Thursday, December 22, 2011

Post No. 022: For The Solstice — The One Is The First Being

(Image from

The One Is The First Female
(Or, "The One Is Karma")

The One is the First Female and She is Karma...

...In other words, The One is
the first being who created
physics through mathematics
and who created the Process
Of Evolution through science,
by which we are all here in a
Field Of Gravity experiencing
our individual lives as souls,
so that we may have Dreams To Dream...

...She is Creation, She is Love and She is Karma!

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"

My Writing About How We Are Exactly The Same Kind Of Creative Energy Consciousness As 'The One,' Who Is The Very First Soul: We are all Gods and/or Goddesses! In other words, we are exactly the same kind of creative energy consciousness as very first God and/or Goddess, whom I call 'The One.' And I honestly feel that The One is an androgynous female. In other words, The One is the very first soul, or the very first creative consciousnesses of a void, and She is an 'all-powerful female consciousness with strong male attributes.' Therefore, we are also the very same energy consciousness as The One. Phrased another way, we are all the energy of a void and we are all Gods and/or Goddesses! –Paul Whiting (written March 27th, 2012, revised March 20th, 2015, revised June 2nd, 2015, revised September 19th, 2021, revised January 31st, 2022 and revised December 21st, 2022)

My Writing About Helping The One, Or The First Soul, To Heal From Being Born As Literally Nothing: Devote your life to helping "The One," who is The First Soul, to heal from being born as Literally Nothing, because that life plan will also heal you! –Paul Whiting (written July 19th, 2014 and revised August 25th, 2022)

My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: We are all Gods and/or Goddesses! In other words, we are exactly the same kind of creative energy consciousness as very first God and/or Goddess, whom I call 'The One.' And I honestly feel that The One is an androgynous female.

In other words, The One is the very first soul, or the very first creative consciousnesses of a void, and She is an 'all-powerful female consciousness with strong male attributes.' Therefore, we are also the very same energy consciousness as The One. Phrased another way, we are all the energy of a void and we are all Gods and/or Goddesses!

And The One is the first being who created physics through mathematics and who created the Process Of Evolution through science, by which we are all here in a Field Of Gravity experiencing our individual lives as souls, so that we may have Dreams To Dream...

And this poem was also published on my "Three Dark Horses," "Small All White in the Forest" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs (please see the hyperlinks below for the blogs), since I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message I am trying to convey through "Three Dark Horses," "Small All White in the Forest" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer." Plus, I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message I am trying to convey through my new "The Oneness Of God" spiritual practice!

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.


This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 022 was edited on May 6th, 2024.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Friday, October 7, 2011

Post No. 021: For Yom Kippur: "The way God judges you..."

(Image from The Huffington Post)

"The Way God Judges You..."

The way God judges you is the way you treat others.

הדרך שופטים אותך אלוהים היא הדרך אתם מתייחסים לאחרים.

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"

The way God judges you is the way you treat others. –Paul Whiting (written October 7th, 2011 and revised July 5th, 2022)

My Writing About The Way That You Treat Others: The way that you feel about yourself is the way that you treat others. –Paul Whiting (written September 9th, 2016 and revised August 1st, 2022)

My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this prose can be summed up with the following statement: "The way God judges you is the way you treat others."

And this prose was only published on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog.

This prose was written in Portland, Oregon.


This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 021 was edited on April 15th, 2024.

"Prose is using all of the words that are necessary in order to describe all that is necessary to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Post No. 020: A Pure Soul Is An Abjectly Honest Soul

(Image from ReverbNation)

A Pure Soul Is An Abjectly Honest Soul

In each and every soul, it is the pureness of the soul that God looks for! For, a pure soul is an abjectly honest soul…

…Therefore, when you stand in the Presence Of God, you stand in the presence of abject honesty—for, a pure soul is an abjectly honest soul…

…And a pure soul is NOT a soul that never makes mistakes—a pure soul is the one who learns from their mistakes and strives to do better in future...

...Plus, a pure soul is abjectly honest with themselves first! Then—subsequently—a pure soul is abjectly honest with all others, since they are honest with themselves first!

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"

My Writing About An Honest Soul: A pure soul is an abjectly honest soul. And an abjectly honest soul is totally emotionally honest with themselves, which is why they are a pure soul. –Paul Whiting (written September 27th, 2011 and revised August 23rd, 2022)

My Writing About Integrity Coming From Within: Integrity comes from within! For, you must first be totally honest with yourself in order to be totally honest with others. –Paul Whiting (written February 27th, 2012 and revised July 31st, 2022)

My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this prose can be summed up with the following statement: "In each and every soul, it is the pureness of the soul that God looks for! For, a pure soul is an abjectly honest soul..."

And this prose was also published on my "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blog (please see the hyperlink below for the blog), since I feel that the message in this prose applies to the message that I am trying to convey through "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer."

This prose was written in Portland, Oregon.


This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 020 was edited on April 23rd, 2024.

"Prose is using all of the words that are necessary in order to describe all that is necessary to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Friday, September 23, 2011

Post No. 019: The Love Of God On The Inside

(Image from

The Love Of God On The Inside

Your True Happiness Is God's Desire—
So Take Your True Love Higher!

I Pray That You Will Authentically Know
How Much That God Truly Loves You So!

You Genuinely Are The Light of God,
My Friend, Of That You Can Be Sure!

So, Find God's True Love In The Heart Of
Your Soul And Know That Love Is Pure!

It Is In The Soul That True Love Resides
Through The Love Of God On The Inside!

And Your Soul's True Love Will Take You
Higher—And That, Of Course, Is God's Desire!

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"

My Writing About Where To Find God, Version No. 1: If you are looking for God, go inside of yourself. That is where God is. –Paul Whiting (September 19th, 2023)

My Writing About Where To Find God, Version No. 2: If you are looking for God, go inside of yourself. That's where God is. For, God is the entire Universe which, I believe, is like a Super Computer! Therefore, the reason that God is inside of you is due to the fact that God Is All Of Us in zillions of different forms—such as plants, insects and animals, which includes humans. And that is why God is contained within each one of our consciousnesses, which is how, and why, prayer works. So, pray to your God! For, God is always listening, since God is always there. –Paul Whiting (written September 19th, 2023 and revised March 16th, 2024)

My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: "Your True Happiness Is God's Desire—So Take Your True Love Higher!"

And this poem was also published on my "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blog (please see the hyperlink below for the blog), since I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message that I am trying to convey through "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer."

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.


This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 019 was edited on May 11th, 2024.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Post No. 018: God Is Not Just Our Father; God Is Our Boss...

(Image by Paul Whiting)

God Is Not Just Our Father;
God Is Our Boss...

God Is Not Just Our Father; God is Our Boss...

...Since God is Our Coworker...

...So, Be Good...

...And Give Your Heart To God...

...And Help And Respect Your Fellow Humankind...

...For, They Are "God" And They Are Your "Boss!"

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"

My Writing About Who Is The Boss: Every soul is the boss! –Paul Whiting (written March 1st, 2016 and revised December 2nd, 2022)

My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: "God Is Not Just Our Father; God Is Our Boss, Since God is Our Coworker..."

And this poem was also published on my "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blog (please see the hyperlink below for the blog), since I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message that I am trying to convey through "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer."

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.


This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 018 was edited on January 31st, 2023.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Post No. 017: "Nothing" Is What Created The Universe!

(Image from

"Nothing" Is What
Created The Universe!

"Nothing" is what created the universe!

For, God is "Nothing" and that is what created the entire Universe! In other words, God is what created the entire Universe out of Oneself As Nothing.

Therefore, even though God Is Nothing, God thinks, God feels, and God is self-aware at the same time that God Is Literally Nothing.

Thus, "Self-Aware Nothing" created the entire Universe, because that is what God is!

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"

My Writing About How 'Nothing' Created The Universe: "Nothing" is what created the universe! For, God is "Nothing" and that is what created the entire Universe! In other words, God is what created the entire Universe out of Oneself As Nothing. Therefore, even though God Is Nothing, God thinks, God feels, and God is self-aware at the same time that God Is Literally Nothing. Thus, "Self-Aware Nothing" created the entire Universe, because that is what God is! –Paul Whiting (written August 6th, 2011 and revised October 8th, 2022)

My Writing About The Hope Of Nothing: There is hope—even in being born as Literally Nothing! And the paradox of physics is that you are the hope of Nothing... –Paul Whiting (written May 1st, 2014 and revised September 6th, 2022)

My Writing About Helping The One, Or The First Soul, To Heal From Being Born As Literally Nothing: Devote your life to helping "The One," who is The First Soul, to heal from being born as Literally Nothing, because that life plan will also heal you! –Paul Whiting (written July 19th, 2014 and revised August 25th, 2022)

My Writing About How We Are Nothing Thinking: We are nothing thinking and that is really something! –Paul Whiting (written July 3rd, 2015 and revised October 8th, 2022)

My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this prose can be summed up with the following statement: "...God is 'Nothing' and that is what created the entire universe! In other words, God is what created the entire Universe out of Oneself As Nothing."

And this prose was also published on my "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blog (please see the hyperlink below for the blog), since I feel that the message in this prose applies to the message that I am trying to convey through "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer."

This prose was written in Portland, Oregon.


This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 017 was edited on May 5th, 2024.

"Prose is using all of the words that are necessary in order to describe all that is necessary to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Post No. 016: A Peace Prayer For Norway And The World!

(Image from Collective Evolution)

A Prayer For The
Evolution Of Peace...

God created us to evolve beyond pettiness!
God created us to evolve beyond ignorance!
God created us to evolve beyond childishness!
God created us to evolve beyond placing blame!
God created us to evolve beyond immaturity!
God created us to evolve beyond destruction!
God created us to evolve beyond violence!

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"

My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: God created us to evolve beyond pettiness, ignorance, childishness, placing blame, immaturity, destruction and violence!

And this poem was also published on my "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blog (please see the hyperlink below for the blog), since I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message that I am trying to convey through "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer."

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.


"Norway: Democratic Defiance Amid Devastation" from Amnesty International:

Tragedies often bring out anger, outburst, and, sometimes, hate. Not so much in Norway. Amid the devastating massacre of dozens, Norway is making sure its soul of tolerance is not stained with blood. Below are top five inspiring quotes by Norwegian officials.

1. Mayor of Oslo: “We shall punish the terrorist, and this will be his punishment: more democracy, more tolerance, more generosity.”

2. Norwegian Prime Minister: “…the answer to violence is even more democracy.”

3. Diplomat Steinar Gil: “Norway will not change. Evil will not prevail.”

4. Norwegian Prime Minister: “With the strongest of all weapons — the free word and democracy — we stake our course for Norway.”

5. Crown Prince of Norway: “Tonight the streets are filled with love. We have chosen to meet hatred with unity. We have chosen to show what we stand for.”

Norway’s message is clear: counter terror with more democracy. As Ernest Hemingway has said, courage is grace under pressure. May the Norwegian victims rest in peace. And may Norway’s democracy prevail.

This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 016 was edited on May 3rd, 2024.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Friday, July 22, 2011

Post No. 015: Shamanic Seeing — "A Bird on the 'Golden Pothos' of Flight!"

(Image by Paul Whiting)

Shamanic Seeing — "A Bird on
the 'Golden Pothos' of Flight!"

The image illustrating this "Shamanic Seeing" post is a closeup of a leaf from my Golden Pothos houseplant, which has a hole in it that looks to me like a bird in flight in a sort of 'abstract' way and, hence, the title of this post!

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"

My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this prose can be summed up with the following statement: "Shamanic Seeing" is basically the same thing as the Rorschach test in that you are "seeing" what's in your subconscious mind!

In other words, it's just like when you were a child and you saw "a monster in your closet" at night, rather than seeing that "the monster" was simply the contents of your closet in the dark.

Thus, "Seeing Shamanically" is essentially the same thing: it is simply seeing a pattern in something abstract like the patterns in a plant—and having that mean something to you a metaphorical way—as it represents some part of your subconscious mind.

And this prose was also published on my "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blog (please see the hyperlink below for the blog), since I feel that the message in this prose applies to the message that I am trying to convey through "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer."

This prose was written in Portland, Oregon.


This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 015 was edited on December 7th, 2022.

"Prose is using all of the words that are necessary in order to describe all that is necessary to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Post No. 014: My Theory on Homo sapiens' Social Structure

(Image from Political Humor)

The following is My Theory on Homo sapiens' Social Structure, as it relates to our 'primal thinking,' or 'base thinking,' which lead to about half of America's electorate—who voted—actually voting for George W. Bush:

"Planet of the Chimpanzees!"

I think that we, the Homo sapiens, are—literally—making Earth into "a planet of chimpanzees." In other words, we are becoming a planet of 'primal thinkers,' or 'base thinkers.'

And, in addition to us making Earth into a "planet of the chimpanzees," I think that we, the Homo sapiens, are making America into "a nation of chimpanzees." In other words, we are becoming a nation of 'primal thinkers,' or 'base thinkers.'

For, Americans went so far in our 'primal thinking,' or our 'base thinking,' that approximately half of America's electorate—who voted—actually voted for George W. Bush.

Plus, approximately half of Americans supported George W. Bush in literally stealing the American presidency—twice! And George W. Bush even looked like a chimpanzee in his facial expressions, an image of which is illustrating this post.

And the thinking of George W. Bush (or "W," as he was sometimes called) was obviously 'primal thinking,' or 'base thinking,' in the way that "W" ran our Country into the ground, just like all of those corporations that George H.W. Bush (the father of George W. Bush) placed "W" in charge of that he ran into the ground.

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"

My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this prose can be summed up with the following statement: "I think that we, the Homo sapiens, are—quite literally—making Earth into 'a planet of chimpanzees.' And, in addition to us making Earth into a 'planet of the chimpanzees,' I think that we, the Homo sapiens, are making America into 'a nation of chimpanzees.'"

And this prose was also published on my "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blog (please see the hyperlink below for the blog), since I feel that the message in this prose applies to the message that I am trying to convey through "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer."

This prose was written in Portland, Oregon.


"Chimpanzee" from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia—which is funded primarily through donations from millions of individuals around the world, including this blogger (I make a totally affordable monthly donation):

Social structure:

"Chimpanzees live in large multi-male and multi-female social groups called communities. Within a community there is a definite social hierarchy which is dictated by the position of an individual and the influence the individual has on others. Chimpanzees live in a leaner hierarchy in which more than one individual may be dominant enough to dominate other members of lower rank. Typically there is a dominant male referred to as the Alpha male. The Alpha male is the highest-ranking male who controls the group and maintains order during any disputes. In chimpanzee society the 'dominant male' does not always have to be the largest or strongest male but rather the most manipulative and political male who can influence the goings on within a group. Male chimpanzees typically attain dominance through cultivating allies who will provide support for that individual in case of future ambitions for power. [Bolding mine.] The alpha male regularly displays by making his normally slim coat puffed up to increase view size and charge to look as threatening and as powerful as possible. This serves to intimidate other members in an attempt to hold on to power and maintain authority, and it may be fundamental to the alpha male's holding on to his status. Lower-ranking chimpanzees will show respect by making submissive gestures in body language or reaching out their hand while grunting. Female chimpanzees will show deference to the alpha male by presenting their hind-quarters.

Female chimpanzees also have a hierarchy which is influenced by the position of a female individual within a group. In some chimpanzee communities, the young females may inherit high status from a high-ranking mother. The females will also form allies to dominate lower-ranking females. In contrast to males who have a main purpose of acquiring dominant status for access to mating privileges and sometimes violent domination of subordinates, females acquire dominant status for access to resources such as food. High-ranking females will often get first access to resources. In general, both genders acquire dominant status to improve social standing within a group. [Bolding mine.]

It[']s often the females who choose the alpha male. For a male chimpanzee to win the alpha status, he must gain acceptance from the females in the community. Females have to make sure that their group is going to places that supply them with enough food. In some cases, a group of dominant females will oust an alpha male who is not to their preference and rather back up the other male who they see potential of leading the group as a successful alpha male."

This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 014 was edited on December 7th, 2023.

"Prose is using all of the words that are necessary in order to describe all that is necessary to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Post No. 013: For My Facebook Friend — "The Power Of Prayer"

(Image from

The Power Of Prayer

To anyone whose hands
are circled in prayer,
God is there for all of us
—if we are simply aware!

We can call upon God in
our hour of need and ask
God for God's Blessing; we
can ask God to intervene!

Because we all need God's
Love, singing on its wings, to
make right all that is wrong
and to heal everything!

And we all need God's Light
to come down in a beam
to shore up our souls and
to make our hearts gleam!

That's why we need God's
Understanding be there for us,
as we face what we have to—
For, In God Is Our Trust!

And the times that we endure
can be tough, to say the least,
so we cannot do it alone; we
need to ask for God's Peace!

Thus, you can call upon God
when you are saying a prayer
and know that God is listening,
because God is always aware!

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"

My Writing About Where To Find God, Version No. 1: If you are looking for God, go inside of yourself. That is where God is. –Paul Whiting (September 19th, 2023)

My Writing About Where To Find God, Version No. 2: If you are looking for God, go inside of yourself. That's where God is. For, God is the entire Universe which, I believe, is like a Super Computer! Therefore, the reason that God is inside of you is due to the fact that God Is All Of Us in zillions of different forms—such as plants, insects and animals, which includes humans. And that is why God is contained within each one of our consciousnesses, which is how, and why, prayer works. So, pray to your God! For, God is always listening, since God is always there. –Paul Whiting (September 19th, 2023)

My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: "You can call upon God when you are saying a prayer and know God is listening, because God is always aware!"

I should mention that this poem was written for—and posted on—Facebook, way back when I was actually on Facebook, which I haven't been for years...

And this poem was also published on my "Three Dark Horses," "Small All White in the Forest" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs (please see the hyperlinks below for the blogs), since I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message I am trying to convey through "Three Dark Horses," "Small All White in the Forest" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer." Plus, I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message I am trying to convey through my new "The Oneness Of God" spiritual practice!

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.


This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 013 was edited on May 11th, 2024.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Post No. 012: Win the Future — "Effective Governance of the High Seas!"

(Image from

of the High Seas!"

We can totally avoid
the pending disaster of
a mass marine extinction by
taking all of the necessary
steps to treat H2O like it's
gold, rather than treating
H2O like it's toilet water!

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"

My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: "We can totally avoid the pending disaster of a mass marine extinction by taking all of the necessary steps to treat H2O like it's gold, rather than treating H2O like it's toilet water!"

And this poem was also published on my "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blog (please see the hyperlink below for the blog), since I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message that I am trying to convey through "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer."

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.


"State Of The Ocean: 'Shocking' Report Warns Of Mass Extinction From Current Rate Of Marine Distress" from The Huffington Post:

If the current actions contributing to a multifaceted degradation of the world's oceans aren't curbed, a mass extinction unlike anything human history has ever seen is coming, an expert panel of scientists warns in an alarming new report.

The preliminary report from the International Programme on the State of the Ocean (IPSO) is the result of the first-ever interdisciplinary international workshop examining the combined impact of all of the stressors currently affecting the oceans, including pollution, warming, acidification, overfishing and hypoxia.

“The findings are shocking," Dr. Alex Rogers, IPSO's scientific director, said in a statement released by the group. "This is a very serious situation demanding unequivocal action at every level. We are looking at consequences for humankind that will impact in our lifetime, and worse, our children's and generations beyond that."

The scientific panel concluded that degeneration in the oceans is happening much faster than has been predicted, and that the combination of factors currently distressing the marine environment is contributing to the precise conditions that have been associated with all major extinctions in the Earth's history.

According to the report, three major factors have been present in the handful of mass extinctions that have occurred in the past: an increase of both hypoxia (low oxygen) and anoxia (lack of oxygen that creates "dead zones") in the oceans, warming and acidification. The panel warns that the combination of these factors will inevitably cause a mass marine extinction if swift action isn't taken to improve conditions.

The report is the latest of several published in recent months examining the dire conditions of the oceans. A recent World Resources Institute report suggests that all coral reefs could be gone by 2050 if no action is taken to protect them, while a study published earlier this year in BioScience declares oysters as "functionally extinct", their populations decimated by over-harvesting and disease. Just last week scientists forecasted that this year's Gulf "dead zone" will be the largest in history due to increased runoff from the Mississippi River dragging in high levels of nitrates and phosphates from fertilizers.

A recent study in the journal Nature, meanwhile, suggests that not only will the next mass extinction be man-made, but that it could already be underway. Unless humans make significant changes to their behavior, that is.

The IPSO report calls for such changes, recommending actions in key areas: immediate reduction of CO2 emissions, coordinated efforts to restore marine ecosystems, and universal implementation of the precautionary principle so "activities proceed only if they are shown not to harm the ocean singly or in combination with other activities." The panel also calls for the UN to swiftly introduce an "effective governance of the High Seas."

"The challenges for the future of the ocean are vast, but unlike previous generations we know what now needs to happen," Dan Laffoley of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) and co-author of the report said in a press release for the new report. "The time to protect the blue heart of our planet is now, today and urgent."

This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 012 was edited on January 31st, 2023.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Friday, June 10, 2011

Post No. 011: Shamanic Seeing — "The Sacred Cow and Bull!"

(Image by Paul Whiting)

(Image by Paul Whiting)

Shamanic Seeing — "The
Sacred Cow and Bull!"

These two images illustrating this "Shamanic Seeing" post are from my surfboard-shaped coffee table, each one with what looks to me like a bovine in the image in a sort of 'abstract' way and, hence, the title of this post!

And in them, I see a Sacred Bull in one image, with horns and a nose ring. And I also see a Sacred Cow in the other image, with ears, eyes and lips!

And to me, these two 'abstract' images symbolize the Sacred Relationship that we truly have with Bovine Cows and Bulls.

So, we should always—and in all ways—treat these Sacred Animals with the utmost respect, because they truly are Sacred to God!

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"

My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this prose can be summed up with the following statement: "Shamanic Seeing" is basically the same thing as the Rorschach test in that you are "seeing" what's in your subconscious mind!

In other words, it's just like when you were a child and you saw "a monster in your closet" at night, rather than seeing that "the monster" was simply the contents of your closet in the dark.

Thus, "Seeing Shamanically" is essentially the same thing: it is simply seeing a pattern in something abstract like the patterns in a painting—and having that mean something to you a metaphorical way—as it represents some part of your subconscious mind.

And this prose was also published on my "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blog (please see the hyperlink below for the blog), since I feel that the message in this prose applies to the message that I am trying to convey through "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer."

This prose was written in Portland, Oregon.


This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 011 was edited May 5th, 2024.

"Prose is using all of the words that are necessary in order to describe all that is necessary to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Post No. 010: My Easter Commentary On Mary's Virginity

(Image from Wikipedia)


The Immaculate Conception Was
Really "Asexual Reproduction!"

The Virgin Mary Really Was A Virgin. For, She Is The Goddess Of All Creation—Because She Is "A God" Who Is Female (Which Is "A Goddess"). And She Gave Birth To Jesus The Christ Through "Asexual Reproduction!"

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"

My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this prose can be summed up with the following statement: I truly do believe that the reason Mary, The Mother Of God, was a "virgin" is because She gave birth to Her Son, Jesus The Christ through asexual reproduction. Thus, the birth of Jesus Christ really was a "virgin birth," since Mary is The Goddess Of All Creation, because She is "A God" who is female (which is "A Goddess").

In other words, "God The Father" is married to "Goddess The Mother" and they are both deities, which is why they sexually reproduce differently than humans do; therefore, Mary gave birth as "a virgin," because She is capable if asexual reproduction as a Goddess: and She need only think of Her love for Her Husband, The Father Of God, and—"Poof!"—She can become pregnant.

And this prose was only published on my "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" blog.

This prose was written in Portland, Oregon.


This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 010 was edited on April 15th, 2024.

"Prose is using all of the words that are necessary in order to describe all that is necessary to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Friday, April 1, 2011

Post No. 009: For April Fools' Day 2011 — "I'm a Fool Who Fell in Love"

(Image by Paul Whiting)

I'm a Fool Who Fell in Love!
(Or, "For All The Fools Who Fall in Love")

On days like this, I will often say with a sigh, "What a fool am I!" For, my heart used to be so strong, but I'm full of foolish song. And I shouldn't yearn for him each day, since I was a fool to fall and get that way—which must be true, because everyone says I'm a fool to be pinning the whole day through! And even though "he's a fool and don't I know it...but a fool can have his charms," I still feel so safe in his loving arms. Yet, I will withhold my loving sighs, alas, 'cause I've been fooled in the past! Which is why—when I see him—I will often cry, "I'm a fool to want you..."

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"

My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: I wrote this poem based upon all of the songs from Linda Ronstadt's standard albums "What's New," "Lush Life," "For Sentimental Reasons" and "Hummin' To Myself," which include the words 'fool, foolish or fooled' in the song for April Fools' Day! Plus, the 'he/him' whom I am in love in the poem is allegorical. (Please see the hyperlinks below for the videos.)

By the way, this poem is one of three poems that I have written for Linda Ronstadt on my blogs. One poem is based upon her last album of standard songs titled, "Hummin' To Myself." The other poem is an homage to the compilation album titled, "'Round Midnight" from her first three albums of standard songs. Both of those poems are published on my "Small All White in the Forest" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs (please see the hyperlink below for the blogs).

And this poem was also published on my "Small All White in the Forest" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs (please see the hyperlink below for the blogs), since I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message I am trying to convey through "Small All White in the Forest and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer."

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.


"What a fool am I" is a line from the song "I Get Along Without You Very Well," which is performed by Linda Ronstadt. Watch it on YouTube:

"I'm full of foolish song" is a line from the song "I've Never Been In Love Before," which is performed by Linda Ronstadt. Watch it on YouTube:

"I was a fool to fall and get that way" is a line from the song "But Not For Me," which is performed by Linda Ronstadt. Watch it on YouTube:

"Everyone says I'm a fool to be pinning the whole day through" is a line from the song "Mean To Me," which is performed by Linda Ronstadt. Watch it on YouTube:

"He's a fool and don't I know it, but a fool can have his charms" is a line from the song "Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered," which is performed by Linda Ronstadt. Watch it on YouTube:

"'Cause I've been fooled in the past" is a line from the song "I Fall In Love Too Easily," which is performed by Linda Ronstadt. Watch it on YouTube:

"I'm a fool to want you" is a line from the song "I'm A Fool To Want You," which is performed by Linda Ronstadt. Watch it on YouTube:

This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 009 was edited on December 7th, 2022.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Post No. 008: The 'Cure' for Self-Love: "Doesn't Play Well with Others!" The 'Cure' for Self-Phobia: "Plays Well with Self!"

(Image from

The 'Cure' for Self-Love:
"Doesn't Play Well with Others!"
The 'Cure' for Self-Phobia:
"Plays Well with Self!"

The "cure" for homosexuality
is the "cure" for Self-Love;
The "disease" of homosexuality
is the "disease" of Self-Love.

People who hate homosexuals
actually just hate themselves!

Thus, those who are "Self-Phobic"
hate those who love themselves,
since "Self-Loathers" do not
know how to be "Self-Loving."

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"

My Writing About Self-Love Being A Difficult Thing To Create: Self-Love is a difficult thing to create, because it is not something that you can just imitate. –Paul Whiting (written January 4th, 2012, revised August 23rd, 2022 and revised August 24th, 2022)

My Writing About Self-Love Being The Greatest Problem And The Greatest Solution: I believe that "The Greatest Problem In Life" is Creating Self-Love. And I believe, as well, that Creating Self-Love is also "The Greatest Solution In Life." –Paul Whiting (written July 19th, 2012 and revised August 24th, 2022)

My Writing About Self-Loving and Self-Loathing: Self-Love is the Pinnacle Of Love and all other forms of love stem from Self-Love. And, in contrast, Self-Loathing is the Pinnacle Of Loathing and all other forms of loathing stem from Self-Loathing. –Paul Whiting (written August 21st, 2012, revised April 14th, 2015 and revised August 24th, 2022)

My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: "People who hate homosexuals actually just hate themselves! Thus, those who are 'Self Phobic' hate those who love themselves, because 'Self Loathers' do not know how to be 'Self-Loving.'"

And this poem was also published on my "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blog (please see the hyperlink below for the blog), since I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message that I am trying to convey through "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer."

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.


This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 008 was edited on April 13th, 2024.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Post No. 007: My Haiku-Style Poem About Seeds Of Possibility

(Image from Journey 360 Degrees)

Seeds Of Possibility
(Or, "All Ideas are 'Seeds Of Possibility'")

All ideas are seeds
and they only grow if you
help them to do so!

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"


My Writing About The Harvest Of Wisdom: Fear is the hunger. Anger is the lightning. Expression is the thunder. Honesty is the rainfall. Understanding is the soil. Desire is the seed. Love is the nutrients. Joy is the sunlight. Wisdom is the harvest. –Paul Whiting (written on May 1st, 2009 and turned into 'my writing' on April 13th, 2024)


My Writing About The Seeds Of Possibility: All ideas are seeds and they only grow if you help them to do so! –Paul Whiting (written approximately on March 19th, 2011 and turned into 'my writing' on August 30th, 2022)


My Writing About The Seeds Of Truth, Version No. 1: Every soul that exists is born as "A Seed Of Truth," so to speak, since we are all born as Literally Nothing. And as "The Seeds Of Truth," so to speak, all of the souls that exist are created from Nothing. For, everything that has ever been created began—literally—as Nothing! –Paul Whiting (written May 12th, 2013, revised August 31st, 2013, revised March 11th, 2014, revised March 28th, 2022 and revised August 30th, 2022)

My Writing About The Seeds Of Truth, Version No. 2: Every soul that exists is born as "A Seed Of Truth," so to speak, since we are all born as Literally Nothing. And Nothing has a vibration in the center of it—due to the pressure right in the middle of Nothing—that produces light, which is self-aware or, phrased another way, that light is literally consciousness. Therefore, all of the souls that exist are created as "The Seeds Of Truth," so to speak, from the vibration at the center Nothing. And that center vibration of nothing is The Light Of God, which is also The Consciousness Of God. And so, phrased another way, that Light Consciousness at the center of Literally Nothing is like a seed, which is what we are. –Paul Whiting (written approximately on August 9th, 2013 and turned into 'my writing' from my notes on August 30th, 2022)


My Poem About The Trees In Springtime:

The Trees Must Be So 'Re-Leaved'
(Or, "A Springtime Haiku-Style Poem")

The trees must be so
're-leaved' when it is springtime:
Winter is over!

–Paul Whiting September 12th, 2022 and revised September 13th, 2022)


My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: I came up with the idea for this poem while I was thinking about developing the new "The Oneness Of God" Spiritual Practice.

And I realized that an idea written down is like a seed: it is how you record a creative thought—and how you create the possibilty of that thought growing, blossoming, and bearing fruit someday!

And this poem was also published on my "Three Dark Horses," "Small All White in the Forest" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs (please see the hyperlinks below for the blogs), since I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message I am trying to convey through "Three Dark Horses," "Small All White in the Forest" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer." Plus, I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message I am trying to convey through my new "The Oneness Of God" spiritual practice!

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.



This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 007 was edited on May 6th, 2024.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

My poems that are Haiku in their style—within which one stanza is composed of three lines, where each line has words containing five syllables, seven syllables and five syllables, respectively—are a lot more like Senryū poems in that the topic of these poems is typically about people, rather than the topic of these poems being about nature, as is usually the case in classic Haiku poems. And that is why I call these types of poems "Haiku-style." –Paul Whiting [September 19th, 2023]

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Post No. 006: The Word Of God Is Freedom!

(Image by Paul Whiting)

The Word Of God Is Freedom!

Democracy Is
The True Word of God, Because
"God's Word Is Freedom!"

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"

My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: "Democracy Is The True Word Of God, Because God's Word Is Freedom!"

And this poem was also published on my "Three Dark Horses," "Small All White in the Forest" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs (please see the hyperlinks below for the blogs), since I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message I am trying to convey through "Three Dark Horses," "Small All White in the Forest" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer." Plus, I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message I am trying to convey through my new "The Oneness Of God" spiritual practice!

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.


This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 006 was edited on May 6th, 2024.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

My poems that are Haiku in their style—within which one stanza is composed of three lines, where each line has words containing five syllables, seven syllables and five syllables, respectively—are a lot more like Senryū poems in that the topic of these poems is typically about people, rather than the topic of these poems being about nature, as is usually the case in classic Haiku poems. And that is why I call these types of poems "Haiku-style." –Paul Whiting [September 19th, 2023]

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Post No. 005: New "The Oneness Of God" Spiritual Practice

(Image by Paul Whiting)

"The Oneness Of God"
Spiritual Practice
(Or, 'We Are All A Part Of God')

The Oneness of God Spiritual Practice is based upon Ten Spiritual Principles:

Principle No. 1: DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE DONE UNTO YOU, BECAUSE YOU AND THE OTHER ARE ONE! FOR, YOU AND GOD ARE ONE, SINCE WE ARE ALL A PART OF GOD! What you do unto others will be done unto you forever, until you transform Your Karmic Energy, based upon the effort that you put into changing. For, "We Are All A Part Of God," which is why God continually reflects back what you are doing to God—as if whatever you are doing to God, you are actually doing to yourself. And this "Gift Of Self-Reflection" is made possible through The Power Of Karma, which is a recording of everything that you have ever believed, thought, done, felt, said, and chosen to experience (and just like the name of a music album, it is called "The Record"), which is continuously playing back in relationship to The Karmic Recording of your current incarnation. THEREFORE, TREAT OTHERS AS YOU WISH TO BE TREATED, BECAUSE YOU AND THE OTHER ARE ONE! AND, THUS, YOU AND YOUR NEIGHBOR ARE ONE! SO, LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THY SELF, SINCE WE ARE ALL A PART OF GOD!


Principle No. 3: LOVE GOD WITH ALL OF YOUR HEART AND MIND, BODY AND SOUL, BECAUSE YOU AND GOD ARE ONE, SINCE WE ARE ALL A PART OF GOD! For, we are—literally—all a part of God's Body, including God's Spiritual Body (or, God's Energy Body) and God's Physical Body (or, God's Matter Body), because "We Are All A Part Of God." THEREFORE, LOVE GOD AS YOU WOULD LOVE YOURSELF, BECAUSE YOU ARE THE PART OF GOD THAT GOD CREATED JUST FOR YOU, SINCE WE ARE ALL A PART OF GOD!



Principle No. 6: KNOW THAT "YOU AND YOUR BROTHER ARE BOTH KEEPERS!" FOR, GOD CAN NEVER THROW US AWAY, SINCE WE ARE ALL A PART OF GOD! God can never throw us away, because God is all of us. And that is why God would never throw us away in order to solve problems the way that we solve problems, by throwing away everyone else that we see as being "a problem." THEREFORE, GOD CAN NEVER THROW US AWAY, BECAUSE GOD DOES NOT SOLVE PROBLEMS THAT WAY! FOR, KARMA IS THE LAW OF GOD! AND KARMA IS MATHEMATICAL PERFECTION!

Principle No. 7: KNOW THAT KARMA IS THE LAW OF GOD! FOR, KARMA IS MATHEMATICAL PERFECTION, SINCE WE ARE ALL A PART OF GOD! In other words, "What Goes Around, Always Comes Around." And what that means is that God is—literally—a perfect mirror, because God only creates perfection. And that is how God is perfect and why God is perfect. And that means that God can only reflect whatever you believe to be true about life and God. Therefore, whatever you believe, think, do, feel, say, and choose to experience in every incarnation, will always come back around to you again. THEREFORE, KARMA IS MATHEMATICAL PERFECTION, BECAUSE GOD IS REFLECTING EVERYONE, WHICH INCLUDES YOUR "ENEMY," SINCE WE ARE ALL A PART OF GOD!

Principle No. 8: KNOW THAT GOD IS REFLECTING EVERYONE, WHICH INCLUDES YOUR "ENEMY!" THEREFORE, "WE HAVE MET THE ENEMY, AND THEY ARE US," SINCE WE ARE ALL A PART OF GOD! People should NOT be killing other people. People should NOT be committing acts of violence, and senseless cruelty, toward any other being, including all 'living beings' and all 'non-living beings.' Only a "Conservative Thinker," who thinks "Conservatively Only" (and never thinks "Liberally" or "Critically"), would ever think to use threats, or violence, or even death, in order to solve problems. For, all beings—whom the "Conservative-Only Thinker" feels totally justified in being so very cruel toward—are all God. THEREFORE, LOVE YOUR ENEMY AS YOURSELF, BECAUSE YOU AND YOUR ENEMY ARE ONE, JUST AS YOU GOD ARE ONE! FOR, NO ONE BUT YOU IS RESPONSIBLE YOUR KARMA, AND FOR HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT YOURSELF, SINCE WE ARE ALL A PART OF GOD!

Principle No. 9: KNOW THAT NO ONE BUT YOU IS RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR KARMA, AND FOR HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT YOURSELF, BECAUSE YOU AND GOD ARE ONE, SINCE WE ARE ALL A PART OF GOD! For, God made—literally—everything that exists. And "You And God Are One." Therefore, no one but you is to blame for Your Karma—not The Devil, not your enemy, not your family, not your friends, not your culture and certainly not God. THEREFORE, KARMA IS THE PERFECT LAW OF GOD, SINCE GOD IS A MATHEMATICALLY-PERFECT MIRROR IN WHICH EVERYONE IS REFLECTED, SINCE WE ARE ALL A PART OF GOD!

Principle No. 10: KNOW THAT GOD IS A MATHEMATICALLY-PERFECT MIRROR IN WHICH EVERYONE IS REFLECTED, SINCE WE ARE ALL A PART OF GOD! The Reason that God is perfect mirror has to do with the fact that "You And God Are One." Therefore, God is always a part of you—and, specifically, God is your subconscious. And that is how and why Karma works, as well as how and why prayer works. For, "God Is Your Karmic Memory" (or, "The Record") of everything that you believe, think, do, feel, say, and choose to experience, which is continuously playing back in relationship to The Karmic Recording of your current incarnation. And God does all of this through your subconscious, because God is your subconscious. And that is why "You And God Are One." And that is also why "You And The Other Are One." THEREFORE, DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE DONE UNTO YOU, BECAUSE YOU AND THE OTHER ARE ONE! FOR, YOU AND GOD ARE ONE, SINCE WE ARE ALL A PART OF GOD!

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"


My Writing About How God Mirrors Whatever We Believe To Be True: I think that God is a quantum computer, because God's Consciousness is the entire Universe! And I also think that you and I are individual projections of God's Consciousness—as individual manifestations of God—and that we are all Gods and/or Goddesses of our own creations! Therefore, God acts just like a "Karmic Mirror," if you will, reflecting what each one of us believes to be true about ourselves, and each other, in relationship to God's Universe. Thus, God simply reflects whatever you and I believe to be true—no matter what we believe—because God is simply mirroring us, being an exact reflection of God, as individual manifestations of God. –Paul Whiting (written August 5th, 2011, revised March 20th, 2015, revised July 29th, 2021, revised March 21st, 2022, revised July 24th, 2022 and revised January 31st, 2023)


My Writing About The Saying By Jesus The Christ, "Do Unto Others As You Would Have Done Unto You": The saying by Jesus, "Do unto other as you would have done unto you" is literal. For, whatever you are doing unto others is going to be done unto you—by your own soul in those other lifetimes, when you were doing unto others—through "The Power Of Karma." –Paul Whiting (written August 2nd, 2016, revised August 16th, 2016, revised July 29th, 2021 and revised July 24th, 2022)


My Writing About Treating God The Way That You Wish To Be Treated By God: Your intentions for God are God's intentions for you! In other words, the way that you interact with God is the way that God interacts with you. And I think that is what Jesus The Christ was saying when He said the following: "Do unto others as you would have done unto you"; and "When you have done it to the least of have done it unto me"; plus "Judge not, lest ye be judge"; as well as "For have I not said ye are gods?" You see, Jesus was explaining to us that we establish 'Godly Karma,' so to speak, through our intentions for God, and by our interactions with God. Phrased another way: "Treat God The Way That You Wish To Be Treated By God." –Paul Whiting (written May 15th, 2022, revised May 16th, 2022, revised June 23rd, 2022 and July 24th, 2022)


My Writing About Where To Find God, Version No. 1: If you are looking for God, go inside of yourself. That is where God is. –Paul Whiting (September 19th, 2023)

My Writing About Where To Find God, Version No. 2: If you are looking for God, go inside of yourself. That's where God is. For, God is the entire Universe which, I believe, is like a Super Computer! Therefore, the reason that God is inside of you is due to the fact that God Is All Of Us in zillions of different forms—such as plants, insects and animals, which includes humans. And that is why God is contained within each one of our consciousnesses, which is how, and why, prayer works. So, pray to your God! For, God is always listening, since God is always there. –Paul Whiting (written September 19th, 2023 and revised March 16th, 2024)


My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this prose can be summed up with the following statement: "The Oneness Of God 'Spiritual Practice' is based upon Ten Spiritual Principles."

The term "Your Brother" is a reference to All Of Your Fellow Humankind, as in the old saying "You Are Your Brother's Keeper" or, as in the new saying "You And Your Brother Are Both Keepers!"

The phrase "Mathematical Perfection" refers to a concept that I hope will someday be proved mathematically, which is the literal existence of Karma. For, I truly believe that Karma is a perfect mathematical equation and that it can be proven to exist, thereby, mathematically proving "The Oneness Of God Spiritual Principles."

The term "Conservative Thinker" refers to someone who only "Thinks Conservatively," rather than a "Liberal Thinker," who only "Thinks Liberally," or, a "Critical Thinker," who only "Thinks Critically." And I feel that Conservative Thinkers are those who usually want to lie, cheat, steal, force, coerce, manipulate, bribe, threaten, cause harm toward—or even end the life of—those that the Conservative Thinkers do not like, in order to "solve the problem with everyone else," or to "get what they want out of life." And the Conservative Thinkers do this foolishly thinking that God has "Enemies In Life" to blame for "God's Problems!" Or, they foolishly think that God has "Someone To Blame" when "Things Don't Go God's Way!" Or, they foolishly think that God somehow lies, cheats, steals, forces, coerces, manipulates, bribes, threatens, causes harm toward others—or even ends the life of others—in order to "Get Ahead In Life!" In other words, it is just ludicrous to think that you can lie, cheat, steal, cause harm toward others—or, even, end the life of others—without paying for it dearly through The Power Of Karma!

The phrase "Mathematically-Perfect Mirror" means that God is "Karmically Reflecting" your belief system back to you. So basically, God is always "saying back to you" what "you are saying to God" throughout your life that "You Believe To Be True About Life And God!" In addition to that, God is also always "saying back to you" what "you are saying to God" throughout all of your lifetimes that "You Believe To Be True About Life And God!" And this "Karmic Reflection" is based entirely on what "You Believe To Be True About Life And God!" Thus, this Karmic Reflection also includes your past lives, or your previous incarnations.

And this prose was also published on my "Three Dark Horses," "Small All White in the Forest" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs (please see the hyperlinks below for the blogs), since I feel that the message in this prose applies to the message I am trying to convey through "Three Dark Horses," "Small All White in the Forest" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer." Plus, I feel that the message in this prose applies to the message I am trying to convey through my new "The Oneness Of God" spiritual practice!

This prose was written in Portland, Oregon.



This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 005 was edited on May 11th, 2024.

"Prose is using all of the words that are necessary in order to describe all that is necessary to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Monday, March 7, 2011

Post No. 004: The Word Of God Is Liberty!

(Image by Paul Whiting)

The Word Of God Is Liberty!

The Constitution
Is The Word Of God, Because
"God Is Liberty!"

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"

My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: "The Constitution Of The United States Is The Word Of God, Because God Is Liberty!"

And this poem was also published on my "Small All White in the Forest" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs (please see the hyperlinks below for the blogs), since I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message I am trying to convey through "Small All White in the Forest" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer."

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.


This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 004 was edited on September 19th, 2023.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

My poems that are Haiku in their style—within which one stanza is composed of three lines, where each line has words containing five syllables, seven syllables and five syllables, respectively—are a lot more like Senryū poems in that the topic of these poems is typically about people, rather than the topic of these poems being about nature, as is usually the case in classic Haiku poems. And that is why I call these types of poems "Haiku-style." –Paul Whiting [September 19th, 2023]

Monday, February 14, 2011

Post No. 003: To Gaia The Goddess On Valentine's Day: "Are You Going My Way?"

(Image from ScienceBlogs)

"Are You Going My Way?"

Oh, Holy Mother Earth,
Are You Going My Way?
Will You Travel With Me
Down My Karmic Highway?

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"

My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: What I am trying to convey in this poem about my great love for Gaia The Goddess is a loving message about totally respecting Mother Earth totally and completely.

In other words, totally and completely respect "Holy Mother Earth!" And love Mother Earth—and all of life—unconditionally by loving Mother Earth—and all of life—conditionally.

Therefore, love Mother Earth unconditionally (with all of your heart and mind, body and soul) because She is Your Goddess Mother. In other words, you were born on Planet Earth (Gaia The Goddess) and you are reincarnating through Your Karma Lifetimes with Gaia, because She gave birth to Your Karmic Body (the body in which you were born based upon Your Karma). Also, love Mother Earth conditionally (with respect to all of the various conditions of life) for the simple reason that Gaia gave birth to Your Karmic Body.

In other words, love Your Mother Earth conditionally (with respect to the various conditions of life) and unconditionally (with all of your heart and mind, body and soul) by always—and in all ways—taking the time, energy and resources to:

1. Hydrate, feed, cloth, shelter, educate and respect every single human being. (For, "You And Your Brother Are Both Keepers," because "We Are All A Part Of God!" Therefore, "Do Unto Others As You Would Have Done Unto You," because "You And The Other Are One!")

2. Create worldwide human systems (that is, social, educational, business, economic, infrastructure and government systems, etc.) that are "green and clean" (that is, environmentally-friendly utilizing clean energy), organic, sustainable, fair trade and as locally oriented as possible in order to create as small of a "human footprint" as possible for each human in each lifetime. And always—and in all ways—respect all of life. (For, "We Are All A Part Of God!" Therefore, "Do Unto Others As You Would Have Done Unto You," because "You And The Other Are One!")

3. Treat all living beings with total respect, including microbes, plants, insects, animals and, of course, people. In fact, treat all living beings with the very same respect that you would treat your very own soul until the end of time. (Therefore, "Do Unto Others As You Would Have Done Unto You," because "You And The Other Are One!" For, "God Loves All Of Us, Because God Is All Of Us!")

4. Treat all "non-living" beings with total respect, because "Inanimate Objects" have souls too. For, every thing that exists is alive—that is, 'each thing' that exists lives—because everything has consciousness—that is, 'all things' have consciousness. In fact, treat all "non-living beings" with the very same respect that you would treat your very own soul until the end of time. (Therefore, "Do Unto Others As You Would Have Done Unto You," because "You And The Other Are One!" For, "God Loves All Of Us, Because God Is All Of Us!")

5. And treat yourself with total respect. In fact, treat yourself with the very same respect that you would treat God until the end of time. (For, "You And God Are One," because "You Are The Part Of God That God Created Just For You!" And "God Loves All Of Us, Because God Is All Of Us!" Therefore, "Simply Love Yourself The Way That God Simply Loves You!")

By the way, this poem is what partly what inspired to me to think about developing my new "The Oneness Of God" spiritual practice. You see, I was trying to create a spiritual practice that encompassed the idea that "We Are One With God" and, thus, "We Are One Each Other." And, therefore, the Golden Rule, or "Do Unto Others As You Would Have Done Unto You," is the one of the most important spiritual principle that exists!

And this poem was also published on my "Three Dark Horses," "Small All White in the Forest" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs (please see the hyperlinks below for the blogs), since I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message I am trying to convey through "Three Dark Horses," "Small All White in the Forest" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer." Plus, I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message I am trying to convey through my new "The Oneness Of God" spiritual practice!

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.


This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 003 was edited on May 6th, 2024.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Post No. 002: I Love the Month of February for Three Reasons

(Image by Paul Whiting)

I Love February
for Three Reasons:
(Or, "You And Your Brother Are Both Keepers!")

1. February is, of course, the month for Valentine's Day (February 14th), which is "a Christian feast day honoring one or two early Christian martyrs named Saint Valentine and ... has become a significant cultural, religious, and commercial celebration of romance and love in many regions of the world"; it is the month for "Singles Awareness Day," or "Singles Appreciation Day" (February 15th), which is "an unofficial holiday celebrated by single people"; plus, it is the month for "Galentine's Day" (February 13th), which is a "day for women to celebrate their friendships with their lady friends." In addition to that, February is the start of the Lunar New Year; it is the month of Groundhog Day; it is the month of the Super Bowl; and it is the month of "One Billion Rising," which is "the biggest mass action to end violence against women in human history"; plus, it is the month-long observation of the following, which are listed in alphabetical order (by the way, I culled these from different websites, so this is not an all-inclusive list by any stretch of the imagination): American Heart Month (also known as National Heart Month, or National Heart Healthy Month), Black History Month (also known as African-American History Month), Body Awareness Month, Creative Romance Month, Date Your Mate Month, National Condom Month, National Mend a Broken Heart Month, National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month, National Weddings Month, and a lot more...

2. February is also the birth month for the two greatest Presidents in American history: George Washington (February 22, 1732) and Abraham Lincoln (February 12, 1809), which is why it is the month for Presidents' Day (which is observed on the third Monday of February) in the United States of America!

3. February is, additionally, the shortest month of the year! Plus, it is also my birth month. And that is very fitting, because I've always felt like an "underdog." So, having the shortest month as my birth month seems fitting because, as a "Pisces on The Aquarian Cusp," I'll just come from out of nowhere, with nothing in hand, and create a thought that brings about World Peace:

"You And Your Brother Are Both Keepers!"

God Does Not Throw Anyone Away...Ever! God—Literally—Cannot "Throw Us Away." And That Is Because We Are—Literally—All A Part Of God's Physical And Spiritual Body!

Thusly, We Are—Literally—All A Spiritual ("Energy") And Physical ("Matter") Part Of God. Therefore, God Loves All Of Us Because "God Is All of Us!"

And So, "We Are All A Part of God!"

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Poet, Artist and Philosopher)
"I am the poet who thinks that he knows it!"

My Philosophical Notes:

The reason that I wrote this prose can be summed up with the following statement: "You And Your Brother Are Both Keepers!"

By the way, this was the first post which started my new "The Oneness Of God" Spiritual Practice.

And this prose was published on my "Small All White in the Forest" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs (please see the hyperlinks below for the blogs), since I feel that the message in this prose applies to the message I am trying to convey through "Small All White in the Forest" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer." Plus, I feel that the message in this prose applies to the message I am trying to convey through my new "The Oneness Of God" spiritual practice!

This prose was written in Portland, Oregon.


This "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" Post No. 002 was edited on May 6th, 2024.

"Prose is using all of the words that are necessary in order to describe all that is necessary to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]