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(Image by Paul Whiting) |
"Me, Myself and I..." Part 1
(Continues as 'Me, Myself and I...' Part 2)
I am taking a year-long
Specifically, I am having my teeth fixed after having not taken care of them for a while, when I was really sick a few years ago! So, I decided to spend a year on a "
-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"
My Philosophical Notes:
The reason that I wrote this posting sabbatical writing can be summed up with the following statement: "I am having my teeth fixed after having not taken care of them for a while, when I was really sick a few years ago! So, I decided to spend a year...not posting anything—except for my posting sabbatical writing—while I am getting all of my dental work done."
By the way, when I originally published this post, I accidentally called it a "Writing Sabbatical," because I was confused!
So, I eventually realized my mistake and corrected it by calling this post a "Posting Sabbatical," since I was taking time away from 'posting' (in order to have my teeth fixed over the year 2012), rather than taking time away from 'writing,' like I had mistakenly thought!
And this posting sabbatical writing was published on my "Small All White in the Forest" blog (please see the hyperlink below for the blog), since I feel that the message in this writing applies to the message I am trying to convey through "Small All White in the Forest."
This posting sabbatical writing was written in Portland, Oregon.
My Posting Sabbatical Writing for Part 1 in Date Order:
My Writing About A Blame-Free Life: My goal is to create a blame-free life for myself and for everyone else around me! –Paul Whiting (written January 2nd, 2012 and revised September 1st, 2022)
My Writing About Self-Love Being A Difficult Thing To Create: Self-Love is a difficult thing to create, because it is not something that you can just imitate. –Paul Whiting (written January 4th, 2012, revised August 23rd, 2022 and revised August 24th, 2022)
My Writing About The Problem With Succeeding In Life: The problem with succeeding in life is not based upon not making mistakes; the problem with succeeding in life is not correcting the mistakes that you make. –Paul Whiting (written January 4th, 2012 and revised July 23rd, 2022)
My Writing About Finding True Love Within Yourself: The phrase "You Need To Find True Love" is a fairytale fantasy! And seeking external validation is an outer locus of control or, as I call it, "Outside-Of-Yourselfness." Therefore, you cannot find "True Love" outside of yourself, since there is nothing outside of yourself except for yourself. For, you are independent in a void forever, because you are the energy of a void as a soul, which is why you can only "Be The True Love Within Yourself." –Paul Whiting (written January 11th, 2012, revised March 20th, 2015, revised February 14th, 2022 and revised August 23rd, 2022)
My Writing About True Love Never Being Free: True Love is never free! For, All Of Creation is based on an economy. Therefore, you have to pay for everything—including True Love—through being in touch with your feelings, a lot of personal change and hard work to make an authentic living, along with emotional transparency, prudent compromise and, of course, honest money. –Paul Whiting (written January 11th, 2012 and revised August 23rd, 2022)
My Writing About Every Single Soul: Every single soul is a success story waiting to happen! –Paul Whiting (written January 19th, 2012 and revised July 23rd, 2022)
My Writing About 'The Great Flaw' In The System Of Life: If your goal is to fix "The Great Flaw" in the System Of Life, please feel free to fix yourself in order to do so. –Paul Whiting (written February 7th, 2012 and revised October 6th, 2022)
My Writing About God Being A Humble Servant: God is not a proud master; God is a humble servant. –Paul Whiting (written February 11th, 2012 and revised October 4th, 2022)
My Writing About God Being Everything: "God is the ground beneath our feet! God is the air that we breath! God is the food that we eat! For, God is everything!" –Paul Whiting (February 12th, 2012)
My Writing About Self-Loving Romance: I am practicing "Self-Loving Romance" (for example, buying myself chocolates for Valentine's Day, then taking myself out for a romantic dinner) as part of my philosophy that "True Love is Never Free" and should be paid for through being in touch with your feelings, a lot of personal change and hard work to make an authentic living, along with emotional transparency, prudent compromise and, of course, honest money. –Paul Whiting (written February 14th, 2012 and revised August 23rd, 2022)
My Writing About God Being A Perfect Karmic Mirror: I feel like it is really important to "Think About Whatever You Are Thinking About" in order to be more proactively in contact with "Your Subconscious Self," which I truly believe is God in the form of a "Perfect Karmic Mirror" through which God is always reflecting "Your Karmic Consciousness." –Paul Whiting (written February 19th, 2012 and revised July 24th, 2022)
My Writing About Integrity Coming From Within: Integrity comes from within! For, you must first be totally honest with yourself in order to be totally honest with others. –Paul Whiting (written February 27th, 2012 and revised July 31st, 2022)
My Writing About God's Possibilities and Hope: "God is a Flood of Possibilities in an Ocean of Hope!" –Paul Whiting (March 8th, 2012)
My Writing About The Republican War On Women: My main point on the Republican "War on Women" is that if what the Republicans want all of these women to be required to go through was, instead, happening to their own penises, you can bet that God, Jesus The Christ—and even The Devil himself—would all be vehemently against it! –Paul Whiting (written March 22nd, 2012 and revised September 7th, 2022)
My Writing About God's Miracle—The Universe: God literally embodies everything all around us—and even through us—in order to Create Life. And so, the Universe itself is God's Miracle! –Paul Whiting (written March 22nd, 2012 and revised August 24th, 2022)
My Writing About God's Unconditional Love: God's love for us is totally unconditional, because God is a constantly-changing, multidimensional field of energy, in the form of The Universe, which is continuously-fluctuating. And God totally loves us through the ever-changing possibilities of reflecting whatever we are expressing individually, and collectively, as souls within God's Universe! –Paul Whiting (written March 23rd, 2012 and revised August 24th, 2022)
My Writing About Trayvon Martin's Tragic Death: "For Trayvon Martin's loved ones, there is no justice and no peace until George Zimmerman is held totally accountable for Trayvon's tragic death—so that Trayvon's loved ones may know justice and know peace." –Paul Whiting (March 26th, 2012)
My Writing About My Definition Of Negative Karma: As far as my definition of "Negative Karma" goes, I honestly feel that, no matter how you intended it, "a threat is a threat is a threat..." In other words, in "My Philosophical Book Of Life," I truly believe that if you simply intended to give someone flowers, in some kind of negative way (even if you did so just in your own mind), then you essentially created Negative Karma. –Paul Whiting (written March 27th, 2012 and revised July 24th, 2022)
My Writing About How We Are Exactly The Same Kind Of Creative Energy Consciousness As 'The One,' Who Is The Very First Soul: We are all Gods and/or Goddesses! In other words, we are exactly the same kind of creative energy consciousness as very first God and/or Goddess, whom I call 'The One.' And I honestly feel that The One is an androgynous female. In other words, The One is the very first soul, or the very first creative consciousnesses of a void, and She is an 'all-powerful female consciousness with strong male attributes.' Therefore, we are also the very same energy consciousness as The One. Phrased another way, we are all the energy of a void and we are all Gods and/or Goddesses! –Paul Whiting (written March 27th, 2012, revised March 20th, 2015, revised June 2nd, 2015, revised September 19th, 2021, revised January 31st, 2022 and revised December 21st, 2022)
My Writing About All Of Us Playing The Fool: At one time or another, we all play the fool! For, whatever is true about life is whatever is true for you (in other words, 'perception is reality'), because our beliefs are our truth, since Our Subconscious Self—or God—is an Absolutely Perfect Mirror and is simply reflecting our true beliefs. –Paul Whiting (written April 1st, 2012 and revised April 1st, 2022 and revised September 1st, 2022)
My Writing About Every Single Being Deserving to be Loved: "Every single being deserves to be totally and completely love—even if we, personally, do not believe that they do." –Paul Whiting (April 7th, 2012)
My Writing About Most Religion Being an Ass-Kissing System: "With all due respect to Jesus the Christ (whom I personally do believe actually was God Incarnate) most religion in the world is a basically a system of ass kissing supported by people who wish to bribe not God, but themselves instead! And they celebrate 'God's Chosen Bribery System' based upon their own false perception that God accepts bribes in order to attain Heaven, rather than based upon the perception that God only accepts honesty, hard work, humility and charity in the world in order to achieve Heaven." –Paul Whiting (April 8th, 2012)
My One and Only Joke About Mitt Romney: "When Jesus the Christ was quoted in The Bible as saying 'it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God (Matthew 19:24),' I honestly believe that—at the time—He must have been thinking about Mitt Romney!" –Paul Whiting (April 11th, 2012)
My One and Only Joke About Little Miss Muffet: "What did Little Miss Muffet, as she sat on her tuffet, say to that dreadful spider (who dared to sit down beside her) as she was eating her curds and whey? She said to that terrible spider (who dared to sit down beside her) 'Please get out of my whey!" –Paul Whiting (written April 16th, 2012 and revised May 31st, 2022)
My Writing About "The Arc Of The Moral Universe" Quote By Theodore Parker (Which Was Made Famous By Martin Luther King, Jr.): There is a really wonderful quote by Theodore Parker (which was made famous by Martin Luther King, Jr. in his sermon on March 31, 1968) that states the following: "The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice." And I think that is an absolutely perfect description of Karma. –Paul Whiting (written April 19th, 2012 and revised July 24th, 2022)
My Writing About a Man's Home and a Man's Soul: "A man's home may be his castle, but it is only a man's soul that is his kingdom." –Paul Whiting (April 20th, 2012)
My Writing About Learning How to Celebrate the Mundane: "Learn how to 'Celebrate the Mundane!' In other words, enjoy the everyday things of life (like day-to-day work, food preparation, bill paying, house cleaning, etc.) that make everyday living possible! For, contained within the gentle stillness of a totally honest and humble life 'True Peace' may be truly found." –Paul Whiting (April 21st, 2012)
My Philosophy on an Ideal Culture of "Male Change-and-Display":
1. Same-sex sexual bonding being a culturally-acceptable alternative to opposite-sex sexual bonding and procreation;
2. Male grooming, or "Manscaping" as part of regular "Male Change-and-Display";
3. Males being allowed to be nude (in both public and private settings) in order to be able to show their "Male Display";
4. And females dressing however they darn-well please (in both public and private settings)! Because it is the males in nature who are meant impress the females (through "Male Change-and-Display"), in order to attract females for bonding sexually, as well as for procreating, rather than the other way around!
–Paul Whiting (written April 21st, 2012, revised November 24th, 2015 and revised May 31st, 2022)
My Writing About Earth Day (for 2012): Please join me in 'Going Green on Earth Day' by making a charitable donation to the environmental cause of your choice! –Paul Whiting (written April 22, 2012 and revised April 22nd, 2024)
My One And Only Pick-Up Line About The Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) That I Have Due To Being Slutty In My Gay Youth: I have HIV, Herpes and also HPV, so I guess that means that I am the 'Catch of the Day' depending upon what you might catch! LOL –Paul Whiting (written April 22nd, 2012 and revised October 6th, 2022)
My Writing About Conservative Thinkers Having A Difficult Time Embracing The Theory Of Evolution: I think the reason that Conservative Thinkers have such a difficult time embracing the obvious truth that evolution is the actual process by which God created life on planet Earth is due to the fact that evolution completely negates their own magicalized belief system that "God Created The Entire Universe In Exactly Seven Days!" And it is that very same belief system which allows those same Conservative Thinkers to consciously dismiss their own need to evolve. –Paul Whiting (written April 25th, 2012, revised October 18th, 2015, revised November 24th, 2015 and revised September 7th, 2022)
My Writing About Citizens United vs. United Citizens: "If a law known as 'Citizens United' can assert that 'Corporations are People' in order to allow independent political expenditures by corporations and unions, then why can't there be another law called 'United Citizens,' which asserts that 'People are Corporations' in order to allow ordinary citizens to receive million-dollar government subsidies, and then be able to pay absolutely zero taxes, and then to also receive million-dollar tax refunds on top of that?" –Paul Whiting (written April 26th, 2012 and revised October 18th, 2015)
"My One and Only Joke About Alimony: What did the divorcée in Texas say to her ex-husband? 'Remember the alimony!'" –Paul Whiting (written April 29th, 2012 and revised October 18th, 2015)
My One and Only Joke About 70's Rock Music: "What did the father vulture say to his prodigal son vulture (who had just returned, after trying to become a vegetarian) when the son asked what he and his father would be eating for their next meal? 'Carrion, my wayward son!'" –Paul Whiting (April 30th, 2012)
My Writing About Being A Recovering Blame-A-Holic: Sometimes, I truly feel like I am a recovering "Blame-A-Holic," so to speak, because I honestly feel that I need to keep a constant watch over my negative thoughts in order to not start placing blame upon others whenever I get stressed out! It is practically a full-time job, but I always try to "pull back" blaming thoughts, in my own mind, whenever I have them. And, then, I also try to re-think those negative, blaming thoughts in a positive, responsible way! For, I truly do believe that even simply thinking negative thoughts creates Negative Karma. –Paul Whiting (written May 1st, 2012 and revised September 1st, 2022)
My Writing About Republican Conservative Thinkers Trying To Get Rid Of Liberal Thinkers: I seriously think that Republican Conservative Thinkers are all trying to—literally—pull us back in time to the Dark Ages where they seem to exist, so that they can finally get rid of all the Liberal Thinkers! It is almost like they are trying to "marginalize everyone to death," who isn't one of their own kind, in the hopes that Jesus The Christ will finally show up for "The Rapture" and save all of them from all of the terrible people who are NOT Conservative Thinkers! –Paul Whiting (written May 2nd, 2012, revised November 24th, 2015 and revised September 7th, 2022)
My Writing About an Employee's Right to Freely Join a Union: "I am totally in support of any employee's right to freely join a labor union (without any forced unionism, of course!) because of the many valuable benefits that are offered to labor union members, not to mention the fact that labor unions have a long and proud history of winning many victories on behalf of all employees." –Paul Whiting (May 6th, 2012)
My Writing About the United States Presidency Being a Couple: "I truly believe that the U.S. Presidency should be a married couple, who are totally in love with each other—and who have also dealt with raising their own children—so that all of the legal and presidential-type decisions in the United States can include the proper legal opinion of the U.S. President's spouse, in the same way that it happens each and every day in the real world! And that way, all of those real-world decisions that are decided each and every day by the U.S. Presidency would be legally, and properly, coed." –Paul Whiting (written May 9th, 2012 and revised October 18th, 2015)
My Writing About Churches Being Community Health Centers: "I truly think that all churches worldwide should all be converted into community health centers during the weekdays when they are not in use! That way, church goers can exercise with their fellow believers and also share really healthy foods with their fellow exercise participants, in order to create a truly supportive, community-type atmosphere for getting in shape and staying in shape!" –Paul Whiting (May 9th, 2012)
My Writing About Mother's Day: "In honor of Mother's Day, I made charitable donations to both social and environmental causes in support of all mothers everywhere and in support of Mother Earth too!" –Paul Whiting (May 13th, 2012)
My Writing About Every Day Being Mother's Day: "I wonder how women would be treated in the United States of America if each and every day was legally celebrated as Mother's Day!" –Paul Whiting (May 13th, 2012)
My Writing About Hope Floats vs. Hope Votes: "Have you heard of a movie called 'Hope Floats?' Well, on this Primary Election Day in 2012, I believe that 'Hope Votes!'" –Paul Whiting (May 15th, 2012)
My One and Only Joke About Boy Scouts: "What did one Boy Scout say to another Boy Scout who had fewer merit badges than he did? 'Don't hate me because I'm dutiful...'" –Paul Whiting (written May 16th, 2012 and revised May 31st, 2022)
My Writing About God Making Us Correct Our Own Mistakes: Mistakes are God's Gift For Our Survival! For, God made every single one of us imperfect beings, so that we would all know how to correct our own mistakes: because knowing how to correct our own mistakes is what gives us the ability to change—and the ability to change is what gives us the power to adapt to our environment! Therefore, God's Gift For Our Survival is our ability to correct our own mistakes and, subsequently, to be more adaptable to our environment. –Paul Whiting (written May 17th, 2012, revised September 19th, 2021 and revised July 23rd, 2022)
My Writing About Armed Forces Day: On patriotic holidays, such as Armed Forces Day, I truly enjoy listening to music that celebrates the heroic service of all the men and women in the United States Military (both past and present) who are the real reason that America is "The Land Of The Free And The Home Of The Brave!" And I also truly enjoy showing my appreciation for those who are heroically serving in the United States Military, each and every day, by making donations to charitable organizations that Support Our Troops! –Paul Whiting (written May 19th, 2012, revised May 31st, 2022 and revised August 16th, 2022)
My Writing About Classical Piano Music Playing and Rain Falling: "It amazes me just how graceful and well-coordinated that the sound of the rain falling and the sound of classical piano music playing are together." –Paul Whiting (May 21st, 2012)
The Cornerstones of a 'New Renaissance' Education:
1. Reading and Writing (Written Communication Skills)
2. Speech and Debate (Oral Communication Skills)
3. World History (The Past is the Key to the Future)
4. Math and Science (The Structure of Everything)
5. Medicine and First Aid (Physical Healing Skills)
6. Psychology and Psychiatry (Human Psyche Skills)
7. Religion and Spirituality (Psyche Healing Skills)
8. Political Activism and Legal Savvy (Civic Duty Skills)
9. Diplomacy and Defense (Conflict Resolution Skills)
10. Survival Preparedness (Part of Self-Caring Skills)
11. Meaningful Work (Part of Self-Caring Skills)
12. Sex and Personal Care (Part of Self-Caring Skills)
13. Exercise and Sports (Part of Self-Caring Skills)
14. Home Economics (Part of Self-Caring Skills)
15. Music and Theater (Creative Expressive Skills)
16. Art and Crafts (Creative Decorative Skills)
17. Architecture (Design/Construction Skills)
18. Home Improvement (Remodel/Repair Skills)
19. Machinery Mechanics (Vehicle/Equipment Skills)
20. Technology Mechanics (Computer Science Skills)
–Paul Whiting (May 24th, 2012)
My Writing About the "Passionate Attitudes" of All of God's Creatures Great and Small: "I truly feel that All of God's Creatures Great and Small seem to all have extraordinarily passionate attitudes with regard to each other, which are exhibited in many different ways! Additionally, all of us seem to exhibit three, basic different types of 'Passionate Attitude,' which essentially are: 1) Passionately Angry and/or Aggressive; 2) Passionately Loving and/or Nurturing; and 3) Passionately Indifferent and/or Impartial." –Paul Whiting (May 24th, 2012)
My One and Only Joke About Invading Conquerors: "What did the really casual invading conqueror say to the people of the country that he had just invaded and conquered? 'Succumb as you are!'" –Paul Whiting (written May 25th, 2012 and revised October 18th, 2015)
My Writing About Competitive Sports Courses vs. Self-Defense Courses in American Education: "Isn't it interesting that the American education system enthusiastically promotes competitive sports, but it doesn't seem to emphasize self-defense courses at all? So, what does that tell you about the attitude of our culture with regard to the cheer-leaded promotion of competitive sports at the same time that neither non-competitive sports, nor self-defense courses, are promoted in the same ways, nor with the same unbridled enthusiasm!" –Paul Whiting (May 26th, 2012)
My Writing About "God's Computer": I truly do believe that when "God Created The Heavens And The Earth" that what God actually created was a "Super Computer" in the form of God embodying—quite literally—as the entire Universe! And that is why I also believe that God is literally all around us—and that God is literally contained within all of us too—in the form of the entire Universe, which is what constitutes "God's Computer." Plus, I truly do believe that God is also Our Subconscious Self in the form of an Absolutely Perfect Mirror, who is continuously reflecting All Of Our Karma throughout All Of Our Lifetimes! And because God is Our Subconscious Self, that is how, and why, prayer works—since prayer is simply a form of direct communication with God! Thus, I truly do believe that we are all "Independent Operating Units" (or, "IOUs") contained within God's Computer—and that is why God is literally all around us! And that is also why God is literally contained within all of us! And that is also why "We Are All One With God!" –Paul Whiting (written May 26th, 2012, revised November 24th, 2015 and revised July 24th, 2022)
My Writing About Obama and Biden in 2012: "Because of President Obama's many progressive achievements, America is moving forward again! So, let us all proclaim it loud and proud for Obama and Biden in 2012 that 'Yes, We Can—Again!'" –Paul Whiting (May 27th, 2012)
My Writing About IAVA's National Moment Of Silence: For Memorial Day 2012, I participated in the IAVA (Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America) national moment of silence for the all of Americans who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan since September 11th, 2001, in order to remember and honor their lives, their legacies and their last full measure of devotion for our country. And I also listened to patriotic music that celebrates the heroic sacrifice of all the men and women in the United States Military (both past and present), whose selfless dedication made it possible for American to become free and to remain free! –Paul Whiting (written May 28th, 2012, revised May 30th, 2022, revised July 19th, 2022 and revised January 31st, 2023)
My Writing About Becoming Our Own Hero: "These days, it really seems like a lot of people are waiting for some kind of 'Hero' to come along and save them, if the need should ever arise! I say, however, that we should all become much more like the United States Military—in our own heroic thinking—and actually become 'The Hero' for which we are all waiting!" –Paul Whiting (May 28th, 2012)
Summary of My Life Philosophies:
1. Always plan ahead and follow through: In other words, "Always be prepared."
2. Always be well organized: In other words, "A place for everything and everything in its place."
3. If you are going to do a job, always do it correctly; or, redo the job until it is done correctly: In other words, "Do it right the first time—or do it as many times as necessary, until it is right."
4. If you are going to do a job correctly, it may as well be aesthetically pleasing also: In other words, "Make beautiful whatever is dutiful."
5. Clean as you go, and try to maintain a guest-ready clean at all times, as much as possible: In other words, "Cleanliness is next to Godliness."
6. Frugally grocery shop like a bargain guru—and prepare your own meals—as much as possible: In other words, "Be your own personal chef."
7. Recycle, reduce and reuse: In other words, "Love Mother Earth."
8. Always pay your bills on time: In other words, "Be credit worthy."
9. Be as independent as possible, but don't be too afraid to ask for help. And also be as charitable as possible, but don't be too proud to receive charity: In other words, "If possible, give charity. If needed, accept charity."
10. Always ask for clarification. And try to use 'reflective listening' in order to verify that you've clearly understood whatever is being communicated to you: In other words, "Don't assume, always verify."
11. Always listen to your body, by way of your feelings, and trust your 'gut instincts': In other words, "The body never lies."
12. Always feel your feelings: In other words, "Don't bury your feelings, or cover them up." Always feel your feelings and express your feelings responsibly.
13. Always take responsibility for all of your feelings: In other words, "Don't place blame." And always feel your feelings and express your feelings responsibly.
14. Always express your feelings appropriately: In other words, "Learn how to control yourself." And always feel your feelings and express your feelings responsibly.
15. Always be totally honest in the world and totally hard working also: In other words, "Have a wonderful work ethic."
16. And don't stop at only being totally honest in the world—be totally transparent in the world also: In other words, "Honesty is always the best policy."
17. Always be civic-minded: In other words, "Be a good citizen."
18. Do not fear making mistakes: In other words, "If you do make mistakes, strive to correct the mistakes that you make."
19. Ask a lot of questions about everything that you ever begin to question—by way of your feelings, or your 'gut instincts': In other words, "Question authority," or question anything that you ever get a 'funny feeling' about.
20. Face your fears, as much as you possibly can: In other words, "If you face your fears, you will erase your fears..."
21. Devote your life to logistics (or, "the detailed coordination of complex operations"), so that you can have a sense of well being, due to all of your needs always being met through your own efforts: In other words, "Whatever is dutiful is beautiful."
–Paul Whiting (written May 31st, 2012, revised November 20th, 2015, revised October 24th, 2021, revised July 11th, 2022 and revised July 22nd, 2022)
My Writing About Being a "Parable-ist": "I often think of myself as a being a sort of 'Parable-ist,' so to speak! In other words, I really enjoy creating parables in order to describe particular states of being—such as love or envy, peace or discord—in order to explain that particular state of being to someone else in a way that makes sense to them." –Paul Whiting (June 3rd, 2012)
My Writing About Classical Music: "I find that playing Classical Music really puts me in a 'Classical Mood' and I genuinely feel uplifted!" –Paul Whiting (June 4th, 2012)
My Writing About Reducing My Carbon Emissions: I am working toward the goal of becoming "Cooler and Smarter" by reducing my carbon emissions through the process of doing the following: (1) signing up for 100% renewable electricity; (2) using rechargeable batteries; (3) using LED light bulbs; and (4) no longer consuming animal products, due to the environmental impact of raising animals for food. –Paul Whiting (written June 4th, 2012, revised April 14, 2015, revised November 24th, 2015 and revised July 18th, 2022)
My Letter to the State of Florida Task Force on Citizens Safety and Protection regarding Florida's "Shoot First" Law:
To Whom It May Concern,
Vigilante justice is no justice at all! Therefore, when you tell someone with a loaded gun to "Shoot first and ask questions later," you are basically licensing the right for them to practice unbridled vigilante justice!
George Zimmerman allegedly shot an unarmed Trayvon Martin because he felt "threatened" by Trayvon. But the question arises as to what George was actually threatened by...
...Was it Trayvon's candy? Was it Trayvon's iced tea? Was it Trayvon's hoodie? Or was it Trayvon's dark skin?
Thusly, George Zimmerman may have 'wrongly interpreted' the State of Florida's "Shoot First" law to mean "Shoot first (if you are threatened by someone's candy, iced tea, hoodie and dark skin), then ask questions later!"
For, any free society that supports unimpeded vigilante justice, also supports unimpeded violence, as well! And, therefore, that society is no longer free.
–Paul Whiting (June 7th, 2012)
My Writing About Micromanaging Your Karma: In my own personal belief system, it is prudent to learn how to "Micromanage Your Karma," so to speak. And you do this by always "Thinking About Whatever You Are Thinking About" in order to become "Highly Self-Aware" of whatever it is that you are thinking about at a Subconscious Level—that is, at the level of your consciousness where I believe that God truly exists as a "Perfect Karmic Mirror." For, I honestly do believe that the "Subconscious Self" truly is God. –Paul Whiting (written June 10th, 2012 and revised July 24th, 2022)
My Writing About Creating My Way Out of Hell: "Sometimes, I truly feel like I created my way out of Hell and lived to tell the tale!" –Paul Whiting (June 10th, 2012)
My Writing About the Union on the American Flag Always Facing Toward the Left: "While I was preparing to host a Phone Bank (or, a 'Fun Bank!') at my studio apartment for President Obama's grassroots campaign 'Organizing for America,' I realized that the American flag is always supposed to have the union facing towards the left—always! And that really makes me think that the Founding Fathers of Our Country were sending the loud and clear message that America is meant to lean toward being liberal, to lean toward being 'Truly Democratic,' and to lean toward being more like the Democratic Party's 'Justice for All,' rather than the Republican Party's 'Justice for Just Us!'" –Paul Whiting (written June 11th, 2012 and revised November 24th, 2015)
My Writing About Father's Day: "In honor of Father's Day, I made a charitable donation to a cause that I feel really strongly about in support of fathers everywhere, the NRDC (National Resources Defense Council) Green Gift of 'Driving America Green." –Paul Whiting (written June 17th, 2012 and revised October 18th, 2015)
My Writing About My Two New Chosen Names: "If I were a magical being, I would call myself 'Broom Hilda' because I am a decorating wizard who loves to clean! And if I were a Greek God, I would call myself 'Promiscuous' for reasons that I won't go into... LOL" –Paul Whiting (June 18th, 2012)
My Writing About Romantic Songs in Foreign Languages: "I love songs that are sung in foreign languages—especially the romantic ones—because you may not know what the singer is talking about, but you know exactly what they mean!" –Paul Whiting (June 21st, 2012)
My Writing About the Supreme Court Upholding the Affordable Care Act: "I celebrated the Supreme Court's decision to uphold 'Obamacare' (The Affordable Care Act) by donating to organizations who support President Obama and the Democrat Party in 2012, for I feel that they truly represent 'We, the People!'" –Paul Whiting (June 28th, 2012)
My Writing About God Allowing Us To Make Any And All Mistakes: I think that God allows us to make any and all mistakes that we want—even to the point of allowing us to completely obliterate ourselves and everyone else around us—in order to simply to prove to us that we all have the freedom to make any choice that we wish to make! However, we are also allowed to deal with the consequences of all of those same choices in order to learn the incredibly important lesson of "Be Careful What You Wish For!" –Paul Whiting (written June 29th, 2012, revised March 20th, 2015, September 21st, 2015, November 24th, 2015 and revised July 23rd, 2022)
This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 023 was edited on April 22nd, 2024.
"Prose is using all of the words that are necessary in order to describe all that is necessary to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]
"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]