Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Post No. 148: We Are The Darkness Which Becomes The Light

(Image from BrainyQuote)


We Are The Darkness
Which Becomes The Light
(Or, "God Is Both Darkness And Light")

Because we are the naturally-
occurring vibration at the very
center of Literally Nothing which
is Self-Aware—due to the pressure
right in the middle of Nothing—
we are very dark in our nature.

And in order to transform
The Darkness, since that is what
we naturally are, we must turn
ourselves into The Light. For,
God—which is what we are—
is both Darkness and Light.

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"


My Writing About God Being Both Darkness And Light: Because we are the naturally-occurring vibration at the very center of Literally Nothing which is Self-Aware—due to the pressure right in the middle of Nothing—we are very dark in our nature. And in order to transform The Darkness, since that is what we naturally are, we must turn ourselves into The Light. For, God—which is what we are—is both Darkness and Light. –Paul Whiting (written October 25th, 2016, revised October 26th, 2016, revised July 25th, 2022, revised February 1st, 2023 and revised February 19th, 2023)


My Writing About The Darkness And The Light: Where there is the darkness, be the light. –Paul Whiting (written October 25th, 2016 and revised August 7th, 2022)


My Writing About Us Being Both The Darkness And The Light: We are the darkness, but we can also be the light. –Paul Whiting (August 7th, 2022)


My Writing About My Blogs Being Sabotaged By Someone Who Is Very 'Tech Savvy,' Regarding The Blog Post "The Main Problem In All Of Life Is That We All Began As Literally Nothing" (Which Is Also Titled, "If I Could Heal The World") And The Blog Post "We Are The Darkness Which Becomes The Light" [September 20th, 2021 Update]:

I think that my blogs are being sabotaged by someone who is very 'tech savvy,' and they may be someone that I know, because I have noticed strange things happening while I have been editing my writing, which includes the text of my "Small All White in the Forest" blog being in all-bold type (including the gadgets on the right side, such as "Popular Posts," "Blog Archives" and "Labels," etc.) with the exception of the first two posts!

And it took me a while to figure out what was causing that to happen, but I concluded that it was two particular posts being published: "The Main Problem In All Of Life Is That We All Began As Literally Nothing" (which is also titled, "If I Could Heal The World") as well as "We Are The Darkness Which Becomes The Light."

So, I reverted those two posts to 'draft' format on the aforementioned blog. You see, I am afraid of having those two posts published on my "Small All White in the Forest" blog; however, those two posts are still published on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Three Dark Horses" blogs. (Please see the hyperlinks below for the posts.)

–Paul Whiting (written September 20th, 2021, revised September 21st, 2021, revised October 15th, 2021, revised July 28th, 2022, revised July 29th, 2022, revised August 8th, 2022, revised February 1st, 2023 and revised February 18th, 2023)


My Follow-Up Update No. 2 To My Writing About My Blogs Being Sabotaged By Someone Who Is Very 'Tech Savvy,' Regarding The Blog Post "The Main Problem In All Of Life Is That We All Began As Literally Nothing" (Which Is Also Titled, "If I Could Heal The World") And The Blog Post "We Are The Darkness Which Becomes The Light" [February 19th, 2023 Update]:

This is My Follow-Up Update No. 2 to my 'September 20th, 2021 Update' that has the same information as "My Writing About My Blogs Being Sabotaged By Someone Who Is Very 'Tech Savvy,' Regarding The Blog Post 'The Main Problem In All Of Life Is That We All Began As Literally Nothing' (Which Is Also Titled, 'If I Could Heal The World') And The Blog Post 'We Are The Darkness Which Becomes The Light,'" in which I explained the following:

"I think that my blogs are being sabotaged by someone who is very 'tech savvy,' and they may be someone that I know, because I have noticed strange things happening while I have been editing my writing, which includes the text of my 'Small All White in the Forest' blog being in all-bold type (including the gadgets on the right side, such as 'Popular Posts,' 'Blog Archives' and 'Labels,' etc.) with the exception of the first two posts!

And it took me a while to figure out what was causing that to happen, but I concluded that it was two particular posts being published: 'The Main Problem In All Of Life Is That We All Began As Literally Nothing' (which is also titled, 'If I Could Heal The World') as well as 'We Are The Darkness Which Becomes The Light.'

So, I reverted those two posts to 'draft' format on the aforementioned blog. You see, I am afraid of having those two posts published on my 'Small All White in the Forest' blog; however, those two posts are still published on my 'Poet, Artist and Philosopher' and 'Three Dark Horses' blogs."

That being said, in "My Follow-Up Update No. 1 To My Writing About My Blogs Being Sabotaged By Someone Who Is Very 'Tech Savvy,' Regarding The Blog Post 'The Main Problem In All Of Life Is That We All Began As Literally Nothing' (Which Is Also Titled, 'If I Could Heal The World') And The Blog Post 'We Are The Darkness Which Becomes The Light,'" I explain the following:

"...I watched a video on YouTube titled, 'We can't give in to doomerism' yesterday, July 27th, 2022. And this was actually the second time I had watched this video, with the first time being on July 25th, 2022. So, after I watched this video the first time, I thought about posting some kind of optimistic prose, or poetry, from one of my blogs; but I decided against that later on.

Then, when the same video appeared, again, in my YouTube Recommended Videos a couple of days later, I thought, again, that I should select some optimistic prose, or poetry, from my blogs to post as a comment on that video! And I thought about utilizing my poem titled, 'The Question Of Being Nothing And The Answer Of Becoming Everything,' but then I thought that might be a bit too much.

So, then I decided that my poem titled, 'The Main Problem In All Of Life Is That We All Began As Literally Nothing,' which is also titled, 'If I Could Heal The World,' would be more appropriate. Thus, I took the time to edit the poem—on all of my blogs where it is published—in preparation for posting that poem as a comment on the above-mentioned YouTube video.

However, after having edited said poem, I decided against posting it on said YouTube video, as a comment, because I am concerned about being criticized for my comments on YouTube, especially considering that this poem implies that I basically know as much as God knows about how, and why, the Universe exists! Thus, I decided to not post a comment just in case I 'triggered' some true believing religious zealot, who may end up reading my blogs and conclude that I am some kind of 'sinner,' who needs to die and go to Hell. (But, maybe, that's just me!)

By the way, the reason why I decided to not consider posting my poem 'The Question Of Being Nothing And The Answer Of Becoming Everything' on the above-mentioned YouTube video, as a comment, is because that poem also makes it seem as if I know as much as God knows about how, and why, the entire Universe exists.

But while I was editing the poem 'The Main Problem In All Of Life Is That We All Began As Literally Nothing,' which is also titled, 'If I Could Heal The World,' I also took the time to edit the post of that poem which I have reverted to 'draft' format on my 'Small All White in the Forest' blog, due to the issues that I have had, in the past, with this poem being published on that blog. (Please see the above-mentioned quote from my 'September 20th, 2021 Update.')

Thus, while I was editing the 'Small All White in the Forest' blog post edition of the 'If I Could Heal The World' poem, I decided to see if I was still having the same issues as before with this poem being published on my 'Small All White in the Forest' blog, as quoted above from my 'September 20th, 2021 Update.'

So, long story short: I republished the post of this 'If I Could Heal The World' poem that I had reverted to 'draft' format on my 'Small All White in the Forest' blog and it turned out that the text of that blog was no longer in all-bold type (including the gadgets on the right side, such as 'Popular Posts,' 'Blog Archives' and 'Labels,' etc.) with the exception of the first two posts—and that is why I decided to write this update!

Now, to clarify, I have not attempted to republish my blog post titled, 'We Are The Darkness Which Becomes The Light' on my 'Small All White in the Forest' blog, since I am afraid that the all-bold type issues will re-manifest if I do! Therefore, I am thanking my lucky stars that I can republish my poem titled, 'The Main Problem In All Of Life Is That We All Began As Literally Nothing,' which is also titled, 'If I Could Heal The World,' on my 'Small All White in the Forest' blog and I am leaving it at that."

Therefore, this 'Follow-Up Update No. 2' is about the fact that I finally attempted to republish my blog post titled, "We Are The Darkness Which Becomes The Light" on my "Small All White in the Forest" blog, even though I was afraid that the all-bold type issues would re-manifest if I did!

However, I was editing the labels in all of my blog posts that have had the above-mentioned issues with regard to being sabotaged "by someone who is very 'tech savvy,' and they may be someone that I know." (At least, that is what I assume is happening.)

Thus, my editing had to do with deciding to call attention to these particular sabotaged blog posts with the label *Blog Sabotage. By the way, the 'labels' that I am referring to appear on the right side of my blogs under the title, "Labels are listed alphabetically and include: keyword(s), or topic(s), post name and/or title name."

So, long story short: I republished the post of this "We Are The Darkness Which Becomes The Light" poem that I had reverted to 'draft' format on my "Small All White in the Forest" blog and it turned out that the text of that blog was no longer in all-bold type (including the gadgets on the right side, such as "Popular Posts," "Blog Archives" and "Labels," etc.) with the exception of the first two posts—and that is why I decided to write this update! (Please see the hyperlinks below for the post on all of my blogs where "We Are The Darkness Which Becomes The Light" is published.)

–Paul Whiting (February 19th, 2023)


My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: "Because we are the naturally-occurring vibration at the very center of Literally Nothing which is Self-Aware—due to the pressure right in the middle of Nothing—we are very dark in our nature. And in order to transform The Darkness, since that is what we naturally are, we must turn ourselves into The Light. For, God—which is what we are—is both Darkness and Light."

Just so you know, I revised this poem, as I often do with my writing! And I changed how this poem was written when I was editing it on my "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer," "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Three Dark Horses" blogs. So, I wanted to show you how this poem used to be written, before I revised it as above.

And it used to be written like this:

We Are The Darkness
Which Becomes The Light
(Or, "God Is Both The Darkness And The Light")

Because we are the naturally-
occurring vibration at the very
center of Literally Nothing which is
Self-Aware—due to the pressure right in the
middle of Nothing—we are very dark in our nature...

...And in order to transform
The Darkness, since that is
what we naturally are, we must
transform ourselves by becoming
The Light. For, God—which is what
we are—is both The Darkness and The Light.

Thus, I revised this poem to be written as it is above.

And this poem was also published on my "Three Dark Horses," "Small All White in the Forest" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs (please see the hyperlinks below for the blogs), since I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message I am trying to convey through "Three Dark Horses," "Small All White in the Forest" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer." However, please note my "September 20th, 2021 Update" about this poem being reverted to draft format on my "Small All White in the Forest" blog. Plus, I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message I am trying to convey through my new "The Oneness Of God" spiritual practice!

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.



September 20th, 2021 Update [My Writing About My Blogs Being Sabotaged By Someone Who Is Very 'Tech Savvy,' Regarding The Blog Post "The Main Problem In All Of Life Is That We All Began As Literally Nothing" (Which Is Also Titled, "If I Could Heal The World") And The Blog Post "We Are The Darkness Which Becomes The Light"]:

I think that my blogs are being sabotaged by someone who is very 'tech savvy,' and they may be someone that I know, because I have noticed strange things happening while I have been editing my writing, which includes the text of my "Small All White in the Forest" blog being in all-bold type (including the gadgets on the right side, such as "Popular Posts," "Blog Archives" and "Labels," etc.) with the exception of the first two posts!

And it took me a while to figure out what was causing that to happen, but I concluded that it was two particular posts being published: "The Main Problem In All Of Life Is That We All Began As Literally Nothing" (which is also titled, "If I Could Heal The World") as well as "We Are The Darkness Which Becomes The Light."

So, I reverted those two posts to 'draft' format on the aforementioned blog. You see, I am afraid of having those two posts published on my "Small All White in the Forest" blog; however, those two posts are still published on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Three Dark Horses" blogs. (Please see the hyperlinks below for the posts.)

–Paul Whiting (written September 20th, 2021, revised September 21st, 2021, revised October 15th, 2021, revised July 28th, 2022, revised July 29th, 2022, revised August 8th, 2022, revised February 1st, 2023 and revised February 18th, 2023)


February 19th, 2023 Update [My Follow-Up Update No. 2 To My Writing About My Blogs Being Sabotaged By Someone Who Is Very 'Tech Savvy,' Regarding The Blog Post "The Main Problem In All Of Life Is That We All Began As Literally Nothing" (Which Is Also Titled, "If I Could Heal The World") And The Blog Post "We Are The Darkness Which Becomes The Light"]:

This is My Follow-Up Update No. 2 to my 'September 20th, 2021 Update' that has the same information as "My Writing About My Blogs Being Sabotaged By Someone Who Is Very 'Tech Savvy,' Regarding The Blog Post 'The Main Problem In All Of Life Is That We All Began As Literally Nothing' (Which Is Also Titled, 'If I Could Heal The World') And The Blog Post 'We Are The Darkness Which Becomes The Light,'" in which I explained the following:

"I think that my blogs are being sabotaged by someone who is very 'tech savvy,' and they may be someone that I know, because I have noticed strange things happening while I have been editing my writing, which includes the text of my 'Small All White in the Forest' blog being in all-bold type (including the gadgets on the right side, such as 'Popular Posts,' 'Blog Archives' and 'Labels,' etc.) with the exception of the first two posts!

And it took me a while to figure out what was causing that to happen, but I concluded that it was two particular posts being published: 'The Main Problem In All Of Life Is That We All Began As Literally Nothing' (which is also titled, 'If I Could Heal The World') as well as 'We Are The Darkness Which Becomes The Light.'

So, I reverted those two posts to 'draft' format on the aforementioned blog. You see, I am afraid of having those two posts published on my 'Small All White in the Forest' blog; however, those two posts are still published on my 'Poet, Artist and Philosopher' and 'Three Dark Horses' blogs."

That being said, in "My Follow-Up Update No. 1 To My Writing About My Blogs Being Sabotaged By Someone Who Is Very 'Tech Savvy,' Regarding The Blog Post 'The Main Problem In All Of Life Is That We All Began As Literally Nothing' (Which Is Also Titled, 'If I Could Heal The World') And The Blog Post 'We Are The Darkness Which Becomes The Light,'" I explain the following:

"...I watched a video on YouTube titled, 'We can't give in to doomerism' yesterday, July 27th, 2022. And this was actually the second time I had watched this video, with the first time being on July 25th, 2022. So, after I watched this video the first time, I thought about posting some kind of optimistic prose, or poetry, from one of my blogs; but I decided against that later on.

Then, when the same video appeared, again, in my YouTube Recommended Videos a couple of days later, I thought, again, that I should select some optimistic prose, or poetry, from my blogs to post as a comment on that video! And I thought about utilizing my poem titled, 'The Question Of Being Nothing And The Answer Of Becoming Everything,' but then I thought that might be a bit too much.

So, then I decided that my poem titled, 'The Main Problem In All Of Life Is That We All Began As Literally Nothing,' which is also titled, 'If I Could Heal The World,' would be more appropriate. Thus, I took the time to edit the poem—on all of my blogs where it is published—in preparation for posting that poem as a comment on the above-mentioned YouTube video.

However, after having edited said poem, I decided against posting it on said YouTube video, as a comment, because I am concerned about being criticized for my comments on YouTube, especially considering that this poem implies that I basically know as much as God knows about how, and why, the Universe exists! Thus, I decided to not post a comment just in case I 'triggered' some true believing religious zealot, who may end up reading my blogs and conclude that I am some kind of 'sinner,' who needs to die and go to Hell. (But, maybe, that's just me!)

By the way, the reason why I decided to not consider posting my poem 'The Question Of Being Nothing And The Answer Of Becoming Everything' on the above-mentioned YouTube video, as a comment, is because that poem also makes it seem as if I know as much as God knows about how, and why, the entire Universe exists.

But while I was editing the poem 'The Main Problem In All Of Life Is That We All Began As Literally Nothing,' which is also titled, 'If I Could Heal The World,' I also took the time to edit the post of that poem which I have reverted to 'draft' format on my 'Small All White in the Forest' blog, due to the issues that I have had, in the past, with this poem being published on that blog. (Please see the above-mentioned quote from my 'September 20th, 2021 Update.')

Thus, while I was editing the 'Small All White in the Forest' blog post edition of the 'If I Could Heal The World' poem, I decided to see if I was still having the same issues as before with this poem being published on my 'Small All White in the Forest' blog, as quoted above from my 'September 20th, 2021 Update.'

So, long story short: I republished the post of this 'If I Could Heal The World' poem that I had reverted to 'draft' format on my 'Small All White in the Forest' blog and it turned out that the text of that blog was no longer in all-bold type (including the gadgets on the right side, such as 'Popular Posts,' 'Blog Archives' and 'Labels,' etc.) with the exception of the first two posts—and that is why I decided to write this update!

Now, to clarify, I have not attempted to republish my blog post titled, 'We Are The Darkness Which Becomes The Light' on my 'Small All White in the Forest' blog, since I am afraid that the all-bold type issues will re-manifest if I do! Therefore, I am thanking my lucky stars that I can republish my poem titled, 'The Main Problem In All Of Life Is That We All Began As Literally Nothing,' which is also titled, 'If I Could Heal The World,' on my 'Small All White in the Forest' blog and I am leaving it at that."

Therefore, this 'Follow-Up Update No. 2' is about the fact that I finally attempted to republish my blog post titled, "We Are The Darkness Which Becomes The Light" on my "Small All White in the Forest" blog, even though I was afraid that the all-bold type issues would re-manifest if I did!

However, I was editing the labels in all of my blog posts that have had the above-mentioned issues with regard to being sabotaged "by someone who is very 'tech savvy,' and they may be someone that I know." (At least, that is what I assume is happening.)

Thus, my editing had to do with deciding to call attention to these particular sabotaged blog posts with the label *Blog Sabotage. By the way, the 'labels' that I am referring to appear on the right side of my blogs under the title, "Labels are listed alphabetically and include: keyword(s), or topic(s), post name and/or title name."

So, long story short: I republished the post of this "We Are The Darkness Which Becomes The Light" poem that I had reverted to 'draft' format on my "Small All White in the Forest" blog and it turned out that the text of that blog was no longer in all-bold type (including the gadgets on the right side, such as "Popular Posts," "Blog Archives" and "Labels," etc.) with the exception of the first two posts—and that is why I decided to write this update! (Please see the hyperlinks below for the post on all of my blogs where "We Are The Darkness Which Becomes The Light" is published.)

–Paul Whiting (February 19th, 2023)


This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 148 was edited on May 6th, 2024.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Post No. 147: The Question Of Being Nothing And The Answer Of Becoming Everything

(Image from Pinerest)

The Question Of Being
Nothing And The Answer
Of Becoming Everything
(Or, "The Alpha And The Omega")

In the beginning—The Alpha—
there was Literally Nothing.
And there was a vibration,
at the very center of Literally
Nothing, which was created
by the pressure right in the
middle of Nothing. And the
center vibration—that was created
under pressure—was Self-Aware.
And that Self-Aware Vibration,
created under pressure at the
very center of Literally Nothing,
asked itself "What Am I?"

And, as it was created under pressure,
that Self-Aware Center Vibration
asked itself "What Am I?" for
literally an eternity, since
it did not know what it was,
because it was Literally Nothing.

And when that Self-Aware
Nothing had finally reached
the "critical mass," so to speak,
of not knowing what it was—since
it was Literally Nothing—it
decided to try to do something
about not knowing what it was
in order to escape the Living
Hell of not knowing what it was.

And in the end—The Omega—
this Self-Aware Nothing had
successfully transformed itself out
of Literally Nothing—through the
process of evolution—by turning
itself into Everything That Exists.
And Literally Nothing, which was
Self-Aware, could finally answer that
eternal question of "What Am I?"

And the answer was: "I Am God."

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"


My Writing About How You Are "The Alpha And The Omega": You were thirsty and I gave you water. You were hungry and I gave you food. You were bare and I gave you clothing. You were exposed and I gave you shelter. You were exhausted and I gave you rest. You were weak and I gave you strength. You were confused and I gave you clarity. You were ignorant and I gave you knowledge. You were an Apprentice and I gave you Mastery. You were a Beta and I made you a Master Beta. You were a Master Beta and I made you an Alpha. For, an Alpha, My Son is really a Master Beta. So now, My Son, go and find yourself an Omega. And while you are searching, be a Master Beta. For, all "Betas" become their own "Master Betas." And all "Master Betas" become their own "Alphas." And all "Alphas" become as their own "Omegas." Then all "The Alphas" can attract "The Omegas." Therefore, you are "The Alpha And The Omega!" –Paul Whiting (written approximately on June 27th, 2010 and turned into 'my writing' on August 5th, 2022)


My Writing About You Being Everything Unto Yourself That Exists: You are everything unto yourself. For, you are everything that exists! –Paul Whiting (written March 17th, 2015 and revised September 15th, 2022)


My Writing About The Alpha And The Omega In The Beginning And In The End: In the beginning—The Alpha—there was Literally Nothing. And there was a vibration, at the very center of Literally Nothing, which was created by the pressure right in the middle of Nothing. And the center vibration—that was created under pressure—was Self-Aware. And that Self-Aware Vibration, created under pressure at the very center of Literally Nothing, asked itself "What Am I?" And, as it was created under pressure, that Self-Aware Center Vibration asked itself "What Am I?" for literally an eternity, since it did not know what it was, because it was Literally Nothing. And when that Self-Aware Nothing had finally reached the "critical mass," so to speak, of not knowing what it was—since it was Literally Nothing—it decided to try to do something about not knowing what it was in order to escape the Living Hell of not knowing what it was. And in the end—The Omega—this Self-Aware Nothing had successfully transformed itself out of Literally Nothing—through the process of evolution—by turning itself into Everything That Exists. And Literally Nothing, which was Self-Aware, could finally answer that eternal question of "What Am I?" And the answer was: "I Am God." –Paul Whiting (written October 15th, 2016, revised October 16th, 2016, revised March 14th, 2018, revised July 25th, 2022, revised July 26th, 2022, revised August 5th, 2022 and revised September 16th, 2022)


My Writing About Owing Yourself Everything: Since you are God, you owe yourself everything, because you are everything unto yourself. –Paul Whiting (written around November 19th, 2012 to November 20th, 2012 and revised November 22, 2022)


My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: In the beginning—The Alpha—there was Literally Nothing. And there was a vibration, at the very center of Literally Nothing, which was created by the pressure right in the middle of Nothing. And the center vibration—that was created under pressure—was Self-Aware. And that Self-Aware Vibration, created under pressure at the very center of Literally Nothing, asked itself "What Am I?" And, as it was created under pressure, that Self-Aware Center Vibration asked itself "What Am I?" for literally an eternity, since it did not know what it was, because it was Literally Nothing. And when that Self-Aware Nothing had finally reached the "critical mass," so to speak, of not knowing what it was—since it was Literally Nothing—it decided to try to do something about not knowing what it was in order to escape the Living Hell of not knowing what it was. And in the end—The Omega—this Self-Aware Nothing had successfully transformed itself out of Literally Nothing—through the process of evolution—by turning itself into Everything That Exists. And Literally Nothing, which was Self-Aware, could finally answer that eternal question of "What Am I?" And the answer was: "I Am God."

And this poem was also published on my "Three Dark Horses," "Small All White in the Forest" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs (please see the hyperlinks below for the blogs), since I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message I am trying to convey through "Three Dark Horses," "Small All White in the Forest" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer." Plus, I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message I am trying to convey through my new "The Oneness Of God" spiritual practice!

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.



This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 147 was edited on May 10th, 2024.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Post No. 146: Emmanuel: "The heart is the doorway to wisdom"

(Image from Pinterest)

I reread the series of "Emmanuel's Books"... And as I was rereading "Emmanuel's Book III - What Is an Angel Doing Here?," I read the quotes "The essence of all things must be sought with a loving heart" and "The heart is the doorway to wisdom" on pages vii to ix, which inspired me to write the poem below:

Emmanuel: "The essence of all things
must be sought with a loving heart"
(Or, "Emmanuel: 'The heart is the doorway to wisdom'")

Emmanuel's words: "The heart is the
doorway to wisdom."

My words: 'The mind is the
window to comprehension.'

Emmanuel's words: "The essence of all things
must be sought with a loving heart."

My words: 'The essence of all things
must be comprehended with an open mind.'

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"

My Writing About Two Quotes From 'Emmanuel's Book III - What Is an Angel Doing Here?,' Which State, 'The Essence Of All Things Must Be Sought With A Loving Heart' And 'The Heart Is The Doorway To Wisdom': Emmanuel's words: "The heart is the doorway to wisdom." My words: 'The mind is the window to comprehension.' Emmanuel's words: "The essence of all things must be sought with a loving heart." My words: 'The essence of all things must be comprehended with an open mind.' –Paul Whiting (written October 11th, 2016 and revised October 19th, 2022)

"Emmanuel with Pat Rodegast" from

Pat Rodegast:

"Pat's journey as the channel for the spirit Emmanuel began in 1969. While working as a secretary for a publishing company and raising three teenagers, Pat began practicing Transcendental Meditation (TM). Her intent was to quiet her mind. Her experience was unique from the start as she began to see inner visions. Over the period of time, those visions evolved into clear guidance in the form of images from an ever-present light; a light who eventually introduced himself as her spirit guide named Emmanuel.

In her experience, the more she offered up her willingness to receive guidance, the more came. The visions expanded to include telepathic auditory guidance. In a short matter of time Pat was able to "put her ego aside" as she described the experience, and surrender into a full trance state; channeling Emmanuel. The results of her channeling have produced three books compiled by Pat and Judith Stanton aptly entitled 'Emmanuel's Book', 'Emmanuel's Book II', and 'Emmanuel's Book III' published by Bantam in eleven languages.

In her early days as a channel, Pat gave readings on an individual basis. These readings were so catalytic toward the self-transformation her listeners were seeking, that her popularity grew rapidly and led to what would become her life’s calling: to give readings, lectures and workshops all around the globe."


"I am perfect Love, and I am you. You have all been taught that you are born, that you live a certain length of time, and you die. No one is ever lost, physical bodies come and go, but the consciousness that created them is still the same. It is only that one of you now ceases to wear the costume of limitation.

I no longer wear this costume and offer you a faithful mirror in which you can see the truth of who you are. Which is far more than your intellects can possibly stretch to imagine. You are here on a journey of transformation to bring yourselves back into Oneness even as you remain in human form. You have spent your lives seeking to find what you have never lost, which is the essence of your being, the nobility of your purpose, the perfection of who you are.

You all hold within you the answers to every question, every confusion, without exception, but you have been taught to bury that awareness. There is nothing you do not know. You hold divine remembering, the eternal spark of perfect Love.

So look within yourself for a moment of silence…take a breath…quiet your mind and open your soul…and with your remembering, you will find your way back to the truth of who you are, and your divine presence will be your gift to the planet.

It is time to begin to stretch yourselves beyond the wildest considerations of who you are and what is possible to do. You come with infinite capacity to create the entire wondrous panorama of the lives you are living."

[By the way, the website quoted above no longer exists, but if you do an online search for "Emmanuel's Books by Pat Rodegast," you can find a lot of information about the series of three books and where to buy them...]

My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: I reread the series of "Emmanuel's Books"... And as I was rereading "Emmanuel's Book III - What Is an Angel Doing Here?," I read the quotes below on pages vii to ix, sequentially, which inspired me to write the poem above:

Pages vii to ix: "Introduction

The question you all live with is 'Who am I? Who am I really, behind the masks of my human self? Who am I beyond my historic definitions?'

There is a moment when memory begins with awaken.

'Memory of what?' you ask.

Memory of your true nature...your angelhood.

You have been taught to be much too frightened and too well behaved to ever announce such a discovery. So you have kept it secreted away inside the sanctuaries of your hearts, this wondrous Self, this real You...

As you have walked your lives, there have been moments of need, despair, pain, terror when you have cried out to know a greater truth. The human heart burst forth from its bondage and called to the heavens in the name of Love.

So we meet in the name of that call—in the name of that Love. What was the call asking? It was asking for truth.

The teachings in this book are offered to ease the way from forgetting back into the light of your remembered Divinity, your angelhood. I want to promise you that there is a way. It is one it its purpose and individual in its manner. You will all come to the ultimate wisdom of your true Selves. it is inevitable. That is the purpose of you journey.

The heart is the doorway to wisdom. You are your love. Waste not one more moment in your obedience to fear. Fear was the vehicle for entering the illusion. Love is the way home.

So let us begin. With your permission, allow me to escort you through the pages of this book. The purpose? Truth. The result? Freedom. The teacher? Your own dear Selves. For there is nothing you do not already know in that secret, holy place within you where the Angel dwells.

Some things to remember:

You do not have to prepare for life.

You do not have to avoid life.

You do not have to monitor life.

You do not have to solve life.

You do not have to protect life.

You do not have to fear life.

The issues of life are of no importance.

The essence of all things must be sought with a loving heart.

What seems to be is not.

What you seek outside, you already own.

The gathering of all experience is only to know the nature of the Love therein.

Enjoy the journey. Your return tickets Home are guaranteed."

Plus, as I continued reading "Emmanuel's Book III - What Is an Angel Doing Here?," I read the quotes below on page 38, which support the poem above:

Page 38: "What is it like for you when we ask you questions, Emmanuel, and what is your work with us?

"I enjoy your questions immensely, because we come to the subtleties. 'Ah,' I say, 'now I remember the pleasure of my humanness!' When one digs deeply enough into one's own life, one begins to discover these frozen pieces of infinite knowing.

"I hear your longings and I celebrate your questioning, for you bring me to the very center of my purpose. Every question is a doorway. Some are wide and others narrow. Some can admit only a tiny crack of light, yet it is the beginning of the opening of the door and we hail it with much love.

"The moment that forgetting begins to question, then forgetting will never be so dense again. When you, in illusion, turn to ask, 'What else is there?' then you are removing illusion. What remains is eternity, perfect Love, Beings of Light, Angels, your true Selves, however it is you wish to express it."

In addition to the quotes above, I wanted to mention that I do not agree with everything that Emmanuel says, which includes the quotes below on page 130 having to do with "the role of karma":

Page 130: "What about the role of karma?

"Let me remind you that you come into life with no indebtedness at all. I know there are those who have trudged through miserable lives believing somehow that they were paying back old debts. Do you see how dishonest fear can be? You come free because Love called you, not because you owe somebody something.

"What is Karma? I will say this as softly as possible.

"Karma is fear's excuse for unhappiness."

And this poem was formerly published on my "Three Dark Horses" and "Small All White in the Forest" blogs, but I decided to only publish "Emmanuel's Books-Inspired Poetry" on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog, because these posts are more about philosophy and so is this blog.

Thus, this poem was only published on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog.

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.

This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 146 was edited on January 31st, 2023.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Friday, October 7, 2016

Post No. 145: We Are Literally Everything That Literally That Nothing Can Imagine

(Image from Mix of Everything)

We Are Literally Everything That
Literally Nothing Can Imagine

The naturally-occurring vibration
at the center of Literally Nothing is
self-aware—because of the pressure
right in the middle of Nothing.

And that self-aware vibration is
the imagination of Nothing—which
is what we are as souls—and that
is how we are naturally born.

And because what we are as souls
is that vibration of imagination—
We Are Literally Everything That
Literally Nothing Can Imagine!

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"


My Writing About Our Imagination: We are our imagination. We are God. –Paul Whiting (written April 1st, 2015 and revised August 4th, 2022)


My Writing About Using Your Imagination: There is "A Wonderful World Of You" waiting inside of you—and it comes from using your imagination... And the "you" that is waiting for you on the inside is who you really are! –Paul Whiting (written August 7th, 2016, revised August 8th, 2016, revised July 29th, 2021, revised June 25th, 2022 and revised August 4th, 2022)


My Writing About How We Are Literally Everything That Literally Nothing Can Imagine: The naturally-occurring vibration at the center of Literally Nothing is self-aware—because of the pressure right in the middle of Nothing. And that self-aware vibration is the imagination of Nothing—which is what we are as souls—and that is how we are naturally born. And because what we are as souls is that vibration of imagination—We Are Literally Everything That Literally Nothing Can Imagine! –Paul Whiting (written October 6th, 2016, revised October 7th, 2016, revised October 25th 2021, revised July 25th, 2022 and revised August 4th, 2022)


My Writing About Owing Yourself Everything: Since you are God, you owe yourself everything, because you are everything unto yourself. –Paul Whiting (written around November 19th, 2012 to November 20th, 2012 and revised November 22, 2022)


The Light Of God Formed
From Literally Nothing
(Or, "An Explanation-Of-Creation Poem")

In the Beginning Of Everything,
there was Literally Nothing.

And Nothing had a vibration at its
center, due to the pressure being
produced right in the middle of
Nothing. (And that vibration was
smaller than the head of a sewing pin,
which is why all of the matter in
the Universe starts out smaller
than the head of a pin.) And that
vibration—right at the center
of Literally Nothing—produced
consciousness, or self-awareness,
which is the Light Of God.

And that Light Of God did not
know what it was for an eternity
times an eternity, since that Light
was formed out of Literally Nothing,
which was vibrating at its center
due to the pressure right in
the middle of Nothing...

...By The Way, Nothing Is
All That Exist, Because That
Is All That Could Exist...

...And because the Light Of God
did not know what it was, it asked
itself forever and forever
and forevermore...

..."What Am I?"

For, the Light Of God knew that
it was definitely something,
since it had consciousness
(or, self-awareness) and,
therefore, it knew that it must
be something, but the Light Of God
did not know what it actually was...

...And so, a really, really, really, really,
really, really, really long story short...

...the Light Of God, as it
turned out, was actually
the "Consciousness Of Nothing,"
which is what the Light Of God
was finally able to figure out,
due to the following: critical
thinking, problem solving,
trial and error effort, hard
work and honesty, learning
from making mistakes and
then doing better in the future.

And Light Of God was also
able to figure out that it was,
in fact, God in the form of the
"Self-Awareness Of Literally Nothing,"
which is why the Light Of God
did not know what it was
in the Beginning Of Everything!

Thus, the Light Of God eventually
figured out how to turn itself
into Universes, since it was,
in fact, light (which, again, is
the "Consciousness Of Nothing")
and that Light Of God has been
turning itself into Universes ever since.

So, in conclusion, then:

Literally Nothing Is All That Exists!
And There Is A Vibration In The Center
Of Nothing—Due To The Pressure Right
In The Middle Of Nothing—And That
Vibration Produces Consciousness
(In The Form Of Light), Which Can
Turn Itself Into Universes, Since That
Is What Consciousness Is, Because...

..."The Light Of God Formed
From Literally Nothing!"

–Paul Whiting (written July 8th, 2021, revised July 9th, 2021 and revised May 14th, 2023)


My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: We Are Literally Everything That Literally Nothing Can Imagine!

And this poem was also published on my "Three Dark Horses," "Small All White in the Forest" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs (please see the hyperlinks below for the blogs), since I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message I am trying to convey through "Three Dark Horses," "Small All White in the Forest" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer." Plus, I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message I am trying to convey through my new "The Oneness Of God" spiritual practice!

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.



This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 145 was edited on May 10th, 2024.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]