Saturday, December 20, 2014

Post No. 059: Talk About The Elephant In The Room!

(Image from Wikipedia)

Talk About The Elephant In The Room!
(Or, "My Fear Of Republican Extremists")

Sometimes, we need to "talk about the elephant in the room!" In other words, we sometimes need to talk about "a major problem or controversial issue that is obviously present but avoided as a subject for discussion because it is more comfortable to do so."

And the reason that we sometimes need to "talk about the elephant in the room" is because of our own fear.

Therefore, we sometimes need to talk about our fear in a safe, non-judgmental environment—such as with family, or friends, or in a therapeutic setting—so that we can face our fear and, thusly, we can transform and, consequently, heal the energy of our fear.

For example, I need to "talk about the elephant in the room" with regard to my fear that Republican Extremists have taken over the government of United States of America on behalf of wealthy elitists, such as the Koch Brothers (in other words, "the millionaire and billionaire classes"), who have publicly acknowledged wishing to turn America into an oligarchy!

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"

My Writing About The Elephant In The Room: Sometimes, we need to "talk about the elephant in the room!" And the reason that we sometimes need to "talk about the elephant in the room" is because of our own fear. Therefore, we sometimes need to talk about our fear in a safe, non-judgmental environment—such as with family, or friends, or in a therapeutic setting—so that we can face our fear and, thusly, we can transform and, consequently, heal the energy of our fear. –Paul Whiting (written December 20th, 2014, revised September 13th, 2022 and revised November 13th, 2022)

My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this prose can be summed up with the following statement: "Sometimes, we need to 'talk about the elephant in the room!'"

And this prose was only published on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog.

This prose was written in Portland, Oregon.


This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 059 was edited on May 3rd, 2024.

"Prose is using all of the words that are necessary in order to describe all that is necessary to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Post No. 058: Every Soul Is Literally God

(Image from Wikimedia)

Every Soul Is Literally God

Every Soul Is Literally God,
Because Every Soul Is
A Part Of God's Universe!

And God's Universe Is Literally
A Physical Embodiment Of God!

And Every Soul In God's Universe
Already Is God, Or Is Literally
In The Process Of Becoming God!

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"

My Writing About Each And Every Soul Being On A Path To Becoming God: I honestly believe that—quite literally—each and every soul is on a path to becoming God. –Paul Whiting (written September 6th, 2012 and revised August 3rd, 2022)

My Writing About The Way That God Exists: God above, God below! God everywhere you go! –Paul Whiting (written August 6th, 2014 and revised August 3rd, 2022)

My Writing About Literally Every Soul: Every soul is literally God! –Paul Whiting (written December 11th, 2014 and revised August 3rd, 2022)

My Writing About There Being Nothing But God: There is nothing but God everywhere you go! –Paul Whiting (written March 20th, 2015 and revised August 3rd, 2022)

My Writing About Every Soul Without Exception: Every soul that exists is God—without exception! –Paul Whiting (written March 21st, 2015 and revised August 3rd, 2022)

My Writing About Who Can Be God For You: Nobody else but you can be God for you! –Paul Whiting (written March 25th, 2015 and revised August 3rd, 2022)

My Writing About How Every Soul Has To Deal With Life: Every soul is God. And every soul has to deal with life, as if they are God, because they are. –Paul Whiting (written March 29th, 2015 and revised August 3rd, 2022)

My Writing About How Every Soul Chooses Their Own Path: Every soul chooses their own path to becoming God, but we are all literally God. –Paul Whiting (written April 5th, 2015 and August 3rd, 2022)

My Writing About How You Are A Copy Of God: You are really a copy of God, or an individual manifestation of God in the process of becoming God. –Paul Whiting (written August 20th, 2016, revised May 8th, 2022 and revised August 3rd, 2022)

My Writing About You Being Responsible For Every Soul That Has Ever Existed: You are responsible for every soul that has ever existed. And, specifically, you are responsible for your own soul as every soul that has ever existed. For, God is every soul that has ever existed—and that is what you are, because you are God. So, take responsibility for your own soul as if it is every soul that has ever existed. –Paul Whiting (written September 11th, 2016, revised September 12th, 2016 and revised August 3rd, 2022)

My Writing About You Being Everything Unto Yourself As God: You are everything unto yourself. For, you are God. –Paul Whiting (written September 29th, 2016, revised August 3rd, 2022 and revised September 15th, 2022)

My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: Every soul is literally God, because every soul is a part of God's universe! And God's universe is literally a physical embodiment of God! And every soul in God's universe already is God, or is literally in the process of becoming God!

And this poem was also published on my "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blog (please see the hyperlink below for the blog), since I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message that I am trying to convey through "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer."

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.


This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 058 was edited on May 3rd, 2024.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Post No. 057: All Souls Are Required To Become "Atom-Like" In Their Thinking In Order To Be At Peace

(Image from Wikipedia)

All Souls Are Required To Become
"Atom-Like" In Their Thinking
In Order To Be At Peace
(Or, "Become 'Atom-Like' In Your Thinking")

All Souls Are Required
To Become "Atom-Like"
In Their Thinking In
Order To Be At Peace!
In Other Words, All
Souls Are Required To
Strive Toward Always
Harmoniously Balancing
Their Thinking With Regard
To Their Negative Energy,
Positive Energy And Neutral
Energy In Order To Be At Peace.

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"

My Writing About All Souls Becoming 'Atom-Like' In Their Thinking In Order To Be At Peace: All souls are required to become "atom-like" in their thinking in order to be at peace! In other words, all souls are required to strive toward always harmoniously balancing their thinking with regard to their negative energy, positive energy and neutral energy in order to be at peace. –Paul Whiting (written December 10th, 2014 and September 12th, 2022)

My Writing About All Souls Being Intrinsically Negative Energy: All Souls are intrinsically Negative Energy, because All Souls are Literally Nothing which is Self-Aware! And for All Souls to experience anything other than being Negative Energy, since we are Literally Nothing, we have to evolve out of being Nothing—in order to transform being intrinsically Negative Energy—by becoming Everything That Exists! –Paul Whiting (written June 18th, 2015, revised November 22nd, 2015, revised June 4th, 2022 and revised July 25th, 2022)

My Writing About What You Can Do With Your Naturally Negative Energy: There us nothing wrong with being naturally Negative Energy: it just depends on what you do with Your Negative Energy, since naturally Negative Energy is what we are as Literally Nothing! And Negative Energy is actually Positive Energy in its opposite state, because Negative Energy is 'Darkness' and Positive Energy is 'Light.' Therefore, you can invert Your Negative Energy into Positive Energy—and then you can invert Your Positive Energy into Neutral Energy—while you are turning 'Your Darkness' into 'Your Light,' as a God and/or a Goddess, by becoming Your Own Universes! –Paul Whiting (written December 3rd, 2015, revised June 4th, 2022 and revised October 3rd, 2022)

My Writing About How Matter, Or Energy, Can Neither Be Created, Nor Destroyed, It Can Only Change Form: Everything in physics is energy conversion! In other words, physics is the inversion of Literally Nothing into opposing fields of energy. That means, Nothing can invert itself into Negative Energy (or, electronics), Positive Energy (or, protons), and Neutral Energy (or, neutrons), all of which is contained within Nothing that has been converted into Suction (or, vacuum). And the reason that Nothing can do all of these wonderful things is because Nothing has Self-Awareness (or, consciousness), which is Literally Light! Thus, that light is what God is—which is what we all are—and that is why it is said that matter, or energy, can neither be created, nor destroyed, it can only change form. –Paul Whiting (written January 26th, 2023 and revised January 27th, 2023)

My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: "All souls are required to become 'atom-like' in their thinking in order to be at peace! In other words, all souls are required to strive toward always harmoniously balancing their thinking with regard to their negative energy, positive energy and neutral energy in order to be at peace."

And this poem was also published on my "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blog (please see the hyperlink below for the blog), since I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message that I am trying to convey through "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer."

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.


This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 057 was edited on May 3rd, 2024.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Post No. 056: Universes Are Life Therapy

(Image from Voz Latina)

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is now: 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: "If you’re thinking about suicide, are worried about a friend or loved one, or would like emotional support, the Lifeline network is available 24/7 across the United States." Dial 988

Universes Are Life Therapy

Universes Are Life Therapy
To Continually Heal From Being
Born As Literally Nothing.

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"


My Writing About How Universes Are Life Therapy: Universes are life therapy to continually heal from being born as Literally Nothing. –Paul Whiting (written November 27th, 2014 and revised September 10th, 2022)


My Writing About How Universes Are Like Therapeutic Motion Pictures: Universes truly are like therapeutic motion pictures (or, movies) in that Universes are representations of how we think, and feel, about being The Consciousness Of Literally Nothing, which is what we are as Gods and/or Goddesses. –Paul Whiting (written March 27th, 2015, revised September 18th, 2021, revised May 5th, 2022, revised May 6th, 2022 and revised September 10th, 2022)


My Writing About Psychological Healing Through Professional Therapy (One Paragraph): As a self-designated 'Poet, Artist and Philosopher,' I feel an obligation to explain what I believe to be true about psychological healing through professional therapy. You see, in my lifetime I have dealt with many psychological (mental health) issues, including generalized anxiety disorder, and/or clinical depression, for which I have sought treatment through professional therapy on multiple occasions. Therefore, during those times in my life when I felt like I needed therapy, I would kind of "put my life on hold," so to speak, until I had dealt with whatever issue that was making me feel "stuck" in my life. That way, I could totally heal that particular issue—for however long that it took to heal that particular issue—and, then, I could finally get on with my life... Thankfully, I was raised in a family in which going to see a therapist was perfectly acceptable—if necessary—just like going see a medical doctor was perfectly acceptable, if necessary. Thus, our culture's beliefs regarding medical treatment of physiological (physical) issues goes something like the following: If you have the kind of injury that you can treat with a Band-Aid and some Neosporin, or if you have the kind of illness that you can treat with NyQuil and/or DayQuil, by all means do so! If, however, you have a much more severe injury—and/or if you have a much more severe illness—you go see a medical doctor, or you go to an urgent care clinic, or you go to the emergency room, so that you can heal! And our culture's beliefs regarding therapeutic (therapy) treatment of psychological (mental health) issues should basically be the same kind of thinking: So, if you are just feeling "a little down in the dumps," so to speak, you can simply talk to a family member, or a friend, or chat online with someone on a social networking site, and that takes care of the issue! If, however, you have much more severe psychological issues such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or much more severe psychological illnesses, such as clinical depression, or suicidal thoughts, you go see a licensed therapist—like a Licensed Professional Counselor, or a Psychologist (which is a licensed therapist with a graduate degree in psychology), or a Psychiatrist (which is a licensed therapist with a graduate degree in psychology who is also a medical doctor)—or you call a crisis helpline, such as the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline (dial 988 on your telephone), so that you can heal! –Paul Whiting (written September 10th, 2022, revised October 22nd, 2023 and revised June 15th, 2024)


My Writing About Psychological Healing Through Professional Therapy (Multiple Paragraphs): As a self-designated 'Poet, Artist and Philosopher,' I feel an obligation to explain what I believe to be true about psychological healing through professional therapy.

You see, in my lifetime I have dealt with many psychological (mental health) issues, including generalized anxiety disorder, and/or clinical depression, for which I have sought treatment through professional therapy on multiple occasions. Therefore, during those times in my life when I felt like I needed therapy, I would kind of "put my life on hold," so to speak, until I had dealt with whatever issue that was making me feel "stuck" in my life. That way, I could totally heal that particular issue—for however long that it took to heal that particular issue—and, then, I could finally get on with my life... Thankfully, I was raised in a family in which going to see a therapist was perfectly acceptable—if necessary—just like going see a medical doctor was perfectly acceptable, if necessary.

Thus, our culture's beliefs regarding medical treatment of physiological (physical) issues goes something like the following: If you have the kind of injury that you can treat with a Band-Aid and some Neosporin, or if you have the kind of illness that you can treat with NyQuil and/or DayQuil, by all means do so! If, however, you have a much more severe injury—and/or if you have a much more severe illness—you go see a medical doctor, or you go to an urgent care clinic, or you go to the emergency room, so that you can heal!

And our culture's beliefs regarding therapeutic (therapy) treatment of psychological (mental health) issues should basically be the same kind of thinking: So, if you are just feeling "a little down in the dumps," so to speak, you can simply talk to a family member, or a friend, or chat online with someone on a social networking site, and that takes care of the issue! If, however, you have much more severe psychological issues such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or much more severe psychological illnesses, such as clinical depression, or suicidal thoughts, you go see a licensed therapist—like a Licensed Professional Counselor, or a Psychologist (which is a licensed therapist with a graduate degree in psychology), or a Psychiatrist (which is a licensed therapist with a graduate degree in psychology who is also a medical doctor)—or you call a crisis helpline, such as the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline (dial 988 on your telephone), so that you can heal! –Paul Whiting (written September 10th, 2022, revised October 22nd, 2023 and revised June 15th, 2024)


My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: "Universes are life therapy to continually heal from being born as Literally Nothing."

And this poem was also published on my "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blog (please see the hyperlink below for the blog), since I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message that I am trying to convey through "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer."

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.



The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is now: 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: "If you’re thinking about suicide, are worried about a friend or loved one, or would like emotional support, the Lifeline network is available 24/7 across the United States." Dial 988


This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 056 was edited on June 15th, 2024.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Friday, November 14, 2014

Post No. 055: The Only Thing That Is "Free" In Existence...

(Image from Pinterest)

The Only Thing That
Is "Free" In Existence...

The Only Thing
That Is "Free" In Existence
Is Nonexistence!

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"

My Writing About How We Are All Nonexistence Working: We are all nonexistence working! And we began as nonexistence thinking, "What am I?" –Paul Whiting (written November 14, 2014, revised September 18th, 2021 and August 24th, 2022)

My Writing About The Only Thing That Is "Free" In Existence: The only thing that is "free" in existence is nonexistence! –Paul Whiting (written November 14, 2014, revised April 16th, 2015, revised May 9th, 2022 and revised September 9th, 2022)

My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: "The only thing that is 'free' in existence is nonexistence!"

And this poem was also published on my "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blog (please see the hyperlink below for the blog), since I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message that I am trying to convey through "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer."

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.


This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 055 was edited on January 31st, 2023.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Post No. 054: We Are All Nothing Working!

(Image from progressiveredneckpreacher)

We Are All Nothing Working!

We are all nothing working!
And we all literally began as
Nothing thinking, "What am I?"

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"

My Writing About A Good Work Ethic: A good work ethic equals being happy...and doing work well equals being fulfilled. –Paul Whiting (written approximately on August 1st, 2014, turned into a quote from my notes on July 9th, 2022 and revised August 24th, 2022)

My Writing About How We Are All Nonexistence Working: We are all nonexistence working! And we began as nonexistence thinking, "What am I?" –Paul Whiting (written November 14, 2014, revised September 18th, 2021 and August 24th, 2022)

My Writing About Happiness Having To Be Engineered: Happiness has to be engineered, since we are Literally Nothing that is self-aware! And that is why every single, little thing has to be thought into existence by being designed, built through trial and error efforts, tested for workability, verified as effective, implemented as planned and, finally, maintained and repaired. And—if necessary—every single, little thing also has to be rethought, redesigned, rebuilt through trial and error efforts, retested for workability, reverified as effective, reimplemented as planned, and then re-maintained and re-repaired, etc... –Paul Whiting (written March 5th, 2022, revised May 31st, 2022 and revised July 25th, 2022)

My Writing About Work Being The Source Of All Happiness: The source of all happiness is doing work! –Paul Whiting (written December 2nd, 2015, revised July 7th, 2022 and revised August 24th, 2022)

My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: "We are all nothing working! And we all literally began as nothing thinking, 'What am I?'"

And this poem was also published on my "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blog (please see the hyperlink below for the blog), since I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message that I am trying to convey through "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer."

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.


This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 054 was edited on January 31st, 2023.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Post No. 053: My Commentary On Republican Extremists' War On America — "The War That Rages Is Inside"

(Image from AlterNet)

My Commentary On Republican Extremists' War On America After The 2014 Midterm Elections:

The War That Rages Is Inside
(Or, "Extremists Are At War With Themselves")

Extremists At War
With Themselves, Declare War On
Everybody Else!

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"


My Writing About Republican Conservative Thinkers Trying To Get Rid Of Liberal Thinkers: I seriously think that Republican Conservative Thinkers are all trying to—literally—pull us back in time to the Dark Ages where they seem to exist, so that they can finally get rid of all the Liberal Thinkers! It is almost like they are trying to "marginalize everyone to death," who isn't one of their own kind, in the hopes that Jesus The Christ will finally show up for "The Rapture" and save all of them from all of the terrible people who are NOT Conservative Thinkers! –Paul Whiting (written May 2nd, 2012, revised November 24th, 2015 and revised September 7th, 2022)


My Writing About The Republican Party's "War On America": Sometimes I truly think that the Republican Party is literally conducting a "War On America!" All they seem to want to do is disenfranchise, marginalize, get rid of—and even kill outright—anyone who is NOT one of them! –Paul Whiting (written July 23rd, 2012, revised November 21st, 2015 and revised September 7th, 2022)


My Writing About Republicans And Lies: Way too often it seems like there are way too many Republicans who seem like they have never met a lie that they didn't like! –Paul Whiting (written September 12th, 2012 and September 7th, 2022)


My Writing About Voter Fraud: It seems like the only criminals that we need to be concerned about committing voter fraud are the Republicans through their attempts in multiple states to enact voter suppression laws. –Paul Whiting (written September 14th, 2012 and revised September 7th, 2022)


My Writing About The Republican War On Women's Rights: I am a gay male who is voting Democrat for President, Senate and Congress! And I approve this message. –Paul Whiting (written September 26th, 2012, revised April 14th, 2015 and revised September 7th, 2022)


My Writing About The Reason We Are At War With Each Other: We are at war with each other, because we are at war with ourselves. –Paul Whiting (written May 10th, 2016 and revised August 19th, 2022)


My Writing About How The Conflicts Across From Us Are The Conflicts Within Us: The conflicts that we are fighting with those who are across from us are the same conflicts that we are fighting within our own consciousness. In other words, the conflicts that are across from us are the conflicts within us. –Paul Whiting (written approximately on May 10th, 2016 and turned into 'my writing' from my notes on May 11th, 2024)


The Following Writing Is An Excerpt From My 'June 11th, 2022 Update' On My Blog Post Titled, "I Am No Longer Being An Activist In The Same Way That I Was," Which Is On My "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Blog:

And, now, Republicans seem to be acting exactly like they are "Radical Christian Terrorists"...

...Hence, the January 6th, 2021 Capitol Attack.

(Or, it was the January 6th, *1776* "normal tourist group"; or, the insurrectionists that attacked the Capitol Complex—in order to stop the certification of Joe Biden's win—were really 'Antifa' protestors; or, they were Black Lives Matter protestors; or, they were paid actors and actresses; or, in all actuality, they were incited by "Gasp!" the FBI. Regardless, however, it was clearly 'a false flag operation' designed to make President Donald J. Trump "look bad"—like he needs any assistance doing that!)

And, speaking of the January 6th, 2021 Capitol Attack, here are some poems that I wrote regarding the 'True Patriot' event of 'legitimate political discourse,' as well as regarding the 'lack of integrity' in the 2020 Presidential Election:

"January 6th, 2021"
(A 'Not-So-Infamous' Poem)

January 6th, 2021:
A date which will
*never live in infamy.*

–Paul Whiting (written May 28th, 2021, revised June 11th, 2022 and revised June 12th, 2022)


Republicans and 'Election Integrity'
(A Haiku Poem)

The Republican
Election Integrity:
"Them 'darkies' can't vote!"

–Paul Whiting (written June 2nd, 2021 and revised September 7th, 2022)


"January 6, 1776"?
(A Questioning Poem)

Why, on January 6th, 2021,
were rioters, who attacked
the Capitol Complex, and who
threatened members of Congress
and Vice President Pence, told that...

..."Today is 1776"?

–Paul Whiting (written June 4th, 2021, revised June 11th, 2022 and revised September 7th, 2022)

Please see the hyperlink below for the post:


My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: This poem is my "commentary" on the Republican Extremists' War On America after the 2014 Elections.

And this poem was also published on my "Small All White in the Forest" blog (please see the hyperlink below for the blog), since I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message I am trying to convey through "Small All White in the Forest."

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.



"6 Ways Rabid Republicans Are Declaring War On America" from AlterNet:

"The GOP, the party led by angry white men and libertarian corporatists, is ratcheting up its political warfare against everyday Americans with unmatched brazenness..."


This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 053 was edited on May 11th, 2024.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

My poems that are Haiku in their style—within which one stanza is composed of three lines, where each line has words containing five syllables, seven syllables and five syllables, respectively—are a lot more like SenryÅ« poems in that the topic of these poems is typically about people, rather than the topic of these poems being about nature, as is usually the case in classic Haiku poems. And that is why I call these types of poems "Haiku-style." –Paul Whiting [September 19th, 2023]

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Post No. 052: The Problem With Cheaters

(Image from Philadelphia CityPaper)

The Problem With Cheaters

The problem with cheaters is that they desire to be successful, but with little effort on their part or, even, with no effort on their part.

Therefore, the problem with cheaters is that they desire to achieve success—with their endeavors in life—but without having to assume risk, without having to be hard working and honest, and without having to learn from their mistakes in order to do better in the future.

In other words, achieving success is attained by the process of assuming risk, by the process of being hard working and honest, and by the process of learning from mistakes in order to do better in the future, which cannot be accomplished by cheating.

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"


My Writing About What You Can, And Cannot, Have: You cannot have what you do not create. Therefore, you can only have what you do create. –Paul Whiting (written November 29th, 2011 and revised September 1st, 2022)


My Writing About The Policy Of Honesty In The Kingdom Of God: In the Kingdom of God, honesty is not only the Best Policy, honesty is the Only Policy. –Paul Whiting (written September 29th, 2012 and revised September 12th, 2023)


My Writing About The Problem With Cheaters: The problem with cheaters is that they desire to be successful, but with little effort on their part or, even, with no effort on their part. Therefore, the problem with cheaters is that they desire to achieve success—with their endeavors in life—but without having to assume risk, without having to be hard working and honest, and without having to learn from their mistakes in order to do better in the future. In other words, achieving success is attained by the process of assuming risk, by the process of being hard working and honest, and by the process of learning from mistakes in order to do better in the future, which cannot be accomplished by cheating. –Paul Whiting (written October 28th, 2014, revised April 23rd, 2022, revised April 24th, 2022 and revised September 1st, 2022)


My Writing About There Being No Excuse For Cheating: There is no excuse for cheating in physics—and there never has been. –Paul Whiting (written March 13th, 2015 and revised September 1st, 2022)


My Writing About How Cheaters Are Afraid Of Their Own Vulnerability: Cheaters are afraid of their own vulnerability, which is why they won't assume risk, and that's why they cheat! –Paul Whiting (written March 27th, 2015 and revised September 1st, 2022)


My Writing About The Problem With Cheating: The problem with cheating in physics is that you are producing "anti-life," because you are literally cheating in a void. –Paul Whiting (written April 16th, 2015, revised October 14th, 2021 and revised September 1st, 2022)


My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this prose can be summed up with the following statement: "The problem with cheaters is that they desire to be successful, but with little effort on their part or, even, with no effort on their part. Therefore, the problem with cheaters is that they desire to achieve success, with their endeavors in life, but without having to assume risk, without having to be hard working and honest, and without having to learn from their mistakes in order to do better in the future."

And this prose was also published on my "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blog (please see the hyperlink below for the blog), since I feel that the message in this prose applies to the message that I am trying to convey through "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer."

This prose was written in Portland, Oregon.



This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 052 was edited on September 12th, 2023.

"Prose is using all of the words that are necessary in order to describe all that is necessary to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Post No. 051: How To 'Forget About It' Correctly

(Image from

How To 'Forget About It' Correctly
(Or, "How To Solve The Problems In Life")

Since life is bound to have problems in it, when you are faced with solving any particular problem in life, it is only when you have thoroughly and legitimately solved that particular problem in life that you should "forget about it," so to speak.

Therefore, you should never "forget about it" as a way to solve any of the problems in life, since not solving the problems in life—and then forgetting about having not solved the problems in life—will only create more and bigger problems in life!

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"

My Writing About How To 'Forget About It' Correctly: Since life is bound to have problems in it, when you are faced with solving any particular problem in life, it is only when you have thoroughly and legitimately solved that particular problem in life that you should "forget about it," so to speak. Therefore, you should never "forget about it" as a way to solve any of the problems in life, since not solving the problems in life—and then forgetting about having not solved the problems in life—will only create more and bigger problems in life! –Paul Whiting (written approximately on October 14th, 2014 and turned into 'my writing' on September 6th, 2022)

My Writing About The Difficulties In Life: Life isn't easy, it's difficult. So, you can only make life easy by dealing with the difficulties in life. In other words, dealing with the difficulties in life is what makes life easy. –Paul Whiting (September 6th, 2022)

My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this prose can be summed up with the following statement: "Since life is bound to have problems in it, when you are faced with solving any particular problem in life, it is only when you have thoroughly and legitimately solved that particular problem in life that you should 'forget about it,' so to speak."

And this prose was also published on my "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blog (please see the hyperlink below for the blog), since I feel that the message in this prose applies to the message that I am trying to convey through "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer."

This prose was written in Portland, Oregon.


This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 051 was edited on May 5th, 2024.

"Prose is using all of the words that are necessary in order to describe all that is necessary to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Post No. 050: Your Happiness Is Prevented By Your Fear

(Image from Pastor Mark Martin)

Your Happiness Is
Prevented By
Your Fear

Your Happiness Is Being
Prevented By Your Fear! So,
The Only Thing Preventing
You From Being Happy Is
You NOT Facing Your Fear!

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"

My Writing About Facing And Erasing Your Fears: If you face your fears, you will erase your fears... –Paul Whiting (written approximately on May 31st, 2012 and turned into 'my writing' on July 22nd, 2022)

My Writing About The Only Thing Preventing You From Being Happy: The only thing preventing you from being happy is you NOT facing your fear! –Paul Whiting (written September 18th, 2014, revised October 3rd, 2014, revised March 17th, 2015 and revised July 26th, 2022)

My Writing About Transforming Fear Energy: If you face a fear—you transform the energy—and you never have to be burdened by that fear in the same way again. –Paul Whiting (written March 28th, 2015, revised June 22nd, 2022 and revised July 26th, 2022)

My Writing About Your Enemy: Your enemy is your fear! –Paul Whiting (written September 16th, 2015 and revised July 26th, 2022)

My Writing About Not Throwing Away Your Enemy, But Throwing Away Your Fear Of Your Enemy: You do need to "throw away" your enemy: it is the fear of your enemy—by facing your fear—that you need to "throw away." –Paul Whiting (written December 2nd, 2015 and July 26th, 2022)

My Writing About Freedom From Fear: Happiness is freedom from fear! –Paul Whiting (written January 23rd, 2016 and revised July 26th, 2022)

My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: The only thing preventing you from being happy is you NOT facing your fear!

And this poem was also published on my "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blog (please see the hyperlink below for the blog), since I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message that I am trying to convey through "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer."

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.


This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 050 was edited on May 3rd, 2024.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Post No. 049: You Can Heal Yourself From Being Born As Literally Nothing

(Image from

You Can Heal Yourself From
Being Born As Literally Nothing

You can heal yourself from being born as Literally Nothing by playing every theatrical role that you can think to create in every fictional story that you can think to write, thereby expressing yourself—and caring for yourself—as Literally Nothing!

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"

My Writing About The Hope Of Nothing: There is hope—even in being born as Literally Nothing! And the paradox of physics is that you are the hope of Nothing... –Paul Whiting (written May 1st, 2014 and revised September 6th, 2022)

My Writing About Healing Yourself From Being Born As Literally Nothing: You can heal yourself from being born as Literally Nothing by playing every theatrical role that you can think to create in every fictional story that you can think to write, thereby expressing yourself—and caring for yourself—as Literally Nothing! –Paul Whiting (written September 14th, 2014, revised October 14th, 2021 and revised September 6th, 2022)

My Writing About How Universes Are 'God's Fiction,' Which Is What Produces "The Gravity Of Universes": All Universes are literally fiction that has been written by "The Hand Of God." Then, that fiction is literally trial-and-error rehearsed by "The Soul Of God." Finally, that fiction is literally physically embodied by "The Body Of God." Thus, this entire process of writing, rehearsing and physically embodying 'God's Fiction' is what produces "The Gravity Of Universes." –Paul Whiting (written January 31st, 2023, revised May 21st, 2023 and revised May 23rd, 2023)

My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this prose can be summed up with the following statement: "You can heal yourself from being born as Literally Nothing..."

And this prose was also published on my "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blog (please see the hyperlink below for the blog), since I feel that the message in this prose applies to the message that I am trying to convey through "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer."

This prose was written in Portland, Oregon.


This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 049 was edited on May 3rd, 2024.

"Prose is using all of the words that are necessary in order to describe all that is necessary to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Post No. 048: A Universe Is "A Fictional Story!"

(Image from

A Universe Is "A Fictional Story!"

A Universe Is "A Fictional Story"
—Or, "A Theatrical Contrivance"—
Which Is Created By The God, And/Or
The Goddess, Who Designed That Universe.

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"

My Writing About How Universes Are For Transforming Our Close-Minded Strife: Universes are fantasies come to life—and we are all Gods and/or Goddesses using our imaginations for transforming our close-minded strife! –Paul Whiting (written approximately on March 6, 2010, turned into a quote on August 4th, 2022 and revised September 4th, 2022)

My Writing About How A Universe Is A Fictional Story: A universe is "a fictional story"—or, "a theatrical contrivance"—which is created by the God, and/or the Goddess, who designed that universe. –Paul Whiting (written September 11th, 2014, revised October 13th, 2021, revised April 12, 2022 and revised September 4th, 2022)

My Writing About The Reality Of Universes: The reality is that universes are fantasies! –Paul Whiting (written September 29th, 2014, revised October 13th, 2021, revised August 4th, 2022 and revised September 4th, 2022)

My Writing About How Universes Are Fantasies: Universes are fantasies brought to life! –Paul Whiting (written October 19th, 2014, revised August 4th, 2022 and revised September 4th, 2022)

My Writing About How Universes Are Like Therapeutic Motion Pictures: Universes truly are like therapeutic motion pictures (or, movies) in that Universes are representations of how we think, and feel, about being The Consciousness Of Literally Nothing, which is what we are as Gods and/or Goddesses. –Paul Whiting (written March 27th, 2015, revised September 18th, 2021, revised May 5th, 2022, revised May 6th, 2022 and revised September 10th, 2022)

My Writing About How Universes Are A Faked Reality: Universes are a real faked reality. –Paul Whiting (written June 5th, 2016 and revised September 4th, 2022)

My Writing About How Universes Are Like Lucid Dreaming: Universes are like lucid dreaming in three dimensions. –Paul Whiting (written July 10th, 2016 revised July 11th, 2016 and revised September 4th, 2022)

My Writing About How A Universe Is A Drama: A Universe is a Drama... A Universe is a Fable... A Universe is a Fiction... A Universe is a Myth... A Universe is a Parable... A Universe is a Tale... A Universe is a Story... –Paul Whiting (written September 8th, 2016, revised September 9th, 2016, revised July 28th, 2021 and revised September 4th, 2022)

My Writing About How A Universe Is Scripted Like A Play In A Theater: A Universe is scripted like a play in a theater—and all of the souls are the producers, the playwrights, the composers, the orchestra, the music, the instruments, the actors, the costumes, the makeup, the props, the theater, the equipment, the furnishings, the stagehands, the ticket sellers, the ticket takers, the owners, the managers, the other employees, the audience and the critics too—all taking part in the production of life by playing each and every one of the roles in a scripted production. Thus, each and every one of the souls is participating in a scripted production—which appears as if it is happening spontaneously, but it is designed to appear that way—as each and every one of the souls is playing each and every one of the roles in the theater called life, which is known as a Universe... –Paul Whiting (written September 9th, 2016, revised September 10th, 2016, revised July 28th, 2021, revised October 16th, 2022 and revised February 1st, 2023)

My Writing About How Universes Are 'God's Fiction,' Which Is What Produces "The Gravity Of Universes": All Universes are literally fiction that has been written by "The Hand Of God." Then, that fiction is literally trial-and-error rehearsed by "The Soul Of God." Finally, that fiction is literally physically embodied by "The Body Of God." Thus, this entire process of writing, rehearsing and physically embodying 'God's Fiction' is what produces "The Gravity Of Universes." –Paul Whiting (written January 31st, 2023, revised May 21st, 2023 and revised May 23rd, 2023)

My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: "A universe is 'a fictional story'—or, 'a theatrical contrivance'—which is created by the God, and/or the Goddess, who designed that universe."

And this poem was also published on my "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blog (please see the hyperlink below for the blog), since I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message that I am trying to convey through "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer."

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.


This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 048 was edited on May 3rd, 2024.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Post No. 047: My Philosophy About Healthy Stress Release (Masturbation)

(Image from '83 To Infinity)


My Philosophy About Healthy
Stress Release (Masturbation)

The way that I feel about healthy stress release can be summed up in two simple words: "Self-Love!" You see, I "Self-Love" since "Self-Loving" really helps to release pent-up sexual energy and it really helps me to relieve stress! (And by "Self-Love" I am referring to masturbation.)

And, of course, I mean "Self-Loving" only in the most appropriate of ways, such as "Self-Loving" in private before you engage in "The 'Non-Sensual' Times Of Life," such as work, school, or church, etc., so that you are not stressed out during "The 'Non-Sensual' Times Of Life."

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"

My Writing About Healthy Stress Release Through "Self-Love" (Masturbation): The way that I feel about healthy stress release can be summed up in two simple words: "Self-Love!" You see, I "Self-Love," since "Self-Loving" really helps to release pent-up sexual energy and it really helps me to relieve stress! –Paul Whiting (written August 30th, 2014, revised November 22nd, 2015, revised July 21st, 2022 and revised August 23rd, 2022)

My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this prose can be summed up with the following statement: The way that I feel about healthy stress release can be summed up in two simple words: "Self-Love!" (And by "Self-Love" I am referring to masturbation.)

And this prose was also published on my "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blog (please see the hyperlink below for the blog), since I feel that the message in this prose applies to the message that I am trying to convey through "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer."

This prose was written in Portland, Oregon.


"Masturbation" from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia—which is funded primarily through donations from millions of individuals around the world, including this blogger (I make a totally affordable monthly donation):

"Masturbation is the sexual stimulation of one's own genitals for sexual arousal or other sexual pleasure, usually to the point of orgasm."

This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 047 was edited on December 7th, 2023.

"Prose is using all of the words that are necessary in order to describe all that is necessary to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Monday, August 18, 2014

Post No. 046: How Crime and Inbreeding are Correlated

(Image from


The Correlation Between Crime
and Inbreeding as Both Issues
Relate to the Fear of Women
(Or, "One Of God's Chosen People...")

I think that there is a correlation between crime and inbreeding as both issues relate to the fear of women—and specifically with regard to the fear on the part of men having to impress women with their masculine attributes and abilities—particularly in relationship to childrearing.

Therefore, below I have outlined the criminal behavior that I feel is associated with inbreeding as descriptions for the justification of criminality in several categories. Thus, I have described "the justification for criminal behavior" as beliefs from the point of view of those engage in that behavior:

Crimes Against Others Due
To Inbreeding With Family:
(Crimes From Cousins Marrying Cousins, Etc.)

01. Rape: "God has a plan for rape, since I am owed sex—even if that sex is by force—Because I Am One Of God's Chosen People..."

02. Murder: "You don't deserve to live—only I deserve to live—Because I Am One Of God's Chosen People..."

03. Pillage: "What's yours is really mine—since I am owed a life and everything in that life—Because I Am One Of God's Chosen People..."

04. Plunder: "I really don't need what you built any longer, now that I have invaded and conquered—since I am planning to invade the next village, town, city, community, or country anyway—Because I Am One Of God's Chosen People..."

05. Warmonger: "I am invading and conquering the next village, town, city, community, or country now that I have invaded and conquered yours—since I am owed a life and everything in that life—Because I Am One Of God's Chosen People..."

06. Incest: "I am owed sex—even if that sex is with my own family—Because I Am One Of God's Chosen People..."

07. Misogyny: "I am afraid of Women—since I am afraid of Women's Power—Because I Am One Of God's Chosen People..."

08. Slavery: "You are 'The Other' and you are my slave—since I am owed a life and everything in that life—Because I Am One Of God's Chosen People..."

09. Violence: "I can do whatever I want to do to you—and you can't do anything to stop it—Because I Am One Of God's Chosen People..."

10. Bigotry: "You are 'The Other'—and you will never be acceptable to me and all of those who think like me—Because We Are God's Chosen People..."

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"

My Writing About Inbreeding And Crime: I think that there is a correlation between crime and inbreeding. –Paul Whiting (written approximately on August 18th, 2014 and turned into 'my writing' on September 3rd, 2022)

My Writing About Inbreeding And Extremism: I think that there is a correlation between extremism and inbreeding. –Paul Whiting (written August 14th, 2016 and revised September 3rd, 2022)

My Writing About Inbreeding And Entitlement: I think that there is a correlation between entitlement and inbreeding. –Paul Whiting (written September 26th, 2016 and revised September 3rd, 2022)

My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this prose can be summed up with the following statement: "I think that there is a correlation between crime and inbreeding as both issues relate to the fear of women—and specifically with regard to the fear on the part of men having to impress women with their masculine attributes and abilities—particularly in relationship to childrearing."

And this prose was also published on my "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blog (please see the hyperlink below for the blog), since I feel that the message in this prose applies to the message that I am trying to convey through "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer."

This prose was written in Portland, Oregon.


This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 046 was edited on May 3rd, 2024.

"Prose is using all of the words that are necessary in order to describe all that is necessary to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Post No. 045: You Were Born Inside Of Physics

(Image from

You Were Born Inside Of Physics

You have been engineering physics ever since you were born inside of physics...

...And you were born inside of physics ever since physics began as Literally Nothing!

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"

My Writing About You Engineering Physics: You have been engineering physics ever since you were born inside of physics. –Paul Whiting (written August 10th, 2014 and revised September 2nd, 2022)

My Writing About Physics Being A Theater: Physics is a computerized therapeutic theater! –Paul Whiting (written August 22nd, 2014 and revised September 2nd, 2022)

My Writing About Physics As The Process Of Evolution: Physics is the process of evolution and it never ends. –Paul Whiting (written March 14th, 2015, revised September 2nd, 2022 and revised September 18th, 2022)

My Writing About Physics Being Engineered Everywhere You Go: You are engineering physics—literally everywhere you go—all the time! –Paul Whiting (written March 22nd, 2015 and revised September 2nd, 2022)

My Writing About Physics As The Evolution Of You: The process of physics is evolution—and it's the evolution of you! –Paul Whiting (written March 22nd, 2015, revised September 2nd, 2022 and revised September 18th, 2022)

My Writing About Physics Being A Self-Improvement Contest: Physics is not a popularity contest; it is really a self-improvement contest. –Paul Whiting (written March 27th, 2015, revised October 18th, 2021 and revised September 2nd, 2022)

My Writing About The Healing Process Of Physics Never Ending: The process in physics, of healing from being born as nothing, never ends. –Paul Whiting (written April 2nd, 2015 and revised September 2nd, 2022)

My Writing About Physics Being Agonizingly Difficult: Physics is agonizingly difficult for every soul—that is, until you engineer your way out of the difficulty. –Paul Whiting (written April 15th, 2015, revised October 17th, 2021 and revised September 2nd, 2022)

My Writing About No Soul Being Exempt From Physics: No soul is exempt from physics—not the first soul, not the latest soul. –Paul Whiting (written April 16th, 2015 and revised September 2nd, 2022)

My Writing About Physics Being A Process Of Healing Yourself Forever: Physics is healing yourself from being Literally Nothing, all the time, forever! –Paul Whiting (written June 7th, 2015 and revised September 2nd, 2022)

My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this prose can be summed up with the following statement: You have been engineering physics ever since you were born inside of physics... ...And you were born inside of physics ever since physics began as Literally Nothing!

And this prose was also published on my "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blog (please see the hyperlink below for the blog), since I feel that the message in this prose applies to the message that I am trying to convey through "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer."

This prose was written in Portland, Oregon.


This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 045 was edited on January 31st, 2023.

"Prose is using all of the words that are necessary in order to describe all that is necessary to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Post No. 044: God Above, God Below

(Image from

God Above, God Below

God Above, God Below!
God Everywhere You Go!

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"

My Writing About The Way That God Exists: God above, God below! God everywhere you go! –Paul Whiting (written August 6th, 2014 and revised August 3rd, 2022)

My Writing About There Being Nothing But God: There is nothing but God everywhere you go! –Paul Whiting (written March 20th, 2015 and revised August 3rd, 2022)

My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: I wrote this poem to describe the way I think that God exists: Specifically, I believe everything, and everyone, is literally God; Therefore, "God is everywhere you go!"

And this poem was also published on my "Three Dark Horses," "Small All White in the Forest" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs (please see the hyperlinks below for the blogs), since I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message I am trying to convey through "Three Dark Horses," "Small All White in the Forest" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer." Plus, I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message I am trying to convey through my new "The Oneness Of God" spiritual practice!

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.


This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 044 was edited on May 6th, 2024.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Post No. 043: The Problem With Violence

(Image from Pinterest)

The Problem With Violence

Violence DOES NOT SOLVE problems!

Violence ONLY CREATES problems!

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"

My Writing About Using Violence For Problem Solving: Violence DOES NOT SOLVE problems! Violence ONLY CREATES problems! –Paul Whiting (written July 12th, 2014 and revised September 1st, 2022)

My Writing About How Weapons Do Not Create: Weapons DO NOT create! Weapons ONLY destroy! –Paul Whiting (written May 12th, 2015 and revised September 1st, 2022)

My Writing About How Weapons Do Not Make You: Weapons DO NOT make you! Weapons ONLY break you! –Paul Whiting (written May 12th, 2015 and revised September 1st, 2022)

My Writing About How Violent Criminals Project The Way That They Feel About Themselves Onto Their Victims: The problem with criminals—who endeavor to violently cause harm to others—is that violent criminals are causing harm to others whom the violent criminals think deserve to be caused harm due to the way that the violent criminals feel about themselves which the violent criminals are projecting onto those whom they are causing violent harm. –Paul Whiting (written April 22nd, 2022, revised April 23rd, 2022, revised September 1st, 2022 and revised September 24th, 2022)

My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this prose can be summed up with the following statement: The problem with violence: Violence DOES NOT SOLVE problems! Violence ONLY CREATES problems!

And this prose was also published on my "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blog (please see the hyperlink below for the blog), since I feel that the message in this prose applies to the message that I am trying to convey through "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer."

This prose was written in Portland, Oregon.


This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 043 was edited on January 31st, 2023.

"Prose is using all of the words that are necessary in order to describe all that is necessary to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Monday, July 7, 2014

Post No. 042: There Must Be More Than One Of Everything That Exists

(Image from YouTube)

There Must Be More Than One
Of Everything That Exists

There Must Be More Than One Of
Everything That Exists, Because We
Are Intrinsically Nothing. And Because
We Are Intrinsically Nothing, We Are
Continuously Differentiating Ourselves
As Nothing In Order To Create Life!

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"

My Writing About There Needing To Be More Than One Of Everything: There must be more than one of everything, since we are intrinsically nothing differentiating. –Paul Whiting (written July 7th, 2014 and revised September 1st, 2022)

My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: "There must be more than one of everything that exists, because we are intrinsically nothing differentiating."

And this poem was also published on my "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blog (please see the hyperlink below for the blog), since I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message that I am trying to convey through "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer."

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.


This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 042 was edited on January 31st, 2023.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Post No. 041: For April Fools' Day 2014 — "Don't Be a Fool and Get Ready Early!"

(Image by Paul Whiting)

Don't Be a Fool
and Get Ready Early!
(Or, "My Apartment Ready for an Inspection")

I try to always
"plan ahead and follow through"
with everything!

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"


My Writing About How I Try To Always 'Plan Ahead And Follow Through' With Everything That I Do In Life [April 1st, 2014 Update]: I try to always "Plan Ahead and Follow Through" with everything that I do in life, especially when it comes to important things like apartment inspections! And today, April 1st, 2014, I had an inspection for my Section 8 rental assistance! So, I started "Spring Cleaning" my studio apartment right after March 17th, 2014. That way, I planned to have plenty of time to get all of the cleaning done before the inspection... And, thus, the theme of my April Fools' Day post for 2014 is "Don't Be A Fool And Get Ready Early," because 'it's the early bird who only has to have his apartment inspected every two years, instead of every year!' –Paul Whiting (written on April 1st, 2014, then turned into 'my writing,' as well as turned into an 'update,' in addition to being revised, on October 4th, 2023)


My Writing About Finally Being Back In My Studio Apartment After It Was Repaired For Flood Damage [July 20th, 2023 Update, Written On July 21st, 2023]: As of yesterday, July 20th, 2023, I am finally back in my studio apartment!

You see, I was out of my apartment for a while, since it was being repaired for water damage due to a flood, which ironically happened on Christmas Eve 2022 at about 5:30 AM—and that is why I watched "It's A Wonderful Life" that night! (I actually purchased "It's A Wonderful Life" on YouTube, quite a few years ago, so that I can watch it at Christmastime whenever I wish, which I do every few years.)

Therefore, it has been five months and seventeen days since I temporarily moved to another studio apartment—which is located fairly close to the low income apartment building that I live in—while the flood remediation was being completed. (I moved on February 3rd, 2023, so as of July 3rd, 2023, that's five months; then, if my calculations are correct, July 20th is 17 days in addition to that.) Thus, it's been quite a long time since I have been in my studio apartment.

And the really nice thing is that my apartment now has new floors throughout that look just like real wood, which are made of something called "luxury vinyl." In fact, the new floors look so much like genuine wood floors that if you didn't know they were made of vinyl, you seriously couldn't tell the difference, which is why I wrote the following two advertising slogans:

Slogan No. 1: "Luxury vinyl has the look and feel of genuine wood flooring without the expense and upkeep of real wood."

Slogan No. 2: "Luxury vinyl has the breathtaking beauty of real wood without the breathtaking price and maintenance."

Anyway, it's good to be back home again!

–Paul Whiting (written July 21st, 2023, revised July 22nd, 2023 and revised July 23rd, 2023)


(Image by Paul Whiting)

(Image by Paul Whiting)

(Image by Paul Whiting)

(Image by Paul Whiting)

My Writing About The Way To "Be 'A Wise Old Owl' And Don't Be Afraid" By Always Planning Ahead And Following Through [October 4th, 2023 Update]: I truly think that the way to "Be 'A Wise Old Owl' And Don't Be Afraid" is by always planning ahead and following through! Because always planning ahead and following through—especially when it comes to important things like apartment inspections—is how you take the fear out of taking care of your life! For, at the age of 56 years old, I am no longer 'an early bird'; now, however, I am 'a wise old owl.' You see, I had an inspection for my Section 8 rental assistance today, October 4th, 2023! So, I started "Fall Cleaning" my studio apartment right after September 13th, 2023. That way, I had plenty of time to get all of the cleaning done before the inspection... And, thus, the theme of my October 4th, 2023 'update' is "Be 'A Wise Old Owl' And Don't Be Afraid" By Always Planning Ahead And Following Through! For, it's 'a wise old owl' who had all of the cleaning done in plenty of time for his apartment inspection! And it is also 'a wise old owl' who was able to get his apartment totally packed up in preparation for having flood damage repair completed over a five and a half month time period, starting February 3rd, 2023 and ending July 20th, 2023! (Please see my 'July 20th, 2023 Update, Written On July 21st, 2023,' which can be found above, that also appears as 'My Writing About Finally Being Back In My Studio Apartment After It Was Repaired For Flood Damage' on some of my blogs.) –Paul Whiting (written October 4th, 2023 and revised October 5th, 2023)

P.S.: In addition to that, please see the current photos above of "My Apartment Ready for an Inspection" from October 4th, 2023.


My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: I try to always "Plan Ahead and Follow Through" with everything that I do in life, especially when it comes to important things like apartment inspections! And today, April 1st, 2014, I had an inspection for my Section 8 rental assistance! So, I started "Spring Cleaning" my studio apartment right after March 17th, 2014. That way, I planned to have plenty of time to get all of the cleaning done before the inspection... And, thus, the theme of my April Fools' Day post for 2014 is "Don't Be A Fool And Get Ready Early," because 'it's the early bird who only has to have his apartment inspected every two years, instead of every year!'

And this poem was also published on my "Small All White in the Forest" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs (please see the hyperlink below for the blogs), since I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message I am trying to convey through "Small All White in the Forest and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer."

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.



April 1st, 2014 Update [My Writing About How I Try To Always 'Plan Ahead And Follow Through' With Everything That I Do In Life]: I try to always "Plan Ahead and Follow Through" with everything that I do in life, especially when it comes to important things like apartment inspections! And today, April 1st, 2014, I had an inspection for my Section 8 rental assistance! So, I started "Spring Cleaning" my studio apartment right after March 17th, 2014. That way, I planned to have plenty of time to get all of the cleaning done before the inspection... And, thus, the theme of my April Fools' Day post for 2014 is "Don't Be A Fool And Get Ready Early," because 'it's the early bird who only has to have his apartment inspected every two years, instead of every year!' –Paul Whiting (written on April 1st, 2014, then turned into 'my writing,' as well as turned into an 'update,' in addition to being revised, on October 4th, 2023)


July 20th, 2023 Update, Written On July 21st, 2023 [My Writing About Finally Being Back In My Studio Apartment After It Was Repaired For Flood Damage]: As of yesterday, July 20th, 2023, I am finally back in my studio apartment!

You see, I was out of my apartment for a while, since it was being repaired for water damage due to a flood, which ironically happened on Christmas Eve 2022 at about 5:30 AM—and that is why I watched "It's A Wonderful Life" that night! (I actually purchased "It's A Wonderful Life" on YouTube, quite a few years ago, so that I can watch it at Christmastime whenever I wish, which I do every few years.)

Therefore, it has been five months and seventeen days since I temporarily moved to another studio apartment—which is located fairly close to the low income apartment building that I live in—while the flood remediation was being completed. (I moved on February 3rd, 2023, so as of July 3rd, 2023, that's five months; then, if my calculations are correct, July 20th is 17 days in addition to that.) Thus, it's been quite a long time since I have been in my studio apartment.

And the really nice thing is that my apartment now has new floors throughout that look just like real wood, which are made of something called "luxury vinyl." In fact, the new floors look so much like genuine wood floors that if you didn't know they were made of vinyl, you seriously couldn't tell the difference, which is why I wrote the following two advertising slogans:

Slogan No. 1: "Luxury vinyl has the look and feel of genuine wood flooring without the expense and upkeep of real wood."

Slogan No. 2: "Luxury vinyl has the breathtaking beauty of real wood without the breathtaking price and maintenance."

Anyway, it's good to be back home again!

–Paul Whiting (written July 21st, 2023, revised July 22nd, 2023 and revised July 23rd, 2023)


October 4th, 2023 Update [My Writing About The Way To "Be 'A Wise Old Owl' And Don't Be Afraid" By Always Planning Ahead And Following Through]: I truly think that the way to "Be 'A Wise Old Owl' And Don't Be Afraid" is by always planning ahead and following through! Because always planning ahead and following through—especially when it comes to important things like apartment inspections—is how you take the fear out of taking care of your life! For, at the age of 56 years old, I am no longer 'an early bird'; now, however, I am 'a wise old owl.' You see, I had an inspection for my Section 8 rental assistance today, October 4th, 2023! So, I started "Fall Cleaning" my studio apartment right after September 13th, 2023. That way, I had plenty of time to get all of the cleaning done before the inspection... And, thus, the theme of my October 4th, 2023 'update' is "Be 'A Wise Old Owl' And Don't Be Afraid" By Always Planning Ahead And Following Through! For, it's 'a wise old owl' who had all of the cleaning done in plenty of time for his apartment inspection! And it is also 'a wise old owl' who was able to get his apartment totally packed up in preparation for having flood damage repair completed over a five and a half month time period, starting February 3rd, 2023 and ending July 20th, 2023! (Please see my 'July 20th, 2023 Update, Written On July 21st, 2023,' which can be found above, that also appears as 'My Writing About Finally Being Back In My Studio Apartment After It Was Repaired For Flood Damage' on some of my blogs.) –Paul Whiting (written October 4th, 2023 and revised October 5th, 2023)


This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 041 was edited on October 5th, 2023.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

My poems that are Haiku in their style—within which one stanza is composed of three lines, where each line has words containing five syllables, seven syllables and five syllables, respectively—are a lot more like SenryÅ« poems in that the topic of these poems is typically about people, rather than the topic of these poems being about nature, as is usually the case in classic Haiku poems. And that is why I call these types of poems "Haiku-style." –Paul Whiting [September 19th, 2023]