me to read from those news searches.

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news each and every day, which usually starts with me reading the above-mentioned Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails. Then, I usually check each day's news via a Google search under several news topics when I first get up in the morning, right after I check my email, as well as after I check my previous day's cellular data usage, which I track very carefully.

Thus, I usually check on what is happening in the news via various Google searches that I do on an oftentimes daily basis under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, from those searches, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read!

So, this 'update' I am writing today, September 24th, 2023, is from both my usual reading of Time Magazine articles, as well as from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google.

Now, I usually try to publish these current news 'updates' on the day that I actually read the news articles referenced in the 'update'; however, lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news!

Not only that, I have been busy, as well, with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that require their very own 'updates!'

Plus, I am trying to throttle my cellular data usage in order to stay below the amount of usage that my data plan offers each month, which I track very carefully, so that I don't go over that amount.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received today, September 24th, 2023, when I noticed three articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The first Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "The One Thing New York Climate Week Made Clear":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "What Yom Kippur Can Teach Us About the Brutality of Ableism":


The third Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "All Your Questions About the Strikes’ Impact on Fall TV, Answered":

And I decided to highlight these articles from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

Continuing on—as I mentioned above—lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news. And I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, September 24th, 2023, when I noticed 21 different articles from various news organizations!

Therefore, due to this sudden inundation of news, I am simply opening a webpage for each of the various news articles that I am planning to read, based upon the title of each news article and/or based upon the topic of each news article, in preparation for reading each article later on.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, due to the number of articles for which I have an introduction to write lately, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

And to clarify: I still have to read these articles! So, I have each article opened as a webpage on my smartphone's Google browser until such a time as I can get around to actually reading them, due to the number of them.

Another clarification: I greatly simplified how these articles are listed—that I still have yet to read—in order to set them apart from the articles in previous 'updates' where I have already read the articles. Plus, I am grouping these articles generally in the order in which I am planning to read them, but also by category for articles that may be related by topic. And I usually group by news organization for articles that are from the same publication in these types of current news 'updates,' however, I could only do that occasionally for this 'update' due to the number of articles. Also, I will indicate whether, or not, I have read each article below its title and hyperlink.

Thus, I will indicate the date that I read each article below the title and hyperlink to the article, after I read the article. Therefore, I plan to indicate when I complete reading the articles below, whenever I can actually get around to reading them—when I have access to WiFi, such as at my local library, or at a place of business where I have been shopping, or at a coffee shop, etc., in order to save usage on my cellular data plan through my mobile phone company, as noted above.

No. 1: "Pete Buttigieg defends Biden's approach to America's problems amid dismal new poll" from ABC News:

[I read this article on October 20th, 2023.]


No. 2: "Donald Trump's attacks on top military officer are 'outrageous,' Pete Buttigieg says" from USA Today (by the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today):

[I read this article on October 20th, 2023.]


No. 3: "Pete Buttigieg: Biden is joining UAW picket line because he’s ‘deeply pro-worker’" from NBC News:

[I read this article on October 20th, 2023.]


No. 4: "Mexico makes agreement with US to deport migrants from its border cities as one mayor warns his city is at ‘a breaking point’" from CNN:

[I read this article on October 20th, 2023.]


No. 5: "US House panel approves four funding bills; government shutdown deadline approaches" from Reuters:

[I read this article on October 20th, 2023.]


No. 6: "Biden says Republicans should live up to budget deal" from Reuters:

[I read this article on October 20th, 2023.]


No. 7: "The U.S. federal government is headed into a shutdown. What does it mean, who’s hit and what’s next?" from CNBC:

[I read this article on October 20th, 2023.]


No. 8: "One week to go: Kevin McCarthy, Joe Biden brace for potential government shutdown" from USA Today (by the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today):

[I read this article on October 20th, 2023.]


No. 9: "Is a government shutdown coming? Why Republican lawmakers are split on whether to brace for impact" from USA Today (by the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today):

[I read this article on October 20th, 2023.]


No. 10: "Schumer in talks with McConnell as shutdown fears grow: ‘We may now have to go first’" from CNN:

[I watched this video on October 20th, 2023.]


No. 11: "The federal government is headed into a shutdown. What does it mean, who’s hit and what’s next?" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I read this article on October 20th, 2023.]

By the way, when I read this article on October 20th, 2023, the article was updated on September 30, 2023, so the title changed to: "A government shutdown is averted for now with a temporary funding bill. What happens in a shutdown?"


No. 12: "Gun violence is the ultimate ‘superstorm,’ President Biden says as he announces new federal effort" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I read this article on October 20th, 2023.]


No. 13: "Biden's GOP debate strategy: Send Newsom" from Axios:

[I read this article on October 20th, 2023.]


No. 14: "Democrats are on a special election winning streak" from Axios:

[I read this article on October 20th, 2023.]


No. 15: "First Batch of Biden Emails Undercuts G.O.P. Claims" from The New York Times (by the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times):

[I read this article on October 20th, 2023.]


No. 16: "Menendez Indictment Appears to Undercut Claims of ‘Two-Tiered System’ of Justice" from The New York Times (by the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times):

[I read this article on October 20th, 2023.]


No. 17: "Move over Dark Brandon, this group wants to make Joe Cool a new meme" from Politico:

[I read this article on October 20th, 2023.]


No. 18: "Keller @ Large: Is President Joe Biden's age a valid campaign issue or ageism?" from CBS News:

[I read this article on October 20th, 2023.]


No. 19: "On the picket lines, auto workers are willing to strike for as long as it takes" from NPR (National Public Radio):

[I listened to this podcast on October 20th, 2023.]


No. 20: "United Auto Workers strike deepens amid layoffs" from NBC News:

[I watched this video on September 24th, 2023.]


And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written September 24th, 2023, revised September 25th, 2023, revised September 26th, 2023, revised September 27th, 2023, revised September 28th, 2023, revised October 9th, 2023 and revised October 20th, 2023)

P.S.: By the way, today, October 20th, 2023, I read the September 24th, 2023 news articles.


September 24th, 2023 Update—Continued, Which Also Discusses September 17th, 2023: Gold Star Mother’s and Family Day (a.k.a. National Gold Star Mother's Day) is today September 24th, 2023, since Gold Star Mother’s and Family Day is the last Sunday in September.

And I received an email from National Today seven days ago on September 17th, 2023, with the subject line, "Cheeseburgers, Queso, and Meowing Like a Pirate. The Week Ahead", which stated, in part, the following:


... Sunday 24 September

Gold Star Mother’s and Family Day Honoring families of those who have received The Gold Star – the military award no one wants.

Read more:

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can, in part, be found below:


[Observed in the] U.S.

Gold Star Mother’s and Family Day falls on September 24 this year and is traditionally observed on the last Sunday in September. The day is for honoring families of those who have received The Gold Star – the military award no one wants. The award commemorates the tragic death of a military member who has perished while in the line of duty and hopes to provide a level of comfort to the parents and families that are left behind. Since World War 1, a “Gold Star Family” has signified a family that has lost one of its members in combat. The family can display a Gold Star Service Flag for any military family members who have died from any honorable cause – each gold star on the flag signifies a death. Though today only around 1% of the country is involved in military service, as compared to the 12% during other times of war, like World War 2, there are still a significant number of surviving Gold Star families – not to mention, a Gold Star lives on in a family’s legacy.



Though the exact roots of the tradition aren’t totally known, it was during World War 1 that the gold star came to symbolize that a family member had fallen in battle. Around that time, the term “Gold Star Family” came to mean that you were a surviving family of a person who died in service and families hung banners with a gold star outside their homes. The tradition has since been authorized and seeks to ease the grief of mothers and families while reminding that no one truly serves alone.

Gradually, there came to be many ways for grieving family members to honor their loved ones with symbols worn or places outside the home. In 1918, President Wilson allowed grieving military mothers to wear a traditional black armband featuring a gold star. Soon after, it was approved for families to cover the blue star on the service flag outside of their home with a gold one. As of 1947, Gold Star family members can also display the Gold Star Lapel.

The American Gold Star Mothers Inc. first got its start in 1917, when Grace Siebold’s son was killed during World War 1. Wanting to create a support system for grieving mothers in similar circumstances, Grace gathered what would become the American Gold Star Mothers to grieve together and tend to hospitalized veterans in local hospitals. The organization was formalized as a non-profit in 1928, with a mission of remembrance, education, and patriotism. Still today, they support Gold Star mothers in their grief, hold an annual conference, and organize events with supporting groups.

Though Gold Star Mother’s and Family Day isn’t observed as a National, federal holiday like Memorial Day, it was declared by Congress in 1936 to be the last Sunday in September – though, at the time, it was only known as “Gold Star Mother’s Day.” It was in 2011 that President Obama amended the declaration, declaring the day to include families as well as mothers. Today, the holiday includes any immediate family member and authorizes that person to display the Gold Star Service Flag.

Today, America is not embroiled in any kind of conflict like World War 1 or 2, and far fewer individuals consider Gold Star heroes and their families – oftentimes, people may think that they don’t know anyone in a Gold Star Family. However, there are many more Gold Star families from previous wars than you may think, and since over 1.3 million people are involved in the military today, it’s possible you know a family that still grieves a recent fallen soldier. Understanding the sacrifice and acknowledging the holiday are the best ways to support the families and honor the soldiers.



Armbands Authorized:
President Wilson authorized mothers who had lost a child in the war to wear a traditional black mourning armband featuring a gold star.

American Gold Star Mothers:
Started in Washington, DC, The American Gold Star Mothers Inc. quickly spread across the country. In 1929, the organization obtained a federal charter to support mothers who were often separated from their ailing or dead children.

June 23, 1936
Gold Star Mother’s Day Recognized:
Since this date, Gold Star Mother’s Day has always fallen on the last Sunday of September.

Gold Star Lapel:
The Gold Star Service Lapel, in addition to the Gold Star Service Flag, is authorized to be displayed by surviving family members.

September 23, 2011
Obama Proclamation:
President Obama amended “Gold Star Mother’s Day” to include families as “Gold Star Mother’s and Family Day” on September 23, 2011.



Where is Gold Star Mother’s and Family Day recognized?

The United States.

What are some organizations that support Gold Star families?

Obviously, a great choice is The American Gold Star Mothers! Other charitable organizations that support families of the fallen include Snowball Express, America’s Gold Star Families, and

When is Gold Star Mother’s and Family Day?

Gold Star Mother’s and Family is observed on the last Sunday in September.



1. Read about the heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice

Endless family testimonials, articles, and other media can be found to learn more about the lives of our brave servicemembers. This Gold Star Mothers and Family Day, learn more about their bravery and honor their memory.

2. Donate to an organization that supports Gold Star Mothers and Families

Many organizations are dedicated to supporting Gold Star Mothers and Families emotionally and with other benefits. Specifically for mothers, you can donate to the American Gold Star Mothers Inc. Other organizations to consider are Snowball Express and, but do your own research and determine where your money is best donated.





3. Visit a Gold Star soldier’s grave

Gold Star soldiers must not be forgotten, and a great way to remind ourselves of their sacrifice is to visit their grave. You might consider laying some flowers or a flag at their resting place.



1. The American Gold Star Mothers are headquartered in California

Called “The Gold Star Manor,” a home on a 23-acre piece of land in Long Beach, CA serves as the headquarters for the American Gold Star Mothers.

2. There is a National Gold Star Families Registry

This program honors fallen soldiers by keeping a registry of their deaths, so as to properly recognize them publicly.

3. Gold Star Mothers raise money for Wreaths Across America

During the holidays, the American Gold Star Mothers partner with Wreaths Across America, helping them raise money to put wreaths on the graves of gold star soldiers.

4. There are over 470,000 Gold Star Families

While you may not think you know a Gold Star Family, with approximately 472,050 Gold Star Families reported by the National Gold Star Family Registry, you actually might.

5. There is a specific organization for Gold Star Wives

While wives are encompassed in the meaning of a Gold Star Family, the separate organization Gold Star Wives provides support and benefits to the wives and children of fallen soldiers.



A. It emotionally supports the families left behind

One of the most important things to Gold Star Mothers and Families is ensuring their loved one is not forgotten. When we display our commitment to remembering their soldier, we can all help ease the burden of their grief.

B. It reminds us of our gratitude

We can often take the freedom we enjoy in the United States for granted but this holiday reminds us that freedom is not without a price; in this case, the ultimate price. We’re going to spend some time today appreciating the freedom we enjoy every day while being mindful of why we have it.

C. It raises awareness of the military

Though oftentimes the meaning of Memorial Day is overlooked, Gold Star Mother’s and Family Day reminds us all of the purpose of the holiday. It also raises awareness of the heroism that our military members display regularly.

Please see the hyperlink below for the post:

–Paul Whiting (written September 24th, 2023 and revised October 5th, 2023)


September 25th, 2023 Update: "If You See Something, Say Something®" Awareness Day (a.k.a. #SeeSayDay) is today, September 25th, 2023, since "If You See Something, Say Something® #SeeSayDay" is yearly (annually) on September 25th, as explained below from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security "If you see something, say something" website:

"'If You See Something, Say Something®' is a national campaign that raises public awareness of the signs of terrorism and terrorism-related crime, and how to report suspicious activity to state and local law enforcement.

We all play a role in keeping our communities safe. It’s easy to be distracted during our daily routines such as going to work, school, or the grocery store, but as you’re going about your day, if you see something that doesn’t seem quite right, say something..."

September 25 is #SeeSayDay

We all have someone, or something, to protect. On #SeeSayDay, join us by taking a pledge to protect your community. Be the one that speaks up; your tip could help save a life.

Take the Pledge to Protect:

If You See Something, Say Something® #SeeSayDay

Year-round, the “If You See Something, Say Something®” campaign works to empower and educate the public on the importance of recognizing the signs of terrorism-related suspicious activity and how to report it to law enforcement. However, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has designated September 25 as “If You See Something, Say Something®” Awareness Day, also known as #SeeSayDay. On this day, DHS and its campaign partners across the country come together to remind the public to be aware of suspicious activity and how to report it to law enforcement.

How to Participate:

“If You See Something, Say Something®” is more than just a slogan; it is the mindset that we all play a role in the safety of our communities. For #SeeSayDay 2023, we encourage the public to make a "Pledge to Protect" communities by being ready to report suspicious activity to local authorities.

This #SeeSayDay, learn how to identify ( and report ( terrorism-related suspicious activity to local authorities. Then on September 25, share your Pledge to Protect on your personal or organization's social media channels using #SeeSayDay social media graphics ( and draft posts below. Use the hashtag #SeeSayDay to note your involvement!

And, after I read the website above, I selected the "Ready-to-Use Newsletter Blurb," as well as the "Ready-to-Use Social Media Posts," both of which can be found below:

Ready-to-Use Newsletter Blurb:

Take the Pledge to Protect This #SeeSayDay

We all have someone, or something, to protect, and we all play a role in keeping our communities safe. That is the message of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) "If You See Something, Say Something®" campaign (, a national awareness campaign that encourages the public to recognize and report terrorism-related suspicious activity to local authorities. Remember, factors such as race, ethnicity, gender, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or gender identity are not suspicious.

September 25 marks “If You See Something, Say Something®” Awareness Day, also known as #SeeSayDay. On this day, DHS and its campaign partners come together to spread the word about suspicious activity reporting.

This #SeeSayDay, the campaign encourages you to make a pledge to protect your community. It starts with taking the following simple steps:

[✓] Learn and be aware of the warning signs of suspicious activity and threats.

[✓] Immediately speak up to report suspicious activity to local authorities.

[✓] On September 25, 2023, use the campaign’s #SeeSayDay social media graphics on your social media accounts and “pledge to protect” your community. Use the hashtag #SeeSayDay in your posts.


Don’t be a bystander and ignore suspicious activity. Starting this #SeeSayDay, pledge to protect your community. For more information, visit


Ready-to-Use Social Media Posts:

This #SeeSayDay, I pledge to protect my community by reporting suspicious activity. Learn more about how you can make a difference ➡️

We pledge to protect our [neighbors / community / organization / workplace / customers] by encouraging everyone to report suspicious activity to authorities. Visit the #SeeSayDay website to learn more ➡️

Today is #SeeSayDay! Take a pledge to protect your community by learning the signs of suspicious activity and how to report it ➡️

Therefore, "this #SeeSayDay, I pledge to protect my community by reporting suspicious activity," so please "learn more about how you can make a difference," because "today is #SeeSayDay!" Join me and "take a pledge to protect your community by learning the signs of suspicious activity and how to report it," since "we [can all] pledge to protect our family / friends / neighbors / communities / organizations / workplaces / businesses / customers by encouraging everyone to report suspicious activity to authorities."

Please "visit the #SeeSayDay website to learn more":

–Paul Whiting (September 25th, 2023)


September 25th, 2023 Update—Continued: I have consolidated the two types of 'updates' that write regarding current news articles that I read on a regular basis—which is often daily, although not always—in order to save the number of individual 'updates' that I write about current news.

Please let me explain: I typically write one 'update' for the Time Magazine articles that I read from one of their daily emails that I receive (or, sometimes, I receive more than one daily email), if there are articles that I feel are important for me to read from those emails. Then, I also often write a separate 'update' from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google, if there are news articles that I feel are important for me to read from those news searches.

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news each and every day, which usually starts with me reading the above-mentioned Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails. Then, I usually check each day's news via a Google search under several news topics when I first get up in the morning, right after I check my email, as well as after I check my previous day's cellular data usage, which I track very carefully.

Thus, I usually check on what is happening in the news via various Google searches that I do on an oftentimes daily basis under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, from those searches, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read!

So, this 'update' I am writing today, September 25th, 2023, is from both my usual reading of Time Magazine articles, as well as from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google.

Now, I usually try to publish these current news 'updates' on the day that I actually read the news articles referenced in the 'update'; however, lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news!

Not only that, I have been busy, as well, with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that require their very own 'updates!'

Plus, I am trying to throttle my cellular data usage in order to stay below the amount of usage that my data plan offers each month, which I track very carefully, so that I don't go over that amount.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received today, September 25th, 2023, when I noticed four articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The first Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "This Group Is Helping Find New Ways to Recycle Old Wind Turbine Blades":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "What to Know About the Saltwater Threat to Louisiana’s Drinking Water Supply":


The third Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Hollywood Screenwriters Reach Tentative Deal to End Strike":


The fourth Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Here's How a Government Shutdown Could Affect You":

And I decided to highlight these articles from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

Continuing on—as I mentioned above—lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news. And I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, September 25th, 2023, when I noticed 14 different articles from various news organizations!

Therefore, due to this sudden inundation of news, I am simply opening a webpage for each of the various news articles that I am planning to read, based upon the title of each news article and/or based upon the topic of each news article, in preparation for reading each article later on.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, due to the number of articles for which I have an introduction to write lately, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

And to clarify: I still have to read these articles! So, I have each article opened as a webpage on my smartphone's Google browser until such a time as I can get around to actually reading them, due to the number of them.

Another clarification: I greatly simplified how these articles are listed—that I still have yet to read—in order to set them apart from the articles in previous 'updates' where I have already read the articles. Plus, I am grouping these articles generally in the order in which I am planning to read them, but also by category for articles that may be related by topic. And I usually group by news organization for articles that are from the same publication in these types of current news 'updates,' however, I could only do that occasionally for this 'update' due to the number of articles. Also, I will indicate whether, or not, I have read each article below its title and hyperlink.

Thus, I will indicate the date that I read each article below the title and hyperlink to the article, after I read the article. Therefore, I plan to indicate when I complete reading the articles below, whenever I can actually get around to reading them—when I have access to WiFi, such as at my local library, or at a place of business where I have been shopping, or at a coffee shop, etc., in order to save usage on my cellular data plan through my mobile phone company, as noted above.

No. 1: "What U.S taxpayers are getting for their money in Ukraine" from 60 Minutes:

[I read this article on November 4th, 2023.]


No. 2: "In Ukraine, U.S. tax dollars are funding more than just military aid" from 60 Minutes:

[I read this article on November 4th, 2023.]


No. 3: "After summer’s extreme weather, more Americans see climate change as a culprit, AP-NORC poll shows" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I read this article on November 4th, 2023.]


No. 4: "United States and China launch economic and financial working groups with aim of easing tensions" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I read this article on November 4th, 2023.]


No. 5: "President Biden allocates more funds for Maui, unaccounted-for list number drops" from KHON2 (Hawaii news, weather and sports):

[I read this article on November 4th, 2023.]


No. 6: "President Biden Applauds Tentative Writers Guild Deal" from The Hollywood Reporter:

[I read this article on November 4th, 2023.]


No. 7: "DOJ says Hunter Biden prosecutor David Weiss can testify to House Judiciary Committee in 'near term'" from CNBC:

[I read this article on November 4th, 2023.]


No. 8: "Republicans appeal to far-right conservatives to avert US government shutdown" from Reuters:

[I read this article on November 4th, 2023.]


No. 9: "With House Republicans in turmoil, colleagues implore GOP holdouts not to shut down government" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I read this article on November 4th, 2023.]


No. 10: "Trump breaks with McCarthy, pushing Republicans to shut down the government" from NBC News:

[I read this article on November 4th, 2023.]


No. 11: "Republicans' anti-Trump effort flounders as the former president cruises ahead" from NBC News:

[I read this article on November 4th, 2023.]


No. 12: "Republicans confront new questions about whether they can govern" from MSNBC:

[I read this article on November 4th, 2023.]


No. 13: "As Trump Prosecutions Move Forward, Threats and Concerns Increase" from The New York Times (by the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times):

[I read this article on November 4th, 2023.]


No. 14: "Republican vitriol against prosecutors may spur violence, ex-lawmakers warn" from The Guardian News:

[I read this article on November 4th, 2023.]

By the way, after I read the article on November 4th, 2023, I noticed The Guardian News donation request below, which stated the following:

A message from [name redacted], [title redacted] of the Guardian US [United States]:

I hope you appreciated this article. Before you move on, I was hoping you would consider taking the step of supporting the Guardian’s journalism.

From Elon Musk to the Murdochs, a small number of billionaire owners have a powerful hold on so much of the information that reaches the public about what’s happening in the world. The Guardian is different. We have no billionaire owner or shareholders to consider. Our journalism is produced to serve the public interest – not profit motives.

And we avoid the trap that befalls much US media – the tendency, born of a desire to please all sides, to engage in false equivalence in the name of neutrality. While fairness guides everything we do, we know there is a right and a wrong position in the fight against racism and for reproductive justice. When we report on issues like the climate crisis, we’re not afraid to name who is responsible. And as a global news organization, we’re able to provide a fresh, outsider perspective on US politics – one so often missing from the insular American media bubble.

Around the world, readers can access the Guardian’s paywall-free journalism because of our unique reader-supported model. That’s because of people like you. Our readers keep us independent, beholden to no outside influence and accessible to everyone – whether they can afford to pay for news, or not. If you can, please consider supporting us just once from $1, or better yet, support us every month with a little more. Thank you.

[✓] Single
[  ] Monthly
[  ] Annual

[  ] $75
[  ] $125
[✓] Other $5.00

Thank you for supporting us today with $5 ❤️

Thank you for your contribution...

And so, I made a one-time donation to The Guardian News out of thankful consideration of the article that I just read by "taking the step of supporting the Guardian’s journalism."

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written September 25th, 2023, revised September 26th, 2023, revised September 27th, 2023, revised September 28th, 2023 and revised October 9th, 2023)

P.S.: By the way, today, November 4th, 2023, I read the September 25th, 2023 news articles.


September 26th, 2023 Update: I have consolidated the two types of 'updates' that write regarding current news articles that I read on a regular basis—which is often daily, although not always—in order to save the number of individual 'updates' that I write about current news.

Please let me explain: I typically write one 'update' for the Time Magazine articles that I read from one of their daily emails that I receive (or, sometimes, I receive more than one daily email), if there are articles that I feel are important for me to read from those emails. Then, I also often write a separate 'update' from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google, if there are news articles that I feel are important for me to read from those news searches.

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news each and every day, which usually starts with me reading the above-mentioned Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails. Then, I usually check each day's news via a Google search under several news topics when I first get up in the morning, right after I check my email, as well as after I check my previous day's cellular data usage, which I track very carefully.

Thus, I usually check on what is happening in the news via various Google searches that I do on an oftentimes daily basis under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, from those searches, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read!

So, this 'update' I am writing today, September 26th, 2023, is from both my usual reading of Time Magazine articles, as well as from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google.

Now, I usually try to publish these current news 'updates' on the day that I actually read the news articles referenced in the 'update'; however, lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news!

Not only that, I have been busy, as well, with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that require their very own 'updates!'

Plus, I am trying to throttle my cellular data usage in order to stay below the amount of usage that my data plan offers each month, which I track very carefully, so that I don't go over that amount.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received today, September 26th, 2023, when I noticed three articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The first Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "As Menendez Faces Calls to Resign, Some Notable Democrats Don’t Join In":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Why Some Border Towns Are Worried About a Government Shutdown":


The third Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Screenwriters Have Reached a Tentative Deal to End the Strike. Here’s What Happens Next With the WGA and SAG":

Continuing on—as I mentioned above—lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news. And I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, September 26th, 2023, when I noticed 28 different articles from various news organizations!

Therefore, due to this sudden inundation of news, I am simply opening a webpage for each of the various news articles that I am planning to read, based upon the title of each news article and/or based upon the topic of each news article, in preparation for reading each article later on.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, due to the number of articles for which I have an introduction to write lately, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

And to clarify: I still have to read these articles! So, I have each article opened as a webpage on my smartphone's Google browser until such a time as I can get around to actually reading them, due to the number of them.

Another clarification: I greatly simplified how these articles are listed—that I still have yet to read—in order to set them apart from the articles in previous 'updates' where I have already read the articles. Plus, I am grouping these articles generally in the order in which I am planning to read them, but also by category for articles that may be related by topic. And I usually group by news organization for articles that are from the same publication in these types of current news 'updates,' however, I could only do that occasionally for this 'update' due to the number of articles. Also, I will indicate whether, or not, I have read each article below its title and hyperlink.

Thus, I will indicate the date that I read each article below the title and hyperlink to the article, after I read the article. Therefore, I plan to indicate when I complete reading the articles below, whenever I can actually get around to reading them—when I have access to WiFi, such as at my local library, or at a place of business where I have been shopping, or at a coffee shop, etc., in order to save usage on my cellular data plan through my mobile phone company, as noted above.

No. 1: "Americans have poor math skills. It’s a threat to US standing in the global economy, employers say" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 2: "How a government shutdown could impact Americans" from CNN:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 3: "Shutdown looms as US Senate, House take dueling tacks on funding" from Reuters:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 4: "Biden, US officials warn of hunger for millions in a government shutdown" from Reuters:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 5: "McCarthy says a meeting with Biden on the shutdown and border would be 'important'" from NBC News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 6: "McCarthy's dilemma: Save his speakership or keep the government open" from NBC News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 7: "McCarthy says a government shutdown ‘would not be on’ House Republicans" from NBC News:

[I have NOT watched this video yet.]


No. 8: "Congress is moving into crisis mode as Senate unveils bipartisan bill to avoid a government shutdown" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 9: "GOP shutdown politics rock Washington as Trump and Biden head for a swing-state showdown" from CNN:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 10: "Donald Trump will be all across America this week, except on the debate stage" from CNN:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 11: "Fact check: Trump lies that Senate Democrats stole the 2020 election, baselessly accuses NBC’s owner of treason" from CNN:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 12: "US government and 17 states sue Amazon in landmark monopoly case" from CNN:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 13: "Biden urges striking auto workers to ‘stick with it’ in picket line visit unparalleled in history" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 14: "'Folks, stick with it.' Biden joins picket line with striking UAW workers in historic visit" from USA Today (by the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 15: "Joe Biden Becomes First President to Join a Picket Line as He Supports Striking Autoworkers: ‘Stick with It’" from People Magazine:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 16: "President Biden joins United Auto Workers picket line in Michigan" from CNN:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 17: "Biden says UAW should fight for 40% pay raise in Michigan strike visit" from Reuters:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 18: "Biden makes history by joining striking autoworkers on the picket line" from NBC News:

[I have NOT watched this video yet.]


No. 19: "Biden joins picket line with UAW workers in Michigan: 'Stick with it'" from CBS News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 20: "'Let's keep going': Biden joins striking autoworkers on picket line" from ABC News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 21: "Americans Are Down on Biden. Why Does His Party Keep Winning Elections?" from The New York Times (by the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 22: "Booker joins growing number of Senate Democrats calling for Menendez to resign amid federal indictment" from CNN:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 23: "Opinion: Democrats’ response to the Menendez indictment tells all you need to know about today’s GOP" from CNN:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 24: "Bob Menendez remains defiant amid bribery charges and calls to resign" from CNN:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 25: "Groundswell of Democrats Builds Calling on Menendez to Resign" from The New York Times (by the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 26: "Supreme Court denies Alabama's bid to use GOP-drawn congressional map in redistricting case" from CBS News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 27: "Supreme Court rejects Alabama GOP redistricting appeal, clearing way for Dem pickup" from Politico:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 28: "The Hollywood writers’ strike may finally be ending" from Vox Media:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written September 26th, 2023, revised September 27th, 2023, revised September 28th, 2023, revised October 5th, 2023, revised October 9th, 2023 and revised May 21st, 2024)

P.S.: By the way, today, September 26th, 2023, I read the remaining news articles from September 14th, 2023 Through September 20th, 2023, which I have listed as No. 36 through No. 73, from my ‘September 20th, 2023 Update—Continued, Which Also Discusses September 14th, 2023 Through September 19th, 2023’ that can be found above.

P.P.S.: By the way, today, May 21st, 2024, I checked all of the hyperlinks to the articles above, where I have indicated that "I have NOT read this article yet" in order to make sure that they are accurate, because I am probably NEVER going to read the articles above, since they are 'Ancient History' as far as politics go! And I barely have the time to keep up with the current news that I am reading, as often as I can manage it. That is why I wanted to provide you with this update for this 'update.'


For my "September 27th, 2023 Update"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

September 27th, 2023 Update: I received an email from the USO (United Service Organizations) today, September 27th, 2023, with the subject line, "Paul's September updates from the USO", with regard to the USO's newsletter "YOUR USO AT WORK," Issue 116 / September 2023, which stated, in part, the following:

With Labor Day weekend coming up and Our nation marked 22 years since the 9/11 attacks forever changed our country and our world. September 11 holds meaning for all Americans, but it’s particularly poignant for those in the U.S. military who risk their lives to defend our freedom. At moments like this, we are so grateful for your support. Keep reading to learn about the powerful troop support efforts your generosity has made possible this September. ...

And the following highlights from the USO's newsletter, which I selected to post, are regarding "Celebrating Patriot Day Across the Globe" and "Celebrating 80,000 service members and military spouses served with personalized professional services support!":


Celebrating Patriot Day Across the Globe

On Patriot Day, the USO remembered those who have fallen and sacrificed for our country and honored those who continue to serve today. The Powidz military community observed Patriot Day by enjoying a special event organized with help from the USO. For service members stationed in Poland, who support our NATO allies as the war in Ukraine rages on, a reminder of home on this important day couldn't have been more welcome.


⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆Celebrating 80,000⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆
⋆⋆service members and military spouses⋆⋆
⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆served with personalized⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆
⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆professional services support!⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆



This month, the USO celebrates a tremendous milestone for the Transition Program: 80,000 service members and military spouses served! Since the program’s inception, our teams have supported them with personalized employment, education, financial wellness and professional development as they navigate the complexities of post-military life.

Know someone in need of this service? Simply direct them to to get connected!


...From all of us at the USO, thank you for being a dedicated and proud military supporter!

And so, I made a one-time donation on the website in order to support the USO's following statement: "For more than 80 years, the USO has stood by America's military service members by keeping them connected to family, home and country. But we're not a government agency, and rely on individual supporters like you to fund the programs that make the biggest difference for our service members." And I also donated to show my support for the USO's newsletter, as well as to show my support for the USO in supporting our men and women in uniform, as described in the highlight "VOICE OF THE USO," from the aforementioned newsletter:


"The USO Reading Program has really helped me stay connected with my family while overseas. Given their ages, now is a particularly important time for [my kids] with literacy. The USO Reading Program has helped me feel like I’m doing everything I can to help them out while I am deployed. I am very much looking forward to reading the books once I’m home — with any luck, I’ll be home in time for both of their birthdays."

— A lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army Reserve on how the USO keeps him close to family during deployment

In addition to that, I already make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! You see, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation. ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "September 27th, 2023 Update":


September 27th, 2023 Update—Continued: I typically write one 'update' for the Time Magazine articles that I read from one of their daily emails that I receive each day (or, sometimes, I receive more than one daily email), then I also often write a separate 'update' from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google, if there are news articles that I feel are important for me to read from those Time Magazine emails and/or from those Google news searches.

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news each and every day, which usually starts with me reading the above-mentioned Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails. Then, I usually check each day's news via a Google search under several news topics when I first get up in the morning, right after I check my email, as well as after I check my previous day's cellular data usage, which I track very carefully.

Thus, I usually check on what is happening in the news via various Google searches that I do on an oftentimes daily basis under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, from those searches, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read!

So, this 'update' I am writing today, September 27th, 2023, is from both my usual reading of Time Magazine articles, as well as from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google.

Now, I usually try to publish these current news 'updates' on the day that I actually read the news articles referenced in the 'update'; however, lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news!

Not only that, I have been busy, as well, with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that require their very own 'updates!' Besides that, I am often engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

Plus, I am trying to throttle my cellular data usage in order to stay below the amount of usage that my data plan offers each month, which I track very carefully, so that I don't go over that amount.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received today, September 27th, 2023, when I noticed seven articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The first Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "The Most Famous Historian of Rome on Why Men Are Obsessed":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Voters May Blame Republicans for a Shutdown—but Not Punish Them":


The third Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Screenwriters Accept Deal to Return to Work but Actors Remain on Strike":


The fourth Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Kevin McCarthy’s Shutdown Dilemma":


The fifth Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Kevin McCarthy's Shutdown Dilemma":


The sixth Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Screenwriters Reached a Deal to End the Strike. Here's What Happens Next":


The seventh Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Conservatives Aren’t Just Boycotting Bud Light. They’re Trying to Build a Parallel Economy":


Continuing on—as I mentioned above—lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news. And I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, September 27th, 2023, when I noticed 14 different articles from various news organizations!

Therefore, due to this sudden inundation of news, I am simply opening a webpage for each of the various news articles that I am planning to read, based upon the title of each news article and/or based upon the topic of each news article, in preparation for reading each article later on.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, due to the number of articles for which I have an introduction to write lately, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

And to clarify: I still have to read these articles! So, I have each article opened as a webpage on my smartphone's Google browser until such a time as I can get around to actually reading them, due to the number of them.

Another clarification: I greatly simplified how these articles are listed—that I still have yet to read—in order to set them apart from the articles in previous 'updates' where I have already read the articles. Plus, I am grouping these articles generally in the order in which I am planning to read them, but also by category for articles that may be related by topic. And I usually group by news organization for articles that are from the same publication in these types of current news 'updates,' however, I could only do that occasionally for this 'update' due to the number of articles. Also, I will indicate whether, or not, I have read each article below its title and hyperlink.

Thus, I will indicate the date that I read each article below the title and hyperlink to the article, after I read the article. Therefore, I plan to indicate when I complete reading the articles below, whenever I can actually get around to reading them—when I have access to WiFi, such as at my local library, or at a place of business where I have been shopping, or at a coffee shop, etc., in order to save usage on my cellular data plan through my mobile phone company, as noted above.

No. 1: "Judge rules Donald Trump defrauded banks and insurers while building real estate empire" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 2: "Everything you need to know ahead of a government shutdown" from NBC News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 3: "US Senate announces stopgap measure to avert impending government shutdown" from Al Jazeera News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 4: "Biden says McCarthy faces choice between 'speakership and American interest' as shutdown nears" from USA Today (by the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 5: "Government shutdown updates: Latest news on odds of a government shutdown. How it affects you" from USA Today (by the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 6: "Senate Republicans and Democrats near deal to help avoid govt shutdown - Bloomberg News" from Reuters:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 7: "Senate Reaches Spending Deal to Head Off Government Shutdown" from The New York Times (by the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 8: "The Republicans Driving Congress Toward a Shutdown" from The New York Times (by the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 9: "McCarthy revives immigration battles in bid to shift shutdown blame from GOP feuds" from NPR (National Public Radio):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 10: "White House girds itself for a shutdown" from CNN:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 11: "White House issues much-anticipated rule to weed out high-debt, predatory colleges" from USA Today (by the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 12: "NBC Reporter Destroys GOP Lawmaker's 'Evidence' Against Joe Biden Without Trying" from HuffPost (formerly, The Huffington Post):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 13: "Another witness disappoints the GOP as part of its anti-Biden crusade" from MSNBC:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 14: "Former Speaker Paul Ryan says Republicans will lose if Donald Trump is nominee" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written September 27th, 2023, revised September 28th, 2023, revised October 9th, 2023 and revised May 21st, 2024)

P.S.: By the way, today, May 21st, 2024, I checked all of the hyperlinks to the articles above, where I have indicated that "I have NOT read this article yet" in order to make sure that they are accurate, because I am probably NEVER going to read the articles above, since they are 'Ancient History' as far as politics go! And I barely have the time to keep up with the current news that I am reading, as often as I can manage it. That is why I wanted to provide you with this update for this 'update.'


September 28th, 2023 Update: I typically write one 'update' for the Time Magazine articles that I read from one of their daily emails that I receive each day (or, sometimes, I receive more than one daily email), then I also often write a separate 'update' from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google, if there are news articles that I feel are important for me to read from those Time Magazine emails and/or from those Google news searches.

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news each and every day, which usually starts with me reading the above-mentioned Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails. Then, I usually check each day's news via a Google search under several news topics when I first get up in the morning, right after I check my email, as well as after I check my previous day's cellular data usage, which I track very carefully.

Thus, I usually check on what is happening in the news via various Google searches that I do on an oftentimes daily basis under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, from those searches, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read!

So, this 'update' I am writing today, September 28th, 2023, is from both my usual reading of Time Magazine articles, as well as from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google.

Now, I usually try to publish these current news 'updates' on the day that I actually read the news articles referenced in the 'update'; however, lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news!

Not only that, I have been busy, as well, with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that require their very own 'updates!' Besides that, I am often engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

Plus, I am trying to throttle my cellular data usage in order to stay below the amount of usage that my data plan offers each month, which I track very carefully, so that I don't go over that amount.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received today, September 28th, 2023, when I noticed two articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The first Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "The Weaponization of Biden’s Age":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "The Biggest Moments From the Second Republican Debate":

Continuing on—as I mentioned above—lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news. And I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, September 28th, 2023, when I noticed 17 different articles from various news organizations!

Therefore, due to this sudden inundation of news, I am simply opening a webpage for each of the various news articles that I am planning to read, based upon the title of each news article and/or based upon the topic of each news article, in preparation for reading each article later on.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, due to the number of articles for which I have an introduction to write lately, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

And to clarify: I still have to read these articles! So, I have each article opened as a webpage on my smartphone's Google browser until such a time as I can get around to actually reading them, due to the number of them.

Another clarification: I greatly simplified how these articles are listed—that I still have yet to read—in order to set them apart from the articles in previous 'updates' where I have already read the articles. Plus, I am grouping these articles generally in the order in which I am planning to read them, but also by category for articles that may be related by topic. And I usually group by news organization for articles that are from the same publication in these types of current news 'updates,' however, I could only do that occasionally for this 'update' due to the number of articles. Also, I will indicate whether, or not, I have read each article below its title and hyperlink.

Thus, I will indicate the date that I read each article below the title and hyperlink to the article, after I read the article. Therefore, I plan to indicate when I complete reading the articles below, whenever I can actually get around to reading them—when I have access to WiFi, such as at my local library, or at a place of business where I have been shopping, or at a coffee shop, etc., in order to save usage on my cellular data plan through my mobile phone company, as noted above.

No. 1: "Top US general taking steps to protect family after Trump death comments" from Reuters:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 2: "Biden to warn 'MAGA movement,' Trump threaten US democracy in Arizona" from Reuters:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 3: "Biden to Create Library Honoring His Friend and Rival John McCain" from The New York Times (by the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 4: "President Joe Biden honors John McCain: President to announce library at ASU" from The Arizona Republic:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 5: "Biden impeachment inquiry live updates: Legal experts testify evidence doesn't meet threshold" from ABC News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 6: "House GOP’s impeachment witnesses say there's no evidence yet Joe Biden committed a crime" from NBC News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 7: "Republicans hold first Biden impeachment hearing as gov’t shutdown looms" from Al Jazeera News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 8: "House Republicans take on Biden as government shutdown looms" from CNN:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 9: "Republicans pushing for government shutdown ‘stuck on stupid’, says party moderate" from The Guardian News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 10: "McCarthy Rejects Senate Spending Bill While Scrambling for a House Plan That Averts a Shutdown" from U.S. News & World Report:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 11: "House GOP leaders plan to scrap vote on agriculture spending bill" from Politico:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 12: "Republican voters still looking for a candidate see a debate stage full of vice presidents" from Politico:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 13: "Comparing Biden and Trump’s Polar-Opposite Messages to Autoworkers" from Rolling Stone Magazine:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 14: "In Detroit suburbs, Trump criticizes Biden, Democrats, automakers over electric vehicles" from CBS News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 15: "The path to limiting global warming to 1.5 °C has narrowed, but clean energy growth is keeping it open" from the International Energy Agency (IEA):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 16: "Portland approves 5-year, $750 million climate action plan" from OPB (Oregon Public Broadcasting):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 17: "Google's 25th birthday: See special Google Doodle, plus other Easter eggs" from USA Today (by the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written September 28th, 2023, revised October 9th, 2023 and revised May 21st, 2024)

P.S.: By the way, today, May 21st, 2024, I checked all of the hyperlinks to the articles above, where I have indicated that "I have NOT read this article yet" in order to make sure that they are accurate, because I am probably NEVER going to read the articles above, since they are 'Ancient History' as far as politics go! And I barely have the time to keep up with the current news that I am reading, as often as I can manage it. That is why I wanted to provide you with this update for this 'update.'


September 28th, 2023 Update—Continued: I received an email from Song for Charlie today, September 28th, 2023, with the subject line, "Song for Charlie: September Newsletter", which stated, in part, the following:

Song for Charlie Monthly Newsletter: September 2023

Recovery Month

September is Recovery Month, and the Song for Charlie Team spent the last few weeks traveling and connecting with partners and advocates across the country. We continue to learn and build relationships with people and organizations committed to reimagining the way we talk about drugs in America. Team Hope is growing!

Mobilize Recovery

We were honored to be invited to attend the Mobilize Recovery Conference in Washington DC. We made connections, attended seminars and met with Government officials to understand how communities are responding to the fentanyl crisis and how we can help. Our awareness and education programs are in high demand as part of the total solution.

NBC News Interview

NBC’s Kate Snow interviewed Laura Didier about The New Drug Talk: Connect to Protect, SFC’s new parent resource. SFC research shows that parents feel ill equipped to talk to their kids about drugs, just when the conversation is more important than ever. We designed The New Drug Talk to get the conversation going.

Watch Here:

[I watched the video above referenced under 'NBC News Interview,' which is titled, "NBC News Daily: The New Drug Talk."]


[Names redacted] participated in a news conference to announce the introduction of the Fentanyl Awareness for Children and Teens in Schools (FACTS) Act. This bipartisan bill cosponsored by Representatives [name and affiliation redacted] and [name and affiliation redacted] is inspired by SFC’s work with the Beaverton School District in Oregon. Feel free to contact your congressional representative and express your support for this important legislation!

Multiplier Effect

SFC is 100% donor funded. That means our mission is only possible because of generous individuals, corporations and foundations fueling our work through their donations. Every dollar raised helps us empower families. Together we are multiplying our impact to save lives.

Join us by hosting your own fundraiser, sharing our information on social media and activating your workplace. Let us know about an event you are planning or reach out to learn more: [email redacted]

And, after I read the email above, I made a one-time donation to Song for Charlie in order to support their "national family-run, nonprofit charity dedicated to raising awareness about 'fentapills' — fake pills made of fentanyl." –Paul Whiting (September 28th, 2023)


September 28th, 2023 Update—Continued Further: I received an email from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) today, September 28th, 2023, with the subject line, "23 years ago today", which stated the following:

Paul –

On this day 23 years ago, we reached a milestone in the fight for reproductive freedom: Mifepristone, a safe and effective pill used in medication abortion, was officially approved by the FDA.

Today, anti-abortion extremists are trying to rip away access to mifepristone in their campaign to ultimately ban abortion in all 50 states. The ACLU is fighting back, and we're so grateful that advocates like you signed our important petition calling on the courts to protect this vital medication.

Every person has the right to make decisions about their own bodies and their own futures. The ACLU has been defending abortion rights since 1920, and we are uniquely positioned to leverage our national network of attorneys to continue the fight today.

We're going to court in Ohio, North Carolina, and Alabama this week to fight for access to abortion and maternal health care, and we're preparing for decisions from the Florida and Utah supreme courts on challenges to abortion bans.

But to continue our work in the courts, we need dedicated advocates like you to fuel our fight: So please, will you donate $35 now to defend access to abortion rights and the rest of our civil liberties?


Thanks for your support,

The ACLU Team

So, after I read the email above, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU because "every person has the right to make decisions about their own bodies and their own futures ... but to continue [the ACLU's] work in the courts, [they] need dedicated advocates like [me] to fuel [their] fight: So [I donated $5.00] to defend access to abortion rights and the rest of our civil liberties." –Paul Whiting (September 28th, 2023)


September 29th, 2023 Update: I received a text message today, September 29th, 2023, from the Andy Kim for New Jersey campaign, which stated the following:

Paul, it's Andy Kim, the Democrat running to defeat indicted Senator Bob Menendez.

We've just received INCREDIBLE news: a new poll just came out showing I can keep New Jersey BLUE and that indicted Senator Bob Menendez can't.

This poll proves what we know: New Jersey deserves better and is ready for change. If Bob Menendez is the Democratic nominee for Senate in New Jersey, we could lose this seat AND our Senate Majority.

We can't afford to let that happen.

But Menendez will have his multi-million dollar warchest at his disposal to try and hold on to power.

Menendez has said he won't resign. So we have to defeat him at the polls. We know we can, but he's counting on us to miss our critical goals.

In less than 24 hours, our fundraising numbers will be public and Menedez will be watching closely to assess the strength of our grassroots movement.

We can restore integrity to the Senate and faith in our democracy, but I need my grassroots team to step up today. Will you chip in $25 before our critical End-of-Quarter deadline? >>***

Andy Kim

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Donate to Andy Kim for New Jersey

I grew up in New Jersey and am proud to raise my family here. I believe more than ever that New Jersey needs hard working, trustworthy leaders focused on the common good and injecting some integrity and civility back into our politics. We cannot jeopardize the Senate or compromise our integrity any longer.

Help me build a movement to restore faith in our democracy.

Can you chip in now to support Andy Kim?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Andy Kim.

[  ] Donate $10 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[  ] Donate $3,300 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.11

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Andy Kim for New Jersey campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) because "if Bob Menendez is the Democratic nominee for Senate in New Jersey, we could lose this seat AND our Senate Majority." However, "we can restore integrity to the Senate and faith in our democracy, but [Andy Kim] need[s] [his] grassroots team to step up today." So, I did my part by chipping "in [$5] before [Andy Kim for New Jersey's] critical End-of-Quarter deadline!" –Paul Whiting (September 29th, 2023)


September 29th, 2023 Update—Continued: I typically write one 'update' for the Time Magazine articles that I read from one of their daily emails that I receive each day (or, sometimes, I receive more than one daily email), then I also often write a separate 'update' from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google, if there are news articles that I feel are important for me to read from those Time Magazine emails and/or from those Google news searches.

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news each and every day, which usually starts with me reading the above-mentioned Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails. Then, I usually check each day's news via a Google search under several news topics when I first get up in the morning, right after I check my email, as well as after I check my previous day's cellular data usage, which I track very carefully.

Thus, I usually check on what is happening in the news via various Google searches that I do on an oftentimes daily basis under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, from those searches, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read!

So, this 'update' I am writing today, September 29th, 2023, is from both my usual reading of Time Magazine articles, as well as from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google.

Now, I usually try to publish these current news 'updates' on the day that I actually read the news articles referenced in the 'update'; however, lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news!

Not only that, I have been busy, as well, with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that require their very own 'updates!' Besides that, I am often engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

Plus, I am trying to throttle my cellular data usage in order to stay below the amount of usage that my data plan offers each month, which I track very carefully, so that I don't go over that amount.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received today, September 29th, 2023, when I noticed three articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The first Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Patrick Stewart: How Star Trek: Picard Was Really Supposed to End":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Why Trump Is Talking About Electric Vehicles":


The third Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "California Law Raises Minimum Wage for Fast Food Workers to $20 Per Hour":

Continuing on—as I mentioned above—lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news. And I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, September 29th, 2023, when I noticed 20 different articles from various news organizations!

Therefore, due to this sudden inundation of news, I am simply opening a webpage for each of the various news articles that I am planning to read, based upon the title of each news article and/or based upon the topic of each news article, in preparation for reading each article later on.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, due to the number of articles for which I have an introduction to write lately, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

And to clarify: I still have to read these articles! So, I have each article opened as a webpage on my smartphone's Google browser until such a time as I can get around to actually reading them, due to the number of them.

Another clarification: I greatly simplified how these articles are listed—that I still have yet to read—in order to set them apart from the articles in previous 'updates' where I have already read the articles. Plus, I am grouping these articles generally in the order in which I am planning to read them, but also by category for articles that may be related by topic. And I usually group by news organization for articles that are from the same publication in these types of current news 'updates,' however, I could only do that occasionally for this 'update' due to the number of articles. Also, I will indicate whether, or not, I have read each article below its title and hyperlink.

Thus, I will indicate the date that I read each article below the title and hyperlink to the article, after I read the article. Therefore, I plan to indicate when I complete reading the articles below, whenever I can actually get around to reading them—when I have access to WiFi, such as at my local library, or at a place of business where I have been shopping, or at a coffee shop, etc., in order to save usage on my cellular data plan through my mobile phone company, as noted above.

No. 1: "Biden Identifies the Danger to Democracy – and it’s Donald Trump" from U.S. News & World Report:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 2: "Biden previews 2024 message by warning that Trump’s movement is a threat to American democracy" from CNN:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 3: "In forceful condemnation of Trump, Biden warns that ‘MAGA’ backers pose grave threat to democracy" from NBC News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 4: "Biden offers dire warnings about Trump, accuses mainstream GOP of ‘deafening’ silence" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 5: "GOP congressman struggles to answer questions about Biden allegations" from MSNBC:

[I have NOT watched this video yet.]


No. 6: "GOP congressman struggles to answer questions about Biden allegations" from NBC News:

[I have NOT watched this video yet.]


No. 7: "US braces for government shutdown as funding deadline looms" from CNN:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 8: "Republicans reject own funding bill, US government shutdown imminent" from Reuters:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 9: "Republican spending plan fails House vote, fueling federal government shutdown fears" from CNBC:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 10: "U.S. federal government shutdown appears likely as Republicans reject McCarthy's plan" from CBC News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 11: "Conservative rebels tank McCarthy’s funding bill, raising odds of a shutdown" from NBC News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 12: "Sen. Dianne Feinstein dies at 90" from CNN:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 13: "What Dianne Feinstein’s death means for control of the Senate and the looming government shutdown" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 14: "Analysis: Feinstein's death poses two big questions for US Senate Democrats" from Reuters:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 15: "Donald Trump skipped the GOP debate again. This time, his rivals took him on directly" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 16: "Viewership Fell Sharply for Second G.O.P. Debate" from The New York Times (by the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 17: "Major GOP donors eye Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis as the top Trump alternatives" from NBC News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 18: "Biden honors outgoing Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley" from NBC News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 19: "Gen. Milley says military doesn't answer to 'wannabe dictator' in apparent rebuke of Trump" from USA Today (by the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 20: "The nation's cartoonists on the week in politics" from Politico (and, specifically, I have selected the political cartoon "RESIGN. [vs.] FOUR MORE YEARS!" out of the cartoon carousel):

(By the way, I always try to take the time look at the advertisements in these "cartoon carousels" in order to appreciate the fact that I am able to read these political cartoons based upon their ads!)

[I read this 'article' on September 29th, 2023.]

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written September 29th, 2023, revised October 9th, 2023 and revised May 21st, 2024)

P.S.: By the way, today, May 21st, 2024, I checked all of the hyperlinks to the articles above, where I have indicated that "I have NOT read this article yet" in order to make sure that they are accurate, because I am probably NEVER going to read the articles above, since they are 'Ancient History' as far as politics go! And I barely have the time to keep up with the current news that I am reading, as often as I can manage it. That is why I wanted to provide you with this update for this 'update.'


September 29th, 2023 Update—Continued Further: I received an email from Planned Parenthood Federation of America today, September 29th, 2023, with the subject line, "[Name redacted] from Florida and other important stories", which stated the following:


At Planned Parenthood, our mission is simple, and our vision is clear: We're building a future where everyone, everywhere, has the information and care they need to make their own decisions about their own bodies.

This week, Planned Parenthood patient advocates took to Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. to show lawmakers exactly why health care matters.

Planned Parenthood patient advocates met with members of Congress to share their personal stories and educate lawmakers about the wide range of services provided at Planned Parenthood nonprofit affiliate health centers.

Here's what Planned Parenthood patient advocate [name redacted] from Florida had to say:

"I got my period at a young age and was diagnosed with PCOS [polycystic ovary syndrome] years later, not only did I need birth control but I still needed counseling and advice for managing my PCOS. Planned Parenthood's plethora of resources have ignited my passions for sex education, reproductive health, and hearing the stories of folx who have [sought] help from Planned Parenthood, which led me to join the fight for reproductive rights and freedom today."

—[Name redacted], Florida

Without Planned Parenthood nonprofit affiliate health centers, people like [name redacted] might not get the care they need or deserve. [Name redacted's] diagnosis is just one example of the compassionate, high-quality health care Planned Parenthood health center providers and staff offer to millions of people across the country. This Lobby Day was crucial to ensuring that lawmakers hear the stories that happen every single day.

And, Paul, none of this would be possible without you. While some lawmakers have been working to take away care — even threatening to shut down the government to force their anti-abortion agenda into must-pass bills — supporters like you have come together to ensure that members of Congress are working hard to protect access to sexual and reproductive health care and protect Planned Parenthood services.

No matter the reason a patient goes to a Planned Parenthood health center, care and information are the cornerstones of Planned Parenthood's work. We'll continue to raise our voices and break down barriers to ensure that everyone has access to the care they need.


[Name redacted], [Title redacted]
Planned Parenthood Federation of America


P.S. Read more stories like [name redacted's] and share your own to motivate others, break stigma, and tell lawmakers your body is your own.

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, after I read the email above, I made a one-time donation to Planned Parenthood Federation of America, because "while some lawmakers have been working to take away care — even threatening to shut down the government to force their anti-abortion agenda into must-pass bills — supporters like [me] have come together to ensure that members of Congress are working hard to protect access to sexual and reproductive health care and protect Planned Parenthood services." –Paul Whiting (written September 29th, 2023 and revised November 17th, 2023)


September 30th, 2023 Update: I typically write one 'update' for the Time Magazine articles that I read from one of their daily emails that I receive each day (or, sometimes, I receive more than one daily email), then I also often write a separate 'update' from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google, if there are news articles that I feel are important for me to read from those Time Magazine emails and/or from those Google news searches.

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news each and every day, which usually starts with me reading the above-mentioned Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails. Then, I usually check each day's news via a Google search under several news topics when I first get up in the morning, right after I check my email, as well as after I check my previous day's cellular data usage, which I track very carefully.

Thus, I usually check on what is happening in the news via various Google searches that I do on an oftentimes daily basis under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, from those searches, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read!

So, this 'update' I am writing today, September 30th, 2023, is from both my usual reading of Time Magazine articles, as well as from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google.

Now, I usually try to publish these current news 'updates' on the day that I actually read the news articles referenced in the 'update'; however, lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news!

Not only that, I have been busy, as well, with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that require their very own 'updates!' Besides that, I am often engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

Plus, I am trying to throttle my cellular data usage in order to stay below the amount of usage that my data plan offers each month, which I track very carefully, so that I don't go over that amount.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received today, September 30th, 2023, when I noticed two articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The first Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Famine in the 21st Century Must be a Red Line. Here's What We Can Do":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "What Happens to Dianne Feinstein’s Senate Seat? Here’s What We Know":

Continuing on—as I mentioned above—lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news. And I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, September 30th, 2023, when I noticed 4 different articles from various news organizations!

Therefore, due to this sudden inundation of news, I am simply opening a webpage for each of the various news articles that I am planning to read, based upon the title of each news article and/or based upon the topic of each news article, in preparation for reading each article later on.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, due to the number of articles for which I have an introduction to write lately, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

And to clarify: I still have to read these articles! So, I have each article opened as a webpage on my smartphone's Google browser until such a time as I can get around to actually reading them, due to the number of them.

Another clarification: I greatly simplified how these articles are listed—that I still have yet to read—in order to set them apart from the articles in previous 'updates' where I have already read the articles. Plus, I am grouping these articles generally in the order in which I am planning to read them, but also by category for articles that may be related by topic. And I usually group by news organization for articles that are from the same publication in these types of current news 'updates,' however, I could only do that occasionally for this 'update' due to the number of articles. Also, I will indicate whether, or not, I have read each article below its title and hyperlink.

Thus, I will indicate the date that I read each article below the title and hyperlink to the article, after I read the article. Therefore, I plan to indicate when I complete reading the articles below, whenever I can actually get around to reading them—when I have access to WiFi, such as at my local library, or at a place of business where I have been shopping, or at a coffee shop, etc., in order to save usage on my cellular data plan through my mobile phone company, as noted above.

No. 1: "US House passes bipartisan bill to avoid government shutdown" from Reuters:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 2: "House moves closer to avoiding catastrophic government shutdown, passing short-term deal" from USA Today (by the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 3: "On the brink of a federal shutdown, the House passes a 45-day funding plan and sends it to Senate" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 4: "House sends bipartisan bill to avert government shutdown to the Senate hours ahead of deadline" from CNN:

[I have NOT watched this video yet.]

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written September 30th, 2023, revised October 9th, 2023 and revised May 21st, 2024)

P.S.: By the way, today, May 21st, 2024, I checked all of the hyperlinks to the articles above, where I have indicated that "I have NOT read this article yet" in order to make sure that they are accurate, because I am probably NEVER going to read the articles above, since they are 'Ancient History' as far as politics go! And I barely have the time to keep up with the current news that I am reading, as often as I can manage it. That is why I wanted to provide you with this update for this 'update.'


September 30th, 2023 Update—Continued: I received an email from Planned Parenthood Action Fund today, September 30th, 2023, with the subject line, "We’re fired up to keep fighting back", which stated the following:

Planned Parenthood Action Fund Update

Action Fund Update is the monthly newsletter for members of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund. As an associate member of the Action Fund, you'll receive timely, insider information on our legislative, advocacy, and electoral work.

Member News


Time and time again, voters all over this country have shown that when abortion access is on the ballot, it wins.

Last summer, just six weeks after the U.S. Supreme Court took away our constitutional right to abortion, Kansas voters defeated a ballot measure that would have restricted abortion access. And it was just the start. Since then, voters have come together to reject anti-abortion measures in states like Kentucky and Montana, and voted to protect abortion in states like California and Vermont.

This November, Ohio voters will vote on a high-stakes ballot initiative that, if passed, would solidify the right to abortion within Ohio’s state constitution.

Voters know what you and I have known all along: Abortion is health care. And yet, lawmakers in dozens of states continue to ignore the overwhelming majority of Americans to push abortion bans and restrictions.

Yes, knowing how politicians are working to advance their anti-abortion agenda and attack our human right to health care makes this battle incredibly challenging. But it also gets me fired up to fight back even harder.

Health care is on the ballot in November. And voter suppression efforts are a political attempt to keep voters away from the voting booth — by eliminating voting sites, enacting voter ID laws, restricting mail-in ballot access, and more.

Learn about voter suppression and check your registration status >>>

Let’s keep that momentum going.


[Name redacted], [Title redacted]
Planned Parenthood Action Fund

Take Action

Add Your Name: Tell Congress to stop the attacks on patients and health care

Right now, freedom is blocked for 1 in 3 women of reproductive age — plus more trans and nonbinary people — to make decisions about their own bodies. Since January, more than 370 bills that restrict abortion (and even more attacks on gender-affirming care, sex education, and birth control) have been introduced in state legislatures.

And in Congress, politicians are even willing to shut down the government to force their anti-abortion views down the throats of the American people and people around the world. They’ve packed must-pass government funding bills with measures that attack access to sexual and reproductive health care — including abortion and gender-affirming care — at home and abroad.

Health care is a right, not a privilege — lawmakers are playing politics with critical funding to push their dangerous agenda. And they must be held accountable. Add your name right now >>>***

Candidate Endorsement News

We're committed to supporting these champions of reproductive health. Planned Parenthood Action Fund is proud to endorse:

President Joe Biden

President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have been committed to fighting back against the onslaught of attacks against our reproductive freedom. And we need them to continue this critical work. There is so much at stake. If anti-abortion politicians gain control of the White House, they will exploit their power toward their ultimate goal: a national abortion ban.

Sherrod Brown (OH)

Sen. Sherrod Brown has spent his career fighting for Ohioans and the dignity of work — the idea that hard work should pay off for everyone, no matter who you are, where you live, or what kind of work you do. Throughout his career, he has been an outspoken advocate for affordable, reliable health care, including access to reproductive health care.

Tammy Baldwin (WI)

Sen. Tammy Baldwin made history in 2012 when she became the first openly LGBTQ+ senator in history and the first woman elected to the Senate from Wisconsin. Since taking office, Sen. Baldwin has been an unwavering champion for Wisconsinites.

State Spotlight: Michigan

Earlier this month, Michigan lawmakers introduced the Reproductive Health Act (RHA) to repeal harmful, medically unnecessary restrictions on abortion in the state. This comes after Michigan voters approved Proposal 3 in 2022, protecting reproductive freedom in the state constitution.

Passing the Reproductive Health Act in Michigan will:

[✓] Repeal laws that limit insurance coverage of abortion

[✓] Repeal laws that require a 24-hour delay before patients can access abortion care

[✓] Remove discriminatory barriers to fund abortion providers

[✓] Remove medically unnecessary TRAP (targeted regulation of abortion providers) laws designed to block care

[✓] Ensure that abortion is health care

As states across the country continue to criminalize abortion care, passing the Reproductive Health Act is a crucial step to provide health care not only to people in Michigan, but for other states where access is threatened.

Around the Web

CNN: Federal judge restores part of Georgia’s law that had banned gender-affirming care for trans youth

[New York Magazine's] The Cut: A Tale of Two Abortion Clinics

The New York Times: The Surprising Places Where Abortion Rights Are on the Ballot, and Winning

Vox: The unconstitutional plan to stop women from traveling out of state for an abortion, explained


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, regarding adding my name to "tell Congress to stop the attacks on patients and health care," the relevant text of which can be found below:

Tell Congress: Stop the attacks on Planned Parenthood patients and sexual & reproductive health care

We need to hold anti-abortion rights lawmakers accountable. Fight to protect access to sexual & reproductive health care.

Anti-abortion politicians are even willing to shut down the government in order to force their extreme, unpopular agenda down the throats of the American people — including their mission to control our bodies.

Tell Congress: Stop the attacks on Planned Parenthood patients and sexual & reproductive health care!

Help fight back.

Prefix: Mr.
First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Street Address: [redacted]
Postal Code: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Email: [redacted]
Mobile Phone: [redacted]

Do you want to be an associate member of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund? Yes

Subject: Reject the extreme attacks on sexual & reproductive health care in any government funding agreement

Dear Member of Congress,

I am counting on you to fight for patients’ access to care at Planned Parenthood health centers, and to oppose all attacks on access to sexual and reproductive health care — including abortion — in any government funding agreement.

The House majority is willing to shut down the government if their extreme demands aren't met, including attacking abortion access and blocking patients from care at Planned Parenthood. As your constituent, I ask you to oppose all attempts to include these unpopular and dangerous attacks in must-pass legislation to keep the government running. Over a year after the Supreme Court took away our right to abortion, we need our elected officials to protect everyone’s ability to control their own bodies, lives, and futures.

[Your information here]

And, after I signed the petition above, I received a confirmation email today, September 30th, 2023, from Planned Parenthood Action Fund with the subject line, "Thank you for adding your voice.", which stated the following:


Thank you for adding your voice and reminding lawmakers that the majority of Americans support abortion access — and that the attacks on Planned Parenthood patients and sexual & reproductive health care must stop. We're glad to have you in the fight.

Ready to do more? Volunteer with us.

You can choose how you want to help, whenever you have time and there's no experience necessary. Become a volunteer with Planned Parenthood Action Fund today.

You can help make an even bigger difference by showing your support for Planned Parenthood Action Fund and asking your friends and family to join you.

Share on Facebook

Share on Twitter

You can also help defend access to health care and protect our reproductive rights by making a gift to Planned Parenthood Action Fund. We'll put your gift to work immediately mobilizing grassroots activists in key states, pressuring lawmakers, magnifying the voices of those most affected by attacks on our health and rights, and more.

I'm so glad to know that we can count on you to raise your voice when it counts — thanks again for speaking out.

— Planned Parenthood Action Fund

So, I selected the "Share on Twitter" option (by the way, I only have a Twitter account so I can read tweets which are included in some online articles that I read) in order for me to provide you, my readers, with the text and hyperlink below:

We need to hold lawmakers attacking our rights accountable — they need to remember that the majority of Americans support legal abortion.

Plus, after I signed the petition above to Congress, via Planned Parenthood Action Fund website, I made a one-time donation to Planned Parenthood Action Fund, because "the House majority is willing to shut down the government if their extreme demands aren't met, including attacking abortion access and blocking patients from care at Planned Parenthood," so that is why "I ask[ed] [Congress] to oppose all attempts to include these unpopular and dangerous attacks in must-pass legislation to keep the government running." –Paul Whiting (September 30th, 2023)


September 30th, 2023 Update—Continued Further, Written On October 1st, 2023 [August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 2, Written On October 1st, 2023 About September 2023]: This update is a follow-up to the following:

▪ August 19th, 2023 Update
▪ August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 1, Written On August 31st, 2023

My 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above, is where I explain that I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month! And in that 'update,' I explained, in part, the following:

"...I am no longer donating to political, progressive and charitable organizations in the same way that I was due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations—as outlined below—starting with January of 2023.

January 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 15%

February 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 19%

March 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 12%

April 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 17%

May 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 21%

June 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 20%

July 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 17%

August 2023:
Month-to-date percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 17% [through August 19th, 2023]

Then, if I average out the total percentage that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations from January 2023 through July 2023 (without including August, since this month is not over yet), it comes out to an average of 17% of my monthly income..."

And my 'August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 1, Written On August 31st, 2023,' which can be found above, is where I continued to explain what the total percentage of my monthly income is that I spent for the month of August 2023 on donations, as well as monthly interest and credit card purchases! And in that 'update,' I explained, in part, the following:

"...Now that today is the last day of August 2023, I wanted to provide you with this month's total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations:

August 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 23%

Then, if I average out the total percentage that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations from January 2023 through August 2023, it comes out to an average of 18% of my monthly income! (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)

And here are the percentages that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations by category, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[01] Joe Biden for President: 2%
[02] Planned Parenthood: 2%
[03] Non-Categorized Charity: 7%
[04] Everytown for Gun Safety: 1%
[05] USO (United Serv. Orgs.): 5%
[06] Red Cross (Maui Fires): 1%
[07] ACLU (Amer. Civ. Lib. Union): 1%
[08] Non-Categorized Political: 4%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Donations Spent for August 2023: 23%

Plus, here are the percentages that I have spent on interest and credit card purchases, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[09] Monthly Interest: 6%
[10] Credit Card Purchases: 23%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Interest and Purchases for August 2023: 29%

Grand Total Percentage of Monthly Income for August 2023: 52%"

And now that yesterday, September 30th, 2023, was the last day of September 2023, I wanted to provide you with September's total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations:

September 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 20%

Then, if I average out the total percentage that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations from January 2023 through September 2023, it comes out to an average of 18% of my monthly income! (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)

And here are the percentages that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations by category, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[01] Everytown for Gun Safety: 1%
-------Please see [02] below-------
[03] Disaster Relief: 6%
[04] Non-Categorized Charity: 3%
[05] Non-Categorized Political: 5%
[06] USO (United Serv. Orgs.): 3%
[07] ACLU (Amer. Civ. Lib. Union): 1%
[08] Planned Parenthood: 1%
-------Please see [09] below-------
[10] News Organizations: 0.33311125916%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Donations Spent: 20%

Plus, here are the percentages that I have spent on interest and credit card purchases, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[02] Credit Card Purchases: 17%
[09] Monthly Interest: 5%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Interest and Purchases: 22%

Grand Total Percentage of Monthly Income for September 2023: 42%

Obviously, I need to greatly reduce the percentage of my monthly income that I am spending on political, progressive and charitable organizations, so that is why I decided to reduce "the number of times that I donate for the same organization per month down to once—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis," as well as to reduce "the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers."

Now, I am doing a little bit better than I did last month, where my total percentage from donations spent for August 2023 was 23%, and my total percentage from interest and purchases for August 2023 was 29%, for a grand total percentage of monthly income for August 2023 of 52%!

Thus, I spend 3% less on donations for September 2023—even though I spent more of a percentage on disaster relief this month. And I spent 1% less on monthly interest this month, because last month I did the following:

"Besides that, as far as reducing the amount of my monthly income that I spend on interest for my credit card, I made my extra credit card payment today and I put as much money as I could—that I had available in savings—toward reducing my balance!"

And that really large credit card payment took my monthly minimum credit card payment from "42% of the amount that I have set aside in my monthly budget for my minimum payment and my extra payment each month on my credit card," down to 33% of the amount that I have set aside in my monthly budget for my minimum payment and my extra payment each month!

Plus, I also spent 6% less on credit card purchases for September 2023 than I did last month, as well as 10% less compared to last month on the grand total percentage of my monthly income for September 2023 at 42%.

However, I still need to continue "tightening my belt," so to speak, with regard to all of the money that I am spending on my credit card each month, so that I can (eventually) get it paid off!

Therefore, the reason that I am explaining all of this donating and budgeting is because I spent A LOT last year, since I was "doing everything in my power to help Democrats win in the 2022 Midterm Elections!" So, I ended up with a rather considerable credit card balance...

...And I am still paying off how much I spent in 2022 on the Midterm Elections while, at the same time, I am trying to be an "Online Activist" and to 'put my money where my mouth is' regarding my activism. That is why I blog about which political, progressive and charitable organizations I am supporting with regard to the causes that are the most important to me! –Paul Whiting (written October 1st, 2023, revised November 1st, 2023 and revised December 2nd, 2023)




October 1st, 2023 Update: I typically write one 'update' for the Time Magazine articles that I read from one of their daily emails that I receive each day (or, sometimes, I receive more than one daily email), then I also often write a separate 'update' from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google, if there are news articles that I feel are important for me to read from those Time Magazine emails and/or from those Google news searches.

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news each and every day, which usually starts with me reading the above-mentioned Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails. Then, I usually check each day's news via a Google search under several news topics when I first get up in the morning, right after I check my email, as well as after I check my previous day's cellular data usage, which I track very carefully.

Thus, I usually check on what is happening in the news via various Google searches that I do on an oftentimes daily basis under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, from those searches, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read!

So, this 'update' I am writing today, October 1st, 2023, is from both my usual reading of Time Magazine articles, as well as from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google.

Now, I usually try to publish these current news 'updates' on the day that I actually read the news articles referenced in the 'update'; however, lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news!

Not only that, I have been busy, as well, with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that require their very own 'updates!' Besides that, I am often engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

Plus, I am trying to throttle my cellular data usage in order to stay below the amount of usage that my data plan offers each month, which I track very carefully, so that I don't go over that amount.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received today, October 1st, 2023, when I noticed four articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The first Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "The Battle Against 'Wokeness' Is Extending to Defense Funding—But History Shows an Equitable Military Is More Effective":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "What Needs to Happen to Tackle Fashion's Climate Impact":


The third Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Congress Dodges Government Shutdown With Last-Minute, Short-Term Deal":


The fourth Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "‘There Is No Hope’: Death and Desperation Take Over the World’s Largest Refugee Camp":

Continuing on—as I mentioned above—lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news. And I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, October 1st, 2023, when I noticed 20 different articles from various news organizations!

Therefore, due to this sudden inundation of news, I am simply opening a webpage for each of the various news articles that I am planning to read, based upon the title of each news article and/or based upon the topic of each news article, in preparation for reading each article later on.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, due to the number of articles for which I have an introduction to write lately, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

And to clarify: I still have to read these articles! So, I have each article opened as a webpage on my smartphone's Google browser until such a time as I can get around to actually reading them, due to the number of them.

Another clarification: I greatly simplified how these articles are listed—that I still have yet to read—in order to set them apart from the articles in previous 'updates' where I have already read the articles. Plus, I am grouping these articles generally in the order in which I am planning to read them, but also by category for articles that may be related by topic. And I usually group by news organization for articles that are from the same publication in these types of current news 'updates,' however, I could only do that occasionally for this 'update' due to the number of articles. Also, I will indicate whether, or not, I have read each article below its title and hyperlink.

Thus, I will indicate the date that I read each article below the title and hyperlink to the article, after I read the article. Therefore, I plan to indicate when I complete reading the articles below, whenever I can actually get around to reading them—when I have access to WiFi, such as at my local library, or at a place of business where I have been shopping, or at a coffee shop, etc., in order to save usage on my cellular data plan through my mobile phone company, as noted above.

No. 1: "US averts government shutdown" from CNN:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 2: "Highlights: Congress passes bill to keep the government open, averting a shutdown" from NBC News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 3: "US Congress passes stopgap measure to avert government shutdown" from Al Jazeera News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 4: "Congress averts government shutdown in stunning twist, passing deal with bipartisan support" from USA Today (by the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 5: "Government Shutdown: Biden Signs Bill Keeping the Government Open Through Mid-November" from The New York Times (by the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 6: "Biden says it’s ‘good news’ the shutdown was averted but blames House GOP for ‘manufactured crisis’" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 7: "Biden says there’s ‘not much time’ to keep aid flowing to Ukraine and Congress must ‘stop the games’" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 8: "White House prepares to fight for Ukraine aid after shutdown averted" from Politico:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 9: "Biden urges Republicans to keep their word on government funding and Ukraine aid" from CNN:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 10: "'Won't Walk Away': Biden Vows Ukraine Support, Urges Republicans To 'Stop The Games'" from NDTV (New Delhi Television) News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 11: "Matt Gaetz announces plans to oust Kevin McCarthy from House speakership" from USA Today (by the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 12: "Gaetz Says He Will Move to Oust McCarthy for Working With Democrats" from The New York Times (by the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 13: "McCarthy worked with Democrats to pause the US shutdown. Now his job is at stake" from The Guardian News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 14: "US Political Infighting Intensifies, Even as Government Stays Open" from VOA (Voice of America) News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 15: "President Biden issues a dire warning on how far-right rhetoric is threatening Democracy" from MSNBC:

[I have NOT watched this video yet.]


No. 16: "Trump and ‘MAGA Republican extremists’ threaten US democracy, Biden says" from Al Jazeera News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 17: "Here's why flags are flying at half-staff across the US" from NBC Chicago:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 18: "GOP senators say they won't stop Democrats from replacing Feinstein on Judiciary Committee" from NBC News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 19: "Special Report-WhatsApp to War: How Cubans Were Recruited to Fight for Russia" from U.S. News & World Report:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 20: "'X' Is Losing Its Daily Active Users, CEO Linda Yaccarino Confirms" from NDTV (New Delhi Television) News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written October 1st, 2023, revised October 9th, 2023 and revised May 21st, 2024)

P.S.: By the way, today, May 21st, 2024, I checked all of the hyperlinks to the articles above, where I have indicated that "I have NOT read this article yet" in order to make sure that they are accurate, because I am probably NEVER going to read the articles above, since they are 'Ancient History' as far as politics go! And I barely have the time to keep up with the current news that I am reading, as often as I can manage it. That is why I wanted to provide you with this update for this 'update.'


October 2nd, 2023 Update: I received an email from the American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon (ACLU of Oregon) today, October 2nd, 2023, with the subject line, "An update about the ongoing public defense crisis in Oregon", which stated the following:

Banned Books.

Paul –

As we celebrate Banned Books Week, Sunday, October 1 – 7, it's important for Oregonians to know that our state is not immune to censorship crusades. In fact, Oregon has seen record attempts to ban books this year. Politicians, local school boards, but also small groups and individuals, feel entitled to dictate what books, information, and ideas the rest of us have access to. This dangerous trend is particularly alarming as we're seeing efforts in the courts, and at all levels of government, to roll back protections for pregnant people, LGBTQ+, and BIPOC communities. Across the country, a record 2,572 book titles targeted for removal in libraries nationally are by, or about, LBGTQ+ and people of color.

This year, the ACLU of Oregon sent over 1,700 "I Read Banned Books" pins to local libraries and public schools across the state to make our celebration visible. In honor of Banned Books Week, I invite you to engage by visiting our website to learn more ( Explore historical fights against book ban attempts, get inspired to start your own Banned Book Club, and read our executive director's reflections on the power of books and how censorship is deeply undemocratic and harmful.

Although these attempts to silence diverse perspectives are on the rise, the most effective way to protect our freedom and education is through collective action. Communities have the power to fight back and win – and the ACLU is here to help. Please stay tuned to hear more about our work in partnership with communities statewide.

In solidarity,

[Name redacted]
Pronouns: She, her, hers
[Title redacted], ACLU of Oregon


And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, regarding an overview of banned books in Oregon. A brief introduction to the webpage can be found below:


There have been record attempts in Oregon to ban books this year. In fact, Oregon has seen record attempts to ban books this year. This dangerous trend is particularly alarming as fascists feel empowered to undermine our rights. Courts at all levels are making regressive decisions, rolling back protections for pregnant people, LGBTQ+ and BIPOC communities. And it’s not just politicians who are leading this regressive effort but also small groups and individuals who feel entitled to dictate what books and information the rest of us have access to. This year a record 2,572 book titles targeted for removal in libraries nationally are by or about LBGTQ+ and people of color. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the webpage:

Plus, after I read the email above, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU of Oregon in order to show my appreciation for this very informative email regarding Banned Books Week 2023! –Paul Whiting (written October 2nd, 2023 and revised October 4th, 2023)


October 2nd, 2023 Update—Continued: I typically write one 'update' for the Time Magazine articles that I read from one of their daily emails that I receive each day (or, sometimes, I receive more than one daily email), then I also often write a separate 'update' from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google, if there are news articles that I feel are important for me to read from those Time Magazine emails and/or from those Google news searches.

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news each and every day, which usually starts with me reading the above-mentioned Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails. Then, I usually check each day's news via a Google search under several news topics when I first get up in the morning, right after I check my email, as well as after I check my previous day's cellular data usage, which I track very carefully.

Thus, I usually check on what is happening in the news via various Google searches that I do on an oftentimes daily basis under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, from those searches, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read!

So, this 'update' I am writing today, October 2nd, 2023, is from both my usual reading of Time Magazine articles, as well as from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google.

Now, I usually try to publish these current news 'updates' on the day that I actually read the news articles referenced in the 'update'; however, lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news!

Not only that, I have been busy, as well, with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that require their very own 'updates!' Besides that, I am often engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

Plus, I am trying to throttle my cellular data usage in order to stay below the amount of usage that my data plan offers each month, which I track very carefully, so that I don't go over that amount.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received today, October 2nd, 2023, when I noticed five articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The first Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "If Ted Kennedy Was the Lion of the Senate, Dianne Feinstein Was Its Lioness":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Nobel Prize in Medicine Goes to Scientists Behind mRNA COVID Vaccines":


The third Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Gavin Newsom Names Democratic Strategist Laphonza Butler to Fill Feinstein’s Senate Seat":


The fourth Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "‘Trump Is Lying to His Supporters About Gag Orders":


The fifth Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "‘Congress Avoided a Government Shutdown—What Happens Next?":

Continuing on—as I mentioned above—lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news. And I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, October 2nd, 2023, when I noticed 10 different articles from various news organizations!

Therefore, due to this sudden inundation of news, I am simply opening a webpage for each of the various news articles that I am planning to read, based upon the title of each news article and/or based upon the topic of each news article, in preparation for reading each article later on.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, due to the number of articles for which I have an introduction to write lately, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

And to clarify: I still have to read these articles! So, I have each article opened as a webpage on my smartphone's Google browser until such a time as I can get around to actually reading them, due to the number of them.

Another clarification: I greatly simplified how these articles are listed—that I still have yet to read—in order to set them apart from the articles in previous 'updates' where I have already read the articles. Plus, I am grouping these articles generally in the order in which I am planning to read them, but also by category for articles that may be related by topic. And I usually group by news organization for articles that are from the same publication in these types of current news 'updates,' however, I could only do that occasionally for this 'update' due to the number of articles. Also, I will indicate whether, or not, I have read each article below its title and hyperlink.

Thus, I will indicate the date that I read each article below the title and hyperlink to the article, after I read the article. Therefore, I plan to indicate when I complete reading the articles below, whenever I can actually get around to reading them—when I have access to WiFi, such as at my local library, or at a place of business where I have been shopping, or at a coffee shop, etc., in order to save usage on my cellular data plan through my mobile phone company, as noted above.

No. 1: "Robert Reich on GOP extremists holding America hostage" from CBS News:

[I have NOT watched this video yet.]


No. 2: "To Many Americans, Government Dysfunction Is the New Normal" from The New York Times (by the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 3: "My Fellow Republicans: It’s Time to Grow Up" from The New York Times (by the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 4: "Putin’s Next Target: U.S. Support for Ukraine, Officials Say" from The New York Times (by the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 5: "‘We can’t do it alone’: Ukrainians react to lack of additional funding in US spending bill" from CNN:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 6: "Biden presses Republicans after spending bill drops Ukraine aid" from Reuters:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 7: "Gaetz threatens historic vote to try and remove Speaker Kevin McCarthy: What happens next" from ABC News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 8: "Republicans eye ‘reset’ after failed impeachment inquiry hearing" from MSNBC:

[I have NOT watched this video yet.]


No. 9: "'The military has no role' in politics, says retiring chair of the Joint Chiefs" from NPR (National Public Radio):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 10: "GOP lawmakers in Oregon continue walkouts, despite Democrats's attempts to end them" from NPR (National Public Radio):

[I have NOT listened to this podcast yet.]

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written October 2nd, 2023, revised October 4th, 2023, revised October 9th, 2023, revised April 26th, 2024 and revised May 21st, 2024)

P.S.: By the way, today, May 21st, 2024, I checked all of the hyperlinks to the articles above, where I have indicated that "I have NOT read this article yet" in order to make sure that they are accurate, because I am probably NEVER going to read the articles above, since they are 'Ancient History' as far as politics go! And I barely have the time to keep up with the current news that I am reading, as often as I can manage it. That is why I wanted to provide you with this update for this 'update.'


October 3rd, 2023 Update: I received an email from the Wesley Bell for Missouri campaign today, October 3rd, 2023, with the subject line, "Let me introduce myself: I’m Wesley Bell and I’m ready to fire Josh Hawley", which stated, in part, the following:

Hey Paul,

My name is Wesley Bell and I’m running for the U.S. Senate to defeat Josh Hawley. ...

[Blogger's Note: Here is where the email provides text and a hyperlink to this campaign's launch video! Now, the reason that I did not include the text and hyperlink for this campaign's launch video is because most of the other Democratic political campaigns for which I write these 'updates' don't necessarily have launch videos included in their introductory campaign emails. Therefore, the reason that I didn't include the text and hyperlink for this launch video—even though I watched this campaign's launch video—is so that I am not appearing to promote this Democratic candidate's campaign, which has a launch video as part of the introductory email, more so than any of the other Democratic candidates' campaigns for which I write these 'updates.' (I hope that makes sense!)]

... For me — this fight is personal. My dad spent 25 years as a police officer, and growing up, my family taught me I had a responsibility to make a difference when I could. In Ferguson, Missouri, that meant trying to help calm tensions between police and protesters.

I did what was natural to me: I worked to mediate between two sides who seemed at war with each other. At the time, I was a part-time judge and a professor, enforcing the law and teaching it. But Ferguson taught me I could be doing more — so I ran for Ferguson City Council and won.

Then, when I saw a lack of leadership in the St. Louis County prosecutor's office, I took on the Democratic political establishment. In 2018, we shocked the nation when I was elected the first African American top prosecutor in the largest prosecuting attorney’s office in Missouri. With your help and support, we defeated a seven-term incumbent while taking a tough stand against violent criminals, all while bringing power closer to our community.

Now, I'm seeing that same lack of leadership I saw in St. Louis County in Washington. Public service is in my DNA, and I'm ready to fix it. That's why I need you on board in our fight to defeat Josh Hawley in 2024: ...

[Blogger's Note: Here, again, is where the email provides text and a hyperlink to this campaign's launch video! Now, the reason that I did not include the text and hyperlink for this campaign's launch video is because most of the other Democratic political campaigns for which I write these 'updates' don't necessarily have launch videos included in their introductory campaign emails. Therefore, the reason that I didn't include the text and hyperlink for this launch video—even though I watched this campaign's launch video—is so that I am not appearing to promote this Democratic candidate's campaign, which has a launch video as part of the introductory email, more so than any of the other Democratic candidates' campaigns for which I write these 'updates.' (I hope that makes sense!)]

... Paul: Since Day One in office, Hawley's only been focused on himself.

We can do better.

I know we’re going to face many challenges on the road ahead. There will be a lot of doubters who won’t believe we can win. But here’s what I believe: We have more in common than politicians like Hawley say we do, and together, we can take our state back.

If you’re tired of politicians ignoring people like you, then this campaign is YOUR campaign. Let’s send Josh Hawley packing. Watch my announcement video, then add your name to say you’re with me to defeat Josh Hawley!

Together we'll make a difference,



***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Become a founding donor of Wesley Bell’s U.S. Senate campaign!

Public service is in Wesley Bell’s DNA. As the first African American top prosecutor in the largest prosecuting attorney’s office in Missouri, he implemented common sense solutions to improve service and make law enforcement more effective, efficient, and accountable.

Now, Wesley is running to defeat Josh Hawley — a politician who's too focused on chasing the next soundbite to care about Missouri. If you’re tired of politicians like Hawley ignoring people like you, this campaign is your campaign.

Become a founding member of Wesley's Senate campaign today →

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Wesley Bell.

[  ] Donate $5 →

[  ] Donate $10 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.11

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Wesley Bell for Missouri campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) because, "since Day One in office, Hawley's only been focused on himself," so "we can do better." And "public service is in Wesley Bell’s DNA" because, "as the first African American top prosecutor in the largest prosecuting attorney’s office in Missouri, he implemented common sense solutions to improve service and make law enforcement more effective, efficient, and accountable." –Paul Whiting (October 3rd, 2023)


October 3rd, 2023 Update—Continued: I received a text message today, October 3rd, 2023, from the Hakeem Jeffries for Congress campaign, which stated the following:

It’s Hakeem Jeffries. I’m about to ask you to become an official 2023 Democratic Member before midnight.

But first, please let me explain why donations from our members are so important.

This election is our historic opportunity for Democrats to take back the House.

But it’s going to take every single one of us chipping in to compete with the extreme MAGA Republicans attempting to buy this election.

𝐂𝐚𝐧 𝐈 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐚 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐃𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐌𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐝𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭? 𝐈 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝟓𝟎 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐢𝐧 >>***

Extreme MAGA Republicans are out of control.

They’ve raked in millions to unseat us for exposing their plans to impose a nationwide abortion ban and cut funding to Social Security and Medicare.

They’ve peddled dangerous conspiracy theories.

They’ve coddled serial fraudsters like Rudy Giuliani and George Santos.

Enough is enough.

I’m counting on 50 more supporters from your state to step up before midnight and become 2023 Democratic Members.

Can you rush in a donation so we can reclaim the House Majority and fight extremism every step of the way? >>***

Keep the faith, Hakeem

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Hakeem Jeffries - For the People


Hakeem is working hard to stop extreme MAGA Republicans – and take back the House for Democrats.

Will you rush in a gift before midnight and help Hakeem flip the House blue?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Hakeem Jeffries.

[  ] Donate $6 →

[  ] Donate $16 →

[  ] Donate $27 →

[  ] Donate $39 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.11

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Hakeem Jeffries for Congress campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) because, "this election is our historic opportunity for Democrats to take back the House ... but it’s going to take every single one of us chipping in to compete with the extreme MAGA Republicans attempting to buy this election." And that's why I believe that 'Hakeem Jeffries [truly is] For The People,' since "[House Minority Leader Jeffries] is working hard to stop extreme MAGA Republicans – and take back the House for Democrats." –Paul Whiting (October 3rd, 2023)


October 3rd, 2023 Update—Continued Further: I received an email from Planned Parenthood Action Fund today, October 3rd, 2023, with the subject line, "Take 3 actions in 3 minutes", which stated the following:

Paul – We know you're busy trying to keep track of everything going on in the reproductive rights world. It's a lot, but that's what we're here for!

We're holding strong — loud and proud — in the battle against the political agenda to take away abortion and reproductive rights. And we're growing the network of supporters like you who are fighting for our rights nationwide.

ICYMI, here are three direct actions you can take to help right now:


Politicians who oppose abortion are playing with patients' lives by trying to shut down Planned Parenthood and attack access to abortion and gender-affirming care. We need to hold anti-abortion rights lawmakers accountable. Tell Congress: Stop the attacks on Planned Parenthood patients and sexual and reproductive health care.

[By the way, I already took this action to "Tell Congress: Stop the attacks on Planned Parenthood patients and sexual & reproductive health care" on September 30th, 2023 (please see my 'September 30th, 2023 Update—Continued,' which can be found above).]


We're also fighting a meritless lawsuit in Texas — the state is suing the three Texas Planned Parenthood nonprofit affiliates and Planned Parenthood Federation of America for nearly $1.8 billion based on false allegations. Tell Texas: Drop the politically motivated lawsuit and end these attacks on Planned Parenthood health centers and patients.

[By the way, I already took this action to "Tell Texas: Drop the lawsuit against Planned Parenthood" on September 15th, 2023 (please see my 'September 15th, 2023 Update—Continued,' which can be found above).]


Have you heard of the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act? The proposed rule ensures pregnancy‑related accommodations at work extend to abortion. No one should have to sacrifice their employment and financial security to access abortion — sign to show your support today.***

We won't back down against any attacks that get in the way of equal reproductive rights and access to care for all. We hope you'll be with us each step of the way.

Thank you for fighting alongside us,

— The Planned Parenthood Action Fund Team

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, regarding adding my name to "support the regulations to implement the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act," the relevant text of which can be found below:

Support the Regulations to Implement the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act

This must be a huge victory for abortion rights — add your name!

We need to make sure the Biden administration knows that we support this law and that the proposed rule has our support. All comments need to be in by October 10th — submit yours today!

Please note that when we forward your comments to, they become part of the public record and will be posted online by the federal agency once they have been reviewed. By submitting this form, you give Planned Parenthood organizations permission to share your note on social media or with media organizations, including your first name and state.

Add your comment

First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Postal Code: [redacted]
Email: [redacted]

Subject: I support the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act & protections for ALL pregnant workers

Dear President Biden,

Thank you for protecting pregnant workers from discrimination regardless of how their pregnancy ends.

No employer should come between an individual and their access to health care.

I support the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s proposed rule to implement the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, and the right of all workers to maintain their employment and financial security while getting the reproductive health care and accommodations they need, regardless of how their pregnancy ends. Recognizing that workers need reasonable accommodations related to abortion care is a crucial step for advancing nondiscrimination protections for pregnant people in the workplace.

[Your information here]

And, after I sent the letter above to President Biden, via the Planned Parenthood Federation of America website, I made a one-time donation to Planned Parenthood Federation of America,* because "I support the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act and protections for ALL pregnant workers," since "no employer should come between an individual and their access to health care." –Paul Whiting (October 3rd, 2023)

*P.S.: Even though the email which inspired this action actually came from Planned Parenthood Action Fund, I donated to Planned Parenthood Federation of America because their website contained the letter to President Biden regarding the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act; however, I just recently donated to Planned Parenthood Action Fund on September 30th, 2023 (please see my 'September 30th, 2023 Update—Continued,' which can be found above).


October 3rd, 2023 Update—Continued Further Some More: I typically write one 'update' for the Time Magazine articles that I read from one of their daily emails that I receive each day (or, sometimes, I receive more than one daily email), then I also often write a separate 'update' from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google, if there are news articles that I feel are important for me to read from those Time Magazine emails and/or from those Google news searches.

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news each and every day, which usually starts with me reading the above-mentioned Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails. Then, I usually check each day's news via a Google search under several news topics when I first get up in the morning, right after I check my email, as well as after I check my previous day's cellular data usage, which I track very carefully.

Thus, I usually check on what is happening in the news via various Google searches that I do on an oftentimes daily basis under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, from those searches, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read!

So, this 'update' I am writing today, October 3rd, 2023, is from both my usual reading of Time Magazine articles, as well as from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google.

Now, I usually try to publish these current news 'updates' on the day that I actually read the news articles referenced in the 'update'; however, lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news!

Not only that, I have been busy, as well, with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that require their very own 'updates!' Besides that, I am often engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

Plus, I am trying to throttle my cellular data usage in order to stay below the amount of usage that my data plan offers each month, which I track very carefully, so that I don't go over that amount.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received today, October 3rd, 2023, when I noticed two articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The first Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Matt Gaetz Is What Happens When Politicians Value Attention Over Support":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "The Model Kevin McCarthy Should Follow After the Shutdown Fight—but Probably Won’t":

Continuing on—as I mentioned above—lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news. And I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, October 3rd, 2023, when I noticed 8 different articles from various news organizations!

Therefore, due to this sudden inundation of news, I am simply opening a webpage for each of the various news articles that I am planning to read, based upon the title of each news article and/or based upon the topic of each news article, in preparation for reading each article later on.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, due to the number of articles for which I have an introduction to write lately, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

And to clarify: I still have to read these articles! So, I have each article opened as a webpage on my smartphone's Google browser until such a time as I can get around to actually reading them, due to the number of them.

Another clarification: I greatly simplified how these articles are listed—that I still have yet to read—in order to set them apart from the articles in previous 'updates' where I have already read the articles. Plus, I am grouping these articles generally in the order in which I am planning to read them, but also by category for articles that may be related by topic. And I usually group by news organization for articles that are from the same publication in these types of current news 'updates,' however, I could only do that occasionally for this 'update' due to the number of articles. Also, I will indicate whether, or not, I have read each article below its title and hyperlink.

Thus, I will indicate the date that I read each article below the title and hyperlink to the article, after I read the article. Therefore, I plan to indicate when I complete reading the articles below, whenever I can actually get around to reading them—when I have access to WiFi, such as at my local library, or at a place of business where I have been shopping, or at a coffee shop, etc., in order to save usage on my cellular data plan through my mobile phone company, as noted above.

No. 1: "Corporate America praises the ‘adults’ who averted a government shutdown" from CNN:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 2: "Republican US Rep Matt Gaetz moves to oust McCarthy as speaker" from Reuters:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 3: "John Kelly confirms Trump privately disparaged U.S. service members and veterans" from NBC:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 4: "Joe Biden's Approval Rating Turns Positive for First Time in Five Months" from Newsweek:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 5: "Biden provides an era-defining interview to ProPublica" from MSNBC:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 6: "What was Elon Musk’s strategy for Twitter?" from NBC:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 7: "Feds say Liberty University created 'fear of reprisal' for sexual violence survivors" from USA Today (by the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 8: "Massive emergency alert test scheduled to hit your phone on Wednesday. Here's what to know." from USA Today (by the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today):

[I read this article on October 3rd, 2023.]

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written October 3rd, 2023, revised October 4th, 2023, revised October 9th, 2023 and revised May 21st, 2024)

P.S.: By the way, today, May 21st, 2024, I checked all of the hyperlinks to the articles above, where I have indicated that "I have NOT read this article yet" in order to make sure that they are accurate, because I am probably NEVER going to read the articles above, since they are 'Ancient History' as far as politics go! And I barely have the time to keep up with the current news that I am reading, as often as I can manage it. That is why I wanted to provide you with this update for this 'update.'


October 4th, 2023 Update [My Writing About The Way To "Be 'A Wise Old Owl' And Don't Be Afraid" By Always Planning Ahead And Following Through]: I truly think that the way to "Be 'A Wise Old Owl' And Don't Be Afraid" is by always planning ahead and following through! Because always planning ahead and following through—especially when it comes to important things like apartment inspections—is how you take the fear out of taking care of your life! For, at the age of 56 years old, I am no longer 'an early bird'; now, however, I am 'a wise old owl.' You see, I had an inspection for my Section 8 rental assistance today, October 4th, 2023! So, I started "Fall Cleaning" my studio apartment right after September 13th, 2023. That way, I had plenty of time to get all of the cleaning done before the inspection... And, thus, the theme of my October 4th, 2023 'update' is "Be 'A Wise Old Owl' And Don't Be Afraid" By Always Planning Ahead And Following Through! For, it's 'a wise old owl' who had all of the cleaning done in plenty of time for his apartment inspection! And it is also 'a wise old owl' who was able to get his apartment totally packed up in preparation for having flood damage repair completed over a five and a half month time period, starting February 3rd, 2023 and ending July 20th, 2023! (Please see my 'July 20th, 2023 Update, Written On July 21st, 2023,' which can be found above, that also appears as 'My Writing About Finally Being Back In My Studio Apartment After It Was Repaired For Flood Damage' on some of my blogs.) –Paul Whiting (written October 4th, 2023 and revised October 5th, 2023)


October 4th, 2023 Update—Continued: I typically write one 'update' for the Time Magazine articles that I read from one of their daily emails that I receive each day (or, sometimes, I receive more than one daily email), then I also often write a separate 'update' from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google, if there are news articles that I feel are important for me to read from those Time Magazine emails and/or from those Google news searches.

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news each and every day, which usually starts with me reading the above-mentioned Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails. Then, I usually check each day's news via a Google search under several news topics when I first get up in the morning, right after I check my email, as well as after I check my previous day's cellular data usage, which I track very carefully.

Thus, I usually check on what is happening in the news via various Google searches that I do on an oftentimes daily basis under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, from those searches, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read!

So, this 'update' I am writing today, October 4th, 2023, is from both my usual reading of Time Magazine articles, as well as from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google.

Now, I usually try to publish these current news 'updates' on the day that I actually read the news articles referenced in the 'update'; however, lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news!

Not only that, I have been busy, as well, with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that require their very own 'updates!' Besides that, I am often engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

Plus, I am trying to throttle my cellular data usage in order to stay below the amount of usage that my data plan offers each month, which I track very carefully, so that I don't go over that amount.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received today, October 4th, 2023, when I noticed six articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The first Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Why Trump's Attack on Liberal Jews Might Hurt Him":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Global Internet Freedom Declines, Aided by AI":


The third Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Paramount Put Mean Girls on TikTok. Writers Are Worried":


The fourth Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Why House Democrats Refused to Save McCarthy":


The fifth Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "McCarthy Was Ousted as House Speaker. What Happens Next?":


The sixth Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Nobel Prize in Physics Goes to Scientists for Work on Electrons":

Continuing on—as I mentioned above—lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news. And I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, October 4th, 2023, when I noticed 10 different articles from various news organizations!

Therefore, due to this sudden inundation of news, I am simply opening a webpage for each of the various news articles that I am planning to read, based upon the title of each news article and/or based upon the topic of each news article, in preparation for reading each article later on.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, due to the number of articles for which I have an introduction to write lately, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

And to clarify: I still have to read these articles! So, I have each article opened as a webpage on my smartphone's Google browser until such a time as I can get around to actually reading them, due to the number of them.

Another clarification: I greatly simplified how these articles are listed—that I still have yet to read—in order to set them apart from the articles in previous 'updates' where I have already read the articles. Plus, I am grouping these articles generally in the order in which I am planning to read them, but also by category for articles that may be related by topic. And I usually group by news organization for articles that are from the same publication in these types of current news 'updates,' however, I could only do that occasionally for this 'update' due to the number of articles. Also, I will indicate whether, or not, I have read each article below its title and hyperlink.

Thus, I will indicate the date that I read each article below the title and hyperlink to the article, after I read the article. Therefore, I plan to indicate when I complete reading the articles below, whenever I can actually get around to reading them—when I have access to WiFi, such as at my local library, or at a place of business where I have been shopping, or at a coffee shop, etc., in order to save usage on my cellular data plan through my mobile phone company, as noted above.

No. 1: "McCarthy’s Extraordinary Downfall Reflects an Ungovernable G.O.P." from The New York Times (by the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 2: "Kevin McCarthy ousted as House Speaker in historic vote" from Reuters:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 3: "McCarthy’s ouster could hurt the US economy" from CNN:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 4: "Kevin McCarthy Ousted as House Speaker" from U.S. News & World Report:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 5: "'McCarthy will not run for speaker again after being removed" from NPR (National Public Radio):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 6: "House speaker vacancy live updates" from ABC News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 7: "Impeachment inquiry unpopular, even if Americans question Biden’s actions" from PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) NewsHour:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 8: "Thousands of US health care workers go on strike in multiple states over wages and staff shortages" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 9: "75,000 Kaiser Permanente workers walk off the job. It’s the largest health care worker strike in US history" from CNN:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 10: "It's not all bad news: Wonderful and wild stories about tackling climate change" from NPR (National Public Radio):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written October 4th, 2023, revised October 9th, 2023 and revised May 21st, 2024)

P.S.: By the way, today, May 21st, 2024, I checked all of the hyperlinks to the articles above, where I have indicated that "I have NOT read this article yet" in order to make sure that they are accurate, because I am probably NEVER going to read the articles above, since they are 'Ancient History' as far as politics go! And I barely have the time to keep up with the current news that I am reading, as often as I can manage it. That is why I wanted to provide you with this update for this 'update.'


October 4th, 2023 Update—Continued Further: I received an email from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) today, October 4th, 2023, with the subject line, "40% increase in book bans", which stated the following:

Banned Books Week

"If you don't teach diversity and the truth as it was, we risk repeating the horrors of the past. Not only that, but we actively harm and further oppress the voices of the marginalized." – Dezz

It's Banned Books Week, Paul, and we're in the middle of a crisis: Book bans have increased 40% compared to last year.


This school year, a long list of books have been pulled from library shelves across the country, including Toni Morrison's Beloved, Art Spiegelman's Maus, and Judy Blume's Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret. It's a direct attack on First Amendment rights.

The truth is, there's only one reason elected officials and school districts are banning books again: They want to prevent students from learning about racism, sexism, and history – but these conversations are essential to educating the next generation of our nation's leaders.

So the ACLU is working to defend First Amendment rights by challenging classroom censorship laws in Florida, New Hampshire, and Oklahoma. Students, their parents, and community members are joining the fight. Follow this link to learn more about why our supporters are defending the right to learn!

Thanks for reading,

The ACLU Team


And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, regarding why the ACLU's supporters are defending the right to learn. A brief introduction to the webpage can be found below:

10 Advocates on Why They Won’t Stand for Classroom Censorship

Right now, educators across the country are welcoming a new class of learners. At the same time laws that censor teachers and stifle classroom conversations about race, gender, and sexuality are threatening our right to an inclusive education.

Under the guise of “transparency” and “parents’ rights,”’ state lawmakers have been pushing bills that regulate how educators address systemic racism, LGBTQ+ issues, and other so-called “divisive concepts.” The ability to discuss and debate ideas, even those that some may find uncomfortable, is a crucial part of our democracy and barring discussion of our history or lived experiences is anathema to free speech.

The ACLU has challenged classroom censorship laws in Florida, New Hampshire and Oklahoma to protect educators’ and students’ right to teach and learn. This back-to-school season, we stand with the teachers, students, parents, and school systems on the frontline of our fight against classroom censorship.

We asked our audience to share how diverse teaching has impacted their lives and why they, too, support access to an inclusive education system. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the webpage:

Plus, after I read the email above, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU because "the truth is, there's only one reason elected officials and school districts are banning books again: They want to prevent students from learning about racism, sexism, and history – but these conversations are essential to educating the next generation of our nation's leaders." –Paul Whiting (October 4th, 2023)


October 5th, 2023 Update, Which Also Discusses October 1st, 2023: World Teachers' Day is today, October 5th, 2023, since the World Teachers' Day is yearly (annually) on October 5th.

And I received an email from National Today four days ago on October 1st, 2023, with the subject line, "Celebrating Custodians, Tacos, Sending Money to Your Daughter. The Week Ahead", which stated, in part, the following:


... Thursday 5 October

World Teachers' Day

Matilda had Ms. Honey, Harry had Dumbledore, and Cady had Ms. Norbury!

Read more:

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can, in part, be found below:


[Observed around the] World

Almost everybody has a favorite teacher, someone who went above and beyond to encourage you because they could see your potential. On October 5, take time to celebrate World Teachers’ Day — a global event launched by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 1994.

Just as Matilda had Ms. Honey, Harry had Dumbledore, and Cady had Ms. Norbury, maybe you’re a teacher working hard to help young people learn and grow. Considering that teachers mold future generations, taking one day every year to say “thank you” is the least we can do. No matter where you are in the world today, remember that teachers matter! Become [a] teacher yourself, [because] educators from around the world fund students to learn and become one of them. Find a scholarship that will fit your education needs on this World Teachers’ Day.



World Teachers’ Day is held annually on October 5. That has been the case since the first observation way back in 1994.



This holiday marks the anniversary of the adoption of the 1966 UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers. It sets standards regarding the rights and responsibilities of teachers for their initial preparation, further education, recruitment, employment, and learning conditions.

UNESCO’s 2020 message: “With the theme: ‘Young Teachers: The Future of the Profession,’ we recognize the critical importance of reaffirming the value of the teaching mission. We call upon governments to make teaching a profession of first choice for young people. Above all, we celebrate the work of dedicated teachers around the world who continue to strive every day to ensure that ‘inclusive and equitable quality education’ and the promotion of ‘lifelong learning opportunities for all’ become a reality in every corner of the globe.”

The official event will take place at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris [France] on October 7 [2020].

[Blogger's Note: here is the theme for World Teachers' Day 2023 from UNESCO:

World Teachers' Day 2023

In 2023, World Teachers' Day celebrations will focus on the theme "The teachers we need for the education we want: The global imperative to reverse the teacher shortage". ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the webpage:]



In India, the share of female teachers declines with the remoteness of schools, from 60% when the school is located at the local government seat to 30% when it is 30 km away.

More teachers are needed in displacement settings. If all refugees enrolled, Turkey would need 80,000 additional teachers, Germany would need 42,000 teachers and educators, and Uganda would need 7,000 additional primary teachers. Yet refugee teachers are often excluded from national training programs because of professional regulations on right to work.

Nearly 94% of teachers in pre-primary education [are female], but only about half of those in upper secondary education, are female.

The proportion of women among primary school teachers in low-income countries (41%) is half that in high-income countries (82%).

In low-income countries, only 23% of secondary school teachers are women.

At the tertiary [third in order] level, only 19% of teachers are women in low-income countries and about 46% or less in the other income groups.

(Courtesy UNESCO)



Who started Teachers’ Day?

It was UNESCO who first proclaimed October 5 to be World Teachers’ Day back in 1994.

Is Teacher Appreciation Day today?

National Teacher Day is observed on the first Tuesday of the first full week in May. World Teachers’ Day is celebrated on October 5 every year.

[Blogger's Note: Please see my 'May 9th, 2023 Update, Which Also Discusses May 7th, 2023,' regarding National Teachers’ Day, which can be found above.]

How do you honor your teacher?

If you want to honor your teacher there are many ways to do this. We recommend finding a thoughtful way to say thank you for all they have done and they are sure to love it.



1. Surprise your teacher with a gift

Kids can show their appreciation by giving their teacher a heartfelt “thank you” card, surprising them with homemade crafts or drawings, or by writing a poem of admiration.

2. Make teachers feel special

Parents love teachers, too! Show just how much on World Teachers' Day. Collaborate with your local PTA to set up a raffle with gift cards, coffee mugs and other prizes. Provide coffee and donuts or ask parents to set up a potluck breakfast for teachers before the school day begins.

3. Give teachers the royal treatment

Being a teacher can be stressful, exhausting and frustrating. On World Teachers' Day, school administrations should pamper their teachers. Having lunch catered or surprising teachers with a 10-minute massage are great ways to let teachers know that their hard work doesn’t go unnoticed. If October 5 falls on a weekend, celebrate on the Friday before or the Monday after.



1. Confucius was the First Teacher

Historically, Confucius is considered to be the first private teacher in history.

2. Education for all

According to UNESCO, the world needs 69 million teachers in order to achieve the goal of providing universal primary and secondary education by 2030.

3. The number of African educators are dwindling on the continent

Sub-Saharan Africa is the area facing the greatest deficit of teachers.

4. Teaching standards are plummeting

According to UNESCO, less than 75% of teachers in one-third of the world’s countries only meet the minimum teacher training standards.

5. Learning proficiency is down

6 out of 10 children worldwide—a total of 617 million—do not meet the minimum requirements for competency in mathematics and reading.



A. It honors the teaching profession

Waking up at the crack of dawn, having the patience of a saint and being a positive influence is stressful work — let’s face it, Cady would still be a mean girl if it wasn’t for Ms. Norbury. On World Teachers' Day, gifts, praise and parties are great ways to show you care.

B. It highlights current Issues affecting teachers

Sure, having summers off is a highly-coveted perk, but there are still many complex issues affecting teachers within educational systems throughout the world. These include maintaining academic freedoms, creating autonomy for educational institutions and developing and maintaining professional teaching standards in higher education. Fortunately, World Teachers' Day enables discussion in faculty meetings, webinars, seminars and conferences.

C. It applauds progress but challenges stagnation

Although the educational system and the role teachers play in it have come a long way, there is still a long way to go. Because of this, the United Nations created the 2030 Sustainable Development Goal for Education. World Teachers' Day is an annual reminder of this goal and the need to do more to encourage teachers to remain in education.

Please see the hyperlink below for the post:

–Paul Whiting (written October 5th, 2023 and revised October 9th, 2023)


October 5th, 2023 Update—Continued: I received an email from Everytown for Gun Safety today, October 5th, 2023, with the subject line, "disrupting abusers' access to guns can save lives.", which stated the following:


Domestic violence and gun violence are deeply interconnected, impacting millions of people and families, and research proves that guns are more likely to turn abuse fatal. We know that the presence of a gun in a domestic violence situation makes it five times more likely the woman will be killed, and that guns further exacerbate the power and control dynamic used by abusers.


Purple and gray graphic highlighting four key domestic violence statistics.

1) 46% In nearly half of mass shootings with four or more people killed, the perpetrator shot an intimate partner or family member.

2) Over 4.5 million women have reported being threatened with a gun by an intimate partner.

3) State laws that require or allow firearm prohibition for temporary domestic violence restraining orders are associated with a 16 percent reduction in firearm intimate partner homicides

4) State laws that prohibit firearm possession by those convicted of any violent misdemeanor were associated with a 21 percent reduction in firearm intimate partner homicide.


But there are clear solutions: Federal and state policies can help disrupt abusers' access to guns and save lives.

While federal law prohibits domestic abusers from having guns, states can pass laws to require prohibited abusers to turn in their guns—ensuring they can't keep the firearms they already have at home and use them to do more harm.

16 states and D.C. require abusers under restraining orders and abusers convicted of domestic violence crimes to turn in their guns, but Oregon isn't one of them. Add your name to support this critical policy in your state—it could save lives.


Domestic Violence Awareness Month is about more than raising awareness of the risks of intimate partner violence and violence at home—it's our opportunity to take action to prevent it.

Thank you for being a part of this movement,

Everytown for Gun Safety

As a movement of Americans fighting for common-sense gun policies, we depend on contributions from supporters like you to fund important work to reduce gun violence.

Contributions to Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund are not tax-deductible as a charitable contribution or as a business expense under IRC Section 162(e).


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Sign The Petition: Keep Guns Out Of Domestic Abusers' Hands!

Guns are more likely to turn abuse fatal.

We know that the presence of a gun in a domestic violence situation makes it five times more likely the woman will be killed, and that guns further exacerbate the power and control dynamic used by abusers.

But there are clear solutions: While federal law prohibits domestic abusers from having guns, states can pass laws to require prohibited abusers to turn in their guns—ensuring they can't keep the firearms they already have at home and use them to do more harm.

Add your name to support strong firearm relinquishment laws for domestic abusers in your state >>

Complete the form to sign the petition now:

First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
Email address: [redacted] ZIP Code: [redacted] Mobile phone:


And, after I signed the petition above, via the Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund website, I made a one-time donation to Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund in order to show my support for "strong firearm relinquishment laws for domestic abusers in [the] state [of Oregon]." –Paul Whiting (written October 5th, 2023 and revised October 6th, 2023)

P.S.: Please see my 'October 6th, 2023 Update—Continued,' which can be found below, that explains incorrect information which Everytown for Gun Safety referred to in the email above regarding Oregon NOT being one of the states "that require abusers under restraining orders and abusers convicted of domestic violence crimes to turn in their guns."

Here is the relevant quote from that 'update,' which was at the end of an email from Everytown for Gun Safety that I received on October 6th, 2023:

P.S. There was a small hiccup in our system yesterday, and we may have sent you incorrect information. 16 states and D.C. require abusers under restraining orders and abusers convicted of domestic violence crimes to turn in their guns, and Oregon is one of them. See where Oregon ranks with other common sense gun laws.

And so, I wanted to provide you with this update to this 'update!'


October 5th, 2023 Update—Continued Further: I typically write one 'update' for the Time Magazine articles that I read from one of their daily emails that I receive each day (or, sometimes, I receive more than one daily email), then I also often write a separate 'update' from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google, if there are news articles that I feel are important for me to read from those Time Magazine emails and/or from those Google news searches.

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news each and every day, which usually starts with me reading the above-mentioned Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails. Then, I usually check each day's news via a Google search under several news topics when I first get up in the morning, right after I check my email, as well as after I check my previous day's cellular data usage, which I track very carefully.

Thus, I usually check on what is happening in the news via various Google searches that I do on an oftentimes daily basis under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, from those searches, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read!

So, this 'update' I am writing today, October 5th, 2023, is from both my usual reading of Time Magazine articles, as well as from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google.

Now, I usually try to publish these current news 'updates' on the day that I actually read the news articles referenced in the 'update'; however, lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news!

Not only that, I have been busy, as well, with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that require their very own 'updates!' Besides that, I am often engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

Plus, I am trying to throttle my cellular data usage in order to stay below the amount of usage that my data plan offers each month, which I track very carefully, so that I don't go over that amount.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received today, October 5th, 2023, when I noticed four articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The first Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Matt Gaetz Hasn’t Thought Any of This Through":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "What's at Stake With the Kaiser Permanente Heath Care Strike":


The third Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "America’s Proclivity for Extremism Has Religious Roots":


The fourth Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Amid House Chaos, Biden Faces Shrunken Legislative Agenda: Avoid Shutdowns, Fund Ukraine":

Continuing on—as I mentioned above—lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news. And I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, October 5th, 2023, when I noticed 18 different articles from various news organizations!

Therefore, due to this sudden inundation of news, I am simply opening a webpage for each of the various news articles that I am planning to read, based upon the title of each news article and/or based upon the topic of each news article, in preparation for reading each article later on.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, due to the number of articles for which I have an introduction to write lately, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

And to clarify: I still have to read these articles! So, I have each article opened as a webpage on my smartphone's Google browser until such a time as I can get around to actually reading them, due to the number of them.

Another clarification: I greatly simplified how these articles are listed—that I still have yet to read—in order to set them apart from the articles in previous 'updates' where I have already read the articles. Plus, I am grouping these articles generally in the order in which I am planning to read them, but also by category for articles that may be related by topic. And I usually group by news organization for articles that are from the same publication in these types of current news 'updates,' however, I could only do that occasionally for this 'update' due to the number of articles. Also, I will indicate whether, or not, I have read each article below its title and hyperlink.

Thus, I will indicate the date that I read each article below the title and hyperlink to the article, after I read the article. Therefore, I plan to indicate when I complete reading the articles below, whenever I can actually get around to reading them—when I have access to WiFi, such as at my local library, or at a place of business where I have been shopping, or at a coffee shop, etc., in order to save usage on my cellular data plan through my mobile phone company, as noted above.

No. 1: "Trump allegedly discussed US nuclear subs with foreign national after leaving White House: Sources" from ABC News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 2: "Trump revealed US nuclear submarine secrets to Australia businessman: Media" from Al Jazeera News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 3: "To the World, McCarthy’s Exit Is Just Another Example of U.S. Disarray" from The New York Times (by the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 4: "America’s Political Turmoil" from The New York Times (by the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 5: "Trump considers visiting Capitol as Jordan and Scalise plan next moves post-McCarthy ouster" from NBC News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 6: "Trump endorses Jim Jordan to be House speaker" from Reuters:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 7: "Steve Scalise, Jim Jordan bid to fill top job in leaderless US House" from Reuters:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 8: "US updates: Jordan, Scalise run to succeed McCarthy as House speaker" from Al Jazeera News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 9: "‘Dysfunctional’: Speaker debacle plunges US politics into uncertainty" from Al Jazeera News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 10: "Biden calls on Congress to change 'poisonous atmosphere in Washington' following Kevin McCarthy's ouster" from ABC News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 11: "Split screen helps Biden while doing Republicans no favors" from MSNBC:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 12: "Republicans Are So Mad They’re Airing All of Matt Gaetz’s Dirty Laundry" from The New Republic:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 13: "Fate of House GOP leadership throws Congress into chaos" from NPR (National Public Radio):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 14: "Gen. Milley addresses President Biden's age" from 60 Minutes:

[I have NOT watched this video yet.]


No. 15: "Ongoing planning underway for potential Biden and Xi meeting in San Francisco in November, sources say" from CNN:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 16: "Putin says Ukraine would last ‘a week’ if Western military support stops" from Al Jazeera News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 17: ""Hundreds Of Our Missiles...": Putin Warns Over Nuclear Threat To Russia" from NDTV (New Delhi Television) News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 18: "Russia has tested a nuclear-powered missile and could revoke a global atomic test ban, Putin says" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written October 5th, 2023, revised October 9th, 2023, revised October 16th, 2023 and revised May 21st, 2024)

P.S.: By the way, today, October 5th, 2023, I read the September 21st, 2023 news articles from my ‘September 21st, 2023 Update—Continued, Written On September 23rd, 2023,’ which can be found above.

P.P.S.: By the way, today, May 21st, 2024, I checked all of the hyperlinks to the articles above, where I have indicated that "I have NOT read this article yet" in order to make sure that they are accurate, because I am probably NEVER going to read the articles above, since they are 'Ancient History' as far as politics go! And I barely have the time to keep up with the current news that I am reading, as often as I can manage it. That is why I wanted to provide you with this update for this 'update.'


October 6th, 2023 Update: I received an email from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) today, October 6th, 2023, with the subject line, "We investigated the shadowy world of school surveillance", which stated the following:

Paul –

It's Banned Books Week and the ACLU has been sounding the alarm bells about the escalating attacks on students' right to learn in classrooms.

But we want to make sure you're aware of another incredibly disturbing reality unfolding in schools – one George Orwell could write a book about (likely also to be banned).

And that is the shadowy world of digital surveillance in schools.

Our experts have been investigating the dangerous consequences of surveillance in schools for years and we've just released a damning report that we think everyone should have the facts on: Dive into our findings now.


Paul, shady technology companies are preying on educators' fears to convince them their invasive surveillance products are capable of keeping our students safe. But that is simply untrue. Not only is there no proof their products work, but they actually increase discrimination, chill free speech, and erode trust between students and educators.

And that goes for other freedoms, too: Our polling found approximately 1 in 5 students are concerned that surveillance technology could be used to identify students seeking reproductive health care and gender-affirming care.

We are not powerless against those seeking to make their fortunes by selling abusive, ineffective surveillance technologies to our schools. Equip yourself with the tools to fight back today.

For our students,

[Name redacted]
Pronouns: he, him, his
[Title redacted], ACLU


And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, regarding "The Danger in Buying What the EdTech Surveillance Industry is Selling." A brief introduction to the webpage can be found below:


Digital Dystopia: The Danger in Buying What the EdTech Surveillance Industry is Selling, an ACLU research report, examines the EdTech Surveillance (educational technologies used for surveillance) industry in U.S. K-12 schools. Using in-depth investigation into industry products, an incident audit, student focus groups, and national polling, this report scrutinizes industry claims, assesses the efficacy of the products, and explores the impacts EdTech Surveillance has on students and schools. The report concludes by offering concrete actions school districts, elected officials, and community members can take to ensure decisions about using surveillance products are consistent and well-informed. This includes model legislation and decision-making tools, which will often result in the rejection of student surveillance technologies. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the webpage:

Plus, after I read the email above, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU, because "it's Banned Books Week and the ACLU has been sounding the alarm bells about the escalating attacks on students' right to learn in classrooms ... but [the ACLU] want[s] to make sure [we're] aware of another incredibly disturbing reality unfolding in schools ... and that is the shadowy world of digital surveillance in schools." –Paul Whiting (October 6th, 2023)


October 6th, 2023 Update—Continued: I received an email from Everytown for Gun Safety today, October 6th, 2023, with the subject line, "EXPLORE: How the gun industry is profiting off of the gun violence crisis", which stated the following:


While gun companies rake in billions each year profiting from the gun violence crisis, we're paying with our lives.

Specifically, Smith & Wesson's assault weapons have been used in multiple high-profile mass shootings, including Aurora, Parkland, San Bernardino, and Highland Park, all while profiting hundreds of millions of dollars. In fact, they made more than $800 million in revenue in 2022 alone.

Despite this, Smith & Wesson publicly admitted it does not track the crimes or deaths caused by its firearms. Instead, CEO Mark Smith claims politicians and the media are responsible for the surge in gun violence happening across the country.

Learn how gun manufacturers like Smith & Wesson have shirked responsibility for their role in the gun violence crisis for YEARS and profited from violence.


Gun manufacturers know that their killer business isn't welcome in states with strong gun safety laws. That's why this weekend Smith & Wesson is celebrating relocating its headquarters from Massachusetts to Tennessee, citing a Massachusetts bill that would have made it difficult to make and sell assault weapons.

But we're not going to let business continue as usual—not in Tennessee, not in Massachusetts, or anywhere else.

Find out more about the gun industry's role in our gun violence crisis and what we can do to hold bad actors like Smith & Wesson accountable on "The Smoking Gun."

Thanks for being in this fight,

Everytown for Gun Safety

P.S. There was a small hiccup in our system yesterday, and we may have sent you incorrect information. 16 states and D.C. require abusers under restraining orders and abusers convicted of domestic violence crimes to turn in their guns, and Oregon is one of them. See where Oregon ranks with other common sense gun laws.

[Blogger's Note: Please see my 'October 5th, 2023 Update—Continued,' which can be found above, that explains the above-mentioned incorrect information to which Everytown for Gun Safety refers regarding Oregon being one of the states "that require abusers under restraining orders and abusers convicted of domestic violence crimes to turn in their guns."]

Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund (the "Everytown Support Fund") is the education, research, and litigation arm of Everytown for Gun Safety, the largest gun violence prevention organization in the country with over eight million supporters. The Everytown Support Fund seeks to improve our understanding of the causes of gun violence and help to reduce it by conducting groundbreaking original research, developing evidence-based policies, communicating this knowledge to the American public, and advancing gun safety and gun violence prevention in communities and the courts. Learn more at Contributions to Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.


And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, regarding the gun industry's role in our gun violence crisis and what we can do to hold bad actors like Smith & Wesson accountable on "The Smoking Gun." An introduction to the webpage can be found below:




Gun violence costs Americans an estimated $557 billion every year.


The gun industry makes an estimated $9 billion in revenue annually. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the webpage:

Plus, after I read the email above, I made two one-time donations to Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund in order to show my support for "find[ing] out more about the gun industry's role in our gun violence crisis and what we can do to hold bad actors like Smith & Wesson accountable on 'The Smoking Gun.'"

And the reason that I made two one-time donations to Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund is because the first donation I made didn't appear to process correctly on the ActBlue website—so I thought I had to redo the first donation—which is why I donated twice instead of once!

–Paul Whiting (October 6th, 2023)


October 6th, 2023 Update—Continued Further: I typically write one 'update' for the Time Magazine articles that I read from one of their daily emails that I receive each day (or, sometimes, I receive more than one daily email), then I also often write a separate 'update' from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google, if there are news articles that I feel are important for me to read from those Time Magazine emails and/or from those Google news searches.

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news each and every day, which usually starts with me reading the above-mentioned Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails. Then, I usually check each day's news via a Google search under several news topics when I first get up in the morning, right after I check my email, as well as after I check my previous day's cellular data usage, which I track very carefully.

Thus, I usually check on what is happening in the news via various Google searches that I do on an oftentimes daily basis under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, from those searches, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read!

So, this 'update' I am writing today, October 6th, 2023, is from both my usual reading of Time Magazine articles, as well as from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google.

Now, I usually try to publish these current news 'updates' on the day that I actually read the news articles referenced in the 'update'; however, lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news!

Not only that, I have been busy, as well, with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that require their very own 'updates!' Besides that, I am often engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

Plus, I am trying to throttle my cellular data usage in order to stay below the amount of usage that my data plan offers each month, which I track very carefully, so that I don't go over that amount.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received today, October 6th, 2023, when I noticed four articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The first Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "A 16-Year-Old Iranian Girl Is in a Coma, Putting the Spotlight Back on the Morality Police":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Thousands of U.S. Workers Are on Strike. Here's a Rundown of Major Work Stoppages":


The third Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Jailed Iranian Activist Narges Mohammadi Wins the Nobel Peace Prize. Here's What to Know":

By the way, I also watched the video accompanying the article above that is titled the same as the article.


The fourth Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Russia’s Latest Threat: New Nuclear Tests":

Continuing on—as I mentioned above—lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news. And I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, October 6th, 2023, when I noticed 16 different articles from various news organizations!

Therefore, due to this sudden inundation of news, I am simply opening a webpage for each of the various news articles that I am planning to read, based upon the title of each news article and/or based upon the topic of each news article, in preparation for reading each article later on.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, due to the number of articles for which I have an introduction to write lately, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

And to clarify: I still have to read these articles! So, I have each article opened as a webpage on my smartphone's Google browser until such a time as I can get around to actually reading them, due to the number of them.

Another clarification: I greatly simplified how these articles are listed—that I still have yet to read—in order to set them apart from the articles in previous 'updates' where I have already read the articles. Plus, I am grouping these articles generally in the order in which I am planning to read them, but also by category for articles that may be related by topic. And I usually group by news organization for articles that are from the same publication in these types of current news 'updates,' however, I could only do that occasionally for this 'update' due to the number of articles. Also, I will indicate whether, or not, I have read each article below its title and hyperlink.

Thus, I will indicate the date that I read each article below the title and hyperlink to the article, after I read the article. Therefore, I plan to indicate when I complete reading the articles below, whenever I can actually get around to reading them—when I have access to WiFi, such as at my local library, or at a place of business where I have been shopping, or at a coffee shop, etc., in order to save usage on my cellular data plan through my mobile phone company, as noted above.

No. 1: "Jobs report shock: American economy added a stunning 336,000 jobs in September" from CNN:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 2: "Watch live: President Biden delivers remarks on the September jobs report" from CNBC:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 3: "Jobs report shows payrolls grew by 336K jobs in September while unemployment held at 3.8%" from USA Today (by the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 4: "President Biden blames the media for Americans' negative views of the economy" from USA Today (by the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 5: "Why Biden claims he has no choice but to build more of Trump's border wall" from ABC News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 6: "The Biden administration says it is using executive power to allow border wall construction in Texas" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 7: "Border Wall Map Reveals What Joe Biden Is Building Compared to Trump" from Newsweek:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 8: "The arrival of migrants in big cities is forcing Democrats to change their immigration politics" from CNN:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 9: "Kevin McCarthy, the Speaker of the House and the stress of political uncertainty" from USA Today (by the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 10: "Donald Trump to endorse Jim Jordan for House speaker" from USA Today (by the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 11: "Senators warn House Republicans that a more conservative speaker won't make their dreams come true" from NBC:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 12: "45 US House Republicans seek to prevent another speaker ouster" from Reuters:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 13: "How Do Americans Feel About Politics? ‘Disgust Isn’t a Strong Enough Word’" from The New York Times (by the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 14: "‘What Is Broken in American Politics Is the Republican Party’" from Politico:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 15: "What's behind the national surge in book bans? A low-tech website tied to Moms for Liberty" from USA Today (by the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 16: "Cartels use social media to recruit American teens for drug, human smuggling in Arizona: 'Uber for the cartels'" from CBS News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written October 6th, 2023, revised October 9th, 2023, revised November 6th, 2023 and revised May 21st, 2024)

P.S.: By the way, today, May 21st, 2024, I checked all of the hyperlinks to the articles above, where I have indicated that "I have NOT read this article yet" in order to make sure that they are accurate, because I am probably NEVER going to read the articles above, since they are 'Ancient History' as far as politics go! And I barely have the time to keep up with the current news that I am reading, as often as I can manage it. That is why I wanted to provide you with this update for this 'update.'


October 6th, 2023 Update—Continued Further Some More, Written On October 7th, 2023: I received an email from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum yesterday, October 6th, 2023, with the subject line, "Watch Program Now | Native American Soldiers: Warriors and Witnesses to the Holocaust", which stated the following:

Digital Program Now Available
Native American Soldiers: Warriors and Witnesses to the Holocaust

Thank you for your interest in today’s discussion. The recording is now available on demand, and we encourage you to share it with friends.


Comanche code talker Charles Chibitty was one of many Native Americans who used their languages to communicate secret messages that stumped the Germans and helped the Allies win World War II. Lumbee tribal citizen Jesse Oxendine was part of the 82nd Airborne Division that encountered Nazi atrocities when they liberated the Wöbbelin concentration camp and forced local Germans to bury the dead and attend the victims’ funeral services.

Join us to commemorate Indigenous Peoples' Day and learn about courageous Native Americans who confronted Holocaust atrocities while serving their country.

Watch this special program.

This virtual program and previous episodes are available on demand on the Museum’s Facebook ( and YouTube pages (

‌Donate to Keep Holocaust Memory Alive


Keep Holocaust memory alive to inspire citizens and leaders to confront hatred, prevent genocide, and promote human dignity in a constantly changing world. Visit to learn more.

You see, I originally received an email on October 5th, 2023, from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum with the subject line, "Watch Live Program | Native American Soldiers: Warriors and Witnesses to the Holocaust", which stated, in part, the following:

Live Digital Program
Native American Soldiers: Warriors and Witnesses to the Holocaust

Friday, October 6
9:30 a.m. ET
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Facebook page


Comanche code talker Charles Chibitty was one of many Native Americans who used their languages to communicate secret messages that stumped the Germans and helped the Allies win World War II. Lumbee tribal citizen Jesse Oxendine was part of the 82nd Airborne Division that encountered Nazi atrocities when they liberated the Wöbbelin concentration camp and forced local Germans to bury the dead and attend the victims’ funeral services.

Join us to commemorate Indigenous Peoples' Day and learn about courageous Native Americans who confronted Holocaust atrocities while serving their country.

Request a reminder to join us for this program.

[Name redacted], [title redacted] of the exhibition and [title redacted] of the book Why We Serve: Native Americans in the United States Armed Forces, Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian

[Name redacted], [title redacted], United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Watch live at and join in the conversation.

You do not need a Facebook account to view our program. After the broadcast, the recording will be available to watch on demand on the Museum’s Facebook and YouTube pages.

Now, to clarify, I decided to wait until after the event had livestreamed to watch it, since I only have a cellular data plan through my cell phone company (so, I don't have access to WiFi on my smartphone). Plus, this program started livestreaming at 6:30 AM PDT! Additionally, whenever I watch these livestreamed programs as a recording, I can go back to parts of the program that I wish to repeat in order to watch them over again.

Then, after I watched the video of the livestreamed event, I made a one-time donation to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, shortly before I finished watching the video, in order to show my support for the program "Native American Soldiers: Warriors and Witnesses to the Holocaust." –Paul Whiting (written October 7th, 2023 and revised January 27th, 2024)


October 7th, 2023 Update: I received an email from the World Jewish Congress, American Section, today, October 7th, 2023, with the subject line, "War in Israel", which stated the following:

World Jewish Congress
American Section

We are breaking tradition and writing to you today on Shabbat*/Yom Tov** because of the extreme gravity of the unfolding situation in Israel.

We all woke up this morning to the terrible news of renewed rocket attacks from Gaza into Israel, infiltrations of Hamas terrorists, and civilians and Israeli soldiers being taken hostage, mutilated, and paraded in Gaza streets. The reports and images we are seeing from Israel are truly horrific.

Our thoughts and prayers are with all those who are suffering loss in Israel at this time.

World Jewish Congress [title and name redacted] has issued the following statement:

"As [title redacted] of the World Jewish Congress, representing over one hundred Jewish communities globally, I vehemently denounce the heinous terrorist onslaught against the State of Israel.

“Now, more than ever, it is imperative for us to stand as one – unified and resolute – to bolster the success of the IDF [Israel Defense Forces] and the State of Israel during this conflict unjustly thrust upon us on Simchat Torah.*** Let it be known, unequivocally, that the entire Jewish diaspora stands in unwavering support of Israel and its valiant security forces during these challenging times.

"In unity lies our indomitable strength.”

Support our work.

The World Jewish Congress, American Section, supports the vital work and projects of the World Jewish Congress. For more information on the World Jewish Congress, visit

And so, I made a one-time donation to the World Jewish Congress, American Section, because "our thoughts and prayers are with all those who are suffering loss in Israel at this time." –Paul Whiting (written October 7th, 2023, revised November 9th, 2023 and revised December 6th, 2023)

*"Shabbat" from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia—which is funded primarily through donations from millions of individuals around the world, including this blogger (I make a totally affordable monthly donation):

Shabbat (UK: /ʃəˈbæt/, US: /ʃəˈbɑːt/, or /ʃəˈbʌt/; Hebrew: שַׁבָּת, romanized: Šabbāṯ, [ʃa'bat], lit. 'rest' or 'cessation') or the Sabbath (/ˈsæbəθ/), also called Shabbos (UK: /ˈʃæbəs/, US: /ˈʃɑːbəs/) by Ashkenazim, is Judaism's day of rest on the seventh day of the week—i.e., Saturday. On this day, religious Jews remember the biblical stories describing the creation of the heaven and earth in six days and the redemption from slavery and The Exodus from Egypt, and look forward to a future Messianic Age. Since the Jewish religious calendar counts days from sunset to sunset, Shabbat begins in the evening of what on the civil calendar is Friday.

**"Yom Tov Torah readings" from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia—which is funded primarily through donations from millions of individuals around the world, including this blogger (I make a totally affordable monthly donation):

On Yom Tov the Torah is read during Shacharit services.

***"Simchat Torah" from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia—which is funded primarily through donations from millions of individuals around the world, including this blogger (I make a totally affordable monthly donation):

Simchat Torah or Simhat Torah (שִׂמְחַת תּוֹרָה, lit., "Rejoicing with/of the Torah", Ashkenazi: Simchas Torah) is a Jewish holiday that celebrates and marks the conclusion of the annual cycle of public Torah readings, and the beginning of a new cycle. Simchat Torah is a component of the Biblical Jewish holiday of Shemini Atzeret ("Eighth Day of Assembly"), which follows immediately after the festival of Sukkot in the month of Tishrei (occurring in September or October on the Gregorian calendar).
October 7th, 2023 Update (Follow-Up, Written On October 10th, 2023): I received an email from the World Jewish Congress, American Section, today, October 10th, 2023, with the subject line, "WJC Stands With Israel", which stated the following:

World Jewish Congress
American Section

Dear Paul,

We hope this message finds you and your loved ones well during this unimaginable and incredibly painful time for the Jewish State and for the Jewish people worldwide. We write to you today to provide some context on the unfolding situation in Israel and to let you know how the World Jewish Congress is working to provide support for Israel and its people.

Background: In the early morning hours on the Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah,* a day that marks joy and celebration, Israel was invaded by land, sea, and air and brutally attacked by terrorists from the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip. This unprovoked, bloodthirsty assault against both Israeli civilians and military has resulted in more than 1,000 fatalities to date, thousands of critical injuries, and the abduction of dozens of innocent hostages into Gaza. No one was spared as women, children, the disabled, and the elderly were among those targeted for torture and cold-blooded murder. This massacre and act of unbridled barbarism was deliberately planned to occur during a sacred time, catching many Israelis either on their way to synagogue or at home with their families. The situation remains volatile, with Israel's northern and southern borders under threat.

Our United Stand: For Jews the world over, Israel is more than just our eternal homeland. It is the beating heart and soul of our people. Now, as at no other time in Jewish history, we unite to stand in unwavering support and solidarity with all our Israeli brothers and sisters, and in gratitude for the brave members of Israel's military forces who are on the front lines selflessly defending its borders and its people.

What WJC is Doing:

[✓] Engaging World Leaders: Utilizing WJC's extensive global diplomatic contacts, expertise, and experience, we are actively reaching out to a broad range of political and religious leaders, urging them to publicly and unequivocally condemn these horrific attacks and express support for a democratic Israel as it fights to protect and defend its citizens.

[✓] Briefing Calls and Fact Sheets: We are holding a series of briefing calls specifically for Jewish community leaders to provide accurate information and real-time updates from those on the ground in Israel and discuss ways that each community can help at the local, national, and international levels. Similarly, we are distributing continuously updated fact sheets that our communities can share with government officials, religious leaders, and the media.

[✓] Social Media ( To reach the widest global audience, WJC has created a range of content that offers historical context, factual information, and explains the true aims of Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups. Within the first 48 hours, our posts received millions of views.

[✓] Public Displays: Thanks to the efforts of WJC’s affiliated communities, landmark buildings around the world are showing their support by illuminating Israeli flags or blue and white colors on their exteriors. Among those that have already done so: Albania, Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Bosnia/Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, El Salvador, Georgia, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Mexico, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine, United Kingdom, and the United States.

[✓] NextGen and Elevate Programs ( Our young leadership divisions are being equipped with the tools to help them raise awareness and rally support for Israel among their cohorts.

We are grateful to all those who are supporting our work to ensure we have the resources we need to pursue all our efforts on behalf of Israel in the days, weeks, and months ahead:

Our unity and collective strength have never been more crucial. Please stand with us and share your love, prayers, and support for the people of Israel in any way you can during this devastating time.

Thank you. Let us ensure that our family in Israel knows they are not alone. We are with them, and together we will persevere.

Support our work.

The World Jewish Congress, American Section, supports the vital work and projects of the World Jewish Congress. For more information on the World Jewish Congress, visit

And so, I made a one-time donation to the World Jewish Congress, American Section, in order to "stand with [Jewish people worldwide] and share [my] love, prayers, and support for the people of Israel in any way [I] can during this devastating time." –Paul Whiting (written October 10th, 2023, revised November 9th, 2023 and revised December 6th, 2023)

*"Simchat Torah" from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia—which is funded primarily through donations from millions of individuals around the world, including this blogger (I make a totally affordable monthly donation):

Simchat Torah or Simhat Torah (שִׂמְחַת תּוֹרָה‎, lit., "Rejoicing with/of the Torah", Ashkenazi: Simchas Torah) is a Jewish holiday that celebrates and marks the conclusion of the annual cycle of public Torah readings, and the beginning of a new cycle. Simchat Torah is a component of the Biblical Jewish holiday of Shemini Atzeret ("Eighth Day of Assembly"), which follows immediately after the festival of Sukkot in the month of Tishrei (occurring in September or October on the Gregorian calendar).
October 7th, 2023 Update (Follow-Up, Written On October 15th, 2023): I received an email from the World Jewish Congress, American Section, today, October 15th, 2023, with the subject line, "A simple step you could take to make your donation go further!", which stated the following:

World Jewish Congress
American Section

Matching Gifts

You + Company Match = Double the Impact!

Hi Paul,

Did you get a chance to review our previous email? According to our records your company may offer a matching gift program that can make your recent donation of $5 go even further in support of the vital global work of the World Jewish Congress.

Please visit our matching gift page to see if your company will match your gift and to access the forms, guidelines, and instructions that you need to complete your submission.

Step 1: See if I'm eligible!
Click here

Once you’ve submitted, please click the link below to let us know.

Step 2: I've submitted my matching gift request!
Click here

If your company doesn't offer a matching gift program or won't match your donation, click the link below to help us keep our records up to date.

I'm not eligible for a matching gift.***


Matching Gift Team

Sent on behalf of World Jewish Congress American Section

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, reporting that I'm not eligible for a matching gift, the relevant text of which can be found below:

World Jewish Congress
American Section

Not eligible for a matching gift?

Don't worry, you can still make a difference!

[REQUIRED] Step 1: Let us know why you're ineligible. Thank you for notifying us that your donation is not eligible to be matched by your company. To note this in our records, please select one of the reasons below. Your selection will not be saved until you click "Submit" below.

[  ] I'm self-employed
[✓] I'm not currently working
[  ] I'm retired
[  ] I'm a stay-at-home parent
[  ] I've hit my max matching funds for the year
[  ] My gift doesn’t meet the minimum donation amount or other eligibility requirements for my company’s program
[  ] I don't want to submit a match request for this gift
[  ] I don't work for the company you sent me info for
[  ] I work for a nonprofit
[  ] I work for a company that doesn't offer a matching gift program
[  ] This nonprofit doesn't meet my company's matching gift program eligibility requirements.
[  ] My company will only match donations made through a workplace giving portal or internal giving platform
[  ] I prefer not to say


Then, after I submitted my response that the reason "I'm not eligible for a matching gift" is due to the fact that "I'm not currently working," I made a one-time donation to the World Jewish Congress, American Section, in order to "help [World Jewish Congress, American Section] keep [their] records up to date." –Paul Whiting (October 15th, 2023)
October 7th, 2023 Update (Follow-Up, Written On October 16th, 2023): I received an email from the World Jewish Congress, American Section, today, October 16th, 2023, with the subject line, "An Open Letter from WJC [title and name redacted]", which stated the following:

World Jewish Congress
American Section

World Jewish Congress [title and name redacted] took to the pages of The New York Times and The Washington Post yesterday, and, in two full-page advertisements, thanked President Biden and congressional leadership of both political parties for their support.

The Biden administration and Republican and Democratic leaders alike have stood strong in support of Israel and the Jewish people since Hamas terrorists launched waves of horrifying attacks into Israel, which resulted in the murder of over 1,400 Jews, including Americans, and hundreds more injured and kidnapped.

[Title and name redacted] expressed appreciation for the president’s strength and moral clarity in his speeches and activity, and he praised Congress for quickly mobilizing around Iron Dome funding and for issuing messages and acts of solidarity. He further noted that a sliver of political leaders have chosen to cast their lot with Israel’s attackers, but that Jews see them clearly for who they are.

In his open letter, [title and name redacted], a global statesman for the Jewish people, praised Israel’s emergency unity government, formed to bring the country together as it enters a long and uncertain period, and calls on Jews, and Americans more widely, to similarly cast aside personal and political differences at this time for the sake of the future of the Jewish people and the Jewish homeland.

Below is the full text of Amb. Lauder’s open letter:


As [title redacted] of the World Jewish Congress, and on behalf of millions of Jews across the United States and throughout the Diaspora, I want to thank you for your steadfast support in this moment of profound crisis for Israel. These traumatic events have shaken the Jewish world to its core. Each day brings new horrors, carried out by a terror organization bereft of humanity.

We are also grateful to every Republican and Democratic Member of Congress who stood up for Israel through Iron Dome funding support, and via acts of solidarity and resolve. This crisis has forced a clarification of where every leader stands. It is encouraging that the vast majority are squarely in support of the Jewish people and the Jewish homeland in its darkest hour in decades.

And, I say, those who have equivocated, stayed on the sidelines, or cast their lot with terrorists, we see you for who you are.

Mr. President, your moral clarity in the historic and defining speeches you delivered from the White House, and your decisiveness in mandating the United States stands not just with the State of Israel, but with the Jewish people, spoke to a depth of understanding few presidents have ever expressed. The world sees that unequivocal support for the security of Israelis and unambiguous condemnation of terrorism is not a political stance; it is a bedrock of U.S. global leadership. And, along with supportive Republicans and Democrats in Congress and in state capitals and major cities across America, this has ensured that our allies, especially in Europe, follow your lead.

Leaders in Israel have put their political and personal differences aside to form an emergency unity government. This is a significant step, the intent of which must be replicated here. Whether conservative or progressive, Orthodox or secular, it is imperative to shed those distinctions and stand together in unity. It is not lost in this moment that, to quote President Lincoln, a house divided cannot stand. We have not been in danger of such a fall in over eighty years.

We are comforted that, as Commander in Chief, you and leaders of every political persuasion have made a lasting commitment to the security and safety needs of Israel, whatever they may be, and for as long as it takes, as the Jewish state fights to protect itself at all costs.

Publication of this message was fully funded by [title and name redacted].

By the way, the "Open Letter To President Biden And Members Of The United States Congress" was NOT italicized in the original email above; however, to make it stand out from the rest of the email's text, I decided to place the open letter in all italics. –Paul Whiting (October 16th, 2023)


October 7th, 2023 Update—Continued: I typically write one 'update' for the Time Magazine articles that I read from one of their daily emails that I receive each day (or, sometimes, I receive more than one daily email), then I also often write a separate 'update' from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google, if there are news articles that I feel are important for me to read from those Time Magazine emails and/or from those Google news searches.

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news each and every day, which usually starts with me reading the above-mentioned Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails. Then, I usually check each day's news via a Google search under several news topics when I first get up in the morning, right after I check my email, as well as after I check my previous day's cellular data usage, which I track very carefully.

Thus, I usually check on what is happening in the news via various Google searches that I do on an oftentimes daily basis under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, from those searches, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read!

So, this 'update' I am writing today, October 7th, 2023, is from both my usual reading of Time Magazine articles, as well as from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google.

Now, I usually try to publish these current news 'updates' on the day that I actually read the news articles referenced in the 'update'; however, lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news!

Not only that, I have been busy, as well, with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that require their very own 'updates!' Besides that, I am often engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

Plus, I am trying to throttle my cellular data usage in order to stay below the amount of usage that my data plan offers each month, which I track very carefully, so that I don't go over that amount.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received today, October 7th, 2023, when I noticed three articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The first Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "The Fight Over AIDS-Relief Program PEPFAR Could Have Far-Reaching Consequences":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "What an Owl Taught Me About Life":


The third Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Read the Nobel Peace Laureate’s Gripping Account of the Fire in Her Prison":

Continuing on—as I mentioned above—lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news. And I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, October 7th, 2023, when I noticed 3 different articles from various news organizations!

Therefore, due to this sudden inundation of news, I am simply opening a webpage for each of the various news articles that I am planning to read, based upon the title of each news article and/or based upon the topic of each news article, in preparation for reading each article later on.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, due to the number of articles for which I have an introduction to write lately, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

And to clarify: I still have to read these articles! So, I have each article opened as a webpage on my smartphone's Google browser until such a time as I can get around to actually reading them, due to the number of them.

Another clarification: I greatly simplified how these articles are listed—that I still have yet to read—in order to set them apart from the articles in previous 'updates' where I have already read the articles. Plus, I am grouping these articles generally in the order in which I am planning to read them, but also by category for articles that may be related by topic. And I usually group by news organization for articles that are from the same publication in these types of current news 'updates,' however, I could only do that occasionally for this 'update' due to the number of articles. Also, I will indicate whether, or not, I have read each article below its title and hyperlink.

Thus, I will indicate the date that I read each article below the title and hyperlink to the article, after I read the article. Therefore, I plan to indicate when I complete reading the articles below, whenever I can actually get around to reading them—when I have access to WiFi, such as at my local library, or at a place of business where I have been shopping, or at a coffee shop, etc., in order to save usage on my cellular data plan through my mobile phone company, as noted above.

No. 1: "How will America respond to the attack against Israel?" from ABC News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 2: "Biden: US stands with the state of Israel" from CNN:

[I have NOT watched this video yet.]


No. 3: "Why this Israel-Gaza conflict is so complicated for Biden" from CNN:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written October 7th, 2023 and revised October 9th, 2023)


October 8th, 2023 Update: I typically write one 'update' for the Time Magazine articles that I read from one of their daily emails that I receive each day (or, sometimes, I receive more than one daily email), then I also often write a separate 'update' from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google, if there are news articles that I feel are important for me to read from those Time Magazine emails and/or from those Google news searches.

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news each and every day, which usually starts with me reading the above-mentioned Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails. Then, I usually check each day's news via a Google search under several news topics when I first get up in the morning, right after I check my email, as well as after I check my previous day's cellular data usage, which I track very carefully.

Thus, I usually check on what is happening in the news via various Google searches that I do on an oftentimes daily basis under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, from those searches, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read!

So, this 'update' I am writing today, October 8th, 2023, is from both my usual reading of Time Magazine articles, as well as from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google.

Now, I usually try to publish these current news 'updates' on the day that I actually read the news articles referenced in the 'update'; however, lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news!

Not only that, I have been busy, as well, with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that require their very own 'updates!' Besides that, I am often engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

Plus, I am trying to throttle my cellular data usage in order to stay below the amount of usage that my data plan offers each month, which I track very carefully, so that I don't go over that amount.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received today, October 8th, 2023, when I noticed three articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The first Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "The Surprising Poverty Levels Across the U.S.":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Book Bans Aren’t the Only Threat to Literature in American Classrooms":


The third Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Why Hamas Tried to Sabotage Arab-Israeli Peace Prospects With a Massive Unprovoked Attack":

Continuing on—as I mentioned above—lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news. And I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, October 8th, 2023, when I noticed 16 different articles from various news organizations!

Therefore, due to this sudden inundation of news, I am simply opening a webpage for each of the various news articles that I am planning to read, based upon the title of each news article and/or based upon the topic of each news article, in preparation for reading each article later on.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, due to the number of articles for which I have an introduction to write lately, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

And to clarify: I still have to read these articles! So, I have each article opened as a webpage on my smartphone's Google browser until such a time as I can get around to actually reading them, due to the number of them.

Another clarification: I greatly simplified how these articles are listed—that I still have yet to read—in order to set them apart from the articles in previous 'updates' where I have already read the articles. Plus, I am grouping these articles generally in the order in which I am planning to read them, but also by category for articles that may be related by topic. And I usually group by news organization for articles that are from the same publication in these types of current news 'updates,' however, I could only do that occasionally for this 'update' due to the number of articles. Also, I will indicate whether, or not, I have read each article below its title and hyperlink.

Thus, I will indicate the date that I read each article below the title and hyperlink to the article, after I read the article. Therefore, I plan to indicate when I complete reading the articles below, whenever I can actually get around to reading them—when I have access to WiFi, such as at my local library, or at a place of business where I have been shopping, or at a coffee shop, etc., in order to save usage on my cellular data plan through my mobile phone company, as noted above.

No. 1: "Statement from President Joe Biden Condemning Terrorist Attacks in Israel" from the U.S. Embassy in Isreal:

[I read this statement on October 8th, 2023.]


No. 2: "Statement From Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III on U.S. Force Posture Changes in the Middle East" from the U.S. Department of Defense:

[I read this statement on October 8th, 2023.]


No. 3: "U.S. sends aircraft carrier group to eastern Mediterranean in response to Hamas attack on Israel" from CBS News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 4: "U.S. leaders vow support for Israel after deadly Hamas attacks: 'There is never any justification for terrorism'" from CBS News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 5: "The US will send a carrier strike group to the Eastern Mediterranean in support of Israel" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 6: "Israeli and Palestinian supporters rally across U.S. as Israel declares war after Hamas attack" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 7: "After Hamas Attack, U.S. to Send Weapons and Warships to Support Israel" from The New York Times (by the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 8: "Israeli and Palestinian supporters rally across US after Hamas attack: 'This is a moment to not be alone'" from USA Today (by the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 9: "NYC pro-Palestine rally splits Democrats over Israel" from Politico:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 10: "Centrist GOP effort to reinstate McCarthy picks up steam after Israel attacks" from Politico:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 11: "Attack on Israel underscores 'irresponsibility' of Republicans paralyzing House with speaker fight: Christie" from ABC News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 12: "'Israel's 9/11': Political analysts react to deadly Hamas attack" from CNBC:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 13: "Analysis | Israel-Gaza War: A Catastrophic Failure That Will Send Political Shockwaves" from Haaretz ("News of the Land [of Israel]"):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 14: "By abducting over 100 people into Gaza, Hamas has put Netanyahu in a political bind" from The Times of Israel:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 15: "World reaction to surprise attack by Palestinian Hamas on Israel" from Al Jazeera News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written October 8th, 2023, revised October 9th, 2023 and revised May 21st, 2024)

P.S.: By the way, today, May 21st, 2024, I checked all of the hyperlinks to the articles above, where I have indicated that "I have NOT read this article yet" in order to make sure that they are accurate, because I am probably NEVER going to read the articles above, since they are 'Ancient History' as far as politics go! And I barely have the time to keep up with the current news that I am reading, as often as I can manage it. That is why I wanted to provide you with this update for this 'update.'


October 9th, 2023 Update, Which Also Discusses October 8th, 2023: Indigenous Peoples' Day is today, October 9th, 2023, since Indigenous Peoples' Day is yearly (annually) on the second Monday of October.

And I received an email from National Today yesterday, October 8th, 2023, with the subject line, "Celebrating Indigenous Peoples, Hugging Drummers, No Bras. The Week Ahead", which stated, in part, the following:


Let’s honor Native American culture... Indigenous Peoples' Day celebrates the rich tapestry of cultures and traditions of the Native American people and honors the wisdom and resilience of these beautiful communities.

Monday 9 October

Indigenous Peoples' Day

Native American people are honored and celebrated on Indigenous Peoples’ Day.

Read more:

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can, in part, be found below:



[Observed in the] U.S.

Indigenous Peoples’ Day is celebrated on the second Monday of October, on October 9 this year, to honor the cultures and histories of the Native American people. The day is centered around reflecting on their tribal roots and the tragic stories that hurt but strengthened their communities.



The first seed of Indigenous Peoples’ Day was planted at a U.N. international conference on discrimination in 1977. The first state to recognize the day was South Dakota in 1989. Berkeley, California, and Santa Cruz followed suit.

Although the day was still considered Columbus Day up to 1937, many people began calling it Indigenous Peoples’ Day to celebrate the rich culture and the lives of the Native American people.

For the Native Americans, Columbus Day was always hurtful as it glorified the violent past constituting 500 years of colonial torture and oppression by European explorers like Columbus and those who settled in America. Indigenous Peoples’ Day draws attention to the pain, trauma, and broken promises that were erased by the celebration of Columbus Day. Before his arrival, the indigenous folk were successful self-sufficient communities that sustained life for thousands of years.

Year by year, the movement to change Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples’ Day spreads to more and more states, towns, and cities across the United States of America.

Indigenous Peoples’ Day celebrates, recognizes, and honors the beautiful traditions and cultures of the Indigenous People, not just in America, but around the world. Their way of life and culture carries wisdom and valuable insights into how we can live life more sustainably.

Today, 14 U.S. states celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ Day and not Columbus Day, as well as the District of Columbia. More than 130 cities including Arlington, Amherst, Cambridge, Brookline, Marblehead, Great Barrington, Northampton, Provincetown, Somerville, and Salem also celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ Day. Many organizations are seeking to address the lack of access indigenous people have to higher education and have created scholarships to help address this.



May 1763
Pontiac’s Rebellion:
A group of Native American tribes from Illinois, Great Lakes, and Ohio successfully persuade the British to change policies in favor of the Native Americans.

April 5, 1838
Trail of Tears:
The Cherokee tribe is ordered to leave their tribal lands by President Andrew Jackson, taking the path now called the Trail of Tears.

January 1, 1899
Ghost Dance:
Wovoka, a Native American, has a mystical experience and makes others join him in a ghost dance ritual for peace and prosperity.

June 2, 1924
Indian Citizenship Act:
Native Americans in the U.S. are granted U.S. citizenship.



When did Columbus Day become Indigenous Peoples’ Day?

In 1992, Columbus Day became Indigenous Peoples’ Day as a sign of protest against the massacres that the Native Americans suffered at the hands of the Europeans.

How does Indigenous Peoples’ Day help our community?

The day helps as a remedy for the harmful effects of racism in the U.S. and the inaccurate historical facts that have been spread to justify white supremacy and colonization.

Why shouldn't we celebrate Columbus Day?

Celebrating Columbus Day and Columbus himself goes against the very essence of indigenous nations as he was the man who began the genocide of the Native Americans.



1. Read indigenous literature

Some must-read books include “A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies” by Bartolomé de las Casas, “1491: New Revelations Of The Americas Before Columbus” by Charles C. Mann, “An Indigenous People's History Of The United States” by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, and “Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee” by Dee Brown.

2. Attend an event

Attend an event hosted by a group of Native Americans or a Native American organization. Learn more about how you can be of assistance with any issues that the group is facing.

3. Host a movie screening

Watch a movie with your friends and have a discussion afterward. There are a plethora of films to choose from like “Dances with Wolves” (1990), “Songs My Brothers Taught Me” (2015), “Gather” (2020), and “Indian Horse” (2017).



1. Female warriors

Native American women fought alongside men in battles, the most popular among them being the Buffalo Calf Road Woman of the Northern Cheyenne tribe.

2. Popcorn

The Indigenous Americans were the first to domesticate the strains of maize [corn] that produced popcorn thousands of years ago.

3. Maria Tallchief

The first Native American (and American) to dance at the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow and with the Paris Opera Ballet was Maria Tallchief.

4. Hockey

The Native American tribes of Foxes, Saux, and Assiniboine played a game called shinny, which is where hockey came from.

5. The sequoia tree

The sequoia tree is named after the revered Cherokee leader Sequoyah, who created an alphabet for his people.



A. It celebrates the original inhabitants

Indigenous Peoples’ Day is a holiday that celebrates the Native Americans, the original inhabitants of North America.

B. It recognizes the indigenous cultures

Indigenous Peoples’ Day honors the beautiful indigenous traditions, cultures, and lives all around the world.

C. It stands in solidarity with the indigenous people

We take a stand for and support the indigenous people on this day. We should also offer our support to those who invest and uplift the indigenous communities.

Please see the hyperlink below for the post:

–Paul Whiting (written October 9th, 2023 and revised October 11th, 2023)


October 9th, 2023 Update—Continued: I received an email from American Indian College Fund today, October 9th, 2023, with the subject line, "Check out our new PSA [Public Service Announcement]! 😎", which stated the following:

Today is a special day.
Thank you for being a friend and ally.

The first-ever presidential proclamation of Indigenous Peoples Day was in 2021. We can't tell you what it has meant for our students to finally be seen and recognized in this way.

Paul, you are an important part of helping millions of Indigenous people be seen and heard. When friends and allies like you add your voice to ours, you are amplifying the voices of millions of American Indians who for so long have had none.

The students you are supporting today will be the Indigenous leaders of tomorrow. Please take a moment to watch our new Public Service Announcement below and celebrate our shared vision of the future with us!

Check out our new Public Service Announcement video!

I want to support another future leader!***

American Indian College Fund

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, after I read the email above, and after I watched the Public Service Announcement (PSA) video titled, "Move Aside for Tomorrow's Indigenous Graduates," I made a one-time donation to the American Indian College Fund in order to show my support for Indigenous Peoples Day 2023, as well as to help "millions of Indigenous people be seen and heard," because "the students [I am] supporting today will be the Indigenous leaders of tomorrow." –Paul Whiting (October 9th, 2023)


October 9th, 2023 Update—Continued Further: I typically write one 'update' for the Time Magazine articles that I read from one of their daily emails that I receive each day (or, sometimes, I receive more than one daily email), then I also often write a separate 'update' from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google, if there are news articles that I feel are important for me to read from those Time Magazine emails and/or from those Google news searches.

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news each and every day, which usually starts with me reading the above-mentioned Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails. Then, I usually check each day's news via a Google search under several news topics when I first get up in the morning, right after I check my email, as well as after I check my previous day's cellular data usage, which I track very carefully.

Thus, I usually check on what is happening in the news via various Google searches that I do on an oftentimes daily basis under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, from those searches, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read!

So, this 'update' I am writing today, October 9th, 2023, is from both my usual reading of Time Magazine articles, as well as from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google.

Now, I usually try to publish these current news 'updates' on the day that I actually read the news articles referenced in the 'update'; however, lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news!

Not only that, I have been busy, as well, with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that require their very own 'updates!' Besides that, I am often engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

Plus, I am trying to throttle my cellular data usage in order to stay below the amount of usage that my data plan offers each month, which I track very carefully, so that I don't go over that amount.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received today, October 9th, 2023, when I noticed six articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The first Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Chuck Schumer Blasts Xi Jinping Over China’s Israel-Hamas Stance as Senators Visit Beijing":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "China Calls for Ceasefire, ‘Two-State Solution’ Amid Conflict Between Hamas, Israel":


The third Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "How U.S. Hospitals Undercut Public Health":


The fourth Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Biden’s Twin Crises: Possible U.S. Hostages, Risks of Wider War":


The fifth Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "A Surprise Attack Upends Israel and the Middle East":


The sixth Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "'I Was Saved by a Miracle.' A Survivor Recounts the Horror of the Hamas Attack on Israel's Supernova Festival":

Continuing on—as I mentioned above—lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news. And I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, October 9th, 2023, when I noticed 9 different articles from various news organizations!

Therefore, due to this sudden inundation of news, I am simply opening a webpage for each of the various news articles that I am planning to read, based upon the title of each news article and/or based upon the topic of each news article, in preparation for reading each article later on.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, due to the number of articles for which I have an introduction to write lately, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

And to clarify: I still have to read these articles! So, I have each article opened as a webpage on my smartphone's Google browser until such a time as I can get around to actually reading them, due to the number of them.

Another clarification: I greatly simplified how these articles are listed—that I still have yet to read—in order to set them apart from the articles in previous 'updates' where I have already read the articles. Plus, I am grouping these articles generally in the order in which I am planning to read them, but also by category for articles that may be related by topic. And I usually group by news organization for articles that are from the same publication in these types of current news 'updates,' however, I could only do that occasionally for this 'update' due to the number of articles. Also, I will indicate whether, or not, I have read each article below its title and hyperlink.

Thus, I will indicate the date that I read each article below the title and hyperlink to the article, after I read the article. Therefore, I plan to indicate when I complete reading the articles below, whenever I can actually get around to reading them—when I have access to WiFi, such as at my local library, or at a place of business where I have been shopping, or at a coffee shop, etc., in order to save usage on my cellular data plan through my mobile phone company, as noted above.

No. 1: "America’s political turmoil hampers its capacity to lead through yet another global crisis" from CNN:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 2: "U.S. Continues Push for Saudi-Israel Ties Even as War With Hamas Begins" from The New York Times (by the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 3: "Israel-Hamas war live updates: Gaza faces ‘full siege’ as IDF says territory is back under control" from NBC News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 4: "US’s [Senator] Schumer expresses ‘disappointment’ at Beijing’s Israel-Gaza response" from Al Jazeera News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 5: "U.S. Helps Israel Defend Against Hamas Attacks" from the U.S. Department of Defense:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 6: "Israel-Hamas war forces Biden and Netanyahu into uneasy partnership" from Reuters:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 7: "US Democrats lash socialist organization for backing rally supporting Hamas attack" from The Times of Israel:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 8: "Biden decries the ‘unconscionable’ Hamas attack and warns Israel’s enemies not to exploit the crisis" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 9: "Israeli hostage crisis in Hamas-ruled Gaza becomes a political trap for Netanyahu" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written October 9th, 2023, revised October 11th, 2023 and revised May 21st, 2024)

P.S.: By the way, today, May 21st, 2024, I checked all of the hyperlinks to the articles above, where I have indicated that "I have NOT read this article yet" in order to make sure that they are accurate, because I am probably NEVER going to read the articles above, since they are 'Ancient History' as far as politics go! And I barely have the time to keep up with the current news that I am reading, as often as I can manage it. That is why I wanted to provide you with this update for this 'update.'


October 9th, 2023 Update—Continued Further Some More: I received an email from United Farm Workers (UFW) today, October 9th, 2023, with the subject line, "NY [New York] growers still refusing to accept worker organizing law, file federal lawsuit", which stated the following:

United Farm Workers
Si, Se Puede!        UFW

NY growers still refusing to accept worker organizing law, file federal lawsuit

You won’t believe what farm workers are going through in NY. It took years of fighting to get a law that would allow workers – including H-2A workers – to organize for a union contract. Due to blatant racism, farm workers were purposefully excluded from the National Labor Relations Act almost a century ago, the law which gives most workers the right to join unions. Because of this exclusion, they need to fight for this right state by state. They’ve had this right in California for decades and won the right to join unions in New York in 2019.

Now because farm workers won UFW representation at five NY farms, growers have found a new way to try to delay. The New York State Vegetable Growers Association and five growers where workers chose the UFW just filed a federal lawsuit attempting to repeal the New York law. Not only are they trying to gut the act, but they asked for a temporary restraining order on using the act until the lawsuit is heard – which can take years – in order to delay negotiating the contracts for the elections that the workers already won. Most of the New York workers are immigrants from Mexico, Jamaica and other countries, making this attempt to shut down their rights especially ugly.

"It is disgraceful that the grower bosses want to return New York to the exclusionary racist past by asking a court to strip away farm workers’ hard won right to a union," said UFW [title and name redacted]. "This lawsuit by the New York Vegetable Growers Association and growers is the latest attempt by the grower bosses to overturn a law that requires them to treat their workers with respect and rights, something they have not been willing to do. Every billable hour the growers spend with their lawyers refusing to honor the certified union majority at their farms is an hour they should have spent at the bargaining table negotiating fair union contracts."

NY workers have been organizing with the UFW. Workers at six companies voted to be represented by the United Farm Workers. The PERB – NY’s state’s employee relations agency – granted UFW the right to represent the workers at five of the six farms and the sixth case is still being considered. The growers appealed individually to PERB [Public Employment Relations Board] who soundly rejected their arguments.

We believe this latest lawsuit is an attempt by New York growers to continue to attempt to treat their farms like plantations, and to deny these hard working men and women the ability to exercise the most basic rights afforded to other workers. The UFW will continue fighting for NY workers including those at A&J Kirby Farms, Porpiglia Farms, Cahoon Farms, Wafler Farms, and Lynn-Ette & Sons Inc., where we won elections. We look forward to holding these employers accountable under the law and negotiating fair contracts for these workers and the other workers where we’re organizing.

Paul Thank you for receiving our emails -- we appreciate everything you do!

Want to support our work? Start a monthly donation or chip in a one-time donation.***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I made a one-time donation to United Farm Workers because "the New York State Vegetable Growers Association and five growers where workers chose the UFW just filed a federal lawsuit attempting to repeal the New York law," since "farm workers were purposefully excluded from the National Labor Relations Act almost a century ago, the law which gives most workers the right to join unions." However, farm workers just recently "won the right to join unions in New York in 2019," but "this lawsuit by the New York Vegetable Growers Association and growers is the latest attempt by the grower bosses to overturn a law that requires them to treat their workers with respect and rights, something they have not been willing to do." Therefore, "every billable hour the growers spend with their lawyers refusing to honor the certified union majority at their farms is an hour they should have spent at the bargaining table negotiating fair union contracts."

Please see the text from the confirmation webpage of my donation contribution with a Twitter link below:

United Farm Workers
Contribution Processed

Dear Paul,

Thank you for your generous contribution.

You can change or cancel your donation at any time by visiting our self service portal at [web address redacted]. You can also change your address or other information here [web address redacted].

The generosity of good supporters like yourself has allowed us to step up our efforts to empower the people who labor so hard to put food on our tables, including providing them legal support, passing legislation, and signing union contracts to protect them. Your help lets us improve working conditions in the fields of America and make a life-changing difference for so many.

On behalf of all farm workers and their families, and the UFW, please know we are very thankful to have you as our generous supporter.

Si Se Puede! [Yes, We Can!]


[Name redacted]
UFW [Title redacted]

Please print out this contribution confirmation page for your records.

Contribution Information:
Contribution Confirmation ID: [redacted]
Contribution Date: 10/09/2023 8:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Contribution Amount: $5.00

Contact Information:
Paul Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]
Account Type: [redacted]
Account Number Ending: [redacted]

Please take the next step and share on Facebook & Twitter.

So, I selected the "Share on Twitter" option (by the way, I only have a Twitter account so I can read tweets which are included in some online articles that I read) in order for me to provide you, my readers, with the text and hyperlink below:

NY farm workers seeking UFW contracts are fighting back against grower intimidation. A recent NY law protects their right to unionize and prohibits grower retaliation.

Campaigns like this are expensive. Your donation can help the workers win!!

By the way, the hyperlink above leads to a UFW donation webpage that is titled, "With your help NY farm workers can win their UFW contracts." Please see my 'August 24th, 2023 Update—Continued Further' for the full text of this donation webpage. –Paul Whiting (written October 9th, 2023, revised October 27th, 2023 and revised November 17th, 2023)


October 10th, 2023 Update: I typically write one 'update' for the Time Magazine articles that I read from one of their daily emails that I receive each day (or, sometimes, I receive more than one daily email), then I also often write a separate 'update' from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google, if there are news articles that I feel are important for me to read from those Time Magazine emails and/or from those Google news searches.

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news each and every day, which usually starts with me reading the above-mentioned Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails. Then, I usually check each day's news via a Google search under several news topics when I first get up in the morning, right after I check my email, as well as after I check my previous day's cellular data usage, which I track very carefully.

Thus, I usually check on what is happening in the news via various Google searches that I do on an oftentimes daily basis under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, from those searches, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read!

So, this 'update' I am writing today, October 10th, 2023, is from both my usual reading of Time Magazine articles, as well as from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google.

Now, I usually try to publish these current news 'updates' on the day that I actually read the news articles referenced in the 'update'; however, lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news!

Not only that, I have been busy, as well, with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that require their very own 'updates!' Besides that, I am often engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

Plus, I am trying to throttle my cellular data usage in order to stay below the amount of usage that my data plan offers each month, which I track very carefully, so that I don't go over that amount.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received today, October 10th, 2023, when I noticed eight articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The first Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Israel's President: Our Darkest Hour Casts a Shadow on the Entire World":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Workers at Mack Trucks Go on Strike, Joining Thousands of UAW Picketers":


The third Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Five Lessons for the U.S. and the World From the Hamas Invasion of Israel":


The fourth Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Heavy Flooding in Myanmar Displaces More Than 14,000 People":


The fifth Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "President Joe Biden Interviewed by Special Counsel in Classified Documents Investigation":


The sixth Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Hollywood Writers Vote to Ratify Contract, Ending Strike":


The seventh Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Israel Pounds Downtown Gaza City, Threatening Punishing Retaliation for Weekend Attack":


The eighth Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "‘We’re In a New World’: American Teenagers on Mental Health and How to Cope":

Continuing on—as I mentioned above—lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news. And I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, October 10th, 2023, when I noticed 33 different articles from various news organizations!

Therefore, due to this sudden inundation of news, I am simply opening a webpage for each of the various news articles that I am planning to read, based upon the title of each news article and/or based upon the topic of each news article, in preparation for reading each article later on.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, due to the number of articles for which I have an introduction to write lately, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

And to clarify: I still have to read these articles! So, I have each article opened as a webpage on my smartphone's Google browser until such a time as I can get around to actually reading them, due to the number of them.

Another clarification: I greatly simplified how these articles are listed—that I still have yet to read—in order to set them apart from the articles in previous 'updates' where I have already read the articles. Plus, I am grouping these articles generally in the order in which I am planning to read them, but also by category for articles that may be related by topic. And I usually group by news organization for articles that are from the same publication in these types of current news 'updates,' however, I could only do that occasionally for this 'update' due to the number of articles. Also, I will indicate whether, or not, I have read each article below its title and hyperlink.

Thus, I will indicate the date that I read each article below the title and hyperlink to the article, after I read the article. Therefore, I plan to indicate when I complete reading the articles below, whenever I can actually get around to reading them—when I have access to WiFi, such as at my local library, or at a place of business where I have been shopping, or at a coffee shop, etc., in order to save usage on my cellular data plan through my mobile phone company, as noted above.

No. 1: "‘We’ve Been Shaken Out of This Fantasy’: How the Left Sees the War in Israel" from Politico:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 2: "Biden faces a host of crises and a stress test for his theory of the presidency" from Politico:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 3: "Harvard students blaming Israel for Hamas attacks draws political backlash" from Politico:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 4: "What is Hamas? What to know about the group that launched attacks on Israel" from USA Today (by the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 5: "US church groups, law enforcement officials in Israel struggle to stay safe and get home" from USA Today (by the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 6: "With Israel war 'not far from anyone,' how America is coming together to cope" from USA Today (by the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 7: "'Always worried about our safety': Jews and Palestinians in US fearful after Hamas attack" from USA Today (by the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 8: "'This is terrorism': Biden confirms US hostages held; 14 Americans killed by Hamas" from USA Today (by the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 9: "Israel-Gaza live updates: Biden slams 'sheer evil' with hundreds 'slaughtered'" from ABC News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 10: "How Uncertainty in the U.S. Could Hold Up Aid to Israel" from U.S. News & World Report:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 11: "U.S. to offer 'every kind of support' to Israel on hostages, Biden administration adviser says" from CBS News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 12: "Biden says 14 Americans killed by Hamas in Israel, U.S. citizens among hostages: 'Sheer evil'" from CBS News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 13: "Watch live: President Biden addresses Israel-Hamas war as fighting continues" from CNBC:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 14: "Biden confirms US citizens are among Hamas’ hostages and says 14 Americans killed in attacks on Israel" from CNN:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 15: "How Republicans are trying to blame Biden for the attacks on Israel" from CNN:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 16: "Israel’s war with Hamas will cause deep and wide political shockwaves" from CNN:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 17: "Secretary of State Blinken to travel to Israel in display of US solidarity after Hamas attacks" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 18: "Israel strikes and seals off Gaza after incursion by Hamas, which vows to execute hostages" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 19: "Biden: Hamas unleashed pure unadulterated evil, evoked memories of Jewish genocide" from The Times of Israel:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 20: "Israel’s hostage rescue operation is unlike anything the ‘world has ever seen’" from NBC News:

[I have NOT watched this video yet.]


No. 21: "House Republicans pour cold water on linking U.S. aid to Israel and Ukraine" from NBC News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 22: "House speaker race live updates: Jim Jordan and Steve Scalise to address House Republicans today" from NBC News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 23: "After one week without a House speaker, Republicans appear no closer to choosing a new leader" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 24: "Two US House Republicans expected to make pitch for speaker's gavel" from Reuters:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 25: "1 chart to explain the current dysfunction in Congress" from CNN:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 26: "Scalise, a McCarthy Rival, Seeks to Unite Republicans in Taking His Place" from The New York Times (by the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 27: "Xi-Schumer Meeting Raises Hopes of Smoother U.S.-China Relations" from The New York Times (by the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 28: "US Senate Leader Tells China’s Xi US Wants More Equitable Business Relations" from VOA (Voice of America) News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 29: "US Senate Majority Leader Schumer meets Xi and welcomes stronger Chinese statement on Hamas attack" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 30: "Biden interviewed as part of the special counsel investigation into handling of classified documents" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 31: "Special Counsel Interviewed Biden About Classified Documents" from The New York Times (by the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 32: "Cable's house of mirrors: Fox focuses on Hunter Biden, MSNBC on Trump" from Axios:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 33: "Dems ask Garland to probe purge from Virginia's voter rolls" from Axios:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written October 10th, 2023, revised October 12th, 2023 and revised May 21st, 2024)

P.S.: By the way, today, May 21st, 2024, I checked all of the hyperlinks to the articles above, where I have indicated that "I have NOT read this article yet" in order to make sure that they are accurate, because I am probably NEVER going to read the articles above, since they are 'Ancient History' as far as politics go! And I barely have the time to keep up with the current news that I am reading, as often as I can manage it. That is why I wanted to provide you with this update for this 'update.'


October 10th, 2023 Update—Continued: I received an email from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum today, October 10th, 2023, with the subject line, "An important message from Museum leadership", which stated the following:

Dear Museum Friends,

At this moment of shock and sorrow, we at the Museum are grief-stricken by the horrific events in Israel. Who could have imagined that almost eight decades after the end of the Holocaust, we would again witness the brutal targeting of Jewish men, women, and children? The planned murder of so many innocents? The deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust? The taking of hostages, including a Holocaust survivor in a wheelchair?

As we expressed a few days ago (,* our thoughts and prayers are with all Israelis—and with Holocaust survivors in Israel and the world over. The pain of this savage and murderous assault is especially traumatic for survivors, who felt a Jewish state might have saved them and their loved ones from the systematic assault of the Nazis and their collaborators. For survivors, survival meant rebuilding their lives in freedom and security in many countries, and building the State of Israel that would protect all Jews.

The Museum’s work of teaching the history and lessons of the Holocaust has become increasingly urgent in recent years with the rise of antisemitism and Holocaust denial. This outrageous attack by Hamas terrorists shows the danger of unchecked antisemitism and amplifies the urgency of that work.

We have been enhancing Holocaust education to include the vital role of longstanding antisemitism in making the Holocaust possible, and we have been taking Holocaust education to parts of the Middle East, and even to Iran, which shares culpability with Hamas for these crimes. This work is more important than ever. Holocaust education must be a lesson, a warning, and an inspiration to build a future of freedom and peace.

As we join the survivors—and all who care about the future of humanity—in mourning those who were brutally killed, we rededicate ourselves to taking our powerful message about the dangers of antisemitism and racism to audiences from all walks of life and all parts of the world. The survivors never gave up. They tirelessly devoted their lives to a better future. So shall we.

Thank you for your partnership,

[Name redacted], [Title redacted]
[Name redacted], [Title redacted]
[Name redacted], [Title redacted]

Learn Why Israel Is Important to Survivors:**

And, after I read the email above, I read the "Museum Statement on the Attack on Israel," as well as the "Holocaust Survivors and the Establishment of the State of Israel (MAY 14, 1948)" because, "as we join the survivors—and all who care about the future of humanity—in mourning those who were brutally killed, we rededicate ourselves to taking our powerful message about the dangers of antisemitism and racism to audiences from all walks of life and all parts of the world." –Paul Whiting (October 10th, 2023)

*"Museum Statement on the Attack on Israel" from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM):

Museum Statement on the Attack on Israel

OCTOBER 8, 2023

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum is outraged by Hamas’s unconscionable attack on Israel, killing hundreds, and targeting Israeli citizens for kidnapping, including a Holocaust survivor, according to the U.S. Department of State.

Museum [title and name redacted] said, “These vile acts by this terrorist organization must be universally condemned and all hostages immediately released. Our prayers are with all Israelis, including the many Holocaust survivors who helped build the State of Israel, where they could finally live in the freedom and security they deserved after centuries of persecution, and ultimately genocide.”

A nonpartisan federal, educational institution, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum is America’s national memorial to the victims of the Holocaust, dedicated to ensuring the permanence of Holocaust memory, understanding, and relevance. Through the power of Holocaust history, the Museum challenges leaders and individuals worldwide to think critically about their role in society and to confront antisemitism and other forms of hate, prevent genocide, and promote human dignity.

Please see the hyperlink below for the webpage:

**"Holocaust Survivors and the Establishment of the State of Israel (MAY 14, 1948)" from the USHMM Holocaust Encyclopedia (an introduction to the webpage can be found below):

Before the Holocaust, European Jews had endured many centuries of antisemitism. Governments and churches across Europe imposed waves of restrictions on Jews—where they could live, what jobs they could hold, barring them from owning land, even at times forcing them to wear distinctive markings to make them social pariahs.

This longstanding history of exclusion and persecution led many Jews to conclude that the only future for Jewish communal life was the creation of a homeland in the Land of Israel. In the late 19th century, a new Jewish political movement called Zionism was founded to advocate for this goal. The Zionist movement became increasingly popular in Europe after World War I as the rise of new anti-Jewish political movements and policies intensified persecution.

During the Holocaust, the Nazis and their allies and collaborators murdered six million Jewish men, women and children. They destroyed centuries of Jewish life in Europe and thousands of Jewish communities.

In the aftermath of this genocide, it became clear to many Holocaust survivors and other Jews that Jews needed their own country where they could live in safety and independence. Support for Zionism grew among Holocaust survivors, international leaders, and others. In May 1948, when the State of Israel was established, many Holocaust survivors welcomed the new state as a homeland where they would no longer be a vulnerable minority. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the webpage:

P.S.: Just so you know, I used to make one-time donations to the organization that is the subject of these 'updates' each time that I took an action as requested by that organization; however, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am greatly reducing the number of times that I donate for the same organization per month down to once—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis." (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.) Thus, because I have already donated to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) on October 7th, 2023 (please see my 'October 6th, 2023 Update—Continued Further Some More, Written On October 7th, 2023,' which can be found above) that is the one-time donation which I made to USHMM for October 2023.


October 10th, 2023 Update—Continued Further: I received an email from Students Demand Action for Gun Sense in America today, October 10th, 2023, with the subject line, "We demand the gun industry takes accountability for our lives", which stated the following:

For Gun Sense In America


Over the weekend, I jumped at the chance to lead a group of student volunteers in Maryville, Tennessee to call out the largest gun manufacturer in the country, Smith & Wesson, during the opening of their new headquarters.

As a young person from Tennessee and as a student who has grown up with the paralyzing fear of gun violence, I am fed up with the gun industry operating their #KillerBusiness and profiting while we are paying with our lives. And I know I'm not alone.

Join me and demand action and accountability by adding your name to our petition telling Smith & Wesson to change its practices.


Guns are the number one killer of my generation. Not car accidents. Not illness. GUNS. I've watched as our country's gun violence crisis has raged on while the gun industry rakes in multi-billion dollar profits at the expense of our safety.

For over 100 years, Smith & Wesson was headquartered in Massachusetts, but they just moved to Tennessee—why?

Citing proposed legislation that could have banned Smith & Wesson from producing assault weapons, they put profits before people once again to keep making and selling assault weapons. So while their CEO and elected officials were cutting the ribbon to their new HQ, we sent them a message over their new offices to let them know they are not welcome in Tennessee.

Our message to Smith & Wesson and the gun industry is simple: My generation is breaking this cycle of gun violence they helped create.

We will no longer sit by while companies like Smith & Wesson continue with business as usual.

Add your name to join me in demanding accountability from Smith & Wesson.

It will take all of us to hold this #KillerBusiness accountable.

Thank you for taking action,

[Name redacted]
[Affilation redacted]
Students Demand Action

Students Demand Action is a grassroots volunteer network of Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund. As a movement of Americans fighting for common-sense gun policies, we depend on contributions from supporters like you to fund important work to reduce gun violence.

Contributions to Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund are not tax-deductible as a charitable contribution or as a business expense under IRC Section 162(e).

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, regarding signing a petition "telling Smith & Wesson to change its practices," which can be found below:

Add Your Name To Demand Smith & Wesson Improve Its Practices

Smith & Wesson, the largest gun manufacturer in the United States, is opening its new HQ in Tennessee this weekend. Why did the company move to Tennessee from Massachusetts? To safeguard its ability to make and sell assault weapons.

The company cited proposed legislation that could have banned it from producing assault weapons in announcing its decision to leave Massachusetts. The company's AR-15s are often the firearm of choice for mass shooters. Smith & Wesson ARs were used in Aurora, San Bernardino, Parkland, Poway, and Highland Park, just to name a few.

And despite being aware of the carnage the company's guns have caused, Smith & Wesson continues to market its AR-15s to minors and young people through advertisements and social media.

Earlier this fall, a group of socially responsible faith-based investors who own shares in Smith & Wesson asked the company through a shareholder proposal—for the 5th year in a row—to conduct a human rights impact assessment. This kind of assessment would look at the company's policies and practices to determine potential and actual human rights risks.

Guns are the number one killer of children, teens, and college-aged youth in America, and gun companies like Smith & Wesson must take responsibility for our safety and prevent more loss of innocent lives.

Add your name to demand Smith & Wesson conduct a thorough human rights impact assessment of its products and STOP marketing guns to kids and teens >>

Complete the form to sign the petition now:

First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
Email address: [redacted]
ZIP Code: [redacted]
Mobile phone: [redacted]



And so, I signed the petition above, via the Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund website, in order to do my part to "demand Smith & Wesson conduct a thorough human rights impact assessment of its products and STOP marketing guns to kids and teens." –Paul Whiting (written October 10th, 2023, revised October 26th, 2023, revised October 30th, 2023 and revised December 14th, 2023)

P.S.: Just so you know, I used to make one-time donations to the organization that is the subject of these 'updates' each time that I took an action as requested by that organization; however, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am greatly reducing the number of times that I donate for the same organization per month down to once—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis." (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.) Thus, because I have already donated to the Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund on October 5th, 2023 (please see my 'October 5th, 2023 Update—Continued,' which can be found above) that is the one-time donation which I made to Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund* for October 2023.

*"Frequently Asked Questions" from the Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund:

What is the difference between the Action Fund and the Support Fund?

Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund is a 501(c)(3) organization, which focuses on awareness and educational work related to gun violence prevention. Donations to the Support Fund are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund is a 501(c)(4) organization, which focuses on advocacy and legislative work. Because Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund fights to end gun violence with every legal tool available—organizing around critical elections and key legislative battles in states across the country—donations are not tax-deductible.

Please see the hyperlink below for the FAQs:,the%20extent%20permitted%20by%20law.


October 11th, 2023 Update, Which Also Discusses October 8th, 2023: National Coming Out Day is today, October 11th, 2023, since National Coming Out Day is yearly (annually) on October 11th.

And I received an email from National Today yesterday, October 8th, 2023, with the subject line, "Celebrating Indigenous Peoples, Hugging Drummers, No Bras. The Week Ahead", which stated, in part, the following:


... Wednesday 11 October

National Coming Out Day

Homophobia thrives in silence, so today, many people who identify as LGBTQ+ “come out.”

Read more:

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can, in part, be found below:


[Observed in the] U.S.

On this October 11, National Coming Out Day will continue to raise awareness for individuals within the LGBTQ+ community, and champion the idea that homophobia thrives in silence. On this day, many people who identify as LGBTQ+ will “come out” (a term stemming from the phrase “come out of the closet”) to friends or family about their sexuality, which is a very big moment! Beyond this, the history of the LGBTQ+ movement is a beacon of light — its champions are honored, and it underlines the personal being political. It’s also a chance to celebrate the liberation spirit — many do this by waving flags associated with LGBTQ+ groups or donning pins.



National Coming Out Day is celebrated on October 11 each year. The first observation was in 1988 and by 1990 it was being celebrated in all 50 states.



National Coming Out Day was inspired by a single march. 500,000 people participated in the March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights on October 11, 1987, generating momentum to last for 4 months after the march had ended. During this period, over a hundred LGBTQ+ identifying individuals gathered outside Washington, DC, and decided on creating a national day to celebrate coming out – this began on the 1st anniversary of their historic march.

It was Rob Eichberg and Jean O’Leary who first proposed the idea of NCOD. Eichberg founded a person growth workshop, The Experience, and at the time, O’Leary was the head of National Gay Rights Advocates. Eichberg, who would later die in 1995 of complications from AIDS, had said the strongest tool in the human rights movement was to illustrate that most people already know and respect someone in the LGBTQ+ community, and NCOD helps these people come to light.

Over the last 15 years, the Human Rights Campaign has chosen a theme for every National Coming Out Day — 2014 and 2013 were both themed “Coming Out Still Matters,” and the earliest theme (1999) was “Come Out To Congress.” There have also been different spokespeople for each NCOD. Some notable names include “Frasier” actor Dan Butler and Candance Gingrich, half-sister of Newt Gingrich, in the 1990s.

NCOD gains popularity and participants every year. Since its inception, countless public figures and celebrities have openly identified themselves as LGBTQ+, and yearly share messages of support and hope for those still in the closet. Notable celebrities who tweeted in support of NCOD in 2019 include Olympic figure skater Adam Rippon and actress and advocate Sara Ramirez. The event plans to continue its efforts to eradicate hate and homophobia with friends and family coming out to dispel stereotypes.



The First Documented Gay Rights Organization:
The Society for Human Rights was founded by Henry Gerber in Chicago.

June 28, 1969
Stonewall Riot:
The riot against police at the Stonewall Inn in Manhattan triggered the beginning of the LGBTQ+ movement.

October 11, 1987
National March on Washington:
This impactful event is honored by National Coming Out Day being on the same day.

October 11, 2002
The Beat of Their Own Drum:
On National Coming Out Day in 2002, a benefit CD was released featuring donated songs by artists who were either in the LGBTQ+ community or were allies — it included Cyndi Lauper and Queen.

May 17, 2004
The First Same-Sex Marriage:
The first legal same sex marriage takes place in Massachusetts.



Where else is National Coming Out Day celebrated?

National Coming Out Day is also recognized in Ireland, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and the UK.

What are some LGBTQ+ organizations I can support?

Some of the most prominent LGBTQ+ supporting organizations include the Human Rights Campaign, The Trevor Project, The National Center for Transgender Equality, and the It Gets Better Project — as well as many more!

Where can resources for those considering coming out be found?

The Human Rights Campaign has created a comprehensive Resource Guide to Coming Out, which discusses how the conversation might go, how those involved might feel, and what benefits might be gained from coming out.



1. Contribute to the Human Rights Campaign

This organization not only sponsors NCOD, but also dedicates itself to fighting for LGBTQ+ equality in many ways. It’s a worthy cause to support!

2. Support someone coming out

No way around it - coming out can be a difficult experience. Be an ally by accepting those that choose to share this part of their lives with you. If you yourself are on the fence about whether or not to share that important bit of your identity, consider taking advantage of the extra love today and make the leap, if the time is right for you.

3. Don a Pride symbol to raise awareness

The symbolic representations of the different groups encompassed in the acronym ‘LGBTQ+’ can be a very welcome sight to see for some who feel discriminated against or alone. Raise awareness of the movements by donning a pin or waving a flag, or post your support on a social media platform that you feel comfortable with!



1. National Coming Out Day includes more than gay or lesbian

LGBTQ+ has grown to encompass bisexual, transgender, and many more sexual identities - so more and more people are able to participate in NCOD!

2. It has grown in National support

On the first National Coming Out Day, only 18 states participated — this number skyrocketed with media attention and sent the event worldwide.

3. It used to be much more dangerous

In this decade and in Western culture, it is statistically less dangerous to come out as gay or lesbian - many who are part of the community instead celebrate their identity and wear pride-supporting accessories!

4. Knowledge drives out hate

One study shows that those who know a loved one is in the LGBTQ+ community are less likely to maintain oppressive and homophobic views.

5. It was once headquartered in West Hollywood

When NCOD first began, the headquarters of National Gay Rights Advocates was in West Hollywood, California, but has since moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico.



A. It’s a celebration of diversity

When different people come together, we are all stronger. Hate and homophobia thrive in silence, according to the Human Rights Council, and this day serves to bring into light and accept the differences we have.

B. It shines a light on an important movement in history

A recent poll shows that 5% of Americans identify with the LGBTQ+ community - and that’s not even counting all the allies and supporters! The movements that stand behind NCOD is working to give all these people freedom, voice, and choice in how they live their lives.

C. It can be life-changing

The decision to live your life out of the closet — truly genuine, and not hiding any aspects of your identity — is a huge step for many people around the world. NCOD can represent this new beginning, and be one of the most important days in a person’s life.

Please see the hyperlink below for the post:

–Paul Whiting (October 11th, 2023)


October 11th, 2023 Update—Continued: I typically write one 'update' for the Time Magazine articles that I read from one of their daily emails that I receive each day (or, sometimes, I receive more than one daily email), then I also often write a separate 'update' from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google, if there are news articles that I feel are important for me to read from those Time Magazine emails and/or from those Google news searches.

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news each and every day, which usually starts with me reading the above-mentioned Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails. Then, I usually check each day's news via a Google search under several news topics when I first get up in the morning, right after I check my email, as well as after I check my previous day's cellular data usage, which I track very carefully.

Thus, I usually check on what is happening in the news via various Google searches that I do on an oftentimes daily basis under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, from those searches, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read!

So, this 'update' I am writing today, October 11th, 2023, is from both my usual reading of Time Magazine articles, as well as from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google.

Now, I usually try to publish these current news 'updates' on the day that I actually read the news articles referenced in the 'update'; however, lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news!

Not only that, I have been busy, as well, with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that require their very own 'updates!' Besides that, I am often engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

Plus, I am trying to throttle my cellular data usage in order to stay below the amount of usage that my data plan offers each month, which I track very carefully, so that I don't go over that amount.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received today, October 11th, 2023, when I noticed eight articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The first Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Which Israel Will Emerge After the Hamas Attack?":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "How to Help Victims of the Israel-Gaza War":


The third Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "House Republicans Show Where Israel Ranks (Right Behind Their Infighting)":


The fourth Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "These Are the Candidates for House Speaker":


The fifth Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "‘Hospital at Home’ Could Be the Future of Health Care. Not Everyone Thinks It’s a Good Idea":


The sixth Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "How to Help Afghanistan Earthquake Victims":


The seventh Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Reeling From Hamas’ Attack, Israelis Around the World Try to Head Home to Join the Fight":


The eighth Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Biden Faces Hard Choices on American Hostages in Gaza":

Continuing on—as I mentioned above—lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news. And I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, October 11th, 2023, when I noticed 15 different articles from various news organizations!

Therefore, due to this sudden inundation of news, I am simply opening a webpage for each of the various news articles that I am planning to read, based upon the title of each news article and/or based upon the topic of each news article, in preparation for reading each article later on.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, due to the number of articles for which I have an introduction to write lately, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

And to clarify: I still have to read these articles! So, I have each article opened as a webpage on my smartphone's Google browser until such a time as I can get around to actually reading them, due to the number of them.

Another clarification: I greatly simplified how these articles are listed—that I still have yet to read—in order to set them apart from the articles in previous 'updates' where I have already read the articles. Plus, I am grouping these articles generally in the order in which I am planning to read them, but also by category for articles that may be related by topic. And I usually group by news organization for articles that are from the same publication in these types of current news 'updates,' however, I could only do that occasionally for this 'update' due to the number of articles. Also, I will indicate whether, or not, I have read each article below its title and hyperlink.

Thus, I will indicate the date that I read each article below the title and hyperlink to the article, after I read the article. Therefore, I plan to indicate when I complete reading the articles below, whenever I can actually get around to reading them—when I have access to WiFi, such as at my local library, or at a place of business where I have been shopping, or at a coffee shop, etc., in order to save usage on my cellular data plan through my mobile phone company, as noted above.

No. 1: "Biden: ‘I Refuse to Be Silent’ on Hamas Attack" from U.S. News & World Report:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 2: "Biden says Americans are being held hostage by Hamas" from NBC News:

[I have NOT watched this video yet.]


No. 3: "Biden says US death toll rising in Israel, confirms Americans taken hostage" from ABC News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 4: "Vulnerable Democrats call on Biden to freeze $6B in Iran funds" from Axios:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 5: "Centrist Senate Dems call for freezing $6 billion in Iran assets after Hamas attack in Israel" from Politico:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 6: "The Senate is a problem in the Israel crisis. Democrats are fed up." from Politico:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 7: "Biden under pressure to refreeze $6bn in Iranian oil money after Hamas attack" from The Guardian News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 8: "Republicans to introduce resolution to ‘rid the House of George Santos’" from The Guardian News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 9: "Republican lawmakers to introduce resolution to expel Rep. George Santos from Congress" from NBC News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 10: "New York’s freshman GOP House members seek to expel Santos ahead of 2024 battles" from Politico:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 11: "US House in limbo as Republican Scalise appears short of votes for speaker" from Reuters:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 12: "Republicans nominate Steve Scalise to be House speaker but struggle to unite quickly and elect him" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 13: "Republicans nominate Steve Scalise to replace McCarthy as House speaker" from The Guardian News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 14: "Jim Jordan will vote for Steve Scalise to be House speaker, source says – as it happened" from The Guardian News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 15: "Rep. Steve Scalise wins the House GOP speaker nomination" from NPR (National Public Radio):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written October 11th, 2023, revised October 16th, 2023 and revised May 21st, 2024)

P.S.: By the way, today, October 11th, 2023, I read the September 22nd, 2023 news articles from my ‘September 22nd, 2023 Update—Continued Further Some More Than Before, Written On September 23rd, 2023,’ which can be found above.

P.S.: By the way, today, May 21st, 2024, I checked all of the hyperlinks to the articles above, where I have indicated that "I have NOT read this article yet" in order to make sure that they are accurate, because I am probably NEVER going to read the articles above, since they are 'Ancient History' as far as politics go! And I barely have the time to keep up with the current news that I am reading, as often as I can manage it. That is why I wanted to provide you with this update for this 'update.'


October 12th, 2023 Update: Farmers Day is today, October 12th, 2023! So, I decided to write this 'update' in order to tell everyone in the United States of America that Farmers Day is yearly (annually) on October 12th.

Thus, in celebration of all that farmers do for us, I created two playlists on YouTube Music [in 2022] in order to say "THANK YOU" to all of the farmers! (Please see my 'October 12th, 2022 Update,' which can be found above.)

"Farmers Day Celebration Music" by Various Artists (on YouTube):

"Farmers Day Healing Music" by Farmers Music (on YouTube Music):

Here is the description from both playlists:

Did you know that "Farmers Day" is on October 12th each year? Well, I didn't know that either until this year [2022]! So, I decided to tell everyone in the United States of America that Farmers Day is yearly (annually) on October 12th. Thus, in celebration of all that farmers do for us, I created this playlist in order to say "THANK YOU" to all of the farmers!

–Paul Whiting (October 12th, 2023)


October 12th, 2023 Update—Continued: I received two text messages today, October 12th, 2023, from USA for UNFPA (formerly known as the 'United Nations Fund for Population Activities' that is now called the 'United Nations Population Fund').

The first text message that I received today from USA for UNFPA stated the following:

URGENT: Afghanistan hit by *multiple* 6.8 magnitude earthquakes this week.

Official reports say that over 2,000 people are dead, thousands are injured, and thousands more displaced.

Paul, As you can see in the photo above, entire villages have been leveled. Early reports also show that the majority of those who have died thus far are women and children. In one village, nearly every single woman and girl in the community of 2,500 died. The only survivors were men working outside the home.

UNFPA is on the ground now delivering lifesaving aid, including:

--> Deploying three mobile health teams to earthquake-affected areas;
--> Distributing over 160 dignity kits containing essential supplies to affected women and girls.
--> Sending additional medical personnel to the hospitals where the majority of victims are being treated.

But this is a crisis situation where every second counts and lives hang in the balance. We need to scale up our relief efforts, fast.

Please make an emergency gift of $75 or more today to deliver urgently needed humanitarian relief. We need to raise $15,000 by midnight tonight to help expedite emergency aid, but can't do it without your support:***

Thank you,


The second text message that I received today from USA for UNFPA stated the following:

🚨 ALERT: Multiple 6.3-magnitude earthquakes have struck Afghanistan this week

Paul Whiting: As you can see in the picture above, whole villages have been completely leveled. Official reports say that over 2,000 people are dead, thousands are injured, and thousands more displaced.

Heartbreakingly, early reports also show that the majority of those who died so far are women and children. In fact, in one village of 2,500 people, nearly every woman and girl died. The only survivors were men working outside the home.

But thanks to your past support, we were immediately on the ground delivering lifesaving care to survivors, including UNFPA Dignity Kits, maternal health care, and violence protection services.

But the need is growing and this is a crisis situation where every single second counts.

We urgently need your support to expand our lifesaving care as more survivors are recovered and as communities already struggling under intense political turmoil and widespread hunger try to rebuild.

Your gift of $90 could provide 6 women with UNFPA Dignity Kits, which contain basic care items, like soap, underwear, a head covering, blankets, and menstrual pads.

Will you please rush an emergency gift today and deliver lifesaving care in Afghanistan and wherever relief is needed most? You can donate securely at the link below:***

Thank you, Paul Whiting. We deeply appreciate your support in this moment of incredible need.


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, I made a one-time donation to USA for UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) in order to do my part to "rush an emergency gift today and deliver lifesaving care in Afghanistan and wherever relief is needed most." –Paul Whiting (written October 12th, 2023 and revised October 24th, 2023)


October 12th, 2023 Update—Continued Further, Which Also Discusses October 11th, 2023: I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles from one of their daily emails that I received yesterday, October 11th, 2023, when I noticed a article titled, "How to Help Afghanistan Earthquake Victims." (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.) A summarization of the article—relevant to the donations that I made—can be found below:

"How to Help Afghanistan Earthquake Victims" from Time Magazine

By Anna Gordon | October 10, 2023

At least 2,400 people were killed and 9,000 more were injured after a 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Western Afghanistan on Saturday. The quake hit Zindajan, a rural district some 40km (25 miles) from Herat city, where nearly 2,000 homes have been completely destroyed across 20 villages. Eight aftershocks also hit the country, severely impacting vulnerable communities with poorly constructed homes. Health care facilities are also overwhelmed and under equipped by the number of people needing treatment.

Since the Taliban’s takeover in summer 2021, many international aid organizations have greatly reduced their operations in the country, making the population even more vulnerable to natural disasters. Only a handful of countries have publicly offered support in the aftermath of the disaster, including China and Pakistan, because many countries refuse to deal directly with the Taliban.

“There’s not much disaster management capacity and what there is can’t cover people on the ground,” Salma Ben Aissa, the director for the International Rescue Committee’s Afghanistan mission, told the Associated Press over the weekend. “The numbers (of dead) are increasing hour by hour.”

In addition to aid being cut after the Taliban takeover, financial issues plaguing the World Food Program led the organization cutting food distributions for the country last month, and many international aid resources have been diverted to the recent escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Aid agencies like the International Rescue Committee have warned that if the Taliban lacks proper rescue equipment to deal with such a significant natural disaster, it could lead to more deaths.

Here are some ways you can help.

International Committee of the Red Cross

The International Committee of the Red Cross is providing health care, re-establishing health care infrastructure, and working on improving sanitation and energy supply together with the Afghan Red Crescent and other on the ground humanitarian partner organizations. To learn more, you can visit their website here.


UNICEF is the United Nations agency responsible for providing humanitarian relief to children around the globe. They are currently distributing emergency water and hygiene kits in the country to address the urgent needs of children impacted by the earthquake. To donate, you can click here. ...

... Doctors Without Borders

Doctors Without Borders is currently providing support at Herat regional hospital and manages the hospital’s pediatric section. They have also sent additional supplies to other parts of the country. To donate, click here. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight this Time Magazine article for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

Plus, I made a one-time donation of $11.00 to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), because "The ICRC is responding to the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan by providing health care, supporting health care infrastructure, rehabilitation support, assisting people to establish livelihoods and incomes, helping families who have been separated reconnect, improving access to clean water, sanitation and energy, together with the Afghan Red Crescent, and other Movement partners."

Also, I made a one-time donation of $10.00 to UNICEF USA (formerly known as the 'United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund' that is now called the 'United Nations Children's Fund'), because "Afghanistan earthquake leaves children, families at risk: UNICEF [is] responding following powerful earthquake and aftershocks."

In addition to that, I made a one-time donation of $10.00 to Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), because "MSF is responding to Herat earthquake: Hundreds of wounded people are being treated at the MSF-supported Herat Regional Hospital."

–Paul Whiting (October 12th, 2023)

P.S.: Please see my 'October 11th, 2023 Update—Continued,' which can be found above, where I also referenced this same article.


October 12th, 2023 Update—Continued Further Some More: I typically write one 'update' for the Time Magazine articles that I read from one of their daily emails that I receive each day (or, sometimes, I receive more than one daily email), then I also often write a separate 'update' from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google, if there are news articles that I feel are important for me to read from those Time Magazine emails and/or from those Google news searches.

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news each and every day, which usually starts with me reading the above-mentioned Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails. Then, I usually check each day's news via a Google search under several news topics when I first get up in the morning, right after I check my email, as well as after I check my previous day's cellular data usage, which I track very carefully.

Thus, I usually check on what is happening in the news via various Google searches that I do on an oftentimes daily basis under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, from those searches, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read!

So, this 'update' I am writing today, October 12th, 2023, is from both my usual reading of Time Magazine articles, as well as from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google.

Now, I usually try to publish these current news 'updates' on the day that I actually read the news articles referenced in the 'update'; however, lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news!

Not only that, I have been busy, as well, with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that require their very own 'updates!' Besides that, I am often engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

Plus, I am trying to throttle my cellular data usage in order to stay below the amount of usage that my data plan offers each month, which I track very carefully, so that I don't go over that amount.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received today, October 12th, 2023, when I noticed four articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The first Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "The Right-Wing Textbooks Shaping What Many Americans Know About History":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "She Sued Tennessee for Denying Her an Abortion. Now She’s Running for Office.":


The third Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Israelis Dread This Nightmare Will Never End":


The fourth Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Biden and Congress Craft $2 Billion Aid Package as Israel Vows to ‘Crush’ Hamas":

Continuing on—as I mentioned above—lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news. And I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, October 12th, 2023, when I noticed 34 different articles from various news organizations!

Therefore, due to this sudden inundation of news, I am simply opening a webpage for each of the various news articles that I am planning to read, based upon the title of each news article and/or based upon the topic of each news article, in preparation for reading each article later on.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, due to the number of articles for which I have an introduction to write lately, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

And to clarify: I still have to read these articles! So, I have each article opened as a webpage on my smartphone's Google browser until such a time as I can get around to actually reading them, due to the number of them.

Another clarification: I greatly simplified how these articles are listed—that I still have yet to read—in order to set them apart from the articles in previous 'updates' where I have already read the articles. Plus, I am grouping these articles generally in the order in which I am planning to read them, but also by category for articles that may be related by topic. And I usually group by news organization for articles that are from the same publication in these types of current news 'updates,' however, I could only do that occasionally for this 'update' due to the number of articles. Also, I will indicate whether, or not, I have read each article below its title and hyperlink.

Thus, I will indicate the date that I read each article below the title and hyperlink to the article, after I read the article. Therefore, I plan to indicate when I complete reading the articles below, whenever I can actually get around to reading them—when I have access to WiFi, such as at my local library, or at a place of business where I have been shopping, or at a coffee shop, etc., in order to save usage on my cellular data plan through my mobile phone company, as noted above.

No. 1: "Israel-Hamas war rages on; U.S. arranging flights to get Americans out of Israel" from CBS News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 2: "Amid fury of Israel-Hamas war, U.S. plans Israel evacuation flights for Americans starting Friday" from CBS News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 3: "US will offer charter flights to help Americans leave Israel starting Friday" from The Jerusalem Post:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 4: "State Department announces plan to fly Americans out of Israel" from ABC News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 5: "US and Qatar reach ‘quiet understanding’ not to release $6 billion sent to Iran for now, Treasury official tells House Democrats" from CNN:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 6: "U.S. and Qatar Deny Iran Access to $6 Billion From Prisoner Deal" from The New York Times (by the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 7: "US and Qatar agree to prevent disbursal of recently unfrozen Iranian funds as Israel-Hamas war rages" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 8: "U.S. and Qatar agree not to release Iran's $6B" from NBC News:

[I have NOT watched this video yet.]


No. 9: "US reportedly persuaded Qatar to halt $6bn to Iran in breach of deal" from The Guardian News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 10: "Biden steps up security for Jewish communities in the U.S. after the attack in Israel" from NPR (National Public Radio):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 11: "Israeli Billboards Thanking the U.S. Have a New Face on Them: Biden’s" from The New York Times (by the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 12: "President Biden Remarks at Roundtable with Jewish Community Leaders" from C-SPAN (Cable-Satellite Public Affairs Network):

[I have NOT watched this video yet.]


No. 13: "‘A message’: Why has Biden dispatched a US strike group during Gaza war?" from Al Jazeera News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 14: "U.S. Flowing Military Supplies to Israel, as Country Battles Hamas Terrorists" from the U.S. Department of Defense:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 15: "Biden’s dilemma in Israel response: Outrage without escalation" from CNN:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 16: "'We're bracing ourselves': Inside the White House as it grapples with the attack on Israel" from NBC News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 17: "For Democrats, Crisis in Israel Could Be a Unifying Force" from The New York Times (by the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 18: "The generational rift that explains Democrats’ angst over Israel" from Politico:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 19: "Donald Trump attacks President Biden on foreign policy as Israel-Hamas war rages" from he Portland Press Harold [Portland, Maine]:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 20: "Donald Trump attacks President Biden in WPB [West Palm Beach] on foreign policy as Israel-Hamas war rages" from WPEC CBS12 News [Florida]:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 21: "[Illinois Gov. J.B.] Pritzker, as Biden campaign surrogate, slams Trump’s praise of Hezbollah" from the Chicago Sun Times:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 22: "Trump’s criticism of Israel’s Netanyahu draws strong condemnation from GOP rivals" from AP (Associated Press) News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 23: "Republicans slam Trump’s comments on Netanyahu and Hezbollah" from Politico:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 24: "DeSantis jab at Trump over Israel may be a hard sell to Florida Jewish Republicans" from Politico:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 25: "Wokeism and the American military" from (Premium Newsletter The Villages, Florida):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 26: "Scalise lacks votes from hardline Republicans to become next House speaker – as it happened" from The Guardian News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 27: "House speaker race highlights: Steve Scalise drops out and what happens next" from NBC News:

[I have NOT watched this video yet.]


No. 28: "Steve Scalise drops out of speaker’s race as House GOP faces leadership crisis" from CNN:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 29: "CNN Poll: Americans’ views of the Republican Party and its congressional leaders have worsened amid House leadership crisis" from CNN:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 30: "Republican's claim about Jim Jordan stuns Jake Tapper" from CNN:

[I have NOT watched this video yet.]


No. 31: "‘The Jim Jordan from Ohio?’ CNN host incredulous as Nancy Mace claims Democrats trust hardliner" from The Guardian News:

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 32: "With the World in Crisis, House Republicans Bicker Among Themselves" from The New York Times (by the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]


No. 33: "Wisconsin Republicans Retreat From Threats to Impeach Liberal Justice" from The New York Times (by the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times):

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (writtend October 12th, 2023 and revised May 21st, 2024)

P.S.: By the way, today, May 21st, 2024, I checked all of the hyperlinks to the articles above, where I have indicated that "I have NOT read this article yet" in order to make sure that they are accurate, because I am probably NEVER going to read the articles above, since they are 'Ancient History' as far as politics go! And I barely have the time to keep up with the current news that I am reading, as often as I can manage it. That is why I wanted to provide you with this update for this 'update.'


October 13th, 2023 Update: Today is Friday, October 13th, 2023! And I have a fear of "Friday the 13th," but mostly due to with my fear of everyone else's superstitious beliefs about "Friday the 13th."

You see, I think that our superstitious secular beliefs, such as "Friday the 13th," are being created by our Christian religious beliefs, which are producing a society in which all of the males (and the females too) are Religious True Believing, conspiracy theory promoting, Superstitious Conservative Micromanagers!

For my theory regarding Religious True Believing Superstitious Conservative Micromanagers, please see my "May 13th, 2022 Update," which can be found above. A brief introduction to this 'update' can be found below:


Today is Friday, May 13th, 2022! And I have a fear of "Friday the 13th," but mostly due to with my fear of everyone else's superstitious beliefs about "Friday the 13th." You see, I think that our superstitious secular beliefs, such as "Friday the 13th," are being created by our Christian religious beliefs, which are producing a society in which all of the males (and the females too) are Religious True Believing, conspiracy theory promoting, Superstitious Conservative Micromanagers!

And this update is a continuation of my 'May 11th, 2022 Update—Continued' that I wrote on my blog post titled, "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was," which is on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog. And that update stated, in part, the following:

"Out of respect for May 11th, 2022, which is the day that no Republicans in the United States Senate voted, on May 11th, 2022, to pass the Women's Health Protection Act (WHPA), here is the '511' (so to speak), or 'the explanation' (so to speak), or my philosophy about why the Republicans all voted against the WHPA here in America, which I think relates to the way that politics, elections and laws specifically relating to the control of women are occurring with regard to Christian governments—not only here in America, but also in the rest of the Christian world."

Plus, the above-mentioned 'May 11th, 2022 Update—Continued' is also a continuation of my 'April 11th, 2022 Update' that I also wrote previously on my blog post titled, "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was," which is on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog. And that update stated, in part, the following:

"In honor of April 11th, 2022, here is the '411,' or 'the information,' or my philosophy about the upcoming 2022 Midterm Elections in America, which I think relates to the way that politics, elections and laws are occurring with regard to Christian governments—not only here in America, but also in the rest of the Christian world."

Here, then, is a brief summarization of the basic premises from the aforementioned 'April 11th, 2022 Update' and 'May 11th, 2022 Update—Continued' in the most succinct summarization possible, as told through various quotes from those previous updates, in the order in which I wrote the quotes: ....

Speaking of "Friday the 13th," which is "considered an unlucky day in Western superstition,"* why aren't there any superstitious beliefs around the Friday two weeks after "Friday the 13th," which is "Friday the 27th?"

Thus, if "Friday the 13th" is an unlucky day, then "Friday the 27th" should be considered a lucky day! There's even a number seven in that date, which—as everyone knows—is a lucky number.

Therefore, as a self-designated 'Poet, Artist and Philosopher,' I have now proclaimed "Friday the 27th" as the official antidote to the unluckiness of "Friday the 13th." Let the good word of "Friday the 27th" go forth unto all people to give them a day—exactly two weeks after "Friday the 13th"—where there is nothing but good luck coming your way!

–Paul Whiting (written October 13th, 2023 and revised December 6th, 2023)

*"Friday the 13th" from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia—which is funded primarily through donations from millions of individuals around the world, including this blogger (I make a totally affordable monthly donation):

Friday the 13th is considered an unlucky day in Western superstition. It occurs when the 13th day of the month in the Gregorian calendar falls on a Friday, which happens at least once every year but can occur up to three times in the same year. For example, 2015 had a Friday the 13th in February, March, and November, which will happen again in 2026; 2017 through 2020 had two Friday the 13ths; 2016, 2021 and 2022 had just one Friday the 13th, as will 2025; 2023 and 2024 have two Friday the 13ths.

A month has a Friday the 13th only if it begins on a Sunday. ...


October 13th, 2023 Update—Continued: I received an email from Everytown for Gun Safety today, October 13th, 2023, with the subject line, "This Latinx Heritage Month, help us build a future free from gun violence: Latinx children and teens are 3 times more likely to be killed by gun homicide than their white peers.", which stated the following:


During Latinx Heritage Month, we reflect and celebrate the cultures, histories, and traditions that make up our Latinx communities—and the leaders who have been keeping us safe as we imagine a better world for future generations.

Because today, Latinx communities are disproportionately impacted by gun violence, gun homicide, gun suicide, police violence, and intimate partner violence.

And as the Latinx population in the U.S. continues to grow, we have a responsibility to support Latinx communities to lead in ending the gun violence crisis, and to uplift the work that makes our communities safer.

Which is why we continue to prioritize funding the community violence intervention organizations doing this critical work. Learn more about several Latinx-led organizations' specialized approaches to ending gun violence.

Since 2019, the Everytown Community Safety Fund has granted over $10 million to 117 community-based violence intervention programs in 67 cities.

These community-based organizations use a localized approach to gun violence prevention, with community members identifying risk and reducing violence through evidence-based interventions.

Learn why we support [name redacted] with [organization redacted] in Central Florida and [name redacted] work with the [organization redacted] and find out how these local leaders are taking action to help our Latinx communities thrive.

Empowering local leaders to develop their own playbook to end gun violence means they can take a specialized approach that fits into their community. Because every community deserves to thrive without fear.

Thank you for supporting our work to build a future free from gun violence,

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
Everytown for Gun Safety

Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund (the "Everytown Support Fund") is the education, research, and litigation arm of Everytown for Gun Safety, the largest gun violence prevention organization in the country with over eight million supporters. The Everytown Support Fund seeks to improve our understanding of the causes of gun violence and help to reduce it by conducting groundbreaking original research, developing evidence-based policies, communicating this knowledge to the American public, and advancing gun safety and gun violence prevention in communities and the courts. Learn more at Contributions to Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, regarding learning more about several Latinx-led organizations' specialized approaches to ending gun violence. An introduction to the webpage can be found below:

Meet the Latinx Leaders Bringing Community Violence Intervention Programs to Their Communities

Violence intervention programs provide community-informed, comprehensive support to people who are most vulnerable to gun violence and are shown to reduce gunshot woundings and deaths in the communities most impacted by gun violence. They apply a localized approach to gun violence prevention and deploy trusted and credible community members to identify those who are the most vulnerable and work to reduce violence through targeted interventions.

Since 2019, Everytown Community Safety Fund has granted over $10 million to 117 community-based violence intervention programs implementing evidence-based strategies in 67 cities. We’re excited to support the local, community-based violence intervention programs that have been proven to work. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the webpage:

–Paul Whiting (written October 13th, 2023 and revised October 30th, 2023)

P.S.: Just so you know, I used to make one-time donations to the organization that is the subject of these 'updates' each time that I took an action as requested by that organization; however, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am greatly reducing the number of times that I donate for the same organization per month down to once—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis." (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.) Thus, because I have already donated twice to the Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund on October 6th, 2023 (please see my 'October 6th, 2023 Update—Continued,' which can be found above) those are the two, one-time donations which I made to Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund* for October 2023.

*"Frequently Asked Questions" from the Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund:

What is the difference between the Action Fund and the Support Fund?

Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund is a 501(c)(3) organization, which focuses on awareness and educational work related to gun violence prevention. Donations to the Support Fund are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund is a 501(c)(4) organization, which focuses on advocacy and legislative work. Donations to Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund are not tax-deductible.

Please see the hyperlink below for the FAQs:,s%20are%20not%20tax%2Ddeductible.


October 13th, 2023 Update—Continued Further: I received an email from the USO (United Service Organizations) today, October 13th, 2023, with the subject line, "FW: A Message from the [title redacted]: Israel-Hamas war," which stated the following:

Paul, as one of our top supporters, I wanted you to see this message from our [title redacted], [name redacted].

In these trying times, as we witness the escalating Israel-Hamas war, it is more crucial than ever to stand behind our brave men and women in the United States military. The USO is working around the clock to ensure that our service members deployed to the Middle East region in response to this conflict and around the world have everything they need.

The USO will continue providing critical support to our service members and the families they leave behind, but we rely on the generosity of supporters like you to fund these efforts.

Please, Paul, will you rush a donation right now to help us support our brave military around the world during this crisis and into the future?


For the people who serve,
[Name redacted]

From: [Name redacted]
Sent: Fr‌iday, Oct‌ober 13, 2‌023 6:‌08 AM
To: All WW Staff
Subject: A Message from the [title redacted]: Israel-Hamas war

Dear USO Family,

We find ourselves in a challenging and deeply concerning situation as the Israel-Hamas war continues to impact the lives of countless individuals in the region. Our primary focus is on helping U.S. service members and their families, who are deeply affected by conflicts and crises. While U.S. forces are not directly engaged in this war, they are in the region in support of our allies.

And the USO is right there with them — to support our service members who are away from home this holiday season while they attempt to deter a widening of the conflict and provide support to our allies. We will always be by their side.

Working around the clock, our incredible teams are making an impact by:

• Providing Wi-Fi and other communication resources to keep service members connected to family, home and country. This is particularly important for the thousands of troops in the Middle East who otherwise may have no access to cell phones or laptops.
• Distributing USO Care Packages, which come in two varieties: Hygiene Kits with essential toiletries and Snack Packs with food that will remind them of home. These packages ensure service members feel supported and valued by their country.
• Sending USO2GO and portable boxed programs to military units on the move. These packages include snacks, toiletries, games and sports equipment to keep troops entertained while giving them much-needed opportunities for relaxation.
• Providing hot meals and a sense of home to deployed service members.
• Providing military families on the home front with community-building activities, opportunities to communicate with deployed loved ones and other essential support.

I know that these are stressful times for many, especially those of you who may have family and friends in the affected region — and as always, we are here for you.

While we do not know what will happen next, I am confident that the USO will continue to support those serving our country and their families.

With deep gratitude,

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
United Service Organizations, Inc.

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, I made a one-time donation on the website in order to support the USO's statement regarding the Israel–Hamas war:

"Help the USO support U.S. service members around the world during the Israel–Hamas war and into the future.

The USO is supporting troops and their families around the world, including those who could be impacted by the conflict in the region. That includes providing Wi-Fi and communication resources, expanding meal programs, providing support items and more. At this critical moment, your support is more important than ever, so please: Donate now to support our troops around the world!"

In addition to that, I already make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! You see, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation.

By the way, did you know that the USO is a not-for-profit organization and not part of the Department of Defense (DoD)? The following description of the USO is from their 'About Us' webpage:

"The USO is not part of the federal government. A congressionally chartered, private organization, the USO relies on the generosity of individuals, organizations and corporations to support its activities, and is powered by a family of volunteers to accomplish our mission of connection."

So, that is why I 'volunteer financially' as a member of the "USO Home Team" through a recurring monthly donation, as well as through one-time donations to the USO each month! –Paul Whiting (written October 13th, 2023, revised October 22nd, 2023 and revised November 18th, 2023)

P.S.: For my complete charitable donation updates—that include some of my current "Online Activism," as well as most all of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs.

Please see the hyperlinks below for the posts:


October 13th, 2023 Update—Continued Further Some More: This 'update' that I am writing today, October 13th, 2023, is from both my usual reading of Time Magazine articles, as well as from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google.

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day, which usually starts with me reading Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails that I receive each day. Then, I usually check each day's news via a Google search under several news topics sometime after I check my email, as well as after I check my previous day's cellular data usage, which I track very carefully.

Thus, I usually check on what is happening in the news via various Google searches that I do on an oftentimes daily basis under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Time Magazine emails and/or from those Google news searches.

Now, I usually try to publish these current news 'updates' on the day that I actually read the news articles referenced in the 'update'; however, lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news!

Not only that, I have been busy, as well, with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that require their very own 'updates!' Besides that, I am often engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

Plus, I am trying to throttle my cellular data usage in order to stay below the amount of usage that my data plan offers each month, which I track very carefully, so that I don't go over that amount.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received today, when I noticed the following articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The first Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "How Netanyahu Undermined Israel’s Security":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Steve Scalise Drops Out of House Speaker Race":


The third Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Kevin McCarthy Is Blaming Biden’s Climate Policy for the Attacks in Israel":


The fourth Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "‘This Is Chaos’: Israel Orders ‘Impossible’ Gaza Evacuation as Hamas Tells People to Stay Put":

Continuing on—as I mentioned above—lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news. And I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, October 13th, 2023, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

Therefore, due to this sudden inundation of news, I am simply opening a webpage for each of the various news articles that I am planning to read, based upon the title of each news article and/or based upon the topic of each news article, in preparation for reading each article later on.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, due to the number of articles for which I have an introduction to write lately, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

And to clarify: I still have to read these articles! So, I have each article opened as a webpage on my smartphone's Google browser until such a time as I can get around to actually reading them, due to the number of them.

Another clarification: I greatly simplified how these articles are listed—that I still have yet to read—in order to set them apart from the articles in previous 'updates' where I have already read the articles. Plus, I am listing these articles by the initial Google search category under which I found each article. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.] And I will indicate whether, or not, I have read each article below its title and hyperlink.

Thus, I will indicate the date that I read each article below the title and hyperlink to the article, after I read the article. Therefore, I plan to indicate when I complete reading the articles below, whenever I can actually get around to reading them—when I have access to WiFi, such as at my local library, or at a place of business where I have been shopping, or at a coffee shop, etc., in order to save usage on my cellular data plan through my mobile phone company, as noted above.


1. NBC News ·
Blinken on Israel-Hamas war and getting Americans out

[I have NOT watched this video yet.]

2. NPR
As Israel-Hamas war continues, Americans remain supportive of Israel in new poll (Americans strongly support Israel, but there are generational and racial divides)

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

3. The New York Times (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
Palestinian Americans, Dismayed by Violence, Say Historical Context Is Being Overlooked

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

4. CBS News
Biden to meet virtually with families of Americans missing after Hamas attack on Israel

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



5. NBC News
U.S. officials privately warn Israel to show restraint in retaliating against Hamas

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

6. CNN
US intelligence warned of the potential for violence days before Hamas attack

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

7. ABC News
Hamas 'Day of Rage' protests break out in Middle East and beyond

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

8. Reuters
US House Republicans nominate Jim Jordan for speaker, testing hardline appeal

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

9. USA Today (By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)
Israel war news updates: Israel orders the evacuation of Gaza City (Israeli military calls for evacuation of all civilians in Gaza City ahead of feared ground offensive: Updates)

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

America Stood United Behind Israel – Until it Became Just Another Source of Political Division (America’s Short-Lived Show of Unity)

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

11. The Guardian
Major US cities step up security ahead of protests over Israel-Hamas conflict

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



12. UAW expands strike, hitting Ford’s largest factory

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

13. AP News
Blinken and Austin bolster US support for Israel as potential ground offensive in Gaza looms

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

14. Department of Defense
Austin: U.S. Commitment to Israel Is "Ironclad"

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

15. State Department
Secretary Antony J. Blinken with Norah O'Donnell of CBS Evening News

[I have NOT read this interview yet.]



16. Reuters
In Gaza crisis, Biden faces little pressure at home to rein in Israel - for now

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

17. CNN
Biden announces regional hydrogen hubs in hopes of sparking a clean-energy revolution

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

18. The New York Times (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
Biden Administration Awards $7 Billion for 7 Hydrogen Hubs Across the U.S.

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

19. CBS News · CBS Philadelphia
President Biden to promote creation of clean hydrogen hubs

[I have NOT watched this video yet.]

20. USA Today (By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)
'They're going through agony': President Biden speaks with families of Americans held hostage by Hamas

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

21. PBS
WATCH LIVE: Biden touts economy and green energy in Philadelphia speech

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



22. AP News
Biden awards $7 billion for clean hydrogen hubs across the country to help replace fossil fuels

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

23. The Times of Israel
Biden holds 90-minute meeting with families of 14 missing Americans

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

24. CNN
Biden speaks with families of Americans unaccounted for in Israel

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

25. PBS
Biden says addressing the growing humanitarian crisis in Gaza is a priority

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

26. Roll Call
Will GOP conclude Joe Biden, proxy war president, needs a House partner?

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



27. CBS News
As House goes into second weekend without new speaker, moderate House Democrats propose expanding temporary speaker's powers

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

28. NBC News
The left faces a reckoning as Israel divides Democrats

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

29. The Daily Beast
CNN Pundit Blames Democrats' 'Identity Politics' for GOP Speaker Chaos

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



30. NBC News
House speaker live updates: Republicans nominate Jim Jordan in private vote

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

31. Politico
Republicans ramp up search for an escape hatch from speaker chaos

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

32. The New York Times (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
Jim Jordan Nominated for House Speaker by Divided G.O.P.

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

33. CBS News
Jim Jordan wins House GOP's nomination for speaker, but deep divisions remain

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



The nation's cartoonists on the week in politics

[I have NOT read this 'cartoon carousel' yet.]

35. CNN
Trump’s turn against Israel offers stark reminder of what his diplomacy looks like

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

Trump Says He Stands With Netanyahu After a Barrage of GOP Criticism for Saying He 'Let Us Down'

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

37. The New York Times (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
Trump's Remarks on Hezbollah and Netanyahu Prompt Bipartisan Outcry

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



38. State Department
Secretary Antony J. Blinken with David Muir of World News Tonight

[I have NOT read this interview yet.]



39. UPI (United Press International)
Global warming may put billions of people in areas intolerable for human life

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

40. International Energy Agency (IEA)
The path to limiting global warming to 1.5 °C has narrowed, but clean energy growth is keeping it open

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

41. E&E News by Politico
Quiz show: GOP deploys new climate messaging tactic

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



42. NPR
UAW announces new approach in its historic strike against the Big Three automakers

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

43. NPR
Kaiser Permanente workers win big wage and staffing concessions after strike (After historic strike, Kaiser Permanente workers win 21% raise over 4 years)

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



44. Portland Mercury
Good Morning, News: PPS Teachers May Strike, Oregon Overcast for Annular Eclipse, and One Million People in Gaza Flee Anticipated Attack

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written October 13th, 2023, revised October 14th, 2023, revised October 16th, 2023, revised January 28th, 2024 and revised April 26th, 2024)


October 14th, 2023 Update: I received an email from the American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon (ACLU of Oregon) today, October 14th, 2023, with the subject line, "Hot off the Press: ACLU of Oregon Magazine", which stated the following:

ACLU Oregon Fall 2023 Magazine.

Paul –

I'm excited to share this year's ACLU of Oregon magazine with you. In this publication, your ACLU of Oregon team highlights some of our accomplishments and important areas of work from the past year.

*Spoiler Alert* In the magazine, I explore the question, "How should we approach the work of justice?"

We create an Oregon of greater justice, equity, and care by doing the "ACLU" – Act, Challenge, Love, and Unite – together. We do the "ACLU" by actively supporting the many organizations and people who are working on real solutions guided by respect and love for all our neighbors, including our most vulnerable. Examples of doing the "ACLU" are illustrated throughout the magazine, including a feature on Portland Street Response, which offers a powerful example of the impactful solutions that many Oregonians are creating for our communities.

I hope our annual magazine gives you knowledge, inspiration, and hope, and that it helps you feel more connected to justice work in Oregon.

For more updates about justice work across Oregon, please visit our website and social media accounts, where we will keep you informed about the important, hopeful, and inspiring solutions-oriented work being done across our state.

ACLU of Oregon community, thank you for continuing to open your hearts and engage in the hard and important work of justice with us. We could not do this work without you.

With gratitude,

[Name redacted]
Pronouns: She, her, hers
[Title redacted], ACLU of Oregon


And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, regarding the ACLU of Oregon Magazine 2023. A brief introduction to the webpage can be found below:


Your ACLU of Oregon team is proud and excited to share our 2023 Magazine with you. This publication is a bright and interactive reflection of our collective work over the previous year, and a hopeful glance at our movement forward in the ongoing journey of making Oregon a more just, equitable and caring state for ALL. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the webpage:

Plus, after I read the email above, as well as after I read the ACLU of Oregon Fall 2023 Magazine, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU of Oregon in order to show my appreciation for the ACLU of Oregon Magazine 2023—and because "we create an Oregon of greater justice, equity, and care by doing the 'ACLU' – Act, Challenge, Love, and Unite – together." –Paul Whiting (October 14th, 2023)


October 14th, 2023 Update—Continued: This 'update' that I am writing today, October 14th, 2023, is from both my usual reading of Time Magazine articles, as well as from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google.

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day, which usually starts with me reading Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails that I receive each day. Then, I usually check each day's news via a Google search under several news topics sometime after I check my email, as well as after I check my previous day's cellular data usage, which I track very carefully.

Thus, I usually check on what is happening in the news via various Google searches that I do on an oftentimes daily basis under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Time Magazine emails and/or from those Google news searches.

Now, I usually try to publish these current news 'updates' on the day that I actually read the news articles referenced in the 'update'; however, lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news!

Not only that, I have been busy, as well, with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that require their very own 'updates!' Besides that, I am often engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

Plus, I am trying to throttle my cellular data usage in order to stay below the amount of usage that my data plan offers each month, which I track very carefully, so that I don't go over that amount.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received today, when I noticed the following articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The first Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "How Juul Hooked Kids and Ignited a Public Health Crisis":

By the way, I also watched the video accompanying the article above that is titled, "The New American Addiction."


The second Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Political Nepo Babies Root Back to America’s Founding":


The third Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Misinformation Is Warfare":


The fourth Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "How Israel-Hamas War Misinformation Is Spreading Online":

Continuing on—as I mentioned above—lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news. And I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, October 14th, 2023, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

Therefore, due to this sudden inundation of news, I am simply opening a webpage for each of the various news articles that I am planning to read, based upon the title of each news article and/or based upon the topic of each news article, in preparation for reading each article later on.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, due to the number of articles for which I have an introduction to write lately, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

And to clarify: I still have to read these articles! So, I have each article opened as a webpage on my smartphone's Google browser until such a time as I can get around to actually reading them, due to the number of them.

Another clarification: I greatly simplified how these articles are listed—that I still have yet to read—in order to set them apart from the articles in previous 'updates' where I have already read the articles. Plus, I am listing these articles by the initial Google search category under which I found each article. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.] And I will indicate whether, or not, I have read each article below its title and hyperlink.

Thus, I will indicate the date that I read each article below the title and hyperlink to the article, after I read the article. Therefore, I plan to indicate when I complete reading the articles below, whenever I can actually get around to reading them—when I have access to WiFi, such as at my local library, or at a place of business where I have been shopping, or at a coffee shop, etc., in order to save usage on my cellular data plan through my mobile phone company, as noted above.


1. AP News
US oil production hits all-time high, conflicting with efforts to cut heat-trapping pollution

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

2. CBS News
Biden says U.S. will do "everything in our power" to find Americans held hostage by Hamas

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



3. NBC News
Trump falsely characterized Israel's role in his administration's hit on Iran's Soleimani, say former U.S. officials

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



4. USA Today (By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)
Israel-Hamas war news: Taps running dry in Gaza; Israeli raids look for hostages (Israel-Hamas war news: Israel warns of broad attack on Gaza City; taps running dry)

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

5. Department of Defense
Biden Administration Announces Additional Security Assistance for Ukraine

[I have NOT read this press release yet.]



6. The New York Times (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
Opinion | President Biden Should Call for Israel to Exercise Restraint (Now Is the Moment for Biden’s Age to Be an Asset)

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



7. HuffPost
Joe Biden Finally Acknowledges 'Humanitarian Crisis In Gaza' As Priority

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

8. Hindustan Times
‘Like hell on it’: Joe Biden on Americans held hostage by Hamas in Gaza

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



9. NBC News
Democrats refuse to help Republicans out of House speaker mess

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

10. Politico
Democratic Socialists of America facing an internal reckoning on Israel

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



11. MSNBC News
Why Republicans, even now, aren’t calling for Bob Menendez’s ouster

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

12. Atlanta Journal-Constitution
OPINION: They can't run their caucus. How can Republicans run a country?

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



13. The New York Times (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
Inside Trump's Backroom Effort to Lock Up the Nomination

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

14. CNN
House Republicans in disarray as Jim Jordan hunts for enough votes to be speaker

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

15. The Guardian
I was a political prisoner in Egypt. The Bob Menendez allegations are appalling

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



16. Reuters
Israel and Hamas at war: Latest news

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

17. [United Nations] Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs
World News in Brief: Reducing disaster risk for persons with disabilities, Afghan quake latest, global aid funding off track

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



18. The New York Times (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
Opinion | I Study Climate Change. The Data Is Telling Us Something New.

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

19. World Health Organization (WHO)
Climate change

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



20. CNBC
What to make of the UAW's shifting strike tactics after the latest escalation

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



I did not select any articles from this category.

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written October 14th, 2023, revised October 16th, 2023, revised November 6th, 2023 and revised January 28th, 2024)


October 15th, 2023 Update: I am officially taking the day off from my usual reading of Time Magazine articles, as well as from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google, along with the subsequent reading the news articles from those Google news searches.

You see, as of around 11:41 AM PDT today, October 15th, 2023, I am exactly "zeroed out" with regard to the amount of data that I have available within my plan for today's usage and the data that I have already used up through today.

Thus, I technically don't have any data available for today's usage, if I am going to stay within the data usage that I am allowed on average each day. And I calculate that average available daily usage by taking the total amount of data usage that my cell phone plan offers each month and I divide that amount by the number of days in each month, which gives me the average of available data usage for each day. And I have been running a deficit in my daily data usage so far this month virtually every day.

Now, yesterday, I went shopping at a local natural food store, and so I was able to write virtually my entire current news 'update' for yesterday at the store—that is, before my smartphone's battery got too low! Therefore, that is why I think I am still not in the negative on today's average available data usage: I am, in fact, at exactly zero available data for today.

So, upon checking the main Time Magazine email that I receive each day, I noticed that there weren't any articles that I felt were really important for me to read. (This was after I had already noticed that my daily average data usage available was at exactly zero.) And those two factors are why I decided to take the day off from my usual reading of Time Magazine articles, as well as from my reading of the news from those oftentimes daily news searches on Google that I typically do.

To clarify, though: As a precaution, I am still going to check today's news via various Google searches that I do on an oftentimes daily basis under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

However, if there are articles that I feel are important for me to read from those searches on Google today, October 15th, 2023, I will simply open a webpage for each of the various news articles that I am planning to read, based upon the title of each news article and/or based upon the topic of each news article, in preparation for reading each article later on.

Then, I will figure out how to include those articles (if there are any) in the 'update' that I am planning to write tomorrow when I am also planning to be a my local library...

...Okay, It's around 2:33 PM PDT on October 15th, 2023, and as I mentioned above, I am finally doing the searches on Google today of the various news articles that I am planning to read—where I will simply open a webpage for each article—because I am officially taking the day off from my usual reading of Time Magazine articles, as well as from my reading of the news articles from my oftentimes daily Google news searches...

...Alright, It's around 5:46 PM PDT on October 16th, 2023, and as I mentioned above, I am finally listing these articles by the initial Google search category under which I found each article yesterday, October 15th, 2023. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.] And I will indicate whether, or not, I have read each article below its title and hyperlink.

Thus, I will indicate the date that I read each article below the title and hyperlink to the article, after I read the article. Therefore, I plan to indicate when I complete reading the articles below, whenever I can actually get around to reading them—when I have access to WiFi, such as at my local library, or at a place of business where I have been shopping, or at a coffee shop, etc., in order to save usage on my cellular data plan through my mobile phone company, as noted above...

...Well, so much for "officially taking the day off from my usual reading of Time Magazine articles, as well as from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google, along with the subsequent reading the news articles from those Google news searches!"


1. CNN
CNN Poll: Americans are deeply sympathetic toward Israelis and see their military response to Hamas attacks as justified

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

2. AP News
The Israel-Hamas war has roiled US campuses. Students on each side say colleges aren't doing enough

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

3. Ipsos [Institut Public de Sondage d'Opinion Secteur (translation: "Public Institute for Sector Opinion Polling")] News
Americans split on U.S. responsibility to ensure peace in the Middle East

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



4. CNN
US sending second carrier strike group, fighter jets to region as Israel prepares to expand Gaza operations

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

5. The New York Times (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
U.S. Is Expanding Military Presence Near Israel

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



6. USA Today (By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)
Biden's 2024 war chest more than double Trump's after $71 million haul (Biden raises $71 million in 3rd quarter, far outpacing Trump and the Republican field)

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

7. USA Today (By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)
Republican Dan Crenshaw on GOP House speaker chaos: 'It's not good' (Congress has 'no positive messages' as Republicans struggle to elect new speaker, GOP lawmaker warns)

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

8. USA Today (By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)
Cost of Medicare Part B premiums is going up: What you'll pay in 2024

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



9. CNN
Biden eclipses Trump and GOP field with $71 million third quarter haul

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

10. The New York Times (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
Biden Campaign Raises $71.3 Million in Third Quarter Alongside D.N.C. (Biden Campaign Raises $71.3 Million, Far Outpacing Trump and Republican Field)

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

11. ABC News
Biden says he and Dems raised $71M, Trump leads GOP and more 3rd-quarter fundraising takeaways NEW1 hour ago

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

12. The New York Times (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
In Conservative Media, Biden Is to Blame in the Hamas-Israel War

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



13. AP News
Biden and Democrats report raising $71 million-plus for his 2024 race from July through September

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

14. AP News
In first call with Palestinian president Abbas, Biden discusses support for humanitarian aid to Gaza

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

15. Politico
Biden speaks with Netanyahu, Abbas

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

16. Hindustan Times
'Majority' of Palestinians had 'nothing to do' with Hamas attack: Joe Biden

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



17. Axios
Democrats warm to empowering interim speaker McHenry as GOP chaos persists

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

18. USA Today (By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)
Democrats say Jim Jordan speaker nomination moves far-right into power (Watch: House Dems say GOP 'choosing chaos' with Rep. Jim Jordan speaker nomination)

[I have NOT watched this video yet.]

19. Politico
House Democratic leader Jeffries says 'informal' discussions underway on speakership mess

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

20. PBS
Jeffries: Moderate Republicans can join Dems to end deadlock (Jeffries encourages moderate Republicans to join Democrats and end House deadlock)

[I have NOT watched this video yet.]

21. The Guardian
Hakeem Jeffries seeks bipartisan path in House to avoid ‘extremist’ power

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



22. ABC News
House Republicans will try, again, to elect a new speaker amid gridlock after McCarthy ouster

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

23. CBS News
House Speaker vote expected to be held Tuesday

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

24. NBC News
Republicans splinter over Israel politics

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

25. NBC News ·
Full Jeffries: 'Handful' of House Republicans are undermining 'interests of American people'

[I have NOT watched this video yet.]

26. The New York Times (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
Known for His Pointed Questions, a 15-Year-Old Is Ejected From a G.O.P. Event

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



27. NPR
Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders's office is under fire for buying a $19000 lectern

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



Netanyahu Partner Says Israel's Leaders Failed to Protect Citizens

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written October 15th, 2023, revised October 16th, 2023 and revised January 28th, 2024)


October 16th, 2023 Update: This 'update' that I am writing today, October 16th, 2023, is from both my usual reading of Time Magazine articles, as well as from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google.

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day, which usually starts with me reading Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails that I receive each day. Then, I usually check each day's news via a Google search under several news topics sometime after I check my email, as well as after I check my previous day's cellular data usage, which I track very carefully.

Thus, I usually check on what is happening in the news via various Google searches that I do on an oftentimes daily basis under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Time Magazine emails and/or from those Google news searches.

Now, I usually try to publish these current news 'updates' on the day that I actually read the news articles referenced in the 'update'; however, lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news!

Not only that, I have been busy, as well, with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that require their very own 'updates!' Besides that, I am often engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

Plus, I am trying to throttle my cellular data usage in order to stay below the amount of usage that my data plan offers each month, which I track very carefully, so that I don't go over that amount.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received today, when I noticed the following article! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The only Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Biden Considers a Trip to Israel Amid Conflict":

Continuing on—as I mentioned above—lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news. And I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, October 16th, 2023, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

Therefore, due to this sudden inundation of news, I am simply opening a webpage for each of the various news articles that I am planning to read, based upon the title of each news article and/or based upon the topic of each news article, in preparation for reading each article later on.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, due to the number of articles for which I have an introduction to write lately, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

And to clarify: I still have to read these articles! So, I have each article opened as a webpage on my smartphone's Google browser until such a time as I can get around to actually reading them, due to the number of them.

Another clarification: I greatly simplified how these articles are listed—that I still have yet to read—in order to set them apart from the articles in previous 'updates' where I have already read the articles. Plus, I am listing these articles by the initial Google search category under which I found each article. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.] And I will indicate whether, or not, I have read each article below its title and hyperlink.

Thus, I will indicate the date that I read each article below the title and hyperlink to the article, after I read the article. Therefore, I plan to indicate when I complete reading the articles below, whenever I can actually get around to reading them—when I have access to WiFi, such as at my local library, or at a place of business where I have been shopping, or at a coffee shop, etc., in order to save usage on my cellular data plan through my mobile phone company, as noted above.


1. ABC News
US 'dedicated' to helping Americans leave Gaza through Egypt amid Israel-Hamas war: Sullivan

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

2. The New York Times (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
U.S. and Israel Focus on Hezbollah's Next Move After Hamas Attack

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



U.S. can 'certainly' afford military support to both Israel and Ukraine, Janet Yellen says

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

4. CBS News
"We couldn't get back": Americans arrive in U.S. from Israel after days of travel challenges

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

5. Al Jazeera
US lawmakers introduce resolution urging ‘immediate’ Gaza ceasefire

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

6. Reuters
US offers legal status, benefits to migrant families separated under Trump

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



7. USA Today (By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)
President Biden to visit Israel following Oct. 7 attacks (President Joe Biden will travel to Israel on Wednesday amid war in the Middle East)

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

8. USA Today (By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)
Trump policy separated migrant families. Now, they have deal with US.

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



9. The New York Times (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
Biden Warns Israel Not to Occupy Gaza

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

10. ABC News
President Biden to visit Israel on Wednesday: Sec. Blinken

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

11. CNN
President Joe Biden will visit Israel in high-stakes trip

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

12. The New York Times (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
Biden, Trolling Trump, Joins Truth Social: 'Converts Welcome'

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

13. CBS News
President Biden condemns killing of 6-year-old Muslim boy as suspect faces federal hate crime investigation

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

14. NBC Chicago
President Joe Biden issues statement on Plainfield Township boy killed in anti-Muslim attack

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

15. Politico
'Shocked and sickened': Biden condemns killing of 6-year-old Muslim boy

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

16. NPR
Biden made promises to Israel and Ukraine. To keep his word, he needs Congress

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



17. South China Morning Post
Biden will visit Israel as concerns mount that war could spread

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

18. NBC News
Biden to travel to Israel on Wednesday amid war with Hamas

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

19. The Guardian
Biden campaign joins Trump’s Truth Social platform: ‘Converts welcome!’

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

20. AP News
Biden campaign launches account on Trump's Truth Social, saying 'converts welcome'

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

21. CBS News
President Joe Biden: The 2023 60 Minutes interview transcript

[I have NOT read this transcript yet.]

22. Hindustan Times
Joe Biden, Jill ‘shocked and sickened’ over killing of Muslim boy in US

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

23. Newsweek
Joe Biden 'Sickened' by Palestinian Child Stabbed to Death in Illinois

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



24. NBC News
Republican lawmaker says a deal with Democrats 'will have to be done' if GOP can't break speaker impasse

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

25. Newsweek
Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Jan. 6 Will Destroy Democrats 'In the End'

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

26. The New York Times (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
A Shift in Gerrymandering

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



27. CNN
Jordan wins over some GOP skeptics ahead of speaker vote

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

28. CBS News
Jim Jordan still facing at least "10 to 20" holdouts as speaker vote looms, Republicans say

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

29. AP News
GOP's Jim Jordan is shoring up support and peeling off detractors ahead of a House speaker vote

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

30. AP News
The war between Israel and Hamas is testing the Republican Party's isolationist shift

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



31. CNN
Trump ‘does not have the right to say and do exactly what he pleases,’ Judge Chutkan says, issuing gag order

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written October 16th, 2023, revised October 20th, 2023 and revised January 28th, 2024)

P.S.: By the way, today, October 16th, 2023, I read the September 23rd, 2023 news articles from my ‘September 23rd, 2023 Update, Written On September 24th, 2023,’ which can be found above.


October 17th, 2023 Update: I received an email from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) today, October 17th, 2023, with the subject line, "Paul, I need you in the fight for trans justice.", which stated the following:

Make a gift to help us defend LGBTQ rights


Paul, I'm [name redacted]. An ACLU communications strategist focusing on transgender justice.

I'm reaching out because it's LGBTQ History Month, and politicians are still coming after the rights and safety of transgender people: States across the country have banned youth from accessing lifesaving medical care, playing sports with their friends, and using their names and pronouns in class. It's all part of a cruel movement to use trans people, especially kids, as a political punching bag.

The ACLU is working to protect the rights of transgender people – to defend our ability to make decisions about our own futures, express ourselves freely, and thrive. To continue our work, we need to hit our $100,000 goal before our deadline on October 20 at midnight.

Will you donate now to help the ACLU defend LGBTQ rights nationwide? The best way to commemorate LGBTQ History Month is by fighting for a better future for our community.


While we've made excellent progress recently in the fight for LGBTQ rights, we've also got a long way to go. The ACLU is currently working to defend the rights of trans and gender-nonconforming people by:

[✓] Protecting gender-affirming care: After successfully blocking trans health care bans in Arkansas, Indiana, and Montana, the ACLU is working in many more states across the country to overturn similar bans

[✓] Defending the rights of trans youth in school: The ACLU has pending cases in three states that would overturn cruel sports bans that prevent kids from playing with their peers, and they just successfully blocked a ban in Idaho

[✓] Defending drag performance: Several months ago, the ACLU successfully got a court to overturn a city's drag ban in Utah, and the ACLU of Texas just successfully struck down a law that would have censored drag performances across the state. With new bans popping up every day, it's incredibly important that the ACLU remains fully funded and ready to fight back.

Please, if you're able to contribute, will you donate now to help the ACLU continue to fight for transgender justice?

With supporters like you by our side, I remain hopeful that the just world we all deserve is not only possible – it's well within our reach.

Thank you,

[Name redacted]
Pronouns: She, her, hers
[Title redacted]
Women's Rights Project and LGBTQ & HIV Project, ACLU

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU, because "it's LGBTQ History Month, and politicians are still coming after the rights and safety of transgender people: States across the country have banned youth from accessing lifesaving medical care, playing sports with their friends, and using their names and pronouns in class." –Paul Whiting (written October 17th, 2023 and revised October 19th, 2023)


October 17th, 2023 Update—Continued: I received an email from the Tekesha Martinez for Congress campaign today, October 17th, 2023, with the subject line, "defying the odds", which stated the following:

Paul, it’s Tekesha Martinez. As much as I want to share who I am and why I’m running for Congress, I also need you to know how I got here.

I was brought up in foster care and raised in redlined neighborhoods. No one expected someone like me to run for Congress. I’m here against all odds.

By my mid-twenties, I had five children, multiple jobs, and nowhere to turn. Every system that was supposed to keep me safe failed me instead… but I refused to give up.

Paul, I was able to defy the odds: as a mother, a City Council member, a mayor, and now, as a candidate for Congress.

Now, I need you to help me defy the odds once again. I have a real path to victory, but I need grassroots support from donors like you, Paul, to win against the GOP’s dark money donors.

I need to raise another $5,000 today to be on track to reach my crucial October fundraising goal. Please, if you can, chip in $25 right now to support my campaign for MD-06 [Maryland's 6th Congressional District] >>


Paul, it’s no coincidence that most politicians serving in Congress don’t understand the struggles of everyday folks like you and me.

I didn’t have the financial resources to attend college or the wealthy relatives to cut checks at a moment’s notice. I had to overcome institutional barriers to build a successful life for myself and my children.

So when I was deciding to run for Congress, I knew I wouldn’t have the same advantages that many other candidates have. But I have you – and if we’ve got each other, we’ve got this, too.

I know that together we can defy the odds one more time and secure this seat. But I need your help to be on track to hit my October goal so I can be one step closer to being the leader MD-06 deserves. Can you rush a donation right now to get me there? >>


Thank you,


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Tekesha Martinez for Congress

Rush your donation now!

Tekesha is a mother of five, grandmother of seven, and the first Black mayor of Hagerstown. She grew up in the Maryland foster care system, and then became a poet and professional community mediator.

Now, she is ready to keep MD-06 blue and fight for progressive change in Washington.

Tekesha is relying on grassroots donations from everyday people, not billionaires or special interests. If you’re ready to help her keep MD-06 blue and make history, pitch in now! >>

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Tekesha Martinez.

[  ] Donate $10 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.11

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Tekesha Martinez for Congress campaign (with a tip to ActBlue), because "Tekesha is a mother of five, grandmother of seven, and the first Black mayor of Hagerstown. She grew up in the Maryland foster care system, and then became a poet and professional community mediator. Now, she is ready to keep MD-06 blue and fight for progressive change in Washington." –Paul Whiting (October 17th, 2023)


October 17th, 2023 Update—Continued Further: This 'update' that I am writing today, October 17th, 2023, is from both my usual reading of Time Magazine articles, as well as from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google.

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day, which usually starts with me reading Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails that I receive each day. Then, I usually check each day's news via a Google search under several news topics sometime after I check my email, as well as after I check my previous day's cellular data usage, which I track very carefully.

Thus, I usually check on what is happening in the news via various Google searches that I do on an oftentimes daily basis under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Time Magazine emails and/or from those Google news searches.

Now, I usually try to publish these current news 'updates' on the day that I actually read the news articles referenced in the 'update'; however, lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news!

Not only that, I have been busy, as well, with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that require their very own 'updates!' Besides that, I am often engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

Plus, I am trying to throttle my cellular data usage in order to stay below the amount of usage that my data plan offers each month, which I track very carefully, so that I don't go over that amount.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received today, when I noticed the following articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The first Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "How the Walt Disney Company Made It to 100":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "How Google’s Antitrust Trial Could Change Internet Search":


The third Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Gaza on the Verge of Total Collapse as Humanitarian Aid Remains Unable to Get In":


The fourth Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Jim Jordan Speaker Bid Too Close to Call Ahead of Fateful Tuesday Session":


The fifth Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "For Gazans, There Are No Safe Havens":

Continuing on—as I mentioned above—lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news. And I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, October 17th, 2023, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

Therefore, due to this sudden inundation of news, I am simply opening a webpage for each of the various news articles that I am planning to read, based upon the title of each news article and/or based upon the topic of each news article, in preparation for reading each article later on.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, due to the number of articles for which I have an introduction to write lately, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

And to clarify: I still have to read these articles! So, I have each article opened as a webpage on my smartphone's Google browser until such a time as I can get around to actually reading them, due to the number of them.

Another clarification: I greatly simplified how these articles are listed—that I still have yet to read—in order to set them apart from the articles in previous 'updates' where I have already read the articles. Plus, I am listing these articles by the initial Google search category under which I found each article. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.] And I will indicate whether, or not, I have read each article below its title and hyperlink.

Thus, I will indicate the date that I read each article below the title and hyperlink to the article, after I read the article. Therefore, I plan to indicate when I complete reading the articles below, whenever I can actually get around to reading them—when I have access to WiFi, such as at my local library, or at a place of business where I have been shopping, or at a coffee shop, etc., in order to save usage on my cellular data plan through my mobile phone company, as noted above.


1. NBC News
Suspect in Wadea Al-Fayoume death was obsessed with Israel-Hamas war, prosecutors say (Marlene Lenthang Suspect in death of 6-year-old Palestinian American boy was obsessed with Israel-Hamas war, prosecutors say)

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

2. AP News
Mourners in heavily Palestinian Chicago suburb remember Muslim boy killed as kind and energetic

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

3. Al Jazeera
Americans want US to help get Gaza civilians out of harm’s way: Survey

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



4. The New York Times (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
Fearing Escalation, Biden Seeks to Deter Iran and Hezbollah

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



5. USA Today (By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)
FBI: Number of murders and rapes dropped in 2022 4 hours ago (FBI: Murders and rapes dropped in 2022, most hate crimes were targeted to Blacks and Jews)

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

6. USA Today (By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)
Israel Hamas war updates: Families of hostages are notified (Blinken says Arab leaders don't want spillover from Israel-Hamas war)

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



7. The New York Times (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
Opinion | Here’s How Joe Biden Can Win Again

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

8. Chicago Tribune
President Biden will travel to Israel Wednesday

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



9. The Guardian
Biden to visit Israel at ‘critical moment’ for the region, says Blinken

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



10. NBC News
Democrats craft strategy to make GOP pay if Jim Jordan is speaker

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

11. Roll Call
House GOP fundraising edge does not cover everyone

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



12. AP News
Republicans will try to elect Trump ally Rep. Jim Jordan as House speaker but GOP holdouts remain

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

13. NBC News
House speaker vote live updates: Chamber to vote on Trump ally Jim Jordan for top spot

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

14. NPR
What Biden and Republicans are saying about Israel

[I have NOT listened to this podcast yet.]



15. CNN
House Republicans are making a gamble with a possible Jim Jordan speakership

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

16. Miami Herald
GOP donor known for racist tweet, American flag outfit dies in attempted murder-suicide

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

17. Politico
'The Only Real Political Solution': Ehud Olmert on the 2-State Option and the War in Israel

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



18. AP News
How China's Belt and Road Initiative is changing after a decade of big projects and big debts

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

19. Reuters
Listen now: A high stakes trip for Biden

[I have NOT listened to this podcast yet.]



20. Axios
What September's sizzling temps say about climate change

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



21. ClickOnDetroit
UAW strike: Week 5 sees both friction and hopefulness, Big Three layoffs

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

22. The Detroit News
UAW strike day 30: On a windy, rainy picket line, Ford workers vow to persist

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



23. KGW ("...a television station in Portland, Oregon, United States, affiliated with NBC.")
Portland introduced to new generation of accessible MAX trains

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

24. KATU ("...a television station in Portland, Oregon, United States, affiliated with ABC.")
TriMet unveils 'Type 6' train to public during event at Southeast Park Avenue MAX Station

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written October 17th, 2023, revised October 19th, 2023, revised January 28th, 2024 and revised April 26th, 2024)


October 17th, 2023 Update—Continued Further Some More: I received an email from Everytown for Gun Safety today, October 17th, 2023, with the subject line, "'incessant scheming, plotting, and treachery!'", which stated the following:

Everytown for Gun Safety


Rotating GIF featuring opposition comments to the ATF's proposed rule.

Quotes read:

"This is tyranny! Absolute tyranny! [...] I fervently oppose the ATF's incessant scheming, plotting, and treachery! I stand in opposition to this proposed rule!";

“There is no reason, in good faith to support this level of tyranny. It is disgusting to see the level of infringement already existing to support their position of applying more tyranny.”;

“The ATF is overreaching. This is politically motivated by those seeking tyranny. We know what you are up to, you lie, you are traitors, and you do not do this for safety but for your own gain of power. The ATF needs to be reined in hard, and the Biden administration declared criminal, and exposed further as election stealers, and grifters.”



Inaccurate, baseless, and unfounded comments like these are piling up against a newly proposed gun safety rule from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) that would close dangerous loopholes in our background check system.

But this isn't tyranny, this is the ATF implementing a bipartisan law that's already on the books!

This rule is common sense and life-saving. These loopholes have allowed people to buy guns online and at gun shows without first passing a background check for decades. And you've already shown your support for this life-saving measure—now we need your help to spread the message.

Forward this email to three friends who support closing background check loopholes and ask them to submit their comments to ATF to stop the gun lobby from silencing our message.

These loopholes enable people with felony convictions, domestic abuse restraining orders, and other people with prohibiting histories to buy guns from unlicensed gun sellers with no questions asked.

And even though there are tens of thousands of opposition comments, we don't have to let the gun lobby drown out our voices—which means we can't let the opposition gain traction.

Help spread the message by forwarding this email to three friends.

Thank you for being a part of this movement,

Everytown for Gun Safety

Contributions to Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund are not tax-deductible as a charitable contribution or as a business expense under IRC Section 162(e).

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, an introduction to which can be found below:

Tell ATF: Close the online and gun show loopholes!

For decades, people have exploited loopholes in federal law that let them sell guns online and at gun shows without conducting background checks. It's been a recipe for disaster that puts more guns in the hands of dangerous people and worsens our country's gun violence crisis.

Now, the Biden-Harris Administration is taking action: the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has proposed a regulation to help close these loopholes—building on the historic Bipartisan Safer Communities Act that Congress passed last summer.

The regulation goes directly to the loopholes we have been trying to close for years by expanding background checks to guns offered for sale online or at gun shows, keeping weapons out of the hands of dangerous people, and ultimately saving lives.

But for ATF to finish the job on this life-saving action, it needs to know that the public supports closing these dangerous loopholes. ATF needs to hear from us.

Submit your comment today: Tell ATF to close the online and gun show loopholes! ...

By the way, I already sent this message to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), via the Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund website on September 10th, 2023. (Please see my 'September 10th, 2023 Update—Continued,' which can be found above.) –Paul Whiting (written October 17th, 2023, revised October 18th, 2023, revised October 24th, 2023 and revised October 30th, 2023)

P.S.: Just so you know, I used to make one-time donations to the organization that is the subject of these 'updates' each time that I took an action as requested by that organization; however, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am greatly reducing the number of times that I donate for the same organization per month down to once—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis." (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.) Thus, because I have already donated to the Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund on October 5th, 2023 (please see my 'October 5th, 2023 Update—Continued,' which can be found above) that is the one-time donation which I made to Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund* for October 2023.

*"Frequently Asked Questions" from the Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund:

What is the difference between the Action Fund and the Support Fund?

Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund is a 501(c)(3) organization, which focuses on awareness and educational work related to gun violence prevention. Donations to the Support Fund are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund is a 501(c)(4) organization, which focuses on advocacy and legislative work. Because Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund fights to end gun violence with every legal tool available—organizing around critical elections and key legislative battles in states across the country—donations are not tax-deductible.

Please see the hyperlink below for the FAQs:,the%20extent%20permitted%20by%20law.


October 18th, 2023 Update: I forwarded an email from my previous email account (that I no longer use, but I still frequently check) from the Lynn Peterson for Congress campaign today, October 18th, 2023, with the subject line, "Listening to. Learning from. Fighting for.", which stated the following:

From: Lynn Peterson <[email redacted]> Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2023 9:04 AM To: Paul Whiting <[email redacted]> Subject: Listening to. Learning from. Fighting for.

I've never been afraid to do things differently, Paul.

Early on, I knew I couldn't take the predictable path. Whether it was in high school, when I was expected to enroll in home economics classes and opted for technical courses instead, or when I landed my first job in transportation and repeatedly found myself as the only woman in a roomful of other engineers.

Just because something has always been done a certain way doesn't mean it's the best way.

So, while I'm an engineer by trade, I never wanted to spend my day at a desk, designing bridges in a vacuum. Instead, I fought to work with the people who would actually use the bridge, scheduling town halls and making sure that any solutions I offered would make lives better. I've gotten to spend my time asking questions, like 'Where do we need to alleviate traffic?,' 'What gaps are in your TriMet route?,' 'How can we get you home or to the market or the park quickly and safely?,' and 'How can we make it accessible for everyone?'

When I served as State Transportation Secretary, I traveled to every corner of the state, reaching out to communities and becoming a trusted advocate for folks in underrepresented areas that had lost faith in our government. And when disaster struck and the I-5 bridge collapsed, my focus was on keeping people safe.

Working for and with our community is my greatest passion and my #1 priority.

Now as Metro president, you won't find me in my office waiting for community members to come to me — I meet people where they are. That means being in the community, whether it's standing in the rain with workers trying to resolve an infrastructure issue or chatting with folks at a community event.

I firmly believe that the best way to start solving any problem is by listening.

I know the hardworking people in the Fifth District need a leader that will take the time to actually listen to their concerns, not someone who just shows up for a photo op — because my own community is suffering. A leader whose only agenda is to improve the lives of Oregonians.

That's why I'm running for Congress.

I'm committed to listening to, learning from, and fighting for Oregonians in the Fifth District. I'm not here to climb the ranks or become a big name in DC. I'm here to serve Oregon, Paul.

My path has not been typical, but one thing that's been consistent throughout is that people are the center of everything I do. I hope you'll join me on this journey.


Express Donate:

If you've stored your info with ActBlue Express, we'll process your contribution instantly:


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Lynn Peterson
Democrat for Congress

Flip the 5th and Elect Lynn Peterson for Congress We’re fighting for our working families, affordable housing, and the well-being of our rural communities.

Together we can win and send the MAGA Republicans packing.

Donate now and join the team >>>

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Lynn Peterson.

[  ] Donate $10 →

[  ] Donate $30 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $200 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[  ] Add custom amount

[✓] Leave no tip [I pressed this button by mistake!*]

And so, I made a one-time donation to the the Lynn Peterson for Congress campaign (with a tip to ActBlue), because "that's why [Lynn Peterson is] running for Congress. [She's] committed to listening to, learning from, and fighting for Oregonians in the Fifth District." –Paul Whiting (written October 18th, 2023, revised October 19th, 2023, revised November 3rd, 2023 and revised January 7th, 2024)

*P.S.: I usually leave an $0.11 tip to ActBlue for my typical $3.00 donations to political campaigns; however, I accidentally pressed the "Leave no tip" button, rather than pressing the "Add custom amount" button—like I usually do—with this donation! So, in order to compensate for my mistake, I went to the ActBlue website and made a $1.00 contribution directly to ActBlue:

Contribute Now to Support ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit organization that builds tools Democrats count on to run their own small-dollar fundraising programs. Small-dollar donors are giving in record numbers in 2020, and we’re only expecting things to get busier.

Will you chip in with a contribution to support our work? Your donation will go directly to ActBlue to help us support this nationwide grassroots movement. If you are looking to donate to a candidate or cause, please see our directory.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit ActBlue.

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $1.00


October 18th, 2023 Update—Continued: [CONTENT WARNING: THIS UPDATE CONTAINS ARTICLES WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!] This 'update' that I am writing today, October 18th, 2023, is from both my usual reading of Time Magazine articles, as well as from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google.

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day, which usually starts with me reading Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails that I receive each day. Then, I usually check each day's news via a Google search under several news topics sometime after I check my email, as well as after I check my previous day's cellular data usage, which I track very carefully.

Thus, I usually check on what is happening in the news via various Google searches that I do on an oftentimes daily basis under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Time Magazine emails and/or from those Google news searches.

Now, I usually try to publish these current news 'updates' on the day that I actually read the news articles referenced in the 'update'; however, lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news!

Not only that, I have been busy, as well, with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that require their very own 'updates!' Besides that, I am often engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

Plus, I am trying to throttle my cellular data usage in order to stay below the amount of usage that my data plan offers each month, which I track very carefully, so that I don't go over that amount.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received today, when I noticed the following articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The first Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Bottom Up Bidenomics":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "The House Goes Another Day Without a Speaker as Jim Jordan Hunts for Votes":


The third Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Here’s How World Leaders Are Responding to the Hospital Blast in Gaza":


The fourth Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "A Photographer Captures Death, Destruction, and Grief in Gaza": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS IMAGES WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]



Continuing on—as I mentioned above—lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news. And I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, October 18th, 2023, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

Therefore, due to this sudden inundation of news, I am simply opening a webpage for each of the various news articles that I am planning to read, based upon the title of each news article and/or based upon the topic of each news article, in preparation for reading each article later on.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, due to the number of articles for which I have an introduction to write lately, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

And to clarify: I still have to read these articles! So, I have each article opened as a webpage on my smartphone's Google browser until such a time as I can get around to actually reading them, due to the number of them.

Another clarification: I greatly simplified how these articles are listed—that I still have yet to read—in order to set them apart from the articles in previous 'updates' where I have already read the articles. Plus, I am listing these articles by the initial Google search category under which I found each article. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.] And I will indicate whether, or not, I have read each article below its title and hyperlink.

Thus, I will indicate the date that I read each article below the title and hyperlink to the article, after I read the article. Therefore, I plan to indicate when I complete reading the articles below, whenever I can actually get around to reading them—when I have access to WiFi, such as at my local library, or at a place of business where I have been shopping, or at a coffee shop, etc., in order to save usage on my cellular data plan through my mobile phone company, as noted above.


1. CBS News
Palestinian New Yorkers say they feel America has turned its back on them amid war in Israel: "There's only one issue here, which is equality"

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



2. AP News
US vetoes UN resolution condemning all violence against civilians in Israel-Hamas war

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

3. CNN
US vetoes Security Council call for 'humanitarian pause' in Israel-Hamas war

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

4. Reuters
US vetoes UN Security Council action on Israel, Gaza

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

5. Department of Defense
DOD Remains Resolute in Support of Israel

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



6. UN [United Nations] News
Israel-Gaza crisis: US vetoes Security Council resolution

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



7. NBC News
Biden speech planned for 8 p.m. Thursday after visit to Israel amid Hamas conflict

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

8. AP News
Texas city settles lawsuit over police response to Trump supporters surrounding Biden bus in 2020

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

9. PBS
Summit with Arab leaders in Jordan called off as President Biden heads to Israel

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

10. The New York Times (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
Opinion | What Joe Biden Did Right on Israel and Hamas (President Biden’s Finest Hour)

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

11. The Jerusalem Post
Joe Biden cancels Jordan visit, Palestinian summit with Egypt canceled

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



12. CNN
Hospital blast looms over Biden's complicated diplomatic mission to Israel

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

13. NBC News
Biden's trip to Jordan is called off

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



14. Politico
Democrats crack open door to empowering McHenry to end speaker crisis

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

15. The New York Times (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
Biden Walks a Tightrope on Israel-Gaza as Democratic Tensions Smolder

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

16. Time (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)
Democrats Warm to Making Patrick McHenry Temporary Speaker (Why House Democrats May Back Patrick McHenry as a Temporary Speaker)

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



17. CNN
Jim Jordan loses second vote for House speaker amid steep GOP opposition

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

18. NPR
House Republicans reject Rep. Jim Jordan for speaker of the House, again

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

19. The New York Times (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
Republicans Fear Speaker Fight Could Cost Them House Majority

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

20. The New Republic
Fox News Reporter Caught Cursing Out Republicans for Speaker Drama

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

21. NBC News
Republicans want to ban Palestinian refugees from entering the U.S., but it's already very hard for them to get in

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

22. The Guardian
Matt Gaetz sorry for email that blamed other Republicans amid speaker fight

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

23. Military Times
Republicans and Dems agree Afghanistan war wasn't worth it, poll shows

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



24. The New York Times (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
Trump Lawyer Acknowledged Political Agenda in Election Suit, Emails Show

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

25. CNN
Jim Jordan scrambles for votes after 20 GOP defections imperil his speaker bid

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

26. The Guardian
Jim Jordan vows to press on for speaker’s chair despite second election loss - as it happened

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

27. ABC News
Jordan defiant after repeated GOP rejections in House speaker voting

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

28. AP News
Lawyers, Trump and money: Ex-president spends millions in donor cash on attorneys as legal woes grow

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

29. Politico
'So freaking boring': The 2024 election is sucking the life out of retail politics (‘There’s just no excitement’: Retail politics takes a nosedive in a Trump-dominated campaign)

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written October 18th, 2023, revised October 19th, 2023, revised November 2nd, 2023 and revised January 28th, 2024)


October 19th, 2023 Update: I received an email from the George Whitesides for Congress campaign today, October 19th, 2023, with the subject line, "I’m running for the most competitive GOP-held seat in the country", which stated the following:

Paul, let me introduce myself:

My name is George Whitesides. I served as the Chief of Staff of NASA under President Obama, co-founded a wildfire research organization, and a community leader here in CA-27 [California's 27th Congressional District], and with your help I’m going to win the most vulnerable GOP-held House seat in the country.

I’m going to explain why I know we can win this race. Republicans flipped this House seat from blue to red in 2020 by just 333 votes and with you by my side I know we’ll flip it – and the House – back to Democratic hands.

That’s why I’m asking if you’ll become a Founding Donor to my campaign to win California’s 27th Congressional District. We’re hoping to bring on 5,000 Founding Donors before midnight.


The truth is, Republicans are really worried about this district. Here’s why:

1. President Joe Biden carried this district in 2020 – and not by a little – but by a wide margin. In fact, it’s one of the most Democratic House seats held by a Republican in the nation.

2. Republicans only won this seat by 333 votes (just 0.1% of the vote). And if they lose just five seats, we win a majority in the House and dethrone the chaotic GOP leadership and far-right extremists like Marjorie Taylor Greene.

3. Compare our records. My opponent used his position to try and overthrow the results of the 2020 election and championed abortion bans. While he seeks to divide us and pit each other against one another, I’ve spent my career bringing folks together, overseeing NASA where I was awarded the Distinguished Service medal, helping create 700+ jobs as a CEO, chairing our local Covid-19 Task Force, and co-founding a group to address wildfires in our community.

If elected I will defend reproductive rights, champion climate action, make our communities safer from gun violence, safeguard Social Security and Medicare, and defend our democracy. Together, I know we can win this race, retake the House, and take our country forward. Please chip in $3 or any amount now:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

[  ] $10
[  ] $35
[  ] $50
[  ] $100
[  ] $250
[✓] Other***

Thank you,


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

George Whitesides for Congress

Donate to George Whitesides for Congress

Thank you so much for your support for George Whitesides for Congress.

George is running to represent CA-27, a district that stretches from Santa Clarita through the Antelope Valley. This district voted for President Biden by 12.4% in 2020 and is the 3rd highest Biden-supporting district held by a Republican.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit George Whitesides.

[✓] Donate $3 →

[  ] Donate $35 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[  ] Other amount

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[✓] CUSTOM $0.11

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the George Whitesides for Congress campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to become "a Founding Donor to [George Whitesides for Congress] campaign to win California’s 27th Congressional District." –Paul Whiting (written October 19th, 2023 and revised January 7th, 2024)


October 19th, 2023 Update—Continued: I received an email from Brady PAC (Brady Political Action Committee) today, October 19th, 2023, with the subject line, "[Live Speaker Poll - via Brady PAC] re: Liz Cheney", which stated the following:

More and more people are calling on Liz Cheney to return to Congress and become speaker of the House! Where do you stand?

Should Liz Cheney be speaker of the House?

[✓] YES

[  ] NO

[Email redacted]: You have been selected to participate in this live poll. Please respond immediately.

Friend, Jim Jordan is a total gun rights EXTREMIST. If he became speaker, he'd be a rubber stamp for the most dangerous policies of the gun lobby's agenda. We can't let him take power!

That's why a growing number of activists are calling on Liz Cheney to return to Congress and become speaker!

Liz Cheney has a strong record of standing up for American families. She fought back against Trump's election lies and proudly participated in the Jan. 6 committee.

After the horrific shooting at Uvalde, Cheney stood against the gun lobby and voted in favor of passing the most comprehensive gun safety reforms. And now, she's boldly calling for even more reforms to strengthen our gun safety laws and protect schoolchildren from gun violence.

But we need to know where you stand! Please, respond before midnight tonight to tell Congress if you want to see Liz Cheney to become speaker:

Should Liz Cheney be speaker of the House?

[✓] YES

[  ] NO

We can't wait any longer for action on gun safety. Brady PAC is fighting for lifesaving legislation like universal background checks and an assault weapons ban, but we need your support. Chip in now to help us end gun violence in America →

[✓] DONATE***


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Speaker of the House Survey [MIDNIGHT DEADLINE]

Email: [redacted]

Cell Phone: [redacted]

Please confirm your response: Should Liz Cheney be speaker of the House instead of Jim Jordan?

[✓] Yes

[  ] No

How much of a priority is it for Congress to elect a speaker who will fight for gun safety reforms?

[  ] 1- Lowest Priority

[  ] 2

[  ] 3

[✓] 4 [to] 5- Highest Priority

Last year, the gun safety majority in Congress passed a set of major reforms. But there is still so much work to do, including fully closing the boyfriend loophole. And now, the NRA is scheming to destroy the progress we’ve made by defeating gun safety leaders and bankrolling their extremist candidates.

How worried are you that gun safety leaders will be outspent in 2024 by the gun lobby and their dark-money donors?

[✓] Extremely worried

[  ] Very worried

[  ] Somewhat worried

[  ] Not at all worried

With the White House and Congress up for grabs in 2024, the NRA is working overtime to retake power in Washington. Brady PAC is dedicated to defeating their dark-money donors and electing gun safety leaders up and down the ballot.

With so many critical elections in 2024, how important is it for grassroots activists to invest in our fight against the NRA?

[✓] Extremely important

[  ] Very important

[  ] Somewhat important

[  ] Not at all important


Thank you for taking our survey. We have one last question for you.

The NRA and their dark-money donors are gearing up for one of the most consequential elections of our lifetime. They’re going to be spending MILLIONS to retake power in Washington, undo all of the progress we’ve won and elect more bought-and-paid-for politicians who will push their anti-gun safety agenda.

But we’re preparing for this fight too. We’re working overtime to support President Biden’s reelection campaign, expand our gun violence prevention majorities in the House and Senate and build a team of gun safety leaders in all 50 states.

This is going to be a pivotal election year. We’re counting on strong grassroots support from passionate gun safety activists like you to compete with the gun lobby’s dark money. Will you rush a donation of $50 or more before midnight tonight to help us elect leaders who will keep our children and our communities safe?

[  ] Yes, I can chip in $50 to elect gun safety leaders.

[  ] Yes, I can chip in $30 to elect gun safety leaders.

[✓] Yes, and I can chip in MORE to elect gun safety leaders.*

*[Blogger's Note: I selected this option—although I donated less than $50, or even less than $30—because it's an option that got me to the donation webpage!]

And so, I made three one-time donations to Brady PAC (the sister organization of which is Brady: United Against Gun Violence) because "Brady PAC is fighting for lifesaving legislation like universal background checks and an assault weapons ban."

And the reason that I made three one-time donations to Brady PAC (the first two donations were $5.00 each and the last donation was $1.00) is because the first donation I made was prior to me taking the above-mentioned survey—since, at first, I wasn't sure about taking the survey; however, I still wanted to support Brady PAC! Then, I actually decided to participate in the survey, which is why I made the second $5.00 donation after I completed the survey. Finally, I was deciding whether, or not, to explain that I did not include a tip to ActBlue for this donation—like I usually do for political campaigns—because Brady PAC is a Political Action Committee, rather than a political campaign! So, I was checking to see if the phraseology for ActBlue's "Please leave us a tip" portion of the Brady PAC donation webpage was exactly the same as it is for all of the other ActBlue donation webpages. You see, I was planning to explain that I did not include a tip for ActBlue this time—since a PAC is not a political campaign—by including the "Please leave us a tip" portion of the donation page showing the "Leave no tip" part checked off, which is why I made the last donation of $1.00! –Paul Whiting (written October 19th, 2023, revised October 23rd, 2023, revised October 26th, 2023, revised October 29th, 2023 and revised November 7th, 2023)


October 19th, 2023 Update—Continued Further: I received an email from United Farm Workers (UFW) today, October 19th, 2023, with the subject line, "URGENT: Your comments are needed to support critical new federal DOL [Department of Labor] H-2A regulations", which stated the following:

United Farm Workers
Si, Se Puede!        UFW

URGENT: Your comments are needed to support critical new federal DOL H-2A regulations


In September, the Department of Labor (DOL) proposed new regulations for the H-2A guest worker program that would reduce abuse, exploitation and trafficking of farm workers. Transparency and accountability in the H-2A program will in turn improve the wages and working conditions of US workers.

The 327 pages of complex regulations by the Biden administration would improve the lives of the hard working men and women who harvest our food and reflect the recommendations that the farm worker movement have been making for years.

The public comment period will be open until November 14th. Please help us do all we can to make sure these changed regulations go into effect by sending your email to make sure the final regulations are as strong as possible and improve workers' conditions, wages and ability to organize.

The proposed DOL regulations would improve conditions for H-2A farm workers by:

[✓] Strengthening workers' right to advocate, form a union, and have key services in employer-provided housing

[✓] Protecting workers from unjust firing, retaliation, and other violations by employers

[✓] Prohibiting employers from confiscating travel documents to prevent human trafficking

[✓] Targeting unlawful fees, fraud, and other abuse in the recruitment and hiring of workers.

These changes are urgently needed. Just last year, a federal investigation uncovered how H-2A employers ran a human trafficking ring, described by prosecutors as "modern day slavery" in Florida, Texas, and Georgia. In Utah, the former President of the Utah Farm Bureau is now subject to a human trafficking investigation after physically assaulting H-2A workers on his farm. Wage theft, abuse and exploitation are commonplace in the H-2A program and displace US workers while employers profit.

This can't keep happening. The current system is broken and oversight is urgently needed the regulations must be changed. Click here to send us your comments so we can submit them en masse and save you the difficulty of navigating through the government website.

PLEASE NOTE: The more personalized your comments are will increase the impact to the Department of Labor.


PS: After you take action you can also share this campaign on Facebook & Twitter.*

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below—and that text is mostly the same information which is contained in the email above, with additional information:

Your comments are needed to support critical new DOL H-2A regulations

In September, the Department of Labor (DOL) proposed new regulations for the H-2A guest worker program that would reduce abuse, exploitation and trafficking of farm workers. Transparency and accountability in the H-2A program will in turn improve the wages and working conditions of US workers. The 327 pages of complex regulations by the Biden administration would improve the lives of the hard working men and women who harvest our food and reflect the recommendations that the farm worker movement have been making for years.

The public comment period will be open until November 14th. Please help us do all we can to make sure these changed regulations go into effect by sending your email to make sure the final regulations are as strong as possible and improve workers' conditions, wages, and ability to organize.

The proposed DOL regulations would improve conditions for H-2A farm workers by:

[✓] Strengthening workers' right to advocate, form a union, and have key services in employer-provided housing

[✓] Protecting workers from unjust firing, retaliation, and other violations by employers

[✓] Prohibiting employers from confiscating travel documents to prevent human trafficking

[✓] Targeting unlawful fees, fraud, and other abuse in the recruitment and hiring of workers.

These changes are urgently needed. Just last year, a federal investigation uncovered how H-2A employers ran a human trafficking ring, described by prosecutors as "modern day slavery" in Florida, Texas, and Georgia. In Utah, the former President of the Utah Farm Bureau is now subject to a human trafficking investigation after physically assaulting H-2A workers on his farm. Wage theft, abuse and exploitation are commonplace in the H-2A program and displace US workers while employers profit.

This can't keep happening. The current system is broken and oversight is urgently needed the regulations must be changed. Click here to send us your comments so we can submit them en masse and save you the difficulty of navigating through the government website.

PLEASE NOTE: The more personalized your comments are will increase the impact to the Department of Labor.

Contact Information: The reason we are asking for your address is that the federal form asks for them and we want to be able to make sure we can upload your comments.

First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Street Address (Optional): [redacted]
Postal Code (Optional): [redacted]
City (Optional): [redacted]
State/Province (Optional): [redacted]
Email: [redacted]

Add your public comment:

Please edit the draft below. Remember personal messages make a huge difference.

Personalize your message

I am writing this comment in support of our nation’s farm workers, whose hard work makes it possible for us to have food on our table every day. The proposed regulatory changes to the H-2A agricultural guestworker program would reduce abuse, exploitation and trafficking of farm workers. Improving the H-2A program will in turn improve the wages and working conditions of U.S. workers. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, over half of farm workers are U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents. The proposed changes would positively impact many of these farm workers and begin to address many of the systemic, abusive issues in the H–2A program.

The proposed DOL regulations would improve conditions for H-2A farm workers by:

✓ Strengthening workers' right to advocate, form a union, and have key services in employer-provided housing
✓ Protecting workers from unjust firing, retaliation, and other violations by employers
✓ Prohibiting employers from confiscating travel documents to prevent human trafficking
✓ Targeting unlawful fees, fraud, and other abuse in the recruitment and hiring of workers.

I urge you to move forward in finalizing the proposed rules, in its strongest form, so that we have more accountability, transparency and oversight in the H-2A program, our workforce and the U.S.

[Your information here]

*I selected the "Share on Twitter" option (by the way, I only have a Twitter account so I can read tweets which are included in some online articles that I read) in order for me to provide you, my readers, with the text and hyperlink below:

URGENT: Your comments are needed to support critical new @USDOL H-2A regulations that would reduce abuse, exploitation and trafficking of farm workers. Comment NOW at

And so, I sent the comments above to the Department of Labor (DOL), via the (Service Employees International Union) website. Then, I made a one-time donation to United Farm Workers in order to "support [the] critical new federal DOL H-2A regulations," because the "327 pages of complex regulations by the Biden administration would improve the lives of the hard working men and women who harvest our food and reflect the recommendations that the farm worker movement have been making for years." –Paul Whiting (written October 19th, 2023 and revised November 17th, 2023)


October 19th, 2023 Update—Continued Further Some More: This 'update' that I am writing today, October 19th, 2023, is from both my usual reading of Time Magazine articles, as well as from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google.

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day, which usually starts with me reading Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails that I receive each day. Then, I usually check each day's news via a Google search under several news topics sometime after I check my email, as well as after I check my previous day's cellular data usage, which I track very carefully.

Thus, I usually check on what is happening in the news via various Google searches that I do on an oftentimes daily basis under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Time Magazine emails and/or from those Google news searches.

Now, I usually try to publish these current news 'updates' on the day that I actually read the news articles referenced in the 'update'; however, lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news!

Not only that, I have been busy, as well, with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that require their very own 'updates!' Besides that, I am often engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

Plus, I am trying to throttle my cellular data usage in order to stay below the amount of usage that my data plan offers each month, which I track very carefully, so that I don't go over that amount.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received today, when I noticed the following articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The first Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Jim Jordan’s Dilemma Is What Happens When Bullying Backfires":

By the way, I also watched the video accompanying the article above that is titled, "Jordan Backs Temporary House Speaker Plan, But Plans to Keep in the Running."


The second Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Starbucks, Workers United Union Sue Each Other Over Pro-Palestinian Social Media Post":


The third Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "The Israel-Hamas War Is Leading to an Uptick in Hate Crimes":

Continuing on—as I mentioned above—lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news. And I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, October 19th, 2023, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

Therefore, due to this sudden inundation of news, I am simply opening a webpage for each of the various news articles that I am planning to read, based upon the title of each news article and/or based upon the topic of each news article, in preparation for reading each article later on.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, due to the number of articles for which I have an introduction to write lately, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

And to clarify: I still have to read these articles! So, I have each article opened as a webpage on my smartphone's Google browser until such a time as I can get around to actually reading them, due to the number of them.

Another clarification: I greatly simplified how these articles are listed—that I still have yet to read—in order to set them apart from the articles in previous 'updates' where I have already read the articles. Plus, I am listing these articles by the initial Google search category under which I found each article. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.] And I will indicate whether, or not, I have read each article below its title and hyperlink.

Thus, I will indicate the date that I read each article below the title and hyperlink to the article, after I read the article. Therefore, I plan to indicate when I complete reading the articles below, whenever I can actually get around to reading them—when I have access to WiFi, such as at my local library, or at a place of business where I have been shopping, or at a coffee shop, etc., in order to save usage on my cellular data plan through my mobile phone company, as noted above.


1. The New York Times (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
Biden's Moment: A President Convinced of America's Role in the World

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

2. NBC News
Takeaways from Biden’s speech for American support of Israel and Ukraine (Biden urges aid for Israel and Ukraine and calls on Israel 'not to be blinded by rage')

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

3. USA Today (By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)
State Department calls for Americans overseas to exercise caution

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

4. CNN
State Department advises all Americans overseas 'to exercise increased caution' in worldwide alert

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

5. AP News
US Navy warship shoots down three missiles fired from Yemen (US military shoots down missiles and drones as it faces growing threats in volatile Middle East)

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

6. PBS
WATCH: Pentagon holds news briefing after U.S. warship intercepts missiles in Red Sea

[I have NOT watched this video, or read this article yet.]

7. Al Jazeera
Frustration, concern rise in Arab American communities amid Gaza war

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

8. The Jerusalem Post
Three out of four Americans support Israel in war against Hamas - poll

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



9. CNN
First on CNN: US Navy warship near Yemen intercepts multiple missiles, US officials say

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

10. ABC News
US Navy destroyer in Red Sea shoots down cruise missiles potentially headed toward Israel: Pentagon

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

11. The New York Times (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
U.S. Shoots Down Several Missiles and Drones Launched From Yemen

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

12. Reuters
Republican Jim Jordan keeps up floundering fight to be US House Speaker

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

13. USA Today (By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)
Gaza hospital death toll 'staggering' but much lower than Hamas claim, US says: Updates (Historic Orthodox church in Gaza City bombed; Gaza hospital death toll much lower than Hamas claim, US says: Updates)

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

14. NBC News Israel-Hamas war live updates: Biden addresses the nation on Israel; U.N. calls for cease-fire to open Rafah crossing to get aid into Gaza

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



15. NBC News
U.S. Navy warship shoots down three missiles heading 'potentially towards Israel,' Pentagon says

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

16. Department of Defense
U.S., U.K. Defense Leaders Consult on Israel, Ukraine, AUKUS and More

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

17. USA Today (By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)
In Oval Office address, Biden makes the case for more aid to Israel, Ukraine

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

18. USA Today (By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)
Palestinians in US say assaults against community, allies on the rise (Battle against hate: Violence, bigotry toward Palestinian Americans spiking across US)

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



19. NPR
Biden appeals for more funding for Ukraine and Israel in rare Oval Office address

Biden appeals for more funding for Ukraine and Israel in rare Oval Office address

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

20. Biden makes the case for wartime aid to Israel and Ukraine in primetime address

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



21. AP News
Biden declares Israel and Ukraine support is vital for US security, will ask Congress for billions

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

22. ABC News
Biden, in rare Oval Office speech, says US 'holds the world together' amid wars in Israel and Ukraine

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

23. People
Joe Biden Delivers Primetime Address on Israel and Ukraine to Earn Support for War Aid

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

24. CNN
The number one takeaway from Biden's address

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

25. Newsweek
Joe Biden Campaign Already Has More Followers Than Trump's on Truth Social

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

26. Reuters
Biden vows aid for Gaza, Israel as protests rock Middle East

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



27. CNN
Video: SE Cupp: Should Dems step in to save the House?

[I have NOT watched this video yet.]

28. USA Today (By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)
Democrats denounce Gov. Greg Abbott's razor wire along New Mexico-Texas border: 'Stunt' that will result in damage

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



29. AP News
Rep. Jim Jordan will try again for House gavel, but Republicans won't back the hardline Trump ally

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

30. MSNBC News ·
Gaetz says Republicans won't advance plan to empower interim speaker McHenry

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



31. Politico
Why the GOP Can't Unite

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

Republicans Are Facing Death Threats as the Election for Speaker Gets Mired in Personal Feuds

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

33. The New York Times (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
Jordan Pushes for 3rd House Speaker Vote, Backing Off Plan to Endorse McHenry

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



I did not select any articles from this category.



34. Inside Climate News
Corn Harvests in the Yukon? Study Finds That Climate Change Will Boost Likelihood That Wilderness Gives Way to Agriculture

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

Opinion: Climate change isn't just about emissions. We're ignoring a huge part of the fight

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

36. Yale Climate Connections
New report has terrific news for the climate » Yale Climate Connections

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



I did not select any articles from this category.



37. KOIN 6 ("...a television station in Portland, Oregon, United States, affiliated with CBS.")
Portland apparel brand moves flagship store, recommits to downtown core

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written October 19th, 2023, revised November 6th, 2023 and revised January 28th, 2024)


October 20th, 2023 Update: I received an email from Planned Parenthood Action Fund today, October 20th, 2023, with the subject line, "We're so close to our 100,000 signature goal, Paul!", which stated the following:

Paul: Thank you for signing the petition and speaking out against Texas's baseless lawsuit against Planned Parenthood.

[Blogger's Note: Please see my 'September 15th, 2023 Update—Continued,' which can be found above, for the petition.]

Because of you, we're close to reaching our goal of 100,000 signatures. Will you forward this email to the people you know who support reproductive health care?

Thanks for sticking with us.

— Planned Parenthood Action Fund


Paul, the state of Texas and an anonymous plaintiff are trying to use the courts to shut down Planned Parenthood with a baseless $1.8 BILLION lawsuit. We've set a goal of 100,000 signatures on our petition telling Texas to drop the lawsuit — and we're so close. Add your name now to tell Texas to drop the lawsuit.

Let's be real. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott knows this lawsuit is built on lies. He knows that Planned Parenthood nonprofit health centers provide high-quality care to tens of thousands of Texans each year, and many of the patients who rely on Planned Parenthood have nowhere else to go. He knows that if his lawsuit succeeds, it will do nothing but harm patients and providers.

He knows all that — he just doesn't care. Like so many other politicians, Gov. Abbott is perfectly happy to exploit our courts to advance his unpopular agenda. More than that, he's betting that nobody will call him out on it.

He's wrong. We need your help to shine a spotlight on Greg Abbott, and this dishonest case he's pushing, by collecting as many signatures as possible telling him to drop his lawsuit before the petition is hand-delivered.

Tell Texas: Drop the baseless lawsuit against Planned Parenthood.

Help us reach our goal of 100,000 petition signatures.


Attacks on our health and rights will continue as long as politicians like Greg Abbott believe they can get away with them. We need to get louder, get fiercer, and stay united to oppose this abuse of power.

Thanks for adding your name.

— Planned Parenthood Action Fund


Plus, I made a one-time donation to Planned Parenthood Action Fund, since "the state of Texas and an anonymous plaintiff are trying to use the courts to shut down Planned Parenthood with a baseless $1.8 BILLION lawsuit," so "[Planned Parenthood Action Fund has] set a goal of 100,000 signatures on [their] petition telling Texas to drop the lawsuit." Therefore, I am doing my part as a blogger in order to help Planned Parenthood Action Fund collect "as many signatures as possible telling [Texas Gov. Greg Abbott] to drop his lawsuit before the petition is hand-delivered."

Thank you for adding your name!

–Paul Whiting (October 20th, 2023)


October 20th, 2023 Update—Continued: This 'update' that I am writing today, October 20th, 2023, is from both my usual reading of Time Magazine articles, as well as from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google.

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day, which usually starts with me reading Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails that I receive each day. Then, I usually check each day's news via a Google search under several news topics sometime after I check my email, as well as after I check my previous day's cellular data usage, which I track very carefully.

Thus, I usually check on what is happening in the news via various Google searches that I do on an oftentimes daily basis under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Time Magazine emails and/or from those Google news searches.

Now, I usually try to publish these current news 'updates' on the day that I actually read the news articles referenced in the 'update'; however, lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news!

Not only that, I have been busy, as well, with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that require their very own 'updates!' Besides that, I am often engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

Plus, I am trying to throttle my cellular data usage in order to stay below the amount of usage that my data plan offers each month, which I track very carefully, so that I don't go over that amount.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received today, when I noticed the following article! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The only Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Matthew Desmond on How Poverty Affects Everybody":

By the way, I also listened to the podcast accompanying the article above, which is titled "Matthew Desmond • Solving America's Poverty Puzzle."

Continuing on—as I mentioned above—lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news. And I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, October 20th, 2023, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

Therefore, due to this sudden inundation of news, I am simply opening a webpage for each of the various news articles that I am planning to read, based upon the title of each news article and/or based upon the topic of each news article, in preparation for reading each article later on.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, due to the number of articles for which I have an introduction to write lately, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

And to clarify: I still have to read these articles! So, I have each article opened as a webpage on my smartphone's Google browser until such a time as I can get around to actually reading them, due to the number of them.

Another clarification: I greatly simplified how these articles are listed—that I still have yet to read—in order to set them apart from the articles in previous 'updates' where I have already read the articles. Plus, I am listing these articles by the initial Google search category under which I found each article. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.] And I will indicate whether, or not, I have read each article below its title and hyperlink.

Thus, I will indicate the date that I read each article below the title and hyperlink to the article, after I read the article. Therefore, I plan to indicate when I complete reading the articles below, whenever I can actually get around to reading them—when I have access to WiFi, such as at my local library, or at a place of business where I have been shopping, or at a coffee shop, etc., in order to save usage on my cellular data plan through my mobile phone company, as noted above.


1. NBC News
Israel-Hamas war live updates: 2 American hostages released by Hamas; Gaza weathers another night of heavy bombing

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

2. The Guardian
Israel-Hamas war live: Israeli army demands evacuation of Gaza hospital; Hamas says it released two American hostages

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

America's Debt Crisis Burns While Congress Fiddles | The Report | U.S. News

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



4. NBC News
2 Americans held by Hamas have been released

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

5. The New York Times (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
On Israel, Progressive Jews Feel Abandoned by Their Left-Wing Allies

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

6. Reuters
Republicans drop Jim Jordan's US House speaker bid after third failed vote

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



7. Department of Defense
DOD Responds to Attacks, Continues Efforts to Deter Spread of Israel-Hamas War

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

8. USA Today (By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)
House speaker live: Republicans drop Jim Jordan as nominee, other candidates step forward

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



9. The New York Times
Full Transcript: Biden's Speech on Israel-Hamas and Russia-Ukraine Wars

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



10. Reuters
Fact Check: Video of Joe Biden calling for a military draft was created with AI

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

11. Newsweek
Fox News Is Praising Joe Biden

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



12. CBS News
If GOP won't unite, Rep. Mike Turner says a deal "will have to be done" with Democrats for new speaker

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



13. Newsweek
Marjorie Taylor Greene Slams Fellow Republicans Throwing Away Majority

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



14. Politico
The Strange Return of George W. Bush

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



15. Hindustan Times
Trump fined $5,000 after post maligning court staffer found on campaign website

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



16. KGW ("...a television station in Portland, Oregon, United States, affiliated with NBC.")
'We're saying this must stop': Portlanders call on state leaders to sign Ceasefire Now Resolution for Israel-Hamas war
PORTLAND, Oregon — Hundreds of people chanted outside government offices in North Portland Thursday afternoon calling for an end to the Israel-Hamas war.

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

17. KOIN 6 ("...a television station in Portland, Oregon, United States, affiliated with CBS.")
Hundreds rally at PSU in support of Palestinians, call for end to violence

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

18. Oregon Live (" is a website covering local news in Oregon and Southwest Washington. The website serves as the online home of The Oregonian.")
Religious leaders urge caution as tensions in Israel, Gaza bubble over into Portland

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

I did not select any articles from this category.

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written October 20th, 2023 and revised January 28th, 2024)

P.S.: By the way, today, October 20th, 2023, I read the September 24th, 2023 news articles from my ‘September 24th, 2023 Update,’ which can be found above.


October 20th, 2023 Update—Continued Further: As I start writing this 'update,' it is right around 10:45 PM on October 20th, 2023 and I have just returned from 'A Marvelous Adventure In The Wonderful World Of Oz' via the "American Experience" on PBS (Public Broadcasting Service)...

...You see, it was a very busy day for me today, because I walked about 2.6 miles (as the Google Maps fly) to the very ordinary—and yet most extraordinary—land of the optical shop where the magic and mystery of my new prescription eyeglasses was waiting to be discovered by me!

Thus, "I can see clearly now...the double vision is gone! I can see all obstacles in my way!"

Then, after some additional adventures to a local drug store in order to buy the wonderous magic of Dawn Original Dishwashing Liquid in order to safely clean my new prescription eyeglasses (as recommended by the good and kind folks at the optical shop), I ventured further to find a way to carry my new prescription eyeglasses wherever I go because I now have three—yes, count them, three—pairs of eyeglasses: one pair of progressive transition lenses, one pair of reading glasses, and one pair of computer glasses!

And upon my return from that seemingly plain, but Superman- and Superwoman-like power of the optical shop—and after buying a hip pack (or, 'fanny pack,' as they used to be called)—I was thinking about maybe catching up on some reading of current news articles (of which I have a mere 514 left to read from the time period of September 25th, 2023 up through today, October 20th, 2023) with the extra cellular data that I have available before my cell phone billing cycle ends tomorrow; however, I was tired from having walked a total of about 4.9 miles today (according to Google Maps), which is how I transport myself, and how I exercise, so I decided to utilize that extra data in my cell phone plan to watch some of the videos that I have saved on my YouTube 'Watch Later' Playlist!

Therefore, I selected the PBS 'American Experience' video production of "American Oz," which runs about one hour and fifty three minutes, just to let you know! Here is the description from that video (with a hyperlink to the video below):

American Oz (full documentary) | AMERICAN EXPERIENCE | PBS

Explore the life and times of author L. Frank Baum, the creator of one of the most beloved, enduring and classic American narratives. By 1900, when The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was published, Baum was 44 years old and had spent much of his life in restless pursuit of success. With mixed results he dove into a string of jobs — chicken breeder, actor, marketer of petroleum products, shopkeeper, newspaperman and traveling salesman — Baum continued to reinvent himself, reflecting a uniquely American brand of confidence, imagination and innovation. During his travels to the Great Plains and on to Chicago during the American frontier’s final days, he witnessed a nation coming to terms with the economic uncertainty of the Gilded Age. But he never lost his childlike sense of wonder and eventually crafted his observations into a magical tale of survival, adventure and self-discovery, reinterpreted through the generations in films, books and musicals.

And may I just say about this video, "Wow, what an 'American Experience' on PBS!"

So, now that I am finishing up writing this 'update,' it is just about 11:56 PM—and I am going to bed...

...I bid a very goodnight to 'The Wonderful World Of Oz' and I bid a goodnight to all of you!

–Paul Whiting (written October 20th, 2023 and revised October 21st, 2023)


October 20th, 2023 Update—Continued Further Some More, Written On October 21st, 2023: I received a mailer from Native American Rights Fund (NARF) yesterday, October 20th, 2023, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "IMPORTANT MAIL."

Now, like I usually do with these types of mailers, I was planning to scan and copy the letter using Google Lens, then edit the copy of said letter to include all of the bolding and underscoring where applicable; however, this letter is identical to a letter that I received from Native American Rights Fund on August 14th, 2023 (please see my 'August 14th, 2023 Update—Continued Further,' which can be found above), so I decided to simply let you know that I have taken the same action regarding this letter as I did the letter from my 'August 14th, 2023 Update—Continued Further.'

And so, I made a one-time donation to Native American Rights Fund today, October 21st, 2023, in order to help them "to defend and promote the legal rights of Native Americans on issues essential to their tribal sovereignty, their natural resources and their human rights."

Plus, here is the message that I wrote to the Native American Rights Fund in the "tell us why you made your gift to Native American Rights Fund" webpage, which appeared after the donation "Thank you!" page:

Thanks again for your generous donation!

Please take a moment to tell us why you made your gift to Native American Rights Fund.

Email Address: [redacted]

Tell us why you donated:

Dear Native American Rights Fund,

This donation is for the mailer regarding petitions to President Joseph Biden, Senator [name redacted], Senator [name redacted] and Interior Secretary Debra Haaland to "ensure, protect, and preserve water rights for Native American Tribes."

Very truly yours,

Paul Whiting
Poet, Artist and Philosopher
Portland, Oregon

P.S.: I already sent these same petitions to you sometime shortly after August 14th, 2023, however I am signing them again, as requested by you, and will mail the petitions to you sometime after today, October 21st, 2023.

Then, after I made the above-mentioned donation, I signed the petitions to President Joseph Biden, Senator [name redacted], Senator [name redacted] and Interior Secretary Debra Haaland (as mentioned in the same letter from my 'August 14th, 2023 Update—Continued Further'), which stated the following:

Dear [Title and Name],

WHEREAS, in 1908 the United States Supreme Court declared that Indian tribes are entitled to sufficient water to make their reservations livable homelands; and, WHEREAS, for decades the federal government has denied Native Americans access to the water on their lands; I respectfully call upon you to ensure, protect, and preserve water rights for Native American Tribes, and to fully fund Indian water settlements which are the moral and legal obligation of the United States.

Respectfully yours,

Paul Whiting

Signed on 10/21/2023

[Address, City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

And now it's time for some legal clarification:

Just like the same letter from my 'August 14th, 2023 Update—Continued Further,' this letter requested that I "please use the pen [Native American Rights Fund] enclosed for [me] to sign [the above-mentioned] petitions today"; however, I always use uni-ball Vision Elite™ Rollerball pens whenever I do any important writing, because these uni-ball pens feature "uni Super Ink™ that helps prevent against check and document fraud." That is why I always use—and always trust—my important documents to uni-ball pens with uni Super Ink™!

And to clarify some more, the above-mentioned pen that was inscribed with 'Native American Rights Fund' came attached to a card with a free gift attached, which stated below the gift: "This keychain is our gift to you. Thank you for standing firm for justice." In addition to that, the card also stated below the pen, "Use this pen to mark the checkbox of your donation amount on the reply form and help protect and preserve Native American Rights across the United States."

Therefore, even though I signed the above-mentioned petitions with a uni-ball Vision Elite™ Rollerball pen, like I usually do, I used the Native American Rights Fund pen to indicate amount that I donated to them, which was $7.00!*

Also, I am planning to mail these petitions in the next few days, as soon as I get a chance to drop off the return envelope to my local post office. –Paul Whiting (written October 21st, 2023 and revised November 2nd, 2023)

*P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.)


October 21st, 2023 Update: I received an email from Planned Parenthood Action Fund today, October 21st, 2023, with the subject line, "INSIDE: Upcoming abortion fights, Ohio’s abortion vote, and more", which stated the following:

Planned Parenthood Action Fund Update

Action Fund Update is the monthly newsletter for members of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund. As an associate member of the Action Fund, you'll receive timely, insider information on our legislative, advocacy, and electoral work.

Member News


Six in a row.

Last year, six states voted on abortion ballot initiatives. And every single time, voters chose to protect abortion rights.

As we look ahead to 2024, there will be big fights on the ballot. Organizers in Florida are on track to gather more than enough signatures to get a measure protecting the right to abortion in the state constitution on the ballot. Similar efforts are also underway in Arizona and Nevada, as advocates in more and more states take action to expand and protect access to abortion.

Paul, people want the right to control their own bodies. And we won't stop until everyone has that right.

Let’s keep the momentum going.

[Name redacted], [Title redacted]
Planned Parenthood Action Fund

Take Action

Tell Texas: Drop the baseless $1.8 billion lawsuit against Planned Parenthood

Instead of prioritizing the health of Texans, the state's political leaders are trying to take away patient care with false accusations of Medicaid fraud against Texas Planned Parenthood nonprofit affiliates and Planned Parenthood Federation of America.

This is part of a longtime strategy to try to shut down Planned Parenthood and take away affordable, high-quality sexual and reproductive health care. We cannot let this happen.

Tell Texas Gov. Greg Abbott to end these attacks on Planned Parenthood health centers and patients >>>

[By the way, I already took this action to "Tell Texas: Drop the lawsuit against Planned Parenthood" on September 15th, 2023 (please see my 'September 15th, 2023 Update—Continued,' which can be found above).]

State Spotlight: Ohio

Early voting has already started in Ohio on Issue 1, a ballot initiative that could enshrine abortion protections into the state constitution.

Ohio has this year's only state ballot initiative on abortion. If Ohioans choose to protect abortion, it would become the seventh consecutive state since the Dobbs decision to vote in favor of abortion rights.

Learn more ( about Issue 1, then reach out to your friends and family in Ohio to make sure they have a plan to vote YES on Issue 1 by November 7.

Candidate Endorsement News

Given how important Ohio will be in the fight for reproductive rights this year and beyond, please read more about two of Planned Parenthood Action Fund’s endorsed candidates in Ohio.

Emilia Sykes (OH-13)

Rep. Emilia Sykes has devoted her career to being a champion for Ohio families. As a state representative, former state House minority leader, and now a Congresswoman, she has always fought to protect and expand reproductive rights, including abortion access. She is a powerful advocate for Ohioans and will keep fighting every day to protect abortion rights.

Greg Landsman (OH-01)

Rep. Greg Landsman has consistently fought to better the lives of Ohioans, as an education advocate, city councilman, and congressman. He flipped this seat from a former anti-abortion incumbent who had held the seat for nearly thirty years. In his short time in Congress, he has proven himself to be a leader and champion for affordable housing, small business, and accessible health care, including sexual and reproductive health care.

Around the Web

Reuters: Idaho abortion ban again partly halted amid appeal

NPR: Billboards supporting women seeking abortions are popping up along I-55 heading north

AP News: Planned Parenthood resumes offering abortions in Wisconsin after more than a year


By the way, I read all of the articles referenced in the email above including the article referenced to 'learn more about Issue 1,' which is titled, "The 19th Explains: What to know about Ohio Issue 1." I also read all of the articles listed under the 'State Spotlight' and the 'Around the Web' sections above, which is what I always do when I receive these monthly newsletters from Planned Parenthood Action Fund—in addition to taking any requested action from said newsletters, if I haven't already taken that same requested action (or, those same requested actions), as noted from previous 'updates.' –Paul Whiting (written October 21st, 2023, revised February 17th, 2024 and revised March 16th, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, I used to make one-time donations to the organization that is the subject of these 'updates' each time that I took an action as requested by that organization; however, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am greatly reducing the number of times that I donate for the same organization per month down to once—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis." (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.) Thus, because I have already donated to Planned Parenthood Action Fund on October 20th, 2023 (please see my 'October 20th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above) that is the one-time donation which I made to Planned Parenthood Action Fund for October 2023.


October 21st, 2023 Update—Continued: This 'update' that I am writing today, October 21st, 2023, is only from my usual reading of Time Magazine articles.

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day, which usually starts with me reading Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails that I receive each day.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received today, when I noticed the following article! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The only Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Martin Scorsese Still Has Stories to Tell":

By the way, I also watched to the video accompanying the article above, which is titled "TIME100 Leadership Series | Martin Scorsese."

And I decided to highlight this article from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (October 21st, 2023)


October 22nd, 2023 Update: I received an email from the Bob Casey for Senate campaign today, October 22nd, 2023, with the subject line, "Pennsylvania is my home", which stated the following:

Bob Casey for Senate

I'm a lifelong Pennsylvanian.

From growing up in Scranton, to coaching eighth-grade basketball in Philadelphia, to my wife, Terese, and I raising our four daughters in the same town where I grew up — Pennsylvania is my home.

That's why I'm a tireless advocate for Pennsylvania's hardworking families in the U.S. Senate. Because I know how hard Pennsylvanians work to provide for their kids, save for their families' futures, and give back to their communities. They deserve a Senator who works just as hard to represent their voices in Washington.

But here's the reality: national Republicans are coming for this seat in hopes of regaining Senate control. These are the same folks who want to make cuts to Social Security, which nearly 3 million Pennsylvanians rely on to get by.

The people of our state can't afford a Republican Senate majority.

I'm running for re-election to keep fighting for Pennsylvania families in the U.S. Senate, but I won't be able to win without your support. Will you donate any amount now to help defend this seat?

Donate Now ››***

I'm no stranger to a hard fight, and I'm grateful for your support as we build this campaign.

With gratitude,

Bob Casey

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Bob Casey for Senate

I'm running for re-election.

Pennsylvania is poised to be one of the most competitive elections in the country, so your support will make a huge impact on the start of our race.

If you’re with me, will you chip in to support our campaign today?


Your contribution will benefit Bob Casey.

[  ] Donate $10 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $75 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $150 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[✓] CUSTOM $0.11

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Bob Casey for Senate campaign (with a tip to ActBlue), because "[Bob Casey is] running for re-election to keep fighting for Pennsylvania families in the U.S. Senate," since Pennsylvanians "deserve a Senator who works just as hard [as they do] to represent their voices in Washington." –Paul Whiting (October 22nd, 2023)


For my "October 22nd, 2023 Update—Continued"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

October 22nd, 2023 Update—Continued: I received an email from the USO (United Service Organizations) today, October 22nd, 2023, with the subject line, "Far from home: providing comfort to military moms," which stated the following:


Motherhood comes with its share of challenges — and when you add serving in the military to the mix, it becomes even more demanding. But being a military mom, deployed far from home and in the midst of the action, it is even more difficult.

This is particularly evident at Camp Casey in South Korea, one of the most isolated and remote locations where U.S. troops are stationed. The camp is just 13 miles from the Korean Demilitarized Zone, the heavily guarded strip of land that divides North and South Korea, and our troops’ presence is critical to establishing security and balance in this volatile region.

This can be incredibly stressful for service members, especially when separated from their loved ones back home. In fact, according to the Blue Star Families’ 2023 Military Family Lifestyle Survey, 45% of active-duty family respondents cited the “amount of time away from family as a result of military service” as a top concern. That’s why the USO works so hard to provide service members at Camp Casey and worldwide with resources, support and connections to home.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“I have two sons … back in the States. When I deployed away from my family … I didn’t have internet … in my barracks … The staff and volunteers [at the USO] were extremely kind when I visited the center. I was finally able to talk to my children by using their free Wi-Fi, and I enjoyed … having snacks in their lounge. It made me [feel] at home!”


At Camp Casey and hundreds of other locations across the globe, the USO strives to ensure that military moms and all our service members feel seen and appreciated every day. We thank you for supporting this crucial mission.


The USO works to keep America’s military heroes connected to family, home and country as they make immense sacrifices to protect our nation. But as a nonprofit organization, our work is only possible because of the generous support of patriotic Americans like you. Will you make a gift of $103 or more today so the USO can continue supporting troops around the world as they risk their lives to keep us safe?


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, I made a one-time donation of $113.00 on the website in order to support the USO's following statement: "Our service members keep our nation safe. And we work hard to keep them connected to home — but we can’t do that without support from military supporters like you. Our troops are counting on you to be a part of this important work for our country."

In addition to that, I already make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! You see, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation. ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "October 22nd, 2023 Update—Continued":


October 22nd, 2023 Update—Continued Further: This 'update' that I am writing today, October 22nd, 2023, is from both my usual reading of Time Magazine articles, as well as from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google.

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day, which usually starts with me reading Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails that I receive each day. Then, I usually check each day's news via a Google search under several news topics sometime after I check my email, as well as after I check my previous day's cellular data usage, which I track very carefully.

Thus, I usually check on what is happening in the news via various Google searches that I do on an oftentimes daily basis under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Time Magazine emails and/or from those Google news searches.

Now, I usually try to publish these current news 'updates' on the day that I actually read the news articles referenced in the 'update'; however, lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news!

Not only that, I have been busy, as well, with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that require their very own 'updates!' Besides that, I am often engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

Plus, I am trying to throttle my cellular data usage in order to stay below the amount of usage that my data plan offers each month, which I track very carefully, so that I don't go over that amount.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received today, when I noticed the following articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The first Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "After Hamas, Then What? Israel’s Undefined Endgame in Gaza":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "The Power of Osage Storytelling":


The third Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "How the Watermelon Became a Symbol of Palestinian Solidarity":


The fourth Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Don’t Fall For the Marketing. ‘Toddler Milk’ Is Not Good For Your Child":


The fifth Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "The Only Way to Fix Congress":

Continuing on—as I mentioned above—lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news. And I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, October 22nd, 2023, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

Therefore, due to this sudden inundation of news, I am simply opening a webpage for each of the various news articles that I am planning to read, based upon the title of each news article and/or based upon the topic of each news article, in preparation for reading each article later on.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, due to the number of articles for which I have an introduction to write lately, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

And to clarify: I still have to read these articles! So, I have each article opened as a webpage on my smartphone's Google browser until such a time as I can get around to actually reading them, due to the number of them.

Another clarification: I greatly simplified how these articles are listed—that I still have yet to read—in order to set them apart from the articles in previous 'updates' where I have already read the articles. Plus, I am listing these articles by the initial Google search category under which I found each article. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.] And I will indicate whether, or not, I have read each article below its title and hyperlink.

Thus, I will indicate the date that I read each article below the title and hyperlink to the article, after I read the article. Therefore, I plan to indicate when I complete reading the articles below, whenever I can actually get around to reading them—when I have access to WiFi, such as at my local library, or at a place of business where I have been shopping, or at a coffee shop, etc., in order to save usage on my cellular data plan through my mobile phone company, as noted above.


1. Politico
Biden has a new message about the war. There's an America First twist.

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

2. CBS News · CBS News
Hundreds of Americans remain stranded in Gaza

[I have NOT watched this video yet.]

3. NBC News
‘Not safe anywhere now’: American Jews are flocking to gun training classes

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

4. AP News
Americans' faith in institutions has been sliding for years. The chaos in Congress isn't helping

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



5. ABC News
US moves carrier to Middle East following attacks on US forces

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

6. CNN
After a robust third quarter, US economic growth will likely slow. That bodes well for rate cuts next year.

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



7. The New York Times (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
Biden and Aides Advise Israel to Avoid Widening War With Hezbollah Strike

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

8. NBC News
The United States ranks 118th in the world for racial inclusion according to annual tally

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



9. CBS News
GOP House panel raises questions about $200K check from James Biden to Joe Biden. Biden spokesman says there's "zero evidence of wrongdoing."

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

10. AP News
Biden walks a tightrope with his support for Israel as his party's left urges restraint

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



11. Newsweek
GOP Raising Alarm Over Joe Biden Getting $200K Loan Repayment Spurs Mockery

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

12. The Times of Israel
Biden speaks with Netanyahu, says Israel to allow ‘continued flow’ of aid into Gaza

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

13. The Guardian
Biden draws direct link between Putin and Hamas as he urges aid for Israel and Ukraine

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



14. Vox
The US left struggles to respond to the Israel-Hamas war (What do leftist critics of Israel do now?)

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

15. CNN
Democratic divisions over Israel heat up over Gaza hospital blast controversy

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



16. The New York Times (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
Meet the Republicans Running for House Speaker

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

17. ABC News
Who are the 9 Republicans now trying to be House speaker, amid historic gridlock

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

18. Politico
House Republicans push unity 'pledge' to guarantee a speaker

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

19. CNN
These are the House Republicans running for speaker

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

20. NBC News
These 9 candidates have joined the House speaker race after Jim Jordan dropped out

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

21. Axios
The old GOP's last stand: the Senate

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



22. USA Today (By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)
Cut it out, Americans by 2-1 tell the House. Elect a speaker, already

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

23. CNN
Liz Cheney ties House GOP chaos to Trump's behavior

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



24. Al Jazeera
World leaders attend Cairo peace summit to ‘de-escalate’ Israel-Hamas war

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



25. KOIN 6 ("...a television station in Portland, Oregon, United States, affiliated with CBS.")
MAX Red Line service returns with a new look

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

26. KGW ("...a television station in Portland, Oregon, United States, affiliated with NBC.")
Portland airport MAX service to return after 4-month closure

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

27. KATU ("...a television station in Portland, Oregon, United States, affiliated with ABC.")
TriMet's Red Line reopens Sunday

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written October 22nd, 2023 and revised January 28th, 2024)



First of all, let me preface this 'update' by saying that I AM NO LONGER UTILIZING "National Today" as the website that I reference with regard to holidays and special occasions! And I have unsubscribed from receiving National Today emails as of today, October 23rd, 2023.

That being said, I received an email from National Today yesterday, October 22nd, 2023, with the subject line, "Slap an Annoying Coworker, Black Cats, Chocolate. The Week Ahead", which stated, in part, the following:


It’s an interesting week ahead as we encourage you to address your annoying coworker... National Slap Your Annoying Coworker Day is the perfect opportunity to, well, sock it to them.

... Monday 23 October

Slap Your Annoying Coworker Day

If someone at work is bugging you, don't be shy — take advantage.

Read more ...

... Want to change how you receive these emails? You can Unsubscribe at any time.

Therefore, I unsubscribed from National Today and when they asked for the reason I stated the following:


You have successfully unsubscribed from all messages from this sender.

Was this a mistake?

We’d love your feedback. What made you unsubscribe?

[  ] I am no longer interested in these messages
[  ] I have not opted in to receive these messages, they are spam
[  ] I received messages too frequently
[✓] Other (fill in a reason below)
"Slap Your Annoying Coworker Day."

Thus, I wanted to notify you, my readers, of this change in the information that I provide with regard to holidays and special occasions, because I do not think that promoting workplace violence is even slightly funny or appropriate in any way, shape or form!

And, if you read my blog 'updates' that reference National Today webpages with regard to some holidays and special occasions, you know that I have criticized National Today content when I felt it was necessary to call them out on being disrespectful toward certain types of individuals. (Please see my 'August 7th, 2023 Update' regarding Purple Heart Day, as well as my 'August 21st, 2023 Update' regarding National Senior Citizens Day, both of which are originally located on my blog post titled, "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was," which can be found on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog.)

In addition to that, my suspicions about the malicious intentions of National Today were first raised when I noticed a "mistake" that they made on their email regarding "Epilepsy Awareness / Purple Day," which is observed yearly (annually) on March 26th.

In fact, I even sent them a comment on their website the day that I received their email, which was on March 19th, 2023. A copy of the comment can be found below, which I actually forwarded to myself from the original National Today email:

From: Paul Whiting [email redacted]
To: Paul Whiting [email redacted]
Date: Mar 19, 2023, 11:57 AM

[Subject:] Your email titled, "Down Syndrome Awareness, Celebrating Puppies, Cheesesteaks. The Week Ahead"

To Whom It May Concern,

My name is Paul Whiting and I receive your "THIS WEEK ON NATIONAL TODAY" emails.

And today, March 19th, 2023, I received your email titled, "Down Syndrome Awareness, Celebrating Puppies, Cheesesteaks. The Week Ahead."

When I got to the bottom of the email, I noticed that your description for "Epilepsy Awareness / Purple Day" read as follows:

    Sunday 26 March

    Epilepsy Awareness / Purple Day

    Calling all gigglers, cacklers, chortlers, and belly laughers, this is the day you've been waiting for.

    Read more

Now, I realize that you probably aren't trying to make fun of those who have epilepsy, however saying that this is a day to be laughing seems really unprofessional.

By the way, I did a search for the day that has the above-mentioned description, and I found that it's actually for "National Let's Laugh Day," which is today, March 19th, 2023.

Thus, I thought that I should immediately alert you to this error, so that it can be corrected.

Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter.

Yours very truly,

Paul Whiting
Poet, Artist and Philosopher
Portland, Oregon

Hide quoted text

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: National Today [email redacted]
Date: Sun, Mar 19, 2023, 8:32 AM
Subject: Down Syndrome Awareness, Celebrating Puppies, Cheesesteaks. The Week Ahead
To: [email redacted]


Join us as we raise public awareness about Down Syndrome, celebrate the unconditional love that puppies give us, and devour facts about an all-time classic sandwich. On World Down Syndrome Day, we come together to raise awareness, promote inclusivity, and encourage advocacy in a bid to support the well-being of those living with the condition. National Puppy Day not only celebrates the four-legged furballs that bring so much joy to our lives but it aims to raise awareness about the atrocities of puppy mills, and we’re paying homage to the sandwich of all sandwiches on National Cheesesteak Day.

Monday 20 March

International Day of Happiness

If you’re happy and you know it, celebrate it on International Day of Happiness!

Read more

Tuesday 21 March

World Down Syndrome Day

Raise public awareness, promote inclusivity, and support the wellbeing of those living with Down Syndrome.

Read more

Wednesday 22 March

National Goof Off Day

Ferris Bueller liked to goof off so much he skipped an entire day of school.

Read more

Thursday 23 March

National Puppy Day

A paw-some day for all dog enthusiasts to celebrate unconditional love for man's best friend.

Read more

Friday 24 March

National Cheesesteak Day

Much like national liberty itself, the cheesesteak is elegant, necessary, pure, and was born in Philadelphia.

Read more

Saturday 25 March

International Waffle Day

Plug in your waffle maker and tuck into some mouth-watering treats.

Read more

Sunday 26 March

Epilepsy Awareness / Purple Day

Calling all gigglers, cacklers, chortlers, and belly laughers, this is the day you've been waiting for.

Read more
...[Bolding is mine.]

So, that quote mistake end quote should have been my first clue that National Today has a malicious intention for certain types of individuals whom they do not like—and that includes annoying coworkers who, apparently, deserve to be assaulted on "National Slap Your Annoying Coworker Day," which is yearly (annually) on October 23rd. And that is why I am officially declaring today, October 23rd, 2023, as "National Unsubscribe From THIS WEEK ON NATIONAL TODAY Day!" –Paul Whiting (October 23rd, 2023)


October 23rd, 2023 Update—Continued: I received an email from Song for Charlie today, October 23rd, 2023, with the subject line, "Song for Charlie: October Newsletter", which stated the following:

Song for Charlie Monthly Newsletter: October 2023

Giving Season Starting Strong

We are still in October and already have supporters rallying around the Song for Charlie cause for the season of giving! Events like those featured here both raise awareness and help sustain the funding that fuels our work. They are great ways to energize local communities and young people directly impacted by the fentanyl crisis. We are inspired by our compassionate partners.

Corporate Citizens

We are grateful to [name redacted] (mom of Zachary) and [names redacted] for sharing Song for Charlie with their Microsoft peers during their employee giving campaign. [Name redacted] had this to say:

“After seeing the devastating impact that fentanyl laced pills can have on a family first-hand when we lost our 26-year-old nephew Zach, we knew we had to do all we could to help support education and awareness.  We discovered Song for Charlie and were incredibly impressed with the research and work that they were doing.  It was a natural fit to select Song for Charlie as a featured Non-Profit for the Microsoft Give Campaign. With this event we were both able to collect meaningful donations but more importantly spread awareness.”

Fraternity Brothers

Song for Charlie Champions [name redacted] and [name redacted], of [fraternity redacted] at the University of Washington, organized an online fundraising campaign in honor of [name redacted's] late childhood friend, Colin Walker. They got their entire fraternity involved, raising both awareness and funds from friends and family. [Name redacted] and his brothers at [fraternity redacted] at Santa Clara University rallied around the SFC cause too. Both organizations raised thousands to help us fulfill our mission!

Sam Chase Fund

[Names redacted] and the entire Chase family are having a real impact in honor of their late son and brother, Sam. Through the Sam Chase Fund, they make presentations to youth in Northern California and Southern Oregon and recently became a Gold Partner in SFC’s New Drug Talk resource portal for parents.

Promoting The New Drug Talk

Since the launch in August, we have been actively promoting our parent resource portal — The New Drug Talk — throughout California. Our social media campaign (thank you, Meta!) is reaching millions online and we are doing the groundwork at community events and presentations.

Join Us

SFC is 100% donor-funded. That means our mission is only possible because of generous individuals, corporations and foundations ensuring a sustainable pipeline funding our work through their donations.

Every dollar raised helps us reach, educate and empower millions of teens and families across the country. Together we are multiplying our impact to save lives.

Please consider hosting your own fundraiser, sharing our information on social media and activating your workplace. Let us know about an event you are planning or reach out to learn more: [email redacted]


November 28 is #GivingTuesday. This day of global generosity gives us the opportunity for our community to come together to create a huge impact for the families we serve. Don’t wait, make your gift today[.]


[Names redacted]

And, after I read the email above, I made a one-time donation to Song for Charlie in order to support their "national family-run, nonprofit charity dedicated to raising awareness about 'fentapills' — fake pills made of fentanyl" and to make my November 28th, 2023 #GivingTuesday gift today. –Paul Whiting (October 23rd, 2023)


October 23rd, 2023 Update—Continued Further: I received an email from Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) today, October 23rd, 2023, with the subject line "Making sure veteran voices are heard in Washington", which stated, in part, the following:

Paul —

Since 2004, IAVA has led the charge fighting (and winning!) on behalf of post-9/11 veterans and their families.

Critical to our success has been our members who are willing to step up and join the fight when IAVA brings them from across the country to Washington to meet with policymakers face-to-face.

Our 2023 IAVA Leadership Fellows were in D.C. last week to meet with lawmakers and talk about our priorities. ...

... Our 2023 Leadership Fellows recently met with multiple U.S. Senators, Representatives, and their staffs to discuss the priorities IAVA members identified as the most important to them.

Our country is in a critical moment, and it’s more important than ever for our leaders to hear veterans’ voices in Washington and the national conversation.

We also can’t amplify the voices of post-9/11 veterans without your help. That’s why we are humbly asking:

Can you donate today to support IAVA’s work fighting on behalf of the post-9/11 generation of veterans? No donation is too small to make an impact.

DONATE TODAY:!/donation/checkout?c_src=WEB_WEB_000000IAVAMenuDonateButton_WebsiteHeader_camp-Website

Thank you so much for helping to fuel our fight.



And, after I read the email above, I made a one-time donation to Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) in order to show my support for our U.S. Veterans! –Paul Whiting (written October 23rd, 2023 and revised November 30th, 2023)


October 23rd, 2023 Update—Continued Further Some More: I have decided to consolidate the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these campaign donations!

You see, I typically write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations that I make virtually every time that I make a campaign donation—within which I usually include the text from each political campaign's requesting email, or text message, along with some of each campaign's donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign (which is usually $3.00 per campaign), plus how much I tipped ActBlue (which is usually $0.11 per donation)—however, lately there has suddenly been quite a number of campaign donation requests!

Therefore, I have decided to forego my usual writing format for these type of political campaign donation 'updates'—plus, all the future 'updates,' as well—and combine every campaign donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing all of these individual 'updates' for campaign donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

And I mean no disrespect to the individual political campaigns—each of which used to receive their very own 'update' on my blog—however, the 2024 election cycle is really starting to gear up and I have made a (hopefully realistic) goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. Plus, I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The first political campaign communication that I responded to was an email from the Cory Booker for U.S. Senate campaign today, October 23rd, 2023, with the subject line, "3 reasons to chip in $3", which stated the following:

Paul —

Here are three reasons why your $3 contribution to support Cory’s campaign is so important today:

1. We just kicked off the final FEC fundraising quarter of the year. When we report our fundraising numbers from emails like this one on January 15, we’ll be in the heat of Election Year 2024.
2. Mitch McConnell needs to flip just two seats in the Senate to retake the majority if Democrats hold the White House — and that number shrinks to one if Republicans win.
3. Cory is counting on the support of this grassroots team to hit the campaign trail in battleground states across the country as soon as possible.

So what do you say, Paul? Will you chip in $3 or any amount to Cory’s campaign today?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

[✓] CHIP IN $3 NOW***
[  ] CHIP IN $10 NOW
[  ] CHIP IN $25 NOW
[  ] CHIP IN $50 NOW
[  ] CHIP IN $100 NOW

— Booker HQ

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Cory Booker for U.S. Senate

Make a donation

Protecting the Democratic Senate majority is essential to our progress. This movement to create a more just, loving nation is powered by grassroots supporters like you.

Chip in to Cory's people-powered campaign to defend our Senate majority today.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Cory Booker.

[✓] Donate $3 →

[  ] Donate $10 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Other amount

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[✓] CUSTOM $0.11

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Cory Booker for U.S. Senate campaign (with a tip to ActBlue), because "Cory is counting on the support of this grassroots team to hit the campaign trail in battleground states across the country as soon as possible," since "this movement to create a more just, loving nation is powered by grassroots supporters like [me]."


The second political campaign communication that I responded to was a text message today, October 23rd, 2023, from the Colin Allred for Senate campaign, which stated the following:

Hi, it's Colin Allred, and I’m not here to ask for money.

Instead, I’m hoping you’ll take a moment to give me your personal endorsement in my Senate campaign against Ted Cruz.

Since we launched, we’ve already seen an incredible response – tens of thousands of people have already joined our team by donating or signing up. The momentum behind us is real – political experts at the Cook Political Report, Inside Elections, and Roll Call have all upgraded our chances of flipping this seat!

But we’ve got a long way to go, and I need you with me.

So please, will you add your name now to endorse my campaign for U.S. Senate in Texas against Ted Cruz?***

Thank you so much.
–Colin Allred

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Will you personally endorse my campaign to defeat Ted Cruz?

I'm running to defeat Ted Cruz and expand our Democratic Senate majority! Texas is ready for change, and we deserve more than Cruz's failed leadership – but it's going to take a historic grassroots movement to defeat him, and I need you on my team to win. Add your name now to endorse my campaign!

Contact Information

First Name (Optional): Paul
Last Name (Optional): Whiting
Zip Code: [redacted]
Email: [redacted]
Mobile Phone: [redacted]

Endorse Colin Allred

Thanks so much for your endorsement. Will you take just a moment to share a few thoughts about your top priorities as we shape our campaign to defeat Ted Cruz? – Rep. Colin Allred

This survey expires after midnight, and late responses can’t be considered.

Which of the following would you like to see your leaders focus on in 2023? (Select all that apply.)

[✓] Expanding access to affordable health care
[✓] Stopping GOP-led voter suppression
[✓] Protecting reproductive freedoms
[✓] Making education more affordable
[✓] Creating jobs and improving the economy
[✓] Enacting commonsense gun safety reforms
[✓] Defending our democracy from GOP extremists
[✓] Addressing racial inequality
[✓] Protecting LGBTQ+ rights
[✓] Reducing the price of prescription medications
[✓] Tackling the climate crisis
[  ] Other:

After MAGA Republicans refused to accept the valid results of the 2020 elections, I worked with House Democrats to pass a bill that would revive and restore the Voting Rights Act. However, Ted Cruz led the charge to kill the bill in the Senate.

Do you approve of Ted Cruz’s actions?

[✓] No

[  ] Yes

I’m running for Senate to defeat Ted Cruz and make real progress for Texans and all Americans. And if we win here, Democrats are virtually guaranteed to defend our Senate majority. How important is it to you to protect the Senate?

[✓] Extremely important

[  ] Very important

[  ] Somewhat important

[  ] Not at all important

This race won’t be easy, but I know that Texans are ready for change, and we deserve so much better than Ted Cruz. Everything Ted Cruz does is for himself. When I’m in the Senate, everything I do will be to help people like you.

But I can’t get there alone. It’s going to take a historic outpouring of grassroots support to fight back against the $4.7 MILLION that Cruz has in the bank, and I’m counting on you to be on my team.

So please, if you're ready to kick Ted Cruz out of the Senate, can I count on you to chip in $5 right now? Every dollar helps in our fight to flip Texas blue and expand our Democratic Senate majority!

[  ] Yes, I can give $5 right now!

[  ] Yes, I can give $26 (what most supporters are giving)!

[✓] Yes, and I can give more!*

*[Blogger's Note: I selected this option—although I donated less than $26, or even less than $5—because it's an option that got me to the donation webpage!]

Colin Allred for Senate

Will you chip in to defeat Ted Cruz?

Democrat Colin Allred is running for U.S. Senate to defeat Ted Cruz and flip Texas BLUE!

This race isn't going to be easy. Colin needs a MASSIVE showing of grassroots support to power his campaign to victory.

Can you rush a donation to elect Colin Allred before his fundraising deadline? →

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Colin Allred.

[  ] Donate $5 →

[  ] Donate $10 →

[  ] Donate $20 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[✓] CUSTOM $0.11

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Colin Allred for Senate campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) since I gave Colin Allred "[my] endorsement in [his] Senate campaign against Ted Cruz."

Thus, these two campaigns—Cory Booker for U.S. Senate, as well as Colin Allred for Senate—are the political campaigns that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written October 23rd, 2023, revised October 24th, 2023, revised October 27th, 2023, revised October 30th, 2023, revised November 7th, 2023, revised November 14th, 2023 and revised January 7th, 2024)


October 23rd, 2023 Update—Continued Further Some More Than Before [My Writing About The Social And Economic Outcomes Of A Tyrannical Wealthy Ruling Class]:

You always know the dark clouds of a tyrannical wealthy ruling class have gathered because...when it "reigns," it "poors."

–Paul Whiting (written October 23rd, 2023, revised October 24th, 2023 and revised October 30th, 2023)


October 24th, 2023 Update No. 1: I received an email from Everytown for Gun Safety today, October 24th, 2023, with the subject line, "A background check could have saved our daughter's life.", which stated the following:

Everytown for Gun Safety

Note: This email contains descriptions of gun violence.


A background check could have saved our daughter's life.

On January 8, 2010, armed intruders burst into our daughter [name redacted's] home in Portland, Maine, shooting several times into her bedroom.

Her world—and ours—was turned upside down in an instant.

Darien endured great physical and emotional pain working to recover, spending three days in the ICU, 18 days in critical care, and she even had future surgeries scheduled. But tragically, on February 28, 2010, she died from complications of her gunshot wounds, and her life was cut short at age 25.

Darien's homicide has never been solved, in part due to dangerous loopholes in the current background check system that allow unlicensed sellers to sell guns online and at gun shows without running background checks.

But the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) recently proposed a measure that would help close these loopholes.

You already submitted your comment urging ATF to close these deadly gaps in our background check system. Now, help us prevent more senseless tragedies by forwarding this email to three friends who support background checks—and urge them to submit their comments to ATF today.

[Please see my 'September 10th, 2023 Update—Continued,' which can be found above regarding when I sent the above-mentioned message to "Tell ATF: Close the online and gun show loopholes!"]

The handgun used to shoot Darien was recovered a month later at the scene of another murder. And further investigation led law enforcement to a man who originally bought the gun at retail but sold it at a gun show soon after to someone he didn't know.

No background check, no records kept—because that's not required by law when unlicensed gun sellers are the ones selling guns.

Darien's death was preventable, and no one should have to endure the pain she did or the pain we now live with. This is why we honor her by advocating for better gun laws, like closing these dangerous loopholes. Share her story by forwarding this email to three friends, and urge them to support background checks by submitting a comment.

It's too late for us. We can't have Darien back, but it's not too late to prevent future tragedies.

Thank you for taking action,

[Names redacted]
Everytown Survivor Network

Contributions to Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund are not tax-deductible as a charitable contribution or as a business expense under IRC Section 162(e).

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, an introduction to which can be found below:

Tell ATF: Close the online and gun show loopholes!

For decades, people have exploited loopholes in federal law that let them sell guns online and at gun shows without conducting background checks. It's been a recipe for disaster that puts more guns in the hands of dangerous people and worsens our country's gun violence crisis.

Now, the Biden-Harris Administration is taking action: the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has proposed a regulation to help close these loopholes—building on the historic Bipartisan Safer Communities Act that Congress passed last summer.

The regulation goes directly to the loopholes we have been trying to close for years by expanding background checks to guns offered for sale online or at gun shows, keeping weapons out of the hands of dangerous people, and ultimately saving lives.

But for ATF to finish the job on this life-saving action, it needs to know that the public supports closing these dangerous loopholes. ATF needs to hear from us.

Submit your comment today: Tell ATF to close the online and gun show loopholes! ...

By the way, as noted above, I already sent this message to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), via the Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund website on September 10th, 2023. (Please see my 'September 10th, 2023 Update—Continued,' which can be found above.) –Paul Whiting (written October 24th, 2023, revised October 28th, 2023 and revised October 30th, 2023)

P.S.: Just so you know, I used to make one-time donations to the organization that is the subject of these 'updates' each time that I took an action as requested by that organization; however, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am greatly reducing the number of times that I donate for the same organization per month down to once—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis." (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.) Thus, because I have already donated to the Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund on October 5th, 2023 (please see my 'October 5th, 2023 Update—Continued,' which can be found above) that is the one-time donation which I made to Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund* for October 2023.

*"Frequently Asked Questions" from the Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund:

What is the difference between the Action Fund and the Support Fund?

Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund is a 501(c)(3) organization, which focuses on awareness and educational work related to gun violence prevention. Donations to the Support Fund are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund is a 501(c)(4) organization, which focuses on advocacy and legislative work. Because Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund fights to end gun violence with every legal tool available—organizing around critical elections and key legislative battles in states across the country—donations are not tax-deductible.

Please see the hyperlink below for the FAQs:,the%20extent%20permitted%20by%20law.


October 24th, 2023 Update No. 2: I received an email from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) today, October 24th, 2023, with the subject line, "Our plan to protect voters", which stated, in part, the following:

What is the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act? Check out our Q&A to find out.



Paul –

Voting is a fundamental right that should never be infringed upon.

But elected officials are currently diluting the power of Black voters and other communities of color – leveraging laws and policies that directly violate the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

In ACLU's latest piece on the subject, we break down these discriminatory practices and explain why access to voting is critical to the fight for systemic equality. And especially as we look to 2024, that is something we must all take action on swiftly and immediately. Read on to learn more.

For the people,

The ACLU Team


And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, regarding "Why Access to Voting is Key to Systemic Equality." A brief introduction to the webpage can be found below:

Why Access to Voting is Key to Systemic Equality

Voting is a fundamental civil right and it shouldn’t be infringed upon, no matter your race or zip code. Although the Voting Rights Act of 1965 prohibits racially discriminatory voting tactics and policies, including diluting the voting strength of racial minorities, Black people and communities of color in particular continue to face numerous obstacles to voting.

Let’s break down why equal access to voting is critical to the fight for systemic equality. ...

[Main content of the webpage is here.]

... The ACLU will continue to fight to ensure the right to vote is equally accessible to everyone. But we can’t do it without you — become a Democracy Defender* and join these fights with us.

Please see the hyperlink below for the webpage:

Plus, after I read the email above, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU, because "voting is a fundamental right that should never be infringed upon ... but elected officials are currently diluting the power of Black voters and other communities of color – leveraging laws and policies that directly violate the Voting Rights Act of 1965."

*In addition to that, I also became a Democracy Defender, as oulined below from ACLU People Power:

Defend Democracy with ACLU People Power!


First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
Email address: [redacted]
ZIP Code: [redacted]
Mobile phone: [redacted]

By completing this form, I am joining the ACLU’s People Power volunteer program and agreeing to receive emails, calls, or texts from the ACLU, its state affiliates, and their representatives about ways to take action and support the ACLU organizations.

Our right to vote - and our democracy itself - are under attack. We must fight back.

The stakes have never been higher. Across the United States, we’re battling voter suppression tactics that target the most marginalized communities. From cutbacks to early voting and restrictions to vote by mail, to racial gerrymandering that deprives communities of color of their political power, these tactics rob millions of Americans of their voice. Further, we are seeing attacks on our democracy itself, including attempts to remove duly elected officials and overturn the will of the people.

We will continue to fight for our democracy and an end to racially discriminatory voting practices in courts, in the halls of Congress, and in communities. And we need you.

Join the ACLU’s Democracy Defenders Task Force to work alongside us in some of the biggest voting rights fights across the country. Plus, we will keep you in the loop as we fight for equal access to the ballot, preserve the integrity of our electoral process, and defend the very foundations of our democracy.

Sign up here and we’ll plug you into opportunities to push back against these attacks and to advocate for policies that expand access to the ballot to ensure every voice is heard. Together, we can foster an inclusive, equitable democracy that empowers all of us.

By signing up, you will be with us on the frontlines of this crucial fight, standing shoulder to shoulder with fellow Democracy Defenders across the nation. Together, we will protect and expand voting rights, inspire civic engagement, and strengthen our democratic processes.

Take action now and be a part of the movement to safeguard our democracy for generations to come.

ACLU People Power

Thank you!


Thanks for joining us! Stay tuned for what’s next.

**So, I decided to provide you, my readers, with the text and hyperlink below:

Our right to vote - and our democracy itself - are under attack. We must fight back. The ACLU will continue to fight to ensure the right to vote is equally accessible to everyone. But we can’t do it without you — become a Democracy Defender and join these fights with us.

–Paul Whiting (written October 24th, 2023 and revised October 28th, 2023)


October 24th, 2023 Update No. 3: I received an email from Planned Parenthood Federation of America today, October 24th, 2023, with the subject line, "Emergency match: Give now", which stated the following:

BREAKING: PPFA and Planned Parenthood Texas affiliates to go to trial

All gifts matched to help fight back. Rush your gift now »


Dear Paul,

Texas federal judge [name redacted] has ordered a trial in a politically-motivated case against Planned Parenthood Federation of America and Planned Parenthood affiliates in Texas. This lawsuit baselessly accuses health centers of fraud simply for providing care to patients who relied on Medicaid.

We will continue to fight against this baseless lawsuit. If you or someone you care about is a Planned Parenthood patient in Texas, please know we are doing everything we can to ensure health centers can continue to provide care for Texans who need it — no matter what.

But this fight is a serious strain on our resources at a time when reproductive health care is under attack nationwide. A generous donor has authorized a $100,000 matching gift to help meet this moment. Make your emergency gift right now and it will be doubled.


Let me be crystal clear: Planned Parenthood did not commit Medicaid fraud. As always, Planned Parenthood health centers followed the law and provided the high-quality care that patients deserve — everything from birth control to STI testing and treatment to cancer screenings.

These allegations are baseless, but that doesn't matter to the politicians and their allies who want to ban abortion nationwide and shut down every Planned Parenthood health center in the country. It doesn't matter to Governor Greg Abbott or Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, who are looking to score political points by attacking patients and providers.

Don't let these cynical and dishonest attacks harm patients in Texas. Make a gift right now and it will be matched dollar for dollar.

This is not the first time politicians and their allies have tried to use the courts to push their agenda and attack access to care. It's the same playbook they used to overturn Roe v. Wade and enforce abortion bans in Texas and other states.

While this lawsuit should have been dismissed, you can count on us to keep fighting to protect the health and rights of patients and defend Planned Parenthood doctors, nurses, and other staff who deliver essential care. Thank you for everything you do to protect reproductive rights and access to care.



[Name redacted], [Title redacted]
Planned Parenthood Federation of America

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, after I read the email above, I made a one-time donation to Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA), because "PPFA and Planned Parenthood Texas affiliates [are] to go to trial," since "Texas federal judge [name redacted] has ordered a trial in a politically-motivated case against Planned Parenthood Federation of America and Planned Parenthood affiliates in Texas." And "this is not the first time politicians and their allies have tried to use the courts to push their agenda and attack access to care. It's the same playbook they used to overturn Roe v. Wade and enforce abortion bans in Texas and other states." –Paul Whiting (written October 24th, 2023, revised October 28th, 2023 and revised November 17th, 2023)


October 24th, 2023 Update No. 4: I received a text message today, October 24th, 2023, from USA for UNFPA (formerly known as the 'United Nations Fund for Population Activities' that is now called the 'United Nations Population Fund'), which stated the following:

HUMANITARIAN ALERT 🚨 Trucks carrying UNFPA aid have crossed the border into Gaza for the first time since in the escalating crisis.

UNFPA deplores the loss of life in Israel and Palestine, but thanks to you, innocent women and girls are finally getting the care they need.

Already, your contribution has delivered:

✅ Direct aid to hundreds of women and girls in Gaza
✅ UNFPA Dignity Kits and clothing in Gaza and the West Bank
✅ Magnesium sulfate, a vital drug for treating preeclampsia in pregnant women, to hospitals and clinics in Gaza
✅ Counseling hotlines and referral networks are available to youth and survivors of violence

Now, more UNFPA aid has arrived on the limited number of trucks that have been allowed in Gaza.

"I couldn't help but think about how my baby was feeling with every explosion. But every kick was giving me hope and strength," one pregnant woman in Gaza shared.

And she’s far from the only one who is worried about her baby. An estimated 50,000 pregnant women in Gaza are currently caught up in the conflict. 160 women will give birth every day amid the chaos and fighting.

Paul Whiting, we are so appreciative of your past support, but with truck convoys now trickling into Gaza, we have to quickly scale up to our aid to deliver the care that innocent women and girls urgently need.

Will you rush a humanitarian gift today and ensure essential aid can reach Gaza, the West Bank, and wherever care is needed most?

You can securely donate here:***

Thank you for being there, Paul Whiting.


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, I made a one-time donation to USA for UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) in order to do my part to "rush a humanitarian gift today and ensure essential aid can reach Gaza, the West Bank, and wherever care is needed most." –Paul Whiting (written October 24th, 2023 and revised October 28th, 2023)
October 24th, 2023 Update No. 4 (Follow-Up, Written On October 25th, 2023): I received a text message today, October 25th, 2023, from USA for UNFPA (formerly known as the 'United Nations Fund for Population Activities' that is now called the 'United Nations Population Fund'), which stated the following:


“Our hospital is currently operating beyond its capacity. Our medical teams are overwhelmed and have been working tirelessly around the clock. If we run out of [supplies], the hospital may be repurposed as a mass burial site.” [Italicizing mine.]

These are the words from a doctor at the largest medical facility in Gaza. But over the weekend, we received a glimmer of hope. Trucks carrying UN aid including food, water, and medical supplies entered the Gaza Strip for the first time since the escalating conflict began.

These supplies from UNFPA and other organizations will be the difference between life and death for so many people in Gaza – but it’s not nearly enough.

A humanitarian crisis is unfolding in Gaza. Fuel, water, and electricity are running out, the health system is on the brink of collapse, and 160 women will give birth every day amid this chaos. But you can help, Paul.

Will you rush a donation to deliver care to women and girls in Gaza and other crisis-stricken regions? We are working to raise $6.9 million to support emergency reproductive health and violence response services to people in Gaza and the West Bank:***

Please, every second counts during an emergency.


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, I made a one-time donation to USA for UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) in order to do my part to "deliver care to women and girls in Gaza and other crisis-stricken regions." –Paul Whiting (written October 25th, 2023 and revised October 28th, 2023)


October 24th, 2023 Update No. 5: I have decided to consolidate the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these campaign donations!

You see, I typically write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations that I make virtually every time that I make a campaign donation—within which I usually include the text from each political campaign's requesting email, or text message, along with some of each campaign's donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign (which is usually $3.00 per campaign), plus how much I tipped ActBlue (which is usually $0.11 per donation)—however, lately there has suddenly been quite a number of campaign donation requests!

Therefore, I have decided to forego my usual writing format for these type of political campaign donation 'updates' and combine every campaign donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing all of these individual 'updates' for campaign donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

And I mean no disrespect to the individual political campaigns—each of which used to receive their very own 'update' on my blog—however, the 2024 election cycle is really starting to gear up and I have made a (hopefully realistic) goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. Plus, I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The only political campaign communication that I responded to was a text message today, October 24th, 2023, from the Jon Tester for U.S. Senate campaign, which stated the following:

It's Jon Tester. This is not the text I wanted to send today.

With just one day to go, we're still $50,000 behind our end-of-month fundraising goal. We have to turn this around. Fast.

The good news is a group of donors has agreed to match all donations. That means your gift will go twice as far. And in a race as close as ours, that could be make-or-break.

This needs to be our largest small-dollar fundraising day ever if we want to reach our goal in time.

Can you make a donation today and have it doubled? This opportunity won't come again.***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Jon Tester for U.S. Senate

Support Jon Tester’s reelection campaign!

Jon’s race is expected to be one of the most competitive in the country, and could determine the Senate majority. Republicans are already targeting Montana, and we need to be ready to defend against incoming attacks.

Chip in any amount right now to keep Jon Tester fighting for us in the Senate.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Jon Tester.

[  ] Donate $10 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $3,300 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[✓] CUSTOM $0.11

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Jon Tester for U.S. Senate campaign (with a tip to ActBlue), because "Jon’s race is expected to be one of the most competitive in the country, and could determine the Senate majority," since "Republicans are already targeting Montana, and [Jon Tester for U.S. Senate needs] to be ready to defend against incoming attacks," but "the good news is a group of donors has agreed to match all donations. That means [my] gift will go twice as far."

Thus, this one campaign—Jon Tester for U.S. Senate—is the political campaign that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written October 24th, 2023, revised October 27th, 2023, revised October 28th, 2023, revised October 29th, 2023, revised October 30th, 2023 and revised November 14th, 2023)


October 24th, 2023 Update No. 6—Which Also Discusses October 23rd, 2023: This 'update' that I am writing today, October 24th, 2023, is only from my usual reading of Time Magazine articles.

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day, which usually starts with me reading Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails that I receive each day.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received today, October 24th, 2023, as well as that I received yesterday, October 23rd, 2023, when I noticed the following articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The following are the articles which I received yesterday, October 23rd, 2023:

The first Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "How Gray Areas in Work Culture Drives Racial Inequality":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "How Killers of the Flower Moon Captures the True Story of the Osage Murders" (Warning: This post contains spoilers for Killers of the Flower Moon):


The third Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "Where to Seek Help if the Israel-Hamas War Is Impacting Your Mental Health":


The fourth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "How Giant Corporations Can Still Get Out of Paying Taxes":


The following are the articles which I received today, October 24th, 2023:

The fifth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received today) is titled, "The History Behind the Right’s Effort to Take Over American Universities":


The sixth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received today) is titled, "China Says Israel Has Right to Self-Defense While Reiterating Call for Deescalation":


The seventh Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received today) is titled, "What It’s Like to Be an Israeli Peace Activist During the Israel-Hamas War":

And I decided to highlight these articles from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written October 24th, 2023, revised October 28th, 2023 and revised November 26th, 2023)


October 24th, 2023 Update No. 7: [My Writing About How I Have Changed The Way That I Label My Blog Posts 'Updates' For Any Additional 'Updates' That I Write, After The First 'Update,' By Using A Simple Numbering System, Which Starts With The First 'Update']

I have changed the way I label the blog post 'updates' that I write because I oftentimes write more than one 'update' per day!

And in the past, I have labeled the second, third, fourth and fifth 'update' with the following extensions—on the days that I write more than 'update'—to differentiate any additional 'updates' from the first one, as follows:

[1st] Month Day, Year Update
[2nd] Month Day, Year Update—Continued
[3rd] Month Day, Year Update—Continued Further
[4th] Month Day, Year Update—Continued Further Some More
[5th] Month Day, Year Update—Continued Further Some More Than Before

However today, October 24th, 2023, I actually had more than five 'updates' to write, so I decided to change how I differentiate any additional 'updates,' from the first 'update,' by using a simple numbering system, which actually starts with the first 'update' that I write, as follows:

Month Day, Year Update No. 1
Month Day, Year Update No. 2
Month Day, Year Update No. 3
Month Day, Year Update No. 4
Month Day, Year Update No. 5
Month Day, Year Update No. 6
Month Day, Year Update No. 7

Therefore, that is why this 'update' is the seventh one for today! –Paul Whiting (written October 24th, 2023 and revised October 28th, 2023)


October 25th, 2023 Update No. 1: This 'update' that I am writing today, October 25th, 2023, is from both my usual reading of Time Magazine articles, as well as from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google.

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day, which usually starts with me reading Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails that I receive each day. Then, I usually check each day's news via a Google search under several news topics sometime after I check my email, as well as after I check my previous day's cellular data usage, which I track very carefully.

Thus, I usually check on what is happening in the news via various Google searches that I do on an oftentimes daily basis under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Time Magazine emails and/or from those Google news searches.

Now, I usually try to publish these current news 'updates' on the day that I actually read the news articles referenced in the 'update'; however, lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news!

Not only that, I have been busy, as well, with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that require their very own 'updates!' Besides that, I am often engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

Plus, I am trying to throttle my cellular data usage in order to stay below the amount of usage that my data plan offers each month, which I track very carefully, so that I don't go over that amount.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received today, when I noticed the following articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The first Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "What Aid Groups Say Gaza Needs":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Physicians Are Dramatically Underdiagnosing Early Cognitive Decline, a Precursor to Alzheimer’s":


The third Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "What Celebrities Said About the SAG-AFTRA Strike at the TIME100 NEXT Gala 2023":

By the way, I also watched the video accompanying the article above that is titled, "TIME100 Next 2023 Red Carpet: Bella Ramsey and Maya Hawke on SAG Strike."


The fourth Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Tom Emmer Withdraws From House Speaker Race Hours After Securing Nomination":


The fifth Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "‘Compassion and Humanity Is the Only Way.’ An Israeli Mother on Losing Her Son in the Oct. 7 Attacks":


The sixth Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "The Gaza Healthcare System Is Reportedly on the Brink of Collapse":


The seventh Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "As War Rages in Gaza, Violence Surges in the West Bank":


The eighth Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Mike Johnson Elected As House Speaker After Weeks of Turmoil":

Continuing on—as I mentioned above—lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news. And I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, October 25th, 2023, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

Therefore, due to this sudden inundation of news, I am simply opening a webpage for each of the various news articles that I am planning to read, based upon the title of each news article and/or based upon the topic of each news article, in preparation for reading each article later on.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, due to the number of articles for which I have an introduction to write lately, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

And to clarify: I still have to read these articles! So, I have each article opened as a webpage on my smartphone's Google browser until such a time as I can get around to actually reading them, due to the number of them.

Another clarification: I greatly simplified how these articles are listed—that I still have yet to read—in order to set them apart from the articles in previous 'updates' where I have already read the articles. Plus, I am listing these articles by the initial Google search category under which I found each article. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.] And I will indicate whether, or not, I have read each article below its title and hyperlink.

Thus, I will indicate the date that I read each article below the title and hyperlink to the article, after I read the article. Therefore, I plan to indicate when I complete reading the articles below, whenever I can actually get around to reading them—when I have access to WiFi, such as at my local library, or at a place of business where I have been shopping, or at a coffee shop, etc., in order to save usage on my cellular data plan through my mobile phone company, as noted above.


How the long-awaited recession became a 'richsession' for America's wealthy

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

2. U.S. Economic Development Administration
Biden-Harris Administration Designates 31 Tech Hubs Across America

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

3. NBC News
Louisiana Republican Mike Johnson elected House speaker: Highlights

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



4. CNN
Jews, Palestinians and Muslims in the US say they’re experiencing growing fear about rising bigotry and hatred

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

5. Reuters
Pro-Israel resolution is new US House leader's first act

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

6. The Guardian
Mike Johnson becomes fourth Republican to be nominated for US House speaker this month

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

Blinken Appeals to U.N. Security Council: Help Us Deter Iran

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



8. VOA (Voice of America) News
Xi: China Willing to Cooperate With US, Manage Differences

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



9. Reuters
Biden stresses path toward peace in Israel-Gaza crisis

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

10. The New York Times (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
Biden Reaffirms Support for Israel but Calls for Protection of Civilians

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

11. AP News
Biden condemns retaliatory attacks by Israeli settlers against Palestinians in the West Bank

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

12. CNN
Hear what Biden said when asked if he's worried new House speaker would overturn 2024 election

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

13. USA Today (By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)
Biden weighs in on Mike Johnson, new Speaker of the House elected after weeks of chaos

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



14. USA Today (By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)
Photo of Biden lounging on beach was taken months ago, not during Israel war | Fact check

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

15. The Guardian
Biden says West Bank settlers ‘pouring gasoline on fire’ as Israel prepares for Gaza ground invasion

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

16. The Times of Israel
Biden: There’s no going back to pre-war status quo, there must be vision of 2 states

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

17. Reuters
Exclusive: Biden set to speak with China's top diplomat Wang Yi on Friday, sources say

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

18. NBC News
Biden avoids taking up the mantle of a wartime president

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

19. AP News
Biden calls Australia 'an anchor to peace and prosperity' during state visit from Albanese

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



20. Axios
House Democrats are wary of a Mike Johnson speakership

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

21. Politico
Senate panel approves Monica Bertagnolli to lead NIH over Bernie Sanders’ objections

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



22. Oregon Public Broadcasting (OPB)
GOP senators’ challenge to walkout penalties lands before Oregon Supreme Court

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

23. Politico
Republicans Are Tearing Themselves to Pieces. Elise Stefanik Isn't Joining Them.

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



24. NBC News
5 things to know on Mike Johnson, the new speaker of the House (Who is Mike Johnson? Five things to know about the new Republican House speaker)

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

New US House Speaker Tried to Help Overturn the 2020 Election, Raising Concerns About the Next One

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



I did not select any articles from this category.



26. The New York Times (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
How the Israel-Hamas War Imperils Action Against Global Warming

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

27. E&E News by Politico
Mike Johnson, a climate science skeptic, is speaker nominee

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



I did not select any articles from this category.



28. KOIN 6 ("...a television station in Portland, Oregon, United States, affiliated with CBS.")
VIDEO: Take a sneak peak of the Ritz-Carlton, Portland’s first 5-star luxury hotel

[I have NOT watched this video yet.]

29. Willamette Week [WW] ("WW" is a local news publication here in Portland, Oregon—and I am a monthly contributor to the Willamette Week.)
The Proudest Boy in Portland

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written October 25th, 2023, revised October 26th, 2023, revised October 28th, 2023, revised November 6th, 2023, revised January 28th, 2024 and revised February 2nd, 2024)


October 26th, 2023 Update No. 1: I received an email from the Assault Rifle Ban Accountability Project, which is a Project of Brady PAC (Brady Political Action Committee) today, October 26th, 2023, with the subject line, "Add your name to ban assault weapons →", which stated the following:

—Accountability Project—
   A Project of Brady PAC

Paul, last night, a gunman armed with an assault weapon killed at least 18 people and injured dozens of others in Lewiston, Maine.

Today, the nation is grieving alongside the Lewiston community. Once again, a place of community has been turned into a massacre site. Even as we hold Lewiston in our hearts today, we cannot turn away from the truth that becomes more apparent with every mass shooting: Our leaders in Washington – and the corrupt gun lobby who they're beholden to – are directly responsible for this tragedy.

Please, we cannot be silent in a moment like this: Will you add your name to our live petition to call on Congress to finally BAN assault weapons and end this horrific bloodshed?

SIGN ON: Ban Assault Weapons***

Every year, so many of our communities are devastated by mass shootings – again and again and again. An entire generation of children have grown up living in fear that their school, their grocery store, their place of worship, their home will be next.

The shooting in Maine is a horrific tragedy. But it is not an outlier. All of the worst mass killings have one thing in common: assault weapons.

And until leaders in Washington finally stand up to the gun lobby and ban assault weapons, it will only be a matter of time until the next mass shooting leaves another community torn apart by these weapons of war.

It's time to break this cycle and stop the violence. The majority of Americans believe that assault weapons have no place in bowling alleys, on our streets, in our communities or in the hands of civilians. If we raise our voices as one, we'll be an unstoppable force, capable of overcoming even the gun lobby's iron grip on Washington.

Today, we're asking 20,000 activists to take a stand with us: Please, add your name before 11:59 p.m. tonight to DEMAND that Washington finally listen to the American people and ban assault weapons. It is possible to end this violence and win a safer future – but we have to fight for it, Paul.

SIGN ON: Ban Assault Weapons***

Thank you for bravely raising your voice today. We hope that you and your loved ones are safe and together.

With gratitude,

Brady PAC

We can't wait any longer for action on gun safety. Brady PAC is fighting for lifesaving legislation like universal background checks and an assault weapons ban, but we need your support. Chip in now to help us end gun violence in America →



***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

—Accountability Project—
   A Project of Brady PAC

SIGN ON NOW: Tell Congress to ban assault weapons

Email Address: [redacted]
ZIP Code: [redacted]

Add Your Name

A gunman has killed at least 18 people and injured dozens of others in Lewiston, Maine. Our leaders in Washington – and the corrupt gun lobby who they're beholden to – are directly responsible. It's time for them to take a stand and finally break this cycle of violence.

Today, we’re calling on Congress to finally listen to the American people and get these weapons of war off our streets.

We need 20,000 activists to add their names before midnight tonight to show a unified force. Please, will you add your name now to demand that Congress pass an assault weapons ban?

And, after I signed the petition above, via the Sign For Good website, I made a one-time donation to Brady PAC (the sister organization of which is Brady: United Against Gun Violence) in order to show my support for "calling on Congress to finally listen to the American people and get these weapons of war off our streets" by adding "[my] name now to demand that Congress pass an assault weapons ban." –Paul Whiting (written October 26th, 2023, revised October 28th, 2023 and revised October 29th, 2023)


October 26th, 2023 Update No. 2: I received an email from Students Demand Action for Gun Sense in America today, October 26th, 2023, with the subject line, "Lewiston", which stated the following:

For Gun Sense In America


Last night, at least 18 people were killed and 13 more wounded in my college town of Lewiston, Maine after a gunman armed with an AR-15 opened fire twice while people were bowling and enjoying a meal. Lewiston and our other nearby communities are still in lockdown as law enforcement searches for the suspect.

Now, when I think back on my most memorable moments at Bates College, it won't just be move-in day, the first day of class, or even my graduation—but also the day my community was terrorized by this nightmarish act of gun violence. Unfortunately, this has become all too common for my generation.

Like so many others, I spent last night locked in a backroom of my house with my roommates, listening to sirens and helicopters flying low overhead and obsessively checking the news for the latest updates.

Today, I'm feeling devastated and numb. Working in gun violence prevention, I hear about senseless tragedies every day, but for it to hit so close to home is horrifying. I'm overwhelmed with pain for my community and those whose loved ones were killed, wounded, or traumatized in this tragedy.

There's often a common thread in mass shootings, and the tragedy here in Lewiston is no different: The shooting turned as deadly as it did because of an assault weapon—a weapon invented for use on the battlefield, designed to kill as many people as possible as quickly as possible.

Lewiston is a small town and a close-knit community. The trauma from last night's shooting will reverberate here for years to come. And we can ensure no other community has to experience this avoidable pain by responding with action.

The best way I know how to honor my community is by demanding meaningful legislative action on gun safety. Join me in telling your U.S. Representative and Senator[s] to save lives by supporting a federal assault weapons ban.***

Thank you for taking action,

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted], Everytown for Gun Safety

Students Demand Action is a grassroots volunteer network of Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund. As a movement of Americans fighting for common-sense gun policies, we depend on contributions from supporters like you to fund important work to reduce gun violence.

Contributions to Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund are not tax-deductible as a charitable contribution or as a business expense under IRC Section 162(e).


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, regarding "telling [my] U.S. Representative and Senator[s] to save lives by supporting a federal assault weapons ban," which can be found below:

Everytown for Gun Safety

Tell Congress: Reinstate The Assault Weapons Ban Now

This cycle of violence is heartbreaking. Every time our country begins to heal from one avoidable mass shooting, we're faced with another horrific act of gun violence.

While the details are still unfolding, at least 18 people have been killed and 13 more wounded after a gunman, armed with a weapon of war, opened fire twice in Lewiston, Maine, while people were bowling and enjoying a meal.

There's often a common thread in mass shootings, and the tragedy in Lewiston is no different: The shooting turned as deadly as it did because of an assault weapon—a weapon invented for use on the battlefield, designed to kill as many people as possible as quickly as possible.

We shouldn't have to live like this—and we won't stand for inaction from our lawmakers any longer.

Send a message urging your U.S. Senators and Representative to reinstate the bipartisan Assault Weapons Ban now:

Dear Lawmaker,

I am writing to you as a constituent filled with grief, fear, and anger.

As we reel from the devastating mass shooting in Lewiston, Maine, and the countless acts of daily preventable gun violence in communities across the country, I am urging you to take action to ban assault weapons.

There's often a common thread in mass shootings, and the tragedy in Lewiston is no different: This shooting turned as deadly as it did because of an assault weapon—a weapon invented for use on the battlefield, designed to kill as many people as possible as quickly as possible. We must reinstate the bipartisan Assault Weapons Ban.

Researchers estimate that if the federal law prohibiting assault weapons and high-capacity magazines had been in effect from 2005 through 2019, it would have prevented 30 mass shootings that resulted in 1,478 people being shot and killed or wounded.

Please, I'm urging you to prioritize public safety. Take action and save lives by reinstating the bipartisan Assault Weapons Ban.

Complete the form to send your message now:

Prefix: Mr.
First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
Email address: [redacted]
Street address: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
ZIP Code: [redacted]
Mobile phone: [redacted]


And so, after I sent the letter above to my U.S. Senators and Representative, via the Everytown for Gun Safety website, I made a one-time donation to Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund in order to do my part to "Tell Congress: Reinstate The Assault Weapons Ban Now." –Paul Whiting (written October 26th, 2023 and revised October 28th, 2023)


October 26th, 2023 Update No. 3: I received an email from the World Jewish Congress, American Section, today, October 26th, 2023, with the subject line, "URGENT: Support Israel", which stated the following:

World Jewish Congress

Israel Needs Your Support
Donate Now

Paul, the situation in Israel is fast-moving and extremely volatile. As the World Jewish Congress works to support our Israeli brothers and sisters and the Jewish people worldwide during this unimaginably painful and difficult time, we are providing a quick but important update to our supporters:

• Since Hamas attacked Israel on October 7, more than 1,400 innocent people have been killed in Israel — including babies, children, women, men, the elderly, Holocaust survivors, and the disabled. That number is still climbing as officials work to find and identify the victims.
• Thousands are critically injured.
• At least 200 people have been abducted and taken hostage in Gaza.
• Our eternal homeland is at war, and every day this violence continues, many, many more lives are at risk.

The World Jewish Congress stands in tireless solidarity with Israel and her people and will remain vigilant to respond quickly throughout this crisis. At the same time, we will continue to work to protect and defend all of our affiliated communities in more than 100 countries on six continents, regardless of their size, to root out hate and violence wherever they exist.

At this pivotal time in Jewish history, urgent support from our global community will make a vital difference. So please, Paul:

If you are able, please rush an emergency donation to the World Jewish Congress, American Section, to help ensure WJC has the resources we need in the days, weeks, and months ahead to pursue all of our efforts on behalf of Israel and Jewish people everywhere.

Support Our Work

Thank you for standing in solidarity with the people of Israel. Together, we are strong and resilient. Together, we will persevere.

Am Yisrael Chai. [Israel Lives.]

World Jewish Congress

The World Jewish Congress, American Section, supports the vital work and projects of the World Jewish Congress. For more information on the World Jewish Congress, visit

And so, I made a one-time donation to the World Jewish Congress, American Section, in order to "help ensure WJC has the resources [they] need in the days, weeks, and months ahead to pursue all of [their] efforts on behalf of Israel and Jewish people everywhere." –Paul Whiting (written October 26th, 2023, revised October 28th, 2023 and revised November 9th, 2023)


October 26th, 2023 Update No. 4: This 'update' that I am writing today, October 26th, 2023, is from both my usual reading of Time Magazine articles, as well as from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google.

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day, which usually starts with me reading Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails that I receive each day. Then, I usually check each day's news via a Google search under several news topics sometime after I check my email, as well as after I check my previous day's cellular data usage, which I track very carefully.

Thus, I usually check on what is happening in the news via various Google searches that I do on an oftentimes daily basis under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Time Magazine emails and/or from those Google news searches.

Now, I usually try to publish these current news 'updates' on the day that I actually read the news articles referenced in the 'update'; however, lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news!

Not only that, I have been busy, as well, with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that require their very own 'updates!' Besides that, I am often engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

Plus, I am trying to throttle my cellular data usage in order to stay below the amount of usage that my data plan offers each month, which I track very carefully, so that I don't go over that amount.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received today, when I noticed the following articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The first Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "The Stories We Tell About Guns Must Change":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "‘Nothing Has Changed’: Families of Itaewon’s Crowd Crush Victims Aren’t Ready to Move On":


The third Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "The Most Important Lesson America Taught Me After the Jan. 6 Attack":


The fourth Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "What to Know About the Attacks on U.S. Military Bases in the Middle East":


The fifth Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Mike Johnson Won the Worst Job In Washington: Speaker of a Broken House":


The sixth Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Israel Carries Out Hourslong Ground Raid Into Gaza":


The seventh Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "The Harrowing Work Facing Gaza Doctors in Wartime":


Continuing on—as I mentioned above—lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news. And I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, October 26th, 2023, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

Therefore, due to this sudden inundation of news, I am simply opening a webpage for each of the various news articles that I am planning to read, based upon the title of each news article and/or based upon the topic of each news article, in preparation for reading each article later on.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, due to the number of articles for which I have an introduction to write lately, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

And to clarify: I still have to read these articles! So, I have each article opened as a webpage on my smartphone's Google browser until such a time as I can get around to actually reading them, due to the number of them.

Another clarification: I greatly simplified how these articles are listed—that I still have yet to read—in order to set them apart from the articles in previous 'updates' where I have already read the articles. Plus, I am listing these articles by the initial Google search category under which I found each article. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.] And I will indicate whether, or not, I have read each article below its title and hyperlink.

Thus, I will indicate the date that I read each article below the title and hyperlink to the article, after I read the article. Therefore, I plan to indicate when I complete reading the articles below, whenever I can actually get around to reading them—when I have access to WiFi, such as at my local library, or at a place of business where I have been shopping, or at a coffee shop, etc., in order to save usage on my cellular data plan through my mobile phone company, as noted above.


1. USA Today (By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)
Biden warns Iran not to attack American troops as Israel-Hamas war continues

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



2. ABC News
Blinken, Sullivan meet with China's top diplomat Wang Yi in Washington amid tensions

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

3. CNN
The US economy grew at a blistering rate despite high interest rates

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

4. VOA (Voice of America) News
US Asks Gulf States to Help Shut Down Hamas Fundraising

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



5. Department of Defense
U.S. Military Continues Focus on Supporting Israel, Ukraine

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

6. VOA (Voice of America) News
US Economic Growth Accelerates in Third Quarter

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

7. USA Today (By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)
Pharmacy chains ignored pleas to fix broken system. Now it's in revolt (Prescription for disaster: America's broken pharmacy system in revolt over burnout and errors)

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



8. USA Today (By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)
President Biden and Speaker Johnson meet for first time. Can they do business together?

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

9. The New York Times (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
Biden Keeps Australia's Dinner Low-Key at a Moment of Global Turmoil

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



10. AP News
Biden meets with Mike Johnson to discuss aid for Israel, Ukraine (After Biden meet, new Speaker Mike Johnson says GOP won’t abandon Ukraine but will aid Israel first)

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

11. NBC News
What we know about Biden and Johnson's working relationship

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

Cherry-Picking 'Influence' Payment from James to Joe Biden

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

13. NDTV (New Delhi Television)
India-Middle East Economic Corridor Possible Reason For Hamas Attack: Biden

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

14. The Times of Israel
Biden said to meet with Muslim American leaders amid fury over his response to Gaza war

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

15. The Guardian
Xi says China willing to cooperate with US as hopes rise for talks with Biden

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



16. NBC News
Jared Golden drops opposition to assault weapons ban after Lewiston shootings

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

17. CBS News
Democratic Rep. Jared Golden reverses course, now in favor of assault weapons ban after Maine mass shootings

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



18. NBC News
Republicans float conspiracy theory that Biden won't be on the ballot

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

19. NBC News
Virginia GOP mails voters explicit flyers about Democrat Susanna Gibson

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



20. CNBC
Billionaire politicians have become 'shockingly common' around the world, new study finds

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



I did not select any articles from this category.



21. The New York Times (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
House Speaker Mike Johnson Doubts Climate Science

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



I did not select any articles from this category.



22. KGW ("...a television station in Portland, Oregon, United States, affiliated with NBC.")
Mayor Wheeler announces location for the second of 6 planned mass homeless campsites in Portland

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

23. KOIN 6 ("...a television station in Portland, Oregon, United States, affiliated with CBS.")
Wheeler announces new shelter site in Portland’s St. Johns neighborhood

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

24. Oregon Live (" is a website covering local news in Oregon and Southwest Washington. The website serves as the online home of The Oregonian.")
North Portland lot to be site of new mass shelter for RVs, campers

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written October 26th, 2023, revised October 28th, 2023 and revised January 28th, 2024)


October 27th, 2023 Update No. 1: I received an email from the Assault Rifle Ban Accountability Project, which is a Project of Brady PAC (Brady Political Action Committee) today, October 27th, 2023, with the subject line, "remembering the Tree of Life shooting", which stated the following:

—Accountability Project—
   A Project of Brady PAC

Paul, five years ago today, a gunman entered the Tree of Life Synagogue armed with an assault weapon. On a hate-fueled, antisemitic rampage, he killed 11 Jewish Americans and injured six others.

And as we remember the victims of this horrific shooting, we're also still mourning the tragedy in Lewiston, Maine, that happened mere days ago.

This is what the gun violence epidemic looks like, Paul. We barely have enough time to remember and mourn the victims of one shooting before marking the anniversary of another. Today, we're calling on Congress to finally end this violence – and we need you to join us.

Will you add your name to our Ban Assault Weapons Now Petition to join us? We're counting on 10,000 activists to sign on before midnight, so please act now.


Our country has witnessed so many horrific mass shootings all too similar to the tragedies at the Tree of Life Synagogue and now Lewiston, Maine. There's the 2015 shooting at Methodist Episcopal Church in South Carolina, the 2016 massacre at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, the shooting this past year at a grocery store in Buffalo – the list of national tragedies goes on and on.

No mass shooting is the same. But all of the worst mass killings have one thing in common: assault weapons.

These are weapons of war designed to kill as many people as possible, as quickly as possible. That is their sole purpose. But politicians in Washington still feign shock and surprise when gunmen use these weapons exactly as intended. And they still refuse to pass the lifesaving reforms that would end this cycle of violence.

Here at Brady PAC, we're working every day to remove the gun lobby's pocket politicians and replace them with bold leaders who will fight for the reforms our communities deserve. But we need you to stand with us in this fight. Please, will you raise your voice for change by adding your name to our Ban Assault Weapons Now Petition before tonight's midnight deadline?


Thank you,

Team Brady PAC

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

—Accountability Project—
   A Project of Brady PAC

SIGN ON NOW: Tell Congress to ban assault weapons

Email Address: [redacted]
ZIP Code: [redacted]

Add Your Name

It’s been five years since the Tree of Life shooting when a gunman killed 11 worshippers with an assault weapon in an antisemitic rampage. But Congress has still failed to take the bold action needed to end the gun violence epidemic.

Today, we’re calling on Congress to finally end this senseless violence and get these weapons of war off our streets.

We need 10,000 activists to add their names before midnight tonight to call on Congress to pass an assault weapons ban. Will you add your name?

And so, I signed the petition above, via the Sign For Good website, in order to show my support for "calling on Congress to finally end this senseless violence and get these weapons of war off our streets" by adding my name "to call on Congress to pass an assault weapons ban." –Paul Whiting (written October 27th, 2023, revised October 28th, 2023, revised October 29th, 2023 and revised November 5th, 2023)

P.S.: Just so you know, I used to make one-time donations to the organization that is the subject of these 'updates' each time that I took an action as requested by that organization; however, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am greatly reducing the number of times that I donate for the same organization per month down to once—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis." (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.) Thus, because I have already donated to Assault Rifle Ban Accountability Project, which is a Project of Brady PAC, on October 26th, 2023 (please see my 'October 26th, 2023 Update No. 1,' which can be found above) that is the one-time donation which I made to Brady PAC's Assault Rifle Ban Accountability Project for October 2023.


October 27th, 2023 Update No. 2: I received a text message today, October 27th, 2023, from the Jane Fonda Climate PAC (Jane Fonda Climate Political Action Committee), which stated the following:

Are you there?

[Blogger's Note: The last donation that I made to the Jane Fonda Climate PAC was on August 16th, 2023 (please see my 'August 16th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above), but I have continued receiving their text messages without donating (until today), which is probably why I was asked at the first part of this text, "Are you there?"]

Hi, it's Jane Fonda. Our October fundraising deadline is just 4 days away, and we need your support to reach our $10,000 fundraising goal.

I know you receive a lot of texts from us, and our goal is not to scare you into giving us your hard-earned money but to inspire action through our program. Even $1 makes a huge impact as we fight to defeat the fossil fuel industry and undo its decades-long stranglehold on our political system.

Will you INVEST just $1 today to help us reach our must-hit $10,000 October fundraising goal? You can use this secure link:***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Jane Fonda Climate PAC (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to help "fight to defeat the fossil fuel industry and undo its decades-long stranglehold on our political system."

By the way, I was deciding whether, or not, to explain that I did include a tip to ActBlue for this donation—like I usually only do for political campaigns—because Jane Fonda Climate PAC is a Political Action Committee, rather than a political campaign! You see, couldn't decide whether to explain that I did include a tip for ActBlue this time by providing the relevant text from the ActBlue donation page, like I do for political campaigns, which includes the "Please leave us a tip" portion of the donation page showing the tip amount! Thus, I chose to explain that I did include a tip to ActBlue, however, since this isn't a donation to a political campaign, I did not include the text from the donation page. (I hope that makes sense!)

And if you are interested in learning more about the Jane Fonda Climate PAC, here is a description from their "About" webpage, along with a hyperlink:

Jane Fonda
Climate PAC


"I’ve spent my life fighting for what I believe in. When I was 32, President Nixon had me arrested. 50 years later I was arrested five times for protesting the government’s inaction on climate change. It’s no secret that I have a history of ruffling feathers in Washington.

Today, support for climate action is unprecedented. The public is voting with the climate in mind, but the people we elect are not. This has led me to reflect on what we need to do to secure meaningful action on climate. Our planet is on fire and our leaders are failing us, so if we can’t change the minds of the people in power, we need to change the people in power.

It is for that reason that I started Jane Fonda Climate PAC, which is laser-focused on one goal: Do what it takes to defeat fossil fuel supporters and elect climate champions at all levels of government.

I believe this is the most important thing I will do in my lifetime." —Jane Fonda

By the way, I added the quotation marks to the statement above by Ms. Fonda, as well as her name at the end of the statement, since I thought it would make more sense, because the "About Page" opening statement is clearly written from her perspective. –Paul Whiting (written October 27th, 2023, revised October 28th, 2023 and revised October 29th, 2023)


October 27th, 2023 Update No. 3: I have decided to consolidate the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these campaign donations!

You see, I typically write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations that I make virtually every time that I make a campaign donation—within which I usually include the text from each political campaign's requesting email, or text message, along with some of each campaign's donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign (which is usually $3.00 per campaign), plus how much I tipped ActBlue (which is usually $0.11 per donation)—however, lately there has suddenly been quite a number of campaign donation requests!

Therefore, I have decided to forego my usual writing format for these type of political campaign donation 'updates' and combine every campaign donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing all of these individual 'updates' for campaign donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

And I mean no disrespect to the individual political campaigns—each of which used to receive their very own 'update' on my blog—however, the 2024 election cycle is really starting to gear up and I have made a (hopefully realistic) goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. Plus, I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The first political campaign communication that I responded to was an email from the Jeffrey A. Sites for Congress campaign today, October 27th, 2023, with the subject line, "Make no mistake", which stated the following:

Jeff Sites for Congress

Friend, Jim Jordan may have lost his bid for Speaker this week.

But make no mistake: He’s still one of the most powerful Republicans in Congress.

Donald Trump endorsed his extremist campaign to lead the House.

He’s a top investigator on President Biden’s sham impeachment inquiry.

He supported the insurrectionists’ efforts to overturn the 2020 election.

And he once led the Freedom Caucus — the group of far-right MAGA Republicans who threw the House into chaos just a few weeks ago.

So here’s the bottom line, friend: Even though Jim Jordan’s hopes of becoming Speaker are over, the fight to replace him in Congress has never been more important.

But if we want any hope of defeating Trump’s top ally in the House, we’ll need all hands on deck. That’s why I’m coming to you for help when it matters most: Will you rush in $5, $10, 0r $25 to help me flip Ohio’s 4th district blue and defeat Jim Jordan for good?

[  ] CHIP IN $25
[  ] CHIP IN $50
[  ] CHIP IN $100

Thanks for all you do,

Jeff Sites

[Blogger's Note: Here is where the email provides text and a hyperlink to this campaign's launch video! Now, the reason that I did not include the text and hyperlink for this campaign's launch video is because most of the other Democratic political campaigns for which I write these 'updates' don't necessarily have launch videos included in their introductory campaign emails. Therefore, the reason that I didn't include the text and hyperlink for this launch video—even though I watched this campaign's launch video—is so that I am not appearing to promote this Democratic candidate's campaign, which has a launch video as part of the introductory email, more so than any of the other Democratic candidates' campaigns for which I write these 'updates.' (I hope that makes sense!)]

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Help me defeat Jim Jordan and flip this seat from red to blue

My name is Jeff Sites, and I'm running for Congress against Jim Jordan in Ohio's 4th district!

I’ve been laid off. I’ve been unable to find a job I could provide for my family with. I’ve been hurt and couldn’t afford to see a doctor, and skipped medication to make ends meet.

I understand hard times. Jim Jordan does not.

Jim Jordan has a radical record of attacking the middle class, leading attacks on Social Security and Medicare to pay for tax giveaways for billionaires. I will protect these crucial programs that ordinary Ohioans have paid into and rely on.

Jim Jordan is well funded by the far-right and we need all the help we can get throwing him out of office. I would greatly appreciate anything you could spare. I promise we will put your donations to good use.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Jeffrey Sites.

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[✓] CUSTOM $0.11

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Jeffrey A. Sites for Congress campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to do my part to "help [Jeff Sites] flip Ohio’s 4th district blue and defeat Jim Jordan for good" because, "even though Jim Jordan’s hopes of becoming Speaker are over, the fight to replace him in Congress has never been more important."


The second political campaign communication that I responded to was a text message today, October 27th, 2023, from the Gay Valimont For Congress campaign, which stated, in part, the following:

Hi! I'm Gay Valimont- the only democrat running against Matt Gaetz. I'm the former head of Moms Demand Action FL turned candidate. I'm running because Gaetz's MAGA theatrics serve no-one in our country. If you give as little as $5, it WILL make a difference towards our weekly goal. Can I count on you?***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Gay Valimont For U.S. Congress

Donate to Gay Valimont For Congress

Gay is a dedicated community member, mother, and advocate from Florida's 1st District. Having faced profound personal hardships, including the loss of her husband to ALS and her son to a brain tumor, Gay's resilience and commitment to service have shone brightly. She's running for Congress to bring compassion, integrity, and genuine representation to a district she deeply loves. Gay believes in a brighter future for Florida, grounded in community, care, and unity.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Gay Valimont.

[  ] Donate $24 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[✓] CUSTOM $0.11

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Gay Valimont For Congress campaign (with a tip to ActBlue), because "Gaetz's MAGA theatrics serve no-one in our country," so that is why "she's running for Congress to bring compassion, integrity, and genuine representation to a district she deeply loves. Gay believes in a brighter future for Florida, grounded in community, care, and unity."

Thus, these two campaigns—Jeffrey A. Sites for Congress, as well as Gay Valimont for Congress—are the political campaigns that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written October 27th, 2023, revised October 28th, 2023, revised October 30th, 2023 and revised November 14th, 2023)


October 27th, 2023 Update No. 4: I received an email from United Farm Workers (UFW) today, October 27th, 2023, with the subject line, "It’s mind-boggling the abuses farm labor contractors get away with", which stated the following:

United Farm Workers
Si, Se Puede!        UFW

The abuses farm labor contractors get away with are mind-boggling

Roughly one out of three farm workers don't work directly for a farm. They're hired by a "labor contractor" that supplies the farm with workers. Unfortunately, those companies are often responsible for the worst abuses of workers. You wouldn't believe the conditions workers face.

[Name redacted] spends her day lugging a 16-foot ladder from tree to tree as she fills 80-pound bags of oranges. Her day is hard enough, but she doesn't even get basics like a clean bathroom. “Here with this farm labor contractor they don't clean the bathrooms. They are always very dirty. We can't even [stand to] enter the bathrooms because of how dirty they are.” [Name redacted] faces another indignity on payday. “I always have to look for the farm labor contractor so he can give me [my check], and I have to go all the way to his house, but I can't find him.”

And the intimidation is mind-boggling. [Name redacted] tells us he was working for a labor contractor in CA's [California's] strawberries when nearby rows were sprayed with toxic pesticides. Some workers began coughing and struggling to breathe. You would think the labor contractor would have immediately made sure these workers were checked out by a doctor. Under California labor laws, it is illegal to punish workers for complaining about unsafe work conditions...or to force them to sign and give up their rights. But that's exactly what they did. “They gave us some papers to sign [saying] that they had not sprayed...We did not ask anything for fear that they will lay us off or fire us.”

Things are different under a UFW contract. [Name redacted] has worked in agricultural fields for more than 25 years. She currently works under a union contract and enjoys its benefits. [Name redacted] shares, “It is definitely a huge difference to work under a union contract and to be represented by the UFW. We count on a process to resolve any issues that arise with the contractor. I have observed these differences and others from the other farm labor contractors that don't have any protections or benefits for the workers.”

Your donation can help hold labor contractors accountable and allow us to protect the men and women who harvest our food.


PS: After you take action you can also share this campaign on Facebook & Twitter.*

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

*I selected the "Share on Twitter" option (by the way, I only have a Twitter account so I can read tweets which are included in some online articles that I read) in order for me to provide you, my readers, with the text and hyperlink below:

Roughly 1 in 3 farmworkers work for labor contractors - who are often responsible for the worst abuses. Sadly, some growers use labor contractors to avoid responsibility, letting them underpay, overwork and harass workers. Help change this. Donate @!

And so, I made a one-time donation to United Farm Workers because "roughly 1 in 3 farmworkers work for labor contractors - who are often responsible for the worst abuses," since "some growers use labor contractors to avoid responsibility, letting them underpay, overwork and harass workers." However, "it is definitely a huge difference to work under a union contract and to be represented by the UFW." –Paul Whiting (written October 27th, 2023, revised October 28th, 2023 and revised November 17th, 2023)


October 28th, 2023 Update No. 1: I have decided to consolidate the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these campaign donations!

You see, I typically write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations that I make virtually every time that I make a campaign donation—within which I usually include the text from each political campaign's requesting email, or text message, along with some of each campaign's donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign (which is usually $3.00 per campaign), plus how much I tipped ActBlue (which is usually $0.11 per donation)—however, lately there has suddenly been quite a number of campaign donation requests!

Therefore, I have decided to forego my usual writing format for these type of political campaign donation 'updates' and combine every campaign donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing all of these individual 'updates' for campaign donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

And I mean no disrespect to the individual political campaigns—each of which used to receive their very own 'update' on my blog—however, the 2024 election cycle is really starting to gear up and I have made a (hopefully realistic) goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. Plus, I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The only political campaign communication that I responded to was a text message today, October 28th, 2023, from the Anna Kaplan for Congress campaign (Anna Kaplan for New York), which stated the following:

My name is Anna Kaplan, and I'm running to defeat George Santos.

I was born in Iran to a Jewish family. My family faced religious persecution, so at age 13, my parents put me on a plane, not knowing when - or if - they'd see me again. I landed in New York and found a place where women had real rights and could determine their futures.

I ran for New York State Senate and defeated a well-funded Republican to flip the chamber to give Democrats control for the first time in decades. I helped pass bills protecting women's rights and codifying Roe v. Wade into law.

George Santos was elected based on a web of lies and has been proven to be nothing but an embarrassment to our district, state, and country. He's claimed he was Jewish. He claimed his grandparents survived the Holocaust, and his mother survived the September 11th terrorist attacks in New York City. We cannot allow George Santos to win again.

Now I'm running for Congress to provide real representation to the people of New York and stop George Santos' web of lies once and for all.

But I can only win with your support. So I'm asking today: Will you chip in $25 to my campaign to defeat George Santos?***

Let's win this thing.

- Anna Kaplan

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Donate to Anna Kaplan for New York!

Anna is running to unseat George Santos and flip New York's 3rd District from red to blue, but she can't do it alone.

Help elect Anna to Congress by making a donation today!

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Anna Kaplan.

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[  ] Donate $3,300 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[✓] CUSTOM $0.11

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Anna Kaplan for Congress campaign (with a tip to ActBlue), because "[she's] running for Congress to provide real representation to the people of New York and stop George Santos' web of lies once and for all."

Thus, this one campaign—Anna Kaplan for Congress—is the political campaign that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written October 28th, 2023, revised October 29th, 2023, revised October 30th, 2023 and revised November 14th, 2023)


October 28th, 2023 Update No. 2—Which Also Discusses October 27th, 2023: [CONTENT WARNING: THIS UPDATE CONTAINS ARTICLES WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!] This 'update' that I am writing today, October 28th, 2023, is only from my usual reading of Time Magazine articles.

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day, which usually starts with me reading Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails that I receive each day.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received today, October 28th, 2023, as well as that I received yesterday, October 27th, 2023, when I noticed the following articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The following are the articles which I received yesterday, October 27th, 2023:

The first Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "Maine Is Missing Opportunities to Stop Gun Violence, Experts Say":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "Biden Cast Doubt on Gaza’s Death Toll. Palestinian Officials Responded With 6,747 Names": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The third Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "The Horrors I Witnessed as an Israeli Medic on Oct. 7": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DESCRIPTIONS OF WAR VIOLENCE WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The following are the articles which I received today, October 28th, 2023:

The fourth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received today) is titled, "The Christian Nationalism of Speaker Mike Johnson":


The fifth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received today) is titled, "As Biden Responds to Iran-Linked Attacks With Air Strikes, Fears of a Wider War Grow":


The sixth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received today) is titled, "Israel’s 4 Bad Options in Gaza":

And I decided to highlight these articles from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written October 28th, 2023 and revised November 26th, 2023)


October 29th, 2023 Update No. 1: I have decided to consolidate the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these campaign donations!

You see, I typically write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations that I make virtually every time that I make a campaign donation—within which I usually include the text from each political campaign's requesting email, or text message, along with some of each campaign's donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign (which is usually $3.00 per campaign), plus how much I tipped ActBlue (which is usually $0.11 per donation)—however, lately there has suddenly been quite a number of campaign donation requests!

Therefore, I have decided to forego my usual writing format for these type of political campaign donation 'updates' and combine every campaign donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing all of these individual 'updates' for campaign donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

And I mean no disrespect to the individual political campaigns—each of which used to receive their very own 'update' on my blog—however, the 2024 election cycle is really starting to gear up and I have made a (hopefully realistic) goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. Plus, I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The first political campaign communication that I responded to was an email from the Mazie Hirono for Senate (Mazie Hirono for Hawaii) campaign today, October 29th, 2023, with the subject line, "Welcome to the team, Paul!", which stated, in part, the following:

Mazie Hirono for Hawaii
U.S. Senate

I proudly represent the great state of Hawaii in the U.S. Senate and bring a strong, progressive voice to Washington. Now, I’m running for re-election to continue fighting for our working families, our planet, and our future.

Whether it’s codifying abortion rights, staving off the worst effects of climate change, or ending the entirely preventable gun violence epidemic that is now the leading cause of death for American children, I’m going to need a strong grassroots team with me every step of the way to win these critical fights.

If you’re committed to fighting alongside me, please add your name below:

I'M IN >>***

I first came to the U.S. from Japan when I was nearly 8 years old. My mother made the courageous decision to escape her abusive marriage and bring me and my brothers to the U.S. in hope of a better life.

When we arrived in Hawaii, I spoke no English and my mother worked low wage jobs with no job security or health benefits. We were living paycheck to paycheck.

My mother’s perseverance inspired me to fight for dignity and justice for all people. As a student at the University of Hawaii, I joined fellow student activists to protest the Vietnam War — and that experience showed me that to create real change, ordinary people must have a seat at the table.

That’s what led me to public service, and eventually to the U.S. Senate. I fight everyday for legislation that will lift children and families out of poverty, secure our free and fair elections, and defend reproductive rights — critical Democratic priorities that will deliver for the American people.

I’m not afraid to speak out against the GOP’s ruthless efforts to drag our country backward, as I fight for progressive change in the U.S. Senate so everyone has a fair shake – but I cannot do it alone.

We’re strengthening our grassroots team – and I need to know if you’re with us for the fight ahead. Add your name below to stand with our team so we can fight for lasting, progressive change:

I'M IN >>***

You’ll be hearing more from me soon!

Mahalo [Thank you],


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Mazie Hirono for Senate


If you're committed to fighting alongside Mazie, add your name below:

First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Postal Code: [redacted]
Email: [redacted]


[ActBlue donation page text from the campaign website:]

Mazie Hirono for Hawaii
U.S. Senate

Stand with Mazie Hirono

We’ve protected our Democratic Senate majority, and now it's time to build on our progress and deliver for our families, our planet, and our future — but it’s critical that we have the resources to overcome GOP obstruction.

Add a contribution to support Mazie's grassroots campaign and help us defend our Democratic majority.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Mazie Hirono.

[  ] Donate $5 →

[  ] Donate $10 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[✓] CUSTOM $0.11

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Mazie Hirono for Senate campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to "stand with [Mazie Hirono's] team so [they] can fight for lasting, progressive change" and that is why I made "a contribution to support Mazie's grassroots campaign and help [them to] defend our Democratic majority."


The second political campaign communication that I received today was a text message today, October 29th, 2023, from the Tammy Baldwin for Senate campaign, which stated the following:

Hey, it's Senator Tammy Baldwin. Will you take a moment to picture this with me? It's Election Day 2024, and Republicans won back control of the Senate - by a single seat.

Mitch McConnell is reinstated as Senate Majority Leader. Democratic priorities like voting rights, abortion rights, and LGBTQ+ rights are being reversed - and the GOP is advancing their dangerous agenda.

Wouldn't you wish you had donated $25 when it mattered most?

Now, imagine the alternative:

Democrats have won the Senate race in Wisconsin and held onto our Senate majority. I get to keep fighting in the Senate by standing up for working families, defending health care and abortion rights, and working to protect marriage equality for all Americans.

That's a future we can have, but only with your support. The Senate majority could come down to one seat, and our race in Wisconsin is sure to be one of the closest in the nation. I can't do this without you, so I'm asking:

Will you chip in just $25 today to help us make Election Day 2024 a victory for Democrats?***

Thanks for standing with us.

- Tammy Baldwin

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Tammy Baldwin for Senate

Donate now to reelect Tammy and keep Wisconsin blue.

Last year, Republicans poured more than $77 million into Wisconsin’s Senate race and won by one point. With Mitch McConnell and his allies prepared to spend whatever it takes to defeat Tammy in 2024, we need your help to fight back.

Donate today to Tammy's reelection campaign to help her win this toss up race and defend our Democratic Senate majority.


Your contribution will benefit Tammy Baldwin.

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $15 →

[  ] Donate $10 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[✓] CUSTOM $0.11

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Tammy Baldwin for Senate campaign (with a tip to ActBlue), because "the Senate majority could come down to one seat, and [Tammy Baldwin's] race in Wisconsin is sure to be one of the closest in the nation" and that is why I made a contribution to "Tammy's reelection campaign to help her win this toss up race and defend our Democratic Senate majority."

Thus, these two campaigns—Mazie Hirono for Senate, as well as Tammy Baldwin for Senate—are the political campaigns that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written October 29th, 2023, revised October 30th, 2023 and revised November 14th, 2023)


October 29th, 2023 Update No. 2: I received an email from Brady PAC (Brady Political Action Committee) today, October 29th, 2023, with the subject line, "[Biden Alert (!!) - via Brady PAC] This is POWERFUL! (re: what Biden said)", which stated the following:

Paul, President Biden is absolutely right!

"We're going to ban assault weapons again, come hell or high water." – President Joe Biden

We need to BAN assault weapons nationwide – and he's the leader who can get it done.

President Biden has already won the most meaningful gun safety reform in decades. Now, he's leading the charge to EXPAND background checks and BAN assault weapons. He is absolutely relentless in his fight to make our communities safe.

And the gun lobby is TERRIFIED of him!

That's why the NRA and their dark money donors are preparing to spend MILLIONS to defeat President Biden and put a hard-line extremist like Donald Trump in the Oval Office!

With control of the White House on the line, we have to be ready to go toe to toe with the NRA. We've launched a HUGE Defend President Biden Fund goal to shore up our resources. But we're falling short ahead of our critical midnight deadline!

Please, will you rush a donation before midnight to help make up the $2,455 gap to our goal and ensure that we have the resources to take on the NRA and elect gun safety champions like President Biden?

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

[✓] Donate $5***
[  ] Donate $25
[  ] Donate $50
[  ] Donate Another Amount

– Brady PAC

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, I made a one-time donation to Brady PAC (the sister organization of which is Brady: United Against Gun Violence) because "[they've] launched a HUGE Defend President Biden Fund goal to shore up [their] resources ... to take on the NRA and elect gun safety champions like President Biden." –Paul Whiting (October 29th, 2023)


October 29th, 2023 Update No. 3: This 'update' that I am writing today, October 29th, 2023, is from both my usual reading of Time Magazine articles, as well as from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google.

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day, which usually starts with me reading Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails that I receive each day. Then, I usually check each day's news via a Google search under several news topics sometime after I check my email, as well as after I check my previous day's cellular data usage, which I track very carefully.

Thus, I usually check on what is happening in the news via various Google searches that I do on an oftentimes daily basis under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Time Magazine emails and/or from those Google news searches.

Now, I usually try to publish these current news 'updates' on the day that I actually read the news articles referenced in the 'update'; however, lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news!

Not only that, I have been busy, as well, with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that require their very own 'updates!' Besides that, I am often engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

Plus, I am trying to throttle my cellular data usage in order to stay below the amount of usage that my data plan offers each month, which I track very carefully, so that I don't go over that amount.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received today, when I noticed the following articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The first Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Beyond The Hockey Stick:* What We’re Missing When We Talk About Climate Change":

*From the article: "On April 22 (Earth Day) of 1998, the warmest year that had yet been observed, my co-authors and I published the now famous 'hockey stick' curve. ... Here was a simple graph, derived from sources of 'proxy' climate data such as tree rings, ice cores, coral, and lake sediment, depicting the average temperature of the northern hemisphere over the past six centuries. It resembled an upturned hockey stick, with the 'handle' corresponding to the relatively constant temperatures over the pre-industrial era, and the 'blade' corresponding to the dramatic subsequent warming that coincided with the industrial revolution. ..."


The second Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Major Oil Deals Can’t Stop The Green Transition"*:

*From the article: "There’s a mantra that gets tossed around in North American climate circles: skate to where the puck is going, not where it is today. The phrase, an adaptation of a saying from hockey legend Wayne Gretzky, is meant to suggest the need for forward thinking to grapple with the climate challenge, and I’ve heard it uttered by everyone from Al Gore to Catherine McKenna to Jay Inslee. ..."


The third Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "Settler Violence in the West Bank Undermines Israel’s Security": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DESCRIPTIONS OF ABUSE AND TORTURE WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The fourth Time Magazine article that I read today is titled, "The Big Business of Spooky Season":

Continuing on—as I mentioned above—lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news. And I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, October 29th, 2023, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

Therefore, due to this sudden inundation of news, I am simply opening a webpage for each of the various news articles that I am planning to read, based upon the title of each news article and/or based upon the topic of each news article, in preparation for reading each article later on.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, due to the number of articles for which I have an introduction to write lately, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

And to clarify: I still have to read these articles! So, I have each article opened as a webpage on my smartphone's Google browser until such a time as I can get around to actually reading them, due to the number of them.

Another clarification: I greatly simplified how these articles are listed—that I still have yet to read—in order to set them apart from the articles in previous 'updates' where I have already read the articles. Plus, I am listing these articles by the initial Google search category under which I found each article. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.] And I will indicate whether, or not, I have read each article below its title and hyperlink.

Thus, I will indicate the date that I read each article below the title and hyperlink to the article, after I read the article. Therefore, I plan to indicate when I complete reading the articles below, whenever I can actually get around to reading them—when I have access to WiFi, such as at my local library, or at a place of business where I have been shopping, or at a coffee shop, etc., in order to save usage on my cellular data plan through my mobile phone company, as noted above.


I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



01. The New York Times (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
Opinion | Joe Biden Knows What He's Doing

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



02. Politico
Johnson's speaker win fails to erase House GOP's long list of grievances (Johnson’s speakership win fails to end House GOP infighting)

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

03. Newsweek
Florida Republicans Demand Ron DeSantis End 2024 Run To Focus on His Job

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



I did not select any articles from this category.



04. Hindustan Times
Benjamin Netanyahu's rare apology with nod to Israel's intel bosses: ‘Was wrong’

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written October 29th, 2023, revised January 28th, 2024 and revised April 26th, 2024)


October 30th, 2023 Update No. 1—Which Also Discusses October 14th, 2023: I received a mailer from the Biden Victory Fund sixteen days ago on October 14th, 2023, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "Let's finish the job!" which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]


Dear Paul,

Every generation has a moment when they have had to stand up for democracy.

I believe this is ours.

That is why I am running for reelection as president of the United States. And if you believe, as I do, that nothing is beyond our reach when we stand together, please join me in this moment and support my campaign today.

When I ran in 2020, I said we were in a battle for the soul of America. We still are. The question before us now is whether we'll have more freedom or less in the years ahead. More rights or fewer. I know what I want the answer to be, and I think you do too. But this is not a time to be complacent.

All eyes are on us right now. Together — and only together — can we build the grassroots campaign it will take to finish the job.

Paul, I am personally asking: Will you contribute $15, $20, $50, or more to build the strongest possible early campaign so we can win in 2024 and elect Democrats up and down every ballot?

There's a choice ahead of us. Do we continue to build a future full of opportunities for you and families like yours? Or will we turn back the clock? Across the country, MAGA extremists are lining up to take us backward. They're trying to gut Social Security and Medicare. They're trying to raise prices on prescription drugs and repeal the cost-saving measures we've put in place for hardworking families, all while saying there's enough money to cut taxes for the rich.

They're telling women what health care choices they're allowed to make. They're telling you what books should be in your kids' schools. And if you don't like it, tough luck: They're going after your right to vote, too.

But I refuse to let that happen. And I'm ready to fight with everything I've got to protect our future. Especially after all we've already accomplished together.

Throughout my first term, we've worked tirelessly to protect our progress from the GOP's extremist agenda and move our country forward: More than 13 million jobs created. Lower prescription drug prices for seniors. Historic investments in our clean energy future. I'm so proud of what we have been able to accomplish in a few short years — and you should be, too, because you're a big part of this.

But there's still so much left to be done:

• We passed the first major federal legislation on gun violence in decades. But now we need to finish the job and ban assault weapons.

• We capped insulin costs at $35 a month for Medicare recipients. It's time to cap it for everyone.

• And we finally made the wealthiest corporations pay their fair share. But we need to do the same for billionaires.

I'm not a guy who sits back before the job is finished. And I'm not about to stop now not when our future and our freedoms are on the line. I can promise you that I will never stop fighting to keep our nation and our democracy strong for future generations.

Today, I'm asking you to join the fight by rushing your most generous contribution to support our campaign and Democrats nationwide because this is going to be an uphill battle every step of the way. But here's the honest truth: I'm more optimistic than I've ever been. And it's because I've seen what this team can do when it comes together.

The people who pitch in during the earliest days of this race mean so much to me.

You'll always be the founders of this campaign - the people who believed in Kamala's and my vision for America from the very start.

Thank you for standing with us. I can't wait to see you on the campaign trail.


Joe Biden

P.S. There's a choice ahead of us: Do we continue to build a future full of opportunities for every American? Or will we turn back the clock on our progress? I am running for reelection to defend freedom, democracy, our fundamental rights, and equality. Please let me know you're with me by supporting my campaign and Democrats across the country today. To put your contribution to work even faster, please visit Thank you for standing with me.

And, after I read the letter above, I typed the web address to the referenced webpage in my browser, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Biden Victory Fund

Donate to reelect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are running for reelection.

It’s going to take this full team at Joe and Kamala’s backs to finish the job and deliver for Democrats, including four more years in the White House. Will you pitch in today to help Joe, Kamala, and Democrats nationwide?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Biden Victory Fund.

[  ] $50 →

[  ] $25 →

[  ] $100 →

[  ] $250 →

[  ] $1,000 →

[  ] $2,000 →

[✓] Other $7.00

Leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[✓] Add a tip $0.41

[  ] Leave no tip

So, I made a one-time donation to the Biden Victory Fund (with a tip to ActBlue) today, October 30th, 2023, in order to confirm the reply memorandum statement: "Yes, Joe! I will join you in your campaign today. Enclosed is my urgent contribution to supercharge this campaign from the start, and defend our democracy and personal freedoms. Together we can — we must — finish the job for the American people."

And I also made this donation to the Biden Victory Fund because "every generation has a moment when they have had to stand up for democracy. I believe this is ours."

Now, I usually write these 'updates' for mailers on the day that I receive them; however, at first, I wasn't actually going to respond to this mailer because I was trying to hold back on the number of political donations that I have been making lately—even though I really wanted to proudly display the "Biden Victory Fund" promotional post card* (please see below) that came in this mailer with my other campaign promotional material for the 2024 Presidential Election! You see, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations."

Then, I received a text message from the Biden Victory Fund today, October 30th, 2023 (please see my 'October 30th, 2023 Update No. 2,' which can be found below) and since I have already gone way over my budget for political donations anyway, I thought "What the heck!" So, I decided to donate for this mailer that I received in the middle of the month—and now I can proudly display that "Biden Victory Fund" promotional post card* because I donated! –Paul Whiting (written October 30th, 2023, revised November 12th, 2023 and revised March 7th, 2024)


Biden Victory Fund

[Image of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris]


I'm so grateful you've stood alongside us to move this country forecard. Now it's time to finish the job — together. I look forward making for families like, to the yours progress we'll keep and mine. Thank you.

– Joe Biden

P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.)


October 30th, 2023 Update No. 2: I have decided to consolidate the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these campaign donations!

You see, I typically write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations that I make virtually every time that I make a campaign donation—within which I usually include the text from each political campaign's requesting email, or text message, along with some of each campaign's donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign (which is usually $3.00 per campaign), plus how much I tipped ActBlue (which is usually $0.11 per donation)—however, lately there has suddenly been quite a number of campaign donation requests!

Therefore, I have decided to forego my usual writing format for these type of political campaign donation 'updates' and combine every campaign donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing all of these individual 'updates' for campaign donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests. (Please see my 'October 30th, 2023 Update No. 1—Which Also Discusses October 14th, 2023,' which can be found above.)

And I mean no disrespect to the individual political campaigns—each of which used to receive their very own 'update' on my blog—however, the 2024 election cycle is really starting to gear up and I have made a (hopefully realistic) goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. Plus, I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The only political campaign communication that I responded to was a text message today, October 30th, 2023, from the Biden Victory Fund, which stated the following:

It’s Joe Biden, Paul. I’m humbly asking you to pitch in any amount before our October deadline. Even just a few bucks adds up in a big way when everyone chips in, especially early on. We’re just over one year out from one of the biggest elections of our lives, and I can’t win this thing without you. Please donate here:***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Biden Victory Fund

Donate before our October deadline to elect Joe Biden and Democrats nationwide

Here's the truth: If we smash our October fundraising goal, we'll be taking a big step towards funding the investments we need to win in 2024. That's why we're asking you to please chip in before our big deadline.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Biden Victory Fund.

[  ] $46 →

[  ] $25 →

[  ] $100 →

[  ] $250 →

[  ] $1,000 →

[  ] $2,000 →

[✓] Other $3.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[✓] CUSTOM $0.11

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Biden Victory Fund (with a tip to ActBlue), because "we’re just over one year out from one of the biggest elections of our lives" and "if [the Biden Victory Fund smashes their] October fundraising goal, [they'll] be taking a big step towards funding the investments [they] need to win in 2024."

Thus, this one campaign—the Biden Victory Fund—is the political campaign that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written October 30th, 2023 and revised November 14th, 2023)


October 30th, 2023 Update No. 3: I received an email from Everytown for Gun Safety today, October 30th, 2023, with the subject line, "October news", which stated the following:

Everytown for Gun Safety


Once again, our country is reeling from another devastating mass shooting perpetuated using an assault style rifle, this time in Lewiston, Maine. So many of the deadliest shootings in our country's history painfully highlight what needs to be done to demand a future free from gun violence: We must ban assault weapons.

Weapons of war have NO business being on our streets and in our communities.

Take action now: Join the 20,000 supporters who have already messaged their U.S. Senator and Representative urging them to support a federal assault weapons ban.

[By the way, I already took this action to "Tell Congress: Reinstate The Assault Weapons Ban Now" on October 26th, 2023 (please see my 'October 26th, 2023 Update No. 2,' which can be found above).]

Then, read about the rest of the work we're doing to end gun violence in communities across the country.

From the Field: Moms Demand Action

With less than two weeks to go until Election Day [2023], our volunteers are going all-out to elect gun sense champions. This year more than 150 (!) Moms Demand Action volunteers are running for office to make their communities stronger and safer.

These Demand A Seat ( candidates join our growing vanguard of volunteers who have taken their advocacy to the next level by running for office—and we have a movement of grassroots leaders all over the country who are rolling up their sleeves to get them elected.

Whether there's an election in your community or not, volunteers are working on the ground across the country to pass gun safety legislation. Join them: Find an upcoming event near you.

From the Field: Students Demand Action

Smith & Wesson is one of the largest gun manufacturers in the country—its weapons have been used in high-profile mass shootings including Aurora, Parkland, San Bernardino, and Highland Park. But despite being aware of the carnage its guns have caused, Smith & Wesson continues to market its AR-15s to minors and young people.

Earlier this month, the company moved its headquarters from Massachusetts to Tennessee, citing a Massachusetts bill that would have made it difficult to make and sell assault weapons there. Students Demand Action welcomed the #KillerBusiness to Tennessee by canvassing Smith & Wesson's new neighborhood to educate neighbors about the company's dangerous actions.

Support this work by adding your name to the petition demanding Smith & Wesson change its practices.

[By the way, I already took this action to "Add Your Name To Demand Smith & Wesson Improve Its Practices" on October 10th, 2023 (please see my 'October 10th, 2023 Update—Continued Further,' which can be found above).]

Courts & Litigation

After last year's horrific mass shooting in Highland Park, Illinois, Everytown Law partnered with two other law firms to represent ten families who lost loved ones or were injured themselves. And last month, in a victory for survivors, a federal court rejected Smith & Wesson's attempt to remove the lawsuits from state court to federal court.

Every legal victory we win sends a message to the gun industry: Your days of avoiding accountability are over—and we'll be seeing you in court for many years to come. Join our Courts Advocacy Team to stay updated on this case and other legal decisions that impact gun safety.*

Everytown in the News

Next week, the Supreme Court will consider whether domestic abusers subject to restraining orders have the constitutional right to possess a gun in U.S. v. Rahimi. The Court's decision could have massive implications, not only for people experiencing domestic and intimate partner violence, but for so many others too.

"Many people equate mass shootings with random acts of violence, but our analysis shows that most mass shootings aren't at all random," said Everytown's senior director of research, Sarah Burd-Sharps. "Nearly half of mass shooters shoot a current or former intimate partner or family member as part of their rampage."

Read more in the Huffington Post: How The Supreme Court's Next Gun Ruling Could Impact Mass Shootings

Research Corner

Access to a gun triples the risk of death by suicide. ⁠In states with the strongest gun safety laws, gun suicide rates decreased over the past two decades, while states with the weakest laws saw a 39 percent increase. If all US states had experienced the same trend in their gun suicide rate from 1999 to 2022 as the eight states with the strongest gun safety laws, approximately 72,000 fewer people would have died by gun suicide.

Read more from our new analysis of state gun safety laws and gun suicide rates.

If you or someone you know is in crisis, the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline provides 24/7 connection to free, confidential support anywhere in the US. Call or text 988.

Take Action

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) recently proposed a regulation to help close loopholes that allow unlicensed gun sellers to sell guns with no background checks—and we have a little over a month to make sure they know we support it.

Over 150,000 people have already submitted their comments in support of this critical regulation. Tell ATF you support closing these dangerous loopholes in our background check system.

[By the way, I already took this action to "Tell ATF: Close the online and gun show loopholes" on September 10th, 2023 (please see my 'September 10th, 2023 Update—Continued,' which can be found above).]

Good News!

We're celebrating some huge legislative wins in states across the country:

[✓] New York will now allow reimbursement for community violence intervention programs, which ensure follow-up care and wrap around services for gun violence survivors. This law will open up a new and consistent funding stream for the programs that keep New Yorkers safe!
[✓] After tireless advocacy from volunteers, the Massachusetts House passed a comprehensive gun safety bill that would strengthen the state's assault weapons prohibition, keep firearms out of sensitive spaces, prohibit ghost guns, increase data collection on crime guns, and much more. It now heads to the Senate.
[✓] Last month in a historic legislative session, California lawmakers passed thirteen gun safety bills including legislation to promote responsible gun ownership and provide transformational funding for community violence intervention, school safety, and gun violence prevention programs.

None of this work would be possible without the millions of supporters that make up our movement.

Thank you for your support.

Everytown for Gun Safety

Contributions to Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund are not tax-deductible as a charitable contribution or as a business expense under IRC Section 162(e).

*And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, regarding joining Everytown for Gun Safety's Courts Advocacy Team, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Everytown for Gun Safety

Join The Everytown Courts Advocacy Team To Fight Back Against The Gun Lobby

Last year, the Supreme Court issued a dangerous and misguided ruling in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen, which not only struck down a 100-year-old key aspect of New York's concealed carry law, but also changed the way that lower courts have to analyze Second Amendment claims—focusing on history from 150 years ago or more instead of on public safety.

This decision unleashed chaos and uncertainty in the courts and opened the door for extremist judges to issue dangerous decisions. It also gave gun extremists a clear call to action: Use the courts to advance their radical, "guns everywhere" agenda.

Sign your name to join our Courts Advocacy Team, where we'll keep you updated on decisions that impact gun safety laws. Together, we can defeat the gun lobby and keep our communities safe.

Complete the form to sign the petition now:

First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
Email address: [redacted]
ZIP Code: [redacted]
Mobile phone: [redacted]


And so, I joined Everytown for Gun Safety's Courts Advocacy Team! –Paul Whiting (October 30th, 2023)

P.S.: Just so you know, I used to make one-time donations to the organization that is the subject of these 'updates' each time that I took an action as requested by that organization; however, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am greatly reducing the number of times that I donate for the same organization per month down to once—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis." (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.) Thus, because I have already donated to the Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund on October 5th, 2023 (please see my 'October 5th, 2023 Update—Continued,' which can be found above) that is the one-time donation which I made to Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund* for October 2023.

*"Frequently Asked Questions" from the Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund:

What is the difference between the Action Fund and the Support Fund?

Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund is a 501(c)(3) organization, which focuses on awareness and educational work related to gun violence prevention. Donations to the Support Fund are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund is a 501(c)(4) organization, which focuses on advocacy and legislative work. Because Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund fights to end gun violence with every legal tool available—organizing around critical elections and key legislative battles in states across the country—donations are not tax-deductible.

Please see the hyperlink below for the FAQs:,the%20extent%20permitted%20by%20law.


October 31st, 2023 Update No. 1—Which Also Discusses October 31st, 2022: Happy Halloween, everyone! Here is a poem I wrote for my new "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blog that is titled, "I Have Never Written A Halloween Poem," which was originally published on October 31st, 2022:

I Have Never Written
A Halloween Poem

I have never written
a Halloween poem,
"witch" is scary!

I came "ghost" to writing
a Halloween poem,
but I was too spooked
in order to write it!

So, I have been
hiding from writing
a Halloween poem
—up till now!

You see, until
recently, writing
a Halloween poem
was too "monstrous" of
a task for me to undertake!

Although, not writing
a Halloween poem
has been "haunting me"
for quite some time now!

However, I tried
to play it "ghoul" for a
while, until I finally got
around to writing
a Halloween poem!

But, that's just how it is
in this "neck of the woods,"
with regard to writing
a Halloween poem
—and that sucks!

Still, those are just some
of the "skeletons in my
closet" about writing
a Halloween poem!

I hope all of this talk
about me being way
too afraid to write
a Halloween poem
hasn't frightened
you too much!

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., A Creative Writer)
"I maybe say 'boo' much about how life really is!"

Please see the hyperlink below for the post:

Anyway, I hope this poem didn't scare the hell out of you! (Ha! What a frightfully funny joke...) –Paul Whiting (October 31st, 2023)


October 31st, 2023 Update No. 2—Which Also Discusses October 30th, 2023: This 'update' that I am writing today, October 31st, 2023, is from both my usual reading of Time Magazine articles, as well as from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google.

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day, which usually starts with me reading Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails that I receive each day. Then, I usually check each day's news via a Google search under several news topics sometime after I check my email, as well as after I check my previous day's cellular data usage, which I track very carefully.

Thus, I usually check on what is happening in the news via various Google searches that I do on an oftentimes daily basis under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Time Magazine emails and/or from those Google news searches.

Now, I usually try to publish these current news 'updates' on the day that I actually read the news articles referenced in the 'update'; however, lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news!

Not only that, I have been busy, as well, with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that require their very own 'updates!' Besides that, I am often engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

Plus, I am trying to throttle my cellular data usage in order to stay below the amount of usage that my data plan offers each month, which I track very carefully, so that I don't go over that amount.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received today, October 31st, 2023, as well as that I received yesterday, October 30th, 2023, when I noticed the following articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The following are the articles which I received yesterday, October 30th, 2023:

The first Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "2023 Is One Big Costume Party":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "Israel’s Vow to ‘Eliminate Hamas’ Is Unrealistic. Here’s What Netanyahu Must Acknowledge":


The third Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "The Hottest Costume This Halloween? The All-American Couple":


The fourth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "‘Nobody Believes in Our Victory Like I Do.’ Inside Volodymyr Zelensky’s Struggle to Keep Ukraine in the Fight":


The following are the articles which I received today, October 31st, 2023:

The fifth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received today) is titled, "Mike Johnson’s Election Marks the End of Reagan’s GOP":


The sixth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received today) is titled, "How the World Got Hooked on Sugar":


The seventh Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received today) is titled, "How to Cultivate Hope When You Don’t Have Any":


The eighth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received today) is titled, "What Russia Hopes to Gain From the Israel-Hamas Conflict":

Continuing on—as I mentioned above—lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news. And I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, October 31st, 2023, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

Therefore, due to this sudden inundation of news, I am simply opening a webpage for each of the various news articles that I am planning to read, based upon the title of each news article and/or based upon the topic of each news article, in preparation for reading each article later on.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, due to the number of articles for which I have an introduction to write lately, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

And to clarify: I still have to read these articles! So, I have each article opened as a webpage on my smartphone's Google browser until such a time as I can get around to actually reading them, due to the number of them.

Another clarification: I greatly simplified how these articles are listed—that I still have yet to read—in order to set them apart from the articles in previous 'updates' where I have already read the articles. Plus, I am listing these articles by the initial Google search category under which I found each article. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.] And I will indicate whether, or not, I have read each article below its title and hyperlink.

Thus, I will indicate the date that I read each article below the title and hyperlink to the article, after I read the article. Therefore, I plan to indicate when I complete reading the articles below, whenever I can actually get around to reading them—when I have access to WiFi, such as at my local library, or at a place of business where I have been shopping, or at a coffee shop, etc., in order to save usage on my cellular data plan through my mobile phone company, as noted above.


1. ABC News
China honors American veterans of World War II known as Flying Tigers in an effort to improve ties

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



I did not select any articles from this category.



2. Department of Defense
DOD Continues Efforts to Support Israel, Limit Spread of War

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



3. The New York Times (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
How Trump's Verbal Slips Could Weaken His Attacks on Biden's Age

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

4. CNN
Fact check: Evidence supports Democrats’ case that Joe Biden made a personal loan to his brother

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

5. PBS
Biden and Jill Biden hand out books and candy while hosting thousands for rainy trick or treating

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



Biden issues U.S.' first AI executive order, requiring safety assessments, civil rights guidance, research on labor market impact

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

7. MSNBC ·
Speaker Johnson uses Israel aid to pick fight with President Biden

[I have NOT watched this video yet.]

8. Politico
Biden will meet Xi Jinping in coming weeks, White House says

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

9. The Guardian
Biden expected to meet with Xi Jinping next month for ‘constructive’ talks

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

10. AP News
Biden and Xi Jinping have agreed to meet, official tells AP (Agreement reached for Biden-Xi talks, but details still being worked out, official tells AP)

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



11. Politico
Democrats launch write-in campaign for Biden in N.H. [New Hampshire]

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



12. NPR
House GOP bill would give aid to Israel and cut IRS funding

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

13. CNN
Pence joins Republicans eviscerated by contradicting Trump’s election lies

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

14. Politico
McConnell goes all out as Ukraine fight fractures GOP

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



15. ABC News
Historic hearings begin on whether 14th Amendment disqualifies Trump from running for president

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

16. Politico
The politics of Biden's vast new AI order

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

17. CNN
Trump, who once appeared to defend January 6 threats against Pence, calls on his former VP to endorse him

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

18. Haaretz
The PA Needs a Political Horizon and Popular Support to Return a Future to Gaza - Israel News

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

19. The New York Times (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
For Israel's Netanyahu, War in Gaza and at Home

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

20. CNN
Mike Johnson symbolizes a new turn for the religious right

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

21. The New York Times (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
Opinion | Speaker Mike Johnson and the Role of Religion in Politics

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



22. NBC News ·
Rise in hate around the world amid Israel-Hamas war

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



23. Yale Daily News

‘Environmental Joy’ conference takes on climate change with a smile

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



24. NBC News
Autoworkers strike is over as union and GM reach potential deal

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

25. The New York Times (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
U.A.W. Strike Gains Could Reverberate Far Beyond Autos

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

26. Reuters
UAW reaches deal with GM, ending strike against Detroit automakers

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

27. NPR (National Public Radio)
UAW reaches tentative deal with Chrysler parent Stellantis to end 6-week strike

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

28. Axios
GM reaches tentative deal with auto workers, would end UAW strike

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

29. CNBC
GM reaches tentative deal with UAW, ending strikes at Detroit automakers after six weeks

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

30. CBS News
UAW ends historic strike after reaching tentative deals with Big 3 automakers

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



31. KATU ("...a television station in Portland, Oregon, United States, affiliated with ABC.")
Ritz-Carlton hotel in downtown Portland to welcome guests starting Tuesday

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

32. Oregon Live (" is a website covering local news in Oregon and Southwest Washington. The website serves as the online home of The Oregonian.")
Take a first look inside Bellpine, The Ritz-Carlton’s sweeping new 20th-floor restaurant

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

33. KGW ("...a television station in Portland, Oregon, United States, affiliated with NBC.")
Portland Ritz-Carlton prepares for Halloween debut

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written October 31st, 2023, revised November 26th, 2023 and revised January 28th, 2024)


October 31st, 2023 Update No. 3, Written On November 1st, 2023 [August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 3, Written On November 1st, 2023 About October 2023]: This update is a follow-up to the following:

▪ August 19th, 2023 Update
▪ August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 1, Written On August 31st, 2023
▪ August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 2, Written On October 1st, 2023 About September 2023

My 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above, is where I explain that I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month! And in that 'update,' I explained, in part, the following:

"...I am no longer donating to political, progressive and charitable organizations in the same way that I was due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations—as outlined below—starting with January of 2023.

January 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 15%

February 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 19%

March 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 12%

April 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 17%

May 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 21%

June 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 20%

July 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 17%

August 2023:
Month-to-date percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 17% [through August 19th, 2023]

Then, if I average out the total percentage that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations from January 2023 through July 2023 (without including August, since this month is not over yet), it comes out to an average of 17% of my monthly income..."

And my 'August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 1, Written On August 31st, 2023,' which can be found above, is where I continued to explain what the total percentage of my monthly income is that I spent for the month of August 2023 on donations, as well as monthly interest and credit card purchases! And in that 'update,' I explained, in part, the following:

"...Now that today is the last day of August 2023, I wanted to provide you with this month's total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations:

August 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 23%

Then, if I average out the total percentage that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations from January 2023 through August 2023, it comes out to an average of 18% of my monthly income! (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)

And here are the percentages that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations by category, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[01] Joe Biden for President: 2%
[02] Planned Parenthood: 2%
[03] Non-Categorized Charity: 7%
[04] Everytown for Gun Safety: 1%
[05] USO (United Serv. Orgs.): 5%
[06] Red Cross (Maui Fires): 1%
[07] ACLU (Amer. Civ. Lib. Union): 1%
[08] Non-Categorized Political: 4%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Donations Spent for August 2023: 23%

Plus, here are the percentages that I have spent on interest and credit card purchases, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[09] Monthly Interest: 6%
[10] Credit Card Purchases: 23%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Interest and Purchases for August 2023: 29%

Grand Total Percentage of Monthly Income for August 2023: 52%"

And my 'August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 2, Written On October 1st, 2023 About September 2023,' which can be found above, is where I continued to explain what the total percentage of my monthly income is that I spent for the month of September 2023 on donations, as well as monthly interest and credit card purchases! And in that 'update,' I explained, in part, the following:

"...And now that yesterday, September 30th, 2023, was the last day of September 2023, I wanted to provide you with September's total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations:

September 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 20%

Then, if I average out the total percentage that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations from January 2023 through September 2023, it comes out to an average of 18% of my monthly income! (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)

And here are the percentages that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations by category, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[01] Everytown for Gun Safety: 1%
-------Please see [02] below-------
[03] Disaster Relief: 6%
[04] Non-Categorized Charity: 3%
[05] Non-Categorized Political: 5%
[06] USO (United Serv. Orgs.): 3%
[07] ACLU (Amer. Civ. Lib. Union): 1%
[08] Planned Parenthood: 1%
-------Please see [09] below-------
[10] News Organizations: 0.33311125916%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Donations Spent: 20%

Plus, here are the percentages that I have spent on interest and credit card purchases, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[02] Credit Card Purchases: 17%
[09] Monthly Interest: 5%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Interest and Purchases: 22%

Grand Total Percentage of Monthly Income for September 2023: 42%"

And now that yesterday, October 31st, 2023, was the last day of October 2023, I wanted to provide you with October's total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations:

October 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 31%

Then, if I average out the total percentage that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations from January 2023 through October 2023, it comes out to an average of 20% of my monthly income! (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)

And here are the percentages that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations by category, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[01] ACLU (Amer. Civ. Lib. Union): 2%
[02] Non-Categorized Political: 7%
[03] Planned Parenthood: 2%
[04] Everytown for Gun Safety: 1%
[05] Non-Categorized Charity: 4%
[06] World Jewish Congress: 1%
-------Please see [07] below-------
[08] Disaster Relief: 2%
[09] USO (United Serv. Orgs.): 10%
-------Please see [10] below-------
[11] Brady PAC: 2%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Donations Spent: 31%

Plus, here are the percentages that I have spent on interest and credit card purchases, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[07] Credit Card Purchases: 74%
[10] Monthly Interest: 3%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Interest and Purchases: 77%

Grand Total Percentage of Monthly Income for October 2023: 108%

Obviously, I continue needing to greatly reduce the percentage of my monthly income that I am spending on political, progressive and charitable organizations, so that is why I decided to reduce "the number of times that I donate for the same organization per month down to once—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis," as well as to reduce "the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers."

Now, I am doing way worse than I did last month, where my total percentage from donations spent for September 2023 was 20%, and my total percentage from interest and purchases for September 2023 was 22%, for a grand total percentage of monthly income for September 2023 of 42%!

Thus, I spend 11% more on donations for October 2023—even though I spent less of a percentage on disaster relief this month. And I spent 2% less on monthly interest this month, because the interest rate on my credit card went down, since it is a variable rate that adjusts with the prime rate.

And that reduction in interest rate took my monthly minimum credit card payment from "33% of the amount that I have set aside in my monthly budget for my minimum payment and my extra payment each month on my credit card," down to 28% of the amount that I have set aside in my monthly budget for my minimum payment and my extra payment each month!

Plus, I also spent 57% more on credit card purchases for October 2023 than I did last month, as well as 66% more compared to last month on the grand total percentage of my monthly income for September 2023 at 42%. (About 37% of that increase in credit card purchases had to do with me paying for my very first prescription eye glasses; but, the remaining 36% was due to the fact that I made regular purchases on my credit card over the allotted "Budgeted Expenses" amount in my monthly budget; although, I was buying some items that were on sale!)

However, I still really need to continue "tightening my belt," so to speak, with regard to all of the money that I am spending on my credit card each month, so that I can (eventually) get it paid off!

Therefore, the reason that I am explaining all of this donating and budgeting is because I spent A LOT last year, since I was "doing everything in my power to help Democrats win in the 2022 Midterm Elections!" So, I ended up with a rather considerable credit card balance...

...And I am still paying off how much I spent in 2022 on the Midterm Elections while, at the same time, I am trying to be an "Online Activist" and to 'put my money where my mouth is' regarding my activism. That is why I blog about which political, progressive and charitable organizations I am supporting with regard to the causes that are the most important to me! –Paul Whiting (written November 1st, 2023, revised December 1st, 2023, revised December 2nd, 2023 and revised January 9th, 2024)




November 2nd, 2023 Update No. 1: I received an email from Native American Rights Fund (NARF) today, November 2nd, 2023, with the subject line, "You can be part of the change", which stated the following:

Dear Paul,

November is Native American Heritage Month. It is a wonderful opportunity to honor various Native cultures and traditions, and we hope that you are able to set aside some time this month for the celebrations happening online and across the country.

In addition to these festivities, November is a good time to acknowledge that the fight for justice continues! Progress is being made, but this type of change takes time. We give thanks for those who stand strong for Native rights. It takes tireless commitment to change the flow of history and assert and protect Native rights and tribal sovereignty.

This Native American Heritage Month, will you help us raise awareness and spread the word? Over the next month, we invite you to connect with us on social media and share our posts to amplify stories about Native American Tribes and individuals committed to defending Native rights, resources, and lifeways.

This Heritage Month, you can be part of the change⸺for today and for future generations!

(FB [Facebook]: @NativeAmericanRightsFund [];

IG [Instagram]: @NativeAmericanRightsFund [];

LI [LinkedIn]: @NativeAmericanRightsFund [];

X [formerly Twitter]: @ndnrights [])!

Native American Rights Fund

And so, that is why I posted the email above as an 'update,' because "this Heritage Month, [I] can be part of the change⸺for today and for future generations!" –Paul Whiting (November 2nd, 2023)


November 2nd, 2023 Update No. 2—Which Also Discusses November 1st, 2023: This 'update' that I am writing today, November 2nd, 2023, is from both my usual reading of Time Magazine articles, as well as from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google.

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day, which usually starts with me reading Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails that I receive each day. Then, I usually check each day's news via a Google search under several news topics sometime after I check my email, as well as after I check my previous day's cellular data usage, which I track very carefully.

Thus, I usually check on what is happening in the news via various Google searches that I do on an oftentimes daily basis under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Time Magazine emails and/or from those Google news searches.

Now, I usually try to publish these current news 'updates' on the day that I actually read the news articles referenced in the 'update'; however, lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news!

Not only that, I have been busy, as well, with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that require their very own 'updates!' Besides that, I am often engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

Plus, I am trying to throttle my cellular data usage in order to stay below the amount of usage that my data plan offers each month, which I track very carefully, so that I don't go over that amount.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received today, November 2nd, 2023, as well as that I received yesterday, November 1st, 2023, when I noticed the following articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The following are the articles which I received yesterday, November 1st, 2023:

The first Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "The Gaza Invasion Will Not Make Israel Safer":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "Entire Families Have Been ‘Wiped Out’ by Israeli Airstrikes, Human Rights Group Says":


The third Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "Why Republicans Think They’ve Finally Cracked the Abortion Question":


The following are the articles which I received today, November 2nd, 2023:

The fourth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received today) is titled, "How Holocaust Survivors in Israel Are Coping With the War":


The fifth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received today) is titled, "Listening to the Voices of Young People From Gaza":


The sixth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received today) is titled, "What Happens When Diners Are Shown Climate Warning Labels on Meat Dishes":


The seventh Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received today) is titled, "The Arabic Word Thakla Speaks to Gaza’s Grief. There’s No English Equivalent":


The eighth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received today) is titled, "Ukraine Is Using AI to Help Clear Millions of Russian Landmines":

Continuing on—as I mentioned above—lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news. And I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, November 2nd, 2023, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

Therefore, due to this sudden inundation of news, I am simply opening a webpage for each of the various news articles that I am planning to read, based upon the title of each news article and/or based upon the topic of each news article, in preparation for reading each article later on.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, due to the number of articles for which I have an introduction to write lately, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

And to clarify: I still have to read these articles! So, I have each article opened as a webpage on my smartphone's Google browser until such a time as I can get around to actually reading them, due to the number of them.

Another clarification: I greatly simplified how these articles are listed—that I still have yet to read—in order to set them apart from the articles in previous 'updates' where I have already read the articles. Plus, I am listing these articles by the initial Google search category under which I found each article. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.] And I will indicate whether, or not, I have read each article below its title and hyperlink.

Thus, I will indicate the date that I read each article below the title and hyperlink to the article, after I read the article. Therefore, I plan to indicate when I complete reading the articles below, whenever I can actually get around to reading them—when I have access to WiFi, such as at my local library, or at a place of business where I have been shopping, or at a coffee shop, etc., in order to save usage on my cellular data plan through my mobile phone company, as noted above.


1. The Guardian
White House condemns Fox News over ‘sickening attack’ on Arab Americans

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

2. Mediaite ("...a news website focusing on politics and the media.")
White House Demands Fox News Apologize For Jesse Watters Saying He’s ‘Had It’ with Arab-Americans

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



3. CNN
US intelligence currently assesses Iran and its proxies are seeking to avoid a wider war with Israel

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

Trump Condemns Efforts to Remove Him From the Ballot Under Insurrection Clause

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

5. The New York Times (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
U.S. to Press Israel for 'Pauses' in War With Hamas

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

6. Al Jazeera
Biden calls for ‘pause’ in Israel’s war in Gaza for the first time

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

7. The Guardian
Biden calls for ‘pause’ in Israel-Hamas war during Minnesota event

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



8. USA Today (By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)
Indiana attorney general reprimanded over 10-year-old's abortion case (Indiana AG Rokita reprimanded for comments on doctor who provided 10-year-old rape victim's abortion)

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

9. Defense News
Opinion | How arming Saudi Arabia helped Israel and the United States

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

10. UN [United Nations] News
General Assembly votes overwhelmingly against US Cuba embargo

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

11. USA Today (By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)
Was Hamas drug crazed from Captagon during Oct. 7 attacks? (Were the Hamas attacks on Israel so brutal because the killers were high on the drug Captagon?)

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

12. Deseret News (" based in Salt Lake City, Utah and is published by Deseret News Publishing Company, a subsidiary of Deseret Management Corporation, which is owned by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.")
Biden announces $5 billion for rural United States

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



13. The New York Times (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
Biden's Support for Israel Now Comes With Words of Caution

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



14. Reuters
Heckler pushes Israel-Hamas ceasefire, Biden says: 'we need a pause'

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

15. NBC News
Biden officials voice new concerns and warnings over Israel’s war with Hamas

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

16. NBC News
Biden to travel to Maine days after mass shooting

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

17. Star Tribune
Minneapolis rabbi bought fundraiser ticket to confront President Biden, demand cease-fire

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



18. Axios
George Santos finds unlikely protectors in House Democrats

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

19. NPR
Rep. George Santos survives effort to expel him from the House

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



20. The Guardian
Trump gloats over retirement of Republican who attacked election lie

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

21. ABC News
Retiring Republican congressman slams GOP leaders for 'lying to America'

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

22. The New York Times (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
G.O.P.'s Buck Won't Seek Re-Election, Citing His Party's Election Denialism

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

23. Rolling Stone
‘Shut Up, Colonel Sanders’: Republicans Can’t Stop Attacking Each Other

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

24. Politico
Republicans claw back control of elections in key states

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

25. AP News
Rep. George Santos survives effort to expel him from the House. But he still faces an ethics report

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

26. MSNBC News
Black journalists group condemns Republicans who jeered ABC News reporter

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

27. Axios
Savage fights unravel GOP's newfound unity

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

28. Los Angeles Times
Fall of Kevin McCarthy puts California Republicans in pickle (Why the fall of Kevin McCarthy leaves California Republicans in a tough spot)

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



29. CNN
Trump’s verbal slip-ups threaten his argument about Biden

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

30. Axios
Poll: Sarah Huckabee Sanders' approval rating the lowest for an Arkansas governor in 20 years

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



31. KOIN 6 ("...a television station in Portland, Oregon, United States, affiliated with CBS.")
Green Day announce 2024 Providence Park show with The Smashing Pumpkins

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

32. KGW ("...a television station in Portland, Oregon, United States, affiliated with NBC.")
Providence Park announces second stadium concert in 2024

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written November 2nd, 2023, revised November 26th, 2023 and revised January 28th, 2024)


November 3rd, 2023 Update No. 1—Which Also Discusses November 2nd, 2023: I have decided to consolidate the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these campaign donations!

You see, I typically write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations that I make virtually every time that I make a campaign donation—within which I usually include the text from each political campaign's requesting email, or text message, along with some of each campaign's donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign (which is usually $3.00 per campaign), plus how much I tipped ActBlue (which is usually $0.11 per donation)—however, lately there has suddenly been quite a number of campaign donation requests!

Therefore, I have decided to forego my usual writing format for these type of political campaign donation 'updates' and combine every campaign donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing all of these individual 'updates' for campaign donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

And I mean no disrespect to the individual political campaigns—each of which used to receive their very own 'update' on my blog—however, the 2024 election cycle is really starting to gear up and I have made a (hopefully realistic) goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. Plus, I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The only political campaign communication that I responded to today was an email that I forwarded today, November 3rd, 2023, from my previous email account (that I no longer use, but I still frequently check) from the Pete Aguilar for Congress campaign that I received yesterday, November 2nd, 2023, with the subject line, "I’m sick to my stomach, Paul", which stated the following:

From: Pete [email redacted]
Sent: Thursday, November 2, 2023 5:01 PM
To: Paul Whiting [email redacted]
Subject: I’m sick to my stomach, Paul

Paul, I’m sick to my stomach. The MAGA GOP’s new speaker, Mike Johnson, has his sights set on GUTTING Social Security. House Democrats are committed to saving it but we NEED a flood of public outrage from voters to show overwhelming support for Social Security. Sign my petition to save Social Security from brutal GOP funding cuts »***

20,000 SIGNATURE GOAL: Sign now to save Social Security »***

Paul, Johnson’s track record on Social Security is appalling:

• He championed slashing $750 billion in funding!
• He BASHED the program, calling it an "existential threat" to America!
• He voted for a commission to cut Social Security behind closed doors!

We can FORCE the GOP to keep their hands off our Social Security if we show MASSIVE public outrage over cutting it.

HURRY Paul! Add your signature now to save Social Security from brutal GOP funding cuts before it’s too late »

20,000 SIGNATURE GOAL: Sign now to save Social Security »***

We can’t let them get away with this,

- Pete Aguilar

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Email: [redacted]
Mobile Phone: [redacted]

[CONFIRM YOUR SIGNATURE] Will you sign your name to save Social Security from brutal GOP funding cuts?

[✓] Yes! Add my name!

[BEFORE YOU GO] The GOP is dedicated to destroying programs like Social Security and they are flooding Congressional races across the country with dark money!

That's why it's crucial Pete Aguilar hits his $10,000 weekly fundraising goal. If we're going to retake the House majority in 2024, we HAVE to hit every single fundraising deadline.

Will you take the critical next step and include a contribution to our campaign with your signature?

[✓] Yes, I'll chip in $3!

[  ] Yes, I'll chip in $10!

[  ] Yes, I'll chip in $25!

[  ] Yes, I'll chip in $50!

[  ] Yes, I'll chip in a custom amount!

[  ] I can't even spare even $1 today to support Pete, but I'd still like to submit my responses! (Your responses will be recorded and you'll be directed for a final chance to give)


Thanks for Signing!

Pete Aguilar, Chair of the House Democratic Caucus, is fighting in Congress every day to stand up to the MAGA Republican majority.

But he needs support from grassroots Democrats like you to get it done!

Please, stand with Pete and chip in $7, $15, or any amount to stand with Democratic leadership now >>

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Pete Aguilar.

[✓] DONATE $3 →

[  ] DONATE $10 →

[  ] DONATE $25 →

[  ] DONATE $50 →

[  ] DONATE $100 →

[  ] DONATE $250 →


Please leave us a tip

Leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.11

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Pete Aguilar for Congress campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to show my support for the "petition to save Social Security from brutal GOP funding cuts," because "Pete Aguilar, Chair of the House Democratic Caucus, is fighting in Congress every day to stand up to the MAGA Republican majority."

Thus, this one campaign—Pete Aguilar for Congress—is the political campaign that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (November 3rd, 2023)


November 3rd, 2023 Update No. 2: I received an email from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) today, November 3rd, 2023, with the subject line, "Help your community prepare to vote on Tuesday", which stated the following:

Paul, next Tuesday is Election Day in many states – so we're reaching out to ACLU supporters across the country to make sure that everyone is ready to vote like our rights depend on it.

Why? Because this year, our civil liberties are on the line. States like Ohio, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and others are making major decisions that will determine our fundamental rights like whether we can access abortion. While these elections are only in some states, what happens next Tuesday will set the stage for our fight for reproductive freedom and our democracy in 2024.

Even if you don't have an election on Tuesday, staying informed on key elections and sharing information with your community can make a big difference in our shared work.

So our teams have assembled a voting plan guide for anyone to use – if you voted early, are already prepared to vote, or don't have an election in your area, we urge you to share this with your friends and neighbors.

Make Your Election Day Plan:

[✓] First, find out what elections are happening in your area and research what's at stake in your local races and ballot measures. If your area isn't voting on Tuesday, read up on key elections the ACLU is tracking in Ohio [1.] (, Virginia [2.] (, and Pennsylvania [3.] (

[✓] Check your state's voter guidelines to confirm your polling location, ballot return deadlines, any materials you might need to bring with you like your state ID, and other details.

[✓] Don't have an election this year? Confirm your voter registration is up to date so you don't miss an opportunity to have your vote cast and counted in the future.

[✓] If you have a mail-in ballot that you have not returned yet, use a drop box or return it in person if your state allows.

[✓] If you are voting in person, pack a few essentials in case your line to vote is longer – like water, food, and entertainment.

[✓] Remember to call the Election Protection Hotline if you run into any problems or have any questions on Election Day:

English: 1-866-OUR-VOTE / 1-866-687-8683

Spanish: 1-888-VE-Y-VOTA / 1-888-839-8682

Arabic: 1-844-YALLA-US / 1-844-925-5287

For Bengali, Cantonese, Hindi, Urdu, Korean, Mandarin, Tagalog, or Vietnamese: 1-888-274-8683

After Tuesday, whether you had an election or not, join us in tracking the results so you can help educate your community on what's next in the fight for abortion access, voting rights, and beyond.

Finally, remember that no matter what happens on Tuesday, the ACLU will always be here ready to protect your civil liberties wherever we may be needed – and we're so grateful to you for being part of this work with us.

Thanks for all you do,

The ACLU Team


And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpages. A brief introduction to each webpage can be found below in the order that they are referenced above:

[1.] ACLU

Religious Communities in Ohio Are Fighting to Preserve Reproductive Rights

On November 7th, Ohio voters will decide whether to pass Issue 1, which would protect their decisions on contraception, fertility treatment, miscarriage care, and abortion. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the webpage:

[Blogger's Note: I listened to the ACLU's At Liberty Podcast titled, "Religious Communities in Ohio Are Fighting to Preserve Reproductive Rights."]

[2.] ACLU
Virginia Legislative Races

Seize the opportunity: more seats are up for grabs than ever thanks to Virginia redistricting. This year, every election counts! ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the webpage:

[Blogger's Note: I briefly read the ACLU's webpage titled, "Virginia Legislative Races," which is clearly written for Virginia voters.]

[3.] ACLU

What's at Stake in Pennsylvania's Supreme Court Election

As the nation steels itself ahead of what is sure to be a contentious 2024 election year, here in Pennsylvania all eyes are on Nov. 7, 2023. In just a few weeks, Pennsylvania voters will choose the next state Supreme Court justice in an election that could decide which rights and freedoms Pennsylvanians enjoy in coming years. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the webpage:

[Blogger's Note: I read the ACLU's News & Commentary article titled, "What's at Stake in Pennsylvania's Supreme Court Election."]

Plus, after I read the email above, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU in order to support their "voting plan guide for anyone to use," because "if you voted early, are already prepared to vote, or don't have an election in your area, we urge you to share this with your friends and neighbors." –Paul Whiting (written November 3rd, 2023 and revised November 7th, 2023)

P.S.: This 'November 3rd, 2023 Update No. 2' incorrectly stated the subject line of the ACLU's email as "Our plan to protect voters," however that was actually the email subject line from an ACLU email that I received on October 24th, 2023 (please see my 'October 24th, 2023 Update No. 2,' which can be found above). And I didn't notice this error until today, November 7th, 2023! So, that is why I corrected the email subject of this 'update' to "Help your community prepare to vote on Tuesday", which is what it was supposed to be! This blogger regrets the error.


November 3rd, 2023 Update No. 3: I received an email from Planned Parenthood Action Fund today, November 3rd, 2023, with the subject line, "This election — and the next", which stated the following:

Dear Paul,

The clock is ticking for reproductive rights in Ohio — and for the rest of the country. This is our moment to confront the threats to our rights and push forward with courage and conviction.

On Tuesday, Ohioans will vote on a state constitutional amendment that would prevent a 6-week abortion ban from going into effect and protect the right to abortion in the state constitution. If it passes, it will be more proof of what we have seen in Kansas and Kentucky, in Michigan and Montana: the majority of voters don't want abortion bans. Period.

With lawmakers in more and more states rushing to ban abortion and cut people off from care, we need to act now. Fighting back — not just in a handful of states, but nationwide — will take all of us working together. Planned Parenthood Action Fund is already mobilizing and organizing in key battlegrounds, and your support will determine how fast we can grow this movement.


Make your gift today to help reach and educate voters and protect access to care.

This fight isn't just about Ohio, and it's not just about what happens on Tuesday. Ongoing court battles — from the attacks on abortion medication to the baseless $1.8 billion lawsuit against Planned Parenthood in Texas — show just how much is at stake for the people Planned Parenthood serves. And the future of reproductive rights in this country will be on the line in the 2024 election.

Chip in now to make sure Planned Parenthood Action Fund has the resources to confront the most serious threats to our health and rights — and win. Your gift will help:

[✓] Put abortion protection on the ballot in key states.

[✓] Reach voters, educate them about the stakes, and get them to the polls.

[✓] Hold lawmakers accountable for banning abortion and restricting access to reproductive health care.

[✓] Make sure every patient can get the information and care they need, no matter where they live or who they are.

We have no time to lose, Paul — but we can do this. We can win in state houses and at the ballot box. We can protect reproductive rights and expand access to care. Are you ready to chip in with a gift today?

— Planned Parenthood Action Fund

Your contribution to Planned Parenthood Action Fund will not be earmarked for any purpose, and will generally support our activities to protect and promote reproductive health nationwide.



***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, I made a one-time donation to Planned Parenthood Action Fund because, "with lawmakers in more and more states rushing to ban abortion and cut people off from care, we need to act now," since "ongoing court battles — from the attacks on abortion medication to the baseless $1.8 billion lawsuit against Planned Parenthood in Texas — show just how much is at stake for the people Planned Parenthood serves." So that is why I chipped in now "to make sure Planned Parenthood Action Fund has the resources to confront the most serious threats to our health and rights." –Paul Whiting (November 3rd, 2023)


November 3rd, 2023 Update No. 4: I received an email from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) today, November 3rd, 2023, with the subject line, "The surge in dangerous antisemitism", which stated the following:

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Jews being attacked in the streets, threatened on college campuses—targeted simply for being Jewish. It is happening today in the United States and abroad. Read the Museum’s statement on the surge in dangerous antisemitism.

[Blogger's Note: I read the USHMM Press Room news release titled, "Museum Deeply Alarmed by Surge in Dangerous Antisemitism."]

We know antisemitism didn’t start or end with the Holocaust, but this history teaches us where it can lead if left unchecked. The Museum’s educational resources can help address this dangerous trend. Help us expand our reach by sharing the stories and resources below. What you do matters.

Lesson Plans Explore the History of Antisemitism and Nazi Racism
Share with a teacher >>

[Blogger's Note: I read the USHMM Lesson Plans overview titled, "Teaching Materials on Antisemitism and Racism."]

Confronting Hate by Sharing the Facts on Social Media
Follow the Museum >>

[Blogger's Note: I did NOT follow the USHMM Facebook page because I am no longer on Facebook. However, I used to have an account way back when I was actually on Facebook, which I haven't been for years...]

Museum Videos Define Antisemitism and Explore Its Long History
Watch and share >>

[Blogger's Note: I read the USHMM webpage titled, "Antisemitism Explained." I also watched the videos titled, "What Is Antisemitism?" and "Antisemitism Throughout Time."]

Learn More about the Importance of Israel to Holocaust Survivors
Read the article >>

[Blogger's Note: I read the USHMM Holocaust Encyclopedia article titled, "Holocaust Survivors and the Establishment of the State of Israel (MAY 14, 1948)." By the way, I read also this article on October 10th, 2023. (Please see my 'October 10th, 2023 Update—Continued,' which can be found above.)]

Collection of More than 900 Artifacts Reveals Centuries of Anti-Jewish Hatred
Explore and share >>

[Blogger's Note: I read the USHMM article titled, "500 Years of Antisemitic Propaganda."]

Why R. Derek Black Renounced the White Supremacist Movement
Watch and share >>

[Blogger's Note: I watched the USHMM YouTube video titled, "Why R. Derek Black Renounced the White Supremacist Movement," which is slightly over eighteen minutes, just to let you know.]


The Night of Broken Glass: A Warning of Future Nazi Crimes
Remind me to watch this free, virtual program >>

Donate to Keep Holocaust Memory Alive


And, after I read the email above, I read all of the articles—as well as watched all of the videos—mentioned above regarding the history of antisemitism, as noted above. I also signed up to be reminded to watch the livestream "The Night of Broken Glass: A Warning of Future Nazi Crimes." Plus, I made a one-time donation to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum to show my support for the Museum’s above-mentioned educational resources. –Paul Whiting (November 3rd, 2023)


November 4th, 2023 Update No. 1: I received an email from Planned Parenthood Federation of America today, November 4th, 2023, with the subject line, "As serious as they come", which stated the following:

Paul, among the many attacks on reproductive care happening across the country, there is a baseless lawsuit against Planned Parenthood that is directly aimed at keeping patients from getting the care they need at Planned Parenthood health centers. Last week, Texas federal judge [name redacted] ordered a trial in this politically-motivated case.

Will you add your name and say you're with Planned Parenthood in this fight?

Here's what you need to know:


Gif with a dark blue background. Text appears on a light blue circle and says:

"With a baseless $1.8 billion lawsuit, an anonymous plaintiff & politicians are trying to shut down Planned Parenthood. The false allegations are part of a decades-long strategy to block patients from Planned Parenthood health centers. 1 in 4 people in the U.S. has visited Planned Parenthood for high-quality affordable birth control, cancer screenings & much more. We'll never back down. All people deserve essential care — are you with us?"


While this lawsuit should have been dismissed, we'll continue to fight for Planned Parenthood patients — and we need you with us. Sign the petition now »***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Planned Parenthood

Add your name: I'm For Planned Parenthood

All people deserve essential care — are you with us?

Among the many nationwide attacks on reproductive care, a meritless Texas-based lawsuit against Planned Parenthood aims to shut down Planned Parenthood health centers and keep patients from the care they need. Now, Texas federal Judge [name redacted] has ordered a trial in this politically motivated case.

This lawsuit, based on false allegations, should've already been dismissed. The facts are clear: Planned Parenthood did nothing wrong. We'll never stop fighting to provide patients with access to essential care — and we need you with us.

Sign your name and say "I'm For Planned Parenthood" in this fight.

Add Your Name

First Name (Optional): Paul

Last Name (Optional): Whiting

Zip: [redacted]

Email: [redacted]

Mobile Phone (Optional): [redacted]

And, after I signed the petition above, I received a confirmation email today, November 4th, 2023, from Planned Parenthood Federation of America, with the subject line, "Thank you for saying 'I'm For Planned Parenthood'", which stated the following:

Once again, politicians hostile to reproductive health and rights are targeting patients and Planned Parenthood health centers — this time, with a baseless lawsuit. They're playing with people's lives by putting politics ahead of their constituents.

The facts are clear: Planned Parenthood did nothing wrong. This politically motivated lawsuit, based on false allegations, should've already been dismissed. We'll never stop fighting for Planned Parenthood patients. And we're grateful that you're with us in this fight.

You can help make an even bigger difference by showing your support for Planned Parenthood and asking your friends and family to join you.

Share on Facebook

Share on Twitter

You can also help out by making a tax-deductible gift to Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Your support will help us stand strong in the face of continued attacks on reproductive health and rights, and support Planned Parenthood health centers in providing vital care like birth control, cancer screenings, abortion services and more.

Together we can make a difference in protecting reproductive health and rights — thanks for taking action and pitching in when it counts.

[Name redacted], [Title redacted]
Planned Parenthood Federation of America

So, I selected the "Share on Twitter" option (by the way, I only have a Twitter account so I can read tweets which are included in some online articles that I read) in order for me to provide you, my readers, with the text and hyperlink below:

Texas is trying to shut down Planned Parenthood health centers with a baseless $1.8 BILLION lawsuit. Sign your name and say, "I'm For Planned Parenthood!"

And, after I signed the petition above, I made a one-time donation to Planned Parenthood Federation of America because "Texas is trying to shut down Planned Parenthood health centers with a baseless $1.8 BILLION lawsuit," so that is why I signed my name to say, "I'm For Planned Parenthood!" –Paul Whiting (written November 4th, 2023, revised November 17th, 2023 and revised March 13th, 2024)


November 4th, 2023 Update No. 2—Which Also Discusses November 3rd, 2023: This 'update' that I am writing today, November 4th, 2023, is from both my usual reading of Time Magazine articles, as well as from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google.

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day, which usually starts with me reading Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails that I receive each day. Then, I usually check each day's news via a Google search under several news topics sometime after I check my email, as well as after I check my previous day's cellular data usage, which I track very carefully.

Thus, I usually check on what is happening in the news via various Google searches that I do on an oftentimes daily basis under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Time Magazine emails and/or from those Google news searches.

Now, I usually try to publish these current news 'updates' on the day that I actually read the news articles referenced in the 'update'; however, lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news!

Not only that, I have been busy, as well, with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that require their very own 'updates!' Besides that, I am often engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

Plus, I am trying to throttle my cellular data usage in order to stay below the amount of usage that my data plan offers each month, which I track very carefully, so that I don't go over that amount.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received today, November 4th, 2023, as well as that I received yesterday, November 3rd, 2023, when I noticed the following articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The following are the articles which I received yesterday, November 3rd, 2023:

The first Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "Facing Israel’s Trauma":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "Elon Musk Tells Rishi Sunak AI Will Eliminate the Need for Jobs":


The third Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "When the U.S. Successfully Tackled Homelessness":


The fourth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "Challenges Ahead for New Speaker as House Passes Israel Aid":


The fifth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "Why Palestinians Fear Permanent Displacement From Gaza":


The following are the articles which I received today, November 4th, 2023:

The sixth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received today) is titled, "The Israel-Hamas War is Taking an Unprecedented and Deadly Toll on Journalists":


The seventh Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received today) is titled, "How Daylight Savings Time Can Affect Your Health":


The eighth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received today) is titled, "What to Know About U.S. Military Support for Israel’s Gaza Offensive":

Continuing on—as I mentioned above—lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news. And I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, November 4th, 2023, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

Therefore, due to this sudden inundation of news, I am simply opening a webpage for each of the various news articles that I am planning to read, based upon the title of each news article and/or based upon the topic of each news article, in preparation for reading each article later on.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, due to the number of articles for which I have an introduction to write lately, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

And to clarify: I still have to read these articles! So, I have each article opened as a webpage on my smartphone's Google browser until such a time as I can get around to actually reading them, due to the number of them.

Another clarification: I greatly simplified how these articles are listed—that I still have yet to read—in order to set them apart from the articles in previous 'updates' where I have already read the articles. Plus, I am listing these articles by the initial Google search category under which I found each article. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.] And I will indicate whether, or not, I have read each article below its title and hyperlink.

Thus, I will indicate the date that I read each article below the title and hyperlink to the article, after I read the article. Therefore, I plan to indicate when I complete reading the articles below, whenever I can actually get around to reading them—when I have access to WiFi, such as at my local library, or at a place of business where I have been shopping, or at a coffee shop, etc., in order to save usage on my cellular data plan through my mobile phone company, as noted above.


1. ABC News
'We expect American citizens to exit' Gaza Wednesday, Biden says

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

2. CNN
White House condemns Fox News for ‘standing up on behalf of hate’ after host attacks CNN anchors’ Jewish heritage

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

3. The Guardian
Mike Johnson, theocrat: the House speaker and a plot against America

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

4. CBS News
Hundreds of Americans appear set to leave Gaza through Rafah border crossing into Egypt

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



5. AP News
Israel resists US pressure to pause the war to allow more aid to Gaza, wants hostages back first

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

6. ABC News
The third Republican debate stage will be less crowded

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

7. NBC News
Trump appointee who assaulted Capitol officers on Jan. 6 sentenced to nearly 6 years

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

8. CNN
The US economy added 150,000 jobs last month. Here’s what that means

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

9. HuffPost
Republicans Introduce Bill To Expel Palestinians From The United States

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



10. VOA News
US Takes Up China’s Infrastructure Mantel in Africa

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



11. ABC News
Biden, first lady visit Maine to grieve with community in wake of Lewiston mass shooting

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

12. AP News
Biden calls for humanitarian 'pause' in Israel-Hamas war

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

13. CNN
Muslim leaders have a message for President Biden on Israel

[I have NOT watched this video yet.]



14. CBS News
President Joe Biden touts economic agenda, rural investments during farm stop in Minnesota

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



I did not select any articles from this category.



15. NPR (National Public Radio)
Speaker Mike Johnson and the alliance of white evangelicals and Republicans

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

16. ABC News
Speaker Mike Johnson tells Senate Republicans he's open to Ukraine aid, but Israel aid will have to move first and separately

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

17. USA Today (By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)
Republicans are in chaos yet again as government shutdown looms large (House Speaker Johnson says Republicans are united. It's good he has a sense of humor.)

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



18. NBC News
Senate passes 3 funding bills as battle to prevent shutdown heats up

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

The nation's cartoonists on the week in politics

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



Israel-Hamas war misinformation is everywhere. Here are the facts

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



I did not select any articles from this category.



21. AP News
UAW members at the first Ford plant to go on strike overwhelmingly approve the new contract

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



I did not select any articles from this category.

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written November 4th, 2023, revised November 26th, 2023 and revised January 28th, 2024)

P.S.: By the way, today, November 4th, 2023, I read the September 25th, 2023 news articles from my ‘September 25th, 2023 Update—Continued,’ which can be found above.


November 5th, 2023 Update No. 1: I have decided to consolidate the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these campaign donations!

You see, I typically write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations that I make virtually every time that I make a campaign donation—within which I usually include the text from each political campaign's requesting email, or text message, along with some of each campaign's donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign (which is usually $3.00 per campaign), plus how much I tipped ActBlue (which is usually $0.11 per donation)—however, lately there has suddenly been quite a number of campaign donation requests!

Therefore, I have decided to forego my usual writing format for these type of political campaign donation 'updates' and combine every campaign donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing all of these individual 'updates' for campaign donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

And I mean no disrespect to the individual political campaigns—each of which used to receive their very own 'update' on my blog—however, the 2024 election cycle is really starting to gear up and I have made a (hopefully realistic) goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. Plus, I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The only political campaign communication that I responded to was a text message today, November 4th, 2023, from the Mike O'Brien for PA (Mike O'Brien for Pennsylvania) campaign, which stated the following:

Paul, Mike O'Brien here, a retired U.S. Marine Corps TOPGUN fighter pilot and Democrat from Pennsylvania who is going to help FLIP THE HOUSE.

My opponent, MAGA extremist and Freedom Caucus Chairman Scott Perry, continues to undermine our democracy, chip away at our freedoms, and put our future at risk:

→ He played a key role in the effort to overturn the 2020 election for Trump on Jan. 6th
→ He wants to ban abortion nationwide
→ And he says that climate change "is a problem that doesn't exist"

That's why I'm running for Congress, because it's time to replace an insurrectionist with a REAL PATRIOT.

But Perry has stockpiled millions from far-right donors and he's already attacking me. I'm not afraid of his insults, but I need your help to have the resources to fight back. This ultra-competitive seat could decide the House Majority, but right now I'm behind my $5,000 midnight fundraising goal...

So I'm asking you now - can I count on you to chip in just $25 to help me defeat insurrectionist Scott Perry?***

Thank you,
Mike O'Brien

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Mike O'Brien
U.S. Congress Pennsylvania

Donate to Mike O'Brien

Mike O’Brien is a patriot, Democrat, and former Marine Lt. Colonel who defended freedom abroad for 20 years as a TOPGUN F-35 Stealth Fighter Pilot.

Now he’s back home in Pennsylvania, and he’s running for Congress to serve Pennsylvania and defeat far-right extremist Congressman Scott Perry.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Mike O'Brien.

[  ] Donate $10 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.11

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Mike O'Brien for PA campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) because "Mike O'Brien...a retired U.S. Marine Corps TOPGUN fighter pilot and Democrat from going to help FLIP THE HOUSE," since "[Mike's] opponent, MAGA extremist and Freedom Caucus Chairman Scott Perry, continues to undermine our democracy, chip away at our freedoms, and put our future at risk."

Thus, this one campaign—Mike O'Brien for PA—is the political campaign that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written November 5th, 2023 and revised November 14th, 2023)


November 5th, 2023 Update No. 2: I received two emails from the Assault Rifle Ban Accountability Project, which is a Project of Brady PAC (Brady Political Action Committee) today, November 5th, 2023.

The first email that I received from Brady PAC's Assault Rifle Ban Accountability Project today, with the subject line, "represent [ZIP Code redacted] in our live poll", stated the following:

—Accountability Project—
   A Project of Brady PAC

Paul, President Biden is calling on Congress to ban assault weapons and end gun violence after the horrific shooting in Lewiston:

"Far too many Americans have now had a family member killed or injured as a result of gun violence. That is not normal, and we cannot accept it." – President Joe Biden

Please, respond to our live poll before 11:59 p.m. to tell us what you think of President Biden's leadership:

What grade would you give President Biden's leadership on gun violence?

[✓] A
[  ] B
[  ] C
[  ] D
[  ] F

Paul, President Biden has been fighting tooth and nail to protect communities from gun violence:

[✓] He oversaw the passage of the first package of gun violence reforms in nearly 30 years and has used his executive power to expand background checks.

[✓] He created the first-ever Office of Gun Violence Prevention to give our government the resources needed to end this epidemic.

[✓] Now, he's calling on Congress to ban assault weapons, create universal background checks and pass other lifesaving reforms.

But the gun lobby has spent the last THREE YEARS pushing incessant attacks against him – and they're only going to ramp up as the 2024 election gets underway. That's why we need to know if Americans are standing with President Biden and his gun safety agenda. Please, will you respond before 11:59 p.m. tonight to represent your area in our live poll?

What grade would you give President Biden's leadership on gun violence?

[✓] A
[  ] B
[  ] C
[  ] D
[  ] F

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Brady Pac

End Gun Violence Survey [MIDNIGHT DEADLINE]

Thank you for taking our survey. Your responses will be especially helpful as we fight for gun violence prevention.

Email: [redacted]

Cell Phone: [redacted]

Please confirm your response: What grade would you give President Biden's leadership on gun violence?

[✓] A
[  ] B
[  ] C
[  ] D
[  ] F

How much should Congress prioritize listening to President Biden and passing gun safety reforms?

Lowest Priority
[  ] 1
[  ] 2
[  ] 3
[  ] 4
[✓] 5
Highest Priority

Last year, the gun safety majority in Congress passed a set of major reforms. But there is still so much work to do, including fully closing the boyfriend loophole. And now, the NRA is scheming to destroy the progress we’ve made by defeating gun safety leaders and bankrolling their extremist candidates.

How worried are you that gun safety leaders will be outspent in 2024 by the gun lobby and their dark-money donors?

[✓] Extremely worried

[  ] Very worried

[  ] Somewhat worried

[  ] Not at all worried

With the White House and Congress up for grabs in 2024, the NRA is working overtime to retake power in Washington. Brady PAC is dedicated to defeating their dark-money donors and electing gun safety leaders up and down the ballot.

With so many critical elections in 2024, how important is it for grassroots activists to invest in our fight against the NRA?

[✓] Extremely important

[  ] Very important

[  ] Somewhat important

[  ] Not at all important


Thank you for taking our survey. We have one last question for you.

The NRA and their dark-money donors are gearing up for one of the most consequential elections of our lifetime. They’re going to be spending MILLIONS to retake power in Washington, undo all of the progress we’ve won and elect more bought-and-paid-for politicians who will push their anti-gun safety agenda.

But we’re preparing for this fight too. We’re working overtime to support President Biden’s reelection campaign, expand our gun violence prevention majorities in the House and Senate and build a team of gun safety leaders in all 50 states.

This is going to be a pivotal election year. We’re counting on strong grassroots support from passionate gun safety activists like you to compete with the gun lobby’s dark money. Will you rush a donation of $5 or more before midnight tonight to help us elect leaders like President Biden who will keep our children and our communities safe?

[  ] Yes, I can chip in $5 to elect gun safety leaders.

[  ] Yes, I can chip in $30 to elect gun safety leaders.

[✓] Yes, and I can chip in MORE to elect gun safety leaders.*

*[Blogger's Note: I selected this option—although I donated less than $30, or even less than $5—because it's an option that got me to the donation webpage!]

And so, I made a one-time donation to Brady PAC (the sister organization of which is Brady: United Against Gun Violence) because I gave an A grade to "President Biden's leadership on gun violence" in Brady PAC's Assault Rifle Ban Accountability Project End Gun Violence Survey.

The second email that I received from Brady PAC's Assault Rifle Ban Accountability Project today, with the subject line, "Will you step up to help us ban assault weapons?", stated the following:

—Accountability Project—
   A Project of Brady PAC


Recently, we reached out about a dramatic decrease in donor contributions. The drop-off at the end of October has taken a toll on our fundraising, and as a result, we risk not having the resources needed to continue our work to ban assault weapons nationwide.

But in the last few days, there has been a strong outpouring of support among people across the country to help us get back on track. These are just some of the supporters who have donated to help us in our fight to ban assault weapons – take a look!


—Accountability Project—
   A Project of Brady PAC

[First name redacted], New York $5

[First name redacted], Indiana $5

[First name redacted], New Jersey $15

[First name redacted], Iowa $20

[First name redacted], New York $2

[First name redacted], Illinois $3

[First name redacted], California $5

[First name redacted], Oregon $50

[First name redacted], Pennsylvania $15

[First name redacted], Wisconsin $5

[First name redacted], Delaware $50

[First name redacted], Virginia $13


Paul, we want to add your name to this list. So, before tomorrow at midnight, will you contribute $5, or any amount, to help us raise $10,000 and support our work to ban assault weapons nationwide? →

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

[  ] Donate $5
[  ] Donate $25
[  ] Donate $50
[✓] Donate Another Amount***

Every goal we set is critical to our efforts to elect gun safety leaders who will commit to banning assault weapons in all 50 states. The gun lobby doesn't take any days off – neither can we.

An assault weapons ban is only possible if we retake our gun safety majority in the House and protect the Senate and the White House in 2024. And we need all hands on deck to ensure we have the resources to make it happen.

Paul: Today's the perfect day to chip in and support our work. Donate $5 before tomorrow at midnight and join the growing team of grassroots supporters demanding a nationwide ban on assault weapons >>>


Brady PAC

We can't wait any longer for action on gun safety. Brady PAC is fighting for lifesaving legislation like universal background checks and an assault weapons ban, but we need your support. Chip in now to help us end gun violence in America. →

[✓] DONATE***


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, I made another one-time donation to Brady PAC (the sister organization of which is Brady: United Against Gun Violence) because I want Brady PAC's Assault Rifle Ban Accountability Project "to add [my] name to this list ... of the supporters who have donated to help [Brady PAC] in [their] fight to ban assault weapons."

Thus, I made two one-time donations to Brady PAC (the sister organization of which is Brady: United Against Gun Violence) because "Brady PAC is fighting for lifesaving legislation like universal background checks and an assault weapons ban." –Paul Whiting (written November 5th, 2023, revised November 7th, 2023, revised December 1st, 2023 and revised January 7th, 2024)


November 6th, 2023 Update No. 1: I received an email from Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) today, November 6th, 2023, with the subject line "This Veterans Day is about more than thanks", which stated the following:


Veterans Day is right around the corner, and this year is an opportunity to channel gratitude into action.

Our country is at a pivotal moment, and the pressing challenges we face both at home and abroad can only be solved with two things: LEADERSHIP and UNITY.

My fellow veterans have stepped up to fight for all Americans, regardless of any real or perceived differences. We’ve united in service to our country, demonstrated that we know how to put the mission first, and we need our leaders on the national stage to follow our lead now more than ever.

IAVA is leading on behalf of America’s veterans — and we need you to join us.

This Veterans Day, will you commit to leading with us? We need your voice in the fight too.


Together, we can make this Veterans Day — and all of Veterans Month — about more than just thanking vets.

When you add your voice to our fight, you help us build the future for our country that we put our lives on the line for.

Thanks so much for being a part of Team IAVA.


— [First name redacted]

[Name redacted]
Iraq War Veteran
IAVA [Title redacted]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:



We fight and win for veterans every day, but we can’t do it without you. Commit to supporting veterans and we’ll keep you updated about our important work and let you know how you can help.

Contact Details

First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Email: [redacted]
Postal Code: [redacted]




Thank you so much for your commitment to addressing the issues that matter most to post-9/11 veterans. We’ll send you an email when it’s time to contact your representatives. In the meantime, click on the topics below to learn more about our most pressing policy priorities.

Commit to Take Action Big 6: "IAVA’s members have identified 6 priority issues that matter most to them."


IAVA is committed to ending the veteran suicide epidemic.

[Blogger's Note: I read the IAVA'S BIG 6 webpage titled, "COMBAT SUICIDE AMONG TROOPS AND VETERANS."]


Burn pits are the Agent Orange of our generation. Our members see burn pits as a critical, urgent and growing threat.

[Blogger's Note: I read the IAVA'S BIG 6 webpage titled, "BURN PITS & TOXIC EXPOSURES."]

MODERNIZE VA [Veterans Administration]

We must ensure that our veterans receive the best possible care.

[Blogger's Note: I read the IAVA'S BIG 6 webpage titled, "MODERNIZE VA."]


As the number of male veterans is expected to decline in the next decades, the population of women veterans will continue to increase.

[Blogger's Note: I read the IAVA'S BIG 6 webpage titled, "WOMEN VETERANS."]


Civilians and veterans should have the same standard of care. Our veterans must have the same right to pursue alternative therapies while under VA care.

[Blogger's Note: I read the IAVA'S BIG 6 webpage titled, "ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES," which includes the action to "Urge Congress to cosponsor and work to enact the bipartisan VA Medicinal Cannabis Research Act (S. 326/H.R. 1003) that states that the VA can conduct research into the efficacy of medical cannabis as a treatment for veterans with chronic pain, PTSD, and other conditions," as outlined below*]


The Post-9/11 GI Bill has now sent more than one million veterans and dependents to school. We must ensure veterans and their dependents have access to education benefits.

[Blogger's Note: I read the IAVA'S BIG 6 webpage titled, "EDUCATION BENEFITS."]

By the way, all of the individual webpages above are actually contained within the main webpage that is titled, "IAVA'S BIG 6: IAVA’s members have identified 6 priority issues that matter most to them." Therefore, you will see each one of the above-mentioned categories, including "COMBAT SUICIDE," "BURN PITS & TOXIC EXPOSURES," "MODERNIZE VA," "WOMEN VETERANS," "ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES" and "EDUCATION BENEFITS," on every one of the webpages. It's just that the individual webpages above highlight each particular topic listed above within the "IAVA'S BIG 6" main page.

*And, after I read the webpage above, regarding ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Who You're Contacting:

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
[Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]
[Phone number redacted]

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
[Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]
[Phone number redacted]

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
[Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]
[Phone number redacted]

What You're Saying

Subject: Begin VA Research on Benefits of Medical Cannabis for Veterans

[Decision Maker]:

Veterans have passionately stated that medical cannabis has helped them tackle some of the most pressing war injuries veterans face such as PTSD and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). Eighty-eight percent of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) members surveyed support the additional research on medical cannabis. Policies are outdated, research is lacking, and stigma persists. IAVA has set out to change that and launch a national conversation underscoring the need for bipartisan, data-based solutions that can bring relief to millions.

I stand with my fellow IAVA members and urge you and Congress to cosponsor and work to enact the bipartisan VA Medicinal Cannabis Research Act (S. 326/H.R. 1003) by Senate Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman Jon Tester and Sen. Dan Sullivan, and Reps. Lou Correa and Peter Meijer, states that the VA can research the efficacy of medical cannabis as a treatment for veterans with chronic pain, PTSD, and other conditions.

[Your name]
[Your email address]

Contact Information

First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
Email: [redacted]
Address: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Country: [redacted]
ZIP Code: [redacted]






Our country has an obligation to fulfill its promise to honor and support vets. Make a donation today to help IAVA fulfill its mission to connect, unite, and empower post-9/11 veterans.


So, I selected the "Share on Twitter" option (by the way, I only have a Twitter account so I can read tweets which are included in some online articles that I read) in order for me to provide you, my readers, with the text and hyperlink below:

Empower Veterans Who Want to Use Medical Cannabis (S. 326/H.R. 1003)

Thus, I become a Veteran Advocate with the IAVA (Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America) in order to show my support for our U.S. Veterans! Plus, after I sent the letter above to my Senators and Representative in Congress, via the IAVA website, I also made a one-time donation to Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA), because "our country has an obligation to fulfill its promise to honor and support vets." –Paul Whiting (written November 6th, 2023, revised November 30th, 2023 and revised April 10th, 2024)


November 6th, 2023 Update No. 2—Which Also Discusses November 5th, 2023 And November 7th, 2023: This 'update' that I am writing today, November 6th, 2023, is from both my usual reading of Time Magazine articles, as well as from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google.

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day, which usually starts with me reading Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails that I receive each day. Then, I usually check each day's news via a Google search under several news topics sometime after I check my email, as well as after I check my previous day's cellular data usage, which I track very carefully.

Thus, I usually check on what is happening in the news via various Google searches that I do on an oftentimes daily basis under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Time Magazine emails and/or from those Google news searches.

Now, I usually try to publish these current news 'updates' on the day that I actually read the news articles referenced in the 'update'; however, lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news!

Not only that, I have been busy, as well, with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that require their very own 'updates!' Besides that, I am often engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

Plus, I am trying to throttle my cellular data usage in order to stay below the amount of usage that my data plan offers each month, which I track very carefully, so that I don't go over that amount.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received today, November 6th, 2023, as well as that I received yesterday, November 5th, 2023, when I noticed the following articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The following are the articles which I received yesterday, November 5th, 2023:

The first Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "People With Disabilities in Gaza Face Additional Barriers in the Israel-Hamas War":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "The West Is Losing the Global South Over Gaza":


The third Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "Why China’s Involvement in the U.K. AI Safety Summit Was So Significant":


The fourth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "It’s Time to Rethink Infrastructure":


The fifth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "Protest Marches Across the Globe Call for Immediate Halt to Israeli Bombing of Gaza":


The following are the articles which I received today, November 6th, 2023:

The sixth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received today) is titled, "Key Moments From the Pro-Palestinian Marches Across the U.S.":

By the way, I also watched the video accompanying the article above that is titled, "Protest Marches Across the Globe Call for Immediate Halt to Israeli Bombing of Gaza." And within that video, I noticed a sign that read "TEXT 'CEASEFIRE' TO 44321." And so, I sent a text message to that number and received a reply, which can be found below:

Msg & data rates may apply. 4 msg/req. Text STOP to end.

Donate using this secure link:

Donate Now | The People Demand a Ceasefire

We stand on the precipice of a historic event: this Saturday's National March on Washington to Free Palestine.

And so, I made a one-time donation to The People Demand a Ceasefire, via the Give Lively website, because "people from across the United States are coming together to demand that Gaza be allowed to live."

Besides that, I watched most of the videos from X (formerly Twitter) on that same article.

[Blogger's Note: I was actually afraid of including this donation to "The People Demand a Ceasefire" as part of my 'November 6th, 2023 Update No. 2—Which Also Discusses November 5th, 2023 And November 7th, 2023,' since the Israel-Hamas war is a very sensitive topic to many individuals; but, I am still totally in favor of a ceasefire!

And if you read my blogs, you know that I write a lot about Holocaust remembrance, and I donate to quite a few different Jewish organizations throughout the year, mostly having to do with Holocaust remembrance.

However, when it is Hamas terrorists whom Israel fights against—because of Hamas's horrendous killing of 1,400 Israelis, and the abduction of over 240 Israelis as hostages, on October 7th, 2023—I think that Gazan civilians being killed is just as horrendous!

Why do I think that?!?

The 10,000 plus Gazans who have been killed so far are three quarters civilians—who are predominantly women, children and the elderly, as explained below:

From CNN: "Ministry spokesperson Ashraf Al Qudra said 10,022 Palestinians in the enclave had been killed by Israeli strikes, including 4,104 children, 2,641 women and 611 elderly people. Those numbers suggest about three-quarters of the dead are from vulnerable populations.",dead%20are%20from%20vulnerable%20populations.]


The seventh Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received today) is titled, "The Struggle to Save Lives Inside Gaza’s Hospitals":

Continuing on—as I mentioned above—lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news. And I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, November 6th, 2023, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

[Blogger's Note: I actually didn't check the news for November 6th, 2023 until shortly before midnight PST (Pacific Standard Time)! So, this could be considered the current news for either late November 6th, 2023, or early November 7th, 2023, depending upon how you look at it.]

Therefore, due to this sudden inundation of news, I am simply opening a webpage for each of the various news articles that I am planning to read, based upon the title of each news article and/or based upon the topic of each news article, in preparation for reading each article later on.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, due to the number of articles for which I have an introduction to write lately, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

And to clarify: I still have to read these articles! So, I have each article opened as a webpage on my smartphone's Google browser until such a time as I can get around to actually reading them, due to the number of them.

Another clarification: I greatly simplified how these articles are listed—that I still have yet to read—in order to set them apart from the articles in previous 'updates' where I have already read the articles. Plus, I am listing these articles by the initial Google search category under which I found each article. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.] And I will indicate whether, or not, I have read each article below its title and hyperlink.

Thus, I will indicate the date that I read each article below the title and hyperlink to the article, after I read the article. Therefore, I plan to indicate when I complete reading the articles below, whenever I can actually get around to reading them—when I have access to WiFi, such as at my local library, or at a place of business where I have been shopping, or at a coffee shop, etc., in order to save usage on my cellular data plan through my mobile phone company, as noted above.


1. CBS News
More than 300 Americans have left Gaza in recent days, deputy national security adviser says

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



2. The New York Times (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
Biden Confronts Limits of U.S. Leverage in Israel and Ukraine Wars

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

3. NBC News
Zelenskyy invites Trump to Ukraine, says he needs just 24 minutes to explain to him why he ‘can’t bring peace’

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

4. NBC News
Map: The states in favor of yearlong daylight saving time

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



I did not select any articles from this category.



5. ABC News
'Nobody's hands are clean': Obama, some Democrats break with Biden on support for Israel

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

6. NBC News
Biden touts 'Bidenomics' in a speech announcing new rail project funding

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



7. CNN
Biden impeachment inquiry end game comes into focus, but moderate Republicans still not sold

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

8. AP News
'Amtrak Joe' Biden visits Delaware to promote $16 billion for passenger rail projects

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

9. AP News
Inside President Biden - Speaker Johnson relationship: Greetings and clashes (Inside the Joe Biden-Mike Johnson relationship: Greetings, briefings and clashes over foreign aid)

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



10. CNN
Opinion: Why Democrats shouldn’t despair over concerning new polls about Biden

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

11. NBC News
Republicans threaten to reject Ukraine aid unless Democrats agree to tighten U.S. immigration laws

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



12. CBS News
Senate Republicans seek drastic asylum limits in emergency funding package

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

13. The New York Times (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
Opinion | Donald Trump Has Closed the Republican Mind (Republicans Have Chosen Nihilism)

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



14. Al Jazeera
Gaza could see return of PA [Palestinian Authority] in case of a ‘political solution’, says [President Mahmoud] Abbas

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

15. Reuters
G7's political relevance at stake over Israel-Gaza response

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

16. Reuters
Exclusive: Meta bars political advertisers from using generative AI ads tools

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



17. CNN
The world is turning against Israel’s war in Gaza – and many Israelis don’t understand why

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

18. ABC News
Netanyahu to ABC's Muir: 'No cease-fire' without release of hostages

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

19. Hindustan Times
If Hezbollah attacks Israel, US ‘prepared to intervene militarily’: Report

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

20. Reuters
Russia says Israeli nuclear remark raises 'huge number of questions'

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

21. AP News
Demonstrators from around the world call for a cease-fire in Gaza (Protest marches from US to Berlin call for immediate halt to Israeli bombing of Gaza)

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written November 6th, 2023, revised November 7th, 2023, revised November 10th, 2023, revised November 26th, 2023, revised January 10th, 2024 and revised January 28th, 2024)


November 7th, 2023 Update No. 1: I received an email from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) today, November 7th, 2023, with the subject line, "Are you prepared for today's elections?", which stated the following:

It's finally Election Day, Paul!

This is a pivotal moment in the fight for so many of our rights. Abortion rights are on the ballot in states across the country, including Ohio, Virginia, and Pennsylvania. And with so many rights at stake, it's essential that every one of us with an election today is ready to cast a vote – and that ALL of us are paying attention to what's on the line.

While these elections are only in some states, what happens this evening will set the stage for our fight for reproductive freedom and our democracy in 2024 when abortion will be on the ballot in every state.

We've put together a one-stop guide with everything you need for today if you're voting – so screenshot, save, and share this with your community (and beyond) to make sure all of our votes can be cast and counted.

Know Your Rights

[✓] If the polls close while you're still in line, stay in line. You have the right to vote.

[✓] If you make a mistake on your ballot, ask for a new one.

[✓] If the machines are down at your polling place, ask for a paper ballot.

[✓] If you run into any problems or have questions on Election Day, call the Election Protection Hotline:

English: 1-866-OUR-VOTE / 1-866-687-8683

Spanish: 1-888-VE-Y-VOTA / 1-888-839-8682

Arabic: 1-844-YALLA-US / 1-844-925-5287

For Bengali, Cantonese, Hindi, Urdu, Korean, Mandarin, Tagalog, or Vietnamese: 1-888-274-8683

[✓] Nationwide, our attorneys are monitoring today's elections and are ready to step in to protect you at the polls and ensure every vote is counted, no matter what.

[✓] Remember, Election Day might not be results day – and that's normal. With absentee ballots, mail-in ballots, and other considerations, it takes time for state elections officials to count every vote.

Today's elections will help determine what the fight to protect abortion rights looks like in all fifty states going forward. We must send a clear message that we will not tolerate any attempt to rollback our rights, and ensure our friends and family know what this moment means for the future of abortion rights and our democracy.

If you're not voting today, follow us on social media to hear the results as they come in and help keep your friends informed so you can be part of the work to protect abortion rights in every single state. (The link above will direct you to a third party site,

Paul, you and I know the work to protect our civil liberties doesn't end on Election Day. While so many of us cast our ballots today, we will be ready to fight any efforts to suppress voters and continue the year-round work to protect our civil liberties.

For our democracy,

The ACLU Team

P.S. If you find this guide helpful, please share with friends, family, or anyone else you know who plans to vote today! Our democracy is strongest when every one of us is able to vote for our values.


And, after I read the email above, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU in order to support their statement: "If you find this guide helpful, please share with friends, family, or anyone else you know who plans to vote today! Our democracy is strongest when every one of us is able to vote for our values." –Paul Whiting (November 7th, 2023)

P.S.: My 'November 3rd, 2023 Update No. 2,' regarding Election Day 2023, which is today, November 7th, 2023, incorrectly stated the subject line of that November 3rd, 2023 ACLU email as "Our plan to protect voters," however that was actually the email subject line from an ACLU email that I received on October 24th, 2023 (please see my 'October 24th, 2023 Update No. 2,' which can be found above). And I didn't notice this error until today, November 7th, 2023! So, that is why I corrected the email subject of that 'November 3rd, 2023 Update No. 2' to "Help your community prepare to vote on Tuesday", which is what it was supposed to be! This blogger regrets the error. And since this 'update' is the same topic of a "voting guide," so to speak, for Election Day 2023, I thought that it was pertinent for me to mention that correction from the 'November 3rd, 2023 Update No. 2' above.


November 7th, 2023 Update No. 2: I have decided to consolidate the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these campaign donations!

You see, I typically write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations that I make virtually every time that I make a campaign donation—within which I usually include the text from each political campaign's requesting email, or text message, along with some of each campaign's donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign (which is usually $3.00 per campaign), plus how much I tipped ActBlue (which is usually $0.11 per donation)—however, lately there has suddenly been quite a number of campaign donation requests!

Therefore, I have decided to forego my usual writing format for these type of political campaign donation 'updates' and combine every campaign donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing all of these individual 'updates' for campaign donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

And I mean no disrespect to the individual political campaigns—each of which used to receive their very own 'update' on my blog—however, the 2024 election cycle is really starting to gear up and I have made a (hopefully realistic) goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. Plus, I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The only political campaign communication that I responded to was an email from the Ryan Busse for Governor (Ryan Busse for Montana) campaign today, November 7th, 2023, with the subject line, "I’m a dad, a hunter, a former firearms exec, and I’m a proud Democrat running for Governor of Montana.", which stated the following:

Ryan Busse for Governor

Hi Paul, it's Ryan Busse. I’m a dad, a hunter, a former firearms exec, and I’m a proud Democrat running for Governor of Montana.

Right now, our way of life as Montanans is under attack. Thanks to billionaire Governor Greg Gianforte, Montana is being overrun by outsiders and his wealthy buddies who are buying their second, third, and fourth homes.

Meanwhile, real Montanans can’t even afford to live in our state anymore!

I believe in personal freedoms, responsibility, and opportunity for all Montanans. I believe in a Montana where we protect our rivers, public lands, and the air we breathe for our kids and grandkids. And I believe all Montana kids deserve a quality education.

A second term for Gianforte would be even more disastrous than his first. In just one term, he’s:

• Pushed for a huge property tax hike,
• Ignored Montana’s housing crisis,
• Limited our access to public lands,
• And threatened women’s privacy and freedom.

If given a second term, Gianforte will wipe out Montana’s Constitution, defund our public schools and turn Montana into a playground for the rich.

Do I need to go on?

Paul, this is going to be a competitive race, and there’s a LOT on the line. My team and I have to make some important decisions about where we’ll be focusing our efforts throughout the rest of this campaign. That’s where you come in.

Will you take 30 seconds to fill out this quick priorities survey to let me know what you want to see from my campaign? I’d really appreciate your input→


I’m running for Governor because as a ranch kid, I was taught that if you saw something that needed to be done, you just did it. And right now, Montana is at a crossroads.

I’m determined to fight back against the extremists who are dead-set on ruining our state and to represent ALL Montanans, not just the rich. In other words, your priorities are my priorities, Paul.

On the other hand, here’s a quick rundown of Greg Gianforte’s priorities…

❌ Raising property taxes for Montana homeowners
❌ Giving tax breaks to fellow billionaires and huge corporations
❌ Stripping funding from our public schools
❌ Kicking tens of thousands of people off Medicaid (including over 24,000 children!)
❌ Going after women’s healthcare rights

I’m not like Greg Gianforte, Paul. I’m just an everyday Montanan fighting for everyday Montanans, and I want to make sure I’m doing the best I can. So if you have 30 seconds, please fill out the following short survey and let me know what issues are most important to you and your family:


I really appreciate you taking the time to help me out, Paul.

Ryan Busse
Candidate for Governor of Montana


Ryan is running to fight for freedom, fairness, and common sense. Meanwhile, liars, cheats, billionaires, and fascists are unraveling American democracy before our eyes. We should be terrified of their anti-freedom agenda. Greg Gianforte is the problem. He’s already raised your taxes, ignored the high cost of housing, lied to Montanans, and even went jet-setting in Italy while Montanans had to deal with record-breaking floods. He’s just getting started. Ryan is ready to deliver “a new brand for Montana,” and protect the Last Best Place from Greg Gianforte’s dangerous, failed leadership.



***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Ryan Busse for Governor


Please fill out this quick priorities survey to let me know what you want to see from my campaign in the next few months!

First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Postal Code (Optional): [redacted] Mobile Phone (Optional): [redacted]

Which of the following issues are most important to you and your family right now? Please check all that apply. (Optional)

[✓] Rising costs of living

[✓] Gun violence

[✓] Reproductive rights and freedom

[✓] Healthcare

[✓] Medicare & Social Security

[✓] Protecting the environment

[✓] Preserving public lands and access to them

[✓] Public education

[✓] LGBTQ+ rights

[✓] Better roads, bridges, schools and hospitals

[✓] Supporting military & veterans

[✓] Other: I actually live in Portland, Oregon! So all of the above-mentioned issues are a concern for me as an Oregonian.

Are you frustrated with Greg Gianforte and other right-wing extremists’ attacks on freedom and democracy? (Optional)

[✓] Yes, I am
[  ] No, I’m not

Are you afraid of what will happen if we continue to let right-wing extremism go unchecked? (Optional)

[✓] Yes, I am
No, I’m not

Who would you prefer to be making decisions that directly impact you and your family: (Optional)

[✓] A dad, a hunter, a fisherman, and a proud Democrat

[  ] An extremist billionaire who only cares about making life even easier for himself and his wealthy cronies

Ryan Busse is running to fight back against right-wing extremism and represent ALL Montanans — not just the rich. Will you chip in any amount today to support Ryan’s campaign? (Optional)

[  ] Yes, I’ll chip in $25!

[  ] Yes, I’ll chip in $10!

[  ] Yes, I’ll chip in $5!

[✓] Yes, I’ll chip in an amount not listed here!

[  ] I can’t chip in right now (You will still be redirected to a donation page, but only to record your responses)



Any amount helps!

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Ryan Busse.

[  ] DONATE $10 →

[  ] DONATE $25 →

[  ] DONATE $50 →

[  ] DONATE $100 →

[  ] DONATE $250 →

[  ] DONATE $500 →

[  ] DONATE $1,000 →

[✓] OTHER AMOUNT $3.00

Please leave us a tip

Leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.11

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Ryan Busse for Montana campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) since "[Ryan's] running for Governor because as a ranch kid, [he] was taught that if you saw something that needed to be done, you just did it," and so "[he's] determined to fight back against the extremists who are dead-set on ruining [their] state and to represent ALL Montanans, not just the rich." You see, "thanks to billionaire Governor Greg Gianforte, Montana is being overrun by outsiders and his wealthy buddies who are buying their second, third, and fourth homes ... If given a second term, Gianforte will wipe out Montana’s Constitution, defund [Montana's] public schools and turn Montana into a playground for the rich."

Thus, this one campaign—Ryan Busse for Montana—is the political campaign that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written November 7th, 2023 and revised November 14th, 2023)


November 7th, 2023 No. 3—Which Also Discusses October 26th, 2023: I received a mailer from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) twelve days ago on October 26th, 2023, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "Right Now: Be a Defender of Democracy," as well as "YOUR ACTION PLAN IS ENCLOSED!", which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]


Mr. Paul [Middle Initial] Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

Dear Mr. Whiting,

I hope you're ready to stand with us as a staunch defender of democracy as we power full speed ahead towards Election Day.

We're just one year out from early voting in the 2024 elections and closely approaching three key governors' races this year. Our need to organize volunteers, mobilize voters, and secure digital and TV ad space to broadcast our message is growing each day.

MAGA Republicans are already hard at work trying to roll back the progress we've made and attack Americans' rights and freedoms.

For Democrats to win in 2023 and 2024, and defend our democracy from Republicans who are determined to destroy it, we need every supporter of the Democratic National Committee to, once again, join us in the fight for our nation's future.

Mr. Whiting, you've stood strong with the DNC before. Will you give an additional contribution of $20, $30, $40, or more today to help make the investments necessary now to win this year, next year, and to defeat Republicans up and down the ticket?

Dangerous MAGA Republicans are vying for their party's nomination in the race for the White House, promising to end protections on our critical rights and freedoms. Without a doubt, the winner of the presidency will shape our nation's future for generations to come.

But as we put our strong support into reelecting President Biden and Vice President Harris, we need to put just as much effort into electing down-ballot Democrats to help enact their progressive agenda and block GOP assaults on our fundamental rights. Some of the worst attacks on reproductive freedom, voting rights, public education, and more stem from Republican-led state legislatures.

With so much riding on the outcome of these elections from the state house to the White House — we can't afford to wait to scale up the strategies that will propel us to victory.

There are critical actions we must take between now and Election Day 2024 so we can safeguard democracy and advance an agenda the American people believe in. I've enclosed for you the DNC's 2023-2024 Action Plan. You can see what we're up against and how we have our work cut out for us. You can also see how you can help.

The DNC is fiercely dedicated to protecting our democracy. Because we can't just hope for a better, fairer, and brighter future. We have to fight for it — every day between now and Election Day. But it will take continued support from you and supporters like you to make our shared vision a reality.

You and I know that the votes we cast today directly shape our tomorrow. It's the DNC's job to spread the message to every voter about how the Biden-Harris administration and Democratic leaders in the states are moving our nation forward.

We need to be on the ground in communities across the country, showing voters the very real choice between progress with Democrats or a Republican Party that's laser-focused on turning back the clock. If we prevail, we'll restore a great measure of hope in our nation. If we don't succeed, we risk losing even more rights and freedoms.

I'm not willing to take that risk. That's why my team and I are on the ground now, organizing activists and building a winning strategy, so we can reelect President Biden and Vice President Harris, grow our Senate majority, take back the House from MAGA Republicans, and strengthen our state Parties to hold and flip state legislatures. But that takes a lot of work.

To win these elections in the months ahead we must ramp up today. Please donate now with the strongest contribution you can give to make it happen.

Your support today can pull our candidates over the finish line. With make-or-break races occurring across the country and at every level of government, the DNC must devote resources to candidates up and down the ballot.

This work will be fundamental to the Democratic Party's success, and the future we believe in. I hope you'll join us again,


[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
Democratic National Committee

P.S. Your power to defend democracy is greater than you may realize. When your support is combined with that of our network of grassroots supporters, we can reelect President Biden and Vice President Harris, secure a Democratic Congress, and elect Democrats nationwide who will protect the values that define us as Americans. Please return your urgent contribution to the DNC today in the envelope provided, or, put your gift to work immediately by donating at I look forward to keeping in touch.

Plus, there was also a letter from President Biden, which stated the following:


Dear Mr. Whiting,

Right now, Americans are faced with a decision about what kind of country we want to live in and what kind of future we want for future generations.

Election Day might seem like a long way off. But now is the time Democrats running for office nationwide must be able to engage with voters and demonstrate the very clear difference between Democrats' and Republicans' visions for the future:

Will we live in a country with more freedoms and opportunities, or one with less?

Mr. Whiting, it's up to us to fight for the future we want to see. There are big challenges. in front of us today. And to continue making progress for folks across this country, the Democratic National Committee is counting on you.

Every contribution — of $20, $30, $40, or more — will help Democrats to reach voters and share what our Party is doing to lift up Americans and communities nationwide.

Laying the groundwork early can decide close races months down the road. Your support today will help the DNC keep working around the clock so Democrats can achieve victory up and down the ballot, and safeguard our democracy I hope you'll stand with our Party again today.


Joe Biden
President of the United States

P.S. Your continued support for the DNC will help invest in resources to reach voters, ensure all voters have equal access to the ballot box, and stand in defense against Republicans' attacks on our freedoms. Thank you for your generous past support. Please stand with us again.

And, after I read both of the letters above, I read the referenced DNC's 2023-2024 Action Plan, which can be found below:

2023-2024 ELECTIONS

Democratic National Committee Action Plan

Republicans continue to do everything in their power to dismantle our democracy, and they are already launching well-funded attacks on Democratic candidates in key races. These races nearly always go down to the wire. We need your help to hold the line and secure Democratic gains. Please review our action plan and return your support now to defend democracy.

Elect Democrats at the State Level

The best way to stop the assault on our freedoms is by building Democratic power at the state level, in all 50 states and the territories. With strong Democratic candidates running in races across the country, we can beat back the GOP's extremist agenda and protect our democracy.

Defend and Grow Our Senate Majority

It is essential that we hold — and grow — our majority in the Senate. But it's a challenging state-by-state battle. We must defend more seats than the GOP does in 2024, including in states Trump won in 2020 like Ohio. West Virginia, and Montana, and in battleground states like Nevada, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan.

Take Back the House

Democrats have identified 62 seats in play next year in the US. House of Representatives. There are at-risk blue seats we must defend, seats currently held by extreme Republicans that we must flip from red to blue, as well as open seats we will have to fight for. The good news is that we need to net just five seats to take back the House next year.

Fight for Voting Rights

Democrats can't win if Republicans continue to keep voters from registering to vote, kick them off the voter rolls, or put up barriers at the polls. That's why the DNC invested in a full-time, national English- and Spanish-language voter hotline to help Americans check their registration status and determine how, when, and where to vote. Races up and down the ballot will be won or lost by razor-thin margins, so we have to be ready to defend every American's right to vote.

Support the DNC Today

In every key race and state, your donation will support our winning operations. Help us spread our message of accomplishment and hope, turn out the vote, and defend democracy by getting Democrats elected across our country and across the ticket. Please donate today!

[QR code] ← Scan this QR code with your smartphone's camera to let us know your thoughts on our Action Plan!

And, after I read the DNC's 2023-2024 Action Plan above, I scanned the above-mentioned QR code and opened the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


STRATEGY FOR REVIEW: DNC 2023-2024 Action Plan

We need your feedback — and it’s urgent: Republicans continue to do everything in their power to undermine our democracy, and they are already launching well-funded attacks on Democratic candidates all across the country. The fate of these races will depend on the resources provided by each Party.

We need your help to hold the line and secure Democratic gains. Will you please take just a moment to review our action plan and leave your feedback? We’re seeking input from 85 or more highly engaged Democrats before our next strategy meeting.

With so many attacks on basic freedoms happening at the state and local level, how important do you think it is to elect more Democrats to city councils and state legislatures?

[✓] Extremely important

[  ] Very important

[  ] Somewhat important

[  ] Not at all important

President Biden and Democrats have made so much progress thanks to our Senate majority, and we must protect that majority by defending seats — particularly in states that Trump won in 2020 like Ohio, West Virginia, and Montana, and in battleground states like Nevada, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan.

How much of a priority should protecting and expanding our Senate majority be for the DNC?

Not a priority
[  ] 1
[  ] 2
[  ] 3
[  ] 4
[✓] 5
The most urgent priority

The map to take back the House is critical. There are 62 seats in play, and Democrats only need to net five of them to win back the majority.

How much of a priority should winning key House races be for the DNC?

Not a priority
[  ] 1
[  ] 2
[  ] 3
[  ] 4
[✓] 5
The most urgent priority

Republicans have been working to institute several voter suppression tactics across the country, including making it harder for people to register to vote, kicking voters off the voter rolls, and putting up barriers at the polls.

The DNC has already invested in a full-time voter hotline for Americans to check their registration and determine how, when, and where to vote. How important do you think it is for the DNC to do even more to fight for voting rights?

[✓] Extremely important

[  ] Very important

[  ] Somewhat important

[  ] Not at all important

This is important: How committed are you to voting for Democrats and helping Democrats up and down the ballot win elections?

Not committed
[  ] 1
[  ] 2
[  ] 3
[  ] 4
[✓] 5
100% committed

Thank you for your feedback. President Biden is running for reelection as president of the United States to build on the already historic progress he’s made for our country, and Democrats everywhere are fighting hard to win back full control of Congress.

But Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Democrats across the country can’t win without grassroots support. So we’re helping raise another $10,000 before our next fundraising deadline at midnight tonight. Can we count on you to help us get there with a donation of just $40 or more?

[✓] Yes, I can donate $40 to help reelect Joe Biden and elect Democrats up and down the ballot.*

[  ] Yes, and I can donate $65! (This is the average amount Democrats have given in response to this action plan.)

[  ] Yes, and I can make a monthly investment to help the DNC reelect Joe Biden and elect Democrats everywhere!

*[Blogger's Note: I selected this option—although I donated less than $40—because it's an option that got me to the donation webpage!]

Democratic National Committee (DNC) - Direct Marketing

Support the Democratic National Committee Donate to help elect Democrats up and down the ballot nationwide!

Your generous donation will help us fight for the Biden-Harris agenda, hold the GOP accountable, and elect more Democrats. Donate to the DNC now to invest in the resources our candidates are relying on to compete and win year after year.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Democratic National Committee (DNC) - Direct Marketing.

[  ] Donate $5 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $7.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.41

[  ] Leave no tip

And, after I read the letters and the DNC 2023-2024 Action Plan above, as well as after I took the survey above, I competed the reply form "2023 — 2024 Action Plan: My Contribution to Defend Democracy and Elect Democrats!", a relevant quote from which can be found below:

YES, [name redacted]! I understand the need to put our election plans into action now to defeat Republicans and defend democracy. I am committed to holding and growing our Democratic majorities up and down the ballot, protecting voting rights, investing in state Parties, and more.

Enclosed is my urgent contribution to the DNC to power this work, in the amount of:

[  ] $20

[  ] $30

[  ] $40

[✓] Other $7.00

Go to to put your gift to work immediately.

Thus, I made a one-time donation to the DNC (with a tip to ActBlue) today, November 7th, 2023, in order to confirm the reply memorandum statement above, since "I am committed to holding and growing our Democratic majorities up and down the ballot, protecting voting rights, investing in state Parties, and more."

By the way, I usually respond to these political mailers closer to the time that I actually receive them! However, I placed this mailer on the left side of my computer desk where I group together all of my future donations that I am planning to make, so that I'll remember to make those donations. And I had this mailer within the stack of donations that I am planning to make for Thanksgiving (and, eventually, Christmas) to those particular charitable organizations that send requests for holiday donations with "meal vouchers" enclosed. Then today, November 7th, 2023, I decided to go through that stack of mailers, since I received another Thanksgiving mailer today, in preparation for making my Thanksgiving donations, which I try to do about ten days before Thanksgiving Day. So—lo and behold—I see this mailer from the DNC grouped with my future holiday donations! And I realized that I had accidentally placed this mailer with those other mailers without ever opening it...even though I took the time to handwrite on the envelope "Received on 10/26/2023," which is the day that I got this DNC mailer. You see, I only hand write the date that I have received mailers if I am planning to donate to them. Thus, I realized my error today when I started to get my Thanksgiving charitable organization mailers ready, because I am planning to donate for Thanksgiving, in a few days, on November 13th, 2023. (Whew!)

–Paul Whiting (written November 7th, 2023 and revised November 12th, 2023)

P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.)


November 8th, 2023 Update No. 1: I have decided to consolidate the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these campaign donations!

You see, I typically write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations that I make virtually every time that I make a campaign donation—within which I usually include the text from each political campaign's requesting email, or text message, along with some of each campaign's donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign (which is usually $3.00 per campaign), plus how much I tipped ActBlue (which is usually $0.11 per donation)—however, lately there has suddenly been quite a number of campaign donation requests!

Therefore, I have decided to forego my usual writing format for these type of political campaign donation 'updates' and combine every campaign donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing all of these individual 'updates' for campaign donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

And I mean no disrespect to the individual political campaigns—each of which used to receive their very own 'update' on my blog—however, the 2024 election cycle is really starting to gear up and I have made a (hopefully realistic) goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. Plus, I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The first political campaign communication that I responded to was an email from the Ilhan Omar for Congress (Ilhan for Congress) campaign today, November 8th, 2023, with the subject line, "I am asking you to personally endorse my reelection.", which stated the following:

Ilhan for Congress

Paul -

I am someone who has survived war and experienced injustice firsthand, who is alive today because I was welcomed into this country as a refugee.

28 years ago I arrived in America as a young refugee. I would never in my wildest dreams have imagined that I would have the opportunity to represent the community that welcomed me with open arms in Congress.

I never imagined that I would have the privilege to directly impact policy in ways that would make our world, our democracy and our economy better for working families like mine. I get to wake up every day and fight for little girls like me dreaming of a safer future.

When I got to Congress, my colleagues and the DC pundits told me that I was destined to fail. They said the first Somali, refugee, Muslim, Hijabi-wearing and only African-born person in Congress couldn’t lead our movement in an institution with rules not created for us. They said I would never succeed in creating change.

But we did not back down. We fought hard for our ideas. We forced climate action to the top of the agenda. We empowered Medicare to finally negotiate prescription drug prices. We made justice our priority.

But this work is far from over, and the insiders and special interests who never wanted me in Congress are going to come back with more money and resources than ever before to try to take me down in 2024.

So I am asking you to stand with me and our movement today. Will you add your name to personally endorse my reelection?


When I was first elected to Congress in 2018, our ideas were called radical.

Medicare for All
A Green New Deal
Raising the Minimum Wage
Canceling Student Loans
Banning Assault Weapons

Together, our progressive movement made these ideas mainstream. We demanded an economy that works for the many, not the few. All of us — and especially young people — deserve a country that lives up to her promise of justice for all.

There’s no doubt that these ideas have put a constant target on me from Republicans and their corporate allies. The DC insiders and special interests that thrive on the status quo have come after me nonstop. Every election, they recruit another challenger who will fall in line with their agenda, and their super PACs pump my district full of dark money to try to silence all of us.

They are already preparing to do it again in 2024. But I didn’t come to Congress to be silent. I came to Congress to be a voice for you. For working families. For little girls like me. And for those who have felt ignored or silenced for too long.

Today, I need you to add your voice to mine as we prepare for the fights ahead.

Please add your name to personally endorse my reelection. I need as many people as possible to stand with me in this campaign.

It may seem like a small action, but your voice is powerful. It’s a way to say that you are with our progressive movement for the fights ahead.

Our movement’s greatest strength is our collective power. Together, we will secure real change and a just future.

In solidarity,

Ilhan Omar


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Ilhan for Congress


No one — not Ilhan Omar or anyone else — can take on the right-wing and fight back against extremist Republicans alone. That's something that will ONLY happen if we're all in this together.

Will you add your name to personally endorse Ilhan Omar for Congress? We're looking for a LOT of signatures today, and are hoping yours is next on our list.

First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
Email address: [redacted]
ZIP Code: [redacted]
Mobile phone: [redacted]

Will you consider making a donation to our campaign to re-elect Congresswoman Ilhan Omar? Our movement is powered by grassroots support. (Not required, but appreciated!)

[✓] Yes, I'll donate $3
[  ] Yes, I'll donate $20
[  ] Yes, and I'll donate more!


Thanks for adding your name! Now take the next step:

Ilhan is fighting against the status quo and for an America that puts people first — never corporations.

Chip in whatever you can to make sure Ilhan can keep fighting for our progressive values in Congress.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Ilhan Omar.

[  ] $5 →

[  ] $10 →

[  ] $25 →

[  ] $50 →

[  ] $100 →

[  ] $250 →

[  ] $500 →

[✓] Other $3.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.11

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Ilhan Omar for Congress campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to "personally endorse Ilhan Omar for Congress."


The second political campaign communication that I responded to was a text message today, November 8th, 2023, from the Jacky Rosen for Nevada (Jacky Rosen for U.S. Senate) campaign, which stated the following:

Paul, President Biden has spent his time in the White House delivering crucial progress and strong leadership for the American people.

Because voter enthusiasm is now a key indicator of future voter turnout patterns, it's crucial to know where YOU stand so we can set a winning strategy for the coming months.

Our rapid-response survey is closing at 11:59 p.m. tonight, and we're still missing 12 responses from – including yours. So please, Paul, tell us now:

Will you vote for President Biden in 2024?

[✓] YES >>***
[  ] NO >>

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Jacky Rosen for U.S. Senate

Thank you for standing with President Biden! To confirm your submission, please enter your information below:

First Name: Paul

Email: [redacted]

Mobile Phone: [redacted]

Biden 2024 Survey | 11:59 p.m. Deadline

Thank you for standing with President Biden! Will you now take just 60 seconds to answer a few more quick questions? We’re relying on your grassroots input to help us defeat the GOP and win in 2024. – Team Rosen

If the presidential election were held today, would you support Joe Biden over Donald Trump?

[✓] Yes, absolutely.

[  ] No, I want Trump back in the White House.

Which of President Biden and Senate Democrats' accomplishments are you most excited about? (Select all that apply.)

[  ] Expanding access to the COVID-19 vaccines

[  ] Creating millions of new jobs

[  ] Providing student loan forgiveness to hundreds of thousands of Americans

[  ] Making climate change action a top priority

[  ] Fighting to protect and expand voting rights

[  ] Enshrining marriage equality into federal law

[  ] Addressing the gun violence epidemic

[  ] Expanding access to health care

[  ] Nominating and confirming historic judicial nominees like Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson

[✓] All of the above!

In your opinion, which of the following issues are most important for President Biden to prioritize in his 2024 campaign? (Select TWO only.)

[  ] Fighting inflation and lowering everyday costs for families

[  ] Protecting and expanding voting rights

[  ] Restoring abortion rights

[  ] Expanding access to quality, affordable health care

[  ] Securing bold climate action

[  ] Passing commonsense gun reforms

[  ] Raising the minimum wage

[  ] Investing in public education

[✓] Other: All of the above!

Democrats are fighting every day to deliver progress that will directly impact you and your family. But here's the problem: The GOP is just two seats away from retaking Senate control, and according to experts at CNN, it could all come down to battleground Nevada - just like in 2022. Do you think we should do everything we can to keep Nevada and the Senate blue?

[✓] Yes, we can't let Mitch McConnell and GOP extremists regain power.

[  ] No, I support McConnell and GOP extremists.

Jacky Rosen (D-NV) is one of the most vulnerable senators in the country. The GOP knows this, which is why they're coming after her as a TOP target for defeat. Now, polling shows her 2 points down!

The only way she can fight back, pull ahead, and protect her critical seat is with immediate grassroots support from people like you. She needs to raise another $5,724 by midnight - so please, will you give $5 or more right now to win in Nevada and defend Democrats' Senate majority?

[✓] Yes, I can give $5.*

[  ] Yes, and I can give more!

*[Blogger's Note: I selected this option—although I donated less than $5—because it's an option that got me to the donation webpage!]

Jacky Rosen for U.S. Senate

Donate now to keep Nevada blue, defend our Democratic Senate majority, and protect reproductive rights nationwide!

In this post-Roe v. Wade America, the GOP is working around the clock to restrict abortion access – even proposing a national ban – and we must do everything in our power to stop them. I’m fighting in the Senate to protect reproductive rights in Nevada and across the country, but I can’t do it alone.

The battle for Senate control could once again come down to Nevada, and the GOP is zeroing in on me as a top target for defeat. Now, experts at The Washington Post say that I’m one of the most endangered Democrats up for reelection. That’s why I’m asking for your immediate grassroots support.

Sitting on the sidelines is simply not an option – so please: Will you chip in now to help me keep Nevada and the Senate blue?

Thank you,

Jacky Rosen

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Jacky Rosen.

[  ] Donate $5→

[  ] Donate $10→

[  ] Donate $15→

[  ] Donate $25→

[  ] Donate $50→

[  ] Donate $100→

[  ] Donate $250→

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.11

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Jacky Rosen for Nevada campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) because "[Jacky Rosen is] fighting in the Senate to protect reproductive rights in Nevada and across the country," since "the battle for Senate control could once again come down to Nevada, and the GOP is zeroing in on [Jacky] as a top target for defeat." That's why "sitting on the sidelines is simply not an option – so [I chipped] in now to help [Jacky] keep Nevada and the Senate blue!"

Thus, these two campaigns—Ilhan Omar for Congress, as well as Jacky Rosen for Nevada—are the political campaigns that I donated to today, for the most part!* –Paul Whiting (written November 8th, 2023 and revised November 14th, 2023)

*P.S.: Please see my 'November 8th, 2023 Update No. 4,' which can be found below, for a donation that I made between the Sherrod Brown - Senator for Ohio campaign and Brady PAC (Brady Political Action Committee) as a split donation.


November 8th, 2023 Update No. 2: I received an email from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) today, November 8th, 2023, with the subject line, "The state of abortion rights after last night's elections", which stated the following:

Paul –

Last night was a critical victory for reproductive freedom. Results in Ohio, Virginia, and Pennsylvania demonstrate what we know to be true across America: The overwhelming majority of people want to protect reproductive freedom and abortion access.

In Ohio, voters said loud and clear that they won't put up with politicians banning abortion and forcing people to carry pregnancies against their will. They passed Issue 1 to enshrine a right to reproductive freedom, including decisions about abortion, contraceptives, and miscarriage care, in the state constitution.

In Virginia, voters elected a pro-abortion rights majorities in the General Assembly, rejecting pledges from anti-abortion extremists to pass a 15-week abortion ban if they took power.

In Pennsylvania, voters elected a new justice to the state Supreme Court who will protect abortion access, maintaining a majority on the court that will be a backstop against potential attacks on reproductive freedom.

These are resounding wins for reproductive freedom. They demonstrate that abortion rights represent the will of the people. But across the country, in more than a dozen states, abortion bans remain in place – impacting more than 20 million people who could be denied care. State-by-state victories, while crucial, will not solve the crisis created by Roe being overturned. We need federal protections for abortion.

In the wake of these victories and the ongoing post-Roe crisis, we're urging you to demand that Congress pass federal legislation protecting abortion and birth control.


The ACLU devoted significant resources across Ohio, Virginia, and Pennsylvania – and partnered with incredible reproductive freedom champions on the ground to secure these victories.

But the fight is far from over. The ACLU will do everything in its power to secure federal protections for abortion rights – and fight any and all attempts to ban abortion nationwide. We'll need you with us through it all, Paul, and are truly grateful for being with us in this fight.

Thank you for taking action,

The ACLU Team

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:


It's now been a year since the Supreme Court's shameful decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, and states across the country have moved to enforce abortion bans – stripping millions of people of their right to decide if, and when, to start a family. As politicians continue to attack our bodily autonomy nationwide, we need federal safeguards more than ever. We need Congress to act.

The House has already re-introduced a bill to affirm the right for health care workers to provide birth control and for people to use it. But more protections are needed to defend reproductive freedom across the board, especially abortion access. Please, send a message to Congress now and urge them to support legislation that safeguards the right to access abortion and all reproductive health care nationwide.

Message Recipients: Your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative


Subject: Defend Reproductive Freedom Now

As your constituent, I'm writing to ask you to support legislation that protects abortion access and reproductive freedom on the federal level. At a time when our right to bodily autonomy is under attack more than ever before, it is increasingly urgent that our country protect access to essential health care nationwide.

We are a year out from the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, and even though the vast majority of Americans support access to abortion, politicians around the country are passing laws that ban care, forcing people to travel thousands of miles to the closest provider, self-manage care, or suffer through the life-altering impacts of pregnancy and giving birth against their will. These same politicians have also taken aim at birth control. We cannot allow our reproductive freedom to be chipped away like this.

Our right to make decisions for our own health, futures, and lives are on the line: Please protect everyone's ability to access abortion care and birth control care now.


[First Name] [Last Name]


Salutation (required by some officials): Mr.
First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
E-mail address: [redacted]
Address: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Zip Code: [redacted]
Phone: [redacted]

And, after I sent the letter above, I received a confirmation email today, November 8th, 2023, from the ACLU with the subject line, "One more thing - can you spread the word?", which stated the following:

Hi Paul,

Thank you for taking action to defend reproductive freedom.

Help us build our power: Share the action by forwarding the email below to your friends, or by sharing this link:

Thank you,

The ACLU Team


Hi friend,

After the Supreme Court's shameful decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, states across the country have moved to enforce abortion bans – stripping millions of people of their right to decide if, and when, to start a family.

As politicians continue to attack our bodily autonomy nationwide, we need federal safeguards more than ever.

That's why I just joined the ACLU in sending a message to Congress urging them to support legislation that safeguards the right to access abortion and all reproductive health care nationwide.

Will you join me?


Plus, after I sent the letter above to my U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative, via the ACLU website, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU because "last night [November 7th, 2023] was a critical victory for reproductive freedom." However, "across the country, in more than a dozen states, abortion bans remain in place – impacting more than 20 million people who could be denied care." Therefore, "state-by-state victories, while crucial, will not solve the crisis created by Roe being overturned." Thus, "in the wake of these victories and the ongoing post-Roe crisis, [I urgently demanded] that Congress pass federal legislation protecting abortion and birth control."

By the way, after I sent the above-mentioned letter to my U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative, I checked my blog post titled, "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" and I realized that I already took this action to "Defend Reproductive Freedom Now" on June 24th, 2023 (please see my 'June 24th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above) however, that was about five months ago, so sending this letter again was probably a good idea!

–Paul Whiting (written November 8th, 2023, revised November 9th, 2023 and revised November 27th, 2023)


November 8th, 2023 Update No. 3: I received an email from Everytown for Gun Safety today, November 8th, 2023, with the subject line, "Victories for gun safety up and down the ballot!", which stated the following:

Paul, gun safety won BIG at the ballot box last night.

Across the country, and up and down the ballot, Gun Sense Candidates who ran on the issue of gun safety won their elections. In Virginia, where MAGA Republicans were hoping to win a trifecta, we not only held a Gun Sense Majority in the Senate, but flipped the House of Delegates to secure a Gun Sense Majority in both chambers—including nine Moms Demand Action volunteers.

We're especially proud of the 162 Moms Demand Action volunteers across the country who ran for office in this year's elections—a majority of whom have already declared victory in the races called so far! There are now more former Moms Demand Action volunteers in elected office than ever before. Truly, our volunteer-led movement is bringing real change at all levels of government thanks to their hard work, expertise, and organizing power.

Yesterday's victories prove once again that gun safety is a winning issue at the ballot box. And it's evidence that the movement to end gun violence is stronger than ever.

Paul, while we're celebrating our wins, we're more determined than ever to forge ahead in our work to pass stronger gun laws, take on the powerful gun lobby, and end gun violence in America. And we couldn't do it without supporters like you: Help fuel our movement so we can continue our life-saving work to fight for a future free from gun violence.


We know we've got our work cut out for us in the year ahead, but we've never backed down from the hard work it will take to defeat the gun lobby and fight for the changes we need to end gun violence.

Thank you for being a part of this incredible movement,

Everytown for Gun Safety

As a movement of Americans fighting for common-sense gun policies, we depend on contributions from supporters like you to fund important work to reduce gun violence.

Contributions to Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund are not tax-deductible as a charitable contribution or as a business expense under IRC Section 162(e).


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I made a one-time donation to Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund in order to "help fuel [Everytown for Gun Safety's] movement so we can continue our life-saving work to fight for a future free from gun violence." –Paul Whiting (November 8th, 2023)


November 8th, 2023 Update No. 4: I received an email from Brady PAC (Brady Political Action Committee) today, November 8th, 2023, that was written by Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown, with the subject line, "Our huge win in Ohio", which stated the following:

This is monumental news, Paul: Ohioans just resoundingly voted to enshrine abortion access in our state’s constitution!

Voters came out in droves yesterday to send a clear message: Ohioans believe women’s health care decisions should be between them and their doctors, not politicians.

Moments like this make me especially proud to be an Ohioan – and to represent my state in the Senate. Now that we've protected abortion access in Ohio, I promise you that I'll continue to work every day to make sure women’s rights to make their own health care decisions are also protected nationwide.

But here's the deal: I'm up for reelection, and I'm running against three anti-abortion extremists – all of whom would support a national abortion ban. The latest polls show us neck and neck, and our Democratic Senate majority is up for grabs. If I'm going to win this race and protect abortion rights from Mitch McConnell, I need your immediate grassroots support.

So today, as we celebrate this victory, I'm personally asking you to help me keep up our momentum: Will you chip in $5 or more now – split between my campaign and Brady PAC’s – to defend Ohio's Democratic seat and protect our pro-choice Senate majority?


Thank you for joining me in this fight. I’m so grateful to have you by my side.

In solidarity,

Sherrod Brown

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Donate to Sherrod Brown and Brady PAC >>

Politico reports that Ohio could decide Senate control, and Mitch McConnell has personally named Sherrod Brown a top GOP target in 2024.

That's why this race is on track to be one of the most competitive and expensive in the country.

Please, will you split a gift between Brady PAC and Sherrod Brown before midnight to power our movement to victory?

Split your donation:

Total contribution $5.00

Customize amounts

Brady PAC $2.00

Sherrod Brown (OH-Sen) $3.00

[✓] Donate $5

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I split a one-time donation between Brady PAC (the sister organization of which is Brady: United Against Gun Violence) and Sherrod Brown - Senator for Ohio (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to "defend Ohio's Democratic seat and protect our pro-choice Senate majority." –Paul Whiting (November 8th, 2023)


November 8th, 2023 Update No. 5—Which Also Discusses November 7th, 2023 And November 9th, 2023: [CONTENT WARNING: THIS UPDATE CONTAINS ARTICLES WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!] This 'update' that I am writing today, November 8th, 2023, is from both my usual reading of Time Magazine articles, as well as from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google.

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day, which usually starts with me reading Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails that I receive each day. Then, I usually check each day's news via a Google search under several news topics sometime after I check my email, as well as after I check my previous day's cellular data usage, which I track very carefully.

Thus, I usually check on what is happening in the news via various Google searches that I do on an oftentimes daily basis under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Time Magazine emails and/or from those Google news searches.

Now, I usually try to publish these current news 'updates' on the day that I actually read the news articles referenced in the 'update'; however, lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news!

Not only that, I have been busy, as well, with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that require their very own 'updates!' Besides that, I am often engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

Plus, I am trying to throttle my cellular data usage in order to stay below the amount of usage that my data plan offers each month, which I track very carefully, so that I don't go over that amount.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received today, November 8th, 2023, as well as that I received yesterday, November 7th, 2023, when I noticed the following articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The following are the articles which I received yesterday, November 7th, 2023:

The first Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "Jailed Iranian Activist and Nobel Laureate Narges Mohammadi Goes on Hunger Strike":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "As Israeli Forces Encircle Gaza City, the War Enters a New Phase": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The following are the articles which I received today, November 8th, 2023:

The third Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received today) is titled, "I Was Trafficked as a Teen. Here’s What I Want People to Understand":


The fourth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received today) is titled, "House Republicans Narrow Strategies to Avert Government Shutdown, but Can’t Find Consensus":


The fifth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received today) is titled, "U.S. House Votes to Censure Rep. Rashida Tlaib Over Israel Stance":


The sixth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received today) is titled, "Ohio Votes to Protect Abortion Access in Major Statewide Victory for Reproductive Rights":


The seventh Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received today) is titled, "Gun Injuries to Children Have Soared. So Have Their Impacts": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT GUN VIOLENCE WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The eighth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received today) is titled, "Supreme Court to Decide Whether Some Domestic Abusers Can Have Guns":


The ninth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received today) is titled, "How Ukraine is Pioneering New Ways to Prosecute War Crimes":

Continuing on—as I mentioned above—lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news. And I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, November 8th, 2023, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

[Blogger's Note: I actually didn't check the news for November 8th, 2023 until shortly before midnight PST (Pacific Standard Time)! So, this could be considered the current news for either late November 8th, 2023, or early November 9th, 2023, depending upon how you look at it.]

Therefore, due to this sudden inundation of news, I am simply opening a webpage for each of the various news articles that I am planning to read, based upon the title of each news article and/or based upon the topic of each news article, in preparation for reading each article later on.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, due to the number of articles for which I have an introduction to write lately, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

And to clarify: I still have to read these articles! So, I have each article opened as a webpage on my smartphone's Google browser until such a time as I can get around to actually reading them, due to the number of them.

Another clarification: I greatly simplified how these articles are listed—that I still have yet to read—in order to set them apart from the articles in previous 'updates' where I have already read the articles. Plus, I am listing these articles by the initial Google search category under which I found each article. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.] And I will indicate whether, or not, I have read each article below its title and hyperlink.

Thus, I will indicate the date that I read each article below the title and hyperlink to the article, after I read the article. Therefore, I plan to indicate when I complete reading the articles below, whenever I can actually get around to reading them—when I have access to WiFi, such as at my local library, or at a place of business where I have been shopping, or at a coffee shop, etc., in order to save usage on my cellular data plan through my mobile phone company, as noted above.


1. CNN
Live updates: Election Day 2023 (The latest from elections in Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky and results)

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

2. NBC News
House censures Rep. Rashida Tlaib over Israel remarks

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

3. Ukrinform (The National News Agency of Ukraine)
Ukraine interested in engaging American businesses in recovery projects - PM Shmyhal

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

4. Department of Defense
Nation Celebrates Native American Heritage Month > U.S.

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



5. The New York Times (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
Blinken Says Palestinian Authority Could Lead Gaza After War (Blinken Lays Out Possible Endgame in Gaza Under Palestinian Authority)

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

6. AP News
Election results 2023: Biggest moments from key races (Democrats won big on abortion rights Tuesday. Here’s what the results say for the US going into 2024)

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

7. The Guardian
Abortion rights and historic wins: key takeaways from the US’s off-year elections

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

8. CNN
Live updates: Republican presidential debate in Miami on NBC News

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

9. Reuters
US says prostitution ring counted politicians, tech execs, lawyers as clients

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

10. NBC News
U.S. looks to China to commit to working together on fentanyl crisis as Biden and Xi prepare to meet

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

11. Al Jazeera
Why are US Republicans pushing for aid to Israel but not Ukraine?

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



12. USA Today (By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)
Were 2023 election results 'another loss for Trump'? 3 key takeaways

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



13. AP News
Democratic lawmakers want President Biden to protect Palestinians in US from being forced home

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

14. Chicago Tribune
President Biden, state and city launching migrant work permit program (President Biden, Illinois and Chicago officials launching a one-stop work permit program for migrants)

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

15. ABC7 Chicago
President joe Biden set to visit Belvidere, Illinois, where Stellantis will reopen assembly plant as part of UAW deal

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

16. CBS News
Biden says he asked Netanyahu for a pause in fighting on Monday

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



17. Reuters
Joe Biden, Xi Jinping set to steal APEC spotlight with talks to steady ties

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

18. AP News
The US and Chinese finance ministers are opening talks to lay the groundwork for a Biden-Xi meeting

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

19. Council on Foreign Relations (" an American think tank specializing in U.S. foreign policy and international relations.")
Can a Summit Ease U.S.-China Tensions?

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

20. Chicago Tribune
President Biden coming to Belvidere, says UAW deal confirms economic plan

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

21. Politico
What the UAW and Big 3 really thought of Biden's picket line visit

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



22. NBC News
Election 2023 results: Ohio voters approve abortion protections; Kentucky re-elects Democrat

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

23. Politico
6 takeaways from New Jersey Democrats' unexpected big night

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

24. NBC News
Democrats block GOP bid to take control of Virginia state government (Virginia Democrats block GOP bid to take full control of state government)

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

25. AP News Youngkin expresses disappointment in legislative wins by Virginia Democrats, pledges bipartisanship

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

26. The Daily Beast
Fox News Left Shell Shocked by Dems' Election Night Romp

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

27. NBC News
Democrats criticize Rep. Rashida Tlaib for her pro-Palestinian comments

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

28. WHYY (" a television station licensed to Wilmington, Delaware, United States, serving as the primary PBS member station for the Philadelphia area.") How Democrats flipped a Central Bucks School Board embroiled in controversy

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

29. 6ABC ["WPVI-TV (channel 6), branded on-air as 6 ABC, is a television station in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, serving as the market's ABC outlet."]
Democrats flip school board majority in Central Bucks, Pennridge, Perkiomen Valley school districts after elections

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

30. NBC10 Philadelphia ["WCAU (channel 10) is a television station in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, serving as the market's NBC outlet."] Bucks Co. voters reject controversial conservative school reforms that drew national interest

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



31. NPR (National Public Radio)
5 Republican candidates debated in Miami. Here are some highlights (Here are some of the memorable moments in the third GOP presidential debate)

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

32. ABC News
'A complete failure': Senate Republicans on a punishing election night

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

33. NBC News
GOP strategists urge congressional candidates to campaign against a national abortion ban

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

34. NBC News
Republicans say it's time for a wake-up call on abortion. Again.

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

35. NBC News
House Republicans don't want a government shutdown, but there's still no plan

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

36. The New York Times (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
House Republicans Toil for a Spending Strategy With a Shutdown Close at Hand

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

37. Reuters
As shutdown looms, US House Republicans search for stopgap solution

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



38. CNN
Takeaways from elections in Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky and more

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

39. NBC News
Highlights from the third Republican Debate: Ramaswamy, Haley and DeSantis spar over Trump, abortion and the economy

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

40. CNN
Takeaways from the third Republican presidential debate

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

41. The New York Times (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
Meta to Require Political Advertisers to Disclose Use of A.I.

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

42. AP News
To help 2024 voters, Meta says it will begin labeling political ads that use AI-generated imagery

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

43. ABC News
To help 2024 voters, Meta says it will begin labeling political ads that use AI-generated imagery

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

Ohio Votes to Guarantee Abortion Rights | Political News | U.S. News

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

45. Politico
Feds charge 3 with running high-end brothels allegedly frequented by politicians

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



46. Hindustan Times
Top 3 Hamas leaders worth $11 billion. Its goal is ‘not to run Gaza, but…’ (Top 3 Hamas leaders worth $11 billion. Its goal is ‘not to bring water, electricity to Gaza, but…’)

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

47. ABC News
White House says Israel should not reoccupy Gaza, after Netanyahu remarks

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

48. NDTV (New Delhi Television)
Fight "Until It Ends" For The Israeli Military In Devastated Gaza

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



49. NASA Climate Change
Vanishing Corals, Part Two: Climate Change is Stressing Corals, But There's Hope

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

50. The New York Times (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
Fossil Fuel Use Increasing, Not Decreasing, as Key Target Looms (Nations That Vowed to Halt Warming Are Expanding Fossil Fuels, Report Finds)

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



51. Reuters
Caesars averts strike in deal with Las Vegas unions

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

52. ABC News
Tentative deal is close with Las Vegas hotel workers union amid strike threat, says MGM's CEO

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

53. The New York Times
Tesla Faces Blockade in All Swedish Ports, Union Says

[I have NOT read this article yet.]



54. KGW ("...a television station in Portland, Oregon, United States, affiliated with NBC.")
Shopping for the holidays? These 9 pop-up shops are open around downtown Portland

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

55. KPTV (" a television station in Portland, Oregon, United States. affiliated with the Fox network.")
Downtown Portland welcomes holiday season

[I have NOT read this article yet.]

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written November 8th, 2023, revised November 9th, 2023, revised November 10th, 2023, revised November 26th, 2023, revised January 28th, 2024 and revised April 26th, 2024)


November 9th, 2023 Update No. 1: I received an email from the World Jewish Congress, American Section, today, November 9th, 2023, with the subject line, "Remembrance of Kristallnacht is different this year", which stated the following:

World Jewish Congress
American Section


85 years ago today: Kristallnacht, the Night of Broken Glass.

Only a month ago, in our eternal homeland, we experienced the most deadly single-day attack on Jews since the Holocaust. At this devastating time, our remembrance of Kristallnacht is all is all the more painful, and urgent.

On November 9, 1938, across Nazi Germany, Austria, and Czechoslovakia, synagogues and Jewish businesses, homes, and schools were vandalized, burned, and destroyed. Jews were murdered and some 30,000 Jewish men were arrested and sent to concentration camps. It was the start of the Holocaust.

These shocking events foreshadowed the tragedy to come. And they remind us today that we can never be silent in the face of antisemitic terror and evil.

We had hoped that the hatred we faced back then would never, could never, resurface. Painfully, we were wrong. We have been sounding the alarm over the past several years about growing and spreading antisemitic sentiments. Now, sadly, our worst nightmare has come to pass.

Paul, in 1938 our voice was small, and we did not have sufficient resources to fight back. But today, we are not powerless. Today, when we stand together as one united global Jewish family, we have the strength and resolve to take urgent action to protect global Jewry and stand with Israel at this critical moment. Your gift to the World Jewish Congress, American Section, empowers all the WJC’s crucial work to confront antisemitism and defend the Jewish future from any and every threat.


In a time when antisemitism is rising rapidly and becoming mainstream — when celebrities, public figures, and political voices across the spectrum continue to voice anti-Israel and anti-Jewish rhetoric and spread lies and propaganda that should be condemned by all — we must all do everything in our power to fight back against this vile resurgence of Jew hatred.

If not now, when?

Paul, please make a tax-deductible gift today to the World Jewish Congress, American Section, to ensure that the WJC will have the necessary funding to safeguard all Jewish communities.

Thank you, as always, for your commitment to our founding ideal and shared belief that “all Jews are responsible for one another.”

World Jewish Congress

P.S. Your support today will go right to work to stand in solidarity with Israel and fight for the safety and security of global Jewry. We are in a battle for the Jewish future. It is a battle we cannot afford to lose — so please, donate today.

Support Our Work

The World Jewish Congress, American Section, supports the vital work and projects of the World Jewish Congress. For more information on the World Jewish Congress, visit

And so, I made a one-time donation to the World Jewish Congress, American Section, in order to "ensure that the WJC will have the necessary funding to safeguard all Jewish communities." –Paul Whiting (November 9th, 2023)


November 9th, 2023 Update No. 2: I received an email from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) today, November 9th, 2023, with the subject line, "A 14-year-old girl recounts the terror of Kristallnacht", which stated the following:

Kristallnacht: Targeted for being Jewish

“Get out, you dirty Jew.” When Hedy Wachenheimer heard her principal shout these words at her, she said, “I heard it, but I couldn’t believe it.”

It was in Germany on November 10, 1938, the day 14-year-old Hedy said her whole world collapsed.

Shortly after school began, her principal, usually mild-mannered and kind, entered her classroom to make the hateful speech. He then instructed the other students to join a public demonstration against the Jews. On their way outside, some of her own classmates pushed Hedy and also called her a “dirty Jew.”

The only other Jewish student at the school, a boy named Hans, joined Hedy in her deserted classroom. Out the window, they saw a group of Jewish men chained together, SS members whipping them as they were forced to march down the street.

Hedy and Hans went to call their parents to find out what to do, but instead of familiar voices, they were met by an operator, announcing the line was disconnected. Afraid and confused, they decided to go home.

Learn what happened next when Hedy went to find her parents in Kippenheim, Germany, on Kristallnacht, or the “Night of Broken Glass.”

What happened next?

[Blogger's Note: I read the USHMM Memory & Action article titled, "From Neighbors to Enemies: When a Community Disowned a Girl."]

Learn More
Kristallnacht 85 YEARS AGO

What Is the History of Kristallnacht?

Nationwide night of violence >>

[Blogger's Note: I read the USHMM Holocaust Encyclopedia article titled, "KRISTALLNACHT."]

The Night of Broken Glass: A Warning of Future Nazi Crimes

Watch the program >>

[Blogger's Note: I watched the USHMM YouTube video titled, "The Night of Broken Glass: A Warning of Future Nazi Crimes."]

Attacks on Jews Shock Americans

Responses to Kristallnacht >>

[Blogger's Note: I viewed the USHMM Exhibitions slide titled, "PUBLIC OPINION POLLS AFTER KRISTALLNACHT." And that is just one part of the presentation titled, "Americans And The Holocaust," which I also read.**]

‌Donate to Keep Holocaust Memory Alive


You see, I originally received an email on November 8th, 2023, from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum with the subject line, "Watch Live Program | The Night of Broken Glass: A Warning of Future Nazi Crimes", which stated, in part, the following:

Live Digital Program

The Night of Broken Glass: A Warning of Future Nazi Crimes

Thursday, November 9
9:30 a.m. ET
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Facebook page


Starting on November 9, 1938, the Nazis orchestrated a wave of nationwide violence targeting Jewish communities. Rioters destroyed synagogues, attacked and looted Jewish shops, and ambushed people in their homes. Around 30,000 men were arrested and sent to concentration camps merely for being Jewish. Jews were left bereft, desperate to escape Nazi Germany by any means possible.

After the initial outrage, world attention faded and the Nazis carried out even greater horrors. Join us on the 85th anniversary of the “Night of Broken Glass” to understand this pivotal moment on the path to mass murder.

Request a reminder to join us for this program.

[Name redacted], [title redacted] of the Americans and the Holocaust exhibition, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

[Name redacted], [title redacted], United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Watch live at and join in the conversation.

You do not need a Facebook account to view our program. After the broadcast, the recording will be available to watch on demand on the Museum’s Facebook and YouTube pages.

And, after I read the email above, I made a one-time donation to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum to show my support for the Museum’s above-mentioned educational resources regarding the history of Kristallnacht (the Night of Broken Glass). Plus, I read all of the articles mentioned above and I watched the video of the livestreamed event, "The Night of Broken Glass: A Warning of Future Nazi Crimes," as noted above.

Now, to clarify, I always wait until after these USHMM events have livestreamed to watch them, since I only have a cellular data plan through my cell phone company (so, I don't have access to WiFi on my smartphone). Additionally, whenever I watch these livestreamed programs as a recording, I can go back to parts of the program that I wish to repeat in order to watch them over again.

–Paul Whiting (November 9th, 2023)

**P.S.: On one particular page of the USHMM Exhibitions presentation titled, "Americans And The Holocaust," there is a video regarding the 'AMERICAN NEWSREELS' that is described from the website, as follows: "The newsreel clips in this six-minute compilation, depicting both national and international events, were shown in American theaters between 1934 and 1938." However, the video does not play correctly! So, I sent the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum feedback regarding this issue via Google Forms, as can be seen below:

Americans and the Holocaust Reader Feedback

Thank you for taking the time to give us feedback on this online exhibition. We would love for you to share your thoughts so we can deliver the best experience possible.

[Email redacted] Switch account

* Indicates required question

Please tell us how old you are.*

[  ] Under 12 years old
[  ] 12-18 years old
[  ] 19-26 years old
[  ] 27-40 years old
[  ] 41-54 years old
[✓] 55-64 years old
[  ] 65 or older
[  ] I prefer not to say

If you would like to talk about a specific page, please paste the URL here.

Please share your feedback here. We want to hear about what you like, don't like, and what you think might be missing from the site.

*The video "AMERICAN NEWSREELS" does not play properly!

Please leave your email address if you are open to being contacted by the Museum with feedback surveys about our website and other digital resources.

[Email redacted]

This form was created inside of United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

Google Forms

Then, after I read every word and watched every video from the USHMM Exhibitions presentation titled, "Americans And The Holocaust," I followed up on my above-mentioned Google Forms feedback by contacting the Museum directly via their website:

Contact the Museum

SHARE Please submit your inquiry and contact information below.

*First Name: Paul

*Last Name: Whiting

*Email Address: [redacted]

*Category: Library and Archives

*Comments: On one particular page of the USHMM Exhibitions presentation titled, "Americans And The Holocaust," there is a video regarding the 'AMERICAN NEWSREELS' that is described from the website, as follows: "The newsreel clips in this six-minute compilation, depicting both national and international events, were shown in American theaters between 1934 and 1938." However, the video does not play correctly! The link to the video is: By the way, I sent the Museum feedback regarding this issue via Google Forms, as well.


November 9th, 2023 Update No. 3: I have decided to consolidate the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these campaign donations!

You see, I typically write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations that I make virtually every time that I make a campaign donation—within which I usually include the text from each political campaign's requesting email, or text message, along with some of each campaign's donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign (which is usually $3.00 per campaign), plus how much I tipped ActBlue (which is usually $0.11 per donation)—however, lately there has suddenly been quite a number of campaign donation requests!

Therefore, I have decided to forego my usual writing format for these type of political campaign donation 'updates' and combine every campaign donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing all of these individual 'updates' for campaign donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

And I mean no disrespect to the individual political campaigns—each of which used to receive their very own 'update' on my blog—however, the 2024 election cycle is really starting to gear up and I have made a (hopefully realistic) goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. Plus, I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The only political campaign communication that I responded to was an email from the Lanon Baccam for Congress campaign today, November 9th, 2023, with the subject line, "Huge announcement, Paul", which stated the following:

Lanon Baccam for Congress

Hi Paul — I’m Lanon Baccam.

I’m a veteran, an Iowan born and raised, and I’m officially running for Congress to represent Iowa’s Third Congressional District — and I’m asking you to join my campaign as a Founding Donor.


My career in public service began as a teenager.

When I joined the Iowa National Guard, I started with an ambush. I brought an Army Recruiter home to meet my parents because they had to cosign my papers to join the military at 17.

As refugees following the Vietnam War, my parents remembered the price of conflicts and were hesitant at first. But my mom and dad saw how determined I was to serve our country, to give back to the community that embraced my family as Americans, and eventually, they agreed.

After 9/11, my Iowa National Guard unit was activated and we deployed to Afghanistan in 2004. As a combat engineer, I was focused on explosive demolitions and force protection in and around Kandahar.

I was proud of my service and grateful to make it home. This experience strengthened my determination to continue serving our country.

It’s been the honor of my life serving this country as an Iowan.

I was born and raised in Mount Pleasant, Iowa. I went to public school, community college, and later earned my degree from Drake University by using the G.I. Bill. Following my deployment, I had the opportunity to join Secretary Vilsack’s team at the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

At the USDA, I helped to expand economic opportunities for farmers in Iowa and across the country. I also lead the department’s veterans outreach program, helping thousands of transitioning service members learn about opportunities in farming, ranching, and agriculture.

I met my wife in Iowa and we're raising our daughter here. We live just blocks away from where my wife grew up. Our daughter goes to the same elementary school my wife did as a kid.

Serving this great state and our country isn’t just a privilege — it’s an honor and it’s my way of giving back to the community that has given me so much.

I know Iowans are tired of partisan political games and the dysfunction in Congress, and we deserve so much better than extreme politicians like Zach Nunn.

We can win this race. In 2022, this district was decided by less than seven-tenths of one percent – that’s just a few votes per precinct. Right now, we have a real opportunity to flip this seat from red to blue — and with it, the House Majority — and when we do, we will restore principled, effective leadership in our state.

Paul, my team set a $10,000 launch day fundraising goal so we can start strong, overcome the narrow margin, and win this district. Will you join me as a Founding Donor today?


This race is poised to be one of the closest in the country. If we’re going to win back this seat in 2024 and flip the House, we’ll need to build our momentum from the jump.

I’m grateful to have you on my team, Paul. And I look forward to fighting alongside you from now until Election Day.


Lanon Baccam
Candidate for Congress, IA-03

Lanon Baccam is a veteran, a lifelong Iowan, and now, he's running to restore principled, effective leadership in Washington. The 2022 election in Iowa’s Third was decided by less than seven-tenths of a percent. Right now, we have a real opportunity to flip this district from red to blue — but we need your help to finish this fight and take back the House in 2024.


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Lanon Baccam for Congress

Lanon is Running for Congress! Become a Founding Donor Today

Lanon Baccam is a combat veteran, public servant and son of rural Iowa. He was born and raised in Mt. Pleasant, and at age 17, enlisted in the Iowa National Guard to give back to the state and country that gave him so much.

In the wake of 9/11, Lanon left community college and answered the call to serve his country. As an Iowa National Guardsman, Lanon was activated and deployed to Afghanistan in 2004 as a combat engineer, focusing on explosive demolitions and force protection in and around Kandahar.

Following his service in the Army, Lanon served in the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) under former Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack. There he worked to support veterans, expand pathways to jobs in the agriculture industry, and promote training and entrepreneurship opportunities for veterans transitioning to careers in agriculture.

Lanon is running for Congress because he believes all Iowans should have the opportunities afforded to him and his family: access to good paying jobs, affordable health care, the ability to retire with dignity, and reproductive rights. Help him flip IA-03 blue by becoming a Founding Donor today.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Lanon Baccam.

[  ] DONATE $10→

[  ] DONATE $15→

[  ] DONATE $25→

[  ] DONATE $50→

[  ] DONATE $75→

[  ] DONATE $100→

[  ] DONATE $250→

[✓] OTHER AMOUNT $3.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

Add custom amount

[✓] Leave no tip [I pressed this button by mistake!*]

*P.S.: I usually leave an $0.11 tip to ActBlue for my typical $3.00 donations to political campaigns; however, I accidentally pressed the "Leave no tip" button, rather than pressing the "Add custom amount" button—like I usually do—with this donation! So, in order to compensate for my mistake, I went to the ActBlue website and made a $1.00 contribution directly to ActBlue:

Contribute Now to Support ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit organization that builds tools Democrats count on to run their own small-dollar fundraising programs. Small-dollar donors are giving in record numbers in 2020, and we’re only expecting things to get busier.

Will you chip in with a contribution to support our work? Your donation will go directly to ActBlue to help us support this nationwide grassroots movement. If you are looking to donate to a candidate or cause, please see our directory.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit ActBlue.

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $1.00

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Lanon Baccam for Congress campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to "join [Lanon Baccam's] campaign [for Congress] as a Founding Donor."

Thus, this one campaign—Lanon Baccam for Congress—is the political campaign that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written November 9th, 2023 and revised November 14th, 2023)


November 10th, 2023 Update No. 1—Which Also Discusses November 9th, 2023: This 'update' that I am writing today, November 10th, 2023, is only from my usual reading of Time Magazine articles.

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day, which usually starts with me reading Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails that I receive each day.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received today, November 10th, 2023, as well as that I received yesterday, November 9th, 2023, when I noticed the following articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The following are the articles which I received yesterday, November 9th, 2023:

The first Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "Nikki Haley Walks Away With the Debate, and the Attention of Trump-Averse Republicans":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "Hollywood Actors Union Reaches Tentative Deal With Studios to End Strike":


The third Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "‘War Is Expensive’: How the Israel Aid Package Went From Big to Bigger":


The fourth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "The Biggest Moments From the Third Republican Debate":


The following are the articles which I received today, November 10th, 2023:

The fifth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received today) is titled, "Was Thomas Hobbes Too Optimistic?":


The sixth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received today) is titled, "Tech Companies Are Taking Action on AI Election Misinformation. Will It Matter?":


The seventh Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received today) is titled, "What Pregnant Women Face in Gaza":

And I decided to highlight these articles from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written November 10th, 2023 and revised November 26th, 2023)


November 11th, 2023 Update No. 1: In order to respect and honor the many sacrifices made by those who served their country in the U.S. Military, I made one-time donations for Veterans Day to Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA), Disabled American Veterans (DAV) and Wounded Warrior Project (WWP). –Paul Whiting (November 11th, 2023)

P.S.: For a detailed description of my Veterans Day donation to Wounded Warrior Project (WWP), please see my 'November 11th, 2023 Update No. 2—Which Also Discusses October 26th, 2023' that can be found below.


November 11th, 2023 Update No. 2—Which Also Discusses October 26th, 2023: I received a mailer from Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) sixteen days ago on October 26th, 2023, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT FOR AMERICA'S INJURED HEROES!", which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]


Paul, Use your NEW patriotic stickers to show your support for America's heroes on Veterans Day!

Dear Mr. Whiting,

Military heroes show their exceptional courage, character, and bravery on the battlefield as they fight to keep us safe and free.

You show you honor them by the actions you take. You've helped so many heroes! And I'm hoping you'll demonstrate your support once again today.

Veterans Day is coming soon. It's so important to let American heroes — including our brave wounded warriors — know that their service has not been forgotten.

Please sign and send back the thank-you card I'm enclosing. and I'll make sure your gratitude and warm wishes are shared with an injured veteran.

Your gratitude could reach a hero like [name redacted], who served our country with honor for 22 years!

We can't let wounded warriors like [name redacted] feel forgotten on Veterans Day. We also must make sure they continue to get the critical help and support they need.

So, as you send back your signed card today, please also include your generous gift of $15, $18, or even $21 to help more heroes in our 2023 Portland-Area Veterans Day Fund Drive.

Paul, your support for Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) means warriors and their families never pay a penny for our programs. After all, they paid their dues on the battlefield!

Thanks to you, WWP is fighting just as hard for our American herons as they fought for us. Just ask [name redacted]...

[Name redacted] struggled in school. But that's just because he hadn't found his true purpose yet! Once he graduated, he went right into the U.S. Army, and that's when [name redacted] began to excel.

Soon, he was discovering leadership qualities and a deep sense of pride. "I became proud of not just being in the Army, but being an American."

[Name redacted] was an excellent soldier. He risked his life for his country. But his service in Iraq took a toll on him. He was targeted in an improvised explosive device (IED) attack and developed post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Soon, it began to take over his life.

His sense of pride turned to fear and distrust. His marriage fell apart, and he moved back in with his parents. For the longest time, [name redacted] wouldn't even leave the house unless he was carrying a gun.

PTSD affects different veterans in different ways. But what [name redacted] experienced is all too common.

That kind of hypervigilance, worrying the enemy is around every corner, can make it hard to readjust to civilian life ... hard to be a parent ... and even hard to get through the day.

[Name redacted] was in a dark place. But in his darkest moment, he got the help he needed. It came from WWP and good people like you. [Name redacted] credits WWP with saving his life!

He says, "WWP helped me realize that there's always going to be someone there. Don't ever think that you're alone."

Our wounded warriors aren't alone. You're there for them! And I hope you will continue to be because your support is urgently needed now!

That's why I urge you to send the most generous Veterans Day gift you can today.

Help our heroes get the urgent help they need to face all the challenges before them. When they're ready to start their next mission, we stand ready to serve!

With gratitude,

[Name redacted]
[Military rank and status redacted]
[Title redacted], Wounded Warrior Project

P.S. This Veterans Day, please honor Sean and all the military heroes in your community in every way you can. Write your words of gratitude on the enclosed thank-you card and send it back to me. Use the WWP patriotic stickers as another way of showing your support. And make sure injured veterans get the crucial support they need now by donating to WWP today. Thank you.


2023 Portland-Area Fund Drive for Wounded Warriors

To donate online, go to

[✓] YES, I received my stickers, and I'll help wounded warriors! To show our nation's injured veterans, like Sean, they can count on me, I'm unclosing my tax-deductible Veterans Day gift of:

[  ] $15

[  ] $18

[  ] $21

[✓] My best gift of $7.00


Straight from the heart...

"To the donors of Wounded Warrior Project, the only thing I can say is, "Thank you. You've changed my life."

— [Name redacted] Wounded Warrior

And so, I made a one-time donation to Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) in order to show my support for the WWP Portland-Area Veterans Day Fund Drive! Plus, I also wrote "words of gratitude on the enclosed thank-you card," which I plan to mail back to WWP when I return my "2023 Portland-Area Fund Drive for Wounded Warriors" delivery confirmation form within the next few days. –Paul Whiting (written November 11th, 2023, revised November 12th, 2023 and revised December 28th, 2023)

P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.)


November 11th, 2023 Update No. 3: I received an email from Native American Rights Fund (NARF) today, November 11th, 2023, with the subject line, "On this Veterans Day", which stated the following:

On this Veterans Day, we celebrate and remember our Native American military veterans. We thank you! —Native American Rights Fund

Dear Paul,

On this Veterans Day and in the midst of Native American Heritage month, we celebrate and remember American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian military veterans. We thank you.

Over the years, Native American veterans have consistently dedicated themselves to protecting and serving all American citizens. Native Americans have served proudly and courageously in every major U.S. conflict since the Revolutionary War.

This Veterans Day, we celebrate, remember, thank, and honor veterans, past and present, for all that they have done and given. We are grateful for you, not just this day, not just this month, but always.

Native American Rights Fund


And so, I made a one-time donation to Native American Rights Fund in order to "celebrate and remember American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian military veterans," because "Native Americans have served proudly and courageously in every major U.S. conflict since the Revolutionary War." –Paul Whiting (November 11th, 2023)


November 11th, 2023 Update No. 4: I received an email from Planned Parenthood Action Fund today, November 11th, 2023, with the subject line, "INSIDE: Abortion is undefeated at the ballot box, Michigan's latest, and more", which stated the following:

Planned Parenthood Action Fund Update

Action Fund Update is the monthly newsletter for members of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund. As an associate member of the Action Fund, you'll receive timely, insider information on our legislative, advocacy, and electoral work.

Member News


We'll keep saying it: When abortion rights are on the ballot, freedom wins. Abortion remains undefeated at the ballot box since the 2022 Dobbs decision, as Ohio just became the latest state to approve an amendment to enshrine abortion rights in its state constitution.

Ohio voters approved Issue 1 ( to amend the state constitution and protect abortion access in the state for generations to come: 57% of voters said YES to reproductive freedom — proving once again that abortion is a winning issue across the political spectrum.

"The future is bright, and tonight we can celebrate this win for bodily autonomy and reproductive rights," [name redacted], Planned Parenthood Advocates of Ohio [title redacted] and [title redacted] of Ohioans United for Reproductive Rights (OURR), told a packed room of volunteers and supporters in Columbus. "Today, Ohioans made it clear abortion is a winning issue."

The good news doesn't stop there: Reproductive rights champions endorsed by Planned Parenthood advocacy and political organizations also won decisively in key races in Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Kentucky — wins that will help secure abortion access now and in the future.

We're energized and will keep up the momentum. Thanks for being a part of this.

[Name redacted], [Title redacted]
Planned Parenthood Action Fund

Take Action

Tell Congress: Stop the attacks on Planned Parenthood patients and sexual & reproductive health care.

As the House majority pushes us closer and closer to a government shutdown, politicians never cease to surprise us in their dramatic efforts to deny women, trans, and nonbinary people the freedom to make decisions about their own bodies.

Newly appointed House Speaker Mike Johnson has spent his career fighting abortion rights, and Congress is packing must-pass government funding bills with measures to attack Planned Parenthood and sexual and reproductive health care.

There is too much at stake to let them get away with their anti-abortion agenda. But we can fight this together.

Tell Congress to stop the attacks on sexual and reproductive health care >>

[By the way, I already took this action to "Tell Congress: Stop the attacks on Planned Parenthood patients and sexual & reproductive health care" on September 30th, 2023 (please see my 'September 30th, 2023 Update—Continued,' which can be found above).]

State Spotlight: Michigan

This week, the Michigan legislature sent the Reproductive Health Act (RHA) to Gov. Whitmer's desk after passing the bill in both chambers. The RHA repeals some of Michigan's targeted regulation of abortion provider (TRAP) laws and other harmful restrictions on the books in Michigan, including restrictions on private insurance coverage of abortion.

While the RHA is an important step forward, there's more work needed to secure access for all Michiganders. The final RHA does not include repeal of the state's prohibition on Medicaid coverage for abortion care, the mandatory 24-hour waiting period, or biased counseling requirements. These restrictions remain law and disproportionately harm Black, Latino and other communities of color as well as people with low incomes, and rural Michiganders — groups who already face formidable barriers to getting essential care.

Planned Parenthood advocacy and political organizations will continue fighting to expand abortion access in the state and ensure everyone has the care they need.


Around the Web

[New York Magazine's] The Cut: More people denied abortions challenge their states' bans

Politico: Here's where Speaker Mike Johnson stands on the issues

Associated Press: After Ohio vote, advocates in a dozen states are trying to put abortion on 2024 ballots


By the way, I read all of the articles referenced in the email above including the article referenced with regard to 'Ohio voters approved Issue 1,' which is titled, "Ohio Votes To Codify Abortion Rights Into State Constitution." I also read all of the articles listed under the 'State Spotlight' and the 'Around the Web' sections above, which is what I always do when I receive these monthly newsletters from Planned Parenthood Action Fund—in addition to taking any requested action from the newsletter, if I haven't already taken that same requested action (or, those same requested actions), as noted from previous 'updates.' –Paul Whiting (written November 11th, 2023, revised February 17th, 2024 and revised March 16th, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, I used to make one-time donations to the organization that is the subject of these 'updates' each time that I took an action as requested by that organization; however, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am greatly reducing the number of times that I donate for the same organization per month down to once—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis." (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.) Thus, because I have already donated to Planned Parenthood Action Fund on November 3rd, 2023 (please see my 'November 3rd, 2023 Update No. 3,' which can be found above) that is the one-time donation which I made to Planned Parenthood Action Fund for November 2023.


November 12th, 2023 Update No. 1—Which Also Discusses November 11th, 2023: This 'update' that I am writing today, November 12th, 2023, is only from my usual reading of Time Magazine articles.

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day, which usually starts with me reading Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails that I receive each day.

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received today, November 12th, 2023, as well as that I received yesterday, November 11th, 2023, when I noticed the following articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The following are the articles which I received yesterday, November 11th, 2023:

The first Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "Hollywood Actors Union Board Approves Strike-Ending Deal as Leaders Tout Gains":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "Somber Bells Mark Armistice Day Around the Globe as Wars Drown Out Peace Messages":


The third Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "Winning the Peace Is Just as Crucial to Israel’s Future":


The following are the articles which I received today, November 12th, 2023:

The fourth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received today) is titled, "Why Renewables Are Key to COP28 Success":


The fifth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received today) is titled, "What Israelis Think of the War With Hamas":


The sixth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received today) is titled, "It’s Not Easy to Be Jewish on American Campuses Today":


The seventh Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received today) is titled, "‘They Are Behaving in a Fascist Way:’ An Israeli-Arab Lawmaker on the Stifling of Anti-War Voices":

And I decided to highlight these articles from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written November 12th, 2023 and revised November 26th, 2023)


November 13th, 2023 Update No. 1: Thanksgiving Day is ten days away from today, November 13th, 2023! And so, I decided to make one-time donations to charities who are helping those in need during the Thanksgiving holiday, which includes local nonprofits who are helping homeless folks (Portland Rescue Mission, Sisters of the Road, Blanchet House & Farm and Union Gospel Mission), as well as nonprofits who are helping hungry folks, including a local food bank (Oregon Food Bank), a national hunger-relief organization (Feeding America), plus your favorite holiday red kettle "bell ringers" and mine (The Salvation Army)!

And I was inspired to make these donations by mailers that I recently received from some of the above-mentioned charitable organizations, including three mailers from local nonprofits helping homeless folks, one mailer from the largest hunger-relief organization in the United States helping hungry folks, as well as one mailer from everyone's favorite red kettle charity with the "bell ringers," who are well-known for collecting donations during the holiday season, as I mentioned above.

–Paul Whiting (written November 13th, 2023, revised November 14th, 2023 and revised December 15th, 2023)

P.S.: Please see my detailed descriptions—immediately after this 'update'—of the following Thanksgiving donations for which I received the above-mentioned mailers!

Feeding America: 'November 13th, 2023 Update No. 2—Which Also Discusses October 26th, 2023' that can be found below.

The Salvation Army: 'November 13th, 2023 Update No. 3—Which Also Discusses October 26th, 2023' that can be found below.

Blanchet House & Farm: 'November 13th, 2023 Update No. 4—Which Also Discusses October 14th, 2023 And October 26th, 2023' that can be found below.

Union Gospel Mission: 'November 13th, 2023 Update No. 5—Which Also Discusses November 7th, 2023' that can be found below.


November 13th, 2023 Update No. 2—Which Also Discusses October 26th, 2023: I received a mailer from Feeding America seventeen days ago on October 26th, 2023, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "Lend a hand this Thanksgiving. Help a child facing hunger. Special match inside!", which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]


Paul Whiting
[Apt. No. redacted]
[Street Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

Your gift can have DOUBLE the impact to help more children like [name redacted] get the meals they need.

October 4, 2023

Dear Paul Whiting,

During the holidays, [name redacted] wants nothing more than to spend time with her two children — [name redacted] and [name redacted]. [Name redacted] works in home healthcare, but like so many of us, she's been affected by the high cost of everyday necessities.

Everyone should have access to the food they need to thrive, especially at Thanksgiving.

Today, there are many people across America like [name redacted]. With food prices at record highs, parents are trying their best to make ends meet. As the holidays approach, we want to make sure everyone has a chance to gather with family and friends to share a delicious meal.

By supporting Feeding America during this season of giving, you can help our neighbors put food on the table. Normally, every $1 you give helps provide at least 10 meals through the Feeding America nationwide network of food banks. But right now, thanks to an exciting $350,000 challenge match from a generous donor, every $1 can have TWICE the impact and help provide at least 20 meals for families facing hunger this Thanksgiving.

Your generosity can help people like [name redacted] get nutritious food just in time for the holidays. Through her local food bank, a member of the Feeding America network, [name redacted] and her children were able to get everything they needed to make a traditional Thanksgiving meal.

"This is going to help a lot," [name redacted] said as volunteers loaded bags of holiday food including a ham and sides into her trunk. "We'll have this for the holiday and then have leftovers for a while, too."

We need passionate supporters like you right now. Please send a gift of $15, $20 or even $25 to Feeding America today with one of the enclosed Thanksgiving Match Replies.

Together, we can make sure nobody faces hunger this holiday season. Right now, the cost of a Thanksgiving meal is higher than it's been in decades. With your help, families facing hunger will be able to get all the ingredients they need for holiday meals—like a turkey or sweet potatoes.

Paul Whiting, when you extend a helping hand, you'll help neighbors like [name redacted] prepare a memorable Thanksgiving meal for their families.

I hope you send your donation to Feeding America as soon as possible. You can help neighbors get the meals they need this Thanksgiving and beyond. Thank you in advance for your support.


[Name redacted]
[Title redacted], Feeding America

P.S. Paul Whiting, please reply before Thanksgiving so your contribution can help children and families facing hunger get TWICE as many meals. Send your gift to Feeding America today to take advantage of the $350,000 challenge match.

Thank you for showing up for families facing hunger this holiday season.

"QR code message": Your gift can provide TWICE as many meals. Scan here or visit



At this special time of year, I want to share meals with children and families facing hunger in Oregon and across the country by giving to Feeding America. My enclosed donation of:

[  ] $15 can help provide at least 300 meals

[  ] I'm giving by credit card. (Please see section on back)

[✓] $7.00 can help provide as many main as possible.

[  ] I want to make an aven bigger impact by giving monthly

Paul Whiting
[Apt. No. redacted]
[Street Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

Right now, $15 can help provide at least 300 meals.


YOUR GIFT can have TWICE the impact for a child.

Give online:

And so, I made a one-time donation to Feeding America in order to support their "THANKSGIVING MATCH REPLY," because "right now, [$7] can help provide at least [140] meals." –Paul Whiting (written November 13th, 2023 and revised November 14th, 2023)

P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.)


November 13th, 2023 Update No. 3—Which Also Discusses October 26th, 2023: I received a mailer from The Salvation Army Portland Metro seventeen days ago on October 26th, 2023, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "GOOD NEWS INSIDE! ENCLOSED: VALUABLE THANKSGIVING MEAL VOUCHERS FOR YOU!", which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]

The Salvation Army


Mr. Whiting,

Just $2.37 shares a filling Thanksgiving meal with a hungry neighbor in the Portland Metro area.

I pray you'll respond quickly!

— [Name redacted]
   [Title redacted]

Dear Mr. Whiting,


Just $2.37 gives a hungry neighbor a warm Thanksgiving meal. That's all it takes to share nourishing food — and God's love — with someone who is hungry and alone this season.

You know how hard this time of year can be for people who are struggling. And with inflation driving up the cost of everything, more of our neighbors are hurting. Many are facing hunger and hardship. Sadly, it's often the children who are affected the most.

But not if YOU help!

Imagine the joy your gift will offer a mom or dad who worried there would be no Thanksgiving dinner for their children. Or imagine the smile that will light up the face of a hungry senior who thought she was all alone.

That's the power of what you can do simply by giving today!

And when you give, you'll feel good knowing you shared a love beyond hunger with local families who are less fortunate. It's what this season is really all about!

We've enclosed valuable Thanksgiving Meal Vouchers for you. Please use them to decide how many meals you can provide to a hungry neighbor in the Portland Metro area.

+ A gift of $9.48, along with the red voucher, will provide 4 meals.

+ If you give $18.96 with the blue voucher, that will mean 8 meals.

+ Or use the green voucher, and fill in the amount you can give. We'll provide as many Thanksgiving meals as we can, thanks to your gift!

Mr. Whiting, your previous generosity has helped so much. Whichever amount you can give today, please know how blessed we feel to count on your support of The Salvation Army. You give our neighbors the courage to move forward, even when they face their darkest days.

You should feel very proud!

So please continue to make a life-changing impact by sending a gift today.


May God bless you for all you're doing to reach out to people in the Portland Metro area who need our compassion most.

Thank you for your kindness and support!



[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]

P.S. I hope you enjoy the special Thanksgiving stories I've enclosed, showing how you share love beyond hunger for our neighbors in need.

Remember: Just $2.37 provides a meal! With inflation impacting so many families with children in the Portland Metro area, your gift will mean so much. Please give generously so a hungry neighbor has the food and friendship they need this Thanksgiving. Thank you.


[Blogger's Note: For The Salvation Army USA website, at which there's a local donation page for you to make a donation to The Salvation Army in your area, please visit where you will see the "Donate Local" button at the top right-hand corner of their website! And thank you for considering making a donation to The Salvation Army this holiday season!]


The Salvation Army



When [name redacted] was just 8 years old, she suffered a devastating loss: Her mother passed away.

It was traumatizing. But [name redacted] treasured the memories she had. One of those was how her mother kept their home. especially the way she decorated it and made it her own.

As she grew up, [name redacted] always dreamed of having a place she could call her own, just like her mom.

Yet, years later, when [name redacted] was expecting her own child, those dreams seemed very far away. [Name redacted] and her fiancé [name redacted] were struggling to keep their heads above water. They felt the odds were against them. They didn't know where to turn.

Fortunately, and thanks to friends like you, the young couple did know where they could go for some much-needed food: The Salvation Army. Here, they knew that whatever else they faced, they could find a good meal, [name redacted] could meet her own nutritional needs, as well as those of the baby on the way.

Throughout the year, neighbors turn to The Salvation Army for food — especially at Thanksgiving, And this Thanksgiving, we're expecting many more families to come through our doors. The ongoing high prices for food and other essentials are making it harder for neighbors to make ends meet.

During one of [name redacted] and [name redacted's] visits, they found out about other programs your support helps make possible. Nervous at first, the couple worked up the courage to ask for additional help. And your kindness came through for them!

We helped them find housing — and provided them with the support and skills needed to keep it. This was so important as they welcomed a new baby to their growing family.

[Name redacted] calls the support you helped provide "a miracle." And [name redacted] finally achieved her dream, grateful to have her "home sweet home."

The couple encourages others who are going through hard times to come to The Salvation Army for help. "Now I get to pass on the blessing to other people who are going through the same thing," [name redacted] smiles.

When times are hard, whether at Thanksgiving or any other time of year, you've been there for your neighbors. We are very grateful... and so are they.



President Abraham Lincoln first proclaimed Thanksgiving as a national holiday in 1863 — the result of a 17-year letter-writing campaign by a woman named Sarah Hale. This wasn't Hale's only writing success. She also penned the nursery rhyme "Mary Had a Little Lamb."

The tradition of football games played on Thanksgiving predates the National Football League, going all the way back to 1876, not long after the game was invented. It made sense, as Thanksgiving was a day most people had off from work.

According to a 2015 Harris poll. most people actually prefer eating Thanksgiving food as leftovers. It wasn't close, either. The poll found that nearly 8 out of 10 Americans. enjoyed the next day's turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and pie more than they did at the original meal.


Here at The Salvation Army, the holidays are always a busy time. This Thanksgiving, we expect many of our neighbors will be coming to us for help.

By making a Thanksgiving gift today, you share a love beyond hunger and hopelessness with:

+ FAMILIES — hardworking moms and dads struggling to make ends meet, worried about how they'll put food on the table and a roof over their children's heads. Your gift will help ease their burden, providing the food they need along with words of hope and encouragement.

+ SENIORS — lonely, sometimes facing an illness, and often challenged to stretch a limited income far enough to cover both food and medications. You'll brighten their Thanksgiving with nutritious food and compassion.

+ MEN AND WOMEN who are homeless — hurt, hungry, and almost without hope. You'll offer them food, nourish their spirits, and restore their hope.

Because you are a compassionate person, YOU can make this Thanksgiving even more meaningful. Your generous gift to The Salvation Army shares your blessings with people in need. What a wonderful way to honor the spirit of the holiday — and to give thanks! Please consider making a special Thanksgiving gift.

Your generous gift shares your blessings at Thanksgiving — and offers love beyond the holidays, too.

THANK YOU, may God bless you, and may you and yours enjoy a happy Thanksgiving.

[Blogger's Note: For The Salvation Army USA website, at which there's a local donation page for you to make a donation to The Salvation Army in your area, please visit where you will see the "Donate Local" button at the top right-hand corner of their website! And thank you for considering making a donation to The Salvation Army this holiday season!]




Enclosed is my gift to provide as many meals as possible to our hungry neighbors at Thanksgiving: $7.00

JUST $2.37 A MEAL! Any amount will help!

Thank you! Please make your check payable to The Salvation Army, and mail it with this voucher in the enclosed envelope. See back of form to give by credit card, or donate securely online at

From: Mr. Paul Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

To: The Salvation Army
Portland Metro Donation Processing Center
[Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

And so, I made a one-time donation to The Salvation Army Cascade Division in order to support The Salvation Army's 2023 ANNUAL THANKSGIVING APPEAL, because "just $2.37 shares a filling Thanksgiving meal with a hungry neighbor in the Portland Metro area." –Paul Whiting (written November 13th, 2023, revised November 14th, 2023 and revised December 12th, 2023)

P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.)


November 13th, 2023 Update No. 4—Which Also Discusses October 14th, 2023 And October 26th, 2023: I recently received two mailers from Blanchet House & Farm (pronounced Blan-shāy). The first mailer that I received was thirty days ago on October 14th, 2023, which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]

From the Executive Director

Blanchet Farm's mural recovery program has been incredibly successful in helping people change their Eues for the better. But the facilities are worn out.

The Blanchet Farm capital campaign is raising critical funds to build a stronger future for our one-of-a-kind rural addiction recovery program. It will give us the ability to add trauma-informed spaces where the Yamhill County community can come together to hope and heal.

Your donation builds futures.

-[Name redacted]

Watch the Video

Scan the QR code to learn more about how your support will help build a strong future for our rural addiction recovery program.

"Rebuilding Blanchet Farm: Capital Campaign" on YouTube:

Therapeutic work aids recovery.


Residents learn new skills while being present in a nature.


Residents engage in on activity that builds: confidence and self-worth.


Residents show and receive love to the animals without fear of judgment.

New Programs


This program will give residents meaningful ways to take pride in their work.


New programs, such as welding, will provide skills training and opportunities for job placement.

The Facility

A new 14,000 square feet mix-use facility will benefit the antine community by providing a pathway for up to 21 men too overcome addiction and homelessness.

A meaningful gift will:

FORGE WORKFORCES: $10 per month

CONSTRUCT HOPE: $25 per month

GROW COMMUNITY: $50 per month

BUILD RECOVERY: $100 per month

Donate today! Help rebuild Blanchet Farm.

Please accept this [  ] Monthly [✓] One-time donation of $7.00

Donor Info

Name: Paul Whiting
Address: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Email: [redacted]
Zip Code: [redacted]
Phone: [redacted]

Scan to Donate Online:

The second mailer that I received from Blanchet House & Farm was seventeen days ago on October 26th, 2023, with a 'front teaser message' on the newsletter that read, "A Meal. A Home. A Future.", which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]

Blanchet House & Farm





383 hot dogs and four vegan dogs were served for dinner on Labor Day thanks to your generous donations. We asked supporters to bring Blanchet [House of Hospitality] buns and you delivered!

"It's Labor Day so people are doing hot dogs, hamburgers and we thought we could do that too, [name redacted], [title redacted] said. "We are open on holidays because people still need food."

[Name redacted] also made homemade potato salad. Our guests were very grateful. One young man was overcome with gratitude for the hospitality and hugged a volunteer!

A little kindness means so much to people struggling.


Day Spaces Are Needed Now More Than Ever

By [Name redacted]

With Portland's new camping ban in effect, nonprofits like Blanchet House that provide daytime services are seeing an influx of clients, as people are now required to be mobile during the day.

The new low requires people experiencing homelessness to pack up their belongings by 8 a.m. A violation can result in a $100 fine and/or 30 days in jail.

More people are seeking the warmth of our cafe. We served an unbelievable 53% more meals in Sept. 2023 than in Sept 2022! We also receive more calls and inquiries about joining our residential programs. We can house up to 45 men at Blanchet House.

Because of this, we're allowing diners to bring in more of their belongings. Allowing pets, small carts bikes, suitcases, and other personal property helps guests enjoy meals without fear of their things being stolen. We know that the few possessions they have are critical for surviving the night outdoors.

Why else are day spaces like our low-barrier cafe needed, especially now?

1. We serve people experiencing dire poverty, not just people who are unsheltered. Our services help people make ends meet, enjoy community, and provide a kitchen that many low-income rooming houses lack.

2. Our peer support specialists help guests sign up for housing, disability, and can refer them to shelters.

3. We're serving people in marginalized groups who due to discrimination are often the last to secure stable shelter. This includes our BIPOC and LGBTQ+ communities, people with untreated mental illness, or those awaiting detox.

4. We provide critical services like food, clothing, hygiene products, and hope to keep people moving forward.

The more we can do to stabilize people living homeless, the more successful we'll be in placing them in housing. When you donate to Blanchet House you are providing so much more than food. You're offering support for a better future!


What do you want people know about you?

"I'm a good man. I try to help people," says [name redacted]. "What happens to me isn't just my story, it's the whole community's story. My success will be because of community support. Thank you from my heart."


Resident Saves Diner's Life

It seems that most residents staying with us at Blanchet House and Blanchet Farm have a unique background and surprising skills.

[Name redacted] (above) is one of those special souls. He watched cafe staff try to save a man's life with Narcan from his window one day. The man had overdosed and stopped breathing. As a former nurse, [name redacted] knew that the stranger needed to have his head adjusted so he could start breathing again. [Name redacted] ran outside to do just that and the man became conscious. He saved a stranger's life.

"I'm drawn to helping where I can. Just because I'm not a nurse anymore doesn't mean my skills have gone away," [name redacted] told us. "I've learned what my real purpose is being here. I've always been in the health field and I want to stay in it and figure out how. Being here has really given me a lot of hope for my future."

[Name redacted] came to stay with us after finding himself homeless due to health challenges. His positive presence has influenced many of us. Thank you.

Donations make our residential programs possible. We need your support to give men like [name redacted] a second chance.

Untreated Mental Health Hurts

Pictured above is [name redacted], cafe manager, bringing a guest a sleeping bag and rolling suitcase. "L" sadly was released to the street from a hospital with only the clothes on her back. She showed us her papers with a diagnosis of schizophrenia and a prescription she didn't trust. Blanchet's sidewalk has become her home, the only place she feels safe.

We have quite a few guests like "L" who suffer with untreated mental illness. Their severe illness won't allow them to accept help and they are excluded from shelters because of their behaviors. Their families have often walked all avenues to help them. So becoming homeless is the fate of many.

They are so alone and sleeping in horrific conditions.

Building trust with people who've experienced so much trauma takes time. Our caring staff works day by day to do just that so we can help end suffering.

Your support makes our services and hospitality possible.


We're participating in Give Guide again this year! Willamette Week, a local newspaper, hosts Give Guide as a fun way to support local charities like Blanchet House & Farm. Donations given via Give Guide's website enter you to receive special gifts like:

[✓] A bag of Stumptown coffee

[✓] A 12oz jar of Ground Up cinnamon snicker doodle nut butter

[✓] Wood cutting boards hand crafted at Blanchet Farm

PLUS: This year, we're offering donors an exclusive event with master beekeeper [name redacted] at Blanchet Farm. This event will include a farm tour, guest speakers, and a tasting of honey harvested from our hives.

Scan the QR code with your smart phone to view all Give!Guide gifts and the dates to enter.


Scan the QR code to enter your email address.

You can also call us to sign up over the phone at [phone number redacted].

We will never share or sell your information with anyone outside of our organization


A man sleeping outside our building was seen wearing gloves for shoes. We looked in our clothing closet for a pair to offer him but were out of large sizes for men. We seem to always be in need of sizes 10-12.

We're asking supporters to please purchase a new pair of men's athletic shoes or donate gently used shoes. It's important that shoes not be torn or have worn away soles because it is our mission to restore dignity to the people we serve--head to toe.

Drop Off

Mon-Sat, 8-10:30 a.m. or 1:30-4 p.m.

Ship To [Street Address redacted]



The incredible veterinarian [name redacted], volunteers every month to help the pets of people experiencing homelessness and poverty. He hosts a free animal care clinic in our parking lot during lunch.

With the Oregon Humane Society where he's a board member, [name redacted] provides free vaccines, flea and tick treatments, leashes, and food. He can also refer animals with higher care needs to free clinics for treatment.


Rebuilding Blanchet Farm

We are excited to share that construction on a new dormitory and facility has begun at Blanchet Farm! It's been a long time coming. The facilities were worn out, in disrepair, and desperately needed to be rebuilt.

Blanchet Farm was opened in 1962 as a place of refuge and recovery for people struggling with addiction and other challenges. The farm's rural recovery program has been incredibly successful in helping people better their lives. But we need your help to complete the construction.

Building a Future

On May 31, 2023 we broke ground on a 14,000 square feet mix-use facility that will benefit the entire community. The new dormitory will provide a pathway for up to 24 men to overcome addiction and homelessness.

It will also include:

[✓] Offices for social ventures to support the nonprofit mission of the farm.

[✓] Space for case management to help residents access mental and physical health care, employment, and housing.

[✓] An energy efficient kitchen and larger dining area.

[✓] Areas for the outside community to attend AA and NA meetings.

[✓] Room for children and families to reconnect.

Clean Energy Efficiency

The new facility will operate using clean solar energy thanks to a grant from Portland General Electric's 2022 Renewable Development Fund. The Renewable Development Fund, which awards grants for clean energy projects in the community, is fully funded by PGE'S Green Future customers.

Help Us Rebuild Blanchet Farm!

For more information on the Building Pathways Home campaign, visit the website by scanning the QR code.


We Serve the Lost and Missing

Our free cafe has become a hub for people lost and those looking for them. Recently we found a flier (pictured) taped to the window.

It read:

Missing [name redacted]
Please Call Home
God Bless You!!

We receive countless emails, calls, and messages asking if we've seen a missing loved one. We welcome families to stand outside the cafe to see if their loved one comes or goes but we respect our guests' privacy while they are inside dining with us.

It's very sad for families and friends.

This summer a mom and dad drove from Idaho looking for their son. The next day a woman came in tears looking for her husband who had relapsed. They all said thanks for offering services to their loved ones.

If you can, please donate today so we can provide refuge for people suffering. Their loved ones thank you too.

I'd rather sleep outside than in a shelter. I've had too many bad experiences there," said K., a meal guest living in a tent nearby. Her HOPE ring caught our eye.

K. is looking for a room with a bathroom but can't work. Our peer support staff are helping K. sign up for disability and get on to housing lists. She will need our daily support for meals and clothing while she waits.

K.'s not the first woman, and won't be the last, we've supported during a difficult time. We received this message on Facebook from the daughter of a woman who dined with us:

[Name redacted]
Blanchet house kept my biological mom alive while she waited 18 year[s] for her disability claim to be approved. She's since been living safely and independently in her own home. Thank you for all you do ☺️ 💕

And so, I made a one-time donation to the capital campaign for Blanchet Farm in order to "help rebuild Blanchet Farm," because "the Blanchet Farm capital campaign is raising critical funds to build a stronger future for our one-of-a-kind rural addiction recovery program." –Paul Whiting (written November 13th, 2023, revised November 14th, 2023, revised November 24th, 2023 and revised November 30th, 2023)

P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.)


November 13th, 2023 Update No. 5—Which Also Discusses November 7th, 2023: I received a mailer from Union Gospel Mission six days ago on November 7th, 2023, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "Your Thanksgiving newsletter is enclosed.", which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]

The Path To LifeChange

November 1, 2023

Mr. Paul [Middle Initial] Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

Dear Paul,

Before coming to the Mission, [name redacted] had nothing to be grateful for, no reason to get up in the morning and definitely no hope that tomorrow would be any better than today.

But then God stepped in, and He used friends like you to do it. Now, [redacted] is a completely different person and he's one of the most grateful people I know. That's why I'm so excited to tell you his story in our Thanksgiving newsletter, which we recently redesigned. Let me know what you think!

Life change like his isn't commonplace on the streets of Portland. But Life Changes Here all the time at the Mission. And it happens because of partners like you. As the [title redacted] and [title redacted] of the Mission, I have a unique insight.

I see how generous you are.
I see the difference it makes.
I know that this place doesn't work without you.

So I have to ask: Will you give a Thanksgiving gift like you did last year?

Paul, [name redacted] didn't come to us during the holidays, but as you know, a lot of people do. In fact, it's our busiest time of year. That means with your help again this year, we can share God's love with a lot more hurting people. Will you help make that possible by giving a gift of $11.65, $16.31 or $23.30 to provide Thanksgiving meals?

During Thanksgiving week we'll serve over 1,000 holiday meals. But only with your help!

Change lives even faster by giving online:

In Christ,

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]

P.S. To help in time for Thanksgiving, please respond by Nov. 20. Every $2.33 you give provides a full Thanksgiving meal.



Every $2.33 you give provides an entire Thanksgiving meal for someone like [name redacted].

Yes, [name redacted]! I will help provide meals at Thanksgiving again this year!

I'm sending a gift of:

[  ] $16.31 to provide 7 meals.

[  ] $23.30 to provide 10 meals.

[  ] $11.65 to provide 5 meals.

[✓] $7.00 to provide as many meals as possible.

Mr. Paul [Middle Initial] Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]




"I don't know how I survived." -[Name redacted]


• Alive and Thriving Because of You!
• Your Passions Are Not Boring
• It's Not a Transaction. It's a Relationship.

"Blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence." Jeremiah 17:7


Alive and Thriving Because of You!

HUNGER. REGRET. PAIN. SHAME. REMORSE. Those are the feelings that [name redacted] was always trying to escape. Meth and fentanyl helped for a little while, but the hunger and all the rest of those feelings would always come back.

He was homeless for four years, living in his car, scraping by just to eat and get his next fix. Then, on a Sunday night, [name redacted] finally gave up.

"For the first time in four years, I looked up and instead of cursing God and being mad at Him, I asked Him for help," he says.

The next morning, he called the Mission. A few hours later, he was walking through our doors.

For [name redacted], even coming here was a big challenge. He remembers walking past other people on the streets who were shooting up and smoking.

He remembers feeling drawn back to the drugs, almost stopping a few times.

"It was scary fighting through the gauntlet of people out there. but when I got through the doors, I was home and I knew it," he says. "It was a good place. It was a safe place to come."

"Now with the Mission, I have a family to be a part of."

It took [name redacted] about a month to detox. During that time, the meals friends like you provided helped nourish him.

As he watched the other men in the LifeChange Recovery Program, he began to imagine a new life for himself.

"I was looking at these guys and I've never seen somebody ever do anything so brave in my life," [name redacted] says.

Now, six months in, [name redacted] is the brave one. He's opened up to people and to God in ways he never imagined.

"All I needed was a relationship with Christ to get repaired, and this place gave me a safe place to do that, to dig into the word and find out who God is," says [name redacted].

It's All About Relationships

"Here, they support restoring relationships... It's what makes you feel human."

Today [name redacted] isn't just feeling human, he's feeling fully alive.

"Every step that I've made towards recovery is what Christ has given me," he says.

The Lord, working through friends like you, has given [name redacted] hot meals at the Mission, a bed to sleep in, time in our LifeChange program, the gift of sobriety and the joy of being around people. In fact, last Thanksgiving all he wanted was to be alone. This Thanksgiving, he can't wait to eat and celebrate with others.

Friends like you are the only reason [name redacted] was able to discover that Life Changes Here. Thank you for helping him when no one else would. Thank you for giving him the chance to live a new life.

We're Thankful For . . .

We asked our guests what they are thankful for this Thanksgiving, and here's what a few of them said:

"I'm so thankful for the food at the Mission! I don't have to stress about where my next meal is going to come from. Having those basic needs met is key to my recovery. I can spend that time and energy healing from past wounds."

[Name redacted]
Previous LifeChange Resident

"I'm so happy to have the food during Thanksgiving. It's pretty miserable when you're on the streets and have nowhere to go during the holidays. Coming to the Mission makes all that go away. Even if it's just for a moment, I feel loved and at peace here."

[Name redacted]
Homeless Services Guest

"When I was out on the streets, it felt like the whole world was against me . . . Being at the Mission for the holidays is such a treat. Having a warm meal and chatting with all the guests really brings joy to the season."

[Name redacted]
Previous LifeChange Resident

"There's always a line out the door at the Mission, especially during the holidays . . . but they don't leave you lined up, they come out and offer some coffee and water, and talk with you. They do all they can to make you comfortable as you wait."

[Name redacted]
Homeless Services Guest

Your Passions Are Not Boring

There are people who know that planned giving falls into the same category as wills, trusts and estate plans. They may be right. But to us, it means so much more.

To us, planned giving is about sharing your passion and leaving a legacy that shows your loved ones what matters most to you. And there's nothing boring about that. In fact, we think it's so important that we launched a Planned Giving program.


If you don't already have a legacy plan that incintes bonoring the things you are most passionate about, we'd love to help. To get started, contact [name redacted] at [email redacted]

Thanks for Being Part of Our Family

TRADITIONS ARE HONORED in my family. Every Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter are spent together around a dinner table enjoying each other's company and sharing a good meal. We always open with a prayer of thankfulness for what the Lord has done for us, all we have been provided, and thoughts of those less fortunate. My best friend is a LifeChange graduate who always joins us.

But holidays can be very difficult for those in LifeChange. Separation from family and facing a lifetime of bad decisions is a formula for depression and self-medication. Thankfully, many LifeChange residents at the Mission can create new families. They are no longer alone. Many know what it's like to come through the front door broken. To join others who love the Lord and are seeking a new life creates hope and new friendships. They find that wherever they have been and whatever they have done God loves them. God forgives them. God desires a relationship with them. And through Jesus we can all be radically changed.

[Name redacted] came by a my office today with his wife [name redacted] to say hello. [Name redacted] graduated from LifeChange 22 years ago and he came to say thank you to UGM [Union Gospel Mission] for saving his life. He's battling cancer and he knows that we love him. That we pray for him. And that we stand by him like a good family member does.

In Christ,

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]

It's Not a Transaction.
It's a Relationship.

The Union Copel Mission is not a transactional place.

Sure, people can come in, eat a hot meal and leave. They absolutely can stay just one night in our winter shelter and never come back. They can accept a hot cup of coffee from our Search+Rescue team and not tell us their name.

But most of the time that's not what happens.

Most of the time, those services — especially meals — allow us to build relationships, that's why Life Changes Here.

So while each $2.33 you give will provide a meal. it will also do more. That meal makes it possible for us to develop relationships, share the love of Jesus Christ with our hurting neighbors, and help them begin living new lives!

Without support from friends like you, the Mission can't keep its doors open — let alone provide thousands of Thanksgiving meals or nights of safe shelter. If you can help, please rush a gift today.

Thanksgiving is our busiest time of the year, which means it's our biggest opportunity to reach the most people.


Give quickly, safely and easily at:

Heart of Hope Partner


Become a Monthly Heart of Hope Partner

When you sign up to give monthly, you'll know you're changing lives every day while saving postage and administrative costs and making sure that vital Mission programs keep running.

To sign up or find out more, call [phone number redacted] or visit

Through the transformative power of Jesus Christ, we open life-changing pathways to people experiencing homelessness, hunger, addiction, and abuse.


And so, I made a one-time donation to Union Gospel Mission in order to "GIVE THANKSGIVING MEALS," which is why I donated "[$7.00] to provide as many meals as possible." –Paul Whiting (written November 13th, 2023 and revised November 14th, 2023)

P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.)


November 13th, 2023 Update No. 6, Written On November 14th, 2023: I received an email from Planned Parenthood Federation of America yesterday, November 13th, 2023, with the subject line, "It's Transgender Awareness Week", which stated the following:


It's Transgender Awareness Week! At Planned Parenthood, we celebrate our trans and nonbinary family and friends every day. Everyone deserves to feel worthy and to exist in the world as their most authentic selves. And we know the gender‑affirming health services, which are provided by many Planned Parenthood health centers, are essential, lifesaving care.

We also know that educating ourselves is an important step toward understanding and inclusion.

Here are four things you should know about gender identity and health care, as well as some helpful resources for you or a loved one who might have questions.

What is gender identity?

Gender identity describes how a person experiences their own gender — whether they feel like a man, woman, genderqueer, agender, nonbinary, or another identity. Remember: There's no right or wrong way to express gender identity — no single way to look or act like a woman, man, or nonbinary person. Learn more about transgender and non‑binary identities »

What is gender‑affirming care?

The short answer is: It's different for everyone. Gender‑affirming care is patient-centered and individual as a way to align outward, physical traits with someone's gender identity. It can include anything from hormone treatment to voice therapy, surgery to social support. And not all trans and nonbinary people need or want the same care. More information about transitioning can be found here »

Why is gender‑affirming care essential health care?

All major medical associations agree that age-appropriate, gender affirming care for transgender and nonbinary people is evidence‑based and medically necessary. Studies have shown that trans and nonbinary people who have access to gender‑affirming care experience significantly lower rates of anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation. Learn more about trans and non‑binary health care »

Why is it hard for trans and nonbinary people to get care?

Some lawmakers want to control the lives and decisions of LGBTQ+ people; like abortion, many states and organizations are actively working to ban transgender and nonbinary people from getting the gender‑affirming care they need. While some states are trying to expand access to gender‑affirming care, it's not enough to meet the needs of trans and nonbinary people right now.

So far in 2023 alone, politicians in nearly 40 states have introduced anti-trans health care legislation.

What is Planned Parenthood doing to support trans and nonbinary people?

All Planned Parenthood health centers proudly serve people of all genders and gender expressions. They also provide STI testing and treatment, birth control, wellness exams, and other sexual and reproductive health services. Nearly 70% of Planned Parenthood health centers also offer gender‑affirming hormone treatment. Planned Parenthood is here to help and support you on your journey. Find your nearest Planned Parenthood health center »

More questions? Here are some additional resources:

[✓] What are the differences between sex, gender, and gender identity?

[✓] How can you support a loved one who is trans?

[✓] Does birth control affect HRT [hormone replacement therapy] treatment?

Trans, nonbinary, and gender-nonconforming people deserve access to safe, inclusive health care, always.

Planned Parenthood is working each day to be a place where people of all genders can receive the care and education they deserve: high‑quality, compassionate, and affirming. Trans and nonbinary people are Planned Parenthood patients, staff, and supporters, and we are proud to be here — providing care and education, and showing up for our trans and nonbinary family and friends.

Your support for Planned Parenthood helps make gender‑affirming care happen. Thank you.


[Name redacted], [Title redacted]
Planned Parenthood Federation of America

So, I wanted to share this email from Planned Parenthood Federation of America in celebration of Transgender Awareness Week! –Paul Whiting (written November 14th, 2023, revised November 17th, 2023, revised January 9th, 2024 and revised March 4th, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, I used to make one-time donations to the organization that is the subject of these 'updates' each time that I took an action as requested by that organization; however, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am greatly reducing the number of times that I donate for the same organization per month down to once—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis." (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.) Thus, because I have already donated to Planned Parenthood Federation of America on November 4th, 2023 (please see my 'November 4th, 2023 Update No. 1,' which can be found above) that is the one-time donation which I made to Planned Parenthood Federation of America for November 2023.


November 14th, 2023 Update No. 1: I have decided to consolidate the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these campaign donations!

You see, I typically write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations that I make virtually every time that I make a campaign donation—within which I usually include the text from each political campaign's requesting email, or text message, along with some of each campaign's donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign (which is usually $3.00 per campaign), plus how much I tipped ActBlue (which is usually $0.11 per donation)—however, lately there has suddenly been quite a number of campaign donation requests!

Therefore, I have decided to forego my usual writing format for these type of political campaign donation 'updates' and combine every campaign donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing all of these individual 'updates' for campaign donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

And I mean no disrespect to the individual political campaigns—each of which used to receive their very own 'update' on my blog—however, the 2024 election cycle is really starting to gear up and I have made a (hopefully realistic) goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. Plus, I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The first political campaign communication that I responded to was a text message today, November 14th, 2023, from the Biden Victory Fund, which stated the following:

Paul, it’s Joe Biden. My team tells me that you’re an active supporter of ours, so it makes this announcement extra special:

We’re offering you a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to grab coffee with Kamala and me – we’ll even cover your flights and hotel! 🛩️ 🏙️ That’s right… you’d get to say you had a cup of joe ☕ with Joe and Kamala.

Donate what you can, and you’ll be automatically entered into an all-expenses-paid trip to Washington, DC:***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Biden Victory Fund

Want to have a cup of coffee with Joe and Kamala? Donate now to support our campaign and Democrats nationwide!

By donating today, you could win a chance to have a cup of coffee with President Biden and Vice President Harris! This offer won't last long, so chip in today.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Biden Victory Fund.

[  ] $46 →

[  ] $25 →

[  ] $100 →

[  ] $250 →

[  ] $1,000 →

[  ] $2,000 →

[✓] Other $3.00

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[  ] Add custom amount

[✓] Leave no tip [For some reason, I couldn't leave a tip!*]

*P.S.: I usually leave an $0.11 tip to ActBlue for my typical $3.00 donations to political campaigns; however, for some reason, I couldn't leave a custom tip—like I usually do—with this donation! So, in order to compensate for my inability to add a custom tip, I went to the ActBlue website and made a $1.00 contribution directly to ActBlue:

Contribute Now to Support ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit organization that builds tools Democrats count on to run their own small-dollar fundraising programs. Small-dollar donors are giving in record numbers in 2020, and we’re only expecting things to get busier.

Will you chip in with a contribution to support our work? Your donation will go directly to ActBlue to help us support this nationwide grassroots movement. If you are looking to donate to a candidate or cause, please see our directory.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit ActBlue.

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $1.00

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Biden Victory Fund (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to enter for a chance to win a "once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to grab coffee ... with Joe and Kamala!"


The second political campaign communication that I responded to was an email from the Aaron Ford for Attorney General (Aaron Ford for Nevada) campaign today, November 14th, 2023, with the subject line, "Team Ford is back!", which stated the following:

Aaron Ford for Attorney General

Hey Paul,

We haven’t written to you in a couple of months, but Team Ford hasn’t gone anywhere.

First, on behalf of the Attorney General and our whole team, we want to express how deeply we appreciate your support and dedication to last year’s campaign. Indeed, it’s thanks to you that AG Ford secured a historic victory in 2022 – winning more votes than any other statewide candidate ever in a Nevada midterm election.

AG Ford likes to say he spent the first day after his victory celebrating. But then he got right back to work delivering tangible results for our Silver State.

Since his reelection, the General has:

[✓] Protected Nevadans from fraudsters and scammers, winning over $100M from those who cheated Nevadans.

[✓] Helped families who lost loved ones to opioids, winning over $1B from companies that knowingly promoted opioids to Nevadans.

[✓] Led the fight to protect women‘s health care, supporting legislation that affirms abortion rights and protects anyone who comes to Nevada seeking reproductive care.

[✓] Continues to defend Nevadans‘ right to vote and ensure every legal vote is counted by successfully fighting all baseless lawsuits about voter fraud and improving the efficiency and transparency of our elections.

This last bullet point [check mark] is especially important, Paul. If next November is anything like that of 2020, there will be Republican candidates on the ballot who perpetuate the Big Lie, who even participated in the January 6 coup attempt, and who view themselves as beholden to the extremes of their party instead of our Constitution and the will of the people. In the face of these anti-democratic threats, we need your help amplifying the values that AG Ford fights for every single day.

Can we count on you to contribute $25 or more today to General Ford's campaign committee? Your support will enable him to continue the honorable work he was elected to accomplish.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

[  ] Chip in $8 now >>
[  ] Chip in $15 now >>
[  ] Chip in $25 now >>
[  ] Chip in $50 now >>
[  ] Chip in $75 now >>
[  ] Chip in $100 now >>
[  ] Chip in $250 now >>
[✓] Chip in another amount***

AG Ford doesn’t just talk about a plan, Paul. He’s a man of action and delivery – and that’s why we need to push with everything we have to support him in his capacity as Nevada’s top law enforcement officer. We can’t do it without your help.

Thank you,

Team Ford

P.S. Your continued support fuels the engine of positive change in Nevada. Every contribution, big or small, makes a significant impact. Thank you for being a crucial part of Team Ford!

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Aaron Ford for Attorney General

Donate to Aaron Ford for Nevada

As Attorney General, Aaron Ford is fighting hard for a future that lives up to our promise of liberty, equality, and justice for all.

Your support will enable him to continue the honorable work he was elected to accomplish.


Your contribution will benefit Aaron Ford.

[  ] DONATE $8 →

[  ] DONATE $15 →

[  ] DONATE $25 →

[  ] DONATE $50 →

[  ] DONATE $75 →

[  ] DONATE $100 →

[  ] DONATE $250 →

[✓] OTHER AMOUNT $3.00


ActBlue Technical Services is a nonprofit that builds the fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[  ] Add custom amount

[✓] Leave no tip [For some reason, I couldn't leave a tip!*]

*P.S.: I usually leave an $0.11 tip to ActBlue for my typical $3.00 donations to political campaigns; however, for some reason, I couldn't leave a custom tip—like I usually do—with this donation! So, in order to compensate for my inability to add a custom tip, I went to the ActBlue website and made a $1.00 contribution directly to ActBlue:

Contribute Now to Support ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit organization that builds tools Democrats count on to run their own small-dollar fundraising programs. Small-dollar donors are giving in record numbers in 2020, and we’re only expecting things to get busier.

Will you chip in with a contribution to support our work? Your donation will go directly to ActBlue to help us support this nationwide grassroots movement. If you are looking to donate to a candidate or cause, please see our directory.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit ActBlue.

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $1.00

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Aaron Ford for Attorney General campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) because "if next November [2024] is anything like that of 2020, there will be Republican candidates on the ballot who perpetuate the Big Lie, who even participated in the January 6 coup attempt, and who view themselves as beholden to the extremes of their party instead of our Constitution and the will of the people." That is why, "in the face of these anti-democratic threats, [Aaron Ford for Attorney General needs my] help amplifying the values that AG Ford fights for every single day."

Thus, these two campaigns—Biden Victory Fund, as well as Aaron Ford for Attorney General—are the political campaigns that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written November 14th, 2023 and revised January 7th, 2024)


November 14th, 2023 Update No. 2: I received an email from United Farm Workers (UFW) today, November 14th, 2023, with the subject line, "Comments needed for critical NEW Department of Homeland Security regs [regulations]", which stated the following:

United Farm Workers
Si, Se Puede!        UFW

URGENT: New comments needed for critical new Department of Homeland Security regulations


We wrote to you asking you to comment in support of new DOL H-2A regulations. That comment period ended today. Now we need to ask you to comment on complementary, but separate proposed regulations by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The deadline for commenting on these regulations is November 20th.

These new DHS regulations would make vital changes for the men and women who harvest our food by offering stronger protections against exploitation for H-2A farm workers and H-2B workers, including:

[✓] Easing H-2 workers' ability to seek new H-2 employment, including a 60-day grace period to allow H-2 workers to seek new jobs and retain their H-2 status when leaving an abusive employer;

[✓] Strengthening prohibitions and enforcement against retaliation, mistreatment, and recruiter fees, including making it more difficult for abusive employers to hire H-2 workers in the future;

[✓] Protecting workers who apply for permanent residency (or “green card”) by allowing them to keep their H-2 status.

The public comment period will close on November 20th. Please help us do all we can to make sure these changed regulations go into effect by posting your comment today. Our new tool allows you to easily post directly to the government's web page from our simple take action page – and bypass navigating through the more complex government public comment website. Please add your public comment here.

PLEASE NOTE: The more personalized your comments are, the greater the impact.


PS: After you take action you can also share this campaign on Facebook & Twitter.*

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below—and that text is mostly the same information which is contained in the email above, with additional information:

Comments needed for critical NEW Department of Homeland Security regs

We wrote to you asking you to comment in support of new DOL H-2A regulations. That comment period ended today. Now we need to ask you to comment on complementary, but separate proposed regulations by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The deadline for commenting on these regulations is November 20th.

These new DHS regulations would make vital changes for the men and women who harvest our food by offering stronger protections against exploitation for H-2A farm workers and H-2B workers, including:

[✓] Easing H-2 workers' ability to seek new H-2 employment, including a 60-day grace period to allow H-2 workers to seek new jobs and retain their H-2 status when leaving an abusive employer;

[✓] Strengthening prohibitions and enforcement against retaliation, mistreatment, and recruiter fees, including making it more difficult for abusive employers to hire H-2 workers in the future;

[✓] Protecting workers who apply for permanent residency (or “green card”) by allowing them to keep their H-2 status.

The public comment period will close on November 20th. Please help us do all we can to make sure these changed regulations go into effect by posting your comment today. Our new tool allows you to easily post directly to the government's web page from our simple take action page – and bypass navigating through the more complex government public comment website. Please add your public comment below.

PLEASE NOTE: There is already a draft in the text box. Please edit the draft to personalize the message. The more personalized your comments are, the greater the impact.

Contact Information:

Prefix: Mr.
First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Street Address: [redacted]
Postal Code: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Email: [redacted]
Home Phone (Optional): [redacted]

Personalize your comment

I am writing this comment in support of our nation's farm workers, who are the backbone of our agriculture industry. Their dedication ensures that we have a stable food supply. These proposed H-2A regulatory changes are a critical step towards addressing the long-standing issues of abuse, exploitation, and trafficking of farm workers in the H-2A program. In particular, the Department of Homeland Security changes would make it easier for H-2A workers to leave an abusive employer in search of a better employment opportunity, enhancing enforcement against retaliation, and protecting visa status for those who apply to become a permanent resident. By improving the H-2A program, we are not only protecting the rights and well-being of guest workers but also enhancing the conditions for domestic farm workers.

These new DHS regulations would make vital changes for the men and women who harvest our food by offering stronger protections against exploitation for H-2A farm workers and H-2B workers, including:

✓ Easing H-2 workers' ability to seek new H-2 employment, including a 60-day grace period to allow H-2 workers to seek new jobs and retain their H-2 status when leaving an abusive employer;

✓ Strengthening prohibitions and enforcement against retaliation, mistreatment, and recruiter fees, including making it more difficult for abusive employers to hire H-2 workers in the future;

✓ Protecting workers who apply for permanent residency (or “green card”) by allowing them to keep their H-2 status.

I urge the Department of Homeland Security to finalize these proposed rules. This will not only protect the rights and dignity of farm workers but also contribute to the welfare and security of our nation's agricultural workforce.

[Your information here]

*I selected the "Share on Twitter" option (by the way, I only have a Twitter account so I can read tweets which are included in some online articles that I read) in order for me to provide you, my readers, with the text and hyperlink below:

Comment period now open on proposed NEW @DHSgov regulations. The regs will enhance prohibitions & enforcement against retaliation, mistreatment & recruiter fees–including making it harder for abusive employers to hire H-2 workers in the future.!

And so, I sent the comments above to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), via the (Service Employees International Union) website. Then, I made a one-time donation to United Farm Workers in order to support the "new DHS regulations would make vital changes for the men and women who harvest our food by offering stronger protections against exploitation for H-2A farm workers and H-2B workers," because "these proposed H-2A regulatory changes are a critical step towards addressing the long-standing issues of abuse, exploitation, and trafficking of farm workers in the H-2A program." –Paul Whiting (written November 14th, 2023 and revised November 17th, 2023)


November 14th, 2023 Update No. 3—Which Also Discusses November 13th, 2023: This 'update' that I am writing today, November 14th, 2023, is regarding both my usual reading of Time Magazine articles, as well as from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google.

To begin with, I feel like I need to explain that I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

Therefore, I have NOT checked the news for about five or six days, as of today, November 14th, 2023, because of how much blogging I have been doing. So, the last time that I checked the current news could either be considered for late November 8th, 2023, or early November 9th, 2023, depending upon how you look at it, since I actually didn't check the news for November 8th, 2023 until shortly before midnight PST (Pacific Standard Time)!

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day, which usually starts with me reading Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails that I receive each day. Then, I usually check each day's news via a Google search under several news topics sometime after I check my email, as well as after I check my previous day's cellular data usage, which I track very carefully.

Thus, I usually check on what is happening in the news via various Google searches that I do on an oftentimes daily basis under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Time Magazine emails and/or from those Google news searches; but, lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news!

And so, I have been trying to only document the news articles that I still need to read, but haven't got around to reading yet! Therefore, due to this recent volume of news, which started around September 14th, 2023 (please see my 'September 20th, 2023 Update—Continued, Which Also Discusses September 14th, 2023 Through September 19th, 2023' that can be found above), I have been writing these current news 'updates' where I list all of the articles that I am planning to read once I get around to reading them. Thus, this list is rather extensive: as of the last time I checked the news, I currently have 746 news articles left to catch up on reading! (Technically, it’s 711 articles, 2 interviews, 1 press release, 1 transcript, 1 'cartoon carousel,' as well as 27 videos, and 3 podcasts that I have left to catch up on.)

Besides that, since I started documenting these recent news articles (that I am planning to read in the future), I have only been able to catch up on reading the articles through September 26th, 2023 (please see my 'September 26th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above) starting from the first 'update' that I wrote regarding this sudden inundation of news, which was on September 20th, 2023, as noted above.

In other words, since I first wrote my 'September 20th, 2023 Update—Continued, Which Also Discusses September 14th, 2023 Through September 19th, 2023,' I have only been able to catch up on reading 124 articles, watching 2 videos, and listening to 2 podcasts! Therefore, this new system of listing the current news articles that I am planning to catch up on reading sometime in the future isn't sustainable.

Not only that, all of the time I have been spending listing these current news articles (that I am planning to read in the future) has been making it so that I only have time to list the articles, since these most recent news 'updates'—that are simply listing the articles that I am planning to read in future—take about one to two hours to create, or longer. And they also take around 0.20 to 0.25 of a GB, or more, in cellular data to create—simply to search for the articles under the above-mentioned news topics, open each article's webpage, copy the link to each article, and create these current news 'updates.' And I only have about 0.65 of a GB per day, on average, to use in data, since my cell phones data plan is about 20 GBs per month! (By the way, it takes about 0.15 to 0.30 of a GB to read the Time Magazine articles that I receive on a daily basis.)

And all of this prefacing is meant to explain that I am no longer planning to write these current news 'updates' where I list the articles that I am planning to read in the future! Period.

However, I am still planning to highlight some news articles as 'updates' if I feel that those particular articles are important for me to highlight—which is what I used to do—and that why I started writing these current news 'updates' in the first place. (I hope that makes sense!)

Now, I can usually manage to keep up with reading the Time Magazine articles that I receive on a daily basis, but that is just about all that I can do these days. Speaking of which, lately I have only been reading those Time Magazine articles about every two days, which is about all that I can manage.

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article. However, I recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received today, November 14th, 2023, as well as that I received yesterday, November 13th, 2023, when I noticed the following articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The following are the articles which I received yesterday, November 13th, 2023:

The first Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "New ‘Joint Employer’ Rule Could Make It Easier for Millions of Workers to Unionize":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "Netanyahu Discusses Hamas Assault, Gaza’s Future, and Potential Hostage Deal on Meet the Press":


The third Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "A New Political Fundraising Platform Wants to Help Grassroots Donors Give More Efficiently":


The fourth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "The Collapse of Global Arms Control":


The following are the articles which I received today, November 14th, 2023:

The fifth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received today) is titled, "The Surprising Political Evolution of American Polyamory":


The sixth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received today) is titled, "When Jews are Threatened, Why Can’t Americans Condemn Antisemitism?":


The seventh Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received today) is titled, "Is What’s Happening in Gaza a Genocide? Experts Weigh In":

And I decided to highlight these articles from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written November 14th, 2023, revised November 26th, 2023 and revised April 26th, 2024)


November 15th, 2023 Update No. 1: I received an email from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) today, November 15th, 2023, with the subject line, "ACLU's hot seat: Our lawyers on voting rights", which stated the following:

ACLU Pop Quiz: Voting Rights Edition


Hey Paul, do you know your voting rights?

Join our ACLU experts as they take the hot seat to answer important facts about voting rights – including everything you need to know when it comes to defending against voter suppression and protecting your own rights whenever you take to the polls. Check it out now. >>>

Right now, our lawyers are taking states to court – all the way to the Supreme Court in South Carolina's case – to fight against gerrymandering and unequal voter power. While we do that, stay informed and stay in the fight for voting rights by checking out this video now.

– The ACLU Team

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:


ACLU POP QUIZ: ACLU Pop Quiz Voting Rights Addition

We Quizzed ACLU Experts on Voting Rights. Can You Beat Them?

November 15, 2023

Voting is the cornerstone of our democracy and the right that empowers us to enact change and hold elected officials accountable. It is also key to achieving systemic equality, particularly given our country’s long history of limiting access to the ballot for communities of color, especially Black voters, which persists today. Discriminatory policies and legislation continue to prevent voters of color from exercising this right easily, if at all.

As another presidential election year draws near, the ACLU continues to protect the right to vote and push back against attempts to suppress our voices at the ballot box. The ACLU voting rights team is working to expand and protect voting rights around the country. So we decided to put their expertise to the test with some rapid-fire voting rights questions. Watch their answers below, or take a shot at answering some of the questions yourself.

[Video: "ACLU Pop Quiz: Voting Rights Edition" from YouTube]

This embed will serve content from

[Blogger's Note: I decided to take this quiz before I watched the YouTube video titled, "ACLU Pop Quiz: Voting Rights Edition" to see how many answers I got correct!]

1. What constitutional amendment grants the right to vote?

[✓] The 10th Amendment

[  ] The First Amendment

[  ] The 15th Amendment

[  ] The Second Amendment

[Blogger's Note: I got this one wrong! It was the 15th Amendment.]

2. What year did some women, but not all, receive the right to vote?

[✓] 1910

[  ] 1930

[  ] 1920

[  ] 1975

[I got this one wrong! It was 1920.]

3. What year did Black Americans receive the right to vote?

[✓] 1965

[  ] 1812

[  ] 1920

[  ] 1875

[Blogger's Note: I got this one right! I only knew that because of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.]

4. Which day does Election Day fall on?

[  ] The last week of the year

[  ] The first Monday in May

[✓] The first Tuesday following the first Monday November

The first week of January

[Blogger's Note: I got this one right! But, I forgot that Election Day is the first Tuesday after the first Monday. I thought that it was simply the first Tuesday in November...

...Then, after I took the aforementioned quiz, I watched the YouTube video above, which is fun, educational and thought-provoking!]

Learn more about the ACLU’s work toward racial equity below:

Systemic Equality: Equal Access, Better Futures

And, after I read the ACLU News & Commentary webpage above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage regarding "Systemic Equality: Equal Access, Better Futures," a brief introduction to which can be found below:

ACLU CAMPAIGNS › Systemic Equality: Equal Access, Better Futures

Are you ready to take action for Systemic Equality?

Yes, sign me up to learn about actions I can take to ensure every person can achieve their highest potential, unhampered by structural and institutional racism.

All fields are required unless labeled optional.

First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
Email: [redacted]
ZIP code: [redacted]

Sign up

[Blogger's Note: I signed up to take action for Systemic Equality!]

Systemic Equality is A Racial Justice Agenda

Since our nation’s founding, discriminatory policies and laws have created an unequal system in which Black communities have had their civil rights and liberties denied and have been systematically locked out of opportunities in education, housing, employment and more.

Through our Systemic Equality agenda, the ACLU will use nationwide litigation, advocacy, and public education to advance laws and policies rooted in racial equity and end discriminatory policies, laws, and practices that have an outsized impact on Black communities.

The ACLU will also continue to evolve our own culture, systems, and processes to drive progress toward our internal racial justice commitments, including by committing sustained recruitment and hiring efforts to recruit more diverse talent pools, developing initiatives to promote and retain Black leadership, engaging Black-owned and Black-led businesses, and more.

When we have full and equal access to education, jobs, housing, voting rights, and more, better futures are possible. ...

[Blogger's Note: I read the ACLU's News & Commentary webpage titled, "Systemic Equality: Equal Access, Better Futures," including all of the webpage text, as well as all of the full articles, and I watched all of the videos.]

So, I wanted to share this email from the ACLU in order to show my support for the "ACLU Pop Quiz: Voting Rights Edition!" –Paul Whiting (November 15th, 2023)


November 16th, 2023 Update No. 1: I have decided to consolidate the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these campaign donations!

You see, I typically write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations that I make virtually every time that I make a campaign donation—within which I usually include the text from each political campaign's requesting email, or text message, along with some of each campaign's donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign (which is usually $3.00 per campaign), plus how much I tipped ActBlue (which is usually $0.11 per donation)—however, lately there has suddenly been quite a number of campaign donation requests!

Therefore, I have decided to forego my usual writing format for these type of political campaign donation 'updates' and combine every campaign donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing all of these individual 'updates' for campaign donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

And I mean no disrespect to the individual political campaigns—each of which used to receive their very own 'update' on my blog—however, the 2024 election cycle is really starting to gear up and I have made a (hopefully realistic) goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. Plus, I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The first political campaign communication that I responded to was a text message today, November 16th, 2023, from the Eugene Vindman for Congress (Vindman for Congress) campaign, which stated the following:

Eugene Vindman here -- letting you know I am running for Congress and humbly asking you to support my campaign with a donation today.

On July 25, 2019, my brother Alexander Vindman listened as President Trump attempted to extort our ally Ukraine, a country at war, by withholding military aid unless President Zelenskyy investigated his political rival.

At the time, I was serving as the senior ethics official at the National Security Council in the White House. After Alex reported the call to me, we both blew the whistle on Trump.

The end result was Trump's impeachment.

The decision to blow the whistle on Donald Trump cost my brother and me our military careers after the former-president retaliated against us, but I am not done serving.

I am running for Congress in a swing-district in Virginia, and I need your help.

Please, become a Founding Donor to my campaign today:***

Thank you. - Eugene

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Vindman for Congress

Stand with Eugene Vindman

Become a Founding Donor to Eugene Vindman's campaign for Congress today.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Eugene Vindman.

[  ] Donate $5 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

Add custom amount

[✓] Leave no tip [I pressed this button by mistake!*]

*P.S.: I usually leave an $0.11 tip to ActBlue for my typical $3.00 donations to political campaigns; however, I accidentally pressed the "Leave no tip" button, rather than pressing the "Add custom amount" button—like I usually do—with this donation! So, in order to compensate for my mistake, I went to the ActBlue website and made a $1.00 contribution directly to ActBlue:

Contribute Now to Support ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit organization that builds tools Democrats count on to run their own small-dollar fundraising programs. Small-dollar donors are giving in record numbers in 2020, and we’re only expecting things to get busier.

Will you chip in with a contribution to support our work? Your donation will go directly to ActBlue to help us support this nationwide grassroots movement. If you are looking to donate to a candidate or cause, please see our directory.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit ActBlue.

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $1.00

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Eugene Vindman for Congress campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to "become a Founding Donor to [the Eugene Vindman for Congress] campaign."


The second political campaign communication that I responded to was a text message today, November 16th, 2023, from the Katie Porter for Senate campaign, which stated the following:

Paul, it’s Katie Porter, the progressive Democrat running to be California’s next US Senator. As a grassroots funded campaign with an average donation of $25, we just got handed a BIG disadvantage in this race. Let me explain…

A technicality in CA’s election law means that contribution limits have DOUBLED. Politico analysis found that one of our opponents can easily raise another $3 MILLION from his big donors.

On top of that, a super PAC just launched a million dollar ad buy for ANOTHER of our opponents.

Recent polls show us only a point or two behind the leader, but with money like this flooding the race, we have ground to make up.

I rely on folks like you to power this campaign, so if you’re able, please join our team and chip in $10 or even $20 today:***

Thank you!

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Katie Porter for Senate

Donate to help send Katie to the U.S. Senate:

Katie doesn’t take a cent from federal lobbyists or corporate PACs.

She doesn't want their money; Katie is running to stand up to special interests and big corporations to make life better for California families. Chip in before midnight tonight to help us reach our critical $50,000 goal.


Your contribution will benefit Katie Porter.

[  ] Donate $5 →

[  ] Donate $10 →

[  ] Donate $30 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

Add custom amount

[✓] Leave no tip [I pressed this button by mistake!*]

*P.S.: I usually leave an $0.11 tip to ActBlue for my typical $3.00 donations to political campaigns; however, I accidentally pressed the "Leave no tip" button, rather than pressing the "Add custom amount" button—like I usually do—with this donation! So, in order to compensate for my mistake, I went to the ActBlue website and made a $1.00 contribution directly to ActBlue:

Contribute Now to Support ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit organization that builds tools Democrats count on to run their own small-dollar fundraising programs. Small-dollar donors are giving in record numbers in 2020, and we’re only expecting things to get busier.

Will you chip in with a contribution to support our work? Your donation will go directly to ActBlue to help us support this nationwide grassroots movement. If you are looking to donate to a candidate or cause, please see our directory.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit ActBlue.

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $1.00

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Katie Porter for Senate campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) because "Katie doesn’t take a cent from federal lobbyists or corporate PACs," however, "as a grassroots funded campaign with an average donation of $25, [Katie Porter for Senate] just got handed a BIG disadvantage in this race," since "Politico analysis found that one of [Katie Porter's] opponents can easily raise another $3 MILLION from his big donors" due to "a technicality in CA’s election law [which] means that contribution limits have DOUBLED." Plus, "on top of that, a super PAC just launched a million dollar ad buy for ANOTHER of [Katie Porter's] opponents." The good news is "recent polls show [Katie Porter for Senate] only a point or two behind the leader, but with money like this flooding the race, [Katie Porter's campaign for Senate has] ground to make up.

Thus, these two campaigns—Eugene Vindman for Congress, as well as Katie Porter for Senate—are the political campaigns that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (November 16th, 2023)


November 16th, 2023 Update No. 2: I received an email from the American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon (ACLU of Oregon) today, November 16th, 2023, with the subject line, "Real solutions to drug addiction", which stated the following:



Paul –

Although you know me as the [title redacted] of the ACLU of Oregon, to my loved ones, I am also a mom, daughter, spouse, sister, and friend. In my personal life and through my loved ones, I have direct experiences with poverty, addiction, and physical and mental disabilities.

Like many Oregonians, I'm deeply concerned about drug addiction and increases in overdoses across our state and country, including amongst unsheltered people whose private suffering is in public view.

It is incredibly frustrating to see how decades of underinvestment in critical services has resulted in insufficient access to affordable housing, health care, and addiction treatment across our state – and resulted in very visible suffering on our streets and in our communities.

This is why the ACLU of Oregon team has urged lawmakers to address pressing societal issues holistically – to address root causes instead of offering false promises. We've pressed for real solutions even as some deep-pocketed interest groups, in and outside Oregon, have manipulated the media, lawmakers, and everyday Oregonians with scare tactics because they want addiction, homelessness, and mental illness funneled through police and jails.

The data from 50 years of the failed "War-on-Drugs" makes this clear: Access to addiction treatment and affordable housing are the solution to the drug addiction epidemic. NOT more police, jail, and criminal records.

We know that you want to keep informed, so we created a hub on our website to help you answer important questions, including:

[✓] What does the research show us about how to best address the addiction crisis?

[✓] How does the overdose rate in Oregon compare to other states?

[✓] What can be done to quickly help people get into housing or get the mental health care services they need?

You'll also be hearing more from us on these topics in the coming weeks via email. And, as always, please stay in touch by following us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

As frustrated as I feel, I know that Oregon can do better. Working together, we can create a state where all people are treated with inherent value and dignity and have access to basic human rights, including health care, addiction treatment, and housing.

Oregon is what we make it. As a mom, daughter, spouse, sister, and friend – and as an Oregonian too – I choose to make an Oregon with thriving communities, not more jails and prisons. Please join me.

With hope and in partnership,

[Name redacted]
Pronouns: She, her, hers
[Title redacted], ACLU of Oregon


And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, regarding the Solutions For Safe And Just Communities information hub. A brief introduction to the webpage can be found below:


Oregonians deserve real solutions.

We all have deep frustrations and concerns about the homelessness, drug addiction, and mental health crises in Oregon and across the nation. We must choose real solutions, not scare tactics.

The data is clear: Access to drug treatment and housing -- not harsher criminal penalties -- are the solution to the epidemic of drug addiction.

This is what Oregonians are demanding from local and state lawmakers.

It's plain common sense. We cannot arrest our way out of homelessness, drug use or poverty.

The ACLU urges lawmakers to support evidence-based solutions that prevent crime by addressing the root causes, like affordable housing, mental health and addiction services, and economic growth. ...

[Blogger's Note: I read the ACLU of Oregon's webpage titled, "SOLUTIONS FOR SAFE AND JUST COMMUNITIES."]

Please see the hyperlink below for the webpage:

Plus, after I read the email above, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU of Oregon in order to show my support for the Solutions For Safe And Just Communities information webpage. –Paul Whiting (November 16th, 2023)


November 16th, 2023 Update No. 3: I received an email from today, November 16th, 2023, with the subject line, "Ask Portland to sign the Plant Based Treaty 🌱", which stated the following:

Ask Portland to sign the Plant Based Treaty

Email your councilmembers:

Dear Friend,

More than 20 towns and cities worldwide, including Los Angeles, Boynton Beach and the Scottish capital, Edinburgh have officially endorsed the Plant Based Treaty. By taking action together today, we can spread Plant Based Treaty across the United States, leading to revamped Climate Action Plans and plant-based food policies implemented at city halls, schools, care homes and more.

"This landmark resolution marks a vital cultural shift as Americans prioritize both combating climate change and improving their health. As over 2,200 municipalities did with climate emergency declarations, I invite other cities to join us and endorse the Plant Based Treaty.” - Councilmember [name redacted], who introduced the Plant Based Treaty Resolution with Councilmember [name redacted] in Los Angeles.

Take Action

Inviting your councilmembers to sign the Plant Based Treaty helps us identify climate champions who can introduce resolutions and motions to City Hall. If your councillor responds to your email, please forward it to [email redacted] so we can follow up.

1. Write to your councilmembers and ask them to sign the Plant Based Treaty.

Email your councillors:

2. Become a Plant Based Treaty advocate where you live. We hold Welcome Calls every Friday at 10 am and 2 pm EST.

Register now

Did you know?

Councillor [name redacted] in Edinburgh introduced a Plant Based Treaty motion following emails from residents. As a result, the city of Edinburgh endorsed the Plant Based Treaty and is now working on a city-wide action plan to implement plant-based food policies. People power really works! Cities across the United States can take a leadership role in addressing food emissions too.

If you’d like to join our brand new USA Whatsapp chat to connect with Plant Based Treaty advocates near you, use this link or reply to this email with your phone number and we can add you.

Join Whatsapp chat

Thank you for helping build a kinder plant-based world for everyone and future generations to come.

[Name redacted] & [Name redacted]
Plant Based Treaty USA

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced website, regarding "Ask[ing] Portland to sign the Plant Based Treaty," the relevant text of which can be found below:

Plant Based Treaty

USA City Campaigns

Take action:

Take action:

Take action:

Take action:

Take action:

Take action:

Take action:

Take action:

Delaware, OH
Take action:

Take action:

Take action:

Take action:

Take action:

Take action:

Take action:

Take action:

Take action:

Take action:

Take action:

Take action:

Take action:

Take action:

Take action:

Take action:

Take action:

Take action:

Take action:

Take action:

Take action:

New Hampshire
Take action:

New Jersey
Take action:

New Mexico
Take action:

New York State
Take action:

North Carolina
Take action:

North Dakota
Take action:

Take action:

Take action:

Take action:

Take action:

Rhode Island
Take action:

South Carolina
Take action:

South Dakota
Take action:

San Diego
Take action:

Take action:

Take action:

Take action:

Take action:

Take action:

Take action:

West Virginia
Take action:

Take action:

Take action:

Plant Based Treaty 2023

And, after I read the website above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, regarding "Ask[ing] Cities in Oregon to Endorse the Plant Based Treaty," the relevant text of which can be found below:

Email your local councillors today and ask them to sign the Plant Based Treaty.

We’d love to know if your councillor responds. Please forward any replies you receive to [email redacted].

First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Email Address: [redacted]
Street Address: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
ZIP code: [redacted]
State: [redacted]

We'll notify your representative[s].

Dear council member
[recipient name will go here],

In September 2021, Boynton Beach, Florida became the first city to endorse the Plant Based Treaty. This was later followed by Los Angeles passing a resolution to endorse the Plant Based Treaty in October 2022.

A coalition of more than 3000 groups and businesses, including Social Compassion in Legislation, Ocean Preservation Society, Better Food Foundation, In Defense of Animals and Reimagine Agriculture, is urging council members across the state of Florida to support sustainable diets by signing the Plant Based Treaty initiative.

The UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ described the release of the IPCC sixth assessment as a 'code red' for humanity and our last chance to avoid catastrophic climate breakdown.

Greenhouse gases must be cut in a rapid and sustained manner to avoid temperatures rising above 1.5C. According to the 2021 UN Global Methane Assessment, methane, of which a third comes from animal agriculture, must be cut by 45% by 2030.

The Plant Based Treaty is designed to put food systems at the forefront of combating the climate crisis. Modeled on the popular Fossil Fuel Treaty, the treaty aims to halt the widespread degradation of critical ecosystems caused by animal farming and promote a shift towards healthier, sustainable plant-based diets.

More than 750 politicians back the treaty, along with IPCC scientists Dr. Peter Carter and Professor Julia Steinberger, and Nobel Laureates, including Klaus Hasselmann and Roger D. Kornberg.

Boynton Beach City’s Sustainability Coordinator, Rebecca Harvey said, “Food choices are one of the most powerful ways that individuals can help solve the climate crisis. Plant-based foods have a much lower carbon footprint than red meat and dairy.”

Councilmember Paul Koretz, who introduced the resolution with Councilmember Marqueece Harris-Dawson in Los Angeles said, “This landmark resolution marks a vital cultural shift as Americans prioritize both combating climate change and improving their health. As over 2,200 municipalities did with climate emergency declarations, I invite other cities to join us and endorse the Plant Based Treaty.”

Please visit, where you can sign your name to endorse the Plant Based Treaty or consider putting forward a motion for your city to endorse. You can email [email redacted] for a sample motion.

Thank you for taking climate action today to secure a future for all.

[your name will go here]
[your email address will go here]
[your location will go here]

Plant Based Treaty Supporter

Add You Voice

And, after I sent the letter above to my city councilmembers in Portland, Oregon, I made a one-time donation to Plant Based Treaty in order to show my support for this campaign to "write to your councilmembers and ask them to sign the Plant Based Treaty." –Paul Whiting (November 16th, 2023)


November 16th, 2023 Update No. 4: Giving Tuesday is twelve days away from today, November 16th, 2023! And so, I decided to make one-time donations to organizations that provide humanitarian aid and disaster relief for my 'early' Giving Tuesday donations: these include some organizations that provide emergency and disaster relief [the American Red Cross (ARC), the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)], one organization that provides global medical care (Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders); as well as some organizations that provide humanitarian aid [the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (USA for UNHCR), United Nations Population Fund (USA for UNFPA), United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF USA) and the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP USA)].

And I was inspired to make these donations by emails that I received today from two of the above-mentioned organizations, including one email from an international organization that "provides emergency aid and medical care around the globe," as well as one email from an organization that "helps to save, protect and rebuild the lives of millions of refugees."

–Paul Whiting (written November 16th, 2023, revised November 17th, 2023, revised November 20th, 2023 and revised November 21st, 2023)

P.S.: By the way, I don't make all of my charitable donations on Giving Tuesday of each year! I only donate to those organizations that I have not already donated to sometime during the year (at least, organizations that I have not necessarily already donated to). You see, I donate to various charitable and progressive organizations throughout the year, where I make some donations on a monthly basis (depending upon the organization), in addition to some donations that I only make once per year based upon certain types of 'theme days,' if you will (again, depending upon the organization).

Please let me explain: I donate to various charitable organizations during the year on particular 'theme days,' so to speak, which I feel correspond directly to particular charitable causes, because it helps me to remember to donate to those particular causes during the year that I feel have a corresponding 'theme day.'

That way, I am spreading the charitable love throughout the entire year—and not simply having a year's worth of charitable giving 'bunch up,' so to speak, on Giving Tuesday. So then, whichever charitable organizations don't have an obvious corresponding 'theme day,' I can donate to those charitable organizations during Giving Tuesday, since I haven't already given to those particular organizations sometime during the year!

For example, I usually make donations to various environmental organizations on April 22nd of each year—as a way to celebrate Earth Day—and as a way to support the environmental organizations to which I choose to donate on Earth Day, which is the day that I feel thematically corresponds directly to the causes that those particular organizations represent.

That is why I coordinate some of my charitable giving during the year with a particular 'theme day' that some charitable causes correspond to—such as the above-mentioned environmental organizations whose causes I feel directly correspond to the 'theme day' of Earth Day, which is simply one example of this type of 'theme day' charitable giving that I do throughout the year!


November 17th, 2023 Update No. 1: I received an email from Planned Parenthood PAC of Oregon (Planned Parenthood Political Action Committee of Oregon) today, November 17th, 2023, with the subject line, "When abortion rights are on the line, we win every time.", which stated the following:

Did you know? You can make a gift to Planned Parenthood PAC of Oregon at no cost to you. Oregon’s Political Tax Credit allows individuals to claim up to $50, and couples filing jointly to claim up to $100 of a political contribution on their taxes. Make a difference by donating your Political Tax Credit to PP PAC of Oregon

Dear Paul,

We say this every year, because it’s true: When abortion and reproductive health access are on the ballot, we win.

In Ohio, Kentucky, Vermont, Montana, Michigan, California, and Kansas voters took control at the ballot box and delivered wins for bodily autonomy and reproductive rights this year, proving what we already know - the majority of voters want reproductive freedom.

When you invest in Planned Parenthood PAC of Oregon, you invest in our future of abortion access. 2024 is fast approaching and next year, abortion rights will be on the ballot in Oregon all the way down the ticket. Contributing to our PAC empowers us to educate voters and elect abortion rights champions all across the state.


Oregon is not immune to the attacks on abortion access and sex education we are seeing across the country, and the 2024 election cycle will be no exception. Despite a walkout by state Republican Senators during this year’s legislative session, we achieved an historic win for abortion access and reproductive rights with the passage of HB 2002, which established critical protections for providers and patients, closed gaps in healthcare access, and established a fundamental right to the full spectrum of sexual and reproductive healthcare.

We couldn’t have done that without legislative champions and pro-abortion majorities in Oregon’s House and Senate. Your contribution to Planned Parenthood PAC of Oregon today will help us defend our legislative majorities, educate voters, and light the path for future movement leaders.


[Name redacted], [Title redacted] Planned Parenthood PAC of Oregon


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, after I read the email above, I made a one-time donation to Planned Parenthood PAC of Oregon, since "Oregon is not immune to the attacks on abortion access and sex education we are seeing across the country, and the 2024 election cycle will be no exception." That is why "when [I] invest in Planned Parenthood PAC of Oregon, [I] invest in our future of abortion access," because "in Ohio, Kentucky, Vermont, Montana, Michigan, California, and Kansas voters took control at the ballot box and delivered wins for bodily autonomy and reproductive rights this year, proving what we already know - the majority of voters want reproductive freedom." –Paul Whiting (written November 17th, 2023 and revised December 13th, 2023)


November 17th, 2023 Update No. 2: I received an email from United Farm Workers (UFW) today, November 17th, 2023, with the subject line, "We can’t do Thanksgiving without farm workers", which stated the following:

United Farm Workers
Si, Se Puede!        UFW

We can’t do Thanksgiving without farm workers

As Thanksgiving approaches, many look forward to celebrating the season of sharing with a special meal. As we sit down for the traditional Thanksgiving dinner, we're thankful for the bounty of fresh food we enjoy on Thanksgiving and every day of the year. Let's give thanks to the farm workers who do the labor that brings this food to our tables.

Farm workers have simple hopes and desires -- a safe job, paid holidays, adequate wages, decent housing, and food on the table. Unfortunately, many farm workers have a long way to go to achieve these basic necessities. Workers are organizing to improve conditions, but it's an uphill battle. That's why I'm asking you to help give a better workplace and a better life to more of these truly essential workers – by sending a holiday gift to the UFW today.

[Name redacted] ties grapevines in Greenfield CA for minimum wage with no benefits. She shares the injustices on the job are many. “I have to pay for my tools. In hot weather it gets super hot between grape plants. Several times [the supervisor] scolded me for going out to drink water or go to the bathroom. He told me that that was what the breaks are for...The bathrooms are very dirty...They do not have water to wash my hands or soap.”

The difference between what non-union workers like [redacted] endure and what union workers experience is huge. [Name redacted] has worked under a UFW contract in Washington State for the last 23 years with benefits such as paid holidays, vacation and a pension plan. “The company provides all the tools needed to do my job. I do not have to buy anything...I also have really good benefits with my contract. I have family health insurance, medical and dental coverage...The most important benefit I have is job security and they respect my seniority. I am very happy with my contract...I am not afraid or fearful."

This is the power of the union. It's the power of workers joining together fighting -- and your donation can help make this happen. As we celebrate Thanksgiving, would you make a gift to the UFW to help continue our efforts to give a better life to more farm workers all year round? You'll give the very best holiday gift to those whose hard work provides your food and drink at Thanksgiving … and throughout the year!


PS: After you take action you can also share this campaign on Facebook & Twitter.*

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

*I selected the "Share on Twitter" option (by the way, I only have a Twitter account so I can read tweets which are included in some online articles that I read) in order for me to provide you, my readers, with the text and hyperlink below:

We can’t do #Thanksgiving without farm workers: Make a donation during this season of thanks and giving and help fund change all year long.!

And so, I made a one-time donation to United Farm Workers because "we can’t do Thanksgiving without farm workers." That is why I made "a gift to the UFW to help continue [their] efforts to give a better life to more farm workers all year round." And I hope that you, my readers, will also consider making "a donation during this season of thanks and giving and help fund change all year long," since "you'll give the very best holiday gift to those whose hard work provides your food and drink at Thanksgiving … and throughout the year!" –Paul Whiting (November 17th, 2023)


November 17th, 2023 Update No. 3: I have decided to consolidate the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these campaign donations!

You see, I typically write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations that I make virtually every time that I make a campaign donation—within which I usually include the text from each political campaign's requesting email, or text message, along with some of each campaign's donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign (which is usually $3.00 per campaign), plus how much I tipped ActBlue (which is usually $0.11 per donation)—however, lately there has suddenly been quite a number of campaign donation requests!

Therefore, I have decided to forego my usual writing format for these type of political campaign donation 'updates' and combine every campaign donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing all of these individual 'updates' for campaign donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

And I mean no disrespect to the individual political campaigns—each of which used to receive their very own 'update' on my blog—however, the 2024 election cycle is really starting to gear up and I have made a (hopefully realistic) goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. Plus, I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The only political campaign communication that I responded to was an email from the Jamie Raskin for Congress campaign today, November 17th, 2023, with the subject line, "From impossible to inevitable", which stated the following:

Dear Paul:

The most important political epiphany I ever had was on the day I announced my first run for public office—the Maryland State Senate, nearly two decades ago.

I made a speech setting forth everything I wanted to accomplish: abolish the death penalty in our state, increase the minimum wage, decriminalize marijuana, ban the sale of military-style assault weapons, launch the National Popular Vote interstate compact, and pass marriage equality for our besieged LGBTQ community.

A woman came up to me and said: “Great speech, Jamie, but one thing—take out everything you have in there about gay marriage. It's not going to happen and even gay candidates don’t talk about it. It makes you sound really extreme, like you’re not in the political center.”

I paused because I didn’t want to offend her, but my kids were with me watching, and so I said this:

“I really appreciate your telling me that because it makes me realize that it is not my ambition to be in the political center, which blows around with the wind. It is my ambition to be in the moral center. That’s why I’m a Democrat and that's why I’m a progressive.”

“It is our job to move public opinion so we can bring the political center to the moral center.”

I was running against a 32-year incumbent who was president pro tem of the Maryland Senate and chair of the Montgomery County Senate delegation. A pundit told a local newspaper that my chances of victory were considered “impossible.”

But nine months later, after building a grassroots campaign that educated and mobilized thousands of people, we won 67 percent of the vote. On Election night, the Washington Post quoted a pundit who declared that my victory was “inevitable.”

We went from impossible to inevitable in nine months.

Paul—I teach the young people in our Democracy Summer project that, in politics, nothing is impossible and nothing is inevitable. Change is only possible through the democratic arts of educating people and organizing towards real change.

I’m proud of what we accomplished in the State Senate, and now I’m in Congress working every day to defend strong democracy and freedom all across America. From leading the 2021 impeachment trial of Donald Trump for inciting insurrection, which resulted in a 57-43 Senate vote in favor of conviction, to referring Donald Trump for prosecution for four crimes through my service on the January 6 Select Committee, I am working in the center of the fight in the people’s House to defeat right-wing authoritarianism, racism and extremism, and to defend our democracy and freedom.

Will you support my work by making a generous donation of $10 or more today?


Together we’re organizing with thousands of young people across America in our Democracy Summer project for landslide Democratic victory in 2024 and beyond! I’m grateful for your friendship and solidarity, and I am sending love and strength for the battles ahead.

With gratitude and nothing but high hopes for America,

Jamie Raskin

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Donate to Defend Democracy!

I have one overriding political imperative in the next year: to resoundingly win back the House from the MAGA extremists and to hold the U.S. Senate.

Will you make a donation to our campaign for landslide Democratic victory in 2024 and beyond?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Jamie Raskin.

[  ] Donate $5 →

[  ] Donate $15 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] Add $1 tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.75*

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Jamie Raskin for Congress campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) since it is "not [Jamie Raskin's] ambition to be in the political center, which blows around with the wind ... It is [his] ambition to be in the moral center. That’s why [he's] a Democrat and that's why [he's] a progressive." And that is why I donated to his campaign, because "[Jamie Raskin is] working in the center of the fight in the people’s House to defeat right-wing authoritarianism, racism and extremism, and to defend our democracy and freedom."

Thus, this one campaign—Jamie Raskin for Congress—is the political campaign that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written November 17th, 2023, revised November 19th, 2023 and revised November 26th, 2023)

*P.S.: I usually leave an $0.11 tip to ActBlue for my typical $3.00 donations to political campaigns; however, rather than tipping $0.11—like I usually do—I decided to try out a New & Improved "Add custom amount" tip of $0.75 with this donation! So, I am going to run the numbers on this new $0.75 tip amount (which is exactly 25% of $3.00) to see if it is "feasible for the foreseeable future" (say that three times fast!), or if I should revert back to the original $0.11 tip amount (which is exactly 3.6% of $3.00), or if I should still increase my political campaign donation tip amount to ActBlue—however, not by as much—to, say, $0.21 (which is exactly 7% of $3.00).

And so, my above-mentioned calculations are as follows: If I donate $3.00 per campaign and I add a tip to ActBlue of $0.75 (25% of $3.00), that means for every ten donations that I make—for example—it totals up to be $37.50! Now, if I make those same ten donations, but I add a tip to ActBlue of $0.21 (7% of $3.00), then it totals up to $32.10! Therefore, every ten donations that I make at the lower tip amount of $0.21 is a savings of $5.40! And, for me, $5.00 is usually the minimum amount that I donate for most all of my progressive and charitable donations. Thus, if you calculate that savings out for every one hundred donations—for example—that is a savings amount as follows:

If $3.75 per donation × 100 donations = $375.00 in total donations;

And if $3.21 per donation × 100 donations = $321.00 in total donations;

Then $375.00 in total donations at the higher tip amount - $321.00 in total donations at the lower tip amount = $54.00 in savings;

Therefore $54.00 in savings ÷ $5.00 which is my usual minimum donation amount = 10.8 progressive and charitable donations!


November 17th, 2023 Update No. 4—Which Also Discusses November 16th, 2023 And November 15th, 2023: [CONTENT WARNING: THIS UPDATE CONTAINS ARTICLES WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!] This 'update' that I am writing today, November 17th, 2023, is regarding both my usual reading of Time Magazine articles, as well as from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google.

To begin with, I feel like I need to explain that I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

Therefore, I have NOT checked the news for about three days, as of today, November 17th, 2023, because of how much blogging I have been doing. So, the last time that I checked the current news was on November 14th, 2023!

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day, which usually starts with me reading Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails that I receive each day. Then, I usually check each day's news via a Google search under several news topics sometime after I check my email, as well as after I check my previous day's cellular data usage, which I track very carefully.

Thus, I usually check on what is happening in the news via various Google searches that I do on an oftentimes daily basis under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Time Magazine emails and/or from those Google news searches; but, lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news!

And so, I have been trying to only document the news articles that I still need to read, but haven't got around to reading yet! Therefore, due to this recent volume of news, which started around September 14th, 2023 (please see my 'September 20th, 2023 Update—Continued, Which Also Discusses September 14th, 2023 Through September 19th, 2023' that can be found above), I have been writing these current news 'updates' where I list all of the articles that I am planning to read once I get around to reading them. Thus, this list is rather extensive: as of the last time I checked the news, I currently have 746 news articles left to catch up on reading! (Technically, it’s 711 articles, 2 interviews, 1 press release, 1 transcript, 1 'cartoon carousel,' as well as 27 videos, and 3 podcasts that I have left to catch up on.)

Besides that, since I started documenting these recent news articles (that I am planning to read in the future), I have only been able to catch up on reading the articles through September 26th, 2023 (please see my 'September 26th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above) starting from the first 'update' that I wrote regarding this sudden inundation of news, which was on September 20th, 2023, as noted above.

In other words, since I first wrote my 'September 20th, 2023 Update—Continued, Which Also Discusses September 14th, 2023 Through September 19th, 2023,' I have only been able to catch up on reading 124 articles, watching 2 videos, and listening to 2 podcasts! Therefore, this new system of listing the current news articles that I am planning to catch up on reading sometime in the future isn't sustainable.

Not only that, all of the time I have been spending listing these current news articles (that I am planning to read in the future) has been making it so that I only have time to list the articles, since these most recent news 'updates'—that are simply listing the articles that I am planning to read in future—take about one to two hours to create, or longer. And they also take around 0.20 to 0.25 of a GB, or more, in cellular data to create—simply to search for the articles under the above-mentioned news topics, open each article's webpage, copy the link to each article, and create these current news 'updates.' And I only have about 0.65 of a GB per day, on average, to use in data, since my cell phones data plan is about 20 GBs per month! (By the way, it takes about 0.15 to 0.30 of a GB to read the Time Magazine articles that I receive on a daily basis.)

And all of this prefacing is meant to explain that I am no longer planning to write these current news 'updates' where I list the articles that I am planning to read in the future! Period.

However, I am still planning to highlight some news articles as 'updates' if I feel that those particular articles are important for me to highlight—which is what I used to do—and that why I started writing these current news 'updates' in the first place. (I hope that makes sense!)

Now, I can usually manage to keep up with reading the Time Magazine articles that I receive on a daily basis, but that is just about all that I can do these days. Speaking of which, lately I have only been reading those Time Magazine articles about every two or three days, which is about all that I can manage.

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article. However, I recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received today, November 17th, 2023, and that I received yesterday, November 16th, 2023, as well as that I received the day before yesterday, November 15th, 2023, when I noticed the following articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The following are the articles which I received two days ago, November 15th, 2023:

The first Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received two days ago) is titled, "How Christianity Influenced America’s Notions of Equality":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received two days ago) is titled, "Johnson’s Plan to Avert a Government Shutdown Passes—but Angers Some Republicans":


The third Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received two days ago) is titled, "Israel’s Military Raids Gaza’s Largest Hospital":


The fourth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received two days ago) is titled, "Lawmakers Almost Came to Physical Blows at the Capitol. Twice":


The fifth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received two days ago) is titled, "How Racism Affects the Mental Health of Black Youth":


The following are the articles which I received yesterday, November 16th, 2023:

The sixth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "Why Starbucks Workers Are on Strike Today":

By the way, I also watched the video accompanying the article above that is titled the same as the article.


The following are the articles which I received today, November 17th, 2023:

The seventh Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received today) is titled, "How Netanyahu Is Undermining Biden’s Gaza Strategy":


The eighth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received today) is titled, "Why Osama bin Laden’s ‘Letter to America’ Went Viral on TikTok":


The ninth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received today) is titled, "While Dodging a Shutdown, Congress May Have Just Given Some Jan. 6 Rioters a Break":




The eleventh Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received today) is titled, "Why Black Friday Deals Are Starting Earlier Than Ever":

And I decided to highlight these articles from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written November 17th, 2023, revised November 18th, 2023, revised November 26th, 2023 and revised April 26th, 2024)


November 18th, 2023 Update No. 1: I received an email from Planned Parenthood Action Fund today, November 18th, 2023, with the subject line, "We have a story to tell you", which stated the following:


Texas Gov. Greg Abbott knows the baseless $1.8 billion lawsuit brought by an anonymous anti-abortion radical and backed by Texas politicians could shut down Planned Parenthood health centers and harm patients.

That's why this isn't just another legal fight: It's a politically motivated move that will affect real people — their lives, their health, their futures. If this meritless lawsuit shuts down Planned Parenthood, many of the thousands of Texans who rely on high-quality, affordable care at Planned Parenthood health centers would have nowhere to go.

Learn how patients like [name redacted] have experienced the lifesaving services Planned Parenthood health centers provide:

"A male doctor I was seeing for pap smears told me that receiving an abnormal pap is typical and that I should not be alarmed. After talking with other women, I reached out to Planned Parenthood. I received a pap at Planned Parenthood and when it came back abnormal, a biopsy was done, and it was detected that I had pre-cancerous cells. A freezing procedure was performed, and, for two years, I went back to Planned Parenthood every three to six months for cancer screenings. Planned Parenthood is the reason why I am alive today.

Planned Parenthood is not just about abortion, it's about women getting their personal needs met. It's education for young people. They are not taking away rights from parents, I was open with my parents and have always told my daughter she can always call on Planned Parenthood. They know the resources we need.

I'm glad Planned Parenthood is there for people who need it, for financial reasons or anything else. In all my years working with young women's groups, I mention this story so that other women who are in college can gain the support and education that PP offers. If this resource is taken away, what happens to our women? If it wasn't for Planned Parenthood, the last 50 years of my life may have been very different or I may not be alive today.

This nearly two billion dollar lawsuit is a smear campaign. It is horrible. It's a shame that things that are benefitting women are being attacked.

Taking away Planned Parenthood takes away the opportunity for people to make their own decisions. I believe in opportunity for everyone, regardless of color or gender. You have a right to have the opportunity to do the things you want to do in life."

While Gov. Abbott and his allies are busy playing politics with people's lives, we'll continue fighting for patients like [name redacted] — and we need you with us. Add your name and say: "I'm For Planned Parenthood."

[Name redacted], [Title redacted]
Planned Parenthood Action Fund

By the way, I already took this action to "Add your name: I'm For Planned Parenthood" on November 4th, 2023 (please see my 'November 4th, 2023 Update No. 1,' which can be found above); however, I wanted to share this petition with you, my readers, in order to for you to consider signing it too!

Therefore, I am doing my part as a blogger in order to help Planned Parenthood because, "while Gov. Abbott and his allies are busy playing politics with people's lives, [Planned Parenthood will] continue fighting for patients like [name redacted] — and [they] need you with [them]."

Thank you for adding your name!

–Paul Whiting (November 18th, 2023)

P.S.: Just so you know, I used to make one-time donations to the organization that is the subject of these 'updates' each time that I took an action as requested by that organization; however, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am greatly reducing the number of times that I donate for the same organization per month down to once—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis." (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.) Thus, because I have already donated to Planned Parenthood Action Fund on November 3rd, 2023 (please see my 'November 3rd, 2023 Update No. 3,' which can be found above) that is the one-time donation which I made to Planned Parenthood Action Fund for November 2023.


November 18th, 2023 Update No. 2: Giving Tuesday is ten days away from today, November 18th, 2023! And so, I decided to make one-time donations to several charities as a continuation of my 'early' Giving Tuesday donations, which include the following: 'a charity assessment organization that evaluates hundreds of thousands of charitable organizations based in the United States' (Charity Navigator); an organization 'that fights all forms of antisemitism and bias' (Anti-Defamation League); an organization that is 'an international federation of Jewish communities and organizations' (World Jewish Congress, American Section); a local 'trusted community resource offering counseling, food, clothing, and more to thousands of individuals and families in Portland' (William Temple House); a local organization that provides 'support to individuals at all stages of their journey from homelessness to permanent housing' (Transition Projects); and a 'homeless advocacy group and a weekly alternative newspaper that covers homeless issues' (Street Roots).

And I was inspired to make these donations by mailers that I received yesterday November 17th, 2023, from the above-mentioned organizations, including the following: one mailer from "the world's largest, most trusted nonprofit evaluator"; one mailer from "the leading anti-hate organization in the world"; one mailer from "the leading international organization connecting and protecting Jewish communities globally"; one mailer from a local organization that "provides food, counseling, clothing, and household items to Portland-area neighbors"; one mailer from a local organization that "has delivered life-saving and life-changing assistance to some of Portland's most vulnerable residents"; and a local organization "that publishes a weekly social justice newspaper sold by people experiencing homelessness and poverty to earn an income."

–Paul Whiting (written November 18th, 2023, revised November 19th, 2023, revised November 20th, 2023, revised November 21st, 2023, revised December 15th, 2023 and revised January 9th, 2024)

P.S.: Please see my detailed descriptions—immediately after this 'update'—of the following Giving Tuesday donations for which I received the above-mentioned mailers!

Charity Navigator: 'November 18th, 2023 Update No. 3, Written On November 19th, 2023, Which Also Discusses November 17th, 2023' that can be found below.

Anti-Defamation League (ADL): 'November 18th, 2023 Update No. 4, Written On November 19th, 2023, Which Also Discusses November 17th, 2023' that can be found below.

World Jewish Congress, American Section: 'November 18th, 2023 Update No. 5, Written On November 19th, 2023, Which Also Discusses November 17th, 2023' that can be found below.

William Temple House: 'November 18th, 2023 Update No. 6, Written On November 19th, 2023, Which Also Discusses November 17th, 2023' that can be found below.

Transition Projects: 'November 18th, 2023 Update No. 7, Written On November 19th, 2023, Which Also Discusses November 17th, 2023' that can be found below.

Street Roots: 'November 18th, 2023 Update No. 8, Written On November 19th, 2023, Which Also Discusses November 17th, 2023' that can be found below.

P.P.S.: By the way, I don't make all of my charitable donations on Giving Tuesday of each year! I only donate to those organizations that I have not already donated to sometime during the year (at least, organizations that I have not necessarily already donated to). You see, I donate to various charitable and progressive organizations throughout the year, where I make some donations on a monthly basis (depending upon the organization), in addition to some donations that I only make once per year based upon certain types of 'theme days,' if you will (again, depending upon the organization).

Please let me explain: I donate to various charitable organizations during the year on particular 'theme days,' so to speak, which I feel correspond directly to particular charitable causes, because it helps me to remember to donate to those particular causes during the year that I feel have a corresponding 'theme day.'

That way, I am spreading the charitable love throughout the entire year—and not simply having a year's worth of charitable giving 'bunch up,' so to speak, on Giving Tuesday. So then, whichever charitable organizations don't have an obvious corresponding 'theme day,' I can donate to those charitable organizations during Giving Tuesday, since I haven't already given to those particular organizations sometime during the year!

For example, I usually make donations to various veterans’ charities on November 11th of each year—as a way to honor Veterans Day—and as a way to support the veterans’ organizations to which I choose to donate on Veterans Day, which is the day that I feel thematically corresponds directly to the causes that those particular organizations represent.

That is why I coordinate some of my charitable giving during the year with a particular 'theme day' that some charitable causes correspond to, such as the above-mentioned veterans’ organizations whose causes I feel directly correspond to the 'theme day' of Veterans Day, which is simply one example of this type of 'theme day' charitable giving that I do throughout the year!


November 18th, 2023 Update No. 3, Written On November 19th, 2023, Which Also Discusses November 17th, 2023: I received a mailer from Charity Navigator two days ago on November 17th, 2023, which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]

Charity Navigator
[Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

Paul [Middle Initial] Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

Dear Paul,

Thank you so much for being a Charity Navigator supporter and entrusting us to help guide your giving. It's an enormous honor to serve you and over 11 million big-hearted donors like you each year.

I'm reaching out today with an important question: How can you feel confident that your donations make a powerful impact on the causes you care about?

Many of the charities you support work to solve complicated issues, and, at times, it's difficult to know how much of a difference your donations are making. That's why the Charity Navigator team developed the Impact & Results beacon as a part of our ratings.

I humbly ask that you step forward today and reaffirm your support to Charity Navigator with a tax-deductible gift. It would really help us reach our big goal of increasing the number of charities with Impact & Results scores from 2,000 to 3,000.

Generating Impact & Results scores is a complex process. We have to develop a sophisticated methodology for each program type, gather detailed data from charities, and analyze and score the data.

Your support will lead to greater giving to more effective organizations, which means more children receiving proper nutrition, more dogs and cats finding loving homes, more housing stability for vulnerable populations, more trees being planted, and so much more.

Can I count on you to make a new tax-deductible gift to Charity Navigator today?

I'm confident we'll reach our goal because of extraordinary people like you. Thank you in advance for your renewed support today!

[Name redacted]
Chief Relationship Officer

If you prefer to donate online, simply or scan the QR code under my signature.

You can also donate using stock, donor-advised funds, individual retirement account (ICR), and more!



Paul [Middle Initial] Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

Your support helps us provide donors with the tools and resources to make informed, impactful decisions.

My gift

[ ] $25

[ ] $50 Your gift of this amount or more would really help!

[ ] $75

[✓] Other $7.00

[  ] I've enclosed my check, made payable to Charity Navigator.

[  ] Please charge my credit card (see reverse).

[  ] I'd like to give on a recurring (e.g. monthly or annual) basis (credit card only).

Charity Navigator

Donate online at

Kindly confirm your information so we can stay in touch with you. or email [email redacted] to update.

Email: [email redacted]

Phone: ________________________

Our pledge: Charity Navigator will never sell or share your information with another entity. Learn more at

Charity Navigator
[Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

And, after I read the letter above, I entered the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Support Charity Navigator and make impactful giving easier for all.

Every year, millions of Americans rely on Charity Navigator's ratings and resources to guide their giving. Like the nonprofits we rate, we're a nonprofit that depends on your generosity.

Your tax-deductible gift to Charity Navigator today will help us increase the depth and breadth of our ratings, equipping donors with tools and information to make informed, impactful philanthropic choices.

Thank you in advance for your generosity.

And so, I made a one-time donation to Charity Navigator yesterday, November 18th, 2023, in order to "help [Charity Navigator] reach [their] big goal of increasing the number of charities with Impact & Results scores from 2,000 to 3,000." –Paul Whiting (written November 19th, 2023 and revised January 9th, 2024)


November 18th, 2023 Update No. 4, Written On November 19th, 2023, Which Also Discusses November 17th, 2023: I received a mailer from the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) two days ago on November 17th, 2023, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "Your 2023 Impact Report: A Year of Incredible Action Thanks to You: Matching Gift Challenge", which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]


Your 2023 Impact Report
A Year of Incredible Action Thanks to You


Paul, help fight hate for good in the coming year with a gift that DOUBLES in impact. Respond by November 30!

Dear Paul,

It's an honor to present your 2023 Impact Report, which describes the work you made possible fighting antisemitism, extremism, racism and all forms of hate this past year.

It's an act of courage to speak up against extremists in our communities and actively support efforts to combat the alarming rise of antisemitism and hate. So, I want to thank you for your generosity and for being courageous during these troubling times.

Since your first gift in 2023, you've helped support our efforts to fight against the defamation of the Jewish people and secure justice and fair treatment for all.

Paul, your generosity — and tenacity — are needed more than ever in the fight against the escalating threats today of antisemitism, hate and extremism.

Your year-end support today will empower ADL's fight against domestic terrorists and antisemitic extremists. Plus, right now, you can have 2X the impact ... because a group of generous donors has agreed to match any gift you make before November 30, dollar for dollar, up to our year-end goal of $250,000.

That means your tax-deductible gift of $25 will DOUBLE to $50 to track and stop antisemitism before it turns deadly.

Your donation of $50 during our 2023 Matching Gift Challenge will become $100 and go TWICE AS FAR to stop online hate and harassment.

Your gift of $75 DOUBLED becomes $150 to implement ADL's education initiatives to ensure students learn about and understand the history of the Holocaust.

Any amount you send, even a generous gift of $100, will DOUBLE to be used where it is most needed in the fight against antisemitism, hate and extremism.

Here are just a few highlights of the incredible work your generosity makes possible.

YOU Assisted ADL in Tracking Antisemitism and Extremism

Antisemitism and extremism are surging. Worse, we are at a dangerous point in history where public figures have mainstreamed antisemitic hate into American culture.

That's why it's so important that your ongoing support helps ADL track and report antisemitism in our communities through ADL's Audit of Antisemitic Incidents.



In the most recent report, ADL recorded a startling total of 3,697 antisemitic incidents across the U.S. That's a 36% increase from the previous year, and it's the highest number ever recorded by ADL since tracking began in 1979:

[✴] Antisemitic vandalism increased by 51%.

[✴] Harassment swelled 29%.

[✴] Physical assaults shot up 26%.

I realize this increase in antisemitism and hate can feel terrifying.

But with your ongoing support, ADL is working tirelessly to secure the safety of Jewish communities and other marginalized groups. This includes playing a significant role in the creation of a national strategy to fight antisemitism.

Supporters Like YOU Helped Create the First-Ever U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism

For Jewish people and other marginalized groups, the mainstreaming of hate, combined with disinformation, conspiracy theories and misinformation, has made the world increasingly more hostile, violent and dangerous.

Fortunately — because of the support of people like you — ADL succeeded in actively shaping the creation of the first-ever National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism.

Your generosity and your voice helped urge the White House to develop and release this strategy — which incorporates more than 30 policy recommendations from ADL — to fight antisemitism on both the far-right and far-left across the government and society.

Your gift will go 2X as far to help ensure this strategy is funded and implemented so our communities, workplaces, classrooms and online activities are safe for everyone.

YOUR Gifts Fight Hate and Harassment Online

Online hate and harassment are rampant — and what happens online doesn't stay there.

According to our latest ADL survey, online hate and harassment surged in 2023 by nearly every measure and across almost every group.

Over half of all Americans have experienced online hate and harassment in their lifetimes — including more than 1 in 3 Jews who reported severe harassment. And in just one year, 51% of teenagers reported being harassed online.

Corrosive hate in social media spaces combined with an increased number of people harboring extensive prejudice against Jews is a recipe for severe online and offline harm against Jews and other marginalized groups. It's no wonder people like you and I are on edge.

Your gift today will go twice as far in combating online hate and its harm to our families and communities. You'll help ADL work with lawmakers at every level and hold online platforms accountable so we can push hate back into the dark corners of society.

YOUR Support Means Students #LearnToNeverForget

As you can see [from the graph below], we are witnessing a level of anti-Jewish attitudes and antisemitic incidents not seen in decades. At the same time, memory of the Holocaust is fading.

ADL research reveals that people who learned about the Holocaust in school display the fewest antisemitic attitudes. Helping students learn to never forget is vital in the fight against hate.

Your gift today will double to support ADL's education programs like Echoes & Reflections, which teaches students about the Holocaust and its ongoing relevance today.

Together, we can work toward a world where today's learners become the key to preventing tomorrow's tragedies.


Average Number of Anti-Jewish Tropes Endorsed Based on Where People Learned About the Holocaust

→ → → 3.8

School taught specifically about the Holocaust, including reading books and reviewing materials

→ → → → 4.6

From social media, movies, TV, friends or family

→ → → → 4.7

School mentioned the Holocaust but did not go into detail

→ → → → → 5.2

From somewhere else


YOUR Gift Goes Twice as Far

The painful truth is that antisemitism is in all of our communities. And no one is safe until everyone is safe.

Each of us must do whatever we can to stop extremism and all forms of hate.

Any gift you send before November 30 will go twice as far to allow ADL to keep working with communities and law enforcement to track extremists so they can be stopped before the next person is harmed.

You'll also assist in ADL efforts to advocate for stronger hate crime legislation, as well as partner with schools to educate students and teachers to identify hate and root it out before it spreads.

Paul, that's why I hope you'll accept this challenge to make a tax-deductible donation before November 30.

When you do, your gift of $25 will DOUBLE to $50 ... $50 becomes $100 ... $75 becomes $150.

And an especially generous gift of $100 DOUBLES to $200 to make the world a safer place for us all.

Together, thanks to your profound generosity and courage, we can continue working to repair the world we all share.


[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]

P.S. You have a chance today to make 2X the impact in the fight against antisemitism and hate. A group of your fellow generous donors has challenged you to make a donation before November 30 — of $25, $50, $75, $100 or more — and they will double your gift. Thank you for sending your gift now, while my letter is still in your hands.

P.P.S. You can also go to to make an immediate impact in the fight against antisemitism and hate.

Go to to make an immediate impact.



Please DOUBLE my gift to help fight hate in 2024

I want to fight antisemitism, extremism and hate of all kinds.

Please accept my gift of:

[  ] $25 becomes $50
[  ] $50 becomes $100
[  ] $75 becomes $150
[✓] DOUBLE my best gift of $7.00

[  ] I'd like to make mine a monthly gift.

[  ] Check made payable to ADL.

[  ] I would like to give by credit card. (Please see back of this form.)

Donate online at

You can also make a donation through your Donor-Advised Fund. To learn more, visit our website,

Paul Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]


[Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) yesterday, November 18th, 2023, in order to "DOUBLE my gift to help fight hate in 2024." –Paul Whiting (written November 19th, 2023 and revised January 9th, 2024)


November 18th, 2023 Update No. 5, Written On November 19th, 2023, Which Also Discusses November 17th, 2023: I received a mailer from the World Jewish Congress, American Section, two days ago on November 17th, 2023, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "2023 PORTLAND JEWISH COMMUNITY DRIVE: RENEW YOUR COMMITMENT TO PROTECTING WORLD JEWRY!", which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]


Dear Paul,

Political, social, and economic challenges continue to inflame the world's oldest hatred—antisemitism—and the Jewish people will need the support of the World Jewish Congress more than ever.

That is why I am writing to you in Portland on behalf of the World Jewish Congress, American Section.

Today, many Jewish communities are facing a shocking surge of anti-Jewish and anti-Israel hatred, ranging from physical attacks on city streets; evil lies and propaganda spreading across the internet and social media; vandalism directed against synagogues, cemeteries, and communal institutions; and rising levels of Holocaust denial and distortion. This disturbing list goes on and on.

It is in times of crisis and turmoil that we need to stand united and prepared to identify and confront the real and frightening challenges before us.

At this critical moment in world history, I urge you to please renew your commitment to safeguarding world Jewry by supporting the World Jewish Congress today.

As you read this letter, Jewish communities around the world, not so different from the ones in Portland, are fearful of the threats to their safety and security—the ones they face today and the ones they know they will have to confront in the months ahead.

As someone who cares deeply about Jews everywhere, we know you pay close attention to what is happening at home and abroad. Please help the WJC stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the Jewish people in our tireless fight against the wave of virulent antisemitism we are experiencing, including on college and university campuses, at United Nations agencies, and in international governments, courthouses, and legislatures.

And we know you understand that if one Jew is in danger, all Jews are imperiled. But you have the power to shape a better future for Jews everywhere.

Please join your neighbors in the Portland Jewish community by giving today to help the World Jewish Congress protect and defend our Jewish family in more than 100 countries across six continents.

Your gift of $18, $36, $72, or more to the World Jewish Congress, American Section, will enable all the WJC's vital diplomacy, advocacy, and activism that confront and combat antisemitism in all its vile forms.

And to thank you, a generous longtime donor will match, dollar-for-dollar, every gift we receive from you and your neighbors in the Portland Jewish community. This means every $1 you give will automatically become $2 and have TWICE the impact.

As the diplomatic arm of the Jewish people, the WJC is the most influential global advocacy body for Jewish communities worldwide. That is why we have earned the trust and respect of presidents, prime ministers, and popes. But it is the support and commitment of people like you that empower our voice and outreach and give us the strength we need to achieve our goals.

The WJC is always on the ground where and when we are needed the most. At the same time, the diplomatic power of the WJC stands up for Israel ... fights back against far-right and far-left extremist groups wherever they seek to threaten Jews and other minorities ... works to ensure Holocaust education and remembrance ... and protects the religious freedoms of Jewish communities large and small.

By giving today, you remain on the forefront of our enduring efforts to defend Jews everywhere, and you claim your place in history as someone who stood up to make a difference when our global Jewish family truly needed you.

Thank you for your devotion to our shared mission.

[Name redacted], [Title redacted]
World Jewish Congress, North America

P.S. Your gift of $18, $36, $72, or more today will go twice as far to help the WJC protect and defend our communities—on city streets, sacred sites and gathering places, internet and social media platforms, halls of government, and in global bodies like the United Nations.

P.P.S. Donate online at and put your matched gift to work even faster for the Jewish people. Thank you.




[✓] Yes, I will join with others in the Portland Jewish community by accepting the Certificate of Gratitude and making making a commitment to the Jewish people everywhere. Please DOUBLE the value of my enclosed tax-deductible gift to the World Jewish Congress, American Section, to support all the WJC's critical efforts to protect and defend global Jewry.

Your $18 will be matched to become $36
Your $36 will be matched to become $72*
Your $72 will be matched to become $144
[✓] Other $7.00 will be doubled

*Paul, others in the Portland Jewish community are choosing to give this much. We hope you will too.

To give online, please go to:

Paul Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

Please make your check payable to the WJC, American Section, return your contribution in the envelope provided or mail to WJC, American Section.
[Address, City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

See reverse side to make your contribution by credit card.



Certificate of Gratitude

The World Jewish Congress acknowledges that
Paul Whiting
has demonstrated extraordinary commitment to the safety of Jewish communities around the world and is hereby recognized as a
Dedicated Supporter of the World Jewish Congress in the Year 2023

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
World Jewish Congress

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
World Jewish Congress, North America



On Simchat Torah,* Israel was invaded by Hamas terrorists from the Gaza Strip. This unprovoked attack had just one goal: to barbarically and systematically slaughter as many Jews as possible, civilians and military alike. No one was spared. Babies, children, women, men, the elderly and disabled all fell victim to this savage and bloodthirsty rampage. The number of murdered, injured, and kidnapped is staggering.

At this tragic and painful time, our hearts are heavy. Our Jewish family in Israel needs our love, prayers, and all the support we can give them.

Please donate to the World Jewish Congress, American Section. All funds will be used by WJC, as needs dictate, on behalf of the people and State of Israel.

Am Yisrael Chai! [Israel Lives!]

For information about how the WJC is helping, please visit


And so, I made a one-time donation to the World Jewish Congress, American Section yesterday, November 18th, 2023, in order to "DOUBLE the value of my enclosed tax-deductible gift to the World Jewish Congress, American Section, to support all the WJC's critical efforts to protect and defend global Jewry." –Paul Whiting (written November 19th, 2023, revised November 28th, 2023, revised November 30th, 2023, revised December 6th, 2023 and revised January 9th, 2024)

*"Simchat Torah" from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia—which is funded primarily through donations from millions of individuals around the world, including this blogger (I make a totally affordable monthly donation):

Simchat Torah or Simhat Torah (שִׂמְחַת תּוֹרָה‎, lit., "Rejoicing with/of the Torah", Ashkenazi: Simchas Torah) is a Jewish holiday that celebrates and marks the conclusion of the annual cycle of public Torah readings, and the beginning of a new cycle. Simchat Torah is a component of the Biblical Jewish holiday of Shemini Atzeret ("Eighth Day of Assembly"), which follows immediately after the festival of Sukkot in the month of Tishrei (occurring in September or October on the Gregorian calendar).


November 18th, 2023 Update No. 6, Written On November 19th, 2023, Which Also Discusses November 17th, 2023: I received a mailer from William Temple House two days ago on November 17th, 2023, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "RALLY for REAL CHANGE", which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]

William Temple House

Paul Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

November 2023

Dear Paul:

Nearly everyone agrees that our city is in a crisis.

In Oregon, over 43% of adults with a severe mental illness go untreated. The situation is even worse for those with mild to moderate symptoms. In Portland, homelessness, hunger and addiction are all on the rise. For every person visibly struggling with housing insecurity and mental illness, there are countless others struggling invisibly, a few steps away from crisis. Many Portlanders seem to have given up hope that things will change for the better. But we do have solutions. We are changing lives every day.

Together, we can turn the tide of crisis. The time to Rally for Real Change is now.

Since joining William Temple House as [title redacted] in May, I have witnessed our dedicated team's efforts to provide crucial support and meet our community's evolving needs:

[✓] Each year, we provide free or low-cost mental health counseling to over 350 people in collaboration with deeply motivated graduate interns from Portland State, Lewis & Clark, and other respected local universities.

[✓] 94% of our counseling interns continue working in Oregon to address Oregonians' mental health needs.

[✓] This past August, our Food Pantry provided free groceries to an average of 104 households per pantry day-nearly 40% more than a year ago.

For us, real change means providing the interconnected, compassionate services that keep people from falling into crisis. Every pantry day and counseling session is an investment in our community's future.

Today, you have the opportunity to turn your caring into action. Will you consider making a meaningful gift to help us continue making real change in our clients' lives?

This year, your generous donation will help us:

[✓] Provide free or low-cost individual, family, relationship, and group counseling to over 400 people who otherwise might not access mental health care.

[✓] Train 22+ Master's-level counseling interns.

[✓] Feed over 11,000 households with healthy food from our pantry.

[✓] Connect hundreds of people to utility assistance, SNAP benefits and other external resources.

William Temple House has been serving Portland since 1965. But now our city needs our services more than ever. Your generosity makes a difference. Join us in creating transformative change for Portlanders.

To help us Rally for Real Change, please visit our website at or complete the enclosed donation form and return it in the enclosed self-addressed stamped envelope. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email redacted] or [phone number redacted].

Thank you for your past commitment to William Temple House and the neighbors we serve.

With gratitude,

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]

"I have been able to function better. I've gotten confidence to find a part-time job and have confidence to get through more of my life situations. I don't know if I could have gotten through them without some good, helpful counseling."

—WTH (William Temple House) Counseling Client

"Having two major surgeries in the next four months leaves me no money for food. I can't tell you how much it means to have the security of knowing I don't have to worry about food."

—WTH (William Temple House) Social Services Client



What does real change in our community mean to you?

As a self-designated 'Poet, Artist and Philosopher,' I truly feel that to RALLY for REAL CHANGE means to increase the availability of affordable housing, in addition to the wonderful kind of work that William Temple House is doing to provide food for those in need, as well as to also offer free, or low-cost, mental health counseling—thereby addressing the root causes of homelessness, hunger and addiction. –Paul Whiting

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Responses may be used anonymously on our website or social media as part of our Rally for Real Change campaign.

Donate online at

"The therapy I get is life changing and my life would be much different without it. It shows me how to be and act stable, and enabled me to feel safe again." —COUNSELING CLIENT

Donor Name: Paul Whiting
Mailing Address: [Street Address and Apt. No., City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

Yes, I want to be part of real change by supporting William Temple House!

I would like to donate by...

[✓] Website at

[  ] Check payable to William Temple House (envelope enclosed)

[  ] Credit card:

[  ] $50
[  ] $75
[  ] $150
[  ] $500
[✓] Other $7.00

[  ] or a MONTHLY GIFT to sustain William Temple House all year.
[  ] Amount $_______

Thank you for your support!

And so, I made a one-time donation to William Temple House yesterday, November 18th, 2023, because, "together, we can turn the tide of crisis," since "the time to Rally for Real Change is now." –Paul Whiting (written November 19th, 2023, revised November 20th, 2023 and revised January 9th, 2024)


November 18th, 2023 Update No. 7, Written On November 19th, 2023, Which Also Discusses November 17th, 2023: I received a mailer from Transition Projects two days ago on November 17th, 2023, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "from homelessness to housing", which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]

Transition Projects

November 15, 2023

Dear Paul,

As another year comes to a close, it gives us a pause to reflect on the important work that we've done this year and to celebrate our victories, large and small. While the work around homelessness is challenging, our team is excited and proud of our accomplishments and remains deeply committed to our core mission: working to help people transition from homelessness to housing. Our efforts continue in our three key pillars of work:

[✓] Outreach — Our teams meet people in camps and on the street, working to build trust, and hope, and to help people begin their journey home.

[✓] Shelter — On any given night in Portland, 600 people (plus pets!) have a safe place to sleep, connect to services, and work towards their housing.

[✓] Housing — Our team works year-round to find permanent solutions for people who are experiencing homelessness, or on the brink of being unhoused.

This year we will work with more than 9,000 people. Each one of the people we serve has a unique story, just like [name redacted]:

[Title redacted] became homeless at the age of 15 years old. For years, they lived on the street, in cars, or couch surfing with friends. This was until [name redacted] met a case manager at Transition Projects, who provided them with the resources and a plan to get them off the streets. But more importantly, [name redacted] shared with us, "Transition Projects connected me with something greater: someone who believed in me."

[Name redacted] has been off the streets ever since and is now a [title redacted] at Transition Projects, guiding case managers just like the one who helped them. "Transition Projects made the difference," [name redacted] shared, "and I'm in a better place in life because of the help I found here."

As we enter the holiday season, we hope you will consider joining us once again just as [names redacted] are. They are offering a $25,000 match, dollar for dollar, when you make a donation. Your financial gift will help us to support more people on their journeys from homelessness to housing.

Thank you for your partnership, and we are looking forward to what we will do next, together.


[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
[Email redacted] |

PS: We are thrilled to once again participate in Willamette Week's Give Guide! Make a gift at and get perks from our generous partners at Columbia Sportswear and Crisp Salads.



[Name redacted] is now a [title redacted] at Transition Projects guiding case managers just like the one who helped them.

Transition Projects


[✓] YES, I want to help people move from homelessness to housing.


[  ] Amount $_______


[✓] My gift is enclosed*
[  ] Bill to my credit card

[✓] Amount $7.00

*I donated online!


And so, I made a one-time donation to Transition Projects yesterday, November 18th, 2023, because "I want to help people move from homelessness to housing." –Paul Whiting (written November 19th, 2023, revised November 20th, 2023 and revised January 9th, 2024)


November 18th, 2023 Update No. 8, Written On November 19th, 2023, Which Also Discusses November 17th, 2023: I received a mailer from Street Roots two days ago on November 17th, 2023, with a 'front teaser message' on the flyer that read, "Street Roots", which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]

[Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

Paul Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

Street Roots

Like Portland's bridges are the connective tissue of the city, Street Roots connects individuals to each other and broader communities. You are a part of the Street Roots story and the movement we build together.

Street Roots supports vendors like [name redacted] with programs and low-barrier income opportunities that work in tandem to empower individuals and communities.

When you buy a newspaper from a Street Roots vendor, three important things happen:

1. You're putting income directly into someone's pocket

2. You're supporting local, investigative journalism

3. You're engaging with someone in a way that holds the power to shift hearts and minds

When you support Street Roots and our vendors today, you are saying yes! to:

✴ Advancing equity
✴ Defending dignity
✴ And building a city where everyone can flourish and thrive

When we come together, we can make an impact in Portland and beyond!


Street Roots

It takes all of us.


[  ] $1000: Prints one week of your local newspaper

[  ] $500: Coordinates two weeks of outreach to unhoused folks through our Ambassador program

[  ] $250: Supports vendor stipends for our Vendor Enhancement Initiatives

[  ] $100: Keeps our vendor supply station stocked with essentials like socks, gloves, hats, water bottles, hand warmers and more

[  ] $50: Distributes the Rose City Resource to every corner of the metro region and beyond

[  ] $25: Sets 10 vendors up for success after orientation by providing them with 10 free newspapers each

[✓] $7.00: A gift at any level makes a difference*

*I donated online!

Street Roots creates income opportunities for people experiencing homelessness and poverty by producing a newspaper and other media that are catalysts for individual and social change.

And so, I made a one-time donation to Street Roots yesterday, November 18th, 2023, because "Street Roots creates income opportunities for people experiencing homelessness and poverty by producing a newspaper and other media that are catalysts for individual and social change." –Paul Whiting (written November 19th, 2023, revised November 20th, 2023 and revised January 9th, 2024)


November 19th, 2023 Update No. 1—Which Also Discusses November 17th, 2023: I have decided to consolidate the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I typically write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I make virtually every time that I make a political donation, however, lately there has suddenly been quite a number of donation requests! And within each 'update' I usually include the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, which is usually $3.00 per campaign or $5.00 per organization, plus how much I tipped ActBlue, which was previously $0.11 per campaign donation, but is now currently $0.21 per campaign—or 7% of my donation including to political organizations.**

Therefore, I have decided to forego my usual writing format for these type of political campaign, or political organization, donation 'updates' and combine every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing all of these individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

And I mean no disrespect to the individual political campaigns, or political organizations—each of which used to receive their very own 'update' on my blog—however, the 2024 election cycle is really starting to gear up and I have made a (hopefully realistic) goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. Plus, I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The only political communication that I responded to today was an email that I forwarded today, November 19th, 2023, from my previous email account (that I no longer use, but I still frequently check) from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) that I received two days ago, November 17th, 2023, with the subject line, "Please confirm, Paul…", which stated the following:

From: Biden Alert <[email redacted]>
Sent: Friday, November 17, 2023 4:46 PM
To: Paul Whiting <[email redacted]>
Subject: Please confirm, Paul… -


Paul -- Elizabeth Warren, Chuck Schumer, Cory Booker, and Democrats across the country are proudly supporting Team Biden-Harris in 2024, but we don't know whether YOU are with them!

We need to lock in our supporter list before MIDNIGHT, but we're falling short of our 50,000 signature goal! So please, Paul, time is running out to join our Democratic leaders:

Add your name now to confirm you’re on Team Biden-Harris! >>




***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

Biden-Harris Supporter Survey

Secure Survey ID: #[redacted] | Please lock in your response below and answer all of the following questions.

Please confirm: Are you on Team Biden-Harris?

[✓] Yes, I’m proudly supporting President Biden and Vice President Harris!

[  ] No.

The Biden-Harris administration has already accomplished so much! Which successes are you most proud of? (Select all that apply.)

[✓] Nominating and confirming Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court.

[✓] Creating nearly 14 MILLION good- paying jobs.

[✓] Signing the most significant gun safety reforms in nearly 30 years.

[✓] Combating inflation to lower everyday costs for ALL Americans.

[✓] Capping life-saving insulin at $35/month for millions of Americans.

[✓] Investing trillions of dollars into American infrastructure, manufacturing, and fighting climate change.

[✓] Other: Improving U.S. relations with China!

President Biden and Vice President Harris were only able to accomplish so much because of the support of our Democratic Senate majority. But if Mitch McConnell takes control of the Senate in 2024, he'll stonewall ALL the progress we still need to make!

How important is it to you to keep McConnell out of power?

[✓] Extremely important

[  ] Somewhat important

[  ] A little important

[  ] Not at all important

We're leading the fight to defend and expand our Democratic Senate majority, but we're not on track to hit our daily $50,000 goal. With right-wing groups raising millions to put Mitch McConnell back in charge, we can't afford to come up short.

Will you chip in $25 or more to make sure Democrats defend President Biden's Senate majority and keep McConnell out of power?

[  ] Yes, I'll give $25.

[  ] Yes, I'll give $50.

[  ] Yes, I'll give $100.

[✓] Yes, but I'd like to choose a different amount to give.



Donate now to SUPERCHARGE our Senate majority!

CNN says multiple GOP seats could flip blue next year -- but with Mitch McConnell’s megadonors already playing defense, it’s going to take all hands on deck to win!

Please, will you chip in now to protect our historic progress by supercharging our Democratic majority?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit DSCC.

[  ] $100 →

[  ] $50 →

[  ] $250 →

[  ] $500 →

[  ] $1,000 →

[  ] $2,000 →

[✓] Other $5.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] Add $1 tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.37 (7.4%**)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DSCC (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to show that "I'm on Team Biden-Harris!"

Thus, this one organization—the DSCC—is the political organization that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written November 19th, 2023, revised November 22nd, 2023, revised November 26th, 2023, revised November 30th, 2023, revised December 4th, 2023, revised December 5th, 2023, revised December 12th, 2023 and revised June 29th, 2024)

**P.S.: I used to leave an $0.11 tip to ActBlue for my typical $3.00 donations to political campaigns; however, rather than tipping $0.11—like I usually do—I decided to try out a New & Improved "Add custom amount" tip of $0.75 with my political donation on November 17th, 2023 (please see my 'November 17th, 2023 Update No. 3,' which can be found above)! And, I ran the numbers on this new $0.75 tip amount (which is exactly 25% of $3.00) to see if it is "feasible for the foreseeable future" (say that three times fast!), or if I should revert back to the original $0.11 tip amount (which is exactly 3.6% of $3.00), or if I should still increase my political campaign donation tip amount to ActBlue—however, not by as much—to, say, $0.21 (which is exactly 7% of $3.00).

And so, my above-mentioned calculations are as follows: If I donate $3.00 per campaign and I add a tip to ActBlue of $0.75 (25% of $3.00), that means for every ten donations that I make—for example—it totals up to be $37.50! Now, if I make those same ten donations, but I add a tip to ActBlue of $0.21 (7% of $3.00), then it totals up to $32.10! Therefore, every ten donations that I make at the lower tip amount of $0.21 is a savings of $5.40! And, for me, $5.00 is usually the minimum amount that I donate for most all of my progressive and charitable donations. Thus, if you calculate that savings out for every one hundred donations—for example—that is a savings amount as follows:

If $3.75 per donation × 100 donations = $375.00 in total donations;

And if $3.21 per donation × 100 donations = $321.00 in total donations;

Then $375.00 in total donations at the higher tip amount - $321.00 in total donations at the lower tip amount = $54.00 in savings;

Therefore $54.00 in savings ÷ $5.00 which is my usual minimum donation amount = 10.8 progressive and charitable donations!


November 20th, 2023 Update No. 1: I received an email from the American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon (ACLU of Oregon) today, November 20th, 2023, with the subject line, "Public Safety Reflection Guide", which stated the following:



Paul –

Earlier this month, I traveled to Ohio with our [title redacted], [name redacted], and ACLU colleagues from around the country to support the ACLU of Ohio in successfully passing a ballot measure that now enshrines abortion and reproductive rights in the Ohio Constitution. I was inspired by Ohioans' energy and commitment to respect people's rights to make their own health care decisions and protect access to abortion in their state. I'm looking forward to working towards a similar victory in Oregon. We'll be sharing more on that in 2024.

When [name redacted] and I canvassed in Cleveland, we knocked on hundreds of doors in Little Italy, Asia Town, and in a historically Black neighborhood, and we spoke to people with varying experiences and from different backgrounds. Some of these conversations were challenging. Many of these conversations reinforced the importance of connecting with people around shared values, even in moments of opposition.

As the year-end holidays approach, many of us will gather with family and friends. Amidst your celebrations, the issues of drug addiction and unsheltered homelessness may come up, as they are top of mind in Oregon and in many areas across the country. Here in Oregon, lack of access to addiction treatment and lack of affordable housing have led to very visible suffering on our streets and in our communities. It is heartbreaking and impossible to ignore.

To encourage leaning into these conversations, your ACLU of Oregon team and partners have created a reflection guide ( for you. This guide includes prompts to help you explore your hopes and vision for our communities, and if you'd like to invite loved ones to join you, we included ideas about how to encourage meaningful conversations instead of disagreements.

This guide is meant to be a starting point to facilitate reflection and connecting around shared values. This is not a manual for debate or fact-checking.

If you engage in these conversations, we hope that you name what you're seeing and experiencing, and instead of debating, share what you envision for our communities. We hope that in these conversations, you find common ground and shared values. Also, please set boundaries, listen to your body, and care for your well-being during these conversations, which can, at times, feel difficult, intense, and emotional.

If you are interested in getting more information about these issues and real solutions, please check out our webpage, Solutions for Safe and Just Communities.

[Blogger's Note: I already read the ACLU of Oregon's webpage titled, "SOLUTIONS FOR SAFE AND JUST COMMUNITIES" on November 16th, 2023 (please see my 'November 16th, 2023 Update No. 2,' which can be found above).]

Thank you for your ongoing support of our work and commitment to creating an Oregon that is just, equitable, and caring – where all our communities are safe and thrive.

I hope you have many moments of gratitude and joy with your loved ones this season.

In solidarity,

[Name redacted]
Pronouns: She, her, hers
[Title redacted], ACLU of Oregon

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, regarding the FOOD FOR THOUGHT: A PUBLIC SAFETY REFLECTION GUIDE webpage. A brief introduction to the webpage can be found below:


Your ACLU of Oregon team and partners are excited to share this reflection guide with you. This guide includes prompts to help you explore your hopes and vision for our communities, and if you’d like to invite loved ones to join you, we included ideas about how to encourage meaningful conversations instead of disagreements.

This guide is meant to be a starting point, to facilitate reflection and connecting around shared values. This is not a manual for debate or fact checking.

If you engage in these conversations, we hope that you name what you’re seeing and experiencing, and instead of debating, share what you envision for our communities. We hope that in these conversations, you find common ground and shared values. Also, please set boundaries, listen to your body, and care for your well-being during these conversations which can, at times, feel difficult, intense, and emotional.

You can also find a sharable version of this guide on our Instagram and other social media channels.

If you are interested in getting more information about these issues and real solutions, please check out our webpage Solutions for Safe and Just Communities.

Thank you for your ongoing support of our work and commitment to creating an Oregon that is just, equitable, and caring – where all our communities are safe and thrive. ...

[Blogger's Note: I read the ACLU of Oregon's webpage titled, "FOOD FOR THOUGHT: A PUBLIC SAFETY REFLECTION GUIDE," as well as the downloadable PDF.]

Please see the hyperlink below for the webpage:

So, I wanted to share this email from the ACLU of Oregon in order to show my support for the Food For Thought: A Public Safety Reflection Guide webpage and the downloadable PDF. –Paul Whiting (November 20th, 2023)

P.S.: Just so you know, I used to make one-time donations to the organization that is the subject of these 'updates' each time that I took an action as requested by that organization; however, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am greatly reducing the number of times that I donate for the same organization per month down to once—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis." (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.) Thus, because I have already donated to the ACLU of Oregon on November 16th, 2023 (please see my 'November 16th, 2023 Update No. 2,' which can be found above) that is the one-time donation which I made to the ACLU of Oregon for November 2023.


November 21st, 2023 Update No. 1—Which Also Discusses November 19th, 2023 And November 17th, 2023: Giving Tuesday is seven days away from today, November 21st, 2023! And so, I decided to make one-time donations to several charities, as a furtherance of my 'early' Giving Tuesday donations, which include the following:

Brady: United Against Gun Violence (the sister organization of which is Brady Political Action Committee, or Brady PAC);

No Kid Hungry;

Blanchet House of Hospitality;

[Blogger's Note: I recently donated to Blanchet House & Farm (which is a 62-acre farm that is a residential program for men) on November 13th, 2023 (please see my 'November 13th, 2023 Update No. 1,' which can be found above), however, I had not donated to Blanchet House of Hospitality (that is a social services organization, which includes a meal program, a clothing program, as well as a residential program for men) until today, November 21st, 2023.]

Sisters of the Road;

[Blogger's Note: I already donated to Sisters of the Road on November 13th, 2023 (please see my 'November 13th, 2023 Update No. 1,' which can be found above), however, I did not donate for Giving Tuesday!]

Song for Charlie;

[Blogger's Note: I already donated to Song for Charlie on October 23rd, 2023 for Giving Tuesday (please see my 'October 23rd, 2023 Update—Continued,' which can be found above), but that was last month, so this is my one-time donation to Song for Charlie for November 2023.]

United Nations Population Fund (USA for UNFPA);

[Blogger's Note: I already donated to USA for UNFPA on November 16th, 2023 for Giving Tuesday (please see my 'November 16th, 2023 Update No. 4,' which can be found above), but I received an emergency appeal due to the fact that "the health care system in Gaza has officially collapsed," since "all hospital in northern Gaza are out of service," so this is my second one-time donation to United Nations Population Fund for November 2023.]

Planned Parenthood Federation of America.

[Blogger's Note: I already donated to Planned Parenthood Federation of America on November 4th, 2023 (please see my 'November 4th, 2023 Update No. 1,' which can be found above), however, I did not donate for Giving Tuesday! And I received a "2X MATCH for Giving Tuesday" offer, so this is my second one-time donation to Planned Parenthood Federation of America for November 2023.]

And I was inspired to make these donations by the following: a text message that I received today, November 21st, 2023, from "one of America's oldest and boldest gun violence prevention groups, [whose] history of success goes back decades"; by a promotional email that I received on November 19th, 2023, from an organization that is "working to end child hunger in America today by ensuring that all children get the healthy food they need every day to thrive"; by the realization that I already donated to Blanchet House & Farm, but I had yet to donate to Blanchet House of Hospitality; by a newsletter that I received on November 17th, 2023, from an organization that "exists to support low-income and houseless individuals through charitable and educational programs, including providing affordable, healthy, and delicious meals in a space that welcomes all to come dine with dignity"; by an email that I received today, November 21st, 2023, from "a national family-run nonprofit charity dedicated to raising awareness about 'fentapills' — fake pills made of fentanyl"; by a text message that I received today, November 21st, 2023, from a global organization whose "mission is to deliver a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person's potential is fulfilled"; and by an email that I received today, November 21st, 2023, from a "nonprofit organization that provides reproductive and sexual healthcare, and sexual education in the United States and globally."

–Paul Whiting (written November 21st, 2023, revised November 22nd, 2023, revised November 23rd, 2023, revised November 30th, 2023, revised December 2nd, 2023, revised December 15th, 2023 and revised January 9th, 2024)

P.S.: Please see my detailed descriptions—immediately after this 'update'—of the following Giving Tuesday donations for which I received the above-mentioned communications!

Brady: United Against Gun Violence: 'November 21st, 2023 Update No. 2, Written On November 22nd, 2023,' which can be found below.

No Kid Hungry: 'November 21st, 2023 Update No. 3, Written On November 22nd, 2023,' which can be found below.

Sisters of the Road: 'November 21st, 2023 Update No. 4, Written On November 22nd, 2023, Which Also Discusses November 17th, 2023' that can be found below.

Song for Charlie: 'November 21st, 2023 Update No. 5, Written On November 22nd, 2023,' which can be found below.

United Nations Population Fund (USA for UNFPA): 'November 21st, 2023 Update No. 6, Written On November 22nd, 2023,' which can be found below.

Planned Parenthood Federation of America: 'November 21st, 2023 Update No. 7, Written On November 22nd, 2023,' which can be found below.

P.P.S.: By the way, I don't make all of my charitable donations on Giving Tuesday of each year! I only donate to those organizations that I have not already donated to sometime during the year (at least, organizations that I have not necessarily already donated to). You see, I donate to various charitable and progressive organizations throughout the year, where I make some donations on a monthly basis (depending upon the organization), in addition to some donations that I only make once per year based upon certain types of 'theme days,' if you will (again, depending upon the organization).

Please let me explain: I donate to various charitable organizations during the year on particular 'theme days,' so to speak, which I feel correspond directly to particular charitable causes, because it helps me to remember to donate to those particular causes during the year that I feel have a corresponding 'theme day.'

That way, I am spreading the charitable love throughout the entire year—and not simply having a year's worth of charitable giving 'bunch up,' so to speak, on Giving Tuesday. So then, whichever charitable organizations don't have an obvious corresponding 'theme day,' I can donate to those charitable organizations during Giving Tuesday, since I haven't already given to those particular organizations sometime during the year!

For example, I usually make donations to various charities who are helping those in need during the Thanksgiving holiday—as a way to celebrate Thanksgiving Day—and as a way to support the charitable organizations to which I choose to donate on Thanksgiving, which is the day that I feel thematically corresponds directly to the causes that those particular organizations represent.

That is why I coordinate some of my charitable giving during the year with a particular 'theme day' that some charitable causes correspond to, such as the above-mentioned charities who are helping those in need whose causes I feel directly correspond to the 'theme day' of Thanksgiving Day, which is simply one example of this type of 'theme day' charitable giving that I do throughout the year!


November 21st, 2023 Update No. 2, Written On November 22nd, 2023: I received a text message yesterday, November 21st, 2023, from Brady: United Against Gun Violence, which stated the following:

Hi, Paul, it's Coach [name redacted]. Giving Tuesday is still a few days away, but a generous group of donors has agreed to activate an exclusive Early Bird Match up to Brady's $400,000 goal. I know you're dedicated to this movement and I need your help to get us there.

Don't waste a moment: Donate now to help Brady defeat the gun lobby:***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

United Against Gun Violence

$400,000 Giving Tuesday MATCH: Donate now and DOUBLE your impact!

Brady is on the cusp of passing historic gun safety reform, defeating the NRA once and for all, and taking action to prevent gun violence and save lives. But we can't do any of that if we don't hit our critical $400,000 Giving Tuesday match goal.

Will you donate in honor of Giving Tuesday and double your impact to help Brady take common-sense action to save lives?

And so, I made a one-time donation to Brady: United Against Gun Violence (the sister organization of which is Brady Political Action Committee, or Brady PAC) yesterday, November 21st, 2023, in order to "donate in honor of Giving Tuesday and double your impact to help Brady take common-sense action to save lives." –Paul Whiting (written November 22nd, 2023 and revised January 9th, 2024)


November 21st, 2023 Update No. 3, Written On November 22nd, 2023: I received an email in my 'Promotions' folder from No Kid Hungry three days ago on November 19th, 2023, with the subject line, "Millions Raised For Food Banks", which stated the following:

Millions Raised For Food Banks

$50 can provide up to 500 meals.

Learn more:

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Hunger Hurts Kids Every Day
Your Donation Helps Feed Them



[  ] $35

[  ] $50

[  ] $100

[  ] $250

[✓] OTHER: $5.00



LAST NAME: Whiting

BILLING STREET 1: [redacted]

BILLING STREET 2: [redacted]

CITY: [redacted]

STATE: [redacted]

ZIP: [redacted]

EMAIL: [redacted]

PHONE: [redacted]


And, after I made the donation above, I survey window appeared, which stated the following:


Is this your first donation to No Kid Hungry?

[  ] Yes
[✓] No

How would you rate the donation process?

[✓] Very Easy
[  ] Easy
[  ] So-So
[  ] Difficult
[  ] Very Difficult

On a scale from 0 to 10, please indicate how much you agree with each statement:

I am a committed No Kid Hungry supporter

[  ] 0 Strongly Disagree
[  ] 1
[  ] 2
[  ] 3
[  ] 4
[  ] 5
[  ] 6
[  ] 7
[  ] 8
[  ] 9
[✓] 10 Strongly Agree

I feel a sense of loyalty to No Kid Hungry

[  ] 0 Strongly Disagree
[  ] 1
[  ] 2
[  ] 3
[  ] 4
[  ] 5
[  ] 6
[  ] 7
[  ] 8
[  ] 9
[✓] 10 Strongly Agree

No Kid Hungry is my favorite charitable organization

[  ] 0 Strongly Disagree
[  ] 1
[  ] 2
[  ] 3
[  ] 4
[  ] 5
[  ] 6
[✓] 7
[  ] 8
[  ] 9
[  ] 10 Strongly Agree

[Blogger's Note: I don't really have a "favorite charitable organization," however, No Kid Hungry is one of my favorite charities!]

Are you a parent or grandparent?

[  ] Parent
[  ] Grandparent
[✓] Neither

Is there anything else you'd like to share with No Kid Hungry today?

I first donated to No Kid Hungry last year (2022) after I saw one of your advertisements on YouTube (as I recall) regarding the meals that you provide school children. And I was so impressed with the work that you are doing that I donated to your organization as part of my Giving Tuesday donations last year. So, that is why I am giving to you again this year!


And so, I made a one-time donation to No Kid Hungry yesterday, November 21st, 2023, because "hunger hurts kids every day [and my] donation helps feed them." –Paul Whiting (written November 22nd, 2023, revised November 27th, 2023 and revised January 9th, 2024)


November 21st, 2023 Update No. 4, Written On November 22nd, 2023, Which Also Discusses November 17th, 2023: I received a newsletter from Sisters of the Road five days ago on November 17th, 2023, which stated, in part, the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]

Sisters' Voice

Sisters of the Road Winter 2023

To Build Tomorrow, We Must Start Today
By [Name redacted], [Title redacted]

Before we dive into the deep end, I want to say thank you for your continued support of Sisters. We wouldn't be celebrating our 44th anniversary this year without our community behind us. We appreciate you!

That being said, I need you to hear a crucial message, especially those of you who are worried or unhappy about our extended closure.

We are in a pivotal time in Sisters history. Our cafe is temporarily closed as we work to renovate and reopen in the new building, which puts a strain on everyone. We are unable to meet with our community daily, and our customers are missing Sisters' safe space to enjoy a meal and discuss the hurdles of day-to-day survival. This is a huge sacrifice for everyone, but we believe with our whole hearts that it will be worth it when we reopen.

The other grave consequence is that we are receiving fewer donations during our fundraisers. Some people even think we have closed for good. The deep end reality is the devastating possibility that we won't receive the funding we need to get through this period. All of us can agree that we prefer Sisters' cafe to be open. We want that too, and we need your help to get there.

Successfully running Sisters of the Road over the next year and a half means supporting the staff who are still working diligently behind the scenes. General operations funding is notoriously less compelling for many supporters. People love to see heartwarming pictures and to hear stories about what their money is going towards. Most people are not enthralled by administrative action items, however, supporting general operations is crucial for non-profits.

Furthermore, remember that we are working to our capacity to stay connected to our community while the cafe is closed. We continuously take action to address the issues of the moment; we are developing know your rights training in response to the camping ban, we are working with PSU and our unhoused neighbors to discover barriers to affordable housing and collaborate to find realistic solutions, rallying support for strategies that work, such as the Portland Street Response, and advocating against wasteful and harmful practices such as gunshot surveillance technology.

Your support is going towards important strategies to improve the lives of those facing the violence of poverty, and it will be the bridge that will get us from Sisters' legacy to its next chapter. In order to open a bigger and better Sisters, we are going to have to increase the number of staff, and therefore, the funds that support the employment of that staff over the next 2 years. We can't wait until we are open to hire a cafe director.

We also need to pay our employees, current and future, wages that will keep them housed. What kind of hypocrites would we be if we paid our employees a wage that rendered them homeless or unable to feed themselves nourishing meals?

If you have the capacity to support us right now, please do. We need you. We are challenging our donors to increase their donation if they can. Another great way to support, especially if you are someone who cannot donate a large amount, is to give a recurring donation. For example, you could donate the same amount you would spend on eating out once a month.

If you don't support us now, there will be no cafe to reopen.

We have not lost our drive to reopen Sisters to the public; don't you lose it either.


XX  Sisters of the Road

"There are no strangers, just friends we've never met."

And, after I read the newsletter above, I entered the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Sowing Solidarity
Winter 2023 Fundraiser


Sowing Solidarity: Anyone Can Make an Impact at Sisters

November marks the launch of our end of year fundraising drive. Learn more about all the ways to support us during the giving season.


Sowing Solidarity

Sowing Solidarity has raised $6,713 out of their goal of $115K

$6,713 Raised → → → → → $115K Goal

DONATE NOW!/donation/checkout

About the Campaign

The narrative surrounding homelessness is shrouded in fear and misinformation. Sisters is profoundly about love, serving as a natural counterforce to fear. We’re also about nurturing authentic relationships with one another.

It's time to unite in solidarity with both our sheltered and unsheltered neighbors. The process of ending oppression is a collective journey. We invite all of you to embark on this path alongside us. With your support, we aspire to grow into a more robust organization, offering living wages and meeting our community's growing needs We will serve, once again, as a central hub for engagement and advocacy. ...

... Campaign Activity

See who supports your cause and what they have to say about it!

Paul Whiting donated $44.00
I am donating in response to your Sister's Voice Winter 2023 newsletter! Happy 44th Birthday!

18 hours ago

And so, I made a one-time donation of $44.00 to Sisters of the Road yesterday, November 21st, 2023, in celebration of their 44th birthday (which is explained on Sisters' "It’s our birthday!" webpage at that is highlighted just below the webpage "Sowing Solidarity: Anyone Can Make an Impact at Sisters" on the main Sisters website) because I am accepting Sisters' challenge to increase my Thanksgiving Day donation (please see my 'November 13th, 2023 Update No. 1,' which can be found above) in order to "open a bigger and better Sisters" in their new building, which is the iconic House of Louie in Old Town Chinatown! –Paul Whiting (written November 22nd, 2023 and revised January 9th, 2024)

P.S.: I just realized—while I was editing this 'update'—that I spelled Sisters' Voice Winter 2023 newsletter incorrectly in my donation comment on their website! I accidentally spelled it as "Sister's Voice," rather than "Sisters' Voice."


November 21st, 2023 Update No. 5, Written On November 22nd, 2023: I received an email from Song for Charlie yesterday, November 21st, 2023, with the subject line, "SFC [Song for Charlie]: November Newsletter", which stated the following:

Song for Charlie Monthly Newsletter: November 2023

Season of Gratitude

On Thanksgiving, our family takes turns sharing something we are thankful for. This year, [names redacted] are thankful for:

[✓] The love and encouragement of friends and family
[✓] Our kinship with our fellow bereaved families (#TeamHope)
[✓] SFC’s life-saving mission that channels our grief into purpose
[✓] Rock Star partners and colleagues that elevate our work
[✓] The faith and trust that our many supporters place in us

We hope you get a chance to pause and count your blessings this Thanksgiving. In the meantime, we have some exciting updates to share.

Community Film Screenings

SFC team went on a Northern California roadshow in early November to premier our educational film, Drugs in the Age of Fentanyl ( We are grateful to [name redacted], the Marin County Office of Education and OD [Overdose] Free Marin for hosting a community screening and panel discussion. [Name redacted] and [name redacted], [title redacted] of Indian Springs Resort, hosted a similar event in Calistoga.

Frequent Flyer

[Name redacted] was busy traveling coast to coast sharing SFC's work and The New Drug Talk: Connect to Protect ( She presented at the American Academy of Pediatrics in Washington DC, discussing how pediatricians can use SFC resources in their practices. She then presented to bereaved family members and DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) agents at the Miami Field Division Family Summit, speaking in support of the collaborative efforts that are key to addressing the fentanyl crisis.


[Name redacted] was a presenter at the November 8 conference addressing Oregon’s fentanyl crisis, hosted by [title and name redacted]. The event brought together medical, harm reduction, recovery, prevention, and law enforcement experts from across the state to discuss the fentanyl’s epidemic on Oregon and share ideas for action. [Name redacted] educated the audience about the impact of fentanyl on youth and the need for an education focused component to the state’s response.

ONDCP [Office of National Drug Control Policy]

Song For Charlie was invited by the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy to attend the Bipartisan Youth Substance Use Prevention Summit. Awards were given to Drug-Free Community Coalitions across the country for their outstanding work to prevent youth substance use. As a follow-up to the summit, the Biden Administration also sent a letter urging all schools to keep opioid overdose reversal drug on hand.

Song for Charlie: Champions

[Names redacted] and [names redacted] hosted a very special evening with Song for Charlie in Sonoma. They invited friends and leaders from their community to learn about our mission and bring awareness of our resources to the area. We are grateful [names redacted] opened their home to make this evening possible. Both couples’ efforts ensured the evening was a great success!

[Fraternity redacted] held their second annual “Wheeler Bowl” in honor of their fraternity brother, Matthew Wheeler, who passed away from fentanyl poisoning on September 30, 2021. He was a junior in college at Northeastern University in Boston. [Name redacted] shared “The second annual Wheeler Bowl was put together in honor Matt’s life and love of football. Together we continue to raise money and awareness of the dangers of fentanyl to make sure no one’s life ends the way his did.”

Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday is right around the corner, on November 28. We hope you will join us on this day of global generosity and make a donation to Song for Charlie. Together we can continue to expand our free resources to ensure every teen, family and community has the knowledge and tools to keep their loved ones safe.


Join Us SFC is 100% donor-funded. That means our mission is only possible because of generous individuals, corporations and foundations ensuring a sustainable pipeline funding our work through their donations.

Every dollar raised helps us reach, educate and empower millions of teens and families across the country. Together we are multiplying our impact to save lives.

Please consider hosting your own fundraiser, sharing our information on social media and activating your workplace. Let us know about an event you are planning or reach out to learn more: [email redacted]

[Names redacted]

And, after I read the email above, I made a one-time donation to Song for Charlie yesterday, November 21st, 2023, in order to support their "national family-run, nonprofit charity dedicated to raising awareness about 'fentapills' — fake pills made of fentanyl" and to make a November 28th, 2023 #GivingTuesday gift. –Paul Whiting (written November 22nd, 2023 and revised January 9th, 2024)


November 21st, 2023 Update No. 6, Written On November 22nd, 2023: I received a text message yesterday, November 21st, 2023, from USA for UNFPA (formerly known as the 'United Nations Fund for Population Activities' that is now called the 'United Nations Population Fund'), which stated the following:

UPDATE: *All* hospitals in northern Gaza are out of service.

The health care system in Gaza has officially collapsed. Patients lie on the floor and in hallways. Surgeons are operating without anesthesia. Since the start of hostilities, the vast majority of hospitals and clinics have shut down due to damage or lack of fuel, including, now, *all* hospitals in northern Gaza.

UNFPA condemns the violence in Israel and Gaza and echoes the UN Secretary-General’s call for a humanitarian ceasefire, for the immediate and unconditional release of hostages by Hamas, and for the delivery of sustained humanitarian relief at a scale that meets the needs of the people of Gaza.

We are on the ground providing care, but we remain concerned for pregnant women and newborns.

Thanks to your previous support, we’ve delivered lifesaving supplies and medicines, including UNFPA Emergency Birth Kits, to Gaza in the few humanitarian convoys that have made it across the border. In the West Bank, we have dispatched midwives to support the tens of thousands of pregnant women there.

But we urgently need to scale support for women and girls. That’s why we’ve activated our Giving Tuesday 2X-match *early*. That means every gift you rush right now will be matched by a generous donor for twice the impact. Will you make an emergency gift now?***

Please, Paul Whiting, every second counts during a crisis.

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, I made a one-time donation to USA for UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) yesterday, November 21st, 2023, in order to make "an emergency gift now," because "every gift [I] rush right now will be matched by a generous donor for twice the impact" for the United Nations Population Fund's "Giving Tuesday 2X-match." –Paul Whiting (written November 22nd, 2023 and revised January 9th, 2024)


November 21st, 2023 Update No. 7, Written On November 22nd, 2023: I received an email from Planned Parenthood Federation of America yesterday, November 21st, 2023, with the subject line, "Early bird offer for Paul", which stated the following:

Name: Paul Whiting
Profile ID: [redacted]



Bigger. Stronger. Bolder.

Our movement grows every day, Paul. We see that when abortion wins at the ballot box and when people like you help expand access to care all across the country. Yet, every single day, at every level of government, new attacks on abortion and reproductive rights threaten access to care.

We're building a future where reproductive rights are enshrined in the United States. We must act boldly now, even in the face of the challenges we're up against, to build that future so everyone has access to the care they need.

That's why we are opening a special early-bird offer for you one week ahead of Giving Tuesday, Paul: From now until November 28, all gifts to Planned Parenthood will be DOUBLED, thanks to a generous donor who is matching all gifts. Your matched donation will go twice as far to protect, preserve, and expand access to abortion and reproductive health and rights.

A Special Invite For You:
for Giving Tuesday***

Every day, patients count on people like you. Planned Parenthood health centers provide care to over two million people each year — and it's because you've supported this movement. Despite the threats. Despite the challenges. Because of you.

But far too many patients face legal barriers and outrageous burdens just to access reproductive health care. They face the threat of delaying care, the expense and anxiety of being forced to travel hundreds of miles for an out-of-state abortion. The threats to their care — to all of our rights — keep growing, state by state and at every level of government.

The time to act is now — and our special offer is open to you, one week before Giving Tuesday. Renew your support to Planned Parenthood with a gift that will be MATCHED, dollar-for-dollar, up to a total of $100,000. Every gift matters, and this is a unique opportunity to double your support.

It takes all of us, Paul. It will take every single ounce of effort we have to come together and work toward a future where reproductive freedom is a reality for everyone.

Thank you for being here with us,

— Planned Parenthood


P.S. We need your generosity more than ever — the future of our reproductive freedom depends on it. But if you aren't in a place to give this year or already made your year‑end gift, we understand that.

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, I made a one-time donation to Planned Parenthood Federation of America yesterday, November 21st, 2023, since "[Planned Parenthood's] special offer is open to [me], one week before Giving Tuesday," because "all gifts to Planned Parenthood will be DOUBLED, thanks to a generous donor who is matching all gifts." That is why I donated so that "[my] matched donation will go twice as far to protect, preserve, and expand access to abortion and reproductive health and rights." –Paul Whiting (written November 22nd, 2023 and revised January 9th, 2024)


November 22nd, 2023 Update No. 1—Which Also Discusses November 21st, 2023: I have decided to consolidate the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I typically write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I make virtually every time that I make a political donation, however, lately there has suddenly been quite a number of donation requests! And within each 'update' I usually include the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, which is usually $3.00 per campaign or $5.00 per organization, plus how much I tipped ActBlue, which was previously $0.11 per campaign donation, but is now currently $0.21 per campaign—or 7% of my donation including to political organizations.**

Therefore, I have decided to forego my usual writing format for these type of political campaign, or political organization, donation 'updates' and combine every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing all of these individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

And I mean no disrespect to the individual political campaigns, or political organizations—each of which used to receive their very own 'update' on my blog—however, the 2024 election cycle is really starting to gear up and I have made a (hopefully realistic) goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. Plus, I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The only political communication that I responded to today was an email that I forwarded today, November 22nd, 2023, from my previous email account (that I no longer use, but I still frequently check) from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) that I received yesterday, November 21st, 2023, with the subject line, "ALERT: President Biden jumps ahead of Trump! >>", which stated the following:

From: Poll Alert <[email redacted]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2023 7:18 AM
To: Paul Whiting <[email redacted]>
Subject: ALERT: President Biden jumps ahead of Trump! >> -

ALERT: Polls had President Biden trailing Donald Trump, but now the president has surged into the lead!

Breaking via FiveThirtyEight: '2024 will be another close election' | President Biden surges ahead!

Please confirm before MIDNIGHT, Paul:
Do you approve of President Biden?

[✓] YES

[  ] NO

Exciting news, Paul: President Biden was polling just behind Donald Trump, but now the president has jumped into the lead!

This could be a HUGE sign that voters are rallying behind the president and rejecting Donald Trump -- but we still need to confirm Democrats like you in Oregon are standing with President Biden!

Please, answer immediately to make your voice heard before the Live Poll closes at MIDNIGHT:

Do you approve of President Biden?

[✓] YES

[  ] NO

Thank you,


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

Democratic survey in progress:

Please confirm: Do you approve of President Biden?

[✓] Approve

[  ] Disapprove

Why do you support President Biden? (Select all that apply.)

[✓] President Biden leads with integrity.

[✓] President Biden tells the truth and takes responsibility.

[✓] President Biden shares my positions on health care, climate change, and more.

[✓] President Biden cares about people like me.

[✓] President Biden represents America well around the globe.

[  ] Other

Which issues do you want the Biden administration and Democrats to prioritize? (Select your three top priorities.)

[  ] Foreign Relations

[  ] The Economy

[  ] Health Care

[✓] Reproductive Rights

[  ] Climate Change

[✓] Gun Safety

[  ] Education

[  ] Immigration Reform

[✓] Voting Rights

[  ] Criminal Justice

[  ] Job Creation

[  ] Higher Education

[  ] Other

President Biden's agenda hinges on Democrats keeping Mitch McConnell out of power. What's most important for Democrats to focus on leading up to the next Senate elections?

[  ] Defending our majority -- We must work to defend every Democratic seat.

[  ] Expanding our majority -- We must build the infrastructure to flip the Senate seats held by Republicans, including some of Trump's worst enablers.

[✓] Both!

We're leading the fight to defend our Democratic Senate and urgently need your help. Our fundraising deadline is TONIGHT and we're still a few donations short in your area!

Please, will you chip in $25 or more so Democrats can compete against McConnell's megadonors, defend the Senate, and continue helping President Biden make progress?

Please use the links below to start a monthly donation through ActBlue:

[  ] I'll give $25.

[  ] I'll give $50.

[  ] I'll give $75.

[✓] I'd like to choose a different amount to give.*

*[Blogger's Note: I selected this option—although I made a one-time donation, rather than a monthly donation—because it's an option that got me to the donation webpage!]



Donate now to SUPERCHARGE our Senate majority!

CNN says multiple GOP seats could flip blue next year - but with Mitch McConnell's megadonors already playing defense, it's going to take all hands on deck to win!

Please, will you chip in now to protect our historic progress by supercharging our Democratic majority? Donate immediately:

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit DSCC.

[  ] $100 →

[  ] $50 →

[  ] $250 →

[  ] $500 →

[  ] $1,000 →

[  ] $2,000 →

[✓] Other $ 5.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] Add $1 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.35 (7%**)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DSCC (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to show that I definitely "approve of President Biden!"

Thus, this one organization—the DSCC—is the political organization that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written November 22nd, 2023, revised November 23rd, 2023, revised November 26th, 2023, revised November 30th, 2023, revised December 4th, 2023, revised December 5th, 2023, revised December 12th, 2023, revised March 10th, 2024 and revised June 29th, 2024)

**P.S.: I used to leave an $0.11 tip to ActBlue for my typical $3.00 donations to political campaigns; however, rather than tipping $0.11—like I usually do—I decided to try out a New & Improved "Add custom amount" tip of $0.75 with my political donation on November 17th, 2023 (please see my 'November 17th, 2023 Update No. 3,' which can be found above)! And, I ran the numbers on this new $0.75 tip amount (which is exactly 25% of $3.00) to see if it is "feasible for the foreseeable future" (say that three times fast!), or if I should revert back to the original $0.11 tip amount (which is exactly 3.6% of $3.00), or if I should still increase my political campaign donation tip amount to ActBlue—however, not by as much—to, say, $0.21 (which is exactly 7% of $3.00).

And so, my above-mentioned calculations are as follows: If I donate $3.00 per campaign and I add a tip to ActBlue of $0.75 (25% of $3.00), that means for every ten donations that I make—for example—it totals up to be $37.50! Now, if I make those same ten donations, but I add a tip to ActBlue of $0.21 (7% of $3.00), then it totals up to $32.10! Therefore, every ten donations that I make at the lower tip amount of $0.21 is a savings of $5.40! And, for me, $5.00 is usually the minimum amount that I donate for most all of my progressive and charitable donations. Thus, if you calculate that savings out for every one hundred donations—for example—that is a savings amount as follows:

If $3.75 per donation × 100 donations = $375.00 in total donations;

And if $3.21 per donation × 100 donations = $321.00 in total donations;

Then $375.00 in total donations at the higher tip amount - $321.00 in total donations at the lower tip amount = $54.00 in savings;

Therefore $54.00 in savings ÷ $5.00 which is my usual minimum donation amount = 10.8 progressive and charitable donations!


For my "November 23rd, 2023 Update No. 1"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

November 23rd, 2023 Update No. 1: Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! In celebration of Thanksgiving Day, I made a one-time donation to the USO (United Service Organizations) after I read a really interesting article today, November 23rd, 2023, on the USO website titled, "President Biden, Dr. Biden and the USO Share 'Friendsgiving' Dinner with Service Members and Their Families at Naval Station Norfolk." An extended introduction to the article can be found below, along with additional information from the USO webpage containing the aforementioned article: ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "November 23rd, 2023 Update No. 1":


November 24th, 2023 Update No. 1: Native American Heritage Day is today, November 24th, 2023, because it is observed yearly (annually) on the day after Thanksgiving! And so, I decided to make one-time donations to organizations that support Native American (American Indian) causes, including American Indian College Fund and Native American Rights Fund (NARF).

And I was inspired to make these donations by the following sources:

Source No. 1: An 'update' that I wrote last year (2022) labeled, 'November 25th, 2022 Update,' regarding a mailer that I received from the American Indian College Fund, a copy of which can be found below from my blog post titled, "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" that is on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog. Plus, this copy of the aforementioned 'update' is also from my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity" that is on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs:

November 25th, 2022 Update: Native American Heritage Day is today, November 25th, 2022, because it is observed yearly (annually) on the day after Thanksgiving! And I recently received a mailer from American Indian College Fund, which stated the following (by the way, I hand-typed the text below on my smartphone from the mailer's main letter):

Dear Mr. Whiting,

For many of us a college education is something we pursue so we can be more successful, make more money, or even just learn about something that's interesting to us.

For Native scholars, education means so much more. It means solving difficult challenges affecting their communities such as food shortages, insufficient healthcare, housing insecurity, and unemployment – all exacerbated by the COVID pandemic.

American Indian College Fund scholars understand the responsibility and power that comes with an education, but they are embracing it gratefully and enthusiastically so they can build stronger, healthier communities. There is just one thing standing in their way—financial need.

This year more than 3,200 students received scholarship support from the American Indian College Fund, but 6,135 did not.

That means fewer Native American graduates working to solve the persistent challenges Native communities face. But you can help change that, Mr. Whiting, with a generous gift of $50, $75, $100, or more today.

With your help, every new degree obtained means one more Native college graduate who is prepared and motivated to use their knowledge, power, and confidence to not only change, but save, lives.

Please make a difference for a student who is committed to addressing urgent needs, solving community-wide problems, and preserving the languages, traditions, and lands that will ensure a safe and healthy future for all Native people.

I hope to hear from you soon!

Wounspe gluha blihihunkic'iyapi [We strengthen ourselves with knowledge.]

Best regards,

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]

P.S. Since 1989, we have supported the educational needs of American Indian scholars, providing nearly 147,000 scholarships and $259.7 million to support American Indian communities. But the need is still great. Please make a generous gift today and provide the hope that only education can bring. Thank you!

And so, I made a one-time donation to the American Indian College Fund in order to show my support for Native American graduates who are striving to educate themselves so that they can contribute to their entire community—and so that they can contribute the entire country. –Paul Whiting (written November 25th, 2022, revised December 18th, 2022, revised December 30th, 2022, revised April 28th, 2023, revised May 17th, 2023 and revised November 24th, 2023)

Source No. 2: I received an email from Native American Rights Fund (NARF) two days ago on November 22nd, 2023, with the subject line, "We Give Thanks", which stated the following:

Dear Paul,

Let Us Give Thanks.

As we celebrate this harvest season, let us be thankful for our friends, relatives, the food we have, and the roofs over our heads. Let us give thanks every day as we greet the morning star in the eastern sky. Let us give thanks, for our families, our ancestors, and our survival.

Let us not forget those in need.

As we give thanks for all that we have, let us not forget those who are in need. Let us stand strong with them to make sure that their voices are heard, their needs are met, and that promises made to them are upheld. We cannot change our history, but we look to a future with a hope for something better.

We are thankful for you.

We are so grateful for your support of the Native American Rights Fund. You are part of the change, for now and generations to come. Thank you.

Native American Rights Fund

Thus, these two donations are to show my support for "Native American graduates who are striving to educate themselves so that they can contribute to their entire community—and so that they can contribute the entire country," as well as to show my support for standing strong "with [those who are in need] to make sure that their voices are heard, their needs are met, and that promises made to them are upheld ... as we give thanks for all that we have." –Paul Whiting (November 24th, 2023)


November 24th, 2023 Update No. 2: I have decided to consolidate the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I typically write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I make virtually every time that I make a political donation, however, lately there has suddenly been quite a number of donation requests! And within each 'update' I usually include the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, which is usually $3.00 per campaign or $5.00 per organization, plus how much I tipped ActBlue, which was previously $0.11 per campaign donation, but is now currently $0.21 per campaign—or 7% of my donation including to political organizations.**

Therefore, I have decided to forego my usual writing format for these type of political campaign, or political organization, donation 'updates' and combine every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing all of these individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

And I mean no disrespect to the individual political campaigns, or political organizations—each of which used to receive their very own 'update' on my blog—however, the 2024 election cycle is really starting to gear up and I have made a (hopefully realistic) goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. Plus, I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The only political communication that I responded to was an email from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) today, November 24th, 2023, with the subject line, "Claim your free sticker today, Paul!", which stated the following:

BLACK FRIDAY OFFER: Claim your FREE sticker before 11:59 P.M.!

[Image of the 'VOTE' Sticker, which is a dark blue rectangle with a white image of the United States of America, including Alaska and Hawaii, that has "Vote." in dark blue letters written across the continental U.S.A.]

This is a limited-time offer, Paul:

To make sure Democrats have a supercharged Senate majority to continue making incredible progress, the DSCC is launching an ultra-rare Black Friday deal -- a FREE sticker for everyone who signs up before midnight!

Time is running out to claim yours before the deal expires! So please, don’t miss out on this exclusive offer, Paul:

Click here to claim your FREE "VOTE" sticker before Black Friday is over and help supercharge our Senate majority! >>


Thank you for taking action -- we can't wait to send you your sticker!


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Claim your FREE "VOTE" sticker!

[Image of the 'VOTE' Sticker, which is a dark blue rectangle with a white image of the United States of America, including Alaska and Hawaii, that has "Vote." in dark blue letters written across the continental U.S.A.]

Please submit your mailing information below to reserve your limited-edition sticker and prove you're standing with Democrats!

Paul Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City redacted]
[State redacted]
[ZIP Code redacted]
[Email redacted]
[Phone number redacted]




Thank you, you've claimed your sticker! Make a donation now to help cover costs and SUPERCHARGE our Senate majority: CNN says multiple GOP seats could flip blue next year -- but with Mitch McConnell’s megadonors already playing defense, it’s going to take all hands on deck to win!

Please, will you help us cover the stickers' postage and support our other efforts to fight for a Democratic Senate majority?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit DSCC.

[  ] $10 →

[  ] $5 →

[  ] $25 →

[  ] $50 →

[✓] Other $5.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.35 (7%**)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DSCC (with a tip to ActBlue) in order "to claim [my] FREE "VOTE" sticker before Black Friday is over and help supercharge our Senate majority!"

Thus, this one organization—the DSCC—is the political organization that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written November 24th, 2023, revised November 25th, 2023, revised November 26th, 2023, revised November 30th, 2023, revised December 4th, 2023, revised December 5th, 2023 and revised December 12th, 2023)

**P.S.: I used to leave an $0.11 tip to ActBlue for my typical $3.00 donations to political campaigns; however, rather than tipping $0.11—like I usually do—I decided to try out a New & Improved "Add custom amount" tip of $0.75 with my political donation on November 17th, 2023 (please see my 'November 17th, 2023 Update No. 3,' which can be found above)! And, I ran the numbers on this new $0.75 tip amount (which is exactly 25% of $3.00) to see if it is "feasible for the foreseeable future" (say that three times fast!), or if I should revert back to the original $0.11 tip amount (which is exactly 3.6% of $3.00), or if I should still increase my political campaign donation tip amount to ActBlue—however, not by as much—to, say, $0.21 (which is exactly 7% of $3.00).

And so, my above-mentioned calculations are as follows: If I donate $3.00 per campaign and I add a tip to ActBlue of $0.75 (25% of $3.00), that means for every ten donations that I make—for example—it totals up to be $37.50! Now, if I make those same ten donations, but I add a tip to ActBlue of $0.21 (7% of $3.00), then it totals up to $32.10! Therefore, every ten donations that I make at the lower tip amount of $0.21 is a savings of $5.40! And, for me, $5.00 is usually the minimum amount that I donate for most all of my progressive and charitable donations. Thus, if you calculate that savings out for every one hundred donations—for example—that is a savings amount as follows:

If $3.75 per donation × 100 donations = $375.00 in total donations;

And if $3.21 per donation × 100 donations = $321.00 in total donations;

Then $375.00 in total donations at the higher tip amount - $321.00 in total donations at the lower tip amount = $54.00 in savings;

Therefore $54.00 in savings ÷ $5.00 which is my usual minimum donation amount = 10.8 progressive and charitable donations!


November 25th, 2023 Update No. 1: I have decided to consolidate the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I typically write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I make virtually every time that I make a political donation, however, lately there has suddenly been quite a number of donation requests! And within each 'update' I usually include the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, which is usually $3.00 per campaign or $5.00 per organization, plus how much I tipped ActBlue, which was previously $0.11 per campaign donation, but is now currently $0.21 per campaign—or 7% of my donation including to political organizations.**

Therefore, I have decided to forego my usual writing format for these type of political campaign, or political organization, donation 'updates' and combine every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing all of these individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

And I mean no disrespect to the individual political campaigns, or political organizations—each of which used to receive their very own 'update' on my blog—however, the 2024 election cycle is really starting to gear up and I have made a (hopefully realistic) goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. Plus, I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The only political communication that I responded to was a text message today, November 25th, 2023, from the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State (DASS), which stated the following:


Facebook and Instagram just announced they’re going to allow anyone to run ads that question the outcome of the 2020 election.

Every crocked-up QAnon conspiracy and Trump-amplified lie that ultimately led to the Jan. 6 insurrection now has the green light to be run as an ad.

With the election just a year away, our democracy can’t afford to have voters swayed by lies that undermine the integrity of our electoral process.

We’re launching an urgent petition calling on Meta to STOP election misinformation in political ads, but we still need [147] signatures from OR. Will you add your name now?***

Thank you,


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Democratic Association of Secretaries of State


Email: [redacted]

Will you sign the petition calling on Meta to STOP election misinformation in political ads?

[✓] Yes! Add my name!

[FOLLOW UP] Do you plan to vote-by-mail next year?

[  ] Yes

[✓] No

[  ] Unsure

[  ] Prefer not to say

How concerned are you that MAGA Republicans running for Secretary of State have pledged to END Vote-by-Mail?

[✓] Very concerned

[  ] Somewhat concerned

[  ] Not concerned

Did you know that Secretaries of State are responsible for upholding election laws, overseeing elections, and counting ballots?

[✓] Yes, I knew that!

[  ] No, but I do now!

The Democratic Association of Secretaries of State is the largest and most powerful organization leading the movement to stop election-denying extremists at the ballot box. Will you join our grassroots operation?

[✓] YES!

Can we please count on you to chip in to elect Democrats who will fight for our democracy?

[  ] Yes, I'll chip in $3 >>

[  ] Yes, I'll chip in $15 >>

[  ] Yes, I'll chip in $35 >>

[  ] Yes, I'll chip in $50 >>

[✓] Yes, I'll chip in a custom amount >>



Democratic Association of Secretaries of State

When federal action stalls, state laws decide the future of our republic. We can't let those laws fall into the hands of partisan, conspiracy-loving GOP legislatures.

Our Democratic Secretaries protect our elections — even when Congress is deadlocked. They're the last line of defense for your rights, and they need your help this year more than ever. Rush a donation now and defend our Secretaries of State!

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit DASS PAC.

[  ] Donate $15 →

[  ] Donate $35 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[✓] $5.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.35 (7%**)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DASS (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to sign the petition "calling on Meta to STOP election misinformation in political ads," as well as because "the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State is the largest and most powerful organization leading the movement to stop election-denying extremists at the ballot box."

Thus, this one organization—the DASS—is the political organization that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written November 25th, 2023, revised November 26th, 2023, revised November 30th, 2023, revised December 4th, 2023, revised December 5th, 2023, revised December 12th, 2023 and revised June 28th, 2024)

**P.S.: I used to leave an $0.11 tip to ActBlue for my typical $3.00 donations to political campaigns; however, rather than tipping $0.11—like I usually do—I decided to try out a New & Improved "Add custom amount" tip of $0.75 with my political donation on November 17th, 2023 (please see my 'November 17th, 2023 Update No. 3,' which can be found above)! And, I ran the numbers on this new $0.75 tip amount (which is exactly 25% of $3.00) to see if it is "feasible for the foreseeable future" (say that three times fast!), or if I should revert back to the original $0.11 tip amount (which is exactly 3.6% of $3.00), or if I should still increase my political campaign donation tip amount to ActBlue—however, not by as much—to, say, $0.21 (which is exactly 7% of $3.00).

And so, my above-mentioned calculations are as follows: If I donate $3.00 per campaign and I add a tip to ActBlue of $0.75 (25% of $3.00), that means for every ten donations that I make—for example—it totals up to be $37.50! Now, if I make those same ten donations, but I add a tip to ActBlue of $0.21 (7% of $3.00), then it totals up to $32.10! Therefore, every ten donations that I make at the lower tip amount of $0.21 is a savings of $5.40! And, for me, $5.00 is usually the minimum amount that I donate for most all of my progressive and charitable donations. Thus, if you calculate that savings out for every one hundred donations—for example—that is a savings amount as follows:

If $3.75 per donation × 100 donations = $375.00 in total donations;

And if $3.21 per donation × 100 donations = $321.00 in total donations;

Then $375.00 in total donations at the higher tip amount - $321.00 in total donations at the lower tip amount = $54.00 in savings;

Therefore $54.00 in savings ÷ $5.00 which is my usual minimum donation amount = 10.8 progressive and charitable donations!


November 26th, 2023 Update No. 1—Which Also Discusses November 18th, 2023 Through November 25th, 2023: This 'update' that I am writing today, November 26th, 2023, is regarding both my usual reading of Time Magazine articles, as well as from my oftentimes daily news searches on Google.

To begin with, I feel like I need to explain that I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

Therefore, I have NOT checked the news for about nine days, as of today, November 26th, 2023, because of how much blogging I have been doing. So, the last time that I checked the current news was on November 17th, 2023!

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day, which usually starts with me reading Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails that I receive each day. Then, I usually check each day's news via a Google search under several news topics sometime after I check my email, as well as after I check my previous day's cellular data usage, which I track very carefully.

Thus, I usually check on what is happening in the news via various Google searches that I do on an oftentimes daily basis under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Time Magazine emails and/or from those Google news searches; but, lately there has suddenly been an enormous amount of news!

And so, I have been trying to only document the news articles that I still need to read, but haven't got around to reading yet! Therefore, due to this recent volume of news, which started around September 14th, 2023 (please see my 'September 20th, 2023 Update—Continued, Which Also Discusses September 14th, 2023 Through September 19th, 2023' that can be found above), I have been writing these current news 'updates' where I list all of the articles that I am planning to read once I get around to reading them. Thus, this list is rather extensive: as of the last time I checked the news, I currently have 746 news articles left to catch up on reading! (Technically, it’s 711 articles, 2 interviews, 1 press release, 1 transcript, 1 'cartoon carousel,' as well as 27 videos, and 3 podcasts that I have left to catch up on.)

Besides that, since I started documenting these recent news articles (that I am planning to read in the future), I have only been able to catch up on reading the articles through September 26th, 2023 (please see my 'September 26th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above) starting from the first 'update' that I wrote regarding this sudden inundation of news, which was on September 20th, 2023, as noted above.

In other words, since I first wrote my 'September 20th, 2023 Update—Continued, Which Also Discusses September 14th, 2023 Through September 19th, 2023,' I have only been able to catch up on reading 124 articles, watching 2 videos, and listening to 2 podcasts! Therefore, this new system of listing the current news articles that I am planning to catch up on reading sometime in the future isn't sustainable.

Not only that, all of the time I have been spending listing these current news articles (that I am planning to read in the future) has been making it so that I only have time to list the articles, since these most recent news 'updates'—that are simply listing the articles that I am planning to read in future—take about one to two hours to create, or longer. And they also take around 0.20 to 0.25 of a GB, or more, in cellular data to create—simply to search for the articles under the above-mentioned news topics, open each article's webpage, copy the link to each article, and create these current news 'updates.' And I only have about 0.65 of a GB per day, on average, to use in data, since my cell phones data plan is about 20 GBs per month! (By the way, it takes about 0.15 to 0.30 of a GB to read the Time Magazine articles that I receive on a daily basis.)

And all of this prefacing is meant to explain that I am no longer planning to write these current news 'updates' where I list the articles that I am planning to read in the future! Period.

However, I am still planning to highlight some news articles as 'updates' if I feel that those particular articles are important for me to highlight—which is what I used to do—and that why I started writing these current news 'updates' in the first place. (I hope that makes sense!)

Now, I can usually manage to keep up with reading the Time Magazine articles that I receive on a daily basis, but that is just about all that I can do these days. Speaking of which, lately I have only been reading those Time Magazine articles about once every nine days (so just over a week), which is about all that I can manage.

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article. However, I recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received today, November 26th, 2023, as well as that I received from the time period of November 18th, 2023 through November 25th, 2023, when I noticed the following articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The following are the articles which I received eight days ago, November 18th, 2023:

The first Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received eight days ago) is titled, "How U.S. Failures in the 1970s Contributed to the Israel-Hamas War":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received eight days ago) is titled, "Everything in the George Santos Report—Even the Botox—Makes the Case For His Expulsion":


The following are the articles which I received seven days ago, November 19th, 2023:

The third Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received seven days ago) is titled, "How Drug Makers Manipulate Patents to Keep Insulin Prices High":


The fourth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received seven days ago) is titled, "Peace is Possible for Israel and Gaza—If Their Leaders Want It":


The following is the article which I received six days ago, November 20th, 2023:

The fifth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received six days ago) is titled, "Why Ukraine’s Stalemate Will Likely Last Another Year":


The following are the articles which I received five days ago, November 21st, 2023:

The sixth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received five days ago) is titled, "Doctors in the U.S. Can’t Be Silent in the Face of What’s Happening in Gaza":


The seventh Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received five days ago) is titled, "From Lawsuits to Protests, Pro-Palestinian Americans Are Pushing Biden to Pivot":


The eighth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received five days ago) is titled, "Hamas Chief Says ‘Truce’ Is Close, in Rare Public Comments, as Hostage Talks Progress":


The following are the articles which I received four days ago, November 22nd, 2023:

The ninth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received four days ago) is titled, "How Israel-South Africa Relations Fell Apart Over Gaza":


The tenth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received four days ago) is titled, "Exclusive: Palestinian Leader Mohammed Dahlan on Israel, Hamas, and the Prospect of Peace":


The eleventh Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received four days ago) is titled, "Israel and Hamas Set Hostage-Release and Ceasefire Deal in Motion":


The twelfth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received four days ago) is titled, "How Solar Sales Bros Threaten the Green Energy Transition":


The following is the article which I received three days ago, November 23rd, 2023:

The thirteenth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received three days ago) is titled, "Imprisoned Nobel Winner Narges Mohammadi Tells Angelina Jolie Iran’s People Will Prevail":


The following are the articles which I received two days ago, November 24th, 2023:

The fourteenth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received two days ago) is titled, "Their Kibbutz Was Attacked on Oct. 7. They’re Determined to Rebuild":


The fifteenth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received two days ago) is titled, "Pro-Palestinian Protesters Demonstrate at Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade":


The sixteenth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received two days ago) is titled, "Why the Palestinian Prisoners Are Central to the Israel-Hamas Hostage Deal":


The following are the articles which I received yesterday, November 24th, 2023:

The seventeenth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "New Data Shows a Global Surge in Searches Related to ‘Climate Anxiety’":


The eighteenth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "For University Leaders, Silence on the Israel-Hamas War is Not Golden":


The following are the articles which I received today, November 26th, 2023:

The nineteenth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received today) is titled, "George Santos Says He Expects to Be Kicked Out of Congress as Expulsion Vote Looms":


The twentieth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received today) is titled, "Women Hold the Key to a Livable World":

And I decided to highlight these articles from Time Magazine for you, my readers who, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written November 26th, 2023, revised November 27th, 2023 and revised April 26th, 2024)


November 27th, 2023 Update No. 1—Which Also Discusses November 25th, 2023: Giving Tuesday is one day away from today, November 27th, 2023! And so, I decided to make one-time donations to a couple of charities, as the conclusion of my 'early' Giving Tuesday donations, which include the following:

The ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union);

[I already donated to the ACLU on November 3rd, 2023 and November 7th, 2023, as well as November 8th, 2023 (please see my 'November 3rd, 2023 Update No. 2' and my 'November 7th, 2023 Update No. 1,' as well as my 'November 8th, 2023 Update No. 2,' all of which can be found above), however, I did not donate for Giving Tuesday!]

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.

And I was inspired to make these two donations by the following: an email that I received today, November 27th, 2023, from an organization that is "our nation’s guardian of liberty, working in courts, legislatures, and communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties that the Constitution and the laws of the United States guarantee everyone in this country"; and by a promotional email that I received on November 25th, 2023, from an organization whose goal "is to advance cures, and means of prevention, for pediatric catastrophic diseases through research and treatment," where, "consistent with the vision of [their] founder Danny Thomas, no child is denied treatment based on race, religion or a family's ability to pay."

–Paul Whiting (written November 27th, 2023, revised November 29th, 2023, revised November 30th, 2023 and revised December 15th, 2023)

P.S.: Please see my detailed descriptions—immediately after this 'update'—of the following Giving Tuesday donations for which I received the above-mentioned communications!

The ACLU: 'November 27th, 2023 Update No. 2,' which can be found below.

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital: 'November 27th, 2023 Update No. 3,' which can be found below.

P.P.S.: By the way, I don't make all of my charitable donations on Giving Tuesday of each year! I only donate to those organizations that I have not already donated to sometime during the year (at least, organizations that I have not necessarily already donated to). You see, I donate to various charitable and progressive organizations throughout the year, where I make some donations on a monthly basis (depending upon the organization), in addition to some donations that I only make once per year based upon certain types of 'theme days,' if you will (again, depending upon the organization).

Please let me explain: I donate to various charitable organizations during the year on particular 'theme days,' so to speak, which I feel correspond directly to particular charitable causes, because it helps me to remember to donate to those particular causes during the year that I feel have a corresponding 'theme day.'

That way, I am spreading the charitable love throughout the entire year—and not simply having a year's worth of charitable giving 'bunch up,' so to speak, on Giving Tuesday. So then, whichever charitable organizations don't have an obvious corresponding 'theme day,' I can donate to those charitable organizations during Giving Tuesday, since I haven't already given to those particular organizations sometime during the year!

For example, I usually make donations to organizations that support Native American (American Indian) causes during Native American Heritage Day, which is observed yearly (annually) on the day after Thanksgiving—as a way to respect Native American Heritage Day—and as a way to support the Native American (American Indian) organizations to which I choose to donate on Native American Heritage Day, which is the day that I feel thematically corresponds directly to the causes that those particular organizations represent.

That is why I coordinate some of my charitable giving during the year with a particular 'theme day' that some charitable causes correspond to, such as the above-mentioned organizations who are supporting Native American (American Indian) causes that I feel directly correspond to the 'theme day' of Native American Heritage Day, which is simply one example of this type of 'theme day' charitable giving that I do throughout the year!


November 27th, 2023 Update No. 2: I received an email from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) today, November 27th, 2023, with the subject line, "Exclusive early access for top supporters", which stated the following:


Paul, it's the [title redacted] of the ACLU. I'm reaching out to supporters because tomorrow is Giving Tuesday – one of the biggest fundraising days of the year for a nonprofit like us, and we need your help.

Our team set a goal to raise $1 million before tomorrow at midnight. It's ambitious, but that's what it's going to take to defend all of our rights – from abortion access to voting rights to free speech.

While so much is uncertain in our country right now, we know one thing for sure: Our rights can't wait. That's why a generous donor offered to start our 2X match opportunity a day early. And that's also why I'm turning to you today: Will you make an early Giving Tuesday donation now and double your impact on our mission to defend the rights of all people nationwide?


Paul, by making a donation ahead of our Giving Tuesday deadline, your contribution will help ACLU lawyers, advocates, and organizers in the fight for our rights, including:

[✓] Supporting doctors and patients in the 21 states where abortion is restricted or banned by connecting those who are facing abortion-related charges with legal support.

[✓] Organizing to defeat the 322 voter suppression bills that have been introduced in state legislatures that threaten to further shut out marginalized people from our democratic process.

[✓] Taking school districts and elected officials to court over their censorship policies, in an effort to curtail the 40% increase in book bans that we saw in 2022 as compared to the year before.

With so much on the line, falling short of our Giving Tuesday goal isn't an option. Our rights can't wait – and we need funding now to show up strong every time our freedoms are violated.

That's why I'm counting on dedicated ACLU supporters like you to make an early 2X matched donation today: Will you give now, Paul?


Thank you for believing in the ACLU's mission. If we work together, I know we can build a more perfect union.


[Name redacted]
Pronouns: He, him, his
[Title redacted], ACLU

Fund The Fight For Our Rights.
Making a Giving Tuesday donation today is the best way to defend abortion access, voting rights, and free speech.


Donate before midnight 11/28 and your gift will be DOUBLED

And, after I read the email above, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU in order to "make an early Giving Tuesday donation now and double [my] impact on [the ACLU's] mission to defend the rights of all people nationwide." –Paul Whiting (November 27th, 2023)


November 27th, 2023 Update No. 3—Which Also Discusses November 25th, 2023: I received an email in my 'Promotions' folder from St. Jude Children's Research Hospital two days ago on November 25th, 2023, with the subject line, "Share a tax-deductible gift on Nov 28", which stated the following:

Share a tax-deductible gift on Nov 28

Your Giving Tuesday support saves lives.

Visit site:

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Thanks to you, families never receive a bill from St. Jude.

Make your donation (USD)

[  ] Monthly

[✓] One-time

[  ] $50

[  ] $100

[  ] $500

[✓] Other: $10.00

Your information

Country: [redacted]

First Name: Paul

Last Name: Whiting

Phone number: [redacted]

Email: [redacted]

Billing address: [redacted]

ZIP: [redacted]

City: [redacted]

State: [redacted]

Donate $10.00

And, after I made the donation above, I survey window appeared, which stated, in part, the following:

Thank you for donating to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.

Let us know how we did by answering a few questions.

How easy was it to donate online?

[✓] Very easy

[  ] Somewhat easy

[  ] Neither easy nor difficult

[  ] Somewhat difficult

[  ] Very difficult

How satisfied are you with our online donation process?

[✓] Very satisfied

[  ] Somewhat satisfied

[  ] Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

[  ] Somewhat dissatisfied

[  ] Very dissatisfied

How likely are you to donate to St. Jude again?

[✓] Very likely

[  ] Somewhat likely

[  ] Neither likely nor unlikely

[  ] Somewhat unlikely

[  ] Very unlikely

Which of the following ways are you likely to use if you make a future donation to St. Jude? Select all that apply.

[✓] Making one or more one-time donation(s) online

[  ] Becoming or remaining a monthly donor online

[  ] Sending in a donation by mail

[  ] Purchasing a ticket to a St. Jude event

[  ] Organizing a fundraiser myself

[  ] Donating to someone else's fundraiser

[  ] Purchasing a Dream Home Giveaway ticket

[  ] Purchasing St. Jude branded merchandise

[  ] Participating in workplace giving

[  ] Giving through my will or a bequest

[  ] Setting up an IRA charitable contribution, donor-advised gift, and/or establishing a charitable gift annuity

[  ] Other

On a scale of 0 to 10, please indicate how much you agree with each statement, with "0" being "strongly disagree" and "10" being "strongly agree".

I am a committed St. Jude donor.

[  ] 0 Strongly disagree
[  ] 1
[  ] 2
[  ] 3
[  ] 4
[  ] 5
[  ] 6
[  ] 7
[  ] 8
[  ] 9
[✓] 10 Strongly agree

St. Jude is my favorite charitable organization.

[  ] 0 Strongly disagree
[  ] 1
[  ] 2
[  ] 3
[  ] 4
[  ] 5
[  ] 6
[✓] 7
[  ] 8
[  ] 9
[  ] 10 Strongly agree

[Blogger's Note: I don't really have a "favorite charitable organization," however, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital is one of my favorite charities!]

I feel a sense of loyalty to St. Jude.

[  ] 0 Strongly disagree
[  ] 1
[  ] 2
[  ] 3
[  ] 4
[  ] 5
[  ] 6
[  ] 7
[  ] 8
[  ] 9
[✓] 10 Strongly agree

Please share your thoughts on what St. Jude Children's Research Hospital means to you.

What St. Jude Children's Research Hospital means to me can be summarized by the following statement: "families never receive a bill from St. Jude for treatment, travel, housing or food."

And so, I made a one-time donation to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital because "families never receive a bill from St. Jude for treatment, travel, housing or food." –Paul Whiting (November 27th, 2023)


November 28th, 2023 Update No. 1, Written On November 30th, 2023, Which Also Discusses November 29th, 2023 And November 27th, 2023: Giving Tuesday is November 28th, 2023 this year, since Giving Tuesday is observed yearly (annually) on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving Day!

And I am writing this Giving Tuesday 'update' on November 30th, 2023, because it was a very busy day for me on Giving Tuesday while I was donating to the many charitable organizations that I have not already donated to sometime during the year (at least, organizations that I have not necessarily already donated to).

It was so busy, as a matter of fact, that I basically took the entire day off from writing any 'updates' on Giving Tuesday—like I usually write on the day that I make donations—and that's why I waited to write my Giving Tuesday 'update' two days later!

Anyway, I decided to make one-time donations to a considerable number of charities for my final Giving Tuesday donations, which include the following:

World Jewish Congress, American Section

[Blogger's Note: I already donated to the World Jewish Congress, American Section, on November 9th, 2023, as well as on November 18th, 2023 (please see my 'November 9th, 2023 Update No. 1,' as well as my 'November 18th, 2023 Update No. 5, Written On November 19th, 2023, Which Also Discusses November 17th, 2023,' both of which can be found above), so this is my third one-time donation to World Jewish Congress, American Section for November 2023.]

Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA);

[Blogger's Note: I already donated to the IAVA on November 6th, 2023, as well as on November 11th, 2023, for Veterans Day (please see my 'November 6th, 2023 Update No. 1,' as well as my 'November 11th, 2023 Update No. 1,' both of which can be found above), so this is my third one-time donation to Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America for November 2023.]

United Nations Population Fund (USA for UNFPA);

[Blogger's Note: I already donated to USA for UNFPA on November 16th, 2023, as well as on November 21st, 2023, for Giving Tuesday (please see my 'November 16th, 2023 Update No. 4,' as well as my 'November 21st, 2023 Update No. 6, Written On November 22nd, 2023,' both of which can be found above), but "humanitarian crises in Gaza, the West Bank, Israel, Sudan, Ukraine, Somalia, the Congo, and elsewhere threaten the health, safety, and lives of women and girls every day," so this is my third one-time donation to United Nations Population Fund for November 2023.]

Brady: United Against Gun Violence (the sister organization of which is Brady Political Action Committee, or Brady PAC);

[Blogger's Note: I already donated to Brady: United Against Gun Violence on November 21st, 2023 for Giving Tuesday (please see my 'November 21st, 2023 Update No. 2, Written On November 22nd, 2023,' which can be found above), so this is my second one-time donation to Brady: United Against Gun Violence for November 2023.]

Willamette Week's Give!Guide (Willamette Week is a local news publication here in Portland, Oregon—and I am a monthly contributor to the Willamette Week);

Jane Fonda Climate PAC (Jane Fonda Climate Political Action Committee);

Urban League of Portland (whose "mission is to empower African-Americans and others to achieve equality in education, employment, health, economic security and quality of life.");

USA for UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees);

[Blogger's Note: I already donated to USA for UNHCR on November 16th, 2023 for Giving Tuesday (please see my 'November 16th, 2023 Update No. 4,' which can be found above), but I received a match offer on November 27th, 2023, due to the fact that USA for UNHCR's "Giving Tuesday goal is to send 2,400 winter survival kits to 2,400 refugee families in need — and every dollar [I] give will be MATCHED by the USA for UNHCR Board of Directors," so this is my second one-time donation to USA for UNHCR for November 2023.]

Brady: United Against Gun Violence (I donated once more on November 29th, 2023, as noted below);

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America (via the Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund);

[Blogger's Note: I already donated to Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund on November 8th, 2023 (please see my 'November 8th, 2023 Update No. 3,' which can be found above), so this is my second one-time donation to Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund for November 2023.]

And I was inspired to make this considerable number of donations by the following: an email that I received on November 28th, 2023, from "the leading international organization connecting and protecting Jewish communities globally"; by an email that I received on November 28th, 2023, from an organization whose "mission is to connect, unite, and empower post-9/11 veterans"; by an email that I received on November 28th, 2023, from a global organization whose "mission is to deliver a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person's potential is fulfilled"; by text messages that I received on November 28th, 2023, as well as on November 29th, 2023, from "one of America's oldest and boldest gun violence prevention groups, [whose] history of success goes back decades"; by an email that I received on November 28th, 2023, from a Portland, Oregon website that offers a way to donate to "250 local nonprofits deserve—and need—your support"; by a a text message that I received on November 28th, 2023, from a Political Action Committee (PAC) "which is laser-focused on one goal: Do what it takes to defeat fossil fuel supporters and elect climate champions at all levels of government"; by the realization that the Urban League of Portland, which I donated to last year, was no longer listed on Willamette Week's Give!Guide; by an email that I received on November 27th, 2023, from an organization that "helps to save, protect and rebuild the lives of millions of refugees"; and by an email that I received on November 28th, 2023, from "a grassroots movement of Americans fighting for public safety measures that can protect people from gun violence."

–Paul Whiting (written November 30th, 2023, revised December 2nd, 2023, revised December 15th, 2023 and revised January 9th, 2024)

P.S.: Please see my detailed descriptions—immediately after this 'update'—of the following Giving Tuesday donations for which I received the above-mentioned communications!

World Jewish Congress, American Section: 'November 28th, 2023 Update No. 2, Written On November 30th, 2023,' which can be found below.

Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA): 'November 28th, 2023 Update No. 3, Written On November 30th, 2023,' which can be found below.

United Nations Population Fund (USA for UNFPA): 'November 28th, 2023 Update No. 4, Written On November 30th, 2023,' which can be found below.

Brady: United Against Gun Violence: 'November 28th, 2023 Update No. 5, Written On November 30th, 2023,' which can be found below.

Willamette Week's Give!Guide: 'November 28th, 2023 Update No. 6, Written On November 30th, 2023,' which can be found below.

Jane Fonda Climate PAC: 'November 28th, 2023 Update No. 7, Written On November 30th, 2023,' which can be found below.

USA for UNHCR: 'November 28th, 2023 Update No. 8, Written On November 30th, 2023, Which Also Discusses November 29th, 2023 And November 27th, 2023,' which can be found below.

Brady: United Against Gun Violence (once more): 'November 28th, 2023 Update No. 9, Written On November 30th, 2023, Which Also Discusses November 29th, 2023,' which can be found below.

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America: 'November 28th, 2023 Update No. 10, Written On November 30th, 2023, Which Also Discusses November 29th, 2023,' which can be found below.

P.P.S.: By the way, I don't make all of my charitable donations on Giving Tuesday of each year! I only donate to those organizations that I have not already donated to sometime during the year (at least, organizations that I have not necessarily already donated to). You see, I donate to various charitable and progressive organizations throughout the year, where I make some donations on a monthly basis (depending upon the organization), in addition to some donations that I only make once per year based upon certain types of 'theme days,' if you will (again, depending upon the organization).

Please let me explain: I donate to various charitable organizations during the year on particular 'theme days,' so to speak, which I feel correspond directly to particular charitable causes, because it helps me to remember to donate to those particular causes during the year that I feel have a corresponding 'theme day.'

That way, I am spreading the charitable love throughout the entire year—and not simply having a year's worth of charitable giving 'bunch up,' so to speak, on Giving Tuesday. So then, whichever charitable organizations don't have an obvious corresponding 'theme day,' I can donate to those charitable organizations during Giving Tuesday, since I haven't already given to those particular organizations sometime during the year!

For example, I usually make donations to various charities who are helping those in need during the Christmas holiday—as a way to celebrate Christmas Day—and as a way to support the charitable organizations to which I choose to donate on Christmas, which is the day that I feel thematically corresponds directly to the causes that those particular organizations represent.

That is why I coordinate some of my charitable giving during the year with a particular 'theme day' that some charitable causes correspond to, such as the above-mentioned charities who are helping those in need whose causes I feel directly correspond to the 'theme day' of Christmas Day, which is simply one example of this type of 'theme day' charitable giving that I do throughout the year!


November 28th, 2023 Update No. 2, Written On November 30th, 2023: I received an email from the World Jewish Congress, American Section, two days ago on November 28th, 2023, with the subject line, "Giving Tuesday is here, Paul", which stated the following:

World Jewish Congress
American Section



Good morning Paul,

Before I ask for you to make a gift on this global day of generosity, please allow me to explain why your support is so important.

In the wake of the devastating atrocities that took place in Israel on October 7, and the astronomical surge in antisemitism that has followed, your Giving Tuesday contribution to the World Jewish Congress, American Section, is so much more than a generous financial gift. As Jews the world over mourn those lost, hold the injured in our hearts, call for the immediate return of those abducted, and pray for the brave IDF soldiers who are defending our eternal homeland, we know that it is our unity, collective strength, and resilience that will see us through to better days. Together, we will persevere.

Your donation today is a statement of solidarity and hope for a future where Jews are free to live and worship without fear. It is a deep investment in our shared values and our tireless work to fight anti-Israel and anti-Jewish hatred wherever they exist. It is a powerful act of support for our Israeli brothers and sisters and with Jews around the world during this defining moment in history.

But today is the last chance for you to triple your gift on behalf of Israel and all our Jewish communities and help WJC reach our critical $100,000 Giving Tuesday goal, so please:

Paul, will you make a #GivingTuesday gift to the World Jewish Congress, American Section, to support the WJC’s critical mission to protect and defend Jewish people around the world? Until midnight tonight, every dollar will be triple-matched for THREE TIMES the power!

GOAL: $100,000

Every dollar will truly make a difference. These are just a few ways your support can make an impact at this critical moment …

… Your gift will go three times as far to fight the antisemitic violence and hatred that is rising dramatically and endangering Jews on city streets and college campuses …

… Your gift will automatically triple to help the WJC stand in solidarity with Israel as it fights valiantly for its very existence …

… And your gift will instantly be triple-matched allowing WJC to continue fighting disinformation and misinformation in traditional media, social media, and on the internet.

But this Giving Tuesday offer only lasts until midnight tonight — and we are counting on your support to reach our $100,000 goal. So please do not wait: Make a donation to the World Jewish Congress, American Section, now to have it triple-matched to empower the work of the World Jewish Congress as we work to support our Jewish communities around the world.

Thank you for your continued commitment to our shared values, our homeland, and our Jewish family everywhere.

World Jewish Congress


The World Jewish Congress, American Section, supports the vital work and projects of the World Jewish Congress. For more information on the World Jewish Congress, visit

And so, I made a one-time donation to the World Jewish Congress, American Section, on November 28th, 2023, because my donation "is a statement of solidarity and hope for a future where Jews are free to live and worship without fear," which is why I made "a gift on this global day of generosity." –Paul Whiting (written November 30th, 2023 and revised January 9th, 2024)


November 28th, 2023 Update No. 3, Written On November 30th, 2023: I received an email from Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) two days ago on November 28th, 2023, with the subject line "Veteran leadership…right when we need it", which stated the following:

Paul — IAVA has the backs of the post-9/11 generation of veterans — so much so that we’re investing in some of the best among us as a part of our work.

Don’t believe us? Hear it straight from the mouth of one of our Leadership Fellows:

Screenshot of video of IAVA Leadership Fellow [name redacted] | Click here to watch and donate to IAVA:!/donation/checkout

“This fellowship experience has been amazing. It’s helped train me to be a better leader for our veteran community and for our nation in general. I just want to thank you for your donations and I hope you’ll continue to support these programs, so we can educate and train more veterans to have the opportunity like I did.”

— [Name redacted], 2023 IAVA Leadership Fellow

Paul, we can’t do the critical work necessary to connect, unite and empower our fellow veterans without your help.

That means we need you to step up now. To join us. And to stand shoulder to shoulder with us in our work.

Before Giving Tuesday ends, please consider investing in IAVA’s work to get the backs of the more than 3 million post-9/11 generation veterans. Every dollar makes a huge impact.




And, after I read the email above, I made a one-time donation to Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) on November 28th, 2023, in order to "stand shoulder to shoulder with [IAVA] in [their] work," because "IAVA has the backs of the post-9/11 generation of veterans." –Paul Whiting (written November 30th, 2023, revised December 2nd, 2023 and revised January 9th, 2024)


November 28th, 2023 Update No. 4, Written On November 30th, 2023: I received a text message two days ago on November 28th, 2023, from USA for UNFPA (formerly known as the 'United Nations Fund for Population Activities' that is now called the 'United Nations Population Fund'), which stated the following:

📢LAST CHANCE: Your gift to women and girls DOUBLED – but only until midnight!

It’s Giving Tuesday, Paul, and, until midnight tonight, every dollar you give will go TWICE as far, thanks to a generous 2X-matching commitment from a group of global health champions.

Your support is more critical now than ever. Humanitarian crises in Gaza, the West Bank, Israel, Sudan, Ukraine, Somalia, the Congo, and elsewhere threaten the health, safety, and lives of women and girls every day. And even while their world is turned upside-down, women and girls continue to become pregnant, give birth, and menstruate – all without the vital care they need.

We are 72% toward our $150,000 Giving Tuesday goal, but if we fall short before the match expires at midnight, we’re leaving crucial funding for women and girls on the table.

This Giving Tuesday, will you stand up for women and girls by providing lifesaving sexual and reproductive health care? If you give before the midnight match deadline, your contribution will be doubled to deliver twice the care, save 2X as many lives, and empower women and girls everywhere to reach their fullest potential.

You can donate securely here:

Thank you for being there for women and girls at this pivotal moment, Paul.


And so, I made a one-time donation to USA for UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) on, November 28th, 2023, because "[my] support is more critical now than ever," since "humanitarian crises in Gaza, the West Bank, Israel, Sudan, Ukraine, Somalia, the Congo, and elsewhere threaten the health, safety, and lives of women and girls every day." –Paul Whiting (written November 30th, 2023 and revised January 9th, 2024)


November 28th, 2023 Update No. 5, Written On November 30th, 2023: I received a text message two days ago on November 28th, 2023, from Brady: United Against Gun Violence, which stated the following:

Hi, it's Coach [redacted]. Sorry to double text, but did you see my message from earlier? Brady is still $176,243 short of our Giving Tuesday goal - and you're running out of time to double your gift!

Please, donate now to defeat the gun lobby in 2024:

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

United Against Gun Violence

$400,000 Giving Tuesday MATCH: Donate now and DOUBLE your impact!

Brady is on the cusp of passing historic gun safety reform, defeating the NRA once and for all, and taking action to prevent gun violence and save lives. But we can't do any of that if we don't hit our critical $400,000 Giving Tuesday match goal.

Will you donate in honor of Giving Tuesday and double your impact to help Brady take common-sense action to save lives?

And so, I made a one-time donation to Brady: United Against Gun Violence (the sister organization of which is Brady Political Action Committee, or Brady PAC) on November 28th, 2023, in order to "donate in honor of Giving Tuesday and double your impact to help Brady take common-sense action to save lives." –Paul Whiting (written November 30th, 2023 and revised January 9th, 2024)


November 28th, 2023 Update No. 6, Written On November 30th, 2023: I received an email from Friends of Willamette Week (FOWW) [Willamette Week is a local news publication here in Portland, Oregon—and I am a monthly contributor to the Willamette Week] two days ago on November 28th, 2023, with the subject line, "Do Portland good. Give today!", which stated, in part, the following:

A note from WW Give!Guide [title redacted], [name redacted]

Dear Paul,

Two decades ago, Willamette Week undertook an experiment: Give!Guide.

Back then, we knew Portland had a vibrant — but under-appreciated and under-supported — nonprofit community. And we knew younger Portlanders needed encouragement to support those great nonprofits. We hoped our experiment would help change those trajectories.

Never in our wildest dreams did we think Give!Guide would grow to what it has become today.

Nor did we imagine Willamette Week would come to need the same kind of community support. Faced with a shaky media economy, social media giants, and a pandemic that tore into our usual revenue streams, we started Friends of Willamette Week. Over the past four years, our Friends have generously supported the writers in our newsroom. In turn, those writers today are producing some of the most consequential journalism in Oregon.

All of this at a time when other media outlets, particularly here in Portland, have dramatically shrunk their footprints — as well as their ability to help readers gain a deeper understanding of our community and foster positive change.

Thus, this special request: Please take a serious look at all 250 nonprofits in this year’s Give!Guide ( When you do, please consider giving some of your support to Friends of Willamette Week ( It’ll do Portland a world of good.

Thank you,
[Name redacted]
[Title redacted], WW’s Give!Guide

And so, I made a couple of dozen one-time donations through Willamette Week's "Give!Guide" on November 28th, 2023, to 25 separate (and might I say, totally worthy) local charities, as well as to Friends of Willamette Week, for which I earned the following highly coveted tweet:

I was donor number 7558 on the Willamette Week Give!Guide! #pdxgivesback via @giveguide

–Paul Whiting (written November 30th, 2023, revised December 2nd, 2023 and revised January 9th, 2024)


November 28th, 2023 Update No. 7, Written On November 30th, 2023: I received a text message two days ago on November 28th, 2023, from the Jane Fonda Climate PAC (Jane Fonda Climate Political Action Committee), which stated the following:

It's Giving Tuesday!

Hi, it's Jane Fonda. On this Giving Tuesday, I am reaching out to say thank you for your ongoing support for the Jane Fonda Climate PAC.

I hope you know how impactful your support truly is. Because of you, millions of people in Virginia, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, and California now have representatives, senators, councilmembers, executives, and supervisors who will fight for a livable future for all their communities.

Today, on Giving Tuesday, will you contribute $10 to continue your impact with the Jane Fonda Climate PAC? Here's your secure link to give:

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Jane Fonda Climate PAC on November 28th, 2023, in order to "contribute [$5] to continue [my] impact with the Jane Fonda Climate PAC," since "millions of people in Virginia, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, and California now have representatives, senators, councilmembers, executives, and supervisors who will fight for a livable future for all their communities."

And if you are interested in learning more about the Jane Fonda Climate PAC, here is a description from their "About" webpage, along with a hyperlink:

Jane Fonda
Climate PAC


"I’ve spent my life fighting for what I believe in. When I was 32, President Nixon had me arrested. 50 years later I was arrested five times for protesting the government’s inaction on climate change. It’s no secret that I have a history of ruffling feathers in Washington.

Today, support for climate action is unprecedented. The public is voting with the climate in mind, but the people we elect are not. This has led me to reflect on what we need to do to secure meaningful action on climate. Our planet is on fire and our leaders are failing us, so if we can’t change the minds of the people in power, we need to change the people in power.

It is for that reason that I started Jane Fonda Climate PAC, which is laser-focused on one goal: Do what it takes to defeat fossil fuel supporters and elect climate champions at all levels of government.

I believe this is the most important thing I will do in my lifetime." —Jane Fonda

By the way, I added the quotation marks to the statement above by Ms. Fonda, as well as her name at the end of the statement, since I thought it would make more sense, because the "About Page" opening statement is clearly written from her perspective. –Paul Whiting (written November 30th, 2023 and revised January 9th, 2024)


November 28th, 2023 Update No. 8, Written On November 30th, 2023, Which Also Discusses November 29th, 2023 And November 27th, 2023: I received an email from USA for UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) three days ago on November 27th, 2023, with the subject line, "The best gift you can buy today", which stated the following:


[Image of a man holding his young son outside in Sabzi, Bamyan province during a harsh winter]


Life doesn't stop when a child becomes displaced, Friend.

They still want to attend school with their friends, eat a nutritious meal and drink safe, clean water. They still want to get tucked into a warm bed at night. They still want to play in the freshly fallen snow until their fingers grow cold.

Now imagine what winter would be like without the warmth of a safe place to stay. Imagine if you didn't have that cozy coat, mittens or knit hat — that's the reality for most displaced children around the world.

The young boy pictured above, [name redacted], is just one of the young children your support can help. He snuggles with his dad against the fierce winds in the highest regions of Afghanistan. Instead of playing with his friends, he's been sick and their home doesn't have any heat. The greatest gift you can give a child is the chance to simply be a child.

If your email is anything like mine, you have hundreds of Cyber Monday promotions. And if you're anything like me, you've saved some money on those sales. Today, you can pass on your savings and support refugees by making an early Giving Tuesday gift.

A better future for children around the globe starts today with your gift. Our Giving Tuesday goal is to send 2,400 winter survival kits to 2,400 refugee families in need — and every dollar you give will be MATCHED by the USA for UNHCR Board of Directors to help us achieve this goal.



You're providing the comfort of a warm embrace, feeding the hungry, caring for the sick and building safe shelters. That's what your generosity will provide refugees this winter — and right now it will support twice as many people.

I can't tell you how much it means to a refugee family to know that compassionate people like you are willing to lend a hand. With more displaced families relying on our support each and every day, we cannot afford to miss this vital goal of sending lifesaving winter survival kits to families in need.

So please, don't wait until Giving Tuesday to make the most of your impact. Make your first donation of $143 now and have your gift doubled →

In partnership,

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]

And so, I made a one-time donation to USA for UNHCR on November 29th, 2023 (which was the day after Giving Tuesday, since this email got lost in the shuffle all of the other Giving Tuesday emails that I received!), because USA for UNHCR's "Giving Tuesday goal is to send 2,400 winter survival kits to 2,400 refugee families in need — and every dollar [I] give will be MATCHED by the USA for UNHCR Board of Directors to help [them] achieve this goal." –Paul Whiting (written November 30th, 2023 and revised January 9th, 2024)


November 28th, 2023 Update No. 9, Written On November 30th, 2023, Which Also Discusses November 29th, 2023: I received a text message yesterday on November 29th, 2023, from Brady: United Against Gun Violence, which stated the following:

Hi Paul, it's [name redacted] from Brady. This isn't the news I wanted to share, but we fell just short of our $400K Giving Tuesday goal yesterday.

Giving Tuesday is the most important day of the year for Brady. What we raise now will determine if we can take on the NRA and overcome gun lobby obstruction & more in 2024.

That's why I reached out to our donors & asked them to EXTEND this rare match opportunity - but only until midnight. Paul, we can't afford to fall short again - lives depend on us. Please rush a matched gift now to help us end gun violence: - [Name redacted]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

United Against Gun Violence

$400,000 Giving Tuesday MATCH: Donate now and DOUBLE your impact!

Brady is on the cusp of passing historic gun safety reform, defeating the NRA once and for all, and taking action to prevent gun violence and save lives. But we can't do any of that if we don't hit our critical $400,000 Giving Tuesday match goal.

Will you donate in honor of Giving Tuesday and double your impact to help Brady take common-sense action to save lives?

And so, I made a one-time donation to Brady: United Against Gun Violence (the sister organization of which is Brady Political Action Committee, or Brady PAC) on November 29th, 2023 (which was the day after Giving Tuesday) in order to "donate in honor of Giving Tuesday and double your impact to help Brady take common-sense action to save lives." –Paul Whiting (written November 30th, 2023 and revised January 9th, 2024)


November 28th, 2023 Update No. 10, Written On November 30th, 2023, Which Also Discusses November 29th, 2023: I received an email from Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America yesterday, November 29th, 2023, with the subject line, "more determined than ever", which stated the following:

Double your impact! Make your gift to end gun violence and [name redacted] will MATCH your donation today through December 3rd. Donate now >>


Ever since I first joined Everytown for Gun Safety in 2019, I've witnessed the immense power of what Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action volunteers can accomplish.

Earlier this year, I was thrilled to be named the first-ever [title redacted] of Moms Demand Action. In my new role, I've had the opportunity to travel all over the country to meet and work alongside gun violence survivors, who inspire me to keep going with their grace, courage and resilience. And if one thing has been made clear to me, it's that our movement is unstoppable.

Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action volunteers show up year-round to advocate for life-saving gun safety policies and programs at school board meetings, statehouses, and U.S. Congress. They're organizing and educating in their communities and college campuses, and they never stop fighting for stronger, lifesaving gun safety laws.

Hundreds of our volunteers have even taken the next, bold step in their advocacy by running for local, state, and federal office. Just this year, 162 of our amazing volunteers ran for office. In Virginia, Moms Demand Action volunteers running and winning helped to sweep a gun sense majority to victory in both chambers of the General Assembly, handing the NRA a major defeat on what it used to consider its home turf. Now, there are NINE volunteers-turned-lawmakers waiting to be sworn into the Virginia House of Delegates alone—nearly 10% of the entire chamber!

Never have I been more excited about the power of our volunteers who are changing the course of gun safety in this country.

As we look to 2024, we're more determined than ever to forge ahead in our work to pass stronger gun safety laws, break the cycle of violence, and end this country's gun violence crisis.

Paul, we couldn't do it without supporters like you: That's why from now through December 3rd, [name redacted] will match your gift to the Everytown Action Fund to DOUBLE your impact on our work to end gun violence. Please, don't wait—make your matched donation today >>


We know that taking on the gun lobby and fighting for change won't be easy, but we've never backed down from the hard work and dedication it will take to end gun violence. With your support, we are stronger than ever.

Thank you,

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted] of Moms Demand Action

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America is a grassroots volunteer network of Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund. As a movement of Americans fighting for common-sense gun policies, we depend on contributions from supporters like you to fund important work to reduce gun violence.

Contributions to Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund are not tax-deductible as a charitable contribution or as a business expense under IRC Section 162(e).


And so, I made a one-time donation to Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America (via the Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund) on November 29th, 2023 (which was the day after Giving Tuesday) because "from now through December 3rd, [name redacted] will match [my] gift to the Everytown Action Fund to DOUBLE [my] impact on [Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America's] work to end gun violence." –Paul Whiting (written November 30th, 2023 and revised January 9th, 2024)


November 30th, 2023 Update No. 1: I have decided to consolidate the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I typically write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I make virtually every time that I make a political donation, however, lately there has suddenly been quite a number of donation requests! And within each 'update' I usually include the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, which is usually $3.00 per campaign or $5.00 per organization, plus how much I tipped ActBlue, which was previously $0.11 per campaign donation, but is now currently $0.21 per campaign—or 7% of my donation including to political organizations.**

Therefore, I have decided to forego my usual writing format for these type of political campaign, or political organization, donation 'updates' and combine every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing all of these individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

And I mean no disrespect to the individual political campaigns, or political organizations—each of which used to receive their very own 'update' on my blog—however, the 2024 election cycle is really starting to gear up and I have made a (hopefully realistic) goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. Plus, I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The first political communication that I responded to was an email from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) yesterday, November 29th, 2023, with the subject line, "I know we will regret it.", which stated the following:

Paul, I need you to see the latest:

House Republicans reported their fundraising numbers…

…and they’ve raked in $75.1 MILLION to defeat us.

MAGA Republicans know this kind of cash could harm our Democrats’ chances of taking back the Majority.

But we can’t let Republicans outraise our Democrats -- not while the latest polls show us virtually tied with the Republicans.

That’s why I’m personally asking 6,054 Democrats to step up before my End-of-Month Deadline and help me outraise MAGA Republicans. Will you help put the House firmly back in Democratic hands with a donation to the DCCC? >>

NAME: Paul Whiting
Suggested Support: $60

Let me be clear:

Taking back the House is critical to stopping Republicans from forcing their anti-Democracy agenda on the American people.

And if we lose because we didn’t meet our budget goals, I know we will regret it.

I’m calling on 6,054 strong Democrats to step up before my End-of-Month Deadline. Can I count on your $60 to the DCCC?

If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

[  ] Chip in $60 immediately >>
[  ] Chip in $80 immediately >>
[  ] Chip in $120 immediately >>
[  ] Chip in $200 immediately >>
[  ] Chip in $480 immediately >>
[✓] Or donate another amount >>***

Thank you,


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Chip in now to FLIP the House and DEFEND President Biden’s legacy!

Republicans are blocking President Biden’s agenda at every turn -- and he’s counting on this grassroots team to STOP them.

SO QUICKLY: Will you rush in a donation to elect a WAVE of Democrats and FLIP the House?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit DCCC.

[  ] $15 →

[  ] $25 →

[  ] $50 →

[  ] $100 →

[  ] $250 →

[  ] $500 →

[  ] $1,000 →

[✓] $35.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

Will you chip in with a $3 tip?

[  ] $3

[  ] $5

[  ] $7

[✓] Add custom amount $2.46 (7%**)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DCCC (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to "help put the House firmly back in Democratic hands with a donation to the DCCC," because "taking back the House is critical to stopping Republicans from forcing their anti-Democracy agenda on the American people."


The second political communication that I responded to was an email from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) today, November 30th, 2023, with the subject line, "Your impact", which stated the following:

Hi Paul, it's [name redacted], [title redacted] of the DNC.

We are just hours away from our end-of-month deadline. I wanted to reach out to you personally about how important it is that we reach our November fundraising goal, and in a minute I’m going to ask if you can donate to the DNC today.

But first, let’s catch up a little. Can you believe how fast November has flown by? I certainly can’t!

Just a few weeks ago, voters in Kentucky, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Ohio turned out again to reject the Trump-backed MAGA agenda and the Republicans who were running on it, resulting in big wins up and down the ballot. These wins follow a very successful midterm election for Democrats, when the “red wave” Republicans predicted never materialized, and we won seats across the country, while defending our Senate majority.

Democrats showed up and showed out on Election Day this year, but that didn’t happen by accident. I want to say not only thank you, but congratulations, because it's your support that makes wins like these possible. This year’s victories belong to all of us.

This is just one recent example of why our fundraising goals matter -- every time we reach them, it helps ensure we have the resources to invest in state parties, reach voters across the country, and affect key outcomes.

2024 is set to be a monumental year. MAGA Republicans are going to throw everything they have at winning seats in the House and Senate, and of course, the Oval Office. We won't let them succeed. With a massive effort from members of this grassroots team like you, Paul, we can -- and will -- prevent MAGA extremists from taking control of our government and dragging our country backward.

So as we look ahead to next year’s fights, I have to ask: Can you pitch in $20 now to help us reach our end-of-month goal before our midnight deadline and support the DNC’s work heading into 2024? Your contribution goes toward winning the White House and electing Democrats up and down the ballot.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

[✓] Donate another amount***

Your gift makes a real difference, Paul. Our work here at the DNC is fueled by donations from our grassroots team, and we can’t do this without you. Every dollar helps keep a Republican out of office, protect our basic rights, provide life-changing services for everyday people, protect and defend the values of this nation we hold dear, and much, much more --if just a dollar can do all that, imagine the impact of $20 today.

So, will you make an impact right now and chip in $20 today before November ends to help us prepare for next year’s fights?

Thanks for all you’re doing,

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
Democratic National Committee

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Democratic National Committee (DNC)

Before our end-of-month deadline, donate to the DNC and help elect Democrats nationwide!

The Democratic Party is counting on your support to hold the GOP accountable and elect more Democrats up and down the ballot.

Donate to the DNC and invest in the resources our candidates rely on to compete and win year after year.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Democratic National Committee (DNC).

[  ] $20 →

[  ] $10 →

[  ] $50 →

[  ] $100 →

[  ] $250 →

[  ] $1,000 →

[  ] $2,000 →

[✓] Other 35.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

Will you chip in with a $3 tip?

[  ] $3

[  ] $5

[  ] $7

[✓] Add custom amount $2.46 (7%**)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DNC (with a tip to ActBlue), because "with a massive effort from members of this grassroots team like [me], we can -- and will -- prevent MAGA extremists from taking control of our government and dragging our country backward."


The third political communication that I responded to was a text message today, November 30th, 2023, from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC), which stated, in part, the following:

It's Senator Schumer. This is going to be a long message, but because of how much is at stake, you need to know it all.

𝐈𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐰, 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞'𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐢𝐭: This is a critical election cycle, and Mitch McConnell and the GOP are on the brink of taking back the Senate. I wish I was exaggerating, but I'm not. I'll explain more in a minute, but first, will you chip in $30 (becomes $120!) before our end-of-month deadline at midnight to defend our Democratic Senate majority? >>***

Here are the two most important things you need to know:


Paul, if McConnell flips just TWO seats, he'll take back Senate control, and right now he's targeting our most vulnerable incumbents. And it gets worse:


...Senate Republicans have outraised us numerous times. That means they have the resources to blanket America in television ads, pack thousands into MAGA rallies, and bankroll campaigns to take back the Senate. We still have time to fight back, but we need to act with urgency.

That's why I'm asking you directly: Can you give $30 (becomes $120!) before tonight's critical deadline to save our Senate majority? The best link is right here:***

Thank you for reading.

- Chuck

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Triple-Match Activated! MAXIMIZE your impact to help SUPERCHARGE our Senate majority! CNN says multiple GOP seats could flip blue next year -- but with Mitch McConnell’s megadonors already playing defense, it’s going to take all hands on deck to win!

Please, will you chip in now to protect our historic progress by supercharging our Democratic majority? Your donation will be TRIPLE-MATCHED!

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit DSCC.

[  ] $25 →

[  ] $5 →

[  ] $50 →

[  ] $100 →

[  ] $250 →

[✓] Other $5.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

Will you chip in with a $3 tip?

[  ] $3

[  ] $5

[  ] $7

[✓] Add custom amount $2.46 (7%**)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DSCC (with a tip to ActBlue), because "if [Mitch] McConnell flips just TWO seats, he'll take back Senate control, and right now he's targeting our most vulnerable incumbents." Plus, "it gets worse ... Senate Republicans have outraised [the DSCC] numerous times." And that is why I gave "[$35] (becomes [$140]!) before tonight's critical deadline to save our Senate majority."

Thus, these three organizations—the DCCC, and the DNC, as well as the DSCC—are the political organizations that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written November 30th, 2023, revised December 4th, 2023, revised December 5th, 2023, revised December 12th, 2023 and revised January 7th, 2024)

**P.S.: I used to leave an $0.11 tip to ActBlue for my typical $3.00 donations to political campaigns; however, rather than tipping $0.11—like I usually do—I decided to try out a New & Improved "Add custom amount" tip of $0.75 with my political donation on November 17th, 2023 (please see my 'November 17th, 2023 Update No. 3,' which can be found above)! And, I ran the numbers on this new $0.75 tip amount (which is exactly 25% of $3.00) to see if it is "feasible for the foreseeable future" (say that three times fast!), or if I should revert back to the original $0.11 tip amount (which is exactly 3.6% of $3.00), or if I should still increase my political campaign donation tip amount to ActBlue—however, not by as much—to, say, $0.21 (which is exactly 7% of $3.00).

And so, my above-mentioned calculations are as follows: If I donate $3.00 per campaign and I add a tip to ActBlue of $0.75 (25% of $3.00), that means for every ten donations that I make—for example—it totals up to be $37.50! Now, if I make those same ten donations, but I add a tip to ActBlue of $0.21 (7% of $3.00), then it totals up to $32.10! Therefore, every ten donations that I make at the lower tip amount of $0.21 is a savings of $5.40! And, for me, $5.00 is usually the minimum amount that I donate for most all of my progressive and charitable donations. Thus, if you calculate that savings out for every one hundred donations—for example—that is a savings amount as follows:

If $3.75 per donation × 100 donations = $375.00 in total donations;

And if $3.21 per donation × 100 donations = $321.00 in total donations;

Then $375.00 in total donations at the higher tip amount - $321.00 in total donations at the lower tip amount = $54.00 in savings;

Therefore $54.00 in savings ÷ $5.00 which is my usual minimum donation amount = 10.8 progressive and charitable donations!


November 30th, 2023 Update No. 2, Written On December 1st, 2023 [August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 4, Written On December 1st, 2023 About November 2023]: This update is a follow-up to the following:

▪ August 19th, 2023 Update
▪ August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 1, Written On August 31st, 2023
▪ August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 2, Written On October 1st, 2023 About September 2023
▪ August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 3, Written On November 1st, 2023 About October 2023

My 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above, is where I explain that I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month! And in that 'update,' I explained, in part, the following:

"...I am no longer donating to political, progressive and charitable organizations in the same way that I was due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations—as outlined below—starting with January of 2023.

January 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 15%

February 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 19%

March 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 12%

April 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 17%

May 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 21%

June 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 20%

July 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 17%

August 2023:
Month-to-date percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 17% [through August 19th, 2023]

Then, if I average out the total percentage that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations from January 2023 through July 2023 (without including August, since this month is not over yet), it comes out to an average of 17% of my monthly income..."

And my 'August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 1, Written On August 31st, 2023,' which can be found above, is where I continued to explain what the total percentage of my monthly income is that I spent for the month of August 2023 on donations, as well as monthly interest and credit card purchases! And in that 'update,' I explained, in part, the following:

"...Now that today is the last day of August 2023, I wanted to provide you with this month's total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations:

August 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 23%

Then, if I average out the total percentage that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations from January 2023 through August 2023, it comes out to an average of 18% of my monthly income! (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)

And here are the percentages that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations by category, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[01] Joe Biden for President: 2%
[02] Planned Parenthood: 2%
[03] Non-Categorized Charity: 7%
[04] Everytown for Gun Safety: 1%
[05] USO (United Serv. Orgs.): 5%
[06] Red Cross (Maui Fires): 1%
[07] ACLU (Amer. Civ. Lib. Union): 1%
[08] Non-Categorized Political: 4%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Donations Spent for August 2023: 23%

Plus, here are the percentages that I have spent on interest and credit card purchases, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[09] Monthly Interest: 6%
[10] Credit Card Purchases: 23%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Interest and Purchases for August 2023: 29%

Grand Total Percentage of Monthly Income for August 2023: 52%"

And my 'August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 2, Written On October 1st, 2023 About September 2023,' which can be found above, is where I continued to explain what the total percentage of my monthly income is that I spent for the month of September 2023 on donations, as well as monthly interest and credit card purchases! And in that 'update,' I explained, in part, the following:

"...And now that yesterday, September 30th, 2023, was the last day of September 2023, I wanted to provide you with September's total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations:

September 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 20%

Then, if I average out the total percentage that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations from January 2023 through September 2023, it comes out to an average of 18% of my monthly income! (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)

And here are the percentages that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations by category, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[01] Everytown for Gun Safety: 1%
-------Please see [02] below-------
[03] Disaster Relief: 6%
[04] Non-Categorized Charity: 3%
[05] Non-Categorized Political: 5%
[06] USO (United Serv. Orgs.): 3%
[07] ACLU (Amer. Civ. Lib. Union): 1%
[08] Planned Parenthood: 1%
-------Please see [09] below-------
[10] News Organizations: 0.33311125916%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Donations Spent: 20%

Plus, here are the percentages that I have spent on interest and credit card purchases, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[02] Credit Card Purchases: 17%
[09] Monthly Interest: 5%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Interest and Purchases: 22%

Grand Total Percentage of Monthly Income for September 2023: 42%"

And my 'August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 3, Written On November 1st, 2023 About October 2023,' which can be found above, is where I continued to explain what the total percentage of my monthly income is that I spent for the month of October 2023 on donations, as well as monthly interest and credit card purchases! And in that 'update,' I explained, in part, the following:

"...And now that yesterday, October 31st, 2023, was the last day of October 2023, I wanted to provide you with October's total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations:

October 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 31%

Then, if I average out the total percentage that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations from January 2023 through October 2023, it comes out to an average of 0.20% of my monthly income! (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)

And here are the percentages that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations by category, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[01] ACLU (Amer. Civ. Lib. Union): 2%
[02] Non-Categorized Political: 7%
[03] Planned Parenthood: 2%
[04] Everytown for Gun Safety: 1%
[05] Non-Categorized Charity: 4%
[06] World Jewish Congress: 1%
-------Please see [07] below-------
[08] Disaster Relief: 2%
[09] USO (United Serv. Orgs.): 10%
-------Please see [10] below-------
[11] Brady PAC: 2%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Donations Spent: 31%

Plus, here are the percentages that I have spent on interest and credit card purchases, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[07] Credit Card Purchases: 74%
[10] Monthly Interest: 3%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Interest and Purchases: 77%

Grand Total Percentage of Monthly Income for October 2023: 108%"

And now that yesterday, November 30th, 2023, was the last day of November 2023, I wanted to provide you with November's total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations:

November 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 71%

Then, if I average out the total percentage that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations from January 2023 through November 2023, it comes out to an average of 24% of my monthly income! (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)

And here are the percentages that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations by category, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[01] Non-Categorized Political: 16%
[02] ACLU (Amer. Civ. Lib. Union): 17%
[03] USHMM (U.S. Holocaust Memor. Mus.): 7%
[04] PPAF (Plan. Parent. Act. Fund): 2%
[05] PPFA (Plan. Parent. Feder. of Amer.): 2%
[06] News Organizations: 0.33311125916%
[07] Brady PAC: 0.46635576282%
[08] IAVA (Iraq & Afghan. Vet. of Amer.): 0.33311125916%
[09] Non-Categorized Charity: 0.33311125916%
[10] Everytown for Gun Safety: 0.33311125916%
[11] World Jewish Congress: 0.33311125916%
-------Please see [12] below-------
[13] USO (United Serv. Orgs.): 3%
[14] Veterans Day: 2%
[15] NARF (Nativ. Amer. Rights Fund): 0.46635576282%
[16] Thanksgiving: 3%
-------Purchase refund [17]-------
[18] UFW (Unite. Farm Work.): 2%
[19] Plant Based Treaty: 0.33977348434%
[20] Giving Tuesday: 39%
[21] Plan. Parent. PAC of Ore.: 0.33311125916%
-------Please see [22] below-------
[23] Native American Heritage Day: 2%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Donations Spent: 71%

Plus, here are the percentages that I have spent on interest and credit card purchases, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[12] Credit Card Purchases: 53%
[22] Monthly Interest: 5%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Interest and Purchases: 58%

Grand Total Percentage of Monthly Income for November 2023: 129%

Now, this is where I usually say something like the following on these donation 'updates' that I write each month:

Obviously, I continue needing to greatly reduce the percentage of my monthly income that I am spending on political, progressive and charitable organizations, so that is why I decided to reduce "the number of times that I donate for the same organization per month down to once—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis," as well as to reduce "the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers."

However, I am going to follow my own words of advice from my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' wherein I stated the following:

I may eventually find out that making these reduced numbers of donations, and/or these reduced amounts for donations, still isn't enough to compensate for this considerable increase in my monthly minimum payments for my credit card, at which time I will reevaluate my financial situation and make adjustments to my political, progressive and charitable donations as needed.

Because, as you can see, I am doing way, way worse than I did last month, where my total percentage from donations spent for October 2023 was 31%, and my total percentage from interest and purchases for October 2023 was 77%, for a grand total percentage of monthly income for October 2023 of 108%!

Thus, I spend 40% more on donations for November 2023, but most of that had to do with Giving Tuesday! And I spent about 5% on disaster relief this month, which you cannot see as its own category, because I included the "disaster relief" donations that I made with my series of Giving Tuesday donations. And I spent 2% more on monthly interest this month, because I increased my credit card balance by a considerable amount!

However, I did spend 21% less on credit card purchases for November 2023 than I did last month; but, at the same time, I spent 21% more compared to last month on the grand total percentage of my monthly income for October 2023 at 108%. (I made regular purchases on my credit card over the allotted "Budgeted Expenses" amount in my monthly budget; although, I was buying some items that were on sale!)

So, now, I am really "tightening my belt," so to speak, with regard to all of the donations that I am making on my credit card each month!

My plan is to only donate to political, progressive and charitable organizations if they specifically ask for donations—and not just for the sake of donating to them at least once per month, or even when I have been taking some sort of action, such as signing a petition, or sending a letter, etc. Thus, I am trying to greatly reduce the number of donations that I make to simply once in a while, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis!

You see, there are a lot of organizations that I literally donate to only once per year—such as for Giving Tuesday—which is all that I ever donate to them. And that is basically what I am striving for, so that I am still donating to political, progressive and charitable organizations, but the bare minimum that I can donate, since that's all I can really afford.

Therefore, the reason that I am explaining all of this donating and budgeting is because I spent A LOT last year, since I was "doing everything in my power to help Democrats win in the 2022 Midterm Elections!" So, I ended up with a rather considerable credit card balance...

...And I am still paying off how much I spent in 2022 on the Midterm Elections while, at the same time, I am trying to be an "Online Activist" and to 'put my money where my mouth is' regarding my activism. That is why I blog about which political, progressive and charitable organizations I am supporting with regard to the causes that are the most important to me! –Paul Whiting (written December 1st, 2023, revised December 2nd, 2023, revised December 4th, 2023, revised December 19th, 2023, revised January 1st, 2024 and revised January 9th, 2024)


For my "November 30th, 2023 Update No. 3, Written On December 3rd, 2023"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

November 30th, 2023 Update No. 3, Written On December 3rd, 2023 (Originally From My Blog Post Titled, "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was," Which Is On My "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Blog): I received an email from the USO (United Service Organizations) today, December 3rd, 2023, with the subject line, "Military Supporters Update: November 2023", with regard to the USO's newsletter "YOUR USO AT WORK," Issue 118 / November 2023, which stated, in part, the following:

Issue 118 / November 2023


With the holiday season upon us, it's more important than ever to remember and honor our troops who will spend this special time away from home and their loved ones, sacrificing so much to protect us and our nation. ...

And the following highlights from the USO's newsletter, which I selected to post, are regarding "Is the USO a Nonprofit? Yes!" and "USO Helps Service Members Celebrate Thanksgiving All Over the World," as well as "Highlights: USO Care Package Events by Mutual of Omaha Mortgage, Coca-Cola and Wawa":


Is the USO a Nonprofit? Yes!

The USO is a military support nonprofit, built from civilian charities. We work with — but are not a part of — the Department of Defense to understand our troops and what they need. We’re powered by a dedicated team of 18,000+ USO volunteers, whose efforts are fueled by generous supporters, like you, who give donations big and small!

Read more about the USO's work as a nonprofit organization.



USO Helps Service Members Celebrate Thanksgiving All Over the World

Last month, USO Osan hosted a Thanksgiving Lunch prepared by staff and volunteers. The Thanksgiving Lunch included all the Thanksgiving classics and facilitated mission delivery by helping service members and their families connect to American holiday traditions while serving overseas. This meal will likely be the only formal Thanksgiving meal for many service members due to mission requirements. At USO Grafenwoehr, U.S. troops and family members received Thanksgiving turkeys and meals from senior leaders during the USO-hosted Thanks for Thanksgiving event.



Highlights: USO Care Package Events by Mutual of Omaha Mortgage, Coca-Cola and Wawa

USO partner Mutual of Omaha Mortgage, along with Keller Williams and the Military Agent Resource Network, assembled 10,000 Holiday Care Packages for service members last month. Coca-Cola also had its annual USO Care Package event, where 200 employee volunteers stuffed 10,000 packages for service members in the Middle East and Eastern Europe. Wawa also teamed up with the USO, with Wawa associates and Pennsylvania National Guard members assembling more than 10,000 USO Care Packages for service members stationed abroad.


...From all of us at the USO, thank you for being a dedicated and proud military supporter!

And so, I made a one-time donation on the website in order to support the USO's following statement: "For more than 80 years, the USO has stood by America's military service members by keeping them connected to family, home and country. But we're not a government agency, and rely on individual supporters like you to fund the programs that make the biggest difference for our service members." And I also donated to show my support for the USO's newsletter, as well as to show my support for the USO in supporting our men and women in uniform.

In addition to that, I already make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! You see, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation. ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "November 30th, 2023 Update No. 3, Written On December 3rd, 2023":




December 3rd, 2023 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses December 1st, 2023: I received an email from the American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon (ACLU of Oregon) two days ago on December 1st, 2023, with the subject line, "Real solutions to drug addiction", which stated the following:



Paul –

We need your help. Oregon is at risk of returning to the failed war on drugs.

On Monday, December 4, state lawmakers will hear and receive testimony on the addiction crisis in Oregon. We need lawmakers to hear from you.

Do any or all of the steps below:

1. Fill out our action alert to lawmakers, which takes only a couple of minutes.

2. Submit written testimony.

3. Sign up to provide verbal testimony, remotely or in-person, at the State Capitol in Salem.

Data and research prove that drug treatment, not jail time, is the real solution to Oregon's addiction epidemic. This is why Oregonians voted overwhelmingly to pass Measure 110 in 2020, pushing our state to invest our limited tax dollars into treatment resources instead of the criminal system.

Despite this, interest groups with deep pockets and links to the prison system are pressuring Oregon lawmakers to go back to the cruel, ineffective, and expensive tactics of police, jails, and prisons.

We need your help to ensure Oregon moves forward, not backward. Take action right now and make your voice heard. The hearing is first-to-register, first-to-testify, so please register now if you want to testify verbally.

Our lawmakers need to hear from you. They need to know that you expect them to lead with evidence-based health solutions and Oregon values – NOT fear and stigma.

We need elected leaders to stop making false promises that will worsen the drug addiction crisis and make it more difficult and expensive to solve. We need them to focus on solutions like increasing access to voluntary treatment and funding trash clean-up and neighborhood revitalization efforts – NOT policing vulnerable people.

In solidarity,

[Name redacted]
Pronouns: She, her, hers
[Title redacted], ACLU of Oregon

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, regarding the Solutions For Safe And Just Communities information hub. A brief introduction to the webpage can be found below:

ACLU of Oregon


Act Now

ACLU OF OREGON CALL TO ACTION: Oregon leaders know the war on drugs has failed. YOU can hold them accountable to make sure they focus on real solutions, not false ones. Send a message to your lawmakers and urge them to stay focused on healing over punishment and addiction treatment over arrests!

We can’t arrest our way out of the drug addiction crisis. But for too long, our country failed to prevent and address drug addiction because the government focused almost exclusively on policing, jail time, and criminal penalties.

Rather than helping people struggling with addiction, this focus on policing made it harder for people to access the support they need, like addiction treatment. The war on drugs approach also led to disproportionately harmful policing of people of color and low-income people — and fueled mass incarceration, which costs us hundreds of billions of dollars in taxes every year.

We need immediate solutions that address the root causes of the drug addiction crisis — not false promises from politicians that make problems worse and more expensive to solve while disproportionately harming communities of color and low-income communities.

Oregonians know the war on drugs was a complete failure. That’s why we voted overwhelmingly for Measure 110: to address drug addiction as a health issue by focusing on addiction treatment instead of punishing people for being addicted. However, interest groups with deep pockets and ties to the prison system are threatening the progress of health-based approaches to addiction and spreading fear rather than solutions.

We are all frustrated with the current addiction crisis in Oregon. But we cannot afford to go backward and abandon effective, health-based solutions.

Now more than ever, we must invest in the evidence-based health policies supported by nurses, doctors, and treatment providers that address the root causes of drug addiction and help our communities heal.

You can help make sure people facing addiction are provided with support and real solutions, NOT arrests, jail time, and criminal records.

Send a message to your lawmakers now and urge them to stay focused on community healing over punishment and addiction treatment over arrests.

Use the form to send a message to your lawmakers.

Subject: We need healing, not a repeat of the destructive war on drugs.

Dear Oregon Lawmakers,

Oregonians were clear when we voted overwhelmingly for Measure 110 in 2020. Addiction must be addressed with treatment and support, not punishment and jail.

We need lawmakers to continue building the drug treatment system Oregonians need, rather than revert to harmful strategies that do not make us safer or address the root causes of addiction, crime, and homelessness.

Policies that include forced treatment and arresting people with addictions haven't worked in the past and won’t start working now. Instead, they deepen stigmas and isolate Oregonians who most need our help. Jail and prison time typically worsen drug use and overdoses, and criminal records create additional barriers to housing, education, and jobs.

The war on drugs especially devastated communities of color and low-income communities, inflicting generational poverty and trauma on families and furthering the drug addiction crisis.

As one of your constituents, I am counting on you to lead with evidence-based health policies and Oregon values, not fear and stigma. Oregonians do not want false promises from our elected leaders that worsen the drug addiction crisis in our communities and make it more difficult and expensive to solve.

Please focus on strengthening Measure 110, increasing access to voluntary treatment, and funding trash clean-up and neighborhood revitalization efforts.


[First Name] [Last Name]


Salutation (required by some officials): Mr.
First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
E-mail address: [redacted]
Address: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Zip Code: [redacted]
Phone: [redacted]


Subject: Please do not criminalize homelessness and poverty

From: Paul Whiting • [email redacted]
To: [email redacted]
Date: Dec 3, 2023, 4:23 PM

Dear [names redacted and titles redacted],

As one of your constituents, I am writing to call for real solutions, real safety, real healing. Leaders need to do more — and fast — to address the crisis in our community. They need to finally provide the housing, drug treatment, and mental health care that people need and voters have overwhelmingly supported. We also need to move beyond scare tactics and fear mongering. Controversial and divisive proposals to repeal Measure 110 are not the answer.

We shouldn’t expect the police to solve social problems like mental illness, homelessness, or addiction — and we cannot arrest our way out of these problems. It's time for solutions that let mental health and drug treatment professionals help people who need and want treatment, reducing waiting lists and lines for detox services and not returning to the harmful war on drugs that disproportionately impacted Black and Brown Oregonians.

We know the real solution is to expand access to treatment services and I urge the committee to focus on helping and healing our communities. Thank you for the thoughtful approach you are taking in addressing the addiction crisis in our state, looking at the entire system and the dire needs in our community.

Paul Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

And so, I submitted testimony to Oregon Lawmakers, via the ACLU of Oregon's website, in order to explain that "we need lawmakers to continue building the drug treatment system Oregonians need, rather than revert to harmful strategies that do not make us safer or address the root causes of addiction, crime, and homelessness," because "policies that include forced treatment and arresting people with addictions haven't worked in the past and won’t start working now," since "jail and prison time typically worsen drug use and overdoses, and criminal records create additional barriers to housing, education, and jobs." Besides that, I sent testimony to Oregon Lawmakers through an email in which I explained, in part, that "we know the real solution is to expand access to treatment services and I urge the committee to focus on helping and healing our communities," and also to say, "thank you for the thoughtful approach you are taking in addressing the addiction crisis in our state, looking at the entire system and the dire needs in our community." –Paul Whiting (written December 3rd, 2023, revised December 4th, 2023, revised December 19th, 2023, revised January 1st, 2024, revised January 9th, 2024 and revised February 21st, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, I used to make one-time donations to the organization that is the subject of these 'updates' each time that I took an action as requested by that organization; however, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am really 'tightening my belt,' so to speak, with regard to all of the donations that I am making on my credit card each month! My plan is to only donate to political, progressive and charitable organizations if they specifically ask for donations—and not just for the sake of donating to them at least once per month, or even when I have been taking some sort of action, such as signing a petition, or sending a letter, etc. Thus, I am trying to greatly reduce the number of donations that I make to simply once in a while, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis! You see, there are a lot of organizations that I literally donate to only once per year—such as for Giving Tuesday—which is all that I ever donate to them. And that is basically what I am striving for, so that I am still donating to political, progressive and charitable organizations, but the bare minimum that I can donate, since that's all I can really afford." [Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 4, Written On December 1st, 2023 About November 2023 (that also appears as 'November 30th, 2023 Update No. 2, Written On December 1st, 2023' on some of my blogs), which can be found above.]


December 3rd, 2023 Update No. 2: I received an email from Planned Parenthood Action Fund today, November 11th, 2023, with the subject line, "More than a few lies from anti-abortion politicians", which stated the following:

Planned Parenthood Action Fund Update

Action Fund Update is the monthly newsletter for members of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund. As an associate member of the Action Fund, you'll receive timely, insider information on our legislative, advocacy, and electoral work.

Member News


Anti-abortion rights politicians have spent decades shamelessly trying to control our bodies — but suddenly they’re backtracking and lying about it. Wonder why…

Is it because they might suddenly feel ashamed? Ashamed because they are voting to restrict sexual and reproductive health care for people who need it; ashamed because they are undermining the will of the majority of voters who want abortion rights; and ashamed that they are now trying to distance themselves from their decades-long effort to control our bodies and lives because they know it isn’t popular.

"We support access to birth control," they say. Lie.

"We don't want to restrict medication abortion." Lie.

"We support health care for our communities." Lie, lie, lie.

If anti-abortion politicians are determined to put their own agendas above the health and well-being of their constituents, the least they could do is be honest about what they’re doing — and why they’re doing it.

But we aren't falling for it. Thank you for fighting with us in 2023 (and winning big!) — let's get ready for an even bigger fight in 2024.


[Name redacted], [Title redacted]
Planned Parenthood Action Fund

P.S. Based on our records, it looks like your Associate Membership is going to expire soon. Don't miss out on timely, insider information on Planned Parenthood Action Fund's advocacy, legislative work, and electoral endorsements, as well as volunteer opportunities in your area. Click here to renew your membership.*

Take Action

Share a Note of Thanks to Planned Parenthood Health Center Staff

Every year, Planned Parenthood health centers serve more than 2 million people, providing high-quality, affordable care. Planned Parenthood health center staff show up every day to provide care and compassion — but since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and the constitutional right to abortion a year and a half ago, it's become so much harder for them to do the work of caring for our communities.

One in four people in the U.S. has relied on a Planned Parenthood health center for care — and if you're one of those people, if you value the work that Planned Parenthood health center staff do every day, or you know how important Planned Parenthood health centers are to their communities: Send a note of thanks.***

State Spotlight: Idaho

The state of Idaho, represented by Alliance Defending Freedom (the same organization that is trying to end FDA approval of mifepristone and the former employer of House Speaker Mike Johnson), has officially asked the U.S. Supreme Court to intervene to enforce the state's total abortion ban — despite that ban conflicting with a federal law that requires doctors provide care in emergency situations.

"Anti-abortion politicians have already banned abortion in the state of Idaho. And now it’s being taken a step further by taking away people's ability to access emergency care when they need it the most. We're dedicated to prioritizing our patients' health and well-being - even if our state won’t. Because beyond the right to have an abortion, people deserve to have their doctors make decisions with their health and well-being in mind every time. That shouldn't be a radical stance." — Planned Parenthood Great Northwest, Hawai'i, Alaska, Indiana, Kentucky [Title redacted] [Name redacted]


Around the Web

Montana Free Press: Abortion rights group proposes constitutional amendment to protect access

[New York Magazine's] The Cut: Abortion Rights Swept the 2023 Elections

Associated Press: Ohio voters just passed abortion protections. When and how they take effect is before the courts


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

By the way, I read all of the articles referenced in the email above including the article referenced about how 'the state of Idaho ... has officially asked the U.S. Supreme Court to intervene to enforce the state's total abortion ban — despite that ban conflicting with a federal law that requires doctors provide care in emergency situations,' which is titled, "Idaho asks Supreme Court to let abortion law that penalizes doctors to take full effect." I also read all of the articles listed under the 'State Spotlight' and the 'Around the Web' sections above,** which is what I always do when I receive these monthly newsletters from Planned Parenthood Action Fund—in addition to taking any requested action from the newsletter, if I haven't already taken that same requested action (or, those same requested actions), as noted from previous 'updates.'

**I did not read the article titled, "Abortion Rights Swept the 2023 Elections," because a paywall popup on the Cut website said, "YOU'VE REACHED YOUR MONTHLY ARTICLE LIMIT."

*And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, regarding renewing my Associate Membership for the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, which can be found below:

Become a Planned Parenthood Action Fund Associate Member.

By submitting this form, I affirm that I want to become an associate member of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund.

First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Postal Code: [redacted]
Email: [redacted]
Mobile Phone (Optional): [redacted]


And, after submitting the form above, I received a confirmation email today, December 3rd, 2023, from the Planned Parenthood Action Fund with the subject line, "Thank you for your Associate Membership!", which stated the following:

Dear Paul,

Thank you for standing with us as an Associate Member of Planned Parenthood Action Fund!

Membership is free and allows you full access to timely Action Fund updates, including information about our grassroots organizing, legislative and regulatory advocacy, electoral endorsements, and volunteer opportunities in your area — and gives you an opportunity to vote for a member of the Action Fund Board of Directors.

You can also follow Planned Parenthood Action Fund on Facebook and Twitter.

We are so glad to have you with us!

Planned Parenthood Action Fund

Plus, after I renewed my Associate Membership for the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, I made a one-time donation to Planned Parenthood Action Fund to show my support for the Action Fund Update monthly newsletter, as well as for my "Associate Membership of Planned Parenthood Action Fund."

In addition to that, I "share[d] a note of thanks to Planned Parenthood health center staff."

And, after sending the note above, I received a confirmation email today, December 3rd, 2023, from the Planned Parenthood Federation of America with the subject line, "Thanks for sending a message of gratitude", which stated the following:


Thank you so much for joining supporters across the country in sending a note to Planned Parenthood health center staff.

Your message of gratitude and encouragement will be added to a special Gratitude Wall ( It means so much to know how many people like you truly value the work that doctors, nurses, and other Planned Parenthood health center staff do every day.

Check out the Gratitude Wall ( notes from other supporters and share it with everyone you know who would also like to send a note of thanks to dedicated Planned Parenthood health center staff.

You can help make an even bigger difference by showing your support for Planned Parenthood and asking your friends and family to join you.

Share on Facebook

Share on Twitter

You can also help out by making a tax-deductible gift to Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Your support will help us stand strong in the face of continued attacks on reproductive health and rights, and support Planned Parenthood health centers in providing vital care like birth control, cancer screenings, abortion services and more.

Together we can make a difference in protecting reproductive health and rights — thanks for taking action and pitching in when it counts.

— Planned Parenthood Federation of America

So, I selected the "Share on Twitter" option (by the way, I only have a Twitter account so I can read tweets which are included in some online articles that I read) in order for me to provide you, my readers, with the text and hyperlink below:

Check out the Gratitude Wall notes from other supporters and share it with everyone you know who would also like to send a note of thanks to dedicated Planned Parenthood health center staff.

–Paul Whiting (written December 3rd, 2023, revised December 4th, 2023, revised December 19th, 2023, revised January 1st, 2024, revised January 9th, 2024, revised January 13th, 2024, revised February 17th, 2024 and revised March 16th, 2024)

[I feel like I need to clarify why there are so many 'revised dates' on this 'update,' just like there are often times so many 'revised dates' on other 'updates' similar to this one! You see, I really try to keep my writing consistent as possible across all of my blogs. Therefore, as I am writing, I try to use the same phraseology wherever possible with regard to similar types of my writing so that, when I am editing my writing, I can change all of the similar writing at the same time and in the same way! Thus, a lot of the revisions indicated above, after my name (–Paul Whiting), and shown right after the original 'written date,' are often times due to these aforementioned consistent-writing revisions.]


December 3rd, 2023 Update No. 3: I have decided to consolidate the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I typically write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I make virtually every time that I make a political donation, however, lately there has suddenly been quite a number of donation requests! And within each 'update' I usually include the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, which is usually $3.00 per campaign or $5.00 per organization, plus how much I tipped ActBlue, which was previously $0.11 per campaign donation, but is now currently $0.21 per campaign—or 7% of my donation including to political organizations.**

Therefore, I have decided to forego my usual writing format for these type of political campaign, or political organization, donation 'updates' and combine every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing all of these individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

And I mean no disrespect to the individual political campaigns, or political organizations—each of which used to receive their very own 'update' on my blog—however, the 2024 election cycle is really starting to gear up and I have made a (hopefully realistic) goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. Plus, I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The first political communication that I responded to was a text message today, December 3rd, 2023, from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC), which stated the following:

Paul, it's Senator Schumer. I urgently need you to sign our petition to protect voting rights. Republicans are attacking millions of Americans' right to vote, and we can't let them get away with it. Please add your name now to defend this sacred right:***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

[Democratic Survey | Voting Rights

While we process your signature, we need you to answer the following questions about what's at stake. Your responses will help us develop a strategy to maintain our Senate majority.

The GOP has introduced hundreds of bills across the country since the 2020 elections to restrict voting rights.

Do you agree that the government should make every effort to increase voter turnout?

[✓] Agree - I want voting rights to be expanded

[  ] Disagree - I want voting rights to be limited

How did you vote in the 2020 presidential election?

[  ] In person

[✓] By mail or drop box

[  ] Not eligible or did not vote

[  ] Prefer not to say

Which of the following proposals to strengthen voting rights do you support? (Select all that apply.)

[✓] Expanded early voting
[✓] No-excuse absentee voting
[✓] Increased penalties for voter intimidation
[✓] Making Election Day a national holiday
[✓] Automatic voter registration Ban on partisan gerrymandering

Which of the following Democratic politicians do you consider to be strong defenders of voting rights? (Select all that apply.)

[✓] Joe Biden
[✓] Kamala Harris
[✓] Stacey Abrams
[✓] Barack Obama
[✓] Chuck Schumer

Experts at Five ThirtyEight suggest Republicans could win control of the Senate next year. If they do, Mitch McConnell will be able to block President Biden's agenda.

How important to you is it that Democrats beat the odds and not only defend the Senate but expand our majority?

[✓] Extremely important
[  ] Somewhat important
[  ] Not important at all

We have one final question: McConnell and Trump are teaming up to defeat our Democratic majority and we're running short of today's $25,000 fundraising goal to fight back and win the Senate.

Please, will you chip in any amount today to defend and expand President Biden's Senate majority?

[  ] Yes, I'll chip in $30.
[  ] Yes, I'll chip in $60.
[  ] Yes, I'll chip in $90.
[✓] Yes, I'll chip in another amount.



Donate now to SUPERCHARGE our Senate majority! CNN says multiple GOP seats could flip blue next year -- but with Mitch McConnell’s megadonors already playing defense, it’s going to take all hands on deck to win!

Please, will you chip in now to protect our historic progress by supercharging our Democratic majority?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit DSCC.

[  ] $120 →

[  ] $60 →

[  ] $300 →

[  ] $600 →

[  ] $1,200 →

[  ] $2,400 →

[✓] Other $5.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.35 (7%**)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DSCC campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to "sign [the DSCC's] petition to protect voting rights," because "Republicans are attacking millions of Americans' right to vote, and we can't let them get away with it." That is why I added "[my] name now to defend this sacred right."


The second political communication that I responded to was a text message today, December 3rd, 2023, from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), which stated the following:

We're over the moon! Nancy Pelosi & Hakeem Jeffries are teaming up to hand Trump's GOP a MASSIVE defeat. We're calling on EVERY Democrat to join our leaders in the fight by rushing $15 to the DCCC to help flip 5 seats blue. Will you answer the call?***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Chip in now to FLIP the House and DEFEND President Biden's legacy!

Republicans are blocking President Biden's agenda at every turn and he's counting on this grassroots team to STOP them.

SO QUICKLY: Will you rush in a donation to elect a WAVE of Democrats and FLIP the House?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit DCCC.

[  ] Donate $15 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $ 5.00

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.35 (7%**)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DCCC (with a tip to ActBlue) because "Nancy Pelosi & Hakeem Jeffries are teaming up to hand Trump's GOP a MASSIVE defeat," so "[the DCCC is] calling on EVERY Democrat to join our leaders in the fight by rushing $15 to the DCCC to help flip 5 seats blue." That is why I "answer[ed] the call" with $5!

Thus, these two organizations—the DSCC, as well as the DCCC—are the political organizations that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written December 3rd, 2023, revised December 4th, 2023, revised December 5th, 2023 and revised December 12th, 2023)

**P.S.: I used to leave an $0.11 tip to ActBlue for my typical $3.00 donations to political campaigns; however, rather than tipping $0.11—like I usually do—I decided to try out a New & Improved "Add custom amount" tip of $0.75 with my political donation on November 17th, 2023 (please see my 'November 17th, 2023 Update No. 3,' which can be found above)! And, I ran the numbers on this new $0.75 tip amount (which is exactly 25% of $3.00) to see if it is "feasible for the foreseeable future" (say that three times fast!), or if I should revert back to the original $0.11 tip amount (which is exactly 3.6% of $3.00), or if I should still increase my political campaign donation tip amount to ActBlue—however, not by as much—to, say, $0.21 (which is exactly 7% of $3.00).

And so, my above-mentioned calculations are as follows: If I donate $3.00 per campaign and I add a tip to ActBlue of $0.75 (25% of $3.00), that means for every ten donations that I make—for example—it totals up to be $37.50! Now, if I make those same ten donations, but I add a tip to ActBlue of $0.21 (7% of $3.00), then it totals up to $32.10! Therefore, every ten donations that I make at the lower tip amount of $0.21 is a savings of $5.40! And, for me, $5.00 is usually the minimum amount that I donate for most all of my progressive and charitable donations. Thus, if you calculate that savings out for every one hundred donations—for example—that is a savings amount as follows:

If $3.75 per donation × 100 donations = $375.00 in total donations;

And if $3.21 per donation × 100 donations = $321.00 in total donations;

Then $375.00 in total donations at the higher tip amount - $321.00 in total donations at the lower tip amount = $54.00 in savings;

Therefore $54.00 in savings ÷ $5.00 which is my usual minimum donation amount = 10.8 progressive and charitable donations!


December 4th, 2023 Update No. 1: I have decided to consolidate the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I typically write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I make virtually every time that I make a political donation, however, lately there has suddenly been quite a number of donation requests! And within each 'update' I usually include the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, which is usually $3.00 per campaign or $5.00 per organization, plus how much I tipped ActBlue, which was previously $0.11 per campaign donation, but is now currently $0.21 per campaign—or 7% of my donation including to political organizations.**

Therefore, I have decided to forego my usual writing format for these type of political campaign, or political organization, donation 'updates' and combine every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing all of these individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

And I mean no disrespect to the individual political campaigns, or political organizations—each of which used to receive their very own 'update' on my blog—however, the 2024 election cycle is really starting to gear up and I have made a (hopefully realistic) goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. Plus, I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The only political communication that I responded to was an email from the Democratic National Committee today, December 4th, 2023, with the subject line, "The design you chose: Our Official 2024 Member Card design is in!", which stated the following:

It's time we made this official, Paul.

You all voted, and after tallying your responses, the time has finally come -- presenting the winning design for our 2024 Official Member Cards!

[Image of the "Let's go, Joe!" Official 2024 Democratic National Committee Member Card]

If you haven’t already, chip in to reserve your card TODAY, and get it delivered right to your door.

We're so happy to have you on this grassroots team!

Thank you,

The Democrats

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Claim your Official 2024 Democratic Member Card today!

[Image of the "Let's go, Joe!" Official 2024 Democratic National Committee Member Card]

The Democratic Party is counting on your support to fight for the Biden-Harris agenda, hold the GOP accountable, and elect more Democrats nationwide.

This is your chance to renew your Democratic membership and receive your very own, personalized Member Card in the mail.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Democratic National Committee (DNC).

[  ] $25 →

[  ] $10 →

[  ] $50 →

[  ] $100 →

[  ] $250 →

[  ] $1,000 →

[  ] $2,000 →

[✓] Other $5.00

Please leave us a tip

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.35 (7%**)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DNC (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to "renew [my] Democratic membership and receive [my] very own, personalized Member Card in the mail."

Thus, this one organization—the DNC—is the political organization that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written December 4th, 2023, revised December 5th, 2023 and revised December 12th, 2023)

**P.S.: I used to leave an $0.11 tip to ActBlue for my typical $3.00 donations to political campaigns; however, rather than tipping $0.11—like I usually do—I decided to try out a New & Improved "Add custom amount" tip of $0.75 with my political donation on November 17th, 2023 (please see my 'November 17th, 2023 Update No. 3,' which can be found above)! And, I ran the numbers on this new $0.75 tip amount (which is exactly 25% of $3.00) to see if it is "feasible for the foreseeable future" (say that three times fast!), or if I should revert back to the original $0.11 tip amount (which is exactly 3.6% of $3.00), or if I should still increase my political campaign donation tip amount to ActBlue—however, not by as much—to, say, $0.21 (which is exactly 7% of $3.00).

And so, my above-mentioned calculations are as follows: If I donate $3.00 per campaign and I add a tip to ActBlue of $0.75 (25% of $3.00), that means for every ten donations that I make—for example—it totals up to be $37.50! Now, if I make those same ten donations, but I add a tip to ActBlue of $0.21 (7% of $3.00), then it totals up to $32.10! Therefore, every ten donations that I make at the lower tip amount of $0.21 is a savings of $5.40! And, for me, $5.00 is usually the minimum amount that I donate for most all of my progressive and charitable donations. Thus, if you calculate that savings out for every one hundred donations—for example—that is a savings amount as follows:

If $3.75 per donation × 100 donations = $375.00 in total donations;

And if $3.21 per donation × 100 donations = $321.00 in total donations;

Then $375.00 in total donations at the higher tip amount - $321.00 in total donations at the lower tip amount = $54.00 in savings;

Therefore $54.00 in savings ÷ $5.00 which is my usual minimum donation amount = 10.8 progressive and charitable donations!


December 7th, 2023 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses December 6th, 2023: I received an email from United Farm Workers (UFW) yesterday, December 6th, 2023, with the subject line, "Pro-union H2A workers will be hung out to dry if the DOL [Department of Labor] doesn’t immediately step in", which stated the following:

United Farm Workers
Si, Se Puede!        UFW

Pro-union H2A workers will be hung out to dry if the DOL doesn’t immediately step in

Four years ago, in New York, workers won a law to help them organize. In the last year, workers organized and won union representation at five farms and have just filed at another farm. However, now due to a grower lawsuit, the NY Attorney General effectively froze the enforcement mechanism of farm worker law and left vulnerable H-2A workers who've spoken out unprotected and victimized. The US Department of Labor (DOL) can step in and change this, as they have jurisdiction over the guest worker visa program.

Sign the petition today and ask the DOL, how they are going to protect these workers?

Background: Basically, NY growers decided they didn't like bargaining fairly for a union contract. After they lost their arguments to the state agency, they judge-shopped and took the same arguments to a federal district court where they filed a lawsuit asking to overturn the law. The New York Attorney General's office then made a decision to put everything on hold until the lawsuit is heard, without even asking the UFW how that would affect the workers.

The repercussions are being felt. Worker leaders had thought they were protected when they spoke out for the union. Now the growers know who they are and are retaliating. At one of the companies, Cahoon Farms, as employees boarded the bus for the trip back to Jamaica, around half of the H-2A workers were told they wouldn't be recalled in 2024 -- including a large number of union supporters. Unsurprisingly, this included four out of the five union committee members.

The reason was they supposedly didn't reach the production quota. However, according to more than a dozen workers, it was impossible to reach the quota, as there were not enough apples of the correct size to pick. [Name redacted] shared, "For most of the 2023 harvest season, our crew was assigned to spot pick in fields that did not have sufficiently sized apples to meet the minimum productivity requirement … We were sent to these fields numerous times, which I believe was intentional so that we would be set up to fail."

Sign the petition today. Ask the DOL to immediately step in and remedy this situation. Growers are retaliating against workers for protected union activity. Without the DOL's intervention, these H-2A workers will be hung out to dry.

PS: After you take action you can also share this campaign on Facebook & Twitter.*

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below—and that text is mostly the same information which is contained in the email above, with additional information:

Pro-union H2A workers will be hung out to dry if DOL doesn’t step in

Four years ago, in New York, workers won a law to help them organize. In the last year, workers organized and won union representation at five farms and have just filed at another farm. However, now due to a grower lawsuit, the NY Attorney General effectively froze the enforcement mechanism of farm worker law and left vulnerable H-2A workers who've spoken out unprotected and victimized. The US Department of Labor (DOL) can step in and change this, as they have jurisdiction over the guest worker visa program.

Background: Basically, NY growers decided they didn't like bargaining fairly for a union contract. After they lost their arguments to the state agency, they judge-shopped and took the same arguments to a federal district court where they filed a lawsuit asking to overturn the law. The New York Attorney General's office then made a decision to put everything on hold until the lawsuit is heard, without even asking the UFW how that would affect the workers.

The repercussions are being felt. Worker leaders had thought they were protected when they spoke out for the union. Now the growers know who they are and are retaliating. At one of the companies, Cahoon Farms, as employees boarded the bus for the trip back to Jamaica, around half of the H-2A workers were told they wouldn't be recalled in 2024 -- including a large number of union supporters. Unsurprisingly, this included four out of the five union committee members.

The reason was they supposedly didn't reach the production quota. However, according to more than a dozen workers, it was impossible to reach the quota, as there were not enough apples of the correct size to pick. [Name redacted] shared, "For most of the 2023 harvest season, our crew was assigned to spot pick in fields that did not have sufficiently sized apples to meet the minimum productivity requirement … We were sent to these fields numerous times, which I believe was intentional so that we would be set up to fail."

Sign the petition today. Ask the DOL to immediately step in and remedy this situation. Growers are retaliating against workers for protected union activity. Without the DOL's intervention, these H-2A workers will be hung out to dry.

Contact Information

First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Postal Code (Optional): [redacted]
Email: [redacted]

Petition to DOL: Step in to prevent pro-union H-2A workers from being hung out to dry

Please step in and act. Four years ago, in New York, workers won a law to help them organize. This year, H-2A workers organized and won union representation at five farms already and have just filed at another farm. However, now due to a grower lawsuit - on an issue they have argued and lost multiple times before - the NY Attorney General effectively froze the enforcement mechanism of farm worker law and left vulnerable H-2A workers who've spoken out unprotected and victimized.

Worker leaders had thought they were protected when they spoke out for the union. Now the growers know who they are and are retaliating. At one of the companies, Cahoon Farms, as employees boarded the bus for the trip back to Jamaica, more than half of the H-2A workers were told they wouldn't be recalled in 2024. Unsurprisingly this included four out of the five union committee members and most had chosen to be represented by the UFW.

Your agency can change this, as you have jurisdiction over the guest worker visa program. What is happening is wrong. Worker union activity is protected under the law. Please step in and act to defend these vulnerable workers.

*I selected the "Share on Twitter" option (by the way, I only have a Twitter account so I can read tweets which are included in some online articles that I read) in order for me to provide you, my readers, with the text and hyperlink below:

TAKE ACTION: Pro-union NY [New York] H-2A apple workers will be hung out to dry if the @USDOL doesn’t immediately step in!!

And, after I sent the email above to the Department of Labor, via the (Service Employees International Union) website, I made a one-time donation to United Farm Workers because "pro-union NY H-2A workers will be hung out to dry if the DOL doesn’t immediately step in," since "due to a grower lawsuit, the NY Attorney General effectively froze the enforcement mechanism of farm worker law and left vulnerable H-2A workers who've spoken out unprotected and victimized." –Paul Whiting (written December 7th, 2023 and revised December 28th, 2023)


December 7th, 2023 Update No. 2: I received a text message today December 7th, 2023, from Brady: United Against Gun Violence, which stated the following:


Today is the last day to submit a comment in support of the Biden-Harris rule that would address the gun show + internet sale loopholes, creating 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤𝐬 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝟑𝟎 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐠𝐨.

The gun lobby has submitted thousands of comments against this lifesaving rule and we only have hours to show our support:

𝐀𝐝𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤𝐬 𝐍𝐎𝐖 👉

-Team Brady

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Support the Biden-Harris Administration Rule to Expand Background Checks!

Proposed rule seeking to clarify what it means to be “engaged in the business” of selling firearms would bring America as close as possible to universal background checks without the urgently needed Congressional action.

The Biden-Harris Administration's proposed rule would ensure that individuals who intend to profit from the sale of firearms are licensed to do so, that they complete background checks before transferring firearms, and maintain records of their transactions. The rule also ensures that firearms dealers who have lost their license cannot continue to sell firearms to the public.

Use the form below to submit a public comment in support of this proposed rule.

Note: If you have a few extra seconds, please personalize your message to the DOJ. We know that unique messages will be the most effective and more likely to be given strong consideration.

Contact Information

First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Postal Code: [redacted]
City (Optional): [redacted]
State (Optional): [redacted]
Email: [redacted]
Mobile Phone (Optional): [redacted]

Subject: I Strongly Support the Proposed “Engaged in the Business” Rule

Dear Attorney General Garland & the Department of Justice,

I strongly support the proposed Biden-Harris Administration rule to ensure that individuals who are “engaged in the business” of selling firearms are licensed, thus requiring them to complete background checks for all firearm sales and maintain records of those transactions, and that dealers who have lost their licenses may no longer sell firearms to the public. A recent study found that more than 1 in 5 gun sales in the U.S. are conducted without a background check, amounting to millions of off-the-books gun transfers annually; many of these transactions are facilitated by individuals who profit from the repetitive sale of firearms yet avoid the necessary oversight required of licensed dealers.

This is a public health and safety issue, and I urge the Department of Justice and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to finalize the rule in order to prevent firearm transfers to prohibited purchasers and ensure that individuals who are selling guns for profit are licensed, regulated, and engage in responsible business practices.


[Your information here]

And, after I sent the letter above to the Department of Justice, via the EveryAction Brady Campaign website, I made a one-time donation to Brady: United Against Gun Violence because "I strongly support the proposed Biden-Harris Administration rule to ensure that individuals who are 'engaged in the business' of selling firearms are licensed, thus requiring them to complete background checks for all firearm sales and maintain records of those transactions, and that dealers who have lost their licenses may no longer sell firearms to the public." –Paul Whiting (December 7th, 2023)


December 7th, 2023 Update No. 3: I received a text message today December 7th, 2023, from USA for UNFPA (formerly known as the 'United Nations Fund for Population Activities' that is now called the 'United Nations Population Fund'), which stated the following:

❗ ❗ 𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐑𝐓: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐩𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐆𝐚𝐳𝐚 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝, 𝐩𝐥𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧, 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐧𝐞𝐰𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐚 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐬.

The pause gave UNFPA a brief opportunity to deliver sustained humanitarian aid into Gaza and address the urgent public health catastrophe. But now, fuel and critical supplies are running low. Our teams on the ground have reported women undergoing cesarean sections without anesthesia. Without clean water, communicable diseases are spreading rampantly, putting the lives of pregnant women, new mothers, and their babies on the line. Continued electricity outages are a death sentence for premature babies.


Thanks to your support, UNFPA has already distributed thousands of Dignity Kits, Emergency Birth Kits, Mama Kits, and doses of critical medicines to ensure safe births. We are working hard to deliver more aid, but we desperately need your support to continue scaling our work to meet the needs of women and girls in Gaza.

Your donation today will be 2X-matched until December 31 to deliver twice the lifesaving care to women and girls surviving the crisis in Gaza and wherever care is needed most. Double your impact by making a tax-deductible gift before the match expires.

You can give securely here:***

Thank you for being there.

Humanitarian Response Team @ USA FOR UNFPA

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, I made a one-time donation to USA for UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) because "[my] donation today will be 2X-matched until December 31 to deliver twice the lifesaving care to women and girls surviving the crisis in Gaza and wherever care is needed most." –Paul Whiting (December 7th, 2023)


December 7th, 2023 Update No. 4: I received an email from USA for UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) today December 7th, 2023, with the subject line, "Petition: Sign today to demand action and protection", which stated the following:

When I emailed you this fall, we had a few months before the Global Refugee Forum. But now, there's only a matter of days to make your voice heard, Paul.

We are very close to our signature goal but we are missing yours! I know that you believe everyone has the right to seek asylum and be protected from war, violence and persecution. But for people in many parts of the world, this right is under attack.

As leaders gather for the Global Refugee Forum on December 13th, we need everyone in this powerful, compassionate community to stand with refugees and demand that they receive the support and dignity that they deserve.

We have to submit all the signatures by midnight tomorrow and I don't want you to miss out. Don't hesitate. Stand up for displaced families today. Sign the petition to stand with people who are forced to flee and show them they are not alone. Demand action and protection for the most vulnerable.***


[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]

------ Forwarded Message ------
From: [Name redacted]
Date: Weds, Oct 11, 2023
Subject: Paul's signature is missing

USA for UNHCR - The UN Refugee Agency


Wherever they come from, and for whatever reason they flee, refugees have a right to safety and deserve to be treated with dignity.

But for many people around the world, these rights are under threat. Solidarity with all refugees everywhere is needed more than ever to defend and uphold these rights.

This December, we have a chance to advocate for change as government, private sector, NGO and refugee leaders gather at the Global Refugee Forum in Switzerland to find solutions to address the many pressing needs and challenges facing refugees around the world.

Sign the petition to stand with people who are forced to flee, and take action to safeguard their rights and to give them hope and protection. We're counting on 10,000 signatures by 11:59 p.m. tonight.


We call on world leaders to help ensure people seeking asylum from war, violence or persecution can do so without discrimination.

Your support of refugees will be heard at the Global Refugee Forum and will show that compassion and humanity are stronger than fear and suspicion.

This is a chance for all of society to show solidarity and urge leaders to uphold their legal and moral obligations to all people forced to flee. Act now and sign our petition today.

With your voice and your solidarity, change is possible.

With gratitude,

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]

P.S. Take your support even further with a compassionate gift. It will make a lifesaving difference for refugees seeking safety around the world. From food to shelter and medicine, these essentials will provide displaced families with what they need to build brighter futures.

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Join UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, to protect the rights of people fleeing war, violence and persecution.

Everyone has the right to seek asylum and be protected from war, violence and persecution. But for many people in many parts of the world, this right is under threat. Solidarity with all refugees everywhere is needed more than ever to defend and uphold this right.

Stand with people who are forced to flee, and take action to safeguard their rights and to give them hope and protection.

This December we have a chance to advocate for change as world leaders gather at the Global Refugee Forum in Switzerland to find solutions for refugees and people forcibly displaced from their homes. This is a chance for all of society — and you, our supporters — to show your solidarity and urge leaders to uphold their legal and moral obligations to all people forced to flee their homes. We call on world leaders to help ensure people seeking asylum from war, violence or persecution can do so without discrimination. We call on world leaders to share responsibility so that countries hosting the vast majority of the world's refugees are supported in fulfilling their longstanding commitments to protect, help and include refugees.

Act now and sign the petition. We will take your message to world leaders at the Global Refugee Forum and show them that compassion and humanity are stronger than fear and suspicion. With your voice and your solidarity, change is possible.

Sign the petition

First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Email: [redacted]
Mobile Phone: [redacted]
Zip Code: [redacted]

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I signed the petition above, I made a one-time donation to USA for UNHCR in order to show my support for "the petition to stand with people who are forced to flee, and take action to safeguard their rights and to give them hope and protection ... as world leaders gather at the Global Refugee Forum in Switzerland to find solutions for refugees and people forcibly displaced from their homes." –Paul Whiting (written December 7th, 2023 and revised December 9th, 2023)


December 7th, 2023 Update No. 5: I received a text message today, December 7th, 2023, from the the World Jewish Congress, American Section, which stated the following:

Chag Sameach! [Happy Festival!] This Chanukah [Hanukkah], will you bring much-needed light and hope to Israel and all our Jewish communities by making a gift to the World Jewish Congress, American Section? Every dollar will be triple-matched to support the WJC's global work to secure a safer and brighter Jewish future.***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, I made a one-time donation to the World Jewish Congress, American Section in order to "bring much-needed light and hope to Israel and all our Jewish communities by making a gift to the World Jewish Congress, American Section." –Paul Whiting (December 7th, 2023)


December 7th, 2023 Update No. 6: I have decided to consolidate the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I typically write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I make virtually every time that I make a political donation, however, lately there has suddenly been quite a number of donation requests! And within each 'update' I usually include the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, which is usually $3.00 per campaign or $5.00 per organization, plus how much I tipped ActBlue, which was previously $0.11 per campaign donation, but is now currently $0.21 per campaign—or 7% of my donation including to political organizations.**

Therefore, I have decided to forego my usual writing format for these type of political campaign, or political organization, donation 'updates' and combine every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing all of these individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

And I mean no disrespect to the individual political campaigns, or political organizations—each of which used to receive their very own 'update' on my blog—however, the 2024 election cycle is really starting to gear up and I have made a (hopefully realistic) goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. Plus, I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The first political communication that I responded to was a text message today, December 7th, 2023, from the Janelle Bynum for Congress campaign, which stated the following:

Hi Paul – it’s Democrat Janelle Bynum.

I’m a State Representative, small business owner, and mother of four – and this summer, I launched my campaign to unseat extreme Republican Rep. Lori Chavez-Deremer in Oregon’s 5th Congressional District.

OR-05 has been deemed a pure TOSS UP and called one of the most flippable seats in the entire country.

Democrats only need to flip five seats to take back the House Majority from the anti-abortion, anti-democracy Republican extremists – and we’re one of them.

Look, I know we’ll have what it takes to win next November, but only if we work together.

So please, if you’re able, will you donate $3 to my campaign to help me flip OR-05 blue, restore the Democratic House Majority, and deliver for working families across the country? Every single dollar goes a long way on a grassroots campaign like ours.***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Donate to Janelle Bynum

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Janelle Bynum.

[  ] DONATE $10 →

[  ] DONATE $25 →

[  ] DONATE $50 →

[  ] DONATE $75 →

[  ] DONATE $100 →

[  ] DONATE $250 →

[  ] DONATE $500 →

[✓] OTHER AMOUNT $3.00

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%**)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Janelle Bynum for Congress campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to contribute "$3 to [Janelle Bynum's] campaign [for Congress] to help [her] flip OR-05 blue, restore the Democratic House Majority, and deliver for working families across the country."


The second political communication that I responded to was a text message today, December 7th, 2023, from the Mary Peltola for Alaska campaign, which stated the following:

Paul, the far right has been all too comfortable lying about my record, so with the stakes ramping up every day, I wanted to remind you of the facts:

FACT: I now have TWO anti-choice opponents.

FACT: The NRCC just launched targeted ads to Alaskans, lying about my record.

FACT: Special interests are willing to spend whatever it takes to defeat me and replace me with someone who doesn’t have Alaskans’ best interests in mind.

But guess what, Paul? These special interests can’t compete with our army of grassroots support.

I have NO doubt that if you stand with me right now, we can out-raise and out-organize these external forces trying to make me a one term member of Congress. But if you sit this one out, they could defeat me.

Can you give $25 right now to keep me fighting for Alaska in DC? >>***

-Mary Peltola

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Rush your donation now!

$16,156.57 Raised of $25,000 GOAL


In 2022, we made history when we defeated Sarah Palin and flipped Alaska's Congressional seat.

But now, my race for reelection is a total tossup, and national Republicans are plotting as we speak to flood Alaska with millions of dollars to defeat me and send an extremist to Congress.

Paul, we made history in 2022, and I'm ready to keep fighting for Alaska in Congress... but we're up against special interests and dark money, and this will be a tough fight. Please, chip in to help me win my reelection campaign! >>

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Mary Peltola.

[  ] Donate $10 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[  ] Donate $3,300 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%**)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Mary Peltola for Alaska campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) because "special interests are willing to spend whatever it takes to defeat [Mary Peltola] and replace [her] with someone who doesn’t have Alaskans’ best interests in mind," but "these special interests can’t compete with [Mary Peltola for Alaska's] army of grassroots support."

Thus, these two campaigns—Janelle Bynum for Congress, as well as Mary Peltola for Alaska—are the political campaigns that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written December 7th, 2023 and revised December 12th, 2023)

**P.S.: I used to leave an $0.11 tip to ActBlue for my typical $3.00 donations to political campaigns; however, rather than tipping $0.11—like I usually do—I decided to try out a New & Improved "Add custom amount" tip of $0.75 with my political donation on November 17th, 2023 (please see my 'November 17th, 2023 Update No. 3,' which can be found above)! And, I ran the numbers on this new $0.75 tip amount (which is exactly 25% of $3.00) to see if it is "feasible for the foreseeable future" (say that three times fast!), or if I should revert back to the original $0.11 tip amount (which is exactly 3.6% of $3.00), or if I should still increase my political campaign donation tip amount to ActBlue—however, not by as much—to, say, $0.21 (which is exactly 7% of $3.00).

And so, my above-mentioned calculations are as follows: If I donate $3.00 per campaign and I add a tip to ActBlue of $0.75 (25% of $3.00), that means for every ten donations that I make—for example—it totals up to be $37.50! Now, if I make those same ten donations, but I add a tip to ActBlue of $0.21 (7% of $3.00), then it totals up to $32.10! Therefore, every ten donations that I make at the lower tip amount of $0.21 is a savings of $5.40! And, for me, $5.00 is usually the minimum amount that I donate for most all of my progressive and charitable donations. Thus, if you calculate that savings out for every one hundred donations—for example—that is a savings amount as follows:

If $3.75 per donation × 100 donations = $375.00 in total donations;

And if $3.21 per donation × 100 donations = $321.00 in total donations;

Then $375.00 in total donations at the higher tip amount - $321.00 in total donations at the lower tip amount = $54.00 in savings;

Therefore $54.00 in savings ÷ $5.00 which is my usual minimum donation amount = 10.8 progressive and charitable donations!


December 8th, 2023 Update No. 1: I received an email from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) today, December 8th, 2023, with the subject line, "Could you let us know your priorities for 2024?", which stated the following:

Paul's input needed:
2024 Civil Liberties Priorities Survey

Paul –

It's too easy to lose track of progress, but we need you to know we accomplished so much together in 2023.

Anti-democratic politicians have come after our most cherished, fundamental rights. They came after abortion. They tried to censor teachers and what students learn. They discriminated against the LGBTQ community, particularly trans youth. They tried to enact unfair voter maps to shut out Black voters from the ballot box.

But each and every time, with the support of this community, we fought back and secured important wins across the nation.

With the new year upon us, our work will not slow down. And because you're an engaged supporter of the ACLU, we're eager to know what issues matter to you most as we close out 2023 and begin the new year. We've put together a super quick (it's only 2 questions) priorities survey for this very reason and are hoping to get 1,000 responses – including yours – before 12/11 at 11:59 p.m.

Please, spare just 2 minutes to take our short survey to let the ACLU know what rights and liberties are most important to you as we head into 2024. It will greatly help inform our work in the coming year.


Thank you,

The ACLU Team


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


By sharing your feedback on the most crucial issues, you can have a direct impact on our work to protect people's rights.


1. Compared to past national election years, how concerned are you about the state of fundamental rights and liberties in America heading into next year?

[✓] Extremely concerned
[  ] Very concerned
[  ] Somewhat concerned
[  ] Not at all concerned

2. What three issue areas do you think the ACLU should ramp up its efforts towards most in 2024?

[  ] Capital Punishment
[  ] Criminal Law Reform
[  ] Free Speech
[  ] Immigrant Rights
[  ] LGBTQ Rights
[  ] National Security
[  ] Prisoners' Rights
[✓] Racial Justice
[  ] Religious Liberty
[✓] Reproductive Freedom
[✓] Voting Rights
[  ] Women's Rights

Your contact information

First name (optional): Paul
Last name (optional): Whiting
ZIP Code: [redacted]
E-mail: [redacted]
Phone number (optional): [redacted]


[Blogger's Note: The reason I selected 'Racial Justice,' 'Reproductive Freedom' and 'Voting Rights' as the "three issue areas [that I] think the ACLU should ramp up its efforts towards most in 2024" is because the Republicans seem to be attacking those issues the most in their ongoing culture wars against "The United States of 'Woke' America."]

Plus, after I completed the survey above, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU because the "three issue areas [that I] think the ACLU should ramp up its efforts towards most in 2024" are 'Racial Justice,' 'Reproductive Freedom' and 'Voting Rights.' –Paul Whiting (written December 8th, 2023 and revised December 11th, 2023)


December 8th, 2023 Update No. 2: I received an email from Mother Jones magazine today, December 8th, 2023, with the subject line, "Great advice from a reader", which stated the following:


I didn’t plan on sending you this Friday afternoon email, but our December fundraising drive got off to a concerningly slow start, and I need to try righting the ship before next week rolls around.

I have just the story, a big package of stories, and some advice from a reader that I think might do the trick.

Because this is about journalism—clearly demonstrating the value of Mother Jones’ journalism so we can raise the $350,000 in donations we need this month. It’s unfathomably hard in the news business right now, and hitting that number isn’t just some “wouldn’t it be nice to have” goal for us—our threadbare budget relies on it come January.

But I’m going to follow the advice of a reader who recently told us about how we can better go about asking you to support our work, which seems apt right now: “The cause is righteous and does not need sky-is-falling rhetoric. You folks do great work. Let the work stand on its own.”

I’ll also let [name redacted], a rising-star digital producer on the editorial team (and fantastic human—just look at the video he did for us last year!) show you the work. Well, after an earnest ask from me to consider supporting Mother Jones with a year-end gift if there’s any way you can right now. We need it.

On Tuesday, we published an ambitious reporting project ( that was months in the making, consisting of several deeply reported stories all looking at one, often overlooked, issue: How the US education system chronically fails students with disabilities. Here’s [name redacted] summarizing it in a post that caught my attention and seemed worth sharing (slightly edited to work here):

It's been nearly 50 years since the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) passed, guaranteeing “free appropriate public education” to disabled students. But that promise remains unfulfilled—and the result has been an education system for disabled students steeped in neglect, failure, and abuse.

Did you know that over one-third of these students don’t graduate high school? Or that the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights has more than 2,500 open investigations into complaints from parents of children with disabilities—some being unresolved for over a decade?

This collection of stories examines these issues and points to solutions that are within reach. You can find them all in our introductory essay. But I am also going to detail them below.

1: How did we end up with a system that teachers, students, parents, and state and federal governments have declared to be broken? It turns out public dollars are flowing to private companies that turn a hefty profit while failing and even abusing students.

2: Meet [name redacted], who is fighting for her son in the country's largest school system while navigating a language barrier.

3: As a former teacher himself, [name redacted] has had a frontline look at how programs designed to help kids can instead facilitate the segregation of Black students, especially boys.

4: Hawaii is the only state in the country that operates as a single school district. And over the last few years, Hawaii has harnessed this advantage.

5: Amid skyrocketing autism rates, a nationwide shortage of mental health professionals who specialize in autism, and the lingering effects of pandemic isolation, [names redacted] are among a growing number of parents eager to try out robot-assisted therapy or instruction. Does it work?

6: Lastly, we asked YOU about your experiences with the system. In particular, Individualized Education Programs (IEPs).

If this was unfamiliar, I hope you learned something new. If it's all too familiar, I hope this arms you with information and hope. But most of all, I hope you engage and share this amazing project. My colleagues put their hearts and souls into every bit of it, and as you can see, it's quite an impressive collection. If you made it this far, thank you, as always, for choosing to be a part of our work and mission.

That’s so great. And I hope the reader who told us to let the work stand on its own when asking for the donations we need was onto something because after a lackluster start to this fundraising push, I need to know it’s not going to become a trend that could mean coming up way short on our goal. Please help this afternoon or weekend if you can.

Of course, in-depth reporting like the education package we just published costs money. Of course, spending months on something that’s not dominating the headlines isn’t incentivized in today’s media landscape. Of course, this is a story that needs to be told because doing so can improve people’s lives. Of course, the only way we can tackle ambitious projects like this is because we’re funded primarily by a community of readers.

And I’ll end with the sentence I loved most from [name redacted's] write-up: “If this was unfamiliar, I hope you learned something new. If it's all too familiar, I hope this arms you with information and hope.”

That’s such a great way to think about our work, and I sincerely hope you’ll pitch in with a year-end gift if you can afford to right now. We really need to see a strong response from this one.

If you can’t give right now, which I know is the case for many of you, you can help out by sharing our education reporting package per [name redacted's] heartfelt request.

Onward, and here’s to a restful and strong fundraising weekend.

[Name redacted], [Title redacted]
Mother Jones


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I made a one-time donation to Mother Jones magazine "because this is about journalism—clearly demonstrating the value of Mother Jones’ journalism so [they] can raise the $350,000 in donations [they] need this month." –Paul Whiting (written December 8th, 2023, revised December 9th, 2023 and revised December 14th, 2023)

P.S.: Here is the statement that appears after the above-mentioned articles regarding "how the US education system chronically fails students with disabilities" from the Mother Jones website:


At least we hope they will, because that’s our approach to raising the $350,000 in online donations we need right now—during our high-stakes December fundraising push.

It’s the most important month of the year for our fundraising, with upward of 15 percent of our annual online total coming in during the final week—and there’s a lot to say about why Mother Jones’ journalism, and thus hitting that big number, matters tremendously right now.

But you told us fundraising is annoying—with the gimmicks, overwrought tone, manipulative language, and sheer volume of urgent URGENT URGENT!!! content we’re all bombarded with. It sure can be.

So we’re going to try making this as un-annoying as possible. In “Let the Facts Speak for Themselves” we give it our best shot, answering three questions that most any fundraising should try to speak to: Why us, why now, why does it matter?

The upshot? Mother Jones does journalism you don’t find elsewhere: in-depth, time-intensive, ahead-of-the-curve reporting on underreported beats. We operate on razor-thin margins in an unfathomably hard news business, and can’t afford to come up short on these online goals. And given everything, reporting like ours is vital right now.

If you can afford to part with a few bucks, please support the reporting you get from Mother Jones with a much-needed year-end donation. And please do it now, while you’re thinking about it—with fewer people paying attention to the news like you are, we need everyone with us to get there.



December 10th, 2023 Update No. 1: I have decided to consolidate the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I typically write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I make virtually every time that I make a political donation, however, lately there has suddenly been quite a number of donation requests! And within each 'update' I usually include the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, which is usually $3.00 per campaign or $5.00 per organization, plus how much I tipped ActBlue, which was previously $0.11 per campaign donation, but is now currently $0.21 per campaign—or 7% of my donation including to political organizations.**

Therefore, I have decided to forego my usual writing format for these type of political campaign, or political organization, donation 'updates' and combine every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing all of these individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

And I mean no disrespect to the individual political campaigns, or political organizations—each of which used to receive their very own 'update' on my blog—however, the 2024 election cycle is really starting to gear up and I have made a (hopefully realistic) goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. Plus, I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The only political communication that I responded to was an email from the Pat Ryan for Congress campaign today, December 10th, 2023, with the subject line, "Winning in New York", which stated the following:


My name is Pat Ryan, and I have the tremendous honor of representing New York’s Hudson Valley in Congress. I was born and raised in Upstate New York and attended West Point, where I learned the values of duty, honor, and country. It was here that I first swore an oath to defend this country from all enemies — foreign and domestic. I take that oath as seriously now as I did nearly 20 years ago. It’s the foundation of my values and ultimately why I chose to run for office. Our country is facing new and increased threats to our security and our way of life. I fought to protect freedom abroad, now, I am fighting every day to protect it at home.

For me, freedom isn’t a political bargaining chip or a cheap slogan. It’s the guiding principle of our nation and a set of ideals I risked my life to defend.

[✓] Freedom is a woman’s right to control her own body without government interference.

[✓] Freedom is a child’s right to go to school without the fear of being hit by a stray bullet.

[✓] Freedom is every American’s right to breathe clean air and drink clean water.

[✓] Freedom is a small town, main street business operating on the same level playing field as mega-corporations.

[✓] Freedom is the right to marry who you love.

[✓] Freedom is the security of a living wage, a paycheck that feeds your family, and the ability to join a union.

I hope you’ll take a moment to read this note all the way through, but I have to ask: Will you chip in $5 or whatever you can spare to help us hold this toss-up seat in the future?


Last year, we proved pundits and pollsters wrong by winning a competitive special election in August that few thought a Democrat could win. Then, we proved them wrong again by winning a toss-up race in November. We did it because we [didn't hold back], we met voters where they were, and we spoke plainly about the issues that matter. We spoke about freedom.

Although we had some big wins in 2022, New York Democrats underperformed in several competitive races. There’s a lot we can do between now and the 2024 elections to make sure that doesn’t happen again.

I’m going to keep up a strong messaging operation, reaching people across New York through ads, phone conversations, canvassing, events, and more. My campaign isn’t a short-term operation, because if we only show up for voters during election seasons, we’re letting them down. My team and I are going to work day and night to hold this seat and take back lost ground. We know that the path to flipping the house must include serious investment in New York. I am committed to being part of the solution.

Your support now will set us up for success for years to come. Building a sustainable, high-performing campaign in New York and beyond takes a lot of resources, and early investment is important. That’s why I’m asking:

Paul, can I count on you to pitch and keep up the good fight for freedom, for New York, and for our country?

In my first months as a representative in Congress, I have kept my promise to fight for fundamental rights and freedoms – to give hardworking families and communities the economic relief we desperately need.

I’ll never back down in the face of a challenge. From protecting abortion access and holding utility companies accountable to safeguarding programs like Social Security and Medicare, I know there are steep challenges ahead. I will continue to be focused on our mission to fight inflation, curb rising gun violence, and improve the quality of life for our veterans. The stakes are simply too high right now. We must come together as patriots to govern.

I believe we are in an existential fight for our democracy and we need all hands on deck. Will you pitch in to help keep me fighting for a better future for all?

Yours in service,

Pat Ryan

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Support Pat Ryan and help flip the House blue!

Democrats only need to flip 5 seats to win back the House majority, and Pat is hard at work to score big wins in New York and across the country.

Chip in any amount to help fuel Pat's work to flip the House today!


Your contribution will benefit Pat Ryan.

[  ] Donate $5 →

[  ] Donate $10 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Please leave us a tip

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%**)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Pat Ryan for Congress campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to "pitch in to help keep [Pat Ryan] fighting for a better future for all," because "Democrats only need to flip 5 seats to win back the House majority, and Pat is hard at work to score big wins in New York and across the country."

Thus, this one campaign—Pat Ryan for Congress—is the political campaign that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written December 10th, 2023 and revised December 12th, 2023)

**P.S.: I used to leave an $0.11 tip to ActBlue for my typical $3.00 donations to political campaigns; however, rather than tipping $0.11—like I usually do—I decided to try out a New & Improved "Add custom amount" tip of $0.75 with my political donation on November 17th, 2023 (please see my 'November 17th, 2023 Update No. 3,' which can be found above)! And, I ran the numbers on this new $0.75 tip amount (which is exactly 25% of $3.00) to see if it is "feasible for the foreseeable future" (say that three times fast!), or if I should revert back to the original $0.11 tip amount (which is exactly 3.6% of $3.00), or if I should still increase my political campaign donation tip amount to ActBlue—however, not by as much—to, say, $0.21 (which is exactly 7% of $3.00).

And so, my above-mentioned calculations are as follows: If I donate $3.00 per campaign and I add a tip to ActBlue of $0.75 (25% of $3.00), that means for every ten donations that I make—for example—it totals up to be $37.50! Now, if I make those same ten donations, but I add a tip to ActBlue of $0.21 (7% of $3.00), then it totals up to $32.10! Therefore, every ten donations that I make at the lower tip amount of $0.21 is a savings of $5.40! And, for me, $5.00 is usually the minimum amount that I donate for most all of my progressive and charitable donations. Thus, if you calculate that savings out for every one hundred donations—for example—that is a savings amount as follows:

If $3.75 per donation × 100 donations = $375.00 in total donations;

And if $3.21 per donation × 100 donations = $321.00 in total donations;

Then $375.00 in total donations at the higher tip amount - $321.00 in total donations at the lower tip amount = $54.00 in savings;

Therefore $54.00 in savings ÷ $5.00 which is my usual minimum donation amount = 10.8 progressive and charitable donations!


December 11th, 2023 Update No. 1: Christmas Day is fourteen days away from today, December 11th, 2023! And so, I decided to make one-time donations to charities who are helping the less fortunate, including a national hunger-relief organization and a local food bank who are helping hungry folks [1][2], your favorite holiday Red Kettle "bell ringers" and mine, who are well-known for collecting donations during the holiday season [3], as well as charities who are helping children in need during "The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year" [4][5][6], in addition to the "2023 Portland Area Christmas Secret Santa Project for America's Catastrophically Disabled War on Terror Veterans and their Children." [7]

And I was inspired to make these donations by the following sources:

1. A "Christmas Donation" mailer that I received on November 24th, 2023, from Feeding America, which is the largest hunger-relief organization in the United States who partners "with food banks, food pantries, and local food programs to bring food to people facing hunger."

2. And because I donated to Feeding America, which is the largest hunger-relief organization in the United States, I also donated locally to the Oregon Food Bank, whose mission includes the following statement: "...We distribute food equitably across the region and work on policies and programs to address the root causes of hunger."

3. A "Christmas Donation" mailer that I received on December 1st, 2023, from The Salvation Army regarding their Annual Red Kettle Campaign (the "bell ringers" whom you can see collecting donations outside of some retail stores at Christmas) which truly symbolizes this charitable organization's mission of True Christian Salvation during the holiday season—and all year long!

4. A donation that I also made last year (2022) based upon an advertisement that I saw last year on YouTube for Operation Smile, which is a charity that provides surgery for children with cleft conditions and also provides the children with "cleft care needs throughout their childhood and adolescence so that they can realize happier and healthier futures."

5. An email that I received last year on December 10th, 2022, from Ronald McDonald House Charities of Oregon & SW Washington, which is "a nonprofit family & children's charity dedicated to supporting families with sick children in their time of need" regarding its annual holiday toy drive.

6. A well-known holiday toy drive organization, Marine Toys for Tots, which I was reminded of by a round token that I received from Toys for Tots a few years ago, which states, in part, 'Every Child Deserves A Little Christmas.' And this particular charity began "as the brain child of Marine Corps Reserve Major Bill Hendricks [and] his wife, Diane, who was the real inspiration. She had a few handcrafted dolls and asked Bill to deliver them to an agency that supports children in need. When Bill reported back to his wife that he could not find such an organization, she instructed him to 'start one!'" And the rest is (holiday toy drive) history.

7. A "Christmas Donation" mailer that I received today, December 11th, 2023, from the Coalition to Salute America's Heroes (CSAH) regarding their '2023 Christmas Secret Santa Project,' the goal of which is to "Give each of our nation's disabled War on Terror veterans on our list a surprise $500 Secret Santa check so they can provide their children with Christmas presents and have enough money left over to pay past due bills."

–Paul Whiting (written December 11th, 2023, revised December 12th, 2023 and revised December 15th, 2023)

P.S.: Please see my detailed descriptions—immediately after this 'update'—of the following donations that I made fourteen days before Christmas for which I received the above-mentioned communications!

Feeding America: 'December 11th, 2023 Update No. 2, Written On December 12th, 2023,' which can be found below.

The Salvation Army: 'December 11th, 2023 Update No. 3, Written On December 12th, 2023,' which can be found below.

Coalition to Salute America's Heroes (CSAH): 'December 11th, 2023 Update No. 4, Written On December 12th, 2023,' which can be found below.


December 11th, 2023 Update No. 2, Written On December 12th, 2023: I received a mailer from Feeding America eighteen days ago on November 24th, 2023, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "21st Annual Biggest HOLIDAY Food Campaign EVER", which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]


Paul Whiting, will you give $20 this holiday season to help families facing hunger?

Paul Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

November 3, 2023

Dear Paul Whiting,

The holidays can be a difficult time for families at risk of hunger. This year, household budgets have been hit hard by the high cost of groceries and everyday necessities—and this holiday season will be especially challenging. Everyone, including people like [name redacted], deserve to come together with loved ones and share a special meal.

[Name redacted] has always been a hard worker. Right now, he's working 60 hours every week at a restaurant in his lowa hometown. [Name redacted] picks up any shift he can get nights and weekends included. He's also engaged and hoping to save up for a wedding. But money continues to be tight for [name redacted], especially this time of year.

Even though [name redacted] wants to celebrate the holidays, affording the food for a special meal isn't easy. "I'm living paycheck to paycheck right now," he says.

Paul Whiting, I'm writing to ask for your help today so we can get more meals to neighbors like [name redacted] during the holidays. Too many people in Oregon and across America are finding themselves in a similar situation right now. Feeding America has just kicked off our 21st Annual Biggest Holiday Food Campaign Ever, and the need this year is huge.

Normally, every $1 you give helps provide at least 10 meals for people at risk of hunger. But now, your gift can have DOUBLE the impact for people like [name redacted], thanks to an exciting challenge match of up to $250,000 from [business redacted]. That means every $1 you give today can help provide at least 20 meals for neighbors facing hunger through the Feeding America network.

Simply use one of the three enclosed holiday food vouchers and you can have TWICE the impact:

[✓] Your contribution of $15 can help provide at least 300 meals.
[✓] Your donation of $20 can help provide at least 400 meals.
[✓] And your extra-special gift of $25 can help provide at least 500 meals.

With your contribution to Feeding America, you'll help neighbors like [name redacted] get the nutritious food they need.

When [name redacted] needed a little extra help to get the essentials for a special meal, he visited a local holiday food distribution center where he received a ham and traditional sides.

[Name redacted] was able to get together with friends and family to enjoy a nourishing meal. "We're going to be celebrating this food," he explains. "It means we get to eat. It's a time to feel all together, for everyone to be treated the same."

Paul Whiting, will you please give a generous donation today to help people like [name redacted]?

Remember, your contribution can have DOUBLE the impact with the [business redacted] challenge match. That means your gift can help even more neighbors get the food they need for the holidays!

Please use one of the enclosed holiday food vouchers to send your donation today, while it can have TWICE the impact for families at risk of hunger. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season.


[Name redacted]
[Title redacted], Feeding America

P.S. Thanks to the challenge match from [business redacted], your gift today can have DOUBLE the impact to help people facing hunger this time of year. To put your contribution to work faster, give online at



Please use my gift to help provide TWICE as many meals through the Feeding America network this holiday season. My enclosed donation of:

[  ] $15 can help provide at least 300 meals.
[✓] $7.00 can help provide as many meals as possible.
[  ] I'm giving by credit card. (Please see section on back)
[  ] I want to make an even bigger impact by giving monthly! (Please see section on back)

Give online:

Paul Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

21st Annual Biggest HOLIDAY Food Campaign –EVER–

[Business redacted] | FEEDING AMERICA

And so, I made a one-time donation to Feeding America yesterday, December 11th, 2023, in order to support their "CHALLENGE MATCH HOLIDAY FOOD VOUCHER," because "$7.00 can help provide as many meals as possible." –Paul Whiting (December 12th, 2023)

P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.)


December 11th, 2023 Update No. 3, Written On December 12th, 2023: I received a mailer from The Salvation Army Portland Metro seventeen days ago on December 1st, 2023, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "ANNUAL RED KETTLE CAMPAIGN: Your Gift Can DOUBLE! $1 = $2!", which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]

The Salvation Army


Matching Gift Can DOUBLE Your Impact!

Every $1 = $2!
But only until December 31, 2023!

Dear Mr. Whiting,

As someone with great compassion for others, you'll be happy to hear this wonderful news!

A group of generous supporters has just stepped forward with a matching gift that can double every dollar given — up to $11,215 — to help people who are struggling in the Portland Metro area!

That means your gift today to our Annual Red Kettle Campaign can go TWICE as far. Please make your gift by December 31, 2023, to be eligible for any applicable tax deductions and so that every dollar you give can be DOUBLED.

This is so important. Here's why:

The Salvation Army's resources are being stretched while requests for help from families here in the Portland Metro area continue to pour in. This year, many of our neighbors are counting on our help as they struggle to afford the basics and keep their families going in these difficult times. Your gift today can go TWICE as far to help struggling families make ends meet this season.

Will you please send your Red Kettle gift to be doubled, Mr. Whiting? The enclosed Matching Gift Checks make it easy:

1. Simply choose the check that's right for you.
2. Return the check, along with your gift of the same amount, and that gift can be DOUBLED:

✓ Your gift of $10, sent today, can be worth $20.
✓ Your donation of $20 can do the work of $40.
✓ And your extra-generous gift of $30 can be matched for a total of $60!
✓ Your gift in any amount can double, up to the total amount of the matching gift!

Mr. Whiting, whatever you donate today can be DOUBLED - but only until the December 31 deadline.

You'll offer twice the help for our sick and elderly neighbors who may be forced to choose between filling a prescription and paying their rent.

You'll provide twice the food and other assistance to moms and dads who find themselves out of work and can't feed their families.

And you'll bring twice the compassion to less fortunate children in the Portland Metro area who rely on The Salvation Army's programs for a safe place to go after school.

You'll make sure that families across the Portland Metro area receive the critical services they need. You'll show neighbors who are hurting love beyond the crises they are facing right now.

That's why I'm reaching out to you, Mr. Whiting, and asking for your help today.

Please hurry. Don't miss the opportunity to take advantage of this matching gift during our Red Kettle Campaign. Make the greatest gift you can right now by filling in and returning one of the enclosed Matching Gift Checks.

Be sure to choose the amount of your donation so it can be DOUBLED right away.

And please act soon! Remember, this matching gift offer will only last until December 31!

Mr. Whiting, thank you for caring, and may God bless you for your compassion!

Most gratefully yours,

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]

P.S. Right now, you can turn every $1 you give into $2 of help for people in need here in the Portland Metro area! This is so important, especially with so many of our neighbors overwhelmed by inflation and other hardships. Send back one of the enclosed Matching Gift Checks so your gift during our Annual Red Kettle Campaign can be DOUBLED. Don't miss out — please respond by December 31, 2023. Thank you!


[Blogger's Note: For The Salvation Army USA website, at which there's a local donation page for you to make a donation to The Salvation Army in your area, please visit where you will see the "Donate Local" button at the top right-hand corner of their website! And thank you for considering making a donation to The Salvation Army this holiday season!]


The Salvation Army
[Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]


Your gift CAN DOUBLE!

Pay To The Order Of: The Salvation Army of the Portland Metro area

Fill in the amount you want to double DOLLARS →$7.00

Your gift will be used locally.

From: Mr. Paul Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

To: The Salvation Army
Portland Metro Donation Processing Center
[Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

And so, I made a one-time donation to The Salvation Army Cascade Division yesterday, December 11th, 2023, in order to support The Salvation Army's ANNUAL RED KETTLE CAMPAIGN for 2023, because my "Matching Gift Can DOUBLE [My] Impact!" –Paul Whiting (December 12th, 2023)

P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.)


December 11th, 2023 Update No. 4, Written On December 12th, 2023: I received a mailer from the Coalition to Salute America's Heroes (CSAH) yesterday, December 11th, 2023, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "CHECK ENCLOSED - DO NOT TAMPER", which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]

From the Desk of Staff Sgt. [Name redacted], U.S. Army (Ret.) . . .

2023 Portland Area Christmas Secret Santa Project
For America's Catastrophically Disabled War on Terror Veterans and their Children

Dear Mr. Whiting,

I'm retired Army Staff Sgt. [name redacted]. I have taken the unusual step of sending you a $2.19 check because I wanted to make sure you would not miss my letter.

The global War on Terror has resulted in many of my fellow servicemen and women returning home burned, blinded, brain-damaged, having lost limbs, or suffering from other severe wounds.

While this Christmas you and I will enjoy getting together with family and friends, many post 9/11 severely disabled veterans in Oregon and across the country will be struggling just to put food on the table for their families and will certainly not be able to buy presents for their children.

Before I explain why this is, Mr. Whiting, you may be wondering about the amount of the attached check. You see, the numbers 2 1 9 mean a lot to me. I am a severely disabled veteran from the War on Terror. I was seriously injured by a roadside bomb in Iraq on 2/19 (February 19, 2007). You will find enclosed a photo of me before and after that bomb exploded.

You can cash the check below if you want, but I hope you won't. We need every dollar we can raise to provide emergency aid and other support services for our catastrophically wounded heroes — who are unable to even afford to buy groceries. I am taking a leap of faith you'll make a Christmas donation to help my fellow disabled veterans.

The Coalition to Salute America's Heroes has launched its 2023 Christmas Secret Santa Project. The goal: Give each of our nation's disabled War on Terror veterans on our list a surprise $500 Secret Santa check so they can provide their children with Christmas presents and have enough money left over to pay past due bills.

Mr. Whiting, I have also included a Christmas THANK YOU and GET WELL card that I hope you will sign and return, along with a check of your own. Your signed card will be delivered to a severely disabled or hospitalized veteran. Many (probably most) of these wounded warriors believe America has forgotten them, and your card can help show America's support and appreciation for their sacrifices, and maybe even help in their healing.

Unfortunately, the global War on Terror isn't over. Today, we have over 165,000 troops around the globe. And the fact is tens of thousands of our brave servicemen and women will be in harm's way for the foreseeable future, and some will return home with severe injuries.

It will shock you to know that it takes several months on average, and often over a year, for a wounded hero to receive his or her first government disability check. Plus, government bureaucrats try to minimize the injuries our wounded heroes have sustained to shortchange them out of their disability pay that they have more than earned.

In addition, many of my fellow combat-wounded veterans require a fulltime caregiver. Often the caregiver is the spouse of the veteran, who must quit their job or work part time hours.

As a result, the family income plummets. And with the skyrocketing cost of groceries, gas, and everyday essentials, many are now in need of help to feed their families, keep a roof over their head, and avoid financial disaster.

That's why we have created the Christmas Secret Santa Project. Over the past handful of years, through the generosity of patriotic Americans like you the Coalition has distributed thousands of surprise $500 Secret Santa checks to help our nation's severely disabled War on Terror veterans provide their children with presents on Christmas.

I am sure you agree, America's disabled veterans have sacrificed so much, and they should not have to choose between feeding their families, paying their utility bills, paying their rent or mortgage, or buying Christmas presents for their children.

Your generous tax-deductible gift of $8, $15, $25, $50 or more will be combined with donations from other patriotic supporters and allow us to send a surprise $500 Secret Santa check to every disabled veteran on our list.

Please do what you can to help. Thank you, God Bless you, and Merry Christmas!


Staff Sgt. [Name redacted], U.S. Army (Ret.)
[Title redacted] for the Coalition

"QR code message": Scan to learn more and to donate right away!

P.S. I am only sending these $2.19 checks to Americans (like you) who care deeply about our nation's catastrophically wounded heroes, so I trust you won't cash this check. Instead, I hope you'll make a generous tax-deductible gift to the Coalition's 2023 Christmas Secret Santa Project, today.

America's disabled heroes are suffering, and most have nowhere else to turn to for help. So please do your part to help them with a tax-deductible donation to the Coalition. And please return your signed Christmas "THANK YOU and GET WELL" card for a wounded warrior.

If you would like to know more about my injury, please scan the QR code shown above with your smart phone and it will take you to the Coalition to Salute America's Heroes secure website. There you can also learn more about our mission to provide emergency aid and other support services to America's post 9/11 combat- wounded veterans from the global War on Terror.


2023 Christmas Secret Santa Project
Important Donation Reply to Staff Sgt. [Name redacted]

Dear [Name redacted],

I will void the $2.19 check you sent me to make sure I would not overlook your important letter, and I'm enclosing my signed "Thank You" card for you to deliver to a catastrophically wounded hero.

To help provide a $500 Christmas Secret Santa check or other emergency aid to a severely disabled War on Terror Veteran, here is my gift of:

[  ] $8

[  ] $15

If everyone just sends this average amount [of $15], we can provide $500 checks and other and to thousands of wounded heroes this Christmas!

[  ] $25

[  ] $50

[✓] My best gift of $7.00

Mr. Paul Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

Donation Requested By: 7 Days From Receipt

[✓] I have enclosed my signed THANK YOU and GET WELL card for a wounded hero (or other military veteran) who needs to know their sacrifice has not been forgotten.

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Coalition to Salute America's Heroes yesterday, December 11th, 2023, in order to support their 2023 Christmas Secret Santa Project! Plus, "I [voided] the $2.19 check [the Coalition] sent me to make sure I would not overlook [their] important letter," in addition to mailing back "my signed 'Thank You' card for [the Coalition to Salute America's Heroes] to deliver to a catastrophically wounded hero." –Paul Whiting (December 12th, 2023)

P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.)


December 11th, 2023 Update No. 5: I have decided to consolidate the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I typically write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I make virtually every time that I make a political donation, however, lately there has suddenly been quite a number of donation requests! And within each 'update' I usually include the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, which is usually $3.00 per campaign or $5.00 per organization, plus how much I tipped ActBlue, which was previously $0.11 per campaign donation, but is now currently $0.21 per campaign—or 7% of my donation including to political organizations.**

Therefore, I have decided to forego my usual writing format for these type of political campaign, or political organization, donation 'updates' and combine every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing all of these individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

And I mean no disrespect to the individual political campaigns, or political organizations—each of which used to receive their very own 'update' on my blog—however, the 2024 election cycle is really starting to gear up and I have made a (hopefully realistic) goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. Plus, I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The first political communication that I responded to was an email from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) today, December 11th, 2023, with the subject line, "BREAKING via The Hill: 'Biden's approval rating increased'!", which stated the following:

BREAKING via The Hill: "Biden's approval rating increased," but we still haven't heard from you!

Do you approve of President Biden?

Do you approve of President Biden?

[✓] YES

[  ] NO

This is great news, Paul: President Biden's approval rating continues to increase as polls show him statistically tied with Donald Trump!

President Biden is moving the country in the right direction by strengthening our economy, creating 14 MILLION jobs, and reducing inflation -- and Americans are taking notice.

But to defend our incredible progress under the Biden-Harris administration, we need to confirm that Democrats are supporting President Biden and REJECTING a Trump comeback! So please, let us know your response before the midnight deadline:

Supporter: Paul Whiting
Response: Missing!
Deadline: 11:59 P.M.

Do you approve of President Biden?

[✓] YES

[  ] NO

Thank you,


Chip in $5 monthly to defend the Senate***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

Democratic survey in progress:

Please confirm: Do you approve of President Biden?

[✓] Approve
[  ] Disapprove

Why do you support President Biden? (Select all that apply.)

[✓] President Biden leads with integrity.
[✓] President Biden tells the truth and takes responsibility.
[✓] President Biden shares my positions on health care, climate change, and more.
[✓] President Biden cares about people like me.
[✓] President Biden represents America well around the globe.
[  ] Other

Which issues do you want the Biden administration and Democrats to prioritize? (Select your three top priorities.)

[  ] Foreign Relations
[  ] The Economy
[  ] Health Care
[✓] Reproductive Rights
[  ] Climate Change
[✓] Gun Safety
[  ] Education
[  ] Immigration Reform
[✓] Voting Rights
[  ] Criminal Justice
[  ] Job Creation
[  ] Higher Education
[  ] Other

[Blogger's Note: The reason I selected 'Reproductive Rights,' 'Gun Safety' and 'Voting Rights' as the "issues [that I] want the Biden administration and Democrats to prioritize" is because the Republicans seem to be attacking those issues the most in their ongoing culture wars against "The United States of 'Woke' America."]

President Biden's agenda hinges on Democrats keeping Mitch McConnell out of power. What's most important for Democrats to focus on leading up to the next Senate elections?

[  ] Defending our majority -- We must work to defend every Democratic seat.
[  ] Expanding our majority -- We must build the infrastructure to flip the Senate seats held by Republicans, including some of Trump's worst enablers.
[✓] Both!

We're leading the fight to defend our Democratic Senate and urgently need your help. Our fundraising deadline is TONIGHT and we're still a few donations short in your area!

Please, will you chip in $55 or more so Democrats can compete against McConnell's megadonors, defend the Senate, and continue helping President Biden make progress?

Please use the links below to start a monthly donation through ActBlue:

[  ] I'll give $55.
[  ] I'll give $110.
[  ] I'll give $165.
[✓] I'd like to choose a different amount to give.*

*[Blogger's Note: I selected this option—although I made a one-time donation, rather than a monthly donation—because it's an option that got me to the donation webpage!]



Donate now to SUPERCHARGE our Senate majority!

CNN says multiple GOP seats could flip blue next year -- but with Mitch McConnell's megadonors already playing offense, it's going to take all hands on deck to win!

Please, will you chip in now to protect our historic progress by supercharging our Democratic majority?

Make it monthly!

To defend abortion access, stop gun violence and more, we must elect Democrats. Will you make your donation monthly to fight for the Senate?

[  ] Yes, count me in!
[✓] No, donate once

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit DSCC.

[  ] $220 →

[  ] $110 →

[  ] $550 →

[  ] $1,100 →

[  ] $2,200 →

[  ] $2,700 →

[✓] Other $1.00

Please leave us a tip

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[  ] Add custom amount

[✓] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DSCC (without a tip to ActBlue) in order to confirm that I approve of, and support, President Biden!

P.S.: The reason that I only donated $1.00 to the DSCC is because I already donated $5.00 (with a $0.35 tip to ActBlue) on December 3rd, 2023 (please see my 'December 3rd, 2023 Update No. 3,' which can be found above) and that is all I can afford this month; however, I did want to respond to this survey, so that is why I made a donation in the amount that I did.


The second political communication that I responded to was a text message today, December 11th, 2023, from the Vicente Gonzalez for U.S. Congress campaign, which stated, in part, the following:

Paul, It's Vicente Gonzalez, and I want to share my mother's words with you ... "He who has the desire to do more, does more."

This guided me throughout my life. From earning my GED to obtaining a JD degree, I've dedicated myself to our community of South Texas.

I want to continue fighting for our community, especially as the GOP pushes their extremist agenda in Texas to take away quality healthcare from those who need it most and give handouts to drug companies.

Paul, the challenges we face require a united front, especially as we try to counter right-wing Super PACs already looking to defeat me—can you become a Founding Donor and help me protect our rights in South Texas?***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Donate to Vicente Gonzalez for U.S. Congress

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Vicente Gonzalez.

Donate $15 →

Donate $35 →

Donate $50 →

Donate $100 →

Donate $250 →

Donate $500 →

Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%**)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Vicente Gonzalez for U.S. Congress campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to "become a Founding Donor and help [Vicente Gonzalez] protect [their] rights in South Texas."


The third political communication that I responded to was a text message today, December 11th, 2023, from the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State (DASS), which stated the following:

Hi Paul- Wisconsin [title redacted] [name redacted] here.

After the results of the 2020 election were tallied and it was clear President Biden won, ten Republicans in Wisconsin chose to ignore the will of the people. Instead, they posed as fake electors for President Trump.

The fake electors plot may have been foiled, but the danger from these anti-democracy extremists still lurks: one of these fake electors, [name redacted], currently serves on the Wisconsin [government organization redacted].

[Name redacted's] actions are all part of a larger, coordinated effort to overturn the will of the people – and they can’t go unchecked.

That’s why I’m calling for his immediate resignation from the Wisconsin [government organization redacted].

While we work to remove bad actors like [name redacted] who put our democracy at risk, Democrats are focused on the work of protecting free and fair elections in Wisconsin and beyond.

My friends at the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State are gearing up for the long fight ahead, but they need the support from grassroots Democrats like you.

That’s why I’m asking you to make a small $3.88 donation to the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State so they can elect democracy defenders across the nation***

Thank you,

[Name redacted]

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Democratic Association of Secretaries of State

When federal action stalls, state laws decide the future of our republic. We can't let those laws fall into the hands of partisan, conspiracy-loving GOP legislatures.

Our Democratic Secretaries protect our elections — even when Congress is deadlocked. They're the last line of defense for your rights, and they need your help this year more than ever. Rush a donation now and defend our Secretaries of State!

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit DASS PAC.

[  ] Donate $15 →

[  ] Donate $35 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[✓] Other amount $5.00

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.35 (7%**)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DASS campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to contribute "a small [$5.00] donation to the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State so they can elect democracy defenders across the nation."


The fourth political communication that I responded to was an email from both the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Elizabeth Warren for Senate (Warren for Senate) campaign today, December 11th, 2023, with the subject line, "I’ll get straight to the point", which stated the following:

Hi Paul, it's Elizabeth Warren.

I’ll get straight to the point: We have so much work ahead of us to make our economy work for everyone, not just the rich and powerful. But none of that work will be possible if we don’t win in 2024. That’s why I’m asking: Can you split a donation between my reelection campaign and the DNC today?

We need change. We need structural change. Structural change that puts money and power in the pockets of working people.

And there’s plenty that needs fixing. Childcare costs are out of control. Our tax code is tilted toward the wealthy. Big banks pose systemic risks and squeeze consumers with junk fees.

So I’m working to enact my plan for quality, affordable childcare. I’m fighting to tax the ultra-wealthy so that they finally pay their fair share. I’m not afraid to hold big banks accountable for their misconduct – and I’m working to keep them from crashing and hurting more working people.

Paul, if you’re able, help Democrats continue pushing for progress by clicking here to split $35 -- or any amount -- between my campaign and the DNC. Your donation will help empower Democrats to keep fighting for hardworking Americans as we head into 2024.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will be split evenly between Senator Elizabeth Warren's campaign and the DNC:

[✓] Donate another amount***

Thanks for being a part of this,

Elizabeth Warren
U.S. Senator, Massachusetts

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Split a donation between Sen. Elizabeth Warren's campaign and the DNC as we head into 2024:

Democrats are counting on your grassroots support to prepare for elections up and down the ballot and drive progress.

Split a donation between Sen. Elizabeth Warren and the DNC to invest in the future of this country and the success of Democrats running up and down the ballot.

Split your donation:

Total contribution $4.00

Customize amounts

Elizabeth Warren (MA- Sen) $3.00

Democratic National Committee (DNC) $1.00

Donate $4

Please leave us a tip

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.28 (7%**)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DNC and to the Elizabeth Warren for Senate (Warren for Senate) campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to split "a donation between Sen. Elizabeth Warren and the DNC to invest in the future of this country and the success of Democrats running up and down the ballot."

P.S.: The reason that I only donated $1.00 to the DCCC is because I already donated $5.00 (with a $0.35 tip to ActBlue) on December 3rd, 2023 (please see my 'December 3rd, 2023 Update No. 3,' which can be found above) and that is all I can afford this month; however, I did want to respond to this split donation request, so that is why I made a donation in the amount that I did.

Thus, these three organizations—the DSCC, the DASS, as well as the DNC—in addition to these two campaigns—Vicente Gonzalez for U.S. Congress, as well as Elizabeth Warren for Senate (Warren for Senate)—are the political organizations, and the political campaigns, that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written December 11th, 2023, revised December 12th, 2023, revised December 16th, 2023, revised December 22nd, 2023, revised January 7th, 2024, revised January 22nd, 2024, revised February 9th, 2024 and revised June 28th, 2024)

**P.P.S.: I used to leave an $0.11 tip to ActBlue for my typical $3.00 donations to political campaigns; however, rather than tipping $0.11—like I usually do—I decided to try out a New & Improved "Add custom amount" tip of $0.75 with my political donation on November 17th, 2023 (please see my 'November 17th, 2023 Update No. 3,' which can be found above)! And, I ran the numbers on this new $0.75 tip amount (which is exactly 25% of $3.00) to see if it is "feasible for the foreseeable future" (say that three times fast!), or if I should revert back to the original $0.11 tip amount (which is exactly 3.6% of $3.00), or if I should still increase my political campaign donation tip amount to ActBlue—however, not by as much—to, say, $0.21 (which is exactly 7% of $3.00).

And so, my above-mentioned calculations are as follows: If I donate $3.00 per campaign and I add a tip to ActBlue of $0.75 (25% of $3.00), that means for every ten donations that I make—for example—it totals up to be $37.50! Now, if I make those same ten donations, but I add a tip to ActBlue of $0.21 (7% of $3.00), then it totals up to $32.10! Therefore, every ten donations that I make at the lower tip amount of $0.21 is a savings of $5.40! And, for me, $5.00 is usually the minimum amount that I donate for most all of my progressive and charitable donations. Thus, if you calculate that savings out for every one hundred donations—for example—that is a savings amount as follows:

If $3.75 per donation × 100 donations = $375.00 in total donations;

And if $3.21 per donation × 100 donations = $321.00 in total donations;

Then $375.00 in total donations at the higher tip amount - $321.00 in total donations at the lower tip amount = $54.00 in savings;

Therefore $54.00 in savings ÷ $5.00 which is my usual minimum donation amount = 10.8 progressive and charitable donations!


December 12th, 2023 Update No. 1, Written On December 13th, 2023: I have decided to consolidate the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I typically write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I make virtually every time that I make a political donation, however, lately there has suddenly been quite a number of donation requests! And within each 'update' I usually include the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, which is usually $3.00 per campaign or $5.00 per organization, plus how much I tipped ActBlue, which was previously $0.11 per campaign donation, but is now currently $0.21 per campaign—or 7% of my donation including to political organizations.**

Therefore, I have decided to forego my usual writing format for these type of political campaign, or political organization, donation 'updates' and combine every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing all of these individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

And I mean no disrespect to the individual political campaigns, or political organizations—each of which used to receive their very own 'update' on my blog—however, the 2024 election cycle is really starting to gear up and I have made a (hopefully realistic) goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. Plus, I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The only political communication that I responded to was a text message yesterday, December 12th, 2023, from the Biden Victory Fund, which stated the following:

Paul, it’s Joe Biden. I wanted to perk your day up with some exciting news: For just a short period of time, Kamala and I are giving one lucky supporter (and a guest of their choice) an all-expenses paid trip to grab some coffee with us. ☕

All you have to do is chip in any amount now, and you’ll be automatically entered to win. But this isn’t forever, Paul – we’re only doing this until 12/31, so pitch in now:***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Donate now for a cup of joe... with Joe and Kamala!

By donating today, you could win a chance to have a coffee with President Biden and Vice President Harris!

Your donation will make a world of difference in sustaining this campaign and supporting Democrats nationwide! This offer won't last long, so chip in today.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Biden Victory Fund.

[  ] $46 →

[  ] $25 →

[  ] $100 →

[  ] $250 →

[  ] $1,000 →

[  ] $2,000 →

[✓] Other $1.00

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[  ] Add custom amount

[✓] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Biden Victory Fund (without a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, December 12th, 2023, in order to enter for "a chance to have a coffee with President Biden and Vice President Harris!"

P.S.: The reason that I only donated $1.00 to the Biden Victory Fund is because I simply wanted to enter for this chance to win "an all-expenses paid trip to grab some coffee with [President Biden and Vice President Harris]. ☕", so that is why I made a donation in the amount that I did.

Thus, this one campaign—Biden Victory Fund—is the political campaign that I donated to yesterday! –Paul Whiting (written December 13th, 2023 and revised December 16th, 2023)

**P.S.: I used to leave an $0.11 tip to ActBlue for my typical $3.00 donations to political campaigns; however, rather than tipping $0.11—like I usually do—I decided to try out a New & Improved "Add custom amount" tip of $0.75 with my political donation on November 17th, 2023 (please see my 'November 17th, 2023 Update No. 3,' which can be found above)! And, I ran the numbers on this new $0.75 tip amount (which is exactly 25% of $3.00) to see if it is "feasible for the foreseeable future" (say that three times fast!), or if I should revert back to the original $0.11 tip amount (which is exactly 3.6% of $3.00), or if I should still increase my political campaign donation tip amount to ActBlue—however, not by as much—to, say, $0.21 (which is exactly 7% of $3.00).

And so, my above-mentioned calculations are as follows: If I donate $3.00 per campaign and I add a tip to ActBlue of $0.75 (25% of $3.00), that means for every ten donations that I make—for example—it totals up to be $37.50! Now, if I make those same ten donations, but I add a tip to ActBlue of $0.21 (7% of $3.00), then it totals up to $32.10! Therefore, every ten donations that I make at the lower tip amount of $0.21 is a savings of $5.40! And, for me, $5.00 is usually the minimum amount that I donate for most all of my progressive and charitable donations. Thus, if you calculate that savings out for every one hundred donations—for example—that is a savings amount as follows:

If $3.75 per donation × 100 donations = $375.00 in total donations;

And if $3.21 per donation × 100 donations = $321.00 in total donations;

Then $375.00 in total donations at the higher tip amount - $321.00 in total donations at the lower tip amount = $54.00 in savings;

Therefore $54.00 in savings ÷ $5.00 which is my usual minimum donation amount = 10.8 progressive and charitable donations!


December 12th, 2023 Update No. 2, Written On December 13th, 2023: I received an email from Planned Parenthood PAC of Oregon (Planned Parenthood Political Action Committee of Oregon) yesterday, December 12th, 2023, with the subject line, "Planned Parenthood PAC of Oregon needs you...", which stated the following:

Dear Paul,

The end of the year invites us into a season of reflection, rest, and recalibration. As our team reflects on the past year and prepares for the one ahead, we are incredibly proud of electing school board champions and fighting near-constant attacks on reproductive freedom and abortion access.

Support our work today by making a contribution to Planned Parenthood PAC of Oregon.

This year we have seen unprecedented challenges to the fight for reproductive freedom. 21 states have banned or severely restricted abortion access, anti-abortion politicians are pushing to revoke access to mifepristone, and there’s even a push for a federal abortion ban in Congress.

As we wait for the coming light that approaches with the winter solstice, we are reminded of one thing that sustains us: hope. Hope that is rooted in our dedication to continue this fight, and in the knowledge that seeds germinate in the dark.


We have exciting things in the works for the coming year. We are growing a movement that is rooted in the belief that all people deserve to have control over their bodies, to feel safe in their communities, and to have access to the reproductive and sexual healthcare they need.

But we can’t do this work without you. There is an important election cycle coming up in 2024, and in order to do this work we need to elect pro-abortion champions across the state who can help us achieve our goals.

If you have yet to use your Oregon Political Tax Credit, use it today to make a contribution to our PAC.


[Name redacted], [Title redacted]
Planned Parenthood PAC of Oregon


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, after I read the email above, I made a one-time donation to Planned Parenthood PAC of Oregon yesterday, December 12th, 2023, since "[Planned Parenthood PAC of Oregon is] growing a movement that is rooted in the belief that all people deserve to have control over their bodies, to feel safe in their communities, and to have access to the reproductive and sexual healthcare they need," because "there is an important election cycle coming up in 2024, and in order to do this work we need to elect pro-abortion champions across the state who can help us achieve our goals." –Paul Whiting (December 13th, 2023)


December 13th, 2023 Update No. 1: I have decided to consolidate the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I typically write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I make virtually every time that I make a political donation, however, lately there has suddenly been quite a number of donation requests! And within each 'update' I usually include the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, which is usually $3.00 per campaign or $5.00 per organization, plus how much I tipped ActBlue, which was previously $0.11 per campaign donation, but is now currently $0.21 per campaign—or 7% of my donation including to political organizations.**

Therefore, I have decided to forego my usual writing format for these type of political campaign, or political organization, donation 'updates' and combine every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing all of these individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

And I mean no disrespect to the individual political campaigns, or political organizations—each of which used to receive their very own 'update' on my blog—however, the 2024 election cycle is really starting to gear up and I have made a (hopefully realistic) goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. Plus, I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The first political communication that I responded to was a text message today, December 13th, 2023, from the Maxwell Frost for Congress (Maxwell Alejandro Frost for Congress) campaign, which stated the following:

Paul, it’s Rep. Maxwell Frost, Gen-Z Democrat representing FL-10 in Congress. [Name redacted's] fascist book bans are an assault on students’ rights in Florida. But we’re fighting back – and my bill is a huge step forward.

I just introduced the Fight Book Bans Act, a direct attack on [name redacted's] censorship in our schools, to provide school districts with funding to oppose these book bans.

Last year, 40% of all U.S book bans were in Florida, so we have to act. Our students and educators are on the frontlines. We owe it to them to make SURE Black, brown, Hispanic, and LGBTQ+ stories aren’t erased.

As long as I’m in Congress, I’ll never give up this fight. But I need your support to hold this seat against the fascists targeting our kids’ educations.

I got here because people like you stepped up with a first donation, so I hope I can count on you to join in.

I need to raise $9,842 today to keep up the work. Will you rush your first $27 donation today, so I can keep fighting censorship and fascism? >>***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Join our historic movement >>

$13,403.79 Raised of $15,000 GOAL

Chip in before midnight >>

Please chip in now to support Maxwell and join our movement. Our historic campaign proved how crucial it is to lay the groundwork early and fight for the future we deserve EVERY day. >>

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Maxwell Frost.

[  ] DONATE $15 →

[  ] DONATE $27 →

[  ] DONATE $50 →

[  ] DONATE $100 →

[  ] DONATE $500 →

[  ] DONATE $1,000 →

[  ] DONATE $3,300 →

[✓] OTHER AMOUNT $3.00

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%**)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Maxwell Frost for Congress campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) because "fascist book bans are an assault on students’ rights in Florida," but "[Representative Maxwell Frost is] fighting back – and [his Fight Book Bans Act] bill is a huge step forward." That is why I donated "now to support Maxwell and [joined his] movement," since "[Maxwell Frost's] historic campaign proved how crucial it is to lay the groundwork early and fight for the future [Floridians] deserve EVERY day."


The second political communication that I responded to was a text message today, December 13th, 2023, from the Abigail Spanberger for Governor (Spanberger for Governor) campaign, which stated the following:

It's Abigail Spanberger, and I'm making it official! I am running for Governor of Virginia.

We're getting this campaign up and running, and I'd like to ask if you can contribute $10 or $20 as a Founding Donor.***

Your contribution will be one of the first! Every dollar now will have a significant impact on the success of my campaign. Thank you so much for helping my team and me get off to a great start.

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Abigail Spanberger for Governor

Support Abigail's Campaign for Governor of Virginia!

Our Commonwealth is at another crossroads do we continue moving backward with attacks on our rights, our kids' education, and our communities' sense of security — or do we move forward on a path of progress?

Abigail is running for Governor because she knows what she will bring to the job — a deep and abiding love for our Commonwealth, a relentless work ethic, and a focus on bringing people together to solve the real challenges facing Virginians. Abigail is working to build a strong foundation of support, and she needs your help.

Will you chip in to Abigail's campaign for Governor of Virginia and become a Founding Donor today?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Abigail Spanberger.

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%**)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Abigail Spanberger for Governor campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to "contribute [$3] as a Founding Donor" to Abigail Spanberger's campaign for Governor of Virginia.


The third political communication that I responded to was an email from the Biden for President campaign today, December 13th, 2023, with the subject line, "Dictator", which stated the following:

Biden-Harris 2024

Did you see Sean Hannity’s town hall with Donald Trump?

Hannity unsurprisingly asked Trump a few questions that should have been easy, like “You are promising America tonight -- you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody?”

In response, Trump said he’d be a dictator “on Day One.”

This is serious, Paul. When Donald Trump shows us who is, we should believe him.

Every $25 you can donate right now will help keep Donald Trump out of the White House. Pitch in here to help >>***

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

[  ] $25 >>
[  ] $50 >>
[  ] $75 >>
[  ] $100 >>
[  ] $125 >>
[✓] Other >>***

President Biden has said time and time again that Donald Trump is a threat to the future of our democracy. And it couldn’t be more true.

➡️ FIRST: Donald Trump attempted to overturn a free and fair election to stay in power.

➡️ THEN: He tried to overthrow the democratic institutions that Joe, Kamala, and Americans across the country have worked so hard to protect.

➡️ NOW: He’s promising to be a dictator on “Day One” if he returns to power.

We cannot let Trump back in the White House. Make another donation to the Biden-Harris campaign today and forward this email to your friends and family to make sure they see Trump’s comments.

Thanks for all that you do to stay engaged and fight for our future. The stakes for our democracy are too high to give up now.

Team Biden-Harris

"Every generation has a moment where they have had to stand up for democracy. To stand up for their fundamental freedoms. I believe this is ours." -- Joe Biden

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Donate to the Biden-Harris campaign today to help push back against MAGA extremism:

When you pitch in, you help us show that we can and will defeat MAGA Republicans in 2024.

Will you donate to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris's reelection campaign to make sure they can keep fighting for progress?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Joe Biden.

[  ] $25 →

[  ] $10 →

[  ] $46 →

[  ] $100 →

[  ] $250 →

[  ] $1,000 →

[  ] $2,000 →

[✓] Other $5.00

Please leave us a tip

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.35 (7%**)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Biden for President campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to make a contribution "to the Biden-Harris campaign today [as well to] forward this email to [my] friends and family to make sure they see Trump’s comments."

Thus, these three campaigns—Maxwell Frost for Congress, as well as Abigail Spanberger for Governor, in addition to Biden for President—are the political campaigns that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (December 13th, 2023)

**P.S.: I used to leave an $0.11 tip to ActBlue for my typical $3.00 donations to political campaigns; however, rather than tipping $0.11—like I usually do—I decided to try out a New & Improved "Add custom amount" tip of $0.75 with my political donation on November 17th, 2023 (please see my 'November 17th, 2023 Update No. 3,' which can be found above)! And, I ran the numbers on this new $0.75 tip amount (which is exactly 25% of $3.00) to see if it is "feasible for the foreseeable future" (say that three times fast!), or if I should revert back to the original $0.11 tip amount (which is exactly 3.6% of $3.00), or if I should still increase my political campaign donation tip amount to ActBlue—however, not by as much—to, say, $0.21 (which is exactly 7% of $3.00).

And so, my above-mentioned calculations are as follows: If I donate $3.00 per campaign and I add a tip to ActBlue of $0.75 (25% of $3.00), that means for every ten donations that I make—for example—it totals up to be $37.50! Now, if I make those same ten donations, but I add a tip to ActBlue of $0.21 (7% of $3.00), then it totals up to $32.10! Therefore, every ten donations that I make at the lower tip amount of $0.21 is a savings of $5.40! And, for me, $5.00 is usually the minimum amount that I donate for most all of my progressive and charitable donations. Thus, if you calculate that savings out for every one hundred donations—for example—that is a savings amount as follows:

If $3.75 per donation × 100 donations = $375.00 in total donations;

And if $3.21 per donation × 100 donations = $321.00 in total donations;

Then $375.00 in total donations at the higher tip amount - $321.00 in total donations at the lower tip amount = $54.00 in savings;

Therefore $54.00 in savings ÷ $5.00 which is my usual minimum donation amount = 10.8 progressive and charitable donations!


December 14th, 2023 Update No. 1: I received a text message today, December 14th, 2023, from Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) [by the way, "Médecins Sans Frontières" is French for "Doctors Without Borders"], which stated the following:

MATCH ALERT: Our last match of 2023. Make a DOUBLED gift to Doctors Without Borders and be a lifeline for people in crisis worldwide:***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Be a Lifeline. Match your gift and save lives.

At Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), our teams provide a lifeline to millions of patients experiencing war and conflict, disease outbreaks, natural disasters, and more. We treat any patient, regardless of their race, religion, ethnicity, or politics—but only with the generous support of our donors.

Right now, we’re matching every dollar you give up to $1 million thanks to a group of generous donors—but only until midnight on December 31.

With your help, MSF can be a lifeline for people caught in crisis around the world. You can be confident your matched gift will make an impact: 83 percent of every tax-deductible dollar you give to MSF goes directly towards our humanitarian programs.

Hurry! Make your MATCHED year-end gift so MSF can be a lifeline to patients in crisis in more than 70 countries.


All gifts given, up to $1,000,000, will be doubled through 11:59 p.m. on December 31—thanks to a generous group of donors. Every dollar you give will be matched with $1. Gifts received after the match has been met will not be matched but will be used where needed most.

And so, I made a one-time donation to Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in order to "make [my] MATCHED year-end gift so MSF can be a lifeline to patients in crisis in more than 70 countries." –Paul Whiting (December 14th, 2023)


December 14th, 2023 Update No. 2: I received an email from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) today, December 14th, 2023, with the subject line, "We were made for moments like this", which stated the following:


Will you donate to help us keep up the fight for our civil liberties in the new year?


Paul, with only a few weeks until the new year, we'll be honest: We're preparing for a tough 2024.

From expanding voting access before a major presidential election to protecting basic freedoms like abortion care, it's going to take a massive amount of resources to defend our civil liberties next year.

That's why our 48-Hour Flash Fund couldn't drop fast enough. So here's the deal: We're trying to raise $50,000 before 12/15 to ensure we can meet all the challenges for the year ahead. And our one question for you is: Can you help us get there in the next 48 hours with a gift today?


Paul, with all that's happening in the news cycle right now, please rest assured that the ACLU was made for moments like these. We've been leading every major fight for civil liberties for over 100 years. And we know how to win. But we need your help for the long year ahead.

Your support today will help us take states to court over their racist voter suppression laws. It will help us connect people facing criminal abortion charges with legal defense. It will help us defend our First Amendment rights as book bans sweep the nation. And it will protect LGBTQ equality, immigrants' rights, and more.

Your contribution today is especially important because December is one of our biggest fundraising moments. If we fall short of our Flash Fund goal, we'll have to make difficult budget cuts in the year to come.

Paul donating in the final weeks of 2023 is the best way to secure real progress in 2024. So can we count on you to help us reach our goal and continue to defend our civil liberties?

Thank you,

The ACLU Team


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU because "[they're] trying to raise $50,000 before 12/15 to ensure [the ACLU] can meet all the challenges for the year ahead." So, "[their] one question for [me] is: Can [I] help [the ACLU] get there in the next 48 hours with a gift today?" And my answer is: Yes! They can "count on [me] to help [the ACLU] reach [their] goal and continue to defend our civil liberties." –Paul Whiting (December 14th, 2023)


December 14th, 2023 Update No. 3: I received an email from Students Demand Action for Gun Sense in America today, December 14th, 2023, with the subject line, "Charlotte, Daniel, Olivia, Josephine, Dylan, Madeleine, Catherine, Chase, Jesse, Ana, James, Grace, Emilie, Jack, Noah, Caroline, Jessica, Avielle, Benjamin, Allison, Rachel, Dawn, Anne Marie, Lauren, Mary, Victoria", which stated the following:

For Gun Sense In America

Charlotte. Daniel. Olivia. Josephine. Dylan. Madeleine. Catherine. Chase. Jesse. Ana. James. Grace. Emilie. Jack. Noah. Caroline. Jessica. Avielle. Benjamin. Allison. Rachel. Dawn. Anne Marie. Lauren. Mary. Victoria.


Eleven years ago, the lives of 26 families were irrevocably changed at Sandy Hook Elementary School when a man armed with an assault weapon took the lives of 20 children and 6 adult staff.

Today, we remember the 20 children who should still be here and the brave educators who shouldn't have had to put their lives on the line for their students.

"Charlotte loved having her hair tied in 'piggies' with ribbons, pink frilly dresses, animals big and small, her large collection of stuffed dogs, and eating shrimp and Big Y fried chicken. At home, she loved playing and caring for the family pets, 'helping' her mom garden by picking flowers before their time, being tickled by her daddy, and trying to imitate and annoy her big brother."

"We miss [Jack's] huge smile, his giggles, and the excitement he brought to our life each and every day. We miss the mischievous grin on his face when he was caught eating snacks before dinner and the laughter in his voice while having a football pass in the driveway. We miss him more than words can say."

"Ana Grace was widely known for her enthusiastic love of God, people, music, food and fun. She instituted the house rule of 'seconds'. Her favorite seconds included second breakfast, second dessert, and second hugs... And she could out-groove just about anyone. A budding little musician, Ana wanted to be a teacher, dancer, or pop star when she grew up."

Take a moment today to read the rest of the victims' stories at My Sandy Hook Family.

[Blogger's Note: I read all of the stories at My Sandy Hook Family.]

In the years since the shooting at Sandy Hook, we've seen countless other devastating acts of violence—at schools, at the grocery store, in movie theaters, and houses of worship.

This fight is hard: We're up against the gun industry and its callous political allies, who offer only thoughts and prayers when children are gunned down in their own classrooms.

When I feel hopeless, I look to the survivors, families, and students who have turned their unfathomable pain, anger, and grief into action.

Because of them and you, what first seemed like a lost cause has become a strong movement. Together we have shifted the culture in our country by electing gun sense champions, flipping statehouses, passing life-saving gun laws, and holding the gun industry accountable.

We've put our communities on the path to a future free from gun violence.

And our work continues: we will not stop calling for meaningful action when 8 out of the 10 deadliest mass shootings in our country involved the use of an assault weapon, including Sandy Hook. Send a message to your lawmaker today and tell them to honor victims by banning assault weapons!


It's easy to feel despondent, but it's harder to channel that pain and anger into making our world better for future generations.

I'm inspired every day by the work of the brave student volunteers, and survivors who make up our movement and motivate me to keep going.

Thank you for being in this movement,

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
Students Demand Action

Students Demand Action is a grassroots volunteer network of Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund. As a movement of Americans fighting for common-sense gun policies, we depend on contributions from supporters like you to fund important work to reduce gun violence.

Contributions to Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund are not tax-deductible as a charitable contribution or as a business expense under IRC Section 162(e).

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, regarding signing a petition "telling Smith & Wesson to change its practices," which can be found below:

Tell Congress To Pass An Assault Weapons Ban Now

The cycle of gun violence is heartbreaking. We are left to remember countless lives that should still be here if it weren't for preventable acts of gun violence. And every time our country begins to heal from one avoidable mass shooting, we're faced with another horrific act of gun violence.

There's often a common thread in mass shootings: The shootings turned so deadly because of an assault weapon—a weapon invented for use on the battlefield, designed to kill as many people as possible as quickly as possible.

We shouldn't have to live like this—and we won't stand for inaction from our lawmakers any longer.

Send a message urging your U.S. Senators and Representative to pass an assault weapons ban now:

Dear Lawmaker,

I am writing to you as a constituent filled with grief, fear, and anger.

As we honor the victims of the countless acts of daily preventable gun violence in communities across the country, I am urging you to take action to ban assault weapons.

There's often a common thread in mass shootings: The shootings turned as deadly as they did because of an assault weapon—a weapon designed to kill as many people as possible as quickly as possible. We must pass an assault weapons ban.

Researchers estimate that if the federal law prohibiting assault weapons and high-capacity magazines had been in effect from 2005 through 2019, it would have prevented 30 mass shootings where four or more people were killed in a public location, ultimately resulting in 1,478 people being shot and killed or wounded.

Please, I'm urging you to prioritize public safety. Take action and save lives by passing an assault weapons ban now.

Complete the form to send your message now:

Prefix: Mr.
First name: Whiting
Last name: Paul
Email address: [redacted]
Street address: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
ZIP Code: [redacted]
Mobile phone: [redacted]


[  ] Yes
[✓] No


And so, I sent the message above to my U.S. Senators and Representative, via the Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund website, in order to "send a message to [my] lawmaker(s) today and tell them to honor victims by banning assault weapons!" Plus, I made a one-time donation to Students Demand Action for Gun Sense in America (via the Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund) because "eleven years ago, the lives of 26 families were irrevocably changed at Sandy Hook Elementary School when a man armed with an assault weapon took the lives of 20 children and 6 adult staff," so "today, we remember the 20 children who should still be here and the brave educators who shouldn't have had to put their lives on the line for their students." –Paul Whiting (December 14th, 2023)


December 14th, 2023 Update No. 4: I received an email from Mother Jones magazine today, December 14th, 2023, with the subject line, "The biggest announcement we’ve ever made", which stated the following:


Most of the news about the journalism business right now is grim.

Just this year, the United States has lost more than 2,600 journalism jobs, and more than 20,000 media jobs altogether; since the Great Recession in 2008, newsrooms have shrunk by at least half. It’s no coincidence that during this same time, disinformation and propaganda have come to dominate our politics, to the point where next year’s presidential election…well, honestly, we don’t need to tell you what’s at stake.

So it’s pretty urgent that we get some good news about holding the powerful and corrupt accountable. Today, we have some, and we wanted to be sure our community of readers hears it first: Mother Jones is growing!

We are joining forces with another storied nonprofit, The Center for Investigative Reporting (CIR), to become a stronger and more impactful newsroom that can deliver great, in-depth reporting on more platforms to millions more people.

You may well have encountered CIR through their terrific investigative radio show and podcast, Reveal, which is heard on 520 public radio stations nationwide. If you haven’t, you’re in for a treat—and for a sample, may we recommend the recent investigation ( our two newsrooms released together, where Mother Jones reporter [name redacted] exposed how for-profit hospitals turn foster kids into cash cows. Being able to not only read what she found, but directly hear the former foster kids who bravely spoke up about these abuses, is incredibly compelling.

[Blogger's Note: I read the Mother Jones' overview titled, "Listen to Our Investigation Into Foster Kids at Psychiatric Hospitals," in addition to listening to Reveal's podcast titled, "Cashing in on Troubled Teens." (WARNING: THIS PODCAST HAS CONTENT THAT MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME LISTENERS. LISTENER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!) Plus, I also made a one-time donation to The Center for Investigative Journalism, as mentioned in the podcast on their website:]

The work that MoJo [Mother Jones] and CIR produce is somewhat different but highly complementary—they do radio and podcasting; we are great at digital and print publishing and social media. They do documentary films that appear on Netflix; we tell video stories on TikTok and Instagram. But we share the most important thing: our mission to do deep, investigative, and revelatory journalism that reaches audiences everywhere in the country, in every age and demographic group, so that those who abuse their power can’t get away with it.

And let’s be clear: Neither Mother Jones nor Reveal is going away.

We’re getting stronger. We’ll continue to publish Mother Jones magazine and its website and social channels that together reach up to 8 million each month. We’ll keep producing Reveal, which is heard by more than 1 million people each week over the air, and via nearly 1 million podcast downloads each month. These two great brands complement each other; by putting them together, we can do more reporting, with less overhead.

And that’s critical right now. The digital revolution has forever changed how news is created, delivered, and paid for, and investigative journalism is at greatest risk. The few commercial news organizations that can still afford to produce this kind of in-depth, investigative reporting are increasingly turning to paywalls to make ends meet—an important business model, but one that makes the news harder to access for many people. Meanwhile, disinformation is plentiful and free.

Combined, Mother Jones and Reveal directly reach a monthly audience of 10 million, and millions more through partnerships around the country. Our goal is to keep growing that number, and especially to reach audiences who have not always been served by the nation’s traditional media. Young people, communities of color, and lower-income people have often not been well served by the news business. Because we’re a nonprofit, accountable to our readers and supporters and not to corporate owners or advertisers, we can put public service front and center.

So what does this mean in practice?

We will merge our two newsrooms into one, which can then put out great journalism through multiple platforms. Mother Jones magazine stays Mother Jones magazine, and the Reveal podcast and radio show remain Reveal. We also hope to build on Mother Jones’ video capability and CIR’s track record of making powerful television and documentaries (their most recent one, Victim/Suspect [], about how police often bully rape victims into retracting their charges, was the most watched documentary on Netflix when it launched last spring). Our expansive web and social media presence will bring it all to people no matter where they get their news.

[Blogger's Note: I also watched the preview of the Netflix documentary "Victim/Suspect" by The Center for Investigative Reporting (CIR) on YouTube. Here is the description from that video (with a hyperlink to the video below):

Victim/Suspect | Official Trailer | Netflix

Victim/Suspect chronicles journalist Rae de Leon’s investigation into a shocking nationwide pattern: Young women tell the police they’ve been sexually assaulted, but instead of finding justice, they’re charged with the crime of making a false report, arrested, and even imprisoned by the system they believed would protect them.]

Bottom line: We will continue doing journalism that you can’t find anywhere else—deep dives and investigations that are all too rare in today’s media landscape; coverage of underreported beats and overlooked stories; sharing unique perspectives and compelling voices that add something to the day’s news.

But we’re not just strengthening our own work.

Journalism everywhere is in crisis, especially as local news is collapsing, and a key part of our mission is to help other newsrooms build capacity for investigative reporting that can make a big impact. We will partner with local news organizations to help important stories get told, and share their work with a bigger audience.

It won’t be easy—nothing is in journalism! Over the last several months we have been poring over the numbers and working hard to raise the additional funds needed to make this transformation a reality. A lot of people and foundations stepped up, which gives us immense hope. And just like our journalistic strengths complement each other so well, so do our revenue models: With Mother Jones’ 50,000 donors and CIR’s long-standing support from foundations, it leads to more resilient and diverse funding.

It’s still going to be hard as hell to make it all work. But we are so excited, so grateful, so encouraged, and so ready to join forces with CIR, and with you, to strengthen journalism and democracy at this immensely consequential moment.

There will be much to keep you updated on as we go, but we wanted to be sure you heard the big news from us first. You can read more in our full post (, where you can also drop us a line with your thoughts, questions, or whatever’s on your mind—because none of this works without an engaged and awesome community of readers and listeners.

Thanks for reading, and for everything you do to make Mother Jones what it is—and what it’s becoming!

[Name redacted], [Title redacted]
[Name redacted], [Title redacted]

P.S. Help us celebrate the awesome news and kick-start a new chapter in journalism that isn’t dependent on shareholders or quarterly profits, but instead a community of supporters like you. Support Mother Jones and our new combined organization on the horizon with a much-needed year-end donation today.


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I made a one-time donation to Mother Jones magazine in order to "support Mother Jones and [their] new combined organization on the horizon with a much-needed year-end donation today." –Paul Whiting (December 14th, 2023)


December 15th, 2023 Update No. 1, Written On December 16th, 2023: I have consolidated the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

Therefore, I have combined every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is really starting to gear up and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The first political communication to which I responded yesterday, December 15th, 2023, was a text message from the Jane Fonda Climate PAC (Jane Fonda Climate Political Action Committee), which stated the following:

As we bid farewell to 2023, I want to express my deepest gratitude for your support of the Jane Fonda Climate PAC and share some reflections and key takeaways from this year with you.

We elected climate champions up and down the ballot in key states across the country, including in Virginia, where 13 of our 14 endorsed candidates won their State House and Senate Races.

I want to say a heartfelt thank you to all who contributed, volunteered, made phone calls, and invested their time to secure these victories.

We also helped organize the March to End Fossil Fuels, where more than 75,000 people took to the streets to demand our elected leaders make it a priority to transition away from fossil fuels.

This historic moment was only possible because of grassroots supporters like YOU.

Before the end of the year, will you contribute $10 to keep up our grassroots momentum and start 2024 off strong?***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Contribute to the Jane Fonda Climate PAC!

The Jane Fonda Climate PAC is driven by one mission: Do whatever it takes to defeat the political allies of the fossil fuel industry and save our planet.

Please invest in our work today! We rely on grassroots support to elect climate champions who will take a stand against the fossil fuel industry and work to reverse the harm they're inflicting on our planet.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Jane Fonda Climate PAC.

[  ] Donate $5 →

[  ] Donate $15 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $5,000 →

[✓] Other amount $5.00

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (4%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Jane Fonda Climate PAC (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, December 15th, 2023, in order to contribute "[$5] to keep up [their] grassroots momentum and start 2024 off strong," because "[in 2023 the Jane Fonda Climate PAC] elected climate champions up and down the ballot in key states across the country," and "[they] also helped organize the March to End Fossil Fuels, where more than 75,000 people took to the streets to demand our elected leaders make it a priority to transition away from fossil fuels."


The second political communication to which I responded yesterday, December 15th, 2023, was an email from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) with the subject line, "Subject line", which stated the following:



By entering the sweepstakes, you could win:


Travel to and from the Windy City


Hotel accommodations for the length of the convention


Two tickets to the 2024 Democratic National Convention

So, Paul, will we see you there?


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Donate for a chance to go to the 2024 Democratic National Convention in Chicago!

The 2024 Democratic National Convention will be held in Chicago - and if you donate now, you (and a friend) can have a chance to go.

That means you could get:
✌️two convention tickets
🛫 fully-covered travel expenses
💙 free hotel stay

Chip in to not only support the DNC's programs to elect Democrats up and down the ballot -- but also to be automatically entered to win a once-in-a-lifetime trip to the 2024 Convention.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Democratic National Committee (DNC).

[  ] $25 →

[  ] $10 →

[  ] $50 →

[  ] $100 →

[  ] $250 →

[  ] $1,000 →

[  ] $2,000 →

[✓] Other $1.00

Please leave us a tip

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[  ] Add custom amount

[✓] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DNC (without a tip to ActBlue) in order to enter for "a chance to go to the 2024 Democratic National Convention in Chicago!"

P.S.: The reason that I only donated $1.00 to the DNC is because I simply wanted to enter for a chance "to win a once-in-a-lifetime trip to the 2024 [Democratic National] Convention," so that is why I made a donation in the amount that I did.

Thus, these two organizations—the Jane Fonda Climate PAC, as well as the DNC—are the political organizations that I donated to yesterday! –Paul Whiting (written December 16th, 2023, revised December 17th, 2023 and revised April 17th, 2024)


December 17th, 2023 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses November 27th, 2023 Through December 1st, 2023: [CONTENT WARNING: THIS UPDATE CONTAINS ARTICLES WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!] This 'update' that I am writing today December 17th, 2023 is only from my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received via email for the time period of November 27th, 2023 through December 1st, 2023.

To begin with, I feel like I need to explain that I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

Therefore, I have NOT checked the news for about twenty one days, as of today, December 17th, 2023, because of how much blogging I have been doing. So, the last time that I checked the current news was November 26th, 2023!

You see, I try to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day, which usually starts with me reading Time Magazine articles that I select from one (or more) of their emails that I receive each day. However, because I have been so busy lately with "Online Activism," and also with the editing of my five blogs, I have only been keeping up with the news just by reading the titles of the Time articles that I receive from their daily emails—until I can actually get around to reading the articles from those emails that I highlight in these 'updates.'

And I usually provide a longer introduction to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which usually includes the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article.

However, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received for the time period of November 27th, 2023 through December 1st, 2023, when I noticed the following articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The following are the articles which I received twenty days ago, November 27th, 2023:

The first Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received twenty days ago) is titled, "AI and the Rise of Mediocrity":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received twenty days ago) is titled, "‘Authentic’ Is Merriam-Webster’s Word of 2023. Here’s Why–and What Other Words Came Close":


The third Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received twenty days ago) is titled, "Scenes of My People’s Painful Fight for Freedom in the West Bank": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The following are the articles which I received nineteen days ago, November 28th, 2023:

The fourth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received nineteen days ago) is titled, "Meta Knowingly Designed Its Platforms to Hook Kids, Reports Say":


The fifth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received nineteen days ago) is titled, "State Lawmakers and Activists Start Hunger Strike for Ceasefire in Gaza":


The sixth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received nineteen days ago) is titled, "What I Learned Investigating George Santos":


The following are the articles which I received eighteen days ago, November 29th, 2023:

The seventh Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received eighteen days ago) is titled, "How the U.S.-China Rivalry Is Putting the Internet at Risk":


The eighth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received eighteen days ago) is titled, "Why I Defend Israel": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The following are the articles which I received seventeen days ago, November 30th, 2023:

The ninth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received seventeen days ago) is titled, "Joe Biden Is Turning Out to Be America’s Most Pro-Israel President Ever":


The tenth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received seventeen days ago) is titled, "The Top 3 Issues Countries Will Tackle at COP28":


The following are the articles which I received sixteen days ago, December 1st, 2023:

The eleventh Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received sixteen days ago) is titled, "The Poster Child for AIDS Obscured as Much About the Crisis as He Revealed":


The twelfth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received sixteen days ago) is titled, "The COP28 Outcomes Business Leaders Are Watching For":


The thirteenth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received sixteen days ago) is titled, "Why the Major Drop in Veteran Homelessness Offers Hope for Others":


The fourteenth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received sixteen days ago) is titled, "The Ocean Is Our Best Chance to Survive Climate Change":

And I decided to highlight these articles from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written December 17th, 2023, revised December 19th, 2023, revised January 10th, 2024 and revised April 6th, 2024)


December 18th, 2023 Update No. 1: Christmas Day is seven days away from today, December 18th, 2023! And so, I decided to make one-time donations to charities who are helping the less fortunate, which includes local nonprofits who are helping homeless folks (Blanchet House of Hospitality, Portland Rescue Mission, Sisters of the Road and Union Gospel Mission), a nonprofit working to solve problems of hunger and poverty in the United States and around the world (No Kid Hungry), as well as a nonprofit that supports the mission of the United Nations World Food Programme to alleviate global hunger (United Nations World Food Program USA). –Paul Whiting (December 18th, 2023)


December 19th, 2023 Update No. 1: I received an email from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) today, December 19th, 2023, with the subject line, "8 victories in 2023", which stated the following:

8 Victories we celebrated in 2023 YouTube Video.


Paul –

This year, the ACLU continued our mission – scoring big wins to defend our civil rights and liberties. This work takes months and sometimes years of effort in courtrooms, legislatures, and communities – and with your support, we were able to achieve some heartening wins in 2023.

Here's a rundown from our experts on a few of these victories that you made happen.

These wins across the country will strengthen protections for our communities and our democracy. From the state level to the Supreme Court, we attained wins for us all.

[✓] Like in states such as Ohio, Virginia, and Pennsylvania, where the ACLU helped secure critical wins for abortion rights at the ballot box.

[✓] Or in Arkansas, where we prevailed in a critical case for trans youth, overturning a gender-affirming care ban.

[✓] Or our legal challenge in Nebraska to defend an Indigenous student's right to wear tribal regalia at her graduation – and so much more.

Join our lawyers and the whole team as we lookback in our video today and thank you for all you did to make this year's progress happen.


The ACLU Team

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced YouTube video. Here is the description from that video (with a hyperlink to the video below):

8 Victories We Celebrated in 2023


This year, the ACLU continued our defense against challenges to our civil rights and liberties — but we also enjoyed some heartening victories. This advocacy is hard-fought and lasts months, if not years. But we persist in courts, legislatures, and communities, and this persistence pays off. Here are a few of the many wins we saw this year during our enduring fight for our rights.

[Blogger's Note: I watched the ACLU's video on YouTube titled, "8 Victories We Celebrated in 2023."]

So, I wanted to share this email from the ACLU in order to show my support for the YouTube video "8 Victories We Celebrated in 2023." –Paul Whiting (written December 19th, 2023, revised January 1st, 2024 and revised January 9th, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, I used to make one-time donations to the organization that is the subject of these 'updates' each time that I took an action as requested by that organization; however, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am really 'tightening my belt,' so to speak, with regard to all of the donations that I am making on my credit card each month! My plan is to only donate to political, progressive and charitable organizations if they specifically ask for donations—and not just for the sake of donating to them at least once per month, or even when I have been taking some sort of action, such as signing a petition, or sending a letter, etc. Thus, I am trying to greatly reduce the number of donations that I make to simply once in a while, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis! You see, there are a lot of organizations that I literally donate to only once per year—such as for Giving Tuesday—which is all that I ever donate to them. And that is basically what I am striving for, so that I am still donating to political, progressive and charitable organizations, but the bare minimum that I can donate, since that's all I can really afford." [Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 4, Written On December 1st, 2023 About November 2023 (that also appears as 'November 30th, 2023 Update No. 2, Written On December 1st, 2023' on some of my blogs), which can be found above.]


December 19th, 2023 Update No. 2, Which Also Discusses December 2nd, 2023 Through December 6th, 2023: [CONTENT WARNING: THIS UPDATE CONTAINS ARTICLES WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!] This 'update' that I am writing today December 19th, 2023 is only from my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received via email for the time period of December 2nd, 2023 through December 6th, 2023.

To begin with, I feel like I need to explain that I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

Therefore, I have NOT checked the news through Google searches for quite a long time because of how much blogging I have been doing lately. So, the last time that I checked the current news via Google searches was November 26th, 2023!

You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day, which used to start with me reading Time Magazine articles that I selected from one (or more) of their emails that I received each day. However, because I have been so busy lately with "Online Activism," and also with the editing of my five blogs, I have only been keeping up with the news just by reading the titles of the Time articles that I receive from their daily emails—until I can actually get around to reading the articles from those emails that I highlight in these 'updates.'

That is why I have decided to simply go with this trend of just reading the titles of the Time articles that I receive from their daily emails until I have the time to check the news via Google searches, like used to do!

Although, given the volume of news lately, I may decide to keep up with the news through email notifications only. To that end, I have recently signed up to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe in order for me to stay informed about what's happening in the world. Thus, I already receive these types of emails from Time Magazine—as mentioned above—but I am also checking the news just by reading the article titles from the other news organizations to which I subscribe in addition to Time Magazine. Therefore, if I highlight any of those articles, as well, I will let you know through 'updates' such as this one.

And I used to provide longer introductions to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which included the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received for the time period of December 2nd, 2023 through December 6th, 2023, when I noticed the following articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The following is the article which I received sixteen days ago, December 2nd, 2023:

The first Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received sixteen days ago) is titled, "How Shabbat Brings Israel Together":


The following are the articles which I received fifteen days ago, December 3rd, 2023:

The second Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received fifteen days ago) is titled, "The Vote to Expel George Santos Should Not Have Been That Close":


The third Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received fifteen days ago) is titled, "We Can’t Address the Climate Crisis Without Nature":


The fourth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received fifteen days ago) is titled, "AI Should Complement Humans at Work, Not Replace Them, TIME Panelists Say":


The following are the articles which I received fourteen days ago, December 4th, 2023:

The fifth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received fourteen days ago) is titled, "It’s Time to Scrap the Abraham Accords":


The sixth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received fourteen days ago) is titled, "AI’s Influence on Music Is Raising Some Difficult Questions":


The following is the article which I received thirteen days ago, December 5th, 2023:

The seventh Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received thirteen days ago) is titled, "Slang Term ‘Rizz’ Is the Oxford University Press Word of the Year":


The following are the articles which I received twelve days ago, December 6th, 2023:

The eighth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received twelve days ago) is titled, "The Nation Builders": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The ninth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received twelve days ago) is titled, "There Are More Fossil Fuel Lobbyists Than Ever at COP28":

And I decided to highlight these articles from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written December 19th, 2023, revised December 20th, 2023, revised January 5th, 2024, revised January 10th, 2024 and revised April 6th, 2024)


December 20th, 2023 Update No. 1: I have consolidated the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

Therefore, I have combined every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is really starting to gear up and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The only political communication to which I responded was a text message today, December 20th, 2023, from the Carl Marlinga for Congress (Marlinga for Congress) campaign, which stated the following:

Friend, I'm Carl Marlinga and I'm running for Congress in MI-10.

Last year, pundits called our race the third closest House race in the country. It was my first time running against rising MAGA star, John James, and they said I didn't stand a chance.

But folks, I came up short by only 1,600 votes and defied everyone's expectations with the help of a strong grassroots team. Now, they're predicting that this cycle will be just as close with my opponent being one of the most vulnerable Republicans up for re-election.

We set a big $20,000 end-of-year goal to flip this battleground district, and I'll need your help. Can you rush a $5 contribution to defeat John James and make sure we have the resources to take back MI-10?***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:



Our race was the third closest House race in the country — and political pundits are already predicting this cycle could be just as close.

Democrats cannot take back the House majority without flipping MI-10 blue, and we know Carl will once again be a top target for national Republicans.

Will you chip in $25 or any amount to become a Founding Donor to our campaign?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Carl Marlinga.

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[  ] Donate $3,300 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Carl Marlinga for Congress (Marlinga for Congress) campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to "become a Founding Donor to [Carl Marlinga's] campaign [for Congress]."

Thus, this one campaign—Carl Marlinga for Congress (Marlinga for Congress)—is the political campaign that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written December 20th, 2023 and revised April 17th, 2024)


December 20th, 2023 Update No. 2, Which Also Discusses December 7th, 2023 Through December 11th, 2023: [CONTENT WARNING: THIS UPDATE CONTAINS ARTICLES WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!] This 'update' that I am writing today, December 20th, 2023, is only from my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received via email for the time period of December 7th, 2023 through December 11th, 2023.

To begin with, I feel like I need to explain that I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

Therefore, I have NOT checked the news through Google searches for quite a long time because of how much blogging I have been doing lately. So, the last time that I checked the current news via Google searches was November 26th, 2023!

You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day, which used to start with me reading Time Magazine articles that I selected from one (or more) of their emails that I received each day. However, because I have been so busy lately with "Online Activism," and also with the editing of my five blogs, I have only been keeping up with the news just by reading the titles of the Time articles that I receive from their daily emails—until I can actually get around to reading the articles from those emails that I highlight in these 'updates.'

That is why I have decided to simply go with this trend of just reading the titles of the Time articles that I receive from their daily emails until I have the time to check the news via Google searches, like used to do!

Although, given the volume of news lately, I may decide to keep up with the news through email notifications only. To that end, I have recently signed up to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe in order for me to stay informed about what's happening in the world. Thus, I already receive these types of emails from Time Magazine—as mentioned above—but I am also checking the news just by reading the article titles from the other news organizations to which I subscribe in addition to Time Magazine. Therefore, if I highlight any of those articles, as well, I will let you know through 'updates' such as this one.

And I used to provide longer introductions to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which included the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received for the time period of December 7th, 2023 through December 11th, 2023, when I noticed the following articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The following are the articles which I received thirteen days ago, December 7th, 2023:

The first Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received thirteen days ago) is titled, "How Authoritarian Regimes Go After Journalists Beyond Their Borders":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received thirteen days ago) is titled, "What to Know About the Texas Woman Who Sued the State to Get an Abortion":


The third Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received thirteen days ago) is titled, "Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to Resign From Congress":


The fourth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received thirteen days ago) is titled, "Gazans Have Nowhere Left to Flee":


The fifth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received thirteen days ago) is titled, "These Are the Biggest Moments From the Fourth Republican Debate":


The following are the articles which I received twelve days ago, December 8th, 2023:

The sixth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received twelve days ago) is titled, "The 3 Myths Propping Up the Fossil Fuel Industry":


The seventh Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received twelve days ago) is titled, "America’s War on Drugs Has Always Been Bipartisan—and Unwinnable":


The eighth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received twelve days ago) is titled, "Palestinian Journalists Offer a Rare Glimpse Into Life in Gaza. But for How Long?": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The following are the articles which I received eleven days ago, December 9th, 2023:

The ninth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received eleven days ago) is titled, "The White House’s Latest Move to Rein in Drug Prices":


The tenth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received eleven days ago) is titled, "With the Israel-Hamas Ceasefire Over, Agony Continues for Hostage Families": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The eleventh Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received eleven days ago) is titled, "Finding Common Ground Between Israelis and Palestinians": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The following are the articles which I received ten days ago, December 10th, 2023:

The twelfth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received ten days ago) is titled, "COP28 Is a Business Bonanza. Should It Be?":


The thirteenth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received ten days ago) is titled, "Hanukkah and the Miracle of Resistance":


The following are the articles which I received nine days ago, December 10th, 2023:

The fourteenth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received nine days ago) is titled, "Bidenomics Is Real Economics":


The fifteenth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received nine days ago) is titled, "From Barbie to the Israel-Hamas War, These Are the Top Google Searches of 2023":


The sixteen Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received nine days ago) is titled, "E.U. Reaches Deal on World’s First Comprehensive AI Rules":

And I decided to highlight these articles from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written December 20th, 2023, revised January 5th, 2024, revised January 10th, 2024 and revised April 6th, 2024)


December 21st, 2023 Update No. 1: Christmas Day is four days away from today, December 21st, 2023! So, I decided to make one-time donations to various organizations for their year-end or matching-donations fundraising campaigns, including "a living memorial to the Holocaust, [which] inspires citizens and leaders worldwide to confront hatred, prevent genocide, and promote human dignity" (the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum), "a global organization dedicated to saving lives and protecting the rights of refugees, forcibly displaced communities and stateless people" [United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (USA for UNHCR)], "the lead United Nations sexual and reproductive health and rights agency" [USA for UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund)], and "a national family-run nonprofit charity dedicated to raising awareness about 'fentapills' — fake pills made of fentanyl" (Song for Charlie).

And I was inspired to make these donations by the following sources:

1. An email that I received from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum today, December 21st, 2023, which is asking me to "please make [my] year-end, tax-deductible donation to the Museum today."

2. An email that I received from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (USA for UNHCR) today, December 21st, 2023, which is letting me know that "for the next three days, [my] gift will go TWICE as far to help displaced families this winter."

3. A text message that I received today, December 21st, 2023, from USA for UNFPA (formerly known as the 'United Nations Fund for Population Activities' that is now called the 'United Nations Population Fund'), which is asking me to "please rush a donation before [their] Year-End deadline on December 31st."

4. An email that I received from Song for Charlie today, December 21st, 2023, which, in part, is letting me know that "Song for Charlie’s Board of Directors is matching dollar-for-dollar all donations made between now and December 31."

–Paul Whiting (December 21st, 2023)


December 21st, 2023 Update No. 2: I received an email from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) today, December 21st, 2023, with the subject line, "5 top priorities in 2024", which stated the following:

In 2024, we're fighting rights, abortion access, trans justice, free speech, immigrant rights, all of our rights!

Paul, we've got a big year ahead of us.

From the election next November to the fight for abortion rights and trans justice, the ACLU is ready to keep showing up for all of our rights in the new year.

As we countdown to the new year, we're also counting the many crucial fights ahead. Here's a rundown on just five of our key priorities for the new year – and what you can expect as we keep up the fight to protect our civil liberties.


With another election year just around the corner, our year-round work to protect voters is more crucial than ever.

Our lawyers are continuing to fight for fair maps in court – and in states like Louisiana, Alabama, and Georgia, where we've already overturned unconstitutional and discriminatory maps, we'll be paying attention to make sure the new maps accurately represent us all.

Meanwhile, we'll continue pushing to expand voting access – countering voter suppression efforts in state legislatures across the country while advocating for federal voting rights legislation.


Just last week, the Supreme Court announced that it will hear a case that could have devastating effects on our ability to access medication abortion.

Anti-abortion groups are trying to use this case to take mifepristone off the shelves in all 50 states – even though over 5 million people have already safely used this medication in the over 20 years since the FDA first approved it.

We're keeping a close eye on this case while we continue our work challenging bans on abortion in states like Ohio and Georgia. And, in states where abortion could be on the ballot, we'll organize communities at the grassroots level to ensure every single person has the ability to make their own decisions about their body.


As state legislative sessions start up around the country, we're keeping a close eye on any attempts to restrict the rights of transgender people to access necessary health care and live their lives free of discrimination.

And while our policy team watchdogs state legislatures, our legal team is busy at work filing lawsuits to protect transgender students and ensure access to gender-affirming care for minors. We're waiting to hear from the Supreme Court on a case we filed in Tennessee and will continue to fight for trans rights at every level.


In November, we sued to stop the State University System of Florida from banning a Palestinian rights student group just for exercising its First Amendment rights.

Free speech is a foundational value in America that protects us from viewpoint-based censorship or discrimination. That includes advocacy for Palestine, Israel, or any population, movement, or cause. The work to protect this core right will always be a top priority at ACLU, and we will continue to push back against all forms of unconstitutional censorship.


We're countering harmful anti-immigration policies, like the recently passed Texas bill that allows state and local law enforcement to arrest and detain people over suspicions on immigration status. The bill would authorize judges to order people deported without due process, and opens the door to racial profiling, harassment, and unlawful discrimination.

We'll keep up the pressure to end these harmful, unconstitutional policies, and shut down any further attempts to threaten immigrants' rights.

Paul, again, these are only some of the many plans we have in store for 2024 ( We're so grateful to the lawyers, activists, organizers, and supporters like you who fuel this work in all 50 states, D.C., and Puerto Rico – and as we look to the new year, we continue our pledge to always show up to protect all our rights.

The change we're fighting for is major but necessary. In this fight for our civil liberties, we're glad to have you with us.

Thanks for all you do,

The ACLU Team


And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, regarding the plans that the ACLU has in store for 2024, a brief introduction to which can be found below, which also includes some of the text from the ACLU's year-end fundraising goal donation request that appears at the top of the webpage:

Looking to the Future: 2024 at the ACLU

As 2023 draws to a close, we’re reflecting on crucial wins and our ongoing advocacy for civil liberties and civil rights. We’re also looking to the work ahead that will determine whether rights around the country are diminished or expanded. With the 2024 election on the horizon, we will see new challenges to reproductive freedom, trans rights, voting rights, and the many other constitutional freedoms we work so hard to protect. Our work has never felt more critical. Here are a few places we’ll be focusing our energy and expertise in the new year. ...

[Blogger's Note: I read the ACLU's News & Commentary article titled, "Looking to the Future: 2024 at the ACLU."]


As we head into 2024, our work in courts, legislatures, and communities can’t wait. Help reach our $1 million year-end fundraising goal with a gift that goes directly to the fight for voting rights, reproductive freedom, trans rights, and more.

Donations to the ACLU are not tax-deductible.

1. Amount

Select donation type

[✓] One-time

[  ] Monthly

A monthly gift helps us respond to urgent threats and plan ahead.

Enter an amount to give $5.00

[✓] Sign up for ACLU emails to stay informed and take action to protect people's rights.

Choose payment method

[✓] Credit Card

2. Contact

First Name: Paul

Last Name: Whiting

Email: [redacted]

3. Billing

ZIP/Postal Code: [redacted]

Address: [redacted]

Address Line 2 (optional): [redacted]

City: [redacted]

State/Province: [redacted]

Country: [redacted]

And, after I read the article above, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU in order to help them reach their "$1 million year-end fundraising goal with a gift that goes directly to the fight for voting rights, reproductive freedom, trans rights, and more." –Paul Whiting (written December 21st, 2023 and revised December 22nd, 2023)


December 21st, 2023 Update No. 3: I received an email from Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America today, December 21st, 2023, with the subject line, "Thank the volunteers who power our movement: What these change-makers are accomplishing is nothing short of life-saving.", which stated the following:


In 2023, we made our movement even stronger.

This year marked my first year as [title redacted] of Moms Demand Action, and I'm proud that we've welcomed more volunteers and supporters to our movement than ever before. Our inclusive grassroots coalition of Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action volunteers, survivors, community leaders, and supporters like you is now more than 10 million strong: an undeniable force for change in the fight against gun violence.

Our efforts are paying off. In statehouses across the country, we helped pass a record-breaking 130 gun safety policies while also blocking 95 percent of the gun lobby's dangerous agenda. We made gun safety a winning issue at the ballot box, and cheered on 162 Moms Demand Action volunteers who ran for office. The majority of volunteers who ran declared victory, and will soon be taking the next step in their advocacy, from fighting for stronger gun laws to writing them.

Students Demand Action volunteers are change-makers for a generation that is bearing the brunt of our gun violence crisis. Our young leaders inspire me with every action they take, from mobilizing after a school shooting to rallying outside the U.S. Supreme Court to starting gun industry divestment campaigns on their college campuses.

The work our volunteers do is nothing short of life-saving. And as we head into a crucial election year, it's important to make sure our Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action volunteers know how much their continued efforts matter. Let the volunteers who power this movement know why you're thankful for them: Send a thank you note today.

Send a Thank You Note***

Thanks to dedicated volunteers and supporters like you, our movement is now stronger than ever. And we're ready to take on the battles ahead together.

Thank you for being with us,

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
Moms Demand Action

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America is a grassroots volunteer network of Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund. As a movement of Americans fighting for common-sense gun policies, we depend on contributions from supporters like you to fund important work to reduce gun violence.

Contributions to Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund are not tax-deductible as a charitable contribution or as a business expense under IRC Section 162(e).

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:

Send A Thank You Note To Our Volunteers

The work our volunteers have done throughout 2023 has been nothing short of life-saving. Our volunteers made gun safety a winning issue at the ballot box, ran for office themselves, flipped state legislatures, passed a record-breaking number of state laws promoting gun safety, and took on the gun lobby's extremist agenda.

And they're not stopping there: in the year ahead, Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action volunteers will fight to elect gun sense champions up and down the ballot. They will continue to call on lawmakers to close dangerous loopholes in gun laws, expand background checks, and ban assault weapons.

In this season of giving, we invite you to let our volunteers know how much we appreciate what they give to this movement. Tell our dedicated Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action volunteers why you're thankful for them: Send a thank you note today.

Complete the form to send your thank you note now:

First name: Paul Last name: Whiting Email address: [redacted] ZIP Code: [redacted] Mobile phone: [redacted]

Write your thank you note!

I truly appreciate how much time, energy and effort all of you are devoting to help end the gun violence epidemic in America. THANK YOU!

So, I wanted to share this email from Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America in order to "make sure [the] Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action volunteers know how much their continued efforts matter." –Paul Whiting (written December 21st, 2023, revised December 22nd, 2023 and revised January 1st, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, I used to make one-time donations to the organization that is the subject of these 'updates' each time that I took an action as requested by that organization; however, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am greatly reducing the number of times that I donate for the same organization per month down to once—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis." (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.) Thus, because I have already donated to Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund (for Students Demand Action for Gun Sense in America) on December 14th, 2023 (please see my 'December 14th, 2023 Update No. 3,' which can be found above) that is the one-time donation which I made to Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund for December 2023.


December 21st, 2023 Update No. 4: I have consolidated the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

Therefore, I have combined every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is really starting to gear up and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The only political communication to which I responded was an email from the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC) today, December 21st, 2023, with the subject line, "Ten days.", which stated the following:

A project of the DLCC

Paul, we’ve got ten days to raise $150,000. That’s ten days to raise the funds that will help…

📣Elevate our messaging
🗳️Mobilize voters
📋Train volunteers
💰Invest in competitive races
…and so much more.

We can’t afford to fall short. We have over a dozen special elections on the books and we need to be ready to compete in every race. The GOP is looking for any sign of weakness ahead of these all-important elections, and missing our fundraising goal would play right into their hands.

Will you rush a 7X-matched $50 gift right now to help hit our end-of-year fundraising goal to elect state Dems and show the GOP that we’re NOT backing down?

If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will process immediately:

[  ] Chip in $50 ($350 impact!)
[  ] Chip in $100 ($700 impact!)
[  ] Chip in $250 ($1750 impact!)
[  ] Chip in $1000 ($7000 impact!)
[✓] Chip in another amount »***

If we fall short of our end-of-year goal, we may not have the resources in place to compete against our extreme opponents and win. So we’re calling on you:

Rush a 7X-impact gift of $50 right now to elect state Democrats and defeat extreme Republicans in state legislative races nationwide »

Let's do this.



***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Match Active: Have 7X the impact!

Your grassroots donation will help provide state Democrats with the resources, staff, and technology to win elections at the state level but it all depends on your support. Give now to have SEVEN TIMES the impact!

Can you chip in today?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee.

[  ] Donate $10 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $5.00

Please leave us a tip

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue Technical Services is a nonprofit that builds the fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.35 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DLCC (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to "rush a 7X-impact gift of [$5] right now to elect state Democrats and defeat extreme Republicans in state legislative races nationwide."

Thus, this one organization—the DLCC—is the political organization that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written December 21st, 2023, revised January 7th, 2024 and revised April 17th, 2024)


December 21st, 2023 Update No. 5, Which Also Discusses December 12th, 2023 Through December 16th, 2023: [CONTENT WARNING: THIS UPDATE CONTAINS ARTICLES WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!] This 'update' that I am writing today, December 21st, 2023, is only from my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received via email for the time period of December 12th, 2023 through December 16th, 2023.

To begin with, I feel like I need to explain that I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

Therefore, I have NOT checked the news through Google searches for quite a long time because of how much blogging I have been doing lately. So, the last time that I checked the current news via Google searches was November 26th, 2023!

You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day, which used to start with me reading Time Magazine articles that I selected from one (or more) of their emails that I received each day. However, because I have been so busy lately with "Online Activism," and also with the editing of my five blogs, I have only been keeping up with the news just by reading the titles of the Time articles that I receive from their daily emails—until I can actually get around to reading the articles from those emails that I highlight in these 'updates.'

That is why I have decided to simply go with this trend of just reading the titles of the Time articles that I receive from their daily emails until I have the time to check the news via Google searches, like used to do!

Although, given the volume of news lately, I may decide to keep up with the news through email notifications only. To that end, I have recently signed up to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe in order for me to stay informed about what's happening in the world. Thus, I already receive these types of emails from Time Magazine—as mentioned above—but I am also checking the news just by reading the article titles from the other news organizations to which I subscribe in addition to Time Magazine. Therefore, if I highlight any of those articles, as well, I will let you know through 'updates' such as this one.

And I used to provide longer introductions to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which included the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received for the time period of December 12th, 2023 through December 16th, 2023, when I noticed the following articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The following are the articles which I received nine days ago, December 12th, 2023:

The first Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received nine days ago) is titled, "Celebrating Hanukkah in the Face of Antisemitism":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received nine days ago) is titled, "Zelensky’s Hasty Visit Shows How MAGA Republicans Have Captured US Foreign Policy":


The third Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received nine days ago) is titled, "Israel and U.S. Face Growing Isolation as Deadly War in Gaza Continues With No End in Sight": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The following are the articles which I received eight days ago, December 13th, 2023:

The fourth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received eight days ago) is titled, "How the Endangered Species Act Saved America":


The fifth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received eight days ago) is titled, "The Horrors I’ve Seen Treating Patients at Gaza’s Remaining Hospitals": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The sixth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received eight days ago) is titled, "Exclusive: Conversion Therapy Is Still Happening in Almost Every U.S. State":


The seventh Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received eight days ago) is titled, "COP28 Ends With Historic Deal to ‘Transition Away’ From Planet-Warming Fossil Fuels":


The eighth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received eight days ago) is titled, "Biden Reaffirms Support for Ukraine, but Issues a Warning to Israel":


The ninth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received eight days ago) is titled, "Why America Still Doesn’t Have Fast Trains":


The following are the articles which I received seven days ago, December 14th, 2023:

The tenth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received seven days ago) is titled, "The National Remorse That Follows Wartime Actions Against Civilians":


The eleventh Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received seven days ago) is titled, "U.S. Is Called Out Over Voting Against Gaza Ceasefire During the U.N. General Assembly": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The twelfth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received seven days ago) is titled, "For Trafficking Victims Forced to Scam Others, the Nightmare Continues Even After Escape": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT HUMAN TRAFFICKING WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The thirteenth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received seven days ago) is titled, "Was COP28 a Success or Flop? Depends Who You Ask":


The following is the article which I received six days ago, December 15th, 2023:

The fourteenth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received six days ago) is titled, "I Saw the Haunting Reality of Palestinian Child Prisoners": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT CHILD IMPRISONMENT WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The following is the article which I received five days ago, December 16th, 2023:

The fifteenth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received five days ago) is titled, "The Government Finally Did Something About Robocalls":

And I decided to highlight these articles from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written December 21st, 2023, revised January 5th, 2024, revised January 10th, 2024 and revised April 6th, 2024)


For my "December 22nd, 2023 Update No. 1"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

December 22nd, 2023 Update No. 1: Christmas Day is three days away from today, December 22nd, 2023! And I received an email from the USO (United Service Organizations) today, December 22nd, 2023, with the subject line, "Help our troops feel a touch of warmth this holiday season."


★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Help our troops feel a touch of
warmth this holiday season

Show your support today!

Your Name Here:


Paul: Right now, as we’re all preparing to embrace the warmth of the holiday season with our families, thousands of troops deployed around the world are facing another day away from their homes and loved ones.

We know that you don’t want them to feel forgotten this holiday season — so we hope you’ll also take the time to share some warmth with our service members by thanking them for the selfless sacrifices they make for us.

Please, Paul: Will you sign our holiday card for our troops now? We need you to add your name before midnight on Sunday to reach our goal of obtaining 100,000 signatures through emails and text messages to thank our troops for serving in some of the world’s harshest, most dangerous places this winter.


Thank you for standing with our troops this holiday season.

Team USO

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below: ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "December 22nd, 2023 Update No. 1":


December 22nd, 2023 Update No. 2: I have consolidated the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

Therefore, I have combined every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is really starting to gear up and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The first political communication that I responded to today was an email that I forwarded today, December 22nd, 2023, from my previous email account (that I no longer use, but I still frequently check) from the Josh Harder for Congress campaign that I received yesterday, December 21st, 2023, with the subject line, "Introducing myself", which stated, in part, the following:

From: Josh Harder [email redacted]
Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2023 9:10 AM
To: Paul Whiting [email redacted]
Subject: Introducing myself

Josh Harder for Congress

Hi there,

My name is Josh Harder - I’m a husband, a new dad, and the democratic Congressman from California’s 9th district, one of the most competitive races in the country. ...

I wanted to reach out to introduce myself and tell you a bit why my race is so important for Democrats to win back the House from MAGA extremists. (If you want to chip in to help us win this critical race, I’ll leave a link here.)***

Here’s why you should care:

1. I was first elected in the Blue Wave when Democrats won SEVEN seats in California to take back the House. Today, there are only two of us running for re-election. We can win enough seats in California alone to take back the House, but we have to stop the GOP from making inroads.

2. Speaker Mike Johnson has put me at the top of his target list for 2024 because he knows my seat is going to determine the balance of power in Congress next year. It’s all going to come down to what happens in this race.

3. The GOP negative attacks have already started against me - on TV and online. Including one where they call me an “extreme” Democrat for voting to protect Social Security and Medicare. (The truth is, I’m fighting against extremists like Donald Trump and Marjorie Taylor Greene.)

4. Now, a GOP opponent has jumped into the race and it’s only a matter of time before corporate money starts flooding the airwaves. Meanwhile, I’m one of the few members of Congress who refuses corporate PAC money - because my vote is not for sale.

That’s why I’m reaching out to introduce myself and ask for your support today. Would you be able to chip in anything you can to help us win one of the most important races in the country and help me continue fighting for you in Congress?

If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your payment will go through immediately:

[  ] DONATE $10 →
[  ] DONATE $25 →
[  ] DONATE $50 →
[  ] DONATE $100 →
[  ] DONATE $250 →

This could be the most important election of our lifetimes, and I’m so incredibly thankful to welcome you to my team. We can do this!

- Josh

You are receiving this email because Congressman Josh Harder is one of our last lines of defense to protect our democracy against MAGA extremists like Donald Trump and Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Your early investment and support is critical so we can build the grassroots movement we need to win in 2024. Our race will be competitive and Josh doesn't take a dime of corporate PAC money, so please chip in now to our campaign.


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:



Josh is facing a new GOP opponent! We have to defend this seat if we're going to have any chance to take back the House from MAGA extremists like Marjorie Taylor Greene next year.

So, will you please rush in a donation to help us defend Josh and keep this seat blue?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Josh Harder.

[  ] Donate $10 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[  ] Donate $3,300 →

[✓] Other Amount $3.00

Please leave us a tip

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Josh Harder for Congress campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) because "the GOP negative attacks have already started against [Josh Harder] - on TV and online. Including one where they call [him] an “extreme” Democrat for voting to protect Social Security and Medicare." That is why I contributed to the Josh Harder for Congress campaign since "[Josh is] one of the few members of Congress who refuses corporate PAC money - because [his] vote is not for sale."


The second political communication to which I responded was an email from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) today, December 22nd, 2023, with the subject line, "re: your 12/22/23 invitation...", which stated the following:

Hey Paul -- It's [name redacted], the [title redacted] here at the DSCC. I've got some BIG news: We've selected YOU to represent Oregon in a Democratic Strategy Interview for today, 12/22/23.

Only a select few of our most committed grassroots Democrats were chosen for this incredible opportunity, so you have a rare chance to help shape our vital 2024 Senate strategy and defeat Republicans next year!

Today's survey closes at 11:59 PM, and we won't have a complete dataset without your response! So please, click this personal link to enter your Democratic Strategy Interview by taking the survey now:***


**NOTE: Please do not share this link with anyone, as it may corrupt our data**

Thank you for being a part of this team,

[Name redacted], DSCC

* If you've recently responded or done so with a different email address, thank you! Online records may not be up to date, but don't worry -- your responses have been recorded.

Chip in $5 monthly to defend the Senate

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

Strategy Group | DO NOT SHARE

[Blogger's Note: I am sharing my responses to this survey, because the email above stated, "Please do not share this link with anyone..." (Emphasis mine.) Thus, I did not share the survey link, "as it may corrupt (the DSCC's) data."]

Congratulations, you're in! Now, please read each question carefully and take as much time as you need.

Which issues do you want the Biden administration and Democrats to prioritize? (Select your three top priorities.)

[  ] Foreign Relations
[  ] The Economy
[  ] Health Care
[✓] Reproductive Rights
[  ] Climate Change
[✓] Gun Safety
[  ] Education
[  ] Immigration Reform
[✓] Voting Rights
[  ] Criminal Justice
[  ] Job Creation
[  ] Higher Education
[  ] Other:

[Blogger's Note: The reason I selected 'Reproductive Rights,' 'Gun Safety' and 'Voting Rights' as the "issues [that I] want the Biden administration and Democrats to prioritize" is because the Republicans seem to be attacking those issues the most in their ongoing culture wars against "The United States of 'Woke' America."]

Which of President Biden and Democrats' accomplishments should Democrats make sure to highlight in the upcoming elections? (Select your top three choices.)

[  ] Passing a historic infrastructure bill
[  ] Investing billions in fighting climate change
[  ] Confirming a record number of federal judges, including Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson
[  ] Capping life-saving insulin for millions of seniors at $35/month
[✓] Creating millions of new jobs
[✓] Standing up to attacks on voting rights and reproductive freedom
[✓] Confronting global threats to peace and security
[  ] Other:

[Blogger's Note: The reason I selected 'Creating millions of new jobs,' 'Standing up to attacks on voting rights and reproductive freedom' and 'Confronting global threats to peace and security' as "President Biden and Democrats' accomplishments [that] Democrats [should] make sure to highlight in the upcoming elections" is because, under President Biden's leadership, the economy is strong, voting rights and reproductive freedom are both improving, and global threats to peace and security are under thoughtful and experienced control, as much as humanly possible under very difficult circumstances.]

Which of the GOP's dangerous plans do you think are most important for Democrats to highlight in the upcoming elections? (Select your top three choices.)

[  ] McConnell seeking to block President Biden's judicial nominees
[  ] Republicans trying to stop every piece of President Biden's agenda
[✓] A potential government shutdown caused by far-right, ultra-MAGA Republicans
[✓] A nationwide abortion ban
[  ] Massive cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid
[✓] Extreme voting restrictions, attacks on vote-by-mail, and election subversion
[  ] More book bans, disturbing anti- LGBTQ+ laws, and other right-wing policies
[  ] Other (please describe):

[Blogger's Note: The reason I selected 'A potential government shutdown caused by far-right, ultra-MAGA Republicans,' 'A nationwide abortion ban' and 'Extreme voting restrictions, attacks on vote-by-mail, and election subversion' as the "GOP's dangerous plans [that I] think are [the] most important for Democrats to highlight in the upcoming elections" is because the Republicans seem to be utilizing those issues as threats the most in their ongoing culture wars against "The United States of 'Woke' America."]

Now we need to hear from you in your own words. Please tell us why it's important to you that we stop Republicans from winning next year? (Feel free to write as much or as little as you'd like.)

[✓] Republicans are Radical Christian Terrorists!

[  ] No thanks. I'm ready to go to the next question.

Republicans are preparing to go all-in to flip the Senate red next year and turn back our progress. To stop them, it's essential that we have Democratic Strategy Group participants like you with us in this fight.

So tell us: How committed are you to ensuring Democrats hold the Senate?

[✓] Extremely committed!
[  ] Somewhat committed.
[  ] Not at all committed -- I don't care if Mitch McConnell takes back the Senate.

We're leading the fight to defend our Democratic Senate and urgently need your help. Our fundraising deadline is TONIGHT, and we're still a few donations short in Oregon!

Please, will you chip in $55 or more so Democrats can compete against McConnell's megadonors, defend the Senate, and continue helping President Biden make progress?

Please use the links below to start a monthly donation through ActBlue:

[  ] I'll give $55.
[  ] I'll give $110.
[  ] I'll give $165.
[✓] I'd like to choose a different amount to give.*

*[Blogger's Note: I selected this option—although I made a one-time donation, rather than a monthly donation—because it's an option that got me to the donation webpage!]



Donate now to SUPERCHARGE our Senate majority!

CNN says multiple GOP seats could flip blue next year -- but with Mitch McConnell's megadonors already playing offense, it's going to take all hands on deck to win!

Please, will you chip in now to protect our historic progress by supercharging our Democratic majority?

Make it monthly!

To defend abortion access, stop gun violence and more, we must elect Democrats. Will you make your donation monthly to fight for the Senate?

[  ] Yes, count me in!
[✓] No, donate once

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit DSCC.

[  ] $220 →

[  ] $110 →

[  ] $550 →

[  ] $1,100 →

[  ] $2,200 →

[  ] $2,700 →

[✓] Other $1.00

Please leave us a tip

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[  ] Add custom amount

[✓] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DSCC (without a tip to ActBlue) because the DSCC "selected [me] to represent Oregon in a Democratic Strategy Interview for today, 12/22/23."

P.S.: The reason that I only donated $1.00 to the DSCC is because I already donated $5.00 (with a $0.35 tip to ActBlue) on December 3rd, 2023 (please see my 'December 3rd, 2023 Update No. 3,' which can be found above), plus I also donated $1.00 on December 11th, 2023 (without a tip to ActBlue) (please see my 'December 11th, 2023 Update No. 5,' which can be found above) and that is all I can afford this month; however, I did want to respond to this survey, so that is why I made a donation in the amount that I did.

Thus, this one campaign—Josh Harder for Congress—as well as this one organization—the DSCC—are the political campaign, and the political organization, that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written December 22nd, 2023, revised January 7th, 2024, revised January 22nd, 2024, revised February 9th, 2024, revised March 10th, 2024 and revised April 17th, 2024)


December 22nd, 2023 Update No. 3—Which Also Discusses December 17th, 2023 Through December 21st, 2023: [CONTENT WARNING: THIS UPDATE CONTAINS ARTICLES WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!] This 'update' that I am writing today, December 22nd, 2023, is only from my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received via email for the time period of December 17th, 2023 through December 21st, 2023.

To begin with, I feel like I need to explain that I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

Therefore, I have NOT checked the news through Google searches for quite a long time because of how much blogging I have been doing lately. So, the last time that I checked the current news via Google searches was November 26th, 2023!

You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day, which used to start with me reading Time Magazine articles that I selected from one (or more) of their emails that I received each day. However, because I have been so busy lately with "Online Activism," and also with the editing of my five blogs, I have only been keeping up with the news just by reading the titles of the Time articles that I receive from their daily emails—until I can actually get around to reading the articles from those emails that I highlight in these 'updates.'

That is why I have decided to simply go with this trend of just reading the titles of the Time articles that I receive from their daily emails until I have the time to check the news via Google searches, like used to do!

Although, given the volume of news lately, I may decide to keep up with the news through email notifications only. To that end, I have recently signed up to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe in order for me to stay informed about what's happening in the world. Thus, I already receive these types of emails from Time Magazine—as mentioned above—but I am also checking the news just by reading the article titles from the other news organizations to which I subscribe in addition to Time Magazine. Therefore, if I highlight any of those articles, as well, I will let you know through 'updates' such as this one.

And I used to provide longer introductions to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which included the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received for the time period of December 17th, 2023 through December 21st, 2023, when I noticed the following articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The following are the articles which I received five days ago, December 17th, 2023:

The first Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received five days ago) is titled, "The Quest for Racial Equality Has Always Been Different for Rural Americans":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received five days ago) is titled, "Waiting for Iron Man in Gaza": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The third Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received five days ago) is titled, "European Ministers Call For a ‘Sustainable Ceasefire’ in Gaza. Here’s What That Means":


The fourth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received five days ago) is titled, "Calling Out Terrorism Shouldn’t Be an Issue of Free Speech":


The following are the articles which I received four days ago, December 18th, 2023:

The fifth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received four days ago) is titled, "The Attacks From Yemen’s Houthi Rebels in the Red Sea Are Having a Significant Global Impact":


The sixth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received four days ago) is titled, "What Palestinian Children Face in Israeli Prisons": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT CHILD IMPRISONMENT WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The seventh Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received four days ago) is titled, "As Israel Reckons With Killing of Hostages, Critics Worry About Routine Excessive Force Against Civilians": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The following are the articles which I received three days ago, December 19th, 2023:

The eighth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received three days ago) is titled, "How—and Why—Yemen’s Houthi Rebels Are Poised to Seriously Disrupt the Global Economy":


The ninth Time Magazine article (that is essentially a ten minute video) that I read (and watched) today (which I received three days ago) is titled, "The Biggest Moments in U.S. Politics From 2023":


The tenth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received three days ago) is titled, "The Conservative Case for Immigration":


The eleventh Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received three days ago) is titled, "Ukraine-Border Security Deal Appears Unlikely Before the Holidays":


The following are the articles which I received two days ago, December 20th, 2023:

The twelfth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received two days ago) is titled, "After My Parents Died, I Lost the Christmas Spirit. Now It’s Slowly Coming Back":


The thirteenth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received two days ago) is titled, "Why Gift-Giving Makes You Anxious":


The fourteen Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received two days ago) is titled, "Death Sentences Are Doled Out Based on Looks":


The fifteen Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received two days ago) is titled, "What to Know About the U.S. Coalition Force in the Red Sea":


The following are the articles which I received yesterday, December 21st, 2023:

The sixteenth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "Why The World Must Set a Price on Carbon":


The seventeenth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "Gaza Is Being Made Unlivable": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The eighteenth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "TIME’s Best Photos of 2023":

And I decided to highlight these articles from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written December 22nd, 2023, revised January 5th, 2024, revised January 10th, 2024 and revised April 6th, 2024)


December 23rd, 2023 Update No. 1: I have consolidated the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

Therefore, I have combined every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is really starting to gear up and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The only political communication to which I responded was a text message today, December 23rd, 2023, from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), which stated, in part, the following:

DCCC ALERT: Top Dems UNLOCKED the 300%-MATCH until midnight to DEFEAT the GOP & FLIP the House blue. Don't let this pass you by -- we don't know when it will come again.***

Rush a 3X-MATCHED $15 gift to elect House Dems:***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Chip in now to FLIP the House and DEFEND President Biden's legacy!

Republicans are blocking President Biden's agenda at every turn - and he's counting on this grassroots team to STOP them.

SO QUICKLY: Will you rush in a donation to elect a WAVE of Democrats and FLIP the House?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit DCCC.

[  ] Donate $15 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $2.00

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.12 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DCCC (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to help "FLIP the House and DEFEND President Biden's legacy!"

P.S.: The reason that I only donated $2.00 to the DCCC is because I already donated $5.00 (with a $0.35 tip to ActBlue) on December 3rd, 2023 (please see my 'December 3rd, 2023 Update No. 3,' which can be found above) and that is all I can afford this month; however, I did want to respond to this 3X-MATCH, so that is why I made a donation in the amount that I did.

Thus, this one organization—the DCCC—is the political organization that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written December 23rd, 2023, revised February 9th, 2024 and revised April 17th, 2024)


December 25th, 2023 Update No. 1: Merry Christmas, everyone! I got all of my holiday donating done early this year, including fourteen days before Christmas Day (please see my 'December 11th, 2023 Update No. 1,' which can be found above), seven days before Christmas Day (please see my 'December 18th, 2023 Update No. 1,' which can be found above), four days before Christmas Day (please see my 'December 21st, 2023 Update No. 1,' which can be found above), and three days before Christmas Day (please see my 'December 22nd, 2023 Update No. 1,' which can be found above). A summarization of these donations can be found below:

Fourteen days before Christmas: On December 11th, 2023, I made one-time donations to charities who are helping the less fortunate, including a national hunger-relief organization (Feeding America) and a local food bank (Oregon Food Bank) who are helping hungry folks, your favorite holiday Red Kettle "bell ringers" and mine, who are well-known for collecting donations during the holiday season (The Salvation Army), as well as charities who are helping children in need during "The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year" (Operation Smile, and Ronald McDonald House Charities of Oregon & SW Washington, as well as Marine Toys for Tots), in addition to the "2023 Portland Area Christmas Secret Santa Project for America's Catastrophically Disabled War on Terror Veterans and their Children" (the Coalition to Salute America's Heroes).

Seven days before Christmas: On December 18th, 2023, I made one-time donations to charities who are helping the less fortunate, which includes local nonprofits who are helping homeless folks (Blanchet House of Hospitality, Portland Rescue Mission, Sisters of the Road and Union Gospel Mission), a nonprofit working to solve problems of hunger and poverty in the United States and around the world (No Kid Hungry), as well as a nonprofit that supports the mission of the United Nations World Food Programme to alleviate global hunger (United Nations World Food Program USA).

Four days before Christmas: On December 21st, 2023, I made one-time donations to various organizations for their year-end or matching-donations fundraising campaigns, including "a living memorial to the Holocaust, [which] inspires citizens and leaders worldwide to confront hatred, prevent genocide, and promote human dignity" (the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum), "a global organization dedicated to saving lives and protecting the rights of refugees, forcibly displaced communities and stateless people" [United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (USA for UNHCR)], "the lead United Nations sexual and reproductive health and rights agency" [USA for UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund)], and "a national family-run nonprofit charity dedicated to raising awareness about 'fentapills' — fake pills made of fentanyl" (Song for Charlie).

Three days before Christmas: On December 22nd, 2023, I received an email from the USO (United Service Organizations) with the subject line, "Help our troops feel a touch of warmth this holiday season." So, I signed the USO holiday 2023 card in order to "take the time to share some warmth with our service members by thanking them for the selfless sacrifices they make for us." Plus, after I signed the card, I made a one-time donation on the website to say to our troops, "Happy holidays! We are so grateful for your heroic service to keep us and our families safe during the holidays and all year round. Sending our best wishes this holiday season."

–Paul Whiting (December 25th, 2023)


December 27th, 2023 Update No. 1: I have consolidated the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

Therefore, I have combined every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is really starting to gear up and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The first political communication to which I responded was a text message today, December 27th, 2023, from the Josh Stein for North Carolina campaign, which stated the following:

Hi there,

It’s Josh Stein. I’m running for Governor of North Carolina and today I’m ONLY asking for $10. I’ll give you 3 reasons why...

1️⃣ Unlike my multi-millionaire opponent, I rely on grassroots supporters to power this campaign.

2️⃣ Our race will be incredibly close – experts are calling it the most competitive gubernatorial race of 2024.

3️⃣ We’re rapidly approaching the final public filing deadline (12/31/23) of the year, and I’m worried we won’t make our digital fundraising goal. With the far-right targeting this race, we can’t afford to fall behind!

I know $10 may not sound like it can make a big impact, but if every person reading this text chips in just $10, together, we’ll hit our end-of-quarter deadline just in time.

Here’s a link to give $10:***


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Will you contribute to support Josh Stein for North Carolina?

This is the most important governor race of 2024, and we can't leave its outcome up to chance.

North Carolinians' rights and freedoms are on the line.

Either we elect Josh to keep fighting for a brighter future for all of us, or we let the GOP drag us back.

We need your help NOW to build our momentum. Pitch in $5, $25, or anything you can today to build our movement >>>

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Josh Stein.

[  ] DONATE $10 →

[  ] DONATE $25→

[  ] DONATE $50 →

[  ] DONATE $100 →

[  ] DONATE $250 →

[  ] DONATE $1,000 →

[  ] DONATE $6,400 →

[✓] OTHER AMOUNT $3.00

Please leave us a tip

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Josh Stein for North Carolina campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) because "[Josh Stein is] running for Governor of North Carolina" since "this is the most important governor race of 2024, and we can't leave its outcome up to chance."


The second political communication to which I responded was a text message today, December 27th, 2023, from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), which stated the following:

In the last few months, extreme MAGA Republicans have called to destroy the Affordable Care Act, threatened reproductive freedom and worked to decimate Social Security and Medicare.

It has never been more important for Democrats to reclaim the House.

That's why I'm calling on grassroots Democrats to rush $15 before our end-of-year fundraising deadline to build the momentum we need to win.

Can I count on your $15 to the DCCC? >>***

Keep the faith,

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Chip in now to FLIP the House and DEFEND President Biden's legacy!

Republicans are blocking President Biden's agenda at every turn - and he's counting on this grassroots team to STOP them.

SO QUICKLY: Will you rush in a donation to elect a WAVE of Democrats and FLIP the House?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit DCCC.

[  ] Donate $15 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $5.00

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.35 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DCCC (with a tip to ActBlue) because "it has never been more important for Democrats to reclaim the House," since "in the last few months, extreme MAGA Republicans have called to destroy the Affordable Care Act, threatened reproductive freedom and worked to decimate Social Security and Medicare."


The third political communication to which I responded was an email from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) today, December 27th, 2023, with the subject line, "These Dems need our help... >>", which stated the following:

Your gift tripled!

We must protect these 5 Democrats:

Amy Klobuchar, Jon Tester, Tammy Baldwin, Jacky Rosen, Sherrod Brown stop Republicans' Senate takeover!

Donate now to triple your impact: DONATE NOW (We must fight for every seat!)

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will be processed immediately. The first $10,000 received from this email will be TRIPLED:

[  ] DONATE $55 (BECOMES $165)
[  ] DONATE $110 (BECOMES $330)
[  ] DONATE $220 (BECOMES $660)

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Match Activated! TRIPLE your impact to help SUPERCHARGE our Senate majority!

CNN says multiple GOP seats could flip blue next year -- but with Mitch McConnell's megadonors already playing offense, it's going to take all hands on deck to win!

Please, will you chip in now to protect our historic progress by supercharging our Democratic majority? The first $10,000 received before the end-of-year deadline will be TRIPLED!

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit DSCC.

[  ] $110 →

[  ] $55 →

[  ] $220 →

[  ] $550 →

[✓] Other $5.00

Please leave us a tip

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.35 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DSCC (with a tip to ActBlue) because "we must protect these 5 Democrats: Amy Klobuchar, Jon Tester, Tammy Baldwin, Jacky Rosen, Sherrod stop Republicans' Senate takeover!"


The fourth political communication to which I responded was an email from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) today, December 27th, 2023, with the subject line, "Can you take a quick break to read this?", which stated the following:


I don’t want to pull you away from your holiday celebrations for too long, but I wanted to share that we’re kicking off our end-of-year fundraising push right now.

We still can't lose sight of the fact that we’re entering a huge election year in just a few days. If we ease up on our work for even a day, we risk MAGA Republicans having all the momentum heading into 2024.

Paul, we’re asking you and this grassroots team to help us finish this year off strong. Can you give $35 today to help us reach our year-end goal?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

[✓] Donate another amount***

Here’s why your contribution today is so important as we prepare for 2024:

Generous gifts like yours support the DNC’s critical investments in state party infrastructure, voter protection efforts, and counter-disinformation programming. Those investments are especially crucial as we prepare to reelect President Biden and Vice President Harris and elect Democratic candidates up and down the ballot, across the country.

We have our work cut out for us, Paul. Trump and his MAGA copycats are going to do everything in their power to win seats in the House and Senate, and of course, take back the Oval Office. In a time like this, every move we make is the difference between an America under Democrats moving toward progress or one under GOP extremists moving us backward, with our fundamental rights at risk.

We can’t afford to let MAGA Republicans gain the upper hand before 2024 even starts. Can you chip in $35 to the DNC right now to help us reach our year-end goal and ensure that Democrats up and down the ballot have the resources they need to win in 2024?

Thank you for your support,

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
Democratic National Committee

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Donate to the DNC ahead of our end-of-year fundraising deadline and help elect Democrats nationwide:

The Democratic Party is counting on your support to hold the GOP accountable and elect more Democrats up and down the ballot.

Donate to the DNC and invest in the resources our candidates rely on to compete and win year after year.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Democratic National Committee (DNC).

[  ] $25 →

[  ] $10 →

[  ] $50 →

[  ] $100 →

[  ] $250 →

[  ] $1,000 →

[  ] $2,000 →

[✓] Other $5.00

Please leave us a tip

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.35 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DNC (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to contribute "[$5] to the DNC right now to help [them] reach [their] year-end goal and ensure that Democrats up and down the ballot have the resources they need to win in 2024."


The fifth political communication to which I responded was an email from the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC) today, December 27th, 2023, with the subject line, "$50, $100, $250, or $1000 →", which stated the following:

A project of the DLCC

Paul, your involvement is essential to the progress of our movement. Every single grassroots supporter helps power our mission to elect state Democrats.

That's why we’re calling on you to heed this call to action:

"We need everyone to get involved and do their part to build a better and more inclusive democracy..." –Michelle Obama

Rush $50 ($350 impact!) →

Here are just a few ways your 7X-matched gift could help expand Democratic power in our statehouses:

1. A gift of $50 could buy 70 new clipboards for organizers
2. A gift of $100 could pay for 7,000 people to see our digital ads
3. A gift of $250 could fund our candidates' phone banks
4. And a gift of $1000 could make or break our chances of victory in special elections across the map

Every dollar you contribute fuels our efforts to elect state Democrats who will champion fundamental rights like abortion, LGBTQ+ rights, access to affordable health care, and more, paving the way for transformative change in our statehouses.

So please, will you chip in $50 (SEVEN TIMES the impact!) to ensure we have resources to strengthen our democracy and elect Democrats to state legislatures nationwide?

If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will process immediately:

[  ] Chip in $50 now ($350 impact!)
[  ] Chip in $100 now ($700 impact!)
[  ] Chip in $250 now ($1750 impact!)
[  ] Chip in $1000 now ($7000 impact!)
[✓] Chip in another amount »***

Remember: The success of our movement depends on every person doing their part. Making a 7X-matched donation and getting involved today allows you to own a piece of this fight every step of the way.

Together we can build a better and more inclusive democracy.

Thank you,


[✓] 7X-MATCH: ACTIVE »***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Match Active: Have 7X the impact!

Your grassroots donation will help provide state Democrats with the resources, staff, and technology to win elections at the state level but it all depends on your support. Give now to have SEVEN TIMES the impact!

Can you chip in today?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee.

[  ] Donate $10 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $5.00

Please leave us a tip

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.35 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DLCC (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to contribute "[$5] (SEVEN TIMES the impact!) to ensure [the DLCC has] resources to strengthen our democracy and elect Democrats to state legislatures nationwide."


The sixth political communication to which I responded was an email from the Biden for President campaign that I received eleven days ago on December 16th, 2023,** with the subject line, "This week’s dispatches from Joe and Kamala →", which stated the following:


Paul --

We hope you had a great week! Team Biden-Harris is hard at work getting things done for the American people, and we're excited to share some of the latest updates with you.

But first, we have to ask: Our final fundraising deadline of the year is quickly approaching, and we need your help to put us in the strongest position possible ahead of 2024. Will you pitch in $25 today to help us power this movement to reelect Joe and Kamala and ensure we can finish the job?


We're so grateful for your support. Read on to learn more about what President Biden and Vice President Harris have been up to this week →


The Biden-Harris administration stands unequivocally with women across the country in the fight to protect reproductive freedom. No woman should be forced to go to court or flee her home state just to receive the fundamental health care she needs.

As a direct result of the Supreme Court's overturning of Roe v. Wade, Republican lawmakers have been on a dangerous crusade, imposing extreme abortion bans that jeopardize women's health and threaten to criminalize doctors. To fight back, Vice President Kamala Harris will embark on a nationwide reproductive freedoms tour in early 2024 and hold a series of events that will bring together thousands of people to fight for the freedom of every American to make decisions about their own body.

Joe and Kamala are fighting to protect access to reproductive health care and have urged Congress to restore the protections of Roe v. Wade immediately.


For far too long, Americans have been paying more than people in any other major economy for their prescription drugs. President Biden and Democrats took on Big Pharma to change that.

Joe and Kamala are building on the work of the Inflation Reduction Act to lower the costs of prescription drugs covered by Medicare. In addition, President Biden announced that dozens of pharmaceutical companies will be required to pay rebates to Medicare for outrageous price hikes on prescription drugs that over 750,000 seniors take per year.

This historic legislation is set to save the federal government and taxpayers $160 billion over the next 10 years. And it encompasses what Bidenomics is all about: lowering costs and giving folks a little more breathing room.

The Biden-Harris administration continues to crack down on price-gouging and put money back in the pockets of hardworking families.


While President Biden has been working on historic investments to support small businesses, including Black-owned businesses, extreme Republicans in Congress have repeatedly tried to dismantle the President's small business agenda. Every single Republican opposed the American Rescue Plan, which helped small businesses stay afloat during the pandemic and spurred a record small business boom.

Meanwhile, Black small business ownership is growing at the fastest pace in over 30 years, and President Biden is announcing new investments to support underserved communities.

Investing in local, community-led economic development and small businesses is critical to President Biden's commitment to building the economy from the middle out and the bottom up, not the top down.


We're excited to share the latest addition to the Biden-Harris store: Dark Roast Coffee. This delicious blend is a perfect way to start your day off right and help vanquish Malarkey alongside President Biden with every sip.

Grab your American-roasted, union-served Dark Roast Coffee before it's gone! And the best part? Every purchase supports Joe and Kamala's reelection campaign ahead of 2024!


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Donate before Sunday's end-of-year deadline to reelect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris!

It's going to take this full team to deliver four more years for Democrats in the White House to finish the job. Will you pitch in before Sunday's end-of-year fundraising deadline?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Joe Biden.

[  ] $25 →

[  ] $10 →

[  ] $46 →

[  ] $100 →

[  ] $250 →

[  ] $1,000 →

[  ] $2,000 →

[✓] Other $5.00

Please leave us a tip

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.35 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Biden for President campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to contribute "before Sunday's end-of-year deadline to reelect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris!"

**The reason that I responded to this email dated December 16th, 2023 from the Biden for President campaign—eleven days after I received it—is because I was saving it as part of my political donations for the Year-End 2023, which is on Sunday December 31st, 2023.

Thus, these two campaigns—Josh Stein for North Carolina, as well as Biden for President—in addition to these four organizations—the DCCC, the DSCC, the DNC, as well as the DLCC—are the political campaigns and the political organizations that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written December 27th, 2023, revised December 28th, 2023, revised January 7th, 2024 and revised April 17th, 2024)


December 27th, 2023 Update No. 2, Which Also Discusses December 22nd, 2023 Through December 26th, 2023: [CONTENT WARNING: THIS UPDATE CONTAINS ARTICLES WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!] This 'update' that I am writing today, December 27th, 2023, is only from my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received via email for the time period of December 22nd, 2023 through December 26th, 2023.

To begin with, I feel like I need to explain that I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

Therefore, I have NOT checked the news through Google searches for quite a long time because of how much blogging I have been doing lately. So, the last time that I checked the current news via Google searches was November 26th, 2023!

You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day, which used to start with me reading Time Magazine articles that I selected from one (or more) of their emails that I received each day. However, because I have been so busy lately with "Online Activism," and also with the editing of my five blogs, I have only been keeping up with the news just by reading the titles of the Time articles that I receive from their daily emails—until I can actually get around to reading the articles from those emails that I highlight in these 'updates.'

That is why I have decided to simply go with this trend of just reading the titles of the Time articles that I receive from their daily emails until I have the time to check the news via Google searches, like used to do!

Although, given the volume of news lately, I may decide to keep up with the news through email notifications only. To that end, I have recently signed up to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe in order for me to stay informed about what's happening in the world. Thus, I already receive these types of emails from Time Magazine—as mentioned above—but I am also checking the news just by reading the article titles from the other news organizations to which I subscribe in addition to Time Magazine. Therefore, if I highlight any of those articles, as well, I will let you know through 'updates' such as this one.

And I used to provide longer introductions to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which included the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I have recently decided to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received for the time period of December 22nd, 2023 through December 26th, 2023, when I noticed the following articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The following are the articles which I received five days ago, December 22nd, 2023:

The first Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received five days ago) is titled, "What We Left in the Burning City": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The second Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received five days ago) is titled, "The Year’s Most Spectacular Photos from the James Webb Telescope":


The third Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received five days ago) is titled, "United Nations Reports 1 in 4 Gazans Are Starving": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The fourth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received five days ago) is titled, "Inside the Israel-Hamas Information War": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The following is the article which I received four days ago, December 23rd, 2023:

The fifth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received four days ago) is titled, "Why Finance Will Be Key to the Climate Story in 2024":


The following is the article which I received three days ago, December 24th, 2023:

The sixth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received three days ago) is titled, "U.N. Criticized Over ‘Watered-Down’ Resolution That Fails to Call For a Gaza Ceasefire": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The following are the articles which I received two days ago, December 25th, 2023:

The seventh Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received two days ago) is titled, "Bethlehem Reverend Delivers ‘Christ in the Rubble’ Christmas Sermon Amid Gaza Conflict":


The eighth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received two days ago) is titled, "Egypt Proposes Ceasefire Amid One of the Deadliest Israeli Airstrikes Yet to Hit Gaza Strip": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The following are the articles which I received yesterday, December 26th, 2023:

The ninth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "Ukrainians Celebrate Christmas on Dec. 25 For the First Time":


The tenth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "King Charles III’s Christmas Message Is a Call to Protect the Planet":


The eleventh Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "13 Ways the World Got Better in 2023":

And I decided to highlight these articles from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written December 27th, 2023, revised January 5th, 2024, revised January 10th, 2024 and revised April 6th, 2024)


December 28th, 2023 Update No. 1: I received an email from Friends of Willamette Week (FOWW) [Willamette Week is a local news publication here in Portland, Oregon—and I am a monthly contributor to the Willamette Week] today, December 28th, 2023, with the subject line, "A paper powered by readers.", which stated, in part, the following:


Four days to go until we close out our year-end giving campaign! We have 5% of our goal left to go. Help us finish strong. Support local journalism today.

$52,025 raised of $55,000 goal

567 donations

95% of Goal

And so, I made a one-time donation to Friends of Willamette Week through the Willamette Week's "Give!Guide" for which I earned the following highly coveted tweet:

I was donor number 7558 on the Willamette Week Give!Guide! #pdxgivesback via @giveguide

–Paul Whiting (December 28th, 2023)


December 28th, 2023 Update No. 2: I received an email from Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) today, December 28th, 2023, with the subject line "Is there anything we can say?", which stated the following:

Paul, is there anything we can say to convince you to make a donation to help IAVA before our end-of-year deadline expires at midnight on Sunday?

The next twelve months are going to be crucial for America — and our community. But we can only ensure that post-9/11 veteran voices are front and center if we have the resources to do so.

Our work is powered by grassroots supporters just like you, and time is running out for us to hit our end-of-year fundraising goal. Can you help us ensure we’re able to get the back of the post-9/11 generation of veterans into next year?

We need your support now more than ever.

Please pitch in $10, $25, or whatever makes sense for your budget today to help IAVA continue fighting hard for vets in 2024.


Thanks so much for standing with us.



***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I made a one-time donation to Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) in order to "help [IAVA] ensure [they're] able to get the back of the post-9/11 generation of veterans into next year," because "[IAVA] can only ensure that post-9/11 veteran voices are front and center if [they] have the resources to do so." –Paul Whiting (December 28th, 2023)


December 28th, 2023 Update No. 3: I received an email from United Farm Workers (UFW) today, December 28th, 2023, with the subject line, "Download your FREE 2024 UFW Calendar", which stated the following:

United Farm Workers
Si, Se Puede!        UFW

Download your FREE 2024 UFW Calendar

Dear Paul,

In appreciation of your support we want to offer our friends a FREE UFW downloadable 2024 calendar. Please click on the image below or on the text link to download.

Si Se Puede! Happy New Year!

[Name redacted]
UFW [Title redacted]

Please Make a New Year's Resolution to Help Farm Workers

The holiday season is when we share special memories and look forward to creating new ones in the coming year. We've accomplished a lot, but there is still more to do. You can help us bring justice to the fields by making a New Year's gift today, so we can continue to do the good work we do all year long.

And, after I read the email above, I made a one-time donation to United Farm Workers in order to "help [UFW] bring justice to the fields by making a New Year's gift today, so [they] can continue to do the good work [they] do all year long." –Paul Whiting (December 28th, 2023)


December 28th, 2023 Update No. 4: I have consolidated the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

Therefore, I have combined every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is really starting to gear up and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The first political communication to which I responded was a text message today, December 28th, 2023, from the Susheela Jayapal for Congress campaign, which stated the following:

Paul, my name is Susheela Jayapal, and I'm the Democrat running in the OPEN blue seat in OR-03.

Growing up in India, my parents instilled in me the values of integrity, hard work, and independence. At 16, they used their savings to send me to the U.S. for college, and after earning my law degree from the University of Chicago, I found my home in Oregon, where I've spent the last 30 years.

In 2018, I was elected as a Multnomah County Commissioner, where I had the opportunity to tackle local issues, including fighting for living wages for our frontline workers. I've dedicated my life to amplifying the voices of our most vulnerable communities.

Now, I'm running for Congress to bring my proven progressive leadership to Washington D.C. I'm committed to fighting against MAGA extremism and focusing on what matters most to Oregonians - combatting the climate crisis, expanding healthcare accessibility, protecting abortion rights, and defending our democracy.

But I can only win with your support. So I'm personally reaching out today to ask: Will you make a donation of $27 or more now and become a Founding Donor to our campaign ahead of our very first FEC deadline?

After this deadline, all of our fundraising numbers from our first quarter will become public and we cannot afford to miss our goal.

Your contribution will make a real difference in our campaign.***

Thank you,

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Send Susheela to Congress!

I'm running for Congress to bring my proven progressive leadership to Washington D.C. I'm committed to fighting against MAGA extremism and focusing on what matters most to Oregonians - combatting the climate crisis, expanding healthcare accessibility, protecting abortion rights, and defending our democracy.

Will you make a donation of $27 or more now and become a Founding Donor to our campaign?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Susheela Jayapal.

[  ] Donate $27 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[  ] Donate $3,300 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Susheela Jayapal for Congress campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to "become a Founding Donor to [Susheela Jayapal's] campaign [for Congress]."


The second political communication to which I responded was a text message today, December 28th, 2023, from the Chris Coons for Delaware campaign, which stated the following:

Team Coons here – Republicans are one seat away from taking the Senate majority – risking all our progress under Joe Biden. Chris is working to defend the Senate majority in 2024, but he needs your support before the year-end deadline. Chip in before our end-of-year FEC deadline >>***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Contribute to Chris Coons now

Chris is doing everything he can to make progress with the Senate majority, but he can't do it alone.

Will you rush a donation to help Chris keep fighting for you in the Senate?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Chris Coons.

[  ] Donate $5 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Chris Coons for Delaware campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) because "Republicans are one seat away from taking the Senate majority – risking all our progress under Joe Biden" and "Chris is working to defend the Senate majority in 2024," in addition that, "Chris is doing everything he can to make progress with the Senate majority."


The third political communication to which I responded was a text message today, December 28th, 2023, from the Joe Vogel for Congress (Vogel for Congress) campaign, which stated the following:

Hi, it's Joe Vogel, a proud Gen Z community organizer turned state legislator running to represent our community in Congress.

My family immigrated to the United States as a toddler, but I didn't let that stop me from serving my community. In my first term as a state legislator, I wrote and passed legislation to make historic investments in mental health, combat the rise in hate crimes, and address the fentanyl crisis.

Now I'm running against a self-funding multi-millionaire who thinks they can buy this seat and Dan Cox, a MAGA extremist.

As far-right extremists work to undermine our democracy and rip away fundamental freedoms, it's never been more clear: either we elect leaders who will fight for our rights, or this could be our last fair election. That's why I need your help.

We have a crucial public fundraising deadline at the end of the year, and we still have a $50K budget gap to close before we have to report our numbers for all to see. The stakes are high, and we can't risk falling short.

Before 2024 begins, can you click the link below to chip in? With just months left until the election, our team needs at least 400 new donors to step up today to make sure our grassroots team is strong heading into 2024.***


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Support Joe Vogel for Congress!

We need a new generation of leaders in Washington who understand exactly what's at stake in this moment. We just can't wait to end gun violence, secure our rights, protect our democracy, and save our planet.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Joe Vogel.

[  ] Donate $5 →

[  ] Donate $10 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Joe Vogel for Congress (Vogel for Congress) campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to be one of the "new donors to step up today to make sure [Joe Vogel's] grassroots team is strong heading into 2024," because "we need a new generation of leaders in Washington who understand exactly what's at stake in this moment."

Thus, these three campaigns—Susheela Jayapal for Congress, as well as Chris Coons for Delaware, in addition to Joe Vogel for Congress (Vogel for Congress)—are the political campaigns (political organizations) that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written December 28th, 2023 and revised April 17th, 2024)


December 28th, 2023 Update No. 5: I received a mailer from the Ron Wyden for Senate (Wyden for Senate) campaign today, December 28th, 2023, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "Everything we care about is at risk in 2024! Can we count on you?", which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]

Ron Wyden
Different. Like Oregon.

Dear Paul,

Like you, I was astonished by the recent poll that showed Donald Trump leading President Biden in multiple swing states. It suggested that if the election were held today, Donald Trump would once again be president.

I find that unacceptable.

After witnessing four years of incompetence, self-dealing, and willful ignorance during Trump's time in office, we can't even consider giving him a second chance.

This is the man who is under indictment for trying to subvert a free and fair election, who illegally held onto documents containing some of America's most closely guarded secrets, and who incited a violent insurrection at our nation's Capitol in order to prevent the peaceful transfer of power.

Yet, he has a significant chance of once again becoming president, Paul.

Just as bad, we have a GOP-led House dominated by right-wing extremists who are more interested in staging political stunts for their most conservative base than doing the hard work of actually governing.

Mike Johnson, the Speaker of the House who was finally chosen after the GOP's clown car series of votes, is a would-be theocrat perfectly prepared to burn our government down in pursuit of his extreme goals.

This is a man who wants a nationwide ban on abortion, believes homosexuality should be outlawed, and is closely aligned with right-wing Christian nationalists.

It is perfectly possible that if Trump is able to regain the White House, the GOP could hold onto the House. And chaos would be the order of the day.

And if that's not frightening enough, we could also lose our razor-thin Senate majority in 2024. We are defending more swing seats than the GOP, which means it's perfectly possible that Mitch McConnell could once again be Senate Majority Leader.

If there were ever an all-hands-on-deck moment for Democrats, this is it. Which is why I'm reaching out to you now.

It is essential that we hold onto the Senate in 2024 and beyond. The future of our democracy is on a knife's edge. And I urgently need your help.

Can I count on you for $50, $100 or even $150 so we can hold onto the Senate? You can use the enclosed postage-paid envelope or go to and give online today.

Our goal is to raise $50,000 from this mailing in the next two weeks. But I'm hoping we can do better than that if activists like you step up.

The truth is, Senate races have become more and more expensive—particularly since 2010, when the Supreme Court unleashed unlimited campaign spending it its terrible Citizens United decision.

That decision equated corporations with people and money with free speech. And the result has been catastrophic for democracy.

Now billionaires and mega-corporations can funnel millions of dollars through false front organizations to upend elections in any state with massive spending on sleazy attack ads and disanformation campaigns.

There was a time when a Senate race was largely confined to the state in question. Candidates told voters what they stood for and what they believed in, and the voters responded by either supporting or opposing them.

Not anymore.

Now right-wing SuperPACs aligned with shadowy organizations flood states with outside cash in order to buy another vote for their regressive agenda.

I believe this kind of runaway outside spending pollutes our politics and cheapens our democracy.

It also means that competitive senate races like those in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Montana, and Nevada, are even more at risk and reliant on grassroots activism.

That's because the forces of the right are constantly working to increase their power, enforce their will, and tilt the playing field in favor of their billionaire backers.

We cannot rest for a moment.

We don't rely on billionaires on our side, but we do have you. And millions of others like you in our grassroots movement.

Your contribution of $50, $100 or even $150 will help us protect our democracy and our rights. You can use the enclosed form and postage-paid envelope or go to and contribute online.

There have been some rays of light in these dark times. The victory of abortion rights activests in Ohio, for one. The takeover of the Virginia legislature by Democrats despite the best efforts of the GOP, for another.

And Democrat Andy Beshear winning reelection in deep red Kentucky is another positive sign.

But if Trump gets reelected and radical right-wing extremists continue to control the House, we absolutely must hold onto the Senate.

Thank you for any help you can give. I'm so proud to have you in my corner.


Ron Wyden
U.S. Senator—Oregon

P.S. Please help us reach our goal of $50,000 at the next two weeks!



We could lose it all in 2024 if we don't get to work now!

Please help us reach our goal of $50,000 in the next two weeks!

[  ] $50
[  ] $200
[  ] $100
[  ] $250
[  ] $150
[✓] Other $5.00

[  ] Check enclosed payable to Wyden for Senate.
[  ] I've completed the credit card information on the back of the form.

Paul Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

And so, after I read the letter above, I made a one-time donation to the Ron Wyden for Senate (Wyden for Senate) campaign because "[Ron Wyden can] count on [me] for [$5]," since "it is essential that we hold onto the Senate in 2024 and beyond." –Paul Whiting (December 28th, 2023)

P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.)


December 28th, 2023 Update No. 6: I received a mailer from Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) today, December 28th, 2023, which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]


Warriors like [name redacted] are counting on you for another year of support!

Dear Mr. Whiting,

[Name redacted] didn't plan to be a soldier. But something changed on 9/11 when our nation was attacked. "I knew I had to join the fight," he says.

He joined the U.S. Army and was deployed to Iraq. One day, he volunteered to fill in for a buddy who was feeling sick — and [name redacted] life was changed forever.

The convoy [name redacted] was riding in hit an Improvised explosive device (IED). And [name redacted] suffered catastrophic injuries.

Both [name redacted's] legs had to be amputated. And his invisible wounds were just as devastating. Shane experienced a traumatic brain injury (TBI) that affected his ability to read, write, and speak.

Here at Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP), we've made a promise to be there for warriors like [name redacted]. Not just while they're in the hospital, but year after year for as long as it takes!

Your annual support helps keep that promise. You're someone veterans con count on! That's why I recently sent you your 2024 WWP Member Card, and it's why I'm enclosing your custom WWP patch today — to thank you in advance for another year of strong support.

Please renew the annual commitment you've made by sending your gift of $15, $18, or even $21. Thank you!

Paul, I need to know your 2024 WWP Member Card has reached you because it's personalized with your name. And I urgently need to confirm that you will be standing by our warriors for another year.

Because what would heroes like [name redacted] do without people like you?

As you'll remember from my last letter, [name redacted's] injuries were so severe that he could no longer live independently. His mother, [name redacted], who had flown across the world to be by [name redacted's] side after the attack, became his full-time caregiver.

Being a caregiver for a veteran is a gesture of love. But that doesn't mean it's easy. Both veterans and their caregivers need our support!

And they both got it thanks to the WWP Independence Program. This program, which you help to fund through your annual giving, has allowed [name redacted] to recover more of his independence ... and gave [name redacted] time to meet her own needs.

[Name redacted's] life has changed in so many ways. He even met a wonderful, caring woman at a WWP event, got married, and had a son. Now his wife, [name redacted], is his caregiver, and [his mother's name redacted] is a powerful advocate for injured veterans. They're all in, as a fumily, for wounded warriors!

And so are you. You've shown that through your inspiring annual commitment. And [name redacted] is very grateful for all you've done. Today he says:

"You've helped me do things for myself and regain some of my independence."

You've been there for [name redacted] as he's healed. And I know you'll continue to be there for him.

In fact, if you've already responded to my previous letter with your annual renewal gift, thank you. Our letters have probably crossed in the mail. But if you haven't yet renewed, I urge you to do so right away.

Please stand with our veterans and their families for another year of hope. healing, and impact. Thank you!


[Title redacted]
[Military rank and status redacted]
[Title redacted], Wounded Warrior Project

P.S. Carry the card. Wear the special WWP patch I'm enclosing. And return your 2024 Member Confirmation Reply to me with the most generous renewal gift you're able to send. Thank you for your enduring commitment to our heroes!



[✓] YES, my 2024 Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) Member Card arrived! I'm proud to renew my annual membership today and help more brave heroes like [name redacted] fight to rebuild their lives with my donation of:

[  ] $18

[  ] $21

[  ] $15

[  ] $24

[✓] My best gift of $14.00*

To donate online, go to:

Please maks checks payable to Wounded Warrior Project. For credit card gifts, please see reverse.

Mr. Paul Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

Donor Care Center
[Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

And so, I made a one-time donation to Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) in order to complete the 2024 MEMBER CONFIRMATION REPLY! –Paul Whiting (written from December 28th, 2023 to December 29th, 2023)

*P.S.: The reason that I donated $14.00—rather than $7.00 like I usually do for donation mailers that I receive through the regular mail—is because I donated for the mailer above that I received today, December 28th, 2023, as well as for the mailer that I received on December 11th, 2023, which contained the WWP 2024 Member Card that I confirmed having received through the 2024 MEMBER CONFIRMATION REPLY, as mentioned above.

P.P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.)


December 29th, 2023 Update No. 1: I have consolidated the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

Therefore, I have combined every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is really starting to gear up and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The first political communication to which I responded was a text message today, December 29th, 2023, from the Biden Victory Fund, which stated the following:

Biden HQ: Remember that feeling you felt the day after Donald Trump was elected president in 2016? Remember walking around in disbelief and fear of what was to come? And remember time and time again how those fears were realized over the next four years?

Paul, we can't go back.

It may be wild to think, but you have a role in making sure we win. The work we need to do is quite literally funded by people like you making the decision that we can't go back… we can only go forward.

We don't expect you to donate every day, but with President Biden and Democrats facing their last fundraising deadline of the year in just a few days, we need you to make today the day you donate:***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Chip in by 12/31 before our Last Deadline of the Year!

We're just days away from the final year-end deadline of this election. All eyes will be watching what we do, and every dollar we raise today is key to securing four more years in the White House and supporting Democrats nationwide.

There is still time to be an early campaign donor before 2024. Will you donate to help Joe, Kamala, and Democrats nationwide?

Pitch in what you can today to power us to victory.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Biden Victory Fund.

[  ] $46 →

[  ] $25 →

[  ] $100 →

[  ] $250 →

[  ] $1,000 →

[  ] $2,000 →

[✓] Other $5.00

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.35 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Biden Victory Fund (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to contribute "by 12/31 before [Biden Victory Fund's] Last Deadline of the Year," because "the work [Biden Victory Fund needs] to do is quite literally funded by people like [me] making the decision that we can't go back… we can only go forward."


The second political communication to which I responded was a text message today, December 29th, 2023, from the Eddy Morales for Congress campaign, which stated the following:

Hi, it's Eddy Morales - just reaching out with a status update on our very✨first✨end-of-quarter fundraising deadline since I announced my candidacy for Congress.

This is frankly, the most important fundraising deadline of my entire career because these numbers don't just determine what we can accomplish ahead of Election Day, but also signal the 'viability' of the campaign to voters, community organizations, and help drive important endorsements.

We only have a few more days before the deadline and are $13,165 away from hitting our goal. Since this seat just opened up, we launched this campaign late in the fundraising quarter, and must make up for lost time: will you chip in today and help demonstrate the strength of this grassroots movement?

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Donate Before The End Of The Year

We can't let our momentum slow down now, because we've been building our movement of community-driven solutions for a long time. Every donation we receive goes towards fighting for this community and ensuring every Oregonian's voice is heard.

I would be honored to have your support before the end of the year because each dollar makes a difference. Together, we can bring our people- powered movement to Washington!

Chip in before 2024 and let's send Eddy to Washington, DC to fight for us!

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Eddy Morales.

[  ] Donate $10 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[  ] Donate $3,300 →

[  ] Donate $6,600 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities.

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Eddy Morales for Congress campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) "since this seat just opened up, [Eddy Morales for Congress] launched this campaign late in the fundraising quarter, and must make up for lost time," so "every donation [Eddy Morales for Congress] receive goes towards fighting for this [Oregon] community and ensuring every Oregonian's voice is heard."

Thus, these two campaigns—Biden Victory Fund, as well as Eddy Morales for Congress—are the political campaigns that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written December 29th, 2023 and revised April 17th, 2024)


December 31st, 2023 Update No. 5, Written On January 1st, 2024 [August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 5, Written On January 1st, 2024 About December 2023]: This update is a follow-up to the following:

▪ August 19th, 2023 Update
▪ August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 1, Written On August 31st, 2023
▪ August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 2, Written On October 1st, 2023 About September 2023
▪ August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 3, Written On November 1st, 2023 About October 2023
▪ August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 4, Written On December 1st, 2023 About November 2023

My 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above, is where I explain that I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month! And in that 'update,' I explained, in part, the following:

"...I am no longer donating to political, progressive and charitable organizations in the same way that I was due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations—as outlined below—starting with January of 2023.

January 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 15%

February 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 19%

March 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 12%

April 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 17%

May 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 21%

June 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 20%

July 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 17%

August 2023:
Month-to-date percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 17% [through August 19th, 2023]

Then, if I average out the total percentage that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations from January 2023 through July 2023 (without including August, since this month is not over yet), it comes out to an average of 17% of my monthly income..."

And my 'August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 1, Written On August 31st, 2023,' which can be found above, is where I continued to explain what the total percentage of my monthly income is that I spent for the month of August 2023 on donations, as well as monthly interest and credit card purchases! And in that 'update,' I explained, in part, the following:

"...Now that today is the last day of August 2023, I wanted to provide you with this month's total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations:

August 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 23%

Then, if I average out the total percentage that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations from January 2023 through August 2023, it comes out to an average of 18% of my monthly income! (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)

And here are the percentages that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations by category, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[01] Joe Biden for President: 2%
[02] Planned Parenthood: 2%
[03] Non-Categorized Charity: 7%
[04] Everytown for Gun Safety: 1%
[05] USO (United Serv. Orgs.): 5%
[06] Red Cross (Maui Fires): 1%
[07] ACLU (Amer. Civ. Lib. Union): 1%
[08] Non-Categorized Political: 4%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Donations Spent for August 2023: 23%

Plus, here are the percentages that I have spent on interest and credit card purchases, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[09] Monthly Interest: 6%
[10] Credit Card Purchases: 23%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Interest and Purchases for August 2023: 29%

Grand Total Percentage of Monthly Income for August 2023: 52%"

And my 'August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 2, Written On October 1st, 2023 About September 2023,' which can be found above, is where I continued to explain what the total percentage of my monthly income is that I spent for the month of September 2023 on donations, as well as monthly interest and credit card purchases! And in that 'update,' I explained, in part, the following:

"...And now that yesterday, September 30th, 2023, was the last day of September 2023, I wanted to provide you with September's total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations:

September 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 20%

Then, if I average out the total percentage that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations from January 2023 through September 2023, it comes out to an average of 18% of my monthly income! (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)

And here are the percentages that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations by category, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[01] Everytown for Gun Safety: 1%
-------Please see [02] below-------
[03] Disaster Relief: 6%
[04] Non-Categorized Charity: 3%
[05] Non-Categorized Political: 5%
[06] USO (United Serv. Orgs.): 3%
[07] ACLU (Amer. Civ. Lib. Union): 1%
[08] Planned Parenthood: 1%
-------Please see [09] below-------
[10] News Organizations: 0.33311125916%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Donations Spent: 20%

Plus, here are the percentages that I have spent on interest and credit card purchases, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[02] Credit Card Purchases: 17%
[09] Monthly Interest: 5%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Interest and Purchases: 22%

Grand Total Percentage of Monthly Income for September 2023: 42%"

And my 'August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 3, Written On November 1st, 2023 About October 2023,' which can be found above, is where I continued to explain what the total percentage of my monthly income is that I spent for the month of October 2023 on donations, as well as monthly interest and credit card purchases! And in that 'update,' I explained, in part, the following:

"...And now that yesterday, October 31st, 2023, was the last day of October 2023, I wanted to provide you with October's total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations:

October 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 31%

Then, if I average out the total percentage that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations from January 2023 through October 2023, it comes out to an average of 0.20% of my monthly income! (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)

And here are the percentages that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations by category, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[01] ACLU (Amer. Civ. Lib. Union): 2%
[02] Non-Categorized Political: 7%
[03] Planned Parenthood: 2%
[04] Everytown for Gun Safety: 1%
[05] Non-Categorized Charity: 4%
[06] World Jewish Congress: 1%
-------Please see [07] below-------
[08] Disaster Relief: 2%
[09] USO (United Serv. Orgs.): 10%
-------Please see [10] below-------
[11] Brady PAC: 2%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Donations Spent: 31%

Plus, here are the percentages that I have spent on interest and credit card purchases, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[07] Credit Card Purchases: 74%
[10] Monthly Interest: 3%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Interest and Purchases: 77%

Grand Total Percentage of Monthly Income for October 2023: 108%"

And my 'August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 4, Written On December 1st, 2023 About November 2023,' which can be found above, is where I continued to explain what the total percentage of my monthly income is that I spent for the month of November 2023 on donations, as well as monthly interest and credit card purchases! And in that 'update,' I explained, in part, the following:

And now that yesterday, November 30th, 2023, was the last day of November 2023, I wanted to provide you with November's total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations:

November 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 71%

Then, if I average out the total percentage that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations from January 2023 through November 2023, it comes out to an average of 24% of my monthly income! (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)

And here are the percentages that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations by category, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[01] Non-Categorized Political: 16%
[02] ACLU (Amer. Civ. Lib. Union): 17%
[03] USHMM (U.S. Holocaust Memor. Mus.): 7%
[04] PPAF (Plan. Parent. Act. Fund): 2%
[05] PPFA (Plan. Parent. Feder. of Amer.): 2%
[06] News Organizations: 0.33311125916%
[07] Brady PAC: 0.46635576282%
[08] IAVA (Iraq & Afghan. Vet. of Amer.): 0.33311125916%
[09] Non-Categorized Charity: 0.33311125916%
[10] Everytown for Gun Safety: 0.33311125916%
[11] World Jewish Congress: 0.33311125916%
-------Please see [12] below-------
[13] USO (United Serv. Orgs.): 3%
[14] Veterans Day: 2%
[15] NARF (Nativ. Amer. Rights Fund): 0.46635576282%
[16] Thanksgiving: 3%
-------Purchase refund [17]-------
[18] UFW (Unite. Farm Work.): 2%
[19] Plant Based Treaty: 0.33977348434%
[20] Giving Tuesday: 39%
[21] Plan. Parent. PAC of Ore.: 0.33311125916%
-------Please see [22] below-------
[23] Native American Heritage Day: 2%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Donations Spent: 71%

Plus, here are the percentages that I have spent on interest and credit card purchases, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[12] Credit Card Purchases: 53%
[22] Monthly Interest: 5%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Interest and Purchases: 58%

Grand Total Percentage of Monthly Income for November 2023: 129%

And now that yesterday, December 31st, 2023, was the last day of December 2023, I wanted to provide you with December's total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations:

December 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 31%

Then, if I average out the total percentage that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations from January 2023 through December 2023, it comes out to an average of 25% of my monthly income! (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)

And here are the percentages that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations by category, as outlined within my monthly budget:

-------Please see [01] below-------
[02] USO (United Serv. Orgs.): 6%
[03] PPAF (Plan. Parent. Act. Fund): 1%
[04] DSCC (Dem. Senate. Cam. Comm.): 1%
[05] DCCC (Dem. Congress. Cam. Comm.): 1%
[06] DNC (Dem. Nation. Cam. Comm.): 1%
[07] USA for UNFPA: 0.33311125916%
[08] USA for UNHCR: 0.33311125916%
[09] Non-Categorized Political: 6%
[10] World Jewish Congress: 0.33311125916%
[11] UFW (Unite. Farm Work.): 1%
[12] Brady United: 0.33311125916%
[13] ACLU (Amer. Civ. Lib. Union): 1%
[14] Mother Jones: 1%
[15] DASS (Dem. Assoc. Secr. of State): 0.35642904730%
[16] Christmas Giving: 6%
[17] Joe Biden for President: 1%
[18] Plan. Parent. PAC of Ore.: 0.33311125916%
[19] Doctors w/o Borders: 0.33311125916%
[20] Everytown for Gun Safety: 0.33311125916%
[21] Reveal Podcast: 0.33311125916%
-------Please see [22] below-------
[23] DLCC (Dem. Legis. Cam. Comm.): 1%
[24] Friends of Willamette Week: 1%
[25] IAVA (Iraq & Afghan. Vet. of Amer.): 0.33311125916%
[26] WWP (Wounded Warrior Project): 1%

Plus, here are the percentages that I have spent on interest and credit card purchases, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[01] Credit Card Purchases: 19%
[22] Monthly Interest: 8%

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Interest and Purchases: 27%

Grand Total Percentage of Monthly Income for December 2023: 58%

Now, this is where I usually say something like the following on these donation 'updates' that I write each month:

Obviously, I continue needing to greatly reduce the percentage of my monthly income that I am spending on political, progressive and charitable organizations, so that is why I decided to reduce "the number of times that I donate for the same organization per month down to once—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis," as well as to reduce "the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers."

However, I am going to follow my own words of advice from my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' wherein I stated the following:

I may eventually find out that making these reduced numbers of donations, and/or these reduced amounts for donations, still isn't enough to compensate for this considerable increase in my monthly minimum payments for my credit card, at which time I will reevaluate my financial situation and make adjustments to my political, progressive and charitable donations as needed.

Although, as you can see, I am doing way, way better than I did last month, where my total percentage from donations spent for November 2023 was 71%, and my total percentage from interest and purchases for November 2023 was 58%, for a grand total percentage of monthly income for November 2023 of 129%!

Thus, I spend 40% less on donations for December 2023, but most of that had to do with me making a limited number of contributions for my Christmas donations! Plus, I spent less than 1% (0.33311125916%) on disaster relief this month, since I only donated to Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières. And I spent 3% more on monthly interest this month, because I increased my credit card balance by a considerable amount!

However, I did spend 34% less on credit card purchases for December 2023 than I did last month; and, at the same time, I spent 71% less compared to last month on the grand total percentage of my monthly income for November 2023 at 129%. (I made regular purchases on my credit card over the allotted "Budgeted Expenses" amount in my monthly budget; although, I was buying some items that were on sale!)

So, now, I am continuing to really "tightening my belt," so to speak, with regard to all of the donations that I am making on my credit card each month!

My plan is to only donate to political, progressive and charitable organizations if they specifically ask for donations—and not just for the sake of donating to them at least once per month, or even when I have been taking some sort of action, such as signing a petition, or sending a letter, etc. Thus, I am trying to greatly reduce the number of donations that I make to simply once in a while, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis!

You see, there are a lot of organizations that I literally donate to only once per year—such as for Giving Tuesday—which is all that I ever donate to them. And that is basically what I am striving for, so that I am still donating to political, progressive and charitable organizations, but the bare minimum that I can donate, since that's all I can really afford.

Therefore, the reason that I am explaining all of this donating and budgeting is because I spent A LOT last year (in 2022), since I was "doing everything in my power to help Democrats win in the 2022 Midterm Elections!" So, I ended up with a rather considerable credit card balance...

...And I am still paying off how much I spent in 2022 on the Midterm Elections while, at the same time, I am trying to be an "Online Activist" and to 'put my money where my mouth is' regarding my activism. That is why I blog about which political, progressive and charitable organizations I am supporting with regard to the causes that are the most important to me!

By the way, this is the final follow-up that I am writing for my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' because it's a new year as of today, January 1st, 2024, which is when I wrote this 'update.' And I am still planning to provide a similar outline for my January 2024 'update'—which I will probably write on February 1st, 2024—wherein I hope to report how gosh darn frugal I was with regard to political, progressive and charitable organizations I am supporting while I am on a really tight budget... –Paul Whiting (written January 1st, 2024, revised January 2nd, 2024, revised January 9th, 2024 and revised February 1st, 2024)




January 1st, 2024 Update No. 1 [My Writing About My New Year's Resolution For 2024]: Happy New Year, everyone! My New Year's Resolution for 2024 is to change the way that I am making donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations in order to still donate to them on a consistent basis, but in a way that is affordable for me!

Please let me explain: I used to make one-time donations to the organizations which are the subject of the blog post 'updates' that I write on some of my blogs each time that I took an action as requested by those organizations; however, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)

Therefore, "I am really 'tightening my belt,' so to speak, with regard to all of the donations that I am making on my credit card each month! So, my plan is to only donate to political, progressive and charitable organizations if they specifically ask for donations—and not just for the sake of donating to them at least once per month, or even when I have been taking some sort of action, such as signing a petition, or sending a letter, etc.

Thus, I am trying to greatly reduce the number of donations that I make to simply once in a while, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis! You see, there are a lot of organizations that I literally donate to only once per year—such as for Giving Tuesday—which is all that I ever donate to them. And that is basically what I am striving for, so that I am still donating to political, progressive and charitable organizations, but the bare minimum that I can donate, since that's all I can really afford." [Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 4, Written On December 1st, 2023 About November 2023 (that also appears as 'November 30th, 2023 Update No. 2, Written On December 1st, 2023' on some of my blogs), which can be found above.]

Now, that also means if I do donate to any particular organization, in any given month, I am striving to donate to that organization only once per month. Therefore, "I am greatly reducing the number of times that I donate for the same organization per month down to once—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis." (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.)

–Paul Whiting (written January 1st, 2024 and revised January 9th, 2024)


January 3rd, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses December 27th, 2023 Through January 2nd, 2024: [CONTENT WARNING: THIS UPDATE CONTAINS ARTICLES WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!] This 'update' that I am writing today, January 3rd, 2024, is only from my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received via email for the time period of December 27th, 2023 through January 2nd, 2024.

To begin with, I have NOT checked the news through Google searches for quite a long time because of how much blogging I have been doing lately. You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day, which used to start with me reading Time Magazine articles that I selected from one (or more) of their emails that I received each day. However, because I have been so busy lately with "Online Activism," and also with the editing of my five blogs, I have only been keeping up with the news just by reading the titles of the Time articles that I receive from their daily emails—until I can actually get around to reading the articles from those emails that I highlight in these 'updates.'

That is why I have decided to simply go with this trend of just reading the titles of the Time articles that I receive from their daily emails until I have the time to check the news via Google searches, like used to do!

Although, given the volume of news lately, I may decide to keep up with the news through email notifications only. To that end, I have recently signed up to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe in order for me to stay informed about what's happening in the world. Thus, I already receive these types of emails from Time Magazine—as mentioned above—but I am also checking the news just by reading the article titles from the other news organizations to which I subscribe in addition to Time Magazine. Therefore, if I highlight any of those articles, as well, I will let you know through 'updates' such as this one.

And I used to provide longer introductions to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which included the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received for the time period of December 27th, 2023 through January 2nd, 2024, when I noticed the following articles! (By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The following are the articles which I received seven days ago, December 27th, 2023:

The first Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received seven days ago) is titled, "Setting New Year’s Intentions in Middle Age":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received seven days ago) is titled, "9 Mental-Health Resolutions for 2024, According to Therapists":


The following are the articles which I received six days ago, December 28th, 2023:

The third Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received six days ago) is titled, "Understanding Pregnancy Loss Was Supposed to Improve Health Outcomes—Not Lead to Punishment": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT PREGNANCY LOSS WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The fourth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received six days ago) is titled, "TIME’s Top 10 Photos of 2023": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS SOME PHOTOGRAPHS THAT ARE VERY GRAPHIC IN NATURE WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The following are the articles which I received five days ago, December 29th, 2023:

The fifth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received five days ago) is titled, "The Ultimate Election Year: All the Elections Around the World in 2024":


The sixth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received five days ago) is titled, "The Endangered Species Act Has Been a Success for 50 Years. Its Work Is Just Beginning":


The seventh Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received five days ago) is titled, "10 New Year’s Traditions From Across the Globe":


The eighth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received five days ago) is titled, "Who Decided January 1st Is the New Year?":


The following is the article which I received four days ago, December 30th, 2023:

The ninth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received four days ago) is titled, "Ohio Governor Vetoes Bill Banning Gender-Affirming Care for Young People":


The following is the article which I received three days ago, December 31st, 2023:

The tenth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received three days ago) is titled, "10 Surprising Facts About the Times Square New Year’s Eve Ball Drop":


The following is the article which I received two days ago, January 1st, 2024:

The eleventh Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received two days ago) is titled, "Israel Says It’s Pulling Thousands of Troops From Gaza": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The following are the articles which I received yesterday, January 2nd, 2024:

The twelfth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "Teachers Wrestle With How to Discuss January 6 With Students":

By the way, I also watched the video accompanying the article above that is titled, "Trump Should Be Prosecuted, Jan. 6 Committee Declares in Historic Criminal Referral."


The thirteenth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "‘The Donald Trump Revenge Show’: House GOP Moves Toward Impeaching Biden":

And I decided to highlight these articles from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written January 3rd, 2024, revised January 5th, 2024, revised January 10th, 2024, revised January 13th, 2024, revised January 20th, 2024 and revised April 6th, 2024)


January 5th, 2024 Update No. 1: I have consolidated the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

Therefore, I have combined every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The only political communication to which I responded was a text message today, January 5th, 2024, from the Harry Dunn for Congress campaign, which stated the following:

Paul, my name is Harry Dunn. 3 years ago as a Capitol Police officer, I defended the U.S. Capitol from insurrectionists. Today, I'm proud to announce my campaign for Congress.

On January 6th, I fought on the frontlines to stop Donald Trump and his MAGA mob from overturning a free and fair election. I witnessed my fellow officers be beaten bloody and attacked by people with hate in their heart.

I defended members of Congress who invited the violence into the Capitol.

I returned to work, despite the trauma, and watched horrified as those same members refused to take action or even denounce the violence.

That day showed me just how fragile and precious our democracy is. We need fighters in Congress who are willing to show up to hold far-right extremists accountable.

I'm running because I'm passionate about this and I'm not going to sit back and wait for someone else to do it. But Trump and his rabid supporters will stop at NOTHING to stop me from winning this open seat.

I'd be honored to have you as a Day One Founder of my Democratic campaign. It is critical we raise $100,000 first 24 hours to prove we have the momentum to win. Can you chip in even just $1 and join me in this fight?***

With Love

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

[Image of Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn next to the following quote:] "I'm ready to keep defending democracy and our Democratic priorities, but this time, as a Congressman." RUSH $10 NOW >>

Be a Day One Donor!

I saw the carnage and violence of January 6 with my own eyes. So trust me when I say, we are dangerously close to something like the January 6 Insurrection happening again.

I worked in the Capitol as Officer Dunn - now I'm running to serve as Congressman Dunn.

Can I count on you to chip in and make history for Democrats and Maryland's 3rd Congressional District?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Harry Dunn.

[  ] Donate $1 →

[  ] Donate $10 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[  ] Donate $3,300 →

[✓] Other amount: $3.00

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Harry Dunn for Congress campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to be "a Day One Founder of [Harry Dunn's] Democratic campaign [for Congress]."

Thus, this one campaign—Harry Dunn for Congress—is the political campaign that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written January 5th, 2024, revised January 22nd, 2024 and revised April 17th, 2024)


January 5th, 2024 Update No. 2: [CONTENT WARNING: THIS UPDATE CONTAINS ARTICLES WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!] This 'update' that I am writing today, January 5th, 2024, is only from my usual reading of The New York Times articles that I received via email today.

To begin with, I have NOT checked the news through Google searches for quite a long time because of how much blogging I have been doing lately. You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day. However, because I have been so busy lately with "Online Activism," and also with the editing of my five blogs, I have only been keeping up with the news just by reading the titles of The New York Times articles that I receive from their daily emails, as well as just by reading the article titles from the other news organizations to which I subscribe in addition to The New York Times—until I can actually get around to reading the articles from those emails that I highlight in these 'updates.'

Thus, I have been keeping up with the news through email notifications only. To that end, I have recently signed up to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe—including The New York Times—in order for me to stay informed about what's happening in the world. That is why I have decided to simply go with this trend of just reading the article titles from the news organizations to which I subscribe that I receive from their daily emails until I have the time to check the news via Google searches, like used to do!

Although, given the volume of news lately, I may decide to keep up with the news through email notifications only. And so, I am also checking the news just by reading the article titles from the other news organizations to which I subscribe in addition to The New York Times. Therefore, highlighted articles from the other news organizations to which I subscribe are provided through 'updates' such as this one.

And I used to provide longer introductions to these New York Times articles that I highlight, which included the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all The New York Times articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of the titles to The New York Times articles—including any article overviews contained within the emails—that I received today, January 5th, 2024, when I noticed the following articles! (As mentioned above, I am a subscriber to The New York Times through a 'Basic Access - Monthly' Digital Subscription via Google Play.)

The first New York Times article that I read today is titled, "Trump Received Millions From Foreign Governments as President, Report Finds":


The second New York Times article that I read today is titled, "Islamic State Claims Responsibility for Deadly Bombings in Iran": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT A BOMBING ATTACK WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The third New York Times article that I read today is titled, "U.S. Added 216,000 Jobs in December, Outpacing Forecasts":


The fourth New York Times article that I read today is titled, "A Factory in Maine Proves ‘Made in America’ Is Still Possible":


The fifth New York Times article that I read today is titled, "F.D.A. Issues First Approval for Mass Drug Imports to States From Canada":


The sixth New York Times article that I read today is titled, "Wayne LaPierre Resigns From N.R.A. With Trial Set to Open":


The seventh New York Times article that I read today is titled, "Biden Condemns Trump as Dire Threat to Democracy in a Blistering Speech":

And I decided to highlight these articles from The New York Times for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written January 5th, 2024, revised January 10th, 2024, revised January 13th, 2024 and revised January 20th, 2024)


January 5th, 2024 Update No. 3: [CONTENT WARNING: THIS UPDATE CONTAINS ARTICLES WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!] This 'update' that I am writing today, January 5th, 2024, is only from my usual reading of USA Today articles that I received via email today.

To begin with, I have NOT checked the news through Google searches for quite a long time because of how much blogging I have been doing lately. You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day. However, because I have been so busy lately with "Online Activism," and also with the editing of my five blogs, I have only been keeping up with the news just by reading the titles of the USA Today articles that I receive from their daily emails, as well as just by reading the article titles from the other news organizations to which I subscribe in addition to USA Today—until I can actually get around to reading the articles from those emails that I highlight in these 'updates.'

Thus, I have been keeping up with the news through email notifications only. To that end, I have recently signed up to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe—including USA Today—in order for me to stay informed about what's happening in the world. That is why I have decided to simply go with this trend of just reading the article titles from the news organizations to which I subscribe that I receive from their daily emails until I have the time to check the news via Google searches, like used to do!

Although, given the volume of news lately, I may decide to keep up with the news through email notifications only. And so, I am also checking the news just by reading the article titles from the other news organizations to which I subscribe in addition to USA Today. Therefore, highlighted articles from the other news organizations to which I subscribe are provided through 'updates' such as this one.

And I used to provide longer introductions to these USA Today articles that I highlight, which included the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the USA Today articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of the titles to USA Today articles—including any article overviews contained within the emails—that I received today, January 5th, 2024, when I noticed the following articles! (As mentioned above, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)

The first USA Today article that I read today is titled, "Biden will mark Jan. 6 anniversary with speech warning Trump is a threat to democracy.":


The second USA Today article that I read today is titled, "Ahead of Jan. 6, poll flashes warning signs about 2024 election aftermath":


The third USA Today article that I read today is titled, "Trump received millions of dollars from foreign governments while president, House Democrats allege":


The fourth USA Today article that I read today is titled, "Islamic State said it carried out Iran suicide bombings that killed dozens: War updates": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT A BOMBING ATTACK AND WAR UPDATES WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]

And I decided to highlight these articles from USA Today for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written January 5th, 2024, revised January 10th, 2024, revised January 13th, 2024 and revised January 20th, 2024)


January 6th, 2024 Update No. 1, Written On January 7th, 2024: I have consolidated the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

Therefore, I have combined every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The first political communication to which I responded was an email from the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC) three days ago on January 4th, 2024, with the subject line, "The reason why so many Trump-enablers have run for state office...", which stated the following:

A project of the DLCC

Paul – did you know that 15 state legislators who attended the January 6th insurrection are currently serving in statehouses across the country? And since January 6th, 2021, at least 59 Republicans who were in Washington, DC, that day have either ended up in state legislative office or ran for one?

We believe the reason why so many insurrectionists and election deniers have run in state legislative races is because they're betting that nobody pays attention to local races – making it that much easier to win, gain power, and oversee the future of our elections.

But they’re wrong, Paul. We’re paying attention – we know that you are too – and we’re not going to make this easy for them.

But, Paul, here's the hard truth: Increased awareness and attention is not enough – we need financial investment to organize for state Democrats and defeat these insurrectionists and their enablers. So will you please chip in $50 or anything you can to protect our democracy at the state level?

If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will process immediately.

Chip in $50 now »
Chip in $100 now »
Chip in $250 now »
Chip in $1000 now »
[✓] Chip in another amount »***

The DLCC supports countless Democrats who run in incredibly close races against extremist Republicans threatening to restrict abortion access and gut voting rights.

The good news is that more and more people are realizing the importance of these state legislative races heading into 2024’s elections – and we’re so excited to be growing this team.

But at the end of the day, winning is going to come down to who can earn the most votes – not who has the most attention. And our voter outreach and organizing work is powered by the contributions we receive from emails like this one.

Competing against the GOP requires a ton of resources – and that’s why we need your support: Please pitch in $50 or anything you can right now to keep Trump’s insurrectionists and their enablers out of power.

Thank you,


[✓] DONATE »***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Join the fight to defeat GOP insurrectionists!

State Democrats across the country urgently need your help to defeat Trump's allies. Your grassroots donation to the Stop the Insurrectionists Fund will help take on GOP insurrectionists and their enablers in the fight for our democracy.

Can you chip in $7 today?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee.

[  ] Donate $7 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $5.00

Please leave us a tip

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue Technical Services is a nonprofit that builds the fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.35 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DLCC (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, January 6th, 2024, in order to "join the fight to defeat GOP insurrectionists," because "[the DLCC needs] financial investment to organize for state Democrats and defeat these [Trump] insurrectionists and their enablers."


The second political communication to which I responded was an email from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) two days ago on January 5th, 2024, with the subject line, "Under NO circumstances, Paul.", which stated the following:

Paul, let us explain why your Democratic Membership is so critical right now.

FIRST: MAGA Republicans unleashed $250,000 on ads to prop up 17 vulnerable Republicans and misrepresent the facts.

THEN: Polls show that the battle for control of the House will come down to a photo finish -- Democrats are ahead by less than one point.

NOW: Stunning reports reveal that MAGA Mike Johnson raised $5.4 MILLION in ONE WEEK!!

Paul, under NO circumstances can we let MAGA Republicans buy their way into another vile term in power. That’s why support from our Democratic Members is so absolutely critical to competing with their mega-donors. We’re calling for 22,310 Democratic Members to step up and help ensure we have the resources to STOP House Republicans from building an UNBEATABLE war chest and pulling off a total takeover. We cannot afford to let Republicans get a head start. Can you rush $60 to help reclaim the House for Democrats? >>***


Paul, every time we’ve asked you for help, you’ve stepped up.

You helped us kick one of our country’s WORST Presidents OUT of power.

You helped stop the "red wave" from materializing.

You helped House Democrats and President Biden secure LONG overdue progress on critical issues.

Now, we need your help once again. Will you rush $60 to help take back the House? We’re calling for just 22,310 more grassroots Democrats to step up and help outraise House Republicans to crush their hopes of a full takeover. >>

If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

[  ] Chip in $60 immediately >>
[  ] Chip in $80 immediately >>
[  ] Chip in $120 immediately >>
[  ] Chip in $200 immediately >>
[  ] Chip in $480 immediately >>
[✓] Or chip in another amount >>***

Thank you,


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Chip in now to FLIP the House and DEFEND President Biden's legacy!

Republicans are blocking President Biden's agenda at every turn - and he's counting on this grassroots team to STOP them.

SO QUICKLY: Will you rush in a donation to elect a WAVE of Democrats and FLIP the House?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit DCCC.

[  ] Donate $15 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $5.00

Please leave us a tip

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.35 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DCCC (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, January 6th, 2024, because "under NO circumstances can we let MAGA Republicans buy their way into another vile term in power." That is why I contributed "a donation to elect a WAVE of Democrats and FLIP the House!"


The third political communication to which I responded was a text message two days ago on January 5th, 2024, from the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State (DASS), which stated the following:

BREAKING: U.S. Supreme Court announces it will decide if Donald Trump can be kept off 2024 presidential ballots.

Agree or disagree: “Donald Trump should be disqualified from being on the 2024 ballot”

[✓] Yes, I agree:***
[  ] No, I do not agree:

-Team DASS

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Democratic Association of Secretaries of State


Email: [redacted]

Agree or disagree: "Colorado and Maine made the right decision to disqualify Donald Trump from the 2024 ballot"

[✓] Yes, I agree!
[  ] No, I do not agree!
[  ] Unsure

[FOLLOW UP] If the 2024 election were held tomorrow, who would you vote for?

[✓] Joe Biden
[  ] Donald Trump
[  ] Unsure

Do you plan to vote [this] year?

[✓] Yes
[  ] No
[  ] Unsure
[  ] Prefer not to say

How concerned are you that MAGA Republicans running for Secretary of State have pledged to END Vote-by-Mail?

[✓] Very concerned
[  ] Somewhat concerned
[  ] Not concerned

Did you know that Secretaries of State are responsible for upholding election laws, overseeing elections, and counting ballots?

[✓] Yes, I knew that!
No, but I do now!

The Democratic Association of Secretaries of State is the largest and most powerful organization leading the movement to stop election-denying extremists at the ballot box. Will you join our grassroots operation?

[✓] YES!

Can we please count on you to chip in to elect Democrats who will fight for our democracy?

[  ] Yes, I'll chip in $3 >>
[  ] Yes, I'll chip in $15 >>
[  ] Yes, I'll chip in $35 >>
[  ] Yes, I'll chip in $50 >>
[✓] Yes, I'll chip in a custom amount >>

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.35 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DASS (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, January 6th, 2024, in order to confirm that "Yes, I agree ... Donald Trump should be disqualified from being on the 2024 ballot."


The fourth political communication to which I responded was a text message two days ago on January 5th, 2024, from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC), which stated the following:

Paul: As of 3:40 P.M., you still haven't answered our critical poll to confirm you DON'T approve of Donald Trump!

Trump is mounting a 𝘥𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘴 comeback bid, and with polls neck-and-neck, we need grassroots Democrats like you to confirm you WON'T support Trump in 2024!

The future of our democracy is on the line, but we still need 113 more responses from your area before MIDNIGHT -- so please tell us now:

Do you approve of Donald Trump?

[  ] YES:
[✓] NO:***


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

Democratic Poll

Please confirm your response and answer a few additional questions for our Democratic Strategy Team.

Please confirm: Do you approve of Donald Trump?

[  ] Yes.
[✓] No!

Now that Donald Trump is running for president AGAIN, what do you consider to be the most dangerous parts of his time in office? (Select all that apply.)

[✓] Lying about election fraud and inciting an insurrection at the Capitol
[✓] Putting three ultra-conservative justices onto the Supreme Court
[✓] Supporting cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid
[✓] Attempting to eliminate the Affordable Care Act
[✓] Slashing taxes for billionaires and giant corporations
[✓] Undermining the U.S. Postal Service
[✓] Coddling dictators and undermining America's allies abroad
[✓] Ignoring critical issues like climate change and gun violence
[  ] Other:

Now that Trump is leading the polls for the Republican nomination, how concerned are you that he and his Senate allies could return to power?

[✓] Extremely concerned
[  ] Somewhat concerned
[  ] Not at all concerned

If Democrats lose just two Senate seats, we'll lose our majority to Mitch McConnell and far-right MAGA Republicans. How committed are you to stopping the GOP from retaking Senate control?

[✓] Extremely committed -- I am in the fight to defend and expand the Democratic majority.
[  ] Somewhat committed.
[  ] Not at all committed -- I don't care if Mitch McConnell retakes Senate control.

To stop MAGA Republicans, we need to hit every deadline. But our finance team says we're short of today's $25,000 fundraising goal, and we only have until midnight to catch up!

Will you chip in $30 or more to help reach this goal and fight for President Biden's razor-thin Democratic Senate majority?

Please use the links below to start a monthly donation through ActBlue:

[  ] Yes, I'll chip in $30.
[  ] Yes, I'll chip in $60.
[  ] Yes, I'll chip in $90.
[✓] Yes, but I'll chip in another amount.*

*[Blogger's Note: I selected this option—although I made a one-time donation, rather than a monthly donation—because it's an option that got me to the donation webpage!]



Donate now to SUPERCHARGE our Senate majority!

CNN says multiple GOP seats could flip blue this year -- but with Mitch McConnell's megadonors already playing offense, it's going to take all hands on deck to win!

Please, will you chip in now to protect our historic progress by supercharging our Democratic majority?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit DSCC.

[  ] $120 →
[  ] $60 →
[  ] $300 →
[  ] $600 →
[  ] $1,200 →
[  ] $2,400 →
[✓] Other $5.00

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.35 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DSCC (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, January 6th, 2024, in order to answer the question "Do you approve of Donald Trump?" That is why I responded with a resounding "No!"


The fifth political communication to which I responded was an email from the Biden for President campaign yesterday, January 6th, 2024, with the subject line, "January 6, 2021", which stated the following:

Biden-Harris 2024

Paul, certain dates echo throughout history. They remind all who have lived through them where they were and what they were doing when our democracy came under assault.

Today, I am reflecting on where I was on this day in 2021, as I am sure you are too.

I was not only Vice President-elect, I was also a United States senator. I was at the Capitol that morning. Hours later, the gates of the Capitol were breached.

I immediately thought about not only my colleagues, but also my staff, who had been forced to seek refuge in our office, converting filing cabinets into barricades. The heroic law enforcement officers who answered the call that day and the American public watching on television from all corners of the nation.

On January 6, we all saw what our nation would look like if the forces who seek to dismantle our democracy are successful. The lawlessness, the violence, the chaos.

What was at stake then, and now, is the right to have our future decided the way the Constitution prescribes it: by we, the people -- all the people.

The stakes of this election are high. The results could determine the survival of our very democracy. So, I have to ask: Will you make an investment today in this campaign so we can continue strengthening our democracy and protecting our personal freedoms for years to come?

[✓] YES***

The extremists who roamed the halls of the Capitol were not only targeting the lives of elected leaders. They were assaulting the institutions, values, and ideals that generations of Americans have fought for. That we cannot forget, Paul.

We cannot let our future be decided by those bent on silencing our voices, overturning our votes, and peddling lies and misinformation. This threat comes from a radical faction that may be newly resurgent but whose roots run old and deep.

The work ahead will not be easy. But we cannot sit on the sidelines. We must unite in defense of our democracy.

If you’re ready to make a difference, please consider clicking here and making a donation of any amount today to help Joe and me win another four years in the White House.

Thank you for rising to this moment,

Kamala Harris
Vice President of the United States

"Every generation has a moment where they have had to stand up for democracy. To stand up for their fundamental freedoms. I believe this is ours." -- Joe Biden

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Donate to reelect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris!

It's going to take this full team to deliver four more years for Democrats in the White House to finish the job. Will you pitch in today?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Joe Biden.

[  ] $25 →

[  ] $10 →

[  ] $46 →

[  ] $100 →

[  ] $250 →

[  ] $1,000 →

[  ] $2,000 →

[✓] Other $5.00

Please leave us a tip

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.35 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Biden for President campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, January 6th, 2024, because "the stakes of this election are high," since "the results could determine the survival of our very democracy." That is why answered with a resounding 'Yes' to the question from Vice President Kamala Harris: "Will you make an investment today in this campaign so we can continue strengthening our democracy and protecting our personal freedoms for years to come?"


The sixth political communication to which I responded was an email from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) yesterday, January 6th, 2024, with the subject line, "January 6th", which stated the following:

Three years ago today, we witnessed a horrific attack on our democracy. The will of the people went under assault, and our Constitution faced the gravest of threats.

But we the people endured. Our democracy prevailed.

That’s why I have hope, Paul -- because the people of this nation standing on the right side of history didn’t allow this threat to crumble the values and progress we built together.

But it is also our job to make sure we’re not short-sighted. That we remember the insurrection of January 6 and the lies that fueled it. Because if we are not vigilant in defending our democracy, it might not stand next time.

Democracy is on the ballot again this year. And, we must do everything in our power to make sure MAGA Republicans do not come close to threatening our progress and undermining the values our country was founded on again. The DNC has made historic investments in educating, mobilizing, and protecting voters nationwide -- and I'm counting on this team to join me in continuing to bolster those efforts in this critical election year.

If you’re able, please make a $35 donation to the DNC today to help defend our democracy and elect Democrats who are ready to do the same.

Today and every day, thanks for being on our team.

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
Democratic National Committee

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Donate to the DNC and help elect Democrats nationwide!

The Democratic Party is counting on your support to hold the GOP accountable and elect more Democrats up and down the ballot.

Donate to the DNC and invest in the resources our candidates rely on to compete and win year after year.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Democratic National Committee (DNC).

[  ] $20 →

[  ] $10 →

[  ] $50 →

[  ] $100 →

[  ] $250 →

[  ] $1,000 →

[  ] $2,000 →

[✓] Other $5.00

Please leave us a tip

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.35 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DNC (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, January 6th, 2024, because "democracy is on the ballot again this year," so "we must do everything in our power to make sure MAGA Republicans do not come close to threatening our progress and undermining the values our country was founded on again," since "we remember the insurrection of January 6 and the lies that fueled it."

Thus, these five organizations—the DLCC, the DCCC, the DASS, the DSCC and the DNC—as well as this one campaign—Biden for President—are the political organizations and the political campaign that I donated to yesterday! –Paul Whiting (written January 7th, 2024, revised January 22nd, 2024, revised February 1st, 2024, revised February 21st, 2024 and revised April 17th, 2024)

P.S.: I truly do believe that Republicans are acting like "Radical Christian Terrorists," hence, the January 6th, 2021 Capitol Attack.

(Or, it was the January 6th, *1776* "normal tourist group"; or, the insurrectionists that attacked the Capitol Complex—in order to stop the certification of Joe Biden's win—were really 'Antifa' protestors; or, they were Black Lives Matter protestors; or, they were paid actors and actresses; or, in all actuality, they were incited by "Gasp!" the FBI. Regardless, however, it was clearly 'a false flag operation' designed to make President Donald J. Trump "look bad"—like he needs any assistance doing that!)

And, speaking of the January 6th, 2021 Capitol Attack, here are some poems that I originally wrote on May 28th, 2021, June 2nd, 2021, and June 4th, 2021, respectively, regarding the 'True Patriot' event of 'legitimate political discourse,' as well as regarding the 'lack of integrity' in the 2020 Presidential Election:

"January 6th, 2021"
(A 'Not-So-Infamous' Poem)

January 6th, 2021:
A date which will
*never live in infamy.*

–Paul Whiting (written May 28th, 2021, revised June 11th, 2022 and revised June 12th, 2022)


Republicans and 'Election Integrity'
(A Haiku Poem)

The Republican
Election Integrity:
"Them 'darkies' can't vote!"

–Paul Whiting (written June 2nd, 2021 and revised September 7th, 2022)


January 6, 1776?
(A Questioning Poem)

Why, on January 6th, 2021,
were rioters, who attacked
the Capitol Complex, and who
threatened members of Congress
and Vice President Pence, told that...

..."Today is 1776"?

–Paul Whiting (written June 4th, 2021, revised June 11th, 2022, revised September 7th, 2022, revised November 27th, 2022 and revised March 10th, 2024)


January 10th, 2024 Update No. 1: I have consolidated the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

Therefore, I have combined every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The first political communication to which I responded was a text message today, January 10th, 2024, from the Cheyenne Hunt for Congress (Cheyenne for Congress) campaign, which stated the following:

Hi, I'm Cheyenne Hunt, the only Gen Z woman running for Congress in 2024. I'm running because we're in the fight of our lifetime to take back our democracy from unaccountable corporate politicians. We need leaders born into this crisis who understand what's at stake right now.

Raised by two generations of single mothers, I overcame generational obstacles to be the first in my family to graduate college. As an attorney, I protected domestic violence survivors and worked in the Senate Judiciary Committee drafting progressive legislation.

Now, I'm facing a MAGA extremist who seeks to criminalize abortion and attack our basic civil liberties. Together, we can build back the rights we have lost and protect those who will inherit the world we create. Will you become a Founding Donor of our campaign by chipping in $20 today?***


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:



Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Cheyenne Hunt.

[  ] Donate $5 →

[  ] Donate $15 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Cheyenne Hunt for Congress (Cheyenne for Congress) campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to become a "Founding Donor of [Cheyenne Hunt's] campaign [for Congress] by chipping in [$3] today."

Thus, this one campaign—Cheyenne Hunt for Congress (Cheyenne for Congress)—is the political campaign that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written January 10th, 2024, revised January 22nd, 2024 and revised April 17th, 2024)


January 10th, 2024 Update No. 2, Which Also Discusses January 3rd, 2024 Through January 9th, 2024: [CONTENT WARNING: THIS UPDATE CONTAINS ARTICLES WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!] This 'update' that I am writing today, January 10th, 2024, is only from my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received via email for the time period of January 3rd, 2024 through January 9th, 2024.

To begin with, I have NOT checked the news through Google searches for quite a long time because of how much blogging I have been doing lately. You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day, which used to start with me reading Time Magazine articles that I selected from one (or more) of their emails that I received each day. However, because I have been so busy lately with "Online Activism," and also with the editing of my five blogs, I have only been keeping up with the news just by reading the titles of the Time articles that I receive from their daily emails—until I can actually get around to reading the articles from those emails that I highlight in these 'updates.'

That is why I have decided to simply go with this trend of just reading the article titles from the news organizations to which I subscribe that I receive from their daily emails until I have the time to check the news via Google searches, like used to do!

Although, given the volume of news lately, I may decide to keep up with the news through email notifications only. To that end, I have recently signed up to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe in order for me to stay informed about what's happening in the world. Thus, I already receive these types of emails from Time Magazine—as mentioned above—but I am also checking the news just by reading the article titles from the other news organizations to which I subscribe in addition to Time Magazine. Therefore, highlighted articles from the other news organizations to which I subscribe are provided through 'updates' such as this one.

And I used to provide longer introductions to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which included the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received for the time period of January 3rd, 2024 through January 9th, 2024, when I noticed the following articles! (As mentioned above, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The following are the articles which I received seven days ago, January 3rd, 2024:

The first Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received seven days ago) is titled, "The Pervasive Loneliness of Autism":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received seven days ago) is titled, "How to Reduce Food Waste and Save Money":


The third Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received seven days ago) is titled, "Your New Year’s Resolution to Carry a Water Bottle Has a History":


The fourth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received seven days ago) is titled, "Failure Is a Privilege":


The fifth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received seven days ago) is titled, "Work Is the New Doctor’s Office":


The following is the article which I received six days ago, January 4th, 2024:

The sixth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received six days ago) is titled, "How Food Can Improve Your Mood, According to Nutritional Psychiatrists":


The following are the articles which I received five days ago, January 5th, 2024:

The seventh Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received five days ago) is titled, "A Make-or-Break Year for Democracy Worldwide":


The eighth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received five days ago) is titled, "Climate Gets Its Day in Court":


The following are the articles which I received four days ago, January 6th, 2024:

The ninth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received four days ago) is titled, "Why a New Stanley Cup Is Causing a Frenzy at Target":


The tenth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received four days ago) is titled, "What Generative AI Reveals About the Human Mind":


The following are the articles which I received three days ago, January 7th, 2024:

The eleventh Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received three days ago) is titled, "How Experts Believe Starvation Is Being Utilized in Gaza": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The twelfth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received three days ago) is titled, "How We Can Confront the Myths of January 6 and Intensifying Christian Nationalism":


The thirteenth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received three days ago) is titled, "What To Pay Attention to If You Want to Understand Climate and Business In 2024":


The fourteenth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received three days ago) is titled, "How ‘Urgent Optimism’ Can Save the World":


The following is the article which I received two days ago, January 8th, 2024:

The fifteenth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received two days ago) is titled, "Congressional Leaders Reach Deal on 2024 Spending to Avoid Government Shutdown":


The following are the articles which I received yesterday, January 9th, 2024:

The sixteenth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "How Attacks in the Red Sea Could Increase Costs of Items from Clothing to Coffee":

And I decided to highlight these articles from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written January 10th, 2024, revised January 13th, 2024, revised January 20th, 2024 and revised April 6th, 2024)

P.S.: By the way, I just before I started to read the Time Magazine article above titled, "Your New Year’s Resolution to Carry a Water Bottle Has a History," I was curious about this shopping trend that I have read about lately regarding "The Stanley™ Cup" craze!

So, I did a Google search for "water bottle craze" and I found an article on the Vox website titled, "The Stanley water bottle craze, explained," regarding people waiting in long lines at stores in order to buy the coveted Stanley™ brand water bottles! (Please see the hyperlink below for the article.)

"The Stanley water bottle craze, explained" from Vox Media:

And after I read the article above, I made a one-time donation to Vox Media in order to show my support for Vox's Journalism, as described in the following statement, which appeared at the end of the above-mentioned article:

Will you help keep Vox free for all?

At Vox, we believe that clarity is power, and that power shouldn’t only be available to those who can afford to pay. That’s why we keep our work free. Millions rely on Vox’s clear, high-quality journalism to understand the forces shaping today’s world. Support our mission and help keep Vox free for all by making a financial contribution to Vox today.

Thus, I made this one-time donation to Vox in order to show "my total consumer satisfaction" with their article that "really quenched my thirst," so to speak, for knowing all about this shopping trend that I've been hearing about lately regarding "the Stanley™ Cup" craze!

P.P.S.: And to clarify one more thing: The Vox article above that is titled, "The Stanley water bottle craze, explained" was read by me long before the Time Magazine article above that is titled, "Why a New Stanley Cup Is Causing a Frenzy at Target" which I read quite a bit later in my reading today of Time Magazine articles.


January 11th, 2024 Update No. 1: In observance of National Human Trafficking Awareness Day, which is yearly (annually) on January 11th in America, I donated today, January 11th, 2024, to organizations that are working toward ending modern slavery, or human trafficking as it is formally called. And I donated to both national and international anti-human trafficking organizations to symbolically recognize modern slavery, or human trafficking, as being an extremely serious issue in America, as well as worldwide. –Paul Whiting (January 11th, 2024)


January 13th, 2024 Update No. 1: I received an email from Planned Parenthood Action Fund today, January 13th, 2024, with the subject line, "'Patients and doctors should be making these decisions.'", which stated the following:

Planned Parenthood Action Fund Update

Action Fund Update is the monthly newsletter for members of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund. As an associate member of the Action Fund, you'll receive timely, insider information on our legislative, advocacy, and electoral work.

Member News

A lot happened in 2023, Paul.

Some of it was bad.

In 2023, over 380 anti-abortion bills were introduced across 47 states. And in 21 states, all or some abortions are now banned. Wyoming became the first state to enact an explicit medication abortion ban (currently not in effect, pending a court challenge), and North Dakota enacted a total abortion ban. Indiana’s total ban, which passed during a 2022 special session, went into effect. Across the country, more than 1 in 3 women of reproductive age, plus more trans and non-binary people, currently live in a state where they cannot access abortion.

But we had some major wins, too.

Ohio voters enshrined the right to an abortion in their constitution. Abortion care services in Wisconsin resumed when a state court ruled that the state's pre-Roe statute from 1849 was not an abortion ban. Advocates worked hard to protect reproductive rights, introducing over 410 proactive abortion access bills across 49 states.

And in 2024, our movement is working towards more major wins: Advocates are trying to put abortion rights on the ballot in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Montana, Nebraska, New York, Nevada, and other states.

Across the country, in every state, Planned Parenthood Action Fund and our allies will fight to secure the fundamental right to an abortion. Thank you for a transformative 2023. Here's to what we will accomplish together in 2024.


[Name redacted], [Title redacted]
Planned Parenthood Action Fund

P.S. Based on our records, it looks like your Associate Membership is going to expire soon. Don't miss out on timely, insider information on Planned Parenthood Action Fund's advocacy, legislative work, and electoral endorsements, as well as volunteer opportunities in your area. Click here to renew your membership.*

Take Action

Hold Congress Accountable: Stop Attacks on Reproductive Care

Well, here we are again — members in the majority of the U.S. House of Representatives are continuing their attacks on abortion, gender-affirming care, sex education, birth control, and more. They don't care about patients. They don't care about essential health care. They only care about their personal agenda.

We need to hold them accountable. Tell Congress: stop the attacks on sexual and reproductive health care!

Take Action >>***

[By the way, I took this action last year (2023) to "Tell Congress: Stop the attacks on Planned Parenthood patients and sexual & reproductive health care" on September 30th, 2023 (please see my 'September 30th, 2023 Update—Continued,' which can be found above); however, I decided to send this message again because that was over three months ago!**]

State Spotlight

Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court allowed Idaho to enforce its total abortion ban — even when it conflicts with the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA), a federal law that requires hospitals to provide all patients who seek care at a hospital emergency room with stabilizing treatment, including life-saving abortions. And, in an extraordinary move, the Supreme Court also agreed to hear oral arguments in the case this April, before a lower federal court of appeals decided the case.

"The fact of the matter is that either lawmakers are unaware of the impact the abortion ban in Idaho is having or they are willfully ignoring it – neither of those options are acceptable. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Idahoans deserve better care than this. For the health and livelihood of our patients, we will not sit and watch while people are continually put in grave danger during their pregnancy." — [Name redacted], Planned Parenthood Great Northwest Hawai’i, Alaska, Indiana, Kentucky [Title redacted]

The Supreme Court's move came the same week that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit sided with the state of Texas, which sued the Biden administration over their guidance on EMTALA that clarified that abortion can be stabilizing treatment for patients in some cases and must be provided regardless of state law.

Now, emergency rooms in Texas and Idaho are not required under federal law to perform emergency abortions, even if a patient's life or health is in immediate danger. In addition, ER doctors across the country who are part of an anti-abortion organization participating in the Texas case can also deny abortions when needed, regardless of where they practice.

Doctors and abortion providers already struggle to navigate extreme abortion bans and these actions by the courts only further endanger patients and prevent life-saving care.


Around the Web

CBS: Maryland expands gender-affirming care covered by Medicaid

The Tennessean: Why more women are joining a lawsuit challenging Tennessee's abortion ban

The Guardian: Florida abortion rights amendment proposal looks likely to appear on ballot


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

By the way, I read all of the articles referenced in the email above including the article referenced about how 'the U.S. Supreme Court allowed Idaho to enforce its total abortion ban — even when it conflicts with the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA),' which is titled, "U.S. Supreme Court lets Idaho’s ER abortion ban stand for now. Here’s what comes next." I also read all of the articles listed under the 'State Spotlight' and the 'Around the Web' sections above, which is what I always do when I receive these monthly newsletters from Planned Parenthood Action Fund—in addition to taking any requested action from the newsletter, if I haven't already taken that same requested action (or, those same requested actions), as noted from previous 'updates.'

*And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, regarding renewing my Associate Membership for the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, which can be found below:

Become a Planned Parenthood Action Fund Associate Member.

By submitting this form, I affirm that I want to become an associate member of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund.

First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Postal Code: [redacted]
Email: [redacted]
Mobile Phone (Optional): [redacted]


And, after submitting the form above, I received a confirmation email today, January 13th, 2024, from the Planned Parenthood Action Fund with the subject line, "Thank you for your Associate Membership!", which stated the following:

Dear Paul,

Thank you for standing with us as an Associate Member of Planned Parenthood Action Fund!

Membership is free and allows you full access to timely Action Fund updates, including information about our grassroots organizing, legislative and regulatory advocacy, electoral endorsements, and volunteer opportunities in your area — and gives you an opportunity to vote for a member of the Action Fund Board of Directors.

You can also follow Planned Parenthood Action Fund on Facebook and Twitter.

We are so glad to have you with us!

Planned Parenthood Action Fund

Plus, after I renewed my Associate Membership for the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, I made a one-time donation to Planned Parenthood Action Fund to show my support for the Action Fund Update monthly newsletter, as well as for my "Associate Membership of Planned Parenthood Action Fund."

**In addition to that, I took the action to "Tell Congress: Stop the attacks on Planned Parenthood patients and sexual & reproductive health care" by clicking the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, which can be found below:

Tell Congress: Stop the attacks on Planned Parenthood patients and sexual & reproductive health care

We need to hold anti-abortion lawmakers accountable. Fight to protect access to sexual & reproductive health care.

Anti-abortion politicians in Congress are packing must-pass government funding bills with measures that attack Planned Parenthood and deny access to abortion and gender-affirming care at home and around the world.

Tell Congress: Stop the attacks on Planned Parenthood patients and sexual & reproductive health care!

Help fight back.

Prefix: Mr.
First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Street Address: [redacted]
Postal Code: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Email: [redacted]
Mobile Phone: [redacted]

Do you want to be an associate member of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund? Yes

Subject: Reject attacks on sexual & reproductive health care in any government funding agreement

Dear Member of Congress,

I am counting on you to fight for patients’ access to care at Planned Parenthood health centers, and to oppose all unpopular and harmful attacks on access to sexual and reproductive health care — including abortion — in any government funding agreement.

As your constituent, I ask you to oppose all attempts to cut funding for or restrict access to sexual and reproductive health care in the U.S. and around the world in must-pass legislation to keep the government running. Over a year after the Supreme Court took away our right to abortion, we need our elected officials to protect everyone’s ability to control their own bodies, lives, and futures — not take our rights away.

[Your information here]

And, after sending the letter above, I received a confirmation email today, January 13th, 2024, from the Planned Parenthood Action Fund with the subject line, "Thank you for adding your voice.", which stated the following:



Thank you for adding your voice and reminding federal lawmakers that the majority of Americans support abortion access — and that the attacks on Planned Parenthood patients and sexual & reproductive health care must stop. We're glad to have you in the fight.

Ready to do more? Volunteer with us.

You can choose how you want to help, whenever you have time and there's no experience necessary. Become a volunteer with Planned Parenthood Action Fund today.

You can help make an even bigger difference by showing your support for Planned Parenthood Action Fund and asking your friends and family to join you.

Share on Facebook

Share on Twitter

You can also help defend access to health care and protect our reproductive rights by making a gift to Planned Parenthood Action Fund. We'll put your gift to work immediately mobilizing grassroots activists in key states, pressuring lawmakers, magnifying the voices of those most affected by attacks on our health and rights, and more.

I'm so glad to know that we can count on you to raise your voice when it counts — thanks again for speaking out.

— Planned Parenthood Action Fund

So, I selected the "Share on Twitter" option (by the way, I only have a Twitter account so I can read tweets which are included in some online articles that I read) in order for me to provide you, my readers, with the text and hyperlink below:

We need to hold the federal lawmakers attacking our rights accountable — they need to remember that the majority of Americans support legal abortion.

–Paul Whiting (written January 13th, 2024, revised February 17th, 2024 and revised March 16th, 2024)


January 13th, 2024 Update No. 2, Which Also Discusses January 6th, 2024 Through January 12th, 2024: [CONTENT WARNING: THIS UPDATE CONTAINS ARTICLES WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!] This 'update' that I am writing today, January 13th, 2024, is only from my usual reading of The New York Times articles that I received via email for the time period of January 6th, 2024 through January 12th, 2024.

To begin with, I have NOT checked the news through Google searches for quite a long time because of how much blogging I have been doing lately. You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day. However, because I have been so busy lately with "Online Activism," and also with the editing of my five blogs, I have only been keeping up with the news just by reading the titles of The New York Times articles that I receive from their daily emails, as well as just by reading the article titles from the other news organizations to which I subscribe in addition to The New York Times—until I can actually get around to reading the articles from those emails that I highlight in these 'updates.'

Thus, I have been keeping up with the news through email notifications only. To that end, I have recently signed up to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe—including The New York Times—in order for me to stay informed about what's happening in the world. That is why I have decided to simply go with this trend of just reading the article titles from the news organizations to which I subscribe that I receive from their daily emails until I have the time to check the news via Google searches, like used to do!

Although, given the volume of news lately, I may decide to keep up with the news through email notifications only. And so, I am also checking the news just by reading the article titles from the other news organizations to which I subscribe in addition to The New York Times. Therefore, highlighted articles from the other news organizations to which I subscribe are provided through 'updates' such as this one.

And I used to provide longer introductions to these New York Times articles that I highlight, which included the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all The New York Times articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of the titles to The New York Times articles—including any article overviews contained within the emails—that I received for the time period of January 6th, 2024 through January 12th, 2024, when I noticed the following articles! (As mentioned above, I am a subscriber to The New York Times through a 'Basic Access - Monthly' Digital Subscription via Google Play.)

The following are the articles which I received seven days ago, January 6th, 2024:

The first New York Times article that I read today (which I received seven days ago) is titled, "Broken Promises: If you’ve already broken your New Year’s resolution, don’t despair. You don’t need a holiday to change your life.":


The second New York Times article that I read today (which I received seven days ago) is titled, "The Nicest New Year’s Resolution I Ever Made":

[Blogger's Note: The article above is from November 22nd, 2021.]


The third New York Times article that I read today (which I received seven days ago) is titled, "As Pressure Mounts, Israeli Minister Proposes Plan for Postwar Gaza": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The following are the articles which I received six days ago, January 7th, 2024:

The fourth New York Times article that I read today (which I received six days ago) is titled, "In Frothy Awards Season, What Role Will Israel-Hamas War Play?":


The fifth New York Times article that I read today (which I received six days ago) is titled, "American Unions Long Backed Israel. Now, Some Are Protesting It.":


The sixth New York Times article that I read today (which I received six days ago) is titled, "Is Trump Hell?":


The following are the articles which I received five days ago, January 8th, 2024:

The seventh New York Times article that I read today (which I received five days ago) is titled, "The Misguided War on the SAT":


The eighth New York Times article that I read today (which I received five days ago) is titled, "With Shutdown Looming, House and Senate Leaders Agree on Spending Levels":


The ninth New York Times article that I read today (which I received five days ago) is titled, "Trump Is Connecting With a Different Type of Evangelical Voter":


The tenth New York Times article that I read today (which I received five days ago) is titled, "‘Two Men Down’: For Ukrainian Medics, It Was Time to Move": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The eleventh New York Times article that I read today (which I received five days ago) is titled, "Israel Says Its Military Is Starting to Shift to a More Targeted Gaza Campaign": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The twelfth New York Times article that I read today (which I received five days ago) is titled, "Many Have Preached Politics From This Pulpit, but Biden Is the First President":


The thirteenth New York Times article that I read today (which I received five days ago) is titled, "Biden Tries to Rally Disaffected Black Voters in Fiery Condemnation of Trump":


The fourteenth New York Times article that I read today (which I received five days ago) is titled, "The State of Play in Iowa: What to Know About the G.O.P. Presidential Caucuses":


The fifteenth New York Times article that I read today (which I received five days ago) is titled, "Far Right Balks as Congress Begins Push to Enact Spending Deal":


The following are the articles which I received four days ago, January 9th, 2024:

The sixteenth New York Times article that I read today (which I received four days ago) is titled, "Blinken Says Saudi Arabia Remains Interested in Diplomatic Ties With Israel":


The seventeenth New York Times article that I read today (which I received four days ago) is titled, "Looking Ahead to 5 Things That Will Shape the 2024 Election":

[Blogger's Note: The article above is part of The Tilt newsletter, which is subscriber only!]


The eighteenth New York Times article that I read today (which I received four days ago) is titled, "What Will Happen to Gaza’s People?": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The nineteenth New York Times article that I read today (which I received four days ago) is titled, "Exhausted, on the Defensive and at ‘Hell’s Gate’ in Ukraine":


The twentieth New York Times article that I read today (which I received four days ago) is titled, "Elections and Disinformation Are Colliding Like Never Before in 2024":


The twenty first New York Times article that I read today (which I received four days ago) is titled, "January’s Secret: It’s the Best Month":


The following are the articles which I received three days ago, January 10th, 2024:

The twenty second New York Times article that I read today (which I received three days ago) is titled, "U.S. Carbon Emissions Fell in 2023 as Coal Use Tumbled to New Lows":


The twenty third New York Times article that I read today (which I received three days ago) is titled, "Appeals Court Seems Skeptical of Trump’s Immunity Claim":


The twenty fourth New York Times article that I read today (which I received three days ago) is titled, "How to Fix America’s Immigration Crisis":


The twenty fifth New York Times article that I read today (which I received three days ago) is titled, "More Than 20 Million People Have Signed Up for Obamacare Plans, Blowing by Record":


The following are the articles which I received two days ago, January 11th, 2024:

The twenty sixth New York Times article that I read today (which I received two days ago) is titled, "Crime on the Decline":


The twenty seventh New York Times article that I read today (which I received two days ago) is titled, "Conservatives Revolt Anew Over Johnson Deal to Avert Shutdown":


The twenty eighth New York Times article that I read today (which I received two days ago) is titled, "U.N.’s Top Court Hears Genocide Case Against Israel":


The twenty ninth New York Times article that I read today (which I received two days ago) is titled, "Fresh Inflation Data Shows Intact, but Bumpy, Cool-Down":


The following are the articles which I received yesterday, January 12th, 2024:

The thirtieth New York Times article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "Accused of Genocide, Israelis See Reversal of Reality. Palestinians See Justice.":


The thirty first New York Times article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "Johnson Says He’ll Stand by Deal to Avert Shutdown, Spurning Hard-Right Demands":

And I decided to highlight these articles from The New York Times for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written January 13th, 2024, revised January 20th, 2024 and revised April 6th, 2024)


January 14th, 2024 Update No. 1: I have consolidated the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

Therefore, I have combined every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The only political communication to which I responded was a text message today, January 14th, 2024, from the Melissa Vine for Congress (Melissa for Iowa) campaign, which stated the following:

Hi, I'm Melissa Vine, the Democrat running to replace Zach Nunn in Iowa's 3rd Congressional District! I'm a single mother of four boys, businesswoman, and nonprofit director. I wanted to share our campaign launch video with you and let you know that this campaign is about abortion access, creating an income that works for all, and reducing polarization in our national politics.

Will you chip in $10 to help us flip Congress and this district from red to blue?***

[Blogger's Note: The text message above mentions this campaign's launch video! Now, most of the other Democratic political campaigns for which I write these 'updates' don't necessarily have launch videos included in their introductory campaign text messages. Therefore, even though I watched this campaign's launch video, I am trying not to appear to promote this Democratic candidate's campaign, which has a launch video as part of the introductory text message, more so than any of the other Democratic candidates' campaigns for which I write these 'updates.' (I hope that makes sense!)]

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Donate to Melissa Vine

Melissa Vine is a single mother of four boys, a businesswoman, and current Director of a non-profit where she advocates for women coming out of trauma.

Empathy. Responsibility. Determination. That's how Melissa shows up at home, at work, and now, as a candidate for Congress.

Chip in now to make sure Melissa has the resources she needs to win this seat and enable Democrats to take back the House.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Melissa Vine.

[  ] DONATE $25→

[  ] DONATE $50 →

[  ] DONATE $100 →

[  ] DONATE $250 →

[  ] DONATE $500 →

[  ] DONATE $1,000 →

[  ] DONATE $3,300 →

[✓] OTHER AMOUNT $3.00

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Melissa Vine for Congress (Melissa for Iowa) campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to show my support for "Melissa Vine, the Democrat running to replace Zach Nunn in Iowa's 3rd Congressional District!"

Thus, this one campaign—Melissa Vine for Congress (Melissa for Iowa)—is the political campaign that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written January 14th, 2024, revised January 22nd, 2024 and revised April 17th, 2024)


January 14th, 2024 Update No. 2, Which Also Discusses January 6th, 2024 Through January 13th, 2024: [CONTENT WARNING: THIS UPDATE CONTAINS ARTICLES WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!] This 'update' that I am writing today, January 14th, 2024, is only from my usual reading of USA Today articles that I received via email for the time period of January 6th, 2024 through January 13th, 2024.

To begin with, I have NOT checked the news through Google searches for quite a long time because of how much blogging I have been doing lately. You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day. However, because I have been so busy lately with "Online Activism," and also with the editing of my five blogs, I have only been keeping up with the news just by reading the titles of the USA Today articles that I receive from their daily emails, as well as just by reading the article titles from the other news organizations to which I subscribe in addition to USA Today—until I can actually get around to reading the articles from those emails that I highlight in these 'updates.'

Thus, I have been keeping up with the news through email notifications only. To that end, I have recently signed up to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe—including USA Today—in order for me to stay informed about what's happening in the world. That is why I have decided to simply go with this trend of just reading the article titles from the news organizations to which I subscribe that I receive from their daily emails until I have the time to check the news via Google searches, like used to do!

Although, given the volume of news lately, I may decide to keep up with the news through email notifications only. And so, I am also checking the news just by reading the article titles from the other news organizations to which I subscribe in addition to USA Today. Therefore, highlighted articles from the other news organizations to which I subscribe are provided through 'updates' such as this one.

And I used to provide longer introductions to these USA Today articles that I highlight, which included the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the USA Today articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of the titles to USA Today articles—including any article overviews contained within the emails—that I received for the time period of January 6th, 2024 through January 13th, 2024, when I noticed the following articles! (As mentioned above, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)

The following are the articles which I received eight days ago, January 6th, 2024:

The first USA Today article that I read today (which I received eight days ago) is titled, "What's real and not three years after the Jan. 6 Capitol riot | Fact check roundup":


The second USA Today article that I read today (which I received eight days ago) is titled, "Donald Trump and Republicans want to downplay Jan. 6. It's going to be a big issue anyway.":


The following are the articles which I received seven days ago, January 7th, 2024:

The third USA Today article that I read today (which I received seven days ago) is titled, "Biden and Trump marked two starkly different versions of Jan. 6. Voters are divided too":


The fourth USA Today article that I read today (which I received seven days ago) is titled, "Can Congress overturn presidential election results? Here are changes since Jan. 6, 2021":


The following are the articles which I received six days ago, January 8th, 2024:

The fifth USA Today article that I read today (which I received six days ago) is titled, "NRA Executive Wayne LaPierre survived years of criticism. Now he's stepping down.":


The sixth USA Today article that I read today (which I received six days ago) is titled, "Biden will visit Charleston church rocked by shooting, setting the stage for emotional appeal to Black voters":


The seventh USA Today article that I read today (which I received six days ago) is titled, "Government shutdown, border, foreign aid: What to watch from Congress as it returns from recess":


The following is the article which I received five days ago, January 9th, 2024:

The eighth USA Today article that I read today (which I received five days ago) is titled, "Blinken: Mideast nations have 'real' interest in working with Israel postwar":


The following are the articles which I received four days ago, January 10th, 2024:

The ninth USA Today article that I read today (which I received four days ago) is titled, "Mitch McConnell, Senate Republicans want another extension to dodge a government shutdown. Here's why.":


The tenth USA Today article that I read today (which I received four days ago) is titled, "Congress is trying to dodge a government shutdown. They have to clear 3 hurdles first.":


The eleventh USA Today article that I read today (which I received four days ago) is titled, "Blinken dangles 'transformative' change in Israel's Mideast relations: Updates":


The following is the article which I received three days ago, January 11th, 2024:

The twelfth USA Today article that I read today (which I received three days ago) is titled, "'Lying,' 'mealy-mouthed': 5 takeaways from a heated Iowa debate between DeSantis and Haley":


The following are the articles which I received two days ago, January 12th, 2024:

The thirteenth USA Today article that I read today (which I received two days ago) is titled, "'Upside-down world': Israel outraged at genocide accusation in UN court. Live updates":


The fourteenth USA Today article that I read today (which I received two days ago) is titled, "Crypto's Nazi problem: With few rules to stop them, white supremacists fundraise for hate":


The following is the article which I received yesterday, January 13th, 2024:

The fifteenth USA Today article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "Thousands at Saturday protest in Washington DC call for Israel-Hamas cease-fire":

And I decided to highlight these articles from USA Today for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written January 14th, 2024, revised January 20th, 2024 and revised April 6th, 2024)


January 15th, 2024 Update No. 1: In observance of the Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service, which is yearly (annually) on the third Monday in January, I donated today, January 15th, 2024, to organizations that "defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States." You see, I prefer to 'volunteer financially' for the Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service in order honor Dr. King's legacy of civic engagement. –Paul Whiting (January 15th, 2024)


January 16th, 2024 Update No. 1: I have consolidated the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

Therefore, I have combined every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The only political communication to which I responded was a text message today, January 16th, 2024, from the John Padora for Congress (Padora for Congress) campaign, which stated the following:

🚨 BREAKING NEWS: Lauren Boebert just jumped into my race.

Paul, it's Democrat John Padora running in CO-4. Lauren Boebert just announced she's jumping into this district (where she doesn't even live) in a desperate attempt to avoid accountability and stay in Congress.

We need a massive response to show Boebert we're not backing down and we're ready to beat her no matter where she tries to run - because her extremist beliefs don't belong in Congress.

Can you rush $25 or anything you can afford ASAP to help reach our $20,000 rapid response goal? Let's do this!!***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Colorado CD-4

RED ALERT: Lauren Boebert jumped into John's district.

Boebert announced she's running in John's district. This is NOT a drill.

John's campaign is powered by grassroots donations - Rush in anything you can ASAP to give him the resources he needs to keep Boebert OUT of this seat.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit John Padora.

[  ] Donate $10 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $6,600 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the John Padora for Congress (Padora for Congress) campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) because "Lauren Boebert jumped into John's district" and I contributed to "give [John Padora] the resources he needs to keep Boebert OUT of this seat."

Thus, this one campaign—John Padora for Congress (Padora for Congress)—is the political campaign (political organization) that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written January 16th, 2024, revised January 22nd, 2024 and revised April 17th, 2024)


January 17th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses January 10th, 2024 Through January 16th, 2024: [CONTENT WARNING: THIS UPDATE CONTAINS ARTICLES WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!] This 'update' that I am writing today, January 17th, 2024, is only from my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received via email for the time period of January 10th, 2024 through January 16th, 2024.

To begin with, I have NOT checked the news through Google searches for quite a long time because of how much blogging I have been doing lately. You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day, which used to start with me reading Time Magazine articles that I selected from one (or more) of their emails that I received each day. However, because I have been so busy lately with "Online Activism," and also with the editing of my five blogs, I have only been keeping up with the news just by reading the titles of the Time articles that I receive from their daily emails—until I can actually get around to reading the articles from those emails that I highlight in these 'updates.'

That is why I have decided to simply go with this trend of just reading the article titles from the news organizations to which I subscribe that I receive from their daily emails until I have the time to check the news via Google searches, like used to do!

Although, given the volume of news lately, I may decide to keep up with the news through email notifications only. To that end, I have recently signed up to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe in order for me to stay informed about what's happening in the world. Thus, I already receive these types of emails from Time Magazine—as mentioned above—but I am also checking the news just by reading the article titles from the other news organizations to which I subscribe in addition to Time Magazine. Therefore, highlighted articles from the other news organizations to which I subscribe are provided through 'updates' such as this one.

And I used to provide longer introductions to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which included the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received for the time period of January 10th, 2024 through January 16th, 2024, when I noticed the following articles! (As mentioned above, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The following are the articles which I received seven days ago, January 10th, 2024:

The first Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received seven days ago) is titled, "The Current Migrant Crisis Is a Collective Trauma":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received seven days ago) is titled, "Democrats Launch $35 Million Push to Court Black, Latino, and Asian Voters in Battleground States":


The following are the articles which I received six days ago, January 11th, 2024:

The third Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received six days ago) is titled, "Gaza and the End of Western Fantasy": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The fourth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received six days ago) is titled, "What to Know About South Africa’s Genocide Case Against Israel": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The fifth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received six days ago) is titled, "For Antony Blinken, the War in Gaza Is a Test of U.S. Power": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The following is the article which I received five days ago, January 12th, 2024:

The sixth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received five days ago) is titled, "How Poetry Became a Tool of Resistance for Palestinians": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The following are the articles which I received four days ago, January 13th, 2024:

The seventh Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received four days ago) is titled, "The Resurgence of Global Anti-Americanism":


The eighth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received four days ago) is titled, "Israel’s Bitter Lessons From the Hamas War, Three Months In": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The following is the article which I received three days ago, January 14th, 2024:

The ninth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received three days ago) is titled, "2023 Was the Hottest Year Ever and 2024 May Be Even Worse":


The following is the article which I received two days ago, January 15th, 2024:

The tenth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received two days ago) is titled, "10 Surprising Facts About Martin Luther King Jr.":


The following is the article which I received yesterday, January 16th, 2024:

The eleventh Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "How Trump Took Control of the GOP Primary":

And I decided to highlight these articles from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written January 17th, 2024, revised January 18th, 2024, revised January 20th, 2024 and revised April 6th, 2024)


January 20th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses January 13th, 2024 Through January 19th, 2024: [CONTENT WARNING: THIS UPDATE CONTAINS ARTICLES WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!] This 'update' that I am writing today, January 20th, 2024, is only from my usual reading of The New York Times articles that I received via email for the time period of January 13th, 2024 through January 19th, 2024.

To begin with, I have NOT checked the news through Google searches for quite a long time because of how much blogging I have been doing lately. You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day. However, because I have been so busy lately with "Online Activism," and also with the editing of my five blogs, I have only been keeping up with the news just by reading the titles of The New York Times articles that I receive from their daily emails, as well as just by reading the article titles from the other news organizations to which I subscribe in addition to The New York Times—until I can actually get around to reading the articles from those emails that I highlight in these 'updates.'

Thus, I have been keeping up with the news through email notifications only. To that end, I have recently signed up to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe—including The New York Times—in order for me to stay informed about what's happening in the world. That is why I have decided to simply go with this trend of just reading the article titles from the news organizations to which I subscribe that I receive from their daily emails until I have the time to check the news via Google searches, like used to do!

Although, given the volume of news lately, I may decide to keep up with the news through email notifications only. And so, I am also checking the news just by reading the article titles from the other news organizations to which I subscribe in addition to The New York Times. Therefore, highlighted articles from the other news organizations to which I subscribe are provided through 'updates' such as this one.

And I used to provide longer introductions to these New York Times articles that I highlight, which included the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all The New York Times articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of the titles to The New York Times articles—including any article overviews contained within the emails—that I received for the time period of January 13th, 2024 through January 19th, 2024, when I noticed the following articles! (As mentioned above, I am a subscriber to The New York Times through a 'Basic Access - Monthly' Digital Subscription via Google Play.)

The following is the article which I received seven days ago, January 13th, 2024:

The first New York Times article that I read today (which I received seven days ago) is titled, "Field Museum Covers Some Native Displays as New Rules Take Effect":


The following is the article which I received six days ago, January 14th, 2024:

The second New York Times article that I read today (which I received six days ago) is titled, "On the Ballot in Iowa: Fear. Anxiety. Hopelessness.":


The following is the article which I received five days ago, January 15th, 2024:

The third New York Times article that I read today (which I received five days ago) is titled, "As War Enters 100th Day, Netanyahu Vows to Keep Fighting in Gaza": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The following are the articles which I received four days ago, January 16th, 2024:

The fourth New York Times article that I read today (which I received four days ago) is titled, "Israel and Hamas Reach Deal to Supply Medicine to Hostages in Gaza": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The fifth New York Times article that I read today (which I received four days ago) is titled, "A Potentially Huge Supreme Court Case Has a Hidden Conservative Backer":


The following are the articles which I received three days ago, January 17th, 2024:

The sixth New York Times article that I read today (which I received three days ago) is titled, "For Biden, Another Trump Nomination Presents Opportunity, and Great Risk":


The seventh New York Times article that I read today (which I received three days ago) is titled, "Do Political Ads Even Matter Anymore?":


The eighth New York Times article that I read today (which I received three days ago) is titled, "Six Reasons Drug Prices Are So High in the U.S.":


The following are the articles which I received two days ago, January 18th, 2024:

The ninth New York Times article that I read today (which I received two days ago) is titled, "How a Fishery Case Fits Into a Long-Game Effort to Sap Regulation of Business":


The tenth New York Times article that I read today (which I received two days ago) is titled, "Netanyahu Rebuffs U.S. Calls to Start Working Toward Palestinian Statehood":


The eleventh New York Times article that I read today (which I received two days ago) is titled, "Congress Clears Stopgap Spending Bill for Biden, Moving to Avert Shutdown":


The following are the articles which I received yesterday, January 19th, 2024:

The twelfth New York Times article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "Johnson’s Big Problem: House Republicans Lack a Governing Majority":


The thirteenth New York Times article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "Fighting Eases in Northern Gaza, Giving Residents Some Relief": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The fourteenth New York Times article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "Political Divisions Over Conduct of War Roil Israel": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The fifteenth New York Times article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "Biden Signs Stopgap Spending Bill, Averting Partial Shutdown":

And I decided to highlight these articles from The New York Times for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written January 20th, 2024 and revised April 6th, 2024)


January 21st, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses January 14th, 2024 Through January 20th, 2024: [CONTENT WARNING: THIS UPDATE CONTAINS ARTICLES WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!] This 'update' that I am writing today, January 21st, 2024, is only from my usual reading of USA Today articles that I received via email for the time period of January 14th, 2024 through January 20th, 2024.

To begin with, I have NOT checked the news through Google searches for quite a long time because of how much blogging I have been doing lately. You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day. However, because I have been so busy lately with "Online Activism," and also with the editing of my five blogs, I have only been keeping up with the news just by reading the titles of the USA Today articles that I receive from their daily emails, as well as just by reading the article titles from the other news organizations to which I subscribe in addition to USA Today—until I can actually get around to reading the articles from those emails that I highlight in these 'updates.'

Thus, I have been keeping up with the news through email notifications only. To that end, I have recently signed up to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe—including USA Today—in order for me to stay informed about what's happening in the world. That is why I have decided to simply go with this trend of just reading the article titles from the news organizations to which I subscribe that I receive from their daily emails until I have the time to check the news via Google searches, like used to do!

Although, given the volume of news lately, I may decide to keep up with the news through email notifications only. And so, I am also checking the news just by reading the article titles from the other news organizations to which I subscribe in addition to USA Today. Therefore, highlighted articles from the other news organizations to which I subscribe are provided through 'updates' such as this one.

And I used to provide longer introductions to these USA Today articles that I highlight, which included the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the USA Today articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of the titles to USA Today articles—including any article overviews contained within the emails—that I received for the time period of January 14th, 2024 through January 20th, 2024, when I noticed the following articles! (As mentioned above, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)

The following are the articles which I received seven days ago, January 14th, 2024:

The first USA Today article that I read today (which I received seven days ago) is titled, "A war with no walls: Inside the devastating impact of Israel-Hamas war around the globe": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The second USA Today article that I read today (which I received seven days ago) is titled, "A group of herring fishermen may put a hook in the Biden administration's power":


The third USA Today article that I read today (which I received seven days ago) is titled, "Tide is turning for Biden on one of voters' biggest issues for 2024 election":


The following is the article which I received six days ago, January 15th, 2024:

The fourth USA Today article that I read today (which I received six days ago) is titled, "MLK’s ‘I have a dream’ speech looms large 60 years later":

[Blogger's Note: The article above is from August 23rd, 2023.]


The following are the articles which I received five days ago, January 16th, 2024:

The fifth USA Today article that I read today (which I received five days ago) is titled, "Goodbye, Iowa. Hello, New Hampshire. Trump scores huge comeback but it's not over yet.":


The sixth USA Today article that I read today (which I received five days ago) is titled, "Joe Biden's reelection campaign raises $97 million in 4th quarter, giving him a record war chest":


The following are the articles which I received four days ago, January 17th, 2024:

The seventh USA Today article that I read today (which I received four days ago) is titled, "Nikki Haley holds first N.H. campaign rally amid whiteout snow conditions":


The eighth USA Today article that I read today (which I received four days ago) is titled, "After Iowa Caucuses, how will Biden deal with Trump's appeal to independents and moderates?":


The ninth USA Today article that I read today (which I received four days ago) is titled, "Overdraft fees charged by banks would drop to as low as $3 under new Biden proposal":


The following are the articles which I received three days ago, January 18th, 2024:

The tenth USA Today article that I read today (which I received three days ago) is titled, "These Republicans want to punish conservative rebels as tensions erupt in the House":


The eleventh USA Today article that I read today (which I received three days ago) is titled, "Joe Biden invites congressional leaders to the White House to discuss foreign aid and border bill":


The following are the articles which I received two days ago, January 19th, 2024:

The twelfth USA Today article that I read today (which I received two days ago) is titled, "Congress approves funding extension, avoiding shutdown for the third time":


The thirteenth USA Today article that I read today (which I received two days ago) is titled, "Netanyahu rejects US 'attempt to impose' its plan, revealing rift: Updates":


The fourteenth USA Today article that I read today (which I received two days ago) is titled, "A warning from Trump to the Supreme Court if he's not on Colorado ballot: 'chaos, bedlam'":


The fifteenth USA Today article that I read today (which I received two days ago) is titled, "Prosecutions of threats hit a record high in 2023, researchers confirm":


The following are the articles which I received yesterday, January 20th, 2024:

The sixteenth USA Today article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "Nikki Haley says America was never racist. Her memoir tells a trickier story":


The seventeenth USA Today article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "Is the southern border secure? 'No, it's not,' President Biden says":


The eighteenth USA Today article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "After Trump appears to confuse her with Nancy Pelosi, Nikki Haley asks: is the former president ok?":


The nineteenth USA Today article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "As folks freeze to death in the Midwest, an Ohio pastor is charged for offering shelter":

And I decided to highlight these articles from USA Today for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written January 21st, 2024, revised January 22nd, 2024 and revised April 6th, 2024)


January 22nd, 2024 Update No. 1: I have consolidated the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

Therefore, I have combined every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The first political communication to which I responded was a text message today, January 22nd, 2024, from the Mikie Sherrill for Congress campaign, which stated the following:

Hi team, it's Rep. Mikie Sherrill with some breaking news: a MAGA extremist just entered the race to flip NJ-11 red. Just take a look at how much he loves Donald Trump☝️

[Blogger's Note: That last sentence "Just take a look at how much he loves Donald Trump" references an image—which was included at the top of the text message—of the "MAGA extremist [who] just entered the race to flip NJ-11 red."]

Ever since we flipped NJ-11 blue for the first time in more than three decades, extremist Republicans have been eyeing this district.

Trump has already pledged to bring his campaign to New Jersey, and if he could create his dream candidate for NJ-11, this would be him. And with the House GOP's majority at a razor's edge, I'm likely on their target list once again.

We need to raise as much as we can in the next 48 hours to show Republicans that if they want to challenge our district, they'll need to go through this team first.

Please, rush an emergency donation ASAP to help us fight back.***

Thank you. Our team will be in touch soon with more updates.

- Mikie Sherrill

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Support Mikie Sherrill!

Our fundamental rights and our democracy are facing unprecedented attacks, and the stakes for 2024 could not be higher. We must support leaders like Mikie who are determined to fight back.

Will you chip in a donation today to support Mikie and her campaign today?


Your contribution will benefit Mikie Sherrill.

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[  ] Donate $3,300 →

[  ] Other amount $3.00

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Mikie Sherrill for Congress campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to "rush an emergency donation ASAP to help [Mikie Sherrill] fight back" against the "MAGA extremist [who] just entered the race to flip NJ-11 red."


The second political communication to which I responded was a text message today, January 22nd, 2024, from the Democratic Governors Association (DGA), which stated the following:

A new poll has Pres. Biden LEADING over Trump among reliable voters in seven key swing states!! But we need to confirm this data for ourselves ahead of this consequential election.

Tell us: Do you plan to vote for Biden in 2024?

[✓] Yes***
[  ] No


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Thank you for taking our survey.

Do you have a moment to answer a few questions to help shape our priorities as we work to elect Democrats and stop Republicans in 2024 and beyond? >>>

Poll Deadline: 11:59 P.M. on January 22

Do you approve of President Biden's vision for America?

[✓] Yes
[  ] No
[  ] Unsure

President Biden is running for reelection and we need to know where top Democrats stand on his time in office.

How would you rate President Biden's job performance?

[  ] Bad
[  ] Okay
[  ] Good
[✓] Great

Which of President Biden's achievements has been most important to you? (Please select your top three.)

[  ] Fostering a 50-year-low unemployment rate and creating 14 million new jobs

[✓] Signing executive orders that seek to protect access to reproductive health care, maintain patient privacy and sensitive health information, and defend access to contraception

[  ] Cutting the deficit by more than $1.7 trillion

[✓] Signing more than 250 bills into law, including the most significant gun violence reduction measure in 30 years

[  ] Capping insulin prices at $35 for seniors and millions more Americans with diabetes

[✓] Passing the most significant climate legislation ever

[  ] Nominating and having successfully confirmed by the Senate more than 120 judges, including Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson!

[  ] Other:

[Blogger's Note: I could have easily selected "all of the above," but I chose 'Signing executive orders that seek to protect access to reproductive health care, maintain patient privacy and sensitive health information, and defend access to contraception,' 'Signing more than 250 bills into law, including the most significant gun violence reduction measure in 30 years' and 'Passing the most significant climate legislation ever,' because I feel these are the most important of President Biden's achievements from the list provided above.]

Do you plan to vote in the 2024 election?

[✓] Yes
[  ] No
[  ] Unsure

If the 2024 election were held today, who would you vote for?

[✓] Joe Biden
[  ] Donald Trump
[  ] Ron DeSantis
[  ] Other:

The road ahead isn't easy: With Republicans in control of the House and Democrats holding a razor-thin majority in the Senate, Washington remains in a tight gridlock. That's why Democratic governors across the nation are the Biden-Harris campaign's most powerful allies as they begin their 2024 reelection efforts to defend progress and move our country forward.

How important is it to you to defend our blue firewall of Democratic governors so they can continue to work with President Biden and Vice President Harris to protect our democracy?

[✓] Extremely important
[  ] Very important
[  ] Somewhat important
[  ] Not at all important

Democrats defeated far-right extremists in 2022 and 2023. But we're counting on strong support from loyal Democrats like you in the months ahead to lay the groundwork to defend our blue firewall in 2024! Will you invest $100 to help us elect Democratic governors across the country, support the Biden-Harris ticket, and defeat the GOP's radical right-wing agenda once and for all?

[  ] Yes, I will give $100!
[✓] No, I can't give that much.

We understand that giving at that level right now might be tough. But the DGA is working tirelessly to elect Democrats across the country and beat back GOP extremism in every state. With Republicans aggressively attacking our progress and our democratic institutions, we can't afford to miss any fundraising goals.

We flipped critical states from red to blue because loyal Democrats like you were FIRED UP to elect Democratic governors and defend fellow Americans from the GOP's nightmare policies in every corner of our country. But we just pulled your supporter record, and here's what we found:

Given to DGA today? Pending
Suggested donation: $30.17

Electing Democrats in every state is the most critical thing we can do to stop the far right and heal the divisions in our country. But right now, we're short of what we need to raise before our next big deadline. Please, before midnight tonight: Will you give $30.17 or whatever you can?

[✓] Yes, I'll give $1.*
[  ] Yes, I'll give $30.17! (This is what most Democrats are giving.)
[  ] Yes, and I'll give more!

*[Blogger's Note: I selected this option—although I donated more than $1, and less than $30.17—because it's an option that got me to the donation webpage!]


If we want to stop the Republicans' dangerous agenda, we have to keep pace with the GOP's millions in fundraising - but right now, not enough Democrats are donating, and we're falling way short of our goal.

Closing this gap is so important that a group of donors is DOUBLING every gift up to our goal, so please don't wait: Rush your gift and get every dollar matched to elect Democratic governors!

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Democratic Action [the DGA].

[  ] Donate $1 →

[  ] Donate $5 →

[  ] Donate $10 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[✓] Other amount $5.00

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.35 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DGA (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to confirm "Yes" that I do "plan to vote for Biden in 2024."

Thus, this one campaign—Mikie Sherrill for Congress—as well as this one organization—the DGA—are the political campaign and the political organization that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written January 22nd, 2024 and revised April 17th, 2024)


January 23rd, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses January 19th, 2024: I received a text message four days ago on January 19th, 2024, from Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) [by the way, "Médecins Sans Frontières" is French for "Doctors Without Borders"], which stated the following:

Doctors Without Borders provides psychological first aid to people experiencing trauma in the aftermath of a crisis. Watch how we're supporting earthquake survivors in Syria:***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below (which includes the relevant text from the Doctors Without Borders donation webpage):

Supporting earthquake survivors in Syria

On February 6 [2023], massive earthquakes struck Syria and Türkiye, destroying hundreds of thousands of homes and killing more than 55,000 people. Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) teams in northwestern Syria began treating patients within the first hours after the earthquakes struck.

MSF has also been providing psychological first aid to survivors, treating their psychological wounds alongside their physical wounds. Watch this video to see how MSF is caring for people processing trauma in the aftermath of the earthquakes in Syria.


Help save lives. Donate now.
Thank you for supporting our lifesaving work.

Your support plays a powerful role in our lifesaving work. We are grateful for the compassion you demonstrate through your loyal commitment to our patients around the world.

For Doctors Without Borders, the ability to respond quickly to medical humanitarian emergencies is crucial to saving more lives. Unrestricted funds allow us to allocate our resources most efficiently and where the needs are greatest.

So, I made a one-time donation to Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) because, "for Doctors Without Borders, the ability to respond quickly to medical humanitarian emergencies is crucial to saving more lives." –Paul Whiting (January 23rd, 2024)


January 23rd, 2024 Update No. 2: I received a text message today, January 23rd, 2024, from USA for UNFPA (formerly known as the 'United Nations Fund for Population Activities' that is now called the 'United Nations Population Fund'), which stated the following:

🚨🚨 The entire population of Gaza is at risk of famine. A shocking 90% of the population regularly goes without any food for an entire day.


Children, pregnant and breastfeeding women, and the elderly are among those most vulnerable to hunger and starvation. Malnutrition is especially dangerous for pregnant women and newborns as it increases the risk of complications – a deadly reality in the face of medical shortages and understaffed and damaged hospitals.

Your past contribution delivered critical supplies to women and girls in Gaza and surviving humanitarian crises around the world. Now, after more than 100 days of war in Gaza, the West Bank, and Israel, a food shortage is taking the region to the brink of famine. But today, you can help.

Will you deliver lifesaving care to those who need it most by making an emergency gift?


UNFPA deeply regrets the end of the humanitarian pause in Gaza. We condemn the violence in Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank, including all sexual violence against women, and echo the UN Secretary-General’s call for a sustained humanitarian ceasefire and for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages by Hamas.

Thank you for being there.


And so, I made a one-time donation to USA for UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund), in order to "deliver lifesaving care to those who need it most by making an emergency gift," because "after more than 100 days of war in Gaza, the West Bank, and Israel, a food shortage is taking the region to the brink of famine." –Paul Whiting (January 23rd, 2024)


January 23rd, 2024 Update No. 3: I received an email from USA for UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) today, January 23rd, 2024, with the subject line, "Facing the winter in Ukraine…without a roof", which stated the following:


[Image of (names redacted) standing next to one another in front of their destroyed home]

☑ Yes, I will support refugee families this year!
2024 Membership Status:


"The sight was shocking, we couldn't really understand what had happened." — [Name redacted], displaced in Ukraine, describing a missile attack

Nearly two years ago, [name redacted's] life was shattered by the sound of an enormous explosion and a flash of bright light. The window blinds and glass came crashing in on top of him.

It was the middle of an icy, cold winter, and [name redacted] and his mother, [name redacted], were no longer safe in their lifelong home. Like so many families in Ukraine, their home was a casualty of violence, and they were forced to flee.

But because of this generous community, [name redacted's] family was not alone. With the help of UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, the family home was repaired and made safe and warm ahead of another harsh Ukrainian winter.

Forcibly displaced families like [name redacted's] face treacherous weather and need our support to rebuild their lives safely. So today, I'm asking you to deepen your commitment to help in 2024.

Please, make a generous monthly donation today to provide vulnerable families around the world with the food and critical aid they need to survive. Your monthly gift will go so far — beyond sending food, medicine, protection and lifesaving supplies to refugees and displaced families around the world, you can help them rebuild and create a better tomorrow.


I am continually amazed by the resiliency of displaced people like [name redacted] and the compassion of people like you. In times of hardship and fear, you show up.

In 2024, I ask you to show up for families amid prolonged conflicts like those in Ukraine, Yemen and Syria. Your kind monthly support provides reliable aid all year long, providing long-term stability for displaced families and enabling UNHCR to act quickly in crises the moment they occur. Please, give today.

We are all neighbors in this global community, and I know displaced families can count on your compassion and support.

With gratitude,

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]

[Blogger's Note: Although the email above requested a monthly donation to USA for UNHCR, I selected a one-time donation because that's all that I can really afford to donate given my monthly spending budget. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)]

And so, I made a one-time donation to USA for UNHCR in order to "provide vulnerable families around the world with the food and critical aid they need to survive." –Paul Whiting (January 23rd, 2024)


January 23rd, 2024 Update No. 4: I received an email from Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon (PPAO) today, January 23rd, 2024, with the subject line, "Announcing the Equal Rights for All campaign", which stated the following:


Fifty-one years ago, history was made as the US Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade ruling legalized abortion throughout the country. This was a milestone in the movement for medical privacy and bodily autonomy, and a catalyst for wide-reaching progress for gender equality and LGBTQ2SIA+ rights.

But you know what happened to Roe: In 2022, SCOTUS overturned it. The Dobbs ruling made it crystal clear we can’t count on the federal government’s protections for reproductive freedom, transgender rights, marriage equality or any other rights our communities hold dear.

Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon is proud to announce that along with our key partners ACLU of Oregon and Basic Rights Oregon, we are launching a campaign to cement these rights at the state level. We’re planning a ballot measure for 2026 that will enshrine abortion rights, trans anti-discrimination rights, and marriage equality in the Oregon State Constitution, and we’re going to need your help.


Abortion rights & trans rights have always been two sides of the same coin. When our Equal Rights for All measure passes, we won’t have to worry that the whims of electoral politics will threaten abortion or gender-affirming care. Trans Oregonians can be confident they have legal protections against discrimination in the workplace, at school and at their doctor’s offices—and those protections can’t be easily repealed. And even if the ultra-conservative Supreme Court succeeds in overturning marriage equality, queer couples in Oregon will retain our rights.


We’re going to need the support of everyone in our communities to pull off this win. Former [title and name redacted], a champion for reproductive freedom and LGBTQ2SIA+ rights, is already on-board! [Title and name redacted] is supporting the launch of our campaign with a $20,000 matching donation. Can you join her today by donating to help us raise our first $40,000?

We know this campaign is going to be a lot of work, even with the support of every pro-abortion, pro-LGBTQ2SIA+ Oregonian. But our movements have never been afraid of hard work, because we know we have justice, truth and love on our side. We’re doing this for our friend whose abortion was life-changing; for our trans neighbor who deserves to live with safety and dignity; for ourselves and our own futures.

PPAO is proud to fight alongside you for these Oregon values. Welcome to the Equal Rights for All Campaign.


Team PPAO [Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon]

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Donate to Equal Rights For All

Help us stop politicians from holding our bodies, lives, and futures hostage.

Oregon’s Republican senators walked off the job for almost six weeks to obstruct progress on things we all deeply care about: protecting abortion access, transgender health care, and same-gender marriage equality. In the process, they also spent weeks preventing our state’s leaders from passing policies to help fix the housing and homelessness crisis, access to mental health care, emergency drought assistance, wildfire preparation and other critical needs.

This walkout killed SJR 33. This bill would have sent a measure to the 2024 general election ballot asking voters to create constitutional protections for abortion, birth control, marriage equality and gender affirming care. This episode has proved that right-wing politicians will stop at nothing to roll back abortion access and LGBTQ+ rights. We need to protect our fundamental rights and freedoms from the relentless attacks of the ultra-conservative politicians who are tyrannizing everyday people in states like Texas, Florida, Idaho, and have their eyes set on Oregon. That’s why our communities will be back, stronger than ever, to ensure that all Oregonians can make our own decisions about health care, bodily autonomy, and who we marry.

It’s time to mobilize for the next fight. We need your help. Will you join us by making a donation today?

And so, I made a one-time donation to Equal Rights for All, via the ActBlue website, in order to show my support for the Equal Rights for All campaign! –Paul Whiting (January 23rd, 2024)


January 23rd, 2024 Update No. 5: I have consolidated the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

Therefore, I have combined every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The only political communication to which I responded was a text message today, January 23rd, 2024, from the Jasmine Crockett for US Congress (Jasmine for US) campaign, which stated the following:

Hi, it’s Jasmine Crockett, the representative for Texas’s 30th Congressional District.

Recently, I appeared on MSNBC to discuss the revelations that Trump received MILLIONS of dollars from foreign governments while president -- a FLAGRANT violation of the law and our constitution.

Trump thinks he can do literally whatever he wants but only gets away with it because GOP sycophants in Congress bend the knee and acquiesce to his corruption.

That’s why I went on MSNBC -- to call them out.

I’m running for re-election because we need a Congress that holds Trump accountable for his crimes. So today, I’m asking you to support my campaign by pitching in $10 or more.***

Thank you!

[Blogger's Note: By the way, I watched the above-mentioned video on YouTube that is titled, "Jasmine Crockett calls out Trump's corruption on MSNBC."]

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Support Jasmine before the deadline!

Will you contribute now so Jasmine can defend her seat and keep holding the GOP [to account]?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Jasmine Crockett.

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[  ] Donate $3,300 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Jasmine Crockett for US Congress (Jasmine for US) campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) because "[Jasmine Crockett is] running for re-election because we need a Congress that holds Trump accountable for his crimes," since "Trump thinks he can do literally whatever he wants but only gets away with it because GOP sycophants in Congress bend the knee and acquiesce to his corruption."

Thus, this one campaign—Jasmine Crockett for US Congress (Jasmine for US)—is the political campaign that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written January 23rd, 2024 and revised April 17th, 2024)


January 23rd, 2024 Update No. 6: I received an email from United Farm Workers (UFW) today, January 23rd, 2024, with the subject line, "Take Action: Toxic pesticide is again a threat", which stated the following:

United Farm Workers
Si, Se Puede!        UFW

Take Action: Toxic pesticide is again a threat

We're sharing shocking news that we need you to take immediate action on. In November, the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals listened to a chemical company and several agribusiness groups and overturned EPA's national ban on chlorpyrifos [pronounced: klor · peer · uh · faas] -- a neurotoxic pesticide which can cause permanent harm to childrens' brains. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced before the holidays they won't challenge the ruling.

This means that unless the food is grown in a state where chlorpyrifos is banned, chlorpyrifos will be back in our fields and on our food as soon as the 2024 growing season.

Frustratingly, we must fight this decades-long battle again with the ban overturned and sent back to EPA for a do-over. Let's start 2024 fighting back to protect farm workers and children. The EPA must act on the science and ban chlorpyrifos.

Our children are too precious to allow them to be exposed to a dangerous toxin that could subject them to learning disabilities, behavioral disorders and more. The science is clear: there is no safe use of chlorpyrifos in food production. Join the campaign and send your email today to EPA [title and name redacted] and demand that chlorpyrifos be kept out of food production.

PS: After you take action you can also share this campaign on Facebook & Twitter.*

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below—and that text is mostly the same information which is contained in the email above, with additional information:

Take Action: Toxic pesticide is again a threat

We're sharing shocking news that we need you to take immediate action on. In November, the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals listened to a chemical company and several agribusiness groups and overturned EPA's national ban on chlorpyrifos -- a neurotoxic pesticide which can cause permanent harm to childrens' brains. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced before the holidays they won't challenge the ruling. This means that unless the food is grown in a state where chlorpyrifos is banned, chlorpyrifos will be back in our fields and on our food as soon as the 2024 growing season.

Frustratingly, we must fight this decades-long battle again with the ban overturned and sent back to EPA for a do-over. Let's start 2024 fighting back to protect farm workers and children. The EPA must act on the science and ban chlorpyrifos.

Our children are too precious to allow them to be exposed to a dangerous toxin that could subject them to learning disabilities, behavioral disorders and more.

The science is clear: there is no safe use of chlorpyrifos in food production. Join the campaign and send your email today to EPA [title and name redacted] and demand that chlorpyrifos be kept out of food production.

Contact Information

First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Postal Code: [redacted]
Email: [redacted]

Subject: Reinstate the Chlorpyrifos Ban

Dear [Title and Name redacted],

I’m writing today to encourage you to act quickly to reinstate the 2021 ban on chlorpyrifos for use on food and feed crops. The science on this chemical is clear; we know that no safe use of chlorpyrifos in food production exists. With the 8th Circuit’s ruling vacating the 2021 ban, people will again be at risk of being harmed by this dangerous pesticide. Children and farmworkers deserve better.

Chlorpyrifos has been prohibited for indoor home use since 2001 because of the drastic and immediate health problems this organophosphate can cause. It causes headaches, agitation, weakness, fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, and blurred vision. High doses can cause respiratory paralysis and death, and pregnant women may be more sensitive to chlorpyrifos toxicity. Also, chlorpyrifos drifts from its target easily, exposing people who may be some distance from the fields where it is applied.

EPA and its Scientific Advisory Panels have repeatedly found that even low levels of chlorpyrifos exposure are linked to learning disabilities in children. That’s why EPA must ban chlorpyrifos from food. I urge you to reinstate the chlorpyrifos ban and put health and safety first.

Our children are too precious to allow them to be exposed to a dangerous toxin that could subject them to learning disabilities, behavioral disorders and more.

[Your information here]

*I selected the "Share on Twitter" option (by the way, I only have a Twitter account so I can read tweets which are included in some online articles that I read) in order for me to provide you, my readers, with the text and hyperlink below:

Children & farmworker communities will yet again be in harm’s way. Chlorpyrifos, a dangerous pesticide, is allowed to return to the market as a result of an industry lawsuit.

@EPA needs to follow the science and reinstate the chlorpyrifos ban. Act now!

And, after I sent the email above to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), via the (Service Employees International Union) website, I made a one-time donation to United Farm Workers because "our children are too precious to allow them to be exposed to a dangerous toxin that could subject them to learning disabilities, behavioral disorders and more," since "the science is clear: there is no safe use of chlorpyrifos in food production." –Paul Whiting (January 23rd, 2024)


January 24th, 2024 Update No. 1: I have consolidated the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

Therefore, I have combined every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The only political communication to which I responded was a text message today, January 24th, 2024, from the Sarah Klee Hood for Congress (Sarah Klee Hood for NY) campaign, which stated the following:

Paul, I'm Sarah Klee Hood. I'm a working mom, Air Force veteran, and community leader running for Congress in NY-22, one of the most competitive toss-up districts at stake. I'm about to ask you for $2, but first, I'll lay out the facts:

-Daily Kos reported my GOP opponent Rep. Brandon Williams one of the most VULNERABLE members of Congress.

-Williams narrowly won our district by less than TWO points in 2022, and Biden won it by SEVEN points in 2020, making this one of the most FLIPPABLE seats in the country.

-BUT: While we're solely grassroots-powered by everyday people like you, Williams is funded by corporate PACs and Texas Big Oil Billionaires like Harlan Crow.

So today, I'm asking you for $2. Yup, that's it. Just $2 to flip NY-22 blue - because if enough of us come together, that's all it will take.

I hate asking for money, but it's the only way I can compete against Williams' mega-donors. It's how we flip this seat blue. It's how we flip the House blue. So please, can you join my campaign today by chipping in just $2 so I can flip battleground NY-22 blue? >>***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Donate to Sarah Klee Hood!

$15,624.01 Raised →→→ GOAL $16,000

Chip in to fuel our grassroots movement! >>

Sarah Klee Hood is a mother, veteran, and local elected official running for Congress in one of the districts most likely to flip from red to blue in the entire country!

Her opponent is an anti-choice MAGA Republican, funded by billionaires like Harlan Crow and special interests.

Sarah comes from a working class family, and doesn't have generational wealth or political connections. So if we want to flip this seat, it's going to take a wave of grassroots support. Can you chip in to help elect Sarah and flip NY-22 blue? >>

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Sarah Klee Hood.

[  ] Donate $15 →

[  ] Donate $27 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Sarah Klee Hood for Congress (Sarah Klee Hood for NY) campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) because "[Sarah's] a working mom, Air Force veteran, and community leader running for Congress in NY-22, one of the most competitive toss-up districts at stake."

Thus, this one campaign—Sarah Klee Hood for Congress (Sarah Klee Hood for NY)—is the political campaign that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written January 24th, 2024 and revised April 17th, 2024)


January 24th, 2024 Update No. 2: I received an email from the American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon (ACLU of Oregon) today, January 24th, 2024, with the subject line, "The problems with going back to the war on drugs", which stated the following:



Paul –

As lawmakers prepare to convene at the Capitol in February and March for the legislative session, lawmakers are drafting legislation to criminalize addiction, homelessness, and poverty – even though health care workers, researchers, and experts from Oregon and across the country, and data from 50+ years tell us this will very likely repeat the exorbitantly expensive failures and government violence of the war on drugs.

Yesterday, lawmakers held a hearing without public testimony and input. We need you to message your lawmakers now before it's too late.

Why are lawmakers playing politics with people's lives and pushing forward with false stunts and fake promises, not real solutions? It appears they're bowing down to pressure from a billionaire-funded corporate interest group led by the former head of the Oregon prisons.

Funnily, this interest group doesn't mention that their former prison chief failed to create lasting, real solutions to drug addiction in Oregon's prisons. A couple of months ago, the Oregonian reported that drug use is soaring among incarcerated people in Oregon's prisons and officials are struggling to stop smuggling and offer treatment. Nor do they mention recent OHSU research that opioid overdose risk is 10 times greater for those recently released from prison, and almost half of people in rural areas who used drugs were in prison or jail in the last six months.

What should lawmakers be doing instead? If they actually cared about all Oregonians – not just those who have the deep pockets and connections to directly pressure them – lawmakers would focus on creating REAL SOLUTIONS, NOT FALSE PROMISES.

We all know the real solutions Oregon desperately needs. Rapidly expanding affordable housing and treatment. Creating work programs for trash clean-up and neighborhood revitalization. Expanding programs that send crisis counselors, instead of police, to respond to 911 calls about people having mental health or addiction crises.

Troublingly, lawmakers don't want feedback from everyday Oregonians. They held a last-minute, until recently, secret hearing this Tuesday, with little to no opportunity for the public to participate.

WE NEED YOU to tell lawmakers to work on REAL SOLUTIONS, NOT FALSE PROMISES. Tell them to focus on housing and drug treatment instead of jail time so people can get the help they need.


[Name redacted]
Pronouns: She, her, hers
[Title redacted], ACLU of Oregon

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

ACLU of Oregon


Act Now

ACLU OF OREGON CALL TO ACTION: Tell your legislators that we need real solutions, not false promises! More treatment beds, not more jail beds!

As state lawmakers prepare to convene at the Capitol in February and March, lawmakers are drafting legislation to criminalize addiction, homelessness, and poverty — even though health care workers and data from 50+ years tell us this will likely repeat the harmful and exorbitantly expensive failures of the war on drugs.

Why are lawmakers playing politics with people's lives and pushing forward with false stunts and fake promises, not real solutions? It appears they're bowing down to pressure from a billionaire-funded corporate interest group led by the former head of the Oregon prisons.

Funnily, this interest group doesn't mention that their former prison chief failed to create lasting real solutions to drug addiction in Oregon's prisons. A couple months ago, the Oregonian reported that drug use is soaring among incarcerated people in Oregon's prisons and officials are struggling to stop smuggling and offer treatment. Nor do they mention recent OHSU research that opioid overdose risk is 10 times greater for those recently released from prison, and almost half of people in rural areas who used drugs were in prison or jail in the last six months.

What should lawmakers be doing instead? If they actually cared about all Oregonians — not just those who have the deep pockets and connections to directly pressure them — lawmakers would focus on creating REAL SOLUTIONS, NOT FALSE PROMISES.

We all know the real solutions Oregon desperately needs. Rapidly expanding affordable housing and treatment. Creating work programs for trash clean-up and neighborhood revitalization. Expanding programs that send crisis counselors, instead of police, to respond to 911 calls about people having mental health or addiction crises.

Troublingly, lawmakers don't want feedback from everyday Oregonians. They are holding a last-minute, until recently secret hearing this Tuesday, with no opportunity for the public to participate.

WE NEED YOU to tell lawmakers to work on REAL SOLUTIONS, NOT FALSE PROMISES. Tell them to focus on housing and drug treatment instead of jail time so people can get the help they need.

Use the form to send a message to your lawmakers.

Subject: We urgently need real solutions, not false promises!

I support REAL SOLUTIONS, NOT FALSE PROMISES. I oppose criminalizing drug addiction and poverty.

Oregonians are lining up for detox and treatment services and pleading not to be released back to the streets without adequate housing. We need more treatment beds, not jail beds.

Instead of sending police and using jails to target people with drug addictions or living in poverty, lawmakers need to focus on the real solutions that Oregon communities desperately need:

— Urgently expanding the full spectrum of addiction care and affordable housing, including rapidly expanding spaces in detox centers, treatment beds, and temporary housing.

— Investing in and quickly rolling out drug prevention education for youth and adults.

— Expanding programs that send crisis counselors, instead of police, to respond to 911 calls about people having mental health or addiction crises.

— Creating work programs for trash clean-up and neighborhood revitalization.

It is mind boggling to me that state lawmakers are planning to return to failed and very expensive war on drugs tactics that will inflict deep harm on Black, brown, low-income, rural and LGBTQ+ people and very likely make addiction and homelessness worse.

Not only are these tactics ineffective and inhumane, the criminal system is very expensive for the state and local governments — costing many billions of tax dollars every year. If lawmakers fund more police and jails to address drug addiction, where will you find the tax dollars to adequately fund the real solutions we desperately need, i.e., more housing and treatment?

Even with the billions of tax dollars that go to them every year, Oregon's jails and prisons are struggling to provide treatment to incarcerated people with addictions. A couple months ago, the Oregonian reported that drug use is soaring among incarcerated people in Oregon's prisons and officials are struggling to stop smuggling and offer treatment.

After people get out of jails and prisons, there are many more struggles for people with addictions or in poverty. For example, OHSU researchers reported last year that opioid overdose risk is 10 times greater for those recently released from prison, and almost half of people in rural areas who used drugs were in prison or jail in the last six months. Formerly incarcerated people also struggle because criminal records create barriers to employment, housing, public assistance, education, family reunification, building good credit, and more.

Drug addiction is a health condition, not a crime. The criminal system is not set up to help people, especially people experiencing health difficulties or poverty.

Criminalization policies are ineffective, exorbitantly expensive, inhumane, and cruel. Oregons deserve REAL SOLUTIONS, NOT FAKE PROMISES. All Oregonians deserve better than police, jails, and prisons.

I urge you to reject legislation that criminalizes drug addition, use, or possession. STOP playing with people’s lives and Oregon’s future. Support REAL SOLUTIONS including more housing, treatment, and non-police mobile crisis counselors.


[First Name] [Last Name]


Salutation (required by some officials): Mr.
First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
E-mail address: [redacted]
Address: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Zip Code: [redacted]
Phone: [redacted]

And so, I sent the letter above to Oregon Lawmakers, via the ACLU of Oregon's website, in order to state that "I oppose criminalizing drug addiction and poverty" because, "instead of sending police and using jails to target people with drug addictions or living in poverty, lawmakers need to focus on the real solutions that Oregon communities desperately need," including the following: [1] Urgently expanding the full spectrum of addiction care and affordable housing, including rapidly expanding spaces in detox centers, treatment beds, and temporary housing; [2] Investing in and quickly rolling out drug prevention education for youth and adults; [3] Expanding programs that send crisis counselors, instead of police, to respond to 911 calls about people having mental health or addiction crises; and [4] Creating work programs for trash clean-up and neighborhood revitalization. –Paul Whiting (written January 24th, 2024 and revised February 21st, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, I used to make one-time donations to the organization that is the subject of these 'updates' each time that I took an action as requested by that organization; however, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am greatly reducing the number of times that I donate for the same organization per month down to once—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis." (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.) Thus, because I have already donated to the ACLU of Oregon on January 15th, 2024 (please see my 'January 15th, 2024 Update No. 1,' regarding the Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service, which can be found above) that is the one-time donation which I made to the ACLU of Oregon for January 2024.


January 24th, 2024 Update No. 3: I received an email from Planned Parenthood Federation of America today, January 24th, 2024, with the subject line, "They were never going to stop at overturning Roe", which stated the following:


By now, you've seen the devastating harm caused by state abortion bans — people forced to give birth or flee their home states for health care, doctors forbidden from providing the medical care their patients need. The cruelty and injustice of these bans is shameful beyond words.

Soon, the Supreme Court could make things much, much worse.

Activists and lawmakers opposed to abortion are trying to use the courts to turn back the clock on the FDA's decision to lift unnecessary restrictions on mifepristone, one of two medicines commonly used across the U.S. for medication abortion. If they get their way, access to this safe, effective medication approved by the FDA more than 20 years ago could be further restricted and impossible for many to access nationwide.

It won't matter what state you live in. The Supreme Court could make abortion harder to get across the country — including in states like California, Illinois, and New York, where abortion access is protected.

We need you on our side as we fight to protect abortion access in the face of these growing threats. Will you chip in today?***

The toughest challenge to protecting and expanding abortion access is that we always have to work toward two goals simultaneously:

1. Do everything we can to make sure anyone who needs an abortion today can get one — no matter what.

2. Do everything we can to stop the next attack on our rights, and the next one, and the next one.

We can't ignore the ongoing emergency that is affecting so many people's lives. And we can't let lawmakers and courts keep eroding our rights and cutting even more people off from care.

Paul, I'll be blunt: the only way Planned Parenthood is able to keep up is with strong support from people like you. As we mark what should have been the 51st anniversary of Roe v. Wade, this work has never been more important.

Make a gift right now to renew your commitment to making sure everyone has access to abortion and other reproductive health care.

Thanks for sticking with us.


[Name redacted], [Title redacted]
Planned Parenthood Federation of America


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, after I read the email above, I made a one-time donation to Planned Parenthood Federation of America, because "the only way Planned Parenthood is able to keep up [with the ongoing emergency that is affecting so many people's lives] is with strong support from people like [me]." That is why I made "a gift right now to renew [my] commitment to making sure everyone has access to abortion and other reproductive health care," since "[activists and lawmakers opposed to abortion] were never going to stop at overturning Roe" and "[Planned Parenthood Federation of America needs me] on [their] side as [they] fight to protect abortion access in the face of these growing threats." –Paul Whiting (January 24th, 2024)


January 24th, 2024 Update No. 4, Which Also Discusses January 17th, 2024 Through January 23rd, 2024: [CONTENT WARNING: THIS UPDATE CONTAINS ARTICLES WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!] This 'update' that I am writing today, January 24th, 2024, is only from my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received via email for the time period of January 17th, 2024 through January 23rd, 2024.

To begin with, I have NOT checked the news through Google searches for quite a long time because of how much blogging I have been doing lately. You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day, which used to start with me reading Time Magazine articles that I selected from one (or more) of their emails that I received each day. However, because I have been so busy lately with "Online Activism," and also with the editing of my five blogs, I have only been keeping up with the news just by reading the titles of the Time articles that I receive from their daily emails—until I can actually get around to reading the articles from those emails that I highlight in these 'updates.'

That is why I have decided to simply go with this trend of just reading the article titles from the news organizations to which I subscribe that I receive from their daily emails until I have the time to check the news via Google searches, like used to do!

Although, given the volume of news lately, I may decide to keep up with the news through email notifications only. To that end, I have recently signed up to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe in order for me to stay informed about what's happening in the world. Thus, I already receive these types of emails from Time Magazine—as mentioned above—but I am also checking the news just by reading the article titles from the other news organizations to which I subscribe in addition to Time Magazine. Therefore, highlighted articles from the other news organizations to which I subscribe are provided through 'updates' such as this one.

And I used to provide longer introductions to these Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which included the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the Time Magazine articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink.

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of Time Magazine articles that I received for the time period of January 17th, 2024 through January 23rd, 2024, when I noticed the following articles! (As mentioned above, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

The following are the articles which I received seven days ago, January 17th, 2024:

The first Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received seven days ago) is titled, "Designers Are Accusing Temu of Selling Copies of Their Work":


The second Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received seven days ago) is titled, "What Congress’ New Child Tax Credit Deal Could Mean for You":


The following are the articles which I received six days ago, January 18th, 2024:

The third Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received six days ago) is titled, "How MAGA Hijacked the Conservative Movement":


The fourth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received six days ago) is titled, "New Polling Shows How Much Global Support Israel Has Lost":


The fifth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received six days ago) is titled, "The SEC Is at the Mercy of the Courts at a Perilous Moment":


The following is the article which I received five days ago, January 19th, 2024:

The sixth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received five days ago) is titled, "History Tells Us How the Israel-Hamas War Will End": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The following is the article which I received four days ago, January 20th, 2024:

The seventh Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received four days ago) is titled, "To Stop AI Killing Us All, First Regulate Deepfakes, Says Researcher Connor Leahy":


The following are the articles which I received three days ago, January 21st, 2024:

The eighth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received three days ago) is titled, "Ava DuVernay on the Urgency and Artistry of Historical Drama Origin":


The ninth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received three days ago) is titled, "Delivery Firm’s AI Chatbot Goes Rogue, Curses at Customer and Criticizes Company":


The tenth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received three days ago) is titled, "The Way We Assess What Kids Are Learning Is Starting to Change":


The eleventh Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received three days ago) is titled, "Accusing Advocates of Profiting From Racial Conflict Is Nothing New—And It’s Always Been Problematic":


The following is the article which I received two days ago, January 22nd, 2024:

The twelfth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received two days ago) is titled, "Saudi Arabia Won’t Normalize Relations With Israel Without Path to Palestinian State, Foreign Minister Says":


The following are the articles which I received yesterday, January 23rd, 2024:

The thirteenth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "A Record Number of Office Buildings Will Be Converted Into Apartments in 2024":


The fourteenth Time Magazine article that I read today (which I received yesterday) is titled, "Indonesia to Argue That Israel’s Occupation of Palestinian Territory Violates International Law":

And I decided to highlight these articles from Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written January 24th, 2024 and revised April 6th, 2024)


January 25th, 2024 Update No. 1: I have consolidated the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

Therefore, I have combined every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The only political communication to which I responded was a text message today, January 25th, 2024, from the Mac Deford for Congress (Deford for Congress) campaign, which stated the following:

Greetings Paul! I'm Democratic candidate Mac Deford, and I'm running to unseat Nancy Mace in U.S. Congress. As a husband, veteran, former law enforcement officer, and lawyer with business and public service experience, I'm stepping up to represent our diverse communities in Washington.

I believe in uniting our district beyond party lines, whether you are a Republican, Democrat, or Independent. But to do that, I need your help to defeat Nancy Mace. To learn more about me, please watch our campaign video and donate today to restore competent leadership for the Lowcountry. Thank you!***

[Blogger's Note: The text message above mentions this campaign's launch video! Now, most of the other Democratic political campaigns for which I write these 'updates' don't necessarily have launch videos included in their introductory campaign text messages. Therefore, even though I watched this campaign's launch video, I am trying not to appear to promote this Democratic candidate's campaign, which has a launch video as part of the introductory text message, more so than any of the other Democratic candidates' campaigns for which I write these 'updates.' (I hope that makes sense!)]

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Donate to Mac Deford for Congress (SC-01)

Your support is significant, and Mac is thrilled to have you onboard as we work together to create a brighter future for our community and nation. By contributing to Mac's campaign, you are making a powerful statement that you believe in electing leaders who prioritize the public interest above all else.

Every dollar counts, and no contribution is too small. Together, we can make a real difference in the lives of our fellow citizens and shape the future of our great nation.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Mac Deford.

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[  ] Donate $3,300 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Mac Deford for Congress (Deford for Congress) campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) because "[Mac Deford believes] in uniting [South Carolina's 1st congressional district (SC-01)] beyond party lines, whether you are a Republican, Democrat, or Independent. But to do that, [he needs my] help to defeat Nancy Mace."

Thus, this one campaign—Mac Deford for Congress (Deford for Congress)—is the political campaign that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written January 25th, 2024 and revised April 17th, 2024)


For my "January 26th, 2024 Update No. 1"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

January 26th, 2024 Update No. 1: I received a text message today, January 26th, 2024, from the USO (United Service Organizations), which stated the following:

TROOP SUPPORT ALERT: Were falling short of our goal to collect 50K names on our card for troops! Sign now >>***


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below: ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "January 26th, 2024 Update No. 1":


January 26th, 2024 Update No. 2: This 'update' that I am writing today, January 26th, 2024, is only from my news searches on Google, which I do as often as I can manage.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, lately I am simply checking the news as often as I can manage. And, I usually check what's happening in the world via various Google searches that I do under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Google news searches. Plus, I am currently writing separate 'updates' for the news articles that I read from the news organizations to which I subscribe that send me email newsletters.

So, without further ado, I was doing my occasional news searches on Google today, January 26th, 2024, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

Plus, I am listing these articles by the initial Google search category under which I found each article, as listed above. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.]


1. Newsweek
Donald Trump Gets Bad News About America's Spending



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



2. The New York Times
(By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
The Looming Biden-Trump Rematch Is About Two Visions of America (The Looming Contest Between Two Presidents and Two Americas)

3. CNN
UAW endorses Biden as he prepares to fight Trump for union workers

4. ABC News
United Auto Workers endorse Biden; union president calls Trump a 'scab'

5. AP News
'Honored to have your back, and you have mine': Biden endorsed by United Auto Workers in election



6. Politico
Biden says he'll shut down the border if deal gives him authority

7. Reuters
Biden backs Senate border deal, vows to 'shut down the border' when overwhelmed

8. NBC News
Biden promises to 'shut down' the border if given the authority in a bipartisan bill



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



The nation's cartoonists on the week in politics

[Blogger's Note: By the way, I selected the political cartoon "2024 Election: 'Americans are sleepwalking into' Autocracy (Dictatorship)" out of the cartoon carousel. Plus, I always try to take the time look at the advertisements in these "cartoon carousels" in order to appreciate the fact that I am able to read these political cartoons based upon their ads!]

Mental Acuity Questions Catch Up With Trump | Politics | U.S. News



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written January 26th, 2024, revised January 28th, 2024, revised February 2nd, 2024 and revised February 5th, 2024)


January 27th, 2024 Update No. 1: International Holocaust Remembrance Day is yearly (annually) on January 27th. Therefore, I donated today, January 27th, 2024, to an organization that is helping all of us to remember the victims and survivors of the Holocaust.

And I was inspired to make this donation by the following sources:

Source No. 1: I received an email from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) five days ago on January 22nd, 2024, with the subject line, "Antisemitism shaped my life", which stated the following:

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

My life, for as long as I remember, has been shaped by antisemitism. It’s the reason why my parents left their native Hungary and Austria—I was born in Trieste, Italy. After antisemitic legislation excluded us from normal life in Italy, my family immigrated to New Zealand when I was just one year old.

Many members of my extended family were killed during the Holocaust.

I eventually settled in the United States, my sister in Israel. As people who spent our childhoods unmoored, the Jewish state represents a safe haven in a world riven by antisemitism and hate.

That is why I can’t get over my feeling of horror about what happened in Israel on October 7, when Jewish people were once again targeted and killed just because they were Jews. It reminded me that antisemitism, which made the Holocaust possible, continues to threaten us today. And while I am still reeling, and innocent Israelis are still held hostage by Hamas terrorists in Gaza, it feels like the world has moved on and Jews stand alone and fearful once again.

This year, more than ever, we must commemorate International Holocaust Remembrance Day on January 27.

We can’t change what has happened, but we can work toward a better future. That is why I volunteer at the Museum sharing my story with visitors. Educating about the Holocaust, and the antisemitism that made it possible, gives me hope.

Thank you,

[Name redacted]
Holocaust Survivor and Museum Volunteer

P.S. Visit the Museum’s website ( to learn more about commemorating International Holocaust Remembrance Day. On Friday, January 26, at 1 p.m. ET watch a special episode of our award-winning Stay Connected Live series featuring Tova Friedman, who survived Auschwitz as a child. Click here for a reminder to watch live. The recording will be available on the Museum’s YouTube page.

And so, I donated to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in honor of—and remembrance for—the victims and survivors of the Holocaust.

Source No. 2: I received an email from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) yesterday, January 26th, 2024, with the subject line, "Watch Program Now | Surviving Auschwitz: A Child Emerges from the Holocaust", which stated the following:

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Live Digital Program Starts Soon

Surviving Auschwitz: A Child Emerges from the Holocaust

We hope you can join us for our live event at 1 p.m. ET.


We hope you can join us for our live event

About This Program

It’s some of the most indelible Holocaust imagery: a group of children wearing striped uniforms pulling back their sleeves to reveal tattoos. Their young faces, surrounded by the barbed wire of Auschwitz shortly after their liberation, laid bare the evils of the Holocaust. [Name redacted] was one of these innocents—a young girl targeted by the Germans solely because she was Jewish. As we commemorate International Holocaust Remembrance Day, [name redacted] will talk about how she is dedicating the last chapter of her life to fighting antisemitism and ensuring the victims of the Holocaust are not forgotten.

Watch this special program.

After the live broadcast, the recording will be available to watch on demand on the Museum’s YouTube ( and Facebook pages.

Donate to Keep Holocaust Memory Alive


Keep Holocaust memory alive to inspire citizens and leaders to confront hatred, prevent genocide, and promote human dignity in a constantly changing world. Visit to learn more.

‌[Blogger's Note: I watched the USHMM YouTube video titled, "Surviving Auschwitz: A Child Emerges from the Holocaust," which is slightly over thirty five minutes, just to let you know.]

By the way, the "International Holocaust Remembrance Day" is not to be confused with "Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom HaShoah)," which corresponds to the 27th day of Nisan on the Hebrew calendar.

"Yom HaShoah" from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia—which is funded primarily through donations from millions of individuals around the world, including this blogger (I make a totally affordable monthly donation):

"Yom HaZikaron laShoah ve-laG'vurah (Hebrew: יום הזיכרון לשואה ולגבורה, lit. 'Holocaust and Heroism Remembrance Day'), known colloquially in Israel and abroad as Yom HaShoah (יום השואה) and in English as Holocaust Remembrance Day, or Holocaust Day, is observed as Israel's day of commemoration for the approximately six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust by Nazi Germany and its collaborators, and for the Jewish resistance in that period. In Israel, it is a national memorial day. The first official commemorations took place in 1951, and the observance of the day was anchored in a law passed by the Knesset in 1959. It is held on the 27th of Nisan (which falls in April or May), unless the 27th would be adjacent to the Jewish Sabbath, in which case the date is shifted by a day."

"International Holocaust Remembrance Day" from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia—which is funded primarily through donations from millions of individuals around the world, including this blogger (I make a totally affordable monthly donation):

"International Holocaust Remembrance Day, or the International Day in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust, is an international memorial day on 27 January that commemorates the victims of the Holocaust, which resulted in the murder of one third of the Jewish people, along with countless members of other minorities between 1933 and 1945 by Nazi Germany, an attempt to implement their 'final solution' to the Jewish question."

Thus, I made the above-mentioned donation to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in order to show my support for International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2024. And this donation is also how I show my respect for honoring the victims and survivors of the Holocaust.

–Paul Whiting (written January 27th, 2024 and revised January 28th, 2024)


For my "January 29th, 2024 Update No. 1"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

January 29th, 2024 Update No. 1: I received an email from the USO (United Service Organizations) today, January 29th, 2024, with the subject line, "USO Military News: January 2024", with regard to the USO's newsletter "YOUR USO AT WORK," Issue 119 / January 2024, which stated, in part, the following:

Issue 119 / January 2024



From ongoing attacks in the Middle East to unbearable winter conditions at home and abroad, the start of the new year has been especially difficult for our active-duty troops. That’s why we’re so grateful to you for being on our Home Team and helping us do everything we possibly can to support our brave heroes who are already sacrificing so much to protect us and our nation in 2024. ...

And the following highlights from the USO's newsletter, which I selected to post, are regarding "USO Reading Program Connects Heroes to Home During the Holidays" and "Support Team USO at the Boston Marathon," as well as "Lowe's Partners With the USO for 'Be the Change' Campaign":


USO Reading Program Connects Heroes to Home During the Holidays

Even when service members are deployed, many of them still get to enjoy spending time reading to their children thanks to the USO Reading Program. This incredible program helps children connect with parents on active duty through books about their favorite characters and superheroes — before the true heroes in uniform can come home.

Discover the latest magical moments made possible for military families thanks to the USO Reading Program.



Support Team USO at the Boston Marathon

A group of runners will represent the USO at this year's Boston Marathon on Monday, April 15, including active-duty service members, veterans, military spouses and more! By representing the USO, they raise funds on behalf of the organization to assist in the USO's mission of keeping service members connected to family, home and country.

Learn more about Team USO and how you can support them at the Boston Marathon.



Lowe's Partners With the USO for "Be the Change" Campaign

Did you know that when you visit your local Lowe's and pay with cash, your extra change can now help support the USO? Thanks to the "Be the Change" program that runs through Feb. 4, you can put your change from shopping at Lowe's toward a good cause by helping support our service members and their families.


...From all of us at the USO, thank you for being a patriotic supporter of our nation's service members!

And so, I made a one-time donation on the website in order to support the USO's following statement: "Our service members keep our nation safe. And we work hard to keep them connected to home — but we can’t do that without support from military supporters like you. Our troops are counting on you to be a part of this important work for our country. So please, donate now." And I also donated to show my support for the USO's newsletter, as well as to show my support for the USO in supporting our men and women in uniform.

In addition to that, I already make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! You see, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation. ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "January 29th, 2024 Update No. 1":


January 29th, 2024 Update No. 2: I have consolidated the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

Therefore, I have combined every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The first political communication to which I responded was a text message today, January 29th, 2024, from the Anthony Daniels for Congress (Anthony Daniels for Alabama) campaign, which stated the following:

Paul, my name is Anthony Daniels and I’m running for Alabama’s newly drawn Second Congressional District.

I’m proud to have fought tirelessly to ensure good-paying jobs and opportunities for our communities. When I became the youngest House Minority Leader in state history and the first Black man to hold the position, I knew I had a big task ahead of me. As Alabama House Minority Leader, my focus has never wavered from ensuring that working families can have a high quality of life.

Now – I’m ready to go to Washington and keep delivering results for the people of Alabama. But we can’t deliver unless we FLIP the House, and the path to taking back the majority runs straight through this newly drawn district. That’s why today I’m reaching out, because I can’t win without your help.

Paul, I’m asking you today if you can pitch in $25, or whatever you can, to stand alongside me in the fight. Together, we can keep making progress for Alabama.***

Thank you,
Anthony Daniels

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Donate to Anthony Daniels for Congress

As a teacher, business leader, and public servant, Anthony Daniels has spent his career working to do what is right for the people of Alabama.

And he's ready to build on that experience delivering for Alabamians to represent Alabama's newly-redrawn second district in Congress.

Please chip in whatever you can spare to help Anthony continue to work for every Alabamian!

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Anthony Daniels.

[  ] Donate $5 →

[  ] Donate $10 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Anthony Daniels for Congress (Anthony Daniels for Alabama) campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) because, "as Alabama House Minority Leader, [Anthony Daniels'] focus has never wavered from ensuring that working families can have a high quality of life" and now "[he's] ready to go to Washington and keep delivering results for the people of Alabama."


The second political communication to which I responded was a text message today, January 29th, 2024, from the Reverend Curtis Green for Congress (Curtis A. Green for Congress) campaign, which stated the following:

Paul - Rev. Curtis Green here - proud Democrat running to win a crucial swing seat here in New Jersey.

I'm a veteran, minister, and teacher who has spent my life fighting for the forgotten.

We need more compassionate voices in public office who focus on what unites us, not what divides us.

That's why I'm running for Congress to write New Jersey's next chapter, where no family is unheard, unseen, or unloved.

But my major end of month deadline is in just 2 days and right now, I'm not on pace to hit my critical goal. With the House majority on the line, goals like these can make the difference between winning and losing.

So I'm humbly asking: Can you chip in $25 before midnight to fuel my campaign?***

Thank you. I can't do this without you.

-Rev. Green

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Donate to Rev. Curtis Green for Congress

A minister, a teacher, and a veteran, Rev. Curtis Green has spent his entire life standing up to the bullies, fighting for the forgotten, and creating new and better ways forward for the people of New Jersey.

Now, Rev. Green wants to take that fight to the United States Congress.

The people of New Jersey's third congressional district have a clear choice in 2024 - yesterday or tomorrow.

On behalf of every New Jerseyan yearning for character, competence, and conscience in Washington, we say yes to tomorrow.

Rev. Green needs your help. But more importantly, New Jersey needs your help.

Chip in today to help us make this blessed place something all the more blessed still.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Curtis Green.

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[  ] Donate $3,300 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Reverend Curtis Green for Congress (Curtis A. Green for Congress) campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) because "[Reverend Green is] a veteran, minister, and teacher who has spent [his] life fighting for the forgotten" and so "that's why [he's] running for Congress to write New Jersey's next chapter, where no family is unheard, unseen, or unloved."

Thus, these two campaigns—Anthony Daniels for Congress (Anthony Daniels for Alabama), as well as Reverend Curtis Green for Congress (Curtis A. Green for Congress)—are the political campaigns that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written January 29th, 2024 and revised April 17th, 2024)


January 31st, 2024 Update No. 1: I have consolidated the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

Therefore, I have combined every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The first political communication that I responded to today was an email that I forwarded today, January 31st, 2024, from my previous email account (that I no longer use, but I still frequently check) from the Elissa Slotkin for U.S. Senate (Elissa Slotkin for Michigan) campaign that I received today with the subject line, "Let me try to answer", which stated the following:

From: Elissa Slotkin [email redacted]
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2024 6:20 AM
To: [email redacted]
Subject: Let me try to answer


I get asked all the time will a $3 contribution actually make a difference in an election that is going to cost millions and millions of dollars.

It's a fair question. And since I am writing to ask you to contribute $3 to my campaign for Senate in Michigan, let me try to answer.

The short answer is yes. Absolutely.

The long answer is this: in and of itself, $3 isn't going to win the election. Of course not.

But by the time you get to this point in the email, a number of folks have already contributed in response to this message. Hundreds of people donated yesterday. Same the day before.

Now they're hoping you'll do the same. Because there is only one way we'll raise the kind of money we need to fight back against the DeVos money flooding into this race to beat us — and that is together.

So with our January fundraising drive coming close to a close, I am asking for your much-needed help today:

Can I count on you to contribute $3, or whatever you can afford today, to my campaign for United States Senate in Michigan? It will all add up fast when we're all chipping-in to win this race.

If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll process your contribution instantly:

[✓] DONATE $3***
[  ] DONATE $25
[  ] DONATE $50
[  ] DONATE $100
[  ] DONATE $250

Thank you,

Elissa Slotkin

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:



Elissa Slotkin is rejecting corporate PAC money. That means this campaign is going to be fueled by lots of people giving small amounts of money. Because our government should work for you, not the wealthy and the well-connected.

Your contribution today will help us deliver results and sustain strong, principled leadership for Michigan. Contribute today.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Elissa Slotkin.

[  ] DONATE $10 →

[  ] DONATE $35 →

[  ] DONATE $100 →

[  ] DONATE $250 →

[  ] DONATE $500 →

[  ] DONATE $1,000 →

[  ] DONATE $3,300 →

[✓] OTHER AMOUNT $3.00

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Elissa Slotkin for U.S. Senate (Elissa Slotkin for Michigan) campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to "contribute $3 ... to [Elissa Slotkin's] campaign for United States Senate in Michigan," since "Elissa Slotkin is rejecting corporate PAC money," which "means [her] campaign is going to be fueled by lots of people giving small amounts of money."


The second political communication to which I responded was a text message today, January 31st, 2024, from the Dan Goldman for Congress (Dan Goldman for New York) campaign, which stated the following:

Hey there, it's Dan Goldman. New York Republican and House GOP Conference Chair Elise Stefanik recently referred to the Jan 6 convicted insurrectionists as "hostages" as she continues to defend the rioters who attacked the Capitol to subvert our democracy.

Enough is enough. Elise Stefanik must be held accountable for providing aid and comfort to convicted criminals.

That's why I introduced a resolution to censure Congresswoman Stefanik. Not surprisingly, she immediately spewed lies, personally attacking me.

I won't back down, but it's your support that helps me continue fighting back. So I'm asking, will you rush $25 or whatever you can spare to support my efforts holding MAGA Republicans like Elise Stefanik accountable?

Here's an ActBlue link:***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Donate to Dan Goldman for NY

Dan Goldman is fighting to protect our democracy and defend our fundamental rights at a moment when there have never been greater threats to both.

We need leaders to stand up and fight back. Dan Goldman has been in the trenches fighting for our democracy. Join Dan Goldman in the fight by making a donation today.


Your contribution will benefit Dan Goldman.

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[  ] Donate $2,500 →

[  ] Donate $3,300 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Dan Goldman for Congress (Dan Goldman for New York) campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to "support [Dan Goldman's] efforts holding MAGA Republicans like Elise Stefanik accountable," because "Dan Goldman is fighting to protect our democracy and defend our fundamental rights at a moment when there have never been greater threats to both."


The third organization to which I donated today was the Democratic Attorneys General Association (DAGA) based upon a popup that appeared on the DemsAG website, which stated the following:


Help support our initiatives to elect more Democratic AGs.


And, after I read the popup above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:



Democratic AGs are protecting our democracy and fighting for working families in nearly every corner of the country.

But they need our support. Chip in today and help fund this work!

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Democratic Attorneys General Association (DAGA).

[  ] DONATE $25 →

[  ] DONATE $100 →

[  ] DONATE $250 →

[  ] DONATE $1,000 →

[✓] OTHER AMOUNT $5.00

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.35 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made this one-time donation to the DAGA in order to complete my series of donations for the month of January to Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations regarding the national races for the House of Representatives (the DCCC), the Senate (the DSCC) and the President of the United States (the DNC), as well as the state races for the Governors (the DGA), the Secretaries of State (the DASS), the Attorneys General (the DAGA) and the State Legislatures (the DLCC), during this first month of the 2024 Presidential Election.

That is why I am trying to contribute, during each month of 2024, as much as I am able to donate to Democratic political organizations—as well as to Democratic political campaigns—while I am still trying to stay within a 'monthly donating budget,' since that's all I can really afford!

Therefore, this donation to the DAGA completes the full series of one-time donations that I have made during the month of January 2024 to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations, as noted above, which are listed below in alphabetical order by their initials:

01. DAGA: Democratic Attorneys General Association
02. DASS: Democratic Association of Secretaries of State*
03. DCCC: Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee*
04. DGA: Democratic Governors Association**
05. DLCC: Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee*
06. DNC: Democratic National Committee*
07. DSCC: Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee*

*Please see my 'January 6th, 2024 Update No. 1, Written On January 7th, 2024,' which can be found above.

**Please see my 'January 22nd, 2024 Update No. 1,' which can be found above.

Thus, these two campaigns—Elissa Slotkin for U.S. Senate (Elissa Slotkin for Michigan), as well as Dan Goldman for Congress (Dan Goldman for New York)—in addition to this one organization—the DAGA—are the political campaigns, and the political organization, that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written January 31st, 2024, revised March 10th, 2024 and revised April 17th, 2024)


January 31st, 2024 Update No. 2, Which Also Discusses January 27th, 2024: This 'update' that I am writing today, January 31st, 2024, is only from my news searches on Google, which I do as often as I can manage.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, lately I am simply checking the news as often as I can manage. And, I usually check what's happening in the world via various Google searches that I do under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Google news searches. Plus, I am currently writing separate 'updates' for the news articles that I read from the news organizations to which I subscribe that send me email newsletters.

So, without further ado, I was doing my occasional news searches on Google today, January 31st, 2024, as well as four days ago on January 27th, 2024, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

Plus, I am listing these articles by the initial Google search category under which I found each article, as listed above. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.]


January 27th, 2024 search:

01. CNN
Why the US economy is doing so much better than the rest of the world

January 27th, 2024 search:

02. CBS News
Record number of Americans are homeless amid nationwide surge in rent, report finds

January 31st, 2024 search:

03. Time
(By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)
How Guns Brought America the Tyranny Its Founders Feared



January 27th, 2024 search:

04. ABC News
Judge 'shocked' by efforts to 'rewrite history' of Jan. 6 attack, those who label perpetrators 'hostages'

January 27th, 2024 search:

05. CNN
There’s a lot of good news for Americans in the latest inflation report

January 31st, 2024 search:

06. AP News
Secret history: Even before the revolution, America was a nation of conspiracy theorists



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



January 31st, 2024 search:

07. Newsweek
Joe Biden Gets Boost from Fed Rate Decision



I did not select any articles from this category.



January 31st, 2024 search:

08. MSNBC News
See MAGA Republicans exposed for touting Biden bills they opposed: Melber report

By the way, I also watched the video accompanying the article above that is titled the same as the article.



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written January 31st, 2024, revised February 1st, 2024, revised February 2nd, 2024 and revised February 5th, 2024)


January 31st, 2024 Update No. 3, Written On February 1st, 2024 About January 2024: This 'update' is special, since I am continuing to change the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month! And because I first changed the way that I make donations starting in August 2023, this update is also technically a follow-up to the following:

▪ August 19th, 2023 Update
▪ August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 1, Written On August 31st, 2023
▪ August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 2, Written On October 1st, 2023 About September 2023
▪ August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 3, Written On November 1st, 2023 About October 2023
▪ August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 4, Written On December 1st, 2023 About November 2023
▪ August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 5, Written On January 1st, 2024 About December 2023

Please let me explain: I spent A LOT the year before last (2022) because I was "doing everything in my power to help Democrats win in the 2022 Midterm Elections!" And I also spent QUITE A BIT last year (2023) because I was trying to 'put my money where my mouth is' regarding my activism throughout the year. And so, I ended up with a rather considerable credit card balance...

...Now, this is my only credit card—that I got through my regular bank—and I was enjoying an interest-free period on my charges up until August 2023! Thus, my carefree days of not paying for any interest on my credit card balance were officially over last year. And my minimum payments were going to be a rather large percentage of the amount that I had set aside in my monthly budget for my minimum payment, as well as my extra payment, on my credit card each month.

So, in response to this change in my minimum payments, I changed the way that I donated to political, progressive and charitable organizations, starting in 2023, due to the fact that I was spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations in 2023—as outlined below—starting with January of 2023.

January 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 15%

February 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 19%

March 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 12%

April 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 17%

May 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 21%

June 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 20%

July 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 17%

August 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 23%

September 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 20%

October 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 31%

November 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 71%

December 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 31%

Thus, if I average out the total percentage in 2023 that I spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations from January 2023 through December 2023, it comes out to an average of 25% of my monthly income! (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)

That is the reason I started really "tightening my belt," so to speak, with regard to all of the donations that I am making on my credit card each month! So, my plan is to only donate to political, progressive and charitable organizations if they specifically ask for donations—and not just for the sake of donating to them at least once per month, or even when I have been taking some sort of action, such as signing a petition, or sending a letter, etc. Thus, I am trying to greatly reduce the number of donations that I make to simply once in a while, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis!

You see, there are a lot of organizations that I literally donate to only once per year—such as for Giving Tuesday—which is all that I ever donate to them. And that is basically what I am striving for, so that I am still donating to political, progressive and charitable organizations, but the bare minimum that I can donate, since that's all I can really afford.

Therefore, I am no longer donating for every one of the email or text messages that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action that also come from the same organization, with the exception of the USO (United Service Organizations), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action.

That is why I will still be responding to some of the email or text messages that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, as well as to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action; however, when I do donate, I am reducing the number of times that I donate for the same organization per month down to once—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis—in addition to reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers.

Thus, when I do donate, I will only be donating once per month for each political, progressive or charitable organization, with the exception of the USO, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. (You see, I make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! Plus, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation.)

And now that yesterday, January 31st, 2024, was the last day of January 2024, I wanted to provide you with January's total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations:

January 2024:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 13%

And here are the percentages that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations by category, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[01] Non-Categorized Political: 2.50% {2.48676565526%}
[02] DLCC (Dem. Legis. Cam. Comm.): 0.34% {0.34538411878%}
[03] DCCC (Dem. Congress. Cam. Comm.): 0.34% {0.34538411878%}
[04] DASS (Dem. Assoc. Secr. of State): 0.34% {0.34538411878%}
[05] DSCC (Dem. Senate. Cam. Comm.): 0.34% {0.34538411878%}
[06] Joe Biden for President: 0.34% {0.34538411878%}
[07] DNC (Dem. Nation. Cam. Comm.): 0.34% {0.34538411878%}
-------Please see [08] below-------
[09] News Organizations: 0.32% {0.32278889606%}
[10] Nat'l Human Trafficking Awareness Day: 0.65% {0.64557779212%}
[11] PPAF (Plan. Parent. Act. Fund): 0.65% {0.64557779212%}
[12] Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service: 0.65% {0.64557779212%}
[13] USO (United Serv. Orgs.): 1.30% {1.29115558424%}
[14] Monthly Political: 2.32% {2.32408005164%}
-------Please see [15] below-------
[16] DGA (Dem. Govern. Assoc.): 0.34% {0.34538411878%}
[17] Doctors w/o Borders: 0.32% {0.32278889606%}
[18] USA for UNFPA: 0.32% {0.32278889606%}
[19] USA for UNHCR: 0.32% {0.32278889606%}
[20] Oregon Equal Rights for All campaign: 0.32% {0.32278889606%}
[21] UFW (Unite. Farm Work.): 0.36% {0.35829567462%}
[22] PPFA (Plan. Parent. Feder. of Amer.): 0.32% {0.32278889606%}
[23] International Holocaust Remembrance Day: 0.32% {0.32278889606%}
[24] DAGA (Dem. Attorneys. Gen. Assoc.): 0.34% {0.34538411878%}

Monthly Income Total Percentage Calculation:

+ 2.72% {8 x 0.34%}
+ 2.20% {7 x 0.32%}
+ 1.95% {3 x 0.65%}
+ 1.30%
+ 2.32%
= 13.00% {12.99%}

Plus, here are the percentages that I have spent on interest and credit card purchases, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[08] Credit Card Purchases: 2.5% {2.4835377663%}
[15] Monthly Interest: 7.5% {7.57069076823%}

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Interest and Purchases: 10%

Grand Total Percentage of Monthly Income for January 2024: 23%

And starting in 2024, I totally changed the way that I approach how I calculate what I am spending on my credit card each month! So now, I take the total amount that I have available in my monthly budget for my minimum payment on my credit card—as well as my extra payment—and I calculate how much I am reducing that amount each time that I charge on my credit card.

That way, I am very aware of the amount by which I am reducing my total available credit card payments for the month (the minimum payment and the extra payment) in order to, hopefully, pay more on my credit card than I am spending! Plus, I am also utilizing some funds from my budgeted expenses, as well as some funds from my savings, to make sure that I am paying a little more than I am spending while—at the same time—I am also trying to spend less on my credit card.

For example, I made one set of donations for the month of January 2024 (on January 6th) to Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations—and to one campaign—regarding the national races for the House of Representatives (the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee), the Senate (the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee) and the President of the United States (the Democratic National Committee and Biden for President, or the Biden Victory Fund), as well as the state races for the Governors (the Democratic Governors Association), the Secretaries of State (the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State), the Attorneys General (the Democratic Attorneys General Association) and the State Legislatures (the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee), during this first month of the year for the 2024 Presidential Election.

That is why I am trying to contribute, during each month of 2024, as much as I am able to donate to Democratic political organizations—as well as to Democratic political campaigns—while I am still trying to stay within a 'monthly donating budget,' since that's all I can really afford! Now, that means I can only donate ONCE for the entire month to each of the above-mentioned seven organizations (and one campaign!) in order to stay within my 'monthly donating budget.' Period. And that is how I am planning to budget for my credit card charges in order to see if it is "feasible for the foreseeable future" (say that three times fast!), or if I need to adjust this new credit card budget even more.

Therefore, the reason that I am explaining all of this donating and budgeting is because I am trying to be an "Online Activist" and to 'put my money where my mouth is' regarding my activism. That is why I blog about which political, progressive and charitable organizations I am supporting with regard to the causes that are the most important to me! –Paul Whiting (written February 1st, 2024, revised February 2nd, 2024, revised March 1st, 2024, revised March 10th, 2024, revised April 1st, 2024 and revised April 2nd, 2024)




February 1st, 2024 Update No. 1: I have consolidated the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

Therefore, I have combined every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The only political communication to which I responded was a text message today, February 1st, 2024, from the Andrea Salinas for Congress (Andrea Salinas for Oregon) campaign, which stated the following:

Paul, my name is Andrea Salinas and I proudly serve Oregon’s 6th Congressional District – a pure swing district – in Congress. I wanted to reach out, personally, with a major update on the state of our race.

My extreme, anti-choice, out-of-touch, former 2022 opponent just launched his rematch campaign against me.

Paul, my MAGA opponent wouldn’t just fail to stand up for our rights in Congress. He’d be part of the chaos caucus trying to take them away.

The stakes are too high to risk opening the door for hateful, dangerous GOP extremism here in Oregon.

So now more than ever, I need a surge of grassroots support to ensure I have the necessary resources to win. Please, for the sake of our community, can I count on you?***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Andrea Salinas for Congress

Chip in to Andrea's re-election campaign!

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Andrea Salinas.

[  ] Donate $6 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Andrea Salinas for Congress (Andrea Salinas for Oregon) campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to answer the question from Representative Andrea Salinas: "...for the sake of our community, can I count on you?" And that is why I contributed to "Andrea's re-election campaign!"

Thus, this one campaign—Andrea Salinas for Congress (Andrea Salinas for Oregon)—is the political campaign that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written February 1st, 2024 and revised April 17th, 2024)


February 2nd, 2024 Update No. 1: I received an email from Planned Parenthood Federation of America today, February 2nd, 2024, with the subject line, "Support these amazing Black-led organizations", which stated the following:

Paul —

I want to talk to you about Black history — not just the past, but the present as well.

In significant ways, Black leaders and communities are driving change in this country. I want to talk about the power we have, and the power we are building, to shape our own future. I want to make it plain: Black history is happening now. Reproductive justice leaders continue to make deep and lasting moves in families and communities across the country — mobilizing women, trans, and nonbinary people to fight for the freedom we all deserve.

This Black History Month, Planned Parenthood is proud to highlight the work of Black-led organizations that are doing transformative work in communities across the country. Will you make a gift now to support Black-led organizations working for reproductive justice, racial justice, and liberation?

Donate now and your gift will be shared between these incredible organizations:

[✓] The Afiya Center
[✓] Black Feminist Future
[✓] Black Women for Wellness
[✓] New Voices for Reproductive Justice
[✓] SisterLove

Every day, these partner organizations are expanding access to essential health services for Black families and building a safer, healthier, more equitable future for all.

Celebrate Black history — and help build a better future for Black communities — by making a gift today.

Thank you for your continued support of Planned Parenthood and our partners in this movement.

In solidarity,

[Name redacted], [Title redacted]
Planned Parenthood Federation of America

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, I made one-time donations to The Afiya Center, Black Feminist Future, Black Women for Wellness, New Voices for Reproductive Justice and SisterLove, on Plan Parenthood's donation portal via, because "this Black History Month, Planned Parenthood is proud to highlight the work of Black-led organizations that are doing transformative work in communities across the country."

–Paul Whiting (February 2nd, 2024)


February 2nd, 2024 Update No. 2, Which Also Discusses February 1st, 2024: This 'update' that I am writing today, February 2nd, 2024, is only from my news searches on Google, which I do as often as I can manage.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, lately I am simply checking the news as often as I can manage. And, I usually check what's happening in the world via various Google searches that I do under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Google news searches. Plus, I am currently writing separate 'updates' for the news articles that I read from the news organizations to which I subscribe that send me email newsletters.

So, without further ado, I was doing my occasional news searches on Google today February 2nd, 2024, as well as yesterday, February 1st, 2024, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

Plus, I am listing these articles by the initial Google search category under which I found each article, as listed above. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.]


February 2nd, 2024 search:

Another shockingly good jobs report shows America's economy is booming



February 1st, 2024 search:

02. The Guardian
State department identifies Israeli citizens targeted by US sanctions as Netanyahu rejects them as ‘unnecessary’ – live



February 2nd, 2024 search:

03. U.S. Department of Defense (.gov)
U.S. Can Respond Decisively to Cyber Threat Posed by China



February 1st, 2024 search:

04. Politico
Gender gap expands between Biden and Trump, new poll shows

February 1st, 2024 search:

05. Politico
Biden expected to issue executive order targeting Israeli settlers in West Bank



February 2nd, 2024 search:

06. Newsweek
Former Trump Advisor Praises Joe Biden's Economy: 'I Was Wrong'

February 2nd, 2024 search:

Biden basks in the glow of UAW endorsement as he battles Trump for union worker votes



February 2nd, 2024 search:

08. NPR (National Public Radio)
A woman was arrested after she miscarried. Now, Democrats tell Biden: do more.



February 1st, 2024 search:

09. NBC News
Oregon high court says GOP lawmakers who staged walkout can’t run for re-election

February 1st, 2024 search:

10. KGW ("...a television station in Portland, Oregon, United States, affiliated with NBC.")
Oregon Supreme Court upholds Measure 113, disqualifies Republicans senators who walked out last year

February 2nd, 2024 search:

11. The New York Times
(By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
Most Republican Senators Barred From Re-election in Oregon After Walkouts

February 2nd, 2024 search:

12. AP News
Oregon high court says 10 GOP state senators who staged long walkout can't run for reelection

February 2nd, 2024 search:

13. Slate
Oregon Republicans bet it all on a constitutional loophole. They lost big-time.



February 2nd, 2024 search:

14. Politico
The nation's cartoonists on the week in politics

[Blogger's Note: By the way, I selected the political cartoon "...It's a cult" out of the cartoon carousel. Plus, I always try to take the time look at the advertisements in these "cartoon carousels" in order to appreciate the fact that I am able to read these political cartoons based upon their ads!]



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written February 2nd, 2024 and revised February 5th, 2024)


For my "February 4th, 2024 Update No. 1"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. A brief overview of the 'update' can be found below:

February 4th, 2024 Update No. 1: Did you know that February 4th is the USO's birthday?

Neither did I! That is, until I received an email from the USO (United Service Organizations) last year on February 23rd, 2023, with the subject line, "The USO’s birthday, the Super Bowl, visits from WWE superstars and more!"

And I wrote an 'update' labeled, 'February 23rd, 2023 Update' regarding that email from the USO, a copy of which can be found below from my blog post titled, "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" that is on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog. Plus, this copy of the aforementioned 'update' is also from my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity" that is on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs (which is where most of my USO donations 'updates' are located):


February 23rd, 2023 Update: I received an email from the USO (United Service Organizations) today, February 23rd, 2023, with the subject line, "The USO’s birthday, the Super Bowl, visits from WWE superstars and more!", with regard to the USO's newsletter "YOUR USO AT WORK," Issue 111 / February 2023, which stated, in part, the following:

Issue 111 / February 2023


The year is now in full swing, Paul, and so is our work to support our service members and their families in the months ahead.

We have lots of news, stories and events to share with you, so we hope you'll keep reading for the latest updates. As always, thank you for all you do to be a force behind our forces...

And the following highlights from the USO's newsletter, which I selected to post, are regarding "The USO celebrates its 82nd birthday" in addition to "In honor of Black History Month, here are seven moments of bravery in African American military history": ...


... Thus, I decided to write this 'update' as a way to highlight that February 4th is the USO's birthday!

And so, I made a one-time donation on the website in order to support the USO's following statement: "For more than 80 years, the USO has stood by America's military service members by keeping them connected to family, home and country. But we're not a government agency, and rely on individual supporters like you to fund the programs that make the biggest difference for our service members."

Plus, the amount that I donated today, February 4th, 2024, was $1.00 for every year of the USO's 83rd birthday!

In addition to that, I already make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! You see, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation. ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "February 4th, 2024 Update No. 1":


February 4th, 2024 Update No. 2, Which Also Discusses February 3rd, 2024: This 'update' that I am writing today, February 4th, 2024, is only from my news searches on Google, which I do as often as I can manage.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, lately I am simply checking the news as often as I can manage. And, I usually check what's happening in the world via various Google searches that I do under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Google news searches. Plus, I am currently writing separate 'updates' for the news articles that I read from the news organizations to which I subscribe that send me email newsletters.

So, without further ado, I was doing my occasional news searches on Google today February 4th, 2024, as well as yesterday, February 3rd, 2024, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

Plus, I am listing these articles by the initial Google search category under which I found each article, as listed above. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.]


February 3rd, 2024 search:

01. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos
Americans think democracy is in peril in the 2024 election

February 3rd, 2024 search:

02. Newsweek
America Is Hiring, and That's Great News for Joe Biden



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



February 4th, 2024 search:

03. The New York Times
(By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
Joe Biden Wins South Carolina Democratic Primary With Over 95 Percent of Votes

February 4th, 2024 search:

04. USA Today
(By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)
3 takeaways from President Biden's blowout win in the South Carolina Democratic Primary

February 4th, 2024 search:

05. Politico
Biden gets the South Carolina victory he wanted



February 3rd, 2024 search:

06. Politico
30 Things Joe Biden Did as President You Might Have Missed

[Blogger's Note: The article above is rather a long read, but it is well worth the time that it takes to read it!]

February 3rd, 2024 search:

07. New Republic
Republicans Have Nothing to Impeach Joe Biden On. And They Finally Know It.

February 3rd, 2024 search:

08. Business Insider
GOP lawmaker says Republicans 'don't have the votes' to impeach Biden

[Blogger's Note: After I read the article above, I noticed that Business Insider, which is "a New York City-based multinational financial and business news website founded in 2007," had returned to its original name of "Business Insider" after having changed its name a while ago to simply "Insider."

So, I did a Google search for "didn't Business Insider change its name to Insider?" and found the following excerpt from an article titled, "LETTER FROM THE EDITOR: We're Business Insider!":

"Insider is changing its name to Business Insider. You'll notice I didn't say we're changing our name 'back' to Business Insider. That's because although we have had this name before, this move is not about going back. It's about a new beginning for this company." Nov 14, 2023

Therefore, I read the above-mentioned article because I have read a considerable number of Business Insiders' articles and found them to be very informative and trustworthy!

That is why, when they changed their name to just "Insider," I thought, "Eh, that doesn't say what your publication is a 'insider of' anymore..."

And so, that is why I was so very grateful to see that they are "Business Insider" again because, as they stated so eloquently in the article above:

"In a world where trust in the media is at an all-time low, Business Insider is one of the few publications trusted across party lines. ...

... At Business Insider, we're dedicated to providing you with journalism that isn't just informative but transformative. ...

... Here at Business Insider, we can't wait to share with you more stories that challenge, inspire, and drive progress — stories that resonate with your ambition and zest for life."

Thus, if you are interested in reading the full article titled, "LETTER FROM THE EDITOR: We're Business Insider!"—like I did—here is the hyperlink:]

February 3rd, 2024 search:

House GOP skeptical Biden inquiry leads to impeachment as election draws near

February 4th, 2024 search:

10. CNBC
Biden nets landslide victory in South Carolina Democratic Primary, winning 96% of votes



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written February 4th, 2024 and revised February 5th, 2024)


February 6th, 2024 Update No. 1: I received a text message today, February 6th, 2024, from Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) [by the way, "Médecins Sans Frontières" is French for "Doctors Without Borders"], which stated the following:

Doctors Without Borders: One year since devastating earthquakes struck Syria and Türkiye, and we’re continuing to provide aid. Your recurring donation can help us save lives in Syria and beyond:***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below (which includes the relevant text from the Doctors Without Borders donation webpage):

Help save lives. Donate now.

Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is on the ground in over 70 countries—providing urgently needed humanitarian aid in moments of crisis and conflict. Make a gift today to help us continue providing medical aid where it is needed most.

Your 100 percent tax-deductible gift helps MSF respond quickly to emergencies in places like Ukraine, Haiti, Yemen, and beyond.

For MSF, the ability to respond quickly to medical humanitarian emergencies is crucial to saving more lives. Unrestricted funds allow us to allocate our resources most efficiently and where the needs are greatest.

So, I made a one-time donation to Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) because "Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is on the ground in over 70 countries—providing urgently needed humanitarian aid in moments of crisis and conflict." –Paul Whiting (February 6th, 2024)


February 6th, 2024 Update No. 2: [CONTENT WARNING: THIS UPDATE CONTAINS THEMES WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!] I received a text message today, February 6th, 2024, from USA for UNFPA (formerly known as the 'United Nations Fund for Population Activities' that is now called the 'United Nations Population Fund'), which stated the following:


“I lost my baby in front of my eyes,” Safia told us. She’s from a remote region of Yemen where 4 out of 5 women have been subjected to a deadly practice: female genital mutilation (FGM).

Today is the International Day to End FGM – an extreme act of violence and violation of bodily autonomy where a girl’s external genitalia are cut. The practice can result in chronic infections, post-traumatic stress disorder, and even death.

After her daughter was born, Safia’s mother-in-law insisted that FGM would allow the baby to lead a moral life.

“She took my three-day-old baby to her arms and carried out the procedure. It was the most unbearable sight, watching my baby being cut with a sharp blade,” Safia shared.

The baby girl screamed in pain and bled profusely. Tragically, she did not survive.

“Her death not only killed my joy of being a mother, but killed me a thousand times over. I blamed myself for not doing anything to save my daughter and began to question why she was killed in this brutal way for being a girl,” she said.

Every year, 4 million girls are subjected to the horrors of FGM, but your support can prevent Safia’s tragic story from occurring again. Though your partnership we can reach families with information on the harms of FGM and encourage communities to abandon the practice – the most effective way to ensure this generation of FGM survivors is the last. Will make a gift today and help end FGM for good?


Thank you for being there,


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Together, we can keep girls safe from harm by empowering families and communities to end female genital mutilation – for good.

Make a gift today to help end this brutal practice and provide lifesaving sexual and reproductive health care around the world >>>

And so, I made a one-time donation to USA for UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) because "together, we can keep girls safe from harm by empowering families and communities to end female genital mutilation – for good." –Paul Whiting (February 6th, 2024)


February 6th, 2024 Update No. 3, Which Also Discusses February 5th, 2024: This 'update' that I am writing today, February 6th, 2024, is only from my news searches on Google, which I do as often as I can manage.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, lately I am simply checking the news as often as I can manage. And, I usually check what's happening in the world via various Google searches that I do under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Google news searches. Plus, I am currently writing separate 'updates' for the news articles that I read from the news organizations to which I subscribe that send me email newsletters.

So, without further ado, I was doing my occasional news searches on Google today February 6th, 2024, as well as yesterday, February 5th, 2024, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

Plus, I am listing these articles by the initial Google search category under which I found each article, as listed above. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.]


February 5th, 2024 search:

01. USA Today
(By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)

Renewable energy: Why US counties often ban solar, wind power plants

February 6th, 2024 search:

02. The New York Times
(By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
Opinion | The G.O.P. Bumper Sticker: Trump First. Putin Second. America Third.



February 5th, 2024 search:

03. The New York Times
(By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
Here's What's in the Senate's $118 Billion Ukraine and Border Deal

February 5th, 2024 search:

04. Reuters
US Senate unveils $118 billion bill on border security, aid for Ukraine, Israel

February 5th, 2024 search:

05. The Guardian
Secretive US rightwing group Alec designs law to give big business ‘complete immunity for bad acts’

By the way, after I read this article on February 5th, 2024, I noticed The Guardian News donation request below, which stated the following:

A message from [name redacted], [title redacted] of the Guardian US [United States]:

I hope you appreciated this article. Before you move on, I was hoping you would consider taking the step of supporting the Guardian’s journalism.

From Elon Musk to the Murdochs, a small number of billionaire owners have a powerful hold on so much of the information that reaches the public about what’s happening in the world. The Guardian is different. We have no billionaire owner or shareholders to consider. Our journalism is produced to serve the public interest – not profit motives.

And we avoid the trap that befalls much US media – the tendency, born of a desire to please all sides, to engage in false equivalence in the name of neutrality. While fairness guides everything we do, we know there is a right and a wrong position in the fight against racism and for reproductive justice. When we report on issues like the climate crisis, we’re not afraid to name who is responsible. And as a global news organization, we’re able to provide a fresh, outsider perspective on US politics – one so often missing from the insular American media bubble.

Around the world, readers can access the Guardian’s paywall-free journalism because of our unique reader-supported model. That’s because of people like you. Our readers keep us independent, beholden to no outside influence and accessible to everyone – whether they can afford to pay for news, or not. If you can, please consider supporting us just once from $1, or better yet, support us every month with a little more. Thank you.

[✓] Single
[  ] Monthly
[  ] Annual

[  ] $75
[  ] $125
[  ] $250
[✓] Other $5.00

Thank you for supporting us today with $5 ❤️

Thank you for your contribution...

And so, I made a one-time donation to The Guardian News out of thankful consideration of the article that I just read by "taking the step of supporting the Guardian’s journalism."



I did not select any articles from this category.



February 5th, 2024 search:

06. AP News
Biden warns of a 'nightmare' future for the country if Trump should win again, and lists reasons why



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



February 5th, 2024 search:

07. AP News
House Republicans announce bill that provides more military aid to Israel but leaves out Ukraine

February 5th, 2024 search:

08. Axios
House GOP plans new Israel package in blow to Senate talks

February 6th, 2024 search:

09. NBC News
Senate Republicans threaten to block border security bill they negotiated

February 6th, 2024 search:

10. AP News
Senate Republicans resist advancing border policy bill following criticism (Senate Republicans resist advancing on the border policy bill, leaving aid for Ukraine in doubt)

February 6th, 2024 search:

11. The New York Times
(By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
On the Border, Republicans Set a Trap, Then Fell Into It

February 6th, 2024 search:

12. MSNBC News
Indicted Trump has Republicans openly plotting election theft: See Jan 6 ally confronted on TV

By the way, I also watched the video accompanying the article above that is titled the same as the article.

February 6th, 2024 search:

13. Rolling Stone
Republicans Are Planning to Totally Privatize Medicare — And Fast



February 5th, 2024 search:

14. AP News
Claims that Jan. 6 rioters are 'political prisoners' endure. Judges want to set the record straight

February 5th, 2024 search:

Key highlights of the Senate’s proposed border deal package

February 5th, 2024 search:


17. Reuters



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (February 6th, 2024)


February 7th, 2024 Update No. 1: In order to show my support for "National Gun Violence Survivors Week," which is yearly (annually) from February 1st through 7th, I made donations today, February 7th, 2024, to organizations that are working to end gun violence in America, including Ban Assault Weapons NOW (which is also known as 'BAWN'), Giffords PAC (which was formerly known as 'Americans for Responsible Solutions'), Brady Campaign (which is also known as 'Brady: United Against Gun Violence' and which was formerly known as the 'National Council to Control Handguns,' 'Handgun Control, Inc.' and the 'Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence,' respectively), as well as March For Our Lives. –Paul Whiting (February 7th, 2024)


February 7th, 2024 Update No. 2: I received an email from USA for UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) today, February 7th, 2024, with the subject line, "An inside look at our emergency response for refugees", which stated the following:


Disasters know no boundaries, Paul. When war breaks out or natural disaster strikes, life can change in a matter of minutes — shattering families and communities and driving millions of people to flee.

During these crises, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is ready to respond to the needs of forcibly displaced people around the world — and that's thanks to generous people like you. In 2023, 43 emergency declarations were issued in 29 countries — the highest number in decades. In response to this unprecedented need, UNHCR served 16.7 million displaced people around the world.

In a crisis, every minute counts. We count on our community of supporters to be able to respond immediately and provide aid to the people who need it most. Within the first 72 hours of an emergency, UNHCR can mobilize supplies for 1 million people and deploy expert staff to protect them. And we couldn't do it without this community's generosity.

Take a look inside our emergency preparedness efforts and see how you help UNHCR to be among the first to respond.


As emergencies like war, extreme weather and other natural disasters worsen and become more frequent, it's more important than ever that teams on the ground are prepared to respond quickly and effectively. In the aftermath of an emergency, UNHCR stays and delivers lifesaving aid so that those affected can recover and rebuild their lives.

We never know when and where the next crisis will strike — that's why it's so important to be prepared right now to be able to respond immediately when families are suffering and facing uncertainty.

Please take a moment to discover how this compassionate community makes this critical work possible.

In partnership,

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]

P.S. As we work around the clock to keep up with the increasing needs of people living through humanitarian emergencies, we need the strength of this kind global community to keep providing a consistent lifeline when disaster strikes. Help us meet this moment — and every moment after — with the urgency it deserves by giving a special gift today.

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

The Un Refugee Agency

How does UNHCR respond to humanitarian emergencies?

JANUARY 24, 2024

When a humanitarian emergency strikes, people are often forced to flee their homes and leave everything behind to make the dangerous journey to safety. During an emergency response, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency prioritizes saving lives and minimizing serious harm by meeting the most urgent humanitarian needs.

UNHCR provides emergency protection and assistance to keep people safe, including shelter, access to clean water, food, medical care and help to reunite families. Within the first 72 hours of an emergency, UNHCR can mobilize supplies for 1 million people and deploy expert staff to protect them.

How does UNHCR define an emergency?

UNHCR's definition of an "emergency" is composed of two criteria. Firstly, there is a humanitarian crisis or disaster which either threatens to cause new forced displacement, loss of life or other serious harm, or which significantly affects the rights or well-being of refugees, internally displaced persons (IDPs), stateless persons, returnees and other persons of concern, unless immediate action is taken.

Secondly, for an "emergency" to be declared, the humanitarian crisis must demand exceptional measures because current government and UNHCR capacities are inadequate for a predictable and effective response. The declaration of an emergency level is based on a country operation's analysis of the situation, as well as its existing preparedness and response capacity.

UNHCR may declare one of three emergency levels, based on the severity of the humanitarian crisis and the level of response required.

[✓] A Level 1 emergency is declared when a country operation must enhance preparedness and/or commence an initial response, while the current capacity of the country operation is insufficient.
[✓] A Level 2 emergency is declared in a rapidly evolving humanitarian situation when a country operation faces significant gaps in resources, staffing and expertise and additional support and resources from the regional bureau are vital for the operation to respond.
[✓] A Level 3 emergency signifies an exceptionally serious situation in which the scale, pace, complexity and consequences of the crisis significantly exceed the existing response capacities of the country operation and regional bureau. This is the highest emergency level and activates a “whole-of-UNHCR” global response, in coordination with other UN agencies and partners.

What assistance does UNHCR provide to people in emergencies?

By September 2023, 114 million people globally were forcibly displaced from their homes. UNHCR assists millions of people in emergency situations every year, including 16.7 million people who received emergency supplies in 2023. UNHCR continually analyzes the risk of emergencies globally so that teams are prepared to respond quickly and effectively. When an emergency breaks:

[✓] UNHCR delivers lifesaving relief items and other critical goods from its global stockpiles, ready in warehouses in strategic locations around the world.
[✓] UNHCR deploys emergency response experts who are trained in crisis management and specialize in key areas like legal protection, cash assistance, shelter and tackling sexual exploitation.
[✓] UNHCR transfers funds from emergency reserves directly to local UNHCR teams on the ground to set up shelters, buy food and register people who need help.

The most immediate need in a displacement crisis is often safe, suitable shelter. UNHCR delivers lifesaving tents, plastic sheeting and bedding so people exhausted from a long and often dangerous journey can sleep indoors, where they feel safer and are protected from harsh weather.

Furthermore, UNHCR helps find safe places for refugees to settle, and when there is no alternative, it will set up and help manage refugee camps in coordination with local governments.

How does UNHCR help to ensure that refugees reach safety during an emergency?

People forced to flee must not be expelled or returned to situations where their lives and freedom are at risk. Ensuring refugees can reach safety and are not pushed back across a border is central to UNHCR’s work.

When people are fleeing across a border, roving teams are out in vehicles in all kinds of terrain, sometimes 24 hours a day, to help ensure refugees can reach safety. UNHCR monitors whether governments and armed groups are preventing refugees from entering a safe area, and when necessary, advocates with authorities and alerts the media. UNHCR teams also try to ensure that people crossing a border have a realistic chance of having their refugee status recognized.

Staff on the ground register and document displaced people and identify the most vulnerable among them, such as older people, children traveling alone or pregnant women, to ensure they receive any specialized care they need.

How does UNHCR coordinate assistance during emergencies?

In an emergency, every second counts, so coordination is key to saving lives. With a presence in more than 130 countries, UNHCR works to bring everyone together to ensure the best possible response to those who have been displaced, including governments, other UN agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and local organizations. Working together ensures not only that immediate lifesaving aid is delivered but also protection, trauma counseling and health support needs are met.

When emergencies force people to flee across borders, UNHCR leads the overall refugee emergency response across all sectors and coordinates with partners and authorities. When people are displaced within their own country, UNHCR and other humanitarian partners activate the cluster approach, under which different organizations lead the coordination in specific areas of response, based on their expertise.

How did UNHCR respond to emergencies in 2023?

In 2023, UNHCR issued 43 emergency declarations in 29 countries – the highest number in decades – and deployed 339 emergency staff. From its seven global stockpiles, UNHCR delivered emergency supplies worth $53.5 million including 7.4 million relief items to serve up to 16.7 million people around the world.

Throughout the year, UNHCR responded to multiple crises globally, aiding millions affected by earthquakes in Syria, Türkiye and Afghanistan; a new conflict in Sudan and flare-ups of old conflicts in Karabakh and Somalia; a deteriorating crisis in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, unprecedented mixed movements of refugees and migrants in Latin America and the Caribbean, and floods in Libya and the Horn of Africa.

Help us stay ready

UNHCR did not have the level of funding it needed in 2023 to provide enough support to 114 million forcibly displaced people worldwide. Keeping supplies stocked, staff trained and funds available are central to UNHCR’s ability to save lives. Donate now.

And so, I made a one-time donation to USA for UNHCR because, "as [UNHCR works] around the clock to keep up with the increasing needs of people living through humanitarian emergencies, [they] need the strength of this kind global community to keep providing a consistent lifeline when disaster strikes." That is why I contributed to "help [UNHCR] meet this moment — and every moment after — with the urgency it deserves by giving a special gift today." –Paul Whiting (February 7th, 2024)


February 7th, 2024 Update No. 3: This 'update' that I am writing today, February 7th, 2024, is only from my news searches on Google, which I do as often as I can manage.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, lately I am simply checking the news as often as I can manage. And, I usually check what's happening in the world via various Google searches that I do under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Google news searches. Plus, I am currently writing separate 'updates' for the news articles that I read from the news organizations to which I subscribe that send me email newsletters.

So, without further ado, I was doing my occasional news searches on Google today February 7th, 2024, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

Plus, I am listing these articles by the initial Google search category under which I found each article, as listed above. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.]


01. NBC News
Chuck Todd: Congress is passing the FUBAR test with flying colors

Senior Biden officials set to meet with Arab American, Muslim community in Michigan

03. NBC News
White House officials to visit Michigan to meet with Muslim and Arab American community leaders

04. U.S. News & World Report
Biden Is Sending Aides to Michigan to See Arab American and Muslim Leaders Over the Israel-Hamas War



I did not select any articles from this category.



05. USA Today
(By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)

Senate Republicans kill bipartisan border, Ukraine, Israel deal (Senate kills sweeping border, foreign aid deal – even as lawmakers eye Israel, Ukraine funding)



'Show some spine': Biden calls out Trump and GOP on border bill

By the way, I also watched the video accompanying the article above that is titled the same as the article.

07. NBC News
Biden advisers ready to go on offense in the immigration fight after the bipartisan border bill's demise

08. The New York Times
(By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
Trump's Border Intervention Gives Biden a Chance to Shift From Defense to Offense

09. NBC News
Biden wins Nevada Democratic primary, NBC News projects (Facing little opposition, Joe Biden easily wins Nevada Democratic primary)

Nikki Haley will lose Nevada GOP primary to ‘none of these candidates’ as Biden notches Democratic win



11. Newsweek
Joe Biden Wins Nevada Democratic Primary, Nikki Haley Loses GOP Race



12. Al Jazeera
Embattled immigration deal shows rightward lurch for Biden and Democrats



Republicans in Congress face internal backlash over dueling floor disasters

14. Politico
Ukraine aid in danger as Republicans struggle to chart course

15. CBS News
Why Nevada's holding a GOP caucus and primary for 2024

16. Rolling Stone
Republicans Declare in Resolution That Trump Isn’t an Insurrectionist … Because They Say So



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (February 7th, 2024)


February 8th, 2024 Update No. 1: I have consolidated the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

Therefore, I have combined every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The only political communication to which I responded was a text message today, February 8th, 2024, from the Ty Pinkins for U.S. Senate (Ty for Mississippi) campaign, which stated the following:

If you don’t know me, my name is Ty Pinkins. I am a Bronze Star Veteran, an attorney, and a community organizer. I’m also the only Democrat running to represent our great state of Mississippi in the U.S. Senate.

Growing up in the Delta, I knew that I wanted to be of service to my community. The first opportunity I saw was enlisting in the U.S. Army. I served 21 years on active duty, including three combat tours. After coming home, I knew that I needed to continue my service here in the Magnolia State.

Many of our friends and our neighbors are staring down poverty, underfunded schools, lack of quality healthcare, and high unemployment. So I founded a nonprofit called The Pyramid Project where we work to serve and inspire youth from low-income communities, provide career and academic-related resources, and the opportunity to work with mentors.

I’ve been an advocate for improving our elections by helping to establish organizations supporting women seeking elected office, helping draw fair voting districts to make our democracy fair for all of us, and expanding voting rights to make it easier to access the ballot. As I work alongside other Mississippians, I’m always asking myself “What more can I do for others?”

Now, I’m continuing my service to Mississippi by running for the U.S. Senate.

So – will you work with me? Join us in making a better Mississippi by supporting our campaign with $25, $50, or whatever you can give today:***

I’m truly grateful for your support!

– Ty

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

— ★★★ for U.S. SENATE —

Donate now to turn Mississippi blue and expand our Senate majority!

I am not a career politician. I am the son of a tractor driver, a 21-year veteran of the United States Army, a lawyer, and a proud son of Mississippi who's committed his life to public service.

I am ready to listen to everyday Mississippians and take their voice to Washington to focus on issues from protecting voting rights to working to restore reproductive freedom. But I can't do it alone. I need your support to turn Mississippi blue and to increase our Senate majority.

Donate now to become part of our people- powered campaign!

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Ty Pinkins.

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Ty Pinkins for U.S. Senate (Ty for Mississippi) campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) because "[Ty Pinkins is] a Bronze Star Veteran, an attorney, and a community organizer. [He's] also the only Democrat running to represent [the] great state of Mississippi in the U.S. Senate."

Thus, this one campaign—Ty Pinkins for U.S. Senate (Ty for Mississippi)—is the political campaign that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written February 8th, 2024 and revised April 17th, 2024)


February 9th, 2024 Update No. 1: I have consolidated the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

Therefore, I have combined every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The first political communication to which I responded was an email from both the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Tom Suozzi for Congress (Suozzi for Congress) campaign today, February 9th, 2024, with the subject line, "The nation is watching NY-03", which stated, in part, the following:

Hi Paul, it’s Tom Suozzi. The DNC asked me to reach out with an important message. I’m writing to ask for your support so we can win the NY-03 special election in just a few days.

I really need everyone reading this to chip in $10 right away. Let me explain why.

With less than a week left until this critical special election, polling is in the margin of error and Republicans and their far-right outside groups have spent nearly $5 million against me in this race. Early voting is already under way and we’re running out of time to make our final push to voters.

Paul, we can’t afford to fall short here. The whole nation will be watching NY-03. Climate change, immigration reform, gun safety, reproductive rights -- all of it and more is at stake on February 13. As the nation looks to Long Island to see which way we will go, we’ve got to make it clear -- we need a government that can solve our problems and get things done!

So Paul, I’m humbly asking -- with so much on the line and the whole nation watching, will you rush a split donation between my campaign and the DNC right away to help me win this special election and elect Democrats around the country?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will be split evenly between Tom Suozzi's campaign and the DNC.

[✓] Donate another amount***

Thank you so much for your support. It means the world.


Tom Suozzi

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Split a donation between Tom Suozzi's campaign and the DNC:

The Democratic Party is counting on your support to elect Democrats nationwide.

Split a donation between Tom Suozzi's campaign and the DNC to invest in the future of this country and the success of Democrats running up and down the ballot.

Split your donation:

Total contribution $4.00

Customize amounts

Tom Suozzi (NY-03) $3.00

Democratic National Committee (DNC) $1.00

Donate $4

Please leave us a tip

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.28 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to to the DNC and to the Tom Suozzi for Congress (Suozzi for Congress) campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to split "a donation between Tom Suozzi's campaign and the DNC to invest in the future of this country and the success of Democrats running up and down the ballot."

P.S.: The reason that I only donated $1.00 to the DNC is because I am planning to donate $7.00 (with a $0.51 tip to ActBlue) on February 14th, 2024—as part of my Valentine's Day donations—and that is all I can afford this month; however, I did want to respond to this split donation request, so that is why I made a donation in the amount that I did.


The second political communication to which I responded was a text message today, February 9th, 2024, from the Dan Osborn for U.S. Senate (Osborn: Independent for U.S. Senate) campaign, which stated the following:

Hello, we're texting to ask for $1 to help Dan Osborn defeat Republican Senator Deb Fischer in Nebraska.

No, that's not a typo. Our next fundraising deadline is just days away, and we're still short of our $15,000 goal and what we need to win flip this seat.

We know $1 might not seem like a lot -- and it's not. But combined with thousands of other grassroots donors chipping in, your $1 has enormous impact.

$1 lets us fill up the tank as Dan travels the state, meeting & introducing himself to voters.

$1 lets us invest early in the staff it takes to build a winning campaign.

$1 lets us counter the Super PAC lies.

And $1 lets us keep the lead in this critical Senate race -- the latest poll shows Dan Osborn LEADING Republican Deb Fischer by 2 points!

If everyone who gets this text chips in just $1, we will hit our fundraising goal and defeat Republican Senator Deb Fischer this November. But Dan is counting on your support now if he's going to win and flip this seat:

Please, will you chip in $1 right now to Dan Osborn's campaign -- more if you can afford to! -- to help him defeat Republican Senator Deb Fischer and flip this seat?***

Dan isn't taking money from corporate PACs. Instead, he's funding his campaign entirely with support from people like you. So no amount you can afford to give today is too small.

When Dan wins and becomes the critical 51st vote in the Senate, it will be because grassroots donors like you gave what you could now.

Thank you for your support,

Team Osborn

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Give now to help Dan Osborn defeat Republican Senator Deb Fischer and win this seat!


[  ] $5
[  ] $10
[  ] $25
[  ] $35
[  ] $50
[  ] $100
[  ] $250
[  ] $1,000
[✓] $3.00

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Dan Osborn for U.S. Senate (Osborn: Independent for U.S. Senate) campaign (this donation was made through FastAction, which does not offer a tip box) because "Dan isn't taking money from corporate PACs. Instead, he's funding his campaign entirely with support from people like you."

[Blogger's Note: Just so you know, it didn't realize that Dan Osborn is actually running as an "Independent for U.S. Senate" until after I made the donation above! So, I just wanted to clarify that is why I donated to his campaign because I just assumed that he was a Democrat...even though he wasn't fundraising through ActBlue, which should have been my first clue. (Although, some Democratic campaigns and Democratic organizations do their fundraising through FastAction!) However, I didn't see the "Osborn: Independent for U.S. Senate" part of his campaign until after I went onto his campaign website in order to verify the full name of his campaign—like I usually do with every political campaign—in order to make sure that I have the campaign's name correct for these 'updates' that I write. (I hope that makes sense!)]

Thus, this one organization—the DNC—in addition to these two campaigns—Tom Suozzi for Congress (Suozzi for Congress), as well as Dan Osborn for Senate (Osborn: Independent for U.S. Senate)—are the political organization, and the political campaigns, that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written February 9th, 2024 and revised April 17th, 2024)


February 10th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 8th, 2024: This 'update' that I am writing today, February 10th, 2024, is only from my news searches on Google, which I do as often as I can manage.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, lately I am simply checking the news as often as I can manage. And, I usually check what's happening in the world via various Google searches that I do under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Google news searches. Plus, I am currently writing separate 'updates' for the news articles that I read from the news organizations to which I subscribe that send me email newsletters.

So, without further ado, I was doing my occasional news searches on Google today February 10th, 2024, as well as two days ago on February 8th, 2024, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

Plus, I am listing these articles by the initial Google search category under which I found each article, as listed above. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.]


February 8th, 2024 search:

01. NBC News
Key Biden aides meet with Arab American and Muslim leaders in Michigan

February 8th, 2024 search:

02. AP News
Biden aides meet in Michigan with Arab American and Muslim leaders, aiming to mend political ties

February 8th, 2024 search:

03. HuffPost
Biden: Trump Is An ‘Existential Threat’ To America

By the way, after I read this article on February 8th, 2024, I noticed the HuffPost donation request below, which stated the following:

Support HuffPost

At HuffPost, we believe that everyone needs high-quality journalism, but we understand that not everyone can afford to pay for expensive news subscriptions. That is why we are committed to providing deeply reported, carefully fact-checked news that is freely accessible to everyone.

Whether you come to HuffPost for updates on the 2024 presidential race, hard-hitting investigations into critical issues facing our country today, or trending stories that make you laugh, we appreciate you. The truth is, news costs money to produce, and we are proud that we have never put our stories behind an expensive paywall.

Would you join us to help keep our stories free for all? Your contribution of as little as $2 will go a long way.


Support Our Journalism

Everyone needs high-quality journalism, not just those who can afford expensive subscriptions. Please contribute what you can so we can continue investing in impactful journalism for all. Contributors get an exclusive monthly newsletter highlighting our best work.

[✓] ONCE

[✓] $5
[  ] $10
[  ] $15
[  ] OTHER

Thank You For Your Support Paul!

And so, I made a one-time donation to HuffPost out of thankful consideration of the article that I just read by supporting HuffPost in order to "help keep [their] stories free for all."



I did not select any articles from this category.



February 8th, 2024 search:

04. The New York Times
(By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
The United States Has Been a Bulwark for Ukraine. What Happens if Support Collapses?



February 8th, 2024 search:

05. The New Republic
Just Say It, Democrats: Biden Has Been a Great President

February 8th, 2024 search:

06. CBS News
President Biden to deliver State of the Union address on March 7

February 10th, 2024 search:

07. Politico
Opinion | The Republican Fantasy that Democrats Will Replace Joe Biden

February 10th, 2024 search:

08. Time Magazine
(By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)
Why Biden's Age Has Become a Bigger Deal Than Trump's



February 8th, 2024 search:

09. NBC News
The Biden administration is considering executive action to deter illegal migration at the southern border

February 10th, 2024 search:

10. Newsweek
Sean Hannity's On-Air Gaffes Resurface After Joe Biden Attack

11. NBC News
As Biden’s memory issues draw attention, neurologists weigh in

February 10th, 2024 search:

12. AP News
Verbal gaffe or sign of trouble? Mixing up names like Biden and Trump have done is pretty common



I did not select any articles from this category.



February 8th, 2024 search:

13. Business Insider
Congressional Republicans are imploding - here's why

February 8th, 2024 search:

14. The New York Times
(By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
Ukraine and Israel Aid Bill Inches Ahead as Divided G.O.P. Demands Changes

February 8th, 2024 search:

15. Vanity Fair
Joe Biden Is Planning a Border Crackdown With or Without Republicans: Report

February 10th, 2024 search:

16. MSNBC News
Rep. Garcia: Republicans are turning their backs on democracy

By the way, I also watched the video accompanying the article above that is titled the same as the article.



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (February 10th, 2024)


February 11th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 1st, 2024: I received a mailer from The Salvation Army Portland Metro ten days ago on February 1st, 2024, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "LOCAL CHILDREN NEED YOUR HELP...", which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]

The Salvation Army
[Street Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]







Mr. Paul Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

Dear Mr. Whiting,

I'm writing you today with one simple question:

Could you spare just $10 to provide relief to a family in crisis, right here in the Portland Metro area?

Paul, I ask because local families are hurting. The high costs of food, housing, and other essentials are overwhelming families. They're working hard — but it's become harder to afford the basics. For many families, just one unexpected medical or repair bill can push them over the edge. That's why so many are now turning to us, desperate for help.

Many of these families have never needed help before. Or could have imagined ever needing it.

These are families like [name redacted's]. When her husband's business went under, their family faced a crisis. [Name redacted] was especially concerned for their three little girls.

"We worried about not having enough food," she recalls. "And sometimes about not having a place to live."

But you can help a family like Anabel's. And you can do it for as little as $10.

Your gift of just $10 sets in motion life-changing help. You'll bring neighbors in the Portland Metro area urgently needed relief, with food, assistance with rent or utilities, clothing ... whatever it takes to keep a roof over their heads and get them back on their feet.

On top of that, you'll offer the emotional support and encouragement that uplifts people during tough times. That's especially important for the children, who suffer the most when a family is in crisis.

For [name redacted], friends like you did a world of good:

"Thankfully, we were able to get food and other help. They also gave us encouragement, and they never made us feel bad for asking for help. I was so grateful."

You can do so much for families like [name redacted's] when you choose The Salvation Army as your way to help. Efficient, effective, and with expertise gained over generations of serving families in need, your gift makes a powerful, immediate impact here for someone in the Portland Metro area.

So I hope you will consider the question I asked at the start of my letter ... and answer it with a heartfelt YES! Please make your gift today. Remember, your $10 will rush relief to a family in crisis. And if you can find it in your heart to make an even more generous gift, you'll help even more families who are really struggling right now.

Thank you for caring about your neighbors, especially the children. And may God bless you for your generosity.


[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]

P.S. Your gift of just $10 rushes relief to a local family overwhelmed by the cost of living and other impacts. That's all it takes to begin providing real help to a family in crisis. Your support will be a special blessing for the children, who suffer the most when families are struggling. And if you're able to make a larger gift, you'll help even more families! So please make your gift now.

Thank you so much!


[Blogger's Note: For The Salvation Army USA website, at which there's a local donation page for you to make a donation to The Salvation Army in your area, please visit where you will see the "Donate Local" button at the top right-hand corner of their website! And thank you for considering making a donation to The Salvation Army, because "local children need your help..."]


The Salvation Army


YES! I want to rash relief to families in crisis in the Portland Metro area. Here's my gift of: $7.00

Please make you check payable to The Salvation Army.

Your gift will be used locally.

From: Mr. Paul Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

To: The Salvation Army
Portland Metro Donation Processing Center
[Street Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

And so, I made a one-time donation to The Salvation Army Cascade Division today, February 11th, 2024, in order to support The Salvation Army's "$10 RUSHES RELIEF TO A FAMILY IN CRISIS IN THE PORTLAND METRO AREA" campaign, because "JUST [$7.00] CAN HELP A FAMILY TODAY!" –Paul Whiting (February 11th, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.)


February 11th, 2024 Update No. 2: I received a mailer from Blanchet House & Farm (pronounced Blan-shāy) today, February 11th, 2024, with a 'front teaser message' on the newsletter that read, "A Meal. A Home. A Future.", which stated, in part, the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]

Blanchet House & Farm




Surprise Return to Farm

In a poignant turn of events, [name redacted], who once found refuge at Blanchet Farm to overcome addiction, is now among the crew building the farm's new dormitory. Employed with [business name redacted], [name redacted] is leading a skilled crew installing custom metalwork. His appearance was a pleasant surprise to Blanchet Farm [title and name redacted].

"It was so cool to spot [name redacted] up here working on the building. He's a real success story!" says [name redacted], who spent time with [name redacted] 12 years ago as residents at the farm, trying to gain sobriety in its recovery program.

While [name redacted's] involvement with the new dormitory may not be a headline-grabbing story, his quiet contribution to the project resonates with staff and others working to rebuild their lives from addiction.

"Returning to the farm as a worker on the dormitory project is surreal," says [name redacted]. "It feels like a full-circle moment, and I'm grateful for the chance to give back in this way. As a husband and father, being part of this project is not just a job, it's a way to provide for my family and show them the positive changes I've made.

The new dormitory is a critical initiative by Blanchet House to assist more men struggling with addiction in rebuilding their lives. With a total cost of $9 million, the farm is actively seeking to raise more than $2 million to complete construction, ensuring that more individuals can find support in their journey toward recovery.

[Name redacted's] job and sobriety exemplify the mission of the farm and the need for the construction of a bigger dormitory. His triumph over adversity inspires others to stay the course despite the challenges to recovery.

"I see the potential in this new place and it's going to be so much better," [name redacted] said about the new facility. "I'm excited that more people are going to be there."

Every contribution to the new dormitory at the farm is part of a larger pursuit of healing and hope.

We need your support to complete construction this year. If you can help, please call us at [phone number redacted] to make a donation or visit our website at

Food Fairies Deliver Dinner

While the farm's kitchen is under construction we asked people to sign up for a meal train to help the guys out. It's been going great!

[Name redacted] was the first to deliver a hearty dinner to the residents. Farm [title and name redacted], is so grateful for the support that he crafted a fine wood board for one donor. We'll pick a winner from all of the meal train sign-ups.

You can volunteer to deliver an entree by signing up on our website at [web address redacted].


We Won't Give Up

A few days before Christmas we received a phone call from a man named [redacted].

"God put it in my heart to call you today," he said. "I want to let you know that there are real success stories. I was one of the people you see standing in line at Blanchet House. I was nasty, violent, dirty, and unstable. No one wanted me around. There were a lot of us out there on the streets that were no better than a bug but you still fed us. We were in despair. I now have 12 years away from meth. I'd like to donate but it could only be $10 or $20 because I'm on a fixed income."

Thank you, [name redacted], and thank you to our supporters for not giving up on people.


Congratulations, [Name redacted]!

[Name redacted] received the best Christmas gift—keys to his own apartment! It's hard to believe that only a year or so ago, he was homeless due to addiction and struggling to survive on the streets right outside Blanchet House. Now he's thriving after staying with us in the residential program surrounded by sober peers and a stable environment.

[Name redacted] is employed helping others and he's already making such a positive difference in the world. We're so proud of you, [name redacted]. We'll miss your humor and smile around the House.

Please help us give someone else a safe place to stay by donating to our residential program using the envelope included. We're helping to end homelessness one person at a time with your support.

Stuck on the Street

We've been trying for at least a year to help an older woman, L.B., with schizophrenia get into a permanent care facility. But, the system is set up to keep her homeless unless she can advocate for herself. The irony is that she cannot consent to care because of her mental illness. She is fearful of service providers, but feels safe on the sidewalk in front of Blanchet House.

Like L.B., there are many people experiencing homelessness with cognitive and mental challenges. They have exhausted their family's abilities to help. They need professional, 24-hour-a-day care with medication monitoring.

We recently heard from [name redacted], whose son was a long-time cafe guest. She wrote, "Thank you for feeding my son during the years he was missing. I finally found him and he's now medicated for his schizophrenia and clean! ITS A MIRACLE!!!!!! Thank you I would not have him back if he had starved out there!"

Your support makes our life-saving services possible. When people thank us, they are really thanking you.


Heroes Among Us

Shoutout to [name redacted] who volunteered to cook breakfast during a week of terrible ice storms in Portland. [Name redacted] and other residents stepped up to keep the cafe going when icy roads kept most staff home. And so many volunteers braved the slick streets to ensure people could get food and warm clothing at Blanchet House.

Despite a week of weather challenges, we served a total of 6,329 meals. That's a bittersweet accomplishment as you surely understand because every plate served represents someone without access to hot meals.

It's so important that our cafe remains open during the worst weather when it's often the only refuge for people experiencing homelessness. The temperatures were so low that a meal guest died from suspected hypothermia in a tent. Her friend came to tell us because he didn't know where else to go to share his tears and heartbreak. He knew that the staff and residents at Blanchet House would care.

Staying in our residential program downtown and helping with meal services gives residents purpose. It's a special community and we're so thankful for them and our volunteers, Together they brought so much relief.


Clothes Needed

We recently gave out 172 coats and sweatshirts in one hour during lunch. On cold and wet days, the line for clothes is longer than the line for food. It's hard to keep up with the need for large sizes.

Often the only items left are small women's sizes. Yes, we serve many women but they also select men's items because they are good for layering. ... If you can donate large coats or sweatshirts we will give them out ASAP as the need is high. Many people are asking for dry socks, too.

Please drop off Mon-Sat, 8-10:30 am. or 1:30-4 p.m. at [address redacted]. You can also shop our Amazon wish list which you can find on our website or by Googling "Blanchet House Amazon wish list." Thank you so much.

Another Day Out in the Cold

We're seeing an influx of people seeking us out for a simple warm meal and dry clothing. It's become all to common for there to still be a line around the building halfway through the meal hour for entry to the cafe. This means fewer chances for second helpings because seating is limited.

Also, people don't want to leave the cafe after they finish their plate. And can you blame them? It's so cold and wet out. Many have nowhere to go.

Often people show up to our cafe so hungry while experiencing a mental health episode or suffering from addiction. It's a miserable state of being that only compassion can fix. Every day we offer food, clothes, referrals to shelter, and a safe place to stay while you take the steps needed to heal. Your support makes our services possible. Please help us keep going strong in 2024 with a donation today. Every dollar helps. Thank you.

And so, I made two a one-time donations: one donation to the capital campaign for Blanchet Farm in order to offer my "support to complete construction this year"; and a second donation to Blanchet House in order to "help [them] keep going strong in 2024." –Paul Whiting (February 11th, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.)


February 12th, 2024 Update No. 1: I have consolidated the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

Therefore, I have combined every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The only political communication to which I responded was a text message today, February 12th, 2024, from the Ike McCorkle for Congress (McCorkle for Colorado) campaign, which stated the following:

Hi Paul, this is Ike McCorkle, the Democrat running to kick MAGA extremist Lauren Boebert out of Congress.

Boebert switched districts because she was guaranteed defeat in CO-3 after squeaking out a win two years ago. She thinks running for re-election in our district is a smart move. I’m going to prove her wrong.

I’m not afraid of a fight – especially when my opponent is someone as immoral and dangerous as Lauren Boebert.

The GOP fundraising machine is already spending millions to help Boebert, so we need to TRIPLE our efforts to guarantee we have the resources to send her packing.

Will you join me in this fight to save CO-4 with a donation of $24 or any amount to give Boebert the BOOT?***

Semper fi ("always faithful," the motto of the US Marine Corps),
Ike McCorkle

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:



Help Ike fight for CO-4 and defeat Lauren Boebert

Ike McCorkle is the Purple Heart recipient, Marine Force Recon veteran, and Democrat running for Congress in Colorado's 4th Congressional District.

Lauren Boebert switched districts because she was just about guaranteed defeat in CO-3.

Unfortunately, she is well-funded and remains a real threat to our democracy.

We can flip this seat and rid Colorado of national disgrace Lauren Boebert, but I need ongoing support from grassroots donors like you to do it! Please consider making a recurring donation today.

Semper fi,

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Isaac McCorkle.

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[  ] Donate $3,300 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Ike McCorkle for Congress (McCorkle for Colorado) campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) because "[Ike's] not afraid of a fight – especially when [his] opponent is someone as immoral and dangerous as Lauren Boebert." That is why I contributed to his campaign, since "Ike McCorkle is the Purple Heart recipient, Marine Force Recon veteran, and Democrat running for Congress in Colorado's 4th Congressional District."

Thus, this one campaign—Ike McCorkle for Congress (McCorkle for Colorado)—is the political campaign that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written February 12th, 2024) and revised April 17th, 2024


February 12th, 2024 Update No. 2: I received an email from the American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon (ACLU of Oregon) today, February 12th, 2024, with the subject line, "Urgent - Tell lawmakers to support student access to read and learn, free from discriminatory censorship!", which stated the following:

ACLU OF OREGON CALL TO ACTION: Protect Oregon students from hateful, discriminatory book bans and censorship — TELL YOUR [OREGON] LEGISLATORS TO VOTE YES FOR SB 1583


Paul –

I am asking for your urgent support of Senate Bill (SB) 1583 – a commonsense, values-based bill to curb discriminatory book bans and censorship in Oregon's public schools.

A fringe group with an extremist agenda has riled up their base, and they've already submitted written testimony opposing SB 1583.

We need you to take action today.

Alarmingly, a vocal but small number of people with extreme views are pushing for book bans in Oregon and across the country. The vast majority of material that is challenged features people of color or women as authors or characters, information about racism and slavery, LGBTQ+ identities and experiences, and sex-related education.

Most Oregonians and parents trust librarians and teachers to provide age-appropriate materials in libraries and classrooms.

We know that our democracy and youth benefit greatly from having access to the histories, viewpoints, and ideas of diverse people and communities. We also know that it is welcoming and affirming – even life-saving – for young people to see their identities and lived experiences reflected in books and other learning materials.

Here's how you can take action and support SB 1583:

1. Fill out this form to send a message to your lawmakers and submit written testimony. It only takes a few minutes! Or, you can submit your written testimony to the legislature directly. The deadline for submitting written testimony is Thursday, February 15, 3 p.m.

2. Sign up to provide verbal testimony in-person in Salem or virtually on Tuesday, February 13, 3 p.m.

Please make sure to fight back for our democracy and youth by submitting testimony supporting SB 1583 – tell the legislature that Oregon stands against discriminatory book bans and censorship.

Thank you for taking action with us to create a more just, equitable, and caring Oregon.

[Name redacted]
Pronouns: She, her, hers
[Title redacted], ACLU of Oregon

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

ACLU of Oregon


Act Now

ACLU OF OREGON CALL TO ACTION: Protect Oregon students from hateful, discriminatory book bans and censorship — TELL YOUR [OREGON] LEGISLATORS TO VOTE YES FOR SB 1583

URGENT: A fringe group using extreme, hateful, and ugly rhetoric has riled up their base, and they’re already opposing Senate Bill 1583. We need you to take action today and express your support for SB 1583!

SB 1583 is a commonsense, values-based bill that will protect students in our state from discriminatory book bans and censorship in our public schools. This bill prohibits discriminatory censorship based on race, national origin, color, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, religion, physical or mental disability, military status, or marital or family status.

Alarmingly, fringe groups with extreme, hateful views are pushing for book bans in Oregon and across the country. The vast majority of material targeted features people of color and women authors and characters, information about racism and slavery, LGBTQ+ identities and experiences, and sex-related education.

Most Oregonians and parents trust librarians and teachers to provide age-appropriate materials in libraries and classrooms. We know that our democracy and youth benefit greatly from having access to the histories, viewpoints, and ideas of the diverse people and communities in our country. We also know that it is welcoming and affirming – even life saving – for young people to see their identities and lived experiences reflected in books and other learning materials.

Please make sure to fight back for our democracy, for youth, and against hate by submitting testimony supporting SB 1583 — tell the legislature that Oregon stands against discriminatory book bans and censorship.

By filling out the form below, you can submit your own remarks and they will be messaged to your lawmakers. This also serves as consent to upload our prepared message as public testimony to the committee record on your behalf. When filling out your contact information, please know that your first and last name, and city will be made public, but the remainder of your contact information will not.

Thank you for your support!

Use the form to send a message to your lawmakers.

Subject: YES on SB 1583!

Dear Oregon Lawmakers,

I am submitting written testimony to support SB 1583 and share why we must protect students' rights to read, learn, and share ideas – free from discriminatory censorship.

Our schools are the most welcoming and effective when students see their identities and experiences reflected in their schools, books, and learning materials, and when students have access to the histories and stories of all the diverse people and communities that make up our country and world.

Unfortunately, in Oregon and across the country, a vocal but small number of people with fringe views have amounted record numbers of book challenges in the last few years. A Washington Post analysis determined that 60% of all book challenges across the U.S. in the 2021-2022 school year were initiated by the same 11 people. (link:

[Blogger's Note: I read the article above from the Washington Post that is titled, "She challenges one school book a week. She says she’ll never stop."]

Usually, the books challenged are authored by women, LGBTQ+ people and people of color, and feature race or racism, LGBTQ+ identities and experiences, and sex-related education.

The vast majority of Oregonians and people across the country, however, do not support book bans and censorship:

— Most parents and voters hold librarians in high regard, have confidence in their local libraries’ decisions about the books made available, and agree that community libraries do a good job of offering books that represent a variety of viewpoints.

— The majority of public school parents also agree that various types of books should be available in school libraries on an age-appropriate basis — including content about slavery and racism, books for young adults that portray police violence against Black people, and both fiction and non-fiction books about lesbian, gay and transgender individuals.

Book bans and censorship have incredibly harmful impacts on people who teach our youth; authors whose works are targeted; families who want their children in diverse, supportive schools; students who deserve a full and rich education; and all of us.

Indeed, this is an important First Amendment and democracy issue. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 1969 that students do not "shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate." According to the high court, freedom of speech includes not just the right to speak but also the right to learn.

In summary, censorship is anti-democratic and it leans towards facism. In our democracy, students and young people have a right to access representative, engaging and diverse stories featuring a variety of authors, viewpoints and experiences — even if a vocal minority with fringe views doesn’t like it.

I urge you to support our democracy, our youth, and our state’s future by voting YES on SB 1583. All of Oregon’s children deserve to feel safe, welcomed and represented in their schools. SB 1538 is Oregon’s chance to curb oppressive, anti-democratic, and discriminatory acts of censorship and book bans in our public schools.


[First Name] [Last Name]


Salutation (required by some officials): Mr.
First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
E-mail address: [redacted]
Address: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Zip Code: [redacted]
Phone: [redacted]

And so, I sent the letter above to Oregon Lawmakers, via the ACLU of Oregon's website, in order to submit "written testimony to support SB 1583," because "our schools are the most welcoming and effective when students see their identities and experiences reflected in their schools, books, and learning materials, and when students have access to the histories and stories of all the diverse people and communities that make up our country and world." –Paul Whiting (written February 12th, 2024 and revised February 21st, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, I used to make one-time donations to the organization that is the subject of these 'updates' each time that I took an action as requested by that organization; however, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am really 'tightening my belt,' so to speak, with regard to all of the donations that I am making on my credit card each month! My plan is to only donate to political, progressive and charitable organizations if they specifically ask for donations—and not just for the sake of donating to them at least once per month, or even when I have been taking some sort of action, such as signing a petition, or sending a letter, etc. Thus, I am trying to greatly reduce the number of donations that I make to simply once in a while, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis! You see, there are a lot of organizations that I literally donate to only once per year—such as for Giving Tuesday—which is all that I ever donate to them. And that is basically what I am striving for, so that I am still donating to political, progressive and charitable organizations, but the bare minimum that I can donate, since that's all I can really afford." [Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 4, Written On December 1st, 2023 About November 2023 (that also appears as 'November 30th, 2023 Update No. 2, Written On December 1st, 2023' on some of my blogs), which can be found above.]


February 12th, 2024 Update No. 3, Which Also Discusses February 11th, 2024: This 'update' that I am writing today, February 12th, 2024, is only from my news searches on Google, which I do as often as I can manage.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, lately I am simply checking the news as often as I can manage. And, I usually check what's happening in the world via various Google searches that I do under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Google news searches. Plus, I am currently writing separate 'updates' for the news articles that I read from the news organizations to which I subscribe that send me email newsletters.

So, without further ado, I was doing my occasional news searches on Google today February 12th, 2024, as well as yesterday, February 11th, 2024, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

Plus, I am listing these articles by the initial Google search category under which I found each article, as listed above. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.]


February 11th, 2024 search:

01. The New York Times
(By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
Favoring Foes Over Friends, Trump Threatens to Upend International Order

February 12th, 2024 search:

02. NPR (National Public Radio)
Violent crime is dropping fast in the U.S. — even if Americans don't believe it



February 11th, 2024 search:

03. NBC News
Trump says he'd let Russia attack NATO countries that don't pay enough (Trump says he’d let Russia do ‘whatever the hell they want’ to NATO countries that don’t pay enough)

February 12th, 2024 search:

04. CNN
Joint Chiefs chairman says ‘US credibility is at stake’ when asked about Trump’s NATO comments

February 12th, 2024 search:

05. CNBC
Trump’s NATO comments stir up a political storm as Russia keeps quiet



February 11th, 2024 search:

06. NBC News
Trump says he'd let Russia attack NATO countries that don't pay enough (Trump says he’d let Russia do ‘whatever the hell they want’ to NATO countries that don’t pay enough)



February 11th, 2024 search:

07. USA Today
(By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)
Special Counsel Robert Hur Biden report crossed line, prosecutors say (Did special counsel cross the line in bashing Biden's memory? Even some Republicans think so)

February 12th, 2024 search:

08. The New York Times
(By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
Trump Steps Up, Helping Biden Just When the President Needs Him

February 12th, 2024 search:

09. The New York Times
(By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
Special Counsel Report 'Went Off the Rails,' Biden's Lawyer Says

10. AP News
Biden's legal team went to Justice Dept. over what they viewed as unnecessary digs at his memory



February 12th, 2024 search:

11. HuffPost
'Nothing Has Changed': Another Witness Tells GOP She Saw No Corruption By Joe Biden



February 12th, 2024 search:

12. The Guardian
‘Two men three years apart’: Democrats highlight Trump’s mental lapses after Biden report



February 11th, 2024 search:

13. Politico
'Enough to make Reagan ill': Trump's NATO remarks under fire

February 11th, 2024 search:

14. CNN
McCarthy foes face blowback as primary threats grow and GOP donors shut their wallets

February 12th, 2024 search:

15. NPR (National Public Radio)
Cleanup on aisle Trump for Republicans after NATO comments (Republicans play cleanup on aisle Trump after former president's NATO comments)

February 12th, 2024 search:

16. The Guardian
Republicans say Trump call for Russia to attack Nato allies was just fine, actually



February 12th, 2024 search:

17. The Guardian
Jill Biden in disbelief special counsel used son’s death to ‘score political points’

February 12th, 2024 search:

18. CNN
Biden campaign channels Jill Biden’s frustration over special counsel report



February 11th, 2024 search:

19. Hindustan Times
Allies fear US is becoming less reliable with concern over possible Trump return

February 11th, 2024 search:

20. The Financial Express
European officials criticize Trump’s NATO comments



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (February 12th, 2024)


February 13th, 2024 Update No. 1: I received a text message today, February 13th, 2024, from Brady: United Against Gun Violence, which stated the following:

Paul, tomorrow will mark 6 years since my daughter, [name redacted], was killed by a gunman armed with an assault weapon at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland.

It will never be easy to live in a world without [name redacted] in it. But, after my daughter was killed, I made a promise to myself: No matter how hard it gets, I will never, ever, stop fighting for a country where no child is shot in the halls of their school.

Brady is leading that movement in Congress, in the courts, and in communities — and they're counting on activists like you to join them. So please, in honor of 6 years since the Parkland shooting, will you raise your voice for change?


[✓] 🟠 YES:***
[  ] ⚪️NO:

We're counting on 6,000 responses before midnight tomorrow, so please respond now.

- [Name redacted]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Stop School Shootings Survey [MIDNIGHT DEADLINE]

Thanks for responding to our live poll. Your input is incredibly valuable to us. As an active member of our community, could you spare just 90 seconds to share your thoughts on critical gun safety reforms?

How much should Congress prioritize passing an assault weapons ban in 2024?

[  ] 1- Lowest priority
[  ] 2
[  ] 3
[  ] 4
[✓] 5- Highest priority

In addition to banning assault weapons, which of the following proposed reforms do you support? (Select as many as you'd like.)

[✓] Taking action against ghost guns

[✓] Creating universal background checks

[✓] Raising the minimum purchase age Banning high-capacity magazines

[✓] Investing in funding to research the gun violence epidemic

[✓] Closing loopholes in extreme risk laws

[  ] Other:

After the tragedy in Uvalde, Congress passed the most significant gun safety legislation in decades. But with Republicans now in control of the House, the NRA will have more leverage to obstruct life-saving legislation.

How important is it to you that we take action to defeat the NRA and save lives from gun violence?

[✓] Extremely important

[  ] Very important

[  ] Somewhat important

[  ] Not at all important

Brady is a grassroots organization dedicated to preventing gun violence and saving lives with common-sense bipartisan gun safety legislation - and our work has never been more important. Our teams are working directly with the Biden-Harris administration to take action on common-sense gun safety measures that will save lives.

In observance of the Parkland massacre, we set a goal to raise $25,000 to honor the victims by fighting to ban assault weapons - but we're still falling short with just hours left until our midnight deadline.

Will you rush $5 to help Brady prevent gun violence and save lives?

[✓] Yes, I can give $5!
[  ] Yes, I can give $36 (this is the average online Brady donation).
[  ] Yes, and I can give monthly!


[  ] $10
[  ] $25
[  ] $50
[  ] $100
[  ] $250
[  ] $500
[✓] $5

And so, I made a one-time donation to Brady: United Against Gun Violence because, "in honor of 6 years since the Parkland shooting, [I will] raise [my] voice for change" and answer the question "SHOULD CONGRESS BAN ASSAULT WEAPONS?" with a resounding 'Yes!' –Paul Whiting (February 13th, 2024)


February 14th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses January 14th, 2024: "Happy Valentine's Day," everyone!

And "Happy Galentine's Day"—as well as "Happy Palentine's Day"—which are both celebrated on February 13th!

Plus, "Happy Singles Awareness Day"—or "Happy Singles Appreciation Day"—which are both celebrated on February 15th!

[Blogger's Note: This 'update' that I am writing today, February 14th, 2024, is for donations that I made as part of my series of donations for the month of February to Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations—and to one campaign—regarding the national races for the House of Representatives (the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee), the Senate (the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee) and the President of the United States (the Democratic National Committee and Biden for President, or the Biden Victory Fund), as well as the state races for the Governors (the Democratic Governors Association), the Secretaries of State (the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State), the Attorneys General (the Democratic Attorneys General Association) and the State Legislatures (the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee), during this second month of the year for the 2024 Presidential Election.]

I received a mailer from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) thirty one days ago on January 14th, 2024, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "YOUR 2024 MEMBER CARD: 2024 Renewal Notice Enclosed", which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]


Dear Friend,

House Democrats will continue to fight hard to make life better for everyday Americans. The do-nothing Republican Congress continues to stonewall our progress.

Extreme MAGA Republicans have proven to be incapable of governing, leaving middle-class families behind and threatening our national security. Rather than seek commonsense solutions, House Republicans are at the mercy of election deniers like Jim Jordan, conspiracy theorists like Marjorie Taylor Greene and serial liars like George Santos.

The American public wants responsible leaders focused on governing, growing our economy and strengthening our national security. Instead, House Republicans are sowing chaos and grinding our government to a standstill. House Democrats, on the other hand, are unified and prepared to continue delivering results.

Look no further than our accomplishments during the 117th Congress. We passed historic laws that are making life better for everyday Americans. The Inflation Reduction Act lowers the costs of prescription drugs and caps the cost of insulin to $35 per month. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act fixes our crumbling roads and bridges and is creating tens of thousands of jobs in the process. For the first time in 30 years, we passed gun violence prevention, the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, working to get weapons of war off the streets and make our communities safer.

With everything on the line, we urgently need you to stand with the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) to help us take back the House and continue our work For The People.

The DCCC is the campaign arm of House Democrats. It is the only political committee in the country whose principal mission is to support Democratic House candidates every step of the way so we can get things done.

We need your support during this pivotal moment in history.

That's why I'm sending your 2024 DCCC Member Card. I hope you'll carry it with pride and I hope you'll support the DCCC today with a generous contribution if you can.

I'm pleased to tell you that if you respond by February 15th, your contribution to the DCCC will be matched $3-to-$1 up to $250,000. Your contribution will go four times as far toward reclaiming our Democratic House Majority.

Your tripled support is absolutely essential. We only need five seats to flip the House blue. However, we face financial obstacles. The House Republican Super PAC is raising large amounts of money from a handful of right-wing billionaires. They raked in $88.5 million during the last election cycle from just eight ultra-wealthy families. By contrast, the DCCC counts on grassroots gifts from good Democrats like you.

In other words, we cannot end the chaos without your support.

We have many paths to take back the majority. First, we must support our 29 Frontline Members in true swing districts facing the toughest races of their careers. House Democrats stand ready to defend our formidable incumbents and retake the majority to get the government back to work for the American people.

Second, the path to the majority runs through the 18 Republican-held districts that President Biden won in 2020. We need an all-out effort to put Democrats back in these seats. Thanks to your past support, we are holding these so-called moderates accountable for voting with extreme MAGA Republicans every step of the way.

A third path goes through another 15 Districts in Play that we believe are ripe for Democratic wins, putting us on the offensive in 33 total districts.

By accepting your 2024 DCCC Member Card and showing your support, you will maximize our opportunities at every point along all of these paths to victory. You'll help us:

Recruit dynamic and qualified Democratic candidates.
➤ Deploy grassroots organizers in critical swing districts.
Launch ads to hold Republicans accountable for their extremism.
➤ Turn out and register Democratic voters in unprecedented numbers.
➤ And so much more!

We're going to make sure every voter knows Team Extreme's dangerous agenda chapter and verse. Now it's time for every committed DCCC member to step forward.

Please carry your 2024 DCCC Member Card as a proud symbol of your dedication to protecting our democracy and restoring a Democratic House Majority that fights For The People. With less than a year until Election Day, I hope we can continue to count on you.

Keep the faith,

Hakeem Jeffries

House Democratic Leader

P.S. This is an all-hands-on-deck moment. Voters face a choice between a unified party committed to democracy and freedom that delivers for everyday Americans and a chaotic party that only knows how to tear things down and undermine our progress. Our success depends on supporters like you. I hope you'll carry your 2024 DCCC Member Card with pride and take advantage of our $3-to-$1 match up to $250,000 before February 15th. Thank you for your continued support.




[Start of Member Card]



Paul [Middle Initial] Whiting
[Member number redacted]

[End of Member Card]

To put your gift to work immediately, go to or call our contribution hotline at [phone number redacted].

Dear Leader Jeffries,

2024 is the year we boot extreme MAGA Republicans OUT and take back the Majority For The People. That's why, with 2024 here and less than one year to go, I am rushing my gift to the DCCC to be matched $3-to-$1 up to $250,000 for:

[  ] $80 = $320

[  ] $120 = $480

[  ] $160 = $640

[✓] Other $7.00

Paul [Middle Initial] Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

To put your gift to work immediately, go to or call our contribution hotline at [phone number redacted].

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DCCC (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to show appreciation for my "2024 DCCC Member Card as a proud symbol of [my] dedication to protecting our democracy and restoring a Democratic House Majority that fights For The People." –Paul Whiting (written February 14th, 2024, revised February 15th, 2024, revised March 9th, 2024 and revised March 10th, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.)


February 14th, 2024 Update No. 2, Which Also Discusses January 14th, 2024: "Happy Valentine's Day," everyone!

And "Happy Galentine's Day"—as well as "Happy Palentine's Day"—which are both celebrated on February 13th!

Plus, "Happy Singles Awareness Day"—or "Happy Singles Appreciation Day"—which are both celebrated on February 15th!

[Blogger's Note: This 'update' that I am writing today, February 14th, 2024, is for donations that I made as part of my series of donations for the month of February to Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations—and to one campaign—regarding the national races for the House of Representatives (the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee), the Senate (the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee) and the President of the United States (the Democratic National Committee and Biden for President, or the Biden Victory Fund), as well as the state races for the Governors (the Democratic Governors Association), the Secretaries of State (the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State), the Attorneys General (the Democratic Attorneys General Association) and the State Legislatures (the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee), during this second month of the year for the 2024 Presidential Election.]

I received a mailer from the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC) thirty one days ago on January 14th, 2024, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "YOUR 2024 DLCC MEMBERSHIP CARD ENCLOSED", which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]


Dear DLCC Member,

Democracy, reproductive rights, academic freedom, gun safety, and much more are all on the ballot in 2024. And they'll be decided most directly in the November 5th elections for 85 state legislative chambers in 44 states.

It's MAGA-run state legislatures that are trying to cement unbreakable minority rule through voter suppression, gerrymandering, and actually overturning the will of the people when they don't like the result.

It's MAGA-run state legislatures who are denying women the right to bodily autonomy and to decide whether, when, and how to raise a family.

It's MAGA-run state legislatures that are denying educators the right to teach their students to the best of their abilities by allowing book bans and enacting "don't say gay" laws.

It's MAGA-run state legislatures who are allowing anyone and everyone to carry AR-15 military-style assault weapons used to slaughter dozens of people in mass shootings.

By contrast, Democratic-run state legislatures are protecting voting rights, strengthening our democratic institutions, upholding reproductive and academic freedoms, and saving lives through sensible gun reforms.

So, when I say that everything is on the line in the 2024 state legislative elections, I am not exaggerating.

That's why I'm urging you to renew your support for the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC) for 2024 with a generous contribution so we can flip state legislatures from red to blue and protect our rights, freedoms, and democracy from attack.

Plus, until January 31st, a generous group of donors is matching every gift $3-to-$1, up to $64,000—giving your support four times the impact!

I'm enclosing a special 2024 DLCC membership card as a token of our appreciation. I hope you'll carry it proudly as a sign of your dedication to saving our democracy and our freedom.

Your tripled gift will enable us to build on the momentum we established in 2023 when the DLCC's grassroots-focused strategy fueled record turnout and unprecedented victories. Over the course of the year, we won 31 special elections, and overperformed in many of those races. Notably, we won 5 Pennsylvania House special elections—including 3 races where our majority was on the line!

And then we topped off the year by holding the Virginia Senate and flipping the Virginia House blue! In Pennsylvania, Democrats won a seat on the Supreme Court, in New Jersey, we defended our Democratic majorities, and in Ohio, voters approved a proposed amendment to their state constitution that will guarantee a constitutional right to abortion, reinforcing what we already know: Protecting fundamental freedoms is a winning issue.

And Democrats won special elections in Kentucky, Maine, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and a crucial special election in New Hampshire that narrows the already razor-thin margin in the state House to put Democrats just one seat short of a tie.

After the 2022 elections, we flipped four key state legislative chambers from red to blue, and in 2023 we had success flipping the Virginia House and keeping the Senate in Democratic hands. In 2024, the DLCC is targeting 15 state legislative chambers in 9 states, all of which could make a profound difference in the lives of the people who live there—and to the state of American democracy moving forward.

In all the key districts in states like these, the DLCC needs boots on the ground to educate new voters, persuade swing voters, and turn out our base voters in unprecedented numbers. Your tripled contribution is critical to making that happen.

It's all the more important because Republicans are spending record sums of money on state legislative races in the hope of creating permanent control through gerrymandering and enacting their extreme anti-freedom, anti-democracy agenda. The DLCC needs more funding than ever before to counter their lies.

That's why I cannot overstate how urgent it is that you rush your renewal contribution to the DLCC—especially right now, with a group of generous donors matching gifts totaling up to $64,000 $3-to-$1 until January 31st.

Please help us seize the day, build on our momentum, expand Democratic control of state legislatures, and protect our democracy from Republican attempts to destroy it.


[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]

P.S. Please accept this DLCC membership card and carry it proudly as evidence that you stand for true American values. You made our victories in 2022 and 2023 possible, and I hope we can count on you as we fight to keep winning in what may well be the most consequential state legislative elections of our lifetime this November.



Paul Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

[Start of Member Card]



Paul Whiting
[Member number redacted]

[End of Member Card]

Dear [Name redacted],

With democracy, reproductive freedom, gun safety, and everything else on the line this year, I proudly accept my 2024 DLCC Membership Card and am renewing my DLCC membership with a contribution of:

[  ] $1,000 = $4,000

[  ] $2,500 = $10,000

[  ] $5,000 = $20,000

[✓] Other $7.51

You can also contribute online by going to: DLCC.ORG/2024RENEWAL

[Blogger's Note: I feel like I need to clarify why I donated $7.51 to the DLCC—for their mailer to which I responded on Valentine's Day—when I donated $7.00 to both the DCCC (please see my 'February 14th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses January 14th, 2024' that can be found above) and the DNC (please see my 'February 14th, 2024 Update No. 3, Which Also Discusses January 21st, 2024' that can be found below) for their mailers! You see, the DLCC donation was made through FastAction, which does not offer a tip box. And I budgeted for these three mailer donations (the DCCC, the DLCC and the DNC) at $7.00 per donation, which is how much I usually donate to political, progressive and charitable organizations for donation solicitations that I receive through the regular mail. Plus, I try to tip ActBlue—the main Democratic payment portal—at approximately 7% of my donation, which is about $0.51 for $7.00. Thus, since I could not tip through the FastAction payment portal, I donated $7.51 for the DLCC donation. (I hope that makes sense!)]

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DLCC (this donation was made through FastAction, which does not offer a tip box) to appreciatively "accept this DLCC membership card and carry it proudly as evidence that [I] stand for true American values." That is why I contributed in order to "help [the DLCC] seize the day, build on our momentum, expand Democratic control of state legislatures, and protect our democracy from Republican attempts to destroy it." –Paul Whiting (written February 14th, 2024, revised February 15th, 2024, revised March 7th, 2024, revised March 9th, 2024, revised March 10th, 2024 and revised June 16th, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.)


February 14th, 2024 Update No. 3, Which Also Discusses January 21st, 2024: "Happy Valentine's Day," everyone!

And "Happy Galentine's Day"—as well as "Happy Palentine's Day"—which are both celebrated on February 13th!

Plus, "Happy Singles Awareness Day"—or "Happy Singles Appreciation Day"—which are both celebrated on February 15th!

[Blogger's Note: This 'update' that I am writing today, February 14th, 2024, is for donations that I made as part of my series of donations for the month of February to Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations—and to one campaign—regarding the national races for the House of Representatives (the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee), the Senate (the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee) and the President of the United States (the Democratic National Committee and Biden for President, or the Biden Victory Fund), as well as the state races for the Governors (the Democratic Governors Association), the Secretaries of State (the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State), the Attorneys General (the Democratic Attorneys General Association) and the State Legislatures (the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee), during this second month of the year for the 2024 Presidential Election.]

I received a mailer from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) twenty four days ago on January 21st, 2024, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "2024 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL NOTICE", which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]


Dear Mr. Whiting,

I'm not done doing my part to move our nation forward, and I know you're not either.

That's why you're receiving this letter first.

Since joining the Democratic National Committee in 2003, you've shown time and time again that you will continue fighting for what's right. You understand how important it is to elect Democrats up and down the ticket — whether it's keeping me and Kamala in the White House or electing local leaders who will empower the Democratic agenda.

Our rights, our institutions, and our democracy will be on the ballot in November. By stepping up today, you have the power to shift the tides of history toward progress.

Mr. Whiting, our records show that you last supported the DNC with a gift of $7. Renew your DNC membership for 2024 by rushing back $20, $30, or $40 today, and your support will go right to work electing Democrats in 2024!

Let me tell you: I've got no better partner in this work than the DNC. They've got the vision, the strategy, and the team to lead Democrats to victory in every state and territory. And it's your support that paves the way to that victory.

In anticipation of your renewed annual membership for 2024 and your commitment to supporting the work we have yet to achieve, I've enclosed your Official 2024 DNC Member Card. I hope that you will carry it with pride.

And don't let anyone tell you otherwise: We achieved unprecedented progress with your support — from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to the Inflation Reduction Act's largest climate investment in American history — all while building an economy that works for everyone.

Our work is just getting started. By keeping the White House, growing our Senate majority, and taking back the House, we can — and will — do so much more for the hardworking people and families of this great nation.

We can protect women's reproductive health care access, safeguard voting rights, make progress to guarantee workers a living wage, tackle climate change, and do what it takes to pass on a better America to our children and grandchildren.

I want you to know this from the bottom of my heart: All we want to do is heal this nation and make it stronger.

You led the way to victory in 2020. Your renewed support will make that possible in 2024.

I have made the defense, the protection, and the preservation of American democracy the central cause of my presidency. But the extremist MAGA movement does not share the basic beliefs of our democracy. We can't allow their dangerous plans to prevail.

Just take a moment to consider this: Extreme MAGA Republicans want to slash Social Security and Medicare, eliminate women's freedom to control their own bodies, pass laws endangering LGBTQ+ youth and their families, ban books from school libraries, and roll back our progress on everything from climate action to voting rights.

I don't want to see that happen, because I know what it will mean for so many hardworking American families who simply want freedom and opportunity. And I think you feel the same.

You know as well as I do that the best parts of the American story are when we expand rights, not when we take them away. And I can promise you that the DNC is fighting nonstop to make the next chapter one we're proud of, but they need you by their side like never before.

Democracy is in our hands — yours, mine, and the entire Democratic Party's. Renew your DNC membership by rushing back a grassroots gift today, and you'll help elect the kind of leaders that our nation urgently needs.

I've long said that it's never been a good bet to bet against America. And it's not a good bet today.

We're still a country that believes in honesty and decency and integrity. We're still a country that believes in hard work and giving everyone a fair shot — because we believe that every one of us is created equal. We're still the beacon of the free world.

In small towns, rural America, suburbs, and big cities all across the country — everyday, ordinary people continue to do the most extraordinary things. I see it every day.

America's best days are still ahead of us. I believe it. And your renewed support for the DNC will help make those days happen. I've never been more optimistic about America's future.

We are the United States of America. There is nothing — nothing — beyond our capacity if we work together.

Thank you,

Joe Biden

President Joe Biden

P.S. The 2024 elections will shape our nation for years to come, and we must elect Democrats at every level so that we can deliver the best possible future for America. Do your part and rush back a grassroots gift to renew your DNC membership and lead the fight. Thank you!



[Start of Member Card]


Mr. Paul [Middle Initial] Whiting
MEMBER ID# [redacted]


[End of Member Card]

YES, President Biden! I want to reelect you, Vice President Harris, and Democrats up and down the ballot so we can continue delivering progress to every American. I'm proud to renew my DNC membership today with a contribution of:

[  ] $20

[  ] $30*

[  ] $40

[✓] Other $7.00

*Please consider a gift of at least this much!

Text "DEMOCRAT" to 43367 to let President Biden know your renewal donation is on the way.

Mr. Paul [Middle Initial] Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

To put your 2024 renewal contribution to work immediately, please call [phone number redacted] or visit


Please rank the following Democratic policy priorities for President Biden in order of importance. (1 = most important)

3. Confronting the climate crisis and building a clean energy future
5. Creating safer communities and advancing equity and opportunity
4. Raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour
6. Lowering costs for American families
2. Ending our gun violence epidemic
7. Making child care and college more affordable
1. Protecting a woman's right to make her own health care decisions
9. Expanding access to high-quality, affordable health care
8. Protecting and strengthening Social Security and Medicare

Please rank the following DNC 2024 priorities in order of Importance. (1 = most important)

2. Registering new and young voters
3. Building up our technology and data infrastructure
1. Protecting and expanding voting rights
5. Supporting Democratic state parties
4. Holding our Senate majority and taking back the House
6. Expanding messaging about President Biden and Democrats' legislative accomplishments

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DNC (with a tip to ActBlue) because "Democracy is in our hands — [mine], [President Biden's], and the entire Democratic Party's." That is why I renewed "[my] DNC membership by rushing back a grassroots gift today, [so that I'll] help elect the kind of leaders that our nation urgently needs." –Paul Whiting (written February 14th, 2024, revised February 15th, 2024, revised March 7th, 2024, revised March 9th, 2024 and revised March 10th, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.)


February 14th, 2024 Update No. 4, Which Also Discusses February 2nd, 2024, February 4th, 2024, February 12th, 2024, as well as February 13th, 2024: "Happy Valentine's Day," everyone!

And "Happy Galentine's Day"—as well as "Happy Palentine's Day"—which are both celebrated on February 13th!

Plus, "Happy Singles Awareness Day"—or "Happy Singles Appreciation Day"—which are both celebrated on February 15th!

[Blogger's Note: This 'update' that I am writing today, February 14th, 2024, is for donations that I made as part of my series of donations for the month of February to Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations—and to one campaign—regarding the national races for the House of Representatives (the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee), the Senate (the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee) and the President of the United States (the Democratic National Committee and Biden for President, or the Biden Victory Fund), as well as the state races for the Governors (the Democratic Governors Association), the Secretaries of State (the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State), the Attorneys General (the Democratic Attorneys General Association) and the State Legislatures (the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee), during this second month of the year for the 2024 Presidential Election.]

I have consolidated the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

Therefore, I have combined every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests. [For my regular mail Valentine's Day political donations, please see my 'February 14th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses January 14th, 2024,' as well as my 'February 14th, 2024 Update No. 2, Which Also Discusses January 14th, 2024,' in addition to my 'February 14th, 2024 Update No. 3, Which Also Discusses January 21st, 2024' that can be found above.]

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The first political communication to which I responded was a text message that I received twelve days ago on February 2nd, 2024, from the Democratic Association of Secrets of State (DASS), which stated the following:

The Arizona Republican Party is COMPLETELY unhinged, Paul…

With just months to go until the general election, AZ Republicans just introduced a bill that would let legislators OVERRULE voters in presidential elections.

Republicans are trying to do now what they couldn’t in 2020: ignore the will of the voters, and overturn election results they don’t like.

Paul, if this law had existed in 2020, extreme MAGA Republicans could have thrown out President Biden’s win – and picked electors for Donald Trump instead.

The GOP will scream “VOTER FRAUD” one second but then commit fraud themselves by trying to overturn free and fair elections.

This isn’t your grandfather’s Republican Party. It’s an un-American and un-Democratic circus.

My friends at the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State are monitoring these threats and are gearing up for the long fight ahead, but they need the support from grassroots Democrats like you.

That’s why I’m asking you to make a $4.44 donation to the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State so they can elect democracy defenders across the nation.***

[Name redacted]
Arizona [Title redacted]

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Democratic Association of Secretaries of State

When federal action stalls, state laws decide the future of our republic. We can't let those laws fall into the hands of partisan, conspiracy-loving GOP legislatures.

Our Democratic Secretaries protect our elections — even when Congress is deadlocked. They're the last line of defense for your rights, and they need your help this year more than ever. Rush a donation now and defend our Secretaries of State!

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit DASS PAC.

[  ] Donate $15 →

[  ] Donate $35 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[✓] Other amount $5.00

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.35 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DASS (with a tip to ActBlue) because "the GOP will scream “VOTER FRAUD” one second but then commit fraud themselves by trying to overturn free and fair elections." That is why Secretaries of State are "the last line of defense for your rights, and they need [my] help this year more than ever."


The second political communication to which I responded was an email from the Democratic Attorneys General Association (DAGA) that I received ten days ago on February 4th, 2024, with the subject line, "The 2024 election will have major implications", which stated the following:


[Name redacted] here — DAGA’s [title redacted]. I am thrilled to welcome you to our team as we ramp up for Election Day this year and must-holds in 2024. I check in with our supporters to dive into the specifics of our strategic planning behind Dem AG races because it is essential that our grassroots supporters like you know why these races matter and how we plan to WIN.

This year, we’re going to need all the grassroots support we can get from supporters like you, Paul.

I’ll always tell it to you straight: Donald Trump and the GOP are going to be pumping the 2024 electoral space with election fraud myths and more attacks on our freedoms, so it's never been more important that we elect Democrats to AG seats. We need to give it all we’ve got.

Can you chip in today so we can elect Dem AGs who will fight back against GOP extremism? We know we can win these tough races — but we need your help, Paul.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

[  ] CHIP IN $5 NOW
[  ] CHIP IN $10 NOW
[  ] CHIP IN $25 NOW
[  ] CHIP IN $50 NOW
[  ] CHIP IN $100 NOW


[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
Democratic Attorneys General Association

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:



From abortion access to voting rights, Dem AGs are on the front lines, defending our democracy and protecting our communities.

Make a donation to DAGA to elect more Dem AGs in 2023, 2024, and beyond - starting right here and now.


Your contribution will benefit Democratic Attorneys General Association (DAGA) РАС.

[  ] DONATE $5 →

[  ] DONATE $10 →

[  ] DONATE $25 →

[  ] DONATE $50 →

[  ] DONATE $100 →

[  ] DONATE $250 →

[  ] DONATE $500 →

[✓] OTHER AMOUNT $5.00

Please leave us a tip

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.35 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DAGA (with a tip to ActBlue) because "Donald Trump and the GOP are going to be pumping the 2024 electoral space with election fraud myths and more attacks on our freedoms, so it's never been more important that we elect Democrats to AG seats."


The third political communication to which I responded was an email from the Democratic Governors Association (DGA) that I received two days ago on February 12th, 2024, with the subject line, "Updated records request for [email redacted]", which stated the following:


Paul: As we get this election year started, your official DGA Record requires your attention.

SUPPORTER ID: [redacted]
Feb. 2024 Biden Endorsement Status: MISSING

Our strategy at the DGA is only successful when it is informed by on-the-ground, real-time input from folks like you. Tens of thousands of our most reliable supporters have endorsed the president – showcasing MASSIVE momentum in support of a second term.

We are updating our records, and we’re requesting your official endorsement of President Biden. Without this critical data, we don’t know where we stand and right now, we can’t afford to slow down.

Please, tell us:

Will you endorse President Biden for a second term?

[✓] YES, I WILL***


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Democratic Governors Association


Thank you for taking action!

Will you take another moment to answer a few additional questions about Democratic priorities? Your responses will help guide Democratic strategy as we head into a tough election cycle.

[Email redacted]
[Phone number redacted]

Please confirm: Do you endorse President Biden?

[✓] Yes
[  ] No

President Biden is running for reelection. Which of his achievements has been most important to you? (Please select your top two.)

[✓] Fostering a 50-year-low unemployment rate and creating 14+ million new jobs

[  ] Signing executive orders that seek to protect access to reproductive health care, maintain patient privacy and sensitive health information, and defend access to contraception

[  ] Cutting the deficit by more than $1.7 trillion

[✓] Signing more than 250 bills into law, including the most significant gun violence reduction measure in 30 years

[  ] Capping insulin prices at $35 for seniors and millions more Americans with diabetes

[  ] Nominating and having successfully confirmed by the Senate more than 120 judges, including Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson!

Despite resoundingly losing the 2020 election, being indicted four times, and currently facing multiple legal battles, polls still show Donald Trump ahead in the GOP primary field.

If the 2024 election were held today, who would you vote for?

[✓] Joe Biden
[  ] Donald Trump
[  ] Other

How important is it to you for Democrats to stand strong against Trumpism in every state?

[✓] Extremely important
[  ] Very important
[  ] Somewhat important
[  ] Not at all important

To continue the progress Democrats have made under the Biden-Harris administration, we must defend our blue firewall in the states. Major Democratic gains in the past few election cycles were only possible because of early investments in Democratic candidates and campaigns. Such investments provided the ability to lay the foundation for victory and flip key battleground states.

Is it important to you for Democrats to get the resources they need to stop Republicans and win up and down the ballot?

[✓] YES
[  ] NO

Democrats defeated far-right extremists in 2022 and 2023 because of strong grassroots coalitions built by supporters like you. That's why we're counting on your continued support in the months ahead to lay the groundwork to defend our blue firewall and fight back against GOP attacks! Will you invest $100 to help Democratic governors protect Americans in every state from the GOP's radical right-wing agenda?

Please use the options below to start a monthly donation through ActBlue:

[  ] Yes, I will give $100!
[✓] No, I can't give that much.

We understand that giving at that level might be tough right now. But the DGA is working tirelessly to elect Democrats across the country and defend our democracy. And during this critical turning point for our country, we can't afford to miss any fundraising goals.

Major victories in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022, and 2023 were made possible by committed Democrats like you who were FIRED UP to elect Democrats and defeat Trump and his extremist allies across the country, but we just pulled your supporter record, and here's what we found:

Email: [redacted]
Given to DGA today? Pending
Suggested donation: $44

Electing Democrats across the country is so critical that a group of generous donors is DOUBLING every gift up to $30,000 until 11:59 p.m. tonight. Will you give $44, or whatever you can, right now?

Please use the options below to start a monthly donation through ActBlue:

[  ] Yes, I'll give $22.
[  ] Yes, I'll give $44! (suggested donation)
[✓] Yes, and I'll give more!

*[Blogger's Note: I selected this option—although I made a one-time donation, rather than a monthly donation—because it's an option that got me to the donation webpage!]



If we want to stop the Republicans' dangerous agenda, we have to keep pace with the GOP's millions in fundraising - but right now, not enough Democrats are donating, and we're falling short ahead of our midnight deadline.

Luckily, a group of generous donors is matching all gifts up to our goal! Please don't wait: rush your gift to elect Democratic governors!

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Democratic Action.

[  ] Donate $44 →

[  ] Donate $88 →

[  ] Donate $220 →

[  ] Donate $440 →

[  ] Donate $880 →

[  ] Donate $1,760 →

[✓] Other amount $5.00

Please leave us a tip

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.35 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DGA (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to answer the question "Will you endorse President Biden for a second term?" with a resounding 'Yes!'


The fourth political communication to which I responded was an email from the Biden for President campaign yesterday, February 13th, 2024, with the subject line, "$44.47", which stated the following:

Biden-Harris 2024

Paul --

$44.47. That’s the average donation that grassroots supporters like you have given to support President Biden and Vice President Harris’s 2024 reelection campaign.

But what’s even more important than the dollar amount is the number of donations that we receive. In 2020, our campaign was powered by millions of folks chipping in $5, $25, or $44.47 at a time. This campaign will be no different.

While we’ve seen some incredible momentum since our campaign launched, our work is not done yet. We’re counting on every single dollar to keep building on the campaign’s success and win this race come November.

So, Paul, will you chip in $44.47 today? We’ll put your contribution to work right away to fight back against the GOP’s millions of dollars and power our campaign to victory.

[  ] DONATE $44.47

We’re grateful to have you on our team,

Biden-Harris 2024

P.S. Even if you can't pitch in $44.47 right now, any amount makes a difference and helps strengthen the Biden-Harris reelection campaign. If you can, chip in today.

"My dad used to have an expression -- 'It's the lucky person who gets up in the morning, puts both feet on the floor, knows what they are about to do, and thinks it still matters.' Your support matters. Your donation matters." -- Joe Biden

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Help us raise $200,000 in the next 48 hours to reelect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris!

We just set a BIG goal to raise $200k in the next 48 hours. It's going to take this full team at Joe and Kamala's backs to deliver four more years for Democrats in the White House to finish the job. Will you pitch in today?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Joe Biden.

[  ] Donate $10 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $46 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[  ] Donate $2,000 →

[✓] Other amount 5.00

Please leave us a tip

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.35 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Biden for President campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to answer the question "Paul, will you chip in $44.47 today?" That is why I contributed what I could afford for this month, which is $5.00!


The fifth political communication to which I responded was an email from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) today, February 14th, 2024, with the subject line, "Confirm you WILL vote for President Biden...", which stated the following:

Will you vote for President Biden?

Tell us before midnight: Will you DEFINITELY vote for President Biden?

[✓] YES***
[  ] NO

Paul -- Ever since President Biden announced his re-election campaign, Democrats have been rallying behind him!

It’s crucial you lock in your support today, Paul: Democratic enthusiasm now is a KEY driver of future voter turnout patterns.

That’s why we need to know if YOU plan to support President Biden in this year’s election -- but our poll is only open for a few more hours, and we don’t have your response on file:

Supporter: Paul Whiting
Response: Missing!
Deadline: 11:59 P.M.

Will you DEFINITELY vote for President Biden?

[✓] YES
[  ] NO

Thank you,


* If you've recently responded or done so with a different email address, thank you! Online records may not be up to date, but don't worry -- your responses have been recorded.

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

Democratic Survey

Thank you! Please answer these follow-up questions to finalize your response.

First, please confirm: Will you vote for President Biden?

[✓] Yes, definitely!
[  ] No.

Since taking office, President Biden has delivered huge wins for the American people!

Which of these actions taken by President Biden do you support? (Select all that apply.)

[✓] Nominating and confirming Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court.

[✓] Creating more than 14 MILLION good-paying jobs.

[✓] Signing the most significant gun safety reforms in nearly 30 years.

[✓] Combating inflation to lower everyday costs for ALL Americans.

[✓] Capping life-saving insulin at $35/month for millions of Americans.

[✓] Investing trillions of dollars into American infrastructure, manufacturing, and fighting climate change.

[  ] Other

The presidency isn't all that's on the ballot this year. Control of the Senate is also on the line, and eight of the ten most vulnerable seats are Republican takeover targets!

How committed are you to helping Democrats defend our Senate majority, keeping McConnell and Senate Republicans out of power?

[✓] Extremely committed!
[  ] Somewhat committed.
[  ] Not at all committed.

To defend the incredible progress we've made under the Biden-Harris administration, we must defend our Democratic majority in the Senate. But with just 1 day to go until our mid-month fundraising deadline, we're not on track to hit our $125,000 goal!

Please, our country's future is at stake. Will you rush $55 or more right now to ensure Democrats maintain our Senate majority?

Please use the links below to start a monthly donation through ActBlue:

[  ] Yes, I'll give $55.
[  ] Yes, I'll give $110.
[  ] Yes, I'll give $220.
[✓] Yes, but I'll choose a different amount.

*[Blogger's Note: I selected this option—although I made a one-time donation, rather than a monthly donation—because it's an option that got me to the donation webpage!]



Donate now to SUPERCHARGE our Senate majority!

CNN says multiple GOP seats could flip blue this year -- but with Mitch McConnell's megadonors already playing offense, it's going to take all hands on deck to win!

Please, will you chip in now to protect our historic progress by supercharging our Democratic majority?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit DSCC.

[  ] Donate $110 →

[  ] Donate $220 →

[  ] Donate $550 →

[  ] Donate $1,100 →

[  ] Donate $2,200 →

[  ] Donate $2,700 →

[✓] Other amount $5.00

Please leave us a tip

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.35 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DSCC (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to answer the question "Will you DEFINITELY vote for President Biden?" with a resounding 'Yes!'

Thus, these four organizations—the DASS, the DAGA, the DGA, as well as the DSCC—in addition to this one campaign—Biden for President—are the political organizations, and the political campaign, that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written February 14th, 2024, revised February 15th, 2024, revised February 19th, 2024, revised March 9th, 2024, revised March 10th, 2024, revised April 17th, 2024 and revised June 28th, 2024)


February 14th, 2024 Update No. 5, Which Also Discusses February 13th, 2024: This 'update' that I am writing today, February 14th, 2024, is only from my news searches on Google, which I do as often as I can manage.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, lately I am simply checking the news as often as I can manage. And, I usually check what's happening in the world via various Google searches that I do under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Google news searches. Plus, I am currently writing separate 'updates' for the news articles that I read from the news organizations to which I subscribe that send me email newsletters.

So, without further ado, I was doing my occasional news searches on Google today February 14th, 2024, as well as yesterday, February 13th, 2024, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

Plus, I am listing these articles by the initial Google search category under which I found each article, as listed above. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.]


February 13th, 2024 search:

01. NBC News
Biden calls Trump's NATO remarks 'un-American'

February 13th, 2024 search:

02. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos
Biden blasts Trump for his 'shocking' and 'un-American' NATO comments

February 13th, 2024 search:

03. AP News
How Trump's latest NATO remarks distorts how the alliance works



February 13th, 2024 search:

04. NBC News
Uber, Lyft, DoorDash drivers in the U.S. to strike on Valentine’s Day for fair pay

February 13th, 2024 search:

05. The New York Times
(By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
An Outburst by Trump on NATO May Push Europe to Go It Alone

February 14th, 2024 search:

06. The Guardian
‘It has really gotten out of hand’: wage theft rampant in US construction



February 13th, 2024 search:

07. USA Today
(By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)

Biden condemns Trump's NATO threat as 'un-American signal' to world

February 14th, 2024 search:

08. USA Today
(By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)

6 years after Parkland shooting, school librarian works hard to make her space the safest

February 14th, 2024 search:

09. USA Today
(By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)

Trump NRA speech shows his cowardice on gun violence, school shootings

February 14th, 2024 search:

10. USA Today
(By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)

Valentine's Day, winter weather, Trump, Mayorkas, Biden, NATO, Israel, Russia, Parkland, Beyoncé: Daily Briefing



February 13th, 2024 search:

11. Los Angeles Times
Why replacing Biden with Newsom or some 'mythical perfect Democrat' is unlikely

February 13th, 2024 search:

12. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos
Forgetting dates doesn't mean President Biden's decision-making or cognitive fitness is failing: Doctors



I did not select any articles from this category.



February 13th, 2024 search:

13. NBC News
Democrat Tom Suozzi wins N.Y. special election to replace George Santos

February 13th, 2024 search:

14. The Guardian
New York special election: Tom Suozzi wins seat vacated by George Santos in boost for Biden



February 13th, 2024 search:

15. AP News
Trump's pick to lead the RNC is facing skepticism from some Republicans

February 13th, 2024 search:

16. Politico
Trump loved RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel — until he didn't

February 13th, 2024 search:

17. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos
Trump allies back his NATO comments, but some Republicans say they were a 'mistake'

February 14th, 2024 search:

18. The Guardian
Republicans’ topsy-turvy take on aid for Ukraine reveals party in thrall to Trump

February 14th, 2024 search:

19. AP News
GOP Speaker Johnson says House won't be 'rushed' to approve aid for Ukraine as $95B package stalls

February 14th, 2024 search:

20. The New York Times
(By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
Opinion | With the Ukraine Aid Vote, the Republicans Are Isolationist Again



I did not select any articles from this category.



February 13th, 2024 search:

21. Hindustan Times
Biden condemns 'dangerous' Trump NATO remarks, calls for Ukraine funding



I did not select any articles from this category.



February 13th, 2024 search:

22. USA Today
(By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)

Why Uber, Lyft drivers are striking at 10 US airports on Valentine's Day

February 13th, 2024 search:

23. CNN
Uber, Lyft and Deliveroo workers in US and UK plan Valentine’s Day strike



I did not select any articles from this category.

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (February 14th, 2024)


February 16th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 15th, 2024: This 'update' that I am writing today, February 16th, 2024, is only from my news searches on Google, which I do as often as I can manage.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, lately I am simply checking the news as often as I can manage. And, I usually check what's happening in the world via various Google searches that I do under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Google news searches. Plus, I am currently writing separate 'updates' for the news articles that I read from the news organizations to which I subscribe that send me email newsletters.

So, without further ado, I was doing my occasional news searches on Google today February 16th, 2024, as well as yesterday, February 15th, 2024, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

Plus, I am listing these articles by the initial Google search category under which I found each article, as listed above. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.]


February 16th, 2024 search:

01. The New York Times
(By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
Trump's NATO Threat Reflects a Wider Shift on America's Place in the World

February 16th, 2024 search:

02. NPR (National Public Radio)
The Romance Between The American Right, Russia And Putin : Consider This from NPR

By the way, I also listened to the podcast accompanying the article above that is titled the same as the article.

February 16th, 2024 search:

03. (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)
New HHS Study Finds Nearly $124 Billion Positive Fiscal Impact of Refugees and Asylees ["a person who is seeking or has been granted political asylum"] on the American Economy ...

February 16th, 2024 search:

04. U.S. News & World Report
Despite the Evidence, Nearly 15% of Americans Deny Climate Change

February 16th, 2024 search:

05. Pew Research Center
8 facts about Black Americans and the news



February 15th, 2024 search:

06. AP News
Palestinians living in US will be shielded from deportation, the White House says

February 15th, 2024 search:

07. The New York Times
(By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
Biden Shields Palestinians in the U.S. From Deportation

February 15th, 2024 search:

08. CBS News
Biden protects Palestinian immigrants in the U.S. from deportation, citing Israel-Hamas war

February 16th, 2024 search:

09. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos
Red state economies are surging under Biden. Here's why.

February 16th, 2024 search:

10. USA Today
(By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)
'Don't Say Gay' just the beginning. More states banning sex, LGBTQ ed



February 16th, 2024 search:

11. AP News
Recession has struck some of the world's top economies. The US keeps defying expectations



I did not select any articles from this category.



February 15th, 2024 search:

12. CNN
Top Democrat raises questions over key witness in the GOP impeachment inquiry of President Joe Biden

February 15th, 2024 search:

13. Newsweek
Texas Judge Hands Joe Biden Big Win - Medicare



February 15th, 2024 search:

14. AP News
Democrats embrace tougher border enforcement, seeing Trump's demolition of deal as a 'gift'



February 15th, 2024 search:

15. Politico
Republicans admit it. Kevin McCarthy has never looked so good.

February 15th, 2024 search:

16. Politico
Senior Republicans fear Trump will tap the RNC to cover legal bills again



February 16th, 2024 search:

17. Politico
The nation's cartoonists on the week in politics

[Blogger's Note: By the way, I selected the political cartoon "FRIENDS OF PUTIN" out of the cartoon carousel. Plus, I always try to take the time look at the advertisements in these "cartoon carousels" in order to appreciate the fact that I am able to read these political cartoons based upon their ads!]



February 15th, 2024 search:

18. Times of India
Israel complains after Vatican denounces 'carnage' and disproportionate response in Gaza



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (February 16th, 2024)


February 17th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 16th, 2024: I received an email from Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) yesterday, February 16th, 2024, with the subject line "Add your name to restore GI Bill benefits for Black veterans", which stated the following:


When the GI Bill was originally signed into law in 1944, it promised prosperity to our 16 million WWII veterans for years to come – yet, Black veterans didn’t benefit. There were massive gaps in wealth, education, and civil rights between white and Black veterans, making it difficult for Black veterans to pursue higher education, apply for unemployment insurance, or purchase their first homes.

The good news is, there’s a bill in Congress that seeks to rectify these injustices. The GI Bill Restoration Act would help repair the economic harm experienced by Black World War II veterans and their families who were denied full access to GI Bill benefits.

This is where you come in: As leading voices in the fight to protect post-9/11 GI bill benefits, IAVA members have an opportunity to speak up for WWII veterans as well.

Will you sign our petition today to call on Congress to pass the GI Bill Restoration Act?

Your advocacy can help affected veterans and their families access the VA home loan guarantee, receive educational benefits, and even create a study to fix inequities in how benefits are given to minority veterans.

This Black History Month – and every month – we’re fighting to correct historic injustices like these and we won’t rest until we secure benefits like those that all our WWII veterans earned. Add your name to our petition now >>>***

Thank you,


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Who You're Contacting:

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
[Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]
[Phone number redacted]

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
[Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]
[Phone number redacted]

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
[Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]
[Phone number redacted]

What You're Saying

Subject: Please pass the GI Bill Restoration Act

[Decision Maker]:

When the GI Bill was originally signed into law in 1944, it promised prosperity to our 16 million WWII veterans for years to come – yet, Black veterans didn’t benefit. There were massive gaps in wealth, education, and civil rights between white and Black veterans, making it difficult for Black veterans to pursue higher education, apply for unemployment insurance, or purchase their first homes.

The GI Bill Restoration Act would help repair the economic harm experienced by Black World War II veterans and their families who were denied full access to GI Bill benefits. Passing it can help affected veterans and their families access the VA home loan guarantee, receive educational benefits, and even create a study to fix inequities in how benefits are given to minority veterans.

We’re fighting to correct historic injustices like these and we won’t rest until we secure benefits like those that all our WWII veterans earned.

Please pass the GI Bill Restoration Act!

[Your name]
[Your email address]

Contact Information

First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
Email: [redacted]
Address: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
ZIP Code: 97209


And, after I sent the letter above to my Senators and Representative in Congress, via the IAVA website, I made a one-time donation to Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) in order to show my support for our U.S. Veterans!

–Paul Whiting (written February 17th, 2024 and revised April 10th, 2024)


February 17th, 2024 Update No. 2: I received an email from Planned Parenthood Action Fund today, February 17th, 2024, with the subject line, "INSIDE: A 'landmark victory for reproductive freedom.'", which stated the following:

Planned Parenthood Action Fund Update

Action Fund Update is the monthly newsletter for members of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund. As an associate member of the Action Fund, you'll receive timely, insider information on our legislative, advocacy, and electoral work.

Member News

I can't believe how far lawmakers will go to push anti-abortion policies just to deny our basic human rights, Paul.

Even in states that already have abortions bans, some lawmakers are pushing even more restrictions on abortion. For example: in Indiana, Missouri, Oklahoma, and West Virginia, bans and restrictions are still being introduced despite existing total abortion bans.

I don't need to tell you that this is completely absurd. And I definitely don't need to tell you that once again, politicians who want to ban abortion are showing their hand. They're not concerned about the health of their constituents; they're concerned about power and control over our bodies and our lives.

But we haven't stopped fighting back. By the second month of 2024, over 265 bills to protect and expand access to abortion have been filed across 35 states — with additional bills introduced to protect access to birth control, maternal health, and transgender health care.

We're doing a lot — and so are you. Thank you for fighting with us and taking action.

In solidarity,

[Name redacted], [Title redacted]
Planned Parenthood Action Fund

P.S. Based on our records, it looks like your Associate Membership is going to expire soon. Don't miss out on timely, insider information on Planned Parenthood Action Fund's advocacy, legislative work, and electoral endorsements, as well as volunteer opportunities in your area. Click here to renew your membership.*

Candidate Endorsement News

We're committed to supporting these champions of reproductive health. Planned Parenthood Action Fund is proud to endorse:

Sarah McBride (DE)

When Sarah McBride was elected to the state Senate in Delaware in 2020, she made history as the first openly transgender state senator in U.S. history. Sarah led the successful effort to pass landmark non-discrimination protections in the state, served as a national spokesperson for the Human Rights Campaign, and, as a state senator, passed legislation expanding access to health care. If elected, McBride will become the first openly transgender person to serve in Congress.

Michelle Vallejo (TX)

Michelle Vallejo is a businesswoman and community leader running to represent Texas’s 15th Congressional District and fight for working class South Texans. In Congress, she will work tirelessly for reproductive freedom. Vallejo is running in a rematch against anti-choice politician Rep. Monica De La Cruz. Texas’s 15th Congressional District will be a critical seat to flip in order to reclaim a pro-sexual and reproductive rights majority in the House.

Take Action

Tell the Senate to Swiftly Confirm Nicole Berner

In November, Nicole Berner was nominated by President Biden to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. She is an outstanding lawyer who has dedicated her career to protecting civil and human rights — including reproductive, LGBTQ+, and workers’ rights (and she’s a former lawyer for Planned Parenthood!). If confirmed, she would be the first out lesbian to sit on this court.

In an election year with so many threats to our reproductive rights, we need the U.S. Senate to swiftly confirm Nicole Berner. It only takes 30 seconds to leave a voicemail!

Take action >>***

[Blogger's Note: I was seriously thinking about taking this action by writing to my Senators (asking them to confirm Nicole Berner to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit), since I prefer to communicate in writing with my representatives in government—that way, I have a written record of what I communicated. However, I usually only communicate with my representatives in Congress when I am asking them to either vote "Yes," or "No" on specific legislation. Thus—to the best of my knowledge—I have never written to them asking to confirm a particular judge. That is why I opted to not take this specific action.]

State Spotlight: Pennsylvania

Finally, some good news: Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court ruled last month that a lower court must hear an Equal Protection challenge of an old state law that limits Medicaid coverage of abortion. This is a major win for abortion access, and attorneys for the state’s abortion providers — including Pennsylvania’s three Planned Parenthood affiliates — are preparing for next steps to eliminate the coverage ban for good.

Here’s what this means — and what’s next:

Around the Web

The Guardian: Republicans are redefining the word ‘equal’ in an Iowa anti-trans bill

CBS News: Abortion care access in Maryland supported by $15.6M in investments

AP News: Near-total abortion ban rejected by Virginia House panel


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

By the way, I read all of the articles referenced in the email above including the article referenced about how 'Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court ruled last month that a lower court must hear an Equal Protection challenge of an old state law that limits Medicaid coverage of abortion,' which is titled, "Pennsylvania Supreme Court Rules in Favor of State’s Abortion Providers in Critical Abortion Rights Case." I also read all of the articles listed under the 'State Spotlight' and the 'Around the Web' sections above, which is what I always do when I receive these monthly newsletters from Planned Parenthood Action Fund—in addition to taking any requested action from the newsletter, if I haven't already taken that same requested action (or, those same requested actions), as noted from previous 'updates.'

*And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, regarding renewing my Associate Membership for the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, which can be found below:

Become a Planned Parenthood Action Fund Associate Member.

By submitting this form, I affirm that I want to become an associate member of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund.

First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Postal Code: [redacted]
Email: [redacted]
Mobile Phone (Optional): [redacted]


And, after submitting the form above, I received a confirmation email today, February 17th, 2024, from the Planned Parenthood Action Fund with the subject line, "Thank you for your Associate Membership!", which stated the following:

Dear Paul,

Thank you for standing with us as an Associate Member of Planned Parenthood Action Fund!

Membership is free and allows you full access to timely Action Fund updates, including information about our grassroots organizing, legislative and regulatory advocacy, electoral endorsements, and volunteer opportunities in your area — and gives you an opportunity to vote for a member of the Action Fund Board of Directors.

You can also follow Planned Parenthood Action Fund on Facebook and Twitter.

We are so glad to have you with us!

Planned Parenthood Action Fund

And to clarify: I usually make a one-time donation to Planned Parenthood Action Fund after I renew my Associate Membership for the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, however I renewed my Associate Membership last month on January 13th, 2024 (please see my 'January 13th, 2024 Update No. 1,' which can be found above) and I made a one-time donation to Planned Parenthood Action Fund then "in order to show my support for the Action Fund Update monthly newsletter, as well as for my 'Associate Membership of Planned Parenthood Action Fund'"; thus, I opted to renew my Associate Membership without donating this month.**

–Paul Whiting (written February 17th, 2024 and revised March 16th, 2024)

**P.S.: Just so you know, I used to make one-time donations to the organization that is the subject of these 'updates' each time that I took an action as requested by that organization; however, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am really 'tightening my belt,' so to speak, with regard to all of the donations that I am making on my credit card each month! My plan is to only donate to political, progressive and charitable organizations if they specifically ask for donations—and not just for the sake of donating to them at least once per month, or even when I have been taking some sort of action, such as signing a petition, or sending a letter, etc. Thus, I am trying to greatly reduce the number of donations that I make to simply once in a while, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis! You see, there are a lot of organizations that I literally donate to only once per year—such as for Giving Tuesday—which is all that I ever donate to them. And that is basically what I am striving for, so that I am still donating to political, progressive and charitable organizations, but the bare minimum that I can donate, since that's all I can really afford." [Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 4, Written On December 1st, 2023 About November 2023 (that also appears as 'November 30th, 2023 Update No. 2, Written On December 1st, 2023' on some of my blogs), which can be found above.]


February 19th, 2024 Update No. 1: I have consolidated the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

Therefore, I have combined every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The first political communication to which I responded was a text message today, February 19th, 2024, from the Democratic Governors Association (DGA), which stated the following:

Hi Paul, it's [name redacted] from the DGA. It's Presidents Day, so we're surprising our two FAVORITE Presidents with a special card! 🤫🎉

Will you show Joe Biden and Barack Obama how much they mean to you by signing their card? You can even write them a message!***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:



We're launching this card to show President Biden and President Obama how thankful we are for their leadership and wish them a Happy Presidents Day!

Now we need 10,000 top Democrats to fill up their card - add your name before midnight to wish them well. You can even leave them a personal note with your signature!

Email: [redacted]
ZIP Code: [redacted]

Add a message for Joe and Barack:

"Happy Presidents' Day," Joe and Barack!


Democratic Governors Association

Democratic Presidential Focus Group | Immediate Response Requested

Thank you for responding. Will you please take a moment to complete this brief survey? Your feedback is essential in helping us develop a winning strategy for success this November and beyond.

Deadline: 11:59 P.M. on February 19th

Who is your favorite Democratic President?

[  ] Joe Biden
[  ] Barack Obama
[  ] Bill Clinton
[  ] Jimmy Carter
[✓] Other: All of the above!

How would you grade Pres. Biden's job performance?

[✓] A
[  ] B
[  ] C
[  ] D
[  ] F

Recent polls show President Biden neck-and-neck with Donald Trump in a series of hypothetical matchups. With the 2024 campaign well underway, we need to hear from top Democrats immediately.

If the 2024 election were held today, would you vote for Joe Biden?

[✓] Yes, I would!
[  ] No, I wouldn't.
[  ] Unsure

Donald Trump knows he needs allies in the states, so he continues to back MAGA candidates across the country. How concerned are you about the possibility of more Trump Republicans winning in 2024?

[✓] Extremely concerned
[  ] Very concerned
[  ] Somewhat concerned
[  ] Not at all concerned

GOP governors have pushed countless pieces of dangerous radical legislation. Of those listed below, which is the most concerning to you and your family?

[  ] Near-total abortion bans and restrictions on reproductive health care

[  ] Dangerous efforts to undermine the right to vote

[  ] Cruel legislation attacking and further marginalizing LGBTQ+ communities

[  ] Draconian laws that ban or severely limit discussion of important topics on our country's history in classrooms

[  ] More "criminal carry" laws, removing permit requirements for concealed carry weapons and making our communities less safe

[  ] Economic policies that only benefit those at the top

[✓] Other: All of the above!

If Democrats are going to protect the presidency and win in November we'll need to ensure President Biden and Vice President Harris have the partners they need in the states.

But we can't help Democratic governors without your support. Will you invest $100 to help us elect Democratic governors and defeat the GOP's radical right-wing agenda once and for all?

[  ] Yes, I will give $100!
[✓] No, I can't give that much.

We understand that giving at that level might be tough right now. But the DGA is working tirelessly to elect Democrats across the country and defend our democracy. And during this critical turning point for our country, we can't afford to miss any fundraising goals.

Major victories in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022, and 2023 were made possible by good Democrats like you who were FIRED UP to elect Democrats and defeat Donald Trump and his extremist allies across the country - but we just pulled your supporter record, and here's what we found:

Given to DGA today? Not Yet
Suggested donation: $30.17

Electing Democrats across the country is so critical that a group of generous donors is DOUBLING every gift up to our $25,000 goal. Will you give $30.17, or whatever you can, right now?

[✓] Yes, I'll give $3.*
[  ] Yes, I'll give $30.17! (This is what most Democrats are giving.)
[  ] Yes, and I'll give more!

*[Blogger's Note: I selected this option—although I donated less than $3—because it's an option that got me to the donation webpage!]


If we want to stop the Republicans' dangerous agenda, we have to keep pace with the GOP's millions in fundraising - but right now, not enough Democrats are donating, and we're falling way short of our goal.

Closing this gap is so important that a group of donors is DOUBLING every gift up to our goal, so please don't wait: Rush your gift and get every dollar matched to elect Democratic governors!

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Democratic Action.

[  ] Donate $1 →

[  ] Donate $5 →

[  ] Donate $10 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[✓] Other amount $1.00

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[  ] Add custom amount

[✓] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DGA (without a tip to ActBlue) in order to "show Joe Biden and Barack Obama how much they mean to [me] by signing their card!"

P.S.: The reason that I only donated $1.00 to the DGA is because I simply wanted to "SIGN THE CARD TO WISH PRESIDENT BIDEN AND PRESIDENT OBAMA HAPPY PRESIDENTS DAY," so that is why I made a donation in the amount that I did.


The second political communication to which I responded was an email from the Biden for President campaign (Biden Victory Fund) today, February 19th, 2024, with the subject line, "Do you want to meet me, Barack, and Bill?", which stated the following:

Biden-Harris 2024


We recently launched a contest to give donors like you a chance to spend an evening with President Obama, President Clinton, and me.

It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to meet not one, not two, but THREE presidents! (And my campaign will cover the costs of your flight and hotel.)

If that’s all you need to hear, use this link to be automatically entered for a chance to meet me, Barack, and Bill:***

People ask me all the time if these messages asking for $25 really matter in a presidential election that will cost so much money to win.

Yes. They do.

Grassroots donors like you who give to these messages are the backbone of my campaign. So when you see our ads on TV and our numbers rising in the polls, your support is a big reason for that success.

Today your donation also gets you and a guest a chance to meet and take a photo with three presidents.

Don’t wait, Paul: Pitch in $25 or any amount that is meaningful to you for a chance to meet us! I speak for the other presidents when I say we are excited to meet you.

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

[  ] $25 >>
[  ] $50 >>
[  ] $75 >>
[  ] $100 >>
[  ] $125 >>
[✓] Other >>***

Hope to see you soon!


Joe Biden
President of the United States

"My dad used to have an expression -- 'It's the lucky person who gets up in the morning, puts both feet on the floor, knows what they are about to do, and thinks it still matters.' Your support matters. Your donation matters." -- Joe Biden

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Want to spend "An Evening with the Presidents"? Donate today!

By donating, you and a guest could win:

🇺🇸 An evening with President Joe Biden, President Barack Obama, and President Bill Clinton!
📸 A photo with the Presidents
✈️ Free flights and hotel stay for the event

Don't miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Donate now for your chance to win and support Democrats nationwide.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Biden Victory Fund.

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $46 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[  ] Donate $2,000 →

[✓] Other amount $1.00

Please leave us a tip

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[  ] Add custom amount

[✓] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Biden Victory Fund (the Biden for President campaign) (without a tip to ActBlue) in order to enter for a chance to win "this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity" to spend "an evening with President Joe Biden, President Barack Obama, and President Bill Clinton!"

P.S.: The reason that I only donated $1.00 to the Biden for President campaign (Biden Victory Fund) is because I simply wanted to enter to win "a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to meet not one, not two, but THREE presidents," so that is why I made a donation in the amount that I did.

P.P.S.: This 'February 19th, 2024 Update No. 1' incorrectly had the reason for donating for this second political communication to which I responded as:

"And so, I made a one-time donation to the Biden Victory Fund (the Biden for President campaign) (without a tip to ActBlue) in order to/ because "reason for donating."

You see, I create a lot of templates for my writing on my blogs in order to keep the writing on my blogs consistent. Thus, the "reason for donating" portion of the template on my 'updates' for political donations starts out looking like this:

And so, I made a one-time donation to the [campaign/organization name] (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to/ because "reason for donating."

And I didn't notice this error until today, March 18th, 2024! So, that is why I corrected the "reason for donating" on this 'update' to: " order to enter for a chance to win 'this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity' to spend 'an evening with President Joe Biden, President Barack Obama, and President Bill Clinton!'", which is how it was supposed to be! This blogger regrets the error.

Thus, this one organization—the DGA—as well as this one campaign—Biden for President (Biden Victory Fund)—are the political organization, and the political campaign, that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written February 19th, 2024, revised March 18th, 2024 and revised April 17th, 2024)


February 19th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 17th, 2024: This 'update' that I am writing today, February 19th, 2024, is only from my news searches on Google, which I do as often as I can manage.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, lately I am simply checking the news as often as I can manage. And, I usually check what's happening in the world via various Google searches that I do under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Google news searches. Plus, I am currently writing separate 'updates' for the news articles that I read from the news organizations to which I subscribe that send me email newsletters.

So, without further ado, I was doing my occasional news searches on Google today February 19th, 2024, as well as yesterday, February 17th, 2024, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

Plus, I am listing these articles by the initial Google search category under which I found each article, as listed above. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.]


I did not select any articles from this category.



February 19th, 2024 search:

01. NBC News
Neo-Nazis march in Nashville, leave after being challenged

February 19th, 2024 search:

02. USA Today
(By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)
Travel to US becoming less popular as fears mount over gun violence



I did not select any articles from this category.



February 17th, 2024 search:

03. NPR (National Public Radio)
Biden visits East Palestine a year after a train derailment changed the Ohio town

February 17th, 2024 search:

04. CBS News
Biden vows to continue to hold Norfolk Southern accountable for derailment in East Palestine, Ohio

February 19th, 2024 search:

05. NPR (National Public Radio)
In historians' Presidents Day survey, Biden vs. Trump is not a close call



I did not select any articles from this category.



February 19th, 2024 search:

06. AP News
Biden's rightward shift on immigration angers advocates. But it's resonating with many Democrats



February 17th, 2024 search:

07. The New York Times
(By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
Trump Fully Devours the Republican Establishment

February 17th, 2024 search:

08. Newsweek
Fox News Blasts Republicans for Killing 'Strongest' Border Bill

February 19th, 2024 search:

09. CNN
High-profile Republicans head for the exits amid House GOP dysfunction

February 19th, 2024 search:

10. AP News
The Republican Party is seeing a growing acceptance of Russian expansionism in the age of Donald Trump (Stalled US aid for Ukraine underscores GOP’s shift away from confronting Russia)



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (February 19th, 2024)


February 20th, 2024 Update No. 1, Written On February 21st, 2024: I have consolidated the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

Therefore, I have combined every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The only political communication to which I responded was a text message yesterday, February 20th, 2024, from the Rob Lubin for Congress campaign, which stated the following:

Hey! It's Rob Lubin. I'm a lifelong New Yorker, small business owner, and a son of an immigrant - and I'm running for Congress as the only Democrat to flip one of the most winnable districts.

There are lots of campaign texts going around, but give me just a few seconds to tell you why I think making a donation today is the best investment you can make this cycle.

Winning this district will all but guarantee Democrats will take back the House in 2024. NY-02 is a huge pickup opportunity for Democrats, and if we win here, we win everywhere - and we can win.

My campaign is up for the challenge. We're making the right investments and we have boots on the ground talking to every single voter in Long Island - but we need help to do so.

That's where you come in. Will you chip in $5 or any other amount to flip a winnable seat for Dems today?***

I'm so grateful to have your support!

- Rob

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Can you give $5, $10, or even $25 to support my campaign to turn Long Island blue?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Rob Lubin.

[  ] DONATE $5 →

[  ] DONATE $10 →

[  ] DONATE $25 →

[✓] OTHER AMOUNT $3.00

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Rob Lubin for Congress campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, February 20th, 2024, in order to "to support [Mr. Lubin's] campaign to turn Long Island blue," because "NY-02 is a huge pickup opportunity for Democrats, and if we win here, we win everywhere."

Thus, this one campaign—Rob Lubin for Congress—is the political campaign that I donated to yesterday! –Paul Whiting (written February 21st, 2024 and revised April 17th, 2024)


February 20th, 2024 Update No. 2, Written On February 21st, 2024: I received an email from the American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon (ACLU of Oregon) yesterday, February 20th, 2024, with the subject line, "Oregonians deserve better than House Bill 4002!", which stated the following:

ACLU OF OREGON CALL TO ACTION: We cannot repeat the massively expensive failures and government violence of the war on drugs. OREGON NEEDS TREATMENT, NOT JAIL. NO ON HB 4002 and HB 4036.


Paul –

For many months now, the ACLU of Oregon community has repeatedly asked state lawmakers for real solutions, to drug addiction and homelessness instead of the false promises of criminalization and jails.

Lawmakers are hearing us! Because we've been speaking up, lawmakers have not yet moved forward with harmful bills – including HB 4002 and HB 4036 – that would criminalize people experiencing drug addiction and poverty.


We need everyone to continue contacting lawmakers. Our voices are needed to counteract the multiple special interest groups who are pressuring our lawmakers to pass bad, harmful criminalization policies:

[✓] One of the interest groups (* is funded by billionaires and led by the former chief of the Oregon prisons.

[✓] Another is a dark money group (* founded by a national Republican political operative and oil industry lobbyists; they're pushing for HB 4036, an extreme Republican-sponsored bill that would jail people with addictions for 364 days, assess them a $6,250 fine, or both.

*[Blogger's Note: I read the ACLU of Oregon's webpage titled, "SOLUTIONS FOR SAFE AND JUST COMMUNITIES," which is referenced in the hyperlink above, including all of the articles referenced in the webpage.]

By completing this action alert, you also have the opportunity to amplify serious concerns that the [title redacted] of the Oregon Supreme Court expressed about HB 4002.

Let's continue asking our lawmakers to support proven and real solutions including more treatment, housing, prevention education, and non-police mobile crisis response teams.

Thank you for continuing to take action with us to create an Oregon of thriving communities, not more jails and prisons.

[Name redacted]
Pronouns: She, her, hers
[Title redacted], ACLU of Oregon

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

ACLU of Oregon


Act Now

ACLU OF OREGON CALL TO ACTION: We cannot repeat the massively expensive failures and government violence of the war on drugs. Oregon needs treatment, not jail. No on HB 4002 and 4036!

For many months now, the ACLU of Oregon community has repeatedly asked state lawmakers for real solutions to drug addiction and homelessness, instead of the false promises of criminalization and jails. We’ve asked for proven solutions including more treatment, housing, prevention education, and non-police mobile crisis response teams.

Lawmakers are hearing us! Because we’ve been speaking up, lawmakers have not yet moved forward with harmful bills — including HB 4002 and HB 4036 — that would criminalize people experiencing drug addiction and poverty.

We need everyone to continue contacting lawmakers. Our voices are needed to counteract the multiple special interest groups who are pressuring our lawmakers to pass these bad, harmful policies.

[✓] One of the interest groups is funded by billionaires and led by the former chief of the Oregon prisons.
[✓] Another is a dark money group founded by a national Republican political operative and oil industry lobbyists; they’re pushing for HB 4036, the extreme Republican-sponsored bill that would jail people with addictions for 364 days, assess them a $6,250 fine, or both.

We also need everyone to help amplify serious concerns shared by the [title redacted] of the Oregon Supreme Court about HB 4002, including that:

[✓] Oregon courts do not have the systems or staffing to implement this criminalization bill.
[✓] The current lack of public defense attorneys will result in these cases being dismissed, before the court can legally require people to go to treatment.
[✓] Courts anticipate a high failure rate with people who are required to get treatment in lieu of jail, creating a cycle of people in and out of jail for not appearing for court dates — which will strain the court’s limited staff time and resources even more.
[✓] Currently, very few programs to divert people away from jail exist, and lawmakers have not provided a timeline for creating these programs.
[✓] Access to treatment and criminal charges will be done in an unfair, inconsistent way across Oregon.

Please complete this action alert today and tell our lawmakers: No to HB 4002 and HB 4036. We need proven and real solutions — more treatment, housing, prevention education, and non-police mobile crisis response units — NOT more jails and prisons.



Dear Oregon Lawmakers,

I strongly oppose HB 4002 and HB 4036.

Oregon needs real solutions to drug addiction and homelessness instead of the false promises of criminalization and jails. We need proven solutions including more treatment, housing, prevention education, non-police mobile crisis response teams, and community revitalization programs.

I’ve learned that multiple special interest groups — including one led by the former chief of the Oregon prisons and a dark money group founded by a national Republican political operative and oil industry lobbyists — are pressuring state lawmakers to criminalize people experiencing drug addiction and poverty. Please resist pressure from these groups to pass bad public policy that will harm Oregonians.

Even the [title redacted] of the Oregon Supreme Court has expressed concerns about HB 4002, including that:

— Oregon courts do not have the systems or staffing to implement this criminalization bill.

— The current lack of public defense attorneys will result in these cases being dismissed, before the court can legally require people to go to treatment.

— Courts anticipate a high failure rate with people who are required to get treatment in lieu of jail, creating a cycle of people in and out of jail for not appearing for court dates – which will strain the court’s limited staff time and resources even more.

— Currently, very few programs to divert people away from jail exist, and lawmakers have not provided a timeline for creating these programs.

— Access to treatment and criminal charges will be done in an unfair, inconsistent way across Oregon.

HB 4036 is even more extreme. Currently, there are too many Oregonians experiencing addiction and poverty whose private suffering is in public view because they are unhoused. How is jail for 364 days and a fine of $6,250 going to help people living on our streets successfully finish treatment or secure housing? It will not. Instead, it will make it even more difficult for people to access treatment, housing, jobs, and a stable future.

I adamantly oppose any and all actions by lawmakers to arrest, jail and fine Oregonians experiencing drug addiction. Criminalization and fines are not real solutions to drug addiction or homelessness. Proven solutions are more treatment, housing, prevention education, non-police mobile crisis teams, and community revitalization programs.

I urge you to vote NO on HB 4002 and HB 4036.


[First Name] [Last Name]


Salutation (required by some officials): Mr.
First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
E-mail address: [redacted]
Address: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Zip Code: [redacted]
Phone: [redacted]

And so, I sent the letter above to Oregon Lawmakers, via the ACLU of Oregon's website yesterday, February 20th, 2024, in order to urge Oregon Lawmakers to "vote NO on HB 4002 and HB 4036," because "Oregon needs real solutions to drug addiction and homelessness instead of the false promises of criminalization and jails," since "we need proven solutions including more treatment, housing, prevention education, non-police mobile crisis response teams, and community revitalization programs." –Paul Whiting (February 21st, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, I used to make one-time donations to the organization that is the subject of these 'updates' each time that I took an action as requested by that organization; however, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am really 'tightening my belt,' so to speak, with regard to all of the donations that I am making on my credit card each month! My plan is to only donate to political, progressive and charitable organizations if they specifically ask for donations—and not just for the sake of donating to them at least once per month, or even when I have been taking some sort of action, such as signing a petition, or sending a letter, etc. Thus, I am trying to greatly reduce the number of donations that I make to simply once in a while, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis! You see, there are a lot of organizations that I literally donate to only once per year—such as for Giving Tuesday—which is all that I ever donate to them. And that is basically what I am striving for, so that I am still donating to political, progressive and charitable organizations, but the bare minimum that I can donate, since that's all I can really afford." [Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 4, Written On December 1st, 2023 About November 2023 (that also appears as 'November 30th, 2023 Update No. 2, Written On December 1st, 2023' on some of my blogs), which can be found above.]


February 22nd, 2024 Update No. 1: I have consolidated the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

Therefore, I have combined every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The only political communication to which I responded was an email from the Mondaire Jones for Congress (Mondaire for Congress) campaign today, February 22nd, 2024, with the subject line, "Subject line", which stated the following:

Hi Paul,

When I launched my first campaign in 2019, I knew it was going to be a long shot. I was up against better known and better-funded opponents.

Growing up poor, Black, and gay, I never saw anyone like me running for office, let alone the U.S. House of Representatives. In fact, someone like me had never been elected to Congress—whether from the Hudson Valley or anywhere in America.

But I decided to run anyway—to be a voice for working families like my own. And with the help of our grassroots, people-powered movement, we shocked Washington’s political establishment and won.

I was proud to be part of the most productive Congress in modern history—rescuing the American economy during COVID, lowering prescription drug costs for seniors like my grandma, negotiating passage of the infrastructure law, creating millions of jobs, defending our democracy, and fighting for the freedom to have an abortion.

But despite this and the other progress we made, New York redistricting and political machinations pushed me out of Congress.

For the past few months, I have watched with the rest of America as the extreme MAGA Republican majority has passed policies that hurt everyday people. And they have rallied behind a twice-impeached, serially indicted criminal defendant, Donald Trump, who threatens to further undermine our democracy.

Right now, Mike Lawler represents my district after winning by only 1,820 votes. A career political operative, Lawler will say anything you want to hear, but do whatever Kevin McCarthy and the extreme MAGA Republicans tell him to do. He’s slick like the Big Oil industry he used to lobby for. And he must be defeated in order for Democrats to retake the House.

That’s why I'm not done fighting. I'm getting back in the ring.

[Screenshot of Mondaire Jones launch video with Mondaire speaking at podium and headline of Axios article that says "Most Active First-term Member of Congress."]

We've got a chance to send Lawler packing. In 2020, President Joe Biden won this House district by 10 points. If we don’t flip NY-17, Democrats are simply not taking back the House this November. Will you make a donation today to make sure I have the resources to get my campaign across the finish line?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

[  ] $5 →
[  ] $10 →
[  ] $25 →
[  ] $50 →
[  ] $100 →
[✓] Other →***

Paul, I didn’t have it easy growing up. But it was the lessons I learned from my family and Hudson Valley neighbors that got me here today.

My grandfather was a janitor, and my grandmother cleaned homes. Mom struggled with mental illness, and we often relied on government assistance to put food on the table. But thanks to the support and encouragement I received from my family and the Rockland community, I went from East Ramapo public schools to Harvard Law and the halls of Congress.

As a key player in the most productive Congress in history, the policies we enacted were personal to me. But there’s more work to do for the American people, including:

[✓] Lowering the cost of prescription drugs for everyone, even those not on Medicare
[✓] Codifying Roe v. Wade into law and protecting the freedom to have an abortion
[✓] Banning assault weapons and enacting universal background checks to keep our communities safe
[✓] Defending our democracy from the Republican assault on voting and fair elections
[✓] Protecting Social Security and Medicare from Republican cuts

Our country is at a crossroads, and I refuse to sit on the sidelines.

We still need leaders in Congress for whom policy is personal—leaders committed to creating real opportunity for all.

This race isn’t about me; it’s about the people of the Hudson Valley. With your support, we’re going to flip this district and take back the House majority—are you ready? Watch my launch video, then support our movement by making a donation of $5 or more today >>>***

Let's do this,


Mondaire Jones is running for Congress to finish the work he started last term. He’s ready to fight to lower costs for residents of the Hudson Valley, defend our democracy, raise wages, and protect reproductive rights for all. And he’s doing it without a penny from corporate PACs. Donate today to build our grassroots movement and send Mondaire Jones back to Congress and back to work.

[✓] DONATE***


[Blogger's Note: The email above mentions this campaign's launch video! Now, most of the other Democratic political campaigns for which I write these 'updates' don't necessarily have launch videos included in their introductory campaign email messages. Therefore, even though I watched this campaign's launch video, I am trying not to appear to promote this Democratic candidate's campaign, which has a launch video as part of the introductory email, more so than any of the other Democratic candidates' campaigns for which I write these 'updates.' (I hope that makes sense!)]

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Donate to send Mondaire Jones back to Congress!

["This is personal - Mondaire Jones" YouTube video.]

Mondaire Jones is running for Congress to fight for the hard-working people of NY-17.

But taking on Mike Lawler and Kevin McCarthy's Republican machine won't be easy or cheap.

Watch his launch video, then show Mondaire you're with him by chipping in $5 or more today >>>

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Mondaire Jones.

[  ] Donate $5 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $3,300 →

[  ] Donate $6,600 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Please leave us a tip

Leave a tip for ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $1 tip?

[  ] $1

[  ] $2

[  ] $3

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

[  ] Leave no tip

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Mondaire Jones for Congress (Mondaire for Congress) campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to "send Mondaire Jones back to Congress," since "Mondaire Jones is running for Congress to finish the work he started last term." That is why "he’s ready to fight to lower costs for residents of the Hudson Valley, defend our democracy, raise wages, and protect reproductive rights for all."

Thus, this one campaign—Mondaire Jones for Congress (Mondaire for Congress)—is the political campaign that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written February 22nd, 2024 and revised April 17th, 2024)


February 22nd, 2024 Update No. 2, Which Also Discusses February 21st, 2024, As Well As February 20th, 2024: This 'update' that I am writing today, February 22nd, 2024, is only from my news searches on Google, which I do as often as I can manage.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, lately I am simply checking the news as often as I can manage. And, I usually check what's happening in the world via various Google searches that I do under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Google news searches. Plus, I am currently writing separate 'updates' for the news articles that I read from the news organizations to which I subscribe that send me email newsletters.

So, without further ado, I was doing my occasional news searches on Google today February 22nd, 2024, yesterday, February 21st, 2024, as well as two days ago, February 20th, 2024, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

Plus, I am listing these articles by the initial Google search category under which I found each article, as listed above. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.]


I did not select any articles from this category.



February 21st, 2024 search:

01. CBS News
How judges in D.C. federal court are increasingly pushing back against Jan. 6 conspiracy theories



February 20th, 2024 search:

02. USA Today
(By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)
Biden campaign posts $42 million fundraising haul in January



I did not select any articles from this category.



February 20th, 2024 search:

03. Newsweek
Major Texas Newspaper Endorses Joe Biden - Houston

February 20th, 2024 search:

04. NBC News
Biden campaign and allied Democratic groups raised $42 million in January

February 20th, 2024 search:

05. Politico
Biden campaign touts $42M raised in January

February 20th, 2024 search:

06. HuffPost
Biden Campaign Raises $42 Million In January

February 20th, 2024 search:

07. CNN
Biden draws in $42 million in January amid a fresh round of Democratic handwringing



February 22nd, 2024 search:

08. Rolling Stone
Trump’s Abortion-Plan Leak Inflamed His Campaign and Energized Democrats



February 22nd, 2024 search:

09. Politico
Mike Johnson invoked God in a GOP presentation on keeping the majority. It didn't land well.

February 22nd, 2024 search:

10. HuffPost
Senate Republicans Have Rich People Problems

February 22nd, 2024 search:

11. Axios
House Republicans privately expect government shutdown

February 22nd, 2024 search:

12. NBC News
Republican dysfunction drives a wave of House retirements

February 22nd, 2024 search:

13. The New York Times
(By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)
Biden Calls Republicans in Congress 'Worse' Than Strom Thurmond



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (February 22nd, 2024)


February 23rd, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses January 20th, 2024 Through January 31st, 2024: [CONTENT WARNING: THIS UPDATE CONTAINS ARTICLES WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!] This 'update' that I am writing today, February 23rd, 2024, is only from my usual reading of The New York Times articles that I received via email for the time period of January 20th, 2024 through January 31st, 2024.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

Thus, because I have been so busy lately with "Online Activism," and also with the editing of my five blogs, I have just been reading the titles of The New York Times articles that I receive from their daily emails, as well as just reading the article titles from the other news organizations to which I subscribe in addition to The New York Times—until I can actually get around to reading the articles from those emails that I highlight in these 'updates.'

That is why I recently signed up to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe—including The New York Times—in order for me to stay informed about what's happening in the world. And so, I am also checking the news just by reading the article titles from the other news organizations to which I subscribe in addition to The New York Times. Therefore, highlighted articles from the other news organizations to which I subscribe are provided through 'updates' such as this one.

Plus, I am checking the news through Google searches again, like used to do, as often as I can manage it. You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, I am now simply checking the news via Google searches as often as I can manage to do so. And highlighted articles from those Google news searches are provided through their own 'updates.'

And I used to provide longer introductions to these New York Times articles that I highlight, which included the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all The New York Times articles 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with a hyperlink

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of the titles to The New York Times articles—including any article overviews contained within the emails—that I received for the time period of January 20th, 2024 through January 31st, 2024, when I noticed the following articles! (As mentioned above, I am a subscriber to The New York Times through a 'Basic Access - Monthly' Digital Subscription via Google Play.)

The following is the article which I received thirty four days ago, January 20th, 2024:

The first New York Times article that I read today (which I received thirty four days ago) is titled, "Louisiana Lawmakers Approve Map That Empowers More Black Voters":


The following is the article which I received thirty three days ago, January 21st, 2024:

The second New York Times article that I read today (which I received thirty three days ago) is titled, "I’ve Told My Last Trump Joke":


The following are the articles which I received thirty two days ago, January 22nd, 2024:

The third New York Times article that I read today (which I received thirty two days ago) is titled, "Here Is One Way to Steal the Presidential Election":


The fourth New York Times article that I read today (which I received thirty two days ago) is titled, "Americans Feel Better About the Economy. Will That Help Biden?":


The fifth New York Times article that I read today (which I received thirty two days ago) is titled, "Biden and Harris Target Abortion Laws, and Trump, on Roe’s 51st Anniversary":


The following is the article which I received thirty one days ago, January 23rd, 2024:

The sixth New York Times article that I read today (which I received thirty one days ago) is titled, "Supreme Court Backs Biden in Dispute With Texas Over Border Barrier":


The following are the articles which I received thirty days ago, January 24th, 2024:

The seventh New York Times article that I read today (which I received thirty days ago) is titled, "Tracker Biden Receives Endorsement from United Automobile Workers Union":


The eighth New York Times article that I read today (which I received thirty days ago) is titled, "New Hampshire and Iowa Reveal Broader Weaknesses for Trump":


The following are the articles which I received twenty nine days ago, January 25th, 2024:

The ninth New York Times article that I read today (which I received twenty nine days ago) is titled, "How Trump Plans to Wield Power in 2025: What We Know":


The tenth New York Times article that I read today (which I received twenty nine days ago) is titled, "Donald Trump’s 2024 Campaign, in His Own Menacing Words":


The eleventh New York Times article that I read today (which I received twenty nine days ago) is titled, "The Looming Contest Between Two Presidents and Two Americas":


The twelfth New York Times article that I read today (which I received twenty nine days ago) is titled, "The Sleepy Copyright Office in the Middle of a High-Stakes Clash Over A.I.":


The thirteenth New York Times article that I read today (which I received twenty nine days ago) is titled, "U.S. Economy Grew at 3.3% Rate in Latest Quarter":


The fourteenth New York Times article that I read today (which I received twenty nine days ago) is titled, "Yellen, Criticizing Trump, Says Biden’s Economy Has Delivered Gains":


The fifteenth New York Times article that I read today (which I received twenty nine days ago) is titled, "We Asked A.I. to Create the Joker. It Generated a Copyrighted Image.":


The following are the articles which I received twenty eight days ago, January 26th, 2024:

The sixteenth New York Times article that I read today (which I received twenty eight days ago) is titled, "Trump Strengthens Grip on Capitol Hill as He Presses Toward Nomination":


The seventeenth New York Times article that I read today (which I received twenty eight days ago) is titled, "McConnell Casts Doubt on Border Deal, Saying Trump Opposition May Sink It":


The eighteenth New York Times article that I read today (which I received twenty eight days ago) is titled, "Republican-Appointed Judge Denounces Republican Distortions of Jan. 6":


The nineteenth New York Times article that I read today (which I received twenty eight days ago) is titled, "A Key Inflation Measure Cooled in December":


The twentieth New York Times article that I read today (which I received twenty eight days ago) is titled, "Economists Predicted a Recession. So Far They’ve Been Wrong.":


The following is the article which I received twenty seven days ago, January 27th, 2024:

The twenty first New York Times article that I read today (which I received twenty seven days ago) is titled, "Elon Musk Is Spreading Election Misinformation, but X’s Fact Checkers Are Long Gone":


The following is the article which I received twenty six days ago, January 28th, 2024:

The twenty second New York Times article that I read today (which I received twenty six days ago) is titled, "Since Ohio Train Derailment, Accidents Have Gone Up, Not Down":


The following are the articles which I received twenty five days ago, January 29th, 2024:

The twenty third New York Times article that I read today (which I received twenty five days ago) is titled, "Democrats Say Biden Hasn’t ‘Made the Case’ on Climate Despite Achievements":


The twenty fourth New York Times article that I read today (which I received twenty five days ago) is titled, "Biden Ad Shows Woman Forced to Leave Texas to End Dangerous Pregnancy":

By the way, I also watched the video included in the article above that is titled, "Forced | Biden-Harris 2024."


The twenty fifth New York Times article that I read today (which I received twenty five days ago) is titled, "Democrats Seize on Texas Case in Push for Abortion Rights":

[Blogger's Note: The article above is from December 13th, 2023.]


The following are the articles which I received twenty four days ago, January 30th, 2024:

The twenty sixth New York Times article that I read today (which I received twenty four days ago) is titled, "MAGA Is Based on Fear, Not Grounded in Reality":


The twenty seventh New York Times article that I read today (which I received twenty four days ago) is titled, "If It Walks Like an Insurrection and Talks Like an Insurrection":


The following are the articles which I received twenty three days ago, January 31st, 2024:

The twenty eighth New York Times article that I read today (which I received twenty three days ago) is titled, "Meta Rejected Efforts to Improve Children’s Safety, Documents Show":




The thirtieth New York Times article that I read today (which I received twenty three days ago) is titled, "‘Your Product Is Killing People’: Tech Leaders Denounced Over Child Safety": [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE ONLINE WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]


The thirty first New York Times article that I read today (which I received twenty three days ago) is titled, "Bipartisan Bill Aims to Protect Children Online":


The thirty second New York Times article that I read today (which I received twenty three days ago) is titled, "House Passes Bipartisan Tax Bill, but Election-Year Politics Complicate Its Path":

And I decided to highlight these articles from The New York Times for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written February 23rd, 2024 and revised April 6th, 2024)


February 24th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 23rd, 2024: This 'update' that I am writing today, February 24th, 2024, is only from my news searches on Google, which I do as often as I can manage.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, lately I am simply checking the news as often as I can manage. And, I usually check what's happening in the world via various Google searches that I do under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Google news searches.

Plus, I was formerly writing separate 'updates' for the news articles that I read from the news organizations to which I subscribe that send me email newsletters. However, after I restarted writing these news 'updates' through Google searches, I figured out that I don't really have enough time available, nor enough cellular data available, to be able to continue writing those email newsletter 'updates.' Although, I do continue to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe and I read the titles of their articles to get an overview of what is happening in the world.

So, without further ado, I was doing my occasional news searches on Google today February 24th, 2024, as well as yesterday, February 23rd, 2024, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates' and I simply provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink.

Plus, I am listing these articles by the initial Google search category under which I found each article, as listed above. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.]


February 24th, 2024 search:

01. NBC News
Alabama justice who ruled embryos are people says American law should be rooted in the Bible



February 24th, 2024 search:

02. CNN

By the way, I also watched the video accompanying the article above that is titled, "See impact of two years of war on Ukraine."

In addition to reading all of the updates from the article above, I also read a CNN article titled, "Here's how to help Ukraine as the second anniversary of Russia's invasion nears."

Plus, I also donated to "Help humanitarian efforts in Ukraine" through the webpage CNN IMPACT YOUR WORLD, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Help humanitarian efforts in Ukraine


Donate via Pledge to: "Split among multiple nonprofits"

[  ] $10
[  ] $25
[✓] $50
[  ] $100
[  ] $250
[  ] Other

[✓] One-time
[  ] Monthly

Please leave us a tip

Pledge is paying the card processing fees! Please leave a tip, so we can continue to pay the fees and continuously enhance our services!

10% ($5.00 tip)

Donate ($55.00 total)


Thank You For Your Donation!

Generous gifts like yours make the world a better place.

Share with your community.

[  ] Facebook: I didn't select this option.

[✓] Twitter:

Help humanitarian efforts in Ukraine via @pledgetodogood

[  ] LinkedIn: I didn't select this option.

[  ] WhatsApp: I didn't select this option.

[  ] Reddit: I didn't select this option.

[✓] Email:

Subject: Help humanitarian efforts in Ukraine


I hope you will consider supporting this fundraiser: Help humanitarian efforts in Ukraine

It’s for a good cause!

[  ] SMS: I didn't select this option.

[✓] Copy the following text to share on additional platforms.

To donate, text UKRAINIAN to 707070 or visit

Please see the hyperlink below for the CNN IMPACT YOUR WORLD donation webpage:

February 24th, 2024 search:

03. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos
US imposes 'crushing' sanctions on Russia 2 years after Ukraine invasion

February 24th, 2024 search:

04. NBC News
Biden announces more than 500 sanctions on Russia after Navalny's death

February 24th, 2024 search:

05. Reuters
Republicans, Trump try to contain backlash from Alabama fertility ruling



February 24th, 2024 search:

06. USA Today
(By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)
Donald Trump, under fire over abortion, calls on Alabama to reverse course and protect IVF



February 23rd, 2024 search:

07. CBS News
Biden weighs invoking executive authority to stage border crackdown ahead of 2024 election



February 23rd, 2024 search:

08. Newsweek
Joe Biden Admits Republicans Were Right on the Border

February 23rd, 2024 search:

09. CNN
Biden considering new executive action to restrict asylum at the border, sources say



I did not select any articles from this category.



February 23rd, 2024 search:

10. USA Today
(By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)
Lara Trump: Republicans are willing to pay Donald Trump's legal bills

February 23rd, 2024 search:

11. AP News
Lara Trump says she thinks GOP voters would like to see RNC pay Donald Trump’s legal fees

February 23rd, 2024 search:

12. CBS News
Trump hopes to reshape RNC into "seamless operation" with leadership changes

February 23rd, 2024 search:

13. Time Magazine
(By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)
How Putin Co-Opted the Republican Party

February 23rd, 2024 search:

14. Forbes
Republicans Condemn Biden’s Proposed Border Restrictions—After Advocating Similar Policies Previously


February 24th, 2024 search:

15. CNN
Republicans struggle to respond to Alabama embryo ruling

February 24th, 2024 search:

16. Axios
Trump's GOP shows how its extremism could make it vulnerable in election

February 24th, 2024 search:

17. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos
Some Republicans are voicing doubt over Alabama IVF ruling. Democrats see an opportunity



February 24th, 2024 search:

18. NBC News
Alabama's IVF ruling puts Republicans in a political bind

February 24th, 2024 search:

19. NBC News
Calls to 'fight' and echoes of Jan. 6 embraced by CPAC attendees

February 24th, 2024 search:

20. NBC News
Jan. 6 rioter who assaulted police calls for 'accountability' for 2020 election lies



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.



I did not select any articles from this category.

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written February 24th, 2024 and revised March 17th, 2024)


February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024: This 'update' that I am writing today, February 26th, 2024, is regarding my "Post No. 149: I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" being unpublished by Blogger yesterday, February 25th, 2024, on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog. A copy of the notification email can be found below:

Subject: Your post titled "Post No. 149: I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" has been unpublished

From: Blogger [email redacted]
To: [email redacted]
Date: Feb 25, 2024, 2:32 AM


As you may know, our Community Guidelines [web address redacted] describe the boundaries for what we allow-- and don't allow-- on Blogger. Your post titled "Post No. 149: I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" was flagged to us for review. We have determined that it violates our guidelines and have unpublished the URL, making it unavailable to blog readers.

Why was your blog post unpublished?

Your content has violated our Spam policy. Please visit our Community Guidelines page linked in this email to learn more.

If you are interested in republishing the post, please update the content to adhere to Blogger's Community Guidelines. Once the content is updated, you may republish it at [web address redacted]. This will trigger a review of the post. You may have the option to pursue your claims in court. If you have legal questions or wish to examine legal options that may be available to you, you may want to consult with your own legal counsel.

For more information, please review the following resources:

Terms of Service: [web address redacted]
Blogger Community Guidelines: [web address redacted]


The Blogger Team

Now, this is by no means the first time that I have had this particular blog post unpublished by Blogger! And, the very first time that this happened, which was on April 19th, 2023, I thought that it was because of my blog post 'update' labeled, "April 18th, 2023 Update," the topic of which was Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom HaShoah) 2023.

Therefore, at that time, I just assumed that the post was unpublished due to the fact that I was using text from several websites [the organizations of which I donated to for Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom HaShoah) 2023] to which I referred in the blog post 'update' without permission from those websites. So, I kept the basic description of the reason that I had donated to those organizations for Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom HaShoah) 2023, but I removed the text, which was describing those organizations, that I had originally quoted from their websites.

Then, lo and behold, the above-mentioned blog post was republished a few hours later, after I requested a 'Review!' However, I was just guessing that the reason this particular blog post was unpublished was due to the fact that I had quoted text from the above-mentioned organizations to which I donated, since the email notification—which was identical to the email above—simply stated "Your content has violated our Spam policy." And that very first email (just like all of the other emails that followed it) didn't clarify why "[my] content [had] violated [Blogger's] Spam policy," nor, specifically, did it clarify what content was in violation!

In fact, I was so worried (panicked, really!) about the above-mentioned 'quoted text' being the actual reason my blog post was unpublished that I removed all of the 'quoted text' from every one of my 'updates' in that "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post on that same day, including all of the quotes from 'Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia' that I had referenced in my 'updates!'

Later on, though, as I noticed more, and more, instances of my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post being unpublished due to it 'violating Blogger's Spam policy,' I concluded it was, in fact, all of the web addresses that I included in the 'updates,' since I assume that Blogger tries to avoid blogs that reference a lot websites outside of Blogger, because (I assume) those referenced website are considered "Spam."

There again, though, I am only guessing!

Plus, in subsequent times that I have received these emails notifications about the above-mentioned blog post being unpublished, I have simply requested a "Review" of the blog post and—without actually changing any of the post's content—the post was republished, usually a few hours after requesting the 'Review.'

So, just like usual, I requested a 'Review' of this blog post yesterday, February 25th, 2024, at around 7:00 A.M. (PST), here in Portland, Oregon, once I noticed the email quoted above. And, as I am writing this 'update,' after 5:00 A.M. (PST), it has almost been twelve hours since I requested said 'Review' and my blog post has not been republished!

Therefore, I am thinking about editing the many 'updates' that I write regarding current news articles that I am currently reading to only include the titled of each article, the author(s) and the publishing date—without actually providing a hyperlink to each article—just in case it is all of those web addresses from these news articles that are causing this blog post to keep getting unpublished.

Although, I am just guessing!

To clarify one thing, though: doing this much editing on all of the current news 'updates' that I have written on my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post is going to take a lot of time to complete.

And, even then, that may not "do the trick," so to speak, with regard to getting this particular blog post republished; I can only do the editing and then request that the post be reviewed again (if it hasn't already been republished by then); otherwise, I may have to edit out all of the 'updates' that I write regarding current news articles that I am reading, if those 'updates' are, in fact, what's causing the 'Spam' violation.

Although, again, I am simply guessing...

–Paul Whiting (written February 26th, 2024 and revised February 27th, 2024)

P.S.: Hallelujah! My blog post "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" has been reinstated as of today, February 27th, 2024, at around 3:00 AM (PST) here in Portland, Oregon. A copy of the notification email can be found below:

Subject: Your post titled "Post No. 149: I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" has been reinstated

From: Blogger [email redacted]
Date Feb 27, 2024, 3:07 AM


We have re-evaluated the post titled "Post No. 149: I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" against Community Guidelines [web address redacted]. Upon review, the post has been reinstated. You may access the post at


The Blogger Team

Anyway, I am not sure what "did the trick," so to speak, for finally getting my blog post reinstated, as I have outlined below:

1. I don't know if it was reinstated because I wrote about the fact that it had been unpublished in this blog post 'update,' which I subsequently published on the duplicate post that I have as a backup to my "Post No. 149: I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was," since 'Post No. 149' gets unpublished by Blogger a lot! And that backup blog post can be found immediately after 'Post No. 149,' the title of which is "Post No. 150: I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was, Part 2 (THIS IS A DUPLICATE POST)";

2. I don't know if it was reinstated because I wrote about the fact that I am no longer including hyperlinks from the articles that I am reading in the current news 'updates' that I write;

3. I don't know if it was reinstated because "The Blogger Team" had the time to read my blog at around 3:00 AM (PST) today, February 27th, 2024—since they originally unpublished the post at around 2:30 AM (PST) two days ago on February 25th, 2024—and maybe "the wee, small hours of the morning" is when the 'The Blogger Team' does most of the evaluating for posts that have been flagged due to violations of their Community Guidelines and/or the reevaluating for posts that have been requested to be reviewed by Blogger; or,

4. I don't know if it was reinstated because of some other totally unrelated factor (or, factors) since that original 'unpublished notification' email on February 25th from Blogger didn't clarify why "[my] content [had] violated [Blogger's] Spam policy," nor, specifically, did it clarify what content was in violation! Plus, this 'reinstated notification' today February 27th from Blogger didn't clarify why the post had been reinstated... (And that is exactly like all of the other notification emails that I have ever received from Blogger regarding the unpublishing, or the reinstating, of blog posts.)

However, I do know that this is the longest period of time that my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post has been unpublished by Blogger at just over 48 hours [from February 25th, 2024 at 2:32 A.M. (PST) to February 27th, 2024 at 3:07 A.M. (PST)], since the previous longest period of time was (as I recall) about 11 hours.


February 26th, 2024 Update No. 2, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024: This 'update' that I am writing today, February 26th, 2024, is only from my news searches on Google, which I do as often as I can manage.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, lately I am simply checking the news as often as I can manage. And, I usually check what's happening in the world via various Google searches that I do under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Google news searches.

Plus, I was formerly writing separate 'updates' for the news articles that I read from the news organizations to which I subscribe that send me email newsletters. However, after I restarted writing these news 'updates' through Google searches, I figured out that I don't really have enough time available, nor enough cellular data available, to be able to continue writing those email newsletter 'updates.' Although, I do continue to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe and I read the titles of their articles to get an overview of what is happening in the world.

So, without further ado, I was doing my occasional news searches on Google today February 26th, 2024, as well as yesterday, February 25th, 2024, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the articles; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink; however, I think that all of those hyperlinks to current news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these current news 'updates' by first providing the original Google search category through which I found each article, as listed above, like I usually do. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.]

Then, I am providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the publisher's name and the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too! (I hope that makes sense.)


February 25th, 2024 search:

01. The New York Times
(By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)

At CPAC, Trump Invokes Clashing Visions of America's Future

He used his speech to focus on a general-election contest between him and President Biden, not once mentioning his main Republican rival, Nikki Haley.

By Jonathan Swan and Michael C. Bender | Feb. 24, 2024


February 26th, 2024 search:

02. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos

Donald Trump wants to escalate a US trade war. Did it work the first time?

Trump has proposed tariffs that could reshape the economy, experts say.

By Max Zahn | February 25, 2024


February 25th, 2024 search:

03. NBC News

Not since the 1930s has isolationist sentiment gained such prominence in the U.S. (If Trump wins, will the U.S. become isolationist?)

Trump and his Republican allies are fueling a new isolationist strain in American politics that could radically alter America’s approach to the world — with unpredictable consequences.

By Dan De Luce | Feb. 25, 2024


February 25th, 2024 search:

04. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos

How initial US support for aiding Ukraine has come to a standstill 2 years later

Vladimir Putin sees the fatigue and feels emboldened, one expert told ABC News.

By Alexandra Hutzler | February 24, 2024


February 25th, 2024 search:

05. The Guardian

‘We’re going to lose our grasp on democracy’: divided GOP voters weigh in on US aid to Ukraine

Funding to the country for its fight against Russia has split Republicans as Trump and Haley take different stances

By Joan E Greve | 24 Feb 2024


February 26th, 2024 search:

06. NBC News

Biden, Trump to hold competing trips to the U.S.-Mexico border Thursday

Biden, who last visited the southern border in January 2023, has been heavily criticized by Trump and Republicans for his handling of migrants crossing into the U.S.

By Rebecca Shabad, Kelly O'Donnell, Garrett Haake, Monica Alba, Olympia Sonnier and Carol E. Lee | Feb. 26, 2024


February 26th, 2024 search:

07. NBC News

Lindsey Graham gets booed during Trump South Carolina victory remarks

During former President Trump's victory speech, he introduced Lindsey Graham and the crowd could be heard booing the South Carolina senator. Graham goes on to say that Trump is the "most qualified man to be President of the United States."

By the way, the 'article' above is actually a video, which is why I didn't include the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date.


February 25th, 2024 search:

08. USA Today
(By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)

Trump disparages 'Black president' Obama, says voters want 'white guy'

By David Jackson | Feb. 24, 2024


February 26th, 2024 search:

09. USA Today
(By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)

Donald Trump's takeover of the Republican Party: Ronna McDaniel resigns as party chair

By David Jackson | Published Feb. 26, 2024


February 25th, 2024 search:

10. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos

As Trump warns that 'we're living in hell right now,' Biden team responds: 'Weird ramblings'

The former president's CPAC speech veered wildly in tone and topic.

By Kelsey Walsh, Isabella Murray and Hannah Demissie | February 24, 2024


February 26th, 2024 search:

11. The New York Times
(By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)

Biden Will Make Rare Visit to Southern Border on Same Day as Trump

The president, trying to go on the offensive over immigration, is planning to travel to Texas on Thursday, when Donald J. Trump is also set to visit a border city.

By Jonathan Swan, Maggie Haberman and Zolan Kanno-Youngs | Feb. 26, 2024


February 26th, 2024 search:

12. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos

Biden and Trump both heading to the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas on Thursday, according to AP sources

President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump will make dueling trips to the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas on Thursday following the failed border deal that was opposed by the Republican front-runner

By Seung Min Kim, Colleen Long, Zeke Miller and Jill Colvin Associated Press | February 26, 2024


February 26th, 2024 search:

13. NBC News

Democrats warn of a potential government shutdown as Biden calls a meeting with lawmakers

Part of the government is set to shut down at 12:01 a.m. Saturday unless Congress acts. The rest would shut down March 8.

By Scott Wong and Frank Thorp V | Feb. 26, 2024


February 25th, 2024 search:

14. AP News

An RNC member is trying to stop the party from paying Donald Trump’s legal bills

By Michelle L. Price | Updated 12:59 PM PST, February 24, 2024


February 25th, 2024 search:

15. CNN

RNC circulates resolutions that would slow Trump takeover of party and committee

By Kristen Holmes and Daniel Strauss | Updated 5:37 PM EST, Sat February 24, 2024


February 25th, 2024 search:

16. MSNBC News

Lara Trump stands to inherit a fundraising mess of Trump's making

Trump is now primed to position his daughter-in-law to use RNC funds to pay his legal fees.

By Molly Jong-Fast | Feb. 25, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written February 26th, 2024, revised March 3rd, 2024 and revised March 17th, 2024)


For my "February 26th, 2024 Update No. 3"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

February 26th, 2024 Update No. 3 ('Update' Numbering Sequence Originally From My Blog Post Titled, "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was," Which Is On My "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Blog): I received an email from the USO (United Service Organizations) today, February 26th, 2024, with the subject line, "Paul’s Military Supporter Update for February", with regard to the USO's newsletter "YOUR USO AT WORK," Issue 120 / February 2024, which stated, in part, the following:

Issue 120 / February 2024



As we celebrate the 83rd anniversary of the USO's founding and commemorate Black History Month this February, we're working hard to do all we can to support our brave heroes who are making unimaginable sacrifices to protect our country and our freedoms right now.

We recently opened three new USO Centers at Fort Moore, Neil Ash Airport and Holloman Air Force Base to provide more places for service members and their families to call their own.

We hope you enjoy reading about all the other ways we're supporting our troops this month. ...

And the following highlights from the USO's newsletter, which I selected to post, are regarding "USO Celebrates Its 83rd Birthday" and "USO and NFL Team Up To Support Service Members and Families Ahead of Super Bowl," as well as "USO and Kroger Celebrate New USO Mobile in California":


USO Celebrates Its 83rd Birthday

This month marked 83 years since the USO's founding. This is an opportunity to celebrate not just our legacy but our commitment to the well-being of those who sacrifice so much for our nation. By supporting the USO, everyone can make a positive impact in the lives of our service members and their families, no matter where the mission takes them.

If you didn’t get a chance, sign our USO birthday card now to show your commitment to supporting the people who serve. »



USO and NFL Team Up To Support Service Members and Families Ahead of Super Bowl

For more than 55 years, the USO and the NFL have worked together to honor, empower and connect the military community through a shared love of football. Earlier this month, NFL fans helped the USO prepare 10,000 USO Care Packages to be delivered to service members worldwide. And on Super Bowl Sunday, the USO hosted viewing parties all over the world so that service members could share in the excitement of the big game together.

Check out these nine facts about USO’s partnership with the NFL. »



USO and Kroger Celebrate New USO Mobile in California

Last month, we celebrated the unveiling of the USO’s 3rd Kroger Mobile that will serve as the West Coast Mobile Canteen. The event kicked off with ribbon cutting and care package events at Kroger Headquarters in Compton and continued with a “Stuff the Truck” event to support the military families at Twentynine Palms & Fort Irwin. Thank you to Kroger and the Kroger family of stores for being USO’s largest cumulative donor, raising over $41 million since 2010!

Learn more about Kroger's support for USO Mobile. »


...From all of us at the USO, thank you for being a patriotic supporter of our nation's service members!

And so, after I read the email above, I signed the USO birthday card because, "for 83 years, the USO has been by our troops’ sides from the moment they enlist to the moment they make their way back home." Plus, after I signed the card, I made a one-time donation on the website to say to our service members, "Today and everyday, we honor and appreciate everything you do to protect the country and freedom we cherish. We promise to always have your backs no matter what!"

[Blogger's Note: I already donated to the USO for their 83rd birthday on February 4th, 2024 (please see my 'February 4th, 2024 Update No. 1,' which can be found above); however, I hadn't signed this year's birthday card at that time, so that is why I donated again!]

In addition to that, I already make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! You see, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation. ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "February 26th, 2024 Update No. 3":


February 26th, 2024 Update No. 4: I received an email from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) today, February 26th, 2024, with the subject line, "Protecting Black history on campuses", which stated the following:

Paul, attacks on racial equity are getting worse.

Attacks on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs are the new frontier in the fight to erase marginalized communities. The so-called "war on woke" has escalated to targeting free speech on campuses, banning books by Black authors, restricting education on the racism our country was rooted in and which continues today, and even overturning affirmative action policies in a major Supreme Court case last year.

Now, they've taken aim at DEI programs – efforts designed to repair decades of discriminatory policies that have excluded BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and other underrepresented communities.

During Black History Month this year, we sat down with experts to talk about how these attacks on DEI programs are linked to the fight to end classroom censorship – and what we can do to fight back.


Black History Month is a time to recognize the significant achievements and culture of Black Americans – while acknowledging the history of discrimination and abuse that this country has subjected Black Americans to.

Paul, DEI programs are an essential part of achieving racial equity – equity which requires understanding and dismantling the structures maintaining white supremacy, ending censorship of Black history, and creating resources for underrepresented communities within higher education.

Tune into our podcast episode to learn how we can dismantle the anti-DEI machine.

And thank you for joining us in fighting to end censorship of Black voices and Black history this month – and every day of the year.


The ACLU Team

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


How to Dismantle the Anti-DEI Machine

February 8, 2024

Free speech on campus, book bans, education gag orders, the overturn of affirmative action, the resignation of former Harvard president Claudine Gay. All of these issues center on one hot-button topic: DEI.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) has become a staple in national vocabulary after the so-called “racial reckoning” of 2020 brought demands for racial justice to the top of institutional priorities. From schools to Fortune 500 companies to the film industry, DEI efforts had a steady surge…until they didn’t.

The burgeoning anti-DEI movement, also coined the “war on woke,” has gone from a once-fringe conservative crusade to a political machine. Already this year, about three dozen bills restricting DEI efforts, like critical race theory, have been proposed in states across the country, with more likely to emerge. Need we again mention the overturn of affirmative action? But how did we go from a public seemingly-committed to DEI to one that denounces it in the span of just a few years?

Joining us to help answer this question are Alvin B. Tillery, professor of political science at Northwestern University and director of the university’s Center for the Study of Diversity and Democracy, and Leah Watson, senior staff attorney with the ACLU’s Racial Justice Program. Together, we’ll trace the rise of the anti-DEI machine and its political ramifications for the year to come.

[Blogger's Note: I listened to the ACLU's At Liberty Podcast titled, "How to Dismantle the Anti-DEI Machine."]

Please see the hyperlink below for the webpage:

So, I wanted to share this email from the ACLU in order to show my support for the At Liberty Podcast "How to Dismantle the Anti-DEI Machine." –Paul Whiting (February 26th, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, I used to make one-time donations to the organization that is the subject of these 'updates' each time that I took an action as requested by that organization; however, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am really 'tightening my belt,' so to speak, with regard to all of the donations that I am making on my credit card each month! My plan is to only donate to political, progressive and charitable organizations if they specifically ask for donations—and not just for the sake of donating to them at least once per month, or even when I have been taking some sort of action, such as signing a petition, or sending a letter, etc. Thus, I am trying to greatly reduce the number of donations that I make to simply once in a while, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis! You see, there are a lot of organizations that I literally donate to only once per year—such as for Giving Tuesday—which is all that I ever donate to them. And that is basically what I am striving for, so that I am still donating to political, progressive and charitable organizations, but the bare minimum that I can donate, since that's all I can really afford." [Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 4, Written On December 1st, 2023 About November 2023 (that also appears as 'November 30th, 2023 Update No. 2, Written On December 1st, 2023' on some of my blogs), which can be found above.]


February 26th, 2024 Update No. 5: I have consolidated the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

Therefore, I have combined every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The first political communication to which I responded was a text message today, February 26th, 2024, from the Ro Khanna for Congress (Ro for Congress) campaign, which stated the following:

I really need you to read this text.

(But if you're short on time, please kick in $15 to replace the abysmal Republican House before you log off:***)

I don't need to tell you that Congress is broken. Republicans have done a great job of that.

So instead, I'll tell you my plan to fix it:

✅ Ban *all* PAC and lobbyist money from Congress
✅ Ban Congress members from trading stocks
✅ Enact term limits for Congress members and SCOTUS Justices
✅ Ban Congress members from ever becoming lobbyists

Hear me when I say this: so long as Republicans are in control, my ambitious plan to hold members of Congress accountable is [unattainable].

So today, I'm calling on my grassroots supporters to replace the catastrophic Republican Congress with progressive Democrats who will actually do their jobs.

I need 50 gifts before midnight to stay on track. Can I count on your $15? >>***

Ro Khanna

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Rush in a contribution!

Ro is working hard in Congress to give every American the opportunity to succeed. But the Republican House Majority is blocking his efforts at every turn.

Will you rush in a gift before midnight to help Ro flip the House blue and continue his fight for working families? >>

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Ro Khanna.

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $2 tip?

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Ro Khanna for Congress (Ro for Congress) campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) because "[Ro Khanna is] calling on [his] grassroots supporters to replace the catastrophic Republican Congress with progressive Democrats who will actually do their jobs."


The second political communication to which I responded was a text message today, February 26th, 2024, from the Susie Lee for Congress campaign, which stated the following:

Hey there!

My name is Susie Lee. I'm a mom, Democrat, and Congresswoman representing Nevada's 3rd district.

NV-03 is one of the most competitive districts in the country, and was the 2nd most targeted House race by Republicans in 2022.

I won by less than 4%, and I've already been named a frontline candidate for 2024 by the DCCC.

Republicans know that if they flip my seat red, Democrats have no chance at taking back the House. That's why GOP leadership has already been attacking me.

But I won't be intimidated. In the past four years, I've worked to protect abortion access, voting rights, our democracy, and so much more.

I'll continue to deliver results for my constituents, but I can't do it alone. Our End-of-Month deadline is right around the corner and I need your help. Can I count on your grassroots support today to help us reach our fundraising goal?

Your support means the world.

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Help Susie Keep Nevada Blue >>

Congresswoman Susie Lee is a proven champion for Nevada's working families. That's why national Republicans are obsessed with defeating her.

They'll do anything they can to silence Susie and expand their right-wing House majority.

Only a dedicated grassroots coalition can help us keep this critical battleground district blue.

Please, will you rush $25 to support Susie Lee today?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Susie Lee.

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $2 tip?

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Susie Lee for Congress campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) because "[Susie Lee is] a mom, Democrat, and Congresswoman representing Nevada's 3rd district," who "is a proven champion for Nevada's working families," and so "that's why national Republicans are obsessed with defeating her."


The third political communication to which I responded was a text message today, February 26th, 2024, from the Chuck Hubbard for Congress campaign, which stated the following:

Hey Paul, Chuck Hubbard, proud Democrat running to flip NC-05.

My opponent, Virginia Foxx, is one of the most dangerous Republicans you may not have heard of.

- She's an ultra-conservative Trump loyalist
- She wrote and passed a bill attacking Transgender students
- She's trying to repeal President Biden's reforms to protect workers

I was a journalist right here in Western North Carolina for 40 years. I've covered Virginia Foxx for a good chunk of that time and I've never once seen her put people before her own ambition.

Paul, that's why I decided to run for office. I couldn't sit back and watch any longer as Virginia Foxx put what's best for Donald Trump over what's best for North Carolina.

I've seen firsthand that this district is ready for change. But I'll be honest: this isn't going to be easy.

Foxx is stockpiling millions from GOP megadonors to attack me. If we're going to stand a chance of winning, then I need grassroots supporters like you to help me fight back.

So if you're able, can you chip in $25 or anything you can to help me beat Virginia Foxx and flip this district blue?***

Thank you,

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Donate to Chuck Hubbard for Congress

Chuck Hubbard is our Democratic candidate running against Virginia Foxx in NC's 5th Congressional District!

As a former journalist and Wilkes County native with deep roots in NC, Chuck knows what it's going to take to flip this district and deliver for working families.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Chuck Hubbard.

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[  ] Donate $3,300 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $2 tip?

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Chuck Hubbard for Congress campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) because "[he is a] proud Democrat running to flip NC-05" since, "as a former journalist and Wilkes County native with deep roots in NC, Chuck knows what it's going to take to flip this district and deliver for working families."

Thus, these three campaigns—Ro Khanna for Congress (Ro for Congress), as well as Susie Lee for Congress, in addition to Chuck Hubbard for Congress—are the political campaigns that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written February 26th, 2024 and revised April 17th, 2024)


February 27th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 26th, 2024: I received a mailer from Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) yesterday, February 26th, 2024, which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]


Thank you for giving again today — because America's wounded warriors need you!

Dear Caring Friend,

It will happen about 50 times today. And it will happen about 50 more times tomorrow.

Severely injured veterans and their family members will contact us here at Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP) — desperate for help.

Some veterans will have recently returned from the battlefield. Others will be coming to us after years of pain, darkness, and uncertainty.

I know. I'm a U.S. Navy veteran, and it took me more than five years to finally come forward and get the help I needed.

During that time, I self-medicated with alcohol and drug use ... and even tried to take my own life.

I honestly don't know what might have happened if I hadn't found WWP. Thank goodness I did. You were there for me. And now, another hero needs your help!

Your annual support can change lives and even save lives. Please stand by America's heroes for another year of caring and support!

Renew your annual commitment today to help more American heroes heal in mind, body, and soul.

I nearly lost my life fighting for the country I love. In Iraq, my whole battalion was getting blasted left and right.

I survived the attacks, but the shock waves from multiple explosions left me with a traumatic brain injury (TBI) that requires me to wear dark glasses every time I go outside.

I also live with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). And trust me, that's the worst injury of all.

I'd rather have a TBI than post-traumatic stress. But the reality is, I have both.

My journey of healing began when I first connected to WWP. You helped me get involved in sports like running and cycling to build my strength and confidence again, and you helped me connect with a community of my fellow veterans.

Most of all, you helped me find my new purpose — helping other wounded veterans, including by serving as a Peer Support Group leader for WWP.

I'm able to reach out to people and make a difference in their lives ... I can pinpoint every single warrior I've encountered who is now blessed and has a better life because of Wounded Warrior Project.

That's the impact of your annual support for WWP. With your help, WWP is proving that veterans with physical, emotional, and psychological wounds of war can succeed again — as parents, students, employees, and valuable members of our communities.

We're doing it for heroes who have severe burns, missing limbs, and other war wounds you can see ... and we're doing it for heroes whose wounds are invisible, but who need our help just as urgently.

America is blessed with amazing men and women who risk their lives every day to keep us strong and free. We can never forget what our heroes have done for us — not in 2024, not ever.

Thank you for being there for me. And thank you in advance for renewing your annual commitment so WWP can be there for the next warrior who needs our help!

With gratitude,

[Name redacted]
Proud Wounded Warrior

P.S. Along with your set of labels, which I'm sending to thank you for your renewed annual support, I'm also enclosing a thank-you card that I hope you'll sign and return to let another wounded warrior know you honor and appreciate his or her service. Be there for them, like you were for me. When you send it back, please also include your most generous 2024 renewal gift to help more veterans heal, thrive, and succeed again.



Thank you for my personalized address labels and for letting me know how I'm helping wounded warriors succeed again. To help more heroes battle back from injuries, I'm enclosing my gift of:

[  ] $15

[  ] $18

[  ] $21

[  ] $24

[✓] My best gift of $7.21

To donate online, go to

Mr. Paul Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

Donor Care Center
[Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

Every gift makes an impact!
Your gift is tax deductible as allowed by law.

And so, I made a one-time donation to Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) today, February 27th, 2024, in order to renew my annual commitment through MY SPECIAL GIFT TO HELP AMERICA'S WOUNDED WARRIORS! Plus, I signed the enclosed "thank-you let another wounded warrior know [I] honor and appreciate his or her service." And I am planning to mail the thank-you card as soon as I get a chance to drop off the return envelope to my local post office. –Paul Whiting (February 27th, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.)


February 27th, 2024 Update No. 2: I have consolidated the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

Therefore, I have combined every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The only political communication to which I responded was a text message today, February 27th, 2024, from the Katrina Christiansen for Senate (Katrina for U.S. Senate) campaign, which stated the following:

It's Katrina Christiansen.

I'm running to defeat extreme Republican Senator Kevin Cramer and kick him out of office.

I need a huge surge of support in my early days – 500 gifts before midnight – to show the world that we have what it takes to flip this Senate seat blue.

I'm humbly asking: Will you chip in $15 to become one of my first Founding Donors? >>***

I’m not a career politician – not even close.

I grew up in a small rural town where my family relied on government assistance to get by.

I know what it’s like to struggle to make ends meet.

That’s why I became so fed up watching politicians – like Republican Senator Kevin Cramer – stuff their pockets with special interest cash and ignore the needs of everyday Americans. I just knew that I had to step in.

– I watched vulnerable seniors forced to choose between paying for medications or keeping the lights on.

– I watched hardworking parents who struggled to put food on the table or send their kids to college.

– I watched caring families torn apart as their loved ones battled addiction.

So, I decided to run for office to fight for the people who’ve been left behind.

I’ve spent my career solving problems – and now, I’m ready to replace Cramer in the U.S. Senate and show him how it’s done.

But I’m up against an unlimited amount of special interest money and I need a historic surge of support to compete.

Can I count on your $15 before midnight to pull off a record-breaking fundraising day? >>***

– Katrina

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Rush in a contribution!

Katrina Christiansen is running for U.S. Senate to fight for hardworking North Dakotans struggling to make ends meet.

But Katrina doesn't take a dime of Corporate PAC money, so she is relying on everyday folks like you to compete with Republicans' special interest cash.

Will you rush a gift before midnight to help fuel Katrina's grassroots campaign? Any amount you can give makes a world of difference. >>

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Katrina Christiansen.

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $2 tip?

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Katrina Christiansen for Senate (Katrina for U.S. Senate) campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to "become one of [Katrina Christiansen's] first Founding Donors [for her Senate campaign]."

Thus, this one campaign—Katrina Christiansen for Senate (Katrina for U.S. Senate)—is the political campaign that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written February 27th, 2024 and revised April 17th, 2024)


February 28th, 2024 Update No. 1: I have consolidated the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

Therefore, I have combined every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The first political communication to which I responded was an email from the Samantha Meadows for Congress (Sammi Meadows for Congress) campaign today, February 28th, 2024, with the subject line, "Can we afford ANOTHER Jim Jordan from Ohio?!", which stated the following:

Democratic Nominee Ohio’s 2nd Congressional District


Samantha Meadows is the only Democratic candidate remaining in OH2. She is fighting the good fight and causing “good trouble” in the district. Her former opponent is a registered Republican who was running in the Democratic primary, which is legal in Ohio. She vehemently challenged his false claims to be a “lifelong Democrat.” After Samantha received the Ohio Democratic Party’s endorsement, his team harassed and intimidated her daughter, showing up at her residence.

When his dirty tricks didn’t work, he dropped out and endorsed a Republican candidate. Together, they have a massive campaign underway to convince Democratic voters to pull a Republican ballot in the March primary. They are selling the candidate as a “sane anti-Trump Republican.” But make no mistake, he is a pro-life Republican who will fall in line with his party.

Samantha is the only candidate standing in the way of a total MAGA takeover of OH2. She is a true rural Southern Ohioan who speaks directly to the people, building relationships within this most geographically gerrymandered district in Ohio. She is covering 8,000 sq miles, nearly 20% of the state, spreading our Democratic values with disenfranchised voters. She is fighting on the frontline for American democracy.

Samantha’s campaign benefits Senator Sherrod Brown and President Biden, as she reaches into the most rural regions of the district. Her work is meaningful and effective, as we are growing leaps and bounds! But we need your active support in this fight for democracy.

Will you help by chipping in $20.00 today? Help us send a message that Democrats will stand strong TOGETHER!


Thank you!

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


It is time to get Congress back on the path of legislating for the people. We are exhausted with the theatrics, hate, & vitriol that has consumed politics. I will work to ensure that all Americans have the opportunity to pursue the American Dream & retire with dignity.

Let's work together to create a movement of change!

I am asking for your small donation. It will immediately go to work for YOU!

The sure way to lose a battle is not to fight it. Will you fight to gain this seat in Congress?

Please share with 10 friends & family members. $5.00 recurring donations will move us towards a goal of $50,000 by March 1st.

I am ready to be your voice in Washington DC!


Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Samantha Meadows.

[  ] DONATE $25 →

[  ] DONATE $100 →

[  ] DONATE $250 →

[  ] DONATE $1,000 →

[✓] OTHER AMOUNT $3.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $2 tip?

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Samantha Meadows for Congress (Sammi Meadows for Congress) campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) because "Samantha is the only candidate standing in the way of a total MAGA takeover of OH2" and "[she] will work to ensure that all Americans have the opportunity to pursue the American Dream & retire with dignity."


The second political communication to which I responded was a text message today, February 28th, 2024, from the Jennifer Boysko for Congress campaign, which stated the following:

Hi there, it's Jennifer Boysko. I'm thrilled to share that the Paid Family Medical Leave bill that I've been working on since 2019 has finally passed the Virginia House and Senate. I'll never stop fighting for our families, which is why I'm running to represent my community in Congress. I'm up against an end of month fundraising deadline and I need to bring in another $22,000 before tomorrow at midnight. Can you chip in any amount to help us close the gap?***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Help Jennifer win!

Every day, we watch as extreme House Republicans push for dangerous and divisive policies that put women and familles at risk. I've spent my life, from the PTSA to local government to Richmond, bringing people together and solving problems for families.

Now, I'm running for Congress because the solutions to problems so many families face can't wait.

In Washington, I'll continue the legacy of Congresswoman Wexton by working every day to build a better future for our kids and make life better for Virginia's working families. This grassroots campaign to fight for what's right starts right here, right now.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Jennifer Boysko.

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $2 tip?

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Jennifer Boysko for Congress campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) because "[Jennifer will] never stop fighting for [Virginia] families, which is why [she's] running to represent [her] community in Congress," since "[she has] spent [her] life, from the [Parent Teacher Student Association] to local government to Richmond, bringing people together and solving problems for families."


The third political communication to which I responded was a text message today, February 28th, 2024, from the Lisa Blunt Rochester for Senate campaign, which stated the following:

Hey, it's Cory Booker. This Black History Month, it's crucial that we elect strong Black leaders like my friend, Lisa Blunt Rochester.

It matters that we elect a proven fighter like Lisa to the Senate. It matters that we protect our Senate Majority. And I'll say it until I'm blue in the face: it matters that we have representation in Congress. 👏🏾

Every American ought to see themselves in the people who represent them - and I know that Lisa would be a role model for little Black girls across the country.

Will you chip in any amount to support Lisa Blunt Rochester in her race for Senate?***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Lisa Blunt Rochester
Democrat for U.S. Senate

We need to elect more Black Women to the Senate.

Donate to Make History >>

I'm personally asking: Will you chip in to help me make history?

I'm running to become the first woman and person of color to represent Delaware in the Senate. But right now, experts are saying this is Democrats' toughest Senate map in decades.

I'm also facing a fundraising disadvantage — so l can't win this race and become the fourth Black woman to serve in the Senate without your help. Can I count on you to chip in $25?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Lisa Blunt Rochester.

[  ] Donate $5 →

[  ] Donate $15 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $2 tip?

[  ] Add $2 tip

[✓] Leave no tip [I pressed this button by mistake!*]

[  ] Add custom amount

*I usually leave an $0.21 (7%) tip to ActBlue for my typical $3.00 donations to political campaigns; however, I accidentally pressed the "Leave no tip" button, rather than pressing the "Add custom amount" button—like I usually do—with this donation! So, in order to compensate for my mistake, I went to the ActBlue website and made a $1.00 contribution directly to ActBlue:

Contribute Now to Support ActBlue

ActBlue is a nonprofit organization that builds tools Democrats count on to run their own small-dollar fundraising programs. Small-dollar donors are giving in record numbers in 2020, and we’re only expecting things to get busier.

Will you chip in with a contribution to support our work? Your donation will go directly to ActBlue to help us support this nationwide grassroots movement. If you are looking to donate to a candidate or cause, please see our directory.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit ActBlue.

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $1.00

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Lisa Blunt Rochester for Senate campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) because "it matters that we elect a proven fighter like Lisa to the Senate," since "[she's] running to become the first woman and person of color to represent Delaware in the Senate."

Thus, these three campaigns—Samantha Meadows for Congress (Sammi Meadows for Congress), as well as Jennifer Boysko for Congress, in addition to Lisa Blunt Rochester for Senate—are the political campaigns that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written February 28th, 2024 and revised April 17th, 2024)


February 29th, 2024 Update No. 1: Happy Leap Year, everyone!

I have consolidated the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

Therefore, I have combined every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The only political communication to which I responded was a text message today, February 29th, 2024, from the Jane Fonda Climate PAC (Jane Fonda Climate Political Action Committee), which stated the following:

Hi Paul,

As we close February, I want to take a moment to celebrate our wins and set the stage for what's next:

🌍 We proudly announced our first endorsements of 2024, a group of remarkable climate champions. These candidates are at the forefront of our mission to dismantle the fossil fuel industry's stronghold on our political system.

✊ Mayor Brandon Johnson of Chicago, one of our endorsed champions, is fighting to hold the fossil fuel industry accountable through a landmark lawsuit, proving our endorsees make a true difference when in office!

🗳️ But our work is not over yet. In fact, it's just the beginning, with important primary elections happening in just a matter of days!

To continue our momentum, we need to hit our end-of-month fundraising goal by tonight. It's a big ask, but the urgency of our planet's health & the fight against the fossil fuel lobby cannot wait.

Can you chip in any amount before midnight?***

- Jane

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Jane Fonda

Contribute to the Jane Fonda Climate PAC!

The Jane Fonda Climate PAC is driven by one mission: Do whatever it takes to defeat the political allies of the fossil fuel industry and save our planet.

Please invest in our work today! We rely on grassroots support to elect climate champions who will take a stand against the fossil fuel industry and work to reverse the harm they're inflicting on our planet.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Jane Fonda Climate PAC.

[✓] Donate $5 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $5,000 →

[  ] Other amount

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $2 tip?

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (4%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Jane Fonda Climate PAC (with a tip to ActBlue) because "the Jane Fonda Climate PAC is driven by one mission: Do whatever it takes to defeat the political allies of the fossil fuel industry and save our planet." That is why I contributed in order to help the Jane Fonda Climate PAC "hit [their] end-of-month fundraising goal by tonight."

Thus, this one organization—the Jane Fonda Climate PAC—is the political organization that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written February 29th, 2024 and revised April 17th, 2024)


February 29th, 2024 Update No. 2, Which Also Discusses February 28th, 2024, As Well As February 27th, 2024: Happy Leap Year, everyone!

This 'update' that I am writing today, February 29th, 2024, is only from my news searches on Google, which I do as often as I can manage.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, lately I am simply checking the news as often as I can manage. And, I usually check what's happening in the world via various Google searches that I do under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Google news searches.

Plus, I was formerly writing separate 'updates' for the news articles that I read from the news organizations to which I subscribe that send me email newsletters. However, after I restarted writing these news 'updates' through Google searches, I figured out that I don't really have enough time available, nor enough cellular data available, to be able to continue writing those email newsletter 'updates.' Although, I do continue to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe and I read the titles of their articles to get an overview of what is happening in the world.

So, without further ado, I was doing my occasional news searches on Google today February 29th, 2024, yesterday, February 28th, 2024, as well as two days ago, February 27th, 2024, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the articles; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink; however, I think that all of those hyperlinks to current news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these current news 'updates' by first providing the original Google search category through which I found each article, as listed above, like I usually do. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.]

Then, I am providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the publisher's name and the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too! (I hope that makes sense.)


February 28th, 2024 search:

01. AP News
Biden issues executive order to better shield Americans' sensitive data from foreign foes

By Will Weissert and Barbara Ortutay | Updated 2:57 AM PST, February 28, 2024


February 29th, 2024 search:

02. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos
Trump says his trade war triggered job gains. Here's why that didn't happen.

Trump has vowed to escalate tariffs in a possible second term.

By Max Zahn | February 28, 2024


February 29th, 2024 search:

03. The Guardian

Biden and Trump head to US-Mexico border with immigration a top election issue – live

Joe Biden has promised a humane approach to migration at the border but struggled to deal with a surge in crossings; Donald Trump, however, has long promised to implement draconian policies

By Chris Stein | 29 Feb 2024


February 29th, 2024 search:

04. NBC News

Trump and Biden collide in split-screen trips to the border with immigration in the spotlight

Trump has tried to paint the flow of migrants into the country as a failure of Biden-era policies.

By Gabe Gutierrez | Feb. 29, 2024


February 29th, 2024 search:

05. The Guardian

Trump gave top US firms staggering tax cuts, with some paying $0 or less – report

Among lowest taxpayers were companies whose CEOs have become high-profile advocates for corporate social responsibility.

By Adam Lowenstein | 29 Feb 2024


February 27th, 2024 search:

06. USA Today
(By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)

Michigan primary updates: Donald Trump wins against Nikki Haley, Joe Biden notches victory (Michigan primary replay: Donald Trump defeats Nikki Haley, Joe Biden notches victory)

By Marina Pitofsky, Karissa Waddick, David Jackson, Margie Cullen and Rachel Barber | Updated 10:55 p.m. ET Feb. 27, 2024


February 27th, 2024 search:

07. AP News

Election 2024: Michigan Primary results Joe Biden and Donald Trump win Michigan presidential primaries (Trump and Biden won Michigan. But ‘uncommitted’ votes demanded attention)

By Seung Min Kim and Corey Williams | Updated 7:42 PM PST, February 27, 2024


February 29th, 2024 search:

08. NPR

Biden and Trump face off on the border in Texas today (Biden and Trump are both at the border today, staking out ground on a key 2024 issue)

By Franco Ordoñez | Updated February 29, 2024 10:45 AM ET


February 29th, 2024 search:

09. The New York Times
(By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)

The Politics Behind Trump and Biden's Dueling Border Stops

In separate events along the border in Texas on Thursday, President Biden and Donald Trump will present contrasting goals, and clashing messages.

By Shane Goldmacher | Feb. 29, 2024


February 29th, 2024 search:

10. CNN

Biden’s doctor says there are no new concerns with the president’s health and he remains fit to serve

By Betsy Klein, Arlette Saenz, Nikki Carvajal, Michael Williams and Samantha Waldenberg | Updated 6:17 PM EST, Wed February 28, 2024


February 27th, 2024 search:

11. NBC News

Biden wins the Michigan Democratic primary amid Israel-Hamas war pushback, NBC News projects (Biden wins the Michigan Democratic presidential primary)

NBC News projects that Biden has won Michigan, where some activists had pressed voters to vote "uncommitted" because of his stance toward the war in Gaza.

By Peter Nicholas | Feb. 27, 2024


February 27th, 2024 search:

12. The New York Times
(By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)

Michigan Primary Live Updates: Biden Confronts Protest Votes as He and Trump Win Easily

President Biden faced his most significant challenge in Michigan from those opposed to his handling of the Israel-Hamas war. Republican infighting in the state did not involve Donald J. Trump, who coasted to victory.

By Nicholas Nehamas and Reid J. Epstein | Updated Feb. 27, 2024, 11:53 p.m. ET


February 28th, 2024 search:

13. Newsweek

Fox News Links Joe Biden's Ice Cream Habit to Alzheimer's

By Khaleda Rahman | Feb 28, 2024


February 28th, 2024 search:

14. CNBC

Biden to issue executive order aimed at protecting Americans’ sensitive data from China, other 'hostile countries'

By Jonathan Vanian | Feb 28 2024


February 28th, 2024 search:

15. The Daily Beast

Donald Trump, Jr. is Triggered by Biden Having a Sex Life

By Michael Ian Black | Feb. 28, 2024


February 28th, 2024 search:

16. CNN

A new Biden is on display in public

By Zachary B. Wolf | February 27, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written February 29th, 2024, revised March 3rd, 2024 and revised March 17th, 2024)


February 29th, 2024 Update No. 3, Written On March 1st, 2024 About February 2024: Happy Leap Year, everyone!

This 'update' is special, since I am continuing to change the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month! And because I first changed the way that I make donations starting in August 2023, this update is also technically a follow-up to the following:

▪ August 19th, 2023 Update
▪ August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 1, Written On August 31st, 2023
▪ August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 2, Written On October 1st, 2023 About September 2023
▪ August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 3, Written On November 1st, 2023 About October 2023
▪ August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 4, Written On December 1st, 2023 About November 2023
▪ August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 5, Written On January 1st, 2024 About December 2023

Besides that, because this is the year 2024—where I am continuing to change the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations that I started changing in 2023—this update is also a follow-up to the following:

▪ January 31st, 2024 Update No. 3, Written On February 1st, 2024 About January 2024

Please let me explain: I spent A LOT the year before last (2022) because I was "doing everything in my power to help Democrats win in the 2022 Midterm Elections!" And I also spent QUITE A BIT last year (2023) because I was trying to 'put my money where my mouth is' regarding my activism throughout the year. And so, I ended up with a rather considerable credit card balance...

...Now, this is my only credit card—that I got through my regular bank—and I was enjoying an interest-free period on my charges up until August 2023! Thus, my carefree days of not paying for any interest on my credit card balance were officially over last year. And my minimum payments were going to be a rather large percentage of the amount that I had set aside in my monthly budget for my minimum payment, as well as my extra payment, on my credit card each month.

So, in response to this change in my minimum payments, I changed the way that I donated to political, progressive and charitable organizations, starting in 2023, due to the fact that I was spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations in 2023—as outlined below—starting with January of 2023.

January 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 15%

February 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 19%

March 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 12%

April 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 17%

May 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 21%

June 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 20%

July 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 17%

August 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 23%

September 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 20%

October 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 31%

November 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 71%

December 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 31%

And so, if I average out the total percentage in 2023 that I spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations from January 2023 through December 2023, it comes out to be 25% of my monthly income! (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)

That is the reason I started really "tightening my belt," so to speak, with regard to all of the donations that I am making on my credit card each month! So, my plan is to only donate to political, progressive and charitable organizations if they specifically ask for donations—and not just for the sake of donating to them at least once per month, or even when I have been taking some sort of action, such as signing a petition, or sending a letter, etc. Thus, I am trying to greatly reduce the number of donations that I make to simply once in a while, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis!

You see, there are a lot of organizations that I literally donate to only once per year—such as for Giving Tuesday—which is all that I ever donate to them. And that is basically what I am striving for, so that I am still donating to political, progressive and charitable organizations, but the bare minimum that I can donate, since that's all I can really afford.

Therefore, I am no longer donating for every one of the email or text messages that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action that also come from the same organization, with the exception of the USO (United Service Organizations), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action.

That is why I will still be responding to some of the email or text messages that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, as well as to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action; however, when I do donate, I am reducing the number of times that I donate for the same organization per month down to once—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis—in addition to reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers.

Thus, when I do donate, I will only be donating once per month for each political, progressive or charitable organization, with the exception of the USO, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. (You see, I make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! Plus, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation.)

And now that yesterday, February 29th, 2024, was the last day of February 2024, I wanted to provide you with February's total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations:

February 2024:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 24%

And here are the percentages that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations by category, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[01] Non-Categorized Political: 3.28% {3.27501613944%}
[02] Planned Parenthood's "Support Black-Led Organizations": 0.32% {0.32278889606%}
[03] USO (United Serv. Orgs.): 6.33% {6.32666236281%}
[04] News Organizations: 0.65% {0.64557779212%}
[05] Doctors w/o Borders: 0.32% {0.32278889606%}
[06] USA for UNFPA: 0.32% {0.32278889606%}
[07] National Gun Violence Survivors Week: 1.29% {1.29115558424%}
[08] USA for UNHCR: 0.32% {0.32278889606%}
[09] DNC (Dem. Nation. Cam. Comm.): 0.55% {0.55390574564%}
[10] The Salvation Army: 0.45% {0.45190445448%}
[11] Blanchet Farm: 0.32% {0.32278889606%}
[12] Blanchet House: 0.32% {0.32278889606%}
[13] Brady United: 0.32% {0.32278889606%}
[14] DCCC (Dem. Congress. Cam. Comm.): 0.49% {0.48482892188%}
[15] DLCC (Dem. Legis. Cam. Comm.): 0.49% {0.48482892188%}
[16] DASS (Dem. Assoc. Secr. of State): 0.35% {0.34538411878%}
[17] DAGA (Dem. Attorneys. Gen. Assoc.): 0.35% {0.34538411878%}
[18] DGA (Dem. Govern. Assoc.): 0.41% {0.40994189799%}
[19] Joe Biden for President: 0.41% {0.40994189799%}
[20] DSCC (Dem. Senate. Cam. Comm.): 0.35% {0.34538411878%}
[21] Monthly Political: 2.32% {2.32408005164%}
[22] IAVA (Iraq & Afghan. Vet. of Amer.): 0.32% {0.32278889606%}
-------Please see [23] below-------
[24] CNN Impact Your World's "Help Humanitarian Efforts in Ukraine": 3.55% {3.55067785668%}
[25] WWP (Wounded Warrior Project): 0.47% {0.46546158812%}

Monthly Income Total Percentage Calculation:

+ 2.58% {8 x 0.32% approximately}
+ 6.33%
+ 0.65%
+ 1.29%
+ 0.55%
+ 0.45%
+ 0.99% {2 x 0.49% approximately}
+ 1.05% {3 x 0.35% approximately}
+ 0.82% {2 x 0.41% approximately}
+ 2.32%
+ 3.55%
+ 0.47%
= 24.00% {24.33%}

Plus, here are the percentages that I have spent on interest and credit card purchases, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[23] Monthly Interest: 8.27% {8.26597805035%}

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Interest and Purchases: 8%

Grand Total Percentage of Monthly Income for February 2024: 32%

And starting in 2024, I totally changed the way that I approach how I calculate what I am spending on my credit card each month! So now, I take the total amount that I have available in my monthly budget for my minimum payment on my credit card—as well as my extra payment—and I calculate how much I am reducing that amount each time that I charge on my credit card.

That way, I am very aware of the amount by which I am reducing my total available credit card payments for the month (the minimum payment and the extra payment) in order to, hopefully, pay more on my credit card than I am spending! Plus, I am also utilizing some funds from my budgeted expenses, as well as some funds from my savings, to make sure that I am paying a little more than I am spending while—at the same time—I am also trying to spend less on my credit card.

For example, I made one set of donations for the month of February 2024 (on February 14th) to Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations—and to one campaign—regarding the national races for the House of Representatives (the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee), the Senate (the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee) and the President of the United States (the Democratic National Committee and Biden for President, or the Biden Victory Fund), as well as the state races for the Governors (the Democratic Governors Association), the Secretaries of State (the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State), the Attorneys General (the Democratic Attorneys General Association) and the State Legislatures (the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee), during this second month of the year for the 2024 Presidential Election.

That is why I am trying to contribute, during each month of 2024, as much as I am able to donate to Democratic political organizations—as well as to Democratic political campaigns—while I am still trying to stay within a 'monthly donating budget,' since that's all I can really afford! Now, that means I can only donate ONCE for the entire month to each of the above-mentioned seven organizations (and one campaign!) in order to stay within my 'monthly donating budget.' Period. And that is how I am planning to budget for my credit card charges in order to see if it is "feasible for the foreseeable future" (say that three times fast!), or if I need to adjust this new credit card budget even more.

Therefore, the reason that I am explaining all of this donating and budgeting is because I am trying to be an "Online Activist" and to 'put my money where my mouth is' regarding my activism. That is why I blog about which political, progressive and charitable organizations I am supporting with regard to the causes that are the most important to me! –Paul Whiting (written March 1st, 2024, revised March 9th, 2024, revised March 10th, 2024, revised April 1st, 2024 and revised April 2nd, 2024)




March 1st, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 29th, 2024: I have consolidated the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

Therefore, I have combined every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The only political communication that I responded to today was an email that I forwarded today, March 1st, 2024, from my previous email account (that I no longer use, but I still frequently check) from the Dr. Brian Williams for Congress campaign that I received yesterday, February 29th, 2024, with the subject line, "Let me introduce myself. I’m Dr. Brian Williams, and I’m running to keep TX-32 blue", which stated the following:

From: Brian Williams [email redacted]
Sent: Thursday, February 29, 2024 11:32 AM
To: [email redacted]
Subject: Let me introduce myself. I’m Dr. Brian Williams, and I’m running to keep TX-32 blue


My name is Dr. Brian Williams. I’m an Air Force Veteran, trauma surgeon, gun safety advocate, and candidate for Congress in Texas’ 32nd District.

Dallas is my home. Working in the city’s operating rooms, I have gained a first-hand understanding of the needs of our district.

I have witnessed the reality of what inaccessible healthcare means for too many of my patients. I’ve spent decades caring for a constant stream of sick, injured, and dying people in my trauma center, and it made me realize that I needed to go beyond merely treating patients in the trauma bay – I needed to address the root causes of the problem itself.

When I was a boy, I watched my father put on his Air Force uniform every day. His example led me to my own military service, and as a cadet at the United States Air Force Academy, I learned the full meaning of service before self. After completing my surgical residency at Harvard Brigham and Women’s Hospital, I chose to work at safety-net hospitals so I could care for the people who are often overlooked or underserved by our healthcare system.

My trauma center was a direct reflection of the decisions of lawmakers. I grieved for gun violence victims alongside their families; every single one of them failed by our lawmakers who were unwilling to prioritize gun safety. I cared for sick patients unable to afford the basic preventative care that could have kept them out of my operating room. And I’ve cared for women with obstetric emergencies in a state where their reproductive freedoms are under attack.

I’ve seen the issues our country is facing through my patients’ eyes, and I’m ready to be a voice for them as the first trauma surgeon to ever serve in Congress. Together, I know we can make history, change policy, and save lives.

Are you ready to join the team? Add your name to become a member of this grassroots campaign.

Thank you for your support,

Dr. Brian Williams

[✓] DONATE***


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Dr. Brian Williams is running for Congress in Texas 32nd District.

His experience on the frontlines as a trauma surgeon, Air Force Veteran, and gun safety advocate is needed in Congress, not only for this district but for the entire nation. His perspective is a vital voice that's been missing in Washington and one that can help lead to real change on gun violence, healthcare, and so much more.

Are you ready to join the team? Add your name today to join us and receive updates about our campaign.


LAST NAME: Whiting

POSTAL CODE: [redacted]

EMAIL: [redacted]



Support Dr. Brian Williams' Campaign for TX-32:

Dr. Brian Williams is an Air Force Veteran and trauma surgeon prepared to bring his years of leadership experience to Congress and fix our broken systems to create life-saving change.

Support Dr. Williams' campaign for Texas' 32nd Congressional District by making a contribution today:

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Dr. Brian Williams.

[  ] Donate $10 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $2 tip?

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Dr. Brian Williams for Congress (with a tip to ActBlue) because "Dr. Brian Williams [is] an Air Force Veteran, trauma surgeon, gun safety advocate, and candidate for Congress in Texas’ 32nd District," who is "prepared to bring his years of leadership experience to Congress and fix our broken systems to create life-saving change."

Thus, this one campaign—Dr. Brian Williams for Congress—is the political campaign that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written March 1st, 2024 and revised April 17th, 2024)


March 2nd, 2024 Update No. 1: I have consolidated the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

Therefore, I have combined every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The only political communication to which I responded was a text message today, March 2nd, 2024, from the Trisha Calvarese for Congress (Trisha 4 Colorado) campaign, which stated the following:

URGENT: Speaker Mike Johnson just endorsed Lauren Boebert.

I'm Trisha Calvarese, I'm the Democrat running to defeat Lauren Boebert in Colorado's 4th Congressional District. In 2022, Boebert won by only 546 votes -- so we know she's vulnerable.

Let's be clear: Boebert has abandoned her constituents, failed to do her job, but defended MAGA extremists every step of the way.

She's got Trump, a network of dark money donors, and now MAGA Mike Johnson on her side. Help me stop her momentum by rushing a contribution before midnight:

DONATE >>***

Thanks for anything you can do!


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

The Hometown Candidate to Beat Boebert

I'm Trisha Calvarese, Colorado native. I attended Johns Hopkins on an academic scholarship and was Sen. Bernie Sander's very first press intern at the same time I was a Fellow at the Women's Campaign Forum.

I was most recently Speechwriting Director at the AFL-CIO and a second-generation member of the Federal Civil Service at the U.S. National Science Foundation. I was working in Washington at the intersections of worker rights, energy tech, and well-paid job creation.

But I got a phone call that changed everything. My mom, who had been talking care of my dad, had terminal cancer.

My union's support allowed me to return to my hometown, Highlands Ranch, Colorado. I provided end-of-life care for both of my parents through home hospice. This labor of love enabled my parents to pass in the comfort of home, days apart.

Then Rep. Lauren Boebert decided to abandon her district to run in mine.

I grew up here, attended public schools here. And now I'm running for working families and to beat Boebert here. Your early support is critical. Thank you!

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Trisha Calvarese.

[  ] Donate $4 →

[  ] Donate $10 →

[  ] Donate $15 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $200 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $2 tip?

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Trisha Calvarese for Congress (Trisha 4 Colorado) campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) because "Trisha Calvarese [is the] the Democrat running to defeat Lauren Boebert in Colorado's 4th Congressional District," since "[she] grew up [in Highlands Ranch, Colorado], attended public schools [there] and now [she's] running for working families and to beat Boebert here."

Thus, this one campaign—Trisha Calvarese for Congress (Trisha 4 Colorado)—is the political campaign that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written March 2nd, 2024 and revised April 17th, 2024)


March 3rd, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses March 2nd, 2024, As Well As March 1st, 2024: This 'update' that I am writing today, March 1st, 2024, is only from my news searches on Google, which I do as often as I can manage.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, lately I am simply checking the news as often as I can manage. And, I usually check what's happening in the world via various Google searches that I do under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Google news searches.

Plus, I was formerly writing separate 'updates' for the news articles that I read from the news organizations to which I subscribe that send me email newsletters. However, after I restarted writing these news 'updates' through Google searches, I figured out that I don't really have enough time available, nor enough cellular data available, to be able to continue writing those email newsletter 'updates.' Although, I do continue to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe and I read the titles of their articles to get an overview of what is happening in the world.

So, without further ado, I was doing my occasional news searches on Google today March 3rd, 2024, yesterday March 2nd, 2024, as well as two days ago March 1st, 2024, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the articles; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink; however, I think that all of those hyperlinks to current news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these current news 'updates' by first providing the original Google search category through which I found each article, as listed above, like I usually do. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.]

Then, I am providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the publisher's name and the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too! (I hope that makes sense.)


March 2nd, 2024 search:

01. NBC News

Trump's claims of a migrant crime wave are not supported by national data

An NBC News review of available 2024 crime data shows overall crime levels dropping in cities that have received the most migrants.

By Olympia Sonnier and Garrett Haake | Feb. 29, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


March 2nd, 2024 search:

02. PBS NewsHour

President Biden signs short-term spending bill to avoid partial government shutdown

By — Associated Press | Mar 1, 2024


March 3rd, 2024 search:

03. New York Post

Donald Trump again conflates Biden and Obama, claims he mixes Haley and Pelosi up on purpose

By Ryan King | March 3, 2024


March 3rd, 2024 search:

04. CNN

Biden delivers message directly to Trump about the border. Hear what he said

During a speech in Texas, President Joe Biden urged Donald Trump to join him in passing a border security bill after a federal judge ordered the state government to suspend enforcement of a controversial immigration law.

By the way, the 'article' above is actually a video, which is why I didn't include the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date.


I did not select any articles from this category.


March 1st, 2024 search:

05. The New York Times
(By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

Republicans Who Like Putin

The Putin-friendly faction of the party is ascendant, while some of his biggest critics are retiring.

By David Leonhardt and Ian Prasad Philbrick | March 1, 2024


March 3rd, 2024 search:

06. NBC News

Conservatives bash 'uniparty' Republicans in push to dissuade bipartisanship

The MAGA wing of the party is using the term to disparage fellow Republicans who work with Democrats to pass bills that fall short of conservative preferences.

By Sahil Kapur and Allan Smith | March 3, 2024


March 1st, 2024 search:

07. NBC News

Republican senator blocks bill to protect IVF

Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith, R-Miss., blocked the bill brought by Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., who used IVF to have her daughters.

By Amanda Terkel and Brennan Leach | Feb. 29, 2024


March 1st, 2024 search:

08. The Guardian

Alabama IVF ruling leaves Republicans stuck between their base and the broader public

Amid a lack of popular support for fetal ‘personhood’, GOP seeks to support IVF without drawing attention to its record of undermining it

By Jessica Glenza | Wed 28 Feb 2024


March 1st, 2024 search:

09. The New York Times
(By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)

Senate Republican Blocks Bill to Protect I.V.F. Treatment

Republicans, many of whom have said they support access to the treatment, have argued that it should be left to states to ensure its legality after an Alabama court ruled that frozen embryos were children.

By Kayla Guo | Feb. 28, 2024


March 1st, 2024 search:

10. MSNBC News

The House Republicans’ margin of error just became even smaller

House Republicans leaders have spent recent months struggling mightily to complete basic tasks. Their legislative arithmetic just got worse.

By Steve Benen | Feb. 29, 2024


March 1st, 2024 search:

11. CNN

SE Cupp: The issue that will continue to haunt Republicans

In this week's episode of "Unfiltered," SE Cupp looks at how the recent Alabama Supreme Court decision on embryos is out of step with public opinion and argues, "Overturning Roe, and all of the fallout that came from it, will continue to haunt Republicans, and at the worst possible time -- in an election year. But don't tell them -- they seem determined to become utterly irrelevant."

By the way, the 'article' above is actually a video, which is why I didn't include the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date.


March 2nd, 2024 search:

12. Rolling Stone

Florida Republicans Keep Trying to Argue That Slavery Wasn’t So Bad

Florida state Rep. Alex Andrade said during the discussion of an anti-CRT bill that some slaves were paid

By Jeremy Childs | March 1, 2024


March 2nd, 2024 search:

13. Texas Public Radio | TPR

Once Republican — or still trying — some conservative Texans look for an extreme-free zone

By Caroline Love | March 1, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


March 3rd, 2024 search:

14. Oregon Live (" is a website covering local news in Oregon and Southwest Washington. The website serves as the online home of The Oregonian.")

Portland’s Saturday Market celebrates 50th year

By Austin De Dios | Mar. 02, 2024


And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written March 3rd, 2024 and revised March 17th, 2024)


March 4th, 2024 Update No. 1: I have consolidated the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

Therefore, I have combined every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The only political communication to which I responded was an email from the Nancy Goroff for Congress (Goroff for Congress) campaign today, March 4th, 2024, with the subject line, "Subject line", which stated the following:


As a chemist, I believe in the power of science to improve people’s lives. I decided to run for Congress because I believe that good government has the same power to help our communities thrive, and right now, our community is struggling.

Long Island is my home. I raised my two children, both proud graduates of Ward Melville High School, right here in NY-01. I spent my career at Stony Brook University, the district’s largest employer, leading the chemistry department. For years, I’ve fought to protect children, supporting research on the effects of screens on kids and founding a nonprofit to improve local schools. Suffolk is where I built my life.

When I saw that right-wing extremists were running for school board and coming for our kids, I co-founded the Long Island Strong Schools Alliance. Through LISSA, I personally mentored and trained dozens of candidates for school board, and we successfully blocked many far-right radical candidates from winning those races.

I’m really proud of what we’ve done through LISSA, but at the national level, we are dealing with an increasingly extreme GOP. We must stop the Republican majority – and my opponent – from doing more damage to our democracy, which means we must flip the House this November.

NY-01 is one of 17 districts that voted for President Biden in 2020 that are currently represented by a Republican in Congress. Recently, my opponent, Nick LaLota, became the first of them to wholeheartedly endorse Donald Trump for President.

LaLota has supported legislation attacking reproductive freedom, promoted sham impeachment proceedings as a PR stunt, and voted for the most extreme right-wing Speaker the House has ever seen. He isn’t interested in finding solutions or working for Long Island families, only in raising money and garnering support from the likes of Donald Trump.

Long Island deserves a leader who will fight for reproductive freedom, protect our kids, get serious about addressing climate change, and build an economy that works for all. That’s what I will do when elected.

I would love for you to be a part of that journey with us. If you have any questions for me, you can reply directly to this email, and I’ll get back to you right away. You can also visit my website to learn more about my values and my plans to serve Long Island in Congress.

Tom Suozzi’s recent victory in NY-03 (right next door to us!) proves that the path for Democrats to win back the House majority runs through Long Island. I hope to earn your support as we work together to flip NY-01 next.

Warm regards,
Nancy Goroff
Democratic Candidate for NY-01

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Donate now to elect Nancy and flip NY-01!

Nancy Goroff is a Democrat, mother educator, and scientist running for Congress in one of the most at-risk GOP-held seats, according to AP News.

The House holds significant sway over the nationis budget and allocation of resources, but right now it's [totally dysfunctional]. We need a leader who will prontize innovation and collaboration as we take on some of the most pressing issues of our time.

Rush a contribution to help Nancy flip NY-01 and take back the House in 2024.

Together, we will give people throughout Suffolk County a trusted leader and ally in Congress who belleves in working hard and using facts, science, and common sense — because in a rapidly evolving world, our leaders must embrace these principles.

Donate Immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Nancy Goroff.

[  ] Donate $10 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $3,300 →

[  ] Donate $6,600→

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $2 tip?

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Nancy Goroff for Congress (Goroff for Congress) campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) because "Long Island deserves a leader who will fight for reproductive freedom, protect our kids, get serious about addressing climate change, and build an economy that works for all," which is "what [Nancy Goroff] will do when elected." And that is why I made "a contribution to help Nancy flip NY-01 and take back the House in 2024."

Thus, this one campaign—Nancy Goroff for Congress (Goroff for Congress)—is the political campaign that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written March 4th, 2024 and revised April 17th, 2024)


March 4th, 2024 Update No. 2: I received an email from the American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon (ACLU of Oregon) today, March 4th, 2024, with the subject line, "Book bans and censorship have no place in Oregon schools!", which stated the following:

ACLU OF OREGON CALL TO ACTION: Book bans have NO place in Oregon schools — Tell the Oregon State House to move SB 1583A forward and get it passed before session ends in one week!

Paul –

Senate Bill 1583A – which prohibits discriminatory book bans and censorship in Oregon's public schools – was passed by the Oregon State Senate. Your action alerts and testimony helped get this done!

Now, the bill just needs to be passed by the House. But the House is dragging its feet in scheduling a work session, and there isn't much time – with only one week left of the legislative session.

Please take this quick action (it only takes a few minutes) now to tell legislators: Get SB 1583A a work session, send it to the House floor, and get it passed immediately!


The House Committee on Rules is holding a public hearing TOMORROW, Tuesday, March 5, at 8 a.m. We need as many people as possible to sign up to give verbal testimony, either in Salem or virtually. Please make your voice heard and register here!

Moving SB 1583A forward this session is vital to protect Oregon public schools from discriminatory censorship:

[✓] All students deserve to see themselves represented in the books, materials, and classrooms they learn from, and to learn about diverse communities and people.

[✓] Book bans are tactics used by small groups of extremists to erase and silence the voices, lived experiences, and histories of our most marginalized communities.

Community, you have made it clear that you support the freedom to read and learn. Please take action today. Your participation is critical to making democracy work.

Thank you for engaging in democracy this legislative session. And as always, thank you for supporting reading, learning, and growth.

[Name redacted]
Pronouns: She, her, ella
[Title redacted], ACLU of Oregon

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

ACLU of Oregon


Act Now

ACLU OF OREGON CALL TO ACTION: Book bans have no place in Oregon Schools. Tell the Oregon State House to move SB 1583A forward and get it passed before session ends in one week!

Senate Bill 1583A — which prohibits discriminatory book bans and censorship in Oregon’s public schools — was passed by the Oregon State Senate. Your action alerts and testimony helped get this done!

Now the bill just needs to be passed by the House. But the House is dragging their feet in scheduling a work session, and there isn’t much time — with only one week left of the legislative session.

We need everyone in our community to tell legislators: Get SB 1583A a work session, send it to the House floor, and get it passed immediately!

Moving SB 1583A forward this session is vital to protect Oregon public schools from discriminatory censorship:

[✓] All students deserve to see themselves represented in the books, materials, and classrooms they learn from and to learn about diverse communities and people.

[✓] Book bans are tactics used by small groups of extremists to erase and silence the voices, lived experiences, and histories of our most marginalized communities.

Community, you have made it clear that you support the freedom to read and learn. Please take action today. Your participation is critical to making democracy work.

Thank you for engaging in democracy this legislative session. And always, thank you for supporting reading, learning, and growth.

Tell [title and name redacted], [title and name redacted], and [title and name redacted]: book bans have no place in Oregon schools.


Dear [title and name redacted], [title and name redacted], and [title and name redacted],

I strongly support Senate Bill 1583A — Freedom to Read, and I insist that you schedule a work session ASAP, get it to the floor and pass it. I want the bill adopted as law this session!

Book bans have been steadily increasing in our state for the past several years. In fact, in 2022, Oregon faced the most book and materials challenges in state history. Consistent with national trends, books that are challenged are nearly always written by or about women, people of color, and LGBTQ2SIA+ people.

We also know that students in Oregon are struggling. They are facing discrimination and intolerance based on their identities, not feeling welcomed or represented in their schools, and their lived experiences are being erased, attacked and deemed “inappropriate” by ignorant extremists who try to ban books.

We’ve even seen marginalized students, such as Nex Benedict, an Indigenous non-binary student in Oklahoma, lose their lives to hatred and intolerance. We can’t let this happen in Oregon’s public schools. Our schools should be inclusive, welcoming spaces for all students. (Link:

[Blogger's Note: I read the article above from the Human Rights Campaign that is titled, "Honoring Nex Benedict, 16-Year-Old Non-Binary High School Student Who Tragically Died After School Beating."]

Unfortunately, Oregon is not immune to this intolerance.

The time to act is NOW — we must protect our young people, schools and educators from discriminatory book ban attempts and from attacks on our most marginalized communities.

With only about a week left of session, it is critical that a work session be scheduled as soon as possible, so that it can be moved forward, voted on and passed this session.

The longer we wait, the more likely the bill is to die, and book bans and challenges will continue to rise — burdening schools, libraries and educators with the labor of defending their book and materials selections, and further marginalizing our students of color and LGBTQ2SIA+ students.

The majority of Oregonians, voters, and parents oppose book bans and we expect lawmakers to protect our students from discriminatory book bans.

I urge you to schedule a work session as soon as possible, get it to the floor and pass SB 1583A. Support students’ freedom to read, learn, and share ideas!


[First Name] [Last Name]


Salutation (required by some officials): Mr.
First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
E-mail address: [redacted]
Address: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Zip Code: [redacted]
Phone: [redacted]

And so, I sent the letter above to Oregon Lawmakers, via the ACLU of Oregon's website, in order to advocate for scheduling "SB 1583A [for] a work session, send[ing] it to the House floor, and get[ing] it passed immediately," because "all students deserve to see themselves represented in the books, materials, and classrooms they learn from, and to learn about diverse communities and people," since "book bans are tactics used by small groups of extremists to erase and silence the voices, lived experiences, and histories of our most marginalized communities." –Paul Whiting (March 4th, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, I used to make one-time donations to the organization that is the subject of these 'updates' each time that I took an action as requested by that organization; however, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am really 'tightening my belt,' so to speak, with regard to all of the donations that I am making on my credit card each month! My plan is to only donate to political, progressive and charitable organizations if they specifically ask for donations—and not just for the sake of donating to them at least once per month, or even when I have been taking some sort of action, such as signing a petition, or sending a letter, etc. Thus, I am trying to greatly reduce the number of donations that I make to simply once in a while, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis! You see, there are a lot of organizations that I literally donate to only once per year—such as for Giving Tuesday—which is all that I ever donate to them. And that is basically what I am striving for, so that I am still donating to political, progressive and charitable organizations, but the bare minimum that I can donate, since that's all I can really afford." [Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 4, Written On December 1st, 2023 About November 2023 (that also appears as 'November 30th, 2023 Update No. 2, Written On December 1st, 2023' on some of my blogs), which can be found above.]


March 6th, 2024 Update No. 1: I have consolidated the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

Therefore, I have combined every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The only political communication to which I responded was a text message today, March 6th, 2024, from the Tammy Murphy for Senate (Tammy Murphy for U.S. Senate) campaign, which stated the following:

Hi there, it's Tammy Murphy! I'm a mom of four, a leader on climate change and maternal health, as well as the First Lady of New Jersey. And now, I'm officially running for the U.S. Senate.

In our recent debate, my [Democratic] opponent Andy Kim surprised me by doubling down on his opposition to Medicare For All.

People are dying. People are losing their savings. People need help, and we can't stand on the sidelines hoping a better solution appears. Refusing to fight for universal access to health care is a complete moral failure. Health care is a right and not a privilege.

If you agree, please chip in to our campaign today. I won't stand by watching as the world gets worse for our families, and with your support, I'll fight for the big changes we need.

You can use this link to chip in:***

Thank you for stepping up.
- Tammy

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:



Tammy is a mom of four, a leader in the fight against climate change, an advocate for women's health, and the First Lady of New Jersey. Now, she's running against Bob Menendez to represent us in the Senate.

Please donate to fund Tammy's ads, outreach, and organizing in every town and community across New Jersey →


Your contribution will benefit Tammy Murphy.

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[  ] Donate $3,300 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $2 tip?

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Tammy Murphy for Senate (Tammy Murphy for U.S. Senate) campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) because "[Tammy is] a mom of four, a leader on climate change and maternal health, as well as the First Lady of New Jersey" and "now, she's running against Bob Menendez to represent [New Jersey] in the Senate."

Thus, this one campaign—Tammy Murphy for Senate (Tammy Murphy for U.S. Senate)—is the political campaign that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written March 6th, 2024 and revised April 17th, 2024)


March 6th, 2024 Update No. 2, Which Also Discusses March 5th, 2024, As Well As March 4th, 2024: This 'update' that I am writing today, March 6th, 2024, is only from my news searches on Google, which I do as often as I can manage.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, lately I am simply checking the news as often as I can manage. And, I usually check what's happening in the world via various Google searches that I do under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Google news searches.

Plus, I was formerly writing separate 'updates' for the news articles that I read from the news organizations to which I subscribe that send me email newsletters. However, after I restarted writing these news 'updates' through Google searches, I figured out that I don't really have enough time available, nor enough cellular data available, to be able to continue writing those email newsletter 'updates.' Although, I do continue to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe and I read the titles of their articles to get an overview of what is happening in the world.

So, without further ado, I was doing my occasional news searches on Google today March 6th, 2024, yesterday, March 5th, 2024, as well as March 4th, 2024, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the articles; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink; however, I think that all of those hyperlinks to current news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these current news 'updates' by first providing the original Google search category through which I found each article, as listed above, like I usually do. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.]

Then, I am providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the publisher's name and the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too! (I hope that makes sense.)


March 4th, 2024 search:

01. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos

Trump escalates his immigration rhetoric with baseless claim about Biden trying to overthrow the US

Former President Donald Trump has further escalated his immigration rhetoric, baselessly accusing President Joe Biden of waging a “conspiracy to overthrow the United States of America” at the border as he campaigned ahead of next week’s Super Tuesday [contests]...

By Bill Barrow and Jill Colvin Associated Press | March 2, 2024


March 5th, 2024 search:

02. Time Magazine
(By the way, I am a subscriber to Time INSIDER Digital Magazine.)

Disinformation Is Tearing America Apart

By Barbara Mcquade | March 4, 2024


March 5th, 2024 search:

03. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos

Biden administration finalizes rule cutting credit card late fees

The move is expected to drop the typical credit card late fee to $8 from $32.

By Elizabeth Schulze and Justin Gomez | March 5, 2024


March 6th, 2024 search:

04. The Guardian

Trump’s Super Tuesday victory speech: grim visions of an American apocalypse

Rather than bask in his Republican primary victories, the ex-president asserted that the state of the union is bleak

By David Smith | 6 Mar 2024


March 6th, 2024 search:

05. CNN

Live updates: Biden and Trump dominate Super Tuesday as Haley exits race

By Aditi Sangal, Antoinette Radford, Maureen Chowdhury, Tori B. Powell, Elise Hammond, Kaanita Iyer, Isabelle D'Antonio and Shania Shelton | Updated 1:16 PM ET, Wed March 6, 2024


March 6th, 2024 search:

06. Al Jazeera

Trump’s Gaza comments highlight tough choice for peace-supporting US voters

Former president's rhetoric shows voters seeking to punish Biden for backing Israel face dilemma in upcoming election.

[No author(s) name(s) indicated] | 6 Mar 2024


March 6th, 2024 search:

07. CNN

Here's what unfolded as Fed Chair Powell testified on the state of the economy

By CNN's Bryan Mena, Nicole Goodkind, Elisabeth Buchwald and Alicia Wallace | Updated 1:15 PM ET, Wed March 6, 2024


March 4th, 2024 search:

08. USA Today
(By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)

Allen Weisselberg, Donald Trump's former CFO, pleads guilty to perjury

The judge in Trump's civil fraud trial found Weisselberg 'intentionally evasive' in describing how the former president exaggerated property values to gain benefits such as lower interest rates.

By Bart Jansen | March 4, 2024


March 5th, 2024 search:

09. USA Today
(By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)

Did Facebook log you out? Site experienced outage on Super Tuesday (Was Facebook down on Super Tuesday? Users reported outages on primary election day)

By Jonathan Limehouse | March 5, 2024


March 5th, 2024 search:

10. USA Today
(By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)

Credit card late fees capped at $8 under Biden crackdown on 'junk fees'

By Joey Garrison | March 5, 2024


March 4th, 2024 search:

11. USA Today
(By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)

President Biden predicts Trump won't concede in 2024 if he loses ('Losers are never graceful': Biden predicts Trump won't concede 2024 election)

By Joey Garrison | March 4, 2024


March 4th, 2024 search:

12. USA Today
(By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)

Supreme Court rules Donald Trump can stay on Colorado ballot ahead of Super Tuesday

The court's three liberal justices wrote a separate statement criticizing the majority for going further than they said was necessary.

By Maureen Groppe | March 4, 2024


March 4th, 2024 search:

13. The Guardian

Trump confuses Obama for Biden again at Virginia rally speech

Richmond crowd reportedly went silent as 77-year-old mixed up the president and ex-president for third time in past six months

By Nina Lakhani | 3 Mar 2024


March 6th, 2024 search:

14. The New York Times
(By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)

Biden Preps for the State of the Union Speech and Rowdy Republicans

The speech, which will be edited up until the president delivers it, will be watched by one of his biggest audiences before the November election.

By Katie Rogers | March 6, 2024


March 6th, 2024 search:

15. AP News

Super Tuesday elections results: Biden, Trump closer to rematch (Biden and Trump dominate Super Tuesday races and move closer to a November rematch)

By Will Weissert, Bill Barrow and Chris Megerian | Updated 5:36 AM PST, March 6, 2024


March 6th, 2024 search:

16. CNN

The general election is here and it’s Trump vs. Biden (America has never had a presumptive nominee like Donald Trump)

By Stephen Collinson | March 6, 2024


March 6th, 2024 search:

17. CNBC

Trump, Biden dominate Super Tuesday contests, Haley to end presidential campaign

Super Tuesday 2024 saw Trump and Biden mop up delegates across the country. But each man faced an upset loss, Biden in American Samoa, and Trump in Vermont.

By Kevin Breuninger, Dan Mangan, Brian Schwartz, Rebecca Picciotto and Chelsey Cox | Updated Wed, Mar 6 2024 8:02 AM EST


March 5th, 2024 search:

18. NBC News

Michelle Obama's office says the former first lady 'will not be running for president' in 2024

Democrats and Republicans have mused about a Michelle Obama candidacy, albeit for different reasons.

By Mike Memoli | March 5, 2024


March 5th, 2024 search:

19. USA Today
(By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)

Why does Donald Trump keep calling President Biden 'Obama' on the campaign trail?

Rachel Looker | March 4, 2024


March 4th, 2024 search:

20. Financial Times

What voters think about Joe Biden and the age issue

How much will perceptions of the capacities of the elderly president and his not-much-younger rival influence the outcome of elections

By Patti Waldmeir | March 4, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


March 6th, 2024 search:

21. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos

Super Tuesday sets up a Biden vs. Trump rematch, and 4 more takeaways

While the two candidates won handily, they didn't get clean sweeps.

By Tal Axelrod | March 6, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written March 6th, 2024 and revised March 17th, 2024)


March 7th, 2024 Update No. 1: National Slam the Scam Day is today, March 7th, 2024, since National Slam the Scam Day is yearly (annually) on the Thursday of National Consumer Protection Week—yearly on the first full week of March—which is March 3rd through March 9th this year!

And I received an email from the Social Security Administration (SSA) seventeen days ago on February 19th, 2024, with the subject line, "Help us Slam the Scam," which stated the following:

Help Us Slam the Scam

National Slam the Scam Day
March 7, 2024

On National Slam the Scam Day and throughout the year, we give you the tools to recognize Social Security-related scams and stop scammers from stealing your money and personal information.

Help protect your loved ones and people in your community this Slam the Scam Day by:

[✓] Educating them about government imposter scams. Let them know they shouldn’t be embarrassed to report if they shared personal information or suffered a financial loss. It is important to report the scam as quickly as possible.

[✓] Sharing our Scam Alert ( [PDF] fact sheet and helping educate others about how to protect themselves.

Report Social Security-related scams to the Social Security Office of the Inspector General (OIG).

Report a Scam:

Visit for more information and follow SSA OIG on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to stay up to date on the latest scam tactics. Repost #SlamtheScam information on social media to keep your friends and family safe.

And, after I read the email above on March 7th, 2024, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, regarding "sharing [the Social Security Administration's] Scam Alert fact sheet," the relevant text of which can be found below:

Watch out! Scammers target everyone.

Recognize scammers. They may:

[✓] PRETEND to be from an agency or organization you know.

[✓] Say there's a PROBLEM or promise a prize.

[✓] PRESSURE you to act immediately.

[✓] Tell you to PAY in a specific way.

Do not give scammers money or personal information — Ignore them!

How to avoid a scam:

[✓] Remain calm. Talk to someone you trust.

[✓] Hang up or ignore the message. DO NOT click on links or attachments.

[✓] Protect your money. Criminals will insist that you pay in a hard-to-trace manner, such as with a gift card, prepaid debit card, cryptocurrency, wire transfer, money transfer, or by mailing cash.

[✓] Protect your personal information. Be skeptical of a contact you didn't initiate.

[✓] Spread the word. Share your knowledge of Social Security-related scams. Post on social media using the hashtag #SlamtheScam to share your experience and warn others. Visit for more information. Please also share with your friends and family.

And I also received a related email from today, March 7th, 2024, with the subject line, "Medicare fraud: Shut it down," which stated the following:

3 tips to protect yourself from Medicare fraud. An important message from Medicare:


Here are 3 tips to protect yourself from Medicare fraud and scams:

1. If you get a call, text or email asking for your Medicare Number, don't respond. Don't give your Medicare card or Medicare Number to anyone except your doctor or people you know should have it.

2. Check your Medicare Summary Notices (MSNs) or claims statements carefully. If you see a charge for a service you didn't get or a product you didn't order, it may be fraud. If you suspect fraud, report it at 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227).

3. Guard your Medicare card like it's a credit card.

Stop Medicare Fraud:

Visit, the official source for Medicare information, to learn more about preventing Medicare fraud and medical identity theft.


The Medicare Team

Thus, I wanted to share these emails from the Social Security Administration and with you, my readers, so that you too can know the facts regarding Social Security-related scams, as well as Medicare fraud and scams, on this annual “Slam the Scam” Day! –Paul Whiting (March 7th, 2024)


March 7th, 2024 Update No. 2, Which Also Discusses January 21st, 2024: [Blogger's Note: This 'update' that I am writing today, March 7th, 2024, is for donations that I made as part of my series of donations for the month of March to Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations—and to one campaign—regarding the national races for the House of Representatives (the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee), the Senate (the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee) and the President of the United States (the Democratic National Committee and Biden for President, or the Biden Victory Fund), as well as the state races for the Governors (the Democratic Governors Association), the Secretaries of State (the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State), the Attorneys General (the Democratic Attorneys General Association) and the State Legislatures (the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee), during this third month of the year for the 2024 Presidential Election.]

I received a mailer from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) forty six days ago on January 21st, 2024, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "2024 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL NOTICE," which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]


Dear Paul,

I'm not done doing my part to move our nation forward, and I know you're not either. As I've always been clear, democracy is not a partisan issue. It's an American issue.

I believe you see as clearly as I do just how much is at stake this year. The democracy we cherish so much is on the line. What you and I do right now will determine everything that follows.

You, me, and every American who is committed to preserving our democracy carries a special responsibility. That's why you're receiving this letter first.

As one of the Democratic National Committee's Grassroots Partners, you've shown time and time again that you will continue fighting for what's right. You understand how important it is to elect Democrats up and down the ticket — whether it's reelecting me and Kamala or fighting for local leaders who will empower the Democratic agenda.

Our rights, our institutions, and our democracy will be on the ballot in November. By stepping up today, you have the power to shift the tides of history toward progress.

Paul, I'm personally asking you to join the fight for our nation's future. Renew your DNC membership by rushing back a Grassroots Partners gift of $20, $30, or $40 today, and your support will go right to work electing Democrats in 2024!

Let me be clear: History is watching. The DNC has the vision, the strategy, and the team to lead Democrats to victory in every state and territory. And it's your renewed support that will pave our way to that victory.

In anticipation of your renewed annual membership for 2024 and your commitment to supporting the work we have yet to achieve, I've enclosed your Official 2024 DNC Member Card. I hope that you will carry it with pride.

We have achieved unprecedented progress with your support — from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to the Inflation Reduction Act's largest climate investment in American history — all while building an economy that works for everyone.

Our work is just getting started. By keeping the White House, growing our Senate majority, and taking back the House, we can — and will — do so much more for the hardworking people and families of this great nation.

We can protect women's reproductive health care access, safeguard voting rights, make progress to guarantee workers a living wage, tackle climate change, and do what it takes to pass on a better America to our children and grandchildren.

I want you to know this from the bottom of my heart: All we want to do is heal this nation and make it stronger — and I know that's what you want too.

Your renewed support will make that possible.

I have made the defense, the protection, and the preservation of American democracy the central cause of my presidency. But there is something dangerous happening in America. There is an extremist movement that does not share the basic beliefs of our democracy — the MAGA movement.

Just take a moment to consider this: Extreme MAGA Republicans want to slash Social Security and Medicare, eliminate women's freedom to control their own bodies, pass laws endangering LGBTQ+ youth and their families, ban books from school libraries, and roll back our progress on everything from climate action to voting rights.

I don't want to see that happen, because I know what it will mean for so many hardworking American families who simply want freedom and opportunity. And I think you feel the same.

You know as well as I do that the best parts of the American story are when we expand rights, not when we take them away. And I can promise you that the DNC is fighting nonstop to make sure the next chapter of our nation's history is one we're proud of, but they need you by their side like never before.

Democracy is in our hands — yours, mine, and the entire Democratic Party's. Renew your DNC membership by rushing back a grassroots gift today, and you'll help elect the kind of leaders that our nation urgently needs.

I've long said that it's never been a good bet to bet against America. And it's not a good bet today.

We're still a country that believes in honesty and decency and integrity. We're still a country that believes in hard work and giving everyone a fair shot — because we believe that every one of us is created equal. We're still the beacon of the free world.

In small towns, rural America, suburbs, and big cities all across the country — everyday, ordinary people continue to do the most extraordinary things. I see it every day.

America's best days are still ahead of us. I believe it. And your renewed support for the DNC will help make those days happen.

We are the United States of America. There is nothing — nothing — beyond our capacity if we work together.

Thank you,

President Joe Biden

P.S. The 2024 elections will shape our nation for years to come, and we must elect Democrats at every level so that we can deliver the best possible future for America. Do your part and rush back a grassroots gift to renew your DNC membership and lead the fight. Thank you!



[Start of Member Card]


Paul [Middle Initial] Whiting
MEMBER ID# [redacted]


[End of Member Card]

YES, President Biden! I want to reelect you, Vice President Harris, and Democrats up and down the ballot so we can continue delivering progress to every American. I'm proud to renew my DNC membership today with a contribution of:

[  ] $20

[  ] $30*

[  ] $40

[✓] Other $7.00

*Please consider a gift of at least this much!

Text "DEMOCRAT" to 43367 to let President Biden know your renewal donation is on the way.

Paul [Middle Initial] Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

To put your 2024 renewal contribution to work immediately, please call [phone number redacted] or visit


Please rank the following Democratic policy priorities for President Biden in order of importance. (1 = most important)

3. Confronting the climate crisis and building a clean energy future
5. Creating safer communities and advancing equity and opportunity
4. Raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour
6. Lowering costs for American families
2. Ending our gun violence epidemic
7. Making child care and college more affordable
1. Protecting a woman's right to make her own health care decisions
9. Expanding access to high-quality, affordable health care
8. Protecting and strengthening Social Security and Medicare

Please rank the following DNC 2024 priorities in order of Importance. (1 = most important)

2. Registering new and young voters
3. Building up our technology and data infrastructure
1. Protecting and expanding voting rights
5. Supporting Democratic state parties
4. Holding our Senate majority and taking back the House
6. Expanding messaging about President Biden and Democrats' legislative accomplishments

And, after I read the letter above, I typed the web address to the referenced webpage in my browser, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Support the Democratic National Committee

"We are in a battle for the soul of our nation" -President Joe Biden

Joe Biden and Democrats nationwide are counting on you: Donate now!

President Biden is calling on all Americans — including you — to meet this moment and defend our democracy from MAGA Republican threats. The Democratic National Committee is making key investments to win races across the country, but we need your help in this fight.

Please, for our democracy and the soul of our nation, renew your support today to elect Democrats nationwide!

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Democratic National Committee (DNC)-Direct Marketing.

[  ] Donate $35 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $75 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $200 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[✓] Other amount $7.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $2 tip?

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.51 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DNC (with a tip to ActBlue) because "[President Joe Biden is] personally asking [me] to join the fight for our nation's future." That is why I renewed "[my] DNC membership by rushing back a Grassroots Partners gift of [$7] today, [so that my] support will go right to work electing Democrats in 2024!" –Paul Whiting (written March 7th, 2024, revised March 9th, 2024 and revised March 10th, 2024)

P.S.: By the way, the letter above, as well as the DNC membership card above, are really quite similar to the DNC letter and membership card that I wrote about on February 14th, 2024 (please see my 'February 14th, 2024 Update No. 3, Which Also Discusses January 21st, 2024' that can be found above), since I mistakenly thought that the letter and membership card above were actually a duplicate of the one that I wrote about on February 14th! You see, I initially thought that these two letters, as well as these two membership cards, were identical. And I thought that the DNC had simply sent me two of the same "2024 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL NOTICE" letters, where one of them had "Mr." in front of my first name and last name! So, that is why, at first, I didn't actually realize that one of the membership renewals was for the DNC in general (that I wrote about on February 14th, 2024) and that the other one was for the DNC Grassroots Partners, which is the membership renewal regarding my monthly donations of $3.00 to the DNC. Therefore, it wasn't until I actually took the time to read the letter above regarding my 2024 Grassroots Partner Member Card (a few days after I donated on February 14th) that I finally realized the "2024 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL NOTICE" above was a totally separate notice! Thus, that is why I decided to donate for this 2024 Grassroots Partner Member Card today, as part of my set of donations to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations, as well as to Joe Biden's presidential campaign, for the month of March 2024, so that I am donating for the general DNC renewal and the Grassroots Partner renewal. (I hope that makes sense!)

P.P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.)


March 7th, 2024 Update No. 3, Which Also Discusses March 1st, 2024: [Blogger's Note: This 'update' that I am writing today, March 7th, 2024, is for donations that I made as part of my series of donations for the month of March to Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations—and to one campaign—regarding the national races for the House of Representatives (the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee), the Senate (the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee) and the President of the United States (the Democratic National Committee and Biden for President, or the Biden Victory Fund), as well as the state races for the Governors (the Democratic Governors Association), the Secretaries of State (the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State), the Attorneys General (the Democratic Attorneys General Association) and the State Legislatures (the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee), during this third month of the year for the 2024 Presidential Election.]

I received a mailer from the Biden Victory Fund six days ago on March 1st, 2024, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "Paul, this moment could change everything. Are you with me?" which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]


Dear Paul,

Here's the deal: The primaries are here. Super Tuesday is coming up fast. And MAGA extremists are closing in.

When these contests are over, Republican nominees will be declared for races up and down the ballot — including the Republican nominee for president.

Once they're done fighting with each other, the MAGA extremists will turn their full attention to taking down Democrats.

These extremists are coming for us. We have to be ready to get out ahead, to defend our democracy and American values, and make sure that truth and freedom prevail.

Paul, you are the backbone of this campaign, and we can only win if we have you in our corner right now, ready to fight with all you've got.

I hope you'll support this campaign again and the campaigns of Democrats across the country by sending a contribution of $25, $38, or $50 to the Biden Victory Fund today.

You've been a powerful part of our grassroots team, and we need you to hold the line. Folks like you are the reason we'll have the resources we need to build on the progress we've made and finish the job, if you stay in this fight.

The battle we're waging goes beyond the White House — it extends to the Senate, to the House, to every state and territory. It's not only about defeating extremists and their destructive vision for our country, but electing Democratic leaders nationwide who will protect our democracy and deliver the future Americans deserve.

Kamala and I, along with our Democratic allies, are delivering on our promises — lowering costs for families, protecting American lives from the devastating impacts of challenges like the climate crisis and the opioid epidemic, and ensuring America can compete to win in the global marketplace.

At the same time, more progress is needed to meet the needs of the American people, support our communities, and protect our nation and its interests. So we have to keep going.

Every contribution counts, and it's going to take our whole grassroots community pitching in to keep moving this country forward. When we win this race and elect Democratic leaders nationwide, we can advance priorities that improve the lives of hardworking people.

Paul, we've already made historic investments in tackling the climate crisis through the expansion of clean energy. Next, we can meet our commitment to helping communities facing flooding, extreme heat, catastrophic wildfires, drought, and other severe weather events.

We can ensure families have access to child care. The American Rescue Plan provided the largest one-time investment the country has ever made in child care. But the job's not done. Too many families are still struggling to find care. We need to reduce child care costs, recruit and retain child care staff, and help parents return to work or enter the workforce.

We'll advance racial equity and civil rights. The promise of our nation is that every American has an equal chance to get ahead, yet systemic racism and barriers to opportunity have denied this promise for so many.

We need to continue to take bold action to end disparities in access to health care, education, and fair housing so that everyone across America can fulfill their potential.

We brought together folks on both sides of the aisle to pass the first meaningful gun control legislation in decades. But recent mass shootings show we need to do more, and quickly, to keep kids, families, and communities safe.

But what we can accomplish for our country and its people depends on the choice you make now — to stand with our campaign and Democrats across the country or to let our progress disappear and, with it, our basic freedoms.

Now's the time to show our extreme MAGA opponents that this team has the momentum behind us and that we'll keep fighting for an America that represents all Americans. We look forward to receiving your urgent contribution right away so we can put your support to work faster to defeat MAGA extremists, defend our rights, protect our democracy, and ensure every American has a fair shot.

Thank you for being a part of this team and for your ongoing support.


Joe Biden
President of the United States

P.S. Paul, MAGA extremists are hot on our heels as candidates come out of the primaries and turn their focus to the general elections. To win big on Election Day, we need to pull ahead today.

The threats to democracy are real. Defeating them is an uphill challenge. But I believe in the strength of our grassroots community, and I believe in you. Let's lock this in for our children, our families, our communities, and our future. Please return your contribution or give online at Thank you for your support.




Yes, Joe! I understand threats are growing as extreme MAGA candidates gain influence. You can count on me fighting in your corner to protect democracy, defeat extremists, and elect Democratic leaders who will deliver for the American people. My contribution to the Biden Victory Fund is enclosed:

[  ] $25

[  ] $38

[  ] $50

[✓] Other $7.00

You can also contribute online by visiting

Paul Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

And, after I read the letter above, I typed the web address to the referenced webpage in my browser, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Biden Victory Fund

Donate to reelect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris

Joe Biden and Kamala Marris are running for reelection.

It's going to take this full team at Joe and Kamala's backs to finish the job and deliver for Democrats, including four more years in the White House. Will you pitch in today to help Joe, Kamala, and Democrats nationwide?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Biden Victory Fund.

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $1,000→

[  ] Donate $2,000→

[✓] Other $7.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $2 tip?

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.51 (7%)

So, I made a one-time donation to the Biden Victory Fund (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to confirm the reply memorandum statement: "Yes, Joe! I understand threats are growing as extreme MAGA candidates gain influence. You can count on me fighting in your corner to protect democracy, defeat extremists, and elect Democratic leaders who will deliver for the American people." –Paul Whiting (written March 7th, 2024, revised March 9th, 2024 and revised March 10th, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.)


March 7th, 2024 Update No. 4, Written On March 9th, 2024: [Blogger's Note: This 'update' that I am writing today, March 9th, 2024, is for donations that I made two days ago, March 7th, 2024, as part of my series of donations for the month of March to Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations—and to one campaign—regarding the national races for the House of Representatives (the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee), the Senate (the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee) and the President of the United States (the Democratic National Committee and Biden for President, or the Biden Victory Fund), as well as the state races for the Governors (the Democratic Governors Association), the Secretaries of State (the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State), the Attorneys General (the Democratic Attorneys General Association) and the State Legislatures (the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee), during this third month of the year for the 2024 Presidential Election.]

I have consolidated the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

Therefore, I have combined every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests. [For my regular mail March 7th, 2024 "State of the Union" political donations, please see my 'March 7th, 2024 Update No. 2, Which Also Discusses January 21st, 2024,' as well as my 'March 7th, 2024 Update No. 3, Which Also Discusses March 1st, 2024' that can be found above.]

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The first political communication to which I responded two days ago on March 7th, 2024, was a text message that I received twenty two days ago on February 16th, 2024, from the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State (DASS), which stated the following:

One-click poll: Will you vote in the November General Election?

[✓] YES:***

[  ] NO:


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Email: [redacted]

Will you vote in the November General Election?

[✓] Yes
[  ] No
[  ] Unsure
[  ] Prefer not to say

If the 2024 election were held tomorrow, who would you vote for?

[✓] Joe Biden
[  ] Donald Trump
[  ] Unsure

How concerned are you that MAGA Republicans running for Secretary of State have pledged to END Vote-by-Mail?

[✓] Very concerned
[  ] Somewhat concerned
[  ] Not concerned

Did you know that Secretaries of State are responsible for upholding election laws, overseeing elections, and counting ballots?

[✓] Yes, I knew that!
[  ] No, but I do now!

The Democratic Association of Secretaries of State is the largest and most powerful organization leading the movement to stop election-denying extremists at the ballot box. Will you join our grassroots operation?

[✓] YES!

Can we please count on you to chip in to elect Democrats who will fight for our democracy?

[  ] Yes, I'll chip in $3 >>
[  ] Yes, I'll chip In $15 >>
[  ] Yes, I'll chip in $35 >>
[  ] Yes, I'll chip in $50 >>
[✓] Yes, I'll chip in a custom amount >>



Democratic Association of Secretaries of State

When federal action stalls, state laws decide the future of our republic. We can't let those laws fall into the hands of partisan, conspiracy-loving GOP legislatures.

Our Democratic Secretaries protect our elections — even when Congress is deadlocked. They're the last line of defense for your rights, and they need your help this year more than ever. Rush a donation now and defend our Secretaries of State!

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit DASS PAC.

[  ] Donate $15 →

[  ] Donate $35 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[✓] Other amount $5.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $2 tip?

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (4%*)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DASS (with a tip to ActBlue) on March 7th, 2024 in order to answer the question "Will you vote in the November General Election?" with a resounding 'Yes!'

*I usually leave an $0.35 (7%) tip to ActBlue for my typical $5.00 donations to political organizations; however, I accidentally enter $0.21, which is my usual tip for $3.00 donations to political campaigns!


The second political communication to which I responded two days ago on March 7th, 2024, was an email from the Democratic Attorneys General Association (DAGA) that I received ten days ago on February 28th, 2024, with the subject line, "Can we give you three reasons?", which stated the following:


Supporter: [redacted]
2024 Membership Status: Activated — thank you!
Suggested Donation: $15


Paul, can we give you three reasons why you should chip in today?

1. We have ELEVEN attorney general races to compete in this year. From Pennsylvania to North Carolina, we’ll need ample resources to support Dem AGs and candidates around the country.

2. It has NEVER been more important to have Democratic AGs in office than right now. Republican state legislatures are going after reproductive freedom, voting rights, and LGBTQ+ equality more than ever before. Dem AGs are the last line of defense in protecting our rights from far-right attacks.

3. Attorneys General races are INCREDIBLY close, often won by the smallest of margins. $5 here or $10 there can genuinely make the difference between winning and losing these races.

That’s why we need your help now more than ever: Power DAGA’s critical work with a donation of any amount today:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

[✓] CHIP IN $5 NOW***
[  ] CHIP IN $10 NOW
[  ] CHIP IN $25 NOW
[  ] CHIP IN $50 NOW
[  ] CHIP IN $100 NOW

Thanks in advance for your support!

— Democratic AGs

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:



From abortion access to voting rights, Dem AGs are on the front lines, defending our democracy and protecting our communities.

Make a donation to DAGA to elect more Dem AGs in 2024 and beyond starting right here and now.


Your contribution will benefit Democratic Attorneys General Association (DAGA) PAC.

[✓] DONATE $5 →

[  ] DONATE $10 →

[  ] DONATE $25 →

[  ] DONATE $50 →

[  ] DONATE $100 →

[  ] DONATE $250 →

[  ] DONATE $500 →


Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $2 tip?

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.35 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DAGA (with a tip to ActBlue) on March 7th, 2024, because 1) the "[Democratic Attorneys General Association has] ELEVEN attorney general races to compete in this year," 2) "it has NEVER been more important to have Democratic AGs in office than right now" and 3) "Attorneys General races are INCREDIBLY close, often won by the smallest of margins."


The third political communication to which I responded two days ago on March 7th, 2024, was an email from the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC) that I received six days ago on March 3rd, 2024, with the subject line, "State Democrats invest ahead of upcoming races while Republicans attack reproductive freedoms … and everything else you need to know in the states.", which stated the following:

State Democrats invest ahead of upcoming races while Republicans attack reproductive freedoms …and everything else you need to know in the states.


1️. Tennessee: Republican lawmakers work to ban pride flags in classrooms

In Tennessee, the GOP’s anti-LGBTQ+ agenda served its newest blow with a bill that aims to ban pride flags in schools. If passed, this bill would be a step backward for inclusivity and equality for the LGBTQ+ community everywhere →,as%20early%20as%20this%20week.

[Blogger's Note: I read the Associated Press article titled, "Pride flags would be largely banned in Tennessee classrooms in bill advanced by GOP lawmakers."]

2️. Oklahoma: New GOP-endorsed law would allow for a database of abortion recipients

In Oklahoma, Republicans are finding new ways to intimidate and punish people who receive abortions and attack reproductive health care. If passed, an extreme law would create a state database to identify those who obtain abortions, invading the privacy of those seeking reproductive care →

[Blogger's Note: I read The Oklahoman article titled, "New Oklahoma bill could allow state to create database of women who had abortions."]

3️. Virginia: Democrats agree on a bill legalizing the marijuana market

In Virginia, the newly Democratic-controlled legislature agreed on a framework to legalize the marijuana market which is designed to give small businesses a chance to compete with large corporations. This marks one of the first waves of progressive action since the Democrats gained full legislative control last November →

[Blogger's Note: I read the Washington Post article titled, "Virginia House, Senate agree on bill creating legal marijuana market."]

4️. Read: DLCC rushes resources to statehouses in first big investment of 2024

We just announced a series of investments into key battleground states as we prepare for hard fights in 2024 and beyond. These crucial funds will support staff hiring, digital infrastructure, field operations, and other key expenditures in our most competitive races. Click here to read more about our work and investments →

[Blogger's Note: I read The Guardian News article titled, "Democrats target statehouse races in first big campaign spend of 2024."]

🗳️ Special Elections: Over the next few months, Democrats are facing over a dozen special elections in key states like Alabama and Michigan, so we’re calling on grassroots Dems to help power our candidates to victory →***

The Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee is working to rebuild the Democratic Party from the ground up by electing Democrats to state legislatures. Your grassroots donation will help provide state Democrats with the resources, staff, and technology to win elections — but it all depends on your support.

Join the fight! Chip in today:


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Join the fight! Chip in today.

🗳️Elect state Dems in critical special elections
💰Fund our strategic investments in 2024, 2025, and beyond
❌Counter Republican extremism in the states

Can you chip in today?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit DLCC PAC.

[  ] Donate $10 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000→

[✓] Other amount $5.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $2 tip?

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.35 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DLCC (with a tip to ActBlue) on March 7th, 2024 because "over the next few months, Democrats are facing over a dozen special elections in key states like Alabama and Michigan, so [the DLCC is] calling on grassroots Dems to help power our candidates to victory."


The fourth political communication to which I responded two days ago on March 7th, 2024, was an email from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) that I received on March 7th, 2024, with the subject line, "your tripled donation ->", which stated the following:

Triple-Impact Match!

These 8 Democrats need your help to win re-election!

Jon Tester, Montana
Amy Klobuchar, Minnesota
Sherrod Brown, Ohio
Tammy Baldwin, Wisconsin
Jacky Rosen, Nevada
Mazie Hirono, Hawaii
Bob Casey, Pennsylvania
Elizabeth Warren, Massachusetts

We must defend every seat to hold the Senate majority.

Donate any amount to triple your impact!


(Before the match expires!)

If you've saved payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation will be processed immediately. The first $10,000 received from this email will be TRIPLED:

[  ] DONATE $55 (BECOMES $165)
[  ] DONATE $110 (BECOMES $330)
[  ] DONATE $220 (BECOMES $660)

The DSCC is the only committee solely dedicated to supporting Democrats in the U.S. Senate, and our work relies on grassroots supporters like you.

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Match Activated! TRIPLE your impact to help SUPERCHARGE our Senate majority!

CNN says multiple GOP seats could flip blue this year — but with Mitch McConnell's megadonors already playing offense, it's going to take all hands on deck to win!

Please, will you chip in now to protect our historic progress by supercharging our Democratic majority? The first $10,000 received before tonight's fundraising deadline will be TRIPLED!

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit DSCC.

[  ] Donate $55 →

[  ] Donate $110 →

[  ] Donate $220 →

[  ] Donate $550 →

[✓] Other amount $5.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $2 tip?

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.35 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DSCC (with a tip to ActBlue) on March 7th, 2024 in order to "donate [$5.00] to triple [my] impact, because "8 Democrats need [my] help to win re-election," since "we must defend every seat to hold the Senate majority."


The fifth political communication to which I responded two days ago on March 7th, 2024, was a text message that I received on March 7th, 2024, from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), which stated the following:

300% MATCH UNLOCKED: Before President Biden's State of the Union address tonight, all-star Democrats are 300% MATCHING the next 500 gifts to the DCCC. Rush in a 300%-MATCHED $15 gift NOW to reclaim our House Majority and make President Biden proud before his big speech:***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Rush a donation right now to DEFEAT MAGA Extremism and RESTORE our House Majority!

Here's the situation: Democrats Need to flip just FOUR seats to take back the House Majonty and experts agree the race for House control is a COMIPLETE TOSS-UP!

But, Extreme MAGA Republicans and their deep-pocketed megadonors are preparing to spend MILLIONS to defeat our grassroots imovement.

Please, we're counting on you, rush a gift right now to help flip the House Blue and send Republicane defeat! >>

Donate immediately.

Your contribution will benefit DCCC.

[  ] Donate $15 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $5.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $2 tip?

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.35 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DCCC (with a tip to ActBlue) on March 7th, 2024 in order to "rush in a 300%-MATCHED [$5] gift NOW to reclaim our House Majority and make President Biden proud before his big [State of the Union] speech."


The sixth political communication to which I responded two days ago on March 7th, 2024, was an email from the Democratic Governors Association (DGA) that I received on March 7th, 2024, with the subject line, "Need input from Paul to reach 100%", which stated the following:


Paul, President Biden will begin his third State of the Union address – the last of his first term – in JUST 2 HOURS. And with the 2024 race and rematch between Trump and Biden officially underway, all eyes will be on Biden tonight!

Just look at our internal polling:


Watching tonight's SOTU: 92%
Refusing to watch: 3%
Haven't responded yet: 5%

It’s no wonder so many Democrats like you are tuning in tonight, Paul – 91% of respondents to our poll also answered that they approve of President Biden's agenda! But we still haven’t heard from you, Paul, and our goal is to reach 100% completion BEFORE President Biden begins at 9 p.m. Eastern Time in just 2 hours and 25 minutes!

Are you watching the State of the Union tonight?

[✓] Yes, I Am***

[  ] No, I refuse to watch

[  ] Maybe

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:



Thank you for participating in our State of the Union preview survey. Your input will also help inform our strategy to support President Biden and elect Democrats this November and beyond. >>>

Poll Deadline: 11:59 p.m.

Email: [redacted]
Phone: [redacted]

Will you be watching Pres. Biden's final State of the Union address of his first term on March 7th?

[✓] Yes
[  ] No
[  ] Unsure

President Biden is set to outline his agenda for the nation during his State of the Union address. Which issues do you want him to speak about? (Select all that apply.)

[✓] Protecting Social Security and Medicare from Republican cuts
[✓] Safeguarding reproductive rights, including abortion, contraception, and IVF
[✓] Lowering prescription drug costs and making health care more affordable
[✓] Creating good-paying jobs, addressing economic inequality, and building an economy that works for everyone
[✓] Combating climate change and investing in green energy
[✓] Repairing our nation's infrastructure
[✓] Expanding voting rights and defending our democracy ahead of November's election
[✓] Continuing to forgive student loan debt for those most in need
[✓] Preventing gun violence
[  ] Other:

Do you approve of President Biden's vision for America?

[✓] Yes
[  ] No
[  ] Unsure

How would you rate President Joe Biden's job performance during his term so far?

★★★★★ ["Five out of five stars."]

What should be the top priorities for Democrats in 2024 and beyond? (Select all that apply.)

[✓] Protecting the ACA and expanding access to affordable health care
[✓] Protecting reproductive rights against attacks from Republicans and the courts
[✓] Expanding voting rights and fighting back against the Republican assault on our democracy
[✓] Passing gun violence prevention laws
[✓] Building a fair economy and creating good jobs
[✓] Reforming our immigration system
[✓] Taking action to address climate change
[✓] Improving our education system
[  ] Other:

We're depending on top Democrats like you to help us win in November and beyond. What's the top reason you vote for Democrats?

[  ] I can't depend on the conservative-majority on the Supreme Court to protect my rights.
[  ] Democratic governors are our last line of defense against GOP attacks on everything from voting rights to reproductive freedom.
[✓] I believe in President Biden's agenda & want to keep building America back better.
[  ] Because I'm worried that Republicans are doing everything they can to enable Donald Trump's comeback.
[  ] Other:

Donald Trump's campaign for president is already in full swing — and new polls have him neck-and-neck with President Biden.

How concerned are you about another Trump presidency?

[✓] Extremely concerned
[  ] Very concerned
[  ] Somewhat concerned
[  ] Not at all concerned

How important is it to you for Democrats to stand strong with President Biden and against Trumpism in every state?

[✓] Extremely important
[  ] Very important
[  ] Somewhat important
[  ] Not at all important

The road ahead isn't easy: With Republicans in control of the House and Democrats holding a razor-thin majority in the Senate, Washington remains in a tight gridlock. That's why Democratic governors across the nation are the Biden-Harris campaign's most powerful allies as they kick their 2024 reelection efforts into high gear to defend our progress and keep moving our country forward.

How important is it to you to defend our blue firewall of Democratic governors so they can continue to work with President Biden and Vice President Harris to protect our democracy?

[✓] Extremely important
[  ] Very important
[  ] Somewhat important
[  ] Not at all important

Democrats defeated far-right extremists in 2022 and 2023. But we're counting on strong support from loyal Democrats like you to run strong campaigns and defend our blue firewall in 2024! Will you invest $100 to help us elect Democratic governors across the country, support the Biden-Harris ticket, and defeat the GOP's radical right-wing agenda once and for all?

Please use the options below to start a monthly donation through ActBlue:

[✓] No, I can't give that much.
[  ] Yes, I will give $100!

We understand that giving at that level right now might be tough. But the DGA is working tirelessly to elect Democrats across the country and beat back GOP extremism in every state. With Republicans aggressively attacking our progress and our democratic institutions, we can't afford to miss any fundraising goals.

We flipped critical states from red to blue because loyal Democrats like you were FIRED UP to elect Democratic governors and defend fellow Americans from the GOP's nightmare policies in every corner of our country. But we just pulled your supporter record, and here's what we found:

Email: [redacted]
Given to DGA today? Pending
Suggested donation: $44

Electing Democrats in every state is the most critical thing we can do to stop the far right and heal the divisions in our country. But right now, we're short of what we need to raise before our next big deadline. Please, before midnight tonight: Will you give $44 or whatever you can?

Please use the options below to start a monthly donation through ActBlue:

[  ] Yes, I'll give $22.
[  ] Yes, I can give $44! (suggested donation)
[✓] Yes, and I'll give more!*

*[Blogger's Note: I selected this option—although I made a one-time donation, rather than a monthly donation—because it's an option that got me to the donation webpage!]



If we want to stop the Republicans dangerous agenda, we have to keep pace with the GOP's millions in fundraising — but right now, not enough Democrats are donating, and we're falling short ahead of our midnight deadline.

Luckily, a group of generous donors is matching all gifts up to our goal! Please don't wait: rush your gift to elect Democratic governors!

Make It monthly!

Yes, count me in!
[✓] No, donate once

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Democratic Action.

[  ] Donate $44 →

[  ] Donate $88 →

[  ] Donate $220 →

[  ] Donate $440 →

[  ] Donate $880 →

[  ] Donate $1,760 →

[✓] Other amount $5.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $2 tip?

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.35 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DGA (with a tip to ActBlue) on March 7th, 2024 in order to answer the question "Are you watching the State of the Union tonight?" with a resounding 'Yes, I Am!'

Thus, these six organizations—the DASS, the DAGA, the DLCC, the DSCC, the DCCC and the DGA—are the political organizations that I donated to on March 7th, 2024! –Paul Whiting (written March 9th, 2024, revised March 10th, 2024, revised March 23rd, 2024, revised March 29th, 2024, revised April 12th, 2024, revised April 17th, 2024, revised May 13th, 2024 and revised June 28th, 2024)


March 8th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses March 7th, 2024: I received an email from United Farm Workers (UFW) yesterday, March 7th, 2024, with the subject line, "Florida did what?!", which stated the following:

United Farm Workers
Si, Se Puede!        UFW

With states eliminating heat protections, national regulations are a must

Take Action!

You wouldn't believe what is happening in Florida. Their state Senate just passed a bill to remove local governments' authority to adopt heat standards, such as guaranteed shade and rest breaks, for workers. The bill awaits final approval in the Florida State House before heading to Gov. Ron DeSantis. If signed into law, it would take effect July 1. This is yet another example of why all farm workers and outdoor workers desperately need federal heat protections.

The frightening Florida bill bans local ordinances giving workers water and shade breaks. It bans required heat-exposure training programs, protections for employees who report heat exposure issues and record-keeping requirements. Texas also passed extreme legislation. The “Death Star Bill” limits local governments from establishing ordinances for mandatory water and shade breaks for outdoor workers.

Click here ( to message your federal elected officials and tell them to support the crucial Ascunsion Valdivia Heat Stress Injury, Illness and Fatality Prevention Act, which was introduced by [name redacted] and [name redacted] in the House and by [name redacted] and [name redacted] in the Senate. The lifesaving legislation was named after a farm worker who was killed by heat illness.

Only a handful of states -- California, Oregon and Washington -- have policies on farm work in extreme heat. With climate change, outdoor workers are more and more in danger every year. Extreme temperatures could make thousands of workers seriously ill -- and even suffer heat stroke and die. Farm workers are as much as 35 times more likely to be killed by heat than any other civilian occupation.

With the way the government has shifted to the right, the need is more urgent than ever. The men, women and children working in our fields can't wait. Workers need enforceable heat standards to be put in place NOW -- before more people die. This would protect workers in every state- even Florida and Texas. Message your US Congressmembers today.

PS: After you take action you can also share this campaign on Facebook & Twitter.*

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below—and that text is mostly the same information which is contained in the email above, with additional information:

With states eliminating heat protections, national regulations are a must

You wouldn't believe what is happening in Florida. Their state Senate just passed a bill to remove local governments' authority to adopt heat standards, such as guaranteed shade and rest breaks, for workers. The bill awaits final approval in the Florida State House before heading to Gov. Ron DeSantis. If signed into law, it would take effect July 1. This is yet another example of why all farm workers and outdoor workers desperately need federal heat protections. Act now.

The frightening Florida bill bans local ordinances giving workers water and shade breaks. It bans required heat-exposure training programs, protections for employees who report heat exposure issues and record-keeping requirements. Texas also passed extreme legislation. The “Death Star Bill” limits local governments from establishing ordinances for mandatory water and shade breaks for outdoor workers.

Click below to message your federal elected officials and tell them to support the crucial Ascunsion Valdivia Heat Stress Injury, Illness and Fatality Prevention Act, , which was introduced by [name redacted] and [name redacted] in the House and by [name redacted] and [name redacted] in the Senate. The lifesaving legislation was named after a farm worker who was killed by heat illness.

Only a handful of states -- California, Oregon and Washington -- have policies on farm work in extreme heat. With climate change, outdoor workers are more and more in danger every year. Extreme temperatures could make thousands of workers seriously ill -- and even suffer heat stroke and die. Farm workers are as much as 35 times more likely to be killed by heat than any other civilian occupation.

With the way the government has shifted to the right, the need is more urgent than ever. The men, women and children working in our fields can't wait. Workers need enforceable heat standards to be put in place NOW -- before more people die. This would protect workers in every state- even Florida and Texas. Message your US Congressmembers today.

Message Recipients

Send the following messages:

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]

Subject: Support the Ascunsion Valdivia Heat Stress Injury, Illness and Fatality Prevention Act

Dear [elected official],

Outdoor workers need federal heat protection. I ask you to support The Asunsion Valdivia Heat Stress Injury, Illness and Fatality Prevention Act that was introduced by [name redacted] and [name redacted].

With climate change, outdoor workers are more and more in danger every year. Only a handful of states -- California, Oregon and Washington -- have policies on farm work in extreme heat. Extreme temperatures could make thousands of workers seriously ill -- and even suffer heat stroke and die. Farm workers are as much as 35 times more likely to be killed by heat than any other civilian occupation. And now, some states are even forbidding local ordinances to protect outdoor workers.

Outdoor workers need more than OSHA’s “general duty” clauses. They need enforceable protections and penalties so dangerous incidents never happen. The men, women and children working in our fields can't wait. Workers need emergency heat standards to be put in place NOW -- before more people die.

With the way the government has shifted to the right, the need is more urgent than ever.

The Florida state Senate just passed a bill to remove local governments' authority to adopt heat standards, such as guaranteed shade and rest breaks, for workers. The bill awaits final approval in the Florida State House before heading to Gov. Ron DeSantis. If signed into law, it would take effect July 1, 2024. This is yet another example of why all farm workers and outdoor workers desperately need federal heat protections. The frightening Florida bill bans local ordinances giving workers water and shade breaks. It bans required heat-exposure training programs, protections for employees who report heat exposure issues and record-keeping requirements.

Texas also passed extreme legislation. The “Death Star Bill” limits local governments from establishing ordinances for mandatory water and shade breaks for outdoor workers.

And this lifesaving legislation was named after a farm worker who was killed by heat illness. So, please support the crucial Asunsion Valdivia Heat Stress Injury, Illness and Fatality Prevention Act.

Thank you!


Mr. Paul Whiting
[Address, City, State and ZIP Code redacted]
[Email redacted]

*I selected the "Share on Twitter" option (by the way, I only have a Twitter account so I can read tweets which are included in some online articles that I read) in order for me to provide you, my readers, with the text and hyperlink below:

With states like Florida and Texas eliminating local heat protections, national regulations are needed to save lives.

And, after I sent the email above to my federal elected officials, via the (Service Employees International Union) website, I made a one-time donation to United Farm Workers today, March 8th, 2024, in order to show my support for "the Asunsion Valdivia Heat Stress Injury, Illness and Fatality Prevention Act." –Paul Whiting (March 8th, 2024)


March 8th, 2024 Update No. 2: I have consolidated the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

Therefore, I have combined every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The only political communication to which I responded was a text message today, March 8th, 2024, from the Craig Herskowitz for Congress (Craig 4 Congress) campaign, which stated the following:

Hi Paul, it's Craig Herskowitz, Democratic candidate on Long Island. This is extremely urgent.

George Santos, who was expelled from Congress just 4 months ago and is facing federal charges for defrauding donors, just announced that he is running for Congress in NY-01.

Long Island Democrats are united! Please stand with us to help ensure this MAGA con artist does not return to power.

We need your help to flip Long Island Blue at every level. Can I count on you now to contribute $5 to our campaign?***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Support Craig Herskowitz for NY SD-2*

Now more than ever, Long Islanders need effective leadership grounded in integrity and justice. With his experience, Craig would bring to Albany a deep understanding of the issues facing our community, a passion for making a difference, and an absolute commitment to serve his fellow Long Islanders.

Can we count on your support to help us win this November and flip SD-2 blue?

*[Blogger's Note: Although Craig Herskowitz's ActBlue donation webpage says he is running for NY SD-2 ("New York's 2nd State Senate district"), according to Ballotpedia, he is currently running as a Congressional candidate for U.S. House New York District 1, as described from their website: "Craig Herskowitz (Democratic Party) is running for election to the U.S. House to represent New York's 1st Congressional District. He declared candidacy for the Democratic primary scheduled on June 25, 2024."]

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Craig Herskowitz.

[  ] Donate $5 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $2 tip?

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Craig Herskowitz for Congress (Craig 4 Congress) campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to support "Craig Herskowitz, Democratic candidate on Long Island," since "George Santos, who was expelled from Congress just 4 months ago and is facing federal charges for defrauding donors, just announced that he is running for Congress in NY-01."

Thus, this one campaign—Herskowitz for Congress (Craig 4 Congress)—is the political campaign that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written March 8th, 2024 and revised April 17th, 2024)


March 8th, 2024 Update No. 3: In observance of International Women's Day, which is yearly (annually) on March 8th worldwide, I donated today, March 8th, 2024, to USA for UNFPA (formerly known as the 'United Nations Fund for Population Activities' that is now called the 'United Nations Population Fund') in order to help "create a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe, and every woman and girl can reach her fullest potential!" –Paul Whiting (March 8th, 2024)


March 8th, 2024 Update No. 4, Which Also Discusses March 7th, 2024: This 'update' that I am writing today, March 8th, 2024, is only from my news searches on Google, which I do as often as I can manage.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, lately I am simply checking the news as often as I can manage. And, I usually check what's happening in the world via various Google searches that I do under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Google news searches.

Plus, I was formerly writing separate 'updates' for the news articles that I read from the news organizations to which I subscribe that send me email newsletters. However, after I restarted writing these news 'updates' through Google searches, I figured out that I don't really have enough time available, nor enough cellular data available, to be able to continue writing those email newsletter 'updates.' Although, I do continue to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe and I read the titles of their articles to get an overview of what is happening in the world.

So, without further ado, I was doing my occasional news searches on Google today March 8th, 2024, as well as yesterday, March 7th, 2024, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the articles; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink; however, I think that all of those hyperlinks to current news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these current news 'updates' by first providing the original Google search category through which I found each article, as listed above, like I usually do. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.]

Then, I am providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the publisher's name and the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too! (I hope that makes sense.)


March 7th, 2024 search:

01. USA Today
(By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)

What another Trump presidency would mean for America's allies

European assurances that Donald Trump wouldn't pull the US out of NATO are 'the triumph of hope over experience," former national security advisor John Bolton warned

By Kim Hjelmgaard | March 6, 2024


March 8th, 2024 search:

02. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos

'I believe in America': Fired-up Biden uses State of the Union to skewer GOP, his 'predecessor'

The president made the case for why he deserves a second term.

By Alexandra Hutzler, Tal Axelrod, Meredith Deliso and Leah Sarnoff | March 7, 2024


March 8th, 2024 search:

03. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos

Key proposals from President Biden's State of the Union address

The speech provided Biden one of his biggest audiences of the year.

By Riley Hoffman | March 8, 2024


March 8th, 2024 search:

04. The New York Times
(By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)

Spate of Mock News Sites With Russian Ties Pop Up in U.S.

The fake news organizations, experts say, represent a technological leap in the Kremlin’s efforts to spread false and misleading narratives.

By Steven Lee Myers | March 7, 2024


March 7th, 2024 search:

05. USA Today
(By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)

Daylight saving time 2024: Time change details; when to 'spring ahead' (When is daylight saving time 2024? Millions have sunsets after 6 pm as time change approaches)

By Emily DeLetter | March 4, 2024


March 8th, 2024 search:

06. USA Today
(By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)

Trump RNC 'purge' has some committee members nervous about party footing his legal bills

By Zac Anderson | March 7, 2024


March 8th, 2024 search:

07. CNN

Takeaways from Joe Biden’s State of the Union address

By Kevin Liptak | Updated 10:40 AM EST, Fri March 8, 2024


March 8th, 2024 search:

08. The New York Times
(By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)

5 Takeaways From Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address

Verbal swings at Donald Trump, though not by name. A spirited back-and-forth with G.O.P. lawmakers. And a loud and feisty delivery.

By Michael D. Shear and Shane Goldmacher | March 7, 2024


March 8th, 2024 search:

09. CNN

See Biden’s response to Marjorie Taylor Greene interrupting speech

While President Biden addressed the GOP-led failure of an immigration bill touted by his administration, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) interrupted him requesting he speak directly about Laken Riley, the Augusta University nursing student killed on the University of Georgia campus by a man who is not a US citizen.

By the way, the 'article' above is actually a video, which is why I didn't include the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date.


March 8th, 2024 search:

10. USA Today

Biden's reaction to MTG at the State of the Union goes viral

By Kinsey Crowley | March 8, 2024


March 8th, 2024 search:

11. The New York Times
(By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)

In Two Speeches, Trump and Biden Offer Starkly Different Views of the Country

President Biden’s State of the Union address and former President Donald Trump’s victory speech on Super Tuesday conjured diametrically opposed visions of America’s past, present and future.

By Jonathan Weisman | March 8, 2024


March 7th, 2024 search:

12. NBC News

Why Biden is making ‘freedom’ a central campaign focus: From the Politics Desk

Plus, a preview of the president's State of the Union address.

By The Politics Desk | March 7, 2024


March 8th, 2024 search:

13. CNBC

Biden electrifies Democrats, spars with Republicans in fiery State of the Union address

By Christina Wilkie | Mar 7 2024


March 8th, 2024 search:

14. The Guardian

Republicans baffled by Katie Britt’s State of the Union response: ‘One of our biggest disasters’

The 42-year-old Alabama senator is a rising Republican star but her kitchen table speech did not land well even in her own party

Martin Pengelly | 8 Mar 2024


March 8th, 2024 search:

15. The Daily Beast

Official GOP Response to SOTU Has Republicans 'Losing It'

By Jake Lahut | Mar. 08, 2024


March 8th, 2024 search:

16. The New Republic

Republicans Torch Their Own “Creepy” State of the Union Response

Alabama Senator Katie Britt gave a truly bizarre SOTU rebuttal—and even other Republicans are baffled by it.

By Ellie Quinlan Houghtaling | March 8, 2024


March 8th, 2024 search:

17. The Guardian

RNC: Trump coup complete with loyalist as chair and daughter-in-law as co-chair

Michael Whatley of North Carolina has been voted the Republican National Committee chair, with Lara Trump as co-chair

By Associated Press | 8 Mar 2024


March 8th, 2024 search:

18. CNN

Trump’s takeover of Republican National Committee is official as McDaniel steps down

By Alayna Treene, Daniel Strauss and Aaron Pellish | Updated 3:05 PM EST, Fri March 8, 2024


March 8th, 2024 search:

19. MSNBC News

Yet another Republican senator says he won’t endorse Trump in 2024 There are now three sitting Republican U.S. senators — and counting — who are not publicly backing Donald Trump's 2024 candidacy

There are now three sitting Republican U.S. senators — and counting — who are not publicly backing Donald Trump's 2024 candidacy. The list might yet grow.

By Steve Benen | March 8, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written March 8th, 2024 and revised March 17th, 2024)


March 10th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses March 9th, 2024: This 'update' that I am writing today, March 10th, 2024, is only from my news searches on Google, which I do as often as I can manage.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, lately I am simply checking the news as often as I can manage. And, I usually check what's happening in the world via various Google searches that I do under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Google news searches.

Plus, I was formerly writing separate 'updates' for the news articles that I read from the news organizations to which I subscribe that send me email newsletters. However, after I restarted writing these news 'updates' through Google searches, I figured out that I don't really have enough time available, nor enough cellular data available, to be able to continue writing those email newsletter 'updates.' Although, I do continue to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe and I read the titles of their articles to get an overview of what is happening in the world.

So, without further ado, I was doing my occasional news searches on Google today March 10th, 2024, as well as yesterday, March 9th, 2024, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the articles; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink; however, I think that all of those hyperlinks to current news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these current news 'updates' by first providing the original Google search category through which I found each article, as listed above, like I usually do. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.]

Then, I am providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the publisher's name and the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too! (I hope that makes sense.)


March 9th, 2024 search:

01. NPR (National Public Radio)

Immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than U.S.-born Americans, studies find

By Jasmine Garsd | March 8, 2024


March 9th, 2024 search:

02. CBS News

Senate passes first government funding package to avoid shutdown

By Caitlin Yilek | Updated on: March 9, 2024 / 1:26 PM EST


I did not select any articles from this category.


March 9th, 2024 search:

03. The New York Times
(By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)

Opinion | Why It's Hard to Explain Joe Biden's Unpopularity

Ross Douthat | March 9, 2024


March 10th, 2024 search:

04. Washington Post

Analysis | Katie Britt's false linkage of a sex-trafficking case to Joe Biden

By Glenn Kessler | March 9, 2024


March 10th, 2024 search:

05. MSNBC News

Exclusive interview with President Biden following State of the Union address

During an exclusive interview with Jonathan Capehart, President Biden discussed topics from his State of the Union address including a hot-mic moment with Secy. Blinken, calling a migrant "an illegal," and his optimism for a ceasefire in Gaza.

By the way, the 'article' above is actually a video, which is why I didn't include the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date.


March 9th, 2024 search:

06. The Guardian

‘Young and handsome’: Biden kicks off $30m ad blitz with spot addressing age

Coinciding with multistate tour, 60-second ad shows president joking about age and stressing 'strongest economy in the world'

By Maya Yang | 9 Mar 2024

By the way, I also watched the YouTube video accompanying the article above that is titled, "For You | Biden-Harris 2024."


March 9th, 2024 search:

07. CNN

Republican strategist: Biden ‘was on his game’ during State of the Union speech

Republican strategist Sarah Longwell reacts to President Joe Biden's State of the Union address, saying Biden "nailed it," and explains the mistake some in the GOP made about the president.

By the way, the 'article' above is actually a video, which is why I didn't include the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date.


March 9th, 2024 search:

08. Axios

"Smokin' Joe Biden" launches new ad campaign following State of the Union

By Mike Allen | March 9, 2024


March 9th, 2024 search:

09. CBS News

Biden's new ad takes on his age: "I'm not a young guy"

By Aaron Navarro | March 9, 2024

By the way, I already watched the YouTube video accompanying the article above that is titled, "For You | Biden-Harris 2024." (I actually watched the ad on YouTube when it appeared in a previously news article that I read above.)


March 9th, 2024 search:

10. Politico

'Look, I'm not a young guy': Biden campaign ad addresses age issue

The president leans into his age in a new campaign ad touting his presidential record.

By Olivia Alafriz | 03/09/2024


March 9th, 2024 search:

11. Vanity Fair

Joe Biden Rips Trump For Mar-a-Lago Meeting With Viktor Orban

“There’s nobody that’s better, smarter or a better leader than Viktor Orban. He’s fantastic,” Trump said Friday of the Hungarian PM.

By Jack McCordick | March 9, 2024


March 10th, 2024 search:

12. Politico

Katie Britt offers explanation for sex trafficking story … kind of

Former AP reporter Jonathan M. Katz first drew attention to the cloudy details of the story in a roughly seven-minute TikTok video.

By Kelly Garrity | 03/10/2024


March 10th, 2024 search:

13. The Daily Beast

Fox News Confronts Katie Britt on Falsely Connecting Biden to Sex-Trafficking Story

BY Corbin Bolies | Mar. 10, 2024

March 10th, 2024 search:


14. NPR (National Public Radio)

Biden: Netanyahu 'hurting Israel' by not preventing more civilian deaths in Gaza

By the Associated Press | March 10, 2024


March 10th, 2024 search:

15. NBC News

Israel-Hamas war live updates: Netanyahu rejects Biden criticism that he’s ‘hurting Israel’ and says policies have support of most Israelis

In an exclusive interview with MSNBC, President Joe Biden discussed his frustrations with the Israeli prime minister, red lines in the war, and a cease-fire, saying Netanyahu “cannot have 30,000 more Palestinians dead.”

By NBC News | March 10, 2024


March 10th, 2024 search:

16. CNN

A forceful Biden hits the road as Republicans keep focus on his age and memory

By Zachary B. Wolf | Updated 1:07 PM EDT, Sun March 10, 2024


March 10th, 2024 search:

17. The Guardian

Biden says he regrets using term ‘illegal’ to describe Laken Riley murder suspect

Trump, meanwhile, blasted Biden's immigration policies and blamed president for Riley's death at dueling Georgia rally.

By Associated Press | 10 Mar 2024


March 10th, 2024 search:

18. The Daily Beast

MTG Wants Points for 'Scaring' Joe Biden at SOTU

By Allison Quinn | Mar. 09, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


March 10th, 2024 search:

19. CNBC

Biden rebutter Sen. Britt blasted for recycling 20-year-old sex traffic story to attack border policy

By Rebecca Picciotto | MAR 9 2024


March 10th, 2024 search:

20. CNN

Anecdote from Sen. Katie Britt’s criticism of Biden’s border policies appears to be from before he was president

By Samantha Waldenberg | Updated Sat March 9, 2024


March 9th, 2024 search:

21. Business Standard

Continuing his embrace of autocrats, Trump to meet Hungary PM Viktor Orbn

Orbn is one of a small group of conservative populists who have publicly aligned themselves with US conservatives trying to oust Biden in November

By AP (Associated Press) | Last Updated : Mar 09 2024 | 6:59 AM IST (International Standard Time)


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written March 10th, 2024 and revised March 17th, 2024)


March 11th, 2024 Update No. 1: I have consolidated the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

Therefore, I have combined every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The only political communication to which I responded was a text message today, March 11th, 2024, from the Voters of Tomorrow PAC, which stated the following:

Gen Z will BLOCK Trump from getting a second Trump term… IF you stand with us!

Paul, it’s Voters of Tomorrow PAC, the largest Gen Z-led organization working to turn out young voters in droves and defeat Donald Trump.

We have HUGE news…

🎊 Today, we’re officially endorsing President Joe Biden for reelection! 🎊

Our team of high school and college-aged volunteers are going to spend the next few months registering first time voters, then turning them out to defeat Trump and his MAGA allies this November!

But here’s a hard truth: MAGA Republicans and their shady billionaire donors are HELLBENT on suppressing Gen Z turnout. They know if we show up to vote, they will lose.

So Paul, will you give $1 (yep, just a buck!) to help us hire organizers on college campuses in swing states, reelect Joe Biden, and BLOCK Trump from a second term? Donate before midnight! >>***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Donate to Voters of Tomorrow PAC!

$36,917.05 Raised →→→→→ GOAL $50,000
MIDNIGHT DEADLINE! >> updated at 1:44 PM

Help us turn out Gen Z in DROVES and defeat MAGA Republicans!

With your contribution, Voters of Tomorrow PAC will be able to turn out Gen Z against Republicans all across the country.

Can you pitch in below to fund our efforts? >>

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Voters of Tomorrow PAC.

[  ] Donate $15 →

[  ] Donate $27 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $5.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $2 tip?

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.35 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Voters of Tomorrow PAC (with a tip to ActBlue) because "[Voters of Tomorrow PAC is] officially endorsing President Joe Biden for reelection!" That is why I contributed to "help [them] hire organizers on college campuses in swing states, reelect Joe Biden, and BLOCK Trump from a second term."

Thus, this one organization—Voters of Tomorrow PAC—is the political organization that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written March 11th, 2024 and revised April 17th, 2024)


March 11th, 2024 Update No. 2: I received an email from Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) today, March 11th, 2024, with the subject line "We asked, you answered", which stated the following:


Every year at IAVA, we send out our comprehensive Membership Survey to find out what our generation of veterans wants to see from our elected leaders and for our nation.

Our research team dug into the data from this year’s survey and now, we want to share key findings with you:

[✓] 68% of IAVA veterans support the repeal or reform of the 2001 and 2002 Authorization for Use of Military Force.

[✓] 71% support legalizing cannabis at the federal level to help our fellow veterans treat their wartime wounds.

[✓] 75% also support including women in the selective service.

Additionally, a shocking 74% of IAVA veterans told us that they were disappointed with the way that democracy was working in this country.

Our leadership in Washington needs to know that they’re not just failing America, but those of us who’ve put it all on the line for our country. They need to know that what we have here in America is as much a ‘veteran’s issue’ as any other. And, IAVA is standing ready to make sure that your voice and the voice of our generation of veterans is heard.

But to fuel this fight, we need your support. Your donation in addition to your input helps us ensure that the voice of the post-9/11 generation of veterans is heard far and wide. Can you chip in whatever you can to help us continue to do so today?

I can’t thank you enough for your input, and for considering supporting our work even more. We simply couldn’t be in the fight in Washington and beyond without you.


[Name redacted]
Iraq War Veteran
[Title redacted], IAVA

P.S. Veterans have paid their dues so IAVA membership is always free. However, we rely on voluntary donations from supporters like you. If you can, please chip in to support IAVA's advocacy work.


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, I made a one-time donation to Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) in order to show my support for our U.S. Veterans!

–Paul Whiting (March 11th, 2024)


March 12th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses March 11th, 2024: This 'update' that I am writing today, March 12th, 2024, is only from my news searches on Google, which I do as often as I can manage.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, lately I am simply checking the news as often as I can manage. And, I usually check what's happening in the world via various Google searches that I do under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Google news searches.

Plus, I was formerly writing separate 'updates' for the news articles that I read from the news organizations to which I subscribe that send me email newsletters. However, after I restarted writing these news 'updates' through Google searches, I figured out that I don't really have enough time available, nor enough cellular data available, to be able to continue writing those email newsletter 'updates.' Although, I do continue to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe and I read the titles of their articles to get an overview of what is happening in the world.

So, without further ado, I was doing my occasional news searches on Google today March 12th, 2024, as well as yesterday, March 11th, 2024, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the articles; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink; however, I think that all of those hyperlinks to current news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these current news 'updates' by first providing the original Google search category through which I found each article, as listed above, like I usually do. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.]

Then, I am providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the publisher's name and the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too! (I hope that makes sense.)


I did not select any articles from this category.


March 11th, 2024 search:

01. CNN

Sex trafficking victim says Sen. Katie Britt telling her story during SOTU rebuttal is ‘not fair’

By Rafael Romo and Melissa Alonso | Updated 2:17 PM EDT, Mon March 11, 2024


March 11th, 2024 search:

02. NBC News

Sen. Katie Britt attempts to clean up her misleading State of the Union response

The Alabama senator responded to questions around a story she told about visiting the border and speaking to a victim of human trafficking.

By Alexandra Marquez | March 10, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


March 11th, 2024 search:

03. NBC News

Trump floats 'cutting' retirement spending, drawing quick pushback from Biden

The Republican nominee-in-waiting said that “there’s a lot you can do in terms of cutting” when pressed on CNBC about the solvency of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

By Sahil Kapur, Gabe Gutierrez and Jake Traylor | March 11, 2024


March 12th, 2024 search:

04. The New York Times
(By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)

Trump's Biden Mockery Upsets People Who Stutter: 'We've Heard This Before'

The former president mimicked his rival while at a rally over the weekend. For those who stutter, his remark “hits that familiar humiliation feeling.”


March 12th, 2024 search:

05. AP News

Joe Biden clinches 2024 Democratic nomination

By Zeke Miller | Updated 4:42 PM PDT, March 12, 2024


March 12th, 2024 search:

06. AP News

Transcript of Biden interview with Robert Hur reveals key details

BY CHRIS MEGERIAN | Updated 1:57 PM PDT, March 12, 2024


March 12th, 2024 search:

07. CNBC

Voters blame businesses more than Biden for sticky inflation

By Rebecca Picciotto | MAR 12 2024


March 12th, 2024 search:

08. Rolling Stone

Dems Kick Off High-Profile Hearing With Supercut of Trump's Mental Gaffes

By Nikki Mccann Ramirez | March 12, 2024


March 11th, 2024 search:

09. NBC News

House Republicans release report seeking to undermine Jan. 6 committee and star witness

The report takes aim at key Jan. 6 witness Cassidy Hutchinson, citing unnamed Trump White House staffers who didn't corroborate her testimony.

By Scott Wong and Kyle Stewart | March 11, 2024


March 11th, 2024 search:

10. NBC News

Scarlett Johansson parodies Sen. Katie Britt’s GOP State of the Union response in ‘SNL’ cold open

The actor, playing Britt, poked fun at the rebuttal to Biden’s address, saying she’s auditioning for the part of “scary mom.”

By Mirna Alsharif | March 10, 2024


March 12th, 2024 search:

11. The New York Times
(By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)

Republican Voters Against Trump Plans $50 Million Ad Campaign

The group, Republican Voters Against Trump, will run a series of homemade videos of Americans who voted for him in the past but say they can no longer do so in 2024.

By Reid J. Epstein | March 12, 2024


March 12th, 2024 search:

12. MSNBC News

How Russia duped two Republicans with propaganda laundered through fake news sites

Rachel Maddow explains how Russia is using real-looking, fake news sites to introduce propaganda in American discourse by giving fake stories the appearance of legitimate sourcing, fooling some Republicans into resharing false information that they want to believe is true.

By the way, the 'article' above is actually a video, which is why I didn't include the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date.


March 11th, 2024 search:

13. CNN

‘She’s trying to backtrack’: CNN analyst on Sen. Britt’s interview on Fox News

CNN's Jessica Dean and Princeton University professor Julian Zelizer break down Alabama Sen. Katie Britt's interview on Fox News following the Republican senator's backlash for her response to President Biden's State of the Union address.

By the way, the 'article' above is actually a video, which is why I didn't include the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date.


March 11th, 2024 search:

14. CNN

Woman who appears to be at center of Katie Britt’s SOTU anecdote has message for the Alabama senator

Karla Jacinto, who appears to be at the center of Katie Britt's State of the Union anecdote about migrant sex trafficking during the GOP response to Biden's address speaks to CNN's Rafael Romo in an exclusive interview.

By the way, the 'article' above is actually a video, which is why I didn't include the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date.


March 12th, 2024 search:

15. The Guardian

Robert Hur says he ‘did not exonerate’ Biden and refuses to rule out role in a Trump administration – as it happened

Special counsel says word 'exonerate' does not appear in report; also says he is not testifying about a future Trump role.

By Léonie Chao-Fong | 12 Mar 2024


March 12th, 2024 search:

16. CNN

RNC lays off dozens of staffers days after Trump’s team takes over

By Daniel Strauss | Updated 9:48 PM EDT, Mon March 11, 2024


March 11th, 2024 search:

17. Channel 3000

Does Trump like authoritarians? | National and World News |

After Donald Trump's chummy meeting with strongman Viktor Orbán, does he like autocrats... envy them... or even plan to emulate them in a second term?

By the way, the 'article' above is actually a video, which is why I didn't include the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written March 12th, 2024, revised March 13th, 2024 and revised March 17th, 2024)


For my "March 13th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses March 5th, 2024"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

March 13th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses March 5th, 2024: K-9 Veterans Day is today, March 13th, 2024, since K-9 Veterans Day is yearly (annually) on March 13th.

And I received an email from the USO (United Service Organizations) eight days ago on March 5th, 2024, with the subject line, "MISSING YOUR NAME: Thank our K-9 teams now", which stated the following:



Sign the card to thank our K-9 teams


Paul, M‌arc‌h 13 is K-9 Veterans Day, which means it’s more important than ever to let our military working dog teams know how much we appreciate everything they do to protect us.

We need to fill this K-9 appreciation card with 30,000 signatures via email and text message to send the strongest possible message of gratitude and support to our military working dog teams — and we’re counting on dedicated military supporters like you to help us reach this goal: Please, will you sign the card now to thank our brave K-9 teams?

★ ★ ★

To all our K-9 teams,

Thank you for your brave service and sacrifice!


[add your name]


Our military dogs are courageous and loyal, serving alongside their handlers and other service members in some of the most dangerous places in the world. Like all our heroic troops, they deserve all the support and appreciation we can give them as they risk their lives to keep us safe and free.

So please, add your name right now to thank our brave military dog teams — and all our heroic troops — for everything they do to protect our country.


Thank you so much for being a dedicated military supporter our K-9 teams can always count on.


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, I signed the USO K-9 appreciation card today, March 13th, 2024, in order to support the USO's following statement: "Our heroic K-9 teams are putting their lives on the line alongside our troops in some of the world’s most dangerous places to keep us safe and free. We need to let them know we’ve got their backs." Plus, after I signed the card, I made a one-time donation on the website to say to our military dogs, their handlers and all American troops, "We are so grateful for your courageous service. Thank you for all you do to protect our country."

In addition to that, I already make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! You see, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation. ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "March 13th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses March 5th, 2024":


March 14th, 2024 Update No. 1: I received an email from United Farm Workers (UFW) today, March 14th, 2024, with the subject line, "Sign the pledge to support NY [New York] farm worker organizing", which stated the following:

United Farm Workers
Si, Se Puede!        UFW

Sign the pledge to support NY farm worker organizing

Farm workers are excluded from most federal labor laws. In 2019, NY passed the Farm Laborers Fair Labor Practices Act which gives farm workers the right to unionize in NY state. Since then we've won union representation at five farms so far, with more pending.

Rather than recognize their workers' choice to unionize, the growers banded together to sue the state and stop the law. They targeted the fact that many workers who want to unionize are H-2A workers. They want to overturn the law and strip NY farmworkers of their rights.

On February 21, a US District Judge in New York lifted the bulk of a temporary stay that had put the workers' rights on hold. With the law now restored, we will be taking swift action on our pending cases.

We must also move quickly at the five farms whose workforces have chosen to join the UFW and get those contracts negotiated so workers can get the fair union contract they voted for. A difficulty is that many of the workers are H-2A workers who have been sent back to their native countries and we need to have them recalled. The grower stall tactic stopped negotiations where one of our first asks would be workers being recalled by seniority.

Our organizers have already resumed the work on the ground which will be harder than ever. The growers' frivolous lawsuit has already caused irreparable harm to farm workers across New York. We've lost time and momentum. Plus, it's going to take an incredible effort to protect against retaliation and fight the continued attempts at union busting we have seen so far.

Sign the pledge today to support these courageous workers who have risked their livelihoods to get the protection of a UFW contract.

PS: Spread the word by sharing this campaign on Facebook & Twitter.*

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below—and that text is mostly the same information which is contained in the email above, with additional information:

Sign the pledge to support NY farm worker organizing

Farm workers are excluded from most federal labor laws. In 2019, NY passed the Farm Laborers Fair Labor Practices Act which gives farm workers the right to unionize in NY state. Since then we've won union representation at five farms so far, with more pending.

Rather than recognize their workers' choice to unionize, the growers banded together to sue the state and stop the law. They targeted the fact that many workers who want to unionize are H-2A workers. They want to overturn the law and strip NY farmworkers of their rights.

On February 21, a US District Judge in New York lifted the bulk of a temporary stay that had put the workers' rights on hold. With the law now restored, we will be taking swift action on our pending cases.

We must also move quickly at the five farms whose workforces have chosen to join the UFW and get those contracts negotiated so workers can get the fair union contract they voted for. A difficulty is that many of the workers are H-2A workers who have been sent back to their native countries and we need to have them recalled. The grower stall tactic stopped negotiations where one of our first asks would be workers being recalled by seniority.

Our organizers have already resumed the work on the ground which will be harder than ever. The growers' frivolous lawsuit has already caused irreparable harm to farm workers across New York. We've lost time and momentum. Plus, it's going to take an incredible effort to protect against retaliation and fight the continued attempts at union busting we have seen so far.

Sign the pledge today to support these courageous workers who have risked their livelihoods to get the protection of a UFW contract.

Contact Information

First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Postal Code: [redacted]
Email: [redacted]
Mobile Phone (Optional):

NY farmworker organizing pledge

I support NY farm workers and demand their employers stop legal delay tactics and negotiate with the workers' union, the UFW. A majority of workers at five companies have voted to be represented by the United Farm Workers and workers at two other companies have sought union representation. These employers must provide a workplace free from threats, harassment, and retaliation. I proudly pledge to stand with these New York farm workers in their struggle for union representation. Keep me in the loop and let me know how I can help.

*I selected the "Share on Twitter" option (by the way, I only have a Twitter account so I can read tweets which are included in some online articles that I read) in order for me to provide you, my readers, with the text and hyperlink below:

Farm workers won! We're able to organize again in NY. A US District Judge in New York lifted the bulk of a temporary stay that had put the workers' rights on hold. Sign the pledge to support NY farm worker organizing.!

And so, I wanted to share this email from United Farm Workers in order to show my support for "the pledge to support NY [New York] farm worker organizing." –Paul Whiting (March 14th, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, I used to make one-time donations to the organization that is the subject of these 'updates' each time that I took an action as requested by that organization; however, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am greatly reducing the number of times that I donate for the same organization per month down to once—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis." (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.) Thus, because I have already donated to United Farm Workers (UFW) on March 8th, 2024 (please see my 'March 8th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses March 7th, 2024,' which can be found above) that is the one-time donation which I made to UFW for March 2024.


March 15th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses March 14th, 2024, As Well As March 13th, 2024: This 'update' that I am writing today, March 15th, 2024, is only from my news searches on Google, which I do as often as I can manage.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, lately I am simply checking the news as often as I can manage. And, I usually check what's happening in the world via various Google searches that I do under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Google news searches.

Plus, I was formerly writing separate 'updates' for the news articles that I read from the news organizations to which I subscribe that send me email newsletters. However, after I restarted writing these news 'updates' through Google searches, I figured out that I don't really have enough time available, nor enough cellular data available, to be able to continue writing those email newsletter 'updates.' Although, I do continue to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe and I read the titles of their articles to get an overview of what is happening in the world.

So, without further ado, I was doing my occasional news searches on Google today March 15th, 2024, yesterday, March 14th, 2024, as well as two days ago, March 13th, 2024, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the articles; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink; however, I think that all of those hyperlinks to current news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these current news 'updates' by first providing the original Google search category through which I found each article, as listed above, like I usually do. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.]

Then, I am providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the publisher's name and the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too! (I hope that makes sense.)


I did not select any articles from this category.


March 13th, 2024 search:

01. CNN

Top news outlets acknowledge Hur’s characterization of Biden’s mental state didn’t match reality

By Oliver Darcy | Updated 7:11 AM EDT, Wed March 13, 2024


March 14th, 2024 search:

02. Al Jazeera

US Senate leader Chuck Schumer calls for new Israel elections amid Gaza war

Schumer called Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu one of several 'major obstacles' to peace in Gaza, in harshest criticism yet.

[No author(s) name(s) indicated] | 14 Mar 2024


March 13th, 2024 search:

03. The New York Times
(By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)

Marking The 4-Year Anniversary of the Covid Pandemic

Covid was declared a national emergency on March 13, 2020. Even as the threat of severe illness and death has faded, the pandemic’s effects linger.

By Julie Bosman | March 13, 2024


March 14th, 2024 search:

04. USA Today
(By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)

Israel war live updates: Schumer: Israel should vote Netanyahu out

Israel should hold elections and oust Netanyahu, Schumer says in harsh speech: Live updates


March 15th, 2024 search:

05. USA Today
(By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)

Supreme Court defines when public officials may block critics on personal social media accounts

By Maureen Groppe | March 15, 2024


March 14th, 2024 search:

06. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos

Numbers in special counsel report refute Trump's claim that Biden had 'more documents'

Biden had 88 documents, while Trump had about 340 documents.

By Katherine Faulders, Alexander Mallin and Soo Rin Kim | March 12, 2024


March 13th, 2024 search:

07. USA Today
(By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)

Hur report transcript: Truth about Biden's memory of Beau Biden death (What special counsel Robert Hur claimed about Beau Biden – and what transcript actually shows)

By Michael Collins | March 13, 2024


March 14th, 2024 search:

08. CNN

GOP nominee to run North Carolina public schools called for violence against Democrats, including executing Obama and Biden

By Andrew Kaczynski and Em Steck | March 14, 2024


March 14th, 2024 search:

09. Politico

‘License to kill’: Anti-abortion groups rage against the GOP

Some groups are running ads against longstanding GOP allies that use the same graphic imagery — blood, babies and scalpels — they have long deployed to oppose Democrats and the abortion-rights movement.

By Megan Messerly and Alice Miranda Ollstein | 03/12/2024


March 14th, 2024 search:

10. NBC News

Republicans take aim at new move by judiciary to curb 'judge-shopping'

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell accused the judiciary of responding to complaints made by Democrats about the practice recently used by conservative groups and Republican attorneys general.

By Lawrence Hurley | March 14, 2024


March 14th, 2024 search:

11. AP News

Republicans push back on new federal court policy aimed at 'judge shopping' in national cases

By Lindsay Whitehurst | Updated 3:24 PM PDT, March 14, 2024


March 13th, 2024 search:

12. The New Republic

How the Media Whitewashes the Trump-MAGA Threat—Revealed by an Insider

A newsroom veteran turned press critic explains how the conventions of political journalism sanitize the true nature of Donald Trump’s stated intent to destroy democracy.

The Daily Blast with Greg Sargent | March 12, 2024

By the way, the 'article' above is actually a podcast.

Plus, after I listened to this podcast on March 13th, 2024, I made a one-time donation to The New Republic out of gratitude for this very informative podcast!


March 14th, 2024 search:

13. Planetizen | Urban Planning ("Planetizen is a fiercely independent platform that creates, curates, and amplifies stories and resources to inform planning and people passionate about planning.")

How Public Transit Became Political

A number of factors explain the partisan divide in support for transit.

By Diana Ionescu | March 14, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


March 14th, 2024 search:

14. KGW ("...a television station in Portland, Oregon, United States, affiliated with NBC.")

Survey: Downtown Portland businesses feel optimistic

By Andy Giegerich (Portland Business Journal) | March 14, 2024


March 14th, 2024 search:

15. Central Oregon Daily ("Broadcasting & media production company")

Portland, Oregon's name was decided on a coin flip | Destination Oregon (The Ermatinger House -- and how a coin flip gave Portland its name)

By Dave Jones | Mar 14, 2024

By the way, I also watched the video accompanying the article above that is untitled.


And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written March 15th, 2024 and revised March 17th, 2024)


March 16th, 2024 Update No. 1: I received an email from Planned Parenthood Action Fund today, March 16th, 2024, with the subject line, "Tell SCOTUS to protect mifepristone access", which stated the following:

Planned Parenthood Action Fund Update

Action Fund Update is the monthly newsletter for members of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund. As an associate member of the Action Fund, you'll receive timely, insider information on our legislative, advocacy, and electoral work.

Member News


You may be hearing a lot about “fetal personhood” laws, especially as they relate to Alabama’s recent ruling that stored embryos are children

But Alabama isn’t the only state where this is an issue. In fact, more than one-third of U.S. states have laws that give fetuses — and even embryos, in some cases — the same legal rights as a person. Opponents of reproductive freedom are using “personhood” not only to eliminate access to abortion and IVF. These “personhood” laws can, and have, opened the door to criminalizing pregnant people for deeply personal matters like miscarriages and stillbirths.

This is really scary, Paul. And we can’t let politicians and activists who want to ban abortion get away with interfering in treatments that help people create a family.

Thank you for being a part of this fight.

In solidarity,

[Name redacted], [Title redacted]
Planned Parenthood Action Fund

P.S. Based on our records, it looks like your Associate Membership is going to expire soon. Don't miss out on timely, insider information on Planned Parenthood Action Fund's advocacy, legislative work, and electoral endorsements, as well as volunteer opportunities in your area. Click here to renew your membership.*

Month Endorsement News

We're committed to supporting these champions of reproductive health. Planned Parenthood Action Fund is proud to endorse:

Raquel Terán (AZ-03)

Raquel Terán has spent her career organizing in Arizona for higher wages for workers, affordable health care for families, and better schools for children. She previously served in the Arizona State Senate as Senate Minority Leader where she fought everyday to help give her community the tools they needed to get ahead. Before that, she served as chair of the Arizona Democratic Party. She also has worked with the Planned Parenthood Advocates of Arizona as an advocate for reproductive health and rights, including on implementing Latinx outreach efforts in the state. Raquel would be the first Latina to represent Arizona in Congress.

Emily Randall (WA-06)

Emily Randall has built a career helping expand access to affordable health care. In 2016 she went to work at Planned Parenthood Federation of America with a mission of helping people access health care, including abortion care. After that, she ran for elected office, organizing a grassroots campaign to successfully flip a Washington State Senate seat. She quickly rose to leadership in the State Senate and led passage of landmark legislation to help her community - from protecting abortion access, to expanding Medicaid, to improving apprenticeship programs for high school graduates. If elected, Emily would be the first LGBTQ Latina in Congress, and the first LGBTQ member from the state of Washington.

Take Action: Tell the U.S. Supreme Court: Protect access to mifepristone!

Later this month, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments in the court case that threatens access to mifepristone, one of two medicines commonly used for medication abortion. We will say this until we are blue in the face: Mifepristone is safe and has been used for decades by millions of patients.

The politicians trying to ban abortion are hellbent on undercutting the FDA’s authority and forcing the trusted agency to reverse its decision to lift medically unnecessary restrictions on mifepristone.

This is just another in a long line of politically motivated attacks on reproductive rights. Everyone should have the freedom to make their own health care decisions. Tell the U.S. Supreme Court: Protect access to mifepristone!

Take action >>***

[Blogger's Note: I was seriously thinking about taking this action by adding my name to the People's Brief, which states the following:

The lower courts' rulings in Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. FDA, which tried to roll back access nationwide to mifepristone, are unconscionable and inconsistent with the law. Now, the Supreme Court has the opportunity to reverse the extreme decisions of the lower courts and put an end to this baseless lawsuit.

Mifepristone — approved more than 20 years ago and used effectively by millions of people for medication abortion — is safe.

Anti-abortion extremists are attempting to weaponize the courts to ban abortion nationwide, even in states that have legal protections for abortion access.

This is why I'm joining Planned Parenthood Federation of America and people across the country in urging the Court to uphold the law and protect access to medication abortion.

However, I try not to tell the Supreme Court of the United States how to rule on a case that is being heard by them, because I am afraid that they may take offense since I am simply a private citizen and not a lawyer, or a judge. Thus—to the best of my knowledge—I have never actually signed a petition to the Supreme Court asking them to rule one way, or another, on any particular case. That is why I opted to not take this specific action.]

State Spotlight: Montana

In other, better news: A Montana judge declared that 3 of its laws restricting abortion were unconstitutional. These laws, passed in 2021, would have:

[✓] Banned abortion at 20 weeks
[✓] Barred doctors from prescribing medication abortions via telehealth
[✓] Required a 24-hour waiting period for medication abortions
[✓] And required doctors to offer an ultrasound with sound and images prior to an abortion

"As we celebrate today, we will continue to build on this win to fight for equitable abortion access in Montana and beyond," said [name redacted], [title redacted] of Planned Parenthood Federation of America.


Around the Web

BBC: France makes abortion a constitutional right

NPR: How states giving rights to fetuses could set up a national case on abortion

AP News: Nebraska’s new law limiting abortion and trans healthcare is argued before the state Supreme Court


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

By the way, I read all of the articles referenced in the email above including the article regarding 'Alabama’s recent ruling that stored embryos are children,' which is titled, "Fetal personhood laws, explained." I also read all of the articles listed under the 'State Spotlight' and the 'Around the Web' sections above, which is what I always do when I receive these monthly newsletters from Planned Parenthood Action Fund—in addition to taking any requested action from the newsletter, if I haven't already taken that same requested action (or, those same requested actions), as noted from previous 'updates.'

*And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, regarding renewing my Associate Membership for the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, which can be found below:

Become a Planned Parenthood Action Fund Associate Member.

By submitting this form, I affirm that I want to become an associate member of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund.

First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Postal Code: [redacted]
Email: [redacted]
Mobile Phone (Optional): [redacted]


And, after submitting the form above, I received a confirmation email today, March 16th, 2024, from the Planned Parenthood Action Fund with the subject line, "Thank you for your Associate Membership!", which stated the following:

Dear Paul,

Thank you for standing with us as an Associate Member of Planned Parenthood Action Fund!

Membership is free and allows you full access to timely Action Fund updates, including information about our grassroots organizing, legislative and regulatory advocacy, electoral endorsements, and volunteer opportunities in your area — and gives you an opportunity to vote for a member of the Action Fund Board of Directors.

You can also follow Planned Parenthood Action Fund on Facebook and Twitter.

We are so glad to have you with us!

Planned Parenthood Action Fund

And to clarify: I usually make a one-time donation to Planned Parenthood Action Fund after I renew my Associate Membership for the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, however I renewed my Associate Membership two months ago on January 13th, 2024 (please see my 'January 13th, 2024 Update No. 1,' which can be found above) and I made a one-time donation to Planned Parenthood Action Fund then "in order to show my support for the Action Fund Update monthly newsletter, as well as for my 'Associate Membership of Planned Parenthood Action Fund'"; thus, I opted to renew my Associate Membership without donating this month.**

–Paul Whiting (March 16th, 2024)

**P.S.: Just so you know, I used to make one-time donations to the organization that is the subject of these 'updates' each time that I took an action as requested by that organization; however, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am really 'tightening my belt,' so to speak, with regard to all of the donations that I am making on my credit card each month! My plan is to only donate to political, progressive and charitable organizations if they specifically ask for donations—and not just for the sake of donating to them at least once per month, or even when I have been taking some sort of action, such as signing a petition, or sending a letter, etc. Thus, I am trying to greatly reduce the number of donations that I make to simply once in a while, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis! You see, there are a lot of organizations that I literally donate to only once per year—such as for Giving Tuesday—which is all that I ever donate to them. And that is basically what I am striving for, so that I am still donating to political, progressive and charitable organizations, but the bare minimum that I can donate, since that's all I can really afford." [Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 4, Written On December 1st, 2023 About November 2023 (that also appears as 'November 30th, 2023 Update No. 2, Written On December 1st, 2023' on some of my blogs), which can be found above.]


March 17th, 2024 Update No. 1 [My Writing For St. Patrick's Day 2024]: Happy St. Patrick's Day, everyone!

By the way, the proper shortened name for St. Patrick's Day is "St. Paddy's Day," NOT "St. Patty's Day," as explained below from

St. Patrick’s Day can be referred to in informal contexts as “St. Paddy’s Day.” Paddy is the shortened form of the original Irish spelling of Patrick, which is Pádraig, and for this reason is usually preferred over “St. Patty’s Day,” which could also be mistaken for the shortened form of the name Patricia.

And the following is 'My Writing' for St. Patrick's Day 2024 (or, "St. Paddy's Day," as noted above).

My Writing About 'A Bit Of Irish,' Version No. 1: There's a little bit of Irish in all of us! –Paul Whiting (written March 13th, 2024 and revised March 17th, 2024)

My Writing About 'A Bit Of Irish,' Version No. 2: There's a bit o' Irish in all of us! –Paul Whiting (written March 13th, 2024 and revised March 17th, 2024)

My Writing About Luck Not Being An Accident: Luck is no accident! For, luck is based upon hard work and honesty, assuming calculated risk, facing your fears, planning ahead and following through, making mistakes, then learning from those mistakes, and doing better in the future. Thus, the reason that you can be lucky in the future is because you were hard working and honest in the past! –Paul Whiting (written March 13th, 2024 and revised March 17th, 2024)

My Writing About Being Lucky In The Future: The reason that you can be lucky in the future is because you were hard working and honest in the past! –Paul Whiting (written March 13th, 2024 and revised March 17th, 2024)


March 17th, 2024 Update No. 2, Which Also Discusses March 15th, 2024: Happy St. Patrick's Day, everyone!

By the way, the proper shortened name for St. Patrick's Day is "St. Paddy's Day," NOT "St. Patty's Day," as explained below from

St. Patrick’s Day can be referred to in informal contexts as “St. Paddy’s Day.” Paddy is the shortened form of the original Irish spelling of Patrick, which is Pádraig, and for this reason is usually preferred over “St. Patty’s Day,” which could also be mistaken for the shortened form of the name Patricia.

I received an email from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) today, March 17th, 2024, with the subject line, "Reaching out to you personally with just hours to spare", which stated the following:


The ACLU's mid-month fundraising deadline is at 11:59pm tonight, and we're falling drastically short of our goal. I'm reaching out to personally ask for your support.

Here's why I need you, and everybody reading this email, to make a donation and help us hit our goal:

The fight to restore, defend, and expand abortion care is at a crucial point. The U.S. Supreme Court will soon rule whether to let extreme restrictions on medication abortion go into effect nationwide. More and more attacks on reproductive freedom – from medication abortion all the way to IVF treatments – are being launched.

So we'll be clear:

[✓] It's the ACLU that is fighting to stop bans on abortion and other reproductive health care.

[✓] It's the ACLU that is fighting in the courts, at the ballot box, and in state legislatures to restore reproductive rights.

[✓] And – because the same extreme politicians coming after our power to control our own bodies, are also coming after so many other civil liberties as well – it's the ACLU that is fighting to expand access to the ballot box so every eligible voter can vote their values this November when it comes to protecting reproductive freedom and ALL our rights.

Paul, it's the ACLU who is fighting every step of the way for the civil liberties you care about. Period.

These fights are urgent, and they are necessary – now more than ever. That's why I'm calling on your support now:

Please, ahead of our midnight deadline, will you donate to help us hit our goal, protect reproductive freedom, and defend the rights of all people nationwide?

Thank you,

[Name redacted]
Pronouns: He, him, his
[Title redacted], ACLU


In addition to the email above, I received an email from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) two days ago on March 15th, 2024, with the subject line, "Our civil liberties are on the line.", which stated the following:


Goal: $25,000
Deadline: March 17

Will you donate to help us keep up the fight for our civil liberties?


Paul, our mid-month fundraising deadline is Sunday, and if we can't close the fundraising gap for March, we may not be able to rise to meet all the challenges ahead.

And it's no secret how monumental those challenges are: From expanding voting access in a critical presidential election year to protecting abortion rights as more states pass extreme bans, it's going to take a massive amount of resources to keep up the fight for our freedoms.

That's why we set a goal to raise $25,000 before our mid-month deadline. We know it's ambitious, so we're counting on your help to reach it in time.

With so many challenges in the months ahead, the ACLU can only keep up our work if folks like you chip in. Will you rush a donation now to help us defend the rights of all people nationwide?


We've been leading every major fight for our civil liberties for more than 100 years and we need your help to keep up our work – just consider our to-do list in the coming months:

ACLU 2024 Agenda

[✓] Connect people facing criminal abortion charges with legal defense resources

[✓] Fight to protect medication abortion access and emergency abortion care at the Supreme Court

[✓] Confront unconstitutional anti-LGBTQ legislation in 40 states

[✓] Take state legislatures to court over racist voter suppression laws

Our nationwide network of attorneys, organizers, and staff is always ready to jump into action wherever our rights come under attack – but this critical work is fueled by supporters like you.

Paul, your immediate support is the only way we'll be able to keep fighting to protect the rights of abortion patients, voters, trans youth, and so many others. Can we count on you to rush a donation to help us reach our $25,000 goal and continue defending our civil liberties?


Together, we can build a more perfect union.

The ACLU Team


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU because "the ACLU's mid-month fundraising deadline is at 11:59pm tonight." That is why I contributed to help support the "ACLU 2024 Agenda" to 1) "Connect people facing criminal abortion charges with legal defense resources," 2) "Fight to protect medication abortion access and emergency abortion care at the Supreme Court," 3) "Confront unconstitutional anti-LGBTQ legislation in 40 states" and 4) "Take state legislatures to court over racist voter suppression laws." –Paul Whiting (written March 17th, 2024 and revised March 23rd, 2024)


March 17th, 2024 Update No. 3, Which Also Discusses March 16th, 2024: Happy St. Patrick's Day, everyone!

By the way, the proper shortened name for St. Patrick's Day is "St. Paddy's Day," NOT "St. Patty's Day," as explained below from

St. Patrick’s Day can be referred to in informal contexts as “St. Paddy’s Day.” Paddy is the shortened form of the original Irish spelling of Patrick, which is Pádraig, and for this reason is usually preferred over “St. Patty’s Day,” which could also be mistaken for the shortened form of the name Patricia.

This 'update' that I am writing today, March 17th, 2024, is only from my news searches on Google, which I do as often as I can manage.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, lately I am simply checking the news as often as I can manage. And, I usually check what's happening in the world via various Google searches that I do under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Google news searches.

Plus, I was formerly writing separate 'updates' for the news articles that I read from the news organizations to which I subscribe that send me email newsletters. However, after I restarted writing these news 'updates' through Google searches, I figured out that I don't really have enough time available, nor enough cellular data available, to be able to continue writing those email newsletter 'updates.' Although, I do continue to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe and I read the titles of their articles to get an overview of what is happening in the world.

So, without further ado, I was doing my occasional news searches on Google today March 17th, 2024, as well as yesterday, March 16th, 2024, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the articles; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink; however, I think that all of those hyperlinks to current news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these current news 'updates' by first providing the original Google search category through which I found each article, as listed above, like I usually do. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.]

Then, I am providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the publisher's name and the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too! (I hope that makes sense.)


March 17th, 2024 search:

01. NBC

Trump says there will be a 'bloodbath' if he loses the election

Trump's comments came at a rally in Ohio in the context of auto manufacturing. The Biden campaign responded by criticizing the former president's "threats of political violence."

By Emma Barnett and Jillian Frankel | March 16, 2024

By the way, I also watched the video accompanying the article above that is titled, "Trump says there will be a ‘bloodbath’ if he isn’t reelected."


March 17th, 2024 search:

02. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos

With green and glee, major US parades mark St. Patrick's Day — a little early

The United States' largest St. Patrick's Day parades are unfolding

By The Associated Press | March 15, 2024


March 16th, 2024 search:

03. The Guardian

Trump may not be in power, but his Ukraine rhetoric has spooked Europe

Republican presidential nominee can still undermine trust in US global leadership and is reminiscent of the GOP in the 1940s

By Robert Tait | 16 Mar 2024


March 17th, 2024 search:

04. France 24

Trump warns US voters of a 'bloodbath' if he loses presidential election

Former US president Donald Trump warned of a "bloodbath for the country" if he is not elected in November.

By News Wires | 17/03/2024


March 17th, 2024 search:

05. Reuters

Trump predicts the end of U.S. democracy if he loses 2024 election

By Tim Reid | March 16, 2024


March 17th, 2024 search:

06. The Guardian

‘A campaign for vengeance’: critics warn of a radical second Trump term

After a chaotic first term, experienced advisers are ready to usher in a second presidency ‘driven by imaginary grievances’

By David Smith | 17 Mar 2024


March 17th, 2024 search:

07. USA Today
(By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)

St. Patrick's Day 2024: Everything to know about the Irish holiday

By Kinsey Crowley, Marina Pitofsky and Erin Jensen | March 16, 2024

By the way, I also watched the video accompanying the article above that is titled, "Why do we celebrate St. Patrick's Day."


March 17th, 2024 search:

08. USA Today
(By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)

Donald Trump talks about 'bloodbath,' attacks immigrants as he rallies for Republican Senate pick in Ohio

Winner of Tuesday's primary will take on Sen. Sherrod Brown in a race that could determine which party controls the U.S. Senate

By Haley BeMiller | March 17, 2024


March 17th, 2024 search:

09. The Guardian

Trump predicts ‘bloodbath’ if he loses election and claims ‘Biden beat Obama’

Republican candidate insists at Ohio rally that Biden had beaten 'Barack Hussein Obama' in elections that never took place.

By Richard Luscombe | 17 Mar 2024


March 17th, 2024 search:

10. Reuters

Biden campaign raises over $53 million in February fundraising

By Stephanie Kelly | March 17, 2024


March 17th, 2024 search:

11. The New York Times
(By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)

Biden Campaign Raises $53 Million in February, Fueling Money Edge Over Trump

The president’s campaign and affiliated groups, including the D.N.C., hold a significant cash-on-hand advantage over Donald J. Trump and Republicans, as Mr. Trump continues to spend on legal bills.

By Nicholas Nehamas and Shane Goldmacher | March 17, 2024


March 17th, 2024 search:

12. Hindustan Times

‘I wish these were jokes’: Joe Biden mocks Trump's age, mental fitness at Washington press dinner

By Shweta Kukreti | Mar 17, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


March 16th, 2024 search:

13. The Independent

Trump says US will see 'bloodbath' if he's not re-elected: Live (Trump says US will see ‘bloodbath’ if he’s not re-elected and rages at teleprompter in wild Ohio rally)

Former President Donald Trump takes the stage at Ohio rally

By Oliver O'Connell | 16 March 2024


March 16th, 2024 search:

14. Politico

Why the GOP Should Be Very Worried About Trump's RNC Purge

Installing loyalists for personal gain has proved ruinous in the past.

By William Hershey and John C. Green | 03/14/2024


March 17th, 2024 search:

15. NPR (National Public Radio)

How IVF is complicating Republicans' abortion messaging

By Lexie Schapitl | MARCH 16, 2024


March 17th, 2024 search:

16. NBC News

House Republicans say they support IVF but are divided over how to protect it

Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., said at the House GOP's annual retreat this week that his party strongly supports IVF but he doesn't believe Congress should legislate on it.

By Scott Wong and Rebecca Kaplan | March 14, 2024


March 17th, 2024 search:

17. The Guardian

Why the rift between anti-abortion activists and Republican lawmakers is growing

Alabama supreme court’s decision causing a temporary halt in IVF care shines spotlight on problem between two groups

By Ava Sasani | 17 Mar 2024


March 17th, 2024 search:

18. The New York Times
(By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)

How Trump Is Scrambling to Raise Cash

The former president is facing converging financial crunches as he and the Republican Party confront a shortfall against President Biden and the Democrats.

By Shane Goldmacher and Maggie Haberman | March 16, 2024


March 17th, 2024 search:

19. Fox News

Biden campaign slams Trump over ‘political violence’ for warning of ‘bloodbath’ when discussing auto industry

Biden-Harris campaign accuses Trump of threatening political violence

By Greg Norman | March 17, 2024


March 17th, 2024 search:

20. NBC News

Judicial body says courts have discretion on new 'judge-shopping' policy after GOP backlash

The guidance follows Republican criticism of the judiciary's move to restrict an approach conservative lawyers have used to find a sympathetic jurists.

By Megan Lebowitz | March 15, 2024


March 17th, 2024 search:

21. Hindustan Times

'Stop Now, Else...': Israeli Cities Erupt Against Netanyahu As Rafah Invasion Set To Begin | Watch

By the way, the 'article' above is actually a video, which is why I didn't include the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (March 17th, 2024)


March 18th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses March 17th, 2024: I have consolidated the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

Therefore, I have combined every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The only political communication to which I responded today, March 18th, 2024, was an email from the Biden for President campaign that I received yesterday, March 17th, 2024, with the subject line, "You don’t want to miss this opportunity →", which stated the following:

Biden-Harris 2024

Paul, we'll cut to the chase:

There are just a few days left to enter our contest to meet President Biden, President Obama, and President Clinton.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so we wanted to make sure you had a chance to enter before time runs out! All you have to do is donate today, and you and a friend could be headed on an all-expenses-paid trip (flight and hotel included!) to meet not one, not two, but THREE Presidents!

Quick, Paul: Donate $25 to our campaign today and you’ll be automatically put in the running to meet President Biden, President Obama, and President Clinton.

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

[  ] $25 >>
[  ] $50 >>
[  ] $75 >>
[  ] $100 >>
[  ] $125 >>
[✓] Other >>***

As a committed monthly donor, we’d hate to see that you missed such an incredible opportunity.

Don’t pass up the chance to attend the event of a lifetime and meet Joe, Barack, and Bill. Chip in $25 today and you’ll be automatically entered to win.


Good luck! We hope to see you there.

Thank you for all you do,

Biden 2024

"My dad used to have an expression -- 'It's the lucky person who gets up in the morning, puts both feet on the floor, knows what they are about to do, and thinks it still matters.' Your support matters. Your donation matters." -- Joe Biden

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Want to spend "An Evening with the Presidents"? Donate before Thursday's deadline!

By donating, you and a guest could win:

🇺🇸 An evening with President Joe Biden, President Barack Obama, and President Bill Clinton!
📸 A photo with the Presidents
✈️ Free flights and hotel stay for the event

Don't miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Donate before Thursday's deadline for your chance to win and support Democrats nationwide.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Biden Victory Fund.

[  ] Donate $25 →
[  ] Donate $46 →
[  ] Donate $100 →
[  ] Donate $250 →
[  ] Donate $1,000 →
[  ] Donate $2,000 →
[✓] Other amount $1.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $2 tip?

[  ] Add $2 tip

[✓] Leave no tip

[  ] Add custom amount

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Biden Victory Fund (the Biden for President campaign) (without a tip to ActBlue) because "there are just a few days left to enter [the Biden Victory Fund's (the Biden for President campaign's)] contest to meet President Biden, President Obama, and President Clinton."

P.S.: The reason that I only donated $1.00 to the Biden for President campaign (Biden Victory Fund) is because I simply wanted to enter to win "the chance to attend the event of a lifetime and meet Joe, Barack, and Bill," so that is why I made a donation in the amount that I did.

Thus, this one campaign—Biden for President (Biden Victory Fund)—is the political campaign that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written March 18th, 2024 and revised April 17th, 2024)


March 19th, 2024 Update No. 1: I have consolidated the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

Therefore, I have combined every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The only political communication to which I responded was a text message today, March 19th, 2024, from the Katrina Shankland for Congress campaign, which stated the following:

Paul, it's Rep. Katrina Shankland with an important update: My opponent shouted at President Biden during the State of the Union. And this isn't the first time he's embarrassed our district on a national stage.

🗣️ Radical Derrick Van Orden harassed a teenaged librarian, aggressively screaming about the LGBTQ+ books on display during Pride Month.

🗣️ Radical Derrick was condemned by GOP leadership for yelling at Senate pages in the U.S. Capitol, and he interrupted important intelligence briefings with "offensive and inappropriate" behavior.

🗣️ Now, with millions watching, Radical Derrick Van Orden interrupted President Biden as he shared a positive, pro-democracy vision for our country.

Radical Derrick is extreme, erratic, and out of control. It's time we flipped this crucial seat in Wisconsin back to blue with a common-sense representative, and I'm the battle-tested candidate to do it. That’s why a dozen labor unions, Congressman Mark Pocan and Former Congressman Dave Obey have endorsed me, and when Republicans targeted my State Assembly seat, I beat them by double digits.

My End of Quarter Fundraising Deadline is right around the corner, and we need a large grassroots coalition to beat Derrick Van Orden in November. Can you please rush a $25 contribution today?***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Chip in to support Katrina Shankland in WI-03!

Katrina Shankland is running for Wisconsin's 3rd District to unseat extremist Derrick Van Orden.

She was born and raised in Central Wisconsin by two public school teachers, and throughout her 10-year career in the State Legislature, she's stood up for us. From strengthening water quality to fighting for workers rights to passing bills that help farmers and firefighters, she has the problem- solving and coalition-building skills to get things done.

Please join her pro-choice, pro-worker, pro-democracy campaign to flip this seat blue.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Katrina Shankland.

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[  ] Donate $3,300 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $2 tip?

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Katrina Shankland for Congress campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) because "Radical Derrick [Van Orden] is extreme, erratic, and out of control," so "it's time we flipped this crucial seat in Wisconsin back to blue with a common-sense representative, and [Katrina Shankland is] the battle-tested candidate to do it."

Thus, this one campaign—Katrina Shankland for Congress—is the political campaign that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written March 19th, 2024 and revised April 17th, 2024)


March 19th, 2024 Update No. 2: I received an email from United Farm Workers (UFW) today, March 19th, 2024, with the subject line, "Next steps for NY [New York] organizing", which stated the following:

United Farm Workers
Si, Se Puede!        UFW

New York organizing back in action. Your donation can help!

Thanks to a judge's ruling, we're back to organizing in NY and need your support. Last October growers pulled a huge delay tactic and filed a federal lawsuit to block NY's farm worker organizing law. This move put all the farm workers' election victories on hold. Plus, it froze the enforcement mechanism of the farm worker law -- a move that left NY farm workers who've spoken out unprotected and victimized.

On February 21, the federal court judge dismissed almost all the frivolous and meritless claims the growers made to deny farm workers their right to join a union and lifted the temporary stay of the law. We have immediately resumed our work on the ground.

The growers’ frivolous lawsuit has already caused irreparable harm to farm workers across New York. We've lost time and momentum. It's going to take an incredible effort to protect against retaliation and fight attempts at union busting that the growers have engaged in so far. This will take major funds. In addition to the cost of organizing, there will be continued legal battles. The growers have made it clear they will continue to fight this law.

With the law now restored, we will be taking swift action on our pending cases. We must move quickly at the 5 farms whose workforces have chosen to join the UFW and get those contracts negotiated so workers can get the fair union contract they voted for.

One big challenge is that some are H-2A workers and have been sent back to their native countries. If it wasn’t for having to wait for the court decision, we would have been negotiating where one of our basic demands is workers being recalled according to seniority.

Under this new NY law, local and H-2A workers came together across borders and against the odds to build a multiracial farm worker union. Your donation can help make sure that farm workers in New York can get their hard-fought right to a union. We can’t let the growers with all their money and power try to stall them. Si Se Puede!

PS: Spread the word by sharing this campaign on Facebook & Twitter.*

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

*I selected the "Share on Twitter" option (by the way, I only have a Twitter account so I can read tweets which are included in some online articles that I read) in order for me to provide you, my readers, with the text and hyperlink below:

Thanks to a judge's ruling, we're back to organizing in NY. It'll take incredible effort & funds to protect workers against retaliation & union busting. Your donation can help make sure that NY farmworkers get their hard-fought right to a union.!

And so, I made a one-time donation to United Farm Workers, because "on February 21, the federal court judge dismissed almost all the frivolous and meritless claims the growers made to deny farm workers their right to join a union and lifted the temporary stay of the law [or, the Farm Laborers Fair Labor Practices Act of 2019]." That is why "[my] donation can help make sure that farm workers in New York can get their hard-fought right to a union." –Paul Whiting (March 19th, 2024)


March 19th, 2024 Update No. 3: I received an email from Planned Parenthood Action Fund today, March 19th, 2024, with the subject line, "tldr [too long; didn't read*]; People want health care", which stated the following:

Paul —

With reproductive rights on the ballot this year, we know there will be a lot of misinformation, misdirection, and outright lies about how Americans view abortion rights. So we want to be clear: There's no debate — Americans support sexual and reproductive health care.

Don't believe us? Here's what the numbers say:

Abortion access is super important to most Americans. In fact, 85% of Americans want abortion to be legal.


Rotating GIF featuring percentages of Americans supporting abortion access.

The percentages read:

85% of Americans want abortion to be legal.

64% of Americans oppose the 2022 Supreme Court decision to take away our federal constitutional right to abortion by overturning Roe v. Wade.

78% of Americans say the decision to have an abortion should be left to a woman and her doctor.



The vast majority of people want access to birth control.


Rotating GIF featuring percentages of Americans supporting access to birth control.

The percentages read:

89% of Americans support legal access to birth control pills.

71% of voters believe people should be able to get over-the-counter birth control pills.

91% of voters believe that if abortion is banned, birth control should be widely available.



Here's the bottom line: Pretty much everyone in the country wants sexual and reproductive health services to be easily accessible.

So why do out-of-touch politicians want to cut access and make it so difficult? They're out to control our decisions — and outright defy the American people, who overwhelmingly agree: You should be free to make your own decisions about your body and get the care you need.

But public support only matters if we mobilize people to speak up, take action, and vote. Help spread the word and share these stats with your network.

We're glad you're with us,

Planned Parenthood Action Fund

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Planned Parenthood Action Fund

What People Really Think About Sexual & Reproductive Health

Dec. 31, 2023

The TL;DR [too long; didn't read*]: People want health care

Sexual and reproductive health is super important to the vast majority of Americans — across the country people support more, not less, access to services.

Don’t believe me? Here’s what the polls say:

[✓] About 8 in 10 adults believe abortion is personal — a decision best made between a woman and her doctor.

[✓] 85% of Americans want abortion to be legal. Let me say that again: 85% of the people in this country believe abortion should be legal.

[✓] Today, 64% of U.S. adults say they oppose the 2022 Supreme Court decision to take away our federal constitutional right to abortion by overturning Roe v Wade.

The vast majority of people want access to birth control.

[✓] 89% of Americans support legal access to birth control pills.

[✓] 71% of voters believe people should be able to get over-the-counter birth control pills.

[✓] 91% of voters believe that if abortion is banned, birth control should be free and widely available.

Bottom line?

Mostly everyone in the country wants legal sexual and reproductive health services — and they want that care to be easy to get.

You might be wondering: Why do politicians across the country want to cut access and make this so hard? Simple. It’s because their goal is to control your body and your decisions — and punish people (mainly women — no surprise) for having sex.

They're out of touch with the American people, who agree: You should be making your own decisions about your body and you ought to have the freedom to get the care you need to do so. Period.

And so, I wanted to share this email from Planned Parenthood Action Fund in order to show my support for this "tldr*; People want health care" email message. –Paul Whiting (March 19th, 2024)

*P.S.: I actually had to look up what "tldr" (or, "TL;DR") means, which is an abbreviation for the phrase "too long; didn't read." (And—back in my day—this used to be referred to as, "the long and the short of it.") From

or TLDR, tl;dr, tldr

[Definition No.] 1. too long; didn't read:
a. (used, especially online, to introduce a summary of a lengthy text.)
b. (used as a comment, usually considered rude, on an online post, text message, etc., that is thought to be too lengthy.)

[Definition No.] 2. a summary of a lengthy online post, text, article, etc. (often used attributively):

I'll do a longer writeup on this game in the thread, but the TL;DR is that it's exciting but pretty violent.
For people who don't have time for the whole thing, here is the tldr version.


March 19th, 2024 Update No. 4, Which Also Discusses March 18th, 2024: This 'update' that I am writing today, March 19th, 2024, is only from my news searches on Google, which I do as often as I can manage.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, lately I am simply checking the news as often as I can manage. And, I usually check what's happening in the world via various Google searches that I do under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Google news searches.

Plus, I was formerly writing separate 'updates' for the news articles that I read from the news organizations to which I subscribe that send me email newsletters. However, after I restarted writing these news 'updates' through Google searches, I figured out that I don't really have enough time available, nor enough cellular data available, to be able to continue writing those email newsletter 'updates.' Although, I do continue to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe and I read the titles of their articles to get an overview of what is happening in the world.

So, without further ado, I was doing my occasional news searches on Google today March 19th, 2024, as well as yesterday, March 18th, 2024, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the articles; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink; however, I think that all of those hyperlinks to current news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these current news 'updates' by first providing the original Google search category through which I found each article, as listed above, like I usually do. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.]

Then, I am providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the publisher's name and the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too! (I hope that makes sense.)


March 19th, 2024 search:

01. NBC News

The U.S. crime rate is still dropping, FBI data shows

Why does the public think it's going up? “There is definitely more disorder in cities than there was five years ago," said one expert. “People confuse disorder and crime."

By Ken Dilanian | March 19, 2024


March 18th, 2024 search:

02. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos

Supreme Court rejects appeal by former New Mexico county commissioner banned for Jan. 6 insurrection

The Supreme Court has rejected an appeal by a former New Mexico county commissioner banished from public office for participating in the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection

By Morgan Lee, Nicholas Riccardi and Mark Sherman | March 18, 2024


March 18th, 2024 search:

03. The Guardian

Putin bromance has US intelligence officials fearing second Trump term

Ex-president’s support for the Russian strongman has experts fretting over American interests and security sources overseas

Peter Stone | 18 Mar 2024


March 18th, 2024 search:

04. USA Today
(By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)

Trump has praised Hitler, Orbán and Kim Jong Un. We can't ignore it (Trump keeps praising dictators like Hitler and Kim Jong Un. Will Republicans ever care?)

Trump's affinity for autocrats makes it clear that he has his own ambitions for total control of the United States.

By Sara Pequeño | March 17, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


March 19th, 2024 search:

05. NBC News

Trump says Jews who vote for Democrats 'hate' Israel and 'their religion'

He made the comments in a lengthy interview with Sebastian Gorka, a conservative talk show host and former Trump aide.

By Megan Lebowitz | March 18, 2024


March 19th, 2024 search:

06. The New York Times
(By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)

Trump Says Jews Who Support Democrats 'Hate Israel' and 'Their Religion'

The comments, on a conservative radio program, echo an antisemitic trope and escalate claims he made as president that were widely criticized.

By Chris Cameron | March 18, 2024


March 19th, 2024 search:

07. CNN

Trump says any Jewish person who votes for Democrats ‘hates their religion’ and ‘everything about Israel’

By Kate Sullivan | Updated 8:05 AM EDT, Tue March 19, 2024


March 18th, 2024 search:

08. The Washington Post

Analysis | Republicans really want border reforms … until they hear Trump doesn't

By Philip Bump | March 15, 2024


March 19th, 2024 search:

09. Ohio Capital Journal

Honorable Republicans who tell the truth about Trump have become an endangered species • Ohio Capital Journal

Out of 11 Republican candidates in Ohio’s 2nd U.S. House district primary, only Phil Heimlich has been willing to stand up for democracy

By Marilou Johanek | March 19, 2024


March 18th, 2024 search:

10. The New York Times
(By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)

Trump Defends His Warning of a 'Blood Bath for the Country'

He said he had been referring only to the auto industry.

By Maggie Astor | March 18, 2024

By the way, I also watched a video referenced in the article above on X (formerly Twitter) from @JoeBiden that is captioned "Donald Trump has shown us who he is, time and time again."


March 18th, 2024 search:

11. CNN

Trump campaign defends his ‘bloodbath’ warning. Hear what political strategists think

The Trump campaign is saying that presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump was referring only to the US auto industry when he warned of a "bloodbath" if he wasn't elected. Republican strategist Alice Stewart and Democratic strategist Maria Cardona debate what he meant.

By the way, the 'article' above is actually a video, which is why I didn't include the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date.


March 19th, 2024 search:

12. Fox News

MSNBC, ABC, others vigorously defend Trump ‘bloodbath’ coverage: ‘We did not miss the full context’

MSNBC voices like Jen Psaki suggested the coverage was fair because Trump has often alluded to or embraced political violence

By Nikolas Lanum | March 19, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


March 19th, 2024 search:

13. AP News

UN weather agency issues 'red alert' on climate change after record heat, ice-melt increases in 2023

By Jamey Keaten and Seth Borenstein | Updated 3:11 PM PDT, March 19, 2024


March 19th, 2024 search:

14. Al Jazeera

UN weather agency issues ‘red alert’ on climate change after record heat

The World Meteorological Organization warns there is a ‘high probability’ that 2024 will be another record-hot year

[No author(s) name(s) indicated] | 19 Mar 2024


March 19th, 2024 search:

15. Voice of America

Expert Sounds 'Red Alert' About Climate Crisis, Calls it Humanity's 'Defining Challenge'

By Lisa Schlein | March 19, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


March 18th, 2024 search:

16. Oregon Live (" is a website covering local news in Oregon and Southwest Washington. The website serves as the online home of The Oregonian.")

Photos: Portland St. Patrick’s Day Parade

By Sean Meagher | Mar. 17, 2024


March 18th, 2024 search:

17. Oregon Live (" is a website covering local news in Oregon and Southwest Washington. The website serves as the online home of The Oregonian.")

He started Portland’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade 34 years ago. And he’s not even Irish

By Samantha Swindler | Mar. 07, 2024

[Blogger's Note: The article above titled, "He started Portland’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade 34 years ago...," was referenced in the previous article titled, "Photos: Portland St. Patrick’s Day Parade." And in order to read this 'subscriber only' article on, I paid for a $1.00 'one-day pass' subscription on March 18th, 2024. So, I feel like it's "the Luck of the Irish," so to speak, that The Oregonian offered this kind of one-day subscription because, otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to enjoy this article! And, truth be told, I have thought to myself on more than one occasion, "I wish news organizations would offer a way to let you read an article on their website—for $1.00, or so—without having to pay for a full subscription, or even without having to pay for a trial subscription." (Clearly, I am paraphrasing what I thought.) Then, lo and behold, The Oregonian offered this $1.00 subscription 'day pass,' so that I could read this article about "Portland’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade." And, even though I'm not Irish, I'm tellin' ya that it's "the Luck o' the Irish" at play... But then, as I posted on St. Patrick's Day on this blog, "there's a little bit of Irish in all of us!" (Please see my 'March 17th, 2024 Update No. 1,' which can be found above.)]


And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (March 19th, 2024)


March 20th, 2024 Update No. 1: I received an email from Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) today, March 20th, 2024, with the subject line "A word for our nation’s leadership on the anniversary of the Iraq War", which stated the following:


21 years ago, we went to war in Iraq.

I still remember writing my will at only 22 years old as my unit and I prepared to go over there. I definitely wasn’t the same after that sobering exercise, and especially not after returning from war.

War changes you. It changed some of my fellow veterans in really terrible ways – like my buddy who was repeatedly asked to deploy by our nation’s leaders and who now has to sleep in a separate bedroom from his wife because his night terrors are too much for her to handle.

I was also fortunate enough to have made it home from my two combat deployments to Iraq, but we all have buddies who weren't as lucky. When a fellow platoon leader lost his life making the very moves I would’ve made if I had been assigned the mission he got on that day, I made a promise to myself: That I would live worthy of his sacrifice.

And that’s exactly what IAVA is doing. We’re pushing our leadership to not just profess that they’ll do right by our veterans, our troops, and their families; to not just promise to help us achieve our legislative priorities; but to show us that they’re willing to put it all on the line for what we’re so lucky to have here in America, just like we did in Iraq and elsewhere post-9/11.

That’s what we need more than anything out of leadership right now in this most important year in our nation’s history.


[Name redacted]
Iraq War Veteran
[Title redacted], IAVA

P.S. Veterans have paid their dues so IAVA membership is always free. However, we rely on voluntary donations from supporters like you. If you can, please chip in to support IAVA's ability to fight on behalf of the post-9/11 generation of veterans.


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, I made a one-time donation to Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) in order to show my support for our U.S. Veterans!

–Paul Whiting (March 20th, 2024)


For my "March 21st, 2024 Update No. 1"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

March 21st, 2024 Update No. 1: I received an email from the USO (United Service Organizations) today, March 21st, 2024, with the subject line, "EXCLUSIVE ACCESS EXPIRING", which stated the following:


[Images of two USO T-shirt designs.]

Vote for your favorite
USO T-shirt design now,
to be among the
first to get yours!


The voting in our USO T-shirt Design Contest is closer than we could have ever expected, Paul. Any single vote right now could make a difference. Will you submit yours now?


We thought we would already be able to announce the winning design for this year's USO T-shirt by now, Paul, but there have been so many last-minute votes coming in that there's no way for us to determine the winner yet.

Since you're one of the supporters we wanted to hear from, we encourage you to submit your final vote before the midnight deadline to make sure your opinion is counted. And when you do, you'll ensure you'll be among the first to hear which design won and get exclusive early access to your T-shirt before it's available to others.

So please, Paul, with the voting almost over — please confirm your preferred design now:

[Images of two USO T-shirt designs.]


— The USO

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


We’re so grateful to have patriotic Americans like you by our side. Please select your favorite option below to help us decide the winning 2024 USO T-shirt design, and you will be among the first to know when it’s released!

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Choose your favorite:

[✓] T-shirt Option 1
[  ] T-shirt Option 2


And so, I voted for "T-shirt Option 1" which has a full American Flag waving above the USO's logo with the phrase "FOR THE PEOPLE WHO SERVE" underneath the logo and "EST. 1941" (or, 'Established 1941') below the above-mentioned phrase.

[And "T-shirt Option 2" has a circle around a small portion of the American Flag—that shows about 19 of the stars and about 11 of the red and white strips—which reads "FOR THE PEOPLE WHO SERVE" at the top of the circle and "PROUDLY SUPPORTING SINCE 1941" at the bottom of the circle.]

Plus, I made a one-time donation on the website in order to support the USO's following statement: "Our service members keep our nation safe, and we work to keep them connected to home. But we can’t do that without support from military supporters like you. Every dollar you give supports our heroes and their families – so please, donate now."

In addition to that, I already make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! You see, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation. ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "March 21st, 2024 Update No. 1":


March 21st, 2024 Update No. 2: I have consolidated the individual 'updates' that write regarding the political campaign, or political organization, donations that I make on a regular basis—which is usually several times per month—in order to save the number of 'updates' that I write about these political donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual political campaign donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

Therefore, I have combined every campaign, or organization, donation request per day (via email and/or text message) into one 'update' for that day, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, donations! By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political contribution requests, which is why I don't include them with these email and/or text message requests.

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per campaign, or $5.00 per political organization, for the entire election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. Plus, I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado...

The first political communication to which I responded was a text message today, March 21st, 2024, from the Lois Frankel for Congress (Frankel for Congress) campaign, which stated the following:

Paul, it's Congresswoman Lois Frankel, and when it comes to my self-funded opponent, we've seen signs he's too extreme for our community. Let's review:

❌He opposes protecting reproductive rights and wants the government to make private healthcare decisions for women and families.

❌He aligns himself with extreme Republicans who want to cut Medicare and Social Security

❌He rejects common-sense gun violence prevention measures to keep our students and communities safe.

Paul, I've been a proud voice against far-right extremism and a consistent advocate to protect reproductive rights and IVF [in vitro fertilization]. Now, this is shaping up to be one of our closest races in years in a MUST-WIN seat to take back the House—can you chip in $20.24 to become a Founding Donor today?

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Contribute now:

Congresswoman Lois Frankel is running in a MUST- WIN seat for Democrats to take back the House against an anti-choice extremist. Donate today to support Lois' decades-long fight to protect reproductive freedom and support working families.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Lois Frankel.

[  ] Donate $5 →
[  ] Donate $15 →
[  ] Donate $20.24 →
[  ] Donate $35 →
[  ] Donate $50 →
[  ] Donate $100 →
[  ] Donate $250 →
[✓] Other amount $3.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $2 tip?

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Lois Frankel for Congress (Frankel for Congress) campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to contribute "[$3.00] to become a Founding Donor" of Congresswoman Lois Frankel's reelection campaign.


The second political communication to which I responded was a text message today, March 21st, 2024, from the Jessica Swartz for Congress (Jessica for Michigan) campaign, which stated the following:

Hi – my name is Jessica Swartz. I’m a public interest attorney, Girl Scout troop leader, and pro-choice mom running for Congress in MI-04.

This is a swing district where we have a clear path to defeating an out-of-touch extremist Republican who supports anti-choice legislation so extreme it would outlaw IVF [in vitro fertilization] treatment.

My opponent also supported a national abortion ban that would overturn Michigan’s constitutional protections for our right to choice, and called criticisms of his radical positions "faux outrage."

His actions in Congress have been partisan and cruel – and I’m running to defeat him.

Will you work with me to flip this seat from red to blue and unseat an anti-choice incumbent by chipping in $4, $10, $25, or any other amount today?***

Thanks so much for your support!

– Jessica

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Contribute to Jessica Swartz

Support Jessica's campaign by making a contribution now >>

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Jessica Swartz.

[  ] DONATE $4 →
[  ] DONATE $10 →
[  ] DONATE $25 →
[  ] DONATE $50 →
[  ] DONATE $75 →
[  ] DONATE $125 →
[  ] DONATE $250 →
[✓] OTHER AMOUNT $3.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $2 tip?

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Jessica Swartz for Congress (Jessica for Michigan) campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) because "[Jessica Swartz is] a public interest attorney, Girl Scout troop leader, and pro-choice mom running for Congress in MI-04" whose Republican opponent "supported a national abortion ban that would overturn Michigan’s constitutional protections for our right to choice" and "who supports anti-choice legislation so extreme it would outlaw IVF treatment."

Thus, these two campaigns—Lois Frankel for Congress (Frankel for Congress), as well as Jessica Swartz for Congress (Jessica for Michigan)—are the political campaigns that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written March 21st, 2024 and revised March 23rd, 2024)

P.S.: Alright, I have a big announcement to make: I am no longer donating to individual political campaigns for the foreseeable future—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis!

And I have made this decision based upon how much these individual political campaign donations are costing in my 'monthly donating budget'—even though I am only donating $3.00 with a $0.21 tip to ActBlue—since I totally changed the way that I approach how I calculate what I am spending on my credit card each month, starting in 2024! So now, I take the total amount that I have available in my monthly budget for my minimum payment on my credit card—as well as my extra payment—and I calculate how much I am reducing that amount each time that I charge on my credit card.

That way, I am very aware of the amount by which I am reducing my total available credit card payments for the month (the minimum payment and the extra payment) in order to, hopefully, pay more on my credit card than I am spending! Plus, I am also utilizing some funds from my budgeted expenses, as well as some funds from my savings, to make sure that I am paying a little more than I am spending while—at the same time—I am also trying to spend less on my credit card.

Therefore, at the start of 2024, I calculated that I could still make ONE $3.00 donation per political campaign for the entire election cycle. And that means after I have made that one donation per campaign—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I have only donated once per campaign, which is what I have been doing so far!

However, it's still more than I can afford given my 'monthly donating budget,' which is why I have decided to stop donating to individual political campaigns entirely—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And so, I will still be making some donations to individual political campaigns (such as to Joe Biden's campaign for President of the United States, or to local campaigns here in Oregon), but I am not donating like I have been up until this point—which has been virtually every time that I have received a political campaign donation request via email or text message—because I seriously cannot afford to donate that much for the rest of the 2024 Presidential Election cycle, as well as for the foreseeable future.


March 21st, 2024 Update No. 3, Which Also Discusses March 20th, 2024: This 'update' that I am writing today, March 21st, 2024, is only from my news searches on Google, which I do as often as I can manage.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, lately I am simply checking the news as often as I can manage. And, I usually check what's happening in the world via various Google searches that I do under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Google news searches.

Plus, I was formerly writing separate 'updates' for the news articles that I read from the news organizations to which I subscribe that send me email newsletters. However, after I restarted writing these news 'updates' through Google searches, I figured out that I don't really have enough time available, nor enough cellular data available, to be able to continue writing those email newsletter 'updates.' Although, I do continue to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe and I read the titles of their articles to get an overview of what is happening in the world.

So, without further ado, I was doing my occasional news searches on Google today March 21st, 2024, as well as yesterday, March 20th, 2024, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the articles; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink; however, I think that all of those hyperlinks to current news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these current news 'updates' by first providing the original Google search category through which I found each article, as listed above, like I usually do. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.]

Then, I am providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the publisher's name and the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too! (I hope that makes sense.)


March 20th, 2024 search:

01. NBC News

Republican budget would raise the age of retirement for Social Security

A budget by the Republican Study Committee, a group of more than 170 GOP lawmakers, highlights how many in the party would seek to govern if Republicans win in November.

By Sahil Kapur | March 20, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


March 21st, 2024 search:

02. USA Today
(By the way, I am a subscriber to USA Today.)

Trump saluted the J6 Prison Choir. How he is trying to rewrite history of deadly Capitol riot

By Zac Anderson | March 20, 2024


March 21st, 2024 search:

03. AP News

Biden touts Arizona as America's 'future' as government invests $8.5 billion in chipmaker Intel

By Josh Boak and Seung Min Kim | Updated 6:14 PM PDT, March 20, 2024


March 20th, 2024 search:

04. Politico

Biden expands his fundraising advantage over Trump

The president reported taking in $21 million in February.

By Elena Schneider, Jessica Piper and Zach Montellaro | 03/20/2024


March 20th, 2024 search:

05. CNN

Biden and Obama look to capitalize on Trump’s latest threats to repeal Obamacare

By Arlette Saenz, Michael Williams and Tami Luhby | Updated 3:04 PM EDT, Wed March 20, 2024


March 20th, 2024 search:

06. CNN

Trump raises over $20 million in February with nearly $42 million in cash on hand, far behind Biden and Democrats

By Kristen Holmes, Fredreka Schouten, Alayna Treene and Kate Sullivan | Updated 8:28 PM EDT, Wed March 20, 2024


March 21st, 2024 search:

07. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos

Nearly half of Haley voters in Ohio say they'd back Biden: Exit polls

The extent of intraparty challenges may matter in November.

By Gary Langer, Christine Filer, and David Sichinava | March 19, 2024


March 21st, 2024 search:

08. AP News

Trump's latest 2024 campaign fundraising report shows him lagging behind Biden in cash

By Michelle L. Price and Aaron Kessler | Updated 4:10 PM PDT, March 21, 2024


March 21st, 2024 search:

09. CBS News

Trump's campaign, fundraising arms spent over $10 million on legal fees in 2024, as Biden spends on ads, new staff

By Jacob Rosen and Aaron Navarro | March 21, 2024


March 21st, 2024 search:

10. The New York Times
(By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)

Election Updates: Trump's new fund-raising deal sends money to PAC paying his legal bills before the party.

By Shane Goldmacher and Maggie Haberman | March 21, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


March 20th, 2024 search:

11. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos

In Pennsylvania's Senate race, Casey puts 'greedflation' and corporations on the ballot

For Democrats trying to defend the White House and Senate majority, Democratic Sen. Bob Casey of Pennsylvania is emerging as the tip of the spear in trying to reframe the election-year narrative around inflation

By Marc Levy Associated Press | March 21, 2024


March 21st, 2024 search:

12. CBS News
Trump's comments on Jews who vote for Democrats draw outrage

[No author(s) name(s) indicated] | Updated on: March 19, 2024


March 21st, 2024 search:

13. Los Angeles Times

Border debate swaying Democrats, possibly control of Congress

By Andrea Castillo | March 21, 2024


March 20th, 2024 search:

14. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos

Trump keeps losing some Republican primary voters to Haley: Will it matter when he faces Biden?

"Oh, they'll vote for me again," he [Donald Trump] has boasted.

By Adam Carlson, Hannah Demissie and Libby Cathey | March 20, 2024


March 21st, 2024 search:

15. AP News

Trump's invite to major donors prioritizes the committee paying his legal bills over the RNC

By Michelle L. Price | Updated 5:42 PM PDT, March 21, 2024


March 21st, 2024 search:

16. Rolling Stone

House Republicans Endorse National Abortion Ban

After Trump said he could support a 15-week national abortion ban, a caucus that includes most House Republicans has endorsed the idea

By Andrew Perez | March 21, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


March 20th, 2024 search:

17. People's World ("People’s World is a voice for progressive change and ... it provides news and analysis of, by, and for the labor and democratic movements to our readers across the country and around the world.")

End the 24-hour workday: NYC home health workers begin hunger strike

By Jacob Buckner | March 20, 2024

By the way, after I read this article on March 20th, 2024, I noticed the People's World donation request below, which stated the following:

We hope you appreciated this article. At People’s World, we believe news and information should be free and accessible to all, but we need your help. Our journalism is free of corporate influence and paywalls because we are totally reader-supported. Only you, our readers and supporters, make this possible. If you enjoy reading People’s World and the stories we bring you, please support our work by donating or becoming a monthly sustainer today. Thank you!

People's World Fund Drive

When you donate to People’s World, you are making an investment in a better future.
When you donate to People’s World, YOU OWN IT!
Thank you.

Select an Amount

[✓] $5
[  ] $10
[  ] $20
[  ] $100
[  ] Other $0.00

Make this donation Onetime/Recurring:

[✓] Onetime
[  ] Recurring

Thank you!

Thank you for contributing to People’s World. Your donation is being processed. Soon, you will receive an email confirming it has been received.

And so, I made a one-time donation to People’s World out of a heartfelt compassion for the article that I just read, since "at People’s World, [they] believe news and information should be free and accessible to all." So, that is why "[People’s World] journalism is free of corporate influence and paywalls because [they] are totally reader-supported."


March 21st, 2024 search:

18. New York Magazine

The Hunger Strike to End 24-Hour Shifts

By Sarah Jones | MAR. 21, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (March 21st, 2024)


March 22nd, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses March 19th, 2024 Through March 21st, 2024: This 'update' that I am writing today, March 22nd, 2024, is from my occasional reading of The New York Times articles, USA Today articles and Time Magazine articles that I received via email for the time period of March 19th, 2024 through March 22nd, 2024.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

So, because I have been so busy lately with "Online Activism," and also with the editing of my five blogs, I have just been reading the titles of The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles that I receive from their daily emails. Then, I will occasionally read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those emails that I highlight in these 'updates.'

That is why I recently signed up to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe in order for me to stay informed about what's happening in the world. And I was formerly writing separate 'updates' for each of the news articles that I read from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles; however, after I restarted writing separate news 'updates' from my news searches on Google, I also decided to restart writing these 'updates' from the above-mentioned news organizations to which I subscribe as a combined 'update.'

Thus, I am checking the news through Google searches again, like used to do, as often as I can manage it. You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, I am now simply checking the news via Google searches as often as I can manage to do so. And highlighted articles from those Google news searches are provided through their own 'updates.'

And I used to provide longer introductions to these New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which included the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article in addition to a hyperlink; however, I think that all of those hyperlinks to news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these news 'updates' by providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too! (I hope that makes sense.)

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of the titles to The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles—including any article overviews contained within the emails—that I received for the time period of March 19th, 2024 through March 22nd, 2024, when I noticed the following, and articles!


These are The New York Times articles which I received for the time period of March 19th, 2024 through March 22nd, 2024: (I am a subscriber to The New York Times 'Basic Access' Digital Subscription.)

The following are The New York Times articles that I read on March 19th, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned March 19th, 2024 'The Morning' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

Trump accused American Jews who vote for Democrats of hating their religion and “everything about Israel.” ...

Trump Says Jews Who Support Democrats ‘Hate Israel’ and ‘Their Religion’

The comments, on a conservative radio program, echo an antisemitic trope and escalate claims he made as president that were widely criticized.

By Chris Cameron | March 18, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned March 19th, 2024 'The Morning' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

Russia uses fake journalists to tell elaborate fabrications online to try to discredit Volodymyr Zelensky and undercut aid to Ukraine. ...

From Russia, Elaborate Tales of Fake Journalists

As the Ukraine war grinds on, the Kremlin has created increasingly complex fabrications online to discredit Ukraine’s leader and undercut aid. Some have a Hollywood-style plot twist.

By Steven Lee Myers | March 18, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned March 19th, 2024 'The Morning' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

Wall Street is monetizing old hit songs. That gives the music industry less incentive to be creative...

Same Old Song: Private Equity Is Destroying Our Music Ecosystem

By Marc Hogan | March 18, 2024

The following is The New York Times article that I read on March 20th, 2024:

Outside Groups Pledge Over $1 Billion to Aid Biden’s Re-election Effort

The League of Conservation Voters, among the biggest spenders on progressive causes, said it would put $120 million behind President Biden and Democrats as his Republican rival faces cash woes.

By Reid J. Epstein | March 19, 2024

The following are The New York Times articles that I read yesterday, March 21st, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned March 21st, 2024 'The Morning' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

Biden’s campaign had more than twice the amount of money the Trump campaign had at the end of last month. ...

Biden Widens His Financial Lead Over Trump

New federal filings on Wednesday showed the president’s campaign with a nearly $40 million advantage over the Trump campaign at the end of last month.

By Rebecca Davis O’Brien | March 20, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned March 21st, 2024 'The Evening' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

A White House plan to cut housing costs

A Biden administration report released today called for more aggressive federal action to drive down costs for home buyers and renters. The plan, which includes pressuring cities to relax zoning restrictions, takes aim at one of the biggest economic challenges facing President Biden as he runs for re-election.

Most of the White House’s recommendations involve using federal money to encourage local governments to allow more building — including of low-income housing and smaller starter homes. The policies are unlikely to become law anytime soon, but they may serve as a blueprint for Biden’s plans if he returns for a second term. ...

Biden Suggests a Bigger Federal Role to Reduce Housing Costs

A new report focuses on the prolonged struggle to build affordable housing across America and suggests federal incentives to help.

By Jim Tankersley and Conor Dougherty | March 21, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned March 21st, 2024 'The Evening' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

Economy: Large grocers took advantage of supply chain disruptions to beat out smaller rivals and protect profits during the pandemic, the Federal Trade Commission said. ...

Large Grocers Took Advantage of Pandemic Supply Chain Disruptions, F.T.C. Finds

A report found that large firms pressured suppliers to favor them over competitors. It also concluded that some retailers “seem to have used rising costs as an opportunity to further hike prices.”

By Madeleine Ngo | March 21, 2024

The following are The New York Times articles that I read today, March 22nd, 2024, from the 'On Politics' email of the same day:

Trump’s Deal With R.N.C. Prioritizes PAC Paying His Lawyers

A share of donations taken in by the Republican National Committee will go to the group footing his legal bills before any of the cash goes to the party itself.

By Shane Goldmacher and Maggie Haberman | March 21, 2024


The Very Rich G.O.P. Senate Candidates Bidding for Working-Class Votes

With Democrats at a fund-raising advantage, the G.O.P. has backed candidates who can self-fund. But their wealth is likely to factor in the fight for Senate control.

By Jonathan Weisman | March 21, 2024


These are the USA Today articles which I received for the time period of March 19th, 2024 through March 21st, 2024: (I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

The following are the USA Today articles that I read on March 19th, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned March 19th, 2024 'The Daily Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

Trump yet again made comments which Jewish leaders called antisemitic. ...

Groups, leaders call Donald Trump's comments about Jewish voters defamatory and antisemitic

By David Jackson and Marina Pitofsky | March 18, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned March 19th, 2024 'The Daily Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

A different kind of March madness: ...Far-right conspiracy theories threw one voter integrity system into peril. ...

How far-right conspiracy theories threw this voter integrity system into peril

By Erin Mansfield | March 19, 2024

The following are the USA Today articles that I read on March 20th, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned March 20th, 2024 'On Politics' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

Former President Barack Obama and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will join the president to mobilize supporters around protecting the ACA. ...

Obama, Pelosi join Biden to mobilize voters ahead of Affordable Care Act anniversary

By Rachel Looker | March 20, 2024

The following are the USA Today articles that I read on March 20th, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned March 20th, 2024 'On Politics' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

United Steelworkers endorses Biden after he opposes company's sale

The $14.9 billion sale, which would end U.S. ownership of the nation's second largest steelmaker, is under review by CFIUS ...

Biden wins United Steelworkers union endorsement after opposing US Steel sale to Nippon

By Swapna Venugopal Ramaswamy and Joey Garrison | March 20, 2024

The following is the USA Today article that I read yesterday, March 21st, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned March 21st, 2024 'The Daily Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

What does a $8.5 billion boost for semiconductor makers mean?

Intel Corp., already one of Arizona's largest employers, will receive up to $8.5 billion in federal grants as part of a preliminary agreement announced by President Joe Biden and Commerce Department officials during a visit to Arizona on Wednesday. The federal grant, along with Intel's own funding plans, would mark one of the largest-ever semiconductor manufacturing investments. According to the Biden administration, leading-edge chips are essential to advanced technologies, including artificial intelligence, and the latest proposal would help to ensure that more of these semiconductors are developed and made in the U.S. while also creating well-paying jobs. ...

Biden to announce $8.5B for Intel semiconductor manufacturing. What that means for the US.

By Russ Wiles | March 20, 2024

The following is the USA Today article that I read today, March 22nd, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned March 22nd, 2024 'Evening Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

TikTok ban prompts backlash from influencer giants

Influencers are speaking out over a proposed TikTok ban that could maim creators’ livelihoods and their ability to get out the vote come November. ...

They talked makeup and video games. But a proposed TikTok ban awoke influencer giants

By Rachel Barber and Melissa Cruz | March 22, 2024


This is the Time Magazine article which I received on March 19th, 2024: (I am a subscriber to the Time Magazine 'INSIDER Digital' Subscription.)

The following is the Time Magazine article that I read on March 19th, 2024:

Trump Says Jews Who Vote for Democrats ‘Hate Israel’ and Their Religion

By Jill Colvin / AP (Associated Press) | March 19, 2024

And I decided to highlight these articles from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written March 22nd, 2024, revised March 23rd, 2024, revised March 26th, 2024, revised March 30th, 2024 and revised April 6th, 2024)


March 23rd, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses March 13th, 2024, March 19th, 2024, As Well As March 22nd, 2024: I received a text message ten days ago March 13th, 2024, a text message four days ago on March 19th, 2024, a text message yesterday, March 22nd, 2024, as well as a text message today, March 23rd, 2024, from Brady: United Against Gun Violence.

The first text message that I received ten days ago on March 13, 2024, from Brady: United Against Gun Violence stated the following:

𝗔𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗮 𝗶𝘀 #𝟭

👆The United States is the only country in the world where guns outnumber people

👆We're the only nation where a mass shooting has occurred every single year for the past 20 years

👆We have the highest child gun fatality rate among peer countries

Paul, it's time to make the safety of our citizens our priority – not our guns. 𝗪𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘂𝗿𝗴𝗲 𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗹𝗮𝘄𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘂𝗽 𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝘂𝗻 𝗹𝗼𝗯𝗯𝘆 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗿𝗲𝗶𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗲-𝘀𝗮𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝘀𝘀𝗮𝘂𝗹𝘁 𝘄𝗲𝗮𝗽𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗯𝗮𝗻 𝘁𝗼𝗱𝗮𝘆? >>***

The second text message that I received four days ago on March 19th, 2024, from Brady: United Against Gun Violence stated the following:

It only took 𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝘄𝗲𝗲𝗸 for New Zealand to ban assault weapons after a white supremacist killed 51 people with an assault rifle five years ago. And Paul, 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙮 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙣'𝙩 𝙝𝙖𝙙 𝙖𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙨 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙤𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙚.

What would our country look like if our lawmakers took decisive action so swiftly following tragedy?

Instead, our country has witnessed 𝘺𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘨𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘦𝘴 without any action against these deadly weapons of war. I know what it's like to wait for years for justice – it took years to find the man who killed my mother in our doorway – and I also know the importance of continuing to fight, even when it's hardest.

That's why I'm asking 500 gun violence prevention champions to speak up in fierce support of an assault weapons ban before 11:59 p.m. tonight, and your response is missing, Paul:
𝗦𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗴𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗯𝗮𝗻 𝗺𝗶𝗹𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘆-𝘀𝘁𝘆𝗹𝗲 𝗮𝘀𝘀𝗮𝘂𝗹𝘁 𝘄𝗲𝗮𝗽𝗼𝗻𝘀?
[✓] 🔴 𝗬𝗘𝗦 - ***
[  ] ⚪ NO - ***

–[Name redacted] @ Brady

The third text message that I received yesterday, March 22nd, 2024, from Brady: United Against Gun Violence stated the following:

Three years ago, Boulder, CO, and Atlanta, GA, ex- perienced back-to-back mass shootings. This week, we're asking 5,000 people to call for reform. But we're missing your response:

Should Congress Ban Assault Weapons?
[✓] YES:***
[  ] NO:

- Team Brady

The fourth text message that I received today, March 23rd, 2024, from Brady: United Against Gun Violence stated the following:

Sorry to text again, but we're missing your response: Should Congress Ban Assault Weapons?
[✓] Y [Yes]***
[  ] N [No]

-[Name redacted]

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text messages above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


SURVEY: Ban Assault Weapons Now [11:59 p.m. Deadline]

Thank you for taking action. Will you take just 60 seconds to answer a few questions that will help us shape our strategy to prevent gun violence and keep our communities safe? -Team Brady

Research shows that gun safety reforms like an Assault Weapons Ban make communities safer and lower gun violence. But the NRA and the gun lobby are doing everything they can to block this critical legislation.

Do you believe that the gun lobby has too much influence in Washington?

[✓] Yes
[  ] No

Which of the following gun safety policies do you think Congress should prioritize in the current session? (Select as many as you'd like.)

[✓] Regulating ghost guns
[✓] Banning assault weapons
[✓] Expanding background checks
[✓] Raising the minimum purchase age
[✓] Banning high-capacity magazines
[  ] Other:

Last year, after the tragedy in Uvalde, Congress passed the most significant gun safety legislation in decades. But with Republicans now in control of the House, the NRA has been able to block any further life-saving legislation.

As we head into a critical election year, how worried are you that the gun lobby could gain even more power in Washington?

[✓] Extremely worried
[  ] Very worried
[  ] Somewhat worried
[  ] Not at all worried

At Brady, we're doing everything we can to prevent gun violence and win leaders who will fight for life-saving reforms. We know we can save lives and save families from the unending pain of loss by taking action, but we can't do it alone. Are you committed to helping prevent gun violence by joining us to demand change?

[✓] Yes, I'm all in — how can I help?
[  ] No — I'm not concerned about gun violence.

Brady is a grassroots organization dedicated to preventing gun violence and saving lives with common-sense bipartisan gun safety legislation — and our work has never been more important. Our teams are working directly with the Biden-Harris administration to take action on common-sense gun safety measures that will save lives.

We set a goal to raise $25,000 to honor shooting victims by fighting to ban assault weapons - but we're still falling short with just hours left until our midnight deadline.

Will you rush $5 to help Brady prevent gun violence and save lives?

[✓] Yes, I'll give $5!
[  ] Yes, I can give $36 (this is the average online Brady donation).
[  ] Yes, and I can give more!

And so, I made a one-time donation to Brady: United Against Gun Violence, because 1) "the United States is the only country in the world where guns outnumber people," 2) "we're the only nation where a mass shooting has occurred every single year for the past 20 years" and 3) "we have the highest child gun fatality rate among peer countries." That is why answered the question "Should Congress Ban Assault Weapons?" with a resounding 'Yes!' –Paul Whiting (March 23rd, 2024)


March 23rd, 2024 Update No. 2, Which Also Discusses March 22nd, 2024: This 'update' that I am writing today, March 23rd, 2024, is only from my news searches on Google, which I do as often as I can manage.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, lately I am simply checking the news as often as I can manage. And, I usually check what's happening in the world via various Google searches that I do under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Google news searches.

Plus, I have just been reading the titles of The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles that I receive from their daily emails. Then, I will occasionally read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those emails. And highlighted articles from the above-mentioned news organizations that send me email newsletters are provided through their own 'updates.'

That is why I recently signed up to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe in order for me to stay informed about what's happening in the world. And I was formerly writing separate 'updates' for each of the news articles that I read from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles; however, after I restarted writing these news 'updates' from my news searches on Google, I also decided to restart writing the 'updates' from the above-mentioned news organizations to which I subscribe, but as a combined 'update.'

So, without further ado, I was doing my occasional news searches on Google today March 23rd, 2024, as well as yesterday, March 22nd, 2024, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the articles; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink; however, I think that all of those hyperlinks to current news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these current news 'updates' by first providing the original Google search category through which I found each article, as listed above, like I usually do. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.]

Then, I am providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the publisher's name and the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too! (I hope that makes sense.)


March 23rd, 2024 search:

01. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos

US stats show violent crime dramatically falling, so why is there a rising clash with perception?

"I don't believe the statistics," said [name redacted], a Trump supporter.

By Bill Hutchinson | March 22, 2024


March 23rd, 2024 search:

02. Al Jazeera

Biden signs $1.2 trillion funding package, averting US government shutdown

Senate passed the bill after hours of gridlock over funding for three-quarters of the government for the next six months.

[No author(s) name(s) indicated] | 23 Mar 2024


March 23rd, 2024 search:

03. Voice of America

Biden Signs $1.2 Trillion Budget Measure

By Associated Press | Last updated on: March 23, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


March 23rd, 2024 search:

04. USA Today
(By the way, I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

Trump is for sale. All it costs is $454 million for bond money (FOR SALE: Donald Trump, lightly used Republican presidential candidate. $454 million, firm.)

Seller is highly motivated and will include all of the candidate's family members, his impressive portfolio of 90+ criminal indictments and a $50 gift certificate for his Mar-a-Lago resort gift shop.

By Rex Huppke | March 22, 2024


March 23rd, 2024 search:

05. USA Today
(By the way, I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

Joe Biden, Obama and Pelosi warn against Trump's push to repeal Affordable Care Act

By Ken Tran | March 23, 2024


March 22nd, 2024 search:

06. The New York Times
(By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times.)

Biden Suggests a Bigger Federal Role to Reduce Housing Costs

A new report focuses on the prolonged struggle to build affordable housing across America and suggests federal incentives to help.

By Jim Tankersley and Conor Dougherty | March 21, 2024


March 22nd, 2024 search:

07. CBS News

Democrats and President Biden voters report more happiness than GOP and Trump supporters, poll found

By John MacLauchlan | March 19, 2024


March 23rd, 2024 search:

08. Reuters

President Biden signs $1.2 trillion US spending bill

By Richard Cowan, David Morgan and Makini Brice | March 23, 2024


March 23rd, 2024 search:

09. Axios

President Biden signs government funding package to avoid government shutdown

By Stef W. Kight and Stephen Neukam | Updated March 23, 2024


March 22nd, 2024 search:

10. Newsweek

Joe Biden Leads Donald Trump in Eight Polls

By James Bickerton | Mar 22, 2024


March 23rd, 2024 search:

11. CNN

Biden signs government funding bill

By Clare Foran | Updated March 23, 2024


March 23rd, 2024 search:

12. CNBC

Biden signs $1.2 trillion spending package for government funding until October

By Rebecca Picciotto | MAR 23 2024


March 23rd, 2024 search:

13. The Independent

Biden signs $1.2 trillion spending package after Senate's 2am vote

President signs bill into law just hours after Congress passed legislation, averting partial shutdown

By Oliver O'Connell | 23 March 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


March 22nd, 2024 search:

14. CNBC

How Social Security benefits may change under Republican, Democrat proposals

By Lorie Konish | Mar 22 2024


March 23rd, 2024 search:

15. The New York Times
(By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times 'Basic Access' Digital Subscription.)

Republicans Who Do Not Regularly Watch Fox Are Less Likely to Back Trump

Survey data shows more of them believe he acted criminally.

By Ruth Igielnik | March 23, 2024


March 23rd, 2024 search:

16. Reuters

Republicans have taken sharp populist turn in the Trump era: Reuters/Ipsos

By Jason Lange and James Oliphant | March 21, 2024


March 23rd, 2024 search:

17. Fox News

Trump silent as Biden signs $1.2 trillion spending bill amid GOP infighting

Former President Trump had no comment on the $1.2 trillion spending package, the sort of bill he previously vowed he would 'never sign'

By Chris Pandolfo | March 23, 2024


March 22nd, 2024 search:

18. NBC News

Trump fundraising committee to use donations for legal bills

Donations to Trump 47 will first be disbursed to the Trump campaign. But once a donor hits the maximum campaign contribution limit, donations will flow to the Save America PAC.

By Vaughn Hillyard and Megan Lebowitz | March 21, 2024


March 23rd, 2024 search:

19. Hindustan Times

'Putin trying to blame Ukraine for Moscow attack': Zelensky

In a televised address earlier Saturday, President Putin said the four gunmen arrested for the deadly attack were “travelling towards Ukraine.”

By AFP News [Agence France-Presse News] | Mar 24, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (March 23rd, 2024)


For my "March 24th, 2024 Update No. 1"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

March 24th, 2024 Update No. 1: I received an email from the USO (United Service Organizations) today, March 24th, 2024, with the subject line, "March Military Supporter Update", with regard to the USO's newsletter "YOUR USO AT WORK," Issue 121 / March 2024, which stated, in part, the following:

Issue 121 / March 2024



This time of year, when many Americans are celebrating Easter and other Spring holidays, time spent with loved ones is so important. That's why it can also be one of the most difficult times of year to serve.

In the coming days and weeks, we hope you remember the brave heroes spending their holidays serving our country so that Americans of all faiths can celebrate our traditions safely at home.

Read on to learn about the ways USO Home Team members like you are helping us support troops missing time with their families to keep us safe. ...

And the following highlights from the USO's newsletter, which I selected to post, are regarding "Two Years of Supporting Our Service Members Amid the War in Ukraine" and "Cesar Millan Announces the 2023 USO Canine Volunteer of the Year," as well as "Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders Team Up With USO in Korea" in addition to "Volunteering With the USO":


Two Years of Supporting Our Service Members Amid the War in Ukraine

Two years ago, Russia launched its brutal, large-scale invasion of Ukraine. Just days later, tens of thousands of American service members were given 24 hours to say goodbye to their loved ones before being deployed to Europe to support our allies. Thanks to supporters like you, we've been there for these troops every single day since. See what your support makes possible for our troops on difficult deployments in Europe.

[Blogger's Note: I read the USO's article titled, "The USO's Eastern Europe Expansion: Meeting Service Members' Needs Amid Second Anniversary of War in Ukraine."]



Cesar Millan Announces the 2023 USO Canine Volunteer of the Year

Penny is the 2023 USO Canine Volunteer of the Year! A Labrador Retriever, Penny is a fixture at the USO Warrior Center in Landstuhl, Germany. She makes weekly visits to the hospital, bringing love to countless in-patient and out-patient service members. Congratulations to Penny!

Watch the exciting announcement.

[Blogger's Note: I read the USO's article titled, "Cesar Millan Announces the 2023 USO Canine Volunteer of the Year." And I also watched the accompanying YouTube video, which is titled the same as the article.]



Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders Team Up With USO in Korea

The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders joined forces with the USO last month to visit four military bases across South Korea. This was the 85th tour in which they've teamed up with the USO to bring smiles and joy to service members around the world since their first USO tour in 1979 — and it was their 39th trip to Korea.

Learn more about how USO Entertainment has been entertaining our service members stationed around the world for decades.

[Blogger's Note: I read the USO's webpage titled, "USO Entertains," which includes multiple articles.

And within one of those articles titled, "USO Camp Shows, D-Day and Entertaining Troops on the European Front Lines in WWII," one particular article that is referenced in the article above really caught my attention, which is titled, "Glenn Miller: Military's Music Man" that highlights the success, service—and disappearance—of Major Glenn Miller of the world famous Glenn Miller Orchestra:

"On December 15, 1944, despite dicey weather, Miller—anxious to get to Paris and frustrated by delays—boarded a Norseman aircraft, bound for France.

The small plane disappeared over the English Channel on December 15. Officially, the wreckage was never recovered...

...At the request of his adopted daughter, Jonnie Miller, a headstone dedicated to Miller stands in Memorial Section H of Arlington National Cemetery. He is still officially listed as MIA."]



Volunteering With the USO

There are countless ways volunteers support the USO, but they are all unified in their dedication to our service members and their families. Whether it’s helping at a special event, greeting and cheering at homecomings, working the front desk or providing a listening ear, our volunteers are the reason service members know they can count on the USO. Learn more. »

[Blogger's Note: I read the USO's webpage titled, "Volunteer." And at the bottom of the webpage above, there is a section titled, "TAKE ACTION," which states the following:


The USO relies on your support to help service members and their families.


And I wanted to highlight this particular webpage, as it provides multiple ways to "support our troops and military families through the USO."]


...From all of us at the USO, thank you for being a patriotic supporter of our nation's service members!

And so, even before I read the email above—since I was already planning to donate—I made a one-time donation on the website in order to support the USO's following statement: "Our service members keep our nation safe. And we work hard to keep them connected to home — but we can’t do that without support from military supporters like you. Our troops are counting on you to be a part of this important work for our country. So please, donate now."

In addition to that, I already make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! You see, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation. ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "March 24th, 2024 Update No. 1":


March 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses March 23rd, 2024 Through March 24th, 2024: [CONTENT WARNING: THIS UPDATE CONTAINS ARTICLES WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!] This 'update' that I am writing today, March 26th, 2024, is from my occasional reading of The New York Times articles, USA Today articles and Time Magazine articles that I received via email for the time period of March 23rd, 2024 through March 26th, 2024.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

So, because I have been so busy lately with "Online Activism," and also with the editing of my five blogs, I have just been reading the titles of The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles that I receive from their daily emails. Then, I will occasionally read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those emails that I highlight in these 'updates.'

That is why I recently signed up to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe in order for me to stay informed about what's happening in the world. And I was formerly writing separate 'updates' for each of the news articles that I read from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles; however, after I restarted writing separate news 'updates' from my news searches on Google, I also decided to restart writing these 'updates' from the above-mentioned news organizations to which I subscribe that send me email newsletters.

Thus, I am checking the news through Google searches again, like used to do, as often as I can manage it. You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, I am now simply checking the news via Google searches as often as I can manage to do so. And highlighted articles from those Google news searches are provided through their own 'updates.'

And I used to provide longer introductions to these New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which included the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article in addition to a hyperlink; however, I think that all of those hyperlinks to news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these news 'updates' by providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too! (I hope that makes sense.)

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of the titles to The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles—including any article overviews contained within the emails—that I received for the time period of March 23rd, 2024 through March 26th, 2024, when I noticed the following, and articles!


These are The New York Times articles which I received for the time period of March 24th, 2024 through March 26th, 2024: (I am a subscriber to The New York Times 'Basic Access' Digital Subscription.)

The following is The New York Times article that I read today, March 26th, 2024, from an email that I received two days ago on March 24th, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned March 24th, 2024 'The Morning' email introduction to The New York Times article below:


By David Marchese

I’ll be part of a new Q. and A. franchise, The Interview, that’s launching in late April. Before then I’m sharing some of my favorite past interviews. Here’s one with the late economist Herman Daly, who lamented our unending pursuit of economic growth. ...

This Pioneering Economist Says Our Obsession With Growth Must End

By David Marchese | (Originally Published) July 17, 2022


And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned March 26th, 2024 'The Evening' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

Russia: The country’s Federal Security Service said, without providing evidence, that the Moscow concert hall attack was “facilitated by Western special services.” ...

Rocked by Deadly Terror Attack, Kremlin Amps Up Disinformation Machine

Conceding that the Islamic State alone carried out the assault on a Moscow concert hall would mean admitting to a security failure, and risk diluting Vladimir Putin’s narrative war with the West.

By Neil MacFarquhar and Ivan Nechepurenko | March 26, 2024


This is the USA Today article which I received for March 26th, 2024: (I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

The following is the USA Today article that I read today, March 26th, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned March 26th, 2024 'Evening Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

Former RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel will no longer join NBC News as a contributor after network employees immediately raised concerns. ...

Former RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel will no longer join NBC after immediate backlash

By Marina Pitofsky and Gary Levin | March 26, 2024


These are the Time Magazine articles which I received for the time period of March 23rd, 2024 through March 24th, 2024: (I am a subscriber to the Time Magazine 'INSIDER Digital' Subscription.)

The following is the Time Magazine article that I read on March 23rd, 2024:

You Really Are Better Now Than You Were Four Years Ago

By Eric Klinenberg | March 22, 2024


Thousands Attend Palm Sunday Celebrations in Jerusalem Against Backdrop of War

By Associated Press | March 24, 2024

And I decided to highlight these articles from The New York Times, USA Today articles and Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written March 26th, 2024 and revised April 6th, 2024)


March 27th, 2024 Update No. 1: The fourth Wednesday in March every year is American Red Cross Giving Day, which is today March 27th, 2024:

"The tenth annual American Red Cross Giving Day is on Wednesday, March 27, 2024. Giving Day takes place in March during Red Cross Month, when we recognize the people who make our mission possible — volunteers, blood donors, people trained in lifesaving skills and our supporters — who step up to aid others when #HelpCantWait."

And so, I donated to the American Red Cross on their website and I selected the "Double Your Impact Today" match offer where "The Malott Family Foundation is matching all gifts, dollar for dollar, up to $200,000!"

Also, I donated to the International Committee of the Red Cross on their website:

"The International Committee of the Red Cross - Humanitarian Help for People Affected by Armed Conflict. Since 1863, the mission of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has been to protect and assist victims of armed conflict and promote understanding and respect for international humanitarian law."

Plus, I donated to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) on their website:

"The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is the world’s largest humanitarian network. Our secretariat supports local Red Cross and Red Crescent action in more than 191 countries, bringing together more than 16 million volunteers for the good of humanity."

Besides that, I donated to the Ukrainian Red Cross Society on their website:

"Ukrainian Red Cross Society is an all-Ukrainian humanitarian organization that helps Ukraine in providing humanitarian aid during armed conflicts and in peacetime."

In addition to that, I donated to The Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS)

"The Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) is an officially recognized independent Palestinian National Society. It enjoys legal personality and is part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. The Society, which operates in Palestine and the diaspora, is guided by the Geneva Conventions and the Movement’s Fundamental Principles, i.e. Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, Independence, Voluntary Service, Unity and Universality."

Thus, these donations are how I supported the American Red Cross Giving Day—which I observed in a decisively international way—and also how I helped the People of Ukraine, as well as the People of Gaza! –Paul Whiting (March 27th, 2024)


March 28th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses March 25th, 2024: This 'update' that I am writing today, March 28th, 2024, is only from my news searches on Google, which I do as often as I can manage.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, lately I am simply checking the news as often as I can manage. And, I usually check what's happening in the world via various Google searches that I do under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Google news searches.

Plus, I have just been reading the titles of The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles that I receive from their daily emails. Then, I will occasionally read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those emails. And highlighted articles from the above-mentioned news organizations that send me email newsletters are provided through their own 'updates.'

That is why I recently signed up to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe in order for me to stay informed about what's happening in the world. And I was formerly writing separate 'updates' for each of the news articles that I read from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles; however, after I restarted writing these news 'updates' from my news searches on Google, I also decided to restart writing the 'updates' from the above-mentioned news organizations to which I subscribe, but as a combined 'update.'

So, without further ado, I was doing my occasional news searches on Google today March 28th, 2024, as well as three days ago, March 25th, 2024, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the articles; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink; however, I think that all of those hyperlinks to current news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these current news 'updates' by first providing the original Google search category through which I found each article, as listed above, like I usually do. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.]

Then, I am providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the publisher's name and the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too! (I hope that makes sense.)


March 25th, 2024 search:

01. The New York Times
(By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times 'Basic Access' Digital Subscription.)

How a Pandemic Malaise Is Shaping American Politics

Four years later, the shadow of the pandemic continues to play a profound role in voters’ pessimism and distrust amid a presidential rematch.

By Lisa Lerer, Jennifer Medina and Reid J. Epstein | March 24, 2024


March 28th, 2024 search:

02. The New York Times
(By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times 'Basic Access' Digital Subscription.)

Russia Amps Up Online Campaign Against Ukraine Before U.S. Elections

Moscow has found better ways to conceal influence operations that spread arguments for isolationism, officials and experts say.

By Julian E. Barnes and David E. Sanger | March 27, 2024


March 28th, 2024 search:

03. Washington Post

Israel raids Gaza hospitals, as poll shows Americans disapprove of Israeli war conduct (Most Americans oppose Israel’s war in Gaza, poll finds)

By Bryan Pietsch | March 27, 2024


March 25th, 2024 search:

04. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos

UN Security Council adopts Gaza cease-fire resolution

The U.S. abstained from voting on the resolution.

By Bill Hutchinson | March 25, 2024


March 25th, 2024 search:

05. Politico

US allows passage of UN resolution calling for cease-fire in Gaza, prompting retaliation from Israel

The U.S. abstention prompted the Israeli government to cancel a visit by Israeli officials to Washington this week

By Eric Bazail-Eimil and Mona Zhang | 03/25/2024


March 25th, 2024 search:

06. NBC News

Israel-Hamas war live updates: Israel cancels high-level meeting in Washington after U.S. abstains on cease-fire resolution

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had threatened to pull the delegation if the U.S. didn't veto any Gaza cease-fire measure that wasn't tied to a hostage release.


March 28th, 2024 search:

07. AP News

US changes how it categorizes people by race and ethnicity. It's the first revision in 27 years

By Mike Schneider | Updated 12:35 PM PDT, March 28, 2024


March 28th, 2024 search:

08. NBC News

State Department official resigns; most Americans oppose Israel’s Gaza war, new poll finds

A State Department official told NBC News she felt she had no choice but to quit over American support for Israel, while a new poll found that a majority in the U.S. now oppose its ally's actions in Gaza.

By Chantal Da Silva and Abigail Williams | March 28, 2024


March 28th, 2024 search:

09. Gallup ("Gallup, Inc. is an American multinational analytics and advisory company based in Washington, D.C.")

Majority in U.S. Now Disapprove of Israeli Action in Gaza

By Jeffrey M. Jones | March 27, 2024


March 28th, 2024 search:

10. U.S. News & World Report

Trump, Touting $60 Bibles, Has a Checkered History With the Good Book

The presidential candidate’s knowledge of Scripture may be in question, but his support among members of a key voting bloc who could pick up a copy appears to remain strong.

By Lauren Camera | March 27, 2024


March 25th, 2024 search:

11. USA Today
(By the way, I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

UN Security Council Gaza cease-fire approved on resolution (US allows for Gaza cease-fire resolution to clear UN, escalating feud with Benjamin Netanyahu)

Joey Garrison and Francesca Chambers | March 25, 2024


March 28th, 2024 search:

12. USA Today
(By the way, I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

Donald Trump sells $60 bibles with country musician Lee Greenwood (Donald Trump is selling $60 Bibles as he seeks funds for campaign, legal bills)

By David Jackson | March 26, 2024


March 28th, 2024 search:

13. USA Today
(By the way, I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

Trump is selling Bibles. I hope he reads what it says about immigrants

God's welcome of foreigners has inspired our congregation in Indiana to welcome refugees and immigrants in our community.

Jeff Schultz | March 28, 2024


March 25th, 2024 search:

14. AP News

As Biden tours the country and visits swing states, Trump is fundraising and playing golf

By Jill Colvin and Zeke Miller | Updated 8:05 AM PDT, March 25, 2024


March 25th, 2024 search:

15. The Guardian

‘Quite the accomplishment’: Joe Biden pokes fun at Trump’s alleged golf wins

President responds to Republican rival’s bizarre Truth Social boast about winning trophies on his own golf course

Martin Pengelly | 25 Mar 2024


March 25th, 2024 search:

16. Sky News

Joe Biden offers sarcastic response after Donald Trump boasts about trophy win at own golf club

Joe Biden took a tongue-in-cheek shot at his political opponent after he posted on his Truth Social media platform about his success at his own golf club's awards night.

[No author(s) name(s) indicated] | 25 March 2024


March 25th, 2024 search:

17. India Today

Joe Biden trolls Donald Trump for winning golf awards at own golf club

Joe Biden mocked his Republican rival Donald Trump who gloated about winning two golf trophies at his own gold club.

By Rishabh Sharma | Updated: Mar 25, 2024


March 28th, 2024 search:

18. Al Jazeera

Biden campaign touts record-setting fundraising haul for single event

The Radio City Music Hall event has raised $25m, underscoring deep-pocketed support for Biden despite lagging in polls.

[No author(s) name(s) indicated] | 28 Mar 2024


March 28th, 2024 search:

19. HuffPost

Joe Biden Is Holding The Most Lucrative Political Fundraiser In U.S. History

$25 million from one event? Thanks, Obama. (And Clinton.)

By Jennifer Bendery | Mar 28, 2024


March 28th, 2024 search:

20. MSNBC News

Trump is selling "God Bless USA" Bibles. Biden's faith is real.

When it comes to personal religious beliefs, there couldn’t be a starker contrast between the two men running for president this year.

By Guthrie Graves-Fitzsimmons | March 28, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


March 28th, 2024 search:

21. Newsweek

Republicans Have an Internal Polling Problem - Alabama

By James Bickerton | Mar 27, 2024


March 28th, 2024 search:

22. USA Today
(By the way, I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

Georgia GOP's Brian Pritchard illegally voted 9 times, judge says (Georgia Republican official and outspoken election denier caught voting illegally 9 times)

Pritchard was ineligible to vote due to past felony convictions, the judge found.

By Josh Meyer | March 28, 2024


March 28th, 2024 search:

23. The Detroit News

GOP state lawmaker confuses NCAA teams for 'illegal invaders' in Detroit (GOP lawmaker slams 'illegal invaders' at Detroit airport. It was the Sweet 16 teams)

Beth LeBlanc | March 28, 2024


March 25th, 2024 search:

24. USA Today
(By the way, I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

Driving an EV becomes a political choice as Biden, Trump views diverge (Biden lauds them. Trump wants to restrict them. How driving an electric car got political)

By Trevor Hughes | March 23, 2024


March 25th, 2024 search:

25. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos

Trump's dark 'retribution' pledge at center of 2024 bid, but can he make it reality?

He recently said Liz Cheney and others "should go to jail."

By Alexandra Hutzler | March 23, 2024


March 25th, 2024 search:

26. Politico

'The elephant in the room': NBC's McDaniel hiring sparks on-air criticism from one of its own

Chuck Todd, the former host of “Meet The Press,” launched an explosive attack on his own network during a live panel discussion.

By Kelly Garrity | 03/24/2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (March 28th, 2024)


March 29th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses March 17th, 2024: [Blogger's Note: This 'update' that I am writing today, March 29th, 2024, is for donations that I made as a part of my series of very humble $1.00 donations for the 1st End of the Quarter 2024 FEC Deadline (which is all that I can afford given my 'monthly donating budget') to Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations—and to one campaign—regarding the national races for the House of Representatives (the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee), the Senate (the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee) and the President of the United States (the Democratic National Committee and Biden for President, or the Biden Victory Fund), as well as the state races for the Governors (the Democratic Governors Association), the Secretaries of State (the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State), the Attorneys General (the Democratic Attorneys General Association) and the State Legislatures (the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee), at the end of this first quarter of the year for the 2024 Presidential Election.]

I have combined every political campaign, or political organization, donation request per day (made via email or text message) into one 'update' for each day that I donate, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign donations, or political organization donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual campaign political donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

(By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political donation requests, which is why I don't include them with these email or text message requests.)

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per local political campaign here in Oregon (more on that below), or $4.00 per political organization, for the rest of the election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

Besides that, as of March 21st, 2024, I am no longer donating to individual for the foreseeable future (with the exception of local campaigns here in Oregon), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis (please see my 'March 21st, 2024 Update No. 2,' which can be found above), as I have explained below:

...Alright, I have a big announcement to make: I am no longer donating to individual political campaigns for the foreseeable future—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis!

And I have made this decision based upon how much these individual political campaign donations are costing in my 'monthly donating budget'—even though I am only donating $3.00 with a $0.21 tip to ActBlue—since I totally changed the way that I approach how I calculate what I am spending on my credit card each month, starting in 2024! So now, I take the total amount that I have available in my monthly budget for my minimum payment on my credit card—as well as my extra payment—and I calculate how much I am reducing that amount each time that I charge on my credit card.

That way, I am very aware of the amount by which I am reducing my total available credit card payments for the month (the minimum payment and the extra payment) in order to, hopefully, pay more on my credit card than I am spending! Plus, I am also utilizing some funds from my budgeted expenses, as well as some funds from my savings, to make sure that I am paying a little more than I am spending while—at the same time—I am also trying to spend less on my credit card.

Therefore, at the start of 2024, I calculated that I could still make ONE $3.00 donation per political campaign for the entire election cycle. And that means after I have made that one donation per campaign—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I have only donated once per campaign, which is what I have been doing so far!

However, it's still more than I can afford given my 'monthly donating budget,' which is why I have decided to stop donating to individual political campaigns entirely—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And so, I will still be making some donations to individual political campaigns (such as to Joe Biden's campaign for President of the United States, or to local campaigns here in Oregon), but I am not donating like I have been up until this point—which has been virtually every time that I have received a political campaign donation request via email or text message—because I seriously cannot afford to donate that much for the rest of the 2024 Presidential Election cycle, as well as for the foreseeable future.

In addition to that, I used to donate "$5.00 per political organization"; however, I have decided to adjust that amount, so that I can donate to more political organizations and PACs (Political Action Committees) while I am still staying within my 'monthly donating budget.'

Thus, as I partially explained above, for the rest of the 2024 election cycle—as well as for the foreseeable future—I have made a goal of donating $3.00 per local campaign only here in Oregon (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.21), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, and a goal of donating $4.00 per political organization for donation requests via email or text message (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.28), as well as a goal of donating $5.00 per political organization, or per PAC, for donation requests via the regular mail (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.35) for the entire election cycle!

To sum it up, then: I am essentially keeping the same total individual campaign donation amount of $3.21, but I am only donating to local campaigns here in Oregon, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; and I am reducing the total donation amount for political organizations and PACs for email and text message donation requests to $4.28 (from $5.35); plus, I am reducing the total donation amount for political organizations and PACs for regular mail donation requests to $5.35 (from $7.51).

And to clarify one more thing: In the past, I used to only donate to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations—rather than to individual campaigns—since that's all I really could afford given my 'monthly spending budget,' because I am "low income." Plus, those Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations help all of the individual political campaigns with funding, which is why I used to only donate to those main organizations. And I only started donating to individual political campaigns in 2022, since I was "doing everything in my power to help Democrats win in the 2022 Midterm Elections!" Therefore, this decision to stop donating to individual political campaigns (with the exception of presidential campaigns and local campaigns, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis) is really just going back to the way that I used to make political donations.

So, without further ado...

The first political communication to which I responded was an email from the Democratic Governors Association (DGA) today, March 29th, 2024, with the subject line, "I want to hear from you →", which stated, in part, the following:

(Image of a GIF, which states: "We have to keep the pressure on!" - [Name redacted])

Hi team, it’s [Name redacted], [Title redacted] at the DGA.

With our first end-of-quarter deadline of 2024 just a few days away, our team is hard at work refining our strategy for Q2 – and that strategy hinges on input from dedicated supporters like you. That’s why I wanted to personally invite you to be one of the first to complete our exclusive DGA Membership Survey. But your participation is about more than providing input, Paul: you can also become an official DGA Grassroots Consultant member after completing the survey.


Our members are crucial to electing Democratic governors and combatting far-right extremism across the country. They allow us to fund efforts like conducting messaging research and running key mobilization efforts to turn out voters – and their input informs our strategy every step of the way. Plus, in two of our biggest, most competitive races this year, North Carolina and New Hampshire, grassroots support is especially essential.

But Republicans are doing everything they can to destroy our Blue Firewall, so slowing down is not an option. The support and feedback we get early on from members will help us develop a winning strategy and play an essential role in electing Dem govs this November and beyond. So, I’m reaching out to you personally to take part in this new Membership Survey and become part of our new circle of members called DGA Grassroots Consultants – Democrats we rely on for real-time, on-the-ground feedback. I made this exclusive link for you to take the survey now:***

Paul, if you’re fired up and ready to join the fight for our democracy and fundamental freedoms, please complete our DGA Membership Survey before midnight tonight. If you donate after finishing the survey, you will become an official DGA Grassroots Consultant member – and you’ll even receive your own personalized DGA membership card!

Thank you so much for helping defend our Blue Firewall ...

[Name redacted]
DGA [Title redacted]

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Thank you for taking action!

Do you have a moment to answer a few questions about your commitment to the DGA and help us build our strategy to elect Democratic governors across the country, stop Republican extremists, and support President Biden in November?

At the end of the survey, you'll have the opportunity to activate your DGA Grassroots Consultant Membership and receive a personalized membership card!

Email: [redacted]
Cell phone: [redacted]

Are you a Democrat?

[✓] Yes I'm a proud Democrat.
[  ] No I'm a Republican.
[  ] I'm an independent, but I vote for Democrats!
[  ] Other:

With control of the White House and 11 governors' races on the ballot this November — including in North Carolina where Attorney General Josh Stein faces far-right conspiracy theorist Mark Robinson — the stakes couldn't be higher.

Luckily, DGA members give us the support and resources we need to combat these attacks and elect Democratic governors who will champion fundamental freedoms.

How important do you think building this grassroots coalition of members will be this election year?

[✓] Extremely important
[  ] Very important
[  ] Somewhat important
[  ] Not at all important

What do you think our team should focus on most in the months before Election Day? (Select up to three.)

[  ] Creating a strong grassroots member base
[✓] Registering new voters
[✓] Getting out the vote in our communities
[✓] Running ads holding GOP extremists accountable
[  ] Running ads on our candidates' accomplishments and positive vision
[  ] Phonebanking voters
[  ] Knocking on doors in battleground states
[  ] Texting voters
[  ] Other:

Reproductive freedoms, the right to vote, and even our democracy itself are on the line this year. The DGA has beat extremists and canceled their destructive plans before, but we couldn't have done it without dedicated members of our community.

On a scale of 1 to 5, how committed are you to standing with the DGA as we work to defeat these extremists again this November?

(1: Not committed | 5: I'm extremely committed!)

[  ] 1
[  ] 2
[  ] 3
[  ] 4
[✓] 5

These critical elections are fast approaching and our gubernatorial candidates are counting on this team to have their backs. Will you invest $100 to become a DGA Grassroots Consultant Member and get first priority to provide your input and help us elect Democratic governors who will advance President Biden's agenda and block the GOP's radical right-wing legislation?

Please use the option below to start a monthly donation through ActBlue:

[  ] Yes, I will give $100!
[✓] No, I can't give that much.

We understand that giving at that level might be tough. But the DGA is working tirelessly to elect Democrats across the country, and with Republicans pushing an extremist agenda in the courts, Congress, and states nationwide, we need to establish a strong base of grassroots DGA members.

We just pulled your supporter record, and here's what we found:

Email: [redacted]
Official DGA Member? Not Yet
Suggested donation: $44

Please, before midnight tonight: will you donate $44 or more to activate your 2024 Blue Firewall Membership? Your gift will be TRIPLED up to our match goal.

P.S. As a special gift when you become a DGA Grassroots Consultant Member and make your membership level gift, we'll mail you your very own personalized membership card!

Please use the options below to start a monthly donation through ActBlue:

[  ] Yes, I'll give $44.
[  ] Yes, I'll give $100!
[✓] Yes, and i'll give more!*

*[Blogger's Note: I selected this option—although I made a one-time donation, rather than a monthly donation—because it's an option that got me to the donation webpage!]



Become a 2024 DGA Member

Please don't wait: donate $5 or more elect Democratic governors and activate your 2024 Blue Firewall Membership and your gift will be TRIPLED up to our end-of-quarter $150.000 goal!

P.S. As a special gift when you make a membership level gift, well mail you your very own personalized membership card.

Make It monthly!

[  ] Yes, count me in!
[✓] No, donate once

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Democratic Action.

[  ] Donate $22 →

[  ] Donate $44 →

[  ] Donate $88 →

[  ] Donate $220 →

[  ] Donate $440 →

[  ] Donate $880 →

[✓] Other amount $1.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $2 tip?

[  ] Add $2 tip

[✓] Leave no tip

[  ] Add custom amount

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DGA (without a tip to ActBlue) in order to "be one of the first to complete our exclusive DGA Membership Survey."

P.S.: The reason that I only donated $1.00 to the DGA is because I already donated $5.00 (with a $0.35 tip to ActBlue) on March 7th, 2024 (please see my 'March 7th, 2024 Update No. 4, Written On March 9th, 2024, Which Also Discusses February 16th, 2024, February 28th, 2024, As Well As March 3rd, 2024' that can be found above) and that is all I can afford this month; however, I did want to respond to this survey, so that is why I made a donation in the amount that I did.


The second political communication to which I responded was an email from the Democratic Attorneys General Association (DAGA) today, March 29th, 2024, with the subject line, "We still need 11 more donations from 97209", which stated the following:


Supporter: [redacted]
2024 Membership Status: Activated — thank you!
End-of-Quarter Deadline: March 31st
Suggested Donation: $15


Paul, we’re asking you to chip in $1 (yes, four quarters!) to support our candidates running in close elections before Sunday’s end-of-quarter deadline.

$1 may not seem like it will make a difference, especially when we’re running against opponents who have the backing of powerful far-right forces with deep pockets — like [name redacted's] dark money network.

But the power of a grassroots team means that $1 from you plus a few bucks from [name redacted] in North Carolina and [name redacted] in Arizona adds up quickly. When this team comes together, we’re able to compete with the GOP megadonors and their dark money networks.

Fundraising deadlines are important not just because of the final amount we raise, but also the number of folks who chip in. We want to be able to show we have a strong network of support, and we do that by having folks from all over the country chip in.

We’re still counting on 11 more donors from 97209 to chip in before Sunday’s deadline. Can you become one of them by pitching in $1 today:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

[✓] CHIP IN $1 NOW***
[  ] CHIP IN $10 NOW
[  ] CHIP IN $25 NOW
[  ] CHIP IN $50 NOW
[  ] CHIP IN $100 NOW

Thanks in advance for your support,


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:



From abortion access to voting rights, Dem AGs are on the front lines, defending our democracy and protecting our communities.

Make a donation to DAGA to elect more Dem AGs in 2024 and beyond — starting right here and now.


Your contribution will benefit Democratic Attorneys General Association (DAGA) PAC.

[  ] DONATE $5 →

[  ] DONATE $10 →

[  ] DONATE $25 →

[  ] DONATE $50 →

[  ] DONATE $100 →

[  ] DONATE $250 →

[  ] DONATE $500 →

[✓] OTHER AMOUNT $1.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $2 tip?

[  ] Add $2 tip

[✓] Leave no tip

[  ] Add custom amount

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DAGA (without a tip to ActBlue) in order to contribute for the "End-of-Quarter Deadline: March 31st."

P.S.: The reason that I only donated $1.00 to the DAGA is because I already donated $5.00 (with a $0.35 tip to ActBlue) on March 7th, 2024 (please see my 'March 7th, 2024 Update No. 4, Written On March 9th, 2024, Which Also Discusses February 16th, 2024, February 28th, 2024, As Well As March 3rd, 2024' that can be found above) and that is all I can afford this month; however, I did want to respond to this email regarding the End-of-Quarter Deadline on March 31st, so that is why I made a donation in the amount that I did.


The third political communication to which I responded was a text message today, March 29th, 2024, from the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State (DASS), which stated the following:

Hi there - this is [name redacted], the [title redacted] of the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State (DASS).

Across the nation, our elections and those running them face unprecedented threats:

– DASS [title and name redacted] has seen a 600% INCREASE in serious threats.

– On Wednesday [March 27th, 2024], the Trump campaign threatened to deploy “soldiers” to intimidate voters at the polls.

– And right now, Trump's allies are working around the clock to appoint operatives in key roles for counting and certifying votes.

Democrats need to stay vigilant, which means putting our resources where they can have the biggest impact:

Can you send in a donation of $5, $35, or even $100, to defend our elections and stop Trump's allies from undermining our democracy?***

-[Name redacted]

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Democratic Association of Secretaries of State

When federal action stalls, state laws decide the future of our republic. We can't let those laws fall into the hands of partisan, conspiracy-loving GOP legislatures.

Our Democratic Secretaries protect our elections — even when Congress is deadlocked. They're the last line of defense for your rights, and they need your help this year more than ever. Rush a donation now and defend our Secretaries of State!

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit DASS PAC.

[  ] Donate $15 →

[  ] Donate $35 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[✓] Other amount $1.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $2 tip?

[  ] Add $2 tip

[✓] Leave no tip

[  ] Add custom amount

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DASS (without a tip to ActBlue) because "Democrats need to stay vigilant, which means putting our resources where they can have the biggest impact," since "across the nation, our elections and those running them face unprecedented threats."

P.S.: The reason that I only donated $1.00 to the DASS is because I already donated $5.00 (with a $0.21 tip to ActBlue) on March 7th, 2024 (please see my 'March 7th, 2024 Update No. 4, Written On March 9th, 2024, Which Also Discusses February 16th, 2024, February 28th, 2024, As Well As March 3rd, 2024' that can be found above) and that is all I can afford this month; however, I did want to respond to this text massage regarding our elections and those running them face unprecedented threats, so that is why I made a donation in the amount that I did.


The fourth political communication to which I responded was an email from the Biden for President campaign today, March 29th, 2024, with the subject line, "We can’t go back, Paul", which stated the following:

Biden-Harris 2024

Paul --

As we approach the first FEC end-of-quarter fundraising deadline of the year, we want you to remember something. Really remember.

Remember how you felt the day Donald Trump was sworn into office. Remember listening to him speak of American carnage and being afraid of what was to come. And remember time and time again how those fears were realized over the next four years.

Now remember how you felt after Joe Biden was sworn in. Remember that relief you felt that we didn’t have to deal with Trump in office any longer, and the hope you felt that we could get America back on track.

We can’t go back.

We can’t go back to the way we all felt when Trump was elected.

Paul, it might be wild to think, but you have a central role in making sure we win. The work we need to do is only possible because of people like you making the decision that we can’t go back...we can only go forward.

Now, we don’t expect you to donate every day, but with President Biden facing millions in attack ads, he needs you to make today the day. So, please:

Millions of supporters from across the country have stepped up to support President Biden ahead of critical deadlines like this in the past, and he has told us how grateful he is for that.

With Sunday’s end-of-quarter deadline right around the corner, can he count on you to contribute $5, $10, or whatever you can afford today? Every donation helps make sure we reelect Joe and Kamala and keep Trump out of the White House.

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

[  ] $25 >>
[  ] $50 >>
[  ] $75 >>
[  ] $100 >>
[  ] $125 >>
[✓] Other >>***

Thank you. You are securing the future of our country with your support. That’s the truth.

The Biden Campaign

"My dad used to have an expression -- 'It's the lucky person who gets up in the morning, puts both feet on the floor, knows what they are about to do, and thinks it still matters.' Your support matters. Your donation matters." -- Joe Biden

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Donate before our end-of-quarter deadline to reelect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris!

It's going to take this full team having Joe and Kamala's backs to deliver four more years for Democrats in the White House to finish the job. Will you pitch in before the quarter ends?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Joe Biden.

[  ] Donate $10 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $46 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[  ] Donate $2,000 →

[✓] Other amount $1.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $2 tip?

[  ] Add $2 tip

[✓] Leave no tip

[  ] Add custom amount

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Biden for President campaign (without a tip to ActBlue) in order to answer the question "With Sunday’s end-of-quarter deadline right around the corner, can he count on you to contribute $5, $10, or whatever you can afford today?" with a resounding 'Yes!'

P.S.: The reason that I only donated $1.00 to the Biden for President campaign is because I already donated $5.00 (with a $0.35 tip to ActBlue) to the Biden Victory Fund on March 7th, 2024 (please see my 'March 7th, 2024 Update No. 3, Which Also Discusses March 1st, 2024' that can be found above) and that is all I can afford this month for Joe Biden's campaign; however, I did want to respond to this email regarding the first FEC end-of-quarter fundraising deadline of the year, so that is why I made a donation in the amount that I did.


The fifth political communication to which I responded was an email from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) today, March 29th, 2024, with the subject line, "Time’s running out: Support our mission before the quarter ends", which stated the following:


The bottom line is:

The end of March is only two days away.

We urgently need the help of this grassroots team -- including 630 supporters from Portland -- to help us reach our end-of-quarter fundraising goal.

Can you be one of 630 Portland Democrats we need to pitch in today, Paul? Click here to pitch in:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately.

[✓] Donate another amount***

With gratitude,

The Democrats

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Donate to the DNC ahead of our end-of-quarter deadline and help elect Democrats nationwide!

The Democratic Party is counting on your support to hold the GOP accountable and elect more Democrats up and down the ballot.

Before our first end-of-quarter fundraising deadline of this pivotal election year, pitch in to the DNC and invest in the resources our candidates rely on to compete and win year after year.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Democratic National Committee (DNC).

[  ] Donate $10 →

[  ] Donate $20 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[  ] Donate $2,000 →

[✓] Other amount $1.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $2 tip?

[  ] Add $2 tip

[✓] Leave no tip

[  ] Add custom amount

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DNC (without a tip to ActBlue) because "the end of March is only two days away" and the DNC "urgently need[s] the help of this grassroots team ... to help [them] reach [their] end-of-quarter fundraising goal."

P.S.: The reason that I only donated $1.00 to the DNC is because I already donated $5.00 (with a $0.35 tip to ActBlue) on March 7th, 2024 (please see my 'March 7th, 2024 Update No. 2, Which Also Discusses January 21st, 2024' that can be found above) and that is all I can afford this month; however, I did want to respond to this email regarding this end-of-quarter fundraising goal, so that is why I made a donation in the amount that I did.


The sixth political communication to which I responded was an email from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) today, March 29th, 2024, with the subject line, "re: CNN's prediction", which stated the following:

Breaking via CNN!

"November could decide Senate control for years."

Jacky Rosen, Nevada
Jon Tester, Montana
Sherrod Brown, Ohio
Tammy Baldwin, Wisconsin
Bob Casey, Pennsylvania


We must fight for every seat to defend our majority!

"If you have money to donate, now is the time." - The Rachel Maddow Show

Donate now to triple your impact!
(We need every Democrat in the fight!)

If you've saved payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation will be processed immediately. The first $10,000 received from this email will be TRIPLED:


The DSCC is the only committee solely dedicated to supporting Democrats in the U.S. Senate, and our work relies on grassroots supporters like you.

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Match Activated! TRIPLE your impact to help SUPERCHARGE our Senate majority!

CNN says multiple GOP seats could flip blue this year-but with Mitch McConnell's megadonors already playing offense, it's going to take all hands on deck to win!

Please, will you chip in now to protect our historic progress by supercharging our Democratic majority? The first $10,000 received before the end-of-quarter deadline will be TRIPLED!

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit DSCC.

[  ] Donate $55 →

[  ] Donate $110 →

[  ] Donate $220 →

[  ] Donate $550 →

[✓] Other amount $1.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $2 tip?

[  ] Add $2 tip

[✓] Leave no tip

[  ] Add custom amount

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DSCC (without a tip to ActBlue) because "November could decide Senate control for years," so "we must fight for every seat to defend our majority!" That is why I contributed since "the first $10,000 received before the end-of-quarter deadline will be TRIPLED!"

P.S.: The reason that I only donated $1.00 to the DSCC is because I already donated $5.00 (with a $0.35 tip to ActBlue) on March 7th, 2024 (please see my 'March 7th, 2024 Update No. 4, Written On March 9th, 2024, Which Also Discusses February 16th, 2024, February 28th, 2024, As Well As March 3rd, 2024' that can be found above) and that is all I can afford this month; however, I did want to respond to this email regarding the end-of-quarter deadline, so that is why I made a donation in the amount that I did.


The seventh political communication to which I responded was a text message today, March 29th, 2024, from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), which stated the following:

There are 20 seats that House Democrats can win if we put in the work to defeat extreme MAGA Republicans right now.

Unfortunately, MAGA Republicans have amassed a $45 MILLION war chest to stop us.

We have two choices:

1 – We can either sit on the sidelines and let MAGA Republicans try to buy this election…

2 – Or we can continue building a powerhouse Democratic operation, flip key battleground seats and ensure Democrats have the resources we need to retake the majority. >>***

Let me be clear:

– These 20 districts will decide the fate of our majority.
– If we win just FOUR of them, we can flip the House – it's that simple.
– Polls show this election is our historic opportunity to take back the House and hand MAGA extremism a massive defeat.

Please, will you chip in $15 to the DCCC to build an unbeatable Democratic movement, reach the voters we need to win and turn out every last Democrat in this important election? >>***

Keep the faith,


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Rush a donation right now to DEFEAT MAGA Extremism and RESTORE our House Majority!

Here's the situation Democrats need to just FOURowata to ke back the House Majority — and experts agree the race for House control is a COMPLETE TOSS-UP!

But, Extreme MAGA Republicans and their deep-pocketed megadonors are preparing to spend MILLIONS to defeat our grassroots movement.

Please, we're counting on you, rush a gift right now to help flip the House Blue and send Republicans a STUNNING defeat! >>

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit DCCC.

[  ] Donate $15 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $1.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $2 tip?

[  ] Add $2 tip

[✓] Leave no tip

[  ] Add custom amount

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DCCC (without a tip to ActBlue) because "there are 20 seats that House Democrats can win if we put in the work to defeat extreme MAGA Republicans right now," so that "we can continue building a powerhouse Democratic operation, flip key battleground seats and ensure Democrats have the resources we need to retake the majority."

P.S.: The reason that I only donated $1.00 to the DCCC is because I already donated $5.00 (with a $0.35 tip to ActBlue) on March 7th, 2024 (please see my 'March 7th, 2024 Update No. 4, Written On March 9th, 2024, Which Also Discusses February 16th, 2024, February 28th, 2024, As Well As March 3rd, 2024' that can be found above) and that is all I can afford this month; however, I did want to respond to this email regarding rushing a donation right now to DEFEAT MAGA Extremism and RESTORE our House Majority, so that is why I made a donation in the amount that I did.


The eighth political communication to which I responded today, March 29th, 2024, was an email from the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee that I received twelve days ago on March 17th, 2024, with the subject line, "State Democrats win special elections while Republicans attack IVF … and everything else you need to know in the states.", which stated the following:

State Democrats win special elections while Republicans attack IVF …and everything else you need to know in the states.

1. New Hampshire: Democrats defend two seats in the state House!

In New Hampshire, we are celebrating Democratic victories in two special elections in the state House. These wins were critical to chip away at Republicans’ ultra-thin majority in the New Hampshire House →

[Blogger's Note: I read New Hampshire Public Radio article titled, "Democrats target statehouse races in first big campaign spend of 2024."]

2. Arizona: Republican leader attacks women and contraception in sexist remark

In Arizona, Senate Majority Leader Sonny Borrelli, who opposes legislation guaranteeing the right to contraceptives, says women can avoid getting pregnant simply by keeping their legs closed. This offensive comment showcases the blatant inequality and hate fueling the GOP’s attacks on bodily autonomy and reproductive freedoms →

[Blogger's Note: I read the Lean To The Left News & Views article titled, "Contraception? Just 'Put it Between Your Knees', Ladies."]

3. Iowa: Republican lawmakers advanced a bill that could have criminalized IVF methods

In Iowa, following last month’s controversial Alabama Supreme Court ruling affecting IVF, Republicans advanced legislation that would threaten reproductive care and IVF by criminalizing causing the death of an “unborn” fetus. Though tabled after Democratic outrage, this devastating bill suggests life sentences for doctors who have ‘caused the death of an unborn fetus’ →

[Blogger's Note: I read the Associated Press article titled, "Iowa House OKs bill to criminalize death of an “unborn person” despite IVF concerns."]

🔦 DLCC Spotlight: Check out our new Spotlight candidates!

State Democrats are facing critical fights ahead. Click here to learn more about Democrats fighting for seats in upcoming special elections →

🗳️ Special Elections: Over the next few months, Democrats are facing nearly a dozen special elections in states like Alabama and Michigan, so we’re calling on grassroots Dems to help power our candidates to victory →***

The Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee is working to rebuild the Democratic Party from the ground up by electing Democrats to state legislatures. Your grassroots donation will help provide state Democrats with the resources, staff, and technology to win elections — but it all depends on your support.

Join the fight! Chip in today:


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Join the fight! Chip in today.

🗳️Elect state Dems in critical special elections
💰Fund our strategic investments in 2024, 2025, and beyond
❌Counter Republican extremism in the states

Can you chip in today?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit DLCC PAC.

[  ] Donate $10 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000→

[✓] Other amount $1.00

Please leave us a tip

ActBlue is a nonprofit fundraising platform that thousands of Democrats and millions of grassroots donors are counting on to help them power change in their communities. Will you chip in with a $2 tip?

[  ] Add $2 tip

[✓] Leave no tip

[  ] Add custom amount

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DLCC (without a tip to ActBlue) because "over the next few months, Democrats are facing over a dozen special elections in key states like Alabama and Michigan, so [the DLCC is] calling on grassroots Dems to help power our candidates to victory."

P.S.: The reason that I only donated $1.00 to the DLCC is because I already donated $5.00 (with a $0.35 tip to ActBlue) on March 7th, 2024 (please see my 'March 7th, 2024 Update No. 4, Written On March 9th, 2024, Which Also Discusses February 16th, 2024, February 28th, 2024, As Well As March 3rd, 2024' that can be found above) and that is all I can afford this month; however, I did want to respond to this email which discusses how State Democrats win special elections while Republicans attack IVF, so that is why I made a donation in the amount that I did.

Thus, these seven organizations—the DGA, the DAGA, the DASS, the DNC, the DSCC, the DCCC and the DLCC—in addition to this one campaign—the Biden for President campaign—are the political organizations, and the political campaign, that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written March 29th, 2024, revised March 30th, 2024, revised April 1st, 2024, revised April 2nd, 2024, revised April 12th, 2024, revised April 13th, 2024, revised April 16th, 2024 and revised June 28th, 2024)


March 30th, 2024 Update No. 1: National Doctors Day is today March 30th, 2024, since National Doctors Day is observed yearly (annually) on March 30th.

And so, I made a one-time donation today to Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) [by the way, "Médecins Sans Frontières" is French for "Doctors Without Borders"] in observation of National Doctors Day:


MSF doctors are saving lives on Doctors Day and every day...

...Doctors Day is marked on March 30 to celebrate the work of doctors and medical workers everywhere. The celebration originates in 1842, when March 30 was the date that a patient was first given general anesthesia in surgery.

Today, MSF is marking Doctors Day by honoring the work our doctors do to save lives around the world—even as crises like war, conflict, natural disasters, and disease outbreaks challenge our work at every turn...

You see, I usually donate to various charitable organizations during the year on a particular 'theme day,' so to speak, which I feel corresponds directly to those particular charitable causes, because it helps me to remember to donate to those particular charitable causes during the year that have a corresponding 'theme day.'

Plus, I am spreading the charitable love throughout the entire year—and not simply having a year's worth of charitable giving 'bunch up,' so to speak, on Giving Tuesday. So then, whichever charitable organizations don't have an obvious corresponding 'theme day,' I can donate to those charitable organizations during Giving Tuesday, since I haven't already given to those particular organizations sometime during the year!

That is why I coordinate some of my charitable giving during the year with a particular 'theme day' that some charitable causes correspond to—such as Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières whose cause I feel directly correspond to the 'theme day' of National Doctors Day! –Paul Whiting (March 30th, 2024)


March 30th, 2024 Update No. 2, Which Also Discusses March 27th, 2024: This 'update' that I am writing today, March 30th, 2024, is from my occasional reading of The New York Times articles, USA Today articles and Time Magazine articles that I received via email on March 27th, 2024.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

So, because I have been so busy lately with "Online Activism," and also with the editing of my five blogs, I have just been reading the titles of The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles that I receive from their daily emails. Then, I will occasionally read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those emails that I highlight in these 'updates.'

That is why I recently signed up to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe in order for me to stay informed about what's happening in the world. And I was formerly writing separate 'updates' for each of the news articles that I read from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles; however, after I restarted writing separate news 'updates' from my news searches on Google, I also decided to restart writing these 'updates' from the above-mentioned news organizations to which I subscribe as a combined 'update.'

Thus, I am checking the news through Google searches again, like used to do, as often as I can manage it. You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, I am now simply checking the news via Google searches as often as I can manage to do so. And highlighted articles from those Google news searches are provided through their own 'updates.'

And I used to provide longer introductions to these New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which included the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article in addition to a hyperlink; however, I think that all of those hyperlinks to news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these news 'updates' by providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too! (I hope that makes sense.)

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of the titles to The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles—including any article overviews contained within the emails—that I received on March 27th, 2024, when I noticed the following, and articles!


These are The New York Times articles which I received on March 27th, 2024: (I am a subscriber to The New York Times 'Basic Access' Digital Subscription.)

The following are The New York Times articles that I read today, March 30th, 2024, from an email that I received three days ago on March 27th, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned March 27th, 2024 'The Morning' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

Too few homes

President Biden worries about high housing costs. So do Republicans in Congress. The consensus reflects a major problem: Tens of millions of families, across red and blue states, struggle with rent and home prices. The reason is a longstanding housing shortage.

But action in Washington won’t make a huge difference. America’s affordable housing crisis is likely to be solved in cities and states. In today’s newsletter, I’ll explain how many are already doing so in bipartisan fashion. ...

America’s Affordable Housing Crisis

The housing crisis is likely to be solved in cities and states, not Washington.

By Conor Dougherty | March 27, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned March 27th, 2024 'The Morning' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

NBC News cut ties with Ronna McDaniel, the former Republican Party chairwoman, after hosts criticized the network for hiring her as a commentator. A Times review found that she had helped Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election. ...

NBC News Cuts Ties With Ronna McDaniel After Network Firestorm

A string of top stars had denounced the hiring of Ms. McDaniel, the former chairwoman of the Republican National Committee, on their own airwaves.

By Michael M. Grynbaum and John Koblin | March 26, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned March 27th, 2024 'The Morning' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

Trump posted a video urging his supporters to buy the “God Bless the USA Bible,” priced at around $60. Trump gets royalties from sales. ...

Trump’s Newest Venture? A $60 Bible.

His Bible sales pitch comes as he appears to be confronting a significant financial squeeze, with his legal fees growing while he fights a number of criminal cases and lawsuits.

By Michael Gold and Maggie Haberman | March 26, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned March 27th, 2024 'The Evening' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

Politics: A Democrat won a State House seat in Alabama after campaigning on access to abortion and in vitro fertilization. ...

Democrat Running on Abortion and I.V.F. Access Wins Special Election in Alabama

Marilyn Lands flipped a State House seat in the deep-red state by 25 percentage points, underscoring the continued political potency of reproductive rights.

By Maggie Astor | March 27, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned March 27th, 2024 'The Evening' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

Gaza: A new poll showed that 55 percent of U.S. adults disapprove of Israel’s military actions, a 10 percentage point jump from four months earlier. ...

Majority of Americans Disapprove of Israel’s Actions in Gaza, New Poll Shows

The Gallup poll conducted this month found that 55 percent of Americans disapproved of Israel’s military action, an increase of 10 percentage points from four months earlier.

By Anushka Patil | March 27, 2024

And the articles below are from the above-mentioned March 27th, 2024 'On Politics' email:

Seeking Balance, Tripping Up

The question of how to cover Donald Trump is no closer to being solved.

By Jim Rutenberg | March 27, 2024


Trump Isn’t Reaching Out to Haley and Her Voters. Will It Matter?

Republicans are debating the wisdom of the former president’s decision to bypass any reconciliation with Nikki Haley.

By Shane Goldmacher and Maggie Haberman | March 26, 2024


These are the USA Today articles which I received on March 27th, 2024: (I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

The following are the USA Today articles that I read today, March 30th, 2024, from an email that I received three days ago on March 27th, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned March 27th, 2024 'The Daily Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

A victory for reproductive rights? Democratic candidate Marilyn Lands wins Alabama's special election. ...

A victory for reproductive rights? Democratic candidate Marilyn Lands wins Alabama special election

By Karissa Waddick | March 26, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned March 27th, 2024 'The Daily Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

Former RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel will no longer join NBC after immediate backlash. ...

Former RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel will no longer join NBC after immediate backlash

By Marina Pitofsky and Gary Levin | March 26, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned March 27th, 2024 'The Daily Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

Photo of the day: Holy Week celebrated around the world

[Photo of the day: Catholic faithfuls in a Palm Sunday procession in San Lorenzo, in the outskirts of Asuncion, Paraguay on March 24, 2024. NORBERTO DUARTE, AFP via Getty Images]

For millions of Christians worldwide, Easter is an important day. But the days leading up to this Sunday's celebration, often called Holy Week, are also significant for Christians to reflect and pray on the life of Jesus Christ. Read more ...

When is Easter? How its date is determined each year and why some celebrate.

By Olivia Munson | January 19, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned March 27th, 2024 'On Politics' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

A Georgia man has a tool to challenge voter rolls. Trump allies want to use it.

EagleAI set off alarm bells among experts who say government workers will be inundated with voter challenges ahead of the 2024 election.


A Georgia man created a tool to challenge voter registrations. Trump's allies may use it.

By Erin Mansfield | March 27, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned March 27th, 2024 'Evening Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

Baltimore bridge tragedy exposes the dark side of social media

The Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse, in the time it takes to say 'unhinged kookery,' was grotesquely transformed into a conspiratorial weapon online ...

Baltimore bridge collapse was tragic enough. Then came the right-wing conspiracy theorists.

What existed online regarding Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse, stuff beamed into the brains of millions, bore no resemblance to the actual facts and news.

By Rex Huppke | March 27, 2024


I did not select any Time Magazine articles from the emails that I received three days ago on March 27th, 2024.

And I decided to highlight these articles from The New York Times and USA Today for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written March 30th, 2024, revised March 31st, 2024 and revised June 6th, 2024)

P.S.: I think that this is going to be the last 'update' that I write regarding "my occasional reading of The New York Times articles, USA Today articles and Time Magazine articles that I [have] received via email."

You see, I started writing this 'update' on March 30th, 2024, just after 8:05 PM PDT—and I am just now getting ready to post it at 11:25 PM EDT!

So, it has taken over three hours and twenty minutes for me to read the above-mentioned articles and to create this 'update.' And I have only completed one day's worth of emails that I have received in the last few days from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine! That is why I think that it's totally unrealistic for me to continue creating these 'updates' for the articles that I receive via email, since it takes way too much time for me to do so.

Besides that, I am really taking away valuable time from the time that I need to spend on 'updates' that I write for the Google searches that I do as often as I can manage, which are a lot simpler to create—and I feel that they provide a much broader range of news from a lot more news organizations.

Plus, this issue of me not having enough time to write these The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine emailed article 'updates' is really indicative of the issues that I have with regard to how much time and energy it takes to write about all of my "Online Activism" in response to the emails, text messages and mailers that I receive from the various organizations to which I subscribe—and then to, subsequently, write about all of it!

For example, yesterday March 29th, 2024, I wrote about eight donations that I made as a part of my series of very humble $1.00 donations for the 1st End of the Quarter 2024 FEC Deadline to Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations—as well as to one campaign—and it took me the entire day to write about those eight $1.00 donations! (Please see my 'March 29th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses March 17th, 2024' that can be found above.) Although, it's mostly because I am trying to actually show my readers the types of emails, or text messages, or mailers to which I am responding by effectively recreating those particular communications for the 'updates' that I write.

Thus, the activism itself is not very time consuming, but writing about the activism and recreating the requesting emails, texts and mailers takes hours and hours and hours of time...

...Anyway, my main point is: I barely have time to write 'updates' about my "Online Activism," as well as my infrequent Google news searches, let alone trying to continue writing these 'updates' about The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles that I receive via email! That is why I am pretty sure that this 'update' is going to be the last one.


March 31st, 2024 Update No. 1, Written On March 24th, 2024 [My Writing About Donating In Order To Help The Less Fortunate, Including Homeless Folks And Hungry Folks—As Well As To Help U.S. Veterans—During Easter (for 2024)]: Happy Easter, everyone!

[Blogger's Note: This 'March 31st, 2024 Update No. 1, Written On March 24th, 2024' (that also appears as 'My Writing About Donating In Order To Help The Less Fortunate, Including Homeless Folks And Hungry Folks—As Well As To Help U.S. Veterans—During Easter...' on some of my blogs) was written on Palm Sunday, March 24th, 2024, because I made my Easter charitable donations one week before Easter Sunday in order to, hopefully, get the charitable organizations to which I donated the funds that they need in time for Easter!]

On Palm Sunday, March 24th, 2024, I made one-time donations to charities who are helping those in need during Easter, which includes a national veterans' organization (Coalition to Salute America's Heroes), and local nonprofits who are helping homeless folks here in Portland, Oregon (Union Gospel Mission, Portland Rescue Mission, Blanchet House of Hospitality and Blanchet Farm, plus Sisters of the Road), as well as an international charitable organization (The Salvation Army), in addition to nonprofits who are helping hungry folks, including a national hunger-relief organization (Feeding America) and a local food bank (Oregon Food Bank). And I was inspired to make these donations because of Jesus The Christ's loving message of "Do unto others as you would have done unto you." –Paul Whiting (written March 24th, 2024, revised March 31st, 2024 and revised May 6th, 2024)

P.S.: Please see my detailed descriptions—immediately after this 'update'—of the following Easter Sunday donations (that I made on Palm Sunday) for which I received donation requests through the regular mail!

The Coalition to Salute America's Heroes: 'March 31st, 2024 Update No. 2, Written On March 24th, 2024, Which Also Discusses March 1st, 2024' (that also appears as 'My Writing Continued About Donating In Order To Help The Less Fortunate, Including Homeless Folks And Hungry Folks—As Well As To Help U.S. Veterans—During Easter...' on some of my blogs), which can be found below.

Union Gospel Mission: 'March 31st, 2024 Update No. 3, Written On March 24th, 2024, Which Also Discusses March 11th, 2024' (that also appears as 'My Writing Continued Further About Donating In Order To Help The Less Fortunate, Including Homeless Folks And Hungry Folks—As Well As To Help U.S. Veterans—During Easter...' on some of my blogs), which can be found below.

The Salvation Army: 'March 31st, 2024 Update No. 4, Written On March 24th, 2024, Which Also Discusses March 18th, 2024' (that also appears as 'My Writing Continued Further Some More About Donating In Order To Help The Less Fortunate, Including Homeless Folks And Hungry Folks—As Well As To Help U.S. Veterans—During Easter...' on some of my blogs), which can be found below.

Feeding America: 'March 31st, 2024 Update No. 5, Written On March 24th, 2024' (that also appears as 'My Writing Continued Further Some More Than Before About Donating In Order To Help The Less Fortunate, Including Homeless Folks And Hungry Folks—As Well As To Help U.S. Veterans—During Easter...' on some of my blogs), which can be found below.
March 31st, 2024 Update No. 2, Written On March 24th, 2024, Which Also Discusses March 1st, 2024 [My Writing Continued About Donating In Order To Help The Less Fortunate, Including Homeless Folks And Hungry Folks—As Well As To Help U.S. Veterans—During Easter (for 2024)]: Happy Easter, everyone!

[Blogger's Note: This 'March 31st, 2024 Update No. 2, Written On March 24th, 2024, Which Also Discusses March 1st, 2024' (that also appears as 'My Writing Continued About Donating In Order To Help The Less Fortunate, Including Homeless Folks And Hungry Folks—As Well As To Help U.S. Veterans—During Easter...' on some of my blogs) was written on Palm Sunday, March 24th, 2024, because I made my Easter charitable donations one week before Easter Sunday in order to, hopefully, get the charitable organizations to which I donated the funds that they need in time for Easter!]

I received a mailer from the Coalition to Salute America's Heroes (CSAH) twenty three days ago on March 1st, 2024, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "Heroes like this veteran [pictured on the envelope] sacrificed everything for our freedom. In their time of need, who will be there for them?", which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]

Coalition to
Salute America's Heroes

Portland Area 2024 Easter Emergency Aid Drive

Dramatic Increase in America's Catastrophically Disabled Veterans Who Cannot Afford Groceries — and Some are Losing their Home

Dear Mr. Whiting,

My name is [redacted]. I proudly served in the U.S. Army. While deployed in Iraq, I was seriously injured from a roadside bomb.

I suffered severe burns on over 35% of my body, losing my nose, ears, and some of my fingers. That's me to the right in a side-by-side photo before that bomb went off and what I look like today.

Even after spending 48 days in a coma and going through more than 75 surgeries, I consider myself lucky — three of my fellow soldiers made the ultimate sacrifice and died in the bomb blast.

I've taken the unusual step of sending you the attached real $2.19 check. You may be wondering about the check amount. You see, the numbers 219 are important to me — I was severely injured on February 19.

I sent you the check to make sure you would not miss my letter. And here's why . . .

. . . Many of my fellow disabled War on Terror veterans are struggling financially — unable to afford the skyrocketing cost of food, much less the rising cost of utilities, rent or mortgage.

Mr. Whiting, the global War on Terror is far from over — as evident by the attacks in Israel and on U.S. service members abroad — and has resulted in many of our nation's servicemen and women returning home burned (like me), blinded, brain-damaged, paralyzed, or suffering from other severe wounds.

Disabled veterans call us each and every week with no place else to turn to for help. They are desperate to feed their families, stop their utilities from being cut off, or prevent an eviction from their home and becoming homeless.

Mr. Whiting, you can cash the $2.19 check if you like. But I hope you will not and instead find it in your heart to give to the Coalition to Salute America's Heroes. The Coalition is the nation's leading organization providing direct emergency aid to support our post 9/11 combat-wounded veterans.

We need every dollar we can raise to provide emergency aid to our catastrophically wounded heroes who fought to protect us in the global War on Terror but now are in dire financial crises. That's why the Coalition to Salute America's Heroes has launched its 2024 Easter Emergency Aid Drive.

The skyrocketing cost of food, and rising cost of gas, utilities, and to keep a roof over your head has affected everyone. But for our seriously wounded veterans and their families, it is devastating. You may be wondering why.

After being severely injured in the War on Terror, returning home, and being discharged from service, these wounded heroes had to wait on average six months — and sometimes over a year — to receive their first disabilities benefit check. Imagine going six months before receiving your first benefit check. It takes years for these severely disabled veterans to financially recover from the disaster caused by the Veterans Affairs backlog of claims.

I know you agree that America's post 9/11 combat-wounded veterans deserve much more than to return home severely disabled from the battleground only to be forced into a battle against financial disaster.

In addition to the emergency aid these wounded veterans desperately need, they also need to know their lifelong sacrifices have not been forgotten. That is why I have included with this letter an Easter Thank You and Get Well card that I hope you will sign and return. Coalition supporters have sent me Thank You and Get Well cards, and I can tell you that this show of support has helped in my road to recovery.

And your generosity can provide a wounded hero the peace of mind that they can feed their family, stay in their home, or avoid some other financial disaster — and maybe offer hope for the future.

Please send your generous tax-deductible gift to help our severely disabled troops who have already sacrificed so much.

Please do what you can to help. Thank you and God Bless you!


Staff Sgt. [Name redacted], U.S. Army (Ret.)
[Title redacted] for the Coalition

"QR code message": SCAN ME

P.S. I am sending these $2.19 checks to patriotic Americans like you who care deeply about America's wounded veterans. I hope you will tear up the $2.19 check and send your most generous tax-deductible gift to the Coalition's 2024 Easter Emergency Aid Drive, today.

Every call we receive from a disabled veteran is heartbreaking. Most of these post 9/11 combat-wounded veterans have nowhere else to turn to for help and are losing hope. Please do your part to help them with your best tax-deductible donation to the Coalition. And please return your signed Easter "Thank You and Get well" card so it can be delivered to a severely disabled War on Terror hero or hospitalized veteran.


Portland Area 2024 Easter Emergency Aid Drive for Disabled Veterans in Need
Important Donation Reply to Staff Sgt. [Name redacted], U.S. Army (Ret.)

Dear [Name redacted],

Thank you for making me aware of the dire financial crises many of these veterans are facing and why. I will tear up the $2.19 check you sent me and am enclosing my signed Easter Thank You and Get Well card for you to deliver to a severely disabled or hospitalized veteran living in Oregon or elsewhere.

To help provide emergency aid to a wounded hero in need this Easter, I am enclosing my tax-deductible gift of:

[  ] $8

[  ] $15

If you can send this amount [of $15], it will do so much good to help a wounded warrior this Easter.

[  ] $20

[  ] $40

[✓] My best gift of $7.00

Mr. Paul Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

Donation Requested By: 7 Days from Receipt

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Coalition to Salute America's Heroes today, March 24th, 2024 (Palm Sunday), in order to support their 2024 Easter Emergency Aid Drive! Plus, I tore up "the $2.19 check" in addition to returning “[my] signed Easter ‘Thank You and Get well’ card so it can be delivered to a severely disabled War on Terror hero or hospitalized veteran." –Paul Whiting (written March 24th, 2024 and revised March 31st, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.)
March 31st, 2024 Update No. 3, Written On March 24th, 2024, Which Also Discusses March 11th, 2024 [My Writing Continued Further About Donating In Order To Help The Less Fortunate, Including Homeless Folks And Hungry Folks—As Well As To Help U.S. Veterans—During Easter (for 2024)]: Happy Easter, everyone!

[Blogger's Note: This 'March 31st, 2024 Update No. 3, Written On March 24th, 2024, Which Also Discusses March 11th, 2024’ (that also appears as 'My Writing Continued Further About Donating In Order To Help The Less Fortunate, Including Homeless Folks And Hungry Folks—As Well As To Help U.S. Veterans—During Easter...' on some of my blogs), was written on Palm Sunday, March 24th, 2024, because I made my Easter charitable donations one week before Easter Sunday in order to, hopefully, get the charitable organizations to which I donated the funds that they need in time for Easter!]

I received a mailer from Union Gospel Mission thirteen days ago on March 11th, 2024, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "With your help, lives will change this spring!", which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]

The Path To LifeChange

March 7, 2024

Paul, you gave at Easter last year, will you give again?

Mr. Paul [Middle Initial] Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

Dear Paul,

I really enjoyed my first holiday season at the Mission, but if I'm being candid, I'm even more excited for my first Easter. After all, Easter and the new life that Jesus made possible are what the Mission is all about.

Will you help by sending an Easter gift like I see you did last year?

Because each $17.64 provides a day of life-changing care for one person, any amount you give again this Easter will make a difference, especially during the Easter season.

The empty tomb shows us that anything is posible with God, and nothing is too big for Him to overcome. Not drug addiction, not decades of homelessness — not even death. That's a message that the people we serve are desperate to hear.

If you can help, please send your gift today!

[Name redacted's] story in your newsletter is a great example of the life-saving, transformational impact you'll have when you give.

God bless you,

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]

P.S. Please respond by March 25 to help in time for Easter again this year. Every $17.64 you give can help change a life!

If you prefer, you can give online at



Yes. [name redacted]! I will help at Easter again this year! I'm sending a gift of:

[  ] $35.28 to provide 2 days of care.
[  ] $52.92 to provide 3 days of care.
[  ] $17.64 to provide 1 day of care.
[✓] $7.00 to help as possible.

When you give at Easter again thie year, every $17.64 provides a life-changing day of care for someone like [name redacted]!

Mr. Paul [Middle Initial] Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]



MARCH 2024

"Growing up, I always thought things like, 'I don't matter, I'm worthless, I'm not important'. . . But that's not who I am. I am a son of God. He loves me, and I have worth." -[Name redacted]


• Whatever You're Doing, It Matters
• Discovering a Life Worth Living
• Change a Life this Easter!

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead." 1 Peter 1:3



"It was a super powerful experience for me to get to know Jesus in a more intimate way without distraction." -[Name redacted]

A FEW YEARS AGO, [name redacted] wanted to die. He was stuck in his addiction and had reached the end of his rope.

"Every single morning I'd wake up just miserable," he says. "I even started having these thoughts of, "Maybe life would just be better if I wasn't here."

But something in him stopped him from taking the step to end it all. Instead, he cried out to God.

You might think the heavens opened and a bright light shined down. Or that [name redacted] heard angels singing the Hallelujah Chorus. None of those things happened. But [name redacted] woke up the next day with a new desire — to read the Bible.

[Name redacted] knew about God. He had even gone to church and volunteered at the Mission with his parents. But God hadn't been real to him.

Until now.

Knowing that his addiction was out of control, [name redacted] called his parents and told them his life had fallen apart. He was addicted, had no healthy relationships left and was losing his apartment. His parents encouraged him to call the Mission. On Sunday, when his parents were scheduled to volunteer. Kris came to the Mission with them. He joined LifeChange for Men just a few weeks later.

Through nourishing food, Christ-centered counseling, daily Bible reading and the other aspects of the program, [name redacted] began to see things more clearly. He remembers one day in counseling, the group was talking about false beliefs and [name redacted] realized he'd always felt worthless. His counselor encouraged him to tell God that he was worthless and see what happened.

”When I prayed that, it just blew me away. I realized that's not true. That's not who I am. I'm a son of God. He loves me and I have worth there. Suddenly I was just almost a new person, and it was such an impactful moment. So, doing that in a safe space was very important for me," says [name redacted].

"I think what sets UGM apart from a lot of other recovery programs is that interpersonal experience with others." -[Name redacted]

It's all about Relationships: With Jesus, Yourself and Others

"You can pray read your Bible anywhere. But getting that counseling here, and then having an issue and dealing with it in-house made all the difference . . . there's so many skills that translated to my life."

[Name redacted] graduated from the program but wanted to keep giving back. He became one of our Shepherds — a mentor to other men in LifeChange — and continued doing that for several years.

"LifeChange gave so much to me, that it's the least I could do to give back," [name redacted] says.

He also joined a church when he first started the program and he's still involved. In fact, he met his wife there. They were married in 2022. [Name redacted] also went back to school and earned a college degree. Now, because of partners like you, he's got a great job and is looking forward to seeing where God takes him next.

Your Easter gift today will help change another life!

"One thing that I just desperately needed. was a fresh start." -[Name redacted]


Whatever You're Doing, It Matters

ONE OF MY FAVORITE things about working here at the Mission is that I get to see people like you acting as the loving hands and feet of Jesus in our community.

Long-time volunteers [name redacted] and [name redacted] are a great example.

[Name redacted] and [name redacted] have had the same Tuesday night route with UGM's Search + Rescue van for years. As they make their way from encampment to encampment they greet people with smiles, check in with them, serve them good food and ask if they can pray for them.

On the night I was with them, a gentleman in a wheelchair made his way over to them. They told me afterwards that he is usually happy and lighthearted but on this night he broke down in tears. Life on the street is hard and he'd had another setback. This time the pain felt like too much. [Name redacted] listened with a caring ear, provided for the gentleman's immediate needs and prayed with him.

The whole thing took just a few minutes but when that man left, his entire demeanor had changed. He knew he wasn't alone. Even better, he was loved.

Some people like [name redacted] and [name redacted] like to be on the front lines. Other people prefer to be behind the scenes. But whatever you are doing — whether it feels big or small — it matters. It matters because every time you partner with the Mission, you are being the hands and feet of Jesus.

Happy Easter!

Ways You can Get Involved this Easter Season

Volunteer your time:

We always need volunteers to serve meals, sort clothes, and provide administrative support. Visit

Donate food or clothing:

We are always grateful for donations of food and clothing to help us meet the needs of our guests.

Make a financial donation:

Your financial gift will provide vital programs and services to those we serve in our community.


Change a Life this Easter!

The empty tomb is proof that with God all things are possible. No one is too lost in addiction or homelessness for Him to redeem.

Most of the men and women who come to our doors feel hopeless, and hearing that message changes everything.

They need to know that they can get off the streets, overcome addiction and live changed lives, just like [name redacted]. But they don't just need to hear it. They need to experience it.

They need to have people walk alongside them and support them with the right relationships and tools that will help them actually change their lives.

You can make that possible by sending a gift today.

Because each $17.64 is enough to provide a full day of meals and care for one person in our LifeChange program, any amount you give today can help change a life.

A lot of our partners give during the "traditional" holiday season. But we believe that Easter is the most important holiday of all.

Any amount you can give today will make a difference in changing lives!

Give instantly at

Heart of Hope Partner


Become a Monthly Heart of Hope Partner

When you sign up to give monthly, you'll know you're changing lives every day while saving postage and administrative costs and making sure that vital Mission programs keep running.

To sign up or find out more, call [phone number redacted] or visit

Through the transformative power of Jesus Christ, we open life-changing pathways to people experiencing homelessness, hunger, addiction, and abuse.


And so, I made a one-time donation to Union Gospel Mission today, March 24th, 2024, in order to "CHANGE A LIFE THIS EASTER," which is why I donated "[$7.00] to help as [much as] possible." –Paul Whiting (written March 24th, 2024 and revised March 31st, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.)
March 31st, 2024 Update No. 4, Written On March 24th, 2024, Which Also Discusses March 18th, 2024 [My Writing Continued Further Some More About Donating In Order To Help The Less Fortunate, Including Homeless Folks And Hungry Folks—As Well As To Help U.S. Veterans—During Easter (for 2024)]: Happy Easter, everyone!

[Blogger's Note: This 'March 31st, 2024 Update No. 4, Written On March 24th, 2024, Which Also Discusses March 18th, 2024' (that also appears as 'My Writing Continued Further Some More About Donating In Order To Help The Less Fortunate, Including Homeless Folks And Hungry Folks—As Well As To Help U.S. Veterans—During Easter...' on some of my blogs), was written on Palm Sunday, March 24th, 2024, because I made my Easter charitable donations one week before Easter Sunday in order to, hopefully, get the charitable organizations to which I donated the funds that they need in time for Easter!]

I received a mailer from The Salvation Army Portland Metro six days ago on March 18th, 2024—which included a greeting card, as well as a donation voucher—both of which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]


Happy Easter


"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In His great mercy, He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil, or fade." —1 Peter 1:3-4 (NIV)

Happy Easter from all of us at The Salvation Army!

Dear Friend,

Easter is a time of rebirth, renewal, and rejoicing. As you celebrate with friends and family, please also remember to feed the hungry just as Jesus did. May God bless you and yours this holy Easter season. Thank you, as always, for being a steadfast friend to our neighbors in need.

—Your friends at The Salvation Army




My Easter Offering
To Feed Hungry People

Yes, I want to help feed our hungry neighbors In the Portland Metro area this Easter. I'm enclosing $7.00 to feed as many people as possible.

Your best gift here!$ 7.00

Please make you check payable to The Salvation Army.

Your gift will be used locally.

From: Mr. Paul Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

To: The Salvation Army
Portland Metro Donation Processing Center
[Street Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

[Blogger's Note: For The Salvation Army USA website, at which there's a local donation page for you to make a donation to The Salvation Army in your area, please visit where you will see the "Donate Local" button at the top right-hand corner of their website! And thank you for considering making a donation to The Salvation Army, because "as you celebrate (Easter) with friends and family, please also remember to feed the hungry just as Jesus did."]

And so, I made a one-time donation to The Salvation Army Portland Metro today, March 24th, 2024, in order to celebrate Easter by remembering to "feed the hungry just as Jesus did." –Paul Whiting (written March 24th, 2024, revised March 31st, 2024 and revised May 6th, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.)
March 31st, 2024 Update No. 5, Written On March 24th, 2024 [My Writing Continued Further Some More Than Before About Donating In Order To Help The Less Fortunate, Including Homeless Folks And Hungry Folks—As Well As To Help U.S. Veterans—During Easter (for 2024)]: Happy Easter, everyone!

[Blogger's Note: This 'March 31st, 2024 Update No. 5, Written On March 24th, 2024’ (that also appears as 'My Writing Continued Further Some More Than Before About Donating In Order To Help The Less Fortunate, Including Homeless Folks And Hungry Folks—As Well As To Help U.S. Veterans—During Easter...' on some of my blogs), was written on Palm Sunday, March 24th, 2024, because I made my Easter charitable donations one week before Easter Sunday in order to, hopefully, get the charitable organizations to which I donated the funds that they need in time for Easter!]

I received a mailer from Feeding America today March 24th, 2024, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "Your gift can go TWICE as far to help rescue healthy foods like: ❏ fruits and veggies; ❏ milk and cheese; ❏ meats, beans and eggs", which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]


$15 CAN BECOME ----> $30 to rescue EVEN MORE fresh produce.

$20 CAN BECOME ----> $40 to rescue EVEN MORE nutritious dairy products.

$25 CAN BECOME ----> $50 to rescue EVEN MORE healthy protein.

Return a Food Rescue Voucher today or give now at!

Dear Paul Whiting,

For too many of our neighbors, getting meals on the table has become increasingly difficult. Challenges like the high prices of food and everyday necessities have left many facing hunger.

At the same time, farmers, retailers and food distributors have extra produce and groceries sitting in fields and warehouses because they can't move all of it. Unfortunately, much of this perfectly good food ends up in landfills. Every year, right here in America, 119 billion pounds of food are wasted instead of reaching families at risk of hunger.

Why? Local supermarkets may not be able to sell fresh fruit that's irregularly shaped. Or a box of cereal nearing its sell-by date can't be sold in stores—even though it's still safe to eat.

The truth is, we get food donation offers all the time, but without funds to move the food, we are unable to accept it. And what we can't ship, we lose. So rather than getting healthy and fresh food into the hands of neighbors who need it, it goes to waste.

That means food ends up in dumpsters instead of going to people like [name redacted]. After a heart attack 10 years ago forced him to stop working, [name redacted] began visiting his local food pantry, served by the Feeding America network. There, he was able to access the meals he needed.

You can help the Feeding America network rescue food that would otherwise be wasted so it's available for neighbors like [name redacted] when they need it.

Thanks to a $250,000 challenge match offered by our generous partners at [business name redacted], you can have TWICE the impact for people at risk of hunger. Simply return your enclosed Food Rescue Voucher and your gift's impact can DOUBLE to help the Feeding America network rescue safe, healthy food and deliver it to children and families.

Normally, every $1 you give helps provide at least 10 meals through the Feeding America network. But with the [business name redacted] challenge match, every $1 can help provide at least 20 meals, including fresh fruits and vegetables. Your support can help many neighbors facing hunger, like [name redacted].

For years, [name redacted] provided for his family through his job as a homebuilder. But after his heart attack, he worried about the future. Though the family was receiving SNAP benefits, they still couldn't afford enough food.

In search of extra help, [name redacted] turned to his local food pantry. "We would be in trouble, real bad, without this pantry," he said. The family has especially enjoyed the fresh eggs and breakfast foods they've gotten there.

From ears of corn to boxes of pasta, the Feeding America network is rescuing nutritious food and making it possible for people like [name redacted] to feed their families. With your support, we rescued 3.96 billion pounds of food last year!

I know that sounds like a lot...but it's just the beginning of what we can do with your help. Please join the challenge match right now. Together, we can continue to:

• Support food banks so they can meet growing need.

• Work with people at every step of the food production process to rescue food that would otherwise go to waste.

• Help our neighbors access this perfectly good food.

And it all starts with your Food Rescue Voucher. Please return it with your contribution today to spark a chain reaction that will help us rescue more food—and help people get the meals they need to thrive. I truly appreciate your support.


[Name redacted]
[Title redacted], Feeding America

P.S. Remember, thanks to the challenge match from [business name redacted], your gift can help rescue food so more neighbors facing hunger can feed their families. Thank you for returning your Food Rescue Voucher with your donation today.

Your gift can help provide TWICE as many meals. Scan here or visit



Every $1 you give can help provide at least 20 meals.

YES! I want to help Feeding America rescue more food for our neighbors. My gift of:

[  ] $15 can help provide at least 300 meals.

[  ] $20 can help provide at least 400 meals.

[  ] $25 can help provide at least 500 meals.

[✓] $7.00 can help provide as many meals as possible.

Paul Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]


Give online:

And so, I made a one-time donation to Feeding America today, March 24th, 2024, because "[MY] GIFT CAN GO TWICE AS FAR TO RESCUE GOOD FOOD," since "$7.00 can help provide as many meals as possible." –Paul Whiting (written March 24th, 2024 and revised March 31st, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.)


March 31st, 2024 Update No. 6, Written On April 2nd, 2024 About March 2024: This 'update' is special, since I am continuing to change the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month! And because I first changed the way that I make donations starting in August 2023, this update is also technically a follow-up to the following:

▪ August 19th, 2023 Update
▪ August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 1, Written On August 31st, 2023
▪ August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 2, Written On October 1st, 2023 About September 2023
▪ August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 3, Written On November 1st, 2023 About October 2023
▪ August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 4, Written On December 1st, 2023 About November 2023
▪ August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 5, Written On January 1st, 2024 About December 2023

Besides that, because this is the year 2024—where I am continuing to change the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations that I started changing in 2023—this update is also a follow-up to the following:

▪ January 31st, 2024 Update No. 3, Written On February 1st, 2024 About January 2024

▪ February 29th, 2024 Update No. 3, Written On March 1st, 2024 About February 2024

Please let me explain: I spent A LOT the year before last (2022) because I was "doing everything in my power to help Democrats win in the 2022 Midterm Elections!" And I also spent QUITE A BIT last year (2023) because I was trying to 'put my money where my mouth is' regarding my activism throughout the year. And so, I ended up with a rather considerable credit card balance...

...Now, this is my only credit card—that I got through my regular bank—and I was enjoying an interest-free period on my charges up until August 2023! Thus, my carefree days of not paying for any interest on my credit card balance were officially over last year. And my minimum payments were going to be a rather large percentage of the amount that I had set aside in my monthly budget for my minimum payment, as well as my extra payment, on my credit card each month.

So, in response to this change in my minimum payments, I changed the way that I donated to political, progressive and charitable organizations, starting in 2023, due to the fact that I was spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations in 2023—as outlined below—starting with January of 2023.

January 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 15%

February 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 19%

March 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 12%

April 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 17%

May 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 21%

June 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 20%

July 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 17%

August 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 23%

September 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 20%

October 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 31%

November 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 71%

December 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 31%

And so, if I average out the total percentage in 2023 that I spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations from January 2023 through December 2023, it comes out to be 25% of my monthly income! (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)

That is the reason I started really "tightening my belt," so to speak, with regard to all of the donations that I am making on my credit card each month! So, my plan is to only donate to political, progressive and charitable organizations if they specifically ask for donations—and not just for the sake of donating to them at least once per month, or even when I have been taking some sort of action, such as signing a petition, or sending a letter, etc. Thus, I am trying to greatly reduce the number of donations that I make to simply once in a while, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis!

You see, there are a lot of organizations that I literally donate to only once per year—such as for Giving Tuesday—which is all that I ever donate to them. And that is basically what I am striving for, so that I am still donating to political, progressive and charitable organizations, but the bare minimum that I can donate, since that's all I can really afford.

Therefore, I am no longer donating for every one of the email or text messages that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action that also come from the same organization, with the exception of the USO (United Service Organizations), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action.

That is why I will still be responding to some of the email or text messages that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, as well as to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action; however, when I do donate, I am reducing the number of times that I donate for the same organization per month down to once—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis—in addition to reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers.

Thus, when I do donate, I will only be donating once per month for each political, progressive or charitable organization, with the exception of the USO, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. (You see, I make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! Plus, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation.)

In addition to that, as of March 21st, 2024, I am no longer donating to individual political campaigns for the foreseeable future—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis (such as to Joe Biden's campaign for President of the United States, or to local campaigns here in Oregon), but I am not donating like I have been up until this point—which has been virtually every time that I have received a political campaign donation request via email or text message—because I seriously cannot afford to donate that much for the rest of the 2024 Presidential Election cycle, as well as for the foreseeable future.

And I have made this decision based upon how much these individual political campaign donations are costing in my 'monthly donating budget'—even though I have only been donating $3.00 with a $0.21 tip to ActBlue. However, it's still more than I can afford given my 'monthly donating budget,' which is why I have decided to stop donating to individual political campaigns entirely—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, as mentioned above.

And to clarify one more thing: In the past, I used to only donate to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations—rather than to individual campaigns—since that's all I really could afford given my 'monthly spending budget,' because I am "low income." Plus, those Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations help all of the individual political campaigns with funding, which is why I used to only donate to those main organizations. And I only started donating to individual political campaigns in 2022, since I was "doing everything in my power to help Democrats win in the 2022 Midterm Elections!" Therefore, this decision to stop donating to individual political campaigns (with the exception of presidential campaigns and local campaigns, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis) is really just going back to the way that I used to make political donations.

And now that two days ago, March 31st, 2024, was the last day of March 2024, I wanted to provide you with March's total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations:

March 2024:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 20%

And here are the percentages that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations by category, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[01] Non-Categorized Political: 2.00% {2.00322788896%}
[02] DNC (Dem. Nation. Cam. Comm.): 0.55% {0.54938670109%}
[03] DASS (Dem. Assoc. Secr. of State): 0.40% {0.4009038089%}
[04] Joe Biden for President: 0.61% {0.6139444803%}
[05] DAGA (Dem. Attorneys. Gen. Assoc.): 0.41% {0.40994189799%}
[06] DLCC (Dem. Legis. Cam. Comm.): 0.41% {0.40994189799%}
[07] DSCC (Dem. Senate. Cam. Comm.): 0.41% {0.40994189799%}
[08] DCCC (Dem. Congress. Cam. Comm.): 0.47% {0.47449967721%}
[09] DGA (Dem. Govern. Assoc.): 0.41% {0.40994189799%}
[10] UFW (Unite. Farm Work.): 0.65% {0.64557779212%}
[11] USA for UNFPA: 0.32% {0.32278889606%}
[12] IAVA (Iraq & Afghan. Vet. of Amer.): 0.71% {0.7127178825%}
[13] USO (United Serv. Orgs.): 1.61% {1.6139444803%}
[14] News Organizations: 0.71% {0.71013557133%}
[15] ACLU (Amer. Civ. Lib. Union): 0.32% {0.32278889606%}
[16] Monthly Political: 2.32% {2.32408005164%}
-------Please see [17] below-------
[18] Brady United: 0.32% {0.32278889606%}
[19] Easter Sunday: 3.47% {3.4667527437%}
[20] Red Cross Giving Day: 3.55% {3.55196901226%}
[05] National Doctors’ Day: 0.32% {0.32278889606%}

Monthly Income Total Percentage Calculation:

+ 0.55%
+ 0.40%
+ 0.61%
+ 1.64% {4 x 0.41%}
+ 0.47%
+ 0.65%
+ 1.28% {4 x 0.32%}
+ 1.42% {2 x 0.71%}
+ 1.61%
+ 2.32%
+ 3.47%
+ 3.55%
= 20.00% {19.97%}

Plus, here are the percentages that I have spent on interest and credit card purchases, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[17] Monthly Interest: 6.9% {6.89025177533%}

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Interest and Purchases: 6.9%

Grand Total Percentage of Monthly Income for March 2024: 26.9%

And starting in 2024, I totally changed the way that I approach how I calculate what I am spending on my credit card each month! So now, I take the total amount that I have available in my monthly budget for my minimum payment on my credit card—as well as my extra payment—and I calculate how much I am reducing that amount each time that I charge on my credit card.

That way, I am very aware of the amount by which I am reducing my total available credit card payments for the month (the minimum payment and the extra payment) in order to, hopefully, pay more on my credit card than I am spending! Plus, I am also utilizing some funds from my budgeted expenses, as well as some funds from my savings, to make sure that I am paying a little more than I am spending while—at the same time—I am also trying to spend less on my credit card.

For example, I made two set of donations for the month of March 2024 (the first one on March 7th and the second one March 29th) to Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations—and to one campaign—regarding the national races for the House of Representatives (the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee), the Senate (the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee) and the President of the United States (the Democratic National Committee and Biden for President, or the Biden Victory Fund), as well as the state races for the Governors (the Democratic Governors Association), the Secretaries of State (the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State), the Attorneys General (the Democratic Attorneys General Association) and the State Legislatures (the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee), during this third month of the year for the 2024 Presidential Election.

That is why I am trying to contribute, during each month of 2024, as much as I am able to donate to Democratic political organizations—as well as to Democratic political campaigns—while I am still trying to stay within a 'monthly donating budget,' since that's all I can really afford! Now, that means I can only donate ONCE for the entire month to each of the above-mentioned seven organizations (and one campaign!) in order to stay within my 'monthly donating budget.' Period. (Although, it was the 1st End of the Quarter 2024 FEC Deadline this month, which is why I donated TWICE!) And that is how I am planning to budget for my credit card charges in order to see if it is "feasible for the foreseeable future" (say that three times fast!), or if I need to adjust this new credit card budget even more.

Therefore, the reason that I am explaining all of this donating and budgeting is because I am trying to be an "Online Activist" and to 'put my money where my mouth is' regarding my activism. That is why I blog about which political, progressive and charitable organizations I am supporting with regard to the causes that are the most important to me! –Paul Whiting (written April 2nd, 2024 and revised May 1st, 2024)




April 1st, 2024 Update No. 1 [My Writing About Receiving My Third COVID-19 Booster Shot]: This update is a follow-up to my 'August 3rd, 2021 Update,' where I explained, in part, that I was fully vaccinated for COVID-19 on June 25th, 2021. It is also a follow-up to my 'April 4th, 2022 Update, Written On April 5th, 2022' where I explained that I received my first booster shot of the COVID-19 vaccine on April 4th, 2022. Besides that, it is a follow-up to my 'April 3rd, 2023 Update' where I explained that I received my second booster shot of the COVID-19 vaccine on April 3rd, 2023. You see, on April 1st, 2024, I received my third booster shot of the COVID-19 vaccine! –Paul Whiting (April 1st, 2024)


April 3rd, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses April 2nd, 2024: [CONTENT WARNING: THIS UPDATE CONTAINS ARTICLES WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!] This 'update' that I am writing today, April 3rd, 2024, is combined from my news searches on Google, which I do as often as I can manage, as well as from my occasional reading of The New York Times articles, USA Today articles and Time Magazine articles that I received via email for the time period of April 2nd, 2024 through April 3rd, 2024.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

So, because I have been so busy lately with "Online Activism," and also with the editing of my five blogs, I have just been reading the titles of The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles that I receive from their daily emails. Then, I will occasionally read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those emails that I highlight in these 'updates.'

That is why I recently signed up to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe in order for me to stay informed about what's happening in the world. And I was formerly writing separate 'updates' for each of the news articles that I read from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles; however, after I restarted writing these news 'updates' from my news searches on Google (which I stopped doing for a while), I also decided to restart writing the 'updates' from the above-mentioned news organizations to which I subscribe, but as a combined 'update.'

Thus, I am checking the news through Google searches again, like used to do, as often as I can manage it. You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, I am now simply checking the news via Google searches as often as I can manage to do so. And, I usually check what's happening in the world via various Google searches that I do under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Google news searches.

So, without further ado, I was doing my occasional news searches on Google today, April 3rd, 2024, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the articles; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink; however, I think that all of those hyperlinks to current news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these current news 'updates' by first providing the original Google search category through which I found each article, as listed above, like I usually do. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.]

Then, I am providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the publisher's name and the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too! (I hope that makes sense.)


April 3rd, 2024 search:

01. AP News

Yes, we're divided. But new AP-NORC poll shows Americans still agree on most core American values

By Gary Fields and Amelia Thomson Deveaux | Updated 3:46 AM PDT, April 3, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


April 3rd, 2024 search:

02. USA Today
(I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

Donald Trump doubles down on 'bloodbath' warning as he criticizes Joe Biden's handling of the border

By David Jackson | April 2, 2024


April 3rd, 2024 search:

03. The New York Times
(I am a subscriber to The New York Times 'Basic Access' Digital Subscription.)

Opinion | Joe Biden Is More Than His Age

Letters to the Editor | April 2, 2024


April 3rd, 2024 search:

04. Newsweek

Joe Biden Scores Big Win Over Donald Trump Among Suburban Voters

By Matthew Robinson | Apr 03, 2024


April 3rd, 2024 search:

05. Common Dreams

US Economy Performs Far Better Under Democrats Than Republicans: Study

Democrats have handled the economy better than Republicans since at least 1949.

By Thor Benson | Apr 02, 2024

By the way, after I read this article on April 3rd, 2024, I noticed the Common Dreams donation request below, which stated the following:

Join the Movement: Become Part of the Solution Today

We're optimists who believe in the power of informed and engaged citizens to ignite and enact change to make the world a better place.

We're hundreds of thousands strong, but every single supporter counts.

Your contribution supports this new media model—free, independent, and dedicated to uncovering the truth. Stand with us in the fight for social justice, human rights, and equality. As a people-powered nonprofit news outlet, we cover the issues the corporate media never will. Join with us today!


Another World is Possible.

Common Dreams is a media outlet that exists to make the world a better place: To inform. To inspire. And to ignite change for the common good. Nonprofit. Independent. Reader-supported. Thousands of small donations fund our newsroom and allow us to continue publishing.

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Thank you for your donation of $5

Help spread the word!*

1 out of 4 people you share this with will also donate.

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*I selected the "Share on Twitter" option (by the way, I only have a Twitter account so I can read tweets which are included in some online articles that I read) in order for me to provide you, my readers, with the text and hyperlink below:

I just donated to @commondreams to support their independent, nonprofit journalism. They are funded by readers and rely on our support to continue publishing. Join me today:

Thus, I made a one-time donation to Common Dreams out of a appreciative consideration for the article that I just read, because "Common Dreams is a media outlet that exists to make the world a better place: To inform. To inspire. And to ignite change for the common good."


April 3rd, 2024 search:

06. Newsweek

Donald Trump Stung in Primary As Huge Number of Republicans Vote Against Him

By Kate Plummer | Apr 03, 2024


April 3rd, 2024 search:

07. Financial Times

US local news swamped by 'pink slime' as political influence ramps up

Dark money-funded outlets that mimic regional news sites are becoming more sophisticated ahead of November election.

By Hannah Murphy | April 2, 2024


April 3rd, 2024 search:

08. CNN

The politics of religion as Trump sells Bibles and Biden is criticized over Easter eggs

By Zachary B. Wolf | April 1, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


Continuing on—as I mentioned above—I will occasionally read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from the daily emails that I receive from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine.

And I used to provide longer introductions to these New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which included the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article in addition to a hyperlink; however—as I mentioned above—I think that all of those hyperlinks to news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Again, please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these news 'updates' by providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too!

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of the titles to The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles—including any article overviews contained within the emails—that I received for the time period of April 2nd, 2024 through April 3rd, 2024, when I noticed the following, and articles!


These are The New York Times articles which I received for the time period of April 2nd, 2024 through April 3rd, 2024: (I am a subscriber to The New York Times 'Basic Access' Digital Subscription.)

The following is The New York Times articles that I read today, April 3rd, 2024, from an email that I received yesterday, April 2nd, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 2nd, 2024 'The Evening' email introduction to The New York Times article below: [CONTENT WARNING: THIS EXCERPT AND ARTICLE CONTAIN DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]

Netanyahu called aid worker deaths unintentional

Seven aid workers who had just delivered more than 100 tons of food to central Gaza were killed last night by Israeli strikes. The workers were driving in a clearly marked aid convoy, and they had coordinated their movements with Israeli officials. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu apologized and said Israel “deeply regrets the tragic incident.”

Videos and photos verified by The New York Times suggest the convoy was hit multiple times. The imagery shows three destroyed white vehicles, with the northernmost and southernmost vehicles nearly a mile and a half apart.

“There was a tragic case of our forces unintentionally hitting innocent people in the Gaza Strip,” Netanyahu said. “We will do everything so that this thing does not happen again.”

Aid organizations and several governments condemned the attack. The workers — a Palestinian, an Australian, a Pole, three Britons and a dual U.S.-Canadian citizen — were with the charity group World Central Kitchen, a newly important player in the effort to alleviate a looming famine in Gaza.

The incident underscored the risks to humanitarian workers in the area. At least 196 have been killed in Gaza and the West Bank since October, a senior U.N. official said. World Central Kitchen said it was suspending its operations in Gaza. ...

Netanyahu Called Aid Worker Deaths Tragic and Unintentional

By Matthew Cullen | April 2, 2024

The following are The New York Times articles that I read today, April 3rd, 2024, from emails that I received today:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 3rd, 2024 'The Morning' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

Political interest

The Federal Reserve is in a tough spot. It expects to cut interest rates soon. But doing so before an election will yank the apolitical central bank directly into a partisan fight.

Fed officials have lifted borrowing costs to 5.3 percent, the highest level in decades, to slow inflation. Now that price increases are fading, Fed officials think that they can dial back that response starting later this year. Investors expect the first move to come in June or July — just as the election kicks into high gear.

Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, says rate cuts this year would probably be an effort to help Democrats. Lower rates can lift markets and help the economy, so politicians tend to prefer cheap money when they are in office.

Fed officials insist that rate changes would respond to economic conditions, not politics. Still, they can’t ignore the vitriol. If they ramp up during the campaign, Trump’s attacks could convince his supporters that the Fed is bending to partisan whims. And in the long run, a loss of popular support could expose the central bank, which answers to Congress, to lawmaker censure or even political tinkering. ...

Interest Rates and the Election

The Fed is expected to cut rates soon. Doing so could pull it into a partisan fight.

By Jeanna Smialek | April 3, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 3rd, 2024 'The Morning' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

Trump said undocumented immigrants were “not humans” and described the U.S.-Mexico border as a “blood bath.” ...

Trump Again Invokes ‘Blood Bath’ and Dehumanizes Migrants in Border Remarks

The former president has tried to stoke fear around immigration and border security throughout his 2024 campaign, as he has done in the past.

By Michael Gold and Anjali Huynh | April 2, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 3rd, 2024 'The Evening' email introduction to The New York Times article below: [CONTENT WARNING: THIS EXCERPT AND ARTICLE CONTAIN DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]

Food aid for Gazans was sent back to Cyprus

World Central Kitchen, the charity group that paused its operations in Gaza this week after seven of its workers were killed in an Israeli strike, sent three ships with hundreds of tons of food meant for Gazans back to port in Cyprus. It was the most tangible sign yet that the attack, which Israel called a mistake, has set back efforts to address severe hunger that experts say is approaching famine.

At least one other aid group also announced it was suspending its operations in the enclave, and the U.N.’s World Food Program stopped its overnight work while it evaluated security.

The halting of the maritime aid organized by World Central Kitchen will probably be felt most in northern Gaza, where food shortages are most dire. The ships were intended to supplement the roughly 117 aid trucks that enter Gaza each day — a tally that is less than half what the U.N. estimates is needed to meet basic food needs.

Before the strike, the World Central Kitchen team had spent the day getting 100 tons of supplies off the group’s ship at a rudimentary jetty, which had been built in six days from the rubble of bombed buildings, and to their warehouse. ...

World Central Kitchen sent ships with hundreds of tons of food back to Cyprus.

By Matthew Cullen | April 3, 2024

And the article below is from the above-mentioned April 3rd, 2024 'On Politics' email:

Contradicting Trump, Ruby Garcia’s Sister Says He Never Contacted Family

The former president held up the death of a young Michigan woman at a campaign rally as an example of what he calls “migrant crime,” and claimed to have spoken to her family.

By Anjali Huynh | April 3, 2024


These are the USA Today articles which I received for the time period of April 2nd, 2024 through April 3rd, 2024: (I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

The following is the USA Today article that I read today, April 3rd, 2024, from an email that I received yesterday, April 2nd, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 2nd, 2024 'On Politics' email introduction to the USA Today article below: [CONTENT WARNING: THIS EXCERPT AND ARTICLE CONTAIN DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]

Seven workers from the nonprofit group World Central Kitchen, among the largest providers of desperately needed humanitarian aid to Gaza, were killed in an Israeli airstrike Monday.

The group's aid convoy was hit Monday as it was leaving the Deir al-Balah warehouse, despite coordinating movements with the Israeli military, USA TODAY's John Bacon and your OnPolitics author reported. The workers had been traveling in two armored cars bearing the World Central Kitchen logo, according to a statement.

What is the World Central Kitchen? The nonprofit organization World Central Kitchen was established in 2010 by renown chef José Andrés after he traveled to Haiti following an earthquake, according to the nonprofit’s website. There, he cooked alongside displaced families in camps.

Where does the World Central Kitchen help? The group has been involved in humanitarian efforts around the world. For example, after Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022, the nonprofit served millions of meals to those who fled Ukraine and those in the country, according to its website. The group also expanded its operations into Romania, Moldova, Hungary, Slovakia and other countries. ...

...President Joe Biden called chef José Andrés after seven World Central Kitchen workers killed in airstrike by Israeli military.

Joe Biden expresses outrage over deaths of World Central Kitchen aid workers in Gaza

By Michael Collins | April 2, 2024

The following is the USA Today article that I read today, April 3rd, 2024, from an email that I received today:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 3rd, 2024 'On Politics' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

Trump put Ruby Garcia's murder at center of border security debate

Hardline immigration rhetoric has been a hallmark of Trump's political brand. He's focusing on crimes committed by undocumented immigrants. ...

Trump made Ruby Garcia's murder part of the border debate. Her family says he's lying about it.

By Zac Anderson | April 3, 2024

The following are the USA Today articles that I read today, April 3rd, 2024, from an email that I received today:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 3rd, 2024 'Evening Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below: [CONTENT WARNING: THIS EXCERPT AND ARTICLE CONTAIN DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]

Outrage spreads following slaying of Chef Jose Andres' workers in Gaza

If World Central Kitchen, run by celebrity Jose Andres can be attacked by Israeli Defense Force, no one is safe, observers say. ...

Death of Jose Andres' World Central Kitchen crew marks a new low in Gaza war, aid workers say

By Dan Morrison | April 3, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 3rd, 2024 'Evening Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

Trump made Ruby Garcia's murder about the border to scare you

Donald Trump leveraged Ruby Garcia's tragic death to gin up fear about the southern border. Then he lied about speaking with the grieving family. ...

Grieving Michigan family says Trump lied about their daughter. Of course he did.

Trump doesn't care about the U.S.-Mexico border or immigrants in general. He doesn't care about Garcia or her family in Michigan. And he definitely doesn't care about you.

By Rex Huppke | April 3, 2024


These are the Time Magazine articles which I received for the time period of April 2nd, 2024 through April 3rd, 2024: (I am a subscriber to the Time Magazine 'INSIDER Digital' Subscription.)

The following is the Time Magazine article that I read today, April 3rd, 2024, from 'The Brief' email that I received yesterday, April 2nd, 2024: [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]

World Central Kitchen Charity Halts Gaza Operations After Apparent Israeli Strike Kills Seven Workers

By Wafaa Shurafa And Samy Magdy / AP [Associated Press] | April 2, 2024

The following is the Time Magazine article that I read today, April 3rd, 2024, from 'The Brief' email that I received today: [CONTENT WARNING: THESE ARTICLES CONTAIN DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]

U.S. Scrambles to Contain Fallout from Israel’s Strikes on Iranians and Aid Workers

By Vera Bergengruen | April 2, 2024

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above via Google news searches—as well as from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine—for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written April 3rd, 2024, revised April 4th, 2024, revised April 6th, 2024, revised April 9th, 2024 and revised April 18th, 2024)


April 4th, 2024 Update No. 1: [CONTENT WARNING: THIS UPDATE CONTAINS ARTICLES WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!] This 'update' that I am writing today, April 4th, 2024, is combined from my news searches on Google, which I do as often as I can manage, as well as from my occasional reading of The New York Times articles, USA Today articles and Time Magazine articles that I received for April 4th, 2024.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

So, because I have been so busy lately with "Online Activism," and also with the editing of my five blogs, I have just been reading the titles of The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles that I receive from their daily emails. Then, I will occasionally read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those emails that I highlight in these 'updates.'

That is why I recently signed up to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe in order for me to stay informed about what's happening in the world. And I was formerly writing separate 'updates' for each of the news articles that I read from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles; however, after I restarted writing these news 'updates' from my news searches on Google (which I stopped doing for a while), I also decided to restart writing the 'updates' from the above-mentioned news organizations to which I subscribe, but as a combined 'update.'

Thus, I am checking the news through Google searches again, like used to do, as often as I can manage it. You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, I am now simply checking the news via Google searches as often as I can manage to do so. And, I usually check what's happening in the world via various Google searches that I do under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Google news searches.

So, without further ado, I was doing my occasional news searches on Google for April 4th, 2024, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the articles; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink; however, I think that all of those hyperlinks to current news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these current news 'updates' by first providing the original Google search category through which I found each article, as listed above, like I usually do. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.]

Then, I am providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the publisher's name and the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too! (I hope that makes sense.)


April 4th, 2024 search:

01. CNBC

Biden says U.S. economy is world's best. Trump calls it a 'cesspool.' Data is clear.

By Rebecca Picciotto | Apr 4 2024


• President Joe Biden is fighting to persuade Americans that the U.S. economy is the world's best.

• His opponent, Donald Trump, routinely depicts the United States as a commercial wasteland.

• By the numbers, Biden is correct: America's economy is stronger than that of other developed nations.


I did not select any articles from this category.


April 4th, 2024 search:

02. USA Today
(I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

No Labels says it will not challenge Joe Biden and Donald Trump

By David Jackson | April 4, 2024


April 4th, 2024 search:

03. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos

US warns of policy changes if Israel doesn't take action to better protect civilians

President Biden spoke with Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday.

By Molly Nagle and Alexandra Hutzler | April 4, 2024


April 4th, 2024 search:

04. Axios

Biden calls for "immediate ceasefire" in tense call with Netanyahu (Biden's ultimatum to Bibi: Change Gaza policy or we will)

By Barak Ravid | Updated April 4, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


April 4th, 2024 search:

05. CNN

No Labels will not field third-party ticket

By Aaron Pellish | Updated 4:50 PM EDT, Thu April 4, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


Continuing on—as I mentioned above—I will occasionally read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from the daily emails that I receive from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine.

And I used to provide longer introductions to these New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which included the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article in addition to a hyperlink; however—as I mentioned above—I think that all of those hyperlinks to news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Again, please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these news 'updates' by providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too! (I hope that makes sense.)

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of the titles to The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles—including any article overviews contained within the emails—that I received for April 4th, 2024, when I noticed the following, and articles!


These are The New York Times articles which I received for April 4th, 2024: (I am a subscriber to The New York Times 'Basic Access' Digital Subscription.)

The following are The New York Times articles that I read today, April 4th, 2024, from an email that I received today:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 4th, 2024 'The Evening' email introduction to The New York Times articles below:

Biden sent his sharpest message to Netanyahu yet

During a tense 30-minute call today with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, President Biden threatened to condition future American support for Israel on whether it improves its treatment of civilians in Gaza. Biden called the humanitarian situation in the enclave “unacceptable,” and insisted to Netanyahu that he quickly put in place specific protections.

It was the first time that the president has sought to leverage American aid to influence the conduct of Israel’s war against Hamas,* a step some of his closest allies have publicly supported. Biden’s frustration with Netanyahu has grown in recent months. But in public, he has staunchly supported Israel’s right to respond to Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack.

During the call, Biden urged Netanyahu to negotiate a deal that would result in an “immediate cease-fire” and the release of hostages taken by Hamas. A spokesman said the White House expects Israel to make announcements of specific changes within hours or days.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who dialed into the call, said afterward that Israel needed to do more to increase the flow of humanitarian supplies to Gaza, a challenge made more difficult after Israel’s deadly attack on an aid convoy this week.

“If we don’t see the changes that we need to see, there’ll be changes in policy,” Blinken said.

In related news, a key member of Netanyahu’s war cabinet called for early elections.** ...

Middle East Crisis
Biden Chides Netanyahu, Threatening to Pivot U.S. Policy:

*Biden tells Netanyahu that U.S. support hinges on treatment of Gaza civilians.

**A call for early elections by a member of Netanyahu’s war cabinet highlights the domestic pressure he is under.

[No author(s) name(s) indicated] | Live Coverage April 4, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 4th, 2024 'The Evening' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

Politics: The centrist group No Labels abandoned its plans to run a presidential ticket this year. ...

No Labels Abandons Effort to Field a Presidential Candidate

The centrist group laid out grand ambitions of running a third-party candidate in a Biden-Trump contest, but the most prominent figures it courted all said no.

By Rebecca Davis O’Brien and Reid J. Epstein | April 4, 2024


These are the USA Today articles which I received for April 4th, 2024: (I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

The following are the USA Today articles that I read today, April 4th, 2024, from emails that I received today:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 4th, 2024 'The Daily Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below: [CONTENT WARNING: THIS EXCERPT AND ARTICLE CONTAIN DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]

Andrés decries hit on World Central Kitchen workers

Government leaders and family members of the seven World Central Kitchen members killed in an Israeli missile strike continue pressing Israel for answers as details of the attack began to emerge. The seven were killed Monday while traveling in a convoy from an aid warehouse in central Gaza. Celebrity chef José Andrés, founder of WCK, said the charity group had clear communication with the Israeli military, which knew the aid workers' movements. While Israel has contended the incident was a "tragic" accident, Andrés said the workers were targeted "systematically, car by car." Read more ...

Andrés says Gaza aid workers were targeted 'systematically, car by car'; outrage mounts

By John Bacon | April 3, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 4th, 2024 'Evening Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below: [CONTENT WARNING: THIS EXCERPT AND ARTICLE CONTAIN DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]

Biden issues Israel ultimatum after aid workers killed in Gaza strike

Biden made clear that U.S. policy with respect to Gaza will be determined by U.S assessment of Israel’s immediate action on these steps.

In Biden-Netanyahu call, president chastises Israel over failure to protect civilians

Hours after the call, Israel announced new steps to boost Gaza aid. The White House said the measures 'must now be fully and rapidly implemented.'

By Swapna Venugopal Ramaswamy and Dan Morrison | April 4, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 4th, 2024 'Evening Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

No Labels never had a chance. They've finally admitted it.

No Labels kept saying they were dedicated to finding a more moderate presidential ticket. That turned out to be harder than they thought. ...

No Labels officially drops out of the 2024 race. The truth is they were never in it.

No Labels dropped plans Thursday for a so-called "unity ticket," which was expected to be a moderate Republican running for president with an equally moderate Democrat as vice president.

By Chris Brennan | April 4, 2024


This is the Time Magazine article which I received for April 4th, 2024: (I am a subscriber to the Time Magazine 'INSIDER Digital' Subscription.)

The following is the Time Magazine article that I read today, April 4th, 2024, from 'The Brief' email that I received today: [CONTENT WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]

‘It’s Not Just a One-Off Incident:’ What the World Central Kitchen Deaths Reveal

By Yasmeen Serhan | April 3, 2024

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above via Google news searches—as well as from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine—for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written April 4th, 2024, revised April 9th, 2024 and revised April 18th, 2024)


April 5th, 2024 Update No. 1: I received a text message today, April 5th, 2024, from Brady: United Against Gun Violence, which stated the following:

🏛️ The Supreme Court's next consequential gun safety decision is imminent, Paul.

In mere weeks, the Court will decide if a domestic abuser is allowed to own a firearm in the case of 𝘜.𝘚. 𝘷. 𝘙𝘢𝘩𝘪𝘮𝘪. And there is a lethal connection between firearms and domestic abuse.

𝗟𝗶𝘃𝗲𝘀 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗮𝘁 𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗸. 𝗚𝘂𝗻 𝗹𝗮𝘄𝘀 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗮𝘁 𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗸. 𝗪𝗲 𝗻𝗲𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝗱𝗼 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗶𝗻 𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗽𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗼 𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗽 𝗮𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗴𝘂𝗻 𝗹𝗼𝗯𝗯𝘆 𝘃𝗶𝗰𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘆 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗵𝗶𝗴𝗵𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘁 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗱. Brady is counting on you to speak out before it's too late:

𝗦𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗱𝗼𝗺𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝗮𝗯𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗮𝗰𝗰𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗴𝘂𝗻𝘀?
[  ] ⚪YES
[✓] 🔴𝗡𝗢***

–Team Brady

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


SURVEY: Ban Assault Weapons Now [11:59 p.m. Deadline]

Thank you for taking action. Will you take just 60 seconds to answer a few questions that will help us shape our strategy to prevent gun violence and keep our communities safe? -Team Brady

Research shows that gun safety reforms like an Assault Weapons Ban make communities safer and lower gun violence. But the NRA and the gun lobby are doing everything they can to block this critical legislation.

Do you believe that the gun lobby has too much influence in Washington?

[✓] Yes
[  ] No

Which of the following gun safety policies do you think Congress should prioritize in the current session? (Select as many as you'd like.)

[✓] Regulating ghost guns
[✓] Banning assault weapons
[✓] Expanding background checks
[✓] Raising the minimum purchase age
[✓] Banning high-capacity magazines
[  ] Other:

Last year, after the tragedy in Uvalde, Congress passed the most significant gun safety legislation in decades. But with Republicans now in control of the House, the NRA has been able to block any further life-saving legislation.

As we head into a critical election year, how worried are you that the gun lobby could gain even more power in Washington?

[✓] Extremely worried
[  ] Very worried
[  ] Somewhat worried
[  ] Not at all worried

At Brady, we're doing everything we can to prevent gun violence and win leaders who will fight for life-saving reforms. We know we can save lives and save families from the unending pain of loss by taking action, but we can't do it alone. Are you committed to helping prevent gun violence by joining us to demand change?

[✓] Yes, I'm all in — how can I help?
[  ] No — I'm not concerned about gun violence.

Brady is a grassroots organization dedicated to preventing gun violence and saving lives with common-sense bipartisan gun safety legislation — and our work has never been more important. Our teams are working directly with the Biden-Harris administration to take action on common-sense gun safety measures that will save lives.

We set a goal to raise $25,000 to honor shooting victims by fighting to ban assault weapons - but we're still falling short with just hours left until our midnight deadline.

Will you rush $5 to help Brady prevent gun violence and save lives?

[✓] Yes, I'll give $5!
[  ] Yes, I can give $36 (this is the average online Brady donation).
[  ] Yes, and I can give more!

And so, I made a one-time donation to Brady: United Against Gun Violence, because "the Supreme Court's next consequential gun safety decision is imminent" and "Brady is counting on [me] to speak out before it's too late:" That is why answered the question "𝗦𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗱𝗼𝗺𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝗮𝗯𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗮𝗰𝗰𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗴𝘂𝗻𝘀?" with a resounding '𝗡𝗢!' –Paul Whiting (April 5th, 2024)


April 5th, 2024 Update No. 2: [CONTENT WARNING: THIS UPDATE CONTAINS ARTICLES WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!] This 'update' that I am writing today, April 5th, 2024, is combined from my news searches on Google, which I do as often as I can manage, as well as from my occasional reading of The New York Times articles, USA Today articles and Time Magazine articles that I received via email for April 5th, 2024.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

So, because I have been so busy lately with "Online Activism," and also with the editing of my five blogs, I have just been reading the titles of The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles that I receive from their daily emails. Then, I will occasionally read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those emails that I highlight in these 'updates.'

That is why I recently signed up to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe in order for me to stay informed about what's happening in the world. And I was formerly writing separate 'updates' for each of the news articles that I read from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles; however, after I restarted writing these news 'updates' from my news searches on Google (which I stopped doing for a while), I also decided to restart writing the 'updates' from the above-mentioned news organizations to which I subscribe, but as a combined 'update.'

Thus, I am checking the news through Google searches again, like used to do, as often as I can manage it. You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, I am now simply checking the news via Google searches as often as I can manage to do so. And, I usually check what's happening in the world via various Google searches that I do under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Google news searches.

So, without further ado, I was doing my occasional news searches on Google for April 5th, 2024, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the articles; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink; however, I think that all of those hyperlinks to current news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these current news 'updates' by first providing the original Google search category through which I found each article, as listed above, like I usually do. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.]

Then, I am providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the publisher's name and the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too! (I hope that makes sense.)


April 5th, 2024 search:

01. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos Blockbuster jobs report flexes economic strength, defying Americans' lukewarm attitudes

The U.S. added 303,000 jobs in March, far surpassing economists' expectations.

By Max Zahn | April 5, 2024


April 5th, 2024 search:

02. The Guardian

Biden says ‘union labor and American steel’ will be used to rebuild Baltimore bridge – as it happened

This live blog is now closed. ...

Closing summary

...In a visit to Baltimore, Biden pledged “to move heaven and earth” to rebuild the collapsed Francis Scott Key Bridge, using “union labor and American steel”.

Chris Stein | 5 Apr 2024


April 5th, 2024 search:

03. CNN

March jobs report comes in hot: The US economy added 303,000 positions last month

By Alicia Wallace | Updated 12:06 PM EDT, Fri April 5, 2024


April 5th, 2024 search:

04. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos

Another month of robust US job growth points to continued economic strength

America’s employers delivered another outpouring of jobs in March, adding a sizzling 303,000 workers and bolstering hopes that the economy can vanquish inflation without succumbing to a recession in the face of high interest rates

By Paul Wiseman AP | April 4, 2024


April 5th, 2024 search:

05. Reuters

Strong US labor market underpins economy in first quarter

By Lucia Mutikani | April 5, 2024


• Nonfarm payrolls increase 303,000 in March
• Unemployment rate falls to 3.8% from 3.9%
• Average hourly earnings rise 0.3%; up 4.1% year-on-year
• Average workweek rebounds to 34.4 hours from 34.3 hours


I did not select any articles from this category.


April 5th, 2024 search:

06. Newsweek

Joe Biden's Astonishing Polling Comeback

By James Bickerton | Apr 05, 2024


April 5th, 2024 search:

07. MSNBC News

Apr. 5, 2024

Strong job numbers remind voters how President Biden has cleaned up Trump’s economic mess

Christine Romans, NBC News Senior Business Correspondent, Donny Deutsch, Host of the podcast “On Brand” join Nicolle Wallace on Deadline White House to discuss the strong jobs report released today, how it points to how the American economy is doing better than the American voter feels it is and what is the strategy for the Biden campaign on this issue which is often most important to voters.

By the way, the 'article' above is actually a video, which is why I didn't include the author(s) name(s).


April 5th, 2024 search:

08. The Guardian

No Labels national director says he will vote for Joe Biden

Joe Cunningham says ‘I would vote for Biden over Trump’ after third-party group dropped effort to run own candidate

By Martin Pengelly | 5 Apr 2024


April 5th, 2024 search:

09. HuffPost

Donald Trump Puts Outrageous Condition On Potential Debate With Joe Biden

Trump revived unfounded accusations against Biden while making his debate demand.

By Ron Dicker | Apr 5, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


Continuing on—as I mentioned above—I will occasionally read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from the daily emails that I receive from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine.

And I used to provide longer introductions to these New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which included the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article in addition to a hyperlink; however—as I mentioned above—I think that all of those hyperlinks to news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Again, please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these news 'updates' by providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too! (I hope that makes sense.)

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of the titles to The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles—including any article overviews contained within the emails—that I received for April 5th, 2024 through, when I noticed the following, and articles!


These are The New York Times articles which I received for April 5th, 2024: (I am a subscriber to The New York Times 'Basic Access' Digital Subscription.)

The following are The New York Times articles that I read today, April 5th, 2024, from emails that I received today:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 5th, 2024 'The Morning' email introduction to The New York Times articles below:

Israel-Hamas War

Israel agreed to open a crossing* to increase humanitarian aid to northern Gaza after President Biden called Benjamin Netanyahu and threatened to make U.S. support conditional** on civilian protections. ...

*Israel Agrees to Open Erez Crossing for Gaza Aid After Biden Pressure

Israel has come under rising pressure from U.S. officials and humanitarian agencies to allow more aid into Gaza, amid warnings that famine is looming.

By Cassandra Vinograd and Erica L. Green | April 4, 2024


**Israel to Add Gaza Aid Routes as Biden Hinges Support on Civilian Protection

The president denounced the killing of seven humanitarian workers in a tense call with Israel’s prime minister. Within hours, Israel agreed to increase aid deliveries.

By Peter Baker | April 4, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 5th, 2024 'The Evening' email introduction to The New York Times articles below: [CONTENT WARNING: THIS EXCERPT AND ARTICLES CONTAIN DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]

Israel disciplined officers for aid worker killings

The Israeli military announced today that two officers had been removed from their posts* and three senior commanders were reprimanded for their role in the drone strikes that killed seven aid workers in Gaza this week.

The army’s findings will also be sent to military prosecutors to determine whether anyone should face criminal charges for their role in the attacks, which Israel said were the result of a string of significant errors.** In the meantime, the military is assessing whether to move the two dismissed officers to other roles or to fire them.

In related news, Secretary of State Antony Blinken welcomed Israel’s plan to establish new aid routes into Gaza, but stressed that the measure of success will be whether enough trucks get in to ease the humanitarian crisis.*** ...

*Middle East Crisis Israel Disciplines Officers Over World Central Kitchen Strike

Here’s what we know:

Two officers were removed from their posts and three senior commanders were reprimanded for their roles in the drone strikes that killed seven aid workers, the Israeli military said.

[No author(s) name(s) indicated] | Live Coverage April 5, 2024


**String of Israeli Errors Led to Fatal Attack on Aid Convoy, [Israeli] Military Says

“It’s a serious event that we’re responsible for, and it shouldn’t have happened,” Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said of the strike that killed seven World Central Kitchen workers.

By Aaron Boxerman and Adam Rasgon | April 5, 2024


***U.S. Seeks ‘Results’ After Israel Promises More Gaza Aid Routes

World leaders welcomed the shift by an Israel facing increasing pressure, but they stressed that the measure of success would be whether enough trucks get in to ease the humanitarian crisis.

By Cassandra Vinograd, Raja Abdulrahim and Michael Levenson | April 5, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 5th, 2024 'The Evening' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

During a visit, Biden vowed to rebuild Baltimore’s bridge

In Baltimore today, President Biden toured the wreckage of the Francis Scott Key Bridge, which collapsed 10 days ago after a shipping vessel slammed into it. He told the city’s residents that “your nation has your back,” and called on Congress to fund the entire cost of rebuilding the bridge as quickly as possible. ...

Biden Visits Baltimore to Show the ‘Nation Has Your Back’

The president took an aerial tour of the wreckage of the collapsed bridge and was briefed on the recovery efforts.

By Erica L. Green and Michael D. Shear | April 5, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 5th, 2024 'The Evening' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

More top news

Economy: U.S. employers added 303,000 jobs in March, as the labor market remained robust. The unemployment rate fell to 3.8 percent. ...

U.S. Job Growth Much Stronger Than Expected

Employers added 303,000 jobs in March, the 39th straight month of growth. The unemployment rate fell to 3.8 percent.

Talmon Joseph Smith | April 5, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 5, 2024 'On Politics' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

When food, war and politics collide

The deadly Israeli strike on an aid convoy that killed seven workers for the relief group World Central Kitchen in the Gaza Strip shook official Washington this week. It prompted President Biden to issue his sharpest public criticism of Israel to date and spurred Israel’s military to make a rare admission of fault.

It also revealed the power of something that is usually an afterthought in national and global politics: food.

José Andrés, the celebrity chef who built World Central Kitchen from a scrappy outfit feeding hurricane victims to a $500 million relief organization operating in war zones, dialed up political pressure on both Biden and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel. He spoke directly with Biden, White House officials said on Tuesday, and on Wednesday, in an interview with Reuters, he accused the Israel Defense Forces of “systematically” attacking the three-car convoy.

On Thursday, Biden held a tense call with Netanyahu, threatening to place conditions on future support for the country. Hours later, Israel said it would permit more aid deliveries in Gaza. It also promised new steps to reduce civilian casualties and broker a temporary cease-fire in exchange for the release of hostages who are being held in Gaza by Hamas militants after they attacked Israel on Oct. 7, killing some 1,200 people.

I spoke with my colleague Kim Severson, a reporter who covers food for The New York Times and has written extensively about Andrés, about the celebrity chef’s political activism and why the deaths of these seven workers have drawn so much attention in a war that has already been so deadly. The interview was edited and condensed. ...

When food, war and politics collide

By Jess Bidgood | April 5, 2024


These are the USA Today articles which I received for April 5th, 2024: (I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

The following are the USA Today articles that I read today, April 5th, 2024, from emails that I received today:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 5th, 2024 'The Daily Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below: [CONTENT WARNING: THIS EXCERPT AND ARTICLES CONTAIN DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WAR WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!]

Six months of war: Read more about the Israel-Hamas war from USA TODAY

• As war in Gaza tests interfaith bonds in the U.S., some find ways to mend relationships.*
• Pregnant people in Gaza face starvation and no anesthesia.** ...

*As war in Gaza tests interfaith bonds in the US, some find ways to mend relationships

By Marc Ramirez | April 4, 2024


**Pregnant women in Gaza Strip face starvation, no anesthesia after 6 months of war

By Kim Hjelmgaard | April 5, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 5th, 2024 'The Daily Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

No Labels says it will not launch presidential ticket

The centrist, nonprofit group No Labels will not field a third-party candidate to challenge President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, a decision that could benefit Biden. The group for months said it was searching for candidates to appear on a potential "unity" bid in the November election, particularly as Biden and Trump inched toward a 2020 rematch. Meanwhile, Biden allies and some Republicans had criticized the No Labels effort, saying a third-party campaign could draw moderate votes away from Biden and boost Trump's reelection chances. Read more ...

No Labels says it will not launch presidential ticket to challenge Joe Biden and Donald Trump

By David Jackson | April 4, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 5th, 2024 'Evening Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

In Baltimore, President Biden urges Congress to act to rebuild bridge

President Joe Biden, visiting Baltimore, grieved with family members of the six workers killed during the Francis Scott Key Bridge.


'Most were immigrants. All were Marylanders': Biden grieves in Baltimore over bridge collapse

By Joey Garrison and Eduardo Cuevas | April 5, 2024


These are the Time Magazine articles which I received for April 5th, 2024: (I am a subscriber to the Time Magazine 'INSIDER Digital' Subscription.)

The following are the Time Magazine articles that I read today, April 5th, 2024, from 'The Brief' email that I received today:

The U.S.-Israel Spat Over Rafah Is a Distraction

By Mairav Zonszein | April 4, 2024


The Biden-Trump Rematch May Mark the End of an Era

By Bruce J. Schulman | April 4, 2024

The following is the Time Magazine article that I read today, April 5th, 2024, from the 'Daily Spotlight' email that I received today:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 5th, 2024 email introduction to the Time Magazine article below:

If you thought Trump's first term had conflicts of interest, his Truth Social stock could make a second term an ethics nightmare, Philip Elliott writes. ...

Why Trump’s Truth Social Stock Is an Ethics Nightmare

By Philip Elliott | April 4, 2024

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above via Google news searches—as well as from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine—for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written April 5th, 2024, revised April 6th, 2024, revised April 9th, 2024 and revised April 18th, 2024)


April 6th, 2024 Update No. 1: This 'update' that I am writing today, April 6th, 2024, is combined from my news searches on Google, which I do as often as I can manage, as well as from my occasional reading of The New York Times articles, USA Today articles and Time Magazine articles that I received via email for April 6th, 2024.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

So, because I have been so busy lately with "Online Activism," and also with the editing of my five blogs, I have just been reading the titles of The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles that I receive from their daily emails. Then, I will occasionally read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those emails that I highlight in these 'updates.'

That is why I recently signed up to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe in order for me to stay informed about what's happening in the world. And I was formerly writing separate 'updates' for each of the news articles that I read from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles; however, after I restarted writing these news 'updates' from my news searches on Google (which I stopped doing for a while), I also decided to restart writing the 'updates' from the above-mentioned news organizations to which I subscribe, but as a combined 'update.'

Thus, I am checking the news through Google searches again, like used to do, as often as I can manage it. You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, I am now simply checking the news via Google searches as often as I can manage to do so. And, I usually check what's happening in the world via various Google searches that I do under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Google news searches.

So, without further ado, I was doing my occasional news searches on Google for April 6th, 2024, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the articles; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink; however, I think that all of those hyperlinks to current news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these current news 'updates' by first providing the original Google search category through which I found each article, as listed above, like I usually do. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.]

Then, I am providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the publisher's name and the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too! (I hope that makes sense.)


April 6th, 2024 search:

01. USA Today
(I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

The total solar eclipse is just 3 days away: Where will clouds, storms spoil the view?

Doyle Rice, Eric Lagatta and Dan D'Ambrosio | April 5, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


April 6th, 2024 search:

02. USA Today
(I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

What does a solar eclipse look like? Here's what I saw in 2017

By Ingrid Jacques | April 5, 2024


April 6th, 2024 search:

03. Politico

Biden campaign announces pulling in $90M in March

The president’s war chest swamps that of former President Donald Trump — even if Biden is still struggling in the polls.

By Elena Schneider | 04/06/2024


April 6th, 2024 search:

04. CBS News

Biden raised over $90 million in March, campaign says, increasing cash advantage over Trump

By Aaron Navarro | April 6, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


Continuing on—as I mentioned above—I will occasionally read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from the daily emails that I receive from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine.

And I used to provide longer introductions to these New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which included the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article in addition to a hyperlink; however—as I mentioned above—I think that all of those hyperlinks to news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Again, please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these news 'updates' by providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too! (I hope that makes sense.)

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of the titles to The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles—including any article overviews contained within the emails—that I received for April 6th, 2024, when I noticed the following, and articles!


These are The New York Times articles which I received for April 6th, 2024: (I am a subscriber to The New York Times 'Basic Access' Digital Subscription.)

The following are The New York Times articles that I read today, April 6th, 2024, from an email that I received today:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 6th, 2024 'The Morning' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

Good morning. On Monday, there will be a total solar eclipse in North America. Even if you’re not convinced by the hype, there’s still reason to get excited.

Sun block

On Monday, the moon will steal between the Earth and the sun, a total solar eclipse in North America. The path of totality, the strip of the continent where the moon will completely obscure the sun, begins in Mazatlán, Mexico, crosses over more than a dozen U.S. states, from Texas to Maine, and ends in Newfoundland, Canada. ...

Eclipse Mania

There’s still reason to get excited, even if you’re not convinced by the hype.

By Melissa Kirsch | April 6, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 6th, 2024 'The Morning' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

President Biden’s call with Benjamin Netanyahu demanding Israel change its approach was meant to force a course correction, not to rupture the U.S.-Israel relationship, Peter Baker explains. ...

In Threatening Israel, Biden Hopes to Avoid a Rupture

The president has put Israel’s leader “on probation,” as a veteran diplomat put it. The threat is not idle, aides said, but he wants to force a course correction rather than follow through.

By Peter Baker | April 5, 2024


These are the USA Today articles which I received for April 6th, 2024: (I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

The following are the USA Today articles that I read today, April 6th, 2024, from emails that I received today:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 6th, 2024 'The Daily Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

The solar eclipse is Monday: Here's everything to know

A rare total solar eclipse is Monday, April 8. Here's everything you need to know about its path, duration and how to view it safely.


The total solar eclipse is Monday: Here's everything to know, including time, path, safety

Natalie Neysa Alund and Eric Lagatta | April 6, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 6th, 2024 'The Daily Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

New voting restrictions in the South could sway races in November

States across the South are passing new restrictions on how votes are cast. Civil rights activists say it will reduce turnout among Black voters.


Voter ID and absentee-ballot limits: the South tightens key voting laws ahead of election

States across the South are passing new restrictions on how votes are cast. Civil rights activists say it will reduce turnout among Black voters.

By Erin Mansfield | April 6, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 6th, 2024 'Evening Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

World Central Kitchen wants independent probe into Gaza drone strikes

Relief groups say Israel's plan to open more Gaza aid routes won't be enough to stave off starvation.


Chef Jose Andres' World Central Kitchen demands independent probe into Gaza drone strikes

Relief groups say Israel's plan to open more Gaza aid routes won't be enough to stave off starvation.

By Dan Morrison | April 5, 2024


These are the Time Magazine articles which I received for April 6th, 2024: (I am a subscriber to the Time Magazine 'INSIDER Digital' Subscription.)

The following are the Time Magazine articles that I read today, April 6th, 2024, from an 'Inside Time' email that I received today:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 6th, 2024 email introduction to the Time Magazine article below:

How to get ready for the solar eclipse

A total solar eclipse is expected to pass through the United States Monday, giving stargazers across the country the opportunity to view the celestial phenomenon in which the sun is completely covered by the moon. The eclipse will enter the U.S. in Texas and exit in Maine. It is the last time a total solar eclipse will be visible in the contiguous United States until 2044.

What can you expect? Well, traffic jams, especially in the path of totality. Temperatures may drop by anywhere from 5 to 15 degrees as the sunlight retreats. Particularly avid eclipse fans will take to the skies as some fanatics plan to board commercial flights along the eclipse's path, just to catch a brief glimpse of the moon obscuring the sun.

We at TIME love covering an eclipse. It is a rare moment, where millions of people share in an experience that won’t return for decades. As part of our coverage on Monday, editor-at-large Jeffrey Kluger—our resident space and science expert—will host a broadcast, streaming at and across our social platforms.

Before you grab your glasses—and please make sure you’re using the right ones—visit TIME this weekend and join us on Monday for all your eclipse background, video, and photography. ...

See the 2024 Solar Eclipse’s Path of Totality

By Simmone Shah | April 1, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 6th, 2024 email introduction to the Time Magazine article below:

What Happens if It's Cloudy During an Eclipse?

Cloudy skies are known to dull the effects of total eclipses, making them less dramatic. But that doesn’t mean you should give up altogether. ...


What Happens if It’s Cloudy During an Eclipse?

By Anna Gordon | April 4, 2024

The following is the Time Magazine article that I read today, April 6th, 2024, from 'The Brief' email that I received today:

Immigration Is Powering the U.S. Economy

By Wendy Edelberg and Tara Watson | April 5, 2024

The following is the Time Magazine article that I read today, April 6th, 2024, from the 'Daily Spotlight' email that I received today:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 6th, 2024 email introduction to the Time Magazine article below:

How to Find Solar Eclipse Glasses—and Spot Fake Ones

Here’s everything you need to know about how to purchase solar eclipse glasses, get them for free—and avoid fakes.

Read more. ...

How to Find Solar Eclipse Glasses—and Spot Fake Ones

By Solcyré Burga | March 20, 2024

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above via Google news searches—as well as from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine—for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written April 6th, 2024, revised April 8th, 2024, revised April 9th, 2024 and revised April 18th, 2024)


April 8th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses April 7th, 2024: [CONTENT WARNING: THIS UPDATE CONTAINS ARTICLES WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!] This 'update' that I am writing today, April 8th, 2024, is combined from my news searches on Google, which I do as often as I can manage, as well as from my occasional reading of The New York Times articles, USA Today articles and Time Magazine articles that I received via email for the time period of April 7th, 2024 through April 8th, 2024.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

So, because I have been so busy lately with "Online Activism," and also with the editing of my five blogs, I have just been reading the titles of The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles that I receive from their daily emails. Then, I will occasionally read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those emails that I highlight in these 'updates.'

That is why I recently signed up to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe in order for me to stay informed about what's happening in the world. And I was formerly writing separate 'updates' for each of the news articles that I read from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles; however, after I restarted writing these news 'updates' from my news searches on Google (which I stopped doing for a while), I also decided to restart writing the 'updates' from the above-mentioned news organizations to which I subscribe, but as a combined 'update.'

Thus, I am checking the news through Google searches again, like used to do, as often as I can manage it. You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, I am now simply checking the news via Google searches as often as I can manage to do so. And, I usually check what's happening in the world via various Google searches that I do under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Google news searches.

So, without further ado, I was doing my occasional news searches on Google for April 8th, 2024, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the articles; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink; however, I think that all of those hyperlinks to current news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these current news 'updates' by first providing the original Google search category through which I found each article, as listed above, like I usually do. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.]

Then, I am providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the publisher's name and the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too! (I hope that makes sense.)


April 8th, 2024 search:

01. CBS News

Solar eclipse maps show 2024 totality path, peak times and how much of the eclipse you can see across the U.S. today

By Aliza Chasan | Updated on: April 8, 2024 / 10:54 AM EDT


April 8th, 2024 search:

02. NBC News

Live updates: Total solar eclipse 2024 forecast, what time it is and how to watch (Live updates: Total solar eclipse to cross North America today)

A total solar eclipse will be visible over parts of Mexico, 15 U.S. states and eastern Canada. The rest of the continental U.S. will get to see a partial eclipse.

By Denise Chow | Updated April 8, 2024, 8:41 AM PDT


April 8th, 2024 search:

03. AP News

Total solar eclipse 2024: Huge crowds line totality path under mostly cloudy skies (Huge crowds await a total solar eclipse in North America. Clouds may spoil the view)

By Marcia Dunn | Updated 7:44 AM PDT, April 8, 2024


April 8th, 2024 search:

04. CBS News

When is the next total solar eclipse in the U.S. after today? See the paths for the 2044 and 2045 events

By Cara Tabachnick | April 8, 2024


April 8th, 2024 search:

05. USA Today
(I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

When is the next total solar eclipse in the US after 2024 and what is its path? What to know

Mary Walrath-Holdridge, Gabe Hauari and Eric Lagatta | April 8, 2024


April 8th, 2024 search:

06. USA Today
(I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

Biden leads Trump in fundraising for 2024 presidential race (What we know about Biden and Trump's fundraising hauls so far in 2024)

By Karissa Waddick | April 7, 2024


April 8th, 2024 search:

07. Axios

Boomers deliver surprise strength for Biden

By Justin Green | April 8, 2024


April 8th, 2024 search:

08. NPR (National Public Radio)

Key voting groups are shifting in the race between Biden and Trump

By Domenico Montanaro | April 7, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


April 8th, 2024 search:

09. The Guardian

House intelligence chair says Republicans are ‘absolutely’ repeating Russian propaganda

Mike Turner, the Ohio Republican, echoes a similar claim made recently by another rightwing American lawmaker

By Ramon Antonio Vargas | 8 Apr 2024


April 8th, 2024 search:

10. USA Today
(I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

GOP lawmaker: Some Republicans echo Russian propaganda on Ukraine ('Stand up for democracy': GOP lawmaker accuses some of his fellow Republicans of echoing Russian propaganda)

By David Jackson | April 7, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


Continuing on—as I mentioned above—I will occasionally read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from the daily emails that I receive from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine.

And I used to provide longer introductions to these New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which included the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article in addition to a hyperlink; however—as I mentioned above—I think that all of those hyperlinks to news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Again, please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these news 'updates' by providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too! (I hope that makes sense.)

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of the titles to The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles—including any article overviews contained within the emails—that I received for the time period of April 7th, 2024 through April 8th, 2024, when I noticed the following, and articles!


These are The New York Times articles which I received for the time period of April 7th, 2024 through April 8th, 2024: (I am a subscriber to The New York Times 'Basic Access' Digital Subscription.)

The following are The New York Times articles that I read today, April 8th, 2024, from an email that I received yesterday, April 7th, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 7th, 2024 'The Morning' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

On location

A reporter covering arts and culture

State governments use our tax dollars to build roads, fund schools and provide health care. In 38 states, they also ship money off to a high-gloss private industry: Hollywood.

And it’s a lot of money. My colleague Christopher Kuo and I found that those states had given out more than $25 billion over the past two decades to subsidize the making of movies and television. The idea is to lure businesses to spend money, employ locals and stimulate the economy.

The problem is, the programs are actually huge money losers for states. Studies show that these efforts typically return a quarter or even a dime on every dollar given to studios.

Yet lawmakers are not slowing their spending. Quite the opposite. Hollywood is playing states off one another, and the competition has them sweetening their deals to lure productions, economists say. Under mounting pressure from New Jersey, New York recently expanded its film incentive program by 67 percent, to $700 million. Oklahoma went from $4 million to $30 million in just three years, in part to stay competitive with Texas. Then, Texas decided to spend nearly seven times that amount.

“You could find almost an unlimited number of better uses for the same dollars,” said Michael Thom, a tax expert at the University of Southern California. “Who on earth would say, ‘Keep giving the money to Hollywood; my kid’s school doesn’t need new books’?”

My colleagues and I wanted to understand why these programs persist. This morning, we published the third article in our series about the topic. Here’s a quick look at what we found.

Parties and cameos

States started supercharging their film incentive programs around the turn of the century. The idea is that when producers come to film in a state and spend money there, the government gives them back 20 to 30 percent of their costs as a thank-you for choosing that state.

Lawmakers say the film and TV shoots employ electricians, hair stylists and many other crew members. That means jobs. Money trickles through local economies to hotels, diners and dry cleaners. In Georgia, for example, the film industry says the state gets $6 or $7 in economic value for every dollar invested.

My colleague Jonathan Abrams went to a small town in Georgia and saw some of the effects there firsthand. A restaurant owner said that sales spiked every time a production came to town. A woman who owns a jewelry and leather goods store once sold the actress Anne Heche a $300 purse. But even when a community enjoys visits from famous people and an infusion of cash, the state is paying to subsidize those benefits.

Of course, skeptical economic white papers can be no match for the allure of exclusive parties and the promise of a cameo in a blockbuster movie. Hollywood insiders lobby politicians with campaign donations and perks, which is another reason states keep expanding these programs. In Michigan, a big-name producer wined and dined lawmakers just as the state’s film incentives were set to expire. If you squint at the right scene from “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice,” you’ll spot a former Senate majority leader.

And states need to offer a good deal, or else productions will simply film elsewhere. Experts say this arms race helps explain why more and more public funds flow to these programs.

Remember the battle between Texas and Oklahoma? We document that in our latest piece. After Texas committed $200 million, Oklahoma began pushing to add many more millions to its own program. Dennis Quaid, a native Texan, has already plotted his home state’s next move: He wants it to approve $1 billion in the next budget. ...

Why States Have Spent Billions Subsidizing Hollywood

Inside the costly competition to attract TV and film shoots.

By Matt Stevens | April 7, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 7th, 2024 'The Morning' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

Other Big Stories

A little-known data firm has helped drive up patients’ bills and earn billions for insurers, a Times investigation found. ...

Insurers Reap Hidden Fees by Slashing Payments. You May Get the Bill.

A little-known data firm helps health insurers make more when less of an out-of-network claim gets paid. Patients can be on the hook for the difference.

By Chris Hamby | April 7, 2024

The following are The New York Times articles that I read today, April 8th, 2024, from emails that I received today:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 8th, 2024 'The Morning' email introduction to The New York Times article below:


An examination of Trump’s public statements revealed how he distorts his opponents’ record and exaggerates. ...

The Method Behind Trump's Mistruths

A close examination of every public word from the former president during a crucial week of his campaign.

By Angelo Fichera | April 8, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 8th, 2024 'The Morning' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

Other Big Stories

Economists sent similar résumés to job postings at about 100 of the largest U.S. companies — but changed the applicants’ names to suggest an ethnicity. Some companies discriminated against Black applicants much more than others. ...

What Researchers Discovered When They Sent 80,000 Fake Résumés to U.S. Jobs

Some companies discriminated against Black applicants much more than others, and H.R. practices made a big difference.

By Claire Cain Miller and Josh Katz | April 8, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 8th, 2024 'The Evening' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

The eclipse brought darkness and fascination In an awe-inspiring cosmic coincidence, the moon and sun perfectly aligned this afternoon, producing a total solar eclipse visible across North America. The moon’s shadow plunged daylight into darkness, carving a path from Mexico, up to Maine and into Canada. We took lots of photos.

The event, which offered just a few minutes of totality in any location, attracted millions of onlookers — including some who traveled great distances to witness the celestial anomaly. It was a rare moment of mass gathering in a time when culture is so splintered.

The eclipse first crossed into the U.S. from the border town of Piedras Negras, Mexico at 2:27 p.m. Children in a migrant shelter on the Mexican side shrieked in amazement. The moon’s shadow then carried on to Russellville, Ark., where 100 or so couples were pronounced married; Buffalo, where hundreds listened to “Here Comes the Sun”; and Montreal, where locals on Mount Royal applauded.

In some places like Wyoming County, N.Y., crowds were disappointed to see a sky full of clouds. But elsewhere — even away from the path of totality, like in New York City — crowds delightfully squinted through protective glasses.

The path of totality finally left the U.S. after passing through Houlton, Maine around 3:30 p.m, where a quiet crowd admired the view. “I would pay a million dollars to see that again,” an 11-year-old resident said.

The next total solar eclipse to cross the continental U.S. is in 2044. See you then. ...

Watching the Total Eclipse Across North America

By The New York Times | April 8, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 8th, 2024 'The Evening' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

Trump said abortion limits should be decided by states

Donald Trump has offered wavering signals for months about his views on abortion access — an issue that both Democrats and Republicans believe could help decide the presidential election in November. But today, he delivered a statement declaring that abortion restrictions ought to be left up to the states.

Trump added that he was “strongly in favor of exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother.” His comments appeared to be an effort to please the conservative base without alienating swing voters. “You must also win elections to restore our culture,” Trump said.

But so far, Trump’s stance has angered both sides. Former Vice President Mike Pence called it a “slap in the face” to anti-abortion voters, while Democrats said that it was effectively an endorsement of the harshest state restrictions. ...

Trump Says Abortion Restrictions Should Be Left to the States

After months of mixed signals, Donald Trump said that whatever states decide “must be the law of the land,” adding that he was “strongly in favor of exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother.”

By Maggie Haberman, Jonathan Swan and Michael Gold | April 8, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 8th, 2024 'The Evening' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

Targeted books: More books were challenged in 2023 than at any point in the past two decades. These books faced the most attempts at bans. ...

Here Are the Most Targeted Books of 2023

Amid a nationwide surge in book bans, memoirs and novels that deal with the experiences of L.G.B.T.Q. people or explore race received the most challenges.

By Elizabeth A. Harris | April 8, 2024

And the article below is from the above-mentioned April 8th, 2024 'On Politics' email:

Biden Will Try Again to Wipe Out Student Loan Debt for Millions of Borrowers

The Supreme Court blocked President Biden’s first attempt at large-scale student debt relief last summer.

By Michael D. Shear | April 5, 2024


These are the USA Today articles which I received for the time period of April 7th, 2024 through April 8th, 2024: (I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

The following is the USA Today article that I read today, April 8th, 2024, from an email that I received yesterday, April 7th, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 7th, 2024 'Evening Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

Trump reportedly would pressure Ukraine into ceding land to Russia to end war

Trump has said publicly he could end the Ukraine war within a day of returning to the presidency, although he has revealed few details of his plan.


Trump reportedly would pressure Ukraine into ceding land to Russia to end war

By John Bacon | April 7, 2024

The following are the USA Today articles that I read today, April 8th, 2024, from emails that I received today:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 8th, 2024 'On Politics' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

...Former President Donald Trump said today he thinks individual states should choose their own restrictions on abortion, refusing to endorse a national ban on the procedure.

"At the end of the day, this is all about the will of the people," Trump said in a video on his Truth Social platform, USA TODAY's David Jackson reported.

Wait, so where does Trump stand on abortion? It's not clear. The former president said on Monday that he thinks each state should enact their own abortion law, but he didn't specify which laws he supports. That's a departure from many of his fellow Republicans, who have called for a nationwide law banning or restricting reproductive rights.

What does this mean for the 2024 election? President Joe Biden and his supporters – who have made abortion a top issue in the race for the White House – said Trump's distinction between federal and state regulations is meaningless.

Democrats also said Trump has long been a threat to abortion rights by appointing Supreme Court justices who overturned Roe v. Wade, the landmark ruling that had provided a constitutional right to abortion across the country.

Read more here: Donald Trump says states should decide abortion policy, avoids talk of a national ban ...

Donald Trump says states should decide abortion policy, avoids talk of a national ban

By David Jackson | April 8, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 8th, 2024 'On Politics' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

Lawmakers unveil sweeping data privacy bill that could change social media

The legislation would transform the level of control users have over their personal data collected on search engines and social media.


Bipartisan lawmakers unveiled a sweeping data privacy bill: Here's how it could change social media

By Riley Beggin | April 8, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 8th, 2024 'On Politics' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

Cindy McCain warns 'children are dying as we speak' in Gaza

Cindy McCain, the director of the World Food Programme, warned in a new interview that “children are dying as we speak” in Gaza.


Cindy McCain warns 'children are dying as we speak' in Gaza, says aid workers need greater access

By Marina Pitofsky | April 7, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 8th, 2024 'Evening Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

'This is so cool!' Solar eclipse wows nation

A total solar eclipse rolled its way across the country, all the way from southern Texas to northern Maine.


Total solar eclipse 2024 live updates: Watch video and see photos of the sky spectacle

Doyle Rice, John Bacon, Rick Jervis and Jorge L. Ortiz | April 8, 2024


These are the Time Magazine articles which I received for the time period of April 7th, 2024 through April 8th, 2024: (I am a subscriber to the Time Magazine 'INSIDER Digital' Subscription.)

The following is the Time Magazine article that I read today, April 8th, 2024, from 'The Brief' email that I received yesterday, April 7th, 2024:

Here’s What a Solar Eclipse Looks Like From Space

By Jeffrey Kluger | April 7, 2024

The following is the Time Magazine article that I read today, April 8th, 2024, from 'The Brief' email that I received today:

See How the Solar Eclipse Will Look Anywhere in America

By Chris Wilson | April 6, 2024

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above via Google news searches—as well as from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine—for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written April 8th, 2024, revised April 9th, 2024 and revised April 18th, 2024)


April 9th, 2024 Update No. 1: This 'update' that I am writing today, April 9th, 2024, is combined from my news searches on Google, which I do as often as I can manage, as well as from my occasional reading of The New York Times articles, USA Today articles and Time Magazine articles that I received via email for April 9th, 2024.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

So, because I have been so busy lately with "Online Activism," and also with the editing of my five blogs, I have just been reading the titles of The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles that I receive from their daily emails. Then, I will occasionally read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those emails that I highlight in these 'updates.'

That is why I recently signed up to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe in order for me to stay informed about what's happening in the world. And I was formerly writing separate 'updates' for each of the news articles that I read from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles; however, after I restarted writing these news 'updates' from my news searches on Google (which I stopped doing for a while), I also decided to restart writing the 'updates' from the above-mentioned news organizations to which I subscribe, but as a combined 'update.'

Thus, I am checking the news through Google searches again, like used to do, as often as I can manage it. You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, I am now simply checking the news via Google searches as often as I can manage to do so. And, I usually check what's happening in the world via various Google searches that I do under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Google news searches.

So, without further ado, I was doing my occasional news searches on Google for April 9th, 2024, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the articles; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink; however, I think that all of those hyperlinks to current news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these current news 'updates' by first providing the original Google search category through which I found each article, as listed above, like I usually do. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.]

Then, I am providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the publisher's name and the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too! (I hope that makes sense.)


April 9th, 2024 search:

01. CNN

US lawmakers unveil a plan to give all Americans a right to online privacy

By Brian Fung | April 8, 2024


April 9th, 2024 search:

02. Reuters

Biden plans to cancel student loan debt, 23 million Americans may be impacted

By Steve Holland and Stephanie Kelly | April 8, 2024


April 9th, 2024 search:

03. The New York Times
(I am a subscriber to The New York Times 'Basic Access' Digital Subscription.)

Biden's Trade Moves Raise Tensions Abroad but Draw Cheers in Swing States

The president’s efforts to restrict Chinese imports and block a Japanese steel merger have pleased labor unions and sent a message to rival Donald J. Trump.

By Jim Tankersley | April 9, 2024


April 9th, 2024 search:

04. USA Today
(I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

'Antisemitic tropes': Jewish groups criticize Donald Trump's comments (Trump says Jewish voters who support Biden 'should be spoken to', criticizes Black, Jewish Democrats)

By Marina Pitofsky | April 9, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


April 9th, 2024 search:

05. Chicago Tribune

Biden assails Trump on abortion at Chicago fundraiser (In Chicago, President Joe Biden raises millions, assails Donald Trump over abortion rights)

By RICK PEARSON | April 8, 2024


April 9th, 2024 search:

06. USA Today
(I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

'One person responsible': Biden campaign blames Trump after Arizona abortion ruling

By Joey Garrison | April 9, 2024


April 9th, 2024 search:

07. CBS News

Biden's new student loan forgiveness plan could help 30 million borrowers. Here's who would qualify.

By Aimee Picchi | April 9, 2024


April 9th, 2024 search:

08. USA Today
(I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

Who gets student loan forgiveness in Biden's latest plan? How to apply (Biden's latest student-loan forgiveness plan brings questions for borrowers: What to know)

By Jonathan Limehouse | April 9, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


April 9th, 2024 search:

09. Axios

Republicans rush to distance from "disaster" Arizona abortion ruling

By Andrew Solender | Updated April 9, 2024


April 9th, 2024 search:

10. NBC News

Arizona Republicans distance themselves from state abortion ruling

Republican opposition to the ruling comes a day after former President Donald Trump said that abortion laws should be decided by states.

By Zoë Richards | April 9, 2024


April 9th, 2024 search:

11. Axios GOP suffers Arizona meltdown on abortion that could hurt Trump, Lake

By Justin Green | April 9, 2024


April 9th, 2024 search:

12. The New York Times
(I am a subscriber to The New York Times 'Basic Access' Digital Subscription.)

Opinion | A Party in Exile Is the Best Hope for Anti-Trump Republicans (There ls a Way Out of MAGA Domination)

By Jonathan Rauch and Peter Wehner | April 8, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


Continuing on—as I mentioned above—I will occasionally read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from the daily emails that I receive from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine.

And I used to provide longer introductions to these New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which included the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article in addition to a hyperlink; however—as I mentioned above—I think that all of those hyperlinks to news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Again, please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these news 'updates' by providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too! (I hope that makes sense.)

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of the titles to The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles—including any article overviews contained within the emails—that I received for April 9th, 2024, when I noticed the following, and articles!


These are The New York Times articles which I received for April 9th, 2024: (I am a subscriber to The New York Times 'Basic Access' Digital Subscription.)

The following are The New York Times articles that I read today, April 9th, 2024, from an email that I received today:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 9th, 2024 'The Evening' email introduction to The New York Times articles below:

Arizona reinstated a 160-year-old abortion ban

Arizona’s highest court today ruled that an 1864 law that bans nearly all abortions “is now enforceable.”* With the federal right to abortion now overturned, the justices explained, there was nothing stopping the state from reinstating its long-dormant prohibition.

The court put its ruling on hold for the moment, allowing two weeks for arguments about the ban’s constitutionality. The state would then wait another 45 days before enforcing the restriction. But if the law goes into effect, it will have far-reaching consequences for both abortion access and national politics.

Until now, abortion has been legal in Arizona through 15 weeks of pregnancy. But the 1864 law, which was enacted many decades before Arizona became a state, outlaws abortion from the moment of conception, except when the procedure is necessary to save the life of the mother. It makes no exceptions for rape or incest, and doctors prosecuted under the law could face two to five years in prison.

Abortion rights supporters said the measure would put women’s health in jeopardy. Clinics in Arizona could soon close, forcing women seeking abortions to travel to California, New Mexico or Colorado to end their pregnancies.

The decision also places Arizona, a critical battleground state, at the center of a debate** that could help decide November’s presidential election. Democrats condemned the court’s ruling, though they also said it would help galvanize their supporters. Several Arizona Republicans, sensing political peril, also criticized the ruling. ...

*Arizona Reinstates 160-Year-Old Abortion Ban

The state’s highest court said the law, moribund for decades under Roe v. Wade, was now enforceable, but it put its decision on hold for a lower court to hear other challenges to the law.

By Jack Healy and Kellen Browning | April 9, 2024


**Abortion Jumps to the Center of Arizona’s Key 2024 Races

Democrats quickly aimed to capitalize on a ruling by the state’s highest court upholding an 1864 law that bans nearly all abortions.

By Lisa Lerer, Nicholas Nehamas and Reid J. Epstein | April 9, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 9th, 2024 'The Evening' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

Environment: Norfolk Southern agreed to pay $600 million to residents and businesses in East Palestine, Ohio, to settle a lawsuit over last year’s derailment. ...

Norfolk Southern Settles Derailment Suit for $600 Million

The railroad company will pay residents and businesses in East Palestine, Ohio, and the surrounding area after a derailment last year.

By J. Edward Moreno | April 9, 2024


These are the USA Today articles which I received for April 9th, 2024: (I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

The following are the USA Today articles that I read today, April 9th, 2024, from emails that I received today:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 9th, 2024 'The Daily Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today articles below:

Here's what to know about President Joe Biden's new student loan forgiveness plan. ...

Biden promises student loan relief as early as this fall through new plan

The president, vice president and others plan to fan out across the country this week to trumpet the administration's boldest student debt relief plan since the Supreme Court's rebuke last summer.

By Zachary Schermele and Alia Wong | April 8, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 9th, 2024 'The Daily Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

Trump defers to 'the will of the people' on abortion

Both Democrats and anti-abortion advocates weren't happy with GOP frontrunner Donald Trump's policy on abortion. Given the rallying item reproductive rights have provided Democrats this election, Trump was practically required to give voters some direction on where he stood on the issue: individual states should decide the extent of abortion access (or lack thereof). The anti-abortion coalition took aim at Trump's opting out of a national abortion ban, while Democrats pointed out that Trump has given at least tacit support to Republican-backed restrictions in individual states, including a six-week abortion ban in his home state, Florida.

Republicans who want a national abortion ban are blasting Trump's policy. ...

'Slap in the face': Mike Pence blasts Donald Trump for saying abortion restrictions should be up to states

By David Jackson | April 8, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 9th, 2024 'On Politics' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

Donald Trump versus ... Lindsey Graham? GOP allies clash on abortion

Graham echoed other conservatives in criticizing Trump's announcement that states should decide abortion policy, not the federal government.


Donald Trump versus ... Lindsey Graham? Republicans clash over abortion policy

Graham echoed other conservatives in criticizing Trump's announcement that states should decide abortion policy, not the federal government.

By David Jackson | April 9, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 9th, 2024 'Evening Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

Arizona Supreme Court upholds 160-year-old abortion ban

The Arizona Supreme Court upheld an 1864 abortion ban that mandates prison time for abortion providers.


Abortion in Arizona set to be illegal in nearly all circumstances, state high court rules

By Ray Stern and Stacey Barchenger | April 9, 2024


These are the Time Magazine articles which I received for April 9th, 2024: (I am a subscriber to the Time Magazine 'INSIDER Digital' Subscription.)

The following are the Time Magazine articles that I read today, April 9th, 2024, from 'The Brief' email that I received today:

Biden Announces New Student Loan Forgiveness Plan Details. Here’s What to Know

By Solcyré Burga | April 8, 2024


Trump Declines to Endorse a Nationwide Abortion Ban, Says It Should Be Up to States

By Nik Popli | April 8, 2024

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above via Google news searches—as well as from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine—for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written April 9th, 2024 and revised April 18th, 2024)


April 10th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses March 28th, 2024: I received a mailer from United Farm Workers thirteen days ago on March 28th, 2024, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "It was about to became one of the scariest days ever. Suddenly all the cabbage pickers around her stopped working. Then [name redacted] noticed her lips were tingling and her mouth was dry. She was sick, too, and she didn't know why.", which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]

National Headquarters: La Paz ▪ [Address redacted] ▪ [City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

Spring 2024

Dear Friend,

[Name redacted] must launder her clothes separately from those of the rest of her family.

She started taking this precaution after all three of her children suffered from rashes when she washed their clothes together.

[Name redacted] lives in Watsonville, California. She has more than a decade of experience as a berry picker. Like many of America's farm workers, she has repeatedly been exposed to toxic pesticides on the job.

"On several occasions, they have sprayed the plants very close to where we are working," [name redacted] says. "One time I was pruning the plants and they sprayed so close that I could not stand the burning in my nose."

The raspberry plants were so heavily coated with the poison they turned white.

One day after a pesticide spraying, [name redacted's] clothes had such a strong, unpleasant odor she went home, removed them and put them into the washing machine. "At the first wash, the chemical smell was not removed," she reports.

"I had to wash the clothes three times so that the smell could be removed."

A young woman named [redacted] had an even more frightening experience just a few years ago while packing cabbages into containers on a farm near Bakersfield, California.

An hour into her shift, all of the cabbage pickers around [name redacted] stopped working. Some of them fainted. Others started to vomit. Suddenly [name redacted's] lips were tingling and her mouth was dry. She was sick, too.

[Name redacted] went to an emergency department in Taft, the town where she lives. She and more than 50 other farm workers had been exposed to a highly toxic pesticide called Vulcan. It had been sprayed on a nearby orchard and had drifted to the field where they were working.

The active ingredient in the insecticide the workers were exposed to was chlorpyrifos. It attacks the nervous system. It belongs to the same chemical family as sarin gas.

The Kern County Fire Department, Kern County Environmental Health and Hazmat Unit had to respond to the scene to perform a mass decontamination.

If chlorpyrifos [pronounced: klor · peer · uh · faas] is touched, inhaled, or eaten, it can cause severe neurotoxicity ["the capacity of chemical, biologic, or physical agents to cause adverse functional or structural change in the nervous system"]. Some of the symptoms include convulsions, respiratory paralysis, increased saliva and sweat production, dizziness, headache, muscle twitching, weakness, tremors, lack of coordination, vomiting, abdominal cramps, diarrhea and pupil constriction with blurred or darkened vision.

Research has shown that chlorpyrifos slows brain development in children. It has been associated with lower IQs and increased rates of autism.

Because it is so hazardous, residential use has been prohibited since 2000. Before then, poison control centers received about 800 calls per year about exposure to products containing chlorpyrifos, many of them involving children.

Aware of the dangers, tomato farmers voluntarily stopped using chlorpyrifos more than 20 years ago. Some citrus growers did, too. Declining sales forced the world's largest manufacturer to announce it would halt production by the end of this year.

But, despite scientific proof that chlorpyrifos was harmful, it continued to be sprayed on many fruits and vegetables grown in this country—apples, oranges, strawberries, corn, wheat and others.

The US Geological Survey estimated US farms used just over five million pounds of chlorpyrifos the year [name redacted] was exposed and the most recent year data were available.

Due to its extreme toxicity, the Environmental Protection Agency requires workers handling and applying this pesticide to wear protective equipment such as respirators, chemical-resistant gloves and coveralls. Entry into fields treated with the chemical is restricted for periods ranging from 24 hours up to five days.

None of these precautions were taken the day [name redacted] was exposed.

"None of my co-workers were instructed on anything related to pesticides before or after we fell ill," [name redacted] says. "There were no postings or prior warnings of dangerous chemicals nearby."

Workers like [name redacted] and [name redacted] are powerless to protect themselves from pesticides on their own. "We have reported to the manager and the supervisor and they have never done anything about these incidents," [name redacted] says.

They need an advocate to work on their behalf. And they have a dedicated, highly effective one in the UFW—the United Farm Workers of America. Protecting farm workers and the public from harmful pesticides has been a major focus of this organization since César Chavez founded it in 1962.

The UFW led the charge to ban DDT ["Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane is an insecticide used in agriculture"].

After that fight was won, we successfully worked to outlaw five of the deadliest agricultural chemicals ever used in the United States—parathion, phosdren, captan, dinoseb and methyl bromide. Some of these substances are so toxic that a single drop on the skin leads immediately to convulsions, coma and death.

In 2015, the UFW and our allies achieved an important victory. The Environmental Protection Agency under President Obama finally took the first steps necessary to ban chlorpyrifos from use in agriculture.

We also teamed up with the Obama administration to win other protections for America's two million farm workers and their families.

The minimum age to apply toxic pesticides was raised to 18. Requirements were strengthened for training, notification, pesticide safety and hazard communication as well as availability of protective equipment and emergency decontamination.

The new rules ended decades of discrimination against farm workers, who previously had far fewer pesticide protections than all other types of workers.

Then came Donald Trump.

Dow Chemical Company had donated $1 million to President Trump's inaugural committee. It was then the leading producer of chlorpyrifos. To no one's surprise, Trump's EPA soon reversed the steps Obama's EPA had taken towards banning chlorpyrifos.

The UFW joined other concerned parties in a court action seeking to block the Trump administration's preemptive move to keep a deadly pesticide in farm workers' lives and in millions of Americans' diets.

And we triumphed. Temporarily. In August 2021, following a ruling from the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, the EPA ordered a halt to all food uses of chlorpyrifos, ending an estimated 90% of chlorpyrifos use in the U.S. The ban held for two years until it was overturned last November by the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced before the holidays they won't challenge the ruling. As I mentioned earlier, chlorpyrifos is not only dangerous to farm workers but it's also dangerous to all our kids. This means that unless the food is grown in a state where chlorpyrifos is banned, this chemical will be back in our fields and on our food as soon as the 2024 growing season.

And so, frustratingly, we must fight this decades-long battle again with the ban overturned and sent back to EPA for a do-over.

Will you join with us in demanding the EPA reinstate the ban? Together, we will continue to fight back against chlorpyrifos and other threats to the safety of America's farm workers and its food supply.

[Blogger's Note: I took this action "demanding the EPA reinstate the ban" of chlorpyrifos on January 23rd, 2024. (Please see my 'January 23rd, 2024 Update No. 6,' which can be found above.)]

The UFW works to pass laws to protect farm workers from pesticides—and to ensure that the food all Americans feed our families is safe. We are also working to protect farm communities and the general public, by advocating for notice of upcoming pesticide applications.

We fight in the courts and organize workers in the fields. We negotiate strong union contracts to guarantee workers good pay, fair benefits, safe working conditions and respectful treatment.

When President Biden took office, the whole world noticed that he did so with the likeness of Cesar Chavez looking down on his work in the Oval Office. This was a very powerful symbol for our communities, and we have heard from hundreds of farm workers and their children about how much it meant to them.

I hope you'll take a few minutes now to become a partner in the work of the UFW by making a contribution of $25, $36, $50, $100, or more.

Do it for [name redacted]—a farm worker and the daughter of farm workers who wants what all of us do—a decent, dignified life, fair wages she and her family can live on, and a safe and respectful place to work. Do it for [name redacted]—a hard-working mother who wants to create a better, safer future for her children.

They—and we—will very much appreciate any amount you're able to give.


[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]

P.S. Since the pandemic began nearly two years ago, America's farm workers have continued their essential work of putting food on America's tables. UFW has continued our essential work of keeping them safe. Please let us hear from you very soon, and give as generously as you can.




[✓] Yes, we need to protect [name redacted], [name redacted] and the other hardworking men and women who labor to bring us our food from toxic chemicals and other threats to their lives and livelihoods. Enclosed is my donation of:

[  ] $25
[  ] $36
[  ] $50
[  ] $100
[✓] Other $7.00

Paul Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

Contributions or gifts to the United Farm Workers are not tax deductible. As a labor union, we are a 501(c) 5 non-profit organization.

United Farm Workers ▪ [Address, City, State and ZIP Code redacted] ▪

So today, April 10th, 2024, I made a one-time donation to United Farm Workers in order to "become a partner in the work of the UFW by making a contribution of $7.00," because "we need to protect [name redacted], [name redacted] and the other hardworking men and women who labor to bring us our food from toxic chemicals and other threats to their lives and livelihoods." –Paul Whiting (April 10th, 2024)


April 10th, 2024 Update No. 2: I received an email from Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) today, April 10th, 2024, with the subject line "12%.", which stated the following:

12%. That’s how many IAVA members reported they were survivors of military sexual trauma, Paul.

And a staggering 63% of those who reported surviving military sexual trauma said they were retaliated against.

When our fellow servicemembers sign up to serve their country, they know they may face attacks from our enemies. But they don’t anticipate facing attacks by their brothers or sisters in arms. IAVA has always been a leader in advocating for survivors, but more is needed to ensure survivors get the care, support, and protection they deserve.

This Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month, will you join us in calling on Congress to pass the Servicemembers and Veterans Empowerment and Support Act?


The bill would increase access to health care for survivors, strengthen oversight of the claims process, and ensure survivors have proper access to the VA counseling and benefits they need to heal.

With 42% of IAVA members stating that they believe the Department of Defense is not effectively addressing the problem of military sexual trauma, it’s clear that leaders in Washington need to adjust their priorities to better support survivors.

Sign our petition now to demand Congress pass this bill and give survivors the care, support, and protection they deserve >>>***

Thank you,


P.S. Veterans have paid their dues so IAVA membership is always free. However, we rely on voluntary donations from supporters like you. If you can, please chip in to support IAVA's ability to fight on behalf of the post-9/11 generation of veterans.


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Who You're Contacting:

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
[Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]
[Phone number redacted]

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
[Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]
[Phone number redacted]

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
[Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]
[Phone number redacted]

What You're Saying

Subject: Pass the Servicemembers and Veterans Empowerment and Support Act

[Decision Maker]:

12%. That's how many IAVA members reported they were survivors of military sexual trauma.

And a staggering 63% of those who reported surviving military sexual trauma said they were retaliated against.

When our fellow servicemembers sign up to serve their country, they know they may face attacks from our enemies. But they don't anticipate facing attacks by their brothers or sisters in arms.

The Servicemembers and Veterans Empowerment and Support Act would increase access to health care for survivors, strengthen oversight of the claims process, and ensure survivors have proper access to the VA counseling and benefits they need to heal.

This Sexual Assaull Awareness and Prevention Month, will you join us in supporting survivors and pass the Servicemembers and Veterans Empowerment and Support Act to give survivors the care, support, and protection they deserve?

[Your name]
[Your email address]

Contact Information

First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
Email: [redacted]
Address: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Country: [redacted]
ZIP Code: [redacted]






Our country has an obligation to fulfill its promise to honor and support vets. Make a donation today to help IAVA fulfill its mission to connect, unite, and empower post-9/11 veterans.


So, I selected the "Share on Twitter" option (by the way, I only have a Twitter account so I can read tweets which are included in some online articles that I read) in order for me to provide you, my readers, with the text and hyperlink below:

Add your name to our petition right now to call on Congress to pass the Servicemembers and Veterans Empowerment and Support Act

And, after I sent the letter above to my Senators and Representative in Congress, via the IAVA website, I made a one-time donation to Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) in order to "demand Congress pass this [Servicemembers and Veterans Empowerment and Support Act] bill and give survivors the care, support, and protection they deserve" during "Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month." –Paul Whiting (April 10th, 2024)


April 11th, 2024 Update No. 1, Written On April 12th, 2024, Which Also Discusses March 8th, 2024: [Blogger's Note: This 'update' that I am writing today, April 12th, 2024, is for donations that I made yesterday, April 11th, 2024, as part of my series of donations for the month of April to Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations—and to one campaign—regarding the national races for the House of Representatives (the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee), the Senate (the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee) and the President of the United States (the Democratic National Committee and Biden for President, or the Biden Victory Fund), as well as the state races for the Governors (the Democratic Governors Association), the Secretaries of State (the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State), the Attorneys General (the Democratic Attorneys General Association) and the State Legislatures (the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee), during this fourth month of the year for the 2024 Presidential Election. In addition to that, I made a donation to my local Democratic fundraising and coordinating organization (Democratic Party of Oregon). Plus, I made donations to Political Action Committees (PACs) that are helping to elect political candidates who are working to stop global warming (Jane Fonda Climate PAC), and helping to elect candidates who are pro-choice women (EMILYs List), as well as helping to elect candidates who are U.S. Veterans (VoteVets).]

I received a mailer from Democratic Party of Oregon Victory Fund thirty five days ago on March 8th, 2024, which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]


Dear Mr. Whiting,

I am personally reaching out because the 2024 election is in full swing and Republican candidates are pandering to the MAGA base with their extreme agenda. It may seem that we are insulated from the worst of their policies here in Oregon, but the GOP is laser-focused on undermining all that we stand for.

Just look at the dysfunction we've seen in the House of Representatives to see what happens when Republicans hold a majority — they ignite chaos in our institutions instead of addressing the issues Americans care about most.

The action you take now will not only help determine this year's elections, but will send a clear message that when you stand with Democrats, you stand for democracy. That's why I humbly ask you to renew your 2024 membership to the Democratic Party of Oregon Victory Fund today.

Enclosed is your Official 2024 Democratic Party of Oregon Victory Fund Membership Card. I hope you'll carry this as a reminder of your commitment to electing Democratic candidates who will work for the people while respecting our election integrity, protecting our civil rights and freedoms, and strengthening our democratic institutions.

We are fighting around the clock for every Democrat on the ballot between now and Election Day. And with strong wins this November, Oregon could be a prime example to the country of how Democrats are united in delivering for the American people.

Mr. Whiting, can we count on you to renew your Democratic Party of Oregon Victory Fund membership? Please return the enclosed 2024 Renewal Confirmation Reply with your generous gift of $35, $55, or even $70 today.

Receiving your support early in the year is critical to our success. Every dollar raised now goes further than a dollar raised in the final days leading up to the election. Your gift today gives us the ability to plan and make early investments into our Neighborhood Leader Program. In 2022 alone, we recruited over 2,100 volunteer Neighborhood Leaders who reached out to over 120,000 targeted Democrats by door, phone, and mail, and 90% of those contacted turned out to vote! With your help, we will elect leaders who share our Democratic values and who will fight for good-paying jobs, more accessible health care, lower prescription drug costs, investments in clean energy, affordable housing, racial and economic justice, women's reproductive rights, LGBTQ+ rights, workers' rights, civil rights, reducing student debt, and commonsense gun laws. We have a lot of work to do, and we can't do it without you.

When you renew your 2024 membership, you support strategic efforts like:

Connecting voters with Democratic priorities and highlighting the progress we can make on upholding our democracy, defending reproductive rights, expanding voters' rights, making health care more affordable and accessible, reversing the effects of climate change, and ensuring civil rights for all Americans.

Defending voting rights so that every eligible voter's voice is heard and every vote is counted.

Strengthening the Democratic Party of Oregon infrastructure by expanding technological capabilities, identifying and sharing best practices across campaigns, customizing voter outreach and messaging, and providing Democratic candidates with every resource they need to win.

Organizing in every ZIP code to mobilize a coalition of Democrats with shared values across our state.

Ensuring victory on Election Day, up and down the ballot, depends on folks like you taking action today.

Please confirm your commitment to the Democratic Party of Oregon Victory Fund today by returning your 2024 Renewal Confirmation Reply with a generous membership gift — or by renewing online at

Thank you for doing your part to defend our democracy. Together, we will deliver results for the people, from the school board to the White House.


[Name redacted]
[Title redacted], Democratic Party of Oregon

P.S. When folks like you stand with Democrats, we deliver meaningful results that benefit our nation for generations to come. Let's build a blue coalition to elect responsible leaders who will fight for our democracy, protect our institutions, and put people first. To help secure Democratic victories this November and beyond, I urge you to generously renew your membership to the Democratic Party of Oregon Victory Fund today. Thank you!


Democratic Party of Oregon Victory Fund
2024 Renewal Confirmation Reply

[Start of Member Card]

★ 2024 ★


[Number redacted]

[End of Member Card]

[✓] YES! I have received my 2024 Democratic Party of Oregon Victory Fund Membership Card.

[✓] YES! I will help fight for our democracy and provide early support to the Democratic Party in Oregon. To ensure Democrats win up and down the ballot this November, I have enclosed my 2024 Democratic Party of Oregon Victory Fund membership renewal contribution of:

[  ] $35

[  ] $55

[  ] $70

[✓] Other $5.00

Please make your check payable to the Democratic Party of Oregon Victory Fund.

Please complete the information at the reverse as required by law.

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic Party of Oregon are not tax deductible.

Mr. Paul [Middle Initial] Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

Democratic Party of Oregon Victory Fund
[Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

To put your gift to work immediately, please visit

And, after I read the letter above, I entered the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Support the State Party Victory Fund!

Renew your support today to strengthen your State Party's infrastructure and help fight for our shared Democratic values!

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Democratic National Committee (DNC) SPVF.

[  ] Donate $10 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[✓] Other amount $5.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.35 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Democratic Party of Oregon Victory Fund (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, April 11th, 2024, in order to "renew [my] 2024 membership to the Democratic Party of Oregon Victory Fund." –Paul Whiting (written April 12th, 2024, revised April 13th, 2024 and revised May 13th, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.)

In addition to that, I used to donate "$5.00 per political organization"; however, I have decided to adjust that amount, so that I can donate to more political organizations and PACs (Political Action Committees) while I am still staying within my 'monthly donating budget.'

Thus, for the rest of the 2024 election cycle—as well as for the foreseeable future—I have made a goal of donating $3.00 per local political campaign only here in Oregon (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.21), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, and a goal of donating $4.00 per political organization for donation requests via email or text message (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.28), as well as a goal of donating $5.00 per political organization, or per PAC, for donation requests via the regular mail (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.35).


April 11th, 2024 Update No. 2, Written On April 12th, 2024, Which Also Discusses March 24th, 2024: [Blogger's Note: This 'update' that I am writing today, April 12th, 2024, is for donations that I made yesterday, April 11th, 2024, as part of my series of donations for the month of April to Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations—and to one campaign—regarding the national races for the House of Representatives (the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee), the Senate (the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee) and the President of the United States (the Democratic National Committee and Biden for President, or the Biden Victory Fund), as well as the state races for the Governors (the Democratic Governors Association), the Secretaries of State (the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State), the Attorneys General (the Democratic Attorneys General Association) and the State Legislatures (the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee), during this fourth month of the year for the 2024 Presidential Election. In addition to that, I made a donation to my local Democratic fundraising and coordinating organization (Democratic Party of Oregon). Plus, I made donations to Political Action Committees (PACs) that are helping to elect political candidates who are working to stop global warming (Jane Fonda Climate PAC), and helping to elect candidates who are pro-choice women (EMILYs List), as well as helping to elect candidates who are U.S. Veterans (VoteVets).]

I received a mailer from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) nineteen days ago on March 24th, 2024, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "URGENT OFFICIAL BUSINESS: DO NOT DISCARD", which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]


Dear DCCC Supporter,

With a few months to go before Election Day, we face an urgent challenge.

Extreme MAGA Republicans have proven to be the party of chaos, crisis and confusion. Rather than work for the American people, House Republicans have bent the knee to extremists like Marjorie Taylor Greene and refused to seek compromise to get things done. Americans are tired of the extreme MAGA agenda that fails to deliver for everyday families.

We cannot let House Republicans stay in power. With just months to go, we need to lay it all on the line to take back our majority.

Extreme MAGA Republicans are doubling down on their reckless agenda that will decimate Social Security and Medicare, ruin our economy and criminalize abortion nationwide. If we allow MAGA Republicans another two years in the majority, they will do everything to roll back our tremendous progress.

And they will threaten the very survival of our democracy. We cannot let extreme MAGA Republicans hold the majority and pave the path back to the White House for the twice-impeached Insurrectionist-in-Chief.

That's why — with the 2024 election only months away — we're counting on you to renew your DCCC membership in this critical year with a generous contribution today.

In addition, we need your insight to maximize our effectiveness in flipping the House of Representatives from red to blue. So please fill out the enclosed 2024 Democratic Priorities Survey and send it back to the DCCC along with your renewal gift.

We want to know more about your priorities and where you stand on key issues. Your support will help elect Democrats who will act on these priorities now.

House Republicans want to ban abortion nationwide. Meanwhile, House Democrats are working to protect women's health care and restore reproductive freedom. Having grassroots organizers in key states like Michigan, Ohio and Kansas will allow our team to operate in crucial districts to let voters know where Republicans stand on reproductive freedom.

House Republicans want to repeal the Inflation Reduction Act, which caps the cost of insulin to $35 per month for millions of Americans and finally gives Medicare the power to negotiate drug prices. We need boots on the ground in competitive districts to hold Republicans accountable for their extreme agenda that seeks to repeal this law and force some to go without the lifesaving medication they need.

House Republicans have made attempts to decimate Social Security and privatize Medicare, putting the stability of our social safety net at risk. In response, House Democrats stand resolute in our commitment to work For The People. To secure Social Security and Medicare, Democrats emphasize the importance of building the grassroots support and campaign strategy essential for securing a victory in 2024. We cannot do that without the resources needed to win.

We need to continue to hold extreme MAGA Republicans accountable, contrast their out of touch positions on the issues that matter most with our popular agenda and refute their lies to win back the House for Democrats. Swing-seat Republicans are not the moderates they claim to be. Time and time again, these increasingly vulnerable Republicans have turned their back on their constituents and joined extremists.

We cannot let House Republicans get away with their repeated assaults on our rights and our freedoms. We can only do that by arming Democratic House candidates with the tools and financial support to win.

Laying the groundwork now is a top priority, With just months to go, investing in efforts that will register new voters and turn out the vote cannot wait. It requires hard, painstaking work precinct-by- precinct, neighborhood-by-neighborhood, county-by-county and district-by-district.

The DCCC relies on donations like yours to help us recruit volunteers, launch voter registration drives and support outreach programs that will enable us to win big this November. In addition to your support, we want to hear where you stand on key issues. So please use the 2024 Democratic Priorities Survey to share your perspectives and ideas.

Republicans are building the case against themselves. Meanwhile, our battle-tested Frontline Democrats and top-tier DCCC recruits are the elements that will ensure we win back the House this November. That's why we need to build critical on the ground support to keep our Frontliners and recruits running.

Please rush your 2024 renewal contribution and your 2024 Democratic Priorities Survey to the DCCC today. Now more than ever, we need you to invest in the DCCC to take back the House of Representatives and defend our democracy.

Keep the faith,

Hakeem Jeffries

House Democratic Leader

P.S. With just months before Election Day, please rush your 2024 renewal contribution to the DCCC today. Your support is critical to ensure we have the grassroots organization needed to take back the House and continue our work for the American people. In this make-or-break election year for our democracy, thank you for your steadfast support of the DCCC.


2024 Democratic Priorities Survey

[Blogger's Note: I completed the 2024 Democratic Priorities Survey online, so that is the edition of the survey that appears below, rather than the printed edition of said survey that came with the mailer.]

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is seeking feedback from registered Democrats like you. Your feedback and honest responses are critical to the Democratic Party and will help guide strategies and priorities to stop House Republicans from destroying the progress Democrats and President Biden have made.

Email Address: [redacted]
Cell Phone Number: [redacted]


Did you vote in the 2022 midterms?

[✓] Yes!
[  ] No.

Do you plan to vote in November?

[✓] Yes!
[  ] No.

How do you typically vote?

[  ] Same day in person
[  ] Early in person
[  ] Absentee ballot
[✓] Drop box


House Democrats believe Social Security and Medicare are essential for the American people and should not be turned over to self-serving Wall Street executives. Do you agree or disagree?

[✓] Agree
[ ] Disagree

House Democrats believe access to health care should be a right, not a luxury, and are committed to strengthening the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Do you agree or disagree?

[✓] Agree
[  ] Disagree

House Democrats believe Medicare should be allowed to negotiate lower prices with the prescription drug companies so Americans no longer have to pay four or five times what people in other countries pay for the same medicines. Do you agree or disagree?

[✓] Agree
[  ] Disagree

House Democrats believe climate change is real, that we need policies to reduce our dependency on fossil fuels and combat other threats to our planet. Do you agree or disagree?

[✓] Agree
[  ] Disagree

House Democrats believe it is an urgent priority to protect reproductive freedom and restore the promise of Roe v. Wade. Do you agree or disagree?

[✓] Agree
[  ] Disagree


House Republicans have promised a nationwide abortion ban. Some of their members have even proposed banning birth control. How much of a Democratic priority do you believe it should be to protect reproductive freedom?

[✓] Top Priority
[  ] Somewhat a Priority
[  ] Not a Priority
[  ] Unsure

Since its passage, Republicans have made 70 attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act and take health care away from 20 million Americans. How much of a Democratic priority do you believe it should be to strengthen the ACA?

[✓] Top Priority
[  ] Somewhat a Priority
[  ] Not a Priority
[  ] Unsure

Republicans want to ignore the existential climate crisis and weaken our environmental protection laws. How much of a Democratic priority do you believe it should be to prevent corporations from polluting our environment?

[✓] Top Priority
[  ] Somewhat a Priority
[  ] Not a Priority
[  ] Unsure

Republicans want to use any means necessary to suppress the vote. How much of a Democratic priority do you believe it should be to fight these efforts and protect our democracy?

[✓] Top Priority
[  ] Somewhat a Priority
[  ] Not a Priority
[  ] Unsure

Republicans refuse to advance further gun control measures that will help keep our children and communities safe. How much of a Democratic priority do you believe it should be to strengthen gun control?

[✓] Top Priority
[  ] Somewhat a Priority
[  ] Not a Priority
[  ] Unsure

The GOP is working to roll back LGBTQ+ protections. How much of a Democratic priority do you believe it should be to stop them from advancing their extreme and discriminatory views?

[✓] Top Priority
[  ] Somewhat a Priority
[  ] Not a Priority
[  ] Unsure


Which of the issues below do you believe Democrats should focus on as top priorities in 2024? (Check up to five.)

[✓] Improving access to quality and affordable health care for all Americans
[✓] Protecting and strengthening Social Security
[  ] Strengthening environmental protection laws
[✓] Codifying Roe v. Wade and protecting birth control access
[✓] Exposing and blocking attacks on voting rights
[  ] Increasing the minimum wage
[  ] Lowering prescription drug prices
[✓] Strengthening gun safety measures
[  ] Advancing racial equality and civil rights
[  ] Other
Please specify:

What concerns you most now that the GOP narrowly controls the House?

[✓] Pointless investigations of the Biden Administration
[✓] Effort to advance a national ban on abortion
[✓] Repealing or cutting Social Security and Medicare
[✓] Attempting to overturn 2024 presidential election results
[✓] Installing extremists in committee leadership
[✓] Stripping Americans of their health care
[✓] Loosening gun safety measures
[  ] Other
Please specify:


How concerned are you about Democrats having the resources needed to take back the House in November?

[✓] Very Concerned
[  ] Not Concerned
[  ] Somewhat Concerned

How concerned are you that Republicans will try to override the will of the people to install a Republican president in 2024?

[✓] Very Concerned
[  ] Not Concerned
[  ] Somewhat Concerned

How concerned are you about what a second term for Donald Trump means for our democracy?

[✓] Very Concerned
[  ] Not Concerned
[  ] Somewhat Concerned

How concerned are you about Democrats having the resources needed to register new voters before Election Day this November?

[✓] Very Concerned
[  ] Not Concerned
[  ] Somewhat Concerned

If you are worried about House Republican's MAGA Agenda, then join us now to flip the House and defend President Biden's legacy!

[✓] Yes! I can pitch in to elect House Democrats



[DCCC logo] DEMOCRATS 2024

Flip the House!

Join us now to flip the House and defend President Biden's legacy!

Republicans are blocking President Bideri's agenda at every turn — and he's counting on this grassroots team to stop them.

So, quickly, Will you join us to elect a wave of Democrats and flip the House?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit the DCCC.

[  ] Donate $15 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $5.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.35 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DCCC (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, April 11th, 2024, in order to complete my "2024 Democratic Priorities Survey." –Paul Whiting (written April 12th, 2024, revised April 13th, 2024 and revised May 13th, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.)

In addition to that, I used to donate "$5.00 per political organization"; however, I have decided to adjust that amount, so that I can donate to more political organizations and PACs (Political Action Committees) while I am still staying within my 'monthly donating budget.'

Thus, for the rest of the 2024 election cycle—as well as for the foreseeable future—I have made a goal of donating $3.00 per local political campaign only here in Oregon (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.21), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, and a goal of donating $4.00 per political organization for donation requests via email or text message (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.28), as well as a goal of donating $5.00 per political organization, or per PAC, for donation requests via the regular mail (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.35).


April 11th, 2024 Update No. 3, Written On April 12th, 2024, Which Also Discusses April 1st, 2024, As Well As April 10th, 2024: [Blogger's Note: This 'update' that I am writing today, April 12th, 2024, is for donations that I made yesterday, April 11th, 2024, as part of my series of donations for the month of April to Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations—and to one campaign—regarding the national races for the House of Representatives (the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee), the Senate (the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee) and the President of the United States (the Democratic National Committee and Biden for President, or the Biden Victory Fund), as well as the state races for the Governors (the Democratic Governors Association), the Secretaries of State (the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State), the Attorneys General (the Democratic Attorneys General Association) and the State Legislatures (the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee), during this fourth month of the year for the 2024 Presidential Election. In addition to that, I made a donation to my local Democratic fundraising and coordinating organization (Democratic Party of Oregon). Plus, I made donations to Political Action Committees (PACs) that are helping to elect political candidates who are working to stop global warming (Jane Fonda Climate PAC), and helping to elect candidates who are pro-choice women (EMILYs List), as well as helping to elect candidates who are U.S. Veterans (VoteVets).]

I recently received two mailers from the Biden Victory Fund. The first mailer that I received was eleven days ago on April 1st, 2024, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "Paul, hitting this goal will be a challenge — but with your help, we can make it!", which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]


Dear Paul,

I want to thank you for answering the call to defend our democracy. I'm humbled by your support and I know that with you in our corner, we can win in November and keep moving our nation forward.

Your support has strengthened our campaign across the country and helped us build coalitions and engage communities across the country. We couldn't do this without you.

Our campaign is running at full speed right now, and we need to be ready for whatever comes our way. This is why my team has launched the Finish The Job Fund to boost our efforts heading into the all-important next few months of this campaign.

Every dollar you give will provide our team of staff and volunteers in every state what they need to share our message with voters. There's only so much we can predict, so we've got to make sure that our folks have the resources they need to face any challenges leading up to Election Day.

Paul, I don't ask this lightly, but as an essential member of our team, I think you understand how necessary it is that we are prepared for what will be another very close election. I am humbly asking you to please send a gift of $25, $38, or $50 today to help us hit the Finish The Job Fund's goal of $500,000.

I'm not taking anything for granted in this race, and neither should you, because as I've said time and time again: the soul of our nation is at stake.

Once again, we're up against Donald Trump and his MAGA extremists. Their campaign is about him. Not America. Not you. Donald Trump's campaign is obsessed with the past, not the future. He's willing to sacrifice our democracy just to put himself in power.

Our campaign is different. For me and Kamala, our campaign is about America. It's about you. It's about every person of every age and background that deserves the opportunity to thrive. This campaign is about preserving and strengthening American democracy. And it's about the future we're going to continue to build, together.

MAGA extremists want to undo all the progress we've made and are threatening to take away our fundamental freedoms and roll back the critical legislation that our administration has passed. To those who dare to attack our democracy and by extension attack our fundamental rights, let me be clear: I won't let it happen on my watch.

We'll continue to take action to make education and child care more affordable, fight to restore the protections of Roe, pass more gun safety legislation, and create more opportunities for every American.

Look, we've got a great plan, and we've already built a solid foundation. But we're in for a close race in November, with MAGA extremists using fear and grievances to sell Americans on a set of false promises. We have to combat their lies with the truth, and that's no easy feat. But when we make our case, we win.

And now we have a unique opportunity with the Finish The Job Fund to exceed our normal fundraising goals. Every dollar gets us closer to defending our rights, protecting our democracy, and providing a fair shot for every American for generations to come.

Please give today so that we can finish strong on Election Day and finish the job we started.

Thank you for being a part of this team and for your ongoing support.


Joe Biden
President of the United States

P.S. Paul, you've been key to our campaign, and I'm humbly asking for your help once again. We know this will be another close election, and the Finish The Job Fund could put us ahead. Please give today. I'm not going to stop fighting, but I need you in my corner. Can I count on you?



[✓] Yes, Joe! I want to give to the Finish The Job Fund! I am giving today so that my dollars will mobilize grassroots support across the country and increase the likelihood of a win for democracy on Election Day. Enclosed is my contribution so that, together, we can finish the job.

[  ] $25

[  ] $38

[  ] $50

[✓] Other $5.00

Please make your check payable to the Biden Victory Fund.

Or if you prefer to charge your contribution, please fill out the form on the reverse.

You can also contribute online by visiting

Paul Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]


And, after I read the letter above, I typed the web address to the referenced webpage in my browser, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Biden Victory Fund

Donate to reelect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris

Joe Biden and Kamala Marris are running for reelection.

It's going to take this full team at Joe and Kamala's backs to finish the job and deliver for Democrats, including four more years in the White House. Will you pitch in today to help Joe, Kamala, and Democrats nationwide?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Biden Victory Fund.

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $1,000→

[  ] Donate $2,000→

[✓] Other $5.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.35 (7%)

So, I made a one-time donation to the Biden Victory Fund (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, April 11th, 2024, in order to confirm the reply memorandum statement: "Yes, Joe! I want to give to the Finish The Job Fund! I am giving today so that my dollars will mobilize grassroots support across the country and increase the likelihood of a win for democracy on Election Day. Enclosed is my contribution so that, together, we can finish the job."

The second mailer that I received from the Biden Victory Fund was two days ago on April 10th, 2024, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "Paul, this will make all the difference on Election Day. ENCLOSED: EXCLUSIVE TRIPLE MATCH OFFER", which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]


Dear Paul,

I want to thank you for answering the call to defend our democracy. I'm humbled by your support and I know that with you in our corner, we can win in November and keep moving our nation forward.

Your support has strengthened our campaign and helped us build coalitions and engage communities across the country. We couldn't do this without you.

My team has an exciting opportunity right now: A generous donor has agreed to triple-match the amount we raise from supporters like you, up to $150,000.

That means every dollar you give today will have three times the impact on the work we're doing now, at a moment when we need those resources the most.

Paul, I know you understand the stakes of this election, but I must stress how big the opportunity before us is. As an essential member of our team, I am humbly asking you to rush a gift of $25 that becomes $75, $38 that turns into $114, or even $50 that generates $150 today to help Kamala and I win reelection and elect Democrats up and down the ballot.

I'm not taking anything for granted in this race, and neither should you, because as I've said time and time again: the soul of our nation is at stake.

Once again, we're up against Donald Trump and his MAGA extremists. Their campaign is about him. Not America. Not you. Donald Trump's campaign is obsessed with the past, not the future. He's willing to sacrifice our democracy just to put himself in power.

Our campaign is different. For me and Kamala, our campaign is about America. It's about you. It's about every person of every age and background that deserves the opportunity to thrive. This campaign is about preserving and strengthening American democracy. And it's about the future we're going to continue to build, together.

MAGA extremists want to undo all the progress we've made and are threatening to take away our fundamental freedoms and roll back the critical legislation that our administration has passed. To those who dare to attack our democracy and by extension attack our fundamental rights, let me be clear: I won't let it happen on my watch.

We'll continue to take action to make education and child care more affordable, fight to restore the protections of Roe, pass more gun safety legislation, and create more opportunities for every American.

Look, we've got a great plan, and we've already built a solid foundation. But we're in for a close race in November, with MAGA extremists using fear and grievances to sell Americans on a set of false promises. We have to combat their lies with the truth, and that's no easy feat. But when we make our case, we win.

That's why I need you with us now. Every dollar you send today will make triple the difference in this fight. The fight to defend our democracy and protect our freedoms, and create a better future for all.

So please give today and take advantage of the triple-match up to $150,000.

Thank you for being a part of this team and for your ongoing support.


Joe Biden
President of the United States

P.S. Paul, you've been key to our campaign, and I'm humbly asking for your help once again. We know this will be another close election, but we have an opportunity now that could put us ahead. Please give today so your contribution can go three times as far. I'm not going to stop fighting, but I need you in my corner. Can I count on you?



[✓] Yes, Joe! I want to make three times the difference. I am giving today so that my dollars will be triple-matched and increase the likelihood of a win for democracy on Election Day. Enclosed is my contribution to help mobilize voters across the country.

[  ] $25

[  ] $38*

[  ] $50

[✓] Other $5.00

*Paul, your gift of $38 today will become $114 and have triple the impact!

Please make your check payable to the Biden Victory Fund.

Or if you prefer to charge your contribution, please fill out the form on the reverse.

You can also contribute online by visiting

Paul Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]


And, after I read the letter above, I typed the web address to the referenced webpage in my browser, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Biden Victory Fund

Donate to reelect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris

Joe Biden and Kamala Marris are running for reelection.

It's going to take this full team at Joe and Kamala's backs to finish the job and deliver for Democrats, including four more years in the White House. Will you pitch in today to help Joe, Kamala, and Democrats nationwide?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Biden Victory Fund.

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $1,000→

[  ] Donate $2,000→

[✓] Other $5.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.35 (7%)

So, I made a one-time donation to the Biden Victory Fund (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, April 11th, 2024, in order to confirm the reply memorandum statement: "Yes, Joe! I want to make three times the difference. I am giving today so that my dollars will be triple-matched and increase the likelihood of a win for democracy on Election Day. Enclosed is my contribution to help mobilize voters across the country." –Paul Whiting (written April 12th, 2024, revised April 13th, 2024 and revised May 13th, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.)

In addition to that, I used to donate "$5.00 per political organization"; however, I have decided to adjust that amount, so that I can donate to more political organizations and PACs (Political Action Committees) while I am still staying within my 'monthly donating budget.'

Thus, for the rest of the 2024 election cycle—as well as for the foreseeable future—I have made a goal of donating $3.00 per local political campaign only here in Oregon (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.21), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, and a goal of donating $4.00 per political organization for donation requests via email or text message (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.28), as well as a goal of donating $5.00 per political organization, or per PAC, for donation requests via the regular mail (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.35).


April 11th, 2024 Update No. 4, Written On April 12th, 2024, Which Also Discusses April 5th, 2024, April 9th, 2024, As Well As April 10th, 2024: [Blogger's Note: This 'update' that I am writing today, April 12th, 2024, is for donations that I made yesterday, April 11th, 2024, as part of my series of donations for the month of April to Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations—and to one campaign—regarding the national races for the House of Representatives (the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee), the Senate (the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee) and the President of the United States (the Democratic National Committee and Biden for President, or the Biden Victory Fund), as well as the state races for the Governors (the Democratic Governors Association), the Secretaries of State (the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State), the Attorneys General (the Democratic Attorneys General Association) and the State Legislatures (the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee), during this fourth month of the year for the 2024 Presidential Election. In addition to that, I made a donation to my local Democratic fundraising and coordinating organization (Democratic Party of Oregon). Plus, I made donations to Political Action Committees (PACs) that are helping to elect political candidates who are working to stop global warming (Jane Fonda Climate PAC), and helping to elect candidates who are pro-choice women (EMILYs List), as well as helping to elect candidates who are U.S. Veterans (VoteVets).]

I have combined every political campaign, or political organization, donation request per day (made via email or text message) into one 'update' for each day that I donate, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign donations, or political organization donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual campaign political donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

(By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political donation requests, which is why I don't include them with these email or text message requests.)

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per local political campaign here in Oregon (more on that below), or $4.00 per political organization, for the rest of the election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

Besides that, as of March 21st, 2024, I am no longer donating to individual political campaigns for the foreseeable future (with the exception of local campaigns here in Oregon), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis (please see my 'March 21st, 2024 Update No. 2,' which can be found above), as I have explained below:

...Alright, I have a big announcement to make: I am no longer donating to individual political campaigns for the foreseeable future—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis!

And I have made this decision based upon how much these individual political campaign donations are costing in my 'monthly donating budget'—even though I am only donating $3.00 with a $0.21 tip to ActBlue—since I totally changed the way that I approach how I calculate what I am spending on my credit card each month, starting in 2024! So now, I take the total amount that I have available in my monthly budget for my minimum payment on my credit card—as well as my extra payment—and I calculate how much I am reducing that amount each time that I charge on my credit card.

That way, I am very aware of the amount by which I am reducing my total available credit card payments for the month (the minimum payment and the extra payment) in order to, hopefully, pay more on my credit card than I am spending! Plus, I am also utilizing some funds from my budgeted expenses, as well as some funds from my savings, to make sure that I am paying a little more than I am spending while—at the same time—I am also trying to spend less on my credit card.

Therefore, at the start of 2024, I calculated that I could still make ONE $3.00 donation per political campaign for the entire election cycle. And that means after I have made that one donation per campaign—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I have only donated once per campaign, which is what I have been doing so far!

However, it's still more than I can afford given my 'monthly donating budget,' which is why I have decided to stop donating to individual political campaigns entirely—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And so, I will still be making some donations to individual political campaigns (such as to Joe Biden's campaign for President of the United States, or to local campaigns here in Oregon), but I am not donating like I have been up until this point—which has been virtually every time that I have received a political campaign donation request via email or text message—because I seriously cannot afford to donate that much for the rest of the 2024 Presidential Election cycle, as well as for the foreseeable future.

In addition to that, I used to donate "$5.00 per political organization"; however, I have decided to adjust that amount, so that I can donate to more political organizations and PACs (Political Action Committees) while I am still staying within my 'monthly donating budget.'

Thus, as I partially explained above, for the rest of the 2024 election cycle—as well as for the foreseeable future—I have made a goal of donating $3.00 per local campaign only here in Oregon (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.21), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, and a goal of donating $4.00 per political organization for donation requests via email or text message (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.28), as well as a goal of donating $5.00 per political organization, or per PAC, for donation requests via the regular mail (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.35) for the entire election cycle!

To sum it up, then: I am essentially keeping the same total individual campaign donation amount of $3.21, but I am only donating to local campaigns here in Oregon, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; and I am reducing the total donation amount for political organizations and PACs for email and text message donation requests to $4.28 (from $5.35); plus, I am reducing the total donation amount for political organizations and PACs for regular mail donation requests to $5.35 (from $7.51).

And to clarify one more thing: In the past, I used to only donate to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations—rather than to individual campaigns—since that's all I really could afford given my 'monthly spending budget,' because I am "low income." Plus, those Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations help all of the individual political campaigns with funding, which is why I used to only donate to those main organizations! And I only started donating to individual political campaigns in 2022, since I was "doing everything in my power to help Democrats win in the 2022 Midterm Elections!" Therefore, this decision to stop donating to individual political campaigns (with the exception of presidential campaigns and local campaigns, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis) is really just going back to the way that I used to make political donations.

So, without further ado...

The first political communication to which I responded yesterday, April 11th, 2024, was a text message seven days ago on April 5th, 2024, from the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State (DASS), which stated the following:

DASS Chair and [state redacted] Sec. of State [name redacted] has received a 600% increase in threats in a seven month period. Here’s just a sampling:

“Seriously, just die.”

“You better keep your doors locked and sleep with one eye open.”

“I can’t wait to find you and follow you to your house and expose your address.”

Paul, these aren’t isolated incidents either. In the wake of Trump’s 2020 Big Lie, we are seeing extreme threats to election administrators across the nation.

The Big Lie has morphed into a Big Threat, and it’s not going away. In fact, we only expect the rhetoric to ramp up as we get closer to November.

Can we count on you to make a small donation of $5 to elect Democratic Secretaries of State who will defend our democracy from election-denying Republicans?***

- Team DASS

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Democratic Association of Secretaries of State

When federal action stalls, state laws decide the future of our republic. We can't let those laws fall into the hands of partisan, conspiracy-loving GOP legislatures.

Our Democratic Secretaries protect our elections — even when Congress is deadlocked. They're the last line of defense for your rights, and they need your help this year more than ever. Rush a donation now and defend our Secretaries of State!

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit DASS PAC.

[  ] Donate $15 →

[  ] Donate $35 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[✓] Other amount $4.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.28 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DASS (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, April 11th, 2024, in order to "make a small donation of [$4] to elect Democratic Secretaries of State who will defend our democracy from election-denying Republicans," because "the Big Lie has morphed into a Big Threat, and it’s not going away," since "[DASS] only expect[s] the rhetoric to ramp up as we get closer to November."


The second political communication to which I responded yesterday, April 11th, 2024, was an email from the Democratic Attorneys General Association (DAGA) three days ago, April 9th, 2024, with the subject line, "[PLEASE READ] Stand with our AGs defending mifepristone", which stated the following:

Paul, Dem AGs are working hard to protect access to mifepristone across the country as the Supreme Court decides its fate. Will you add your name to stand with them today?

Supporter: [email redacted]
Your Status: Not Signed
Signature Deadline: TODAY

[Blogger's Note: I signed this petition on April 11th, 2024—which was two days after the signature deadline—but this was an important petition for me to sign and I also feel that it was the most important DAGA email to which I responded out of the most recent emails that I received from DAGA.]


Paul, the fate of mifepristone, the safe and effective drug used in the majority of abortions in the country, is currently being decided by the Supreme Court — the same Court that overturned Roe v. Wade just two years ago.

Dem AGs are on the frontlines of the battle to protect access to medication abortion and reproductive rights across the nation. Rallying with other abortion rights advocates outside the Supreme Court, [state redacted] AG [name redacted] said:

“We cannot allow anti-choice forces to make political decisions and ignore the facts, ignore the science, ignore the judgments of medical professionals.”

Will you add your name to stand with our AGs and say you support the fight to keep mifepristone accessible?


This is a critical moment in the fight for reproductive rights, and we must stand together to fight back against far-right attacks on abortion access.

Thanks for being on the team,


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Keep Mifepristone Accessible!

This is a critical moment in the fight for reproductive rights, and we must stand together to fight back against far-right attacks on abortion access. Add your name now to stand with our AGs as they work to protect mifepristone:

LAST NAME: Whiting
POSTAL CODE: [redacted]
EMAIL: [redacted]
MOBILE PHONE (Optional): [redacted]





From abortion access to voting rights, Dem AGs are on the front lines, defending our democracy and protecting our communities.

Make a donation to DAGA to elect more Dem AGs in 2024 and beyond — starting right here and now.


Your contribution will benefit Democratic Attorneys General Association (DAGA) PAC.

[  ] DONATE $5 →

[  ] DONATE $10 →

[  ] DONATE $25 →

[  ] DONATE $50 →

[  ] DONATE $100 →

[  ] DONATE $250 →

[  ] DONATE $500 →

[✓] OTHER AMOUNT $4.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.28 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DAGA (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, April 11th, 2024, in order to "add [my] name to stand with our AGs and say [I] support the fight to keep mifepristone accessible," since "Dem AGs are on the frontlines of the battle to protect access to medication abortion and reproductive rights across the nation."


The third political communication to which I responded yesterday, April 11th, 2024, was an email from the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC) that I received two days ago on April 10th, 2024, with the subject line, "This email is proof that you’re making a difference, Paul.", which stated the following:

A project of the DLCC


Attn: Down Ballot Defenders
From: Team DLCC
Date: April 10th, 2024
Subject: EOQ Impact Report

Now that the dust has settled on Q1 (Quarter 1), we want to report back to our Down Ballot Defenders and showcase the tangible impact your monthly donations have made in state legislatures.

From breaking fundraising records to flipping seats, your contributions have given Democrats the consistent support our party needs to succeed. So without further ado, here's a breakdown of the accomplishments we've made and the challenges that lie ahead:

Victory Lane:




Marilyn Lands claimed an "earthquake" of a victory in Alabama. The DLCC's Spotlight program helped raise money directly for Rep. Lands. It was also one of our most successful Spotlight pages of the election cycle to date.

Our communications team played a key role in supporting Rep. Lands and her campaign directly, helping to amplify the importance of this race.

Our efforts in New Hampshire paid off: We held both seats (← "This is HUGE!") in the House, bringing Democrats one step closer to flipping control of the New Hampshire House.

We also successfully defended our majority in the Pennsylvania House. Our special election victory showcased the strength of our campaign strategies and marked the sixth time Democrats have successfully defended our majority since November 2022.

Go to our website to check out our other Spotlight candidates!

Strategic Spending:

The DLCC has invested nearly $750,000!! {"This is thanks to your support!"} into state races this cycle to build Democratic power across the country. We're identifying the best opportunities for Democratic success cycle after cycle to provide resources where we're needed most.

Along with spotlighting candidates, we're bolstering our efforts to capitalize on opportunities to flip key seats, defend existing majorities, and break vulnerable Republican supermajorities. Here's a quick breakdown of where we're investing so far:

OVER $200k (200,000) PENNSYLVANIA

$130k (130,000) MICHIGAN

$130k (130,000) ARIZONA

$112.5k (112,500) NEW HAMPSHIRE

$50k (50,000) MINNESOTA

$48k (48,000) WISCONSIN

$30k (30,000) NORTH CAROLINA

Funding the Fight:

We started the year off breaking records. Thanks to grassroots support, we raised over $2.3 million, making Q1 our best first fundraising quarter for grassroots giving on record. This includes our best January, February, and March grassroots fundraising to date—a 45% increase over our previous Q1 record.

Since we launched the Down Ballot Defenders ("Which we're so happy you're a part of") program in February, it's fostered a steady stream of support-contributing to the DLCC's $60 million target budget for 2024 and strengthening our efforts to elect state Democrats nationwide.

Upcoming Agenda: (← "April is a BIG month for the DLCC")

APRIL 16: Michigan will hold two pivotal elections under new state House maps. Our spotlight candidates, Peter Herzberg and Mai Xiong, are running for key seats that are crucial for maintaining our trifecta in the state.

APRIL 18: We will be exactly 200 days away from Election Day. This means there are only 200 days to give our state Dems the resources they need to defeat extreme Republicans and help protect the path to the presidency.


DLCC [title and name redacted] is working to boost our message of electing state Dems with appearances on MSNBC, bringing attention to the importance of state-level races.

Wrapping Up:

Your support as a Down Ballot Defender has been crucial to our success. From special election victories to strategic investments, your contributions have powered every achievement.

✴ So thank you for being the driving force behind our mission to elect state Democrats. ✴

★ As we gear up for April, your continued support is needed now more than ever. When we work together, we can maintain our momentum, tackle upcoming challenges, and not just compete, but WIN against extreme Republicans and their billionaire backers. ★

♡ Thank you, Team DLCC ♡


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Join the fight! Chip in today.

🗳️Elect state Dems in critical special elections
💰Fund our strategic investments in 2024, 2025, and beyond
❌Counter Republican extremism in the states

Can you chip in today?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit DLCC PAC.

[  ] Donate $10 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000→

[✓] Other amount $4.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.28 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DLCC (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, April 11th, 2024, since "[my] support as a Down Ballot Defender has been crucial to [the DLCC's] success," because "when we work together, we can maintain our momentum, tackle upcoming challenges, and not just compete, but WIN against extreme Republicans and their billionaire backers."


The fourth political communication to which I responded yesterday, April 11th, 2024, was an email from the Democratic Governors Association (DGA) that I received yesterday, with the subject line, "I have some questions for you, Paul", which stated the following:

[Image of a GIF, which states: "I'm reaching out to top supporters because I urgently need your help."]

Hey Paul, it’s [name redacted], [title redacted] from the DGA, with an exclusive opportunity for you. My team is conducting an important poll with a special group of top, dedicated, active supporters – and you’re on the list. You’ve been personally selected to represent [ZIP code redacted], so please don’t delay.


[Name redacted] and Team DGA





[  ] OTHER



[✓] YES***

[  ] NO




[✓] YES, I WILL***

[  ] NO, I WON'T




[✓] BIDEN***

[  ] TRUMP


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


[Blogger's Note: the survey text below combines the above-mentioned four survey questions, "WHAT’S YOUR PARTY STATUS?", "DO YOU APPROVE OF PRESIDENT BIDEN’S AGENDA?", "WILL YOU ENDORSE PRESIDENT BIDEN FOR A SECOND TERM?" and "IF THE 2024 ELECTION WERE HELD TOMORROW, WHO WOULD YOU VOTE FOR?", each of which opened to a separate survey page—and all four of which I participated in! However, each survey repeated the exact same questions, just in a slightly different order, which is why the text below is a combination.]

Thank you for your response. As a strong Democrat in [ZIP code redacted], you have been selected to represent your community in an exclusive strategy survey.

Email: [redacted]
Cell Phone: [redacted]

Please confirm: What is your party status?

[✓] Democrat
[  ] Republican
[  ] Independent
[  ] Other

Do you approve of President Biden's agenda?

[✓] Yes
[  ] No
[  ] Unsure

Will you endorse President Biden for a second term?

[✓] Yes, I will
[  ] No, I won't
[  ] I'm not sure

If the 2024 election were held tomorrow, who would you vote for?

[✓] Biden
[  ] Trump
[  ] Not sure

When Trump was in office, Democratic governors were a brick wall against the worst of his agenda. Now, they're some of President Biden's most powerful allies, fighting to defend abortion rights, voting rights, and more.

How important is it to elect strong Democratic governors who can boost President Biden's campaign efforts and advance his agenda across the country?

[✓] Extremely important
[  ] Very Important
[  ] Somewhat important
[  ] Not at all important

There will be 11 critical governors' races on the ballot in November, including in key battleground states like New Hampshire and North Carolina. These races are anyone's game — and the results will have huge implications for our country.

How much should Democrats prioritize investing in these must-win races now to make sure that our candidates can defeat MAGA megadonors in November?

(1: Lowest Priority, 5: Highest Priority)
[  ] 1
[  ] 2
[  ] 3
[  ] 4
[✓] 5

November's elections are fast approaching — and our gubernatorial candidates are counting on this team to have their backs. Will you invest $100 to help us elect Democratic governors who will advance President Biden's agenda and block the GOP's radical MAGA legislation?

Please use the options below to start a monthly donation through ActBlue:

[  ] Yes, I will give $100!
[✓] No, I can't give that much.

We understand that giving at that level might be tough. But the DGA is working tirelessly to elect Democrats across the country. And with MAGA Republicans pushing an extremist agenda in the courts, Congress, and states nationwide, we can't afford to miss any fundraising goals.

But we just pulled your supporter record, and here's what we found:

Email: [redacted]
Given to DGA today? Not Yet
Suggested donation: $44

Gov. Andy Beshear's incredible victory in Kentucky proved just how important grassroots donations are. But right now, we're $25,000 short of what we need to raise before our next big deadline. Please, before midnight tonight, will you give $44 or whatever you can?

Please use the options below to start a monthly donation through ActBlue:

[  ] Yes, I'll give $22.
[  ] Yes, I'll give $44! (suggested donation)
[✓] Yes, and I'll give more!

*[Blogger's Note: I selected this option—although I made a one-time donation, rather than a monthly donation—because it's an option that got me to the donation webpage!]



If we want to stop the Republicans dangerous agenda, we have to keep pace with the GOP's millions in fundraising — but right now, not enough Democrats are donating, and we're falling short ahead of our midnight deadline.

Luckily, a group of generous donors is matching all gifts up to our goal! Please don't wait: rush your gift to elect Democratic governors!

Make it monthly!

[  ] Yes, count me in!
[✓] No, donate once

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Democratic Action.

[  ] Donate $44 →

[  ] Donate $88 →

[  ] Donate $220 →

[  ] Donate $440 →

[  ] Donate $880→

[  ] Donate $1,760 →

[✓] Other amount $2.00*

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.14 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DGA (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, April 11th, 2024, in order to respond to each one of the following DGA survey questions: 1) "What’s your party status?" 2) "Do you approve of president biden’s agenda?" 3) "Will you endorse president biden for a second term?" and 4) "If the 2024 election were held tomorrow, who would you vote for?"

*P.S.: The reason that I only donated $2.00 to the DGA (with a $0.14 tip to ActBlue) is because I was actually trying split a $4.00 donation (with a $0.28 tip to ActBlue) for each one of the above-mentioned four surveys that I took, since I am currently donating "$4.00 per political organization for donation requests via email or text message (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.28)." Thus, I donated $1.00 after each one of the surveys (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.07); however, I must have donated too many times within too short of a time period, because only two of the four $1.07 donations actually processed, so that is why I made a donation in the amount that I did!


The fifth political communication to which I responded yesterday, April 11th, 2024, was an email from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) that I received yesterday, with the subject line, "A map for Paul: Here are the 23 senate seats we need to defend this November.", which stated the following:

23, Paul.

That’s the number of Senate seats Democrats are defending in November. Take a look:

(GIF of Senate Seats Map)

Make no mistake: this is not going to be easy, especially not with national Republicans prepared to spend millions of dollars attacking Democratic candidates. That’s why it’s absolutely critical we have the resources to defend Senate Democrats -- from Ohio to Pennsylvania to Nevada and beyond -- and preserve our majority.

But we need your help to do it. So, Paul, can you chip in $23 now to our Democratic Momentum Fund to support the DNC’s work to elect Democrats up and down the ballot?

Thank you for your support,

The Democrats

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Pitch in to our Democratic Momentum Fund.

Every dollar we raise into this fund will be put to use strengthening our efforts to defeat MAGA Republicans and ensuring we have the resources to elect Democrats up and down the ballot this year.

Pitch in now to invest in the resources our candidates are relying on to compete and win year after year.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Democratic National Committee (DNC).

[  ] Donate $10 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[  ] Donate $2,000 →

[✓] Other amount $4.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.28 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DNC (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, April 11th, 2024, in order to "chip in [$4] now to [the DNC's] Democratic Momentum Fund to support [their] work to elect Democrats up and down the ballot," since there are "the 23 senate seats we need to defend this November."


The sixth political communication to which I responded yesterday, April 11th, 2024, was a text message that I received yesterday from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC), which stated the following:

𝗙𝗜𝗥𝗦𝗧: Donald Trump was leading in the polls.

𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗡: In a 𝘣𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘶𝘱𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘦, President Biden 𝗽𝘂𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗱 𝗮𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗱 of Trump.

𝗡𝗢𝗪: We need to know who 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 supporting!

Paul, with President Biden holding a 𝘳𝘢𝘻𝘰𝘳-𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯 lead over Donald Trump, we 𝘮𝘶𝘴𝘵 confirm Democrats are still supporting President Biden 𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦 the next batch of polls is released. 𝗦𝗼 𝗽𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝘁𝗲𝗹𝗹 𝘂𝘀 𝗔𝗦𝗔𝗣:

𝗪𝗵𝗼 𝗱𝗼 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘀𝘂𝗽𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗻𝘁?
[✓] Biden:***
[  ] Trump:


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

Presidential Poll

First, please confirm: Who do you support for president?

[✓] President Biden!
[  ] Donald Trump

Which issues are MOST important to you in determining your presidential vote? (Please read each option carefully, then select no more than three.)

[✓] Reproductive rights
[  ] Social Security
[  ] Health care
[  ] Upholding marriage equality
[  ] Climate change
[✓] Gun safety
[  ] The future of the Supreme
[✓] Defending democracy
[  ] Something else:

Donald Trump's MAGA allies are plotting to take away our Senate majority. If they succeed, they'll try to REVERSE all of the progress we've made under President Biden!

How concerned are you by the possibility of Trump's allies flipping the Senate?

[✓] Extremely concerned
[  ] Somewhat concerned
[  ] Not at all concerned

It's simple: We MUST stop Trump's allies from defeating Senate Democrats and flipping the Senate red. But right now, we're not on track to hit today's $25,000 fundraising goal -- and falling short would be a HUGE setback.

Please, we have to ask: Will you chip in $30 today to help fight for a Democratic Senate?

Please use the links below to start a monthly donation through ActBlue:

[  ] Yes, I'll chip in $30.
[  ] Yes, I'll chip in $90.
[  ] Yes, I'll chip in $120.
[✓] Yes, I'll chip in, but I'd like to choose a different amount.*

*[Blogger's Note: I selected this option—although I made a one-time donation, rather than a monthly donation—because it's an option that got me to the donation webpage!]



Donate now to SUPERCHARGE our Senate majority!

CNN says multiple GOP seats could flip blue this year — but with Mitch McConnell's megadonors already playing offense, it's going to take all hands on deck to win!

Please, will you chip in now to protect our historic progress by supercharging our Democratic majority?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit DSCC.

[  ] Donate $60 →

[  ] Donate $120 →

[  ] Donate $300 →

[  ] Donate $600 →

[  ] Donate $1,200 →

[  ] Donate $2,400 →

[✓] Other amount $4.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.28 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DSCC (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, April 11th, 2024, in order to confirm that I support Joe Biden for President of the United States!


The seventh political communication to which I responded yesterday, April 11th, 2024, was an email from the Biden for President campaign that I received yesterday, with the subject line, "😧 Picture it, Paul 👀", which stated the following:

Biden-Harris 2024

😧 Picture it, Paul 👀

President Donald J. Trump getting sworn in on January 20, 2025 -- the start of another four-year term filled with chaos and division. Four long years.

We're sorry to put that thought into your head, but it's important we all come to terms with the fact there is a very real chance it happens.

Polling in this race is close. Razor thin. Not just nationally, but in swing states across the country.

The MAGA right is mobilizing, and outside spending is only going to ramp up against us as we get closer to the election.

The only thing standing in their way is Joe Biden…and you.

Let us be clear: If we have the resources to win this election, we will. If we don't, we're in trouble. The answer to that question is up to people who care enough about the outcome to donate.

And now that we’re in the heat of the general election, there's no better time than right now. President Biden needs you, Paul.

Can you please use this link to contribute $25 to Joe Biden's reelection campaign? Help us ensure four more years of progress while keeping Donald Trump out of the White House.

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

[  ] $25 >>
[  ] $50 >>
[  ] $75 >>
[  ] $100 >>
[  ] $125 >>
[✓] Other >>***

🙏🙏 Thank you in advance for chipping in.

Team Biden-Harris

"My dad used to have an expression -- 'It's the lucky person who gets up in the morning, puts both feet on the floor, knows what they are about to do, and thinks it still matters.' Your support matters. Your donation matters." -- Joe Biden

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Donate today to reelect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris!

It's going to take this full team at Joe and Kamala's backs to finish the job and deliver four more years for Democrats in the White House. Will you pitch in today?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Joe Biden.

[  ] Donate $10 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $46 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[  ] Donate $2,000 →

[✓] Other amount: $14.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.98 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Biden for President campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, April 11th, 2024, in order to "contribute [$14] to Joe Biden's reelection campaign," so that I can "help us ensure four more years of progress while keeping Donald Trump out of the White House."

P.S.: The reason that I donated $14.00 to the Biden for President campaign (with a $0.98 tip to ActBlue) is because I wasn't sure if the previous two $5.00 donations that I had made to the Biden Victory Fund processed correctly (please see my 'April 11th, 2024 Update No. 3, Written On April 12th, 2024, Which Also Discusses April 1st, 2024, As Well As April 10th, 2024' that can be found above), since—for some reason—I didn't receive ActBlue receipts for either one of those two donations! Thus, I was symbolically donating two $5.00 donations and one $4.00 (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.98) just in case those two $5.00 donations didn't process—which they actually did—so that is why I made a donation in the amount that I did.


The eighth political communication to which I responded yesterday, April 11th, 2024, was a text message that I received yesterday from the Jane Fonda Climate PAC (Jane Fonda Climate Political Action Committee), which stated the following:

Hey, it's Jane Fonda.

Earth Month is more than just 30 days on the calendar to me.

It's a chance to celebrate the unsung heroes of the climate fight: the grassroots activists, protesters, and elected leaders who are fighting for our future in the face of extraordinary pushback. Not to mention, it's a time to renew our commitment to protect our beautiful planet.

That's why I'm reaching out. I want to hear your 2024 Earth Month story. What are you most excited about in the fight against the climate crisis this year? Maybe you're planning to start a garden, or bike to work instead of drive? Or maybe you want to help on a more macro scale, contributing your time or money to elect climate champions? Whatever your story is, I want to hear it.

Your perspective might spark some new ideas for me too! Click here to share it with me:***

Thanks. xx Jane Fonda

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Jane Fonda

Your 2024 Earth Month Story

This Earth Month, Jane Fonda invites you to commit to protecting and nurturing our planet. Every action, big or small, helps in the fight against climate change. What will you do to make a difference?

Share how you plan to contribute to a sustainable future. Your commitment can inspire change and make a real impact.

After you share your story, make sure to keep an eye on your inbox, we may reach out for your permission to share some of your stories on social media!

First Name (Optional): Paul
Last Name (Optional): Whiting
Postal Code (Optional): [redacted]
Email: [redacted]
Mobile Phone (Optional): [redacted]

Share Your 2024 Earth Month Story (Optional):


Dearest Jane Fonda Climate PAC,

The following is my answer to the question "What will you do to make a difference?" in order to commit to protecting and nurturing our planet in the fight against climate change.

Below please find a copy of a post titled, "My Point Of View On...Global Warming" that is from my "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blog, which was published on July 31st, 2022.

And the YouTube video referenced at the beginning of said blog post—that is from my "Paul Whiting: Poet, Artist and Philosopher" YouTube channel—was published on August 14th, 2021, shortly after the "sixth major assessment of climate science from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change" was published, as referenced from The New York Times article below, which I cited in the post, that was published on August 9th, 2021.

Therefore, this blog post is a summarization of how I "plan to contribute to a sustainable future."

Yours very truly,

Paul Whiting
Poet, Artist and Philosopher
Portland, Oregon

Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer Post No. 306: "My Point Of View On," Part 27 — Global Warming ('This is how I am doing my part to try and reduce the effects of global warming!')

My Point Of View On...
Global Warming ('This is
how I am doing my part to
try and reduce the effects
of global warming!')

YouTube video "How I Use 'Conscious Consumerism' To Live With Respect To The Planet Upon Which I Live" from Paul Whiting: Poet, Artist and Philosopher:

The YouTube video above is about me discussing how I use "Conscious Consumerism" to live as it relates to global warming, which was recorded on Thursday, August 12th, 2021 and was published on August 14th, 2021.

And below is an excerpt, and a link, from a summarization that I wrote of an article from "The New York Times," which was published on August 9th, 2021:

"A Hotter Future Is Certain, Climate Panel Warns. But How Hot Is Up to Us" from The New York Times:

"Some devastating impacts of global warming are now unavoidable, a major new scientific report finds. But there is still a short window to stop things from getting even worse.

Nations have delayed curbing their fossil fuel emissions for so long that they can no longer stop global warming from intensifying over the next 30 years, though there is still a short window to prevent the most harrowing future, a major new United Nations scientific report has concluded...

...The report, approved by 195 governments and based on more than 14,000 studies, is the most comprehensive summary to date of the physical science of climate change...

...The new report is part of the sixth major assessment of climate science from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which was created in 1988. A second report, set to be released in 2022, will detail how climate change might affect aspects of human society, such as coastal cities, farms or health care systems. A third report, also expected next year, will explore more fully strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and halt global warming."

"How I Use 'Conscious Consumerism' To Live With Respect To The Planet Upon Which I Live":

My Point Of View No. 1: I only eat plant-based foods, which means that I'm vegan. I also try to buy minimally processed natural foods, as well as organically grown, fair trade, rain-forest safe, and non-GMO products. Also, I try to buy local products as much as possible.

My Point Of View No. 2: I try to buy 100% recycled paper products, including toilet paper, facial tissues and paper towels.

My Point Of View No. 3: I try to buy natural personal care products, such a oral hygiene products, as well as organic shampoo and conditioner, organic soaps and natural cleaning products, wherever possible.

My Point Of View No. 4: I buy 100% clean electricity for my apartment and rechargeable batteries for my devices that can use rechargeable batteries.

My Point Of View No. 5: I travel by walking — which is exercise for me — although, that limits to how far I can travel by walking.

My Point Of View No. 6: I keep up with politics in order to stay more informed as a voter. And I make sure that I vote in every election, including "special elections."

My Point Of View No. 7: I also keep up with the news in order to stay more informed as a citizen. And I subscribe to news organizations that I can afford given my budget.

My Point Of View No. 8: I budget very carefully, so that I know where every penny is going. And I track what I save when I spend money, such as store discounts and coupons, as well as other discounts, so that I can spend that money on other things.

(I explain more about my budget in the video...)

My Point Of View No. 9: And the mobile phone company that I'm with, CREDO Mobile, is also very environmentally conscientious and socially conscientious. Plus, they make regular donations to different organizations that are trying to do good in the world.

My Point Of View No. 10: And, so, this is how I am doing my part to try and reduce the effects of global warming!

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., A Creative Writer)
"I maybe say too much about how life really is!"


Jane Fonda

Thank you for your response! Now, take the next step and contribute to the Jane Fonda Climate PAC!

Can we count on you to chip in today to help the Jane Fonda Climate PAC defeat the political allies of the fossil fuel industry and save our planet?

Whether it's $5 or $25 — every grassroots donation will make a HUGE impact in our fight to elect climate champions at every level of government.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Jane Fonda Climate PAC.

[  ] Donate $5 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $5,000 →

[✓] Other amount $4.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.28 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Jane Fonda Climate PAC (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, April 11th, 2024, in order to "share how [I] plan to contribute to a sustainable future," because "Earth Month is more than just 30 days on the calendar to [Jane Fonda and] me."


Finally, these last two political donations weren't due to communications that I received from the following organizations, but because I have donated to these organizations in previous election cycles!

The ninth organization to which I donated was EMILYs List based upon a popup that appeared on the website, which stated the following:

Donate to EMILYs List

Very simply, we work to elect Democratic pro-choice women to office. And we cannot do it without supporters like you.

Please donate today and help elect more women leaders like Kamala Harris, Tammy Baldwin, and Elizabeth Warren.

[  ] $25
[  ] $50
[  ] $250
[  ] $500
[  ] $1000
[  ] $2500
[  ] $4000

And, after I read the popup above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Donate to EMILYs List

Very simply, we work to elect Democratic pro-choice women to office. And we cannot do it without supporters like you.

Please donate today and help elect more women leaders like Kamala Harris, Tammy Baldwin, and Elizabeth Warren.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit EMILYs List.

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[  ] Donate $2,500 →

[  ] Donate $4,000 →

[✓] Other amount $4.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.28 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to EMILYs List (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, April 11th, 2024, in order to help "elect Democratic pro-choice women to office."


The tenth organization to which I donated was VoteVets based upon a description that appeared on the website, which stated the following:

Elevating Voices of Veterans

VoteVets elevates the voices of Veterans and military families through progressive legislative policies and electoral endorsements that impact the lives of active service members, Veterans, and the country.

And, after I read the description above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Contribute to VoteVets to help us elevate the voices of veterans

This election, there are a number of very powerful forces campaigning to privatize veterans' health care, including the Koch Brothers are funding a MASSIVE astroturf veterans organization backing them up.

This is what we're up against. And as the largest progressive veterans organization we're ready for the challenge. Your contribution at any amount is very important.

Donate Immediately:

Your contribution will benefit VoteVets PAC.

[  ] Donate $10 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $4.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.28 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to VoteVets (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, April 11th, 2024, because "VoteVets elevates the voices of Veterans and military families through progressive legislative policies and electoral endorsements that impact the lives of active service members, Veterans, and the country."

Thus, these six organizations—the DASS, the DAGA, the DLCC, the DGA, the DNC, as well as the DSCC—in addition to these two campaigns—Biden Victory Fund, as well as Biden for President—plus, these three Political Action Committees (PACs)—Jane Fonda Climate PAC name, EMILYs List, as well as VoteVets—are the political organizations, the political campaigns, and the PACs that I donated to on April 11th, 2024! –Paul Whiting (written April 12th, 2024, revised April 13th, 2024, revised April 16th, 2024, revised May 13th, 2024, revised May 14th, 2024, revised June 17th, 2024 and revised June 28th, 2024)


April 16th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses April 15th, 2024: I have combined every political campaign, or political organization, donation request per day (made via email or text message) into one 'update' for each day that I donate, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign donations, or political organization donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual campaign political donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

(By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political donation requests, which is why I don't include them with these email or text message requests.)

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per local political campaign here in Oregon (more on that below), or $4.00 per political organization, for the rest of the election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

Besides that, as of March 21st, 2024, I am no longer donating to individual political campaigns for the foreseeable future (with the exception of local campaigns here in Oregon), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis (please see my 'March 21st, 2024 Update No. 2,' which can be found above), as I have explained below:

...Alright, I have a big announcement to make: I am no longer donating to individual political campaigns for the foreseeable future—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis!

And I have made this decision based upon how much these individual political campaign donations are costing in my 'monthly donating budget'—even though I am only donating $3.00 with a $0.21 tip to ActBlue—since I totally changed the way that I approach how I calculate what I am spending on my credit card each month, starting in 2024! So now, I take the total amount that I have available in my monthly budget for my minimum payment on my credit card—as well as my extra payment—and I calculate how much I am reducing that amount each time that I charge on my credit card.

That way, I am very aware of the amount by which I am reducing my total available credit card payments for the month (the minimum payment and the extra payment) in order to, hopefully, pay more on my credit card than I am spending! Plus, I am also utilizing some funds from my budgeted expenses, as well as some funds from my savings, to make sure that I am paying a little more than I am spending while—at the same time—I am also trying to spend less on my credit card.

Therefore, at the start of 2024, I calculated that I could still make ONE $3.00 donation per political campaign for the entire election cycle. And that means after I have made that one donation per campaign—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I have only donated once per campaign, which is what I have been doing so far!

However, it's still more than I can afford given my 'monthly donating budget,' which is why I have decided to stop donating to individual political campaigns entirely—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And so, I will still be making some donations to individual political campaigns (such as to Joe Biden's campaign for President of the United States, or to local campaigns here in Oregon), but I am not donating like I have been up until this point—which has been virtually every time that I have received a political campaign donation request via email or text message—because I seriously cannot afford to donate that much for the rest of the 2024 Presidential Election cycle, as well as for the foreseeable future.

In addition to that, I used to donate "$5.00 per political organization"; however, I have decided to adjust that amount, so that I can donate to more political organizations and PACs (Political Action Committees) while I am still staying within my 'monthly donating budget.'

Thus, as I partially explained above, for the rest of the 2024 election cycle—as well as for the foreseeable future—I have made a goal of donating $3.00 per local campaign only here in Oregon (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.21), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, and a goal of donating $4.00 per political organization for donation requests via email or text message (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.28), as well as a goal of donating $5.00 per political organization, or per PAC, for donation requests via the regular mail (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.35) for the entire election cycle!

To sum it up, then: I am essentially keeping the same total individual campaign donation amount of $3.21, but I am only donating to local campaigns here in Oregon, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; and I am reducing the total donation amount for political organizations and PACs for email and text message donation requests to $4.28 (from $5.35); plus, I am reducing the total donation amount for political organizations and PACs for regular mail donation requests to $5.35 (from $7.51).

And to clarify one more thing: In the past, I used to only donate to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations—rather than to individual campaigns—since that's all I really could afford given my 'monthly spending budget,' because I am "low income." Plus, those Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations help all of the individual political campaigns with funding, which is why I used to only donate to those main organizations! And I only started donating to individual political campaigns in 2022, since I was "doing everything in my power to help Democrats win in the 2022 Midterm Elections!" Therefore, this decision to stop donating to individual political campaigns (with the exception of presidential campaigns and local campaigns, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis) is really just going back to the way that I used to make political donations.

So, without further ado...

The only political communication to which I responded today, April 16th, 2024, was a text message that I received yesterday, April 15th, 2024 from the Voters of Tomorrow PAC (VOT PAC), which stated the following:

Paul, it’s [name redacted], VOT PAC’s 16-year-old [title redacted]. The last time a Republican president won both the popular vote AND the electoral college, I wasn’t even born yet.

Time after time, a majority of voters reject Republicans’ unpopular policies… Yet Republicans still come into power through the electoral college.

The truth is that turning out more voters isn’t enough for Democrats to win. It’s not just HOW many voters we turn out, but WHERE we turn them out.

In 2016, Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million but lost the electoral college by less than 100,000 votes… in key swing states. In 2020, Trump lost because of an 80,000 vote margin – where? You guessed: in key swing states.

So VOT PAC is working in overdrive to register and turn out NEW Gen Z voters in those exact key states, like Georgia and Texas.

But we can’t do it without adults like you donating to our efforts to hire campus organizers in battleground states across America.

So please, will you invest in our democracy and my generation, and pitch in $27 before midnight to fund VOT PAC’s turnout efforts in swing states? >>***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Donate to Voters of Tomorrow PAC!

Help us turn out Gen Z in DROVES and defeat MAGA Republicans!

With your contribution, Voters of Tomorrow PAC will be able to tum out Gen Z against Republicans all across the country.

Can you pitch in below to fund our efforts? >>>>

Donate immediately.

Your contribution will benefit Voters of Tomorrow PAC.

[  ] Donate $15 →

[  ] Donate $27 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $4.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.28 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Voters of Tomorrow PAC (VOT PAC) (with a tip to ActBlue) today, April 16th, 2024, because "VOT PAC is working in overdrive to register and turn out NEW Gen Z voters in...key [swing] states, like Georgia and Texas," since "it’s not just HOW many voters we turn out, but WHERE we turn them out."

Thus, this one Political Action Committee—Voters of Tomorrow PAC (VOT PAC)—is the PAC that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (April 16th, 2024)


April 18th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses April 16th, 2024, As Well As April 9th, 2024 Through April 15th, 2024: This 'update' that I am writing today, April 18th, 2024, is only from my news searches on Google, which I do as often as I can manage.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, I am now simply checking the news via Google searches as often as I can manage to do so. And, I usually check what's happening in the world via various Google searches that I do under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Google news searches.

Plus, I have just been reading the titles of The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles that I receive from their daily emails. Then, I will occasionally read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those emails. That is why I recently signed up to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe in order for me to stay informed about what's happening in the world.

And I was formerly writing separate 'updates' for each of the news articles that I read from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles; however, after I restarted writing these news 'updates' from my news searches on Google, I also decided to restart writing the 'updates' from the above-mentioned news organizations to which I subscribe, but as a combined 'update.' (Although, highlighted articles from the above-mentioned news organizations that send me email newsletters, as well as highlighted articles from my news searches on Google, I will sometimes write together is a super-combined 'update.')

So, without further ado, I was doing my occasional news searches on Google for today, April 18th, 2024, as well as two days ago, April 16th, 2024, in addition to the "approximate" time period of April 9th, 2024 through April 15th, 2024, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations! (When I say 'approximate' time period, I am referring to the Google news searches that I did on April 16th, 2024, where I selected the "Past Week" filter on Google, which I am assuming represents the period of April 9th, 2024 through April 15th, 2024.)

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the articles; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink; however, I think that all of those hyperlinks to current news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these current news 'updates' by first providing the original Google search category through which I found each article, as listed above, like I usually do. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.]

Then, I am providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the publisher's name and the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too! (I hope that makes sense.)


April 9th, 2024 through April 15th, 2024 "Past Week" search:

01. NBC News

American farmers sending aid to rebuild Ukraine's farming industry amid war

As the war with Russia hits Ukraine's land and crushes the farming industry, farmer and philanthropist Howard Buffett is traveling the U.S. to try and get American farmers to support Ukraine.

April 9, 2024

By the way, the 'article' above is actually a video, which is why I didn't include the author(s) name(s).


April 9th, 2024 through April 15th, 2024 "Past Week" search:

02. CBS News

CBS News poll: Rising numbers of Americans say Biden should encourage Israel to stop Gaza actions

By Anthony Salvanto, Fred Backus, Jennifer De Pinto and Kabir Khanna | Updated on: April 14, 2024


April 9th, 2024 through April 15th, 2024 "Past Week" search:

03. CBS News

Is the U.S. in a "vibecession"? Here's why Americans are gloomy even as the economy improves.

By Aimee Picchi, Edited By Anne Marie Lee | April 9, 2024


April 9th, 2024 through April 15th, 2024 "Past Week" search:

04. AP News

How immigrant workers in US have helped boost job growth and stave off a recession

By Paul Wiseman, Gisela Salomon and Christopher Rugaber | Updated 7:12 AM PDT, April 12, 2024


April 18th, 2024 search:

05. CBS News

Democrats who investigated Trump say they expect to face arrest, retaliation if he wins presidency

By Scott MacFarlane | Updated on: April 17, 2024 / 9:00 AM EDT


April 9th, 2024 through April 15th, 2024 "Past Week" search:

06. USA Today
(I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

Joe Biden catching up to Donald Trump in 2024, poll finds

By Ken Tran | April 13, 2024


April 9th, 2024 through April 15th, 2024 "Past Week" search:

07. USA Today
(I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

Bidens earned $620,000 in 2023, paid 23.7% in federal income taxes (President Biden earned $620,000 in 2023 and paid 23.7% in federal income taxes, returns show)

By Joey Garrison | April 15, 2024


April 18th, 2024 search:

08. USA Today
(I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

Donald Trump's campaign funnels cash to Mar-a-Lago, other businesses (Trump is funneling campaign money into cash-strapped businesses. Experts say it looks bad.)

By Zac Anderson and Erin Mansfield | April 18, 2024


April 9th, 2024 through April 15th, 2024 "Past Week" search:

09. CNN

Bidens release tax return that shows they made almost $620,000 in 2023

By Michael Williams | Updated 6:15 PM EDT, Mon April 15, 2024


April 9th, 2024 through April 15th, 2024 "Past Week" search:

10. NBC News

Biden and his wife report $620,000 income on 2023 tax returns

Biden released the data on the day U.S. taxes for last year are due.

By Reuters | April 15, 2024


April 9th, 2024 through April 15th, 2024 "Past Week" search:

11. AP News

Tax Day shows stark divide between Biden and Trump

By Josh Boak and Jill Colvin | Updated 2:30 PM PDT, April 15, 2024


April 16th, 2024 search:

12. Newsweek

Joe Biden Now Leads Donald Trump in Ten Polls

By Kate Plummer | Apr 15, 2024


April 9th, 2024 through April 15th, 2024 "Past Week" search:

13. Newsweek

Joe Biden Gets Good News From America's Most Accurate Pollster

By Thomas Kika | Apr 13, 2024


April 9th, 2024 through April 15th, 2024 "Past Week" search:

14. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris release their latest tax filings

Predecessor Donald Trump declined to disclose such records.

By Fritz Farrow | April 15, 2024


April 9th, 2024 through April 15th, 2024 "Past Week" search:

15. Newsweek

Donald Trump is Falling Behind Joe Biden in Battleground State Campaigning

By Daniel Bush | Apr 15, 2024


April 16th, 2024 search:

16. Newsweek

Joe Biden Is Delivering on His Green Promises | Opinion

By Michelle Deatrick | Apr 16, 2024


April 9th, 2024 through April 15th, 2024 "Past Week" search:

17. AP News

Democrats pounce on Arizona Supreme Court's abortion ruling (Democrats pounce on Arizona abortion ruling and say it could help them in November’s election)

By Jonathan J. Cooper | Updated 3:59 PM PDT, April 9, 2024


April 9th, 2024 through April 15th, 2024 "Past Week" search:

18. NBC News

Democrats see recent abortion rulings as an opening to galvanize Latino voters

Recent state Supreme Court rulings in Arizona and Florida affect large numbers of Latino voters. Democrats are hoping to mobilize them in November.

By Alexandra Marquez | April 13, 2024


April 9th, 2024 through April 15th, 2024 "Past Week" search:

19. The New York Times
(I am a subscriber to The New York Times 'Basic Access' Digital Subscription.)

Democrats Hammer a Simple Attack on Abortion: Donald Trump Did This

The party is unifying around a blunt message that Vice President Kamala Harris pushed for privately ahead of her Friday trip to Arizona, where Democrats hope to keep Republicans reeling.

By Lisa Lerer, Reid J. Epstein and Nicholas Nehamas | April 11, 2024


April 18th, 2024 search:

20. NBC News

Democrats begin to outpace Republicans in fundraising for key House races

Republicans are publicly dismissing concerns about fundraising, saying their House candidates can remain competitive with Democrats.

By Ben Kamisar, Bridget Bowman and Joe Murphy | April 18, 2024


April 9th, 2024 through April 15th, 2024 "Past Week" search:

21. Politico

Trump intensifies his grip on congressional GOP agenda

From government surveillance to abortion to Ukraine, the former president is enjoying unparalleled sway over Hill Republicans’ policymaking.

By Burgess Everett 04/11/2024


April 9th, 2024 through April 15th, 2024 "Past Week" search:

22. USA Today
(I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

House Republicans in chaos after Trump weighs in, conservatives rebel (Spurred by Donald Trump, House Republicans descend into chaos after right-wing lawmakers derail vote)

By Ken Tran and Riley Beggin | April 11th, 2024


April 9th, 2024 through April 15th, 2024 "Past Week" search:

23. NPR (National Public Radio)

Trump, Johnson want to halt noncitizen voting. It's already illegal

By Miles Parks | APRIL 12, 2024


April 9th, 2024 through April 15th, 2024 "Past Week" search:

24. NBC News

House votes to renew FISA spying tool after earlier Republican revolt

Prior to passage, the House failed to adopt a bipartisan amendment to curtail warrantless surveillance inside the U.S. Section 702 of the law expires on April 19 unless it's renewed.

By Scott Wong, Sahil Kapur and Rebecca Kaplan | April 12, 2024


April 9th, 2024 through April 15th, 2024 "Past Week" search:

25. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos

House passes FISA reauthorization bill after previous GOP setback

The House narrowly failed to adopt a warrant amendment to the FISA bill.

By Lauren Peller | April 12, 2024


April 9th, 2024 through April 15th, 2024 "Past Week" search:

26. CBS News

House approves bill renewing FISA spy program after GOP upheaval threatened passage

[No author(s) name(s) indicated] | Updated on: April 12, 2024 / 3:55 PM EDT / CBS/AP


April 16th, 2024 search:

27. The Guardian

Republican senator Tom Cotton calls for vigilantism to break up Gaza protests

Outcry as Cotton says those inconvenienced by protesters blocking roads and airports should ‘take matters into own hands’

By Erum Salam | 16 Apr 2024


April 16th, 2024 search:

28. MSNBC News

How Senate Republicans killed the child tax credit and made Tax Day 2024 worse for families (Senate Republicans’ breathtaking cruelty is hidden in your tax returns)

Millions of children would have benefitted from an expanded tax credit, but GOP senators had other ideas.

By James Downie | April 15, 2024


April 18th, 2024 search:

29. NBC News

Trump operation asks Republicans who use him for fundraising to share the haul

A memo from Trump's campaign managers asks anyone using his name, image or likeness to raise money to donate at least 5% of the proceeds to his fundraising committee.

By Alexandra Marquez | April 17, 2024


April 18th, 2024 search:

30. USA Today
(I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

GOP is Trump's party. Now he's making Republicans pay to use his name (Trump demands 5% cut from GOP candidates who use his 'name, image and likeness' in ads)

By David Jackson | April 17, 2024


April 18th, 2024 search:

31. Politico

Trump campaign asks for cut of candidates' fundraising when they use his name and likeness

The campaign sent the letter as the former president is struggling to close a fundraising gap with Biden.

By Alex Isenstadt | 04/17/2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (April 18th, 2024)


April 19th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses April 10th, 2024 Through April 12th, 2024: This 'update' that I am writing today, April 19th, 2024, is from my occasional reading of The New York Times articles, USA Today articles and Time Magazine articles that I received via email for the time period of April 10th, 2024 through April 12th, 2024.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

So, because I have been so busy lately with "Online Activism," and also with the editing of my five blogs, I have just been reading the titles of The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles that I receive from their daily emails. Then, I will occasionally read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those emails that I highlight in these 'updates.'

That is why I recently signed up to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe in order for me to stay informed about what's happening in the world. And I was formerly writing separate 'updates' for each of the news articles that I read from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles; however, after I restarted writing separate news 'updates' from my news searches on Google, I also decided to restart writing these 'updates' from the above-mentioned news organizations to which I subscribe as a combined 'update.'

Thus, I am checking the news through Google searches again, like used to do, as often as I can manage it. You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, I am now simply checking the news via Google searches as often as I can manage to do so. And highlighted articles from those Google news searches are provided through their own 'updates.' (Although, highlighted articles from the above-mentioned news organizations that send me email newsletters, as well as highlighted articles from my news searches on Google, I will sometimes write together is a super-combined 'update.')

And I used to provide longer introductions to these New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which included the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article in addition to a hyperlink; however, I think that all of those hyperlinks to news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these news 'updates' by providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too! (I hope that makes sense.)

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of the titles to The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles—including any article overviews contained within the emails—that I received for the time period of April 10th, 2024 through April 12th, 2024, when I noticed the following, and articles!


These are The New York Times articles which I received for the time period of April 10th, 2024 through April 12th, 2024: (I am a subscriber to The New York Times 'Basic Access' Digital Subscription.)

The following are The New York Times articles that I read today, April 19th, 2024, from an email that I received nine days ago on April 10th, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 10th, 2024 'The Morning' email introduction to The New York Times articles below:

A new majority

No American president has done as much to restrict abortion as Donald Trump. When he was running in 2016, he promised to appoint Supreme Court justices who would overturn Roe v. Wade, and his three nominees helped do precisely that in the 2022 Dobbs decision. Twenty-one states have since enacted tight restrictions. Yesterday, Arizona’s highest court reinstated an 1864 law[1] that bans nearly all abortions.

These laws have proven to be unpopular. When abortion access has appeared on the ballot since 2022, it has consistently won, even in red states like Kansas, Kentucky and Montana. A Wall Street Journal poll last month found that abortion stood out from immigration, inflation and foreign wars as the only major issue on which most voters trusted President Biden more than Trump.

All of this helps explains why Trump has tried to reduce his vulnerability on the issue — and why the Biden campaign is already running advertisements about abortion. “Donald Trump did this,”[2] reads the onscreen text at the end of an ad released this week. It focuses on a Texas woman who nearly died during a miscarriage after a hospital refused to treat her.

Trump released his own video this week, meant to serve as his defining statement on the issue. He said that states should be free to set their own laws, which is the post-Dobbs status quo. In so doing, he tried to distance himself from his past support for a federal ban.

This back-and-forth will be a theme of the 2024 campaign. Democrats will try to focus voters on abortion, while many Republicans will try to shift attention elsewhere. Today’s newsletter offers four key points to help you make sense of the debate.

The four points

1. The politics of abortion have changed.

Before Dobbs, polls suggested that the issue didn’t offer a big political advantage to either party. Most voters favored both significant access to abortion and significant restrictions, which put them to the left of Republican politicians and to the right of Democratic politicians.

But Dobbs — and the reality of statewide bans, as opposed to the mere prospect of them — altered public opinion. Gallup’s polls suggest that almost 10 percent of Americans on net switched from an anti-abortion position to a position favoring abortion access:

[Image of a graph titled, "Americans' attitude on abortion" from opinion polls taken for the period of time of the 1980s to the 2020s. The results of the polls' question "Do you think abortions should be: 1) Legal under any circumstances, 2) Legal only under certain circumstances, 3) No opinion, or 4) Illegal in all circumstances" are depicted by their respective responses. Source: Gallup | By The New York Times]

2. Democrats still have a challenge: salience.

In the 2022 midterms, several high-profile Democratic candidates highlighted their Republican opponents’ role in restricting abortion access. Stacey Abrams in Georgia and Beto O’Rourke in Texas were among them. So was Nan Whaley, the Democratic candidate for governor in Ohio. “We think it is the issue,” Whaley said.

It wasn’t. These candidates all lost by substantial margins. Nationwide, not a single Republican governor or senator has lost a re-election bid since the Dobbs decision. In House elections, the decision may have played a decisive role in a small number of races.

How could this be? In today’s polarized atmosphere, most voters have already made up their minds. “There’s no one issue in this day and age that can be a silver bullet,” Danielle Deiseroth, executive director of Data for Progress, a left-leaning research firm, told me.

If anything, Democrats may have a harder time focusing attention on abortion in a presidential election, when a larger portion of the electorate doesn’t follow politics closely and prioritizes pocketbook issues. Some of these voters are Black and Hispanic working-class Americans who tend to care less about abortion policy than white voters, Rachel Cohen of Vox has written.

3. Trump’s has his own problem: suburban swing voters.

Democrats who tried to run on abortion in the 2022 midterms were trying to oust incumbent Republicans. Biden has an easier job this year: He’s trying to reassemble a winning coalition.

His 2020 coalition included many college graduates — and women — in metropolitan areas like Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta and Phoenix, who allowed him to win swing states. Abortion access is popular with these voters, Deiseroth notes, especially when framed in terms of freedom and government overreach.

A recent poll found that only about one in four independents blame Trump for recent abortion bans. Biden hopes to increase that share — and win back people who voted for him four years ago.

4. Trump hopes voters ignore the past.

Trump’s latest position on the issue is a middle ground for Republicans, in favor of Dobbs but implicitly against a new federal law restricting abortion. This stance is meant to suggest that voting for him won’t lead to new laws forbidding abortion. That may be true (if he were to veto a Republican-passed federal ban, which he didn’t promise in his video). Yet it also ignores some important facts.

As president again, Trump could appoint dozens more federal judges who would interpret existing laws to reduce access. And Trump is effectively asking voters to ignore his first-term record. He remains arguably the most important opponent of abortion access in American history.

For more

Trump’s abortion stance is designed to look moderate, Times Opinion’s Jamelle Bouie writes.[3] ...

[1] Arizona Reinstates 160-Year-Old Abortion Ban

The state’s highest court said the law, moribund for decades under Roe v. Wade, was now enforceable, but it put its decision on hold for a lower court to hear other challenges to the law.

By Jack Healy and Kellen Browning | April 9, 2024


[2] YouTube video titled "Willow's Box | Biden-Harris 2024," dated April 8th, 2024, from the Joe Biden official YouTube channel.


[3] The Man Who Snuffed Out Abortion Rights Is Here to Tell You He Is a Moderate

By Jamelle Bouie | April 9, 2024

The following is The New York Times article that I read today, April 19th, 2024, from an email that I received eight days ago on April 11th, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 11th, 2024 'The Evening' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

More top news

Guns: The Biden administration approved the broadest expansion of background checks in decades in an attempt to regulate a fast-growing shadow market of weapons. ...

Biden Administration Approves Expansion of Background Checks on Gun Sales

The new rule, which is likely to face legal challenges, is an attempt to regulate a fast-growing shadow market of weapons that has fueled gun violence.

By Glenn Thrush and Erica L. Green | April 11, 2024

The following are The New York Times articles that I read today, April 19th, 2024, from emails that I received seven days ago on April 12th, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 12th, 2024 'The Morning' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

‘More and more aligned’

The Houthis, the Iran-backed militia that controls much of Yemen, have disrupted the global economy by firing on commercial ships traveling through the Red Sea. But the Houthis have made some exceptions: Ships from China and Russia are allowed to pass without being attacked.

This policy, formalized with a diplomatic agreement last month, is the latest sign that the world has entered a new period of great power politics. On one side is the largely democratic alliance — including the United States, Japan, South Korea and Western Europe — that has dominated global affairs since the demise of the Soviet Union. On the other side are China, Russia, Iran and North Korea as well as Iran-backed groups like the Houthis.

These authoritarian powers “are more and more aligned,” Jens Stoltenberg, the head of NATO, the Western alliance, told the BBC this week. “They support each other more and more, in very practical ways.”

In today’s newsletter, I’ll explain how the emerging alliance is shaping the world and why experts are anxious about the future.

Money, weapons and propaganda

Over the past decade, the emerging anti-democratic alliance has become bolder and more coordinated. Among the examples:

• In the Ukraine war, China, Iran and North Korea have supplied crucial help to Russia. Iran and North Korea have sent weapons. And China has allowed Russia’s economy to overcome tough sanctions, as my colleague Ana Swanson has detailed. This economic aid offers military benefits, too: China is helping Russia rebuild its military-industrial base after two years of war.

• China and Russia also act as military allies beyond Ukraine. “China and Russia are pursuing the joint development of helicopters, conventional attack submarines, missiles and missile-launch early warning systems,” Hal Brands of the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies recently wrote in Foreign Affairs.

• Iran and North Korea resumed their collaboration on missile technology during the Trump administration, according to the U.N. North Korea already has nuclear weapons, and Iran seems to want them.

• During the war in Gaza, Chinese and Russian groups have filled social media with posts supporting Hamas (which, like the Houthis, relies on Iranian support). Many include antisemitic tropes, such as Jewish control of the U.S. “The reason why China chose this moment to take a decisively anti-Israel position is because China regards Israel as a close ally of the West,” Miles Yu of the Hudson Institute told Congress.

The Houthis have praised Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as a global turning point. Ali al-Qahoum, a Houthi leader, said that the invasion had weakened “unipolarity” — a reference to American power — and promoted “multipolarity.”

Very different values

Al-Qahoum’s line underscores the larger goal of the China-led alliance. Above all, it wants to reduce American influence and allow regional powers to assert their will. China might then be able to take over Taiwan. Russia could again dominate parts of Eastern Europe. Iran could contest Saudi Arabia, a U.S. ally, for sway over the Middle East. (These Times maps, by Alissa Rubin and Lazaro Gamio, explain Iran’s ambitions.)

The countries in the anti-U.S. alliance, Brands wrote, aim “to reorder their regions and, thereby, reorder the world.” As Fumio Kishida, Japan’s prime minister, told Congress yesterday during a visit to Washington, “The international order that the U.S. worked for generations to build is facing new challenges, challenges from those with values and principles very different from ours.”

These other countries obviously have their differences: Iran, for instance, is an Islamic theocracy, while China and Russia have oppressed their own Muslim populations. But the countries nonetheless have overlapping worldviews.

All have authoritarian governments. All have patriarchal societies, with few women in senior roles. All restrict L.G.B.T. rights. None permit a free press. All imprison people, or worse, for criticizing the regime. The countries celebrate their hostility to liberal democracy and want to forge a world with less of it.

What’s next?

One possibility is that the world is entering a new cold war, with two broad alliances competing for power. Sometimes, this competition may lead to actual wars, in which the two alliances support opposite sides — but both take steps to avoid escalation. That describes the situation in Ukraine.

Another possibility is even more alarming: a global war. Noah Smith, writing in his Substack newsletter this week, argued that the chances of such an outcome were higher than many Americans recognized. This war could start either with a major event, such as a Chinese invasion of Taiwan, or almost accidentally.

Imagine if the Houthis killed many Americans in a Red Sea attack or a Russian missile somehow did so in Europe. Experts are especially worried about China’s harassment of Philippine ships in the South China Sea. In a White House meeting yesterday, President Biden discussed the threat with the leaders of the Philippines and Japan.

One problem, as Jim Sciutto of CNN pointed out in his new book, “The Return of Great Powers,” is that the guardrails that helped prevent a past world war seem weaker today. China and the U.S. don’t always communicate as well as Soviet and American officials once did, and proxy forces like the Houthis don’t always heed their sponsors.

The past several decades have included many agonizing problems around the world. Overall, though, it has been a remarkably peaceful period. Global deaths from armed conflicts have fallen to near their lowest levels in six centuries, and global poverty has plummeted. The future looks more frightening. ...

The New Great-Power Politics

How an emerging alliance is shaping the world.

By David Leonhardt | April 12, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 12th, 2024 'The Evening' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

More top news

• Economics: A wave of rapid immigration is taxing local resources around the U.S. and drawing political anger. But it might leave the economy better off. ...

Immigrants in Maine Are Filling a Labor Gap. It May Be a Prelude for the U.S.

A wave of rapid immigration is taxing local resources around the country and drawing political ire. But it might leave America’s economy better off.

By Jeanna Smialek | April 12, 2024

And the article below is from the above-mentioned April 12th, 2024 'On Politics' email:

Trump, at Fund-Raiser, Says He Wants Immigrants From ‘Nice’ Countries

At rallies, Donald Trump frequently laments migrants from a list of countries from Africa, Asia and the Middle East as he stokes fears around the surge at the border.

By Maggie Haberman and Michael Gold | April 7, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 12th, 2024 'On Politics' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

Governing the ungovernable

By Jess Bidgood

When members of Congress return to Washington from their home districts, they often trudge to Capitol Hill for a tally known as a “bed check,” a low-stakes vote series that is mostly aimed at taking attendance.

On Tuesday night, even though Republicans ostensibly control the House, more Democrats were actually present in the chamber for both of those votes — making the exercise a temporary reminder of just how painful this moment is for Speaker Mike Johnson.

The majority led by Johnson, a Louisiana Republican, keeps shrinking. Restive members of the far-right Freedom Caucus frequently derail his plans. And he is on a collision course with former President Donald Trump and a broader swath of the Republican rank and file over issues like aid to Ukraine, while Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene dangles a threat to oust him.

“The Lord Jesus himself could not manage this conference,” Representative Troy Nehls of Texas, a Republican, said on CNN this week. “You just can’t do it.”

Amid the tumult, Johnson appeared at Mar-a-Lago on Friday in an apparent effort to shore up his support from the former president. The hope, it seemed, was that the two could see past their differences if they united around something that fires up the Republican base: stoking unfounded distrust in the election.

During the joint appearance, Johnson said he would introduce a bill that would “require proof of citizenship to vote” and baselessly claimed that undocumented voters could tip American elections, even though voting by people who are not citizens is exceedingly rare. And he got what he had most likely come for: a full-throated endorsement from the former president.

“I stand with the speaker,” Trump said.

I spoke with my colleague Catie Edmondson, who covers Congress for the The New York Times, about Johnson’s delicate dance with Trump as the speaker faces his most precarious moment yet in a tenuous term.

JB: Let’s start with a simple question. What is the fundamental problem facing Johnson as speaker?

CE: The ouster of former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy in October showed that, regardless of who is the leader of the Republican conference, it is an unwieldy group of people that is, in some ways, ungovernable.

It’s not a functioning majority. There are members of the Freedom Caucus preventing Johnson from even bringing legislation to the floor for a vote, which is what we saw Wednesday as he attempted to extend a key surveillance tool. Greene is using the threat of ouster to torment him. It’s a world of hurt for him right now.

JB: Johnson cut a deal to reauthorize that surveillance law this morning. He says he is looking for a way to advance Ukraine aid after refusing to put the issue to a vote. He has also kept government open with the help of Democrats. These are all the kinds of things he generally would have voted against as a rank-and-file member, as you’ve observed. How has being the speaker shifted his priorities?

CE: Johnson has described the experience of receiving classified briefings about intelligence and volatile situations abroad as sobering. He’s no longer solely responsible for representing his very conservative district. He is second in line to the presidency. He has to make sure government functions in a smooth fashion. He’s also responsible for protecting frontline Republicans in politically vulnerable districts. I think all of that has changed his worldview on some of these big decisions.

JB: How much sway does Trump hold over Johnson, and the House Republican conference writ large? What is the dance that Johnson has to do with Trump right now?

CE: Trump’s real power on the Hill, with House Republicans, has always been destructive in nature. He’s someone who blocks things from happening rather than someone who builds consensus. So far, Johnson hasn’t really brought up anything that Trump really cares about. But any vote on Ukraine aid will be a major test of this dynamic.

Many of Johnson’s members, particularly in the Freedom Caucus, are averse to voting for anything that can be signed into law by a Democratic president, so Johnson knows he will have to rely on Democrats to pass basic governance measures. At the same time, he has to make sure he’s right with the base, right with the Freedom Caucus and, of course, right with Trump.

JB: Is Johnson’s speakership really hanging in the balance?

CE: Every vote that the Freedom Caucus feels like they’ve been betrayed on just ratchets up the anger and the frustration a little bit more. I don’t anticipate this getting better for him.

If Greene calls a motion to vacate, the question becomes what Democrats will choose to do. We’ve seen a lot of Democrats openly weigh the idea of saving him if he puts a Ukraine package on the floor for a vote. But if he survives for that reason, it would cut the legs out from under him. He would be viewed as the speaker only because the opposition party decided to save him.

JB: Is there any sign that voters care about Congress being so dysfunctional?

CE: I would assume Republicans in swing districts have a lot of agitation over the fact that chaos dominates the headlines every day, and it’s laid at the feet of their party.

But if you talk to Democratic strategists about what their message is, I think it’s going to rely less on Republican chaos, and it will be more about Republican extremism, especially on abortion. ...

Governing the Ungovernable

House Speaker Mike Johnson has problems in Washington. Trump can help, and hurt.

By Jess Bidgood | April 12, 2024

And the article below is from the above-mentioned April 12th, 2024 'On Politics' email:

Trump, at Fund-Raiser, Says He Wants Immigrants From ‘Nice’ Countries

At rallies, Donald Trump frequently laments migrants from a list of countries from Africa, Asia and the Middle East as he stokes fears around the surge at the border.

By Maggie Haberman and Michael Gold | April 7, 2024


These are the USA Today articles which I received for the time period of April 10th, 2024 through April 12th, 2024: (I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

The following are the USA Today articles that I read today, April 19th, 2024, from an emails that I received nine days ago on April 10th, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 10th, 2024 'The Daily Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

Abortion in Arizona set to be illegal in nearly all circumstances

Vice President Kamala Harris will travel to Tucson later this week after the Arizona Supreme Court announced it will uphold an 1864 law that bans nearly all abortions and mandates prison time for abortion providers.

The law, enacted even before Arizona became a U.S. state, can only be prospectively enforced and the court stayed enforcement for 14 days, according to the court's ruling.

• Wait — a 1864 law supersedes a 2022 law? The court's majority ruled that a law passed in 2022, which prohibited abortions after 15 weeks, did not repeal the pre-statehood law nor create a right to abortion.

• The state Supreme Court's ruling puts a stark choice before voters: Choose the new reproductive rights measure or watch abortion policy turn back to the 19th century. One immediate effect of the ruling could be more support for a potential ballot measure in the works for this year.

• The Biden administration is blaming Trump for this: Arizona's ruling came a day after GOP frontrunner Donald Trump said individual states should be able to choose their own abortion restrictions. ...

Vice President Kamala Harris will return to Arizona as access to abortion in the state unravels

By Laura Gersony | April 9, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 10th, 2024 'The Daily Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today articles below:

More news to know now

• President Joe Biden and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida will showcase a strong and growing partnership during a White House state visit on Wednesday.[1]

• Norfolk Southern and victims reached a $600 million settlement for the 2023 East Palestine train derailment.[2] ...

[1] White House state dinners put America on display. They're crucial for US diplomacy.

These dinners, where the president and first lady honor a visiting head of state and their spouse, are more than living expressions of goodwill and hospitality.

By Stewart D. McLaurin | April 10, 2024


[2] Norfolk Southern, victims reach $600M settlement for 2023 East Palestine train derailment

By Benjamin Duer | April 9, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 10th, 2024 'On Politics' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

Hello OnPolitics readers! Arizona's Supreme Court on Tuesday upheld a near total abortion ban from 1864 – before Arizona became a state – and the backlash from both sides of the aisle was swift.

President Joe Biden's reelection campaign and administration are holding "one person responsible," which is former President Donald Trump, USA TODAY's Joey Garrison reports.

Trump has for months delivered mixed messages on abortion. Just a day before the Arizona Court issued their ruling, the former president and presumptive GOP nominee said he was in favor of states deciding on their own restrictions.

Going back to Roe v. Wade: Trump on Monday also boasted about his part in overturning Roe v. Wade , the landmark 1973 Supreme Court ruling that provided the constitutional right to an abortion – something the Biden campaign and Democrats are equally eager to remind voters about. ...

Arizona Supreme Court revives 1864 abortion ban. What to know about the ruling

By Shelby Slade, Ray Stern, Jimmy Jenkins, Mary Jo Pitzl, Stephanie Innes and Sasha Hupka | April 10, 2024

The following are the USA Today articles that I read today, April 19th, 2024, from an email that I received eight days ago on April 11th, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 11th, 2024 'The Daily Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

More news to know now

• Column: "Baby Olivia" is how Republicans are lying to kids about abortion. ...

Have you heard about 'Baby Olivia'? It's how Republicans are lying to kids about abortion.

Medical experts say the video's timeline is about 2 weeks earlier than what doctors agree on. But these concerns haven't stopped legislators from trying to show it in health classes across the country

By Sara Pequeño | April 7, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 11th, 2024 'The Daily Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

Greenhouse gases are rocketing to record levels

The cause of global warming shows no sign of slowing down: Levels of the three most significant human-caused greenhouse gases – carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide – continued their steady climb last year, federal scientists report. Research by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says because of the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas, those three greenhouse gases in our atmosphere have risen to levels not seen in at least 800,000 years. Read more ...

Greenhouse gases are rocketing to record levels – highest in at least 800,000 years

By Doyle Rice | April 10, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 11th, 2024 'The Daily Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

Trump is no longer on the Bloomberg Billionaires Index after Trump Media dipped

Donald Trump is no longer on the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, a daily ranking of the world’s 500 richest people, after Trump Media's stock dipped.


Trump no longer on Bloomberg Billionaires Index after Truth Social stock plummets

By Bailey Schulz | April 9, 2024

The following are the USA Today articles that I read today, April 19th, 2024, from emails that I received seven days ago on April 12th, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 12th, 2024 'The Daily Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today articles below:

What are Arizonans feeling after a 1864 abortion ban was upheld?

Vice President Kamala Harris will visit Arizona on Friday as people come to grips with a state Supreme Court decision to uphold an 1864 abortion ban.

The law bans abortions in all cases except when to save the life of the mother. But ambiguity over what is a life-saving abortion raises legal questions, especially for doctors.

• When does the Arizona abortion ban take effect? The court said no enforcement of the ban could take place in the 14 days after its decision, and confusion over implementation of the law will likely mean more court cases to come. Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes affirmed this week she would never prosecute an abortion case.

• Chaos erupted in the Arizona House on Wednesday[1] as Democrats attempted to repeal the ban, only to be thwarted by the Republican majority.

• Arizona's women are reeling. And planning.[2] The Arizona Republic, part of the USA TODAY Network, spoke with eight Phoenix women with a variety of viewpoints on the topic. ...

[1] Arizona abortion ban: Arizona House Republicans halt Democrats' effort to overturn 1864 law

Mary Jo Pitzl and Reagan Priest | April 11, 2024


[2] Women are reeling, planning after Arizona's Supreme Court upheld an 1864 abortion ban.

Rey Covarrubias Jr. and Kira Caspers | April 11, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 12th, 2024 'The Daily Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today articles below:

A gun-show and internet loophole no more

Under current rules, licensed dealers must perform background checks and log the make, model and serial numbers of guns sold, but hobbyists and infrequent traders don't. Justice Department officials say too many guns are being sold under the so-called gun-show loophole and internet loophole, so new rules will more clearly define who should join the 80,000 other federal firearms licensees and abide by existing law. The feds expect at least 20,000 additional gun sellers will now be required to perform the instant background checks that will stop them from selling to felons, domestic abusers and other prohibited buyers. Read more[1]

• This is not a drill: 1 in 4 teachers say guns forced their schools into lockdown last year.[2]

• There's a new weapon in the country's battle against gun violence: prosecutors.[3] ...

[1] Taking on black-market guns, Biden administration issues new rules on unlicensed dealers

By Nick Penzenstadler | April 11, 2024


[2] This is not a drill: 1 in 4 teachers say guns forced their schools into lockdown last year

By Alia Wong | April 11, 2024


[3] Parents sentenced, principal charged with failing to prevent shootings: A new strategy

Kayla Jimenez, Phaedra Trethan and Thao Nguyen |April 11, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 12th, 2024 'The Daily Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today articles below:

Arizona's abortion ban includes medication for miscarriage

Opinion: Arizona's near-total abortion ban also outlaws medicine to 'procure the miscarriage,' which is how I ended an unviable pregnancy.


Arizona's 1864 abortion law applies to miscarriages, too. That won't stand

Even if some voters might prefer Arizona’s now-ixnayed 15-week ban to a proposed constitutional amendment preserving abortion rights, almost no one is arguing to keep the draconian 1864 ban.

By Joanna Allhands | April 9, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 12th, 2024 'Evening Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

Johnson wants to tackle noncitizen voting, but it's almost nonexistent

Studies consistently find virtually no examples of noncitizens voting in federal elections, and no evidence of elections being stolen.


Speaker Mike Johnson said noncitizen voting is a 'threat.' The facts say otherwise

By Erin Mansfield | April 12, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 12th, 2024 'Evening Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

'Biggest aftershocks yet.' VP Harris blasts Trump over Arizona abortion ban

Vice President Kamala Harris, visiting Arizona, accused Donald Trump of trying "take America back to the 1800s" by dismantling reproductive rights.


'Biggest aftershocks yet.' Kamala Harris blasts Trump over Arizona's near-total abortion ban

By Joey Garrison | April 12, 2024


These are the Time Magazine articles which I received for the time period of April 10th, 2024 through April 12th, 2024: (I am a subscriber to the Time Magazine 'INSIDER Digital' Subscription.)

The following is the Time Magazine article that I read today, April 19th, 2024, from 'The Brief' email that I received nine days ago on April 10th, 2024:

What to Know About the Arizona Supreme Court Abortion Ban Ruling

By Solcyré Burga | April 9, 2024

The following is the Time Magazine article that I read today, April 19th, 2024, from 'The Brief' email that I received seven days ago on April 12th, 2024:

How Ronald Reagan Helped Abortion Take Over the Republican Agenda

By Jonathan Bartho | April 12, 2024

And I decided to highlight these articles from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

–Paul Whiting (written April 19th, 2024, revised April 20th, 2024 and revised June 21st, 2024)


April 20th, 2024 Update No. 1: I received a text message today, April 20th, 2024, from Brady: United Against Gun Violence, which stated the following:

Paul, the Columbine shooting was 25 years ago today — since then, we've seen NO action from Congress to prevent school shootings. As a mother and gun violence survivor, I refuse to stay silent. But I need you with me in this fight.

Answer our live poll before midnight: 𝗦𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗴𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗼 𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗽 𝘀𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗹 𝘀𝗵𝗼𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀?
[✓] YES >>***
[  ] NO >>***

—[Name redacted's]

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Stop School Shootings | 11:59 p.m. Deadline

Thanks for responding to our live poll. You've been selected to complete a 60-second survey on why this issue is meaningful to you. Will you answer just a few questions right now?

There have been over 400 school shootings since Columbine. How concerned are you about the growing gun violence in our schools?

[✓] Extremely concerned
[  ] Very concerned
[  ] Somewhat concerned
[  ] Not at all concerned

Deadly, military-grade assault weapons are often the weapon of choice for mass shooters including the shooters at both Covenant School in Nashville and Robb Elementary School in Uvalde.

How urgent do you think it is for Congress to ban assault weapons so we can make our schools and communities safer?

[✓] Extremely urgent-banning assault weapons is a necessary step in ending the gun violence epidemic.
[  ] Not at all urgent - I'm not concerned about weapons of war in our communities.

Last year, gun safety champions in Washington [D.C.] finally passed a package of meaningful gun violence prevention reforms. But this legislation fell short of the changes that communities need and gun violence is still on the rise.

How important is it to you that we pass more life-saving gun violence prevention legislation like an assault weapons ban and expanded background checks?

[✓] Extremely important
[  ] Very important
[  ] Somewhat important
[  ] Not at all important

Brady is fighting to stop school shootings and save lives from gun violence - and this mission has never been more important. Our teams are working directly with the Biden-Harris administration to take action on common-sense gun safety measures that will save lives.

In observance of this somber and tragic day, and all the lives lost to preventable mass shootings, we set a goal to raise $15,000 by midnight tonight. But we're still falling short with just hours left until our deadline.

Will you rush $5 to help Brady prevent gun violence and save lives?

[✓] Yes, I can give $5.
[  ] Yes, I can give $36 (this is the average online Brady donation).
[  ] Yes, and I can give monthly!

And so, I made a one-time donation to Brady: United Against Gun Violence, because "the Columbine shooting was 25 years ago today — since then, we've seen NO action from Congress to prevent school shootings." That is why answered the question "𝗦𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗴𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗼 𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗽 𝘀𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗹 𝘀𝗵𝗼𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀?" with a resounding 'YES!' –Paul Whiting (April 20th, 2024)


April 22nd, 2024 Update No. 1: Happy Earth Day, everyone! In honor of Earth Day, I donated to only a few of the environmental organizations today, April 22nd, 2024, that I usually support each year for Earth Day, which are specifically Union of Concerned Scientists, Sierra Club and Greenpeace because, when I donate to organizations on Earth Day each year, I often choose to select some of the same organizations and I also select some different organizations.

And I make many of those selections due to them being organizations that I usually donate to, or maybe due to emails that I receive from some organizations, or perhaps due to donation videos for some organizations that I see on YouTube, all of which can inspire me throughout the year to donate all the way up until Earth Day each year.

However, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am really 'tightening my belt,' so to speak, with regard to all of the donations that I am making on my credit card each month!

So, for Earth Day 2024, I selected just a few of the environmental organizations to which I usually donate, because I am really trying spend only the bare minimum that I can, since that's all I can really afford.

That way, I am still trying to be an "Online Activist," and to 'put my money where my mouth is' regarding my activism, but I am also trying to reduce my rather considerable credit card balance! Therefore, when I finally get my balance down to a more manageable level, I can start donating again to more environmental organizations, like I used to do, since there truly are an incredible number of organizations that are dedicated to the environment and wildlife.

And I was inspired to make these three donations by the following: a Catalyst Magazine that I received sometime toward the end of February (as I recall) from the Union of Concerned Scientists, and by a mailer that I received on March 8th, 2024 from Sierra Club, as well as by a mailer that I received on April 18th, 2024 from Greenpeace.

You see, I usually make donations to various environmental organizations on April 22nd of each year—as a way to celebrate Earth Day—and as a way to support the environmental organizations to which I choose to donate on Earth Day, which is the day that I feel thematically corresponds directly to the causes that those particular organizations represent.

And it's not just on Earth Day that I do this!

Thus, I donate to various charitable organizations during the year on a particular 'theme day,' so to speak, which I feel corresponds directly to those particular charitable causes, because it helps me to remember to donate to those particular charitable causes during the year that I feel have a corresponding 'theme day.'

Plus, I am spreading the charitable love throughout the entire year—and not simply having a year's worth of charitable giving 'bunch up,' so to speak, on Giving Tuesday. So then, whichever charitable organizations don't have an obvious corresponding 'theme day,' I can donate to those charitable organizations during Giving Tuesday, since I haven't already given to those particular organizations sometime during the year!

That is why I coordinate some of my charitable giving during the year with a particular 'theme day' that some charitable causes correspond to—such as the above-mentioned environmental organizations whose causes I feel directly correspond to the 'theme day' of Earth Day! –Paul Whiting (written April 22nd, 2024, revised April 23rd, 2024 and revised April 24th, 2024)

P.S.: Please see my detailed descriptions—immediately after this 'update'—of the following Earth Day donations for which I received the above-mentioned communications!

Union of Concerned Scientists: 'April 22nd, 2024 Update No. 2, Written On April 23rd, 2024, Which Also Discusses February 2024' that can be found below.

Sierra Club: 'April 22nd, 2024 Update No. 3, Written On April 23rd, 2024, Which Also Discusses March 8th, 2024' that can be found below.

Greenpeace: 'April 22nd, 2024 Update No. 4, Written On April 23rd, 2024, Which Also Discusses April 18th, 2024' that can be found below.


April 22nd, 2024 Update No. 2, Written On April 23rd, 2024, Which Also Discusses February 2024: Happy Earth Day, everyone! I received a magazine from Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) sometime toward the end of February 2024 (as I recall), with 'cover lines' on the front of the magazine that read, "Countdown to Zero Emissions: The time is now to phase out fossil fuels | Diversifying the Federal Science Workforce | Bringing Change to California's Croplands", which stated, in part, the following:

Volume 24, Winter 2024

Countdown to Zero Emissions
The time is now to phase out fossil fuels

Diversifying the Federal Science Workforce

Bringing Change to California's Croplands



While time is running short to get to net-zero heat-trapping emissions, momentum is growing to change the way we power our world. New UCS analysis shows we can make it—and earn climate, economic, and health benefits in the process.


Members and supporters of the Union of Concerned Scientists are likely all too familiar with the huge effort needed to reduce the pollution caused by our reliance on fossil fuels, and that we have no time to waste given the disastrous impacts of climate change that are already upon us. But there’s another side to this story: across the globe, we are in the midst of the biggest energy transformation since the Industrial Revolution—arguably one of the biggest energy transformations ever. And evidence of the growing momentum toward clean energy is all around us.

Consider that, for the first time, the United States generated more electricity from wind and solar than it did from coal during the first five months of 2023, and is projected to do so—for the first time—for the whole year in 2024. Even more impressive is the mind-boggling amount of additional clean energy now in the pipeline. According to the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, as of the end of 2022 there were more than 10,000 proposed wind and solar projects—representing double the country’s current electricity capacity—actively seeking interconnection to the transmission system.

Of course, siting, permitting, and building all this new capacity and the additional transmission capacity to support them in a timely fashion will be an enormous task. But the transformation is happening. For one thing, the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA)—the largest federal funding bill for climate action in history—committed nearly $400 billion to support low- and zero-carbon technologies including wind and solar power, battery storage, and electric vehicles.

A year and a half since the IRA’s passage, these expenditures are already having a significant impact. The White House says the United States has created more than 170,000 new clean energy jobs, and the American Clean Power Association says 83 new manufacturing plants have been announced that will produce solar power equipment, wind turbine parts, or batteries, representing some $270 billion of capital investment through July 2023. That’s as much as the previous seven years of clean energy investment combined.

Meanwhile, progress on electric vehicles (EVs) is ramping up rapidly, too. By one count, since the passage of the IRA, US companies had, as of December 2023, announced some $78 billion in new investments in factories making EVs and their components. Seventy-nine factories are now either proposed or under construction, and the sector has already added nearly 50,000 new jobs.

Numbers such as these reveal the enormity of the shift under way. But unfortunately, US oil and fossil gas production also hit all-time highs in 2023, which threatens to undermine climate progress. The all-important question is: Can we accelerate the clean energy momentum already under way, while ensuring the benefits flow to all communities in an equitable way? Will we be able to move fast enough to meet international climate commitments while protecting people, ecosystems, and the planet?


An interdisciplinary ["relating to more than one branch of knowledge"] team of UCS experts set out recently to crunch the numbers about the speed and scale of our energy transformation. Their report, Accelerating Clean Energy Ambition, finds that, with concerted action to build on existing state and federal clean energy policies, the United States can reach its climate goals.

“We’re not saying it’ll be easy, but we know that a cleaner and more just energy future is within our reach,” says Steve Clemmer, report author and director of energy research and analysis at UCS. “We outline a viable, cost-effective path for the United States to meet its emissions reduction targets.”

What’s more, Clemmer says, the team found that moving at the speed and scale needed will generate tremendous benefits. Not only will this allow us to avoid the enormous costs associated with climate damages, but it will also lower near-term consumer energy costs and dramatically reduce air pollution and improve public health at the same time.

The analysis also finds that while the IRA will help stimulate much of the near-term private investment in clean energy and related infrastructure needed to decarbonize the US economy—more than $1 trillion through 2035—that is still not enough. We will need additional policies and investments across all sectors if we are to succeed at slashing emissions in half by 2030 and reaching net-zero emissions by 2050. While the IRA roughly doubles the current pace of annual emissions reductions to about 3 percent per year through 2030, the analysis shows that the United States will need to accelerate its reductions to roughly 5 percent per year to achieve its climate targets.


The key to bridging the gap is swift action to dramatically ramp up the deployment of clean energy technologies and related infrastructure while also making sure to phase out fossil fuels.

How do we do it?

Clemmer emphasizes that the main solutions have long been clear. First, he says, we need to generate electricity primarily via wind and solar power instead of by burning coal and fossil gas. Second, we need to retool the transportation, building, and industrial sectors to run on clean electricity instead of dirty fossil fuels. And third, we need to do everything we can to increase energy efficiency in each of those sectors, thereby lowering overall energy demand.

The good news is that all these solutions can be accomplished with proven and commercially available technologies, and they can reduce energy costs for consumers. The UCS report urges federal and state policymakers to build on current policies by setting science-based emissions reduction goals and enacting ambitious policies to achieve those goals in every sector of the US economy. In addition, policymakers should adopt near- and long-term plans to cut fossil fuel production and use, reject fossil fuel infrastructure expansion, limit the role of carbon capture and storage and other carbon management strategies (which can be costly and do not address upstream emissions), and hold fossil fuel companies accountable for fraud and damages related to the climate impact of their products.

As report co-author Rachel Cleetus, lead economist and policy director of the UCS Climate and Energy Program, explains, “The urgency of the climate crisis requires a sharp turn away from fossil fuels toward clean energy solutions. Our analysis found that an ambitious suite of policies to meet US climate goals would cause overall fossil fuel use to fall 82 percent between 2021 and 2050. Oil would drop by 85 percent, gas by 72 percent, and coal would be eliminated entirely and rapidly.” (See the box above.)[1]

The analysis emphasizes that state and federal authorities need to protect marginalized communities that have borne the brunt of industrial pollution. These communities should be the prime beneficiaries of investments in clean energy technologies and efforts to cut air, water, and soil pollution, as well as carbon emissions.


All told, the UCS report finds that the United States needs to nearly triple the share of electricity it generates from renewables to 60 percent by 2030, 81 percent by 2035, and 92 percent by 2050. And raising the degree of difficulty even more is the reality that many forces—especially those that profit most from business as usual—are actively trying to slow or stop the changes we need to build a healthy and prosperous future.

Nonetheless, as difficult as the challenge seems, history is filled with examples of large and often swift changes, even in the energy field. As a New Englander, I’m comforted by the example of whale oil, which fueled our local economy for decades. Less than two centuries ago, whaling was an enormous multinational enterprise, as the blubber from hundreds of thousands of whales was boiled down into oil to be burned in lamps. At its height in the 1840s, whaling was the fifth-largest industry in the United States and a seemingly permanent source of energy. But in the second half of the 1800s, whale oil was quickly displaced by kerosene, and soon thereafter by the electric light. Within a matter of just a few decades, the vast, terribly destructive whale oil industry was history.


By the UCS team’s estimate, a rapid and decisive shift to clean energy can boost the US economy with nearly $1.8 trillion in cumulative capital investments through 2035 and nearly $3.7 trillion through 2050, while avoiding some $575 billion in projected climate damages by 2035, and nearly $1.3 trillion by 2050. And these steps will significantly reduce harmful air pollution, avoiding as many as 73,000 premature deaths by 2050 and saving up to $800 billion in public health expenditures.

As Clemmer explains, “The solutions are clear: transitioning equitably to clean energy, increasing efficiency, and electrifying our cars and homes offer a crucial pathway for the United States to meet its climate goals. It’s a big job, but we find that these steps will not only limit the worst impacts of climate change, they will also reduce our energy costs and improve our health.” {C}



UCS supports a fast and fair global phaseout of fossil fuels to meet climate, health, and environmental justice imperatives. What does that look like?

First, it means a rapid and steep decline in the production and use of coal, oil, and gas, with a goal of getting to zero. UCS modeling shows that, with smart, comprehensive policies, we can cut heat-trapping emissions to at least half their 2005 levels by 2030 and to net zero by 2050. Phasing out fossil fuels is central to meeting these targets.

The default position of governments at every level across the country should be to reject the expansion of fossil fuel production and the buildout of infrastructure that could remain in place for decades to come. At the same time, governments—and businesses across all sectors—should steadily reduce their fossil fuel production and consumption.

To advance a phaseout that is both fast and fair, policymakers and regulators must oppose and dismantle the fossil fuel industry’s disproportionate political influence over environmental, land use, and energy policy, while enacting policies and regulations that lead to a decline in fossil fuel use. Despite their claims and greenwashing campaigns, the fossil fuel industry has shown time and time again that it can’t be trusted to lead this transition.

To learn more about UCS’s position, visit our website:

Now, I highlighted this article from the UCS Catalyst Magazine because it was the article that I was planning to read next from the magazine! You see, I read the Catalyst Magazines, whenever I receive them, as I have time to do so. Thus, I had already read pages 1 through 7 of the 'Volume 24, Winter 2024' Catalyst, and I was just getting ready to read the "Countdown To Zero" article, which starts on page 8, just as soon as I had the time.

That is why I chose this particular article as my 'inspiration,' so to speak, for donating to the Union of Concerned Scientists yesterday, April 22nd, 2024, as part of my donations for Earth Day! –Paul Whiting (written April 23rd, 2024 and revised April 24th, 2024)

P.S.: If you are interested in reading the entire 'Volume 24, Winter 2024' of Catalyst Magazine, here is a description of Catalyst, from the Union of Concerned Scientists website, with a hyperlink below:

Catalyst Magazine

A member publication by the Union of Concerned Scientists

Catalyst, ISSN 1539-3410, is published quarterly by the Union of Concerned Scientists and mailed to our members. You can download past issues below. Text of articles from Catalyst, duly acknowledged, may be reprinted free of charge, though artwork may not be reproduced.

Plus, as mentioned in the description above, "you can download past issues" of Catalyst Magazine going all the way back to 2010!


April 22nd, 2024 Update No. 3, Written On April 23rd, 2024, Which Also Discusses March 8th, 2024: Happy Earth Day, everyone! I received a mailer from Sierra Club forty six days ago on March 8th, 2024, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "IMPORTANT: Membership Renewal Enclosed", which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]

Explore, enjoy, and protect the planet

It's time to renew your Sierra Club membership!

Dear Sierra Club Member,

I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your generous past support as a member of the Sierra Club. I also want to urge you to renew your membership before it expires this month.

To express my appreciation for your ongoing support to help the Sierra Club meet the many challenges which face our environment, I've enclosed your personal Sierra Club membership card — bearing a memorable image and inscribed with your name.

I'm sending you this card with the sincere hope that you will continue your membership support for the Sierra Club, our nation's oldest, most powerful, and most influential voice for the environment.

Your strong commitment is essential to continue our efforts in effective advocacy, public education, political action, grassroots organizing, and much, much more.

Especially now. We need to make positive, lasting change to protect our planet, wildlife, and our communities.

But we cannot take anything for granted. We know the influence of the fossil fuel industry is much deeper than any single party or politician. We will have to fight harder than ever to defend our natural world, to continue repairing the harm the previous administration inflicted, and to achieve solutions to the climate crisis. I need your help.

Your renewal gift today will help challenge Big Oil, the coal industry, and other polluters who seek to exploit fragile wildlands and oceans for their dirty profits, and help us work with our allies to restore the health of our air, water, and wilderness.

Please renew your support for the Sierra Club right away! Simply return the enclosed contribution form along with your renewal contribution, using the envelope I've provided for your convenience.

There could not be a more important time to renew your support for the Sierra Club.

By continuing to work together, we are stronger in our battles to defend and protect our nation's precious wildlands and wildlife. We will be relentless in our push at the local, state, and federal levels to move our country toward a cleaner, renewable, and sustainable energy future.

Simply put, together with you and other committed individuals, the Sierra Club can carry out its mission. But without you, our cause is lost... because YOU are the Club.

YOU make all of our efforts possible.

Because of you and your fellow advocates, the Sierra Club has people on the ground in almost every state... we have a time-tested ability to hold politicians accountable... we have a creative and effective legal program... and we have a grassroots network of committed and energetic activists.

To help us carry on our essential work on behalf of the environment, please send us your membership renewal right away.

And, if at all possible, please consider increasing your level of support to help us meet the challenges ahead — to give an extra-special boost to our work at a time when the threats to our environment are greater than ever.

When you renew, you'll continue your special members-only benefits without interruption. Our beautiful Sierra magazine. Chapter newsletters and activities. Participation in our local, worldwide, and national outings program.

Plus, the satisfaction from having an active personal role in safeguarding our nation's precious natural heritage. Please renew your Sierra Club membership today!


[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]

P.S. We're making progress but there remains so much more for us to accomplish. We need to work together. We need you! Please renew today. Thank you!

P.P.S. You can put your gift to work immediately at



Annual Membership Renewal

Member Since: 2001

Your Local Chapter: Oregon Chapter

[Start of Member Card]

Paul Whiting
ID# [redacted]


Membership Card

[End of Member Card]

Paul Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

Yes, renew my Sierra Club Membership at the special member rates below.
Please use my dues to protect and defend our planet for this and future generations.

Individual $35
Joint $43

Individual $60
Joint $68

Individual $120
Joint $128

Individual $19
Joint $27

Individual $19
Joint $27

Dues under $25 receive a digital version only of Sierra magazine.

[✓] Please do NOT send me any free gifts.
[  ] Stainless Steel Straws
[  ] Exploration Daypack

I'd like to do more! Here's a special, additional gift, over and above my Membership dues, to help in the following area(s):

Sierra Club $_______
(for lobbying and legislative action)

The Sierra Club Foundation $_______
(for research and public education)

Environmental Law Program $_______
(for environmental litigation)

Contributions, gifts, and dues to the Sierra Club are not tax-deductible; they support our effective citizen-based ad lobbying efforts. Annual membership dues of $25 or more include $7.50 for a one-year print subscription to Sierra magazine and $1.00 for your chapter newsletter. All members have digital access to Sierra magazine online.

[Blogger's Note: By the way, I usually renew my Sierra Club membership through their 'Join Online' webpage because I am not a student, nor a senior citizen (since I am not 65 years old yet), but I am "low income," so that's why I typically select the "$15 — Special Offer for Joining Today" amount for my 'renewal.']

And, after I read the letter above, I entered the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below (although, the text I am providing is actually from Sierra Club's main 'Join Online' webpage—which is what the hyperlink above goes to—so that you, my readers, can join Sierra Club if you would like to do so!):

Join Online

With vital landmark legislation like the Endangered Species Act under attack, and the regulatory powers of the EPA threatened in Congress, we need you to join us as a member to beat back rollbacks on the progress we've made protecting our national heritage. In addition to our ambitious work across the country, part of your membership dues support your local chapter.

Add your voice to the hundreds of thousands of Americans committed to leaving our children a living legacy — clean air, safe drinking water, and natural grandeur. From Yosemite National Park to the Grand Canyon, since 1892 the Sierra Club has been instrumental in preserving nature's most splendid wild places.

Please join us in this movement by becoming a Member today!

1. Select Amount

[✓] $15 - Special Offer for Joining Today
[  ] $39 - Regular
[  ] $75 - Supporting Member
[  ] $150 - Contributing Member
[  ] $1,000 - Life Member

2. Your Information

First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Email: [redacted]
Cell Phone (Optional): [redacted]
Street Line 1: [Street Address redacted]
Street Line 2: [Apt. No. redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Postal Code: [redacted]
Country: [redacted]



You did an amazing thing!

We have received your membership gift of $15.

And so, I made a one-time donation to Sierra Club yesterday, April 22nd, 2024, in order to 'renew' my annual membership, and as part of my donations for Earth Day! –Paul Whiting (written April 23rd, 2024 and revised April 24th, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.)


April 22nd, 2024 Update No. 4, Written On April 23rd, 2024, Which Also Discusses April 18th, 2024: Happy Earth Day, everyone! I received a mailer from Greenpeace five days ago on April 18th, 2024, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "WE'RE FACING THE BIGGEST THREAT IN OUR HISTORY. WE WON'T BE SUED INTO SILENCE", which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]



Will you FUND THE FIGHT by rushing a gift of $25 or more right now?


[✓] Stop Big Oil from suing us into silence.

[✓] Protect people and the planet.

[✓] Keep the truth of the climate crisis clear!

Dear Paul,

You won't believe what Big Oil is up to now. A greedy industry raking in billions of dollars each year is suing the Greenpeace network.

You read that right. Big Oil is suing us — a nonprofit — for $300 million.

I guess I shouldn't be shocked at the lengths they are going to, but I am. Because this is the most staggering lawsuit in our history. And it's not about "damages" to Big Oil.

They're trying to silence us. They're trying to silence you. And they're doing this because they know people power works.

Let me say it another way — they are weaponizing our justice system to stifle our right to speak for the well-being of people and the planet!

These types of lawsuits are a common tactic from Big Oil's dirty playbook. They carry crushing costs intended to silence us or drain our resources.

The same company already sued us in 2019, and that case was thrown out of court with a sharp warning to Big Oil!

But Big Oil is up to its old tricks again. And this time, they have something to prove — because they hate to lose.

That's why I'm urging you to rush a gift of $15, $25, $30, or more right now.

Your generosity will Fund the Fight and keep our critical work to expose environmental crimes and hold offenders accountable! Because we've been successful in exposing some of their worst offenses, Big Oil will do everything in their power to silence us and anyone against them.

You see, Big Oil wants to divide us and tie up our resources. But they've underestimated you and our entire people-powered movement. And the truth is they've only galvanized our fight.

This is a historic battle. And the real defendants are people, the planet, and even the basic tenets of democracy. That's why I'm asking — and urging — you to rush a generous gift today.

With more intense floods, hurricanes, and fires threatening people worldwide, the stakes have never been higher. The science is clear: climate action must be taken immediately.

But Big Oil doesn't want that. They and their government allies will do whatever it takes to keep lining their stuffed pockets. And they'll attempt to stop anyone in their way.

We must stop this corporate bullying for good. Will you join us and fund the fight?

Together, we can do this, like we've done so many times before. So, please, heed this urgent call. Our democracy and chance for a green, just, and livable future depend on it.


[Name redacted]
[Title redacted], Greenpeace USA


P.S. Greenpeace USA is being sued by Big Oil. This $300 million lawsuit threatens our very existence. We must raise $1.1 million immediately. Can we count on you to fund the fight?

Our goal isn't just to win this lawsuit. It's to protect people and the planet and to preserve our democracy. Give right away at

Stop Big Oil! We must raise $1.1 million immediately!






[  ] $15 can help fight Big Oil lawsuits and protect our right to peacefully protest.

[  ] $25 can fuel bold campaigns to expose greedy polluters and hold them accountable.

[  ] $30 can power our movement, keeping our voices loud and broadcasting the urgency of climate action now.

[✓] Other $10.00


Ways your generosity today helps protect people and the planet AND secures the green, just future we deserve.

→ Funds legal defense against Big Oil.
→ Powers our investigations of environmental abuse on land and the seas.
→ Amplifies sustainable solutions to stop pollution and climate change.
→ Fuels fierce advocacy for the rights and well-being of all people especially marginalized communities.

Greenpeace, inc. is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization. Contributions to Greenpeace, Inc, are not tax deductible.

And, after I read the letter above, I entered the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Big Oil is SUING Greenpeace

Big Oil is suing Greenpeace USA because we dared to speak out against their reckless disregard for people and the planet. They claim that we orchestrated the entire resistance at Standing Rock — in other words, they're trying to rewrite history and erase Indigenous leadership from one of the most powerful protests in history. If we lose this $300 million lawsuit, it threatens our entire movement fighting for the green, just and joyful future our Earth deserves.

They want to silence us because they know that people-power works. They want to scare us into submission and keep us from speaking out against their ruthless pursuit of profits.

The only way we'll come out victorious is with help from committed grassroots Greenpeacers like you. Donate now to help us fight back against Big Oil and protect our planet!

[  ] Monthly
Make a monthly gift to help sustain the fight for a greener, more peaceful future no matter what obstacles lie ahead!
[✓] One-Time

[  ] $50
[  ] $100
[  ] $250
[  ] $500
[  ] $1,000
[✓] $10.00


And so, I made a one-time donation to Greenpeace yesterday, April 22nd, 2024, since "Greenpeace USA is being sued by Big Oil," and as part of my donations for Earth Day! That is why I contributed to help "FUND THE FIGHT by rushing a gift of [$10]" in order to [✓] Stop Big Oil from suing [Greenpeace USA] into silence; and to [✓] Protect people and the planet; as well as to [✓] Keep the truth of the climate crisis clear! –Paul Whiting (written April 23rd, 2024 and revised April 24th, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.)


April 23rd, 2024 Update No. 1, Written On April 24th, 2024: I have combined every political campaign, or political organization, donation request per day (made via email or text message) into one 'update' for each day that I donate, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign donations, or political organization donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual campaign political donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

(By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political donation requests, which is why I don't include them with these email or text message requests.)

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per local political campaign here in Oregon (more on that below), or $4.00 per political organization, for the rest of the election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

Besides that, as of March 21st, 2024, I am no longer donating to individual political campaigns for the foreseeable future (with the exception of local campaigns here in Oregon), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis (please see my 'March 21st, 2024 Update No. 2,' which can be found above), as I have explained below:

...Alright, I have a big announcement to make: I am no longer donating to individual political campaigns for the foreseeable future—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis!

And I have made this decision based upon how much these individual political campaign donations are costing in my 'monthly donating budget'—even though I am only donating $3.00 with a $0.21 tip to ActBlue—since I totally changed the way that I approach how I calculate what I am spending on my credit card each month, starting in 2024! So now, I take the total amount that I have available in my monthly budget for my minimum payment on my credit card—as well as my extra payment—and I calculate how much I am reducing that amount each time that I charge on my credit card.

That way, I am very aware of the amount by which I am reducing my total available credit card payments for the month (the minimum payment and the extra payment) in order to, hopefully, pay more on my credit card than I am spending! Plus, I am also utilizing some funds from my budgeted expenses, as well as some funds from my savings, to make sure that I am paying a little more than I am spending while—at the same time—I am also trying to spend less on my credit card.

Therefore, at the start of 2024, I calculated that I could still make ONE $3.00 donation per political campaign for the entire election cycle. And that means after I have made that one donation per campaign—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I have only donated once per campaign, which is what I have been doing so far!

However, it's still more than I can afford given my 'monthly donating budget,' which is why I have decided to stop donating to individual political campaigns entirely—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And so, I will still be making some donations to individual political campaigns (such as to Joe Biden's campaign for President of the United States, or to local campaigns here in Oregon), but I am not donating like I have been up until this point—which has been virtually every time that I have received a political campaign donation request via email or text message—because I seriously cannot afford to donate that much for the rest of the 2024 Presidential Election cycle, as well as for the foreseeable future.

In addition to that, I used to donate "$5.00 per political organization"; however, I have decided to adjust that amount, so that I can donate to more political organizations and PACs (Political Action Committees) while I am still staying within my 'monthly donating budget.'

As I partially explained above, for the rest of the 2024 election cycle—as well as for the foreseeable future—I have made a goal of donating $3.00 per local campaign only here in Oregon (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.21), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, and a goal of donating $4.00 per political organization for donation requests via email or text message (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.28), as well as a goal of donating $5.00 per political organization, or per PAC, for donation requests via the regular mail (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.35) for the entire election cycle!

To sum it up, then: I am essentially keeping the same total individual campaign donation amount of $3.21, but I am only donating to local campaigns here in Oregon, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; and I am reducing the total donation amount for political organizations and PACs for email and text message donation requests to $4.28 (from $5.35); plus, I am reducing the total donation amount for political organizations and PACs for regular mail donation requests to $5.35 (from $7.51).

And to clarify one more thing: In the past, I used to only donate to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations—rather than to individual campaigns—since that's all I really could afford given my 'monthly spending budget,' because I am "low income." Plus, those Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations help all of the individual political campaigns with funding, which is why I used to only donate to those main organizations! And I only started donating to individual political campaigns in 2022, since I was "doing everything in my power to help Democrats win in the 2022 Midterm Elections!" Therefore, this decision to stop donating to individual political campaigns (with the exception of presidential campaigns and local campaigns, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis) is really just going back to the way that I used to make political donations.

So, without further ado...

The only political communication to which I responded yesterday, April 23rd, 2024, was a text message that I received yesterday from the Keith Wilson for Mayor campaign, which stated the following:

Hi Paul, this is Keith Wilson. I’m running for mayor in 2024 to bring REAL CHANGE to Portland. I have a plan to end unsheltered homelessness within a year of taking office, and get rid of the tents, trash, and graffiti littering our city.

I’ve been committed to this issue for a long time now, and that’s why I founded Shelter Portland, a nonprofit that shelters the homeless at a fraction of what the city currently spends. It’s a compassionate, cost-effective, proven solution to getting people off the streets.

I’m not your typical politician and I don’t represent the status quo. As a green transportation exec, I built one of the cleanest trucking fleets in the nation, reducing our Portland fleet’s fossil fuel use to zero - that’s right, zero.

If you’re with me and agree that now is the time to finally tackle the major issues that affect Portland like homelessness and climate change, add your name right now to show your commitment:***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


It's time to bring REAL CHANGE to Portland!

If you're with Keith and agree that now is the time to finally tackle the major issues that affect Portland like homelessness and climate change, add your name right now to show your commitment!

Email: [redacted]
ZIP Code: [redacted]
First Name: Paul



Thanks for adding your name, now take the next step!

Our beautiful city is in crisis and needs real change.

Keith's leadership and proven track record make him the perfect candidate to address this crisis.

The same politicians giving the same answers have not delivered. Keith will. He's ready to put his record of innovation and accomplishments to work for all Portlanders.

The new system of government will require a decisive, collaborative, and compassionate leader who is ready to tackle Portland's big problems and deliver immediate results.

Let's get to work, Portland.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Keith Wilson.

By checking the box below, I attest that this contribution was made with my own personal funds and that no one gave me the funds to make this contribution. I am a citizen or a lawful permanent resident (required by federal campaign finance law).

[✓] Required: I have read the contribution rules below and certify that I comply with them.

Donate $5 →

Donate $10 →

Donate $15 →

Donate $50 →

Donate $20 →

Donate $100 →

Donate $350 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Keith Wilson for Mayor campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) because "[Keith Wilson is] running for mayor in 2024 to bring REAL CHANGE to Portland." You see, Keith has "a plan to end unsheltered homelessness within a year of taking office ... and that’s why [he] founded Shelter Portland, a nonprofit that shelters the homeless at a fraction of what the city [of Portland] currently spends," which is "a compassionate, cost-effective, proven solution to getting people off the streets." Plus, "as a green transportation exec, [he] built one of the cleanest trucking fleets in the nation, reducing [their] Portland fleet’s fossil fuel use to zero - that’s right, zero." That is why I added "[my] name right now to show [my] commitment" to Keith Wilson's campaign for Mayor of Portland!

Thus, this one campaign—Keith Wilson for Mayor—is the political campaign that I donated to yesterday! –Paul Whiting (April 24th, 2024)


April 24th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses April 20th, 2024: This 'update' that I am writing today, April 24th, 2024, is only from my news searches on Google, which I do as often as I can manage.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, I am now simply checking the news via Google searches as often as I can manage to do so. And, I usually check what's happening in the world via various Google searches that I do under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Google news searches.

Plus, I have just been reading the titles of The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles that I receive from their daily emails. Then, I will occasionally read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those emails. That is why I recently signed up to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe in order for me to stay informed about what's happening in the world.

And I was formerly writing separate 'updates' for each of the news articles that I read from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles; however, after I restarted writing these news 'updates' from my news searches on Google, I also decided to restart writing the 'updates' from the above-mentioned news organizations to which I subscribe, but as a combined 'update.' (Although, highlighted articles from the above-mentioned news organizations that send me email newsletters, as well as highlighted articles from my news searches on Google, I will sometimes write together is a super-combined 'update.')

So, without further ado, I was doing my occasional news searches on Google for April 20th, 2024, as well as for April 24th, 2024, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the articles; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink; however, I think that all of those hyperlinks to current news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these current news 'updates' by first providing the original Google search category through which I found each article, as listed above, like I usually do. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.]

Then, I am providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the publisher's name and the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too! (I hope that makes sense.)


April 24th, 2024 search:

01. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos

Biden says US to begin sending military equipment to Ukraine within 'hours'

Ukraine's Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Wednesday "the key now is speed."

By Alexandra Hutzler | April 24, 2024


April 24th, 2024 search:

02. NBC News

Biden signs Ukraine aid, Israel funding and TikTok crackdown into law

The Senate on Tuesday passed the package of foreign aid and a TikTok divest-or-ban provision in a 79-18 vote.

By Sahil Kapur, Frank Thorp V, Monica Alba and Summer Concepcion | April 23, 2024


April 24th, 2024 search:

03. AP News

Biden signs $95 billion aid package with assistance for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan. Calls for TikTok ban or sale (Biden says the US is rushing weaponry to Ukraine as he signs a $95 billion war aid measure into law)

By Aamer Madhani and Seung Min Kim | Updated 1:28 PM PDT, April 24, 2024


April 24th, 2024 search:

04. The New York Times
(I am a subscriber to The New York Times 'Basic Access' Digital Subscription.)

Biden Signs a $95.3 Billion Aid Package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan

The $95.3 billion measure comes after months of gridlock in Congress that put the centerpiece of President Biden’s foreign policy in jeopardy.

By Zolan Kanno-Youngs | April 24, 2024


April 20th, 2024 search:

05. USA Today
(I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

President Biden finalizes long-awaited overhaul of Title IX rules (Biden finalizes Title IX rules to boost rights of sexual assault victims, LGBTQ students)

The new rules are set to take effect just a few months before the presidential election, and will apply to sex-based discrimination complaints filed on or after Aug. 1.

By Zachary Schermele | April 19, 2024


April 20th, 2024 search:

06. USA Today
(I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

25 years later, the trauma of the Columbine High School shooting is still with us

By N'dea Yancey-Bragg | April 19, 2024


April 20th, 2024 search:

07. USA Today
(I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

Republicans like Cotton, Lake threaten violence. We should care (Tom Cotton, Kari Lake show how much Trump, Republicans have normalized violent rhetoric)

Former president and current criminal defendant Donald Trump, largely through repetition, has tried mightily and effectively to normalize threatening, faux-tough-guy rhetoric.

By Rex Huppke | April 19, 2024


April 20th, 2024 search:

08. USA Today
(I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

Florida baffles experts by banning local water break rules as deadly heat is on the rise

By Jeanine Santucci, Dinah Voyles Pulver, Minnah Arshad and Kayla Jimenez | April 18, 2024


April 24th, 2024 search:

09. CNN

Biden signs foreign aid bill providing crucial military assistance to Ukraine

By Michael Williams, Arlette Saenz and Kevin Liptak | Updated 1:46 PM EDT, Wed April 24, 2024


April 24th, 2024 search:

10. CNBC

Biden signs Israel, Ukraine, TikTok bill into law

By Rebecca Picciotto | Apr 24 2024


President Joe Biden signed into law measures to provide aid to Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan, as well as force the divestiture of social media platform TikTok from its Chinese parent company ByteDance or face a national ban.

TikTok has vowed to challenge the measure legally. Biden's official approval ends a six-month saga of tense political battles on Capitol Hill over the foreign aid.


April 24th, 2024 search:

11. USA Today
(I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

Biden signs $95 billion Ukraine, Israel aid bill that includes TikTok sell-or-ban law

By Joey Garrison | April 24, 2024


April 20th, 2024 search:

12. The New York Times
(I am a subscriber to The New York Times 'Basic Access' Digital Subscription.)

Johnson Turns to Democrats to Bring Up Ukraine Aid Bill in the House

Democrats, who stepped in late Thursday to save a resolution paving the way for the foreign aid package to be considered, will have to do so again on Friday in a critical vote on the House floor.

By Catie Edmondson | April 18, 2024


April 20th, 2024 search:

13. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos

House Democrats help Johnson avoid defeat on foreign aid bills, despite GOP defections

Final votes are set for Saturday, but a third Republican threatened to oust him.

By Lauren Peller, John Parkinson, and Alexandra Hutzler | April 19, 2024


April 20th, 2024 search:

14. Axios

Democrats take "unprecedented" step to save GOP's foreign aid bills

By Andrew Solender | Apr 18, 2024


April 20th, 2024 search:

15. Slate

Ukraine aid: Has Russian propaganda “infected” Republicans in Congress? The truth is more sinister. (With Republicans Like These, Who Needs Russian Propaganda?)

Some far-right members of Congress seem to be parroting Vladimir Putin’s talking points. That doesn’t mean anti-Ukraine conspiracy theories can’t be homegrown.

By Molly Olmstead | April 20, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (April 24th, 2024)


April 26th, 2024 Update No. 1: I received an email from Friends of Willamette Week (FOWW) [Willamette Week is a local news publication here in Portland, Oregon—and I am a monthly contributor to the Willamette Week] today, April 26th, 2024, with the subject line, "You deserve to understand this election.", which stated, in part, the following:

Help expand WW's election coverage.

Today marks the fifth — and final — day of our Spring Drive. As of today, we've raised $20,941.64 toward our goal of $35,000 to expand Willamette Week’s election coverage.

A letter from the Friends of Willamette Week:

Hi Paul,

We hope you agree with the core messages of this week’s emails and the thrust behind our short Spring Drive:

[✓] This fall’s election will transform Portland city government.

[✓] It affects every one of us.

[✓] You deserve to understand every aspect of this election.

[✓] WW reporting helps Portlanders make informed decisions.

Here at Willamette Week, we believe good, intelligent, independent, local journalism can make a difference. Our work is key to a healthy democracy and we're rolling up our sleeves.

From new ranked-choice voting to new districts to all the candidates and all the crazy machinations in between — we believe we can help Portland’s voters gain a comprehensive understanding of the situation and what's at stake.

To do this we need your help.

Reporting the upcoming election is a massive undertaking, and one we embrace wholeheartedly. The more support we get from readers, the more we can make this election understandable and manageable for all of us.

In these emails we’ve done our best to lay out our plan to provide all Portlanders with essential election information — free of charge.

Now it’s your turn. We hope you’ll join us in this crucial undertaking.

Thank you,

The Friends of Willamette Week Team

Contribute today.

What we've heard from readers:

Jan: "I don't agree with all of your endorsements, but I welcome your analysis."

Holly: "In truth, I rely heavily on your preelection coverage. Your endorsements weigh heavily when I’m filling out my ballot."

Harry: "I felt your endorsements while choosing one candidate or side did an adept job at explaining the reasoning for the endorsement, research into the endorsement, and equal information for the opposing sides, as well [f]or concerns WW has with the side they endorsed. I found WW endorsements very useful in my own research regardless of how I felt or chose to vote myself."

Valerie: "Ballot measures and voting endorsements are the main reason I read WW."

Jonathan: "There are times it seems you are the only part of the Fourth Estate still left in Portland."

During our Spring Drive, we will send each supporter who contributes $100 or more OR becomes a new monthly $10 supporter a free WW tote bag!

Every supporter will receive a rad thank-you sticker.

Contribute today.

Our reporting changes lives for the better, holds the powerful accountable, and shines a light on the best in this city's culture. You can help support local journalism by becoming a Friend of Willamette Week.

And so, I made a one-time donation to Friends of Willamette Week because [✓] This fall’s election will transform Portland city government; [✓] It affects every one of us; [✓] You deserve to understand every aspect of this election; and [✓] WW reporting helps Portlanders make informed decisions." –Paul Whiting (April 26th, 2024)


April 26th, 2024 Update No. 2: I have combined every political campaign, or political organization, donation request per day (made via email or text message) into one 'update' for each day that I donate, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign donations, or political organization donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual campaign political donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

(By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political donation requests, which is why I don't include them with these email or text message requests.)

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per local political campaign here in Oregon (more on that below), or $4.00 per political organization, for the rest of the election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

Besides that, as of March 21st, 2024, I am no longer donating to individual political campaigns for the foreseeable future (with the exception of local campaigns here in Oregon), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis (please see my 'March 21st, 2024 Update No. 2,' which can be found above), as I have explained below:

...Alright, I have a big announcement to make: I am no longer donating to individual political campaigns for the foreseeable future—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis!

And I have made this decision based upon how much these individual political campaign donations are costing in my 'monthly donating budget'—even though I am only donating $3.00 with a $0.21 tip to ActBlue—since I totally changed the way that I approach how I calculate what I am spending on my credit card each month, starting in 2024! So now, I take the total amount that I have available in my monthly budget for my minimum payment on my credit card—as well as my extra payment—and I calculate how much I am reducing that amount each time that I charge on my credit card.

That way, I am very aware of the amount by which I am reducing my total available credit card payments for the month (the minimum payment and the extra payment) in order to, hopefully, pay more on my credit card than I am spending! Plus, I am also utilizing some funds from my budgeted expenses, as well as some funds from my savings, to make sure that I am paying a little more than I am spending while—at the same time—I am also trying to spend less on my credit card.

Therefore, at the start of 2024, I calculated that I could still make ONE $3.00 donation per political campaign for the entire election cycle. And that means after I have made that one donation per campaign—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I have only donated once per campaign, which is what I have been doing so far!

However, it's still more than I can afford given my 'monthly donating budget,' which is why I have decided to stop donating to individual political campaigns entirely—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And so, I will still be making some donations to individual political campaigns (such as to Joe Biden's campaign for President of the United States, or to local campaigns here in Oregon), but I am not donating like I have been up until this point—which has been virtually every time that I have received a political campaign donation request via email or text message—because I seriously cannot afford to donate that much for the rest of the 2024 Presidential Election cycle, as well as for the foreseeable future.

In addition to that, I used to donate "$5.00 per political organization"; however, I have decided to adjust that amount, so that I can donate to more political organizations and PACs (Political Action Committees) while I am still staying within my 'monthly donating budget.'

As I partially explained above, for the rest of the 2024 election cycle—as well as for the foreseeable future—I have made a goal of donating $3.00 per local campaign only here in Oregon (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.21), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, and a goal of donating $4.00 per political organization for donation requests via email or text message (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.28), as well as a goal of donating $5.00 per political organization, or per PAC, for donation requests via the regular mail (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.35) for the entire election cycle!

To sum it up, then: I am essentially keeping the same total individual campaign donation amount of $3.21, but I am only donating to local campaigns here in Oregon, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; and I am reducing the total donation amount for political organizations and PACs for email and text message donation requests to $4.28 (from $5.35); plus, I am reducing the total donation amount for political organizations and PACs for regular mail donation requests to $5.35 (from $7.51).

And to clarify one more thing: In the past, I used to only donate to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations—rather than to individual campaigns—since that's all I really could afford given my 'monthly spending budget,' because I am "low income." Plus, those Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations help all of the individual political campaigns with funding, which is why I used to only donate to those main organizations! And I only started donating to individual political campaigns in 2022, since I was "doing everything in my power to help Democrats win in the 2022 Midterm Elections!" Therefore, this decision to stop donating to individual political campaigns (with the exception of presidential campaigns and local campaigns, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis) is really just going back to the way that I used to make political donations.

So, without further ado...

The only political communication to which I responded was an email from the Biden for President campaign (Biden Victory Fund) today, April 26th, 2024, with the subject line, "🍦[Vegan] ice cream with the Bidens", which stated the following:

Biden-Harris 2024

The Bidens would like to meet YOU.

Yes you, Paul.

In person.


Because there are at least three things that can make Joe and Jill smile from ear to ear:

🏖️Spending a day at Rehoboth Beach surrounded by their kids and grandkids
🍦[Vegan] chocolate chip ice cream
👋Meeting supporters like you

So if you're up for it, they'd love to say hello.

All you have to do is donate $25 today and you'll be automatically entered for a chance to spend a day at Rehoboth Beach followed by [a vegan] ice cream date with Joe and Jill.

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

[  ] $25 >>
[  ] $50 >>
[  ] $75 >>
[  ] $100 >>
[  ] $125 >>
[✓] Other >>***

Not only does your donation get your name in the running to meet Joe and Jill, but it will put us one step closer to winning this election and supporting Democrats nationwide.

Thanks for your support,

Team Biden-Harris

"My dad used to have an expression -- 'It's the lucky person who gets up in the morning, puts both feet on the floor, knows what they are about to do, and thinks it still matters.' Your support matters. Your donation matters." -- Joe Biden

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Donate now for a chance to meet the President and Dr. Biden in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware!

Here's what pitching in can get you:
🎫 Your travel and a hotel stay on us!
🏖️ A beach day (and special [vegan] ice cream run with the President and Dr. Biden)
✨ Share priceless memories with a friend

Your donation will make a world of difference in sustaining this campaign and supporting Democrats nationwide! This offer won't last long, so chip in today.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Biden Victory Fund.

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $46 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[  ] Donate $2,000 →

[✓] Other amount $1.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[✓] Leave no tip

[  ] Add custom amount

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Biden Victory Fund (the Biden for President campaign) (without a tip to ActBlue) in order to enter "for a chance to meet the President and Dr. Biden in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware!"

P.S.: The reason that I only donated $1.00 to the Biden for President campaign (Biden Victory Fund) is because I simply wanted to enter "for a chance to spend a day at Rehoboth Beach followed by [a vegan] ice cream date with Joe and Jill," so that is why I made a donation in the amount that I did.

[Blogger's Note: I am vegan! So that is why I altered the offer above to be for [vegan] ice cream with President Joe Biden and Dr. Jill Biden... ;0)]

Thus, this one campaign—Biden for President (Biden Victory Fund)—is the political campaign that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (April 26th, 2024)


April 28th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses April 18th, 2024: I received a mailer from The Salvation Army Portland Metro ten days ago on April 18th, 2024, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "THE SALVATION ARMY Food Fund Drive ✴ Reminder", which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]

Help Local Families in Crisis!

Your gift of $10 will help feed families here in the Portland Metro area ...

April 2, 2024

Dear Mr. Whiting

This is urgent: The demand for food in our community has skyrocketed.

The high costs of food, rent, and other essentials are driving many local families into crisis. When they turn to us, their greatest need is food. These are people right here in the Portland Metro area:

Parents struggling to afford the basics for their children.

Seniors, on fixed incomes, who can't afford food, utilities, and medicine.

Neighbors who need a meal and hope to rebuild their lives.

To meet this urgent need, we've launched our FOOD FUND DRIVE to feed local families and help them supply the foods on their Shopping List. But we need the help of caring friends like you:

Your gift of $10 can provide 4 meals.

Your gift of $15 can provide 6 meals.

Your gift of $25 can provide 11 meals.

Your gift will go to work immediately, ensuring that families in crisis can get the food they need. So please, take a minute right now to send your most generous gift. And help moms, dads, children, and everyone who turns to us in need of food.

Thank you and God bless you, Mr. Whiting.

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]

P.S. More and more families here in the Portland Metro area turn to us for help with the most basic of needs. Please make your most generous gift to our FOOD FUND DRIVE today. Thank you!


Please Help Put Food on the tables of struggling children and families in our community!


"A generous man will himself be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor." – Proverbs 22.9


[Blogger's Note: For The Salvation Army USA website, at which there's a local donation page for you to make a donation to The Salvation Army in your area, please visit where you will see the "Donate Local" button at the top right-hand corner of their website! And thank you for considering making a donation to The Salvation Army—and "thank you for having a heart for those in need!"]


Mr. Whiting, please send a gift today to help families restock their pantries.

Thank you for having a heart for those in need!
Give online an


✔ Spaghetti
✔ Spaghetti Sauce
✔ Tuna Fish
✔ Macaroni
✔ Cereal
✔ Soup
✔ Canned Corn
✔ Rice
✔ Coffee
✔ Tea
✔ Canned Fruit
✔ Flour
✔ Sugar
✔ Salt

The Salvation Army
[Street Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

Food Fund Drive
YES! I will help hungry children and families in my community. Here's my gift: $7.00

Please make your check payable to The Salvation Army.
❏ Please check to donate by credit card, and complete the back of this form.


Your gift will be used locally.

From: Mr. Paul Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

To: The Salvation Army
Portland Metro Donation Processing Center
[Street Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]


I wanted to share this note of thanks ...

This year has been a difficult one for our family. We were doing just fine for the first couple of months, but when my husband got laid off from his job, it was like the ground fell out from under us. We had some money saved up for a rainy day, but even with that, supporting a family of five on just one income left us in a pretty tight spot.

I don't even want to think about where our family would be today if it weren't for The Salvation Army. Getting help from them meant that we didn't have to choose between paying rent and putting food on the table.

We're just so grateful to every single person who made it possible for us to get the help we needed. Now that we're starting to get back on our feet, we're excited to help other local families through challenging times, just like you helped ours.

[Name redacted]

This is from a grateful mom who received help in her time of need because of donors like you. Believe me when I say that your support truly does make a difference.

And so, I made a one-time donation to The Salvation Army Cascade Division today, April 28th, 2024, in order to support The Salvation Army's "FOOD FUND DRIVE" campaign, because "[I] CAN HELP FAMILIES IN CRISIS RIGHT HERE IN THE PORTLAND METRO AREA!" –Paul Whiting (April 28th, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.)


For my "April 28th, 2024 Update No. 2"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

April 28th, 2024 Update No. 2: I received an email from the USO (United Service Organizations) today, April 28th, 2024, with the subject line, "USO Military News: April 2024", with regard to the USO's newsletter "YOUR USO AT WORK," Issue 122 / April 2024, which stated, in part, the following:

Issue 122 / April 2024



It has been a difficult month for service members as tensions continue to rise around the world. We don't know what the members of our military will face in the coming days — but at times like these, we are especially grateful for your ongoing support of our brave heroes.

Read on to learn about the ways USO Home Team members like you are helping us support our service members right now. ...

And the following highlights from the USO's newsletter, which I selected to post, are regarding "USO Helps Military Moms Celebrate New Beginnings" and "Children supporting USO’s Easter Eggstravaganza," as well as "Skip the costly repairs! Donate Your Used Vehicle":


USO Helps Military Moms Celebrate New Beginnings

USO Grafenwoehr in Germany hosted a Special Delivery Baby Shower last month. These baby showers provide a touch of home for new moms and moms-to-be away from their families and support networks during pregnancies. These events are free for new and expecting mothers in the military community. Learn more about USO Special Delivery and how we support military moms.

[Blogger's Note: I read the USO's article titled, "USO Special Delivery."]



Children supporting USO’s Easter Eggstravaganza

USO supports Easter “Eggstravaganza” events Last month, USO Sigonella helped the local community celebrate Easter with tons of family fun. From snacks to plenty of Easter-themed crafts and activities, this event was all smiles.



Skip the costly repairs! Donate Your Used Vehicle

Easy Process | Free Pick-up | Tax-deductible*
*Consult your tax advisor

Donate a Vehicle to the USO

The donation of your used car, truck, motorcycle or RV can help provide the necessary funds for the USO to continue to deliver our mission. Learn more about how to donate »

[Blogger's Note: I read the USO's article titled, "USO VEHICLE DONATION PROGRAM," which also includes a video that I watched.]


...From all of us at the USO, thank you for being a patriotic supporter of our nation's service members!

And so, after I read the email above, I made a one-time donation on the website in order to support the USO's following statement: "Our service members keep our nation safe. And we work hard to keep them connected to home — but we can’t do that without support from military supporters like you. Our troops are counting on you to be a part of this important work for our country. So please, donate now."

In addition to that, I already make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! You see, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation. ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "April 28th, 2024 Update No. 2":


April 30th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses April 26th, 2024: [CONTENT WARNING: THIS UPDATE CONTAINS ARTICLES WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!] This 'update' that I am writing today, April 30th, 2024, is combined from my news searches on Google, which I do as often as I can manage, as well as from my occasional reading of The New York Times articles, USA Today articles and Time Magazine articles that I received via email for April 30th, 2024.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

So, because I have been so busy lately with "Online Activism," and also with the editing of my five blogs, I have just been reading the titles of The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles that I receive from their daily emails. Then, I will occasionally read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those emails that I highlight in these 'updates.'

That is why I recently signed up to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe in order for me to stay informed about what's happening in the world. And I was formerly writing separate 'updates' for each of the news articles that I read from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles; however, after I restarted writing these news 'updates' from my news searches on Google (which I stopped doing for a while), I also decided to restart writing the 'updates' from the above-mentioned news organizations to which I subscribe, but as a combined 'update.'

Thus, I am checking the news through Google searches again, like used to do, as often as I can manage it. You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, I am now simply checking the news via Google searches as often as I can manage to do so. And, I usually check what's happening in the world via various Google searches that I do under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Google news searches.

So, without further ado, I was doing my occasional news searches on Google for today, April 30th, 2024, as well as for four days ago, April 26th, 2024, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the articles; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink; however, I think that all of those hyperlinks to current news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these current news 'updates' by first providing the original Google search category through which I found each article, as listed above, like I usually do. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.]

Then, I am providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the publisher's name and the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too! (I hope that makes sense.)


April 30th, 2024 search:

01. USA Today
(I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

FBI crime data shows decrease, despite Trump's contrary claims

By Zac Anderson | April 30, 2024


April 30th, 2024 search:

02. NBC News Russia is trying to exploit America's divisions over the war in Gaza

The effort includes artificial intelligence, fake social media accounts and a spike in state-sponsored Russian propaganda.

By Dan De Luce | April 30, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


April 26th, 2024 search:

03. USA Today
(I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

President Biden says he is happy to debate Trump (President Joe Biden says he will debate Donald Trump)

By Joey Garrison | April 26, 2024


April 30th, 2024 search:

04. USA Today
(I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

What if Donald Trump wins? 5 takeaways from TIME magazine interview

By Phillip M. Bailey and Sudiksha Kochi | April 30, 2024


April 26th, 2024 search:

05. The New York Times
(I am a subscriber to The New York Times 'Basic Access' Digital Subscription.)

Election Updates: Biden says he is 'happy to' debate Trump, a notable shift.

By Chris Cameron | April 26, 2024


April 30th, 2024 search:

06. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos Voters don't like Biden's economy — but why?

In focus groups, we asked undecided voters about their views on the economy.

By Monica Potts | April 30, 2024


April 26th, 2024 search:

07. CBS News

Biden says he's "happy to debate" Trump before 2024 election

By Aaron Navarro | Updated on: April 26, 2024 / 2:00 PM EDT


I did not select any articles from this category.


April 30th, 2024 search:

08. The New York Times
(I am a subscriber to The New York Times 'Basic Access' Digital Subscription.)

Biden and Democrats Seize on Trump’s Interview With Time Magazine

The president and other top Democrats moved quickly to capitalize politically on Donald J. Trump’s interview with Time magazine, particularly his comments on abortion.

By Nicholas Nehamas and Reid J. Epstein | April 30, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


April 26th, 2024 search:

09. NBC News

White House seizes on Mitch McConnell's remarks that Trump stalled action on border security

In a new statement, the White House cited comments by the Senate Republican leader to argue that Trump rejected a compromise on a border deal for political gain.

By Sahil Kapur | April 25, 2024


April 30th, 2024 search:

10. NBC News Trump on political violence in 2024: 'If we don't win, you know, it depends'

The former president also spoke about considering pardons for Jan. 6 defendants and deflected key questions on federal abortion policy in a lengthy Time magazine interview.

By Mark Peterson | April 30, 2024


April 30th, 2024 search:

11. CNN

Trump doesn’t rule out political violence if he loses, and other takeaways from his Time interview

By Steve Contorno and Kate Sullivan | April 30, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


April 26th, 2024 search:

12. USA Today
(I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

Earth Day 2024: Why you should celebrate climate change optimism (For Earth Day 2024, experts are spreading optimism – not doom. Here's why.)

By Elizabeth Weise | April 22, 2024

By the way, I also listened to The Excerpt podcast accompanying the article above that is titled, "Earth Day 2024: Some scientists are calling for 'urgent optimism'."


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


Continuing on—as I mentioned above—I will occasionally read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from the daily emails that I receive from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine.

And I used to provide longer introductions to these New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which included the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article in addition to a hyperlink; however—as I mentioned above—I think that all of those hyperlinks to news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Again, please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these news 'updates' by providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too! (I hope that makes sense.)

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of the titles to The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles—including any article overviews contained within the emails—that I received for April 30th, 2024, when I noticed the following articles!


These are the Time Magazine articles which I received for April 30th, 2024: (I am a subscriber to the Time Magazine 'INSIDER Digital' Subscription.)

The following is the Time Magazine article that I read today, April 30th, 2024, from 'The Brief' email that I received today:

How Far Trump Would Go

By Eric Cortellessa | APRIL 30, 2024

The following is the Time Magazine article that I read today, April 30th, 2024, from 'Daily Spotlight' email that I received today:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned April 30th, 2024 email introduction to the Time Magazine article below:

Fact-Checking What Donald Trump Said in His 2024 Interviews

Former U.S. President Trump sat down with TIME for two conversations and made inaccurate statements. Here’s what they are.

Read more. ...

Fact-Checking What Donald Trump Said in His 2024 Interviews With TIME

By Leslie Dickstein, Simmone Shah, Julia Zorthian and Eric Cortellessa | APRIL 30, 2024

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above via Google news searches—as well as from Time Magazine—for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written April 30th, 2024 and revised May 1st, 2024)


April 30th, 2024 Update No. 2, Written On May 1st, 2024 About April 2024: This 'update' is special, since I am continuing to change the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month! And because I first changed the way that I make donations starting in August 2023, this update is also technically a follow-up to the following:

▪ August 19th, 2023 Update
▪ August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 1, Written On August 31st, 2023
▪ August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 2, Written On October 1st, 2023 About September 2023
▪ August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 3, Written On November 1st, 2023 About October 2023
▪ August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 4, Written On December 1st, 2023 About November 2023
▪ August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 5, Written On January 1st, 2024 About December 2023

Besides that, because this is the year 2024—where I am continuing to change the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations that I started changing in 2023—this update is also a follow-up to the following:

▪ January 31st, 2024 Update No. 3, Written On February 1st, 2024 About January 2024

▪ February 29th, 2024 Update No. 3, Written On March 1st, 2024 About February 2024

▪ March 31st, 2024 Update No. 6, Written On April 2nd, 2024 About March 2024

Please let me explain: I spent A LOT the year before last (2022) because I was "doing everything in my power to help Democrats win in the 2022 Midterm Elections!" And I also spent QUITE A BIT last year (2023) because I was trying to 'put my money where my mouth is' regarding my activism throughout the year. And so, I ended up with a rather considerable credit card balance...

...Now, this is my only credit card—that I got through my regular bank—and I was enjoying an interest-free period on my charges up until August 2023! Thus, my carefree days of not paying for any interest on my credit card balance were officially over last year. And my minimum payments were going to be a rather large percentage of the amount that I had set aside in my monthly budget for my minimum payment, as well as my extra payment, on my credit card each month.

So, in response to this change in my minimum payments, I changed the way that I donated to political, progressive and charitable organizations, starting in 2023, due to the fact that I was spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations in 2023—as outlined below—starting with January of 2023.

January 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 15%

February 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 19%

March 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 12%

April 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 17%

May 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 21%

June 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 20%

July 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 17%

August 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 23%

September 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 20%

October 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 31%

November 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 71%

December 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 31%

And so, if I average out the total percentage in 2023 that I spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations from January 2023 through December 2023, it comes out to be 25% of my monthly income! (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)

That is the reason I started really "tightening my belt," so to speak, with regard to all of the donations that I am making on my credit card each month! So, my plan is to only donate to political, progressive and charitable organizations if they specifically ask for donations—and not just for the sake of donating to them at least once per month, or even when I have been taking some sort of action, such as signing a petition, or sending a letter, etc. Thus, I am trying to greatly reduce the number of donations that I make to simply once in a while, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis!

You see, there are a lot of organizations that I literally donate to only once per year—such as for Giving Tuesday—which is all that I ever donate to them. And that is basically what I am striving for, so that I am still donating to political, progressive and charitable organizations, but the bare minimum that I can donate, since that's all I can really afford.

Therefore, I am no longer donating for every one of the email or text messages that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action that also come from the same organization, with the exception of the USO (United Service Organizations), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action.

That is why I will still be responding to some of the email or text messages that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, as well as to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action; however, when I do donate, I am reducing the number of times that I donate for the same organization per month down to once—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis—in addition to reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers.

Thus, when I do donate, I will only be donating once per month for each political, progressive or charitable organization, with the exception of the USO, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. (You see, I make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! Plus, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation.)

In addition to that, as of March 21st, 2024, I am no longer donating to individual political campaigns for the foreseeable future—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis (such as to Joe Biden's campaign for President of the United States, or to local campaigns here in Oregon), but I am not donating like I have been up until this point—which has been virtually every time that I have received a political campaign donation request via email or text message—because I seriously cannot afford to donate that much for the rest of the 2024 Presidential Election cycle, as well as for the foreseeable future.

And I have made this decision based upon how much these individual political campaign donations are costing in my 'monthly donating budget'—even though I have only been donating $3.00 with a $0.21 tip to ActBlue. However, it's still more than I can afford given my 'monthly donating budget,' which is why I have decided to stop donating to individual political campaigns entirely—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, as mentioned above.

And to clarify one more thing: In the past, I used to only donate to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations—rather than to individual campaigns—since that's all I really could afford given my 'monthly spending budget,' because I am "low income." Plus, those Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations help all of the individual political campaigns with funding, which is why I used to only donate to those main organizations. And I only started donating to individual political campaigns in 2022, since I was "doing everything in my power to help Democrats win in the 2022 Midterm Elections!" Therefore, this decision to stop donating to individual political campaigns (with the exception of presidential campaigns and local campaigns, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis) is really just going back to the way that I used to make political donations.

And now that yesterday, April 30th, 2024, was the last day of April 2024, I wanted to provide you with April's total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations:

April 2024:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 13.00%

And here are the percentages that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations by category, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[01] News Organizations: 0.65% {0.64557779212%}
[02] Brady United: 0.65% {0.64557779212%}
[03] IAVA (Iraq & Afghan. Vet. of Amer.): 0.32% {0.32278889606%}
[04] UFW (Unite. Farm Work.): 0.45% {0.45190445448%}
[05] DPO (Dem. Party of Ore.): 0.35% {0.34538411878%}
[06] DCCC (Dem. Congress. Cam. Comm.): 0.35% {0.34538411878%}
[07] BVF (Biden Victory Fund): 0.76% {0.75532601678%}
[08] DASS (Dem. Assoc. Secr. of State): 0.28% {0.27630729502%}
[09] DAGA (Dem. Attorneys. Gen. Assoc.): 0.28% {0.27630729502%}
[10] DLCC (Dem. Legis. Cam. Comm.): 0.28% {0.27630729502%}
[11] DGA (Dem. Govern. Assoc.): 0.14% {0.13815364751%}
[12] DNC (Dem. Nation. Cam. Comm.): 0.28% {0.27630729502%}
[13] DSCC (Dem. Senate. Cam. Comm.): 0.28% {0.27630729502%}
[14] Jane Fonda Climate PAC: 0.28% {0.27630729502%}
[15] EMILYs List: 0.28% {0.27630729502%}
[16] VoteVets: 0.28% {0.27630729502%}
[17] Biden for President: 0.97% {0.9670755326%}
[18] Non-Categorized Political: 0.49% {0.4835377663%}
[19] USO (United Serv. Orgs.): 0.97% {0.96836668818%}
[20] Monthly Political: 2.32% {2.32408005164%}
-------Please see [21] below-------
-------Please see [22] below-------
[23] Earth Day: 1.94% {1.93673337637%}
[24] The Salvation Army: 0.45% {0.45190445448%}
-------Please see [25] below-------

Monthly Income Total Percentage Calculation:

   1.29% {2 x 0.65% approximately}
+ 0.32%
+ 0.90% {2 x 0.45%}
+ 0.69% {2 x 0.35% approximately}
+ 0.76%
+ 2.21% {8 x 0.28% approximately}
+ 0.14%
+ 1.93% {2 x 0.97% approximately}
+ 0.49%
+ 2.32%
+ 1.94%
= 13.00% {12.99%}

Plus, here are the percentages that I have spent on interest and credit card purchases—in addition to a Time Magazine subscription payment—as outlined within my monthly budget:

[21] Monthly Interest: 7.1% {7.05229180116%}

[22] Credit Card Purchases: 2.6% {2.56229825693%}

[25] Time Magazine Subscription: 0.97% {0.96836668818%}

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Interest and Purchases, in addition to a Time Magazine Subscription: 10.67%

Grand Total Percentage of Monthly Income for April 2024: 23.67%

And starting in 2024, I totally changed the way that I approach how I calculate what I am spending on my credit card each month! So now, I take the total amount that I have available in my monthly budget for my minimum payment on my credit card—as well as my extra payment—and I calculate how much I am reducing that amount each time that I charge on my credit card.

That way, I am very aware of the amount by which I am reducing my total available credit card payments for the month (the minimum payment and the extra payment) in order to, hopefully, pay more on my credit card than I am spending! Plus, I am also utilizing some funds from my budgeted expenses, as well as some funds from my savings, to make sure that I am paying a little more than I am spending while—at the same time—I am also trying to spend less on my credit card.

For example, I made one set of donations for the month of April 2024 (on April 11th) to Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations—and to one campaign—regarding the national races for the House of Representatives (the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee), the Senate (the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee) and the President of the United States (the Democratic National Committee and Biden for President, or the Biden Victory Fund), as well as the state races for the Governors (the Democratic Governors Association), the Secretaries of State (the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State), the Attorneys General (the Democratic Attorneys General Association) and the State Legislatures (the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee), during this fourth month of the year for the 2024 Presidential Election.

That is why I am trying to contribute, during each month of 2024, as much as I am able to donate to Democratic political organizations—as well as to Democratic political campaigns—while I am still trying to stay within a 'monthly donating budget,' since that's all I can really afford! Now, that means I can only donate ONCE for the entire month to each of the above-mentioned seven organizations (and one campaign!) in order to stay within my 'monthly donating budget.' Period. And that is how I am planning to budget for my credit card charges in order to see if it is "feasible for the foreseeable future" (say that three times fast!), or if I need to adjust this new credit card budget even more.

Therefore, the reason that I am explaining all of this donating and budgeting is because I am trying to be an "Online Activist" and to 'put my money where my mouth is' regarding my activism. That is why I blog about which political, progressive and charitable organizations I am supporting with regard to the causes that are the most important to me! –Paul Whiting (written May 1st, 2024 and revised June 1st, 2024)




For my "May 1st, 2024 Update No. 1"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

May 1st, 2024 Update No. 1: May is Military Appreciation Month! And I received an email from the USO (United Service Organizations) today, May 1st, 2024, with the subject line, "This Military Appreciation Month, remind our heroes how much their service means to you", which stated the following:


★ ★ ★




May is Military Appreciation Month, Paul. And we want to invite you to take a moment and thank our heroes in uniform.

Top military supporters from around the country are coming together to recognize everything our brave service members do for us: From risking their lives in some of the world's harshest and most isolating conditions to sacrificing time with their families, our heroes deserve our unending gratitude and recognition.

That's why, in honor of Military Appreciation Month, we've set a goal to get 150,000 grateful Americans to sign our thank-you card via email and text messages by the end of the month. Please, show your gratitude as a top military supporter by signing now:

★ ★ ★

Happy Military
Appreciation Month
– we appreciate
everything you do!


Our service members continue to make tremendous sacrifices day in and day out — from providing humanitarian relief around the world to keeping us safe back home.

The men and women in our military are heroes. And all too often, they don't get the recognition they deserve.

Truly, the least we can do is ensure they feel the gratitude and appreciation from top military supporters like you. So please, take a moment and sign our Military Appreciation Month card for our service members before our goal deadline.


Thank you so much for supporting our heroes in uniform.



***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

So, I signed a Military Appreciation Month card "to recognize our heroes who have sacrificed so much, particularly those who are stationed far from friends and family in dangerous parts of the world." Plus, after I signed the card, I made a one-time donation on the website to say to America's service members, "Happy Military Appreciation Month! We’re so thankful for your heroic service and sacrifice. Sending our deepest gratitude, respect and appreciation." ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "May 1st, 2024 Update No. 1":


May 1st, 2024 Update No. 2: I received an email from Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) today, May 1st, 2024, with the subject line "Join us. Take the pledge to #GoSilent this Memorial Day", which stated the following:


Our annual #GoSilent campaign is about raising awareness of and recognizing those who’ve made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our nation. This year, we especially want to remind America of those who lost their lives during the ongoing Global War on Terror, which has killed more than 7,000 U.S. troops across two decades – every one of them volunteers.

Will you take the pledge to #GoSilent to remember the fallen on May 27th at 3:00 PM local time and help spread the word to remind the nation about what this day represents?

Our collective commitment to #GoSilent makes a powerful statement of support and reverence.

We hope you’ll join us in honoring the women and men who have given their lives in service to our nation. Honoring the families that also lost a loved one in the process. And encourage your fellow Americans to do the same.

Take the pledge to #GoSilent on Memorial Day now >>>

With gratitude,


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


This Memorial Day, remember to Honor the Fallen.

#GoSilent with IAVA at 3:00 PM local time.

This Memorial Day, at 3PM local time, IAVA will #GoSilent in honor of America’s servicemembers who made the ultimate sacrifice. Gather your friends and family across the country and pause with us for a national moment of silence to honor those who have sacrificed so much.


Commit to #GoSilent with IAVA on Memorial Day


Thank you for joining us to #GoSilent to honor the fallen this Memorial Day. IAVA’s annual #GoSilent campaign is about raising awareness and recognition for our nation’s heroes who have made the ultimate sacrifice.

This year IAVA especially wants to remind America of those who lost their lives during the Global War on Terror (GWOT). In a war that continues to be waged to this day, GWOT has killed more than 7,000 U.S. troops across more than two decades – every one of them volunteers.

We encourage you to take the pledge to incorporate a moment of pause and recognition on May 27th at 3PM local time and help spread the word to remind the nation about what this day truly represents. We developed this toolkit ( to support your efforts in paying tribute to our incredible veterans and their families on your personal and organizational social media channels.


#GOSILENT with IAVA this Memorial Day

Pledge to observe a moment of silence at 3pm local time on May 27th to honor the fallen.

First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Email: [redacted]
State (2 letter abbreviation): [redacted]
Zip Code (5 digits): [redacted]


And so, I took the pledge "to observe a moment of silence at 3pm local time on May 27th [2024] to honor the fallen." –Paul Whiting (written May 1st, 2024 and revised May 23rd, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, I used to make one-time donations to the organization that is the subject of these 'updates' each time that I took an action as requested by that organization; however, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am really 'tightening my belt,' so to speak, with regard to all of the donations that I am making on my credit card each month! My plan is to only donate to political, progressive and charitable organizations if they specifically ask for donations—and not just for the sake of donating to them at least once per month, or even when I have been taking some sort of action, such as signing a petition, or sending a letter, etc. Thus, I am trying to greatly reduce the number of donations that I make to simply once in a while, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis! You see, there are a lot of organizations that I literally donate to only once per year—such as for Giving Tuesday—which is all that I ever donate to them. And that is basically what I am striving for, so that I am still donating to political, progressive and charitable organizations, but the bare minimum that I can donate, since that's all I can really afford." [Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 4, Written On December 1st, 2023 About November 2023 (that also appears as 'November 30th, 2023 Update No. 2, Written On December 1st, 2023' on some of my blogs), which can be found above.]


For my "May 4th, 2024 Update No. 1"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

May 4th, 2024 Update: May is Military Appreciation Month! And I received an email from the USO (United Service Organizations) today, May 4th, 2024, with the subject line, "What Military Appreciation Month means to me", which stated the following:


Every moment of every day. That's when we honor and appreciate our military here at the USO.

This Military Appreciation Month, I'm grateful we are taking the time as a nation to collectively thank our service members and their families for their dedication, resilience and unwavering commitment to selflessly defending our country.

When I was at the Air Force Academy, I learned the value of Service Before Self. It's the idea that when serving your country, personal comforts take a backseat to duty. I cannot think of a better way to describe our heroes in uniform. These are folks who willingly sacrifice so much to put themselves in harm's way in the service of our country. We owe the brave members of our military a debt of gratitude, and the 25th anniversary of Military Appreciation Month is the perfect opportunity to honor them.

I invite you to join me and the USO in thanking these heroes. My hope is that every person in uniform, at home and abroad, feels our immense gratitude over this next month.

The USO has been supporting our service members for 83 years, and we would not be able to do it without you. Thank you for standing with us and with the military community. Together, let's ensure the people serving in America's military and their families know they are appreciated and valued, not just this month, but every day.


[Name redacted]
U.S. Air Force Veteran
[Title redacted], USO

Show your gratitude as a top military supporter and make a donation now to help us start Military Appreciation Month in the best position to strengthen the well-being of those who serve.


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, I made a one-time donation on the website in order to support the USO's following statement: "Since 1941, the USO has stood by all who serve in America’s military. But we're not a government-funded agency — we count on individual supporters like you to fund the programs that make the biggest difference for our service members. Please donate in honor of Military Appreciation Month so we can continue to provide individual support to our service members every day of the year."

In addition to that, I already make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! You see, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation. ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "May 4th, 2024 Update No. 1":


May 7th, 2024 Update No. 1: The third annual National Fentanyl Awareness Day is today, May 7th, 2024! And I received an email from The National Fentanyl Awareness Day Team today, May 7th, 2024, with the subject line, "Today is National Fentanyl Awareness Day!", which stated the following:


Dear NFAD [National Fentanyl Awareness Day] Partners,

Today is the third annual National Fentanyl Awareness Day!

Please join us and spread the word on social media to take action and save a life. Check out some sample social copy and creative assets here [PDF] (, and don't forget to use #NationalFentanylAwarenessDay. We will be uplifting our partners’ posts on social media throughout the day, so please be sure to tag our social accounts!

Thank you again for all you are doing to raise awareness about this issue and for taking the time today to educate your networks!

With gratitude,

The National Fentanyl Awareness Team







Plus, after I read the email above, I made a one-time donation to Song for Charlie (, via the National Fentanyl Awareness Day website, in order to support their "national family-run, nonprofit charity dedicated to raising awareness about 'fentapills' — fake pills made of fentanyl," as well as to show my support for National Fentanyl Awareness Day! –Paul Whiting (written May 7th, 2024 and revised May 8th, 2024)
May 7th, 2024 Update No. 1, Follow-Up Written On May 8th, 2024: I received an email from The National Fentanyl Awareness Day Team today, May 8th, 2024, with the subject line, "Thank You!", which stated the following:


Dear Partners and Supporters,

Thank you for partnering with us to spread the word about illicitly manufactured fentanyl and take action to save a life. We couldn’t do this work without you.

Please complete this brief partner survey*** to share how you activated this year, and help us inform our 2025 plans and how we can better support partners in the future.

We’re so grateful for your support this year. We’ll be in touch soon with further updates, but if you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [email redacted].

With gratitude,

The National Fentanyl Awareness Team







***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

National Fentanyl Awareness Day Partner Survey

How did you activate on May 7th?

[✓] Posted on social media (e.g. Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, TikTok, Twitter, etc.)
[  ] Hosted or helped organize a New Drug Talk film screening
[  ] Hosted or helped organize an in-person event
[  ] Sent an email to my network
[  ] Had a conversation about the dangers of fentanyl and fake pills
[  ] Learned the signs of an overdose and how to respond
Obtained naloxone
[  ] Other (please specify)

How did you originally hear about National Fentanyl Awareness Day?

[  ] Another partner organization
[✓] News [Please see my 'May 9th, 2023 Update—Continued Further Some More, Written On May 13th, 2023,' which can be found above.]
[  ] Social media
[  ] Other (please specify)

If you attended or hosted an in-person event, where was the event and how many people attended?

I am a blogger! So, I posted a 'May 7th, 2024 Update No. 1' on my website blog post: 016/11/i-am-no-longer-being-activist.html.

What NFAD resources did you find most helpful?

[  ] Social media graphics / posters
[  ] Email drafts
[✓] Website facts
[  ] Hosting a film screening guide
[  ] Family discussion guide
[  ] Spanish social media graphics

How can NFAD better support your activation in the future? Any other feedback you’d like to share?

Here is the above-mentioned 'May 7th, 2024 Update No. 1' that I wrote on my blog for National Fentanyl Awareness Day:


May 7th, 2024 Update No. 1: The third annual National Fentanyl Awareness Day is today, May 7th, 2024! And I received an email from The National Fentanyl Awareness Day Team today, May 7th, 2024, with the subject line, "Today is National Fentanyl Awareness Day!", which stated the following:


Dear NFAD [National Fentanyl Awareness Day] Partners,

Today is the third annual National Fentanyl Awareness Day!

Please join us and spread the word on social media to take action and save a life. Check out some sample social copy and creative assets here [PDF] (, and don't forget to use #NationalFentanylAwarenessDay. We will be uplifting our partners’ posts on social media throughout the day, so please be sure to tag our social accounts!

Thank you again for all you are doing to raise awareness about this issue and for taking the time today to educate your networks!

With gratitude,

The National Fentanyl Awareness Team







Plus, after I read the email above, I made a one-time donation to Song for Charlie (, via the National Fentanyl Awareness Day website, in order to support their "national family-run, nonprofit charity dedicated to raising awareness about 'fentapills' — fake pills made of fentanyl," as well as to show my support for National Fentanyl Awareness Day! –Paul Whiting (written May 7th, 2024 and revised May 8th, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, your hyperlink to Instagram is broken! Apparently, the web address is incorrect because there is a forward slash in front of it that causes it to go to a Google error page, as quoted below:


404. That's an error.

The requested URL / was not found on this server. That's all we know.

So, I copied the URL without the extra forward slash ( and it worked just fine!


Thank You!

Your submission has been received.

By the way, I realized after I submitted the partner survey above that I completed it somewhat incorrectly! You see, I accidentally wrote the explanation about posting a 'May 7th, 2024 Update No. 1' on my website blog post for National Fentanyl Awareness Day under the comment box question, "If you attended or hosted an in-person event, where was the event and how many people attended?" When what I should have actually done is provided that same explanation about posting an 'update' on my blog post under the question, "How did you activate on May 7th?" by selecting "Other (please specify)," rather than checking off "Posted on social media (e.g. Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, TikTok, Twitter, etc.)," like I did. –Paul Whiting (May 8th, 2024)


May 7th, 2024 Update No. 2, Written On May 12th, 2024: National Teachers’ Day is yearly (annually) on the first Tuesday of the first full week of May, which this year is May 7th, 2024!

Plus, National Teachers' Day is observed within National Teacher Appreciation Week, which this year is May 6th, 2024 through 10th, 2024 due to the fact that National Teacher Appreciation Week is yearly (annually) during the first full school week of May.

The following webpage introduction, regarding National Teacher Appreciation Week 2024, is from the National Education Association's website


Teachers Go Above & Beyond for Students.

National Teacher Day is May 7, 2024, and National Teacher Appreciation Week is May 6-10, 2024.

This year, we’re joining together to listen to and stand with teachers and uniting to take action and demand our leaders provide the resources and respect educators deserve. Because every student - no matter the color of their skin or the ZIP code they live in - deserves educators who are caring, committed, and have the resources they need to help every student succeed.


First Lady Dr. Jill Biden joined NEA President Becky Pringle and AFT President Randi Weingarten to send a special message to educators across the country.

[Blogger's Note: I watched The White House video above that is titled, "First Lady Jill Biden Hosts a Virtual Appreciation Event for Educators," which is imbedded in the webpage.]


Help educators know just how appreciated they are by sharing a message on social media, tagging @NEAToday, and using #ThankATeacher. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the webpage:

By the way, I am writing this 'update' five days after National Teachers’ Day since I was actually planning to do my usual set of donations for the month of May 2024 to Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations—and to one campaign—regarding the national races for the House of Representatives, the Senate and the President of the United States, as well as the state races for the Governors, the Secretaries of State, the Attorneys General and the State Legislatures, sometime during National Teacher Appreciation Week, which is when I was planning to write an 'update' regarding the aforementioned Teacher Appreciation Week.

However, I decided to make my monthly political donations on Mother's Day instead, which is today, May 12th, 2024.

Thus, after I made my usual monthly political donations today, I remembered that I didn't write an 'update' regarding National Teachers’ Day and National Teacher Appreciation Week! So, that is why I wrote this 'update' afterward (belatedly) because I changed how I was planning to contribute for my monthly political donations—and that is why I forgot to write this 'update' before today! –Paul Whiting (May 12th, 2024)


May 8th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses May 4th, 2024 And May 6th, 2024: This 'update' that I am writing today, May 8th, 2024, is only from my news searches on Google, which I do as often as I can manage.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, I am now simply checking the news via Google searches as often as I can manage to do so. And, I usually check what's happening in the world via various Google searches that I do under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Google news searches.

Plus, I have just been reading the titles of The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles that I receive from their daily emails. Then, I will occasionally read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those emails. That is why I recently signed up to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe in order for me to stay informed about what's happening in the world.

And I was formerly writing separate 'updates' for each of the news articles that I read from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles; however, after I restarted writing these news 'updates' from my news searches on Google, I also decided to restart writing the 'updates' from the above-mentioned news organizations to which I subscribe, but as a combined 'update.' (Although, highlighted articles from the above-mentioned news organizations that send me email newsletters, as well as highlighted articles from my news searches on Google, I will sometimes write together is a super-combined 'update.')

So, without further ado, I was doing my occasional news searches on Google for today May 8th, 2024, as well as two days ago, May 6th, 2024, in addition to four days ago May 4th, 2024, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the articles; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink; however, I think that all of those hyperlinks to current news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these current news 'updates' by first providing the original Google search category through which I found each article, as listed above, like I usually do. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.]

Then, I am providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the publisher's name and the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too!

And for certain articles, I will include a few introductory paragraphs as a way to give more of a complete explanation to the meaning of the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of these articles, which may also take the form of a kind of 'overview,' so to speak, by selecting particular paragraphs that I feel highlight the most important parts of these articles in order to summarize the meaning of the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline'). I hope that makes sense!


May 8th, 2024 search:

01. CNN

Journalist sounds alarm on dangers of propaganda, calling it ‘one of the worst crises for American democracy this century’

By Oliver Darcy | Updated 10:51 PM EDT, Tue May 7, 2024


May 8th, 2024 search:

02. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos

Biden says US will not provide Israel with weapons to use in major Rafah invasion

He told CNN Israel has used American bombs to kill civilians in Gaza.

By Molly Nagle | May 8, 2024


May 8th, 2024 search:

03. Pew Research Center

Americans' Changing Relationship With Local News

As news consumption habits become more digital, U.S. adults continue to see value in local outlets

By Elisa Shearer, Katerina Eva Matsa, Michael Lipka, Kirsten Eddy and Naomi Forman-Katz | May 7, 2024


May 4th, 2024 search:

04. AP News

A group of Republicans has united to defend the legitimacy of US elections and those who run them

By Christina A. Cassidy | Updated 5:32 AM PDT, May 4, 2024


May 4th, 2024 search:

05. Reuters

Trump vows to fight 'anti-white feeling' in US. His allies have a plan

By Gram Slattery and Nathan Layne | May 4, 2024


May 8th, 2024 search:

06. The New York Times
(I am a subscriber to The New York Times 'Basic Access' Digital Subscription.)

R.F.K. Jr. Says Doctors Found a Dead Worm in His Brain

The presidential candidate has faced previously undisclosed health issues, including a parasite that he said ate part of his brain.

By Susanne Craig | May 8, 2024


May 8th, 2024 search:

07. The Guardian

Congress hears testimony on Russia's sonic attacks on US officials in Havana

Panel heard from expert witnesses how Russia had 'means, motive and opportunity' for covert targeting of intelligence officers.

Panel heard from expert witnesses how Russia had ‘means, motive and opportunity’ for covert targeting of intelligence officers

Richard Luscombe | 8 May 2024

By the way, after I read this article on November 4th, 2023, I noticed The Guardian News donation request below, which stated the following:

You've read 28 articles in the last year

I hope you appreciated this article. Before you move on, I wanted to ask if you would consider supporting the Guardian’s journalism as we enter one of the most consequential news cycles of our lifetimes in 2024.

With the potential of another Trump presidency looming, there are countless angles to cover around this year’s election – and we'll be there to shed light on each new development, with explainers, key takeaways and analysis of what it means for America, democracy and the world.

From Elon Musk to the Murdochs, a small number of billionaire owners have a powerful hold on so much of the information that reaches the public about what’s happening in the world. The Guardian is different. We have no billionaire owner or shareholders to consider. Our journalism is produced to serve the public interest – not profit motives.

And we avoid the trap that befalls much US media: the tendency, born of a desire to please all sides, to engage in false equivalence in the name of neutrality. We always strive to be fair. But sometimes that means calling out the lies of powerful people and institutions – and making clear how misinformation and demagoguery can damage democracy.

From threats to election integrity, to the spiraling climate crisis, to complex foreign conflicts, our journalists contextualize, investigate and illuminate the critical stories of our time. As a global news organization with a robust US reporting staff, we’re able to provide a fresh, outsider perspective – one so often missing in the American media bubble.

Around the world, readers can access the Guardian’s paywall-free journalism because of our unique reader-supported model. That’s because of people like you. Our readers keep us independent, beholden to no outside influence and accessible to everyone – whether they can afford to pay for news, or not.

If you can, please consider supporting us just once, or better yet, support us every month with a little more. Thank you.

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted], Guardian US

[✓] One-time
[  ] Monthly
[  ] Annual

Contribution amount

[  ] $75
[  ] $125
[✓] Other



Support just once

Support us with the amount of your choice.

[  ] $75
[  ] $125
[  ] $250
[✓] Other
Enter your amount $5.00

Thank you for supporting us today with $5 ❤️

Thank you for your contribution...

And so, I made a one-time donation to The Guardian News out of thankful consideration of the article that I just read by "supporting the Guardian’s journalism as we enter one of the most consequential news cycles of our lifetimes in 2024."


May 8th, 2024 search:

08. The New York Times
(I am a subscriber to The New York Times 'Basic Access' Digital Subscription.)

Biden Says the U.S. Will Not Supply Israel With Weapons to Attack Rafah

The president’s remarks underscore a growing rift over the war in Gaza. He also acknowledged that U.S. bombs have been used to kill Palestinian civilians.

By Erica L. Green | May 8, 2024


May 4th, 2024 search:

09. USA Today
(I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

Seriously, GOP? MTG trying to oust Speaker Mike Johnson is a joke (If Marjorie Taylor Greene is the future of the Republican Party, I don't want it)

It's one thing for the people of Georgia to want Greene as a representative, that's their prerogative, but for the rest of the GOP to consider her as a leader in the House is another thing entirely.

By Nicole Russell | May 3, 2023


May 4th, 2024 search:

10. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos

Biden campaign slams Trump's latest unwillingness to accept results of 2024 election

Trump's push "for revenge ... reigns supreme," Biden's campaign said.

By Lalee Ibssa and Soo Rin Kim | May 2, 2024


May 6th, 2024 search:

11. AP News

Trump says Biden is running a 'Gestapo' administration. It's his latest reference to Nazi Germany

By Bill Barrow and Lisa Mascaro | Updated 12:03 PM PDT, May 5, 2024


May 6th, 2024 search:

12. MSNBC News

Biden White House pushes back in response to Trump ‘Gestapo’ talk

Donald Trump’s weird whining about the White House resembling the "Gestapo" isn’t just factually wrong and morally offensive, it’s also deeply ironic.

By Steve Benen | May 6, 2024


May 8th, 2024 search:

13. Newsweek

President Joe Biden Is Good for the Jews and for Israel (President Joe Biden Is Good for the Jews and for Israel | Opinion)

By Halie Soifer CEO of the Jewish Democratic Council of America | May 07, 2024


May 8th, 2024 search:

14. The New York Times
(I am a subscriber to The New York Times 'Basic Access' Digital Subscription.)

Speaker Mike Johnson Survives Marjorie Taylor Greene Move to Oust Him (Johnson Survives Greene’s Ouster Attempt as Democrats Join G.O.P. to Kill It)

Republicans and Democrats banded together to block a motion by the right-wing Georgia congresswoman to remove the speaker.

By Catie Edmondson, Carl Hulse and Kayla Guo | May 8, 2024


May 8th, 2024 search:

15. Politico

Inside the vote to defeat Greene's effort to oust Johnson from the speakership

The vote was 359-43, with seven members voting present. Twenty-one members did not vote.

By Anthony Adragna | 05/08/2024


May 4th, 2024 search:

16. Newsweek

Full List of Republicans Condemning Marjorie Taylor Greene

By Andrew Stanton | May 03, 2024


May 4th, 2024 search:

17. Politico

Why the Senate GOP is downplaying the chances of a red wave

Republicans have a shot at more than a half-dozen Senate seats, but they’re purposefully tempering expectations after failures in 2020 and 2022.

By Burgess Everett | 05/02/2024


May 8th, 2024 search:

18. Newsweek

Marjorie Taylor Greene Booed by Republicans

By Kaitlin Lewis | May 08, 2024


May 8th, 2024 search:

19. NPR (National Public Radio)

Bid to oust Speaker Johnson fails but GOP turmoil remains

By Barbara Sprunt | UPDATED MAY 8, 2024 7:08 PM ET


May 8th, 2024 search:

20. Arizona Mirror

Maricopa County Republicans censured the AZ Supreme Court because it rejected election lawsuits

By refusing to overturn the 2022 election like Kari Lake and Abe Hamadeh wanted, the court proved it was ‘biased,’ the county GOP said

By Caitlin Sievers | May 8, 2024


May 4th, 2024 search:

21. CNN

Trump suggests he won’t accept 2024 election results

By Jake Tapper | [No publishing date provided]

By the way, the 'article' above is actually a video, which is why I didn't include the publishing date.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written May 8th, 2024 and revised June 21st, 2024)


May 9th, 2024 Update No. 1: I received an email from the American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon (ACLU of Oregon) today, May 9th, 2024, with the subject line, "ACLU of Oregon Spring Newsletter", which stated, in part, the following:

ACLU of Oregon's Spring 2024 Newsletter

Paul –

Spring is oftentimes a symbol and opportunity for a fresh start and new beginnings. In the spirit of trying something new, your ACLU of Oregon team is delighted to share with you our inaugural Spring Newsletter.


In the newsletter, we discuss fresh starts, new projects and partnerships, and ways you can get involved with our work. You can also meet [name redacted], our new [title redacted]!

We often share our latest updates via social media, and we hope the newsletter will be another way for you to engage with and hear from the ACLU of Oregon team. If there are other ways you'd like to hear about our work and stay connected, please let us know!

In this newsletter, we also mention the TOGETHER Conference. I hope you will join us for a day of shared learning and relationship building on Saturday, September 21 – which will be close in time to the important November elections. ...

... Thank you for your ongoing engagement and support of our work towards a more just, equitable, and caring Oregon.

In gratitude,

[Name redacted]
Pronouns: She, her, hers
[Title redacted], ACLU of Oregon


And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, regarding the ACLU of Spring 2024 Newsletter. A brief introduction to the webpage can be found below:


In this volume of the newsletter, we discuss fresh starts, new projects and partnerships, and various ways to take action and get involved with our work. You can also say hello to [name redacted], our new [title redacted]!

We invite you to explore our newsletter with clickable links in the PDF viewer below. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the webpage:

Plus, after I read the email above, as well as after I read the ACLU of Oregon Spring 2024 Newsletter, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU of Oregon in order to show my appreciation for the ACLU of Oregon Spring 2024 Newsletter—and because "spring is oftentimes a symbol and opportunity for a fresh start and new beginnings," so "in the spirit of trying something new, [the] ACLU of Oregon team is delighted to share with [me] [their] inaugural Spring Newsletter." –Paul Whiting (May 9th, 2024)


May 10th, 2024 Update No. 1: I received an email from United Farm Workers (UFW) today, May 10th, 2024, with the subject line, "It’s happening again: NY [New York] State must step in at Wafler Farms", which stated the following:

United Farm Workers
Si, Se Puede!        UFW

It’s happening again: NY State must step in at Wafler Farms

In September 2023, we shared an outrageous video with you showing the abuse and intimidation at Wafler Farms. Hundreds of thousands of people watched the video. Thousands of people took action telling the New York Department of Labor to intervene immediately. But they didn't. Now it appears worker leaders are being retaliated against. We need your help in demanding the NY DOL take action.

As you may remember, in this profanity-filled rant lasting several minutes, owner Paul Wafler says, "You don't get organized in the morning to get in the van and go. That's tough s***t. The job starts when we leave. Not because you're just standing in here. Let's get that real g** d*** clear. And if you want to leave the lights on the van and then delay everything to get going because you still don't know how to drive a van again, that's tough s*** too." (Full video can be seen on the "Take Action" page.)

After UFW posted this video on social media, the workers who were suspected of filming the video told us they began receiving extra attention and scrutiny on the job. In addition, throughout the 2023 season, workers expressed concern over issues around wage theft, occupational health and safety and general issues with disrespect and verbal abuse.

Typically in early spring, Wafler begins recalling H2A workers. This year some of the workers suspected of being active union supporters, who had previously been called back in the first wave, were not recalled at the typical time and one has still not been recalled. Instead, less senior workers were recalled. The company's lawyers refused to say why. This has created a chilling environment for the other workers as they fear retaliation.

Tell the NY Department of Labor they should immediately investigate and act. They should require Wafler to recall the worker right away and give the workers back pay for the time they missed. As they continue to recall workers, Wafler should respect seniority. Ask the Waflers to respect NY state law and stop intimidating and retaliating against workers who have been outspoken about labor violations. Additionally, they must address the issues of alleged wage theft, safety and abusive managers.

Take Action!

PS: After you take action you can also share this campaign on Facebook & Twitter.*

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below—and that text is mostly the same information which is contained in the email above, with additional information:

It's happening again: NY State must step in at Wafler Farms

"Sept 8, 2023: Listen to how the owner of NYs Wafler Farms treated his workers." from YouTube:

In September 2023, we shared an outrageous video with you showing the abuse and intimidation at Wafler Farms. Hundreds of thousands of people watched the video. Thousands of people took action telling the New York Department of Labor to intervene immediately. But they didn't. Now it appears worker leaders are being retaliated against. We need your help in demanding the NY DOL take action.

As you may remember, in this profanity-filled rant lasting several minutes, owner Paul Wafler says, "You don't get organized in the morning to get in the van and go. That's tough s***t. The job starts when we leave. Not because you're just standing in here. Let's get that real g** d*** clear. And if you want to leave the lights on the van and then delay everything to get going because you still don't know how to drive a van again, that's tough s*** too." (Full video can be seen on the "Take Action" page.)

After UFW posted this video on social media, the workers who were suspected of filming the video told us they began receiving extra attention and scrutiny on the job. In addition, throughout the 2023 season, workers expressed concern over issues around wage theft, occupational health and safety and general issues with disrespect and verbal abuse.

Typically in early spring, Wafler begins recalling H2A workers. This year some of the workers suspected of being active union supporters, who had previously been called back in the first wave, were not recalled at the typical time and one has still not been recalled. Instead, less senior workers were recalled. The company's lawyers refused to say why. This has created a chilling environment for the other workers as they fear retaliation.

Tell the NY Department of Labor they should immediately investigate and act. They should require Wafler to recall the worker right away and give the workers back pay for the time they missed. As they continue to recall workers, Wafler should respect seniority. Ask the Waflers to respect NY state law and stop intimidating and retaliating against workers who have been outspoken about labor violations. Additionally, they must address the issues of alleged wage theft, safety and abusive managers.

Contact Information

First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Postal Code (Optional): [redacted]
State/Province (Optional): [redacted]
Email: [redacted]

Subject: NY State must step in at Wallen Farms

NY State Department of Labor Enforcement Division,

Wafler Farms' apple workers need you to please do your job. Thousands emailed you about wage theft and other abuses back in September 2023. You didn't act, even after the video came out showing some of what was going on there.

Now Wafler Farms looks to the retaliating against worker leaders who were vocal with their concerns. This year some of the workers suspected of being active union supporters, who had previously been called back in the first wave, were not recalled at the typical time and one has still not been recalled.

The NY State Department of Labor must act immediately. You should requre Wafler to recall the workers right away and give these workers back pay for missed work time. As they continue to recall workers, Wafler should respect seniority. Ask Waflers to respect NY state law and stop intimidating and retaliating against workers who have been outspoken about labor violations. Additionally they must address the issues of alleged wage theft, safety and abusive managers. The UFW, the union certified to represent the workers at Wafler, has previously fed charges with you.

We ask you to immediately please investigate and act. Thank you!

[Your information here]

*I selected the "Share on Twitter" option (by the way, I only have a Twitter account so I can read tweets which are included in some online articles that I read) in order for me to provide you, my readers, with the text and hyperlink below:

Pro-union workers at Wafler Farms aren’t being recalled at the usual time. Tell @NYSLabor to make Wafler respect the law & not retaliate against pro-UFW workers who are outspoken on labor violations.!

And, after I sent the email above to the New York State Department of Labor Enforcement Division, via the (Service Employees International Union) website, I made a one-time donation to United Farm Workers in order to "tell @NYSLabor to [please] make Wafler respect the law & not retaliate against pro-UFW workers who are outspoken on labor violations." –Paul Whiting (May 10th, 2024)


For my "May 12th, 2024 Update No. 1"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

May 12th, 2024 Update No. 1: Happy Mother's Day, everyone! In celebration of Mother's Day, I did a Google search for "Mother's Day USO" and found the following USO (United Service Organizations) search result regarding Mother's Day:

United Service Organizations

Sign the card: Thank the mothers moms serving our country this Mother's Day

This Mother's Day, the USO is thanking moms in the military for their service and sacrifice. Sign the card to military moms!

And, after I read the search results above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


50,000 signatures needed to hit our goal!


This Mother’s Day, the USO is thanking moms in the military for their service and sacrifice. Sign the card to military moms!

Thank you for all you do for our country, and happy Mother’s Day!


First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Email: [redacted]



Thanks for signing the card! Will you take a few minutes to complete a quick survey about supporting all of our nation's heroes?

The USO supports America's men and women in uniform at more than 200 locations around the world, including on the front lines in places like Djibouti and Afghanistan. How important is it to you that Americans continue supporting our deployed service members?

[✓] Extremely important
[  ] Very important
[  ] Somewhat important
[  ] Not at all important

The USO is more than concerts and airport lounges. Which of the ways we support our military men and women do you believe are valuable? Check all that apply.

[✓] Providing connections to family, home and country during deployments. [✓] Helping military personnel and their families transition back into civilian life. [✓] Supporting military families whose loved ones are deployed.
[✓] Providing support and rehabilitation for wounded, ill and injured service members.
[✓] Delivering special gifts and cheer to our heroes through programs like USO2GO.

Thousands of service men and women are currently deployed overseas, including in combat zones in Iraq and Afghanistan. Have you or a family member or friend ever served in the U.S. military?

[✓] Yes
[  ] No

How important do you think it is to support our nation's heroes and help them stay connected to family back home during deployment?

[✓] Extremely important
[  ] Important
[  ] Somewhat important
[  ] Not at all important

A Navy lieutenant commander recently told us that USO Care Packages are a "constant reminder to those of us out 'in the sandbox' that we are not forgotten and folks back home actually care."

Now, as we work to deliver our brave service members a touch of home, we need to ask for your support.

It takes a lot of time, coordination and money to get our care packages to more than 200,000 service members who are away from their families, sacrificing so much defending our freedoms. The USO is not a government agency we rely on the generosity and patriotism of citizens like you.

But right now, time is running out before our midnight deadline, and we need your support. Help us make sure that we have the resources to support our troops. Will you please donate by MIDNIGHT tonight to send a little bit of home to our service members and show them how thankful you are?

[  ] Yes, I'll donate $35 or more. Send me a T- shirt!
[✓] Yes, I'll donate but don't want a T-shirt!
[  ] No, I don't want to donate to support our service members today.


Help Connect our Heroes to Home

It takes a lot of time, coordination and money to get our care packages and other essentials to more than 200,000 service members who are away from their families, sacrificing so much defending our freedoms.

Will you please donate by MIDNIGHT tonight to send a little bit of home to pur service members and show them how thankful you are?


[  ] $25
[  ] $50
[  ] $75
[  ] $100
[  ] $250
[  ] $500
[  ] $1,000
[✓] $ 10.00

And so, I signed the USO Mother's Day card "thanking moms in the military for their service and sacrifice." Plus, after I signed the card, I made a one-time donation on the website to say to our military moms, "Thank you for all you do for our country, and happy Mother's Day!" ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "May 12th, 2024 Update No. 1":


May 12th, 2024 Update No. 2, Which Also Discusses May 11th, 2024: National Nurses Week is yearly (annually) from May 6th through May 12th.

And I received an email from Planned Parenthood Federation of America yesterday, May 11th, 2024, with the subject line, "I'm a nurse. Here are the facts.", which stated the following:


Patients often come into health centers with lots of questions about the care they can receive. What is medication abortion? Is it safe and effective? Is it like Plan B?

Nurses like me all across the country have the answers. Yes, medication abortion is a safe and effective way to end an early pregnancy. No, it's not like Plan B. Medication abortion ends a pregnancy, while emergency contraception like Plan B prevents pregnancy from happening altogether.

It's frustrating to watch abortion opponents spread misinformation about care like medication abortion. Mifepristone, one of two medications commonly known as the "abortion pill," has been used by millions of patients for abortion and miscarriage management for decades — and right now, lawmakers are using courts to interfere with the scientific facts that nurses know (*

After the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, care became so much less accessible for people all over the country. And now health care providers have to worry that the Supreme Court could decide to curb access to mifepristone — a decision which will harm even more people.

This is why as a nurse, I'm asking you to help protect and preserve crucial — and safe! — abortion care like mifepristone today. Donate now to help people access the care they deserve!


Mifepristone really does expand access to care. In some states, patients can make a telehealth appointment to be prescribed mifepristone, and can even have the pill sent to them discreetly in the mail. And mifepristone is common: In 2021, more than 60% of all documented abortions were medication abortions.

Here's what nurses like myself will tell you: This attempt to overturn the FDA's approval isn't about science — it's about politics. Patients deserve access to the medication they need.

Providers like me need your help to protect access to care like mifepristone. Donate today to help protect and restore access to reproductive health care and provide accurate information through sex education.

Thank you, Paul, for your support! Across the country, health centers are working to provide compassionate care — it's one of my favorite things about being a nurse. And knowing we have you behind us makes the work even sweeter.

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]


*[Blogger's Note: I read the Planned Parenthood Action Fund's webpage titled, "What You Need to Know About the Latest Attack on Abortion Care: the Mifepristone Abortion Pill," which is referenced above.]

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, after I read the email above, I made a one-time donation to Planned Parenthood Federation of America today, May 12th, 2024, in order to show my support for National Nurses Week, as well as "to help protect and restore access to reproductive health care and provide accurate information through sex education." –Paul Whiting (May 12th, 2024)


May 12th, 2024 Update No. 3, Written On May 13th, 2024, Which Also Discusses April 18th, 2024: Happy Mother's Day, everyone!

[Blogger's Note: This 'update' that I am writing today, May 13th, 2024, is for donations that I made yesterday, May 12th, 2024, as part of my series of donations for the month of May to Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations—and to one campaign—regarding the national races for the House of Representatives (the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee), the Senate (the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee) and the President of the United States (the Democratic National Committee and Biden for President, or the Biden Victory Fund), as well as the state races for the Governors (the Democratic Governors Association), the Secretaries of State (the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State), the Attorneys General (the Democratic Attorneys General Association) and the State Legislatures (the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee), during this fifth month of the year for the 2024 Presidential Election. In addition to that, I made a donation to my local Democratic fundraising and coordinating organization (Democratic Party of Oregon). Plus, I made donations to Political Action Committees (PACs) that are helping to elect political candidates who are working to stop global warming (Jane Fonda Climate PAC), and helping to elect candidates who are pro-choice women (EMILYs List), as well as helping to elect candidates who are U.S. Veterans (VoteVets), in addition to helping young people to vote (Voters of Tomorrow PAC).]

I received a mailer from the Biden Victory Fund twenty five days ago on April 18th, 2024, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "Trump favors power over principle. Paul, let's do what's right for America.", which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]


Dear Paul,

This November, we'll answer the most urgent question of our time: Is democracy still America's sacred cause? It's what the 2024 election is all about.

Donald Trump's campaign is all about him. It's not about America and not about you. His campaign is obsessed with the past, not the future. He's willing to sacrifice our democracy to put himself in power.

We have heard from his own mouth his plans for a day-one dictatorship, a justice system that attacks his personal enemies, and an extreme agenda that takes away our rights and freedoms.

You're a critical member of my team, and I want to be frank: Trump is riding high and will use his platform as the Republican nominee to distort our record and sow divisions amongst Americans.

I believe that we are stronger than what divides us. We know the truth about the accomplishments we've made together, and how much more we want to achieve. Make no mistake, what's at stake is the very soul of our nation. I won't stop working to defend and secure our democracy. But I can't do that without your help.

Your last gift of $1 helped us start 2024 strong, but Paul, I am humbly asking you to please give again. This is a crucial moment in the campaign when we must speak directly to voters about how dangerous another Trump presidency would be. Will you please give $25, $38, or even $50 today, so that we can ensure victory in November?

In less than one term, we have done more than what some administrations accomplish in two. We've helped create 15 million jobs, lowered prescription drug prices for seniors, made historic investments in our nation's infrastructure and clean energy future, and passed the first significant new federal gun legislation in 30 years with bipartisan support.

We're just getting started, but all of this progress is at risk if we don't secure a second term. And there is something far greater at stake here: our democracy itself.

Our opponent poses many threats to our hard fought rights and freedoms — but he poses the greatest threat to our democracy. If we lose in November, we could lose everything.

His assault on democracy isn't just part of his past. It's what he's promising for the future. There's no confusion about who he is and what he intends to do.

• His first rally for the 2024 campaign opened with a choir of January 6 insurrectionists singing from prison, the same people who he called "patriots" for their violent assault on the Capitol, and pledged to pardon.

• He condones violence against his political enemies and would use our government to seek revenge and retribution against those who oppose him.

• He's said he'd be a dictator on day one and justified "the termination of all the rules, regulation, and articles, even those found in the Constitution."

• He threatened the former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff with the death penalty because the Chairman put his oath to the Constitution ahead of his personal loyalty to Trump.

• He is "proud" of his role overturning Roe v. Wade, ripping away women's freedoms across the country.

Trump claims to uphold law and order, but he sows lawlessness and disorder. This November, democracy is on the ballot. Without democracy, no progress is possible. The alternative to democracy is dictatorship — the rule of one, not the rule of "We the People."

He refers to the United States as "a failing nation." But I believe in America's possibilities. Just look at what we've already accomplished:

• We grew the economy 3.1% last year — beating forecasts of a recession and stronger than during the Trump administration.

• We currently have more people working and more people with health coverage than ever before.

• We passed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law that has created good-paying jobs to build and upgrade our roads, bridges, and transportation while also replacing lead pipes to supply clean water, expanding access to high-speed internet, and transitioning to clean energy.

• We signed executive orders protecting reproductive health care and expanding access to contraception.

Look, all that progress is at stake in the next election, and we need to elect Democrats all across the country. Which is why I am asking you to please make your most generous contribution to the Biden Victory Fund today.

Trump's extremist agenda will make it harder for Americans to vote, strip away our fundamental freedoms, and restrict education by rewriting our nation's history.

But I am not going to let that happen.

Let's continue building a more fair and more free America — one where the economy is built from the middle out and the bottom up, not the top down. An America that restores Roe
so that, once again, women have the freedom to make their own health care decisions. And an America that protects our most vulnerable, where everyone can live, work, and retire with the dignity owed to every single one of us.

We can't allow our country to be destroyed by a man more interested in power than principle. It's up to us to defend our democracy and finish the job we started. I won't stop fighting — democracy is on the ballot. I hope you will continue to show your support for Democrats nationwide by sending a contribution today so that we ensure that our best days are to come.


Joe Biden
President of the United States

P.S. Donald Trump wants to undermine our democracy and take away the freedom to choose, wants to grow our economy only for the wealthy, and takes no action to keep our communities safe from gun violence. I am fighting for our democratic ideals, the progress we've made over the last three years, and for an America that is more fair and more free for all. Can I count on you?



[✓] Yes, Joe! I want to help you finish the job and preserve our democracy. Trump's extremist agenda would be disastrous for our country and our people. I am sending my contribution today to the Biden Victory Fund so that we can win the White House again, elect Democrats nationwide, and keep working for the American people.

[  ] $25

[  ] $38

[  ] $50

[✓] Other $5.00

Please make your check payable to the Biden Victory Fund.

Or if you prefer to charge your contribution, please fill out the form on the reverse.

You can also contribute online by visiting

Paul Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

And, after I read the letter above, I typed the web address to the referenced webpage in my browser, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Biden Victory Fund

Donate to reelect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris

Joe Biden and Kamala Marris are running for reelection.

It's going to take this full team at Joe and Kamala's backs to finish the job and deliver for Democrats, including four more years in the White House. Will you pitch in today to help Joe, Kamala, and Democrats nationwide?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Biden Victory Fund.

[  ] Donate $2 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $1,000→

[  ] Donate $2,000→

[✓] Other $5.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.35 (7%)

So, I made a one-time donation to the Biden Victory Fund (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, May 12th, 2024, in order to confirm the reply memorandum statement: "Yes, Joe! I want to help you finish the job and preserve our democracy. Trump's extremist agenda would be disastrous for our country and our people. I am sending my contribution today to the Biden Victory Fund so that we can win the White House again, elect Democrats nationwide, and keep working for the American people." –Paul Whiting (May 13th, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.)

In addition to that, I used to donate "$5.00 per political organization"; however, I have decided to adjust that amount, so that I can donate to more political organizations and PACs (Political Action Committees) while I am still staying within my 'monthly donating budget.'

Thus, for the rest of the 2024 election cycle—as well as for the foreseeable future—I have made a goal of donating $3.00 per local political campaign only here in Oregon (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.21), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, and a goal of donating $4.00 per political organization for donation requests via email or text message (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.28), as well as a goal of donating $5.00 per political organization, or per PAC, for donation requests via the regular mail (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.35).


May 12th, 2024 Update No. 4, Written On May 13th, 2024, Which Also Discusses April 19th, 2024, May 1st, 2024, May 2nd, 2024, May 6th, 2024, As Well As May 11th, 2024: Happy Mother's Day, everyone!

[Blogger's Note: This 'update' that I am writing today, May 13th, 2024, is for donations that I made yesterday, May 12th, 2024, as part of my series of donations for the month of May to Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations—and to one campaign—regarding the national races for the House of Representatives (the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee), the Senate (the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee) and the President of the United States (the Democratic National Committee and Biden for President, or the Biden Victory Fund), as well as the state races for the Governors (the Democratic Governors Association), the Secretaries of State (the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State), the Attorneys General (the Democratic Attorneys General Association) and the State Legislatures (the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee), during this fifth month of the year for the 2024 Presidential Election. In addition to that, I made a donation to my local Democratic fundraising and coordinating organization (Democratic Party of Oregon). Plus, I made donations to Political Action Committees (PACs) that are helping to elect political candidates who are working to stop global warming (Jane Fonda Climate PAC), and helping to elect candidates who are pro-choice women (EMILYs List), as well as helping to elect candidates who are U.S. Veterans (VoteVets), in addition to helping young people to vote (Voters of Tomorrow PAC).]

I have combined every political campaign, or political organization, donation request per day (made via email or text message) into one 'update' for each day that I donate, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign donations, or political organization donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual campaign political donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

(By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political donation requests, which is why I don't include them with these email or text message requests.)

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per local political campaign here in Oregon (more on that below), or $4.00 per political organization, for the rest of the election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

Besides that, as of March 21st, 2024, I am no longer donating to individual political campaigns for the foreseeable future (with the exception of local campaigns here in Oregon), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis (please see my 'March 21st, 2024 Update No. 2,' which can be found above), as I have explained below:

...Alright, I have a big announcement to make: I am no longer donating to individual political campaigns for the foreseeable future—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis!

And I have made this decision based upon how much these individual political campaign donations are costing in my 'monthly donating budget'—even though I am only donating $3.00 with a $0.21 tip to ActBlue—since I totally changed the way that I approach how I calculate what I am spending on my credit card each month, starting in 2024! So now, I take the total amount that I have available in my monthly budget for my minimum payment on my credit card—as well as my extra payment—and I calculate how much I am reducing that amount each time that I charge on my credit card.

That way, I am very aware of the amount by which I am reducing my total available credit card payments for the month (the minimum payment and the extra payment) in order to, hopefully, pay more on my credit card than I am spending! Plus, I am also utilizing some funds from my budgeted expenses, as well as some funds from my savings, to make sure that I am paying a little more than I am spending while—at the same time—I am also trying to spend less on my credit card.

Therefore, at the start of 2024, I calculated that I could still make ONE $3.00 donation per political campaign for the entire election cycle. And that means after I have made that one donation per campaign—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I have only donated once per campaign, which is what I have been doing so far!

However, it's still more than I can afford given my 'monthly donating budget,' which is why I have decided to stop donating to individual political campaigns entirely—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And so, I will still be making some donations to individual political campaigns (such as to Joe Biden's campaign for President of the United States, or to local campaigns here in Oregon), but I am not donating like I have been up until this point—which has been virtually every time that I have received a political campaign donation request via email or text message—because I seriously cannot afford to donate that much for the rest of the 2024 Presidential Election cycle, as well as for the foreseeable future.

In addition to that, I used to donate "$5.00 per political organization"; however, starting on May 12th, 2024, I decided to adjust that amount, so that I can donate to more political organizations and PACs (Political Action Committees) while I am still staying within my 'monthly donating budget.'

Thus, as I partially explained above, for the rest of the 2024 election cycle—as well as for the foreseeable future—I have made a goal of donating $3.00 per local political campaign only here in Oregon (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.21), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; and a goal of donating $4.00 per political organization for donation requests via email or text message (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.28), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; as well as a goal of donating $5.00 per political organization, or per PAC, for donation requests via the regular mail (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.35), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis.

To sum it up, then: I am essentially keeping the same total individual campaign donation amount of $3.21, but I am only donating to local campaigns here in Oregon, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; and I am reducing the total donation amount for political organizations and PACs for email and text message donation requests to $4.28 (from $5.35), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; plus, I am reducing the total donation amount for political organizations and PACs for regular mail donation requests to $5.35 (from $7.51), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis.

And to clarify one more thing: In the past, I used to only donate to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations—rather than to individual campaigns—since that's all I really could afford given my 'monthly spending budget,' because I am "low income." Plus, those Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations help all of the individual political campaigns with funding, which is why I used to only donate to those main organizations! And I only started donating to individual political campaigns in 2022, since I was "doing everything in my power to help Democrats win in the 2022 Midterm Elections!" Therefore, this decision to stop donating to individual political campaigns (with the exception of presidential campaigns and local campaigns, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis) is really just going back to the way that I used to make political donations.

So, without further ado...

The first political communication to which I responded yesterday, May 12th, 2024, was a text message that I received twenty four days ago on April 19th, 2024, from the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State Legal Fund (DASS Legal Fund), which stated the following:

After the 2020 election, Trump and his surrogates filed 62 lawsuits contesting election processes, vote counting, and the vote certification process in nine states. Nearly all of these were dismissed or dropped.

And Trump’s MAGA allies running for Secretary of State followed suit:

[Name redacted] filed lawsuits before her double digit loss in Michigan. [Name redacted] tried to overturn his loss in Nevada. [Name redacted] is still pushing lawsuits to overturn his loss in Arizona.

With the ringleader of the election-denier movement at the top of the ticket this November, we expect more court cases and more chaos leading up to, and after, November 5th.

That’s why we’re reaching out and counting on your support:

Can you make a donation to the DASS Legal Fund today? Your support will help us fight for our democracy in the courtroom and stop the attacks on our elections.***

-DASS Legal Fund

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Democratic Association of Secretaries of State

When federal action stalls, state laws decide the future of our republic. We can't let those laws fall into the hands of partisan, conspiracy-loving GOP legislatures.

Our Democratic Secretaries protect our elections — even when Congress is deadlocked. They're the last line of defense for your rights, and they need your help this year more than ever. Rush a donation now and defend our Secretaries of State!

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit DASS PAC.

[  ] Donate $15 →

[  ] Donate $35 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[✓] Other amount $4.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.28 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DASS Legal Fund (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, May 12th, 2024, because "[my] support will help [DASS Legal Fund] fight for our democracy in the courtroom and stop the attacks on our elections," since, "with the ringleader of the election-denier movement at the top of the ticket this November, [DASS Legal Fund expects] more court cases and more chaos leading up to, and after, November 5th."


The second political communication to which I responded yesterday, May 12th, 2024, was an email from the Democratic Attorneys General Association (DAGA) that I received twelve days ago on May 1st, 2024, with the subject line, "We want to hear from you, Paul", which stated the following:

As we work together to elect more Dem AGs and protect the progress made by our incumbents, it’s so important that we know what issues are at the top of your mind, Paul. Will you take a few moments to complete our brief priorities survey? >>***

Your priorities and concerns are the driving force behind the work we do — we need to know what drives you to the polls, what you talk about at your kitchen table, and what issues matter most to you this year.

Our team values your insight; it informs our strategy and helps us run better programs. The best way to help us out today is by taking our May issues survey. It’s a quick, easy opportunity for you to tell us directly what you want our AGs to address most urgently.

Please, take just a few moments to fill out our short May issues survey. The results will help inform our decision-making as we get further into the critical 2024 election year.


We appreciate you for sharing your concerns with us. We always value your input!

— Team DAGA

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


What issues matter the most to you?

We want to hear directly from you! Can you take our quick, four-question survey, to let us know what's most important to you:

FIRST NAME (Optional): Paul
LAST NAME (Optional): Whiting
POSTAL CODE: [redacted]
EMAIL: [redacted]
MOBILE PHONE (Optional): [redacted]


[  ] OTHER








*[Blogger's Note: I selected this option—although I donated less than $5.00—because it's an option that got me to the donation webpage!]



From abortion access to voting rights, Dem AGs are on the front lines, defending our democracy and protecting our communities.

Make a donation to DAGA to elect more Dem AGs in 2024 and beyond — starting right here and now.


Your contribution will benefit Democratic Attorneys General Association (DAGA) PAC.

[  ] DONATE $5 →

[  ] DONATE $10 →

[  ] DONATE $25 →

[  ] DONATE $50 →

[  ] DONATE $100 →

[  ] DONATE $250 →

[  ] DONATE $500 →

[✓] OTHER AMOUNT $4.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.28 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DAGA (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, May 12th, 2024, in order to complete "[filling] out [the DAGA's] short May issues survey," since "the results will help inform [the DAGA's] decision-making as [they] get further into the critical 2024 election year." That is why I "[took the DAGA's] quick, four-question survey, to let [them] know what's most important to [me]!"


The third political communication to which I responded yesterday, May 12th, 2024, was an email from the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC) that I received eleven days ago on May 2nd, 2024, with the subject line, "$50 helps defeat MAGA extremists this November →", which stated the following:

President Biden is calling on Democrats to help protect our democracy:

The threat remains and democracy must be defended.

The fight for... our rights, our freedoms, & our democracy ...starts in the states.

We need widespread grassroots support to defeat MAGA extremists this fall.

Can we count on you to own a piece of this fight?

Heed President Biden’s call to action and rally behind state Dems with a gift of $7 or more:

If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will process immediately.

[  ] Chip in $50 now »
[  ] Chip in $100 now »
[  ] Chip in $250 now »
[  ] Chip in $1000 now »
[✓] Chip in another amount »

Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Join the fight! Chip in today.

🗳️Elect state Dems in critical special elections
💰Fund our strategic investments in 2024, 2025, and beyond
❌Counter Republican extremism in the states

Can you chip in today?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit DLCC PAC.

[  ] Donate $10 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000→

[✓] Other amount $4.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.28 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DLCC (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, May 12th, 2024, because "President Biden is calling on Democrats to help protect our democracy," since "the fight for... our rights, our freedoms, & our democracy
...starts in the states."


The fourth political communication to which I responded yesterday, May 12th, 2024, was a text message seven days ago on May 6th, 2024, from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), which stated the following:

I met with Norah O'Donnell on 60 𝘔𝘪𝘯𝘶𝘵𝘦𝘴 to share how the future of our democracy hinges on Democrats winnin back the House in November. 𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝘄𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵 𝗺𝘆 𝗳𝘂𝗹𝗹 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗶𝗲𝘄 𝗯𝘆 𝗰𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗸 𝗯𝗲𝗹𝗼𝘄.

If you can chip in $10 to the DCCC before, during, or after watching, it would mean the world to have your support.***

- Hakeem

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Watch my interview on 60 Minutes & chip in to help flip the House!

"60 House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries: The 60 Minutes Interview" from YouTube:

I just got off 60 Minutes — can you chip in $5 below to help Democrats flip the House and end Republicans extreme MAGA Majority?

[Blogger's Note: I watched the video above that is titled, "60 House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries: The 60 Minutes Interview." And this is actually the second time that I have watched Leader Hakeem Jeffries' interview on 60 Minutes, with the first time being on May 5th, 2024, where the video had the alternative title, "Leader Jeffries on CBS' 60 Minutes."]

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit the DCCC.

[✓] Donate $4 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[  ] Other amount

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.28 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DCCC (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, May 12th, 2024, in order to show my appreciation for "60 House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries: The 60 Minutes Interview," by contributing "to help Democrats flip the House and end Republicans extreme MAGA Majority."


The fifth political communication to which I responded yesterday, May 12th, 2024, was an email from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) that I received two days ago on May 11th, 2024, with the subject line, "Four quick sentences about the work we’re doing: We wanted to send you a super short email about the DNC's mission.", which stated the following:

We’ll keep this short so you can get back to your weekend, Paul.

The DNC’s mission is to elect Democrats at all levels of government, from local office to the Oval Office. We rely on grassroots donations from donors like you to help fund the work we’re doing all across the country -- and a lot of those contributions come from emails just like this one.

So we’re asking: Will you pitch in $35 now to help support the DNC’s work?

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately.



The Democrats

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Donate to the DNC and help elect Democrats nationwide!

The Democratic Party is counting on your support to hold the GOP accountable and elect more Democrats up and down the ballot.

Donate to the DNC and invest in the resources our candidates rely on to compete and win year after year.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Democratic National Committee (DNC).

[✓] $4 →

[  ] $20 →

[  ] $50 →

[  ] $100 →

[  ] $250 →

[  ] $1,000 →

[  ] $2,000 →

[  ] Other

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.28 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DNC (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, May 12th, 2024, because "the DNC’s mission is to elect Democrats at all levels of government, from local office to the Oval Office," and "[they] rely on grassroots donations from donors like [me] to help fund the work [they're] doing all across the country."


The sixth political communication to which I responded yesterday, May 12th, 2024, was an email from the Democratic Governors Association (DGA) that I received two days ago on May 11th, 2024, with the subject line, "This impacts almost 70 MILLION Americans", which stated the following:

Do you approve of President Biden’s response to Social Security & Medicare?

[✓] YES***
[  ] NO

Paul, President Biden continues to be a brick wall against the GOP’s attacks on Social Security and Medicare. He has boldly promised throughout his presidency to stop ANYONE from making cuts to these vital funds or raising the retirement age – and he has kept that promise by:

[✓] Calling on Congress to protect and strengthen benefits that impact nearly 70 million Americans.
[✓] Announcing a huge 8.7% (over $50 more per month on average) increase in payments.
[✓] Cutting down healthcare expenses, setting a $35 a month cap on insulin costs for seniors, and reducing prescription drug prices for seniors and countless others.

While Joe is protecting these crucial benefits, both the GOP and Trump are working tirelessly to cut Social Security and Medicare benefits for those who need them the most. GOP legislators have held secret closed-door meetings and tried to attach cuts to debt ceiling legislation, and Trump has even called for cuts to Social Security and Medicare!

Trump and the GOP are clearly out of touch with the 81% of registered voters who say that Congress should NEVER cut Social Security and Medicare and the 93% of likely voters who believe that the US should increase or maintain benefits.

Let’s be clear, Paul: without President Biden’s constant efforts to protect Social Security and Medicare, Trump and the GOP would gut both of these essential programs. And with polling showing Trump leading President Biden by 2 – 46% v. 44% – this November could decide the fate of Social Security and Medicare once and for all.

That’s why we're asking you, Paul, to be one of the 50 people we need in Oregon to join your fellow Democrats and rate President Biden’s response to Social Security and Medicare now!

Do you approve of President Biden’s response to Social Security & Medicare?

[✓] YES***
[  ] NO

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Democratic Governors Association

Make Your Voice Heard on Social Security | 11.59 p.m. Deadline

Thank you for taking action! With the GOP scheming to strip our hard-earned Social Security benefits, will you take a moment to answer a couple more questions and make sure your voice is heard on Social Security?

Poll deadline: 11:59 p.m. tonight

Email: [redacted]
Cell Phone: [redacted]

Do you approve of Donald Trump's plans to cut Social Security for millions of Americans?

[  ] Yes
[✓] No

How worried are you about the GOP's continued attacks on Social Security?

[✓] Extremely worried
[  ] Very worried
[  ] Somewhat worried
[  ] Not at all worried

Who do YOU trust more to protect seniors?

[✓] Democrats
[  ] Republicans

President Biden continues to be a brick wall standing against Republicans' efforts to strip our Social Security, undermine our rights, and weaken our democracy — but he can't do it alone. That's why Democratic governors are working alongside President Biden to defend progress and protect working families.

On a scale of 1 (lowest priority) to 5 (highest priority), please rank how much you believe we should prioritize electing Democratic governors who will be President Biden's strongest allies in the states.

[  ] 1
[  ] 2
[  ] 3
[  ] 4
[✓] 5

Despite the fact that their agenda is WILDLY out of touch with the will of the American people, the GOP continues pushing policies that would hurt millions of Americans. Will you invest $100 today to give Democratic governors the tools they need to protect Americans in every state from Trump's dangerous agenda?

Please use the options below to start a monthly donation through ActBlue:

[  ] Yes, I will give $100!
[✓] No, I can't give that much.

We understand that giving at that level isn't possible for everyone. But with Republicans spending millions of dollars to enact their extremist agenda, every dollar helps.

Electing Democratic governors in every state is the most critical thing we can do to stop the far right. And right now, we're $25,000 short of what we need to raise before our next major deadline. Please, will you give $22 or whatever you can afford before midnight tonight?

Please use the options below to start a monthly donation through ActBlue:

[  ] Yes, I'll give $22.
[  ] Yes, I can give $44! (suggested donation)
[✓] Yes, and I'll give more!*

*[Blogger's Note: I selected this option—although I made a one-time donation, rather than a monthly donation—because it's an option that got me to the donation webpage!]



With 11 governors' races on the ballot this November, including in key toss-up staten like New Hampshire and North Carolina, the blue firewall that we rely on to stop the GOP's extremist agenda is at risk. We're giving it our all to support them, but right now, we're falling dangerously short of our fundraising goals.

That's why a group of generous donors is matching all gifts up to our $25,000 goal before midnight tonight. Time is running out to have your gift DOUBLED up to our goal: Give now to elect Democratic governors and preserve our blue firewall!

Make It monthly!

Yes, count me in!
[✓] No, donate once

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Democratic Action.

[  ] Donate $44 →

[  ] Donate $88 →

[  ] Donate $220 →

[  ] Donate $440 →

[  ] Donate $880 →

[  ] Donate $1,760 →

[✓] Other amount $4.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.28 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DGA (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, May 12th, 2024, in order to respond to the question, "Do you approve of President Biden’s response to Social Security & Medicare?" with a resounding 'YES!'


The seventh political communication to which I responded yesterday, May 12th, 2024, was an email from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) that I received yesterday, with the subject line, "MT, MN, OH, WI, NV, HI, PA, MA:", which stated the following:

Your Gift Tripled!

We must protect these 8 Democrats:
Jon Tester - MT [Montana],
Amy Klobuchar - MN [Minnesota],
Sherrod Brown - OH [Ohio],
Jacky Rosen - NV [Nevada],
Elizabeth Warren - MA [Massachusetts],
Mazie Hirono - HI [Hawaii],
Bob Casey - PA [Pennsylvania],
Tammy Baldwin - WI [Wisconsin],
to stop Republicans' Senate takeover!

Donate by midnight to triple your impact: (We must fight for every seat!)

If you've saved payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation will be processed immediately.

If you've saved payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation will be processed immediately. The first $10,000 received from this email will be TRIPLED:

[  ] DONATE $55 (BECOMES $165)
[  ] DONATE $110 (BECOMES $330)
[  ] DONATE $220 (BECOMES $660)

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Match Activated! TRIPLE your impact to help SUPERCHARGE our Senate majority!

CNN says multiple GOP seats could flip blue this year — but with Mitch McConnell's megadonors already playing offense, it's going to take all hands on deck to win!

Please, will you chip in now to protect our historic progress by supercharging our Democratic majority? The first $10,000 received before tonight's fundraising deadline will be TRIPLED!

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit DSCC.

[✓] Donate $4 →

[  ] Donate $110 →

[  ] Donate $220 →

[  ] Donate $550 →

[  ] Other amount

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.28 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DSCC (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, May 12th, 2024, in order to help "protect these 8 Democrats: Jon Tester - MT, Amy Klobuchar - MN, Sherrod Brown - OH, Jacky Rosen - NV, Elizabeth Warren - MA, Mazie Hirono - HI, Bob Casey - PA, [and] Tammy Baldwin - WI, to stop Republicans' Senate takeover!"


The eighth political communication to which I responded yesterday, May 12th, 2024, was an email from the Biden for President campaign that I received yesterday, with the subject line, "We are so grateful for your support.", which stated the following:

Biden-Harris 2024

Paul, I am reaching out to share a special message with you. It's been over a year since President Biden and I launched our reelection campaign.

We are so grateful for your support over the past year. But this fight is not over: Can you make another $25 donation and help power us through to November? It would mean a lot.

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

[  ] $25 >>
[  ] $50 >>
[  ] $75 >>
[  ] $100 >>
[  ] $125 >>
[✓] Other >>***

When Joe asked me to be his running mate, I knew that campaigning for -- and becoming -- Vice President would be one of the most important things I’d ever do.

Paul, I’ve never been one to shy away from a challenge.

I was raised to take action. From the time I was in a stroller, my mom was out there marching and fighting for justice. Growing up, whenever I was worried about something, my mother would look me in the eye and ask, “So what are you going to do about it?”

That's why, when I saw a broken justice system, I became a district attorney to try and fix it. It's why, during the foreclosure crisis when the Big Banks were taking advantage of the American people, I took them on as Attorney General of California. It's why, as a United States Senator, I fought to keep judges off the bench who didn't support reproductive freedom. And it’s why I am ready to get out on the campaign trail to defeat Donald Trump again.

So, I’m coming to you directly: Your support over the past year has helped get us this far, but we need your help again. If you have been waiting for the perfect opportunity to make another donation, let me tell you there is no better day than today. Can I count on you to make another $25 donation to our reelection campaign?

Thank you for your support -- today and every day.

Kamala Harris
Vice President of the United States

"My dad used to have an expression -- 'It's the lucky person who gets up in the morning, puts both feet on the floor, knows what they are about to do, and thinks it still matters.' Your support matters. Your donation matters." -- Joe Biden

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Donate to reelect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and save our democracy

Protecting our fundamental rights and saving our nation's democracy all comes down to reelecting Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. They're counting on this grassroots team to keep MAGA extremism out of the White House! Rush a donation today.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Joe Biden.

[✓] Donate $4 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $46 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[  ] Donate $2,000 →

[  ] Other amount:

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.28 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Biden for President campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, May 12th, 2024, in order to "make another [$4] donation and help power [the Biden for President campaign] through to November," because "[Vice President Kamala Harris is] ready to get out on the campaign trail to defeat Donald Trump again."


The ninth political communication to which I responded yesterday, May 12th, 2024, was an email from VoteVets that I received yesterday, with the subject line, "Please rise.", which stated the following:


What would you do if a candidate for president saluted those who attacked this country and tried to topple our democracy and freedom? ...




Trump's salute to the January 6th terrorists, enemies of our democracy, is a betrayal of EVERYTHING we stand for.

It's NO different from honoring other terrorists who've attacked our country.

This November, our duty is clear.


[start of imbedded video image]

Trump Saluting Jan 6th Terrorists


[end of imbedded video image]

10:43 AM May 8, 2024-119.2K Views



... Well he did.

[Blogger's Note: I watched the video on 'X' (formerly Twitter) above that is titled, "CONFEDERATE STATES OF."]

🇺🇸 Wait ... Before you go! 🇺🇸

VoteVets is one of the largest spending and most effective outside organizations supporting Democrats in this election. We can reach Independent and moderate swing voters other organizations can't.

If re-electing Joe Biden and a Democratic House and Senate feels worth $20 to you, please make that donation to VoteVets to super-charge our efforts today.

If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll process your contribution instantly:


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Donate to support VoteVets!

VoteVets has a HUGE role to play in 2024. We give voice to Veterans in a way no other group can.

Please make a donation to VoteVets today to help us elevate the voices of Veterans and their families:

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $5 →

[✓] Other amount $4.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.28 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to VoteVets (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, May 12th, 2024, because "Trump's salute to the January 6th terrorists, enemies of our democracy, is a betrayal of EVERYTHING we stand for," since "it's NO different from honoring other terrorists who've attacked our country." That is why I contributed in support of this really powerful video to VoteVets, which "is one of the largest spending and most effective outside organizations supporting Democrats in this election [that] can reach Independent and moderate swing voters other organizations can't."


Finally, these last four political donations weren't due to communications that I received from the following organizations, but because I have donated to these organizations in previous election cycles!

The tenth organization to which I donated was the Democratic Party of Oregon (DPO) based upon a description that appeared on the website, which stated the following:


The Democratic Party of Oregon

The Democratic Party of Oregon promotes the election of Democratic candidates at every level across the state of Oregon with technical and volunteer support. We provide opportunities for all Oregon Democrats to participate fully in our political process. The Democratic Party of Oregon supports local county Parties to make sure that every community can work to get Democratic Candidates elected.


Donate to support our work to elect Democrats across Oregon.

[  ] $5
[  ] $10
[  ] $25
[  ] $50
[  ] $100



Donate to support Oregon Democrats!

Please make a donation to the Democratic Party of Oregon — Your support is critical to our work to Keep Oregon Blue in 2024 and beyond.

[  ] $10
[  ] $25
[  ] $50
[  ] $250
[  ] $500
[✓] $5.00

First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Street Address: [redacted]
Postal Code: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State/Province: [redacted]
Email: [redacted]
Cell Phone: [redacted]

Contribute $5

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Democratic Party of Oregon (this donation was made through FastAction, which does not offer a tip box) yesterday, May 12th, 2024, in order to "support [the Democratic Party of Oregon's] work to elect Democrats across Oregon."


The eleventh organization to which I donated was EMILYs List based upon a popup that appeared on the website, which stated the following:

Donate to EMILYs List

Very simply, we work to elect Democratic pro-choice women to office. And we cannot do it without supporters like you.

Please donate today and help elect more women leaders like Kamala Harris, Tammy Baldwin, and Elizabeth Warren.

[  ] $25
[  ] $50
[  ] $250
[  ] $500
[  ] $1000
[  ] $2500
[  ] $4000

And, after I read the popup above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Donate to EMILYs List

Very simply, we work to elect Democratic pro-choice women to office. And we cannot do it without supporters like you.

Please donate today and help elect more women leaders like Kamala Harris, Tammy Baldwin, and Elizabeth Warren.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit EMILYs List.

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[  ] Donate $2,500 →

[  ] Donate $4,000 →

[✓] Other amount $4.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.28 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to EMILYs List (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, May 12th, 2024, in order to help "elect Democratic pro-choice women to office."


The twelfth organization to which I donated was the Jane Fonda Climate PAC (Jane Fonda Climate Political Action Committee), based upon their donation webpage that appeared on the website, which stated the following:

Jane Fonda

Contribute to the Jane Fonda Climate PAC!

The Jane Fonda Climate PAC is driven by one mission: Do whatever it takes to defeat the political allies of the fossil fuel industry and save our planet.

Please invest in our work today! We rely on grassroots support to elect climate champions who will take a stand against the fossil fuel industry and work to reverse the harm they're inflicting on our planet.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Jane Fonda Climate PAC.

[  ] Donate $5 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $5,000 →

[✓] Other amount $4.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.28 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Jane Fonda Climate PAC (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, May 12th, 2024, because "[the Jane Fonda Climate PAC relies] on grassroots support to elect climate champions who will take a stand against the fossil fuel industry and work to reverse the harm they're inflicting on our planet."


The thirteenth organization to which I donated was the Voters of Tomorrow PAC (Voters of Tomorrow Political Action Committee) based upon a donation request that appeared on the website, which stated the following:


Make a contribution today to help Voters of Tomorrow build a new generation of democracy defenders.

[  ] $10
[  ] $25
[  ] $75
[  ] $100
[  ] $250
[✓] Other amount

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately.


Donate to help Voters of Tomorrow reach Gen Z voters

$160,922.06 Raised →→→→→ GOAL $500,000
MIDNIGHT DEADLINE! >> updated at 7:12 PM

In 2022, young voters proved yet again that we are a political force to be reckoned with. Voters of Tomorrow played a major role in harnessing that power. As The Financial Times said, the group "worked to boost turnout among 18-to 29-year-olds and may have saved the election."

But we have to keep this momentum going. Voters of Tomorrow is continuing to ramp up its outreach and voter education efforts. Unlike many other organizations, we are meeting Gen Z where they are by providing valuable content in the same platforms they already spend time in.

With your contribution, Voters of Tomorrow will be able to reach even more young voters and guide them away from dangerous misinformation pushed by people looking to disenfranchise them.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Voters of Tomorrow Action.

[  ] Donate $10 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $4.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.28 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Voters of Tomorrow PAC (Voters of Tomorrow Action) (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, May 12th, 2024, in order to "help Voters of Tomorrow build a new generation of democracy defenders."

Thus, these eight organizations—the DASS Legal Fund, the DAGA, the DLCC, the DCCC, the DNC, the DGA, the DSCC, as well as the DPO—in addition to this one campaign—Biden for President—plus, these four Political Action Committees (PACs)—VoteVets, EMILYs List, Jane Fonda Climate PAC, as well as Voters of Tomorrow PAC—are the political organizations, the political campaign, and the PACs that I donated to on May 12th, 2024! –Paul Whiting (written May 13th, 2024, revised May 14th, 2024, revised May 21st, 2024, revised June 11th, 2024 and revised June 28th, 2024)


May 14th, 2024 Update No. 1: I have combined every political campaign, or political organization, donation request per day (made via email or text message) into one 'update' for each day that I donate, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign donations, or political organization donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual campaign political donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

(By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political donation requests, which is why I don't include them with these email or text message requests.)

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per local political campaign here in Oregon (more on that below), or $4.00 per political organization, for the rest of the election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

Besides that, as of March 21st, 2024, I am no longer donating to individual political campaigns for the foreseeable future (with the exception of local campaigns here in Oregon), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis (please see my 'March 21st, 2024 Update No. 2,' which can be found above), as I have explained below:

...Alright, I have a big announcement to make: I am no longer donating to individual political campaigns for the foreseeable future—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis!

And I have made this decision based upon how much these individual political campaign donations are costing in my 'monthly donating budget'—even though I am only donating $3.00 with a $0.21 tip to ActBlue—since I totally changed the way that I approach how I calculate what I am spending on my credit card each month, starting in 2024! So now, I take the total amount that I have available in my monthly budget for my minimum payment on my credit card—as well as my extra payment—and I calculate how much I am reducing that amount each time that I charge on my credit card.

That way, I am very aware of the amount by which I am reducing my total available credit card payments for the month (the minimum payment and the extra payment) in order to, hopefully, pay more on my credit card than I am spending! Plus, I am also utilizing some funds from my budgeted expenses, as well as some funds from my savings, to make sure that I am paying a little more than I am spending while—at the same time—I am also trying to spend less on my credit card.

Therefore, at the start of 2024, I calculated that I could still make ONE $3.00 donation per political campaign for the entire election cycle. And that means after I have made that one donation per campaign—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I have only donated once per campaign, which is what I have been doing so far!

However, it's still more than I can afford given my 'monthly donating budget,' which is why I have decided to stop donating to individual political campaigns entirely—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And so, I will still be making some donations to individual political campaigns (such as to Joe Biden's campaign for President of the United States, or to local campaigns here in Oregon), but I am not donating like I have been up until this point—which has been virtually every time that I have received a political campaign donation request via email or text message—because I seriously cannot afford to donate that much for the rest of the 2024 Presidential Election cycle, as well as for the foreseeable future.

In addition to that, I used to donate "$5.00 per political organization"; however, starting on May 12th, 2024, I decided to adjust that amount, so that I can donate to more political organizations and PACs (Political Action Committees) while I am still staying within my 'monthly donating budget.'

Thus, as I partially explained above, for the rest of the 2024 election cycle—as well as for the foreseeable future—I have made a goal of donating $3.00 per local political campaign only here in Oregon (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.21), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; and a goal of donating $4.00 per political organization for donation requests via email or text message (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.28), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; as well as a goal of donating $5.00 per political organization, or per PAC, for donation requests via the regular mail (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.35), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis.

To sum it up, then: I am essentially keeping the same total individual campaign donation amount of $3.21, but I am only donating to local campaigns here in Oregon, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; and I am reducing the total donation amount for political organizations and PACs for email and text message donation requests to $4.28 (from $5.35), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; plus, I am reducing the total donation amount for political organizations and PACs for regular mail donation requests to $5.35 (from $7.51), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis.

And to clarify one more thing: In the past, I used to only donate to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations—rather than to individual campaigns—since that's all I really could afford given my 'monthly spending budget,' because I am "low income." Plus, those Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations help all of the individual political campaigns with funding, which is why I used to only donate to those main organizations! And I only started donating to individual political campaigns in 2022, since I was "doing everything in my power to help Democrats win in the 2022 Midterm Elections!" Therefore, this decision to stop donating to individual political campaigns (with the exception of presidential campaigns and local campaigns, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis) is really just going back to the way that I used to make political donations.

So, without further ado...

[Blogger's Note: The following local political donation is 'special' because the candidate below is running in my Oregon State House District, so that is why I decided to write about the fact that I donated to his campaign, however, I am redacting all of the relevant information about him in order to protect my privacy with regard to which part of the Portland, Oregon metropolitan area that I live in!]

The first political communication to which I responded was a text message today, May 14th, 2024, from the [candidate name redacted] for Oregon campaign, which stated the following:

Hey, Paul!! My name is [redacted] with [candidate name redacted] for Oregon. Improving capacity = reducing homelessness. [Candidate name redacted] is the only candidate with over a decade working in capacity management, bringing healthcare to thousands of Oregonians. It's time to use this at-the-root approach on homelessness, cleaning up our streets and getting more folks the care they need. Can we count on your support on May 21st?

My text reply to [candidate name redacted] for Oregon: Yes

[Candidate name redacted] for Oregon's text reply back: Thanks, Paul! Remember to return your ballot by May 21. Have a great day!!

And, after I read the text message above, I did a web search for his campaign on Google, where I read over his campaign website and, then, I decided to donate to his campaign on his C&E Systems donation webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Make a Donation

Donation Amount

[  ] $25
[  ] $50
[  ] $100
[  ] $250
[  ] $500
[  ] $1000
[  ] $2500
[  ] $5000
[✓] Other donation amount $30,000 or under: $5.00

Personal Information

First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Email Address: [redacted]
Address: [redacted]
Address 2/Apt/Unit: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
ZIP Code: [redacted]
Phone: [redacted]

Make Your Donation

And so, I made a one-time donation to the [candidate name redacted] for Oregon campaign (this donation was made through C&E Systems, which does not offer a tip box) since "[candidate name redacted] is the only candidate with over a decade working in capacity management," because "it's time to use this at-the-root approach on homelessness, cleaning up our streets and getting more folks the care they need."


[Blogger's Note: The following local political donation is 'special' because the candidate below is running in my Portland City Council District, so that is why I decided to write about the fact that I donated to his campaign, however, I am redacting all of the relevant information about him in order to protect my privacy with regard to which part of the Portland, Oregon metropolitan area that I live in!]

The second political communication to which I responded was a text message today, May 14th, 2024, from the [candidate name redacted] for Portland City Council, which stated the following:

Hi neighbor, it's [candidate name redacted]. I'm running for Portland City Council because I know what it takes to address the unique challenges facing our community. I've been an attorney, union member, a small business owner, and I'm in long-term recovery from addiction. As a husband and father, I'm committed to strengthening our community for not only my family, but for all of Portland. Will you join me in bringing practical solutions as your next Portland City Councilor for District [number redacted] with a $15 donation today?

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Friends of [Candidate Name Redacted]

Make a Donation

Donation Amount

[  ] $20
[  ] $25
[  ] $50
[  ] $100
[  ] $250
[  ] $300
[  ] $350
Other donation amount $350 or under: $5.00

Personal Information

First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Email Address: [redacted]
Address: [redacted]
Address 2/Apt/Unit: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
ZIP Code: [redacted]
Phone: [redacted]

Make Your Donation

And so, I made a one-time donation to the [candidate name redacted] for Portland City Council (this donation was made through C&E Systems, which does not offer a tip box) because "[he knows] what it takes to address the unique challenges facing our community," since "[he's] been an attorney, union member, a small business owner, and [he's] in long-term recovery from addiction," so "as a husband and father, [he's] committed to strengthening our community for not only [his] family, but for all of Portland."

Thus, these two campaigns—[candidate name redacted] for Oregon, as well as [candidate name redacted] for Portland City Council—are the political campaigns that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written May 14th, 2024 and revised June 11th, 2024)


May 15th, 2024 Update No. 1: I have combined every political campaign, or political organization, donation request per day (made via email or text message) into one 'update' for each day that I donate, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign donations, or political organization donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual campaign political donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

(By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political donation requests, which is why I don't include them with these email or text message requests.)

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per local political campaign here in Oregon (more on that below), or $4.00 per political organization, for the rest of the election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

Besides that, as of March 21st, 2024, I am no longer donating to individual political campaigns for the foreseeable future (with the exception of local campaigns here in Oregon), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis (please see my 'March 21st, 2024 Update No. 2,' which can be found above), as I have explained below:

...Alright, I have a big announcement to make: I am no longer donating to individual political campaigns for the foreseeable future—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis!

And I have made this decision based upon how much these individual political campaign donations are costing in my 'monthly donating budget'—even though I am only donating $3.00 with a $0.21 tip to ActBlue—since I totally changed the way that I approach how I calculate what I am spending on my credit card each month, starting in 2024! So now, I take the total amount that I have available in my monthly budget for my minimum payment on my credit card—as well as my extra payment—and I calculate how much I am reducing that amount each time that I charge on my credit card.

That way, I am very aware of the amount by which I am reducing my total available credit card payments for the month (the minimum payment and the extra payment) in order to, hopefully, pay more on my credit card than I am spending! Plus, I am also utilizing some funds from my budgeted expenses, as well as some funds from my savings, to make sure that I am paying a little more than I am spending while—at the same time—I am also trying to spend less on my credit card.

Therefore, at the start of 2024, I calculated that I could still make ONE $3.00 donation per political campaign for the entire election cycle. And that means after I have made that one donation per campaign—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I have only donated once per campaign, which is what I have been doing so far!

However, it's still more than I can afford given my 'monthly donating budget,' which is why I have decided to stop donating to individual political campaigns entirely—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And so, I will still be making some donations to individual political campaigns (such as to Joe Biden's campaign for President of the United States, or to local campaigns here in Oregon), but I am not donating like I have been up until this point—which has been virtually every time that I have received a political campaign donation request via email or text message—because I seriously cannot afford to donate that much for the rest of the 2024 Presidential Election cycle, as well as for the foreseeable future.

In addition to that, I used to donate "$5.00 per political organization"; however, starting on May 12th, 2024, I decided to adjust that amount, so that I can donate to more political organizations and PACs (Political Action Committees) while I am still staying within my 'monthly donating budget.'

Thus, as I partially explained above, for the rest of the 2024 election cycle—as well as for the foreseeable future—I have made a goal of donating $3.00 per local political campaign only here in Oregon (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.21), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; and a goal of donating $4.00 per political organization for donation requests via email or text message (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.28), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; as well as a goal of donating $5.00 per political organization, or per PAC, for donation requests via the regular mail (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.35), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis.

To sum it up, then: I am essentially keeping the same total individual campaign donation amount of $3.21, but I am only donating to local campaigns here in Oregon, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; and I am reducing the total donation amount for political organizations and PACs for email and text message donation requests to $4.28 (from $5.35), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; plus, I am reducing the total donation amount for political organizations and PACs for regular mail donation requests to $5.35 (from $7.51), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis.

And to clarify one more thing: In the past, I used to only donate to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations—rather than to individual campaigns—since that's all I really could afford given my 'monthly spending budget,' because I am "low income." Plus, those Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations help all of the individual political campaigns with funding, which is why I used to only donate to those main organizations! And I only started donating to individual political campaigns in 2022, since I was "doing everything in my power to help Democrats win in the 2022 Midterm Elections!" Therefore, this decision to stop donating to individual political campaigns (with the exception of presidential campaigns and local campaigns, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis) is really just going back to the way that I used to make political donations.

So, without further ado...

The only political communication to which I responded was a text message today, May 15th, 2024, from the Rolling Sea Action Fund PAC (Rolling Sea Action Fund Political Action Committee), which stated the following:

This year marks the 59th anniversary of Bloody Sunday [Selma to Montgomery marches on March 7, 1965*]. So we’re racing to rename Edmund Pettus Bridge after Rep. [Representative] John Lewis. But we need 2OO,OOO signers in order to make this a reality. Can you help us by adding your name, Paul?***

Edmund Pettus was a racist who helped keep slavery alive during the Civil War. He even served as a grand dragon in the KKK [Ku Klux Klan]!

It’s way past time for America to forgo its racist past and honor REAL heroes like Congressman John Lewis.

And we can’t think of a more powerful gesture than renaming the Edmund Pettus Bridge after Rep. John Lewis, who dedicated his life to freedom and equality on this very bridge.

Paul, we MUST stop honoring the names of racists like Edmund Pettus. Sign on to rename the Edmund Pettus Bridge the "John Lewis Bridge" immediately →***

–Rolling Sea Action Fund

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:



Help us Rename the Edmund Pettus Bridge after Congressman John Lewis.

Email: [redacted]
Mobile Phone (Optional): [redacted]

[PLEASE CONFIRM] Will you add your name to support renaming the Edmund Pettus Bridge after Congressman John Lewis? (Optional)

[✓] Yes, add my name!
[  ] No.

Did you know that John Lewis was a part of the Freedom Rides of 1961? (Optional)

[  ] Yes, knew that.
[✓] No. I had no idea.

Did you also know that John Lewis was one of the youngest speakers on the 1963 March of Washington? (Optional)

[  ] Yes!
[✓] No.

45 times. Did you know that was the number of times John Lewis was arrested for peacefully protesting for Civil Rights? (Optional)

[  ] Yes, that is appalling
[✓] No I did not know that.

One of John Lewis' most memorable quotes was:
"When you see something that is not right, not just, not fair, you have a moral obligation to say something, to do something."
Do you agree with John Lewis? (Optional)

[✓] Yes!
[  ] No.

John Lewis was a Civil Rights leader who believed in equality and protecting voting rights for ALL Americans.

How worried are you that the Senate blocked the John Lewis Voting Rights Act that would have protected the right to vote for ALL Americans? (Optional)

[✓] I'm very concerned.
[  ] I'm somewhat concerned.
[  ] I'm not that concerned.
[  ] I'm not concerned at all.

RIGHT NOW extremist Republicans are waging war on voting rights across the country. They want to get rid of vote-by-mail and automatic voter registration. They're particularly targeting Black communities and trying to disenfranchise millions of voters. It's SICKENING.

John Lewis legacy of defending and protecting voting rights is on the line. So, in response, Rolling Sea Action Fund is building political and grassroots power to turn out every Black voter around the country so we can defeat these Republicans.

We're investing resources into electing Black leaders who will stand up to the extremist far-right agenda against [their war on voting rights]. The majority of our work relies on small-dollar donors like you to fund the resources needed to boost Black Voter Turnout to defeat racist Republicans in 2024.

We need to raise $15,000 before the end of the month. We need 150 more donations to reach that goal, can you rush a donation right now? (Optional)

[✓] Yes, will rush $5!
[  ] Yes, will rush $25!
[  ] Yes, I will rush 50!
[  ] Yes, and I will chip in even more!



Support Black Democrats!

We don't have time to waste! MAGA Republicans are sowing chaos inside the House and attacking our freedoms. We're dedicated to electing Black leaders to Congress who will uplift OUR voices and protect OUR rights.

Donate to help us fight for Black communities by electing Black Democrats to Congress >

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Rolling Seas Action Fund.

[✓] Donate $5 →

[  ] Donate $15 →

[  ] Donate $35 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Other amount

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.35 (7%)

And, after I sent the signed the petition above, I made a one-time donation to the Rolling Sea Action Fund (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to "sign on to rename the Edmund Pettus Bridge the 'John Lewis Bridge' immediately," because "Edmund Pettus was a racist who helped keep slavery alive during the Civil War," and "it’s way past time for America to forgo its racist past and honor REAL heroes like Congressman John Lewis."

Thus, this one Political Action Committee (PAC)—Rolling Sea Action Fund—is the PAC that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written May 15th, 2024, revised May 16th, 2024 and revised June 11th, 2024)

*"Selma to Montgomery marches" from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia—which is funded primarily through donations from millions of individuals around the world, including this blogger (I make a totally affordable monthly donation):

The Selma to Montgomery marches were three protest marches, held in 1965, along the 54-mile (87 km) highway from Selma, Alabama, to the state capital of Montgomery. The marches were organized by nonviolent activists to demonstrate the desire of African-American citizens to exercise their constitutional right to vote, in defiance of segregationist repression; they were part of a broader voting rights movement underway in Selma and throughout the American South. By highlighting racial injustice, they contributed to passage that year of the Voting Rights Act, a landmark federal achievement of the civil rights movement.

Since the late 19th century, Southern state legislatures had passed and maintained a series of Jim Crow laws that had disenfranchised the millions of African Americans across the South and enforced racial segregation. The initial voter registration drive, started in 1963 by the African-American Dallas County Voters League (DCVL) and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) failed as local White officials arrested the organizers and otherwise harassed Blacks wishing to register to vote. The passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 legally ended segregation but the situation in Selma changed little. The DCVL then invited Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and the activists of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) to amplify the efforts, and these figures drew more prominent people to Alabama. Local and regional protests began in January 1965, with 3,000 people arrested by the end of February. On February 26, activist and deacon Jimmie Lee Jackson died after being shot several days earlier by state trooper James Bonard Fowler during a peaceful march in nearby Marion. To defuse and refocus the Black community's outrage, James Bevel, who was directing SCLC's Selma voting rights movement, called for a march of dramatic length, from Selma to the state capital of Montgomery, calling for an unhindered exercise of the right to vote.

The first march took place on March 7, 1965, led by figures including Bevel and Amelia Boynton, but was ended by state troopers and county possemen, who charged on about 600 unarmed protesters with batons and tear gas after they crossed the Edmund Pettus Bridge in the direction of Montgomery. The event became known as Bloody Sunday. Law enforcement beat Boynton unconscious, and the media publicized worldwide a picture of her lying wounded on the bridge. The second march took place two days later but King cut it short as a federal court issued a temporary injunction against further marches. That night, an anti-civil rights group murdered civil rights activist James Reeb, a Unitarian Universalist minister from Boston. The third march, which started on March 21, was escorted by the Alabama National Guard under federal control, the FBI and federal marshals (segregationist Governor George Wallace refused to protect the protesters). Thousands of marchers averaged 10 mi (16 km) a day along U.S. Route 80 (US 80), reaching Montgomery on March 24. The following day, 25,000 people staged a demonstration on the steps of the Alabama State Capitol.

The violence of "Bloody Sunday" and Reeb's murder resulted in a national outcry, and the marches were widely discussed in national and international news media. The protesters campaigned for a new federal voting rights law to enable African Americans to register and vote without harassment. President Lyndon B. Johnson seized the opportunity and held a historic, nationally televised joint session of Congress on March 15, asking lawmakers to pass what is now known as the Voting Rights Act of 1965. He enacted it on August 6, removing obstacles for Blacks to register en masse. The march route is memorialized and designated as the Selma to Montgomery National Historic Trail.

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:


May 15th, 2024 Update No. 2: I received a text message today, May 15th, 2024, from March For Our Lives (MFOL), which stated the following:

Hi Paul – it’s [name redacted], [title redacted] of March For Our Lives.

It’s been a while since you last heard from us over text, so I wanted to take a moment to reintroduce our team.

MFOL was started in 2018 by students who survived one of the deadliest school shootings in history. In the years since, we’ve delivered wins for communities in state legislatures, courts, and the halls of Congress. We’ve also turned out record numbers of youth voters in the last three election cycles!

𝗦𝗶𝘅 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘀 𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿, 𝘄𝗲’𝗿𝗲 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝗻 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝗯𝗲𝗰𝗮𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝘀𝘂𝗽𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝗬𝗢𝗨 𝗯𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗲𝘃𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗺𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 – 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘄𝗲’𝗿𝗲 𝘀𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗸𝗳𝘂𝗹.

We’re focused on winning battles for gun safety across the country, and that starts by mobilizing young people to show up + [plus] elect gun safety champions up and down the ballot in November.

None of our work is possible without the help of grassroots supporters like you, so please: Will you fuel the critical fights ahead by chipping in today?***

Thank you so much.

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Thank you for supporting the March For Our Lives Action Fund! Grassroots supporters like you are the backbone of our youth-led movement Because of your support, we have grown into one of the largest youth-led movements in the country, elected the first Gen-Z Congressmember, secured key legislative victories such as the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, delivered historic youth turnout at the polls, and so much more. This year, we're fighting even harder for gun safety legislation at every turn and demanding young people's voices are heard!

Chip in to fuel our fight and save lives today >>

Your contribution will benefit March For Our Lives Action Fund, a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization. Contributions or gifts to March for Our Lives Action Fund are not deductible for federal income tax purposes as charitable contributions.


[  ] $3
[✓] $5
[  ] $10
[  ] $20
[  ] $50
[  ] $100
[  ] $0.00

First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Billing Address: [redacted]
Country: [redacted]
Postal Code: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State/Province: [redacted]
Email: [redacted]
Mobile Phone: [redacted]


And so, I made a one-time donation to March For Our Lives in order to help them "elect gun safety champions up and down the ballot in November," since "[they've] delivered wins for communities in state legislatures, courts, and the halls of Congress [and] also turned out record numbers of youth voters in the last three election cycles!" –Paul Whiting (written May 15th, 2024 and revised June 25th, 2024)


May 17th, 2024 Update No. 1, Written On May 18th, 2024, Which Also Discusses May 15th, 2024: I received two emails from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) regarding their first ever annual ACLU Giving Day.

The first email that I received from the ACLU was three days ago on May 15th, 2024, with the subject line, "Early access for top supporters like you, Paul", which stated the following:


3% →→→ $100,000


Paul –

We wanted to give you this news first – the ACLU is announcing our first ever ACLU Giving Day next week on Monday, May 20!

Every day, the ACLU shows up in states and courtrooms across the country, ready to defend our civil rights and liberties. Whether it's growing attacks on trans youth, extreme groups pushing for a national abortion ban, or the government violating our First Amendment right to free speech – the ACLU is always ready to take up these fights, and more.

But increasing attacks mean an increasing need for resources, which is why our first ever annual ACLU Giving Day next week is so critical.

We've set a goal to raise $100,000 – and thanks to the support of a generous donor, every gift you make ahead of our deadline will be matched 2X. That means that your support will go twice as far to ensure the ACLU has the resources to fight for civil rights every single day.

Will you make a matched donation right now to help us get a head start on our goal?


ACLU Giving Day is a day where we recognize our community, including our 1.1 million members who fund the work we do every day. It's that funding that guarantees the ACLU will never stop in our fight to defend civil rights and liberties wherever they are threatened.

That's why we're coming to you today – ahead of our first annual ACLU Giving Day – to offer you early access to our 2X match and an early opportunity to help fuel the fight ahead.

Will you please make a 2X-matched donation right now to help us meet our $100,000 goal and ensure the ACLU can keep protecting civil liberties wherever they're threatened?

Thank you for being with us in the fight for our fundamental freedoms,

[Name redacted]
Pronouns: She, her, hers [Title redacted], ACLU


And the second email that I received from the ACLU was yesterday, May 17th, 2024, with the subject line, "Can we count on you, Paul?", which stated the following:


27% →→→→→ $100,000


Paul, we have an exciting announcement for you: In support of ACLU Giving Day, a generous donor is matching every gift up to our $100,000 goal!

Our nationwide network of attorneys is working right now to stop abortion bans, fight voter suppression ahead of the election, bolster trans justice, and so much more. But whether they can keep up the fight hinges on hitting our Giving Day goal.

Can we count on you to make a gift of $35 – every dollar will be DOUBLED – so we can reach our Giving Day goal? With fundamental rights under attack across the country, we can't afford to fall short.


With so much on the line in 2024, we can't afford to slow down now.

Not when our right to protest is being suppressed.

Not when state and national attacks on abortion rights are at an all-time high.

Not when lawmakers across the country are banning trans youth from accessing gender-affirming care.

And not when voter suppression is keeping people from the ballot box.

We're ready to take on all of these challenges and win – from the Supreme Court to statehouses and beyond. But without your support, we may not be able to keep doing what we do best. Our lawyers won't be able to show up in court. Our organizers won't be able to facilitate community resistance. And our plans to fight for civil liberties across the country may need to be scaled back.

So please don't wait to make this 2X impact when it's needed most: If you're ready to fuel the fight for 2024 and well beyond, will you rush a 2X-matched donation now to help us reach our crucial $100,000 goal by the Giving Day deadline?

Thank you for fighting alongside us,

[Name redacted]
Pronouns: She, her, hers
[Title redacted], ACLU


And so, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU yesterday, May 17th, 2024, in order to show my support for the "first ever ACLU Giving Day next week on Monday, May 20!" That is why I answered the question "...will you rush a 2X-matched donation now to help us reach our crucial $100,000 goal by the Giving Day deadline?" with a resounding 'Yes!' –Paul Whiting (May 18th, 2024)


For my "May 18th, 2024 Update No. 1"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

May 18th, 2024 Update No. 1 [My Writing About Armed Forces Day (for 2024)]: Armed Forces Day is today, May 18th, 2024—since Armed Forces Day is the third Saturday in May each year—so, I did a Google search for "Armed Forces Day 2024 USO" and found the following USO (United Service Organizations) search result: › donate

Uso - Official USO Website

We're thanking our troops with shows that boost morale. Donate today to show your support. Our military heroes make incredible sacrifices. Support them with a donation today. 200+ Centers worldwide. 501(c)(3) Nonprofit. Give hope to the wounded. Boost troop morale.

And, after I read the search results above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:



Honor their sacrifice by making a donation today.



[  ] $35
[  ] $50
[  ] $75
[  ] $100
[  ] $250
[  ] $500
[  ] $1,000
[✓] $ 25.00


First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Address: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Zip: [redacted]
Email: [redacted]
Cell Phone (optional): [redacted]


Your donations will support:

Transitioning Troops and Deployed Troops

During deployment, you can provide troops with a connection to their families, along with entertainment and relaxation. After service has ended, you can continue to support troops as they transition to civilian life.

Military Families

You can help keep families strong and connected both during and after deployment. The USO provides a wide range of programs that support the entire family every step of the way.

Wounded Warriors and Families of the Fallen

Some troops return home with physical or invisible wounds. You can provide therapeutic and reintegration services as they navigate the road to recovery. You can also provide support to families of troops who have paid the ultimate price while serving their country.

And so, I made a one-time donation on the in order to support the USO's following statement: "Our military heroes make incredible sacrifices. ... Give hope to the wounded. Boost troop morale."

In addition to that, I already make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! You see, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation. ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "May 18th, 2024 Update No. 1":


May 19th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses May 10th, 2024, May 12th, 2024, May 16th, 2024 And May 18th, 2024, As Well As The Time Period Of May 1st, 2024 Through May 3rd, 2024:

This 'update' that I wrote on May 17th, 2024 and on May 19th, 2024 is combined from my news searches on Google, which I do as often as I can manage, as well as from my occasional reading of The New York Times articles, USA Today articles and Time Magazine articles that I received via email for the time period of May 1st, 2024 through May 3rd, 2024.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

So, because I have been so busy lately with "Online Activism," and also with the editing of my five blogs, I have just been reading the titles of The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles that I receive from their daily emails. Then, I will occasionally read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those emails that I highlight in these 'updates.'

That is why I recently signed up to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe in order for me to stay informed about what's happening in the world. And I was formerly writing separate 'updates' for each of the news articles that I read from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles; however, after I restarted writing these news 'updates' from my news searches on Google (which I stopped doing for a while), I also decided to restart writing the 'updates' from the above-mentioned news organizations to which I subscribe, but as a combined 'update.'

Thus, I am checking the news through Google searches again, like used to do, as often as I can manage it. You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, I am now simply checking the news via Google searches as often as I can manage to do so. And, I usually check what's happening in the world via various Google searches that I do under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Google news searches.

So, without further ado, I was doing my occasional news searches on Google for May 10th, 2024, May 12th, 2024, May 16th, 2024 and May 18th, 2024, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the articles; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink; however, I think that all of those hyperlinks to current news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these current news 'updates' by first providing the original Google search category through which I found each article, as listed above, like I usually do. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.]

Then, I am providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the publisher's name and the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too! (I hope that makes sense.)


May 12th, 2024 search:

01. AP News

FBI warns that foreign adversaries could use AI to spread disinformation about US elections

By Eric Tucker | Updated 2:32 PM PDT, May 9, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


May 10th, 2024 search:

02. NBC News

Biden says Trump won't accept 2024 election results

“The guy is not a democrat with a small ‘d,’” Biden said about his Republican rival.

By Megan Lebowitz | May 8, 2024


May 16th, 2024 search:

03. USA Today
(I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

Biden and Trump agree to two debates, with the first in June (Biden and Trump agree to two televised debates, bucking commission)

By Francesca Chambers, Joey Garrison and David Jackson | May 15, 2024


May 16th, 2024 search:

04. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos

Biden, Trump agree to ABC News and CNN debates

Biden and Trump agreed to a prime-time debate at ABC News studios on Sept. 10.

By Libby Cathey, Gabriella Abdul-Hakim, Lalee Ibssa and Soo Rin Kim | May 15, 2024


May 16th, 2024 search:

05. AP News

Biden and Trump, trading barbs, agree to 2 presidential debates, in June and September

By Josh Boak, Zeke Miller and Jill Colvin | Updated 6:03 PM PDT, May 15, 2024


May 18th, 2024 search:

06. Rolling Stone

Trump Attacks Joe Biden's Economic Policy... Over Snickers Bars

After the president cited Snickers as an example of “shrinkflation,” Trump rebuked the assertion in a Truth Social post

By Jeremy Childs | May 18, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


May 10th, 2024 search:

07. Newsweek

Marjorie Taylor Greene Has Lost Republicans

By Ewan Palmer | May 09, 2024


May 12th, 2024 search:

08. The New York Times
(I am a subscriber to The New York Times 'Basic Access' Digital Subscription.)

Will You Accept the Election Results? Republicans Dodge the Question.

Leading Republicans have refused to say flatly that they will accept the outcome of the presidential election if Donald Trump loses.

By Michael C. Bender and Nick Corasaniti | May 11, 2024


May 12th, 2024 search:

09. USA Today
(I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

Which Republicans refuse to commit to accept 2024 election results?

By Margie Cullen | May 9, 2024


May 16th, 2024 search:

10. Politico

Warning signs for Trump: 5 takeaways from Tuesday's primaries

Nikki Haley’s zombie presidential candidacy is still drawing a sizable slice of the Republican vote in the suburbs.

By Steven Shepard and Madison Fernandez | 05/15/2024


May 18th, 2024 search:

11. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos

Noncitizen voting, already illegal in federal elections, becomes a centerpiece of 2024 GOP messaging

In recent months, the specter of people who aren't American citizens and are voting in the United States has become a rallying cry for Republicans

By Ali Swenson | May 18, 2024


May 18th, 2024 search:

12. MSNBC News

State Republicans can thank Trump's RNC for their financial woes

A growing number of state Republican operations are either broke or perilously close to it.

By Max Burns | May 16, 2024


May 16th, 2024 search:

13. NBC News

Biden and Trump agree to debates in late June and September

The first debate will be hosted by CNN in Atlanta at 9 p.m. ET June 27, and it won't be in front of a live audience.

By Rebecca Shabad, Monica Alba, Allan Smith and Dasha Burns | May 15, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


Continuing on—as I mentioned above—I will occasionally read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from the daily emails that I receive from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine.

And I used to provide longer introductions to these New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which included the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article in addition to a hyperlink; however—as I mentioned above—I think that all of those hyperlinks to news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Again, please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these news 'updates' by providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too! (I hope that makes sense.)

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of the titles to The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles—including any article overviews contained within the emails—that I received for the time period of May 1st, 2024 through May 3rd, 2024, when I noticed the following, and articles!


These are The New York Times articles which I received for the time period of May 1st, 2024 through May 3rd, 2024: (I am a subscriber to The New York Times 'Basic Access' Digital Subscription.)

The following are The New York Times articles that I read on May 17th, 2024, from emails that I received sixteen days prior on May 1st, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned May 1st, 2024 'The Morning' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

Trump’s Time Interview

In an interview with Time magazine, Trump said that as president he would use the military to deport migrants and let states decide whether to monitor women’s pregnancies.

President Biden called Trump’s comments “reprehensible.” ...

Trump Again Vows Mass Deportations and Won’t Rule Out Political Violence

In an interview with Time magazine, the former president said he planned to use the military to deport migrants and would not dismiss the possibility of political violence after this year’s election.

By Michael Gold | April 30, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned May 1st, 2024 'The Evening' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

Arizona voted to repeal its abortion ban

Arizona lawmakers today repealed an abortion ban that first became law in 1864, when Abraham Lincoln was president and a half-century before women won the right to vote.

The repeal narrowly passed the Republican-controlled State Senate with the support of all 14 Democratic senators and two Republicans. Gov. Katie Hobbs, a Democrat, is widely expected to sign it, after which abortion policy in the state would revert to a 2022 law that restricted the procedure after 15 weeks of pregnancy.

The 1864 law, which had remained on the books without enforcement for decades, burst into the middle of a heated national political debate three weeks ago when Arizona’s Supreme Court ruled that it should be reinstated because Roe v. Wade had been overturned.

Democrats sought to use the ban to energize voters in Arizona, a battleground state. On the right, the issue created a rift between anti-abortion activists who wanted to keep the law in place and Republicans who worried about the potential backlash of a near-total ban with no exceptions for rape or incest.

In Florida, a ban on abortions after six weeks of pregnancy went into effect today, meaning most abortions are now outlawed across the entire Southeast. ...

Arizona Lawmakers Repeal 1864 Abortion Ban, Creating Rift on the Right

Two Republican state senators broke with their party to ensure final passage of the repeal. Gov. Katie Hobbs, a Democrat, is expected to sign it on Thursday.

By Jack Healy and Elizabeth Dias | May 1, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned May 1st, 2024 'On Politics' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

How six-week abortion bans went from fringe to reality

Just over a decade ago, six-week abortion bans were seen as too radical even by many members of the anti-abortion movement, who worried they carried too much political and legal risk.

On Wednesday, Florida became the latest state to put one into effect.

The law, which was signed last year by Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, cuts off access to the procedure before many women even know they are pregnant, leaving millions of women in the South hundreds of miles from a clinic offering abortion.

The ban represents another victory for the true believers of the anti-abortion movement that seek sharp curbs on the procedure. But when such a ban was first introduced, mainstream abortion opponents who preferred gradually chipping away at abortion rights felt such restrictions could backfire and undermine their broader goals.

My colleague Elizabeth Dias covers religion and is the author, with Lisa Lerer, of a forthcoming book about the fall of Roe v. Wade. I asked her how the six-week ban moved from the fringe to the mainstream — and why those early warnings from anti-abortion allies might be coming true now. Our conversation was edited for length and clarity.

When did the concept of six-week abortion bans first emerge?

The Florida law didn’t just come out of nowhere — it’s related to a push that began more than a decade ago, in Ohio. There, in 2011, an evangelical activist, Janet Porter, began to advocate for a bill that would ban abortion when a fetal “heartbeat” is detectable, about six or eight weeks into a pregnancy.

That was during former President Barack Obama’s first term, a time when the Tea Party was rising and the anti-abortion movement was fairly weak relative to its power today. The fall of Roe was a long way away. How did leaders of the anti-abortion movement react to Porter’s proposal?

The big players in the anti-abortion movement were focused on incremental change, on moving the needle slowly. Porter and her wing of the anti-abortion movement were considered really fringe. Groups like Ohio Right to Life and the state’s Catholic conference refused to support the ban, which they thought could be dangerous, and unproductive, for their movement because it seemed too extreme. The bill didn’t pass that year — it didn’t pass, in fact, until 2019.

The concept of the “heartbeat bill” banning abortion as early as six weeks traveled far beyond Ohio. Why did the movement come to embrace it?

Many opponents of abortion have a deep and often spiritual conviction that, at the moment of conception, a fully human person worthy of rights is created, and they have worked hard to rally the public to think of a fertilized cell in this way. So the way that this wing of the movement started to talk about it was, well, what’s more human than the heart?

It’s important to note, though, that this was a powerful messaging tactic and that embryos don’t have fully developed hearts that early in a pregnancy. Most experts actually describe what is detected at this point as an electric pulse from a primitive tube of cardiac cells.

When did these bans start picking up speed, and actually passing?

The election of Donald Trump in 2016 was a pivot point for the whole movement. Legislators in Ohio soon advanced their six-week bill, although it was vetoed. The window of what was possible suddenly expanded for them, although with Roe still in place, the mainstream anti-abortion movement didn’t see six-week bans as an effective way to undercut the country’s abortion protections.

But once the balance of power on the Supreme Court shifted with the appointment of Justice Brett Kavanaugh in 2018, things changed. When state legislatures met in 2019, they began to pass a wave of abortion restrictions. Five states, including Ohio, passed so-called heartbeat bills that banned abortion as early as six weeks. Missouri passed a bill banning abortion around 8 weeks, and Alabama also passed a ban on abortion. Those bans could not immediately take effect because of Roe, but it was all part of laying the groundwork for what they hoped would be its eventual fall.

When doctors measure the length of a pregnancy, they start from the date of a woman’s last period, which is about two weeks before conception is possible. So a six-week ban is an even smaller window than some people realize.

Yes. The point of all of these laws is to stop as many abortions as possible — the movement talks about making abortion “unthinkable.” And some of the people who initially worried about a six-week ban ended up supporting them. But it became so broadly unpopular after Roe was overturned, others pushed 15-week bans instead, though that’s not their ultimate goal, either. This is a movement that thinks and plans in generations.

For much of the history of the six-week ban, lawmakers voted for such measures knowing they couldn’t be put in place. How has support for these bans changed since the fall of Roe?

Thirteen years ago, in Ohio, some abortion opponents warned that a six-week ban could hurt their movement. The reaction to the Florida law shows us that they may have been right all along.

The Florida law is completely controversial. Yes, they’re achieving their goal of limiting abortion access, in practical terms, but they’re taking on a huge risk, too, since this fall voters will have a chance to enshrine the protection of abortion rights into their state constitution through a ballot measure.

So the anti-abortion movement is experiencing real whiplash. They’re achieving policy goals they’ve been pursing for years, and they stand to lose them for having overreached — which was a fear many of them had at the very beginning with Janet Porter’s law. ...

How Six-Week Abortion Bans Went From Fringe to Reality

Even opponents of abortion saw such curbs as too controversial just over a decade ago. Times have changed.

By Jess Bidgood | May 1, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned May 1st, 2024 'On Politics' email introduction to The New York Times articles below:

The backlash in Florida

For a long time, a six-week abortion ban was not considered as seriously in Florida as it was in other states. That changed last year, when Gov. Ron DeSantis signed it as he stacked up conservative policy victories ahead of his presidential run. I asked The New York Times’s Miami bureau chief, Patricia Mazzei, to tell us how his decision to sign the ban may have actually intensified the campaign for expanded abortion rights in Florida.

In 2022, DeSantis signed a 15-week abortion ban at a big church near Orlando. But when he signed the six-week ban, he did it behind closed doors. That signaled, I think, that he knew it was going pretty far for a state where public opinion polls still suggested most Floridians wanted legal abortion far beyond six weeks.

Critics of the ban channeled their efforts into gathering petition signatures to put an amendment on the ballot that would directly ask Floridians if they wanted to expand abortion access, and bring it back up to about 24 weeks. They had begun that effort after the 15-week ban was enacted, but it really ramped up after the six-week ban was signed. They were successful, and that question will appear on the ballot in November.

So the people who feel that the ban is wrong, they feel like there is a way out, that there is light at the end of the tunnel if they can get this passed. They have a way to channel their anger, or their opposition — although the ballot measure will require more than 60 percent support to pass, and that’s a high threshold.

The anti-abortion movement’s victory was really attenuated by this ballot measure, and they are now gearing up for a tough campaign. — Patricia Mazzei

Read more of Patricia’s coverage of Florida’s abortion ban: ...

Florida’s Six-Week Abortion Ban Is Now Law, With Political Implications

The ban, which took effect on Wednesday, was part of Gov. Ron DeSantis’s push into cultural conservatism. But Florida politics is rarely that simple.

By Patricia Mazzei | May 1, 2024


Inside an Abortion Clinic Days Before Florida’s Six-Week Ban Takes Effect

On one of the last days it would be legal to get an abortion until 15 weeks of pregnancy in Florida, a clinic in Fort Pierce was completely booked.

By Patricia Mazzei | April 30, 2024


Florida Abortion Ban to Take Effect, Cutting Off Major Access Point

The state has dozens of clinics that serve tens of thousands of women a year, including from across the Southeast. The six-week ban will require most to travel much farther.

By Patricia Mazzei | April 29, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned May 1st, 2024 'On Politics' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

… and more abortion news

Vice President Kamala Harris seized on Florida’s ban at a campaign event in Jacksonville, Fla., on Wednesday, warning that a second Trump term would bring “more bans, more suffering, less freedom.” ...

In Florida, Harris Looks to Make Trump the Face of the State’s Abortion Ban

The vice president sought to tie former President Donald J. Trump to the state’s six-week abortion ban, which took effect on Wednesday.

By Nicholas Nehamas | May 1, 2024

The following are The New York Times articles that I read today, May 19th, 2024, from emails that I received sixteen days ago on May 3rd, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned May 3rd, 2024 'The Evening' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

The job market shifted into lower gear

After a winter of rapid growth in the American labor market, April’s jobs numbers delivered a more mixed picture. Employers added 175,000 positions, less than economists had expected and well below the average over the last year; and the unemployment rate climbed to 3.9 percent.

“We’ve gotten so used to jobs reports that smash expectations that it was a bit shocking this morning to see one that fell short,” our economics reporter Ben Casselman told me. “But really, the slowdown shouldn’t be a big surprise, and isn’t particularly worrisome.”

Layoffs remained low and most job sectors appeared stable. Wage growth eased notably, though the unemployment rate remained under 4 percent for the 27th consecutive month — the longest stretch in more than 50 years. In fact, some economists said that the April data offered hopeful hints that the economy was headed toward a more stable footing.

“Today’s report was exactly what policymakers at the Federal Reserve have been hoping for: an economy that is gradually cooling but not plunging into recession,” Ben said.

So far, though, cooling is probably not enough to persuade the Fed to cut rates just yet. Jerome Powell, the Fed chair, said this week that policymakers would not react to small moves. ...

U.S. Job Market Eases, but Hiring Remains Firm

Employers added 175,000 jobs in April, a milder pace than in the winter months, though layoffs have remained low and most sectors appear stable.

By Lydia DePillis | May 3, 2024

And the articles below are from the above-mentioned May 3rd, 2024 'On Politics' email:

A New Issue Flares in the 2024 Race: Campus Protests

With tensions escalating and Republicans pouncing, President Biden finally weighed in and sought to increase the distance between himself and some of the more radical activism on colleges.

By Lisa Lerer | May 3, 2024


Latino Advocacy Groups Call Trump’s Deportation Plans a Danger to Democracy

The political arms of five organizations are coordinating their efforts to mobilize Hispanic Democrats, saying that defeating the former president is their top goal.

By Jazmine Ulloa | May 3, 2024


These are the USA Today articles which I received for the time period of May 1st, 2024 through May 2nd, 2024: (I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

The following are the USA Today articles that I read on May 17th, 2024, from emails that I received sixteen days prior on May 1st, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned May 1st, 2024 'The Daily Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

US Christians say they can't be bystanders amid Israel-Hamas conflict

While some U.S. Christians strongly support one side or the other, many who feel caught in the middle embrace their faith calling as peacemakers.


From the sidelines, some Christians in US strive to be peacemakers as Israel-Hamas war continues

By Marc Ramirez | April 30, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned May 1st, 2024 'The Daily Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

Man or bear online conversation has women explaining safety concerns

Women explain why they would feel safer encountering a bear in the forest than a man they didn't know. The hypothetical has sparked a broader discussion about why women fear men.


Man or bear? Hypothetical question sparks conversation about women's safety

Women explain why they would feel safer encountering a bear in the forest than a man they didn't know. The hypothetical has sparked a broader discussion about why women fear men.

Amaris Encinas | April 30, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned May 1st, 2024 'Evening Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

Marjorie Taylor Greene's war on Mike Johnson is too nuts even for MAGA

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's crusade to oust GOP House Speaker Mike Johnson has somehow brought Democrats and Republicans together.


Marjorie Taylor Greene breaks MAGA stupidity barrier as Democrats vow to save Mike Johnson

Marjorie Taylor Greene's unique brand of uselessness has somehow forged bipartisanship in a legislative body that's effectively made of oil and water.

Rex Huppke | May 1, 2024

The following are the USA Today articles that I read today, May 19th, 2024, from emails that I received seventeen days ago on May 2nd, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned May 2nd, 2024 'The Daily Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

Arizona Senate votes to repeal near-total 1864 abortion ban

Arizona lawmakers took a significant step Wednesday toward blocking a Civil War-era abortion ban after state senators repealed the measure the Arizona Supreme Court said last month could stand. The vote fell largely on party lines, with two Republican state senators breaking from the chamber's GOP majority to back repealing the ban. Along with banning abortions in all situations except life-threatening medical emergencies, the law imposes prison terms for doctors and others who aid in an abortion. The repeal will head to Gov. Katie Hobbs, a Democrat, for her signature. Read more ...

Arizona Senate votes to repeal 1864 abortion ban, sends measure to governor

By Savannah Kuchar and Ray Stern | May 1, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned May 2nd, 2024 'Evening Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

Debunking misinformation surrounding anti-war college protests

Debunking misinformation surrounding the anti-war protests taking place at colleges across the country. ...

University protests have generated misinformation online. Here's what's true and false.

By Hannah Hudnall | May 2, 2024

The following are the USA Today articles that I read today, May 19th, 2024, from an email that I received sixteen days ago on May 3rd, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned May 3rd, 2024 'The Daily Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

Biden breaks silence on campus unrest

President Joe Biden sought to strike a balance on Thursday when speaking about current protests on college campuses that in some cases have bred destruction and violence. The president called for peaceful protest "in the best tradition of how Americans respond to consequential issues" but made clear "violent protest is not protected." Biden's response to the unrest has been complicated by his reelection campaign as he looks to unify the Democratic coalition, of which young progressive voters decry his steadfast support of Israel. Read more ...

President Biden breaks silence on campus unrest: 'Violent protest is not protected'

By Joey Garrison and Francesca Chambers | May 2, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned May 3rd, 2024 'The Daily Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

Arizona's governor signs abortion ban repeal. Now what?

Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs on Thursday signed into law a repeal of the state's 160-year-old abortion ban, rescinding one of the nation's most restrictive abortion laws after weeks of hard-fought political negotiation at the state capitol. But neither the governor's signature, nor the Arizona Legislature's momentous decision Wednesday to repeal the ban, will bring stability right away to a policy area that has been in flux — and a subject of intense political debate — for nearly two years. Nor does the ban immediately go away. ...

Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs signs abortion ban repeal, but 1864 law will linger for months. What's next?

By Stacey Barchenger and Ray Stern | May 2, 2024


These are the Time Magazine articles which I received for the time period of May 1st, 2024 through May 3rd, 2024: (I am a subscriber to the Time Magazine 'INSIDER Digital' Subscription.)

The following are the Time Magazine articles that I read on May 17th, 2024, from 'The Brief' email that I received sixteen days prior on May 1st, 2024:

What Trump’s Abortion Comments to TIME Reveal About His Plans For a Second Term

By Philip Elliott | April 30, 2024


What Does It Mean to Have a Child? We Should Be Taking That Question Seriously.

By Mara Van Der Lugt | April 30, 2024

The following are the Time Magazine articles that I read today, May 19th, 2024, from 'The Brief' email that I received sixteen days ago on May 3rd, 2024:

Swing States Overwhelmingly Back Abortion Rights, New Poll Finds

By Philip Elliott | May 2, 2024


Protesters Are Calling on Universities to Divest from Israel. Here’s What That Means

By Solcyré Burga and Nik Popli | MAY 2, 2024

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above via Google news searches—as well as from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine—for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written on May 17th, 2024 and on May 19th, 2024, then revised May 23rd, 2024)


May 19th, 2024 Update No. 2: I have combined every political campaign, or political organization, donation request per day (made via email or text message) into one 'update' for each day that I donate, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign donations, or political organization donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual campaign political donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

(By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political donation requests, which is why I don't include them with these email or text message requests.)

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per local political campaign here in Oregon (more on that below), or $4.00 per political organization, for the rest of the election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

Besides that, as of March 21st, 2024, I am no longer donating to individual political campaigns for the foreseeable future (with the exception of local campaigns here in Oregon), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis (please see my 'March 21st, 2024 Update No. 2,' which can be found above), as I have explained below:

...Alright, I have a big announcement to make: I am no longer donating to individual political campaigns for the foreseeable future—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis!

And I have made this decision based upon how much these individual political campaign donations are costing in my 'monthly donating budget'—even though I am only donating $3.00 with a $0.21 tip to ActBlue—since I totally changed the way that I approach how I calculate what I am spending on my credit card each month, starting in 2024! So now, I take the total amount that I have available in my monthly budget for my minimum payment on my credit card—as well as my extra payment—and I calculate how much I am reducing that amount each time that I charge on my credit card.

That way, I am very aware of the amount by which I am reducing my total available credit card payments for the month (the minimum payment and the extra payment) in order to, hopefully, pay more on my credit card than I am spending! Plus, I am also utilizing some funds from my budgeted expenses, as well as some funds from my savings, to make sure that I am paying a little more than I am spending while—at the same time—I am also trying to spend less on my credit card.

Therefore, at the start of 2024, I calculated that I could still make ONE $3.00 donation per political campaign for the entire election cycle. And that means after I have made that one donation per campaign—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I have only donated once per campaign, which is what I have been doing so far!

However, it's still more than I can afford given my 'monthly donating budget,' which is why I have decided to stop donating to individual political campaigns entirely—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And so, I will still be making some donations to individual political campaigns (such as to Joe Biden's campaign for President of the United States, or to local campaigns here in Oregon), but I am not donating like I have been up until this point—which has been virtually every time that I have received a political campaign donation request via email or text message—because I seriously cannot afford to donate that much for the rest of the 2024 Presidential Election cycle, as well as for the foreseeable future.

In addition to that, I used to donate "$5.00 per political organization"; however, starting on May 12th, 2024, I decided to adjust that amount, so that I can donate to more political organizations and PACs (Political Action Committees) while I am still staying within my 'monthly donating budget.'

Thus, as I partially explained above, for the rest of the 2024 election cycle—as well as for the foreseeable future—I have made a goal of donating $3.00 per local political campaign only here in Oregon (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.21), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; and a goal of donating $4.00 per political organization for donation requests via email or text message (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.28), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; as well as a goal of donating $5.00 per political organization, or per PAC, for donation requests via the regular mail (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.35), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis.

To sum it up, then: I am essentially keeping the same total individual campaign donation amount of $3.21, but I am only donating to local campaigns here in Oregon, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; and I am reducing the total donation amount for political organizations and PACs for email and text message donation requests to $4.28 (from $5.35), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; plus, I am reducing the total donation amount for political organizations and PACs for regular mail donation requests to $5.35 (from $7.51), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis.

And to clarify one more thing: In the past, I used to only donate to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations—rather than to individual campaigns—since that's all I really could afford given my 'monthly spending budget,' because I am "low income." Plus, those Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations help all of the individual political campaigns with funding, which is why I used to only donate to those main organizations! And I only started donating to individual political campaigns in 2022, since I was "doing everything in my power to help Democrats win in the 2022 Midterm Elections!" Therefore, this decision to stop donating to individual political campaigns (with the exception of presidential campaigns and local campaigns, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis) is really just going back to the way that I used to make political donations.

So, without further ado...

[Blogger's Note: Please see my 'May 19th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses May 10th, 2024, May 12th, 2024, May 16th, 2024 And May 18th, 2024, As Well As The Time Period Of May 1st, 2024 Through May 3rd, 2024' that can be found above, which includes the article below that was the inspiration for the following donation.]

The only political communication to which I responded was an article that I read from The New York Times today, May 19th, 2024, from an email that I received sixteen days ago on May 3rd, 2024, with the title, "Latino Advocacy Groups Call Trump’s Deportation Plans a Danger to Democracy." (By the way, I am a subscriber to The New York Times 'Basic Access' Digital Subscription.) An introduction to the article can be found below:

"Latino Advocacy Groups Call Trump’s Deportation Plans a Danger to Democracy" from The New York Times

The political arms of five organizations are coordinating their efforts to mobilize Hispanic Democrats, saying that defeating the former president is their top goal.

By Jazmine Ulloa | May 3, 2024

Leaders of five Latino and immigrant rights’ organizations on Friday denounced former President Donald J. Trump’s immigration proposals, saying his plans would amount to constitutional overreach, lead to mass racial profiling against Latinos and pose a threat to democracy.

Mr. Trump in a Time magazine interview this week described the arrival of migrants at the nation’s southern border as an “invasion” and laid out plans for a massive deportation operation if he is re-elected this fall.

“There’s no right way to be American, there’s no right way to look American,” said María Teresa Kumar, president of Voto Latino, adding that Mr. Trump and his backers sent Hispanic voters the wrong message.

The event was part of an effort by the groups’ political arms to better coordinate their work to shore up Latino support for President Biden and other Democrats ahead of the November election.

Speaking at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., leaders with Voto Latino, UnidosUS Action Fund, Mi Familia Vota, America’s Voice, and Latino Victory Project announced a combined investment of $50 million — the most the groups have spent jointly to sway a voting bloc that is likely to be crucial in swing-state races and congressional elections. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And, after I read the article above, I did a Google search for Voto Latino and found their main website, where I noticed a popup that appeared, which stated the following:

Less than 200 days until the Election!

Help us register young Latino voters ahead of critical deadlines in battleground states like Georgia, Arizona, and Pennsylvania. The most effective impact you can make is a recurring gift to our voter registration efforts.


And, after I read the popup above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

It's your country. Represent!


We need your support to keep up the pace and register at least 500,000 more Latino voters before registration deadlines hit and time runs out to request absentee ballots.

Will you pitch in, if you can, to help us register the voters we need to make sure OUR VOICES are heard on Election Day?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Voto Latino.

[  ] DONATE $10 →

[  ] DONATE $25 →

[  ] DONATE $50 →

[  ] DONATE $100 →

[  ] DONATE $250 →

[✓] OTHER AMOUNT $5.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.35 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Voto Latino (with a tip to ActBlue) because the "leaders of five Latino and immigrant rights’ organizations on Friday [May 3rd, 2024] denounced former President Donald J. Trump’s immigration proposals, saying his plans would amount to constitutional overreach, lead to mass racial profiling against Latinos and pose a threat to democracy." That is why I contributed to Voto Latino, since "their focus [that is, Voto Latino, UnidosUS Action Fund, Mi Familia Vota, America’s Voice, and Latino Victory Project], they said, was to avoid another Trump presidency." You see, as an 'Online Activist,' I had already heard about Voto Latino before, because they are "a civic engagement organization focused on educating and empowering a new generation of Latinx voters, as well as creating a more robust and inclusive democracy."

Thus, this one organization—Voto Latino—is the political organization that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written May 19th, 2024 and revised June 11th, 2024)


May 21st, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses May 18th, 2024: I received a mailer from Street Roots three days ago on May 18th, 2024, with a 'front teaser message' on the flyer that read, "25 YEARS of STREET ROOTS: Ambassadors of your local news since 1999. Rooted in dignity. Blossoming through relation.", which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]

[Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

Paul Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

Street Roots has perservered for 25 years

as a dignified income opportunity,

trusted source of local investigative news,

force for advocacy,

bridge to resources,

and beacon of connection and belonging.

Your support today sets Street Roots up for another 25 years.

This year, we return to our roots on Burnside. Your donation will help us blossom in our new home.

Together, we bloom.



Street Roots

Together, we bloom.


[  ] $1000: Covers a weekly SR newspaper printing and creates income for 250 vendors

[  ] $500: Coordinates two weeks of outreach to unhoused folks through our Ambassador program

[  ] $250: Supports educational stipends for our new rooftop classroom, the School in the Sky

[  ] $100: Provides much-needed socks, hats, ponchos and hand-warmers to our vendors

[  ] $50: Supplies detergent for laundry in our new Wellness Center

[  ] $25: Launches 10 new vendors with 10 free papers each

[✓] $5.00*: A gift at any level makes a difference

Street Roots creates income opportunities for people experiencing homelessness and poverty by producing a newspaper and other media that are catalysts for individual and social change.

*[Blogger's Note: I accidentally donated $5.00 to Street Roots for this mailer, rather than donating a minimum of $7.00 like I usually do for regular mail requests! You see, I used to donate a minimum of $10.00 for mailers, but I reduced that amount in August of 2023 to $7.00 per mailer (please see my post script which begins by saying, "P.S.: Just so you know 'I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ...'" that can be found below). Thus, I mistakenly donated the minimum of $5.00 that I usually donate for email/text message requests.]

And so, I made a one-time donation to Street Roots today, May 21st, 2024, because "Street Roots creates income opportunities for people experiencing homelessness and poverty by producing a newspaper and other media that are catalysts for individual and social change." –Paul Whiting (written May 21st, 2024 and revised May 23rd, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.)


May 21st, 2024 Update No. 2, Which Also Discusses May 20th, 2024: I received an email from VoteVets yesterday, May 20th, 2024, with the subject line, "Scott Perry TRASHES Military Families", which stated the following:


Representative Scott Perry, a Republican from Pennsylvania, went on a tirade against Military families last week.

Bad enough this former General in the National Guard is one of Trump’s most loyal foot soldiers.

Bad enough that he worked tirelessly to spread the Big Lie and subvert the will of the voters and help Trump illegally hold on to power.

Bad enough that he’s being investigated by the FBI for those efforts.

But this former General railed against a bill aimed at helping Military spouses hang on to their jobs if the Military requires them to move to a new duty station.

See for yourself:




🚨@RepScottPerry's remarks are an outright insult to Military Families. Being against the support they need for family stability is disgraceful and jeopardizes military retention and readiness. Our Servicemembers and their families deserve FAR better!

[start of imbedded video image]




[end of imbedded video image]


[Blogger's Note: I watched the video on 'X' (formerly Twitter) above that is titled, "WE CANNOT FASHION OUR DECISIONS..."]


This is disgusting and he should know better. No one signs up for their spouse to be unemployed, because of their service. If we can help out Military families, we should, PERIOD. If you can’t support Military families, you should not be in public office.

Maybe Perry and his GOP allies don’t care about Military families, but if you do, please:

Add your name here and show the millions of spouses, daughters, and sons of our Active Duty that we have their back.


Thank you,

The team at VoteVets

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:



Add your name to stand in solidarity with VoteVets and Military families across the country in response to recent attacks from the House GOP.

We hope you will join us.

LAST NAME: Whiting
EMAIL ADDRESS: [redacted]
MOBILE PHONE: [redacted]

What is your Military connection?

[  ] Veteran
[✓] Family of Veteran
[  ] Other

VoteVets depends on support from thousands of grassroots supporters like you to power our work. Can we count on you to make a contribution to help us advocate for Veterans and their families nationwide?

[  ] Yes, I will contribute $5
[  ] Yes, I will contribute $25
[  ] Yes, I will contribute more!

And so, I added my name today, May 21st, 2024, in order to "stand in solidarity with VoteVets and Military families across the country in response to recent attacks from the House GOP." –Paul Whiting (written May 21st, 2024 and revised May 23rd, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, I used to make one-time donations to the organization that is the subject of these 'updates' each time that I took an action as requested by that organization; however, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am greatly reducing the number of times that I donate for the same organization per month down to once—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis." (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.) Thus, because I have already donated to VoteVets on May 12th, 2024 (please see my 'May 12th, 2024 Update No. 4, Written On May 13th, 2024, Which Also Discusses April 19th, 2024, May 1st, 2024, May 2nd, 2024, May 6th, 2024, As Well As May 11th, 2024' that can be found above) that is the one-time donation which I made to VoteVets for May 2024.


May 21st, 2024 Update No. 3: I received a text message today, May 21st, 2024, from the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation, which stated the following:

Paul, it's [name redacted], [title redacted] & [title redacted] of the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation. Every 2 minutes, a child is moved from an unstable home into the Foster Care System. This can lead them to believe they're unlovable, even worthless. But they are LOVED - not forgotten! Your gift today, in honor of National Foster Care Month, will provide books, toys, & other gifts, giving them comfort and hope for a brighter future! Hope springs from every gesture of compassion. Please click to give now & show these children YOU care.***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Bring Hope and Joy to Children in Foster Care

Marine Toys for Tots

Your gift in honor of National Foster Care Month will help provide toys, books, games, and emotional comfort for children in the Foster Care System. A simple gesture like this will do so much to remind them they are not forgotten. They have value. They are loved!

Thank you for giving generously to restore children's hope for tomorrow!

Donation Information

[  ] $50
[  ] $75
[  ] $100
[  ] $150
[✓] $5.00

Contact Information

First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Street Address: [redacted]
Postal Code: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Email: [redacted]
Phone (Optional): [redacted]

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation in order to "help provide toys, books, games, and emotional comfort for children in the Foster Care System ... in honor of National Foster Care Month." –Paul Whiting (written May 21st, 2024 and revised June 9th, 2024)


May 21st, 2024 Update No. 4: I voted today, May 21st, 2024, in Oregon's Primary Election! –Paul Whiting (May 21st, 2024)


May 23rd, 2024 Update No. 1: I received a text message today, May 23rd, 2024, from Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA), which stated the following:

Hi, Paul, [name redacted], IAVA [title redacted] here.

Thank you for taking the pledge to #GoSilent on May 27th at 3:00 PM local time. IAVA has executed a lot of successful campaigns on behalf of our community, but none is more important than our #GoSilent campaign.

When we collectively pledge to #GoSilent, we remind America what Memorial Day is really about: recognizing the sacrifice of those who gave all in service to our nation.

With only 3 days to go until Memorial Day, I’m personally asking if you can challenge your network to join you and the rest of our IAVA community to #GoSilent, so together, we can ensure the sacrifice of the fallen is remembered and not forgotten: ***

[Blogger's Note: Please see my 'May 1st, 2024 Update No. 2' for my pledge to #GoSilent with IAVA on Memorial Day 2024, which can be found above.]

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


After you take the #GoSilent pledge at, the following tools will help guide your social media participation with IAVA’s #GoSilent campaign. Personalize and share your own stories, photos and experiences as much as possible with the hashtag #GoSilent. Make sure to tag IAVA and we will retweet/share your post!



Use the “Share” links below or copy/paste the tweet we’ve prepared to create your X post.

So, I selected the "Share on X" option [by the way, I only have a account (formerly so I can read posts which are included in some online articles that I read] in order for me to provide you, my readers, with the text and hyperlink below:

Take the pledge to #GoSilent on Monday, May 27th at 3PM local time in honor of the brave men and women who have given their lives in service to our nation. Join the @IAVA #MemorialDay campaign at!

Thus, I wanted to share this text message from Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) with you, my readers, so that you too can "take the pledge to #GoSilent on Monday, May 27th [2024] at 3PM local time in honor of the brave men and women who have given their lives in service to our nation." –Paul Whiting (May 23rd, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, I used to make one-time donations to the organization that is the subject of these 'updates' each time that I took an action as requested by that organization; however, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am really 'tightening my belt,' so to speak, with regard to all of the donations that I am making on my credit card each month! My plan is to only donate to political, progressive and charitable organizations if they specifically ask for donations—and not just for the sake of donating to them at least once per month, or even when I have been taking some sort of action, such as signing a petition, or sending a letter, etc. Thus, I am trying to greatly reduce the number of donations that I make to simply once in a while, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis! You see, there are a lot of organizations that I literally donate to only once per year—such as for Giving Tuesday—which is all that I ever donate to them. And that is basically what I am striving for, so that I am still donating to political, progressive and charitable organizations, but the bare minimum that I can donate, since that's all I can really afford." [Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 4, Written On December 1st, 2023 About November 2023 (that also appears as 'November 30th, 2023 Update No. 2, Written On December 1st, 2023' on some of my blogs), which can be found above.]


May 24th, 2024 Update No. 1: I received a text message today, May 24th, 2024, from Brady: United Against Gun Violence, which stated the following:

Paul, it's Coach [name redacted]. I'm an NBA coach, a father, and a gun violence survivor. I'm reaching out on behalf of Brady because we all need to be in the fight to free America from gun violence and stop the next tragedy.

Two years ago today, 19 children and two teachers were killed by a gunman with an AR-15 at their elementary school in Uvalde, TX [Texas].

After that heinous tragedy, I used my platform to ask the nation: 𝘞𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘸𝘦 𝘨𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘥𝘰 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨? Yet school shootings continue and weapons of war remain on our streets.

That's why, to honor the victims of Uvalde with action and make sure no other families in America need to live in fear, I'm personally asking: 𝗪𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗮 𝗴𝗶𝗳𝘁 𝘁𝗼𝗱𝗮𝘆 𝘁𝗼 𝘀𝘂𝗽𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁 𝗕𝗿𝗮𝗱𝘆'𝘀 𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗲-𝘀𝗮𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗳𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗴𝘂𝗻 𝘃𝗶𝗼𝗹𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺? 𝗘𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝗴𝗶𝗳𝘁 𝘂𝗽 𝘁𝗼 $𝟭𝟬𝟬,𝟬𝟬𝟬 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗯𝗲 𝗗𝗢𝗨𝗕𝗟𝗘𝗗 𝗯𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗺𝗶𝗱𝗻𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝘁𝗼𝗻𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁:***

Coach [name redacted]

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, I made a one-time donation to Brady: United Against Gun Violence because "two years ago today, 19 children and two teachers were killed by a gunman with an AR-15 at their elementary school in Uvalde, TX." Therefore, "to honor the victims of Uvalde with action and make sure no other families in America need to live in fear," I made "a gift today to support Brady's life-saving fight for gun violence reform." –Paul Whiting (May 24th, 2024)


May 24th, 2024 Update No. 2: I received an email from March For Our Lives (MFOL) today, May 24th, 2024, with the subject line, "Two years after the Uvalde Shooting", which stated the following:


Content warning: This email reflects on the events at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas on May 24, 2022. If this is too much to read, we understand. Take care of yourself and skip the rest of this email. Here are some mental health resources that you may find helpful.


Today marks two years since the tragic shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, where 19 children and two of their teachers were brutally taken in a preventable tragedy. Seventeen children and teachers were also grievously injured, and an entire community was changed forever.

As we remember this horrific event, March For Our Lives stands in solidarity with the families and community of Uvalde, honoring the victims and survivors, and standing with them in the journey for action and accountability.

In the days following the shooting, while NRA-backed politicians like Trump said, “Get over it,” March For Our Lives organized our second historic March in Washington, D.C.

Following our efforts, the demands of the millions of Americans who grieved alongside Uvalde were met with victory in the historic Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, the first piece of federal gun safety legislation in three decades.

This is a step in the right direction, Paul, but it is not nearly enough.

We will continue to honor those we lost and fight like hell for those who are still with us until no other community has to experience this unimaginable pain, and until children can grow up without the fear of going to school.

In solidarity,

March For Our Lives

Today and every day we honor the lives lost in Uvalde on May 24, 2022.

[name redacted], 10

[name redacted], 9

[name redacted], 10

[name redacted], 10

[name redacted], 9

[name redacted], 10

[name redacted], 10

[name redacted], 10

[name redacted], 10

[name redacted], 10

[name redacted], 11

[name redacted], 10

[name redacted], 10

[name redacted], 10

[name redacted], 10

[name redacted], 11

[name redacted], 10

[name redacted], 10

[name redacted], 10

[name redacted], 48

[name redacted], 44


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, I made a one-time donation to March For Our Lives (MFOL) because "today marks two years since the tragic shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, where 19 children and two of their teachers were brutally taken in a preventable tragedy," where "seventeen children and teachers were also grievously injured, and an entire community was changed forever." Thus, I contributed to MFOL since "[they] will continue to honor those we lost and fight like hell for those who are still with us until no other community has to experience this unimaginable pain, and until children can grow up without the fear of going to school." –Paul Whiting (May 24th, 2024)


May 24th, 2024 Update No. 3: I have combined every political campaign, or political organization, donation request per day (made via email or text message) into one 'update' for each day that I donate, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign donations, or political organization donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual campaign political donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

(By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political donation requests, which is why I don't include them with these email or text message requests.)

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per local political campaign here in Oregon (more on that below), or $4.00 per political organization, for the rest of the election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

Besides that, as of March 21st, 2024, I am no longer donating to individual political campaigns for the foreseeable future (with the exception of local campaigns here in Oregon), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis (please see my 'March 21st, 2024 Update No. 2,' which can be found above), as I have explained below:

...Alright, I have a big announcement to make: I am no longer donating to individual political campaigns for the foreseeable future—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis!

And I have made this decision based upon how much these individual political campaign donations are costing in my 'monthly donating budget'—even though I am only donating $3.00 with a $0.21 tip to ActBlue—since I totally changed the way that I approach how I calculate what I am spending on my credit card each month, starting in 2024! So now, I take the total amount that I have available in my monthly budget for my minimum payment on my credit card—as well as my extra payment—and I calculate how much I am reducing that amount each time that I charge on my credit card.

That way, I am very aware of the amount by which I am reducing my total available credit card payments for the month (the minimum payment and the extra payment) in order to, hopefully, pay more on my credit card than I am spending! Plus, I am also utilizing some funds from my budgeted expenses, as well as some funds from my savings, to make sure that I am paying a little more than I am spending while—at the same time—I am also trying to spend less on my credit card.

Therefore, at the start of 2024, I calculated that I could still make ONE $3.00 donation per political campaign for the entire election cycle. And that means after I have made that one donation per campaign—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I have only donated once per campaign, which is what I have been doing so far!

However, it's still more than I can afford given my 'monthly donating budget,' which is why I have decided to stop donating to individual political campaigns entirely—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And so, I will still be making some donations to individual political campaigns (such as to Joe Biden's campaign for President of the United States, or to local campaigns here in Oregon), but I am not donating like I have been up until this point—which has been virtually every time that I have received a political campaign donation request via email or text message—because I seriously cannot afford to donate that much for the rest of the 2024 Presidential Election cycle, as well as for the foreseeable future.

In addition to that, I used to donate "$5.00 per political organization"; however, starting on May 12th, 2024, I decided to adjust that amount, so that I can donate to more political organizations and PACs (Political Action Committees) while I am still staying within my 'monthly donating budget.'

Thus, as I partially explained above, for the rest of the 2024 election cycle—as well as for the foreseeable future—I have made a goal of donating $3.00 per local political campaign only here in Oregon (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.21), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; and a goal of donating $4.00 per political organization for donation requests via email or text message (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.28), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; as well as a goal of donating $5.00 per political organization, or per PAC, for donation requests via the regular mail (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.35), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis.

To sum it up, then: I am essentially keeping the same total individual campaign donation amount of $3.21, but I am only donating to local campaigns here in Oregon, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; and I am reducing the total donation amount for political organizations and PACs for email and text message donation requests to $4.28 (from $5.35), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; plus, I am reducing the total donation amount for political organizations and PACs for regular mail donation requests to $5.35 (from $7.51), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis.

And to clarify one more thing: In the past, I used to only donate to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations—rather than to individual campaigns—since that's all I really could afford given my 'monthly spending budget,' because I am "low income." Plus, those Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations help all of the individual political campaigns with funding, which is why I used to only donate to those main organizations! And I only started donating to individual political campaigns in 2022, since I was "doing everything in my power to help Democrats win in the 2022 Midterm Elections!" Therefore, this decision to stop donating to individual political campaigns (with the exception of presidential campaigns and local campaigns, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis) is really just going back to the way that I used to make political donations.

So, without further ado...

The only political communication to which I responded was an email from Ban Assault Weapons NOW PAC [Ban Assault Weapons NOW (BAWN) Political Action Committee, or BAWN PAC] today, May 24th, 2024, with the subject line, "humbly asking, Paul", which stated, in part, the following:

As a Gen Z activist and organizer with March for Our Lives, I’ve been working around the clock to make sure my generation is the last to grow up doing active shooter drills. Now, I'm proud to join [name redacted] and the Tour to Save Democracy to continue our fight. Will you join me and [name redacted] in the fight against gun violence by pitching into the tour today? >>***

Paul, I was just seven years old when I experienced my first mass shooting drill.

I remember hearing “BANG BANG BANG” as a school officer pounded on my classroom door, trying to get inside.

My legs shook and my heart beat so loudly that I could feel the vibrations throughout my body.

I knew it was fake, but the trauma of that shooting drill was real.

My generation – Generation Z – has grown up under the constant threat of gun violence, learning our multiplication tables alongside how to barricade our classroom doors.

That reality was made all too real after a vicious gunman with an assault weapon stole the lives of 7 and injured 48 more in my community of Highland Park, Illinois.

Since then, there have been HUNDREDS of mass shootings across the nation – including violent shootings in Pennsylvania, Georgia, AND Illinois just this week.

But Republicans still refuse to take action.

So believe me when I say, Paul: Young people are sick and tired of thoughts and prayers.

That’s why I’m proud to work alongside [name redacted] to mobilize Gen Z voters to defeat vulnerable Republicans through our groundbreaking Tour to Save Democracy. Our generation will be the ones to end these ruthless tragedies, ban assault weapons, and ensure that no one else has to grow up under the constant threat of gun violence. But we need your support, Paul. If we can bring...more gifts in the door before midnight, we can ensure that the Tour to Save Democracy has the resources needed to travel to critical swing districts across the country, defeat every Republican standing in the way of passing sensible legislation, and elect Democratic champions of gun violence prevention across the country. So I’m humbly asking: Can you chip in $15 right away? All contributions will help cover tour costs like gas, permits, and food. >>***

Founding Donor
For: Paul Whiting
Suggested Support $15 >>***

We can’t end gun violence without a unified front, Paul.

Even though Illinois banned assault weapons, there’s still so much more work to be done.

Because when our neighbors like Wisconsin, Indiana, and Iowa have lax gun laws, someone can easily cross the border and access terrifying weapons that they couldn’t get here.

I’ll be blunt: For too long, elected officials have gotten away with reciting the empty phrase “thoughts and prayers” after each shooting instead of passing meaningful legislation.

But with your support, we can take decisive action to make “thoughts and prayers” a thing of the past, replace every vulnerable Republican with a gun safety Democrat, and ban assault weapons for good.

Take it from me, Paul: Building a nationwide movement isn’t easy. But if we’re going to have any chance at defeating pro-gun legislators and electing a Democratic Majority in Congress to pass sensible gun reforms, we’re going to need strong allies behind us. [Name redacted] and I are counting on...grassroots supporters to pitch in before midnight to help us fuel the Tour to Save Democracy's 21 stops across the country to rally Gen Z to our full voting powers and finally end gun violence for good. Will you join our fight by chipping in $15 right now? Your donation will directly support tour expenses like paying bus drivers, refueling the bus, and securing permits. >>

[  ] Chip in $15 now >>
[  ] Chip in $30 now >>
[  ] Chip in $45 now >>
[  ] Chip in $60 now >>
[✓] Chip in another amount now >>***

Thank you,

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted] for Tour to Save Democracy

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


BAWN is partnering with [name redacted] as he embarks on a summer tour to save our democracy. [Name redacted] and a collective of Gen Z activists will bus across the nation stopping in Republican-held swing districts to rally young voters, flip these seats blue, and elect strong gun safety Democrats.

But [name redacted] is counting on grassroots support to fund his tour and make it possible.

Will you rush in a gift before midnight? Your contribution will directly support necessary parts of [name redacted's] tour, like gas, food, and lodging expenses.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Ban Assault Weapons NOW PAC.

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $5.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.35 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to Ban Assault Weapons NOW PAC (BAWN PAC) (with a tip to ActBlue) because "[BAWN PAC] can ensure that the Tour to Save Democracy has the resources needed to travel to critical swing districts across the country, defeat every Republican standing in the way of passing sensible legislation, and elect Democratic champions of gun violence prevention across the country."

Thus, this one Political Action Committee (PAC)—Ban Assault Weapons NOW PAC (BAWN PAC)—is the PAC that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written May 24th, 2024, revised June 2nd, 2024 and revised June 11th, 2024)


May 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses May 25th, 2024: I received an email from Planned Parenthood Action Fund yesterday, May 25th, 2024, with the subject line, "INSIDE: A win in AZ [Arizona]", which stated the following:

Planned Parenthood Action Fund Update

Action Fund Update is the monthly newsletter for members of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund. As an associate member of the Action Fund, you'll receive timely, insider information on our legislative, advocacy, and electoral work.

Member News


In the legal fight to protect access to abortion, the Arizona Supreme Court issued an order staying its mandate that would allow prosecutors to enforce a 160-year-old law against doctors for providing abortion care. Because of another court-ordered stay regarding this law, this means the earliest the law could be enacted is the end of September.

While it’s still nightmarish that this law is even on the table, the most important thing about this stay is that it gives patients and providers in Arizona a reprieve for a few months.

[A quote] from [name redacted], the [title redacted] of Planned Parenthood Arizona:

"Planned Parenthood Arizona will continue to provide abortion care through 15 weeks of pregnancy, and we remain focused on ensuring patients have access to abortion care for as long as legally possible. We know that it is now more important than ever to provide care to as many patients as we legally can, and we are committed to expanding our services to meet the increasing needs of our community — including recently resuming medication abortion services at our Flagstaff Health Center. We will not be intimidated or silenced by anti-abortion extremists, because our bodies and our autonomy are at stake.”

Patients and providers will continue to suffer in states like Florida — where abortion is on the ballot in November, but in the meantime, a highly restrictive 6-week ban is in place. And in places like Louisiana, where the legislature just passed a first-in-nation bill to inappropriately add safe, essential abortion medications to the state’s Controlled Substances list, which could criminalize people who possess these pills without a prescription and make it harder for patients who use these medications outside of the abortion context to access them. That bill is now headed to the governor’s desk for signing, despite widespread opposition from Louisiana reproductive medical experts.

No matter what, Planned Parenthood Action Fund will continue to fight to help restore and expand abortion access and protect our fundamental reproductive rights.

Thank you for being a part of this.

[Name redacted], [Title redacted]
Planned Parenthood Action Fund

P.S. Based on our records, it looks like your Associate Membership is going to expire soon. Don't miss out on timely, insider information on Planned Parenthood Action Fund's advocacy, legislative work, and electoral endorsements, as well as volunteer opportunities in your area. Click here to renew your membership.*

Candidate Endorsement News

We're committed to supporting champions of reproductive health. Planned Parenthood Action Fund is proud to endorse:

Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (FL)

Debbie Mucarsel-Powell is a former congresswoman from Florida who became the first South American immigrant to serve in Congress when she was elected in 2018. She is now running for Senate to replace Rick Scott, a senator who has been an outspoken supporter of restrictions on reproductive freedom and abortion. If elected, she would be the first Latina elected to the Senate from Florida.

Angela Alsobrooks (MD)

Angela Alsobrooks has spent her career fighting for Marylanders, and will continue that tireless fight in the Senate. Alsobrooks currently serves as county executive for Prince George’s County. She is the first woman to hold the position and the first Black woman elected to the position of county executive in Maryland’s history. She will be a voice for expanding reproductive rights and abortion access, ensuring that all Americans have the right to control their own bodies, lives, and futures. If elected, she would be the first Black woman elected to the Senate from Maryland.

See Planned Parenthood Action Fund’s ongoing list of endorsed candidates here (!

Take Action: Demand Court Reform Now!

Right now, we are all anxiously awaiting rulings from the U.S. Supreme Court that could fundamentally change reproductive access and care across the country.

Next month, the Supreme Court is likely to rule on whether to limit access to FDA- approved mifepristone, one of two medicines commonly used for miscarriage care and medication abortion. The court will also soon rule in a case to determine whether pregnant people can be denied emergency medical care. A longstanding federal law, the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (or EMTALA) requires hospital emergency room doctors to provide all patients with the treatment physicians deem as stabilizing to save patients' health and lives. Idaho and other states with abortion bans want to sidestep the law and exclude emergency abortion care, even for people facing serious pregnancy complications. The outcomes of both cases could endanger the lives of pregnant people.

Politicians opposed to abortion know they can’t win in the court of public opinion, so they are relying on the courts that are hostile to reproductive health to take away our basic human rights. We have to act now to reform our federal courts and ensure that the systems in place protect people, not politics.

Add your name: We must reform our courts now!***

[Blogger's Note: I was considered taking this action by adding my name to "Demand court reform now!", which states the following:

Demand court reform now!

To protect and advance our rights, we must reclaim our federal courts.

Our fundamental rights are under attack, and we need courts that will defend our freedoms, apply the law fairly, and advance equality.

But for years, lawmakers hostile to our reproductive rights have been filling the courts with judges who think — and look — like them. While our courts were once a backstop to protect our rights, presidential administrations and hostile Senate majorities have worked over time to successfully stack the courts with judges and justices who are hostile to our rights.

Structural, systemic, and meaningful court reform is the only way to ensure that courts uphold the law and protect our rights.

Sign your name to join us in the call to reform our courts. Together, we will secure rights, opportunities, and reproductive freedom for all.

What do we mean by "court reform?" Expand to learn more. ▼

▪ The Supreme Court hasn't been expanded for 150 years — meanwhile the U.S. has become much more diverse, the population has multiplied by more than 10, and the volume of cases brought before the federal judiciary has significantly increased.
▪ Supreme Court justices are also now serving significantly longer terms than their predecessors — as many as 30 or more years on the bench.

▪ Expand the number of justices on the Supreme Court and put term limits in place for justices.

▪ Supreme Court justices aren't forced to follow a binding code of conduct. Justices aren't prevented from owning and trading stocks, have poorly defined rules around accepting gifts — and there are no clear consequences for most unethical behavior.
▪ This makes it possible for outside groups and individuals to influence justices in ways that we may never learn about.

▪ Impose ethics and transparency requirements for Supreme Court justices.

▪ The federal courts are increasingly overburdened and there aren't enough judges to keep up with the growing U.S. population and caseloads.
▪ It's been more than 30 years since Congress last comprehensively expanded the number of lower court seats — the longest period of time between expansions in the history of district courts and courts of appeals.

▪ Add seats for additional judges on lower courts to keep up with the growing U.S. population and caseload.

▪ Interest groups can shop for judges who align with their views — often judges they've helped get confirmed — and then deliberately send them cases, knowing they will decide against reproductive freedom, gender equity, LGBTQ+ liberation, access to health care, and civil liberties.

▪ Prevent single-judge divisions so that interest groups can't "shop" for judges and guarantee that a favorable judge decides their case.

Show Less ▲

However, I am concerned about telling judges how to do their jobs (especially the Supreme Court of the United States) and how their jobs need to be changed, because I am afraid that they may take offense. Thus—to the best of my knowledge—I have never actually signed a petition with regard to reforming the courts. That is why I opted to not take this specific action.]

State Spotlight: South Carolina

A South Carolina judge ruled that the state can continue to enforce a ban on nearly all abortions after 6 weeks as an appeal continues. Planned Parenthood had argued that the law should be blocked while its vague language and meaning are determined. The court ruled that the law would stand as the case moves through the courts.

Here's what this means and what's next.

Around the Web

NBC News: More than half of Black women ages 15-49 live with little to no abortion access

NPR: Louisiana may reclassify drugs used in abortion as controlled dangerous substances

NBC News: Abortion rights amendments qualify for the ballot in Colorado and South Dakota


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

By the way, I read all of the articles referenced in the email above including the article regarding 'a South Carolina judge [who] ruled that the state can continue to enforce a ban on nearly all abortions after 6 weeks as an appeal continues,' which is titled, "Judge says South Carolina can enforce 6-week abortion ban amid dispute over when a heartbeat begins." I also read all of the articles listed under the 'Around the Web' sections above, which is what I always do when I receive these monthly newsletters from Planned Parenthood Action Fund—in addition to taking any requested action from the newsletter, if I haven't already taken that same requested action (or, those same requested actions), as noted from previous 'updates.'

*And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, regarding renewing my Associate Membership for the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, which can be found below:

Become a Planned Parenthood Action Fund Associate Member.

By submitting this form, I affirm that I want to become an associate member of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund.

First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Postal Code: [redacted]
Email: [redacted]
Mobile Phone (Optional): [redacted]


And, after submitting the form above, I received a confirmation email today, May 26th, 2024, from the Planned Parenthood Action Fund with the subject line, "Thank you for your Associate Membership!", which stated the following:

Dear Paul,

Thank you for standing with us as an Associate Member of Planned Parenthood Action Fund!

Membership is free and allows you full access to timely Action Fund updates, including information about our grassroots organizing, legislative and regulatory advocacy, electoral endorsements, and volunteer opportunities in your area — and gives you an opportunity to vote for a member of the Action Fund Board of Directors.

You can also follow Planned Parenthood Action Fund on Facebook and Twitter.

We are so glad to have you with us!

Planned Parenthood Action Fund

And to clarify: I usually make a one-time donation to Planned Parenthood Action Fund after I renew my Associate Membership for the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, however I renewed my Associate Membership four months ago on January 13th, 2024 (please see my 'January 13th, 2024 Update No. 1,' which can be found above) and I made a one-time donation to Planned Parenthood Action Fund back then "in order to show my support for the Action Fund Update monthly newsletter, as well as for my 'Associate Membership of Planned Parenthood Action Fund'"; thus, I opted to renew my Associate Membership without donating this month.**

–Paul Whiting (May 26th, 2024)

**P.S.: Just so you know, I used to make one-time donations to the organization that is the subject of these 'updates' each time that I took an action as requested by that organization; however, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am really 'tightening my belt,' so to speak, with regard to all of the donations that I am making on my credit card each month! My plan is to only donate to political, progressive and charitable organizations if they specifically ask for donations—and not just for the sake of donating to them at least once per month, or even when I have been taking some sort of action, such as signing a petition, or sending a letter, etc. Thus, I am trying to greatly reduce the number of donations that I make to simply once in a while, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis! You see, there are a lot of organizations that I literally donate to only once per year—such as for Giving Tuesday—which is all that I ever donate to them. And that is basically what I am striving for, so that I am still donating to political, progressive and charitable organizations, but the bare minimum that I can donate, since that's all I can really afford." [Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 4, Written On December 1st, 2023 About November 2023 (that also appears as 'November 30th, 2023 Update No. 2, Written On December 1st, 2023' on some of my blogs), which can be found above.]


May 26th, 2024 Update No. 2, Which Also Discusses May 21st, 2024, May 23rd, 2024 And May 25th, 2024, As Well As May 5th, 2024 Through May 16th: This 'update' that I am writing today, May 26th, 2024, is combined from my news searches on Google, which I do as often as I can manage—as well as from my occasional reading of The New York Times articles, USA Today articles and Time Magazine articles that I received via email—for the total time period of May 5th, 2024 through May 25th, 2024.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

So, because I have been so busy lately with "Online Activism," and also with the editing of my five blogs, I have just been reading the titles of The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles that I receive from their daily emails. Then, I will occasionally read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those emails that I highlight in these 'updates.'

That is why I recently signed up to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe in order for me to stay informed about what's happening in the world. And I was formerly writing separate 'updates' for each of the news articles that I read from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles; however, after I restarted writing these news 'updates' from my news searches on Google (which I stopped doing for a while), I also decided to restart writing the 'updates' from the above-mentioned news organizations to which I subscribe, but as a combined 'update.'

Thus, I am checking the news through Google searches again, like used to do, as often as I can manage it. You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, I am now simply checking the news via Google searches as often as I can manage to do so. And, I usually check what's happening in the world via various Google searches that I do under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Google news searches.

So, without further ado, I was doing my occasional news searches on Google for May 21st, 2024, May 23rd, 2024 and May 25th, 2024, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the articles; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink; however, I think that all of those hyperlinks to current news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these current news 'updates' by first providing the original Google search category through which I found each article, as listed above, like I usually do. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.]

Then, I am providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the publisher's name and the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too!

And for certain articles, I will include a few introductory paragraphs as a way to give more of a complete explanation to the meaning of the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of these articles, which may also take the form of a kind of 'overview,' so to speak, by selecting particular paragraphs that I feel highlight the most important parts of these articles in order to summarize the meaning of the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline'). I hope that makes sense!


I did not select any articles from this category.


May 21st, 2024 search:

01. The New York Times
(I am a subscriber to The New York Times 'Basic Access' Digital Subscription.)

House G.O.P. Moves to Crack Down on Noncitizen Voting, Sowing False Narrative

The bills under consideration have virtually no chance of becoming law, but Republicans are using them to amplify Donald Trump’s false claims of widespread illegal voting by noncitizens.

By Luke Broadwater | May 21, 2024


May 25th, 2024 search:

02. The Guardian

Arizona secretary of state calls threats to election officials ‘domestic terrorism’

Adrian Fontes made comments on NBC panel of elections officials from states whose voters could decide 2024 presidential election

By Ramon Antonio Vargas | 24 May 2024


May 23rd, 2024 search:

03. USA Today
(I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

Donald Trump is spreading QAnon posts as he campaigns. Here's why (As Trump campaigns, he's spreading QAnon posts anew. Some call that 'playing with fire')

By Jessica Guynn and Will Carless | May 23, 2024


May 23rd, 2024 search:

04. The New York Times
(I am a subscriber to The New York Times 'Basic Access' Digital Subscription.)

Trump Falsely Claims Biden Administration Was ‘Locked & Loaded’ to Kill Him

Former President Donald J. Trump misrepresented a standard Justice Department policy to claim the F.B.I. was ready to kill him when searching his home in 2022.

By Maggie Astor | May 22, 2024


May 21st, 2024 search:

05. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos

Biden, Democrats slam video on Trump site referencing 'Unified Reich' while Republicans dodge commenting

"That’s Hitler’s language; that's not America’s," the president said.

By Justin Gomez, Allison Pecorin and Fritz Farrow | May 21, 2024


May 23rd, 2024 search:

06. CNN

This email will shock you! But it’s just Trump trying to raise money

By Zachary B. Wolf | May 22, 2024

(CNN) — Followers of former President Donald Trump were meant to be startled when they were sent an email Tuesday, addressed from “President Trump,” with this arresting subject line:

“They were authorized to shoot me!”

The preview line in the email did not back down.

“I nearly escaped death. Biden’s DOJ was locked and loaded for deadly force at Mar-a-Lago …”

Literal readers of Trump’s message might wonder: Is this a cry for help from physical harm?

But everyone should know it is just Trump asking, again, for money. ...


I did not select any articles from this category.


May 21st, 2024 search:

07. The New York Times
(I am a subscriber to The New York Times 'Basic Access' Digital Subscription.)

Here's Why Republicans Are Focusing on Voting by Noncitizens

House Republicans are pushing legislation to crack down on voting by noncitizens, which is allowed in some local elections but illegal — and exceedingly rare — at the federal level.

By Minho Kim | May 21, 2024


May 21st, 2024 search:

08. NPR

'Abortion abolitionists' want to charge patients with murder and ban IVF (Republicans try to soften stance on abortion as 'abolitionists' go farther)

By Sarah McCammon | May 21, 2024


May 23rd, 2024 search:

09. Newsweek

Donald Trump Sees Thousands of Kentucky Republicans Vote Against Him

By Anna Skinner | May 21, 2024


May 25th, 2024 search:

10. CNN

Top Republicans are already rushing to buy into Trump’s 2024 election fraud narrative

By Stephen Collinson | Updated 12:17 AM EDT, Fri May 24, 2024


May 25th, 2024 search:

11. MSNBC News

Republicans enraged by Biden’s efforts to keep gas prices lower

President Joe Biden is taking fresh steps to help keep gas prices from climbing. For Republicans to see this as “disgusting” and “disgraceful” is bizarre.

By Steve Benen | May 24, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


Continuing on—as I mentioned above—I will occasionally read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from the daily emails that I receive from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine.

And I used to provide longer introductions to these New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which included the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article in addition to a hyperlink; however—as I mentioned above—I think that all of those hyperlinks to news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Again, please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these news 'updates' by providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too!

And for certain articles, I will include a few introductory paragraphs as a way to give more of a complete explanation to the meaning of the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of these articles, which may also take the form of a kind of 'overview,' so to speak, by selecting particular paragraphs that I feel highlight the most important parts of these articles in order to summarize the meaning of the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline'). I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of the titles to The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles—including any article overviews contained within the emails—that I received for the time period of May 5th, 2024 through May 16th, 2024, when I noticed the following, and articles!


These are The New York Times articles which I received for the time period of May 6th, 2024 through May 16th, 2024: (I am a subscriber to The New York Times 'Basic Access' Digital Subscription.)

The following are The New York Times articles that I read on May 23rd, 2024, from an email that I received seventeen days prior on May 6th, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned May 6th, 2024 'On Politics' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

Trump, who has celebrated violent protests, cheers campus crackdowns

Let’s start today’s newsletter with a brief news quiz.

Who said this, in reference to the clearing of protests on Columbia University’s campus last week?

“The police came in. In exactly two hours, everything was over. It was a beautiful thing to watch.”

And who said this, in reference to the attempted insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021?

“It was a beautiful day.”

The answer in both cases, of course, is former President Donald Trump, who is wielding self-serving and frequently inaccurate stories about both events as tools in his presidential campaign. He has denounced the campus protests as lawless chaos even as he depicts the Jan. 6 rioters as heroes — and appears to be trying to play one episode off the other as he seeks to sanitize his own record as president.

As he has moved in and out of his New York criminal trial and hit the campaign trail in recent weeks, Trump has tried to turn the college protests of the war in Gaza to his political benefit. He has praised the arrests of protesters, and suggested in an interview with Time magazine that he would call in the National Guard to quell protests if they were happening on his watch.

“Columbia just canceled their commencement,” Trump said Monday at the courthouse in Manhattan where he is on trial. “That shouldn’t happen.”

Trump, who frequently uses violent rhetoric — including suggesting there would be “bedlam” and “potential death and destruction” if various criminal proceedings against him moved forward — is seeking to depict President Biden as a hapless leader who cannot get the protests under control.

But Trump’s calls for order contrast sharply with the way he talks about Jan. 6, a day that saw brutal violence against police officers, which he has nonetheless turned into a talking point of his third campaign for the presidency.

He has rallied to the side of rioters arrested that day, lamented the time some have spent in jail, called them “hostages” and “unbelievable patriots,” and said he would consider pardoning them if he returns to power.

Now he is comparing the punishments meted out to the Jan. 6 rioters with those faced by college protesters, though the two events are fundamentally different.

“They took over a building. That is a big deal,” Trump said last week, referring to the Columbia protesters, wondering if their punishment would be “anything comparable” to that of the mob that broke into the Capitol on Jan. 6.

‘It was an assault on democracy’

As the Biden campaign seeks to make Jan. 6 a key plank of its case against Trump, the bubbling up of protests on campuses nationwide — and the images they have generated of clashes between protesters and counterprotesters as well as mass arrests — has made some Democrats nervous.

“How do the Democrats, how do all of us on that side, say Jan. 6 was wrong?” the Rev. Al Sharpton said on MSNBC, making comments that were quickly picked up by Fox News. “If you can have the same pictures going on college campuses, you lose the moral, you lose the moral high ground.”

But many other Democrats have been quick to say the campus protests have little in common with Jan. 6.

“What happened on Jan. 6 is a violent mob. They came and attacked the Capitol Police, they came and attacked the Capitol, it was an assault on democracy,” said Harry Dunn, a former Capitol Police officer who was at the Capitol that day. He later testified about seeing fellow officers bloodied as they fought with rioters, and about having racist slurs lobbed his way.

Dunn, who is now running for the Democratic nomination for a congressional seat in Maryland, said in an interview that members of his party needed to be clear about what happened that day — especially in response to Trump’s efforts to distort the facts.

“People are really upset about what happened, and they have a real fear about whether it can happen again,” he said.

Some Democrats are alarmed about Trump’s rhetoric, and warn that it gives his supporters a dangerous permission structure.

“Donald Trump sends a message that his supporters can break the law and commit violence whenever they’re following his cues,” said Representative Jamie Raskin of Maryland, a Democrat who was the lead manager of the unsuccessful impeachment of Trump over the events of Jan. 6 and was part of the monthslong investigation of the day’s events by a select committee in the House.

‘Everything in America is in chaos’

Some Republicans have struggled to defend the inconsistencies of calling for the prosecution of the college campus protesters while defending those accused of breaking the law on Jan. 6.

That includes Senator J.D. Vance of Ohio, a Trump ally and vice-presidential contender who was asked by Kaitlan Collins of CNN last week whether people who break in and vandalize a building should be prosecuted.

“Exactly,” Vance said, before Collins followed up by asking why he had raised money for some of the Jan. 6 defendants.

Vance accused the national media of having an “obsession” with Jan. 6, and said some of the people who had protested on Jan. 6 had the “complete weight of the Justice Department thrown at them when at worst they’re accused of misdemeanors.”

Over the weekend, some of Trump’s Republican congressional allies sought to depict the college protests as a factor that would help him in the November election.

“One of the many reasons why Donald Trump is going to win this election is you’ve got Democratic protesters out there putting a terrorist headdress on a statue of George Washington,” Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas said Sunday on ABC, apparently referring to how a protester draped a kaffiyeh over a statue of the first president at George Washington University.

“Everything in America is in chaos, from our border to our campuses,” said Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, who is also a potential Trump running mate.

It’s not clear that the strategy will work. In 2020, Trump sought to pin racial justice protests, which sometimes turned violent and led to the destruction of property, on Biden and Democratic mayors — but he still lost.

In addition to trying to use the campus protests to complain about the treatment of the Jan. 6 defendants, he also compared the demonstrations to the violence of Charlottesville, Va., in 2017, when white supremacists marched yelling antisemitic slurs and, later, a woman was killed when a car plowed into a crowd of counterprotesters.

“Charlottesville is like a ‘peanut’ compared to the riots and anti-Israel protests that are happening all over our country RIGHT NOW,” Trump wrote on his social media platform, Truth Social, late last month.

His rhetoric may be as much about cleaning up his own record as it is about attacking Biden’s. ...

Trump, Who Has Celebrated Violent Protests, Cheers Campus Crackdowns

The former president’s calls for order in college unrest contrast with how he talks about Jan. 6.

By Jess Bidgood | May 6, 2024

And the article below is from the above-mentioned May 6th, 2024 'On Politics' email:

Geoff Duncan, Georgia’s Republican Former Lt. Gov., Says He Will Vote for Biden

“I am voting for a decent person I disagree with on policy over a criminal defendant without a moral compass,” wrote Mr. Duncan, who was in office during the 2020 election.

By Maggie Astor | May 6, 2024

The following is The New York Times article that I read today, May 26th, 2024, from an email that I received seventeen days prior on May 9th, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned May 9th, 2024 'The Evening' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

...More top news

Politics: At a private meeting, Donald Trump told oil executives and lobbyists to donate $1 billion to his campaign because he would roll back climate rules. ...

At a Dinner, Trump Assailed Climate Rules and Asked $1 Billion From Big Oil

At a private meeting at Mar-a-Lago, the former president said fossil fuel companies should donate to help him beat President Biden.

By Lisa Friedman, Coral Davenport, Jonathan Swan and Maggie Haberman | May 9, 2024

The following is The New York Times article that I read today, May 26th, 2024, from an email that I received sixteen days prior on May 10th, 2024:

And the article below is from the above-mentioned May 10th, 2024 'On Politics' email:

How Republicans Echo Antisemitic Tropes Despite Declaring Support for Israel

Prominent Republicans have seized on campus protests to assail what they say is antisemitism on the left. But for years they have mainstreamed anti-Jewish rhetoric.

By Karen Yourish, Danielle Ivory, Jennifer Valentino-DeVries and Alex Lemonides | May 9, 2024

The following is The New York Times article that I read today, May 26th, 2024, from an email that I received fourteen days prior on May 12th, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned May 12th, 2024 'The Morning' email introduction to The New York Times article below:


For Mother’s Day, Catherine Pearson collected stories from Times readers about the mother figures in their lives — grandmothers and aunts, teachers and neighbors, and, of course, moms.

Genevieve Geer wrote about Mrs. Dunn, her friend’s mother, who “taught me that when you can’t get in through the front door, there is always a side door, or a window, to slip into the places you wanted to go.”

Judith Shapiro wrote about Ruth, her childhood nanny, who “let me stay up late on Sunday nights, curled up next to her in an overstuffed chair, watching our favorite television shows.”

Marjorie George wrote about Miss Jordan, her fifth-grade teacher, who “was a powerful example of what a Black woman could be.”

You can read many more stories in Catherine’s article, “An Ode to Those Who Mother Us.” ...

An Ode to Those
Who Mother Us

By Catherine Pearson | May 9, 2024

The following is The New York Times article that I read today, May 26th, 2024, from an email that I received eleven days prior on May 15th, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned May 15th, 2024 'The Evening' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

Inflation eased and markets hit new highs

A new inflation report released today offered consumers and policymakers some relief: April prices, with volatile food and fuel prices stripped out, rose 3.6 percent over the previous year — the lowest annual increase in so-called core inflation since early 2021.

The report, which showed a slight dip in overall inflation as well, was especially appreciated by economists who had become worried about the lack of progress after three straight months of uncomfortably rapid price increases.

“This report was mostly good news in that it wasn’t bad news,” our economics reporter Ben Casselman told me. He said that the stubborn price increases in recent months “had begun to erode confidence in the ‘soft landing’ narrative that had taken hold last year. This report doesn’t erase those concerns, but it does at least ease fears that inflation was re-accelerating.”

Today’s data showed progress on several fronts. The prices of groceries decreased outright in April. So, too, did the prices of new and used cars and airline fares. And while gasoline prices ticked up, housing costs — which have proved to be among the most stubborn — showed hints of improvement.

The news boosted the stock market’s current rally: The S&P 500 rose 1.2 percent today and surpassed its previous high set in March. Bond yields also fell as investors appeared to dial back how long they expected interest rates to stay elevated. ...

Inflation Eased and Markets Hit New Highs

Also, Biden and Trump agreed to debate in June and September. Here’s the latest at the end of Wednesday.

By Matthew Cullen | May 15, 2024

The following are The New York Times articles that I read today, May 26th, 2024, from an email that I received ten days prior on May 16th, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned May 16th, 2024 'The Morning' email introduction to The New York Times articles below:

2024 Elections

President Biden and Donald Trump agreed to two debates, in June and September. The first will be on CNN, the second on ABC.

The Biden campaign hopes the debates, held earlier than in previous years, will force voters to confront the implications of a Trump victory.

Biden has attracted more donors* than at the same point in the 2020 campaign. Trump has fewer than he did four years ago — and fewer than Biden.

Videos featuring false claims about Biden are spreading online. Experts have linked them to Russian disinformation groups. ...

*One Area Where Biden Is Leading Trump: His Number of Donors

By Albert Sun, Scott Reinhard and Rebecca Davis O’Brien May 16, 2024


**Russian Disinformation Videos Smear Biden Ahead of U.S. Election

Many of the videos are trying to appeal to right-wing voters with fake messages about President Biden, experts say.

By Julian E. Barnes and Steven Lee Myers | May 15, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned May 16th, 2024 'The Morning' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

Business and Economy

Inflation slowed last month after several increases, and the S&P 500 stock index reached a new high. “This is the first good C.P.I. report in four months,” one expert said. ...

Inflation Cooled Slightly, Offering Some Relief for Consumers and the Fed

Prices climbed 3.4 percent in April from a year earlier, a moderation after some hot inflation readings this year. Stocks rose as investors bet that the Federal Reserve could cut interest rates sooner.

By various authors | May 15, 2024


These are the USA Today articles which I received for the time period of May 5th, 2024 through May 16th, 2024: (I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

The following are the USA Today articles that I read on May 23rd, 2024, from emails that I received eighteen days prior on May 5th, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned May 5th, 2024 'The Daily Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

Get ready to hear a lot about La Niña. Here's why.

La Niña is a natural climate pattern marked by cooler-than-average seawater in the central and eastern Pacific Ocean. Here's why that matters.


Get ready to hear a lot about La Niña. Here's why it could make hurricane season worse.

By Doyle Rice | May 4, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned May 5th, 2024 'Evening Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

Donald Trump accuses Democrats of running 'Gestapo administration'

In an event for Republican donors on Saturday at Mar-a-Lago, Donald Trump compared the Biden administration to the Nazi secret police.


Trump accused Democrats of running a 'Gestapo administration.' Here's what the reference to Nazis means.

By George Fabe Russell | May 5, 2024

The following is the USA Today article that I read on May 23rd, 2024, from an email that I received seventeen days prior on May 6th, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned May 6th, 2024 'The Daily Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

Democrats say 2024 electors are afraid of political violence

Vice President Mike Pence and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi preside over the certification of Electoral College votes at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. 2020 looms over the people who sign up to cast votes for political parties on behalf of the Electoral College, which is what picks the next president.


'Terrifying': Democrats say they have plans to keep electors safe from political violence

By Phillip M. Bailey and Erin Mansfield | May 6, 2024

The following is the USA Today article that I read on May 23rd, 2024, from an email that I received fifteen days prior on May 8th, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned May 8th, 2024 'On Politics' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

Exclusive: Getting DHS on war footing for Nov. election threats

In exclusive interviews, Homeland Security Secy. Alejandro Mayorkas and top aide disclose massive election security response prior to 2024 election.


Exclusive: Homeland Security ramping up 'with intensity' to respond to election threats

By Josh Meyer | May 8, 2024

The following are the USA Today articles that I read today, May 26th, 2024, from emails that I received seventeen days prior on May 9th, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned May 9th, 2024 'The Daily Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

DeSantis' new law threatens outdoor worker health

In one of the hottest states in the nation, what are outdoor workers to do when state government rescinds protections from the sun? And given only Miami-Dade County required employers to provide heat breaks to begin with, what problem is Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis trying to solve? The USA TODAY Network spoke with advocates and workers about how Florida holds municipalities to a heat standard that doesn't exist. Read more ...

No shade, no water, no breaks: DeSantis' new law threatens Florida outdoor worker health

By Kate Cimini | May 8, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned May 9th, 2024 'On Politics' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

House kills effort from Marjorie Taylor Greene to oust Mike Johnson

Democrats and Republicans joined together to dismiss the conservative agitator's motion to vacate against the speaker.


Mike Johnson saved: House kills effort from Marjorie Taylor Greene to oust speaker

Marina Pitofsky, Riley Beggin and Ken Tran | May 8, 2024

The following are the USA Today articles that I read today, May 26th, 2024, from emails that I received eleven days prior on May 15th, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned May 15th, 2024 'The Daily Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

More news to know now

How some in the GOP are already raising 2024 election doubts ...

Trump’s doubts about election results spread among GOP and raise concern for next Jan. 6.

By Sarah D. Wire | May 15, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned May 15th, 2024 'Evening Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

Senate intel chair: Foreign adversaries will likely target election

Sen. Mark Warner issues extraordinary warning about foreign meddling in likely rematch between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump


Senate warns of unprecedented foreign interference in 2024 election

By Josh Meyer | May 15, 2024

The following are the USA Today articles that I read on May 26th, 2024, from emails that I received ten days prior on May 16th, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned May 16th, 2024 'The Daily Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

Inflation eases in April as prices fall for eggs, bacon and bread, CPI data shows

Inflation eased in April as declines in grocery and used car prices offset another rise in rent and gasoline. After inflation picked up notably early this year, the Labor Department’s consumer price index revealed more progress in the battle to tame prices, with an underlying inflation measure reaching a three-year low. Still, it may not be enough to convince the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates in the next couple of months. Read more ...

Inflation eases in April as prices fall for eggs, bacon and bread, CPI data shows

By Paul Davidson | May 15, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned May 16th, 2024 'Evening Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

Current, former lawmakers say Congress is dysfunctional. Will the infighting stop?

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-LA) speaks to members of the press after Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Greene (R-GA) introduced a motion to vacate on the floor of the House of Representatives seeking to remove Johnson from his leadership position at the U.S. Capitol on May 08, 2024 in Washington, DC. The chaos in the House appears to be mostly over, but so is any new work to make new laws.


Current and former lawmakers know Congress is dysfunctional. Will the infighting stop before the election?

By Ken Tran | May 16, 2024


These are the Time Magazine articles which I received for the time period of May 10th, 2024 through May 14th, 2024: (I am a subscriber to the Time Magazine 'INSIDER Digital' Subscription.)

The following is the Time Magazine article that I read today, May 26th, 2024, from 'The Brief' email that I received sixteen days prior on May 10th, 2024:

Campus Protests Are Called Disruptive. So Was the Civil Rights Movement

By Jeanne Theoharis | May 9, 2024

The following is the Time Magazine article that I read today, May 26th, 2024, from 'Inside Time' email that I received fifteen days prior on May 11th, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned May 11th, 2024 email introduction to the Time Magazine article below:

It's getting harder to give birth in America

This past week we launched TIME100 Health, our newest TIME100 list that seeks to recognize the most influential doctors, scientists, and researchers alongside others working to make a healthier world.

On a recent reporting trip to Birmingham, Ala., TIME's Alana Semuels saw first-hand the difficulties that many of those providers and their supporters are up against as she covered a troubling trend. In the last fifteen years hundreds of maternity wards have closed around the country, including Princeton Baptist Medical Center in Birmingham, which shut its doors last October. Labor and delivery units are often in the red. Doctors are leaving the industry, with many saying their work is undervalued by private and public insurance providers.

These trends have adversely impacted vulnerable communities and hurt the quality of maternal care in the United States, doctors and researchers say. It’s something that feels particularly resonant this weekend, when we celebrate Mother’s Day in the United States.

Semuels, who this year won an award for her journalism from the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing, is an expert at showing how economic trends influence the lives of TIME’s readers. Her reporting from Alabama was supported by the USC Annenberg Center for Health Journalism’s 2023 Impact Fund for Reporting on Health Equity and Health Systems. ...

Why Maternity Care Is Underpaid

By Alana Semuels | May 7, 2024

The following is the Time Magazine article that I read today, May 26th, 2024, from 'Inside Time' email that I received fifteen days prior on May 11th, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned May 11th, 2024 email introduction to the Time Magazine article below:

What Student Photojournalists Saw at the Campus Protests

Following weeks of demonstrations, photographers from schools across the country share their images and reflections.

Read more. ...

What America’s Student Photojournalists Saw at the Campus Protests

By Sanya Mansoor | Photographs by the student journalists of The Daily Bruin, The Daily Northwestern, The Daily Princetonian, The Daily Targum, The Daily Texan, Daily Trojan, The Gw Hatchet, The Indiana Daily Student, The Michigan Daily, and The Vanderbilt Hustler | Introduction by Karl Vick | May 9, 2024

The following is the Time Magazine article that I read today, May 26th, 2024, from 'The Brief' email that I received fourteen days prior on May 12th, 2024:

My Mother Needed Mental Health Treatment. She Got a Jail Cell

By Nina St. Pierre | May 9, 2024

The following is the Time Magazine article that I read today, May 26th, 2024, from 'Daily Spotlight' email that I received twelve days prior on May 14th, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned May 14th, 2024 email introduction to the Time Magazine article below:

Women Say They Were Pressured Into Long-Term Birth Control

"I don't have faith in doctors anymore."

A TIME investigation found doctors are more likely to push long-term contraceptives when treating Black, Latina, young, and low-income women.

Read more. ...

‘I Don’t Have Faith in Doctors Anymore.’ Women Say They Were Pressured Into Long-Term Birth Control

By Alana Semuels | May 13, 2024

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above via Google news searches—as well as from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine—for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written May 26th, 2024, revised May 28th, 2024 and revised June 21st, 2024)


For my "May 27th, 2024 Update No. 1, Written On May 23rd, 2024"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

May 27th, 2024 Update No. 1, Written On May 23rd, 2024: Have a Memorable Memorial Day, everyone. I signed a Memorial Day card "to honor the military heroes who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service of our country" from the USO (United Service Organizations) today, May 23rd, 2024, that I received today via an email with the subject line, "Before you celebrate Memorial Day weekend…", which stated the following:


★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★



★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★


Before Memorial Day weekend arrives, we want to make sure we all take a moment to remember what this holiday is really about: honoring the heroes who've made the ultimate sacrifice for our country — and those currently risking their lives to defend our freedoms.

We're counting on 100,000 proud military supporters like you to sign the card via email and text message before Memorial Day ends to show your support for active-duty service members deployed around the world: Will you join thousands of other military supporters and thank our heroes before midnight?


Right now, our service members are facing emerging threats from the Iranian military in the Middle East and increased hostility from the governments of Niger and Chad.

In the face of these escalating conflicts around the world, your gratitude and support right now mean so much to our service members risking their lives for our country.

So please, don't miss this chance to honor the fallen and show all our heroes in uniform serving across the globe how much you appreciate everything they do for us. Sign the card now to thank our service members this Memorial Day.


Thank you for standing with those who serve this Memorial Day.



***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

Plus, after I signed the card, I made a one-time donation on the website to say to our troops, "As we honor our military heroes this Memorial Day, we want you to know how grateful we are for your courageous service and the immense sacrifices you make every day to protect our country." ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "May 27th, 2024 Update No. 1, Written On May 23rd, 2024":


May 27th, 2024 Update No. 2 [My Writing About IAVA's National Moment Of Silence, A.K.A. "The #GoSilent Campaign" (for 2024):

For Memorial Day 2024, I participated in the IAVA (Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America) national moment of silence "as our troops continue to be deployed in harm’s way to places like Iraq and Syria," which is why "this is also a good time to remind ourselves of those who keep stepping up and volunteering to risk their lives in order to keep us safe here at home every day." That is why I made the pledge to "#GoSilent with [IAVA] today at 3:00 PM local time to make sure that the sacrifice of the fallen is not forgotten, and to help us remind America of the true meaning behind Memorial Day." And I also made a donation to the IAVA (Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America) in order to show my support for IAVA's #GoSilent Campaign and for our U.S. Veterans. –Paul Whiting (May 27th, 2024)


May 31st, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses May 27th, 2024, As Well As May 24th, 2024: This 'update' that I am writing today, May 31st, 2024, is combined from my news searches on Google, which I do as often as I can manage—as well as from my occasional reading of The New York Times articles and Time Magazine articles that I received via email—for the total time period of May 24th, 2024 through May 31st, 2024.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

So, because I have been so busy lately with "Online Activism," and also with the editing of my five blogs, I have just been reading the titles of The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles that I receive from their daily emails. Then, I will occasionally read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those emails that I highlight in these 'updates.'

That is why I recently signed up to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe in order for me to stay informed about what's happening in the world. And I was formerly writing separate 'updates' for each of the news articles that I read from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles; however, after I restarted writing these news 'updates' from my news searches on Google (which I stopped doing for a while), I also decided to restart writing the 'updates' from the above-mentioned news organizations to which I subscribe, but as a combined 'update.'

Thus, I am checking the news through Google searches again, like used to do, as often as I can manage it. You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, I am now simply checking the news via Google searches as often as I can manage to do so. And, I usually check what's happening in the world via various Google searches that I do under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Google news searches.

So, without further ado, I was doing my occasional news searches on Google for May 27th, 2024 and May 31st, 2024, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the articles; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink; however, I think that all of those hyperlinks to current news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these current news 'updates' by first providing the original Google search category through which I found each article, as listed above, like I usually do. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.]

Then, I am providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the publisher's name and the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too!

And for certain articles, I will include a few introductory paragraphs as a way to give more of a complete explanation to the meaning of the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of these articles, which may also take the form of a kind of 'overview,' so to speak, by selecting particular paragraphs that I feel highlight the most important parts of these articles in order to summarize the meaning of the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline'). I hope that makes sense!


May 27th, 2024 search:

01. CBS News

Low percentage of Americans in military is "deeply problematic as a democracy," Rep. Pat Ryan says

Rep. Pat Ryan warned of Americans losing touch with "those that are fighting our wars and their families," saying "we have to figure out how...

By Kaia Hubbard | Updated on: May 26, 2024 / 4:12 PM EDT

Washington — Rep. Pat Ryan said Sunday that he sees the divide between the small share of Americans — less than 1% — who are active-duty service members in the U.S. military and the rest of the country as "deeply problematic as a democracy."

"When you lose touch between those that are fighting our wars and their families and everyone else, that's something so essential that we have to figure out how to bring folks together, and get more folks serving," Ryan said on "Face the Nation" ahead of Memorial Day. ...


May 27th, 2024 search:

02. The Guardian

US president warns new army officers to be ‘guardians of American democracy’

President entreats graduates at commencement to ‘hold fast’ to oath to US constitution in veiled reference to Trump’s threat to democracy


May 31st, 2024 search:

03. Reuters

Trump supporters call for riots and violent retribution after verdict

By Joseph Tanfani, Ned Parker and Peter Eisler | May 31, 2024


May 31st, 2024 search:

04. CNN

Right-wing media figures vow revenge after Trump‘s conviction

By Oliver Darcy, CNN | Updated 7:27 AM EDT, Fri May 31, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


May 27th, 2024 search:

05. Politico

Biden urges 'constant vigilance' to maintain democracy in West Point speech

Biden never mentioned former President Donald Trump by name, but the themes of his commencement address had clear political undertones.

By Lauren Egan | 05/25/2024


May 27th, 2024 search:

06. The New York Times
(I am a subscriber to The New York Times 'Basic Access' Digital Subscription.)

Biden Delivers Commencement Address at West Point Military Academy

President Biden’s commencement address comes at a moment of military upheaval abroad, university protests at home and a looming rematch with former President Donald J. Trump.

By Michael D. Shear | May 25, 2024


May 27th, 2024 search:

07. AP News

Biden tells West Point graduates they'll face threats 'like none before' (Biden’s message to West Point graduates: You’re being asked to tackle threats ‘like none before’)

By Zeke Miller | Updated 1:14 PM PDT, May 25, 2024


May 31st, 2024 search:

08. USA Today

'Reckless': President Joe Biden blasts Donald Trump for calling guilty trial verdict 'rigged'

By Bart Jansen | May 31, 2024


May 31st, 2024 search:

09. Newsweek

Joe Biden Gets Good Sign from New Poll

By Nick Mordowanec | May 31, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


May 31st, 2024 search:

10. AP News

Republican lawmakers react with fury to Trump verdict and rally to his defense

By Mary Clare Jalonick | Updated 6:23 PM PDT, May 30, 2024


May 31st, 2024 search:

11. USA Today

Trump babbles incoherently about conviction. GOP should be afraid (Guilty Trump's press conference was a disaster. Republicans need to replace him – fast.)

Where are the calls on the right to replace this 77-year-old felon who can't talk straight with a newer, less legally encumbered version?

By Rex Huppke | May 31, 2024


May 27th, 2024 search:

12. CNN

Trump loudly booed at Libertarian convention when he asks attendees to ‘nominate me or at least vote for me’

By Kate Sullivan, Aaron Pellish and Steve Contorno | Updated 11:26 PM EDT, Sun May 26, 2024

Washington, DC (CNN) — Former President Donald Trump was loudly and consistently booed throughout his speech Saturday at the Libertarian Party’s national convention, particularly when he asked attendees to “nominate me or at least vote for me.”

The heckling began the moment the former president took the stage, and some of his supporters in the room tried to drown out the boos with chants of “We want Trump.”

“Now I think you should nominate me or at least vote for me, and we should win together,” Trump said. “Because the Libertarians want to vote for me … and it’s very important because we have to get rid of the worst president in history.”

Trump added, “Only do that if you want to win; if you want to lose, don’t do that. Keep getting your 3% every four years.” (In 2016, Libertarian presidential nominee Gary Johnson earned more than 3% of the popular vote – a high point in the party’s history.)

Trump left the stage after 34 minutes, marking one of his shortest campaign speeches to date. ...

By the way, I also watched the video accompanying the article above that is titled, "Watch Trump react to getting booed at Libertarian convention."


May 31st, 2024 search:

13. NBC News

Trump's potential running mates pile on judge and jury after guilty verdict

It was a fast and furious political coda to a trial that had served as an unofficial audition stage for prospective running mates looking to show their loyalty.

By Henry J. Gomez | May 30, 2024


May 31st, 2024 search:

14. NBC News

Trump guilty makes news headlines around the world

The announcement that Donald Trump had been found guilty by a jury in New York on 34 felony counts made headlines in newscasts around the world.

[No author(s) name(s) indicated] | May 31, 2024

By the way, the 'article' above is actually a video, which is why I didn't include the author(s) name(s).


May 31st, 2024 search:

15. Al Jazeera

After Trump guilty verdict, US divisions deepen as Russia extends sympathy

While Democrats rejoice and Republicans agonise, international reactions on the historic guilty verdict pour in.

[No author(s) name(s) indicated] | 31 May 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


Continuing on—as I mentioned above—I will occasionally read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from the daily emails that I receive from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine.

And I used to provide longer introductions to these New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which included the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article in addition to a hyperlink; however—as I mentioned above—I think that all of those hyperlinks to news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Again, please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these news 'updates' by providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too!

And for certain articles, I will include a few introductory paragraphs as a way to give more of a complete explanation to the meaning of the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of these articles, which may also take the form of a kind of 'overview,' so to speak, by selecting particular paragraphs that I feel highlight the most important parts of these articles in order to summarize the meaning of the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline'). I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of the titles to The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles—including any article overviews contained within the emails—that I received for the time period of May 24th, 2024 through May 31st, 2024, when I noticed the following and articles!


This is The New York Times article which I received for May 24th, 2024: (I am a subscriber to The New York Times 'Basic Access' Digital Subscription.)

The following is The New York Times article that I read on May 30th, 2024, from an email that I received six days prior on May 24th, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned May 24th, 2024 'On Politics' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

Trump's Pattern of Sowing Election Doubt Intensifies in 2024

A false, familiar claim by the former president - that the contest in which he's participating is "rigged" - has reached a fever pitch in this cycle. ...

Trump’s Pattern of Sowing Election Doubt Intensifies in 2024

By Karen Yourish and Charlie Smart | May 24, 2024

By the way, I also watched all of the videos accompanying the article above that are labeled, and dated, as follows:

[1] "Mr. Trump first raised questions about the 2016 election in August of that year, about 100 days before the election." | Aug. 21, 2016

[2] "He did so earlier — and more frequently — before the 2020 election." | June 26, 2019

[3] "But in the 2024 cycle, the falsehoods have been baked in since Mr. Trump announced his candidacy, almost two years before Election Day. They show no signs of subsiding." | Nov. 18, 2022


I did not select any articles from USA Today.


This is the Time Magazine article which I received for May 31st, 2024: (I am a subscriber to the Time Magazine 'INSIDER Digital' Subscription.)

The following is the Time Magazine article that I read today, May 31st, 2024, from 'The Brief' email that I received today:

What Happens Next Now That Trump Has Been Convicted? Your Questions, Answered

By Nik Popli | MAY 21, 2024

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above via Google news searches—as well as from The New York Times and Time Magazine—for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written May 31st, 2024, revised June 6th, 2024 and revised June 21st, 2024)


May 31st, 2024 Update No. 2: I received an email from today, May 31st, 2024, with the subject line, "Urgent: Ask your representative to oppose new language in the Farm Bill", which stated the following:

US Farm Bill seeks to undo more than a dozen state laws on the treatment of farm animals

Contact your representative today

On May 24, the House Agriculture Committee passed their version of the Farm Bill, which contains dangerous language attempting to “fix” Proposition 12, which is known as the strongest law we have on farmed animal welfare. In reality, the language of this Bill is a hand-out to giant multinational pig farms that want to keep farm animals locked in cruel and extreme confinement.

Hundreds of other state laws relating to animal welfare, animal products, sales regulations, standards for disease and quarantine control, toxic materials, and more are also at risk.

We need you to act NOW to stop this bill from advancing any further. If we don’t succeed, even the most basic protections for animals could disappear, dooming animals to even more cruelty and suffering.

Email your representative:

Phone your representative:

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Nix the Prop 12 "Fix"!

A monumental threat is facing animals in our country, and we need your help to stop it!

Ever since the Supreme Court of the United States upheld the strongest farm animal protection law in the country—California's Proposition 12—lobbyists representing only a segment of the pork industry have pushed for a so-called "fix"—a "fix" that is not at all necessary. And now it's clear that their allies in Congress are going to try and use the Farm Bill to implement their so-called "fix."

The proposed partisan Farm Bill in the U.S. House of Representatives contains language that aims to invalidate Prop 12 and could also wipe out hundreds of other state laws not only relating to animal welfare and animal products, but also how states regulate the sales of products within their own borders, set standards for disease and quarantine control, toxic materials and more.

Animals (and people) need your help to stop the unraveling of even the most basic protections.


Please make a brief, polite phone call to your U.S. Representative and two U.S. Senators and urge them to oppose the Prop 12 "fix" in the Farm Bill. You can find their contact information here ( You can simply say, "Prop 12 and other state animal welfare laws do not need to be "fixed." As your constituent, I urge you to oppose language in the Farm Bill that seeks to nullify state animal protection laws."

Calling is so important. Please do not skip this crucial step. Then, personalize and submit to send a follow-up message.

[Blogger's Note: Rather than calling my U.S. Representative and Senators, I wrote to them instead, since I usually communicate in writing to my Representative and Senators—that way, I have a written record of what I communicated.]


Subject: Please oppose language in the Farm Bill that seeks to nullify state animal protection laws!

Dear Legislator,

I am writing to urge you to oppose the Prop 12 "fix" in the Farm Bill or any language that seeks to nullify state animal protection laws. Prop 12 and the hundreds of other state laws this language would target don't need to be fixed.

The language contained in the Farm Bill proposed by House Republicans would likely invalidate not only Prop 12, but hundreds of other state laws regulating the sales of products within their own borders and setting standards for disease and quarantine control, toxic materials and more.

Eliminating laws like Proposition 12 would harm U.S. farmers who have relied on these state laws, made substantial investments to meet consumer demand for more humanely raised food, and are now seeing the benefits of their commitment. Fifteen. states have addressed intensive confinement of farm animals and nearly 80% of American voters—including nearly equal numbers of Republicans and Democrats—support enactment in their own states of a law to protect farm animals.

I hope you will stand firmly against this massive federal overreach by opposing the Prop 12 "fix" in the Farm Bill or any language that seeks to nullify state animal protection laws.

Thank you.

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State ZIP]


First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
Email address: [redacted]
Street address: [redacted]
Apartment, suite or other: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Zip code: [redacted]
Phone number: [redacted]

Send Your Message

And so, I sent the letter above to my U.S. Representative and Senators, via The Humane Society of the United States website, in order to urge them "to oppose the Prop 12 'fix' in the Farm Bill or any language that seeks to nullify state animal protection laws." –Paul Whiting (May 31st, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, I used to make one-time donations to the organization that is the subject of these 'updates' each time that I took an action as requested by that organization; however, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am really 'tightening my belt,' so to speak, with regard to all of the donations that I am making on my credit card each month! My plan is to only donate to political, progressive and charitable organizations if they specifically ask for donations—and not just for the sake of donating to them at least once per month, or even when I have been taking some sort of action, such as signing a petition, or sending a letter, etc. Thus, I am trying to greatly reduce the number of donations that I make to simply once in a while, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis! You see, there are a lot of organizations that I literally donate to only once per year—such as for Giving Tuesday—which is all that I ever donate to them. And that is basically what I am striving for, so that I am still donating to political, progressive and charitable organizations, but the bare minimum that I can donate, since that's all I can really afford." [Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 4, Written On December 1st, 2023 About November 2023 (that also appears as 'November 30th, 2023 Update No. 2, Written On December 1st, 2023' on some of my blogs), which can be found above.]


May 31st, 2024 Update No. 3, Written On June 1st, 2024 About May 2024: This 'update' is special, since I am continuing to change the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month! And because I first changed the way that I make donations starting in August 2023, this update is also technically a follow-up to the following:

▪ August 19th, 2023 Update
▪ August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 1, Written On August 31st, 2023
▪ August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 2, Written On October 1st, 2023 About September 2023
▪ August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 3, Written On November 1st, 2023 About October 2023
▪ August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 4, Written On December 1st, 2023 About November 2023
▪ August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 5, Written On January 1st, 2024 About December 2023

Besides that, because this is the year 2024—where I am continuing to change the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations that I started changing in 2023—this update is also a follow-up to the following:

▪ January 31st, 2024 Update No. 3, Written On February 1st, 2024 About January 2024

▪ February 29th, 2024 Update No. 3, Written On March 1st, 2024 About February 2024

▪ March 31st, 2024 Update No. 6, Written On April 2nd, 2024 About March 2024

▪ April 30th, 2024 Update No. 2, Written On May 1st, 2024 About April 2024

Please let me explain: I spent A LOT the year before last (2022) because I was "doing everything in my power to help Democrats win in the 2022 Midterm Elections!" And I also spent QUITE A BIT last year (2023) because I was trying to 'put my money where my mouth is' regarding my activism throughout the year. And so, I ended up with a rather considerable credit card balance...

...Now, this is my only credit card—that I got through my regular bank—and I was enjoying an interest-free period on my charges up until August 2023! Thus, my carefree days of not paying for any interest on my credit card balance were officially over last year. And my minimum payments were going to be a rather large percentage of the amount that I had set aside in my monthly budget for my minimum payment, as well as my extra payment, on my credit card each month.

So, in response to this change in my minimum payments, I changed the way that I donated to political, progressive and charitable organizations, starting in 2023, due to the fact that I was spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations in 2023—as outlined below—starting with January of 2023.

January 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 15%

February 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 19%

March 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 12%

April 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 17%

May 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 21%

June 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 20%

July 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 17%

August 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 23%

September 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 20%

October 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 31%

November 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 71%

December 2023:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 31%

And so, if I average out the total percentage in 2023 that I spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations from January 2023 through December 2023, it comes out to be 25% of my monthly income! (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.)

That is the reason I started really "tightening my belt," so to speak, with regard to all of the donations that I am making on my credit card each month! So, my plan is to only donate to political, progressive and charitable organizations if they specifically ask for donations—and not just for the sake of donating to them at least once per month, or even when I have been taking some sort of action, such as signing a petition, or sending a letter, etc. Thus, I am trying to greatly reduce the number of donations that I make to simply once in a while, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis!

You see, there are a lot of organizations that I literally donate to only once per year—such as for Giving Tuesday—which is all that I ever donate to them. And that is basically what I am striving for, so that I am still donating to political, progressive and charitable organizations, but the bare minimum that I can donate, since that's all I can really afford.

Therefore, I am no longer donating for every one of the email or text messages that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action that also come from the same organization, with the exception of the USO (United Service Organizations), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action.

That is why I will still be responding to some of the email or text messages that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, as well as to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action; however, when I do donate, I am reducing the number of times that I donate for the same organization per month down to once—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis—in addition to reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers.

Thus, when I do donate, I will only be donating once per month for each political, progressive or charitable organization, with the exception of the USO, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. (You see, I make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! Plus, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation.)

In addition to that, as of March 21st, 2024, I am no longer donating to individual political campaigns for the foreseeable future—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis (such as to Joe Biden's campaign for President of the United States, or to local campaigns here in Oregon), but I am not donating like I have been up until this point—which has been virtually every time that I have received a political campaign donation request via email or text message—because I seriously cannot afford to donate that much for the rest of the 2024 Presidential Election cycle, as well as for the foreseeable future.

And I have made this decision based upon how much these individual political campaign donations are costing in my 'monthly donating budget'—even though I have only been donating $3.00 with a $0.21 tip to ActBlue. However, it's still more than I can afford given my 'monthly donating budget,' which is why I have decided to stop donating to individual political campaigns entirely—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, as mentioned above.

And to clarify one more thing: In the past, I used to only donate to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations—rather than to individual campaigns—since that's all I really could afford given my 'monthly spending budget,' because I am "low income." Plus, those Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations help all of the individual political campaigns with funding, which is why I used to only donate to those main organizations. And I only started donating to individual political campaigns in 2022, since I was "doing everything in my power to help Democrats win in the 2022 Midterm Elections!" Therefore, this decision to stop donating to individual political campaigns (with the exception of presidential campaigns and local campaigns, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis) is really just going back to the way that I used to make political donations.

And now that yesterday, May 31st, 2024, was the last day of May 2024, I wanted to provide you with May's total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations:

May 2024:
Total percentage of my monthly income for political, progressive and charitable donations: 17.00%

And here are the percentages that I have spent on political, progressive and charitable organizations by category, as outlined within my monthly budget:

[01] USO (United Serv. Orgs.): 4.52% {4.51904454486%}
[02] DGA (Dem. Govern. Assoc.): 0.41% {0.41446094254%}
[03] BFP (Biden for President): 0.41% {0.41446094254%}
[04] DCCC (Dem. Congress. Cam. Comm.): 0.41% {0.41446094254%}
[05] Song for Charlie: 0.32% {0.32278889606%}
[06] News Organizations: 0.65% {0.64557779212%}
[07] ACLU (Amer. Civ. Lib. Union): 0.65% {0.64557779212%}
[08] UFW (Unite. Farm Work.): 0.32% {0.32278889606%}
[09] PPFA (Plan. Parent. Feder. of Amer.): 0.32% {0.32278889606%}
[10] BVF (Biden Victory Fund): 0.35% {0.34538411878%}
[11] DASS (Dem. Assoc. Secr. of State): 0.28% {0.27630729502%}
[12] DAGA (Dem. Attorneys. Gen. Assoc.): 0.28% {0.27630729502%}
[13] DLCC (Dem. Legis. Cam. Comm.): 0.28% {0.27630729502%}
[14] DSCC (Dem. Senate. Cam. Comm.): 0.28% {0.27630729502%}
[15] DNC (Dem. Nation. Cam. Comm.): 0.28% {0.27630729502%}
[16] VoteVets: 0.28% {0.27630729502%}
[17] DPO (Dem. Party of Ore.): 0.32% {0.32278889606%}
[18] EMILYs List: 0.28% {0.27630729502%}
[19] Jane Fonda Climate PAC: 0.28% {0.27630729502%}
[20] Voters of Tomorrow PAC: 0.28% {0.27630729502%}
[21] Non-Categorized Political: 0.65% {0.64557779212%}
[22] Rolling Sea PAC: 0.35% {0.34538411878%}
[23] March For Our Lives: 0.67% {0.66881859264%}
[24] Monthly Political: 2.32% {2.32408005164%}
[25] Voto Latino: 0.35% {0.34538411878%}
-------Please see [26] below-------
[27] Toys for Tots: 0.32% {0.32278889606%}
[28] Street Roots: 0.32% {0.32278889606%}
[29] Brady United: 0.32% {0.32278889606%}
[30] Ban Assault Weapons NOW: 0.35% {0.34538411878%}
[31] IAVA (Iraq & Afghan. Vet. of Amer.): 0.32% {0.32278889606%}

Monthly Income Total Percentage Calculation:

+ 1.23% {3 x 0.41%}
+ 2.56% {8 x 0.32%}
+ 1.95% {3 x 0.65%}
+ 1.40% {4 x 0.35%}
+ 2.49% {9 x 0.28% approximately}
+ 0.67%
+ 2.32%
= 17.00% {17.14%}

Plus, here are the percentages that I have spent on interest and credit card purchases—in addition to a Time Magazine subscription payment—as outlined within my monthly budget:

[26] Monthly Interest: 8.00% {7.94577146546%}

Total Percentage of Monthly Income from Interest and Purchases: 8.00%

Grand Total Percentage of Monthly Income for April 2024: 25.00% {25.08844415752%}

And starting in 2024, I totally changed the way that I approach how I calculate what I am spending on my credit card each month! So now, I take the total amount that I have available in my monthly budget for my minimum payment on my credit card—as well as my extra payment—and I calculate how much I am reducing that amount each time that I charge on my credit card.

That way, I am very aware of the amount by which I am reducing my total available credit card payments for the month (the minimum payment and the extra payment) in order to, hopefully, pay more on my credit card than I am spending! Plus, I am also utilizing some funds from my budgeted expenses, as well as some funds from my savings, to make sure that I am paying a little more than I am spending while—at the same time—I am also trying to spend less on my credit card.

For example, I made one set of donations for the month of May 2024 (on May 12th) to Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations—and to one campaign—regarding the national races for the House of Representatives (the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee), the Senate (the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee) and the President of the United States (the Democratic National Committee and Biden for President, or the Biden Victory Fund), as well as the state races for the Governors (the Democratic Governors Association), the Secretaries of State (the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State), the Attorneys General (the Democratic Attorneys General Association) and the State Legislatures (the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee), during this fifth month of the year for the 2024 Presidential Election.

That is why I am trying to contribute, during each month of 2024, as much as I am able to donate to Democratic political organizations—as well as to Democratic political campaigns—while I am still trying to stay within a 'monthly donating budget,' since that's all I can really afford! Now, that means I can only donate ONCE for the entire month to each of the above-mentioned seven organizations (and one campaign!) in order to stay within my 'monthly donating budget.' Period. And that is how I am planning to budget for my credit card charges in order to see if it is "feasible for the foreseeable future" (say that three times fast!), or if I need to adjust this new credit card budget even more.

Therefore, the reason that I am explaining all of this donating and budgeting is because I am trying to be an "Online Activist" and to 'put my money where my mouth is' regarding my activism. That is why I blog about which political, progressive and charitable organizations I am supporting with regard to the causes that are the most important to me! –Paul Whiting (June 1st, 2024)




June 1st, 2024 Update No. 1: June is PTSD Awareness Month. And I decided to write this 'update' as a way to explain that June is PTSD Awareness Month by providing information from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs website highlighting that "JUNE IS PTSD AWARENESS MONTH," which can be found below:


Help Raise PTSD Awareness

There are currently about 12 million people in the United States living with PTSD.

Even though PTSD treatments are effective and accessible, most people don't get the help they need. Help spread the word that PTSD treatments are available. Everyone with PTSD—whether they are a Veteran or civilian survivor of sexual assault, serious accident, natural disaster, or other traumatic event—needs to know that treatments really do work and can lead to a better quality of life.

Join Us

During PTSD Awareness Month, and throughout the entire year, help raise awareness about the many different PTSD treatment options.

Make the Pledge

Start by making the pledge to Raise PTSD Awareness:

Register for the Virtual Walk

Join us for 30 minutes of exercise in June. Sign up for the Virtual Walk:

Take a PTSD Self-Screen

Answer 5 questions about your symptoms on PTSD Screening Day: June 27:

And so, I decided to "Make the Pledge" in order to help "Raise PTSD Awareness," which can be found below:

Awareness Pledge Form

Tell us about your individual or organization's local, regional or national involvement by providing the following information.

Name: Paul Whiting

Email or phone: [redacted]

Choose the category that best describes you:

[✓] Individual
[  ] Organization, agency or business
[  ] VA employee
[  ] VA team, clinic or health care facility

Name of organization, agency or business (if applicable): Paul Whiting: Poet, Artist and Philosopher

Location of VA center, clinic or health care facility (if applicable): N/A

Do you or does your organization provide health care services to Veterans?

[  ] Yes
[✓] No

Website and/or social media sites (if applicable):


Thank you for filling out the Pledge form.

We really appreciate the effort you are making to spread the word about PTSD Awareness. Every person who shares the information makes a difference.

Please continue to spread the word! PTSD Treatment Works.

Plus, as you can see above, I included my information from the Awareness Pledge Form, which is why I wrote this blog post update! –Paul Whiting (June 1st, 2024)

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is now: 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: "If you’re thinking about suicide, are worried about a friend or loved one, or would like emotional support, the Lifeline network is available 24/7 across the United States." Dial 988


June 1st, 2024 Update No. 2, Written On June 2nd, 2024: This 'update' is a follow-up to my 'June 6th, 2023 Update—Continued,' where I explained, in part, that I made a recurring yearly donation to the Human Rights Campaign on June 6th, 2023. A copy of said 'update' can be found below:

June 6th, 2023 Update—Continued: I was doing my oftentimes daily news searches on Google today, June 6th, 2023, when I noticed an article on titled, "LGBTQ+ Americans are under attack, Human Rights Campaign declares in state of emergency warning." An introduction to the article can be found below:

"LGBTQ+ Americans are under attack, Human Rights Campaign declares in state of emergency warning" from AP (Associated Press) News

By Hannah Schoenbaum | June 6, 2023

The Human Rights Campaign declared a state of emergency for LGBTQ+ people in the U.S. on Tuesday and released a guidebook pointing to laws it deems discriminatory in each state, along with “know your rights” information and resources to help people relocate to states with stronger LGBTQ+ protections.*

Sounding the alarm about the current political climate, the nation’s largest organization devoted to the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer Americans said travel advisories aren’t enough to help people already living in states where lawmakers have targeted LGBTQ+ people.

“We need champions right now,” HRC President Kelley Robinson said in an interview with The Associated Press. President Joe Biden and other LGBTQ+ rights supporters with decision-making authorities, she said, need to be more than just allies.

The declaration is a call to action for “people in power at every level” of government and the business community, she said, urging them to fight for LGBTQ+ rights with the same fervor as they’ve fought for abortion rights since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade last summer.

“When Dobbs fell, you saw a federal response to deal with the abortion crisis that we’re in,” Robinson said. “We are in a crisis of even greater scale to the health and well-being of the LGBTQ+ community, and we need that same sort of response.”

Just a few days into Pride Month, the campaign said it’s taking action in response to an “unprecedented and dangerous” spike in discriminatory legislation sweeping state houses this year, with more than 525 anti-LGBTQ+ bills introduced and more than 70 signed into law so far in 2023 — more than double last year’s number.

A recent Associated Press analysis found that many bills seeking to ban or restrict gender-affirming health care for transgender youth, who have been the primary targets of state legislation this year, sprang not from grassroots or constituent demand, but from the pens of a few powerful conservative interest groups.

The HRC guidebook, meanwhile, provides information about filing complaints for civil rights violations and points to resources for financing moves and finding employment, particularly in the 17 states with a trifecta of Democratic leadership in both legislative chambers and the governor’s office.

“The amount of calls I get every day from parents asking how they can move to another state because they’d rather mourn their home than their child is real,” Robinson said. “This is a different level of urgency and demanded a different level of response.”

The emergency declaration is the first in the 43-year history of the HRC, which encompasses a foundation focusing on research, advocacy and education, national and state lobbying campaigns and a political action committee that supports and opposes candidates for office. It comes as Republican-dominated legislatures around the country have restricted various aspects of transgender existence, from pronoun usage and bathroom access to medical care and more. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

*Plus, I also read that article on titled, "For the First Time Ever, Human Rights Campaign Officially Declares ‘State of Emergency’ for LGBTQ+ Americans; Issues National Warning and Guidebook to Ensure Safety for LGBTQ+ Residents and Travelers", which was referenced in the "LGBTQ+ Americans are under attack, Human Rights Campaign declares in state of emergency warning" article above. An introduction to the article can be found below:

"For the First Time Ever, Human Rights Campaign Officially Declares ‘State of Emergency’ for LGBTQ+ Americans; Issues National Warning and Guidebook to Ensure Safety for LGBTQ+ Residents and Travelers" from the Human Rights Campaign (HRC)

By HRC Staff | June 6, 2023

HRC’s First-Ever Emergency Declaration Comes After More Than 75 Anti-LGBTQ+ Bills Signed Into Law This Year (More Than Double The Number From Last Year), Creating an Imminent Threat to the Health and Safety of LGBTQ+ People and Families Nationwide

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) — the nation’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ+) civil rights organization — officially declared a state of emergency for LGBTQ+ people in the United States for the first time in its more than 40-year history, following an unprecedented and dangerous spike in anti-LGBTQ+ legislative assaults sweeping state houses this year. A new report released by HRC today — LGBTQ+ Americans Under Attack — details more than 75 anti-LGBTQ+ bills that have been signed into law this year alone, more than doubling last year’s number, which was previously the worst year on record.

The sharp rise in anti-LGBTQ+ measures has spawned a dizzying patchwork of discriminatory state laws that have created increasingly hostile and dangerous environments for LGBTQ+ people, prompting HRC today to also issue a national warning ( and downloadable guidebook ( for the LGBTQ+ community — including health and safety resources, a summary of state-by-state laws, “know your rights” information, and resources designed to support LGBTQ+ travelers as well as those already living in hostile states. This guidebook will arm LGBTQ+ people with resources and information to help ensure safety in all 50 states. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And I decided to highlight this AP News article—as well as this Human Rights Campaign article—for you, my readers, to consider reading too!

Besides that, I made an yearly (annual) donation to show my support for the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), since the HRC "officially declared a state of emergency for LGBTQ+ people in the United States for the first time in its more than 40-year history, following an unprecedented and dangerous spike in anti-LGBTQ+ legislative assaults sweeping state houses this year [2023]," because "the sharp rise in anti-LGBTQ+ measures has spawned a dizzying patchwork of discriminatory state laws that have created increasingly hostile and dangerous environments for LGBTQ+ people, prompting HRC today [June 6th, 2023] to also issue a national warning and downloadable guidebook for the LGBTQ+ community." –Paul Whiting (written June 6th, 2023 and revised August 22nd, 2023)

Thus, the above-mentioned recurring yearly donation started yesterday, June 1st, 2024! –Paul Whiting (June 2nd, 2024)


June 2nd, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses May 31st, 2024: I received an email from Native American Rights Fund (NARF) two days ago on May 31st, 2024, with the subject line, "Take Action This Sunday", which stated the following:

Dear Paul,

This Sunday, June 2, is the 100th anniversary of the Indian Citizenship Act, where the United States conferred citizenship on Native Americans. Despite this new status, it took another 40 years for Native Americans in all states to see the benefits of citizenship and have the right to vote.

100 years later, Native communities still face barriers to voting. In recent months NARF has successfully sued in multiple places including Montana, Arizona, and North Dakota to push back against state laws that disenfranchise and discriminate against Native voters.

In light of this 100-year struggle, NARF has joined with IllumiNative and the Native Organizers Alliance to organize a National Day of Action + Reflection on June 2. The goal is to spark conversations and educate people about the Indian Citizenship Act and the ongoing fight for realizing Native voting rights.

Please join us in spreading awareness about this pivotal moment in history. Get social media graphics at our Social Media Toolkit. Join us across social media platforms on June 2 as we gather to shine a light on the experiences of Native people in the United States.

Let’s collectively build power for people today and generations to come.

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:



Share the graphic and caption copy (Native or Ally option) below on your social media channels to spread awareness about this pivotal moment in history and its impact ( When we show up in force to shine a light on the experiences of Native peoples in the U.S. we can collectively build power that will impact generations to come. ...

And, after I read the Social Media Toolkit above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


This election year marks 100 years since Native Americans were conferred U.S. Citizenship. Despite being Indigenous to the country, it wasn’t until the 1924 Indian Citizenship Act, also known as the Snyder Act, was signed into law by President Calvin Coolidge that all Native peoples born in the U.S. were conferred U.S. citizenship. This was the first time U.S. citizenship for Native Americans was not conditioned on military service or assimilation, but rather was the right of all Native Americans, including those who lived on tribal land. Importantly, citizens of Tribal nations did not need to relinquish one status for the other, but could retain both.


Support for the Indian Citizenship Act among tribes was mixed, with some tribes regarding it as a threat to their separate sovereign status. Stoking more suspicion, the act did not automatically grant the right to vote for all Native American citizens. It took another 40 years of relentless struggle, often led by disenfranchised Native American veterans, before this fundamental right was secured in Indigenous communities across the country.


Today, Native Americans make up critical voting blocs in swing states like Arizona, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Montana, and Nevada. And in many local jurisdictions, Native Americans can swing outcomes in school boards, county commissions, water districts, and other offices that control everyday decisions that impact our lives. The fight for universal access to vote is not over. Many Native people still face unreasonable barriers to accessing election services while legislators continue to pass laws designed to disenfranchise Native voters. This centennial marks a new opportunity to build on generations of hard earned progress by using our hard won right to vote and ensuring all Native Americans can do the same. We have benefited from the progress of the last century, and now we hold the power to shape the next.

[Start of Infographic]



JUNE 2, 2024

Mark the centennial of the 1924 Indian Citizenship Act by using your power and taking action.

1. Share the asset and copy

2. Check your voter registration

3. Support the efforts to pass the Native American Voting Rights Act (NAVRA)

[End of Infographic]

Plus, I made a one-time donation to Native American Rights Fund in order to observe "the 100th anniversary of the Indian Citizenship Act, where the United States conferred citizenship on Native Americans." –Paul Whiting (June 2nd, 2024)


June 2nd, 2024 Update No. 2: I received an email from Planned Parenthood Federation of America today, June 2nd, 2024, with the subject line, "Ready for Pride Month?", which stated the following:

Paul —

It's P R I D E and we. are. fired. up.

Fired up to celebrate. Fired up to join parties and parades and rallies. Fired up to keep fighting for the equal, inclusive, and joyful future we all deserve.

The only way to build that future is with a diverse and united movement. We are proud to partner with organizations led by and serving queer people of color this Pride Month.

These organizations provide direct services to LGBTQ+ people, advocate for change, and show the kind of courage we need in this moment.

Click here to make a donation that will be shared among these partners:

[✓] SPARK Reproductive Justice Now

[✓] National Black Justice Collective Institute

[✓] Waves Ahead

[✓] Trans Empowerment Project


For so many LGBTQ+ people, their local Planned Parenthood health center was the first place they could count on for sexual and reproductive health care, without judgment or stigma. From sex education to birth control to gender-affirming care to STI testing and treatment — Planned Parenthood is proud to be a trusted and welcoming resource.

We also know that health care is just one area where LGBTQ+ people — and especially LGBTQ+ people of color — face discrimination. Our movement needs a vision bold enough, and a heart big enough, to fight for equality in every aspect of our lives.

Make your special Pride Month gift right now and support grassroots organizations that are powering this movement.

We hope you're fired up for a joyful and engaged Pride Month. Thank you for supporting Planned Parenthood and our partners in this work.

— Planned Parenthood

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

Thus, I made one-time donations to SPARK Reproductive Justice Now, National Black Justice Collective Institute, Waves Ahead and Trans Empowerment Project, on Plan Parenthood's donation portal via, because "our movement needs a vision bold enough, and a heart big enough, to fight for equality in every aspect of our lives." That is why I decided to "make [my] special Pride Month gift right now and support grassroots organizations that are powering this movement." –Paul Whiting (June 2nd, 2024)


June 5th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses June 2nd, 2024 and June 4th, 2024, As Well As June 1st, 2024 Through June 5th, 2024: This 'update' that I am writing today, June 5th, 2024, is combined from my news searches on Google, which I do as often as I can manage—as well as from my occasional reading of The New York Times articles, USA Today articles and Time Magazine articles that I received via email—for the total time period of June 1st, 2024 through June 5th, 2024.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

So, because I have been so busy lately with "Online Activism," and also with the editing of my five blogs, I have just been reading the titles of The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles that I receive from their daily emails. Then, I will occasionally read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those emails that I highlight in these 'updates.'

That is why I recently signed up to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe in order for me to stay informed about what's happening in the world. And I was formerly writing separate 'updates' for each of the news articles that I read from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles; however, after I restarted writing these news 'updates' from my news searches on Google (which I stopped doing for a while), I also decided to restart writing the 'updates' from the above-mentioned news organizations to which I subscribe, but as a combined 'update.'

Thus, I am checking the news through Google searches again, like used to do, as often as I can manage it. You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, I am now simply checking the news via Google searches as often as I can manage to do so. And, I usually check what's happening in the world via various Google searches that I do under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Google news searches.

So, without further ado, I was doing my occasional news searches on Google for June 2nd, 2024 and June 4th, 2024, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the articles; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink; however, I think that all of those hyperlinks to current news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these current news 'updates' by first providing the original Google search category through which I found each article, as listed above, like I usually do. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.]

Then, I am providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the publisher's name and the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too! (I hope that makes sense.)


June 2nd, 2024 search:

01. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos Half of Americans think Trump's guilty verdict was correct, should end campaign: POLL

47% say they think the charges against Trump were politically motivated.

By Isabella Murray | June 2, 2024

A plurality of Americans, 50%, think former President Donald Trump's guilty verdict on all 34 counts in his hush money trial was correct, a new ABC News/Ipsos poll finds, and almost as many, 49%, think he should end his 2024 presidential campaign over the result.


June 2nd, 2024 search:

02. Reuters

Trump warns of 'breaking point' for Americans if he's jailed

By Isabella Murray | June 2, 2024


June 4th, 2024 search:

03. The New York Times
(I am a subscriber to The New York Times 'Basic Access' Digital Subscription.)

A Felon in the Oval Office Would Test the American System

Some are wondering how the Constitution’s checks and balances, meant to hold presidents accountable, would work if the next president elected were already a felon.

By Peter Baker | June 2, 2024


June 4th, 2024 search:

04. NBC News

If Trump returns to the White House, what will happen to America’s intelligence agencies? (If Trump wins, he could weaponize U.S. spy services against his domestic political enemies, former intel officers warn)

A former national security official who served under Trump said, “I haven’t talked to a single senior person who said, ‘Don’t worry, he’ll be fine.’”

By Dan De Luce | June 3, 2024


June 4th, 2024 search:

05. Reuters

Biden announces sweeping measures to bar migrants from asylum at the border

By Ted Hesson and Mica Rosenberg | June 4, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


June 4th, 2024 search:

06. NBC News

Biden signs executive order dramatically tightening border

He has faced political pressure as migrants have continued to arrive at the U.S.-Mexico border.

By Gabe Gutierrez and Monica Alba | June 4, 2024

June 4th, 2024 search:


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


June 2nd, 2024 search:

07. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos

GOP's 'law and order' message at odds with their defense of Trump: ANALYSIS

"I don't really see how you can have it both ways," one expert told ABC News.

By Alexandra Hutzler | June 1, 2024

Republicans have long proclaimed themselves the party of "law and order."

That political philosophy, however, doesn't seem to have extended to the historic criminal trial of Donald Trump that ended this week in a first-ever conviction of a former president -- 34 guilty verdicts handed down by 12 ordinary Americans. ...


June 2nd, 2024 search:

08. AP News

Republicans join Trump's attacks on justice system and campaign of vengeance after guilty verdict

By Lisa Mascaro and Mary Clare Jalonick | Updated 10:20 AM PDT, June 1, 2024


June 4th, 2024 search:

09. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos

Majority of independents and 'double haters' think Trump should end 2024 campaign: POLL

The voting blocs could be critical in November in the expected razor-thin race.

By Isabella Murray | June 3, 2024


June 2nd, 2024 search:

10. NBC News

Trump supporters try to dox jurors and post violent threats after his conviction

On social media and web forums, users called for jurors, judges and prosecutors to be killed after the former president was found guilty on 34 felony counts.

By Ryan J. Reilly | May 31, 2024


June 2nd, 2024 search:

11. CNN

RNC co-chair Lara Trump slams Maryland GOP Senate candidate Larry Hogan for urging Americans to ‘respect’ hush money verdict

By Aaron Pellish | Updated 10:09 PM EDT, Sun June 2, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


Continuing on—as I mentioned above—I will occasionally read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from the daily emails that I receive from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine.

And I used to provide longer introductions to these New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which included the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article in addition to a hyperlink; however—as I mentioned above—I think that all of those hyperlinks to news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Again, please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these news 'updates' by providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too! (I hope that makes sense.)

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of the titles to The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles—including any article overviews contained within the emails—that I received for the time period of June 1st, 2024 through June 5th, 2024, when I noticed the following, and articles!


These are The New York Times articles which I received for the time period of June 1st, 2024 through June 5th, 2024: (I am a subscriber to The New York Times 'Basic Access' Digital Subscription.)

The following are The New York Times articles that I read on June 1st, 2024, from an email that I received that day:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned June 1st, 2024 'The Morning' email introduction to The New York Times articles below:

Other Big Stories

“The American principle that no one is above the law was reaffirmed,” Biden said of Donald Trump’s criminal conviction. He called attacks on the verdict “reckless.”*

Trump criticized prosecutors and the judge in a speech filled with falsehoods.** ...

*Biden Denounces ‘Reckless’ G.O.P. Efforts to Discredit Trump Conviction

The president broke his long silence over his predecessor’s legal troubles, calling the New York jury’s guilty verdict vindication for the idea that “no one is above the law.”

By Peter Baker | May 31, 2024


**Trump and Allies Assail Conviction With Faulty Claims

After former President Donald J. Trump was found guilty, he and a number of conservative figures in the news media and lawmakers on the right have spread false and misleading claims about the Manhattan case.

By Linda Qiu | May 31, 2024

The following is The New York Times article that I read on June 4th, 2024, from an email that I received that day:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned June 4th, 2024 'The Evening' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

Both Democrats and Republicans embrace border politics

Republicans in Arizona voted this afternoon to put a measure on the state’s ballots in November that would make illegal immigration a state crime. If passed, the measure would give local authorities the power to arrest, jail and deport unauthorized migrants.

The proposal is similar to laws recently passed by Republicans in Texas and Iowa that challenged the federal government’s exclusive authority to enforce immigration laws. Like those, it is likely to face court challenges if passed. But Republicans are hoping the measure can convince anti-immigration conservatives and unenthusiastic independents to vote in a swing state that could be crucial in the presidential race.

President Biden is also hardening his border policies in an effort to ease pressure on the immigration system and address voters’ rightward shift on immigration. Today, he issued an executive order that prevents migrants from seeking asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border until illegal crossings drop significantly; it could go into effect tomorrow. Here’s how it works. ...

In Shift, Biden Issues Order Allowing Temporary Border Closure to Migrants

The move shows how drastically immigration politics have shifted in the United States. The American Civil Liberties Union said it planned to challenge the order in court.

By Zolan Kanno-Youngs and Hamed Aleaziz | June 4, 2024

The following are The New York Times articles that I read on June 5th, 2024, from emails that I received today:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned June 5th, 2024 'The Morning' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

The asylum loophole

President Biden’s latest executive actions on immigration are an attempt to shrink a loophole that has allowed many people to enter the country without legal permission. That loophole is the asylum system.

In today’s newsletter, I’ll explain why experts consider the asylum system to be broken and why a long-term solution will almost certainly require a new law from Congress.

Not as intended

The modern idea of asylum stems from World War II. It is meant to protect people fleeing political oppression — Jews during the Holocaust, dissidents from the Soviet empire, Iranians after the revolution and, in recent years, Muslim Uyghurs, Afghans, South Sudanese and Ukrainians.

But asylum has expanded far beyond its original intent. Today, many migrants claim asylum even though they are not at risk of being persecuted. They instead want to move to the U.S. — understandably enough — because it is a richer, politically freer and less violent place than much of the world.

After migrants arrive at the U.S. border and request asylum, the federal government allows many to remain in the country while their cases are considered. The process can take years, partly because the system is overwhelmed and doesn’t employ enough border agents and immigration judges to decide cases quickly.

The situation has become self-reinforcing, giving more migrants reason to come to the U.S. As my colleague Miriam Jordan has explained:

It is not just because they believe they will be able to make it across the 2,000 mile southern frontier. They are also certain that once they make it to the United States they will be able to stay.


And by and large, they are not wrong …

Most asylum claims are ultimately rejected. But even when that happens, years down the road, applicants are highly unlikely to be deported. With millions of people unlawfully in the country, U.S. deportation officers prioritize arresting and expelling people who have committed serious crimes and pose a threat to public safety.

Two decades ago, the typical way that people tried to enter the U.S. without legal permission was to evade border agents. Today, the typical way is to surrender to agents and request asylum.

It’s true that migrants typically face difficult circumstances at home, but that alone doesn’t explain the recent surge. The 1970s and ’80s offer a telling comparison: Global poverty was far higher then than now, and much of Latin America was convulsed by political violence. Yet the number of people who tried to cross the U.S. border was far lower than in recent years.

The recognition of the asylum loophole (along with other factors, like social media and affordable airfares) is a major reason.

‘A simple truth’

As a result, the U.S. now has an immigration system that permits many more entrants than Congress intended — and many more than Americans support.

Polls show that most Americans consider illegal immigration to be a serious problem and favor tougher border security. Mayors and governors, who are dealing with the costs and turmoil associated with the surge, are also unhappy. As Noah Smith, who’s generally pro-immigration, recently wrote on Substack, “Americans like immigrants, but they strongly dislike the idea of giving up popular democratic control over immigration.”

Biden made a similar point at the White House yesterday, while surrounded by officials from border communities. “We must face a simple truth,” he said. “To protect America as a land that welcomes immigrants, we must first secure the border and secure it now.”

Biden’s executive actions are an effort to address both a substantive problem and a political threat to his re-election. The new policy, which started at midnight, prevents most people from claiming asylum if they enter the country without legal permission. They will instead have to remain in Mexico or return to their home country. The policy will remain in place unless daily migration falls well below its current level.

Legal experts are divided on whether judges will uphold Biden’s order. On the one hand, federal law calls for a generous initial approach to asylum claims. On the other hand, the Supreme Court recently ruled that immigration law “exudes deference to the president.”

Congress, of course, has the power to resolve this uncertainty. It could pass a law making clear who deserves an asylum hearing. Congress also has the power to hire more agents and judges, to reduce the system’s yearslong backlog.

Until recently, Biden and many other Democrats were uninterested in passing such a law unless it also expanded legal immigration. Democrats, sensing their political vulnerability, changed their approach late last year and agreed to a bipartisan border-security bill — only to watch Republicans kill it at the urging of Donald Trump. Trump preferred letting the border crisis fester to hurt Biden. Yesterday’s executive order was Biden’s response.

Whatever happens in the courts, the executive order may reduce migration simply by sending a signal that Biden has become more serious about border security. But the order falls well short of a lasting fix to the asylum loophole. Any true fix will have to be part of the immigration overhaul that politicians have talked about for decades and still have not passed. ...

One Big Reason Migrants Are Coming in Droves: They Believe They Can Stay

Seeking asylum has become the surest way for migrants to stay in the U.S. The underfunded immigration system can’t keep up, so cases languish for years.

By Miriam Jordan | Jan. 31, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned June 5th, 2024 'The Evening' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

Republican leaders seek to avenge Trump

Donald Trump’s allies in recent days have called for revenge prosecutions and other retaliatory measures against Democrats in response to the former president’s felony conviction in New York.

Prominent former White House aides like Stephen Bannon and Stephen Miller have demanded locally elected Republicans use their power to target Democrats. Ronny Jackson, a House representative from Texas, said he would encourage Congress to “aggressively go after” President Biden and his family. And Laura Loomer, a far-right activist, said that some Democrats should “get the death penalty.”

They are among a growing chorus of Republicans who say that the criminal cases against Trump are a political weaponization of the justice system. Based on that premise, they argue that Republicans should do the same thing.

Seeking legal retribution is nothing new for Trump, who in 2016 echoed chants of “Lock her up” against Hillary Clinton. But the intensity of anger and open desire to use the criminal justice system against Democrats after last week’s verdict surpasses anything seen before. Many of the calls have come from people who are expected to play larger roles in a potential second term under Trump.

The clamor has left little room for moderate or traditional Republicans, such as Larry Hogan, who is looking to flip a Senate seat in Maryland. After he implored Americans to “respect the verdict,” Trump’s daughter-in-law, who is also the co-chair of the Republican National Committee, said that Hogan “doesn’t deserve the respect of anyone in the Republican Party.”

For more: Our polling experts tried to figure out if Trump’s guilty verdict changed any voters’ minds. The early answer appears to be an equivocal “yes.” ...

Small Shift Toward Biden After Trump Verdict

We reached nearly 2,000 people who participated in previous Times/Siena polls to see if any had changed their minds.

By Nate Cohn and Ruth Igielnik | June 5, 2024


These are the USA Today articles which I received for the time period of June 1st, 2024 through June 5th, 2024: (I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

The following is the USA Today article that I read on June 1st, 2024, from an email that I received that day:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned June 1st, 2024 'The Daily Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

Donald Trump's conviction has landmark impact on American history

Trump is the first former U.S. president convicted of a crime. Here's what the verdict in his New York trial means for his legacy and U.S. history.


How Donald Trump's criminal conviction is already rewriting American history

By Karissa Waddick | June 1, 2024

The following is the USA Today article that I read on June 4th, 2024, from an email that I received that day:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned June 4th, 2024 'Evening Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

Trump falsely claims he never said 'Lock her up' about Clinton | Fact check

Trump was documented saying the phrase and calling for Clinton's imprisonment numerous times throughout his 2016 presidential campaign.


'Lock her up': Trump now claims he never said or backed this. But he did. A lot. | Fact check

By Jeremy Yurow and Hannah Hudnall | June 4, 2024

The following are the USA Today articles that I read on June 5th, 2024, from emails that I received today:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned June 5th, 2024 'The Daily Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

Photo of the day: Remembering through reenactment

D-Day ceremonies, including reenactments, this week mark the 80th anniversary of the launch of "Operation Overlord", a vast military operation by Allied forces in Normandy, which turned the tide of World War II, eventually leading to the liberation of occupied France and the end of the war against Nazi Germany.

[Photo of the day: Parachutists wearing replica WWII-era paratrooper attire prior to their jump from a Lockheed C-130 Hercules aircraft chartered and navigated by US crew, on June 5, 2024, at the Cherbourg airport, in Normandy, France. LOIC VENANCE, AFP via Getty Images] ...

As Joe Biden marks D-Day anniversary, he faces a world again embroiled in conflict

President Joe Biden was influenced by the events of World War II – from Pearl Harbor to Normandy. They have shaped his role as a statesman.

By Michael Collins | June 5, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned June 5th, 2024 'Evening Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

Trump said Clinton shouldn't run amid investigation. Now he's running as a convict.

Trump said 2016 rival Hillary Clinton would cause an "unprecedented constitutional crisis" if indicted. He's running under conviction and indictment.


Trump said Clinton shouldn't run under investigation. Now he's running as a convict

By Josh Meyer | June 5, 2024


These are the Time Magazine articles which I received for June 4th, 2024: (I am a subscriber to the Time Magazine 'INSIDER Digital' Subscription.)

The following are the Time Magazine articles that I read on June 4th, 2024, from 'The Brief' email that I received that day:

‘We Are the World Power.’ How Joe Biden Leads

By Massimo Calabresi | June 4, 2024


Fact-Checking What President Joe Biden Said in His 2024 Interview With TIME

By Leslie Dickstein, Simmone Shah and Julia Zorthian | June 4, 2024

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above via Google news searches—as well as from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine—for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written June 5th, 2024 and revised June 6th, 2024)


June 6th, 2024 Update No. 1: Today, June 6th, 2024, is the 80th Anniversary of D-Day, which was the beginning of the end to World War 2:

"Normandy landings" from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia—which is funded primarily through donations from millions of individuals around the world, including this blogger (I make a totally affordable monthly donation):

The Normandy landings were the landing operations and associated airborne operations on Tuesday, 6 June 1944 of the Allied invasion of Normandy in Operation Overlord during World War II. Codenamed Operation Neptune and often referred to as D-Day, it is the largest seaborne invasion in history. The operation began the liberation of France, and the rest of Western Europe, and laid the foundations of the Allied victory on the Western Front. ...

[Blogger's Note: By the way, the phrase World War 2 is also sometimes written as WW2—as well as also written as World War II, or WWII, where the number '2' is represented in Roman numerals as a capital letter "I" (as in the phrase "I can see clearly now the rain is gone") in which case the letter "I" is written two times in sequence right after the phrase world war.]

So, this special 80th Anniversary of D-Day 'update' that I am writing today, June 6th, 2024, is combined from my news searches on Google, which I do as often as I can manage—as well as from my occasional reading of The New York Times articles and USA Today articles articles that I received via email—for June 6th, 2024.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

So, because I have been so busy lately with "Online Activism," and also with the editing of my five blogs, I have just been reading the titles of The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles that I receive from their daily emails. Then, I will occasionally read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those emails that I highlight in these 'updates.'

That is why I recently signed up to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe in order for me to stay informed about what's happening in the world. And I was formerly writing separate 'updates' for each of the news articles that I read from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles; however, after I restarted writing these news 'updates' from my news searches on Google (which I stopped doing for a while), I also decided to restart writing the 'updates' from the above-mentioned news organizations to which I subscribe, but as a combined 'update.'

Thus, I am checking the news through Google searches again, like used to do, as often as I can manage it. You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, I am now simply checking the news via Google searches as often as I can manage to do so. And, I usually check what's happening in the world via various Google searches that I do under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Google news searches.

So, without further ado, I was doing my occasional news searches on Google for June 6th, 2024, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the articles; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink; however, I think that all of those hyperlinks to current news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these current news 'updates' by first providing the original Google search category through which I found each article, as listed above, like I usually do. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.]

Then, I am providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the publisher's name and the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too!

And for certain articles, I will include a few introductory paragraphs as a way to give more of a complete explanation to the meaning of the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of these articles, which may also take the form of a kind of 'overview,' so to speak, by selecting particular paragraphs that I feel highlight the most important parts of these articles in order to summarize the meaning of the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline'). I hope that makes sense!


June 6th, 2024 search:

01. NewsNation

How many Americans died on D-Day?

By Taylor Delandro | JUN 6, 2024


June 6th, 2024 search:

02. AP News

Dwindling number of D-Day veterans plea to recall WWII lessons on anniversary (D-Day anniversary haunted by dwindling number of veterans and shadowed by Europe’s new war)

By John Leicester, Sylvie Corbet and Danica Kirka | Updated 10:24 AM PDT, June 6, 2024


June 6th, 2024 search:

03. NBC News

D-Day 80th anniversary commemoration of Normandy invasion

Biden has joined other world leaders and veterans to commemorate the Normandy landings, the Allied forces’ surprise attack that helped liberate Europe from Nazi Germany.

By NBC News | June 6, 2024

What we know

• President Joe Biden joined French President Emmanuel Macron, Britain's King Charles III and other dignitaries to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day, when the Allied forces launched a surprise attack that helped liberate Europe from Nazi Germany.

• "Democracy is never guaranteed," he told the assembled crowd at the Normandy American Cemetery as he honored the veterans who fought in the defining World War II battle and helped defeat Nazi Germany. He went on to praise NATO’s strength and unity, drawing an implicit contrast with his Republican rival, Donald Trump, who aides say considered withdrawing from the alliance.

• Leaders traveled from around the world to attend commemorations in northern France, but the real stars of the occasion were the handful of remaining veterans. About 150 American veterans who took part in the Normandy landings were expected to attend the ceremonies, which could be the last major milestone for many.

• Western leaders are also confronting a shattered postwar peace, with Russia waging a new war in Europe, and the far-right on the march.


June 6th, 2024 search:

04. USA Today
(I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

D-Day anniversary, ex-servicemen commemorated by Joe Biden in Normandy (Biden on D-Day anniversary and Normandy landings: 'Let us be worthy of their sacrifice')

One by one, President Joe Biden and the first lady met with veterans ahead of the ceremony steps away from Omaha Beach.

By Michael Collins | June 6, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


June 6th, 2024 search:

05. The New York Times
(I am a subscriber to The New York Times 'Basic Access' Digital Subscription.)

Biden Seeks to Echo Reagan With Normandy Speech to Honor D-Day (Forty Years Later, Biden Seeks to Echo Reagan’s Legacy of American Leadership)

At Pointe du Hoc in Normandy, President Biden plans to follow one of the former president’s most iconic speeches with his own testimonial to democracy and the need to resist isolationism.

By Peter Baker | June 6, 2024


June 6th, 2024 search:

06. MSNBC News

President Biden: The struggle between dictatorship and freedom is unending

President Biden delivers remarks at Normandy, France on the 80th anniversary of D-Day.


June 6th, 2024 search:

07. NBC News

Biden stands with WWII veterans to mark D-Day 80th anniversary

President Joe Biden and other world leaders stood side by side with WWII veterans, marking the 80th anniversary of the D-Day invasion. NBC News' Kelly O'Donnell reports on Biden's remarks from the ceremony in Normandy, France.

[No author(s) name(s) indicated] | June 6, 2024

By the way, the 'article' above is actually a video, which is why I didn't include the author(s) name(s).


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


June 6th, 2024 search:

08. CNN

‘Sends tingles down your spine’: See emotional moment presidents honor D-Day heroes

French President Emmanuel Macron along with President Joe Biden honored American veterans who stormed the beaches of Normandy 80 years ago, marking the beginning of the end of World War II.

By the way, the 'article' above is actually a video, which is why I didn't include the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


Continuing on—as I mentioned above—I will occasionally read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from the daily emails that I receive from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine.

And I used to provide longer introductions to these New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which included the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article in addition to a hyperlink; however—as I mentioned above—I think that all of those hyperlinks to news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Again, please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these news 'updates' by providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too!

And for certain articles, I will include a few introductory paragraphs as a way to give more of a complete explanation to the meaning of the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of these articles, which may also take the form of a kind of 'overview,' so to speak, by selecting particular paragraphs that I feel highlight the most important parts of these articles in order to summarize the meaning of the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline'). I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of the titles to The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles—including any article overviews contained within the emails—that I received for June 6th, 2024, when I noticed the following and articles!


These are The New York Times articles which I received for June 6th, 2024: (I am a subscriber to The New York Times 'Basic Access' Digital Subscription.)

The following are The New York Times articles that I read today, June 6th, 2024, from emails that I received today:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned June 6th, 2024 'The Morning' email introduction to The New York Times articles below:

D-Day Anniversary

Today is the 80th anniversary of D-Day, the pivotal World War II battle on beaches in Normandy. Few veterans of the battle are alive. ...

D-Day at 80

Veterans of the pivotal battle of World War II are disappearing. Europe, facing new conflict, recalls what their comrades died for.

By Roger Cohen | June 6, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned June 6th, 2024 'The Evening' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

In Normandy, Biden linked the war in Ukraine with D-Day

President Biden commemorated the 80th anniversary of D-Day today with a speech on the beaches of Normandy in France. He argued that the ongoing effort to stand up to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a direct extension of the battle for freedom that raged across Europe during World War II.

Nations must team up, Biden said, to defeat another “tyrant bent on domination” and meet “the test of ages” to defend Ukraine. “Isolation was not the answer 80 years ago and is not the answer today,” Biden said. “The struggle between dictatorship and freedom is unending.”

Before Biden’s address, the audience delivered a nearly hourlong series of standing ovations as D-Day veterans arrived. Most of the men, now in their late 90s or over 100, rolled up a blue-carpeted ramp in wheelchairs. A few managed to walk with canes or unassisted, drawing extra applause. We spoke with some veterans about that pivotal battle and what came next. ...

Biden Links Fight for Ukraine With Allied Effort on D-Day

Speaking in Normandy, the president argued that similar principles were at stake in both wars: the defense of freedom and a rules-based international order.

By Michael D. Shear and Peter Baker | June 6, 2024


These are the USA Today articles which I received for June 6th, 2024: (I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

The following are the USA Today articles that I read today, June 6th, 2024, from an email that I received today:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned June 6th, 2024 'The Daily Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

More news to know now

A grandmother's 80-year-old diary documents the opening of D-Day ...

'The Americans are landing': A grandmother's 80-year-old diary documents opening of D-Day

Scribbled in French shorthand, Louise Hamel’s diary still captures the power of the moment

By Michael Collins | June 6, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned June 6th, 2024 'The Daily Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

Photo of the day: 80 years since D-Day changed the world

D-Day – the largest land, sea and air invasion ever attempted – still resonates today. With the bold invasion of Nazi-held Europe on June 6, 1944, the Allied forces began turning the tide in World War II. The success of the invasion came at the cost of more 10,000 Allied troops killed, wounded or missing. Read more

[Photo of the day: US President Joe Biden (L) and US First Lady Jill Biden (C) speaks with US WWII veteran Edward "Bud" Berthold at the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial in France, on June 6, 2024. SAUL LOEB, AFP via Getty Images] ...

On D-Day, they changed the world. 80 years later, an incredible journey takes them back.

By Michael Collins | June 3, 2024

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above via Google news searches—as well as from The New York Times and USA Today—for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written June 6th, 2024 and revised June 21st, 2024)


June 7th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses June 5th, 2024: National Gun Violence Awareness Day is today, June 7th, 2024, since National Gun Violence Awareness Day is yearly (annually) on the first Friday in June.

And I received an email from March For Our Lives (MFOL) two days ago on June 5th, 2024, with the subject line, "We need to pass the People’s Response Act", which stated the following:


Hey, Paul — [name redacted] here, [title redacted] at March For Our Lives! I work with teams of volunteers to imagine what a world free from gun violence looks like.

There is an epidemic of violence affecting our children, families, and particularly marginalized communities. Our current system of public safety is broken – but we have the power to fix it.

One of the key areas we need to address gun violence is police brutality and violence against Black and brown communities — that’s exactly what the People’s Response Act will do.

Paul, this month, March For Our Lives members are heading to Capitol Hill to advocate for this bill and ask Congress to sign it into law.

But we need more than just the young people on the ground to make this happen — so I’m personally asking if you can urge your representatives to support the People’s Response Act today. We’ve already written out your message, all you have to do is click to send it!


Here’s more on what the People’s Response Act calls for: ⤵️

[✓] A focus on preventing violence before it starts and building systems of care that are rooted in improving the well-being of all communities
[✓] Restorative justice and harm reduction-based treatment of mental health and substance abuse
[✓] Creating a Division on Community Safety within the Department of Health and Human Services which will fund, conduct, and coordinate research, technical assistance, and grant programs related to non-carceral, health-centered investments in public safety
[✓] Launching a federal first responders unit to support states and local governments with emergency health crises
[✓] Providing $11 billion in grant funding to state and local governments, as well as community-based organizations, to fully fund public safety and improve crisis response
[✓] Establishing a $2.5 billion First Responder Hiring Grant to create thousands of jobs and provide funding to state, local, and tribal governments, as well as community organizations, to hire a variety of emergency first responders

The far-right continually tries to tell us the lie that the solution to violence is more guns in our communities. But that’s just not true.

The public safety solutions proven to work are rooted in care and empathy, not criminalization or arming more people. The People’s Response Act centers our community and safety by establishing an evidence-based, public health approach to public safety.

Please, send a message to your representatives today urging them to support the People’s Response Act — it will only take a moment. Contacting our representatives is one of the most powerful ways we can amplify our message and hold our leaders accountable for addressing public safety.

In solidarity,

[Name redacted]


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Email your legislators now and urge them to support an inclusive, holistic, and health-centered approach to public safety that focuses on preventing violence before it starts and builds systems of care that are rooted in improving the well-being of all communities >>>


Prefix: Mr.
First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Street Address: [redacted]
Postal Code: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Email: [redacted]
Mobile Phone: [redacted]

Message Recipients

[Title and Name redacted]

[Title and Name redacted]

[Title and Name redacted]

Send the following message: Please, support the People's Response Act today!

Dear [elected official]

I'm bringing to your attention an important piece of legislation that I believe will reduce gun violence in our district and improve public salety. I'm urging you to support the People's Response Act today.

The People's Response Act calls for robust investment in the things that communities around the country need to live in safety, including community-based violence reduction programs, suicide prevention programs, domestic violence prevention programs, and mental end behavioral health service programs.

Thank you for taking the time to consider joining the growing number of cosponsors for these two pieces of legislation. I believe the bill is a vital tool to address the crisis of gun violence — which is now the leading cause of death for young people in America.


Mr. Paul Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]
[Email redacted]

Send message

And, after I sent the message above to my U.S. Representative and Senators in Congress, I made a one-time donation to March For Our Lives (MFOL) in order to show my support for the People's Response Act, which "calls for robust investment in the things that communities around the country need to live in safety, including community-based violence reduction programs, suicide prevention programs, domestic violence prevention programs, and mental end behavioral health service programs." –Paul Whiting (June 7th, 2024)


June 7th, 2024 Update No. 2, Which Also Discusses June 3rd, 2024: National Gun Violence Awareness Day is today, June 7th, 2024, since National Gun Violence Awareness Day is yearly (annually) on the first Friday in June.

And I received a text message four days ago on June 3rd, 2024, from Brady: United Against Gun Violence, which stated the following:

URGENT: We are weeks away from the Supreme Court's next gun safety decision, Paul, and we cannot afford another gun lobby victory like last summer.

𝗧𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗵, 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗖𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘁 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗱𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗱𝗲 𝗶𝗳 𝗮 𝗱𝗼𝗺𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝗮𝗯𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗿 𝗶𝘀 𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝗼𝘄𝗻 𝗮 𝗳𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗺 in the case of 𝘜.𝘚. 𝘷. 𝘙𝘢𝘩𝘪𝘮𝘪. And there is a lethal connection between firearms and domestic abuse.

𝘓𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘵 𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘬. 𝘎𝘶𝘯 𝘭𝘢𝘸𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘵 𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘬. Brady is counting on you to speak out before it's too late: 𝗦𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗱𝗼𝗺𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝗮𝗯𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗮𝗰𝗰𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗴𝘂𝗻𝘀?

–Team Brady

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


SURVEY: Ban Assault Weapons Now [11:59 p.m. Deadline]

Thank you for taking action. Will you take just 60 seconds to answer a few questions that will help us shape our strategy to prevent gun violence and keep our communities safe? -Team Brady

Research shows that gun safety reforms like an Assault Weapons Ban make communities safer and lower gun violence. But the NRA and the gun lobby are doing everything they can to block this critical legislation.

Do you believe that the gun lobby has too much influence in Washington?

[✓] Yes
[  ] No

Which of the following gun safety policies do you think Congress should prioritize in the current session? (Select as many as you'd like.)

[✓] Regulating ghost guns
[✓] Banning assault weapons
[✓] Expanding background checks
[✓] Raising the minimum purchase age
[✓] Banning high-capacity magazines
[  ] Other:

Last year, after the tragedy in Uvalde, Congress passed the most significant gun safety legislation in decades. But with Republicans now in control of the House, the NRA has been able to block any further life-saving legislation.

As we head into a critical election year, how worried are you that the gun lobby could gain even more power in Washington?

[✓] Extremely worried
[  ] Very worried
[  ] Somewhat worried
[  ] Not at all worried

At Brady, we're doing everything we can to prevent gun violence and win leaders who will fight for life-saving reforms. We know we can save lives and save families from the unending pain of loss by taking action, but we can't do it alone. Are you committed to helping prevent gun violence by joining us to demand change?

[✓] Yes, I'm all in — how can I help?
[  ] No — I'm not concerned about gun violence.

Brady is a grassroots organization dedicated to preventing gun violence and saving lives with common-sense bipartisan gun safety legislation — and our work has never been more important. Our teams are working directly with the Biden-Harris administration to take action on common-sense gun safety measures that will save lives.

We set a goal to raise $25,000 to honor shooting victims by fighting to ban assault weapons - but we're still falling short with just hours left until our midnight deadline.

Will you rush $5 to help Brady prevent gun violence and save lives?

[✓] Yes, I'll give $5!
[  ] Yes, I can give $36 (this is the average online Brady donation).
[  ] Yes, and I can give more!

And so, I made a one-time donation to Brady: United Against Gun Violence, because "we are weeks away from the Supreme Court's next gun safety decision" and "Brady is counting on [me] to speak out before it's too late." That is why answered the question "𝗦𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗱𝗼𝗺𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝗮𝗯𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗮𝗰𝗰𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗴𝘂𝗻𝘀?" with a resounding '𝗡𝗢!' –Paul Whiting (June 7th, 2024)


For my "June 9th, 2024 Update No. 1"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

June 9th, 2024 Update No. 1: I received an email from the USO (United Service Organizations) today, June 9th, 2024, with the subject line, "May/June Military Supporter Update", with regard to the USO's newsletter "YOUR USO AT WORK," Issue 123 / MAY/JUNE 2024, which stated, in part, the following:

Issue 123 / MAY/JUNE 2024



We are so grateful to all our supporters who took the time to honor and thank our service members during Military Appreciation Month and Memorial Day last month. This month, our service members are proving that they deserve every ounce of our support.

Read on to learn about the ways USO Home Team members like you are helping support our members of the military who are risking their lives to serve. ...

And the following highlights from the USO's newsletter, which I selected to post, are regarding "USO Celebrates Military Appreciation Month" and "USO Bridges Gap Between Service Members and Civilians Through Human to Human Project," as well as "Partners Join the USO in Celebrating Military Appreciation Month," in addition to "Volunteering With the USO":


USO Celebrates Military Appreciation Month

May was Military Appreciation Month, and we used this time to celebrate our commitment to standing by every person who has taken the oath to serve. Thank you to all our supporters who took the opportunity to join us in helping show our gratitude and appreciation to service members in a meaningful way. If you didn’t get a chance to sign our Military Appreciation Month card, you can still let our heroes know you’re thinking of them by signing now.

[Blogger's Note: I signed the USO's Military Appreciation Month card on May 23rd, 2024 (please see my 'May 27th, 2024 Update No. 1, Written On May 23rd, 2024,' which can be found above).]



USO Bridges Gap Between Service Members and Civilians Through Human to Human Project

Our Military Appreciation Month spotlight video, “Human to Human,” offers a look into the shared experiences between civilians and the people serving our country. To do this, we brought together seven pairs of strangers consisting of one service member and one civilian each at the Atlanta International Airport. Learn more about this special campaign, and watch the video now. >>

[Blogger's Note: I read the USO's article titled, "How the USO Bridged the Gap Between Service Members and Civilians Through the Human to Human Project," which also includes the above-mentioned video that I watched.]



Partners Join the USO in Celebrating Military Appreciation Month

May is a special month for the USO. It is a time to raise awareness among the general public about the people actively serving in the U.S. military, as well as a time to show service members how much they are appreciated. USO corporate partners Clear Channel Outdoor, The Coca-Cola Company®, Wonder® Bread and Tastykake®, Giant Food, Harris Teeter, Mike’s Hard Lemonade, Keystone Light, Paradies Lagardère & Copper Cane collaborated in these efforts by sponsoring various special events, contests and campaigns that recognize Military Appreciation Month. Learn more »

[Blogger's Note: I read the USO's article titled, "How Our Corporate Partners Joined the USO in Celebrating Military Appreciation Month in 2024."]



Volunteering With the USO

There are countless ways volunteers support the USO, but they are all unified in their dedication to our service members and their families. Whether it’s helping at a special event, greeting and cheering at homecomings, working the front desk or providing a listening ear, our volunteers are the reason service members know they can count on the USO. Learn more. »

[Blogger's Note: I read the USO's webpage titled, "Volunteer." And at the bottom of the webpage above, there is a section titled, "TAKE ACTION," which states the following:


The USO relies on your support to help service members and their families.


And I wanted to highlight this particular webpage, as it provides multiple ways to "support our troops and military families through the USO."]


...From all of us at the USO, thank you for standing by our nation's service members!

And so, even before I read the email above—since I was already planning to donate—I made a one-time donation on the website in order to support the USO's following statement: "Our service members keep our nation safe. And we work hard to keep them connected to home — but we can’t do that without support from military supporters like you. Our troops are counting on you to be a part of this important work for our country. So please, donate now."

In addition to that, I already make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! You see, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation. ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "June 9th, 2024 Update No. 1":


June 9th, 2024 Update No. 2: I received a text message today, June 9th, 2024, from the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation, which stated the following:

Hi, Paul, it's [name redacted], [title redacted] & [title redacted] of the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation. Today is National Children's Day & our URGENT goal is to raise $36.5K by midnight tonight to represent being a force for good for impoverished children 365 days a year! Your donation today will deliver toys, books & other gifts to children all across the country. There are just a few hours left, so please give NOW to bring hope & joy to children in need EVERY SINGLE DAY.***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Be a Force for Good on National Children's Day and all year long!

Marine Toys for Tots

In honor of National Children's Day and to be a force for good 365 days a year for children in need, help us raise $36,500. Your gift today will help us deliver toys, books, joy, and hope to children in need no matter the season. Please give generously to bring a smile to a child's face and give them hope for a brighter tomorrow. Thank you.

Donation Information

[  ] $50
[  ] $75
[  ] $100
[  ] $150
[✓] $5.00

Contact Information

First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Street Address: [redacted]
Postal Code: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Email: [redacted]
Phone (Optional): [redacted]

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation in order to "help [Toys for Tots] deliver toys, books, joy, and hope to children in need no matter the season ... in honor of National Children's Day." –Paul Whiting (June 9th, 2024)


June 10th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses June 8th, 2024, As Well As June 7th, 2024: This 'update' that I am writing today, June 10th, 2024, is combined from my news searches on Google, which I do as often as I can manage—as well as from my occasional reading of The New York Times articles, USA Today articles and Time Magazine articles that I received via email—for the total time period of June 7th, 2024 through June 10th, 2024.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

So, because I have been so busy lately with "Online Activism," and also with the editing of my five blogs, I have just been reading the titles of The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles that I receive from their daily emails. Then, I will occasionally read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those emails that I highlight in these 'updates.'

That is why I recently signed up to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe in order for me to stay informed about what's happening in the world. And I was formerly writing separate 'updates' for each of the news articles that I read from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles; however, after I restarted writing these news 'updates' from my news searches on Google (which I stopped doing for a while), I also decided to restart writing the 'updates' from the above-mentioned news organizations to which I subscribe, but as a combined 'update.'

Thus, I am checking the news through Google searches again, like used to do, as often as I can manage it. You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, I am now simply checking the news via Google searches as often as I can manage to do so. And, I usually check what's happening in the world via various Google searches that I do under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Google news searches.

So, without further ado, I was doing my occasional news searches on Google for June 8th, 2024 and June 10th, 2024, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the articles; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink; however, I think that all of those hyperlinks to current news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these current news 'updates' by first providing the original Google search category through which I found each article, as listed above, like I usually do. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.]

Then, I am providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the publisher's name and the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too!

And for certain articles, I will include a few introductory paragraphs as a way to give more of a complete explanation to the meaning of the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of these articles, which may also take the form of a kind of 'overview,' so to speak, by selecting particular paragraphs that I feel highlight the most important parts of these articles in order to summarize the meaning of the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline'). I hope that makes sense!


June 8th, 2024 search:

01. Politico

Trump allies attack strong jobs report as bad for 'native born Americans'

MAGA Inc. says the May report “paints a dire picture for the American economy.”

The labor market may still be hot, but the pro-Trump super PAC MAGA Inc. is using the better-than-expected jobs report released Friday to hit President Joe Biden on another front — immigration.

The Labor Department’s report that the U.S. economy added 272,000 jobs in May “paints a dire picture for the American economy,” MAGA Inc. wrote in a press release titled “May Jobs Report: Immigrants Win While Native Born Americans Lose.” The release cites a decrease in the number of native-born workers who are employed and an increase in the number of foreign-born workers who had jobs in May compared to April.

MAGA Inc. also pointed to comments from CNBC’s senior economics reporter Steve Liesman, who on Friday morning said “there’s an immigration piece to this” while discussing the jobs report.

“There are bodies available, and there is work for them to do. Whether or not they’re here legally or not is a different story,” Liesman said, which MAGA Inc. quotes in the release. What’s not included, however, were his follow-up remarks adding “that’s the political story.”

“The economic story is there’s work for them to do, they’re being put to work,” Liesman said. “I did not get to look at the non-native hiring in this survey yet, but I’m sure it’s pretty healthy.”

Biden campaign spokesperson Ammar Moussa said in a statement to POLITICO that “Trump’s team is pushing racist, nativist attacks” and “trying to divide our country to help himself” instead of “outlining a vision to grow the economy.”

“This reads like a statement from the racist, nativist politicians of the 1800s who vilified immigrants and divided Americans to gain power,” Moussa said. “It’s also wrong: under Joe Biden’s leadership, 15.6 million more Americans have jobs and the unemployment rate has been at or under 4% since January 2022. That’s an economic record that Donald Trump can only dream about.” ...


June 8th, 2024 search:

02. The Guardian

Trump plots capture of DoJ in renewed assault on US justice system

Ex-president determined to destroy independence of justice department if he regains control of White House

By Ed Pilkington | 7 Jun 2024

Donald Trump is planning an assault on the American justice system should he win re-election to the White House, in which he would seek to destroy the independence of the justice department and turn it into an attack machine for his Make American great again (Maga) movement.

At the heart of his plans is the desire to impose his will on the individual prosecutorial decisions taken by the Department of Justice. The move, if successful, would end half a century of accepted practice that prevents presidents from politically interfering with specific cases.

It would allow Trump in his second term to eradicate the federal prosecutions currently being pursued against him as well as against insurrectionists who stormed the US Capitol on 6 January 2021 whom he has championed as “hostages”. It would also free him to instigate legal investigations as acts of revenge against his perceived political enemies, including Joe Biden and family.

“I will appoint a real special prosecutor to go after the most corrupt president in the history of the United States of America, Joe Biden, and the entire Biden crime family,” Trump said last year.

No evidence has been presented linking Biden to any crime, though his son Hunter Biden did go on trial on Monday accused of falsifying a firearms license application.

Trump repeated the threat that he use the justice system to go after his opponents on Tuesday, telling Newsmax that the prosecutions against him had set a “terrible precedent” that he implied he would turn against Democrats should he win in November. “It’s a terrible, terrible path that they’re leading us to, and it’s very possible that it’s gonna have to happen to them.”

In his first White House term, Trump made clear that he aspired to total control of the DoJ. He failed in that attempt, largely because of the resistance of top justice officials.

Trump’s determination to overcome the norm is now much more advanced than it was four years ago. His disdain for the fundamental building blocks of the justice system was on full display following his New York conviction last week on 34 counts of falsifying business records to cover up an affair with the adult actor Stormy Daniels.

In comments widely echoed by senior Republicans, Trump denounced the trial as “rigged” – an echo of his false claim that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from him.

“His message is that whenever anything comes out in a way that isn’t positive for me, it’s illegitimate,” said Rebecca Roiphe, a law professor at New York Law School. “If people start to believe that, then really, you don’t have any rule of law.” ...


June 8th, 2024 search:

03. The Washington Post

Analysis | The link between the news Americans consume and the things they believe

Issue importance, confidence in reality and acceptance of false claims varies widely by news source.

By Philip Bump | June 6, 2024


June 10th, 2024 search:

04. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos

Biden stops at WWI cemetery Trump didn't visit to honor US troops

Trump claimed bad weather prevented him from visiting the graves in 2018.

President Joe Biden on Sunday visited a World War I cemetery outside Paris where American troops are buried as his last stop on his trip to France.

The visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery was notable, as it draws a contrast with former President Donald Trump, who in 2018 declined to visit the same cemetery, citing bad weather. Later reports, however, claimed Trump described those buried there as "suckers" and "losers." ...


June 8th, 2024 search:

05. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos

Jobs report blows past expectations, displaying resilient strength of US economy

The U.S. economy added 272,000 jobs in May.

By Max Zahn | June 7, 2024


June 8th, 2024 search:

06. U.S. Department of Defense (.gov)

Austin: U.S., Allies, Partners United in Ukraine's Defense From Expansionist Russia

By David Vergun | June 7, 2024


June 10th, 2024 search:

07. The Atlantic

The U.S. Economy Is Absolutely Fantastic

No, really.

By Rogé Karma | June 10, 2024

If the United States’ economy were an athlete, right now it would be peak LeBron James. If it were a pop star, it would be peak Taylor Swift. Four years ago, the pandemic temporarily brought much of the world economy to a halt. Since then, America’s economic performance has left other countries in the dust and even broken some of its own records. The growth rate is high, the unemployment rate is at historic lows, household wealth is surging, and wages are rising faster than costs, especially for the working class. There are many ways to define a good economy. America is in tremendous shape according to just about any of them.

The American public doesn’t feel that way—a dynamic that many people, including me, have recently tried to explain. But if, instead of asking how people feel about the economy, we ask how it’s objectively performing, we get a very different answer.

Let’s start with economists’ favorite metric: growth. When an economy is growing, more money is being spent. More stuff is being produced, more services are being performed, more businesses are being started, more workers are being hired—and, because of this abundance, living standards are probably rising. (On the flip side, during a recession—literally, when the economy shrinks—life gets materially worse.) Right now America’s economic-growth rate is the envy of the world. From the end of 2019 to the end of 2023, U.S. GDP grew by 8.2 percent—nearly twice as fast as Canada’s, three times as fast as the European Union’s, and more than eight times as fast as the United Kingdom’s.

“It’s hard to think of a time when the U.S. economy has diverged so fundamentally from its peers,” Mark Zandi, the chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, told me. Over the past year, some of the world’s biggest economies, including those of Japan and Germany, have fallen into recession, complete with mass layoffs and angry street protests. In the U.S., however, the post-pandemic recession never arrived. The economy just keeps growing. ...


June 10th, 2024 search:

08. Voice of America

Biden honors US war dead with cemetery visit ending French trip

By Associated Press | June 09, 2024

BELLEAU, FRANCE — President Joe Biden closed out his trip to France by paying his respects at an American military cemetery that Donald Trump notably skipped visiting when he was president, hoping his final stop Sunday will draw the stakes of the November election in stark relief.

Before returning to the United States, Biden honored America's war dead at Aisne-Marne American Cemetery about an hour outside Paris. He placed a wreath at the cemetery chapel before an expanse of white headstones marking the final resting place of more than 2,200 U.S. soldiers who fought in World War I.

It was a solemn end to five days in which Trump was an unspoken yet unavoidable presence. On the surface, the trip marked the 80th anniversary of D-Day and celebrated the alliance between the United States and France. But during an election year when Trump has called into question fundamental understandings about America's global role, Biden has embraced his Republican predecessor — and would-be successor — as a latent foil.

Every ode to the transatlantic partnership was a reminder that Trump could upend those relationships. Each reference to democracy stood a counterpoint to his rival's efforts to overturn a presidential election. The myriad exhortations to help Ukraine defend itself against Russia created a contrast with Trump's skepticism about providing U.S. assistance.

Biden's paeans to the struggle between democracy and autocracy drew plaudits in Europe, where the prospect of a return to Trump's turbulent reign has sparked no shortage of anxiety. But it remains to be seen how the message will resonate with American voters, as Biden's campaign struggles to connect the dire warnings the Democratic president so often delivers about his rival with people's daily concerns.

The visit to the cemetery served as a moment to underscore the contrast once more.

"It's the same story," Biden said. "America showed up. America showed up to stop the Germans. America showed up to make sure that they did not prevail. And America shows up when we're needed just like our allies show for us."

During a 2018 trip to France, Trump skipped plans to go to the cemetery, a decision that the White House blamed on weather at the time. However, subsequent reports said that Trump told aides he didn't want to go because he viewed the dead soldiers as "suckers" and "losers." Trump has denied the comments, although they were later corroborated by his chief of staff at the time, John Kelly. ...


I did not select any articles from this category.


June 8th, 2024 search:

09. Axios

New Biden ad targets Trump's comments on veterans

By Erin Doherty | Updated June 7, 2024

President Biden's campaign released a new ad on Friday attacking former President Trump over past comments he's made about members of the military.

Why it matters: The ad comes after Biden during speeches this week commemorating the 80th anniversary of D-Day took veiled jabs at his GOP presidential rival as he hailed the power of democracy —and warned of its fragility.

The Biden campaign on Thursday released a separate ad featuring three veterans who criticized Trump as "a draft dodger" and took aim at his fitness to be commander in chief.

Driving the news: The one-minute ad, called "What Trump Thinks," displays past quotes the former president has reportedly made about veterans, such as calling them "losers" and "suckers."

• The ad also displays a quote from Trump reportedly saying that "we're not going to support that loser's funeral," referring to former Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.).

What they're saying: "Donald Trump is so self-obsessed that when he hears about service members making the ultimate sacrifice—dying for one's country—his first instinct is to denigrate their service, sacrifice, and families," Biden campaign communications director Michael Tyler said in a statement.

• "He called fallen service members "suckers" and "losers" not once, not twice, but three separate times," Tyler said. ...


June 10th, 2024 search:

10. USA Today
(I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

Joe Biden honors soldiers, visits cemetery Donald Trump skipped (Joe Biden honors World War I soldiers, visits cemetery in France that Donald Trump skipped)

By Michael Collins | June 9, 2024

BELLEAU, France – President Joe Biden ended his five-day trip to France on Sunday by paying his respects to World War I soldiers buried in a cemetery that former President Donald Trump did not visit six years ago over weather concerns. ...

... Trump in 2018, during his presidency, canceled a visit to the cemetery because it was raining. “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers,” Trump reportedly said, according to The Atlantic. Trump also called the fallen soldiers “suckers” and “losers,” the magazine claimed. ...

... Trump’s White House denied the report and said the cemetery visit had been canceled because the rain grounded his helicopter and there wasn’t enough time to close off roads for a motorcade on such short notice.

But Biden has mentioned the ensuing incident several times this year during campaign events as he again faces Trump in this November’s election.

“To me, that is such a disqualifying assertion made by a president – ‘suckers’ and ‘losers,’” he told reporters at Wilkes-Barre Scranton International Airport in Pennsylvania in April.


June 10th, 2024 search:

11. Newsweek

Joe Biden Gets Good Sign in New Critical Battleground States Poll

By Natalie Venegas | Jun 09, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


June 8th, 2024 search:

12. USA Today
(I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

Trump's verdict put him on his heels. So he's threatening violence (Trump ramps up violent rhetoric after guilty verdict – and GOP just keep ignoring it)

Republican leaders, including House Speaker Mike Johnson, keep supporting Donald Trump and his violent speeches.

By Chris Brennan | June 5, 2024

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before – Donald Trump is in a raging fury about a decision that didn’t go his way.

So Trump casts himself as the victim of a rigged system while rallying Republican leaders to literally rig the system after the fact, to derail the decision, to appease his acrimony. Along the way, Trump ramps up violent rhetoric. But the Republicans remain in lockstep behind him, even as serious strife looms ahead.

Sounds like the 2020 election result and the Capitol riot that followed, right?

But now it’s Trump’s 2024 criminal conviction in New York, where a jury of his peers last week found him guilty of 34 felonies.

Trump has only one playbook. We’ve seen the calamity that he created after he lost in 2020. We saw Republicans denounce him for the violence and mayhem of the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection before they came crawling back to him.

And now Trump and his Republican allies are running the same plays. The latest U.S. House speaker, who tried to disenfranchise millions of voters in an attempt to help Trump overturn the 2020 election, now wants a valid jury verdict thrown out. And Trump is priming his supporters for future violence.

Republicans are working against the justice system out in the open

Consider House Speaker Mike Johnson, a Louisiana Republican who denounced the Capitol attack in 2021 as "shameful violence" in a statement that curiously no longer appears on his congressional website.

Johnson, nearly eight months into his speakership, clings to power with a bare-bones majority mostly thanks to support from Trump.

Maybe that's why the speaker showed up on Fox News on Friday to call on the U.S. Supreme Court to immediately step in and quash the unanimous verdict a New York jury delivered the day before, convicting Trump for using false business reporting to conceal a $130,000 payment he made in 2016 to an adult film star to keep her quiet about an affair that could have derailed his first run for president.

“I do believe the Supreme Court should step in," Johnson said. "I think that the justices on the court – I know many of them personally – I think they're deeply concerned about that, as we are. So I think they'll set this straight.”

Can you hear the political flip-er-roo? Trump and his allies like Johnson spent weeks claiming that the New York case was somehow driven politically by President Joe Biden without ever offering a wisp of evidence. And now they plan to counter that bogus claim of politicization of the courts with ... an open and obvious attempt at politicization of the courts.

Johnson said he's chummy with the Supremes. He knows what they're thinking. He's telling them on television to ignore our entire legal system and jump to a rigged end for Trump.

Trump is trying to call in a favor from Supreme Court justices

Trump must have liked Johnson's plan to have the Supreme Court demolish this country's system of law and order by obliterating a jury verdict, even before an appeal is filed by the convicted felon who was once president.

Trump took to his social media website Truth Social on Sunday to wail about the verdict before declaring, "The United States Supreme Court MUST DECIDE!"

This is an easy read on Trump. He sees everything as a transaction. He doesn't care about the legality or ethics of any of it. He just thinks people probably owe him. And he put three of the most conservative justices on the Supreme Court, so he is certain to see them as in his debt.

Trump also ramped up his violent rhetoric Sunday, telling Fox News that he expects his supporters to revolt if he is sentenced to prison or even house arrest for his New York conviction.

“I don’t know that the public would stand it," Trump said. "At a certain point, there’s a breaking point."

This, too, is a standard Trump tactic – issuing what he can later claim was only a warning when we know, given his history, it is really a call to violence. ...


June 8th, 2024 search:

13. MSN

GOP's response to Trump verdict: An "ominous sign" for the future?

By GZERO Staff | [No publishing date indicated]

It’s far too early to say how former President Trump’s 34 felony convictions in the New York hush money case will affect the 2024 US presidential election, but make no mistake, the verdict has far-reaching implications for the future of the Republican party.

On GZERO World, Ian Bremmer was joined by New Yorker columnist Susan Glasser and former US attorney Preet Bharara for a frank look at what Trump’s conviction means for the GOP moving forward. As historic as Trump’s conviction is, the political response may be even more unprecedented and could have dangerous implications not just for Republicans or capital “D” Democrats but for our already fragile, lower-case “d” democracy.

“This is a marker of the escalation that we’re seeing in 2024,” Glasser says, pointing to the GOP attacks on the US justice system, “I think it’s a sign of where the Republican party is at, that they’ve essentially mortgaged the party so completely to the fate of one individual, that they’re willing to tear down what remains of faith in our institutions.” ...

By the way, I also watched the YouTube video accompanying the article above that is titled the same as the article.


June 10th, 2024 search:

14. Slate

Donald Trump news: Republicans are absolutely losing it over his guilty verdict. (Which Republican Wins the Award for Best Outraged-About-Trump Tweet?)

Someone check on Don Jr.

By Jim Newell | May 30, 2024


June 8th, 2024 search:

15. CNN

Interviewers keep giving Trump an off-ramp to his revenge tour. He isn’t taking it

By Steve Contorno | June 7, 2024


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


Continuing on—as I mentioned above—I will occasionally read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from the daily emails that I receive from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine.

And I used to provide longer introductions to these New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which included the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article in addition to a hyperlink; however—as I mentioned above—I think that all of those hyperlinks to news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Again, please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these news 'updates' by providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too!

And for certain articles, I will include a few introductory paragraphs as a way to give more of a complete explanation to the meaning of the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of these articles, which may also take the form of a kind of 'overview,' so to speak, by selecting particular paragraphs that I feel highlight the most important parts of these articles in order to summarize the meaning of the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline'). I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of the titles to The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles—including any article overviews contained within the emails—that I received for June 7th, 2024, when I noticed the following, and articles!


These are The New York Times articles which I received for June 7th, 2024: (I am a subscriber to The New York Times 'Basic Access' Digital Subscription.)

The following are The New York Times articles that I read today, June 7th, 2024, from emails that I received today:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned June 7th, 2024 'The Morning' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

Fight theory

Polls show that many of the policies enacted by President Biden are popular. His measures to reduce the cost of insulin and other drugs receive support from more than 80 percent of Americans. His infrastructure bill, his hawkish approach to China and his all-of-the-above energy policy, which combines expanded oil drilling with clean-energy subsidies, are popular, too.

But voters obviously like some of his policies more than others. And an unusual pattern seems to be hurting Biden’s re-election campaign: Voters are less aware of his most popular policies than his more divisive ones.

The chart below captures the pattern. It is based on a poll last year by YouGov and Blueprint that asked voters, in separate questions, whether they supported various policies and whether they were aware that Biden had enacted them:


Graph titled, "Support vs. awareness of Biden's policies"
Some of the president's most popular policies are among his least known.

Restricting junk fees

Support: 89%
Awareness: 55%

Reducing the federal deficit

Support: 89%
Awareness: 46%

Capping insulin costs

Support: 88%
Awareness: 64%

Passing a bipartisan semiconductor bill

Support: 83%
Awareness: 54%

Capping Medicare drug costs

Support: 83%
Awareness: 49%

Restricting China's use of A.I. chips

Support: 83%
Awareness: 40%

Suing big tech companies

Support: 79%
Awareness: 48%

Passing a bipartisan infrastructure bill

Support: 78%
Awareness: 63%

Deploying more border agents

Support: 76%
Awareness: 43%

Increasing oil and gas drilling

Support: 74%
Awareness: 48%

Increasing police funding

Support: 74%
Awareness: 46%

Pardoning marijuana offenses

Support: 73%
Awareness: 60%

Easing sanctions on Venezuelan oil

Support: 68%
Awareness: 42%

Raising taxes on the rich

Support: 68%
Awareness: 70%

Supporting striking workers

Support: 66%
Awareness: 71%

Giving clean-energy credits

Support: 64%
Awareness: 58%

Sending aid to Ukraine

Support: 60%
Awareness: 82%

Expanding medicaton abortion

Support: 57%
Awareness: 62%

Canceling student debt

Support: 52%
Awareness: 84%

Banning some transgender restrictions

Support: 48%
Awareness: 55%

Source: Blueprint/YouGov poll of 1,063 registered voters conducted Oct. 26 to Nov. 2, 2023. | By The New York Times


Canceling student debt and sending aid to Ukraine, for example, receive majority support, but not overwhelming support. Those are also among the policies that voters know best.

Increasing police funding and capping Medicare costs, by contrast, are extremely popular — and somewhat obscure. “We have found this disconnect between what voters care about and what they think Biden cares about,” said Evan Roth Smith of Blueprint, a Democratic research group.

In today’s newsletter, I’ll try to make sense of the disconnect, with help from an idea that a political strategist recently explained to me: fight theory.

Ukraine vs. bank fees

Biden’s biggest weakness in the 2024 campaign is arguably the cost of living. (His age and his record on immigration are also high on the list.) Annual inflation has averaged 5.5 percent during his presidency, up from 2.1 percent during the previous two decades. Most of the price increases aren’t Biden’s fault — just look at the high inflation in other countries* — but many voters hold presidents accountable for the economic trends on their watch.

Biden and his aides have tried to address this weakness by arguing that he understands Americans’ frustrations and is fighting to reduce prices. When I spoke recently with Lael Brainard, Biden’s national economic adviser, she named more than a dozen items that she said were part of Biden’s “cost-lowering agenda.” Her list included several of the policies you can see in the chart above.

(To go deeper, here are previous Morning newsletters about Biden’s moves on “junk fees” and medical costs and a story by my colleague Zolan Kanno-Youngs about insulin.)

Still, many of these policies receive relatively little attention. Compare how often you hear about, say, Biden’s moves to reduce credit-card late fees or the cost of hearing aids with how often you hear about Ukraine, Gaza, abortion, immigration or Donald Trump’s trial.

Why is this?

Adam Green, co-founder of Progressive Change Campaign Committee, a Democratic-aligned group, blames what he calls fight theory. “It’s not enough to have positive messaging,” Green said. “Voters must see drama, clash and an ongoing saga in order for our message to break through a cluttered news environment.”

Abortion and immigration receive a lot of attention partly because the two political parties argue so much about them. Similarly, student-debt cancellation is salient because it is a priority for progressives and anathema to conservatives (including the Republican appointees on the Supreme Court). Ukraine aid, likewise, was for months the subject of a debate in Congress.

These fights become the subject of political fundraising emails, activist campaigns, news stories and social media posts. Conflict attracts attention. The situation with Biden’s most popular economic policies — especially the reduction of medical costs — is somewhat different.

Quiet Republicans

Congressional Republicans generally voted against these policies. The Inflation Reduction Act, which is full of measures to cut medical costs, passed in 2022 with only Democratic votes. But many Republicans recognize the popularity of those policies and have been careful not to talk much about their opposition.

When Biden last year announced the first 10 drugs for which Medicare would begin to negotiate prices with pharmaceutical companies, Republicans stayed mostly quiet. They deprived Democrats of a fight.

But Republicans haven’t remained completely quiet about their opposition, and Biden’s campaign and other Democrats are likely to emphasize the contrast as the campaign picks up. They will try to pick more fights. One example: After Senator Tim Scott, a potential Trump running mate, introduced a measure this spring to repeal Biden’s limit on credit-card late fees, prominent Democrats like Chuck Schumer and Elizabeth Warren highlighted the issue.

Scott’s measure has little chance of becoming law while Biden is president. But if Trump returns to the White House and Republicans take control of Congress, they may well repeal several of Biden’s most popular policies and hope that voters don’t punish them too much for it. A goal of Biden’s campaign, Democrats say, will be to highlight that possibility.

Related: Some Democrats are urging Biden to make “greedflation” — blaming corporations for price increases — a central campaign theme.** ...

*A Global Inflation Crisis

Big price increases are not exclusive to the U.S.

By German Lopez | July 26, 2022

Inflation has dominated the news about America’s economy in recent months as prices for food, gas and other goods have increased faster than they have in four decades.

But inflation is a global phenomenon right now — and the U.S. has actually fared better than other countries in recent months. In June, consumer prices in the U.S. increased 9.1 percent over the previous year; they increased 9.6 percent across the E.U. in the same time period.

Much of the public discussion about inflation in the U.S. has focused on domestic problems, particularly President Biden’s policies. Critics argue that the American Rescue Plan, the pandemic relief bill that Biden signed into law 16 months ago, has supercharged consumer demand by sending $1.9 trillion to Americans, state governments and other programs. As higher demand has chased limited supplies of goods, prices have soared.

The law has certainly played a role in increased inflation, economists say. But the global trends suggest that focusing solely on the U.S.’s role misses a big part of the story — how external forces have driven up prices, too.

In today’s newsletter, I want to look at the main causes of inflation and why they might be difficult to fix.

Common causes

The big factors that drove up inflation in the U.S. also affected the rest of the world: the disruption of supply chains by both the pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and soaring consumer demand for goods.

But increasing inflation has played out differently in different countries, said Jason Furman, an economist at Harvard University. The U.S.’s earlier, bigger price spike had different causes than Europe’s more recent increase. (Countries differ in how they calculate price changes, but economists still find comparisons of the available data useful.)

In the U.S., demand has played a bigger role in inflation than it has elsewhere. That is likely a result of not just the American Rescue Plan but also economic relief measures enacted by Donald Trump. Altogether, the U.S. spent more to prevent economic catastrophe during the pandemic than most of the world did. That led to a stronger recovery, but also to greater inflation. ...


**Whose Fault Is Inflation? Liberals Want Biden to Blame Big Business.

“Greedflation” is a moniker about corporate price increases that has bolstered some Democratic senators, and now the president is being encouraged to lean in on the issue for his economic messaging.

By Nicholas Nehamas, Jim Tankersley and Kellen Browning | June 6, 2024

As high prices at grocery stores, gas pumps and pharmacies have soured many voters on his first term, President Biden has developed a populist riposte: Blame big corporations for inflation, not me.

But despite facing a tough re-election battle where economic issues will be central, Mr. Biden has not leaned into that message as frequently or naturally as some other Democrats, including senators running in competitive seats across the southwest and the industrial Midwest. The Biden campaign has not focused its television or online advertisements on messages berating companies for high prices, unlike Senators Bob Casey of Pennsylvania and Sherrod Brown of Ohio, who have made the issue a centerpiece of their campaigns — and who are outrunning Mr. Biden in polls.

Now, some progressives are urging Mr. Biden to follow those senators’ lead and make “greedflation,” as they call it, a driving theme of his re-election bid. They say that taking the fight to big business could bolster the broader Main Street vs. Wall Street argument he is pursuing against former President Donald J. Trump, particularly with the working-class voters of color Mr. Biden needs to motivate. And they believe polls show voters are primed to hear the president condemn big corporations in more forceful terms.

“It’s a winning message for Democrats,” said April Verrett, the president of the Service Employees International Union, which is knocking on doors in battleground states as part of a $200 million voter-turnout operation. “And clearly Bob Casey, who’s doing better in the polls than the president, is proving that it’s the winning message.”

Inflation soared under Mr. Biden in 2021 and 2022, as the economy emerged from pandemic recession. Its causes were complex, including snarled global supply chains, stimulative policies by the Federal Reserve and, to a degree, federal fiscal policies including Covid relief bills signed by Mr. Trump and the $1.9 trillion emergency spending measure Mr. Biden signed soon after taking office to help people and businesses hurt by the downturn.

What Republicans call “Bidenflation” has become one of the president’s biggest political liabilities in his rematch with Mr. Trump. In response, Mr. Biden has sought to simultaneously cheer progress in stabilizing or bringing down prices — growth has slowed sharply from a year ago — while acknowledging the pain voters still feel in their pocketbooks.

Mr. Biden has also attacked corporations for pricing practices in certain sectors such as meatpacking, snack foods, concert tickets and gasoline. His administration has worked to limit prices for prescription drugs like insulin and inhalers, rein in bank overdraft and credit card fees and make airline travel cheaper and more transparent, achievements that he often discusses on the campaign trail.

“We’re taking on corporate greed to bring down the price of gas, food and rent, eliminating junk fees,” Mr. Biden told a crowd of 1,000 cheering supporters in Philadelphia last week.

Still, leaning into that combative message is not always a natural fit for Mr. Biden. He proudly calls himself a “capitalist” and has long had a close, if sometimes contentious, relationship with corporate America. Some economists close to his White House disagree that corporations’ raising prices to juice profits is a major driver of inflation.

And while Mr. Biden delights in telling a folksy anecdote about Snickers bars shrinking in size without doing the same in price, other Democrats have sounded far more aggressive on the issue. The push to blame corporations has united many factions of the Democratic Party, including progressives, swing-state populists, union leaders and environmentalists.

Mr. Brown, who represents a state that Mr. Trump won handily in 2020, has released several web ads proclaiming he is “cracking down on the companies that rip off Ohio.” Mr. Casey cut a campaign ad showing corporate executives in suits sneaking into a grocery store under cover of night and switching out cereal boxes for smaller replacements. Senate Democrats in tight races like Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin and Jacky Rosen of Nevada are making similar pitches.

“President Biden has quite a bit of latitude here to put the blame where it belongs and he should not be shy about voicing it,” said Julián Castro, the former Housing and Urban Development secretary who ran against Mr. Biden for the Democratic nomination in 2020. “The alternative is that they’re going to blame you.”

But some of Mr. Biden’s progressive allies say the president has found effective — and popular — ways to talk about corporate pricing practices, including his focus on “junk fees” levied by airlines, concert promoters and more. They also say he must balance the issue with a broad set of campaign messages, including on abortion and democracy.

“You’re going to be more focused on kitchen-table issues in a Senate race,” said Lindsay Owens, executive director of the progressive Groundwork Collaborative in Washington. Mr. Biden, she added, is “doing the exact right thing. He’s not focusing on the wonky, eggheaded debates on where inflation is coming from, and he’s focusing a lot more on the ways Americans are feeling and experiencing price increases in their daily lives.”

The liberal argument that corporate greed has driven prices higher flows from a recent surge in corporate profits, notching record highs after the pandemic. They say many companies, particularly in industries with relatively little competition, have used the reopening of the economy to test how aggressively they can raise prices. ...

And the article below is from the above-mentioned June 7th, 2024 'On Politics' email:

Trump Defends Vow to Prosecute Rivals, Saying ‘Sometimes Revenge Can Be Justified’

In recent days, sympathetic interviewers, including Dr. Phil gave Donald Trump the chance to walk back or soften his vows of retribution, but he backed his position against Democrats.

By Chris Cameron | June 6, 2024


This is the USA Today article which I received for June 7th, 2024: (I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

The following is the USA Today article that I read today, June 7th, 2024, from an email that I received today:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned June 7th, 2024 'The Daily Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

Extremist groups in U.S. have nearly doubled since 2021, report finds

The annual report from the SPLC [Southern Poverty Law Center] raises the specter of far-right groups. Also: Pro-migrant groups are being harassed for their work.


Far-right extremist groups show surging growth, new annual study shows

Plus: Attacks on border charities, state trooper fired; Epoch Times executive indicted. It's the week in extremism, from USA TODAY.

By Will Carless | June 7, 2024

Far-right extremist groups are actively working to undermine U.S. democracy and are organizing in record numbers, according to an annual report from the Southern Poverty Law Center. Meanwhile, extremist groups have been targeting faith-based groups that assist migrants on the U.S.-Mexico border, and a New Jersey state trooper is fired for having a racist tattoo.

It’s the week in extremism.

Far-right extremists suffered a blow in the wake of the Jan. 6 insurrection. More than 1,000 people were charged and key leaders were imprisoned, some for decades. But a new annual report from the Southern Poverty Law Center suggests the far-right has regrouped and is taking aim at democratic institutions across the country. ...


This is the Time Magazine article which I received for June 7th, 2024: (I am a subscriber to the Time Magazine 'INSIDER Digital' Subscription.)

The following is the Time Magazine article that I read today, June 7th, 2024, from 'The Brief' email that I received today:

New Poll Shows Biden and Trump Voters Are Living Different Realities

By Philip Elliott | June 6, 2024

For about half of this country, former President Donald Trump’s boorish behavior is reason enough to pass on signing up for another four years of his bombast in the White House. Even after his 34 felony convictions last week, the ex-President seemed incapable of demonstrating contrition or remorse, and appeared ready to defy anything that ran afoul of his self-confidence. It all seems like a lot to stomach, and knowingly so.

But if you actually take a moment to study the universe of Americans—especially American voters who support Trump—it becomes apparent really quickly just how well the billionaire reality star understands his base, and in particular their views of nostalgia for a past that wasn’t quite as “great” as they like to believe. It might seem alien to those who back President Joe Biden, but it’s worth remembering that his base is just as mysterious to Trump’s constituents.

A massive new poll from the Pew Research Center asked thousands of Americans about virtually every major culture war issue, from guns to abortion to marriage equality. Many of the results are exactly what you would expect. But a few responses do a particularly good job at illuminating how a large chunk of this nation of immigrants remains deeply uncomfortable with the prospect of America continuing to change and becoming more diverse.

What polite society would deem far afield from acceptable rhetoric, Trump’s loyalists and Biden’s stans see as obvious truths. Consider the following:

• Asked if white people declining as a share of the total U.S. population is good or bad for society, 39% of Trump supporters said it was bad. Among Biden supporters, 10% took the same view.
• Among Biden voters, 79% say slavery’s legacy still affects Black people, while just 27% of Trump supporters agree.
• A decade after the Supreme Court extended marriage equality to all Americans with the Obergefell ruling, Biden supporters were more than five times as likely as Trump supporters to say the expansion of marriage equality was good for society, with a 57%-11% split.
• Regarding the more than 10 million immigrants in the U.S. without legal status, most Trump supporters—63%—want “a national law enforcement effort to deport undocumented immigrants.” Among Biden supporters, that number sinks to 11%. ...

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above via Google news searches—as well as from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine—for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written June 10th, 2024 and revised June 21st, 2024)


June 10th, 2024 Update No. 2: I received an email from Planned Parenthood Action Fund today, June 10th, 2024, with the subject line, "MATCH: Your impact doubled for reproductive rights", which stated the following:

Name: Paul Whiting
Profile ID: [redacted]



Paul, it's been two years since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. 21 states have bans on some or all abortions in place.

Imagine what things could look like in two more years, five more, ten more… if we don't fight [with all of our might] right now.

I'm counting on you, Paul, to recommit to the fight by making a gift to protect our reproductive rights during this crucial time. Right now, your impact can be doubled up to a total of $250,000 when you give by midnight on June 14.

People traveling hundreds or thousands of miles to receive health care. Doctors fleeing states in fear of being prosecuted for doing their jobs. The lives of pregnant people being debated in courtrooms across the country. That's the reality we're living in.

Please, make your gift to Planned Parenthood Action Fund now and it will be matched dollar-for-dollar.

As we face continued attacks on abortion and other essential care, we need to come together. It will take every single one of us to win this fight.

There are more of us. We are stronger. And we will not back down.

In solidarity,

[Name redacted], [Title redacted]
Planned Parenthood Action Fund



***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And so, I made a one-time donation to Planned Parenthood Action Fund because "[my] impact can be doubled up to a total of $250,000 when [I] give by midnight on June 14." So that is why I contributed now "to recommit to the fight by making a gift to protect [pregnant people's] reproductive rights during this crucial time." –Paul Whiting (June 10th, 2024)


June 11th, 2024 Update No. 1: [CONTENT WARNING: THIS UPDATE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT GUN VIOLENCE WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!] I have combined every political campaign, or political organization, donation request per day (made via email or text message) into one 'update' for each day that I donate, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign donations, or political organization donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual campaign political donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

(By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political donation requests, which is why I don't include them with these email or text message requests.)

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per local political campaign here in Oregon (more on that below), or $4.00 per political organization, for the rest of the election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

Besides that, as of March 21st, 2024, I am no longer donating to individual political campaigns for the foreseeable future (with the exception of local campaigns here in Oregon), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis (please see my 'March 21st, 2024 Update No. 2,' which can be found above), as I have explained below:

...Alright, I have a big announcement to make: I am no longer donating to individual political campaigns for the foreseeable future—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis!

And I have made this decision based upon how much these individual political campaign donations are costing in my 'monthly donating budget'—even though I am only donating $3.00 with a $0.21 tip to ActBlue—since I totally changed the way that I approach how I calculate what I am spending on my credit card each month, starting in 2024! So now, I take the total amount that I have available in my monthly budget for my minimum payment on my credit card—as well as my extra payment—and I calculate how much I am reducing that amount each time that I charge on my credit card.

That way, I am very aware of the amount by which I am reducing my total available credit card payments for the month (the minimum payment and the extra payment) in order to, hopefully, pay more on my credit card than I am spending! Plus, I am also utilizing some funds from my budgeted expenses, as well as some funds from my savings, to make sure that I am paying a little more than I am spending while—at the same time—I am also trying to spend less on my credit card.

Therefore, at the start of 2024, I calculated that I could still make ONE $3.00 donation per political campaign for the entire election cycle. And that means after I have made that one donation per campaign—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I have only donated once per campaign, which is what I have been doing so far!

However, it's still more than I can afford given my 'monthly donating budget,' which is why I have decided to stop donating to individual political campaigns entirely—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And so, I will still be making some donations to individual political campaigns (such as to Joe Biden's campaign for President of the United States, or to local campaigns here in Oregon), but I am not donating like I have been up until this point—which has been virtually every time that I have received a political campaign donation request via email or text message—because I seriously cannot afford to donate that much for the rest of the 2024 Presidential Election cycle, as well as for the foreseeable future.

In addition to that, I used to donate "$5.00 per political organization"; however, starting on May 12th, 2024, I decided to adjust that amount, so that I can donate to more political organizations and PACs (Political Action Committees) while I am still staying within my 'monthly donating budget.'

Thus, as I partially explained above, for the rest of the 2024 election cycle—as well as for the foreseeable future—I have made a goal of donating $3.00 per local political campaign only here in Oregon (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.21), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; and a goal of donating $4.00 per political organization for donation requests via email or text message (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.28), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; as well as a goal of donating $5.00 per political organization, or per PAC, for donation requests via the regular mail (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.35), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis.

To sum it up, then: I am essentially keeping the same total individual campaign donation amount of $3.21, but I am only donating to local campaigns here in Oregon, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; and I am reducing the total donation amount for political organizations and PACs for email and text message donation requests to $4.28 (from $5.35), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; plus, I am reducing the total donation amount for political organizations and PACs for regular mail donation requests to $5.35 (from $7.51), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis.

And to clarify one more thing: In the past, I used to only donate to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations—rather than to individual campaigns—since that's all I really could afford given my 'monthly spending budget,' because I am "low income." Plus, those Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations help all of the individual political campaigns with funding, which is why I used to only donate to those main organizations! And I only started donating to individual political campaigns in 2022, since I was "doing everything in my power to help Democrats win in the 2022 Midterm Elections!" Therefore, this decision to stop donating to individual political campaigns (with the exception of presidential campaigns and local campaigns, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis) is really just going back to the way that I used to make political donations.

So, without further ado...

The only political communication to which I responded was an email from Ban Assault Weapons NOW PAC [Ban Assault Weapons NOW (BAWN) Political Action Committee, or BAWN PAC] today, June 11th, 2024, with the subject line, "We need to tell you about our son, Jerry", which stated, in part, the following:

Paul, we want to share the story of our son Jerry, who was slaughtered eight years ago alongside 48 others inside of Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida, by a gunman with an assault weapon. But if you’re short on time, can you chip in $5 to help Ban Assault Weapons NOW’s work to elect gun safety champions who will pass a ban on assault weapons like the one that stole our son from us? We can’t tell you how much your support would mean to us. >>***

Paul, tomorrow marks eight years since we turned on the TV, only to see our son Jerry’s car outside of Pulse Nightclub in the coverage.

We prayed we were wrong – but it was at that moment that we knew: Our son was among the 49 innocent lives stolen that night at the barrel of an assault rifle.

An assault rifle that, when we identified his body, had completely destroyed his chest.

But we don’t want Jerry to be remembered that way.

Because it’s impossible to describe just how special Jerry was.

He was silly, sweet, and friendly; he would've done anything for his friends and family.

He was the kind of kid who would call us every morning and every night.

We couldn't have asked for a better son.

The horror of losing your child is unimaginable. Eight years later, we’re still just as heartbroken about his murder as we were the day it happened.

But, Paul, we’re also enraged.

Because for eight long years, assault weapons have been allowed to continue roaming our streets, tearing even more families like ours apart.

So, we’re honoring Jerry the best way we know how by taking this fight into our own hands and working to finally get a federal assault weapons ban passed and these weapons of war out of our communities for good.

That’s why we’re proud to support BAWN’s work to elect gun safety champions dedicated to passing this critical ban and keeping even more parents from knowing the pain of losing their child to an assault weapon. Paul, we’re personally asking you to step up and chip in $5 now to help honor Jerry and the 48 other innocents massacred at Parkland eight years ago tomorrow. BAWN is fighting relentlessly to elect a gun safety majority who will FINALLY pass a ban on assault weapons – and to REMOVE every single lawmaker standing in the way of this lifesaving ban. So, can we count on you? The more you give, the more funds BAWN can rush to gun safety candidates committed to protecting our families by banning assault weapons. >>

[✓] Chip in $5 now >>***
[  ] Chip in $10 now >>
[  ] Chip in $15 now >>
[  ] Chip in $20 now >>
[  ] Chip in another amount now >>

No parent should have to go through what we went through.

Thank you for bringing us closer to a reality in which weapons of war no longer devastate families and communities across our country.

Thank you,
[Names redacted]
[Affilations redacted]
[Titles redacted] of Ban Assault Weapons NOW

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


BAWN is working tirelessly to kick every coward who refuses to ban assault weapons out of office and elect critical gun safety champions in their place but we can't fully fund our campaign alone.

Will you rush in a gift before midnight? The more you give, the more we give to gun safety champions.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Ban Assault Weapons NOW PAC.

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $5.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.35 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to Ban Assault Weapons NOW PAC (BAWN PAC) (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to "help honor Jerry and the 48 other innocents massacred at Parkland eight years ago tomorrow."

Thus, this one Political Action Committee (PAC)—Ban Assault Weapons NOW PAC (BAWN PAC)—is the PAC that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (June 11th, 2024)


For my "June 14th, 2024 Update No. 1"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

June 14th, 2024 Update No. 1: Flag Day is yearly (annually) on June 14th!

And I read an NBC article today, June 14th, 2024, which is titled, "The American Legion weighs in on upside-down American flags," while I was doing my occasional news searches on Google, which I do as often as I can manage. A simplified overview to the article can be found below:

"The American Legion weighs in on upside-down American flags" from NBC News

The American Legion said flags should be flown upside down only if there is “extreme danger to life or property.”

By Megan Lebowitz | June 13, 2024

WASHINGTON — The veteran organization the American Legion weighed in on the upside-down American flag controversy on Thursday, noting that flags should only be flown this way if there is "extreme danger to life or property." ...

... "The American flag is a symbol of courage, strength, freedom and democracy," said the American Legion National Commander Daniel Seehafer in a statement to NBC News. "American Legion members swore with their lives to protect all that the flag stands for."

Seehafer pointed to the Flag Code, a detailed set of guidelines laying out how the American flag should be displayed, as evidence the flag should not be inverted unless to signal distress.

"Our organization also led the creation of the U.S. Flag Code, which includes the following: ‘The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property,’” Seehafer said. ...

Besides that, in observance of Flag Day, I did a search on Google for "Flag Day USO" and found an article on the website titled, "When is Flag Day and Five Must-Know American Flag Facts." A brief introduction to the article can be found below:

"When is Flag Day and Five Must-Know American Flag Facts" from the USO

By Mike Case | Wednesday, Jun 14, 2023

“Resolved, that the Flag of the thirteen United States shall be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the Union be thirteen stars, white on a blue field, representing a new constellation.” – Saturday, June 14, 1777; Journals of the Continental Congress

There are many famous stories about the American flag, from Betsy Ross to the Marines raising the flag on Iwo Jima, to firefighters raising the flag at Ground Zero in New York after 9/11.

To help celebrate Flag Day on June 14, which is the “birthday” of the American flag, here are 5 less well-known facts that you might not know about the “Red, White and Blue”: ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And even before I read the article above—since I was already planning to donate—I made a one-time donation on the website in order to support the USO's following statement: "For more than 80 years, it has been the USO's mission to strengthen the well-being of the people serving in America’s military and their families. But we're not a government agency, and rely on individual supporters like you to fund the programs that make the biggest difference for our service members."

In addition to that, I already make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! You see, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation. ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "June 14th, 2024 Update No. 1":


June 14th, 2024 Update No. 2: I received a text message today, June 14th, 2024, from Brady: United Against Gun Violence, which stated the following:

🚨 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗦𝘂𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗺𝗲 𝗖𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘁 𝗷𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗱 𝗱𝗼𝘄𝗻 𝗮 𝗱𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗹𝘆 𝗱𝗲𝗰𝗶𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝘀 𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝘂𝗻 𝗹𝗼𝗯𝗯𝘆'𝘀 𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗱𝘀. 𝗪𝗲 𝗻𝗲𝗲𝗱 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗵𝗲𝗹𝗽 𝘁𝗼 𝗳𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗯𝗮𝗰𝗸. 🚨

𝘽𝙪𝙢𝙥 𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙘𝙠𝙨 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝘃𝗶𝗰𝗲𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗲𝗻𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝘀𝗲𝗺𝗶-𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗼𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝗳𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗺𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗼 𝗺𝗮𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗴𝘂𝗻𝘀 – they were banned by ATF after a bump stock was used to kill 60 people in the deadliest shooting in modern American history at a music festival in Las Vegas.

And today, the Supreme Court struck down that regulation, putting them back into civilian hands and putting all of us at risk.

𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗴𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗺𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗼 𝗰𝗼𝗿𝗿𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗲𝗴𝗿𝗲𝗴𝗶𝗼𝘂𝘀 𝗱𝗲𝗰𝗶𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻. 𝗪𝗲'𝗿𝗲 𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗼𝗻 𝟭𝟬,𝟬𝟬𝟬 𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗶𝘀𝘁𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗮𝗱𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗿 𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗕𝗿𝗮𝗱𝘆'𝘀 𝘂𝗿𝗴𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗽𝗲𝘁𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗼 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗴𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗱𝗲𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮 𝗯𝗮𝗻 𝗼𝗻 𝗯𝘂𝗺𝗽 𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗰𝗸𝘀. 𝗔𝗗𝗗 𝗬𝗢𝗨𝗥 𝗡𝗔𝗠𝗘 𝗡𝗢𝗪. >>

–Team Brady

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Urge Congress: Ban Bump Stocks NOW!

The Supreme Court just put bumpstocks back into the hands of civilians. We need to pass legislation to regulate these weapons of war NOW, before tragedy strikes again.

These accessories turn semi-automatic firearms into the functional equivalent of machineguns. However, the Supreme Court has upheld a decision striking down the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives' rule classifying them as such. That means bumpstocks — the tool that was used to kill 60 people and wound hundreds of others in Las Vegas — will once again be on gun store shelves. Take action now and tell your lawmakers to support legislation to regulate bump stocks NOW!


First Name: Paul
Last Name Whiting
Street Address: [redacted]
Postal Code: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State/Province: [redacted]
Email: [redacted]
Mobile Phone: [redacted]

Message Recipients

[Title and Name redacted]

[Title and Name redacted]

[Title and Name redacted]

Send the following messages

Subject: Please Support Closing the Bump Stock Loophole

Dear Congress,

As your constituent and supporter of Brady (, I ask that you please bring H.R. 396, Closing the Bump Stock Loophole Act of 2023, which would regulate bump stocks, to an immediate vote and support its passage.

In the aftermath of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Garland v. Cargill, where the Court upheld the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals’ decision to strike down the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) rule that prohibited the production, sale, and possession of bump stocks, this bill is more important than ever.

Bump stocks are devices that enable semiautomatic firearms to be converted into machine guns. These devices are uniquely lethal and have already devastated communities by enabling one person to fire off hundreds of rounds in just seconds. In 2017, a bump stock was used in the Las Vegas shooting that killed 60 people and left over 400 others with gunshot wounds. In this case, the bump stock meant that the shooter was able to fire off more than 1,000 bullets in mere minutes.

After the Las Vegas shooting brought light to the destruction these weapons enable, there was powerful bipartisan support to protect our communities by regulating bump stocks. Members of Congress from both parties, state and local officials, and even the National Rifle Association recognized the need to strictly regulate bump stock devices given their ability to transform semi-automatic firearms into machine guns. These events led the ATF, under the Trump administration, to clarify that bump stocks are classified as machineguns.

But now, that life-saving rule is being undone and the regulatory power of the ATF is being restricted because of this Supreme Court decision. However, you have the power to change this. By passing H.R. 396, Congress can ensure that bump stocks are regulated and protect Americans. This bill could help prevent a tragedy like the Las Vegas massacre from ever happening again.

So please, bring the Closing the Bump Stock Loophole Act of 2023 to a vote NOW and support its passage. Thank you for your time and consideration on this important issue. My community is counting on your support.


Paul Whiting
[Address, City, State and ZIP Code redacted]
[Email redacted]

Send all messages

And so, I sent the letter above to my Representative and Senators in Congress, via the EveryAction Brady Campaign website, in order to request that Congress "bring H.R. 396, Closing the Bump Stock Loophole Act of 2023, which would regulate bump stocks, to an immediate vote and support its passage" because, "in the aftermath of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Garland v. Cargill, where the Court upheld the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals’ decision to strike down the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) rule that prohibited the production, sale, and possession of bump stocks, this bill is more important than ever." –Paul Whiting (June 14th, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, I used to make one-time donations to the organization that is the subject of these 'updates' each time that I took an action as requested by that organization; however, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am greatly reducing the number of times that I donate for the same organization per month down to once—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis." (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.) Thus, because I have already donated to Brady: United Against Gun Violence on June 7th, 2024 (please see my 'June 7th, 2024 Update No. 2, Which Also Discusses June 3rd, 2024' that can be found above) that is the one-time donation which I made to Brady: United Against Gun Violence for June 2024.


For my "June 16th, 2024 Update No. 1"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

June 16th, 2024 Update No. 1: Happy Father's Day, everyone! In celebration of Father's Day, I did a Google search for "Father's Day USO" and found the following USO (United Service Organizations) search result regarding Father's Day:

United Service Organizations

Celebrate Military Dads!

This Father's Day, help us honor dads who serve. Choose from our list, or write something from your heart. Select Message ...

And, after I read the search results above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


12,000 signatures needed to hit our goal!


This Father's Day, help us honor dads who serve. Choose from our list, or write something from your heart.

Select Message:

[  ] I'm grateful to all military fathers!

[✓] Happy Father's Day, military dad!

[  ] Thanks for being a dad, and a hero!

[  ] I support military dads!

[  ] Military dads rock!

[  ] Write Your Own Message


First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Email: [redacted]



Thanks for signing the card! Will you take a few minutes to complete a quick survey about supporting all of our nation's heroes?

From scorching deserts in Iraqi summers to frozen mountaintops in Afghan winters, our troops endure harsh conditions to keep folks like us safe. How important is it to you to support our service members deployed far from home?

[✓] Extremely important
[  ] Very important
[  ] Somewhat important
[  ] Not at all important

The USO gives our service members the support they need to keep their spirits up, from phone calls home to A- list entertainment. Do you think it's important to keep troops' morale high by letting them know patriotic Americans back home stand with them?

[✓] Yes
[  ] No

Hundreds of thousands of service members are currently deployed overseas, putting themselves in harm's way in dangerous combat zones like Iraq and Afghanistan. Have you or a family member or friend ever served in the military?

[✓] Yes
[  ] No

Our service members make incredible sacrifices to keep us safe, missing special moments like the first day of school or a baby's first steps while deployed far from home. How important do you think it is to help our troops stay connected to family back home during deployment?

[✓] Extremely important
[  ] Important
[  ] Somewhat important
[  ] Not at all important

A Navy lieutenant commander recently told us that USO Care Packages are a "constant reminder to those of us out 'in the sandbox' that we are not forgotten and folks back home actually care."

Now, as we work to deliver our brave service members a touch of home, we need to ask for your support.

It takes a lot of time, coordination and money to get our care packages to more than 175,000 service members who are away from their families, sacrificing so much defending our freedoms. The USO is not a government agency — we rely on the generosity and patriotism of citizens like you.

Help us make sure that we have the resources to support our troops. Will you please donate by MIDNIGHT tonight to send a little bit of home to our service members and show them how thankful you are?

[✓] Yes, I'll donate $25!*
[  ] Yes, I'll donate $50!
[  ] Yes, I'll donate $75!
[  ] No, I don't want to donate to support our service members today.

*[Blogger's Note: I selected this option—although I donated less than $25—because it's an option that got me to the donation webpage!]


Support America's Service Members!

For more than 30 years, has been the USO's mission to strengthen the well-being of the people serving in America's military and their families. But we're not a govemment agency, and rely on individual supporters like you to fund the programs that make the biggest difference for our service members.

Donate today so we can continue to provide individualized support to our service members every day.


[  ] $25
[  ] $50
[  ] $75
[  ] $100
[  ] $250
[✓] $ 10.00

And so, I signed the USO Father's Day card in order to "honor dads who serve." Plus, after I signed the card, I made a one-time donation on the website to say to our military dads, "Happy Father's Day, military dad!" ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "June 16th, 2024 Update No. 1":


June 16th, 2024 Update No. 2, Which Also Discusses May 18th, 2024: Happy Father's Day, everyone!

[Blogger's Note: This 'update' that I am writing today, June 16th, 2024, is for donations that I made as part of my series of donations for the month of June to Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations—and to one campaign—regarding the national races for the House of Representatives (the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee), the Senate (the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee) and the President of the United States (the Democratic National Committee and Biden for President, or the Biden Victory Fund), as well as the state races for the Governors (the Democratic Governors Association), the Secretaries of State (the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State), the Attorneys General (the Democratic Attorneys General Association) and the State Legislatures (the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee), during this sixth month of the year for the 2024 Presidential Election. In addition to that, I made a donation to my local Democratic fundraising and coordinating organization (Democratic Party of Oregon). Plus, I made donations to Political Action Committees (PACs) that are doing the following: helping to elect political candidates who are working to stop global warming (Jane Fonda Climate PAC); helping to elect candidates who are pro-choice women (EMILYs List); helping to elect candidates who are U.S. Veterans (VoteVets); helping young people to vote (Voters of Tomorrow PAC); and helping to elect gun safety champions in Congress (Ban Assault Weapons NOW PAC); as well as helping to mobilize Black voters (Rolling Sea Action Fund). Besides that, I made a donation to a civic engagement organization that is helping to educate and empower a new generation of Latinx voters (Voto Latino).]

I received a mailer from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) twenty nine days ago on May 18th, 2024, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "Dedicated supporters like you make all the difference. See the impact you're making!", which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]


Mr. Whiting,

In 2020, I ran for president because I thought everything this country stood for and everything I believed in was at risk — our democracy was at stake, a pandemic was raging, and the economy was reeling. But look how far we've come since then.

Together, we vaccinated America to get through that pandemic; we created 15 million new jobs to get this economy going strong; we passed the American Rescue Plan to put $1,400 in people's pockets at the time, helping cut child poverty in half; and so much more.

This election is about each of us asking ourselves: What kind of country do we want to live in?

Everyone deserves to live in a democracy with dignity rooted in freedom, fairness, opportunity, justice, and truth; based on promises made and promises kept. That's the America we're building together.

But Donald Trump is willing to sacrifice our democracy to put himself in power. He said he would be a dictator on day one and would terminate parts of the U.S. Constitution if it suits his reelection. He consistently refused to denounce political violence. Let me be clear: There's no confusion about who he is and what he intends to do.

The MAGA movement led by Trump is waging attacks on voting rights, pushing for a national abortion ban that prohibits lifesaving medical care for women, stripping health coverage away from millions of Americans by repealing the Affordable Care Act, and denying communities the commonsense safety measures to protect against gun violence.

Mr. Whiting, this November, your freedom is on the ballot. But we can only preserve our freedoms and make our country work for all by electing Democrats up and down the ballot. You have given generously before, and we are so appreciative of your commitment to saving democracy. I am humbly asking you to send an additional grassroots gift of $35, $55, $70, or more to the Democratic National Committee today.

There is nothing we can't accomplish if we work together. But in order to move the country forward, we need to elect Democrats to office this November who will continue fighting to open the doors of opportunity to all — not closing it shut behind them.

When you give to the DNC, you are helping secure the resources Democrats all over the country need to win on Election Day. Your support builds up field operations, airs ads in local markets, mobilizes volunteers, and coordinates our network of grassroots supporters who are committed to preserving our values.

We cannot let these efforts go in vain by letting MAGA Republicans — who are doing everything in their power to try to destroy our democracy for their own agenda — take control. Donald Trump is their leader, inspiring them nationwide to take away our freedoms. They want to slash Social Security and Medicare, eliminate women's freedom to control their own bodies, pass laws to endanger LGBTQ+ youth and their families, threaten our democracy, and roll back progress on everything from climate action to voting rights.

These MAGA voices have abandoned the truth and abandoned democracy. They made their choice. Now the rest of us have to make our choice.

Democrats stand for decency, honesty, and truth. We respect the Constitution. We know that no one, not even the president, is above the law. We are committed to living in a nation where our freedoms are protected, where everyone has a fair shot at a life of dignity and opportunity, and where our democracy works for everybody. And we know that there is nothing beyond our capacity if we act together.

I hope you will stand with us to help defend our democracy. There is no better way than to give to the DNC, the only organization that is working to elect Democrats all across the country, from the school board to the White House.

We have already made so much progress, but that progress is threatened by those who exploit fear for their own personal gain and who traffic in lies for profit and power.

But this November, we face a moment of real choosing. Democracy is on the ballot. That is why we need your support today.

I have never been more optimistic about our future, because I know, as a nation, we still believe that anything is possible when we work together. And if we can reach enough voters with this message, we'll have done something few generations can say. We will have saved American democracy as we know it.

Thank you.

With gratitude,

Joe Biden
President of the United States

P.S. This November, Democrats are fighting to preserve and strengthen our American democracy from Donald Trump and his MAGA extremism. The DNC is coordinating efforts to elect candidates all across the country who respect our Constitution and will fight for our freedoms. We need Democrats to win elections at every level to push back against MAGA lies. But we can't do that without your support. Please give today. And together, we will build our future.


My Personal Reply to President Joe Biden

Yes, President Biden! I understand that all the progress Democrats have made is at risk from an extremist MAGA agenda that wants to take away our freedoms and turn this country backwards. I know that Democrats are fighting for democracy, and that the DNC is doing the work to elect Democrats across the country, from the state house to the White House. I will stand with the DNC at this critical moment. Enclosed is my grassroots contribution of:

[  ] $35

[  ] $55*

[  ] $70

[✓] Other $4.00

*A contribution of this amount would go even further to help elect Democrats!

Text "DEMOCRAT" to 43367 to let President Biden know your renewal donation is on the way.

Go to to put your contribution to work today.

Paul [Middle Initial] Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

And, after I read the letter above, I typed the web address to the referenced webpage in my browser, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Support the Democratic National Committee

Donate to help elect Democrats up and down the ballot nationwide!

Your generous donation will help us fight for the Biden-Harris agenda, hold the GOP accountable, and elect more Democrats. Donate to the DNC now to invest in the resources our candidates are relying on to compete and win year after year.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Democratic National Committee (DNC) - Direct Marketing.

[  ] Donate $35 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $75 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $200 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[✓] Other amount $4.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.28 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DNC (with a tip to ActBlue) because "this November, [our] freedom is on the ballot. But we can only preserve our freedoms and make our country work for all by electing Democrats up and down the ballot." That is why I made "my grassroots contribution of $4.00," because: "Democrats stand for decency, honesty, and truth. We respect the Constitution. We know that no one, not even the president, is above the law. We are committed to living in a nation where our freedoms are protected, where everyone has a fair shot at a life of dignity and opportunity, and where our democracy works for everybody. And we know that there is nothing beyond our capacity if we act together." –Paul Whiting (June 16th, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.)

In addition to that, starting on June 16th, 2024, I have decided to adjust the amount that I donate per political organization again, so that I can donate to more political organizations and PACs (Political Action Committees) while I am still staying within my 'monthly donating budget.'

Thus, for the rest of the 2024 election cycle—as well as for the foreseeable future—I have made a goal of donating $2.00 per local political campaign only here in Oregon (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.14), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; and a goal of donating $3.00 per political organization for donation requests via email or text message (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.21), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; as well as a goal of donating $4.00 per political organization, or per PAC, for donation requests via the regular mail (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.28), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis.


June 16th, 2024 Update No. 3, Which Also Discusses May 18th, 2024: Happy Father's Day, everyone!

[Blogger's Note: This 'update' that I am writing today, June 16th, 2024, is for donations that I made as part of my series of donations for the month of June to Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations—and to one campaign—regarding the national races for the House of Representatives (the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee), the Senate (the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee) and the President of the United States (the Democratic National Committee and Biden for President, or the Biden Victory Fund), as well as the state races for the Governors (the Democratic Governors Association), the Secretaries of State (the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State), the Attorneys General (the Democratic Attorneys General Association) and the State Legislatures (the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee), during this sixth month of the year for the 2024 Presidential Election. In addition to that, I made a donation to my local Democratic fundraising and coordinating organization (Democratic Party of Oregon). Plus, I made donations to Political Action Committees (PACs) that are doing the following: helping to elect political candidates who are working to stop global warming (Jane Fonda Climate PAC); helping to elect candidates who are pro-choice women (EMILYs List); helping to elect candidates who are U.S. Veterans (VoteVets); helping young people to vote (Voters of Tomorrow PAC); and helping to elect gun safety champions in Congress (Ban Assault Weapons NOW PAC); as well as helping to mobilize Black voters (Rolling Sea Action Fund). Besides that, I made a donation to a civic engagement organization that is helping to educate and empower a new generation of Latinx voters (Voto Latino).]

I received a mailer from the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC) twenty nine days ago on May 18th, 2024, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "URGENT", which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]

[Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

Paul, please give the [request] below your Immediate attention. Thank you so much.


Paul Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

Dear Paul,

It is ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL to our rights and freedoms that you quickly confirm you are a Democrat and a registered voter residing in Portland. Please mark and return the attached 2024 DEMOCRATIC LEGISLATIVE CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP CONFIRMATION CARD no later than June 5.*

There are state legislative elections in 44 states this fall—and everything is on the line.

Republican state legislatures are hell-bent on taking away reproductive freedoms—even the right to have children through IVF is at stake. They're putting their extreme pro-gun agenda ahead of children's safety. They're restricting voting rights and silencing political opponents. They're demonizing and discriminating against LGBTQ+ youth.

By contrast, Democratic state legislatures are protecting abortion rights. They're passing commonsense gun reforms to stop mass shootings. They're strengthening voting rights. And they're protecting vulnerable populations from being ostracized and discriminated against.

The DLCC is working around the clock to flip chambers seat-by-seat while protecting our Democratic majorities so we can expand the number of states where our democracy, rights, freedoms, safety, and security prevail. We're making major grassroots investments in the battleground states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. But our ability to succeed depends on good people like you.

What you do today will make all the difference. Please rush a generous contribution of $1,000, $2,500, $5,000, or whatever you can today to the DLCC. Gifts totaling up to $49,600 will be matched 5:1 by a group of generous Democrats—so a $50 contribution will generate $300 to win Democratic control of key state legislatures.

Please do your part to save our democracy. Thank you.

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee are not tax deductible.

*[Blogger's Note: I am responding to this request eleven days later than requested; however, I only make donations to Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations once per month—and I chose Father's Day as the day that I made my series of donations for the month of June.]





What Republican state legislative atrocities concern you the most? (check all that apply)

[✓] Imposing brutal abortion bans that threaten women's health and deny women their fundamental rights.

[✓] Making it illegal for people to have children through IVF.

[✓] Passing voter suppression laws designed to disenfranchise voters of color.

[✓] Putting partisan hacks who support Trump's Big Lie in charge of running elections.

[✓] Passing bills imposing book bans that deny students access to Information about slavery, racial discrimination, gender, and sexuality.

[✓] Passing bills denying transgender youth access to health care and barring teachers from using their students preferred names and pronouns.

[✓] Making guns easier to purchase and carry while doing nothing to stop the epidemic of mess gun violence.

[  ] Other (please elaborate)

Do you believe the United States would be better off today if Democrats had the majority in more state legislatures?

[✓] Yes
[  ] No
[  ] Unsure

I have enclosed my DLCC contribution of:

$1,000 becomes $6,000

$2,500 becomes $15,000


[✓] Other $4.28 becomes $25.68

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee are not tax deductible.

To put your gift to work immediately, go to

[Blogger's Note: I feel like I need to clarify why I donated $4.28 to the DLCC—for their mailer to which I responded on Father's Day—when I donated $4.00 to both the DNC (please see my 'June 16th, 2024 Update No. 2, Which Also Discusses May 18th, 2024' that can be found above) and the DCCC (please see my 'June 16th, 2024 Update No. 6, Which Also Discusses June 15th, 2024' that can be found below) for their mailers! You see, the DLCC donation was made through FastAction, which does not offer a tip box. And I budgeted for these three mailer donations (the DCCC, the DLCC and the DNC) at $4.00 per donation, which is how much I usually donate to political, progressive and charitable organizations for donation solicitations that I receive through the regular mail. Plus, I try to tip ActBlue—the main Democratic payment portal—at approximately 7% of my donation, which is about $0.28 for $4.00. Thus, since I could not tip through the FastAction payment portal, I donated $4.28 for the DLCC donation. (I hope that makes sense!)]

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DLCC (this donation was made through FastAction, which does not offer a tip box) in order to show my support for the 2024 Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee Membership Confirmation Card, which I am planning to mail early next week. –Paul Whiting (June 16th, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.)

In addition to that, starting on June 16th, 2024, I have decided to adjust the amount that I donate per political organization again, so that I can donate to more political organizations and PACs (Political Action Committees) while I am still staying within my 'monthly donating budget.'

Thus, for the rest of the 2024 election cycle—as well as for the foreseeable future—I have made a goal of donating $2.00 per local political campaign only here in Oregon (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.14), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; and a goal of donating $3.00 per political organization for donation requests via email or text message (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.21), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; as well as a goal of donating $4.00 per political organization, or per PAC, for donation requests via the regular mail (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.28), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis.


June 16th, 2024 Update No. 4, Which Also Discusses June 10th, 2024: Happy Father's Day, everyone!

[Blogger's Note: This 'update' that I am writing today, June 16th, 2024, is for donations that I made as part of my series of donations for the month of June to Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations—and to one campaign—regarding the national races for the House of Representatives (the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee), the Senate (the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee) and the President of the United States (the Democratic National Committee and Biden for President, or the Biden Victory Fund), as well as the state races for the Governors (the Democratic Governors Association), the Secretaries of State (the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State), the Attorneys General (the Democratic Attorneys General Association) and the State Legislatures (the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee), during this sixth month of the year for the 2024 Presidential Election. In addition to that, I made a donation to my local Democratic fundraising and coordinating organization (Democratic Party of Oregon). Plus, I made donations to Political Action Committees (PACs) that are doing the following: helping to elect political candidates who are working to stop global warming (Jane Fonda Climate PAC); helping to elect candidates who are pro-choice women (EMILYs List); helping to elect candidates who are U.S. Veterans (VoteVets); helping young people to vote (Voters of Tomorrow PAC); and helping to elect gun safety champions in Congress (Ban Assault Weapons NOW PAC); as well as helping to mobilize Black voters (Rolling Sea Action Fund). Besides that, I made a donation to a civic engagement organization that is helping to educate and empower a new generation of Latinx voters (Voto Latino).]

I received a mailer from Democratic Party of Oregon Victory Fund six days ago on June 10th, 2024, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "2024 Election Year Fund", which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]


From the Desk of [Name redacted], [Title redacted]
Democratic Party of Oregon

Mr. Paul [Middle Initial] Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

Democratic Party of Oregon
Victory Fund
2024 Election Year Fund

Dear Mr. Whiting,

Nothing less than our democracy is on the ballot this November. With Election Day fast approaching, we must work around the clock to ensure that we continue electing strong Democratic candidates who will represent us and the values we share here in Oregon.

You understand as well as I do that Republican extremism does not stop at state lines. The MAGA agenda threatens to take away our rights, freedoms, and choice at all levels of government — making it clearer than ever that state and local leadership matters.

That's why we are launching our 2024 Election Year Fund Drive now to ensure that we have all the resources we need to help elect Democrats in Oregon, from local school boards to the White House. So please Mr. Whiting, rush a donation of $35, $55, or even $70 to stand with us in the fight for our future.

Every dollar raised today goes further than a dollar raised in the final weeks leading up to the election. In 2020 and 2022, we proved we have a plan for victory, but we need a well-funded party to execute our winning programs like the Neighborhood Leader Program. In 2022 alone, we recruited over 2,100 volunteer Neighborhood Leaders who reached out to over 120,000 targeted Democrats by door, phone and mail, and 90% of those contacted turned out to vote. And so far, we've already recruited and trained over 3,300 volunteer Neighborhood Leaders for 2024!

As Election Day nears and MAGA opportunists look to infiltrate vulnerable seats everywhere, we must continue to fight for Democratic leaders who are committed to serving both the people and our democratic values.

The Democratic Party of Oregon knows what it takes for Democrats to win in Oregon and understands that issues like women's reproductive rights, good paying jobs, more accessible health care, lower prescription drug costs, investments in clean energy, affordable housing, racial and economic justice, LGBTQ+ rights, workers' rights, civil rights, reducing student debt, and commonsense gun laws are most important to us here at home. But we also know that our party is only as strong as our grassroots supporters.

So much is on the line, and time is limited. We must be prepared for anything to happen in this highly consequential election year. Please give today so that we can build a strong alliance of Democratic volunteers and voters across the state.

Thank you for standing with us,

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted], Democratic Party of Oregon

P.S. Our Election Year Fund Drive is underway and we have no time to lose. Republicans have become the Party of Trump and the damage they can do doesn't end at state lines. The Democratic Party of Oregon Victory Fund needs you right now. Together, we can make an incredible impact for generations to come because a win for Democrats is a win for democracy. Thank you.



Mr. Paul [Middle Initial] Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

YES! I know that we can't take anything for granted in this election and that our Democratic candidates need the resources and coordination all across Oregon to push back against MAGA extremists. Enclosed is my contribution of:

[  ] $35
[  ] $55
[  ] $70
[✓] Other $4.00

Please make your check payable to the Democratic Party of Oregon Victory Fund. Please fill out and sign the form on the back to complete your contribution. Contributions or gifts to the Democratic Party of Oregon are not tax deductible.

Democratic Party of Oregon Victory Fund
[Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

To put your gift to work immediately, please visit

And, after I read the letter above, I entered the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Support the State Party Victory Fund!

Renew your support today to strengthen your State Party's infrastructure and help fight for our shared Democratic values!

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Democratic National Committee (DNC) SPVF.

[  ] Donate $10 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $5.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.35 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Democratic Party of Oregon Victory Fund (with a tip to ActBlue) because the "[Democratic Party of Oregon Victory Fund's] Election Year Fund Drive is underway and we have no time to lose. Republicans have become the Party of Trump and the damage they can do doesn't end at state lines." That is why "the Democratic Party of Oregon Victory Fund needs [me] right now. Together, we can make an incredible impact for generations to come because a win for Democrats is a win for democracy." –Paul Whiting (June 16th, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.)

In addition to that, starting on June 16th, 2024, I have decided to adjust the amount that I donate per political organization again, so that I can donate to more political organizations and PACs (Political Action Committees) while I am still staying within my 'monthly donating budget.'

Thus, for the rest of the 2024 election cycle—as well as for the foreseeable future—I have made a goal of donating $2.00 per local political campaign only here in Oregon (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.14), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; and a goal of donating $3.00 per political organization for donation requests via email or text message (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.21), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; as well as a goal of donating $4.00 per political organization, or per PAC, for donation requests via the regular mail (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.28), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis.


June 16th, 2024 Update No. 5, Which Also Discusses June 15th, 2024: Happy Father's Day, everyone!

[Blogger's Note: This 'update' that I am writing today, June 16th, 2024, is for donations that I made as part of my series of donations for the month of June to Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations—and to one campaign—regarding the national races for the House of Representatives (the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee), the Senate (the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee) and the President of the United States (the Democratic National Committee and Biden for President, or the Biden Victory Fund), as well as the state races for the Governors (the Democratic Governors Association), the Secretaries of State (the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State), the Attorneys General (the Democratic Attorneys General Association) and the State Legislatures (the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee), during this sixth month of the year for the 2024 Presidential Election. In addition to that, I made a donation to my local Democratic fundraising and coordinating organization (Democratic Party of Oregon). Plus, I made donations to Political Action Committees (PACs) that are doing the following: helping to elect political candidates who are working to stop global warming (Jane Fonda Climate PAC); helping to elect candidates who are pro-choice women (EMILYs List); helping to elect candidates who are U.S. Veterans (VoteVets); helping young people to vote (Voters of Tomorrow PAC); and helping to elect gun safety champions in Congress (Ban Assault Weapons NOW PAC); as well as helping to mobilize Black voters (Rolling Sea Action Fund). Besides that, I made a donation to a civic engagement organization that is helping to educate and empower a new generation of Latinx voters (Voto Latino).]

I received a mailer from the Biden Victory Fund yesterday, June 15th, 2024, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "Paul, Trump will sacrifice our democracy to put himself in power. Together, we can stop him.", which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]


Dear Paul,

Election Day is quickly approaching, and this year will be the most consequential election in our lifetime. Simply put, the American people have a clear choice ahead of them: Are we going to keep moving forward? Or will we allow Donald Trump to drag us backwards into the chaos, division, and darkness that defined his term in office?

The future of our democracy is at stake in this election. We know who Donald Trump is and that he is willing to sacrifice our democracy to put himself in power. We cannot let him.

Trump wants to take us backwards. He brags about overturning Roe, ripping reproductive freedom away from millions of Americans — now he wants to pass a national abortion ban. He's vowing to "terminate" the Affordable Care Act, raise prescription drug prices, and gut Medicare and Social Security. He wants to cut taxes for the rich. Again.

Paul, your last gift of $1* helped us start this year off strong, and I am humbly asking for your support once again. Please help us deliver a decisive victory on Election Day by sending a contribution of $25, $38, or $50 today.

When I launched my campaign for reelection, I said that I believed every generation has a moment where they have had to stand up for democracy. To stand up for their fundamental freedoms. And that this moment is ours. That couldn't be more true today.

Unlike Donald Trump's campaign, this campaign is about all of us. It's about OUR future together, and preserving and strengthening OUR democracy.

Since day one, our goal has been to give folks a little more breathing room. To build a more free and fair America. We've made real progress these last few years, and we're ready to finish the job.

Already, we've created a record 15 million new jobs in just three years, and unemployment is near a 50-year low.

More people have health insurance today than ever before. And now, Medicare has the power to negotiate lower prices for prescription drugs, saving taxpayers money and cutting the federal deficit by $160 billion.

Thanks to our Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, 46,000 new projects have been announced across the nation to modernize our roads and bridges, ports and airports, and public transit systems.

There's more work to be done, from saving the planet from the climate crisis and our country from gun violence, to ensuring the middle class finally has a fair shot and the wealthy pay their fair share.

But this election will be a close one, and we can't take anything for granted. Trump and his allies are spending hundreds of millions of dollars pretending Trump's first term was not a total disaster for the American people. They tell lies and they hide the facts. We can't let that happen. We cannot run the risk of Trump stepping foot in the Oval Office again.

Six million grassroots donors invested in my campaign in 2020 so that we could defeat Donald Trump. We need an even greater level of support to defeat him again in November.

Please contribute to the Biden Victory Fund today to ensure our country's future: a future where we defend democracy, not diminish it. Where we restore the right to choose and other freedoms, not take them away.

I've seen the constant contest between competing forces in the battle for the soul of our nation. Between those who want to pull America back to the past, and those who want to move America into the future.

I believe in America. I believe in YOU, the American people. And I am asking you to stand with me in the fight to move our country forward.

Thank you.


President Joe Biden

P.S. This campaign isn't about me. This campaign is about all of us. It's about OUR future together. And it's about fighting back against Donald Trump's extreme plan to sacrifice our democracy and take us backwards. But I can't do it alone. Please give today, and together we will fight for our future, a future for all Americans.


[Blogger's Note: By the way, there was also a 'back teaser message' on the envelope above that read, "A special message enclosed from Jill Biden." And that message can be found below.]


Jill Biden

Dear Friend,

Joe likes to tell people that he had to propose marriage to me five times — which is true — but the truth is, I loved him from the start. He has inner strength, the courage to carry forth his convictions, and a character based on his deep faith. Anyone can tell you what they want to do. Joe Biden can tell you what he's done.

We've been married for over 40 years, and trust me when I say that he never stops fighting for the country he loves. There are times when I don't know how he does it. But I've always understood why he does it. He does it for you and families like yours.

I'm so grateful that Joe is our president during these uncertain, unpredictable, tumultuous times. Joe isn't just the right person for this job, he is the only person for this job.

And he does it for you, not himself.

This campaign has been about you from the very beginning — about your hopes for our country, your belief in our ability to move forward together, and building a better future for all Americans.

This election will offer our country a stark choice: strong, steady leadership, and the protection of our democracy or four years of chaos and corruption, hatred, and division. Joe and Kamala are fighting for you, our country, and for a future that brings everyone along. This is the job they signed on for and they won't rest until they finish the job.

I hope you will join us in this fight by making a gift today to ensure that our best days still lie ahead of us.

Thank you.


Jill Biden
First Lady of the United States

P.S. I believe in Joe. And Joe believes in America and in bringing others along to build a better future together. If you believe in our nation's potential, please give today.



[✓] Yes, President Biden! I am ready to continue the fight against Trump's extremist agenda to pull this country backwards. I am ready to stand for more freedoms, not less, and to defend democracy, not diminish it. My last gift was in April, 2024.* Enclosed is my contribution in the amount of:

[  ] $25

[  ] $38

[  ] $50

[✓] Other $4.00

Please make your check payable to the Biden Victory Fund.

Or if you prefer to charge your contribution, please fill out the form on the reverse.

You can also contribute online by visiting

Paul Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]


*[Blogger's Note: My last donation referenced above for $1.00 in April was when I entered "for a chance to meet the President and Dr. Biden in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware" for some delicious [vegan] ice cream (please see my 'April 26th, 2024 Update No. 2, which can be found above).]




This is to certify that President Joe Biden recognizes
as a leader in the fight for our future in this election year, 2024.

President Joe Biden

Date: June 6, 2024

And, after I read the letter above, I typed the web address to the referenced webpage in my browser, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Biden Victory Fund

Donate to reelect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris

Joe Biden and Kamala Marris are running for reelection.

It's going to take this full team at Joe and Kamala's backs to finish the job and deliver for Democrats, including four more years in the White House. Will you pitch in today to help Joe, Kamala, and Democrats nationwide?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Biden Victory Fund.

[✓] Donate $4 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $1,000→

[  ] Donate $2,000→

[  ] Other

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.28 (7%)

So, I made a one-time donation to the Biden Victory Fund (with a tip to ActBlue) in order to confirm the reply memorandum statement: "Yes, President Biden! I am ready to continue the fight against Trump's extremist agenda to pull this country backwards. I am ready to stand for more freedoms, not less, and to defend democracy, not diminish it." And I was also donating to show my appreciation for the Biden Victory Fund Certificate of Recognition that was attached to the bottom of the reply memo! –Paul Whiting (June 16th, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.)

In addition to that, starting on June 16th, 2024, I have decided to adjust the amount that I donate per political organization again, so that I can donate to more political organizations and PACs (Political Action Committees) while I am still staying within my 'monthly donating budget.'

Thus, for the rest of the 2024 election cycle—as well as for the foreseeable future—I have made a goal of donating $2.00 per local political campaign only here in Oregon (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.14), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; and a goal of donating $3.00 per political organization for donation requests via email or text message (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.21), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; as well as a goal of donating $4.00 per political organization, or per PAC, for donation requests via the regular mail (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.28), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis.


June 16th, 2024 Update No. 6, Which Also Discusses June 15th, 2024: Happy Father's Day, everyone!

[Blogger's Note: This 'update' that I am writing today, June 16th, 2024, is for donations that I made as part of my series of donations for the month of June to Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations—and to one campaign—regarding the national races for the House of Representatives (the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee), the Senate (the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee) and the President of the United States (the Democratic National Committee and Biden for President, or the Biden Victory Fund), as well as the state races for the Governors (the Democratic Governors Association), the Secretaries of State (the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State), the Attorneys General (the Democratic Attorneys General Association) and the State Legislatures (the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee), during this sixth month of the year for the 2024 Presidential Election. In addition to that, I made a donation to my local Democratic fundraising and coordinating organization (Democratic Party of Oregon). Plus, I made donations to Political Action Committees (PACs) that are doing the following: helping to elect political candidates who are working to stop global warming (Jane Fonda Climate PAC); helping to elect candidates who are pro-choice women (EMILYs List); helping to elect candidates who are U.S. Veterans (VoteVets); helping young people to vote (Voters of Tomorrow PAC); and helping to elect gun safety champions in Congress (Ban Assault Weapons NOW PAC); as well as helping to mobilize Black voters (Rolling Sea Action Fund). Besides that, I made a donation to a civic engagement organization that is helping to educate and empower a new generation of Latinx voters (Voto Latino).]

I received a mailer from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) yesterday, June 15th, 2024, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "URGENT: MATCHING GIFT OFFER JUNE 30 FEC DEADLINE ← DOCUMENTS ENCLOSED", which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]


Your Gift Will Have ELEVEN TIMES The Impact

House Republicans' Party-Line Majority Hangs by a Thread

Paul [Middle Initial] Whiting
[Apt. No. redacted]
[Street Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

Dear Paul,

It's a dead heat. The generic congressional ballot polling average — which asks voters whether they plan to cast their ballot for their Democratic or Republican House candidate — has us neck-and-neck with extreme MAGA Republicans. It doesn't get any closer than this.

Everything is on the line. Our democracy. Our freedoms. Our rights. This is our opportunity to hold extreme MAGA Republicans accountable and take back the House For The People.

We only need to gain four seats to win back our majority. That's it. The do-nothing GOP majority hangs by a thread.

That's why I am urging you to rush a generous contribution to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) before the June 30 Federal Election Commission (FEC) deadline. Your support will ensure we can continue our strong momentum toward retaking the House majority in November.

Because the stakes are so high, a group of generous Democratic donors has agreed to match every dollar you give with $10 of their own. Your gift of $80 will turn into $880, $120 will become $1,320 and $160 will generate $1,760 to take back the People's House.

House Republicans hold one critical advantage in some of the tightest and most competitive of races. The most recent FEC reports show that in some of the races that will determine control of the House of Representatives, the Republican incumbents have more cash on hand.

We now face a critical fundraising deadline — the June 30 FEC report. With just 18 weeks to go before the election, I cannot overstate how important it is that the DCCC's FEC report shows us on a level playing field with the Republicans We MUST show our Democratic candidates that the DCCC will be there to help close the fundraising gap throughout the summer and fall.

Your support will enable the DCCC to fully fund essential programs in the combined 60+ races where our majority will be made. These include:

Protecting our 29 battle-tested Frontline incumbents* facing the toughest campaigns of their careers. These Democrats are holding onto seats in swing districts, and we can't lose a single one.

Targeting the 16 Republican-held seats in districts President Biden won in 2020. We know these races are winnable and the GOP incumbents are vulnerable. These are some of our Districts in Play where we will be on offense

Winning the 20 Red to Blue targeted districts, where we are supporting Democratic candidates who are ready to win and will be an antidote to the GOP chaos.

With your support, we can build on the ground operations to recruit volunteers and mobilize crucial Democratic voters this year. Your continued partnership will ensure that Democrats are on the airwaves holding Republicans accountable for their extremism and ensuring Americans know what Democrats are capable of when we're in the majority.

When Democrats controlled the House, we passed historic laws to lower costs, create better-paying jobs and make our communities safer. We worked across the aisle to pass the Bipartisan Safer Commmmunties Act, the first major gun safety legislation passed by Congress in nearly 30 years.

House Democrats will be running on our record of delivering real results. We'll restore reproductive freedom for all, strengthen voting rights, protect Social Security and Medicare and continue to implement the tremendous achievements of the 117th Congress. Above all, we'll restore responsible governance, uphold the rule of law and protect our democracy.

To do all of this, we urgently need your support. A strong June 30 FEC report will show that we have the resources and the grassroots backing to retake our House majority and deliver for everyday Americans once again.

Please help make sure the DCCC's June 30 FEC report makes clear we are poised to win back the House. Take advantage of our $10 to $1 match and rush your contribution to the DCCC today. Thank you.


Hakeem Jeffries
House Democratic Leader

P.S. This is an all-hands-on-deck moment for House Democrats and the DCCC. We must seize every new opportunity before us to take back the House For The People. To do that, we depend on people like you. Please do your part to help ensure that we reach our June 30 FEC deadline goal.

*Number as of 5/2/24, more districts being added as challengers emerge and resources become available.


House Democrats have the momentum, and it is time to seize this moment and Take Back the House in November! That's why, in advance of the critical June 30 FEC reporting deadline, I'm rushing my contribution to the DCCC for:

[  ] $80 = $880

[  ] $120* = $1,320

[  ] $160 = $1,760

[✓] Other $4 = $44

*Gifts in this amount will really help!

Paul [Middle Initial] Whiting
[Apt. No. redacted]
[Street Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

To put your gift to work immediately, go to or call our contribution hotline [phone number redacted]. To charge your contribution as a credit card and for other important information, please see reverse side of this form.

And, after I read the letter above, I entered the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

[DCCC logo] DEMOCRATS 2024

Flip the House!

Join us now to flip the House and defend President Biden's legacy!

Republicans are blocking President Bideri's agenda at every turn — and he's counting on this grassroots team to stop them.

So, quickly, Will you join us to elect a wave of Democrats and flip the House?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit the DCCC.

[  ] Donate $15 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $4.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.28 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DCCC (with a tip to ActBlue) because "a group of generous Democratic donors has agreed to match every dollar [I] give with $10 of their own." That is why I contributed a "gift of [$4, which] will turn into $44 [in order to] to take back the People's House." –Paul Whiting (June 16th, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.)

In addition to that, starting on June 16th, 2024, I have decided to adjust the amount that I donate per political organization again, so that I can donate to more political organizations and PACs (Political Action Committees) while I am still staying within my 'monthly donating budget.'

Thus, for the rest of the 2024 election cycle—as well as for the foreseeable future—I have made a goal of donating $2.00 per local political campaign only here in Oregon (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.14), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; and a goal of donating $3.00 per political organization for donation requests via email or text message (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.21), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; as well as a goal of donating $4.00 per political organization, or per PAC, for donation requests via the regular mail (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.28), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis.


June 16th, 2024 Update No. 7, Written On June 17th, 2024, Which Also Discusses May 25th, 2024, June 2nd, 2024, Jun 6th, 2024, June 7th, 2024, June 10th, 2024, June 15th, 2024 And June 16th, 2024: Happy Father's Day, everyone!

[Blogger's Note: This 'update' that I am writing today, June 16th, 2024, is for donations that I made as part of my series of donations for the month of June to Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations—and to one campaign—regarding the national races for the House of Representatives (the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee), the Senate (the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee) and the President of the United States (the Democratic National Committee and Biden for President, or the Biden Victory Fund), as well as the state races for the Governors (the Democratic Governors Association), the Secretaries of State (the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State), the Attorneys General (the Democratic Attorneys General Association) and the State Legislatures (the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee), during this sixth month of the year for the 2024 Presidential Election. In addition to that, I made a donation to my local Democratic fundraising and coordinating organization (Democratic Party of Oregon). Plus, I made donations to Political Action Committees (PACs) that are doing the following: helping to elect political candidates who are working to stop global warming (Jane Fonda Climate PAC); helping to elect candidates who are pro-choice women (EMILYs List); helping to elect candidates who are U.S. Veterans (VoteVets); helping young people to vote (Voters of Tomorrow PAC); and helping to elect gun safety champions in Congress (Ban Assault Weapons NOW PAC); as well as helping to mobilize Black voters (Rolling Sea Action Fund). Besides that, I made a donation to a civic engagement organization that is helping to educate and empower a new generation of Latinx voters (Voto Latino).]

I have combined every political campaign, or political organization, donation request per day (made via email or text message) into one 'update' for each day that I donate, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign donations, or political organization donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual campaign political donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

(By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political donation requests, which is why I don't include them with these email or text message requests.)

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $2.00 donation per local political campaign here in Oregon (more on that below), or $3.00 per political organization, for the rest of the election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

Besides that, as of March 21st, 2024, I am no longer donating to individual political campaigns for the foreseeable future (with the exception of local campaigns here in Oregon), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis (please see my 'March 21st, 2024 Update No. 2,' which can be found above), as I have explained below:

...Alright, I have a big announcement to make: I am no longer donating to individual political campaigns for the foreseeable future—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis!

And I have made this decision based upon how much these individual political campaign donations are costing in my 'monthly donating budget'—even though I am only donating $3.00 with a $0.21 tip to ActBlue—since I totally changed the way that I approach how I calculate what I am spending on my credit card each month, starting in 2024! So now, I take the total amount that I have available in my monthly budget for my minimum payment on my credit card—as well as my extra payment—and I calculate how much I am reducing that amount each time that I charge on my credit card.

That way, I am very aware of the amount by which I am reducing my total available credit card payments for the month (the minimum payment and the extra payment) in order to, hopefully, pay more on my credit card than I am spending! Plus, I am also utilizing some funds from my budgeted expenses, as well as some funds from my savings, to make sure that I am paying a little more than I am spending while—at the same time—I am also trying to spend less on my credit card.

Therefore, at the start of 2024, I calculated that I could still make ONE $3.00 donation per political campaign for the entire election cycle. And that means after I have made that one donation per campaign—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I have only donated once per campaign, which is what I have been doing so far!

However, it's still more than I can afford given my 'monthly donating budget,' which is why I have decided to stop donating to individual political campaigns entirely—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And so, I will still be making some donations to individual political campaigns (such as to Joe Biden's campaign for President of the United States, or to local campaigns here in Oregon), but I am not donating like I have been up until this point—which has been virtually every time that I have received a political campaign donation request via email or text message—because I seriously cannot afford to donate that much for the rest of the 2024 Presidential Election cycle, as well as for the foreseeable future.

In addition to that, starting on June 16th, 2024, I have decided to adjust the amount that I donate per political organization again, so that I can donate to more political organizations and PACs (Political Action Committees) while I am still staying within my 'monthly donating budget.' Below, please find a description of my previous adjustment—which started on May 12th, 2024—to explain how I have recently adjusted the amounts that I am contributing, since I am donating to more political organizations:

...The 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per local political campaign here in Oregon (more on that below), or $4.00 per political organization, for the rest of the election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense! ...

...In addition to that, I used to donate "$5.00 per political organization"; however, starting on May 12th, 2024, I decided to adjust that amount, so that I can donate to more political organizations and PACs (Political Action Committees) while I am still staying within my 'monthly donating budget.'

Thus, as I partially explained above, for the rest of the 2024 election cycle—as well as for the foreseeable future—I have made a goal of donating $3.00 per local political campaign only here in Oregon (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.21), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; and a goal of donating $4.00 per political organization for donation requests via email or text message (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.28), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; as well as a goal of donating $5.00 per political organization, or per PAC, for donation requests via the regular mail (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.35), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis.

To sum it up, then: I am essentially keeping the same total individual campaign donation amount of $3.21, but I am only donating to local campaigns here in Oregon, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; and I am reducing the total donation amount for political organizations and PACs for email and text message donation requests to $4.28 (from $5.35), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; plus, I am reducing the total donation amount for political organizations and PACs for regular mail donation requests to $5.35 (from $7.51), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis.

Therefore, I recently used to donate "$4.00 per political organization"; however, I have decided to adjust that amount again, so that I can donate to more political organizations and PACs (Political Action Committees) while I am still staying within my 'monthly donating budget,' since I am now donating to more organizations as the 2024 Presidential Election cycle continues.

Thus, as I partially explained above, for the rest of the 2024 election cycle—as well as for the foreseeable future—I have made a goal of donating $2.00 per local political campaign only here in Oregon (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.14), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; and a goal of donating $3.00 per political organization for donation requests via email or text message (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.21), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; as well as a goal of donating $4.00 per political organization, or per PAC, for donation requests via the regular mail (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.28), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis.

To sum it up, then: I am reducing the total individual campaign donation amount to $2.14 (from $3.21) and I am still only donating to local campaigns here in Oregon, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; and I am reducing the total donation amount for political organizations and PACs for email and text message donation requests to $3.21 (from $4.28), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; plus, I am reducing the total donation amount for political organizations and PACs for regular mail donation requests to $4.28 (from $5.35), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis.

And to clarify one more thing: In the past, I used to only donate to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations—rather than to individual campaigns—since that's all I really could afford given my 'monthly spending budget,' because I am "low income." Plus, those Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations help all of the individual political campaigns with funding, which is why I used to only donate to those main organizations! And I only started donating to individual political campaigns in 2022, since I was "doing everything in my power to help Democrats win in the 2022 Midterm Elections!" Therefore, this decision to stop donating to individual political campaigns (with the exception of presidential campaigns and local campaigns, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis) is really just going back to the way that I used to make political donations.

So, without further ado...

The first political communication to which I responded yesterday, June 16th, 2024, was a text message that I received twenty three days ago on May 25th, 2024, from the Jane Fonda Climate PAC (Jane Fonda Climate Political Action Committee), which stated the following:

Did you see this? Earlier this month, the Washington Post revealed that in April, Donald Trump told oil execs he'd roll back protections and let drilling 𝗳𝗹𝘆 𝗶𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝗴𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗰𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗴𝗻 $𝟭,𝟬𝟬𝟬,𝟬𝟬𝟬,𝟬𝟬𝟬 [one billion dollars].

He then went on to attend a fundraiser in Texas hosted by some of the world's richest fossil fuel industry executives. While this kind of blatant corruption poses a grave threat to our climate progress, we have good news – climate champions across the country are stepping up to fight back. And they need our support.

JanePAC is all in to hold the disgraced former president accountable and elect candidates who will lead the way on clean energy and defeat Big Oil.

𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗽 𝗶𝗻 𝘄𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝘁𝗼 𝗵𝗲𝗹𝗽 𝘂𝘀 𝗲𝗹𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝗰𝗹𝗶𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝘆 𝘁𝗼 𝗳𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗯𝗮𝗰𝗸:***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Jane Fonda

Help Elect Climate Champions

The Jane Fonda Climate PAC is focused on electing bold climate champions who aren't afraid to take on Big Oil & defend our planet but we can't do it without your support. If you're able, please donate $5, $50, or whatever amount is right for you to help Jane PAC candidates across the country this year. →

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Jane Fonda Climate PAC.

[  ] Donate $5 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $5,000 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Jane Fonda Climate PAC (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, June 16th, 2024, since "the Washington Post revealed that in April, Donald Trump told oil execs he'd roll back protections and let drilling fly if they gave his campaign $1,000,000,000." That is why I contributed to the Jane Fonda Climate PAC because they are "focused on electing bold climate champions who aren't afraid to take on Big Oil & defend our planet."


The second political communication to which I responded yesterday, June 16th, 2024, was an email from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) that I received fifteen days ago on June 2nd, 2024, with the subject line, "Please respond immediately, Paul -", which stated the following:

Hi Paul, it's [name redacted], the Research Director here at the DSCC.

I'm reaching out because even after multiple indictments and pushing our democracy to the brink, Donald Trump is still statistically tied with Joe Biden in the polls!

We need to know that Democrats everywhere are prepared to stand against Donald Trump -- because it's going to take all of us to keep him from inflicting four more years of misery on the country.

We've launched our Official 2024 Straw Poll to make sure our grassroots team is prepared to take on Donald Trump once again, but I just checked our records and didn't see your response -- so please answer immediately:

⚫ Live Poll ⚫

Who do you support for president?


[  ] TRUMP

Thank you for your input,

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted], DSCC

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

2024 Straw Poll

This poll is closing in a matter of hours. Please respond to each question and do not share this link with others.

First, please confirm: Who do you support for president this year?

[✓] Joe Biden!
[  ] Donald Trump.

Do you agree with more than 100 historians that Donald Trump was one of the worst presidents ever?

[✓] Yes!
[  ] No.

What do you consider to be the most dangerous parts of Donald Trump's time in office? (Select all that apply.)

[✓] Lying about election fraud and refusing to concede to President Biden
[✓] Coddling dictators and undermining America's allies abroad
[✓] Putting three ultra-conservative justices onto the Supreme Court
[✓] Attempting to eliminate the Affordable Care Act
[✓] Attacking journalists as the "enemy of the people"
[✓] Ignoring critical issues like climate change and gun violence
[  ] Other:

President Biden has accomplished so much in his first term. Meanwhile, Donald Trump's four years were a DISASTER -- but polls show them statistically TIED!

How concerned are you about the possibility of Trump and his Senate allies returning to power?

[✓] Extremely concerned
[  ] Somewhat concerned
[  ] Not at all concerned

To stop Republicans from taking back power, we need every Democrat on board to help President Biden and Democrats win this year.

Are you committed to stopping far-right Republicans and helping defend President Biden's Senate majority?

[✓] Yes, count me on the team to support Democrats!
[  ] No. I don't care if Republicans retake power.

If we want to defend our Senate majority, then we MUST stay on track to hit all our fundraising targets! But right now we're falling behind our next major fundraising goal, and the deadline is midnight!

Please, we need your help to get back on track. Will you chip in $55 or more to help defend our Democratic Senate and beat Donald Trump's far-right Republican allies?

Please use the links below to start a monthly donation through ActBlue:

[  ] I'll donate $55!
[  ] I'll donate $110!
[  ] I'll donate $165!
[✓] I'll donate another amount.*

*[Blogger's Note: I selected this option—although I made a one-time donation, rather than a monthly donation—because it's an option that got me to the donation webpage!]



Donate now to SUPERCHARGE our Senate majority!

CNN says multiple GOP seats could flip blue this year — but with Mitch McConnell's megadonors already playing offense, it's going to take all hands on deck to win!

Please, will you chip in now to protect our historic progress by supercharging our Democratic majority?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit DSCC.

[  ] Donate $3 →

[  ] Donate $220 →

[  ] Donate $550 →

[  ] Donate $1,100 →

[  ] Donate $2,200 →

[  ] Donate $2,700 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DSCC (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, June 16th, 2024, in order to confirm that I support Joe Biden for President of the United States!


The third political communication to which I responded yesterday, June 16th, 2024, was an email from Ban Assault Weapons NOW PAC [Ban Assault Weapons NOW (BAWN) Political Action Committee, or BAWN PAC] that I received eleven days ago on June 6th, 2024, with the subject line, "$1", which stated, in part, the following:

One dollar.

That’s the donation we’re asking you to make before midnight. Paul -- seriously, just $1.

$1 to help [name redacted] and the Tour to Save Democracy elect gun safety champions dedicated to banning assault weapons, like the ones used in the Parkland and Pulse tragedies.

$1 to defeat cowards in vulnerable Republican districts who witness mass slaughter and refuse to take a stand against weapons of war.

$1 to stop entirely preventable mass shootings carried out at the hands of assault weapons in our schools, nightclubs, places of worship, grocery stores, and everywhere in between.

It’s probably hard to imagine that $1 has the power to do all these things. But when we all give, it adds up fast – and the more we raise, the more we can donate to the Tour to Save Democracy's trip across the country to replace every complacent Republican with a gun safety Democrat who will protect our communities.

So please, Paul: Can we count on you to chip in just $1 before midnight? If you -- and everyone reading this -- chips in $1, it would make a world of difference to ensure the Tour can make it to all 21 stops they have planned in swing districts that are critical to electing the gun safety Majority who will finally BAN assault weapons. >>

DONATE $1***

Thanks for your support,

Team Ban Assault Weapons NOW!

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


BAWN is partnering with [name redacted] as he embarks on a summer tour to save our democracy. [Name redacted] and a collective of Gen Z activists will bus across the nation stopping in Republican-held swing districts to rally young voters, flip these seats blue, and elect strong gun safety Democrats.

But [name redacted] is counting on grassroots support to fund his tour and make it possible.

Will you rush in a gift before midnight? Your contribution will directly support necessary parts of [name redacted's] tour, like gas, food, and lodging expenses.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Ban Assault Weapons NOW PAC.

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to Ban Assault Weapons NOW PAC (BAWN PAC) (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, June 16th, 2024, to show my support for "the Tour to Save Democracy's trip across the country to replace every complacent Republican with a gun safety Democrat who will protect our communities [and] to ensure the Tour can make it to all 21 stops they have planned in swing districts that are critical to electing the gun safety Majority who will finally BAN assault weapons."


The fourth political communication to which I responded yesterday, June 16th, 2024, was an email from the Democratic Attorneys General Association (DAGA) that I received eleven days ago on June 6th, 2024, with the subject line, "🏳️‍🌈❤️🏳️‍⚧️", which stated the following:

The Democratic Attorneys General Association Happy Pride Month, Paul!

This June and beyond, we honor the LBGTQ+ community and this country’s hard-fought (and still continuing!) march toward full equality. Here at DAGA, our position has always been: Love is love is love is love. ♥️

And as the People’s Lawyers, the Democratic Attorneys General will tell you: Justice is justice is justice is justice. ⚖️

There’s still so much work to be done in upholding every person’s right to be who they are, and love who they love, free of legal and institutional discrimination. And Dem AGs are dedicated to leading the way in their communities.

Paul, if you’re committed to the fight for LGBTQ+ equality in this country, chip in $5 right now to help us elect progressive Dem AGs across the country.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

[  ] CHIP IN $5 NOW
[  ] CHIP IN $10 NOW
[  ] CHIP IN $25 NOW
[  ] CHIP IN $50 NOW
[  ] CHIP IN $100 NOW

In the past ten years, we’ve seen huge progress. Marriage equality became the law of the land, workplace discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals was prohibited by the Supreme Court, and more LGBTQ+ leaders have been elected (including our very own history-making Dem AGs [name redacted] and [name redacted]!). Activists, voters, and politicians have worked hard across the country for this progress.

But progress is fragile, and LGBTQ+ rights are still very much in danger.

Trans youth are under attack nationwide, books with LGBTQ+ themes are being banned from our public schools, and Supreme Court Justice [name redacted] has named Obergefell v. Hodges, the case that legalized same-sex marriage, as one that could be overturned.

Paul, the fight for LGBTQ+ equality has come so far, but there are still people with great power and influence trying to reverse it all. This Pride Month, chip in $5 to help us defeat them and instead elect Dem AGs who will relentlessly pursue freedom and protection for LGBTQ+ individuals across the country.


Democratic AGs

[Blogger's Note: By the way, the subject line above actually had a heart hands emoji between the two flags, but it only appeared as "🏳️‍🌈🖾🏳️‍⚧️" when I went to copy and paste it! So, I decided to select a heart shape emoji in place of the heart hands emoji, since I feel that it is communicating the same feeling.]

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:



From abortion access to voting rights, Dem AGs are on the front lines, defending our democracy and protecting our communities.

Make a donation to DAGA to elect more Dem AGs in 2023, 2024, and beyond - starting right here and now.


Your contribution will benefit Democratic Attorneys General Association (DAGA) РАС.

[  ] DONATE $5 →

[  ] DONATE $10 →

[  ] DONATE $25 →

[  ] DONATE $50 →

[  ] DONATE $100 →

[  ] DONATE $250 →

[  ] DONATE $500 →

[✓] OTHER AMOUNT $3.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DAGA (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, June 16th, 2024, since "there’s still so much work to be done in upholding every person’s right to be who they are, and love who they love, free of legal and institutional discrimination." That is why I contributed to the Democratic Attorneys General Association, because "Dem AGs [Attorneys General] are dedicated to leading the way in their communities."


The fifth political communication to which I responded yesterday, June 16th, 2024, was an email from Voto Latino that I received ten days ago on June 7th, 2024, with the subject line, "How Latino swing-state voters could sway the 2024 election", which stated the following:

Dear Paul,

As we head into the key months before the 2024 election, Voto Latino conducted a large-scale poll of Latino voters in battleground states to take the most complete pulse of the electorate that is poised to decide America’s future.

I shared the headline results of this poll in USA Today this morning, and I wanted to make sure you saw that our findings completely challenge the conventional wisdom. What we saw is that there has been no meaningful “rightward shift” among Latino voters – instead, there are many who have become frustrated with the two-party system and are seriously considering a third-party vote.

The good news for Democrats: In a head-to-head matchup, Biden is leading Trump among swing-state Latinos by a robust 59% to 39%. This is within striking distance of his 2020 election results, and would mean a boost in raw vote total from Latino voters given our community’s growing share of the electorate.

However, when our survey expands the field to include third-party candidates, Biden’s support among Latino voters falls to just 47%, with Trump dipping slightly to 34% and Kennedy taking 12%.

In other words, our poll reveals a key reality for the Biden campaign: For all-important Latino swing-state voters, this will be a persuasion election – between Biden and Kennedy.

As I wrote in USA Today, the strategic imperative is clear for Voto Latino. Our polling makes it clear that Latinos continue to be repelled by Trump. Yes, we will continue to remind our community just how catastrophic his return to power would be. At the same time, we’ll be shifting our resources to ensure Latinos see Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for who he really is: no champion of social justice and no friend to working people.

We are so thankful for your continued support as we work to ensure Latinos across the country can make their voices heard in this election and beyond. If you’d like to make a donation to support our fight, please consider doing so here:***

In gratitude,

[Name redacted]

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

It's your country. Represent!


Election Day is less than six months away, and we've set the ambitious goal of registering 500.000 new young Latino voters before November. We can only do it with your support.

It costs $18 to register and $6 to mobilize one new Latino voter in a battleground state. Will you donate $24 or any amount to help our efforts today?

There's so much at stake this election our mission to engage and mobilize the Latino community is more crucial than ever.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Voto Latino.

[  ] DONATE $25 →

[  ] DONATE $100 →

[  ] DONATE $250 →

[  ] DONATE $1,000 →

[✓] OTHER AMOUNT $ 3.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to Voto Latino (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, June 16th, 2024, because, "as we head into the key months before the 2024 election, Voto Latino conducted a large-scale poll of Latino voters in battleground states to take the most complete pulse of the electorate that is poised to decide America’s future." And their "polling makes it clear that Latinos continue to be repelled by Trump." Plus, their "poll reveals a key reality for the Biden campaign: For all-important Latino swing-state voters, this will be a persuasion election – between Biden and Kennedy."


The sixth political communication to which I responded yesterday, June 16th, 2024, was an email from VoteVets that I received ten days ago on June 7th, 2024, with the subject line, "The difference", which stated the following:


On June 6th, we marked the 80th anniversary of D-Day — the beginning of the end of Nazi tyranny, and arguably the finest hour of the Greatest Generation.

President Biden honored the brave Americans who gave their lives to liberate Europe.

We’re proud that he’s our Commander in Chief, and that his speech — echoing those of past Presidents Reagan, Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Roosevelt — spoke definitively about the worth of democracy and the critical role America plays in protecting it at home and abroad.

Trump had a similar opportunity while he was president.

He did not rise to the challenge. Befriending and praising dictators is a sin we cannot abide, but somehow it’s even worse than that. During the 100th anniversary celebrations of the end of World War 1, Trump canceled an appearance at the American cemetery in France where the legendary Marines of the battle of Belleau Wood rest.

He called these 1,800 heroes “suckers” and “losers” and refused to honor their sacrifice.

We haven’t forgotten. And we will not forgive.

Help us defeat Donald Trump — once and for all.

Make a donation to VoteVets and help us build the infrastructure we need to stop Trump’s march to dictatorship and fascism in its tracks.

If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll process your contribution instantly:

[  ] RUSH $10 NOW
[  ] RUSH $25 NOW
[  ] RUSH $50 NOW
[  ] RUSH $100 NOW
[  ] RUSH $250 NOW

Thank you,

The team at VoteVets

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Chip in to support VoteVets today >>

We're the largest progressive organization fighting for the rights and lives of Veterans and Military families and we're honored to have you on the team.

Our voices matter. This is important. Pitch in today.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $5 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to VoteVets (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, June 16th, 2024, since, "on June 6th, we marked the 80th anniversary of D-Day — the beginning of the end of Nazi tyranny, and arguably the finest hour of the Greatest Generation," during which "President Biden honored the brave Americans who gave their lives to liberate Europe." And the difference is that "Trump had a similar opportunity while he was president," but "he did not rise to the challenge," because "during the 100th anniversary celebrations of the end of World War 1, Trump canceled an appearance at the American cemetery in France where the legendary Marines of the battle of Belleau Wood rest ... and refused to honor their sacrifice."


The seventh political communication to which I responded yesterday, June 16th, 2024, was a text message seven days ago on June 10th, 2024, from the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State (DASS), which stated the following:


It was Donald Trump and the GOP’s most destructive scheme of 2020.

After the results of the election were tallied and it was clear President Biden had won, ten Republicans in Wisconsin chose to ignore the will of the people.

Instead, they posed as “fake electors” for Trump. We saw the same thing happen in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico and Pennsylvania.

Thankfully, the fake electors plot got foiled, but it showed how low Donald Trump and anti-democracy extremists would go to overturn a nationwide election.

I expect them to go even lower in this year’s presidential race. That’s why I’m writing to ask if you will make a $5, $50, or even $100 donation to the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State (DASS) today.

Thank you,

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted], Wisconsin

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Democratic Association of Secretaries of State

When federal action stalls, state laws decide the future of our republic. We can't let those laws fall into the hands of partisan, conspiracy-loving GOP legislatures.

Our Democratic Secretaries protect our elections — even when Congress is deadlocked. They're the last line of defense for your rights, and they need your help this year more than ever. Rush a donation now and defend our Secretaries of State!

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit DASS PAC.

[  ] Donate $15 →

[  ] Donate $35 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DASS (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, June 16th, 2024, due to the following: "After the results of the election were tallied and it was clear President Biden had won, ten Republicans in Wisconsin chose to ignore the will of the people. Instead, they posed as 'fake electors' for Trump. We saw the same thing happen in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico and Pennsylvania. Thankfully, the fake electors plot got foiled, but it showed how low Donald Trump and anti-democracy extremists would go to overturn a nationwide election." That is why I donated to Democratic Association of Secretaries of State beacuse "our Democratic Secretaries protect our elections" and "they're the last line of defense for [our] rights."


The eighth political communication to which I responded yesterday, June 16th, 2024, was an email from the Biden for President campaign that I received two days ago on June 15th, 2024, with the subject line, "Check out this week’s Team Joe Newsletter →", which stated, in part, the following:

Biden-Harris 2024


We hope you've had a great week. From celebrating the 80th anniversary of D-Day by honoring the brave men and women who fought to protect democracy to uplifting gun violence prevention, a lot has been happening for Team Biden-Harris, and we're excited to share some of the latest updates with you!

But first, we have to be honest: Donald Trump's MAGA supporters flooded his campaign with $141 million last month. To counteract that massive haul and keep our own momentum going, we need you with us. Will you chip in $25 today to help reelect Joe and Kamala and finish the job?


We're so grateful for your support. Read on to learn more about what President Biden and Vice President Harris have been up to this week →


Last week, President Biden commemorated the 80th anniversary of D- Day by delivering a powerful speech saluting the brave American soldiers who stormed the beaches of Normandy to end Nazi occupation of France - and demonstrated to the world America's steadfast commitment to defending democracy.

As President Biden underscored in his speech, 80 years later, that commitment has never been more at risk and the threats to the ideals of democracy have never been greater. He reminded us all of our obligation to continue the ongoing fight to defend democracy, saying, "we have a special obligation. We cannot let what happened here be lost in the silence of the years to come. We must remember it, must honor it, and live it."

President Biden knows that democracy begins with each of us, and it only survives if we're willing to stand up to save it.


Earlier this week, President Biden spoke at Everytown's Gun Sense University about his commitment to fighting for a future where every American has the freedom to live in communities safe from gun violence.

President Biden told the crowd, "You can help rally a nation with a sense of urgency and seriousness of purpose. You're changing the culture. We're proving we can do more than just thoughts and prayers. You're changing politics. You're proving that you're powerful and you're relentless, and I mean that."

President Biden will continue to take on the gun lobby and fight for meaningful gun safety legislation so that every community can live without fear.


Since Day One, President Biden and Vice President Harris have advanced racial justice and asserted that Black history is American history. President Biden was proud to sign into law the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act, designate the Emmett Till and Mamie Till-Mobley National Monument, and posthumously award the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Medgar Evers. In the face of MAGA extremists' growing attacks on racial progress and attempts to rewrite history, the President and Vice President are committed to reminding us that our country is only strengthened by the breadth, complexity, and significance of African American history.

Vice President Harris has also declared Juneteenth-- June 19, 2024 as one of three National Days of Action on Voting. With a focus on voter engagement, these days aim to ensure all Americans have the information they need to vote, promote voter participation for students, protect election workers, and fight voter suppression laws.

The Biden-Harris administration will never stop fighting to recognize the full arc of our country's history -- to help us understand how the past connects us to the present and shapes our shared future.

"My dad used to have an expression -- 'It's the lucky person who gets up in the morning, puts both feet on the floor, knows what they are about to do, and thinks it still matters.' Your support matters. Your donation matters." -- Joe Biden

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Thanks for donating toward our June goal!

Protecting our fundamental rights and saving our nation's democracy all comes down to reelecting Joe Biden and Kamala Harms. They're counting on this grassroots team to keep MAGA extremism out of the White House! Rush a donation today.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Joe Biden.

[✓] Donate $3 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $46 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[  ] Donate $2,000 →

[  ] Other amount:

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Biden for President campaign (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, June 16th, 2024, in order to show my support for "this week’s Team Joe Newsletter."


The ninth political communication to which I responded yesterday, June 16th, 2024, was a text message that I received yesterday, June 16th, 2024, from the Democratic Governors Association (DGA), which stated the following:

We've asked you once.

We've asked you twice.

𝗡𝗼𝘄, 𝘄𝗲'𝗿𝗲 𝗮𝘀𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿!!

We launched an official Biden 2024 Endorsement Survey, and we don't have your response yet, Paul. With Trump leading President Biden by just one point in a new poll out this week – 50% vs. 49% – we need to know where our top grassroots supporters stand.

𝟵𝟮% 𝗼𝗳 𝗗𝗚𝗔 𝘀𝘂𝗽𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗮𝗹𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝘆 𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗼𝗿𝘀𝗲𝗱 𝗣𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗕𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗻, 𝘀𝗼 𝗽𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗹𝗼𝘀𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗼𝗿𝘀𝗲𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗻𝗼𝘄:

Will you endorse Joe Biden for a second term?

[✓] 👍 YES:***
[  ] 👎 NO:


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Democratic Governors Association


Thank you for taking action!

As a top Democrat in your area, you have been selected to complete this exclusive survey. Will you please take a moment to answer the following questions about the 2024 elections?

Please confirm: Do you endorse President Biden for a second term?

[✓] Yes
[  ] No
[  ] Unsure

How favorably do you view President Biden's leadership during his first term in office?
(1 - Not favorable, 5 - Extremely favorable)

[  ] 1
[  ] 2
[  ] 3
[  ] 4
[✓] 5

In President Biden's fight to combat the GOP's extreme agenda and move America forward, which issues do you think he should prioritize? (Select all that apply.)

[✓] Abortion rights
[✓] Voting rights
[✓] LGBTQ+ rights
[✓] Civil rights
[✓] Preserving democracy
[✓] The economy
[✓] Gun violence prevention
[  ] Other:

As Pres. Biden works to better the lives of everyday Americans, MAGA extremists threaten to pass radical legislation to take away vital freedoms.

How worried are you about the rise of MAGA extremism?
(1 - Not worried, 5 - Extremely worried)

[  ] 1
[  ] 2
[  ] 3
[  ] 4
[✓] 5

This November, there are 11 governors' races on the ballot including open governorships in battleground states like North Carolina and New Hampshire. Democratic governors are the last line of defense against the worst of the GOP's far-right agenda while also serving as crucial allies for President Biden as he works to implement his agenda across the nation.

Do you believe that grassroots activists should invest in our blue firewall of Democratic governors this year?

[✓] Yes, we absolutely should!
[  ] No, we shouldn't
[  ] I'm not sure

The 2024 elections are just around the corner and President Biden and our blue firewall candidates are counting on this team to have their backs. Will you invest $100 to help us elect Democratic governors across the country to defeat the GOP's radical right-wing agenda once and for all?

[  ] Yes, I will give $100!
[✓] No, I can't give that much.

We understand that giving at that level might be tough. But the DGA is working tirelessly to elect Democrats across the country. And with Republicans pushing an extremist agenda, we can't afford to miss any fundraising goals.

But we just pulled your supporter record, and here's what we found:

Given to DGA today? Not Yet
Suggested donation: $30.17

Electing Democrats in every state is the most critical thing we can do to stop the far right and move our country forward. But right now, we're $25,000 short of what we need to raise before our next big deadline. Please, before midnight tonight: Will you give $30.17 or whatever you can?

[✓] Yes, I'll give $3.
[  ] Yes, I'll give $30.17! (This is what most Democrats are giving.)
[  ] Yes, and I'll give more!



If we want to stop the Republicans dangerous agenda, we have to keep pace with the GOP's millions in fundraising — but right now, not enough Democrats are donating, and we're falling way short of our goal.

Closing this gop is so important that a group of donors is DOUBLING every gift up to our goal, so please don't wait: Rush your gift and get every dollar matched to elect Democratic governors!

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Democratic Action.

[  ] Donate $1 →

[  ] Donate $5 →

[  ] Donate $10 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DGA (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, June 16th, 2024, in order to respond to the question, "Will you endorse Joe Biden for a second term?" with a resounding 'YES!'


Finally, these last three political donations weren't due to communications that I received from the following organizations, but because I have donated to these organizations in previous election cycles!

The tenth organization to which I donated yesterday, June 16th, 2024, was EMILYs List based upon a popup that appeared on the website, which stated the following:

Donate to EMILYs List

Very simply, we work to elect Democratic pro-choice women to office. And we cannot do it without supporters like you.

Please donate today and help elect more women leaders like Kamala Harris, Tammy Baldwin, and Elizabeth Warren.

[  ] $25
[  ] $50
[  ] $250
[  ] $500
[  ] $1000
[  ] $2500
[  ] $4000

And, after I read the popup above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Donate to EMILYs List

Very simply, we work to elect Democratic pro-choice women to office. And we cannot do it without supporters like you.

Please donate today and help elect more women leaders like Kamala Harris, Tammy Baldwin, and Elizabeth Warren.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit EMILYs List.

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[  ] Donate $2,500 →

[  ] Donate $4,000 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to EMILYs List (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, June 16th, 2024, in order to help "elect Democratic pro-choice women to office."


The eleventh organization to which I donated yesterday, June 16th, 2024, was Rolling Sea Action Fund based upon a description that appeared on the website, which stated the following:

Unleashing the Strength of Black Voices for Lasting Political Impact

At Rolling Sea Action Fund, we believe in the power of the Black community to shape our democracy and create positive change. We are dedicated to amplifying Black voices, addressing our concerns, and ensuring our full participation in the electoral process.

And, after I read the description above, I clicked on the donation hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Support Black Democrats

We’re devoting our efforts to empower Black voters, protect our Senate Majority and flip the House from red to blue. But we need your help right now!

We’re nearly BROKE, so we need a huge wave of emergency donations to STOP the GOP's corrupted voter suppression agenda.

If you don’t give right now, we will not be able to fight back and protect President Biden's agenda in 2024. Please, rush a donation now, before it's too late >>

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Rolling Sea Action Fund.

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Rolling Sea Action Fund (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, June 16th, 2024, because they are "devoting [their] efforts to empower Black voters, protect our Senate Majority and flip the House from red to blue."


The twelfth organization to which I donated was the Voters of Tomorrow PAC (Voters of Tomorrow Political Action Committee) based upon a donation request that appeared on the website, which stated the following:


Make a contribution today to help Voters of Tomorrow build a new generation of democracy defenders.

[  ] $10
[  ] $25
[  ] $75
[  ] $100
[  ] $250
[✓] Other amount

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately.


Donate to help Voters of Tomorrow reach Gen Z voters

$186,456.06 Raised →→→→→ GOAL $500,000
MIDNIGHT DEADLINE! >> updated at 7:50 PM

In 2022, young voters proved yet again that we are a political force to be reckoned with. Voters of Tomorrow played a major role in harnessing that power. As The Financial Times said, the group "worked to boost turnout among 18-to 29-year-olds and may have saved the election."

But we have to keep this momentum going. Voters of Tomorrow is continuing to ramp up its outreach and voter education efforts. Unlike many other organizations, we are meeting Gen Z where they are by providing valuable content in the same platforms they already spend time in.

With your contribution, Voters of Tomorrow will be able to reach even more young voters and guide them away from dangerous misinformation pushed by people looking to disenfranchise them.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Voters of Tomorrow Action.

[  ] Donate $10 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $3.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[  ] Leave no tip

[✓] Add custom amount $0.21 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Voters of Tomorrow PAC (Voters of Tomorrow Action) (with a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, June 16th, 2024, in order to "help Voters of Tomorrow build a new generation of democracy defenders."

Thus, these four organizations—the DSCC, the DAGA, the DASS, as well as the DGA—in addition to this one campaign—Biden for President—plus, these six Political Action Committees (PACs)—Jane Fonda Climate PAC, Ban Assault Weapons NOW PAC, VoteVets, EMILYs List, Rolling Sea Action Fund, as well as Voters of Tomorrow PAC—as well as this one civic engagement organization—Voto Latino—are the political organizations, the political campaign, as well as the PACs and civic engagement organization that I donated to on June 16th, 2024! –Paul Whiting (written June 17th, 2024, revised June 18th, 2024 and revised June 28th, 2024)


June 17th, 2024 Update No. 1: [CONTENT WARNING: THIS UPDATE CONTAINS DISCUSSIONS ABOUT GUN VIOLENCE WHICH MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!] I received an email from March For Our Lives (MFOL) today, June 17th, 2024, with the subject line, "Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church", which stated the following:


Content warning: This email reflects on the events at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina on June 17, 2015. If this is too much to read, we understand. Take care of yourself and skip the rest of this email. Here are some mental health resources that you may find helpful.


Nine years ago today, a gunman walked into the historically Black church Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina.

Despite being a total stranger, the parishioners invited him to join their Bible study. When they bent their heads to pray, he opened fire, killing nine people, injuring one, and forever altering the entire community.

The open arms and kindness of these worshipers were taken advantage of in a heinous act of terror and hate.

Racism runs deep within this country, and this shooting is only one example of how Black liberation and gun violence prevention are intimately connected.

Hate crimes like this happen due to a national climate of racism, bigotry, and anti-blackness. They become deadly because of systemic failures from loose gun laws.

More people are killed by extremists using firearms than any other weapon, and despite declining rates of violence overall, hate crimes have continued to increase. Of the hate crimes reported between 2020 and 2022, over half targeted Black people.

To stop these deadly acts of racism, we must continue to make gun safety legislation a priority.

In honor of the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church community and all those taken nine years ago today, we will continue advocating for change until all people, regardless of race or religion, can live freely without the fear of gun violence.

In solidarity,

March For Our Lives HQ

Today and every day we honor the lives lost at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church on June 17, 2015.

[Name redacted], 41

[Name redacted], 54

[Name redacted], 74

[Name redacted], 49

[Name redacted], 70

[Name redacted], 59

[Name redacted], 45

[Name redacted], 87

[Name redacted], 26

And so, I wanted to share this email from March For Our Lives (MFOL) because, "in honor of the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church community and all those taken nine years ago today, [March For Our Lives] will continue advocating for change until all people, regardless of race or religion, can live freely without the fear of gun violence." –Paul Whiting (June 17th, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, I used to make one-time donations to the organization that is the subject of these 'updates' each time that I took an action as requested by that organization; however, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am greatly reducing the number of times that I donate for the same organization per month down to once—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis." (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.) Thus, because I have already donated to March For Our Lives (MFOL) on June 7th, 2024 (please see my 'June 7th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses June 5th, 2024' that can be found above) that is the one-time donation which I made to MFOL for June 2024.


June 19th, 2024 Update No. 1: In observance of Juneteenth, I sent letters to my U.S. House Representative and Senators in Congress urging them to pass the Abolition Amendment (S.J.Res.33/H.J.Res.72), after I did a search on Google for "ACLU Close The Slavery Loophole" and I found a corresponding action on the ACLU website titled, "CONGRESS: END FORCED LABOR IN PRISONS," which can be found below:

Congress: End Forced Labor in Prisons

Despite the fact that many are taught that the 13th Amendment abolished slavery and involuntary servitude more than 150 years ago, forced, unpaid labor still persists to this day in our country – due in large part to the "exception clause" of the 13th Amendment. This egregious loophole barred slavery except for people who have been convicted of crimes – which has resulted in the forced labor of incarcerated workers across the country and encouraged the continued overcriminalization of Black and Brown people for centuries.

But there’s legislation that could end the "exception clause" once and for all – and we must demand our lawmakers take action on it. So please send a message to Congress and tell them to pass the Abolition Amendment immediately.

Message Recipients: Your U.S. House Representative and Senators


Subject: Pass the Abolition Amendment (S.J.Res.33/H.J.Res.72)

As your constituent, I urge you to support passage of the Abolition Amendment (S.J.Res.33/H.J.Res.72) – which would end slavery and involuntary servitude in all its forms — including forced labor in prisons.

The "exception clause" to the 13th Amendment barred slavery except for people who have been convicted of crimes. This loophole disproportionately encouraged the criminalization and re-enslavement of Black people during the Jim Crow era, gave rise to Black Codes, convict leasing, and chain gangs. Its harm persists today in the form of forced labor, poverty wages, and reliance on mass incarceration that disproportionately impacts people of color.

Put simply: The "exception clause" has allowed for millions of incarcerated workers over the years to be exploited, underpaid, and excluded from workplace safety protection laws – and it has enabled human rights abuses and systemic racism to go on for centuries.

In the land of the free, forced labor is never acceptable. So please, take action immediately to end the exception – and pass the Abolition Amendment.


[First Name] [Last Name]


Salutation (required by some officials): Mr.
First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
E-mail address: [redacted]
Address: [redacted]
Address Line 2: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Zip Code: [redacted]
Phone: [redacted]

And, after I sent the letter above, I received a confirmation email today, June 19th, 2024, from the ACLU with the subject line, "One more thing - can you spread the word?", which stated the following:

Hi Paul,

Thank you for taking action to defend the rights of incarcerated workers across the country.

Help us build our power: Share the action by forwarding the email below to your friends, or by sharing this link:

Thank you,

The ACLU Team


Hi friend,

Despite many of us being taught that slavery and involuntary servitude was abolished more than 150 years ago, forced labor still persists in our country.

The “exception clause” in the 13th Amendment states slavery is barred except for people who have been convicted of crimes. And as a result, millions of incarcerated workers – disproportionately Black and Brown people – have been exploited, underpaid, and excluded from workplace safety protection laws over the years.

Forced prison labor is unconscionable: Our federal lawmakers can bring it to an end now by passing the Abolition Amendment.

I just sent a message to Congress telling them to do exactly that. Will you join me?


Besides that, I also read an excellent article on the ACLU website—that is from June 17, 2021—which is titled, "What Juneteenth Means to Me." A copy of the full article can be found below:

"What Juneteenth Means to Me" from the ACLU of DC

By Natacia Knapper, Senior Organizer | June 17, 2021

On the surface, Juneteenth - also known as Freedom Day - marks the end of slavery in the United States. On, June 19, 1865, military troops went to Galveston, Texas to free the last of the enslaved Black people in the United States. Although the Emancipation Proclamation declared all enslaved people free two years prior, this reality was kept from a number of areas in the South. Many places, like Galveston, continued to hold and work slaves until troops arrived in the state and read the orders announcing the enslaved people’s freedom.

But that’s just the textbook definition (acknowledging the fact that the history of Juneteenth is often left out of our textbooks). For many years, Juneteenth has been a holiday for the Black community in the South, particularly in Texas. While I grew up in Southern California, I was lucky enough to still celebrate Juneteenth throughout my life, thanks to having an extended family based in Louisiana. Even though I was living in San Diego, my dad made sure to fly us out there for most, if not every Juneteenth, during much of my childhood.

I remember always complaining when I would arrive, suffering through that damp swampy heat, desperate to find any source of cool relief in my great aunt Celia’s big, old, un-air-conditioned house. Also, forcing me into a traditional gender role, Aunty Cee would almost immediately put me to work – going with her to the store, helping her clean and prep the kitchen, making calls to my aunts and cousins to find out what they’d be bringing to the family cookout. However, my frustration and discomfort always seemed to go out the window when the celebration began – a celebration that often began on Juneteenth but would continue for at least a couple of days.

There was usually a crawfish boil, sausage on the grill, tables upon tables of freshly cut watermelon, and endless bottles and pitchers of strawberry soda and homemade strawberry lemonade – an amazing and delicious assortment – but the food was just one part of these gatherings. We played music, we danced, and we’d tell stories. The kids would play games (and sometimes the adults too) and my more extroverted cousins and other kids in the neighborhood would put on little plays. Most importantly, however, Aunty C would have us give affirmations to each other – little notes that we’d write out and give to each other, affirmations about how beautiful it is to be Black. We shared affirmations about our hair, our art, our loudness, our quiet strength, our recipes, our accomplishments (even if the accomplishment was simply surviving in a world that doesn’t want us to). I would sometimes tuck myself into a corner somewhere with a comic book and a soda when things were getting too rowdy, but I loved my family’s Juneteenth celebration because it was rooted in Black joy.

Yes, the day in 1865 is about emancipation and the end of slavery. But Juneteenth, the holiday, is so much more than that.

As I have watched Juneteenth expand beyond the South, especially over the last 10 years or so, I have been so grateful to see how it’s been embraced by the Black community throughout the country. The struggle is real – and the struggle is not removed from the holiday – but what I have always appreciated is that it’s not centered on what we have endured, but on our capacity to love ourselves and each other through it all.

Media loves to capitalize on Black trauma and it’s easy to focus on the ongoing uphill battles Black people have had to climb in the United States – and continue to climb – but at the core the purpose of Juneteenth is to uplift our community. Togetherness and radical love. This is our moment to say, “We’re still here. And we love being Black.” And as a kid, during my Aunty’s parties, the tender talks with my elders, and the shared elation you can only experience with people who understand what we are managing to survive.... that’s when I felt our resilience the most.

Juneteenth isn’t steeped in trauma. It doesn’t ignore our history; it simply allows us the space we deserve to love on each other as Black people.

D.C. has embraced Juneteenth so deeply and so fully that the holiday typically lasts a week – between various community events on Juneteenth’s history, teach-ins on abolition and reparations, happy hours and the day of being filled with so many different celebrations to choose from. This Juneteenth, whether you’re new to the holiday or not, find a list of ways to join in on the joy and learning by visiting Palm Collective’s events page.

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

And, after I sent letters to my U.S. House Representative and Senators in Congress, via the ACLU website, as well as after I read the article above, I also made a donation to the ACLU in order to show my support for passing the Abolition Amendment in celebration of "The Land of the Free," because slavery is just plain wrong. –Paul Whiting (June 19th, 2024)


For my "June 19th, 2024 Update No. 2"—since this 'update' is a part of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs. An introduction to the 'update' can be found below:

June 19th, 2024 Update No. 2 ('Update' Numbering Sequence Originally From My Blog Post Titled, "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was," Which Is On My "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Blog): In observance of Juneteenth, I made a donation to the USO (United Service Organizations) today, June 19th, 2024. And I made this donation to the USO based upon an email that I received today, with the subject line, "Honoring Black service members this Juneteenth", which stated the following:


Black service members have been overcoming unimaginable barriers to serve since the very first battle of the American Revolution. This Juneteenth, we’re honored to highlight the stories of some of the incredible individuals who went above and beyond in service of our nation.

[Drawing of American Revolution minuteman]

Even before our country was founded, and long before slavery was abolished, enslaved soldier Peter Salem fought in the American Revolution with the minutemen — a small, handpicked, elite force in the colonial militia. Though he proudly served in the first battle of the war at Lexington and Concord, he had to later fight for his freedom to earn the right to continue serving after enslaved people were barred from the militia.

[Photo of Daniel “Chappie” James Jr. in front of fighter plane]

After growing up during segregation, Daniel “Chappie” James Jr. became a pilot and instructor for the famed Tuskegee Airmen during World War II — the first Black pilots of the U.S. Air Corps. He went on to fly combat missions during the Korean War and the Vietnam War as a fighter pilot.

As a highly decorated hero in three wars, James received the Defense Distinguished Service Medal, two Air Force Distinguished Service Medals, two Legions of Merit, three Distinguished Flying Crosses, a Meritorious Service Medal and 14 Air Medals. After returning from Vietnam, he served as commander in chief of the North American Air Defense Command (NORAD) and became the first Black four-star general in the history of our Armed Forces.

In 2021, after more than 40 years of service in the Army, retired Gen. Lloyd Austin was confirmed by the U.S. Senate to become the first African American secretary of defense of the United States. Today, Black service members continue to protect and defend our country in every branch and at every level, making up about 20% of our active-duty military. Sgt. Michael Wolkeba is one of them, and last year, he was named USO Soldier of the Year for his bravery and actions in a moment of crisis.

[Sgt. Michael Wolkeba speaking in front of USO banner]

While driving home one day, Michael encountered a collision between a motor home and a commercial vehicle. The commercial vehicle had pierced the motor home, trapping an injured elderly couple inside. With no regard for his own safety, Michael climbed through a shattered window and low crawled through the debris and shattered glass to reach the injured woman, who was suffering from a massive leg injury and having trouble breathing. As a trained Army Combat Medic, Michael provided critical emergency medical treatment, ultimately saving the woman’s life.

This Juneteenth, we’re proud to honor and celebrate the Black military heroes throughout our history and actively serving today. Today and always, thank you for standing with us as we support the people serving in America’s military.


—The USO

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

Thus, this donation is my way of "honoring Black service members this Juneteenth." And also I made this one-time donation on the website in order to support the USO's following statement: "Our service members keep our nation safe. And we wurk hard to keep them connected to home but we can't do that we thout support from matary supporters like you. Our troops are counting on you to be a part of this important work for our country. So please, donate now."

In addition to that, I already make a recurring monthly donation to the USO in order to show my support for our U.S. Military Personnel! You see, I usually make one-time donations to the USO each month—as often as I can manage when they request a donation via email or text message. Therefore, I am planning to continue making one-time donations to the USO in the future, as often as I can manage to make donations, in addition to making the aforementioned recurring monthly donation. ...

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post, within which you can do a find-in-page search for the 'update' labeled, "June 19th, 2024 Update No. 2":


June 20th, 2024 Update No. 1: Did you know that World Refugee Day is yearly (annually) on June 20th?

Neither did I! That is, until last year (2023), when I heard about World Refugee Day from a Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières video advertisement on YouTube!

And I wrote an 'update' labeled, 'June 20th, 2023 Update' regarding that YouTube advertisement from Doctors Without Borders, a copy of which can be found below from my blog post titled, "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" that is on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog. Plus, this copy of the aforementioned 'update' is also from my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity" that is on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs:


June 20th, 2023 Update: Did you know that World Refugee Day is yearly (annually) on June 20th?

Neither did I! That is, until I was on YouTube watching a video titled, "Disney's New Amsterdam Theatre: A Broadway Icon (Access Granted)," when I saw an advertisement from Doctors Without Borders USA in the form of a YouTube video.

By the way, I tried to find this video on YouTube—as I have done with other 'updates' such as this one where I am highlighting a fundraising ad—but, I was unable to locate this video on the Doctors Without Borders USA channel; however, the description from the donation page states the following:

MATCH: Make a lifesaving gift this World Refugee Day

100 million people have been forcibly displaced—many of them refugees. Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières is providing lifesaving care wherever it’s needed most in more than 70 countries around the world—and we rely on the support of individual donors like you to power our vital work.

Give now before midnight on World Refugee Day, June 20, and your generosity will be MATCHED, dollar for dollar.

All gifts given, up to $500,000, will be doubled through 11:59 p.m. EST on World Refugee Day (June 20). Every dollar you give will be matched with $1. Gifts received after the match has been met will not be matched but will be used where needed most.

Thus, after I watched the video above, I made a one-time donation to Doctors Without Borders USA in order to do my part to "make a lifesaving gift this World Refugee Day," because "Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières is providing lifesaving care wherever it’s needed most in more than 70 countries around the world", since "100 million people have been forcibly displaced—many of them refugees." That is why I gave "before midnight on World Refugee Day, June 20, [so that my] generosity [would] be MATCHED, dollar for dollar."

By the way, here is an article from the United Nations regarding World Refugee Day:

"World Refugee Day | 20 June" from the United Nations

Refugees represent the very best of the human spirit. They need and deserve support and solidarity — not closed borders and pushbacks.

— UN Secretary-General António Guterres

2023 Theme: Hope Away from Home

World Refugee Day is an international day designated by the United Nations to honour refugees around the globe. It falls each year on June 20 and celebrates the strength and courage of people who have been forced to flee their home country to escape conflict or persecution. World Refugee Day is an occasion to build empathy and understanding for their plight and to recognize their resilience in rebuilding their lives.


Every minute 20 people leave everything behind to escape war, persecution or terror. There are several types of forcibly displaced persons:


A refugee is someone who fled his or her home and country owing to “a well-founded fear of persecution because of his/her race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion”, according to the United Nations 1951 Refugee Convention. Many refugees are in exile to escape the effects of natural or human-made disasters.

Asylum Seekers

Asylum seekers say they are refugees and have fled their homes as refugees do, but their claim to refugee status is not yet definitively evaluated in the country to which they fled.

Internally Displaced Persons

Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) are people who have not crossed an international border but have moved to a different region than the one they call home within their own country.

Stateless Persons

Stateless persons do not have a recognized nationality and do not belong to any country.

Statelessness situations are usually caused by discrimination against certain groups. Their lack of identification — a citizenship certificate — can exclude them from access to important government services, including health care, education or employment.


Returnees are former refugees who return to their own countries or regions of origin after time in exile. Returnees need continuous support and reintegration assistance to ensure that they can rebuild their lives at home.

UN Action

1951 Refugee Convention and its 1967 Protocol

Refugees are among the most vulnerable people in the world. The 1951 Refugee Convention and its 1967 Protocol help protect them. They are the only global legal instruments explicitly covering the most important aspects of a refugee’s life. According to their provisions, refugees deserve, as a minimum, the same standards of treatment enjoyed by other foreign nationals in a given country and, in many cases, the same treatment as nationals.

The 1951 Convention contains a number of rights and also highlights the obligations of refugees towards their host country. The cornerstone of the 1951 Convention is the principle of non-refoulement. According to this principle, a refugee should not be returned to a country where he or she faces serious threats to his or her life or freedom. This protection may not be claimed by refugees who are reasonably regarded as a danger to the security of the country, or having been convicted of a particularly serious crime, are considered a danger to the community.

The rights contained in the 1951 Convention include:

[✓] The right not to be expelled, except under certain, strictly defined conditions;
[✓] The right not to be punished for illegal entry into the territory of a contracting State;
[✓] The right to work;
[✓] The right to housing;
[✓] The right to education;
[✓] The right to public relief and assistance;
[✓] The right to freedom of religion;
[✓] The right to access the courts;
[✓] The right to freedom of movement within the territory;
[✓] The right to be issued identity and travel documents.

Some basic rights, including the right to be protected from refoulement, apply to all refugees. A refugee becomes entitled to other rights the longer they remain in the host country, which is based on the recognition that the longer they remain as refugees, the more rights they need.

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

–Paul Whiting (June 20th, 2023)


Therefore, I decided to write this 'update' as a way to highlight that June 20th is World Refugee Day!

So, in observance of World Refugee Day, I did a Google search for "World Refugee Day 2024" and found the following search results for Doctors Without Borders:

Doctors Without Borders

3X Match for World Refugee Day - World Refugee Day 2024

Doctors Without Borders — Make a donation now for World Refugee Day and help people seeking safety in 70+ countries. For over 50 years we have been providing food, water, and healthcare around the globe. ...

And, after I read the search results above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Make a gift in honor of World Refugee Day.

People often can’t access medical care because of who they are or where they live. For more than 50 years, Doctors Without Borders has been boldly meeting this challenge by bringing medical care to people who need it—no matter their race, religion, politics, or gender.

With the generous support of our donors, we can provide medical care without borders.

Right now, all gifts given, up to $500,000, will be tripled thanks to a generous matching grant from Worthington & Margaret Mayo-Smith—but only until midnight on June 21. Hurry! Make your 3X MATCHED gift today.


All gifts given, up to $500,000, will be tripled through midnight on June 21. Gifts received after the match has been met will not be matched but will be used where needed most.


Increase the impact of your gift. Make it monthly.

Please select your tax-deductible gift amount below*

[  ] $1,000
[  ] $500
[  ] $250
[  ] $100
[  ] $50
[✓] Other $5.00
Minimum payment $5.00.

Your Information

Title: Mr.
First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
E-mall address: [redacted]
Phone Number: [redacted]

Billing Information

Billing Address: [redacted]
Country: [redacted]
ZIP/Postal Code: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State/Province: [redacted]

DONATE $5.00

And so, I made a one-time donation to Doctors Without Borders USA in order to contribute "now for World Refugee Day and help people seeking safety in 70+ countries," since "for over 50 years [Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières has] been providing food, water, and healthcare around the globe." That is why I donated, because "all gifts given, up to $500,000, will be tripled thanks to a generous matching grant ... but only until midnight on June 21."

In addition to that, I found the following "World Refugee Day 2024" Google search results for USA for UNHCR:


World Refugee Day

On World Refugee Day, held every year on June 20, we commemorate the strength, courage and perseverance of millions of refugees.

And, after I read the search results above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

World Refugee Day

On World Refugee Day, held every year on June 20, we commemorate the strength, courage and perseverance of millions of refugees.

What is World Refugee Day?

World Refugee Day was first celebrated on June 20, 2001 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. On World Refugee Day, we celebrate refugees' contributions and seek to build empathy and understanding for their plight and their resilience to build a bright future.

World Refugee Day 2024

Hope away from home – a world where refugees are always included

By the end of 2023, more than 114 million people were forcibly displaced globally — a record number propelled by the war in Ukraine and other conflicts around the world. For millions of refugees who are forcibly displaced each year due to conflict, violence and persecution, fleeing is the first step in a long and difficult journey to finding safety.

With a record number of people forced to flee their homes, the international community must work together to give refugees more hope and more opportunities while they are away from home. The most effective way to support refugees is by including them in the communities where they have found safety — this means ensuring they can apply for jobs, enroll in schools and access services like housing and healthcare. Inclusion paves the way for long-term solutions for refugees and displaced people, allowing them to thrive in a new country or preparing them for a safe return to their home countries.

On World Refugee Day, let’s commit to including refugees in our schools, workplaces, healthcare systems and beyond. Use the hashtags #WorldRefugeeDay, #WithRefugees and #RefugeeDay on social media to honor refugees and displaced people by amplifying their voices and experiences.


Your Compassion Can Help Refugees

More than 110 million people worldwide have been forced from their homes to escape war, violence and persecution. So many are now facing additional crises like drought and looming famine. They need shelter, comfort and safety — your compassion is needed now more than ever. These families need your love and support as they rebuild their homes and hold on to their dreams of a brighter future.

These families are resilient, but can’t survive on resilience alone — resources are stretched thin, and more help is needed. Your compassionate support helps keep UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, on the ground, providing emergency shelter and lifesaving aid including food, medicine and clean water. You can stand with families from Yemen to Ukraine and from Ethiopia to Afghanistan — wherever families forced to flee are in need of help. With your kind gift, you’ll provide the relief that comes in knowing they are not alone.

Please don’t hesitate. Every second counts, any amount helps and your kindness truly makes a difference.

Please act now to ensure refugees are safe and cared for.

[✓] USA for UNHCR is a non-profit 501(c)(3)
[✓] Gifts are 100% tax-deductible
[✓] All donations are processed securely
[✓] As a donor, you’ll receive updates on how your gift helps families like these
[✓] Any amount you give can help ease the suffering of those in urgent need

Donation Amount

$120 can provide six refugee children with school supplies so they can make their dreams a reality.

[  ] $1000
[  ] $240
[  ] $120 ← Many people are giving at the $120 level right now.
[  ] $60
Other Amount $5.00

Billing Information

First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Email: [redacted]
Mobile Phone: [redacted]
Street Address (Including apt #): [redacted]
Zip Code: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]


And so, I made a one-time donation to USA for UNHCR since, "on World Refugee Day, held every year on June 20, [USA for UNHCR commemorates] the strength, courage and perseverance of millions of refugees." That is why I contributed, because "on World Refugee Day, let’s commit to including refugees in our schools, workplaces, healthcare systems and beyond" in order to help create "hope away from home – a world where refugees are always included."

By the way, here is an article from the United Nations regarding World Refugee Day:

"World Refugee Day | 20 June" from the United Nations

Refugees need global solidarity and the ability to rebuild their lives in dignity.

— UN Secretary-General António Guterres

2024 Theme: For a World Where Refugees Are Welcomed

Refugees need our solidarity now more than ever. Solidarity means keeping our doors open, celebrating their strengths and achievements, and reflecting on the challenges they face.

Solidarity with people forced to flee also means finding solutions to their plight – ending conflicts so they can return home in safety, ensuring they have opportunities to thrive in the communities that have welcomed them, and providing countries with the resources they need to include and support refugees.


World Refugee Day is an international day designated by the United Nations to honour refugees around the globe. It falls each year on June 20 and celebrates the strength and courage of people who have been forced to flee their home country to escape conflict or persecution. World Refugee Day is an occasion to build empathy and understanding for their plight and to recognize their resilience in rebuilding their lives.

Every minute 20 people leave everything behind to escape war, persecution or terror. There are several types of forcibly displaced persons:


A refugee is someone who fled his or her home and country owing to “a well-founded fear of persecution because of his/her race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion”, according to the United Nations 1951 Refugee Convention. Many refugees are in exile to escape the effects of natural or human-made disasters.

Asylum Seekers

Asylum seekers say they are refugees and have fled their homes as refugees do, but their claim to refugee status is not yet definitively evaluated in the country to which they fled.

Internally Displaced Persons

Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) are people who have not crossed an international border but have moved to a different region than the one they call home within their own country.

Stateless Persons

Stateless persons do not have a recognized nationality and do not belong to any country.

Statelessness situations are usually caused by discrimination against certain groups. Their lack of identification — a citizenship certificate — can exclude them from access to important government services, including health care, education or employment.


Returnees are former refugees who return to their own countries or regions of origin after time in exile. Returnees need continuous support and reintegration assistance to ensure that they can rebuild their lives at home.

UN Action

1951 Refugee Convention and its 1967 Protocol

Refugees are among the most vulnerable people in the world. The 1951 Refugee Convention and its 1967 Protocol help protect them. They are the only global legal instruments explicitly covering the most important aspects of a refugee’s life. According to their provisions, refugees deserve, as a minimum, the same standards of treatment enjoyed by other foreign nationals in a given country and, in many cases, the same treatment as nationals.

The 1951 Convention contains a number of rights and also highlights the obligations of refugees towards their host country. The cornerstone of the 1951 Convention is the principle of non-refoulement. According to this principle, a refugee should not be returned to a country where he or she faces serious threats to his or her life or freedom. This protection may not be claimed by refugees who are reasonably regarded as a danger to the security of the country, or having been convicted of a particularly serious crime, are considered a danger to the community.

The rights contained in the 1951 Convention include:

[✓] The right not to be expelled, except under certain, strictly defined conditions;
[✓] The right not to be punished for illegal entry into the territory of a contracting State;
[✓] The right to work;
[✓] The right to housing;
[✓] The right to education;
[✓] The right to public relief and assistance;
[✓] The right to freedom of religion;
[✓] The right to access the courts;
[✓] The right to freedom of movement within the territory;
[✓] The right to be issued identity and travel documents.

Some basic rights, including the right to be protected from refoulement, apply to all refugees. A refugee becomes entitled to other rights the longer they remain in the host country, which is based on the recognition that the longer they remain as refugees, the more rights they need.

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

–Paul Whiting (written June 20th, 2024 and revised June 21st, 2024)


June 20th, 2024 Update No. 2: I have combined every political campaign, or political organization, donation request per day (made via email or text message) into one 'update' for each day that I donate, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign donations, or political organization donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual campaign political donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

(By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political donation requests, which is why I don't include them with these email or text message requests.)

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $2.00 donation per local political campaign here in Oregon (more on that below), or $3.00 per political organization, for the rest of the election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

Besides that, as of March 21st, 2024, I am no longer donating to individual political campaigns for the foreseeable future (with the exception of local campaigns here in Oregon), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis (please see my 'March 21st, 2024 Update No. 2,' which can be found above), as I have explained below:

...Alright, I have a big announcement to make: I am no longer donating to individual political campaigns for the foreseeable future—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis!

And I have made this decision based upon how much these individual political campaign donations are costing in my 'monthly donating budget'—even though I am only donating $3.00 with a $0.21 tip to ActBlue—since I totally changed the way that I approach how I calculate what I am spending on my credit card each month, starting in 2024! So now, I take the total amount that I have available in my monthly budget for my minimum payment on my credit card—as well as my extra payment—and I calculate how much I am reducing that amount each time that I charge on my credit card.

That way, I am very aware of the amount by which I am reducing my total available credit card payments for the month (the minimum payment and the extra payment) in order to, hopefully, pay more on my credit card than I am spending! Plus, I am also utilizing some funds from my budgeted expenses, as well as some funds from my savings, to make sure that I am paying a little more than I am spending while—at the same time—I am also trying to spend less on my credit card.

Therefore, at the start of 2024, I calculated that I could still make ONE $3.00 donation per political campaign for the entire election cycle. And that means after I have made that one donation per campaign—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I have only donated once per campaign, which is what I have been doing so far!

However, it's still more than I can afford given my 'monthly donating budget,' which is why I have decided to stop donating to individual political campaigns entirely—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And so, I will still be making some donations to individual political campaigns (such as to Joe Biden's campaign for President of the United States, or to local campaigns here in Oregon), but I am not donating like I have been up until this point—which has been virtually every time that I have received a political campaign donation request via email or text message—because I seriously cannot afford to donate that much for the rest of the 2024 Presidential Election cycle, as well as for the foreseeable future.

In addition to that, starting on June 16th, 2024, I have decided to adjust the amount that I donate per political organization again, so that I can donate to more political organizations and PACs (Political Action Committees) while I am still staying within my 'monthly donating budget.' Below, please find a description of my previous adjustment—which started on May 12th, 2024—to explain how I have recently adjusted the amounts that I am contributing, since I am donating to more political organizations:

...The 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per local political campaign here in Oregon (more on that below), or $4.00 per political organization, for the rest of the election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense! ...

...In addition to that, I used to donate "$5.00 per political organization"; however, starting on May 12th, 2024, I decided to adjust that amount, so that I can donate to more political organizations and PACs (Political Action Committees) while I am still staying within my 'monthly donating budget.'

Thus, as I partially explained above, for the rest of the 2024 election cycle—as well as for the foreseeable future—I have made a goal of donating $3.00 per local political campaign only here in Oregon (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.21), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; and a goal of donating $4.00 per political organization for donation requests via email or text message (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.28), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; as well as a goal of donating $5.00 per political organization, or per PAC, for donation requests via the regular mail (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.35), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis.

To sum it up, then: I am essentially keeping the same total individual campaign donation amount of $3.21, but I am only donating to local campaigns here in Oregon, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; and I am reducing the total donation amount for political organizations and PACs for email and text message donation requests to $4.28 (from $5.35), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; plus, I am reducing the total donation amount for political organizations and PACs for regular mail donation requests to $5.35 (from $7.51), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis.

Therefore, I recently used to donate "$4.00 per political organization"; however, I have decided to adjust that amount again, so that I can donate to more political organizations and PACs (Political Action Committees) while I am still staying within my 'monthly donating budget,' since I am now donating to more organizations as the 2024 Presidential Election cycle continues.

Thus, as I partially explained above, for the rest of the 2024 election cycle—as well as for the foreseeable future—I have made a goal of donating $2.00 per local political campaign only here in Oregon (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.14), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; and a goal of donating $3.00 per political organization for donation requests via email or text message (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.21), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; as well as a goal of donating $4.00 per political organization, or per PAC, for donation requests via the regular mail (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.28), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis.

To sum it up, then: I am reducing the total individual campaign donation amount to $2.14 (from $3.21) and I am still only donating to local campaigns here in Oregon, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; and I am reducing the total donation amount for political organizations and PACs for email and text message donation requests to $3.21 (from $4.28), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; plus, I am reducing the total donation amount for political organizations and PACs for regular mail donation requests to $4.28 (from $5.35), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis.

And to clarify one more thing: In the past, I used to only donate to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations—rather than to individual campaigns—since that's all I really could afford given my 'monthly spending budget,' because I am "low income." Plus, those Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations help all of the individual political campaigns with funding, which is why I used to only donate to those main organizations! And I only started donating to individual political campaigns in 2022, since I was "doing everything in my power to help Democrats win in the 2022 Midterm Elections!" Therefore, this decision to stop donating to individual political campaigns (with the exception of presidential campaigns and local campaigns, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis) is really just going back to the way that I used to make political donations.

So, without further ado...

The only political communication to which I responded was a text message today, June 20th, 2024, from the Four Directions Native Vote (Four Directions), which stated the following:

Hi, Paul! Our names are [name redacted] and [name redacted], Rosebud Sioux Tribal members and Co-Founders of Four Directions – the only National Native Vote organization based on an Indian Reservation.

In Lakota culture, the Four Directions represent the circle of life we participate in to better ourselves and our communities. We protect our communities by going to the polls to vote.

Native Americans face unique obstacles to voting from a lack of polling sites to bad phone and internet services. They’re also targeted by cynical voter suppression tactics like removing ballot boxes and hiring only non-Native election workers.

But we’ve proven with the right investments, we can dramatically close the Native voter turnout gap. This year especially, closing that gap could have massive implications.

In November, the Senate Majority runs through Indian Country. From Montana to Arizona to Nevada to Wisconsin, the Native vote has the power to swing elections. In Montana alone, there are over 60,000 eligible Native American voters in a state that could be decided by less than 10,000 votes.

With so much at stake, we’re planning our biggest voter outreach program ever to mobilize Native voters across the country.

Your donation today will help us turn out Native American voters in Indian Country - voters that will decide the Senate Majority.

So can you chip in now to turn out Native voters this November?***

Mitakuye Oyasin (We are all related)

– [Name redacted] and [Name redacted]

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Chip in now to turn out Native voters this November!

In Lakota culture, the Four Directions represent the circle of life we participate in to better ourselves and our communities. We protect our communities by going to the polls to vote.

Native Americans face unique obstacles to voting from a lack of polling sites to bad phone and internet services. They're also targeted by cynical voter suppression tactics like removing ballot boxes and hiring only non-Native election workers.

With so much at stake this November, we're planning our biggest voter outreach program ever to mobilize Native voters across the country. Your donation today will help us turn out Native American voters in Indian Country - voters that will decide the Senate Majority.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Four Directions-RFA.

[  ] Donate $10 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[✓] Other amount $5.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[✓] Leave no tip [I pressed this button by mistake!*]

[  ] Add custom amount

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Four Directions Native Vote (Four Directions) (with a tip to ActBlue) because, "in November, the Senate Majority runs through Indian Country," since "from Montana to Arizona to Nevada to Wisconsin, the Native vote has the power to swing elections." That is why "[my] donation today will help [Four Directions] turn out Native American voters in Indian Country - voters that will decide the Senate Majority."

*P.S.: I usually leave an $0.35 (7%) tip to ActBlue for my typical $5.00 donations to political campaigns; however, I accidentally pressed the "Leave no tip" button, rather than pressing the "Add custom amount" button—like I usually do—with this donation! So, in order to compensate for my mistake, I went to the ActBlue website and made a $1.00 contribution directly to ActBlue:

Donate to ActBlue

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit ActBlue.

[  ] Donate $5 →

[  ] Donate $10 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[✓] Other amount $1.00

Thus, this one organization—Four Directions Native Vote (Four Directions)—is the political organization that I donated to today! –Paul Whiting (written June 20th, 2024 and revised June 21st, 2024)


June 20th, 2024 Update No. 3: I received an email from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) today, June 20th, 2024, with the subject line, "We can't slow down – not during Pride month, not ever", which stated the following:


With so much on the line in 2024, we can't afford to slow down now – not during Pride Month, not ever. Especially not when trans youth are under attack nationwide.

Here's what trans kids are facing today:

• Restrictive laws preventing access to gender-affirming care

• Bathroom bans forcing trans kids to use bathrooms they don't feel safe or comfortable in

• Discriminatory legislation stopping trans students from participating in school activities like sports

• Censorship of in-school discussions of LGBTQ people and issues

That's why we're launching a special campaign to raise $30,000 to help fund the ACLU's work defending LGBTQ rights and all our civil liberties – and a generous donor is matching every gift up until our deadline at midnight tomorrow.

Can we count on you to amplify your impact right now by making a monthly donation to the ACLU? Your first monthly gift will be doubled to protect trans youth and LGBTQ people across the nation.


Paul, these discriminatory policies keep trans students from having an inclusive and safe learning environment – and disproportionately harm Black youth and youth of color. One parent in Virginia put it best:

"The school board and their policies provide a real barrier for our child to be included at school. Our child wasn't allowed to use the appropriate restroom. It's been difficult to get him referred to by the appropriate name… There's lots of other things to attend to to make a trans kid's day at school as dignified as possible – names, pronouns, activities, gendered activities, gendered instruction, even dress codes that are gendered. All of that stuff impacts trans kids."

Yet despite facing these endless attacks on their identities and their very personhood, trans people continue to lead the charge so they – and all of us – can live fully as themselves. We cannot and will not let them fight alone, Paul.

Through advocacy, litigation, and lobbying, we're ready to fight alongside LGBTQ leaders and take on all of these challenges and win – from local school boards to statehouses and beyond. The ACLU has been a leader in the fight for LGBTQ rights for decades – and we're not stopping now.

But we need your support to ensure we can keep doing what we do best without having to scale back our efforts.

So please, don't wait to make this 2X impact when it's needed most: Will you rush a matched monthly donation now to help us hit our $30,000 goal to protect LGBTQ people and all our rights before our deadline tomorrow?

Thank you for your commitment to fighting for trans kids and all LGBTQ people,

The ACLU Team


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And—rather than making a monthly donation—I made a one-time donation to the ACLU, since "[the ACLU] can't slow down – not during Pride month, not ever," because "through advocacy, litigation, and lobbying, [they're] ready to fight alongside LGBTQ leaders and take on all of these challenges and win – from local school boards to statehouses and beyond." That is why "the ACLU has been a leader in the fight for LGBTQ rights for decades – and [they're] not stopping now." –Paul Whiting (written June 20th, 2024 and revised June 21st, 2024)


June 20th, 2024 Update No. 4, Which Also Discusses June 12th, 2024, June 14th, 2024, June 16th, 2024 And June 18th, 2024, As Well As June 8th, 2024 Through June 11th, 2024: This 'update' that I am writing today, June 20th, 2024, is combined from my news searches on Google, which I do as often as I can manage—as well as from my occasional reading of The New York Times articles, USA Today articles and Time Magazine articles that I received via email—for the total time period of June 8th, 2024 through June 20th, 2024.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

So, because I have been so busy lately with "Online Activism," and also with the editing of my five blogs, I have just been reading the titles of The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles that I receive from their daily emails. Then, I will occasionally read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those emails that I highlight in these 'updates.'

That is why I recently signed up to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe in order for me to stay informed about what's happening in the world. And I was formerly writing separate 'updates' for each of the news articles that I read from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles; however, after I restarted writing these news 'updates' from my news searches on Google (which I stopped doing for a while), I also decided to restart writing the 'updates' from the above-mentioned news organizations to which I subscribe, but as a combined 'update.'

Thus, I am checking the news through Google searches again, like used to do, as often as I can manage it. You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, I am now simply checking the news via Google searches as often as I can manage to do so. And, I usually check what's happening in the world via various Google searches that I do under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Google news searches.

So, without further ado, I was doing my occasional news searches on Google for the time period of June 12th, 2024 through June 20th, 2024, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the articles; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink; however, I think that all of those hyperlinks to current news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these current news 'updates' by first providing the original Google search category through which I found each article, as listed above, like I usually do. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.]

Then, I am providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the publisher's name and the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too!

And for certain articles, I will include a few introductory paragraphs as a way to give more of a complete explanation to the meaning of the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of these articles, which may also take the form of a kind of 'overview,' so to speak, by selecting particular paragraphs that I feel highlight the most important parts of these articles in order to summarize the meaning of the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline'). I hope that makes sense!


June 14th, 2024 search:

01. CNN WATCH: Trump supporters say America is a republic, not a democracy

CNN's Donie O'Sullivan explores why many MAGA Republicans are claiming that America is a republic, not a democracy.

[No author(s) name(s) indicated] | [No publishing date indicated]

By the way, the 'article' above is actually a video, which is why I didn't include the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date.


June 14th, 2024 search:

02. NBC News

The American Legion weighs in on upside-down American flags

The American Legion said flags should be flown upside down only if there is “extreme danger to life or property.”

By Megan Lebowitz | June 13, 2024


June 20th, 2024 search:

03. CBS News

Trump is proposing a 10% tariff. Economists say that amounts to a $1,700 tax on Americans.

By Aimee Picchi | Updated on: June 20, 2024 / 1:13 PM EDT

Former President Donald Trump is pledging to supercharge one of his signature trade policies — tariffs — if he's re-elected this November, by imposing 10% across-the-board levies on all products imported into the U.S. from overseas. The idea, he has said, is to protect American jobs as well as raise more revenue to offset an extension of his 2017 tax cuts.

But that proposal would likely backfire, effectively acting as a tax on U.S. consumers, economists spanning the political spectrum say. If the tariffs are enacted — with Trump also proposing a levy of 60% or more on Chinese imports — a typical middle-class household in the U.S. would face an estimated $1,700 a year in additional costs, according to the non-partisan Peterson Institute for International Economics.

Meanwhile, the left-leaning Center on American Progress has also crunched the numbers and projects roughly $1,500 per year in extra costs for the typical household. The reason, according to experts: Companies in the U.S. that import goods from abroad typically pass the cost of tariffs onto American consumers; relatedly, domestic manufacturers then often raise their own prices.

Who would pay the price?

The biggest impact of higher import tariffs would likely fall on low- and middle-income consumers because they spend a larger share of their income on goods and services than wealthier Americans, according to Kimberly Clausing and Mary Lovely of the Peterson Institute.

"If you are an economist, you know right away that tariffs are taxes. If you put a tariff on imported goods, it means they become more expensive" and competitors can raise their prices, Clausing told CBS MoneyWatch.

Trump is selling "snake oil," added Lovely. "It's really on steroids, and you have to speak a little louder and say, 'This is really going to affect you'."

The bottom line, both Clausing and Lovely said, is that Trump's tariff proposals would likely boost consumer prices, a concern after two years of surging inflation. The typical American household would feel the biggest pinch through materials and goods bought by U.S. companies, such as lumber for construction, and which would be passed onto them through $610 in additional annual costs, the Center on American Progress analysis estimated.

Middle-class households would also pay $220 more a year for cars and other vehicles, $120 more for gas and other oil products, and $90 a year in additional food costs, according to the policy analysis firm.

Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung didn't respond to requests for comment. ...


June 20th, 2024 search:

04. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos

It's not just vibes. Americans' perception of the economy has completely changed.

The pandemic upended the factors that used to predict consumer sentiment.

By Mary Radcliffe, Monica Potts, and Kaleigh Rogers | June 18, 2024

There's a question journalists, economists and President Joe Biden's campaign have been puzzling over for months: Why, when every traditional indicator is positive, are Americans so displeased with the economy?

According to the most recent jobs report, job growth is steady, unemployment remains low and wages are rising. The gross domestic product, a common measure of the health of the economy, has been growing since the second quarter of 2020. Even inflation, which in 2022 reached the highest levels Americans had seen in decades, has finally been cooling.

And yet, consumer sentiment is pessimistic. In June 2022, the University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index reached the lowest level ever recorded since tracking began in 1966 — lower even than during the Great Recession of 2008. No matter how you slice it, there's a gap between how the economy is doing and how Americans feel about it.

Or is there? We wanted to understand the factors at play in Americans' perception of the economy and why, despite strong fundamentals, people still aren't feeling good about it. And we wondered if maybe it's not that people are wrong about how the economy is doing, but that they simply care about different issues in the wake of the upheaval following the COVID-19 pandemic.

To piece this together, we downloaded a collection of economic indicators related to people's experiences of the economy from the St. Louis Federal Reserve — specifically, indicators relating to inflation, interest rates, work and wages, housing, and basic household finances. We then fitted a linear regression model using those indicators to look at how they were related to the University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index from 1987 to 2019 (basically, the "Before Times").

This model tracks the Consumer Sentiment Index over that time period pretty closely. Consumer sentiment as a trendline can be a bit spiky, as big news or economic shocks (such as the collapse of the housing market in 2008) can have dramatic effects that fade fairly quickly as the economy stabilizes. But other than these spikes, our model is fairly consistent at tracking the trends over the 32-year period preceding the pandemic.

Applying the same pre-pandemic model to consumer sentiment during and after the pandemic, however, simply does not work. The indicators that correlated with people's feelings about the economy before 2020 no longer seem to matter in the same way. As with so many areas of American life, the pandemic has changed virtually everything about how people think about the economy and the issues that concern them.

Before the pandemic, a number of variables were statistically significant indicators for consumer sentiment in our model; in particular, the most salient variables appear to be vehicle sales, gas prices, median household income, the federal funds effective rate, personal savings and household expenditures (excluding food and energy). And some of these indicators have seen dramatic changes over the past four years, likely contributing to the disconnect between the positive economic news and Americans' continued economic pessimism. ...

Personal savings rate

Prior to the pandemic, our model shows consumers felt better about the economy when the personal savings rate, a measure of how much money households are able to save rather than spend each month, was higher. This makes sense: People feel better when they have money in the bank and are able to save for important purchases like cars and houses. ...

... Inflation

Another big piece of the puzzle is inflation. Before the pandemic, changes in the inflation rate weren't statistically significant in our model (though we do see a negative relationship between consumer sentiment and personal consumption expenditures). But during and after the pandemic, Americans saw some of the highest rates of inflation the country has had in decades, and in a very short period of time. These sudden spikes naturally shocked many people who had been blissfully enjoying slow, steady price growth their entire adult lives. And it has taken a while for that shock to wear off, even as inflation has crept closer to typical levels. ...

... Housing

The cost of housing, whether buying or renting, is one of the biggest items on most household budgets. But surprisingly, our pre-pandemic model didn't find a notable relationship between housing prices and consumer sentiment. We also looked at the direct correlation between housing prices and consumer sentiment and didn't see a meaningful relationship there either. However, in our post-pandemic data, when we examined how correlated consumer sentiment was with each indicator we considered, consumer sentiment and median housing prices had the strongest correlation of all (a negative one, meaning higher prices were associated with lower consumer sentiment). ...

... Vehicle sales

One other factor we wanted to investigate was car sales. In our pre-pandemic model, total vehicle sales had a strong positive relationship with consumer sentiment: If people were buying cars, you could pretty reasonably bet that they felt good about the economy. This feels intuitive — who buys a car if they think the economy is in the toilet? But during and after the pandemic, a lot seemed to change in the industry. ....

... Changes in the kinds of purchases we've discussed — homes, cars and everyday items like groceries — have fundamentally shifted the way Americans view how affordable their lives are and how they measure their quality of life. And even as real wages catch up to inflation and the job market and stock market remain strong, there are still genuine challenges facing consumers that aren't isolated to just one or two indicators. Even though some indicators may be improving, Americans are simply weighing the factors differently than they used to, and that gives folks more than enough reason to have the economic blues. ...


June 12th, 2024 search:

05. CNN

Hunter Biden conviction shatters Trump’s persecution narrative

By Stephen Collinson, CNN | Updated 8:19 AM EDT, Wed June 12, 2024

(CNN) — An unprecedented two weeks of legal drama that yielded historic convictions of a former president and a sitting president’s son have also produced a clear political takeaway.

The survival of the rule of law in America and untainted justice may depend on the choice voters make in November.

The country’s divergent possible paths under President Joe Biden or presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump were highlighted in the way both men, their families and their political operations reacted to the twin trials and verdicts.

Biden made no effort to interfere in the prosecution of his son Hunter with either his executive authority or with the media megaphone of his office. He allowed his own Justice Department to secure a guilty verdict Tuesday that could result in jail time for the recovering addict and hurt his own 2024 campaign. “I will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as Hunter considers an appeal,” the president said after the jury found his son guilty of lying on a federal background check form and possessing a gun while addicted to, or using, illegal drugs. He has already said he won’t pardon his son. In his first reaction to the verdict, Hunter Biden didn’t attack the judge or prosecutors, simply saying he was grateful for the love and support of his family and blessed to be clean again.

The Bidens’ comportment contrasted with Trump’s reaction to his own trial and conviction nearly two weeks ago in his hush money case. The ex-president lashed out at witnesses, prosecutors, jurors and the judge. He claimed that “this was done by (the) Biden administration in order to wound or hurt a political opponent.” He blasted “a rigged decision,” despite the fact the Justice Department was not involved in the case brought by the Manhattan district attorney. Since then, Trump has been warning he’d use presidential powers to punish his political opponents and bend the legal system to his will.

“Sometimes revenge can be justified,” Trump told TV psychologist Phil McGraw last week. “I have to be honest. You know, sometimes it can.” The former president told Fox News last week, “I would have every right to go after them,” referring to the Bidens.

Two Trump claims discredited by Hunter Biden verdict

Throughout his trial in Manhattan, his former hometown, Trump, insisted he couldn’t get a fair verdict in a city that votes mostly Democratic. But Delaware is a blue state — and a jury there just convicted the president’s son. One juror told CNN Tuesday that politics never came up in the deliberations. Jurors in Trump’s trial have yet to speak, perhaps because of fears they could be identified following the ex-president’s intimidation tactics.

Had Biden been acquitted, Republicans would surely have argued that a biased jury in a state where everyone seems to know the first family had proven their point. But the guilty verdict blew another of their political arguments out of the water.

Joe Biden came to office pledging to restore the independence of the Justice Department following Trump’s repeated efforts to employ its legal and investigative powers almost as a personal law firm during his term. But the former president has left no doubt that he’d do the same and more if he wins back the White House in November and would ignore the DOJ’s core mission statement of enforcing the law with “independence and Impartiality.” Trump has already vowed to prosecute Biden and his family and to “obliterate” what he calls the “Deep State.” Several outside groups have drawn up plans to help him.

The Hunter Biden verdict also contradicted the central rationale of Trump’s multiple legal defenses in his four criminal cases, several civil matters and his entire presidential campaign. This is the false notion that he is a victim of a weaponized legal system by a Justice Department that exclusively targets Republicans. ...


June 16th, 2024 search:

06. The New York Times
(I am a subscriber to The New York Times 'Basic Access' Digital Subscription.)

If Trump Wins

By Charlie Savage, Jonathan Swan, and Maggie Haberman | Updated June 16, 2024

Donald Trump and his closest allies are preparing a radical reshaping of American government if he regains the White House. Here are some of his plans for cracking down on immigration, directing the Justice Department to prosecute his adversaries, increasing presidential power, upending America’s economic policies, retreating militarily from Europe and unilaterally deploying troops to Democratic-run cities.

Crack down on illegal immigration to an extreme degree Mr. Trump is planning a massive expansion of his first-term crackdown on immigration if he returns to power in 2025. Among other things, he would:

1. Carry out mass deportations

Mr. Trump’s top immigration adviser, Stephen Miller, said that a second Trump administration would seek a tenfold increase in the volume of deportations — to more than a million per year.

2. Increase the number of agents for ICE raids

He plans to reassign federal agents and the National Guard to immigration control. He would also enable the use of federal troops to apprehend migrants.

3. Build camps to detain immigrants

The Trump team plans to use military funds to build “vast holding facilities” to detain immigrants while their deportation cases progress.

4. Push for other countries to take would-be asylum seekers from the United States

He plans to revive “safe third country” agreements with Central American countries and expand them to Africa and elsewhere. The aim is to send people seeking asylum to other countries.

5. Once again ban entry into the United States by people from certain Muslim-majority nations

He plans to suspend the nation’s refugee program and once again bar visitors from mostly Muslim countries, reinstating a version of the travel ban that President Biden revoked in 2021.

6. Try to end “birthright citizenship”

His administration would declare that children born to undocumented parents were not entitled to citizenship and would cease issuing documents like Social Security cards and passports to them.

Use the Justice Department to prosecute his adversaries

Mr. Trump has declared that he would use the powers of the presidency to seek vengeance on his perceived foes. His allies have developed a legal rationale to erase the Justice Department’s independence from the president. Mr. Trump has suggested that he would:

1. Direct a criminal investigation into Mr. Biden and his family

As president, Mr. Trump pressed the Justice Department to investigate his foes. If re-elected, he has vowed to appoint a special prosecutor “to go after” Mr. Biden and his family.

2. Have foes indicted for challenging him politically

He has cited the precedent of his own indictments to declare that if he became president again and someone challenged him politically, he could say, “Go down and indict them.”

3. Target journalists for prosecution

Kash Patel, a Trump confidant, has threatened to target journalists for prosecution if Mr. Trump returns to power. The campaign later distanced Mr. Trump from the remarks.

Increase presidential power

Mr. Trump and his associates have a broad goal to alter the balance of power by increasing the president’s authority over every part of the federal government that currently operates independently of the White House. Mr. Trump has said that he will:

1. Bring independent agencies under presidential control

Congress has set up various regulatory agencies to operate independently from the White House. Mr. Trump has vowed to bring them under presidential control, setting up a potential court fight.

2. Revive the practice of “impounding” funds

He has vowed to return to a system under which the president has the power to refuse to spend money that Congress has appropriated for programs the president doesn’t like.

3. Strip employment protections from tens of thousands of longtime civil servants

During Mr. Trump’s presidency, he issued an executive order making it easier to fire career officials and replace them with loyalists. Mr. Biden rescinded it, but Mr. Trump has said that he would reissue it in a second term.

4. Purge officials from intelligence agencies, law enforcement, the State Department and the Pentagon

Mr. Trump has disparaged the career work force at agencies involved in national security and foreign policy as an evil “deep state” he intends to destroy.

5. Appoint lawyers who would bless his agenda as lawful

Politically appointed lawyers in the first Trump administration sometimes raised objections to White House proposals. Several of his closest advisers are now vetting lawyers seen as more likely to embrace aggressive legal theories about the scope of his power.

Upend trade and other economic policies

At the risk of disrupting the economy in hopes of transforming it, Mr. Trump plans to impose new tariffs on most goods manufactured abroad. Economists say his broader agenda – including on trade, deportations and taxes – could cause prices to rise. He has said that he will:

1. Impose a “universal baseline tariff,” a new tax on most imported goods

Mr. Trump has said that he plans to impose a tariff on most goods made overseas, floating a figure of 10 percent for a new import tax. On top of raising prices for consumers, such a policy would risk a global trade war that hurts American exporters.

2. Implement steep new trade restrictions on China

He has said that he will “phase out all Chinese imports” of electronics and other essential goods, and impose new rules to stop U.S. companies from making investments in China. The two countries are the largest economies in the world and exchange hundreds of billions of dollars of goods each year.

3. Slash rules imposed on business interests

He has vowed to revive his deregulatory agenda and go further in curbing the so-called administrative state – agencies that issue rules for corporations such as limits aimed at keeping the air and water clean and ensuring that food, drugs, cars and consumer products safe, but that can cut into business profits.

4. Extend and expand tax cuts

Mr. Trump has said he would extend the tax cuts from his 2017 tax law that are set to expire, including for all levels of personal income and for large estates. He also privately told business leaders he wants to further lower the corporate tax rate.

Retreat from military engagement with Europe

Mr. Trump has long made clear that he sees NATO, the country’s most important military alliance, not as a force multiplier with allies but as a drain on American resources by freeloaders. He has said he will:

1. Potentially undercut NATO or withdraw the United States from the alliance

While in office, he threatened to withdraw from NATO. On his campaign website, he says he plans to fundamentally re-evaluate NATO’s purpose, fueling anxiety that he could gut or end the alliance.

2. Settle the Russia-Ukraine war “in 24 hours”

He has claimed that he would end the war in Ukraine in a day. He has not said how, but he has suggested that he would have made a deal to prevent the war by letting Russia simply take Ukrainian lands.

Use military force in Mexico and on American soil

Mr. Trump has been more clear about his plans for using U.S. military force closer to home. He has said that he would:

1. Declare war on drug cartels in Mexico

He has released a plan to fight Mexican drug cartels with military force. It would violate international law if the United States used armed forces on Mexico’s soil without its consent.

2. Use federal troops at the border

While it’s generally illegal to use the military for domestic law enforcement, the Insurrection Act creates an exception. The Trump team would invoke it to use soldiers as immigration agents.

3. Use federal troops in Democratic-controlled cities

He came close to unleashing the active-duty military on racial justice protests that sometimes descended into riots in 2020 and remains attracted to the idea. Next time, he has said, he will unilaterally send federal forces to bring order to Democratic-run cities.


June 20th, 2024 search:

07. USA Today

Trump's agenda if he wins 2024 election, from energy to education

By Victor Hagan | June 18, 2024

Former President Donald Trump plans to deport millions of migrants, reshape global trade with expensive tariffs and fill the government with loyalists if he wins a second four-year White House term in the November presidential election.

From revamping education to an “America-first government,” the former commander-in-chief is pledging to kick-start the following programs and policies once back in office.


Trump has mentioned the idea of 10 percent and higher tariffs on all goods imported into the country, claiming it will eliminate trade deficits. He also wants to implement a four-year plan to ensure the U.S. “no longer needs to rely on China for essential medical and national security goods” and prohibit Chinese ownership of any critical infrastructure in the U.S.


The former president plans to boost domestic energy production, lower fuel costs, eliminate the Green New Deal, and allow drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, fossil fuels accounted for 81% of US energy production in 2022.


If elected in November, the Republican president plans to reinstate first-term immigration policies, including limiting asylum access at the U.S.-Mexico border, eliminating automatic citizenship for those born to immigrant parents in the U.S., deputize the National Guard and local law enforcement to “rapidly removing illegal alien gang members and criminals” while implementing a merit-based immigration system. ...


Trump said he would remove “Biden’s radical left ideology out of our military and rehire every patriot who was unjustly fired” and “standing in the world and American leadership abroad.” He also plans to cut federal funding for schools and programs that promote ideals considered to be on the radical left agenda, including critical race theory, gender ideology, weaponizing civics education, and transgender athletes competing in the gender division they identify with.

Project 2025, created by The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank in Washington, D.C., also plans on eliminating the U.S. Department of Education. ...


June 12th, 2024 search:

08. The New Republic

Watch: Local Sinclair Anchors Read Same Shady Script on Biden's Age

Local news anchors across the country are reading from the exact same script on Joe Biden.

By Hafiz Rashid | June 11, 2024

Local television news broadcasters are airing suspiciously similar attacks on Joe Biden’s mental acuity and how it will affect the coming election—and it appears to be part of a coordinated effort.

The Sinclair Broadcast Group owns or operates 185 local television stations across the country, and dozens of their stations aired a segment from national correspondent Matthew Galka citing a Wall Street Journal article that makes dubious attacks on Biden’s age and mental awareness. The stations that aired the segment introduced it using startlingly similar, if not identical language, the Popular Information and Public Notice newsletters reported.

It’s not the first time Sinclair, owned by right-wing businessman David D. Smith, has appeared to be running a conservative propaganda campaign. Infamously in 2018, dozens of the company’s TV stations were caught airing an identical editorial about the dangers of biased and false news. This time around, the Rupert Murdoch-owned Wall Street Journal, as well as Murdoch’s cable news stations Fox News and Fox Business, have gotten in on the act. ...

By the way, I also watched the 'X' (formerly Twitter) video mentioned in the article above that is titled, "Check out this video showing local Sinclair anchors reading from the same script." Please see the hyperlink below for the video on, which is about six minutes long, just to let you know:


June 14th, 2024 search:

09. CNN

Biden and Zelensky lay out new US support for Ukraine

By Maureen Chowdhury, Michael Williams, Elise Hammond and Kyle Feldscher | Updated 9:47 PM ET, Thu June 13, 2024

What you need to know

▪ US President Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky spoke Thursday after signing a bilateral security agreement on the sidelines of the G7 summit in Italy. "We're going to stand by Ukraine," Biden said, vowing lasting support for the country's defense now and in the future.

▪ The deal lays out a path for the US’ long-term security relationship with Kyiv but could also be undone by future US administrations, according to multiple people familiar with its details.

▪ Support for Ukraine has been a key topic of the meetings so far. After lengthy and complicated negotiations, G7 leaders have agreed to loan Ukraine money backed by profits from frozen Russian investments, according to a senior US official.

▪ The summit comes after a congressional fight over additional US funding for Ukraine — something Biden personally has apologized to Zelensky for — and as the president's 2024 rival Donald Trump is in Washington, DC, meeting with GOP allies.


June 14th, 2024 search:

10. ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos

Biden, Zelenskyy sign new 10-year security agreement

Biden vowed to support Ukraine "until they prevail this war."

ByJustin Gomez and Molly Nagle | June 13, 2024

President Joe Biden touted on Thursday several new major U.S. commitments for Ukraine that were announced this week, including a 10-year bilateral security agreement, sanctions to disrupt Russia's war machine, and a sign-off from the G7 on a $50 billion loan backed by frozen Russian assets.

Biden, in during a press conference in Italy with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, said the collective efforts by the G7 show that Russian President Vladimir Putin "cannot wait us out, he cannot divide us, and we'll be with Ukraine until they prevail this war."

On the bilateral agreement, Biden said the goal is to "strengthen Ukraine's credible defense and deterrence capabilities for the long term."

He reiterated his position that American troops will not fight in Ukraine, but the United States would provide them with weapons.

Zelenskyy called it a "historic day" after signing the "strongest agreement between Ukraine and the U.S. since our independence."


June 16th, 2024 search:

11. CBS News

Biden raises $30 million at Hollywood fundraiser featuring Obama, campaign says

By Aaron Navarro | Updated on: June 16, 2024 / 10:49 AM EDT


June 18th, 2024 search:

12. AP News

FACT FOCUS: Biden's pause as he left a star-studded LA fundraiser becomes a target for opponents

By Melissa Goldin | Updated 10:33 AM PDT, June 18, 2024

Video from a star-studded fundraiser in Los Angeles for President Joe Biden on Saturday is circulating on social media with claims that he froze up onstage as he exited the event.

“Biden froze again last night and had to get escorted out by Obama,” reads one post on X that had received approximately 22,000 likes and 5,600 shares as of Monday. “Is this normal?”

Members of his campaign and administration say the Democratic president stopped to take in cheers and applause as he left a sit-down with former President Barack Obama and comedian Jimmy Kimmel that helped raise more than $30 million for his reelection campaign. A spokesperson for Kimmel echoed this view.

The video is the most recent in a series of clips taken at public events, some of them edited, that are being used to suggest Biden is mentally and physically unfit for office.

Here’s a closer look at the facts.

CLAIM: Biden froze onstage during his fundraiser in Los Angeles on Saturday night and had to be led away by Obama.

THE FACTS: Biden paused amid cheers and applause as he exited the stage with his predecessor following an interview moderated by late-night host Kimmel.

Former President Donald Trump shared a video on his social media platform Truth Social that showed a grainy version of Biden stopping and looking out into the audience as he departed. “Is this really who you want to be your president?” Trump asked in the post.

Separate footage from the event provided to The Associated Press by Biden campaign spokesperson James Singer shows the president waving, pointing, clapping and giving the thumbs-up to the audience alongside Obama while Kimmel waits off to the side. Biden then stands still for about seven seconds looking out at the crowd. He starts moving again when Obama briefly takes his arm and puts his hand on his back as the pair walks offstage.

White House spokesperson Andrew Bates described the moment as “the President taking in an applauding crowd for a few seconds.” Singer attributed the negative characterizations as a distraction tactic from those who “are so scared of losing to Joe Biden, they’ll make anything up to distract from the fact that their candidate for president, Donald Trump, has been convicted of 34 felonies, found liable for sexual assault, committed financial fraud, and only cares about himself.”

In response to a question at a press briefing on Monday about videos that have been edited to make Biden appear frail or confused, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre called such footage “cheap fakes video” that are “done in bad faith.” She added that they demonstrate “everything that we need to know about how desperate, how desperate Republicans are here.”

A source who helped organize, and attended, the fundraiser told the AP that there was nothing noteworthy about this moment and that Obama wanted to be “chummy” by walking offstage with Biden.

Lewis Kay, a spokesperson for Kimmel, called the claims spreading online “nonsense.”

“Attendees in the front were shouting at him, and President Biden was trying to hear them,” he wrote in an email to the AP. “It’s as simple as that.” ...


June 18th, 2024 search:

13. CNN

‘This did not happen’: White House denies claims Biden froze at fundraiser event

The White House has denied GOP allegations that President Biden froze during a star-studded Los Angeles fundraiser. CNN's Arlette Saenz reports.

[No author(s) name(s) indicated] [No publishing date indicated]

By the way, the 'article' above is actually a video, which is why I didn't include the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date.


June 12th, 2024 search:

14. Newsweek

Joe Biden Favored to Beat Donald Trump in 538 Election Forecast

By Ewan Palmer | Jun 11, 2024


June 16th, 2024 search:

15. CNN

Biden delivers stark warnings about potential second Trump term at star-studded fundraiser

By Arlette Saenz | Updated 11:03 AM EDT, Sun June 16, 2024


June 16th, 2024 search:

16. NBC News

Biden G7 video: conservative media uses misleading camera angle

A different angle, captured by NBC News, shows that President Joe Biden was walking to give a thumbs-up to parachuters who had just landed in a demonstration.

By David Ingram | June 14, 2024


June 16th, 2024 search:

17. USA Today
(I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

Biden was giving thumbs up to skydivers, not wandering in viral G7 video

By Kinsey Crowley | June 14, 2024


June 16th, 2024 search:

18. CNN

Right-wing media outlets use deceptively cropped video to misleadingly claim Biden wandered off at G7 summit

By Michael Williams and Samantha Waldenberg | June 14, 2024


June 16th, 2024 search:

19. The Guardian

Trump gets name of his doctor wrong as he challenges Biden to cognitive test

Gaffe came as 78-year-old Republican presidential candidate sought to bolster his support among Black and Latino voters in Michigan

By Ed Pilkington | 16 Jun 2024

Donald Trump has made a point in recent months of deriding his rival Joe Biden as being cognitively impaired, mocking the 81-year-old US president for his verbal stumbles and accusing him of falling both up and down stairs.

But people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

On Saturday night Trump, who turned 78 on Friday, returned to the theme during a speech in Detroit, Michigan to the rightwing group, Turning Point Action. He sarcastically quipped that Biden “doesn’t even know what the word ‘inflation’ means”, and challenged his rival in the 2024 election to take a cognitive test just as he had done when he was in the White House.

Trump told his audience that he had “aced” the cognitive test following advice from the then presidential physician, a Republican member of Congress whom he named as Ronny Johnson. “Has anyone heard of Ronny Johnson, congressman from Texas?” he asked the crowd.

“He was the White House doctor, and he said I was the healthiest president, he feels, in history. So I liked him very much.”

The Ronny Johnson who administered Trump’s test was in fact Ronny Jackson, who represents Texas’s 13th congressional district. Jackson has been one of Trump’s most loyal advocates since entering the US House in 2021.

Trump’s Saturday night gaffe was instantly shared on social media. One of the most gleeful postings came from Biden’s rapid response team. ...


June 16th, 2024 search:

20. NPR

Trump challenges Biden to cognitive test, but confuses name of doctor who tested him

[No author(s) name(s) indicated] | JUNE 16, 2024

WASHINGTON — Donald Trump on Saturday night suggested President Joe Biden “should have to take a cognitive test," only to confuse who administered the test to him in the next sentence.

The former president and presumptive Republican nominee referred to Texas Republican Rep. Ronny Jackson, who was the White House physician for part of his presidency, as "Ronny Johnson.” The moment came as Trump was questioning Biden's mental acuity, something he often does on the campaign trail and social media.

“He doesn’t even know what the word ‘inflation’ means. I think he should take a cognitive test like I did," the former president said of Biden during a speech at a convention of Turning Point Action in Detroit. ...

... Trump, who turned 78 on Friday, has made questioning whether the 81-year-old Biden is up for a second term a centerpiece of his campaign. But online critics quickly seized on his Saturday night gaffe, with the Biden campaign — which has long fought off criticism about the Democratic president's verbal missteps — posting a clip of the moment minutes later. ...

... During the same speech in Detroit, Trump also referenced a video clip widely circulated online in Republican circles where Biden is seen during the recently concluded Group of Seven summit in Italy watching skydivers land with flags from different nations.

A cropped version of the video shows Biden stepping away from the leaders, turning his back and walking in the other direction. He flashes a thumbs-up but it's not clear who he is gesturing to. A more complete angle of the same scene, however, shows that the president had turned to face a skydiver who has landed.

Trump nonetheless seized on the video clip, falsely describing Biden turning around "to look at trees," drawing laughter and hoots from the crowd.

The Biden campaign issued a statement dismissing the clip as misleadingly cropped and accusing those disseminating it as “tampering with the video to make up lies.”


June 18th, 2024 search:

21. NBC News

Republican senator blocks ban on bump stocks for guns brought by Democrats

Sen. Martin Heinrich, D-N.M., sought unanimous consent to pass the BUMP Act, but Sen. Pete Ricketts, R-Neb., objected for the GOP, effectively blocking the legislation.

By Sahil Kapur and Frank Thorp V | June 18, 2024

WASHINGTON — Senate Democrats sought to pass legislation Tuesday banning bump stocks for firearms after the Supreme Court overruled a previous ban, but a single Republican objected on behalf of his party, effectively stalling the bill.

Backed by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Sen. Martin Heinrich, D-N.M., sought “unanimous consent” to pass his BUMP Act that would prohibit the devices, which modify semi-automatic weapons to fire bullets more quickly.

The New Mexico senator said he’s a firearm owner who sees no purpose for bump stocks other than to facilitate mass shootings, as in Las Vegas in 2017, when a gunman killed dozens of people at a music festival and more than 500 people were injured.

“The Las Vegas gunman was able to murder and injure so many so quickly because he used a deadly device known as a bump stock,” Heinrich said on the Senate floor. “There’s no legitimate use for a bump stock. Not for self-defense, not in a law enforcement context, not even in military applications as they’re less accurate than a standard fully automatic military platform. But what they are tailor-made for is a mass shooting.”

But the bill was met with an objection from Sen. Pete Ricketts, R-Neb., blocking it from moving forward. The objection was backed by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and many other Republican senators, marking a turnaround after many of them championed a bump stock ban imposed by the Trump administration after the Las Vegas massacre. ...


June 18th, 2024 search:

22. CBS News

GOP senator blocks Democratic bill to ban bump stocks after Supreme Court ruling

By Caitlin Yilek | Updated on: June 18, 2024

Washington — A Republican senator blocked a Democratic-led attempt to pass legislation Tuesday that would have restored a Trump-era ban on bump stocks, an accessory that enables semi-automatic weapons to shoot at a very rapid pace, after last week's Supreme Court decision striking down the ban.

Sen. Martin Heinrich, a New Mexico Democrat, requested that his bill banning bump stocks be brought up for a vote under unanimous consent, a procedure in which a measure passes so long as no lawmaker objects. Sen. Pete Ricketts, a Nebraska Republican, blocked the measure by objecting. ...


June 18th, 2024 search:

23. CNN

Senate GOP blocks effort by Democrats to pass bump stock ban after Supreme Court ruling

By Clare Foran, Morgan Rimmer and Ted Barrett | Updated 7:26 PM EDT, Tue June 18, 2024

(CNN) — Senate Republicans on Tuesday blocked an attempt by Democrats to pass a bill to ban bump stocks in the wake of a recent Supreme Court ruling.

The bill would enact a federal ban on the sale of bump stock devices. Bump stocks allow a shooter to convert a semi-automatic rifle into a weapon that can fire at a rate of hundreds of rounds a minute. The Supreme Court on Friday struck down a federal ban on bump stocks approved by former President Donald Trump, the latest opinion from the conservative court rolling back firearm regulations.

While some Republicans support a ban on bump stocks, the issue has divided GOP senators in the aftermath of the high court ruling.

On Tuesday, Democratic Sen. Martin Heinrich of New Mexico made a request on the Senate floor for unanimous consent to pass the bill and Republican Sen. Pete Ricketts of Nebraska objected, calling it a “show vote.”

“As a firearms owner myself, there’s no legitimate use for a bump stock – not for self defense, not in a law enforcement context, not even in military applications … but what they are tailor made for is a mass shooting,” Heinrich said, noting that the bill he was seeking to pass has bipartisan support.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer also spoke on the floor in support of a ban.

“The Senate must step into the breach and pass a federal ban on bump stocks,” Schumer said, calling it a “commonsense safety measure.” ...


June 18th, 2024 search:

24. Axios Bump stock ban blocked by Senate Republicans

By Stephen Neukam and Stef W. Kight | June 18th, 2024

Senate Republicans blocked Majority Leader Chuck Schumer's (D-N.Y.) attempt to move forward legislation to ban bump stocks, reigniting a pre-election messaging battle over gun control measures.

Why it matters: The Supreme Court's decision to toss a Trump-era ban on bump stocks has given Schumer an opening to put some of the chamber's Republicans in the position of defending the gun attachment, which was used in the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history.

Driving the news: Sen. Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) asked senators for unanimous consent Tuesday afternoon to pass a bill that would ban bump stocks, but Sen. Pete Ricketts (R-Neb.) objected, thwarting the effort. ...


June 18th, 2024 search:

25. AP News

Republicans block bill to outlaw bump stocks for rifles after Supreme Court lifts Trump-era ban

By Mary Clare Jalonick | Updated 2:41 PM PDT, June 18, 2024

WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate Republicans blocked bipartisan legislation Tuesday that would have outlawed bump stocks after the Supreme Court struck down a ban on the rapid-fire gun accessory used in the deadliest shooting in modern U.S. history.

Democrats tried to force a voice vote on the bill to ban bump stocks, a tactic often used by both parties when they know that they don’t have the votes to pass legislation but want to bring an issue to the Senate floor. The bill, sponsored by Sens. Martin Heinrich, D-N.M., and Susan Collins, R-Maine, would ban the sale of the devices, similar to the rule issued by President Donald Trump’s administration after a gunman in Las Vegas attacked a country music festival in 2017 with semiautomatic rifles equipped with the accessories. ...


June 18th, 2024 search:

26. MSNBC News

Why Republicans keep ignoring reality about falling crime rates

Reality makes clear that Biden-era crime rates are going down. Republicans keep telling voters to believe that Biden-era crime rates are going up.

By Steve Benen | June 18, 2024

There’s been quite a bit of news lately about crime rates in the United States, and fortunately, pretty much all of it has been encouraging. NBC News reported recently, for example, “that crime in the U.S. declined significantly in 2023, continuing a post-pandemic trend and belying widespread perceptions that crime is rising.”

Last week, the Justice Department released some preliminary data on this year’s figures, which also showed significant improvements in violent and property crimes in every region of the country. The Washington Post’s Catherine Rampell noted soon after that murder rates in 2024 “are on track to be at or below what they were every year of Donald Trump’s presidency.”

Prominent Republicans, however, aren’t just reluctant to celebrate the good news, they’re pretending that it doesn’t exist.

On NBC News’ “Meet the Press,” for example, Rep. Byron Donalds told viewers, “I think it’s important for people to understand your murder rate may be down, but that doesn’t mean that violent crime, et cetera, are also lower.”

But violent crime, et cetera, really are lower. It was a detail the Florida Republican, who’s reportedly in contention for his party’s vice presidential nomination, simply ignored.

Around the same time, Sen. Tim Scott, another leading candidate for the GOP ticket, appeared on ABC News’ “This Week,” and told guest host Jonathan Karl:

“Under Joe Biden, we’ve seen the movement to defund the police, leaving communities like the one I grew up in devastated and ravaged by a wave of violent crime that we have not seen literally in five decades.”

As the South Carolina Republican really ought to know, there’s been no effort to defund law enforcement — except, that is, among Scott’s GOP colleagues in Congress — and the idea that violent crime rates have reached a five-decade high is the opposite of reality.

When Karl noted that crimes are “actually down,” Scott effectively said that he didn’t care about the evidence. “We’ve seen a spike in violent crime,” the senator added, pointing to a development that has not occurred.

The problem is not just that Republicans are lying. The broader significance of this is that many Americans don’t know that they’re lying, and the public has embraced assertions with no basis in reality.

I’m reminded anew of a line in a recent Axios report that stood out for me: “Polls show crime is a top concern ahead of the 2024 election — and it’s an issue where Republicans regularly edge Democrats. But falling homicide rates could take the steam out of the crucial GOP advantage.”

That’s true, it could. That said, it’s difficult to have confidence that it will.

Prominent Republican voices, including those seeking national office, likely know that crime rates are falling. That does not appear to stop them from telling the public the opposite of the truth, working from the assumption that many voters will simply believe the falsehoods and never hear about actual crime data. ...


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


Continuing on—as I mentioned above—I will occasionally read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from the daily emails that I receive from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine.

And I used to provide longer introductions to these New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which included the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article in addition to a hyperlink; however—as I mentioned above—I think that all of those hyperlinks to news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Again, please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these news 'updates' by providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too!

And for certain articles, I will include a few introductory paragraphs as a way to give more of a complete explanation to the meaning of the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of these articles, which may also take the form of a kind of 'overview,' so to speak, by selecting particular paragraphs that I feel highlight the most important parts of these articles in order to summarize the meaning of the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline'). I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of the titles to The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles—including any article overviews contained within the emails—that I received for the time period of June 8th, 2024 through June 11th, 2024, when I noticed the following and articles!


The following is The New York Times article that I read on June 12th, 2024, from an email that I received four days prior on June 8th, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned June 8th, 2024 'The Morning' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

Other Big Stories

The U.S. economy added 272,000 jobs last month and wages rose, a sign of robust growth even as the unemployment rate ticked up to 4 percent. ...

U.S. Hiring Rises Strongly, Along With Wages

Hiring was unexpectedly robust in May, with a gain of 272,000 jobs, but it wasn’t all good news: The unemployment rate ticked up, to 4 percent.

By Lydia DePillis | June 7, 2024

The following is The New York Times article that I read on June 12th, 2024, from an email that I received that day:

And the article below is from the above-mentioned June 12th, 2024 'On Politics' email:

Hunter Biden Conviction Undercuts a Trump Narrative, and a Fund-Raising Pitch

Many allies of Donald J. Trump had secretly wanted an acquittal, which they predicted would have turbocharged fund-raising and fed their claims of a rigged justice system.

By Jonathan Swan, Maggie Haberman and Michael Gold | June 11, 2024

The moment had finally come. Late Tuesday morning, nearly five years after Republicans first went after Hunter Biden, the president’s son could finally be called a convicted felon.

But Donald J. Trump and other Republicans did not seem to be relishing the opportunity. The early reaction to a jury’s guilty verdict against Hunter Biden on three felony gun charges resembled a shriveling balloon.

“The Hunter Biden gun conviction is kinda dumb tbh,” said one close Trump ally, Representative Matt Gaetz of Florida, in a post on X, using an abbreviation for “to be honest.” Another Trump associate, Charlie Kirk, called it a “fake trial.”

Many Trump allies had been secretly rooting for an acquittal. The talking points wrote themselves: It would have been yet more evidence that the United States justice system was rigged in favor of the Bidens and against the Trumps. Tuesday’s guilty verdict was inconvenient to that narrative. ...

... Yet the shiftless and broadly muted G.O.P. response to the verdict said more than any protestations to the contrary. A Trump ally who spoke on the condition of anonymity to candidly describe private conversations explained that as soon as it was clear that the Hunter Biden gun case couldn’t be used against President Biden, the topic fell off the radar for political messaging.

“The only good that could come out of this was that if he was acquitted on charges where he’s obviously guilty,” the Trump ally said. “An acquittal on charges that he was obviously guilty was the only upside for us.”


The following is the USA Today article that I read on June 12th, 2024, from an email that I received two days prior on June 10th, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned June 10th, 2024 'On Politics' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

Trump at Vegas rally: 'I don't care about you, I just want your vote'

Donald Trump spoke to a crowd in 104-degree heat in Las Vegas, Nevada Sunday. Six people were hospitalized in heat-related illnesses. See video.


Trump jokes about heat at Las Vegas rally; 6 people hospitalized after attending

By Kinsey Crowley and Mark Robison | June 10, 2024

Six people were hospitalized for heat-related illnesses after attending a Donald Trump rally in Las Vegas Sunday in sweltering 104-degree temperatures, according to officials.

The former president commented on the heat during his remarks, which were largely off-script due to teleprompter issues, and stoked online controversy for saying he didn't care about the attendees and just wanted their vote.

"By the way, isn't that breeze nice? Do you feel the breeze?" he said in a recording from C-SPAN. "Cuz I don't want anybody going on me. We need every voter. I don't care about you, I just want your vote, I don't care." ...

The following is the USA Today article that I read on June 12th, 2024, from an email that I received one day prior on June 11th, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned June 11th, 2024 'The Daily Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

More news to know now

Trump threats are "terrifying" for feds, an ex-FBI chief says. ...

Trump threats 'terrifying' for feds, ex-FBI chief says. Steve Bannon says they 'should be'

By Josh Meyer | June 11, 2024

WASHINGTON − Steve Bannon, who has advised former President Donald Trump, just warned the last two ex-FBI directors to "Get your passport, get the hell out of the country because hey, we're coming,” in a second Trump term.

The presumptive Republican nominee's threats about imprisoning his opponents have caused such concern among people in U.S. law enforcement and intelligence that some are talking about leaving the country to avoid unfair prosecution if Trump wins a second term, according to Andrew McCabe, the former head of the FBI.

And Bannon, who served as an advisor to Trump's 2016 campaign and in the White House during his first term, said on his "War Room" podcast Saturday that McCabe and his predecessor would be targeted by a Trump White House for having investigated Trump's alleged collusion with Russia and other activities.

“We will hunt you down," Bannon said in reference to McCabe and his predecessor, James Comey.

McCabe, the acting FBI director after Trump fired Comey, told CNN he was concerned about what Trump might do in a second term if he defeats President Joe Biden in November.

"He runs the risk of really dismantling and greatly incapacitating the Department of Justice and the FBI," McCabe told CNN anchor Kaitlan Collins last Wednesday. He described it as "terrifying” and “frightening,” citing Trump’s vow to his supporters that he “will be your retribution.”

What’s more, McCabe said, “I have a lot of conversations with former colleagues, people who are or were in the intelligence and law enforcement community, and may have worked in the Obama administration, other places. And people are really trying to assess like, what is life going to be like if Donald Trump wins a second term?"

"And on a very personal level, I mean, these are torturous discussions with their family members about whether or not they have to leave the country, to avoid being unconstitutionally and illegally detained,” McCabe added. “I mean, people were actually worried about being thrown in jail, or grabbed in some sort of extra-judicial detention." ...

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above via Google news searches—as well as from The New York Times and USA Today—for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (written June 20th, 2024 and revised June 21st, 2024)


June 20th, 2024 Update No. 5, Written On June 21st, 2024: I received an email from Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) yesterday, June 20th, 2024, with the subject line "Keep the pressure on our leaders: Protect our Afghan allies", which stated the following:


In March, Congress delivered an additional 12,000 Special Immigrant Visas (SIV) for Afghan nationals who assisted in the U.S. war effort.

IAVA is leading in this fight, but we must keep the pressure on our leaders until ALL of our allies can get the safe harbor we promised them.

Tell the Biden Administration and congressional leaders: Keep our promise to the Afghan allies that served with the U.S. military in Afghanistan >>>


The effort to bring Afghan allies to safety is personal for those of us who served alongside them. Moral injury impacts our community each day that our promise to protect the Afghan allies who risked their lives to work with U.S. troops is not fully kept.

In our recent member survey, 72% of IAVA members said that more needs to be done for our Afghan allies who have sacrificed so much on our behalf.

IAVA will not stop until the U.S. has a plan to ensure the safe evacuation of our Afghan allies and their families. We cannot allow them to continue to pay the price for our withdrawal.

Keep the pressure on our leaders and demand that they do not abandon our wartime allies.

Thank you,


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Who You're Contacting:

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
[Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]
[Phone number redacted]

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
[Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]
[Phone number redacted]

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
[Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]
[Phone number redacted]

What You're Saying

Subject: Keep our promise to the Afghan allies that served with our armed forces in Afghanistan.

[Decision Maker]:

I'm a veteran supporter and our Afghan Allies matter to me. We need to have their backs like they had ours.

Our nation promised to protect the Afghan allies who risked their lives to work with U.S. troops. But we're falling short of keeping it.

With each day that passes, our Afghan allies are paying the price for our withdrawal with their lives. Inaction in Washington is stopping us from keeping our promises to those who have sacrificed so much on our behalf.

IAVA will not allow our country to abandon our wartime allies. We won't give up our fight to ensure the US has a plan in place to properly ensure the safe evacuation of ALL our Afghan allies and their families.

Please, keep the government's promise and protect the Afghan allies who risked their lives to work with U.S. troops.

[Your name]
[Your email address]

Contact Information

First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
Email: [redacted]
Address: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State: [redacted]
Country: [redacted]
ZIP Code: [redacted]


And so, I sent the letter above to my Senators and Representative in Congress yesterday, June 20th, 2024, via the IAVA website, in order to request that lawmakers please "keep the government's promise and protect the Afghan allies who risked their lives to work with U.S. troops." –Paul Whiting (June 21st, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, I used to make one-time donations to the organization that is the subject of these 'updates' each time that I took an action as requested by that organization; however, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am really 'tightening my belt,' so to speak, with regard to all of the donations that I am making on my credit card each month! My plan is to only donate to political, progressive and charitable organizations if they specifically ask for donations—and not just for the sake of donating to them at least once per month, or even when I have been taking some sort of action, such as signing a petition, or sending a letter, etc. Thus, I am trying to greatly reduce the number of donations that I make to simply once in a while, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis! You see, there are a lot of organizations that I literally donate to only once per year—such as for Giving Tuesday—which is all that I ever donate to them. And that is basically what I am striving for, so that I am still donating to political, progressive and charitable organizations, but the bare minimum that I can donate, since that's all I can really afford." [Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 4, Written On December 1st, 2023 About November 2023 (that also appears as 'November 30th, 2023 Update No. 2, Written On December 1st, 2023' on some of my blogs), which can be found above.]


June 22nd, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses June 21st, 2024: I received an email from CREDO Mobile (which is my cell phone company) yesterday, June 21st, 2024, with the subject line, "Sign the petition: Don’t Cut SNAP Benefits," which stated the following:

Dear Fellow Progressive,

Republicans in Congress recently unveiled their proposed Farm Bill with drastic cuts to Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits. SNAP is our nation’s most important and most effective anti-hunger program, with tens of millions of Americans relying on it to put food on the table.

We can’t allow Republicans to take SNAP benefits away from people in need of food. Sign our petition urging Congress not to cut SNAP benefits.

Progressive groups were quick to push back on the Republican farm bill proposal.

“This would be the largest cut to SNAP since 1996 if enacted and these cuts would grow even deeper over time," said Ty Jones Cox, vice president for food assistance at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

We agree. Tell Congress not to cut benefits by signing our petition today.

Sign the Petition***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Civic Shout

Tell Congress: Don't Cut SNAP Benefits

Every five years, Congress passes a new Farm Bill. This massive piece of legislation touches on crucial issues like agricultural policy, land use and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), the official name for what used to be referred to as food stamps.

SNAP is our nation's most important and most effective anti-hunger program, with tens of millions of Americans relying on it to put food on the table SNAP is less than 2% of the federal budget.

Despite that, Republicans in Congress recently unveiled their proposed Farm Bill with drastic cuts to SNAP benefits.

We can't allow Republicans to take SNAP benefits away from people in need of food. Sign our petition urging Congress not to cut SNAP benefits.

Progressive groups were quick to push back on the Republican farm bill proposal.

"Weakening safeguards that protect people from pesticides, slashing protections for endangered species, and recklessly expanding industrial logging should have no place in the Farm Bill, said [name redacted], [title redacted] at the Center for Biological Diversity.

"This would be the largest cut to SNAP since 1996 if enacted and these cuts would grow even deeper over time," said [name redacted], [title redacted] at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

"It would be mean-spirited and shameful for Congress to cut the SNAP benefits moms and families rely on; and it also would be damaging to our economy," added [name redacted], [title redacted] and [title redacted] of Moms Rising.

We agree. Tell Congress not to cut benefits by signing our petition today.

First name: Paul
Last name: Whiting
U.S. ZIP code: [redacted]
Email: [redacted]
Cell phone (not landline): [redacted]

Sign Petition

So, I signed the petition above today, June 22nd, 2024, via the Civic Shout website, in order to "tell Congress not to cut [SNAP] benefits." And that is why I wanted to share this email from CREDO Mobile. –Paul Whiting (June 22nd, 2024)


June 22nd, 2024 Update No. 1: I received an email from Planned Parenthood Action Fund today, June 22nd, 2024, with the subject line, "INSIDE: What it's like to lobby for abortion rights from a red state", which stated the following:

Planned Parenthood Action Fund Update

Action Fund Update is the monthly newsletter for members of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund. As an associate member of the Action Fund, you'll receive timely, insider information on our legislative, advocacy, and electoral work.

Member News


Since politicians trying to ban abortion love to cite fake facts, let’s talk about some actual facts:

[✓] Over 80% of Americans believe abortion care should be legal, regardless of their personal views on the issue.
[✓] A majority of Americans — 54%! — believe that “exceptions” to abortion laws do not work.
[✓] About two-thirds of Americans agree that politicians are not qualified to make decisions on abortion at any point in pregnancy.*

In the face of relentless attacks on our health and rights, we have to remember: We are the majority. Abortion is health care, and health care is a human right. And we will keep fighting for reproductive freedom across the country.

In solidarity,

[Name redacted], [Title redacted]
Planned Parenthood Action Fund

*Source: “Key findings and guidance for abortion policy messaging”, Impact Research (2024)

P.S. Based on our records, it looks like your Associate Membership is going to expire soon. Don't miss out on timely, insider information on Planned Parenthood Action Fund's advocacy, legislative work, and electoral endorsements, as well as volunteer opportunities in your area. Click here to renew your membership.**

Candidate Endorsement News

See Planned Parenthood Action Fund’s ongoing list of endorsed candidates here (!

Take Action: Two Years Later and The Fight for Abortion Access Continues

Join Planned Parenthood Action Fund-endorsed candidates and leaders who are fighting for access to abortion across the country.

These leaders know what’s at stake for abortion rights this election, and they know what we need to protect and secure essential health care.

Find an event near you:

Around the Web

The 19th: ‘You represent us’: What it’s like to lobby for abortion rights from a red state

New York Magazine: Abortion Rights Look Set to Sweep Again on November Ballot

NPR News: The push for embryo rights in state legislatures worries IVF patients and doctors


By the way, I read all of the articles referenced in the email above, listed under the 'Around the Web' sections above, which is what I always do when I receive these monthly newsletters from Planned Parenthood Action Fund—in addition to taking any requested action from the newsletter, if I haven't already taken that same requested action (or, those same requested actions), as noted from previous 'updates.'

**And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, regarding renewing my Associate Membership for the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, which can be found below:

Become a Planned Parenthood Action Fund Associate Member.

By submitting this form, I affirm that I want to become an associate member of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund.

First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Postal Code: [redacted]
Email: [redacted]
Mobile Phone (Optional): [redacted]


And, after submitting the form above, I received a confirmation email today, June 22nd, 2024, from the Planned Parenthood Action Fund with the subject line, "Thank you for your Associate Membership!", which stated the following:

Dear Paul,

Thank you for standing with us as an Associate Member of Planned Parenthood Action Fund!

Membership is free and allows you full access to timely Action Fund updates, including information about our grassroots organizing, legislative and regulatory advocacy, electoral endorsements, and volunteer opportunities in your area — and gives you an opportunity to vote for a member of the Action Fund Board of Directors.

You can also follow Planned Parenthood Action Fund on Facebook and Twitter.

We are so glad to have you with us!

Planned Parenthood Action Fund

And to clarify: I usually make a one-time donation to Planned Parenthood Action Fund after I renew my Associate Membership for the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, however I renewed my Associate Membership five months ago on January 13th, 2024 (please see my 'January 13th, 2024 Update No. 1,' which can be found above) and I made a one-time donation to Planned Parenthood Action Fund back then "in order to show my support for the Action Fund Update monthly newsletter, as well as for my 'Associate Membership of Planned Parenthood Action Fund'"; thus, I opted to renew my Associate Membership without donating this month.***

–Paul Whiting (June 22nd, 2024)

***P.S.: Just so you know, I used to make one-time donations to the organization that is the subject of these 'updates' each time that I took an action as requested by that organization; however, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am really 'tightening my belt,' so to speak, with regard to all of the donations that I am making on my credit card each month! My plan is to only donate to political, progressive and charitable organizations if they specifically ask for donations—and not just for the sake of donating to them at least once per month, or even when I have been taking some sort of action, such as signing a petition, or sending a letter, etc. Thus, I am trying to greatly reduce the number of donations that I make to simply once in a while, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis! You see, there are a lot of organizations that I literally donate to only once per year—such as for Giving Tuesday—which is all that I ever donate to them. And that is basically what I am striving for, so that I am still donating to political, progressive and charitable organizations, but the bare minimum that I can donate, since that's all I can really afford." [Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update—Follow-Up No. 4, Written On December 1st, 2023 About November 2023 (that also appears as 'November 30th, 2023 Update No. 2, Written On December 1st, 2023' on some of my blogs), which can be found above.]


June 24th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses June 1st, 2024: I received a mailer from Planned Parenthood Federation of America twenty three days ago on June 1st, 2024, which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]

Planned Parenthood®
Care. No matter what.

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]

Dear Mr. Whiting.

Ever since the U.S. Supreme Court ended federal abortion rights by overturning Roe v. Wade, politicians who oppose abortion have been determined to block abortion care for as many people as possible. Today, 21 states and counting have banned all or some abortion.

However, Planned Parenthood is even more determined. We won't stop until we win reproductive freedom for all. We are resolute in our commitment to get people the care they need, no matter who they are or where they live — no matter what.

Your past contributions to Planned Parenthood Federation of America have strengthened resources in states where abortion remains legal. Thanks to your support, we have also helped people who have lost access in their home state — by ensuring they can book timely appointments and get needed resources for an out-of-state abortion.

Your generosity has helped patients travel hundreds of miles to get the abortion they need, giving them financial and logistic assistance for transportation, lodging, dependent care, and time off from work. You have also helped Planned Parenthood legal teams manage a growing docket of critical court cases and continue to fight bans and restrictions that force people to carry pregnancies against their will.

Planned Parenthood is doing everything in our power to protect patients' health, lives, and futures, even as lawmakers block essential health care and escalate their attacks.

This summer, the U.S. Supreme Court will likely decide an important case involving access to mifepristone, a safe, effective medicine used in almost all medication abortions in the U.S. The case challenges the FDA's 20-plus-year approval of mifepristone, used by more than 5 million people across the U.S. But this attack has nothing to do with safety. It's anti-abortion activists' attempt to, once again, use the courts to further limit access to abortion.

We don't know yet how the Supreme Court will rule.* Regardless of the decision, Planned Parenthood will keep fighting to protect and expand our rights. We're dedicated to expanding access to birth control, emergency contraception, and accurate, inclusive sex education. Can we count on your help?

Please let us know you're still with us by renewing your support for Planned Parenthood Federation of America with a generous annual renewal contribution of $20, $35, or $50.

We can't allow the politicians who have devastated so many lives with abortion bans to dictate the future of health care. To do so would place all sexual and reproductive health care in peril, including birth control, IVF treatment, gender-affirming care, and more. This crisis does the most harm to people with low incomes and those in Black, Latino, and other communities for whom barriers to care have always been greater due to systemic racism and economic injustice.

Your renewed support for 2024 will ensure more people can get sexual and reproductive health care, including those who live in states with abortion bans.

Your contribution will allow Planned Parenthood to work toward reproductive freedom for all by promoting health equity, getting patients to care, finding innovative solutions to overcoming barriers, enshrining federal protections for abortion, and more. Please bolster our efforts by renewing your support for 2024 with a generous contribution.

Together, we can ensure that abortion and all sexual and reproductive health care are accessible to everyone, everywhere. As more states enact bans and restrictions, Planned Parenthood faces mounting pressure. We must help even more patients access abortion, which means booking more appointments, funding more out-of-state travel, increasing capacity in more health centers, and sustaining critical legal battles.

I sincerely hope we can count on your support again this year. Our fight to rebuild, restore, and expand reproductive rights depends on everyone's commitment and determination. We must never walk away from the millions of people who depend on Planned Parenthood to be there for them.

Please show your commitment and determination by making a generous annual renewal gift to Planned Parenthood Federation of America today. Thank you for standing with us and the people we serve.


[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]

P.S. The attacks on abortion access are fierce, but so are we. The strength of our movement is inspiring, and the more people who are with us, the sooner we will win the political and policy changes we need. Please stay in this movement by renewing your support for 2024 with a generous contribution.


Planned Parenthood®
Care. No matter what.


To ensure that Planned Parenthood can continue to connect people to the care they need in these dangerous times, I am renewing my support for 2024 with a contribution of:

[  ] $20

[  ] $35

[  ] $50

[✓] Other $7.00

[  ] Make this a monthly gift!
To charge your gift by credit card, please see reverse, or make your check payable to Planned Parenthood Federation of America.

Donations to Planned Parenthood are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowable under the law.

Mr. Paul Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

And so, I made a one-time donation to Planned Parenthood Federation of America today, June 24th, 2024, in order to renew my support for 2024, because "[they] won't stop until [they] win reproductive freedom for all," since "[they] are resolute in [their] commitment to get people the care they need, no matter who they are or where they live." –Paul Whiting (June 24th, 2024)

*[Blogger's Note: As noted above, I received this letter on June 1st, 2024, so with regard to the case involving access to mifepristone, "the U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday [June 13th, 2024] ruled a group of doctors lacked legal standing to challenge the Food and Drug Administration's regulation of the abortion pill mifepristone, preserving access to the medication nationwide," as quoted from an article on ABC News:

"Supreme Court unanimously strikes down legal challenge to abortion pill mifepristone"

The ruling preserves access to the mail-order medication nationwide.

By Devin Dwyer | June 13, 2024

The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday ruled a group of doctors lacked legal standing to challenge the Food and Drug Administration's regulation of the abortion pill mifepristone, preserving access to the medication nationwide. ...

...The case put abortion access back in the spotlight for the court for the first time since its conservative majority voted to overrule Roe v. Wade in 2022. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:]


June 24th, 2024 Update No. 2 I received an email from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) today, June 24th, 2024, with the subject line, "Two years ago today, everything changed.", which stated the following:


The fight for reproductive rights is far from over.



Following the Supreme Court's decision to strike down Roe v. Wade – exactly two years ago today – anti-abortion politicians moved quickly.

They banned or restricted abortion in nearly half of all states. Now they are fighting for the power to jail doctors for providing emergency abortion care to sick patients in hospitals. They launched attempts to severely restrict medication abortion nationwide.

This isn't a far-off dystopian future; it's an ongoing crisis impacting tens of millions of people every day and could spread to every state – a crisis that the ACLU has met head-on, with your support, from day one.

Two years since Roe was overturned, with so many fights ahead to protect abortion access and the people most impacted, we're asking you to recommit to the fight for reproductive freedom: In recognition of today's anniversary, will you donate to help the ACLU protect abortion access and defend those seeking care?

Thanks to the generous support of people like you:

→ The ACLU and our affiliates have gone to court in 15 states – plus Guam – to protect abortion access just in the last two years alone.

→ We launched the Abortion Criminal Defense Initiative to defend patients, doctors, and supporters at risk of criminal investigation or prosecution relating to abortion.

→ We're using every tool at our disposal to mobilize voters to protect abortion rights nationwide.

→ And just today, we joined leading reproductive health, rights, and justice organizations today to unveil the 'Abortion Access Now' campaign, pledging a collective $100 million investment from across the coalition to advance abortion rights and access.

This is tremendous progress – but the fight is far from over. As we fight back from the courts to the streets, we're counting on your support to help us keep winning for abortion rights.

The ACLU is the best-equipped organization to continue the progress we've made in protecting abortion access, but our ability to do so hinges on the generous support of people like you. So please, make a gift to support our fight to defend abortion access and all of our rights today.


The ACLU Team


And so, I made a one-time donation to the ACLU in order to answer the question, "in recognition of today's anniversary [of the Supreme Court's decision to strike down Roe v. Wade], will you donate to help the ACLU protect abortion access and defend those seeking care?" with a resounding 'Yes!' –Paul Whiting (June 24th, 2024)


June 25th, 2024 Update No. 1: I received an email from March For Our Lives (MFOL) today, June 25th, 2024, with the subject line, "Federal gun reform history was made on this day", which stated the following:


June 25, 2022. I remember it vividly, Paul.

It’s the day Congress passed the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA) – the first piece of federal gun safety legislation in 30 years!

Paul, this wouldn’t have been possible without gun safety champions from across the country coming together for the second March For Our Lives in D.C. and across the country on June 11, 2022.

After our historic second march, March For Our Lives organizers met with 70+ members of Congress, and the BSCA is the result of our demands for progress finally being listened to.

BSCA remains one of our movement’s BIGGEST wins and that’s worth celebrating. Our hard work and years of organizing came to fruition to make significant and lasting change.

Help us build on the momentum of BSCA by pitching in anything you can today! We still have a lot more work to do until gun violence of all forms is obsolete.

If you've saved your payment information with FastAction, your donation will go through immediately:

[  ] $10
[  ] $25
[  ] $50
[  ] $75
[  ] $100

Paul, the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act is already saving lives.

Just take a look at some of what BSCA includes below ⤵️:

✅ Enhanced background checks for 18-21 year olds
✅ Expanded definition of “gun dealers” to help close the gun show loophole
✅ $250M investment in community violence intervention programs
✅ $1.3B in funding to make our schools safer
✅ Over $1B for training mental health professionals and expanding the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (988)

The results are already speaking for themselves ⤵️:

✅ 52% increase in prosecutions of unlicensed firearm dealers
✅ 500+ people charged for gun trafficking or purchasing guns for those who aren’t allowed to purchase their own
✅ 1,100+ illegal firearm sales stopped for individuals under 21 – a 25% increase
✅ 80 community violence intervention programs funded nationwide
✅ 2,100+ communities improved school safety and 6,000 schools expanded crisis intervention teams for students who may be a danger to themselves or others
✅ 170,000+ individuals received mental health awareness training

Let’s be clear though: these wins are the bare minimum required to end gun violence. We have an epidemic on our hands and it’s killing kids and disproportionately killing people of color. This is urgent and we can’t afford to wait.

Progress in the gun safety movement can be slow but BSCA showed us it is possible to secure change at the federal level when we come together and demand it. I am hopeful for more progress and look forward to celebrating even larger wins with you as we continue fighting for more life-saving legislation like BSCA.

Can I count on you to step up today and donate $10 or more so we can continue our critical advocacy?

Thank you,

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
March For Our Lives


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Thank you for supporting the March For Our Lives Action Fund! Grassroots supporters like you are the backbone of our youth-led movement.

Because of your support, we have grown into one of the largest youth-led movements in the country, elected the first Gen-Z Congressmember, secured key legislative victories such as the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, delivered historic youth turnout at the polls, and so much more.

In 2024, were fighting even harder for gun safety legislation at every turn and demanding young people's voices are heard.

Chip in to fuel our fight and save lives today >>>

Your contribution will benefit March For Our Lives Action Fund, a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization Contributions or gifts to March for Our Lives Action Fund are not deductible for federal income tax purposes as charitable contributions.


[✓] $3

First Name: Paul
Last Name: Whiting
Billing Address: [redacted]
Country: [redacted]
Postal Code: [redacted]
City: [redacted]
State/Province: [redacted]
Email: [redacted]
Mobile Phone: [redacted]


And so, I made a one-time donation to March For Our Lives (MFOL) in order to show my support for the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA), which passed Congress on June 25, 2022! That is why I contributed to "help [MFOL] build on the momentum of [the] BSCA by pitching in anything [I] can today!" –Paul Whiting (June 25th, 2024)


June 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses June 22nd, 2024 And June 24th, 2024, As Well As June 16th, 2024 Through June 20th, 2024: This 'update' that I am writing today, June 26th, 2024, is combined from my news searches on Google, which I do as often as I can manage—as well as from my occasional reading of The New York Times articles, USA Today articles and Time Magazine articles that I received via email—for the total time period of June 19th, 2024 through June 26th, 2024.

Please let me explain: I have been busy with a lot of "Online Activism" lately that takes an enormous amount of time and energy to write about, which consists of various topics that each require their own 'updates!' Besides that, I have often been engaged in editing my five blogs—whenever I notice that any of my writing needs to be revised or corrected—which can take hours to complete depending upon how much editing I have to do!

So, because I have been so busy lately with "Online Activism," and also with the editing of my five blogs, I have just been reading the titles of The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles that I receive from their daily emails. Then, I will occasionally read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those emails that I highlight in these 'updates.'

That is why I recently signed up to receive email newsletters from the news organizations to which I subscribe in order for me to stay informed about what's happening in the world. And I was formerly writing separate 'updates' for each of the news articles that I read from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles; however, after I restarted writing these news 'updates' from my news searches on Google (which I stopped doing for a while), I also decided to restart writing the 'updates' from the above-mentioned news organizations to which I subscribe, but as a combined 'update.'

Thus, I am checking the news through Google searches again, like used to do, as often as I can manage it. You see, I used to keep up with the news virtually on a daily basis, because there is typically that much news every day; however, I am now simply checking the news via Google searches as often as I can manage to do so. And, I usually check what's happening in the world via various Google searches that I do under the following topics:

American News
United States News
USA News
President Biden News
Joe Biden News
Democrats News
Republicans News
Political News
World News
Global Warming News
Workers On Strike News
Portland Oregon News

Then, I read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from those Google news searches.

So, without further ado, I was doing my occasional news searches on Google for June 22nd, 2024, June 24th, 2024 and June 26th, 2024, when I noticed many different articles from various news organizations!

And I used to provide a longer introduction to these news articles that I highlight regarding current news, on these types of 'updates' that I write, which used to include the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the articles; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all the current news 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article with the news organization's name in addition to a hyperlink; however, I think that all of those hyperlinks to current news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these current news 'updates' by first providing the original Google search category through which I found each article, as listed above, like I usually do. [Although, to clarify, sometimes the same article appears (or, articles appear) under different search categories.]

Then, I am providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the publisher's name and the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too!

And for certain articles, I will include a few introductory paragraphs as a way to give more of a complete explanation to the meaning of the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of these articles, which may also take the form of a kind of 'overview,' so to speak, by selecting particular paragraphs that I feel highlight the most important parts of these articles in order to summarize the meaning of the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline'). I hope that makes sense!


I did not select any articles from this category.


June 26th, 2024 search:

01. The Guardian

Conservative US lawmakers are pushing for an end to no-fault divorce

Republicans in Louisiana, Oklahoma, Nebraska and Texas have discussed eliminating or restricting such cases

By Eric Berger | 25 Jun 2024

Some prominent conservative lawmakers and commentators are advocating for ending no-fault divorce, laws that exist in all 50 US states and allow a person to end a marriage without having to prove a spouse did something wrong, like commit adultery or domestic violence.

The socially conservative, and often religious, rightwing opponents of such divorce laws are arguing that the practice deprives people – mostly men – of due process and hurt families, and by extension, society. Republican lawmakers in Louisiana, Oklahoma, Nebraska and Texas have discussed eliminating or increasing restrictions on no-fault marriage laws.

Defenders of the laws, which states started passing a half-century ago, see legislation and arguments to repeal them as the latest effort to restrict women’s rights – following the overturning of Roe v Wade and passage of abortion bans around the country – and say that without such protections, the country would return to an earlier era when women were often trapped in abusive marriages.

“No-fault divorce is critical to the ability, particularly the ability of women, to be able to exercise autonomy in their own relationships, in their own lives,” said Denise Lieberman, an adjunct professor at the Washington University School of Law in St Louis, who has a specialty in policies concerning gender, sexuality and sexual violence.

Before 1969, when then California Republican governor Ronald Reagan, who had been divorced, approved the country’s first no-fault divorce law, women, who are more likely to experience violence from an intimate partner, were often forced to stay in marriages. If they could not prove that their husband had been abusive or persuade him to grant a divorce, they would not be able to take any assets from the marriage or remarry, according to a study in the Quarterly Journal of Economics.

States around America gradually followed suit and passed similar laws allowing unilateral divorce until 2010, when New York became the last state to approve the practice.

Between 1976 and 1985, states that passed the laws saw their domestic violence rates against men and women fall by about 30%; the number of women murdered by an intimate partner declined by 10%; and female suicide rates declined by 8 to 16%.

Without such laws, “it’s hard to prove anything in court relating to a family because you don’t have any witnesses”, said Kimberly Wehle, professor at the University of Baltimore School of Law. “It’s very difficult to get evidence to show abuse of children. How do you do it? Do you put your kids on the stand?”

Conservative commentators such as Matt Walsh, Steven Crowder and lawmakers such as the Republican senator JD Vance of Ohio have argued that the laws are unfair to men and hurt society because they lead to more divorces. ...


June 26th, 2024 search:

02. CNN

US surgeon general declares US gun violence an urgent public health crisis

By Jen Christensen | Updated 12:11 PM EDT, Tue June 25, 2024

(CNN) — Gun violence in the United States is a public health crisis that demands urgent action, Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy declared in a major new advisory that pushes for more research and stronger laws designed to reduce harm.

It’s the first time a publication from the country’s leading voice for public health has focused on firearm violence and its “profound consequences” on survivors, communities, and mental health.

“Over the last decade or two, this problem has been worsening and we have now reached the point where gun violence is the leading cause of death among kids and teens – the leading cause of death. That is something that we should never take as the new normal. There’s nothing normal about that,” Murthy told CNN’s John Berman.

Guns have become a deeply polarizing issue, Murthy said, but the advisory is meant to “take it out of the realm of politics and put it into the realm of public health, which is where it belongs.” The advisory lays out key preventive steps and regulatory measures that Murthy says can turn the tide on gun violence — just as they did for tobacco-related disease and motor vehicle crashes.

“Many people I’ve talked to around the country worry that this may be an intractable problem, that there’s no way to solve it,” he said. “That’s not true.” ...


I did not select any articles from this category.


June 22nd, 2024 search:

03. Vanity Fair

Trump Throws Predictable Conniption Fit Over Fox Poll Putting Joe Biden Ahead

“The latest Fox News poll is TRASH!” he ranted to his followers.

By Bess Levin | June 21, 2024


June 22nd, 2024 search:

04. NBC News

Biden campaign attempts to flip the age script with a flurry of unflattering Trump videos

The president’s team is more forcefully pushing back against the GOP’s portrayal of Biden and trying to turn the spotlight back on Trump.

By Monica Alba, Gabe Gutierrez and Sarah Dean | June 21, 2024

As some misleading videos of President Joe Biden have exploded online in recent weeks, his re-election campaign has intensified its pushback against them while attempting to flip the script by repeatedly highlighting unflattering clips of former President Donald Trump on social media.

A prolific Biden campaign account on X, called @BidenHQ, has shared at least 20 such videos since June 1, with a noticeable uptick this week that culminated in a more than two-minute montage on Thursday of Trump “getting confused, lost, wandering off, and waving to nobody.”

In an interview with NBC News at the Biden campaign headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware, deputy campaign manager Rob Flaherty said his team was intentionally investing in resources to be more forceful in its response to videos that attempt to raise questions about Biden’s age, 81, and ability to serve a second term.

Conservative accounts, most notably including the Republican National Committee’s “research” arm, have widely shared disingenuous clips that show Biden appearing to struggle to find a chair at a D-Day event in France and seeming to wander off after a skydiving demonstration with other world leaders in Italy.

At the France event, GOP-aligned accounts claimed Biden was trying to sit in a chair that didn’t exist. But the complete footage of the ceremony shows the president looking over his shoulder for his chair and pausing before taking a seat. (The chair was, in fact, there.)

At the Italy event, one tight camera angle appeared to show Biden wandering off before being pulled back to the group by the Italian prime minister. But a second camera angle reveals the president was, in reality, walking over to greet skydivers who’d just finished the presentation.

The Biden campaign calls these “deceptively edited videos” that have become a “huge part” of the Trump team’s strategy.

“We have to be more aggressive about monitoring, about intervening, about taking action against it, because it is just going to be such a centerpiece of how he’s communicating,” Flaherty said. “This cycle we’re also pushing back by flipping Donald Trump and his own words — his more dangerous divisive rhetoric — because that is such a feature of his campaign. These deceptive videos are out here because Donald Trump is desperate to distract from his unpopular agenda.” ...


June 24th, 2024 search:

05. CNN

Why Trump is suddenly talking up Biden after months of slamming his cognitive capacity

By Stephen Collinson, CNN | Updated Mon June 24, 2024

(CNN) — After months lampooning President Joe Biden as a cognitively impaired “brain-dead zombie” who can’t finish a sentence or navigate off a stage, former President Donald Trump and his campaign are changing their tune days ahead of the critical debate of the election.

The commander in chief has suddenly morphed into a “worthy debater,” someone of considerable ability and a veteran political performer who is not to be underestimated, according to Trump and his lieutenants.

The game of pre-debate expectation-setting is often absurd – one aide to former President George W. Bush once claimed that John Kerry, his Democratic opponent in 2004, was a better debater than Roman rhetorician Cicero. But the Trump team’s shift is remarkable given their relentless assault on Biden’s faculties. And it hints at their possible concerns that they’ve set an unnecessarily low bar for the president’s performance ahead of Thursday’s clash hosted by CNN in Atlanta.

North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, a possible Trump vice presidential pick, tried to reset the balance on CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday. “The guy’s run for office more than a dozen times. He’s run for president four times. He’s been campaigning since President Nixon was in office,” he said. “This guy has got the ability.”

Trump is also hedging against a stronger-than-expected Biden showing by suggesting his opponent will be “jacked up” on drugs to ensure a strong performance.

The Biden campaign, meanwhile, is intensifying its new attempt to portray Trump as an “unhinged” criminal who is morally reprobate, out to benefit his rich friends and unfit for a return to the Oval Office. The president’s campaign, which is marking the second anniversary of Roe v. Wade’s reversal this week and making abortion a key election issue, promised in a memo Sunday that the head-to-head would finally show voters the contrast Biden believes will disqualify Trump.

“Thursday’s debate will be one of the first moments of this presidential campaign where a larger slice of the American electorate will have the opportunity to witness the stark choice between Joe Biden, who is fighting for the American people, and Donald Trump, who is fighting for himself as a convicted felon with an unhinged campaign of revenge and retribution,” campaign communications director Michael Tyler wrote. ...


June 24th, 2024 search:

06. Newsweek

Republican Fact-Checked on Accusation Against Joe Biden During Interview

By Rachel Dobkin | Jun 23, 2024

Republican North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum was fact-checked by CNN's Kaitlan Collins during an interview on Sunday about his accusation that President Joe Biden is using executive orders more than other presidents, and countered his claim that the Democratic incumbent is a "dictator."

While filling in for hosts Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, Collins confronted Burgum on CNN's State of the Union, with multiple clips of the governor claiming that Biden is a dictator. In one of the clips, Burgum says, "This is what's happening under Joe Biden. We're actually living under a dictatorship today."

Biden's political rival, former President Donald Trump—the presumptive GOP presidential nominee—has been criticized for parroting Nazi Germany dictator Adolf Hitler and has been accused of being a threat to democracy if he wins in November. His critics claim that if he gets to the Oval Office, he won't leave when his term is up, citing Trump's refusal to accept Biden's 2020 election victory.

"I understand you don't like President Biden's policies on immigration or student loans, but respectfully, you're calling the democratically elected president a dictator?" Collins asked Burgum.

Burgum, a Trump ally who has been floated as his potential running mate, responded: "We've got three branches of government and this president, more like any other, has bypassed Congress. Because as a governor of a natural resources state...we're facing over 30 rules and mandates, each one of those could be 800 pages to 1400 pages long."

He continued: "On the student loan thing, when the Supreme Court ruled against him, then he just said, 'Hey, we'll figure a different way to do it.' I just think that there's again, a double standard here. He is bypassing the other two branches of government to push an ideological view whether it's on economics or whether it's on climate extremism."

Burgum hit on two of Biden's big agenda items: cancelling student loan debt and promoting clean energy. On his first day in office, Biden ordered federal agencies to reinstate or strengthen over 100 environmental regulations that Trump rolled back.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) announced last month that the Biden administration had approved $167 billion in student loan forgiveness for over 4 million Americans over a period of time after the Supreme Court struck down Biden's original plan in June 2023 to forgive about $430 billion of federal student loan debt.

Newsweek has reached out to Burgum's office via online form and Trump's spokesperson, Steven Cheung, via email for comment. It also reached out to the White House via email for comment.

When reached for comment on Sunday afternoon, Biden's campaign referred Newsweek to Alex Floyd, a spokesperson for the Democratic National Committee (DNC), who said via email: "Doug Burgum is sucking up to a convicted felon who has threatened a 'bloodbath' if he loses, called to 'terminate' the Constitution, and pledged to be a dictator on 'Day One.' ...


June 22nd, 2024 search:

07. Newsweek

Joe Biden Now Leads Donald Trump Among Rural Voters By Jordan King | Jun 21, 2024

A Fox News poll has put Joe Biden two percentage points above Donald Trump with rural voters.

Biden scored 50 percent and Trump hit 48 percent, according to the survey, which the former president and many of his supporters have claimed is illegitimate.

Conservative commentator Charlie Kirk wrote on X, formerly Twitter: "Okay, I've been studying this new FOX NEWS poll, and I have concluded it's a complete outlier. They have Joe Biden winning rural voters 50-48% over Trump. There is no way that's possible. Zero."

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene agreed, saying: "This Fox News poll is WRONG! My district is in rural northwest Georgia and it is SOLIDLY supporting Trump! Same with most of rural America! Smart people!"

Trump blasted the entire poll on Truth Social, calling it "trash" and accusing Fox News of "using a biased, Democrat-leaning sample of voters."

Despite the results, Fox News does cite its 2020 data, saying Trump generally does well with rural voters (+17).

Pollster Lee Carter appeared on Fox News' Fox & Friends on Thursday and said he believes the poll is a "blip."

He added: "I don't think this is something that's long term. I think we saw these kinds of shifts in polls in 2016, but I think it's important to note that Donald Trump was never ever, ever...ahead in the polls in 2016 or 2020."

Newsweek contacted Fox News, via its corporate communications email address, to ask whether it has any response to those casting doubts on the poll.

The survey, which questioned 1,095 registered voters, puts Biden ahead of Trump by two points (50 percent for Biden and 48 per cent for Trump), for the first time since October.

It attributes this largely to changing views about the improving economy, with a record 31 percent approving of his handling of inflation and 41 percent approving of the economy. ...


June 24th, 2024 search:

08. The New Republic

GOP Operative Behind Those Edited Biden Videos Revealed

Here’s the person responsible for the viral, doctored videos of Joe Biden.

By Ben Metzner | June 24, 2024

An RNC staffer is behind the viral doctored videos of Joe Biden appearing senile, a new report from The Daily Beast shows.

According to the Beast’s Jake Lahut, 31-year-old Jake Schneider, a former Trump campaign employee and former intern for Tea Party Minnesota Representative Michele Bachmann, runs the popular RNC Research Twitter account, which has posted several videos of Biden appearing confused or freezing up. RNC Research has also promoted an edited video that suggests that the president pooped himself (it has since been debunked).

Sources close to the Trump campaign called Schneider “the tip of the spear” of the Republican effort to make Biden’s age a central issue of the election. And they’re not wrong. Schneider and RNC Research enjoy high levels of coordination with powerful right-wing media organizations smuggling the interests of the ruling class through seemingly neutral platforms: Sinclair Broadcast Group, the media company buying up local news affiliates and turning them into pro-Trump organs, has been blasting out syndicated news features on Biden’s age using RNC Research videos (including, in at least three articles, the claim that he pooped himself) to nearly 100 local news websites in the past month. ...


June 26th, 2024 search:

09. NBC News

From 'WORST debater' to 'worthy debater': Trump changes his tune on Biden's skills

The former president, leery of past mistakes when he set the bar too low for Biden, is now trying to raise expectations for his rival in their first 2024 showdown Thursday in Atlanta.

By Sahil Kapur | June 25, 2024

In six weeks, Donald Trump has gone from mocking President Joe Biden as a feckless debater who can barely speak to praising his talents ahead of their first debate in the 2024 presidential election.

“Crooked Joe Biden is the WORST debater I have ever faced — He can’t put two sentences together!” Trump wrote on his social media platform on May 15. Two days later, he said in a speech to the Minnesota GOP: “He can’t talk. He can’t walk. Can’t find his way off a stage. Can’t put two sentences together.”

But lately, ahead of the debate Thursday in Atlanta, Trump is singing a different tune, saying he has watched Biden’s vice presidential debate from 2012 and appreciated his rival’s abilities.

“He beat Paul Ryan pretty badly,” Trump said in an interview with the “All-In Podcast” that published Thursday. “And I assume he’s going to be somebody that will be a worthy debater. I would say I don’t want to underestimate him.”

Trump’s allies are wary of making the same mistake they made ahead of Biden’s State of the Union speech in March, when Trump world disparaged Biden as a feeble old man and set expectations so low that he easily surpassed them.

This time, Trump’s team is making a last-ditch attempt to flip the script and play the expectations game differently, warning that Biden will be well-prepared for the moment. His team is also working the referees by going after CNN’s moderators and claiming it’s the media, not Trump, that’s lowering the bar for Biden.

“The media wants to lower Joe Biden’s debate performance bar so low he gets a participation trophy simply for standing upright for 90 minutes, but make no doubt about it — Biden will be highly prepared and alert on debate night, relying on the same perfectly calibrated dosage used to deliver his widely praised 2024 State of the Union Address or his 2012 thrashing of Paul Ryan in the VP debate,” Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung said.

The “true benchmark,” Cheung said, is whether Biden can defend his record in office against Trump’s first-term record without any “interference” from the debate moderators.

A Biden campaign official said that Trump is making a “transparent” attempt to blame anybody but himself if he loses the debate and that the campaign is ready to push back.

“We see this as Trump setting the predicate for if and when he has a bad night,” said the Biden official, who wasn’t authorized to speak publicly about the campaign's thinking. “When Trump feels he might lose, he sets that permission structure to create excuses for himself. ... He likes to throw a tantrum.”

Trump’s zigzagging rhetoric points to his larger struggle in branding Biden, whom he has spent years disparaging — sometimes as a doddering old fool who is barely aware of his surroundings and other times as a mastermind who is deftly manipulating the justice system to secure indictments and convictions of Trump for criminal activity without leaving a trace of evidence that he was involved. ...


June 24th, 2024 search:

10. The New York Times
(I am a subscriber to The New York Times 'Basic Access' Digital Subscription.)

Democrats Lean on Abortion Rights Message for Anniversary of End of Roe

Across the country this week, Democrats are focusing on abortion issues and emphasizing Donald Trump’s role in nominating the justices who helped overturn Roe v. Wade.

By Katie Glueck and Lisa Lerer | June 24, 2024

Two years after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, unleashing a cascade of state-level abortion bans and prompting an angry political backlash, Democrats are marking the anniversary by highlighting the role former President Donald J. Trump played in ending the constitutional right to an abortion.

Through advertising, campaign events and news conferences, Democrats at every level of the party are fanning out across the country, working to remind voters that it was justices nominated by Mr. Trump who helped overturn Roe v. Wade. ...


June 24th, 2024 search:

11. Politico

Senate Democratic campaign arm launches ads on anniversary of Dobbs decision

The ad blitz comes as Senate Democratic leadership has been forcing votes on reproductive rights on the floor.

By Ursula Perano | 06/24/2024

Senate Democrats' campaign arm will launch a series of ads in women-focused media outlets marking the two-year anniversary of the Supreme Court striking down Roe v. Wade.

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee ads will run on websites including Cosmopolitan, Harper’s Bazaar, Well Plated and more, and will be directed toward readers in Arizona, Florida, Maryland, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas and Wisconsin. Viewers who click through the ads will be directed to a new DSCC-backed website that targets individual GOP Senate candidates’ positions on abortion and other reproductive-health issues.

“The Republican overturn of Roe v. Wade and the escalating attacks it has triggered on women’s right to make their own medical decisions has ensured reproductive freedom will be a defining issue of the 2024 Senate elections,” DSCC Chair Gary Peters (D-Mich.) told POLITICO in a statement. “Voters will reject GOP candidates and protect Democrats’ Senate majority in November.”

The ad blitz comes as Senate Democratic leadership has been forcing votes on reproductive rights on the floor, including votes on access to contraception and in vitro fertilization. Republicans have consistently blocked the legislation from advancing, at times offering their own competing versions.

Reproductive rights have proven a fruitful issue for Democrats in elections since the Supreme Court overruled Roe on June 24, 2022. Outcomes of ballot referendums on abortion at the state level have consistently trended toward protecting access — and outrage over the downfall of Roe is still seen as a leading cause for Republicans failing to mount a red wave in the last midterms. ...


June 22nd, 2024 search:

12. The New York Times
(I am a subscriber to The New York Times 'Basic Access' Digital Subscription.)

On the House Floor, Republicans Gag Mentions of Trump's Conviction

During official proceedings of the G.O.P.-controlled chamber, speaking about former President Donald J. Trump’s felony conviction has been forbidden, while disparaging President Biden and Democrats is routine.

By Luke Broadwater | June 21, 2024

The floor of the United States House of Representatives is supposed to be a dignified place, where lawmakers refer to each other as “gentleman” or “gentle lady,” speak only to the presiding officer, and never engage in personally disparaging remarks against rivals, an offense known as “engaging in personalities.”

But what happens when the leader of one party is a convicted criminal whom a jury has found guilty of things that would normally be considered unmentionable on the House floor?

The history-making felony conviction of former President Donald J. Trump has raised some historic questions for the House’s rules of decorum, which have existed for centuries but can be bent to the will of whichever party controls the majority-driven chamber.

The Republicans who now hold the majority have used those rules to impose what is essentially a gag order against talking about Mr. Trump’s hush-money payments to a porn actress or about the fact that he is a felon at all, notwithstanding that those assertions are no longer merely allegations but the basis of a jury’s guilty verdict. Doing so, they have declared, is a violation of House rules.

In short, perhaps the only place in the United States where people are barred from talking freely about Mr. Trump’s crimes is the floor of what is often referred to as “the people’s House,” where Republicans have gone so far as to erase one such mention from the official record.

In recent weeks, Republican leaders have cracked down on Democrats who refer to Mr. Trump’s court cases on the floor, citing the centuries-old rules of decorum, which date back to the days of Thomas Jefferson. Merely mentioning that Mr. Trump is a felon prompts an admonishment from whomever is presiding when the offending fact is uttered. (Mr. Trump is also indicted on felony charges in cases related to his handling of classified documents and attempting to overturn the 2020 election.)

“The chair would remind members to refrain from engaging in personalities toward presumptive nominees for the office of the president,” is now a common phrase heard in the chamber after the mention of the words “Trump” and “felon.”

On one occasion, Republicans barred Representative Jim McGovern, Democrat of Massachusetts, from speaking for the rest of the day and deleted his comments from the Congressional Record after he railed against Mr. Trump and his court cases.

“When they censor any mention of Donald Trump’s criminal convictions, they are essentially trying to ban a fact,” Representative Jamie Raskin of Maryland, the top Democrat on the Oversight Committee, said in an interview. “I am not aware of any precedent where factual statements have been banned in our lifetime.”

Mr. Raskin said the silencing of Mr. Trump’s critics on the House floor had a historical analog: the House’s pre-Civil War ban on legislation relating to the abolition of slavery. In 1836, the House passed a so-called gag rule that automatically postponed action on all petitions related to slavery without hearing them.

“In a legislative sense, this was of course far more important than the new rule against mentioning Trump’s criminal record,” Mr. Raskin said.

Still, he said, he considers the prohibition against criticizing Mr. Trump’s felon status “Orwellian.”

The battle over what can be said on the House floor began last month after Mr. McGovern, the top Democrat on the Rules Committee, said on the floor that Mr. Trump “is on trial for covering up hush-money payments to a porn star for political gain, not to mention three of the criminal felony prosecutions he’s facing.”

Representative Jerry Carl, Republican of Alabama and the presiding officer on the floor at the time, admonished Mr. McGovern for “engaging in personalities.”

But Mr. McGovern pressed on.

“We have a presumptive nominee for president facing 88 felony counts, and we’re being prevented from even acknowledging it,” he complained, adding: “He’s also charged with conspiring to overturn the election. He’s also charged with stealing classified information, and a jury has already found him liable for rape in a civil court and, yet, in this Republican-controlled House, it’s OK to talk about the trial — but you have to call it a sham.”

That’s when Representative Erin Houchin, Republican of Indiana, rose to demand that Mr. McGovern’s words be “taken down,” meaning his remarks would be stricken from the Congressional Record and Mr. McGovern would not be allowed to talk on the floor for the rest of the day.

After a lengthy delay while Mr. Carl figured out what to do — including consulting the parliamentarian, whose job is to interpret House rules — he reported that Mr. McGovern’s words would, in fact, be stricken from the record.

“The words of the gentleman from Massachusetts accuse a presumptive nominee for the office of president of engaging in illegal activity,” Mr. Carl said. “Presumptive nominees for the office of president are accorded the same treatment under the rules of decorum in debate as a sitting president.”

In truth, Republicans have exempted themselves from that equal treatment standard when it comes to President Biden, whom they routinely accuse of criminal conduct despite having produced no evidence of any. Representative James Comer of Kentucky, the chairman of the Oversight Committee, began one recent meeting by simply declaring that the rule against speaking ill of a president “will not be in order for the duration of today’s hearing.” Given that it was part of an impeachment inquiry, he explained, “members must be allowed to speak frankly.”

Republican leaders have frequently allowed their members to trample on the rules of decorum without repercussion in other contexts as well, including when Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia insulted the makeup of Representative Jasmine Crockett, Democrat of Texas, during a committee hearing. Mr. Comer declined to take down her words, as Democrats demanded, and allowed her to continue participating.

When it comes to Mr. Trump, Republicans have reached all the way back to the 18th century to justify the prohibition against disparaging him, effectively finding that he should be treated like a king. ...


June 22nd, 2024 search:

13. AP News

GOP targets a Biden executive order on voter registration ahead of the fall election

By Christina A. Cassidy | Updated 9:07 PM PDT, June 21, 2024

ATLANTA (AP) — Republicans and conservative activists have increasingly been targeting an executive order issued three years ago by the Biden administration that is intended to boost voter registration, claiming it’s unconstitutional and an attempt to interfere in the November election.

A recent fundraising email sent by a GOP political action committee is an example of how they are framing the order, saying it compels federal agencies “to act as Biden’s personal ‘Get-Out-The-Vote’ machine.”A Republican-led House committee recently issued subpoenas to agency directors and a group of GOP secretaries of state asked the Supreme Court to take up a case challenging the order.

Despite the pushback on the right, there has been no indication the order favors voters of one party over another.

White House spokesperson Robyn Patterson said the administration will continue to protect the voting rights of eligible citizens regardless of political affiliation. Biden issued the order in 2021 as Republican legislatures across the country were debating a wave of state voting restrictions amid the false claims that widespread fraud had cost former President Donald Trump reelection.

"These are baseless claims brought by the very people who spread debunked lies about the 2020 elections and have used those same debunked lies to advance laws across the nation that make it harder to vote and easier to undermine the will of the people," Patterson said in a statement.

Here's a look at what the order does, what federal agencies have done so far to comply with it and what Republicans are saying about it. ...


June 22nd, 2024 search:

14. Roll Call

House Republicans shift message on extending 2017 tax cuts

Cost concerns, blue-district GOP issues prompt strategy rethink

By Caitlin Reilly | June 21, 2024

The GOP party line on the expiring 2017 tax law has been to extend and make it permanent, but changing politics and growing debt has House Republicans charged with reviewing the provisions shifting away from that message.

Lower tax rates on individuals, relief from the alternative minimum tax, treatment of money U.S. companies make abroad, small-business deductions and other provisions established by 2017 law are set to expire at the end of next year.

The impending tax cliff has prompted lawmakers to start laying the groundwork for 2025, even though no one can predict the outcome of November’s elections.

Biden administration officials, including Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen and Director of the National Economic Council Lael Brainard, have said Democrats would extend tax breaks for households making less than $400,000 and offset the cost with tax increases on the wealthy and corporations.

Republicans have long said they would like to extend and make permanent expiring provisions, but in a shift in messaging some members on the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee say fully extending the provisions isn’t a foregone conclusion. ...


June 24th, 2024 search:

15. Politico

Trump is on a fundraising blitz. But there are other warning signs for Republicans.

For the first time this year, the Fox News poll had Joe Biden leading Donald Trump by two points, within the poll’s margin of error.

By Adam Wren | 06/24/2024

For Republicans who spent much of the year crowing about Joe Biden’s weaknesses, Donald Trump’s massive fundraising haul looked like an affirmation, with the former president erasing Joe Biden’s longstanding cash advantage.

But outside of the money race, a series of other developments in recent days have left even Republicans with the impression that November may not be quite as good for the GOP as it once seemed.

First came the GOP’s underperformance in a special House race in a deep-red swath of Ohio that included a swing county. Then, after Republicans over the weekend nominated a far-right candidate for lieutenant governor in Indiana, a top national GOP lawyer predicted a “serious” threat to the top of the ticket even in the heart of MAGA country.

Now, new polling from Fox News shows an 11-point swing in President Joe Biden’s favorability among independents: They prefer Biden by 9 points, a reversal from May, when they favored Trump by 2 points.For the first time this year, the poll has Biden leading Trump by two points, 50-48, within the margin of error.

Trump may be raking in donations. But across the country, the mood of Republicans has dimmed, according to nearly a dozen Republican operatives, county chairs and current and former GOP officials. It comes amid ongoing concerns about the effect of abortion on Republican candidates. And it follows defections from Trump in the primaries and, most recently, polling that has found Trump’s conviction in his New York hush-money trial hurting him with independents. ...


June 26th, 2024 search:

16. Newsweek

Donald Trump Suffers Triple Primary Blow

By James Bickerton | Jun 26, 2024

A trio of Donald Trump-endorsed Republicans suffered primary defeats to GOP rivals in South Carolina, Colorado and Utah on Tuesday in a blow to the former president's authority. ...


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


I did not select any articles from this category.


Continuing on—as I mentioned above—I will occasionally read the news articles that I feel are the most important for me to read from the daily emails that I receive from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine.

And I used to provide longer introductions to these New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles that I highlight, which included the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the date of publication in addition to some of the text from the article; but, I decided a while ago to forego my usual writing format for all The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles 'updates.'

To that end, I also used to provide the title of each article in addition to a hyperlink; however—as I mentioned above—I think that all of those hyperlinks to news articles are causing my "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was" blog post to be flagged and unpublished for violating Blogger's Spam policy! (Again, please see my 'February 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses February 25th, 2024' that can be found above.)

Therefore, I am changing the format by which I write these news 'updates' by providing the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of each article, as well as the author(s) name(s), in addition to the publishing date. That way, I am (hopefully) providing enough information about each article in order to make it possible for you, my readers, to do a search for any of the articles that I highlight by the article's title—plus, you can also verify the subtitle, the author(s) name(s) and the publishing date—if you wish to read those articles too!

And for certain articles, I will include a few introductory paragraphs as a way to give more of a complete explanation to the meaning of the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline') of these articles, which may also take the form of a kind of 'overview,' so to speak, by selecting particular paragraphs that I feel highlight the most important parts of these articles in order to summarize the meaning of the title (or, 'headline') and the subtitle (or, 'subheadline'). I hope that makes sense!

So, without further ado, I was doing my usual reading of the titles to The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine articles—including any article overviews contained within the emails—that I received for the time period of June 16th, 2024 through June 20th, 2024, when I noticed the following, and articles!


These are The New York Times articles which I received for the time period of June 16th, 2024 through June 20th, 2024: (I am a subscriber to The New York Times 'Basic Access' Digital Subscription.)

The following are The New York Times articles that I read on June 23rd, 2034, from an email that I received seven days prior on June 16th, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned June 16th, 2024 'The Morning' email introduction to The New York Times article below:


Fatherhood changes men’s brains. By how much depends on the bond they have with their child, Darby Saxbe writes. ...

Dad Brain Is Real, and It’s a Good Thing

By Darby Saxbe | June 16, 2024

A father of three recently told me that if he could go back in time and give himself one piece of advice, it would be to have kids sooner. Fatherhood changed him; it gave his life purpose, he said. It turns out neuroscience agrees with him.

My research lab investigates how the brain changes when men become fathers, and we are discovering that fatherhood can be transformative for their brains and bodies. The brain and hormonal changes we observe in new dads tell us that nature intended men to participate in child rearing, because it equipped them with neurobiological architecture to do so. They, too, can show the fundamental instinct for nurturing that’s often attributed solely to mothers.

Not only that, but men’s involvement in fatherhood can have long-term benefits for their brain health — and for healthy societies. At a time when boys and men seem to be experiencing greater social isolation and declining occupational prospects, the role of father can provide a meaningful source of identity. But the transition to fatherhood can also be a time of vulnerability, which is why supporting fathers should be a priority for policymakers. ...

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned June 16th, 2024 'The Morning' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

After multiple relapses, David Sheff’s son is 13 years sober. He relates as a father to President Biden and his son Hunter Biden, he writes. ...

Biden’s Love for His Son Is Beautiful — and It Hits Home for Me

By David Sheff | June 16, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned June 16, 2024 'The Morning' email introduction to The New York Times article below:


Father’s Day: The best advice for dads, according to dads. ...

The Best Advice for Dads (According to Dads)

By Talya Minsberg | June 14, 2024

For Father’s Day, The Times asked readers to share the best pieces of parenting advice for dads they’ve learned along the way. Close to 500 responded, with tips on how to get through the difficult early days of infanthood, bond with kids as they get older and protect them even as you prepare to let them go.

Read some of our favorite submissions below, which have been edited for clarity, and share your own advice in the comments. ...

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned June 16th, 2024 'The Morning' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

Square feet: Los Angeles wants to combat homelessness with tiny homes. ...

When Is a Tiny House Too Small to Be a Home?

As the Supreme Court weighs whether cities can criminalize sleeping outdoors or in tents, Los Angeles is attempting to combat homelessness with tiny homes criticized by some as ‘inhumane.’

By Ronda Kaysen | June 15, 2024

For two years, James Valdez lived in his S.U.V., so it was a relief when he moved into Branford Village, a community of tiny homes, in Los Angeles.

And then the flood came. And then another. During the first flood in August 2023, the water rose to the steering wheel of his S.U.V. Six months later in February, when water rushed through the complex again, residents were evacuated out of knee-high water to emergency shelters.

“You learn to live with it,” said Mr. Valdez, 58, whose 2016 GMC Acadia somehow survived ruin. “At least you have a bed.”

Roughly 150 recently homeless people live in the complex of tiny homes, part of Los Angeles’s effort to combat homelessness.

At a time when the Supreme Court is weighing whether cities can criminalize sleeping outdoors or in tents, tiny homes offer a cheap and efficient way to erect shelters, delivering a stop gap fix to a national housing crisis. The country is short a staggering 7.3 million homes for extremely low-income renters, according to the National Low Income Housing Coalition. A record 12.1 million Americans pay more than half their income in rent, according to census data, and a record 653,100 Americans were homeless on a given night in January 2023.

Tiny homes for people experiencing homelessness now pepper the country — in Austin, Albuquerque, Madison, Seattle and St. Louis. And more are coming, as state and local governments, desperate to clear tent encampments, bet that such housing can provide more privacy, security and autonomy than traditional homeless shelters where multiple people sleep in a common area. ...

The following is The New York Times article that I read on June 23rd, 2034, from an email that I received six days prior on June 17th, 2024:

And the article below is from the above-mentioned June 17th, 2024 'On Politics' email:

Is the Partisan Divide Too Big to Be Bridged?

From the urban and rural divide to the partisan gulf, from religious groups to warring factions on campuses, organizations and funders are cropping up with hope for common ground.

By Jonathan Weisman | June 16, 2024

Bernard Clay, a Black, middle-aged data analyst and poet from Louisville, Ky., was leery when he was thrown together with Shaelyn Bishop, a shy, white, young biologist who grew up on a family farm in rural Green County, Ky., 15 minutes from the closest town.

But over a structured brainstorming session in 2022, amid a weekend retreat with the Kentucky Rural-Urban Exchange, something clicked. Mr. Clay, 47, had a side project chronicling Kentucky’s Black Civil War veterans. Ms. Bishop, 34, during quiet hours alone studying the ecology of the Clay Hill Memorial Forest in Taylor County, Ky., had pondered the old stones that almost certainly marked the burial grounds of the once-enslaved, a forgotten memorial to a hidden past.

An effort was born — the Enslaved People of Clay Hill, or EPOCH, Legacy Project — to officially recognize the burial ground. And a connection was made across the gulfs of race, age and geography.

The nation’s poisonous divisions, exacerbated by politicians, cable news and social media, and collectively known as the outrage industrial complex, have been much lamented. Less noticed is the counterweight, a constellation of nonprofits and other organizations like the Kentucky Rural Urban Exchange devoted to bridging divides — urban and rural, Black and white, L.G.B.T.Q. and straight, left and right. Call it the kumbaya industrial complex.

The problem: The starkest divide — Trump-branded conservatism versus the rising political left — may be the one where no one is interested in reconciliation.

“We have to be focused on what we call the exhausted majority — that’s 65 percent of Americans,” said Stephen B. Heintz, the president and chief executive of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, a major financial backer of the proliferating groups trying to promote common ground. “It’s just not an efficient use of time to convince true ideologues to compromise.”

On June 17, with the backing of Rockefeller Brothers, the MacArthur Foundation, the Emerson Collective and others, a new group, Trust for Civic Life, will award its first $8 million to 20 civic groups judged the most promising in their efforts to rebuild community and reinforce democratic values. Another $2 million will come later in the year to meet the trust’s pledge of $10 million a year for community-level democracy efforts. In this case, “democracy” is with a small “d” — emphasizing efforts to shore up the values needed to promote democratic pluralism, without explicit mentions of Republicans or Democrats.

The first trust grants, selected from more than 60 organizations, will be announced in Boulder, Colo., at a Democracy Funders Strategy Summit on combating authoritarianism, more evidence that bridge-building has become the hot new concept in a country looking for hope. ...

The following are The New York Times articles that I read on June 25th, 2024, from an email that I received six days prior on June 19th, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned June 19th, 2024 'The Morning' email introduction to The New York Times article below:


Compulsory prison labor is a form of slavery, but it’s still legal in most of America, write Andrew Ross, Tommaso Bardelli and Aiyuba Thomas. ...

End Legal Slavery in the United States

By Andrew Ross, Tommaso Bardelli and Aiyuba Thomas | June 19, 2024

Today we celebrate Juneteenth, the day when word of the Emancipation Proclamation reached the farthest outpost in America. Many people do not realize that Emancipation did not legally end slavery in the United States, however. The 13th Amendment — the culmination of centuries of resistance by enslaved people, a lifetime of abolitionist campaigning and a bloody civil war — prohibited involuntary servitude “except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted.”

In the North, that so-called exception clause was interpreted as allowing the private contracting of forced prison labor, which was already underway, and in the ex-Confederacy it gave rise to the much more brutal system by which freed men and women were routinely arrested under false charges and then leased out to plantation owners and industrialists to work off their sentence. Some historians have described this convict leasing system as “worse than slavery,” because there was no incentive to avoid working those people to death.

Over time, courts accepted that all people who are incarcerated lose the protection against slavery or involuntary servitude. The legacy of that legal deference is a grim one. Today, a majority of the 1.2 million Americans locked up in state and federal prisons work under duress in jobs that cover the entire spectrum, from cellblock cleaning to skilled manufacturing, for wages as low as a few cents per hour or, in several states, for nothing at all. And though members of Congress denounce imported goods made with prison labor in places like China’s Xinjiang province, the offices of many government agencies in Washington and elsewhere are stocked with furniture and supplies made by prisoners in this country. In fact, federal agencies are mandated to purchase goods from federal prisons, just as state or municipal agencies, including public schools and universities, often must consider sourcing from state penitentiaries. In many states, prison-made goods are freely available on the open market and shipped overseas.

Labor that people have no meaningful right to refuse and that is enforced under conditions of total control is, unquestionably, slavery. It’s a different model from the chattel slavery over which the Civil War was fought, but by all norms of international law, it is a violation of fundamental human rights. ...

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned June 19th, 2024 'The Morning' email introduction to The New York Times article below:


Today is Juneteenth, a federal holiday. More people have been celebrating the holiday across the U.S. over the past few years.

Many celebrations take place among families, often in backyards. But some cities, like Atlanta and Washington, hold larger events, including parades and festivals with residents and local businesses. Here’s a guide. ...

The History of Juneteenth

On June 19, 1865, enslaved African Americans in Texas were told they were free. A century and a half later, people across the United States continue to celebrate the day, which is now a federal holiday.

By Derrick Bryson Taylor | June 12, 2024

This article was originally published in 2020. It was updated in 2024.

Juneteenth, an annual commemoration of the end of slavery in the United States after the Civil War, has been celebrated by African Americans since the late 1800s.

President Biden signed legislation in 2021 that made Juneteenth, which falls on June 19, a federal holiday, after interest in the day was renewed during the summer of 2020 and the nationwide protests that followed the police killings of Black Americans including George Floyd and Breonna Taylor.

There has been a noticeable increase in Juneteenth celebrations across the United States over the past few years.

Here’s a brief guide to Juneteenth.

How did Juneteenth begin?

On June 19, 1865, about two months after the Confederate general Robert E. Lee surrendered at Appomattox, Va., Gordon Granger, a Union general, arrived in Galveston, Texas, to inform enslaved African Americans of their freedom and that the Civil War had ended. General Granger’s announcement put into effect the Emancipation Proclamation, which had been issued nearly two and a half years earlier, on Jan. 1, 1863, by President Abraham Lincoln.

The holiday is also called “Juneteenth Independence Day,” “Freedom Day” or “Emancipation Day.” ...

The following is The New York Times article that I read today, June 26th, 2024, from an email that I received six days ago on June 20th, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned June 20th, 2024 'The Morning' email introduction to The New York Times article below:

2024 Election

Biden’s recent actions have clarified his approach to immigration: Help those who are already in the U.S., but limit arrivals. ...

Biden’s Strategy: Help Immigrants in the U.S., but Stop Others From Arriving

President Biden’s recent actions on immigration put his approach to one of the most divisive issues in the 2024 election into focus.

By Zolan Kanno-Youngs | June 19, 2024

There are hundreds of thousands of immigrants in the United States who have been living in the country illegally for years, working and making a living, starting families and sending their children to school. President Biden says they can stay.

And then there are the more recent arrivals, who have crossed the U.S.-Mexico border in record numbers, seeking protection from poverty and persecution. They will have to wait.

Mr. Biden has taken two major actions on immigration this month, expanding legal protections for undocumented spouses of American citizens while also sealing the border to most people seeking asylum in the United States.

Taken together, the decisions put Mr. Biden’s approach to one of the most polarizing issues of the 2024 campaign into sharp focus: He will help immigrants who are already here, but try to keep the border shut to those trying to get in. ...


These are the USA Today articles which I received for the time period of June 16th, 2024 through June 20th, 2024: (I am a subscriber to the USA Today 'Unlimited Digital Access' Subscription.)

The following are the USA Today articles that I read on June 23rd, 2034, from an email that I received seven days prior on June 16th, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned June 16th, 2024 'The Daily Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

After struggle with infertility, new dad celebrates first Father's Day

A Texas man who struggled with infertility shares his journey to fatherhood to help erase the stigma around a disease that's on the rise worldwide.


On Father's Day, a dad cherishes the child he feared infertility would prevent

By Marc Ramirez | June 16, 2024

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned June 16th, 2024 'The Daily Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

What do I want for Father's Day? My son's normal to be love.

My truth is that I have no business being a father, but my son is helping me believe I deserve it.


On Father's Day, I realize my son helps me ask for the thing I need: A step to healing

I want to be honest about what being a dad means to somebody like me.

By Louie Villalobos | June 16, 2024

The following are the USA Today articles that I read on June 25th, 2024, from emails that I received six days prior on June 19th, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned June 19th, 2024 'The Daily Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:


Juneteenth is Wednesday: Here's what the federal holiday means

Juneteenth is on Wednesday in 2024. Here's what to know about the federal holiday and what it celebrates.


Juneteenth: What to know about the historical celebration that's now a federal holiday

On June 19, 1865 slaves in Galveston, Texas were given the news that they were freed by President Abraham Lincoln. Now, the day is a holiday that celebrates the "Second Independence Day" in America.

By Ahjané Forbes | June 16, 2024

Three years after it was made a federal holiday, Juneteenth 2024 marks a day of celebration as well as education.

The federal holiday known as “Second Independence Day,” marks the day the last African American slaves were notified that they had been freed from their masters, the National Museum of African American History and Culture said.

Dr. Tim Goler, a professor of urban affairs and sociology courses and director of research for the Center for African American Public Policy at Norfolk State University, told USA TODAY that Juneteenth or "Freedom Day" is a day that shows the "beauty of our culture" that everyone should participate in.

The origins of Juneteenth date back to June 19, 1865 more than two years after President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation - when the Union Maj. Gen. Gordon Granger arrived in Galveston, Texas, and announced the end of the Civil War and the emancipation of enslaved African Americans, Goler said.

“This delay and the enforcement of the emancipation in Texas was due to a lack of enforcement until this general arrived," Goler said. "Then Juneteenth thus became this kind of powerful symbol of freedom and the long struggle for civil rights."

The Juneteenth National Independence DayAct was passed by the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate in June 2021. The bill was signed by President Joe Biden on June 17, 2021, which officially made the day a federal holiday.

Here's what you need to know about Juneteenth. ...

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned June 19th, 2024 'Evening Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

See Juneteenth celebrations around the U.S.

Juneteenth is a federal holiday that commemorates the end of slavery in the United States. It is considered the longest-running African American holiday.


See Juneteenth celebrations around the U.S. Camille Fine

By Sean Dougherty | June 16, 2024 ...

The following are the USA Today articles that I read today, June 26th, 2024, from emails that I received six days ago on June 20th, 2024:

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned June 20th, 2024 'The Daily Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

More news to know now

Here's what Trump and Biden each want to do for the economy. ...

Comparing Trump's and Biden's economic plans, from immigration to taxes

By Paul Davidson | June 20, 2024

President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump have laid out starkly contrasting blueprints for the U.S. economy as they vie for a second term in November.

Trump has said he would seek to extend and expand his 2017 tax cuts, severely restrict illegal immigration while deporting millions of foreign-born residents, impose tariffs on all U.S. imports, and roll back much of Biden’s initiatives to transition the nation to clean energy.

Biden would extend some of the Trump tax cuts − but not for wealthy individuals and corporations – establish more targeted tariffs on Chinese imports and toughen immigration constraints but not nearly as dramatically as Trump.

He also would push a lengthy wish list of social service programs that would make child care more affordable, provide free college tuition, cancel more student loan debt and lower drug prices, among other proposals. But analysts say they’re unlikely to pass a divided Congress.

“Biden’s policies are better for the economy,” says Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moody’s Analytics. “They lead to more growth and less inflation.”

According to a Moody’s study, Trump’s plan would trigger a recession by mid-2025 and an economy that grows an average 1.3% annually during his four-year term vs. 2.1% under Biden. (The latter is in line with average growth in the decade before the pandemic.)

Next year, under a Trump administration, inflation would rise from the current 3.3% to 3.6%, well above the 2.4% forecast under Biden, the Moody’s analysis shows. Compared with Biden, the U.S. would have 3.2 million fewer jobs and a 4.5% unemployment rate, a half percentage point higher, at the end of a Trump tenure.

The Moody’s projections defy polls that have consistently shown Americans rate Trump a better steward for the U.S. economy than Biden. Forty-six percent of respondents trust Trump on the economy and 32% trust Biden, according to an ABC/Ipsos poll in late April. Their views on the economy are expected to be a major focus of a June 27 debate between the two candidates hosted by CNN.

Even right-leaning economists agree Trump’s trade and immigration policies would hobble the economy. Scott Lincicome of the libertarian Cato Institute says they would be “highly damaging to the U.S. and global economies.” He adds, however, that specific forecasts “should be taken with a grain of salt.”

Chris Edwards, another Cato economist, says Trump “has an edge over Biden” on the economy because Biden has used “trade rules, narrow tax breaks, corporate subsidies, regulations, antitrust, labor union rules” and other measures to “centrally plan” manufacturing, tech and other industries that should be left to free markets.

Moody’s study assumes a Biden administration would be dealing with a Democratic-majority House and Republican Senate as party control of the two chambers flips, while Trump would enjoy a Republican House and Senate, based on models that predict the likeliest election scenarios.

The estimates aren't an exact science, and changes in the proposals would modify the economic impact. But they're crunched by computer models that are based on similar policies over the past 75 years.

Here's a breakdown of how their plans are projected to affect the economy. ...

And the excerpt below is from the above-mentioned June 20th, 2024 'Evening Briefing' email introduction to the USA Today article below:

Louisiana's Ten Commandments law should come with Trump disclaimer

I'm fine with Louisiana requiring Ten Commandments posters in classrooms, as long as they note which commandments Donald Trump has broken.


Ten Commandments in Louisiana schools is fine – as long as they note the ones Trump broke

The 'Thou shalt not commit adultery' line on the classroom Ten Commandments poster will require a substantial asterisk for Trump.

By Rex Huppke | June 20, 2024

Louisiana's governor signed a law requiring a poster-sized display of the Ten Commandments in every public school classroom in the state, something I'm completely fine with as long as those posters say, in large font along the top: "The Ten Commandments, Most of Which Donald Trump Has Violated.

That seems fair, and I would be comfortable with students of any age walking into a classroom and receiving a daily lesson on the meaning of hypocrisy.

The Republicans who pushed for this law, which makes Louisiana the only state to mandate Ten Commandments posters in schools, seem laser-focused on history and accuracy. They describe the commandments as “a historical document.” And after signing the legislation, Gov. Jeff Landry said: “If you want to respect the rule of law, you’ve got to start from the original law giver, which was Moses.”

Okey doke. Let’s go with that. Because respecting the rule of law matters. And if we’re respecting the rule of law, I’m sure Gov. Landry would agree it would be educational malfeasance not to inform Louisiana students that the presumptive Republican presidential nominee and former president – a man Landry himself has enthusiastically endorsed – has broken a slew of the laws outlined on their classroom poster.

Any 10 Commandments poster should note the ones Trump violated

The law requires that the Ten Commandments posters be “at least eleven inches by fourteen inches,” and that the “text of the Ten Commandments shall be the central focus of the poster or framed document” and be “printed in a large, easily readable font.”

And again, that’s all completely fine with me, as long as there are notes on the poster or on an accompanying poster that detail the ways Trump has violated certain commandments.

For example, per the language mandated by the state of Louisiana: “Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain.” Trump has previously dropped “g--damn” in his rally speeches. ...

... Trump isn't exactly poster boy for church-going or adultery-avoiding

Next up on the commandments poster is: “Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy.”


The “Thou shalt not commit adultery” line on the classroom poster will require a substantial asterisk, as Trump was recently convicted on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records to cover up money paid to adult film star Stormy Daniels to keep her quiet about an alleged affair. ...

... Trump Ten Commandments definitely don't say a thing about stealing

Louisiana students who look up from their desks and see “Thou shalt not steal” in large, easily readable font should certainly know that their governor’s pick to be president of the United States was, in 2019, ordered to pay $2 million in damages for using money from his own charity to pay off business debts and buy a painting of himself. ...

... And then there’s this foundational rule Landry and Louisiana’s Republican lawmakers rightly believe all students, regardless of faith, apparently, should abide: “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.”

Put more succinctly: Don’t lie.

If students of the Bayou State who gaze upon their government-mandated Ten Commandments poster are going to see that warning to “not bear false witness,” it is only fair that every remaining square inch of every classroom wall be devoted to detailing the multitudinous lies Trump told throughout his one-term presidency and the entire 2024 presidential campaign. ...


These are the Time Magazine articles which I received for June 19th, 2024: (I am a subscriber to the Time Magazine 'INSIDER Digital' Subscription.)

The following is the Time Magazine article that I read on June 25th, 2024, from 'The Brief' email that I received six days prior on June 19th, 2024:

The Origins of Juneteenth and Why ‘Black Independence Day’ Falls on June 19th

By Simmone Shah | June 17, 2024

This June on the 19th, many Americans will gather to celebrate Junteenth, now the newest federal holiday in the United States. Though it’s been celebrated by Black Americans as early as in the mid-late 1800s, Juneteenth is a date that was long omitted from history books—and wasn’t designated as a federal holiday until 2021, after police killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and other Black people in the U.S. renewed a push for conversations on racial justice and the holiday’s enshrinement on a national level.

“It recognizes liberation, it recognizes freedom. Some people will refer to it as Black Independence Day. It’s a day to celebrate the ending of an era of 246 years of enslavement that African Americans experienced in this country,” says Daina Ramey Berry, Professor of History and Dean of Humanities and Fine Arts at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Many Americans might not know why the date is significant or even celebrated, since many might not have learned about the event in school. “Many people assume that freedom began with the Emancipation Proclamation and think of Lincoln as the great liberator,” says Berry.

But the real history is more complicated than that. On January 1, 1863, President Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, declaring that "all persons held as slaves" in the Confederacy or states that seceded from the Union, "are, and henceforward shall be free." But that freedom did not come immediately, as the Civil War continued on and Union soldiers went from state to state to enforce the measure. “Essentially, very few enslaved people were freed in 1863,” says Berry.

On June 19th, 1865, two and a half years after the Emancipation Proclamation was issued and two months after the Civil War officially ended, Union Army General Gordon Granger and 2,000 of his soldiers arrived in Galveston, Texas, to inform enslaved people of their freedom.

“When the Union army reached Galveston and notified Black people of their freedom, it generally signified that the last segment of the roughly four million slaves in the South, now knew they were officially free,” Nafeesa Muhammad, Associate Professor of History at Spelman College, told TIME in an email. “And this is the significance of Juneteenth.” ...

The following is the Time Magazine article that I read on June 25th, 2024, from 'Inside Time' email that I received six days prior on June 19th, 2024:

How to Buy Groceries Right Now Without Breaking the Bank

By Simmone Shah | June 18, 2024

Gina Zakaria, a mother of two based in Los Angeles, considers herself to be a savvy shopper.

As someone who has been making content about frugal living on her social media since 2017, she’s become an expert on finding deals at the grocery store—but as prices have continued to climb upwards in recent years, even she has been feeling the pinch when shopping for necessities.

“I always look for sales,” she says, “but I do feel the difference in my total.”

Prices in grocery stores across the country are now up 25% from pre-pandemic levels, data from the Bureau of Labour Statistics shows. Staring down rising prices at the supermarket checkout line, many Americans are feeling the impact. Within the last few years, 80% of Americans say they’ve felt a notable increase in the cost of groceries—and more than a quarter have said they’ve occasionally skipped meals as a result of rising costs, according to a study conducted by Qualtrics on behalf of Intuit Credit Karma.

“As prices continue to rise, people may be afraid to go shopping, which leads to them eating out more or not [making] the best decisions when it comes to cooking,” says Will Coleman, a chef and content creator who shares tips for saving money on groceries on his Instagram. Most recent USDA data from 2022 shows that Americans were spending an average of 11% of their discretionary income on eating both at home and in restaurants—the highest percentage since 1991. “With prices going up, there must be more resources and knowledge being shared about shopping and cooking [more accessible],” Coleman notes.

TIME spoke with experts about why groceries are so expensive and ways to keep costs down while you shop.

Why are groceries so expensive right now?

Rising prices can be traced back to the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused major supply chain disruptions and worker shortages, says Ronald Hill, a Professor at American University’s Kogod School of Business. “It blew up the supply chain,” he says.

Global conflicts—including the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East— have also contributed to price increases. “We had grain coming through Eastern Europe and that became a problem,” he says. “Gasoline was coming from the Middle East, and that became a powder keg.” ...

[Blogger's Note: In furtherance of the great shopping advice contained in the Time Magazine article referenced above, the following hyperlinks are for my blog posts regarding how I use thrift, coupons, shopping lists, budgeting and credit cards in order to save money while I am spending money from my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" blog:

"My Point Of View On...Thrift, Or Frugality"

My Point Of View On...Using Coupons, Or "Couponing"

"My Point Of View On...Shopping Lists And Price Comparison Lists"

"My Point Of View On...Budgeting"

"My Point Of View On...Credit Cards"

And here is a hyperlink to all of the posts listed above that are under the search label 'Budgeting':

Plus, the following highlight from my 'budgeting' blog posts above is "my writing about tracking my 'discount savings' in my monthly budget":

My Writing About Tracking My "Discount Savings" In My Monthly Budget: I track how much I save from discounts on purchases in my monthly budget! You see, beginning in the year 2016, I started to set aside my 'discount savings' in my monthly budget from coupons, discounts from stores, and discounts from other businesses, etc. Then, I saved those 'discount savings' for later use. And the reason that I decided to start doing this is because I couldn't figure why I did not have any money left over at the end of each month, even though I was always really careful about purchasing whatever I needed to buy when it was on sale—as much as possible. Then, I realized that I wasn't keeping track of how much I was saving when I bought items on sale in order to save money! Therefore, that is why I decided to start setting aside what I saved from any discounts on purchases in my monthly budget. As an example, if I buy an item on sale for $20.00, that was regularly $25.00, I set aside the $5.00 that I saved, in my monthly budget, as if I spent that money because—if I hadn't received a discount—I would have spent that money anyway! Thus, I do this on purchases that are discounted, by setting aside the money that I would have spent, as if I had spent that money. And the first full year that I set aside my 'discount savings' in my monthly budget, which was 2017, I saved over $900.00! Also, to clarify, I only track what I have saved on discounted purchases that I made with my debit card, in order to set aside those funds in my monthly budget, and not with discounted purchases that I made with cash or credit. Otherwise, I feel that it would be too difficult to set aside funds on purchases that were discounted for which I paid in cash or credit. And, to clarify even further, I only track what I have saved at a store if that store lists the amount that I have saved on the receipt. Otherwise, I feel that it would be too difficult to track discounts on purchases where the store does not list discounts on the receipt. (I actually used to go back through a store and write down on my receipt how much I saved on each item if the store didn't list the savings on my receipt, but it was kind of a hassle to do so. That's why I only track what I save at a store if they list my savings on the receipt.) And, as I mentioned above, I also track other discounts from businesses that I set aside in my monthly budget, such as discounts on my subscriptions to news organizations, or discounts on my monthly cell phone service! –Paul Whiting (written originally sometime after 2017, then turned into a quote on July 11th, 2022, revised July 13th, 2022, revised August 31st, 2023 and revised June 26th, 2024)

And I decided to highlight these articles from the various news organizations above via Google news searches—as well as from The New York Times, USA Today and Time Magazine—for you, my readers, to consider reading too! –Paul Whiting (June 26th, 2024)
June 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses June 22nd, 2024 And June 24th, 2024, As Well As June 16th, 2024 Through June 20th, 2024 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On June 28th, 2024): I have a big announcement to make: As of today, June 28th, 2024, I am no longer writing current news 'updates!' And my reason for doing this is due to that fact that these news 'updates' take an extraordinary amount of time to write—so much so that I am not getting any of my other blogging done, which includes all of the edits that still I have to complete on my various blog posts for my poetry and prose. However, I am still planning to write 'updates' about my current activism, which is what I originally intended this blog post to be about. –Paul Whiting (June 28th, 2024)


June 27th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses June 10th, 2024: I received a mailer from The Salvation Army Portland Metro seventeen days ago on June 10th, 2024, with a 'front teaser message' on the envelope that read, "YOUR NEWSLETTER IS ENCLOSED ► Because of YOU", which stated the following:

[I used to hand-type the text of the documents from these types of mailers on my smartphone; however, it takes a lot of time and energy in order to hand-type these kinds of documents: so, instead, I scanned and copied the documents using Google Lens! Then, I edited the copy of said documents to include all of the italicizing, bolding and/or underscoring where applicable.]

The Salvation Army
The Portland Metro Area Newsletter CREATED FOR Mr. Paul Whiting

Because of YOU


SPRING / 2024

You Give Veterans Hope
See inside >

"I Know What They Do and Why"
See inside >

"I Don't Have Words"
See back page >

Mr. Whiting, you make sure families don't lose hope — even at their greatest moment of need.

You held together a mom and her family, Mr. Whiting

"I don't know how things got so off track... "

"Just a few months ago, everything was going well," [name redacted] continues. "We were saving money to rent a new house, and the kids were doing well in school."

The derailment began when this single mother of three suddenly found herself unemployed. The company where she'd worked for years unexpectedly closed. In an instant, [name redacted] lost the means to support her family.

To make matters worse, [name redacted's] water heater sprung a leak, causing costly damage. After spending the last of her savings to pay for repairs, there was nothing left.

Scrambling to find work, [name redacted] took a part-time job which allowed the family to remain in their apartment. But her paycheck wasn't enough to cover food — or the school supplies her children desperately needed.

Thankfully, you were there to help [name redacted] and her children get back on their feet. Through your generous support of The Salvation Army, you provided the family nutritious food and emergency assistance. And the kids were so excited when they each received school supplies to help them thrive in the classroom!

After a few weeks, [name redacted] let us know she had found a new, full-time job! She was also proud to inform us that all three of her children were doing well in school.

"Thanks to The Salvation Army, our family is back on track, [name redacted] says.

[Name redacted's] story shows your compassion in action! Will you give again today, Mr. Whiting? Your continued generosity will help more neighbors in crisis receive the assistance they need to bounce back and start anew.

Mr. Whiting, you help veterans with dignity and positivity

Through the generosity of supporters like you, The Salvation Army's Veterans and Family Center (VFC) in Beaverton [Oregon] has long served those who have served. It's been a refuge, where veterans who are homeless, or facing other issues, can find the help they need to get back on their feet.

Veterans who come for shelter also receive help addressing PTSD [post-traumatic stress disorder], addiction, loneliness, depression, and other challenges many of our servicepeople face. The VFC is distinctive in many ways, including allowing families to shelter together, and even permitting companion and service animals, which can be vital to improving mental health.

It's a strong program, and you help keep it that way. But a few years ago, it became clear that the VFC building itself had seen better days.

That's why — again, through your kindness — a renovation project was launched. The mission: to create a more dignified environment where veterans can feel honored as they receive help.

Plumbing, windows, air conditioning and heating were brought up to modern standards. Rooms were updated, including changing carpeted floors to solid surfaces to better accommodate residents using wheelchairs. And the entire building has been refreshed to create a more cheerful and positive environment.

Helping veterans recover — and find hope — is just one of the many ways you serve your neighbors in need. We're very grateful for your support, and so are the veterans who turn to us for help. Please consider a gift today to help others in need. May God bless you for your kindness!

Mr. Whiting, see how [name redacted] - who shares your enthusiasm for The Salvation Army took his giving to the next level!

Why does [name redacted] make The Salvation Army a part of his long-term giving? Simple. When his family was in crisis years ago, they were there to help.

"My dad was seriously injured," [name redacted] remembers. "He fell through a roof where he was working a 25-foot drop-and landed on the side of his head.

When we ran out of resources, my mom went to The Salvation Army, and they took care of us while my dad was in the hospital. That stuck with me all these years."

But The Salvation Army also helped [name redacted] years later.

"I had no place to go," he remembers. "I was about 18. I couldn't find a job. I was out on the street two or three months." The Salvation Army made sure [name redacted] had food and a place to stay. "They were very helpful."

So, when The Salvation Army reached out to [name redacted] years later about becoming a long-term supporter, it was an easy decision. "I started out at $20 a month, and now it's up to $100 a month. It's been a long time, and I have no regrets."

Does [name redacted] think about the good he's doing? "Absolutely. I think about it every month when the withdrawal goes through. I know what they do, and I know why they do it, too."

"I'm interested in the success of The Salvation Army. That's why I give. They want people to succeed. That means a lot."

Want to make The Salvation Army a part of your long-term giving plans? Find out how below...!/donation/checkout?c_src=USN_Homepage&c_src2=evergreenHero


Dear Mr. Whiting,

If there's one universal theme to the stories in this issue and so many we hear, it's unexpected.

An unexpected life moment might simply be bothersome for you or me, but for many of our neighbors? Unexpected life challenges can quickly become overwhelming, if not impossible to overcome.

Maybe a sudden job loss has left a family unstable. Perhaps an emergency expense or inflated food prices have cut into the weekly grocery budget. Or they might be facing the choice between paying a utility bill and buying food.

Whatever the case, when unexpected challenges become a crisis, your neighbors need help right away.

That help may come in the form of food, clothing, or other necessities. Help to pave the way for better days ahead when struggling families need it most. The help that reminds them someone cares.

Thanks to friends like you, The Salvation Army can offer the men, women, and families who come to us help in the form of immediate assistance ... and hope.

When you read the stories in this newsletter, I trust you'll be reminded of the far-reaching impact of your generosity and compassion.

Because of you, The Salvation Army is ready for the unexpected, giving our neighbors in need help — and hope — for a better tomorrow.

Thank you for your dedication and support!

[Title and Name redacted]

You gave a veteran and his daughter a reason to be thankful, Mr. Whiting

After his service in the Army, [name redacted] was unable to find work.

A helicopter crew chief stationed in the Middle East, [name redacted] returned home with a blood disorder called ITP [immune thrombocytopenic purpura], which can cause easy or excessive bleeding. Although he was willing to work, employers considered his condition too great a liability.

To make matters worse, [name redacted] was unable to secure disability benefits through the VA [U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs] — leaving this single father to raise his 2-year-old daughter on just his monthly Social Security payment.

"I was worried about how I was going to show her something worthwhile to be thankful for," [name redacted] says.

But compassionate friends like you made sure [name redacted] and his little girl received food assistance from The Salvation Army — a definite reason to give thanks.

"I don't have words to describe how much I appreciate it and how positive of an effect that it's going to have for me and my daughter," [name redacted] says. "It is truly a blessing. Truly the biggest help that I could have."

You are the biggest help for so many neighbors in need when you give generously. Will you be a blessing for someone else who's struggling right now, Mr. Whiting? Please give again today!

Put Your Gift To Work Faster!

Consider giving online. It's safe, secure, quick, and easy! Help more of our struggling neighbors today. Please visit us at

[Blogger's Note: For The Salvation Army USA website, at which there's a local donation page for you to make a donation to The Salvation Army in your area, please visit where you will see the "Donate Local" button at the top right-hand corner of their website! And thank you for considering making a donation to The Salvation Army in order to "help more of our struggling neighbors today."]


The Salvation Army
[Address, City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

YES! I want to make a difference in the lives of those in need.

Enclosed is my gift of:

[  ] $15
[  ] $10
[  ] $25
[✓] $7.00

Your gift will be used locally.

Please make your check payable to The Salvation Army.

From: Mr. Paul Whiting
[Street Address and Apt. No. redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

To: The Salvation Army
Portland Metro Donation Processing Center
[Address redacted]
[City, State and ZIP Code redacted]

And so, I made a one-time donation to The Salvation Army Cascade Division in order to support The Salvation Army's Portland Metro Area Newsletter for Spring / 2024, since "I want to make a difference in the lives of those in need." –Paul Whiting (June 27th, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am reducing how much I donate for the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond) to take action." Thus, I will still be responding to some of the regular mail requests that I receive (to which I choose to respond), which are requesting me to take action, but I am reducing the amount that I donate to organizations from which I receive mailers. (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.)


June 27th, 2024 Update No. 2: Today is PTSD Awareness Day, since PTSD Awareness Day is yearly (annually) on June 27th. And I decided to provide information from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs website highlighting the National Center for PTSD, which can be found below:

PTSD: National Center for PTSD

We are the world's leading research and educational center of excellence on PTSD and traumatic stress.

PTSD is a mental health problem that some people develop after experiencing or witnessing a life-threatening or traumatic event. If symptoms last more than a few months, it may be PTSD. The good news is that there are effective treatments.


June 27 is PTSD Screening Day

Answer 5 questions about your symptoms to see if your feelings and behaviors are related to PTSD.

Learn more >>

Understand PTSD Section:

Treatment Section:

Get Help Section:

Family and Friends Section:

Therefore, I decided to write this 'update' as a way to highlight that June 27th is PTSD Awareness Day. Plus, PTSD Awareness Day is observed within PTSD Awareness Month which is June. (Please see my 'June 1st, 2024 Update No. 1,' which can be found above, for more information on PTSD Awareness Month.)

Besides that, I wanted to highlight information from the USO website titled, "PTSD Resources: Where to Turn When You Need Help," due to the fact that they were the organization that first made me aware that June 27th is PTSD Awareness Day and that June is PTSD Awareness Month. (Please see my 'June 1st, 2022 Update, Written On June 29th, 2022,' which can be found above.) Please see a brief introduction to the above-mentioned article can be found below, which is dated June 24th, 2013.

"PTSD Resources: Where to Turn When You Need Help" from the USO

Monday, Jun 24, 2013

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Month may be winding down, but that doesn’t mean troops and families trying to cope with the anguish of war memories or even mental and emotional trauma from traumatic brain injuries will be forgotten.

Here is a list of resources for both troops and families dealing with PTSD.

And as always, if you or someone you know needs to talk to someone immediately, call the Military Crisis Hotline at 1-800-273-8255 or contact them online at ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the article:

In addition to that, I wanted to highlight information from the Wounded Warrior Project's website regarding "Veterans and PTSD: Understanding Causes, Signs, Symptoms and Treatment." An introduction to the webpage can be found below:

Veterans and PTSD: Understanding Causes, Signs, Symptoms and Treatment

PTSD among service members and veterans

What is Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a diagnosed condition that can develop after a person is exposed to a traumatic event. PTSD is a very common condition for many veterans after military service. Symptoms can include disturbing thoughts, feelings, or dreams related to the events, mental or physical distress, difficulty sleeping, and changes in how a person thinks and feels.

What Causes PTSD?
PTSD can occur after witnessing or experiencing a traumatic event. For veterans, this can stem from combat, training, or military sexual trauma.

PTSD Symptoms
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, there are four types of symptoms:

• Re-experiencing:
° Flashbacks: You may find yourself reliving a traumatic event. This could include physical symptoms such as a racing heart or sweating.
° Bad dreams: These might include dreams related to the event
° Frightening thoughts
• Avoidance: avoiding thoughts, feelings, places, activities, or objects that remind you of the traumatic event

• Arousal and reactivity: being easily startled, feeling tense, having trouble sleeping

• Cognition and mood: experiencing negative thoughts, feelings of guilt or blame, or loss of interest in hobbies

When these symptoms last for a month, it is considered PTSD. ...

Please see the hyperlink below for the webpage:

Plus, I received an email from Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) today, June 27th, 2024, with the subject line "It’s PTSD Awareness Day.", which stated the following:


As an invisible wound of war, PTSD is not always obvious and it requires the understanding and compassion of the broader community. It takes different forms – some more drastic than others. That's why last week, IAVA partnered with Columbia’s Lighthouse Project to combat it at its most extreme impact.

Can you donate today so we can continue to provide more resources and trainings for our veteran community and ensure all veterans can access the life-saving care we’ve fought to deliver?

With hundreds of sign-ups and a thorough and informative presentation from our partners, our members are now equipped with tools to combat suicide and ensure veterans in crisis can get the care they need in their own communities and networks.

If you were unable to join us, but want the tools yourself, you can find the slides from the presentation here:

Our work doesn’t stop here. IAVA will continue to lead the fight to make sure all post-9/11 veterans get the care they’ve earned and deserve.

We want to see the widest array of options possible for veterans to treat their wartime wounds. That means advocating for alternative therapies for veterans, including increasing access to cannabis and psychedelic-assisted care.

On PTSD Awareness Day and every day, let’s fight together to help those suffering.

If you can, contribute now to fuel our fight to help our battle buddies treat their wartime wounds and empower them with critical resources to help support those in our community.

Thank you,


P.S. Veterans have paid their dues so IAVA membership is always free. However, we rely on voluntary donations from supporters like you. If you can, please chip in to support IAVA's ability to fight on behalf of the post-9/11 generation of veterans.


And so, I made a one-time donation to Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) in order to "fuel [IAVA's] fight to help our battle buddies treat their wartime wounds and empower them with critical resources to help support those in our community." I also made a one-time donation to Wounded Warrior Project in order to raise awareness of "PTSD among service members and veterans." –Paul Whiting (written June 27th, 2024 and revised June 28th, 2024)

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is now: 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: "If you’re thinking about suicide, are worried about a friend or loved one, or would like emotional support, the Lifeline network is available 24/7 across the United States." Dial 988


June 28th, 2024 Update No. 1 [June 26th, 2024 Update No. 1, Which Also Discusses June 22nd, 2024 And June 24th, 2024, As Well As June 16th, 2024 Through June 20th, 2024 (Follow-Up No. 1, Written On June 28th, 2024)]: I have a big announcement to make: As of today, June 28th, 2024, I am no longer writing current news 'updates!' And my reason for doing this is due to that fact that these news 'updates' take an extraordinary amount of time to write—so much so that I am not getting any of my other blogging done, which includes all of the edits that still I have to complete on my various blog posts for my poetry and prose. However, I am still planning to write 'updates' about my current activism, which is what I originally intended this blog post to be about. –Paul Whiting (June 28th, 2024)


June 27th, 2024 Update No. 3, Written On June 28th, 2024: [Blogger's Note: This 'update' that I am writing today, June 28th, 2024, is for donations that I made yesterday, June 27th, 2024, as a part of my series of very humble $1.00 donations for the 2nd End of the Quarter 2024 FEC Deadline (which is all that I can afford given my 'monthly donating budget') to Democratic fundraising and coordinating political organizations—and to one campaign—regarding the national races for the House of Representatives (the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee), the Senate (the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee) and the President of the United States (the Democratic National Committee and Biden for President, or the Biden Victory Fund), as well as the state races for the Governors (the Democratic Governors Association), the Secretaries of State (the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State), the Attorneys General (the Democratic Attorneys General Association) and the State Legislatures (the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee), at the end of this second quarter of the year for the 2024 Presidential Election. In addition to that, I made a donation to my local Democratic fundraising and coordinating organization (Democratic Party of Oregon).]

I have combined every political campaign, or political organization, donation request per day (made via email or text message) into one 'update' for each day that I donate, so that I don't have to keep writing individual 'updates' for political campaign donations, or political organization donations!

You see, I used to write one 'update' for each of the individual campaign political donations, or political organization donations, that I made virtually every time that I made a political donation. And within each 'update' I included the text from each political campaign's, or political organization's, requesting email or text message, along with some of each campaign's, or organization's, donation page text on the ActBlue website, as well as how much I donated to each campaign, or organization, plus whether I included a tip to ActBlue and how much I tipped.

(By the way, I still write individual 'updates' for political campaign, or political organization, mailers that I receive through the regular mail, because they are usually more elaborate political donation requests, which is why I don't include them with these email or text message requests.)

Plus, the 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $2.00 donation per local political campaign here in Oregon (more on that below), or $3.00 per political organization, for the rest of the election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense!

Besides that, as of March 21st, 2024, I am no longer donating to individual political campaigns for the foreseeable future (with the exception of local campaigns here in Oregon), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis (please see my 'March 21st, 2024 Update No. 2,' which can be found above), as I have explained below:

...Alright, I have a big announcement to make: I am no longer donating to individual political campaigns for the foreseeable future—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis!

And I have made this decision based upon how much these individual political campaign donations are costing in my 'monthly donating budget'—even though I am only donating $3.00 with a $0.21 tip to ActBlue—since I totally changed the way that I approach how I calculate what I am spending on my credit card each month, starting in 2024! So now, I take the total amount that I have available in my monthly budget for my minimum payment on my credit card—as well as my extra payment—and I calculate how much I am reducing that amount each time that I charge on my credit card.

That way, I am very aware of the amount by which I am reducing my total available credit card payments for the month (the minimum payment and the extra payment) in order to, hopefully, pay more on my credit card than I am spending! Plus, I am also utilizing some funds from my budgeted expenses, as well as some funds from my savings, to make sure that I am paying a little more than I am spending while—at the same time—I am also trying to spend less on my credit card.

Therefore, at the start of 2024, I calculated that I could still make ONE $3.00 donation per political campaign for the entire election cycle. And that means after I have made that one donation per campaign—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I have only donated once per campaign, which is what I have been doing so far!

However, it's still more than I can afford given my 'monthly donating budget,' which is why I have decided to stop donating to individual political campaigns entirely—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And so, I will still be making some donations to individual political campaigns (such as to Joe Biden's campaign for President of the United States, or to local campaigns here in Oregon), but I am not donating like I have been up until this point—which has been virtually every time that I have received a political campaign donation request via email or text message—because I seriously cannot afford to donate that much for the rest of the 2024 Presidential Election cycle, as well as for the foreseeable future.

In addition to that, starting on June 16th, 2024, I have decided to adjust the amount that I donate per political organization again, so that I can donate to more political organizations and PACs (Political Action Committees) while I am still staying within my 'monthly donating budget.' Below, please find a description of my previous adjustment—which started on May 12th, 2024—to explain how I have recently adjusted the amounts that I am contributing, since I am donating to more political organizations:

...The 2024 election cycle is in full gear and I have made a goal of donating only one $3.00 donation per local political campaign here in Oregon (more on that below), or $4.00 per political organization, for the rest of the election cycle! And that means after I make that one donation per campaign, or per organization—regardless of whether I donated in 2023, or 2024—I am only donating once per campaign, or per organization, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis. And I am only donating once per PAC (Political Action Committee) for the entire election cycle, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis, because that is all that I can really afford for the 2024 Presidential Election. (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) I hope that makes sense! ...

...In addition to that, I used to donate "$5.00 per political organization"; however, starting on May 12th, 2024, I decided to adjust that amount, so that I can donate to more political organizations and PACs (Political Action Committees) while I am still staying within my 'monthly donating budget.'

Thus, as I partially explained above, for the rest of the 2024 election cycle—as well as for the foreseeable future—I have made a goal of donating $3.00 per local political campaign only here in Oregon (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.21), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; and a goal of donating $4.00 per political organization for donation requests via email or text message (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.28), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; as well as a goal of donating $5.00 per political organization, or per PAC, for donation requests via the regular mail (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.35), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis.

To sum it up, then: I am essentially keeping the same total individual campaign donation amount of $3.21, but I am only donating to local campaigns here in Oregon, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; and I am reducing the total donation amount for political organizations and PACs for email and text message donation requests to $4.28 (from $5.35), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; plus, I am reducing the total donation amount for political organizations and PACs for regular mail donation requests to $5.35 (from $7.51), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis.

Therefore, I recently used to donate "$4.00 per political organization"; however, I have decided to adjust that amount again, so that I can donate to more political organizations and PACs (Political Action Committees) while I am still staying within my 'monthly donating budget,' since I am now donating to more organizations as the 2024 Presidential Election cycle continues.

Thus, as I partially explained above, for the rest of the 2024 election cycle—as well as for the foreseeable future—I have made a goal of donating $2.00 per local political campaign only here in Oregon (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.14), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; and a goal of donating $3.00 per political organization for donation requests via email or text message (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.21), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; as well as a goal of donating $4.00 per political organization, or per PAC, for donation requests via the regular mail (with a 7% tip to ActBlue of $0.28), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis.

To sum it up, then: I am reducing the total individual campaign donation amount to $2.14 (from $3.21) and I am still only donating to local campaigns here in Oregon, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; and I am reducing the total donation amount for political organizations and PACs for email and text message donation requests to $3.21 (from $4.28), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis; plus, I am reducing the total donation amount for political organizations and PACs for regular mail donation requests to $4.28 (from $5.35), or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis.

And to clarify one more thing: In the past, I used to only donate to the main Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations—rather than to individual campaigns—since that's all I really could afford given my 'monthly spending budget,' because I am "low income." Plus, those Democratic fundraising and coordinating organizations help all of the individual political campaigns with funding, which is why I used to only donate to those main organizations! And I only started donating to individual political campaigns in 2022, since I was "doing everything in my power to help Democrats win in the 2022 Midterm Elections!" Therefore, this decision to stop donating to individual political campaigns (with the exception of presidential campaigns and local campaigns, or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis) is really just going back to the way that I used to make political donations.

So, without further ado...

The first political communication to which I responded yesterday, June 27th, 2024, was an email from the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC) that I received four days ago on June 24th, 2024, with the subject line, "re: Paul's 5X-match offer", which stated the following:

↓ ↓ 5X MATCH ACTIVE! ↓ ↓

When you donate to the DLCC...

You're fueling our work to elect Democrats nationwide and support the Biden-Harris agenda.


If you donate right now, your $7 will have 5X the impact, and could go toward:

Investing in key races and target chambers early in the cycle
Hiring experienced organizers and training new volunteers
Developing targeted digital ads
...and SO MUCH MORE!

We're counting on grassroots Democrats from across the country to step up and power this movement TODAY.

Will you chip in a 5x-impact gift to elect Democrats to state legislatures across the country?

If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will process immediately.

[  ] Chip in $50 now ($250 impact!)
[  ] Chip in $100 now ($500 impact!)
[  ] Chip in $250 now ($1250 impact!)
[  ] Chip in $1000 now ($5000 impact!)
[✓] Chip in another amount >>***

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


Match Active: Have 5X the impact!

🗳️Elect state Dems in must-win races
💰Fund our strategic investments in 2024, 2025, and beyond
❌Counter Republican extremism in the states

Can you chip in a 5X-matched gift today?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit DLCC Victory Fund.

[  ] Donate $10 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $1,000→

[✓] Other amount $1.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[✓] Leave no tip

[  ] Add custom amount

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DLCC (without a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, June 27th, 2024, because my contribution will become "a 5x-impact gift to elect Democrats to state legislatures across the country."

P.S.: The reason that I only donated $1.00 to the DLCC is because I already donated $4.00 (with a $0.28 tip to ActBlue) on June 16th, 2024 (please see my 'June 16th, 2024 Update No. 3, Which Also Discusses May 18th, 2024' that can be found above) and that is all I can afford this month; however, I did want to respond to this email regarding the 5X-match offer, so that is why I made a donation in the amount that I did.


The second political communication to which I responded yesterday, June 27th, 2024, was a text message that I received three days ago on June 25th, 2024, from the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State (DASS), which stated the following:

Hi, [name redacted] here.

I currently serve as Wisconsin’s [title redacted], and I can clearly see how Trump and his MAGA followers are positioning themselves to try to reverse this November’s election results if they don’t like the outcome.

For example, one of Trump’s 2020 fake electors, [name redacted], still sits on the Wisconsin Elections Commission, the agency responsible for overseeing our elections.

This is a guy who also publicly bragged that Republicans should be “proud” for suppressing Black and Latino votes in Milwaukee in 2022.

[Name redacted's] actions are all part of a larger, coordinated effort to overturn the will of the American people. They’re going after election workers, officials responsible for maintaining voter rolls and anyone who speaks out against them.

Because of the MAGA mob’s intimidation tactics, an average of almost two poll workers quit every day. This is a huge issue that needs to be addressed.

DASS is the Democrats' committee tasked with electing new Secretaries of State and helping current Democratic Secretaries of State (like me) protect free and fair elections.

Please pitch in $5 or whatever you can afford right now to help hit DASS’ $30,000 online fundraising goal before the end of this month.***

Thank you,

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted], Wisconsin

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Democratic Association of Secretaries of State

When federal action stalls, state laws decide the future of our republic. We can't let those laws fall into the hands of partisan, conspiracy-loving GOP legislatures.

Our Democratic Secretaries protect our elections — even when Congress is deadlocked. They're the last line of defense for your rights, and they need your help this year more than ever. Rush a donation now and defend our Secretaries of State!

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit DASS PAC.

[  ] Donate $15 →

[  ] Donate $35 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[✓] Other amount $1.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[✓] Leave no tip

[  ] Add custom amount

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DASS (without a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, June 27th, 2024, because "Trump and his MAGA followers are positioning themselves to try to reverse this November’s election results if they don’t like the outcome," which "are all part of a larger, coordinated effort to overturn the will of the American people." That is why I contributed $1.00 "to help hit DASS’ $30,000 online fundraising goal before the end of this month."

P.S.: The reason that I only donated $1.00 to the DASS is because I already donated $3.00 (with a $0.21 tip to ActBlue) on June 16th, 2024 (please see my 'June 16th, 2024 Update No. 7, Written On June 17th, 2024, Which Also Discusses May 25th, 2024, June 2nd, 2024, Jun 6th, 2024, June 7th, 2024, June 10th, 2024, June 15th, 2024 And June 16th, 2024' that can be found above) and that is all I can afford this month; however, I did want to respond to this text massage regarding DASS’s online fundraising goal before the end of this month, so that is why I made a donation in the amount that I did.


The third political communication to which I responded yesterday, June 27th, 2024, was an email from the Democratic Governors Association (DGA) that I received two days ago on June 26th, 2024, with the subject line, "[6th time asking] Do you approve?", which stated the following:


Just in his first term, President Biden has:

✓ Fostered the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years while creating 15.6 million jobs.

✓ Repeatedly acted to protect access to abortion.

✓ Stopped Republican attempts to cut Social Security and Medicare.

✓ Helped save more than 1 million union workers and retirees' pensions.

But during the first presidential debate TOMORROW, Donald Trump is sure to attack Biden's record.


Do you approve of Joe Biden?

[✓] YES
[  ] NO

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Democratic Governors Association

Thank you for taking our survey.

Do you have a moment to answer a few questions to help shape our priorities as we work to elect Democrats and stop Republicans in 2024 and beyond? >>>

Poll Deadline: 11:59 P.M.

Email: [redacted]
Cell phone: [redacted]

Please confirm: Are you one of the 88% of Democrats who approve of the job President Biden is doing?

[✓] Yes
[  ] No

Do you approve of President Biden's vision for America?

[✓] Yes
[  ] No
[  ] Unsure

President Biden is campaigning for reelection and we need to know where top Democrats stand on his time in office.

How would you rate President Biden's job performance?

[  ] Bad
[  ] Okay
[  ] Good
[✓] Great

Which of President Biden's achievements has been most important to you? (Please select your top three.)

[✓] Fostering a 50-year-low unemployment rate and creating over 15 million new jobs

[  ] Signing executive orders that seek to protect access to reproductive health care, maintain patient privacy and sensitive health information, and defend access to contraception

[  ] Cutting the deficit by more than $1.7 trillion

[✓] Signing more than 250 bills into law, including the most significant gun violence reduction measure in 30 years

[  ] Capping insulin prices at $35 for seniors and millions more Americans with diabetes

[✓] Passing the most significant climate legislation ever

[  ] Nominating and having successfully confirmed by the Senate more than 190 judges, including Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson!

[  ] Other:

Do you plan to vote in the 2024 election?

[✓] Yes
[  ] No
[  ] Unsure

The road ahead isn't easy: With Republicans in control of the House and Democrats holding a razor-thin majority in the Senate, Washington remains in a tight gridlock. That's why Democratic governors across the nation are the Biden-Harris campaign's most powerful allies during their 2024 reelection efforts to defend progress and move our country forward.

How important is it to you to defend our blue firewall of Democratic governors so they can continue to work with President Biden and Vice President Harris to protect our democracy?

[✓] Extremely important
[  ] Very important
[  ] Somewhat important
[  ] Not at all important

If November's election were held today, who would you vote for?

[✓] Joe Biden
[  ] Donald Trump
[  ] Unsure
[  ] Other:

Democrats defeated far-right extremists in 2022 and 2023. But we're counting on strong support from loyal Democrats like you in the months ahead to lay the groundwork to defend our blue firewall in 2024! Will you invest $100 to help us elect Democratic governors across the country, support the Biden-Harris ticket, and defeat the GOP's radical right-wing agenda once and for all?

Please use the option below to start a monthly donation through ActBlue:

[  ] Yes, I will give $100!
[✓] No, I can't give that much.

We understand that giving at that level right now might be tough. But the DGA is working tirelessly to elect Democrats across the country and beat back GOP extremism in every state. With Republicans aggressively attacking our progress and our democratic institutions, we can't afford to miss any fundraising goals.

We flipped critical states from red to blue because loyal Democrats like you were FIRED UP to elect Democratic governors and defend fellow Americans from the GOP's nightmare policies in every corner of our country. But we just pulled your supporter record, and here's what we found:

Email: [redacted]
Given to DGA today? Pending
Suggested donation: $44

Electing Democrats in every state is the most critical thing we can do to stop the far right and heal the divisions in our country. But right now, we're short of what we need to raise before our next big deadline. Please, before midnight tonight: Will you give $44 or whatever you can?

Please use the options below to start a monthly donation through ActBlue:

[  ] Yes, I will give $22.
[  ] Yes, I can give $44! (suggested donation)
[✓] Yes, and I'll give more!*

*[Blogger's Note: I selected this option—although I made a one-time donation, rather than a monthly donation—because it's an option that got me to the donation webpage!]


With 11 governors' races on the ballot this November, including in key toss-up states like New Hampshire and North Carolina, the blue firewall that we rely on to stop the GOP's extremist agenda is at risk. We're giving it our all to support them, but right now, we're falling dangerously short of our fundraising goals.

That's why a group of generous donors is matching all gifts up to our $25,000 goal before midnight tonight. Time is running out to have your gift DOUBLED up to our goal: Give now to elect Democratic governors and preserve our blue firewall!

Make it monthly!

[✓] No, donate once
[  ] Yes, count me in!

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Democratic Action.

[  ] Donate $44 →

[  ] Donate $88 →

[  ] Donate $220 →

[  ] Donate $440 →

[  ] Donate $880 →

[  ] Donate $1,760 →

[✓] Other amount $1.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[✓] Leave no tip

[  ] Add custom amount

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DGA (without a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, June 27th, 2024, in order to respond to the question, "Do you approve of Joe Biden?" with a resounding 'YES!'

P.S.: The reason that I only donated $1.00 to the DGA is because I already donated $3.00 (with a $0.21 tip to ActBlue) on June 16th, 2024 (please see my 'June 16th, 2024 Update No. 7, Written On June 17th, 2024, Which Also Discusses May 25th, 2024, June 2nd, 2024, Jun 6th, 2024, June 7th, 2024, June 10th, 2024, June 15th, 2024 And June 16th, 2024' that can be found above) and that is all I can afford this month; however, I did want to respond to this email regarding the President Biden approval poll before the first presidential debate, so that is why I made a donation in the amount that I did.


The fourth political communication to which I responded yesterday, June 27th, 2024, was an email from the Democratic Attorneys General Association (DAGA) that I received two days ago on June 26th, 2024, with the subject line, "Can you spare $1?", which stated the following:

Paul, we’re asking you to chip in $1 (yes, four quarters!) to support our candidates running in close elections.

$1 may not seem like it will make a difference, especially when we’re running against opponents who have the backing of powerful far-right forces with deep pockets — like RAGA [Republican Attorneys General Association] funder and [name redacted's] vacation buddies: [Name redacted] and his dark money network.

But that’s the power of a grassroots team — $1 multiplied by every single person reading this email (that means you!) can add up to a powerful sum, able to compete with the GOP megadonors and their dark money networks.

So many of the things we care about most are on the line in November, from reproductive freedom to voting rights to climate change and more. So if we told you the dollar in your wallet could make a difference in electing more Democratic AGs and making progress on the issues you care about, would you chip in today?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

[  ] CHIP IN $1 NOW
[  ] CHIP IN $10 NOW
[  ] CHIP IN $25 NOW
[  ] CHIP IN $50 NOW
[  ] CHIP IN $100 NOW

Thanks in advance for your support,


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


From abortion access to voting rights, Dem AGs are on the front lines, defending our democracy and protecting our communities.

Make a donation to DAGA to elect more Dem AGs in 2024 and beyond — starting right here and now.


Your contribution will benefit Democratic Attorneys General Association (DAGA) PAC.

[  ] DONATE $5 →

[  ] DONATE $10 →

[  ] DONATE $25 →

[  ] DONATE $50 →

[  ] DONATE $100 →

[  ] DONATE $250 →

[  ] DONATE $500 →

[✓] OTHER AMOUNT $1.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[✓] Leave no tip

[  ] Add custom amount

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DAGA (without a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, June 27th, 2024, in order to contribute "$1 (yes, four quarters!) to support [DAGA] candidates running in close elections," because "that’s the power of a grassroots team — $1 multiplied by every single person reading this email ... can add up to a powerful sum, able to compete with the GOP megadonors and their dark money networks."

P.S.: The reason that I only donated $1.00 to the DAGA is because I already donated $3.00 (with a $0.21 tip to ActBlue) on June 16th, 2024 (please see my 'June 16th, 2024 Update No. 7, Written On June 17th, 2024, Which Also Discusses May 25th, 2024, June 2nd, 2024, Jun 6th, 2024, June 7th, 2024, June 10th, 2024, June 15th, 2024 And June 16th, 2024' that can be found above) and that is all I can afford this month; however, I did want to respond to this email regarding my $1 donation making a difference in electing more Democratic AGs in order to make progress on the issues that I care about, so that is why I made a donation in the amount that I did.


The fifth political communication to which I responded yesterday, June 27th, 2024, was a text message that I received two days ago on June 26th, 2024, from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), which stated the following:

Invitation Status: 𝙋𝙀𝙉𝘿𝙄𝙉𝙂

Paul, last week we invited you to participate in our exclusive Presidential Debate poll -- 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘢𝘴 𝘰𝘧 6:50 PM 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘴𝘶𝘣𝘮𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘱𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘦!

The latest data shows that over 1 in 4 voters don't plan to watch the debate…are you one of them?

𝗣𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝘀𝘄𝗲𝗿 𝗮𝘀 𝘀𝗼𝗼𝗻 𝗮𝘀 𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗲: 𝗪𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘄𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁 𝗣𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝗗𝗲𝗯𝗮𝘁𝗲?

[✓] 𝗬𝗘𝗦 >>***
[  ] 𝗡𝗢 >>
[  ] 𝗨𝗡𝗦𝗨𝗥𝗘 >>


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the text message above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:


House Democratic Survey | Deadline 11:59 P.M.

Thank you so much for responding to our poll. Please take a moment to read each question carefully and answer truthfully.

Please Confirm: Will you watch the Presidential debates?

[✓] Yes!
[  ] No


Thank you for responding to our poll. While we process your response, please take just a moment to answer these follow-up questions.

As of right now, do you approve of President Joe Biden?

[✓] Yes
[  ] No
[  ] Unsure

Which of the following do you consider President Biden's biggest accomplishments? (Please choose no more than 3)

[✓] Safeguarding democracy both at home and abroad

[  ] His nomination of Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court

[  ] Rebuilding America's infrastructure by signing the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law

[  ] Creating over 15 million new jobs
[  ] Passing the Inflation Reduction Act to help lower costs

[✓] Investing in American manufacturing and combating the climate crisis

[✓] Signing groundbreaking new gun safety legislation

[  ] Other

Donald Trump's Presidency sowed chaos and division from day one — from overturning Roe v. Wade to inciting the insurrection at the Capitol on January 6th. Tell us, do you believe Donald Trump is fit to hold the presidency again?

[✓] Absolutely, not!
[  ] Yes, I do.

Donald Trump is being aided and abetted by his extreme MAGA allies in the House, including Speaker Mike Johnson. Electing a Democratic House Majority in 2024 could be the ONLY check on TOTAL control by Trump and Team Extreme.

Are you committed to restoring our Democratic House Majority in 2024?

[✓] YES!
[  ] No.

If you answered yes, is there any way you could rush a generous gift before midnight?

Taking back the House Majority this November is critical to stopping Donald Trump and his MAGA allies, but Republicans are raising MILLIONS to CRUSH our chances.

We are just hours away from our midnight deadline, and we are in danger of MISSING our goal. Please, can you chip in at least $15 to the DCCC before midnight to help close the fundraising gap, put an end to the MAGA money machine, and take back the House?


[DCCC logo] DEMOCRATS 2024

Rush a donation right now to DEFEAT MAGA Extremism and RESTORE our House Majority!

Here's the situation: Democrats need to flip just FOUR seats to take back the House Majority — and experts agree the race for House control is a COMPLETE TOSS-UP!

But, Extreme MAGA Republicans and their deep-pocketed megadonors are preparing to spend MILLIONS to defeat our grassroots movement.

Please, we're counting on you, rush a gift right now to help flip the House Blue and send Republicans a STUNNING defeat! >>

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit the DCCC.

[✓] Donate $1 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[  ] Other amount

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[✓] Leave no tip

[  ] Add custom amount $0.28 (7%)

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DCCC (without a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, June 27th, 2024, in order to respond to the question, "Will you watch the first Presidential Debate?" with a resounding 'YES!'

P.S.: The reason that I only donated $1.00 to the DCCC is because I already donated $4.00 (with a $0.28 tip to ActBlue) on June 16th, 2024 (please see my 'June 16th, 2024 Update No. 6, Which Also Discusses June 15th, 2024' that can be found above) and that is all I can afford this month; however, I did want to respond to this text message regarding a poll to see if I will be watching the first Presidential Debate, so that is why I made a donation in the amount that I did.


The sixth political communication to which I responded yesterday, June 27th, 2024, was an email from the Biden for President campaign that I received yesterday, with the subject line, "Please open before tonight’s debate →", which stated the following:

Biden-Harris 2024

Paul -- President Biden is debating Donald Trump in just a few hours. We're counting on you to tune in and, if you're able to, make a contribution to this campaign.

I'm inspired by Joe's decency, his honesty, his strength, and his relentless optimism. He knows that the measure of true leadership is who you lift up, not who you beat down. It's an honor to serve alongside him.

To win this election, defend democracy, and make more progress for the American people, we need a groundswell of support. Especially today. That's why I have to ask:

Will you chip in $25 -- or even more -- to show your support for Joe and help our campaign defeat Trump? I know you contribute every month and I want you to know how much every donation means to us. It makes a difference.

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

[  ] $25 >>
[  ] $50 >>
[  ] $75 >>
[  ] $100 >>
[  ] $125 >>
[✓] Other >>***

Kamala Harris
Vice President of the United States

"My dad used to have an expression -- 'It's the lucky person who gets up in the morning, puts both feet on the floor, knows what they are about to do, and thinks it still matters.' Your support matters. Your donation matters." -- Joe Biden

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Stand with Joe Biden: Rush a donation before the debate begins!

Joe is debating Donald Trump tonight. We need to show our support for our President. Will you rush a donation before the debate begins?

Donate Immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Joe Biden.

[✓] Donate $1 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $75 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $125 →

[  ] Other amount:

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[✓] Leave no tip

[  ] Add custom amount $0.21

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Biden for President campaign (without a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, June 27th, 2024, in order to "Stand with Joe Biden ... before the debate begins ... to show our support for our President."

P.S.: The reason that I only donated $1.00 to the Biden for President campaign is because I already donated $3.00 (with a $0.21 tip to ActBlue) on June 16th, 2024 (please see my 'June 16th, 2024 Update No. 7, Written On June 17th, 2024, Which Also Discusses May 25th, 2024, June 2nd, 2024, Jun 6th, 2024, June 7th, 2024, June 10th, 2024, June 15th, 2024 And June 16th, 2024' that can be found above) and that is all I can afford this month; however, I did want to respond to this email regarding showing my support for Joe Biden before debating Donald Trump, so that is why I made a donation in the amount that I did.


The seventh political communication to which I responded yesterday, June 27th, 2024, was an email from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) that I received yesterday, with the subject line, "Is there ANYTHING we can say before tonight's debate?", which stated the following:


Tonight is a critically important night for President Biden and for the Democratic Party. And we are writing to ask if there is ANYTHING we can say to convince you to make one more $35 contribution to the Democratic National Committee?

What if we told you that Donald Trump just launched his first ads of the general election in swing states across the country?

What if we told you that he was able to do so because of his record fundraising after his guilty verdict and is sure to raise even more money tonight, after his sentencing, and during the Republican convention?

And what if we told you that this week is also an FEC deadline and that everything we raise (and Trump and the RNC) will be public? Everyone will be watching.

This is an all-hands-on-deck day for Democrats. Joe Biden needs you. Candidates up-and-down the ballot need you.

Can Joe Biden and Democrats everywhere count on you to make a $35 contribution directly to the Democratic National Committee today? Every donation means a lot.

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately.


Thank you in advance for donating before tonight's debate begins and our FEC deadline ends. It means a lot.

The Democratic Party

***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Donate to the DNC ahead of our end-of-quarter fundraising deadline and help elect Democrats nationwide!

Trump and his far-right allies are raising millions of dollars to lift up extreme MAGA Republican candidates running at all levels across the country.

We're counting on this grassroots team to help us fight back and invest in the resources our candidates rely on to compete and win year after year. Rush a donation today >>

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Democratic National Committee (DNC).

[✓] Donate $1 →

[  ] Donate $20 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $1,000 →

[  ] Donate $2,000 →

[  ] Other amount

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on

[  ] Add $2 tip

[✓] Leave no tip

[  ] Add custom amount

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DNC (without a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, June 27th, 2024, because "before tonight's debate ... this is an all-hands-on-deck day for Democrats," and "Joe Biden needs [me]," as well as "candidates up-and-down the ballot need [me]."

P.S.: The reason that I only donated $1.00 to the DNC is because I already donated $4.00 (with a $0.28 tip to ActBlue) on June 16th, 2024 (please see my 'June 16th, 2024 Update No. 2, Which Also Discusses May 18th, 2024' that can be found above) and that is all I can afford this month; however, I did want to respond to this email regarding contributing before the debate, so that is why I made a donation in the amount that I did.


The eighth political communication to which I responded yesterday, June 27th, 2024, was a text message that I received yesterday, from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC), which stated the following:

Paul, 𝗣𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗕𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗗𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹𝗱 𝗧𝗿𝘂𝗺𝗽 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗴𝗼𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗱-𝘁𝗼-𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝘁𝗼𝗻𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗿 𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁 𝗱𝗲𝗯𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰 𝗲𝗹𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻.

Every time he takes the stage, Donald Trump spews hate and lies and pushes for an 𝘦𝘹𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘦 far-right agenda -- so we need to make sure our opposition is rock solid before the debate!

Right now, we don't know if YOU are committed to opposing Trump BEFORE he takes the stage, so please tell us before the debate begins:

𝗪𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗳𝗶𝗿𝗺 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗗𝗘𝗙𝗜𝗡𝗜𝗧𝗘𝗟𝗬 𝗪𝗢𝗡'𝗧 𝘀𝘂𝗽𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁 𝗧𝗿𝘂𝗺𝗽?


***[I used to include hyperlinks contained within the email messages, or the text messages, to which I am referring in these "Activism Updates"; however, I could not figure out how to include the aforementioned hyperlinks, regarding some relevant action that I had taken—such as signing a petition, sending a letter or message to my representative(s) in Congress, signing a USO 'Thank You' card, and/or making a donation—without including my personal information.]

And, after I read the email above, I clicked on the hyperlink to the referenced webpage, the relevant text of which can be found below:

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

Reject Trump | Debate Survey

Thank you for your input! Please help our Democratic strategy team by answering the following questions:

First, please confirm before the debate that you DEFINITELY WON'T support Trump:

[✓] Yes, I reject Trump 100%!
[  ] No, I might support Trump.

What do you think Trump's biggest weakness will be on the debate stage? (Select all that apply.)

[✓] He doesn't care about facts or evidence.
[✓] His temper makes him lose control.
[✓] He relies on hate and lies to make his points.
[✓] He doesn't make sense when he speaks.
[✓] He interrupts and acts rudely.
[✓] He does not respect the moderators.
[✓] He's pushing an extreme, far-right agenda that Americans oppose.
[  ] Other:

At the debate, Biden and Trump will compare their records on a wide range of issues.

Which issues do you believe President Biden has handled better than Donald Trump? (Select all that apply.)

[✓] Reproductive rights
[✓] Combating inflation
[✓] Social Security
[✓] Health care
[✓] Foreign policy
[✓] LGBTQ+ equality
[✓] Climate change
[✓] Gun safety
[✓] Immigration
[✓] Appointing Supreme Court justices
[✓] Raising the minimum wage
[✓] Infrastructure
[✓] Education
[  ] Other:

President Biden's accomplishments and Donald Trump's disastrous record share one thing in common: Both were made possible because their party controlled the Senate!

How concerned are you by the prospect of Trump's MAGA Senate enablers returning to power?

[✓] Extremely concerned!
[  ] Somewhat concerned.
[  ] Not at all concerned.

We need to hit every single fundraising goal between now and Election Day to stop Trump's ultra-MAGA allies from winning in November. But with just days to go until our end-of-quarter deadline, we aren't on track to raise the $500,000 we need to defend the Senate!

We need you with us, so please: Will you chip in $30 (becomes $120 with today's Triple-Match active!) or whatever you can to fight for a Democratic Senate?

Please use the links below to start a monthly donation through ActBlue:

[  ] Yes, I'll chip in $30 (becomes $120)!
[  ] Yes, I'll chip in $60 (becomes $240)!
[  ] Yes, I'll chip in $90 (becomes $360)!
[✓] Yes, but I'd like to choose a different amount to chip in.*

*[Blogger's Note: I selected this option—although I made a one-time donation, rather than a monthly donation—because it's an option that got me to the donation webpage!]



Triple-Match Activated! MAXIMIZE your impact to help SUPERCHARGE our Senate majority!

CNN says multiple GOP seats could flip blue this year — but with Mitch McConnell's megadonors already playing offense, it's going to take all hands on deck to win!

Please, will you chip in now to protect our historic progress by supercharging our Democratic majority?

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit DSCC.

[✓] Donate $1 →

[  ] Donate $120 →

[  ] Donate $300 →

[  ] Donate $600 →

[  ] Donate $1,200 →

[  ] Donate $2,400 →

[  ] Other amount

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[✓] Leave no tip

[  ] Add custom amount

And so, I made a one-time donation to the DSCC (without a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, June 27th, 2024, in order to respond to the question, "Will you confirm you DEFINITELY WON'T support Trump?" with a resounding 'Yes!'

P.S.: The reason that I only donated $1.00 to the DSCC is because I already donated $3.00 (with a $0.21 tip to ActBlue) on June 16th, 2024 (please see my 'June 16th, 2024 Update No. 7, Written On June 17th, 2024, Which Also Discusses May 25th, 2024, June 2nd, 2024, Jun 6th, 2024, June 7th, 2024, June 10th, 2024, June 15th, 2024 And June 16th, 2024' that can be found above) and that is all I can afford this month; however, I did want to respond to this text message regarding showing that I am committed to opposing Trump before the first debate, so that is why I made a donation in the amount that I did.


Finally, these last two political donations weren't due to communications that I received from the following organizations, but because I have donated to these organizations in previous election cycles!

The ninth organization to which I donated was the Biden Victory Fund based upon the ActBlue donation webpage text, which stated the following:

Biden Victory Fund

Donate to support Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Democrats nationwide.

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Biden Victory Fund.

[✓] Donate $1 →

[  ] Donate $46 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $1,000→

[  ] Donate $2,000→

[  ] Other

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[✓] Leave no tip

[  ] Add custom amount

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Biden Victory Fund (without a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, June 27th, 2024, in order to "support Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Democrats nationwide."

P.S.: The reason that I only donated $1.00 to the Biden Victory Fund is because I already donated $4.00 (with a $0.28 tip to ActBlue) on June 16th, 2024 (please see my 'June 16th, 2024 Update No. 5, Which Also Discusses June 15th, 2024' that can be found above) and that is all I can afford this month; however, I did want to respond to contribute for the 2nd End of the Quarter 2024 FEC Deadline, so that is why I made a donation in the amount that I did.


The tenth organization to which I donated was the Democratic Party of Oregon based upon the ActBlue donation webpage text, which stated the following:


Donate to support Oregon Democrats!

Your donation could qualify you for the Oregon Political Tax Credit.

It's like a free $50 donation (or $100 for joint-filing couples).

You can qualify if:
[✓] You are an Oregon resident
[✓] You will submit an Oregon tax return for 2021
[✓] You will make less than $75,000 in 2021 (or $150,000 for joint-filing couples)

Donate immediately:

Your contribution will benefit Democratic Party of Oregon Federal Account.

[  ] Donate $10 →

[  ] Donate $25 →

[  ] Donate $50 →

[  ] Donate $100 →

[  ] Donate $250 →

[  ] Donate $500→

[  ] Donate $1,000→

[✓] Other $1.00

Please leave a tip for ActBlue

Power the nonprofit fundraising platform Democratic candidates & progressive causes rely on.

[  ] Add $2 tip

[✓] Leave no tip

[  ] Add custom amount

And so, I made a one-time donation to the Democratic Party of Oregon (without a tip to ActBlue) yesterday, June 27th, 2024, in order to "support Oregon Democrats!"

P.S.: The reason that I only donated $1.00 to the Democratic Party of Oregon is because I already donated $5.00 (with a $0.35 tip to ActBlue) on June 16th, 2024 (please see my 'June 16th, 2024 Update No. 4, Which Also Discusses June 10th, 2024' that can be found above) and that is all I can afford this month; however, I did want to contribute for the 2nd End of the Quarter 2024 FEC Deadline, so that is why I made a donation in the amount that I did.

Thus, these eight organizations—the DLCC, the DASS, the DGA, the DAGA, the DCCC, the DNC and the DSCC—in addition to these two campaigns—Biden for President, as well as the Biden Victory Fund—are the political organizations, and the political campaigns, that I donated to on June 27th, 2024! –Paul Whiting (written June 28th, 2024 and revised June 29th, 2024)
June 27th, 2024 Update No. 3, Written On June 28th, 2024 (Follow-Up, Written On June 29th, 2024) [June 29th, 2024 Update No. 1]: I received an email from the Biden for President campaign today, June 29th, 2024, with the subject line, "7 Things To Tell Your Friends After The Debate -- And 4 Things You Can Do", which stated the following:

Biden-Harris 2024

Hey, Paul--

If you're like me, you're getting lots of texts or calls from folks about the state of the race after Thursday. Maybe it was your panicked aunt, your MAGA uncle, or some self-important Podcasters. It's a tough position to be in, so I thought it might be helpful to send you a few responses.

1. Yes, the debate started rough, but voters saw what a threat Donald Trump is to the country. It was more than just lying -- though he did plenty of that. Trump:

° Defended the end of Roe v. Wade, saying "it's been a great thing."

° Said that the pro-Trump Nazi march in Charlottesville was "made up."

° Said on January 6th that "we were respected all over the world."

° Defended his 34 felony convictions, saying the system was "rigged" and he did nothing wrong.

2. Actual voters perceived this debate very differently than those who pay attention to politics a lot (like everyone who is getting this email and everyone who goes on cable news).
Breaking news: People think Joe Biden's old. They did coming into the debate, they do coming out of the debate. At the same time, though, a lot of people have rose-colored glasses about the Trump years. The most important thing about the debate was always going to be that people were reminded of what they hate about Donald Trump: that he's unhinged, out for revenge, and in it for himself. And they were reminded, in a powerful way.

Flash polls from CNN, 538, SurveyUSA, Morning Consult, and Data for Progress show what we expected: the debate did not change the horserace. In fact, following the debate, our internal dials showed President Biden led Trump on key measures of being presidential, speaking to the issues that matter, and being likable by more than 20 points.

3. That's because the long-term impact of debates is overstated anyway. Let us all remember that Barack Obama lost the first debate in 2012 (and the media panicked too!). Bush lost in 2004. Ronald Reagan lost the first debate in 1984. They, as you'll recall, won their elections. And those debates were in October, not June!

4. 90 minutes does not negate 3 ½ years of results.
Joe Biden is extremely good at being president. Let's not forget that the guy up on stage:

° Expanded health care to millions of families

° Lowered the price of insulin to $35 for seniors

° Created more jobs than any president in history

° Vaccinated the country and reopened our schools

° Took the largest climate action in the history of the world

° Canceled student loans for nearly 5 million people

° Rallied the world in support of Ukraine, and expanded NATO while doing it

° Passed the largest national funding for passenger rail since the founding of Amtrak

° Banned chokeholds and no-knock entries by federal law enforcement, and restricted the transfer of military equipment to police departments

° Passed the largest investment in bridges and roads in our history

° Pardoned thousands of Americans federally convicted of marijuana possession

° Expanded benefits to veterans who have been exposed to toxic chemicals

° Officially protected same-sex marriage federally

° Passed the first gun violence prevention bill in 30 years

° Saved the pensions of more than 1 million union workers

° Averted a banking crisis (remember that?)

° Expanded paid overtime to working families

° Made birth control pills available over the counter

° Made renewable energy the #2 source of electricity in America

° Moved to reschedule marijuana

° Shifted the microchip supply chain back to the United States

° Put the first Black woman on the Supreme Court

° And that's really all I have time to list out here!

The day after the debate, Joe Biden gave a fiery, defiant speech, where he tackled concerns about his age head-on.
I don't know if you were watching, but Joe Biden left the debate stage, spoke at a rally, went to Waffle House, got on a plane, flew to Raleigh, hung out with 200 supporters on the tarmac, went to bed, woke up, gave an amazing speech, got back on a plane, went to New York, visited Stonewall with Elton John, and then spoke at a pride gala for LGBTQ+ supporters.

The speech in Raleigh, by the way, has millions of views online, and you should watch and share it yourself:



Joe Biden

Folks, I might not walk as easily or talk as smoothly as I used to.

I might not debate as well as I used to.

But what I do know is how to tell the truth.

[start of imbedded video image]

Raleigh, NC
1:31 PM ET


[end of imbedded video image]

From Biden-Harris HQ
1:48 PM - Jun 28, 2024 - 31.9M Views


[Blogger's Note: I watched the video on 'X' (formerly Twitter) above that is titled, "BIDEN: 'I INTEND TO WIN THIS ELECTION'"]


6. The bedwetting brigade is calling for Joe Biden to "drop out." That is the best possible way for Donald Trump to win and us to lose.
First of all: Joe Biden is going to be the Democratic nominee, period. End of story. Voters voted. He won overwhelmingly. And if he were to drop out, it would lead to weeks of chaos, internal foodfighting, and a bunch of candidates who limp into a brutal floor fight at the convention, all while Donald Trump has time to speak to American voters uncontested. All of that would be in service of a nominee who would go into a general election in the weakest possible position with zero dollars in their bank account. You want a highway to losing? It's that.

And at the end of the day, we'd switch to candidates who would, according to polls, be less likely to win than Joe Biden -- the only person ever to defeat Donald Trump.

[Screenshot of polling graphic by Data For Progress titled, "Leading Democrats Fare Similarly in Head-to-Heads Against Trump" regarding a June 28th, 2024 survey of 1,011 U.S. likely voters that poses the question, "If the November 2024 election for U.S. president was being held tomorrow, and these were the candidates, who would you vote for?"]

7. Joe Biden is the Democratic nominee, period. Rather than worrying about polls, our supporters are getting on board.
Did you see the awesome clips of our supporters on the tarmac doing the Cupid Shuffle at 2am on the night of the debate? The biggest rally of our campaign yet on Friday? Well, no, probably not, because the media is busy hyperventilating and trying to manifest drama to boost ratings. But this isn't Aaron Sorkin's fever dream. It's Joe Biden's reelection campaign.

While they were spinning out, our grassroots supporters got to work and:

° Raised us $27 million in two days

° Signed up for three times as many volunteer shifts as on an average day

° Attended more than 1,500 events nationwide

We even had three times as many people as usual apply to campaign jobs yesterday. Mercifully, while the beltway pundits are spending their time attacking Joe Biden, our people are more focused than ever.

Smart folks -- folks that care about defeating Donald Trump and winning this election -- have identified that the best way to help right now is by helping, and not by kicking their feet up and telling everyone around them to panic.

This brings me to what you can do right now.

1. Donate to our campaign. Seriously, it makes a difference. Of that $27 million, the vast vast majority comes from $5, $10, $25 donations. We are a campaign of grassroots supporters -- and we need you now more than ever.


2. Share why you support the President on social media. The internet is not real life, but your friends really are. Every social media post supporting the President reaches real voters, and also helps us counteract the negative narrative around the President. You don't need to do anything fancy to post, but if you want to let us know how it went, sign up here:


3. Sign up for a volunteer shift. Talking to voters is more important than fretting about polls. There's an organizer in your neighborhood who would love to talk to you. Sign up here:


4. Forward this email to someone who you think needs to see it. And tell them to sign up for our email list:

And lastly, but most importantly, you've got to keep the faith. I've worked for Joe Biden for five years, which is a pretty short tenure comparatively. I've watched as people counted him out after Iowa in 2020, and then he won. I've watched as they said there was no way he could win the general election (do not think I have forgotten the week of New York Times opinion pieces about how Joe Biden needed to change his campaign strategy), and then he won. I've watched as people said his legislative agenda was dead, and then he passed the Inflation Reduction Act. I've watched as people said he'd get cooked in the midterms, and then Democrats had historic wins.

There is no candidate who is better when he's backed into a corner, and there is no team that is better when we come together to do big things. That's because we, like him, keep our heads down and do the work.

As the President says, when you get knocked down, you get back up again. And as some poets once said: you're never going to keep him down.

Thanks for being in this with us.

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
Biden for President

"My dad used to have an expression -- 'It's the lucky person who gets up in the morning, puts both feet on the floor, knows what they are about to do, and thinks it still matters.' Your support matters. Your donation matters." -- Joe Biden

And so, I wanted to share this email from the Biden for President campaign in order to show my support for this "7 Things To Tell Your Friends After The Debate -- And 4 Things You Can Do" email message! –Paul Whiting (June 29th, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, I used to make one-time donations to the organization that is the subject of these 'updates' each time that I took an action as requested by that organization; however, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am greatly reducing the number of times that I donate for the same organization per month down to once—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis." (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.) Thus, because I have already donated to the Biden for President campaign on June 16th, 2024 (please see my 'June 16th, 2024 Update No. 7, Written On June 17th, 2024, Which Also Discusses May 25th, 2024, June 2nd, 2024, Jun 6th, 2024, June 7th, 2024, June 10th, 2024, June 15th, 2024 And June 16th, 2024' that can be found above) that is the one-time donation which I made to the Biden for President campaign for June 2024.


June 29th, 2024 Update No. 1 [June 27th, 2024 Update No. 3, Written On June 28th, 2024 (Follow-Up, Written On June 29th, 2024)]: I received an email from the Biden for President campaign today, June 29th, 2024, with the subject line, "7 Things To Tell Your Friends After The Debate -- And 4 Things You Can Do", which stated the following:

Biden-Harris 2024

Hey, Paul--

If you're like me, you're getting lots of texts or calls from folks about the state of the race after Thursday. Maybe it was your panicked aunt, your MAGA uncle, or some self-important Podcasters. It's a tough position to be in, so I thought it might be helpful to send you a few responses.

1. Yes, the debate started rough, but voters saw what a threat Donald Trump is to the country. It was more than just lying -- though he did plenty of that. Trump:

° Defended the end of Roe v. Wade, saying "it's been a great thing."

° Said that the pro-Trump Nazi march in Charlottesville was "made up."

° Said on January 6th that "we were respected all over the world."

° Defended his 34 felony convictions, saying the system was "rigged" and he did nothing wrong.

2. Actual voters perceived this debate very differently than those who pay attention to politics a lot (like everyone who is getting this email and everyone who goes on cable news).
Breaking news: People think Joe Biden's old. They did coming into the debate, they do coming out of the debate. At the same time, though, a lot of people have rose-colored glasses about the Trump years. The most important thing about the debate was always going to be that people were reminded of what they hate about Donald Trump: that he's unhinged, out for revenge, and in it for himself. And they were reminded, in a powerful way.

Flash polls from CNN, 538, SurveyUSA, Morning Consult, and Data for Progress show what we expected: the debate did not change the horserace. In fact, following the debate, our internal dials showed President Biden led Trump on key measures of being presidential, speaking to the issues that matter, and being likable by more than 20 points.

3. That's because the long-term impact of debates is overstated anyway. Let us all remember that Barack Obama lost the first debate in 2012 (and the media panicked too!). Bush lost in 2004. Ronald Reagan lost the first debate in 1984. They, as you'll recall, won their elections. And those debates were in October, not June!

4. 90 minutes does not negate 3 ½ years of results.
Joe Biden is extremely good at being president. Let's not forget that the guy up on stage:

° Expanded health care to millions of families

° Lowered the price of insulin to $35 for seniors

° Created more jobs than any president in history

° Vaccinated the country and reopened our schools

° Took the largest climate action in the history of the world

° Canceled student loans for nearly 5 million people

° Rallied the world in support of Ukraine, and expanded NATO while doing it

° Passed the largest national funding for passenger rail since the founding of Amtrak

° Banned chokeholds and no-knock entries by federal law enforcement, and restricted the transfer of military equipment to police departments

° Passed the largest investment in bridges and roads in our history

° Pardoned thousands of Americans federally convicted of marijuana possession

° Expanded benefits to veterans who have been exposed to toxic chemicals

° Officially protected same-sex marriage federally

° Passed the first gun violence prevention bill in 30 years

° Saved the pensions of more than 1 million union workers

° Averted a banking crisis (remember that?)

° Expanded paid overtime to working families

° Made birth control pills available over the counter

° Made renewable energy the #2 source of electricity in America

° Moved to reschedule marijuana

° Shifted the microchip supply chain back to the United States

° Put the first Black woman on the Supreme Court

° And that's really all I have time to list out here!

The day after the debate, Joe Biden gave a fiery, defiant speech, where he tackled concerns about his age head-on.
I don't know if you were watching, but Joe Biden left the debate stage, spoke at a rally, went to Waffle House, got on a plane, flew to Raleigh, hung out with 200 supporters on the tarmac, went to bed, woke up, gave an amazing speech, got back on a plane, went to New York, visited Stonewall with Elton John, and then spoke at a pride gala for LGBTQ+ supporters.

The speech in Raleigh, by the way, has millions of views online, and you should watch and share it yourself:



Joe Biden

Folks, I might not walk as easily or talk as smoothly as I used to.

I might not debate as well as I used to.

But what I do know is how to tell the truth.

[start of imbedded video image]

Raleigh, NC
1:31 PM ET


[end of imbedded video image]

From Biden-Harris HQ
1:48 PM - Jun 28, 2024 - 31.9M Views


[Blogger's Note: I watched the video on 'X' (formerly Twitter) above that is titled, "BIDEN: 'I INTEND TO WIN THIS ELECTION'"]


6. The bedwetting brigade is calling for Joe Biden to "drop out." That is the best possible way for Donald Trump to win and us to lose.
First of all: Joe Biden is going to be the Democratic nominee, period. End of story. Voters voted. He won overwhelmingly. And if he were to drop out, it would lead to weeks of chaos, internal foodfighting, and a bunch of candidates who limp into a brutal floor fight at the convention, all while Donald Trump has time to speak to American voters uncontested. All of that would be in service of a nominee who would go into a general election in the weakest possible position with zero dollars in their bank account. You want a highway to losing? It's that.

And at the end of the day, we'd switch to candidates who would, according to polls, be less likely to win than Joe Biden -- the only person ever to defeat Donald Trump.

[Screenshot of polling graphic by Data For Progress titled, "Leading Democrats Fare Similarly in Head-to-Heads Against Trump" regarding a June 28th, 2024 survey of 1,011 U.S. likely voters that poses the question, "If the November 2024 election for U.S. president was being held tomorrow, and these were the candidates, who would you vote for?"]

7. Joe Biden is the Democratic nominee, period. Rather than worrying about polls, our supporters are getting on board.
Did you see the awesome clips of our supporters on the tarmac doing the Cupid Shuffle at 2am on the night of the debate? The biggest rally of our campaign yet on Friday? Well, no, probably not, because the media is busy hyperventilating and trying to manifest drama to boost ratings. But this isn't Aaron Sorkin's fever dream. It's Joe Biden's reelection campaign.

While they were spinning out, our grassroots supporters got to work and:

° Raised us $27 million in two days

° Signed up for three times as many volunteer shifts as on an average day

° Attended more than 1,500 events nationwide

We even had three times as many people as usual apply to campaign jobs yesterday. Mercifully, while the beltway pundits are spending their time attacking Joe Biden, our people are more focused than ever.

Smart folks -- folks that care about defeating Donald Trump and winning this election -- have identified that the best way to help right now is by helping, and not by kicking their feet up and telling everyone around them to panic.

This brings me to what you can do right now.

1. Donate to our campaign. Seriously, it makes a difference. Of that $27 million, the vast vast majority comes from $5, $10, $25 donations. We are a campaign of grassroots supporters -- and we need you now more than ever.


2. Share why you support the President on social media. The internet is not real life, but your friends really are. Every social media post supporting the President reaches real voters, and also helps us counteract the negative narrative around the President. You don't need to do anything fancy to post, but if you want to let us know how it went, sign up here:


3. Sign up for a volunteer shift. Talking to voters is more important than fretting about polls. There's an organizer in your neighborhood who would love to talk to you. Sign up here:


4. Forward this email to someone who you think needs to see it. And tell them to sign up for our email list:

And lastly, but most importantly, you've got to keep the faith. I've worked for Joe Biden for five years, which is a pretty short tenure comparatively. I've watched as people counted him out after Iowa in 2020, and then he won. I've watched as they said there was no way he could win the general election (do not think I have forgotten the week of New York Times opinion pieces about how Joe Biden needed to change his campaign strategy), and then he won. I've watched as people said his legislative agenda was dead, and then he passed the Inflation Reduction Act. I've watched as people said he'd get cooked in the midterms, and then Democrats had historic wins.

There is no candidate who is better when he's backed into a corner, and there is no team that is better when we come together to do big things. That's because we, like him, keep our heads down and do the work.

As the President says, when you get knocked down, you get back up again. And as some poets once said: you're never going to keep him down.

Thanks for being in this with us.

[Name redacted]
[Title redacted]
Biden for President

"My dad used to have an expression -- 'It's the lucky person who gets up in the morning, puts both feet on the floor, knows what they are about to do, and thinks it still matters.' Your support matters. Your donation matters." -- Joe Biden

And so, I wanted to share this email from the Biden for President campaign in order to show my support for this "7 Things To Tell Your Friends After The Debate -- And 4 Things You Can Do" email message! –Paul Whiting (June 29th, 2024)

P.S.: Just so you know, I used to make one-time donations to the organization that is the subject of these 'updates' each time that I took an action as requested by that organization; however, "I have changed the way that I make donations to political, progressive and charitable organizations each month ... due to the fact that I have been spending a considerable percentage of my monthly income on all of these donations." (The reader should know that I am HIV-positive with full-blown AIDS. And I am on Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, so my income is quite limited.) Therefore, "I am greatly reducing the number of times that I donate for the same organization per month down to once—or as determined by me on a case-by-case basis." (Please see my 'August 19th, 2023 Update,' which can be found above.) Thus, because I have already donated to the Biden for President campaign on June 16th, 2024 (please see my 'June 16th, 2024 Update No. 7, Written On June 17th, 2024, Which Also Discusses May 25th, 2024, June 2nd, 2024, Jun 6th, 2024, June 7th, 2024, June 10th, 2024, June 15th, 2024 And June 16th, 2024' that can be found above) that is the one-time donation which I made to the Biden for President campaign for June 2024.




For my complete charitable donation updates—that include some of my current "Online Activism," as well as most all of my ⋆USO⋆ donations—please see my blog post titled, "My Point Of View On...Giving Charity And Accepting Charity," which can be found on both of my "Paul Whiting — Math Magician" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs.

Please see the hyperlinks below for the post:


This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 149 was edited on June 29th, 2024.

"Prose is using all of the words that are necessary in order to describe all that is necessary to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]