Thursday, September 18, 2014

Post No. 050: Your Happiness Is Prevented By Your Fear

(Image from Pastor Mark Martin)

Your Happiness Is
Prevented By
Your Fear

Your Happiness Is Being
Prevented By Your Fear! So,
The Only Thing Preventing
You From Being Happy Is
You NOT Facing Your Fear!

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"

My Writing About Facing And Erasing Your Fears: If you face your fears, you will erase your fears... –Paul Whiting (written approximately on May 31st, 2012 and turned into 'my writing' on July 22nd, 2022)

My Writing About The Only Thing Preventing You From Being Happy: The only thing preventing you from being happy is you NOT facing your fear! –Paul Whiting (written September 18th, 2014, revised October 3rd, 2014, revised March 17th, 2015 and revised July 26th, 2022)

My Writing About Transforming Fear Energy: If you face a fear—you transform the energy—and you never have to be burdened by that fear in the same way again. –Paul Whiting (written March 28th, 2015, revised June 22nd, 2022 and revised July 26th, 2022)

My Writing About Your Enemy: Your enemy is your fear! –Paul Whiting (written September 16th, 2015 and revised July 26th, 2022)

My Writing About Not Throwing Away Your Enemy, But Throwing Away Your Fear Of Your Enemy: You do need to "throw away" your enemy: it is the fear of your enemy—by facing your fear—that you need to "throw away." –Paul Whiting (written December 2nd, 2015 and July 26th, 2022)

My Writing About Freedom From Fear: Happiness is freedom from fear! –Paul Whiting (written January 23rd, 2016 and revised July 26th, 2022)

My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: The only thing preventing you from being happy is you NOT facing your fear!

And this poem was also published on my "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blog (please see the hyperlink below for the blog), since I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message that I am trying to convey through "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer."

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.


This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 050 was edited on May 3rd, 2024.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Post No. 049: You Can Heal Yourself From Being Born As Literally Nothing

(Image from

You Can Heal Yourself From
Being Born As Literally Nothing

You can heal yourself from being born as Literally Nothing by playing every theatrical role that you can think to create in every fictional story that you can think to write, thereby expressing yourself—and caring for yourself—as Literally Nothing!

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"

My Writing About The Hope Of Nothing: There is hope—even in being born as Literally Nothing! And the paradox of physics is that you are the hope of Nothing... –Paul Whiting (written May 1st, 2014 and revised September 6th, 2022)

My Writing About Healing Yourself From Being Born As Literally Nothing: You can heal yourself from being born as Literally Nothing by playing every theatrical role that you can think to create in every fictional story that you can think to write, thereby expressing yourself—and caring for yourself—as Literally Nothing! –Paul Whiting (written September 14th, 2014, revised October 14th, 2021 and revised September 6th, 2022)

My Writing About How Universes Are 'God's Fiction,' Which Is What Produces "The Gravity Of Universes": All Universes are literally fiction that has been written by "The Hand Of God." Then, that fiction is literally trial-and-error rehearsed by "The Soul Of God." Finally, that fiction is literally physically embodied by "The Body Of God." Thus, this entire process of writing, rehearsing and physically embodying 'God's Fiction' is what produces "The Gravity Of Universes." –Paul Whiting (written January 31st, 2023, revised May 21st, 2023 and revised May 23rd, 2023)

My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this prose can be summed up with the following statement: "You can heal yourself from being born as Literally Nothing..."

And this prose was also published on my "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blog (please see the hyperlink below for the blog), since I feel that the message in this prose applies to the message that I am trying to convey through "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer."

This prose was written in Portland, Oregon.


This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 049 was edited on May 3rd, 2024.

"Prose is using all of the words that are necessary in order to describe all that is necessary to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Post No. 048: A Universe Is "A Fictional Story!"

(Image from

A Universe Is "A Fictional Story!"

A Universe Is "A Fictional Story"
—Or, "A Theatrical Contrivance"—
Which Is Created By The God, And/Or
The Goddess, Who Designed That Universe.

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"

My Writing About How Universes Are For Transforming Our Close-Minded Strife: Universes are fantasies come to life—and we are all Gods and/or Goddesses using our imaginations for transforming our close-minded strife! –Paul Whiting (written approximately on March 6, 2010, turned into a quote on August 4th, 2022 and revised September 4th, 2022)

My Writing About How A Universe Is A Fictional Story: A universe is "a fictional story"—or, "a theatrical contrivance"—which is created by the God, and/or the Goddess, who designed that universe. –Paul Whiting (written September 11th, 2014, revised October 13th, 2021, revised April 12, 2022 and revised September 4th, 2022)

My Writing About The Reality Of Universes: The reality is that universes are fantasies! –Paul Whiting (written September 29th, 2014, revised October 13th, 2021, revised August 4th, 2022 and revised September 4th, 2022)

My Writing About How Universes Are Fantasies: Universes are fantasies brought to life! –Paul Whiting (written October 19th, 2014, revised August 4th, 2022 and revised September 4th, 2022)

My Writing About How Universes Are Like Therapeutic Motion Pictures: Universes truly are like therapeutic motion pictures (or, movies) in that Universes are representations of how we think, and feel, about being The Consciousness Of Literally Nothing, which is what we are as Gods and/or Goddesses. –Paul Whiting (written March 27th, 2015, revised September 18th, 2021, revised May 5th, 2022, revised May 6th, 2022 and revised September 10th, 2022)

My Writing About How Universes Are A Faked Reality: Universes are a real faked reality. –Paul Whiting (written June 5th, 2016 and revised September 4th, 2022)

My Writing About How Universes Are Like Lucid Dreaming: Universes are like lucid dreaming in three dimensions. –Paul Whiting (written July 10th, 2016 revised July 11th, 2016 and revised September 4th, 2022)

My Writing About How A Universe Is A Drama: A Universe is a Drama... A Universe is a Fable... A Universe is a Fiction... A Universe is a Myth... A Universe is a Parable... A Universe is a Tale... A Universe is a Story... –Paul Whiting (written September 8th, 2016, revised September 9th, 2016, revised July 28th, 2021 and revised September 4th, 2022)

My Writing About How A Universe Is Scripted Like A Play In A Theater: A Universe is scripted like a play in a theater—and all of the souls are the producers, the playwrights, the composers, the orchestra, the music, the instruments, the actors, the costumes, the makeup, the props, the theater, the equipment, the furnishings, the stagehands, the ticket sellers, the ticket takers, the owners, the managers, the other employees, the audience and the critics too—all taking part in the production of life by playing each and every one of the roles in a scripted production. Thus, each and every one of the souls is participating in a scripted production—which appears as if it is happening spontaneously, but it is designed to appear that way—as each and every one of the souls is playing each and every one of the roles in the theater called life, which is known as a Universe... –Paul Whiting (written September 9th, 2016, revised September 10th, 2016, revised July 28th, 2021, revised October 16th, 2022 and revised February 1st, 2023)

My Writing About How Universes Are 'God's Fiction,' Which Is What Produces "The Gravity Of Universes": All Universes are literally fiction that has been written by "The Hand Of God." Then, that fiction is literally trial-and-error rehearsed by "The Soul Of God." Finally, that fiction is literally physically embodied by "The Body Of God." Thus, this entire process of writing, rehearsing and physically embodying 'God's Fiction' is what produces "The Gravity Of Universes." –Paul Whiting (written January 31st, 2023, revised May 21st, 2023 and revised May 23rd, 2023)

My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: "A universe is 'a fictional story'—or, 'a theatrical contrivance'—which is created by the God, and/or the Goddess, who designed that universe."

And this poem was also published on my "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blog (please see the hyperlink below for the blog), since I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message that I am trying to convey through "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer."

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.


This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 048 was edited on May 3rd, 2024.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]