Sunday, March 23, 2014

Post No. 040: For The End Of All Warfare

(Image by Paul Whiting)

For The End Of All Warfare
(Or, "Your Enemy Is Your Friend In Disguise")

The Best Way To
"Get Rid Of Your Sworn Enemy"
Is To "Turn Your Enemy Into A Friend."

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"


My Writing About Turning Your Enemy Into A Friend: The best way to "get rid of your sworn enemy" is to "turn your enemy into a friend." –Paul Whiting (written March 23rd, 2014 and revised August 31st, 2022)


My Writing About Your Enemy: Your enemy is your fear! –Paul Whiting (written September 16th, 2015 and revised July 26th, 2022)


My Writing About The Reason We Are At War With Each Other: We are at war with each other, because we are at war with ourselves. –Paul Whiting (written May 10th, 2016 and revised August 19th, 2022)


My Writing About How The Conflicts Across From Us Are The Conflicts Within Us: The conflicts that we are fighting with those who are across from us are the same conflicts that we are fighting within our own consciousness. In other words, the conflicts that are across from us are the conflicts within us. –Paul Whiting (written approximately on May 10th, 2016 and turned into 'my writing' from my notes on May 11th, 2024)


My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: "The best way to 'get rid of your sworn enemy' is to 'turn your enemy into a friend.'"

Just so you know, I revised this poem, as I often do with my writing! And I changed how this poem was written when I was editing it on my "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer," "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Three Dark Horses" blogs. So, I wanted to show you how this poem used to be written, before I revised it as above.

And it used to be written like this:

For The End Of All Warfare
(Or, "Your Enemy Is Your Friend In Disguise")

The Best Way To "Get Rid Of
Your Sworn Enemy" Is To "Turn
Your Enemy Into A Friend."

Thus, I revised this poem to be written as it is above.

And this poem was also published on my "Three Dark Horses," "Small All White in the Forest" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs (please see the hyperlinks below for the blogs), since I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message I am trying to convey through "Three Dark Horses," "Small All White in the Forest" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer." Plus, I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message I am trying to convey through my new "The Oneness Of God" spiritual practice!

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.



This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 040 was edited on May 11th, 2024.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Monday, March 17, 2014

Post No. 039: For St. Patrick's Day 2014 — "The Pot Of Gold At The End Of The Rainbow!"

(Image from The Hope Blog)

The Pot Of Gold At The
End Of The Rainbow!

I think that the phrase "Finding
The Pot Of Gold At The End Of The
Rainbow" is actually a reference to
"Creating The Wealth Of Self-Love!"

In other words, "Finding The
Pot Of Gold At The End Of The
Rainbow" really means creating a
Self-Loving and Abundant Life!

Therefore, if you live a Self-Loving,
Self-Directed and Self-Sufficient Life,
"Finding The Pot of Gold At The End Of
The Rainbow" actually means "Creating
The Pot Of Gold At The End Of The Rainbow!"

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"

My Writing About "Finding The Pot Of Gold At The End Of The Rainbow": I think that the phrase "Finding The Pot Of Gold At The End Of The Rainbow" is actually a reference to "Creating The Wealth Of Self-Love!" In other words, "Finding The Pot Of Gold At The End Of The Rainbow" really means creating a Self-Loving and Abundant Life! Therefore, if you live a Self-Loving, Self-Directed and Self-Sufficient Life, "Finding The Pot Of Gold At The End Of The Rainbow" actually means "Creating The Pot Of Gold At The End Of The Rainbow!" –Paul Whiting (written March 4th, 2014 and revised August 24th, 2022)

My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: "I think that the phrase 'Finding The Pot Of Gold At The End Of The Rainbow' is actually a reference to... ....'Creating The Pot Of Gold At The End Of The Rainbow!'"

And this poem was also published on my "Small All White in the Forest" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs (please see the hyperlinks below for the blogs), since I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message I am trying to convey through "Small All White in the Forest" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer."

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.


This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 039 was edited on January 31st, 2023.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]